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No. 408483
Welcome to to the divination thread. Here we discuss our experiences with tarot or any other form of divination, be on the giving or receiving end. You can also use this thread to practice reads and ask questions to readers. General discussion pertaining to the topic is also allowed.
>Info for people seeking a readingIf you want to get a reading, please leave a post here with your query and general details about it. It's optional but you can include your age, sex, sign, a picture, a song, or any other info you might feel is relevant, anything that might help the reader pick up your energy better. Some readers may ask for distinct requirement according to their reading style. Although you may post your query here, it is not guaranteed that your post will be picked up by a reader quickly, but it may still eventually happen.
>Info for readersYou can come here and offer readings for anons, how many spots you offer and how many questions you'll answer is up to you. You may also pick up any query from this thread and answer it. Remember to disclose what your requirements for a reading are (age, sex, sign, length of the question, etc) and what method of divination you're using. If there's certain questions you won't answer (death and sickness related for example) be sure to disclose it as well.
>Info for people seeking a tradeAs a reader, you may come here and ask to trade a reading, meaning you leave your own question and then wait until another reader picks it up. If that reader answers your question, be sure to reply back as soon as possible. Always disclose what method of divination you're using. Try to match the length of the other anon's response, don't leave them hanging or reply with a shorter text than theirs.
>Info for people learning any divination method including tarotFeel free to come here to practice your skills. You can ask for advice, tips, and feedback. Even if you're not actively learning and are just curious about it, please don't shy away from posting in this thread.
Have fun!
Last thread:
>>>/g/288268 No. 408487
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If nonnas want to, I can answer some yes/no questions to start the thread. Word your question so it can be answered with a simple yes or no. Limit is 5 questions per anon, no other requirement but you can provide context if you feel like it so it's easier. Replies may be short.
No. 408509
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reply if you want an in-depth reading. just reply with your age, sign, and gender. no limits or restrictions you can ask about anything
No. 408550
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>>408509Scorpio sun and moon, pisces rising, 25
>Will the area that I wanna follow be good for my career?>Am I on the right path for my objective? Or, is this objective the right path for me?>Will my current problem take too long to resolve itself?>Will my health get better soon?Bless you, anon
No. 408597
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We've already had some nonas offer readings, but I'll chip in, too. I'll answer any question, feel free to give context if you'd like. Please reply with how accurate you feel it is. It can be any topic except medical (go see a doctor). I'll do yes or no and 3 card spreads.
No. 408619
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I feel so dumb for asking this but did i make the right choice with my career? Because i was between what im currently in and like other 3 choices
I might finish the rest of the year for the sake of it but im not too excited with what the career entails, also i cant tell if mayne im just nervous because its my first year but i feel like i took too long to choose something already
Virgo Sun Sagittarius moon Taurus Rising thanks nonnies
No. 408637
>>408495thank you nonna lol
>Should I try getting a job in pharmacologyten of swords… no
>Should I try getting a job in therapyace of wands… yes
>Will I become skilled in somethingthe lovers… yes
>Will I ever be in a romantic relationshipten of swords, temperance… not for now
No. 408665
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>>408597Okay, this is very random, buuut…
>Will Renhou win the Tokyo Election over Yuriko Koike?>If so, will she be okay? I fear she'd get Shinzo Abe'd for being half taiwanese and open about controversial topics No. 408765
>>408597I just want a good energy reading, tell me anything you see.
>>40850928 fem, Scorpio, do you think I might be a witch? And what would be my strength in that regard? Thanks
No. 408811
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>>40850926, Aries, Female. Am I heading towards a better quality of life? I finished my course and I just have to pay it off to get the certificate, I should hear back about a second job tomorrow to save up for a car, and I think my shitty relationship with my retarded moid is almost finally over. I also want to move out of state next year. Am I going to be able to accomplish what I need to do to get to my goals? I seriously hate my life. I just want my plans to fall through for once. Picrel, it's all the things I wanna do hanging over my head
No. 408841
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>>408665This is the first time someone's asked me for the results of a political event.
>will she win?King of Cups rx, no.
>will she be ok?King of Swords, yes.
>>4087555 of Cups rx, Judgement, 4 of Wands. In the middle of conflicting feelings and experiences, you're judging what you want and need to be doing. You aren't overly ambitious, and are fine with a harmonious, peaceful life. There has been something in your recent past that you are or were deeply devastated by, and that grief or disappointment still leaves feelings of emptiness inside of you that make it hard to determine your goals, and you need to learn to let things go. It is important to you to be accepted by the people around you, and you are. I think you do eventually want a family. Don't overexert yourself. If you sit down and analyze your past decisions, you'll be able to understand your desires through those patterns. You are on the right path. Whatever decision you make will be the right one, in the end.
>>408765>energy readingThe Devil rx, 4 of Cups, The High Priestess rx. You are alone right now, dealing with major revelations and life changes. You are ignoring outside influence and keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself. You have become free of major burdens lately, and are in more control of your life, however, you are still lacking awareness of yourself and the world at large. There are things you need to learn that will change how you view your life. You aren't behaving like yourself, there is something still weighing you down, signifying the devil's influence hasn't been completely eradicated yet. There is confusion or disturbance, and you aren't doing what you know you should, or perhaps can't follow your values for outside reasons.
No. 408862
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>>408841Thanks, anon! I wish Renhou would win
tokyoites are cowards for not picking a less conservative woman No. 409095
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>>408517>19, libra, female. >Any advice on how they can better their life? It deleted everything I wrote. Here’s what I remember. It’s not specifically telling me of how to “better” your life but a situation that’s causing obstacles. When I kept drawing cards for you before scraping numerous times because it didn’t make any sense (your energy is admittedly very hard to read) it talked about living in a dysfunctional family unit with one or a few key people who are
abusive, unforgiving, a household that sticks out in the entire community or neighborhood negatively because this sole person probably makes it very uncomfortable to live in that community. You may even have to hide your valuables and possessions because that person might like to steal from others, this could be other people you’re surrounded by as well. This could even extend to a country or nation that is dysfunctional or in other scenarios would be considered “war torn” but generally viewed as a second/third-rate homeland that is often misrepresented or only understood from the inside. I remember pulling the hanged man over the four of wands and this is a situation that you’re only fully aware of and has full perspective on it but you’re unable to act. It brings you a sense of shame and powerlessness that impacts your ability to gain friendships with people on the outside and even to gain employment so you succumb to it through reclusiveness and self-preservation against all odds because this message of collecting or hoarding items keeps coming up. I can even see this affecting your communication style creating awkwardness or anxiety. The second message that I received which I didn’t fully understand as well was waiting on someone to uphold their end of the deal but they keep stringing you along. Something to do with this person promising refuge in another area. I remember drawing the lovers and four of pentacles and you could be seeking some sort of access to their financial assets, accounts, savings with this partnership that could be platonic or something else, I don’t know. I remember the eight of pentacles which represents someone building a case or collecting documents that could take a long time to process and complete and to be approved. The magician with the hermit told me a lot about this person and the magician card for me represents the puppet master at the end of the Wizard of Oz film upright or reversed, pulling strings to create illusions about their own situation as well to keep you under their wraps. That’s all I got, give me feedback because I don’t really believe this either considering you are only 19 kek.
>Money adviceTwo of pentacles reversed clarified with two of cups, four of pentacles, the devil, justice clarified with nine of wands reversed, nine of pentacles, strength reversed, high priestess clarified with king of swords reversed.
Relying on other people’s good graces and kindness to get you by and when you receive it, it’s immediately squandered the very little you have with self-indulgent behavior and impulsive purchases and not properly reinvesting back into yourself. The advice is getting ahead of your own self before you do something stupid. Keep your money secret from this king of swords reversed who might shake you down and try to weed out information from you to get access to whatever you’re saving for only yourself. I really hoped this helped.
>>408550>Scorpio sun and moon, pisces rising, 25>Will the area that I wanna follow be good for my career?I’m not really sure what you mean by area like moving???? Anyways I drew seven of cups clarified with nine of wands reversed, ten of pentacles, hanged one clarified with five of swords, four of swords, three of pentacles reversed, four of cups. I just see someone completely dissatisfied, not really sure of their own responsibilities because you’ll be left to do things by yourself and when you try to get others to help they are completely uninterested in helping out, lack of good leadership/structure because I see whatever this thing is has a lot of decent benefits and possibility for growth but this very reason is probably what lures people in and chews them out in the long run. Not knowing who to really go to or refer to, just terrible structure overall. Overly bureaucratic. Sometimes when you try to reach out to these people you may not even hear back from them and get no communication or feedback, so just doing the run around and creating a scapegoat to shirk all of their duties on to and then later blame them when it blows on their faces and becoming adversarial with you because they expected you to make your way out of this situation with scraps to work and very little knowledge to begin with. Have no idea what area you’re talking about though idk if this is a job, industry orr
>Am I on the right path for my objective? Or, is this objective the right path for me?Four of cups clarified with nine of cups reversed and three of swords, queen of pentacles clarified with two of pentacles reversed and five of swords, two of swords clarified with ace of swords and four of swords clarified with hanged one. Endless back and forth that goes nowhere, having to be a mediator to keep the peace around but ace of swords is making up stuff to say on the fly because there’s nothing else you can say to keep them fully satisfied. Feeling like you’re the one who has the misfortune into being placed into these types of dynamics, but this hanged man talks about someone on the other end of the spectrum who holds astute observations and foresight so it talks about allowing your mind to receive “eureka” moments to proceed forward because it seems like you are quick-witted and always has something vital to add to conversations. Hanged man could be as straightforward as just hanging up the jacket and moving on. With this type of knowledge you acquired from this seemingly negative experience you will be able to make discernible choices on how much mental energy you spend on these objectives.
>Will my health get better soon?Four of pentacles reversed clarified with king of cups, strength reversed, two of cups, four of swords, five of pentacles reversed, ace of wands.
I don’t know why the king of cups showed maybe this is talking about a psychiatrist/therapist/someone who administered or prescribed drugs for you perhaps? But the overall energy I’m getting is speaking to someone about how some sort of affliction (this could be a medication as well) is affecting your ability to feel energized and being motivated. I feel a sense of lethargy and being bed ridden, sleeping a lot as well or even experiencing headaches. Talking to someone about your symptoms to get back on track with something (I’m honestly just assuming a medication) you’ve been neglecting from taking properly?? Hope this helped and please give me feedback.
No. 409213
>>407762Thank you so much for your reading,
nonnie, the fact that you took the time to do it and to write it all down means a lot. As for the accuracy of the reading itself, as I started to read I couldn't relate at all with what you wrote about basically being betrayed and having your life hindered by loved ones, but when you said >(who I’m assuming is you) it made think that maybe what you were perceiving was the energy of someone else, which I do know two people very close to me in a similar position to what you described . If it's truly about them, what could it mean that they came up in a reading about my life? As for the second part, you hit the nail on the head about addictions, lack of self fulfilment, disconnection from my own self and walking down the path of recovery… Basically everything lol
The way you interpreted the cards was beautiful though. I don't know much about tarot but the way you worded everything made me believe that you truly saw and felt everything you wrote. If you have any words of advice for me based on what you perceived I'd appreciate them. Thank youuu.
No. 409341
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Tarot nonny
What are some no-nos you have as a reader? Things you don't like answering, things you avoid in your wording, or anything else you think you shouldn't do before, during and after a read, both for yourself and the person getting the tarot read.
No. 409415
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>>408765>28 fem, Scorpio>Do you think I might be a witch? And what would my strength(s) be? Seven of pentacles reversed clarified with six of swords reversed, two of pentacles, three of wands, lovers reversed clarified with six of pentacles, four of cups reversed, eight of wands reversed clarified with moon, ace of cups and the sun.
In the beginning I see you’ve struggled with your own faith. You couldn’t imagine or understand why others would work for or place their energy into something that’s intangible and a fruitless endeavor, seeing others who relied on their spirituality as encouraging an over reliance on the supernatural to self-soothe. I also see this as a possible negative perspective, placing all of your bets on something that has never been there for you and hasn’t helped you at all but having no choice but to be around it because that’s all you really know. There’s clearly been a renewed interest into it but still some lingering doubts and fears associated with it, maybe not wanting to look entirely crazy or delusional delving into witchcraft. On the other hand I would say yes, you’re particularly adept at energy manipulation, mediumship, clairvoyance and picking up on insights and revelations (this could also indicate maybe seeing other people’s auras or physical manifestations of spirits), moments that almost feel like you’re being telepathically connected to someone’s mind and thoughts, saying stuff before they say it and even guessing on what will happen next in their lives. I see this also as someone in tune with other people’s emotions and wanting to bring joy and happiness to other people’s day or assist them with good will, helping those that are lost and need guidance or to illuminate the truth to them (which goes right back around into the mediumship – there are mediums who help others communicate with their dead relatives or people they know or tarot readers who help querents with their troubles like this thread kek); an enchantress that naturally draws in energy and cycles it out. I feel like you’ve also been getting signs or synchronicities you could not ignore. I see someone constantly daydreaming or engaging in multidimensional fantasies here that unknowingly provide them with divine answers and messages. I feel like this also inspired you to create or place some of this energy into artwork or creative endeavors, someone who expresses their life force and vitality through the art of movement and creation which could involve physical tools. As cliche as it a sounds, very skilled at being a manifestor and also alchemizing the energy around you and transforming it into something brand new which relates to artistry and even financial abundance. I feel like this is more general with the abilities so I’ll ask what kind of witchcraft you should look into as a suggestion: five of pentacles reversed, king of pentacles, page of swords, hermit, nine of cups reversed, three of swords, three of pentacles reversed, queen of wands with ace of wands and death reversed. definitely something that relies on the puppetry of life, clearing of dead energy, relieving a broken and dissatisfied spirit which refers to a lot of what I said in the previous question. Page of swords and hermit would be like a spiritual mediator and someone wise with many answers to provide, a spiritual conduit, it’s also a very speedy and quick card in terms of the swords that includes mental traveling (astral traveling). Something related to dealing with others past lives. Shamanism as an additional aid to your practice. Speaking things into existence with the wands energy, puppetry and life animation which would be some kind of sorcery. As weird as this sounds compared to what I gave you, baneful witchcraft is also coming up with this as well, perhaps to balance out everything else. I hoped this helped
>>408811>26, Aries, Female. >Am I heading towards a better quality of life? I finished my course and I just have to pay it off to get the certificate. I should hear back about a second job tomorrow to save up for a car, and I think my shitty relationship with my retarded moid is almost finally over. I also want to move out of state next year. Moon reversed clarified with knight of pentacles, ten of wands, six of cups clarified with four of swords, nine of swords reversed, the sun reversed, justice, two of wands reversed clarified with temperance reversed, three of pentacles reversed.
I feel there is a start to a better beginning but there are of course challenges. I sense some sort of humiliation, being dejected and feeling a bit like a failure about some key decisions made in your life with a lot of emotions bubbling up to the surface and being uncovered one by one very slowly and painfully. I feel like along with this emotional turmoil (I feel like this is bringing up the relationship you mentioned) and your other life responsibilities you’ll be carrying a heavy burden and it won’t be easy at all, all of the sticks might bundled together in your path and you may collapse into mental exhaustion. I see a lot of regret associated to reminiscing about something that’s about to be far gone or left in the past, almost like you’re telling yourself you should have known better and kicking yourself for not making the wisest choices, like a different alternative parallel universe version of yourself were doing these things that you now consider as shameful and you rather bury it in the depths of your mind; dimming your light in other to make another person feel secure in themselves and making constant rationalizations for why they’ve failed you. There’s also wondering about the what ifs and what could have if they were what you truly wanted, a fantasy or dream was shattered and it’s like memories and unwanted intrusive thoughts flashing in your mind, a strong sentimental energy. I also see attempts of revitalizing a spark within a connection that could not be properly equalized in how much dedication the other person was giving. I clarified what this meant on the side: knight of cups, hierophant reversed, tower. Different attachment styles, expressions of love and affection were at odds with one another which lead to the last and final blow. I’m also getting the feeling that this relationship was drawing you away from sustaining your own personhood which would mean you had no time to get your finances and other affairs in order to make this separation easier (assuming you lived with this person)
>Am I going to be able to accomplish what I need to do to get to my goals?The fool reversed, justice reversed, magician, ace of wands, nine of cups reversed, knight of cups, five of swords, judgement reversed.
I’m gonna give something metaphorical about the general energy of this: don’t take all of that time just to take your clothes of, take a nice long shower and then put your dirty clothes back on. I stg you better not be thinking about trying to make whatever that shit is work again or thinking of going back just because you’re sad and lonely kek. You want to do many things all at once it seems but you don’t really have the ability to do it in the time frame that you desire and it will lead to many more disappointments and resentment, I would describe this as something like when you go through something extremely hard and then you want to do it all and conquer the world and achieve lots of glory and move on quickly, making big promises to yourself but they end up not going as you expected or they never fall through. You’re going to make it but you’re basically going to have to get resourceful and ljve by the saying “livin’ on a prayer”, you will hypothetically be like a rusty vintage car with no mileage being ducktaped together to get you to your next destination. I hope this helped. Lmk if you need clarification
No. 409423
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>>409213Thank you so much for the feedback, it’s strange I picked up on the energy of the two people you know so let me clarify on why they showed up. Nine of cups reversed, strength reversed, hierophant, ace of swords reversed. This message is mean and blunt but to put it simply: just because you struggle and were victimized doesn’t necessarily mean it makes you a faultless
victim. Many people adopt the habits and behaviors of the very people who traumatized them or gave them a bad hand, it just churns them into a mindless loop with no mental breakthrough out of the cycle, like unable to get away from the ‘curse’ of generational trauma. Hierophant is a gatekeeper or historical manifestation of what came before and what passes through, in this case imagine a healthy family who’s passing on something to their children in order to transform and empower their futures but many people who are apart of dysfunctional families never get a chance to experience something like that and they inherit abnormal “traditions” which is probably why we live in this shit heap of a world right now kek. I had a gut feeling this had some suppressed thought about not wanting them to be an example on how life should turn out. Seeing them as bad role models or influences basically. It may have not been too significant but this probably made you realize something about yourself and how you don’t really want to be trapped in the same position going in circles forever in time with no escape like an insurmountable prison. Probably connected to your struggle with addictions which we all know creates an unending cycle of struggle and imprisonment. If you don’t see them as necessarily bad influences I would say maybe you were just ruminating through a veil of sympathy for their problems and trying to understand where they’re coming from. I really hoped this helped and wasn’t too offensive, sometimes tarot can be a little too honest with its message.
>>408619> Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Taurus Rising F>I feel so dumb for asking this but did Imake the right choice with my career? Because I was between what im currently in and like other 3 choicesTwo of wands, judgement reversed clarified with three of pentacles reversed/justice reversed/hanged man reversed, ten of cups reversed, eight of cups, moon, two of pentacles reversed.
I have no idea if this is a job you’re currently working or a job you’re seeking education for but two of wands means you still have time to act and decide on what you really want to do. There’s some feeling of not belonging or not measuring up to other people though which could be influencing your decision-making. I also feel like with this career you wouldn’t be compensated fairly, the wages would be inconsistent or unstable and you’ll probably be forced to compromise your own morals to accomplish because I feel like you would be placed in the position where you could be making or breaking people’s lives with this career. There’s this idea of not going back and deciding to move into unknown territory because it wouldn’t be worth the trouble to do it all over again. Pulled one more card: page of swords. Again reconsider and explore new possibilities, it’s not completely over yet. This could indicate transferring or bridging to other areas with your own skills and knowledge, like if you looked closer these choices or paths are not all that distant to what you really want and need. Like for example, with this current career you’re pursuing you could take the skills you learned from there and go to different field but with the same skills you have but in a different and unique area you didn’t know you could do until you figure it out… this actually didn’t make it more simple to understand but I hope it did kekkkkk. In terms of marketing yourself when it comes to job searching, you would market these skills that can be utilized in these other career paths.i think one specific example I can give is someone may want to work in tech but they might not be able to break into the main industry but they will be able to work in like cybersecurity for a hospital, they would be applying their tech skills to the healthcare industry. Hoped this helped!
No. 409769
>>409709The sunflowers are very resonant to me in my personal faith even though I've been trying to leave them behind because of reasons (someone else in the life of someone I love is associated to them now, so now I can't take them from that person)
>There’s clearly been a renewed interest into it but still some lingering doubts and fears associated with it, maybe not wanting to look entirely crazy or delusional delving into witchcraft.Yeah. I'm honestly tired of being seen as crazy and delusional for this. How do I stop it?
>As cliche as it a sounds, very skilled at being a manifestor and also alchemizing the energy around you and transforming it into something brand new which relates to artistry and even financial abundance. Accurate as hell and I'm happy someone else sees it
>definitely something that relies on the puppetry of life, clearing of dead energy, relieving a broken and dissatisfied spirit which refers to a lot of what I said in the previous question.>As weird as this sounds compared to what I gave you, baneful witchcraft is also coming up with this as well, perhaps to balance out everything else. I hoped this helped nonny! Thank you nonna this helped me abundantly. I don't know where to start, if you have any clue let me know. Thank you so much again
No. 409845
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nonnies, every time i've tried to do my own readings it feels like i get results that are unlikely. i've been trying to see if there's any chances my ex wants me back ( i know, laugh at me, but it was a perfect relationship and i'm not over it) and every time i've tried it was always something indicating the need for patience, or lack of action ( basically a "dont do anything/dont overthink it").but we haven't texted in almost two weeks, and it's been almost 3 months since i got dumped. am i just bad at reading or are my leftover feelings of love influencing my results somehow?
i know this is pathetic, but what do you see for me love wise, from a purely objective standpoint?
and if you're tired of love readings, then what do you see in relation to my plans for a masters degree abroad? i'd want to manifest this for 2025 (become a masters student in 2025 and then settle there for a job) in my target country, but it seems difficult and my own readings have been basically "maybe, do your best" lol
i'm almost 24, cancer sun/pisces moon, from europe (target country is in asia, ex is also from target country but i had these plans beforehand). thank you nonnies, i feel very disconnected with the world/my life so i can't predict anything anymore.
No. 409851
>>40850930, Sagittarius, female
2024 has been really hard for me, with a lots of changes - some good and some bad. I also know there are a lot of new changes coming for me too. My question is are things heading in right direction? Will I also finally find healthy love (romantic) in near future?
No. 410475
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>>409769Yw anon. Right now I don’t have a clue on what advice to give you, but thank you for the advice (yeah I know this is pretty late response sorry)
>>409851>30, Sagittarius, female>My question is are things heading in right direction? Seven of wands reversed clarified with lover reversed, knight of pentacles reversed clarified with seven of swords reversed, seven of cups, strength, wheel of fortune, four of pentacles reversed, temperance. On the side I pulled the hermit, ten of wands reversed, six of swords, knight of cups reversed.
Ok well I see a broken connection, something you definitely had to walk away from feeling defeated, dejected, trust between this person was definitely broken. I feel like with the hermit I pulled this was something totally unexpected, someone who’s very sweet-tongued and draws you in with their words, knows the perfect things to say to you and lifts your self-esteem, being with this person made you feel whole, possibly beautiful as you probably felt this person was able to see the beauty in you that you felt that others could not see and judged you in the past but on the dark side they probably used your vulnerability to their advantage that helped them lie, be deceitful, get what they want by all means. Then we have the rest of the cards, this person was also able to crush and shatter the fantasy and dreams you harbored between you and this person, I almost feel like you were snooping or digging into information they were hiding and found something shocking that made you finally take the risk to walk away, it must have took a lot of courage and inner strength to do this in order to find peace and healing in your life, letting go of this was able to let other neglected parts of your life become important to you again. This seems like mumbo jumbo and I could have written more but this is what I picked up for you, yes things will get better with the temperance, it brings smooth sailing and balance.
>Will I also finally find healthy love (romantic) in near future?Wheel of fortune reversed, strength reversed, two of cups, four of pentacles reversed, six of swords.
Honestly this is more about taking it easy and finding joy in the littlest of things because the wheel of fortune reversed is just a tumultuous time full of unexpected surprises, it also brings up unstable energy in the air that could
trigger a lot of feelings that are swept up under the rug, this in particular would definitely talk about stifled anger and frustration turned inward. Distract yourself with other relationships, hang out with friends, open and share what you’re going through to help with the troubles, finding yourself again. I hoped this helped.
No. 410480
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>>409423So late but thanks anon! this was pretty useful and i keep reading it for some reason lmao, ig it's kind of comforting in a way. Still thinking about it all but i hope you know i really appreciate the reading!
No. 410481
nonny were you? How useful was my reading or was it was a bust kek
No. 410490
>>410481i'm the
nonny who asked for my career choice
>>408619 No. 410641
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>>409845>what do you see for me love wise, from a purely objective standpoint? The Empress, 5 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles.
I don't think you two have a future together. To them, you aren't capable of providing for them, and they feel like they're struggling with you. It's possible finances or health problems got between you two, particularly your problems, and they couldn't handle it anymore. Being with you was difficult for them. Your ex is perhaps insecure, and wants to be with someone more capable of nurturing and guiding them.
>what do you see in relation to my plans for a masters degree abroad?Five of Cups, The Tower, Nine of Wands.
You are experiencing some sort of emotional grief or emptiness and it is going to make your effort to get a masters catastrophic. You are overwhelming yourself, this is more than you can handle. Step back and reassess your emotions.
Please let me know if this resonates with you at all.
No. 410645
>>409095Hello anon, very sorry for the late response. I'll give you feedback now.
>sole person that makes it uncomfortable to live in that communityAccurate to a family member of mine who's an ass but not terribly
abusive. They haven't stolen from me though.
>third-rate homelandNot accurate, I live in a first-world country.
>this is a situation that you’re only fully aware of and has full perspective on it but you’re unable to act. It brings you a sense of shame and powerlessness that impacts your ability to gain friendships with people on the outside and even to gain employment so you succumb to it through reclusiveness and self-preservation against all odds because this message of collecting or hoarding items keeps coming up.I've completely shut myself out from social situations, maybe that's what this is referring to? Not sure about the hoarding.
>awkwardness and anxietyAccurate.
>you could be seeking some sort of access to their financial assets, accounts, savings with this partnership that could be platonic or something elseAccurate to the family member I mentioned.
>I remember the eight of pentacles which represents someone building a case or collecting documents that could take a long time to process and complete and to be approved. The magician with the hermit told me a lot about this person and the magician card for me represents the puppet master at the end of the Wizard of Oz film upright or reversed, pulling strings to create illusions about their own situation as well to keep you under their wraps.I'm confused on what this could be referring to. Maybe I'm missing out on some details. Hopefully that family member isn't planning on screwing me over.
>impulsive purchasesI was thinking about investing my savings into something, maybe this is a sign that I should hold off and keep it saved. But I don't have a habit of impulsive purchases, I actually just leave the money alone.
>Keep your money secret from this king of swords reversed who might shake you down and try to weed out information from you to get access to whatever you’re saving for only yourself.Could be that family member. I'll keep this in mind, thank you anon for the reading! And again, sorry I did not provide feedback sooner.
No. 410879
>>410873>>410874I will overshare. I actually didnt do anything wrong this time. I am paranoid and somewhat psychotic, yes I'll admit to that.
But this time I didn't do anything. Someone else did, I am just worried people will confuse me and dox me…They were obnoxious and I have anxiety that they could bring eyes over to where my information is
No. 410909
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>>410641sorry i'm late
nonnie, thank you for your reading and the time you took for me!
>To them, you aren't capable of providing for them, and they feel like they're struggling with you. It's possible finances or health problems got between you two, particularly your problems, and they couldn't handle it anymorethis was really interesting to me, and i feel like maybe thats the energy you got for my ex instead? (tho i'm still semi-new to this so i'm not sure how possible that is online). my ex recently got more job responsibilities, getting to the point of sleeping maybe 4 hours a day on a lucky day, and kept doing overwork with the reasoning of "it's better to do it now while i'm young". if anything, being with me was a new experience exactly because i'd insist on paying for stuff as well ( and sometimes even succeeded kek) like dinners, never asked for expensive shit etc. my ex always had the idea that a serious relationship/marriage means your wife should never worry about money(which is based, but i'd never fully rely on anyone), so my job and money contribution didn't do anything to lessen the stress of not being a "responsible" future spouse/ not having a high enough salary etc. i think i lost to the cultural environment, no amount of verbal reassurance can beat that. though i agree about not being able to handle it anymore as i still think dumping me was a mental break moment, even if that maybe sounds delusional. i think i was pretty nurturing and basically held up the relationship on the emotional/communication side, but i wasn't very demanding or i'd often advise towards resting more, so i think that could come through as me not "guiding". it sucks if thats the case though.
everything you said about the masters part does check out for me, i've felt empty and lost these past 3 months, and i'm at a crossroads where i do feel overwhelmed. i want to step back, but also some applications start as soon as this month kek. you're right, but when i step back it feels like i'm wasting time or opportunities.
thank you again for your time. it feels good to get a neutral perspective. i think i'm best off trying to let myself feel everything fully, give my own closure i guess. thank you again, i hope you have a wonderful day
No. 410959
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>>410663>>410663>21 aquarius female>What’s in store for Aquarius nonny in a few years? Pulled a lot of cards. Two of cups reversed clarified with five of cups and queen of pentacles, knight of pentacles, high priestess clarified with page of swords, ace of swords clarified with knight of swords reversed, ten of cups reversed, five of swords, seven of pentacles reversed clarified with hermit, the hanged one reversed clarified with justice and on the side the star, ten of wands and four of wands reversed.
Ok so we have two different value systems here, one wants you to stay and already work with what’s been established which would mean many financial opportunities, jobs, familial support and comfort coming from the place of your home - however you define that. For some reason I’m getting the intuition that you will decide to leave home and it will cause a lot of sadness and even misunderstandings between the people you really care about, going against someone’s wishes and decisions that they thought were the best for your stability and comfort and wanting the other to have a safety net, like a mother or parent would. Ex. two well-meaning parents getting into disagreements with their child exercising their own freedom of expression and independence, what they want is not in full agreement with the parents I just sense someone will be distraught and constantly worrying, it may even be drawn out into argumentative spouts between you and this other person because one might be a little too passionate and earnest about wanting what’s best for you but going a different way about it, and this might cause an emotional drift where I can even see you ignoring their calls, broken miscommunication, or like you mentioned with your family just sitting on communicating with them and keeping in touch even though you know it’s the right thing to do, it builds into stubbornness over time. I just see this decision causing a dramatic strain with your family (perhaps even friends) and they might evolve a different image or idea of you that won’t be favorable and I feel like this will happen if something is said in the heat of a back and forthThe overall energy I’m getting is if you do decide to go down the career path you want and you really go overseas for it, expectations vs reality is the theme of this message, it’s not going to be how you thought it would have gone. I feel like wherever you can find work for this career path it reminds me on how foreign expats are treated in different countries when they are employed there, they will inherently treat you differently, you’ll face a lot of mistreatment (I even see some sort of abuse), unfair wages, discrimination, stark language barriers because you’ll be a foreigner their internal system only prioritizes their own and so when you go up against it they’ll never take your word for it and believe you, just things going completely wrong; cultural shock. Idk I just see this as you not being able to find a foot of your own because there’s lots of people in that star energy when pursuing the same thing you’re doing and they later find disappointment, again the star is an Aquarius energy that rules technology and I remember reading this for another anon’s friend with this particular card even upright or reverse they are finding new ways to replace actual people with automation and AI so they don’t have to pay people what they are truly worth. I see not being able to find work as well with the ace of swords clarified with knight of swords reversed, the work is sparse and competition is very high and for some reason I’m getting the impression they prefer people who I can’t properly explain but eccentric types (that are mainly male) and you’ll basically be battling against mansplaining, misogyny, men thinking they know better than you, talking over you, proving your intellectual worth and capability to others if you are able to find work which probably also motivates you in other parts of your life and is the vehicle for many of your decisions which is why I’m picking up on being headstrong, stubborn, knowing what’s best in the face of wise council and rebelling against it, not a strong stereotypical rebellious attitude like the weirdos from the Satanist Church but being self-assured. In contrast to this, you’ll become defeated, isolated, very overwhelmed about placing so much effort into learning something and it doesn’t end up benefiting you in the long-term, feeling displaced and not belonging to anything and missing home (this could also mean not even being able to return home for awhile) and missing someone to confide in your troubles.
>Financial advice Three of cups reversed clarified with eight of pentacles reversed, ace of cups, strength reversed clarified with high priestess and four of wands reversed, nine of cups reversed, the moon, the fool, king of pentacles.
Ok this is gonna seem weird but I feel like you’re going to be cut off from some sort of allowance or financial aid given from someone at some point, for some reason this could be something like a custodial account, trust fund, college fund, something where it was equally agreed upon in the past I drew another clarifying card for this - page of cups blocked. It might not be cutting off it could be delaying this financial assistance. The impression I’m getting is someone who is living in a completely different world (living in lalaland) while there might be a downturn for another person, like something connected to this person who’s giving you financial support might not have enough to provide and support in the future, I almost feel like they may be sitting on this information or keeping it from your knowledge. I pulled more for this king of cups reversed, wheel of fortune, and tower: a loss of money, cutting costs, downsizing, I can even see maybe a foreclosure. Mishandling of money that’s leading to this lost in order to make a quick return or recovery but also investments being lost, going bankrupt and accumulating debts like something is just going to hit sideways and intervene with a lot of people’s plans. Another thing I see is wanting something you are not ready to have which I explained firsthand but this also talks about wanting jobs or careers you might not have developed skills for, wanting it fast and quick. Scraping up things tightly, building back what will be lost which I think has something to do with weakened credit, something that helps you get loans on cars, houses, properties, just sticking to financial planning and watching your money very closely, budgeting, making sure they go into the right places and not spent on something impulsive because I can foresee money getting tight. Hope this helps. Also tarot isn’t definitive so do whatever you feel is right for you, some paths you take to your future isn’t always set in stone please tell me if everything I said is bullshit im an amateur thanks
No. 410973
>>410959Wow this was quite a depressing read but needed the reality check tbh Thanks
nonny, this was detailed and accurate for the most part.
>For some reason I’m getting the intuition that you will decide to leave home and it will cause a lot of sadness and even misunderstandings between the people you really care about, going against someone’s wishes and decisions that they thought were the best for your stability.A lot of that could be applied to my parents and I think they would not be opposed to me moving but they dont really believe I am good enough to do it on my own lol
>expectations vs reality is the theme of this message.This part was hard to read because it seems like the most realistic outcome. I am fortunate enough to work alongside my parents and I can tell that if I go with their wishes I probably will have a safe and stable career but this also means being even more depended on them and not really experiencing any real challenges or ever growing an independent mind(I know, dramatic&ungrateful). They have always been overprotective and took care of most things so probably going to a new competitive environment, let alone a country with no support and a weak mind is probably not the smartest.
>Mishandling of money that’s leading to this lost in order to make a quick return or recovery but also investments being lost, going bankrupt and accumulating debts like something is just going to hit sideways and intervene with a lot of people’s plans.Money is already tight but we dont invest nor we are in debt.
>Another thing I see is wanting something you are not ready to have which I explained firsthand but this also talks about wanting jobs or careers you might not have developed skills for, wanting it fast and quick.Interesting. My skills are not that developed but I am working on it. I think one of the reasons I felt so eager to leave is because I thought I needed a good reset. Doesn't help that I've recently seen a tiktoker talking about curing her depression by leaving her home country and starting her life completely over.
Honestly was like someone giving me a reality check for my situation from a 3rd perspective kek Thanks again!
No. 411124
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Any good decks with majority or all female cast? Bonus for The Lovers, 2 of Cups, or 10 of Pentacles being lesbians. Ones I know of:
Thea's Tarot (very cute)
Star Spinner Tarot (terrible card quality)
Dreaming Way Tarot (androgynous leaning feminine for most characters, this one is lovely)
Modern Witch and Motherpeace (ugly art styles)
Ethereal Visions Tarot Luna Edition (has androgynous lovers and 2 women on the 10 of Pentacles, but the entirety of the Wands suit is male)
No. 411180
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>>What energy do you pick up from my brother?Queen of pentacles clarified with three of wands reversed, four of wands, five of swords, hermit clarified with six of pentacles blocked, four of pentacles clarified with the sun and nine of cups, seven of cups clarified with eight of wands reversed, two of cups. On the side I pulled knight of cups reversed, two of wands, lovers reversed.
Well this is very interesting. I think his girlfriend has been wanting some kind of proposal and commitment but it hasn’t fallen through yet, she seems very unhappy around him. I pulled more clarifying cards on why this reversed queen of pentacles is upset - moon, the fool reversed, ten of swords reversed. She secretly finds your brother incredibly stupid and immature and she’s kicking herself in the foot for caring so much about him. I also feel like it’s picking up your energy too, it’s like you know something about him that his girlfriend should know or care about? It’s all so confusing like I don’t know if he likes to go around and cheat or something. I just see him holding off on giving her what she truly wants which I’m going to guess is like a child, building a family, honestly I’m mainly seeing wanting a pregnancy as some sort of wish fulfillment not out of wanting a child to take care of but like many people who want to have kids as some sort of trophy to parade, like a lot of women feel if they have a baby with him it’s like him “claiming” her and bragging about her nigel still caring about her even though most of the responsibilities will be placed on her. For some reason she thinks she can turn shit to sugar, like those tv moms who try desperately to get her shlubby husband to appear perfect and well-kept. Giving her a false promises, that type of energy where women complain that their long-term boyfriend hasn’t proposed to them and has no intention on doing so. I almost feel like he doesn’t even necessarily like her and finds her overbearing, nosy, a shrill even. I foresee an ultimatum coming; my way or the high way. If he cannot emotionally invest in the way she wants there will be a separation, “. Ngl with the knight of cups reversed he’s very fucking selfish, thinks the few times he does something is enough to warrant bringing in an argument to pretend that he does care, moid that doesn’t like being accused of his wrongdoings and if he is he causes a tantrum, emotional withholding. He knows this stuff means a lot to her but again he won’t give in or buckle under her demands and wishes. Idc how “offensive” it is to Pisces but Pisces moids are very attuned to their emotional surroundings which makes the dangerous because they pick up easily on the mental patterns of other people and use it to manipulate others. If she doesn’t want a kid I wouldn’t be surprised if she already has one out of wedlock and he’s also withholding emotional and financial support for her and the child but I’m more leaning on her just wishing and wanting to be pregnant by him. Someone wants to desperately move on though with the two of wands, wouldn’t be surprised if either of them were chatting with other people or filling other people’s cups, nothing about him or the relationship seems healthy at all. Trouble in paradise and it’s probably causing a lot of disruptions in the home too, I also see that he probably doesn’t contribute to the household like everybody does.
>What can you tell me about his gf?Queen of pentacles, seven of wands reversed, nine of wands reversed, eight of pentacles reversed, six of pentacles reversed, five of pentacles, strength. Everything I said above. Trying to make fetch happen, trying to make the impossible become possible. I’m getting the feeling she’s those types of women who get into marriages and relationships because she feels like she can’t make it through life on her own or survive on her own merits. Six of pentacles reversed could indicate a selfish person who doesn’t know that a relationship is equal give and take but what I’m personally getting is the idea of “fake altruism”, she’s one of those people who think she’s doing a favor for others when it’s entirely fake and patronizing, self-interest lies behind her intentions and it’s mainly related to material comforts and status. Playing martyrdom, seeming sacrificial all of that yeah.
>Will the relationship it crash and burn soon?Refer to first question.
>Will my brother move out in January?Six of pentacles, queen of wands, king of swords reversed. Honestly what this is looking like is that if he told you he was going to move out, it was probably so you wouldn’t question it anymore or try to confront him. For some reason I’m getting the feeling of an extension or baiting someone into giving him a favor, handout. Idk what the housing situation is between you too but I get the feeling towards his planned time of moving, he will bring something up that will warrant someone being sympathetic and giving him grace that will make him stay a bit longer.
>Why is he doing all of this?Three of cups reversed, magician clarified with king of wands and six of wands reversed, knight of wands, seven of wands reversed. To seem cool, taking a ripe moment to garner attention or to change his image into some “badass” or something, whatever scrotes do. In my opinion I’m getting some underlying jealousy as well, probably directed at you? Like maybe he thinks you received more attention and care (favoritism) than he has and maybe with his immaturity that’s what motivates him to act out. A loose cannon. A black sheep that seeks rebellion because he thinks there is nothing to lose anymore. Like the feeling I’m getting is like he used to be ignored, pushed to side, never taken seriously and this is his crowning moment to take control by creating another persona of a rebel, an agitator that on the shadow side screams “please pity me”
I hope this helped!
No. 411235
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>>411180Thank you nonna I'm going to give you the context and why you picked up those energies. My brother is dating a girl, and the girl is already in a relationship. My brother is broke, has no future, no prospects, he's fat as fuck, he has mental issues, he's a ragetard. The girl's actual boyfriend gives her everything, she has an appartment and money and clothes because of the boyfriend. If what you say is true in the first read then it means she's probably dissatisfied with the guy and sees my ugly brother as an escape. I'm honestly baffled. I'm also thinking she wants kids. I don't even know her, that's just what I pick up as well.
>Ngl with the knight of cups reversed he’s very fucking selfish, thinks the few times he does something is enough to warrant bringing in an argument to pretend that he does care, moid that doesn’t like being accused of his wrongdoings and if he is he causes a tantrum, emotional withholding.He is, he really is and he has made my life hell more than once.
>Idc how “offensive” it is to Pisces but Pisces moids are very attuned to their emotional surroundings which makes the dangerous because they pick up easily on the mental patterns of other people and use it to manipulate others. Scary and accurate and this is why I hate them
>Trying to make fetch happen, trying to make the impossible become possible. I’m getting the feeling she’s those types of women who get into marriages and relationships because she feels like she can’t make it through life on her own or survive on her own merits. Six of pentacles reversed could indicate a selfish person who doesn’t know that a relationship is equal give and take but what I’m personally getting is the idea of “fake altruism”, she’s one of those people who think she’s doing a favor for others when it’s entirely fake and patronizing, self-interest lies behind her intentions and it’s mainly related to material comforts and status. Playing martyrdom, seeming sacrificial all of that yeah.HOLY SHIT this. He sends my brother amazon prime packages every monday because "this is stuff we'll use when we live together" I think it's insane
>I get the feeling towards his planned time of moving, he will bring something up that will warrant someone being sympathetic and giving him grace that will make him stay a bit longer. Called it, kek
>To seem cool, taking a ripe moment to garner attention or to change his image into some “badass” or something, whatever scrotes do.>In my opinion I’m getting some underlying jealousy as well, probably directed at you? Like maybe he thinks you received more attention and care (favoritism) than he has and maybe with his immaturity that’s what motivates him to act out. A loose cannon. A black sheep that seeks rebellion because he thinks there is nothing to lose anymore. Like the feeling I’m getting is like he used to be ignored, pushed to side, never taken seriously and this is his crowning moment to take control by creating another persona of a rebel, an agitator that on the shadow side screams “please pity me”Nonna this is crazy this is accurate as shit, my parents always pushed him aside because of his moid behaviors and he always always always says shit about being ignored as a child (he wasn't)
please tell me what you think about all of this. My opinion is: pickmeism, not even once kek don't ever date emotionally stunted retards
No. 411311
>>408509Mid twenties, Gemini, Female.
>With what I'm currently doing now ever help me find the right job?>Will my ex ever reach out to me again and apologize to me sincerely about what he did to me?>I want to know what an old friend is thinking about and if we'll ever reconnect because I miss you nonners
No. 411408
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>>411311>Mid twenties, Gemini, Female>With what I'm currently doing now ever help me find the right job?Justice reversed clarified with - nine of wands reversed and the chariot, ace of cups reversed clarified with two of cups, page of swords reversed clarified with three of swords reversed, magician, seven of swords reversed clarified with nine of cups and death, queen of swords, knight of swords reversed, king of swords, strength reversed and empress blocked.
Honestly I just don’t know. There seems to be some kind of drama here where the threat of whatever you’re doing (job, whatever tf this is) is at jeopardy because of another person. I just see an overall theme of someone withholding progression, a opportunity of leveling up from you and it’s not coming into fruition, it almost feels like they’ve lied to you and played you as a fool about something that was a complete misrepresentation of what was told, the monster that came out of the closet over arduous work and energy that paid no result and represents the common value of hustling to no end, putting overtime, recognition at the cost of yourself and your own safety, protection, wellbeing; a dead-end job basically. Something here was sorted out here but I feel like this person is not entirely honest about the disappointment they caused you, they have no intention of righting your wrongs. I just see this constant back and forth, trying to prove yourself and convince them that you deserve it but it feels like they aren’t really listening to you and they’ll stick to their decisions moving forward. What I’m getting is that they have intentions to replace you tbh. And they also see you as ungrateful for not accepting scraps, like causing you underlying guilt because you’re asking more and they’re making it feel like you’re not being a “team player” and causing trouble for asking for basic shit, basic respect, better wage, I see empress blocked as needing more benefits or other material reasons to stay which would mean asking for a pay increase, something personal in your life has probably prompted you to demand this. Personally I would say no based on what I pulled (I pulled too much tbh) but who knows if I’m even right.
>Will my ex ever reach out to me again and apologize to me sincerely about what he did to me?Five of swords, eight of cups, sun reversed clarified with knight of wands reversed, death reversed, seven of cups reversed, world reversed, eight of pentacles.
It didn’t end on a good note clearly, it probably got to the point where I feel like you had to abandon people he also knew (his friend is also my friends) who you genuinely cared about. The aftermath of a war where many were pillaged, people torn apart, taking sides, believing one person over another, and going right home afterwards with a lot of contemplation and pain that only brings a resurgence of memories, like intrusive memories that are brought to the surface that make you want to yell “shut up” because it’s downright humiliating and the lowest part of your year. I also see some sort of public humiliation here as well or earnestly proving how much a piece of shit this person is in hopes of gaining justice/revenge (hoping others would ambush him as well but it didn’t go as ended) but it only ended up revealing the true colors of other people involved or associated with him. Death reversed is like living in limbo stage so honestly I’m not really getting total remorse, this is more of like a “get over it, you’re overrreacting” sort of deal, like “this wasn’t meant to be and it wasn’t meant to last as long as you thought”. The eight of pentacles reversed is interesting because along with the death reversed and world reversed it would mean unfinished business and things untold but I feel like this is past energy where he might have wanted to apologize and admit his mistakes but I feel like that may be gone, right of pentacles can represent stubbornness or so single-minded in their own vision or perspective nothing else matters. That’s all I got. (Why does this feel so familiar? Kek)
>I want to know what an old friend is thinking about and if we'll ever reconnect because I miss them.Four of wands reversed, queen of pentacles blocked, ace of pentacles clarified with three of pentacles, eight of swords, the fool, hierophant, seven of pentacles clarified with nine of swords and justice reversed, three of swords.
Again I’m not completely sure, just seeing someone wondering what they’re gonna do after graduating, idk if this person is in college or something? The “i’m sure this thing I pursued is going to leave me homeless and i’m not really sure what else to do why didn’t I realize this sooner???” kek idk, if not that then I’m definitely picking up on them maybe being gay/not straight, but I also feel like they will be changing the trajectory of their goals and starting new under this (whatever it is honestly I feel like it’s a degree please tell me if I’m wrong). I also feel like someone feeling sad because someone won’t admit they have failed them, something about watching the friendship flourish and grow enough but someone doesn’t respect the other enough to give a proper and sincere explanation to quell their mental distress. If you’ll reconnect with them - Star reversed, queen of pentacles, ace of pentacles,magician, the fool reversed. If you ever do reconnnect with them, it won’t be the same like it was before, the time spent away has drawn away the special quality of whatever was in this friendship. I just see someone trying to get it back to the status quo (bringing stuff up cherished memories, wanting to be vulnerable a bit too early and being overly nurturing and caring and expecting the same kind of equal reciprocation but it would be awkward and causing nervous laughs and anxiety because you haven’t talked in awhile so it’s like meeting with a stranger again and going through the first stages all over again) but it’s kind of a naive thing to do I just feel life has changed for the both of you and you can’t approach it like it was in the past if you ever do end up reconnecting with them. Approach them as if they were like a new person you were meeting and not an old friend. I really hope this helps.
No. 411431
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>>411408>"where he might have wanted to apologize and admit his mistakes but I feel like that may be gone" thanks for the reading but this one killed me
No. 411435
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>>408509What the fuck were the bad vibe dreams I have every so often about? Were they referencing real places, or afterlife spirit abodes?
There was one where I was in a museum and saw a chair with some fabric on it next to an old furnace and got majorly creeped out. I don't know why.
The major one really confusing one that I really want to know about is The Garden Dome. I was in the hallway of this small orange funhouse with magenta curtained entrances to the rooms like a hospital, and when I went downstairs and outside, I ended up in this enclosed claustrophobic glass domed garden/courtyard and it made my skin crawl, I couldn't go in. It was too still, like my every move was being watched. It was literally just a domed garden with white wicker chairs and a white table stand in the center of them.
Pic related is a little bit how it felt to me.
Cancer sun, Scorpio moon.
No. 411443
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>>40850920s sag F.
How does school end up going for me? It's been a long battle and I'm feeling uncertain. Is there something I'm destined for? Am I on the right path, studies wise? Will I be happy with the careers it offers me? I'm passionate, but I get burned out easily.
No. 411451
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>>411112Sorry for making you wait, nona.
>I'm living through the consequences of what I did in May, would have things be better if I didn't do it?Ace of Swords, Page of Swords, Ace of Pentacles rx. Things would have been worse for you if you hadn't done this. Your actions were spurred on by a sudden realization and mental clarity, something became clear to you, and although you may have been a little immature or clumsy in the way you did things, it was for the best. Someone who was more immature and cold would have brought misfortune on you, and you would have continued to be set back. It was a necessary risk.
>Also I have clear plans and projects for July, September, October and next year's October. Are they going to be successful or should I avoid anything?I just pulled a card for each specified month. July: 8 of Pentacles rx, likely failure due to lack or diligence or skill. September: 5 of Cups, you may be disappointed by the outcome. October: The Devil rx, you will find yourself freed of a major burden or bad habit through working on this project. October of next year: The Tower, catastrophic failure. Overall outlook: The Fool reversed. You have no idea what you're getting in to, and you'll find yourself falling without knowing why.
No. 411579
>>411451kek good to be another anon going "wow that was scarily accurate"
I could quote your entire first part but I'll just say I can finally make peace with how
clumsy I had been
Same thing for the second part I'm really deluding myself I can do it. But I'm a total newbie in tarots how am I supposed to interpret it? If I'm aware things will go wrong can I change them if I put the effort, or it's better to follow another opportunity that will present, or next October it's gonna be a mess no matter what
No. 411608
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>>411579>If I'm aware things will go wrong can I change them if I put the effortThe Empress, Page of Pentacles, 8 of Cups reversed. It requires a lot of care and maturity that you don't yet possess, but your heart's in the right place. Maybe at a later date, if you're patient and disciplined, you'll find yourself able to get the outcome you want. You'll be disappointed and have a lot of regrets if you attempt it now.
>or it's better to follow another opportunity that will present5 of Cups rx, 9 of Swords rx, 9 of Wands. Some things you should prioritize working on resolving your inner mental and emotional issues. You are not in the right place mentally to get yourself to the outcome you want. But you are capable and enjoy working on multiple things at once. I get the feeling you enjoy being busy, but it's only suppressing your inner emotions. You need to be patient with yourself to get what you want.
No. 411986
>>411957The tower, don't trust them! I pulled this card very quick for you.
I hope this helps anon, make sure you're safe regardless.
No. 412117
Why does it seem like I am isolated emotionally, or in a way just rejected by everyone and everything, I cant connect with people because they wont connect with me. Should I do the "drastic" thing to myself to fully show this state of being?
No. 412130
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>>40850930, scorpio, female
I want to be honest with my ex-friend and explain that I don't trust them, I am highly suspicious of their behavior, I think they use mental illness and self-diagnosis as an excuse for their shitty behavior, and I think they're a hypocrite. Should I be honest about this with them, or just move on from them?
I also would like to know if there's any sign of me finding an attractive partner in the next two years.
Finally, I would like to know if there is a higher paying job somewhere in the state that is going to hire me.
No. 412281
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Tarot nonny don’t forget about me and the new email pls
No. 412317
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>>411435NAYRT but I love dream readings and it's been 3 days, so I hope it's fine.
>There was one where I was in a museum and saw a chair with some fabric on it next to an old furnace and got majorly creeped out. I don't know why.King of Swords, 10 of Cups, Ace of Swords rx (clarified with Page of Pentacles). The furnace represents a person aiming for destruction of common sense, corruption of your mind, and false truth. The proximity of the chair to the furnace suggests that something is close that could manipulate and hurt you. Fortunately, you are much stronger than them, and while the uneasiness is justified, the life you've built up can't be disturbed that easily. The person in question is immature, irresponsible, perhaps constantly demanding your time, attention, or money. This is someone you know in real life. It's nothing to really worry about, though.
>The major one really confusing one that I really want to know about is The Garden Dome. I was in the hallway of this small orange funhouse with magenta curtained entrances to the rooms like a hospital, and when I went downstairs and outside, I ended up in this enclosed claustrophobic glass domed garden/courtyard and it made my skin crawl, I couldn't go in. It was too still, like my every move was being watched. It was literally just a domed garden with white wicker chairs and a white table stand in the center of them.Eight of Swords rx, Queen of Wands, Eight of Pentacles rx (clarified by 4 of Cups), Justice rx (clarified by Magician rx). Something is definitely off. The garden is identified by a sharp cut off in human connection. There is nothing there at all, you were the only living thing there. Something with horrible intention was outside, like an insect waiting for you to enter its den. It is very powerful yet has a lot of weaknesses. It is a twisted figure. I get the feeling it is more spiritual, but you made the right decision to not enter. It had you isolated in that place, but you were able to escape to the real world again. Somehow, I feel like you avoided something terrible.
No. 412331
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>>412317>it’s been 3 days and yet you went ahead and did it for them kek, what if they were just busy? what if they were going through something? go fuck yourself, they can wait as they’ve been doing for 3 days it’s not an emergency for them
No. 412400
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>>412317No it wasn’t. If I didn’t do it to you then don’t do it to me. Give me a chance to respond back to them, I’m not gone forever it was only 3 days.
>>411435Sorry for being late.
>What’s going on with their dreams? Hierophant, six of pentacles reversed, ten of wands reversed, four of swords reversed, knight of wands reversed, chariot, six of cups, ten of swords. I will talk about these that I drew first. For some reason this spread reminds me of the “Everywhere All At Once”, like a symphony of emotions and recollections of experiences of what could’ve been and what will be merging together. Dreams have a nostalgic, backroom atmosphere to them, you’ll never know what comes up and it’s the shit that dwells deep into our subconscious like the Mariana Trench. On the spiritual side I’m getting stuff that might be coming from your past life and repeating its themes, what I can fully articulate is something about wanting to save somebody but not being able to. Another chance.
Saving someone from themselves. Six of cups is jumping out because it’s a card of sentimentality and nostalgia and right next to the ten of swords it’s a funny way of things freezing in time while other things are able to flow. It’s way too complicated to write out. I drew more cards - nine of swords, wheel of fortune reversed. The message again of past events, “why didn’t I save you” over and over again. Page of cups, queen of wands - again with this freezing of time theme, freezing of your emotions, but she must carry on. Queen of wands carries the building block of life and instinct, the will to power while the page of cups is like the emotional fragility of a baby that would bring the hopes and limitless fantasies in a world that seeks to crush them. It’s like two of these energies are working here in your dreams. Think to Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz when she makes it to the other world, it’s I personally feel like dreams like to resurge a lot of hidden emotional baggage so maybe there’s something there?? I don’t know. Ten of cups reversed, king of cups reversed - unsafe environment connected to someone with failed protectors, clarified with moon and three of swords from the uncertainties and wilderness of the world but there’s some kind of abandonment wound attached to it. Now I know what this spread is talking about. Last card page of wands and the rest of the cards - Never having a true home and wanting to create it and manifest it but your manifestations can never be fully grounded or materialized, it’s always being destroyed or broken and having to pick up the pieces again, like a metaphorical building a house repeatedly but a tornado is about to sweep through it, it’s like a deep driving force that repeats itself and not knowing where the entire root is which can be stressful.
>There was one where I was in a museum and saw a chair with some fabric on it next to an old furnace and got majorly creeped out. I don't know why.Before I pull cards again. The furnace talks about the heart of the home/home is where the heart is, the fire that fuels many generations to live forward with protection and prosperity. Hermit reversed, hierophant, knight of swords reversed, five of pentacles reversed, eight of pentacles, page of pentacles. Something left to decay, rot, I just imagine something dusty, kept in the attic for very long, antiquated that has not been protected, remembered, cherished and honored and only neglected to become worn out and forgotten. An act of wanting humble forgiveness and wanting to be purified. If I can give you an image of what this is feeling like for me, it’s like in a very dark, cold and isolated church where you’re giving confessionals. What you didn’t do, what you couldn’t, unable to act and possibly stricken with fear with making certain choices. I’m getting the impression that a choice made here came with a lot of regret and sacrifices like for ex. sacrificing something just for a tiny little bit of security and safety, refuge. Last card - queen of wands reversed, feeling guilt for this motivation, like others making you feel bad for wanting this thing, having an urge for it like a squirrel chasing a nut and being made to feel bad about having this particular drive? So hard to explain, it only makes sense in my head.
>The major one really confusing one that I really want to know about is The Garden Dome. I was in the hallway of this small orange funhouse with magenta curtained entrances to the rooms like a hospital, and when I went downstairs and outside, I ended up in this enclosed claustrophobic glass domed garden/courtyard and it made my skin crawl, I couldn't go in. It was too still, like my every move was being watched. It was literally just a domed garden with white wicker chairs and a white table stand in the center of them. Pic related is a little bit how it felt to me.
I keep getting a reoccurring card for you - The Hierophant. The rest I got ten of swords reversed, death reversed, moon, high priestess, very psychic and spiritual cards coming up. Okay I know not everyone is spiritual but this one is very weird. Hierophant in terms of death in particular would be the crossroads, the liminal space between life and death but something that holds and gatekeeps esoteric knowledge and wisdom beyond this world. One of these spaces can be the astral realm where it’s alleged where we go after death. There are people who are able to access these realms and realities through the dreamscape. I would look up “Akashic records”, the reoccurring message through all the spreads I’ve done keep bringing up past life experiences, memories, baggage, but they are merging itself with the ones you are creating here. Like I said with the page of cups and queen of wands, your brain is basically building a “library” of memories where it pulls from before, now, and forever and it will mix and blend what you’ve seen here and places you’ve never seen before. The moon, hierophant, death reversed, ten of swords reversed, high priestess it’s like pushing you into the deep end to see what lurks below for your own good and seeing if you can swim, seeing what treasures, possessions and memories you can collect on the way down to learn and grow from, to know your deepest wounds, ticks, urges, and desire. I honestly feel like a consistent thing with these dreams is innocence, childhood, needing protection, seasons and cycles, purging and cleansing, but the thing that stands out is definitely the nostalgia and innocence but something creeping on the innocent, loss of innocence, loss of power and growth, stunting or stunted, shame and guilt associated with this purity and innocence which is why the mirrors were probably there, made to reflect on something that was never wrong in the first place. This also seems divinely motivated as well in my personal opinion but not everybody in this thread believes in this same stuff so that’s where I’ll end it. This is probably word vomit but here you go anon. Hoped this helped! Let me know if you need more clarification.
No. 412417
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>>411443>20s sag F>How does school end up going for me? It's been a long battle and I'm feeling uncertain. The emperor reversed clarified with seven of wands reversed, two of pentacles clarified with six of wands reversed and devil reversed, the fool, empress, knight of swords reversed, ten of pentacles.
I feel like it will be a difficult and arduous one that is lacking a good support network and equal communication. This is either you picking up and constantly switching degrees that’s fucking up your education plan because you keep hopping from one area to the next with no vision in mind or you’ve been having trouble with tuition and funding, getting the run around from those who can help you succeed, possibly working other jobs to sustain yourself and the financial hole this could be placing you in or other things placing you into a financial pit. I’m getting the impression there was a set amount of money you were supposed to use and there’s no more of it maybe? Mismanaged, definitely. I feel like it’s very simple and just choose what will make you sane, happy but without sacrificing your material sustainability. You can explore new options and be fulfilled by it, this definitely has something to do with the arts with the fool and empress (maybe something to do with having an interest in fashion, beauty, influencing, design something you make or market that garners you or someone else a lot of attention?). You can make money doing what you love, but it will take a lot of work and trial running, figuring out the ropes, connecting and networking and drawing in people like I swear there’s something about a potential to draw people in with whatever you’re doing that could help you in the long run, this would require you to get out of your comfort zone though to achieve the success and abundance that the empress has to offer. However, there’s something that it wants me to address and I don’t know if this is true or not. I pulled more cards - seven of swords, king of pentacles reversed, three of wands reversed, judgement, and ten of wands reversed along with knight of pentacles reversed. I’m getting the impression here that someone was financing your education but you have not been entirely honest about your plans or expenses and making stuff up on the fly to keep them at bay, because I honestly feel like they would not be happy about these squandered choices, I can just feel it from these cards it’s like someone yapping and getting angry you spent it for this, we told you to do it like this, wasn’t invested correctly/money down the drain mentality, may have even asked for more help? Promise of repayment even but inability to find something that would cover back this cost. I don’t know who this is and don’t want to assume (ten of pentacles could be benefactors, loans, grants and familial support so idk). Let me know if this is false/incorrect because these cards stood out in a specific way maybe because it’s something to work on that could allow you to breathe a little and increase tour life quality because I can detect some stress and anxiety here from someone waiting for you to give them back what you owe. Also just being demotivated because of all these crushing weights of responsibility that makes you want to do nothing and the cycle repeats.
>Is there something I'm destined for?Ace of cups, ace of wands reversed, eight of pentacles reversed, four of pentacles reversed.
A passion project that was let go and abandoned from a creative block and doubts that it could be profitable. Something left on the back burner that you wanted to create into a dream. Ace of cups you’ve poured a lot of emotion and care into this, something that’s played into your mind and knew how it was going to play out like a fountain overflowing with ideas, even imagining what it would look like in a store, I just see someone seeing this thing, picking it up, and wanting to interact with it (like a product, a demo, a book? I even thought of maybe an art piece of some sort), for ex. like a commissioned painting in an art museum it’s something that allows someone to emotionally connect with it and create a relatability between you and the other person, an emotional connection built from other people. It’s giving me kind of that same energy with the empress and fool before, definitely something to do with an audience of people which is weird because I feel like most anons are not very fond of careers like that but there’s many that don’t have to do with being so front-facing, something this thing will bring inspiration and happiness to people. I clarified with this was - hermit, putting pen to paper, something to do with writing, something you’ve been writing, reworking and crafting but had to give up on it probably because you thought it was a pipe dream or just a fleeting hobby that meant nothing more. I could be wrong. Let me know again.
>Am I on the right path, studies wise? Ace of cups, four of swords reversed, hierophant blocked/sideways, ten of wands reversed, ten of pentacles reversed.
Strange message but kind of the same like I said before, finding what personally works for you and fulfills you but also addressing these financial issues that’s dwelling on the back burner, it may be even preventing you from graduating or passing?? Being in a limbo state. It will take some time but it will gradually come to you naturally, like a plant struggling to grow for awhile but suddenly it starts sprouting like it hasn’t before. Honestly just give it some time for the solution to come up naturally without force or unnecessary pressure.
>Will I be happy with the careers it offers me? I'm passionate, but I get burned out easilyPage of wands reversed, king of swords reversed, three of cups reversed, six of pentacles reversed. Even though they are all reversed I’m going to say it really is up to you to decide that, because I’m getting the feeling whatever this is you won’t be entirely supported for, so prepare for that. I also feel like with this career path you’re pursuing it’s all about who you know and if you don’t know the right people you’ll miss out on certain opportunities, there’s a lot of misrepresentation and bias here too which reinforces my point. You might also get discouraged and thrown off track, unable to fully commit to it anymore. I would keep your options open but for now just relax, again let it come naturally and effortlessly and in the meanwhile prepare for the future.
No. 412419
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>>412415I honestly don’t care. It’s rude and childish to say “it’s only been 3 days” not even giving a chance for me to respond to them or understanding why I wouldn’t be online during that time. It reminds me of the people who constantly bump threads or make new threads 100 posts earlier than they are supposed to, it’s extremely annoying.
>muh dark and terrifying energy!! Like you said it’s all just cards, how can you read energy from one post stating that the anon was being annoying? This is the reason why it took me 3 days to respond kekk
No. 412422
>>412419Anon didn't even say "it's been 3 days" in a rude way. It seems like they mainly wanted to do it because of the type of reading it was. You just got offended at someone "stealing" your reading.
>terrifying energyTerrifying was never said, but I realize I'm replying to a mentally handicapped person so whatever.
No. 412423
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>>412117>>412130Will do yours later through the week. I don’t have time to finish them all (because I actually have a life), sorry about that. Maybe some other anon will do it for you if you want it sooner because they clearly don’t care and want the same reciprocation of respect despite not even considering mines to begin with! Thanks for being patient within the 12 hours you probably aren’t even here for lol
No. 412427
>>412426Because it was annoying. Your opinion is
valid just as much as mines is, case closed
(infighting) No. 412430
>>412427Your opinion isn't
valid, and you're actually the one being annoying by even starting this in the first place.
(infighting) No. 412431
>>412423Heyyo, I have no life atm so I'm jumping on the thread (my 1st time here). I didn't read for anyone in ages and I don't know what the drama is but I'm gonna do these two readings.
>>412117>Why does it seem like you're isolated and disconnected?II of Cups, Hierophant, Temperance
There's something you need to work on in your relationship with yourself. There could be some ideas you have about yourself and how you relate to others, that need to be reevaluated and balanced. You need to transform these ideas and feelings. You need to believe you have agency and authority in your relations with others and with yourself. I am getting the sense like you are feeling rather defeated in your situation. Hierophant is kind of a stagnant energy, Temperance is the alchemy of the elements, Saggitarius energy - you need more direction and focus. II of Cups refers to the emotional aspect of The Hight Priestess, so you might need to do some inner work and face the issues you might not like to bring up and deal with. You have to identify and break the habit that keeps you in this situation.
>Should you do the drastic thing?V of Pentacles
Absolutely not. That will bring more struggle. I pulled Strength for clarification. Again, restrain yourself from whatever it is you thought about doing. Take a gentle approach.
Hope that was helpful, let me know.
I'll come back with the next reading.
No. 412437
>>412130>Should you confront them or move on?Page of Swords, Lovers, Queen of Cups, Wheel of Fortune
Approach them about it. Tell them what bothers you.
I also pulled Strength, IV of Swords and IV of Wands - try not to force this relationship and prepare that when confronting them you might need to set firm boundaries they might not like. Most of all, treat it as an opportunity to voice how you feel in the connection and based on their reaction you will see if it is worth keeping or if you should prioritise your peace. I don't know if their behaviour is directed at you or not, or what's the motivation for you needing to be honest with them but if it is to do with how they treat you then you might tell them. They seem to be worked up with their drama and might not have the capacity to see your point in the midst of it. On the other hand, ask yourself if you want a friend who you see as hypocritical. Just get a confirmation before you make the final decision.
>Finding an attractive partner in the next two yearsVII of Pentacles, V of Cups, Hanged Man, VIII of Pentacles
It will take longer than that. Be patient. Get busy.
>Is there a higher paying job somewhere in the state that is going to hire you?X of Swords, IX of Wands
Nope not now. It will take time for something to pop up. Don't give up.
Comments and input from other readers welcome btw.
No. 412441
>>412432So far I got the Magician, II of Cups, Empress, VIII of Swords - You ask if you got tamed, and I wonder whether that person doesn't represent something for you that simply reminded you of your desires, fulfilled and unfulfilled. VIII of Swords, I'd say you're rather tamed as in tied up than stung though with that Magician at the start, I feel like dazzled and overwhelmed. Something
triggered it anyway. The Empress is very creative and maybe there is a need in you to channel this, and it happened to be this attachment. You'll have to find another outlet though. I pulled the Ace of Swords and Queen of Swords - perhaps there is some truth you have to face here, might be uncomfortable or maybe you just need to not let yourself be occupied with this attachment anymore. Definitely the head has to rule over the heart in this situation. Otherwise you'll remain stuck. Then I got the Hermit - what of your attachment to them has to do with you and with them? What is it based on? There is something to carry out of this experience. How are you with being single? Do you like it?
>Are you starting a new chapter? Ace of Pentacles and Hierophant - made me think "New Rules" by Dua Lipa haha. Definitely something new is starting for you here. Might have to do with seeking stability and commitment.
Feel free to add more details/related questions/comments. Let me know if I got the right impression from the cards.
No. 412587
>>412569You missed when she double posted to delete "sexual activities
with moids online" as if that would be less shameful kek
No. 412593
>>412587>>412569Im so nervous Im hyperventilating rn
If Doja cat got mocked for thr chatroom stuff my stuff is nuclear level compared to it
And I did it today, again
I havent really shown my face…that much…i think but its still bad
No. 412597
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>>412593Why are you baiting? If you are being serious about this, YWNBF. Give it up. Get certification or some sort of education to make you employable and enjoy your life. Getting harassed, stalked and threatened won’t pay the bills or give you PTO, health insurance, 401k. Just stop anon and find something else that’s less harmful to your mental health. I will still pull cards just to be nice even though I’m 80% sure I’m entertaining BS (and I’m also getting the feeling you are the same anon asking about getting doxed kek) - Seven of swords reversed, four of cups blocked, nine of swords, nine of pentacles, four of pentacles reversed, high priestess, page of pentacles. Basically the same advice I told you, high priestess is basically if you’re asking if you are wrong for doing it, you know in your heart it’s not right to do. You must be extremely desperate for money though because that’s probably what’s incentivizing your fake whore persona that even you think is gross and morally reprehensible, it’s also exposing you to energies and people that’s causing you pain and suffering. Your energy reminds me of lot of those groupie/video vixen/Diddy freak off girls, they would do anything just for the attention and because of how humiliating it is and no self-respecting person would want to do it, they end up getting paid off or rewarded for it which is why they keep doing it but it ends up washing them out only you aren’t in hollywood and have zero likelihood of being famous but you could attract the attention of someone who could go after the very little pentacles you already have and it won’t be someone with money like Diddy, just a weirdo you would never suspect. Stop it, is it really worth your soul
nonny? Nine of swords is the gaping hole that drives your lust for power and wealth as a shield of armor, but it will have you falling in the sky and having your lady bits being made fun of by others (four of cups blocked - they pretend to like it for ulterior motives), not only are you a gaping void but so are the others that surround you and the moids you seek attention for. It’s not worth it, give it up
No. 412602
>>412597Yes its me. The same person asking about being doxxed
I am not baiting…sadly im not
Ok let me calm down, yeah I know the getting made fun of is the point. I am just a very empty person at the end of the day.
Okay so I have no chance at being famous?
Im also another nona who i got a reading stating that i could be famous…my birth chart also says it, I can be. I dont do it for money, I do it to get mocked…
Look sorry to double dip but I cant never be famous? Really? I have to be
No. 412609
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>>412454Anon I think I responded to you already, I said it was probably pickmeisha energy. That’s probably what the three of wands reversed and queen of pentacles reversed meant when you said she was technically in a different relationship while dating your brother, she is unhappy and will take just about anything to fulfill her wishes which I felt were to have someone to show off and someone to get pregnant by. A pickme with clear low standards. Your brother seems like a clown with a lot of underlying emotional issues and jealousy towards your for being the favorite child and resentment towards your parents because they probably secretly can’t stand him anymore. About their relationship lasting I don’t see it lasting for long because I saw an ultimatum, if this doesn’t happen, I will leave, threats of leaving and ending it if one doesn’t comply to the other’s wish, they’ll go for this person and it goes back and forth to coerce and manipulate them. It probably won’t last at all. Thanks for the feedback anon !
>Should you buy from this person you’re paranoid about? I want to buy something online, my paranoia is screaming about the person I am buying it from, is it right or am I again, paranoid? Like my paranoia is thinking weird stuff about the person, I've done deals with them before but I don't know if I've grown insane or if this time my paranoia is actually intuition
Knight of pentacles, three of wands reversed clarified with six of pentacles reversed and devil reversed, seven of pentacles and sun.
This one is an odd spread. I thought about drop shipping but there’s something here about shipping/manufacturing issues and limited availability, but someone passing it off as if they do have enough?? What this is honestly look like now that you mentioned deals is that they might be shopping around whatever they are selling for the highest bidder and might go ghost/abandon and if you don’t pay the amount they really want. It’s like they are waiting for the right deal to come, and they might change around prices at the last moment. It’s very difficult to explain, just many things to look at for. Knight of pentacles would be you paying for whatever you wanted but being wise and picky about how you spend your time and money, getting the impression you may be able to get this somewhere for cheaper. I feel like at some point you kind of brushed off the odd feeling you got buying from this person with the devil reversed, something clearly didn’t feel right. I would place my bet on drop shipping. They probably aren’t as “home grown” or even as legit as they represent themselves as. Hope this helps!
No. 412621
>>412620>>412620Im willing to quit
But youre right im looking to reassure that it could be possible
I just dont know if i could, its my dream
(ban evasion) No. 412629
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No. 412704
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I need a reading, 28 scorpio
Should I delete my instagram? I use it professionally but I have some friends in there and I'm wondering if I should start anew. I'm a bit paranoid I must say, so anything you could tell me about that paranoia would be great too.
No. 412805
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>>412629What are you talking about
>>412423You have such a shitty passive aggressive personality for no reason. It's an image board. There's no reason to assume someone will come back to do a reading if it's been several days. Not everything is about you.
>>412733Ace of Cups, 5 of Pentacles rx, Queen of Wands, 7 of Cups, 9 of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, King of Wands reversed, 4 of Pentacles.
Do you feel like you can't or shouldn't rely on people to help meet your needs? There is emphasis on making a decision and starting anew. Something new is about to begin, but you have to be able to choose it. You are open and adaptable, which means you have a lot of options open to you, but you can't stay where you are right now, because it is holding you back. You have worked up great skills, now it is time for you to decide what you want and go for it. As for this new job listing, it is tumultuous and nothing is guaranteed. You will not be able to handle the uncertainty and powerlessness that comes with this new job. Your actions will have little bearing on how things go, likely due to a boss or manager with an ego and power complex who is stingy and treats you like a resource instead of a person. He will take credit for your work, be impatient, and have bad ideas that disrupt the work flow.
The Hierophant, The Devil rx, The Emperor. You have something major coming up that will define the rest of your life for a while. Something good is ready to come to you. Listen to guidance when it comes and don't take unnecessary risks. If you end up taking that job, I hope it goes well for you.
No. 412811
How do you deal with the misogyny in tarot? It's not as bad as other religious or faith based practices like Christianity or Islam, but there's a lot of it and it's disappointing. For example, the original RWS deck has about a 75/25% ratio of male to female cards, and many of the female cards are The Empress, miserable and trapped women in the suit of swords, so on. People say cups are female because ~emotions~ and pentacles are female because they are responsive, acted upon, give back what you give them, earthy and materialistic. I've heard people say The Moon is feminine and The Sun is masculine, and then go on to describe how the Moon is easily influenced, weak, dark, illusions and deception, while the Sun is life, joy, abundance, etc etc. People in alternative circles go to the effort to create their own practices just to reinvent misogyny. I try to buy decks with more female cards when possible and just ignore the "cups are girls" shit. The only card that reads feminine or masculine to me are the Empress and Emperor respectively. Cards like the High Priestess and Hanged Man could be men or women instead and it would be the same to me.
No. 412824
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>>412805>gets preoccupied for 3 days >am op of post >>408509>someone hijacks one of them randomly>didn’t do it with other anons but only me>anons randomly reply to my post probably because they don’t want a boring or vague tarot reading >biggest fault was expecting common courtesy on an imageboard full of assholes >didn’t even ask before they did it let me just do it because it will be ok!!! >you’re an asshole because you said “no” >pic related why do I have such bad luck and yes everything is about me because I’m the op of that post and i was planning on doing the readings they requested for, i just got caught up in life. never did it with anybody else but it’s perfectly fine to do it with the person with the most replies, hm
(ban evasion) No. 412862
>>412824>anons>randomly reply to my post probably because they don’t want a boring or vague tarot reading It was just one and probably you samefagging with your shitty reaction images. What's wrong with a double reading? Stop being so butthurt about it.
Damn I'm so thankful I got the superior tarot reader nona, this is so embarrassing
No. 412873
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I have my own set of tarot cards, picrel is the one I own. Honestly, I don't really use them as often as I should and I draw random 3 cards using a bot instead. What do you guys think of using specialized random generators/bots for readings? For me, it does the job well enough, I don't draw them too often anyway.
No. 412875
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>>412862I wasn’t samefagging, how can I samefag as the same person if I’m gone for 3 days? You also didn’t even understand my point, because you can’t read or comprehend anything. It should be dangerous for retards like you to use the internet
>>412866Picrel. Most of you suck at reading tarot too, it’s like the astrology anon giving those shitty bullet point “readings” that I can get off of astro-seek
(ban evasion) No. 412989
>>412811I ignore it because the most popular deck was made by a man (though a woman illustrated it) so of course it's full of bullshit. It's not the best deck or the only deck by any means. The RWS deck just got popular because it was the first one to be mass printed after the invention of the printing press. Make your own and you can sidestep all that, or find someone making a deck you like. It's not a tarot sin to use something besides the rider-waite cards / interpretations.
I don't consider tarot a religion though. If you mean Spiritualism, that's misogynist because all the founders were christians (in my country anyway.)
No. 413029
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How do you relate zodiac signs to your readings? I've been getting more comfortable reading tarot and I'd like to know how astrology signs can affect the readings. Thanks!! Pic is Ceccoli, my dream deck!
No. 413045

>>412317>>412400Thank you so much nonnas!!
I appreciate all the readings done for my bizzare dreams!
If its possible, I have some more questions for the tarots, but I'd like my readings to have lowest priority.
I want everybody else who has posted up to now to have theirs done before mine, I don't want to hold anybody else up from their readings!
I love reading into the themes about innocence and the need to preserve it, the idea of something deep in the subconscious possibly rotting and malicious spirits who want to creep on the innocence and subvert nostalgia. I also love the themes of backrooms and I have so many other neat thoughts about the readings, but I'd be going on forever if I put them all here lol.
For context, when I had those dreams years ago, I was going through a traumatic event as a teenager where all the adults in my life basically let me down and I was trapped in an
abusive school system. It all began when I confided in a 'tism specialist about my fears of my ex being dangerous, and the vice principal decided I needed to be institutionalized for it.
Its interesting that the Garden, was deemed as something of a devil's den. I too agree that this was a divine omen about looking into what lurks deep down. I'm intrigued about the twisted spirit, though. What is the twisted figure. What color was it? What were its intentions with me? What would've happened if I had stepped in? How did I get into its spiritual abode?
Would you mind doing a quick card reading on that one?
I remember my friend discussing an oily black spirit named "Whovier" or something like that a few years back. Maybe a fancy way of saying Oliver? I wanted to contact him, because I believed he was the "Deadly Nightshade" killer, someone who's actions drove a teenage boy to suicide in around 2006-2007 (theoretically). I had a weird red misty/ringing dream when I was 12 featuring my childhood husbando falling to the ground paralyzed, and it made me really upset. Through a bunch of theorizing using other signs, (its a long story) I think that was the main message behind it. Maybe that's where the "Why didn't/couldn't I save you?" message came from?
Is it possible for the cards to verify that the twisted spirit is him?
Regarding the hierophant, I have a particular spirit of interest here. I was posted about it on the other image board. It is what I called the "orange spirit" because of its bright orange curly hair. He, (I think its a he but i could be wrong) also has the signature card of High Priestess. He has a consistency like thick caramel and sticks onto me like caramel "gets onto" clothes. I have also confirmed through my own readings that he loves me fiercely, enough to possibly romantically bind a boy I once liked to me, but that's a whole nother story lmao. He larps as a fucking creepypasta character lmao, Pirate Percy, so "Percy" is the name I called him, but its probably not his real name. I think I might've called him in to get more answers about the crime dream. Or to serve as a cool mysterious "mentor" to me to help get me answers and guide me through the other side. I've been getting the feeling he might be "Oliver" but forcibly reincarnated in the spirit world. He recently has been associated with the Devil card after a real life suicide of a tranny moid that I believe he may have manipulated.
I kind of want to know more about these spirits, (I know its a mouthful sorry!) but I understand tarots can only say so much lol.
Last Question:
Do any spiritual nonas know how I can discover more information about these local spirits?
Also: Tidbit, the vibe underpinning all these dreams "feels" like the creepy bassline in the embed song.
Once again, thank you tarot nonas so much for my in-depth readings!!
No. 413048
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>>413045>>412987>>412767>I need a reading, 28 scorpioShould I delete my instagram? I use it professionally but I have some friends in there and I'm wondering if I should start anew. I'm a bit paranoid I must say, so anything you could tell me about that paranoia would be great too
Wheel of fortune, fool reversed, five of swords reversed, page of swords reversed clarified with the tower blocked, nine of wands reversed, devil, seven of pentacles reversed clarified with king of swords, emperor. On the side I pulled queen of cups, seven of wands reversed, ace of cups and eight of cups reversed to clarify what kind of tower moment crisis this is because this is strange energy. Before I say my own opinion, I’m going to say what I honestly see from these cards, I just see someone taking a risk to make their viewpoint known on social media that caused a spat between a few people, I see it as those typical social media spats or comment flame wars with a million replies with a bunch of strangers just fighting each other over stupid shit, very fast and petty words being thrown at each other. Queen of cups could be someone other people are emotionally invested with, in terms of social media and your zodiac because you are a Scorpio so this is definitely talking about you. I honestly feel like a certain group was mentioned here? I’m not going to say which group it is, because it’s like you’re tiring of trying to scurt around them and appease them, something you’re endlessly trying to figure out and going back and forth on how to handle this because I see a lot of regret attached to this decision on being so reckless with your words and speech and it could affect your relationships. Tired of putting on a face, mincing words, extending grace, don’t want to lose out on potential growth and opportunities if you speak your truth (also getting the feeling your job pays close attention to your online activity with the emperor, that card kind of gives me big brother vibes along with the king of swords this kind of ideological/belief system follows you everywhere i’m getting?) I’m not sure if this is a private professional page you have but it seems like you do get some traction on it. I just feel like it’s probably taking a mental toll on you, so I would probably suggest just deactivating it for awhile. Again going back and forth, but feel like one man’s island there because others probably would not side with you , I feel like even if you have some friends on there’s a side of you that doesn’t really trust them or how they will truly react which is why I’m getting this hectic energy going in circles and worrying a lot, which you mentioned you had paranoia. Just deactivate for a bit and say it was for “mental health” reasons. I’m just gonna take a leap and say this is probably an art account because of the queen of cups and ace of cups but idk it’s someone who creates emotional landscapes/visual immersion.
>Are the messages about quitting my dreams real?Three of swords reversed, five of cups, four of wands reversed, knight of pentacles. I’m going to say no, they were just dreams making your feelings of being unworthy made known and you not wanting to betray promises and oaths you’ve made to yourself, you don’t want to feel like a failure who can’t truly aspire to anything. Dreams have a funny way of mirroring ourselves to confront our inner emotions we shove away and don’t want to work on, which is why knight of pentacles reversed is also in the reading and so it will pop into your dreams.
>Is it synchronicity? Nine of pentacles, king of wands, the hanged one, five of pentacles reversed. I would say yes because of the stalled energy of the hanged one, something about stillness of time or reworking reality in order to show different perspectives, symbols, images and beliefs you would’ve never had before in a normal state along with the five of pentacles reversed, resurgent faith in your dream that could make you money and keep you afloat. Nine of pentacles and king of wands would be like remnants of your future self guarding the abundance and treasures that comes with the nine of pentacles until you believe in your full capabilities.
>Should I quit pursuing my dream career?King of pentacles, fool reversed, five of swords reversed, tower blocked again lol. Something about owning up to your actions to prevent from everything crashing all on top of you. I can also see something about being too reassured about this particular path you’re taking, king of pentacles + the fool reversed easiest and nicest way I can say this is by being a little bit more professional and clean-cut, more put together and well polished . Make it seem like you know what you’re really doing and something that’s more “sellable” or marketable, that’s honestly what I’m getting.
>Should I be offline?Four of wands reversed, the moon reversed, don’t even have to pull anymore cards. It’s talking about not even trusting yourself to not do something stupid, not letting the wild side come out. I would take a break tbh. I hoped this helped
>>413045I hope these are real spirits anon. And that’s probably why I got that wacky spread, I didn’t want to say they were probably communicating with you through your dreams because the hierophant kept popping up consistently in the spreads which are crossroads into the other side, the moon would represent your dream state and the high priestess is the spiritual conduit energy where divine channeling occurs through the third eye. Your psychic abilities are pretty strong, it was probably also talking about mediumship but I didn’t want to be corny about it. I have no idea how you could get by info on them, I would honestly suggest trying to talk to them more through your dreams by inviting them in it to get more answers or by meditating, that’s your best bet on getting direct answers that will guide your own upg (unverified personal gnosis) about these entities. I tried my best, thanks
No. 413058
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>>412690Asking please for a reading once more. If it helps I’m a Libra Sun/midheaven, Cap rising, Pisces Saturn as chart ruler.
No. 413111
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What are your thoughts on the TrueBlack deck? I think it's beautiful and would've bought it by now, but it's $95. I feel like there's no real justification to make it $95. Even secondhand copies go for $60+.
No. 413121
>>413113The quality control seems higher than a regular indie deck, so maybe they're paying people to check all the foil on the cards. The first edition of the TrueBlack spelled Hierophant wrong, so it makes me wonder. The Ephemere tarot is beautiful, I love the majors.
>I would be worried it ages poorly, when shiny black cards start wearing from use they look ratty instead of just well loved.I think when the white gets worn it will look nicer. I didn't even think about that, though. Will it look gross if the edges yellow since the art is so perfect and divine looking?
No. 413135
Nonas, I have to ask. Can I become successful doing the things I like, without people discovering my online weird past? How?
>>412674Thanks for the book nona
It got me to think about myself
>>412623>>412610>>412597I did quit the entire thing, I took the advice. This and more, done with it.
No. 413220
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nonna who I was emailing for tarot help again dont forget about me pls
No. 413265
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>>412690>my current life situation2 of Pentacles rx, 10 of Wands, Knight of Pentacles.
You are having a difficult time assessing your situation and putting things in order in the middle of a very demanding and taxing work day. You are fulfilled in your work, but your work completely consumes your life and mind.
>if I should jump on the opportunity that seems to be presenting itself on a silver platter or if I should continue suffering since the opportunity comes with what I’d consider a few downsides.The Devil rx, 1 of Cups, Death, 5 of Cups, The Tower, 9 of Pentacles.
Your self control and discipline are holding you back. You are meeting your needs and finding success, but there is something missing. You have so many things left to experience, but you're holding yourself back. However, I don't think this new opportunity will go well for you. It will completely shake up your life and you will struggle with feelings of regret and worthlessness. King of Pentacles reversed. You are a workaholic through and through. It might be time to slow down where possible and and work on your emotions.
No. 413364
>>413361Thanks nonners, I’ll do it soon.
>>413354>>413357Ok kek, will be done after sag anon’s
No. 413366
>>413310thank you
No. 413375
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>>413347>>413361>sag mid 20s F >future love? Three of cups reversed, page of pentacles, three of wands, ace of wands, three of swords reversed, the sun, nine of pentacles, the hermit. You feel like you’re missing out on life, feeling isolated from the happiness and joy others are experiencing while you’re mainly focused on how to create foundation in your life, where to plant the seed so it can grow into different paths and ventures (what’s next, which bill to pay, what more to learn, getting an education), almost wondering why these blessings fall into the laps easily for other people who aren’t as focused and motivated as you. I’m also picking up on some sort of discrepancy from how regular people view relationships and romance compared to how you view it yourself, there’s some kind of detachment almost like you’re interested in love but you’re very selective about who gets access to your energy and I wouldn’t strategic but not too privy on how normal people go about on getting their fix (parties, clubs, unsavory means) that gets entangled with a lot of drama, chaos, situationships and enmeshed toxicity where you don’t even know where the relationship will take you. With the page of pentacles it reminds me of a person holding a diamond they’ve mined out of a cave, your deeper desire is to be found rather than go out and seek, to spark something within you that you thought nobody could find and understand. There’s some sort of guard/caging around your self expression and quirks, someone who is able to access the inner depths of your soul without harming it, but this can be a fragile and deeply transformative experience that can also be healing, but again very hurtful and crushing because it’ll make you confront a lot of truths you’ve been pushing to the sidelines (like a spiritual and emotional anema it hurts at first, but releases the clog). Sun-chiron connection. If this isn’t navigated properly, it can make you shut the cage again - nine of pentacles, hermit reversed. I’ll now pull some clarifying cards from my self made deck:
>contact will be made soon >memorabilia>asking around about you>control/controlling >lust/sexual wants and needs >secret admirer >wounded healer (i can fix them) >judgement While you’re looking in a different direction and trying to find someone according to your needs, someone might come back quite literally an “old flame” which explains the three of wands and ace of wands that are ruled by the element of fire. Someone could be playing middleman here as well in terms of communication, like almost using someone else to beckon this person forward back to you and waiting for this to come into fruition, but this is fleeting and brief but also handling another person you might meet. Let me know if you need anything else.
My questions for this exchange:
>what do I need to learn this year? >what kind of skills should I work on that could get me better employment? >what is my life’s purpose? Thanks anon
No. 413377
Last question I wanted to ask
>any future predictions? thanks sorry kek
No. 413523
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>>413375>almost wondering why these blessings fall into the laps easily for other people who aren’t as focused and motivated as you. I’m also picking up on some sort of discrepancy from how regular people view relationships and romance compared to how you view it yourself, there’s some kind of detachment almost like you’re interested in love but you’re very selective about who gets access to your energy>your deeper desire is to be found rather than go out and seek, to spark something within you that you thought nobody could find and understandSpot on. I was surprised by how accurate this was. There was nothing that felt inaccurate or "I guess that's kind of me." Can you tell me more about the person who's going to come back, the old flame? I'm curious about who I'll end up with next. Thank you for your reading, it was quite in depth. I love your own deck too, I've been working on one of my own for a while.
>what do I need to learn this year?Knight of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords. This is a time of transition and accepting help. I see the knight as you being capable of stability, reliability, routine. You have everything you need to make it through to the end of this year, you're mentally capable of the processes you'll have to undergo this year. You are capable and competent, but you will need to accept help, and be open with others. You may have to take someone along with you while you work through these things, and be able to provide support.
>what kind of skills should I work on that could get me better employment? The Fool, 9 of Swords, 5 of Wands.
It seems like you are deeply afraid of conflict. You suffer severe anxiety and doubt when you are confronted. It doesn't help that you are relatively inexperienced and perhaps have a bit of imposter syndrome that stops you from being able to fully prove yourself. You have so many things left to learn, but you have to press onward and be ok with making mistakes. And don't be afraid of reasonable conflict, you are capable and can hold your own. Perhaps you let other people bully you due to a lack of inexperience, they put you at the bottom of the pecking order. Keep an open mind to all new experiences.
>>413377>any future predictions? 3 of Wands reversed clarified by 2 of Cups, Ace of Wands, The Architect reversed clarified by The Moon (this deck has an extra major arcana). You are seeing disappointment and expecting failure in a new project or pursuit with another person, and your initial planning didn't work out for you. I think you kind of knew that things weren't going to work out, and your progress has been stopped. Your relationship with them seems fine, it's just that things aren't going the way you wanted. However, you'll find that a new idea will spring forth, you'll find inspiration that allows you to start over again with the knowledge you've gained from this disappointment or failure. It's not failure if you learn something, in my opinion. I am concerned about your mental state. I interpret the extra card as being about the powers above us, something so beyond us that we can't even grasp the very basics of how it works, yet is completely logical. The mechanism of creation. The Moon suggests a sort of psychosis to me when paired with it reversed, instead of subconsciously feeling a connection with the divine act of creation or diety, your view of reality would become warped and delusional, understanding things through a false pretense. Perhaps you'll find yourself frightened by a spiritual revelation. Do you get easily discouraged? There's a murkiness in your mind that is limiting your creative potential. It is time to ask big questions and really dig down and seek answers. I pulled the 7 of Pentacles reversed as an advice card, which I read as not jumping to conclusions, don't get ahead of yourself even if you feel like you understand something suddenly, and especially don't let it affect your real life movements with your resources like money or time. This is all in your near future. I see this all being related to the same event or process you're undergoing with this person, you face a block and find a new way of trying it again, but this whole endeavor really weighs on you psychologically.
>life's purposeThis is an intense question. I didn't draw a lot of cards, not to blow you off, but I don't feel like I'm in a place to try to divine someone's purpose. This is only a nudge, or a hint. The Architect (extra card) reversed, Strength. You can just accept Strength if you dislike the extra card. You are of incredible mental fortitude and compassion, and you have the unique ability to face down the darkness of life without breaking. I think creation is an important aspect to your life, feeling like you can give to others. I think resilience and compassion are your key traits, and finding out why you find yourself succumbing to anxieties, why you can't create the vision you want, being able to use your strength to never quit your quest for ultimate knowledge and finally make what you want.
No. 413527
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>>412431Thanks for the reading.
Work on myself? Hah. Everyone hates me. Everyone out there can connect with each other, is there hope I can ever defy that? None will have me. I not only feel defeated, I know others hate me. I've never had a single friend in life. Everyone is better, everyone can connect. I am nothing.
As for the drastic thing. I am not surprised it said no, it's very drastic.
No. 413533
>>413523Alright here’s a clarification on this old flame:
Page of swords reversed, the hermit reversed, three of swords reversed, knight of pentacles, king of cups and six of pentacles.
I’m getting a lot of unstable, honestly even creepy energy from this person. The three of swords reversed and knight of pentacles reminds me of “how can you mend a broken heart?” by the bee gees if that resonates. I’m kind of getting strange maybe even insidious intentions, this person loved being pedestalized and almost worshipped even. I would border on saying spiritually this is kind of an energy vampire. I’m honestly getting the impression they might try to reconcile for their own gains and purposes, trying to mend the hurt and separation (honestly picking up on miscommunication, having expectations that the other didn’t) they’ve caused but deep down don’t really mean it and are in it for the compliments, sex, validation and comfort they’ve siphoned out of another person they view as a
victim, not a human being. Again, an energy vampire. Another person (I’m honestly going to assume it’s a man with the king of cups but I know women can show up as kings) who just loves getting validation from people but has no intention on being genuine or building a stable connection, those sorts of people. Like for ex. attractive people who date people who are more unconventional than them because it redirects the attention off of their partner and on to them. It’s so hard to explain, I hope it does make sense. I pulled more clarifying cards from my own deck:
>apathy >situationship(s)>romantic feelings>better options and choices >secret admirer >ghosting and abandonment>”i want to contact you but something is holding me back” >harmony and synthesizing together >mind games >nothing is completely over>stay away from this person (dangerous, toxic character) >big misunderstandings >casual sex>pride and arrogance >lack of boundaries >confessions >overwhelming and intense >cheater >moving on>different attachment styles >mirroring >masculine energy I hope this makes sense
No. 413562
>>413364Nonna I'm
>>413354I want to know why my creativity is so stifled and how to get it back, thank you
No. 413565
>>413529>>413533I'm glad it resonated with you. I think the tldr of your future is that there will be a flash of realization soon that clears up any doubt, don't let your preconceived ideas make you jump to conclusions. When it comes to your struggle with your chosen dieties, you aren't as far in your journey as you think, and you haven't wasted time! You're in the budding stages of connection. You'll figure it out soon.
As for the old flame I fucking know who it is and I'm mad because that is the last person I want to see. If this is someone I know already, I'm not lonely or self loathing enough to date them again. I'm worried that it's someone else than who I'm thinking of and I won't see it coming, or else why would they come up as my next partner? At any rate, I'll be cautious.
No. 413651
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I asked about this previously but I can tell im losing the hunger and fire. My life is shit and I dont see how it can ever improve, i "tried" before but it wasnt serious, half attempt. A bad artist, poor as fuck, no spark nor potential, will never ever ever connect with anyone. Ill just never be who i wanted to be
Do i really miss out on anything if I dont keep living? Should I end it? Is it what i need?
No. 413692
>>413565I honestly don’t know who will be your next partner. The three of wands and ace of wands that I pulled could be talking about keeping your options open and finding people you would have never considered before, possibly overseas, through traveling and business, it can also be someone among your friend group trying to set you up with another person that could make your heart flutter and get the hormones raging but it might not last long. I pulled more to clarify if this is someone from your past and honestly yeah, it keeps saying the same thing tbh. Sun reversed, six of wands, queen of wands, two of swords with the world reversed, eight of cups reversed, page of cups reversed, ten of wands, four of wands reversed. Broken trust, all of that the same things I’ve said before. I even pulled from my personal ones, basically the same thing. I don’t know why they would be interested in you, one of the cards from my personal deck was judgement so it could be them wanting another chance along with the unfinished energy of the world reversed, I think they felt the connection was cut off way too soon and it’s an ego thing again, they probably are not used to people suddenly cutting them off and rejecting them they’re usually the person who does this with others after they’ve practically sucked the life out of their
victims like an energy vampire. Thanks for this exchange nonna it was very helpful.
No. 413996
>>400474Coming back to this reading because it’s actually turning into reality… my company is going to interview me next week to see if I’m a good fit for full-time work, and if I’m offered the position, it’ll be located in another region of the country that I haven’t ever visited and would have to move to. Yes it would be a cultural shock and moving away from the environment I’ve been living in all my life.
Based on Nona’s reading, I guess I could expect to get the job. I’m still iffy on whether or not I’d be thrilled to accept it, but a professional job out of college is a privilege and I’ve heard about the market these days. I believe I won’t be financially stable enough to travel the way I wanted to anyways, so as it said in the reading, being able to build my independence with this job and save money would probably make it a good choice.
Sorry for blog posting ITT but I wanted to show nonas predictions starting to form, even when I thought they wouldn’t. We have talented readers on this site.
No. 414125
>>412437>>412423thank you
nonnie who did my reading, but also no problem
nonnie who has a life, no sweat at all, I can wait forever or you can skip over to catch up on others, idc either way, thanks to both
No. 414184
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>>413765Ayrt, do you do anything at all with your life? Serious question. Are you a NEET because you're forced to stay at home and be a caretaker to a sick relative, for example? I guess I'm just not cut out to be a psychic (heartbreak)
>>413548>To try to pursue my goals, should I move countries? When? Soon? Where?2 of Pentacles, Knight of Cups rx, The Lovers rx. Is there someone in your life you're attached to right now? Someone who might be persuading you to move? This idea seems very appealing to you, and you are probably idealizing the prospect of moving greatly, and perhaps there is something you want to run away from. You're assessing your resources too emotionally. You're planning based on the best case scenario and your fantasies, and not what is actually achievable. If you sit down and think logically, is moving countries really the best option for you? It might not end up meeting your hopes and expectations.
>>413547>I just want to know if my ex will leave me alone soon4 of Swords rx, King of Wands, Queen of Pentacles rx. I see rumination, u productive fixation, exhaustion. They're fixated on you but are starting to get a negative image of you in their head, you're becoming sour grapes. They might switch over to privately seething soon. I don't get the impression they'll let you go soon, but it might stop being your problem.
No. 414271
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>>413310nonna are you available yet. sorry for bothering
No. 414416
>>41423510 of Wands, 6 of Wands reversed, 3 of Wands.
This might sound drastic, but maybe relocating for a short while wouldn't be a bad idea. Try to start over, maybe. To me, the 10 of Wands + 6 of Pentacles rx combo means someone who feels bitter that their work isn't being rewarded, that they want more than what they're getting, that they have a severe debt to pay off. Even though I'm reading for your future, I get what feels like a reading for this supposed ex. 3 of Wands was your advice card. If you feel like you need physical distance to be safe, do it.
No. 414536
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>>413354>>413562>26 scorpio f>current energySorry for the wait!
Seven of wands, six of swords rx clarified with three of cups rx, four of pentacles rx, temperance, the tower w/ the star and queen of pentacles.
Are you being ostracized or something? Major regret on something that was said here, attracted the wrong kind of attention, kind of like a mob going after you. I just see someone deeply wishing they did not say or act or something because of the energy of the temperance. Let me see what was said/done; hanged one reversed, empress, five of swords, knight of cups reversed. Something related to femininity and womanhood, sticking up for a belief or cause that caused an argument with others I honestly feel like this happened online. I honestly don't get any of this tbh lol. I pulled oracle cards for this:
>community>stasis>moon (mental health)>environmentalism>relocation>sleep>fameYou're going to have to tell me more about what's happening because it's way too confusing, sorry. With the fame card though it doesn't always mean actual fame but garnering attention for the things you do or say and I'm getting an impression this is something that was unexpected and short-term. Idk. Please give me more info
>>413357>20 leo f>general readingSix of swords clarified with king of swords rx, ace of swords, hierophant, three of wands, eight of wands, six of pentacles.
A promotion, increase of social status being approved by someone else. At first you felt defeated about this but the ace of swords is like a triumph card, some clever idea popped inside your head and made you figure out how to navigate this obstacle. I'm going to assume this is an internal connection with the hierophant which is why it's being considered and processed faster.
No. 414605
>>414534In the context of love readings, I'd read it as
>difficulty communicating with others, difficulty getting ideas across, coming across differently than you mean to, other people in your life might be conflicting with your romantic lifeThree of Pentacles is feedback, collaboration, team effort. It relates your work to your relationships with others people. Does your work schedule interfere with times that most people want to go on dates, like working weekends or nights? I think it could also be saying to take it slow, hold off on relationships for now, focus more on evening out your work relationships and obligations and get that down pat before you date.
No. 414646
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>>414471>why not, what needs to change, what you can do7 of Wands, Page of Swords, Strength. It's not hopeless, nona. You just need to sort some things out in your life before trying to make such a drastic decision. The way I see it, you just need to use a little logic when making your decisions, and not let yourself get so emotionally down when faced with disappointment. You can't fully escape anything, even if you put distance, the emotional affect of whatever you're trying to escape will still affect you. Face these things head on, and stay rational. Maybe in a few years, you'll be more mentally prepared.
>>414192>what my career will be like>financial situation>love life/marriageVery quick reading because I have to get back to work kek, lmk if you want a more in depth reading
2 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, 4 of Cups. Your career will give you many options and open doors for you, but you have to be able to make those decisions and assess where you want to go. You will see financial growth and perhaps new opportunities to make money, or new ways to spend that money that are more fulfilling for you. You'll experience a bit of solitude before you meet anyone, but an offer is coming to you when you're ready.
No. 414689
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>>408483In my 20s, Taurus (Taurus sun, Libra moon), female. Thank you in advance for anyone taking the time ♥
>Will I be of significance to the world or is it grandiose delusion? Will efforts to reach such high goals be met with success?+ A random phrase or object (etc) from you if possible.
No. 414728
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I have a question.
>should I reach out to her after all these years
>how does she feel about me
>how would it go
Thanks in advance.
No. 414943
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>>414689>20s taurus sun, libra moon f>Will they be significant to the world?Hierophant reversed, moon, six of swords, the tower reversed clarified with the chariot, justice blocked.
I started humming "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts when I saw these cards especially with the Chariot card. It's so strange because you're an earth sun and air moon but it feels like you've gone through a highly transformative and tumultuous life that makes you feel like an outsider to others, kind of like a social pariah with the moon which garners a lot of negative attention and energy to you like mosquitoes on a net, surviving life in unique ways that no other person would understand (this feels scorpionic/plutonic to me with this spread), traumatic experiences you've had to pull yourself up from through methods that many people wouldn't approve especially nowadays where they insistently promote therapy, SSRIs just something about that I can't articulate. I'm almost getting the impression of a "near miss' too especially with these traumatic events, near death experiences? There's just something here about pulling back or recovering from situations most other people wouldn't be able to handle or crumble under the weight of it, it even has some form of spiritual aspect to this like feeling like these transformative recoveries and triumphs came from supernatural coincidences. I feel like with libras this is going to be stereotypical they can tap into the dualities of their own being more adeptly than other people but I feel like you want to mingle with your shadow qualities. The Chariot clarifies this heavily for me because of the duality of the sphynixes is like somebody at a crossroad of what side they will use as a vehicle to navigate life, should I become the prey or the predator type ordeal. Justice blocked pretty much reinforces what I said but gambling with this new identity or attitude you want to adopt but specifically about pursuing justice and vengeance, not wanting to lose yourself/sanity/morals through this pursuit? I pulled additional cards, three of swords rx and strength, again holding off to not become like them, reserving some sense of ethics. I'm also detecting some kind of survivor's guilt as well with these two cards, lmk if I'm inaccurate.
>Will efforts to reach such high goals be met with success?Four of swords, eight of pentacles reversed, wheel of fortune, knight of swords reversed clarified with the magician along with the two of cups.
Basically you find yourself at the same place you started because you're trying to build a mansion with sticks and glue all by yourself and then getting upset when it ends up not being a mansion but a jumble of sticks and glue. You have the drive but do you have the experience? Do you have the help? You need some kind of reciprocity here, learning how to collaborate with others to make the completion of your goals more grounded or possible. I'm getting a sense of something trying to lift off the ground but not having the proper funding, documentation and resources to do it, wheel of fortune this will be a risky fortune but generating money inward, are trying to start some kind of business? But yeah, that's all I got. Tell me if you have more questions or need clarifying!
>>414728>should I reach out to her after all these yearsQueen of pentacles, queen of wands reversed clarified with the lovers rx, ten of swords rx, seven of wands, five of cups, eight of cups reversed. I'm going to be honest, no. I'm seeing a lack of self-awareness here as well, I wanted to know what kind of connection this was because you put zero context - magician, world, six of cups rx, king of cups rx, I'm going to lie with this one someone here got more out of the relationship than the other and it definitely had something to do with sex, spiritually this person would be regarded as a sexual vampire, but someone was being very selfish here and honestly completely self-involved, just so out-of-depth with the other person's feelings and emotions while they truly think they were doing something for the other person lol. The equivalent of a man having sex with a woman but not even giving her an orgasm but thinks he did a sufficient job and he's a good love maker, not exactly but an example of what I'm trying to explain. There is so much more I can say but I just rather not go into it because it's kind of fucked up, strange energy especially when I pulled a card on the side and it was eight of swords and ace of wands. Someone being overly dominant here as well, unintentionally making the other person docile and meek because of it
sex slavish but idk if this is 100% about sex and stuff>how does she feel about meKing of swords reversed, eight of pentacles rx, five of cups reversed, three of cups.
They see you as a liar that loves to backtrack a lot on what they do and say, the type of person they wouldn't regularly like to hang out with because it can sometimes sour their mood. Someone they rather not keep as company to be around which is why they probably found new friends, new people to be around that helped them move on from this loss.
>how would it goNine of wands reversed, knight of cups, lovers, the sun, knight of swords, queen of pentacles.
Don't get too hopeful with the knight of cups, lovers, and sun because it was confusing for me but nine of wands reversed is screaming "why is this creep at my door again?' type energy lol sorry anon, again with the one thought it went swell and the other had unsavory feelings they kept down inside, will even try to act innocent and lively when they know it's probably full of shit. That kind of energy from early 2000s romcom movies where the guy would constantly try to win the attention of the female protagonist who feels way above his bullshit or Raven and Beastboy from Teen Titans. That's the best I can describe it, immature examples ik but hoped this helped
No. 415199
>>408483>>412609>>414943>>411957>>411986I'll update and ask again on my sale thing please nonas
I have decided to ghost them but I am worried, what if they get pissed off and try to go after me or something like that? Should I buy the thing to appease? Ghost? Talk to them (my intuition tells me this is a bad idea)
I dont know why but i got very bad vibes from them, all other deals we did ok but this one, they seem different, or maybe im too paranoid but i feel odd about it.
Is the guy decent? maybe, at least before but i got a weird vibe, a strange something, like now i cant trust them, is it in my head? Whats the risk anyways?
No. 415204
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Mid 20s F Pisces sun aries moon. I just want advice to meet my financial goals that I've set, thank you!
No. 415288
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>>415204>mid 20s pisces sun, aries moon F>financial advice Justice blocked, ace of cups, death, six of pentacles, temperance, three of wands.
I'm seeing a money increase, financial increase but the trappings of lifestyle creep with this money that might not last long so it's strongly urging to invest and save. The message in this spread is urging you to put these financial blessings into saving accounts, with the three of wands I'm getting some sort of banking account where you don't have access to it normally and need permission to dip into. Be strategic about you spend and divide your money as well when paying for expenses. I'm also getting the feeling of maybe seeking out multiple sources of income, different paths of revenue, something that can make you pay some things here and pay some things there and grant you some freedom. I'll now pull my clarifying cards for you:
>travel>hidden talents>divinity>broadcast yourself>community>money>covenant (promises, deals, contracts)>year (time period)>self-image and appearanceWith this I'm getting freelancing, independent contract with people from all over the world. With the divinity card and the justice they are opening blessings for you to sow the seed for continuous abundance, giving you this one thing that can allow you to bring in more money.
>>415261>28 scorpio M>26 taurus F>what 28 scorpios real motivations Ten of swords, eight of swords, three of swords reversed, queen of wands, king of pentacles, and two of wands reversed.
He sees you as an easy target, like a little lamb he'll lead to the slaughterhouse. He can sniff some sort of vulnerability and dejection coming off you, it might be the way you appear and look, you might have those sleepy eyes with the thousand-mile stare or a neglected appearance, an easy person to herd for their own bidding because they're aware of the emotional aura that surrounds you which I'm going to guess is definitely depression. I just think he wants you to be his side chick because I'm definitely sensing he's already in a relationship because he feels secured or already locked down to something or someone but bored because his dick isn't getting wet enough from it. I'll still pull clarifying cards for you. This one is from my general life deck:
>psychological warfare>weeks>miracles>spring>friendships>year>audience>communityOdd draws tbh kek, maybe they wanted to tell you something besides this man. Decided to ask what this miracle was: singlehood, hidden talent, wheel of fortune. I don't know if you were thinking about what to do with your life but I think they want you to stay away from romance for a little awhile because something will come to you that you feel like your life's path, something that makes someone say that it's what they are meant to do but with this it will almost feel like hitting the lottery because you found something that will get you out of some kind of rut, taking off and becoming profitable or useful. I know many anons aren't american but it gives "we getting out of the hood" energy. The friendships and audience, community, it may have something to do with this blessing coming? Sorry to be vague and spiritual about it but. Now I'll pull from my second deck more about love and relationships:
>mixed signals>apathy>slow burn vibes>trustworthiness>pretending I don't care when I doI feel like if you do decide to pursue this, he might put you through tests of loyalty even though I feel like he isn't trustworthy himself. I'm getting overall weird vibes from him but ultimately it's your choice if you want to engage with him or not. My cards are personally saying to maybe not do it but whatever, hope this helps
No. 415291
>>415271Its complicated nona
Or not i dunno
No. 415298
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>>415286>26 Taurus Sun Scorpio moon/rising F>what should she do about her love life?Death reversed, ace of swords, sun reversed, four of wands reversed, nine of cups.
A part of this is psychological, there's another side of this you're not considering about. I feel like this is slightly cruel but you may think they have it all, they're satisfied, comfortable, but they're in marriages where they feel the need to cheat on others and even hide it from other people, creating broken homes, children born out of infidelity, there are darker aspects to love they want you to focus on and consider. I feel like this some sort of way for you to get out of a particular mindset you've been having about love and relationships. Death reversed some elements of your life are going to be shifted around so you can really focus on what matters, this ideological shift is one of them. I know everybody wants a companion, to be seen and wanted but grimly what they're telling me not everybody has a destined person to be with, people are constantly on the ebb and flow of life trying to find the next thing to satisfy and fulfill them and this modernized life is becoming more like that, if you don't get with the program you'll get left to the dust. I mean if married people who should be happy in their commitments are going around, then there's something that should be considered when seeking these fantasies and wish fulfillments. If I can better write this out, we are all squirrels seeking nuts, even married people who we presume to be the ideal are still seeking these nuts, it's not the end all be all. Here are some clarifying oracles:
>hearth and home >fertility>friendships>broom and dustpan (clear and cleanse space)>rainy days (invest and prepare)>gratitude>financial abundanceAgain with this rebirth, shifting, transitory energy coming into your life but you keep resisting or not seeing the signs. I feel like this is more focused on who you should be surrounded by and what you really call "home", finding true and genuine kinship and community through properly stabilizing yourself like for example moving homes, moving to different places, changing lifestyle habits. I pulled more - star power, claircognizance, side hustle. I swear you're going to figure out something that will make you financially comfortable and safe but with the rainy days card I feel with this shift they may want you to put you around people and places that will be able to help you during hard times. It's really redirecting me towards life path, life purpose, building safety nets that could give you the fulfillment you're looking through with love. This feels self-aggrandizing but that's what I'm intuitively pulling from the cards. Last few cards sorry for so many: the feminine, sexual activity, secrets, singlehood. I don't know what this is talking about but lmk. Hope this helps and wasn't too obnoxious with the advice but that's the best I can express myself!
No. 415347
>>415298Thank you tarot nona. Did you get the impression that I’m delusional? Just asking because my current situation is making me feel like I am and it’s all in my head. I guess the Four of Wands Reversed is actually saying it’s not and that there may actually be infidelity going on but I feel like that may just be wishful thinking.
I definitely see what your first oracle message is saying; I am planning on moving out and want to go out more and engage in my hobbies more. To give more insight:
> star power, claircognizance, side hustleNo idea what this is referring to, it’s not coming to me. Hopefully I will figure it out with time.
> Last few cards sorry for so many: the feminine, sexual activity, secrets, singlehood.I have no idea what this means; I have been celibate/single for years now and have not been actively dating. I hope it’s not urging me to have a bunch of casual sex while single or suggesting my worst nightmare that I’ll be used for sex while perpetually single.
Can I ask one more question? You mentioned that I keep “resisting or not seeing the signs”—can you ask how I am supposed to be recognizing the messages that I need to hear or how I can start seeing the signs?
No. 415351
>>414943AYRT, I'm
>>414728 and that fucking sucks but I'm not surprised. She's my ex. She made me miserable because she was distant and ignored me emotionally, and I was too clingy, touchy, emotional. We didn't have that much sex because she didn't want to. I see the 6 of Cups rx in your reading as referring to childhood trauma, because we both had serious issues that I think set us up for failure. She was funny and fun to be around, so I was wondering if we should try to be friends. Sentimentality got the best of me, I guess. Thanks.
No. 415354
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I quietly left my recent friend group because I couldn't stand them anymore. I'm not lonely enough to put up with bad company. I have no friends again. I have no one to talk to on a daily basis. I'm not in a relationship. I haven't even had sex in years. Please tell me where I'll find real, meaningful, lasting friendships, what those people will look like, what I have to do to attract them, and also, what my future partner will be like, how I have to be for them to like me, where I'll find them. I feel completely unlovable and undesirable, like no one would ever want me if they can have someone else. I want to know where and who my next partner will be.
No. 415412
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>>415288Thank you so much nona, that's what I needed to hear. Hope you have a wonderful week!
No. 415444
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I was wondering if I could get a second opinion on this reading I did for myself over which college I should go to. I can do a trade with you in exchange!
The central 3 cards represent my current situation, the 3 top left represent college number 1 which I am already attending, 3 top right represent college number 2 which is slightly better but more expensive, 3 bottom left is my mental/emotional state, and 3 bottom right is the environment.
What I have so far is that the only reason i am wanting to remain at my current school is due to fear of moving on (6 of cups), even though going to the new school will provide hope and advancement in my life path (The Star). I'm not sure how to read The Devil in this context. Even though I have advanced at college number 1, staying there for longer will lead to stagnation and regression to a previous mental state (9 of pentacles and 9 of cups) I will also be letting my skills go to waste being underappreciated (7 of swords). At college 2, I will be incredibly busy (9 of wands). I'm not sure how to read the king of swords and knight of cups together here. As for my mental state, after overcoming a prior tragedy the pain is over (10 of swords) and I am experiencing an emotional wholeness and peace (The world). I am ready to make friends and improve the world around me through positivity and magic (queen of wands). Im not sure how to read the 3 bottom right cards at all representing the environment. Please let me know if you notice anything else!
No. 415597
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>>413045It's me again!
Would any nice tarot nonas mind drawing some cards on the "Percy" spirit, and then some cards on the "Oliver" spirit? To see if they do exist and what they might want? Also, where they might come from? Assuming they're real kek
I'm also interested in the twisted thing mentioned to be in the
>>412317 post. Would any nona also mind, if they want to, drawing some cards on what its intentions were, how I found my way to its "den" and if it was one of the two spirits I mentioned above?
(BTW, its garden/patio den looks almost EXACTLY like picrel)
>>413048Thank you so much!!
Yeah, I wonder if the erratic spread was spirits possibly trying to "rig" the results. I think I may have had that happen when using online readings last year.
Thank you nonnies!
No. 415635
>>408483seeking reading - my dad (taurus, late 60s) is in shit health and not following advice. we haven't had a good relationship from my teenage years on.
* AITA if i don't reconcile?
* is this all going to come to an end soon?
* conversely speaking, is he gonna come out of this one okay or is he cooked?
* what's this look like for my mom?
thanks any
nonny who accepts.
No. 415655
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yoo I wanna give free readings. reply if you want one, just post age/zodiac/pic/im thinking of (x) color or number and your question it can be about love, health, career, friends. pls don’t be vague about what you’re asking because the questions can be kind of hard to ask. it will be just a simple spread usually of 8 cards and i use reversals. thank you
No. 415758
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>>415655Mind doing mine
It's here:
>>41559722, Cancer sun, Scorpio moon.
No. 415766
>>415655Thank you
32, Sag, thinking of periwinkle
My question is:
What next steps should I take with my current career? I've been told I'll be getting a raise in September and tbh, that can be anywhere from a small percentage to what I'm actually competitively supposed to be making salary-wise. Also there's a dumb marine moid who's been making the small office a living hell for everyone. My friends are pretty split from suggesting to "go elsewhere" or "stick it out things could be changing for the better," to even "just get even more certifications/education"
No. 415795
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>>415766>32 sag f thinking of periwinkle>What next steps should they take with their career?Ace of cups, six of pents rx, three of wands, judgement, ace of wands rx, knight of wands rx, eight of pentacles rx, ace of swords rx.
Based on what you told me, you should probably stay for awhile to keep you afloat while seeing what else is out there, like going to school while working or job-seeking so you can branch rope smoothly to the next with no issues. I'm going to confirm it probably will be the small percentage because with the ace of cups there would be an overflowing of money that would grant you satisfaction but with the six of pentacles reversed in reality it would be chump change, a definite disappointment. I could see maybe even reaching out to recruiters or connecting with job recruitment as well with the three of wands and judgement. I'm even going to guess that you're the financial backbone for some people which is why this is important to not lose consistent stream of income. I'll pull some of my oracles for you: freedom and flexibility, rebirth, summer time, look a little deeper, covenant, financial abundance, fertility, moving on, side hustle, the masculine, the feminine, wheel of fortune, heart chakra. I don't want to assume anything but I feel like it's trying to confirm what I felt with the ace of cups and six of pentacles reversed, are you gambling or considering to keep something or get rid of something here and whichever path you choose it could affect you deeply and emotionally. It's like you have something coming in that you have to take care of but it's seriously not enough money, like needing more money and even benefits to fund some sort of care, it could be related to
childcare, healthcare, insurance, paid leave even I don't know what it's trying to say beyond that. Another thing is looking closer at agreements, contracts, documents related to your income and paycheck because it could be a case of being underpaid, low-balled, something about the offer you got was fishy, I honestly don't know how to express this but maybe you know something about how this corporate stuff works (because it's different for everyone) just something surrounding the way you get paid at your job is something to keep watch of kek. I hope this helped!
>>415597>PercyTen of pents rx, nine of cups, two of pents rx, wheel of fortune rx, knight of swords, fool rx, world and ace of cups rx and an additional card: king of pentacles.
This spread reminds me of the story of Faust, a man who makes a deal with the Devil in exchange for knowledge, power, and treasure with a mix of Inferno by Dante Alighieri. There's an element of bypassing or crushing under the weight of something you thought you could handle and control. Traveling through the Qlipoth. He basically got fucked up basically because he thought he could mentally handle it and he couldn't lol. This doesn't have to be something that actually happened just a spiritual representation on what went down. The last cards is basically him reminiscing about having a body, watching others from the sidelines being able to taste, experience, consume, each person having noble and convictions that is able to break their temptation, he traded it all and now his spirit is being crushed, molded, tested, a dirty process of degradation and purification. This is usually done in realms in the afterlife that resemble "hell" or the underworld.
>OliverJudgement rx, two of wands rx, hierophant rx, fool, ten of cups, ace of pentacles blocked, five of pentacles rx, nine of swords. Kind of getting the same things with Percy but with some little differences. I honestly don't know what it's trying to say, this is a little out of my depth anon sorry. All I can say there's an element of regret and guilt here, walking your own path, gonna guess maybe they're a little more earthbound than the other one. He can meet with a higher source but not wanting to, debating whether they really want to cross over or not but being scared of what's the come if they decide to make that choice, this feels like a scared and naive little child more than anything. I really hoped this helped
No. 415837
>>415795I’m periwinkle anon!
Hmm…sucks that it is probably going to be a low percentage raise. No one depends on me financially though (unmarried, no kiddos, pay for my own bills, etc) and I typically am just…saving up (I dislike gambling) but this has me pondering on at least a few things..
Thank you for the reading
No. 416069
>>416032Always ghost if he's playing games
>But he's not playing games!!!If you can't figure out if he's upset with you and he has no communication he's playing games
No. 416155
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I was at the Mexican grocery store buying fruit when I saw a rack of what looked like Mexican tarot cards. I know nothing about tarot so I just stared at them for a little bit wondering what the different cards might traditionally mean to people. Then a few days later I looked it up and learned it’s basically a bingo game. If anyone is feeling especially retarded then give it a go for me.
No. 416180
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>>408509early 30s, pisces, female.
when will i find a remote job? i'm going to start job hunting again tomorrow after not getting the last position to work from home last week, but i'm sick of my current job and am about ready to quit soon. i want something i can do from anywhere because i want to travel throughout the states and even abroad if this job thing works out.
No. 416269
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Mid 20’s, female, Taurus sun, Libra rising - worried that the job I applied to might be a scam or worse than my previous one based on the few reviews I found online.Can some nonna help me with a reading?
I’m scared shitless.
No. 417122
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I'll do a few free readings. Reply with your question, age, a picture that resonates with you or represents your issue, and whether you feel closer to fire, air, water, or earth.
I'll use a card spread that makes sense for your question, usually ~5-10 cards. I might skip your query if I don't feel anything from the cards, sorry! I would rather just let you know it's something the universe wants you to figure out on your own instead of getting nothing from the cards.
No. 417123
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>>417122can you do a reading for me nona? I'm 26 and I'm wondering about what my love life will be like, when I'll get married, who it will be, and things like that. I feel closer to water. thank you
No. 417133
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>>417123V of Wands Reversed - You are avoiding some kind of conflict, maybe this is a life-long issue such as people-pleasing behavior, or a specific issue you are avoiding. Whatever it is, it's preventing your vital energy from flowing and is stagnating around you, preventing you from finding your partner. This conflict is necessary and whatever you are doing now is stifling your inner flame.
II The High Priestess - To overcome this blockage you must undergo a period of self-reflection and study. This will most likely be a solitary and highly internal affair. You will be required to walk the middle path between two extremes. Through the center you will be born new. This is not directly related to finding love, it is beyond that, but you will not find your partner until after this happens.
IX of Pentacles - In order to meet this person, you must reach some level of material stability. Work hard to create a life for yourself and build resources. This could also be literal: gardening and tending to plants. Or maybe by hiking or going into nature.
V of Swords Reversed - This person will be dealing with a similar issue as you. Instead of avoiding conflict, this person is on the recieving end of conflict. Perhaps bullying, or maybe some legal issue. I have a feeling it is the consequence of his own bad decisions earlier in his life. I also get the feeling his personality is highly compartmentalized: he might have a well-adjusted public persona, but a more sensitive and emotional private self. Both of your issues will synergize, I cant tell if it will be in a bad way or good way. It will most likely be up to the two of you whether these issues will rage or extinguish each other.
VIII Strength Reversed - You will meet this person at a place where animal desires overcome temperance. This might be a bar, or even someplace seedy like a drug house.
VIII of Cups - You will meet him after a breakup, or after leaving home. I get a feeling of melancholy, betrayal and longing. Maybe this will lead you to the place described by Strength. Both of these cards are number VIII 8 So that number may be significant in the location of time when you meet him. The number V 5 also shows up as both of your problems, That is why they will likely be similar, but that number may also show up at the location or time you meet.
Knight of Cups - At his best, he will be very charming and attractive, Highly romantic and intuitive. He might sweep you off your feet. He may have artistic or spiritual sensibilities, and be very sociable. At his worst he may be moody and immature, flirtatious, or putting up a false face.
No. 417347
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>>417122>Reply with your question, age, a picture that resonates with you or represents your issue, and whether you feel closer to fire, air, water, or earth.Why am I such a paranoid bitch, is there something I should be afraid of, or will my life be ok after all? Thanks. 28, Libra in Moon, I feel more inclined towards fire in this moment.
No. 417353
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Sorry for the wait
>>415799>>413651>Should anon end it?High priestess, two of swords, hierophant rx, seven of pentacles rx, page of pentacles, queen of swords, five of pentacles, justice reversed, extra card - four of cups. No, you have a reason to be here anon. What I'm getting though is to honestly get your shit together man, I explicitly heard the words "nature" and 'exercise" whisper in my ear. I don't know if you were repeatedly institutionalized or 51/50'd or what (the imagery on the two of swords for my cards reminds me of someone in a straight jacket lmao) but I almost feel like you've been given health advice before but repeatedly ignored it, almost getting a feeling of avoiding taking prescribed meds that's why I'm getting going back in, going back out if you no what I mean, just a cyclical process. I don't know if you're all doing
illegal activity that warrants you getting into these stuck situations as well again with the two of swords rx and the hierophant rx being interrogated for socially unacceptable behavior and you got people being inconvenienced, people thinking you're crazy, then placing you with these doctors and hospitals that end up not even benefitting. Please give feedback about this because this could be a far reach, just going off of my own impressions. I am also getting this impression that there's some kind of misuse of these prescriptions or whatever you're taking, unintended use. Again the repeat messages, with the five of pentacles though it feels like you're hanging around the wrong crowd, equally-like minded folk but it's like that strange crowd of people I can't describe but imagine a bunch of goths or loners hanging together with no intention of really befriending others but talking about relieving themselves of their struggles, so I don't know if you've been on forums, websites, anywhere where despondent, hopeless, suicidal people go and share their stories, plans, attempts, philosophies or whatnot but it must have been a cyclical feedback loop where it's leading you no where. Sorry for the dour reading, but now I'll put my advice/clarification oracles - Progression/moving forward, days (time period), lifestyle change, sleep, support, community, rebirth, magic, spring (time period), third eye, fame, moon (mental health card). So basically confirming what I felt, making the effort to really tackle your health and not running away from yourself. Now with the sleep card and what I brought up earlier with misuse I don't know if you've been heavily reliant on sleeping meds maybe? Support, community again getting support from communities that won't be an endless loop of misery and fatalism, with what I said and these cards and the five of pentacles you're desperately seeking acceptance but getting it in the wrong places, I feel like that card is the epitome of group therapy/support groups. I know people are turned off by those kinds of therapy because of how open and vulnerable it is but you never know what will happen, also I feel like the advice is limited because I don't know which country you live in. Magic, springtime, third eye, honestly no idea what this is talking about but let me know what this could possibly be. The final cards fame and moon are pretty self-explanatory, don't make yourself smell like fresh meat even online, it's almost being cheeky like don't make yourself do crazy/outlandish things that makes others become a cow on this website. With the rebirth card I do think it's possible to see some refuge through the sea of your anguish, this message is more heavily spiritual because with the third eye card you could have crazy dreams, nightmares, deja vu moments, giving an inkling on what the next step is on your life becoming better. I could say also with these cards being next to fame and moon card it's pretty much spelling out precautionary tale, don't be one. I hoped this helped and wasn't too insensitive. Feel better,
nonny and I hope you didn't kermit when I was gone.
>>416147You probably bought it but here we go.
>Should nonny buy those paintings?I only drew one card. Hanged One. I would say hold off for a little bit and let them expose their behavior if you're so worried about ulterior motives, you will have the upper hand if you refrain from making any moves. The vibe I'm getting from this card is like hanging out on top of a dim cave like a bat hanging upside down, getting a different perspective on things (perhaps keeping an eye on their social media/reviews)
>What will happen to nonny if she buysFour of pentacles, two of cups rx. Well probably no refunds, they might even not respond if you decide to get a refund because you'll suspect something about the quality of whatever you're acquiring isn't up to par. I'm not even gonna lie to you I think I read for you before and I think I understand now that it could be stolen or something, or just something really shoddy like lifting off designs and ideas from another person. I wish I knew what kind of art you were trying to buy from this guy. Two of cups rx, not what you asked for, shitty communication after the fact, their ideas not being their own.
>Why is the guy acting oddlyHermit rx, four of cups, eight of swords? You said you bought from them before but honestly my idea from the cards is that there's some kind of false persona, four of cups it almost feels chatbot-like, not saying they aren't a real person but I almost feel like they might be copypasting responses to people and maybe that's why it's coming off odd? I hope this helps.
No. 417368
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>>417122When will I be able to marry him? How many years will it take? Will I be okay with his family? Will I be able to adapt? 26 scorpio, water
No. 417376
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>>417122I've been so anxious, so scared lately, so paranoid and worried. Am I going to be ok? 23, always fire
No. 417453
Okay, I'm going to leave this semi-vague, there's this person I'm obsessing over long-distance. I feel like based on shared interests (musical theater/RPGs), lifestyle (cozy), and our respective "types" personality-wise they're pretty much a perfect match for me. Frankly I've fixated from a distance for a long time, and I feel like I increasingly might actually have a chance after some recent developments in their life. The main problems are there's literally an ocean between us, and they're much less chronically online which makes getting closer hard. Anyway, give me signs of hope so I can half-believe, or a negative reading so I can write it off and keep being crazy. lol
I guess I could also use one on where things are likely to go in the future with a past major IRL crush of mine, where I know for a fact the attraction was mutual (…long awkward story) but we never did anything. That's much less important though, because honestly after a little cyber-stalking they seem unbearable now. If you have to do just one reading, please do the first one, I'll be grateful all the same.
No. 417718
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Asked "What my (almost) Nigel will bring into my life" and got:
>reversed 3 of swords
>upright knave of chalices
>upright high priestess
Seems alright and relevant to the situation but I'm not very good at reading tarot so I could use a second opinion from someone more experienced.
Knave of chalices is a lot like him.
No. 417989
>>417979I don't know, it sounds, ive heard this before. You ask too much about something, you risk changing it, giving that intent
but i want to know the theory, or if i should be worried
No. 418071
One of you may have had a heartbreak or moment of disillusionment with somebody else in the past. It may not have been major, but has impacted regardless. But, whoever it is in question hasn’t completely let it go. This energy isn’t really stalling things from progressing though. I’m assuming one of you is young(I’m older also new to this thread) perhaps haven’t experienced a long term relationship, or this is a relationship that is just beginning. It’s not really a relationship full of glamour, but theres going to be a lot of displays of emotion. Maybe he’s a water sign or has a water dominant chart. The high priestess here is telling you to watch his actions not just his words or romantic gestures and be ready to make decisions abt your future with him. This card is telling you you will learn a lot from this connection. Is there a clarifying card? Sorry I usually do readings with a row of 3 and 6 cards in each row + a clarifier.
No. 418535
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I’m bored
does anybody want a reading today I can do it.
No. 418627
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>>418535If you’re still bored
nonny I will gladly take a reading on my future. Either in love or career, your choice.
No. 419049
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>>417347You don't have anything to be paranoid about you will be fine.
>Who you are - III of CupsI have a feeling this card is mental, and represents that you are in a highly creative mental state. It could also be literal, that you are a friendly, sociable person with lots of friends. But this reading gives me the feeling of actions done on a stage. Overall, you are living in somewhat of a comfort zone now, living your life like an actor performs on stage. Perhaps it feels a bit like a performance and that is what is causing the uncanny feeling: that reality might tear down the set any moment now.
>Your shield - II of cupsThe next act: It is time for you to integrate with your opposite. This will most likely be mental. You have been stubborn, and i feel like there is something big you have been repressing, trying to run away from, forget, or disown. Your protection will be to integrate this into yourself, come to terms with it, and make it a part of who you are. Think of it in the alchemical sense, two opposite parts will join to create a third, better than the previous two.
>What you are afraid of - VI of pentacles reversedInjustice. Especially when it comes to wealth, and you are afraid to be on the losing end. Perhaps you have been on the recieving end of injustice and are afraid to let it happen again, so you are trying to keep things status quo. However, the universe doesnt work that way. Energy has inertia, and when it doesnt move it stagnates and becomes putrid. Especially when it comes to money, energy likes to move like a stream, leaving and being replenished quickly. Of course with no rain and too quick of a current the stream will soon dry up, but attempting to hoard it and not let it flow will only leave you with swampy water.
Your environment - II of swords reversed
The time is right to unblock this energy flow. This will require vulnerability, as you have put up your defenses and created a stalemate. Look to your shield on how to move forward, as your swords fall, the caduceus rises. The time is right and you may see signs soon on how to proceed if you dont already know.
Your mental state - III The Empress
You have a powerful ally in the mirror of Venus that you have been ignoring out of fear. Look deeply into it at your reflection. You must enter a period of deep introspection rather than repression. Venus repressed is not an enemy you want to have. If you enter her maze and find your way out, you will be rewarded with her gifts of abundance, harmony, and inner love. These are the real traits you want, rather than the facsimile you are be pretending to have.
The shield and the environment correspond since they are both II. Integrate within and opportunity will flow without.
The Empress and your Self are linked as well through the number III. One is the material performance of the other, but it feels as if you are deluding yourself into thinking that you are in harmony when, really, you have some inner work to do. The mirror of Venus is scary, but the most rewarding of earthly tasks, be brave and you will be rewarded.
No. 419063
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>Your current state - III of Wands, The Tower XVI ReversedYou are more than ready to set off on this new chapter of your life, but it may be too hasty. Something from your past is re-forming itself. Maybe you are falling back into bad habits. A necessary catalyst has failed to spawn. You might be eager to get into this marriage as a way to run away from something. But do not be deceived, if you go off without addressing this it will follow you into your marriage and most likely cause problems very similar to the ones you are trying to avoid. This card may also be trying to warn you that the relationship is destined to fail, but you are trying to hold on despite your best interests.
>Your fiance - VII of Swords, The Moon XVIIIHe is also trying to run away from something by entering the marriage. While you are trying to get away from some problem, he is trying to get away with avoiding growth and self development. I'm really sorry but a lot of these cards indicate some kind of betrayal or trick, he may be having an affair, or trying to trick you for some financial reason. I get the feeling he is in love with somebody else, or that he has a family or another woman that is important to him, but he doesnt want to grow up and be there for them.
>What is keeping you two apart - XII The Hanged manOne or both of you have reservations about the marriage. I think this is for the best. If you do end up getting married, it will likely take a long time to happen and come with a lot of self-sacrifice.
No. 419065
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>>417122Can you do a reading for me? What the heck is going on with my love life? 34, water person
Thank you
No. 419187
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>>417122Heya, 31 Scorpio, water.
I'm just looking for a romantic reading, about my chances with this one person I'm very very into. Pic chosen for Simple and Clean vibes, neither of us really resemble Sora or Kairi.
Any input is appreciated!
No. 419219
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>>417376>You - Queen of CupsYou may be going through a highly emotionally sensitive and creative period. Maybe this (newfound?) sensitivity is the root of the paranoia.
>Your Adversary - X of Wands ReversedThis is not a genuine adversary, just something you are worried about, but no real danger. Something is unraveling and the pieces are falling back down onto you. This card describes something highly abstract and possibly karmic that is hard to pin down, but the unraveling is a good thing. It is the end of a long road and time to move forward spiritually. You may have felt a psychic shift (maybe the source of the anxiety). Again, it is difficult for me to see what exactly this is, but it is the completion and shattering of something that has been in the works for a long time.
>Your Lance - Knight of Pentacles, Judgement XX, X of CupsI see The Knight delivering a gift of gold to the family below, allowing them to live an abundant lifestyle, but only after a heavy culling. I think your way forward will present itself through a wealthy and generous youth. This could be somebody you meet, but given how abstract this reading is I think this describes an industrious part of you. Living a happy, but simple, emotionally fulfilling life with family is in your future and is the antagonizing, stabilizing force to the Adversary card described above. The knight will sort the falling shattered pieces and choose the best ones, delivering them to X of Cups.
>Your Shield - VII of Wands, Page of Pentacles Reversed, The Tower XVI ReversedIn this case, shielding is not the correct move. It looks like attempting to defend against the Adversary will make you overwhelmed, lethargic, and regressed. This shield is too heavy, with negative energy flow, and is best left abandoned in favor of the Lance. Take an active, and offensive action in life instead of passive and defensive action.
No. 419236
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>>419065>You - Ace of PentaclesYou are in a good spot currently to find love. A new energy of love and abundance is coming into your life. I get the feeling an opportunity may present itself soon, but be on the lookout for it since it seems weak.
>Your current obstacle - IV of swordsYou have been taking a break from love in order to recover and focus on yourself. This card indicates slowness and lethargy. The energies in your love life have likely been stalled due to this process, and it looks like youre ready to revive them.
>Your Desire - VIII of wandsYou want your love life back. You want those energies to begin moving again.
>Distant Past - II of SwordsIn the distant past you were unable to come to a decision and this caused a lot of pain for you. You may have blocked yourself off from love in some way, maybe after a painful breakup or life situation. This could have also been a traumatic event that you didn't have control over.
>Recent Past - VIII of Pentacles ReversedThis card corresponds to Your Desire by the number VIII. You have felt bogged down by the demands of the material world. Perhaps you had too much work to do or too many responsibilities to take care of. Whatever it is, It leaves you wishing for free flow and movement in love to counteract this heaviness.
>Future - IV of cups ReversedThis card corresponds to your Current Obstacle, and environment by the number IV. Now that you have begun to leave your period of healing, you are becoming aware of the opportunities for love available to you. An opportunity will appear to you in the near future.
>Self - Queen of Swords ReversedAlthough you are ready to continue into your love journey, you remain cautious, maybe even vengeful and cruel due to the event you previously experienced. Keep your defenses up, but use them as a tool for discerning the good from the bad rather than as a tool for revenge. If somebody can make it past your sword, only then should you offer your hand.
>Environment - The Emperor IVThe environment is not very good for love at the moment. Very overbearing and moidish. A few of these cards seem to indicate issues with a father figure or male figures in your life. If you dont handle this, it will continue to impact your love life.
>Secret Desire - King of WandsThis card describes an arrogant, tyrannical, high-tempered older male, possibly with light features like red or blonde hair. He would be very fiery. Unfortunately this one corresponds strongly to the emperor card below it, which makes me suspect issues with male figures in your life. Be careful and look for red flags once you start dating these males. Make sure they are not bad people.
>Outcome - VI of SwordsThis card describes letting go of what happened in the past and continuing forward. Likely with a new proposition for love. Im not seeing anything long term at the moment though.
>Random card that fell outThis card shows a lack of connection and fullfilment. I think it is warning you that what you are looking for at the moment is going to leave you unfulfilled. analyse what you really want in a relationship, see if it is healthy for you.
No. 419252
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>>418842 here. Didn’t see your post but: Taurus,26F, Fire
> Taurus f26. I made a career switch and need advice.> Is this feeling of dissatisfaction in my new/current job temporary or am I in the wrong career path? Is it just the job/team I’m in?> Job/career advice? Can you tell me if it’s saying whether I should go back to my old career path and if so, how? No. 419385
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>>41712228, Capricorn Sun/Scorpio Moon, Fire
Two questions, I don't care if only one is answered.
>Will I be happy with my career choice?>Will I find someone else? No. 419703
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>>415795Thank you nonnita!
(Late response because I didn't want to clog up the requests with my questions lol)
Just curious, what is the twisted, watching figure in the garden, mentioned in this post?
>>412317Is it real? Is it Oliver or Percy? What were its intentions? What would've happened if I'd stayed in the garden/patio for a long time? Why am I in the funhouse and patio building complex in the first place?
I'm just autistically focused on this creepily still dream place in particular.
Make my question low priority so others can ask theirs - I don't want to hog too much queue time so others should go before me!
No. 420673
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Wondering if a friendly nonna can do a reading for me. I'm attracted to my friend but she has a boyfriend, I've decided to "cool down" our friendship (not hanging out as much) so I can get over her. I'm debating whether or not to tell her how I feel but the main thing thats holding me back apart from the confirmed rejection is we work together so I would still need to regularly see and interact with her so I can't dip for a few months if it goes awful. Can a nonna look at the cards to see if I did tell her how I feel, how it would go? I'd appreciate knowing what the next few months will look like. I'm a Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Virgo Rising and she is a Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon and Virgo Rising.
No. 420802
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>>420568The world, six of swords reversed, king of swords reversed, eight of wands.
Stop relying on other moids to tell you how to look. This one is a little aggressive with its message but you gotta stop going around looking for validation and then getting surprised when they get annoyed or make you even more secure, you're practically egging others on by making yourself so open with this insecurity nonna. I'm getting the tingles this is some moid nitpicking your features and also stay off social media that's
triggering you with this. Don't listen to them.
>>420673Emperor, eight of wands reversed, queen of cups reversed, the magician and high priestess reversed. I think she's the type of person who likes to let her boyfriend know everything to her friends, whereabouts, even her workplace, for some reason I feel like if she were able to spill the beans about this little crush he wouldn't be too happy, would suddenly become insecure and it would domino roll into her potentially cutting contact or slowing the relationship between you two down and like you said, it would cause some awkwardness and strain. With the queen of cups reversed and magician in this spread I feel at one point you got a little too overconfident and thought she would develop feelings for you or just magically become same-sex interested y'know that type of thing where some gay people try to convert straight crushes, maybe you even tried to flirt with her and tried to push the message that you're into her (even potentially trying to drive her away from her bf) but she either wasn't picking up these signs or was clueless with the high priestess reversed. Also with the high priestess reversed with her again she wouldn't be able to sit well with this secret between you and her if you do go forward with this confession, it seems completely irrational but it's that sort of thing where she seems like it feels wrong because you're close to her and it could complicate things, that sort of thing. I decided to pull some final cards, four of swords, nine of swords reversed, knight of pentacles, honestly think you should just let the feelings die down, don't be too clingy, and don't confess because with this nine of swords reversed I almost feel like you're constantly worrying and fantasizing about your friend over something that may have never been a possibility to begin with. Knight of pentacles basically just focus on your job and your own life.
No. 421693
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This thread is so dead. Does any nonna want a reading?
No. 421700
>>421693what are my prospects for this job I'm interviewing for tomorrow? what are my job prospects in general? are my aspirations in the right place/field?
24, ENTJ, and I watch medical horror like Chubbyemu while eating for the thrill
thank you in advance anon
No. 421722
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>>421698I had to clarify a lot because I was a little confused. Six of swords reversed with clarifier card: moon rx, three of pentacles rx, and then page of cups rx. Then we have the rest, five of pentacles reversed, strength, ten of swords reversed, ace of cups, seven of pentacles, queen of pentacles, nine of pentacles, wheel of fortune. I couldn't tell if this was happening in the past but because of the context of the question what I'm getting is that they acknowledge you're going through a really rough time, trying to find your footing after a bad separation that showed someone's true colors and maybe they could've conspired against you and that could've developed some issues down the line. I'm getting the feeling of uncertainty from them at some point, almost like they feel a weirdness coming from you too but it's kind of cute because it's like watching someone bud and grow out of their shell, kind of trying to understand or withstand someone even though they aren't quite sure if it's going to be something they will fully invest in or if it will last but I feel like they are waiting for the right moment to trust and feel comfortable and they are willing to take a chance. I hope this helps this feels confusing to read
>>421700Nine of swords, fool reversed, five of pentacles reversed, eight of cups reversed.
It's honestly not looking so good, kind of like you've been fretting over getting noticed for employment. I would even guess you've might have been unemployed for awhile? I see some kind of anxiety attached to being inexperienced or being found out you don't have as much experience as other people have. I heard the word negotiation so there might be a chance of a job offer but it would just pidgeonhole you and spiral you further into confusion and tilt you off your path. Fool reversed talks about reconsidering with decision you make during your journey, so this will follow directly into your next question.
>what are their job prospects in general/aspirations in the right fieldFour of pentacles, ace of pentacles reversed, ace of cups reversed, judgement, empress reversed.
I heard the words "assembly" 'restaurant" if none of those apply just disregard lol. The rest I feel like this is a job or field that is kind of gatekept in a way, working your way up is kind of hard, they skrimp on wages, benefits and definitely pensions and I feel like it's reserved for older folks who've been in the game for awhile with the four of pentacles they've been invested in it therefore they get all of the benefits out of it and full of micromanaging and a lack of a work-life balance. Judgement is like a reevaluation of where you should place your priorities, this feels more of like taking control of your life and seeking flexibility and security with self-empowerment so maybe finding things outside of the 9/5?
No. 421725
>>421722Woah, thank you for the quick response anon, I'm
>>421700. Your readings are scarily similar to what I feared and I've been procrastinating all day out of stupid paralysis… Unfortunately my situation just inherently has a lot of hurdles to clear if I want to stick it out. If follow-up questions are ok:
The "assembly" thing fits like a glove… If I go for that to stay and struggle, will it eventually make me happy? Or would I be happier by accepting and going back to home base? It's far and I'm scared of cutting off all my roots again to start over.
If I follow my old dreams, can I be free and somewhat stable?
What will help me be less scared?
Sorry if this is a lot or if the energies are wack now from my unconfidence. Thank you for the reading, anon.
No. 421801
>>421742you’re welcome nonna
>>421733they would probably see you as someone very precise about who enters your own energetic space. even with these two cards in upright i feel with the queen of swords and empress they feel very far away from you, they almost feel like you know a lot better than them or “she’s too good for anyone”, people love to say the empress is nurturing but i feel like there’s an air of regality to the card that people can become threatened with if they’re trying to take something from you, it can be very enticing at first but it ends up trapping someone like a snake slowly wrapping itself around an egg, enchanting but hard to control. queen of swords is one of the main court cards in tarot so it brings maturity to it and the empress is a major arcana so there’s a lot of power and energy to your words, you might even have a particular tone to your voice that commands respect and authority but unlike the page and knight it brings rigidity like a stonewall, there’s foundation to your thoughts and principles that can’t easily be folded or transformed and that’s probably why I’m detecting that some people may be threaded by that aspect because you might have some viewpoints they won’t necessarily agree with and instead of wavering, you stand on your own. that might not be reality though but you’re asking about how others view you so that’s their general perception. the empress in tarot talks about creativity, abundance, creation, people also see that card as a sign of pregnancy or wanting to be pregnant. it’s also a card connected to mother nature, natural beauty (personally for me unlike the nine of pentacles where i view that card that as artificial beauty), self-love, luxury. it’s also connected to creation and love goddesses for obvious reasons. it’s also a mother archetype but tbh this can just be anyone who’s really in love with themselves or stands in their own power without having to prove anything which both aren’t bad at all. the emperor is this card’s counterpart and it would be the masculine fatherly archetype, it would represent patriarchal authority and systems like the police, government, anything with hard structures within but unlike the empress always proving itself to others with this power.
No. 421834
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>>421830Aww I just searched that deck and it’s really cute, picrel is funny as hell and literally me. I have a bunch of decks but I mostly use the smaller version of the Modern Witch Tarot deck by Lisa Sterle because it’s mostly has women in the artwork. Maybe the empress and queen of swords can also talk specifically about your trauma and generational trauma with the female side of your family, queen gos words would be learning to stand your ground and stick up for yourself. The suit of swords talks about communication and learned thoughts processes so it could talk about the way someone thinks and absorbs information, or wants to copy the way another person acts because it’s admirable with the empress representing your grandma. It’s so sweet, I hope I helped anon!
No. 421854
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>>421823>>415635Got you nonna. I'm wondering if you asked this in the last thread? Just wondering
>AITA if i don't reconcile?The fool reversed, page of cups, six of wands and the sun.
I would honestly say no, however you go about this is your business so don't let other family convince you to be around just because he's your dad if he's done you wrong. I do sense some immaturity about this though, I feel like it's one of those instances where an elder is in a critical condition and their child that they have a strained relationship with likes to pretend they don't care but they really do, there's something so nostalgic and sentimental coming out of the page of cups like it's stirring emotional memories inside of you and reverting you back to how you felt as a kid (has he ever asked you to get him alcohol or something?? smokes??? that's the strong vibe im also getting with this card and the fool reversed you didnt know how bad this was until you go older there is something about this card that speaks on being younger and being enmeshed with parental figures that didn't have the best habits and it caused an mental imprint at the very least just being surrounded by it there's something so intimate about this like
seeing him with bottles and picking them up, cleaning them up, being curious on why and what it is? there's some part of you that may want to succumb to your dad's vices because with this six of wands and the sun it will feel like you're being favored or emotionally awarded by him, it doesn't necessarily have to be a present situation but like this flavor of the past is influencing people's current thoughts and actions so wanting to do what you can to make him satisfied or happy even though his health is in the absolute gutter and also wanting to bask in the ignorance he also harbors about himself to keep the peace. Six of wands and sun encourages you to empower yourself and walk away with strength and enlightenment because of this. Nine of pentacles is funny, just care from a distance and focus on yourself and prepping for the undetermined future.
>is this all going to come to an end soon? >conversely speaking, is he gonna come out of this one okay or is he cooked?Ace of wands, ten of pentacles, world reversed, seven of pentacles reversed, three of wands reversed, three of pentacles, knight of cups reversed.
This is so weird because it starts weirdly positive. I feel like his health issues have something pulmonary/blood-related to it, with the ace of wands it could mean a new start on their health but with the ten of pentacles it could be something new popping up that ends up advancing the progression of his health getting worse, ten of pentacles would be getting necessary preparations together if worse comes to worst. I just picked up "heart attack" and I'm also getting surgery to tackle this new problem arriving probably due to neglect. You're right with the not following advice part, just the lack of cooperation I'm seeing with this? With the three of pentacles, knight of cups reversed he may need someone on the outside that could help him, so maybe getting a home health nurse? You mentioned he's in his late 60s so it's common for elderly people to have those if they have the money or insurance. This would be very helpful especially if it ends up looking like he needs surgery or he has already received it, I don't know much more about your situation but I'm sorry about all of this stress happening in your life anon, I hope you find some relief soon. That "heart attack" comment it could be a blood clot or something but again pls don't listen to me and only take what resonates I'm only a person who just reads tarot and I have no legitimate medical advice.
>what's this look like for my mom? Seven of pentacles, five of cups, two of cups, queen of wands, four of cups, seven of cups, three of swords reversed, eight of pentacles blocked and nine of pentacles reversed.
Well it seems very stressful on her part, considering every option but also waiting for him to get a clue, five of cups preparing for loss honestly, she's also thinking about you as well and how this is impacting everyone, I also feel some tears being shed from this as well because it can be difficult. I feel as if she's having to really do everything for herself or learning to despite his lack of cooperation, trying to find him the right help, treatment, medication, anything to make him comfortable and heard. I honestly just see her preparing to be alone, but during these tribulation I almost feel like she's being blindsided because something about this is financially taxing as well. The predominant theme in this is honestly loneliness, this is confirmed because I decided to pull two more cards ten of cups reversed, queen of pentacles reversed, not only is she dealing with him but a separated family, just no support like him being out of commission makes it difficult to hold down the fort pay for things, work, go out for herself, anything else it's just very taxing because what I'm honestly getting is like one of those wives who mainly depended on their husbands and now that they're older she's going to have to quickly adapt but she isn't just ready yet, dependent but forced to become independent, not having enough money or resources to work with and trying to come up with some solutions on her own. Basically, if he doesn't want to fight, she will fight for him. I don't know what your relationship is like with your mother but I see this situation pulling you closer together. I really hope this helps, hit me up if you have more questions I hope it gets better for you.
No. 421859
>>421854thanks nonna.
i did not! i actually just found out the day i asked.
he'd frequently introduce me to his affair partners as "friends".
health issue is actually an enlarged aorta.
mom has pulled all the financial responsibility of the house while all dad does is spend, spend spend so the cost on this one is likely going to fall on her.
thank you for this, again. i really appreciate your time, effort, and well wishes.
No. 421862
>>421859aww man i was close to being kind of accurate, i knew something was up with that page of cups. thank you
nonny i hope things get better for you and your family!
No. 421870
>>408509Sagittarius, female, early 20s
Can I just get a general reading
No. 421875
>>421693Yesss plzzz. Hope its not too much.
Where will I be financially in 5 years? Is going into IT a good choice for me? Also I am wondering how my first relationship is gonna go. How will his appearance/personality be like?
No. 421993
>>421693General reading would be nice.
Leo sun, saggitarius moon, cancer rising, female, 28
No. 422200
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>>>/g/288268Nonnita, if you have the time and energy, I need your strength again!
I wasn't accepted at TMU (they were not available for students in my area anymore), so I wanna know what are the prospects for each of these:
In order of preference
>Yokohama National School>Tsukuba University >Saitama University Thank you so much once again!
No. 422938
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>>421875Hi I'm back.
>Where will they be financially in 5 years?Knight of cups reversed, six of pentacles, high priestess, justice, emperor reversed, three of cups, nine of pentacles, page of pentacles, queen of swords reversed with final cards fool, page of wands.
First I'm seeing some kind of payout, I have no idea what this is referring to but the cards that are indicating this to me is the six of pentacles, high priestess and justice with the energy of the emperor being reversed, some structure being shaken down upon and crackling at the foundation, this could be liquidation of some sort because I see people being happy and celebratory of this happen, maybe even you as well because people were sold on a false promise. I clarified the knight of cups reversed and got seven of cups, definitely deception surrounding this. After this I feel like this payout or money will make it easier for you to make small little adjustments in your life or small improvements, getting this cute little vase for your room or even getting a small surgery you needed that would've costed a lot if you didn't have it, honestly this might have something more to do with helping you pay for school. Queen of swords reversed warns you to not get this over your head and I see having to learn something new in the future that will be gain you more money and employment, not entirely changing your direction even with the fool which would be a new beginning but you will have to learn new skills within your area to keep you as a valuable competitor, don't have to forfeit IT entirely but it just wants you to be very mindful of the job market right now, especially with the stubborn mindset of the reversed Queen of Swords refusing to smell the flowers and see the trajectory of where it's going.
>Is going into IT a good choice for them?Four of pentacles, knight of pentacles, tower reversed, six of swords reversed.
They don't want you to get caught in the disaster that will befall that industry kek. It's pretty explanatory, these businesses with the knight of pentacles are trying to save money by finding different types of workers with the knight of pentacles. Tower reversed it's bubbling under the surface and you wouldn't be able to recover so quickly and easily if it backfires. Basically they don't want you going into it and then you're suddenly laid off, trapped with no backup plan and nothing to fall into.
>What will their first partner be like/look likeEight of swords, eight of wands reversed.
Take a closer look at yourself before you try to be with anyone else. It's suggesting some self-exploration before hopping into a commitment with anyone, also try not to expect partnership to release you from your pain or a form of escapism.
>>421993Five of pentacles reversed, chariot reversed, high priestess reversed, fool, hermit, seven of swords, knight of wands reversed, five of wands reversed.
This is a lot.. are you ok?? It's honestly giving trying to leave an
abusive situation, the people around you probably aren't even of decent help either because this weird fool energy of pretending everything is fine but the reclusion as well, not having enough energy to move forward as well, just physically or mentally weak, energy zapped and people not understanding where you're coming from as well almost like they expect you to not really care or insisting it doesn't matter as much. Introduced to the wrong things too, what I'm feeling. I decided to pull more, three of cups, ace of swords reversed, nine of cups. I swear people are driving you to go back to something that probably wasn't healthy for you, idk if it was a person or what but I feel some urge of wanting to go back but others are encouraging you to, almost wanting you to just forgive and be content because they also provided some sort of comfort this is looking more on the financial side but also in a way if you left, it would also sever ties from people you also care about. Convincing you their bulldog nature was perfectly fine. Idk most of these are just hunches, lmk what's going on
>>422658The sun, seven of cups reversed, strength, five of cups, ace of cups, seven of swords reversed and nine of pentacles reversed.
I can't tell exactly what will happen in 3 years but I feel you were trying to get the attention from someone and thought they were the only one who can give you the satisfaction you desperately desired. A problem I'm seeing with this is that you're only concerned with people you think that can make you their entire world, to pedestalize you and give you everything they can when it's quite impossible, so when they fail to deliver you quickly lose feelings. Only concerned with the sensual, pleasuring quality that comes with it and not what follows which is stabilizing it into something fruitful. I pulled a last card to clarify which was the four of cups which reiterates my personal opinion and also just looking in the wrong places for this satisfaction as well, pushing out those that are genuine who want to care about you. There some flavor to this that feels
cheater-like but idk for sure.
No. 422950
>>422938>>422658Thanks for the reading! I'm this
nonnie. So, some of this definitely sounds like me and some of it doesn't. Wanting to be someone's entire world is a bit of a tendency of mine, though it's mutual. I don't lose feelings but can react very insecurely to small signs of um, less than perfect interest, though I've been trying to work on that. It doesn't come from a cheater-y place though, actually I inadvertently pushed someone into cheating on me once (though I'm convinced they had some Cluster B stuff going on), commitment is extremely important to me and I'm just too autistic about social dynamics.
Anyway, thanks again for the reading, it's scary but fits. If you're willing to, could you do another um, at least loosely describing the partner I'll eventually settle down with? If there is one.
No. 423789
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20 gemini. I guess I’m lonely and looking for some sort of future love life reading.
If it’s not too much, I’d also like to ask if it’s too soon to consider going back to a proper university and if I have a chance of making friends this semester.
No. 424119
>>422200hello nonna! ayrt. I'm going to do a very quick reading, sorry I only saw your post just now:
>Yokohama National Schoolsix of cups, four of swords, temperance - very static energy, so not super likely but there's still a small chance
>Tsukuba Universitythree of wands, four of wands, the world - this looks like a very likely candidate, open arms and open opportunities for you
>Saitama University two of cups, sun, king of cups - this one is the best one, a lot of good energy coming from this choice, and it'll be the one to make you the happiest
No. 424645
>>421509Yes please, Sagittarius sun, Gemini rising, early 20s female,
Do these people want to talk with me or not, and also am I gonna escape this situation irl I'm stuck in? Hope you see this
No. 424719
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>>422695>>424596Ok here's my reading.
>YT/AN connectionLovers, knight of wands, king of wands, six of cups, queen of cups reversed next to king of cups reversed, five of pentacles, world, four of swords reversed, temperance.
I would definitely say yes in the beginning very intense, he was heavily pursuing her and probably compares her good sexual prowess to other partners he's in a relationship with. It definitely turned
toxic and emotionally
abusive for the both of them with the queen of cups reversed and king of cups reversed which led both of them to walk away from the tumultuous situation with the five of pentacles. I'll clarify further on why they broke off - six of pentacles blocked, ace of pentacles reversed, three of wands and ace of swords reversed. I feel like there was some hidden open communication with someone else behind her back that he was hoping would turn around/amend in his favor (probably talking to an ex while in this connection hoping for reconciliation on the downlow) and it was the last straw that broke everything, again very intense and sexual in the beginning but it was not enough to stabilize it, too much emotional problems, insecurities, I honestly feel like with him he was confused on why she was expecting some kind of commitments from him as well. So basically it started hot but fizzled when reality set in that he's a whore. I hope this helped let me know if you want more questions answered. I'm leo/scorpio moon and my questions are why do I feel stuck in my life? what's going on with my mental health? thank you anon
No. 424970
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What are the 5 lessons I'm supposed to learn this year? It hasn't been a good one so far. It's been one of the worsts imo, it's a lot of realizations. And my last question, where is this all headed? Scorpio, 28
If you read each 5 lessons throughly I can also read 5 things for you. I'll come back in a few days to read for you.
No. 425025
nonny im the anon trading with you I just wanted to add two more questions if that's alright with you
>how to develop my psychic/spiritual powers>what are my psychic/spiritual abilities No. 425535
>>425525I don't know how to summarize this properly because it's a really complicated situation.. tldr i've been coping with a potential loss that i can't get a direct answer for.
My best friend hasn't been talking to me for almost 2 months, citing work, summer classes, and personal problems. they said they don't hate me and just need space to deal with things, but didn't answer when i asked if things would be okay between us. before this, we would spend most of our time together. they used to be very communicative, but has shown that they can be emotionally avoidant and will bottle things up. Something pretty serious happened involving the two of us and im really worried that we won't be friends again. The week before they stopped talking to me, when we were talking about what had happened, they were telling me how much they care about me, want to see me smile and succeed, and how they want to keep being my best friend and be a better friend – and fix the mistakes that were made. i don't know the extent of what tarot can predict, but they are really interested in tarot and occult in general so it feels a little fitting to explore this avenue.
what is really going on? how do they feel about me? more importantly, what can i do to ensure or make it more likely that we will be friends again?
i'm 21 and an aquarius, they're 22 and Pisces. thank you SO SO much to the nonna who might decide to answer. This has been really weighing on me, i value this person a lot.
No. 425611
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>First lesson: seven of wands, ten of cups rx, temperanceWell you mentioned you had no family, so the ten of cups rx came out and it could mean some sort of separation of families, moving around having to constantly start your life over and having no one to look up to. I wanted to clarify this before I go forward with the message - four of cups blocked, two of cups, three of swords reversed, seven of cups blocked, nine of cups, and six of wands. I know nothing about your life but by these cards being left behind by someone in pursuit of something they thought would be best for them, an unwanted pregnancy (pls no offense
nonny just what I'm getting from the cards), I can even see an exchange of this happening with the two of cups but this three of swords is seeking relief from this heartbreak and the seven of cups plus the nine of cups remind me of gambling so it would be gambling with which emotional attachments they should choose, nine of cups is seeking contentment in their choice to walk away feeling prideful of this decision with the six of wands, I also feel like this person had a chaotic lifestyle as well. I'm just going to say it, I think this person chose this other person over you, it could be dad choosing mom or mom choosing dad but idk. I could be so wrong, just assuming I'm new at this. Regardless this message is more about your upbringing, finding more effective ways to heal your hardships related to this. With the temperance I'm thinking of learning self-soothing techniques, self-regulation and coping mechanisms to relieve your mental troubles. I also feel like this also has the "good ending", even with the ten of cups reversed I feel all is not lost with the temperance, it's not a happy ending like the sun card or the ten of cups rx but it's like in terms of losing a family member you reconnect with someone you didn't have a connection with before like if you broke your arm it was really painful but with this temperance it's like finally going back to the doctor to get your cast taken off and it's all healed but next time you learn to be fragile and not rush too much with trying to find all of the right answers and the right words, just let it flow naturally and effortlessly, be delicate and understanding with yourself. This overall theme is seeking closure, cleansing, and healing especially.
>Second lesson: Lovers, Magician, Death. This one is really interesting but some sort of hot, heavily sexual union will be brought to an end or some kind of transformation, the death card is heavy scorpionic energy and when it happens in certain relationships it can really test people's boundaries and limits but it's also temptation, kind of like the devil card personally for me but a little more grim, how far will you go to appease this temptation that could end up
toxic. This one seemed a little weird especially with the magician card (idk if you are in a relationship with someone) but I got knight of cups, emperor, two of cups, queen of swords rx, four of pentacles reversed, chariot. Someone convincing another to risk it all and leave you. Be careful especially if you have abandonment and attachment issues. Idk if this is accurate.
>Third lesson: eight of swords, two of swords, knight of swordsAvoiding everyone because you're afraid you will lose everyone, sensing some social anxiety as well because of the eight of swords this is self-restriction and scared to say the wrong things. Basically they want you to make the first moves, take control of the situation, your voice matters just as much. Don't wait for others to assume anything about you. Go up to others and start the conversation first, you'll never know where it leads you to.
>Fourth lesson: The world, ten of wands, queen of pentacles rx. Again with this wanting to find this particular person, generally this would mean tirelessly working towards an endgoal without taking breaks and letting yourself and everything go in the process to be neglected and forgotten about.
>Fifth lesson: Knight of wands reversed, moon reversed, ace of swords, hierophant blockedThis one is very mental health related, especially with the knight of wands rx and moon rx a lot of anxiety and maladaptive daydreaming, I just detect a lot of heart racing too with this one. but this one seems to be abrupt like little episodes you don't anticipate to pop up and with the hierophant blocked you may want to consider getting help about that or getting right back on track with this. Again seeking help from outside sources to release these mental blockages and delusions, definitely some therapy, something that will help you with speech as well because the knight of swords is like an active participant in a conversation, betterment of speech patterns. I hope this helped. I will continue with the rest of your questions now
>Am I unlikeable?Hierophant rx, ace of swords rx, king of pentacles rx, star rx. Lol no, I think people just find you a little bit weird and always saying weird things. Again with the speech problems, doesn't have to be actual speech problems but issues communicating your ideas without people getting off vibes from it. Neurodivergence as well. Also ungrounded feeling. Honestly besides the neurodivergence I can relate with this. I think the advice here is that you can't expect everybody to accept you, there's a place for everyone. There's also interests in very weird things so find like-minded folk, probably online with the Star even reversed.
>Why am I alone? No friends, no familyAce of swords rx, knight of swords rx, two of swords. Again bad interactions from the past keeping you in fear of being in company with others. Mental/speech blockages. I feel detachment as well, very spacey but not in a manic way, emotionally blunted, trouble with expressing emotions (like brain not firing something properly connected to emotional lobe) I had to search this up because I knew there was a name for this, it feels like alexithymia. I'm not a psychologist or anything. That's why one of your "lessons' is figuring out how to deal with this in order to feel comfortable with being around people and having friends, relationships.
>Am I a good partner?Ace of cups blocked, queen of wands, six of cups reversed, ten of cups reversed, devil. Even though the ace of cups is blocked I feel like you give way too much as overcompensation, using sex or sexuality to make you feel something. Ace of cups is like a faucet of feelings, there's just this fiery energy of the queen of wands interfering with this ace of cups because they're opposite elements, water and fire. I almost feel like to some degree this isn't as enjoyable as you think it is but it's what you assume will keep people around you but you said you were alone so idk how true that is. I pulled two final cards eight of pentacles and queen of pentacles basically confirming what I said but the advice is to work on finding some ground or stabilization for this energy, don;t denigrate it but to place it into more healthy activities and hobbies, learning how to attract without being attached so much to habits from your past that could
trigger you a lot. I really hoped this helped. I have some questions here I started interacting with entities or getting interested in them and I have some questions I hope I don't come across crazy for this.
>what does persephone want me to know?>what is going on mentally with me?>what lies in my future?>what does this unnamed male god want me to know?>why am i experiencing such bad luck?thanks in advanced
nonny No. 425697
>>425611I will reply to you later but everything following this passage was accurate:
>Regardless this message is more about your upbringing, finding more effective ways to heal your hardships related to this.And everything before this wasn't very accurate, I think you need to keep things more vague because I didn't go through pregnancy, heartbreak, or any of the stuff described before, but the energy and the messages of the cards right after all the speculation were correct. I will contact you through the usual method to finish our trade.
No. 425823
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Can I get a reading please? F33; Aquarius Sun, Pisces Rising, Pisces Moon. Moved states for a relationship and have been so stressed that I just want to go back home where I lived alone and had everything I needed with no worries. He's not even really the problem, it's me. I can't adjust to change because 'tism. Will it get better? Should I move back after a year? Should I try to adjust? I got so many what-felt-like-freaking-celestial signs to pick up and start anew, and now I feel like I'm going crazy trying to get settled. Nothing is going my way in that regard. Why did the perfect person fall into my lap like that when it turns out that I can't even handle being with him? I know I'm better off being alone, I've historically known that, but damn. I'm convinced this is some kind of test I need to overcome at the expense of my own comfort.
No. 425829
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Could I get a reading? I'm in my 30s and in my first real relationship in 15 years. At the same time, all other aspects of my life are changing too. I can give more background if someone wants to take it on. I'm not spiritual but would take any opportunity for insight on how to how to live with myself and others. Thank you
No. 426426
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>>425823>Will it get betterAce of Swords, High Priestess, Nine of Cups reversed, Devil reversed, Eight of Cups reversed.
Honestly I don't know, something about that scrote seems very selfish to me, I actually tried pulling cards and scrapped it because I didn't understand but I feel he's manipulative in a very cleaver and covert way, knows how to keep you at the hip by playing into your emotions and fantasies, it feels very hypnotic and that's why you're going leaving everything behind just to be with him it just feels so mentally deceptive, making you feel like your ideas are solely your own while following into his plans but not really knowing, it's so hard to explain
it almost feels like soft core brainwashing imo kek, "my ideas are yours, didn't you want this?" I feel at some point you'll become very unhappy because you'll just be forced to adopt his friends and everything about him while you continue to feel a bit isolated, not getting what you hoped to get and wanting to release yourself from it. I pulled three more for you: Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles and Queen of Swords. if you do decide to liberate yourself from this, you will probably move back on your own merits but it would be so awkward because it would be "stuck with somebody i don't want to live with" "stuck with ex" vibes, this probably took a lot of savings and financial sacrifices to make this move.
>Should they move back in a year?Temperance, Nine of Wands, Three of Wands, Six of Wands.
Kekk, honestly
yes. Slowly building up back your savings, it will take awhile but I see some relief and triumph, patting yourself on the back because of it your gut feelings. Nine of Wands though definitely keep it secret, have secret bank accounts and savings and don't let him know and be very humble and quiet about your purchases as well, make it seem like you're broke to your entire name and working hard to recover it, if this dude gives you money take it definitely and save it. I think in my personal opinion I don't run your life or know anything about you, preparing new beginnings for yourself and working on yourself, personal tranquility and rest.
>Should they try to adjust?The World, Six of Swords, Magician, Strength, Star reversed, King of Pentacles.
I would see how much you can get out of it tbh, but the six of swords indicates some very rough patches with communication. I heard the word camera, so I would be very careful about what this dude has on his picture gallery or be careful what you send, record, do with him. The reason why I'm also saying this is because the Magician is very sexual in nature, Strength is self-restraint over beastly nature, star reversed is my personal "lost star" card doing "disgraceful" acts, king of pentacles is a man sitting on ownership of material and then wheel of fortune is gambling, what could this scrote be gambling to do?? I wonder. Anyways be very careful you never really know someone, hope this wasn't too pessimistic it's all up to you and the future can change.
No. 426430
>>408483Anons can you look into the most significant stage of my
entire life? What do you see?
No. 426489
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>>425829Fool reversed, Page of Swords reversed, Six of Wands reversed, Two of Wands, Hierophant, Devil reversed, Justice.
First: picking certain battles, sometimes it's perfectly fine to keep certain comments to yourself, saying things you later regret and didn't think was worth it because know you're just sitting down in the slumps feeling defeated and a little guilty. also, insulting people's intelligence, belittling. there could be a lack of reading the room, missing social cues here doesn't mean your autistic but sometimes people don't want to be lectured to, they just want to relax and enjoy themselves. there may also be a tendency of making decisions without asking other people, dominant in the decision making. while this isn't necessarily bad in a relationship you have to make sure everybody is right with proceeding on this decision. Second half is learning to meet halfway with people especially with their own value systems, doesn't have to be just beliefs but how they live, their habits, , one can bring orderliness why another can bring learning how to embrace chaos, i have mine and you have this, learning to make compromises which is essential in relationships but not letting yourself completely unwind into uncertainty and mayhem, organization and planning are key to this while integrating their insights, opinions and decisions with your own goals.
No. 426499
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>female (duh)
Why do I feel so uncomfortable with talking with people from my past? I know I had some hard times here and there, and most of those friendships just died down after I went to live to another country for a few years, but after coming back, a long time ago, I've felt jumpy even, at the idea of people from my past talking to me in any shape or form.
Now my birthday is around the corner and some girl I used to call my best friend has been contacting me, I honestly just ignored her at first but now she even remembered my birthday and shit.
The thing is, is this even a good idea? I've always thought the past had to stay in the past, should I really invite her to my birthday party? Should I even arrange a birthday party like, at all? I was excited about it a few months ago but the closer it is, the more anxious or demotivated I feel. And like, it's not about "hurr durr I'm getting old" I honestly can't wait to be 30 so I can have a fun birthday party that will be like a quinceañera party, I just feel really, really anxious.
I also have such low energy, I don't know what to do.
I've been listening to Mesmerizer- Hatsune Miku on a loop as well as a mashup of Vs Sayu - NSR that has the lyrics in English and Japanese.
A cute Pic to excuse my autism/vent.
No. 426663
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>>424119Thank you so much, nonita!
Going to give you some feedback since I just got 2 answers this week:
>Tsukuba declined me because of my portfolio, sad keks>Got accepted into the YNU!>Saitama uni scheduled an interview for September I am way more at esse now that I got accepted by at least one of them!
I really just hope the Nankai Mega Quake only happens 10 years from now No. 426665
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Tarot nonas can you read this? please please help. Weeks ago I did a love spell to find my soulmate. Yesterday I asked tarot to tell me about my soulmate. I’m virgo sun, moon aquarius, cancer rising. Bunch of sixes. Did I already met them or soon?
No. 428636
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Would dig a reading if someone's willing.
>Virgo Sun / Leo Moon / Virgo Rising
>mid 30's
Planning a wedding but we're debating doing a quickie wedding so we can get moving on having a kid, because the biological clock is ticking. Also debating moving out of our current city to someplace with a lower COL.
No. 428706
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TIL tarot was illustrated by a woman
No. 428761
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can I do a trade with someone? i was supposed to get a tarot reading but they clearly just ghosted me or is taking way too long on purpose and i’m tired of waiting, i’ll do any questions you want me to in exchange for my questions being read
No. 429255
>>429083>> death rx, ace of swordsit seems more like it’s up to you wether or not you want to be honest/come clean, and what the truth of it means to you over anybody else. It is advised to not stay in the past. Don’t think about what something meant to you then. Think about how it matters to you now (as an adult)
> judgementThere is a reckoning coming. Know that you will have to truthfully answer for any and all choices you have taken, the accumulative actions will be placed at your feet. Trust that all will be taken accounted for. This could be comforting or unsettling to you. It will be significant either way
> the high priestess, knight of pentaclesIf you’re being honest with yourself and putting in the effort, it will someday get there. I heard ‘talk show host’. Maybe you’re someone who is also a personality as well as an artist. Or your art success may be attached to a public image.
> king of swords, queen of swords, death I’m hearing you might not know what to cut out of your life, who should stay and who should leave. You’re logical but it’s not enough. you would cut out a lot much quicker by making one huge definitive change rather than a bunch of tiny small ones that don’t tackle the problem.
That’s all I have for you. Hope it made sense
No. 429538
>>429528I can but first
what you do anon
not judgmental just curious
No. 429619
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Can I get a read on me and my crush please? If it helps, I can give our respective big 3s and little 3s. Mine: Gemini sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising, Gemini Mercury, Gemini Venus, Scorpio Mars. Hers: Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Virgo Rising, Cancer Mercury, Virgo Venus, Gemini Mars.
If a kind nonna could do a reading looking at from now to a few months that would be great, but I'll be happy with anything to be honest.
No. 429732
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>>429604>9 of wands, the fool, knight of wands, 3 of pentaclesum, anon? This suggests to me despite your efforts to be a good girl, you may still be horny after all. This shows me you are still gooning and your next venture to get over your gooning may be to replace this with more gooning. It looks like you might find some like-minded people and decide you want to share your gooning with the world and GYGO (get your goon on). Regardless, I wouldn’t say the door is closed on you yet….there is still much more gooning to be done, with others…
No. 430008
Should I just move and cut contact with my mother?
No. 430260
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26F Scorpio sun & Aquarius moon, I'm going abroad for 2 weeks in November and I kinda daydream to go out and socialize with people, that I might meet somebody I'm into and enjoy my time. Overall reading about trip and whenever I get to meet somebody there
No. 430916
I am doing readings, I have been told I can be accurate…sometimes. Now if someone can trade I'd love this but just ask i guess
>>430906Goodbye nonna and thanks for the help
No. 431680
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>>430916hey nonna if ur still up to do readings may I ask you something? " will M stalk me when I meet with my other friend in his city tomorrow?" im worried but I hope M isn't in my country anymore.
No. 431887
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>>429528I decided to be nice and pull a few cards for this.
>what is paranoid-chan hidingSix of pentacles reversed, seven of wands, ace of cups, three of wands, seven of swords, wheel of fortune.
Someone being extremely uncharitable here, wanting to break a promise of some sort. I honestly feel like with the seven of wands and ace of cups you've done this with like multiple people at once, sort of like in a group situation (idk if this was online but the ace of cups is something very visual/imagery) so there were other women or people I'm assuming among this group fighting for attention, mainly it was something very egotistical and needing constant validation on how attractive they are seen to scrotes. I would honestly be careful because there's some trickster energy, kind of revenge porn-y with the three of wands, seven of swords, wheel of fortune, I see them having reserves of this imagery and sending it to other people, it isn't just you that they have of but probably others like I said before. I know this energy all too well tbh, it's almost like they feel prideful and excited like they have everybody's dirt, everybody's filth and grime, the grand arbiter of everybody's fate, knowing you could either break this person but sheer surprise or have them breaking down with anxiety and worry over anticipation. Wheel of fortune if it does come to surface it might come by utter surprise. This 'weird fetish thing" was BDSM or something related to domination-submission but there's something violent and humiliating about it, like sexual degradation and treating someone like a dog.
>what should paranoid-chan do about this? should she chill/stfu about this?The Artist, Six of Cups. (I have the Ethereal Visions deck). Honestly this one kind of made me laugh, just brush it off and make shit up, you know how people are like "don't yuck my yum!" with sexual stuff? Just manipulate the current social climate we live in with sexual openness and act innocent/unknowing about it.
No. 432234
>>431887Oh, you got too much right. You got literally everything. I am worried that should I get a shot at a future media career…well, yeah it was BDSM pet type of stuff. I can be a strange person when seeking validation. I've had the experience with lots online, yes. In some cases it has gone under the radar I feel but with others, I just don't know. Oh god, I am more nervous now.
So your result I should say
>oh i just dont know about that you know lolor? I am nervous and I want to bury this thing
No. 432238
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>>432234>>431887Samefag but my solution I thought about before was to just be extremely open and do the very same type of things in public for all to see so there's nothing to be revealed. The exact same type of stuff so no one can be surprised at all, would turn those images boring. That really paints me in a bad light already and into a sort of niche, which I don't think I want. It's just plain strange mental illness mixed with fetishes. Thanks nonna.
But, it's the "other thing" the one I am most concerned about, that sort of revenge porn usage of that thing would make me too embarrassed.
So again, you think I should just act clueless, ignore it even?
No. 432258
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>>408483Hi, do I have a lover from the Astral Realm?
If so, is he the one warding off opportunities for me to meet cute men?
22, Cancer.
No. 432684
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Any nonnas open for readings right now?
One of my friends need help.
No. 432755
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Should I text her?
No. 432757
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>>432717Thank you so much!
She's just asking if the best decision would be ending things or staying in the relationship.
She's Aries sun and moon, Sag rising.
Thanks again!
No. 432779
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>>432757Death reversed, The Magician reversed, Moon reversed, Two of cups, Wheel of Fortune, King of Swords clarified with Six of Swords reversed/Eight of Pentacles reversed/Two of wands reversed. Empress reversed, Nine of Cups reversed.
I feel like her relationship was built entirely on a lie or there's something rotten and weird in the foundation, leaning more into a sexual nature. Keeping appearances for sex because it's too good to let go. With the two of cups next to the moon reversed it's like both are drinking each other's delusional koolaid with verbal manipulation so one feels like they wouldn't be incentivized to leave. This is practically a well-oiled train chugging to no destination. With the eight of pentacles reversed I almost feel like they're destructive with your friend's possessions or loves using their money but it's like rendering someone to become dependent on the other. Empress reversed and nine of cups reversed is giving very much dove in a glass cage. The cards are saying to probably end things. If I'm going to be honest, this relationship feels borderline
abusive but I don't know anything. If you or your friend have any more questions feel free to reply with them, I hope this helps and doesn't feel too generic kek
No. 432781
>>432779Nta but will you take another request? This one
>>428633Por favor.
No. 432797
>>432717Kind nona, would you mind giving me a reading for this?
>>432258I want to get the card's perspective.
No. 432814
>>432258>Hi, do I have a lover from the Astral Realm?If so, is he the one warding off opportunities for me to meet cute men?
>22 cancerI decided to ask “Spirit, what is wrong with this person?”
Temperance blocked position, queen of wands reversed, the sun, eight of swords, ten of cups, the emperor, five of cups, the artist reversed, three of swords, four of cups, page of wands reversed.
I feel like you hav some kind of porn addiction or something, just obsessed with sex, romance, emotional highs and fulfillment. I also feel like with the sun, eight of swords and ten of cups you write or draw a lot of fantasy stuff, picking up that you’re probably a husbandofag that collects a lot of items. You probably also draw yourself with your husbando but there’s some kind of unhealthy escapism you engage in. There’s a disappointment and regret connected to your father that you’re ignoring and trying to replace these emotions with other mindless distractions and games which would represent the page of wands. I wanted to know what happened with this father figure and I clarified with the Two of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, The World, and Seven of Pentacles. I’m getting the feeling he was old and there was some complications on how to handle his health situation, thinking he’s getting better and could potentially rise out of this situation and then a sudden ten of swords and the world and a burial? Did you miss a funeral or something? Anyways please tell me, don’t get into the astral nonsense and just deal with your real world feelings. They’re not going to hurt you, the four of cups is just suppressing them and seeking pleasure to keep it all down. Whatever happened, just tell me. I know this didn’t fully answer your question but I rather tell the truth than just lie to you. Unless this was an old dude you were talking to then idk… hope I’m right
>>432258>Was columbine a false flag Queen of swords (this is a card that personally symbolizes america for me), sun blocked, moon reversed, temperance, queen of cups, the star reversed, eight of wands reversed, ten of swords, six of cups reversed, five of wands, two of cups, ten of wands.
I’m a tinfoiler so I’ll just go on and say it, there’s much more than what meets the eye about what happened during Columbine. I do think to some degree it was a real tragedy and some lost their lives, but there’s something about one of the guys’ mothers. I feel like the relationship between one of the dude’s mother’s was odd, like they’e using fake identities or something. Temperance and queen of cups is giving major handler/controller vibes, to keep someone in linear focus without going off the complete handles. The Star is some kind of failure with a project. I’m also sending that there were more actors or shooters involved. The last cards with two of cups and ten of wands completing an alliance until the bitter end. That’s all I can say, it’s honestly very confusing and that’s probably how they made the situation by design. While attempting to read this question I heard “assembly line” probably as some kind of symbolism to this entire event, wonder what they meant by assembly line. Something being created for a purpose. Or maybe the weapons and guns they used. I honestly don’t know lol, sorry. Let’s be real, probably not, people just died and since it was the 90s it was completely different to how mass shootings are unfortunately done during our modern era plus the shock since people didn’t really know what to do. It makes me suspicious though, I know there was technically the first school shooting with the “I Hate Mondays” girl but this one was like an infamous event that changed laws and American society, so it makes me side eye a bit. Maybe America is manufacturing mass shooters, some who don’t want to be tinfoilers like us say the media is what manufacturers it which could be the Queen of Swords but it could also be undercover operations and projects to control the mind. On the spiritual woo woo side, there could be remote viewing involved. Anyways I don’t really know, this is also a weird question too.
>Is Eric klebold alive The sun, two of pentacles, queen of cups, ace of cups reversed, nine of swords reversed, king of wands reversed, queen of swords.
Honestly don’t know. All I can say is, you’re probably thinking about this for a reason. Collective consciousness.
No. 432817
>>432814>I decided to ask “Spirit, what is wrong with this person?”
>Anyways please tell me, don’t get into the astral nonsense and just deal with your real world feelings. What is your problem?
That was uncalled for.
I asked for a simple tarot reading and you come in with your condescending armchair therapist tinfoil about me being some delusional idiot with daddy issues.
And if you're so above "astral nonsense" why are you bothering with this thread at all?
No. 432912
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>>432907Yes. Can you please tell me if this job is the right one? Is there anything else out there for me workwise? Should I expand my studies and try to learn something new that's not related to my career? Will that be good for me?
I'm a libra, 28, female. That's my husbando that keeps me alive.
No. 432952
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>>432910Two of wands, The Moon reversed, Nine of Pentacles reversed, The Artist, Eight of Cups, Ace of Swords, Chariot, Three of Wands, Knight of Wands, The Well reversed, Four of Wands, Judgement and Wheel of Fortune.
Suicidal ideation, thinking about suicide but not really knowing how to go forward with it. Depression and lethargic feelings, this could be someone who’s very exhausted all the time. Thinking many people are out to get you, paranoia. Very hermit-like, agoraphobia and afraid of what the outside world has the offer.
With the Artist and Eight of Cups it’s like crafting an entirely unique image or perspective of what you see, and you feel like you’ll always be on your own and you can never be protected enough outside of the bubble or cage you’ve lived in with the Nine of Pentacles reversed. Fearing the same things will happen like before, better just rest in my safe cacoon. The rest I’m going to be honest I really can’t read them, they feel very unclear. Someone from your household might face some sort of consequence for their actions, childhood abuse. The advice is really to move around because I sense crickety bones, slow movement, chronic pain, needing to move around some more and seeking some outside help like therapy or honestly a doctor, there could be like underlying problems causing this low energy as well. Blood levels. I hope this helps honestly. Sorry for the lackluster response. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
>>432912>I'm a libra, 28, female>Can you please tell me if this job is the right one? Is there anything else out there for me workwise? Three of pentacles, ten of pentacles, seven of wands, seven of cups reversed, seven of cups reversed, three of wands, devil, hierophant reversed, king of swords reversed.
Well it’s good for now to keep you afloat, it’s also helping you learn some skills within your field. I see something happening with your workplace though, it could be some sort of bankruptcy or layoffs due to budget/financial concerns, I almost feel like deep down with the seven of cups reversed you know your place there isn’t a forever thing and you’re just fighting on an inevitable sinking ship. The last kind of cards is you kind of wanting to do something unconventional to earn money instead of pretending to like the boring slog of a regular 9-5. You honestly rather do something that is fun and pays the bills I don’t blame you if this is true.
>Should I expand my studies and try to learn something new that's not related to my career? Will that be good for me?Four of wands, eight of cups, tower, ten of cups, strength reversed, death, ace of swords, eight of wands reversed.
Something will interfere with this. This honestly feels like a message of some sorts. Pay attention to your loved ones. I feel like whatever happens will really shock you. I feel like you’re not in close proximity to them or have some distance between them with the eight of cups but it will make you feel disheartened. Nothing is written in the future so this could be all fluff, I just tell what the cards want me to say. I just see this traumatic event happening in your closed family right when you’re deciding to go back to school with the ace of swords but have to turn the trajectory around on your plans. I feel like it isn’t my place to specifically say what it is but with the death card and strength reversed it’s definitely related to health, someone being weakened and defenseless. I hope this helps you anon and isn’t too fear mongering pls don’t be offended by this message if it doesn’t resonate just take it with a grain of salt. Let me know if you have anymore questions for me.
>>432913>24 Taurus>I keep trying to work through my flaws and problems but progress is very slow - are there any blind spots I'm missing? How could I resolve them?A little bit selfish. Procrastination. You feel kind of two-sided and fake to others, gossiping and farming information on others while trying to act sweet and innocent about it. Tearing someone down with a smile on your face. People can’t really tell if you genuinely like them or not but the queen of cups is very alluring and intriguing for others, it doesn’t matter who she stomps on and throws down it’s kind of like the mean girl trope in all fiction and media, an air of prestige and power they want to be apart of to impress you. Four of Cups is learning not to use people as pawns in your little games, learn to appreciate and respect their quirks and flaws even if it kind of turns you off or makes you cringe a little. I pulled one more card - Two of Cups. There’s a lion on this card and we know lions can be ferocious, but with the offerings it’s suggesting you provide mercy and understanding to those you can practically sniff as vulnerable or “lower ranking” and don’t be too harsh.
>>432915>I’d like one if possible! Can the cards give me guidance on how I should be approaching my love/sex life? I was a hermit forever and then finally put myself out there feeling really confident that I knew myself but then everyone I met kind of sucked and I’m confused if I’m doing anything wrong or if this is just part of my journey.Nine of cups, two of cups, four of cups reversed, the chariot, ace of swords, nine of pentacles reversed, knight of pentacles, three of swords reversed.
Some of it is a general message on the entire dating scene imo. Nine of cups although in the upright position made me envision piss pots and chamber pots with a man standing there like he has the entire world. That’s basically this dating scene for many women funnily enough, they’ve love to dump their piss and filth into objects because that’s how they see us, as objects they own and since they own it they can do whatever they please with it. I see your disappointments, mainly because these people likely exploited a vulnerability and inexperience, it was pretty transactional with the nine of pentacles reversed. There’s something inside of you where you feel like you don’t deserve better, putting more effort into getting to know them, sometimes even begging and almost feel like you’re pleading for their attention. There’s some naivety here, and the main advice is to really explore yourself thoroughly before you know what you want. You have to be very crafty with these disgusting men and always be two steps ahead, like Nikocado. Never let these men lead you on a chain or like you’re doing them a favor, they’re practically lucky to be getting anyone. If you’re not straight then just apply this entire message to what you identify as. I hope this really helps you.
No. 432960
>>432952I do wish I could make money selling something or doing anything else tbh. Teaching makes me want to commit suicide. I see though, maybe this really isn't the time after all, I have a bunch of family that could fall ill at any time, and after the death of my uncle last year, I probably should try to just do something else.
Thank you, anonancia, it's nice to see an outside perspective.
No. 432967
>>432952Huh… I'm blind spots anon and I didn't quite expect that. I try to get along generally with others, I think, and don't let any cringing show. I don't know how else to get along with people who might - despite me not respecting them internally - hurt me deeply by pressing on my weak points.
Can I ask a few more?
>What can help me become more consistent with myself and others?>How do I get more real, then? I thought everyone's fake to a similar extent. Are they forreal not?>I'm tired of my mood swings that cause the above stuff I mentioned - what can help me attack the root cause of these? No. 433096
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Climate anxiety, collapse and all of that has me thinking, should I end my life? suicide?
23 yo
No. 433139
>>432979You got the details right in two readings and other people said they were accurate as well, what makes you think it was all inaccurate?
I'm case you change your mind, I have an interesting question and it's about a ghost thats around me 24/7 and I hear it for a few years now and I wanna ask if it's really me dead family member as I assume…
No. 433306
>>433263>King of SwordsThe King often means a specific person when pulled in readings, its also represents intellectual authority.
S, might be approaching the situation from her perspective logically and from a position of wisdom. She is likely speaking from a place of insight and reason. The King of Swords indicates that she’s seeing the bigger picture with objectivity. If you’ve been doubting her perspective, this card implies that her view is based on rationality and clear thought.
>The WorldFulfillment is the simplest way to describe this card. Very positive.
I feel like this indicates that you and S are nearing the end of a significant phase in your lives or the situation. There’s potential for things to come full circle and for you both to reach a resolution that benefits everyone involved. In terms of helping her, The World suggests your support could help her close this chapter in a meaningful way, leading to a sense of accomplishment or peace.
>Inverted Three of Wandsthis can be a interesting one inverted, general meaning is that its a warning, but not a failure.
Has their been any delays, setbacks, or missed opportunities? It suggests that perhaps S feels stuck or uncertain about how to move forward, despite she may think/feel or what she had in mind. There may be obstacles preventing her plans from progressing as expected. Your role might be in helping her overcome these barriers by offering a fresh perspective or a grounding influence.
Your support could be valuable in helping her navigate these challenges and push through any roadblocks she’s facing.
>>433285>The MagicianYes.
>>433096>The EmperorI interpret this as a strict but wise lesson or teacher.
>Six of PentaclesCharity and helping others
>Inverted Eight of WandsRapid actions and sloppiness. Huge warning against rash decisions.
Stay alive
Nonnie. Don't kill yourself,
i work in natural resources. climate anxiety can be very detrimental to ones health. I think that you need to take a good look at yourself and if the environment is a big passion of yours and keeps giving you anxiety, look up local volunteer events for tree plantings, stream restorations, wildlife fundraisers, trash pickups etc. If there are none around you organize your own event. There are also a ton of free classes online, look up hiking clubs and other naturalist groups. Connect with nature and get outside, start talking with others that share the same passion with you for the environment. Its not all bad, there are more trees alive on earth then their are stars in our universe.
No. 433307
>>432917>Three of SwordsThis card is often associated with heartache, emotional pain, and disappointment.
The relationship has brought significant hurt or sorrow. The wounds here could stem from betrayal, deep misunderstandings, or unresolved conflicts. If you're questioning whether to continue, this card reflects the pain and challenges you've been carrying, signaling that the relationship has left its emotional scars.
>Six of WandsVictory, public recognition, and overcoming adversity.
Despite the hardships (Three of Swords), you may feel proud of the efforts you’ve put into the relationship, and you might have received validation for trying to make things work. If you decide to stay, this card indicates that success is possible, but only if the necessary steps toward healing and rebuilding are taken.
>Seven of CupsThis card points to confusion, choices, and illusions.
There are many possibilities before you, and you might be overwhelmed by them. It reflects a period of indecision where you’re grappling with different emotional fantasies or scenarios about the future. You may be idealizing certain outcomes or unsure of what is truly realistic. This card suggests that clarity is hard to come by right now, and there’s a need to look past illusions to make a grounded decision.
There has been a lot of emotional pain you’ve endured. I see this going both ways; their might be some success in resolving these issues is possible, though it requires careful consideration of your options. You could also start anew, and heal from that hurt, overcome your pain and confusion and come out on the other side healed.
Your heart and mind are clouded by conflicting feelings, so before making a decision, it’s important to clarify what is real and what is a product of emotional confusion. Healing is possible, but it depends on whether you feel the relationship is worth the effort after the pain you’ve experienced.
No. 433329
>>433307Nonna, can you read this for me?
A 2nd opinion if you will
>>432238>>429528>>432240>>432234 No. 433386
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>comes in thread >sees the same person doing other people’s tarot readings oh… they’re still around. the people who replied did you guys want a 2nd opinion or nah
No. 433402
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>>433329I have a sleep schedule damn!!!!
>Inverted five of cupsWhere there was once regret or emotional pain, you're now finding a sense of healing and recovery. You’re learning to release the weight of what’s gone and focusing more on what remains. It’s a positive shift toward emotional resilience and hope, signaling that you are ready to move forward from past disappointments.
>Inverted five of swordsconflict or tension is beginning to subside. Any battles—whether external or internal—are no longer worth fighting, and you're choosing to let go of the need to “win” or prove a point. It’s a sign that peace, compromise, or reconciliation is possible. The focus is now on healing wounds and moving forward without dwelling on the past struggles or conflicts.
>two of wandsYou’re at a crossroads, looking ahead and weighing your options. You’re ready to make decisions that will shape your future, and you’re starting to think about new possibilities beyond where you currently stand. It’s a moment of assessing your personal power and making a choice that could expand your horizons.
You’re moving away from past regrets and old conflicts. Allowing yourself to heal and find peace is super important. You're ready to explore new paths and take control of your future. Own your past or just play it off, don't try to treat it as something empowering, but highlight the pain it caused you if it is revealed and how you've grown since.
This is a positive and empowering spread, signaling that you are coming out of a difficult time and stepping into a more hopeful, proactive phase.
>>432755>Inverted queen of pentacles You need to learn some self love, it might be tough but your going to be better off caring for yourself. Too much selfless giving can leave us drained.
No. 433413
>>433402First one here, thanks nonna
I have been feeling a bit more positive about my stuff lately but yeah, I just worry even more. You're indeed right, for some reason I have dropped most of my BPD all of a sudden.
Thank you! and i have a tiny question for you if you can answer it, i woke up worried about this
had a dream/intuition that i should cut my hair for reasons? should i? it was quite worrying?
i know i come across as crazy but its important?
No. 433422
>>433413>Ace of PentaclesYes
This is just a super simplified pull, but essentially it boils down to unexpected/hidden opportunities. You have to take the initiative with them first.
the pentacles is a interesting suite. something else to keep in mind is no matter what suite you pull, the ace is always about new beginnings.
No. 433440
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>>432967>What can help me become more consistent with myself and others?High priestess reversed, the lovers, king of wands, nine of cups reversed, temperance, page of wands, empress reversed, the artist reversed.
Honestly I don’t really know generally but this spread talks about having suspicions and paranoia about someone you know and are close to. With the lovers this could be someone you’re extremely close to and they know everything about and vice versa. I decided to clarify on this - Seven of cups reversed, three of swords reversed and moon reversed. Again with having suspicions about this person, this is also someone you gave or are giving a second chance despite them burning you in the past, because you believe they’re the only option or person available. I feel like this person has a devilish sweet tongue with the moon reversed and three of swords reversed, something feels very euphoric and high being with this person even if being connected with them is very complicated. So I guess I could say it to really pay very closely attention to the relationships you have in your life. It’s either that this person really is trying to betray you (again if they haven’t already in the past) or you’re drawing conclusions way too quickly and not to make an enemy out of everyone. It could go either way, I don’t really know your situation. I don’t want to pry really anymore but with the temperance reversed and moon reversed I hope you aren’t relying on drugs too much to get by or hanging around people who do drugs.
>How do I get more real, then? I thought everyone's fake to a similar extent. Are they forreal not?The fool, moon reversed, hanged man reversed, temperance reversed, devil reversed, ten of swords, hermit reversed.
I swear on my life someone is about to betray you especially with those last cards with the devil reversed, ten of swords and hermit, you’re being urged to release and really walk away from somebody or something that’s influencing your behavior. I really don’t know what it is but the first row of cards reminds me of someone going on an insane drug trip (like drug trippy-ness) kek but don’t worry about this it’s not always literal, I just wonder what it genuinely means. The last cards are like someone leaving you for dead like you were nothing, again not entirely literal but symbolic. Living a clean, earnest, healthy life. An addiction to some kind of possession, that can be people, a job, etc. you have to let go because it’s fucking with your mental health, your memory, ability to think, it’s leaving you vulnerable to opportunists.
>I'm tired of my mood swings that cause the above stuff I mentioned - what can help me attack the root cause of these?Chariot reversed, king of wands, the devil, and the page of wands.
Don’t give into your temptations, with the king of wands there’s a lizard on the card that reminds me a lot of the instinctual mind/lizard brain. Do you have an addiction or something? Trying to fight off
triggers? Chariot reversed is also guilt for lashing out during these episodes. I pulled a last one the World card, probably counseling or getting a second opinion where you don’t feel bad for the aftermath of these mood swings. Also don’t make little things feel like it’s the end of the world because it’s not, you’ll always be able to bounce back these obstacles with novel solutions with the page of wands.
>>433263>Is my friend, S, right? And is there a way for me to help her? Thank you.I wanted to be nosy sorry. I asked what your friend was saying to you and I got five of wands, knight of swords, three of pentacles, ace of swords reversed, queen of wands reversed, three of swords reversed, eight of pentacles reversed, page of cups reversed, ten of cups blocked, queen of cups. People are trying to gang up on her because some kind of word of mouth, rumor, whatever came out of someone’s mouth kind of got out of hand or misconstrued. Some of these people want to literally fight and defend this other person who’s very pissed off, queen of wands can be just about anyone but it’s probably a woman in a relationship with someone else. A very scorned woman or person who’s turned your friend into a scapegoat for her anger and contempt. This person also does not like your friend getting more attention or the spotlight than she/they/whoever this person is. It’s practically a mob of people wanting to defend them, the three of pentacles there’s active conspiring but the three people on this card are in a very dark room, so maybe these people also don’t know the full story? The queen of cups on her card is making me laugh because she looks smug as fuck like one of those angry mafia wives. Whatever this was, your friend is probably right but not in the way that you think, you know? If this wasn’t some kind of interference with a relationship this person is feeling very content that they can turn her whole world against her.
>Is there a way to help your friendEight of cups, judgement reversed, two of cups, two of pentacles reversed, chariot reversed, five of cups reversed, magician reversed. This kind of make me laugh, ngl.. nah. Whatever she did it’s kind of like you have to sit back and let her solve this on her own merits. What she took she must place back into order and this order is an eye for eye, literal judgement or karma she’s trying to escape. Something has gotten way out of hand that needs to be leveled. With the last cards chariot reversed, five of cups reversed, magician reversed, be her shoulder to cry on, but you honestly can’t interfere. Let her go through this experience alone but don’t leave her entirely out of the cold. That is personally what I got out of this situation you’re asking. Thank you for letting me read for you, this was actually enjoyable to read kek. Hope your friend feels better because I’m sure she’s a little nervous especially with the five of wands and knight of swords, very abrasive energy that would make anybody scared like someone being cornered with no where else to go. Anyways that’s all I have to say, I don’t mean to be rude people on this website can just get very irritating so it’s not you. Hope this helps!
No. 433453
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>>433440Second ayrt, another great reading. It's pretty miraculous that you're able to decipher such accurate details with little information.
No. 433454
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>>433285>Does V still find me attractive Knight of wands, hermit, judgement reversed, three of cups, king of pentacles.
Knight of wands tells me yes but with the rest of the cards especially with the three of cups and king of pentacles they’re more focused on their other “exploits”, other people. Judgement reversed you didn’t learn anything from before, probably they didn’t feel like there was anything to learn from this. I feel like this connection was very spicy but ended abruptly. I’m not going to lie, this person probably also has like some kind of sex addiction/porn addiction too. Three of cups and pentacles though really turns me off with their energy because it almost feels like they’re “shopping” around for someone, looking to own someone completely. It could be shopping around like trying to find another person to be with, hiring someone to yk or just plain casual sex. I don’t know. Honestly don’t even focus or bother with this person, it really isn’t worth it. Since you said you wanted to trade I only have one question - what are my strengths? Ty, hope this helps!
>>433096>Should you end your life Five of cups, the star, queen of pentacles reversed, hermit, queen of cups, ace of cups reversed, page of cups reversed.
Well you’re 23 so no, you’re like one year older than me wtf. Besides that first two cards is basically saying to stop doomscrolling so much. Another part of you is very worried that these other things are going to impact your future life, your financial goals and dreams, but how will you be able to prepare if you’re actively sitting in the Five of Cups energy wishing for the The Star to swoop down and save you? You have to prepare for the worst scenarios. They want you to reevaluate your emotions too, are you really concerned so much with the world thinking you’re a bleeding heart or how these disasters could affect only
your possessions and attachments, only
your hopes and dreams? If you really care about these things, don’t pretend and be serious about it. Just saying how it is from the cards, don’t take the tone too personally. They really want you to get off the web and make some friends too or if you have some, they probably really want to talk but you’re too busy wallowing in your depression room, also another message is to clean up literally. Pretty relatable. But also killing yourself isn’t going to “solve” anything, as cliche as it is. For all we know, there could be this same hell happening on the other side and you wouldn’t even know. I’m not forcing you to live in this rathole because trust me I fucking hate it here too but looking at it from the most common sense perspective - too much negativity can really kill you, seriously. Negativity is important in this world but it can actually just make you further spiral just like being engaging in
toxic positivity. Maybe I was being too overdramatic and you were just being hyperbolic about wanting to die but I hope this message helps. I keep looking at The Star card because it’s drawing my attention so I’ll clarify what it further means - King of cups, eight of wands, nine of cups, three of cups, ten of pentacles blocked, ace of wands, page of pentacles reversed, five of pentacles reversed, moon reversed.
You came into this thread for a particular reason unless you have never posted in here before and don’t necessarily believe in the occult or spiritual but this honestly feels very spiritual. Someone is coming forward for you but I don’t know who it is, it could be an ancestor or something? This could also be someone who is living and human too, someone wants to really help you get out of your shell, they want you get out of this rut and get help for some kind of condition I’m betting you’ve been struggling with for most of your life with the five of pentacles reversed. I’m just getting the feeling you don’t really know how or where to go about this, how to contact them properly. I’m going to intuitively say this is a spiritual message. One more card four of cups reversed they really want you to stop blocking them out and ignoring them kek. Whoever this applies to that’s what the message is saying, I hope this helps!
No. 433466
>>433454Hi! Thank you for the reading! Yeah youre spot on. Even with the addiction thing i believe its substances for this dude as well. I have had a such a long fight with him hes like a stain i cant remove. But i am mentally ill and he clings onto me when i am vulnerable. I assume he does this to multiple women and exploits the crap out of them!! to answer your q:
Queen of swords, the star, king of pentacles
I would say your strengths are your intellect, positive mindset, and your ability to make good use out of your resources. You're somebody who attracts good people and you know how to value them. If you don't already, you should practice manifesting techniques as I believe youd be able to bring yourself a lot of good luck. You can sometimes forget to be emotionally open, which is fine to the world. For those closet to you though try to connect a little more.
No. 433470
>>433454Sorry im on my phone and didnt realize the oracle card reading I typed out didnt show up.
This just reinforces the energy around you(and you) being hopeful and positive. Foster your spiritual and love connections through meditation.
"Ask what is the highest good for all How can I serve? Then get out of your own way and trust that there is a plan for your life more wonderous than you can ever know. You are always protected and divinely directed."
Wisdom of the oracle - Colette Barron-Reid
No. 433494
>>431887>>432234>>432240>>433470>>433454I am the one about suicide, yes. I am mostly concerned about my things, my future. I won't lie this time.
Not the first time I am being told about stuff like that on the spiritual side, you're pretty good even if you normally dislike my other query that one being this
>>432238 No. 433508
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>>432917>Libra 30>Should they end their 9 year relationship?The Star, Ace of cups, Devil reversed, Ace of wands reversed, Nine of swords, The Well, Queen of Cups reversed, Ten of Swords. Page of Wands reversed and Nine of Wands.
You cry a lot about this person, I'm imagining right before you sleep. If you live with this person you usually cry when they're asleep right next to you. This relationship has caused you a lot of emotional anguish and has tested you a lot, you've even gave them many chances to recover their ways. I also see like a woman standing near the door waiting for their partner to come back, wondering what they're doing while you're at home fretting and anxious. Two more, Ten of Cups and Ace of pentacles reversed - I would check your money, your bank accounts, your cash, the possessions you hold dear and also wonder about a side person as well, something isn't right about these two cards especially the one with the Ten of Cups with one person holding a baby with another. You're a very kind and loving person but please, have some self-respect for yourself and end the relationship. I can see there was an attempt, probably numerous. I pulled more because of something I thought about with the Ace of Pentacles reversed - Queen of Pentacles and Three of Pentacles. Check up on your reproductive health or health in general. Please test yourself. I don't want to make assumptions but even if this doesn't apply this could mean general health. I'm saying this because with the Three of Pentacles cards there's like three people looking at piece of paper, like results. More people involved. Just a hunch. With the Star and Ace of cups this is about reinvesting this energy back into yourself, don't become too much of an emotional well for this other person. Becoming the only shining star inside of your constellation. It's turning the clock, giving yourself a second chance. These two cards remind me of baptisms and cleanses, you should probably cleanse yourself as well both with mundane checking up on your health and also some salt baths, meditation especially because the woman on the card looks very relaxed and poised. Spa is a really good one, writing your thoughts out as well and sharing them for others to relate (if you want to).
>How should she deal with this if she ends her relationship?Two of swords, the well, the empress, six of wands reversed, queen of cups, queen of pentacles, eight of cups reversed, king of wands reversed, seven of cups reversed, page of swords reversed, king of swords.
They sound so insufferable, no offense because I know you probably have complicated feelings in this 9 year relationship. I almost feel like they love getting all up in your face too thinking they're smarter than you, doesn't like when you ask questions or "get too smart". Ultimately you will have to make the big decision to cut your losses and live in your power, but please for the love of god don't waver with this decision and retract on it because of your Queen of Cups energy. Don't hear them out, do this for yourself. This could be difficult to because you're in a Queen of Pentacles situation, probably living in the same home as them and they might make it difficult for you to really leave on your own. A holding hostage sort of situation. I hope this isn't some kind of
abusive situation. Just please be safe and make decisions that are entirely right for you, I know Libras/people with heavy Libra energy really try to be the diplomat but pls no. Do it for you. I hope this helps!
>>433464>What are their mothers intentions towards them?Queen of wands, queen of swords reversed, wheel of fortune reversed, star reversed, nine of pentacles, ace of pentacles reversed, hermit, four of swords reversed, hanged man, six of cups reversed, strength, emperor, four of cups. She definitely does not have good intentions towards you imo, she is definitely
abusive because wands is action/violence but queen of swords reversed very verbally
abusive. My intuition is kind of like you remind her of someone she knew and that's why she lashes out at you. Could it be her father or someone very close to her that has that uncle/grandfather vibe? Idk. This kind of gives me very 1950s, 1960s vibes, military home-esque, emotionally repressive and controlling household that really felt like the military (having to walk around eggshells) that she experienced and that's why she's royally fucked up. I'm not justifying her actions just giving you another perspective. Through all her bitterness she might ask you for some kind of money or financial help, financially bail her after all that she's put you through. Be extremely wary. I also sense some competitiveness and jealousy.
No. 433511
>>433470>>433466Np. Ty for your reading anon!
>>433494No one is coming for you anon, it's just really annoying when you ask the same thing over and over again seeking for a specific answer. You should just be very cautious and not engage with any of those people. I decided to pull more cards for you - Ace of Swords reversed, Five of wands reversed, the well, the moon, seven of wands reversed, knight of pentacles reversed, the world reversed, two of cups reversed, ten of cups reversed, six of cups reversed, queen of wands. I heard the words "pursuit of power', so maybe you're seeking some kind of power/wealth/influence but not willing to work or develop on them. Wanting to be discovered, getting that big moment but I almost feel like you want something you just aren't ready for yet. I would delve more into the spiritual, because with this help they could really help you get your life together and provide you with guidance if you build a relationship with them - offerings, meditation, open communication. That's all I can say, I can't wish an answer that doesn't exist out of these cards. You have to chill pls
No. 433513
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>>433511I just don't want anything to risk my desired position of fame and renown because of my past. I know I ask too much but trust me, I feel things more than many others. I mean, discovered by the things already online, I no longer go into any of that. YEAH, you're right. I am not working on my goals because I am scared of either risks in the future or not feeling enough now. Nonna, help me please I mean youre totally right about how lost I feel rigtht now and have been feeling like this for so long
No. 433535
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I'm Bored again tonight and i want to do some more yes/no / 3 card draws, i did a couple last night and i really enjoyed doing them!
No. 433566

>>433548>Three of SwordsNo
The Three of Swords i've always been drawn to as it has mostly negative meanings, but i see it as a negative to get to a positive in a sense, helps you learn to avoid things in the future. Sadness and tears only for a time, never forever.
>>433550>>433519>Knight of Pentacles The Knight of Pentacles represents steady progress, hard work, and patience. Recovery is possible, but it will require a disciplined, slow, and consistent approach. You may need to commit to a long-term routine—whether that’s improving hair care, seeking medical advice, or making lifestyle changes.
It’s not an overnight solution, but with dedicated effort, the damage can be reversed over time.
>The StarThe Star is a highly positive card! symbolizing hope, healing, and renewal. It suggests that you’re not "screwed"; there’s definitely potential for recovery.
The Star indicates that healing and rejuvenation are possible, so don’t lose hope!!!! It’s a card of inspiration and reminds you that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, even if the process takes time.
Stay optimistic and trust in the possibility of healing!!!!!!!!
>Death InvertedWhen Death is reversed, it typically suggests resistance to change or a fear of letting go. You have fear around hair loss or difficulty accepting the situation. Do you have any old habits, products, or practices that may be contributing to the damage? It might be time to check what products you have been using or pay attention to your environment a bit.
It also indicates that transformation is delayed but still possible. There’s potential for change and renewal, but it requires embracing new methods and accepting that the process might not be immediate.
While recovery will take time and consistent effort, there’s hope for healing and rejuvenation. Inverted Death indicates that you might need to let go of old habits and embrace change in your approach to care. You're not fucked. Be prepared for a gradual transformation.
>>433549>Page of CupsNew emotional beginnings, openness, and the exploration of feelings. I don't know the full context of your romantic situation but, this card suggests that something fresh or unexpected may develop soon.
It could indicate the deepening of an existing connection or the arrival of new emotional insights or offers of love. Approach your romantic situation with curiosity, open-heartedness, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability. There might be some exciting, heartfelt conversations or moments ahead!
>The LoversA deep connection, union, and significant choices in love. The Lovers indicates that the near future holds an important moment or decision in your romantic life, where you may be called to align your heart and mind.
It speaks of a strong bond, mutual attraction, and the potential for a profound partnership.
>Two of CupsMutual love, partnership, and harmony. Your romantic situation is possibly heading in a positive direction, with balance and shared affection.
It’s a card of union and reciprocity, where both parties are equally invested in the relationship. The Two of Cups highlights emotional connection, shared understanding, and a relationship built on trust and mutual respect!
Cards seem to be in your favor!
The near future of your romantic situation is full of emotional depth and harmony. The energy of newness and emotional exploration, a powerful connection or decision, and mutual love and partnership.
Whether you’re starting a new relationship or deepening an existing one, the cards indicate that romance will flourish in a balanced, fulfilling way
No. 433615
>>433566Thinning hair pos here, thanks for the read.
I'm so worried. I am already isolated from dating, this is another thing to worry about.
No. 433647
>>433508Thank you for the reading,I'm the "what are my mother's intentions" anon, this has been my lifelong question, I'm vulnerable, ND and couldn't ever protect myself from her so I was innocent which made me so confused at why I am being attacked over and over again since I was a child by her, paralyzed in fear which destroyed me, me being scared of her makes her hate me ever more, I have wondered if she possibly didn't also curse me like unconsciously, I have experiencex telepathy with her, she is obsessed with me, I can't escape her. But now I have an interesting question, her brother/my uncle died in 2018 and since then he won't leave me alone, I keep hearing him say my name a a few other things on daily basis, he died at 70 and was never married neither in a relationship. What he wants from me and why can't he pass over… I am really bothered by him being around, I was never close with my family, so what the hell he wants.
No. 433748
>>433535Me please!
Been having a bit of a dry spell and want to know if I’m thinking about making a huge mistake.. or whether I should go for it.
Hope that’s not too vague!!
No. 433851
>>433845Could you do
>>425535 nonna? Classes are starting again really soon, they haven't dropped out of the four things we scheduled to take together, they haven't blocked me anywhere, but it's still radio static from their end.
No. 433857
>>433606 please! Also whatdo you mean by before its inaccurate? Do you not cleanse the deck or do you have a certain method? Thank you nona
No. 433870
>>433845For sure! I’ll take one please>>433869
Same anon here, my internet went to shit before I could finish the reply.
The topic of the reading I’d like is “what can I do to up my self-confidence?” Thanks nona!
No. 433967

Apologies Y'all! Here are some more readings.
>>433748>Three of SwordsHeartbreak, emotional pain, or disappointment.
It suggests that the choice you're contemplating may bring some level of emotional difficulty or regret. If there’s unresolved pain or past wounds involved, its not saying don't go for what you want but advises caution, as rushing forward may lead to hurt feelings, whether for you or others. Consider whether the risk is worth the emotional fallout
>Six of CupsNostalgia, memories, and emotional connections to the past.
It suggests that part of your decision might be driven by a desire to return to something comforting or familiar, perhaps out of longing for past experiences. This can sometimes indicate a temptation to view things through rose-colored glasses, and it may be urging you to reflect on whether this choice is grounded in the present reality or an idealized version of the past.
>Strength InvertedWhen the Strength card is inverted it suggests a lack of inner confidence or emotional fortitude.
You may be feeling uncertain or doubting your ability to handle the situation, which can lead to impulsive or emotionally reactive decisions. It advises you to regain your inner balance before acting—right now, you might not feel in control of your impulses or emotions, and it’s essential to find that strength before making any bold moves.
I'm not saying not to go for it but have caution in your decision. Theirs potential emotional pain, nostalgia or a desire to reconnect with the past or feel something might be clouding your judgment. Inverted Strength shows that you may be feeling vulnerable or uncertain, which could lead to impulsive actions that you later regret.
It’s important to ground yourself emotionally and reflect on whether this decision is coming from a place of strength or weakness. Before making a move, ensure you’re not acting out of emotional confusion or longing for past comfort.
>>433691>Ten of PentaclesStability, long-term success, and a strong sense of community or family.
In the context of your relationship with your best friend, suggests that your connection is deeply rooted and has a solid foundation.
There’s a sense of loyalty and shared history, possibly built over years. This card speaks to the idea that your relationship brings mutual support, security, and a sense of belonging. It’s a friendship that has the potential to stand the test of time.
>Six of CupsNostalgia, memories, and a connection to the past.
Your friendship has a lot of sentimental value, possibly tied to childhood or shared experiences over time. The energy here is light, playful, and sincere, suggesting that your friendship is not only strong but also carries a sense of innocence and joy. Fond memories or a special bond that feels comforting and emotionally fulfilling.
>Inverted page of Pentacles Some potential challenges or stagnation in terms of growth within the relationship.
It could suggest that one or both of you are struggling with focus, commitment, or practical concerns when it comes to deepening or evolving the friendship. Perhaps there’s a feeling of being stuck or not fully nurturing the relationship’s potential. This can also hint at distractions or a lack of attention to certain aspects of the friendship, which could lead to missed opportunities for further connection.
I'm currently going thru something pretty similar with my best friend too, I could have easily pulled the same cards for my situation.
You both have a deeply rooted, loyal, and emotionally fulfilling friendship built on trust and shared experiences. However, there might be some stagnation or lack of growth in the relationship right now. Perhaps you or your friend are distracted by other responsibilities, or there’s a need to focus more on nurturing the friendship to keep it strong.
Is their something like a new friend group, work problems, a romantic partner or identity issue that your friend is going thru that's putting strain on your relationship?
While the bond is solid, it might be helpful to address any complacency or lack of attention in order to keep the relationship.
>>433641>Inverted Seven of PentaclesIndicates frustration or impatience with slow progress or feeling like your efforts haven't fully paid off yet.
You might feel unprepared or dissatisfied with how things have been going leading up to the review. The advice here is to avoid focusing too much on what hasn’t worked and instead focus on actionable steps. Reflect on the areas where you can improve and present solutions for growth, rather than dwelling on frustrations.
>The Queen of SwordsThe Queen of Swords advises you to approach the review with clarity, logic, and a professional mindset.
She’s known for being direct, sharp, and articulate, so be prepared to communicate clearly and confidently. This is a really good card to pull, this card encourages you to cut through emotional distractions and focus on the facts. Be honest and objective about your performance. Both in strengths and areas for improvement.
The Queen of Swords also suggests that you’ll need to be prepared to handle any constructive criticism with grace and respond thoughtfully. Adversity isn't a horrible thing to face, being open and realizing where you might fall short is important in growth.
>The Page of PentaclesIndicates potential for growth and new opportunities.
It’s a card of learning, practicality, and setting new goals. In terms of the forecast for your performance review, this suggests that while the review may point out areas for development, it will likely also provide you with opportunities to learn and grow.
This indicates that, despite any challenges, your attitude toward self-improvement and practical steps toward success will be recognized.
To prepare for your performance review, focus on being objective and clear-headed and avoid getting stuck in feelings of frustration or impatience. Approaching the review as a chance to receive feedback and reflect on where you can grow. The outcome looks positive, with the potential for constructive feedback that will help you develop and progress.
As long as you stay practical, open to learning, and clear in your communication, the review should turn out favorably!
No. 433972

>>433615>Inverted Ace of CupsSignifies emotional blockage, feelings of emptiness, or a lack of emotional fulfillment.
In your current context, it reflects feelings of isolation and perhaps a sense of being disconnected from your emotions or others due to concerns you've expressed before to me and its impact on your confidence. Your emotional cup is not being filled, and your feeling very drained and lacking in self-love and acceptance. Prioritize emotional healing, focusing on self-compassion and finding ways to fill your own emotional cup before seeking validation from external sources.
>Inverted Six of WandsFeelings of low self-esteem, a fear of failure, or a lack of recognition.
Your feeling unnoticed or unappreciated. You're struggling to feel successful or validated, and this could be affecting your confidence when it comes to dating or even how you view yourself.
The key message here is to find inner confidence without relying on external validation or success.
>Inverted Two of Pentacles Imbalance, overwhelm, and difficulty managing various concerns.
You've been feeling weighed down by the stress of trying to manage your appearance, emotions, and daily responsibilities. The juggling act between personal concerns like hair thinning and the larger emotional impact of isolation is becoming overwhelming. A need to slow down, re-prioritize, and find ways to restore balance in your life, focusing on what truly matters instead of letting all concerns pile up at once.
You are going thru something truly challenging right now. A huge period of emotional strain and low self-esteem, with feelings of isolation and emotional emptiness, struggles with confidence and self-worth, and you're overwhelmed by trying to balance everything.
Focus on self-compassion, emotional healing, and finding balance in your life. Don’t let external pressures or physical concerns control your sense of worth. Take the time to nurture yourself emotionally, re-prioritize, and rebuild your confidence from within.
That was a really heavy read. I did an extra pull again for you:
>The Queen of SwordsClarity, wisdom, and a sharp, objective mindset.
You will eventually adopt a more logical and clear-headed approach to your struggles. Moving forward, not immediately, you will begin to see things more rationally, cutting through emotional confusion and gaining perspective.
The Queen of Swords encourages self-empowerment by facing challenges with honesty and mental strength. In terms of dating and confidence, this suggests to learn to focus less on external appearances or past struggles and more on their personal truth, intelligence, and communication skills.
>The Knight of SwordsThis indicates swift action and determination.
Your moving into a phase to take proactive steps to address your confidence/hair loss challenges. It could be a sign to confront insecurities head on and stop allowing these past struggles to hold them back. Be bold, take decisive action; whether that’s a changing mindset, exploring solutions for hair loss, or taking active steps to improve confidence and dating. The energy here is fast paced and determined, signaling that progress is on the horizon!
>Inverted Four of CupsEven tho this card is inverted, it indicates a shift away from emotional stagnation and self pity.
In the past, you may have been caught in feelings of dissatisfaction or missed opportunities due to insecurities. However, this suggests that your are ready to reengage with life, opening up to new possibilities and perspectives. The period of isolation or emotional withdrawal is ending, and your growing to becoming more open to accepting help, opportunities, or new experiences in love and personal growth.
Your heading toward a more empowered and active future. You will gain mental clarity and take decisive action to overcome struggles. Make the moves into a new phase. Confront insecurities with logic and determination. Not now, But soon,you will begin to move out of emotional stagnation, opening up to new experiences and possibilities in dating and self-confidence.
With clear thinking and proactive steps, the future looks positive and filled with forward momentum!
I hope your able to overcome it! I believe in you!!!
No. 433981
>>433972Today was a bad day. I have been considering suicide, this is not the only reason but yeah, one of the many reasons. I am tired of life, being me. Super vain? I don't think so. I don't have a whole lot to be, I've never had great luck in this.
The bullet has to enter the brain, over and one.
No. 433998
>>433984>The FoolNew beginnings, taking a leap of faith, and embracing the unknown.
Leaving the relationship may feel daunting, it could also bring about a fresh start, freedom, and new possibilities. A Part of you is craving this new beginning, and although the future is uncertain, there is always a potential for growth and liberation if you take that leap. Sometimes, to grow, trust in the journey and have faith that things will unfold as they should.
>Eight of SwordsFeeling trapped, limited, and overwhelmed by fear.
You’re in a situation where you feel stuck, both emotionally and financially, and unable to see a clear way out. However, some of these limitations are self-imposed. You may be overthinking or feeling paralyzed by fear of the unknown, but there is a way out if you can shift your perspective and find the courage to face your fears.
You have more control over the situation than you might believe, but right now, you’re feeling mentally bound by your worries and anxieties.
>Temperance InvertedReversed Temperance indicates imbalance, impatience, and a lack of harmony in your life.
The current relationship is out of sync with your inner self. Contributing to your feelings of being emotionally drained or "out of love."
There is a sense that your life is lacking peace and balance, and you may be struggling to find moderation or calm in this situation. It reflects the internal conflict you're experiencing and the growing frustration over the need for change but not knowing how to achieve it.
Find inner balance before making decisions, as well as to be patient with yourself during this process.
There is lots of internal struggle on both ends it seems like. Breaking free from these limitations is key. Take time to think about what limitations are set by your partner too, either them being apathetic to you or other parties involvements or your own self imposed limitations. You may also be looking at some of there interactions with you with rose colored glasses.
You've mentioned that this is your first good relationship and that there are fiances involved, often times things that have been good for a while can help us in the beginning but cause us to stagnate or even after being in so many
toxic situations and abuse in relationships can cause self sabotage mentally, because your brain is so used to chaos. Being open and honest about how you are feeling to your partner and if they are an honest partner, they will respect how you are feeling and be willing to take on talking about the fiances in a mature way, either by helping you with the burden or making a plan to tackle the aspects of dividing stuff up.
Embracing the possibility of a new beginning, taking a leap of faith may ultimately bring you the freedom and change you desire. Massive mental blockages and fears are keeping you stuck, but you have more control than you realize. Seek harmony and patience with yourself.
Facing your fears, find internal balance, and trusting that, while uncertain, a new chapter could offer the growth and fulfillment you currently lack.
The first healthy relationship you've had will impact you in ways that you've never realized before, and you've outgrown the current one with your partner. There's nothing horrible about falling out of love, it happens, but they have helped you grow. Don't stagnate yourself because you feel like should still be in the relationship because its your first/fiances are involved because that's only going to lead to more pain and regret and resentment in the future.
No. 434068
>>433967>>433967Thank you anon, that is super helpful.
I am feeling all of the things you say, and I just needed that unbiased opinion to ground me.
I need to look at the bigger picture if I’m leading with my heart, it’s not worth the risk for now anyway.
No. 434123
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>>433847Temperance reversed, hanged man reversed, seven of cups reversed, moon reversed, fool reversed, two of cups, four of cups,six of swords reversed, king of wands, nine of wands reversed.
You’re afraid of speaking. Definitely not neurotypical and you probably have social anxiety because I can see some lack of understanding with social cues (don’t take offense pls). You also don’t represent yourself in a “socially acceptable” manner and when I mean that I mean like gender-defining which could really turn people off. It’s not inherently a bad thing but you know how it goes. One more card - Page of wands: there’s someone you really want to confront as well but you’re too afraid to. More cards - Ten of swords reversed, The star. Someone you adore or admire from afar but see as unobtainable to you because of your mental state, possibly a crush who you want to miraculously approach you? There’s something about your speech, stumbling over words, just the way you talk, you want to get over it to achieve importance and success, for your words to be heard/accepted/seen and appreciated but with the Queen of Swords there is a blockage with your communication, not feeling like you really know enough or people would ridicule you for your weird ideas so you become detached from others, suppressing your energy. I heard the number “59” ? Blocked throat chakra. Fool, two of cups, and four of cups could be seeking counseling for this sort of manner as well.
>>425535>>433851Broken trust. Someone pretending everything is fine when it isn’t. Broken promise. I asked what was the serious thing that happened between you two - Judgement reversed, justice reversed, death reversed, world reversed, five of pentacles reversed, nine of swords, queen of pentacles.
I think you meddled into something that she said she didn’t want help with. Reporting something they didn’t want reported? I really don’t know, sorry. It’s just all too confusing. I heard the world “demagoguery”?????? (not literal) I guess she just didn’t want something to come out but you went ahead and let it come out anyways. I asked what this situation could potentially be - Eight of wands, five of swords, ten of swords. I’m getting a traumatic situation dealing with eight of wands activity. King of swords blocked, knight of swords reversed, page of wands reversed, someone who’s threatening her maybe? Someone with some kind of clout and power. I really don’t know. I just think you should really give her space tbh. I think you should give me some more questions to answer because I’m honestly curious. My brain is scrambled so I need more context. I tried asking again what happened to your friend, devil, ten of cups, seven of wands reversed, chariot reversed, five of cups reversed, two of wands reversed, temperance.
I get the vibe of really putting up a face, being told to do so, pretend everything is okay, the vibe of being threatened by someone else with the chariot reversed, “do this or else.” I’m detecting violence/abuse honestly sexual assault, rape I’m just going to have to say it but let me know if I’m completely wrong. I just get the vibe that you meddled and if you meddle more, it could make her situation worse? Whatever this situation is. Let me know if you have anymore questions or if I’m completely wrong or off.
No. 434133
>>434123You're pretty spot on with some of your interpretations. "Demagogue" is a fitting word for this situation. i believe they are being threatened and held back from speaking with me by their partner who does hold a lot of clout and power in certain communities (that i'm not part of). There wasn't violence or abuse involved that i know of, but their partner has always set off a lot of red flags for me. I wonder if the "do this or else" refers to something more simple, "don't talk to her or i'll break up with you" maybe?
Anyways, classes start in a day and we'll see each other immediately. I was thinking of trying to sit next to them, invite them to a study group, invite them to work on one of our first assignments together. The vibe you're getting is to give more space, but it's been three months and i'm tired of the pain this situation has continuously been giving me. What should i do?
Here's another few questions: firstly, a possibility i have been heavily considering recently is that this is all part of some elaborate plan – they said a handful of things before we stopped talking that point to this, and now factoring that we're still on each other's friends lists and they haven't dropped out of any of the classes we have together, even the interchangeable discussion sections. So, is this all part of an elaborate plan? Clues on what that is and how i can help? What do they want me to do? Also, are they in danger?
And from my first post: how do they feel about me right now? Do they still want to be best friends like they said? Are there maybe romantic or sexual feelings involved here, causing that drama? and again, what could i do to ensure we will be close friends again?
Thank you so much for the reading and the interest here. i'm sure you can understand i hold this person very dearly, so this really means a lot, especially your interest.
No. 434254
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>>434133>How should they deal with their friend Two of cups, king of cups, the fool, the artist, nine of swords, ten of swords, star reversed, wheel of fortune reversed.
Two of cups clarified with the Well, King of cups, the moon, the artist, nine of swords, ten of swords, star reversed, wheel of fortune reversed.
You have to exercise patience and understanding with her, I’m not going to lie you kind of seem entirely selfish even with the King of Cups being upright, she’s clearly suffering with somethjng and all you care about is fulfilling your own needs. You have to wait for her to slowly open up to you about what’s really going on, it’s like an egg that you slowly have to crack open not just smash on the hot pavement and completely forget about it because you need something for the now. Building and showing more trust as well, two of cups and well is like two friend confiding in their deepest darkest pains and traumas, that could be a seedling to get her to talk. I wouldn’t be too straight with this, obviously be very covert with it. I also see stalking around which is super weird, not directly stalking her but paying close attention to where she goes, with the fool what she posts on social media, how she looks, just noticing any changes of behaviors or masks she’s putting up. I pulled one last card - Sun reversed, she’s being blackmailed. I swear like does she have a strict family or something? Because she might be getting blackmailed by her scrote to tell the truth about someone very close to her because I pulled the Emperor next that could pull away a lot of support and help from her.
>What’s the elaborate plan Justice, king of cups, two of wands, death, page of swords blocked, eight of cups, temperance reversed, two of pentacles.
Honestly I really don’t know, she wants vengeance for wrong deeds done to her. Waiting for the opportunity to do so so she can finally put a rest to her suffocating situation. Justice and king of cups can be an elaborate plan but it’s more involving her energy and probably her scrote, she’s probably going to set up her scrote or knows exactly what he does. Emotionally held hostage though because I clarified the king of cups with the well and moon reversed. Wanting to speak to others about her truth but being prevented from doing so because of what I said before, blackmail and knowing what could potentially be lost. Right now she’s trying to balance this situation in her life with school and other priorities which seems like a huge struggle. So imo…. give her time and please have some patience. It’s not all about you.
>What does they want them to do Three of pentacles reversed, ten of pentacles, ten of wands, two of wands reversed, four of wands, ace of wands, nine of cups reversed, ace of pentacles blocked.
Unexpected arrival of a family member or someone tightly close to her as I said before, so right now she rather just isolate herself and deal with her business alone but it doesn’t hurt with trying. This person though is really not happy with what she’s pursuing (I think you mentioned you’re both in school right? So it could be some degree she’s pursuing)
>Are they in danger? That’s the vibes I got from the reading I did earlier and still in this reading as well but I’ll check again.
Empress reversed, king of cups blocked, knight of pentacles, nine of swords, queen of cups, justice, three of pentacles.
Honestly leaning on yes again, with the themes of abuse, never feeling good or worthy enough, isolating her and guilt tripping her, very possessive and jealous as well and tmi super critical of her during sex. I get the vibes of “wanting to teach somebody a lesson” because of the Justice reversed. Knight of pentacles is very interesting because the message of holding some kind of intel to manipulate her, reminding her he can share this at any time. Something about this is so soap opera esque and kind of tragic it makes me disbelief what I’m typing but that’s how I’m personally seeing it. Take what resonates and leave out what doesn’t, I could be completely wrong. Another thing I’m seeing is cultish vibes as well, she obviously doesn’t have to be apart of cult kek but yeah, but honestly with The Artist card I think you should really uncloak whatever idea you have of her inside of your mind and accept and appreciate even the darkest, shadowy parts of her. I’m sure you do but the way you’re talking about this it’s more of informing that you should pay closely attention to your friend.
>Do they still want to be best friends with anonQueen of pentacles, fool blocked, temperance, strength, moon, knight of wands reversed, page of wands reversed.
I would lean towards a maybe, queen of pentacles is staying grounded and realistic but honestly she doesn’t want to step into a minefield and involve anyone into her space at the moment. She’s waiting for a perfecting opportunity or ripe time to open back up and start communicating. Too much to lose. Her mind is racing a lot though with the last bit of cards, lots of anxiety. To some degree I feel like she thinks “you dont really get it, do you? i can’t act like you or do what you do” about you. I know she’s only one year older than you but she feels more of like the mature, grounded friend, she kind of finds you a bit naive. This dynamic kind of reminds me of Jennifer and Needy.
>Are there any romantic feelings involved? King of wands, high priestess reversed, wheel of fortune reversed, queen of wands reversed, the devil and the lovers blocked.
The last two cards - the devil and lovers blocked is very interesting. I think her scrote’s masculinity was being threatened because he couldn’t handle two women having a close relationship with each other. I think she rubbed this perspective he got from the two of you (assuming he knew superficially knew who you are) to rub salt in the wound. I honestly can’t tell though.. there is something there but I just can’t tap into it. There is a feeling of being frustrated on not being able to be sexually satisfied or act out her real desires. With the lovers there’s like a man and a woman on there and so the card being blocked maybe she feels like she can really only bat for one gender?? Idk. High priestess reversed could be someone lying to themselves. Interesting though
That’s all I could do. I hope this helps anon
No. 434550
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>>434259Thank you for the feedback, hope everything is ok with you and your friend in the end!
>>433857Yeah I do cleanse my deck.
>Why does her ex bf dislike herKnight of swords, fool, moon, queen of swords reversed, two of swords, four of pentacles, judgement, justice.
He kind of found you a bit overbearing, immature, there’s something about him feeling persecuted and wanting to be free, the persecution is symbolic because I feel like you were never fully serious about the demands you made, probably when you’re emotional with him (in the past) you would threaten to break up or end things if you felt the slightest suspicion/concern or felt like he had to pay for his behavior even if he felt like he wasn’t doing anything wrong. I heard the word “manic” so I think he felt like you were manic or a bit mentally unstable. With the four of swords and hermit and the energy of the two of swords he was at a crossroads of making a decision on who to be with and who to place his attention to while he was with you, I’m feeling another person involved with him as well. I also get the feeling he probably ghosted you a lot or you had to initiate a lot of the conversations, purposely avoiding your texts Who? - Seven of swords reversed, four of cups reversed, four of wands, five of wands reversed, the star.
Did he usually talk about an ex with you? Or his exes? A oneitis is coming up with this spread lol, thought she was the one for him, going around doing rebounds even though his heart was placed on this person from the past. With the Star she grabbed the attention of many, many people probably men wanted to fuck her or be with her, she was probably very attractive. I’m getting black hair with this woman, but the Star is ruled by Aquarius so maybe gothic or something? Someone, it doesn’t even have to be a girl idk the dude’s sexuality who’s into alt appearance. This is a bit weird but was it one of those weird relationships where he was going back and forth with the two of you or something?? This dude sucks. Let me know if you have anymore question or feedback!
>>433870>What can they do to be more confidentPage of swords, queen of cups, seven of wands, three of swords reversed clarified with - eight of swords reversed, nine of swords, the artist with moon next to it. The sun, four of wands, six of swords, ten of swords reversed, four of cups reversed.
Before I even clarified with the artist card I suspected you probably like to draw or create art, the Seven of Wands is like someone skilled trying to put all of their energy into one big art piece but it’s not coming into fruition. There’s some sort of bondage over your heart, feeling like you’ll never be recognized for the work you do. At first before I clarified I was going to ask if you were going through a breakup and that’s why you’re asking that question but now I understand it was like some kind of hiatus or break. Your moment will come to shine. The last cards are kind of like a nod towards your energy levels, so maybe opening up blinds and making sure you’re getting enough vitamin D and sunlight especially in your home? With the moon it could talk about your mental state as well, someone who’s always up at late at night too thinking of imaginative scenarios and daydreaming, with the page of cups and queen of cups though it’s about the art of patience not with time but with yourself as well, there’s something here about mind prompts so maybe visualization or you know that meme of people talking to themselves in the mirror? I looked it up and it’s an actual thing, mirror work/mirror talk. I remember being in school and the teachers would usually recommend this for people who had stage fright. It feels like such normie stuff ik but you really never know, some of these mundane stuff can really help people.
Finding the littlest of things that inspire you and revitalize you. Wanting to share your ideas and thoughts to people but fighting the chance to because you’re afraid of how people will perceive or think of you, which is why there’s such an emphasis on self-expression and individuality, making the effort to put yourself out there as cliche as it sounds.
I pulled some last cards - Hanged man reversed, three of wands reversed, two of cups reversed, ten of cups.
Desiring instant gratification, something about wanting a lot of followers or attraction but knowing how long and arduous the process it would take. Let me know if I was right or wrong because I’m admittedly not very confident about this reading
>>434128>Does he still think of anon Eight of wands blocked, six of wands reversed, ace of cups reversed, seven of pentacles reversed, four of cups reversed, the fool, page of swords, the magician.
I feel like something was going way too fast for him, too close for comfort for him. The commitment would’ve suffocated his freedom, his ability to pretend like he’s a single man while he’s in a relationship assuming this was a relationship idk. I kind of got the lines “if someone told you jump off a bridge, would you do it too?” so it’s not literal words that are being said but symbolic, so yeah what I said before. I clarified the page of swords with knight of swords and death so there was at some point, probably in the past of wanting to amend things but I don’t really see it now. Who knows?
>Did he really love anon Seven of swords reversed, the sun, page of cups, four of pentacles, six of cups reversed.
Erm.. leaning towards (no) for me but I don’t know your relationship but I’ll just be as straight as possible. He felt like he was doing you a favor ending whatever was going on with you guys, the energy is honestly hard to read but with the Sun it’s about wanting things to come to light, to get things completely off of their shoulder, they couldn’t lie to you anymore. Page of cups and four of pentacles is very weird because the energy reminds me of like a child cozing up playing with a toy, only preoccupied with the emotional highs and sensations, very icky energy but that’s how I’m personally seeing it. Just a very weird dynamic, feeing like he couldn’t really play a fantasy anymore. Mars-Neptune connection. Pulled two more - Queen of cups and nine of pentacles, pretty much what I said before as a clarifier, wanting to put a rest to the queen of cups fantastical illusions and honeymoon type stuff, it felt very devouring and consuming.
>Will there ever be rekindling between anon and this manWheel of fortune reversed, six of pentacles, nine of cups reversed, the artist, justice.
I’m going to have to give it to you straight: don’t even hold out for him, just move on. I also get the impression that this dude to some degree has also caused some many problems in your life that you’re willing to forgive and make excuses for, giving the benefit of the doubt for his bitch ass behavior just to hold on to some kind of dream or fantasy. I can even see you debating on contacting this person as well, even asking around people who probably knew him for updates on him. I hope this helps!
>>434169>Does their cat like them Ace of wands, nine of swords reversed, seven of cups, four of wands, three of pentacles, two of swords, queen of cups, four of pentacles, king of cups reversed.
This one was so cute to read, is it fairly young? It could be a little scared but it’s kind of manipulative, probably getting fed by multiple people in your neighborhood or maybe it really belongs to someone else and they get to benefit off of others thinking it’s a stray. It’s benefitting off the goodwill and charity of various people while it gets pampered by you and your in laws lol. Queen of cups idk if you like talking to it but it does listen and hear you but it ultimately finds you as the giver of treats. Even if this cat feels pretty young there’s some kind of wise quality to it, but it doesn’t not oblige to wanting to listen to you or comfort you, it just wants treats lol. You know this spread has me thinking about how cats were once considered divine… it’s kind of giving that vibe. I thought the Queen of Cups meant it finds you as a higher energy source but it’s more of like “YOU SHOULD BE WORSHIPPING ME AND DEVOTING ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION” energy especially with the four of pentacles, priestess energy. Maybe we treat cats oddly what they’re not used to but they play along with it because they still get benefits for. Anyways I hope this helps cheer you up.
>Should they stay alone or still pursue relationships with others Nine of cups, three of pentacles, four of cups, strength blocked, queen of cups reversed, and king of pentacles reversed.
The people you dealt with had leader of the pack mentality, planning things without you, feeling like it’s one against the others. Trauma dumping/using you as kind of like a dumping ground to vent about their lives, kind of viewed you as someone sitting in the background. I would honestly say right now you’re fine in your own element, it will give you time to really think about who you want to be surrounded by, your own personal values and who will actually give you the time of day.
I hope this helps!
No. 434578
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I would like to ask when and how will my next relationship start and who will he be?
I am a scorpio and had a veggie burrito for dinner. Thanks in advance!
No. 434582
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>>433845How will my relationship with my ex gf go in the near future?
I ended things with her around a year ago due to some disagreements, my inability to open up and my fears of how my family will react
(I unfortunately live in a shithole in regards of LGBT rights, so in the case of getting disowned, I will have no law backing me up),but we started talking again a couple of months ago.
So, what do the cards say? Should I keep my promise of swearing off relationships? Should I be true to myself despite my family?
I know that I should probably kms with how things are going, my family will never accept that and I have a good relationship with them and she probably hates me at this point.If you do manage to make a reading over this, I really appreciate it, thank you in advance.
No. 434587
>>434123Correct. I am odd and strange at times, very shy. Might be actually crazy. That other thing you read might be my parasocial crush on a model I have…purely in imagination.
If I may ask, what to do to become enticing to others or more worryingly….will I be able to cure or overcome the hair loss/thinning thing?
Thanks for the read
No. 434615
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Reply to this post for a reading. I especially enjoy doing dream interpretation, but I'll answer any question besides medical issues.
Optional: include a color you're thinking of, a number, or any immediate thought association that comes with your query.
No. 434617
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I made a QnA for nonas with multiple decks:
>How many decks do you own?
>Favorite deck you own
>Deck you got rid of
>Most expensive deck you own
>Most rare/uncommon/out of print deck (if you have one)
>Deck that gives you the most accurate readings
>Deck with the most beautiful art
Pic is Ephemere tarot
No. 434626
>>434615pls interpret a dream I had a few days ago
>>> started at childhood summer camp>>> decided to build robots for an event>>> robots went mind mode (became sentient)>>> started killing people>>> we fight back, they have red lights with cameras underneath on the front of the robot, if you smash the light (and maybe kiss it?) the camera goes out they can't see you>>> they're too smart though I think they trick us with red lights - don't have to have one to have a camera>>> lots of death, children dying all around me, and it's my fault>>> director of camp approaches me and tells me he's disappointed in my event, puts me in a time loop to go back to the beginning to find a new way to defeat robots >>> something about writing code/programs on our own computers and trying to defeat them that waymaybe trick them into taking the code into theirs like viral DNA?
>>> realize they know our plan, can't stop them, months/years go by and society crumbles>>> eventually find myself in a city, trying to find tech people to pass my hard drive on to so they can work on the code>>> it's my life's work but I'm too tired and not tech-savvy enough to be able to finish it properly, I can tell I'm getting old and SO tired after years of fighting and running>>> something about a cat or puppy or baby idk I wanted a little friend or needed to save it >>> find The Tech One, a group of teenagers with a super smart one, but accidentally lead the robots to their location>>> sacrifice myself so the future generation can escape with my code to hopefully end the war>>> (I have Survival dreams a lot but I almost never give up at the end, the few times I've given up it always ends with me turning around to face the enemy, reaching out my hand to them, and them taking my hand, and that's when I wake up)the beginning of the dream was in and around caves of pale pink soft stone, the city at the end was nighttime and dark blue and purple
No. 434642
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>>434554You’re welcome anon! Did you have anymore questions you wanted answered?
>>434587Oh that’s crazy, I must be getting better at tarot. Did you have anymore questions you wanted answered?
>>434298Anon why would you give your sister’s name on this website… well ok.
>Reading on anon’s sister and her boyfriend The moon, three of cups reversed clarified with - four of wands reversed, nine of cups reversed, four of swords blocked, queen of cups reversed, high priestess reversed, two of pentacles reversed, six of pentacles reversed, ace of pentacles reversed, eight of wands reversed. Second draw of cards on the side - queen of wands reversed, chariot, king of swords, the tower, the well.
Ok well your suspicions are absolutely correct, with these cards I feel as if she was or is an alcoholic and that’s probably why I fully understand the last bit of cards. Keep her away from cars, pay attention to her if she gets into a car. Be very careful and cautious and keep an eye on your sister, because the scenario I’m seeing is car wreck and someone sitting on the side of the road looking dazed and confused while this scrote abandons her during this tragic situation. He’s kind of like her second voice, you know the devil and angel cliche sitting on top of her shoulders? He’s honestly both of them. I heard the words, “Finish the job?” Violence is also coming up as well, something with violation to her body as well and it’s probably done whenever she goes out with this scrote because of the lack of control over her mind, it’s almost like she’s trying to remember this event but it’s not coming through clearly, it feels like a blip. Carrying items for him that she doesn’t want to carry on her, wonder what those items are. I also heard the word “intervention” so I don’t know if he’s influencing her from going to that intervention or rehab stuff you mentioned. I just see him making hee a scapegoat for whatever behavior he’s engaging in honestly, it doesn’t seem like he really cares about her like that, just another tool to be used. It’s also impacting her finances and money, purchases mainly coming out of her pocket, may not even show up to work some days impacting her job performance. Using her expenses for immoral things, she’s almost going broke for this scrote. I would pay very close attention to her. I hope all goes well with your sister, I know how addiction can be. Let me know if you have anymore questions you want answered
>>434332>Love reading for virgo-cancer rising Two of cups reversed, ace of cups reversed, nine of swords reversed, six of wands reversed, death, two of swords reversed, queen of pentacles and the fool. One more card - The emperor.
There’s some debate going on inside of your head about your sexuality or sexual journey, even if they are the cups showing up that’s how I’m seeing it. An embarrassing sexual moment you had that’s making you re-evaluate your wants and needs. I also see a lot of failed initiations beforehand. There’s something here about possibly having a larger sexual appetite than normal, you may also be a bit masculine in energy or appearance which can intimidate some people. Idk I just see someone at the edge of putting something to rest and switching sides, sexual confusion. I pulled two more cards - Queen of swords reversed a bit abrasive and intense and The Lovers, yeah something to do with your sexuality (bisexuality???) idk I’m not 100% confident about this reading. Let me know if you have any more specific questions
>>434578 >How will their next relationship startStrength, king of swords, the artist, eight of pentacles, five of swords, the fool reversed, devil reversed, the sun, the magician, king of pentacles reversed.
I feel like this will be an older man (please don’t come at me) who’s coming fresh out of a relationship but
also has some child with another woman and has visitation rights PLEASE DONT HATE ME KEK. I mean he has money and stability which is what you’re seeking for (I’m seeing his job might be something like engineering/IT/doctor/surgeon, but the Artist makes me feel like he’s a person who likes to paint a different picture, so he would probably wouldn’t tell you because it would be an immediate red flag/deal-breaker. There might be some of a chance that he’s um..
married as well kek. Let me know if you have more questions
>>434582I’m gonna do yours later nonna, I gotta go
No. 434646
>>434216I think I got skipped with the influx of other posters, can someone do this reading for me
No. 434657
>>434642Yes I have more questions.
Ill never be attractive to anyone right? Bi, so yeah. I am too unattractive right?
Who could I end up with if so?
And this is stranger but, should I just give in to that idea and just mangle my face? Fully cut myself off from others that way?
No. 434682
>>434642Thank you so much. I know in my heart something terrible will happen
I tried to warn her before she selected to be with him. He has a reputation of abuse with women. Financial, sexual, emotional, and he goes after vulnerable women like my twin sister. He is disgusting. I tried to separate them…..but like i said she selected it.
No. 434700
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>>434642hi! im the virgo-cancer rising. thank you so much for your help nona! your reading was amazing thank you for taking you time to do the reading!
Do you have any clue or signs to find my right partner? id really appreciate it
you were scary accurate. i identified as a lesbian for years, then bi dated few men and been conflicted since. Only loved and sexually enjoyed being with women but I live in a traditional place and could give that up to marry a man and have an easier life and family dynamics… its the reason i "experimented". ive I've never admitted this and didn't think you could pick up on. yes higher sex drive than my exes or friends and prefer being dom with women which is also insane you knew. As I'm getting older i go back and forth with this a lot. I'd be "safer" here living with a man but Ive only ever connected with women and cant tell if its skill issue. aaand psych years ago told me i had some internalized homophobia and yes but also sexual trauma with men so wtf do i "really" like really…
No. 434712
>>434578 Thanks for the reading but I don't like older guys so this would not progress into anything if he was older. The cards look pretty good tho
No. 434827
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Can I get a love reading please? I've only ever had one real relationship in my life (10+ years ago) and since then I've used been used for sex and everyone I am attracted to is not interested or in a relationship already. I just want to find a person who wants to be with me for me and not use me for sex. I'm a Gemini, Aquarius Moon and Virgo Rising and bi if that helps at all with what the cards say.
No. 435127
>>435112Hi nonna I'm
>>434827 if you could do a reading for me I'd really appreciate it
No. 435138
>>435112Nona, do you know what's wrong with my mother? She has always been off and
abusive. She has no connections with others, 5 baby daddies, and I also think it might have to do with perhaps being intellectually disabled. She had spiritual psychosis before.
No. 435139
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>>434876pic related, going to make these later.
No. 435145
>>435112This was me
>>434678 if you're interested in pulling!
No. 435149
>>435112Me, I asked here
>>434216> what do i need to know?> any advice for moving out?Taurus F
No. 435218
>>434646>What should they knowJudgement, the world, the sun, king of cups, eight of cups reversed, ace of pentacles, nine of cups, page of pentacles reversed.
I see a job change here, getting a job you were seeking for with the right kind of money you needed, the world is completion so I could see this currently being in another job and waiting for another to respond back. King of cups would kind of feel like unexpected luck coming on your side, considering this job might be applied by many and you’re surprised they chosen you. It does talk about what you mentioned with moving out here and I feel like this is connected to some other person? I really don’t know who this is, honestly I thought it was sibling rivalry tbh and that’s what it feels like but it also feels like with this person they might want to offer an apology but they might not fully mean it at all, very duplicitous and double-sided. This is somebody you’re very conscious of being around which is why you’re always needing to preserve yourself in the High Priestess energy, not really giving into their antics or bullshit, I also feel like they’re a major busybody as well and tell others your business that you don’t want others really knowing or without your consent/permission. Idk who this is but be very wary of them and honestly just stay in the High Priestess plan, focus on yourself.
>Any advice for moving out Two of swords, four of wands reversed, eight of swords reversed, four of cups reversed, chariot reversed, four of pentacles reversed, strength reversed, three of pentacles, hermit.
You should check dates, something to do with dates. Delayed move in date or something. That’s all I got from these cards tbh, I’m just very super tired so I’m sorry this is super lackluster.
This is a pretty short reading so let me know if you need anything else read.
ill do the rest tomorrow i’m sleepy
No. 435324
>>434700>Clues for your right partner Two of cups, eight of cups, empress reversed, king of swords reversed, justice reversed, five of pentacles reversed, nine of pentacles, chariot.
This one confuses me because it’s bringing up someone from your past so maybe don’t find this exact person for you to have a relationship now kek. Was this person you were with like a foreigner or something? There’s some bitterness surrounding it, I feel like they were pretty attractive to you but it didn’t last as long as you would have thought because they had to leave which is why I keep thinking it’s like someone who has visited your country. At one point you guys may have exchanged numbers or something memorable but eventually lost contact. I feel like they promised to provide and take care of you and that’s probably what you highly seek in partners (perhaps to take them with you??) in this spread it’s encouraging you to really detach from that and learn to be your own person individually without meshing into one singular unit with another person, absorbing their emotions or being an emotional sponge to others. Also having realistic expectations on what someone can really bring to the table and also what you can realistically bring as well. That’s all I can offer, sorry anon.
>>434753Got you nonna, I finally pulled some cards for you. King of wands reversed, the fool, knight of cups, three of wands, nine of cups, strength blocked, the moon, judgement. Honestly… this message is kind of sour. The last cards are very chaotic imo “I digged my own grave so I’ll just jump in it”, mind control, letting a situation get completely out of hand, a drowsy and mentally controlled energy. I don’t know what I said before if I ever said she probably feels like she’s being held hostage because of this dude’s actions but she probably does and feels like there’s no way out because it’s much deeper and elusive than how you view it as an outsider, some kind of secret as well. Let me clarify the Moon - Knight of pentacles, ace of pentacles. Like I said before, this dude must be in like some kind of violent behavior (you sure he isn’t in a gang or something? sorry to ask) but I mentioned before about her boyfriend forcing her to hold certain items either on her or in her own house/property, that could lead to the Judgement situation because I’m getting a feeling a lot of these items are illegal. Take what resonates and what you know to be true for about this situation, all alleged and not factual. I’m just going to give it to you straight, it feels like drugs, or dirty money, assets or whatever it is that’s potentially linked to your sister. If it isn’t that, then she’s definitely being forced to go along with his plans which I feel like some of it is against the law, in my own opinion, again don’t take it too seriously and use your own judgement when it comes to your family and loved ones. Aiding and abetting. Just by reading the entire energy coming off these cards I wouldn’t be surprised if to some degree he was drugging her. I don’t think it’s completely a done deal with her though, I feel like I’m starting to get what these cards are saying about her underlying energy of wanting to come forward with something to bring judgement to her boyfriend, but it’s like a seedling but not enough for it to grow into fruition just yet, because I feel like she might be very afraid of what he can do to her. I just feel like she’s in a hostile, hostage-prisoner like situation. There’s a message in here that I’m intuitively picking up about secret messaging or secret communication, I don’t know if you’re secretly trying to communicate with her in person or online but that could be advice for you, to personally keep in touch with her because this dude is very hellbent on keeping her isolated and what’s disgusting is that he tries to make it seem like it’s something she wants because her coerced behavior is presenting as “consent”. I hope this really helps you and you’re still around to read this.
>>435112I’m going to do the rest later
No. 435360
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Hello I would like a career/life reading done on if I should pick up and go in order to find true happiness? I currently still am renting with family so I feel trapped. It isnt with parents but sisters. I am 30 years old and still live in the same state because I am so afraid of change it's embarrassing I am also currently unemployed because I had a mental breakdown due to realizing how i lost I feel. Please help me. I don't know if this would help but my big 3 are Aries Sun Capricorn Moon and Capricorn Rising. My sun being in the 2nd house and moon and rising being in the first house. I just never felt at home with my family i know we love each other but our personalities don't match and they never seem to understand me. The type of career I want is in entertainment. I've been told by teachers and coaches that I am a natural and to not stop but due to my low self esteem I did. Thank you again for helping me.
No. 435378
>>435112Hello kind anon. I’d like a reading please!
I have recently ended a relationship, I need to move out and start again but I have no idea where/what/how.
I’m not sure what I should focus on, whether I should waste my energy with certain friends etc. I can only seen to live in the present moment, my mind won’t let me make plans. I don’t feel pressure, maybe a lack of pressure?
I guess I don’t really feel anything and it just doesn’t feel right.
No. 435386
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>>435337You’re welcome anon, I hope all goes well with you and your sister. Your concerns are understandable and
>>434827>>435127Hi anon.
>Love reading Ace of wands, ace of cups, the well, judgement, eight of wands, seven of cups reversed, emperor, three of wands reversed clarified with - seven of wands reversed, hanged man, chariot, three of swords reversed and nine of wands and then hermit, ten of cups.
Are you trying to coax someone out of a relationship? Because that’s honestly what I’m getting tbh. Trying to convince someone to take a risk and let go of something very valuable to them that they’ve built, I’m kind of seeing this as a relationship that’s close to this person you talk to but they’re not really too keen or fully convinced on opening a whole new “can of worms” about this but they enjoy the fun and excitement it brings them, the well card reminds me of a siren luring her prey to its demise. I’m also getting the feeling they also shouldn’t be talking to you as well or going out of there way to go behind somebody’s back to talk to you and the boundaries of this connection between you and this person is very flimsy and wavering but I can say this person (honestly feels more like a man) really enjoys the attention that they’re receiving from you. If this is true I would be very careful, because whoever this person is with I feel like their partner is very intuitive or sensitive to their energy and feels like something more is going on behind the scenes, I also feel like this person is very sloppy with their secretiveness and hiding messages, pictures, etc. because of their overconfidence and perhaps narcissism so there’s a clear oversight there. That’s honestly all I can say. Let me know if you want anything else answered, you wanted something general and my cards will pick up on just about anything that’s more specific or important.
>435129>Does A miss themEight of wands, judgement, ace of cups, the artist, ten of wands reversed, fool, two of pentacles, three of swords reversed, ace of swords, lovers reversed.
I sense that they might feel guilty and a little bad about how things might’ve ended and they might try to amend and talk to things out with you or have an open mind about communicating with you eventually but there won’t be any sort of rekindling if that’s what you’re hoping, it’ll be more of like embracing the fondness of what they have for you but keeping it within the confines of friendship and cordiality. I also sense somebody new that they might be interacting with or involved with and trying to deal with someone who is old news (no offense) would complicate things further for them. They might be understanding and nice to you but just don’t get it too twisted, I feel like the relationship had to be let go and they had to find someone completely new.
>If you were to unblock themEight of swords, the sun blocked, hanged man, page of wands, ace of pentacles, judgement and ten of swords reversed.
Let go, let the communication falter and let them be seriously. Don’t do that thing where you try to schmooze and get them to like you again, they will likely embarrass you and find you as a strange desperate opportunist, testing to see if they still like you is very weird. This breakup or separation was for a reason and you need to evaluate this situation and learn from it to move forward. I also get that the reason you’re probably obsessed with this person is because you confused physical satisfaction, quick but intense pleasure and sex as love that can be properly grounded when it wasn’t. Sorry if this came off as harsh, just delivering the message. Let me know if you want anything else answered
>>435168>What’s wrong with anon’s momPage of pentacles reversed, four of wands reversed, hierophant, queen of wands, high priestess, the well, the sun, ace of swords, magician.
This really isn’t helpful because it’s basically just telling me what you told me, but I feel like you are a parentified child because I feel like she doesn’t really know how to stabilize her life or live it properly, doesn’t pay bills on time, doesn’t take care of her home, probably hoards, doesn’t know proper “adult things”. With the hierophant I think this has something to do with her childhood honestly I don’t know if she’s hyper religious or was apart of some covenant or church or whatever but it seriously warps her thinking, honestly what I’m getting she feels like one of those types who feel like some kind of spiritual savior is going to swoop in and save her or is into some like bizarre tinfoil-y stuff mixed with like organized religion and then new age stuff, thinking she’s probably manifesting demons or something. Again with her childhood and being connected to some kind of church in her past it’s really giving the vibe of a sexual abuse
victim, you know how those tight knit religious circles work with practically grooming and indoctrinating girls I’m not a psychiatrist but it’s honestly giving schizophrenia which can make someone appear as disabled. I decided to clarify more on the Hierophant situation and I got six of swords, lovers reversed, ten of cups, justice reversed, nine of pentacles and three of wands this is incredibly messy. It does talk about her past relationships (has she ever been married before?) but I honestly feel like she’s had these multiple relationships to get the attention of a previous baby daddy and for the obvious superficial reasons to gain more money, benefits, child support, more attention, more attention with her children(?). I feel like I could write this more eloquently honestly but that’s what it’s coming off of, it’s running so fast in my head it’s kind of hard to put down because it feels like a soap opera honestly. I feel like she really did get with someone from this past association with this organization which I feel is a connection to some church, religion, whatever it is it’s just all around messy, might have had one of these children with a man inside of those organizations who was already in a marriage or relationship and then the cycle continued, something regarding her love/sex life had her practically excommunicated from this organization because it could have led to some sort of scandal. Take what resonates and what doesn’t I’m not 100% about this. Her life seems like a hot mess honestly. Let me know if you want anything else read nonna
>>434876>>435139Ace of wands, hanged man reversed, knight of swords, queen of wands, lovers reversed, star, two of wands, queen of cups reversed clarified with - king of wands, seven of pentacles reversed, the artist, two of swords, queen of swords reversed. Judgement reversed as a general energetic overlay for this reading.
Right before I even pulled and was reading over your question the Judgement reversed flew out.
Trouble in paradise tbh, whatever this special trip you guys are taking is truly going to awaken things you’ve never thought about your partner before and it’s not going to be very positive. I’m just going to spare you all of the details and tl;dr, I don’t think he’s all about that whole fantasy that you’re dreaming about. This is your relationship, you know him best, so move forward with this message or not I don’t really care it’s your life. I just see this being completely long and drawn out waiting for something he might not even give so I just encourage you to really talk to your partner and see if that’s really what he wants. Again I could be wrong about this reading and he’s probably dropped the question before to you as a hint but idk feels too soon or there might be communication issues during that trip, potentially you wondering if you want to really continue with it or not. Let me know if you want more questions read
No. 435395
>>435386Thank you nona it sounds about right!!! Yes, she married thrice. She had her first child at 17. My oldest half brother doesn't speak to her. He was the most damaged. My 2nd oldest brother, is so dumb. Hes a good person. But, it took him forever to understand our mother is crazy. My older brother after that was smart and athletic. He entered the military at 18 and hes 40 now still on the military. He had cut communication until he was financially independent, but communication is sparse. Next is me, i wish i could cut contact, but she hindered me really bad that it was really hard to be financially independent. Now that i am my younger sister will not be able to thrive and be alone with her. She will suck all her energy. My sister and I do not get along, but as the oldest I try my hardest. We are in therapy, because we both understand our abuse even though my mom constantly manipulated us to fight and would put my sis on a pedestal while demonizing me. It is no contest, she has tortured me the most. I forgive her and really don't pay her mind anymore. I have my long term boyfriend who is really religious and I study the bible with him and his family. It took a long time, but I understood her forms of manipulation and her envy. I also understand reality because she taught me and my sister crazy things. And i dont even think my mother understands people know and look at her like she is crazy. Its sad.
I wish I knew more about her childhood. She is an immigrant who moved here when she was 12 following her mother/my grandma. I can only confirm that she is so low in her daily skills people who she dated were only trying to benefit off her. My sister's dad was like 20 and she was 40 when my sister was born. They were both in a religion if you could call it that that was a far off form of santeria. That didn't last long.
Im sorry to ask, but this has ALWAYYSSSSS bothered me. Did my grandmother know she was/is mentally ill? Did she know of the alleged sexual abuse? Did the rest of her family know she was mentally ill? It seems like although we all know she is off her rocker and doesnt want to work and never really did nobody wants to admit what happened. I've always asked myself this. Afaik my grandmother left when my mom was 1 and she moved to be with her at age 12 when she obtained her citizenship. She was under my great grandmothers care.
No. 435437
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>>435386Thank you so much anon - I'm
>>434827 and what you have read from the cards is scarily accurate. I developed a crush on my female friend as soon as she started a relationship with a man (she's also bi). I was literally going to confess my friends for her but then told me that her and him were going to try something serious, so I of course didn't. But at the same time our friendship became a lot more intense and intimate - she's very physically affectionate with me. Again thank you so much for the reading, can I please ask if I can get a reading about what might be in the future because I have to put aside this crush I've developed on my friend and I just wanted to see if someone else might appear in the future instead?
No. 435483
>>434617I only have two decks - a Cat Tarot deck and a Familiar Deck, bought them both whenever I was crashing out lmao
The art on the familiar deck is objectively nicer but there's something about the cat tarto that's drawn me in - I mostly use that one and it seems to be resonating with me the most. It gives me the vibes of a sassy cat, but friendly nontheless, while the Familiar Deck feels very serious/stern so I don't use it as much.
The temptation to start collecting tarot decks is very strong, I've seen so many that are stunning, but I'm not in a financial place in which I can dish out like 50 bucks per deck on a whim.
No. 435518
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>>435324Hi nona!! Thank you so much your readings are so helpful.
>it’s bringing up someone from your past so maybe don’t find this exact person for you to have a relationship now kekDo you mean my right partner is someone I know or that I can't find them cause I'm holding onto someone from before? If it helps you mentioned its someone who left here. I lived with an ex who moved back to her mom when we split? An hour away tops. Or my friend who i had feelings for also moved downtown recently&and used to live close idk?
No. 435844
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Hi, I'm back! Sorry for the wait I was really tired and still am.
>>435395Oh wow so I was pretty on point, that's probably want the Hierophant and Six of swords meant when you said immigration leaving a hard situation behind from a traditional/conservative setting. I read all of this I just didn't have time to respond but now I do:
>Did her grandma know she is mentally illAce of wands, ace of cups, the tower, the well, chariot reversed, five of cups reversed, seven of swords reversed.
I'm not a licensed professional obviously kek I'm sure you're already aware but I'm surprised she doesn't have seizures or anything. I'm going to be very honest probably not because her memory feels very poor and she feels chaotic, probably tends to lose a lot of things or memories of certain people until it comes back and that's why I feel like this is like pre-dementia or dementia at this point (if she is alive), she probably had some C-PTSD as well.
>Did her grandma know about the sexual abuse?Queen of swords, nine of cups reversed, three of cups, nine of swords blocked, king of wands and nine of wands.
I'm going to lean towards yes but your mom's SA or hers? Because I feel like this dude was also very
abusive to her, battered wife syndrome. Not only was he
abusive to her but her children I'm guessing but the queen of swords is like making a conscious and detached decision but it feels so sacrificial, almost like he liked to target one of them for a specific reason and maybe she tried to like redirect that violent attention away from her children? It's so hard to explain, like when another sibling is just being routinely abused while the others get away because at least it isn't them. I don't know who this is about though.
>Did the rest of her family know she was mentally illKing of wands reversed, ace of cups, four of pentacles, page of swords, five of wands, queen of wands, ace of pentacles, high priestess, empress reversed, knight of pentacles reversed, knight of cups reversed. On the mundane level I think so, they meaning this
abusive person or man has definitely used it against her. I'm also getting the feeling of witchcraft being done on someone here? It's very confusing. It felt like yarn to me, like something is connected like yarn and then I thought of rootwork. Anyways take this with a grain of salt/take what resonates.
>>435437I'm going to be honest I'm not really good at making future predictions so take everything with a grain of salt. Sun, Ten of swords reversed, Four of wands clarified with - Two of cups, empress reversed. Knight of cups, nine of swords, two of swords, ace of swords, wheel of fortune.
Aww this is kind of cute but I'm seeing two timelines here. I can see your friend and boyfriend getting really serious even possibly a marriage but it's either your friend admits she likes pussy or you become so heartbroken that you eventually find someone else that lifts you up and inspires you after this heartbreaking separation. You know those movies where the ex is like awkwardly at the wedding of their friend who they used to be intimate with and seeing them being lovey-dovey and kissing their wedded partner? This is what these cards are really telling me or maybe it's saying you should try to find someone else before this happens, it's kind of like heartfelt and bittersweet because I feel like you'll realize this person is very special to you. Her energy is very prominent though which is why I'm saying this feels like a romcom movie, she's not admitting how much she deeply feels for you imo but this is just tarot so always be honest and be respectful with whoever you're talking with. I feel like with her (or maybe honestly you but feeling more of her energy) it's like imagine a lady sitting on time, very conflicted and their energy is very stretched between you and her nigel. Do whatever makes you feel satisfied anon but that's all I can read for you, I hope this helps again this was pretty cute to read.
>>435518Hey. Idk lemme pull some cards for you
>What type of partner should this person seek outYou should listen to the song "Love Game" by Lady Gaga. I wish I knew your sexuality or something because you could be maybe one of those femme types because I feel like you're just the type of person who really wants a man to tame you, this feels so cringe to type. Very deep and intense relationship, the energy feels like ember, warmth, someone who entirely consumes you. Someone with a lot of wealth, a family you want to really belong to, someone who protects you like you're their entire world. "I can fix him" energy, very sexual in nature as well. Sorry if this is lackluster and offensive. Let me try asking another question maybe what they could look like?
>What could this type of partner look likeKnight of wands, two of wands, two of cups, five of swords, queen of pentacles, ace of pentacles, the sun, ten of cups reversed and the fool.
Possibly someone with some Sagittarius in their birth chart, Sagittarius rising. Again someone who will prove their worth to you, very intellectually/sexually curious and explorative, adventurous. Definitely tall, possibly long hair? Darker features, dark hair. Someone who is very generous with you and provides for you, possibly spoiling and brings in a lot of money. Somebody to grow with through life. This reading sucks I'm sorry nonna kek. I hope this helps.
>>434678>>435145>Should they tell them what they did?Two of wands, wheel of fortune, the world, page of swords, two of swords, six of wands.
I feel like you should hold off on it for a bit but whatever you did will eventually reach to her. I wanted to know what you did - Ace of wands, eight of pentacles, page of cups, queen of wands, nine of wands, page of pentacles, justice and moon.
I feel like you were possibly trying to defend your friend's honor maybe? Trying to get the truth out of somebody. Some kind of evidence that would make your friend believe you.
No. 435859
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I don't really know how this works so hopefully I'm giving you enough info. 33 years old virgo (towards the end of the range).
I have a lot of difficulty meeting men and going on dates and stuff. Recently met a guy and we hit it off immediately. We've been going on dates regularly and playing video games together. I really like him, but it's definitely too early for love.
Still, I'd like to know how he feels about me and if we have a chance of going steady/having a long term relationship.
No. 435862
>>435844Yeah this whole thing is insane. Its both generational curses and trauma. I knew it but like needed a confirmation my god I'm rolling my eyes. Me and like only one of my siblings have broken things/
abusive habits. we are still young and learning. One of my female cousins did as well. Thank you for reading into the soap opera kek you're one of the best readers I have come across. You should charge if you do not already I am so serious!
No. 435875
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>>435844anon thank you SO MUCH for all these detailed responses, you're truly the best. I'm
>>435437 just so you're aware. I'm glad to know that at least SOMETHING will come along in the future, I've tried to meet people (and have also been attracted to others) since this crush has formed, I'm not delulu enough to be all "It's only ever gonna be her, it's true love" but of course it's hard to forget about someone you know? Interesting you mention marriage, she's told me she never wants to marry and never wants children (she's had nightmares where she's pregnant) so maybe the cards show them moving in together? But like I said, thanks so much for the reading lovely cat nonna
No. 436001
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Hi lovely nonnies, I would love a reading (potentially a love reading? ) related to someone I met semi recently.
Me: E, 24, cancer
Him: S, 27 aquarius
S lives in the country I will be moving to next year, but he is going to work in a different country (close by)
S is heavily into me, even though we have only recently met. I'd like to think I'm good enough at discerning behaviour that I can tell when someone is genuine vs love bombing ,and he does seem genuine in his attraction to me. I have never really been approached so confidently and passionately before, so I want to kinda feel him out before letting myself enjoy it
Is this person genuine, and is he truthful in what he says he is looking for? Or is he confused/lost in life?
Will I be spending my energy uselessly if I engage in any deeper connection/start a relationship? I`m into him too but I can't help but be wary
Can this affect my job/moving prospects ( both negatively or positively)?
And finally, a bit more of an abstract question, but am I on the right path in the changes I tried to make? I`ve been opening myself up to more communication ( thats how I met S) and talked to more people in a month than I have in 2+ years. Every day I reply to a lot of people, and I`m trying to make connections and be more proactive. But it is kinda tiring. I would love to know if this seems like something I'm doing right for my future self, or if I'm burning myself out uselessly.
Tbh I have had an awful 2024, so I'd love to just take whatever positive I can get, and I want to believe I really am that loveable or fun to talk to, but it never hurts to get a different reading/opinion.
Thank you for anyone who even took the time to read this <3
No. 436047
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>>434216>>434646I stg I did yours already but it's not showing up so maybe I didn't post it???? What the actual fuck??? I feel like I remember some of yours oh nvm I did write it in my notes app lol here you go:
>What should they knowJudgement, the world, the sun, king of cups, eight of cups reversed, ace of pentacles, nine of cups, page of pentacles reversed.
I see a job change here, getting a job you were seeking for with the right kind of money you needed, the world is completion so I could see this currently being in another job and waiting for another to respond back. King of cups would kind of feel like unexpected luck coming on your side, considering this job might be applied by many and you’re surprised they chosen you. It does talk about what you mentioned with moving out here and I feel like this is connected to some other person? I really don’t know who this is, honestly I thought it was sibling rivalry tbh and that’s what it feels like but it also feels like with this person they might want to offer an apology but they might not fully mean it at all, very duplicitous and double-sided. This is somebody you’re very conscious of being around which is why you’re always needing to preserve yourself in the High Priestess energy, not really giving into their antics or bullshit, I also feel like they’re a major busybody as well and tell others your business that you don’t want others really knowing or without your consent/permission. Idk who this is but be very wary of them and honestly just stay in the High Priestess plan, focus on yourself.
>Any advice for moving outTwo of swords, four of wands reversed, eight of swords reversed, four of cups reversed, chariot reversed, four of pentacles reversed, strength reversed, three of pentacles, hermit.
You should check dates, something to do with dates. Delayed move in date or something. That’s all I got from these cards tbh, I’m just very super tired so I’m sorry this is super lackluster.
This is a pretty short reading so let me know if you need anything else read.
>>435160>>435163>Why dont people understand them/are they being wrongedEight of swords, two of pentacles, four of pentacles, star reversed, two of swords blocked clarified with - hanged man, judgement. King of cups clarified with - five of swords, temperance. Eight of wands blocked, ace of wands. Ok well you seem pretty reserved with your energy and don't like opening up all that much, probably due to an isolated past or being shown that if you express your true feelings that you're afraid of someone reacting negatively to them, you don't like to open yourself up. The other set of cards there's a person popping up and I almost feels like this a man you're intimately engaging with for money, unless I'm getting it completely wrong. It feels like sugar daddying stuff, I'm not 100% sure but you're definitely engaging with this person as like short-term contractual business that satisfies and makes this person very happy but for all you're doing with the Queen of Wands energy they're seeming very stingy, wanting more while not exchanging what you feel you're worth. It doesn't even have to be necessarily sexual at all but there's like a pool of money and a rotation of people taking this money but you're also apart of it because this person is like the controller of this, so there's more people into the picture. There's also a theme of possession here, being overly possessive.
>Why are they sadThe well, seven of swords reversed, the lovers clarified with five of wands, eight of wands reversed, ten of pentacles, death clarified with ten of cups blocked, page of wands blocked, star reversed, five of swords. Strength reversed, six of cups, six of swords reversed, three of wands, and three of swords blocked.
I don't know but there was some tumultuous situation here from your past I don't know if this is about you or not but it could be your parents, family, anybody you're close to. Enstrangement, power struggles, unhealthy and unstable homelife, the main theme here is a close connection or relationship that went through thick and thin, again with the power struggles and hoping it could repaired but it eventually doesn't, court losses . Enmeshment. Absorbing a lot of emotions around you like a sponge. Someone you knew could've possibly been terminally ill as well? Idk tbh. I hope this helped lmk if you need anything else
>>435378>Where to move to after their breakupTen of swords, chariot blocked, seven of cups reversed, two of swords, king of cups reversed, king of swords reversed, ten of wands.
This feels like a very dire situation, he seems pretty shitty tbh and
abusive. I heard the word "Kansas' but idk where you live so disregard this dumb shit I'm just really tired and have to finish these. I think you should just move back to what's very familiar as breathing room, this doesn't necessarily have to include your friends and what not just as a break from the absolute chaos that is your life. I also would not consider trying to make things right/make amends/forgive him just so you don't have to go through the effort of being by yourself, because if you give into this desire I see a possibility of feeling imprisoned and entrapped. I also feel like these friends weren't very supportive and almost kind of gaslighting you about your own persepctives and ideas on things, possibly saw you as a bit too neurotic or paranoid or not open-minded enough. "You don't see how great of a guy he is!!!" that type of shit. Yeah this is more of about just uprooting to a familiar environment so you can have a successful gameplan without other people influencing your decisions or mind. You might not also have a lot of money as well which is what I'm sensing, I'm not saying you're completely broke but probably placed a lot of expenses in this relationship (housing, bills, etc.) and it's catching up to you. I hope this helps a little bit, lmk if you need anything else
>>435869>What is so special about his exFive of pentacles, four of pentacles, three of swords reversed, queen of pentacles, three of wands, magician, justice reversed.
Coddles him, didn't expect much from him, didn't really do much for her either is what I'm seeing here. I think he said that because he was also likely communicating with her behind your back as well, it gives creepy mommyshit because he's likely complaining about you to this ex of his, consoling him and comforting him. Just pure coddling and apparently just wants a mommy who takes care of everything for him instead of a strong, equal partner. Nothing of value lost, hope you feel better nonna. This was pretty short so lmk if you need anything else
No. 436213
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>>435859>How does he feel about her Tower, king of pentacles reversed, eight of swords, six of wands, ten of wands, nine of pentacles reversed.
Ok well at some point he’s going to probably become avoidant with you. I can see him changing the trajectory of how this connection is going and because he might get purely bored and unstimulated by it, he might make you chase him and become dependent on him for attention. He saw an inkling of a bit of naivety and a tiny bit of vulnerability in your energy so I feel like he will proceed in this endeavor because he feels he will be successful with it. The tower is very explosive and abrupt energy that brings destruction and revolution so that’s why I’m saying this and also I just feel like he would make you work very hard to regain what was lost again, wondering why his M.O has completely switched up. Again this energy is very icky, it feels very jester like and impulsive like someone trapping prey. I would just be cautious and wary moving forward, don’t feel too secure and comfortable just because things are moving forward smoothly with this dude. I hope this helps! Lmk if you need anything else read.
>>435957 >Is being a flight attendant a great fit for themJudgement reversed clarified with ten of pentacles reversed, empress and page of wands, judgement, eight of swords, ace of pentacles, ten of wands, five of wands, the well, knight of swords, seven of swords reversed.
Idk I’m kind of on your mom on this one even though she’s trying to stop your goals, there’s
valid concern for you wanting to become a flight attendant. She really wants you to reconsider your options and stop being so naive, I almost feel like she kind of wants you to venture in the same profession she’s in as well, also possibly going to school or going back to considering school because I feel like you started school but then strayed a different path, stopped going, she just wants you to have a chance of financial stability because she may have not been able to have that in her youth and she wants you yo be grounded before you try to float off your feet and fly too close to sun with a million and one dreams that could all come crashing down, I don’t know your mother’s true nature but it seems like she doesn’t want you making the same mistakes or making mistakes that could negatively impact or holdback your future. Besides that I feel like with these cards it could be very competitive and they look for people with a lot of experience, some kind of seniority is required or what they’re highly seeking after. It also feels like the job requirements and role would be a bit too emotionally demanding for you to keep up with. There’s also a message about trying to sneak out of something - Knight of wands reversed, the artist, yeah it probably has something to do again with your own mother’s wishes you’re trying to evade because you want to write your own story, your own path and future and not have it influenced by hers. That’s all I have for you, lmk if you want more reading. Good luck on your journey anon it’s pretty hard out here to find a job anyways, don’t give up.
>436001>Is this person genuine, and is he truthful in what he says he is looking for? Or is he confused/lost in lifeSeven of wands, emperor, four of pentacles, seven of swords reversed, seven of pentacles, two of wands, four of cups, eight of cups clarified with - chariot blocked, magician, seven of cups, two of cups, ten of pentacles reversed, five of pentacles.
Well I would say yes but it gets even more interesting than this. I’m going to propose three theories on what I’m reading right now so I don’t look completely crazy but the main theme is someone trying to reform from a very sketchy past especially with dealings of money and finances and trying to rebuild their life due to their financial fallout. This could 1) either be him or some father figure he’s attached to in his life, his family and his family’s finances and estate whatever he truly has or is connected with, trying to learn an honest and hearnest life in comparison of this influence who likely did dirty/underhanded shit to get by in life. I’m really not sure if this is past tense, present tense, but that’s genuinely what I’m picking up on, my imagination and intuition with crazy and it reminded me a lot of those mafia movies where they practically live double lives, remember these examples are all symbolic it doesn’t mean he or his family were involved in mafia activities (unless he isn’t telling you anything you just never know in this day and age with people). I just see some secret dealings here though.. I honestly don’t know if it’s reformed or not but I would lean on the present tense and maybeeeeeeeee with your nigel but I really don’t know no matter how much I try to clarify it will never tell me who it really is so you’re just going to have to bare with me. Take what resonates and take what doesn’t. There’s just some particular material that’s being exchanged too.. idk what it i but what I really can say is that some type of forceful action or raid is being prevented because they might be gathering intelligence or some intel on these matters before they even go in, I really wonder who tf this is though. I’m just going to leave it there and you can interpret that however you like but please don’t make further judgements these are just tarot readings and I’m not always accurate.
>Will they be spending their energy uselessly if they engage in any deeper connection/start a relationshipQueen of wands, ace of wands, four of pentacles reversed, three of pentacles, the emperor,the world, five of pentacles clarified with page of cups and page of wands, the well and justice blocked.
Hm, I would just use your intuition, if you have a gut feeling you should by it but don’t make it too obvious, you should work to get to know more of him or even snoop around like we do here on the farms, snoop into his social media, ask the people he knows and is connected with to gather information on him if you feel like you have to be cautious about him. I feel like with him though I keep getting that “double life” energy, there’s something of leaving some other people behind acting like a young, single person while traveling around so take that as you will, idk it just feels like this dude has a whole other life but again, tarot isn’t the end all be all. If you never make the effort to really know the answers then you’ll never feel like you’re on equal footing. This sounds ominous but it sounds right for this reading.
>Can this affect their job/moving prospects (both negatively or positively)Two of pentacles, nine of pentacles reversed, ten of pentacles reversed, ten of wands reversed, eight of swords, six of wands, death and page of pentacles.
I would honestly say yes it would. I feel like at some point I don’t know when you’re going to have to walk away from an ending situation with your head held up high and focus primarily on your job, you have a lot of things you want to do but you might not have a lot of savings to accomplish them all.
I hope this helps anon!
No. 436217
>>436213>he might get purely bored and unstimulated by itHoly shit this is
exactly what I was worried about.
>He saw an inkling of a bit of naivety and a tiny bit of vulnerability>he would make you work very hard to regain what was lost again, wondering why his M.O has completely switched upAlso spot on about me and what I would do.
Thank you so much, nona, holy shit. It's actually scary how realistic this reading was.
No. 436311
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hi dear nonas, i'm looking for a reading regarding my recent breakup. it's kind of a long story, sorry. if it helps i'm a gemini (scorpio moon virgo rising), he's a virgo, we're both cat people (feels relevant lmao), we've both had other relationships before but even after breaking up we agreed we were eachother's first real love (since the ones we had before were nothing compared to our connection and how long we truly loved eachother) and even first real best friend. we're both late 20s. he's overall a much more rational and pragmatic person with a lot of integrity, but i'm more introspective and more in touch with my inner world. we're both depressed but i feel like i have a lot more hope overall, and he has more focus. i know he always loved me deeply and admired me for who i was, how much i've grown, and all the weird unusual shit about me. i know i was his favorite person.
we were together for 7 years and split this summer, it's been 3 months. i was the one doing the breaking up, but i had reasons - he is a really wonderful man but his depression made him unable to see a future overall, much less a future with me. that hurt me lot and he never even told me directly, but i could sense it and he couldn't even communicate why he felt that way (i'm just assuming it's his depression, fear, and insecurities. i know he was worried i wouldn't be an "equal partner" in the future, due to some of his past trauma with his dad and i feel he was worried i'd be like him one day, since i was a bit more careless with money and savings due to my family background. however he also stopped going on trips with me and was worried about doing stuff because he found himself unable to be excited about things, and worrying about the worst outcome, which was also pretty discouraging to me and pushed me away). that hurt me a lot, especially the fact that he felt this way but did nothing to change it, and was unable to tell me what his needs are from me, or that he was depressed. i felt like i was the only one trying to actively work on these issues. he never wanted to break up, since he loved me so much, which i do believe, he was a great boyfriend overall. however he's very emotionally closed off - never talked about his issues, would listen to mine but had trouble identifying when something bothered him and what it was, i had to basically be his therapist, so naturally that led to a lot of conflict in our relationship, and we both kinda let it fester. i begged him to go to therapy for two years and he agreed that he should but kept putting it off. finally about a month before the breakup he did but didn't even tell me due to shame ("i felt like it was nothing to brag about since it's been so overdue"). it hurt me deeply to realize that he basically wasn't telling me stuff (i don't think he ever did anything bad or anything, just he didn't even tell me if he had an issue with me, or felt upset). this made me frustrated, and i felt like i had no idea what to do anymore. so i broke it off, which i know hurt him deeply, but i felt hurt and disconnected for months, and felt like he wasn't doing anything about it. it was just too much. i genuinely thought i didn't love him anymore - i didn't tell him that, though, just that i thought we were incompatible and i didn't see any way for us to work this out anymore. for two months i was keeping myself distracted and in denial, sure about the breakup being the right choice. i felt nothing. he was very sad, but we kept in touch, even slept together a few times, it was a very confusing situation for both of us, i know he was in pain and still loved me deeply but in his usual fashion he barely said anything about it. i wasn't mean but i was a bit cold, obviously still in denial about the breakup. then about a month ago it hit me fully, and i saw my own role in the breakup, i started doubting the decision, and saw him making changes (therapy, getting back into his hobbies, finding friends) and it made me feel like we actually weren't incompatible and we could work. i cried a lot, we met up a few times to talk, where he was still sweet and i could tell he loved me but was more distant, and was trying to be the "responsible" one, and we agreed we can't get back together because nothing's changed and it would be a repeat of the last time. he does want to be friends eventually and i saw in his eyes he also is still holding on to the hope of us one day maybe working out.
i took a week of no contact and reflected on my own role in the relationship. he was reluctant to meet but agreed, he told me he felt alone, and it hurt me that he didn't tell me earlier and i couldn't be there for him. he mentioned the fear of something new being smaller than the fear of repeating what went wrong with us, which made me think he's so lonely that he's trying to fill the void and start dating to avoid loneliness (i feel it would be for the wrong reasons and also would run into the same issues, but maybe with a girl he loves less. he's not stupid, i don't think he'd start anything with someone who wouldn't be a good match on paper at least, but also i feel horrible that he'd move on from me so fast, esp. when i know he still loves me)
i apologized, owned up to my mistakes and assured him that i'm going to work on myself. i wanted to reconcile and work on ourselves together but he said he was too scared to try again. we said our goodbyes, that we still loved eachother, we hugged and i could see the hope in his eyes, but the fear and hurt was stronger. i respected his choice and left, telling him i want to work on myself regardless. since then we had one phone call where he was very gentle and sweet to me but it felt like he was much more distant, i wrote him a final letter where i explained why i think our relationship failed, how he hurt me over the past two years with his inaction and how it made me feel like i have to prove myself constantly and always guess what he was feeling since he didn't voice his needs, and that i think we could make it work but i respect him not wanting that right now. he wrote back a short note (which is normal for him, he's not as word-y as me) that was sweet, thanking me for everything, that he loves me and i'm a wonderful person, that he's sorry it didn't work out etc, but ended on a note of "hopefully we find a way back to eachother, even if only as friends". i told him i couldn't contact him anymore, that he can text me at some point if he wants (but i do feel we need a bit of space to think, both of us), but i can't contact him since i would just overthink and spiral imagining him with someone else. i need to recover too, since i was ruminating so much.
now i genuinely feel like we had to break up, because nothing was changing when we were together, and we were stuck in a hopeless cycle - i feel like if i hadn't broken us up we would end up resenting each other. since then i've been wondering if he maybe also accidentaly self sabotaged the relationship due to his own fears and insecurities (i was the one in the relationship always making plans, trying new stuff with him, wanting to travel, do stuff together, but i also had more of a life outside of him, i had a lot more passions etc) there's a lot of shit in my life i need to get together too, and i think he might feel the same way about his, but i don't know, i know we both need to process all of this, it had to have been confusing to him too. we hadn't been in contact for about two weeks. i'm half expecting him to text me around halloween or christmas, i dunno. maybe he'll be to scared, or already have someone new, or just think is too early to even be friends or potentially reconcile, or lose interest in me overall. we're not blocked, he views my stories all the time and wants to keep tabs on me, he's not the type to post on social media so i have no idea what's up with him, i'm just overthinking every little detail i see, like his following count and such (makes me feel fucking stupid). it's been hell and i know i need to let go, but i can't shake the feeling it's not over, that we might get another chance, but i'm worried he'd either be too scared to try again (there's also a stigma of getting back with an ex, even though our breakup was understandable, and we're compatible and have awesome chemistry, and we both hurt eachother but not to the level where we wouldn't be able to come back from it), or simply not be interested, or have someone new. or maybe he won't do enough growth in therapy. i know i absolutely plan to grow and already have from this breakup, and i'm slowly building my life back up, trying not to think about him. but i really do feel like this is not over. he did mention on the last call that what we had can never be replaced, even if we both found someone it would be something new, and he added that even if we were to try again together it would be something new.
i know it's not really possible for him to stop loving me or missing me in such a short amount of time, but he's much better at distracting himself and pushing feelings down unfortunately, i wonder if he ever has a breakdown like i had a month ago, and if he'd even tell me. or maybe he really is over it all, and entertaining something new out of loneliness. maybe we could make it work in 3 months, 6 months, a year, or later. i genuinely don't know.
basically, i want to know what to do now, and if there's ever a new beginning for us. what's the best approach, how he feels about me and will feel about me, and maybe a timeframe or something. will he reach out, will he want to reconcile? i want to know what the future holds for us, what should i expect in the coming months. thank you so so much.
No. 436377
>>436334Virgo (men) suns. They tend to tell lies and manipulate people a lot. Like tell something to 1 person another to another person and do what benefits best. I think it is because virgo sun means a weak ego for men. They really aren't decent until they are 40.
Virgo/gemini rarely works. In mexican press eugenio derbez and victoria ruffo had some articles come out cuz eugenio keeps running his mouth about her. If you look at their situation that is how neurotic virgo men can be and mostly are.
No. 436378
>>436377No fucking way, I was scrolling and your comment stood out to me.
I’m a Gemini and the guy I’m with is a Virgo, literally, he’s stuck on me like glue, I want space but he doesn’t want to give me even time to go to work alone (now he got a job with me.) if I wasn’t dependent on him because I just paid for extensive plastic surgery I don’t know how I would’ve left without him actually injuring me again or destroying all of my shit… ugh sorry for the vent Nona.
No. 436392
>>436378Stay safe! And do what's best for you. Play whatever game you need to for right now if it means your safety then leave when he doesn't expect it. Its what i did. Now, if you want to stay with him I have no advice, but wish you lots of luck.
Virgo men really are a nightmare. Its that service and health axis aka virgo(6th house)—pisces(12th house) at the center(sun position) of men's charts that make them really difficult. They're not bad by default just harder to navigate so most of these men don't do it. Virgo in particular is the sign of anti-empathy. No matter how well or fortunate they are raised they are stubborn when it comes to learning to give proper love and healthy expression. I could go on forever about this, but yeah.
Virgo man/gemini woman takes a lot of work. I think you guys connect fast. Both intelligent, funny, charming, and have a wide variety of knowledge/interests. Both anxious, but virgo's anxiety makes them want to control. Geminis don't like that for long. Then what usually happens regardless of sign of the partner virgo men look for a person they can control and would play their mind games.
Literally my first love(aries) was a virgo and we were a little young when we first got together. He tried to hurt me so often bc i think he was threatened I was independent and more successful and I would forgive, but I got tired and left. He didn't expect it and I also did it so he couldn't get ahold of me for a long time or whenever he wanted. Its bedm years but he still emails, makes accounts to stalk IG, and the one that infuriates me is he makes up stories to people around me. But they know now hes crazy. The nastiest one was he would call at night and masturbate on the other line. I didn't realize what was happening, but when I did. God the urge to vomit. I answer night calls because my dad lives in Spain now and sometimes he calls late at night because of his job there. Virgo guy has been w a gemini girl all this time and sometimes I feel bad for her, but she knows he tries to talk to me and she's still there. She thinks its another game for him and means nothing like well yeah but you do you think you are too???
No. 436410
>>436213nonnie, I just want to say you are insane in the best way, I didn't give much info on S but so much of this sounds like it could be accurate
>main theme is someone trying to reform from a very sketchy past especially with dealings of money and finances and trying to rebuild their life due to their financial falloutI'm not sure about the financial fallout, I'm still getting to know him, but he has said something among the lines of being tired of how he has lived his life until now, wanting to build a solid future etc.
>leaving some other people behind acting like a young, single person while traveling around He lived in an eastern european country for 6 years ( originally from an asian country) and has said how each time he moved, he basically lost almost all contact with the friends he had in the previous place
I am def trying to snoop and see what is legit and below the surface, I want to be on equal footing or even have the upper hand
>you have a lot of things you want to do but you might not have a lot of savings to accomplish them all.This also true for me right now, even though I'm currently trying my best lol
Thank you so much for your time,
nonnie! I am trying to be less negative/have less paranoia, but because of that I sometimes don't know if what I feel is intuition or just anxiety. I will definitely focus a lot on balancing that and taking things slowly, focusing on my gut feelings.
I hope you have a wonderful lovely day
No. 436700
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this feels newfaggy but i can’t reply to everybody on my phone right now who i read for but thank you and i hope all goes well for you nonnas and i’m glad i was able to help for a bit. i’m the cat gif anon btw, if you want anymore indepth readings you can just reply to this or link your post to this one so i remember, i’m just going to take a break for a bit and i’ll come back eventually. only rules are just add all the questions you know you want fully answered (max is probably 5-6) and please no stuff like “should i kill myself” ♥
No. 436713
>>436700Thank you for all your readings cat gif anon!!
My questions are:
What's wrong with me and how do I fix it? What's wrong with my parents (dad especially) and can they fix it?
I have a cycle of behavior I've been in for over a decade now, and I don't know how break this loop of trying, it not being enough, and stagnating. At this point I'm genuinely scared I'm never going to be able to break this action loop. I don't want to have to compensate for this for the rest of my life. Mid-20s and been job hunting on and off for the last year.
No. 436715
>>436401Those were my questions. Thanks for your readings
nonnie. You rock. Take care we will miss you
No. 436803
>>436700What should I do with my life regarding my plans?
What kind of person can I attract in the future? What kind could actually love me?
Should I try to do things my way in life, even if riskier, move or try to move in a pseudo whim, try things?
Thanks nona
No. 436809
>>435378You were on the money about it being a dire situation, but not that my ex is
abusive.. weirdly you describe the situation I found myself in about 8 years ago.(Definitely need therapy)
I have no familiar to move to, I have considered my patents, but the cons outweigh the pros. The pro would be the amount of money I could save, but I would be just as trapped there (if not more) as I would be here. Plus I have no plan either. I do agree that making my own game plan without being influenced is something I need to do. I need to put myself first for a change.
I will find a room to rent for a few months and take it from there.
That was helpful thank you! Also I’m a UKfag, ain’t no Kansas near me kek.
No. 436844
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33 yo virgo (end of the period), south American. I requested a reading some time ago and was shocked at how accurate it was, so I decided to try it again.
First i have a semi related question: how seriously should I take the sonic totem?
And now my real question:
Romance and love were always very difficult for me due to mental illness and trauma. After many years of therapy and medication I grew into someone I'm proud of being, someone far stronger than I ever thought I could be. I'm proud of the person I created. So I decided to try dating for real for the first time. The thing is nothing works. I can't last long in relationships, and I'm not sure why. I think it's a combination of me being uninteresting and a bit ugly.
The thing is uninteresting and ugly people find love all the time… Right?
Well what I want to know is: is my love quest futile? Am I destined to be alone forever? And can I do something to make myself lovable?
god I sound so sad and pathetic
No. 437263
>>436700Cat gif nona,
I filed for divorce and I believe this was the right choice. It is amicable so far. My q is I'm still young. I left this relationship stronger, smarter, even skinnier/toned. Will I find a man that can provide financially, respect me, and really love me? Or should I prepare to just be alone? I don't mind either way, because I know it'll be hard either way and I would like a companion in life. I struggled w picking the best men in the past, I grew up w/o a dad. My mom is mentally ill and idk how she didnt lose custody of me. Useless older brothers and my first boyfriend beat me…..I am diagnosed bipolar, but I am very centered and honestly think I am autistic not bipolar.
I married thinking that men made life easier for their wife, but idk if that's true. He loved me, but love doesn't sustain a marriage in real life.
No. 437547
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Prince Stolas and I got married on the 12th of this month and he wants to offer readings to you all. I bought him the Prisma Visions tarot deck and got a pendulum custom made in which he designed himself. He bound his spirit and essence to both items and he will be helping me with the readings. He is open to reading any and all queries and situations in exchange for a cute illustration of an owl
Him and I will be waiting patiently for your questions.
No. 437639
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>>437547Hello, please may I have a reading?
Drawing isn’t one of my strengths but I hope this will suffice.
I feel like I’m not going anywhere in life, I’m grateful to have a roof over my head and a job.. but I am unhappy. I understand that I need to make changes in order to want my situation to change, but I just seem to go round in circles. I either try too hard or not hard enough. I don’t have any close friends or family to rely on; only a few people. Nothing or no one really. I suppose I feel a bit like a spare part, no one would really miss me if I disappeared (not suicidal). I don’t really know what I want or what would make me happy, only that being happy is my life goal. Should I keep on going or should I start again?
No. 437827
>>437547Awww this is so cuteeee
Owl, can you tell me what my greatest strengths are? My spiritual gifts? Why is my life so trash lately? Thank you in advanced for this nonna
No. 437833
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nonnie, I need to know if this is the path I should follow, I want to know if I will at some point stop caring and just start vibing like everyone else in this career.
Am I ever going to be happy in a job? Which job will bring me happiness?
No. 437869
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>>437547I'm not an artist, but here is my offering for you and prince Stolas. My questions are:
>What career would be best for me?>What type of content should I make to be successful?>Is my friend okay? How can I help her?Thank you, anon and prince Stolas.
No. 437976
>>437639>>437827Sorry for samefagging but I have one more question
Am I being called to shamanism or something?
Why does Hecate want me to work with her?
Thank you
No. 438044
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>>437547A very prosper marriage for you, anon.
This is a very, very old drawing but I hope it's okay.
My queries:
>Will I be happy in Japan? It used to be my number one goal before, but now that I actually got it, something feels a bit off.
>Would I be happier in Japan, Denmark, Norway, Canada or staying in my home country? What should I do to live abroad if that's where my best life is?>What should I do in general? I feel like I haven't found my "calling", if there's even any>I've been told I'd get "famous". How? Why? Doing what? To what degree? Is it something I should even seek?I could use the money tbqh>How do I strengthen my manifestation abilities?And a very stupid one
>I currently have this infatuation with this particular singer. Will I ever meet him face to face? maybe on accidentSorry for all of these questions btw. Feel free to answer those that you feel more inclined towards.
No. 438046
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>>436713Hi! I’m back. Starting with you first
>What’s wrong with you Ace of cups, two of wands reversed, eight of pentacles, knight of wands reversed, knight of pentacles, eight of wands reversed, the star and seven of swords.
Well first I started hearing the words “self-sabotage” and “doctor” so if any of those are relevant to you then I guess they are relevant. There’s an aspect of your behavior where you develop something and then don’t think it’s really good enough or important and throw it all away, that’s why I got the idea of self-sabotage here kind of like you can’t really finish what you started, so maybe some ADHD? Troubles concentrating, paying attention and finishing tasks. Maybe even some memory loss or problems with remembering things as well? Honestly just a lack of motivation and preparation for things as well, gives up when you have to really deliver on your goals as well because it’s just too much to really handle at the time. Something in your head is making you think that your destiny or dream is possibly being stolen from you/taken away in order to join the rat race. I’m pulled one more card to finalize what I wanted to say -Death reversed yeah, hold my hand anon please don’t take offense to this but you might have a peter pan complex. A dreamer but not a doer.
>How to fix their problem + what’s wrong with their parents Death, the artist, three of swords reversed, three of wands, nine of pentacles. Then we have king of swords blocked (more negative), two of swords reversed, ten of cups, tower, five of cups reversed, nine of swords.
Going to therapy to heal your wound connected to your father and your family, who feels very controlling like controlling of many people’s lives which would be you and your family’s lives, a type of father you have to be very careful with your words around or they could break you. Mind breaking. Something about this feels kind of traumatic and intense, I almost feel a little on edge reading this. But the general message is really to kind of detach yourself from things and let your family be their own undoing and focus on moving on with your life, especially with financial independence figuring out how to fund your own things, pay your own bills, etc. the mundanities of life without any distraction. There’s nothing you can really do to stop the train from hitting the brick wall, it will catastrophic but you seriously have to let it go. Ohhh and also I think I get it, there is some kind of betrayal or guilt associated to his behavior, almost like “I thought you would stop, you said you would stop, but you didn’t” kind of thing, reverting back to old
toxic patterns and behaviors if you were there or if you could easily convince him and he would listen to you it would’ve put a stop to whatever he’s up to, but he seems very controlling and manipulative with his words. I also heard “deserted island” so an isolating, neglectful childhood, present but not really there so do you have feelings of abandonment or something because of him or were your parents together? I don’t really know, because I also thought of joint custody idk how much that resonates so maybe your parents kind of share some resentment and scorn towards each other because of money or money disputes over their marriage or partnership idk if they are still together but that’s the feeling I’m getting with the two of swords reversed, the possibility somebody feels owed something not just on your part mentally because of what happened in your past but them as well. I pulled some other cards that aren’t tarot but kind of like oracles for the situation:
- Money is involved
- Tunnel vision
- The past
- Power imbalances
- Breads and circuses
- Addiction
- The waiting game
- Man behind veil
So in the end yes going to therapy and also a type of therapy that kind of like helps you guide you to discover and heal past traumas and accept that these things have happened, because something feels very foggy here like a blip of memories. Like I thought of “portrait book” so again like flipping through memories you’ve probably shoved down into the dark ethers, kind of another meaning jumping out of the Death card. I hope this really helps you! ♥
>>436715 Thanks nonna sorry I’m a giant retard and couldn’t tag you and the others kek, stay safe
>>436727Four of pentacles, ace of pentacles, seven of pentacles, four of swords, page of pentacles reversed, devil, seven of wands, five of pentacles, empress reversed, the well.
I feel like something to do with taxes, tax forms, or insurance, don’t know which insurance but it might lean on to insurance dealing with people’s possessions or what they lose during harder times (you know like natural disasters, other variety of financial complications, etc.) because it’s very pentacles heavy and requires a lot of patience and brainpower, very detailed work and information that goes on to this. I know this seems boring as hell because really who wants to be an insurance broker or agent (I mean it seems like nice paying work imo idrk) but that’s what I’m getting. So basically those types of things. I hope this helps sorry if that job seems very lame and disappointing
>436809 I’m glad it was helpful, good luck with your situation nonna
No. 438056
>>438046Jeez, I said it before but you really have a gift. Even the "joint custody" and mind breaking thing, which are so specific. For the abandonment question, yes
I felt alone and unmoored on-and-off starting from around age five, like I didn't have any roots holding me to a place. It's kind of true on family, social, legal, emotional, etc fronts. Not to pitymilk or whatever, but but to say yeah you got it right.Anon, if you have time to hold my hand a bit longer (kek the peter pan syndrome is true, I need to work on it), could I ask you:
>what's the quickest route for becoming stable and independent - more education, any tech job, or something else?>am I going to get okay before my 30s, or is whole mess more long-term than that?I try not to ask questions about these topics because it's a lot of pressure and kind of awks. I'll take it with a grain of salt anon, I'd just like to know what you read in the cards. Thank you very much either way!
No. 438236
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>>436700what are m.s intentions towards me for the next time he talks to me, is there any way I can "checkmate" him in case he is trying to decieve me? if you feel he will have evil intentions please tell me, cat gif anon.
No. 438324
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>>438056>What’s the quickest route for them becoming independent? Three of wands, queen of cups reversed, judgement, three of swords, king of pentacles reversed, six of swords.
Well this one is very interesting. I thought of “hedgefund” and “cash flow” so I don’t know if you’re being supplemented with money or if one of your parents has a considerable amount of money, kind of seeing more of your dad here which is interesting that I brought up some money disputes in the last reading because he feels very stingy with his money, that’s how the attitude feels towards him and his finances. Possibly being cut off from this support despite your parents having issues? I don’t know if this happened recently because queen of cups reversed is a woman who’s very unhappy that she can’t be immediately satisfied or satiated with her own desires and needs, her hidden indulgences. I pulled more cards here - knight of pentacles, high priestess and the devil. I feel like at some point you might be ostracized from some kind of inheritance in the future that’s what I’m picking up on but idk how much that resonates. I just keep hearing investments as well, so maybe using the very money you have and seeking higher council to place these financial investments in? “He lost the money” so maybe this happening now or a current event in your life? I’m just saying what sticks out the most, I know the advice isn’t very clear cut. Additional cards:
- Cheater
- Energy vampirism
- Stolen work and possessions
- Business associates
I don’t know what’s happening but that’s what I’m seeing possibly with the people around you or closest to you. With the last cards I’m saying probably seeking a job agency perhaps to match you with a job with the existing skills, qualifications and wisdom you have. It almost feels like you have some kind of experience with like money and finances because of your family, like you’ve been exposed to it an early age and know how the process and business of it works which can be very useful. Another thing with closing deals, finishing deals, wanting to get to a higher position of power when others work for you and are led by your guidance. On the contrary I also heard the word “scientist” and “work permits” if that resonates for you. I really don’t know what this is specifically but I hope this answer leads you to somewhere, I tried. It might not resonate tbh
>Are they going to be okay before their 30sSix of swords, nine of cups, king of cups, five of wands, strength, seven of wands, the moon, and queen of cups reversed.
It will be a long, arduous process but in the end I can see an easier route, again reinforcing the idea of traveling or eventually moving away from it all. I also got the word “teach” or “teaching” so yeah, whether that is wanting to teach others a skill or subject or being taught or exposed to something new. With the things I’ve said before to stop fighting your feelings and really just take action about your life, your feelings and emotions and to stop swallowing so much of your tears and emotions. Just take action before it’s a lost star in the sky, with the Moon card and Queen of cups reversed.
I hope this helps!
>>436803>What should I do with my life regarding my plans?Sobriety, marital disputes, rootlessness. A leech you gave a second chance to or want to give them a second chance to explain themselves. There’s a strong message to really get yourself away from these negative elements and also the mental fog you’ve been in, which is strange I thought of sobriety so I don’t know if you’ve been covering your sadness and maybe even anger with alcohol or anything, just shooting out anything because there’s a need to really reassess and have a breakthrough from this general rut of just bed rotting or isolation in my opinion. Possibly a little doubtful about your ability to pull or your own magnetism, thinking of an appearance change or comparing how attractive you are to somebody else. Here’s some additional cards for this:
- Romance
- Mental health
- More than 1 person
- Addictions and overindulgences
- Guilt stricken
- Partnerships and contracts
>What kind of person can I attract in the future? Ostentatious so highly value the things that belong to her and supplements her comfort with the Empress energy. This Is My Fight Song” by Rachel Platten. Are you the marital dispute nonna? If not then I’m surprised because these cards really give me a story of trying to wait for verdicts, trying to manifest some kind of justice by any means necessary because of a broken future, broken promises, separations. There’s a need to be honest about your emotions as well, is this really worth seeking or poking the bees nest for? Trying to find or gather as much information as possible to triumph or defeat this person possibly. This is possibly to sustain yourself and your material needs as well, like fighting to maintain it or rectify the damage after whatever this situation is. I’m just really saying what the cards want me to mostly say, so it might not directly answer the question. But I feel like with common sense you have a lot on your plate than thinking about these questions, wanting to constantly have a companion
you have other things to worry about why are you worrying about this???? kek even with the empress and four of swords this is digging deep to come up with a very crafty solution or game plan to your problem, you need to sit in your energy and start conspiring a plan before starting to worry about anything else. The lack of focus on this situation is kind of honestly worrying.
- “Man behind the veil”
- The waiting game
- Creativity and craftiness
- Sexuality
- Dirty money
- Energy vampirism
- Corruption
- Financial losses
- Guilt stricken
- Justice and revenge
- Hypocrisy
- The future
- Competition
>What kind could actually love me?Look at above.
>Should I try to do things my way in life, even if riskier, move or try to move in a pseudo whim, try things?Three of pentacles, seven of pentacles, king of swords, seven of cups, judgement reversed, devil, five of pentacles reversed, the well, the sun.
Yeah with this it’s like “the more help the higher the reward” something like that, getting second opinions, advice or counseling before making a decision on your own. Something that wants to proceed or make progress might not so that’s why it’s very important and vital to be inclusive with other people’s ideas and viewpoints. There’s also something here about settlement deals, settlements. Do you have children or something or do you know someone close to you who this situation refers to?? I hope I’m wrong about all of this
Additional cards:
- Stalking
- Breads and circuses
- Soap opera
- Mob rule
- Anxiety
- Betrayal
- Mommy dearest/daddy dearest
- Partnerships and contracts
- Energy vampirism
Yeah idk if this about your friends or parents perhaps or maybe you idk let me know. There’s also a potential of getting people to dig into information about you, keeping an eye on you, gathering an arsenal of information that can be used against you potentially. Might even emphasis the Seven of Cups energy, might attack you because of your mental state or vulnerabilities, what you like to indulge into. This is pretty crazy so please tell me if I’m wrong, ty. I hope this helps and isn’t too offensive
No. 438351
>>438324Last one here, I am crying. I am confused on one but I know what something means, is there a way to reach out to you in private? God, I am afraid of one thing that popped up in your reading because I recognize it.
I didn't understand the part about the person in the future? Is there a way to reach you? Email? Sorry if I come across as too forward. I am too embarrassed to talk where others can read
No. 438353
>>438351>>438324I'll mention what I can mention here, my plans are mostly moving, trying to become independent. I am not the marital dispute nonna, I have never been married at all, I am too young for that.
When you say potential of people to dig info about me what do you mean? I have scary stalkers, very scary ones and I just cry over it, they scare me, literal rape threats. Yeah, I am an easy target due to my depression but that's not all I worry about, there's so much more.
I did think I know the leech you mean. Sorry, I just saw this and I'm very nervous? You were accurate on all the bad stuff and I don't think there's good stuff here, so yeah.
No. 438626
>>436700Cat gif anon, can you please help me with your wisdom?
Lately I’ve been feeling stuck and a general feeling of sadness and at times hopelessness and I’ve got these questions lately:
>Is there something genuinely wrong with me?>I’m worried about my mom, she has a hard time lately in general. What should I do?>Will I ever be able to change my life? I feel like every decision I will make will be too late for me (particularly academic and career wise).I also got to the conclusion that I’m genuinely unlovable and incapable of loving someone else. That being said, I swore off relationships since I end up hurting people anyway and to be honest, romantic relationships are a loss of freedom to me,
see >>434582.
Mid 20’s, Libra rising if it helps.
No. 439056
Sorry it's me
>>437547 I can't complete the readings anymore because I broke up with him because he was doing shady things behind my back. Sorry to all the anons who asked a question but I can't do them anymore.
No. 439060
>>437833Since anon can't read this for me, can some anon answer these questions?
>>439056It's okay, nonna, don't worry too much about it.
No. 439339
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>>439289I wonder if she threw away her deck and the custom made pendulum because of this break-up since Stolas was the one who wanted to offer us readings.
>what did Stolas do behind her backHe probably NTR'd nonna with blitzo, typical…
No. 439387
>>437639Prince Stolas wants you to know that no matter what the cards say, you should never give up. He says that the time is ripe for you to start again, and that changing your present situation won't matter much if a new foundation isn't laid. He really would like it if you moved on to a different path that actually does make you happy.
>Ten of Swords, Queen of Chalices, Queen of Pentacles>The GuideYour situation won't get much worse than this, but it's important that you understand that you really did push yourself too far off your soul's plan by refusing to follow your heart. Your current path isn't the one that's meant for you, and you really did ignore your intuition in order for you to get to this point. You really are being saved by a higher power who is watching over you and trying to guide you. They're saving you from hitting rock bottom and gently nudging you towards your spiritual mission. The best thing that would make you happy in life is for you to stop listening to your head and follow your true heart's desire. Listening to your intellect has gotten you into a lot of trouble, and it's time for you to open your heart and become more in tune with your emotions. Following your positive feelings and desires will grant you more of the joy that you seek. If something makes you unhappy, just don't do it. Do what feels good.
>>437827>>437976I can answer these questions, but first I need to know if you're the same anon as above.
No. 439933
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Is Stolas doing any other readings?
No. 440023
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>>440009Yeah I am, doing all of these readings are taxing because some anons really don’t know what boundaries are. I’m just a stranger reading tarot cards not a therapist or a fairy godmother who can fix their problems or tell them about a future love life that probably doesn’t exist, not to mention I’m doing this for free. I’m probably going to attempt finishing them later on but it’s very energetically difficult to do all of them at the same time
No. 440044
>>440034>do it yourself instead of pestering others into doing it at your convenience.This makes sense but it's very cringe how you offer people readings and then you say stuff like "ugh don't bother me im a
victim" why did you even offered readings in the first place if you don't want to do them ?
>>440042I am not that anon but I agree with her ,why did cat nonna act entitled like this? I didn't like her being bitchy towards us and humiliate her costumers for no reason. Oh well whatever.
No. 440362
>>440145thanks for the time you took to do these,
nonnie. sorry people are fucking speds and i hope you feel better soon.
No. 440669
>>439387Wow thank you. I am
>>437639 (I didn’t make any further post - I think one nona replied to my post by mistake?
I really appreciate your reading. I genuinely do feel like I am being guided by someone, I keep seeing signs (like actual coincidences that can’t be made up by seeing what I want to see).
I feel drawn to a person I have recently met, could it be them? Even if our paths were only meant to cross briefly, that’s fine with me. I am grateful just to not be stuck where I was!
I just wish I knew what my hearts desire is, but I will be patient, one day at a time.
No. 441998
>>439394>Two of Pentacles You need to make a decision based on what would be more financially advantageous for you. I don't think this only applies to your car situation, I think that the only way you can move forward is deciding to what degree you would like to invest in fixing things in your life overall before it becomes too "costly" to do so?
>Two of SwordsThe next card I drew. Wow. This basically reinforces the two of pentacles - and why the repetition of the number 2? You need to be brutally honest with yourself, but also be real about the good qualities you have. You need to scrutinize whatever you think is contributing to your stagnation and assess it sharply. No situation is perfect, however, so you should be prepared to reconcile conflicting aspects of the situation.
>Five of Pentacles ReversedOkay, don't panic. Even though this means that your life is a mess right now and everything is chaos, it also means that it's behind you now. However, you will come out of this slowly. Keep focusing on progression, but don't pressure yourself to go too quickly. You have to treat yourself like you have a sports injury. Take it slow and plot ahead.
No. 442001
>>439957>Six of Pentacles If there was something in life I'd look forward to, it's the generosity of human beings. It does exist, and sometimes when you start the chain of generosity, it makes its way back to you. Maybe this means you need to be more generous, possibly it even hints at a future where generosity will be bestowed upon you.
>The SunDamn anon, I guess I have good news for you. The sun is about success, happiness, warmth, and the beginnings of something good. It indicates that you will feel love, or someone will love you. Most importantly, it implies that you have some control over a situation. It's hard to be specific, but perhaps there is a way you could alter your life to be beneficial to you that was previously overlooked.
>The HermitUsually this implies spending time alone and using it for introspective or meditative purposes - to reflect and grow. But this may also mean withdrawing from a situation or group, habit, or job. Ultimately, it implies a period of reflection or withdrawal for meditative purposes
No. 442002
>>439555>Seven of PentaclesSeems like something you've done is going to pay off in a strange way. Maybe the seeds you've planted are slowly sprouting in others minds and soon they will be able to make peace with you. However, this also means you need to be patient, as always.
>The DevilThis is all about addictions, primal behaviors, desires, fears, materialism, and the behaviors that manifest from giving into unhealthy temptation. This card is a warning to face those fears head-on and observe the behaviors that may be fear-based. This may also imply that there is something controlling you. The devil is able to manipulate people by playing off their weaknesses and fears.
>Two Of Wands - ReversedThis is all about making difficult decisions and how that can lead to procrastination. I think it's simply validation that you are dealing with making decisions that feel risky and you're concerned about making the wrong ones. Ultimately, you'll have to take decisive action about some part of this situation.
No. 442003
>>439424>Ace Of PentaclesThis is short and sweet. There is an opportunity for you. This seems to imply that eventually it will, at least temporarily, be okay for you.
>Seven of Swords Hmm.. Are you a bit of a liar? Or have you recently had the suspicion that someone is lying to you? Maybe it's more metaphorical and is about you lying to yourself. But this card is all about deception.
>The High PriestessIt seems like some of your answer lies within yourself. You will find something within you, maybe an idea or a feeling, or maybe remember something you've forgotten? You might need to work to find it though, like through journaling, writing, dancing, painting, etc. The important part is not losing hope that you'll find it, it's not a matter of if, but when.
No. 442013
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Tarot nonnas, I want somebody to love and shower with affection and understanding.
I want to spread love and kindness and happiness and hugs to others around me.
How should I proceed?
No. 442087
>>442013>Eight of SwordsYou're stuck on some kind of self-imposed constraint. This card implies that where you're at now, you can essentially shower people with affection and understanding, or spread love and happiness to others, but you need to shake off some preconceptions that you have internalized about who should be given that affection and under what circumstances. Maybe you need to change your definition of affection.
>Ten of CupsThis is about emotional wellbeing within your family and other close relationships. This may mean you need to focus first on your family members or people that are already close to you. This may also mean that you should proceed by developing these bonds so you have appropriate people to shower with affection.
>Two of WandsBe bold, be imaginative, and be uncompromising. The two of wands pairs well with the eight of swords, because they both suggest you need to expand your mental horizons and tap into something within yourself. Step out of your comfort zone, anon.
No. 442112
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can a tarot-reading nona please ask the cards if there is anything in my life I can do to make a romantic relationship happen in the near future? Or on the flip side am I doing anything wrong? What is my romantic forecast looking like right now? I'd really like some guidance please.
No. 442115
>>442112>Six of CupsSix of cups signifies a time of reconnecting with cherished memories and people, as well as a desire to return to a simpler, more carefree time. It encourages you to embrace the childlike wonder within yourself and find joy in the small, meaningful moments of life. The Six of Cups also highlights the importance of emotional healing and forgiveness, reminding you to let go of past hurts and embrace the warmth of love and support. Sometimes this card shows up when someone from the past is on their way back into your life again.
>Ten of WandsTen of Wands suggests that you may be shouldering too many responsibilities or taking on more than you can handle. You may feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or weighed down by the tasks and obligations in your life. This card serves as a reminder to evaluate your commitments and consider whether you need to delegate, seek support, or let go of some burdens.
>JusticeJustice is all about balance, fairness and accountability. It represents legal matters, the spiritual laws of truth, and cause and effect. When the Justice card shows up it reminds you to be fair to achieve the best result. It urges you to approach conflicts or disputes with a level-headed demeanor, seeking resolutions that are just and reasonable for all parties involved.
No. 442116
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Can a nonna tell me if this is the right path? I also want to know if I will ever feel truly happy and fulfilled with a job, and, what kind of job is actually good for me?
Libra, 29.
No. 442117
>>442116>MagicianMagician represents your ability to communicate clearly, to ‘sell’ yourself and to be innovative. The Magician is a reminder that you can create and manifest your own reality. You are the master of your own destiny. If you have drawn the Magician, it means that you have the ability to change your life for the better and the power to make your dreams come true.
>Wheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune is the big destiny card in the tarot deck. What is meant to be is meant to be. The Wheel of Fortune serves as a reminder that nothing in life remains stagnant. Just as the wheel turns, so do our circumstances. What may seem like a challenge today can transform into an opportunity for growth and love tomorrow.
>Hanged Man (Reversed)Hanged Man reversed indicates stubbornness and selfishness, refusing to give up your perspective to gain new insight. This card reversed suggests you may be feeling apart from the world and unable to communicate your point of view and perspective to others. It symbolizes a time when you feel trapped, clinging to old patterns and ideas that no longer serve you. It may feel like up is down, and down is up, the reversed Hanged Man reminds you to seek a fresh perspective on things.
No. 442127
>>442126>>442125Wow, anon, I just pulled this. Devastating.
>Five of SwordsFive of Swords is the card for defeat and betrayal, conflict and unhealthy competition. It serves as a reminder that winning at all costs can sometimes leave a bitter taste in our mouths. It suggests that engaging in battle solely for the sake of personal gain or ego can ultimately lead to loneliness and alienation. The Five of Swords urges you to question your motivations and the methods you employ to achieve your goals.
No. 442131
>>442127are you the
>>442125 anon
No. 442132
>>442131Of course she is, her readings are very generic and she replied to the post. She's also this anon
>>442117 and any other generic reading itt after the fight with "drained" anon kek
No. 442141
>>442126I love jealous people, despite many people saying that the tarot anon was very accurate and on point (even the one in the bechdel test) they’re still trying to call people frauds ITT. If they don’t like tarot, astrology or anything spiritual they can simply fuck off and hide the thread if they’re that
triggered by it kekkk
No. 442149
>>442144please do, because otherwise, I'm going to keep doing readings from daily tarot draw. My finger is getting tired from all the "draw a card" clicks I'm hitting.
>>442141I'm tired of retards charging insecure people $150+ to lie to them on the spot.
No. 442182
>>442159go ahead then, read me to filth - you're really good at it naturally, you guess.
>>442163Don't worry, I think every practice is used by con artists to prey on vulnerable people.
No. 442227
>>442131can someone apart from that anon do a reading for
>>442112 please?
No. 442273
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Hi I decided to come back and read. Reply if you want one or you have one you want read so I can easily track it and no questions about suicide, explicit abuse, “what love will come in my future/future lover?” etc. I know it feels like typical “snowflake” behavior but it makes it easier and faster for me to read, sorry! I like doing these for fun. Also it’s a limit of three questions this time so if you do reply to this, make it count and it won’t be generic I promise
No. 442286
>>442273Is the healing I want possible for me?
What does S. think about me and why she keeps thinking about me?
You can answer only the second one if the first one is too complicated
No. 442298
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>>442273Please nonna, I would like to know if
>is this the right job for me? >will I ever find the right workplace for me? >What kind of job is the right one for me? No. 442300
>>442273Good to have you back!
Is it a good time to start a business or should I wait more? I've been toying with the idea but am curious on what you think, my deck is very sassy with me kek
hoping that a reading from someone else might give a new perspective
No. 442308
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>>442274>The state of your friendship Queen of cups, five of cups, queen of pentacles, king of wands, three of cups, six of swords, six of wands, high priestess.
Okay so I don’t really know who’s who because I’m not
that good at detecting but I feel like one friend here is very overly committed to someone she’s with (I’m assuming a partner because the King of Wands) and doesn’t really have enough time to spend with other people, if this is your friend then it would include you and it’s causing you a lot of sadness. In all honesty if this friend does have a partner than he is the type to be very controlling and in this instance it’s kind of like a watchdog sort of, those kinds of scrotes who love keeping a watch on their female partner’s friends and choosing specifically how much time and devotion she should give to them. It’s very odd. With your friend’s energy she feels like the type to clean up this person’s messes and keep them under control but whoever she is with is very much the leader and the main decision maker, especially with her finances as well so say you invite her to hang out, she might not because the King of Wands might not allow her to. With me getting so much court cards I would feel you guys are a bit older I would guess maybe like late 20s-30s+ so this scenario would make a little bit of sense because I don’t really sense anything like too deeply immature about this, it’s just someone with a deep love and care kind of mourning over this slow separation because I feel like it’s a slow pulling apart, a very slow and painful process. Even text messages and calls, it used to be so frequent and now it’s dying down, might even had a very intense confrontation or argument with this person (I wouldn’t be surprised if it was in a group chat or group setting with other people but it was very intimate between you guys) but it’s almost like they probably told you or others she’s close to you that you guys wouldn’t understand or withdrawing slowly like I said. With the six of wands I have a feeling that this is her partner who feels very proud and smug with the watchdog energy, feeling successful in this endeavor on maneuvering her into what he feels are better priorities for them as a unit. I pulled one more - Wheel of fortune blocked. With this card it’s almost like if she decides to start opening up again, start hanging with you and other people don’t get your expectations up, it’s almost like a possibility of fickleness as well or even might be using you to some extent to dump all of her problems on to you when she feels like it even though she hasn’t been there for you lately. Those are the vibes I’m getting. Oh my godddd it makes so much more sense know, with this person she’s with (idk how true it is) it’s almost like this king of wands kind of tells her that hanging with you guys will impact her future, might even play into her securities a bit and make some kind of shit up that you guys might be jealous of her, this and that I honestly hope you understand what I mean here lol. Something by about it feels very trickster-y and deliberate with the Wheel of fortune.
>Is there anything they should be doing to improve their life? First row: page of wands, three of pentacles, ace of wands reversed, hanged man, three of cups, Second row: empress, three of swords, knight of swords, five of cups, king of cups, the well, queen of cups reversed, death, knight of cups and six of cups.
Okay will I’m going to address the second one because this one pops out more. You recently broke apart from somebody and you’re trying to reconcile with them but I feel like it’s not entirely physical, this is like a yearning or manifesting of something to be rekindled from the past. Queen of cups reversed though could indicate some kind of emotional manipulation at play here, maybe something about not standing the feeling of being rejected or abandoned by this person, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a person you’re currently with or seeing but I’m seeing an end here because of the three of swords and death. He might have said something that really jabbed at you deeply about some kind of insecurity of never being enough or not being their dream partner. It’s kind of hard to explain. The first row is about your job, you might be traveling or moving to fulfill your career needs but there’s some trouble moving forward with this, you may have everything ready but it’s just this one little thing that needs to be approved and it’s inhibiting your ability to move ahead. Could it be a work visa, a permit or something?? Idk. I pulled some of my personal oracle cards to close this off:
>Trickster >Initiation (invitation)>Butterfly (transformation)>The World (travel) >Nature >Shadow >Justice>Teacher >Pentacle Trickster one is very unclear for me tbh. The butterfly and world cards pretty much clarify what I said before about some kind of movement or transition taking place along with the pentacle card, this relates to a job. Another message if trying to teach somebody a lesson, maybe??? Or maybe you’re trying to be a teacher who teaces abroad? Idk. Let me know what feedback you have this ♥
>>442276>Anything to improve their situation? Death blocked, the fool, four of cups reversed, queen of swords reversed, six of pentacles reversed, two of cups, king of pentacles reversed, eight of pentacles.
Well yeah imo no kek, the death although blocked and fool are pretty much telling you it’s time to put this behind you, apply to as many jobs as you can, and move on from it because there’s some people in your workplace making your life a living hell. There’s someone here you wish you could work with but you can’t because of their behavior, they feel like a persistent liar or someone who likes to omit information. Another person here getting the feeling of a higher-up who’s extremely uncharitable to you and your time, wants you to work more than you’re willing to and work more than what you’re getting paid for, also someone who makes it their life mission to make you feel like if you do something at your job you’re close to getting fired or written up, maybe they even like to write you up constantly and play favorites or knit pick so much of the work you do and pick apart flaws that clearly aren’t there, harder on you than the others. I’m sending a vendetta here and they might be connected to this queen of swords reversed person, this might also be a situation where someone who’s quiet, minds their business and does their work is subjected to some kind of malice or projections of not being a “team player” or not socializing enough or caring as much as the others, some bullshit like that. It’s almost like no matter what you do there, it will never be appreciated, so yeah basically these cards are really telling you fuck them entirely, do your job to scrape by but don’t go above and beyond and apply to as much job apps as possible to get out of that horrible situation. I would say something else but the major energy of the death and fool card are very strong, it’s an ending that results in a newer beginning and a new version of yourself, you’ve lived and learned and now it’s time to let it go. You might even try to pursue a degree or further your education even more after this experience.
No. 442818
>>442515>normal people with actual souls understand tarot readingthere's nothing to understand lol it's the same as cold reading, divination, or any other "based on feelings" type of con. If you enjoy tarot readings, good for you, but to "believe" in it beyond getting a good feeling is just a sign that you're retarded. Why are all the tarot autists obsessed with being cruelly and inaccurately judgmental? Wouldn't them believing in the heart of the cards make it easier for them to "read me to filth"?
>>442532i'm sorry i ruined your safe space
(hide the thread if you don't like it instead of shitting it up) No. 442835
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I decided to post this here for fun. I asked the tarot “Who will win the American election?” since it’s a week away from the proper Election Day. I pulled these cards: Queen of swords, page of swords, two of wands reversed, hanged man, the well, the emperor reversed, devil, knight of swords reversed, sun, eight of swords, three of wands, six of swords reversed, nine of swords reversed.
I immediately got the Queen of Swords which is an air sign and apparently Kamala is a Libra, so there’s that. It’s leaning more into her winning but with some caveats. There’s going to be a delay in the count of votes, it’s going to be a very close race but at the very last, last lastttttt minute it will someone go into her favor and win the election. I keep seeing themes of struggles of transferring power too. This seems very strange and tinfoil-y but Trump knew weirdly this election season belonged to him with the Devil, but it’s something getting swiped away from him wit. Reminder I don’t give a shit about both of these politicians and voting will not solve America’s problems, this is just a reading I decided to share on. Another problem with the voting system will be brought up, new changes in power, a “new party” because I even thought of the Hierophant even though I didn’t pull it so a change of the traditional structure of America. Before I even pulled the cards I felt very strange, like super angry and rageful and a little anxious, honestly I feel like a lot of people will feel not feel too happy. Even though we’ll see a bunch of people on the news cheering and celebrating there will be an entire energetic change in the nation, probably for the worse. People taking matters into their own hands, vigilante activity. I pulled my individual oracles for this:
>Spidey senses
>Telephone game
>Woman of the house (reversed)
>Man Behind the Veil
>The Backrooms
>Travel reversed
I heard this before in other tarot readings I’ve watched that she potentially has a hidden benefactor that she’s closely tied to. The Emperor reversed gives me Trump energy but somebody else, someone who capitalizes and thrives off of chaos and division, possibly war. I heard the word “deepfake” so more technology and deception will be used after this election. I even have a funny theory that we won’t really have a real president, if that makes sense? With deepfake technology they can just slap her face on somebody, have that person write a script, and call it a day. Or maybe a lot of this election season was just a fake blip of memory only created through AI/deepfake tech. I will do a part two for this even though nobody cares and no one is going to read this and I still have to do other people’s readings in the thread kek. One more piece of vital info for what could potentially happen after this election - Serbia could become important? Serbian ties and relations
No. 442870
>>442694Hello? Anyone?
Look, also, why cant I rp, write, erp?
No. 442888
>>442870If you type like that when you're trying to roleplay you're going to scare people off. If I had to nitpick your posts:
>Yeah I have a fucking questionYou come off too strong as if you have disproportionate emotional responses to things.
>Look, also, why cant I rp, write, erp?Your sentences have a really odd rhythm. It breaks the flow of reading and makes things sound unclear even when they're really not.
>Do I really lack the skill?Page of Swords - yes, and this is a learning opportunity. Keep your drive and channel it into improving your skills.
Ace of Swords - your efforts will pay off if you keep at it. Intentional practice and varied practice is key, don't go in blind.
There's a writing thread in /ot/ and a fanfiction thread in /m/ if you want to ask writing questions there.
No. 442935
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>>442286>Is the healing I want possible for me?Queen of cups, knight of cups, justice blocked, eight of swords, two of cups, chariot reversed, tower, seven of swords, strength, six of wands, king of wands reversed, ten of wands reversed, king of cups.
Ok so the main message here is to forgive yourself, because whatever happened to you is not your fault so don’t beat yourself up for it. It’s very abundantly clear that somebody here took advantage of you or victimized you, someone being overpowered as well but I’m not going to go into the specifics to be respectful towards you like I usually do. There’s something about this person that feels kind of hard to get away from, like you feel like there’s a cord attached to this person and they completely haunt you and devastate your mind and it’s because this person didn’t get the consequences for what they did to you. I’m seeing that they possibly went on a smear campaign against you as well in attempts to free themselves from what they did and to get people to go against you, to make them seem like the good guy being attacked by someone mentally unwell. Healing is possible, but you would have to be receptive to it. There’s also something here about restrictions on the body, restrictions being placed on yourself and depriving yourself of basic necessities even pleasurable things, something about body image as well. I’m probably wrong about this anyways, I tried
>What does S. think about me and why she keeps thinking about me?Queen of wands,page of pentacles reversed, seven of cups reversed, seven of wands reversed, five of cups reversed, nine of swords reversed, two of wands, high priestess reversed, hermit, king of swords, ten of wands, hierophant and five of wands.
So I don’t know if you come from a culture where the men justify their violence, misogyny and dominion over the home with their religion or tradition but what I envision here is kind of like “even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in awhile” or something about a squirrel coming out of hibernation to find some secret nut and then go back, but it feels like a squirrel searching for the most elusive nut possible. Someone impacted a lot by their circumstances, very secretive and defeated by life, tells the surface but not the full story so probably suspects you have more stuff happening with you than what meets the eye? It almost feels like your own personhood is being dictated by somebody else. This was very hard to read, sorry
>>442298>is this the right job for me? Ace of cups, knight of swords reversed, sun, moon, devil reversed, six of swords, death and queen of cups.
Hm in my honest opinion it feels 50/50. While it provides at least something to you and feels fulfilling but I feel like the kind of work it is will eventually fire you out, plus I feel like with this kind of job you’re probably sacrificing some kind of work-life balance with it, something to do with your scheduling at the job that might even be interfering with your time to rest and even sleep. It’s also like you like social involvement in it, but the social part of it might wear you down a bit because I’m getting introverted vibes from it. It could become very soulless and mechanical very fast for you and would cut off some kind of connection with the self which in simpler terms you know those people who work deadend jobs who always have that glazed over thousand-yard stare? Yeah, the grit and grind of it would wear you down, so that’s everything to consider about your job. There’s also something here about not being able to always please or make somebody happy here, so idk if you work like in customer service or something a bit heavily involved with social interaction but there needs to be balance here and the right kind of environment catered to your emotional and physical needs. I feel like I this is connected to the third question you asked but like I said with the people-pleasing or providing happiness and joy to others, not full on servitude but providing a service that beautifies somebody’s life and makes them feel happy would be something you could redirect yourself to. In my opinion you might be another person who’s not built for the repetitive mind grinder job market
>will I ever find the right workplace for me? Two of pentacles, four of pentacles, six of pentacles, the magician.
It will take some time but you will eventually find somebody who will appreciate the amount of effort and skill you bring to the table.
>What kind of job is the right one for me?Six of cups, eight of cups, king of pentacles reversed, three of wands, eight of swords reversed, two of swords reversed, the well.
Something about helping children or younger people, it has some soul guiding so something involving teaching or therapy. I strongly heard the word “bodywork” so apparently this is a real thing but it’s woo-woo stuff so I know it’s not entirely ideal for you, so I’m giving some grounded options. But apparently it has something to do with like massage, reiki, all of that but you could search it up if you’d like. Something with body and therapy, it could even be like a speech therapist, something medical or in medicine involving therapy of the body and even mind making proper decisions (I keep envisioning like those people who help autistic children learn how to speak and have them play with dolls and stuff so idk what that means but it’s kind of like that, it doesn’t have to be strictly children at all it can be people of all age groups) and also perhaps something to do with music or audio stuff but yeah that’s what I got and I hope this helps. I hope this isn’t disappointing for you
No. 442941
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>>442935Thank you, nonna, I'm
>>442298And you're crazy accurate, I think I have a better idea now of what to do, and I was actually thinking about pursuing the idea of being a speech therapist because teaching is honestly too tiresome to me.
And I do like helping people to some extent, I was talking with my mom yesterday and she did tell me that I am a people-pleaser, so maybe I need to like, use this aspect of me to make things work better.
I'm glad I got this reading, finally kek, because I was feeling a bit worried about how being a teacher for big groups has been so tiresome to me already.
No. 442964
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>>442941Thanks for the feedback anon! ♥ I’m glad I was accurate for you.
>>442300> Is it a good time to start a business or should I wait more?Queen of pentacles, four of wands, ten of pentacles reversed, two of swords, four of pentacles, king of wands clarified with seven of cups and seven of pentacles, six of pentacles blocked, two of pentacles, six of swords, moon, page of swords.
Hm, this one is very interesting or messy. So I’m going to make an assumption (like I always do for these kek) and say you’re definitely with someone or seeing someone because what I’m seeing is a woman who’s set out to seek wealth for herself but a person here feels like it would thwart their future plans, plans of stability and family making that I’m even seeing here. I don’t know how old you are or what sexuality you are so maybe I’m misinterpreting the cards so please forgive me in advanced but that’s what it really seems like, this person is very focused on the development of the future but mainly only themselves, this King of Wands feels very selfish and self-involved. This feels messier than it needs to be… but I’m going to say this: this was aligned for you because something will happen to whoever you’re with, I have no idea who this is, it could be family or a friend even a roommate but honestly with the queen of pentacles and the card that represents home… idkkkkkk nonna it’s almost like hypothetically they’re like “how can she do this and that, how can she be a caretaker, how can she take care of the kids and me and the home while she’s preoccupied with this how can we build a legacy with this dream she has” it feels so possessive and pawn-like viewing this person’s perspective. There is some kind of green light here, but taking precautions with your finances and money but I feel like with the business you would want to make you would be on somebody else’s dime or getting somebody’s resources, like whoever this is they’re on the “eat your cake and have it too” sort of deal, like they would want in too or some kind of shares in it because of the backing they would provide for you to jumpstart this business but they’re doing other weird activity like I CANT TELL YOU MORE ON WHAT I HEARD IF THIS IS EVEN TRUE. But yeah in general, you want to start this business, it feels more of like a home business, I’m not calling you a housewife or anything but somebody who cherishes their home, their crafts, something built or created through your own hands but this person here, whoever they are they might want to damper your dreams. But I truly feel like this came into alignment with yourself because A) whoever this person you’re near something about them will be revealed (the seven of cups and stuff I heard) B) they want you to develop more independence for yourself which is weird because I feel like most of this is bullshit, my cards are lying to me because you feel like a single person idk that’s just the vibe I’m getting but I could be completely wrong. I pulled one last card - High Priestess, you know this feels right for you but use your knowledge to reevaluate if proceeding is the right thing to do, this also has a double meaning with the page of swords and what I was freaking out about before, pursuing some kind of higher knowledge.. whoever this person is in your vicinity I can’t confirm who this is or maybe it’s all wrong but they want you to really connect deeply to your spidey senses. This is probably bullshit, I hope this helps or let me know you want it redone. I decided to pull my personal oracles for this one because I’m very confused and a little nervous:
>Checkmate >Public Opinion>Lighthouse (reversed) >Friend >Lover>Aquarius (reversed - internet) >Sacrifice >Surgery >”Threes a crowd” (third party situation basically)>Messages (text/phone calls) >Business >The Backrooms So yeah something I can’t really elaborate on and also your dreams being placed on the back burner because of other people’s input. I hope this makes sense or I wasn’t picking up on somebody else.
>>442350>My creative project failed to get traction online. I am remaking it but I don't know whether it will be received better than the previous version. Is it worth going through with this plan?Queen of swords, nine of cups, ten of pentacles, the fool, wheel of fortune, page of pentacles reversed, four of wands, eight of cups, death reversed, page of swords reversed, high priestess, king of wands reversed, three of cups.
are you well known online or something????? I just have to ask like seriously because I feel like there were more people involved in this project or maybe it’s talking about something personal with you and your background I have two theories A) you were seeking to shop this around for some kind of crowdfunding, fundraising, financial backing or B) you come from some serious money and wealth that allows you to work on these creative projects. Even though queen of swords isn’t seen as the creative cards like the suit of cups and even the wands, it’s the final decision maker, the person or in this case the woman who calls the shots and that’s why I feel like there were more people involved because of the other cards I drew as well. A creative director kind of? Someone taking on an art director, creative director role. Fool and Wheel of Fortune kind of reminds me of internet people because of that “I have to quickly take advantage of this moment and this opportunity to maximize the amount of potential of this idea and the amount of reach I can get”, something closing in on a deadline as well but this mainly refers to trends, so trends on the internet? I feel like you were influenced or inspired to create this project because of other people doing the same thing you are trying to do and they’ve managed to be successful from it, these people you are influence by we’re probably very scrappy at it too and somehow and in some way, it blew up
I feel like this is an art related thing but honestly I don’t know.. it could really be anything like writing I feel like with the queen of swords it could be writing or something but idk but to specifically answer your question I really don’t know. I pulled some more cards for clarification: Moon reversed, the world reversed, three of wands, nine of swords reversed, five of swords reversed, seven of swords, hierophant reversed, devil reversed. Well, I have more theories and it’s two A) you’ve worked in a field related to your creative project or something and you ended up becoming ostracized and burnt out from it and decided to create a new path for yourself because of this B) you’re trying to do things against the mainstream all by yourself and trying to beat the odds, trying to pull things together yourself instead of including other people’s help or having some kind of delusion about how people who seem sort of like you and I are able to succeed so well when there’s hidden caveats to it. But again there’s something of this project needing to be approved by someone, not just admired but the nine of cups gives big art exhibit vibes, where money is funneled into it because of this admiration and the need to join in on somebody else’s big wish, like a charity, you’re joining in on somebody’s large mission statement or project but like somebody possibly taking your idea as well, like maybe there’s a fear that somebody will do this faster, better and efficiently than you and/or when you were working on this project and you may have had different input from many different people, feels like a smaller group not many you were the one who got the fallout the most with creative differences but they took and stole your ideas. Idk, feels weird. I feel like 90% of this wrong. Let me know!
No. 442979
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Cat nona, when you have the time, can you do mine as well? I was left hanging a bit, but I'm still interested in these
>>438044Sorry to bother and many thanks.
No. 443066
>>442964Thank you so much,
>>442300 anon here, I am currently in a relationship but he's a sweetheart lol
I have had friendships that turned very weird (and had to cut a seven year friendship that I was very much the babysitter in) so you likely picked up on that, or maybe it is the relationship and I don't see it at all
>they want you to develop more independence for yourselfthis is a topic that came up with him, I am not very practical so interesting that you picked up.
I'll have to mull on this a bit to see how much it resonates but I really admire how you interpret these - is it only your intuition or did you start on a book?
Regardless glad that it's not just my deck that is cryptic with me.
No. 443074
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>>443066>>443066Hi nonna. Yeah I detected a relationship but honestly when I was picking up the cards I heard weird things like “in the closet” and stuff like that, but I’m not trying to mess up your relationship or anything but the seven of cups can talk about someone who’s tempted by their fantasies or has a whole bunch of people in their roster so I would be careful, unless you know he’s gay or something or my tarot is fucking with me again kek. Imo I don’t think it was the scrote who wanted you to develop more independence it was probably the spiritual guidance you have around you that wants you to have more independence because of this secret seven of cups energy. Just trying to warn you to be cautious. I use mostly intuition and then the book meanings, sometimes the message can be very confusing so I honestly look the cards up for help but then adding my own interpretation of the cards helps more than just searching it up. Thank you for your feedback!
No. 443626
>>443091Without sounding like an absolute dick anon, I think you just like this person. They have a quality in which you admire.
Unfortunately you are also human, and crushes can and are usually all consuming, cos essentially you can’t have what your heart desires.
Basically what I’m saying is, it’s probably not that deep and maybe you just want this person in your life.
I’m not sure what tarot would tell you differently, trust your intuition? /sorryformycynicalrant
No. 444794
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>>442363>How can I better get along with their sister in lawKing of pentacles, six of pentacles, five of pentacles, queen of cups, world reversed, hierophant, lovers, judgement reversed.
Okay so I don’t know if you’re the one who’s married or if it’s one of your siblings who are married but honestly, whoever’s marriage this is it feels like a marrying because the dude has more resources and money than me sort of situation, this person might’ve been of a different class or status from the other spouse and that’s why they’re very careful and guarded about this partnership and marriage because the king of pentacles has a lot to give, I’m assuming your sister in law???? Idk but the king has a lot to give, again with the kind of hypergamous attitude, social climbing type. I’m also detecting some kind of “power by association” with her, if this is her who’s married than if she’s surrounded by a lot of stability and protection than she’s able to do whatever she pleases. At some point I feel like she wasn’t completely sure or fully honest on why she truly got into the partnership, but I feel like the reason why she finds you as a threat is because you may function as a truth bringer to this ordeal, that she might just solely marrying for status. I’m also getting the feeling that if it was her that is married, she was probably a multiple divorcee or had past serious commitments that suspiciously ended which is why you’re probably saying she has issues. Also another thing, if she is the one who’s married there is an issue with overspending to impress others and again asserting how “amazing!!” her relationship is to others, I feel like this financial situation or money spending will put a strain on her and this other person’s relationship and this relationship might come to a halt.
>>442436>Why doesn’t her friend open up to her that muchTwo of wands, seven of wands, page of swords, nine of cups reversed, knight of swords reversed, three of swords, seven of pentacles reversed, four of cups, death, ten of wands, wheel of fortune.
Well it’s pretty simple and obvious, she kind of wants to establish some kind of boundaries but you want to take it further than what she’s really used to or typically allows for people. Honestly in her energy it feels like she thinks you’re trying to get information out of her and being a little too “nosy”. The death and ten of wands is very interesting because she’s holding on to very dark energy, that doesn’t mean it’s bad or anything but basically you’re just really going to have to wait for her to open up, it’s really up to her own timing to do so and if you keep nudging and trying to get too close without giving her much space and time she could decide to completely cut you off. I pulled on more card - Four of wands, meeting her halfway for her emotional boundaries, you can still have a fulfilling friendship without it having to get too intense or invasive for her tastes.
>How to reassure herTower, queen of pentacles and king of pentacles, eight of pentacles, two of cups, three of wands, seven of pentacles reversed, moon.
Hm, I would look at what I said before. This has something to do with her personal life, possibly somebody she’s very close to (I’m intuitively picking up parents or very close family members) who will go through an entire restructure and with this restructure it could really impact her as well, something about possible money disputes, kind of like going through like a “list” of who deserves or gets what and this could mentally weigh on her a lot, maybe she’s received financial support from them that was funding like her college degree or something else very important to her and again could change everything around in her life. So yeah basically give her space, time and lots of patience. There could also be a particular strain on your friendship because of this, so yeah… hop this helps.
No. 444810
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>>438044>>442979PART ONE>Will they be happy in JapanSix of swords, the lovers clarified with ace of cups, two of pentacles, four of pentacles, five of wands, ten of wands, knight of pentacles, wheel of fortune, the star
It’s going to be sort of difficult, a bit of a culture shock to you as well because the six of swords there might be problems with communication during your travels, so possibly travel-flight delays and something about being able to translate other people’s behaviors and language because how you used to consume and enjoy things will entirely change once you go to Japan, this mostly talks about money so having to deal with how you personally spend things, where you live which I’m sensing some immense downsizing, having to leave stuff you would usually have space and room for in your own country and only being able to take certain belongings with you. I feel in this new transition in your life this is about placing higher importance on restructure, gratitude, finding creative ways on how to find enjoyment especially if you’re moving to a newer place. There’s also something about taxes here too, so like I was going to mention if you’re going to be working there the way the Japanese handle and process banking and financial affairs could impact your spending by a lot, predatory practices as well you have to watch out for since you’re a foreigner. The work culture is going to be a definite shock to you as well, I already personally know they take work very seriously over there but it’s even highlighting this in this spread that it could get very intimidating and burdensome, the competitiveness can become a bit too much so with the last couple of cards it could really be urging you to find other means of income, the Star is one of my personal designated internet cards but it doesn’t have to be that, something very non traditional and unconventional to compensate for these lifestyle changes. I pulled two more cards to finish this question off - The well and the devil. Again the same message about being very careful about attractive propositions that could end up being predatory and locking you in for a very long time. I’ve actually watched a video about that where some foreign woman talked about how leaving a job there can really get you into some serious legal trouble, because they take corporate loyalty very seriously. There’s also something here that feels very feminine so I would also be careful about what could potentially happen to you there, especially surrounded by a lot of perverts, sexpests and the underlying misogyny that exists there. So this could be sexual harassment, sexual assault, to be very wary about that especially if you’re going to be mostly alone on your journey is what I’m definitely seeing. Stalkers as well. Also while I’m saying this, there might also be a thing about like petty crimes and stuff getting stolen from you, just like your physical boundaries being pushed there might be something to do with living situation and people wanting to steal. I know it’s Japan and they have low crime rates but still, something to watch out for, it’s like being deliberately targeted because they can tell you aren’t Iapanese even though this might be in a heavily populated area you’re still in a city with strangers. Safety in numbers is also very important, so really finding a very good and trustworthy support system and friend group you can deeply appreciate, maybe even grouping up or befriending other foreigners. Men who might fetishize your ethnic identity for terrible shit. I feel like if you believe in the spiritual that you are going to be somewhat protected during your move, so don’t worry about it too much but keep these in mind and use proper discernment. Also there’s something here about taking or participating in classes to learn more about the language or culture to help you move around and connect with others in an easier manner and assimilate smoothly.
>Would they be happier moving abroad or staying in their home countryFive of cups, high priestess, five of swords reversed, page of pentacles reversed, eight of cups, ace of wands, the fool.
Even though I pulled the five of cups and the high priestess kind of like acknowledging the glass half full of your situation, it’s more of urging you to move around because the opportunities in your country could come to a standstill because of social/political conflicts and differences, resource constraints and possibly potential war in the future so I feel like this is just straight up advise to take this ripe opportunity by the horns and definitely start a new life for yourself with the Fool. But The High Priestess really urges you to meet yourself halfway with this, if you really do decide to travel then make the proper arrangements but don’t hold on too much to the point you’ll just walk away from your decision.
>What should they doThe fool, five of swords, ten of wands, three of wands reversed, nine of swords, strength reversed.
Honestly it’s not really telling me anything specifically about what you should do, it’s just saying the same stuff I said for the other question: this synchronicity is not a coincidence and you’re being urged to move around for your own benefit and to keep you out of harm’s way with the five of swords, lots of conflict and disputes happening I wonder where you live but something will impact the trade and economics in your country and it could make it hard for you to get a job, get food, it feels like it’s already hard enough as it is and I feel like this is also talking about being able to move out and stand on your own so if you were to stay in your current country it will get extremely harder to get an apartment or some sort of housing.
No. 444812
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>>444810>>438044>>442979PART TWO>The famous question: how, why, what, etcThe chariot, two of swords reversed, knight of cups, hierophant, judgement, three of wands, knight of wands.
Ok so I wouldn’t keep your hopes up with this because being famous is likely what nobody wants and comes with stipulations I can’t go into because It would go into tinfoil territory especially with the Judgement. This seems weird but this is kind of like lightning striking twice, that near percent chance of luck and sudden fortune happening but it will be very candid and fast, almost like you didn’t know it was going to happen. It feels like the Hawk Tuah, 15-minute kind of fame but don’t be so down about it because even though people (including myself) really hated that video and the social media presence it received she was apparently able to make a shit ton of money off of it, which is what I’m seeing, someone striking gold like those dusty gold miners striking hold during the gold rush. I also see someone possibly approaching you under a management for this because they liked your presence, the way you appeared, the way you talk and hold yourself, it’s kind of like that natural likability a lot of people have a hard time replicating and having because it represents itself as natural and so people want to dig into it further, cracking the harder exterior of it and analyze it, which is why if you were ever to be famous in this lifetime (or other lifetimes) you would be subject to a lot of scrutiny and criticism, it’s kind of like envy because you got the fast track to success but we all Kano behind the scenes that’s never what really happened, you had to sacrifice a good chunk of yourself to get this even if it seemed very candid and natural, it was always strategic. That’s why I feel you might even have some kind of connections or bloodline affiliation that could make this easier to happen to you, you could even get approached by some kind of
secret society or secret inner circle shhhh and swear oath to them for this to happen, I honestly even see this as possibly having a sort of close connection to some kind of powerful spirit who requires initiations of some sorts to increase their devotees wealth and abundance. The energy of the Chariot reminds me of the 28 degree in astrology which you should definitely look up or see if you have it in your birth chart, it’s apparently a very good degree to have in certain signs/houses/aspects that could indicate the start of multigenerational wealth, you know how people create legacy save files in the Sims? That sort of thing, being the main creative force and the founder/forebearer that brought about so much wealth it could carry on for a few decades, so I feel like this is not like the glitzy-glamorous image based fame (think Kim K, etc.) but the one that people take as a seedling to transform into a whole field of fruitful bearings which would be money using their name as a catalyst to get that end goal of financial stability and growth. I would take everything I said with a grain of salt because achieving fame is very rare but my cards said something interesting at least. So it would be extended by creating business or turning one little awkward happenstance, like that Hawk Tuah girl, to get thousands or maybe even millions, who knows honestly.
>How do they strengthen their manifestation skillsThe chariot, four of wands, knight of pentacles, empress.
Empress is a key manifestation card because you’re generating and creating new energy out of thin air, so this is going to seem really cringe but this might possibly have something to do with the law of attraction, doing certain things by increasing specific energies to bring those same energies to you. I don’t personally believe in this but that’s what I feel like it’s saying. It’s also focusing heavy on the home, someone wanting to seek a safe fortress for themselves that they control, so possibly visualization techniques or using attractive energy (possibly love) to get what you want, not literally but metaphorically. It’s also urging you, if you believe in and practice witchcraft, to even do some workings to increase your abundance and opportunities. There’s something I felt here about using apples and candles here, so that’s something to mention but spells and spiritual practices that can increase your confidence and fertility. Green witchcraft.
And lastly
>Will they ever meet their celebrity crush? Two of swords, page of swords, three of swords, five of swords.
Obviously no lol. I feel like here it’s kind of like someone willingly wanting to be blinded to the truth so I don’t know if this singer is going to get exposed or he was already exposed and you don’t really care so you’re still infatuated by them. I decided to pull more cards on them - Wherl of fortune, king of wands, five of pentacles, two of wands, hierophant, king of pentacles reversed. This one is hilarious, I see your celeb crush possibly getting sued or facing a lawsuit of some sort about his sexual activities or things he’s done without consent or permission from others, if it isn’t that it’s some kind of scandal that could be released by some other parties or one person that could find it very lucrative to release on him that could damage his reputation, possibly ruin whatever relationship(s) he has, and make him broke asfff, they’re probably going to trace this scandal through his money spending. Anyways this is getting too long, basically no and if this information does come out about him it might sour your little crush or if it’s already out, then I don’t know nonna kek. I really hope this wasn’t too offensive and was a fun read, this was actually pretty enjoyable to do so thank you for redirecting me to your post! ♥
No. 444870
>>437827>Owl, can you tell me what my greatest strengths are? My spiritual gifts?>The Runaway >Eight of ChalicesYour greatest strength is your ability to walk away from what doesn't serve you. It's easy for you to find an escape from what irks you in life. This may have come after a period in your life in which you were caged in by your problems. It's easier now more than ever for you to break free from that. Prince Stolas would also like to comment that you can pretty much find meaning in anything you want to. Your ability to find meaning in life is very easy. Although, your search for meaning may lead you to a point where you'll have to choose between multiple different callings in life.
>Why is my life so trash lately? >The Sailor>The EmpressYou've been away from home, pursuing different things that lead you away from where is comfortable. This is necessary as you've been creating new things that are really helping you, but Prince Stolas compares these cards to giving birth in the school's bathroom during prom night, it isn't the most ideal situation compared to being at home. If you want to live a happier life you need to partake in more comfort and sensual pleasures at home. Pursuing new and different possibilities is really important for you, but you need to make sure that you can do that from the comfort of your living environment.
>>439933Do you have a question for him? I was feeling kind of depressed so I wasn't really showing up, but I'm here now. I'll probably do one or two more readings in the queue tonight.
No. 444881
>>437833>I need to know if this is the path I should follow, I want to know if I will at some point stop caring and just start vibing like everyone else in this career. Am I ever going to be happy in a job? Which job will bring me happiness?>The Cartographer>Nine of Chalices reversed, Six of Pentacles reversed, Page of ChalicesI can see that right now you're currently at a crossroads between two different opportunities. One of those opportunities is one that you will give yourself and it will lead you towards happiness, while the other one, which is given to you from an outside source, will leave you feeling unfulfilled.
Prince Stolas says that you should give yourself the opportunity to do what you love. He says that if you wait around for other people to give you these opportunities, you will be left unhappy with your choices. He also says that the opportunity you give yourself will be more rewarding in the long run because you would have created it and worked for it all by yourself.
I think that doing what you love should come with the condition that you also do what is right for others. I think it's important that you choose a job that will allow you to lead ethically. I sense that you can't be happy if you can't give back to others through your work, so you should follow your desire to give charitably when looking for any career. You can create more opportunities for yourself and others if you put your mind to it.
No. 444936
>>444794thanks very much cat anon -
>>442436 here. You are really gifted with these readings, and thank you so much for doing them for free
No. 445087
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Cat-gif anon here, reply if you want more readings done! The previous rules still apply: no suicidal questions, no super personal ones, nothing about murder/abuse/rape, no future lover question because the future is always subject to change, etc. Limit is 3-4 questions, you can push for 5 but I won’t guarantee it will be answered. Thank you for being my pet guinea pigs as I continue to learn tarot, it surely has not been easy ♥
No. 445115
>>445087Was my life meant to take the turn it did in 2017 or did I genuinely fucked up my fate through depression?
Do my parents hate me?
No. 445116
>>445087Hi nona! Could I get a reading on the future of the connection between me (Taurus) and a Capricorn guy I have been talking to? So far, things are going quite well and I can't help but feel very anxious because I don't have a lot of dating experience.
And as an additional question, any advice from the tarot on how to approach this connection? I'm generally avoidant so I have a tendency to withdraw.
No. 445136
>>445087Hi cat nona!
I wanted to ask what I should do with my future. I know super vague but I cannot seem to figure out what my strengths are and which occupation would suit me. The medical field did not work out for me. I am bad with technology and people and those are a part of most jobs. I have learned that I am really bad at paying attention to multiple things and that I work best in small consistent teams (of women).
My other question is, what is wrong with me? I have messed up every relationship in my life, If it is friends or family or other people. There is something wrong with me but my therapist doesn't want to tell me anything and my mom is too nice and sees me through rose coloured glasses. I'm not empathetic but I am capable of compassion and sympathy. People generally describe me as "nice" and "polite". When I do manage to come closer to someone they either treat me as if I am a saint (with the expectation that I act a saint. If I don't it feels as if they try to parent me or feel I tricked them). Other times I feel scared and try to run from closeness, but most times it's as though there is something separating us. Kind of like an invisible wall. I'm stuck in the "pleasantries state" of relationships. No one wants to get closer. I'm always the second choice. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I know my emotional regulation sucks and I am very sensitive. I'm very excitable and I'm very forgetful. But I try to keep that to myself. I don't go around making others my emotional punching bags. My step father says that I am nothing and everyone who gets to know me will see that. He said I am not lovable and no one would ever care about me. My newest friend keeps saying mean things and breaking promises. I look at others my age and I feel like I don't belong. I will never be capable of what they are capable of. It really feels like I am so boring and messed up that no one wants me. Anyways sorry this came out so long. I was born by the end of march If that helps. I am around 20 years old. I like baking and visual novels. I stay in my room most of the time. Yeah. That probably paints an accurate picture of me. A few years ago I had some mental issues in which I didn't see myself as human and thought I was a demon possessing this body (cause my mom always said stuff like "who are you what did you do to my daughter" and "bring her back" then try to exorcise me) so I believed that I had to give others my everything and serve them so they didn't kill themselves (because in my mind everyone who was a little upset or had a bad day was somehow at risk). Dumb I know, now at least. Thanks cat nona. I ramble too much sorry about that.
No. 445290
>>445087Thank you for your help, cat-nona! I would like to ask about my possible financial situation in the end of this year and the start of next year? Will I find a good job?
I hope our questions will bring you much more knowledge, even if mine sucks kek
No. 445391
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>>445115 >Was my life meant to take the turn it did in 2017 or did I genuinely fucked up my fate through depression?Five of wands, hierophant, three of wands, knight of swords, temperance, page of swords, four of cups, empress, six of swords, four of pentacles, ace of wands, three of pentacles, seven of pentacles, seven of wands, three of swords.
General theme:
- job loss/lay off/unemployment
- miniscule savings
- getting financially cutoff(?)
Okay I’m surprised this happened in 2017 because it reminds me of COVID when people were beginning to get jobs and starting their lives but then the pandemic hit and it delayed and possibly ruined a lot of their financial goals and plans. With the hierophant it reminds me of when doors are being opened for many people to pass through, the crossroads, so you might’ve been at the height of achieving your goals, climbing the ladder and what not, fighting so hard to get what you need but then changes and expansion happens to level out or balance the potential destruction, so preventing the fire before it even starts but you’re not included in this decision. You were financially well at some point before this happened but this decision your job (or whoever this is) made has ruined your ability to live without constant economic stress and dire lifestyle changes. I clarified the three of pentacles because I was seriously confused and I got the king of wands and death so yeah it might’ve been a parent or like I said maybe a boss, a person you knew who decided to take the intiative to cutoff this help burying you further into steeping debt, because the death cards is connected to 8th house which could be accruing debts, missing bills, figuring out how to pay shit to stay alive? That’s my guess.
>>445116>Connection between Taurus F and Capricorn MHierophant, six of pentacles, justice, ace of wands, emperor, empress reversed, king of cups reversed, king of wands, ten of swords, queen of swords, fool and devil.
General themes:
- power imbalance
- potential age gap (?) if not then different cultural expectations
- traditional values
- self-esteem issues
- persona change
- missing the red flags
Okay so someone here feels like another is not providing enough in the relationship. I can detect your obvious inexperience with relationships because this man I believe kind of like..
know you are inexperienced because it’s kind of like they already have pre-established expectations for what they want their partner to have and do in the relationship and again it feels very straightforward, rigid, traditional, kind of tradfaggery. He expects you to be prim, proper, generous way more than he is but if the real you appears more forward it’s like he pulls backwards, it feels emotionally manipulative making someone feel like they aren’t good enough or need to change up their entire look, appearance, personality, cadence in their voice to fit into this relationship. It’s almost like you have to play by their rules to keep the connection tight and secure. He definitely loves being chased as well so he might be exploiting your vulnerable need to be loved and validated to fulfill his egotistical needs. Queen of swords urges you to empower yourself through truth and objectivity of your connection, the fool is like flying by the red flags (devil card) because you’re naive, inexperienced, and it’s kind of like a novelty thing where it hits the right nerves and emotions in your brain so you become addicted to it and again mending your appearance, changing yourself to make this connection work for them. Overall this doesn’t feel good to me but you let me know what’s going on further.
>>445128This is really hard for me to do at the moment. Would you be able to give me like specific questions at least? Sorry about this anon.
>>445136 >What are their strengths Eight of swords reversed, queen of swords, ten of wands, five of wands, seven of pentacles, two of swords, the world
Well even if you the medical field isn’t for you, you’re definitely a problem solver. You’re good at multitasking and dealing with tasks and situations that others can’t, very collaborative and understands how to have each other person contribute to their role fairly and efficiently for the greater good. I would say you have good managerial/leadership skills, it’s not so passionate and CEO-like but the queen of swords is guiding people to great clarity and truth from chaos and disorder. Phoenix-like recovery, resilience and perseverance, transformation from underdog to winner. You could also be someone who has that skill of being able to tear down and deconstruct people’s worldviews or bring ideas that do cause some kind of chaos or is seen as a “problem” or rebellious by others but it’s necessary change or movement away from the status quo that’s needed.
>What occupation would be right for them Six of pentacles, two of wands, eight of
Public defender. I keep seeing themes of rescue and risk-taking so helping people with disasters so like 911 operators or something related to that. Disaster relief lol which is interesting. Protection of other people’s money, assets so accountants. Human resources. Some sort of government job, not political office or anything but you know people who work in welfare services and stuff? Receptionist. Assistant. Community planners. Urban planners. Project manager. Something to do with architecture/infrastructure as well. That’s all I can really think of based off this spread.
>>445158 >Will there be healing for themHigh priestess, eight of wands, the sun, the star, queen of pentacles, and the hermit,
Yeah but it will be a long, lonely and arduous journey. I feel like it’s really urging you to
go to therapy go to therapy listen to other people’s advice and really apply it to your own life, because you’re very guarded, hyper vigilant, paranoid, flighty. You’ve never really felt unsafe at all so at some point you’ll figure out how to create a new safe haven for yourself and that it doesn’t have to be solely restricted to a physical area like a house or apartment but it’s the feeling of home and safety that belongs inside of you, the feeling of stability and durability will come eventually. I’m also getting the encouragement to revisit past hobbies or even discovering new ones, possibly with the craftsmanship so that can include art, knitting, you might even be able to draw in attention because of this and inspire others. There might be some anxiety, the emerging memories of somebody else pursuing you and it’s really ruling over your life so seeking guidance to understand why you’re feeling this way is incredibly pertinent. I wouldn’t be shocked if you’re having hallucinations or seeing things that aren’t there tbh because it almost feels like these delusions almost have a mind of their own, a dominant alter ego perhaps? It’s almost like they drive you to fulfill their orders, could also talk about intrusive thoughts or self-destructive behavior.
No. 445392
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>>445251 Hierophant, high priestess, king of swords, ten of wands, ten of pentacles reversed, world and four of cups.
Ok so this scrote feels like he deserves literally the entire world, his entitlement and overestimation of his own abilities is extremely outrageous. He feels like you’re high maintenance and expecting deep rewarding commitment out of it when he likely has no intentions. There’s also a possibility here of him working hard to keep up some kind of agenda or image of himself, possibly feeding you lies about his background, he’s just another broke dusty who feels like the world completely owes him something and is probably lowkey secretly envious of you as well. It’s almost like he’s in silent competition with you. I pulled one more card the Devil - underlying toxicity, pay attention to the signs, the words he says, look inbetween the lines. You know it reminds me of those stories where broke dusty men would get with accomplished women and then use them to get what they want all to leave the relationship entirely with the woman with absolutely nothing. Maybe I’m being a bit too overdramatic, but again dude is BROKE and likely feels emasculated, I also get the sneaky suspicion this scrote tries to use his mediocre ass intellect to ramble on and on about nonsense or tries to mansplain/“teach” you or regain “power” over you because how dare you be more knowledgeable than him, how dare you have more than him, blah blah typical scorned scrote shit, trying to prove something instead of admitting his shortcomings. Maybe you’re the one who actually comes from an accomplished, well-together family and he’s trying to compete with that? Two people from two different worlds? Also whenever you feel very happy/excited about something like your accomplishments and want to share it, just giving an example, he kind of negs it or pretends to be disinterested in it, might even downplay your achievements, intelligence, again knowledge and experience. I’m probably wrong and this person is probably a female/a friend/family member and you’re not even straight at all lol, take what resonates which this probably doesn’t. Let me know
>>445290 >Financial situation for end of 2024 The star, queen of swords, six of pentacles, the devil, king of pentacles, the fool.
Ok this one is really cute and kind of made me feel better while I’m typing this. There will be some hope on getting where you want to be, getting the recognition you deserve, having your wish fulfilled and made and with the queen of swords is being recognized for your intellectual skills so idk if this is going to be a traveling job because I heard the word “Busan” so idk if that’s relevant to you, maybe you will be traveling unrelated to a job but take what resonates. I also heard “EKG” so idk if there’s advice to really seek medical advice or to book a doctor’s appointment (or maybe this is directed at me while I’m reading for you kek) but yeah the king of pentacles, devil, six of pentacles is like securing an agreement or getting a deal I sense with a pretty big company that you’ve always wanted to work at. The fool is one of the most obvious travel/journey cards. I hope this makes sense or resonates.
>Financial situation for start of 2025 Hermit, three of wands, ace of wands, temperance, six of wands, moon, nine of swords, three of cups reversed.
So I heard “car note” so I don’t know if you’re trying to like refinance your car or something but there’s something to watch out for predatory loans, shitty interest rates, just be very cautious and careful I’m seeing they may target women with these kinds of strategies. Possible disagreements with prices and payments, like the hermit comes with their own research so they might try to upsell or raise the price of these goods. If cars don’t apply to you then apply this for just about everything else, you need to search the real truthful worth and value of what you purchase and buy, I’m also sensing potential overpaying here too that they don’t want you finding out or looking over because the Hermit is kind of secretive. But yeah definitely overpaying with something, overpaying on something that isn’t worth its purchasing value (rock with me here idk how this shit works). There’s a need to cut off the little things, there’s also like some homegrown theme in here so maybe like learning how to make more recipes, making stuff from scratch. I decided to pull more with the nine of wands, seven of cups, something dealing with property dispute and roommates so if you live with roommates I guess this will be something to take into account, possibly to avoid leaving you with debt. You might even be considering on renting out your place but again this is a very dire economic time for people and there’s possibility of taking advantage so if this resonates to be very careful.
No. 445456
>>445087Hi cat nonna, thank you for your dedication here!
Will I be able to find a better job in the remaining months of 2024? Or maybe as soon as possible?
I’m in my final year of uni, will I make it through it?
My hair keeps falling off and thinning and generally I feel tired, what can be done? I tried a lot of stuff to almost no avail.
Thank you in advance, cat nonna!
mid 20’s, Taurus, if that helps No. 445466
>>445391Hi anon, sorry for not being specific enough I'm,
>>445128 btw. Can you please ask the cards if there's anything I can actively do to improve my employment/money situation, I'm applying for jobs but I'd like to know if there's anything I'm not noticing or aware of? This one also might be quite difficult, but I've recently (just over 6 months) become very close to someone, I've known them for a while but like I've said, we've gotten more close - will they be in my life for the long term?
No. 445764
>>445391Hi cat nona! I'm
>>445136. Thanks for the reading.It is much appreciated. Sadly I really don't get along all that well with people and I'm afraid I'm not half as cool as you described me to be. But I'm still really glad you did my reading. I feel encouraged to maybe challenge myself and perhaps grow into that kind of a person. As always you rock and I wish you the best. Take care, eat well and don't forget to rest plenty
No. 446179
>>446158Thank you anon. Do you mind if I ask 5 questions?
>what do my spirit guides want me to know?>the male deity that I am considering on worshiping/working with what does he have to say currently? it isn’t a person but the animal this deity reminds me of isn’t an animal but reminds me of a male fairy/nature spirit >why am I having to face all of my problems alone? >why do I attract so much negative energy from other people? >any job/financial advice? Thank you anon for your kindness!
No. 446431
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Cat-gif anon, I have some questions:
Will I get that prestigious job? Currently I'm going through the most grueling interview/onboarding process imaginable for it. Or will I lose my opportunity because of some nitpicky bs?
And if I don't get that job, will the pay at my current job ever increase to an amount I'm happy with?
No. 446451
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Cat gif anon:
Will my mom ever stop beating the shit out of me? She's beat the shit out of me since I was a child and I have to live with her due to unfortunate career circumstances.
No. 446519
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>>445414 One card pulls can be helpful but doesn’t provide much information. For example. The world could mean the completion of cycles, achievement, accomplishment, recognition, projects, since it’s Major Arcana this would be the equivalent of large-scale inventions that change the world and public consciousness in a completely innovative way. It can also be a card of lessons and tribulations being learned. The card of deja vu. It could also mean flight, discovery, journey and travel sort of like the Fool card but the difference between the World and The Fool is that The Fool is like a younger person decides to backpack across Europe during their college gap year and the World is a well-seasoned traveler who knows all the tourist traps in every city and country and knows the ins and outs of where to go on the map, if that makes sense? Even if the World is experienced, there are still some things they completely overlook. Because it also talks about cycles, chapters, sometimes this card comes out when it talks about pregnancy, a relationship meeting its end because both parties have self-evaluated enough to know they got enough of it and it’s time to move on. It can also talk about the weather as well, but that’s for me personally.
>>445428>Will things get better Eight of swords, five of wands, seven of pentacles, seven of swords
I feel like there are more obstacles, I feel like you desperately want to be taken more seriously, fighting to keep yourself afloat, this has the energy of having to or needing to start over but no matter how much you try, it always backfires or fails. An example I can give for this is like say you get a paycheck but then you wake up learning that you got a huge charge in your bank account that fucks up your monthly payments or something like that, it’s like the “I can never win” attitude. Also the message of wanting to be paid what you’re worth. I have a feeling this is more about a job because I almost feel like you’ve been at that job for a while but it’s really not suiting you, possible wage theft as well? Idk, but I feel like these are the obstacles that are impacting you.
>>445456>Will I be able to find a better job in the remaining months of 2024? Or maybe as soon as possible?Justice, four of swords reversed, six of pentacles, five of swords.
Idk honestly, job market is fucked basically. I pulled a few more cards - Magician, Star, Five of Cups reversed, making the best of out a bad situation with your resources and Star power. It’s generic but pretty clear cut, I think the energy I’m getting here is to really try to balance out the stuff in your workplace because it will be realistic at harder to compete with others for roles that might not even exist, so finding balance and enjoyment outside of your workplace could be something you could seek out.
>I’m in my final year of uni, will I make it through it?Queen of pentacles reversed, four of swords, king of cups, knight of wands, the star, knight of pentacles.
Yeah it won’t be easy as you’ll be mostly broke and unhappy but it will happen if you want to be done with uni. A possible connection can be made that could help you acquire your job, king of cups would be someone you’re possibly close to but I feel like this is sort of taking pity in this offer, but your possibility of finding employment could be seeking connections inside of your university and getting recognized for your skills and talents.
>My hair keeps falling off and thinning and generally I feel tired, what can be done? I tried a lot of stuff to almost no avail.Go to the doctor. Get a blood test.
No. 447413
>>447001Vanilla isn't good for cleansing. Try something like cedar or garden sage for that. To answer your questions:
>Like when do I cleanse them? How many times must I do that? You don't need to cleanse them often unless you feel a lot of negative energy confusing your readings. Do it like once a week to start off and then you can get a feel for how often you should do it.
>Or can I just start drawing cards and attempting readings whenever? Yes you can do that no problem. That's what the cards are for.
>Can something bad happen to me if I don't use the cards? How frequently must I use them? You could choose to just keep those cards stashed away and never use them and nothing bad would ever happen to you. I keep a couple of decks that I rarely use and nothing bad has ever befallen me for that. You can choose to read as often or as little as you want.
>Can I just treat them Like regular playing cards?The tarot originated as an Italian playing card game so you can absolutely do that and nothing bad would happen. I'm pretty sure that there are even sources online that can teach you how to play Tarocchi.
>>447005>I wanted to try cleansing with prayers and religious texts being recited. Do you think that's going to work well?Honestly the card are not sentient so there are no rules. If you feel like cleansing the deck by reciting religious prayers over it would help then you can and should do that.
>>447191You're not the only reader who has reported feeling drained and burned out after doing a lot of readings. It's a common experience amongst tarot and divination practicioners. I don't know why it happens so if anybody has any theories on why reading tarot drains people of energy that would be appreciated.
No. 447896
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>>447752I was trying too go to sleep but I psychically heard you crying in this thread so I got up to read for you. The answer to your question is no. Also you are so fucking doomed. It was nice knowing you anon, see you in hell.
No. 448245
>>444812>>444810Nona, sorry about the super late reply - I appreciate your reading very much, even though some stuff don't seem to match exactly, a lot did. You kinda tackled all of my fears about Japan, which kinda worried me lol
but I'm going with my fiance so I think that at least will ease my mind a bitI wanted to do a long post adressing everything bit by bit, but I kinda lost the momentum now and I just wanna say thank you in general for taking your time.
Just two points that I found interesting:
I do have the 28th degree in my moon, I went looking into it but so far it seems inconclusive. I also have a 5th degree, which some places claimed to be the "15 minutes of fame" type of fame, so that would be accurate. I also wouldn't want to be extra famous, being a successful yt channel without even showing my face would be ideal I think.
About the celebrity, it's kinda funny because they have not being cancelled, he's not even that famous and is usually private about his life. If sexual misconduct ever surfaces I'd be really surprised lol
but he's a man after all No. 448335
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>>447896Those are the most beautiful cards I've seen, what deck is that?
>>447907not a tarot reader but I want to practice more so here we go - please take these with a grain of salt since this is just a thing I do for fun.
nine of wands reversed
king of wands
three of pentacles reversed
It looks like you've been a bit paranoid for a while, whether justified or not, and it's taking a toll on you or you've adapted this air of 'I know it all' or rather thinking that because of your paranoia you're in control when you're not, you're just paranoid. This energy that you're putting into scanning the environment for all possible threats is energy you could be spending into getting new skills or being more capable in a more pragmatic sense (maybe scanning lolcow or other sm platforms instead of focusing on your hobbies or interests? just putting it out there). The Emperor came out reversed while shuffling, I get this sense of trying to be in control of a situation and struggling to, it doesn't feel like a work-related issue but rather your rapport with someone, something, how you relate to it emotionally.
the hanged man
queen of swords reversed
the star
re: how to be more at ease, it's a bit vague but again please take it with a grain of salt
It might be easiest to just accept that there are things outside of your control, maybe let go of the idea of being right and letting people think what they want to think, and focusing on what you do want to do rather on how to avoid obstacles. I get this sense of just accepting that some people might see you as a bitch no matter what, so there's no point in trying to appease or monitor them because they don't matter.
I hope this has been somewhat accurate, I usually read for myself so I am not sure if I'm just biased or if I am guessing things correctly. If you have a specific question please don't hesitate to reach out, I lurk the thread from time to time.
No. 448352
>>448335Oh wow you’re pretty much accurate about my feelings at the moment. My “paranoia” is justified though. Thank you so much for your reading nonna. I do have one question though, I’ve been dabbling into the spiritual and was wondering if you were willing to be comfortable answering this for me since everybody has different beliefs but:
What does the god Lugh want to say to me? Thank you so much if you see this message you are pretty skilled don’t doubt yourself ♥
No. 448358
>>448352While shuffling I had a lot of cards trying to come out, almost like the entity you spoilered (I don't know how to spoiler it myself since I rarely post) was really eager to tell you something haha, an interesting coincidence (or me having too many energy drinks in my system…)
six of pentacles reversed
the world
three of cups
you're so used to getting things done on your own you're missing out on the gifts the universe wants to give you. I think the justified paranoia you mentioned is keeping you a bit stuck in this position where because you can't trust someone else's help you're struggling more than you have to on your own.
You're missing the forest for the trees is a phrase that comes up, it's definitely positive as long as you're able to loosen up just a bit (a bit of paranoia is pretty healthy though).
I don't know how much this would fit that deity since I am not familiar at all with anything other than the Greek pantheon but I hope it gives you a bit of perspective.
No. 448365
>>448358Thank you again (for the quick response)! You should really go to sleep anon.. but yeah that seems pretty on point but I’ve learned that most of not all people (and spirits) and can’t really be trusted, but thanks for your advice. You’re really good
pls read for us more this thread is very unused. It actually fits well because that deity is connected to nature and it’s a Celtic deity kek. Thank you so much for this, you’re great, have a nice day or I’m assuming night since you can’t sleep
No. 448366
>>448365Samefag if I can also shove in one more question sorry kek as a clarification
What are those gifts the universe are trying to give me? Sorry nonna
No. 448371
>>448365Bah, don't worry, I'm pretending to work right now anyways.
>I’ve learned that most of not all people (and spirits) and can’t really be trustedTrust but verify is a phrase that came up, hopefully you'll find a way to give trust without exposing yourself too much to people. I'm not a great judge of character myself so I know the struggle lol
eight of cups
judgement reversed
ten of wands reversed
I think the gift is less something material and more moving into a new chapter of your life - being wiser and not facing the issued you have faced before. I get the vibe of a kid who keeps asking 'are we there yet?' and you keep telling them no, or you're not ready, things like that.
Perhaps the 'gift' (I now realize that it may not have been the best word to use) is finding new people you can trust and get close to, without having to test them all the time.
I asked if there was anything else to tell you and got
six of cups
three of wands
two of swords
There's a possibility of revisiting something you used to enjoy before but weren't able to do, or someone that you used to know that might come back in a new form. Maybe an idea you had for so long and kind of abandoned that you're reexamining to see it's worth doing now.
Do use caution, as you know already you can't trust everyone you encounter right away.
No. 448372
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How reliable do you nonnies think the youtube readings are?
I've watched like 3 videos (one was at random, the other I believe was the algorithm doing its work) and I was honestly kinda shocked with some predictions because they alined very well with some of my visualizations/intentions for next year.
I'm now gonna try and get a reading IRL from a coworker, and see how well everything fits, but I just wanted to see the general opinion on it.
No. 448530
>>448486tbh you might want to just let this relationship be what it was and move on nona
knight of cups reversed is a lack of maturity, the fool can be seen both as a new beginning but also some naivete that you've had in the past, and with the wheel of fortune I'm afraid that if you do try to get back together you'd just repeat the cycle of being smothered.
You deserve a relationship where you can feel free.
No. 448578
>>448566I mean, it's not a bad interpretation, albeit a bit generic. Reading for yourself is a bit better because you can see what applies best to the symbol instead of guessing someone else's intentions.
I'd recommend doing a three card reading to have a clearer image (so instead of one card for the present, one the future etc you'd have three cards that are a snapshot of your current situation/what would happen if you do get in a relationship with them).
Have faith in yourself nona!
No. 448590
>>446377Would this be an interesting topic for a reading?
No. 448956
>>448924Attractiveness is subjective and chances are you look fine, having a spread is not going to make you more attractive as long as you don't like what you see in the mirror.
Regardless, the spread kind of tells you that your problem is not whether you are attractive or not but rather you are fixated to this idea and it might be best to let it go. (Two of swords - indecision, seven of pentacles - waiting for something to happen). Please try to get your validation from yourself as opposed to outside sources.
>>448898What question do you have? If you want to vent I recommend the thread allocated to it since as
>>448906 said this thread is very very slow.
>>448952Please take this with a grain of salt.
I have the feeling that you have the options that are either related to starting over with something in your work/studies or wanting to avoid starting over
eight of swords
three of cups reversed
world reversed
I would honestly recommend seeing what would benefit you the most in a selfish way almost, and doing whatever will make you the most comfortable at least in the short term. It feels like it's a choice between what you want and what people would approve of? People will always have something to say and to judge no matter what we do so might as well do what you want, fuck them.
It likely won't be an easy path to thread but none are.
No. 448957
Can any
nonnie read my question at
>>446969 No. 449775
>>449212I think there is an entity that is spiritually protecting you, although I don't have any name for them. They seem to be competent and benevolent though, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Take this with a grain of salt:
strength reversed
three of swords reversed
hanged man
I think something to keep in mind or 'worry' about is your self reliance honestly. It ca be tempting to want to be strong enough to endure life by ourselves but you might come to peace with someone or people who have hurt you in the past.
It might be terrifying to be open and vulnerable when you're used to being so vigilant so I would recommend taking things as they are a bit and not overthink/hyper-analize people you interact with.
No. 449785
>>449775Please read for me too nona
>>446969 it's my question
No. 451468
>>449785eight of cups reversed
seven of swords reversed
nine of pentacles
I feel like maybe some of the jobs you've applied to are lowkey scams or just shit deals for you. I think that you'll find something, just not necessarily right now. To be fair a lot of jobs do hiring freezes over the holidays in my area so tbh I'd be looking out for what happens after new year.
>>450136four of wands reversed
nine of cups
There's a sense of less him feeling bad because of what he did to you but rather he feels bad in general kek
he comes across as an emotionally unstable guy, he's going to be fucked the more he pushes people away and hurts them.
I'd recommend examining how you see relationships (it feels like maybe you were together or in an intimate friendship) and focusing on things that you can use to get your money up so to speak, like honing in your skills and trating yourself with the same steadfast approached you used on him.
Best of luck either way.
>>450533I don't think you are, no. I'd recommend trying the witchcraft thread with your situation to see what else it could be. Possessions are pretty rare afaik.
>>451342I'm very much a novice in this but I see the queen cards as a more relaxed version of the kings - you still have control without having a death grip or excess men can have.
I would interpret the queen of cups as the version of you who has the optimal financial future for you, by taking control of herself and her emotions. Not in a stoic way necessarily, but more emotionally regulated so she can make the best choices for herself if it makes sense
No. 452850
>>452367>Should I become an author?knight wands reversed
king swords
seven pentacles
I have this sense that you don't really want to be an author per se, maybe your motivation behind it is more to seem cool/accomplished or to appease someone.
If you do go down that path you may find yourself dissatisfied with teh day to day activities of being an author, but sticking to it with discipline (maybe treating it as a full time job as opposed to a hobby) could give you a moderate success.
>Is my best friend in love with me?no. you might be complicating things for yourself by looking for a romantic connection with them instead of letting it be as a platonic thing.
No. 452888
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>>451770I'd say it indicates highly potent energy from that suit. So love, intuition, potential, versatility… If it resonated with your intention then the universe must think this is an important question. Follow your intuition, cupnonny. Court cards also interact, if you want to take the reading any deeper. Picrel.
Can anynonna offer me a reading? I'm happy to trade if you have your own query.
>Which area of my life most needs my focus right now?I'm changing many different things via many different methods. Today I feel like I'm just throwing spaghetti at the wall and none of it sticks. I need confidence and focus in what I'm doing.
No. 455655
>>452888Thank you Nona, I appreciate that! I am still very much a beginner.
I did another reading and pulled 2 cup cards: queen reversed and ace upright. Followed by the moon reversed.
The universe is trying to tell me something alright..
I’m not sure I could offer an accurate reading, so please feel free to correct me, but I will try:
>King of pentaclesHmm, to me this suggests that deep down you are usually focused and have things in order. By focus do you mean fix? Is there a reason you feel you need to focus on something in particular?
>3 of swordsWell ok that explains that.. are you ignoring something you need to deal with emotionally? Did something not go to plan, and now you are ignoring it by starting something else?
>page of pentacles reversed Maybe as you say; I am changing many different things by many different methods.. I’d say you are just in the early stages of what it is you are trying to do. Maybe you are scared of failing or not finding whatever it is you’re looking for.
Sorry that was v basic.
No. 457796
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I feel like I'm pretty bad at manifesting shit, but the last time it worked my heart would race and I'd get goosebumps thinking of it, and it's happening again. My heart is currently kinda crazy, the same feeling as if I'm going to a big holiday trip tomorrow.
Could any nonnies confirm this for me? If what I'm manifesting is currently on my way as I'm planning or better
Much obliged!
No. 461197
>>457796This is too broad. I can't just say "oh it will happen" or "oh it won't happen." It would be best if you could elaborate more on what exactly you're manifesting. Is it relating to relationships, career, education, etc.. If it's personal or something, just explain it in loose banal terms.
I can do a three card spread, something like:
>What's holding you back from your goal.>What you need to focus on to make your goal a reality.>What consequences could be expected from reaching this goal.If you could provide your sun, moon, and rising sign, it would be appreciated.
No. 461204
>>461197It's a relationship, but not necessarily romantic. Loosely tied to a new career as well, but again not necessarily.
Leo rising, Scorpio moon and aqua sun.
No. 461211
>>461207Meeting a SP when I go on this trip (because they don't live where I live), and we become friends as they might help me with my career because they are connected, but again, it doesn't have to be tontgat extent. I guess friendship is my baseline and career aid or something more would be a bonus, so to speak.
I know I'm paranoid, but anything more than that and I fear someone could recognize me kek
If it's not enough, I'd understand and we can just skip the reading.
No. 461254
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hi nonas. 20yo gemini. looking for either a love reading or a “why am i like this and how do i fix myself” reading, or both if you feel like it.
No. 462391
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Hi this is the cat-gif anon, I completely stopped coming in here because of life and tarot tl;dr I just lost complete track and interest of wanting to do them. I know some people here are like “who cares?” but some people do wonder and have hope that their stuff will get read because it’s understandable to want answers. To celebrate the New Year of 2025 I will do some readings: reply to this post if you want a reading. Since the Hellmas VPN ban has decreased the amount of people using the website by a significant number and other factors I will be pretty slow but I will try to do them within today and tomorrow. The rules are still the same: no suicide mentions, no asking love questions when you know the answer is to DUMP HIM, etc. Keep everything short/simple and easy to understand for me if you want an immediate and honest response. Thank you if anyone replies to this!
No. 462395
>>462391Happy 2025, anon! Thanks for all the readings this year!
I was gonna ask about
>>457796 since the other anon kinda jilted me (jk… unless?), but honestly I'm feeling it coming.
Sending you good energy!
No. 462404
>>462391cat nona! Lovely to hear from you. My questions are basic as hell;
What will 2025 look like for me, any major events?
I'm travelling to East Asia for a few weeks this year, anything to watch out for or be aware of?
I'm looking for a new job and I've applied for one recently, anything to anticipate about that?
I'm Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon and Virgo Rising if that helps at all with your readings. Many thanks once again!
No. 462432
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>>462391is it looking lonely for me from here on out ?
20, libra sun, scorpio moon, pisces rising.
thank you catnonnie and happy new year
♥ No. 462711
>>462391Will I ever understand platonism/neoplatonism in a level which I'm confortable with?
Thank you
nonnie, happy new year for you and other nonnas reading this.
No. 462714
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Happy 2025 nonacitas!
I'm slightly buzzed and doing simple yes or no questions, since I'm a beginner.
Signs are welcomed, but if you're shy just tell me your favorite plant or animal!
Lots of love
No. 462738
>>462395I’m kind of confused on what you’re asking but I got the Devil reversed, ten of pentacles reversed, two of wands reversed clarified with four of wands reversed, queen of wands reversed, lovers reversed, king of cups reversed, seven of swords, king of swords.
Um idk what you’re trying to manifest but there’s clearly somebody here I think from your family because I heard “patrician” or possibly some kind of person you have a very
toxic relationship with. I don’t know specifically what it is, potentially cutting yourself off from them? A lack of communication and emotional boundaries as well, someone’s who’s overly guarded with their resources and money like people are only out to use them for their money? Loss of property or physical separation as well. I pulled one more card and I got the Queen of swords right next to the Kjng of swords which are both matched in intellectual and strategic abilities. I asked even further what is this really about - Three of swords, yeah some kind of separation or betrayal that could be heading your way.
>>462547>Should they sign or keep looking >Any other advice for where to moveFour of swords reversed, page of pentacles reversed, nine of cups, magician reversed, ace of swords reversed, three of cups, eight of pentacles, the artist reversed, high priestess, death reversed.
I feel like you have to be careful not to fall to wishful thinking and be realistic with your options and money. Also there’s a mention of possibly needing to get roommates to help with the costs of living and possibly build your dreams and goals for the future, starting off mundane and simple could really help you. I don’t know where you live but your financial history could also make it difficult for you to be considered or maybe they’re being predatory on purpose because of this fact? You seem pretty young if not maybe a very “young” credit history or something..
>>462599>what would happen if they traveled north Sun reversed, eight of wands reversed, nine of swords reversed, four of swords reversed, ace of swords reversed. Let’s just say you would definitely feel unhappy and unsafe, possibly like someone is lurking or out to get you. I also sense like needing to rearrange your routine and your mindset just to be able to “survive” because of the nine of wands reversed energy, just feeling unsafe, possibly surrounded by lots of crime and possibly stalking or something? Yeah definitely doesn’t look too promising.
>what would happen if they traveled south Strength, king of wands reversed, the magician, temperance, the artist, king of pentacles.
Ok so this one feels like a story, a marionette and their puppeteer. I also imagined the idea of a “get away car” so again the fast-paced impulsive nature of this set of cards. Somebody pulling strings, like a ghoul or ghost constantly following them no matter where they go this is purely metaphorical. Lots of adrenaline, fear and intensity. A Bismarck type personality (look him up it could even apply to a female or other people in your life). Again this idea of being watched, final girl horror film energy it doesn’t have to be too traumatic or serious but like carrying the weight of your past wherever you go and it still keeps following you, haunting you like a ghost. But there’s some kind of human element to it beyond just your internal struggle with your shadow. Possibly people or this very strong present person trying to convince you to come back.
>>462711>Will they ever understand platonism/neoplatonism Six of pentacles, emperor reversed, sun reversed, three of wands reversed, high priestess reversed, eight of pentacles.
I’m going to be honest with you I don’t know anything about those so I really can’t answer that for you. What I can say is that there’s something disorganized and unruly about these philosophies and they’re probably made like that on purpose because of the history associated with these theories are always intentionally left to be confusing, mysterious and full of gaps and interpretations. Eight of pentacles is trying to break it down in digestible bite sized forms to comprehend but using proper discernment to weed out the obvious mistruths and misinformation about it. I looked this up but maybe something to do with the allegory of the cave because of the sun reversed the unseen/shadows, six of pentacles is the gift of knowledge but through unruliness you can sort it out? I feel like you would have to have some serious spiritual beliefs to understand what he says, I feel like some of his theories have to do more with the spiritual world than just physical theory. Tl;dr IDK DUDE
Happy 2025!!
No. 462745
>>462738Hey, anon!
This is my intended manifestation
>>461211I hope your reading is not indicating that I will break up with my current bf? That is my biggest fear regarding to manifesting that SP because I
want a strong connection, but not home wrecking lol
unless it's actually worthy it?Anyways, thanks! Cheers, to a lovely 2025
No. 462787
>>462714Hi anon, my question is: should I continue to chase this person?
Context: I’m not hoping for more than I know it is, I’m wondering whether it’s had its time, and I should now move on.
No. 462864
>>462391Will I stop being so lonely soon?
Do my siblings hate me?
Why am I obsessed with D. and how to stop it?
No. 462911
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Happy New Year!
>>462787>8 of cups Not really, let it go and move on. That's the literal message of this card in particular, so I think it's very clear.
>>462780>First >The moon Hm, it seems like it won't exactly and you are deluding yourself or someone is leading you on about. I asked for clarification and the Strength came, so I think you either confront that person (your boss? Coworker?) or yourself so you can focus and your career can be where you want.
>Second>The world>6 of wandsYes, but I'm not getting bitterness or sadness out of it. How did you break up? The image that I'm getting is that they're kinda boastful even of ever dating you.
>Third >2 of pentacles Bareely, you'll need to avoid silly purchases and stuff like that to be able to save money and travel.
>Fourth>Knight of cupsYes! It will come naturally and it'll be very beautiful.
No. 463002
>>462990I am
>>462714 so no, you didn't ask me. Readers can also pick the queries they want to answer.
No. 465318
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Curious if anyone anons have used this book? My mother had a copy so I would use it every now and then. I've recently gotten a copy (it's now out of print sadly) and I've decided to write down my answers and record them just so I can look back
No. 465376
>>465321I pulled the Judgment Card and it means:
The Judgement card represents a powerful call to transformation and self-awareness. To improve your life, it encourages honest reflection on your past actions and choices. Release any guilt or regrets that weigh you down and forgive yourself and others. This card signals a time of renewal, urging you to embrace change and align your actions with your true purpose. Take responsibility for your growth, seek opportunities for spiritual and personal development, and let go of limiting beliefs. By answering this inner call, you can rise to a new level of clarity and fulfillment.
No. 469745
>>452888Hi Nona, I am cup lady (sorry for my shit reading, I really need to work on that)
I have just pulled 3 more cup cards in the same reading, again with a similar intention around emotion, feeling, being present.. and the general vibe. Wanted to know if I am letting my emotions control my actions.
I pulled 10, 5, and then 6 of cups.
I can’t read this in an unbiased way; all I’m reading is shit feels good man, you should forgive/forget the past, and remember what was, what is,or could be.
If anyone else could read my cards or help me that would be great!
No. 480228
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Cat-gif anon is back and I’m restarting readings again with a february edition because I’m a piece of shit and can’t keep up with things anymore. Reply if you want one. Only rules:
>no suicidal topics
>no drama
>no infighting/being rude to people asking specific questions you find “stupid”
If you know you should break up with him, please just do it and spare yourself from tarot abuse. What I can do: love readings, career readings, life purpose, 1 month-6 month predictions. I’m not really good at spiritual ones yet. If you have questions that you want to ask about a lolcow, celebrity, politician or world events or anything that’s off-topic from your personal life or just for fun please feel free to ask because I love doing readings about those things as of lately. Happy Tuesday and Happy February!
No. 480305
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>>480228Hi cat
nonnie, I hope you're well!
Could you please do me a love (and career? maybe) general, from May to November?
Some readings before suggested some turbulence in my love life, especially another guy coming into it and shaking things up but I'm bit worried cause I'm getting married this year (supposedly) and also I'm moving overseas.
No. 480351
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>>480232>6-month career readDevil, three of wands, the magician, the justice, moon reversed, three of cups, queen of cups, four of pentacles with blocked energy.
Ok so the predominant theme in your reading has something to do with contracts, agreements, principles and partnerships. Expanding your workload, “work planner”, planner, planning on projects and gathering budget/resources to make make some type of goal manifest but this could largely apply to the company you work at, also with the Justice it could mean some kind of law that will be enacted in your country depending on where you live by allow this manifestation of this company to happen which could deal with overseas stuff and job replacement. Something obviously to do with shipments of your job overseas which could include traveling for the job or actual layoffs. Job redundancy (look it up). I pulled more cards and I also got seven of pentacles, hermit, king of wands reversed, ace of swords, so there’s two messages that’s coming off, again about potential layoffs or downscaling and sending jobs overseas to reduce costs and maximize profits for this King of Wands type of person, it feels very cutthroat and holding people out into the cold with the ace of swords, very quick, swift and abrupt so the seven of pentacles and hermit would be a message of trying to prepare for this possibility in the future and also possibly harnessing skills where you wouldn’t be too bound by the restrictions of a company or business, maybe freelancing with the seven of pentacles or contract positions? I’m also sensing here is also feel very uncomfortable at your job, workplace harassment maybe? Because what I feel like that same type of negative king of wands energies is almost someone who’s been inappropriate with a lot of people, kind of like women, who has been reported already but hasn’t been necessarily dealt with if that makes sense, the feeling that you had to walk around eggshells or kind of strategize your entire life and your work to avoid this energy as well. Sorry I’m not really good at explaining these things in full detail but that’s what I’m seeing so that’s that. If this doesn’t really talk about right now it could be a potential challenge in the future but things are always subject to change.
>Will I relocate again?I stated in the last question that there’s an energy of possible relocation and travel, but I will go more in-depth here.
Ten of pentacles reversed, wheel of fortune, devil, three of wands, nine of pentacles, page of swords, five of pentacles, magician.
Ok so this is a definite yes in my book because I’m basically getting the same cards from before LOL and I shuffled quite a bit for this question, but the relocation could possibly come with some tax problems which I don’t understand why but I feel like it’s important to mention that but there will be some kind of lucrative opportunity to move overseas especially and you might possibly want to become a citizen of that country with the devil. Nine of pentacles, page of swords, five of pentacles, the magician is seeking independence and living alone single but the personal energy is trying to stretch your money as far and wide as possible so maybe trying to find a place where the country taxes aren’t so high, you know? Like ten of pentacles reversed although in reversed tells me the benefits are nice but the financial burdens of living where you are now is draining all of your savings. If you signed up for something like a sign-on bonus I would be very careful about that in the future and read their policy because that’s also what I’m kind of picking up as well and you might have to pay something back or something idkkkkk to someone lol. I pulled more cards - Queen of wands, five of swords, eight of pentacles, death, page of pentacles, so yeah pretty much what I said in my last response, something about being your own boss, your own leader because the possibility of your job might end within 6 months or so, maybe earlier or later. I’m also getting this strange message about really needing to protect yourself, especially if you do live alone, maybe getting a weapon or something. Just an eye out and stay safe. I decided to pull even more - lovers next to the page of pentacles I just pulled, king of pentacles reversed, hermit, so yeah in the future there’s a possibility of changing course on what you really want to do with your life, it feels very artistic to me especially with the lovers, coming to that cliche thing where you can make money off of something you love or what used to be a hobby for you, with the king of pentacles reversed I feel like it’s a skill that’s not seen as “economically” value which is why you’re kind of shoving it to the side but I feel like it will keep popping up to you like a nudge or reminder that yes, this is something you could possibly do and make money off, with the hermit card.
>Will they succeed at the job they have? Six of swords, eight of pentacles reversed, eight of cups, king of swords, six of wands, the moon.
I don’t think that has much about your capability or competency at your job but it’s kind of like you’ll figure out that it might not be the right fit for you and might become to emotionally overwhelming for you. I get the sense that you might be an introverted person and the constant social demands of the job might burn you out. Eight of swords reversed is pretty much backing what I said, releasing yourself from the constraints especially with this strong emotional tie to the idea of success, performance and perfection. Something about passports as well. That’s all I have to say.
>>480244 >Will they get the job/any advice for thisPage of cups, the devil, the tower, eight of swords reversed.
Ok so there’s three theories I have:
1. It feels very bait-and-switchy with what they’re offering which could involve the amount of pay they would offer you, being strange with the job offer agreements, the job could have more responsibilities than what you really signed up for and it could be a major shock for you but I feel like this will happen around the stages of onboarding if you do get considered for this job. One of cups can also signify some type of immaturity so they might find you as a very young, vulnerable person to take advantage even if you might not necessarily be young so be careful.
2. It’s one of those scam jobs where they try to siphon money out of you.
3. It’s one of those jobs where you might get an offer, you sign everything, but then they ghost you for like months before anything happens or something like that.
>>480292Yooo what’s up anon, I have a weird tinfoil that they’re both in a secret lesbian relationship kek but we’ll see what shows up here for both Ariana and Cynthia.
>6-month relationship spread for Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo >Feelings >Cynthia’s side Seven of pentacles, two of swords, nine of pentacles, two of cups, four of pentacles, king of wands, knight of wands, ace of wands. This one is so easy yet hard to read. Most of it mainly has to do with money, business of course, waiting for some kind of reward from being in this union, whether that be a relationship or something more we don’t know about. There’s a desperation of needing money and comfort here though. I also sense they might visit each other often. Besides that there’s something here about contractual payments like honestly I really don’t know what she really exactly feels but this just feels more on the money side but the energy is kind of like a squirrel trying to stock up on as much money and resources as possible and I have no idea why that is, what they’re preparing for?? Because the bottom of the spread with the wands means there’s going to be a lot of action and attention moving forward with her, odd. I’m just going to be more tinfoil-y with this spread and honestly it feels like someone is after her and so money, resources and protection are the upmost importance for her. I pulled more cards - death, ace of swords, two of pentacles, king of pentacles reversed, knight of cups reversed, the devil. Okay so again the energy that someone with a huge grudge is coming after her and might affect her finances. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was one of those celebrities where people who used to be close to her just suddenly drop dead…. but there’s something here about embezzlement as well. Ok moving on to Ariana
>Ariana’s side Five of swords, emperor reversed, the empress, ace of swords, four of swords, eight of swords.
Again I think both of them like in a few months might get into something kind of legal hot water or something… but what I’m getting is that even though the 5 of swords talks about fighting and arguments I kind of feel like that she’s some kind of person that hears things through the grapevine and communicates it to Ariana, almost like her messenger friend. But I feel like they like to strategize and think together like imagine two brains combining into one. Honestly that’s all I can come up with, I feel like this one was very lackluster. Sorry.
No. 480597
>>480351First Nona you replied to here. Very interesting! Thank you for the time and energy doing a reading!
My job can’t be sent overseas but it could be eliminated for budget reason 100%. I guess it just depends on how they deal with that above me. So far other departments are getting the chop but not mine yet. And I am competent at it thank you but I still worry. Some tension with one guy in upper management that’s probably not good for my longevity at the company but he’s an asshole who undermines me and he sucks at his job it’s hard for me to hide it sometimes. I’m not sure if I could relocate especially internationally (burger) but interstate definitely. I completely ignore my personal life for work so I don’t even know what artistic / personal passion I’m not exploring lol this is an ongoing theme in my life I thought I would have figured out by now, my therapist keeps telling me to work on it. God I hope I don’t have tax issues in the future I’ll be careful! And I’ll stay safe thank you, not sure what that warning could be about
No. 480602
>>451468Many thanks,
nonnie. I hope you have a great 2025
No. 484319
>>480228Hi catnona, hope you're doing well.
May I get a reading on friendship? Will I make new friends this year, or will it be another lonely year?
No. 484609
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Doing some readings to pass the time.
>The initials of the people involved in the query.
>Describe your situation and what you want to know.
No. 484643
I want know why I'm in such a slump with my life (barely any will to do anything, study, clean, etc) and if I can get out of it
No. 484645
I'm in a shitty minimum wage job, no degree, not much work experience despite being well in my 20s. How can I change my life around so I actually start making decent money?
No. 484668
>>484643VIII Disks, King Disks, Lovers (X), Tower, II Cups (X), III Swords (X)
Because you lack the willpower to fight for things, you seem to have or have had everything very easy in your life and now that things have “stopped” working out you end up giving up on things very easily.
There's also a feeling here that some love disappointment or something very strong sentimental is kind of stealing all your energy and will to do things. Overcoming this and moving on seems to be a good start to regaining control.
>>484645Magician, Emperor, King Swords, VI Wands, Ace Swords (X)
You need to be more mature, not just as a person, but in your choices, look at your career in a more serious way and no matter how confusing or out of focus things may seem at the moment, don't lose focus of what you want and the desire you have to improve your life.
Btw you would do very well in a leadership position.
No. 484702
>>484609Have I already met my soulmate IRL? What's his star sign?
My initials are BG. Thank you
No. 484708
>>484702Sun, Priestess, King Disks
II Wands
No. 484804
>>484735VII Wands, VII Disks, Ace Wands (X), IV Disks, VI Wands, VI Disks
It may be that the passion isn't so strong, there's a certain feeling that both parties are passive in this relationship. But there is a chance that it will work out and you'll both be happy if you change that dynamic.
>>484753I am not Cat Nona.
>>484786Are you sure?
No. 484948
>>483203VII Disks (X), Emperor (X), Temp, Fool
It seems to me that good opportunities will arise for you in the future, you just need to be more stable and more patient with things, you don't always have to act and have an attitude, sometimes you just have to let things happen naturally.
>>483469VIII of Swords, Chariot (X), Justice, Lust
It seems to me that the way forward is to get out of this place. Staying there will only give you a feeling of being lost and not in control of anything.
No. 485003
>>484969Devil, IV Cups, King Wands, IV Swords, Knight Disks
You seem to have lost yourself in your own desires, a mixture of the spoiled child who whines when she doesn't get what she wants, that if it's not what you want it's no good, with you discovering deep down that what you desired wasn't really what you wanted.
All this leads to a deep and clear apathy here, not only not knowing what to do, but also not wanting to do anything.
You need to seek help, not only psychologically, but also from other people, friends and especially colleagues, so that you can get out of this hole and also try harder.
You have everything to succeed, it's just your mindset that needs to change and you need to work harder at things.
No. 485120
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>>480597You’re welcome. I’m always here (sometimes) in this thread if you need to ask any more questions.
>>480305>General love for May-DecemberTwo of cups, temperance blocked, empress, three of wands, ace of pentacles, high priestess, star reversed, queen of swords, queen of cups, nine of pentacles, ace of wands, ace of swords, the moon, chariot reversed, seven of wands.
Ok so I feel like this one is oriented towards the emotional feelings. You said you were going to get married (implying you’re already in a relationship) but what I see here is bargaining if you really want to have this man in your space. A woman bargaining with her independence and if this union is really worth the trading of your independence, self-sufficiency, having to kind of work around and compromise with your living space. There’s also problems of co-dependency and a lack of boundaries here, needing to step out of your comfort zone and find the same kinds of comforts you get from your partner elsewhere.
I also keep getting this sense of pressure of having a baby with him, I’m just going to be honest with you. There might be like some kind of pressure to have a baby with him or if you’re considering expanding with him (creating a family) there might be like some kind of trouble with that as well. I would also suggest (I’m not a doctor) on checking hormone levels or your ovaries. I don’t know why. I’m not trying to be gross in a way like “omg you should TOTALLY have a baby”, not like that but it’s always worth noting of your own reproductive health because what I keep getting is something to do with ovaries, something attached to it. I could be wrong, just a gut feeling and never fact.
I’ve pulled some side cards for this:
- Sacral chakra
- Beyond the Looking Glass
- Shooting Star
- Epilogue
- The Evil Queen
- Reflection
- Deserted Island
- Man of the House
- Recordings
- Carnival
- Childhood
Ok so when I do predictions I don’t think there’s one timeline always set in motion, I think there’s multiple timelines or possibilities someone can go through. There’s another possible timeline where there might be an actual ending to your relationship. Also sacral chakra and beyond the looking glass is kind of like what I felt, pay closer attention to your reproductive/sexual health. I also sense
that this man pressures and manipulated you for sex you know that kind of thing men do where they make you seem like a prude and a bitch if you say “no” to sex just for one day? and with the temperance blocked I feel like this is so heavily implicated because this is trying to heal from something but then again, the feeling of pressure here which would obstruct with your healing. The reflection card is again mirroring, co-dependency issues, a lack of boundaries that must really be set. Also sense some kind of reliance of finances from your side because this feels heavily feminine and I think with the high priestess, usually a mature/successful woman, could be your energy. The last cards kind of worry me a bit if you connect the dots. I would pay veryyy close attention to your Nigel. Very close attention. Something you could find out might potentially devastate you but I refuse to type it out. That’s all I can say on this matter.
>General career reading from May-December Knight of wands, three of wands, six of wands, knight of swords (clarified with Six of cups reversed and Magician), hermit, king of cups (clarified with Theee of pentacles), the moon clarified with seven of wands reversed and the emperor), page of cups reversed, nine of cups, empress.
This one is very confusing to read but I’ll try. I feel like around the summer (because of the major hot energy of the wands) there will definitely be a pick up of career opportunities but it definitely feels very non-traditional in my opinion. Starting a business? Or odd jobs, contract work I really don’t know but something like that, maybe changing careers, possibly starting a book or something? I’m going to be honestly I really don’t know. There is a potential of what you said happening of another guy coming in with the King of cups and three of pentacles, but this could be a potential colleague or mentor-type of person you get very close to and conflicted feelings for. There’s also being controlled and feeling abused/taken advantage of at work. There’s also trying to use yourself as a connection to get into some kind of program or position or something.. a space program idkkkkkk I don’t know what you do, if you work or I just don’t know about this one specifically sorry. All of these can be very connected. That’s all I can think of. Hope this helps, sorry!
>>480324>Love reading Three of wands, king of pentacles reversed, ace of cups, justice, ten of pentacles reversed, nine of swords, temperance.
I feel like what I’m getting here is that you were already in contact with someone, it probably wasn’t too serious or anything but I’m getting the feeling that they sucked, were greedy, very emotionally repressed and detached, you kept giving and opening yourself up to them and giving them numerous chances and hurting yourself in the process asking “why do they keep doing this?” Wanting to be desperately validated by others who keep hurting you. This person was also lying about their background or what they could offer. Temperance reversed is classic sign of something being out of balance in your own mind, your mental health going to shit, temperance reversed reminds me of bippie behavior ngl. I decided to pull more: Queen of wands, seven of pentacles, fool reversed, the star, three of swords, five of pentacles reversed, magician reversed, two of pentacles, ace of pentacles. Trying to attract attention in numerous places, especially online, like you know using your body and attractiveness in many different ways. There’s a strong internet presence or activity here though, definitely, and you likely get something (money/attention/some resource) through your Queen of Wands energy but I feel like there’s some kind of disappointment of broken dream here, it’s like no matter how much you do this isn’t not getting you anywhere because I feel like this is some kind of strategy to pull you out of a some kind of downtrodden situation. There’s like a strange murkiness here where you’re blending this kind of attention and thinking “this is what love really is” when it might not be, thinking love is purely transactional or something? I explained this poorly but I hope you kind of understand what I said.
>Life purposeTwo of swords reversed, magician, king of swords reversed, three of pentacles reversed, three of wands reversed, nine of wands, ace of pentacles, five of cups, eight of cups.
Ok so the major themes I’m seeing here are being sheltered, closed in, lack of freedom and accessibility, and control. Having your life entirely controlled for you or letting other people decide stuff for you, especially this King of Swords reversed character who’s really in for themselves. This one I can’t really pinpoint or tell you what to do but give you little hints; whatever situation you’re going through, don’t rely on anybody else to get you of it, Magician is pretty much telling you that you have the power you need inside of yourself to make it out, even if you only have one Ace of Pentacle to your name, five of cups and eight of cups is making a very hard and drastic decision and it’s also a message of cutting ties with everything and going on your own journey. I feel like finding your independence and your own voice is crucial here, because if you show your vulnerability to other people they could take advantage of you and leave you in the same place you were in before. That’s all I have to say. Hope this helps
No. 485146
>>480228>>484609Hello tarot nonas, I appreciate you. You're probably tired of love readings, I apologize.
I'm being a bit vague with details, but I have a very strong subconscious feeling this person is an amazing match for me, is it worth waiting for this person who is a bit in denial and does two steps forward and one step back? Basically someone who seems to not fully understand/accept their feelings. I am willing to compromise my own feelings right now for an eventual positive outcome, but it sucks to be pining. Every "step back" chips away at my positive attitude and confidence. I'm not sure what to do, any advice would be wonderful
No. 485321
>>485146It's impossible to want to read tarot without doing love readings, it's part of it, there's no need to apologize.
VII Wands (X), Death, III Disks (X), III Swords, Princess Wands (X), II Disks (X)
Sorry if that's too “raw”.
There's no such thing as someone being in doubt about their own feelings, they either feel them or they don't. When someone says that, it's because you're not the first person on their list, but they want to keep you around as a secondary option or to feed their ego. And that seems to be the case here.
You deserve better than this, trying to force a situation here will only lead to a broken heart and losing all the emotional balance you've built up.
No. 485935
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>>483469>Should you leave your country Temperance reversed, page of pentacles, three of wands, queen of swords reversed, three of swords, four of swords, page of cups reversed, four of cups.
I would say yes, mostly because of the financial opportunities and resources that could dwindle, something is leaning me towards foreign aid (you don’t have to be a thirdie but you know what I mean? like some kind of financial pact don’t know what it is with another country could go into hot water and could impact the prices and the economy. I also feel like people’s ability to move freely and exercise certain rights will be stiffened, queen of swords reversed could be a feminine energy where her words are completely silenced. I’m seeing very stark and vast cultural changes as well. Three of swords and four of swords gives major isolation energy that reminds me of 2020 tbh. Page of cups reversed is trying to hide something clearly boiling underneath the surface or telling a false tell or narrative about whatever his is to come, four of cups is a reminder to stay strong in your own mental fortitude , hold some discernment and don’t accept everything that: readily being offered. I also feel like two highlights would be the infrastructure and water supply of the country you live in, definitely something to look out for.
>484080 I feel like you’ll be recognized for your work and accomplishments and it could lead to a financial partnership, a job, probably something like higher management because of the lovers because it’s kind of giving spokesperson energy. If you’re already working a job or in a career it could be a promotion (with increased pay) coming or some kind of bonus.
>>484190>6-month prediction The artist reversed (clarified with King of cups, ace of wands, two of pentacles reversed, moon), ace of cups, two of cups, five of pentacles, three of wands reversed, nine of swords, five of swords, three of swords.
Ok so I have two interps
A) Recently moved, unexpected incurring costs, refusing to ask financial help from someone out of fear of being guilty. Feeling like you made a mistake.
B) Whatever property you live in (feeling like this is an apartment) is going to ask you to move out so they can renovate it, flip it, and offer you money but it might not be enough to find another housing situation in time. Idk the energy on the bottom spread feels predatory or unsafe to me.
Actually this doesn’t feel accurate at all since you mentioned work and university. But the main theme I’m picking up here is waiting for approval for something. I really don’t know what it is. It’s some kind of exchange for financial help or resources to keep you afloat but in the future like you either need this thing or it stops being provided to you, again the feeling of missing out on something or regret. I pulled more: high priestess reversed, queen of cups, six of cups, if you’re in uni maybe missing a term because you couldn’t pay classes on time or get the aid you needed for tuition? Maybe that as well. That’s all I can see for you right now.
>>484196 >Love reading Three of swords reversed, ace of cups, nine of wands reversed, death, four of wands, king of pentacles, four of swords, the artist and six of pentacles.
Three of swords reversed, ace of cups, nine of wands reversed, death, four of wands, king of pentacles, four of swords, the artist, six of pentacles.
I’m going to be honest it feels like you’re putting this person on a pedestal and making them seem like an angel that has swooped down the sky and saved you, like there’s some odd vibe of seeing this person in a “savior” kind of way and this might have been caused by this person being nice to you in a place in your life where you were likely surrounded by cruelty and coldness by others, so it felt like they were a halo amongst hell if that makes sense. Ace of cups is very dreamy and infantile in nature, it could also indicate someone who translates simple niceties as “romance” or feelings. I don’t know if you should necessarily move forward with shooting your shot if you’re feeling wary to and also I feel like this person is in a very stable relationship or a stable part of their life where they feel like they might not need a relationship at the moment. That’s my own interpretation, it might not be entirely correct.
>Career reading The artist, seven of swords, ten of pentacles, the sun, two of swords, queen of cups, ace of wands, nine of pentacles
I feel like this is referring heavily to the mental conflict and decision you’re trying to make, what you’re weighing is if it’s worth getting rid of job and financial stability and benefits it offers to finally be happy and free because the area you in feels highly competitive, high-strung, back-stabbing. I feel like with your current career you don’t really have much work-life balance so you want a career where you would be able to work less and still not have to worry so much about bills and costs, if that makes sense. I really feel like this decision is up to you and what you could get out of your career path. Hope this helps!
>>484319 >Will they make friends this year Two of wands, death, nine of wands, nine of pentacles, the sun, seven of swords reversed, page of swords reversed, tower, three of swords, two of pentacles reversed, the devil, knight of pentacles, fool reversed, high priestess.
Wow this seems like a very mean, straight-forward spread. What the tarot and my gut feeling is telling me is the classic touch grass strategy, two of wands would be putting an end to your internet addiction or limiting it as well. There’s also a strong sense of trying to avoid responsibility or hard work here, a major escapist. Trying to get away with having a certain lifestyle that isn’t sustainable and will blow up in your face with the strong Tower energy, and it likely has to do with the amount of money you spend. You don’t make enough money to spend the amount of money you’re spending, if that makes sense, and it could accrue into unseemly debts that could be hard to get out of. Spending money you don’t have. This must be a really stupid, stupid, misguided thing to do as well with the High Priestess receded and Fool reversed, not listening to the harsh voices in your head telling you the shit you’re doing is bad and to stop it immediately and the Fool is classic reckless behavior. This has strong depression vibes because to make friends, you have to get out into nature, also your energy levels feel very low besides the likely depression so paying closeeee attention to your health is extremely vital here, it could be another part of The Tower energy: unexpected health problems you can’t really recover from so easily and could be a wake-up call for you. Be careful and take care of yourself. That’s all I have to say.
No. 486047
>>485935>>486043samefag sorry for the loredump
But yes, with the whole economy close to uh fucking dying, and now theyre just speedrunning enviromental collapse some cities away so…yeah….
No. 486763
>>485120Nona, thank you for the in depth reading! Somethings do not resonate, but it was very interesting.
>There’s also problems of co-dependency and a lack of boundaries hereThis is kinda true, but he's extremely codependent one at times, to the point of very bad jealousy that he's working on.
>I also keep getting this sense of pressure of having a baby with him, I’m just going to be honest with you. This is something that really doesn't resonate. We don't want kids at all. Admittedly, I'm the most vocal about it.
>I would also suggest (I’m not a doctor) on checking hormone levels or your ovaries. I don’t know why. I’m not trying to be gross in a way like “omg you should TOTALLY have a baby”, not like that but it’s always worth noting of your own reproductive health because what I keep getting is something to do with ovaries, something attached to itKek I do have PCOS and the symptons have been worsening, so you are absolutely right about that.
>I also sense that this man pressures and manipulated you for sex you know that kind of thing men do where they make you seem like a prude and a bitch if you say “no” to sex This also
gladly never happened, he's actually super respectful and he gets turned off if I tell him it hurt even a bit, like if he accidentally scratches me and I express it during sex, he gets very embarrassed.
>ly a mature/successful woman, could be your energy. The last cards kind of worry me a bit if you connect the dots. I would pay veryyy close attention to your Nigel. Very close attention. Something you could find out might potentially devastate you but I refuse to type it out. That’s all I can say on this matter. Jesus this is so ominous, I hope it's wrong as well!
>There is a potential of what you said happening of another guy coming in with the King of cups and three of pentacles, but this could be a potential colleague or mentor-type of person you get very close to and conflicted feelings for. This is something I got in other readings as well. That he might be a mentor/someone who will help me/something I admire and that we will get closer but I am conflicted because of my Nigel.
>There’s also being controlled and feeling abused/taken advantage of at work. There’s also trying to use yourself as a connection to get into some kind of program or position or somethingBut who's trying to use who?
For context, I work at a cultural institution and I'll be moving abroad for a scholarship (also in Arts) and this will be my main source of income. I want to branch out; maybe get into music but I'm not sure if I have "what it takes". So maybe my own scattered energy is making this reading more confusing kek!
But thank you nona, I really appreciate your time and effort! ♥
No. 489608
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>>488621Happy Birthday nona! I may not be able to read tarot but I wanted to give you some positivity. You rock and your zodiac does not define you. Much love to you
No. 491104
>>491092Initials: A.R.C.
What should I do in terms of my love life and making myself more attractive/confident
No. 491107
>>491092My initials are BG
What's the biggest thing coming next in my love life? Good or bad. I'm in a relationship.
No. 491162
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>>485146Lovers reversed, queen of swords reversed, empress reversed, six of pentacles, ace of wands reversed, high priestess, ten of swords reversed, four of wands, three of pentacles reversed, two of wands, world, seven of cups reversed.
The cards are saying you’re basically delusional. I really do feel like this person is already in a relationship tbh. There’s not much more I can really say, I know this reading is pretty redundant but that person definitely has someone else to their side, possibly even married. Giving side chick energy (you). I’m not trying to be mean the tarot is actually being so harsh and brutal this time idk why. Even if this person wanted to pursue it’s kind of like this four of wands thing they have is stopping them from doing it, if they did it would be easily caught so fast and also the amount of effort to prioritize one or the other would be impossible. I don’t know if you just left a relationship or something but this could also apply to you as well, trying to make yourself feel “not undesirable” after a breakup. There’s a lot of social media stalking here too. Honestly are you trying to break these two people up… that’s all I got for you right now.
>>486100Chariot, nine of cups, ace of swords, queen of wands reversed, four of pentacles reversed, eight of wands reversed, death reversed.
I honestly don’t know how to read you anon, just going to be honest. I did like numerous shuffles, still couldn’t figure out what it was saying, then did it again and this spread is just the one I’m going to stick with. It feels like you’re trying to run away from something, and it likely has something to do with your past affecting your employability. Just going to be honest. Fool reversed clarification: stupid financial choices from the past might come to bite you back in the butt, still trying to do the old ways but it’s unsustainable and stupid. You might have to sell some of the stuff you have to make up for lost money, lost savings.
>>486792 Lovers, hanged one, page of wands reversed, queen of swords reversed.
He was only interested in sex. Only wanted it to lead into sex. Also with you he probably thought you were a bitch and mentally unbalanced. I don’t think you’re bitch because I don’t personally know you but that’s pretty apparent. If not probably a man who needed someone to just shut up, nod along to his antics and be his cheerleader, there’s just something here about possibly not entertaining his “class clown” act or something or
triggered by your intelligence. One card flew out: five of wands, pretty much regurgitating what I said: threatened his ego.
>>487013 >CareerHanged one, six of cups reversed, devil, the fool, wheel of fortune, knight of wands, sun, and seven of cups.
Honestly I feel this could be solved moving out of your area, six of cups reversed tells me what used to be good, what used to work, just isn’t working anymore and things have massively changed. This gives me old town with nothing to offer vibes, so if you take the leap and move around you might be able to strike an opportunity. I don’t know if you had a job beforehand but something about burning bridges, spreading it through the grapevine energy, maybe possibly quitting something but not having something lined up? I feel this is like past energy but maybe something to bring up.
>LoveSeven of cups reversed, nine of wands, king of wands, the devil, nine of cups reversed, four of wands reversed, six of wands reversed, nine of swords, high priestess reversed, seven of wands, the hermit reversed, six of cups reversed, temperance.
I don’t know honestly like did you used to be with someone in the past???? I don’t know someone you were definitely heavily sexual with and thought was “the one” but some heartache follows you, kind of regretting you let that person into your life as well because they broke your trust as well or felt maybe unsafe with them. This probably changed and warped your idea of relationships for awhile. That’s all.
No. 491205
>>491162Thank you so much for the reading!
>Honestly I feel this could be solved moving out of your areaI see. Old town with nothing to offer sounds about right.
>did you used to be with someone in the past????No I haven't kek, but I have friends who were in similar situations so maybe that's where that comes from.
No. 491277
>>491104Page Disks, Knight Swords, Queen Swords, Wheel
You just need confidence. You're intelligent and attractive, you just need to build up that confidence and start being more daring with your things.
>>491107VIII Swords, II Swords, Princess Swords, Chariot, III Disks
You seem to be very torn about whether or not to continue with this relationship, there's a sense of feeling trapped, a feeling that you're not communicating properly and nothing seems to be moving forward.
The suggestion here is that you should try to make it work, perhaps try to do more things together, some project or trip together to strengthen the bonds that are fragile at the moment.
No. 491304
cancer sun, aquarius moon, pisces rising
Thank you in advance tarotnona<3
>I would like to know mainly where I am heading in life, what should I know? Where is my divine path calling me? No. 491364
>>491092Hi again!
My initials are AG, can you tell me anything about my career? I'm a bit stuck at an okay job and I have the feeling that a pivot is needed but not sure in which direction to head in.
Thanks in advance!
No. 491369
Pisces sun Libra moon Leo rising
I have a crush on one of my coworkers. We work in a kitchen so it's pretty casual and nobody would care if we dated. He's around my age, quiet but really nice and polite, and he's rescued me a few times when I've fucked up without getting annoyed or yelling at me or anything. To be honest he's the most functional and mature 20-something dude I've ever met. Plus he's the only guy at work who's not either obese or middle aged.
Is it worth trying to date him? Would he ever like me back? What does he want in a partner/relationship? How can I deepen my connection with him? Would we be compatible in the long-run as a couple? What will the likely outcome be if I try to pursue this crush?
No. 491846
>>491345Death, Moon, Hanged, Princess Wands
This relationship is over, you're stuck in something that no longer exists, he's probably confused or already emotionally involved with someone else.
Move on, you really deserve more.
>>491364Fool, III of Disks, Priestess, Devil
You seem to be entering a new moment in your career. You seem to be rushing around a bit too much, some things just take longer. The tips here are:
Watch out for excesses, try to be less intense, listen more to your intuition, rely less on what others say and more on what you see and feel. As well as improving your interaction with other people and your teamwork, you seem to be failing at this.
>>491522VII of Swords, X of Cups, Princess of Disks, Sun
Be very wary of scams or things that seem too good to be true. It's the only negative thing that seems to surround your future.
For the rest, there seems to be a great deal of tranquillity and happiness, at least in financial terms.
No. 492415
>>491846AG here, thank you very much! I'll keep it in mind, it's definitely sound advice.
Have a wonderful day!
No. 492747
Am I going to die this year? Sorry for the macabre query, just a bit concerned over some stuff I'm dealing with. If that's not ok, am I right to be VERY anxious about the future? what can i even do?
No. 492826
>>491092I am sorry if I am late, and thank you in advance if you choose to do my reading.
My initials are TK, and I am currently finishing my engineering degree while working a shitty job to support myself. I wanted to ask if it's still possible for me to pursue my dream career? I am worried about finances being the problem.
No. 493688
>>491162>Lovers, hanged one, page of wands reversed, queen of swords reversed.He was only interested in sex. Only wanted it to lead into sex. Also with you he probably thought you were a bitch and mentally unbalanced. I don’t think you’re bitch because I don’t personally know you but that’s pretty apparent. If not probably a man who needed someone to just shut up, nod along to his antics and be his cheerleader, there’s just something here about possibly not entertaining his “class clown” act or something or
triggered by your intelligence. One card flew out: five of wands, pretty much regurgitating what I said: threatened his ego.
Huh thank you nonna for this reading. I am not really a bitch type (although I believe I should be), I tend to be meek and soft but still stand in what I believe in and have some boundaries. There were these weird situations where I did lightly joke and he took it very personally. Yes he was the "class clown" type of guy and found a woman who is very much his cheerleader and laughs and agrees with everything he says. Saddens me if he is like that because I used to see him in such a positive light.
No. 495260
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Cat-gif anon here again for a March reading. I’m sorry for not getting to everyone but I just pick and choose which one is easier to do.
Only rules:
>no suicidal topics
>no drama
>no infighting/being rude to people asking specific questions you find “stupid”
If you know you should break up with him, please just do it and spare yourself from tarot abuse. What I can do: love readings, career readings, life purpose, 1 month-6 month predictions. I’m not really good at spiritual ones yet. If you have questions that you want to ask about a lolcow, celebrity, politician or world events or anything that’s off-topic from your personal life or just for fun please feel free to ask because I love doing readings about those things as of lately. Happy Tuesday and Happy March!
No. 495327
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>>495288>Love reading Temperance, seven of wands, magician, empress, two of pentacles, three of cups reversed, judgement reversed, the world, nine of pentacles, ace of swords, six of pentacles.
I feel like you’re trying to seek some sort of sexual satisfaction here, this one is heavy with the sexual innuendos especially with the temperance. You want a man that actually knows how to fuck and give pleasure to you. The experiences you’ve likely had in the past weren’t up to code and standard. Honestly I see someone here who is very comfortable with being by themselves right now, the heavy focuses on finances are a must. The message I’m getting to focus on more than just love stuff is this: six of swords, wheel of fortune reversed, empress, justice, two of cups reversed, three of swords reversed, two of pentacles reversed, seven of wands. Being more guarded with your money, there’s likely someone that will come and approach you, possibly someone you’re very close with, someone who feels like family who will try to get into your good graces, maybe will say “they’re having bad luck so can I stay with you for a bit?” sort of thing but they have no intention on actually reciprocating their presence on living or housing with you, these feel like users and takers.
>>495295>Life purposeFive of cups reversed, six of sword reversed, four of pentacles reversed, ten of cups reversed, strength, king of wands reversed, two of wands reversed, the devil.
Reliving some kind of traumatic event. Money or some kind of possession you should’ve had now has been squandered, a missed inheritance you could’ve benefitted off of? Adopted some kind of tendencies and behaviors from this person connected to this past event, feeling like you have no choice but to fall back on to these behaviors and choices because that’s just the way it is. I wish I had more context. Sorry!
No. 495342
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>>495260hi nonnuchka
♥ i'd like a love reading please. lesbian, libra sun scorpio moon pisces rising.
i'm hoping she sees something in me… or if not that i'll meet someone/someone else will No. 495608
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>>495260Hii, cat gif nonna. Could I please get a 6 month prediction? Thank you for doing these!
No. 495671
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>>495260I would like a 6 month prediction as well, thank you nonna
No. 495739
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>>495327Thank you for your generosity Nonna may I have a life purpose reading? I am dealing with the death of a loved one and ive cut out a lot of negative people and I feel like im at a crossroads in my life. Thank you
No. 496534
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>>495341Two of pentacles reversed, temperance, queen of cups reversed, four of cups, king of wands, seven of wands, six of cups reversed, king of swords, five of wands, page of wands, nine of pentacles, six of pentacles, magician reversed, two of wands, the tower reversed, death.
Ok so there’s a lot going around you right now. First I’ll tackle the outsiders here, I don’t know if a sibling (if you’re not the only child) is being used by a parent or someone you’re very close to trying to convince you to communicate with them or possibly help them out, give them money? You already have very little by the independent woman card, the Nine of Pentacles, is living on tight frugality but the magician reversed is a liar, two of wands is like back and forth communication but from afar, like I don’t know possibly trying to guilt trip you about their declining health? Yeah my cards just reads what wants to come out the most. Because of your frugality you’re really living just live or working your ass off just to keep yourself afloat on a tiny little dime, if you count all your bets in that job the boat will entirely sink. There’s also being guided and dictated by the voices of your family, your culture, traditions that are honestly holding you to this negative energy that keeps trying to get into your life. I will ask specifically on what fields you should pursue:
I heard a very strong “graphic design” inside my head so I don’t know how relevant it is, or something you were already clearly pursuing and think you don’t have what it took to finish it. It’s leaning into something pretty creative but you stopped it because of family issues or honestly trying to care more about other people’s issues and problems rather than your own.
>>495342The empress clarified with king of swords and chariot reversed, ten of cups clarified with hierophant/five of cups/seven of wands/seven of wands, page of swords, magician reversed, eight of cups, the fool, devil, six of cups, king of pentacles, and judgement.
Hm idk, this honestly sounds ridiculous but we’re you proposed to some kind of arranged marriage? Kek I know that sounds offensive because you’re lesbian anon but it feels like two people here trying to set you up, let’s be real possibly parents, to continue some kind of “legacy” (this is how they feel) and it feels like it’s going way too fast. I wouldn’t say it’s strongly an arranged proposition but that’s what it feels like, but it’s almost like you know exactly who this, the disgusting truths about them, but it’s like it’s not influencing these people from stopping their goals on getting you into some kind of “normal” arranged relationship. I don’t know there’s like themes here of “it’s not going to be so bad because you have x, y, z!”, but if this is even true (this honestly sounds so dumb but I guess my tarot cards wanted to entertain today lol) the end result is having a child for financial purposes or something??? It’s odd.
>>495608>6 month prediction Ok so here’s the themes here
>blowing down the house of cards to someone’s “reservoir” so something they’ve been hiding from you >deffo secret money, secret bank accounts, transfer of money>someone on the outside involved with this maybe? queen of wands is someone attractive, popular, an adulteress idk if you’re in a relationship at all, I should have made it a rule to add some context it would really help to make these better
>money or some kind of thing that really belonged to you >something entirely helping your case because of this (?) for your family or kids if you have any >securing claim possibly to some form of property that belongs to you but it may not be all that you truly wanted/can afford Lol I could make this way better, just give me some context, thanks anon.
No. 496563
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>>495671>the end of coverage for a program (presumably for health?) because of some sort of funding being cut off >laser eye surgery (lmfao weird I know) >some form of health scare/ineffective meds >why isn’t it helping me? it’s not leading to a new leaf>shopping around for new answers >nobody really giving you the proper answer>mental breakdown/mental collapse >parliament (???)>something holding on for it’s dear life here i don’t know what it is I can’t tell if this is a mental or physical problem, or both.
No. 496734
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>>495260 I'd love a general life reading as I've felt stuck and lost for quite a while now. Late 20's, Scorpio, female.
No. 498006
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>>497089Sorry for the inaccurate prediction. My brain has been very foggy lately, anyways back to your reading:
The artist, the fool, death, five of wands reversed, tower, three of wands, temperance, page of pentacles, page of cups, nine of wands reversed.
Problems with traveling, moving, a transitional period being rocky and bumpy. I don’t know if you live with roommates but there’s like a trade for trade here going so I don’t know where you live (on-campus or not), but trying to move away from these people. If not, I do see something here where you need to “proof of” something, like proof of residency, proof that you’re really here for the things you’re here for, has something to do with your studies/college, because there’s something that might approach in a few months where some document, don’t know specifically what it is, and it’s validity will come to and end and will need to be renewed. But I honestly feel like someone has an irl vendetta against you and is trying to drive you out of your space. Make that has something to do with the need of evidence.
>Any more predictions based on everything else you told meOk this one felt more of a like a movie so this might be bullshit. I’m sorry if this seems so dumb and useless anon. Queen of cups, three of swords reversed, five of cups, ten of pentacles reversed, devil, ace of pentacles, page of wands, the well, judgement, three of wands.
I will best write this in themes:
>someone cherishing a gift (this feels something wearable)>you know that popular girl who always has some whiteknight right next to her? yeah >you are sort of the white knight here (sorry hehe)>this person is thinking “hm, I’ll just maintain this to give me what I need”>someone using you as a bridge to accomplish her dream or what she really wants Ok now on to the stuff that is depressing because damn this world doesn’t want anybody to win lately: You put your heart and soul into some project but it doesn’t get the grade you wanted (this feels strongly about your thesis I’m just trying to tailor it to something that’s relevant to your life right now). Around this time, there’s like a loss of a sponsor, financial support, you do have other support here but it’s this one particular one was the most beneficial and convenient to you. I really feel like there’s like some kind of behind-the-scenes influence and string-pulling here to fuck you over, it’s just really odd. Page of wands is someone who is highly favored (but honesty it gives me like that jackass who doesn’t really do anything of merit know?) is influencing others, I have no clue who it is but it feels like a higher instruction, some board/program I swear I keep detecting some program to let certain people in and leave certain people out, like this feels like a nepo baby with absolutely nothing else to do but to play tricks and games with other people. This might directly effect you. I hope this helps, I feel like this was so lackluster. I’m new to predicting, so please bear with me.
>>495739>Life purpose Six of swords, nine of cups, nine of swords reversed, the lovers, six of pentacles reversed, ten of wands, five of swords, chariot reversed, right of swords.
So your transition is moving away from people-pleasing as well, but there was something about extending so much energy on trying to keep things that were breaking at the seams together and it’s depleted a lot of your energy. There’s a focus on energy cleansing, cleaning out your house, beautifying it and making your space more interactive and enjoyable to be in. I always call the nine of cups my bedroom card, so there’s a focus on maybe the room you sleep in. (Maybe having dreams related to this person’s death? Wishing you could perhaps be with them again or feelings of “if only I could turn back time they would be here again”) it really depends on the kind of history and relationship you had with this person because I really feel like on the spiritual side there is some kind of weird contact here happening in your dreams, but there’s some form of regret here surrounding you and the person who has passed on. There’s also themes here of commemoration and veneration. I thought of the word “vesper”, I don’t know how relevant that is.
Queen of wands, right of cups reversed, the chariot, death, five of pentacles, king of cups and four of swords.
I swear this is spiritual. I mean we are in the tarot thread after all. Queen of wands is highly spiritual card, there’s something that’s attracted to you and your presence and I’m for sure that you definitely see it, it is your dreams (or maybe visions?) because of four of swords. Tbh there’s dead people around you, definitely, I’m not even trying to lie about you it just feels creepy that the same message keeps coming back up again. Something trying to protect you even after their death. It’s funny that you said you were at a crossroads in your life because the crossroads is also seen as a transition or liminal space, usually where the dead linger.
Anything else for you:
Knight of pentacles, six of pentacles, judgement, four of wands, the artist, page of cups, seven of pentacles reversed, nine of pentacles, queen of cups reversed, the moon, death, page of pentacles and the sun reversed.
Again this one is more heavily emotion and spiritual focused. Kind of the same thing I said before: ancestral veneration, it could help generate some abundance into your life. There’s also something here about seeking therapy or some kind of mental assistance to help you get back on track. You didn’t necessarily state this but there’s something from preventing you from wanting to enjoy life, you might feel like you don’t have much support at that moment. I hope this helps and you feel better
No. 498010
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>>495934Nine of pentacles, page of cups reversed, hierophant reversed, world, five of pentacles, six of swords, the artist, judgement, empress, justice reversed, three of cups reversed, two of cups, tower reversed, queen of wands.
Ok so I have no idea who’s who here but I see a relationship separation here, broken dreams and broken promises, someone needing to carry the total weight of it all and have this person move in with them to deal with this. This could be you being someone else’s refuge, like someone needing to live with you to get away from this
toxic situation and seeing you as refuge. It could be a parent, maybe? Or someone you see as a mature woman who’s very close to you. That’s all I honestly see, I would be wary of this.
>>496122>6 month prediction Eight of wands, ten of pentacles, king of cups, ten of wands, seven of swords reversed, three of wands, the tower, nine of cups, five of cups, queen of cups reversed.
The place you’re volunteering at I feel like you more hoping to work internally there or the volunteer work will eventually give you a position here. Honestly it just feels like someone her is enjoying the free labor here. They will probably leave you hanging and it’s advisable to look and apply somewhere else, because wherever you’re volunteering almost feels like one of those companies that’s clearly ran or being financed by like a big, wealthy family and there’s just something suspect about it tbh. This place will eventually be busted or exposed for taking money from someone or something they were not supposed to be taking from (?) or perhaps taking money from it or using this company’s funds to do help finance really bad, possibly illegal activities. I don’t know where this place is but it doesn’t have to be like the main source of the company because it can also be like one of the properties where it’s allowed to operate or something like that, like it’s being ran through possibly another building? (Like for example you have some Some more cards: eight of cups, three of cups reversed, ten of wands, two of cups, king of wands, page of swords, eight of swords, six of cups, king of swords reversed, three of pentacles. Yeah definitely someone corrupt here within that company will be found out, king of swords reversed and three of pentacles reversed is leaning me towards that idea. There is something here about needing a whistleblower here though with the page of swords, but again with the eight of swords if that ever comes true there’s a potential of it ruining future opportunities or some kind of restriction to your life that wouldn’t be desirable. This honestly sounds crazy but yeah. You never know, you know? Sometimes you just go through life and the craziest shit just happens to you suddenly or maybe it builds up but something of the past will contribute to this Tower moment of wherever you’re volunteering. I hope this make sense. Because the two of cups really tells me, “if you give me the bad information, it can lead to a better outcome and we can also give you this in exchange”.
I honestly don’t know how big or visible to the public this place is, but there’s also a possibility here where there are some people who are voiced to stay hush hush if you know what I mean.
I’m going to triple clarify just to make sure: ten of pentacles; seven of pentacles reversed, six of pentacles, five of pentacles, queen of pentacles, seven of wands, knight of swords, the lovers.
Again, the same themes from before, it even talks about your volunteer work with the Six of pentacles, but there’s some form of partnership to speak on the truth, needing legal advice and defense to protect what you have, seven of wands is fighting and defense as well, defending yourself. Yeah big whistleblower energy or being utilized among many other people to speak their truth, tell others what you saw. This is so strange and I hope this doesn’t seem to extravagant, it can just be a thing that is like very small, private and personal. Orrrrr maybe this is more relevant to the place you work at and volunteer and has something to do with like the charity involves itself with (like defending others who can’t themselves???) and this could be an opportunity that could lead to a job, if that makes sense? I hope this helps.
No. 498631
>>498010Hi Nona, please could I have a general life reading? I’d like some guidance on career, love and my current life situation.
Late 30s, Scorpio, moon in Leo.
No. 498895
>>498336In order of how likely they are with regards to the timing: A family member who isn't taking her important exams seriously enough, and doesn't want to face the consequences of failing them, plus she's the type to crush on the most retarded moids and is disappointed every time. Another older family member who needs extensive help and will need to either move into a home or with me because our other relatives don't give a shit about her and just drain her bank account (she lives abroad so it's hard for me to help, her siblings charge her when she asks for help with anything and only come over to ask for money, yes I have reported this but she denies everything when the police come round). My grandma, who's old and likely to die soon before I'm able to travel abroad to see her, and me having to deal with her estate. A close friend who's a little older than me, has kids, and has a scrote that she complains about frequently, who's gone through a rough patch with a lot of traumatic deaths recently and her relationship and sanity are on the rocks. I have other friends that I've distanced myself from because they unloaded all their shit onto me all the fucking time and whenever I talk to them they update me on the minutiae of their misery, it's not super likely that they're the ones in the reading but you never know with them. My parents have been through some rough patches but they're much closer now than they were a few years ago, divorce doesn't seem likely but if they do have issues they always come and tell me about it until the cows come home, however I can't see them living anywhere else.
If you could clarify the situation a little I'd be grateful, because I would appreciate knowing which bombshell is going to drop on me first, but I understand if you don't!
No. 500914
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I decided to do this since I was bored and curious.
The future of lolcor, spiritual woowoo edition:
I forgot to write the cards I got for this down but everything the tinfoilers have said kept popping up in my cards. The number on thing is that poster’s information is not protected here. I can’t tell if there’s a deliberate effort to sabotage the website or the person running it has never been competent enough to run it. Somebody in the future will try to acquire this website because of this incompetency, and it might contribute to the downfall of the
>What are some secrets about the BTS of this website
strength, knight of wands, knight of swords, two of cups ace of swords, queen of swords rx, page of pentacles, two of swords rx queen of wands hermit rx knight of cups, three of swords rx three of cups rx
The people who run this website run it like vikings and barbarians, they don’t have strong point of leadership. Weak and chaotic leadership and structure. Playing both sides, so this person not only influences stuff here but also influences stuff on another website. The anon who said the old admin is still around is correct because there’s someone here we’ll never acknowledge or meet who pulls the strings and is honestly the most popular and liked compared to the Queen of Swords. There’s also the concept of turf wars but one group functions more chaotically, likes starting drama and the other is more diplomatic and more understanding, but I feel there’s also mixed roles here, some are mods and some help with the technical side of the website. Another unknown person is upset because they feel like they contributed to the financial and technical aspect of the website and feel they should have more control with the code. Remember when this website was magically taken down for like two weeks? I feel like their piss poor explanation on what really happened (didn’t they explain it as some extortionist attacking the website or something?) when that website was down was not truthful, they personally knew the person who tried to attack the website because they were involved with the project, the website as a whole, and they added contributions to it. I feel like they were ostracized outside of their little clique because they felt like they didn’t do good enough of a job. Btw, this person is probably a male. There is also some male energy involved here as well. Someone who’s more prominent and active used to probably be a moderator on another website. Just had to add that. This website also borrows help from other places as well because of the back-and-forth movement. I feel like the help they get from this other place is more of the knight of wands energy which is why some of the moderators seem weird and some, the very few, feel a tiny bit reasonable. Overall there’s a total difference between these groups on how to run the website which is why it feels like no one really gives a shit.
>How does this website stay up despite it costing a lot of money to run
Ten of pentacles, ace of swords, six of swords ace of cups high priestess three of swords emperor RX, five of cups rx knight of pentacles rx, the hermit, ace of wands rx, death and queen of pentacles
At one point they wanted to have ads or something that definitely would’ve pissed off farmers that included money or maybe subscriptions (reminds me of 4chan). The problem is that I feel like this place was seen as not ad-friendly or wouldn’t generate enough traffic to make it attractive to display ads. But there was also another person here, a man with no the best interest in mind who offered to help with the website and offload some of the responsibilities to them to make it easier.
>Will this website die off and when
Hierophant, knight of pentacles, emperor, eight of swords. The fool, hermit, three of cups reversed, five of cups, nine of cups.
I swear this website in the future is going to be owned by a man. Pulling one more card, the king of swords, definitely. I think the outside societal culture shift is going to impact this website and it’s slowly doing that with the internal culture. Something being done with the internet, technology, something to do possibly with Elon Musk in the future that won’t just impact this website but others as well, because the king of swords and nine of cups feels like he will be very happy of what he’s acquired in his monopoly. Elon musk won’t own this website itself kek but his influence in the future will impact the internet for some reason. It will shift more into the male favor and female voices will furthered become more supressed and mixed into the generalized culture. You won’t really see women like how you see women on these website and the very few, which is grim. This energy gives “final frontier” scrote dominance shit. A lot of women have fallen for this tbh, there will be many spaces on the internet where they will advertise it as friendly for women and their diverse viewpoints but is it really?? Not really.
>Will vpns fix the website
Wheel of fortune, nine of cups, the world rx, queen of swords rx seven of swords, emperor, nine of wands, ace of wands rx, hanged man rx, page of swords rx, knight of pentacles rx.
The same person from before keeps coming up here. I feel like for a moment it will help the website and make people feel safe and happy, but this is the equivalent of cleaning your whole home but it still stinks like shit because it was for vanity and to appease other people. I feel like it wouldn’t do anything but this will be a ripe opportunity for someone to come in and make a better case for their own website kek.
No. 500998
>>500914This is super interesting nonna, thank you for that.
I think most seasoned farmers already assumed that there is a bigger male population than we think on here and that there is at least one who also has control over this website. But I'll be honest as long as the culture on here doesn't change - so be it. I would love for it to be 100% women, but it's not possible, moids always seem to find a way. So I cope by pretending everything is fine, because as much as it sucks, this website is still the closest (that I know of) to the women only society that I've always dreamed of, without any of the "well the GOOD men are allowed to be here too!". The infestation is not as visible apart from the rare instance of obvious scroting.
I've always imagined the downfall of lcf having to do with moid raids being so frequent that it becomes unusable or a gamble to visit. So I'm glad to hear that it may be an external factor in a way. Sounds more like slowly dying off rather than an abrupt end. But the Elon Musk part makes me wonder if he knows about his thread on here (he is very online after all), because he could just offer a mil or two to the Admins and close it or make it into a weird Elon thing kek
No. 505401
>>442835You're right, this was right in the end.
Serbia, LDAR devices were used agaisnt people during the protests, this will become standard.
No. 510857
>>500914Nonny is right about the female voice being oppressed. Ovaritmin just announced ovarit will be closed the site soon and there is no other space like that
The VPN ban is also going the way you predicted