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File: 1723942065246.gif (1020.43 KB, 500x500, bechdel v.gif)

No. 2141150

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS.

Doesn't matter if it's scrotes you hate, moids you love, scrotes you are attracted to, moids you aren't attracted to, scrotes you personally know, moids you don't personally know, scrotes that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including even God or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately and do not respond.

>But why?

It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.

>Isn't this thread redundant?

If only.

>But what about-

Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/2086559

No. 2141160

how much tea/coffee do you all drink in a day? I get most of my water intake from tea but I heard it can increase the risk of developing kidney stones lol

No. 2141162

I usually drain at least 1 bottle of kombucha but on a really hot day sometimes 2 or 3 kek

No. 2141165

1-2 tea cups a day, one for breakfast and one for an evening snack sometimes. 1 occasional coffee cup when I need to wake up and have something important to do.

No. 2141171

I love this threat image, nonnita. It's very cute.

No. 2141176

The last Bechdel thread didn't fill up yet. You jumped the gun because you wanted to create the new thread pic so badly. Sad to see nonas have such ugly souls.

No. 2141180

Ugly soul? In me is only corruption and envy and lust for power. Cruelty and coldness. A vicious probing curiosity. Pure, poisonous, toxic malice. I've never from my earliest years shown a shred of compassion or sympathy or kindness without calculating how it would return to my advantage. I've betrayed and intrigued and gloried in my treachery. My soul is a cesspit of moral filth.

No. 2141199

winter time i always have 1 tea in the morning, and 1 tea at night minimum. an extra tea in there somewhere if i'm feeling extra cold or hungry
summer is usually only 1 tea in the evening, sometimes i'll skip it entirely but not often

No. 2141203

Usually one cup of coffee in the morning and then a caffeinated soda a bit past noon
Some weekends I get adventurous and drink 3 cups so I can feel sickly from the buzz

No. 2141209

this post is making me want passion fruit tea

No. 2141269

I haven’t found a good fic to read in so long, I’m sad
There’s no better feeling than getting hooked on a story and staying up for hours reading it

No. 2141280

I drink lots of coffee everyday since I was like 5. Maybe it's true it can increase your chances but I guess you'd have to have higher chances of that anyway, I'm in my 30s and the only thing actually making me sick when I drink coffee is the milk I put in it. Used to drink tea everyday too but now I drink juice just cus it's more convenient. I wouldn't worry much.
I feel you. I love longfics but these days everyone writing them are just not good, I suppose they are young and the older writers either left or don't have much time anymore. I miss the good writers but I also miss when I had the patience and could devour anything even if it was some coffee shop domestic au crap

No. 2141283

Ugh these threadpics again..

No. 2141284

what's wrong with the threadpic

No. 2141286

She hates whimsy and fun

No. 2141287

What's wrong with the Soviet Union?

No. 2141290

Probably around 5 cups of green tea if I'm not working. Otherwise, 2 cups of black tea if I'm working. I have tea every morning and every evening no matter what.

No. 2141291

>but I also miss when I had the patience and could devour anything even if it was some coffee shop domestic au crap
Yep, this too. I think I’ve also just become pickier with what I read and have lower tolerance for anything that doesn’t hit the right spots exactly. The trash enjoyers don’t know how good they have it

No. 2141292

File: 1723949988250.png (1.71 MB, 1003x1008, sisteerrrsss.png)

I kinda liked the cute victorian girl pics better too

No. 2141294

They were probably racists so nah, they suck

No. 2141296

go back to tiktok

No. 2141299

Weird tumblr thing to say about some random photo that means absolutely nothing

No. 2141302

You probably are too.

No. 2141317

This photo has weird vibes

No. 2141342

i drink 2-3 10oz bottles of tea every day im at work but because i add cream ive convinced myself it doesnt count towards my water intake. is that retarded? never had kidney stones and ive been doing this almost a decade

No. 2141542

>>2141160 1 green tea, 3-5 strong black coffee, 1 litre water

No. 2141584

Victorian beach season is soon over, for the next thread we might have a Victorian fall girl

No. 2141638

I love the threadpic.
I drink up to a liter of coffee a day, usually only about 0.6 liters though. I know it's bad, I just love coffee too much and my workplace has a free coffee machine.

No. 2141645

What's wrong with the Third Reich?(bait)

No. 2141648

One cup of coffee in the morning and sometimes a cup of tea in the afternoon. I don't drink any more coffee than that because I find it weird tbh

No. 2141658

Same, but I read my 2 favourite fics over and over again every year like a crazy person. They're so good.

No. 2141827

Today I learned that a woman who I really liked (a mother with children who will grow up and be aware of her actions, by the way) has been doing porn. A christcuck just like me, staunchly antiporn and anti exploitation, has been making breastfeeding fetish porn. I am just beyond disappointed. People really are not what they seem.

No. 2141828

She probably needs money. Stop judging someone who's clearly in the trenches, christcuck.

No. 2141829

If she needs money she can flip se fucking burgers for extra cash instead of making pedo fetish fuel.

No. 2141830

Oh she needs money! So her first thought is to fucking squirt milk everywhere for coins, you retard?

No. 2141835

In the middle of the bright summernight I went out to call for the annies
What a magical night

No. 2141837

Kek ikr, that’s why I don’t really fuck with those threadpics it makes me feel like OP is one of those types of women. God, ew.

No. 2141840

ntayrt but are you saying you think anons are racist for using cute pics of victorian girls smiling and having fun? just to clarify

No. 2141842

File: 1723995608067.jpg (45.91 KB, 461x536, catgirl.jpg)

One of those history interested women? What's wrong with that?

No. 2141846

My hearding call brings all the milk to the yard

No. 2141915

File: 1723998824347.jpeg (418.38 KB, 811x1064, IMG_5019.jpeg)

most of the board has animu or cute animals or meme threadpics. no one's making you look at the sole thread with historical OP pics.
if you think liking history is ~ problematic ~ just go the fuck back to tumblr.

No. 2141927

Next thread pic should be two neanderthal women talking (grunting?) to each other to really piss these history haters off kek.

No. 2141930

File: 1723999284951.jpg (229.02 KB, 432x297, IKYFL.jpg)

>thinking about that 19th amendment

No. 2141933

If bad parts of history don’t matter then just get rid of the 19th amendment, no seriously just get rid of it. If that’s how you want to fucking play, then let’s play. Fuck the 19th amendment and fuck you, stupid ass ignorant bitch.(baiting/infighting)

No. 2141936

ah yes america is the only thing that exists in the entire history fo the world

No. 2141937

Cry about it on twitter

No. 2141938

What does that mean, for us non-burgers?

No. 2141939

File: 1723999542426.jpeg (130.94 KB, 736x747, IMG_5692.jpeg)


No. 2141940

Haven’t clicked yet, but is that girl American? Some American girls are obsessed with the Victorian era

No. 2141943

File: 1723999661158.jpeg (77.98 KB, 700x980, IMG_5693.jpeg)

This woman probably laughed and smiled more than you, miserable cow

No. 2141945

>ah yes america is the only one who was oppressing people
Foreigners try not being pretentious without actually knowing anything to back up this attitude challenge, impossible!

No. 2141946

apparently it's the women's voting rights one. dunno what that has to do with posting historical pictures of women tho… especially since the threadpic is obviously not american women

No. 2141947

File: 1723999773415.jpeg (33.9 KB, 750x916, IMG_5695.jpeg)

No. 2141949

File: 1723999801868.jpeg (173.43 KB, 700x1203, IMG_5694.jpeg)

No. 2141950

She was smiling because she could shirk off her mother duties to some poor indentured servant or maid that barely saw a dollar to her name and couldn’t even feed her own family. It’s gross, this shit was real you don’t have to be “woke” to acknowledge that these women were pieces of shit along with the those who can’t be named in this thread.

No. 2141952

> these women were pieces of shit
Kek anon this thread or site isn’t for you, stop whining or make a twitter thread about it

No. 2141953

So you’re happy being mistreated by men? Go ahead then, don’t cry about rape, don’t cry about oppression, don’t cry about discrimination if you simply don’t care. If you don’t care, I don’t care.(baiting)

No. 2141956

File: 1724000078516.webp (130.32 KB, 1900x1268, suffragettes_5.webp)

You two aren't making any sense whatsoever.
Maybe they want some suffragette pics.

No. 2141957

File: 1724000090498.jpeg (72.19 KB, 573x410, IMG_4047.jpeg)

the sleeves block out the haters

No. 2141958

Who isn’t it for? Women who aren’t white? Kekk, thank you for telling the obvious on how most of these bitches feel like we didn’t already know that.

No. 2141959

Female history was not just white women, you were too busy being a bunch of sperm receptacles for your uglies.(baiting)

No. 2141960

Kek, love it.

No. 2141961

and make you die in a fire because you couldn't get out of the church doors with all the other women trying to escape(baiting)

No. 2141964

File: 1724000331207.jpeg (54.86 KB, 184x195, IMG_2231.jpeg)

Major L(does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2141968

File: 1724000428402.webp (103.87 KB, 780x782, IMG_2233.webp)

Is this GOATED and RIZZED material for white feminists or something? Kek(baiting)

No. 2141970

Yawn, who cares. Stfu and stop trying to turn everything into racebait political garbage.

No. 2141972

this thread feels like type 1 schizos and normies arguing.

No. 2141973

File: 1724000608521.jpeg (76.86 KB, 600x754, IMG_2234.jpeg)

Imagine the smell they had to endure while being in the same house with women who’s legs and pussies smelled like nickels and dimes and ham. I feel bad and that’s why I hate this era of history(baiting)

No. 2141978

File: 1724000724556.jpg (19.32 KB, 280x365, looking.jpg)

It's pretty fascinating to see the schizos chimp out over historical photos of European and Asian women, pretend it's racist and think the pics will magically reverse voting rights or something

No. 2141979

>muh racebait garbage
Then why are these pictures only women of a particular race and not others who did exist in that same era? Is that now “american propaganda” or are you just too fucking retarded and don’t actually care or know anything about history whatsoever. I’m tired of people sharing the same crap around, it’s borderline ridiculous and self-centered

No. 2141980

File: 1724000801631.png (127.14 KB, 625x626, fetchimage.png)

No. 2141982

File: 1724000912104.jpeg (152 KB, 700x1057, IMG_5697.jpeg)

Jealous always

No. 2141985

And why aren’t you sharing pics of women who aren’t European and Asian? Do you have something against them or something? If you don’t care about race, then why aren’t you sharing pics of people who are of all races during this time?

No. 2141988

File: 1724001020189.jpeg (178.28 KB, 859x1390, IMG_5698.jpeg)

No. 2141989

i think that makes the happy pics of those ladies even more special, knowing how strong they were and were still able to muster a grin

No. 2141990

You can share images of women of other races too lol good lordess what is this retarded sjw mindset.

No. 2141991

This started by an anon mentioning Victorian women. Why must you bring up race and play the victim card always whenever white women are discussed kek

No. 2141994

I like how they just stopped replying because it’s the absolute truth, they don’t give a fuck about any other kinds of women unless it’s their own. I’m not a schizo, I’m just not retarded enough to support biased and skewed ugly threadpics. I can’t wait until this thread is over so I can change it into something better and more modern(infighting)

No. 2141996

she's polish.

No. 2141997

> white women posted
Why must white women be posted?!?! Why no black women or other races too!?!! This site is so racist!?!?!(baiting)

No. 2142002

File: 1724001338817.png (440.01 KB, 500x730, IMG_5858.png)

i lovehistory. i love historical fashion, i live military history, i love political history, i love art history, i live women's history, i love world history, i love historical dicuments, i love historical fiction. there's so much to love about history, it's so vast. and i love all my fellow historyfags in this thread

No. 2142005

Will you be ready and waiting angrily for this thread to fill so you can choose a thread pic of a non white woman kek
Same anon! Typical how race must always be bought up

No. 2142009

nonnie, you should delete the picrel, it has those

No. 2142011

File: 1724001570732.jpeg (84.26 KB, 473x439, IMG_2235.jpeg)

I can’t wait until these annoying historyfags are gone. I have to be the change I want to see. We must go higher, we must go beyond. I will change this, this should be for all women, not a subset of ones with unwarranted self-importance.

No. 2142012

No. 2142014

No, I’m going back to trvdition with the next one

No. 2142015

No. 2142016

I have a feeling I know who this troll is but I can't talk about "them" here without copping a ban, let's just say "they" are a frequent unwelcome visitor in the black girl general thread who likes to pretend to be other races

No. 2142017

Wow you’re posting pictures of monkeys?

No. 2142020

That reminds me of this one cow (Alexandra Marzella kek) who would always say that she wished she was black and she literally had 2 black children and is perpetuating the absent black beep stereotype because she so badly wishes she was one of them kek

No. 2142022

Prove it

No. 2142024

I feel sorry for them too

No. 2142025

Polish like other anon said, she makes a lot of fun history/fashion videos like this 1600s fashion haul vid.
Fuck yeah, love you too sis

No. 2142027

File: 1724001900859.jpeg (128.59 KB, 600x600, IMG_2236.jpeg)

Hyperabsurdist modern diversity stacies vs boring historyfags

No. 2142028

This one hit too close to home for them nonny

No. 2142029

File: 1724002038916.jpeg (52.36 KB, 476x560, IMG_2237.jpeg)

>likes to pretend to be other races
This is extremely funny to me because I’m actually a black woman kekkkkk. Am I pretending when I say that biracials should get the hell out of black female spaces?(baiting/infighting)

No. 2142031

File: 1724002082227.gif (3.04 MB, 500x380, IMG_2797.gif)

we had the same spergout last thread too. it's no use replying to the anti-historyfag it's all just bait

No. 2142032

Do not respond to the obvious racebaiting/baiting comments, please just report them and move on. You are only contributing to the infighting by responding. Farmers responding to bait will also be banned.

No. 2142033

this gif is so pretty

No. 2142034

Why do white women have a meltdown when you remind them that women who aren’t white exist too? Its always female solidarity against moids until they have to actually treat non-white women as equals(continued baiting/infighting after farmhand warning)

No. 2142035

True. Thank you farmhand.
Which movie is this? The actress is so pretty!

No. 2142036

Nonas who are into crafting/art, what current project are you working on?

No. 2142038

Yes you are pretending, fuck off nog(responding to bait after farmhand warning)

No. 2142040

It’s not even a meltdown, it’s hilarious attempts to be smug and nonchalant about genuine questions towards their own unconscious racial biases and when you criticize them for it they say you’re the real racist (for acknowledging reality), like wut??? It’s not people’s fault that twitterfags are all social justice activists, history is full of racial discrimination.(responding to bait after farmhand warning)

No. 2142041

File: 1724002449801.gif (1.56 MB, 400x400, chipi-chipi-chapa-chapa-animat…)

a game

No. 2142043

File: 1724002503328.gif (2.98 MB, 500x380, IMG_2798.gif)

that's louise brooks! not sure about which film, i think it might be pandora's box but you can't go wrong with anything in her filmography rly

No. 2142044

File: 1724002512767.jpg (121.1 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20230102-194514_Ins…)

I'm trying to make a fairy/troll/goblin doll of some sort so I can craft it a ton of miniature clothes and trinkets. The only problem is I'm a huge procrastinator and will probably give up and not finish it. Going to try to motivate myself otherwise.

No. 2142046

What is it about, cats?
Thank you! Gonna check out Pandora's box.
Omg that's pretty epic. Finish it!

No. 2142047

i'm making a camicia-style dress but I'm procrastinating like crazy it's been weeks

No. 2142048

Ooh that's fun nona, what type of game? Is it set in the past, present, or future? Wishing you luck in your gamedev journey!
Awww nonnie that sounds really cool and lovely. I am also making a custom doll! Sewing the clothes is the second roadblock I've encountered and it has seriously hated productivity. I hope you don't give up, imagine how awesome it will be to have your own little fairy/troll/goblin with its own little handmade trinkets and props. It's hard to stop procrastinating but what helped me is thinking that everything I am doing in my project is a learning experience!

No. 2142060

Sounds lovely, what made you stop?

No. 2142067

File: 1724003868537.jpg (99.84 KB, 540x608, Screenshot_20231011-184646_Ins…)

Absolutely autistic post but I love the littlest pet shop customizing community. Littlest pet shop was my favorite childhood toy and even the less skilled customizers are so creative and do such a good job changing the pets to something unique and personal. It seems kind of childish, even more childish than doll customs since they are tiny plastic animals with a super cartoon look so I kind of hide that I like it so much. Plus I still collect LPS so it makes me look like more of a sped.

No. 2142068

File: 1724003935708.jpeg (164.39 KB, 700x669, IMG_5699.jpeg)

Next thread pic hehe

No. 2142069

Don't be embarrassed mona, that toy is super cute!

No. 2142073

How come you managed to post a double image?

No. 2142076

I hate this era of overdiagnosing. No, you don’t have autism just because you attentively clean your home.

No. 2142080

nayrt but iphones automatically save media to camera roll under a different filename so that's probably why it didn't detect a double

No. 2142087

I didn’t post that one, and it is from a different source

No. 2142089

Anon there is no need to be so self-deprecating. You like LPS and that's okay. LPS are cuter and way less space-consuming than those fugly funky pops that were all the rage like 3 years ago. You're not a sped because you have good taste.

No. 2142103

Filenames don't matter when it comes to posting two of the same pic. Its cause the pictures are different sizes

No. 2142111

I'm teaching myself to knit rn does that count

No. 2142271

I love the cute victorian photos itt (minus the seething anons in between them)

No. 2142346

File: 1724014788846.jpg (22.65 KB, 474x266, th-3186677800.jpg)

I'm crocheting a skirt. Pic related but all one color and ankle length, made out of the softest lightweight cotton and bamboo blend. Almost finished with it and can't wait to wear it.

No. 2142352

File: 1724014929957.jpg (192.68 KB, 1500x875, aldi.jpg)

I have an Addi knitting machine. I like to start knitting woolen hats in August or September so I can donate them to women's shelters by October or November. Nobody talks about the Addi knitting machine but it was one of my best purchases ever! I can knit a whole hat in a hour.

No. 2142366

I've seen circular knitting machines before on social media but I don't get how they work, can you only make a one size circles on it?

No. 2142369

Only one sized circle, but you can also knit panels with it instead of circles, and then use those to make anything you'd like

No. 2142387

Knitting is a lot of fun, what are you planning to do for your first project?

No. 2142395

I don't know yet. I'm just practicing squares right now. Any suggestions for a good first beginner's item to make?

No. 2142407

A hat is a good beginner’s project. Doesn’t take as long as a scarf, lots of different patterns, sizing isn’t too important, teaches you how to decrease. Once you know how to knit, purl, decrease, and increase you really can make whatever you want.

No. 2142410

I just ordered some embroidery threads to make signs for the toilet and kitchen in my next flat (which I will hopefully find and where I will move into very soon) and I'm thinking about potential sewing patterns people would like so I can start my own store very soon. I'm a learned pattern maker, I need money and want nonnas to have easy to follow and good fitting patterns so they later own amazing clothes far away from that Shein bullshit.
When I have the time, I want to start drawing again and maybe finally learn how to knit and crochet.

No. 2142427

Awesome, thanks! I needed this advice lol, gives me some direction.

No. 2142487

this lady is so ugly i thought it was a (redacted)(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2142491

File: 1724020408074.webp (17.8 KB, 989x1200, s-l1200-2.webp)

I'm trying to incorporate this design in one of my OCs who is a mad scientist (woman ofc), but I'm having trouble recoloring this dress in a way that doesn't look weird. I picked this dress because it looks like a fun, fashion-forward scientist coat, and I want the color scheme to be red, yellow, blue, and green (DNA double helix reference) but every recolor I try to do looks really off. Any suggestions?

No. 2142493

Keep the gown a neutral color and limit the colors mentioned to the lapels or whatever you call those

No. 2142524

Sorry if I misread, but I think making the coat all those colours will make it look busy and maybe that's why it looks off. Maybe try incorporating the colours of the double helix in other parts of the outfit besides just the jacket.

No. 2142526

With this style I think it would look nice in that bright mint green nurses wear during surgeries, I hope you get what I mean. Make the chains the remaining colors you want, or use those colors as makeup, accessories, hair, shoes, and belts colors. Or make the dress a muted silverish/gray white like the helix that holds the particles together, then incorporate the remaining colors as I said.

No. 2142533

File: 1724021394806.jpeg (89.13 KB, 850x1167, 6EC9BCE8-4E14-4399-82E6-9EFEF7…)

Report back with how it goes! After you finish that it isn’t a leap for your next project to be socks, which are my preferred project of choice.

No. 2142569

Anons, keep in mind that if this was actually a nonnie trying to make friends; she would’ve posted this in the friend finder thread once instead of several threads as fast as possible

No. 2142598

File: 1724023269903.jpg (3.53 MB, 2362x1955, __morino_rinze_and_sakuragi_ma…)

I really want to get into hobby kits, like making small scale tanks and stuff. When I get my finances in order, I want to try making a pink Tamiya 1/35 Panzer II.

No. 2142653

I did post it in the friend finder thread but no one saw it

No. 2142674

Okay but can you stop spamming it everywhere else though it's kind of annoying and it's harshing the vibe.

No. 2142727

File: 1724028950980.png (1.67 MB, 920x929, so hungry right now bitch.png)

I need to go to starbucks right now and order 500,000,000 cake pops

No. 2142741

Let’s gooooooo

No. 2142794

Getting ready for the best night, the best night of my life

No. 2142817

me but with their coffee. I know anons hate it but i love their sugary diabetes inducing garbage.

No. 2143048

That's me with the refresher drinks and energy drinks and pumping extra sugar into my tea there or else it's not sweet enough

Long live sugar

No. 2143056

I shouldn't have read this, kidney stones are my biggest fear but black tea is my most beloved. I drink around 4+ cups of black tea daily.

No. 2143057

6 coffes with milk a day

No. 2143061

File: 1724047818633.jpg (83.65 KB, 603x514, Freedom_Train,_LA_'48.jpg)

Hey nona's what should I do for my 19th birthday? I've never celebrated my bday before due to growing up in religious household but now I have money and a car so I can do whatever I want ~ What do you guys do?

No. 2143063

just a wee lass, the world is your oyster

No. 2143071

today i had one cup of soda and now my heart rate's all fucked up how are nonnies drinking several cups of coffee

No. 2143074

I've been regularly consuming caffeinated sugar filled drinks on the daily since I was a teenager, caffeine no longer fazes me

No. 2143115

i once read it has correlation with untreated ADHD

No. 2143187

It's different for everyone. Some are sensitive to caffeine. Take it easy with it nona!

No. 2143256

File: 1724062517089.png (Spoiler Image,745.69 KB, 840x704, 1.png)

Coffee makes me go too much
Tea is better

No. 2143270

File: 1724064081372.png (565.06 KB, 1004x524, fleabag.png)

A bag of fleas

No. 2143650

File: 1724085324380.jpg (42.15 KB, 410x640, tumblr_mlw4ojaQSR1qhi7r1o1_500…)

I like historical women too. I don't get why someone was calling it racist, or where any "jealousy" would come from. Hate seeing bad actors fuck up every women's space.

No. 2143654

Go to the beach? Unless you’re in the midwest or another landlocked state, then I recommend going into the mountains which is always wonderful

No. 2143906

Ok samefag from this and I just need to say wow I forgot how big starbucks cake pops are. Have they always been huge?? Or has the food inflated too kek

No. 2143910

File: 1724097875237.png (10.02 KB, 318x163, ffffffffffff.png)

fuck you lard guzzling bitch there is no "no shitposting" rule
i tried, you faggots never read /meta/. arguing about gay cartoons all day is clearly your top priority. i'm going to ruin this thread until you actually fix this shithole(if you have a problem with a ban, appeal it. do not shit up other threads just because you are mad about it)

No. 2143911

Have a dinner party with friends or do something fun outdoors. I went to sea for my birthday.

No. 2143915

spamming to get a thread to fill up to the bump limit has always been banworthy, this place has been crawling with the loudest newfags being too shameless to shut up and learn to lurk

No. 2143919

it was one post dumbass

No. 2143923

Aside from autosaging dumbass and retarded shitposting, current admins and staff are overall better than shaymin imo.

No. 2143930

I didn’t even know we had an admin when shaymin was apparently running the show keeek

No. 2143936

Banning people for shit posting is so bizarre, this is an image board

No. 2143938

I just had this amazing flashback to when I saw Lorde live back in 2014. Before she sang Ribs to us she told the crowd a story about this time that she threw a party with her friends while her parents were out of town, and how good of a time she had even just falling asleep with her friends in her bed that night after it was all over.

No. 2143940

File: 1724099311928.gif (444.35 KB, 500x500, 770.gif)

I hate everyone I want to die I want everyone to die there's no where else to go anymore except hell. YOU MAKE UP THE RULES AS YOU GO ALONG YOU FUCKING LIARS. Take yourself to /meta/ first
the infights are worse yet you do nothing
the baits are worse yet you do nothing
you don't care about reports, you don't care about anything. bubut muuuhhhh drawings muhhhh fujozzx, I fucking hate all of you(alogging/take it to meta)

No. 2143944

The staff constantly engages in the infights themselves kek

No. 2144015

Just because it's an anonymous image board doesn't mean there can't be some minimum standards.

No. 2144025

nta, i understand standards for more serious threads or the cow boards but what else do you need for a bechdel thread of all things kek. a little shitposting won't harm this thread as long as it follows the one rule

No. 2144034

I'd love to see this, nona. I like the idea of a pink tank with some sakura petals around/on it too

No. 2144042

File: 1724104585821.gif (6.71 MB, 528x640, 5w097e86d758.gif)

i'm going to keep shitposting regardless. they can't break my spirit they can only break their fingers mashing the report button

No. 2144065

Miss Kitty is such a queen

No. 2144160

File: 1724109102511.jpg (544.97 KB, 1080x2103, Cerbmin.jpg)

I'm the autist, and that wasn't me. I admit I did do a lot of samefagging and ban evading and spam reporting (telling them to look at /meta/ since that's their pre-programmed "go-to") even right now. However I wanted to leave this email reply from Cerbmin for people to read.

Cerbmin cannot verbalize why the threads I've mentioned here >>82266 are able to be on /ot/ but a thread pertaining to a /meta/ topic is banned from being on /ot/.
It is an issue of my "personal feeling". It is not a personal feeling when they are solely about topics that belong in their respective topic boards.

They say they "don't agree with how the ban was handled", which tells me there is a problem farmhand in /w/. Will they address the problematic /w/ farmhand? Will they try to solve some issues anons have with the /w/ moderation? No, why would they? They don't want the Lolcow Culture and Moderation Complaints thread up because /meta/ discussions are not allowed in places other than /meta/, which is funny because /snow/ and /m/ and /g/ and /2x/ discussions are fair game in /ot/ and not their respective boards.

I know my original ban would have been dealt with after a few hours. My problem is with the ban-happy farmhand in /w/ who issues bans based on vibes and mood. The original ban should have never happened. "Approximately half the replies to the Lolcow Culture and Moderation Complaints were from you", yes, replying to other anons kek.

I admit I threw a tantrum. I admit I made the moderation team's job harder today. I admit I was being rude, ignorant, autistic, retarded, annoying, and a distraction. I know that. I am sorry.

I love lolcow. Not to be corny but I do think of this place as my home. I want to see it thrive. I want to have good discussions with other anons. I want to be able to laugh at cows.

If it is too hard for a team of moderators and farmhands to sift through hundreds of reports, then maybe try opening up farmhand applications. Maybe introduce a list of things to not ban anons over, taking into consideration the most common dumb report. Maybe don't issue bans because some unhappy anon didn't like a simple, innocent shitpost like >>2143910

I know anons have felt shafted by the moderation. I know anons hate not having a space to shitpost and have fun. I also understand how other anons would dislike a shitpost thread or a dumbass shit thread. But I do not think it is much of a coincidence how the erratic moderation and banning of shitposting and the dumbass thread has coincided with the rise of angrier, more combative, baiting anons who purposefully misinterpret what you say.

/ot/ used to be off-topic discussions that don't pertain to the other boards. Now it's an "everything" discussion board. It's just way too much, way too cluttered. With the dumbass thread on permentant sage and no shitposting threads it's just kind of depressing.

Love you farmers. I will definitely be outta here after this last ban evade. It's been a great ten years. Peace.(ban evading to derail another thread with an autistic sermon)

No. 2144167

Samefag, fixed first two links


No. 2144168

Not to be rude but literally just shut the fuck up and touch grass you absolute retard

No. 2144172

I moved into a place with an induction stove so my current pans don't work. Before I go ahead and buy a new set of cookware, does anyone have recommendations for brands I should look for?

No. 2144173

You're still fucking talking about this? It was an 11 hour ban over a shitpost wtf is your issue. Please actually do leave this site we don't need actual speds here.

No. 2144177

File: 1724109526012.gif (1.44 MB, 498x276, girl-sure-jan.gif)

>We care about this site and we care about moderation

No. 2144178

But why would no shit posting be the standard? It was fine in every other era of lolcow.

No. 2144179

I can see clearly now why you don't understand what you're doing wrong; you really are that retarded. I hope they just keep banning you. People who sperg out this hard over an easily evadable 11 hour ban shouldn't be here. Taking this shit that seriously and raising such a massive stink
>I admit I did do a lot of samefagging and ban evading and spam reporting (telling them to look at /meta/ since that's their pre-programmed "go-to") even right now.
makes you a perma-newfag no matter how long you're on here for. Just leave. I recommend PULL, their ~culture~ is more aligned with your child-brained temperament

No. 2144180

It really wasn't. You must have joined during one of the eras where admins were absent and moderation was almost non-existent. It was never the norm.

No. 2144184

girl you need a hobby. like for real.

No. 2144186

I've been here for close to a decade. Dumb joke posts were never an issue. Unless you mean actual SHIT posts like non contributions in milk boards.

No. 2144188

yeah sorry but i can’t imagine an oldfag sperging this hard over being banned, and then banned again after ban evading to make shitty threads kek

No. 2144189

Her original ban was from a shitpost non-contribution on a milk board.

No. 2144190

You people always use "I've been here for this long!!!" as if retardation has an expiration date. You're here this long and you still can't read the room, that's sad.

No. 2144191

I assumed it was from /ot/ or another non cow board since it was posted here.

No. 2144193

I was directly responding to something the post I was replying to said kek

No. 2144195

I tried to track her behaviour and I think I got it mostly right in >>2144044 but it's crazy how retarded someone has to be to do all this over an 11 hour ban.

No. 2144199

No she's just been having an autistic melt down about it for the past day. Her original ban was from posting about Jill's cats or something retarded like that, then she went bananas all over /ot/ and /meta/.

No. 2144201

Ooh I see now

No. 2144203

ntayrt but anon why are you freaking out this hard about the rules being enforced if you’ve supposedly been here for as long as LC’s been live?

No. 2144207

I'm not? I'm not trying to be defensive or anything, I think you're just mistaking the tone of the post. I thought we were just having a conversation lol

No. 2144216

Samefag, I'm confused now kek. That shit-posting ban is from two days ago in the last bechdel thread, not Jill's thread. A shitposting ban itt is weird imo, but maybe I'm just not understanding the plot of….whatever is going on.

No. 2144217

>shits up the site for an entire day because of a ban you disagreed with instead of just ban evading peacefully like the rest of us
>wastes the time of mod staff all day, still feels entitled to waste more staff time by demanding admin justify why normal threads can exist on /ot/ but not the one you made while shitting your pants in a tard rage
>thinks normal users will be on your side when we are all sick of scrolling past your spergouts

i understand that emotional dysregulation is common in retards but you should seriously kill yourself. this is so pathetic its not even funny anymore.

No. 2144218

i thought
was about this ban >>2141205 which IS pretty retarded since this thread isn't supposed to have high standards beyond the one rule in the op

No. 2144219

> i thought we were just making conversation
Anon…making 2 different threads and sperging out across several isn’t really what I’d consider making conversation KEK

No. 2144225

I've only made those few posts in this thread.

No. 2144230

Yeah sure you totally magically showed up at the exact same time as spergychan and just continue using the same “I’ve been here fer a decade!!!!1” excuse as her

No. 2144251

No, it was something like this >>2144044 , it all started after the cat post got banned in Jill's thread.

No. 2144260

File: 1724111710310.jpg (8.55 KB, 147x300, CylcingBloomers-147x300.jpg)

>>2142036 I'm finishing a toile for a pair of knickerbockers (like picrel but more volume in the thighs I reckon). I'm going to make the final pair out of a brightly coloured plaid cotton.

No. 2144264

I side with you even if you're spergy, moderation can get really frustrating

No. 2144267

File: 1724111776258.gif (41.48 KB, 320x270, giphy.gif)

I think you just want there to be an infight. Also I never said a decade, I said close to. There's like 2 years before I'm actually there.

No. 2144269

Powerleveling huh

No. 2144275

kek I love this gif

No. 2144276

noooooo you can't type numbers here cuz uhhhh..the bechdel thread is for serious topics only! like coffee

No. 2144279

this gif is making me kek

No. 2144281

>i-i-i-i-i-i said ALMOST a decade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mods, where are you?

No. 2144285

Where are my serious ladies at? I want to have a serious discussion.

No. 2144287

theyre busy arguing about gay vavalavanese cartoons in 5 different threads

No. 2144301

low effort shitposting content will be banned and deleted. You have been warned.

No. 2144304

It perfectly shows how I feel talking to some anons here sometimes. I think some are genuinely schizo.

No. 2144307

This still isn't making any sense though, what does a post from 2 days ago have to do with what's going on today?

No. 2144309

If i don't see this shit in the lolcows own caps thread i will shit myself in protest this is some grade A autism

No. 2144310

I want to get into gunpla building

No. 2144313

This. Every time someone has a schizo meltdown over a ban, the ban is a for a few hours at the most. They need to go outside to calm down because getting that upset about not being able to post on a internet site is not rational.

No. 2144331

You should just delete their posts so they get angry and give up from lack of attention

No. 2144333

Half of the time i get banned I don't even notice. You gotta be a turbo autist to get ass blasted over a ban thats not even a full day long

No. 2144336

I can't stop watching this gif

No. 2144339

So do you feel silly now?

No. 2144359

It's a global rule and always has been.

No. 2144372

No, not really

No. 2144761

File: 1724139801213.gif (1.08 MB, 358x360, 15643032267.gif)

No. 2144835

File: 1724144997790.jpeg (151.53 KB, 640x993, IMG_5035.jpeg)

That's amazing anon, will they be part of an outfit?

No. 2144846

Yes Amberlynn you go girl!!! Ugh she's such a good dancer I'll never understand why she didn't go pro.

No. 2144889

Who would you choose as your partner in crime? Martha Jane Canary, Annie Oakley, or Kate Warne?

No. 2144896

her last saga was so funny. She managed to out-manipulate her alogs into buying her an expensive 400 usd lego set lmfao. Queen.

No. 2144934

If she wasn't an obeast she'd probably be kind of cute. Ah well

No. 2145118

My friends and I are going to graduate uni by the end of this semester, and they want to make custom senior jackets for us with our names and university logo and a preferred patch of some sort. It's such a cute idea but I'm worried about how much will it cost, and when will I be wearing it? Just this semester? Would feel weird to wear it outside of uni, like at my future job. But wearing it as pajama or hosue wear feels wasteful, too.

No. 2145124

Good night nonnies

No. 2145127

goodnight nonners ♥

No. 2145397

Never heard of the first and last woman before! Googled them and together they sound like an unbeatable gang.

No. 2145445

And Big Nose Kate as well

No. 2145936

Anons like you are the special sauce of this site

No. 2145970

File: 1724195608314.gif (449.86 KB, 327x400, IMG_5746.gif)

For the pretty historyfags who deserve love

No. 2146193

File: 1724200139871.png (2.13 MB, 1024x1433, IMG_8352.png)

love you too

No. 2147234

File: 1724252787500.jpeg (959.25 KB, 1170x1309, IMG_5754.jpeg)

No. 2147300

File: 1724257855705.png (3.15 MB, 1170x1408, you’re being gross .png)

I really fucking hate how my fellow burgers choose to consume such a good food like crab legs and vegetables. Why does it need to be in a big fat bowl full of broth? Why does it need to stay in its shell? Why do you not use utensils and instead gloves? Why is it not seen as easier to just cut up some seasoned crab, with the corn/potatoes on the side, and then the broth on the side? Why does it need to be made disgusting?

No. 2147324

I hope Iraqi women get to experience that freedom again.

No. 2147328

Dang, I love the shell on. It's fun to crack the shells by hand and get all the meat out. I wouldn't trust someone to serve me cut-up crabmeat, I'd be paranoid they didn't do it right and wasted a ton of the good stuff.

Anyway, I agree that dumping garlic butter all over anything is gross. It ruins real flavors. Crabmeat is delicious by itself, with a little lemon juice sprinkled on it, or with just a touch of Old Bay.

No. 2147341

It's a seafood boil moron, it's not supposed to be glamorous and pleasing to the eye it's supposed to be fucking delicious, get out of here with your europoor sentiments. Also different countries eat with gloves on when they're eating messy things. Smdh what the hell is wrong with you

No. 2147352

holy shit I need to learn more about 1970s iraq

No. 2147356

Not even a burger but no one likes dry boujee food.

No. 2147358

It's not disgusting, you're just trying to act like a princess when some foods are meant to be more messy. Its apart of the experience. Deshelled crabs….pfft do you think you're the queen of England?

No. 2147483

I made almost $30 almost about to get to $40-$50 within two days of starting that Prolific survey website. I thank that nonnie for recommending it to me, I could not thank you enough seriously (pls don’t think this is self-advertisement I don’t own that website kek), it really sorted through all that Swagbucks bullshit

No. 2147495

Seeing these pictures always makes me so sad

No. 2147510

Do it! It's fun. It takes me forever though but it's so satisfying at the end

No. 2147534

>it’s not supposed to be glamorous and pleasing to the eye
I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re just someone who doesn’t read posts in their entirety before ragetyping a response. I said that it should be plated differently and eaten with utensils instead of your hands like a neanderthal. Does slopping everything together and then eating it off of plastic gloves somehow make it taste better? Because I love seafood, but that makes me gag.
I’m a burger, being american doesn’t mean that you need to eat your food like a sped.
>what the hell is wrong with you?
For eating with utensils?
>dry boujee food
Who said anything about cooking it differently or not seasoning it? I simply said it should be plated more reasonably, not thrown into a bucket and pourn broth all over it then forcing your customers to eat it with gloves because the shells are still on the crab and the corn is still on the cop and the potatoes are still whole. Just the way the dish is constructed, it’s unsustainable to the consumer, who is me
>you’re trying to act like a princess when some foods are meant to be messy
I live on the west coast where seafood is abundant, and the majority of locals don’t eat their seafood in the touristy way that you see on instagram. It takes 10 minutes to shuck your crabs before seasoning them and cooking them with your side dishes, and it’s unnecessary to throw it all together in a big tray like it’s a soup or a stew when it’s like 3 separate dishes all thrown together. If you go to a restaurant you’re more likely to get crab meat on its own, your vegetables on the side, and the broth on the side so you can control how much you put on it.

No. 2147537

It sounds sooo inconvenient to have to shell your crab, at the table, in a restaurant, in public when you’re starving and just want to eat food that’s prepared by the cook who’s paid to make it for you. If you’re eating at home that’s way different, but if you’re going to a restaurant for seafood that’s just inconsiderate of them lol

No. 2147543

I finally caved and made an instagram account so I'm officially no longer social media-free. It's just to follow a few artists though.

No. 2147576

This is how europe is going to end up

No. 2147579

In vintage 70's fashion?

No. 2147585

You know what I mean. From that to being hidden and forced to wear hijabs to please scrotes(do not mention moids itt)

No. 2147588

nONNIE WRONG THREAD YOU RUINED IT hurry delete your post we can still fix this

No. 2147590

>west coast
Ugh, this is the problem. Seafood boils are SOUTHERN!!!! Its not touristy or Instagram food, it's just how it's traditionally eaten in the states it came from. I hope you're not from California either, those people aren't allowed to have opinions on food.

No. 2147592

Nonna you still have time to delete this!!!

No. 2147598

I know seafood boils are cajun, but they’re still a staple meal in Coastal cities where fresh seafood is constantly available. I live on the Northwestern coast of the U.S., and people are capable of eating with utensils instead of throwing food everywhere like it’s tomatina. I know the people of New Orleans are just rowdy as they are, so you can’t really blame them for expressing that via their meals, but I feel like their plating shouldn’t be enforced constantly. The bibs and plastic gloves and big tin trays full of the food is just ew. It makes an amazing dish so unappetizing.

No. 2147659

I'll actually offer a normal explanation instead of calling you retarded or Californian or whatever.
>Why does it need to stay in its shell?
I wouldn't trust seafood served outside its shell. The shell is important because it confirms it's A) real seafood, not expensive fake, B) I know I'm not being skimped, i.e., if I get served the whole crab in it's shell, I'm not wondering "hmm did they take some of my crab to give to other people? is this how much crab I paid for?"
>Why does it need to be in a big fat bowl full of broth? Why does it need to stay in its shell
If you're talking about just regular seafood boils, it's to enhances the flavour of the meat. Usually the broth serves as a base for seasoning, and as a dip. It's also a boil, that's just how boils are served.
>Why is it not seen as easier to just cut up some seasoned crab, with the corn/potatoes on the side, and then the broth on the side?
Some people do this, some people don't. When I do a seafood boil, I'll usually separate the contents after the main boil and put a serving of each on everyone's plate, and then everyone has a little bowl of the broth and some butter to dip to themselves. Some people use gloves because it's easier to crack shells with your hands instead of tools, and the gloves prevent cuts & keeps your hands and nails clean. I don't often use gloves, but I usually crack the crab with my hands and suck it out (the meat and the broth), and then use a little crab-pick (long thin metal stick with hook at end) to clean out the shell.
>Why does it need to be made disgusting?
This is reminding me of a picky-eater, kek. Why is it more disgusting to be served plate of food steeped in broth compared to same food and same broth served separately? Is it a texture thing, or something? I know my autistic cousin hates when different foods touch on her plate, so I guess it's the same sort of revulsion.

No. 2147889

Maybe if you’re in an area where seafood is shipped in and not caught fresh, I understand that approach. And I love the spicy broth that comes with it, but I think drowning the main course and side dish in what is supposed to be the dip kind of turns it into a big sloshy soup and I just can’t get into that, because I don’t really associate crab and potatoes with soup. And I think dumping broth all over your shelled crab and solid potatoes and corn on the cob, that you need to eat with gloves because it’s so messy, is gross and avoidable on its own; the food is wonderful on its own, but the plating and serving practice is just really unappetizing

No. 2147911

I always think about how we live in a digital era and how I could probably be making a decent amount of money online if I put in the effort, but it's so hard to even know where to start. Especially when everyone who talks about earning online is either trying to sell you something or inflating their success.

No. 2147913

how did you get your picmix image to have such nice quality? when i tried making one it came out either all crispy and weird (saving directly) or super low-quality and blurry (tenor version) admittedly i might have gone overboard on the bling-blings, but still, it made me sad…

No. 2148115

File: 1724295958962.png (199.14 KB, 1133x1572, wow.png)

I think it’s insane that there are egyptian nonnies. Who are the trinidadian anons??

No. 2148121

If you ever have a moment where you think you could be talking to the same person, remember there are at least 5,600 anons here according to the device statistics

No. 2148129

I'm curious, where can we see sed statistics??

No. 2148189

No. 2148239

Woah, there are more Paki-chans than I thought.

No. 2148257

As weird as it sounds this make me feel really happy inside, I see so many countries there I’ve always wanted to visit and it’s cool that there’s some anons from them

No. 2148258

> u.s. / 49.89%
> uk / 9%
WOW kek

No. 2148263

those are all her vpns

No. 2148267

NTA but those are statistics from devices that have made posts, not IP addresses

No. 2148276

> 13% of posts are via VPN

No. 2148306

Why do farmers keep shitting on seafood boils? I've seen this on /snow/ and now /ot/.

No. 2148361

Where are all the other 162 brazilian nonas? A nossa thread tá morta, bem que a gente podia revive-la

No. 2148531

That will only happen if every scrote was dead(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2148628

I love seafood boils im just saying the way it’s plated is unnecessarily nasty

No. 2148737

File: 1724347076235.png (Spoiler Image,2.72 MB, 2344x1072, onsen.png)

Do you like warm baths as a method to relax after a hard day's work?

No. 2148759

File: 1724347810158.png (417.36 KB, 1472x1040, garotas.png)

Onika lurking
Tà bom tà bom

No. 2148763

Confession: I have never taken a bath before. Why do people do it? Isn't it bad for the skin since the water is too hot and you're spending too much time in water and soap? Do you shower before it or after it? Does it clean you better? Isn't it a bit of a waste of water? I'm so confused about this tradition.

No. 2148768

>the water is too

It's nice and relaxing. I wish I had a bath.

No. 2148774

I used to love taking baths I’d take them like every single day because the warm water was so comforting esp with nice flakey epsome salts but now I don’t take them at all because I’m so scared of UTI’s

No. 2148846

Yeah, i usually will shower before my bath. Don't wanna soak in dirty water. And if I'm doing like a green tea/milk/epson salt bath or something I'll just rinse it off after. Baths are nice but for me its just too much effort. I have to clean the tub beforehand, shower, relax and then rinse off again and clean the tub again (if it was something other than just bubbles)

No. 2148862

I love watching popping videos but they make me so angry and I can’t breathe until fhe whole procedure is over. The blackheads of a stranger shouldn’t be draining me emotionally.

No. 2148874

Me too, I like it but I'm always holding my breath or tapping my foot until it's done. Do you watch Sac Dep Spa too?

No. 2148876

I’ll check it out! I mostly use subreddits and sort by “top” because if a clip doesn’t have mass public appeal I risk being left on edge haha

No. 2148903

File: 1724355589450.png (184.94 KB, 889x738, come to mummy.png)

I need you now…

No. 2148906

Sac Dep Spa > Reddit any day. She's Vietnamese as well so she really knows her stuff.

No. 2148931

File: 1724356853049.png (1.7 MB, 1164x720, barbie.png)

Who's that tiny woman stealing all that trash? She's Barbie from the channel called Clean with Barbie, she's a 5 foot tall powerhouse and one of the best cleaners on Earth, other cleaners take breaks while cleaning but she just has one speed: vag to the wall

No. 2148938

has anyone bought clothes from Devil Inspired? i like their mori style skirts and have some clothes in my taste that i haven't seen elsewhere, but i want to know if they're reputable or not.

No. 2148961

based cleaning queen for tackling that horrific room with zero fear or hesitation

No. 2148968

my friend's cat doesn't give a fuck about human food except for rice and will annihilate it if it isn't hidden and out of reach, anybody else have a cat that likes certain foods for some reason?

No. 2148971

i absolutely LOVE being prescribed all the drugs i want. it is truly amazing how your doctor is basically just a drug dealer in burger land

No. 2148973

they are a taobao reseller so yes it's legit, just marked up. usually going through a taobao proxy is slightly cheaper but there's a slight barrier to entry because you need to learn how to use a proxy. smaller orders like if you only buy one thing may be similarly priced if you factor in shipping and fees, but if you do a big order the proxy will definitely be cheaper

No. 2148980

My cat growing up used to eat cooked broccoli and carrots, when I was little and didn’t want to eat my veggies I’d just give them to him kek

No. 2149082


No. 2149248

Girl they're known scammers. I ordered from them once and had the do a paypal claim after months of waiting. Just figure out how to use taobao or even aliexpress.

No. 2149379

i barely online shop so i don't know what a proxy is… i'll just buy from taobao i guess, even if it ships for ages

No. 2149654

File: 1724387811528.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.25 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pb74xbfMEi1wyd6myo1_128…)

If it were socially acceptable I probably would wear a sparkly, decorated lingerie bra (e.g. a Victoria Secret fantasy bra) with jeans as an outfit. To where? No idea. With what shoes? Fuck if I know.

No. 2149664

File: 1724388269790.jpg (134.88 KB, 736x981, 1000055365.jpg)

In a better world, I would wear something like pic related to go out and have something to eat with friends.

No. 2149670

File: 1724388660414.jpg (69.66 KB, 500x607, df8e1e9bfa59f4c2bd0da9a80f62be…)

I'd wear pic rel

No. 2149687

File: 1724390505635.jpg (63.68 KB, 1100x1100, STEVEMADDEN_SHOES_EVELYN_RED-P…)

She's so gorgeous. For shoes, I feel red high heels would look nice, something about it will complete the look.

No. 2149699

File: 1724390949341.jpg (182.47 KB, 1200x700, PoorThingsCostumes.jpg)

half the reason i liked poor things was bc of the outfits. i wish i could wear shit like this every day and just wander around aimlessly.

No. 2149721

Why does she made of wooden?

No. 2149722

It's a mannequin sweetie

No. 2149812

This seems a too difficult to eat in, the sleeves are crazy.

No. 2149909

>Why does she made of wooden?
Because she make wood

No. 2149912

I’m not a dogfag and prefer cats 100% of the time but I just love puppies. You can wrestle with them unlike kittens and they’re just so damn cute. Adult dogs are ugly and scary to me, so I’ll never be able to have a pup of my own. And that’s ok because I’ll keep harassing strangers to play with theirs kekkk

No. 2149915

I bought a hoodie second hand and it reeked of fabric softener so I washed it but it still reeks wtf.

No. 2149933

I need to befriend people with dogs so when they have puppies I can go over and play

No. 2149991

Is it bad to watch videos or listen to podcasts while doing things like chores or eating or hobby related activities? I realized I have my earbuds in all day everyday and I look at my mom and she doesn't even own a pair, doesn't watch television, doesn't listen to music. Why do I crave constant content while she lives happily without any, surely that can't be healthy? I feel like it's destroying my attention span and possibly clouding my mind. I think I want to decrease how much content I mindlessly consume, but I'm not sure how I should go about that. Where do you draw the line, just videos? or also podcast? or even no music too?

No. 2150006

Some people like to listen to music in the background, some don't. There's no need to pathologize everything. It sounds like you overthink a lot of stuff.

No. 2150013

Sometimes I'm willing to sacrifice eating fast for looking cool kek, unironically I think wearing unpractical sleeves would help me chew slower so I stop having so many stomach issues.

No. 2150107

International sizes are so weird, I got a sweater and the label says it's a north euro large, us/uk medium and Italian xxl kek
Do a vinegar soak it usually does the trick for me!

No. 2150172

i need a raccoon flavored cake immediately

No. 2150186

File: 1724426829489.jpeg (79.15 KB, 435x580, IMG_2293.jpeg)

She fumbled a baddie for grape chicken salad, what the hell Raven??

No. 2150190

she looks like a scented marker

No. 2150195

File: 1724427044657.jpg (42.85 KB, 540x360, 360_F_315666800_qyKq4bpnXJp6Wk…)

i dont understand what any of this means or who those are

No. 2150207

Is this her new gf?

No. 2150208

Me neither nona. Guessing it's some burger stuff.

No. 2150209

>implying that’s bad
bitch she’s beautiful and you’re just jelly of her amazing swag and vibrant aura not to mention her banging body and smile that emanates warmth and confidence
grandma I told you I would call you later, I told you not to come on here if I don’t call

No. 2150210

Then wear these things but don't defend that movie

No. 2150213

No old, she’s with some white woman now I think

No. 2150222

Half-watching videos or podcasts during tasks can be distracting and make things take longer than they need to. It's possible for listening to audio to have the same effect, but less likely. Listening to podcast after podcast can be a bit brainrotty though. I def wouldn't worry about music at all, music is literally good for your brain.

No. 2150231

The Italian size is always labeled as larger than the rest-of-Europe size and that makes me wonder if they're just much thinner than the rest of us?

No. 2150232

you’re right nonna, she’d be one of them limited edition cheese scented marker

No. 2150237

ohhh you’re talking about raven in that pic kek

No. 2150241

I’m in the same situation and I suspect we crave constant stimulation because we give ourselves constant stimulation, if that makes sense. Kind of how drinking coffee in the morning makes it so that your brain doesn’t secrete as much of whatever it is that makes you feel awake in the morning, making you need coffee in order to fully wake up.

No. 2150322

File: 1724432174537.png (2.79 MB, 1170x1520, disgusting.png)

what’s the point of this?

No. 2150336

File: 1724432525138.webp (1.78 MB, 2323x3000, cp47d05s_Y1vcn0ElyXoSZhQ5L2qYS…)

I fucking love it when women have front-ward facing eyes. I appreciate girls who have more space in between their eyes resulting in a more deer or rabbit appearance, but fuckk women that remind me of tigers and lions can ruin me

No. 2150337

frontward* Sorry, not ESL just retarded

No. 2150341

>>2150322 its just a thick layer of yummy gream cheese anon what's the issue

No. 2150348

stop seething about food you can’t eat already. bagels are extremely thick and a small amount of cream cheese filling isn’t enough, you’re being deliberately retarded

No. 2150350

Omfg hit enter after you reply I've seen your posts all over the boards.

No. 2150351

I've been to Italy and I didn't notice a huge difference. Imagine if all Italians were anorexic kek

No. 2150399

File: 1724435118737.png (1.97 MB, 1944x1184, 2.png)

>find new gf
>she cheats after two months with another girl

No. 2150401

Does she have BPD or BPD-like symptoms. Because that's my guess.

No. 2150402

Assert dominance. Sleep with the other girl and steal her from your gf.

No. 2150409

Least convoluted soap opera relationship

No. 2150412

That's crazy. Makes me wonder why some people even bother getting into relationships at all. I'm sorry nona even though it sounds like you didn't lose much of value.

No. 2150428

>>2150350 no you schizo(integrate)

No. 2150470

NTA but that’s 2 full cups of cream cheese

No. 2150477

How'd you measure it from a picture? It could just be a big glob of cream cheese in the middle where the hole is, with nothing else on the rest of the bagel.

No. 2150479

Im sorry if you’re just baiting and I’m not catching on but do you see the photo?

No. 2150486

what do you do when you feel ugly

No. 2150490

watch botched and be thankful for your own natural features nothing is more based than being comfortable in your own skin when the whole world (moids) demands you change it(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2150491

Nona I do the same. Looking at the botched subreddit helps too

No. 2150512

File: 1724439987800.png (Spoiler Image,116.05 KB, 611x408, bagel.png)

I made a pic explaining what I think the anatomy of that bagel could possibly be. Excuse the editing errors, I was struggling to make that picture

No. 2150515

but bagel have hole?? how filling in middle????

No. 2150516

We should start calling /ot/ nonas "idi/ot/s" (affectionate.)

No. 2150538

Not everybody is a food depriving anachan like you, go eat your 3 pretzels and water for lunch and dinner kek

No. 2150559

That is not a normal serving of cream cheese and you know it

No. 2150574

It is at a bagel shop, at least NY style ones

No. 2150575


No. 2150578

In what world is that a normal serving of cream cheese

No. 2150588

The US pre-pandemic, isn’t it obvious? I’m kind of glad places are being stingier with it, you could scrap the excess off for another half dozen bagels before, now it’s like the perfect amount.

No. 2150589

That's like the whole block of cream cheese kek this topic feels like bait

No. 2150668

File: 1724445259804.gif (65.5 KB, 321x279, 9E7C911D-162D-4981-BB69-675C92…)

i have a soft spot for feminine female characters that are also completely nasty people(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2150671

Your pic doesn't pass the test though

No. 2150673


No. 2150683

anon edit that walled man out before you get clocked by the jannies

No. 2150685

You have time to delete this before getting red texted

No. 2150687

File: 1724445821728.jpg (49.21 KB, 456x700, bd2c83d5eb048e831f70fd5110c4c1…)

Any plans for this weekend? I'm getting gel nails tomorrow in a light green with white stickers/decals

No. 2150691

My friend asked me to go to the mall with her tomorrow, so I will do that.

No. 2150697

File: 1724446274716.gif (300.74 KB, 305x360, 67C6A5AD-B356-4E5C-ABA6-582F62…)

I aspire to be the best kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
I aspire to be bitchiest kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
I aspire to be the sexiest kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
I aspire to be the smartest kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
And when a non comes up asking, “aren’t you that kek bitch?”
I say yes yes yes,
Oh kek kek kek
Oh yes yes yes
…. kek… kek

No. 2150705

File: 1724446568737.gif (53.8 KB, 220x224, 1000006956.gif)


No. 2150706

thats literally a gnc woman don’t be rude

No. 2150707

game, watch anime and shitpost like always

No. 2150710

What if they start redtexting the word kek, I would actually have to stop using the website if they did that. I just know they would do that

No. 2150713

I was gonna go to emo night at the bar with my friend, but her back is hurting and I wouldn't want to go without her. Now I'm not sure what I'll do tonight. Tomorrow there's an outdoor movie at the park, but rain might cancel that too.

No. 2150714

kekkkkk don’t let them see your post

No. 2150719

File: 1724446978210.gif (1.6 MB, 184x234, 1000006959.gif)

That would just make me kek even more. A militant kek bitch, if you will.

No. 2150722

Don't even joke about that

No. 2150729

I'm sorry, can you give examples of what you mean by "rabbit, lion, tiger" etc. because I don't get it.

No. 2150732

Gonna work on my dream fairy garden, weather permitting, and I'm gonna go visit my mom and sister.

No. 2150733

It's a good sign that her ancestors were the strong Tarzan kind who descended on the weaker apes from the treetops howling and hollering rather than the other way around.

No. 2150748

File: 1724447859373.jpg (100.72 KB, 598x1240, ggyic61tm2w71.jpg)

Is that like the prey vs. predator eyes thing?

No. 2150801

Why does the lion look so pretty KEK he looks like a cartoon character. The other predators look retarded while the preys look horrifying.

No. 2150827

File: 1724450223477.jpg (206.62 KB, 1182x894, babybird.jpg)

>other predators look retarded
Eagle looks baby

No. 2150831

poor things was great

No. 2150833

said no one ever

No. 2150834

This is seriously disturbing. Looks like those images where the photo is upside down but the mouth and eyes are right side up, so when you flip the whole image it looks like something out of a nightmare.

No. 2150838

No. 2150841

File: 1724450689329.jpg (1.05 MB, 1475x1776, 1710548026448.jpg)

No. 2150843

great garbage

No. 2150848


No. 2150870

it passes the bechdel test, unlike you retards who are mad because of who made it

No. 2150875

>it passes the bechdel test
>half the movie is the main character fucking old, ugly, redacteds(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2150878

File: 1724451591241.jpg (73.77 KB, 768x1024, 8d79779f3d4435c3603e76fe83dd9e…)

which is framed as a bad thing
rent free

No. 2150879

…on opposite day

No. 2150883

The wolf, lion and hamster look like Beastars characters kek

No. 2150885

except for the ""good"" [bleeps], who still act like creeps despite being portrayed as "good"(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2150887

I haven't even heard of that or know what it is

No. 2150888

File: 1724451704526.jpg (104.97 KB, 1920x816, MV5BMTdjZjg3NmEtZmQyMC00NDMyLW…)

No, it doesnt. Its also hideous. I hate how most artsy modern movies look so beige and boring. Its like they are trying too hard to become like the artsy classics, but they have none of the talent to make it happen.

No. 2150893

Raven is a huge bitch. I loved That's So Raven as a kid though.

No. 2150894

File: 1724451835215.jpg (738.24 KB, 2000x1603, 11613405.jpg)

>say the truth
>"nuh uh"

No. 2150897

did jill do the costume design?

No. 2150898

anon the basic premise/plot of the movie itself revolves around the banned topic regardless of how it's framed, like it's impossible to discuss the movie without mentioning it

No. 2150910

what is this from?

No. 2150912

File: 1724452285130.jpg (37.37 KB, 384x512, unnamed.jpg)

i just wanted to talk about the cool costume designs and a bunch of butthurt nerds started trying to discuss the themes lmao take a walk

No. 2150916

suspiria 1977

No. 2150918

the costume designs are ugly. I can understand why pickmess obsses over lolita's costumes but these are just ugly.

No. 2150920

The costumes look ugly as sin

No. 2150926

I've seen people pretend it's actually a good movie just because they haven't seen stylization like this in modern movies in a long time. There are people whose opinions I used to respect that defended this movie. I can't imagine being so fucking emotionally retarded that you're like "yeah a toddler transported into an adult body having tons of sex omh BASEDDD"

No. 2150934

I miss IMVU. Did any nonnies here play it in its hayday? I played it from 2009 to 2015.

No. 2150937

Dying my hair red and blonde

No. 2150940

OG Suspiria is the best! I adore the lighting and design this movie has.

No. 2150957

the director of those movies absolutely hated women you know(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2150960

>I can't imagine being so fucking emotionally retarded that you're like "yeah a toddler transported into an adult body having tons of sex omh BASEDDD"
but you're literally retarded since that isn't what the movie is about?

No. 2151026

the film industry as a whole hates women, its nothing new.

No. 2151031

>poor things bad because women exploited
>suspiria good because women exploited

No. 2151035

suspiria is a good movie with good art direction

No. 2151048

women being sexually tortured for the gaze is cool

No. 2151051

File: 1724456521149.png (726.73 KB, 1024x576, IMG_5391.png)

for a female-centric movie i recommend whispering corridors (1998)

No. 2151054

try something with a female director

No. 2151067

For me, its lady vengance.

No. 2151070

File: 1724457481309.jpg (261.8 KB, 1000x1500, SOURDOUGH-SANDWICH-ROLLS.jpg)

The fact that subway can make me eat an entire loaf of bread in one sitting is DISGUSTING (unless I only eat 1 half). I really never thought about how gluttonous and awful it is until now. Still gonna eat it though.

No. 2151076

it's still focused on female characters, their relationships and the issues they face in society, and there's no sexualisation. i didn't say it was perfect.

No. 2151114

ok grandma let’s get you to bed

No. 2151115

I find it wild that anybody could feel comfortable buying anything from tiktok shop.

No. 2151116

suspiria fucking sucks kek, the maggot storyline makes no sense

No. 2151120

sometimes i wanna buy one of these tiktok temu self defense boxes but i stop myself

No. 2151121

it looks cool so i dont care

No. 2151126

File: 1724459196558.png (17.42 KB, 156x86, Untitled.png)

i too love watching women be brutalized for sexual thrills

No. 2151127

Zoomers have such low standards. If a piece of media is “screenshottable” it’s considered to be good work

No. 2151128

the vibes girlie the aesthetic bestie

No. 2151140

Don't worry nona. OP stole this thread by cheating and making it early, but I'll get it next time.

No. 2151162

I hate trying to socialize within my age group IRL because every other woman speaks like this and it makes me feel like an alien kek. Thank goodness for friendships with older women

No. 2151182

I saw that people were buying vagina wash and food kits from there, I thought it was insane. I wouldn't trust any food or hygiene products, it's basically like AliExpress, Temu or shein.

No. 2151183

Samefag, I do understand that it's like Amazon where everyone (even actual good businesses) can start a shop there but that's also why I wouldn't trust it kek

No. 2151194

If anyone is stupid enough to buy a douche, they deserve whatever happens to them. No woman ever needs to douche.

No. 2151198

File: 1724463265985.jpg (42.26 KB, 1000x655, 514DKT4FYqL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Not a douche, wash like soap. A lot of them are similar to picrel.

No. 2151201

You don't put soap on your vag…

No. 2151212

do they not mean labia?

No. 2151228

Nta but I believe it's intended to be used on the outside and also in between the lips, but not in the actual hole. I use a sensitive soap on my vag so I can't judge anyone for using products to wash, but getting it from small businesses (usually run out of their home) and tiktok shop is.. dubious to me kek

No. 2151233

How does soap not end up in your vagina even just washing the labia? I've always had a bad experience with pussy soap no matter what brand and pH, it always gets in my vagina and ends up making it smell slightly off and not to mention a bit uncomfortable too. Idk how women can "just wash the lips and labia" lmao it's witchcraft to me.

No. 2151238

just wash the part that grows hair with soap and then use water to wash in the folds

No. 2151241

I always wonder how many businesses are out there that we don't even know about because they're exclusively for and ran by super rich people. Like hotels and lounges and restaurants and shit.

No. 2151250

Newfags are so fucking annoying because you'll give them advice on how to integrate and they call you a schizo. Like no, you're the only person replying and not hitting entering the past 3 days. I see your posts all over the boards and I can tell it's you every time. Just hit enter after clicking reply, it's not that hard and every anon on this site does it besides you.

No. 2151261

I think that's exactly what Beverly Hills is

No. 2151263

i love old lady senior kitties! my kitty is 16 & the vet said she is perfectly healthy, so i believe i'll have many more years with her still. she's been w/ me for 3 months and she is super loving and affectionate, and whenever she's snoozing/cuddling near me she starts purring nonstop. she has the cutest little "mew?" and she's a little brown tabby and perhaps a bit frumpy (she's beautiful to me…) and she was in the shelter for like 2 years because no one apparently wants an older cat that is not that cute and fluffy, which breaks my heart. but i'm so glad i got to steal her! senior cats have such great personalities and they appreciate you so much.

No. 2151270

File: 1724467120842.jpg (43.35 KB, 693x688, 4ac87325ef9fe9bb6c7a6d7d4c07a1…)

How the fuck did Clue know to start sending me notifications on the exact day I start PMSing???? or maybe they've been sending me notifications this whole time and I didn't notice Keke

No. 2151275

File: 1724467543769.png (472.1 KB, 800x500, Untitled-6.png)

It's not. Beverly Hills used to be slightly classy but now it's full of Persian housewives and braindead tourists. I'm from LA, believe you me, you don't wanna go there. (haha fixed the image get wrekt)

No. 2151299

i'm having a hard time imagining how soap gets into your vagina. take soap or rub it on your palm and rub over your labia like you're wiping after peeing. then wash it off. there shouldn't be any upward penetration and if there is you should be able to get it out with water?

No. 2151932

File: 1724500452306.png (244.01 KB, 466x330, bil.png)

Yeah it
I'll have a burg for lunch
What did you have for lunch?

No. 2152047

No. 2152050

As corny as it sounds sometimes when I think about how poorly the site is being run, I wish we could do a mass exodus. I think part of the reason why staff doesn't listen to farmer feedback is because they know there's a limited amount of sites like this. And even if we did migrate, the userbase would still suck.

No. 2152054

I've noticed that newfags these days are super bitchy too. Maybe my perception is wrong, but I feel like in the past newfags were a lot more receptive to people telling them to integrate and such. Now the new newfags like to argue when you tell them how to use this site, and also love to infight with anons who say they notice the culture of the site changing.

No. 2152108

I really want a cake pop right now

No. 2152111

I remember when I was a newfag I at least made an effort to blend in and obsessively followed the rules because I didn’t wanna get banned, but I guess these younger newfags are here just to raise hell kek

No. 2152112

My theory is that a bunch of teens going through their edgy phase are migrating here to do so because you can't really be edgy on other sites without being 'cancelled' which is why so many newfags are rude and can't take jokes/banter

No. 2152121

i remember when i was a newfag i was banned for a few minutes and retorted by the mods to lurk more and integrate ( i didnt even know what sage was kek) and i took their advice and did it. many of the newfags are just edgey for the sake of being edgey and its clear many of them are very underaged

No. 2152128

I genuinely did not post for a solid 4 years because I was too scared of fucking up a sage even though I obsessively read the site rules.

No. 2152141

same here. I'm glad i'm not the only nerd who wants to be good and follow the rules sometimes kek

No. 2152151

I hate when nonas still won't capitalise their I, it should be constantly flagged as unintegrated posting or borderline personality fagging. Like that one "Im" poster

No. 2152157

I think some posters just have their lowercase turned on and don’t think to press the caps lock, I know sometimes if I’m posting from my computer I won’t because I assume it’ll autocapitalize the I like on an iPhone

No. 2152162

>that one "Im" poster
I agree, and fuck that bitch that keeps using kek too.

No. 2152244

That's probably their version of intergrating because they see how we act and assume that's what we mean. And half the time it's just learning to sage shit or not use emoticons. I wish newfags weren't allergic to reading or at least lurkingg for a month or two. Also these young retards assume they're entitled to an internet space which is just not true.

No. 2152246

No. 2152710

Not to be gross but whenever I see someone say they don't use soap, I always wonder how their as genitals smell. Probably like the palace of Versailles circa the 1700s or whenever they were shitting in the halls.

No. 2152885

I don't think it's raccoon flavoured I think it's just shaped like a raccoon. Sorry to burst the bubble though.

No. 2152888

>That's probably their version of intergrating
Yeah, and it's so annoying. I've seen newfags get pissed and say shit like "Ummmm we are on Lolcow… We are SUPPOSED to be rude and cruel!!!" when you tell them that calling a woman a "dick-breath cunt-bitch breeder" or some shit is misogynistic. Newfags don't realize this site isn't for bullying or flamewars, it's really just a place to laugh at funny cows.(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2152897

This 10000000000000%

No. 2152902

I just use neutral soap on myself. Never inside the actual vaginal canal, just the inner and outer labia.

No. 2152905

They think integrating means being a jerk and treating every anon like shit. It's so frustrating because if you bring it up, the same newfags will start screaming about how "lc has ALWAYS been a cesspit of hatred!" and it's like IDK how to explain to them that they sound retarded. They want to try starting huge infights over everything and they always take the bait, it's so fucking annoying.

No. 2152914

>Also these young retards assume they're entitled to an internet space which is just not true.
They're not used to communities being gatekept. They think gate-keeping is a bad thing, so they try to react against it but they just look like idiots. It's always the Zoomers too, they think they should be immune to criticism and that the rules should bend for them. Take a look at the zoomer hate thread and you'll see what I mean kek, it's just a bunch of zoomers going aggro on anyone that complains about them instead of just hiding the thread.

No. 2152915

They really think they're so edgy and jaded for learning how an imageboard works kek

No. 2152926

I know, it's embarrassing kek. What gets me is when they get banned for something and then they go on an actual crazy retarded rampage. I remember someone a few days ago got banned for shitposting about cats in Jill's thread, and she made over 15 posts in different threads raging about it, and then made 2 threads to rage about it, then went on CC and raged about it there (yes, her post on CC was very cringey). It's like fuck, all this for a 7 hour ban, and you're still trying to say you're not a newfag? Being a newfag is a state of mind I swear to God, and some people will be in that state no matter how long they've spent on this site.

No. 2152995

So happy anons are waking up and realizing the kek bitch is the reason we have 99% of infights. Whenever she goes around and starts saying kek it ruins the thread.
You're not fucking funny, personalityfag. Everyone knows it's you. Get a life.

No. 2152997

nta but kek nonna it was just a joke cmon do you need a massage to loosen up?

No. 2153003

Seriously you're replying to my posts now trying to gaslight and abuse me?!?!?!?!!?

No. 2153010

I was there for this too kek. Perfect illustration of newfag behavior. I remember she claimed she wasn’t a newfag either, so I guess it really is just a state of mind. But I fear that actual newfags are taking after the freaks and not the enjoyable nonnas

No. 2153042

File: 1724552704189.png (44.16 KB, 1201x108, Screen Shot 2024-08-24 at 10.2…)

This was her post on CC for reference, kek. It's insanity. This isn't the first time a retard has gone on a rampage here and then went to CC to talk shit about it either. These people are genuinely handicapped in ways I thought weren't possible.
>actual newfags are taking after the freaks and not the enjoyable nonnas
The problem is a lot of newfags don't lurk and so they don't understand what integration means. They don't know what bait looks like, they don't know what infights are, they don't know what personalityfagging is, etc., and if you call them out on this they get really defensive because they "totally aren't newfags! [they've] been here for more than 2 months!" or whatever. Newfags are usually here from Twitter or Tiktok, not from following a cow or being on other cow-focused sites, so they think that this is "4ch for girls!" (I've actually seen dozens of posts online calling LC 4chan for girls kek) and that they're supposed to act like rabid retards or something. It's so irritating.

No. 2153057

I get the /w/ farmhand is controversial for her mod decisions, but this is just attentionwhore behavior. She’s literally announcing her posts and threads kek. May the retarded anon in question realize no1currs and move on.

No. 2153070

Her melt down went on for over 3 days because she copped an 11 hour ban. She had a VPN and she was ban evading the whole time as well, so the 11-hour ban in itself was meaningless. She got so offended that a farmhand banned her for 11 hours that she spent the next 72 hours rampaging over multiple boards and websites. For nothing. It was honestly the cringiest thing I saw in a long time, and I genuinely think that anons like this should not be allowed on the internet because it's obvious that they don't have the faculty nor the presence of mind to be online.

No. 2153089

The farmhands themselves also type in all lowercase sometimes kek

No. 2153303

Looks how cool, just a bunch of ladies gathering together and working on some really high skilled crafts and chatting. Awesome.

No. 2153304

you are a fucking retard

No. 2153316

NTA but this isn't the talk to yourself in the mirror thread.

No. 2153579

File: 1724589492863.png (202.69 KB, 476x356, 2.png)

Phoneposting right now

No. 2153598

Are you not worried about poo germs? They surround your toilet in a 1m x 1m cube of poo and I hope you clean yourself more than your phone. You might get acne.

No. 2153613

Hygiene ocd hit women like crack did to black neighbourhoods

No. 2153827

Are you poopin'

No. 2154344

i don’t like being overemotional and crying over hypotheticals. i just started crying over kids with parents who are disappointed in them, for instance a kid with poor grades who gets a B on an assignment and excitedly shows their parents hoping that they’ll be proud of them but they just ask them why they didn’t get an A instead. this makes me sad

No. 2154380

its okay to be sensitive nona you just have a big heart

No. 2154733

Is that why I have acne? Because I’ve been pooping more often lately?

No. 2154944

i feel like i’m breaking the rules if i sit at a gate that isn’t mine at the airport kek

No. 2154960

where ya travelling nonnie?

No. 2154987

If you have time to lean, you have time to clean

No. 2154992

File: 1724673120428.png (2.3 MB, 869x1240, jimmies!.png)

i’m headed back home to the PNW! morning flights are my favorite because i love watching the sunrise in the sky

No. 2155002

not saying to flex but i'm the filthiest person outside the toilet bc i'm paranoid about vaginal infections kek i wash my hands after using the bidet etc although i am a toilet phoneposter i know yet i have the clearest skin out of anyone i know and healthiest gut so i don't think poo germs in the air really matter

No. 2155029

That can't be right because I take my phone into the bathroom ten times per day and my skin is clear, wrinkle-less, and perfect.

No. 2155147

Phoneposting in the bathroom: based on a true story

No. 2155149

I wasn't in fact doing that, I was just cleaning the toilet and bathroom

No. 2155197

I love how Marge and Francine are jamming out in the catalog.

No. 2155205

I drank a pumpkin spice latte today and I've had to run to the toilet three times already, what an amazing Monday its my fault I knew i should have said no whipped cream but it tastes so good with whipped cream curse you lactose intolerance

No. 2155264

KEK wtf did I just watch

No. 2155341

Read the comments under the video and you will kek some more

No. 2155400

Talking about tifs also fail the Bechdel test.

No. 2155411

No. 2155459

90% of the time I am on here is when I am on the loo

No. 2155575

How over-saturated the web is now is Soo crazy. I remember just a few years ago, if someone had a million followers or subscribers, they were basically as famous as the president and known in every corner of the internet. Now every few weeks I'm discovering some influencer who has like 10 million followers but I've never heard of them in my life.

No. 2155615

A bunch of those followers are usually bots

No. 2155619

Most of that was not teal, I hate it.

No. 2155625

File: 1724708483502.jpg (160.44 KB, 800x604, 5191fb98-d4b2-499b-a5df-de09e7…)

I've never been a huge fan of subway, makes me feel weirdly bloated. And now my little pea brain finally put together why. A whole ass loaf of bread with meat and cheese? No shit. maybe that school counselor who thought i was autistic was on to something afterall

No. 2155752

i miss the hummus i ate a few hours ago

No. 2155866

Nta, I don't eat from Subway so I wonder, can't you have a half loaf sandwich? We have a local knockoff sub restaurant that does it 10000x better than Subway and the sandwiches come cut into 2 halves, I eat one and leave the other for later. Is it impossible to do with Subway sandwiches?

No. 2155879

Kek no nona when you go to Subway they actually offer either a 6 inch sub, or the 12 inch, and when you get the 12 inch they cut it in half for you. I also always save the other one for after like you. But also, the 12 inch sub isn't even a "loaf" of bread.

No. 2155887

I never add cheese to my subs. it was one of the only affodable places near my uni and i went often enough to gradually come up woth my one definite order, never deviated from it since.

No. 2156242

File: 1724759184438.png (Spoiler Image,253.48 KB, 632x354, 2.png)

Posting from the shower

No. 2156250

File: 1724759729945.png (213.04 KB, 350x346, Martha Addedson.png)

I cleaned rooms today, there were some brown streaks and spots on the toilet seat, and some other brown colored things on the floor, probably dirt and melted chocolate some people were eating (the chocolate not the dirt hopefully)
Messy kitchen had to be sorted out
All the deodorant products helped so the bathroom could have a better scent overall and the kitchen ended up smelling of deodorant and sweat

No. 2156271

i suspect there is something in subway bread that causes bloating. of course you're likely to experience bloating anyway if you eat a loaf of bread packed with meat and cheese but their bread is notoriously full of chemicals.

No. 2156353

>i suspect there is something in subway bread that causes bloating
I think it's bread that causes the bloating.

No. 2156415

Yes, its a very toxic ingredient called bread

No. 2156420

Subway is so evil for changing the teriyaki chicken recipe to some stupid shit. I haven't went there again after that I still think about their chipotle southwest sauce probably because it sounds nice saying it out loud

No. 2156511

I always wonder if we have any anons who are actually deaf or blind or illiterate

No. 2156523

Not deaf, but hard of hearing. And also just kinda retarded. Does that count?

No. 2156526

Yes! How much hearing do you have?

No. 2156540

You can just get the half, but i like to get the whole one and just have half for lunch and half for dinner.

I'm pretty sure it came out that their bread can't legally be considered bread in the US because of all the sugar in it, I get what you mean. But, I'm pretty sure it's just the bread. Idk if im gluten sensitive or if eating just half a sub is still too much for my stomach to deal with.

No. 2156542

File: 1724777073516.gif (360.02 KB, 220x249, IMG_4930.gif)

Like 60%. My right ear is kinda useless but hearing in my left has gotten sharp enough to compensate. I’m training myself to say “speak up” more instead of “HUH?!?” so I don’t sound like a dumbass.

No. 2156674

omg I'm hoh as well and saying speak up is such a good tactic I always feel so fucking retarded when I can't hear

No. 2156873

It all depends on what the sub has in it. Honestly a lot of people don't realize the average 12 inch sub from Subway has 900-1400 calories. It's a full meal basically, so it makes sense to be a bloated a bit after.

No. 2157928

Well I might be the first blind anon in the future

No. 2157953

File: 1724872132151.gif (846.67 KB, 400x400, 4:20.gif)

Apparently my baby is gonna be a Pisces. Please pray for me kek

No. 2157955

How sure are you??? Try asking doctor for induced birth if your due date before the 19th of February, or just try to hold it in until after the 20th of March. It's better to damage the fetus a little bit by having it too early or too late than to have a pisces. Don't bring another one of those into our world please I beg you. Have compassion for others.

No. 2157962

I'm basically 100% sure, cause the 40th week (assuming I'll go into labor at full term and not before) falls at April 21-28, and ugh you're right I should probably have some kind of intervention for the greater good but I'm so scared of invasive stuff like Caesareans or inductions because it makes delivery so much harder than it needs to be.

No. 2157963

Congrats, fish gang rise up!

No. 2157968

No. 2157977

Quick where’s the copypasta thread? Link pls

No. 2158013

>it makes delivery so much harder than it needs to be.
Yes but if you have a pisces child it will make your entire life harder than it has to be until you die. Please please for your own sake get the doctor to induce before Pisces season falls or just try your best to hold out until it's over. Praying for you.

No. 2158021

Hard agree, induce before pisces season. I don't actually believe in astrology, it's just kinda fun, but I swear being a Pisces is like being born with BPD already preprogrammed into your psyche. No good. Every Pisces I have met has been an emotional vampire.

No. 2158028

I've ruined my sleep schedule again. Even with a work schedule and study schedule I still can't stay in check. Damn.

No. 2158044

I’ve been close to at least two Pisces in my life that don’t really fit this at all, but astrology is basically just a game anyway kek

No. 2158072

>at least two pisces that weren't like this at all
Probably because they have more earth/fire/air signs in their chart. If you know a pure pisces (pisces sun, moon, rising) or a pisces with mostly water signs in their chart they will 100% be the emotional vampire type. Again astrology isn't real and I agree, except when it comes to pisces. They're definitely the exception to my skepticism kek.

No. 2158264

I havent been on lolcow all day its 4 oclock and this is my first post of the day what did I miss

No. 2158284

Just the same ol' general retardation.

No. 2158544

File: 1724901282576.png (874.84 KB, 1079x1736, 1000001143.png)

Cardcaptor is getting a mobile game!!!!!!

No. 2158545

This is exciting! I loved Cardcaptur when I was a kid. Too bad it's rated T, a lot of the anons won't be able to use it.

No. 2158554

>randomly order two indie perfumes secondhand just to treat myself
Biggest mistake of my life. I feel like I have tuned into the next level. I have locked in. I know my favorite note(s) now. Everything is so clear. Now I need every other indie perfume that kind of smells like these two. Fuuuuuck me.

No. 2158713

File: 1724928153185.png (374.52 KB, 644x358, snips.png)

I had to clean a disgusting toilet today because some supermarket clients act like uneducated monkeys

No. 2158714

Aw the chibi model looks so cute, I can't wait to decorate my little room

No. 2159146

File: 1724955595906.png (659.15 KB, 715x669, YOU MAKE ME .png)

What’s your favorite album of all time nonnas? I love Teenage Dream. I remember when it came out.

No. 2159238

File: 1724959232898.webp (107.2 KB, 2000x2000, Little-Simz.webp)

it's a rather recent album but i just love her music and the album's narrative

No. 2159289

File: 1724961235998.jpg (9.32 KB, 316x316, Withintemptation-silentforce.j…)

The silent force.

No. 2159323

File: 1724963524713.png (151.11 KB, 300x300, The_Smile_-_Wall_of_Eyes.png)

Not of all time because it changes regularly but I've been really into this one since it came out

No. 2159412

File: 1726039571640.jpeg (16.31 KB, 600x419, DrugItem_28250.jpeg)

I think more medications should have images printed on them. Picrel is diclecis and it's rather cute.

No. 2159452

File: 1726041315811.jpg (58.51 KB, 780x397, celeb6.jpg)

No. 2159454

can someone explain this to me, why am I supposed to be awed by this

No. 2159465

I was always convinced it was going to be a dude ngl(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2159476

>giant ears
>shoulders too pointy

No. 2159477

No. 2159479

So they finally found it, who is it?

No. 2159508

Ok I googled it, apparently someone on Reddit had a shirt with some celebrities printed on it and they were able to recognize all the celebrities except for one, so it became a sort of easter egg hunt of people trying to figure out who the celeb is. It has a whole subreddit called CelebrityNumberSix

No. 2159611

File: 1726047326951.jpg (446.39 KB, 1280x1917, 0.jpg)

I hate having to use workplace bathrooms

No. 2159620

Why? They're usually comfy + you get paid to shit

No. 2159621

They're dirty and unsanitary and therefore using the bathroom at home is much more comfortable

No. 2159626

sucks. my worplace bathroom are in perfect shape, clean, comfy, there's always soap and toilet paper, and an air sanitizer or whatever these little bathroom fragrances are called (ESL)

No. 2159628

After being confined to one single thread on CC for so long, I have choice paralysis seeing so many active threads and boards on here kek.

No. 2159632

I'm very curious as to how many fellow farmers on cc got hit by the retarded permaban for no reason. The cuckquean bunker was enjoyable for me but I was so annoyed by that permaban that CC is complete shit to me and if they ever need to bunker here I think we should permaban them all too kek

No. 2159634

File: 1726048177745.jpeg (86.95 KB, 800x533, 1698584449147.jpeg)

I came up with so many opinions and takes to shout into the void. Now that LC is back, I forgot all of what I was even gonna say.

No. 2159635

Damn what type of company? Not the name of where you work obviously but is it retail or like an office?

No. 2159638

File: 1726048489114.png (505.95 KB, 640x480, 958616F0-A7A3-4B6B-8243-5B4D47…)

Me too, glad we’re back though

No. 2159682

File: 1726051389790.jpg (192 KB, 1430x801, cowpasture.jpg)

I instantly got hit by the permaban and couldn't appeal it. I have no idea why as no reason was given. I've been forced to touch a lot of grass while longing for the digital pastures of lolcow dot farm. Thank goddess it's back.

No. 2159691

Ayrt and yup same. I guess they have a secret list of words that can potentially but not always permanently autoban people? No idea but I said the site reminded me of watermelon candy and got the permanent unspecified ban with all my attempts to appeal ignored. Apparently it was a glitch and they had no way to lift the bans so they said anybody who got that could ban evade, but what was the point of that when so many IPs were permanently banned because of their autoban.

No. 2159694

File: 1726051857009.jpeg (245.08 KB, 1200x1770, IMG_5163.jpeg)

i got an autoban once but it didn't last. either it wasn't perma or changing mobile IPs and clearing the cache worked
i miss the historical women pics. hopefully they get restored

No. 2159737

File: 1726053695562.jpg (28.92 KB, 287x558, 69506fd2bbde9700cc891641044e08…)

Did someone say historical women? It's fall now, so officially spooky season.

No. 2159741

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No. 2159754

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No. 2159756

File: 1726054130584.jpg (111.15 KB, 564x729, 26ab9d75233cd47874cceb64418778…)

Which outfit would you wear, nonas?

No. 2159759

The first one. I need that cat dress. They're all based though, we need to normalize capes.

No. 2159826

File: 1726058457011.jpeg (275.42 KB, 904x960, IMG_4049.jpeg)

im gettin the godzilla costume(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2159836

I want warm hugs and sweet friends and love and kindness. The world has those things, and I deserve them.

No. 2159842

these threads look really weird with no image

No. 2159901

Interesting that Unpopular Opinions isn't active. Maybe it was the newfags all along inflating the thread…

No. 2159976

File: 1726066710723.jpg (54.49 KB, 500x297, wn20130720f2a.jpg)

No. 2159979

This is way before godzilla.

No. 2160013

File: 1726068319616.jpg (138.71 KB, 640x853, eqt2y7rkb6891.jpg)

Sometimes I get so confused when people see someone with a big perfume collection and they're like "omg how do you even use that much perfume?!" but then I remember that most people don't wear it everyday and it's more of a special occasion thing kek. Even when I'm alone and staying home I like to spray on a little perfume, especially because I WFH so it really brightens my day. I've been wearing Mugler Angel Fantasm a lot recently.

No. 2160019

nona i just bought fantasm yesterday its so good

No. 2160061

But that makes even less sense to have such a large collection kek. I get what you mean, though. I love smelling good even if it's just me and the cats

No. 2160164

I own many body mists and fragrance lotions, and only a couple of perfumes. Maybe that's boring, but I find it more cost effective. I grow plants out of the body mist bottles when they're used up and I have a cute little plant mist garden.

No. 2160174

top left and right!

No. 2160309

the eyes are entirely different. the whole face tbh but especially the eyes.

No. 2160677

It's a vector drawing anon, details are going to be lost. The artist worked with the shadows available in the image to create the vector drawing. Check out the entire image. The strap over the chest, the shirt, the hair.

No. 2160688

File: 1726090291524.jpg (101.87 KB, 485x557, 34948722645465256.jpg)

How would you call this style?

No. 2160704

Y2k revival slutty boho.

No. 2160705

homeless person?

No. 2160706

Y2K bohemian maybe?

No. 2160711

how every other girl at the thrift store i frequent dresses like now kek

No. 2160722

File: 1726091330050.gif (177.85 KB, 500x300, g8tFEri.gif)

>slutty(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2160726

this style says i still shop at limited too as an teen but i have to buy XL sizes (not hating, i did that shit too)

No. 2160727

aw i forgot what thread we were in with the missing threadpics. my bad anons
of course i know it is, "godzilla" is just convenient shorthand for "big lizard minster thingy".
a mix of y2k and boho. looks like shit tho

No. 2160807

I don't wanna perfume sperg cause not the appropriate thread but I really do think it's the most perfect patchouli for people who like gourmands. I literally always have the bottle on my nightstand or desk just to get a whiff of it whenever.

No. 2160814

2010s hipster twee where you could tell the same actors from scott pilgrim vs the world were in pitch perfect (jk)

No. 2160895

>See a video where someone is talking about a brand of backpacks that's apparently really popular among kids these days
>google it
>$90-$300+ BACKPACKS
Are we crazy? Are disney princess and spiderman backpacks from Walmart no longer enough? Does Jansport no longer exist? And they're ugly. I'm not a parent but my child would have to be baby goddamn Einstein for me to justify buying this.

No. 2160905

File: 1726096479123.jpg (189.72 KB, 736x1308, download (5).jpg)

Samefag, had to delete the pic cause I think it would've broke the thread rules. Anyways, The designs are very BAPE-y.

No. 2160906

damn those are crazy fug. you can get an eastpak with a fun design that'll last you 20 years for less than that

No. 2160909

It's bottom left a goatse reference?

No. 2160913

backpacks are marked up so bad

No. 2160987

I feel like my tits are perkier in the morning anyone else?

No. 2160997

My tits are typically perkiest at exactly 6:24 pm EST, right before the sun sets. And at night my nipples point in the direction of the moon.

No. 2161000

>How do you do fellow ciswahmen?
Don’t ban me for scrotefoiling mods, I’m joking(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2161002

This is how I reacted too kekkk

No. 2161018

kek seconded. my trannydar went off so fast but i didn't want to get banned(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2161080

Gravity has yet to assert herself

No. 2161304

Well it seems common sense that song birds are more active in the day. That early bird saying has real life influence behind it.

No. 2161363

Maybe I should have posted this in the TMI thread. They understand that women can be vulgar there. I mentioned bewbies so that must mean I’m a thing-that-must-not-be-named because you lot obviously only think about baking cookies and animal crossing.

No. 2161370

tit mention isn't what threw it off for me but the post as a whole. it sounded like an alien trying to larp as human or pretend to understand female anatomy or something, idk i'm bad at explaining feel free to call me schizo kek

No. 2161373

Wait is this not a direct rip off of bape? Isn't that shark mouth like an actual bape design??

No. 2161378

I guess I can see that. I’m kind of obsessed with my tits cos I have body dysmorphia and they’re my main insecurity so I check on them a lot. I’m always happier with them in the morning.

No. 2161383

You're right kek to me it seemed so AI. Like an actual AI bot came in here trying to start up a conversation trying to assimilate.
Interesting, tbh I only like mine when I have pms. They get swollen and perkier, rounder and I really like how they look. Then after my period they deflate and look droopy. I also have body dysmorphia and my fiancé has never noticed any difference except that they are a bit firmer during pms, which makes sense like I've googled and it's a real thing that they do swell right before a period.

No. 2161537

I cut my own hair, I've been doing this for over 10 years now. Nobody has ever commented on it, so I assume it doesn't look horrible. Sometimes I fuck up my bangs and I wonder in anyone notices. I went out last weekend and someone took a stealth photo of me and my bangs looked so dumb, why did nobody tell me? Would you tell your friend if it looked stupid?

No. 2161592

I probably wouldn't say anything unless you asked for my opinion. My friend once cut her bangs really short cause she liked how it look on Zheani and wanted to copy her style. I thought it looked silly but she liked it so whatever.

No. 2161598

Aw nonnie I've cut my bangs like actually horrifically short. They looked soooo fucking retarded. Nobody ever took a stealth photo of me though. I'm sorry that happened to you, you weren't even being cringe you just messed up you bangs. I hope that person slams their toe on a sharp corner of some furniture.

No. 2161618

I killed five rats at the job today while cleaning the place

No. 2161625

File: 1726147197617.jpg (269.67 KB, 597x823, sheila.jpg)

one time i fucked up my bangs pretty badly and nobody said a word about it. either they didn't think it was horrific enough to comment on or were too polite to say anything. keep in mind that we are often our own worst critics and other people might not even think anything negative about your haircut.
did you clean a hoarder's house?

No. 2161626

File: 1726147293895.png (916.12 KB, 1080x2400, 1000001365.png)

Cardcaptor Sakura out!!!

No. 2161629

I love you, nona. Thank you for this post.

No. 2161675

File: 1726152284212.png (1.22 MB, 1080x2400, 1000001366.png)

Same-fag but it seems really boring at first but that's because you have to keep upgrading till you're at the level 2 base and then you start unlocking fun little side quests. It also just released today so there's going to be plentiful of updates

No. 2161679

is this a mobile game?

No. 2161686

File: 1726153352644.png (1.71 MB, 1080x2104, 1000001367.png)

Yes and it's free! You have to level up the chibi sakuras you get from gachas to unlock stories and build your bases to put the chibis in to collect coins. There you can upgrade your card deck and defeat monsters to find the missing clow cards

No. 2161701

File: 1726154550265.jpg (62.98 KB, 518x850, 1194010327176.jpg)

Glad to see they're keeping up Tomoyo being a fag.

No. 2161715

Thanks nonnie, that sounds really cute. I'll install it!

No. 2161809

aw she should have been endgame

No. 2161893

I just realized it's only been a day since lolcow came back up. It definitely feels like more than that

No. 2161894

I think mine look smaller than normal

No. 2161935

kind of unrelated but this reminds me of late 2000s korean flash games like star sue. Im sad adobe flash died and i can't play a single game for a nostalgia moment.

No. 2162038

There's no such thing as normal boobs they'll always vary

No. 2162061

I'm pretty sure anon means smaller in the morning.

No. 2162065

Mine are definitely fatter and saggier in the morning, I definitely hold water weight. My face looks prettier from it though

No. 2162072

Oops my bad

No. 2162116

File: 1726178115876.jpg (24.76 KB, 400x300, d9f8a95a8601d57f7eb0f3d2761e19…)

It's so farfetched but all I hope for in life is a woman with a well-paying career that will let me be her housewife/SAHM.

No. 2162142

File: 1726179238423.png (85.71 KB, 220x220, Whitney_Chewston.png)

>that T/N

No. 2162154

you still got time to delete this before getting hit with a redtext nonny kek

No. 2162160

I mean why would anyone? Your fault for doing it.

No. 2162298

I live on the third floor but have a nice secluded porch. I decided to put a bird feeder outside with song bird feed. I've never had my own place before so I have never thought to do this. I have lived here about 3 months now and so many birds come to my porch to eat. There is a tree right outside the porch fence and they live there, and then visit my feeder. I have huge windows that look at the porch and I put my work desk in front of them so while I work from home, I watch the birds. They're so adorable. There's a whole family of Cardinals, also chickadees, and a few other bird breeds I do not know yet. Also, two times while sitting on my porch a hummingbird came to visit! So now I need to buy a humming bird feeder and nectar for her, I'm so excited.

No. 2162300

You've got so many different types to visit! We have a bird feeder on our porch but we only get hummingbirds. Some must live in one of the trees on the parking strip. Not complaining, I love them, but they fight each other all the time kek I had no idea they do stuff like that. Freaked me out the first time I saw them fight

No. 2162318

I am shocked by how many birds I am gathering. I feel bad because seeds have been falling from my porch to the porch underneath, but my neighbor has not complained yet. I should get some sort of outdoor rug to try to prevent that kek. But I have seen the birds squabble a few times and I was also surprised, but it's kind of funny since they are so cute

No. 2163068

Idk how many anons remember this, but I honestly do think whoever that person was (Elaine? Can't remember) that "doxxed" oldmin and kept calling her Ines may have been right. They posted her LinkedIn and twitter, but I specifically remember a tumblr account that got quickly deactivated once it was posted here, and that made me believe. It was honestly dumb for that person to do all of that because no one here really cares about the personal identity of the admins enough to need to know their face and name, but I was so out of the loop at the time so I still wonder what actually led up to them doxxing the old admin.

No. 2163135

You can play flash games through flashpoint. I found some app scrolling for hours through Google play that let's me play flash games from flashpoint on my phone. It has buttons you can toggle with your keyboard so games that require keyboard functionality are playable. The only problem is it lags, so I couldn't play haunt the house like I wanted.

No. 2164690

God I miss menthol cigarettes, why did they have to ban them in my country? If I ever take a trip I'm bringing back 10 cartons.

No. 2164708

File: 1726354059633.jpg (18.24 KB, 390x280, beautiful-woman-smelling-bad-s…)

Do you guys smell that?? Something in here stinks

No. 2164726

File: 1726354899779.jpg (71.81 KB, 926x512, how-do-we-smell-things-1.jpg)

uh yeah? stinks delicious bitch

No. 2164729

Shut up and let people have their vices
Car exhausts smell worse and are worse for health and you still tolerate them
I bet the stuff you drink, eat, and rub/spray on your body are more carcinogenic than getting a whiff of anon's cig in passing

Dumbass influenced by both marketing and anti-marketing

No. 2164732

You're so emotional, I thought smoking was supposed to make people relaxed.

No. 2164735

File: 1726355185932.gif (75.96 KB, 414x498, cat-stare.gif)

No. 2164736

File: 1726355234416.gif (15.35 KB, 220x144, 1000018097.gif)

No. 2164739

I'm not a smoker, and calling someone emotional as an insult is such a scrote move(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 2164745

Sure Jan

No. 2164749

Yeah, things you don't want to believe are really hard to believe

Just let people live how they want to. A random anon living who knows how far away is really not stinking up your life.

No. 2164752

You stink by association btw. Please stop making the thread so funky.

No. 2164770


I will keep calling out bullshit
Putting others down for no fucking reason

You literally sound like Onision, calling people "stinky"(onision is a moid)

No. 2164773

File: 1726358982107.jpg (297.47 KB, 1200x801, 1000016419.jpg)

No. 2164780

I don't smoke but whenever I'm using public transport or sitting at a restaurant I want to light a cigarette just to pick a fight

No. 2164784

File: 1726359856448.jpeg (74.4 KB, 1600x1123, image1688.jpeg)

gee, someone's sure not passing the bechdel test today

No. 2164809

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No. 2165200

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Listening to a podcast from 2009 and got depressed because everyone talked in such a thoughtful way and seemed really smart even though they're all weebs. In comparison to today where everyone talks in web dialect and brings up stupid memes and just talks at each other instead of having actual conversations. Not saying there isn't media like this now but the people who run and are guests on the podcast are just random normal people who happen to be into Japanese culture and/or in the JET program, and if this podcast ran today it'd be full of retards who'd just talk about anime and retarded trends and not the actual culture. Not saying what it's called because I want to gatekeep it from lurkers who wouldn't appreciate it.

No. 2165259

Who is Jan? I never understood

No. 2165278

What's the podcast? I wanna listen to some normal stuff like this too kek. Sick of all the tards nowadays

No. 2165281

I used to be obsessed with those fluffy bunny keychain things as a teen and it passed but one of my friends at uni collects them and I wanna get back into doing it too. They're cute.

No. 2165471

It's a meme from The Brady Bunch. I'd post it here but it wouldn't pass the Bechdel test.

No. 2165713

If you can decode that, you'll know. Hint, it's one of the base codes. It has a really weird name but it's a normal pod I promise.

No. 2165716

Kek nonna this made me smile

No. 2165728

ntayrt but thank you anon

No. 2165795

>nigh autist tier obsession with one specific character from a fashion doll line with only 2 dolls ever produced
>obsessed with her conception as well
Okay I need help, if I wanted to track down the actual designer who came up with her how would I go about this?

No. 2165982

The fact that we're born with all of our eggs and that we never create more is so baffling to me. It's like being being born with all of your hair or being born will all of your cells. And it sort of makes you connected to every to all the women that came before you, matrilineally.

No. 2165987

Sometimes I wish they just didn't tell me how much taxes are robbed from my paychecks.

No. 2166199

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What's the doll line?

No. 2166205

Is it the trashion alley line?

No. 2166218

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It's monster high. I'm obsessed with picrel ♥
Her conception is really interesting. She was the runner up for a poll they had going asking MH collectors which doll they wanted to be released. Then they came out with a prototype that looked wildly different from her first release, which is her SDCC release. Then she had her I Love Fashion release which featured SDCC characters in a more accessible playline.
I'm just really in love with her, and I have scoured every nook amd cranny to to find more intel on her, sometimes the monster high designers will post concept art of the characters but I've found nothing for her.

No. 2169348

I would love to have a social media account with a decent following but I'm way too lazy to post regularly. I miss the cozy community feel social media used to have.
I love her so much, such a unique design. Wish they made more dolls of her, the potential is unlimited.

No. 2169360

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I don't like office bathrooms because people can't clean themselves properly there, and people barge in without even announcing it

No. 2169378

Yeah and imagine how dense the metre by metre by metre poo air cube must be.

No. 2169900

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I always thought that if I got married I would just get eloped, but now I've found my dream wedding dress so now I HAVE to get married in at least a small ceremony. This top corset with a poofier skirt would be perfect to me.

No. 2169905

I've been thinking about wanting to marry asap just so I could take a picture with our grandmas, with the sea in the background.

No. 2169909

How’s everyone’s day been, nonnies? I got a bunch of new vitamins

No. 2169911

Beautiful gown, but unless you're rail thin, strapless is not the way to go

No. 2169919

50/50. Almost missed the bus for uni because I woke up later and somehow turned my alarm off and went back to sleep, thank god I woke up by coincidence. Went to uni, had the shortest class in existence, got to inquire about a project I have with a professor who knew enough to suggest some solutions, went back home and tried to run the deep learning code for my project at around 10 am because my group and I had a meeting at 4 pm with our supervisor to see our progression after 2 weeks since the last meeting. It kept running way too slow and I couldn't upgrade the RAM in google colab because of overuse and limiting my usage unless I subscribe. The supervisor asked if we actually needed a meeting, we said no, and she was ok with it being adjourned until next week, yeay. I kept the code running to see what will happen and if the model will be converted from a specific format to another for mobile application development. And after exactly 12 hours, at 10 pm, it actually finished running and it got saved! I immediately downloaded the model file and sent it to my group members so we can continue working on it next week. We have a national holiday so we'll hopefully have more time to work on it without classes standing in the way. I just need to fix somethings with the size of it and the testing so it would be perfect.

No. 2169940

I really want to make a thread about how they’re putting poisons in our food but I would have no idea what to call the thread, it should probably be in the “general tinfoil thread” but this isn’t a tinfoil, this is real stuff that is happening in our lives related to health/wellness/food but I don’t want it to go into /g/ because of the politics or social commentary associated with it. I’m talking about recalls on regular foods and products we used to eat, recalling on cinnamon brands for having lead in them, shitloads of chemicals in all of our foods, meat and fish industry, finding lead and metals in pads and tampons, microplastics in everything including our bodies.

No. 2169951

Anxiety about the food industry? I'd be really interested in the thread, the horse meat and salmonella ready made salad situations still give me the chills.

No. 2169961

I like the thread idea nona! Reminds me of a scandal in my country, tons of meat were found with cardboard on them, that almost made me a vegan kek

No. 2169974

That sounds like an interesting thread. Maybe "the ugly/hidden/awful truth about the poisoning of our food supply" or "exposing the food sickness industry" idk kek

No. 2169988

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I’d contribute to this daily kek there’s so so much that I hate about the mass produced food like hot pockets and pizza rolls

No. 2170019

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>think photo of myself looks nice
>flip the image horizontally
>suddenly deformed

No. 2170038

Chiming in to say I'd also be interested in this thread. A bit generic, but "the dark side of the food industry" is the best name I can think of.

No. 2170098

i made the thread, i decided to expand it beyond food kek

No. 2170238

Looks like the catalog page was updated, cool! although it does look bad on mobile

No. 2170240

There is something about hot pockets that wrecks my internal organs like fucking crazy, like "call in to work" pain. But pillsbury toaster scramblers are A-okay.

No. 2170245

I'm not happy about this new catalog layout

No. 2170258

VERTICAL?! now it's gonna take longer for me to find threads fuck

No. 2170261

I spent a fuckton on outside food today. I should spend less but hey I deserve to treat myself

No. 2170289

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I have a coworker and I have a gut instinct that she also at least lurks here. But of course, I would never mention this place to her just because it's LC.

No. 2170317

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I had to fight Ubuntu for like 2 hours but I finally got everything setup and working for class tomorrow. I have a big test as well so I’m feeling pretty nervous, please wish me luck nonnies.

No. 2170331

May the nvidia gpu laptop drivers not shit the bed mid way during the test. Amen

No. 2170480

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That device ignites a fuse to their pockets
Whatever they say is gonna be wrong
There's no time to interrupt the detonation
They have to go before they're gone
Pray for Lebanon, pray for Israel, pray for the Middle East

No. 2170644

It's okay so far. I went out last night and got to bed super late, but I managed to wake up for and make it through my morning class. It was our first lecture and actually really interesting even though I had to stop myself from falling asleep the whole time. I got a mediocre sandwich and returned to my room, intending to take a nap but I can't sleep during the day so I just read a little bit, made tea, and have been browsing.

No. 2170826

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Thank you anon it went pretty well. I attribute my success to your blessings alone

No. 2171538

I realize someone will call me autistic for this but I can't use any toothpaste that's not white and tbh I wish brands would put the color of the toothpaste on the box. Im pretty good at guessing though, I never accidentally get a toothpaste that isn't white. You would think I would stick to a specific type of toothpaste so I know what I'm getting every time, but I'm actually not that picky and I just get whatever says it's anti cavity.

No. 2171540

david’s toothpaste is white

No. 2171806

I've gotten myself addicted to sliced olives on every sandwich I eat.

No. 2171814

It makes perfect sense. White toothpaste honestly feels cleaner. I tried charcoal toothpaste once and not only the texture was absolutely nasty, it also left a gray residue on my teeth.

No. 2171817

I hate how melatonin is a prescription only drug where I'm from. I need that shit to knock me out

No. 2171822

Same but I stock up on that shit whenever I travel. They have it at most airports

No. 2171826

Airports here wouldn't have it either since the airport is well, still in my country and therefore under its jurisdiction. It's also not prescribed to anyone under the age of 60 where I'm from which is ridiculous

No. 2171863

Damn nona, that sucks I'm sorry. Is your country super strict on psych meds? If you were American I would tell you to go to a psych and get a prescription for benzos or something.
Also it's definitely not as effective as melatonin but I've found magnesium before bed helps me decently. It makes my muscles relax which helps me fall asleep.

No. 2171877

Makes sense. That stuff gives me actual night terrors. Sleepwalking and sleep screaming and crying with absolutely no memory of it when I woke up.

No. 2171882

Oh, interesting, thanks for the magnesium tip! And yeah over here it's pretty strict. I have to ask my mother who's over 60 to use her script to buy me melatonin bless her heart

No. 2172196

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There's this rap group that speak a language super similar to mine but they had a super thick accent so every time I saw an interview or something I was like "they're fucking exaggerating there's no way they actually talk like that" but today I recorded a voice message in English and guess who I sounded like kek, made me eat my words.

No. 2172203

What are your short term goals nonnas? What hobbies are you working towards? I want to be able to run 3 miles by the end of the year (can only run one consecutively, two with a walk mile in between right now), read 3 books for pleasure between now and the new year, start consistently doing Pilates videos, and this weekend I am going to buy some hair products and learn how to style my hair. Eventually I would like to learn how to bake because I’ve always been abysmal at it but I don’t have the money to spend on ingredients I might fuck up now kek.

No. 2172204

I need to start saving money again, that’s what I’ve been primarily concerned about this year because I’m unable to work. Running is really fun and honestly is like natures antidepressant kek!

No. 2172235

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I was really nervous earlier this week because I just had my first eBay dispute over the buyer not recognizing the transaction but today it turns out I'm covered and I'll be getting my funds regardless. Yay
Baking is easier than cooking imo. I like that you have to be presice when measuring. You'll do fine.

No. 2172267

kek awww i bet you sound so cute in english

No. 2172289

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Anons! Would any of you be interested in a gender critical doll server? I am in the process of creating one with a friend. We aren't done yet, but when we are in the process of fleshing it out. Once we are done, I will post about it here more with instructions on how to get an invite.
This server is ideal for female collectors who are passionate doll collectors, more specifically focused on mainstream fashion dolls like Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Rainbow High, and etc. Basically if they were released on shelves, it's game. I'm not a BJD collector and honestly the two communities are so different that I hesitate to include them.
If you are interested please reply to this post!

No. 2172293

Damn, I would be interested but like 90% of my collection is BJD and vinyl.

No. 2172298

Thanks for the interest nona! I'd love to have as many people in there as I can. I'm just worried about including so many diverse doll collectors that conversation will fizzle out before authentic community can thrive.

No. 2172302

It’s only 10 am and the sky is so dark in Autumn here it looks like it’s already like 2 pm. Pretty soon the sky will be fucking black at 4pm lmao…

No. 2172307

Samefag, if you didn't mind the server being primarily fashion doll focused, I could add an "off topic dolls" channel where you and other BJD/vinyl collectors could post pictures and converse there? I would just feel bad having you all hunkered down in one channel, I really want this server to be a tight-knit community of women who are gender critical and also love dolls! I'd love to have you there nonnie.

No. 2172309

That's a good point. Plus, I think a lot of GC BJD people may be hesitant to share their dolls because of how easily identifiable customized BJDs can be. You might have better luck asking in the doll thread /m/ though

No. 2172333

Never lived in a place where this happens, it must be a little depressing during winter.

No. 2172341

Nonnas I wanted to cook my frozen pizza in an oven and I was wondering why it was still raw after 20 minutes. Turns out I had put the oven at a very low temperature.

No. 2172345

I wonder if farmhands have farmers that they treat as personal cows and follow posts from their IPs

No. 2172346

It is, that is why SAD is a thing.

No. 2172351

kek this gif

No. 2172364

ntayrt but you know what's crazy? I moved to a super hot, deserty area and not long after, I went through a long bout of depression. I wondered why my body and mind felt so shitty and tired, and sad and "off" all of the time, and after seeing a doctor and getting bloodwork it turned out that I had SUPER low levels of Vitamin D and I had to get a prescription-strength supplement. In these hot climates people are either staying inside to get out of the heat or hiding in the shade most of the time, so a lot of us aren't getting enough vitamin D from the sun (and driving in your car doesn't help because the glass blocks UVB rays). Once my vitamin D got up to a normal range, it was like my depression fucking disappeared, it was the damndest thing. The more you know!

No. 2172580

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I absolutely love how the theme applies to the catalog now!! This dark blue is sooo cute(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2172638

That's crazy, pretty much everyone where I live has vitamin D deficiency. That would explain a lot kek.
Which one is the blue? Luna?

No. 2172741

Yes luna

No. 2172766

It would be funny if there was a bechdel theme that automatically spoilers undesirable pictures and words.

No. 2172777

I took such big shits back when I was in high school and tbh I missed it so much. After a particularly intense diet plan, I don’t shit as much anymore as I used to tbh the amount of poop was 1/3 of what I used to push out of my bootyhole. My poop was hard and the amount was minuscule despite me resuming to my normal non-restrictive diet after finishing my restrictive diet…The worst part is it took me a couple of days to shit not the every other day cycle I used to. I WANT TO TAKE BIG SHITS AND POOP EVERY OTHER DAY DAMN IT! GIVE IT BACK!(wrong thread)

No. 2172847

I was about to go to sleep, looked up for a second and saw a giant spider coming down from the ceiling I'm barely scared of spiders but ew.

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