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No. 429453

Previous Threads: >>>/g/418638

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.

No. 429506>>429517>>429519>>429546>>429584>>429585>>429589>>429626>>429639>>429657>>429699>>429789>>431552

Let's kick this thread off with some positivity! Anons what's your favorite thing about being black?

No. 429517

>never had a sunburn
>no one can see you blush
>best block parties
>decades of great music
>beautiful black women with Afros

No. 429519

>I’m from east African and I love my culture
>full lips
>our music is great and has a lot of range
>the food is delicious
>great body
>no sunburn
>great skin
>the overall resilience we have despite everything

No. 429546

Evil people show their true colors.

No. 429584>>429618

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>my body is perfect I dont have to workout. I am naturally thin with curves. (a blessing and a curse because I never know when im getting too small because my butt and boobs never go down).
>resting bitch face makes people assume im a bitch and leave me tf alone
>racists dont sit next to me on the bus so i get the seat to myself
>the sun doesnt despise me enough to try and poison me
>my 4c hair i love that it grabs attention and causes so much conversation.
>Also people shit talk shrinkage but the fact that I can see what I'd look like with a pixie cut by just wetting my hair and letting it to shrink is COOL. I can have instant bangs by just spraying water!? DOPE AF!!
>I literally have irl anime hair and everyone is mad and trying to convince me its ugly (you wont)
>Idk if this is because I'm black but my parents always instilled to dress nice (probably respectability politics) So i am always the best dressed without even trying.
>all i have to do is wear my hair in an afro to turn heads and be the centre of attention. (Which is why it stays in a puff)
>Free personal shopper whenever I go to the store "do you need help" "why yes actually hold my shit Jeffry"
>nonblacks assuming they are smarter than me and then being humbled
>can cosplay casca

No. 429585>>429635

>built in sun resistance
>THE most versatile hair (get it wet to wear it short, stretch it out to wear it long, can be worn coily or straight and everything in between)
>looking younger for longer
>mogging everyone else when it comes to wearing earth tones
>our moral compasses and compassion
>soulful music and art
>being smart makes people seethe and I find that to be funny
>our humor

No. 429589

My favourite thing about being black will always be that black people are extremely resilient. No matter how many times people try to take us out, we always win in the end.

No. 429613>>429626>>429628

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Confession: I don't like when other black people have completely pink lips with no darker coloration around the edges/a completely brown top lip. It just doesn't look right. If you do have completely pink lips, I definitely recommend lip liner. I mean no harm.

No. 429618

The respectability politics! I live in a country where there are few black immigrants and the few who are here are hardly integrated. My mom has always instilled me the notion that I had to be always presentable and impeccable no matter what, because the white people here already had an opinion regarding people like me. This has always caused me a great deal of anxiety but now that I’m older I can appreciate it.
Looks do play a big part on how people view you unfortunately.

No. 429626>>429629>>429631>>434132>>470953

im the opposite i love this look and think its gorgeous
it looks so nice that latinas and white women began copying us and using brown liner to emulate it

i think we have the nicest skin of any race by far, honestly. when i see white people close up i kind of recoil at how dry crackled and porous their skin really is. asian skin is fine but they use so many products its kind of cheating. meanwhile all black people need is some shea/cocoa butter and we have the most gorgeous sheeny smooth flawless skin until we're 70. i really think our collagen or skin cell structure is just superior or something, ive also noticed that when we are in shape we are so much more naturally taut and toned than other races who seem to get very saggy and skinnyfat even when theyre lower weight(racebait)

No. 429628

>>429613 ITS ME I used to be one of them and i absolutely hated my overly pink lips. They were so bright compared to the rest of my features. But i started smoking weed and my lips darkened overtime. But tbh I do miss my pink lips they looked really good with just lipgloss. But like you said I just needed to line them. I actuallly want to get my lip tatted back to my natural color. Has anyone done that?

No. 429629

The lip liner trend is very old too. It's just making a comeback.

No. 429631

>im the opposite
Kek re-read the post

No. 429633>>429765

i fucking hate the retarded mod that deleted my post, fuck you i fucking hate everyone fuck

No. 429635>>429642

>our moral compasses and compassion
Then why are anons saying shit like
>when i see white people close up i kind of recoil at how dry crackled and porous their skin really is. asian skin is fine but they use so many products its kind of cheating

No. 429639>>429698>>429705

the fact we're not as sexually deviant as other races
never met a black person who was into furry shit, incest or lolicon
meanwhile it feels like every second white person is into that crap(racebait)

No. 429642>>429650>>429663

It's not as bad as saying black people are subhuman apes and doing actual genocide like what happened in Africa and the Americas. Also never heard of blacks sterilizing whites en masse. or a black hitter targeting non-blacks.

No. 429650>>429655

And therefore that gives you a free pass to be racist towards people you've never met?

No. 429655>>429751

No, I'm confirming with facts, data, and history that blacks have a better moral compass than non-blacks on average. Keep up.

No. 429657

the fact we can dish and take our roasts and dont take ourselves too seriously whereas other races get butthurt over everything

No. 429663>>429666

>Also never heard of… a black hitter targeting non-blacks
Isn't that exactly what the Haitian Genocide was?

No. 429666

What haitian genocide? I can't even find that on Google. it redirects to a massacre of former slaves taking revenge.

No. 429687>>429688>>429696>>429702>>440154>>440156>>440292

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Why does this feel like fetish content?

No. 429688

did you watch the vid? It looks like she's analyzing cringe WOC who worship WM online.

No. 429696

It’s interesting how black female YouTubers are majority commentary creators. At least the ones with white majority audiences.

No. 429698

Lolicon & furry, no, but incest is way more common in black communities than y’all want to admit.

No. 429699

I love the hair definitely. I love the shells, beads, braiding patterns.

No. 429702>>429729

kidology posts on 4chan and shills herself on there frequently, her audience are mostly white incels and she's internalized a lot of their brainrot

No. 429705>>429717

Tbh you probably just haven't seen black furries because you're not in a furry adjacent community. I've seen a few due to being into stuff like anime and Homestuck and art.

No. 429717

NTA but there are still fewer of them than the white and Asian ones IME. It reminds me of how as far as trannies go, black people have way more HSTS types than AGP.

No. 429722>>429824>>430046

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I went natural again after a big chop, wanted to give it another go so im making an attempt, Im twisting it rn for the first time in my life. Never twisted my own hair before and…its torture. My arms have never burned like this and my hair is so short rn its like maybe 6 inches long at the most! my arms are tired i hate this! Now i see why my mom got us up so early to do our hair! I cant believe i thought i could cornrow it today. I only got the back done so im looking so crazy rn kek but it is rewarding that they dont just unravel. I really really hope I can eventually become a pro at my natural hair. I was originally planning to go to a salon but they were trying to charge me $55 for cornrows so I'm really taking my natural hair seriously this time. Im really excited but a part of me does miss having long hair. I know its gonna grow back but i still feel a little sad about it sometimes.

No. 429729>>429733>>429738

>it redirects to a massacre of former slaves taking revenge
It wasn't about revenge. The orders came from Dessalines himself and he had to personally visit each city to make sure his orders were carried out

No. 429733>>429741

>Nicholas Robins, Adam Jones, and Dirk Moses theorize that the executions were a "subaltern genocide", in which an oppressed group uses genocidal means to destroy its oppressors.[10][11]
I think it's interesting that it took them being oppressed to do this to French people, while their enslavers just did it to them for free/because they wanted to lol. Also interesting that Polish and German people, who didn't take part in the slavery and/or allied with the oppressed, were spared and even given ruling ethnicity status.

No. 429738

yea that's what i meant. It literally says massacre in your link, not genocide kek

No. 429741

one thing about haitians, they gave their colonizers hell.

No. 429751>>429767>>429768>>429769

So because people hundreds of years ago did this to other people hundreds of years ago, this gives you a free pass to be rude and racist towards people you know nothing about, and are judging them solely for the color of their skin?

No. 429765

Yeah there's a lazy mod who doesn't red text and just deletes everything be careful

No. 429767>>430387

you know you can't debunk what I said, so you resort to putting words in my mouth. Conversation over.

No. 429768

Which one of you offended the white girl in here say sorry before she derails the thread

No. 429769

NTA but you're annoying. There are entire twitter accounts dedicated solely to bashing black women and dumb scrotes on podcasts watched by tons of young people singling us out specifically. If you're so against "rudeness and racism", make it equal and go deal with those instead of trying to police tiny throwaway comments in a general on a slow niche women's website lmao.

No. 429770

We should just ignore that retard, don’t even bother answering because they’re saying BS

No. 429789

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>best music and food
>we set most of the trends today
>love how it's an unspoken rule to support other black women
>our hair is extremely versatile

No. 429824>>429989

$55 for straightbacks!? My sister just showed me hers and she only paid $30 and we live in a major city! Did you go to a regular hair salon or an african braiding salon? African braiders usually charge what the service is worth and not for their light bill fee too lol and they dont use globs of gel. Although they are starting to adopt those practices. I would say if you do go to African hair braiding salons to bring your own comb and heat protectant. They dont care about hair health or your natural hair journey at all just the style. Learned that the hard way.

No. 429913

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Made this white girl pay me 400 for box braids, I can feel Angela Davis laughing somewhere

No. 429935

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I've been doing knotless braids on myself and it's so hard. It's not my first time doing them, but the last time I've done them was 2/3 years ago. I find that it's so hard to braid close to the scalp, especially when doing the back of your head, so sometimes the braid looks old and like it's slipping down the natural hair. Plus the hair I'm using sucks (fuck sensationnel) so I'm losing a lot of hair from having to detangle it. And somehow I keep finding hair in my ass crack.

No. 429989

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I live in a major city too but a lot of black salons here LOVE to over-charge and be so unbelievably unprofessional while they do it. When I went natural for the first time my mom and I came to this woman to get some crochet braids done a couple years back when I was like 17 or so. My mom and I didn't really know how to manage my hair. She came 2 hours late and then charged us 250 dollars despite making us sit there all day and only finishing at like 5pm despite us getting there at 11am. All of them are like this in my area, I swear. They miss appointments all together without notifying you, complain the entire time they're doing your hair, change the price on you out of nowhere when they told you a completely different price over the phone…AND still complain when people don't come to them anymore. I'm just done with trying to find a decent hairdresser, it's pointless so I'm learning my natural hair from scratch so I don't have to be getting scammed for basic protective styles. Its sad because I really do want to support local black women trying to make something with their talents but I cant support the unprofessional shit they pull.

No. 429999>>430003>>430267

unpopular opinion, but black femcels (the ones who complain that men don't like bw) choose to be victims. imagine saying that men don't like your features yet still choosing to date men and wanting one in your life. but when you tell them to go 4b, they lash out about "true lurve, bw deserve the lurve non-bw get." but retard, you just said they can't love bw. at this point, you like pain and being a fucking martyr. grow up.

No. 430003>>430006

definitely a retarded take, the odds are strongly stacked against black women in many areas of life especially dating which is why more black women are single than any other demographic, bw have every right to be mad and complain about it, anyone who tries to say we're martyrs or 'choosing' to be victims is just a wilfully ignorant ass and probably white. most bw would love to have a happy healthy relationship with a man of any race who treats them right but instead we have to deal with abusive black men, weirdo white moids who dont have an interest in loving or committing to us or simply have a slaveowner fetish for destroying black genes, asian men who think we are easier and more desperate than other races, and arab men who see us as forbidden fruit but subhuman. its amazing black women are as stoic about this subject as they are

No. 430006>>430356

you literally just proved why BW should go 4b. And yes if you choose to date men who you know are racist and colorist, that is choosing negative experiences.

No. 430046>>430069

You get used to the discomfort. Also its a little harder to braid your own hair than it is to braid someone elses. Braids put a little less stress on the wrists but they are harder to do imo.

No. 430069

I hope so! Once it gets a little longer I'm gonna try knotless braids!

No. 430224>>430445

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Question, nonnies - I'm going to try doing a sew-in on myself for the first time this weekend, but I'm conflicted whether I should buy a closure or just silk press my leave out. Do you think I'd get longer wear out of a closure?

No. 430267>>430318

I don't get them either. Men are not the prize. I think black femcels just suffer from being pickmes to the point where even men can sense it and avoid them. Their self esteem is in the gutter and it's destructive

No. 430296>>430302>>430353>>430380>>430395>>430446

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I saw this on Hulu earlier and found the caption to be disgusting. I don't get how being black fits the same category as being fat or broke, especially in the context of being undesirable.

No. 430302>>430307

you can thank the bw who act like being black is a curse and make their whole personality and existence about dwelling on being at the bottom of the race hierarchy instead of seeing how retarded the human species is and dismissing the opinions of race copers.

No. 430307>>430361>>430391

these types of media are about the unique struggles of dating as a black woman in America, they aren't about self hatred. And I say this as someone who doesn't even like this genre

No. 430318>>430350>>430444

not true, asian women are the biggest pickmes and they actually get picked the most. studies show asian women also have the lowest self esteem while black women have the highest. reality has nothing to do with your woowoo law of attraction crap.(racebait)

No. 430350

that has nothing to do with AW being pickmes tho, it's more about how racial stereotypes feminize all Asians and masculinize all Black people. It's spread a bit, but it seems more specific to Americans because Thai ladyboy vids on YT always have comments from American men saying they look better than American women just because they're skinny and asian with long hair.

No. 430353

This is outrageously offensive, I love how whites just show their asses and become more racist the more woke they try to act, sometimes I wonder if it's intentiona;

No. 430356>>430362>>430447>>430899

>just live without sex and love
Do you know how many people go their whole lives never having any kind of sexual or romantic relationship? It's not normal or healthy for humans to be single their whole lives unless theyre aromantic and asexual and have no interest in dating. I have a feeling the 4B movement is targeted towards black women as a form of population control, they simply dont want black women reproducing.

No. 430361

Dwelling too much on what racists think eventually turns you into a self hater, intentionally or not.

No. 430362

if the alternative is dating men who hate you….

No. 430380>>430396>>430448

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Currently, America really likes black women to be fat and miserable because it makes them seem "humbled" through shame/struggle, plays into the mammy trope, and props up the low self-esteem of pickmes of other demographics.

No. 430387>>430392

You were saying "it's not as bad as this". Since when did racism become a sliding scale?

No. 430388>>430450

Does anyone else feel kind of sick whenever they see sex or sexual content in media? I hate sex scenes or any mention of things to do with sex out of context, I hate hearing people talk about it irl. I also feel uncomfortable when seeing other black women being hypersexualized or sexualizing themselves for the male gaze. I have a shitload of trauma surrounding sex: from hitting puberty early and being called fast by nasty older women, being hit on by grown men as a 12-13 year old because I had large boobs, being sexualized and seeing other black women constantly degrading themselves for men especially black men, growing up mostly listening to rnb with heavily sexualized black women and video girls, being surrounded by horny retarded white moids in school who would talk about ghetto gaggers in front of me and one other black girl etc. There's a craving for purity and innocence in me that I feel black women are never really afforded, even as children, and it makes me cry. You'd think church would have helped me feel closer to that, but it didnt (at least not black church)

No. 430391

Sure, but it isn't lost on me that we "need" multiple shows to tell the unique struggles of being a fat or otherwise unattractive black woman who's broke and has never known love, but we somehow don't "need" multiple shows to tell the stories of, say, morbidly obese and broke white women who suspect they might have autism or BPD, and the love/dating issues that may tie into that. That's a unique struggle that deserves to be heard, too, but that story goes untold for some reason, and there aren't weird hyperlibs telling white women it's what they should want to see above all else and that they're being bigoted if they don't like or relate to it, either.
Hollywood repeatedly "blesses" black women with certain kinds of backhanded "representation", but other groups are either conveniently absent, or "shamed" with the small minority of attractive people being used to represent the majority of average/below average people.

No. 430392>>430400

Everything is a sliding scale. life isn't black and white. are you 5?

No. 430395>>430402

Am I the only person who doesnt feel offended by this? The series was created by a black woman and is semi-autobiographical. Also a large proportion of black women are broke, overweight, havent had a relationship before, are we just going to pretend that huge chunk of black women does not exist?

No. 430396>>430398>>430401

>but we somehow don't "need" multiple shows to tell the stories of, say, morbidly obese and broke white women who suspect they might have autism or BPD
because nobody would watch that

No. 430398

There's plenty of shows like that though, like all those shows about overweight autistic people looking for love.

No. 430400>>430404

So which races is it okay to make fun of, then, without being too racist? Go ahead, tell me.

No. 430401

Not true. Plenty of white women enjoy depressing, relatable content. Tell the stories of fat gendies, they need a voice too.

No. 430402>>430409>>430451

>Also a large proportion of black women are broke, overweight, havent had a relationship before, are we just going to pretend that huge chunk of black women does not exist?
To be honest, the average woman in America is fat, finances aren't good for most people, and many relationships range from scarce to dysfunctional. The "femcel" community was spearheaded by and is majority white women. And yet, black women are the only ones expected to want that to be their most frequent representation. Why?

No. 430403

Find a way to give birth to black girls but don't have black boys. It's not worth the trouble most of them are born with low self-esteem, self hating, demonic, evil.
Don't give birth to someone that will probably hate you for existing.
Like with other races the majority of the men need to be killed off so that the race as a whole can improve.

No. 430404

NTA, but why are you so worried about what a random black woman on an imageboard thinks is racist? It's weird and obsessive. Can you put this degree of care into the white male incel problem? That might actually help society.

No. 430409>>430411

According to google black women have the highest poverty rates, highest obesity rates, and highest sexlessness rates (probably ties in with obesity tbh). Y'all act like allowing a fat lonely black woman to tell her story is a crime and call everyone who isnt a baddie a Mammie which is racist bullshit in itself. Some of you are on the Azealia 'fat Lizzo' anti black woman bullshit.

No. 430410

someone plssss tell me how to achieve threadpics twists. what hair texture do i buy at the shop? hers might be really her hair but like if not how does she achieve this authenticity??


No. 430411>>430417

And does that change that the average white or Mestizo women are overweight, not financially well-off and also struggling? I'm not talking about one show, I'm asking why other groups can use the 1% of attractive and admirable people to represent them, but if black women are like "Why is this all fat depressed unloved failwoman self-pity shit or gross hypersexuality lol", some of you lose your minds. Lose weight, care for your appearance and yourself. Being unattractive and sad is not a racial trait.
Also, black women having the highest sexlessness rate does not match up with other statistical data, I'm sure I don't need to get into it, so do you have a source on that one? When I googled for it, nothing stating as such came up. I'd be kind of glad if it was true. Sex is easy to get for all women, but low value, so it'd be impressive for black women in reality to be avoiding it.

No. 430417

the fat stigma has been passed on to American women now, as that reasoning is used by passport bros of all races.

No. 430444

Based on what? A non-scientific study from vogue magazine made in 2006? I hate that argument rbcuase there’s no real proof and it actually goes against what we see in reality. If the average black woman had more self-esteem, would baby mama drama be that common? Would weave and skin bleach and heavy pale concealer be that common? I want better for us and lying about this is not the way to go

No. 430445

If you want longer wear and less hassle, definitely go for the closure. It’ll protect your natural hair from heat damage and keep the style looking fresh way longer since you won’t have to keep re-silk pressing your leave-out. Closures are great for cutting down on maintenance, and you won’t have to deal with your hair getting frizzy from humidity or sweat. Silk pressing your leave-out can look good, but it’ll need constant upkeep, especially if you’re out and about or live somewhere humid. If you’re trying to avoid that extra work, a closure is the better move for sure.

No. 430446>>430475

It’s woke propaganda , made for people to hate us even more. I hate modern TV

No. 430447>>430475

4B was made by Korean women to speak out against the violent misogyny from Korean men. Maybe you should take a page and avoid violent ghetto men who are happy to turn into another femicide statistic

No. 430448>>430475

Exactly! Americans, especially white American women love the mammy archetype and I’m seeing it resurge under the guise of woke representation. I try to urge the black women in my life to keep fit, avoid social work/social justice and always have high standards. I see what the elites are planning and it makes me sick

No. 430450

I can relate, we are not see as human and we’re not given that small bit of human doubt. As tools for others or punching bags. I constantly wished I could wake up in another body because I hate the way people treated me. I will always the look of disappointment whenever teachers or employers see me. “You sounded so different on the phone”

No. 430451>>430456>>430475

Woke white women love using black women to represent their opinionss, even when black women rarely believe those things. Like fat acceptance or race swapping. it’s always an ugly fat black women in the ads, or propaganda pieces. And this affects how. People see and treat us. At best, with more progressive hesitation and at worst, literal white supremacy hatred. I hate this timeline and I never hesitate to cuss out a stupid libfem over this

No. 430456

>even when black women rarely believe those things
I don't know how well you remember the war of the Hillary supporters vs the Bernie Bros in 2016, but woke white women then definitely were using black women as a cudgel. Although in fairness to them, black women were Hillary's strongest demographic by far so maybe white feminists get a pass for that one

No. 430475>>430477>>430504

You people legitimately sound schizophrenic

No. 430477>>430498>>430499>>430503>>430548

They’re not wrong though. As media has become more integrated, nice black female representation has gone to shit. Women like Lizzo were pretty much exclusively propped up by BuzzFeedian fat white women who complain on twitter too much and on occasion, fat black women who also complain on twitter too much.

No. 430498

I have a hard time believing that. Black women being replaced by biracial women for representation is definitely plausible but the psyop in which our theatrical portrayals are primarily fat women is a reach.

No. 430499

why does the existence of fat black women make you so angry?

No. 430503>>430506>>430509

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Kaitlyn Tiffany types don't like it when black women call the weird ways they like to push and market us just that. I remember that black video game character designer guy talking about having a character concept for a young, pretty black woman like Tolami Benson, and his "bosses" wanted the whole thing changed so she'd be fat, unattractive and significantly older, kek. He said it wasn't the first time that had happened, either.

It's also not done out of good will. The people giving certain types of content more of a push than others aren't "just trying to help tell someone's unique story" 9 times out of 10. They don't care about our "unique stories" or us. If they did have any degree of compassion, they wouldn't be promoting normalized drug use, being "down" for crime and promiscuity. Alternatively, if they genuinely thought those things were good and "real", they'd be promoting them far more for their own groups, but they don't.
At best, it's just bitter pickmes being passive-aggressive under the guise of "woke". At worst, they do believe in all the things they put on us. They just prefer to use black women to shield themselves from criticism. Being painted as the designated "woke" demographic and the media's firebrands or whatever isn't good. It just means we have all the redditors from other groups glomming onto us in weird ways and pulling "Look, we're showing a black woman doing this unhealthy thing! Surely, you wouldn't dare to disagree with something we purposely portrayed a black woman doing, right? That would be racist, heh, gotcha" to legitimize things they'd rightfully get backlash for trying with their own community. That also means that other idiots, instead of noticing the pattern and calling out their own for cowardice, think it's "real" and start despising and blaming us for it. They believe that we not only agree with, but embody everything fucked up in the world, conveniently forgetting that it's their own kind funding, producing and promoting all of it to society.

It's insane that if I just want to see shows or movies with normal, even pretty (fully) black women, I have to avoid the current era and consume media from the 60s to the early 2000s. Media is just slop. I'm not saying it was evergreen in the past, but it's pure garbage now. We're not allowed to just be human beings anymore. Current media deliberately primes people to believe black women are inherently subversive and controversial, I hate it.

No. 430504

>some anon calls posts "schizophrenic"
>it's all just things that are true
So, why would avoiding violent, ghetto men who contribute to the femicide statistic be schizophrenic behavior for a black woman? You are aware of our femicide stats and what demographic is killing us while the media avoids acknowledging it, right, "anon"?

No. 430506>>430510>>430554

Please, and I don't mean to be rude, go see a psychiatrist.

No. 430509>>430518

Why are you bringing Ms. Tiffany into this

No. 430510

File (hide): 1726573529250.jpg (48.47 KB, 640x640, 1670884412744.jpg)

My therapist agrees with me and also dislikes the narratives modern media perpetuates about us, kek. I'm a black woman, and I'm allowed to not like how strange white people with too much time and money on their hands portray my demographic. Maybe you like being stereotyped and insulted, but not all of us do (and this is assuming you're black, since I know this thread attracts all kinds of people who are either ignorant, or just have weird ideas about what we should accept from them). Many other black women have complained about the same things, and they will continue to do so up until things change.

No. 430518>>430524

File (hide): 1726576754166.jpeg (274.56 KB, 1170x1570, 1718978424945.jpeg)

She's the exact type who'd try to gaslight an entire meeting room into thinking that "a morbidly obese woman who's constantly angry (but make it black)" is the perfect black or "BIPOC" (gross acronym) representation. Weird and snakey, including to other white women. Also, I was looking for this picture, but couldn't find it in time

No. 430520>>430531>>430532>>430534

File (hide): 1726578874297.jpg (108.59 KB, 750x921, Editorial-Sira-Kante-22Melanin…)

I dont understand this black women are fat narrative, is this to do with african Americans? Id appreciate if someone could explain to me. There are plenty of africans that are thin and its weird that people assume that black women are all fat. My family are african and are all tall and slim.

No. 430524

Did she work on this game?

No. 430531

It’s an American thing; America is the country making most of the media and America has an obesity problem. It also has a racism problem so could be both things of course.

No. 430532>>430557

Agreed. It is to do with African-Americans, but even then, it doesn't make sense from a statistical standpoint. According to Google, there is a 10% difference between black and white women's average weights in the USA (170.9lbs vs 187lbs). It's very weird that some people act like black women are all just landwhales while all other women are thin/normal, when it's more like America is full of fat people. Certain racial groups are allowed to chiefly represent themselves with thin, fit or normal weight actors and actresses, though.
The mammy stereotype of the slavery days coalesces with the fat acceptance movement (which was started by an American white man for his wife), which, in turn, ties into America's fucked up food culture, love of excess and odd, two-faced racism. The fat acceptance stuff gained traction in left-leaning academic spaces, often coming up as a feminist discussion, and since intersectionality became a popular (and heavily abused/misinterpreted) talking point in the 2010s, they also started latching onto black women and using them as figureheads for media operations. There are still some white fat acceptance people who say being fat is like being black, and go on about "fatphobia" as if it's racism, and there are some black enablers who try to argue that being fat is some kind of inherent black trait, and being "fatphobic" is the same as being "anti-black", but neither science or history corroborate these talking points. Both people like that and more obvious racists whose only form of confidence comes from shitting on black women tend to get annoyed when anyone questions this sort of thing.

No. 430534>>430538

File (hide): 1726582996568.png (138.84 KB, 828x513, chart.png)

50% of african american woman are obese, the highest of any race. this trend is even more pronounced among black women for some reason compared to black men
source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db360.htm

No. 430537>>430539

honestly that’s a pretty big difference… black women are the only demographic among women where the majority are obese (not just overweight, but obese)

No. 430538

So, if I'm reading this right, white women are 40% obese, while black women are 57% obese? A difference of 17% wouldn't reasonably explain this narrative only being applied to one of them IMO. I've heard Asians have the lowest rates of obesity and being overweight, though they also tend to be physically shorter on average.

No. 430539

It is a difference, but if the average for both demographics are essentially "overweight, obese and a handful of normal women" and "obese, overweight, and a smaller handful of normal women", it means that if we're actually out to reflect reality through media narratives, both should have their main representation be fat people until they lose significant amounts of weight. Like, being fat is considered something to rein in for white women, and overweight/obesity ""activism"" is considered counterculture, but for black women, people act like it's somehow good/normal and we should be okay with it, despite the health risks and the weight of all the other issues already facing the black community, especially when it comes to medical discrimination. The whole thing is very weird and not in our best interest IMO.

No. 430548

File (hide): 1726585839672.jpeg (46.9 KB, 640x800, IMG_6219.jpeg)

We will never have those hot black women like they did in the 1990s

No. 430554>>430555

Why? So they can gaslight me on how “progressive” and utopian the world has been for black women? How I should stay in an unloving relationship as a placeholder for a black man? Or how obesity is super powerful because I’m “breaking” the hot woman stereotype?

No. 430555

You aren't me, but you're not wrong, so go off nonna lmao

No. 430557>>430558>>430560

The woke white did what the klansman failed to do

No. 430558

Starting to think you have no idea what woke is

No. 430559>>430609>>430701>>430711>>430778

File (hide): 1726587512612.jpg (278.7 KB, 1365x2048, GVI9-s0X0AEPYj7.jpg)

I like not being fat. Some of my friends are, but they are working on losing weight, and I support them. I don't support any habits that send black women into an early grave. I also don't support media that encourages or frames obesity as some integral part of "being black". Fat acceptance is a movement by and for a certain subgroup of white people, they're into it for their own (misguided, consoomerist) reasons, and there are no benefits to it for us. There is an undoubtedly predatory and racist aspect to how they apply it to us, too. Poor health and food choices have no place in a community of insanely resilient people who struggled tirelessly to earn their freedom from inhumane forced labor and subjugation (some are still trying to attain freedom in many parts of the world) while still maintaining insane athletic prowess, skin literally advantageous to grass-touching and sunshine, and naturally beautiful hip to waist ratios (BBLs are a hideous, porn-brained mockery of nature's perfection btw). Obesity is a waste of what we were born with.

No. 430560

Exactly. Repackaging the most unhealthy, destructive behaviors as "progress" or "freedom" was an evil so ingenious they even tricked themselves a little bit.

No. 430609

I’m framing this, thank you queen

No. 430701

This should be postered on every subway and bus stop and road crossing

No. 430711>>430714>>430719

This is autistic

No. 430714

Nta but how is it autistic to care about your health

No. 430719>>430768

What is that manifesto that anon wrote kekkkkk

No. 430768>>430776

You are a fat woke fool if you mock this drop of insight. God forbid black women avoid delusional people

No. 430776>>430777

Ntayrt but you should stop getting so angry over nothing kek

No. 430777>>430782

Not wanting to have body destroying propaganda shoved down my throat is weird?

No. 430778

I was watching 2000's television, and I realized how so many black women in the shows (although there aren't many) were presented as skinny. Not as much natural hair, but skinny.

No. 430782>>430807

Schizophrenia full stop
You should stop getting so angry about non issues it's really not that serious

No. 430807>>430811

Some of you just learned the word "schizophrenia", but don't know what it means and it really shows

No. 430811>>430812

>constantly worried about the government pushing psy ops
>somehow this doesn't meet criteria for schizophrenia
Look if you're going to be embarrassing at last stand on business

No. 430812

Who said anything about the government? Have you taken your meds today?

No. 430886>>430897>>430903>>431129

File (hide): 1726685347683.jpg (89.75 KB, 721x722, GOY2CLIbsAAUlhX.jpg)

I kind of hate listening to a nice song by a black female artist, just for it to break into a section for some rapper scrote. The rap is always half-assed, and sometimes the lyrics have fuck-all to do with the rest of the song.
Like, the music stood well on its own, lmao. It's not women's fault that scrote listeners will only care if there's a fellow degenerate male talking about pussy and drugs somewhere in it, and female artists shouldn't have to give these men spots just to sell. At least put on female rappers who understand and work with the themes you're singing about, not random scrotes talking nonsense. I always forget how common it is because I mostly listen to rock and electronic music, and then I'm reminded again with other genres and pop-oriented stuff.

No. 430897>>430900

Nobody gives a fuck
Stream twigs

No. 430899

GIRL men hate all women they just are more open about hating black women because its the most socially accepted demographic to hate. No one needs romantic love in order to survive in this world. Platonic and even familial is more than enough. You will never get romance from the male species. It's a lie and a fallacy. No partnered woman is truly happy. They are lying.Go on any dating/marriage forum. THEY ARE ALL SUFFERING. You cannot be happy with a man in your house. It is not possible!!! The only thing that is a true psyop is marriage and romantic love with a man.

No. 430900

Go back to twitter

No. 430903

Samefag, even worse is when the female artist still doesn't get reach for literal years after all that pandering. Male rappers are too ugly to be talking about sex.

No. 430987>>431000>>431001>>431007>>431183

File (hide): 1726710003100.jpeg (144.58 KB, 1080x655, 3rm7eccqnnpd1.jpeg)

What do you think?

No. 431000

Immigrants already talk about us the same way whites talk about us, so I guess we're even.

No. 431001>>431006

Honestly I don’t see this going well for us. Our numbers will dwindle and we will be forgotten by the 22nd century

No. 431006

by the 22nd century, there will be billions of climate refugees if the species still even exists then. Better for FBA to not suffer through that anyway.

No. 431007>>431010

I have never heard a black person bash immigrants. I have no idea what she's talking about
This is the problem with spending too much time on Twitter. That shit isn't real life

No. 431010>>431030

there was a black person going around trashing haitians and egging on the rumor they eat cats

No. 431030>>431065>>431098

What a idiot, not only is she being stupid but the right wingers she’s probably pandering to can;t tell the difference between any of us

No. 431065

I've seen a marked increase in uncle toms and coon types, they seem to think if they kiss white peoples ass enough theyll be spared from getting genocided by these insane zionist right wing eugenics freaks like moldbug once they come to power

No. 431098

Yeah, a lot of black people who do that forget that they're trying very hard to appease the lowest common denominator. We're talking about people so dumb that they still regularly mistake Indians for black. In much the same way no Haitian is exempt from the harsh stereotypes and discrimination applied to African-Americans, African-Americans are subject to the stereotypes and discrimination other black communities get.
At best, they'll pretend to know the difference for the sake of a single argument, but the LARP falls apart in practice (and when you hear them talk for more than 5 minutes, or ask them to identify who is from what group with pictures). And yeah, at the end of the day, no matter how much of a normal, decent person you are, right wing retards still see you as "the jew's golem" that eventually needs to be eradicated. The best we can all do is denounce and punish people who do fucked up things without selling each other under the river.

No. 431129>>431131

No. 431131>>431132

Perfect example, though she's biracial kekk

No. 431132

oh i thought she was ethiopian fully lmao

No. 431156>>431161>>431176>>431203>>431232>>435506

Am i the only one who feels like sometimes on here standards for black women/childern/teens are higher for them to be seen as pretty, but nonnies will call ww with unconventional looks attractive? Or am I just being overly sensitive.
I also find it odd that the Diddy news is so big, but barely anyone here is talking about it, it's as big as the Johnny Deep situation but because Diddy's victims are majority black women/men/possible minors, it's not "huge" news here.
Or again, am I just being overly senstitive?

No. 431161

Both are true, and we are a smaller population, even online

No. 431176>>431203

I absolutely agree, black women have to respect higher standards in order to be considered beautiful. In order for a black woman to be considered beautiful she has to have a great body (hourglass, with shape, but not fat) and she has to have a slimer nose , soft feature , even skin tone, light skin etc…and if she is ever that then her features are considered “eurocentric” kek. We can never win. An example of this is Anok Yai.
There’s also no in between, you’re either beautiful or you’re ugly.
I live in europe and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “you’re pretty…for a black girl” or “your nose is different from all other Africans” or other retarded comments.

I mean I still think that women, no matter their skincolor are just pressured to look a certain way, society empathizes that women who have no attractiveness hold no value, just look at how ugly women are treated. It’s just that for us racism plays a big part too.

No. 431183>>431185>>431218>>431443

I’m not from the USA so I can’t really speak about the situation.
But I just want to say that we’re all black at the end of the day, the racist man or woman won’t ever stop and see “oh this is not an Afro American, it’s a dirty immigrant from Africa” , they won’t care. They simply start with them because it’s easier and more vulnerable.

Playing the token minority does nothing, look at asians for example. They protested against the affirmative action but instead got their ass handed to them, instead of going after legacy admission.

No. 431185

>the racist man or woman won’t ever stop and see “oh this is not an Afro American, it’s a dirty immigrant from Africa”
In America it sorta works in reverse, blacks from Africa have higher status than American born blacks. You kinda have to be American to get it. If you ever see a black person in America bash immigrants (and that never actually happens outside of Twitter, btw), they are bashing the Latinos/Asians/Middle Easterners who are invading their neighborhoods, not the immigrants from Africa who nobody gives a shit about.
>Playing the token minority does nothing, look at asians for example. They protested against the affirmative action but instead got their ass handed to them
They weren't protesting affirmative action, they were protesting how colleges were deliberately selecting against Asians by adopting a de facto Asian quota. Even if not a single black person was going to those schools the Asian applicants would have faced the exact same issues

No. 431203>>431208>>431212>>435506

I never got comments like that in the US. And people always say Europeans are less racists than Americans.
They just see it as typical gross black rapper behavior so it doesn't shock them that much. Cassie opened the can of worms, she isn't black, and it still wasn't huge news then, so I'm not sure what the race of victims has to do with it.

No. 431208>>431302

Samefag, the racism is absolutely present, it just manifests in a different manner. It’s most often in the form of micro aggressions and it’s hard to rent houses too because they don’t like renting to immigrants , same goes for jobs and dating too. For example someone might be attracted to me but they never get past the “being with a black girl” mentality so I just don’t bother with it. I do get asked out by the men here , but I can see that most of them just want the “exotic” experience kek. And the few black men my age don’t date black women lol, they chase after the white ones.

There’s not a lot of integration where I live as of now and I plan to just finish my studies and love hopefully.

No. 431212>>431213

>it still wasn't big huge news
Cassie's lawsuit was big news, Diddy's raid/the video of him beating her was literally revealed on CNN, all of these things were trending on twitter, and even youtubers who barely touch famous people degeneracy were making videos on Diddy. Even chalking it up to "Degenerate black rapper" is weird because this goes beyond some small conflict. This is a billionare being accused or systemtically raping/beating/black mailing women/men into filming videos of sexual acts, Trafficking women and girls (alledgy). They even said after Cassie exposed him he was still doing his "freak offs". Diddy's not lil Baby or some sound cloud rapper.
He once hosted one of the biggest parties in hollywood, he was once respected by people of all professions, and now he's going to jail for being a sex obessed abusive rapist freak.

No. 431213>>431214

Wait are you the same anon? Was it huge news or was it not huge news?

No. 431214>>431217>>431221

Im responding to someone saying it wasn't huge news

No. 431217>>431221

I guess because cassie is famous. but is p Diddy not on CNN right now for going to jail? What is that nona talking about?

No. 431218>>431220

>Playing the token minority does nothing, look at asians for example.
How many times do they get their ass handed to them by white people? You'd think after covid they would learn to stop trying to tap dance for the huwhites

No. 431220>>431303

I hate when people compare black women to AM.

No. 431221

You are confusing me, I am that nonna who brought up CNN, I think you are misreading what I'm writing. I'm >>431214 >>431212

No. 431232

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You're right on both things. I think the standards tend to be lower for white people because they're seen as the default. They don't have to prove white people can be attractive, because they obviously don't "other" themselves in their own culture, and they have the money and power to give themselves good PR internationally. Black people aren't really considered the norm and don't have the wealth for good global PR, so we don't have that assumption. It's more like we have to "prove" we're attractive to change certain narratives, some people will still make you out to be an exception if you're attractive, and racists have a vested interest in disparaging us and trying to claim any of us that are attractive must have white/non-black ancestry. They're pathetic lol.
And yeah, I think it's assumed that most of Diddy's victims were young black girls, and since little black girls are the most hypersexualized/made out to be more "grown up" than they actually are and neglected, other people tend to ignore what they go through. There was a time I'd feel bad being reminded of this and want to talk about it with other anons or radfems, but I feel like there's no way to really discuss it without attracting bad faith freaks and /pol/tards. It may change with time, I know not everyone thinks that way, but I'm not really getting my hopes up. I'm just glad that disgusting creature is going to jail. This is also one reason why even though I hate misogyny and am quick to defend women over men (race aside), I don't invest myself too much in mainstream feminism anymore, outside of the most obvious stuff. Some of us are seen as inherently less worthy of protection, and I'd rather not support that. Sadly, even intraracial female solidarity seems to be getting rarer among all groups of women these days.

No. 431302

I’m in the same boat, I feel like the odds are stacked against me romantically, I shouldn’t even bother and yet I still have this urge. The older I get, the more painful loneliness gets

No. 431303>>431396

We have nothing in common with each other, except for the weird American perspective in contrast to our gender counterparts. We’re practically aliens to each other

No. 431396>>431402

Even that seems like a forced meme, since black men aren't exactly considered desirable in the mainstream, especially not the way Asian women are.

No. 431402

Was there a time were they really considered attractive? BM were definitely seen as cool, from 1960s-2010, don’t know for certain if they lost that status.

No. 431443>>431447>>431461>>431486>>431495

Speaking of affirmative action, the way people still talk about it makes me think there's no one in the western world who doesn't look down on us, even if we're normal. It came up briefly in the america thread and two anons agreed that if the black and hispanic numbers didn't go down then the colleges are circumventing the new rules and creating their own ethnic quotas anyway. None of us could possibly be in higher education, we're all DEI kamalas if we're women as an addition. I want to think it's baiting but you see this opinion everywhere. It hurts here because the common opinion is that men are wrong and women deserve the benefit of the doubt but here black women are always wrong and evil and disgusting. Even muslim women, rightfully, get empathy here when this site hates muslims (with a lot of good reason) more than anything.

No. 431447>>431461

most non-bw will take any side but a BW's bc they don't want to even risk being associated with us. It's why female solidarity is bullshit.

No. 431461

The funniest part of this is that the people who benefited most from affirmative action were white women. Anytime some weird pickme tries to shame you for having an education and accuse you of getting in by your skin color, remind her that she's projecting.

No. 431486

The only effort they think we are capable of is slave work, and sex slavery. They can’t imagine that we can actually do the math, create projects, actually network with people, etc.

It sucks knowing that most feminists don’t feel anything to us, even though we do benefit from some feminism. Thank god for the laws but I feel like we could be better. This is like the failed attempt with intersectionality.

No. 431495

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The root of AA discourse is the idea that we’re here at all, the idea that we can be competition. Most nonblack people have very low opinions of us and believe there is a low place for us in life, and we can never rise above it (at least without extreme coonery).

People forget there are millions of students worldwide trying to apply for a scant 1000 spots, it’s crazy competition. Colleges have to increase standards and make new rules for who gets to come in. Legacy students come first because that’s where the money is. Schools in the US care more about status and money than pure merit.

I want to expand on this later, but a lot of people, especially progressive whites, do not see us as fellow people but as tools. They love using black women for their weird neuroticisms and making us the face of their deranged ideologies. We aren’t seen as individuals so nonblack people just assume whatever is in media is always true of us. It feels like no matter the time period, we’re always the problem, the scapegoat for all politics.

I don’t wanna be too down. Honestly, the best thing we can do is focus on what we can control—our actions, our growth, and our mindset. Limit time on social media, even here on lolcow as they are distractions to your higher goals in life. People are always gonna have opinions on us, and a lot of them are wrong, but stressing over it won’t change a thing. Just live according to your values, keep pushing forward, and let the rest go. What others think or say is out of your hands, so why give it space in your head?

No. 431547>>431563>>431564>>431634>>431710

File (hide): 1726873593803.jpeg (226.55 KB, 828x528, IMG_7798.jpeg)

Excerpts from From Women's Consciousness and the Southern Black Movement by Sara Evans. Apparently nothing is new under the sun, and the gender dynamics between BW and BM has always been like this (1/2)

No. 431552

my hair. so fluffy. i like to pat my bun just to feel how soft and bouncy it is

No. 431563>>431575

Black men and white women became allies because white men had taken their rights off both of them and treated them as property. Obviously a kinship was going to develop between two oppressed groups under white male patriarchy, now white moids cry about it and screech about WW fucking BM even though white men caused it.

No. 431564>>431566

File (hide): 1726876543192.jpeg (131.06 KB, 828x321, IMG_7799.jpeg)

More Excerpts From Women's Consciousness and the Southern Black Movement by Sara Evans. (2/2)

Look at this woman, what is there to be afraid? You’re not the one being beaten from police brutality

No. 431566>>431569>>431575

Police beat and murder women of every race.

No. 431569

And people rape people of both sexes.

No. 431575>>431577>>431617>>431621

But why were black women on the streets? Where were the black men?

They go together like PB and J. There are times I think that the black race should slowly mix with other groups and cease to exist in this earth in the next few millennia (maybe speed up the process with genetic engineering?). No one can maintain a family, BM will always hate BW and there’s nothing you can do to change his mind. Every political movement post-1965 flops, mainstream media is so ghetto, everyone feels so grossed out by you, I hate this community and I hate being born into it

No. 431577>>431586>>431621>>441735

The entire human species will be gone soon for hating everything related to nature, including the color brown. Not sorry to tinfoil, but trees are brown and some retarded ass cultures think dark colors are ominous, so they hate the color of trees and all other brown things in nature, including soil. Whites hate that color so much, they had no empathy for the trees and soil they destroyed with their "inventions." This is a reversal of the past when dark femme figures that represented the dark soil were worshipped globally. Humans let go of that to chase a sterile soulless existence and are going to burn literally.

No. 431586>>431595

How do you explain the majority of environmentalists, both in theory and practice, being white?

No. 431595

do you have a source of study for most of them being white?

No. 431617>>431989

>BM will always hate BW
lol no. BM are shit but this is completely retarded

No. 431621>>431744

You people are RETARDED!

No. 431634>>431637>>431894>>435506

File (hide): 1726899136494.jpeg (181.05 KB, 1080x1314, 1726164725421.jpeg)

Kek, sorry, but aside from the black groups of the past obviously being more sympathetic, I don't see this dynamic as much different from how white women in RW/""trad"" spaces today have to watch white men link up with and thirst over non-white women (except that white men do it with more than one race).
Across the board, it seems like women are always more "loyal" to any specific race or a cause.

No. 431637

God, I wish I could force every online racist to stick to his principles and live out in the boonies with a wack white woman like himself, and never bother normal people again. You should not allowed to be racist and have a different partner, fucking hypocrites.

No. 431692>>431699

File (hide): 1726914683138.png (778.01 KB, 1198x691, ij.png)

IMO, this is also pertinent to both the past and present positions of black women in the feminist and anti-racist struggles.
It's from Intimate Justice: The Black Female Body and the Body Politic by Shatema Threadcraft.

No. 431699>>431783>>441836>>443446

File (hide): 1726915539454.jpg (431.08 KB, 1046x2048, ij2.jpg)

Same book. It's not lost on me that militant black men would shame black women out of feminine activities like wearing makeup and going to beauty salons, and they weren't to be "flirty" with men outside their race, but these same black men were happy with white women doing all those things. Black women were fighting police officers in the streets and essentially got pushed into not only de-feminizing, but essentially unsexing themselves to be race warriors who disregarded their own female struggle, all while black men still put them in a secondary (not equal or leading) position and championed the cause of "reclaiming" their own masculinity.

No. 431710>>435506

the cope reply to this excerpt is hilarious, black men just created the civil rights movement not because black people were facing discrimination, oppression and suffering but quite literally “MUHH DIKKKK” meme, because that’s all men especially black men think about is how they can get their dicks wiped off clean by some whyte wimminz. i hate them all and wish they were purged

No. 431715>>431769

For all the other bi/les anons itt, am I the only one who gets really irritated with the studs who adopt the "toxic masculinity" (for lack of a better term) behavior? I mean the studs who seem convinced that they literally are men and end up saying a lot of the gross shit you would typically hear from a man. I love studs though, just not the ones that act like that.

No. 431744>>431762>>431772>>431882

I notice you never said I was wrong. Seethe.

No. 431762>>431782

nta but it is wrong. Do you people just not know any black men irl?

No. 431769>>431773>>432029

I really don’t like studs for some reason. I don’t know why exactly, but I hate them.

No. 431772>>431782

nta but it's too embarrassing to even refute. Love yourself seriously. To say the black race should die out. touch grass the white race needs to die out before we ever do fuck off with this doomer nonsense. Hate black men all you want but nonblacks wont save you either. Only you can save you.

No. 431773

i don't like them either in fact I always questioned if i was lesbian/bi or not because studs gave me the ick because they act too much like black men. Its embarrassing. I know natural tomboy girls exist but studs put on this hyper masculine act and they usually are also into nonblack women largely. Like why are you cosplaying the men who hate you and projecting it onto sapphic women who want nothing to do with that? It's like they along with everyone else make it a point to still make sure feminine black women are always slighted in love no matter who we love.

No. 431782

i was the other anon they quoted.

No. 431783

> Same book. It's not lost on me that militant black men would shame black women out of feminine activities like wearing makeup and going to beauty salons, and they weren't to be "flirty" with men outside their race, but these same black men were happy with white women doing all those things. Black women were fighting police officers in the streets and essentially got pushed into not only de-feminizing, but essentially unsexing themselves to be race warriors who disregarded their own female struggle, all while black men still put them in a secondary (not equal or leading) position and championed the cause of "reclaiming" their own masculinity.

And this made it easier for black men to punch down on black women and assimilate into greater American society. I’m seeing the pattern happen again post-2020. In the context of transracial patriarchy, black men get to feel more manly and have actual social control over black women and the perception of her. The best thing we can do is minimize contact with black men.

No. 431882>>431897

You are both wrong and retarded congratulations anon! Hope this helps xoxo

No. 431892>>431991>>432013

this thread is full of white/jewish moids with a slave fetish(scrotefoiling)

No. 431894>>431898>>435506

Stats show white women are most loyal to white men and black women are most loyal to black men. Same stats show black and white men are loyal to…nobody they fuck anything they can find. This is why women being part of race/nationalist movements is pointless, regardless of what race they are. Men are sexual opportunists and will always take the easiest route.

No. 431897

Yet you can't prove me (>>431577) wrong.

No. 431898

Men will never ever ever be our allies. Ever. Only matriarchy will set us free.

No. 431901>>431963>>432043>>432127

File (hide): 1726972504532.webp (891.14 KB, 1290x1580, temp_image_978F4AFA-5FEC-4F80-…)

Why do makeup brands hate Golloria and DSBW in the first place? First Youthforia, and now YSL? Seems like mocking black women is cheap marketing. I’ve seen this pattern where brands use the image of a black woman or one mocking her to gain attention, because they can’t sell something based on quality alone.

No. 431963>>431983

Youthphoria was just incompetency, laziness and poor quality IMO. I forgot that brand existed after the foundation thing, and haven't seen people bring it up since (justifiably). I don't know if a large brand like YSL would need to market themselves on "We don't know how to make blush", either. I'm sure cheap/very low quality brands dip into marketing the way you described, though.

What's funny to me is that there are delusional people who think DSBW "bully" brands into including them. Oh no, the poor, defenseless little multi-million dollar corporations are being "forced" by the women with dark skin.

No. 431983

A lot of racist see our presence as intrusion and get angry at any attempt at fairness or normalcy

No. 431989

You're replying to a baiting tranny who is obsessed with black women and caping for Israel.(scrotefoiling)

No. 431991>>432019

Yeah, I also find it hard to believe that THAT many black women are chan-browsing femcels.

Although if most of this isn’t just some weird LARP, then I feel deeply sympathetic to all the shit black girls are going through. I don’t have much experience with black moids (or moids in general because I’m gay), but I genuinely hope that the black community overall can genuinely solve all its deep-seated issues,

For what it’s worth, I also think natural black women are beautiful and I’d love to date one someday (unfortunately where I live there are not many…)

No. 432013

Whenever you see a weird post insinuating every black woman on the planet is automatically fat and ugly and undateable or whatever, its definitely one of them. Men want women (especially black and brown women) to believe femceldom possible and common so they'll be desperate with low standards, but try as they might, they'll never actually leave women alone, and we see the proof interpersonally and in passing.
The other thing is that it's not just white/jewish moids posting, but you already know that. Unfortunately, a man being misogynistic doesn't make him avoid or ignore women, especially if they're women who might resemble his family members. It's kind of the opposite. Misogyny isn't about not wanting to sleep with somebody, it's about the femicide, abuse, entitlement and constant haranguing moids love to engage in.

No. 432019

If you want normie black women, then Instagram is always there. I come to this space where I can be critical of hateful black men and delusional liberals

No. 432029

I know why. They're usually really nasty and massive bullies

No. 432043>>432046

Sometimes I wish black women would flat out ignore anything that doesn't serve us and uplift the stuff that does. not to say she deserved the wrath she got but focusing on stuff made for us gets us the best results… on all levels. I don't have faith in nonblack people to have empathy because it does not benefit them to do so.

No. 432046>>432058

>it does not benefit them to do so
Exactly. That's why I love being a selfish bitch and have no shame. My BW ancestors did enough suffering, time to enjoy the fruits I'm entitled to by birthright as far as I'm concerned. Fuck anyone who expects me to give them something for nothing, including men who think a "negroid" woman should jump for joy for crumbs of attention and praise and other races of women who want us to be warriors while going mute when it's time to march in the streets for BW and secretly deriving their self-esteem from not being at the bottom of an artificial female hierarchy. if they don't want systemic change or to benefit me as an individual, they should be trampled the fuck over and I have zero empathy for them as humans and they can rot for all I care.

No. 432058>>432066

>time to enjoy the fruits I'm entitled to by birthright
what do you mean by that? what birthright does anyone have to anything?

No. 432066>>432090

NTA but how about freedom lol? Do you say this to white women who say freedom from second class citizenship for their sex is a birthright, or are you only passive-aggressive to black women?

No. 432090>>432095

no, but ive never heard a white woman (or any woman for that matter) say that “I’m entitled to my birthright” for anything lol. it just sounded weird that’s all, like something a tyrannical medieval prince who’s equally tyrannical father just died would say, or some spoiled trust fund villain in a Hollywood movie.

No. 432095

I need evil black princesses

No. 432097>>432123

so many larping mayo nutjobs ITT kek(racebaiting)

No. 432123

i love mayo on a nicely toasted bread with some tomato, ham and a little turkey, lettuce mmmmm

No. 432127>>432128>>432170>>433293>>433308

I think the people behind the marketing of these makeup brands and the overly zealous black women crying about being oppressed because everybody is just jealous of dark-skinned black women (further proving that they only find their worth through attractiveness) are both retarded. Everyone is retarded and everyone who makes things into a controversy further making the brand’s name known is even more retarded, falling for the bait 101. It’s always black people crying like a bunch of children waiting for people to cater to them while bragging to the world that they’re business owners, hustling, where’s all of these successful and reputable makeup brands owned by black women? Don’t even get me started on “hairstylists” who aren’t even licensed and will gladly braid your hair in a dirty infested environment littered with bacteria probably after her baby daddy was visiting. Black people love to cry and never solve their problems and the ones who think they’re better than the situation make me smile in disbelief, we would literally be in filth and dirt if it weren’t for cultures mixing and mingling with each other.

No. 432128>>432134>>432170

tbh it wouldn't be the worst thing if we just stayed in Africa without any outside intervention. at least we wouldn't have to worry about being humiliated and enslaved all over the world. Humans are retarded and shallow and don't know how to deal with groups who look distinct, so us not being exposed would be nice.

No. 432134>>432137>>432157>>432170

I literally agree with you kek, I just love seeing other black Americans talking about reparations, being foundational Americans, all of this nonsense with nothing to back it up. I rather be in Africa right now.

No. 432137>>432138>>432139

African Americans definitely are foundational Americans, we have been in America long before most whites. But we still get treated like trash thta just washed up on the US shore.

No. 432138>>432143

Sure ok anon

No. 432139

> A Foundational Black American is any person classified as Black, who can trace their bloodline lineage back to the American system of slavery

No. 432143

this is why black americans are becoming xenophobic towards africans kek

No. 432157>>432171

despite many African countries being poor, they seem to still find happiness. They don't have mental illness from being seen as subhuman by non-black people in their immediate surroundings. They also don't spend as much time on the internet doomscrolling non-blacks spouting hatred.

No. 432170>>432180

Larping white trash alert(racebaiting)

No. 432171>>432175

>tfw you can’t live in a cute little shithole drinking water out of plastic baggies
i watched some of this woman’s videos and apparently in the “apartment” she lives in their electricity is shut off at a specific time, now imagine a bunch of pampered westerners like us having to work around our life schedule because of this inconvenience. poverty, ruralism is the way to stopping environmental destruction, if only we can teach them to stop giving birth to so many scrotes it would be sustainable

No. 432175>>432183

oh fuck forgot to link the vid. this seems way more better and peaceful than having to live in america without having to hear “we wuz kangz!!!” “everyone wants to be a black woman!!” “black girl luxury!!!” just chill. i’m sure it’s extremely awful for these women because they’re probably way less protected by the social and institutional law than the west but combine the simplicity of their lifestyle and having laws and culling rapists/moids… ahh the dream

No. 432180>>432192>>432193>>432296

>yew iz whyte trash!!!!
how does it feel knowing the only racists keeping you down isn’t the cookie monster pajama wearing pitbull phenotype women but the upper class ones with businesses, real estate, media companies, lobbyists, etc. keep seething about white trash who’s too busy to even care about black people anymore, they’re all dying of drug addictions and suicide. get out of the struggle mindset that the world revolves around black people’s struggles, there’s a whole world out there and it’s not about you

No. 432183

There has to be a middle ground between extreme poverty and the busy, fast paced urban lifestyle. I wouldn't move to Africa tbh.

No. 432192>>432229

wtf are you talking about this whole hellhole world functions on the back of unpaid black labor for centuries. eat a dick and fuck off out our thread.

No. 432193>>432229

also the world definitely revolves around black struggle it literally profits off it. look around stupid ass

No. 432195>>432198>>432209>>432222

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>Wanna ask a genuine question about racism
>Look in past threads and see that most of them turn into into back-to-back /pol/ racebait arguing
I suppose this leaves room to ask, what are you supposed to do if you want to talk about race-related things and you have no friends of your race/in your country to talk to who will understand? I feel like finding friends is so difficult lately, even online.

No. 432198>>432202

you don't have any other black people in your country?

No. 432202

I meant friends in my country anon… though there isn't many black people where I live either. A lot of my online friends have been from Europe or South America so they're often white or latino.

No. 432209

There are better websites to talk about black people issues than reddit or an imageboard.

No. 432222

The only place where i've seen decent discourse has been in youtube comments sections of random videos.

No. 432229>>432232>>432353>>432355>>432357>>432358

>this whole hellhole world functions on the back of unpaid black labor for centuries
Dude what? If anything it functions off the backs of unpaid Chinese children. For the past 20 years about 30% of the world’s exports come from China. Extrapolating the trans-atlantic slave trade to today’s globalized economy and the western world to the entire world is illogical at best.

America isn’t the world. The West isn’t the world.

No. 432232>>432276

You forget about the congolese children who dig for cobalt and other essential minerals in the mines so we can all have smartphones and pointless tech gadgets from temu. If anything, anon was right about the world revolving around underpaid/unpaid black labor. Their stories largely remain lost in the void.

No. 432276

File (hide): 1727071923715.png (567.96 KB, 1022x767, GengQuanrong.png)

Why do retards who don't realize that Africa is constantly being exploited for natural resources, used as an easy hub for international human trafficking (women, children and men), and being forced to pay "colonial taxes" always have the most to say? Things that could be learned about in 20 minutes, but their attention spans are too short. They don't care about the subject, but they sperg endlessly.
>butbut what about China
>the west isn't the world
And Chinese scrotes exploit African women and children, while MENA countries traffic them for modern slavery and go completely unchecked. Of course you don't know about this because you're a retard who only takes what he's spoonfed, ie whatever's easiest to digest within the context of burger racial hierarchies, which place Asians as babyish, meek and submissive, blacks as big, strong and domineering and Arabs as religious nutjobs who only ever hurt Europeans and no one else. I do not care.

Not to mention Europeans and Americans dumping their broken electronics illegally in African countries after they're done, and deliberately forcing their used clothes onto those countries, threatening economic sanctions for wanting to improve their local clothing manufacturers.

No. 432296

You're legitimately retarded and incapable of doing research go back to sucking off other fag's like yourself on pol(scrotefoiling)

No. 432353

Chinese sweatshop workers get PAID for their service even if its pennies to the dollar african 4 year olds are digging in MINES FOR FREE fuck off.

No. 432355

also africa is on the eastern hemisphere stupid ass

No. 432357

ANOTHER THING Fuck China they are the biggest exploiters of free african labor in the 21st century. They can go to hell

No. 432358>>432390

literally this. it’s also funny because these proud “foundational black americans!!’ benefit off this so-called exploitation of minors and children. they wouldn’t be tapping on their phones and computers without widespread global exploitation

No. 432385>>432392>>432431>>432549

sigh this is what happens when you start a black race general thread on an imageboard, male and female pol-tards camp out in the threads! it’s the only reason why the black girl ones have so many more compared to the other race themed female generals, autist racists and their obsessive tendencies towards their special interests, the niggers
seriously, other races are so fucking obsessed with black women, black people honestly. like, there's never been an instance where a group of black supremacist have gone to troll up a white supremacy forum like stormfront, unlike vice-versa, the closest they’ve ever gotten were random retarded black kids trying to show their humanity to those grown ass retards on some “why can’t we all just get along, why must you be so hateful”, bullshit. lsa posters know about 4channers being mods there, they’ve had threads about david duke, the dude who made stormfront, giving a shout out about lsa on twitter! reddit has always been racist as fuck and filled blackfishers and coons trying to appeal to everyone that isn’t black, damn near every damn race that is not black stay camped out in the black targeted forums! initially, i was mad as fuck that this thread was made, imageboards have always been racist, but i get it now - there’s legit nowhere to fucking go online

No. 432390

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Who said anything about "foundational black americans"? Do you think America is the only place in the world with black people?
>they wouldn’t be tapping on their phones and computers without widespread global exploitation
This is not a smart thing to say, lol. Do you guys say this to white women? "You can't complain about global misogyny and female exploitation, you wouldn't even have a shirt to wear if it wasn't for women being forced to work under inhumane conditions in sweatshops day and night! And who would mine all those parts for your phones and computers if it wasn't for underage girls in faraway countries being raped and/or forced to carry babies under conditions of poverty?? Lol you benefit off the so-called exploitation, how dare you call these things bad"? What a disgusting view of the world.

No. 432392

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>the closest they’ve ever gotten were random retarded black kids trying to show their humanity to those grown ass retards on some “why can’t we all just get along, why must you be so hateful”, bullshit.
This is so sad and true. I feel like every little introverted black or biracial kid has had that "We can end racism by being nice and trying to make friends" phase. Nope. Unfortunately, some people are just shit to the core and dedicated to hating you without reason, then self-victimizing. They have to learn by themselves, and some never will. It's funny to see a certain type of white person go on about being instilled with "white guilt" while harassing innocent black people any way they can, at every turn, from history to the present. They're the types of people who swear violence, hatred and aggression are in our genes, and just ignore how they've acted, what they've done, what they still do and how they still act.
>"but but muh black crime"
I hope everyone who's made a living off bashing innocent black children and women over what others have done (especially moids) gets stranded in Detroit lol.

No. 432395>>432415>>432435

File (hide): 1727108987863.jpg (10.43 KB, 250x293, Dylann_Roof_mugshot.jpg)

I always wondered, if black criminality is the problem, the thing "making them racist", why do they venerate Dylann Roof, the autistic bowlcut /pol/tard who used to go strip clubs for black women to exploit, and call him "based" for killing 9 kind, elderly black people in a church who welcomed him? It's because all of those pathetic subhumans are too weak and cowardly to do anything about anyone who's actually violent. They're deathly terrified of anyone as fucked up as them or worse. It'll always be easier to prey on the naive and good-hearted, then cry that they're actually the good guys.

No. 432415

White "supremacy" was never about loving and protecting white people. it's always been a death cult.

No. 432420

people with my skin color and darker suffer in this world inherently based off that i am so tired of everyone trying to police the most oppressed and gaslight us into saying we have it good and shouldnt complain just because some of us are freer than others. Meanwhile no fucking race can talk about their own unique oppression uwu without mentioning black people and our talking points and ideologies as an example. WHY IS THAT!? WE ALL KNOW FUCKING WHY!! EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD BENEFITS OFF THE LABOR OF BLACK WOMEN AND GIRLS AND UNTIL EVERYONE SEES THE HUMANITY IN BLACK WOMEN AND GIRLS NO ONE WILL BE FREE. DEBATE THE FUCKING WALL YOU RACIST TROGLODYTES.(emoji)

No. 432431

File (hide): 1727114628342.png (2.22 MB, 1004x1346, 8.png)

LEGIT everyone is obsessed with us please nonnies don't be naive to assume it's just white people its EVERYONE nonblack. I can't wait for the sun to get brighter and hotter and burn and poision all these racist pale creatures. It makes me so happy seeing people abuse bleaching and being obsessed with being as white as a4 paper. yes make your skin vulnerable to the UVs. The Sun is God she sees everything and she will get her lick back.(alogging)

No. 432435

my guess is because white on black murders are so rare they see it as evening the score. lets be honest, our race has a bad rep all because of black scrotes. remove black moids and you remove 99% of the problem.

No. 432441>>432442>>432462

File (hide): 1727117057961.jpg (17.71 KB, 400x400, 20230504_134415.jpg)

Anons I wish you all wouldn't get so wound up about nonblacks and their obsession with us. Being a black woman is tough but let's try and keep things positive for the mental health of us all here okay?

No. 432442>>432458>>432460>>432464>>432549>>432673>>434683

File (hide): 1727117109834.jpg (430.13 KB, 2048x1237, 20230410_215258.jpg)

Having said that what's everybody's favorite black anime character?

No. 432458

File (hide): 1727122699435.jpg (103.93 KB, 959x959, 1c2cb63a70f9401d13529cfdc3a5c6…)

Choi Mochimazzi!

No. 432460

Samefag, this is really cute fan art nonna

No. 432462

So right nonna. I’ve stopped caring a long time ago, everyone and everyone always has black women in their mouth, black men too kek. Let us just be us and put ourselves first.

No. 432464

File (hide): 1727123404867.jpeg (96.47 KB, 1200x1055, IMG_8576.jpeg)

Carole from Carole&Tuesday!

No. 432549>>432736

File (hide): 1727148489657.jpeg (66.3 KB, 894x894, IMG_0796.jpeg)

Racism is a delusional disorder. If you really didn’t like someone, you would just avoid them instead of agitating them and mimicking them online. For example, I don’t like frat boys, I always avoid them at school. I’m not harassing them or putting them down or anything like that. I go my way and so do they.

As Toni Morrison once said, racism is a distraction. Racists try to get you to waste your time proving your humanity over and over agin. Take that energy you would on smacking them down and refocus it onto yourself. Log off, pick up a hobby, read something new, talk to an old friend - your world gets better when you focus on what is truly important to you

Can I bring up this classic character, Michiko Malandro?

No. 432673>>432750

File (hide): 1727197885875.jpg (43.35 KB, 595x595, 1000016011.jpg)

I love canary, she's so cute

No. 432736

I never understood that either. Non-blacks are absolutely obsessed with us. Why? When I hate something I try and avoid it. But nope, non-black people have a psychosexual obsession with us and cannot keep us out of their heads or mouths. We dont even have to do anything except exist and the seething immediately starts. Whites claim we are obsessed with white people and hate them and want to be them but I don't even think about white people on a day to day basis. Meanwhile just my presense makes rednecks, Karens, teenage boys and other non-blacks seethe with anger. It's so mentally unwell, I hope they get better soon.

No. 432750

Honestly one of my favourite depictions of a black girl in anime, the artist made her so cute!

No. 432934>>432969>>433105>>433109>>433353

This is really strange but I really like it when people talk about how transphobic bw are. Like, aw shucks, I really do try! smiley face. It makes me happy that our hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

No. 432946

Idk what u want me to do about that.

No. 432948>>432977

has racism and sexism combined made anyone else indifferent to human extinction?

No. 432969>>432971>>433106>>433117>>433210

There are some feminism takes on sex based discrimination are perceived as transphobic that I agree with but I don’t like the idea of black women ‘punching down’ on a demographic who are more marginalized just to feel like an oppressor for a change.

No. 432971

Mostly white males in skirts are not more marginalized than black women.

No. 432977

yes but humans wont go extinct the nastiest and trashiest most sociopathic people will continue to breed and multiply

No. 432998>>433011>>433012

Have you ever wanted to change your race? Sometimes I hate being black.(bait)

No. 433011

Yes. I know I would have lived on tutorial mode if I'd been a 6/10 white girl.

No. 433012

No. But I do hate humanity for treating blackness like a bad thing.

No. 433105

Me too, it’s one thing black women don’t mammy for and for some ladies, it’s the thing that breaks the SJW spell for them. I hope more BW and women in general have strong boundaries. I love it when trannies slip up and show their true 4chan faces

No. 433106

If you hear what the average tranny thinks about the BW, you will change your mind. They are literally incapable of perceiving women as human, otherwise they wouldn’t be trans

No. 433109

I find it darkly humorous when people call us homophobic for not immediately having sex with bisexual men. Everyone is allowed to have their preferences and be loud and rude about excluding us but when we’re cautious in romance, it’s seen as an attack. Knowing how violent these DL men can get, I’d rather be alive and “bigoted” then beaten and raped and murdered

No. 433117>>433196>>433214>>433269

File (hide): 1727340748823.jpg (98.94 KB, 1080x553, FfDxkUAXoAEJSR4.jpg)

>a demographic who are more marginalized
Kek. You haven't had much exposure to those people or heard what they say about us. They are not more marginalized than us. A man does not put on a skirt and face more struggle than a black woman in life, sorry. They themselves are acutely aware of this and love trying to use black women as a footstool. They do not feel allyship with you or look up to you except in the sense that they're envious of your status as an oppressed woman and will try to make you suffer for it, demand your service and attempt to skin-walk you, all at different points. Outbursts like pic related are common, trans Nazis are common, derisive comments casually made about black women are extremely easy to find. There are white trannies seething that a straight man will date a black woman, but not them, and black trannies like Laverne Cox blaming black women for black men not wanting to sleep with them and "claim" them openly. You genuinely have to hate yourself and be the most insecure being alive to support trannies after actually listening to them about black women for 5 minutes, and that's still ignoring their male crime patterns and insanely high rates of sex offense.

No. 433196>>433204>>433210>>433217

Posting a deranged tweet belonging to someone who happens to be trans has not convinced me to become a transphobe. How does openly being bigoted benefit you?

No. 433204

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That's what the entire community accepts and tolerates, and nobody checks them. There are a ridiculous number of examples of this behavior, and it's considered acceptable in their safe spaces. If anti-black racism is fine by you, feel free to check out some literature and quotes by powerful, respected trans figures like Alok Vai and Andrea Long-Chu, as well as the support from the trans community, just to figure out what else you're fine with when the speaker insists they're oppressed and marginalized.
I do wonder why you ended up on this site if you're a handmaiden, but if you're an actual woman, you'll just learn the same way everyone else did.
Anyway, to bring it back to black women, I'm glad I stopped muling for other groups' causes. I've noticed that people respect you more when they sense that you aren't some kind of weird savior/martyr complex type and that they can't pull the wool over your eyes. I'll always advocate for keeping the same energy others give us.

No. 433210>>433275

Where the fuck do you retards come from

No. 433214

These fucking AIDS magnets writing up ragebait about black women while they die of suicide and murder at high rates is laughable. Karma for insufferable faggots

No. 433217

Take a minute to think about what the "incel to trans" pipeline actually implies.

No. 433269>>433275

Based troon.(racebait)

No. 433275>>433295

File (hide): 1727387913746.png (619.2 KB, 621x624, Screenshot 2024-09-26 165444.p…)

theyre literally bait idk how you guys dont see this
>>433269 this fuck is probably the same one saying "im not twansphobic" to keep baiting. just report idiots and farmhands will literally remove them. This site is literally known as the transphobic terf site to anyone who could stumble into it nowadays. And if they don't see the neon signs they'll eventually show their tranny kissing ass and get banned.

In other news I want to personally thank rihanna's brand for creating the perfect shade match for my skin tone, literally every other brand is either too dark,light, or reddish to match my skin tone but 350c is somehow the magic formula and it covers everything! So if anyone is struggling finding a good concealer that doesn't turn us micheal jacksonish i really recommend "Soft'Lit Naturally Luminous Hydrating Longwear Concealer/Foundation"

No. 433293

File (hide): 1727393217282.jpeg (19.96 KB, 622x626, Low-quailty-bait.jpeg)

You complain "Black people love to cry and never solve their problems" and then you continue to saying cultures mixing "solved" our problems, as if it's something to be proud about KEK. This is just pathetic rambling.

No. 433295

Im finally gonna buy Fenty off your recommendation anon. I have the same exact issue, I'm super yellow and I find it hard to find a foundation with the right undertone.

No. 433308

you were raised in the suburbs werent you? adopted by an all white family?

No. 433315>>433316

i dont usually like to bash other blacks much because it feeds into white supremacy but god damn i am so disgusted by black men after all this diddy shit has came out. the lack of integrity bm have is vile. they will literally do anything for a dollar and its so fucked up. i remember almost 10 years ago reading rumors on LSA that 3/4 of the members of b2k are gay and one was even caught in bed with a tranny and that diddy was sexually abusing them. i remember black women being the only ones to speak up about chris stokes molesting and raping marques houston, quindon tarver, demario thornton etc. the way other bm dickride and worship any nigga with money is so lame. bw always know the truth first, i swear, even about non-black issues. and we cape so hard for bm even though theyre all DL and fucking each other then giving us stds. and thats not even taking into account how often they beat, rape and murder us. its so tiresome. how did we roll so bad getting black men as our partners, they think muh dick is enough to compensate for their endless shittiness.

No. 433316>>433317

>god damn i am so disgusted by black men after all this diddy shit has came out
you think Diddy is representative of black men? He was widely seen as a weirdo even in the 90's. He also almost certainly set up Tupac for that robbery (although it sounds like he was in the right to do so)

No. 433317>>433319>>433330

all men with money or power get corrupted but black men are the worst for it. if you offer a black man a few g he will do anything for that money even sell his own asshole. and all black men who go to jail come out as faggots but their wives gfs and baby mamas still continue caping and having sex with them. then we wonder why bw have the worst std rates in the usa. bm have destroyed us and it makes me want to puke. i get that both bw and bm are suffering from centuries long intergenerational trauma, but as bw we are always beat down worst for it even by bm who are supposed to be our counterparts.

No. 433319>>433325>>433334

also the fact that pretty much 99% of bm look up to rappers as their idols and father figures despite those same bm rappers being rapists, pedos, women abusers, misogynists, fags and anally loose etc just is so comical to me. these zesty sellout gay black men who hate women really are really our idea of peak masculinity hmm? no wonder the black comm is such a mess.

No. 433322>>433328>>433362

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and i swear bm are the only men who openly brag about ditching women as single moms and use us having their babies as a weapon against bw. they tell us 'now no other man will want you' and '3 kids, a little too late for you now' bragging that they've tanked our romantic option and marked us as 'theirs'. it's disgusting. even if other races of men share these sentiments i dont think ive seen anyone except bm openly weaponize motherhood and childbirth against us the way bm do all the time. there was that tiktok of that one dumb white lady who exposed her black ex for saying 'who's gonna want a single mom of two black kids now?' makes my skin crawl, god.

No. 433325>>433331

They always deflect this by talking about how sexy redd and cardi b are ruining black women, but when you see black women irl, they just listen to music and go, i barely see women en masse looking up to these women as mother figures. Even the militant stans don't really seek to copy every aspect of their behaviour. Plus, there's the all too common phenomenon of female rappers completely abandoning their careers because they are ashamed of the image they created for themselves, particularly the ones from the 90s-early 2000s era. Men can never have as much self reflection and if they do, it takes them going to jail for shit like racketeering for them to do so.

No. 433328

Maybe the migos needs another one of their members to have their roblox accounts permanently deactivated.

No. 433330>>433332

>all men with money or power get corrupted but black men are the worst for it
That's what I'm trying to say, Diddy was always bad. He wasn't corrupted by power/wealth, he was a born predator
If Biggie had lived, can you imagine him ever having done something like what Diddy is accused of? Hell no

No. 433331

bw really have no need to look up to random ass celebrities as parental figures because most bw have strong mothers already. all the people screeching 'YAS MOTHER' on twitter are mostly gay white moids. men on the other hand get absolutely mindbroken by fatherlessness and start to idolize any fucking random male bum who speaks with a slightly authoritative tone. i used to witness it myself with my ex, he would pretty much idolize any middle aged man who gave him the time of day and it was the weirdest fucking thing ever. someone in another thread said narcs like tate (also a product of a bum black father) are hurt little boys chasing their fathers unobtainable love forever while hating and resenting their mothers for no reason. now multiply that by the millions in the african-american community and no wonder it's so fucked up. fatherless men are also much more likely to be into gay shit and seeking out father figures through sexual partners so im not surprised in the least we have th most DL men of any race (whites are catching up too now due to their rising single motherhood households, hence the obsession with trap porn and all that shit) im not even blaming the single moms the fault is the men who impregnate women then bounce. white men think its cool to emulate loser and bum black men and think that shit is alpha behavior. hell no, its just a race to the bottom.

No. 433332

well lets just say im not surprised a wealthy authority figure like diddy managed to devour so many fatherless black moids in the industry. like i said bm are mentally fragile as hell, will do anything for a dollar and a crumb of validation from an older black male parental figure, especially one with prestige and money. i see the way normal black men talk to older niggas with money or status and they literally turn into shy giggly fawning schoolgirls around these niggas.

No. 433333

I hate Diddy so much and always have, he reminds me of DL men and sexual predators I've met before, they all have that same whack, weirdo, compensating persona. You can just always feel when that type of evil is in front of you.

No. 433334>>433339

>these zesty sellout gay black men
This reminds me of Meek Mill saying leaving your cell mate is like loosing a chick.

No. 433339

mill has always been the zestiest of the zesty lmao
poor nicki i hope she didnt catch anything from that nasty dick

No. 433353>>433356

I personally like that I make people seethe by existing idk if it’s just me maybe I’m mentally ill but it gives me a self esteem boost knowing that I could look bummy as hell in a room full of beautiful girls but everyone is going to pay attention to me simply because I’m black.

It isn’t lost on me that the nonblax came crawling out after you said that. Nothing worse in the world than a bw that outright refuses to mule lol. The concept is just so upsetting that it made them come out from hiding I’m dead

No. 433356

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Literally, we have weird non-blacks and trannies stalking this thread, foaming at the mouth and calling eachother "based" for going psycho. I kind of hope they keep showing their true colors and proving us right. The few remaining black women who defend them will be freed from their bleeding hearts, and everyone else will stop wondering why we avoid and dismiss them kekkkk

No. 433362>>433478

Cardi isn't black this has nothing to do with us lol

No. 433478>>433481>>433501

how would you feel if an African girl tried to say that we weren't really black?

No. 433481>>433490

Wouldn't care. Cardi isn't black next question

No. 433490

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No. 433501

NTA but shut up, even she doesn't see herself as black, kek.

No. 433576>>433586

Ever have family members try to shame you into financially supporting them?

No. 433586>>433689

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perfect timing anon, my parents just coerced my sister to call me to send my uncle in Africa some money because he has prostate cancer and mental health issues. They always do shit like that, wanting me to waste my money on some family member i barely know. He will probably die anyways and i bought a candle right after that call for $40. Even if i knew them, tbh i still wouldn't spend money on anyone for whatever reason because i don't believe anybody would do it for me and because i am not doing out of the kindness of my heart, i am being bullied into it.

No. 433589>>433608>>433639>>433645>>433677>>433685

I wish it was easier for black women to find lasting romantic relationships with quality men. Even if you're attractive and white or Asian, it's still difficult. Now imagine being a black woman doing this and its literally nightmare mode. Even the most famous and beautiful black women who have high standards seem to get played or fucked around constantly by awful men.

No. 433594

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No. 433608

>Now imagine being a black woman doing this and it’s literally nightmare mode.
It’s all about mindset really. I focus on living my best single life because I want to maintain an abundance mentality when it comes to dating. There are plenty of great men out there but I can’t be bothered doing dating again.

No. 433639

Quit whining. Go 4b

No. 433645>>433646

Never settle and don’t waste time on those who seem confused, it has to an enthusiastic yes , otherwise it’s a no or just someone who wants to waste your time and have an “exotic” experience (ew).
Dating as a minority is always going to be hard when you live in a predominantly white country, surrounded by people who don’t look like you.

No. 433646

Don’t accept the first randos who treat you half decently and don’t wallow in self pity, it’s pathetic. You’re black and worthy of good.

No. 433677

Theoretically speaking, you could do all the ‘putting yourself out there’ and self improvementmaxxing you want and still be single at the end of that process. For your own mental health l, decenter men.

No. 433685

I wish black women have happy lives and don’t depend on men for their happiness. Fuck off with that shit

No. 433689

You're so right anon. I felt guilty and a shitty person for not giving money so next time my mom asks I'm just gonna ignore. Why would I send money to some person I don't even know just because they're blood related

No. 433717>>433718

Is anyone familiar with Exoticals United? I saw her mentioned in these threads some time ago. She's becoming cow-tier to me. I kind of want to post about her in the personal cows thread, but I'm scared she'll purge her channel and delete everything, and I'm not entirely convinced most non-black people can comprehend this particular brand of racial schizophrenia.
>makes an entire channel talking about being biracial/racially ambiguous (ie an "exotical") and how jealous dark-skinned black women bullied and mistreated her all her life
>mocks dark-skinned black women for wearing wigs/weaves, uses unflattering photos in her slideshows to represent them, accuses them of bleaching their skin (with special accusations launched against a YouTuber named Paris Milan), insists mixed women are the beauty standard of the entire black community, etc
>makes "life guru" style videos on decentering men (bit contradictory since most of her talking points re: race are about desirability politics and male attention), storytimes about "life as an exotical", celebrity gossip, etc
>has a special dislike for a black female YouTuber named Chrissie and gets into drama with her
>all her talk about dark-skinned black women gets her negative attention from LSA, including some mixed users who find her questionable
>she mocks LSA users at first (never addressing the mixed users, only the ones she assumes to be black), then she starts watering down what she defines as "exotical" from being visibly mixed or very light-skinned to just having 25% non-black ancestry, or being fully black, having medium brown (or even dark) skin and occasionally being asked if you're mixed (eg she started describing Megan Thee Stallion and women from certain African countries as "exotical")
>seemingly out of nowhere, she also starts to soften her comments on skin bleaching, wigs/weaves and talk about liking the look of synthetic hair, having different skin bleaching products in her arsenal to "get rid of tans" and claims that "exoticals like her" see no problem with "maintaining their light skin" and "leveling up their beauty", etc
>her rationalization for this is that it's "okay" for anyone to do those things as long as they "pay their exotical tax"
>some users on LSA smell a rat and start trying to doxx her
>she continues to mock LSA, but doesn't address the doxxing attempts except to say that she'll never confirm or deny anything
>makes a few more videos on "colorism crybabies" and sells courses on "dark femininity"
>after a couple of faildoxxes, LSA end up finding her
>she's a dark-skinned, black-passing woman named Artonique Nelson who now calls herself "Blaxican Baddie" (her mother is mixed race, while her father is black - before she underwent some changes to her appearance she looked like Keke Palmer with slightly darker skin)
>she's confirmed to have been bleaching her skin for a few years when comparing new photos with old modelling ones, and she always wore weaves or wigs
>all doubt that the dox is real are removed after they find out she runs/ran at least two other channels (one on Shein clothing reviews, and an older one on being Christian and married to an Asian man, who she divorced at some point, vidrel is a clip from her old Christian channel), she was featured on the news a couple of times as a reporter, and her voice and certain life details (modelling in the past, height, university) are the exact same as the EU channel
>some biracial YouTubers start discussing the dox and how she's been claiming to be one of them for her inflammatory talking points, one YouTuber who she's openly admitted knows her real name and life confirms the dox is real, and another says she once joined one of their streams to ask if she "counts" as light-skinned and sent them her face (something they say they've never seen an actual biracial person ask)
>around the same time, EU posts an AI generated recording of Chrissie bashing biracial women and claiming they should be murdered and raped, says that it was "hidden behind her (Chrissie's) paywall" and begins attacking black women, calling them "nappy-headed", saying "There's nothing for you here if you are 100% black, the world is our oyster as exoticals" and other unhinged shit
>she makes another video claiming the dox is fake and accuses Chrissie of being the ringleader, calls the mixed YouTubers who were talking about and confirming the dox's validity "white supremacist biracials" and says "unambiguous black women" are just fat and jealous because "the exoticals are finally speaking out"
>Chrissie strikes down the video of the audio clip EU posted, makes a video calling her out on lying about her ancestry/appearance and says this is just another example of what dark-skinned black women face for holding colorists accountable
>EU posts multiple videos in a row spiralling about the whole mess, and then one more video with herself as the thumbnail with the title "They're Hating On You Because You're a STAR"

No. 433718>>433725

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This is her prior to bleaching, back when she appeared in her HBCU's fashion shows.

No. 433725>>433727

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And this is her now. It's not lost on me that in her "They're Hating On You Because You're a STAR" video on the EU channel, she makes sure to only use photos/videos of herself from after her divorce and skin bleaching.
Learning more about her and her life (she grew up somewhere with a very low black population and got bullied, her dad was in jail, etc) I kind of feel bad for her, but she's honestly been very vile toward women of her own natural skintone/phenotype, and IMO it's wrong for her to pass her own specific issues off as the "biracial/exotical experience" when she's not that. It's clear to me now that all the insane, verbally abusive things she said about fully black women were projections of her own self hatred.

No. 433726>>433729>>433732>>433917

what does /bgg/ think of lipstick alley? i used to go there all the time but i remember in 2017 there were a bunch of "i'm a white male but…" posts so i slowly stopped

No. 433727

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On her Flickr account from 2012 with more old photos of her, she titled herself things like "Indian Queen", and on an old ask.fm people found, there are some obvious self-sent questions saying things like "What's it like being light-skinned and beautiful?". She was never ugly, but I think she was always mentally ill and hung up on looking like her mother/avoiding her blackness.

No. 433728>>433746>>433852>>433860>>433882>>434934

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i love hair grease. My headcanon is the only reason why grease stopped being a staple and started to be ridiculed is because biracials with looser textured hair started to become the face of the natural hair movement and i don't think grease work's as good on their hair. (correct me if im wrong biracial nonnies). So far Grease has been the only thing to combat my shrinkage, maintain my texture, moisturize my hair and get rid of my dandruff. I still use leave ins but I started adding grease as the final sealant and my hair really enjoys it. I will say you will become a grease ball but no one is touching my hair but me so i really dgaf and honestly I think it helps with nail growth over time anyway. If you have 4c high porosity hair and are struggling to maintain moisture try adding grease. People also say it's impossible to wash out but all you need is a clarifying shampoo. If you are scared of clarifying shampoos make sure you deep condition to get the moisture back. More than anything though grease is cheap af in this struggling economy and we won't ever have to worry about others gentrifying it because it is so damn greasy lol. I hope more black owned hair companies start researching more about grease and coming out with their own lines.

No. 433729>>433917

I heard they had a white male from 4chan as a mod.

No. 433732>>433917

it's filled with trannies, white dudes and self haters. it used to be ok but now it's just diaapora wars and retardation. even the celebrity threads are ass now, so not worth the headache to scroll.

On another note does anyone else listen to Alexias(prettyweirdgorl from tiktok) podcast? I feel like every episode she gets closer to being based but her lefty audience holds her back from showing her real opinions.

No. 433746>>433749

i don't like laying my head on something and leaving behind stains, which is why i won't ever go back to grease. i also like to reach back there and give my puff a big squeeze because it's huge and feeling it all soft and cloudy beneath my fingers is relaxing. if it's greasy then i'm messing up my hands for nothing

No. 433749

Nta, but I use a small towel on my pillow, it prevents grease stains

No. 433852

I have 3c hair, but i feel like a tiny bit of grease can be nice to tame flyaways, but the thing that actually turned me away from it was that i am convinced that grease was giving me scalp acne. it also gave me breakouts in the temple area, i hated it so much.

No. 433860

My hair is so dry I can put straight up grease/oil on it and my hair just soaks it up and drinks it, after a couple hours it wont leave any stain on my pillow. Unfortunately its still very dry despite me putting everything from jojoba to tallow to mayonnaise treatments to olive oil to castor oil on it. The only thing that really softens my hair is keratin treatments and a shit ton of olaplex.

No. 433882

I don’t really know if 4a is considered having biracial hair but as a biracial my hair is just too low porosity for grease. It makes the hair feel nice but it’s super hard to clean out the hair.

No. 433917>>433940>>433997>>434082>>434100>>434177>>434240

that whole website is poisoned, you can literally feel your brain cells disappearing if you spend too much time on it. Good gossip has been dead for a decade and it's full of the bots. It's literally just stormfront 2.0, if it falls everyone will claim its because black women are so evil and cruel when they have thpusands of insane swifites and mini david dukes. Fuck that site. i wish it was wiped off the internet.

No. 433940>>433997>>434100

i love lsa but nowadays its absolutely full to the brim with stormfront fags and gay moids larping as women

No. 433997

That's why it's best to touch grass

No. 434082>>434100

Honestly I loved the old LSA. Such hilarious comments on news stories and celeb gossip, and always the first with the tea on scandals and insider dirt. Shame it got totally co-opted by whites and men and now is boring as hell.

No. 434100

sad but true sigh…i’ve been staying off lsa more and more this past year and only occasionally posting and my happiness has slightly increased (still have other shit going on) i can’t stay on there for too long but there are still some gems here and there

No. 434124>>434168>>434175>>434243

the presumption of innocence that other races are afforded compared to us is so wild to me. at my college there was one white girl who slept with multiple male profs for better grades, cheated on all her tests, even stole laptops from the fucking school lmao and yet everyone thought she was an adorable sweetie pie because she was a pretty whitebread girl. there was another girl who was asian and fucked almost every dude in our class, was a total bitch to nearly every other woman in the vicinity and would constantly gossip and spread rumors and harass people, and people would always remark about how innocent and pure seeming she was. meanwhile when you're a black woman eveyrone presumes you're fast, promiscuous, only there by cheating or scholarship etc, imagine if a black woman did this kind of shit while at college everyone would be calling her ghetto and trash.

No. 434132

I feel this way except in the opposite direction. When I used to take the train and had to sit behind black women I always felt disgust when I saw their “hair” close up. It looks like burnt pubes. Idk why you guys don’t just take the Sudanese model pill and just shave it off.(racebait)

No. 434168>>434175

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Yeah, it’s crazy how people get treated so differently based on race, even when they're doing the exact same stuff. White girls or even Asian girls can get away with things and still be seen as sweet or innocent, while Black women are instantly judged and labeled in the worst ways. It’s like we don’t even get the chance to mess up without being harshly criticized, while others get a free pass just because of how they look. The double standard is exhausting and so unfair.

No. 434175>>434178

My experience has been different. I get handled with kid gloves by all races tbh.

No. 434177

The only board that’s actually spilling tea and gossip is the conspiracy board, that’s probably where most of the old fonts started moving to gossip because there’s mostly celebrity threads on that board kek

No. 434178

Lucky you, but you are the exception

No. 434194

LSA is badly moderated, the mods have a clear bias towards some celebrities/topics. I used to enjoy how some sections of the site felt like different sites all together. Now i hate it because there are a lot of parts that are breeding grounds for white people/racists and pick me's/self haters. Plus there's whole sections for topics, but they insist on running everywhere.
Conspiracy fags don't stay in conspiracy alley, the freaks who want to talk about childern looks can't stay out of the main threads to go
>Ha ha she going in that thread!
Also the stans and stan wars are fucking annoying.

No. 434221>>434235

Anyone experience cattiness at work from non-black poc gay men? I don’t know what’s their deal?

No. 434235

definitely yes. gay white men love pretending to be us and think we're hilarious silly little caricatures. they want to film everything they do like we were a wildlife documentary because they just find it SO hilarious. non-black gay poc want nothing to do with us but worship campy blonde women like sabrina carpenter and gaga.

No. 434240>>434284

I hate that people pretend to be something they’re not, why can’t black women or black people have their own spaces? You can engage or lurk, but you have to be a special kind of weird person to larp as another race and spew false things about said race.

No. 434243

No matter what race, good looking or not. At the end of the day trash is trash and they sound insufferable. People who get to see their true colors, will u-turn immediately kek.

No. 434265>>434306

Finding out nearly every famous black man is DL and sold his ass for fame is fucking with me. I wonder if racism and anti-gay sentiment is going to increase now.

No. 434284>>434288

agreed that it's fucked, but I don't know if it's really possible to have your own spaces in an online environment.
Why does lolcow have so many larping moids? Because moids are fascinated by women. Why does the black girl thread have so many larping non blacks? Because non blacks are fascinated with black people

No. 434288>>434289>>434309

To be fair there's a lot of black women that lurk white/male spaces too.

No. 434289

I don't think any black women larp as moids or as white girls, though

No. 434306

We’re already in a conservative backlash (re: abortion and police brutality). I full expect all those vile conservatives to use this as an excuse for greater violence and surveillance. Jim Crow 2.0, thanks to DL freaks

No. 434309

I lurk white males spaces*,not because I want to larp as a white male, but because most of my work/hobbies just happen to have a lot of white guys. I like metal, so do a lot of white guys. The average fan of metal music is a white guy. I don’t really expect anything unusual about that.

I just hate it when people presume I must exclusively love rap and I must be some kind of “Oreo” for hating its mainstream misogyny. Say what you will about metal, it’s not mainstream and people don’t feel shame or fear when critiquing it’s culture. Also, there’s way more white guys in America than there are black women in total in America. Sometimes it’s a number game.

*Also early internet spaces were mostly white male by default, because they were the first group to have access and thus set the cultural standards in nerdy/online spaces in general

No. 434352>>434354

Unpopular opinion: I unironically defend black male and non-black female couples against racism.

No. 434354>>434355

It's weird to defend any couples but the ones you're in, anon

No. 434355>>434356>>434383>>434385>>434397>>440155

I was the product of BMWF

No. 434356

Being biracial kind of explains it, but it's still weird to defend or project onto random couples (or people in general) just because they're the same race as your parents. We truly don't know anyone's story or dynamic.

No. 434383>>434397

a ton of black people are. i dont know why kids of mixed couples get erased. maybe they assimilate more to the white side idk.

No. 434385

Aren’t you all lol

No. 434397>>434478

Half black people aren’t black. It’s ok to make that distinction. And they aren’t being erased. They are being pushed quite heavily as the face of black girl and womanhood. >>434355 feels the need to defend ir couples because she knows she actually isn’t actually black. If she was she wouldn’t even care about anti race mixing people.

Anyways I don’t really wanna go back and forth about this so we’ll have to agree to disagree.

No. 434478

NTA but what do you mean black people wouldn't care about anti-racemixing people? Black people can date outside of their race…of course we would care.

No. 434651>>434653

Does anyone actually believe twerking is a spiritual practice that releases trauma stored in the hips? I get becoming more comfortable and connected to your body, but come on it’s a mating dance. Having female rappers constantly perform a mating dance makes sense though sadly.

No. 434653

no, that was stupid tumblr propaganda piece to promote degeneracy. I wish it never existed

No. 434683

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Nobody mentioning dorothy? Weeb jail. All of you.

No. 434695>>434754

LSA trending got me so mad asking why isnt there a black Sabrina Carpenter as if Chloe and Halle didnt exist doing the same cringey sexual lyrics and trying to give sex kitten to dispel their childhood images. It's really ugly how blatant antiblackness is in the black community and how much black people go up for literally everybody nonblack if they are women and let them get away with being sexual and coming up with lyrics about BBC but let Meg the Stallion do a rap or Normani sing something and we have to talk about the state of black womanhood all while lauding nonblack women who perform sexuality in the exact same sexually explicit way. THe hypocrisy is so blatant. They dont hate female sexuality they just hate it on black women.

No. 434754

Chloe and Halle, for example, get dragged for shedding their child star image, while non-Black women are applauded for doing the same thing. Even within our community, people uplift non-Black women while tearing down Black women for the exact same things. It’s like we’re in a no-win situation . This is why we need to keep away/divest and keep our distance from these kinds of people

No. 434819>>434825>>434856

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The absolute state of LSA

No. 434825>>434853

this statement is 100% true(are you lost)

No. 434828>>434851>>434855

Let us all remember when the goat tore this white bitch up for free. Amen.

No. 434851

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I'm not involved in any politics here, but Jasmine Crockett's actually cute, and sorry, but MTG looks like a crypt-keeper. I can see why the latter would be malding about another woman's appearance, but it was dumb of her to say that out loud and then complain when it got thrown back in her face, kek.

No. 434853

No it isn’t we don’t whiteknight men here. Fuck off

No. 434855>>434857>>434858>>435480

This video is so fucking incomprehensible what is with black people always turning some normal shit into some rap music video??? I couldn’t even here what the black woman was saying, so annoying

No. 434856

Untrue. It doesn't happen nearly enough. Imagine how much better the world would be for women if we dunked on scrotes rather than each other.

No. 434857

It's just poor editing. Relax

No. 434858

I thought the same thing, then instead of getting mad, I just looked up the original video lol

No. 434934>>435441

Finally, someone brings this up. I agree 1000%. I cut all my relaxed hair off in January, and stopped using all heat around July. I've since been jumping around to all different types of products from gels, to mousse's, to butters, and truth be told out of everything I've tried, nothing quite quenches my curls like the greases do. Blue Magic, Du grow?, and Indian Hemp are my absolute favorites. Usually even just a little indian hemp grease keeps my ends moisturized perfectly. Dax is good too. I think the key is to just not go overboard, and focus on the ends. I've also found that misting my hair before styling makes dealing with it 20x easier, and that washing 1 to 2 times a week also makes my hair grow noticeably faster. Clean scalp is everything in terms of growth.

I've never had the pillowcase grease issue, but it could be because I wrap my hair every night before I sleep, and in terms of difficulty washing it out, as another said, a clarifying shampoo gets it all out just fine!

No. 435441

You get it nona!! I second the washing your hair frequently. When I first went natural I washed my hair up to 3x a week when I was really on my shit and my hair never grew faster! It wasn’t until i started listening to people who don’t know shit saying that cowashing is fine (it’s not you need shampoo otherwise you’re not cleaning your scalp just moisturizing dirty hair ). I’m back to always washing with shampoo and deep conditioning. If you deep condition you never need to worry about shampoo stripping your hair.I am definitely going to look into the Indian hemp grease thank you and good luck on your natural hair journey

No. 435453

Thoughts on Jae Stephens?

No. 435479>>435484>>435522>>435530>>435535>>435725

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Saw this in another thread and the sad part is, I can't tell if this is a racist white girl or an internet brainrotted black girl. Black academics must pay for their crimes. A lot of them are miserable ivory tower people who intellectualized the misery. This isn't counting people like angela davis but fat activists who brand themselves as academics on twitter and now get 3 likes per post etc

No. 435480>>435524

"What is with black people memeing with the genre of music they created"

Lets ignore the fact that the most popular hip hop remixes of newsworthy moments were all made by white men. But I guess that's ok to you, Candance Owens.

No. 435484

that's clearly bait. But i understand what you are referring to. I hate a lot of intellectual black women. Mainly the one's with tik tok accounts. They are so self loathing and their low self esteem is so palpable and embarrassing. Even me, who grew up "not pretty" knew it had nothing to do with my blackness and everything to do with my crooked teeth. I was blessed to be surrounded by beautiful black women who were constantly being stopped on the street by men of ALL races. My mom would literally have to flaunt her wedding ring and guys would still say they'll get her another one.White guys loved my mom actually but she thought white men were ugly kek. When i had a white best friend my self esteem was at my lowest when she only would take me to predominately white barsin racist all white towns. As soon as we started going to the city we got hit on equally.

I blame the suburbs I got booed last thread I believe for saying i hate suburban black folk and was told I was just a jealous ghetto uneducated hood rat. But the thing is I lived in both suburbs and urban areas and its night and day how black people from the suburbs vs urban areas act. Suburban blacks are often raised by their hassadity parents who think giving their kids insane trauma by taking them to all white schools is productive because "hur dur education". Meanwhile, Like you said all they do is get advanced degrees intellectualizing their low self esteem and making it EVERY black woman's plight. Say what you want about urban black people but they are much more confident in their identity and don't even look to white women trends or even feel threatened by them. Surburban black women always got white women in their mouth in a way urban black women do not. Imagine feeling threatened by other races of women when we are literally who they turn to for femininity advice even if they don't want to admit it.

No. 435506

it is not
>Depp was a victim and white and male! we have to protect him at all cost
it is
>he is a black person, we should better stay away from this case to not say something "racist", to not provoke le evil racists being vocal
for sure we are living on different planets

No. 435522>>435526>>435531

>a racist white girl or an internet brainrotted black girl
maybe its just someone with eyes and who has been blackpilled by the reality of life. even the us has a caste system in terms of immigration, allowing mixed latinos/chicanos, punjabis and east asians to come here more than haitians and other dark skinned africans. the entire world is based on one big skin color caste.

No. 435524

It’s the same obsessed troll as always, like above, responding to 3 week old posts to say cringe like ‘people are afraid of being called racist if they denounce diddy’, getting worked up over posts barely, offhandedly mentioning loyalty to white women and then literally seal clapping “where duh white wimmin at”. I don’t understand this slow person’s addiction to the thread but their lack of self awareness is becoming funny.

No. 435526>>435531>>435532

There’s a difference between racist concepts and the type of doomer brainrot ayrt is referring to. Those girls are equivalent to moids getting chad jaw implants or thinking women want millionaires because of street interviews. I could ‘catfish survey’ data to support those ideas but it’s autism that shouldn’t impact their lives and worldview the way it does.

No. 435530

I saw that poster, they had a couple of other posts that got deleted. It's a seething, ugly white woman with insecurities of her own trying to self-soothe. Men have really driven straight women crazy.

No. 435531

Adding to (my post) >>435526 the way they hold it as this hard truth but you get a different absolutist narrative every time you talk to a girl like that. Even their small dystopian guidelines aren’t cut and dry. Then at the end of the day, oh look you actually aren’t cursed to lose out on h0T mOiDz bc of your this and that etc. The studious political activist angle is 100% used to reinforce their run of the mill, sadgirl low self esteem.

No. 435532

You genuinely have to be mentally ill (and in 9/10 cases, a male with AGP) to catfish random men online and use that to not only craft your world view, but try to push it as fact lol

No. 435535>>435550

your life should be about one person to live under the same roof, healthy relation with family and some friends, not about
>i believe i belong to the prettiest people in the world so everyone on the streets want to fuck me
you should care about your close circle, and society has to be positive/neutral and "let you live", but you demand far more than "let everyone live without stigma"

No. 435546>>435605>>435673>>435722

black people who complain about non-blacks not wanting to date black people or not wanting their kids to are weird. you can't complain that "the world hates black people/dark skin/4c hair/everything black" and then do a surprised pickachu face when non-blacks do basic cost-benefit analysis for their offspring. like that's a no-brainer. kek. why would they want that for their kids or even extended family if you're always saying being black is so fucking hard. some SJWs wanna be the top alpha dogs and the underdogs at the same time. that's impossible, and anyone who thinks it isn't is delulu. other groups wanna be around success, not charity cases.

No. 435549

The last part is a lie. I've met plenty of urban black folks who believe this and often if they aren't like that, they are super colorist and self hating but it's dismissed because they "act black"

No. 435550

NTA. You're right. At the same time, the easiest bait to use on women online is
>you are ugly, men don't want to fuck you, you are so undesirable, and it's because of [insert trait you've had since you were born here] (the less changeable, the better)
Even if real life says something different lol. White men troll their own female counterparts all the time this way by bringing up Asian women and Latinas, Asian men do it to Asian women by bringing up white women, the list goes on. It works on all kinds of women, even with shit like hair colors, eye color, breast size, etc because they're all socialized to be neurotic and take men's opinions at face value, and some of them cope with it by trying to drag other women, or internalize it and start trying to spread it. The whole time, men are laughing and enjoying the fruits of all the negging (easy pickings from dumb women looking for validation, especially pretty ones who would've otherwise carried themselves with confidence).

No. 435605

And add to the fact that these black people are the most insane about their attraction to non-black people. It’s pointless talking tot hem and the only thing you can do is improve yourself and hang out only with enlightened people

No. 435673>>435715>>435765

How do you suggest a neurodivergent lesbian cope with the fact that the only spaces that did not feel outright hostile to me were predominantly white? Internalized racism and attraction to mostly white people is a result of my upbringing.

No. 435715

if that's the case, you're probably not in the "woe is me, everyone hates blacks" camp right?

No. 435722>>435886>>435964

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I feel like they're after pity fucks/charity relationships from non-blacks, and it makes my skin crawl, but I honestly don't care what they do besides finding them cringy and insufferable.
My biggest issue is their obsession with dragging other black women down. You can literally be minding your business, looking at hair tutorials, makeup, etc, and some psychotic self-hating commenters pop in with takes about the world hating 4C hair and dark skin, or derisive takes about what white people "must" be thinking (like we're supposed to give a fuck). I'm not talking about a simple/reasonable comment on how hard it is to find good products or something, but a very specific brand of self-hate I'm sure we've all seen. Their profiles are always either completely blank or it's someone fat/unattractive. And these people only ever do it on videos or photos of black women, never the men. Hmmmm.
It's not my fault you feel ugly and don't think you deserve to care for your appearance. Stop including every black woman in your chronicles of pain, stop making entire productions on preaching that blackness is hell/inherently ugly/whatever, stop trying to neg black women who are actually pretty out of your own spite. Even worse are pathetic black moids commenting "she looks like she only dates white men" on black women's photos. Faggots posting cuck shit and derailing any normal content they can find, they need to kill themselves.

No. 435725>>435964

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I appreciate that they tell you the truth. Too many people try to cover up their lies with rationalizations, at least they are brazen with their preferences, not enough are too courageous to say I rather date someone inside my own race just so they can seem cool, agreeable and likeable to the masses. I’m personally not really attracted to most if not all black men but I’m also not really interesting in dating anybody nor is it my life’s purpose to be in a relationship like most people so I don’t really care for non-black people’s approval. Yes, people of similar backgrounds are likely going to be together, this also applies to most black people it’s not racist to say it’s just fact. I don’t think dark skin is ugly though, many of my family members are dark-skinned (actually dark skinned not meme dark skin) and their skin is really impeccable because of the melanin. It actually looks really better when it comes to fashion and has more versatility unlike my skin, I would compliment it more but I know some nonnas would call me weird or a scrote for “fetishization” even though I’m also a black woman kek, whatever. I will admit though I’ve posted some negative things about black women because I wasn’t feeling good about myself but in general and how I objectively feel I’ve seen so many beautiful, gorgeous black women compared to those who are shilled because of the type of skin tone and hair color they have, it’s typical of them to look busted in the face because they prefer mediocrity with pink skin and thin hair over even a beautiful white woman of their own kind. It’s funny because a lot of women of different races think their features are unique to them which is why we will always get slapped with accusations of “asian-fishing” “eurocentric standards” just because they think beauty and style belongs to them when it’s purely false and in many cases the complete opposite. There’s something about us that creates hostility in other groups of people and I honestly wonder why but my existence and my beautiful features, and my sister’s beautiful features, and my mother’s beautiful features the features of the women in my race making people seethe is like drinking coffee in the morning, it makes me feel so warm and snug. Fuck these ugly piggies and seethe bitch

No. 435765

>black lesbian mostly attracted to white women
Is this common? I'm in the closet but almost exclusively attracted to darker skinned women.

No. 435886>>435945>>435964>>435967

Lazy women blame external factors (like race) for why they’re perceived as uggos. What I don’t get are 6/10 skinny black women posting anti-black content on social media. Are they hoping to become the next Candace Owens?

No. 435945

Probably, coonery can be very profitable. Maybe get some Koch bucks and you are set for life

No. 435964>>435965

Ok but let's not act like black women aren't shit on for their looks all the time be fr

No. 435965>>435966>>435968>>436060

I mean duh its called negging doesnt mean its fucking true. A lot of black women just surround themselves with people that look nothing like them and absorb all of their anti black views. It's literally embarrassing. Who gives a fuck if people that burn in the sun dont find you attractive. Why do you want to attract them to begin with!? Start there.

No. 435966

>Who gives a fuck if people that burn in the sun dont find you attractive.
LMFAOOOOO anon pls

No. 435967>>435969>>435970>>435994

>lazy women
You can continue to think being fat makes you “thick” while wearing hair that mimics every other race’s hair texture that isn’t your own, go off black barbie, go awhff kween mmmmmmmm you know it gorl!(racebaiting)

No. 435968>>435969

>Why would you ever want to attract them
Well for starts, they don’t look like monkeys like black men do. This is pure cope, black men are violent and hideous creatures and I will stand on that no matter how offensive it may be.(racebait)

No. 435969

White men look like monkeys, marsupials, rats, cryptids etc. I am so tired of self hating losers using racist talking points to big up their oppressors. Loser behavor. kys

No. 435970>>435997

non black hands wrote this

No. 435973>>436151

Anyone here that has had locs, could you please share your experience with them? I'm thinking of starting them soon but am a little anxious about the commitment

No. 435994

NTA but what triggered you about the words “lazy women”? You know, being fat is usually a symptom of laziness. You might feel better if you hop off TikTok and go for a walk, beluga-chan.

No. 435997>>436064

tbh I don’t really get how non black racists and pickmes expect us to all genuinely feel inferior to them when they obsessively and aggressively follow us everywhere online, fixate on our hair (no matter what we do with it), randomly bring us up in conversations and throw tantrums at the most random things. It screams insecurity. They’re almost like trannies. Like, you don’t see a bunch of black women joining mormon wife forums to screech that white wimmin bad, but literally every space with black women seems to attract demented freaks.
I’m thin, have naturally thick, long hair, and have been called pretty by others, but even if I were fat and only wore wigs or whatever, the level of seethe some of these people generate daily would make me start to question things.

No. 436060

It's disingenuous to act like black people don't push a lot of these viewpoints between ourselves. There is also the truth of the matter that if you say something enough it becomes real. If you're treated as ugly, it doesn't really matter if you aren't.

No. 436064>>436126

A lot of white people perceive black women wanting inclusivity or complaining about microaggressions as being intrusive. So I don't necessarily agree. The stereotype of a SJW Black woman does exist.
The truth is that black woman are targeted because we are easy targets. We don't have any protection from men under the patriarchy because black men do not perceive us to be an extension of them unlike white or asian men.
My thing is that I think Black women need to start focusing on curating self happiness instead of trying to fix perceptions from others, including other black people. Focus on like-minded black women and support them and uplift them. We can't make people like us but we can ignore them. The biggest sin Black women commit is focusing heavily on people who do not have our best interest in mind. Wondering why they want to demean us, trying to explain their hatred as some sort of twisted insecurity (which may well be true). All this does is zap away your energy.
Conversely, we need to be able to admit that it does affect young black girl's and their self-esteem. That is the only way to learn to prioritize yourself. By holding space for your own emotions.

No. 436126>>436159

I don’t disagree with some of what you’re saying, but their behavior reads as insecurity to me because it’s far from the casual cruelty of a schoolyard or workplace bully. It’s a strange, burning hatred mixed in with stalking behaviors. I haven’t seen or heard of a single other group who is at such a small population count in western countries and that isn’t super wealthy, but still attracts so much attention. For better or worse, black women are considered inherently controversial, and we don’t need to participate in stereotypes or do a single thing for it to be that way. These people quite literally do the work for us. For me, it just takes away from their narrative instead of bolstering it.
I do see how it affects young girls, especially since they’re dealing with the trauma that comes with female socialization, and that’s why I think we need to center and protect eachother. No one really explains these things to them or warns them about the hostility unless it’s to center black men in some way, and I think that does them a massive disservice. Our experience is unique and deserves a specified approach, including care. We also need to focus on building finances instead of worrying about others’ political causes, but I think I’d be preaching to the choir there.

No. 436151

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I've had mine for seven years now, this is coming from the perspective of someone who got them for utility rather than beauty. Like any hairstyle the way you form, style, and how your hair is textured influences their everyday look. That's something I didn't really know going in. I thought I'd look like picrel but my hair is thick so my locs jut out more on the sides of my head and form a halo rather than lay down, even when retwisted. They pick up anything you lay on so I don't really rest against anything I wouldn't want to bring home. Washing short ones is easy and you only need to watch out for unraveling which can be easily fixed. Depending on what your hair is like now, you could end up paying less going to a loctician every other month to professionally refresh your hair than other (non natural) styling. They're not a great commitment at first because most loc methods don't quite lock the hair together, it happens with maturation. If the waiting period proves too much or you don't enjoy how they look they can be teased out pretty easily. I had a hard time with the beginning months because short hair made me look strange. Other women can look gorg.

No. 436159>>436196

its obsession it all stems from slavery. America literally wouldnt be able to function as it does in society without black women. Remember when slavery first took place they were only capturing black men but black men kept dying. So they later added black women so that they could repopulate quickly. We are the literal fabric of america. Our bodies and internal and external suffering were used for profit in ways the average person can't even begin to conceptualize. They have to make us feel ugly for the ugly and vile things they did and continue to do to our bodies. REmember the most sexist places in the world where the most terrible atrocities that take place to women is not in arab countries but black ones. Black women and little girl's bodies are being used to make cellphones RIGHT NOW

No. 436196>>436243>>436260

there is no manifestation of racism that has anything to do with slavery. Slavery was because of racism, racism doesn't come from slavery

No. 436243>>436260

wrong. Anti-blackness came from slavery. Enslavement of both blacks and whites was happening for years before white people got special perks in the US. After white and black slaves united in Bacon's rebellion (google it), the elites decided to make up the white race and give them special privileges while keeping black people enslaved forever because of their race to crush class solidarity. the legacy of white people in America is class betrayal.

No. 436260>>436261

sorry but >>436196 is right, antiblack racism has existed well before slavery kek

No. 436261

Xenophobia and in-group preference existed before slavery, but not specific anti-black racism.

No. 436369>>436438

You guys are falling back into the trap of trying to figure out racism. Again, that is not going to help anything.

No. 436438

Not the anons you're referring to, but realistically, what can be done? Its exhausting and comes at all angles. For example, I got a new job and already there's a couple of people focused on me and monitoring me for whatever reason (they are not people I report to). I'm doing what I can to avoid it and limiting them being near me, but I know complaining or telling my manager won't do anything. Are there jobs that are relatively safe for us or is it a geography/chance thing? I just want work to at least be peaceful

No. 436865>>436887>>436908

Nonnas what do you think about using the n word? I’m African and it just doesn’t sit well with me, I never use it anyway. But I think it’s different for afroamericans, right?

No. 436887>>436908

its ok to say if ur black and comfy abt it but not if ur white

No. 436908>>436954

If you are not comfortable saying it then don’t. Ideally it shouldn’t exist and people would know better than to throw slurs around. I disagree with >>436887 because it shouldn’t even exist and white/nonblack people get so whiny and antsy about saying a slur. It was a mistake to normalize that slur in rap and we suffer the consequences decades later

No. 436954

its derogatory IF used by somebody non-black but its a word black people own. theyre allowed to use it however they like, white ppl& non-black ppl cannot steal that from them.

No. 436977>>436978>>436979>>437007>>437129

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Kek I agree with this. There are also some women , who will fake being your friend, who get extremely bitter when a POC is more attractive than them, especially when it’s a black woman.

No. 436978>>436981>>436991

honestly im not racist but if i saw my crush dating someone id just dislike them whoever they are black, white, asian, hispanic, etc im just glad i have fictional crushes(emoji)

No. 436979>>437015>>437038>>437059

are there any actual examples tho? I can only think of fka twigs, zendaya, and meghan markle, and they're not black; they're biracial. I can't even think of any high-profile white male celeb in his prime dating a woman who's actually black.

No. 436980>>437009

I do not watch much TV since I don’t like how black women are portrayed on them.

No. 436981>>436987

You sound insanely underaged.

No. 436987

erm ok what gives tho

No. 436991

go back to scrolling tiktok newfag

No. 436994>>437670

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What sunscreen do you use? I'm using picrel currently but I find that it's so greasy and makes my face so shiny, the SPF is pretty low and the matte version is $11 more. I'm thinking of trying that Japanese sunscreen Skin Aqua, an anom recommended it to me many moons ago and i see how popular it is.

No. 437007

A lot of people, including nonblack women, seethe like crazy when you get out the stereotypical box. It’s one of the reasons why I never want to get famous and/or date a white guy. imagine all that unnecessary drama and the white guy you’re dating is unlikely to defend your honor

No. 437009>>437029

I don’t bother with modern media. begging for representation in the streaming era was a huge mistake. I wish we had a truly self-contained media structure, for us by us

No. 437015>>437023>>437066

Why tf would a black woman want to be a part of a white mans life?

No. 437023

i never implied that, I was just responding to the sc nona posted. unclench.

No. 437029>>437033

It would be possible if black people put in more effort in supporting and finding the media that exists.

No. 437033>>437034>>437099>>437139>>438438

There should be more BW ai films.

No. 437034


No. 437038

There's a few but I don't really know or care about celebrities in IR relationships, maybe look around on LSA

No. 437059>>437100

its always ugly bong men who date us. kinda tired of it.

No. 437066>>437067>>437137

A lot black people live or are raised in majority white countries, not just usa so..

No. 437067

Most people pair up with their own race though I can understand having your tastes in who you are attracted to skewed by the demographic you grew up with.

No. 437080

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How do I accept that it's not my job to care about racism, and that society will continue until it ends itself or a disaster happens regardless?

No. 437099

I support AI only for black women

No. 437100

baldos, beardos - always that same reddit archetype. I need to make my own robot boyfriend

No. 437129>>437132

>they are talking shit about him and her when she is not white
name… one?

No. 437132

david bowie

No. 437137>>437148>>437179>>437188

a lot of black people move to majority white countries INTENTIONALLY. Even majority white countries have black neighborhoods. I don't buy it

No. 437139>>437143>>437148

no tf their shouldnt be so when AI inevitably leads to our downfall they pin it on us. We need more black women animators and artists

No. 437140>>437144>>437148>>437149

It's really sad how many black women worship white men and ponder about dating them. Its so bleak. I thought people grew out of that by like 15.

No. 437143

Everything can be weaponized against BW. Bw are also more likely to die in childbirth, does that mean BW should stop having babies? Do our DV/date rape stats mean we should stop dating men? And we're already blamed for our downfall anyway, so what's your point?

No. 437144>>437148

and WM would never return the favor in a million years. It's so cringe.

No. 437148

AI is not in any kind f downfall, if anything it's ramping up. We'll be better off if we embrace it and use it our advantage.

I blame the weird swirlers on Youtube. But you can't expect abused and neglected girl children to know better. If you know a young black woman in your life, please redirect her to machine learning instead.

deeply weird and pathetic behavior.

No. 437149>>437158

Tbh I don't entirely blame them, black men are pretty terrible. Ideally, men would be ignored altogether, but straight women of all races struggle with that.
My only problem is people going on about it incessantly. Like, someone mentions white men in here, and the whole thread suddenly has to be about black women and white men for the next 7 hours. It's annoying, I don't care, everyone should date whoever they want.

No. 437158>>437163

I hate black men, but I really don't trust white men at all either. It always feels like there's some hidden agenda with them. The white devil energy just radiates from them, and from what I've seen the black women in those relationships end up miserable or being used.

No. 437163>>437168

>and from what I've seen the black women in those relationships end up miserable or being used.
isn't that all women with all relationships with men?

No. 437168>>437171>>437194

Pretty much, but it feels like white men think they have a birthright to treat black women especially shit because they think we're the most desperate race of women. The way they treat white women and Asian women is definitely different. And they always seem to have some creepy slave owner fetish too. Liberal men basically ignore me but ive been messaged by so many magatards and neo nazi adjacent pol types on dating apps, it's wild

No. 437171

tell me about it, I've only ever been interested in normal men but only the freaks (not the fun kind) talk to me. Why do I feel so cursed?

No. 437179>>437197

You cant group everyone in the same basket. Theres plenty of diaspora africans in european countries for example and not because they moved there by choice, mostly second gen by their parents etc.

No. 437182>>437184

Oh yeah there are definitely some places where there are hardly any black communities. Anyway why are we so concerned about who black girls decide to date exactly? We dont see other races do this

No. 437184

Because other groups of women are more selfish and individualistic

No. 437188

yeah because black people can’t run shit, we know that already

No. 437194>>437216

to be fair, many bw do act desperate. lowest income requirement, known for financially supporting BM who make less even as celebrities, and no marriage requirement before procreation. bw also promoted the sidechick bullshit along with baby mama and ride or die culture. Many broadcast their low standards with pride.

No. 437197>>437202>>437350>>437425

yeah their self hating african parents moved them there instead of fighting the good fight in their country

No. 437202

nta, do you call african americans self-hating for moving out of the ghetto and not staying to fight the good fight of un-detroiting detroit? because that'd be dumb too kek

No. 437216>>437281

remember when that black moid athlete came out as having abused his white gf. a ton of black women on twitter were calling her a snitch and saying they wouldnt have told anyone if he'd been beating them because hes rich and theyre black and therefore more loyal to black men. bw are so damn embarrassing for the way they cape for shitty men sometimes.

No. 437281

That always makes me cringe. Like nobody, even in our communities, takes domestic violence seriously. People everyone think we exist as a punching bag for men. It’s demoralizing to think about

No. 437350

So white people can invade, pillage and fuck over African countries but black people moving away from africa for a better life makes them "self hating". Yeah only black people should stay landlocked in africa while other races can emigrate wherever they feel like.

No. 437425

Some refugees were courageous enough to seek safety for their families when conflict broke out in their country.

No. 437520>>437537>>437576>>437611>>437644

When will black women have their own equivalent of the 4B movement?

No. 437537>>437542

I wish it would exist because divestment isn't it. I am so tired of black women being so worried about male validation and being seen as attractive, i don't care at all.

No. 437542

4B is not giving a damn about men or having kids.

No. 437576

Why do you keep posting this question every 3 business days

No. 437606>>437611>>437643

I feel really stupid. I went with a black therapist about my age (she's a thembie which was a red flag I overlooked) and she basically just used therapy to bully me and make me feel worse. I feel like a fucking retard and I told her my whole life story

No. 437611>>437640>>437653

I'm so sorry, I swear the
politically correct therapists are the fucking worst. I blabbed about being an ex-muslim once and she damn near reported me. I feel your pain nonny

No, the average black woman would literally die than give up male attention. All the stupid sexual/poltical stuff she does is a mammy mating call for men who hate her. I wish black women of all women smarted up about men, sometimes I wonder if the low iq stuff is true. Same old stupid patterns, especially around baby mama culture. I feel really blackpilled about the future of black people, and sometimes distractions aren't enough

No. 437640>>437705

You are legit retarded for being this self hating. Take your shitty bait elsewhere and kill yourself

No. 437643>>437653>>437663>>437676

how the hell do you get bullied by a thembie therapist lmfao

some of you crack me up i hope this is bait rofl

No. 437644>>437647

Hopefully soon. Divestment hasn't worked bc BW who have low self-esteem and racial self hatred turned it into white/non-black penis worship and Trump dick sucking. Men of all races either run from crazy or pump and dump crazy.

No. 437647

men impregnate crazy then leave them as single mothers…

No. 437653>>437705

I'm sensitive and gullible
I don't like your reply to the other anon…

No. 437663

girl don’t be rude it’s easy to get messed with when you’re in a place of vulnerability

No. 437670

That looks super fancy I just use what's on sale

No. 437676>>437691>>437759

Empathy can work against you.
I was nice to the gay man at my work since some of the straight women were mean to him in a low key homophobic way.
Turns out he’s constantly gossiping about me. Sometimes you have to shit on low self esteem people because they will mistake kindness for weakness.

No. 437691

gay moids hate women. You didn't know that? How sheltered are you?

No. 437705

oh well sorry, everything has gone to shit and i fully expect it to get worse. Nobody knows how to do it right and focuses on dumb shit

No. 437759>>437806

Wait are you saying my thembie therapist should have shit on me?

No. 437806

I’m saying you should shut on her.

No. 437921>>437954>>437961

What is it about GNC/lesbian black women that make other black women so angry and antsy?

No. 437936>>437948>>437953

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Sorry for the rant, I don't know a thing about Wicked and I rarely use Twitter, but the amount of replies saying Cynthia Ervio is "doing too much" or that the situation is "not that deep" bothers me. Why is it that black women can never express their discomfort without backlash? I already know the answer, but damn. Whether it's an appropriate response or not, there wouldn't be this much coping if Ariana made the same comments. Brainrotted white twinks would certainly rally against the movie and boycott it, or whatever dumb shit stans do.

No. 437948

i get why she's uncomfortable. The larger problem of AI and the photoshops from the little mermaid come to mind. It starts with wanting accuracy, then perfection, then total replacement? what's next

No. 437953

Both their faces are more hidden after the edit tho.

No. 437954>>438603

Heterosexuality is the shittiest for BW, so they're jealous they have an out and don't have to compete as much for BM and the few non-BM willing to date BW.

No. 437961>>437965

Even being openly atheist is considered weird to the non practising religious Africans I know.

No. 437965>>437970>>438025>>438035>>438051

it is weird

No. 437970>>438035

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No. 438025

Where do you people come from

No. 438035>>438037

not wanting to believe in something that I have to be beaten and forced into is weird?

people will defend terrorists but cry about pork and gelatin gummies

No. 438037>>438051>>438058>>438084

atheists are weirdos, yes. Atheists don't even like each other

No. 438051

yet the religions that allow child marriage, abuse, and medieval-tier rules and traditions aren't weird?

No. 438058>>438084

Whatever religion you are you're incredibly cucked if you're black. You not seeing that means you're retarded too.

No. 438084

they don't need to like each other, because guess what? They don't constantly need to see themselves in an us vs. them game. No reward or punishment for that behavior. You don't need them to wear a uniform to spot them out in a crowd. they get to fuck off from religion forever, true freedom.

I can't wait until Africa becomes from religious stifling

No. 438438>>438470>>438485>>438495

Hot take but I actually don’t think that bw as a group are as creative as they pretend to be. Atleast not anymore. Whenever a black woman is given a platform it’s always either SJW nonsense, ig baddie, or that tired 90s R&B aesthetic. it also doesn’t help that a lot of the black women with a platform are in their 30s or older and have no idea what young people of today want to see. Look at keke and her new gg. Like seriously, who is that supposed to appeal to.

Concerning media and how we are poorly represented, you would think that more of us would take matters into our own hands. >>437033 was low-key cooking and was solution oriented but it was mocked with no follow up suggestions on what else bw could do and then dropped in favour of once again crying about the same 3 topics (wm, self hating rhetoric, celebrity drama). The worst part is that the only reason anons are even opposed to this is because non blacks told them to be. Non blacks are complaining about ai because they actually have something to lose. We have no widely known black female creatives (maybe that shonda lady but Idc about her she can go home) so we are not taking away opportunities from black women because realistically they didn’t even exist in the first place. We should leverage everything we can in our favour. We will have no problems buying the latest iPhone but want to talk about the ethics of producing art using ai lmao what the fuck.

No. 438470>>438621

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Abbott Elementary is right there. What are you on

No. 438477>>438507

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Anyway ignoring the palpable self hatred and loathing. (Be the change you want to see in the world btw). To make it positive I want to talk about hair since i lost a lot of hair due to trial and error. I recently went back to the drawing board of what I used on my hair when i first went natural and remembered picrel. This shit is not only cheap like grease (im grease nonnie). but it moisturizes my hair and KEEPS it moisturized in a way none of my $15-$20 leave in's could. It has made the grease I use work better and has maintained my curl pattern when I do twists/braid outs. One thing I love about this leave in is that they legit never changed the formula. It is the exact same bottle, scent and everything from when I was in HS its crazy. I love that when they want to add a new ingredient they just make a new product line instead of touching this one. I need black owned brands to learn this! Even before I went natural I used this every day when my permed hair broke off and even my permed hair started to grow like a weed. The only reason why I stopped using the product was because i wanted to support black owned businesses that started popping up and ended up falling for the capitalist myth that the more expensive the product the more it is guaranteed to work. That is not always the case. When i tell you nothing but this leave in and grease has kept my 4c hair moisturized all day and night. I sound like an ad but geniunely if you have dry hair that drinks up every product you try like water and you finally find a product that finally moisturizes your hair you want to shout it from the mountain tops. Im just mad that I found my holy grail product over 10 years ago but because I thought there was better in higher quality products I ended up losing so much hair through trial and error. Honestly ladies take it from me, the second you find a product that works for your hair and you notice growth, DONT CHANGE IT. I lost so much growth and money using shitty products when all i had to do was continue my HS routine. You live and you learn i guess

No. 438482

I have a crazy theory azealia banks posts in here but I can't prove it

No. 438485>>438577>>438621>>438658>>439693

Expanding on the "SJW Nonsense" I feel like there's a level of weird insecure self-awareness that plagues Black creatives, especially female creatives (shocker!). If we would just stop feeling the need to make sure our works always reflect Authentic Blickity Blackness™, we could get out of this rut. Say what you will about SJWs, the White ones still portray their fat, queer self-inserts as heroes, innovators, and chosen ones in sprawling fantasy worlds. We don't need anymore "authentic trauma" stories or liberal new-black neosterotypes. Stop overcompensating, and make that Black girl a time traveling warlock princess. Don't answer to any "Duh can yew justify her being Black?" retards either.

No. 438495>>438498>>438621

>Non blacks are complaining about ai because they actually have something to lose.
Yup. A lot of it is whites mad they might not be able to monopolize media to shove mediocre whites down everyone's throats. Flooding the market with BW AI would balance it out. And the incel cyberbullies with a death threat kink would find it too boring to harass faceless voice actors and producers.

No. 438498

I agree 99% of what is out there now is mediocrity but I am still totally creeped out by AIs

No. 438507

I think the worst part about black owned products imo has always been that they don't sell jumbo sizes. I want to buy shampoo and conditioner ONCE a year, that's it!!

No. 438564>>438566>>438586>>438873

Why are black scrotes so obsessed with Dragon Ball Z? I’ve always wondered this but nobody has ever provided a solid answer to this age old question

No. 438566>>438567

cause it's a great show

No. 438567

it really is that simple lol.i love it too ngl

No. 438577

>liberal new-black neosterotypes
Esl chan getting their ass beat by basic sentence structure

No. 438586

First anime, nostalgic, super masculine show?

No. 438603

I feel extra smug about being a single childless Black woman when I read posts like these >>437954

No. 438621>>438848>>439676

Try again. If I were yt I wouldn’t care or know about kekes new flop group. And abbott elementary is for the older crowd. I’m primarily concerned with media for the gen z and alpha crowd.
Agreed and it’s so insulting always having political jumbo mumbo tied to black female mcs. A new game called neva came out. I’m not a gamer so idk if it’s good or not but it looks promising and doesn’t seem like it has these themes.
Which is exactly why the original idea is great. You can be a one woman band and still be able to create musical scores, visuals and all that other stuff with the help of ai.

No. 438658>>438691

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exactly. i feel like there's a fixation on "believable blackness", and like, believable and makes sense for who? losers? racists? idc lol, it's too much. stop shoehorning politics everywhere and doing it in the most hamfisted, graceless ways

No. 438691

sometimes I think black women attach themselves deeply to politics because they think it's the only place and time they can be relevant. But their attachments make them tools for other groups, both woke and the far-right. And even when BW try to use fiction for escapism, others nag and scream at them for being intrusive

No. 438749>>438751>>438911

I feel insecure when the small number of black men I went to school with date only non black women even though their girlfriends are lovely. Am I an entitled racist for feeling this way?

No. 438751

You’re not a bad person for having those thoughts. The odds kinda suck. It’s better to focus on the person you want to become and attract.

No. 438848>>438855

Nobody was talking about Keke what the fuck are you talking about. Also abbott is aimed at gen z and millenials. This thread is populated solely by bots and idiots oh my god

No. 438855>>438990>>439045

Do you not know how to use context clues??? You’re in luck though because I’m feeling generous today. Black people online like to accuse other black people of being yt whenever something is said that they don’t like. You posted that picture of yt ppl trying to look more black or whatever in response to my post. I’m telling you if I were yt I wouldn’t be able to bring up keke and her endeavours because only black people care about what she’s up to like that. And nobody needs your permission to post about anything.I can bring up whoever I want.

And exactly my point. Abbott is for the older crowd. No one in my circle is watching that show and thinking wow this show is so cool I feel so represented!!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show but it’s full of old people.

No. 438873

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THIS OFFENDS ME as a once black little girl with 2 older brothers I can assure you my brothers gave 0 fucks about dbz unless they were playing budokai tenkaichi. it was ME AND MY SISTERS who were obsessed with DBZ and would watch it religiously. Black men don't know shit about dbz fr. Trust me I have talked with many their knowledge is extremely limited and only goes to "i bet they cant beat goku tho" The true dragon ball z fans in the black community our us black women and girls. Stop letting the men steal our thunder. They don't know shit. My brother the other day gonna ask me who would win in a fight Nappa and Radditz or Goku and Vegeta. LIKE WHAT!? 2 niggas that thought super saiyan was a myth vs 2 niggas that can go super saiyan!? Also Vegeta killed Nappa. My brother wouldnt know that because he doesnt watch dbz. Im telling you talk to a black man who claims to love dbz he dont know shit about it.

No. 438911

what race do the black girls you went to school with date?

No. 438990

>And exactly my point. Abbott is for the older crowd. No one in my circle is watching that show and thinking wow this show is so cool I feel so represented!!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show but it’s full of old people.
I hate this kind of attitude. If that's really how you feel then make something yourself? We are in the digital era so be the change you want to see

No. 439045

HBO had that show written and starring a young attractive black woman. Did you like that? I never watched it but I heard it was good

No. 439676

People like you complain about every single thing created you'll never be satisfied. Just go make it yourself if you're going to bitch about everything

No. 439693>>439716

Completely disagree. Most of the escapist black art gets completely sidelined. No one focuses on it then complains about the lack of black creatives. If they don't get attention there is no incentive to create.

No. 439716

Exactly the real gag is that anon just doesnt like black people in media unless they look and act a certain way. Meanwhile for any media that is nonblack she probably doesn't set such high bars and standards. I wonder why?

No. 439724>>439728>>439735>>439737>>439774>>439795>>439879

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Do people get extremely horny/weird once they see your body type? I am 5'3 and have always weighed between 104-110 lbs.Picrel is my body type. I think because i have an "ideal" body type people get very weird and horny and i think my blackness plays a huge role. I have had women of all races grab my boobs and butt in a "playful" way but i was always left feeling a little dehumanized. IDK but no matter how nice a woman's body I never felt the urge to grab on her tit! They will also compliment my body while disparaging their own which makes me so uncomfortable. Any time i say i want to gain weight (i am underweight) i get a resounding nooo and it is scary. At one point i weighed 90+ lbs due to depression and no one said anything.I just stopped getting touched on as much.

Dont get me started on men. The minute i go on a date and they see my body type for the first time….they make it their mission to touch on my boobs and butt throughout the date. And the second we are intimate all of their courting goes out the window and they just want to get me naked again and again. No matter where we are. I have had guys expose my boobs in public. It got so bad I stopped dressing up for dates and wore baggy clothes. The dude saw my fingers were slender and got horny. I am not joking. He asked me if i played piano and I said no and he got that horny look in his eyes.Like how tf do fingers turn you on!? I geniunely think black women get fat as a defense mechanism for all of the sexual assualt that plagues you when you are black and thin with curves.The worst part is the more i gain weight the bigger my ass and boobs look because that is where all my weight goes! Please tell me you guys can relate I always feel like im humblebragging but im seriously suffering. I just want to not be sexualized.I blame the Kardashians IDC

No. 439728>>439734>>439774

>they make it their mission to touch on my boobs and butt throughout the date
Have you tried not going on dates with literal gorillas?

No. 439734

its not just men though women in my life have gotten drunk and done this.

No. 439735

I'm taller and not as small though I have been. Nowhere near your levels of bad but I'm so sorry you get inappropriately touched so often by men and women, I can't imagine. I definitely gained weight and I'm pretty much invisible now. I don't mind it because I'm still healthy and I'm pretty tall which makes me not as easy of a target anymore. I wish I could offer you more advice, but you should loudly say something like "why are you touching me" so other people hear next time someone does that. Public shaming works. With men avoid as much as possible and please vet your dates more

No. 439737>>439799

Im not trying to be super negative but it's interesting how my experience is a lot different. I have legit the same height and weight and I've always been treated like im not as desirable as my peers or even underdeveloped in a way. Never been groped by women but I've always had female friends making fun of my body, making skeleton jokes and especially making fun of my arms and breasts (which are smaller than average yes but they're an appropriate size for my frame?) Scrotes have also been talking shit about my body and calling me anorexic since like middle school so I wouldn't really consider it an ideal body type, especially in the black community where thicker women are the definitely the standard. Maybe some women in my area think being very thin is the standard but they're not the majority imo.

No. 439774>>440596

>have you tried time travelling to before someone’s behaviour and demeanour changed??
Nta and it’s not always overt. Men who try to do it secretly don’t wear a sign warning you beforehand.

Op your best bet is to dip or say so as soon as you feel uncomfortable and also try to get out of your head about it. Like if anyone touches you inappropriately you should treat them like they are being outlandish, don’t get used to it like you expect or even understand it. It’s almost subconsciously justifying it for them. People that grope others are whack no matter who. You also don’t want being objectified to take over your mind and become an obsession.

>always feel like im humblebragging but im seriously suffering

This is kind of what I mean. You’re already thinking about how it might sound like it’s too much of a complaint because you’re tying it into “they’re attracted to me, therefore this sexualisation is my body’s fault”, when the issue is “this person is disregarding social respect”. If you associate this type of behaviour with your appearance, you’ll become divorced from your body. Make the bad actors the problem. And it’s not real intimacy if they’re disregarding your presence as a person.

Hiding the concern inside yourself is also how you become obsessed with it. Take the piano thing for example, you saw him react to your fingers, let’s say you asked “did you notice/think something of my hands?”, now he has to say “you seem slender/I like your [whatever]” which is yk, ok but he now can’t treat you like an nonchalant object. It’ll be stupid to escalate without explaining himself now, since he knows you know.

Most importantly, you don’t have to dwell on the thought anymore and feel self conscious about anything. This goes for everything, “You’re touching me/looking at me/what are you trying to do?”, don’t let someone do whatever and then think “this is my cross to bare!” because it’s not a given nor solved by changing yourself. Just be a little direct since you’re already interacting. If something becomes an elephant in the room, show that you’re aware of it. You don’t have anything to hide.

No. 439795

Yes, I feel gross about it too. I just feel lusted over, never loved. I fortunately never went out with someone like the guy you’re describing nonna, they straight up sounds lie assaulters. But I can always tell when someone just wants me for sex.
Men look at me like I’m this exotic experiment given that I’m also a foreigner where I live, you know that empty look? Yeah that one.
I had someone I was dating for a while, we were friends prior to that, and a week into it he was just like
>you know nonna, your body always gives me a reaction
>your body is fantastic
I just got weirded out and cut the whole thing out. I know that feeling sexual attraction is normal but am I really in the wrong to want something more than that too? I have more going on than how I look.

My friends make comments on my butt unprompted too. I had friends who would always slap my ass in public, it was mortifying and I had to tell that it was uncomfortable and unacceptable to do so.
I think this phenomenon is more intense with black women, mainly the friends part since I think that men behave like dogs either way.

No. 439799

Depends on where you live nonna. I feel like we are always hold into very high expectations anyway though:
>you live in a predominantly black community? You need to be curvaceous but not fat. Big butt, big boobs , full thighs but flat tummy and small waist. You need to have your hair done 24/7 too
>you live in a predominantly white space? Good luck with that, you need to look like naomi Campbell if you ever want to be considered beautiful. You need to be thin too, but someone keep your shape (but not too much!). And don’t you dare look “ghetto”

No. 439879

> I have had women of all races grab my boobs and butt in a "playful" way but i was always left feeling a little dehumanized.
do you know how many so-called feminists have no problem groping you? Apparently we don't count as women to them

No. 440154>>440292

Those wmxf tiktoks are cringe and why is it always a mid white guy

The white worship is cringe

No. 440155

That’s ok
Wmaf is wierd

No. 440156

Why tf is the Asian girl in bdsm dog gear

No. 440228>>440236

Most men are awful, it’s racism that makes it feel like men are only nasty to black women.

No. 440236>>440306>>440448

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Tbh moids suck, but the saddest part to me is how many other women will ignore or make excuses for moids (especially the moids they dickride) attacking black women specifically. Sexism is even worse when combined with racism, but since others don't really experience both the way we do, a lot of them play blind and prefer to act like it never happens, or just blame us every single time. I used to wonder why some black women were gung-ho about fighting for themselves and saying fuck everyone else, and now I know it's because no one else fights for or protects us. They don't see us as worthy. I don't fully agree with the things they say and do because it always gets used to justify further mistreatment against us, but I understand them. I get why they're upset. No one else tries to, they find it easier to stick their head in the sand and say "The meanie black women are just jealous of us because something something taking the menssss" every time. Oh, well.
Plus, the same women who defend and simp for men who bash us unprovoked inevitably end up getting burned themselves, and they're always like, horrified because they thought that was treatment only reserved for black women.
I used to have pretty staunch feminist views, but these days, I just kind of leave people to their devices because everyone sucks and empathy is uncommon. I still feel bad for other women, but I don't stick my neck out for them since the feeling obviously isn't that mutual.

No. 440292

It’s cringe but what can you do about it? It’s like crying over water being wet. Focus on something more productive

No. 440306

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I get it. I slowly lost the desire to give a shit. First it’s was POC solidarity, then liberal feminism, then radical feminism, anti imperialism and finally black pride after 2020. It’s like everything I ever believed in ended up falling apart. I feel so deeply disillusioned and I wish I spent my youth differently. I wish I put more effort towards education and finance and then maybe I wouldn’t have given so much of a shit.

No. 440351>>440366

How do you not get so overly sensitive or angry when you see a retarded white woman say something completely dense and ignorant? I try to hear them out but there are genuinely some who think they can be impacted by racism ngl there are some white women who are affected by racism but it’s always the most whiter than white anglo canadian north european women crying about racism from evul angry black negresses daring to be angry and yell at a superior white feminist woman!!!! it’s so annoying, they act like they are the most victimized people on this earth while they benefit from the racial status their violent scrotes have forced and thrusted upon the word and then pretend they don’t benefit from it. Even white radfems truly believe this shit, it makes me genuinely not want to trust any woman there is no such thing as sisterhood it’s always about how much I have to hear and accept the general ignorance and victimhood mentality spewing from these white women just because they were poor and affected by misogyny (just like black women and pretty much every single woman on this planet) it makes my eyes roll. Nobody is stopping you from learning about your white female heroine history, it’s quite literally plastered all over the world and put into history books. That shit is ridiculous, I was reading a pretty good female separatist blog and there were some things that genuinely put me off from wanting to read the rest of it. I have zero sisterhood with any other groups of women for that reason, they are extremely incapable of recognizing that they do enable white men and do participate i the discrimination and racial biases of white men and benefit off of it while having the audacity the state the obvious that heterosexual women benefit from enabling and benefiting off the misogyny of men. Disgusting

No. 440366>>440369>>440429

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I feel like outside of some individual cases of friendship, sisterhood is a crapshoot because pickmes will pickme and screw eachother over in their own race. They'll even do it to their blood-related daughters, mothers, and sisters, so how can we expect them to look out for women of a different skin color? Some of them swear only black women act like pickmes, or that we're the "worst", but we witness examples of other women pickmeing and trampling their own in horrific ways every day just from listening to coworkers, friends (and family, if you're mixed) vent, reading/watching the news, listening to some of these prominent political commentators and figures with power happily sign their fellow non-black women's death warrants, how some of these pickmes for serial killers are happy to set up their own flesh and blood to get raped and murdered by whatever moid they worship, etc. People are dumb, much worse than animals. At the end of the day, most of them don't want things to be better. They just want to be on top of the shit heap before it sinks, and are using their victimhood as a stepping stone, not a reason to improve things. Those of us who aren't like that will suffer until our patience runs empty. I don't think there's hope for humanity as a whole. All you can do is hold on to those you love and try to find your own peace/stability.

And nonny, honestly, just ignore women like that. They're in their own little world, and they won't listen to reason. Any response will be dismissed and used as a platform to frame you and all other black women as the ultimate aggressors, even if they started by attacking you. If they can't find a way to make you out to be a supervillain, they'll either lie that you said things you never did and rely on other people to assume you said it instead of checking (they always disappear when you show proof they're lying), or just pretend they didn't see or hear what you said and repeat themselves, kek. For 70% of them, their bleating and screeching against black women is literally a desperate mating call for attention from certain kinds of men, and it has little to do with you. The only benefit is the possibility that someone else will see what happened and understand you (which is why it's better to drop evidence and factual information instead of getting into their dumb slapfights). I can't tell you how many times I've noticed all the talking points aimed at us are made up of shit their own perceived oppressors/aggressors say to them, and that's how you know it's hopeless.

No. 440369>>440460

>Some of them swear only black women act like pickmes, or that we're the "worst", but we witness examples of other women pickmeing and trampling their own in horrific ways every day just from listening to coworkers, friends (and family, if you're mixed)
Legit such a good point. Although I agree with them there are tons of mammies who enable and allow black men to get away with their pedophilia, faggotry, rape, and violence it’s ridiculous painting us as the only pickmes and these other women are purely innocent sweethearts. I swear it doesn’t matter how much they proclaim to care about “all women” they still harbor beliefs that are dangerous to other women while wanting the same respect and understanding from us. I hate it, I even have a theory that they lean into this mother all-feminist role because they are too cowardly and afraid to attack white men who they mainly have a huge gripe with, it’s the only form of identity they can grasp on to that justifies their contradictory narrative about being oppressed white wimminz who aren’t like the rest because they have no money and are broke (despite white people of all classes even the poorest ones weaponizing racism towards black people including women). They’re all ultimately full of shit and what full respect because they clearly think racial minorities shouldn’t care about racism and should only care about their sex and gender. Black women already know we are women, we are also a different race and subject to other racial oppression. I hate pathetic women hiding their clear envy in flimsy intellectualism, look she has a million useless degrees (that pay her virtually nothing so why are you surprised that you aren’t getting enough pay kek) listen to her because white women know everything and the only thing black women are are violent, angry race warriors targeting an innocent white woman who just wants to speak the “truth” and if you disagree with her bullshit lies you’re trying to censor her and being angry. So fucking pitifully stupid, I can’t stand those kinds of women. I’ll even say this, being a woman is not enough to care about another woman. I feel much more comfortable supporting women of my own race as if these types of women would stop being so cowardly and dishonest on what they really want to say which is they want to mainly care about the wellbeing of women in their own race, then we would have full mutual understanding. It’s where they insist we must forfeit all of our identities and oppressions just to unify under one identity for the comfort and safety of a white woman is what makes me laugh in disbelief. I don’t believe in POC global unity with other women, it really is just us (black women) against the entire world. Too much people expect us to give to them, even those innocent-sounding white women talking about how they’re oppressed and other races are racist to her. Get a fucking grip, they need to let go of that innocent dove syndrome, nothing about them or their words are innocent and they’re full of fucking lies and maliciousness. It’s now black women’s fault for why their useless degrees aren’t getting them jobs, it’s now black women’s fault for being angry for dealing with other bullshit, it’s now black women’s fault for them not being the perfect respect queens they want to be to the entire world. I’m tired of caring about their obvious power play manipulation that belongs to white men, not black women, not asian women, not arab women, they need to go and redirect that viciousness to where it belongs which is white men who are the ones who mostly oppress them because that’s who they are mainly in company with and have interpersonal relationships with the most. Black men do commit interracial violence against them, but against they speak on things they aren’t fully aware of knowing because it’s all about the protection of their own race. Again they reinforce that only whites women should be allowed to protect themselves and us black women should siphon all of our white woman caring ability to them to protect themselves from the very men they should be attacking. You are absolutely correct but I’m mainly talking about the ones who claim to be “feminists” even “radical feminists” or female separatists who don’t even surround themselves with men and still perpetuate those retarded views.

No. 440370>>440375

I find it hilarious how all the bad things said about BW (fat, single mom, unsubmissive, combative, like abusive alphas, sluts, etc) are being said about non-black Western women and used to justify incels, red pill, and passport bros. That's why I see through the fake solidarity some non-bw are trying to scrounge up decades too late. Fuck off. You'd not give one fuck about BW if you weren't starting to get heat yourself. You'd happily keep letting us be the sacrifice that makes you feel better about yourself to keep your own self-esteem intact.

No. 440375

This this this, I don’t care what mask they use - tradwife, radfem, they all use the same talking points as their men and think it’s original or for their own self-empowerment. The idea of sisterhood and manhood are both dumb and idiotic, black women shoudn’t have to be allies for a group of women who’ve practically watched you get oppressed for decades while aiding the very men who not only oppress them but us.

No. 440429>>440431>>440496

My own m*ther picked my abusive step dad over me. I knew the sisterhood was a lie all along.

No. 440431

There never was a sisterhood or brotherhood or x hood

It’s only to use you until it’s time to be selfish
Toxic people deserve each other
Fuvk them
Only media makes you feel sorry for them if one of them dies but both were garbage to begin with

Take care and be picky who you are with
If life span is 80 then have a good comfortable one like a house cat then struggle to survive like a stray(do not self censor/integrate)

No. 440448>>440449

We truly only have ourselves at the end of the day kek. I share more solidarity with black women than any other women, at least that’s where my loyalty ultimately is, since anyone and their friend always end up shitting on us for no reason.

No. 440449>>440495

Yet so many of us are always at the forefront for any kind of solidarity towards other minorities and even men (BLM) despite that. We should stop.

No. 440460>>440496

> They’re all ultimately full of shit and what full respect because they clearly think racial minorities shouldn’t care about racism and should only care about their sex and gender.
EXACTLY , they erase the experience of racism because they cannot empathize with it and they always dismiss it because it would make us “more oppressed” even by them. Acknowledging that whiteness is currently a privilege in most countries and that yes white women benefit from it is unacceptable kek.
Despite the fact that we should aspire towards “female liberation” there’s always a sort of competition, even in radfem spaces. Main reason why I don’t believe in female solidarity.

No. 440495

imagine if we extended that compassion to ourselves, worked on ourselves physically, mentally, financially, etc

No. 440496>>440519

Kek and when people try to justify your mother’s actions all of the hokey excuses start pointing in. “She didn’t know any better!” “She’s affected by the patriarchy too!” these women are fully aware that throwing their daughters to the curb to serve penis gives them benefits, they are not helpless naive faultless people they are entirely conscious about their decisions to fuck these daughters up psychologically. Mothers are the biggest betrayers of daughters because they are the first to groom them into submission, pimp them out to other men and fail to protect them from said men including the head male of the household. I feel for you deeply anon and can relate on some level about mother-daughter betrayal and mistrust, you learn to never feel safe with your words or physical body ever again.
Yeah there is no such possibility of female solidarity, the biggest enemy is a woman and the biggest threat is a man. It’s like you can’t win and as black women were expected to care about other women’s plights besides our own.

No. 440519>>440533

>“She didn’t know any better!”
I mean, she probably didn't. I don't see that as an excuse, just reality

No. 440532

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Things really haven't changed since the 90s, except maybe they've gotten worse. Andrea Dworkin addressed race and class in her writings, but most women calling themselves "radfems" online in 2024 don't actually read, just infight on tumblr all day, so they don't know this. If anyone tries to bring up these topics, it's typical to encounter sperging about "intersectionality ruining everything" (they also don't really know what "intersectionality" is, they abuse the term in the same way that "woke" is utterly meaningless) because acknowledging the rich white elephant in the room makes them too uncomfortable. I know that female solidarity and liberation are basically pipe dreams at this point, but in posting this, I just want black women to know that they've always had the right to radical feminism in what it's meant to be, rather than what some weird larpers and failed tradthots have been trying to twist it into. Any form of feminism that doesn't address the crossover between sexism, classism and racism is neutered and worthless, because all women are affected in some way by race and class.

I already know the usual weirdos and stalkers are reading this thread and will try to flatten everything said down to "The black foids HATE white women!!", again to tiptoe around the very clear, real issue of inequality due to their own discomfort with their role in society (and ignoring it doesn't make it go away any more than men just ignoring misogyny magically "creates" gender equality), but it's what always happens. It's like dealing with men getting upset about criticism and having them argue that because they're poor/black/whatever, they couldn't possibly be misogynists, despite them mistreating and oppressing women in their lives both historically and in the modern day lol.

But also, whatever. I'm tired of fighting. I think laying all our political cards on the table and being loud/open about things just allows people to try and punish us, anyway. I think we've seen all that current discourse has to offer (not much good, just excuses and gaslighting). Some people will self-flagellate in that weird "I'm soooo sorry for being white" way, but no one really wants that. It'd be great if we could actually have things like liberation from scrotal influence and trust in each other on a collective level, but that probably won't happen in our lifetime because people are just awful, including to their own kind (and that obviously includes black people), idk. All sane black women are just better off building our finances and working within our own/eachother's interests as quietly as possible.

No. 440533>>440596

Nah she knows better, who chooses a man over her own daughter? Yeah, it’s completely deliberate

No. 440596

Thank you girls so much for this advice I really appreciate it! I do need to be more assertive I never told anyone that it made me uncomfortable because I didn’t want to be a prude smh. But it’s not prudish to not want to be sexually harassed lol. Being skinny with smaller proportions is terrible in the black community. I really don’t think we can win as black women. Our bodies are constantly policed so we might as well just take as best care of ourselves and love our bodies no matter what shape and size we come in!

No. 440613

This thread has come a long way thank god all the baiters fucked off

No. 440621>>440623>>440657>>440762

I'm really having a rough bout of depression. I'm really alone and isolated and I have nowhere to turn to for a sense of belonging or comfort. I don't know how to cope or make it through. I'm really low right now and tried to go someplace to make myself feel better. It's something small but an indicator of how people normally treat me that makes me want to die, I went to get macarons at a fancy place and the cashier was black. She was so nice to the white family in front of her and they clearly didn't want to talk to her and even turned away to turn the conversation short. When I got to her I was nice and she was mean and petty to me, putting the macaroons I got in the stores ziplock for a small order even though I got about the same number as the family before me, and when I asked for a box "they won't fit in there". Like I expect it from non-whites and black men but other black women too? At least pretend to be nice to me

No. 440623>>440648

im sorry that happened to you nonna. That happens to me too. No matter if im dressed up or dressed down. When im dressed up i get treated like shit because they assume Im hassadity but when im dressed down i get treated like shit cuz they assume im a criminal. TBH the only cashiers that are nice to me are nonblack men. Black men have followed me and my sisters and my friends around in stores while ignoring the white girls who steal. I curse them out and call them coons to their face. But it fucking hurts seeing people of all races but especially your own humanazing white people IN FRONT OF YOU that treat them all likje subhuman garbage but when they get to you cant even look you in the eye and often dont even say hi back. Its a joke. The sad truth is everyone pedestalizes white people. They treat them like the greatest humans to exist. Its actually insane. All races are pick mes for white validation. Loser behavior. Honestly call them out. Thats what i am going to do.

No. 440648

NTA. Tbh I like being dressed up. If someone working at a store is going to randomly be unpleasant to me regardless, I'd prefer for them to also seethe about me being in a nicer financial spot than them. Racist wagies crack me up. Like, you're a literal field nigger serf lmaooo. Don't care that it's classist if they cast the first stone.(racebait/ban evasion)

No. 440657>>440683

I've heard of this happening so many times, I'm sorry nonny. She might have been weird and bitchy because she assumed you weren't going to tip (it's a common stereotype with black people) and had already been paid dust after trying to get a tip from the white family. She's really just working against herself since no one wants to tip rude workers, but her problem, not yours lol.

No. 440683

Who tf tips cashiers?

No. 440758>>440760>>440761>>440763>>440822

File (hide): 1729907038569.mp4 (687.4 KB, 720x1280, releasemynigga.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I fucking love black women.

No. 440760

same also this video cracks me up so bad i've watched it like 1000 times

No. 440761

>he dindu nuffin!!!
These are the types of women who let their husbands rape their own daughters, disgusting

No. 440762

This is so blackpilling jfc, it makes me wonder how much I’m fucked whenever I go outside and I’m practically going to be judged as a female or black person. I know the situation is over but next time as patronizing as this advice seems you should really assert yourself or request for a different waiter, that’s honestly disrespectful as fuck. You shouldn’t have to be subjected to that while trying to eat a fucking restaurant of all places, just request to switch waiters and give a firm explanation as to why.

No. 440763


No. 440769>>440824

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Do you ever feel some type of way when black women talk like this online? I mean I do agree with how our representation is not really in our hands and we’re constantly being used as an avatar for wokeness but there’s a part of me that wishes the discourse was placed into the casting directors instead of GNC/unconventional BW. Sometimes in wonder if that might be why the marginal BW even choose to be woke in the first place, as a way of separating themselves from the feminine and socially conservative group. In an ideal world this wouldn’t be a problem and people would treat us humanly regardless of media and media wouldn’t be so limited and stereotypical in the first place. But I know we need to be pragmatic.

No. 440774>>440893>>451389>>454522

I want to have black friends so badly. I’ve always hated being a token and have avoided making friends with non black people for a while. I feel like they only want to be friends with loud performing types and I’m not that type of person (I know I’ve tried and failed) I feel like I would be normal and accepted if I had more black friends but finding them is so difficult. Especially like minded friends. I just want to be normal and accepted and not mocked. Worst case scenario I just have to be a loner for life and I secretly hate that idea.

No. 440822

I feel sad for that baby girl.

No. 440824

As far as being unconventional goes, I don't think most of the women saying this are against black alt/GNC women. It seems like everyone (but black men) loved Janelle Monae and her suits before she did a 180, ramped up the sexualization and started claiming non-binary. Tbh all the complaints about this I've seen have been aimed at directors and Hollywood, rather than "unconventional"/gnc black women specifically. Like, I've never seen them harass black women that aren't gender conforming or conventionally pretty just for existing. They do complain that black actresses are often set up to get harassed by media companies for publicity (which I agree with).

No. 440893>>451392

On the opposite end of you as a loud rowdy black girl that's nerdy I feel you. At the end of the day white people think you are something akin to an amusement park attraction and you can't escape their stereotypes of how you should act. My best advice is forcibly go to heavily black events and just put yourself out there eventually you'll find your tribe. Sorry if this is jumbled through mezcal is kicking in

No. 440970

i’m going back to boar brushes!! detangling brushes have worked absolute shit for me in regards of growing my hair!!! i’m gonna go back to hair grease too, fuck oils!! my hair grew like a fucking weed as a child back when my mom used grease and a boar brush on it, i’m finally accepting that

No. 441010>>441016>>441032>>441132

Anyone just not care about marriage, motherhood or a career? I feel like surviving is enough work.

No. 441016

Marriage and motherhood no, but a career only because it will get me in a position to be left alone and have beautiful things I can make and surround myself with. I'm not hawkish about it though.

No. 441032

Career yes. Having money betters your life. I want to be able t o afford anything I want and live comfortably.
Marriage and children I don’t care though, I like my peace of mind , and I stopped caring about men.

No. 441132

I’m at the point where I don’t even want to be here on this earth but if I had to give a shit, having more money would make it a bit easier. I have no desire to pass on my genes or to raise a child. Unlike the women before me, I have the choice. Also I know how badly people hate black moms and kids and I don’t want to live through the harassment and shame my mom did. She suffered so I didn’t have to.

No. 441496>>441536>>441539>>441567>>441570

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This is one of the most retarded types of woman, because why are you staying with someone who lets people disrespect you so openly?
I’m all about going where you loved, but excusing racists is just retarded as hell.

No. 441536>>441567

this is going to seem incredibly offensive but why is it the most “stereotypically black” looking women (with the biggest noses, dark skin, huge eyes) who always seek out these white demon scrotes? nothing wrong with dating a white scrote if you like punishing yourself ig but what is the actual point of throwing yourself into a situation you know will go wrong and then crying racism, they are so pathetic

No. 441539>>441546>>441567

Like this wouldn’t happen if she were with a black man or really any man of any other race,poor girl

No. 441546>>441551

Black men are shit too kek, they’re all fixated on white women anyway

No. 441551

Yeah that’s what I meant, they’d say the exact same shit and wouldn’t be called out either

No. 441567>>441633

She should break up with him ASAP, post her TikTok page

I think it’s a cross-race effect and neither side can tell too much in what’s considered normal or attractive in those circles. The guy might be a massive pervert with a fetish for unambiguous black features and reconciles this cognitive dissonance with racist jokes. Either way she is so much better off breaking up with him.

True and I fear modern black men have become more hateful of black women. So she probably thought she might get a “swirl” deal out of the miserable situation. I pray she breaks up with him and gets therapy for healing

No. 441570>>441588>>441590

i dont feel bad for pic related black women need to stop being so male identified its fucking pathetic at this point. By 2025 my sympathy will have run out.They are so male identified to their own detriment. SUre you can say all women are but other women largely get monetary benefits for their pining. We get shitted on. So why even join? And if you want to join in why date men who CLEARLY hate you? Its stupid af and not worth it. I am not the cutest black woman in the world but I would never stoop so low as to date a white moid just because some black ones called me ugly when i was an awkward teenager. If black boys are calling you ugly wtf you think white boys will call you!? I've befriended white boys and they are fucking creepy, smell like cheese and dont wash their ass. I dont get the appeal at ALL. I'd rather be single than date a white person though so move around me. Any black person willingly dating a white person unless they are upgrading your life 100% i don't see the point. I can upgrade my life my self without a crusty white man living with me.

No. 441588

I wholeheartedly agree that we need to center ourselves first before any other man, even more than other minorities imo
> If black boys are calling you ugly wtf you think white boys will call you!?
I live in a predominately white space, with few other black peoples my age, we aren’t many, but not few either.
The most compliments from men I’ve received were from white men kek and funnily enough I’ve been on dates with only them. Black men never bothered to throw a glance and were so keen on praising white women.
> I dont get the appeal at ALL.
Honestly the racism and hate is in every race, even our own, so I don’t really understand your passion. I’m not “loyal” to black men or any other race. I go where I’m appreciated and treated with respect , be it a black man, a white one, an Asian one etc…
But I’m not going to ever endure a scrote who is racist towards me or accept breadcrumbs.

No. 441590>>441593>>441627>>441677>>441746

It’s kind of funny that you’re talking about stopping low when men of our race treat us like garbage kek. There isn’t a race that shits on their women more than black men. And it isn’t some, especially when you’re dark skin.
I don’t blame black women who fully skip on black men honestly. It’s not even about swirling or any other bullshit, it’s about refusing to be with these kind of men in the first place.

No. 441593

Idk asian women go in on asian men like every other day

No. 441627>>441636

my issue is why go straight to white there are so many other ethnicities that exist. i dont care white men are ugly and have no lips.

No. 441633>>441636

So being into BW's features makes a man a pervert?

No. 441636

It’s a numbers game; there’s just more of them than other groups of men.

No but the really racist ones tend to be perverted so it’s best to not even engage.

No. 441677>>441690>>441707

>I don’t blame black women who fully skip on black men honestly. It’s not even about swirling or any other bullshit, it’s about refusing to be with these kind of men in the first place.
I still think interracial relationships involve putting men on a pedastal. Why not just decenter men and focus on having a good single life?

No. 441690

Some women still want a relationship,similar to the straight women who cry about the evil lesbians who wonder why bother with hateful men. The odds aren’t in their favour

No. 441707>>441730>>441769

I would love to be single if I could afford it, but not in this economy lmao
roommates are an option too but I'd just rather live with someone I'm with rather than a stranger/friend

No. 441730

I live alone in this in a HCOL area. It’s doable but very boring since I can’t afford to do much outside of work.
Can’t risk being trapped in an abusive relationship or with asshole housemates due to finances.

No. 441735>>441737>>441835

The worst crimes against BROWN trees are being done by BROWN AND BLACK people with access to machinery. Look at deforestation in Haiti.

No. 441737

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That's partially why always thought pan-africanism was retarded. Africans don't give a flying fuck about white people hunting native animals, dumping garbage, or sucking up all those rich and natural resources across that continent. Africans just stand by and let it happen. I don't understand why African-Americans put on a hero complex about Africa and the "motherland". Why should African-Americans care when Africans themselves don't give a fuck about Africa? Same shit with Haiti or Brazil with their little rain forests or whatever. let them fuck up their countries and land. Not my ethnicity or country, not my problem.

No. 441746>>441754>>441769

Ikr? Its retarded to say that its okay for bm to date whoever they like but when a bw dates interracialy like not only they get hate from black scrotes but also bw as shown here, its sad. Ofc theres racist trash everywhere but why are we against bw who are genuinely loved by someone who happens not to be a black man because "muh loyalty." Idgaf about bm its about bw for me. Black women owe black men absolutely nothing.

No. 441754>>441792

>genuinely loved by someone who happens not to be a black man
Doubtful. I occasionally get approached by non black scrotes who see me as a consolation prize for not getting women of their own race.

No. 441764>>441769

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Honestly I think this is the best women can hope for

No. 441769>>441806>>442334

the women ITT will never accept the harsh reality that no man INCLUDING WHITE MEN will ever save them. They love being like "oh but how come no one tells nonblack women this" PEOPLE DO. NOT ONE OF YOU DIZZY IDIOTS listens because a lot of women of all races were raised on disney and romcom myths of romance.So they swear they will be the exception to the rule. YOU WONT BE.
Why do you guys lie like this? Black men get assblasted just the same when they date outside their race by everyone as well. Its just that black men do not care about being fetishized or the pushback so they brush off any negative comments as "hating". Black women do care so thats why most are apprehensive because they know the harsh truth.Black women and black men experience similar things when dating interacially. Black men and black women just stopped listening to each other's plights so they never hear the overlap in treatment. Like clockwork you can't be truthful to fellow black women and tell them that white men are weirdos and maybe try to date other minorities, if you hate black men so they can at least relate to you a little bit. When we say the quiet part out loud that a white man WONT EVER SAVE YOU. it's "b-but what about black men dating interacially" WHAT ABOUT THEM? WHITE WOMEN AND LATINAS WONT SAVE THEM EITHER. only you can save you and love you unconditionally.

You ladies are really in here talking about shacking up with scrotes because the "economy is bad" WTF were you doing in 2018-2023. Unless you are a young Gen Z you just were not paying attention to the housing market and that sounds like a skill issue. I assure you getting a scrote will not make your bills go down in fact you will have more expenses to pay in the long run but yeah bank on a nigel funding your housing and not the very likely outcoming of housing a hobosexual in this economy KEK.

No. 441792>>441793

Well choose better kek? If you get the wigga type of white man then it’s just a black man in a different shade. Don’t even bother with the racists too.
It’s not easy to navigate , but it can happen, especially when you don’t stick at the first sign of bullshit. I’m sure this can be applied for the women who still want to date black men too.
My experience for example is different from yours. I dated this white man for a year and a half, he was really sweet and enriching, we separated because he had to move to another country, but he always treated me well. I’ve gone on other dates too and I’ve had good experiences. But I’m not American so who knows kek.

No. 441793

I don’t date while looking at race, I do while seeing how that individual treats me. I’m not going to sit here and say “Oh X race are all racist” because nonna, every damn race is racist towards us, even fucking Chinese people have their own N word.

No. 441806>>441811>>441813>>441824

>Black men get assblasted just the same when they date outside their race by everyone as well
This is such a cope, I'm sorry kek. I say this as someone who's been friends with tons of black men and seen how they talk to eachother (and about black women) when they feel like they have a safe space. Black women dating out is traitorism and they start foaming at the mouth writing disgusting sexual scenarios about them and cursing them out. The few that don't do it do nothing to stop the ones that do because they secretly somewhat agree and feel rejected by those women, too. Black men doing it is just whatever, they don't care, they might make a little joke but move on. No one's telling them they're perpetuating slavery or being a white woman's whore (I've always found it interesting how they don't feel the need to self-deprecate about it like black women do using "memes" like that), no one's writing think pieces about how the men doing this are the devil, no one's calling them coons, etc lmao. They feel like they have the right to all races of women, but "their" women can't date out or else it's some grand treason. Tbh that's how all races of men are because they have conquering fantasies.

No. 441811>>441824>>441931

Samefag, instead, I should say the only people calling them coons and getting mad are black women who expect racial loyalty. Those women need to understand that no one cares, they're just going to be mocked for their zeal and jealousy (including by other races of women) because men aren't into any of that racial militancy stuff the moment it inconveniences them, and pickmes love the ego boost. They also see some of the same black women getting upset publicly talking about whichever white men they find attractive, and that kind of hypocrisy just makes the whole thing more laughable and is a bad look (the whole thing is honestly a bad look, women are better off minding their business and dating/not dating whoever they want quietly).

No. 441813>>441815>>441818>>441826

Listen black men are still men at the end of the day I literally have brothers I know the things black men and boys say amongst each other. But I also know that all men of every race talk the exact same way about their women while fawning after other races of women on the low. Black men just do it on the high. White guys gaslit white girls with Asian women and every other race gaslights their women with white women. It’s literally just what males do to make it certain that women from their race never venture out while they can. It all boils down to ownership. Racism like I’m pretty sure I said upthread a long time ago is just a psyop for men to conquer women.and women fall for it by playing into it.

Black men are not being treated kindly by anyone not just black women. Do you know how many nonblack women have had to excommunicate themselves from their families because they dated a black man? Do you know how many got into violent altercations with their dads for getting asked out by a black boy for prom? I get hating blaxk men trust me I do but you have to look at reality it’s not a ducking cope to say that black men and black women face fetishizing and unkind things due to their race . Black men are treated like ass when it’s found out they are dating a nonblack woman by the men and women of the that nonblack person. Why do you think it’s a meme for incels of EVERY RACE to not ever want their women to be with black men. It’s more than just dick size. They think black men are bottom of the barrel sexual deviants. Same way they view black women. Let’s stop being obtuse because of issues with black men. You really must not be in nonblack male dominated spaces because they all collectively agree that they don’t want their women with black men.

No. 441815>>441818

Also if you talk to nonblack women most all collectively agree that they dont like black men and when they do it’s 9/10 for fetishized reasons concerning their body. Or it’s to piss off their parents and neg black women . Never fails

No. 441818

I agree all men are like that, that's what I said. I'm just not going to "both sides" some things because that's ridiculous, lol.
>Black men are not being treated kindly by anyone not just black women. Do you know how many nonblack women have had to excommunicate themselves from their families because they dated a black man? Do you know how many got into violent altercations with their dads for getting asked out by a black boy for prom?
Yes, I've heard of this. That's not treating the black men badly, that's treating the non-black woman badly, kek. I never said non-black men want their women to be with black men. I'm saying black men don't get shit on by "everyone". The most they'll do to the black men is call them niggers and say to get out of their house, while the women get cut off from their whole family (and their dating lives are kind of screwed if they're a single mom of a biracial kid - there is no equivalent to this for black men. Some black woman on Twitter tried to do the "If he's dated a white woman, I won't date him" thing, and everyone just fucking laughed at her lmao). Men don't hold eachother accountable, even when they hate eachother. We know this. Black male celebrities can date non-black women without issue from anyone but black women, and the non-black men who don't like it aim their vitriol at non-black women. This is why black men who date interracially complain the most about jealous, seething black women. The non-black men are not a threat to them, that's their girlfriend's headache to deal with lol.
More specifically, the white man goes through life pretty much expecting that black men want white women because they actually view their women in high esteem (at least when they're not obsessively chasing other groups of women) and see black men thirst over them, either in media, real life or both. So, they resent the woman who accept black male advances. They can't lynch those men anymore, but they sure can shame their women, not unlike how black women get shamed for dating white men. It really does seem like a conspiracy of men to punish "their" women instead of going to blows with eachother lmao. Funny how that won't stop them from watching and funding interracial porn, being cuckolds and trafficking their own women worldwide to one another (black, white, Asian, MENA, and Mestizo men all do this). It's almost like what they actually all hate is female freedom.

Well yeah, everyone's seen the statistics by now. Unfortunately, for as much as the more unhinged black men might pedestalize other races of women and try to blame black women, by raw numbers alone, they still beat those women, psychologically abuse them and leave them single mothers at a much higher rate than other men do to any group of women (and I'm not saying those other men are good, either, before anyone starts). I'm not pedestalizing black men or saying they're viewed as desirable (they're not), I'm saying they practice very clear double standards when it comes to interracial dating, and black women face more punishment within the community for dating out. Everyone practices double standards, and it's fucking stupid.

No. 441824

I’m sending you an invisible clapping emoji nonna. You’ve encapsulated what I wanted to say.

No. 441826>>441836

Ok and? What does that have to do with us? They can make their own movement to advocate for that. I never understand women like you, who are so keen on fighting for men who have no qualms to shit on you when it’s convenient.
I don’t get your sense of loyalty when those very same men are the ones insulting you for being a baby mama or for going to college, for dating a man of another race, for being dark skin, damn they’re hating on you even if their daddy left and you remained to raise them, you can never win.

Black women should go where they’re most happy, not trying to endure struggle love of any kind of they wish to date; and regarding kinship and community WE ONLY HAVE US, no other race, no black men either.

No. 441835>>441843

And who invented that machinery? White and wealthy ME countries are objectively worse for the planet than the rest of the world.

No. 441836>>441838

File (hide): 1730299060467.jpg (93.12 KB, 900x798, Ga-f9KMWsAAvWyj.jpg)

Based. I'm sorry, but there is no benefit in being loyal to black men as a collective. They've been stepping on black women from the start. The current femicide and DV rates are too high for this bullshit.
Black men have long prioritized themselves, as seen here: >>431699. It's on black women to start doing the same for ourselves. If years of muling without reward earned you respect and decency, slavery never would've existed.

No. 441838>>441841

good god i hate when writers write in accents, books have lowkey stopped doing that shit in past 15ish years and i am forever grateful

No. 441841

Well, it's a quote from a character in a book published in 1937, so it doesn't bother me.

No. 441843>>441862

Yes, I never said that white men ate the holy grail nonna.
> And who invented that machinery?
And you think black men are going to fight with you kek? And you think that there is no misogyny in our community kek? Intersectionalism is just that. We face much more danger by the men of our race (just like white women with white men), despite them facing racism too.

Black men don’t have your back nonna. These are the same ones who are ready to jump on like rabid dogs at the smallest chance to be on par with those very same white man. Like I’ve said before your only loyalty should be with other black women, until black men stop leaving broken homes, abusing and killing our sisters , stop bullying girls and propagating colorism I won’t give a fuck.

No. 441862>>441869>>441896>>442036>>442094

>And you think black men are going to fight with you kek?
Frederick Douglas, W.E.B, Booker T, MLK, Huey and Malcom X didn't have black women's backs?

No. 441869>>441878

i think almost every single male you mentioned cheated on their black wives

No. 441878>>441892

0 chance Douglas and Booker cheated, although Douglas did remarry after his first wife passed. Douglas also rebuffed requests to stop publishing suffragette material in his newspaper.
MLK definitely cheated, I'll give you that one, man was a hound. Malcolm and Huey I don't know

No. 441892

Huey Newton allegedly killed a 17 year old girl named Kathleen Smith and abused/raped Erica Huggins.

No. 441896>>441940

Where are these big names now? There is no such man right now nonna. I’m talking about the present, not the past kek. Who do we have now? Dr. Umar kek?
I don’t see why you’re so keen on dickriding black men when they aren’t doing nothing for us.

No. 441931

exactly my thinking. Why is it so hard for black women to keep to themselves and not whine about men? Why are we cursed to have such a male-centered dickmatized population? Imagine if the average black woman cared about her health, education or finances the way she cared about black men. What a better world that would be

No. 441940

>Why are we cursed to have such a male-centered dickmatized population?
That's all races, but BW-specific reasons include: overcompensation for absent fathers, looking extremely different from women of all other races, generational trauma from being forced to breed

No. 441956>>441959>>441960>>442171

File (hide): 1730329007242.jpg (51.3 KB, 526x526, 68573827_1162141673975629_5329…)

So as a black woman I've got to ask.
What type of men IS good for us? I am sick of society trying to pin the role on us being the "single girls that don't need no man." As a black woman, I do crave romantic affection. I desire having male companionship and being able to find a partner and I refuse to be gaslit by society into thinking these aren't normal desires to have.
Also, as a black woman I feel like society is more eager to behaviorally condition us and give us shit advice on how to find men. It's either "just stick with black men!" or if you are prone to date other races, they tell you "Don't be so superficial about who you choose"
While other races of women correctly teach their girls how to go about finding good men to date and marry, I feel like the black race is the only race which is systemically broken and teaches young girls to settle for less and to not have high expectations in terms of men. It's so sad how often I see black women and they're forcing themselves to settle for the bare minimum while other races of women are literally receiving flowers and princess treatment.
How do we as black women stick to our guns and find men who will properly treat us the way we deserve to be treated?
And please don't respond to this with some bullshit advice of "staying celibate" because black women shouldn't have to live like fucking nuns in order to live a life where they feel fulfilled. There is nothing wrong with seeking romantic fulfillment and companionship and we need to start telling black women this and that they have every right as much as any other race of women in finding a romantic partner.

No. 441959

Don't put out until he introduces you to family and takes you on a trip to confirm the relationship. Let him know he has to decide whether he wants a relationship in 3 or 4 dates before you ghost.

No. 441960>>441961

> While other races of women correctly teach their girls how to go about finding good men to date and marry
That’s where you’re wrong. Other races are more concerned about the ensuring their sons get married and have babies than about the women’s happiness. Most men are trash, the grass is not greener on the other side.

No. 441961>>441967>>441977>>442017

If you're not black you don't belong in this thread

No. 441967>>441973

File (hide): 1730333111743.webp (10.24 KB, 240x180, skeleton_key.webp)

nta but what if you are technically non black only because you Skeleton Key'd some hapless non black girl? As long as you were originally black, do you still get to claim blackness or is it one of those "when you're out you're out" type things?

No. 441973

No. 441977

I am black. My non black coworkers are constantly complaining about their husbands and shitty in-laws. I don’t envy them and neither should you.

No. 441999

If you want to be married so bad then become a contestant on Love is Blind.

No. 442004>>442015

I don't think that's how it is. And most black women are in relationships anyway so I'm not really sure what you are on about. I've never heard a stereotype of black women being perpetually single

No. 442012>>442016

I think being perpetually single sounds great lmao.

No. 442015>>442018

statistically speaking college educated black women are the least married and least dated

No. 442016>>442185

then why don't you give it a try? break up with your current significant other

No. 442017

nta, but this is a public forum, none of these thoughts are private

No. 442018

because we are a small group with not a lot of options, but it's better than being a baby mama

No. 442036>>442080>>442094

>Frederick Douglass
please don't tell me you think that scrote actually respected black women.

No. 442080>>442089>>442094

he did. In his diatribes against slavery he frequently brought up how cruel slavery was to black women in particular. He also refused repeated requests from his own allies to stop publishing suffragette material in The Advocate.

No. 442089>>442094>>442095

He neglected his black wife and even abused her at points. The moment she kicked the bucket, he went on to marry a white woman despite what whites were putting black people through. He straight up insulted his black mother by claiming he doesn't know what his slave master father ever saw in her. Why do people keep riding on the dicks of black activists? Frederick did not respect black women that much, if at all. He wasn't even really black himself, he was biracial.

No. 442094

You can acknowledge the things black men did while also being aware of their misogyny. As long as you don’t put men on a pedestal, and take their best lessons for yourself, we can move on and do the best with the time we have

No. 442095>>442100

okay I just looked into this and found out that Douglass cheated on both of his wives (including his white one). I had thought he was sincere with all that religious stuff he had said but I guess I misjudged him. I'm legit shocked

No. 442100

Men are mening, nothing new under the sun

No. 442134>>442137>>442145

Tinfoil conspiracy: it seems like every other black chick online has the same incel mentality as males. They'll have the same resentment for non-bw for living life on "easy mode" that incels have for women without realizing how hypocritical they're being. it gets to the point where they tell blatant lies like white and asian sex workers that were trafficked will be ok because they can easily get saved by a simp and married. Or it's so easy for WW to get millionaires and billionaires despite those men being rare. It's scary, and I think it's a bot campaign.

No. 442137>>442139>>442147

A lot of it is weird black men with tranny mentality/fantasies larping and hoping they can influence some black women to maintain low standards and think they deserve nothing. There have even been times when black men have been caught catfishing as both black and non-black women on Twitter and TikTok to spread racial agendas.
>white and asian sex workers that were trafficked will be ok because they can easily get saved by a simp and married
Like, this is so blatantly a male-borne, porn-addled, "the black community is a matriarchy", "we need to talk about hoeflation", "onlyfans exploits men", fried chicken chomping, heats-pennies-up-and-throws-them-at-strippers opinion. In general, men can't help themselves. Their testerical mindsets leak out in all of their LARPs, but black men are among the most brazen and retarded I've ever seen.

No. 442139>>442140

Samefag, I've noticed trannies and sad failed tradthots regurgitating the same things to try and "dunk" on black women (especially with trying really hard to convince black women that being white makes them automatic stacies on easymode) and that just solidifies even more to me that it's not organic, but memed. Both those demographics fail miserably at understanding black women or what actually "cuts" at them, and they lag 5 years behind on all their insults. This includes the ones reading this post right now.

No. 442140

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this one is probably a male because they said black "people" and not women. LSA has become a femcel hotspot tho.

No. 442142

Mods need to remove this thread or put it into auto-sage

No. 442145>>442151>>442307

Not defending these ladies, some women are just insane but there’s no place in modern feminism for black women. Nobody can talk about how the most violent and likely abusers are black men, because post 2020 black men are now a protected class and black women actively prevent discourse on this issue. Black women see themselves as black before anything and refuse to acknowledge their womanhood. there’s constant debate on how the patriarchy is in white/asian countries are “functional” and their men know how to take care of those women and have a place for those women while black patriarchies are dysfunctional and black women are forced to work and “be more masculine”than they naturally are. I the goal is to “assimilate” into other groups via interracial relationships and thus contestant debate. I fear reality is more complicated than this but that’s what I’ve seen on twitter.

No. 442147

People seem to forget that it’s really easy to LARP as another demographic on the Internet. Like this is a form of opsec forgotten by the younger generations. IT’S VERY EASY TO LIE ABOUT WHO YOU ARE ONLINE, ALWAYS DOUBT AND DOUBLE CHECK

No. 442151

no not "asian countries," only Japan.

No. 442171>>442172

File (hide): 1730420409138.png (1.85 MB, 1280x720, IMG_3725.png)

Love from men does not exist idk how many women have to die and be treated like garbage for some of you to get it through your head. Literally just use men for their money and gifts and stop romanticizing them in your mind. That’s the only way you will find “love” but the love you are looking for is internal. Sorry the truth hurts. A male will never give you what you are looking for in this life. I say this to white women, Latina women, and Asian women because they all are going through this just at slower speeds. Black men can show their ass because they gave up the minute they became enslaved and know they are at the bottom no matter what. Nonblack men have something to prove and actually lose so they still play the game, so that is why it looks like the grass is greener on their side when it’s not. Black men just refuse to compete in the fake love war men got going on because they realized they could get everything they want out of women if their dick game is good enough. Other races of men are quickly catching on too. That’s why so many married women of all races are actually the bread winners and are actually happily married to hobosexuals with video game addictions.

No. 442172>>442213

Also if you want flowers tell men on the first date that your love language is gifts. It’s as easy as that. Treat them like dog shit and they will spoil you rotten. And if they don’t at least you treated them like dogshit

No. 442185>>442186

I've never had one, that's why i said that. I just can't understand caring so much about moids. I used to want to passively give dating a try because i'd never met a single person who has never dated, but i realised that my curiosity was built on the psyop of the happily ever after that women are fed through the media and the reality is, no matter your race, there is no guarantee dating is either good for you or will work because most men are terrible people and aren't fit to be husbands. I'd rather live a peaceful life alone than wasting my life yearning for something that doesn't exist or having to share my life with someone where i am making most of the compromises and sacrifices, which almost all hetrosexual relationships require the woman to abandon everything about herself and become a mindless drone to have some degree of function on the most minimal level.

No. 442186

I never realized how common it was for men to rape their partners until I read twox Reddit. Sooo many "my bf kept going after i said stop/took off condom, etc, does it count?" stories. They all do the same gaslighting after it happens and try to make themselves the victim. and then countless sexual assault cases during sleep. Tbh i'm more paranoid about a bf raping or stealthing me after my guard is down than a stranger.

No. 442213

women don't want flowers. Flowers are classic low effort scrote behavior. He should get you something like chocolates or tickets to a show you want to see. Something practical

No. 442229>>442302>>442305>>442336>>442373>>442406>>442448

African American anons, what are your thoughts on African men?

No. 442301>>442302>>442306>>442375

Please tell me I have comprehension issues and that I didn’t just read anons in this thread defending having a racist boyfriend because they were called ugly as teenagers. we’re so cooked

No. 442302

Don’t bother. You might be fooled by them being more likely to be employed and educated but they still have that ghetto player mentality. No women should suffer with an African man.

Sad but true. We are a cooked demographic and it’s unlikely to get better with some kind of miracle

No. 442305

As an African woman, don’t bother. The culture in Africa is often misogyny and they expect women to be submissive and to serve their man.

No. 442306>>442318

A bit of both nonna. No one was really defending the racist bf nonna.
Points were being made about the fact that there’s racism in every race against us and even our own men are racist , therefore black women don’t really owe loyalty to anyone, if you so happen to involve yourself with a man you should look how he treats you. That was the point, I don’t think anyone ever said to keep staying with a racist scrote.

No. 442307

>while black patriarchies are dysfunctional
ray charles- i got a woman

No. 442318>>442390

There used to be an idea that white men were more feminist, less woman hating, stuck around and looked after their kids, and were less whorish than Black men, but looking at the state of all white moids under 40 i would say that simply isn't the case anymore. The amount they leave women as single mothers is catching up to black men

No. 442334

>WTF were you doing in 2018-2023
in the same relationship.. please don't be a dickhead.

No. 442336

Don't do it. They are master manipulators and almost always abusive and it's just a given that they are cheating at any given time.

No. 442373

File (hide): 1730510802254.png (141.63 KB, 2403x594, african men in a nutshell.png)

My thoughts on African men. What sane black woman is going to think that Africa is a better place to find men?
Sure American black men are cancer, but African men are not much better. Where they necklace you and burn you alive just for disagreeing with them. If it happened to an Olympian woman it can happen to you too.

No. 442375>>442384>>442390>>442404>>442420

File (hide): 1730511469288.jpg (73.52 KB, 900x894, 626839336924210.jpg)

The psy op in this thread is insane. Remember all indigenous africans are the same and hate everyone else in the diaspora. Afro latinos, blasians, and west indians don't fucking exist don't bring them up here. Go fuck a white man. Also all men hate you. Did I mention to give up on dating and just be single? This site is for radfems but it's ridiculous how retarded the rhetoric gets in here.

No. 442384>>442390>>442392

Literally. Nothing but y-yeah but!! ass responses for wm who are responsible for our negative social standing (idk why that doesn’t get brought up as often, they’re literally the foundation of misogynoir), but somebody read about an African man doing something wrong one time so we should write off all Africans. Stellar logic

No. 442390>>442396>>442407


I grew up around both white men and african men and they both suck. Black women have this insane habit of trying to find the right group of men to worship because she is so desperate for romantic affection. Everything in her life will tell her to avoid violent hateful men and she still throws herself for this kind of man. I swear to god why do black qomen have to exist? It’s always the same type of whining and internalized misogyny and defending hateful violent men. Other women are sane enough to stop when someone hates them but black women keep pushing for bullshit. You will never get the nonviolent non racist boyfriend of your dreams. Go elsewhere, do something else, get a degree, get an expensive hobby, make some art, stop whining about men(racebaiting)

No. 442392>>442394

Anon, you're mistaken and stupid. It is white women that are responsible for our negative social standing. Not white men(bait)

No. 442394

Explain? We have no natural interactions with them anyway

No. 442396>>442401

> I swear to god why do black qomen have to exist?
thread over the baiter is back

No. 442401>>442416

Look at you, you don’t know how to use sage like a normal person

No. 442404

Seriously why is this called the "black girl" thread? It might as well be the ADOS thread or something more fitting honestly

No. 442406>>442415

They are barely better than Indian or Arab men, just BARELY. It's a waste of time to ever try with them if you are american btw, which most people in this thread are, they usually always prefer african women and they can't even treat them right a lot of the time. I am african myself so i guess i do know some that aren't deranged, but the good ones i speak of are either autistic and sex repulsed computer science nerds or got married young.

No. 442407>>442411

Based transhumanism can fix it

No. 442411>>442442

File (hide): 1730523262311.jpeg (150.52 KB, 682x770, IMG_2147.jpeg)

I’ve always wanted to upload my mind into a hot androgynous customized robot body that I can change on a regular basis. A lot of my body dysmorphia, and my struggles with people seems to come from the one part of me that I can’t exactly change. And the promise of mind uploading to escape my physical prison sounds lovely. I just have to live long enough for that opportunity and I will be happy.

No. 442415

African men aren't threatened by financially successful women. In fact, they seem to prefer it

No. 442416

>saging on g

No. 442420>>442442

>This site is for radfems
It isn’t kek

No. 442442>>442446

FYI ladies Radical feminists are not nitpicking sex workers pussy lips and mocking autistic women in shitty cosplay. Hell most lolcow users were originally on 4chan.
what do you mean you will trust racist technology with your soul? Please think deeply about that and get you a VR headset or maybe become a vtuber. Anything but that. Did you not watch black mirror?

Also white men called black people subhuman so that they could get away with raping and impregnating little black girls. They exalted white women as innocent deities so that they could cheat on them with impunity with literal little girls. It was little girls that were being the most assaulted. We had to be subhuman in order for white men to constantly rape us and not be seen as sinners. I would never let one of those pink pigs NEAR ME just knowing that history. Never forget!

No. 442446>>442494

Which is why I’m learning machine learning on the side (neuroscience is my major) so I can make sure this great tech would be used as a tool against us. And you’re very welcome to never date out and never have sex with anyone. But I do find it funny how black men dont give a shit about history and are very horny for white women.

No. 442448

Don't do it unless you're okay with possibly finding out the man you fell in love with has a wife and three kids back in his country who will resent you and/or attempt to use you for money. They infamously do this to women of all diasporic and racial backgrounds.

No. 442494

And that’s their own problem to deal with. I want black women to pay them complete dust whenever shit hits the fan because they’re grown and can take care of themselves. Just because bm are stupid doesn’t mean we have to be. I’m not even against being with someone of a different background but getting a racist yt bf is not the own a lot of femcel black women think it is.

No. 442604>>442637>>442713>>442894>>442920

Is it based to become a single mother by choice using a sperm bank?

No. 442637

No. Motherhood is not worth it, especially without the social safety net. Even if you are rich, your potential kid will socially suffer.

No. 442675>>442714

File (hide): 1730664125882.jpg (142.23 KB, 828x1019, GaYnIn_WYAI8HWV.jpg)

black women are so beautiful ♥

No. 442713

idgaf what some radfems say, being a single mother really isn't based at all unless you are very wealthy or at least work a job that is flexible enough to let you actually raise your kid. That's why so many single mothers struggle imo, they spend too much time at work and cannot fully check on their kids.

No. 442714

They are, especially when they were their hair like that (as god intended)

No. 442852>>442855

File (hide): 1730766693324.png (474.09 KB, 912x481, Screenshot 2024-11-04 185303.p…)

Why would spotify recommend me this shit? the last book, fine since i would suspect that people are reading it due to the p.diddy accusations to scrape it for information. But i don't even listen audiobooks or consume anything on spotify that would indicate i would want to hear a novel about a pastor eating pussy and the old thot next door. Does spotify think i am sexy red?

No. 442855>>442866

yes, race based algorithms are very real. Sorry to break your heart, you can listen to ska or Weezer to re-orient your algorithm

No. 442860>>442866>>442894

what do you guys think of the youtuber kidology? been watching her a lot lately

No. 442866

The way that i NEVER got this shit recommended to me when i was obsessed with Solange Knowles and Kendrick Lamar, but it suddenly figured out that i was black when i listened to a bunch of charli xcx after almost a decade of me having this spotify account.

Even if i don't always agree with her, i like the fact that she doesn't suck up to anyone. That's very rare on the internet when everyone is trying to virtue signal to troons and queers 24/7 even if they don't really mean it. The thing i dislike about her is the was that she seems to like men way too much and give them too much grace. I agree with a lot of conservative white women karen types being insufferable and being just as bad as moids in some regards, but they don't irritate me enough for me to start trying to have dialogues about men's rights issues the way she does. I know identifying as a lesbian is trendy right now, but she came out as one not to long ago and for some reason it just makes sense to me because the way she explains her attraction to men just sounds like she is trying to force herself to find something attractive about them and it seemed like cope. Even anons who post in the psy-op thread can think of physical traits in a man they like even if they seem completely repulsed by most men, but it always just seemed like she dated a man just because, there was no real sense of lust unlike when she talks about getting with a woman. In general i find her perspectives on things incredibly interesting because she's lived a very fascinating life, even though her view points spawn from her insane upbringing by weirdo white supremacists. I can't help but think how strong you have to be to live with such demonic people in your formative years and still manage to get into a prestigious university and be somewhat normal. I wish there were more people like her who made videos who weren't afraid to deal with people who disagree with them and weren't doing it for blatant rage bait reasons.

No. 442894>>442895>>442920

Any black person with a large white audience gives me the ick I’m so sorry. She gives me lesbian that only dates white women vibes kek.
No your kid will probably blame you for everything and kill you. Get a pet. The most based thing a black woman can do is guard her womb and get a dog or cat. Our ancestors had to hide our pets otherwise they’d be killed. Never forget. Also I think it’s super dangerous to be a single black mom. People will take advantage and treat you like trash. Starting at the doctors office when they ask where the father is.

No. 442895>>442920>>442921

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I say it’s the most based because our bodies have been used and abused for centuries raising children a lot of which weren’t even ours. It’s why I personally as a black woman will never have a child. I saw what life my married mother went through with kids and it was horrible. My womb is for me and me alone. Pic related will be the only children I will raise going forward

No. 442918>>442936>>443015

ever noticed the overlap between edtwt and divest/swirler twt? I think they're related

No. 442920>>442951

Anti- natalism is the best option for black women. Black women get treated like shit at the hospitals and people hate you for even brining more black kids into the world. Your son will always be tempted by ghetto shit and pretending to be a tough street guy even if you send him to private school. Your daughter will be tempted by ghetto SJW shit, no matter how much effort you put into raising her self esteem or keeping her sage. The odds of finding a decent partner or safe living space or a good school is against our odds. It’s not worth it. Honestly I fear young African women will be exploited for reproductive purposes this decade since that continent is still having so many young kids. I know how vile and disgusting those pro-surrogacy freaks are. I try to tell every young BW I know to take care of herself and never rely on anyone.

No. 442921>>443049

i don't have kids and don't want kids but the logic of "since black women were forced to raised non black kids I will get society back by not having kids of my own" doesn't really work

No. 442936>>443032

Yes. A lot of women with EDs are CSA victims trying to avoid features they feel might make them more attractive to predators. Not hard to put two and two together with the black community's silence and victim-blaming around that issue, the hypersexualization black girls and women face, how sexualized "thicker" bodies are compared to "thinner" bodies (which are often considered less sexual and more worthy of protection), etc.
For some, it's a desire for safety through invisibility and not taking up space, and for others, it's also an outright defiance toward beauty standards perpetuated by/for black men (eg not all of them are "divestors" or "swirlers", but for the ones that are, this rejection is often another aspect of "leaving blackistan"). The same way it's futile with other races of women, it's futile with black women because men will sexualize women regardless, and the perceived vulnerability that comes with having a very thin body and a fragile mental state just tends to attract another type of predator, but mental disorders aren't exactly rational.

No. 442951>>442956>>443049

That is a doomer take.
If a black woman wants kids she should have them. Do you want a future with less black women and more racism?

No. 442956>>442958

I am a doomer. I don’t think it will get better for the majority of black women , especially when they are so submissive and beholden to black men who hate them who refuse to build their communities/countries. Think about the average quality of life for black children worldwide and how miserable it is. Think about the rising rates of femicide and maternal mortality. Think about how easy and often it was for others to come colonize and sell you off. Black pride was a blimp in history and it’s no wonder stupid Hoteps have to lie about their history and try to claim they’re were the real Jews or Vikings or samurai. It’s all so hopeless

No. 442958

it won't get better for anyone of any race or gender because society is collapsing soon thx to climate change.

No. 443015>>443032

Ngl, i am fascinated with black ana-chans. I've never actually seen any on the internet, but i've see content made by black women that look like blatant body checks i.e 360 braid reveals clearly designed to show off how tiny their waist is.

No. 443032>>443053

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Some of my earliest online interactions were in those pro Anaspaces. Although I never went deep in myself, I was always fascinated because it seemed like an archetype, an escape from the Jezebel/mammy dichotomy. I always felt jealous of those ladies who complained about not meeting the coke bottle body standard, as I would give anything to be slim in bone structure and keep grown men away from me. Sadly that has not been my reality and I have to make do with a short and curvy body.

No. 443049


Maybe not for you but it works for me! Also we already live in a future with less black women and more racism. LOOK AROUND. I bet most of the women itt are biracial kek.

No. 443053>>443055>>443085>>443095

As a black girl shaped like pic related why do y’all think being skinny will stop harassment it doesn’t! No matter how skinny you get as a black woman you will still more than likely be fetishized BY EVERYONE around you. Men and women alike. I know this Because I’ve existed as a black woman who has never weighed more than 110 lbs. Guys fetishize my legs and I even posted up thread of how a guy even sexualized my fingers because they were long and slender. Nothing will save you from sexual harassment besides calling it out in the moment with your fist. Being skinny will get you sexualized more as a black woman because society has been conditioned with the mammy look or video vixen look. Also it’s stupid to be a woman and want to be frail as possible in this misogynistic society. Black women should be bulking to kill men. The femicide rate is extremely high for us

No. 443055>>443085>>443095

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Black women need to worry about arming themselves not being as frail as possible wtf. Other races are allowed to be frail as possible because their men protect them ours don’t so go to the gun range ladies

No. 443085>>443095

how about both? I can be skinny AF and strong. I've seen 120 lb chicks lift 3x their weight while keeping a slim figure.

No. 443095>>443099

regardless, we need to get our money up, harden our hearts and protect ourselves. No one will care about us like we do. Black men have chosen Trump and misogyny, they can get exactly what they were begging for

No. 443099>>443100

Do you think there's anything that can effect job trajectory enough to effect those of us in higher education? I worry even things like the coming tariffs can ruin a few career paths.

No. 443100>>443107>>443122

Yea we are literally seen as the face of wokeness and now we are at risk of violence. KSC spoke on this and now generations of black girls will be the target of white rage. We need to focus on money and upward mobility and keeping ourselves safe. And no pandering to conservatives will not help they hate you no matter what

No. 443107>>443144

nta but who or what is KSC?

No. 443122>>443144

I won’t be the target of shit in fact I’m getting a gun so i can start targeting my anger too tf. Black women itt the white women you hang out with and even the Latinas are not your friends. Start making community with black women and girls it’s imperative

No. 443135

My burgers sister please stay safe, you’re in my heart

No. 443144

KSC was part of the BWE (black woman empowerment) blogging space back in the 2000s. She warned about being the face of wokeness back in 2016, and she was doxxed off the Internet. But sadly, her words have come to pass.

I’m trying but I don’t live near enough black women. At least I’m safe in a blue state.

No. 443213>>443234>>443295

Black women are the loneliest demographic and you can’t change my mind.(baiting)

No. 443234

I agree. Socially and politically. Now not all black women, the most lonely tend to be the ones who go above and beyond normal behavior for attention and validation. BW are deeply desperate for BM approval and they constantly fail to get it. Why? Because there is nothing a BW can do to keep a BM's attention. This is why she needs internal validation. It's best for her to separate and move on, far far away from the black community.

No. 443254>>443446

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Unhinged Rant:

White women and Latinas are a fucking joke. They saw those racist tradthot memes highkey calling them submissive retards to the male ego got hyped by them instead of disgusted that men boil them down in such literal garbage ways and caused the worst timeline for all women. Because they wanted to raise chickens and make carne asadas for their abusive moids. I hope all Latina women get deported for this shit. But of course it will be Haitians and Caribbeans who suffer most because black people always suffer most. I’m beyond enraged. And white women’s dumbasses are over hear talking about some damn 4B Movement AFTER they and their fugly incel Nigels voted all our bodily autonomy away. Mind you East Asians are on the damn 7b movement. Not to mention
black women heard about the 4b movement and created the west 4b movement MONTHS AGO. And was even in contact with the Korean creator of the 4b movement and would go live with her on tik tok which everyone classified as fake news. White women are so fucking slow I really hate them bad. They like being the perfect victims and think they are the MC in some movie. They are brainwashed af. I swear they watched handmaids tale and jerked off to it and couldn’t wait to make it a reality because they just NEED to be oppressed. Instead of doing the work of not birthing their disgusting Nigels that have wreaked irreparable havoc on all of humanity. They birth them and coddle them but never raise them so they grow up to be the worst forms of man. All races of women do this of course, but white women do it way too frequently and in a sinister way.

In the American thread I talked about about how black men and women voted almost unanimously for Harris. And you know what these morons said?They should start dating black guys because they care more about women’s health even more than them hurr durr. Yet if they even cared about women other than the ones that looked like them they’d know that black men kill black women in record numbers especially while pregnant. Why would you want to date them? And they think they can do a 4b movement when they’d couldn’t event be assed to do it during fucking gamer gate. You know why? It’s because what if those colored folk get to live decent lives. We can’t have that. Vet and get rid of your white friends and Latina friends they are the enemy. We must burn our capes and only uplift ourselves. We are all we got ladies. Always have discernment. When the news is playing and you see families being ripped apart I better not see you throwing a cape on and going out to March for them. No one ever has our back while we look out for all of womanhood and get the shortest end of the damn stick every time back to back. It’s so sad how we are treated. It’s time we start treating each other and ourselves right. We are not new to this we are true to this. They are not. Oh well.

No. 443265

I understand why anons are upset but being enraged won’t do anything positive for us. Just try to protect yourself first and foremost and let everyone else deal with the consequences of their own actions. I wouldn’t even gloat. Just pay everyone dust. Whenever someone tries to use u for their cause just hmm and haw and oh no sad face but do not take up for them.

No. 443271>>443273>>443310>>443411

can everybody calm down the hysteria? genuinely, what is supposed to happen now and in the future that hasn’t already been going on that’s causing everyone to freak the fuck out, i don’t get it

No. 443273>>443275

>>443271 I don't think black women are in hysterics at all. This is not surprising for us since we've seen this side of America all our lives and our family and roots here have seen even worse. It's just white people who aren't Trumpers finally seeing the forest for the trees and it must be pretty hard for them. We're in a good position because we already know what it's like to not be protected or having to stick up for ourselves. Just make sure you get a gun and take lessons, do not open carry - conceal carry.

No. 443275

you mean for the supposed race/civil war? or that black womens’ target on our backs becoming larger? i don’t think either presidential elects would’ve decreased the targets tbh. and i always felt like a decent portion of the illegal immigrants were secretly soldiers my state’s open carry or jail, but i’ll be fine anyways nonnie for i am a shut-in

No. 443285>>443292

idk why people are even surprised by this election. Read Limits to Growth and how it predicts societal collapse setting in by 2040. Trump is right on schedule.

No. 443292>>443293

bullshit. bad things happen, that's just life. it doesn't mean it will be the end of society. for as long as there's been people there's always been a subset of people obsessed with collapse or the world ending. shit happens, we will adapt like we have for thousands of years.

No. 443293>>443294

Societies have ended in the past, so it can happen again. There's proof of it. You're conflating collapse with human extinction shills, which is the extremist delulu portion of it.

No. 443294

Oh my bad. My point still stands, it will be tough but we can rebuild anew and come out stronger in the end. It's not like this society was good for us anyway.

No. 443295>>443299

Kys! Quickly!(alogging)

No. 443299>>443304

How mean to cyberbully a bw for being vulnerable

No. 443304

That anon wasn't being vulnerable it's just shitty bait nona

No. 443310

i'm sad and bummed out, not hysterical. there was a very real chance this would happen and it did. We can only protect ourselves and our peace

No. 443340

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Black women are an outlier in American culture and politics and there’s no way around discussing this. Whether you think this is a good thing or not, this explains so much of the experience. Why others have animosity to us, our need to explore why, being very political (especially for others), etc. A part of me thinks it’s because there’s no way to assimilate into mainstream and maintain our dignity at the same time. Not talking about education or work but rather in the social sphere. Black men can assimilate by leaning into the ghetto rap star archetype or tough sport/military guy. Maybe I should rethink my approach. Honestly hunkering down and working on ourselves is the long term solution.

No. 443411

I'm hysterical because our national parks might get carved up. There are plenty of other things to be upset over!

No. 443419>>443440>>443466>>443494>>448317

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I'm just going to have a little rant. How many times are people supposed to be in "shock and awe" that degenerate old rich white/jewish cunts are, in fact, degenerates who like bimbos, porn stars, prostitutes and ghetto/trashy women? Everyone knows it, just like everyone knows they're drug addicts and pedophiles, everyone knows Donald Trump married a prostitute and just ignores it, how Anna Nicole Smith got famous, etc.
"Trad" values are fake and for optics, but they barely try. Men are sleazy and like whores. The dumber (and therefore more vulnerable/easy to exploit), sluttier and more vapid a woman is, the more slimy old fucks will be interested. Black women are not exempt just because racism exists. The exact opposite is actually true, black women are hypersexualized, and that's why these retarded Stein-owned record labels won't stop pushing trashy stereotypes of black women with inflated asses who talk about dick all day over everything else.
The whole "issa white man?!" thing irritates me because racist retards "virtue" signalling about how hideous and untouchable black women are were always just that, and you can see it if you just look how they act.

No. 443440

They’ve moved all the degeneracy from 60s-70s white rock to rap music, see how the music just started shifting more and more corporate and then it turned into van mom rock with a little bit of “edge”, the most privileged faggots who would’ve they/them’d themselves if they weren’t around in the 90s loved Nirvana and grunge but that was the start of rock corporatism that started shifting the image and consumption of white Americans from sex, drugs and rock and roll to muhfuggindikkkk rap music filled with the same sexualization of women, drug trafficking culture and violence, they just shifted the same type of garbage from white Americans and started giving it to black Americans and black women of course are hit the hardest just like white women were hit the hardest during that time because these pop culture stuff always impacts women the most. I’m seriously not surprised he mentioned that, all of these genres are full of hypersexualization and promotion of whoredom and debasement

No. 443446>>443447>>443480>>448317

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I recently saw a thread of right wing men absolutely seething at black women for overwhelmingly voting Kamala, and it made me come back to your post because you're right, but I also realized something else I'm about to schizo-post on. Notice how the majority of every other female demographic is almost perfectly in lockstep with Trump and conservative men, and how there's a commonly accepted "trad" fantasy for all of them? Black women are the only women who, en masse, aren't getting with "the program", and I'm convinced these men fully intend to punish us for that and put a stop to the dissent through a two-prong method specifically tailored to exploit anyone with female socialization: Invoking false desirability politics bullshit and incel narratives in order to degrade, terrorize and ultimately break down young, impressionable black girls so they won't be outspoken or confident ("you're ugly, nobody wants you, you're stupid, etc etc"). At the same time, they'll collect and uphold complacent black female tokens so that these black girls will see emulating them as a way out of the psychological torment launched at them both in and out of their race by men and pickmes. Candace Owens was the prototype, but liberal black people cried out "Respectability politics", so they diversified their portfolio with figures like Sexxy Redd, who supports Trump, was endorsed by Ben Shapiro, and cozies up to right wing white men, including old and ugly ones. This approach actually worked perfectly for these four reasons:

1. It's easily deniable, since a lot of mainstream black men prefer this sort of prostitution/low culture image on black women anyway. Sexxy Redd is trashy and "down" enough to pass by undetected in the swathes of female rappers like Sukihana and co, can be played off as "satire" (she's been this way since she was a teenager, is a "baby mama", and was shown being laughed at when she tried to talk about her actual past trauma, so no), and will be defended via the same "respectability politics" argument being launched at any black person who takes issue with her twerking at a middle school or being generally distasteful.
2. It harks back to those men's colonization fantasies, as well as the general objectification and slave-raping practices that have existed throughout history. It's completely fitting in a racist narrative for there to be trashy, oversexed/"sexy" black slaves that "can't be raped"/whose experiences are to be considered laughable because "they're always asking for it". We know from Newsmax and the Trump team's use of Diamond and Silk that these people are perfectly aware of black tropes and stereotypes, and use them for both their own comfort and to try and hook in unknowing black people.
3. It neutralizes and humiliates black women for being a perceived political threat to white moid supremacy. In reality, black women have been a political threat since the fucking 70s when they were riding with black men and deliberately defeminizing themselves (see >>431699) and avoiding white men at said black men's command. The femininity is coming back, but in a "low" way that lets racist men reduce black women to their bodies once more, and engage with their own "problematic" attraction to them without having to give them the "good girl" treatment they give other women (because again, the point is to humble and humiliate them at this point in time - the Candace Owens archetype will only resurface after the Sexxy Redd archetype does what it's meant to, and they've successfully converted a strong enough base of young black women to their side that they can start pushing the "aspirational, right wing white man approved, certifiably feminine black woman" - this is what Michaelah Montgomery's appearance at a Trump rally was about. They're setting a precedent)
4. To encourage the less naive and more just ignorant/uncaring, nihilistic and hedonistic black women to get on their side ("you can shake ass and drink alcohol and get tattoos, do it in my face while i spray money on you even, we know tyrone's not paying your bills lol") and eventually be sugar babies/prostitutes to white Johns specifically (if you've seen the STD rates and are aware of the "DL" community of black men in both the streets and Hollywood, you know there's another benefit to white Johns in goading black sex workers to avoid black Johns, I won't say any more on this topic)

I can draw the comparison between picrel and Sara Baartman, but I don't think I need to, most of us in this thread are (hopefully) black. Expect more of that, the "black whore/bimbo and the old ugly/rich/'strong' white man who owns her" shit to progress further, as well as the unabashed invocation of stereotypes, "respectability politics" argument bait, and gaslighting (Azealia is a Trump supporter and a former/probably still continuing escort, by the way. She plays the role men want well, and is often open about it, like here, whether or not other women realize it). Note that Kamala's not even fully black, but right wingers spent her whole campaign period AI generating photos of her as a hooker and saying she slept her way into all her positions. They don't criticize their own white republican women (like Melania or Lauren Boebert) for actually, verifiably being whores, but they still act outraged at made-up fantasies of conventionally attractive mixed race women who claim black/have adjacency to blackness doing it. They never did these things to Hillary, either. The fetish and need to demean is so clear.
White pickmes are fine with this plan too because even if some protest, all pickmes are cuckqueans at their core. Most still expect to be big white daddy's main bangmaid/trophy wife at the end of the day, even if he strays every once in a while. On this note, I didn't really understand why Trump/his staff would invite Michaelah Montgomery on, or why he'd openly flirt with her and joke about "not telling Melania" because it seemed weird and disrespectful to his wife, but then I came to accept that pickmes are just cucks. Non-black pickmes might be a bit more likely to complain or want to compete, but I doubt it. All of that "community" are pro-women's subjugation.
>"umm maybe both candace owens and sexxy redd and michaelah are just free-thinking women with different lifestyles that happen to support the right because they're not on the democrat plantation"
You are certifiably retarded if you think free-thinking black women are allowed anywhere in mainstream media.

No. 443447>>443453

Excellent post, in identifying the problem and what their plan is moving forward. What can we do aside from not allowing ourselves to be negged/humiliated and obviously not playing into their bullshit? And most importantly, how do we ensure financial stability when very often the office setting are these types of white men who simultaneously hate our guts but want to fuck us?

No. 443453>>443464>>443471

(sorry for reposting anon, I noticed a typo and had some extra thoughts!)
>What should we do in the meantime? You've identified the problem and what their plan is, but how should we stop them outside of not allowing ourselves to be negged or humiliated?
IMO we need to tell other black women about these tactics if they're open to learning, and never allow ourselves to be pigeonholed or exploited for their causes (even the "positive" stereotypes come with attacks and harassment, look at how we've been treated and gone completely unprotected for being part of leftist movements and protests - all activism must come secondary to finances, and we're better off working to our own benefit and what causes we care about from the shadows with said money). Keep things private so others remain behind and confused, don't engage with stupidity. For example, I liked the whole "black-owned business" thing when it started popping up until I found out there were some white business owners claiming their businesses are "black-owned" to get more coins. I think the drive to support our own is better off being shown rather than told and not announced. It's slower, but gatekeeping is necessary to avoid exploitation and infiltration. Other races typically don't announce it to the whole world when they're doing things for their people and their people alone (most stereotypical example is Asians and the beauty shops they tend to own in black areas, they gatekeep that business hard). You can just see it. At most, they'll tell you it's about friends, the language and/or those who "fit the vibe/culture" or they'll just lie and say it's only about being the best candidate, because they see no benefit in trying to justify their self-interest to outsiders. It works better for them, too, because they can slip by when they do it without conflict or complaints like "Why isn't there an [insert non-South Asian ethnic group here] Bollywood Channel? You are being hypocritical". We don't need to explain ourselves or any support we have for our own kind to anyone but eachother, and we don't need to be noticed doing it (at least not until they can't stop us). I think we stand to gain from doing something like the Jewish tactic of power through wealth and invisibility (it's easier for them because they don't physically stand out from other people of European ancestry, but we can take tips).
>And most importantly, how do we ensure financial stability when very often the office setting are these types of white men who simultaneously hate our guts but want to fuck us?
Personally, I like to mind my work, keep up a polite front around others, internally vet everything, and say/do what I know will serve me up until it becomes an inconvenience or dips against my self-respect. I purposely don't react to microaggressions because I know there'll be gaslighting if I try to bring it up, I just remember them and act accordingly. A lot of them want to make you angry, and become very disturbed when you don't react how they want you to (either with rage or as if you hate yourself). The good thing about that is that they naturally start to get more unhinged and weird as a result, and if you keep notes of their actions, you can report them and have action taken without having to explain much about race. The same applies if they try to get "too friendly". When you watch others long enough and gain a certain degree of awareness of their racial hierarchy BS without entering conflict about it, I think you kind of learn to extract what benefits you from their deranged system and go.

No. 443464

>I think you kind of learn to extract what benefits you from their deranged system and go.
I did this in uni. the white group members silently assumed I was dumb in contempt, so I just said fuck it and let them assume that to my benefit and put in less effort.

No. 443466

Right, "hoes", very respectful old white fart

No. 443471

Thank you, you're a genius. Where were you at my last job kek. I learned a tough lesson in not opening up/sharing with the wrong people but it got me to a better place and learning how to play the game. Hope a lot of nonnas who need this see your posts.

No. 443480

i wasted too much time on twitter today and I agree with you. Men, especially black men are calling us stupid and dumb for stepping out of our place and brainwashed by "woke". People see us as the embodiment of woke/girlbossery and the harassment will increase. I hate seeing any WMBF, especially of the jezebel archetype. If they hate BW, just marry your trad white wife and leave us alone. Why make AI posts and DM us online?

So many wasted opportunities since the 90s

No. 443489>>448317

With sexy redd, i'm Just glad they're finally admitting they always fetishized ghetto black women and were just mad they wouldn't fuck them instead of pretending they care about their impact on society lol. As soon as a bussit baby gives them the time of day, they jump on it. Men were never mad about welfare queens because of their degeneracy, they were just mad at the idea of a woman staying at home and living off the government without having to suck dick and be a mommy bangmaid for one male "provider" like white or asian women stereotypically did. kek

No. 443494>>443496

Right wing moids are absolute pigs and I distrust them even more than Liberal moids because they pretend to be righteous and moral while committing some of the most heinous shit against women.

I have absolutely no idea why white women side with these creeps because right wing white men are absolutely obsessed with racemixing and WMXF porn. Their idea of helping the white race is to breed out brown and black blood by diluting it with white (stupid plan since blue eyes and blonde hair are dying out more in the US every year lol dumb nazi fags are nerving themselves)

What's interesting is they fetishise asian women like nobody's business and Asian women also fetishise them but asian women overwhelmingly vote leftist. 80% of Asian women voted for Kamala. Very interesting.

No. 443496>>443509

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Bleaching is such a meme everyone learned in school that dark alleles almost always dominate, it's just an excuse for Nazi coomers to screech about evil women fucking black men while also indulging their weird colonizer fantasies. They deserve to live in their increasingly brown country. I've never met a right wing moid who wasn't obsessed with interracial sex, porn and trannies.

No. 443509>>443513

Tbh, they don't care. They like creating mixed race women because that's their fetish. It's a weird "conquering" thing. They also like blond haired, blue eyed women, but in their fantasies, they get to impregnate both. Men really just want all kinds of women to be available to them like ice cream flavors, and they also want women to fight over them. White supremacists should never be taken seriously when they yap about brown skin being ugly or whatever. They can never leave ""WOC"" alone. Even within their own race, they do this. Blond European men constantly fetishize swarthy Italian women with Moor DNA and pit them against the "Aryan" women from their own countries.

No. 443513>>443909

> they also want women to fight over them
This is the real reason why black women are hated. She doesn’t lust after white men the way black men lust after white women. It’s seen as a failure of assimilation.

No. 443518>>443519>>443570>>443591

Anyone unfriendly towards non black men in general because they assume you’re thirsting for them?

No. 443519

I’m unfriendly because I’m afraid of their violence.

No. 443570>>443660>>443810

uh, you mean just the attractive ones, right? Pretty sure that ugly non black men know that nobody wants them, regardless of race

No. 443573>>443580

Pro-tip: there's already an underground railroad to help women get abortions. Bw should have something similar ready in case they try to put us in work/deportation/death camps. It should be on an app that takes privacy seriously like telegram.

No. 443580

Plenty of ladies are trying to connect on TikTok. Dropping linking for businesses and YouTube and resume help.

No. 443591>>443594>>443638

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I am not unfriendly because of that reason I am unfriendly because I just hate nonblack men until they prove me wrong kek. TBH though nonblack men love me I currently have 2 on my line (Asian and Latino) that can't get enough of me even though I emasculate the fuck out of them. They keep coming back for more lashings. You guys have to stop assuming people don't want us. Everyone wants us they are just too blinded by racism and that is a them problem. Why do you think women of all races are trying to get body's like ours for at least a century now. Why do you think white women love to tan etc. Stop making it your problem to solve. Its for them to unpack not you. It's also why I emasculate them at any opportunity. I've called nonblack men bitches to their face, laughed at them when they asked if I like their "big dick" during sex, told them to get off of me if they aren't stroking right and went to bed, made fun of their uncircumcised dicks and told them good luck with the smegma etc. They still come back because they know what time it is.Picrelated is how you should handle nonblack men. (take their money and kill them..with words of course).

No. 443594>>443600

Samefag not even just our body either why do you think women of all races are embracing their curly hair nowadays? Because more black women than ever are natural and they see how all races of men go crazy for our hair. They had to prove that our hair is not that "unique". Hence why they are currently co-opting the natural hair movement when before they were trying to assimilate into whiteness as much as possible. They are playing in our face. They want us to think we are the ugliest and most unattractive while biting everything from us KEK. Not just women so many nonblack men are getting curly perms to emulate black male hairstyles. Black people are the blueprint and the other races prove it every day by the way they study and mimic us. It would be cute if they didnt have a history of enslaving and eating us.

No. 443600

Really? I feel invisible with my natural curls. Growing up, everyone loved straight hair

No. 443611>>443613

Oh my god she got her channel back and it isn’t hacked. We are so fucking back, I loved her channel

No. 443613

Life is worth living

No. 443638>>443777

I feel like people obsess over BW being ghetto because they have a "black bitch kink." I watch Kendra G and a few people have gone on there just to provoke her and look like they thoroughly enjoy when she puts them in their place. It's weird. 99% of guys that try to provoke BW probably have this kink.

No. 443660>>443662

They really don't.

No. 443662>>443665

Yes thanks to dustvesters and low self-esteem bw whining and asking mid non-BM if they'd date black chicks.

No. 443665>>443670

I wouldn't even blame women at all, I just mean that a lot of ugly men automatically assume any woman who is nice to them is hitting on them.

No. 443670>>443809

They're not used to female attention. The guys who constantly talk about how they don't prefer BW are always ugly and overcompensating.

No. 443777

actually you might be on to something I was arguing with a white man and he told me straight up "i like it when you yell at me it turns me on". I never felt more disgusted in my life. I had a racist manager once who couldn't stop flirting with me even though I was a major cunt to him. I've only had this experience with white men though. Other races just get sad that I yelled at them not fucking horny. White men are so weird idk how black women are marrying and procreating with them in 2024. The financial benefits arent even worth it to me.

No. 443809>>443909

Kek this is true. I totally get preferences and what not, I’m black.
I never get those who are so keen on badmouthing black women each time though, you don’t find us attractive? Ok, chase your preference then.

No. 443810

If there’s something that men don’t know is being humble nonna. A man will always have the audacity and an uggo will try a 10/10 and whine when he gets rejected. I also feel like they expect POC women to just worship any white man.

No. 443909

Preferences are supposed to be one way nonna. Scrotes who don’t want you still want to be in your thoughts as mentioned by >>443513

No. 444008>>444013>>444105

black women who hate white women but never have any smoke for white men (and in fact who lust after white men almost exclusively) are male centered. white men are just as wicked towards us as white women.

No. 444013>>444021

yep, especially if they're obsessed with IR. We're different women with a diverse life experience and I'm lucky to say I never had beef wiht the WW around me. However I got my ass kicked and beaten by the WM at school and so I keep my distance.

No. 444021>>444034

when I read things like this I always wonder where your friends/family were? Did they do anything?

No. 444034

the wm i was talking about were my school peers and back then people didn't take bullying so serious. "toughen up, roll with the punches"

No. 444105

Yup it’s literally the same flavor as white women who date black men while hating black women. They are two sides of the same pick me coin. I will always have more smoke for white men than white women because I’m a misandrist and at the end of the day white women are also oppressed which is why they act like….THAT. Also I just can’t imagine hating white women or any race while dating their men do they not realize his momma and sisters are gonna be white women or??

No. 444163>>444164>>444197>>444207

How do you stop taking it personally when non black people treat as though you’re a potential criminal?

No. 444164

Laugh every time it happens. I promise it will make you more resilient because crying sure won't make it stop or make it hurt less.

No. 444197

Most men in America are fat, ugly, and low IQ. You should be glad non-black men avoid you in the U.S. At least you don't have to worry about them trying to "rape" (kek) you and failing because they're on 100 meds for depression or anxiety or they're addicts.

No. 444207

It's hard because it doesn't stop with any other race, they all think that way. The most you can do is not defer to them (not spend your money in a shop if someone follows you, remain stoic if someone talks down to you, etc). As for your personal feelings I say take the path of least resistance. You feel how you feel, just don't let your feelings turn into physical action where you're clamoring to prove how good you are. Try not to dwell when these things happen. The more you try it'll effect you a little less each time.

No. 444259>>444328

Do you think it’s freeing not to have to think about the patriarchy as much as women of other races?

No. 444328

you're not thinking about black (failed) patriarchy enough. Black women should give a damn about feminism and focus on decreasing the femicide rate in our communities and maternal mortality rate.

No. 444402>>444408>>444516

Controversial take:
divestors date interracially under the assumption that [insert race here] men will treat them well as because they treat their women better than black men.
Similar to the logic of incels trooning out because they assume they will be get the societal benefits of being perceived as a woman.

No. 444406>>444504>>444514>>444852

I love how AI portrays black women as brown to dark with kinky hair. When I looked at all countries' most beautiful AI women, the non-black WOC basically all looked European. the good thing is we're the only ones not completely whitewashed and made bland by AI representation. This hidden advantage is why BW should stop whining so much about AI.

No. 444408>>444420>>444516

very true. it's frustrating seeing some black women putting white men on such a pedestal. like just date whoever you want without bringing such weird complexes with you. divestors really are akin to troons because they run away from confronting their problems by coping

No. 444420>>444481>>444516>>444518

I saw this vid on the ricecel side of YT and whites were on the comments saying "I'm glad i only date other white people so I won't have to deal with these issues." so some def think the same of divesters. Self-hating ethnics posting all their mental issues online is gonna make only the most degen whites wanna deal with them romantically. the sane whites are slowly realizing most of the attention isn't acually flattering at all.

No. 444460>>444516>>444518

Heavy on the weird complexes part. I really hate when I see black women on social media using gross fetishy terms like "snowman"…

"I dabbled in the snow once, NEVER going back!" So basically you just became obsessed with white guys? slave kink, kek. Even worse when the white guy they're with is the "let me lick your beautiful chocolate skin, my melanin goddess" type.

Also, stop using acronyms to describe interracial relationships. You sound so fucking retarded. Did these idiots seriously just create an entire term to brag about having a white bf? Holy shit. Just date the dude normally and stop making his race so important.

No. 444481

>the sane whites are slowly realizing most of the attention isn't acually flattering at all.

maybe they shouldn’t have spent so much time and energy shoving themselves down everyone’s throat.

No. 444504>>444512

Why are you always posting about AI shut up already

No. 444512

I prefer AI nona to the billionth derail about white men tbh

No. 444514>>444549

nonny what are your favorite places and tools for AI?

No. 444516>>444517

Some days I think Loving v. Virginia should have been revoked instead of Roe v. Wade(bait)

No. 444517

No. 444518

No wonder why only the weird and ugly engage in interracial relationships(bait)

No. 444523

File (hide): 1731594295683.jpg (31.8 KB, 567x397, 1674855120210.jpg)

The amount of interracial dating discussion that happens in these threads is weird. If you go outside and talk to actual black family and friends, no one cares or even thinks that much about this subject, whether for or against. In the (verified) online communities for black women I've been in, it wasn't exactly a popular topic either.
It feels like this topic always picks up roughly around the same time of day, too, lunch time in France or something. Just one more reason I'm convinced this thread is full of white men, black men and other types of people who aren't black women trolling.

No. 444528>>444557>>444619>>444628>>444732

Can we get a ban going for anyone who mentions irr? I’m more interested in sperging about my love for AI tbh.

No. 444549


No. 444557

Please be detailed

No. 444619

>my love for AI
Ew. AIslop is soulless

No. 444628

My friends and family do talk about interracial relationships. If it's a problem that exists, or something that annoys us, then we speak about it. That's all

No. 444732>>444921

NTA, but when I'm bored and don't feel like drawing, I like to AI generate dolls and characters. Sometimes, they're based on songs I like or books I've read. It's a fun little pastime.
Tbh, using AI made me realize that it's actually not difficult to design cute and visually pleasing black female characters, neither do they have to clash with the aesthetic of whatever art style or aesthetic is being utilized. Nothing about being black is inherently unsuited to the things some say it is. A lot of people are just small-minded, and they project all sorts of baggage and stipulations onto "blackness" that they want to convince you are either "ackchually progressive and woke, sweety" or "just reality. heh #redpill". It made me care even less for mainstream media and current racial discourse lol.

No. 444852

The fact that AI can produce such images of black women just means that there isn't a shortage of real artists making good art of black women out there.

No. 444853>>444857>>444922

Sorry to same fag, didn't realise that pressing enter can somehow cause the post to send, but doesn't any one else feel like black women aren't the worst pickmes after all considering almost half of trump votes were from white women? I saw a lot of the racist radfems basing their hatred for women of other races around the fact that they supposedly go harder for moids than anyone else, but it turns out they are just as bad. It doesn't make me feel any better or worse about the state of black women overall, but it's interesting information to keep in mind how universally the ideal of being the "good girl" and basing your idealoggy around male approval through outrageous acts of loyalty out of a hope for a return on the investment is more universal than it seems.

No. 444857

No race of woman is exempt from upholding the patriarchy. White women didn't suddenly come out the womb knowing feminist theory,so I don't know why there's this belief that it's non white women fucking up when white women were on that bullshit, too.

No. 444921>>444926>>444947

please stop using AI and find a better way to expunge your boredom. In the time it takes you to write up prompts you could be finding actual black artists (of which there are MANY) to follow and even comission work from. A big reason why you dont see black women depicted in animation is because we have to support the black artists that are already making work featuring black characters instead of always waiting on other races who are more often than not anti black to do it because you will be waiting forever. Be the change you want to see and stop aiding to the AI slop which will in time make it even harder for black artists to showcase their work. You are adding to the problem not solving it. Also is this a Gen Z thing? I've never been bored and thought of using AI prompts. It never crossed my mind.2

No. 444922>>444923>>445161

im sorry but how can you look at the history of black women in america and go "pick me" I dont get it? Black women are the first women in America that separated from their males and thrived. We raised a generation of people (probably multiple) as largely single mothers without a male in the house. For good or bad we did it. Black women chose their kids future over black men's. Thats the real reason why black men are mad at black women. When it comes down to it black women as a whole will always put her kids future before herself and even her man. Im saying as a whole not anecdotally because I do know some mothers who put their men before their kids. But statistically speaking they put their kids before their men. Black women are not pick me's otherwise I wouldnt have had so many older black women in my life tell me not to get married because men are trash.

No. 444923

Black women don't choose anything, it's just that black men prefer to have multiple baby mamas. Black people are the race with the most children out of wedlock.

No. 444926

I follow plenty of black artists, and I make my own art. It's not the end of the world to make silly little images for my own consumption, and all the non-black people crying about AI taking their jobs became a joke to me when I learned how it actually worked.
Also, I'm aware that black artists who don't follow certain stereotypes won't be greenlit for large projects because that isn't what "a certain crowd" want. It's not something black women can solve, we can only continue making and supporting our own indie projects in the mean time lol.

No. 444947

why not both? The world isn't either or buttons.

No. 445161

Black women by in large didn't go alone. They were abandoned when black men decided to become useless dusties from the mid seventies on.
It has not worked out well because the black children[boys] fill the prisons. It's best for black women to be childless or only give birth to girls.

No. 445163

No. 445200>>445201

trying to fight the urge to not gain 20 lbs for my fat reserves in case trump starves america.

No. 445201>>445208

No need, junk food will always be available. Being skinny gains you status. If you must gain weight, hoard protein powder and frozen foods for lean muscle building.

No. 445208>>445227

>Being skinny gains you status
Not amongst Black people.

No. 445227>>445233

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Okay let me just come out the gate to ask this question, why exactly did obesity in America hit black people (proportionally) the hardest? Like why and at what exact point in American history did black people get hit so bad with obesity, that it effectively psyoped them into thinking any woman that isn't overweight and has a normal sized ass is "flat"?

No. 445233>>445292

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Usually most races have pretty similar obesity rates among their women and men, but obesity in the black community is weird because there are significantly more obese black women than black men. I believe this is because women are expected to raise children and have less time to make healthy food for themselves, which when combined with impoverishment creates an obesity epidemic.

No. 445257>>445264

What’s the logic behind black women being so keen to reproduce in spite of experiencing misogyny, racism and poverty?

No. 445264>>445329

Natural human desire that has not yet been sublimated into something more productive. We should increase the cat lady propaganda to combat the thug love.

No. 445275>>445284

Are any of you Christian? Statistically at least a few of you should be. I always try to get back into the faith but I struggle when I see how horribly racist some Christians are… like it's a religion made for hateful white people. Not to mention black churches tend to also be fairly racist and have their own issues with elevating white people, colorism etc.

No. 445284

unfortunately most christians are like that but most of people into christianity are hypocritical anyway and most if not all churches are fundamentally corrupt. The true way of being christian imo is being independent and following its teachings whenever you can, rather than sit down and listen to some random for a few hours whos likely a pedo 90% of the time and funnels all money given to them into buying themselves mansions and new cars rather than helping the homeless or the community at all.

No. 445292

Black men also seem disproportionately into BBW fetishism. It's common for skinny black women to get shamed in the community, or the men date those women and try to fatten them up.

No. 445329>>445370

NTA but why? If a black woman wants to have children, why shouldn't she? I don't want there to be little to no black people, and same for any other race.

No. 445343>>445374

is it me or is "potato nose" a new slick way to say nigger nose? and these people act like it's an objective flaw like typical eugenicists. same shit, different century/decade.

No. 445356

Black women over identify with black female celebrities to a crazy degree but only when it's time to drag them.

No. 445370

The better question is why should she? Especially if she isn’t a terrible environment. If she’s living through Civil War or through dysfunctional country or has a terrible partner, it’s just a bad idea to bring up a child there. And for the parents, they are not able to give their kids the best quality of life. I grew up with a poor single mom and I have moments where I wonder why did she bother? I was envious of the kids middle-class, two parent household, where they were able to afford all the extracurriculars and be able to thrive and have a normal life. I don’t think the people who are not able to mentally or financially should have kids. It’s very unpopular opinion, but that’s my opinion.

No. 445374

"Potato nose" is pretty old and not black-specific, nonny. Pretty sure it was intended as a dig at the Irish first.

No. 445449>>445450>>445453>>445503

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I'm tired of the fucking gaslighting. This is Trumps America. They want black people dead and they're not even trying to hide it anymore. I never want to hear a Republican tell black people they're being hysterical or oversensitive ever again.

No. 445450

Let me guess Nashville?

No. 445453

c’mon anon did you think the kkk disbanded once barack obama became pres?

No. 445503

It’s gonna be a long four years. Nothing can be down to pander or please these people. Take care of yourself and your money.

No. 445689>>445812>>445826>>445834>>445880>>446016

>younger brothers tells me he prefers white women
Why do I feel so heartbroken over this?

No. 445812>>445826>>446016

File (hide): 1732153028102.jpg (137.72 KB, 638x654, 1000019121.jpg)

Can I keep it real here? I don't understand the possessiveness black women often feel for black moids. Even if I were to dig up statistics about how violent and misogynistic they are to black women, and all the screencaps of black moids saying the most heinous shit about black women, can I just admit that I innately just never really found them attractive? Of course, there's always exceptions. There's going to be black men that are hot to me here and there, but in general? I always innately felt like they were one of the less attractive moids.
And while we're on the subject of interracial relationships, can I come out the gate with this question? Why are biracials of black/white couplings stoll considered "exotic"? Black/White mixture is literally one of, if not then the most common and basic racial combination in the fucking world. I see at least one black and white biracial like every fucking day when I go outside. What is so special about them anymore? The only biracials that are interesting to me are blasians because those fuckers are the only biracials that are actually rare.

No. 445826

it’s either because he’s low-key admitting that he’s self-hating and wants to breed out the black in his future bloodline(s) or because black males consecutively choose the worst women whenever they date out. black guys will date a variety of sorts of black women, from church girls to, as cardi b calls it, stripper hoes, yet when they date interracially…! but he also could be saying that just to get a reaction out you kek are you guys suburban?
anon, where the hell do you live for half-whites to be considered exotic?? the only partially blacks considered exotic in my neck of the woods were the caribbean latinos, and they weren’t even that popular/barely existed

No. 445834

It only hurts if you let it hurt. It’s not an indictment on you. I’ve heard this saying so often from young black men and I think it’s time we just leave them be. Only black women care about black history and culture and everyone else is happy to let it slide into irrelevance. sometimes I wonder if it would have been better for everyone if we just mixed in and let this discourse die off

No. 445880

>Caring about what moids like
I'm sure he also likes horrible degenerate porn. Why let his coomer sexuality get to you.

No. 446016>>446021>>446040>>446064>>446115>>446176>>446289>>447075

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I get hating black men for statistical reasons but calling them the least attractive has to be a joke when white guys are literally right there smelling like every cheese you can think of with ashy flaky skin, and thinning hair by 22. Also every race of guy copies black men’s flow and tries to dress, talk and look like them. (Why do you think so many races of men are getting curly perms) A lot of you girls are just anti black and self hating and the things you say ITT reflect that. A lot of you remind me of the self hating black girls that permeate tik tok. if you find black men ugly I can only assume you just find black features ugly unless they are on nonblacks. Say what you want about black men but they are not the ugliest males bffr. That’s that white brainwashing in full effect.
Because it is heart breaking both of my brothers are with white girls now. Personally they don’t deserve black women because they are bums so I take solace in knowing that those 2 white women (1 being a racist cunt) are dating hobosexuals. No black woman deserves that. In fact my younger brother’s last gf was a beautiful dark skinned black woman but she broke up with him because he wasn’t on her level (she was in school studying nursing and he was just there). he was heartbroken for like a year. Dude brought her up in every convo so I know he was trying in love with her. I think he got with a white girl (redhead super pale) because he was traumatized by a dark skinned black girl rejecting him. He tells me he likes black girls too but I genuinely think white girls just allow black men to be bums more often. That’s just a theory based on anecdotal evidence evidence though.
But it sucks when they have children with them because then they are in your family for life. My older brothers baby momma is a whole racist I hate my brother for procreating with that kleptomaniac welfare queen. He would’ve never allowed a black woman to be that ghetto! Personally though it also breaks my heart when my sisters tell me they like white boys. I just don’t want white people being my in laws sorry not sorry. Look at how majority voted!! And also black/white biracials are known for dating white people and further white washing the bloodline no thank you!

No. 446021>>446032>>446033

we aren’t obligated to find bm attractive just because we are black. What is up with people like you trying to force them down women’s throat all the time? it’s always some sort of “ism” when they aren’t ur first choice. They don’t even like u but ur still caping for them because… uhhh.. they have swag? Please give it a rest.

No. 446030

can we stop arguing about moids please

No. 446032

we don’t have to praise white scrotes either anon! one days everyone will realize that all males are the same, no matter the race, income, religion, ethnicity, etc. for what is a white scrote than a black scrote with pale skin

No. 446033

What do you find unattractive about bm? Do you hate yourself too?

No. 446040

You're not really helping the argument that bw should date bm by saying your brothers are bums

No. 446064

Take black men off the pedestal, especially knowing they kill black women every 4 hours in this country. We need to be focusing on protecting ourselves, especially in the growing rise of white nationalism in this country

No. 446105>>446119

Maybe this is better posted here but have you all seen this video? She was posting level up/hypergamy type content only to reveal that she had to divorce her husband because he raped her 4 times and molested her daughters. For one, I am so glad she put her daughters safety before anything else, a lot of women wouldn't even do that. But it just goes to show how toxic this obsession of marrying rich and being a spoiled girly is. I know it's not exclusive to black women, but this stuff all started with black women then leaked over to other women. The issue with this stuff is that a lot of women don't want to swallow the black pill and accept that they need to go out and work in order to be able to have nice things, there's no cheat code to getting to be a trophy wife, it's a privilege and not a given. I feel sad for any women who believe this crap but i also feel disdain for women who do have this lifestyle and act like they did something special to gain their lifestyle and act like it wasn't 100% based on luck. I still have that case in France in the back of my mind also, even if you think you are safe, you have no idea. Btw, i felt i should mention she married this moid after 1 week… I have no words for that. I feel like a lot of this female dating strategy stuff has the coating of being empowering and liberating, but you take off the packaging and it's just pickmeism in disguise.

No. 446115

>my brothers are both bums
>has a racist baby momma
What could be the cause and effect

No. 446119>>446135

Poor men are pedophiles too you see women stay with bum ass men who molest their daughters and brings nothing to the table while she works full time to provide for his ass all the time

No. 446135>>446148

Not really the point i was making. It's more so that some women who chase the luxury lifestyle through moid interactions will overlook the moral misgivings of a moid just because they were promised a gucci bag. Chasing after rich men to fund your life of luxury isn't worth it when you should get it for yourself. For most women it's nothing more than a fantasy. I don't mean to imply that poor men are more pure of heart. Moids are moids regardless of their income.

No. 446148

>chasing after rich men to fund your life of luxury isn't worth it when you should get it for yourself.
Preach it nonna!

No. 446162>>446180>>446185

My white bsf told me she feels really insulted when black guys hit on her when she thought she “looked hot”, basically implied she only gets attention from black guys when she looks like shit, and idk how to feel about it.

No. 446176>>446181

Men will never defend you the way you defend them, hope you understand that and stop caring about them, nonny. Also, the other anon is allowed to have her own tastes and preferences in men. Notice how she never brought up white men or called black features "ugly", only you? Please stop projecting your self-hating brothers' personalities and habits onto random women who just don't prioritize black men.
Also, no one worth hanging out with copies modern black men's "flow" or appearance, wiggers are bad news, sorry

No. 446180>>446198

I’m insulted you have a white best friend. She just told you how she feels about black people. Stop having white best friends in 2025 challenge. She thinks black men are beneath her and probably thinks you are too behind closed doors. I bet you are her only black friend

No. 446181>>446186

I’m not defending them black men are just not ugly I have eyes.

No. 446185>>446188

This reminds me of a white woman who said whenever she gets hit on by black guys, she knows it's time for her to hit the gym and lose weight. and from what I see at work, the stereotypes of black guys dating overweight white women tend to ring very true, at least where I live.

No. 446186

Then you can date them. Let other black women be free to date who they personally find attractive, kek. No black woman is harmed by that, except those who over-identify with the men (which is funny because they've told you time and time again that they largely don't identify with you).

No. 446188>>446203

Yeah, I understand them on this one. From what I've seen, black men unfortunately don't typically go after white women considered conventionally attractive. That's all I'll say on that.
The inverse of this is skinny and/or conventionally pretty black women being told "You look like you date white men" or accused of looking the way they do to "attract white men". I used to think it was just about being skinny and having a bad wig, but after seeing this accusation thrown (by black men, not even women) at black women specifically for wearing their afros/natural hair, as well as black women who were physically fit/in shape with absolutely no context, I realized a lot of it was about being attractive (and therefore being assumed to "not give black men chances" ig), not a specific aesthetic.

No. 446198

She’s just acknowledging a real trend in black men. Did you know people have different thoughts on black men vs black women?

No. 446203>>446233>>446269

>You look like you date white men
I have said this to black women who have whitewashed interests.

No. 446233

What hobbies are those?

No. 446263>>446266>>446289>>446293>>446296>>446396

Reading through this thread has made me realise that I think I’m gonna have to divest from bw too. You guys seem more than happy to marinate in self pity and mule for others by being offended on their behalf even when nobody asked you to. I thought this thread being on a niche anonymous image board would attract bw who want to live for themselves and prioritise their happiness but boy was I wrong. I don’t understand women like this. Everytime you open your mouth it’s nothing but desperation for male validation whether it be from black or white men and I’m so beyond tired at this point. Why do you never have anything funny or uplifting or practical or interesting to say? You’re on the side of the internet where you could say literally anything that you want but it’s the same TikTok and shitter nonsense EVERY TIME. Why do black women like this insist on turning any space for bw into some desperate, pathetic pity party? And why don’t u stick to mainstream social media platforms to sulk and whine and cry? You guys are such a plague always trying to hijack any conversation that doesn’t revolve around the same 3 topics. Are you not bored? Is it mental illness? Please help me understand.

No. 446266

what kind of personalities do you think imageboards attract? This is like going to a knitting message boards and then being angry that all they talk about is knitting

No. 446269

>whitewashed interests
i don't get this meme, how does anyone assign race towards hobbies? it's like the retards on social media claiming that something as benign as liking animals is a white people thing now kek

No. 446289>>446296

Anyone who isn't attracted to their own race is weird, probably self hating, and shouldn't be trusted. Was once friends with a Black woman who wasn't attracted to Black men and every time a non Black man showed interest in me while going out, she'd make it a competition or act really passive aggressive about it. Once we had a Christmas party where her white coworker kept flirting with me and she proceeded to sulk and tell me that "he only likes you because you're Black" like she doesn't like men because they're not Black lol.
Anon I hate to say this, but this is absolutely the perfect website for these types. Anonymous image boards aren't known to attract normies.

No. 446293

Because every time we try to talk about something that's not men or interracial dating, it lasts maybe 5 posts before some tard brings one of those two topics up all over again, and they always attract way more attention/replies than other posts. I'll admit I've replied a couple of times, but I do see how it's a problem. I agree that imageboards tend to attract certain kinds of people, but there's an extra layer to this in that for some reason, all non-vetted "black" spaces get invaded not only by men of our race, but men and women of other races who want to have their say, and they aren't afraid to either assume some sort of "digital blackface" to do it, or just barge in to say whatever.
I think at least for the next thread, discussions of interracial relationships should be disallowed, just as a test and to promote actual interesting conversations.

No. 446296

Oh brother I hate to break it to you but you are on lolcow.farm a site filled to the brim with the mentally ill be fucking serious. If you want real conversations about fun topics maybe talk to black women in your real life in the real world? I cant imagine going on a site that is known for posting nudes of random sex workers to nitpick looking for black female solidarity KEK. You are better off going to LSA.Also this thread started off being called black girl PROBLEMS and then got changed to general. It was created originally to rant and vent hence why it still lingers in every thread.
Exactly hating black men is fine but hating their features you or someone in your immediate family most likely possess is WILDLY self hating and should be called out and questioned.I wasnt trying to defend black men's honor when I wrote that post I was defending black features as a whole. Also I just have eyes and black men are not the ugliest race of men anti blackness is just engrained in everyone atp. All men are ugly though unless they look like their mom. I dont make the rules.

No. 446300>>446303>>446304>>446309>>446382>>446397>>446480

File (hide): 1732416747002.jpg (51.44 KB, 679x878, 71WPgWDK9pL._AC_SX679_.jpg)

Since nonnas want lightheartedness are you guys team bonnet or team head scarf when sleeping? Personally I am partial to head scarves but bonnets like pic related are too cute to pass up. Double protection is the correct answer though

No. 446303>>446305

Oh my God, where can I buy this?

No. 446304

I love bonnets, they have been my go to since I was a kid

No. 446305

It was the first result I saw and it was on amazon. IDK if I am allowed to post links but its called: YANIBEST Satin Bonnet Silk Bonnet for Sleeping Double Layer Satin Lined Hair Bonnet with Tie Band for Women Curly Hair"

No. 446309

Team scarf all the way. I can always secure them better and they tame my frizz better. Anybody who experiences them falling off in their sleep is suffering from a serious skill issue.

No. 446382

File (hide): 1732466947851.jpg (57.09 KB, 750x789, s-l1200.jpg)

I like headscarves for when I'm going out (pretty), but bonnets for home activities and sleep.
I kind of love bonnets tbh, they make me feel like a character in a Beatrix Potter book.

No. 446396

this website in general is a weird place, but I agree. I deleted my twitter account because I was sick and tired of reading about divested women talk about how stupid and evil black women are. I'm cleaning out my tiktok. I'm done with this topic and I want to focus only on what makes me happy.

No. 446397

honestly neither lmao

No. 446480

Mostly team bonnet because they're more forgiving on those nights when I don't feel like "properly" putting my hair up.

No. 446688>>446689>>446695>>446704>>446754

File (hide): 1732619532967.png (287.08 KB, 500x622, FX_yLE6XoAEPtyL.png)

I noticed how black characters are ignored by fandoms and I'm bitter about it. Even in Tiana (Of Disney's princess and the frog) is ignored in her own fanbase in favor of Lottie. Why is she considerably more popular than the main character? It's very strange considering how Lottie has like 3 major scenes and is clearly set in the role of "supportive friend". They did it with Senna too in League of Legends' animated shorts about Seraphine there's a really well designed black characters named Senna but shes basically ignored by the fan base. Also more proof of this phenomenon lies in the fact that Shinobu from "No More Heroes" isn't that popular despite the school girl samurai aesthetic. I always thought it was about the lack of black characters but in reality the fandom is just as bad towards black characters.

No. 446689>>446754>>446755

Thank god someone says this. It’s absurd that even when she’s the main character she gets ignored. It’s also how I feel about how Mel’s arc is getting completely shafted in Arcane because two skinny white boys might kiss. They just really like to call black women girlboss and then ignore them.
I think Danai Gurira, who’s an actress talked about this phenomenon and how she chooses not to write white characters in her screenplays partly because of this. To be honest, I’m legitimately baffled at how this ends of happening over and over. I used to this is was just a hatred of black women but it’s probably something deeper. I think a lot of people genuinely cannot relate to black women as people. It’s scary.

No. 446693

Anyone feel smug about not being a single mum?

No. 446695>>446699>>446700>>446701>>446754

Because forcing people to like a character because of their race is stupid. Maybe those characters were boring as shit, ever thought about that? Tiana is an official Disney princess so I understand where you’re coming from with P&TF but the movie… made her extremely bland compared to the newer age of disney princesses. I know she’s supposed to be the most grounded and realistic of the princesses but compared to one that shoots ice out of her hands, another one that comes from a fairy tale comedy, and the recent one who actually does heroine shit besides look pretty and be preyed on by the Prince, I can totally see why nobody cares about Tiana. Charlotte actually had a personality while Tiana didn’t so that says much more about the hidden unconscious biases in film/tv writing and production than the fandom.

Fans are absolutely retarded and will stan anything, it’s practically Disney’s fault for not making them marketable enough for people to care about them. I do see people who care about that girl from No More Heroes, even though it’s niche, would you seriously want them to become so popularized they eventually become sexualized/stereotyped or kept at a cult classic level where the fans actually have some sense and taste? I would prefer the latter. I never understood this “representation in media” conversation, media is not and will never be a true representation of reality, if it was I would be able to take my glasses off and suddenly be gorgeous model-pretty like those teen movies but the fact that doesn’t happen tells me a lot of normies struggle to differentiate reality and fiction and I truly wonder why, maybe the result of internet exposure at very young ages? Or maybe the magical thinking of religion has truly programmed many minds into thinking anything is possible if it’s shown in a movie. Anyways tldr that hideous atrocity of a design already isn’t helping that character’s case kek

No. 446699>>446706

This is a thread for black women. Don't post here because you clearly aren't if you are sitting there pretending you don't see inherent bias against us in fandoms. White people specifically go out of their way to shit on us when we call this out. Frankly I'm tired of it. Y'all like us when you can use us to virtue signal but get so fucking mad when we call you on your shit. Notice that you only used 1 of the examples to boost your argument. You really think every character ever made that is black is just a shitty character? All of them? Not a single one has been worthy of online virality despite because ALL black characters written and drawn so far (specifically female) have just been boring? Please fuck all of the way off kek.

No. 446700>>446706>>446755

And who the fuck is forcing you to like black characters? By being on screen alone black people are being forced down your throat?

No. 446701>>446706

I don’t understand this point because representation is literally something governments will pay for. They just call it soft power. Having people being able to distinguish you as a human being and care about you, even if it’s not necessarily you and more someone who looks like you is important. You don’t have to believe in it but I see a direct correlation between how black people or even just black characters are treated in certain spaces correlated to how real black people are treated by the people in those spaces.
Media isn’t necessarily a direct representation of real life, but it is a representation of desirability and power.

No. 446704>>446755

Then I guess it's up to us. I didn't even know the character in your picrel existed because I don't like LoL, but she's cute. It'd be nice to see more fanart of her, reaction pics, etc.
We can't make racists see us as human, but we can make good art and promote what we appreciate. It's also good to remember that people at large are dumb as rocks, and they will follow what's popular and what examples are set at the end of the day. Most companies follow the money and what gets them favorable reception, too. In general, black women do not struggle to make things trend or get emulated by others, even as those same people say they hate us. It's kind of cursed but whatever.

No. 446706>>446708>>446709>>446711>>446756

I know this is very hard for you to understand but people can be black and have different opinions. Not every single black person holds the same viewpoints and we shouldn’t expect every black person to move the same way, that’s absolutely ridiculous as fuck. I never understood types like you, you want this, that, and everything, you basically want the same conditions that led to your oppression because “everybody has it!!!! everybody has it!!!” there’s barely any large-scale Latina, Asian, etc. representation but you don’t see them bitching and crying about fictional characters because they actually have money and power, things that matter more than some stupid Disney movies.
Oh no, it’s retarded! The OP of the post with the hideous design was basically implicating people should just be forced to like what they clearly don’t like. People don’t care about that ugly ass designed character and Tiana because they’re bland, poorly marketed, and compared to other options why in the fuck would anybody stan them? Grown ass adults arguing about which tv show and vidya that’s clearly geared towards children with the time to engage with those things will always be hilarious to me, go validate yourself they have businesses to run. Always carting about the most frivolous shit imaginable while these “other groups” have more wealth and influence than you in places that actually matter.
It’s not like governments pay for propaganda for political reasons! You guys have such an illusory ideal of the world, people do see you as human beings, you’re just shocked and surprised that people treat you just like everybody else. You’re expecting this imaginary special treatment that white women and asian women get (which they don’t btw) that doesn’t exist. People clearly see and “hear” you as a human being, you just think you’re entitled to way more than people are willing and want to give. Welcome to reality!

No. 446708>>446713

File (hide): 1732627759915.png (119.46 KB, 270x369, Jinx-artwork-lol.png)

NTA, but why are you so aggressive? Have you been harmed in some way (whether by black women or others)? Reading your post, it just doesn't seem like this is really about some fictional characters, or even wealth/power like you say.
Also, you seem to have a weird investment in insisting the character is objectively ugly when characters like picrel are very tacky, but we still see them everywhere and they get popular enough for spin-off shows centering them (I actually like Jinx btw). What are some designs you like?

No. 446709>>446713>>446718

People don’t treat us like everybody else. That’s the point. I’d argue people to out of their way to be crueler to black women. You just don’t believe people dislike black women because they’re black women. This isn’t really about representation at all.

No. 446711>>446713

Also I’m legitimately confused at the concept of Latino and Asian people not caring about representation. Do you interact with people of other races? Do you think that women complaining about representation (in regards to misogyny) is fair?

No. 446713>>446714>>446715>>446717>>446726

Jinx’s ugly, tacky design is at least able to be replicated and is incredibly recognizable, just like Ariana Grande’s hairstyle. When people think of Jinx, they think of her signifiers like her blue braids, the design OP posted is so ugly, all over the place, clunky and makes zero sense for the type of style (or game?) they’re going for, it reminds me of that clunky ass genshit designs people get horny over for no reason. At least with Tiana she has pretty dress designs that are recognizable and can be easily replicated. Jinx’s design is ugly but it makes sense and looks better in the Arcane tv show
They really do. Once you go outside and realize they treat everybody equally like shit, the delusions start to wear off. It will make living in this world easier, just stop having expectations for people you can’t control and will do whatever they want. No matter how much money and resources they waste with their little representation agendas clearly nobody wants that shit and honestly I really believe that the whole representation convo is to incite even more racial divisions that didn’t exist and bring them into mainstream opinion. These assholes have managed to turn your little social justice crusade into a chess piece and you’re still rambling about how important it is to be some soft wittle woman because there’s “no feminine black girl characters!!!” meaning you want to whitewash yourself with white femininity that has never applied to the context of black woman’s existences. Stop trying to fit in with other cultural contexts of femininity, it’s honestly quite odd whenever black women think it’s normal to want to have another culture’s femininity applied to us. These women have their own ways of doing things and so do black women, I don’t get this blurring of the lines and envy of something that was never enviable or to strive towards. I think in order for black women to realize this they would actually have to be stop being so dick-identified and come from a feminist lense without using perpetual race card armor as their comfort blankie but that’s never happening kek.
Because they don’t have movements like Black (Cocks) Matter (and we don’t care about femicide too!) and uplifting Civil Rights for everybody but the people of their own race to distract them, that’s why they really don’t care. The whiny second-gens and those trying to pretend they care are the only ones who bitch about representation, but then they actually go off into reality and commit more of their misogyny, rape and religious zealotry on to others because oppression and discrimination isn’t solely a black people thing.

No. 446714>>446723

How do you feel about feminists caring about representation?

No. 446715>>446723

Also what do you mean by white concepts of femininity?

No. 446717>>446723

I feel like you’re also implying that people had positive images of black women before the conversation about representation and I don’t agree with that. Many historical stereotypes about black women are considered “historical” for a reason, they’re deeply engrained in how we are perceived and they’re very old notions. Gone with the wind is an easy example. Another example of how representation matters is how much more acceptable it is in society at large to wear your natural hair now than it was before.
I’m just going to be honest I do not think you have any inkling into how much saving face is very much a deeply engrained concept in many cultures. And how that entwines with respectability politics, and representation.

No. 446718>>446719>>446724

NTA, but I agree. Common black woman experience is for freakish, clownlike people to be hostile toward you for no real reason, and other freakish, clownlike people to try and gaslight you about it. Female socialization primes us to either internalize all of it and go into hard denial mode, or to try to bring attention to it through words and seek out support/comfort on a larger scale. A lot of black women in the former situation get annoyed by other black women who don't do the same, which I dislike, even when I don't always entirely disagree with them (it's not always about race, I'm kind of tired of seeing black women seek empathy from people who don't want to understand, and I also don't want to spread paranoia/self-doubt to other black women and girls. How exactly do you tell a girl that wherever she goes, there will always be a deranged subset of people who will seethe at her for something as stupid as her skin color, as if she's done something wrong, but she shouldn't give up or let it taint her character?). I've noticed some (not all) other women become very hostile or passive aggressive when they see the latter group discuss their troubles. It's like they don't see it as venting from a POV they're unfamiliar with, they just somehow feel "infringed upon" in some kind of mass victimhood contest. It's a waste of time in those cases.
I think there's a lot to be gained by privately acknowledging the unfair, fucked up things, and just being smart enough to work against them without drawing too much attention (or focusing on what we can get and maximizing that). A lot of people rage at us, but they also copy us and obsessively try to monitor us without the slightest real understanding. We can use that.

No. 446719

Very much an inclination to push it down and keep it going, and imo not acknowledging the low self esteem will cause you to fall into traps that you could otherwise avoid. Denial isn’t the same as resilience.

No. 446723>>446727>>446728

Dumb and a waste of time, if most males already control the economy and therefore are the ones who are always in the decision-making chairs of these corporations, companies, governments, they will never get what they truly want. Another thing is that many women who claim to be “feminists” are already confused and aren’t even feminists, it’s why you have those French ones walking out their homes topless and thinking they’re powerful for doing so. Males still control the media and representation, crying about it when there’s no groups of women who are bold enough to put the dicks down to change the entire power structure is wasteful action. It’s like abortions, it’s slapping a bandaid over the general problem of male criminality, lack of responsibility and sexual violence. Also the very fact is, if there were to be more female execs, producers, creative managers, how would you really know they’re capable of representing you properly? After all at the end of the day they work in a business and the end goal of every business is to make money, no matter the cost, that’s why structural change is very important. That’s how we got that Moon Girl tv show shilling trannies and the whole racial rainbow along with black women, it’s a subtle insult to black women where they think males in dresses and black women have the same struggle. They do have diversity representatives, they just do a shitty job at it because not every black person stands on the same side as you do, sadly.
Romanticism, romeo-and-juliet infested modern media shilled to women, all of those are heavily inspired from white/jewish/middle eastern myths and stories, not black ones. Thinking other female groups oppressions through their culture, such as being a helpless, fawning retarded idiot is something to aspire to and is something that was deprived from black women. I don’t know about you but I don’t have a problem with the “strong black woman” mentality, it’s in the way that’s used to always groom them into saving the entire community (when they should let it rot tbh) that becomes a detriment to black women rather than using it to assert themselves as a woman in a cruel hierarchical world.

That’s just my opinion though, there’s women who are going 360 into traditional oppressive female archetypes because they truly believe they were “deprived” of the perceived luxury and pampering that were given to other groups of women when those luxuries and pampering were at the expense of the women’s dreams, personhood and freedom. Black women were doing all of those pampering and nurturing and feminine things anyways, being forced to be caretakers, maids, nannies, the black mama earth role was always enforced on us and on other women through different cultural expressions. I won’t deny that many nonblack women are racist, but they don’t talk about these things for a reason, it’s to stop other women from having honest conversations with other races of women, it would threaten the social power structure that is always upheld by males and handmaidens. Allyship is always stopped between other groups of women, not males, which is why Miles Morales will always be appreciated and recognized by males who aren’t black like him but still have black women spitting bitterness towards other groups of women because um.. they can’t wear South Asian girl’s hair and wear pink and be a brainless Barbie archetype in a tv show? >>446717
Lmfao, there’s more women slapping wigs on top of their hair and calling it “protective hairstyles” despite it giving them hormonal disruptions and traction alopecia. That natural hair movement was a farce, a lot of it has nothing to do with the external, it’s very clear black communities have issues with the representation inside of their own communities. Begging for whites and other women to give you your little doggy treats is pathetic, it’s clear the black community doesn’t even like themselves atp

No. 446724>>446727>>446732>>446760>>446800

They become hostile because the world doesn’t revolve around black women and black people. Black people desperately want to reframe the world into their historical struggles when it doesn’t work that way. Other women have their own struggles and that’s always trampled upon whenever black women are bitching and crying about getting fair and equal treatment that other women get. Nobody is going to roll out the red carpet for you, if it’s not happening for other women best believe it’s not happening for you. It’s almost borderline entitlement, these groups of women are not going to extend a hand when they’re clearly dealing with shit as well.(infight baiting)

No. 446726>>446731

>meaning you want to whitewash yourself with white femininity that has never applied to the context of black woman’s existences. Stop trying to fit in with other cultural contexts of femininity, it’s honestly quite odd whenever black women think it’s normal to want to have another culture’s femininity applied to us. These women have their own ways of doing things and so do black women, I don’t get this blurring of the lines and envy of something that was never enviable or to strive towards.
The only time black women lacked femininity in their existence was when they were trying to help black men reclaim their masculinity in the fight for black rights, and it was very deliberate. Even then, the very act of refusing to do the expected "pretty girl things" for your appearance, disregarding romance and abandoning domestic duties all to be taken seriously is something only women can truly relate to. The "strong black woman" messaging can only exist because it's rebellious in its very nature, a hard reaction to injustice, not some kind of biological fact that white slavers have always had to somehow work around. Enslaved women, who were hypersexualized an seen as "feminine" enough to have segregated labor from men that included caretaking, and women who were just exiting slavery, definitely experienced femininity. What you might mean is that they just weren't protected the way white women were. Meanwhile, black women across different cultures and time periods (including today) live(d) under femininity that more closely mirrors women of other cultures, which is why feminism can take root in African countries and why largely the same discourse of tradthots/pickme types and pampered women talking down on feminists and less gender-conforming women takes place. The same narratives of a privileged and decorated princess vs a poor, disenfranchised woman (both being viewed as different sets of cargo) existed pre-white influence, same with unfair class structures as a whole.

No. 446727

First of all, the natural hair movement allowed actual legislation to avoid having to straighten hair. That’s allowing autonomy. So I disagree. I understand that it has issues with texturism and it’s not perfect. But I didn’t say it was.
The strong black women mentality is born from hardship and cannot be separated from it. You can bring up miles morales as much as you can bring up Yasuke in Assassins creed. Miles Morales has cultural cachet which is derived from the cultural capital of black American culture. When that is taken away, nonblack men aren’t very comfortable with black men at all. Also your argument about abortions very much ignores that some abortions are for saving the mother’s life and some abortions are because sometimes you don’t want to get pregnant. Not every abortion results from rape.
>>446724 you can argue that for any group dealing with anything. Which is everyone. Everyone deals with some bad shit in their life.

No. 446728

My general point is that on a macro scale, representation helps humanize us which is good for US. Sorry for other people going through shit but this isn’t a competition. I’m completely fine with other groups caring and considering about their own representation. But that’s not the point here. We live in a world where we do have to interact with other races so it’s good for them to have good ideas about us in mind. Secondly, the cultural infantilization of women does connect to the reason why women historically did not have money and capital and legitimizing and normalizing women having income on both a legislative and cultural level helped. Remember the world ‘cultural’. Because it wasn’t just about laws. There was a cultural shift. Perhaps black women would also be able to achieve more if there was a cultural shift. Lastly, I don’t know why we can’t focus on multiple things at once.

No. 446731>>446816

Idk if you were trying to disagree with me but I agreed with pretty much everything you said, they were less protected but like you said we were all on the same historical oppression scale as women.
>Meanwhile, black women across different cultures and time periods (including today) live(d) under femininity that more closely mirrors women of other cultures, which is why feminism can take root in African countries and why largely the same discourse of tradthots/pickme types and pampered women talking down on feminists and less gender-conforming women takes place. The same narratives of a privileged and decorated princess vs a poor, disenfranchised woman (both being viewed as different sets of cargo) existed pre-white influence, same with unfair class structures as a whole
Yeah pretty much, never understood the whole obsession with “MAH MANZZZ AND MAH RING”, wanting to be picked and chosen, wanting black Elle Woods characters in media when Elle Woods in the movie was actually borderline retarded and bimbofied to straight hell, and pasta and lobster memes. I can’t believe the whole FDS community in their dick obsession have infiltrated a 4B-reminiscent movement like the divestor community into divesting from one shit group of men to another and then try to rewrite history that black women were deprived of the spoils of white femininity as if we should be obtaining the same treatment that women were actively trying to break out of even till this day, it makes my eyes roll.

No. 446732>>446739

No, it doesn't. But just as the white woman's world revolves around her own experiences and that of her sisters (others only coming into the fray in a secondary sense), the same is true for everyone else, and nobody except their very oppressors (men) try to insist they're all lying. Nobody tells Korean women that they shouldn't talk about the stereotypes and poor treatment they face because "reeeee you're demanding special treatment if you say you don't want to be treated like a child, portrayed as some kind of exotic sex toy or have men both in and out of your race mistreat you, it's not all about you sweaty", or Indian women that they're wrong to be skeptical and wary of Indian men and that they're "asking for special treatment". Only black women are expected en masse to completely ignore/deny their own experiences and struggles to center other people. It's a common trend, and since they follow us into our own spaces to yell at us for talking about our own issues, I don't even buy that it's an "entitlement issue" or wanting a red carpet.
I'm just recognizing a pattern. You seem like someone who fits the former category of black women I described. I understand getting these thoughts, but I also think you should try saying these things in spaces full of white women and addressing the same talking points at them, then seeing how they react or how you feel.

No. 446739>>446741>>446744

I don’t go into white women’s spaces, I talk to whoever I feel like because I don’t give a shit about racial loyalty or stupid crap. Only black women exhaust themselves with this loyalty and fighting while black men run around having children white white women, it’s so stupid

No. 446741>>446749

What are "white women's spaces"? I said spaces full of white women, a lot of them exist. Even lolcow. And yeah, you're not supposed to care about that, but people do, and they will fuck you over on that front whether or not you participate. I'm certainly not loyal to any race (especially not any race of men lmao), but I'm not blind either, and I will always go for what protects/benefits me and the people I personally love, regardless of race.

No. 446744

I don’t think any of us were referring to black men at all in regards to representation. Arguably that’s the most pick me thing to be mad about. Who cares.

No. 446749>>446750

LSA is right around the corner

No. 446750

Why would I go there? Are you a race loyalist or something?

No. 446754


the problem is empathy. Other people can't/struggle to feel empathy for black (usually) female characters.

For a character to be loved, there needs to be two factors. One, this character is well-written. And two, the audience is receptive to her. Most people dislike BW for many reasons, even the most progressive of people. they don't like attractive BW, or BW main characters (remakes don't help) and they hate when BW step out of their stereotypical roles as mammy/jezebel ( remember the Aunt Jemina pancake fiasco a a few years back). People feel immense discomfort and even offended if they feel like they have to empathize with a black woman, a being they see as lesser (and annoying if she's not performing for them)

Again, an empathy problem

No. 446755

exactly, look at this language. As >>446689 mentioned, they cannot empathize and do not see black women as fellow people

this is the best long term solution. Seek and create what we want to see, in media and in life. Now that I think about it, there was a millennial arrogance on thinking we can change people mind about us, begging them to relate to us as people.

No. 446756

I really doubt you are black based on your language, but fine.

>there’s barely any large-scale Latina, Asian, etc. representation but you don’t see them bitching and crying about fictional characters because they actually have money and power, things that matter more than some stupid Disney movies.

They do complain, but they have their own countries massive backlog of media to go through. Asians more so, like anime and K-drama. Latinos have their own tv shows and cartoons, (where only the palest Castizos are welcome). That is their problem to deal with. As African Americans, we can demand better for our own media.

>Always carting about the most frivolous shit imaginable while these “other groups” have more wealth and influence than you in places that actually matter.

They are able to project soft power because they have money. Good representation is downstream of real power and influence. This is something actaul BW lack and thus imperative to fix. We can acknowlegde bad representation as adownstream of a larger probelm without dismissing it.

>It’s not like governments pay for propaganda for political reasons! You guys have such an illusory ideal of the world, people do see you as human beings, you’re just shocked and surprised that people treat you just like everybody else. You’re expecting this imaginary special treatment that white women and asian women get (which they don’t btw) that doesn’t exist. People clearly see and “hear” you as a human being, you just think you’re entitled to way more than people are willing and want to give. Welcome to reality!

Peak nonsense. Imagine wanting non-ghetto, non-mammy/jezebel charterers, imagine wanting well-written humanizing stories. Apparently that's propaganda. And no, BW are not treated like everyone else. People are far more tolerant of BM for example. He is the "preferred token" in every American piece of media, from the 1960s onward. Just look into any group of several characters, always a black male character. And mind you, white women are the preferred protagonist for mainstream media and people love seeing her archetype, regardless of how well-written she is. The scale varies from Dana Scully to Debbie Gallagher. Also, entitled? Wanting something more than a black DUFF or a (youse is kind) mammy is entitled?

This post was full of dog-whistles and I feel like you would be better off on 4chan, with your kind.

No. 446760>>446767

really? We're hostile if we mind our business in public? We're hostile if we don't speak to them? I really think you're a troll, larping as a feminist

No. 446767

It's more than likely an actual entitled tard of some other race projecting, mad that the black women aren't mammying and have their own concerns.

No. 446800

how bored do you have to be on a random Tuesday to be writing paragraphs of straight drivel? Do black women intimidate you this much KEK. I've been in nonblack women's spaces and they talk about the exact same things we do in fact they often parrot and use our talking points. You are just mad that Black American women actually pipe up and stand up for what the fuck we believe in and make shit shake. The other races look to us. Bow down bitch

No. 446816>>447245

File (hide): 1732655666319.webp (11.67 KB, 403x400, RDT_20241107_13013527668367184…)

… everything you're saying is exactly what white feminists say in /x/ when complaining about us. Painting us all as penis loving woman hating freaks who deeply envy white women. That's why I don't believe you are black. You come into a thread where black women vent and get viscerally angry that someone is venting about racism in online nerd spaces because "it's a pointless thing to get mad about/ black people aren't charming maybe if they were less aggressive this wouldn't be an issue blah blah blah the natural hair movement is a farce black people hate themselves the most!" Like you're either uncle Ruckus levels of self hating or you're a racist moid here to stir the pot. It's annoying. Stop acting like bringing up that other races having similar issues suddenly invalidates out concerns. You're being a jerk.

No. 447075>>447107>>447141

Wrong,too many bm are borderline goblin looking,they are definitely one of the most un attractive race of men out there

No. 447107

men in general are equally hideous, not exclusive to race

No. 447120

File (hide): 1732795516752.gif (437.16 KB, 540x400, 46d59f79fa39ff4d9973f234821510…)

Probably thinks way more about black people than any black person has thought about this individual. It's 7am, and I gotta do a few chores, wash my hair, and help my family prepare for Thanksgiving. I dunno, I was born in the very early 2000s and was practically raised on the internet, so I built up some skin when stumbling across things like this.

No. 447141>>447215>>447284>>447297

File (hide): 1732804300183.webp (62.2 KB, 870x592, or-a-kitchen-knife-that-occasi…)

Exactly. I've seen so many hot black women, and few to no attractive black men in my whole life (I will not be bullied into pretending I find celebrity moids like Michael B. Jordan, Kanye West, Stormzy, any of the Asap or Migos rappers or bacteria-looking men like Lil Wayne handsome, sorry). Black men and women are just not looksmatched to me. Picrel is honestly what it feels like sometimes. I felt this way even before I started seeing black men attack black women all over the media for years, I just didn't want to be mean. Now, I think I have the right to be honest. It's not self-hatred to just note the difference and live life IMO.
The few black men with potential often don't even style themselves well because they're either obsessed with nasty hypermasculine roidpig or "thug" aesthetics, or so scared of being called faggots by ugly/jealous black men that they don't even try. The ugly man psyop hit this race the hardest IMO, and dumb pickmes posting nonsense like "fat men eat pussy good" make it worse. I refuse to lie anymore.

No. 447215>>447233

I've always thought it was crazy that black women alter so much of themselves via makeup, plastic surgery, weaves/wig, skin bleach just to appeal to black men. Who are not only allowed to exist in their natural state but actively denigrate black women for the same features.

No. 447233>>447260

File (hide): 1732824588126.jpg (81 KB, 720x886, 94140ea6288d2d6244273cf85b5600…)

Even in their natural state, black women are better-looking than black men IMO. Picrel is a nonbinary black girl who's masc-leaning (pretty sure she's on T, and it's made her less attractive to me in newer photos and videos I find of her, but oh well). If black men looked like this or like most (fit) black studs and tomboys on average, I might actually be attracted to them, but that's not the case.
It's kind of a joke to me when black men insult black women's features, because typically, most facial features are larger and more exaggerated on the male counterparts of any given racial group, anyway. It's like when Arab men point the finger at Arab women for having big noses and shame them. Men are ridiculous.

No. 447245>>447249>>447261>>447269>>447278>>447383

And that’s how you know there’s a clear difference between black women like you and black women like me. I don’t need validation nor do I need to prove to some stranger I don’t care about my “true race” or always bow down to some meaningless racial loyalty. I’m clearly not a white woman from /x/ (because newsflash if you seriously think those are real women using 4chan and not trannies then I think you’re just flat out retarded). You’re constantly always wanting validation, head pats, doggy bones and borderline worship that’s not even afforded to other groups of women from white people, while I could care less, because I know I’m not an “Uncle Tom” for knowing there’s a whole world beyond burgerfat race politics and wanting some black female character in a video game kek, that’s not going to solve any of the problems black women face with their identity and self-esteem because it’s rooted in patriarchal values just like other women’s, so is the whole racial-beauty-validation paradigm that’s only started because males enforce tribes and tribes cause more division and discrimination. Wasting your life away about imaginary white women on the internet and even IRL is such loser shit

No. 447249

Then leave. You would actually get paid for your coon drivel on Twitter right now

No. 447260>>447297

i disagree imo black men are only ugly because they don't take care of themselves. If you want to see fine black men you have to look to the black gay male community. Thats where all the pretty black boys are. They all dress incredible, have perfect skin and teeth and nice hair. I used to be so confused as a kid when my aunties would get mad at a black man for being gay but the older I get the more I understand. The fine black men really are all gay. Black women got the shortest end of the stick fr

No. 447261

i bet you end your sentences with innit KEK. What are you even "whinging about" as your kind would say? Your mad black women want to see themselves reflected in the art they consume? Newsflash other races of women are reflected in video games and animation. You seem to be the only one obsessed with what white women got going on. TLDR eat a spotted dick bitch

No. 447269

NTA, but can you actually go back to LSA or something? You're so tryhard and obsessed with proving how much you "don't care" while still dragging this topic on a full two days later. You don't have to worry, the people you accuse everyone else of being so taken with will still think you're an annoying attention seeker whether or not you announce that you aren't, just like we do (and yes, real women do unfortunately use 4chan at times). Take a nap or something.

No. 447278

Girl, if you’re so adamant that the only thing black people have to do is get economic power then why don’t you go ahead and do that instead of posting on lolcow. We can’t even complain without someone getting mad at us getting mad at racism. It’s ridiculous.

No. 447284

Exactly! Black women are way too beautiful for the males.The only bm I’ve seen who was different from the ones that look like roaches with baggy underwear was Prince but black men are insanely insecure and think dressing nice is gay or something

No. 447297

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Dont even think its a race thing, the taste in fashion is just so bad and like what >>447260 said they can be unkempt, especially with facial hair

No. 447341>>447358>>447364

File (hide): 1732881712119.jpeg (294.27 KB, 1284x1538, IMG_4427.jpeg)

What do you guys think about the theory that black women are less integrated into mainstream society compared to black men?

No. 447358>>447365

Could you explain that?

No. 447364>>447365

File (hide): 1732892378268.jpg (48.43 KB, 415x700, 1000017423.jpg)

Do you mean culture wise? Rao is predominantly male and has large influence, but I wouldn't say that the influence of black women is significantly smaller could you elaborate?

No. 447365>>447373>>447379>>447409>>447412

Post Civil Rights:
>more likely to get into interracial relationships
>thriving in sports, the biggest normie interest
>More and better layered humanizing representation in media -> less ugly woke art online
>not as badly targeted for "wokeness"/"DEI"
>Present in many music genres, especially rap, which is now the most popular music genre on earth
>centered by black women in all topics of criminal justice reform, despite committing more crimes and causing more harm than BW

I don't think black women have as much cultural influence/capital as they like to think

No. 447373

>more likely to get into interracial relationships
On that subject, since black male non-black female relationships are more common, there is less fetishization. Closest thing would be the BBC meme, which is something I only see terminally online non-black white guys talking about.

No. 447379>>447398>>447436>>447446

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>more likely to get into interracial relationships
This is baked into American culture. Historically, black slave men could impregnate white women to earn their freedom (and their children would be born free, while if white men impregnated black slave women, they and their children would still be slaves - I haven't found a rationalization for this from racists or non-racists, it's strange. On the other hand, Loving v Virginia was based on a white male/black or mixed female coupling).
Criminal justice reform revolves around them because they are overrepresented in prison numbers, and the assumption that most of it is completely unjust/unfair is rooted in the black empowerment movement, which is propped up by black women who center the black man in all things (let's be real, no one else really does), even to the point where it's a detriment to themselves and their children (the mentality behind prison abolitionist rhetoric can only come from women who center men IMO).
I agree with you on the media front (IMO this is also somewhat black women's doing for supporting all black inclusion in media made by non-black people, even when it's literally only black male inclusion, because black men largely don't do the same for anything with only black female inclusion), but IRL, statistically, black women out-earn black men and have long surpassed them academically IIRC. In the US, black men have been allowed to be the "face" of the black race, have their issues centered and reclaim their masculinity, and black women have facilitated this from the personal politic of widespread single motherhood to the larger realms of political rallying and media turnouts (for example, pickmes will never stop pickmeing for Chris Brown, a man who hates and brutalizes them, and has said on at least one occasion that he doesn't even "claim" blackness, and this is an olive branch they don't largely seem to extend to women who scorn black men or don't seem "down" enough with blackness, like Doja Cat).
Noticing this made me realize how many problems are caused by black male recklessness, and how much it's covered up and defended by well-intentioned and loyal (but misguided, or at worst, outright pickmeish) black women playing cleanup all day. I actually prefer black women's position, because first and foremost, I don't think all our struggles need to be laid out bare for the masses to co-opt and exploit (even from our position now, everyone bites off us and uses our talking points for their causes, eg Asian-American men seeking "empowerment" despite being one of the wealthiest demographics in the US already) and second off, we can always choose to just stop and walk away. Black women collectively have enough soft power to kick off trends re: fashion, slang, and pop culture and alter the status quo to make out black men to somehow both be hyper-victimized and hyper-masculine in the public eye. Their refusal to center themselves isn't because it's impossible, it's because of their female socialization and the legacy of the pro-black movements of the past in excusing rape and misogyny.
All the horrible aspects of the "wokeness"/"DEI" stuff is an unholy product of black women's status as shieldmaiden-cum-charity case, and the sooner they stop with the caping for all kinds of people besides themselves (especially black men), the less of a fit it'll be.
Like yeah, we can't convince all the mammies and pickmes to stop, but it's refreshing once you take the black male millstone off your neck and realize none of this crime or degeneracy has anything to do with you personally, and it's not your cross to bear and there are no excuses you have to make just because you have brown skin, a hair texture and other phenotypical traits too. I understand that this is more difficult for single mothers of black boys and the like.

No. 447383>>447399

Oh nonnie…I feel like you're missing the point. Maybe you have autism?

No. 447398

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>Historically, black slave men could impregnate white women to earn their freedom (and their children would be born free, while if white men impregnated black slave women, they and their children would still be slaves - I haven't found a rationalization for this from racists or non-racists, it's strange
Iirc white male on black female coupling rape was more common than the reverse due to the negative stigma for white women. The babies of white women and black slaves were illegally slaved or murdered at birth, and the black male was lynched. This attitude may be due to white men feeling a sense of ownership over thier own women, feeling more threatened by a male slave white female relationship than the opposite.
The babies of white men and black female slaves were more likely to survive, which would give too large of an opening for freedom using white slaveowner logic.

Southern men claimed to have lower (white women) rapes and prostitution than the north. In thier logic, you had no excuse to rape white women when there were black women to rape instead.

No. 447399>>447534

If you’re here on lolcow, you probably do

No. 447409

Who cares. Stop comparing yourselves to black men. Comparison is the thief of joy.

No. 447412>>447425

>I don't think black women have as much cultural influence/capital as they like to think
we absolutely do. People just never credit us and we are erased and made to be invisible. This is not new to women in general but it is just ten-fold for black women. Read Invisible Women

No. 447425>>447427>>447428>>447449

Louder! A lot of these girls itt are so doomer minded. Imagine saying black women have no influence when black womens hair literally influenced goth culture and so many other sub styles. We influenced nail art, HELL WE INFLUENCED EVERYONE TO ROCK THEIR CURLY HAIR FUCK OFF! IM SO TIRED OF BLACK GIRL ERASURE FROM OTHER BLACK GIRLS. Idk about y’all but I set trends wherever I go since I was a preteen. Kpop is as big as it is outside of Asia because black women backed it up! We make shit shake

No. 447427>>447464>>447477

>Kpop is as big as it is outside of Asia because black women backed it up!
if true, please stop

No. 447428>>447436

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Im still so mad at you low self esteem idiots saying this shit and justifying it by talking about slavery. Yes slavery is abhorrent and we've been through shit but to say that black women don't influence culture when we literally BIRTH the culture is insane. People are discovering bonnets and having hair wash days in 2024 thanks to black women and our influence and all we did was start taking care of our hair and documenting it. If you cant see our influence all around you by the way everyone talks like us, by the way everyone tries to dress and be shaped like us, imitate our hair while also calling it ugly, getting lip fillers etc3. Using all of our feminist talking points decades later. If you don't see black women's influence all around you then you must be blind.

No. 447436

?? I posted >>447379 and was saying the exact opposite of what you're claiming I did. The AYRT basically said the same thing I did. Black women are the ones setting the cultural pace, and black men are not "better off" than us because their status comes directly from black women's support (no one else is centering them, this is obvious). Actually read the post next time before getting mad, anon.

No. 447446

Thank you, I’ll try to take this to heart. It’s just difficult to avoid race nonsense post election. Knowing that people make money off of your negative reactions

No. 447449

No. 447464>>447466>>447549

I don't know if it's true, but Korean media is pandering to BW more and race mixing propaganda is starting with AMBW.

No. 447466>>447485>>447549

>race mixing propaganda is starting with AMBW
They want black women dollars. Even famous black men who exclusively date interracially pander to black women for business purposes.

No. 447477

This, honestly. I can't stand kpop, it's completely generic slop (I hate mainstream western popular music, too, before anybody starts).

No. 447485>>447494>>447504

even deeper than that, they're trying hard to prove to the world they're not racist like the US did in the 60s/70s. It's a basic step in global domination.

No. 447494

I don’t think kpop has a strong focus on black women as a customer base. Americans in general. Korean media could not legitimately portray itself as non-racist considering how overtly colorist it is.

No. 447504

It'll never work, there are idols who refuse to shake fan's hands if they are black, kek. They are racist (and colorist) and should always be known as such so that their horrible cloned slave music can fade into obscurity. If I never have to see another surged up monster moid, it'll be a day too soon.

No. 447534

Absolutely this is an autism site no shame here

No. 447549

Why can't we be invisible

No. 447558>>447575

Non-korean kpop fans always struck me as being incredibly self hating especially black and SEA fans.

No. 447575

Agreed. It's kind of embarrassing to be an adult fan or stan of any celebrity (all of them are retards at the end of the day, even if they are talented or you admire what they do), but to be a fan of music that is wholly derivative/subpar and pushed out by people who look down on you in such a huge way is even worse. It's no secret that South Korea doesn't tend to put out the best products, as far as pop culture goes.
It genuinely irritates me when I see black women go to bat to infantilize and defend racist Koreans and kpop group members. I know that a lot of black women are essentially groomed to simp for people who hate them with the double team effect of being female and being black, but the way some of these women would die on a cross for these plastic "singers" who ape their musical stylings and some of their aesthetics while spurning them grosses me out. The even dumber part is how many of them are hyper-SJW on everyone else while making excuses for everything to do with their favorite "idol", or trying to grovel to them/their management to change their ways when they so obviously don't care. I don't want to hear about how Lizzo is "fatphobic" for losing weight and that a fully black woman "doesn't count as a black beauty" because she has "eurocentric features" if you support an industry that unabashedly enforces anorexia and intensive jaw/nose/eyelid surgery and hair bleach/wigs on girls 15 and up. Like, imagine someone saying to your face, multiple times, that they don't like you, but you still spend your money, energy and free time on supporting them.

No. 447588>>447595>>447615

Is it bad I don't give a shit about black on asian or black on white crime rates? Black men have been killing black women and children, and no one non-black ever gave a fuck. Most murder victims are still black as well. But non-blacks don't care unless that violence spills outside of black people. they have no sympathy for us when thugs kill black women and kids because we're not seen as human. They only use it as some fucked up gotcha without caring about the victims. so why should I care when it happens to Asians or whites? the only activists who get my sympathy are the ones who acknowledge the black femicide epidemic and don't treat violent BM like they're solely an "Asian hate" problem. People who do that shit are so racist, self-centered, and narcissistic.

No. 447595>>447605>>447608

even black people don't give a shit about black on black crime. How can we expect anyone to give a shit if we don't bother to care? Even the black feminists of this group refuse to point out the misogyny of the community.

We should all care about (black) male criminals going about and harming others. The vast majority of these crimes are committed by a small minority of violent men, who can be tracked, and easily imprisoned. I have no problem calling the cops on a gangster who doesn't care about my life anyway.

No. 447605

Seems standard issue for moids and pickmes of each race to not give a shit about in-group crimes, especially on women. Look how misogynistic white men shield their own rapists and victim blame white women, then rage about black and brown rapists and pretend they want to "protect their women" (all while saying they deserve the violence for being libtarded, that they're "tainted" by black men, funding/consuming violent porn of the matter, etc). Arab, Asian and Indian men are even worse.
I agree with both you and the other anon otherwise. I prioritize black women since I know others don't reciprocate any support they get from us. At the same time, I recognize we're all suffering and that male-controlled society doesn't punish the behaviors of violent men nearly enough. It doesn't help that we have to deal with prison abolitionism nutjobs who think the law itself is wrong, want to get rid of all police and free all these men, no matter what.

No. 447608>>447611>>447634

Plenty of black people care. You just ignore them so you can continue to dehumanize blacks.

No. 447611

Totally agree. Everything they stated is a flaw in the black community when you peel it back it’s just a flaw in humanity where males in every race are exalted while the women are penalized for all of the men’s harassment onto the human race. Most pick me black women are older gen x and boomers who were brainwashed by the church to shield black men from everything. But the younger and younger generations of black women are putting their pick me capes down more and more. It’s crazy how some of these anons will give any moment to shit on black women while being fellow black women. Please make it stop

No. 447615>>447626

I care but only to a degree. Asian and white women are some of the most anti black to black women. They honestly scare me with how blatantly racist they will be to their alleged black women friends if they even care to have any, which 10/10 they don’t care to unless you are immersed in THEIR culture to some degree meanwhile they look to yours as primitive. I would never willingly be in community with Asian and white women. In fact I only like fellow Black women. The most sincere relationships I’ve had in adulthood were from monoracial black women. They were the only ones who saw the humanity in me. Everyone else always denied me my blackness because of my nerdy interests as if black women arent some of the BIGGEST nerds. If you attend PWIs please for the love of your sanity find community with other black women, don’t even try to befriend nonblacks. They hate us. Look at how they voted

No. 447626>>447631

same, I am bisexual and I would only ever date black women. For moids I won't even bother to date one again because they're all the same lol

No. 447631>>447632>>447633

>same, I am bisexual and I would only ever date black women.
Good luck finding one who is attracted to black women and doesn’t have kids.

No. 447632>>447642

the scarcity mindset that the internet has about significant others is insane. people date each other all the time… it really doesn't take good luck to find partners kek

No. 447633>>447665

NTA but do you go outside? Tons of L/B black women are attracted to eachother, maybe other demographics of women have that problem.

No. 447634

Maybe what I said was an exaggeration, not enough of them. We need more black women to speak up about misogyny and femicide

No. 447642

>it really doesn't take good luck to find partners kek
It does if you have standards.

No. 447650>>447666>>448017>>448518

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So, did European people and the assorted browns (Arabs and Argentinians etc) ever explain why they are/were obsessed with calling cream-filled chocolates things like nigger kisses, nigger tits, nigger heads, africanitos, maidservant's kisses, slave heads, etc?
It seems really weird and fixated, especially since this was way in the past when they didn't exactly have many black people around them (well, maybe the brown ones did lol). Like, the whole narrative is that black people (especially Americans) are the only ones who think about race and Europe has no racism, only America does and other copes/blahblahblah, but to my knowledge, literally no black community in the diaspora has ever looked at pork and called it "whiteboy rump" or "massa's tits", seen meatballs and called them "swedish testicles", or referred to strawberry ice cream as "mzungu kisses". In fact, I think that'd make all those products seem gross, and I can't say I see why the same doesn't apply the other way around. There are even Euros (Swissfags especially) seething to this day about name changes, unironically saying things like "i can't believe we're not allowed to call cream buns niggerdicks anymore, smh". What goes through their heads? I'm asking this purely from a sociological standpoint, and because I'm curious about it. It just seems so alien.

No. 447665>>447675>>447681>>447683

I’m in my 30s and have only ever witnessed one black lesbian in real life.

No. 447666

They can't feel human unless they dehumanize black people.

No. 447675

must be your area. im nta but i have met and seen lots

No. 447681

You need to go to atlanta, there's tons. I've also met a few in London, but one trooned out rip.

No. 447682

Living alone is best thing I have done to maintain good mental health as a black woman. There is an invisible expectation to being the mammy to others when I have lived with family or roommate

No. 447683

Are you trying though, dude??

No. 447786>>447856

Wtf is with the bullying at office jobs? Straight off the bat some non black woman starts acting nasty towards me in my first few days at every new job.

No. 447838>>447843>>447853>>447857

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What is your honest to god reaction when you see anyone sporting the confederate flag for their cars, wallets, or clothing?

No. 447843

reminds me of fat people

No. 447845>>447952>>448009>>448014

File (hide): 1733078491413.png (108 KB, 443x408, monkey.png)

i think monkeys are cute and i won't let racists ruin them for me

No. 447853

Sometimes I pass by a truck that goes all out in the confederate flag, trump bumper stickers. Thier dedication is almost admirable. Its briefly entertaining

No. 447856>>447869>>448279

They see you as a servant, who is supposed to be entertainment as opposed to a coworker on an equal level. They actually hate quiet competent black women, because they can’t handle the cognitive dissonance

No. 447857

I sigh, I see it as cringeworthy and I always keep my distance

No. 447869

File (hide): 1733087057256.gif (7.54 KB, 80x80, avatar_178369_1642336645.gif)

It's really wild to me that even with muh superior IQ, so many people are so dumb that it actually disturbs and enrages them when actual human beings aren't like cartoons or something. I don't know you, you're a coworker and I am an introverted person lol
>but you're black! why aren't you doing the black thing and being loud/funny like in the stereotypes? what's wrong with you? do you hate me or something??

No. 447900>>447926

I just bought Ghetto Gastro pop tarts to support a black owned business and they’re pretty good (strawberry was alright) but the name…..ugh. Is that really the word they chose?

No. 447926

Sometimes I hate niggas so much…..

No. 447952>>448014

I genuinely feel like some humans regardless of race look like cows, pigs, and various birds. So I don’t get as bothered by the monkey comparisons anymore.

No. 448009>>448014

at least monkeys are cute. I'd rather look like one than actually be mixed with neanderthals who were way uglier.

No. 448014>>448016

Can I admit to something? I know monkeys are often used a racist trope towards us, but I feel nothing when I see it? I mean I wish racism didn't exist but I don't see the connection? I normally just block when I see weird people imply this

No. 448016

to be fair, comparing people they don't like (including whites) to monkeys predates anti-blackness.

No. 448017>>448029

Because black features are inherently comical.(racebait)

No. 448029

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>S-Stupid negro we want to bite into your secondary sex characteristics and genitals because your features are so comical!!
See, this is what I can't understand. It's like you're a space alien, this isn't a sane human's response, but it's like, built into you, and you get genuinely angry when polite society says it's weird that you want to imagine black tits when you bite into a bun. What a schizophrenic culture and mindset.
Also, are we supposed to believe non-black features aren't comical? I see creatures of many sizes every time I try to scroll down on /snow/, let alone walk down the street. I'm just kind (or maybe just not creepy or fetishistic) enough not to fixate on it. Idk.

No. 448175>>448374

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Does anyone else here feel deeply concerned for their future? Personally, I don’t know if I’ll make it to 2030.

No. 448279>>448532

> They see you as a servant, who is supposed to be entertainment as opposed to a coworker on an equal level
Is there a name for when classism and racism is rolled into one thing? I feel like I also get some hate for being from a working class background in a desk job.

No. 448317

why are men, especially non-black men so obsessed with the ghetto jezebel stereotype?

No. 448374

Nope! My own parents have been through worse, I can do it and being a doomer will do me no good

No. 448458>>448531

Do any of you have a recommendation for a good site for high-quality wigs? I usually just buy them in-person, but the stores near me don't have a lot of selection. I prefer lace-front, but any site recommendation would be welcome. I know most of the big ones, but I haven't had good experiences in the past.

Has anyone ever paid a person to make a wig for them? Do you think that's a better option than buying them "off the rack"?

No. 448518

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In Spain there are some chocolates called conguitos.

No. 448531>>448853

My sister gets her lacefronts from a site called Alipearlhair and has been for years. My sister is a bougie baddie and she always looks pretty in those wigs so I doubt they are low quality. However, she has always had complaints when she had someone directly make the wig. It was always bleached and dyed wrong or never done in the time she needed it by. I haven’t seen her have someone custom make a wig since the pandemic. Hopefully this helps you.

No. 448532

Yeah it’s called the triangulation of being a black woman. I made that up kek.

No. 448853

what do you do with your hair? just curious

No. 449310>>449436

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Sick and tired of the wankery in the internet. Feels like I’m being taunted just for existing. Even deleting my accounts isn’t enough to escape it.

No. 449436

It's jealousy that blacks have the most modern human DNA and the least DNA from archaic subspecies. That's it.

No. 449662>>449687>>449736>>449801>>454798

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It's insane how much seething beautiful black women generate, especially from random brown people.
The quote tweets of this post are full of Indians, Arabs and Southeast Asians malding at the OP and insisting Anok Yai isn't pretty. Sorry, I will be racist, because I saw a lot of racism in those quotes going unchecked. I don't know where those people came from, how they found that post in the midst of their usual goatfucking and self-bombing discourse or why they're so fixated on a western supermodel of South Sudanese descent. I've never seen a black person on that app give a fuck about beauty accounts related to any of these other people's groups.
In general, I just don't want to hear about what "beauty" is from any demographics who rape monkeys and/or monitor lizards, sell their daughters, engage in incest so often that it's fucked up generations of families both mentally and physically, near-religiously bleach their skin and hate their own features so much they frequently have their noses, chins and foreheads chopped (only to still be called big-nosed shitskins and gutter prostitutes by the people they're trying to emulate) or enjoy marrying men who do/enforce those things. Like, I just don't want to hear it. I don't want any influence from them. There is nothing aesthetically appealing about what these people tout or advertise amongst themselves, and I'm convinced the reason they have yet to put out any iconic supermodels in this pro-diversity era is because they're too defeated, boring and spiritually broke to ever be proud of any of their own indigenous features. Like, for all the natural ugliness I've seen of these groups, I'm still hopeful enough to posit that there must also be natural beauties among them hiding somewhere (probably bullied to hell and back, denied modelling contracts and/or never even tried, or made to botch themselves with surgery), and it's their own fault for keeping them hidden or putting them in lower castes. Mentally, I associate black people with resilience, beauty in the face of horror, warmth and exceptionalism, while all these other people smack of defeat, depression, endless degeneracy and poverty. I just can't help it. I've tried to be "woke" and believe in "POC solidarity", but all around the world, these "diverse" people are so uniformly buckbroken that their biggest dream re: beauty is to be a cheap, inferior knock-off of white and East Asian people.
Indians dream of looking Arab, but even the Arabs don't want to look Arab. They're flattered when they're mistaken for Latino/a even lmao. It's pathetic. It's insane that they're so much richer than Africans, but so lacking in vim, soul or any cultural exports. Africans pushed out afrobeats and amapiano to mainstream/international audiences, in spite of everything. Where are Pajeetbeats? Indopop? Nobody gives a fuck or wants to hear any of it. It feels like they know all this and want to drag black people down because they think being "lighter" should put them above, but reality just doesn't agree. I don't even feel bad for them because it's like they're somehow mad at us for not being even worse off than them, they feel "robbed" somehow.

To be completely honest, they don't even understand the white beauty they worship. All the Indians and Arabs know is whatever's on OF, hair color, ugly plastic surgery, and AI-generated porn, and all the SEA ones know is kpop surgery mutants. Such is the third world mindset. There is no natural grace or godlike glow to the Suraj or the Hassan because they beat their wives, slaughter their own kind for being "too dark" and mutilate their daughter's genitals, and their pickmes follow. They won't rise, and that's how it'll be for the next 300 years.

No. 449687>>449697>>449707

I don't even take them seriously when they rag on black people for being ugly because of it blatantly coming from a place of insecurity. All you can do is hope that they learn to love themselves and move on, it's their own fault if they want to put white people on such a high pedestal knowing damn well that most white people are just are mediocre as everyone else, the position that they are in right now is because there was a few who were more willing to be more ruthless and aggressive than everyone else in the world. Honestly, looking at how hard they go in with bleaching, painting their faces white ect makes colorism in the black community look meager and minor in comparison. Even in regards to the toxic beauty standards in the black community, they don't have too much influence from colonisation or purposely trying to mask your ethnicity, arguably except from wigs and weaves.

No. 449697>>449699>>449701

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I'll always support natural hair above all, but wigs and weaves started bothering me less when I realized that literally no black woman has ever stopped looking black because she put on a wig. It could certainly be seen as an act of assimilation (especially when you get into how toxic some people are about hair), but it's nowhere near as extreme or cucked as the insanity I've seen coming from some other groups.

No. 449699

That's one way to think about it, although I think it's concerning when some women are afraid to be seen without them or some women thinking that natural hair isn't suitable for professional settings.

No. 449701>>449737

>but it's nowhere near as extreme or cucked as the insanity I've seen coming from some other groups
The only way a wig or hair extensions could be non cucked is if they reflect one’s natural hair texture.

No. 449707>>449738

I think it is kinda interesting from a psychological standpoint, like, what motivates it? Some of it is like the guys who send hate comments to the girls who appear on the Fresh and the Fit but then proceed to purchase those same girls' OnlyFans, but some of it is just unexplainable weirdness.
Also, there are some non black POC who see themselves as inferior to whites and bashing blacks is one thing they can to make themselves feel better about themselves. In the Civil War, poor whites in the South were extremely pro slavery, even though slavery hurt their own wages, because they needed someone to feel better than.
It's all kinda sad, actually. I feel guilty for feeling sorry for them.

No. 449736>>449781

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They hate on Anok Yai because they believe she shouldn't even be in such a successful position. She scares them, her success disrupts their mental hierarchy. In many arab countries, African women are enslaved and raped and killed, and no one cares. In America, a beautiful black woman can be noticed and win awards and respect. America truly is the land of opportunity, fuck the rest of the world

No. 449737>>449742

You understand. I am not putting no hair that doesn’t resemble mine on my head anymore. I did it as a teen and early 20s because that was all we had. But nowadays so many black women are making type 4 quality wigs I just would never. As I’m getting older the more i side eye women in the silkiest textured wigs. It’s like you are advertising that you think other womens hair type is better than yours even if you don’t think that, that is the subliminal message being spread. For that reason alone I will never wear silky textured wigs again. That’s why these nonblacks feel so bold to come online and disparage type 4 hair. I don’t even like flat hair anyway kek.

No. 449738

Status anxiety is very real

No. 449742>>449774

What are your thoughts on silk presses?

No. 449774>>449778>>449780

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You’re gonna hate me but I hate those too. I do like the big 70s style blow out presses like pic related though. I just really hate bone straight hair on black women, it’s so boring. We have the most unique and fun hair in the world and you want it to look flat and greasy on purpose why!? I also just notice a trend of girls that grow their natural hair to be strictly silk press girls they are usually whitewashed and self hating af. It feels like they couldn’t wait to prove to their nonblack friends they can have hang time and swing their ponytails too. It also just annoys me because I know that once the silk press trend dies and they see women of all races embracing their curly/coily hair, these same women are gonna go online everywhere crying about how much heat damage they have and how much they miss their thick natural hair.

I just think you are playing with fire when you do silk presses. Do you really want to risk years of natural hair growth for a few weeks of straight hair? Really think about it. I know a lot of them get it as a way to loosen their curl pattern along the way too which is just my conspiracy kek

I feel like every time a type 4 natural gets a silk press an Angel loses its wings. TBH I just love natural hair really badly so my opinions are very biased. I do understand just how hard 4c hair is to manage too because I have it on my head but it’s really not that hard. It’s your head though so do what you want just don’t be shocked when the little black girls in your life tell you that they think natural hair is ugly and that straight hair is better. Also I think when black women got silk pressed in the 90s they still did black coded hair styles and experimented with their straight hair. Nowadays girls just straighten it, tuck one side behind their ear and call it a day.

>inb4 let black women do what they want with their hair.

No. 449778

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Honestly though I’d rather women see how they’d look with straight hair with wigs than ruining their precious coils/curls. I love type 4 hair a LOT and I just don’t want to see it go extinct again kek. But I understand the ease of straight hair so I won’t fault anyone but I’m just being honest I hate it so much. Luckily my opinions mean nothing so do you.

No. 449780>>449783

I wash, blow dry and flat iron my hair straight because it’s easier to manage day to day. I only wash it twice a week, it’s grown so much longer than when I left my natural curls in.

No. 449781


No. 449783>>449787>>449798

I’ve heard this tbh after a certain length it’s just easier to do. It makes me sad that type 4 hair is so high maintenance in a way straight hair isn’t. I just want to see more black women with that big ass Diana Ross hair if they do decide to rock it straight. Get that silky bone straight look away from me kek. But again it’s your life and black women look good with bone straight hair too I just think we look better the bigger our hair

No. 449787

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Look at how cute this blow out is. I bet all she did was add curlers to it to achieve it. Again I get the ease of straight hair but ugh blow outs are superior to silk presses. They just look so expensive

No. 449798

the resurgence of those boho goddess braids made me very happy to see, i always felt braids were the best alternative to straightening or chemically treating longer hair.

No. 449801

>>449662 its always so funny when accounts are carbon copies of black baddies too. so many indian dudes with shape ups trying to blend in enough to get a date and bratz doll girls with a whole hijab on like that make up wouldnt get them killed in an islamic state

No. 450536>>450859

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Might post this to /ot/ but I find Luigi's TPOT adjacent views to be suspicious and coming sign of the Thiel-funded technocratic right. Especially his comments on "wokeness" (hating on black women in media)


No. 450859

Stop having a low self-esteem. Nothing in the article or what he has said has anything to do with black women.

No. 450863>>451274

Subtle racism hurts me more on here than the cartoonish racism on here. It's when I see the difference in how black women & girls are talked about or really most women who aren't white.
I often second guess myself, because maybe I am looking at the criticisms/discussions of black women or girls in a very sensitive way.
However, sometimes I know I'm not seeing shit and I'm right in what i'm noticing.

No. 451247>>456720

Best thing I've seen all year

No. 451274

It can be pretty frustrating when our presence is inserted to discredit other ideas and arguments. It's popping up all over the place, a random person who isn't black racebaiting or being inflammatory only to have someone else start crying about woke blacks and how they don't have to tolerate us perpetual victims when there was no black person on either side of the conversation. Not sure why that's happening more often here but it's odd. Even in the ugly man psyop thread there's an infight about nordic men and italian men that morphed into complaining about kowtowing to black people out of nowhere. Overexposure has quickly become our enemy in the digital age, the constant presence of random discussion using us as cudgel makes for a bad supplement to normal racism.

No. 451389

Nonna I relate, I grew up to be the "weird" nerdy quiet black girl and I find it quite difficult to find other black girls who share similar interests with me both in real life and online.And the rare ones that I do find online turn out to be pooners and/or gender specials and I'm not ready for that headache quite yet.

No. 451392

Based take. I would rather black normies than alt non blacks.
I’m a gigastud but it will be a cold day in hell before I lean into being the hypersexual black bvll for some liberal white woman.

No. 451637>>451662

Does anyone make themselves appear less attractive on purpose to fit in a workplace where you’re the only black woman?

No. 451662

I was going to say no but tbh when I worked with white people I stopped dressing up because they didnt dress up and I don't like attention. But when I worked in an inclusive environment I started dressing how I normally dress because everyone dressed up too. But tbh towards the end of my time there I started dressing down because everyone kept gassing my outfits up and it was stressing me out because I wasnt even trying kek.

No. 453698>>453744>>454519>>454654

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Am I weird for thinking an Asian man couldn’t be into me? I’ve had a couple of matches/likes from profiles of Asian males and it makes me feel like I’m in the twilight zone.I’m not unattracted to them but it feels odd to think one has thought of me as a dating option,never really seen AMBW couples.I don’t know what to really think of it because it feels like I’m being punk’d.

No. 453744

Not to sound cynical but most moids are looking to only get laid on an app, especially if they’re looking outside their race. Take vetting these men seriously. You don’t want to be remembered as a man’s token black shag who gets brought up as a talking point when his diversity cred is questioned.

No. 454519>>454521

Asians men’s usually like other Asian women or white men. Some of them might be interested, but I don’t see it as much so I don’t really bother to count them in my dating pool.

No. 454521>>454637

But I’d also say that men of all races and even racist scrotes want to get in bed with black women. Not necessarily date them, but they want to try and for this reasons we shall always be alert ladies. This is why I don’t bother with dating apps.
I have been approached many times by white scrotes who almost hid it but they can never hide it that well, it always slips. One once told me, on like as second date that he never tried someone like me and that my body made him excited. They literally treat you like an exotic animal, as if you have a sign that says “hot ebony” on you, so gross.

I’ve been on other dates with other men (Like three) from different ethnicities and they never made me feel that way , I was never made aware of my color and their compliments were genuine too. All this to say that you can definitely tell when it’s a fetish or a genuine interest.

No. 454522

Me too nonna. I feel you quite deeply, I only have white friends due to where I live and I do appreciate them because I’ve never felt like I was the “entertainer” or anything, I love them and I can be comfortable with them. But I also want someone who has had my same experiences and struggles.

No. 454637

>even racist scrotes want to get in bed with black women.
Racists want to weaponise sexuality against black women as a way of dehumanising them. Fixed that for you.

No. 454654

I wouldn't even both with Asian men, they hate dark skin women, even the tan women in their communities get shit ( I see why those ladies date white)

No. 454798

both the far left and the far right hate gorgeous black women, her presence disrupts their insane narratives about black people

No. 455457>>456349

Anyone feel extremely uncomfortable when non black scrotes flirt with them? They come across as more racist than those who leave me alone.

No. 456349

no, it depends on the dude. If he's chill with other people, then he'll be chill with you

No. 456357>>456423>>456458

I was going to post this on the tiktok hate thread but does anyone else think the whole "Black women hate Cooking with Kya" thing feels fake? I'm not trying to say that black women are incapable of being jealous but I swear I had never heard anything about her until I started seeing a bunch of tiktoks and tweets talking about the hoards of jealous women seething over her.

No. 456423>>456458

She is a black woman whose main audience is black men. Black women disliking her isn’t because they’re black women it’s because the black men who like her typically have black girlfriends. It’s incidental. There are hundreds of OF girls that pander to men, and white men love it while their white girlfriends do not. People just sensationalize emotion from black women.
It’s interesting to see an unambiguous black being heralded as an object of desire in this way, honestly.

No. 456458

it's all so fucking ghetto, god I hate black drama

No. 456500>>456509>>456549>>456588

What do you think about media promotion of Black-white couples? I though it's just conspiracy theory but it is so glaring. It's in every movie or series regardless of genre. There is even this scene in SMILE movie where black nurse says to white detective,she maybe taken but i am single!"

No. 456509>>456519

I think it's strange because isn't the most common interracial marriage/coupling between whites and mestizos? If not then between whites and asians? In that case, I think it's a little funny when white supremacists act paranoid about black scrotes "stealing white women" because blacks and whites don't commonly fuck with each other like that.

No. 456519>>456522

>blacks and whites don't commonly fuck with each other like that
Black men and white women are the most common interracial pairing in the black community.

No. 456522

Sure, but when you look at the actual number of black people, particularly black men, getting married at all, most black people (including the men) are not. Like not even 40% of black men are married right now. The vast majority of black and biracial kids are born between two parents that aren't even legally together. So even though you can say that black/white coupling is the most common interracial pairing in the black community, what does this matter if the actual number of this coupling is still quite small?

No. 456549>>456585

I think it's weird and suspicious that you describe mere depiction as "promotion"

No. 456585

>>456549 What how i interpret that scene from a movie SMILE.

No. 456588

overenthusiastic liberals in marketing and entertainment, it will die down after 2025. Ive never been against them but the images don't mach up with reality

No. 456614>>456659>>456714

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I still want a black boyfriend, but the stats from the recent femicides and podcast propaganda make me reconsider. Knowing what the average black man thinks about dark skinned black girls, demoralizes me. I only get attention from gen x non-black men. I just really want to be normal and know a normal relationship feels like.

Sometimes I feel like I'm doomed to die without knowing romantic love. I try to refocus on hobbies and work but I still have that ache. Chatbots only alleviate the loneliness for a short time.

No. 456659

What hobbies do you like? You could try finding fans of that hobby in a predominately black area.

No. 456714

Shut up and get therapy. There’s more to life than male attention. I’m sick and tired of seeing this nonsense on this thread

No. 456720

Ive had a few of her songs saved in a listen later playlist but havent got to listening yet, she is so pretty

No. 456942>>457157

If you do get involved with a black men, realise it will have to be short term (a few years at most) for your safety. (femicide).
Don't get pregnant unless you know you can get rid of male foetuses.
No point giving birth to someone that will hate themselves and you for no reason.

No. 456958>>457157

And make sure you and your daughter are safe and away from the moid.
You are not getting any money from him anyway so you need to know that your own income isn't an issue and you and your little girl are not stuck in Blackistan.

No. 457157

It's easier and preferable to not have kids at all. And even easier to not date black men.

No. 457158

I think staying single with no kids is the most underrated life choice for black women.

No. 458272>>458293>>458572>>460119

File (hide): 1735005030758.jpg (731.93 KB, 2000x3000, bridgerton.jpg)

Bridgerton makes me uncomfortable for reasons I can't really explain. Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe it has something to do with how little they touch on race relations in an era where it feels historically relevant, but additionally it's like some magical universe where magically everyone respects black people, but not only that, racemixing isn't even commented on and skin color literally doesn't matter. You're telling me everyone upholds this stupid culture of seasons, gender roles, purity gatekeeping, and weird relationship posturing but nobody cares about race? Even in a villainous way? Maybe that's the fantasy of it all but to me it just feels weird.

No. 458293>>458572

I dislike bridgerton because it has white women as romantic leads and black women as supporting characters only.

No. 458572

I wish this garbage show was never made

No. 459585>>460200>>461735>>470823

I feel fraudulent as fuck for not liking fufu. Sorry, but my mum always made me eat it and i'd gag and cry.

No. 460119>>463367

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I hate bridgerton because Shonda Rhimes has a swirling kink. I’m so tired of seeing black people with white people it’s no longer progressive and honestly feels like a threat at this point kek. I would’ve loved to see two monoracial black people fall in love during this time period. Hell I wouldn’t mind if the love interest for black characters were POC. But no Shonda must make white people always feel included in her stories. I was pissed Shonda made Lady Danbury a dark skinned black woman have to be with an ugly old black man while pinning after an ugly old white man who was married. It pissed me off because Lady Danbury’s storyline is interesting until that point. Pic related is the gross scrote they had this beauty paired with. Shonda rhimes will pay for her swirling agenda

No. 460193>>461643

Anyone else currently laughing their ass off at the racist white scrotes having meltdowns over Elon calling them dumb?

Racist white men have spent so long bashing black people and trying to keep us down that they forgot to realize they were being stealthed by Jewish, Indian and Chinese men. Look at the top wealth by religion and race. Look at which demographics are increasing. We are not and have never been a threat to white supremacy because we never experienced class mobility and our population is not growing either. Whites got so ragebaited by bbc porn and memes about black single moms that didn't even realize they're being replaced in prestigious colleges, STEM jobs and Americas upper middle class. I have no sympathy for them, many African Americans roots are deeper and longer than American Whites here but they still treated us like foreigners. We are an integral part of American history whether they like it or not. Maybe they should have treated us better and we would have their backs by now. Too late.

No. 460200

Nonna I don’t really like ugali, don’t worry. We can be fake Africans together.

No. 461525>>461547

Keep it real with me and drag me if I'm being too toxic about this. But is it petty to ghost a man because he's attracted to non-black women? I've been dating this guy a few weeks and at first he told me that he only really likes black women and that he thinks we're the hottest women. Which of course is nice to hear. Then we were talking about it and he mentioned dating Asian and White women before. I was like I thought you are only really into BW? There's plenty of them in our city after all. And then he started backpedaling and saying well actually he thinks blonde White women and Asians are also very attractive but hes really into BW too. I'm not sure why, but I felt disappointed by this. I also got a bit spooked because it reminded me of my ex who was always talking about how black women are the best women, and he was cheating on me behind my back with Latinas and a Thai woman. I'm just disappointed. I wish there were men who genuinely makes black women his first choice. Am I being too entitled about this?

No. 461547>>461554>>463137

men crave sexual variety regardless of race. if you can't accept that, you don't need to be dealing with men. that "type" bs is just their way of manipulating women to give them a false sense of security. they're wired to be opportunists and fuck anything that moves. and many white men cheat on their white wives with black sex workers as well. Married WM are seen as the best clients for black whores to have. just like how they had black mistresses during slavery. they won't change.

No. 461554

You're right. God I hate males tbh. It's ironic because white men won't hesitate to ghost a non black woman who says she is into black men, black men will ghost BW who say they're into WM etc, but they want the whole world buffet for themselves. Goddamn hypocrites.

No. 461643

I was expecting this to happen a few months into trump's presidency not on Christmas day, lmao. We're in for a wild ride in these next 4 years

No. 461735

this made me laugh out loud nona. I like fufu, but I'm not crazy about it, but ily and support you in standing up to defend your truth.

No. 462730

Being on the internet for so long especially growing up has exposed me to so much misogynoir it’s difficult for me to feel empathy for other people. I keep thinking that people probably hate me for being a black woman or at least are complicit in the way we’re treated and I just can’t get myself to care.

No. 463137>>463143

Hard disagree with you there.
A man having a type is about who he would date with the intention of marrying.

No. 463143>>463157

If men pick who they wanna marry based on looks, it's all the more reason to not take their types seriously.

No. 463157>>463166

If I man explicitly states I’m not his type based on race I accept his view for what it is and move on.
As a joke one of my cousins put that he’s not attracted to black women in his dating app profile and filtered the results to only include black women. He got a whole lot of messages from black women telling him off. I felt second hand embarrassment knowing that these women were giving their precious energy to a man who doesn’t respect them.

No. 463166>>463174

has a man ever said that to your face IRL (not trolls online)?

No. 463174>>463179

No. 463179>>463181

Weird. That's never happened to me. You should stop approaching men in general.

No. 463181

Being proactive doesn’t hurt. I approached my ex (we broke up because he was moving for work).

No. 463367

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I hate Scandal for similar reasons. Who wants to be the white U.S president’s mistress? I can’t even root for her character because the whole time I’m thinking, “I’m supposed to empathize with a woman who’s cool with being the president’s black mistress??” And the actor who played president Fitzgerald was ghoulish. Why couldn’t Olivia Pope have longstanding black love interests? I couldn’t even finish the series after a few seasons.

No. 465589>>465590>>465954>>467467

I’m so sick of seeing black people as more masculine just as a no-brainer. I have this weird hang-up about it, but it’s weird to me. Even the masculinisation of black men, not just us. It’s so weird, like to the point of delusion. I’ve heard people say black people have larger skeletons. Like what? Black people have slightly smaller skeletons than white people like asians do. It’s so weird that people’s default way of seeing us is a certain way, like idk it disturbs me for some reason

No. 465590>>465596

It feels like we’re at a point in time where the world is getting more racist again and it’s scary to me. I feel alone like I did 10 years ago. But it’s even scarier to realise that nothing ever went away, it was always just pretending.

No. 465596>>465608>>465610>>465856

I know people are going to go after conservative types, but they have always been like that. I think the issue is the woke types. First example is those retards who say that non-white people have no idea what gender/sex is before white people went around colonising people. Another example is when say things like fatphobia is rooted in racism towards black women, even though the fat positivity movement was made by a white man who wanted to fuck bbws in peace. I could list a bunch of other things that wokies do that piss me the fuck off and the main reason why it pissed me off is that they are too brainwashed to see that they are borderline more or less as harmful as conservative faggot white men who scream about dei all day and in a way, create resentment towards black people through their lies, desperation to seem smart and protect their status as a social justice warrior. I hate the way that they try to destroy any insinuation of black people being individuals with their own views and beliefs. I don't want people to look at me and automatically think i am a troon ally like these retards want others to think.

No. 465608

You’re right, consistently woke types try to align blackness with wokeness. Thus people see a black person just existing as the physical manifestation of a political statement. It’s like a shield. We will always get the full brunt of it, the first layer of defence; you see it in how any progressive vs conservative debate always brings up “but what if this was against black people” even when they’re nothing to do with the discussion. I also think it sucks that people see black as literally the opposite of white, and it exists semantically (and reflects racist history) because if anything is an attack on white people then black people are the logical scapegoat.

No. 465610>>465620

Nobody irl actually cares about people who talk about fatphobia like that. Conservatives have been emboldened to act insane, shifting the blame to hyper online activists and using wokies says more about you than anything llol

No. 465620

I feel like she got what i was trying to say. >>465610
The point i was trying to make is that at least when conservative types are racist, it's always very obvious to tell and they were going to feel that way regardless. They already have a built feeling of group narcissism that can be easily fed. Meanwhile, the woke types will spread that kind of stuff with no caution to the wind. It's not as fringe as you think, i've actually met people irl who like that.

No. 465758>>469130

Being a NEET has really fucked up my mental health. Being chronically on the internet has made me feel like the whole world is racist (kind of is but…) I’ve realised once I step outside 90% of my problems just don’t exist. No one is yelling to me about TND or spouting racial science to me. I am just a human. And I honestly get treated very nicely because I’m pretty, and old people dote one me a lot if anything. Growing up in an all-white environment I was honestly just treated like any other girl. I honestly think that for a lot of people growing up with someone of another racist affects how they see racism, especially before the age they’ve started to absorb and comprehend stereotypes. For example I was just some quiet girl (thus didn’t fit into stereotypes), one of only two black girls in my year and the only two in school, had a best friend who was white from ages 8-14. As an adult she gets especially worked up about racial issues almost like it personally affects her kek, she genuinely gets so uncomfortable and hurt. Similar with the other girls who were in my friend group, they have a really open and forward way of thinking about race now that isn’t even in the “woke” way (which they don’t seem to be interested in). Just interesting, people say humans are born racist but I don’t believe it. We’re born seeing colour yes (a portion of us at least, because I don’t remember being any sort of way towards asians for example) but we’re not born automatically hating others for sure. That is learnt.

No. 465856>>466791

The problem lies outside of western left-wing right-wing loyalties imo. I truly feel that race relations (in america at least) could have been much better without other countries' attitudes and biases being woven into the national fabric. Most of the racism black people face, women especially, is tinged by weird interpretations like caste system rhetoric to a return in phrenology and claims of tolkienesque groupings of race by collective traits. Tribalism is getting worse and we never have protection.

No. 465954

americans are just sexually confused. this is the same country where an obese white male prostitute can brag about all his black male clients on soft white underbelly. I bet some here would pick a fat white guy with moobs and a blonde wig over a thin curvy pretty darker woman thx to porn brainwashing.

No. 466791

Most of the racial hate I see online and I get, it's mostly form Arabs and Indians and some Latinos. They have a religiously mandated racial hierarchy and they are so confused as to how black Americans think so highly of ourselves. MOC are so proud to be foot soldiers for the worst of men just to boost their own ego.

No. 467241

Is it just me or are whitewashed POC difficult to get along with?

No. 467467

All of it stems from this weird ass BBC fetish. Unfortunately they push it onto us.

No. 467535

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After seeing the numerous accounts ran by the "hard workers" blaming the looters on black people it's kinda vindicating seeing it was actually other "hard workers" setting the fires and working in gangs to loot houses. In fact I saw a tweet showing an older black man talking about how he helped save his neighbors.

We're going to have a hard year but I think in the end it will be alright fellow USnonas .

No. 469130

Are you looking for a job? Also, how old are you? Your are correct that most problems don't exist when you step outside.

No. 469420>>470653

I hate leftists, always annoying and grating online

No. 470129>>470783>>470876

Anyone facing racism in most corporate jobs they have taken up?
I have paid off my student loan debt so I am considering going back to working as a cleaner because it was a less mentally stressful environment.

No. 470653

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Bait is so lazy on this website

No. 470699>>470776>>470831

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Do you ever feel weird when white people try to relate to you by talking to you about rap and shit lmfaooo

No. 470776

Yeah. I find it disappointing. Is that really the first thing that pops into your mind when you see a black person? It’s like the only black people nonblacks want to exist are all the ghetto ones. Everyone loves ghettoness, both as a way to look down on us and as a fetish. I hate rap for existing.

No. 470779>>470809>>471120>>471724

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This is pathetic coonery, I swear we are cursed

No. 470783

A cleaner? Really? So stereotypical, have some shame

No. 470809

>what do Chinese people think of black people
Black Americans never missing the uneducated retard allegations, if only they know what was actively happening in many parts of Africa. There’s their true genuine answer, those fuckers are mechanical unfeeling machines who are completely disconnected to their emotions, why would they be invested in a black male naker who’s so feminine he’s asking what another group of people thinks of him? Kek

No. 470823

I'm the saefme nonna kek! I much prefer amala, fufu literally tastes like eating printer paper.

No. 470831

yeah it's so weird it's like they think they're talking to an actual video game npc with no inherent personality. Or they think they're talking to a tv show extra. What makes them think we're all going to come pre-programmed with generated rap and hiphop takes? like leave us alone kekekekekeke.

I lowkey prefer the sjw black girl stereotype to that because it at least comes with some assumption that I'm smart, even if it's in a way that frustrates them. Like in the sense that I'll know "woke" or intimidating concepts and terms that they're not familiar with.

No. 470876>>470950

I hate working in corporate. Now I just don't care. My current job is very stressful and I have days where my anxiety is unbearable. I drank a lot to cope but since I am doing dry January, I have been getting lots of REM sleep.I took the day off today to sleep in and do an interview. I want to get fired so I can possibly qualify for EI. Normally, I can deal with corporate bullshit but this job is absolute hell. If I did not need the money, I would have quit months ago.

No. 470912>>470939>>471780>>471793

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How did this retard ever get into congress? I swear SJWs make us look bad and they have way more influence than any ghetto twerker. Like this whole speech was cringe and then she has to have a cat fight being a mammy with that cookoo Mace. I hate mammies and I hate modern American politics

No. 470939>>471115

Seeing black women go so hard for trannies literally breaks my heart. When i see other women cape for troons, i just get annoyed, but i feel like black women are bullied in a different way to every other women to accept the trans agenda. They weaponise the fact that black women are perceived as masculine compared to other races of women, particularly by right-wingers who insist every black woman is secretly trans. Black hsts have always been violently jealous of black women and make it no secret, whilst white troons are just your typical racist white incels. To add insult to injury, according to trans doctrine, mentioning women are oppressed as a result of their sex and not their "gender" is transphobic, meaning they will never do jack shit to support black women in return. I would rather black women in the US educate themselves about what's going on in Africa (as seen from the discourse above, it's incredibly important) rather than crying over troons or Palestine, it's embarrassing and a waste of time. I just want black women to advocate for themselves more than they advocate anyone else. It's insulting to think black women being called "masculine" has any correlation to a man in a dress being called a man in a dress, be for fucking real.

No. 470950

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A mostly non black corporate workplace is an abusive hellscape for black women.
>My current job is very stressful and I have days where my anxiety is unbearable. I drank a lot to cope but since I am doing dry January, I have been getting lots of REM sleep.I took the day off today to sleep in and do an interview
Get some stress leave note from the doctor nona if possible. Hope you get better soon.

You’re right about the money though.
For single women it feels like most non office jobs pay peanuts in comparison . My schoolteacher friends all live with a bf/husband.

No. 470953

I agree, anon. Black women are def the most toned and fit and least skinny-fat and it's really attractive.

No. 471115>>471661

Especially since trannies use us a gotcha everytime without any care , most of them are racist too.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a retard tranny saying
> “after transwomen they’ll come at black women!”
>“Black women weren’t graced with femininity either and were excluded”
>“even black women were considered masculine!!!”
>”Black women face transphobia too!!”
When black women face misogyny and racism. A black woman isn’t a fucking male. It also pisses me off even more when I think about the fact that enslaved black women were experimented on , used as nurses, raped by their masters and tortured. Their sex played a key role in their oppression and erasing that and claiming that it’s transphobia it’s fucking disrespectful. These scrotes have no solidarity for me and other black women.
Sorry for the rant nonnas.

No. 471120>>471121>>471710

Expecting solidarity from other minorities in our country is one thing (it still doesn’t happen since proximity to whiteness makes them feel superior, even though we are all the same to a racist kek) but expecting it from other countries is bonkers.
I think more of us should make peace about the fact that racism against black people is pervasive, you should be ready, xenophobia against us is very real. Chinese people, Koreans, Japanese people , Spanish people, Russian people, Italian people, they’re all racist , they even have a name for us in each of their language.
I’m not saying that we should sit idly and not travel or anything, but be ready.

No. 471121

And again I’m not saying that all individuals of a country are racist, I’m just saying that the mindset in itself is and so is the sentiment.

No. 471643>>471645>>471646

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>race not mentioned
>white women not mentioned
>insecure anon still randomly brings up black women totes being jealous of her
I really can't fathom the degree of obsession and projection some kinds of women have with us, and how they rely on specific narratives about black women to try and prop up their wrecked self-esteem.
Like, I know it's mean and I should probably just feel bad for how mentally damaged they are from the endless moid-pandering, but imagining some unfortunate white tradthot randomly seething about black women and reposting tiktok screenshots to make herself feel better about getting caught lying about her BMI to other white people is both funny and bizarre. It's just their reality, but it seems so unreal.

No. 471645>>471647

There are trolls of every race posting nonsense about other races being envious of their features. Learn not to take the bait.

No. 471646

My instinct tells me this as an obviously insecure anon who needs to scrape the bottom of the barrel just to feel good. She probably goes out of her way to look at content made by insecure black women who need to get a grip so she can feel valued or wanted. That she did this so randomly tells me that she probably thinks about black women more than any black woman has thought about her specifically at the time she posted that. Now I don't know her life, but there's a very real possibility that if she IS employed, she probably gets mogged on the regular by a black woman who's cuter and better at her job than she is. That's what my intuition is telling me.

No. 471647

I'm kind of tired of the "nooo everyone does it" angle because no one really gives the annoying individual black women who act out that kind of leeway. I didn't take the bait because I didn't respond, this is just a pattern of behavior I've noticed with one group on the other, and it's surprising to me every time.

No. 471648


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 471661

Exactly. The narrative of black women being "excluded from femininity" necessarily erases femininity as a restrictive, negative construct that incorporates forced domestic servitude (and yes, slavery). This is a deliberate move because the people starting all these retarded arguments are unironic sissy fetishists and their collaborators.
The black woman's struggle in the US wasn't to be seen as a woman (that was all well and good, because there's no inherent/automatic privilege to womanhood itself - everyone with power loves to exploit "mammy" and the accessible, "easy" slave woman, mistreating the "feminine" class is like, elementary to any male-centric society), but to be seen as a human being. Trannies can't comprehend that because they can't comprehend womanhood itself, only a fantasy of it.

No. 471710>>472143

tumblr POC solidarity was such an effective mindkiller

No. 471724

"ugry brack man" lmao

No. 471780>>472564

>calling another black woman a mammy
>sperging about leftists again
You mother fuckers need JOBS

No. 471793>>472564

How chronically online are you to constantly mald about the ess jays who gives a fuck

No. 472143>>473805

NTA. If it was just Tumblr, things wouldn't be so obnoxious. That surface level "POC Solidarity" was so clearly born from college campuses and their surrounding youth-skewed cities (AKA, our pop cultural veins). I don't even mean this in a "Reee George Soros brainwashing the American youth" kind of way. Like, yeah, it's easy to believe in 100% anti-racist Kumbaya mindsets being commonplace when you're surrounded by curious, decently smart, and excited young people who want to get laid, party, and not alienate themselves during the single most important networking event of their life. These people so clearly think that boorish levels of racism are exclusive to poor people and boomers. I need every POC solidarity preacher to ask the woke international students they so love to kiki with about "solidarity" what their educated, gainfully employed, and otherwise decent, middle class parents think of Black people as a whole. I assure you, it's just barely approaching a neutral opinion a good 1/2 of the time. Doomerism is a mindkiller too, but be a little pragmatic, for fuck's sake.

No. 472564>>472633

she grew up in privilege and acts ghetto. Remember we're not seen as individuals but as a monolith, so when a stupid woman like her gets power it's worse off for all of us. She wants to be a baddie on zeus network, get her out of congress

No. 472633>>472821

Yeah you're not black. Get the fuck out of the thread faggot and go figure out your chronic halitosis

No. 472752>>473184>>473238

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Was anyone here in (or currently in) a D9 sorority?

No. 472821>>472859

imagine defending coonery in this time period

No. 472859>>472867

So you admit it? You're a loser pretending to be black to bait on the internet?

No. 472867>>472924

Do you want me to post my hand? God forbid, you watch that video and defend her minstrel behavior. Her voice, her hair, her tranny worshipping beliefs? Clapbacks aren't enough

No. 472922>>473190

i'm actually going to miss tik tok so much. i got to see so many different alt dark skin black girls that i never seen before in my life. it was incredible.

No. 472924>>473199

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>she's a minstrel!1!
I wonder why crackers like you feel the need to pretend to be black on the internet. Fill out this job application loser you obviously need it

No. 473184

I'm not, but I can guarantee you if I was I'd have never ended up here. If you're thinking about joining and you can, do it. Be free

No. 473190>>473495

This is the real reason, too many black hotties compared to mammies or woke remakes we never asked for

No. 473199>>473495

Ghetto behavior is increasing all over society, the thugs won and now we all suffer. I wish black people, women, were more classist and didn’t adopt the behavior of hoodlums

No. 473238

I was a delta, it was pretty fun. Lifelong friends and the alumni network is a nice perk.

No. 473495>>473513

Who the fuck cares, seriously. Can mods do something about the vpn hopping poltard in here?

No. 473513>>473681

too bad, I'm an American just like you. Calling em a poltard because i reject coonery doesn't make you right. What next, whining about beyonce?

No. 473660>>473663>>473679>>473745>>473792

Letting Indians take over the US is going to be disastrous for black people, they're the most aggressively anti black and racist people on the planet

No. 473663

Every non black culture has elements of anti-blackness. Some are clever enough to be subtle about it.

No. 473679

Caste mentality is already here, and Musk worshipers are the first in line. Mind you, Caste discrimination failed to pass in California, and Indians are overrepresented in tech, which has become too entrenched in modern life.

No. 473681

Nobody is talking about beyonce, you retarded poltard. You've been misspelling and baiting for five threads now. how autistic are you to constantly sperg in a thread about shit nobody in real life cares about? Mcdonalds is calling your name

No. 473697>>473717

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Does anyone know any good lotions that help with dry skin in the winter without leaving a whitecast? I'm dying.

No. 473717>>473770

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I’ve used this for years and I don’t get a white cast personally.

No. 473745>>473792>>473815

No, that's Arabs.

No. 473770>>473777

Why is it so hard to find a decent lotion that isn’t too expensive and doesn’t have that cocoa smell?

No. 473776>>473782>>473827

are any other us-based nonas scared of trump being in office? i'm just scared of how it's going to get culturally and socially

No. 473777

Jergens is right there

No. 473782

no, I'm not scared. I don't deal with men, so I don't care about abortion/BC bans or no-fault divorce. I'm self-employed, so I don't give a shit about DEI. And I have no kids or BF/husband to hold me back from leaving the country for decent medical care or any other reason if need be. And I have a remote job and grocery delivery to avoid being around violent unwashed white trash proles. instead of being scared, set up a life where you could care less who's president.

No. 473792>>473805

Can we talk about how the most intensely racist/anti-black and misogynistic countries in the world are shitholes? Literally no one dreams of living and/or being born in India or a ME country, but for some reason, the moids going over to western countries and their pickmes keep trying to bring over their hellish cultural practices where your life is over because you were born the wrong "caste", it's literally normal to bash and seethe about black women like some kind of psycho, your family can gift you skin bleaching cream and insist that you'll never be married because your skin's too dark, daughters can get that hijab bullshit forced on them or face FGM, and moids can hit their wives/girlfriends freely.
So many of these people admire and obsess over the west and white people's success so much that they literally kill themselves to go to America, but they refuse to copy western countries' more egalitarian (not perfect, but certainly less hellish) approach and improve their societies or even the lives of their own families, whether at home or on American soil. It's insane to me.

No. 473805

It's frustrating because coming to america isn't a necessity in any way for a lot of these people. Far are we from stories of refugees and people wanting to contribute to our supposed way of life, it's just racial enclaves where money doesn't leave the in-group and each one treats other races terribly in the exact same way they would have before coming. They can do that anywhere in the world but we're meant to regard them as victim anyway through the framework >>472143 mentioned where we're assuming a metropolitan mix of diverse people with flexible ideals is the norm. So much effort went into curtailing the humanity and freedom of native and black people here only for the most culturally crazy to appear now without being challenged by citing how "poc" (groups who didn't exist here in the 19th and early 20th century) were treated.

No. 473815>>473836>>473841

Arabs are nowhere near as overrepresented in western tech/Fortune 500 companies nor are they as nepotistic and subversive as Indians. Indians absolutely despise dark skin and think dark skinned people are untouchables cursed by god who carry bad karma for a past life's sins.

No. 473827

Not scared just annoyed af atwhite people being racist misogynistic losers

No. 473836

>Arabs are nowhere near as overrepresented in western tech/Fortune 500 companies
>nor are they as nepotistic and subversive as Indians
False kek

No. 473841

arabs still have black slaves in their home countries to this day and still see black people in general as slaves. you can even get black slaves in north africa sold by Arabs. Not the same level

No. 473842>>473850>>473855

Brown people and their respectability politics is embarrassing and annoying. Someone in the unpopular opinion thread gonna say I shouldn’t tell white women to get over themselves because we (meaning her and her people) shouldn’t disparage white people if we (her and her people) go to their countries for a better life. America is not their country and they need to stop projecting what they do onto my black ass. My ancestors are from America and have been for hundreds of years. These immigrants and their white worship mixed with anti blackness will be the death of America. I already see it.

No. 473850>>473853>>473857

Have you ever considered that white supremacy is at the root of all this? Monocultural POC learned to be racist against black people from white people.

No. 473853>>473854

They absolutely did not. It's one facet in the global web but learned? You can't blame white people for every single thing.

No. 473854>>473861

Was it whites or brown who owned slaves in America?

No. 473855

The respectability isn't even there. The dumbest part is when they worsen the countries they ass-lick online.
Like, don't post about how much you "love" white people and claim to be "america first" if you're going to do things like introduce backward/deranged religious practices, worsen every industry by bringing in unskilled, low-paid and easily exploitable workers of your demographic at the expense of skilled local employees, start grooming gangs (not that grooming/child abuse was ever unique to them, they just add to it), and set sleeping women on fire in the middle of public transport. It's disgusting.
Years ago, everyone was complaining about the liberal, American-born (or just young, middle/upper class immigrant) "WOC" who talk about how much they hate whypipo online while having white boyfriends, but at least those women are actually well-assimilated to the culture and don't commit horrific crimes. The most you have to worry about with them is some cringe workshop on white privilege or being nonbinary, or them starting some gentrified coffee shop or whatever. That's more than I can say for immigrants who LARP about loving Canada, America, etc and parts of Europe when they refuse to actually respect and acclimate to the culture.

No. 473857

NTA, but no. They're racist at home within their own cultures, too. There's literally an anti-black slur in almost every language. I'm sorry, but a lot of you nonnas will have to reckon with the fact that white people aren't the masters or gods of the universe, and hatred didn't start with them.
No matter how much you suffer in the USA for being black, literally any brown country is much worse. Arabs' enslavement of black people is/was even more extreme, and they haven't even stopped.

No. 473861>>473863

I know you're trying to gotcha me but I do understand what you mean. While white policies ruined not only our generational promise but our perception to others (being unintelligent, unable to feel pain, made for labor, etc) the kind of racism other racial groups bring tends to be different from the white strains. I don't know, colonialism is the basis for things like the caste system and european influence has shaped our current world but no other race on this planet would have treated an african population differently in the first place.

No. 473863>>473866

Yeah, no one black is going to get anywhere by having an Indian scrote spit on them and then complaining about white people. These people have agency, they're not children just because they pine for the white man's favor. By now, they've had more than enough time and even media exposure to see our humanity. They just don't care, they want to step on someone because highly unequal cultures thrive off that in a massive way.
IMO, if white people disappeared, racist people from other groups wouldn't try to be friends with black people. They'd try to become "the new white people" and embody their own (much worse) idea of what white people are like.

No. 473866

this is absolutely true.

No. 473913

God why did it have to be indians

No. 474042>>474059>>474140>>474446>>474643

File (hide): 1737427562748.jpg (95.29 KB, 801x1200, Gf1BiRIWQAAMYNZ.jpg)

Call me a masochist but I still have an account on ovarit. I know better but I see so many comments about women being proud of voting for trump and putting GC Stuff at the top of feminism. The site been taking a more white women only stance. I know I should delete by now but I feel like I might be missing out on something else. It sucks agreeing with GC women and then they do a right turn.

(also potential new thread pic)

No. 474059

I agree on this as new thread pic as well.
I heard about that site and was going to join but now that you mention this, idk.
Personally I like to browse crystal cafe on the side but it gets flooded often even if it’s just weird repetitive text like today. The thing is that I don’t really feel comfortable talking about race there and you can’t make threads about it. In itself it’s kinda relieving because it keeps target of your back and off the site that gets flooded just by simply talking about radfem stances. If you wanna know more there is a thread about that imageboard on here just use the search thing. If you’re on CC best to avoid the /b section. But I like that the site is geared towards just women and their lives in general. Maybe try the feminist part of l.s.a iff you wanna talk about topics regarding race, though it’s kinda dead in that area. CC is also a slower board btw.

No. 474140

GC becoming a political big tent + a good chunk of users being from Reddit/Mumsnet meant that the weird decline into rightoidism was inevitable, but some of the stuff on there seems so gayops-ish. Right around the time The Little Mermaid reboot was announced, the amount of anti-"anti-white" posting just exploded.

No. 474411>>474433>>474447>>474638

Seeing non black people in other threads assume that the point of blm was just to loot, riot, or avenge George Floyd makes me sad. Yes, its true that George Floyd was a bad man but his death means something beyond his character. The movement isn't about him as a person and no, we did not ask for them to make statues of him! They won't understand the real reason why blm exists, and it's so sad to see. I don't want to argue against them but when people who don't understand black people as a group in America make racebaity pol-tier comments, it makes me want to infight so bad. How do you guys deal with this?

No. 474433>>474457

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I don't support BLM because they ignored all the innocent black children, women and men to focus almost exclusively on men who committed crimes or harmed others in their community. It's also very weird how only neighborhoods and cities full of innocent people and small businesses were destroyed. No racist cops were harmed, no powerful political spaces were attacked. It was a set-up.
Why is it that innocents like Aiyana Jones and Elijah McClain had such a low turn-out, but everyone came out for Michael Brown and George Floyd? Why put African-American people under the stress and trauma of trying to defend criminal behavior and derail from the main point (that police shouldn't be killing people, that black human lives matter)? Because it was all shitty racebait and agitation. The other implication in these choices is that most black men in the US have criminal backgrounds, or relate more to criminals. I don't necessarily believe that to be the case, but that is what they made it look like, and it's appalling how easily it was accepted.
As for the police brutality issue itself, it'll never not amaze me how it affects every demographic in America, but /pol/tards bootlick cops. They claim they want to secure a future for white children, but they don't care about those same white children being brutalized by crooked policemen. Thuggish, criminal behavior is fine if you wear a badge, I guess.

No. 474446

Unless it’s to call them racist cunts I don’t see the point. There are plenty of gender critical black women on LSA.

No. 474447>>474452

They don’t see Black people as
Humans. They put Dylan roof as an unconventional attraction. Nonblacks are sick in the head.

No. 474452

yeah that made me sick

No. 474457>>474467

I cant deny your claim that they didn't show out for the deaths of black women, children, or non-offenders. Regardless, I would support a majority of good faith movements that stand for the betterment of black Americans regardless of turnout or intention. The crimes commited during the blm protests were wrong, but it also wasn't only just black people committing said crimes. And even then, in the least racist way to possibly explain this, you can look into the social problems and history of why those crimes may be committed in those areas and why by certain demographics. Its an interesting topic that I think holds more nuance than people give it, and just chalk it up to "muh looters, muh black crime rate".

Back to the original point, I feel like most black people at least in real life see blm separate from just being about George Floyd. Its white people that erected those statues and think we see him as a god-like figure. We don't think about him as nearly as much as they do. Just look at people on /pol/ or Twitter. They can't stop posting him because they think we think of him like he's black Jesus. They use memes of him all the time because they think it's hurting us when we see it, but in all honesty it's more annoying than it is offensive. They need to get new material.

No. 474467

Everything you said is correct, especially in that last paragraph. BLM has been rioting since like 2010. I don't know why they think he's our chosen messiah. His death was sad by the way it happened, but it wasn't even the one that inspired me. There's been more black victims to white violence than just George Floyd. And thus there's more reasons why people will forever believe in BLM than just him. They're demented and can't seem to realize that.

No. 474506>>474532>>474563

File (hide): 1737501704947.mp4 (7.93 MB, 720x1280, bkpJvv8BXCg-FGz0.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I'm not into reality shows, but I saw this clip going around. Colorism really makes some women delusional about their looks, this is so embarrassing for the bigger woman in the light pink outfit.

No. 474532>>474562

I get the sentiment but this looks like a clip from a reality tv show so its probably fake

No. 474562>>474624

it probably is. there's a suspicious amount of racism and colorism in these housewives/love& shows. i bet it's done on purpose to get blacks talking about it online so it can trend. Statistically, blacks spend more time online than others, so we're an easy lick for outrage marketing.

No. 474563

>you just mad cause I'm lightskin
Every single time I'm cryn

No. 474624

I'm terminally online because I grew up as the only black kid in a mall town and people likeminded people was a lifeline for me. Life online isn't as fun anymore but I'm still here

No. 474638

The reason for this is because white people have a strong sense of group narcissism because they mostly get to live free from war and any actual hardships. I just think you have come from a culture as individualistic and narcissistic as white american culture, it becomes harder for you to empathize with people and as a result, they are very arrogant and stuck up people who are overly concerned with frivolous bullshit like pronouns and appearances. I also think they purposely focus on the looters who likely don't give a fuck about police brutality because it's a way to not be accountable for the damage their prejudices and low empathy does to people outside their bubble, it's like when men decide that a disgusting sex worker who fucks 100 men is now the face of feminism for the mere fact that she is a woman in a society where women are afforded more freedoms. They do this on purpose and it gives them a huge ego boost to feel like they are owning the darkies by purposely being ignorant because they need to feel important. They are the only group who can get swept up in hate groups literally because they feel lonely on a friday night, it's pathetic.

No. 474643>>474644>>474678>>474724>>474780>>474887

File (hide): 1737522581631.png (28.09 KB, 698x222, stop being shocked.png)

I mean, they don't hide that fact. Even the GC women benefit from all Trump's policies and will be the first to whine about feminism is for all women, and then mock black women in their discord servers. Everyone is a fucking hypocrite

No. 474644>>474651

What's the context of that comment?

No. 474651

No. 474678>>474780

Idiot tradthots and their brickheaded scrotes produce tranny sons for a reason. They're just like them, and they share the same opinions. Just mix in male entitlement, more porn brainrot than ever before and even more pathetic weakness.

No. 474724>>474780>>474836

wow talk about shitting yourself just so the person you don't like has to smell it

No. 474780

This is why I stopped calling myself a radfem a few years ago. The movement has been completely infiltrated by tradthots who align themselves with right-wing and conservative interests. Almost every "radfem" I saw on social media cared more about trannies then they do about actual women. I am still GC obviously but radical feminism is dead (another things trannies ruined, thanks!)

No. 474822

I hope the nonnies who wanted race based conversations feel embarassed after seeing that autist in vent call us niggerfaggots. That's what's waiting for you at the end of those "free speech race based conversations." Before you know it they'll go from calling black moids thuggish criminals to dropping the "moid" and just calling blacks* thuggish criminals, midway through ranting. And black women will get blamed for birthing these thugs. Which means you, yes you, your womb will be labelled a receptacle to reproduce more rape criminals. How is a farmhand supposed to differentiate "good faith" race based conversations from the hateful drivel, when you're already three feet deep in the topic with no backlash? They can't save you from the vitriol once the lines become too blurred to wade through, and some people are too retarded to see that it's not worth the headpats from a white autistic girl for being "a self-aware blackie" who'd just as quickly genocide you if it was up to them to decide which groups of people should be allowed to breath oxygen on earth, and which shouldn't.

No. 474823>>474851>>474852

I was already seeing anons in /ot/ draw from intellectual anthropology to justify why black people possibly have lower IQ's. And kek, the examples of our lower IQ and genetics were "cannibalism" and "aggression." Mind you anons responded saying that Europeans were doing both of those things for centuries. Imagine letting people like that make those sweeping statements unchecked, especially as the sources and language they use get more sophisticated. Like those bad faith, wannabe ethnologists who maliciously post statistics from black people's SAT scores in America, or African GCSE scores in the UK to justify our innate inferiority, but completely discount for poverty. The whole time you're just hoping some anon whose more educated than you will jump in to correct them. And if no one does, you'll be scrambling to read sources online you're unfamiliar with, with statistics you've only just seen for the first time that day, just to dispel against their point and not let the site come to some stupid conclusion that we're genetically intellectually inept.

No. 474836>>474871

this also applies to the people who voted for Trump just so they could own the troons.

No. 474851

I'm surprised they even bother to red text for racebait half the time. There's so many posts that sneak in jabs towards us, and when you point it out they act like white women are incapable of being racist or any egregious posts must surely be a man.

No. 474852>>474871>>474894

I'm surprised they even bother to red text for racebait half the time. There's so many posts that sneak in jabs towards us, and when you point it out they act like white women are incapable of being racist or any egregious posts must surely be a man.

No. 474871>>474886

There's plenty nonas and trannies from other groups who like poisoning the well. Most white women don't even think about black women if Im being honest, you're probably getting baited by a Jewish or Arab troon trying to stoke division.

Trump isn't out to get black women either. It's funny when people lap as BW in this thread and act like all African Americans are pro immigration when actually most black Americans don't want to be associated with Haitians or continental Africans or whatever because we know how backwards they are. If we stop the constant flow of illegal South American immigrants, then black people might actually get hired again and paid a fair wage instead of handing all the jobs over to the endless illegal cheap labor that floods into the country and all the crime and scrotey mindsets that come in with it. I don't want to live near Haitians or Hondurans and I don't know any African Americans who do.(bait)

No. 474874>>474883>>474889>>474937

Crazy how people wanna blame Trump for black female maternity deaths when we're ignoring the elephant in the room: too many Mexican nurses who hate black people, dont wanna do their job properly, and ultimately dont care to save black lives. A large number of California hospitals shut down because the Maria nurses wouldnt even bother treating the black patients who came through the door and the hospitals ended up getting sued into the ground. Mass LatAm migration is the nail in the coffin for BW, not Trump. All these cultures be it Indians, Mexicans, Chinese or whatever view black people as the lowest rung of life. Black people, male or female, are FAR more likely to die in-hospital than any other race, especially in areas with high numbers of migrant nurses.(racebait)

No. 474878>>474893

File (hide): 1737565636694.png (336.33 KB, 1755x1049, Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 17.01…)

Black female excess deaths rates actually fell under Republicans and sharply rose under Democrats. But yeah keep crying about how Trump is the bad guy and we need to let endless violent and racist Mexicans into the country to take black jobs and lock black patients in a room then 'forget' to treat them. Black people don't owe other POC solidarity when they've always tried to keep black people down and suck up to whites anyway. It's so obvious it's a butthurt tranny ITT who is upset the orange man got in.(bait)

No. 474883

Wtf where can I read more about this

No. 474886>>474934

>nooooo everyone acts like black women love Kamala and immigration, but it's all larp! Where do they get the idea from???
>92% of black women voted for Harris. 92%.
No, one's larping as a BW kek. I am one, matter of fact I'm on the backward "continental Africans" you named, whose part of the only black group of people in the United States actually producing high SAT scores and receiving STEM bachelor degrees en masse. In 2022 nearly all Harvard graduating medical residents were "backwards continental Africans." The same backwards Africans who are clearly more concerned with asserting our capacities for intelligence and grit in the white supremacist shithole you're gleefully defending, than your particular community is. Maybe the kidnappers left all the Africans with brains back on the continent, and they just needed the resources you take for granted, to make something of themselves.
Try it. I can tell you're one of those FBA types that try to shoulder off your racial oppression onto us, as if white people will ever become more enamored with becoming xenophobic, when anything darker than a paper bag sends them into a rabid pitbull rage. It's just not going to happen. You're like an abused woman running back into the arms of your drunk husband and getting enraged at your female friends when they say you should leave him. Whites will never make you their pet race. So stop trying to be some "self aware black" and alienating your extended ethnic group. This is so dumb, I don't even want to be baited into some retarded infight over this.

No. 474887

Because GC women aren’t GC and they’re just conservative women who don’t like trannies. They are content with patriarchy and they love being oppressed, as long as their families and spermlings are all given benefits from Trump’s administration then they don’t really give a damn about women as a whole because those very structures don’t allow female consciousness and liberation to exist. All actual GC critical faggots and “radfems” completely left the internet from intense harassment and scrutiny or have fell into the (based and correct) natural progression of being a feminist which is blackpill feminism and even those are very sparse and hard to find, I’m not surprised a lot of black women or women in general will swing to the right or any moid-central politics, most women are traitors and hypocrites.

No. 474889

samefag, but I'm interested in this as well. I actually am concerned with the wellbeing of BA women, even the FBA fags.

No. 474893

Why do you guys call everyone with a different opinion a tranny. It's actually so low-iq especially when a good amount of people on lolcow are anti-trump, I'd even argue most people didn't vote for him on this site judging by the amerifag thread. Also considering the sites politics don't you feel like a turbo retard seeing someone be anti-trump and assuming they're a "larping white tranny" instead of a…regular farmer. KEK. Plus there's different anons so…which one specifically is the "tranny" and which ones are the normal farmers just adding to the discussion.

No. 474894>>474898

Racist non-black women who fixate on and seethe about black women are jokes, because imagine getting subjugated by men and/or your shit family, then coming home to take it out on other women. Imagine you're from some horrible Islamic state like Pakistan, where there's an actual risk of your parents giving you to your male cousin for marriage and you have to hear about women like you and their children being blown up daily because your moids just can't stop fighting over dumb shit, or you're just Sally the Discord dd/lger who got yelled at by her beer bellied, porn-addicted moid because the chicken tendies had too much salt and he already told you the Aryan man will surely perish from sodium chloride toxicity. You have shit going on in your life, but the main thing on your mind is your delusions about black women, their hair, whether or not some black supermodel is "truly" pretty, how they must all be so jealous of you, whatever. You spend time self-soothing with poorly educated takes on history, anthropology and jacking off over IQ when your own is middling (at best) and your children's will inevitably be low due to poor nutrition, the shit genes you refuse to acknowledge and the abuse you'll put them through.
They want to personally believe and convince us that they're superior, but they're always just sore, miserable losers.

No. 474898>>474900

I’m black put your post is a super cops, it’s probably even worse if you have a South Asian woman’s hair on top of your own to try and mimic them. Wow

No. 474900>>474902

>I-I'm black but this is cope!!1
Kek, what part of it is cope?
>y-your hair
This is what all pathetic non-black women actually cope with. I have long natural hair, a family that loves me, a nice house and a peaceful life. I'm not opening my holes for 100 men in one day while claiming it's "feminism", I don't need to delude myself about my genes by living vicariously through much better people because I and my family members have actually achieved things in life, and no one in my country is suicide bombing or child-marrying.

No. 474902>>474908

If there’s no proof of any of those things, such as me saying that I’m black as well, then how am I supposed to accept anything you say with actual merit? I mean I guess we’re anonymous so you can make up a fake life story but it’s so glaringly obvious at this point kek. You’re not opening your legs for moids but seething about white women exposed your thought processes and also incessantly making sure to mention “uh I have long hair sis!!” because non-white women usually have long hair is killing me KEK(infighting)

No. 474904>>474908

Samefagging but that is the same kind of tactic I’ve seen on LSA where you call them out on their obvious normiefaggot bullshit and then try to do “bragging” about their coincidentally somehow amazing, put together life?? KEKKKKK it’s just as believable as reddit stories meaning it’s fake as hell and a cop out, if you’re on LC it’s safe to say you are living a hellish existence or a complete dork so stop with the larping and seething vents about other races of women, it makes you look extremely pathetic and envious which is probably what it is since you have to make it known you have long hair and only insecure women think long hair = desirability = validated femininity

No. 474908>>474909

>n-no proof
>samefagging hard
>reeee how dare you talk about your hair after I talked about it
Yup, a seething brown or white woman who felt targeted by the Discord daddy statement. I'm not going to doxx myself, I will continue calling racist pickmes pathetic, and you will rage from your computer chair. Go back to LSA, you're obviously from there. There's also a chance you're a self-hating, poor, fat black pickme in a wig who cries every day that life would be better if she was born a self-hating poor, fat and hairy white or Indian pickme instead, and it hurts your feelings that your issues aren't what we all go through or agree with, and that some of us don't have delusions about how other women live. Either way, not my problem.(infighting)

No. 474909>>474911>>474913

>racist pickmes
>wants to be picked by society for having le feminine long hair
>doesn’t find samefagging fun as hell

No. 474911

>uses predominantly white website instead of a black one like LSA that’s more inviting for your viewpoints
>wants to be around the more feminine long-haired people
KEKKKKKKKK oreos what are you doinggg

No. 474913>>474921

>the only reason you could like having long hair is if you want to be picked!!1
Projecting so hard. I like my hair. If I shaved my head, I could still date the same gross moids you pine after. If moids en masse decided they loved bald women, I'd still maintain my hair because moids have shit taste. Maybe you can't say the same, and that's sad. Long hair isn't even inherently feminine, but that's beyond the pickme mental framework.

No. 474916>>474919>>474927

What’s with negrollectual types that were raised in the suburbs using a very pretentious karen-esque approach to their speech and language? The evil white woman is everywhere and coming for me!!! No my fellow negress, they’re all on /m/ or /ot/ as we speak debating about Japanese romance manga, they have actual lives and don’t have time to seethe about other groups of women unlike black women who think they’re too above them (despite constantly harping on them). It’s so childish

No. 474919

>"my fellow negress"
You're so embarrassing and uncolored. Whoever said some white tranny is shitting up this thread was right, and I'm sorry for doubting them.(troonfoiling)

No. 474921>>474926

If you don’t want to fuck them why are gloating about still be able to pull them? Hiding your pining for white penis through fake white female hatred is hilarious kekkk

No. 474926>>474929

Gloating is pointing out I have long, natural hair and stating that men will fuck anyone (including bald women)? How insecure are you?
>pining for white penis
White "muh dick"-ing like a porn addict, sad.
>fake white female hatred
Who hates white women? I'm friends with plenty of white and other non-black women, and some of my favorite artists and singers in the world are white or non-black. I said racist non-black women are pathetic. This is the other thing I've noticed: The losers of any given race thinking they're the spokespersons for them. White, brown and Asian women with decent lives are disgusted by pickmes too. It's not just black women, sorry to say.

No. 474927>>474938

anon this whole discussion started because everyone was tired of the racebait in /ot/, it's not for no reason

No. 474929>>474931

What’s wrong with bald women?? kek. I’m really not going to repackage my language sooo yeah. Also
>the losers of
>this that
>nasty this
You’re not in middle school anymore, nobody cares.

No. 474930>>474933

Oh how I miss the VPN ban

No. 474931>>474935

Who said anything was wrong with them? You simply don't need hair to attract moids, this is an established fact. You must be in middle school with your poor reading comprehension.
>nobody cares
You clearly do, a lot. Maybe clean up your Discord friends list, stop getting mad at black women on the internet and start a better life.

No. 474932


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 474933

I don't want it, but I'm honestly tempted on some days.

No. 474934

>You're like an abused woman running back into the arms of your drunk husband and getting enraged at your female friends when they say you should leave him. Whites will never make you their pet race. So stop trying to be some "self aware black" and alienating your extended ethnic group.
This is the crazy thing to me. This idea that you can become the "pet race" of the wealthy 1% of white people. Every single minority in the US has fallen for this lie, and poor white people have done the same. They don't care. If you're not in their club, they don't give a fuck about you, and so many Americans refuse to accept it, even when it's thrown in their faces.

No. 474935>>474936

I don’t have discord, I’m clearly not mad, I’m just laughing at you anon, take a chill pill

No. 474936

Heavy cope. Drink some water, break up with the daddy dom, stop hate-scrolling this thread and looking at LSA all day. Be among your own kind, even as they taunt you. I promise your life will improve.(infighting)

No. 474937

I didn't realize the medical issues had anything to do with other minorities, but it'd make sense. This is fucked up if true.

No. 474938

It's probably the same person(s) in /ot/ trying to do it here.

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