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No. 47457
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Robot gtfo.
No. 47476
I'm a sub/masochist (blame madonna), and I like cute fashion, and cute things. But I never really understood the appeal of this role. Calling someone daddy and acting like their little girl. As someone who lives with her actual dad, I really don't want to call my boyfriend anything that could potentially remind me of my actual dad during sex lol. Maybe this is a little easier for girls with absent fathers. The same way I always assumed that imouto manga mangaka probably don't have a little sister in real life.
In general I would say, to each their own, but it's annoying that anything bdsm related revolves around this theme nowadays. Can't we also just fantasize about our partner being a senpai/senior or boss instead when it comes to power positions? Heck even getting dominated by a kouhai/junior is actually appealing, since you get owned up by someone who is suppose to be beneath you. 50 shades of grey was also never about a daddy dom and little girl, but people are trying to make it so. What's wrong with it just being a rich man dominating a middle class woman? And the way the character Ana was, was perfect, being an adult but acting really cute/innocent in a way that fits an adult. lol I know the book/movie has haters, but I liked it.
No. 47487
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No. 47493
>>114248>There's no mommy issues thing. It's odd.yes, there is, there are plenty of men with femdom fetishes who see thier wife/gf as a sort of maternal figure.
Google 'gentle femdom'
No. 47820
>>116043Sissies disturb me in a way usually reserved for Yumi King's sugar daddy.
It's that weird outdated aspect with all the dated satin lacey nighties and phrases that no young girl would ever say mixed with the humiliation factor that being feminine is so "pathetic" to these men that it gives them shameboners. So gross.
The worst thing is that some sjw types have started to try to "reclaim" sissy as a word, which is so laughable when the sissy fetish is a misogynistic preserve of old kinky cis white men. Sjw is one hell of a drug.
No. 194830
>>47439> I don't know how many people it applies to, but it is an (unhealthy) way to cope with past sexual trauma for myself personally.It's not just you. Nobody actually "gets over trauma" by regressing to a childlike state during sex. It's literally just your trauma response. The people that claim that are delusional.
>>55548A little bit of that behavior isn't such a huge deal but you do have to grow up at some point. If you have trauma in your past relating to sex or parents then you should see a therapist at some point to work on some stuff but generally speaking being a bit juvenile as you're learning to be ok with aging isn't a horrible, unspeakable thing. One reason to learn to advocate for yourself instead of letting your partner become your parent is that the partner is then able to abuse you and control your life, which can lead to really bad outcomes. It takes time to accept mortality and personal responsibility, just bear in mind that you should be working towards that.
Don't let the kink become your identity and don't let it be a lifestyle, that is all.
No. 194935
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>>194806>4 year necrobump just to say "based"tbh that's kinda based itself
My personal two cents on the subject at hand is that it's another easy way for girls to try to get the fabled "sugar daddy," in a way that's much less work than becoming a findom or whatever.