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No. 63152
Old thread:
>>47022We've got plenty of underrated dudes on lolcow but are there any men that you're ashamed to say you'd fuck for any reason? Men who are ugly, unattractive, average-looking, creepy, weird or just plain shameful? It doesn't have to be a big reason that you're ashamed, just say why.
Admit your thirst, farmers.
No. 63170
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>>63152Egon from Ghostbusters. I had a crush on him when I was a kid, and eventually went on to have my first ever wet dream, where he was very much involved lol.
No. 63173
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since anons were talking about Fargo in the last thread: I wanna fuck Yuri despite what a sexist murderous piece of shit he is. His wolf hat is supposed to be menacing but it just makes him look cuddly as fuck.
>tfw no Cossack bf to whip and strangle you
No. 63175
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>>63173I wasn't understanding the Fargo references until I realized anons meant the tv show version.
Gaear is my gross pick, from the '96 movie. (Fun fact: the actor was also in Jurassic Park 2!)
No. 63209
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He was kind of cute back in the day as long as he didn't open his mouth.
No. 63223
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I watched Highlander again recently and it all came rushing back
No. 63366
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robert patterson, twilight era
"bu-but anon, he's hot"
twilight is my guilty pleasure not to sound like a basic bitch stuck in 2009
No. 63367
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Garry Kasparov the chess grand master.
No. 63377
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on the topic of fargo, zahn mcclaron. he's got a strange face that reminds me of a native american steve buschemi
No. 63653
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>>63644> im ashamed i would fuck a 6'7 self made billionaire, who is actually quite handsome anywaywhat?
No. 63804
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Gen urobutcher
No. 63817
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Paul Dano. He's….so weird looking but I'm always oddly attracted to him
No. 63826
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dolph lundgren was literal perfection in the 1980s
if you google him, all you can find is homoerotic bodybuilding forum threads about him though
No. 63827
>>63826Samefag but hell yea, everybody wanted to fuck Dolph when that movie came out, even straight dudes
>I MUST BREAK YOUBreak me off a piece of that daddy.
No. 63828
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I love bo burnham… his comedy is hilarious. but his nose is kinda ugly but I've always found him oddly cute.
No. 64694
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Tim Roth. Started liking him after seeing Pulp Fiction and reservoir dogs but eventually started to like him at any age.
Made fun of viciously by my friends for it
No. 64702
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Kramer from Seinfeld.
I can't tell if he's considered unattractive because of how he is in the show but my boyfriend thinks its hilarious that I'd do Cosmo.
No. 64728
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>pretended to hate this guy in the late 90s-early 00's
>everyone you hung out with made fun of his band
>"yeah he's a chubby prick, a total tryhard nu-metal fag"
>buying their cds and knowing every word
Total opposite for what my type is, but not gonna' lie .. I still would.
No. 64871
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I find young, Oingo Boingo era Danny Elfman really cute
No. 64897
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Imagine this face going down on u
No. 64902
Oldfag here. I disagree somewhat. Rutger Hauer was literal perfection back then. Apart from the looks, he had the personality and talent to match. Dolph was just a pretty boy.
No. 64907
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>>64906whoops! forgot to add the photo.
No. 64909
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father forgive me for i have sinned
No. 64912
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>>64909Thanks for this. I felt like the only person on this planet who thought his bowl cut was actually really cute. Good sense of style too. I am so going to hell for this…
Also Paulie Gualtieri in sopranos, hands down the funniest character on the show. I love him and his adorable silver wings.
No. 64924
>>63209Hey Boyington, I hate to shoot you when you prane no fry!
He sure didn't age well and I'm not talking about stroke or other neuro damage he had before Lost. I'd still play with his guns and wiggle his rudders! I love short chunky old school Korean guys with big old heads. I love me some bowlegged boys. You can fly a 777 through his legs.
No. 64957
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He's adorable and I want to see him blush.
>Most people who have met Breivik in prison say he seems happy, a person who wants to talk about his ideology like religious people talk about Jesus. On the one hand, he is an educated and polite man who hangs up the jackets of all his visitors, learns their names and questions their well-being. But he is also a heartless killer who discusses his mass murder as a formality; he blushes when he talks about his executions, doctors say.
No. 64960
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Ashamed because it's not even about money or that he's black or whatever. I just like his baldness and how tall and big he is he's like a giant. Im 2 inches shorter than Hoopz so Idk it just hot to me. All the positions we would have to do just being 2 feet apart in height
No. 65071
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>>63152Luschek from Orange Is The New Black.
No. 65080
>>65071Shit I really like him too
I kept staring at him in all the scenes where he is in underwear
No. 65086
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simon from misfits, but i only like him in season one. cringey bc he's fictional, creepy, and it turns me on when he tells alisha he wants to hurt her and piss on her tits.
>>65071aha same here! especially when he got a boner from being publicly humiliated.
No. 65101
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I find him very attractive. Yes i would fuck him with the objectively repulsive personality he has.
No. 65106
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Sebastian Kurz
The only reason why I follow Austrian politics as a germanfag. I can't even say why I have such a ridiculous crush on him.
No. 65107
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>>65106such a dork. I want him.
No. 65122
His name isn't Michael Pitt
No. 65256
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I feel bad because he is a huge douche irl but I do find him attractive
No. 65258
>>64909tfw no qt autist bf
Why live?
No. 65267
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paul joseph watson
He's not dumb I'll give him that, but all kinds of "global warming doesn't exist" type shit he spews out is cringey
damn I'd fuck him all night though
No. 65285
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OJ simpson. I was like 4 years old when his trial was underway in 1995. despite that, I've always been pretty decently informed on the situation and everything, like most Americans. I was watching the American Crime Story with my mom and she was saying "you don't get it, this was such a big deal because everyone was in LOVE with OJ. white people, black people, little old grandmas, I was in love with OJ and you know I don't care about football…"
the other day I just watched OJ: Made in America and I now totally understand why he was America's Sweetheart for the longest and why people have a difficult time finding him guilty of murder. he's so charismatic and handsome. I included the glove picture bc I even find it cute and endearing how he theatrically tried them on and got excited when they obviously didn't fit.
I mostly find him attractive in his prime and during the trial years. I prob wouldn't fuck him now but I still find him handsome and adorable in a dad type way.
and yes, I do believe that he prob killed Nicole and Ron. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!
No. 65293
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Conan O'Brien is just hot as fuck.
Everything about him is incredibly sexy, from before the Late Night era all the way to now he's attractive to me.
No. 65315
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I have the biggest crush on Jay from Red Letter Media. I know he's considered conventionally attractive but the fact that he's almost 20 years older then me kinda makes me feel weird about liking him so much. Plus his teeth are kinda funny looking. But I love him anyways.
No. 65316
>>65315Is Jay almost 40? Then he looks good for his age
I think it's not that weird to be attracted to him. He's cute.
No. 65384
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>>65255a bit late to the party, but ashamed bc he can be quite cringey in some moments imo.
No. 66025
>>64909jesus christ i thought i was the only one who lowkey thought redneck autist dylann roof was hot….
>>66024>>66024honestly i always thought his eyes were too close together and he had a potato nose, but i think it was more his weird emo hillbilly and dead look i thought was weirdly cute? maybe i'm just an edgelord lmfao
No. 66054
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I don't know why but idubbbz. I imagine he's awkward af irl but I find that endearing
No. 66055
>>66054dude same, but early kickstarter crap/idubbbzgaming ian. He got way too full of himself.
I like him in his squirrel series though, can see some of his actual personality there.
No. 66057
>>64909someone mentioned him last thread too lmao.
>>65256>liking a paedophile who shits on other paedophiles…right
No. 66079
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Kangin of Super Junior. He's a complete asshole and disgusting but despite all he's done I'm still super attracted to him. He was super cute when he was younger and now that he's fat and old I still think he's cute. He just has that nasty smarmy personality I like. I refuse to support him anymore but ugh, I can still look at pictures right?
No. 66080
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>>66079He looks awful these days but for a while he was slightly chubby in a nice thick way.
My shameful attraction in kpop is Jaejoong. Fucking horrible person in so many ways and made all the worse by my love for homin but jesus christ. I even wanted to fuck him when he looked like and probably was a drug addict, he just seems so slutty and I'm into it.
No. 66081
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>>66080Kangin poster here, Jaejoong is hot too. His military pics got me really thirsty lol.
Shame about the other TVXQ members honestly, especially Yoochun. He looks so gross these days.
No. 66086
>>66081The army really did him good.
Luckily I never found Yoochun or Junsu attractive, so they were really easy to ignore as it became more and more obvious how shitty they are.
No. 66090
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Ville Valo.
I feel like such an emo shit but everything about him makes me wet, even at his current age
No. 66096
>>66090This this this this this this this this this this this this this
Although, I'm definitely not ashamed. He might be old and probably have heart disease/lung cancer from all those years of chain smoking, but he's definitely an attractive guy. And I love his Finn accent.
No. 66098
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>>66079Since we're talking Koreans, mine is Oh Hyuk. There's just something about him, but I definitely get that he's super ugly to some people.
No. 66099
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>>66098Samefag, I just really love his piercings, tattoos, and the way he shaves his eyebrows. Makes him look sharp.
No. 66106
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No. 66107
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Post Malone 100%. I'm not even that ashamed but everyone i know think's he's so ugly but i really like his fashion sense and he's super nice (and Stoney was a good ass album)
No. 66109
>>66106o shit same
>>66108i would smash travis bickle and eat his pickle ayy lmao
No. 66110
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>>66108no definitely the character, hence the shame thread
>>66109i'm liking the validation anon
No. 66159
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Louis CK, ashamed because it's been alleged that he would trap female comedians in rooms with him and jerk off in front of them and he's not outwardly considered the most attractive guy.
Hearing that he once walked up to a girl grabbed the back of her neck said "I'm going to fuck you" is so fucking gross but also so incredibly hot.
No. 66182
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Everyone is talking about Aaron Carter now since he came out so I guess this is the time to admit my gross crush on current him. I know he looks real rough and like a crackhead…but that's my type.
>>66110Also, good taste.
No. 66187
>>66184Thank you anon for not being so cold. :)
I also find his voice attractive as well; it has a nice, deep baritone to it. Too bad he's such a disgusting psychopath but nonetheless.
I still don't wanna be locked in his basement tho
No. 66188
>>66187yeah! i think it's a shame too. i'm not at all above being attracted to sexy jerks but his particular brand of jerk just turns me off too much.
oh well! you'll just have to get him in your own basement and punish him for all the trouble he's caused!
No. 66190
>>66188Ew that's sounds sick! Yet…pretty kinky at the same time
Shoving meat down his throat would be so much fun!!
No. 66199
>>66197Hehe.. would shoving weed pipes up his ass while tied up be too far or…?
Whelp! Gotta take dat sweet Onion cash somehow before the IRS takes it! He has patrons, he'll ~survive~. Kek
Move over Doormat, Greg's
my daddy now
No. 66200
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>>66199hmm i think you'd need to take a page out of basher henrik's book to go too far. doesn't mean it's not a good idea!
No. 66204
>>66200Alright, I'd have Lainey tied-up and watch while crying hysterically (I'd slap the bitch a couple times, telling her to stfu just for lulz) and begging for this to stop as her sweet little Greggy-poo is being slapped; punched a couple of times while prodding and poking his micro-nuts that are caught in a cock-ring while he's simultaneously being gagged with beef jerky and sausage links to the point where he can't scream. Can't forget about the weed pipes though, probably would shove 3 or 4 at the same time while using gloves, dunno where dat bootyhole went before I got there.
Holy shit, I'm a sadist!
No. 66207
>>66205Onion's been a very bad boy anon, he needs to be severely punished.
His suffering should go live on YouTube for everyone to watch and laff
No. 66208
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Liquid Chris
No. 66217
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Martin Shkreli
I haven't thought about him til recent news, but god I'm ashamed because I still would
No. 66224
>>66219Anon…I have the perfect song for you.
Actually though, Jesus - on purely looks alone - is my exact type so…
No. 66228
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Before Edward Cullen, there was emo Peter Parker
No. 66233
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i think faker is pretty cute. I'd never been into esports but I watched his streams a few times. Definitely changed my image of pro gamers being all fat and ugly.
>>65086iwan rheon as ramsey snow .. gave me some good feelings.
No. 66248
>>66208Oh hell yeah
Pretty sure the guy (ironically his real name is Chris) works in a hospital for cancer research? So he's hot and a good person
No. 66249
>>66228Why would anyone be ashamed?
Still the cutest spidey too
No. 66254
>>66248He must've repented for his sins of trolling the
real Chris, good to know :)
No. 66257
>>66233You either know nothing about the gaming community or you're ridiculously prejudiced, because
>Definitely changed my image of pro gamers being all fat and ugly.everyone knows this isn't true and have for over 5 years. Faker is ridiculously popular among Korean girls.
No. 66258
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ryan stiles….
No. 66261
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He's not particularly good looking, and it's fucked up how he's screwed over his former band members, but goddammit…I fantasize about fucking Tobias Forge every night, with or without the Papa Emeritus mask, I don't even care
No. 66262
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I've had a crush on Julian since I first watched tpb. He's just so… good.
No. 66265
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um….. yeah….
No. 66267
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My taste is disgusting
No. 66268
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>>66081I used to want to fuck Yoochun but I'm not entirely convinced he didnt actually rape that girl.
>>66079Oh Hyuk is gorgeous tbvh.
Mine is Taecyeon. Hes goofy looking but his body is bangin.
No. 66274
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>>66079>>66080>>66081>>66268Literally none of these people have natural faces.
I'm beginning to think it's impossible for Korean people to be naturally attractive. Pic related.
>>66257He has almost certainly had plastic surgery. You need to understand Korea is a society where parents get their kids plastic surgery as a present for school graduation. Just about any public figure of prominence between the ages of 18 - 35 has had at least some work done.
The natural Korean face is actually more like a Mongolian's face (very pronounced cheekbones, tiny eyes).
It makes me sad to see so many anons adoring and kissing Korean ass, that's exactly what they want you to do. They want you to buy into this narrative of them as some sublimely beautiful elfen race, when the reality couldn't be further from the truth.
Don't feed Korean egos girls, they are big enough already.
>>66110I never knew quite how to feel about Travis' character.
No. 66275
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>>66274Apparently a more "natural" Korean face is someone like Sandra Oh.
It's sad how people eat up Korean propaganda. Horrible little country with horrible people in it.
No. 66280
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>>66279>he is missing part of his jaw.This is a tower in a plastic surgery clinic in Seoul that is made up entirely of jaw shavings.
No. 66317
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Ugly as fuck but
No. 66323
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>>66317I can see why he'd look weird to some, but I don't understand the shame, really. he hot
No. 66336
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Joel from vinesauce……. he also got me weirdly attracted to metal heads and i hate that
No. 66341
>>66336its the long gorgeous locks
No. 66343
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Young Stalin.
Not even sure that I'm 100% ashamed.
No. 66350
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>>66344Not the same anon, but he looks the same in all of his young pictures, the only difference being facial hair.
No. 66352
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>>66350I read before that those pictures were actually shopped and airbrushed to erase them but he definitely had scars all over his face from smallpox. He was still a qt tho.
No. 66386
>>66375He's not just had a nose job. His entire face has changed.
>why does it matter?Well. If we're going to call people beautiful/attractive simply because they've bought an entirely new face, then the word loses all meaning, because it means anyone can be beautiful with the right amount of money.
Koreans just aren't a very attractive race of people. I know it seems harsh to state it so plainly, but their arrogance merits harsh words.
No. 66389
>>66387I used to be a massive k-drama fan and then I went to Korea and got rejected by a beautiful k-boy.
…Nah, I just get sick of koreans astroturfing their shit online and being arrogant to other races, including other asian races.
No. 66418
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the whole geeky loser boi thing he plays is fucking adorable
No. 66538
he's so fucking annoying and his show is awful
No. 66539
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I'd awkwardly flirt with Nick Robinson any day
No. 66553
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I want Brent Spiner so fucking bad. I'm not Crazy Gail, I just have daddy issues or something…
No. 66558
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i sperged about him last night but the board went down and it didn't go through fml. inb4 turbo autismo but i'm still crazy about him in earlier seasons. his personality is hot as fuck, plus his hair and clothes are gorgeous. too they made him retarded from s4 onwards, cause before then he was GOAT also he dies so i'm ditching the show
i guess men who can fuck with my head are my type
No. 66589
>>66587i'm legit too embarrassed to even put it on the internet.
sorry for lame "i won't teeell" post, maybe one day i'll come to terms with being in love with a character from a shitty fantasy franchise.
No. 66592
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>>66589do…do you wanna fuck the dragons
No. 66596
>>66589come on anon, you gotta at least admit it if anyone gets it right.
tywin? tyrion? samwell? karl FOOKIN' tanner?
No. 66616
Nothing to even be ashamed of there.
Actor is charming and funny irl too
No. 66627
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All my sexual relationships have been with women but goddamn this scene made me want to turn. I want to fingerfuck his ass so bad
No. 66691
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joseph gilgun is an absolute gremlin of a man yet he's so charming and there are times in the season season of preacher where he's a dreamboat what the flying fuck man
No. 66692
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>>66691>season seasoni meant second season. have more gilgun being inexplicably attractive. i think the grime, plus the stubble really help, as well as the fact that his eyebrows have been noticeably groomed this season, they have a defined and specific shape which makes me think it was done so he'd look more like the comic book version. crazy how important eyebrows and facial hair can be, can really change a whole face.
No. 66833
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He looks like a giant baby, but the scenes were he has people tortured really gets me going.
No. 66835
>>66833Some of my friends find Ramsey hot but I agree with you, there's something about Joffrey.
He's an evil bastard but he still has this boyish innocence. Ramsey is just pure evil, though I guess the actor is attractive enough.
No. 66842
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kenny hotz
probably an ass and he looks like a zombie uncle that would probably molest me
but goddamn he's cute in some weird way
No. 66844
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One of the few YouTubers I aged with and enjoyed, who's made me laugh continuously. Genuine content and a great taste in films. A+ reviews about the history of things, even when doing the whole AVGN persona. I only feel shame because most people chalk him up to "that guy who curses about retro games." And I always felt weird about having a crush on him. I googled variations of "James Rolfe cute" to get validation once.
No. 66853
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>tfw I will never cuddle with Puppey and comfort him after a big loss in Dota 2
No. 66863
>>63152ugh bless you anon. more of an arteezy girl myself but still 10/10 good taste…
(also i think dendi's kinda cute in a really weird way i kind of hate myself)
No. 66865
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>>66843this, literally almost anyone looks better in contrast to spenny. but there's something about kenny's dark circles and hair that reminds me of a young rdj but if he continued his drug addiction.
No. 66886
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I can't even believe myself, but Anomaly from Youtube. No idea why, but he's got a cute/stupid laugh and seems like a fun guy to be around.
No. 66902
File: 1503361868260.jpg (575.64 KB, 1548x1024, porterandmadeon.jpg)

>>66539same here, anon. And i'd also be willing to get down and dirty with his brother and madeon
No. 66961
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Jeff Goldblum, even though he is extremely annoying to me, I still want him.
No. 67054
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No hybristophilia
No. 67100
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I'd fuck the brunette guy from team 10. The one who says "mag who? digi who?"
Ashamed because he's associated with Jake Paul and seems like he'd be a a douche
Sorry for bad pic. I have no clue what his name is
No. 67127
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Oh well.
No. 67131
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he can occupy my uncanny valley any time
No. 67135
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jordan b peterson
also if we could include animated characters i would put rick sanchez on my list too
No. 67137
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Stewart Lee
He acts like a total arrogant smart-arse and is way older than me, but still…
No. 67144
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Jisung, it's weird lol I find him attractive even if he's being extra/overly expressive. He probably isn't into females but there's something endearing about him. There's a couple of guys from Produce 101, I find cringey but still cute lol like Moonbok (terrible rapping) and Jung Se Woon (when he tried to wink).
No. 67152
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There's something about him that makes me want to bathe him in all kinds of affection and money. I'd even let him review me tbh
No. 67154
>>67152I love him too. I'm the least housewife-y girl but I want to make him nice dinners and mend his suits.
>I'd even let him review me tbhLEWD
No. 67156
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I honestly don't anymore but back when I was stoned off my tits every day I really wanted to fuck Nick Cave. Wh
No. 67159
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Colin Jost from SNL
No. 67164
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Jimmie Åkersson, leader of Swedish democrats (swedens "get fuck out immigrants reeeEe" party)
I've never been so confused about whether or not to be ashamed but he's basically Hitler's in my fellow swedes eyes
No. 67197
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Old meme
But good meme
No. 67422
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I would love fuck the Korean trap artist, Keith ape. He looks trashy and dirty I know but something about him is so cute
No. 67423
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>>67422Samefag, but I would love to fuck his Cohort crew member, Okasian too
No. 67556
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ashamed bc he is arrogant/a libertarian but the 14 year old atheist in me's loins still blaze for this uggo
No. 67675
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He was cute as scott pilgrim
No. 67706
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Blonde Justin Bieber.
Perhaps my greatest shame.
No. 67723
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>>67706millions of people want to fuck him, blonde or otherwise. no shame there anon
pic related is mine. he was probably high as hell during that show
No. 67739
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Aesop Rock. He looks really tired and high all the time, but he's obviously very intelligent and has a really hot voice, imo.
No. 67833
>>67675Yeah def.
But I'm not gonna lie I'd even fuck him now..
No. 67837
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I unironically think Emmanuel Macron is the most beautiful motherfucker alive. Objectively I know he isn't…but the first time I saw him I think I said "holy fuck" out loud.
The gap tooth…the nose…I just can't handle it man. If I had never known he existed and for some reason someone asked me to draw a picture of my dream man in detail, it would probably look exactly like him.
I'm not French and don't know much about their politics, so I don't know if he's some kind of dumpster fire of a human being. Please don't ruin this for me.
No. 67838
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>>67837haha i don't feel as strongly as you but…i can see that. he's part of the french male genetic type that i really like.
No. 67839
>>67837a bit plain imo but the heart wants what it wants i guess. at least good thing with him is that he likes them older, so hypothetically if that was your man, you'd have a nice time aging
>>67739shit he's pretty cute
No. 67843
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>>67838Good to know I'm not alone anon. You have great taste. :')
No. 67955
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He's like three times my age and I'm still pissed from all the drama that happened.
No. 67960
>>67959Not that anon, but yeah he's a voice actor, Kamiya Hiroshi. Levi from SnK, Natsume from Natsume Yuujinchou (which I love), Yato from Noragami, Izaya from DRRR!!… You get the drill, great roles in general.
>>67955I don't follow seiyuu drama, what happened?
No. 67964
>>67955Was it because he hid the fact that he was married and had a kid?
I honestly don't understand that whole seiyuu dramu, its like they're not allowed to have lives outside of voice acting
No. 68074
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>>67967Holy shit
into the garbage he goes
No. 68124
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James Urbaniak
Started watching Difficult People and I don't know why but I want his grandfatherly ass
No. 68149
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Jordan Peele. Especially as Meegan. I don't know why but seeing this guy in drag really turns me on.
No. 68151
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Henry Zebrowski from Last Podcast on the Left. Love the voice, love how short he is. I'm also attracted to Louis CK so go figure.
No. 68159
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>>68124I thought he was cute in American Splendor. My desire wanders weird paths.
>>66691The most shameful thing about fancying Gilgun must be what an one-note actor he is.
No. 68165
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>>68151I'm not attracted to him physically but Henry is the fucking greatest. This is a cliche but ~his personality makes him attractive~ to me.
I find Marcus to be very pretty and unique looking though.
No. 68198
File: 1506454083718.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.78 KB, 645x728, 20160712_084307.jpg)

>>67959>>67960>>67964I believe some paparazzi got a picture of him holding a child and everything blew up over night. He apologized on TV and admitted that the child was his and he was married. The mother of the child is Hikaru Nakamura (a manga author). The reason why fans got so butthurt (me included) was because he "lied" to us. Earlier in a radio show he said that he was single and living with his cat.
>>67967I didn't hear about that. When that'd happen?
>>68074That was my reaction too lol.
No. 68203
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my greatest shame. I think he's adorable.
>tfw no 5'2" leprechaun bf
No. 68204
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>>68165>>68151So glad to see other Last Podcast on the Left fans here!! Completing the holy trinity with Ben Kissel. I actually use to really dislike him, but I've soften up to him over the last few years, now that he can finally crack some good jokes. Plus anytime he wears a beard, I kinda melt. I'd kinda fuck Henry too.
BK for BK
No. 68205
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>>67675he was so cute as Scott Pilgrim
He looks a bit rough these days though
No. 68209
>>68204If I could be a dude I'd want to look like Ben Kissel
I think he's the cutest of the three, and tall as fuck
No. 68217
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>>67837>this piece of shitPhysically generic, and a disaster of an human being.
You have reasons to be ashamed of this one.
Chirac in his prime, though…
No. 68220
>>68204He's cute enough but I'm not into him. I love seeing them all together though. The height difference does something for me. I get the same effect from Penn & Teller. Idk, I just love short guys. Teller is adorable.
What's the deal with most women not wanting short guys? I've always been really into that.
No. 68224
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Alan Davies as Jonathan Creek, not quite as arrogant as his IRL persona.
No. 68225
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Richard O'Brien
Elbow Sex!
No. 68230
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>>68225Yes! I especially like him as Riff Raff.
No. 68238
>>68230My childhood crush. I always had these confusing crushes where I was oddly aware that other would find them weird-looking.
Another one would be Bud Cort.
No. 68239
one of my hs boyfriends looked like him. was the first person i did anything sexual with. i had another friend at the time who was really obsessed and she tried to steal the guy away from me.
No. 68240
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I like pretty boys.
No. 68242
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>>68230>>68238>>68239OH shit thanks guys. Now I don't even remember why I thought it was so weird that I think he's hot.
No. 68244
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Is this even anything to be ashamed of at this point? I feel like everyone wants to fuck him now. Get in line tbh.
No. 68251
>>68248Who has listened to the latest episode? Henry reading that black metal fanfic was a really weird turn on. Hilarious and strangely hot at the same time.
We should make a podcast thread on /ot.
No. 68258
>>68251I'm wayyyy behind because I went through a period where I couldn't focus on podcasts and would have to rewind every three minutes so I just gave up.
I'm on Enfield Poltergeist part 1 right now. I'm more excited for the black metal episodes than I have been for any other episode ever, but I refuse to skip ahead.
No. 68313
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>>68244nah anon, he is an attractive guy. hes been my ultimate celeb crush since i watched hemlock grove (just for his sexy scenes honestly) ages ago and im pissed hes famous now. cant have him all to myself anymore kek.
Im more ashamed id fuck his character in hemlock grove, maybe there should be a characters youre ashamed to fuck thread?
No. 68404
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Zaric Zhakaron, the beautiful Elder Scrolls Loremaster. He'd be able to download all my mods without fail
No. 68547
>>68404While his knowledge of TES is impressive, he's hideous himself and the suit he forces his blubber into every video only makes it worse. His wife's equally as disgusting though.
I think you have a shot, anon chan
No. 68628
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dunno if this counts as shameful, but i'd totally smash Dendi (professional Dota 2 player). also i'm probably a huge perv because whenever i watch videos of him playing Dota with his fingers moving super fast i find it so hot… :/
No. 68659
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James Rosen, Fux news contributor. I think it's rare for a grown man to be cute in the true sense of the word, but he is. And I love it. I just want to cuddle him.
Shame me, please.
No. 68687
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>>68574I'm sure he'd love it tbh
No. 68746
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>>68252Speaking of Buscemi, I'm not even ashamed to say that I wanna fuck him so bad.
No. 68749
File: 1507498357640.jpg (698.66 KB, 2048x1526, paisleyjr.jpg)

>>68746Oh my god, yes.
Any other N.I/UK/Ireland anons here? I would shag the ever living fuck out of Ian Paisley Jr.
There's something about these right-wing, Jesus loving oh so wholesome family type politicians that makes me want to get in there and corrupt them. Except unfortunately about 99% of them look inbred and spastic to boot.
No. 68750
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He's one of my favorite musicians. I just saw him in concert and he got trashed and took his shirt off revealing a gloriously dad-like bod. Something about his goofy attitude is so endearing. Not coincidentally my boyfriend has a very similar look and vibe
No. 68765
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>>68749R.O.I here
Why am I like this
No. 68770
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>>68153Littlefinger looks good, anon. I really want pic related to tag team me while they have a conversation in Danish tbh. I know from Nik's nude scenes that he has a relatively small dick but I think it's cute. I get the impression from his interviews that he's pretty vanilla IRL (said once that he won't let his kids watch Game of Thrones because it has scenes of him making out with a woman who isn't his wife), I'm not sure about Pilou though
Thirding for all three of the Last Podcast on the Left hosts, btw
No. 68771
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So much shame in this, this man could be my father at his current age but I never realized…
Daddy Hetfield
No. 68782
>>68775It is but afaik his kids are both teenagers haha. He also said that they watch Orange Is the New Black together and feels weird about it because it has "girls making out like crazy" but accepted they might know more about the world than he wanted them to. Tumblr/ONTD was like "Nik is
problematic!!!" ofc No. 68796
>>68771Fuck yes, but god i would give anything to fuck Lars or Kirk back when they were still young.
I would still fuck current Kirk though. he's eternally hot.
No. 68799
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(Young) Lars von Trier. The shame comes from the fact that he's a bizarre asshole, and also the fact that he aged terribly but I probably STILL would because it's LVT and time machines don't exist yet.
No. 69013
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Rik Mayall wasn't an ugly guy but I'd specifically fuck Rick from The Young Ones. He's just so…grimy and obnoxious but he's still a cute.
No. 69710
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I’m ashamed because if he were alive today, he’d be the exact same age as my stepfather.
River was such a handsome man, and I found him to be a badass in Dark Blood.
No. 69922
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i don't even think he's ugly at all both in & out of character, & my bf strongly resembles him/strangers have told him he looks like him constantly for the past year… but all my friends who watch the show say he's ugly/love talking about how unattractive they think he is, lol.
No. 69923
>>69922He is so cute. Jonathan is the ugly one, kid looks like a drug addict.
But hopper is the hot one.
No. 69926
>>69922I think they are both kinda a cute anon! Johnathan is hotter to me tho, like
>>69923 said he looks like a drug addict which I very ashamedly am drawn too (the overall tired/sad look not actual addiction lmao finding out
>>69925 a couple days ago ruined him a bit for me)
No. 70061
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I have an intense crush on Teller. I think it's the deliberate movements. The silence adds mystery but his voice is lovely, too.
I love it when he stands silently next to Penn like a muslim wife. Sometimes talkshow hosts don't even shake his hand and go straight to Penn. Turns me on tbh.
No. 70160
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I feel a lot of shame about young øystein aarseth. Without the creepy facial hair he started rocking, he could smash.
(First time posting, so sorry if I mess up)
No. 70391
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MaSiWei from the Chinese rap group Higher Brothers (aka Asian Migos). I think he's cute but I hate his hair and he's kinda trashy, and it took me a while to get used to his voice. I think Melo from the same group is hot too but I'm not really ashamed about wanting to fuck him
No. 70471
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Post Malone anyone? Can't decide if this is shameful or not
No. 70473
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>>70160Ew what the fuck. Euronymous looked like a 41 year old closet paedophile despite only being in his 20s, especially while he was wearing those gigantic 70s pedo glasses. Why not just go for Varg? Then you wouldn't have to be ashamed, he was really good looking back then even though he took his teenage edge to extreme levels.
No. 70505
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Started watching Deadwood recently. Dont know why but Al could totally get it.
No. 70507
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He is really not my usual type. It's just the eyeliner and the attitude. I always watch those films if they're on just so I can stare at him.
No. 70509
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Shame levels pretty high.
No. 70511
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>>70509Same but no shame, young Mike as consolation
No. 70512
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jay could get it, too.
No. 70534
>>70527>>70530I don't even wanna fuck him but just hug and kiss him. He's not even ugly to me, he's just another metalhead if anything.
When he does a "gentle voice" i'm a puddle on the floor.
Also Vinny is fucking handsome god. His voice is nice too but something about him ticks me off? Maybe because I can't trust guys that look super handsome to me?
No. 70573
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I have it bad for Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List. He's got such a beautiful face but he's also this awful human being and I just want him to pin me down and fuck me.
No. 70575
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>>70574Glad I'm not the only one! I felt so guilty watching that film because I was so turned on whenever he was on screen. Where do I find my sexy overpowering German boyfriend.
No. 70577
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>>70573While we're sort of on the subject… some of the Nazis were so good looking.
No. 70578
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No. 70593
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>>70577Otto Günsche was painfully attractive.
No. 70606
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>>70473David Duke was actually really attractive when he was younger. Even now, he's in really good shape, and I'd still fuck him. I'm not a huge fan of the mustache he used to have. He looks way better with a beard, or clean shaven.
No. 70608
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>>70573Thought I was the only one.
No. 70662
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I am ashamed
No. 70676
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>>70608So did I anon. Ugh, that gif drives me crazy. I want to rewatch the film just for him now…
No. 70688
File: 1511557723374.gif (7.24 MB, 600x309, 843753845.gif)

in the last thread someone said they wanted to fuck Adrien Brody and I was like "lol really" but he's pretty hot in the new season of Peaky Blinders…I'm mostly just ashamed of what a sucker I am for the whole New York gangster aesthetic.
No. 70724
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NO I'm not alright, I thought you're older lol.
He's such a cutie, now I just appreciate him aesthetically but if we were similar age, homeboy would, like, get it
No. 70740
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>>70688Yoo that was me anon glad you came around
No. 70766
>>70668>>70686I'd honestly love to go on a really classy date with him. He is so talented and intelligent
I'd melt if I was the guy that james teach the piano to
No. 70775
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God, I can't get enough of him.
I want to lock his head between my thighs as he goes down on me.
No. 70799
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He’s flabby and balding and has a cro-magnon brow but I would do unspeakable things to this man.
No. 70800
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>>70577Peiper was a fucking monster but the man had no physical flaws. I'm truly ashamed to say he's the most attractive man to ever live imo.
No. 70810
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i would suck the soul out of this mans dick….
No. 70830
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I really want to have sex with the Vsauce guy, Michael Stevens.
No. 70883
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I've got a really big crush on Aleks from Cow Chop/ImmortalHD.
Shameful because, well, youtuber crush, but there's something about the way he carries himself and his personality that is very attractive to me.
I also find it very hot when he speaks russian, wish he would do it more tbh
No. 70884
>>70883hello good-taste sis, i put him in the first thread! i'm really diggin his trashy LA alcoholism tbh, and those tacky frosted tips. also agree on the russian.
>tfw when i live in MA and he lived here until like 2 years ago ah well~
No. 70888
>>70884Nice to see i'm not alone in this semi-shameful crush over here!
>i'm really diggin his trashy LA alcoholismFuck, same.
Somehow him becoming fatter, getting a bad haircut and having tacky dye job made him even more attractive to me.
No. 70891
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>>70883>>70884thirded, I love that trashy russian rat boy and his bad hair.
No. 70904
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I know
No. 70913
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>>70911Agreed and if he was good enough for Emilia he's good enough for me lol
No. 70919
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>>70915>>70913>>70911Fam I was practically shunned in the first thread I love you all
No. 70922
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>>70904i hate family guy which is why i hate myself for this but i would also… he's kind of cute? also i love musicals and i feel like we could bond over that
No. 70952
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>>70949Didn't know such footage existed - thanks for enlightening me
No. 70960
>>70952i dont understand the thirst. he looks like my 50 year old manager at work
>>70904ill transfer my condolences from the first thread to this one. jesus, this is still worse than the guy fieri anon.
No. 70966
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I don’t find his face all that physically attractive, but his voice and character in Veep got me wet.
No. 70980
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his hairline is tragic and all of his facial features are v rodent-like and crowded together but… he can play a oddly charismatic dirtbag like nobody's business
No. 70984
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Kai the hitchhiker. I know, I know.
I rediscovered this guy after going back through my YT history. I did some digging and it’s such a fucking shame what happened to him (also I’m not a fan of the face tat).
Original interview: did an interview for KMPH after the hatchet incident that made me really start crushing on him: apparently after he went viral he went on Jimmy Kimmel (, did that KMPH interview and seemed to be enjoying his popularity, until he hitched to NJ and got picked up by some rich lawyer who took him home, drugged and raped him. Kai killed him in self defense and has been sitting in jail ever since while the lawyer’s rich friends fuck up the evidence and deny him a trial.
Still- would clean up, cuddle & fuck.
No. 71075
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>>71062Is this a real post
No. 71155
>>71151he'd do it too.
follow your dreams~
No. 71166
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He looks like a dirty creep, but i've had Navegante from 'Narcos' on my mind.
No. 71167
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No. 71170
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>>71126He’s hella cute, too bad he seems like he moves through girls pretty quickly. Sigh, I’ll just die alone, lol.
But as far as what happened to Kai, It is super sad, pic related. They didn’t do a rape kit on him, test him for drugs or even test the carpet where he said the rape happened. There’s soooo much fucked up with the case. He has a Facebook page run by a close friend of his where pages of Kai’s testimony of what happened and logs of evidence that has been destroyed, court documents, stories about his life, etc.: you can listen to a phone interview he did where he describes what happened: can also help him by buying him legal books on amazon that he can study for his case, but they can get expensive. He also needs stamps to mail letters to legal advisors and fans. The media is trying to make him look like a freeloader and a murderer, and keeping him in 23/7 segregation in a windowless corner cell where he is fed through a slot in the door. He stays busy by exercising and singing/writing songs to upload to his YouTube, where he also has multiple videos detailing what’s wrong with the case and what’s been happening: No. 71188
>>70766Anon, I want to be your best friend. Let's tagteam James May together:
A night of old record playing and witty banter about bicycle maintenance - after making sensuous love he'd perform for us on his harpsichord.
A truly classy experience <3
No. 71568
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god I want him to hate fuck me
I don't know why he's such an ugly little bitch but just choke me
No. 71587
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>>71568ugh same I love large awkwardly-built weird-looking dudes.
also on the topic of star wars, I didn't think it'd be that shameful but my friends always tease me for thinking that young Mark Hamill was the cutest twink ever.
No. 71603
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>>71587Young Mark Hamill (pre car accident) is top shit.
No. 71613
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>ywn cuddle with a young Mogg while he teasingly tries to teach you Latin
No. 71627
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90’s Load-era Kirk Hammett was a hottie.
“Current” Metallica saddens me…
No. 71635
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this thread actively makes me sad that i cant post a picture of my main one for fear of being spotted by friends that might recognize him or me, but 2nd runner up is Dan Riskin from Monsters Inside Me because somewhere in life i lost the ability to have standards
No. 71640
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this nasty fucker someone help me
No. 71641
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Asian Buzzfeed Guy.
I mean I know he's handsome but fuck Buzzfeed…
No. 71645
File: 1513521375354.jpg (781.15 KB, 740x1112, 740full-mads-mikkelsen.jpg)

Long term celeb crush.
I wish he would murder me
No. 71650
>>71641Third for Eugene, every once in awhile a friend on FB will share something with the Buzzfeed guys and I'll be reminded he exists.
What issues, anon?
No. 71673
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>>Johnny Sims
I would totally let this man do anything he wants to me. His voice is amazing. I will never tell anyone I know irl though because, I mean, obviously.
No. 71779
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chris stuckmann. he has a wife but i would definitely choke him out while i make fun of him
No. 72330
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muhfuckin uhhhhhhhhh
No. 72992
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In all my sincerest honestly.
No. 72993
>>71587>>71603I had the biggest crush on him when I was 14 and just discovering the original trilogy. I thought he was cute after his face got busted up too. None of my friends understood.
It was him and Eric Millegan during the first season of Bones. Guys who still look like twinks in their late 20’s and 30’s are my weak spot.
No. 72994
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I don't know why I am obsessed with him but Dan from Veep. He's not really hot and such an asshole but that seems to be my type
No. 72996
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Non-metal anons, this is Esa Holopainen, lead guitarist
for the band Amorphis. He's got the worst sort of 1990's tribal tattoos, he looks like he should be in the supporting bands for Kid Rock or a Lynyrd Skynard revival and he's goofy. Like he makes ridiculous faces all the time and makes it a habit to crabwalk often. I bet just eating dinner with him in a restaurant would cause everyone to turn at look at the person he's with with second-hand embarrassment.
Yet I'd ruin him like an ancient civilization if given the chance.
No. 73593
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It's the eyebrows. And the Canadian accent.
No. 73609
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i'm not even sorry
No. 73648
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i have the strangest humiliation fantasy about him (with him being the humiliated one ofc) like I strangely like seeing him cry? i'm fucked
No. 73696
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>>72992I'm very attracted to certain MTT and feel disgusted with myself. Something about a boy who looks like a pretty girl with soft skin is very hot, I can't explain it. I don't see them as women though, and consider myself straight.
>>73593YEEESS he's actually very attractive both physically and intellectually but also a tranny apologist which sucks.
No. 73713
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>>73696I feel ya anon. I genuinely have the weirdest thing for that fake DID cringe youtuber Autumn asphodel. I don't believe in nonbinary blahblah or even 99% of trans people but I legit don't see Autumn as a guy or girl and something about his voice and looks and mannerisms is so endearing to me
No. 73720
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>>73718Okay but what about Andrej Pejic? His torso looks alright.
>>73713Glad to know I'm not alone lol.
No. 73724
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I'm sorry but I'm weak for powerful manlets who are athletic and outdoorsmen and love cute doggos. Plus put all your ethics aside, there is something extremely hot about how unfazed he is in interviews. Kill me.
No. 73739
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this dude. with the beer belly and all. god damn. my bf just recently acquired a lil bit of belly and im like "no you dont need to lose weight… maybe even… get bigger…" im a bit ashamed
No. 73740
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>>73739also this. i might have type. love me some dad bod
No. 73746
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>>73740I hear you anon, I love me a bear body. Big but not overly /fit/ with just a nice padding of fat.
Speaking of David Harbour have you seen the new Hellboy promo's?
Sage for no shame about hot Hellboy.
No. 73775
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Don’t even ask me why
No. 73776
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Peter Wolf. His dancing in a music video sealed the deal.
So much shame
No. 73895
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if only he hadn't had that stupid 'daddy' tattoo. the rest were ugly, but didnt even look bad
No. 73920
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I just want him to serenade me and sing my children to sleep.
No. 73939
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I’m not attracted to his look at all but his personality gets me so hot. I looooove happy/dopey upbeat fun loving guys who smile and laugh a lot, mmm. Such a nice contrast to the stonefaced sad sacks I’m used to.
No. 73942
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Have you ever just looked at a face and gone "Wow, that's really gay"?
Enter Remington Leith. Nobody over the age of 14 with XY chromosomes should want to fuck this. Why am I like this?
No. 73950
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>>73724>powerful manlets who love cute doggosreminds me of someone…
No. 74035
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>>73950I actually prefer Joe. He's got a cute/spooky face, like a character in a Tim Burton film.
No. 74115
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Hackerman from Kung Fury
>always thought he was incredibly handsome
>get laughed at when I tell someone
apparently I have a thing for nerds
tell me anons…he's cute, right?
No. 74133
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Noel Fielding, any time
No. 74351
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>>65315Same. He seems like a bit of a prick, but he's cute.
Speaking of RLM, I was rewatching Best of the Worst and I ended up getting a crush on director Len Kabasinski. I have a secret thing for guys with long, metal hair.
No. 74388
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Still wud fucc, but daddy Carrot Top needs a new blazer that fits!
No. 74407
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I'm a shaniac
No. 74416
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His craziness and obsession with death just makes me like him more.
I miss him, he died 5 years before I was born.
No. 74420
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>>74416Also wanna bang Jim Reid.
Whether it's 80s JR or today's (pic rel) he's older than my parents.
No. 74454
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I am ashamed
No. 74505
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>>74416Yes, finally someone I agree with! His whole story makes me so sad for him. Wish he was still alive.
No. 74506
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>>74505Yes! literally no friend I was close enough to tell, understands this when I talk about Pelle. I want him to be alive so much and I think about being with him. Even if he's pretty gross in his some interests, he's so precious. He'd be close to 50 now but I think I'd still like him best out of all the BM scene.
No. 74518
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>>74506Same anon! I wonder what he'd be in a relationship with his weird and gross habits/interests. I also often wonder what he'd have to say about current black metal bands nowadays if he was still alive.
No. 74546
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>>74518I'm literally the opposite of him when it comes to aesthetic so I think he would hate me lol (as much as he hates cats). I don't think he could have an actual relationship he seems to dislike affectation.
Me too! I think he would hate the blackgaze stuff, even if he matured I think there would be distain for the "overproduced" records too.
OT but I liked talking to you my discord is shoegaze#1727 if you want to talk
No. 74547
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>>74416>>74505M-My People <3
I've always had a massive thing for Young Varg too. I think I'd rather date Dead though although still 10/10 with Varg, would serve his cornflakes crispy. Kinda a weird paradox considering people blame Varg for allowing Dead access to the gun that he used. Feels bad man.
No. 74552
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I'm not really ashamed, but I feel like I'd get a lot of shit if people realized I wasn't just being ironic about it.
There's just something really hot about Reviewbrah. He looks hot as fuck in this Lofthouse cookie review.
No. 74583
>>74576>Why would you be ashamed? ntayrt but the main reason he's popular is because he's peculiar
aka an autist.
No. 74597
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Doug Jones, although he's looking more like a creature himself these days
No. 74605
>>73739Yes yes yes!
I want to sit on his face.
No. 74618
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>>74599Oh god, this. Id also fuck the living daylights out of him as pic related
No. 74623
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Felix from Chapo trap house. Objectively I know his face is kind of busted. But to me he’s a beautiful flawless angel. He has the ideal male body and he’s covered in hair which is extremely my thing. And he has this vocal fry/lisp combo that melts my soul. Just want to cuddle him all day everyday forever.
No. 74691
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>>74597Ahh yes! He's precious. I love him so much.
No. 74781
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>>74623holy shit anon, no shame at all. he's my favorite host tbh. there's a twitter conversation he had with some of his friends that i stalked once where he basically alluded to being into girls who seemed to have a gently dominant streak (his phrasing was something like "i want a gf who doesnt seem to actually like me" lol) and it only made me want him more. i think the actual "shameful" dirtbag left podcast guy i wanna fuck is adam from cum town though, pic related lol.
No. 74788
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I wanna fuck Jungkook from BTS lmao. Not that shameful I guess considering its part of his job to be appealing to women but I don't even listen to kpop or like "cute" men typically, I just watched like one BTS video and now I wanna dom him lmao
No. 74789
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big money salvia turns me on so much, but only now that he’s chubby and hairy. not many people improve with extra weight but goddamn, this guy
No. 74792
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rhett from good mythical morning. he's super old for me and has those bug-eyes but he's so tall and cute and endearing, plus that slight southern accent just makes me sooper wet
No. 74795
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>>74792He kind of reminds me of Jeremy Davis from Paramore who I've always thought was super cute.
No. 74797
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No. 74825
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>>74788Jungkook is the ugliest out of them all, why not go for V?
No. 74841
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I have a soft spot for blonde guys specially if they are rough
No. 74869
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Macaulay Culkin. Not ashamed in the slightest, but I get a lot of shit for it when I tell people
No. 74871
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>>74825>>74788>>74837How is Jungkook ugly? He is quite attractive, I find he has this boy next door look going for him.
V is a lot more dolly looking.
I would do both of them, no shame.
No. 74888
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particularly when he was in ghost world. dat aloof nature, lonesome lifestyle, quiet attitude and passion when talking about his records. what a cutie
No. 74889
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oh and samefag but no shame, fat mac will always be my absolute number one.
No. 74911
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I blame Portal 2. The voice did it for me, then it was just all over for me and now I want him to bend me over a table.
No. 74916
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No. 74934
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So disgusting and a massive loser. Why am I like this?
No. 74995
File: 1518420891352.jpg (148.44 KB, 1484x1484, leekwangsoo.jpg)

Lee Kwang Soo from "Running Man", especially with this haircut. He isn't necessarily hideous, but very weird looking. He's one of those people who looks okay in certain photos/angles but can get fugly really quick. He also tends to have unflattering haircuts which doesn't help his case
He's oddly cute to me, his dorky/hilarious personality makes up for his face imo. Plus he's super tall which is attractive. I'd be embarrassed to admit I like him in public though. Apparently he's very popular in Asia so I guess lots of women love him??
No. 75004
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>>74505>>74416>>74547Blessed anons! I just came here to post some pictures of BM husbandos, but I see you all have good taste so there's no need. Dead is definitely the most qt imo, but I'll add Fenriz bc he seems like a really smart and funny guy even though he's kinda gross-looking.
>tfw you aren't white so you have a 0% chance of landing any of these types of guys>tfw you will never eat cornflakes with mentally unhinged qt scandinavian bf >why live?x2 No. 75005
File: 1518454396998.png (70.15 KB, 500x458, ok.png)

^pic unrelated… i meant to post this picture from imgur and got that one instead?? i don't where the fuck that came from but ok
No. 75016
>>71062I find him so fucking cute and I get a big smile whenever I see his videos lol
Not in would-fuck territory yet tho but I know what kind of things boredom and sleep deprivation can lead to
No. 75017
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Don't actually feel ashamed but a couple of my friends think I should.
No. 75022
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>>75004yeah i used to not get why so many people have a crush on fenriz but the more you see of him the more unbearable his charm becomes. hes such a good balance of dark/rebellious and sweet/goofy
No. 75023
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>>74995I find him cute too.
I'm actually really attracted to Ji Suk Jin. I just find him so adorable. It's starting to piss me off how they make him the punching bag of like almost every episode.
No. 75026
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No one here has a more fucked up person than mine. I feel like this is too shameful to admit even on LC.
I'd only do it if he cannot physically harm me in any way, and won't have any recollections afterwards, though. Otherwise I don't ever want to be anywhere near him.
No. 75029
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>>74416>>74505>>74506>>74518>>74546>>74547Something about Dead is just so unique to me. His mind and his disconnection from life and reality is really fascinating and frankly really relatable, he has this enigmatic aura. I would kill to just have a conversation with him. I often wonder how he would be like if he was alive today. I can only assume.
No. 75044
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On a purely physical level…I just really like his facial structure.
>>75026Does mine make you feel better, anon?
No. 75095
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>>75044He was crazy attractive. Out of all people, I can definitely see why someone like Karla was/is so obsessed with him.
No. 75127
File: 1518732700711.gif (995.06 KB, 441x270, giphy.gif)

>>74547Young Varg is definitely top tier. He was so cute and cool at the same time and honestly really ethereal looking. I couldn't give a shit about the rest of the people that were in the bm scene to be honest. Dead isn't all that interesting and I don't like that he killed cats. Fenriz is…fenriz.
No. 75136
File: 1518753695093.jpg (46.82 KB, 651x417, euronymous-belly-shirt.jpg)

>>75127Yeah, young Varg was pretty cute, but I feel like he's ruined because he's such a lolcow now. He's suffered he same fate as Morrissey-
toptier cutie in his youth, but his current self is just so annoying that it brings him down a bunch of of notches… Well, I guess you could say that for a lot of musicians. (real question is would you fuck 2018 Varg, because that'd be actually shameful)
pic unrelated but all we need is for someone to admit they'd fuck Euronymous and the infamous black metal triad is complete… but let's be real it's not gonna happen lol
No. 75147
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whichever one of you fucks posted Danny Elfman earlier in the thread, i feel your pain and also hate you immensely for reminding me of it. that asshole kickstarted a love of red hair for years (wound up getting red hair because of that)
>>74388so for a split second i forgot what Carrot Top looked like and had to look him up. then i just remembered the crush i had on him when i was younger and apparently he's 52 now and still just as nasty-looking as he was back then. THANKS A TON ANON
No. 75186
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>>75136>>75127Varg gave me a fetish for men with pigtails.
No. 75305
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David Byrne
Sorry if it's not weird enough, but it seems fairly uncommon to me. He seems almost like he has two opposing halves, shy versus seeking attention and recognition. He's just intriguing, I guess.
No. 75320
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I love David Byrne! Something super attractive about how his eccentric, confident stage persona translates to such a soft-spoken person in reality.
What are your thoughts on the speculation that he has autism/asperger's?
No. 75354
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Had such a crush as a kid and would still fuck today if he were a real consenting adult
No. 75365
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I’m not even ashamed anymore
No. 75381
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Fuckboy prisoner turned reality tv contestant. Smh
No. 75393
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Appeared on confession tapes doc, convicted of killing his friends parents along with said friend. I honestly think they did do it. I usually really dislike people who I think are killers (lol no shit) but find him so attractive though ugh I hate myself.
No. 75395
>>75254>Did you guys know that Varg has a youtube channel?ur late son
>>75354this is not a man, this is a cartoon and a child.
No. 75497
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Garrett from Mega64
No. 75618
>>75525It's not that I even have shame about having a crush on him, the shame comes more from the fact that I have a crush on a man whose existence astounds me
>straight edge>dreadlocks>electric technician and costume designer>has a rei ayanami tattooIn any other case I'd be turned off, but his laid back personality and charm is what gets me
Vid related might be my favourite bit of his
No. 75731
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I’d let him destroy me tbh
No. 75736
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This one's a bit odd but I feel weirdly attracted to Baron Friedrich Von Glower from the 90's videogame gabriel knight - the beast within. It's an interactive movie game with real actors and has a strange homoerotic undertone. My bf likes to make fun of me for being attracted to him (left one in the picture) cause of the aristocratic clothes and shit
No. 75781
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idk but I dreamed many times of him in the past few days and I can't really say why but I find him handsome in a oddly way. welp
No. 75782
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No. 75798
In his outtake videos, where he's laughing and smiling like a dork, oh god. Why do I find this man so adorable please rip my trachea out.
No. 75807
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I have know idea why, but least i'm not the only one, seeing how most comments under their interviews are about how cute he is
No. 75808
>>74869He is somewhat attractive, at least when he's not completely drug addict trash looking
>>75807Oh I was really into him as a teen, had a thing for queer looking goth type of guys (not that much anymore)
No. 75848
>>75807>>75808Sad thing is that he abused his then-girlfriend Jessicka Addams (of Jack-off Jill fame) and stole the style from her in order to mock her.
>What would older, wiser Jessicka tell her wilder, 19-year-old self?“Don't allow anybody—especially your current boyfriend—to verbally ridicule you, psychically abuse and rape you, fat-shame you, break your spirit, make you second-guess yourself and ultimately steal your identity. Don't worry: He’ll get trapped in the green dress he stole. It becomes his curse rather than a gift, trust me"
No. 75921
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I have it bad for the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors. He's such a horrible person but I kind of want to be in Audrey's position so he can slap and bruise me instead.
No. 76028
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It's just that he looks like a kind of mixture of young edward furlong and kurt cobain. The shame comes from me being about 8 years older and him being a stoner youtuber which is kind of cringey
No. 76176
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Just spent an hour or so reading through the thread, I got many a good chuckle.
My contribution is Grant George. I'd just want to hear him dirty talk to me in that gruff voice though. Physically he's pretty gross looking to me. Real dad-bod there, icky.
No. 76204
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No. 76230
>>76204>>76216I love both of you. There aren't too many og farmers around these days.
Rip 2014
>>75807Uh… anon, this guy's a rapist.
No. 76232
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>>76204Repost from Aly thread but lmao I was pretty amused by it
No. 76244
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i’d fuck young ted kaczynski even if he smelled like spoiled milk. disappointed to say i’d also bang david koresh and young jim jones.
No. 76245
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i unironically hate myself.
No. 76679
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No. 76682
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Young John Linnell, I'm not entirely sure why, he was kind of severe features but on the whole they comes across as ridiculously attractive to me. Also something about knowing he's a clever and talented musician. Especially in the Birdhouse In Your Soul video, I don't know what the hell it is, but the hair, the turtleneck, the weird dancing, the way he goes from smiling to kind of glaring at the camera, bouncing around, so embarrassing to admit but that video especially I want to fuck him so bad. Especially with that turtleneck sweater on.
No. 76820
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late to the black metal posting, but it's his birthday and i'd smash
i'm well aware of how gross he looks and also how shitty of a person he was, but i just find him really cute :/
No. 76825
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>>76820fucking disgusting anon. legit
No. 76842
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>>76825lmao i'm the euronymous poster and this made me laugh so damn hard
i'm sorry anon that my trash taste was too much for even this thread :')
No. 76858
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He can wreck me any day.
No. 76862
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I was completely in love with Spoony before he totally lost it
No. 76880
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>>76851the saddest part is that i even tried to post the most decent (imo) picture of him and still got roasted
also yeah he really does look like a girl esp when standing next to other guys lol (pic relevant he's on the far right) still cute tho
No. 77159
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I would let old wrinkly Rutger Hauer fuck me to death.
I'd take young Rutger too but he's somehow even more impossibly hot as an old man.
No. 77169
>>77159omg yes yes yes.
but i have a soft spot for Roy Batty so either is good.
No. 77175
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>>67152he has the wide-set eyes of a (female) high fashion model.
No. 77263
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hey vsauce, michael here
No. 77318
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>>77252Fuck, I wish there were more weird guys like him. I wanna eat pizza and listen to shortwave with this cutie so bad.
No. 77360
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why am i like this
No. 77401
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>>77397Damn, I never liked them like
>>77351 said, but I think you've changed my mind.
No. 77402
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Big Money, Big Women, Big Fun. That SipsCo.
No. 77403
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I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me.
No. 77404
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>>77403I'd actually like to do both of them, really..
No. 77406
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would do drunk kareoke and go to love hotel with
No. 77412
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I don't know if I should be ashamed or not but I err on the side of caution and don't tell very many people how hot I think Dan Avidan is.
He's literally the most attractive man I've ever seen.
No. 77417
File: 1522317620399.gif (1.68 MB, 490x305, skeeeet.gif)

for me its skeet ulritch, especially young skeet, yum. covered in delicious corn syrup. i dont know why im ashamed, hes not unattractive or anything but i just feel bad about it. dont know why. anyway he could ram me now too.
>>69710>>67054>>66267>>66054>>64907>>74869>>74552heavily agree with all of these!
No. 77420
>>77414>>77411Guys, we all need help. Seriously. Worst case he's reading here and laughing his head off.
(I'd still tap it)
No. 77421
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Lex Luthor from smallville…. His calculated ways and bald head is so sexy ?? I wish they kept the same actor for BvS he plays Lex so well…
No. 77444
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>>77417Nothing shameful about some skeet
No. 77455
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Blaine from Izombie, don't know if I should be ashamed or not? My friends think I'm weird for being attracted to him.
No. 77457
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I fucking hate myself for this one, but I want to make him cry
He’s just so awkward but bangable in my eyes
No. 77462
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>>77461You’re correct anon, and I’m sadly a real life goth girl and not raven from Teen Titans…
Still. For some ungodly reason, if he asked me to step on him, I would.
No. 77490
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No. 77513
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That Hogg kid. I want to bully the fuck out of him, and train him to be my beta bitch slave. Everything about him screams "bully me".
>>74547>>75127>>75136Not ashamed at all to say that I think older/current Varg is attractive, possibly more attractive than young Varg. He'd probably consider me subhuman since I am not blonde, though. It makes me a bit sad on the inside, but it's not like it would ever happen anyways.
No. 77543
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No. 77570
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Kiki's ex
No. 77577
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im really sorry
No. 77582
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No. 77603
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I mean
No. 77604
>>77577>>77582what the fuck
>>77603she is qt asf nothing to be ashamed about
No. 77610
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Ashamed because…
2.I'm probably a lot taller than him (plus his face is kind of uncomfortably young looking)
No. 77628
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BTS's Suga because nobody I know likes kpop and I'd get ragged on for liking a short, feminine looking guy and they'd probably consider him ugly.
No. 77631
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>>77628I can relate to that. Shown Kim Jae Joong to a friend who didn't think asian men could be attractive; she told me that he looked like a girl/gay as fuck
>Tfw KJJ is the only Korean guy that you find to be genuinely attractive>Still offended by her response No. 77639
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i think Ronald Mcdonald is hot, i'm so sorry
No. 77641
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>>77412he's such a cutie but I miss how he used to look
No. 77642
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the both of them
No. 77648
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>>77642Same esp when he’s doing this face
No. 77655
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>>77628god I'd dom the fuck out of him he's probably weaker than me. I love his girly hardboiled egg face.
No. 77657
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>>77607this, to be honest
No. 77661
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>>77628>>77655Agreed. Not sure why i'm ashamed but he's the opposite of what I usually go for. He brings out dom tendencies I didn't know I had…unf.
No. 77672
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While we're on Kpop… I'd fuck Gdragon (along with 90% of female Kpop listeners probably). In his Crooked era he was such a skinny little manlet and I don't know why since I usually like my guys tall and muscular but his bitchface gets me wet.
No. 77673
>>70847Scrolling through and late post but my German grandfather
(I'm adopted) was fucking handsome as a young man, blond hair and blue eyes. I'm very ashamed to say if he wasn't my grandpa and still 20, I'd do him.
No. 77675
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would absolutely do young Michael from Achievement Hunter.
i just wanna tug on his curls.
No. 77683
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>>77675Same anon. Sometimes he looks really unattractive to me depending on his hair length and angles I guess but he can be pretty cute.
No. 77706
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Nothing but love and admiration for MY Donald T.
No. 77731
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>>77683these days he's got a baby and a dadbod but I remember in 2013 I thought he was the shit. Except for when he wore beanies and had super long hair.
No. 77733
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Abe from Good Morning Call, i guess i'm ashamed beacause i feel like such a weeb when i watch J dramas but he's so cute
No. 77734
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>>77661speaking of BTS J-Hope isn't the most attractive but he's so hot when he's dancing/on stage
No. 77743
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>>77675I feel you. I'd let the whole AH office run a train on me. Even Gavin, Jeremy and Lindsay. Especially Geoff, Jack, Michael and Ryan.
No. 77745
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Only with his mask on
No. 77747
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>>77628For me, Suga and Jimin. I want to dom them both, mostly because they look so weak and petite AND dress like generic butch/tomboy lesbians.
Jimin particulary wakes up the demon inside me when I see him all vulnerable and feminine while crossing his legs and smiling like some shy highschooler. good god, I just want to bully him until he cries.
No. 77748
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would dom the shit out of marlon, even as the godfather
No. 77749
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>>77747agreed about Jimin, but then sometimes he looks like this and ???
No. 77756
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>>77749That's just his stage persona anon. The first years he tried to be all mainly tho he probably feels more relaxed now without that facade
No. 77759
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>>77748I actually masturbated to "a streetcar called desire" when I was a young teen, I would replay some scenes over and over again to watch his body language, Marlon awakened my sexuality lmao.
He is the ultimate sexual beast in this movie, young muscular yet plump and sexy like a wild animal.
The scene where he scream for Stella and look so upset about her leaving him was my biggest turn on, guess I already had some dom tendencies.
No. 77763
>>77747>I just want to bully him until he cries.that part in Burn the Stage where he got frustrated and cried was arousing ngl.
>>77759god bless, I loved that scene too.
No. 77796
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Timothée Chalamet was ugly-cute to me for the longest time until I saw him in CMBYN. Him speaking French and Italian was hot as fuck, totally turned my perception on him around.
No. 77798
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>>77796same anon, Cole Sprouse also counts even though he seems pretentious as hell and may have abused his ex.
No. 77799
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>>77796>>77798still the same anon. Jeremy Allen White looks like a mole-rat but he's so fine as Lip in Shameless.
No. 77800
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>>77796I only "discovered" him around 2 days ago, when another anon used him as a positove example for an actually attractive actor.
No shame in that, he's cute and hot at the same time!
No. 77801
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>>77796Timmy a cute! A CUTE!
No. 77812
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>>77807Original Tim anon. The answer is because he looks like a twink. I just want to kiss that jaw of his. He's also got wonderful hands.
No. 77814
>>77812>>77813He only seems "twinky" because we're not used to seeing young actors.
Usually even actresses in their early/mid 20s get paired up with old, bearded "manly" guys already.
No. 77815
>>77798He didn't abuse her. She's an attention whoring twitch titty streamer and dragged on their break up even though he was nice enough to remain private about it.
But yes, he is fine as fuck, his brother even more so, personality-wise as well.
No. 77822
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I’d sit on that dopey mongoloid face tbh
No. 77834
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>>76244Young Kacyznski was fiiiiiiiine, I'd unironically fuck him.
For mine - Michael Shannon, specifically his character in The Shape of Water.
No. 77835
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>>77834I love Michael Shannon too. He was hot as fuck in the movie Bug.
No. 77838
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>>77834i'm actually suprised that ted is a virgin still. i mean even mcveigh lost his virginity, but i guess young ted was too autistic.
anyways if people want to fuck murderers, i better see more options than the main 3 everyone says (you know who)
No. 77839
>>77838Is it bad I wanna live in a cabin in the woods with him?
And I guess he was just too autistic or something–he dated that one girl but things went bad.
Main three – Bundy, Ramirez, and Dahmer? Or Eric, Dylan, and Dylann?
No. 77840
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>>77839Don't worry anon, after seeing Manhunt:Unabomber i just wanted to be his wife, living off the wilderness with him. Apparently he has schizophrenia, but he's definitely on the spectrum. I dunno if he still answers letters in ADX.
But yeah, those two main three groups. I would say the former is more common, unless you're really into barely legal teenage boys (I have no idea how old Dylann Roof is, and I don't really care).
Dahmer>Bundy>Ramirez No. 77841
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>>77840Yeah, Paul Bettany was so great as him! And I wrote Ted several months back, didn't get a response though.
I get most of my true crime fix on tumblr (kill me) and I guess since it's mostly teenage girls the school shooters are more popular. Roof is actually 24 today.
[spoiler]I like your style, anon.
No. 77844
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>>77841Dude probably gets an insane amount of letters, and his day is very scheduled so I don't think he has a ton of time to answer letters. Apparently if you write him he always asks for you to buy him something.
But Yeah. BTK, Ridgeway, and Kemper don't answer letters either, I think the only one who does is Berkowitz, but all he does is ramble about Jesus. If there was one decent thing about Ramirez, is that he actually answered letters and was somewhat polite in them.
Back on topic, Meth is a hell of drug. I have no idea how Jim Jones went from this to fat Elvis
No. 77854
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>>77839Richard is the best looking in my opinion. but for some reason I find Nikolai Dzhumagaliev quite good looking and another killer called Konstantin
No. 77856
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>>77854i’m sorry anon, but he looks like jason alexander in that photo. not that george contanza isn’t a sweetie tho
underrated is robert hansen. apparently when lpotl made an episode on him lots of other girls though he was cute
No. 77857
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>>77854Really? Richard never did it for me.
Speaking of Russian killers, Pichushkin is a qt.
I also think Eric Harris has a certain charm. No. 77859
File: 1522849116532.jpg (127.52 KB, 900x506, 45454.jpg)

>>77857Pichushkin is my favorite, although I do like Ramirez a bunch too. I think Pichuskin has gotten cuter over the years too.
No. 77860
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>>77838Richard chase was a beaut, too bad he was a serious nutjob.
>He then sliced off her nipple and drank her blood, using an empty yogurt container as a drinking glass; before leaving, he went into the yard, found a pile of dog feces, and returned to stuff it into the corpse's mouth and throat. No. 77864
File: 1522855157179.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.13 KB, 1000x1000, 475B3A1E-9684-4BDB-90A1-3A47E9…)

>>77859i like pichushkin’s creepy cuteness. I’m surprised he’s not executed yet with him having similar body count to chikatilo.
I don’t think Timothy was that
bad looking either, he does kind of remind me of Eric. No. 77869
File: 1522857137322.gif (1.99 MB, 245x280, tumblr_nhcyidKU2N1u26kkho1_250…)

>>77864Yeah, he only got life although he certainly wasn't insane. I find it interesting how he said "I probably wouldn't have stopped at 64".
And Tim was def a Chad.
The guy who played Eric in Zero Hour was also seriously qt.
No. 77877
File: 1522861417270.jpeg (21.66 KB, 209x307, EC60D7A5-0D3E-42EC-80B3-F672F2…)

>>77869both actors in zero hour were ridiculously qt. i don’t want this thread to go off topic, so i made a general true crime thread >>239479
No. 77878
>>77877Thanks, anon!
Anyway sorry for all you non-hybristo anons out there who had to see this.
No. 77891
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>>77834>>77835Why would you guys be ashamed of this? Michael Shannon is the perfect man honestly.
Only thing prettier than his face is his voice imo.
No. 77901
File: 1522873186376.gif (1.29 MB, 480x360, 67834628764.gif)

>>77857its quite shameful, but yeah Richard in his 20-30s šwas prime boyo meat for me.
On the other hand I have never seen the appeal of Aleksandr
Konstantin Shumkov, pic related looks good. However there is not many pictures of him out there. But the ones I've seen caught my eye
No. 77914
File: 1522880175470.jpg (17.3 KB, 500x525, 412413-500w.jpg)

Neels visser.
Im not ashamed tho, hes literally perfection and his smile is just 2 cute 4 me.
No. 77934
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No. 78019
File: 1522947732867.jpg (49.37 KB, 754x407, DW0_SrFW4AIa9FG.jpg)

I don't like his voice and I'm ambivalent on his politics, but something about his skinny arms, rat-like face, and smug pout really gets to me.
No. 78028
>>78027David Hogg, a.k.a. the Hogg, a.k.a. Boss Hogg.
(I'm trying to get that last one to catch on, it hasn't yet.
No. 78031
File: 1522954906317.jpg (148.05 KB, 800x1200, 41532.jpg)

I'm really ashamed because he probably fucked one billion women but I think he has a nice dick and I love his dirty talk.
Would gladly bang Rocco Siffredi too.
No. 78087
File: 1522981747833.jpeg (32.83 KB, 360x288, 4BC566C0-A752-41E1-9D67-776143…)

John Cleese.
Something about funny guys tickles my clit and I had a major crush on him when I was growing up watching Monty Pythons. Now he’s old and has a Santa belly but he could still get it.
No. 78088
File: 1522981831817.jpeg (39.89 KB, 460x276, 4003C9A6-3DF3-4FA9-A209-5EE98B…)

Same anon, I don’t think it’s a coincidence my ex looks just like Cleese did when he was younger. Same eyes and everything. Unf.
No. 78127
File: 1523026893846.png (151.13 KB, 300x300, devonbostick.png)

>>77946i guess my "average" would be devon bostick. he does have his ugly moments. I do remember him being my first celeb crush from the diary of a wimpy kid lmao.
No. 78131
>>78130Did he? It's been ages since i've watched it
Also, probably the first time i saw a guy with eyeliner (and i loved it)
No. 78133
File: 1523027686314.png (315.92 KB, 1200x675, Not-MyRodrick.png)

>>78131Yeah in the new movie that came out last year they replaced the whole damn cast. Remember #notmyrodrick?
No. 78135
>>78133Never heard of that lol
I get that he's too old now, but tbh the new guy doesn't look much younger either (and he is/looks asian…?)
No. 78181
File: 1523075468933.png (944.35 KB, 1154x754, rare2.png)

>>78163there's a reason why this thread is called men you're ashamed to fuck anon
No. 78211
>>78163Ok this is actually really funny.
No. 78353
File: 1523143230835.jpg (55.82 KB, 540x525, vinyotvinesnauce.jpg)

He comes off as a hipster memelord who'd probably be a boring fuck but I'd still hop on it.
No. 78378
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>>65086Yeah, he looked hella weird in Misfits. But with that beard he's a solid 10/10
No. 78403
File: 1523187699332.jpg (103.11 KB, 1080x1239, 5aea4fed8d69f436e63b4fdd7a04e4…)

It's really embarrassing but I kinda have a thing for the douchey white boy (left) from the Jake Paul song.
No. 78404
File: 1523187949970.jpg (26.08 KB, 500x535, feynman.jpg)

But not in his later dorky-ass bongo drum playing years.
No. 78465
File: 1523218771031.jpg (266.03 KB, 1080x1262, blinyort.jpg)

>>78412>I wanna make him squirmGirl yesss. He really seems like he needs a good fuck or at least a good succ. He's pretty good at keeping his life private though so I wonder if he's already got someone for those things. A big part of me says "probably not" lol.
Anyway here's another Vin picture.
>JoelYou clearly have amazing taste anon.
No. 78524
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Jeffrey Dahmer was hot imo
No. 78548
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Thom Yorke from Radiohead. I don't even know why. :/
No. 78607
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>>78465yes i love vinny
>>78524classic choice anon, but you missed all the other posts with murderer crushes
>>78548he looks much better with short hair imo
No. 78978
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This is shameful and I wanna kms, but I'd fucc Sam Hyde. Sorry my fellow anons for the mental image
No. 79013
File: 1523578872165.jpg (404.16 KB, 1000x563, million-dollar-extreme-present…)

>>78978You're not alone, he's been posted before many times. There's something about his stupid average face I have a thing for and his giant body dominating mine.
>tfw his over 6 foot body will never loom over you and harshly force your legs apart so he can pound you faster than the speed of Helios's chariotForgive me for I have sinned.
No. 79067
>>79013My thoughts exactly lmao. He also looks a lot bigger and looks like he has more muscles now than in the early days of MDE.
I saw a video of him surrounded by other people and he made them look like small children.
No. 79106
>>79103Sa but since I shat on someone else's taste I might as well open myself to being shat on
I would fuck idubbbz. I love lanky nerdy guys
No. 79182
>>79106Same tbh, I love his veiny arms.
Also, to elaborate on my liking of Sam. I'd want him to slap me and dominate me. I AM SO ASHAMED HELP
No. 79242
File: 1523723918909.jpg (37.17 KB, 790x395, Radiohead-Jonny-Greenwood-3[1]…)

>>78548For me it's Jonny Greenwood
After all these years, he's still so fucking cute
No. 79395
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you may laugh at his "big" forehead but I think he has it all. He has a way with words, seems intelligent and super fun.
No. 79402
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>>79395He also exudes confidence. Humor and confidence are two big turn ons for a lot of women
No. 79406
>>79404>anisa threadsOh my, no idea we had milk of her.
I also think idubbbz is a hottie mchottie. His jaw line is 10/10 and those glasses. Umf.
No. 79464
>>79410He did it for the video and he's a guy, so doeent matter it he shaves his head or not. How is that ballsy?
>>79406Hahaha be prepared to be turned off.
No. 79713
File: 1524191276906.jpg (11.48 KB, 280x242, 14775998111.jpg)

Really embarrassing given recent events but… I'd smash college-age Zucc
No. 79716
File: 1524192245391.jpg (22.66 KB, 500x370, ZeroDay10-Bank.jpg)

I wanna fuck Cal from Zero
Day more than any other 3DPD.
For those unfamiliar with the movie- it's a found footage movie heavily inspired by Columbine. Wanting to fuck him is barely better than wanting to fuck Dylan Klebold.
No. 79717
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>>79716What a coincidence cause I wanna fuck the Eric Harris character!
My friends hate me and my mother is endlessly disappointed.
No. 79725
File: 1524194303360.jpg (74.55 KB, 600x430, Andre_Kriegman_&_Calvin_Gabrie…)

>>79717Glad to know I'm not alone in my degeneracy. We are truly a disgrace.
No. 79851
>>79809>on the Columbiner spectrumThat's a good way to put it. Do you find it kinda hot when he's yelling during the shooting scene? Cause I do.
Saged for OT
No. 80563
File: 1524669835159.jpg (323.4 KB, 978x612, Screenshot_20180425-112129.jpg)

Patrick Brown.
I don't know why, but I find him kind of cute. Turns out he was being a perv to young women/underage girls or something. IDK if it's true as he is suing the news company that report it. But damn, he makes my heart flutter lol
No. 80828
File: 1524705375870.jpg (31.37 KB, 500x378, killlllllme.jpg)

>>79716>>79717heyyy y'all! i think i posted about zd in another thread
I'm in Cal Gabriel hell forever.
No. 80883
File: 1524722393723.jpg (42.36 KB, 920x711, 920x920.jpg)

Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung Hui
these guns turn me on so much
No. 80897
File: 1524730524037.jpeg (32.03 KB, 710x702, G2T-THKG.jpeg)

I'm not usually into fatties but tbh he's adorable
No. 81004
>>80897Who is this? He looks familiar
>>79851>Do you find it kinda hot when he's yelling during the shooting scene? … I do, actually
No. 81005
>>80883Same, too bad he's taken :P
>>81004Good to know I'm not the only one…
Do you have a throwaway? I wanna have someone to talk about zero day with :(
Saged for oT
No. 81054
File: 1524847291563.jpg (16.95 KB, 333x450, caesar.jpg)

Jeremy Sisto when he played as Caesar ughhh. In highschool we watched this film and my heart was fluttering every time he showed up on screen tbh.
No. 81144
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Young B was cute with great eyebrows
No. 81175
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That's how low lolcow has sunk
>I totally don't like disgusting manly guys, kpop twinks and animu boys are the best!1!1
>Uhm, that's a girl…?
No. 81187
>>81144Yes, Barry was cute (not so much anymore tho :( )
>>81173Kek, that's a girl, Emma Gonzales
No. 81210
>>81175Wew this weird post
Take a breather, robot. Sorry no one likes crusty, rugged dirty old men.
No. 81212
>>81175Are you implying that we're lying about what we're attracted to? Good grief.
I've also seen a good number of girls on here who are attracted to manly men, and some who are attracted to cute-but-not-super-feminine guys as well. The disproportionate number of ladies into twinky east asians can be explained away by a lot of us being weebs/koreaboos in the past.
Or are you insulting feminine men? Or lesbians? I can't tell.
No. 81214
>>81204>>81210>>81212No, i'm a girl. I just found it funny that there seem to be anons who are so obsessed with twinky guys that they're even accidentally attracted to boyish looking women lol Imo there's a clear difference between her and a dude, but if one can't see that…
Also there have been anons even posting underage guys in the cute boys thread etc, that's what i was referring to with lc's general obsession with twinks.
No. 81258
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>>68220>>70061i did a ctrl+f for teller. my bf and i have an agreement that if in some impossible way the opportunity arises we would jump his guts. I have no idea, he seems incredibly intelligent and his whole act is adorable and mysterious. wtf is wrong with us lol
No. 81333
>>65086I kinda like his cringey way on misfits
>>66107I came to post him. I wwouldn't admit to anyone I know but I would 100% fuck him.
>>66558I mean, the actor is pretty ok looking, I don't even feel ashamed for this one.
>>67197fucking kek, he was so weird at their podcast, he looks stoned all the time.
No. 81362
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>>81317Somewhat mood.
I'm holding out for a nice one who grew up in the west and doesn't have a nightmare family, though. I'm not even Indian, just personally find their (general) features attractive (especially Tamil guys…).
>inb4 racist anons tell me to love myself>inb4 SJ anons call me a race-fetishistPic related is my contribution to the thread anyway, complete opposite to the type I just described. He also did questionable things in the past apparently?
No. 81376
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I'd fuck Charlie Kelly in a heartbeat. He's a terrible character but he's also sweet and endearing in a way?
No. 81385
>>81362Harris looks like he's gonna go bald once he turns 30 but I also would absolutely fuck him
I also like his Sherlock video>>81376He's so stupid and disgusting but also insanely adorable
No. 81440
File: 1525268533049.gif (998.26 KB, 500x281, O74o2Ee.gif)

>>81376t h a n k y o u.
i said it earlier (in this thread specifically i believe) but i would absolutely bone fat mac.
No. 81508
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Both of the guys from They Might Be Giants when they were younger. Their weirdness just makes them so endearing to me
No. 81509
File: 1525329406190.jpg (35.44 KB, 400x400, 9_KPvzGJ_400x400.jpg)

i know we've had kpop itt before, but im SO ashamed
literally never thought i would be a kpopfag plus he's 2 years younger than me
but hes so deliciously cute i just want to get him under me and make him cry
No. 81515
File: 1525343634676.jpg (18.54 KB, 320x320, Kiriya Kazuaki.jpg)

Well I got an strange one, Kazuaki Kiriya. I know he's extremely plain looking as far as Japanese guys go, but I think he has a cute smile, and seems to havea nice outgoing personality. Never been into bishi asian guys and something about him hit's me right. Also he's tall I guess, that' about the only thing most people would find about him attractive.
That being said his movies are mediocre and he seems to have questionable taste in women seeing as he married Utada when she was 16.
No. 81523
>>81481Apparently someone on his production team was sexually creepy towards a friend of his in the past, then when that friend confided in him hbomb didn't believe them. He did apologize about it on tumblr so, no, it wasn't just heresy: callout (Klaus deleted their blog): that as you will. I still think he generally means well and isn't EVIL or anything. He just seemed caught between believing one of two friends and then quickly realized he couldn't take back his incorrect immediate reaction.
No. 81564
File: 1525375930728.png (285.39 KB, 492x768, IMG_9444.PNG)

>>81440Fat Mac is cute also! He looks like he's made for hugs (and more).
Also the really shameful part comes from the fact that after a round with Charlie I'd probably go for Liam
No. 81587
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Can any other british anons relate?
No. 81617
File: 1525418131772.png (370.04 KB, 467x729, 93984938NKDJE.png)

I still find Joji cute with his bloated face and greasy emo hair. Would definitely smash.
No. 81620
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>>81587You posted the wrong guy. Here. I’m sure this is what you meant
No. 81638
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No. 81650
File: 1525451838288.jpg (57.47 KB, 500x346, QL8TtL3.jpg)

No. 81672
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The dude is a pornstar.
No. 81674
File: 1525481043299.jpg (23.73 KB, 420x280, hoshino01.jpg)

>>81672so? i'd fuck him until his eyes rolled back in his head
but seriously tho, it makes no sense posting these pretty/cute guys here.
No. 81677
File: 1525490751544.jpg (63.26 KB, 501x504, cjfjoifuuaeca8i2.jpg)

No. 81679
>Men who are ugly, unattractive, average-looking, creepy, weird or just plain shamefulnta. idk this line makes me think OP's intention wasn't exactly posting these fuckbois but ok
i think the main difference is, if people fucked any of these ugly guys posted here they'd be truly ashamed whereas fucking these cute k-pop idols would be something they could brag about and also make their fangirls jealous af
No. 81684
>>81679>fucking these cute k-pop idols would be something they could brag about and also make their fangirls jealous afah I guess you have a point, a lot of people do genuinely find kpop idols ugly as fuck which is another reason why I'd say they're technically on-topic but generally speaking I guess it wouldn't really be shameful to fuck a fit successful dude with a huge admiring fanbase lol
>>81682there was a "guys you fap to" thread but even in there posting a single Korean dude would result in people accusing the poster of being an Asian incel trying to boost his own ego. maybe we need a Yellow Fever Containment Thread kek
No. 81687
File: 1525500866728.jpg (301.42 KB, 1280x720, generalhux-1280-1513800617531_…)

i Want. to Destroy Him
No. 81688
File: 1525501412754.jpg (125.06 KB, 683x1024, 14c83f762a2e63061f9a89a4f3de8f…)

i want peter tägtgren to ruin my life
No. 81741
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>>81673I'd hate to be his wife cuz then I'd have to realize the fact that he's fucked women so many times and he could've gotten someone pregnant.
No. 81943
File: 1525670646319.gif (1.71 MB, 503x281, taylor-kitsch-waco.gif)

Taylor Kitsch as David Koresh, I would be one of his wives.
No. 81975
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I'm unironically going to hell
No. 82501
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I'm sorry, but he's exactly my type.
No. 82527
File: 1526239921608.jpg (38.9 KB, 605x464, tumblr_p6gcpnNNhA1wwmmejo1_128…)

>>82501He was really cute back when he was still with Mars to be honest.
He's still handsome but after reading
>>82502 I literally can't unsee Rowan Atkinson in a wig when I look at him
No. 82537
File: 1526249031390.jpg (14.58 KB, 300x300, fat-nick-3.jpg)

whats wrong with me ugh
No. 82551
>>82527i think there's something to this. if you're conventionally hot you can be a jerk and you'll still look hot. but if you have one of these in between faces where you have some nice features and some derpy ones, how hot you appear really does change depending on your personality. if he was a really sweet interesting guy his cute features would be more obvious and his derpy ones might just come off as quirky and maybe even endearing. instead, we know he's a piece of shit and a narc so his derpy features just seem straight up ugly. don't kill me but i also think onion has a similar phenomenon. he has a few traditional handsome features among all the greasy and caveman ones so if he wasn't a rotten narc he would probably seem a lot cuter.
i know this might all sound very uwu but i really believe it
No. 82558
File: 1526256660574.jpeg (33.48 KB, 602x379, main-qimg-d624742193a38d7c893e…)

I find him adorable like I find pugs adorable but also I'd do him
No. 82589
File: 1526277450238.jpeg (23.51 KB, 220x288, CD7C3C57-29EF-4396-97D4-D54447…)

His hair is stupid but I love watching his dimples when he talks
No. 82597
File: 1526299332938.jpeg (11.88 KB, 511x288, images (4).jpeg)

I don't even know why
No. 82666
File: 1526371681689.png (279.52 KB, 439x563, 093099834JHF09.png)

Probably gained some weight, plus constantly eating ton of carbs and greasy food, it can make your face super puffy. It looks even more dramatic because he already has a big flat face naturally.
In "yeah right" he looked like his normal old self with his short hair, but every part were he has long hair he looks super bloated.
No. 82683
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No. 82730
File: 1526496975329.jpg (48.2 KB, 644x643, United_Bamboo_triad_mafia_1.JP…)

I'd fuck the long haired guy in the back
No. 82734
File: 1526500535062.jpg (45.28 KB, 625x415, gabe.jpg)

>>82730umm, but why would you be ashamed?
pic related is mine
No. 82766
File: 1526517680176.jpeg (5.64 KB, 299x168, download.jpeg)

In my recollection I thought he would be shameful but now that I google imaged him I don't he's bad at all. What do other anons think?
No. 82832
File: 1526618222858.jpg (67.63 KB, 710x473, 02-jared-kushner-saudi-arabia.…)

dropped my pic oops
No. 83146
File: 1526948736201.jpg (57.51 KB, 960x640, morgue.jpg)

This bottle blond edgelord tbh. His "cult" is ignorant and filled with underlying anger, seems like he has his head shoved so deep up his ass, and his face looks like an old bag of bones, but I think he looks really cool when he performs and his smile is cute. Also does anyone know how old he is? He looks like he's in his early 40s with that wrinkly ass face.
No. 83157
File: 1526955865466.jpg (303.59 KB, 2235x1377, henryrollins.jpg)

whoops dropped image
No. 83160
>>83158Cause I’m on my phone
>>83155Oh of course, I should have assumed “morgue” was that guy’s name. Silly me.
No. 83261
File: 1527133522956.jpeg (24.16 KB, 275x206, 1526164877592.jpeg)

>>82501He used to be kind of cute. Don't do drugs kids.
No. 83586
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No. 83689
File: 1527542916739.jpeg (34.52 KB, 600x350, 6EE1E211-7CB8-42A5-8393-98B7FE…)

Deffo let him stuff his big crucifix up my asshole
No. 83728
File: 1527572341117.jpeg (425.01 KB, 1242x1538, 4E2A434A-B7C0-4C0D-8375-27AE32…)

Slovakian view hungry potato David Dobrik.
No. 84151
File: 1528044614839.jpg (112.7 KB, 1077x1077, 30079978.jpg)

This fucker.
No. 84153
>>83586the fact ariana fucking grande is dating this ugly ass motherfucker… i'm disgusted. she always date the ugliest men. i swear i see better looking guys at the fucking bus stop. WHYYY would a celebrity
or anyone want to date that guy???
No. 84159
File: 1528046085800.png (382.89 KB, 550x550, ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent…)

His music sucks, he snorts a fuck ton of coke and looks like a demon but for some reason I want to ride him
No. 84176
File: 1528072068627.jpg (208.87 KB, 960x946, IMG_20180603_201432.jpg)

Everything about him is cringy, and he's such a tryhard edgelord, along with his music being complete trash but I just can help but find him so sexy.
Sadly he's just one among many in a long list of trashy SoundCloud rappers I would fuck.
No. 84205
File: 1528120944630.png (158.68 KB, 404x337, 1490999721268.png)

>>84159Worst one in this thread so far. Is this thing even human? Get some help, girl.
No. 84228
File: 1528148080802.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.71 KB, 771x960, IMG_20180604_173036.jpg)

>>84188No, he's Lil Peep's old roommate and is part of that general SoundCloud scene. He just looks a little feminine
No. 84230
File: 1528148884739.jpg (100.82 KB, 800x800, GR_Circ_800_N2_1024x1024.jpg)

He looks like I feel, a big mess. Idk if it's the tattoos, his drained face or the hopeless eyes, somehow I just want to jump him
No. 84241
File: 1528155490654.jpg (22.45 KB, 523x319, _20180605_002215.JPG)

I'm another young varg fan, but specifically the moment when he smiled at the camera after being found guilty is so hot to me and I'm not even close to being a metal fan
No. 84264
File: 1528170241785.jpg (16.84 KB, 220x220, 220px-Lil_Xan.jpg)

Lil Xan. He's hot as hell from certain angles and he's a sweetheart.
No. 84267
File: 1528175709794.png (156.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-05-07-09-56…)

>>84241>>84257>>84259From pic related and quick skimming of the Euronymous page I see that both of them were equally retarded.
No. 84283
>>84267>From pic related and quick skimming of the Euronymous page I see that both of them were equally retarded.Oh yeah, he's a massive lolcow. Nowadays he has a youtube channel ( where he regularly make videos of inane ramblings on topics like race and magna evropa stuff. He should have a thread here.
No. 84286
>>84283Wow, I'm lowkey horrified people might be actually listening to him and sharing his viewpoint.
He seems to be a piece of shit.
Side note - I know that so many metalheads hate the idea that they are dangerous or satanist… and then you have Varg.
No. 84289
>>84288Yup, 7 kids now.
His wife is 15 years younger than he is, and they got married in 2007, when she was around 19, but Varg only came out of prison in 2009. So it's likely that his wife initiated a correspondence with him as a fan, when he was in prison and she was in her teens. His first kid with her was born in 2007, before he was out of prison.
No. 84297
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wanting to fuck Gackt from like 15-20 years ago isn't that embarrassing, there's a few time periods where I think he looked incredible, I just feel like I was supposed to have stopped thinking that now that I'm not a teenage weeb
the fact that I'd still fuck him now that his face looks like it's sliding off is definitely something I'm ashamed of, I KNOW he's a gross old man who definitely has a massive ego but he was such a cutie when he used to wear leather and platforms and I'd accept being about 2 decades too late for that and fuck him now
No. 84303
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>>84297>he was such a cutie when he used to wear leather and platforms and I'd accept being about 2 decades too late for that and fuck him nowI'm gonna cry anon, he's been my main crush since forever. And I'd still die to do him, even nowadays lol
No. 84310
File: 1528221629476.jpg (121.44 KB, 750x1125, IMG_3990-1.jpg)

>>63152This motherfucker. I would 100% bone him despite being much younger than him. There's just something abt him.
No. 84316
>>84299Yeah I know but the whole burning churches and murdering fellow edgelord to see who's more deranged give metalheads a bad name.
>>84289>>842927 kids?! Does he not know to wrap his willie before he puts it in. Why do people that should not have any kids insist on having as many as possible?
I would be calmed by the autism of his wife but the fact that they have kids… Omg… How do you even explain the bullshit that you pulled in your youth? Must be nice to have a daddy who's a murderer as well as church burner and a notorious edgelord. I feel sorry for them.
No. 84321
>>84230Well, now's your chance I guess
>>83586He looks a lot better in videos than in photos. A real cutie in my opinion
No. 84348
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>>84339>>84303>>84297He's still fine as hell specially compared to the fugs in this thread. I'd be more concerned about his personality tbh always got creepy vibes from him. Would still bang tho
idk if he'd want a hafu like me he seems pretty obsessed with white girls No. 84372
File: 1528259969989.jpg (116.99 KB, 1200x668, DRlUvQoUQAAhwts.jpg)

>>84348Jesus anon, he sure is taking care of himself but the hairstyle does his face no favors. He looks like a bitchy mother of your high school friend who's fat and spends all days watching soap operas, gossiping and arguing.
Hideo fucking Kojima looks better, and he's not trying to be a heartthrob.
No. 84398
>>84372He looks like my chinese boyfriend's mom.
tbh I've always thought Gackt was mad overrated. He wasn't ugly but there were plenty of other jrockers that were more attractive imo.
No. 84401
File: 1528280032702.gif (1.58 MB, 280x210, tumblr_p9naeqrdRJ1r8dxfio6_400…)

>>84348idk if he'd want a hafu like me he seems pretty obsessed with white girls…that's the one thing that always gave me hope lol
>>84372I disagree. Now his styling might be horrible and he's had too much ps, but when he was younger his face was definitely extraordinary, way above the average Japanese man. And besides Atsushi Sakurai and maybe young Hyde pretty much everybody else looks shit.
No. 84424
>>84401He was incredibly pretty when he was young, but I have no idea what happened. Seeing his current photos was a shock. I'm not surprised that he decided to have lots of ps. Wonder if that was truly the best they could do. I don't get why he has that awful hairstyle. That's the worst thing about his current look.
Someone buy this man a nice wig
No. 84445
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>>84297Sorry but this pic really makes him look like Ahmed Angel
No. 84462
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>>84446>>84459But anons, he is not just a man, he is planet
No. 84466
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No. 84503
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>>84466To add, Dr Disrespect. He cheated on his wife and is a classically loud annoying streamer but he is so handsome to me.
No. 84533
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he's such a qt when he shaves ughghgh kill me
No. 84543
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>>63152Not sure if ashamed and his voice is sexy as fuck
No. 84548
File: 1528466472240.png (69.59 KB, 960x720, ed-miliband.png)

Comes off as the sort of person who trips over a lot and burns the toast he tries to make for himself every morning. It's adorable imo
No. 84552
>>84543You should be ashamed due to how awful of a dude this guy is irl….
He recently got arrested because he called a bomb threat on a chick he had a problem with while he was on a subway
No. 84575
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>>84546He makes money on a persona that is made to appeal to the mass shitheads of twitch. He also accepted the streamer of the year award then right after cried about how he felt bad for cheating on his wife. As a person he's an embarrassment and I'd feel gross sleeping with him even if I find him attractive.
No. 85846
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I'm not even sure why.
No. 85898
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No. 85900
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Not sure if I’m ashamed but I am kinda shocked about the fantasies I’ve started having about him.
No. 86003
>>85995Anon, futuba
is 2ch…
No. 86014
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Don’t @me
No. 86112
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He got dem PSLs
No. 86117
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i've thought he was hot since the social network tbh
No. 86167
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I dreamed we hooked up and that it was the best sex I have ever had. After that I've had a small crush on him
No. 86170
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Jimmy Fallon, alcoholic cokehead who is a terrible late night host but I’ve loved him since Perfect Catch and I think he looked hot as fuck in his Howard Stern interview.
>>86151I’ve read some future episode descriptions and they indicate he’s alive, atleast.
No. 86174
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>>86112Gonna have to agree with you
>>86167If I could be sure that no one would ever find out, I'd sleep with Jake Paul
No. 86175
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>>86167Same but I’d made me him hate him even more. I have a thing for hatefucking gross idiots thoww
No. 86202
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>>86167i'd rather jake paul, he looks so dumb but in kind of a cute way
No. 86204
File: 1529876396596.jpg (149.58 KB, 970x545, MST3K-vol-xxxviii-featured.jpg)

Mike Nelson as the character of Mike on MST3K, feels weird because the character in the skits seemed so sweet and innocent, feels wrong to want to fuck him so bad. But I've been re-watching MST3K lately and every time he's on screen I'm like damn…I really want to fuck Mike.
No. 86205
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>>86170He was even non shamefully fuckable at one time. Young Jimmy Fallon was so cute, damn.
No. 86212
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>>81054I'll do you one better and come out that I always wanted to fuck Caesar himself. Yes, the historical figure. On all accounts he was super charming and a chick magnet even if balding prematurely.
No. 86224
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>>86212Oh speaking of Roman emperors, i want to fuck Caligula, yeah the insane one. I just want to choke him lmao.
No. 86225
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>>86212girl me too, historical figures are my jam
but I think Oswald Mosley when he was young was qt. but he also got me out of my true crime thirst phase after i learned about non-nazi fascism.
i'd fuck mussolini too >>86224>choking boysgod tier fetish anon
on a side note i think bill hader is weirdly handsome… but that's a pretty popular opinion i suppose.
No. 86226
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>>86212Ceaser lookin like Ryan styles tbh
No. 86236
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>>86212Same. Also, Napoleon. Ugh. I bet he wasn’t as cute and he is in this painting but I don’t care.
No. 86238
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>>86236I never thought anyone else had a crush on Napoleon, I've been into him ever since I saw this painting of him young with his long dog-ears haircut, such a cute face.
No. 86254
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Extra shame.
No. 86263
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T-Bag from Prison Break anyone? I'm sure I'm not alone. Dirty old inbred rapist, pedo and a murderer, but so charismatic I'd grab his pocket.
Not only the character but the actor Robert Knepper can get it.
No. 86267
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samefag but also, i wouldn't just fuck this austrian analytic philosopher, i'd marry the hell out of him
No. 86270
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(sage bc already been posted)
but DAMN Post Malone is adorable in his own way to me, and his personality makes him 10000 times hotter, (but if a told my friends they'd laugh)
No. 86273
>>8623610/10 brooding cutie, would fuck.
He looked so good in paintings before he got fat and bald and apparently became a syphilis-riddled alcoholic. IDK what it is with short men and their power complexes.
Caesar was mentioned to be like 5'6-5'7 as well.
No. 86274
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>>86225Not only Mussolini, but Stalin was apparently a real looker when he was young.
I feel really bad for saying that knowing what he's done, but damn. He coulda gotten it.
No. 86276
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>>86014That looks like Tom Felton but I know it isn't. I think.
Apropos Tom Felton, why isn't he in more movies? I barely see him in anything these days.
No. 86281
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>>81054>>86212I liked Joachim Phoenix as Nero
No. 86282
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Since everybody is posting historical crushes…
No. 86285
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>>63152Continuing historical cuties with Archibald Christie
No. 86286
>>86281Damn. What is it with Mediterranean megalomaniacs.
>>86283Those cheekbones. Novalis was kinda crush material as well.
No. 86289
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i'm ashamed because he's like 3 years younger than me, he really does look like an egg, and i fell for the bts trap. but his voice gets me wet for some reason.
I want him to dom me.
No. 86290
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>>86281Him and that armour (unfortunately historically inaccurate) is perfection.
I really like the praetorian armour from the gladiator movie.
No. 86294
File: 1529952754193.jpg (36.15 KB, 600x600, VRC8ihA.jpg)

not sure if i'm necessarily ashamed, but man cristiano ronaldo is a qt. he's not even my type or extremely handsome, but there's something about him that I just find adorable.
No. 86313
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josef mengele. yup im garbage.
No. 86314
I have this weird thing where I project my sexual self-hatred onto Mumkey Jones, I love imagining him either physically/emotionally abusing me and/or watching him with his qt gf fuck while they tell me what an ugly bitch I am
>>86313kind of agree actually
No. 86315
File: 1529968705220.jpg (7.52 MB, 2670x3611, Aubrey_Beardsley_ca._1895.jpg)

I love all the anons here posting historical crushes, never change. Late 19th century artist Aubrey Beardsley is my historical crush, he's very striking.
>>86289lol he look like a whole boiled egg and I think he's dumb and fakedeep but he's still cute.
No. 86318
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>>86313if it makes you feel any better i unfortunately have a thing for joseph goebbels. He was ugly cute.
Anyways my shameful fuck is david koresh though.
No. 86407
File: 1530061878099.jpg (266.86 KB, 960x897, IMG_20180626_210123.jpg)

Honestly on the topic of historical crushes, William Shakespeare was definitely a babe, and that little gold hoop earring of his just adds to it.
>>86289Same anon. I think he's try-hard, fake deep and lame. His raps are subpar and usually cringy, and unless he has his makeup done right he's ugly as shit. But I would still let him smash
No. 86467
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Zillakami has the trashiest fucking grill owns an actual rocket launcher and makes bad music which are traits im drawn to i just find him cute
No. 86473
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>>86407he seriously looks like charlie day in this painting lmao
No. 86529
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>>86473Oh wow, he's adorable.
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia is my history crush. That beard tho
No. 86530
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I wanna fuck Michael Mosley, he reminds me of my dad.
>>68224Lol same, love the series so much, find him irritating irl.
No. 86553
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I think he was already posted, but… Dat insane bone structure and gorgeous mouth thought.
No. 86606
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>>86553god what i wouldn't give for a foursome with him, dahmer, and bundy
young btk was hot too.
No. 86665
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>>86664fuck, forgot to drop pic like a retard.
No. 86674
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>>86665He looks cuter with a shaved head imo but I honestly didn't know he was considered ugly until everyone was saying they were surprised Ariana got together with someone so "ugly". He's different looking but I never thought ugly lol
No. 86675
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John F Kennedy
I think he was by far the hottest US president.
No. 86680
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>>86673I think he's lovebombing her and this is all gonna blow up in a few months. Hopefully before they get married
Annnnyways I love him in Workaholics. He's not my type at all but he seems really sweet and is super funny. His wife is a lucky girl
No. 86691
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Ashamed only because they look super feminine
No. 86694
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didn't think it was that shameful but my friends laughed at me when I told them…
No. 86700
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>>86691I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks so. Have you listened to both their solo projects? Love their music, and it helps that they're attractive as well.
No. 86701
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I'm ashamed because I feel creepy for it and the only good pic of him I can find is him with his babies, but Jungkook's dad was really good looking.
No. 86702
>>86696Wyatt and Fletcher Shears from the band The Garden
>>86700Yes, in fact I was inspired to post this because I just downloaded Wyatt's new LP lol
>>86694Who's this?
No. 86729
>>86701Jungkook himself said his mom chased him because he was too attractive lmao
She wasn´t wrong!
No. 86848
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Should i be ashamed of this
>>86694Don’t be ashamed anon, your friends must have shiit taste
No. 86858
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>>86236>>86238When I was in high school I did a paper on Napoleon, and of course went on Wikipedia like a lazy fuck. At one point the article mentioned a letter he wrote to his lover where he's pretty much longing to eat her out, something like 'I kiss you lower, lower, and lower still…', and that was the earliest time I can remember getting turned on.
>imagining one of the most powerful men in the world enthusiastically eating your pussy No. 86870
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>>63826>>70573>>70575>>70577>>70800>>70847>>74351>>74416>>77169>>77673>>84241Quite late to the party, but I agree with all of you. Nazis, blonde '80s jocks/bad guys, and long haired metal guys are my guilty pleasure.
Plus they are like forbidden fruit to me since I'm not white, oopsAlso Karl Brommann is the best Nazi husbando
No. 86878
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Tbh, Chairman Kaga from Iron Chef
No. 86879
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>>86878The way he bit into that bell pepper still gets me after all these years
No. 93175
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yes i would
No. 94971
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I can't be the only one…
No. 131535
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>>64960great taste anon. i fantasizing about him as well and his young photograph is actually pretty cute.
No. 131536
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>>86467he make a perfect black twink if he doesnt dress like that
No. 149095
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Michael Jackson is my shameful crush.
No. 149099
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>>149095sis you necro'd the wrong thread, the new one is thissaway
>>148891 No. 247351
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I just can't stop thinking about it
No. 290605
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His behavior is shit, but appearance..
No. 290609
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>>290605In retrospect he looks gay
No. 311327
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Eden Altmeyer
No. 311502
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No. 311504
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No. 312261
>>312107It's not you, it's the BPD.
Or so I hope.
No. 312937
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Creepy thin man Cripsin Glover. The way he smoked in this particular scene and casually tossed the cigarette… wielded that sword… fuck me. Also love his non-verbal nature paired with autismo screeching.
No. 313077
File: 1676594633392.png (100.41 KB, 237x291, imsorry.png)

i know he's dead and i'm glad, he was a legitimate piece of shit. but i am deeply ashamed over my wish to have been able to slap him around a bit and take some of his money. i am so sorry
No. 313384
>>312258he looks old. but would have been hot like 20-30 years ago. i cant really answer this creatively because i don't want to picture him.
>>312261hard to draw a line btwn the two at this point honestly
>>312288blessed anon
No. 315250
File: 1677947780925.jpg (267.22 KB, 1536x2048, 20230304_113116.jpg)

I can't exactly put my finger on it, but there's something about him that would just make me regret even being in his presence. Like, he's cute in a dorky way, but I know I'm coming out of it fucked.
No. 315982
>>315681Yeah, he has similar mannerisms to a guy I use to be into back in college who was emotionally/mentally
abusive, so maybe that's why.
No. 317949
File: 1679447393212.png (73.59 KB, 781x408, 1679198487281.png)

He cute
No. 317950
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Maybe I read too many mafia boss x reader Wattpad stories as a middle schooler but something about a man who smokes cigars and has no problems with killing, but he just does it for me
No. 322103
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(off topic)
No. 323404
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Jeremy Clarkson, he was once attractive at least. The sheer size of this man is turn on ngl
No. 346339
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Schizo with pattern baldness. Would tho.
No. 346350
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>>346349I find his face genuinely cute, he has good cheekbones. That hairline is tragic though.
No. 346427
File: 1693075696134.png (123.82 KB, 304x401, bbg.png)

Bill Oakley from Better Call Saul. I want to degrade him and bully him for balding. He kinda has that loser energy which makes me like him.
No. 346452
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We'd autistically discuss music for hours then fuck tenderly
No. 346954
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I think he’s pretty hot
No. 346955
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>>346954I know he’s a man whore I don’t really follow the alt cows his makeup is cringe and he’s stubby kek but I would hit that