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No. 47024
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Jimmy Urine
No. 47025
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Putin. I want to marry him, not even joking.
No. 47028
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Anthony Bourdain.
I know that he's old and sometimes he looks like a butch lesbian woman…but there's something about him.
No. 47029
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Fenriz from Darkthrone.
No. 47030
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Ron Perlman. I don't know why because he's so not conventionally attractive. There's just something about his voice and the characters he plays though.
No. 47034
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Geoffrey Rush is so marvelously talented and considerably underrated imo.
No. 47035
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He gives me creep vibes but I still would
No. 47036
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Danzig. He is 40 years older than me and kind of an ass but damn he used to be fine
My niqqa
No. 47038
File: 1453747373620.jpg (449.88 KB, 2298x3062, BruceCampbell.jpg)

I'm never ashamed to say I'd fuck the hell out of Bruce Campbell in the Army of Darkness years because he was really hot, problem is, I watched Ash vs Evil Dead and I still feel a thing towards him
No. 47039
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Gary Oldman
No. 47041
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Not entirely ashamed.
No. 47042
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Henry Rollins
I saw him last thursday at one of his gigs and he's as thicc as they say
No. 47044
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Anthony Kiedis, he's over 50, he's… not smart, he's just weird and has done some weird things.
No. 47048
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Jason Lee. He was a babe.
No. 47049
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Me too. Love him
Early 00's Putin was prime
No. 47050
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No. 47054
File: 1453769262421.gif (498.71 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lsxajhHPNX1qlggmro1_500…)

maybe Jimmy Pop from Bloodhound Gang
>you and me ain't nothing but mammals
>so let's do it like they do on discovery channel
… I'm ashamed
No. 47063
File: 1453828397017.jpg (92.27 KB, 1280x720, Image3.jpg)

I want him to take me to Flavor Town
No. 47069
File: 1453864881275.jpg (47.74 KB, 704x396, knife-party.jpg)

I used to (and occasionally still do) have wild fantasies about the former bassist and vocalist of Pendulum/both members of Knife Party. At the same time. They're both like 35 and kinda gross lmao
pendulum get back together plz both of you have a good voices
No. 47070
File: 1453873161494.png (484.2 KB, 709x603, Capture2.PNG)

>saggy man tits
>probably insane
I'd fuck him in a heartbeat
No. 47071
File: 1453875851108.jpg (25.27 KB, 463x454, 1448078266051.jpg)

Charlie Kelly. Like Charlie Day is cute af to begin with but you know he's the wildcard for a reason
No. 47073
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No. 47076
File: 1453930537450.jpg (128.6 KB, 1200x1600, Rose Mcgowan Hot Images (1).jp…)

I still have zero idea how he got a babe like Rose Mcgowan to date this greasy ass.
No. 47077
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No. 47079
File: 1453931294196.jpg (136.85 KB, 723x960, IMG_20160127_144718.jpg)

Yes! Agree. Sorry I was a 90s kid lol
Is Bruce Willis shameful? Bc him too.
No. 47081
File: 1453931917722.jpg (59.62 KB, 400x600, ryland_blackinton_2009_11_16.j…)

Ryland Blackinton, former guitarist for Cobra Starship. I also share a birthday with him, haha
No. 47082
File: 1453933845005.jpg (470.17 KB, 1024x814, 98464611.jpg)

Anon, are you FUCKING ME? I actually find Ryland to be very attractive, but I think his attractiveness grew on me after I saw a lot of off stage clips with Cobra starship and he seems very intelligent. He just seems like a legit smart, funny and charming guy. Also, Guy Ripley.
Bonus: Gabe's face in this photo. haha. (I'm a huge Cobra starship fan and would love someone else to gush about with that band. seriously)
No. 47084
File: 1453939132762.jpg (42.23 KB, 500x335, tumblr_lees5mZrqH1qautxxo1_500…)

I LOVE the Guy Ripley character! I recently binge watched TAI TV and CobraCam for the first time in about 5 years, so I'm also a huge fan :)
No. 47085
File: 1453939809523.jpg (11.7 KB, 170x240, guyripley-1.jpg)

Anon, bless you. Please email me so we can avoid derailment while we worship Guy Ripley (and other band shit) together.
No. 47088
File: 1453955689602.jpg (84.34 KB, 580x535, Tim_buckley_necklace.jpg)

That feel when one time I got high and admitted to my boyfriend that I'd hate-fuck Tim Buckley, creator of Ctrl+Alt+Del
No. 47089
File: 1453959792962.jpg (111.23 KB, 497x369, ryland.jpg)

I met him when I was a lil emo kid. He was very nice to me and went out of his way to make sure that I knew he was acknowledging me. It was really cool tbh.
No. 47091
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No. 47095
File: 1454032017736.jpg (82 KB, 500x597, vladimir-putin-most-interestin…)

so cute
No. 47096
File: 1454039204238.jpg (654.38 KB, 1326x2000, rose-mcgowan-jHiLSHwj8HP93DMW_…)

The Manson concerts I've been to are like what I imagine a boy band concert would be like. Loads of screaming girls and even non-goth chavy looking girls screaming that they want to marry him. I've been to many many rock concerts and while heavy metal concerts have more titty flashing I've never seen girls go as crazy for anyone else as they do for Manson.
I don't know what his concerts were like during his 90s peak but by the early 00s it was like this.
I always thought she was average looking. Plus remember back then she was trying to be an edgy goth and wore this to the VMAs.
It's strange how Rose McGowan turning up like this in the 90s wasn't a big deal but when Miley Cyrus, Amber Rose, etc do the same thing today we're meant to be shocked.
No. 47100
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Don't forget Frau Schneider, though.
No. 47101
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Hope this isn't powerleveling but my mom dated him for around a year before he was famous, she said that he was a dick but good in bed lmao.
Anyways, I'd fuck $crim from $uicideboy$ and feel dirty forever. He's such white trash and cringey but I have a weird crush on him. (He looks a bit like Trace Cyrus, right?)
No. 47102
File: 1454088354949.jpg (102.36 KB, 500x600, Eddie-Redmayne.jpg)

So shoot me. He'd whisper sweet nothings in my ear doing prone bone, pulling my hair, and then blowing load so big it would impress hentaI artists.
No. 47104
File: 1454095132185.jpg (125.28 KB, 612x816, jpop.jpg)

would still bang at 43
No. 47108
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I'd sit on his lap anyday
No. 47112
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There's just something weirdly attractive about him
No. 47115
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He kinda looks like that dude from hannibal
No. 47116
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Stephen Dillane. A little ashamed because he's old, but he still looks good so eh.
I wanna see Putin in a wig play in S4 Hannibal
No. 47118
File: 1454142084718.gif (1.9 MB, 268x338, John_Murphy.gif)

I just started watching The 100 (no spoilers please) and I think John (Richard Harmon) is a weird kind of cute.
No. 47232
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No. 47235
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Lolcow be like…
No. 47237
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Young Putin was a cutie too
No. 47238
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This weird motherfucker. Why do I find him attractive? I have no idea.
No. 47240
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No. 47241
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No. 47246
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Not really ashamed. I love guys who are goofy.
No. 47248
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except actually i'm not ashamed at all
No. 47249
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so fluffy
No. 47252
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baby putin
No. 47258
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Putin looking at this thread
No. 47261
File: 1454425663969.jpg (20.68 KB, 400x300, Putin_cane_xin--400x300.jpg)

I think baby pics give you a good idea of what your kids would look like if putin got you pregnant.
No. 47268
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>tfw Putin will never give your boobs a thumbs up
No. 47271
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No. 47272
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just throwing some Putin by
No. 47273
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No. 47279
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He's the reason I find tanktops incredibly attractive on men.
Also, he might be old now but he's still got it.
No. 47282
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>tfw putin will never hold you like he holds his dogs
No. 47284
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No. 47285
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Teller! I have a thing for short guys. Also watching these two next to each other kind of does something for me. I guess it's a kink thing. Actually it's not limited to guys, it's the same with Gillian Anderson in X Files, etc.
No. 47291
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I couldn't get over how hot he was in Boardwalk Empire. God damn.
No. 47292
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the gorton's fisherman mascot
No. 47293
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I haven't watched that yet but damn he does look good..
No. 47295
File: 1454641662363.jpg (51.6 KB, 582x991, brawny.jpg)

HAHA I forgot about him! They seem to have revamped his design.
>With thirsty O's
I am so tempted now to write shitty fanfics about male ad mascots.
No. 47296
File: 1454643182957.jpg (17.01 KB, 240x300, donofrio-sm.jpg)

That kind of autistic detective role he played in Law & Order made me want to fuck him.
No. 47298
File: 1454645575451.jpg (99.89 KB, 550x347, TheReportOfTheWeek-youtube.jpg)

I think he's legal now so it's okay.
I would fuck the shit out of him
No. 47301
File: 1454675686661.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.74 KB, 620x349, 5155319f-fffe-4a64-bb44-196f5f…)

saw this and thought of you guys
No. 47302
File: 1454676912180.png (77.16 KB, 262x195, 225.png)

mr clean anyone?
No. 47305
File: 1454680835091.jpg (148.31 KB, 900x1204, wLWwo (1).jpg)

Willem Fuckin Dafoe. I never find his face attractive tbh, but I have a feeling if he told me to fuck him, I would in a heartbeat.
No. 47306
File: 1454687511821.jpg (17.91 KB, 553x549, jeannette-barron-dafoe.jpg)

yes! reminds me of all the nights spent watching l&o, he's cute
sure. his face is not too bad, looks a bit haggard now that he's older cause it's so angular, but still nice, especially when he was younger
No. 47307
File: 1454690513651.gif (1009.76 KB, 500x250, groovy bruce.gif)

Yesss, anon. He's just got such good bone structure, ugh.
No. 47309
File: 1454694458897.gif (1.52 MB, 250x250, chardee.gif)

God, yes. The scene he had with Dee in season 10 did things for me.
>tfw you will never be the tall, gangly girl that makes out with Charlie Day
No. 47317
File: 1454713954152.png (286.9 KB, 441x350, llll.png)

I fucking love the skinny nerd type like dayum.
No. 47318
File: 1454714372259.jpg (63.01 KB, 600x400, I would destroy this bear man …)

I can't even front, I fucking love husky, bear-type guys like pic related. They're cuddly.
No. 47319
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M-My summoner name includes his name in there as well. And he looks exactly like my Fiance when he has long hair.
>tfw not a qt short asian loli to snag a pro lcs player
Its okay my fiance is at challenger in elo anyways lol
No. 47329
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Riff Raff :(
No. 47333
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Usually not attacted to someone younger than me, but damn hes cute
doesn't help hes was prob underage in this photo.
No. 47335
File: 1455582015834.jpg (758.95 KB, 1280x800, ZxzjKiN.jpg)

I'd bang most of the Russian guys I've met IRL. I think it's the sharp features and utterly uninterested resting facial expression.
No comment on Putin.
No. 47336
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No. 47337
File: 1455583819512.jpg (76.96 KB, 600x696, image.jpg)

Feels bad 'cause he's almost 40.
>tfw Tanahashi will never hold you tight while fucking you senseless
kill me now.
No. 47338
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Dan Mintz…uhhhhhhhhhhh
No. 47340
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Trevor Philips/Steven Ogg
Its embarrassing
No. 47343
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They're amazing aren't they
No. 47344
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I also liked his new wave grandma aesthetic from the eighties but David Sylvian is still a qt
No. 47345
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Oooh anons, hold me.
I have a huge obsession with him.
No. 47347
File: 1455854832114.jpg (9.97 KB, 250x373, Severus_Snape.jpg)

Alan Rickman in general, but particularly as Snape. Made my childhood weird as fuck. Broke my heart when he passed away, may he RIP
Goddamn, anon, YES!
Goofy chubby dudes do things to me, he's so cute
I found Trevor weirdly atractive and then when I saw Steven IRL… he's so hot
No. 47348
File: 1455855952617.jpg (205.83 KB, 500x500, 388823-tom-felton-getty-crop.j…)

I don't blame you, anon. Snape is my weird obsession too when I'm in Harry Potter craze phase. Him and Malfoy when his hair is slicked back like in Harry Potter 1&2. Never liked Tom Felton's hair not slicked back as Malfoy, I don't know why…
No. 47349
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I know its bad
No. 47354
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No. 47356
File: 1455943512606.jpg (85.7 KB, 1366x719, maxresdefault.jpg)

Why are you ashamed that you want to fuck him? I mean, Leo is a total hunk, both young and old <3
No. 47357
File: 1455945178239.jpg (80.8 KB, 620x372, 3600.jpg)

Martin Shkreli. His douchebag confidence really does it for me tbh. Also I find his love for chemistry/teaching it kinda cute.
No. 47358
File: 1455950523660.jpg (35.22 KB, 630x420, JohnDarnielle.jpg)

this is probably my most shameful one. I don't know, I don't even really care for the "sensitive" type irl. There's just something about him that gets to me. 10/10 would journey to georgia with
No. 47362
File: 1455985093741.jpg (80.6 KB, 340x360, james-franco-480x360.jpg)

James Franco.
Not that shameful to be honest, but the fact that he wanted to fuck a teenager kinda makes me cringe
No. 47368
File: 1456011032964.jpeg (633.75 KB, 1960x3008, image.jpeg)

Idk what it is about him. It's so embarrassing. Especially since half the time I'm thinking "derpdy derp!". You could add Edward Furlong to my list (and I mean current), but I simultaneously get a little depressed when I see him.
No. 47374
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No. 47375
File: 1456178751586.jpg (18.1 KB, 340x341, putin.jpg)

This thread has given me a Putin fetish. Thank you.
No. 47376
File: 1456208200940.jpg (20.79 KB, 300x300, MTE5NDg0MDU1Mzg2Njg2OTkx.jpg)

I don't even know if I'm really ashamed, but I get weird looks when I mention him. Jeff Goldblum has been a crush of mine forever and he's aged really damn well imo.
No. 47390
File: 1456612206308.gif (1.22 MB, 500x292, tumblr_nitm48lPOb1rpryxxo1_500…)

james spader in his secretary days is making me feel guilty
No. 47394
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young Dan Aykroyd
No. 47396
File: 1456633140471.jpg (42.73 KB, 427x640, tmp_24485-1mang03412207765.jpg)

Idk if you guys keep up with esports, but I'm pretty ashamed to admit I'd totally fuck Mang0. He's a Smash Bros player who is probably drunk most of the time and dresses like a homeless frat brother.
No. 47403
File: 1457200270825.jpg (355.29 KB, 1036x691, the-revenant-official-trailer-…)

lol overcooked leo is still a hunk in my opinion
i'd be ashamed to fuck leo in the revenant though. he looked pretty unappealing in that movie, but, but…i mean, he's leo…
No. 47404
File: 1457637296977.jpg (177.52 KB, 1280x1256, tumblr_o0w9neBCEz1v3hqoqo1_128…)

the dude who plays filthy frank
i wanna be his artsy house wife
No. 47407
File: 1457648217549.jpg (58.96 KB, 620x393, xq4e2be.jpg)

Any 1D member, except for the gay one, and including the one who's technically not a member anymore
No. 47409
File: 1457721734758.jpg (28.69 KB, 400x535, saul.jpg)

Not even ashamed
No. 47414
File: 1457723256128.gif (3.11 MB, 500x284, jimmy.gif)

Exactly. It's definitely the sleazy but suave personality. That silver tongue he's got is so attractive too.
I'm so glad he got his own spin-off show.
No. 47416
File: 1457906202599.jpg (504.78 KB, 1920x1052, TommyWiseau.jpg)

i feel so fucking weird pls help
No. 47417
File: 1457907984408.jpg (28.93 KB, 650x366, jullianassange.jpg)

christ is that what he looks like now
Julian Assange. Mainly how he looked around 2010. He's not aging well but I probably still would
No. 47420
File: 1457909657578.jpg (26.36 KB, 720x404, 1331394859743.jpg)

I would too.
No. 47421
File: 1457909964568.jpg (32.33 KB, 500x408, julian-assange-new-york.jpg)

Me too anon, no shame. His voice and way of speaking is super hot.
No. 47422
File: 1457917192465.gif (2.22 MB, 628x338, lesrevenants-simon.gif)

I suppose it's not shameful to lust after an actor but I'm a bit ashamed to say my attraction didn't even fade a little when he was essentially playing a rotting corpse. I really feel like it should have
No. 47427
File: 1457953249184.gif (1.75 MB, 245x150, tumblr_miute6sAi41r8vzdno3_r1_…)

all of this and no t bag
No. 47428
File: 1457953603770.jpg (118.65 KB, 960x640, John-Abruzzi-prison-break-3768…)

and John Abruzzi, and Alexander Mahone, EVERYONE on prison break are so fucking hot. Me and my bestfriend watched this show when we were still young teens and developing our sexuality and I think it really shows until this day.
No. 47429
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lastly alex mahone that it I'm out sorry for the spam.
No. 47431
File: 1457963283649.jpg (24.14 KB, 424x520, 0DlaT5u.jpg)

He's not awful looking when dressed as a normal person
No. 47432
File: 1458007272230.jpg (18.38 KB, 460x460, stupid sexy milo.jpg)

help me, farmers
i don't even know why, i think i just saw him on channel 4 news one day & he made me laugh. i like his smugness, don't entirely agree with at least half of his politics though.
i quite like harry styles, particularly when he looks like he hasn't washed his hair for about three weeks & it's all falling in his face
No. 47713
File: 1458009194188.jpg (54.85 KB, 600x600, fabulous and smug.jpg)

>>128026ooh i hadn't been on there, think i might purchase this baby: No. 47714
File: 1458119353635.jpeg (38.45 KB, 400x535, image.jpeg)

Goddamn son', can someone please explain why I want to gargle his marbles
No. 47720
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George Mendez….
No. 47721
File: 1458443567456.jpg (145.65 KB, 620x375, fred-armisen-stern.jpg)

I can't explain this one.
No. 47727
File: 1458512537816.jpg (31.4 KB, 620x348, OU9Chos.jpg)

Elon Musk, because he looks like a lesbian and is a confirmed awful husband
No. 47730
File: 1458608012720.jpg (202.4 KB, 1920x1080, Robert Maillet.jpg)

I would never say this to anyone else, ever, but I want to ride his dick and call him daddy as he either hugs me into a tight embrace or pins me down.
My size difference kink is only adding more fuel.
No. 47731
File: 1458621548601.jpeg (46.93 KB, 535x813, image.jpeg)

I have a thing for Rob Corddry. My bf makes fun of me all the time, but recently it has mind fucked him into thinking that I have bad taste in general and questions his own attractiveness. I swear, I only have bad taste in white men—I never even go for them irl.
No. 47732
File: 1458624967564.jpeg (190.33 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpeg)

Most fuckable dead US president (or other dead world leader, I suppose)? I'd go with Franklin Pierce
Does anybody else get turned on by pictures of Civil War-era men?
No. 47733
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No. 47734
File: 1458645813342.jpg (9.21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

In an alternate universe I never scrolled up and found this comment.
Also I would 100% bang Adam from YourMovieSucks/AdamPlaze. He's gay and a furry but something about how feminine he looks and how openly perverted he is makes me want to fuck him despite knowing he isn't into women.
>tfw I will never be Adam's muscular dom bf
No. 47736
File: 1458670138880.jpeg (35.48 KB, 448x584, image.jpeg)

I like Teddy. Young pic, but I love his gusto period.
No. 47737
File: 1458767743641.jpeg (52.27 KB, 460x450, image.jpeg)

i miss him :(
No. 47739
File: 1458777186204.png (698.23 KB, 1269x864, Screenshot 2016-03-23 16.51.55…)

I know right :( He's a total babe…
No. 47743
File: 1459048263830.jpg (53.56 KB, 1280x720,…)

i don't know why.
No. 47749
File: 1459967250998.jpg (34.13 KB, 660x440, tmp_31600-Anthony_Fantano_Prom…)

He's such a babe to me. I love his humor. I'd never admit this anywhere but here, though… Everyone else seems to think he's cringe-y.
No. 47751
File: 1460067760238.jpg (156.96 KB, 960x637, SXSW_MAR_12_13-15-of-26-960x63…)

Why tho? I like his reviews, but he's so dumpy looking. He's also a race traitor.
No. 47752
File: 1460105064425.jpg (52.54 KB, 650x409, image.jpg)

He's overweight, ginger and balding. But damn, I would do bad things to Louis CK.
No. 47754
File: 1460277976487.jpg (43.34 KB, 630x354, 0008c310-630.jpg)

I find him much more attractive as The Hound, but he's still a qt
No. 47758
File: 1460290815935.jpg (88.73 KB, 600x600, CXLISxMUsAA7MYa.jpg)

Marc Maron thoooooo
No. 47759
File: 1460332324574.jpg (104.75 KB, 1066x1631, 1458421244474.jpg)

I recently developed a crush on Nicky II
Fucking bolsheviks man
No. 47762
File: 1460427964732.jpeg (398.69 KB, 1200x800, image.jpeg)

not bobby cannavale. richie finestra.
No. 47765
File: 1463045187571.jpg (40.01 KB, 600x615, 1458403470871.jpg)

I don't believe I'm the only one who thinks he's kind of cute.
No. 47770
File: 1463064096306.jpg (57.06 KB, 760x507, ezwkuk2jbjjeotypght9.jpg)

Lol who? All that came to my mind was this lil obscure rapper named Ethereal.
No. 47772
File: 1463072151596.jpg (6.42 KB, 240x240, ardal ohanlon.jpg)

Ardal O'Hanlon (Fr Dougal from Father Ted). I'm not entirely sure why but there you have it
No. 47774
File: 1463077819279.jpeg (83.82 KB, 750x685, image.jpeg)

I'd fuck/date idubbbz too
No. 47779
File: 1463110920201.png (308.14 KB, 672x352,…)

somehow unpopular in Asia
10/10 for me
No. 47785
File: 1463201243073.jpg (125.77 KB, 540x720, the-office.jpg)

gareth keenan from the office
i can recognize that he's ugly but i still want to fug him
i'm so ashamed
No. 47788
File: 1463255190158.jpg (89.73 KB, 972x475, got-game-of-thrones-34505699-9…)

Oh he was in GoT too.
No. 47790
File: 1463266222963.jpg (96.84 KB, 1280x720, 471031232_1280.jpg)

No. 47791
File: 1463295734911.jpg (110 KB, 456x750, 9870980.jpg)

Bones has a kinda uggo face but he's cute.
No. 47794
File: 1463362076165.jpg (165.83 KB, 1240x775, seinfeld-cast-ftr.jpg)

i would fuck all three of them
No. 47799
File: 1463452395057.jpg (54.05 KB, 640x360, tomska.jpg)

This faggot neckbeard makes me so angry; but I'd still fuck him.
No. 47801
File: 1463457105917.jpg (14.96 KB, 620x349, mitchell.jpg)

Fuck yes. I met him once, he was such a sweetheart. I wanted to climb him like a tree.
I've been in love with David Mitchell ever since I discovered Peep Show. He's such a nerd
No. 47802
File: 1463462953443.jpg (169.51 KB, 700x343, kxr7mA5.jpg)

Always felt weird about the sex dream I had about this guy. It was wonderful.
No. 47805
File: 1463488994292.jpg (18 KB, 460x276, GdsNbfe.jpg)

so much love for david mitchell, i'm only barely ashamed to say it
gordon ramsay though. now that is shameful. gross i'm gross
No. 47807
File: 1463502504476.jpeg (6.02 KB, 191x190, unghhdemteeth.jpeg)

I have a Koyasu problem. I'm way too into the smooth-ass-Japanese-baritone voice type. At any cost. Even them teeth and the fact he dresses like an edgy teen from 2006.
No shame here. I bet he'd be great
No. 47809
File: 1463583838028.jpg (430.44 KB, 1800x1200, Mulard_duck_being_force_fed_co…)

Gordon Ramsay is a big supporter of foie gras and claims that the geese enjoy having tubes inserted down their throat an maize funneled into their stomach to the extent that their livers swell and become diseased. Please don't support this cunt. His face is as ugly as his character.
No. 47812
File: 1463595587666.png (606.17 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2012-09-16-21h06m04s47…)

Just end me.
I've always had a crush on Onslow.
No. 47929
>>128123 last night stopped all purchasing from the French firm Ernest Soulard that supplies his foie gras.
Provide an official statement from him if this is the case. Not all foie gras is made in the same manner.
No. 47930
File: 1463612355152.jpg (22.69 KB, 280x390, SNN01TV3C-280_1283789a.jpg)

not sure if ashamed or just embarrassed, but definitely Louis Theroux
No. 47931
File: 1463615467294.png (245.29 KB, 550x600, 1454707870191.png)

I'd let Ian fuck me with a mauser bolt while he tells me about the history of the luger
No. 47936
File: 1463632568602.jpg (48.46 KB, 290x402, alecb.jpg)

im only half ashamed to admit id fuck the hell out of alec baldwin. that movie "mini's first time' with nikki reed and him was what really turned me on to him. plus i enjoy middle aged men. they have such a rugged look in their eyes, swoon
No. 47940
File: 1463774327248.jpg (23.45 KB, 640x360, _59726893_breivik.jpg)

Breivik can get it
He was so fucking hot in Pacific Rim
No. 47943
File: 1463786146240.jpg (25.57 KB, 466x350, article-1291736106729-0c5f2d56…)

Kind of attracted to Tim Minchin. Can't explain it at all, he's a bit annoying and kind of ugly. He was hot af as Judas in that shit production of JCS. He nailed that inner turmoil and mental anguish. Loved it.
No. 47944
File: 1463800325256.png (198.49 KB, 337x380, 1416807434270.png)

Fuck, Breivik a qt
No. 47945
File: 1463811131869.jpg (3.34 MB, 1944x2968, Adam_Driver_by_Gage_Skidmore.j…)

Most conventionally attractive men look boring as fuck to me. This guy though… He'd get it.
No. 47947
File: 1463846289640.jpg (16.22 KB, 236x364, 66c1a76285dccc4c9ea4e133ed7a66…)

lol the only reason I watch the show is because I have the dumbest fancrush on Adam
No. 47948
File: 1463850726212.jpg (704.44 KB, 1920x1080, john-oliver-1920.jpg)

I love this nearsighted parrot who works in a bank.
Though I’m not actually ashamed. Pretty jealous of his wife tbh.
No. 47949
File: 1464914656510.jpg (52.44 KB, 435x580, blakeshelton.jpg)

I would still totally fuck Johnny Depp, even if he did hurt Amber Heard, has rotten teeth, is chubby, and is an alcoholic/drug addict.
Also Blake Shelton. I cannot tell you a single song he has sang, in fact I barely remember what his voice sounds like. He is just very masculine looking to me and I totally would. But I am embarrassed to say that, mostly because I hate country music/country culture.
No. 47950
File: 1464914731483.jpg (60.96 KB, 600x600, Blake-Sheltonmullet.jpg)

Also this is what he used to look like. It is what makes me embarrassed to say I would fuck him. He looks like the m'lady type here.
No. 47955
File: 1464978586407.jpg (74.79 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

No. 47957
File: 1464981331094.jpg (413.86 KB, 573x765, img-hamilton-morris-2_12024482…)

Hamilton Morris, vice 'journalist' who makes documentaries about drugs
his documentaries are dumb and sensationalized but i watch them just for his twink ass
No. 48003
File: 1465065175918.jpg (143.32 KB, 1916x1077, ikji.jpg)

Ashens (
Don't even know why honestly, he's not my type at all and kinda too old. But something about his hands and his voice is just really weirdly attractive to me
No. 48005
File: 1465079287259.jpg (725.65 KB, 647x657, XK9U0fg.jpg)

Evan Breem, greasy vine funnyman and also my wet dream since forever for reasons unknown
No. 48010
File: 1465199635382.jpg (54.5 KB, 600x800, Ashens.jpg)

I would totally do him
No. 48013
File: 1465229681278.jpg (31.71 KB, 736x460, big_thumb_fd0f331a2b113d6d7bb9…)

Eminem, especially in his Slim Shady times
No. 48017
File: 1465246814180.jpeg (64.13 KB, 640x750, image.jpeg)

But he's dead now.
No. 48018
File: 1465276699217.jpg (139.96 KB, 787x806, tumblr_nc66ym9F8t1t0hxhzo1_128…)

He was so attractive and I actually liked his teeth, they had character (if that makes sense).
No. 48020
File: 1465282168400.jpg (34.49 KB, 452x600, Franz_Liszt.jpg)

But Ferenc looked like an old lesbian
No. 48024
File: 1465329871663.jpg (29.47 KB, 420x594, 84865329.jpg)

Phil Lynott. Not really ashamed, he's more like a dude that's oddly attractive. Too bad he got fucked on drugs & alcohol and died.
No. 48026
File: 1465337441322.jpg (436.17 KB, 940x1343, tumblr_nh7sdhpk7e1t7gmf1o1_128…)

UGH, Phil is one of my biggest crushes too, and I am also not ashamed.
No. 48028
File: 1465360734108.jpg (186.02 KB, 500x562, johnny.jpg)

I still would, even with the fat, disgusting teeth, alcoholism, drug use, and supposed violence.
No. 48029
File: 1465368966104.jpeg (89.8 KB, 1888x1062, image.jpeg)

Dreamt last night he was fucking me raw against the wall in an elevator, then a security guard came and was like nah and then I woke up. Oh man
No. 48030
File: 1465376227084.jpg (599.47 KB, 3691x2076, Mark-Kozelek-sourpuss.jpg)

Mark Kozelek. he's like 50 and isn't cute like he was in the 90s but i'd love if he rawed me. he just seems like such a mean sourpuss, i'd def cuddle him after and let him buy me things. he'd probably treat me like a teenager and write a song about it or w/e.
i've seen this guy's face before, who is he? cutie, no shame at all (unless he's a serial rapist or something)
No. 48031
File: 1465376462633.png (59.18 KB, 280x422, Mark-Kozelek.png)

oh nvm, i googled him and he only looks good in that picture.
(but look at this scowl bby)
No. 48032
File: 1465379900213.jpeg (289.51 KB, 686x385, hith-10-bill-E.jpeg)

I don't know if this counts, but
The ten dollar bill fucker.
No. 48035
File: 1465382341732.png (12.29 MB, 3691x2076, instagrameyebrows.png)

now he's irresistible!
No. 48039
File: 1465442059078.gif (1.6 MB, 400x400, tumblr_o8c73ctM1P1te11j2o3_r1_…)

Aww yeah, he's back
No. 48040
File: 1465454066904.jpg (48.62 KB, 500x599, Evan-Breen-Nice.jpg)

silly anon, you're just not looking hard enough. (unless you just don't like him like this)
look at that intense look
No. 48041
File: 1465454091999.jpg (14.87 KB, 480x480, 1233247685117698048_1437022810…)

such a qt
No. 48043
File: 1465455324725.jpg (205.94 KB, 620x465, anglesselfie.jpg)

angle is everything anon
sorry for not posting a cute guy, couldn't find a male example
No. 48045
File: 1465537526073.jpg (51.45 KB, 600x546, ChHhr8LWwAAToVP.jpg)

He's scrawny and weak everywhere but his forearms. Which are a huge turn-on for me, coincidentally.
No. 48047
File: 1465572008527.png (800.64 KB, 1252x1252, PopEye.png)

> He's scrawny and weak everywhere but his forearms. Which are a huge turn-on for me, coincidentally.
No. 48049
File: 1465688976088.jpg (55.83 KB, 342x465, don daddy.jpg)

There is just something about him. I'm sorry anons.
No. 48051
File: 1465720157805.jpeg (51.34 KB, 365x400, platon_putin1_fullsize.jpeg)

I don't know why I am so in love with this man lmfao
No. 48054
File: 1465741347949.jpeg (164.17 KB, 616x462, image.jpeg)

Who's with me. He can uh…iron…my chef..anytime.
No. 48056
File: 1465748050990.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.08 KB, 600x450, alton-brown.jpg)

He's decent. My favorite is definitely Alton Brown, but he doesn't belong in this thread because there's no way I'd ever be ashamed of him. He aged like fine wine.
No. 48057
File: 1465749727645.jpg (45.96 KB, 600x450, Jeremy-Irons-Net-Worth-600x450…)

Current Jeremy Irons.
Even though he's pushing 70
No. 48062
File: 1465828892753.jpg (64.77 KB, 620x372, AlexanderVI.jpg)

I feel you anon. I started binge watching The Borgias on Netflix and I'd totally be the pope's kept woman.
No. 48063
File: 1465853734872.jpeg (318.83 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

okay what the fuck happened to johnny??? i realized he aged but this is something diffirent.
anyways kenny hotz is my fetish. he's older and fatter now, but he can still get it.
No. 48065
File: 1465856121266.jpeg (1.02 MB, 4269x2849, image.jpeg)

Young Hugh Laurie is weirdly super hot. Especially in Blackadder.
But old Hugh Laurie is brainbendingly fantastic. I dig his House character so much. He could grumpy-fuck me any day.
No. 48066
File: 1465856608801.jpeg (494.82 KB, 927x1180, image.jpeg)

No. 48067
File: 1465856647338.jpeg (29.87 KB, 480x360, image.jpeg)

Even like this.
No. 48068
File: 1465886616896.jpg (17.28 KB, 236x521, 68e23f3ec95552cd24f643258ce6a5…)

Bam Margera. Before he started JUSTing, though
No. 48069
File: 1465891580994.jpg (44.76 KB, 960x540, In My Pants.jpg)

Craig Ferguson, now that I'd think about it. Wouldn't say ashamed, but certainly wouldn't admit it to many people.
No. 48140
File: 1466021270394.jpg (65.7 KB, 640x420, Madden-Brothers.jpg)

With Good Charlottes comeback I'm getting all kinds of shamefull teenage feels back, even though I think they're ugly af now
I've always felt so bad for the men on this show who isn't total trash with normal jobs and families.
Yeah, they only wait for them to message but when they finally do they're totally leading them on.
>should I bring a bathing suit?
>but if u forget it it's no biggeee
>cos it'll just be us
No. 48141
File: 1466055610655.jpeg (68.53 KB, 450x606, image.jpeg)

Seth Macfarlane, sigh
No. 48148
File: 1466107339360.jpg (30.95 KB, 610x378, tmp_17660-8874436-adam-nawalka…)

Watching Germany v Poland today, and I just realized that I'm attracted to Poland's coach, Adam Nawalka. He's sooo old, though.
No. 48149
File: 1466107574576.jpg (338.98 KB, 1371x2078, donald-tusk.jpg)

Aged Polish wine is best Polish wine
No. 48150
File: 1466112676213.jpg (16.43 KB, 300x300, MTE5NTU2MzE2MTIwMDU3MzU1.jpg)

Hey, he's not bad looking for a billionaire…
No. 48152
File: 1466194076456.jpg (359.08 KB, 2048x1536, 3-Blackadder.jpg)

The whole cast of Blackadder
(except Baldrick was better with hair like in earlier seasons, but they're all great)
No. 48153
File: 1466195985880.jpg (86.56 KB, 1044x1558, sir-Edmond-Blackadder-blackadd…)

Definitely. Blackadder II in those tight renaissance trousers. Unf
And then there's that nazi interrogation sketch from Fry and Laurie…
No. 48154
File: 1466198045120.jpeg (57.03 KB, 720x405, image.jpeg)

i just saw alice through the looking glass and i'm ashamed to say i want sacha baron cohen to do awful things to me dressed as Time
No. 48155
File: 1466198261022.jpg (85.24 KB, 609x503, 1466198125569-0.jpg)

I'm not even a brit.
No. 48156
File: 1466206248989.jpg (52.25 KB, 500x500, hugh-laurie-blackadder-goes-fo…)

yes, looks great! Unrealistic but I'd like to see him in the military getup from 4 but with these pants. Something about his attitude in that show is weirdly attractive. And I'm gonna go check that sketch out, thanks anon!
No. 48163
File: 1466249436300.jpg (456.67 KB, 3840x2160, frankjavcee.jpg)

I love the mexican music man. Too bad he has a girlfriend :(
No. 48174
File: 1466379088999.jpg (51.13 KB, 1009x694, Silicon-Valley-T.J.-MIller.jpg)

i have a huge shameful crush on t.j. miller especially on his character from SV
No. 48175
File: 1466382317641.jpg (633.54 KB, 1668x916, wkukprintphoto.jpg)

I'll fuck all of them….especially timmy
No. 48176
File: 1466507801512.jpg (145 KB, 1200x800, silicon-valley-gilfoyle.jpg)

I would too, anon. I would too…
And Gilfoye. I love how much he just doesn't give a shit and his voice does things to me.
No. 48179
File: 1466912919318.jpg (27.62 KB, 500x375, trevor-moore.jpg)

Sameeee, anon. He's cute as hell.
No. 48180
File: 1466913503300.jpg (382.87 KB, 1680x1257, 60340c_4508164.jpg)

Forgot about this kek
No. 48182
File: 1466918830128.jpg (100.54 KB, 686x1023, 1234224234.jpg)

Okay, well I'm not that ashamed but I might have been when I was 15 and worried about being called emo.
No. 48183
File: 1466921829000.gif (496.14 KB, 500x330, Gerard-gifs-gerard-way-2264337…)

Come on, anon.
No. 48186
File: 1467125990728.jpg (134.96 KB, 615x462, ty.jpg)

His voice alone makes me cream a bit tbh
No. 48187
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No. 48188
File: 1467126191164.jpg (32.32 KB, 500x250, tyler_the_creator.jpg)

No. 48189
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No. 48190
File: 1467127148778.jpg (115.62 KB, 640x640, tumblr_mu862uIsUU1r2lhbyo1_128…)

I love him too! And A$ap Rocky and Taco and Frank Ocean and a bunch of people in that sort of scene.
No. 48199
File: 1467663357168.jpg (58.09 KB, 838x556, Hitler-with-women.jpg)

>>127718You know I find it interesting that so much farmer are into Putin.
If you look at the past, that short austrian guy with the funny beard probably was just as popular at its time… makes you think.
No. 48202
>>128296The question is though is that really him, or just a show he puts out for people.
Are you really attracted of him because he is a powerful, traditional man or are you just
victim of straight on propaganda?
No. 48206
File: 1467725156145.jpg (24.89 KB, 360x274, ah.jpg)

No. 48207
File: 1467783111502.gif (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 420x251, adam 2.gif)

Me too, anon.
The things I would do…
No. 48208
File: 1467847937200.png (917.79 KB, 500x750, 1462230773836.png)

Same, not even that ashamed. Also pic related and all the other DILFs in Game of Thrones.
And Bane.
No. 48210
File: 1467914402055.jpg (33.37 KB, 630x420, spider6.jpg)

Alfred Molina looks like an older Jontron. I'd hit it.
No. 48212
File: 1468182542502.jpg (64.78 KB, 500x405, Justin-Long-justin-long-176828…)

Something about his face is really fucking weird but my God is he cute
No. 48214
File: 1468207597768.png (1.4 MB, 1561x883, samurai-7.png)

Robert Z'Dar was an ugly man due to his cherubism, but the guy had a great body. He looked good with a beard in Samurai Cop.
i would also fug samurai cop himself
No. 48215
File: 1468533732293.jpg (85.41 KB, 842x1000, 80711_full.jpg)

brando was hot as hell when he was young but i would've boned him even when he got old and doughy.
No. 48220
File: 1468640602625.jpg (39.3 KB, 415x553, 07cbf8b3044fda23dd02dee249a4c2…)

I find Sylvester Stallone hot but
No. 48223
File: 1469233198081.jpg (249.19 KB, 680x922, tumblr_nhbdqqEuXA1r3eyedo1_128…)

Are nazis allowed?
Pic related is my unibrow qt
No. 48224
File: 1469245776147.jpg (108.8 KB, 1920x1080, wi8phgh0nmax.jpg)

Not really ashamed. I just love him so much. Is he still dating Nicole whatever her name is
No. 48225
File: 1469259379603.png (420.64 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

Onision… Yeah he's legit evil, psychotic, narcissistic, treats his women like shit and confirmed pedophile. I strongly dislike him but I wouldn't mind scraping and digging my nails on his pimply back or jumping up and down, riding his crusty ass cock while he calls me a murder eater, cannibal, bitch, slut, whore, his property and no, I don't give two shits if he's married to miss fakeboi Lainey. Even if he's 6 years older than me, since I look 15 years younger anyway.
Though, I may need some really strong drugs; particularly cocaine and LSD, booze and a cold shower afterwards.
You can kill me now…
No. 48227
File: 1469295983143.jpg (66.47 KB, 700x428, greggturkington.jpg)

Why? I have no fucking clue. It seems I have developed a thing for older men in general.
No. 48232
File: 1469394036853.png (353.45 KB, 500x721, tumblr_npoyu2zG3K1rxymmjo1_500…)

I want Shrek to eat onions off of my ass.
No. 48236
File: 1469399580279.gif (1.48 MB, 300x247, tumblr_oamo0qqnve1vuldnco8_400…)

only mildly ashamed tbh…ever since he got a haircut and started working out/dressing better he's been looking SO good. Plus I have a thing for nords…
No. 48247
File: 1469494446224.jpg (47.61 KB, 620x349, david.jpg)

David Mitchell. Although I'm probably not posting in the right thread since I'm not ashamed of liking him. I suppose he's not a typical man that women would go for but I'd do anything for someone like David and I don't even think he's bad looking. I like witty men with prominent sharp features, oh and the english accent.
No. 48249
File: 1469522101102.png (634.4 KB, 592x591, Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at 3.32…)

The guy on the right - he's from Buzzfeed garbage. I don't know what's wrong with me, he has an ugly kermit voice and an average face, but his body is really great to me. There was a video with him standing next to a UFC fighter and something about how small and cute he was makes me want to fugg. I'm ashamed of myself
No. 48250
File: 1469526966236.jpg (93.83 KB, 720x480, Dr.Brenner.jpg)

Just finished Stranger Things (which I loved) and, well… yeah.
No. 48253
File: 1469648936531.png (771.89 KB, 1366x768, Chef Excellence.png)

That guy who plays Chef Excellence in that Ashens film… not even joking. Something about him is adorable.
(His name is Dan Tomlinson, apparently.)
No. 48255
File: 1470642352332.jpg (19.59 KB, 610x324, john-green.jpg)

I hate his books, but he's kind of adorable in his videos.
He's also pretty smart, which turns me on enormously
No. 48256
File: 1470658117590.jpg (37.32 KB, 600x466, Ted_Bundy_in_court.jpg)

I'd let him serial murder me any day.
No. 48258
File: 1470669604409.jpg (14.11 KB, 200x208, rob-dyke-prof-cropped.jpg)

Rob Dyke. I don't know why but eeeeeuuugh. He makes good videos though. I would hit that and I'm sad to say it.
No. 48261
File: 1470716518532.jpg (79.06 KB, 570x373, Mad-Men-Hands-and-Knees-Vincen…)

he's so bleh…. i don't understand why i wanna do him lol
No. 48263
File: 1470787708404.jpg (12.27 KB, 600x337, S2E1_oh-god-sneaky-uses1-600x3…)

Martin Freeman (specifically his look as John Watson)
Just something about a cute, old british man gets me really turned on
No. 48265
File: 1470791574658.jpg (95.7 KB, 1200x1800, con311d9_0193_medium.jpg)

I find Richard Harmon absolutely gorgeous and fucking hot as hell. I'd let him fuck me any day.
No. 48275
File: 1470933762226.jpg (177.22 KB, 470x355, AP-AVGGG2.jpg)

I'm not even a huge fan of his videos.
No. 48280
File: 1470968643718.png (935.36 KB, 1280x696, powers-boothe-keith-carradine.…)

I agree anon, Powers Boothe and Keith Carradine were so sexy in that movie.
No. 48283
File: 1470977148204.jpg (73.11 KB, 630x354, image.jpg)

do fictional characters count? because goddamn both hannibals can get it
No. 48284
File: 1471132277707.jpg (42.06 KB, 600x337, BryanBeingEmo.jpg)

No. 48285
File: 1471132709624.jpg (74.75 KB, 1200x600, StillSlayingAt58.jpg)

Bruce Campbell for the nerds out there.
No. 48287
File: 1471225255407.jpg (164.73 KB, 625x833, enhanced-buzz-21051-1354508020…)

Mittens. He's kind of cute and dorky in a mormon dad way. It turns me on.
No. 48288
File: 1471228648756.jpg (82.78 KB, 630x400, Hugh-Dancy.jpg)

Girl was talking about Hannibal… this guy (the character) could fuck me any day.
Also I love his voice, idw.
No. 48290
File: 1471252681256.jpg (20.07 KB, 493x332, adWJPMb.jpg)

Cazale, especially in Dogs Day Afternoon. Breaks my fucking heart, would bang were he not dead.
No. 48291
File: 1471267914785.jpg (110.29 KB, 500x616, large (4).jpg)

I would fuck both mads and hugh at once ngl
No. 48292
File: 1471268238692.jpg (155.82 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n787p7xhVM1tc2x5ho10_12…)

I would fuck so many older dudes, especially hannibal (nbc) and max from catfish, massive fucking dilf, he can rip me a new one any day.
No. 48297
File: 1471269317302.jpg (64.75 KB, 600x900,…)

samuel larsen with dreads will always be sexy
No. 48298
File: 1471269587075.jpg (85 KB, 595x842, tumblr_nz57vhlaRu1sjlbwio1_128…)

i want to be destroyed by daniel craig as bond
No. 48299
File: 1471269626602.jpg (32.78 KB, 482x576, other bby.JPG)

Illya from U.N.C.L.E.
No. 48300
File: 1471270167838.jpg (5.91 KB, 275x183, images (2).jpg)

fucking tobias menzies
his characters from outlander makes me want to be fucked over on the table by him especially black jack randall
No. 48302
File: 1471273683421.jpg (152.34 KB, 800x1008, willem-dafoe-gossip.jpg)

I think Dafoe is cute
Also >>127737 and >>128342
No. 48468
File: 1471295792477.jpg (122.43 KB, 446x400, bae.jpg)

i feel you anon
No. 48474
File: 1471384683384.jpg (188.92 KB, 1024x576, suffer-the-little-children-102…)

I want him to touch my face and have a weird semi-obsession with me.
No. 48477
File: 1471515169485.jpg (38.65 KB, 460x288, merchant-portrait_1613277a.jpg)

Not really ashamed
No. 48484
File: 1471802088574.jpg (90.77 KB, 500x346, bastard.jpg)

i know this feel
No. 48486
File: 1471974552899.jpg (16.47 KB, 236x471, 41b0d4fcb4f2767d3ead345b808cd5…)

Bill Hicks. I know he's sperglord's president but I fucking love his atrociously average face. Seems like pussy eating champ also.
No. 48518
File: 1472371152263.jpg (613.31 KB, 1050x1491, Woodrow_Wilson_1902_cph.3b1177…)

Woodrow Wilson. No, I don't know how or why my attraction to him started, but there it is. Maybe I just find stern, strict, and troubled guys incredibly sexy? I'm 100 percent honest when I say I would suck his dick without hesitation.
No. 48521
File: 1472405168271.jpg (165.44 KB, 700x380, 06MidnightRun1.jpg)

I feel gross for this one given his age. He was pretty cute when he was younger. I really like him in The Godfather 2 and Cape Fear.
No. 48522
File: 1473695598606.jpg (60.17 KB, 480x251,

Sage for necroing this thread. I don't know what's wrong with me but I think ninja is so hot. I feel like I have weird taste I don't knoowww
No. 48524
File: 1474129378061.jpg (13.94 KB, 300x250, nochin.jpg)

god have mercy on ur soul
No. 48540
File: 1474149786509.jpeg (267.89 KB, 736x1044, image.jpeg)

Edward Furlong in Detroit Rock City, after he started going down his drug addled molested path, but was still kinda cute.
No. 48541
File: 1474153475697.jpg (43.02 KB, 559x480, CfYV5vPWIAEcmvY.jpg)

>tfw he'll never give you a chin job
No. 48542
File: 1474158080945.jpg (14.62 KB, 480x480, yes.jpg)

I want ian to stick his chin up my ass and tell me im his babygirl
No. 48544
File: 1474185441498.jpg (53.22 KB, 960x720, vince-vaughn-as-fbi-agent-pete…)

Vince Vaughn in the 90's, especially in The Cell. He's over a foot taller than and the thought of him being able to completely dominate me just sparks something in me.
No. 48548
File: 1474240372077.jpeg (30.7 KB, 480x480, image.jpeg)

No. 48549
File: 1474241210568.jpg (46.98 KB, 512x512, 475bd4937f219bbebcb7ba899976ef…)

I want ian to bend me over look at my gaping ass and say "heeey that's pretty good" before fucking me senseless with his 18 inch dildo
No. 48550
File: 1474260111883.jpg (64.96 KB, 640x360, med_1461116478_image.jpg)

imagine him forcefully detaining you with handcuffs in his police uniform while he cutely calls you fucking gay
No. 48554
File: 1474561831119.jpg (12.47 KB, 207x200, 778767.jpg)

You're killing me
No. 48555
File: 1474562392682.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.68 KB, 1280x877, 6765.jpg)

In case all you iDubbbz fans missed the uncensored version.
>tfw Ian will never teabag you
No. 48556
File: 1474566286254.jpg (6.99 KB, 217x232, 6456546.jpg)

VITAS is so hot. His vocal range drives me nuts.
No. 48559
File: 1474591388811.jpg (369.87 KB, 1536x1190, fuckingkillme.jpg)

looked through this whole thread and hot damn, there's some good taste
he's adorable
i have a huge voice kink and i have no idea why i like his voice so much. would absolutely fuck
a while back i bingewatched a ton of his stuff, he's super hot. he's reasonably handsome imo and his personality is perfect
back in high school i had an obsession with nazi uniforms. the ideology is bad but damn they were well-dressed. i had like 20 pictures of this fucker saved to my phone
this might be my most shameful one
honestly same, he reminds me of lovecraft too who is also a guy i would probably fuck
fucking jean dujardin is the cutest, i want him to speak french to me. and george clooney gets to me too. god i'm thirsty.
No. 48562
File: 1474650697035.jpg (177 KB, 1600x1200, Wallpapersxl Coldplay Marilyn …)

He's started getting old and fat and idc, I'd still hit it.
No. 48566
File: 1474676187523.jpg (30.72 KB, 720x537, cwc.jpg)

You don't know who Christian Weston Chandler is? Where have you been??
No. 48568
File: 1474680762548.jpg (53.43 KB, 1280x720, 1458333187_maxresdefault.jpg)

Imagine Max playing Lily in The Danish Girl… that's one way of turning a tear jerker into a comedy.
How is he so fucking pretty.
No. 48571
File: 1474859966009.jpg (59.35 KB, 1280x720, max.jpg)

He looks amazing in any kind of makeup honestly.
I know. He's got the best smile. I like a lot of his music unironically though. Opera No. 2 is pretty good.
No. 48572
File: 1474861920282.jpg (85.79 KB, 704x1000, IMG_2744.JPG)

I loved Tim roths twink looking ass in reservoir dogs I'm in love with him ah fuck lol.
No. 48574
File: 1474923004153.jpg (273.19 KB, 854x480, 7567567.jpg)

Girl I know. I wonder if his girlfriend thinks he's hot in makeup and makes it wear it in private. I know I would.
No. 48577
File: 1474947335680.jpg (112.04 KB, 300x400, brian_bell.jpg)

Brian Bell from Weezer, does he count? I feel like to a lot of people he's either weird looking or just average. But my GOD he's gorgeous. I'd let him do a number of things to me
No. 48578
File: 1474949688856.jpg (376.84 KB, 747x743, 77575.jpg)

Actually now that I look at it, looks like a makeup app. I found a bunch of similar pics on Tumblr.
I've seen him try apply eyeliner on Ian in the Edward Watermelon hands video and he sure as hell sucks at it, so I think it's fake.
No. 48579
File: 1474949820252.jpg (251 KB, 854x480, 645646.jpg)

Here's another
No. 48580
File: 1474989583581.png (1.23 MB, 1136x640, IMG_4996.PNG)

Danny from bloodlines. Would let him hurt me
No. 48581
File: 1474992296048.jpg (78.04 KB, 867x1024, e8777ec3983f69ee919be32c2604be…)

i wouldn't even say i'm ashamed i just know he has a wonky face but joaquin phoenix is like…. wow whatta man!! even now that he's older and saggier, to be honest…. but he was the hottest when he played johnny cash
No. 48583
File: 1475040420866.jpg (354.16 KB, 1136x640, 6464.jpg)

I know. I feel like my new hobby is going to be running pictures of him through makeover apps.
Here's one last pic I found.
No. 48585
File: 1475131276354.jpg (117.76 KB, 450x300, brian-bell.jpg)

OH GOD LOL i really thought i was the only one, especially because i'm always weirdly into tall skinny average looking musician/art guys with a defined bone structure (…. i pretty much just described my boyfriend and every ex or fling i've ever had too) and also because no one looks at anyone in weezer and thinks 'WOW HOT' but…… same
No. 48586
File: 1476546129174.jpg (66.91 KB, 980x490, narcos-season-2.jpg)

This guy. I know he's gay irl. Not the real pablo escobar though. It's surprising how powerful the real guy was given how goofy looking he was.
No. 48588
File: 1476562604963.jpg (211.26 KB, 576x694, Edward_Snowden-2.jpg)

You mean the actor? He is not gay irl. He got kinda ugly now but he was handsome few years ago. (circa 2010)
I don't know if he fits here but I'd tap him. (Pic related)
Also my university teacher, I wish I could show him to you guys.
No. 48589
File: 1476563456673.jpg (28.86 KB, 580x386, david_cameron_0.jpg)

nothing shameful about that my friend
he looks like my dad, i'm so into it
mine is pic related. during the general election i had so many angry wanks over him please help me.
No. 48590
File: 1476587900989.jpg (25.16 KB, 300x450, wagner moura.jpg)

What? Wagner Moura is not gay. He's married, to a woman. I think he's kinda cute but nothing to write home about IMHO.
No. 48592
File: 1476638263626.jpg (65.36 KB, 1080x608, 344656.jpg)

Sam Hyde
He seems like a dick in real life, but there's something about him that's attractive.
Kill me.
No. 48593
File: 1476651817743.png (486.34 KB, 1140x699, screen-shot-2015-11-02-at-12-1…)

>You will never run your fingers through his afro while he tells you how special you are
No. 48594
File: 1476656961364.jpg (185.41 KB, 879x586, Tropa de Elite.jpg)

I find him hotter on Elite Squad. (Amazing movie btw, you guys should watch it.)
No. 48596
File: 1476726584801.jpg (31.16 KB, 589x366, Screen_Shot_2016-07-05_at_8.44…)

I'm so disgusted with myself but the crush on him is so big and I have no idea how to stop it.
No. 48597
File: 1476855549299.png (116.44 KB, 338x360, ericmurphy.png)

Jeremy Piven is hot but there's something really adorable about Eric on Entourage. He seems like a silly nice guy with a heart of gold on the show who genuinely wants the best for everyone. And I like it when he tries to act tough.
No. 48599
File: 1476898572890.png (387.03 KB, 750x905, Peter Lorre.png)

Dumping a few of mine.
Peter Lorre's voice is a huge turn-on for me.
No. 48600
File: 1476898625096.png (722.37 KB, 1194x870, Colin Mochrie.png)

Funny guys always get me. Plus, Colin was super qt when he was younger and had hair.
No. 48601
File: 1476898693839.jpg (96.57 KB, 625x938, Burn Gorman.jpg)

I looooved Burn's character in Pacific Rim. Unf.
No. 48602
File: 1476898765930.gif (980.98 KB, 500x281, Andrew Volpe.gif)

Not as ashamed of him as the other ones, but Andrew Volpe is quite literally my ideal type. I wish Ludo would make another album. :(
No. 48604
File: 1476913536975.jpg (39.34 KB, 650x366, tumblr_nqixxs9s4I1r4dcqoo4_128…)

Geoffrey Rush, especially since seeing him in Quills. I love his voice and the sarcastic way he speaks. I would let him do very bad things to me.
No. 48606
File: 1476985536761.jpg (287.36 KB, 720x900, Michael_Jones.jpg)

Michael Jones from RT/LP/Rage Quit
I don't know man, he's ugly, but hot ugly, I'd fuck him in a minute
No. 48611
File: 1477013162557.jpg (20.85 KB, 260x260, Miles-Luna.jpg)

See, if I had to pick a RT member, I'd go for Miles.
No. 48612
File: 1477014487551.jpg (2.07 MB, 2848x2848, Michael_Jones_at_RTX_2015.jpg)

Please, do not hate Michael Jonas.
I love this dude, I can't explain why.
No. 48613
File: 1477380374209.jpg (241.55 KB, 1118x432, JIm Morrison.jpg)

Jim Morrison! Even when he put on weight and Seth MacFarlane.
No. 48614
File: 1477413582712.jpg (153.27 KB, 710x900, michael-shannon-6.jpg)

Michael Shannon, I know he's bug eyed and has harsh features, but he just does it for me. I never really get celebrity crushes but I've wanted to fuck him since I saw Revolutionary Road. Everything I see him in I can't help but fantasize, he just seems manly and intense. Plus I love his deep, croaking voice. I'd do everything to this guy.
No. 48615
File: 1477429776369.jpg (53.71 KB, 472x575, Bug.jpg)

I feel you. I've had a huge crush on him ever since I saw him in Bug. He was super hot in Boardwalk Empire too.
No. 48616
File: 1477442160062.jpg (34.41 KB, 475x267, 2nrzdzk.jpg)

i'm surprised nobody has mentioned rami malek. i think he's weird looking in such an endearing way
No. 48619
File: 1477460041381.jpg (393.7 KB, 1156x771, 557.jpg)

Damn, I forgot all about him. Yeah, he looks weird but there's something really attractive about him overall. I like his mouth especially.
No. 48620
File: 1477464269373.gif (1.96 MB, 400x222, giphy (2).gif)

he has the cutest little smirk/smile sdsfsfs
No. 48621
File: 1477466086564.gif (1007.71 KB, 500x344, giphy.gif)

yeah there's something about odd-looking, definitely not conventionally attractive but still something hot about them type of guys like him that tend to be my weakness???
coincidentally, christian slater is my personal long-time uglycute celebrity crush, even though no one's into him cause he has like… squinty rodent/feline esque facial features and he aged really fuckin weirdly (he looks a little better now though from what i've seen of him in mr robot, but there are some STRANGE pictures of his face out there that are so different from the boyish JD middle school me fell in love with)
No. 48623
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No. 48624
File: 1477501128704.jpg (53.4 KB, 900x506,…)

double team me already you weird looking angels
No. 48625
File: 1477506787881.gif (879.01 KB, 500x269, tumblr_inline_nha5oyD1pz1rsbeg…)

I think he lost a bit of weight as he aged because his face wasn't always quite so strange. He still had big eyes but they weren't always so obvious.
No. 48626
File: 1477507371801.gif (964.52 KB, 250x250, shaaaaaaaaaaame.gif)

I really wanted to fuck Chris Pratt when he was fat.
No. 48631
File: 1478017686701.jpg (44.95 KB, 499x499, zyO1XZpl.jpg)

don't ask
No. 48635
File: 1478030115754.gif (988.25 KB, 250x221, tumblr_ododb4HYLL1rsqpdlo1_250…)

I still want to bone him
No. 48637
File: 1478031574034.jpg (50.54 KB, 500x333, rob.jpg)

He's getting old and gross now but when he was younger back he was still in a band he was hot as fuck
No. 48643
File: 1478052426366.jpg (161.78 KB, 1350x810, pewdiepie.jpg)

i refuse to watch his content unless i'm in incognito mode and i only watch it for his face
No. 48644
File: 1478052989685.jpg (29.49 KB, 520x520, pewdiepie.jpg)

hitler youth haircut pewds is best pewds
No. 48645
File: 1478053473054.jpg (110.93 KB, 396x594, 169332043.jpg)

nah i prefer the young pewdiepie
No. 48646
File: 1478055723793.jpg (182.73 KB, 1200x629, poop.jpg)

best pewds
No. 48651
File: 1478070991994.jpg (185.05 KB, 800x600, pooopiepie.jpg)

I too, would fuck pewds.
I find his personality and taste in art really quite attractive as well.
No. 48652
File: 1478074735027.jpg (209.78 KB, 1242x1206, tumblr_nrzacaLBjt1ubkuaho1_128…)

Agree with pewds but …..mark? hell yes, probably wouldn't admit I'd fuck him in a heart beat to most people tbh
No. 48653
File: 1478075177140.jpg (148.6 KB, 824x1000, kevin-spacey-20th-annual-scree…)

Kevin Spacey
James Spader as well
No. 48654
File: 1478078706940.jpg (52.83 KB, 450x560, tumblr_ltwm00IV9J1qmug63o4_500…)

Oh yes, young James Spader. That voice makes me weak.
No. 48655
File: 1478079111520.jpg (1.45 MB, 2550x3300, brule.jpg)

No. 48656
File: 1478079652533.jpg (80.49 KB, 800x533, 800px-Average_brony.jpg)

wish i knew his name
No. 48657
File: 1478080859179.gif (1.57 MB, 268x214, tumblr_o2bcdxDfOc1rn5a30o4_400…)

Benicio Del Toro. Especially at his age now. I want to call him daddy.
No. 48658
File: 1478085418432.png (2.06 MB, 2155x1616, weakknees.png)

i don't know why the fuck he is so sexy.
No. 48659
File: 1478085658755.jpg (13.88 KB, 214x317, rami.jpg)

awww, he does look kind of adorable being this happy
have you noticed the guy in the background though? pretty handsome from this angle
I like how he looks like Rami Malek
No. 48660
File: 1478086097571.jpg (282.74 KB, 800x780, qt.jpg)

I know I'm 4 months too late but fuck the haters anon! Seth is a QT and his smile is adorable.
No. 48843
File: 1478108179255.png (202.92 KB, 300x300, 66atzCpU.png)

Eric Wareheim. Maybe its because he looks kinda cuddly?
No. 48844
File: 1478119722428.jpg (40.55 KB, 500x334, ben.jpg)

as I skimmed through the thread I thought the same thing. I think it's the whole tired eyes
that's exactly why I'm attracted to him
No. 48845
File: 1478139953176.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.32 KB, 516x429, omar-mateen-in-an-undated-phot…)

Yeah. Disgusting.
No. 48846
File: 1478152152502.jpg (25.34 KB, 200x288, 14134702_545476292311869_18739…)

He's so fuckin hot lately. I like the way he dresses and working out regularly has been good for him imo.
the first time I ever saw Benicio Del Toro in The Usual Suspects, I immediately wanted to fuck him.
idubbbz is dating raihnbowkidz, a titty streamer. he went to canada to visit her and for some reason she decided to stream with him, even though they'd probably only met in person a couple times before that. He was super awkward/socially retarded during the stream, called her room "ghetto", called her a cunt and autistic, burped directly into her microphone, and generally acted like a child. she deleted the stream very soon after when she realized what a mistake it was to stream in the first place.
No. 48850
File: 1478180497515.jpg (1.83 MB, 2560x1920, Jason-Segel-016.jpg)

I think it's because I loved Nick. Jason Segel didn't age that well, but I still think he's a cutie.
No. 48851
File: 1478185515376.png (Spoiler Image,513.08 KB, 739x928, image.png)

Just going to leave this here. (NSFW)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 48852
File: 1478186621837.jpg (57.42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i give their relationship a maximum of 3 months
No. 48853
File: 1478187036283.gif (3.23 MB, 445x247, wrw3444.gif)

No. 48854
File: 1478187143412.jpg (159.1 KB, 1500x1500, 1444335044052.jpg)

No. 48864
File: 1478238205289.jpg (949.94 KB, 866x1205, IMG_6377.JPG)

No. 48867
File: 1478246919296.jpg (171.36 KB, 800x678, IMG_3841.JPG)

Iain Glen. Not bc there is anything wrong with him, he's hot as fuck imo
Its just that he is older than my dad. He is even old enough to be my grandpa.
No. 48868
File: 1478247407435.jpg (13.8 KB, 300x409, jonathan-banks-final-450x600.j…)

he's cute. Do you like older guys in general? If you do, I'm there with you. I fucking hate that I have daddy issues. Are daddy issues the only cause for having a thing for older men? I'm so ashamed.
pic related: mike ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad. I like prominent eyelids as well.
No. 48875
File: 1478291759799.jpg (471.47 KB, 1511x2380, Rami-Malek.jpg)

idk if you guys knew this but rami has a twin brother
it makes me like him more for whatever reason
No. 48879
File: 1478360234644.jpg (133.69 KB, 960x960, 16416546.jpg)

First of all: Rami could bang me any day of the week.
Second, this dude is a uk vlogger and I don't remember his name, he does some raps, sometimes some quality content and some stupid shit too, anyway…I'm so ashamed but there is something attractive about him and I'd fuck him, that's it.
No. 48880
File: 1478365991052.jpg (74.19 KB, 900x900, 5646.jpg)

Oh yeah, Boyinaband. He is/was? roommates with Maxmoefoe and has been in a few videos with him and iDubbbz.
There's something pretty cute about him. Not really ashamed about it, because I think he has a lot of objectively nice features.
No. 48881
File: 1478664239299.jpg (259.64 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_4452.JPG)

David Attenborough any day even though he's 90
No. 48883
File: 1478671093446.jpg (58.32 KB, 642x390, IMG_4450.JPG)

He was quite hot when he was younger
No. 48884
File: 1479680706863.jpg (16.58 KB, 273x449, 3537cc991c94455cd1708e4b51e648…)

No. 48888
File: 1479785074346.png (392.49 KB, 600x735, IMG_21112016_201709.png)

besides his huge nose, hes a qt
No. 48889
File: 1479785129424.png (71.32 KB, 214x317, IMG_21112016_202143.png)

Serge Gainsbourg.
No. 48891
File: 1479799473176.jpg (26.82 KB, 480x399, danieljackson-morelikedaddyjac…)

Rewatched Stargate the other day and nearly gave myself whiplash with how abruptly I remembered the extreme thirst I had for James Spader as Daniel Jackson when I was younger.
No. 48894
File: 1479815575426.jpeg (75.59 KB, 500x550, image.jpeg)

Jeffrey Tambor.
Honestly, I think I had a lewd dream about him before and I can't look at him the same way. I just feel hella uncomfortable.
No. 48899
File: 1479867199623.jpg (204.07 KB, 521x779, MV5BMTc4OTIyNDY5MV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

John Slattery. He's gorgeous. I know he's not the character in Mad Men, but even still.
No. 48900
File: 1479868276773.jpg (39.76 KB, 750x375, MIKE-PENCE.jpg)

I'd peg him
No. 48901
File: 1479870146083.jpg (150.19 KB, 750x1014, TdQpsIA.jpg)

A young Sir Michael Caine. omg
No. 48907
File: 1480108835724.png (854.09 KB, 614x1024, glasses.png)

I'm trying to reorganize all my files and I found my Teridax folder from two years ago. He's a giant faggot, but in an endearing way.
No. 48909
File: 1480124964990.jpg (69.17 KB, 600x804, BTrxALmCcAAfdP_.jpg)

i would have fucced richard stallman when he was young. what happened?
No. 48910
File: 1480125011839.jpg (225.29 KB, 618x941, bill_nighy.jpg)

Bill Nighy, and only "ashamed" because he's old enough to be my grandpa. Tall, amazing voice, looks great in a suit, definitely GILF status
No. 48913
File: 1480156401987.png (249.83 KB, 677x539, 01.png)

No. 48915
File: 1480165063656.jpg (209.66 KB, 1280x1920, JoeGatto.jpg)

you all have 10/10 tastes
thanks for making me feel like my taste isn't too far gone
No. 48916
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Far gone? He's beautiful, don't feel ashamed.
No. 48918
File: 1480172379946.jpg (24.89 KB, 424x520, Joji-miller.jpg)

This is the man who made the show 'Filthy Frank'.
10/10, would bang, rotten tomatoes tested.
No. 48919
>>128631 No no
Despite him aging and his gut i think hes endearing and the funniest one of them all
No. 48922
File: 1480196379394.jpg (66.7 KB, 600x601, tumblr_lziusvf19g1r6p1ibo1_128…)

i guess like anon said about Bill Nighy, it's about the fact that hes almost 60 years older than me but bless my nippers, hes fantastic!
No. 48925
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No. 48929
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Douglas Hofstadter, what a goofy babe
No. 49029
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what is my problem
No. 49032
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At no point in his life has Lemmy never not been offensively horrible looking, and at no point in his life would I have not ridden him to hell and back. Ride in power you ugly motherfucker
No. 49035
File: 1481875023932.jpeg (32.8 KB, 236x236, image.jpeg)

It's funny, I was thinking of posting Q in here haha! I don't really understand it at all because I don't even like older men. Something about him get me though.
No. 49036
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I know this photoshoot was a joke but it uh…makes me feel funny down there.
No. 49038
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notevenashamed not gonna lie I'd do the hamster
No. 49043
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I fuckin love Tim Ferriss. I'm not even really sexually attracted to him, id just bang him out of respect.
No. 49044
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>>47319Don't worry anon, you're not the only one who wants to do a pro player
No. 49129
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No. 49130
File: 1482881760430.jpeg (14.87 KB, 246x394, Ridgeley8.jpeg)

Is it weird to find Wham era Andrew Ridgeley mad attractive? Even more attractive than George Michael?
I actually thought both of them were regarded as handsome, and that is was normal to think Andrew Ridgeley is attractive. But with George Michael's passing recently, I read an article about George's life, and he was being referred to as 'the handsome half of Wham'. It was then when I realized, I may have a super unpopular opinion, and Andrew was never really regarded as attractive. Awkward..
No. 49131
File: 1482882462673.jpeg (44.25 KB, 640x480, e8429da73-1.jpeg)

Hajime is such a weak looking dork, but yet I feel attracted to him. I have a weakness for adorable looking guys like him.
No. 49134
File: 1482897219247.jpg (89.12 KB, 762x762, Hajimesyatyo.jpg)

>>49131I thought I was the only one that wanted to bang him. Idk what it is about Hajime but HNNNNNNGGGGH. He's so goofy and all around odd that I love him to death.
No. 49135
File: 1482965118342.jpg (75.37 KB, 799x472, 1210.jpg)

Jafar is fictional, so…
No. 49138
>>49132>>49134Good to know I'm not the only one! But yeah I feel the same about those things too.
>>49137But he has a V-line, which is totally attractive according to Asian standards. So he has that going for him.
No. 49139
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I bet Mick Jagger was a freak back in the day
No. 49141
File: 1483676977852.jpg (110.55 KB, 486x750, trentresinoar.jpg)

i've always thought that the downward spiral era trent reznor was oddly attractive
No. 49142
File: 1483680943239.gif (476.14 KB, 500x340, mo85ywgQWc1qzjhsto1_500.gif)

>>49141I've always thought Trent was a weird looking motherfucker, not conventionally attractive at all. He also seems to be a bit of a manlet really. But I'll be damned if his voice and his videos don't get me going.
No. 49143
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>>49141I think Trent was cute back then not even ashamed. I also think young Manson was attractive.
No. 49146
File: 1483709065354.gif (1.28 MB, 320x240, 1171267_o.gif)

Rivers Cuomo is really weird, but I find it endearing.
No. 49150
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>>49148Yeah I don't like the muscle look that Trent has now. He looked better as a creepy little heroin addict.
No. 49151
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No Matt Broderick? Prime was during Ferris Bueller days but he's still cute as hell imo
No. 49152
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Adam Lanza
I'm honestly so ashamed. Only posted this in hopes someone was in a similar boat so I wouldn't hate myself as much lol
No. 49153
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>>49152lol Anon, he's ugly as sin. Come on now.
No. 49154
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>>49152He always looks like he just had a corn on the cob shoved up his ass.
No. 49155
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>>47022Columbine killers were even better looking then him.
No. 49163
>>49152He looks cute there, but awful in
>>49153 and
No. 49164
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lmao, he was my first TV crush when I was like 12
No. 49166
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>>49164there's no shame for me to say i've loved him for years.
To Live and Die In L.A is my favourite movie and i miss seeing him on my tv.
i need to rewatch CSI…
No. 49167
File: 1483932942624.jpg (60.2 KB, 585x400, draper_adp.jpg)

>>48899fuuck i was scrolling down waiting for someone else to post him. whatever that look is called, he pulls it off so well.
i also want to fuck donald draper in his office.
(ot but i really miss the show, for some reason im really into 50-70's aesthetic in shows. white people seemed to happy during that time)
No. 49170
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>>49168there's another goofy fuck i'd schtup but probably not admit to.
No. 49172
File: 1484410352584.jpg (26.42 KB, 635x423, biden-climate.jpg)

>>48900Maybe. With a Jesus statue watching. Though his head-shape is fucking weird
Speaking about very old men… I know I'm gonna get shit for this but Joe Biden is hot. I'm aware he's a groper and not exactly the brightest candle on the cake but still.
No. 49174
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I would fuck the shit out of Scrooge
No. 49175
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No. 49177
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>>49172Joe Biden could get it any day.
Also Malcolm Turnbull (Australian Prime Minister)
No. 49178
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No. 49179
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>>49177Wanna talk about qt Aussie Prime Ministers?
No. 49181
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I'm so sorry
No. 49182
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>>49179Come on, anon. You know who the cutest of them all was.
No. 49186
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No. 49187
>>47317i agree fam
he's so cute
No. 49188
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>>47802duuuude i've liked him since i was 15. god he's so hot
now thats good eats
No. 49191
File: 1484669914407.jpg (907.02 KB, 3199x2304, full hd assad-kun.jpg)

Shameful only because he already has a qt3.14 waifu
No. 49194
>>49167tbh i want to be gangbanged by don, ted, roger, ken and pete circa 1970 when they all have those ridiculous mustaches
or just fuck don when he's been crying and stinks of whiskey
No. 49195
File: 1484840661837.jpg (1.01 MB, 1600x1209, Julian_Assange_full.jpg)

He's a piece of shit and I hate him, but boy is fine af
No. 49196
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>>49195Is that Assange? If so you get the medal for worst taste anon.
Snowden's kind of cute. Not attractive in any way but he has this nerdish charm.
No. 49197
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No. 49198
File: 1485197682073.jpg (2.2 MB, 2560x1403, noel-fielding-migh-014.jpg)

Noel Fielding, so so bad.
Some /soc/ attention whore on /fem/ a few years ago had similar facial features and had a crush on him because of it.
No. 49200
File: 1485204247169.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.49 KB, 500x501, robotsindisguise.jpg)

>>49198 every time i see noel i remember this picture he took with chris corner (who isn't bad looking himself ngl)
No. 49202
File: 1485223458971.gif (885.34 KB, 500x247, 676757.gif)

Anyone remember that band, The Darkness, from the early 2000's?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought this dude was so hot back in the day.
No. 54495
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from his gym videos on IG he has cuddly arms and I'm a sucker for those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 54500
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Yeah uh…….
No. 54511
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>>54495going on a young bald internet personality tangent…
Stamper has been a crush of mine for years.
No. 54512
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>>54495Same. but I immediately stop fantasying when I think about his stupid voice sayin' "this is antanay fantanay, the memelord" or something like that. Kek.
I hate Seth but he is so my type. I hate myself.
No. 54513
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Yul Brynner
I just have a thing for super "Russian" looking dudes.
No. 54514
>>54502Pretty much what
>>54512 said. Can't help but think that during sex he'll probably make one of those awkward faces that he does during his reviews, lol
>>54511 Either him or Jeff/JohnnyUtahNG. Tbh I'd fuck Jeff on his voice alone.
No. 54523
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kill me
No. 54543
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>>47022Not fuck but would have cute physics study sesh with a younger version.
The taste ITT is sex doe
Manhattan project is my favorite anime.
No. 54639
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Albert Rivera
No. 54662
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>>54639Now that you mention him… Alberto Garzón does it for me
No. 57642
File: 1491302180938.jpg (217.45 KB, 556x314, Ian McShane Main.jpg)

Ian McShane. I thought I'd never go for someone older than my dad, but that it's so so wrong makes him even hotter.
>>48620He looks like the lovechild of Yoda and Frodo, which is hot in its own way.
No. 57651
>>49202YES. I gasped out loud at this one. 10/10 would fuck the goofy hot glam man.
also on another note they came after their time. so underrated
No. 57761
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>>57642Ian McShane for suuure.
I'd fuck Patrick Stewart, even though he's 74. Had a massive lady boner for him ever since watching Star Trek TNG as a kid. He just seems so romantic and kind, I bet he go down on me for hours and make me breakfast in the morning.
No. 57784
File: 1491560926170.jpg (271.2 KB, 1070x1600, adrien-brody-006.jpg)

>>54500There was a time I would fuck Navarro with no shame, that time was not today.
Also, I'm too lazy to look for it, but some anons said they'd fuck 90's Trent Reznor.. Yeah. No fucking shame there.
Also, Adrien Brody. He's my fucking Hollywood crush since I saw him kissing that actress when he won the Oscar. Shiet. I don't care about his gigantic crooked nose
it's kinda charming, I love his eyes and smile.
No. 57789
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>>57761>>57784Both these guys for sure. Not just fuck but I would want to go on romantic vacations and cuddle on the beach with too.
Maybe even sleep in late a rainy day and curl up in their arms.
A shame fuck for me is Magister Hale from the show Salem. Not the actor, just specifically this character. Something about the dark clothes, witchiness, and flowing mane of white hair just does it for me.
No. 57827
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I remember I once read some girl saying that she met Adrien in a bar in L.A. one day and she was super drunk and he was being flirtatious and polite and saying that he was an actor but she, being drunk, didn't recognise him at the time, just had that kinda "i know you from somewhere" impression, and shrugged him off.
It's probably made up, but always made me incredibly jealous. Just the thought of him approaching me at a bar all flirty and classy and taking me to his home afterwards..
Anyway, sage for wet dream>>57802
No. 57847
File: 1491690178288.jpg (55.2 KB, 500x667, ninja.jpg)

i would let him fuck me sideways, upside down, inside out, day and night to hell and back
No. 57872
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i wanna make sweet warm love to steve buscemi…
No. 57889
>>57874I actually love splice :( Even if Brody wasn't there, I just think it's a solid movie, nothing groundbreaking, but neat.
also for some reason I think his character looks like a NIN fan in that movie so it's a double win for me lmao>>57875 It wasn't his daughter though, it had his girlfriend DNA, but none of his, and it was mixed with a lab generated animal, so..
Other than that there's the quickie he has with his gf that I also kinda enjoy lmao
No. 57945
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I find his super attractive until I remember his freak outs.
No. 57959
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>>57889I mean, if you raise something as your daughter, its just as messed up to fuck it as if it was your daughter.
Anyway, Adrien Brody is cute, but all I can see is this so he is just unfuckable to me
No. 57989
File: 1491961994734.gif (6.87 MB, 512x384, hips and nips.gif)

>>57945most people think he's cute. i see iasip fans raving about him all the time. they don't do that for someone like Mac or Dennis (they aren't ugly, but they are not attractive either).
now, i wanna fuck priest cricket. i got so angry when they made him ugly. he can get it.
No. 57991
File: 1491964558194.gif (1.99 MB, 245x271, gaybar.gif)

>>57989wait I see people rave about Mac and Dennis all the time.
Especially Mac (his body might have something to do with it). They're definitely attractive.
I wanna fuck Cricket, too. And Liam McPoyle. And Dee. Most of the cast honestly.
No. 57992
File: 1491965552330.jpg (102.54 KB, 900x506, rob-mcelhenney-fat-mac-fx.jpg)

>>57991I'm the only weirdo that likes fat Mac? Tell me I'm not alone pls.
No. 58046
>>57991well, in my friend circles everyone want to fuck Charlie. i thought it was normal.
Dee though? anon, but she's a bird!
No. 58051
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>>57945>>57989>>57991>>57992glenn howerton is definitely the most conventionally attractive one on asip but there is just something about him that makes me feel ashamed to admit i have a crush on him
No. 58056
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>>58051no shame, i have a crush on him too. can't remember how i came across pic related but when i did… woo!
>that seductive gaze No. 58073
>>58051The "shame" is probably because his character is very outwardly narcissistic/shallow and p much a sociopath, whereas Mac and Charlie are chill and would be down with getting some cheeseburgers after sex.
I thought Liam McPoyle was ew until I saw that actor star in Westworld and now he's 9/10 but I still can't get the inbred trailer trash image out.
No. 58075
>>58073Luckily I saw westworld first and he really did it for me, but now I've seen him in IASIP the characters have merged and now I believe William is sweaty and likes milk
>>58051>>58074You nailed it. He looks like a JC Leyendecker painting come to life and he's painfully handsome but I feel like I would avoid him at all costs IRL.
No. 58076
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>>58051He looks really good now that he's graying a bit and sometimes looks like a crack addict. He's hot as fuck, for me the shame comes from the fact that I would totally let Dennis use the DENNIS system on me in real life.
>10/10 would get DENNIS'd on a boat No. 58107
File: 1492096801437.jpg (61.54 KB, 900x506, mr-robot-season-1-elliot-rami-…)

>>58076I didn't find him attractive until THAT photo. I have something for sleepy eyes.
>>58073Or sniffing paint with Charlie.
No. 58109
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not sure if he counts since he's somewhat conventionally attractive, but he's gross in a different sense
No. 58137
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I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not
No. 58142
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Man In The High Castle, the uniforms get me every damn time.
No. 58155
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No. 58205
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Adam Driver. I know logically he isn't conventionally handsome, but there's something about him that I still think is attractive. Every time I try to explain it my friends make fun of me though
No. 58206
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I don't tell my friends about my crush. Maybe if I get drunk enough.
>>58205He has a good body, but a big nose, no chin, and his face is lopsided.
No. 58208
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>>58206 you just reminded me
..i wish i was joking about this
No. 58217
File: 1492324073420.jpg (34.69 KB, 600x400, Barbossachina.jpg)

>>58206>big nose>lopsided faceI'm not the Anon you're replying to but these are the reasons why he is so cute imo.
Also get out of my face because Barbossa is clearly the best looking POTC character.
No. 59024
File: 1493199717764.jpg (283.33 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1651.JPG)

I'm not proud of this but he's such a bad boy with good aesthetic and there's some good Dylann Roof x reader fanfic on the web… not that I looked for it or anything kek
No. 59049
>tumblr girl obsessed with serial killers who probably jerks of to fanfiction about the columbine killersdamn anon, grow up.
but this is the only legit "men that you're ashamed to say you'd fuck" answer in the entire thread, so i'll give you that.
No. 59051
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I wanna have sex with Jeremy Jahns and then have him kick me out first thing in the morning because he seems like that kind of dude.
No. 59293
File: 1493491214607.jpg (28.58 KB, 306x400, shkrelio.jpg)

I'll get so much shit for this, this is the most embarrassing and shameful fuck in this thread. I am in a STEM field and have a type usually, I love smart men in STEM. I also love older men, and thus why I want to fuck Martin Shkreli. I'd ravage the shit out of that obnoxious twink. I'm talking unimaginable things, hit me up senpai anytime.
He's just…so fucking cute, like a little skinny hypermobile elfman, virgin walking across Manhattan. He's probably an autistic and awkward guy in real life who hates most people he encounters, I don't mind that either.
Someone, just end my life already I've clearly hit the rockbottom and no, this is not a phase, I've known since the Daraprim saga that I want to fuck that autistic littler fucker. He hits the right spot of awkward, cute and mature that just gets me.
I'd never ever in real life admit this to anyone.
No. 59306
I suppose he can be funny sometimes and is an A+ real life troll, but… Really, anon?
No. 59316
File: 1493508751506.gif (1.4 MB, 245x233, tumblr_mxas0avqLT1sk4a43o1_250…)

John Slattery, after watching Mad Men i was thristing for him (and Jay.R.Ferguson), ashamed because he's give or take my father's age, but damn, is he handsome (and his charm as Roger did help a little).
No. 59321
File: 1493513611414.jpg (58.98 KB, 650x488, 5b3ae80399083e4a51c5056809c36d…)

Aidan Gillen, specifically as Petyr Baelish in GoT. Something about ambitious men is super hot. He's older than both of my parents though lmao.
Also, dat accent combo'd with my facial hair fetish…..hnnnng
No. 59663
File: 1493959622689.png (766.02 KB, 1136x640, IMG_4114.PNG)

Normally I don't like guys with excessive facial hair but Shane Dawson's adorable, and cute. <3
No. 59664
>>47022So it doesn't matter because he's gay but Nathan Lane.
I have a soft spot for funny guys no matter what they look like and his comedic timing is always great. I wish he got more work.
No. 59665
>>59663I'm pretty sure there's thousands of girls who'd fuck Shane Dawson. Hell my HUSBAND said he'd fuck Shane Dawson because he's just that cute.
You missed the point of the thread dollface
No. 59687
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He can prolapse my anushole yum yum
No. 59893
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>>59780Oh, same! Seymour is adorable.
>>59680Not a fan of older Steve? Consider younger/80s Steve.
No. 59897
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Speaking of Steves
No. 59911
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>>59910Donovan patton
he cute
No. 59934
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Pls no judge
No. 59960
File: 1494191079333.gif (482.14 KB, 260x195, IMG_9440.GIF)

>>59911thanks anon, he definitely is, and the steve guy also had this dorky qt thing going! shame I didn't grew up watching this show(brazilian, no cable tv), he's childhood crush material. didn't age so well tho :(
No. 60033
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The cannibal who asked online if anyone would let him eat him – and a guy replied
No. 60034
File: 1494239188928.png (294.67 KB, 496x422, uhm yes.png)

>>58217His skin and teeth don't do it for me. Also his overall face structure is too much like that lunatic James Woods (he could be a lolcow if anyone cared about his twitter feuds, but I think we don't).
I was a little disappointed when Ian McShane was killed off after one episode of GoT, but with American Gods he's on the screen every week.
I tell people I like the book, but I just watch it for him.
No. 60044
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willam belli but ONLY in full drag. I've seen what he looks like without it and i'm not into it
No. 60045
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>>60033Edgar (Desmin Borges) from the Tv serie "You're the worst". His character makes me want to cuddle him so much but he's not my actual type.
Also David Bowie during his 2005 era, and Jeremy Irons in all way…feel ashamed cause they're old (or dead…sorry)
No. 60047
>>60044I hate myself for it but I like his weird middle aged twink thing when he's not in drag
We could share him
No. 60065
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>tfw you will never touch tommy flanagans's scar while he talks to you in thick scottish accent
No. 60177
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richard spencer is an obvious retard and i can't explain why i would do him if he just shut up for a minute.
No. 60178
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>>47948oh god i'd so fuck John Oliver in a heartbeat and i'm not all that ashamed of it either. he should be rubbed in all the incels', nice guys' and other internet weirdoes' faces to show how irrelevant your looks become when you're witty and charming.
the guy i'd actually be ashamed to fuck is Jason Momoa. he's hot as fuck, but he leaves the impression that he has the worst personality. but urgh what can i do after that aquaman.
No. 60251
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No. 60252
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No. 60289
>>60261On the same note, why is everyone all hot and bothered over Mads Mikkelsen all of a sudden? Even men. And why does he always play sketchy Eastern Europeans?
The man looks like a middle aged toad.
No. 60339
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i'd fug him even while he's wearing corpse paint.
i thought he was really cute and polite in the joe franklin interview from 87. his singing voice and his talking voice both turn me on.
yall can shoot me now.
No. 61140
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Alex Mahan/YandereDev. fml i know, but his creeper voice is fucking wonderful. I have a voice fetish and I know there are many more options, but he can blindfold me and say anything he wants..
No. 61166
>>61140yikes is that what he really looks like? lil disappoint but not too bad
I don't play yandare simulator but i watch some of his update videos b/c i am also voice trash
No. 61168
>>61164and thats why the men im ashamed to fuck section was where i posted.
>>61166seriously though. he's pretty sketchy irl but yea there are better voices to get off too but i dont know. it does it for me
No. 61172
>>61168i can't decide whether i like the way he talks slowly or if i want him to speed up but i do like his pitch, i like it a lot
luckily i have a broad range of voices i find attractive from boyish to manly, ill follow anybody online if they have the voice i like
No. 61173
>>61168wish i found female voices as attractive, theres just a few i like
its weird but i have a thing for twinks but i don't like the way they talk with a fem tone, it grates on my ears
No. 61634
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I've had a girl crush on him since I first saw him in some of Uberhaxornova's vids. I really love all the eye candy in some of those Cow Chop vids.
No. 61664
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>>61634Oh god yes, I found cowchop a few months ago and I've had the biggest crush on him.
The the guys in cowchop are such cuties.
He was adorable in his emo days.
No. 61676
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I have the most shameful lady boner for this guy on the show Dragon's Den (I think it's like the Canadian version of Shark Tank), Michael Wekerle. I'm really not sure why.
He's super rich, though, so that's a plus.
No. 61827
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No. 61867
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Rhett and Link.
Ugh. I actually don't know why but I think it's because of the fact that they're so clean. Whenever I see a cutie that's straight edge I have this urge to do really, really dirty things with them. I know they're married with children but… that doesn't stop me from reading bad m-rated fanfiction.
No. 62992
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This ugly motherfucker. He's 30 years older than me, but god I want his dick so much.
No. 62997
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No. 63007
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I'm quite shocked no one mentioned Bob Ross.
No. 63008
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>>63007 And I always found young version of Graham Young to be quite hot, he reminds me of Benedict Cumbersnack.
No. 63052
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…and I think I can pull it off since he lives in my city and I'm really pretty.
No. 63054
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He's so disgusting looking but I'm oddly attracted to him.
No. 63058
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How on earth, I'm literally repulsed every time he's on screen in Fargo. Wrench and Numbers could double-team me, though. Wrench especially.
No. 63065
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I always had an unhealthy obsession with Ian Harding
No. 63099
>>47409Thank God I'm not alone in this. This whole thread made my day.
I love and grew up in Bob's comedy and I always had a little kid crush on him but it wasn't until he aged that shit got real.
No. 63123
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Must be the eyes…
No. 63124
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My ideal guy…
No. 66331
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I dont even know.
No. 165133
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… Thomas Ridgewell 2018-2020+?
Why would I fuck him?
He has a soft looking pretty beard that contrasts nicely with his eyes and he looks so cuddly, I’d love to massage the guy before or after. Then of course there’s not many rudeboys where I live and it might be nice to, well you know, blow a real trumpet ;)
Also his lower lip gives off a cute pouty look..
Regret/shame because he was a snobby self righteous creepy prick In the past and probably still is behind closed doors
but worse he probably doesn’t even like ska music anymore but feels stuck with it since it’s kind of a part of his career branding..
No. 167303
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Yes, yes, go ahead and insult me. But I would.
No. 169039
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Forgive me anons, but that smile
No. 169058
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No. 169956
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chris parnell. he is so hot as dr. leo spaceman in 30 rock.
No. 170129
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>>170032he looks attractive to me in that pic like as a regular celeb crush you know? but in 30 rock he looks yummy.. why do i find men with weak chins attractive UGH
No. 170143
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No. 170177
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josh hawley lmao
No. 171333
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No questions or criticism at this time
No. 172816
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Ok I find him really pretty please tell me I’m not alone
No. 172938
>>172898>>172907fair enough but you're still in the wrong thread lmao
go here