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File: 1646506409179.jpg (440.27 KB, 828x1601, 1645974888322.jpg)

No. 187240

Hi nonners until /m/ is cured can we use this thread to rate art

No. 187243

File: 1646508807528.png (63.9 KB, 257x275, 1645817661864.png)

Whoever drew this ily

No. 187247

File: 1646509329514.png (411.62 KB, 2048x2048, Untitled91_20220305150738.png)

I'm trying to figure out how to do the lineart but pls rate the sketch before it's too late

No. 187248

the wall looks weird, more wall pics?

No. 187252

Lord help me resist the urge to post my cringe ass OC yaoi here…

No. 187254

Gimme your OCs NOW nonnie

No. 187255

File: 1646512431789.gif (156.36 KB, 220x166, 1607268533824.gif)

Won't even be upset if I cop a ban for this. I deserve it tbh. (NSFW warning)

No. 187257


No. 187261

I swear I've seen you on /ic/. Not to my taste, but definitely charming.

No. 187263

Anon I don't even like yaoi but these are great, I love the way you draw hands and expressions especially. Do you take commissions?

No. 187268

Sorry nonnie
Yea I'm usually on there (until my patience with 4channers runs out lol)
Thank you sm!
>Do you take commissions?
Not officially(haven't set up a commission sheet or paypal business acc or anything hghh), but I do a few here and there for fun. pretty sure this is against the rules but my email is there in case you're interested anyways

No. 187279

This gives off tumblr vibes with them being dorky men but it's cute! the naked first pic was very jarring, kek. I like the drawing of them kissing the best, the hands are nice.

No. 187291

>cringe ass
It's certainly embarrassing cuz it's porn, but I wouldn't call it bad art.
They're both very cute and your style is nice. But you only posted pencil sketches. Don't you have a tablet?

No. 187295

I'm just embracing it tbh. I love drawing goofy looking tumblr-people and shit
I do have a tablet and usually do a lot of digital painting. These were more just spontaneous sketches to quell my inner fujo

No. 187305

This is awesome

No. 187310

File: 1646536195983.png (514.32 KB, 6047x8598, sprigatito.png)

here's some degenerate furry art i made of sprigatito's inevitable 2 legged form

No. 187313

Aww this is cute!

I would advice muting colours that are as saturated as that violet so they’re not that ms paint-like, since they’re a bit jarring.

I absolutely looooove the big cute fluffy paw, and the detail on the furred face! Super cool! However I also feel it kinda clashes with how rushed and plain the tail looks in comparison, especially since it’s such a big subject in the piece. If you put the amount of care you put in the paw and fluffy cheeks towards the tail as well, it’s gonna look even more amazing.

Finally, completely up to your taste, but a blank background can make it feel pretty boring, poor kitty just floating there in infinite blank space. But just even a square or triangle of solid color for the background could make your art stand out more.

No. 187315

File: 1646538286392.jpg (76.3 KB, 1024x538, spanish shawl.jpg)

yeah, i had a hard time trying to make it not super detailed (like canon pokemon), but this was the end result lmao

also the the pink i just nabbed from the plant spanish shawl, but i definately could've put more demension (?) in the colors

No. 187348

He's so charming, I love it! He's leaning a bit though. Try flipping your canvas and you'll see what I mean.

No. 187394

Too cute and too anthro to be a Pokemon, I also love your idea here >>187315

No. 187841

I like your style, I'm no fujo but if I were this would be my jam

No. 188466

ur a good artist but you draw unattractive characters

No. 188498

They're pretty cute, wtf you're talking about?

No. 188508


No. 188539

File: 1646941524834.png (276.16 KB, 700x1000, STACY STRONK.png)


i posted this in the oc drawing thread, but i would like some feedback for the muscles and stuff. i used a model reference, so i'm hoping it still looks nice with my artstyle™

No. 188844

She looks amazing, I think there may be something weird with the shoulder muscle on the right arm but I'm not sure

No. 188858

File: 1647044905706.jpeg (473.4 KB, 1147x1248, 085BF85D-26CC-4AB7-96E5-D08C40…)

i’m glad that this thread is back, so here’s my shitty contribution. just a random sketch portrait, reference was a screenshot from a film. the weird thing on his head is some kind of a furry hat, i always struggle to do hair or fur lol

No. 188860

this is great! as the nonna above me stated before, the only problem is the shoulder-arm thing, but that is just a minor detail. you did a wonderful job on this. i really hate to use the /ic/ speak, but this is sovl!

No. 188861

It looks very very nice. For fur try drawing many short lines instead of scribbles

No. 189187

File: 1647236715393.jpg (241 KB, 1144x785, 1647234571782.jpg)

Excellent taste, love some old fashion gays

No. 190546

File: 1647675378918.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 700x1000, Inkedmonster bf_LI.jpg)

spoilered because it's "sexy"(?)

No. 190549

left nip seems too high up, and why are his horns fuzzy?

No. 190683


lmao you're right, why havent i noticed how bad it was before ffff

as for the horns, i was going for a chipped growth effect. whould it look better if the lineart was thinner? or should i just scrap the horn texter and make them smooth?

No. 190730

He’s very hot anon and the way you drew the hair is beautiful! I really like your style

No. 190767

>pretty boy

No. 191484

File: 1648000244413.png (1.73 MB, 1511x2236, angle.png)

I've been dipping my toes into a painterly style, it's a bit fun actually!

No. 191485

File: 1648000469647.png (972.13 KB, 1670x1131, birfdayborb.png)

Another one I did in this style. I find working with blues and purples fun.

No. 191504

NONNIE THESE ARE SO CUTE!!! i love your brush work so much and the colors are beautiful

No. 191507

File: 1648008431164.png (2.34 MB, 1683x1889, portrait.png)

Thanks nona, it means a lot!!! I love using bright saturated colors and I love using "traditional" digital brushes even more!

No. 191509

it’s extremely beautiful i really love your work, the colors are so so beautiful and also perfect for your subject matter! The way you render reminds me of Marco Bucci whose work I really love. Keep it up nonna!!

No. 191514

I love kirby too nonnie!!!!! Your art is fantastic!!!!!!1

No. 191556

Thank you! That's one of the other reasons I like Kirby, it's full of very bright and varied colors to play around with! like instead of using bright pink for Kirby's skin I can use a pale reddish orange and soft orange which gives off a more summery "vibe". I did not know who Marco is, his face scares me but I like his art so thank you!
Oh nice, it's rare that I get to meet others into Kirby outside of twitter! which is both a curse and a blessing Are you excited for FL? Who are your favorite characters?

No. 194833

File: 1649128159819.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 700x1000, Inkedmonster bf_LI.jpg)

hey nonnas, thought you guys would wanna see updated/fixed demonboy tiddies

No. 194836

File: 1649128426740.png (516.32 KB, 900x1400, WIP FOUL TARNISHED.png)

also, i'm working on my elden ring husband, so here's the WIP

No. 194933

Cute cute both are cute I got nothing else to add

No. 195069

He's fantastic and I also love how you gave him such a winning smile. Don't always want to see a sub anxious or in pain, sometimes it's nice when they're just happy to be here kek
Love your style and subject matter. The design of the staff(?) is really beautiful. Wish I could see more of your work without you having to out yourself but thanks for sharing!

No. 195078

File: 1649203366466.png (87.98 KB, 500x500, blushblush.png)

that's probably the nicest thing any stranger on the internet has ever said to me, thank you nonnie

No. 196291

File: 1649572124001.png (1.01 MB, 900x1400, WIP FOUL TARNISHED.png)


No. 196304

I love it nonnie! what was the movie ?

This is an amazing style, how did you create the pattern on the sleeves

No. 196336

I'm not the anon you're asking this to but I'm 90% sure this is the character Mikhail Polyakov from Morphine/Морфий, a 2008 Russian movie about a doctor during the early days of the Russian civil war.

No. 196380

i used a lace pattern that came with clip studio and layered it to hell

No. 196384

File: 1649615119043.jpg (1.98 MB, 900x1400, FOUL TARNISHED.jpg)


No. 196385

I want to tell him that everything will be alright.

No. 196400

I love him anon

No. 196511

File: 1649645973866.png (1 MB, 1460x1328, fnasplace.png)

I got around to making some art again! The Space Ranger ability is so so fun, it's super cool looking too. Very surprised it wasn't found in the Invasion of the House of Horrors stage.

No. 196512

File: 1649646053262.png (1.28 MB, 816x2464, clumsydee.png)

I also re-vamped a MSPaint doodle I did, Waddle Dees are way too clumsy.

No. 196513

File: 1649646134426.png (216.05 KB, 1056x803, galactaclothes.png)

and finally, a simple doodle based off of a God-like phrase.

No. 196547

this is sick as hell, love it

No. 196601

Aaaawwwwww this thing is so cute I love it poor little thing hold my hand so you don't trip again

No. 196750

File: 1649715434019.png (10.46 MB, 1976x1846, waifu1.png)

this is beautiful i love the details
your kirbies are so cute anon

this is the first time i've ever tried to do something painterly and the first time i've touched my tablet in months. she's based off a waifulabs creation lmao. one day i'll make something that isn't a pretty, emotionless bust

No. 196755

hell yeah, very cute!

No. 197153

File: 1649893557343.jpeg (2.21 MB, 4032x3024, D6E4ADCF-8B83-41FF-AE71-B74261…)

Super quick self portrait (5 min. for the sketch, maybe 15 for the coloring). I stopped drawing for a year or so (still did it occasionally, but not much) and have been getting back into it the past few months. I think I added too much purple on the skin, I wish I left more white showing so the cartoony blush didn’t look so out of place but oh well. The hair has some purple in it too but it doesn’t show up on camera very well. I think in the future I will try less shading and make it more solid colors, using my sketching pen to do most of the shading (red ballpoint). Also the Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolors are the best, I got a starter set and purchased some indivual colors to add and it’s the perfect set now! Especially the teal color (no. 57) is so good, smooth and pigmented.

No. 197154

i love it, i wanna see more

No. 197158

File: 1649894973223.jpeg (2.5 MB, 4032x3024, E1AA7DB0-0E0E-4D07-B2B6-DD38B8…)

Thanks nonna, that means a lot ♥ I don’t do finished pieces really so here’s a page from my sketchbook!

No. 197159

File: 1649895082877.jpeg (2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 8126CEE6-368A-4A5B-8F70-DE951D…)

My phone camera is a bit shit, also lol at the feet on the far left. I’m trying to do more character design but I never really learned anatomy well. I’ll continue drawing though, only way to get better!

No. 197213

i absolutely love you're use of colors <3 if you want to practice, doing some figure drawing will help you get a good feel for anatomy

No. 197251

Thank you ♥ I'm trying to do figure drawing yes! I'm looking for some life drawing classes too but can't find any in my area and it's kind of awkward to ask your one friend to get naked in front of you lol.

No. 197408

This kind of sketchbook - with colors, text, big two page spreads - is always such a pleasure to go through, your art is lovely anon, keep at it! How many sketchbooks have you finished so far?

No. 197449

This is so sweet, thank you nonna ♥ I'm 19 now and have been using sketchbooks since I was about 12. I used to do a lot of finished pieces and used my sketchbooks mostly for concepts so I'm not sure. I have a ton of old ones and I don't even know where they are lol (I think I gave them to my mom?). I pretty much completely stopped doing 'finished' pieces about a year ago and just used my sketchbook for colorful things, regular sketches, studies, figure drawings, thoughts, inspiring lyrics, writing, and whatever else. Ever since I've gotten into the habit of drawing every day again, I think I've gone through 2 other ones and have this one half finished (my sketchbooks I use have 50 pages and I use both sides of the paper). Thank you so much for the compliment by the way, I graduated high school a year ago and my art teachers hated me because I have quite a messy style and they saw it as laziness/low effort work, I didn't have the guts at the time to tell them I felt it made my work more lively and it made me enjoy the proces a lot more than my old approach which was sketch, ink and color. It made me stop enjoying art for a while because I just associated it with people telling me it wasn't good enough, low effort, this and that. I don't really care anymore though, if these people really knew how to make art they wouldn't be teaching it. I don't do art for others anyway, it's just a hobby I really enjoy, something I use to get my emotions out sometimes and that's fine imo.

No. 198230

File: 1650241867317.png (3.78 MB, 2224x2037, eastercardfinal1.png)

Happy Easter nonnies!

No. 198271

This is so cute!

No. 200246

File: 1650855816442.png (298.2 KB, 645x927, goodjob.png)

Going to post some more stuff! Here's a cute Morpho Knight.

No. 200247

File: 1650855853284.png (1.07 MB, 1417x1248, dudeweedlmao.png)

Something I drew for 4/20, it's Kirby with the Leaf Ability.

No. 200248

File: 1650855932177.png (2.21 MB, 2187x2416, rkgk2.png)

Some doodles! One of them featuring one of my favorite ships, MetaSusie.

No. 200249

File: 1650856024794.png (332.17 KB, 1111x959, paintingthiswillbeapainintheas…)

And I'll end my posts with a work in progress. I plan to go simple but colorful with this one.
Thank you! Drawing the main gang is always a joy!

No. 201200

Somewhat related to thread topic: I really want to get better at drawing male bodies. How can I find good reference photos for this? Full disclosure, I want to draw cute men in suggestive poses.

No. 201210

No. 207344

File: 1652901818750.png (Spoiler Image,79.27 KB, 589x551, cake.png)

Did I give him too much cake? Any weird anatomy you can see?

No. 207345

cute kirby!!! he looks so cool

No. 207346

I love this

No. 207348

can I be your friend

No. 207367

Nonas I have a question. Do you guys tend to post the art you post on lolcow elsewhere too or just here? Are you ever afraid of people recognizing your style and outing yourself as an anon? I always want to share because I feel like nonas are generally helpful and nice with art advice but I’m too terrified to actually post art in case someone recognizes it.

No. 207384

I am afraid of posting my art here and people recognizing my style (I've posted art a couple of times although not in this thread), or recognizing my taste, but I would never post anything here that I've posted elsewhere.
Still, I would say do it anyways (post art for critique, not something you've posted elsewhere, I mean). If you have practically no audience on your social media/art accounts, it's extremely unlikely that anyone will care about cancelling you or something, or if someone recognizes you here, I doubt she'll make a big deal out of it.
And btw I've heard that some artists have posted or promoted their art here. I know one of them, but it seems that nothing bad happened to her.

No. 207396

Ty for the encouragement. Maybe sometime I’ll try and just see how it goes. I love seeing everyone else’s work, there are so many talented anons here.

No. 207444

File: 1652919186105.png (372.57 KB, 690x1600, leafgreen nuzlocke 02.png)


i could be wrong, but i believe the etiquette is that if you recognize someone's art outside of lolcow is that you don't call them out (don't quote me on this tho lmao). being active on an anonymous forum doesn't mean you're thoughts and views are the same as everyone else's on said forum (does that make sense?) so unless you've said some INSANE shit and it's traced back to you (example: creepshowart), i dont see why you'd be called out for being on lolcow or whatever.

and if someone who's lurking calls you out on it - wtf were THEY doing on lolcow?

/rant end

ANYWAY here's a random page from a nuzlocke comic i've been working on, maybe you guys will see it offsite lmao

No. 207467

File: 1652925481500.png (456.57 KB, 739x1049, Taranzaisfuckingpissed.png)

Going to post some art again.
Thank you Nonas, I'm glad you like it!
Who's your favorite Kirby character and or ship?
Yeah, I post the art I post here on twitter all the time. Not particularly scared, as I've accidentally sperged out about KirDedede during the time /ot/ shit itself so I've long since lost any shame. If someone were to call me out, I'd just say "So? Piss off.". Anyone with enough ambition or tism can trace anything you say or do online, so when I type something online I make sure to mean it.

No. 207469

File: 1652925558592.png (714.17 KB, 1915x1371, leolol.png)

Kirby recently made a promotion featuring a bunch of Kirbys in various horoscope themed costumes.

No. 207470

File: 1652925647886.png (2.86 MB, 1734x2842, queenrippleandherpet.png)

Queen Ripple is cute but I think 02 is cuter.

No. 207472

File: 1652925798039.png (99.88 KB, 399x361, kirbysummer.png)

A doodle I did in a paint-chat.

No. 207474

File: 1652925972694.png (98.81 KB, 1277x1111, MARXPAINTING.png)

Marx, he's okay but I got some brushes and I wanted to paint him.

No. 207477

File: 1652926602426.png (8.9 MB, 1763x2711, CAKE CAKE.png)

And to finally end my art train, the finished card.

No. 207478

File: 1652926938953.png (127.44 KB, 2500x3000, 78348234457_7e7r78er78_hgduys7…)

never had a furry/warriorcats phase as a kid so I wanted to make my own character, I'm not going to finish it, but I liked the base and colours I picked

No. 207499

This isn’t that bad, but the neck and shoulders are a bit odd and awkward. Decent overall though

No. 207507

I don't ship Kirby characters, but all my faves are in Kirby 64.

No. 207509

I knew you were kirdede anon just by looking at your art.

No. 207512

>no ships
>but all my faves are in Kirby 64.
Just from this alone I can tell you're amazing. Kirby Super Star is my favorite by K64 is a close second just from it's OST. I consider you a friend nonnie.
Yeah, I figured as such. I sincerely apologize.

No. 207526

No it's nice, however the other guy's broken
Cool, my best friend used to draw just like this
I love it, I love everything but my favorite part is the panel with the grass, it's so cool

No. 207531

File: 1652956881069.jpg (36.02 KB, 305x735, rthbsrthnb.JPG)

Probably neva eva gonna finish this bc I have no patience with drawing these days. It's my Skyrim Altmer player character power fantasy lady. Is it too coomerish? I know the anatomy is a bit wonky. My works always have a weird aura of uncanny valley with the anatomy mistakes, maybe because I make them too "polished" so the mistakes show up more than in a more painterly/sketchy style.

No. 207534

I don't mean to be rude, but this drawing looks like you've never drawn a woman not splayed out on a bed. Each of her thighs is 130% as wide as her waist, she's about to topple over from the sheer mass. Also she seems to have sprouted anemones in place of hands. I would understand a man drawing like this, but a woman? You can do better anon I believe in you.

No. 207537


Ok, I'll take it it's a bit too coomerish then lmao? Also I was actually proud of those hands, now you come here to crush my dreams! No it's fine, thanks for your input nonna, I appreciate it

No. 207539

I actually like how you drew her thighs even if they’re obviously stylized to be larger and wider i think even from this I can tell you have a good grasp on anatomy to be able to stylize it like this, the other anon was unnecessarily rude imo, the hand by her head could use some work but the one by her belly is very well drawn and nice, I also like how you drew the little bits off boob coming off the side and how the gloves squish her arms, nice work nonnie!
I always enjoy seeing your kirby art, so beautiful!
This is actually very cute! I agree the neck is a bit off but if it’s your first time drawing more furry characters it’s incredibly impressive tbh and I think the eye is very cute and pretty!

No. 207555

I get that she’s probably a dwarf or some shit, but it doesn’t hurt to not make her have those porn-y thick thighs, you can make her skinny and muscular anon it’s ok you can make her thighs proportional to her chest

No. 207556

File: 1652967824765.jpeg (272.27 KB, 1601x959, 68D9C3A7-1991-409C-8B8D-64B440…)

Im here to be obnoxious with my ocs, absolutely cannot stop drawing them.

Also I absolutely adore all the kirbies, made my day

No. 207558

Nta but if you look for images of women with thick thighs you will see that they won't have such a tiny waist in comparison, I think those proportions make it a bit coomerish, especially with the thigh spill. The hands are different sizes and it looks like the fingers have random lengths. The middle finger should be the longest and yet it somehow isn't. And I feel like the nose is too high up, drawing the bridge like that also makes the face look older but maybe that's just my preference. And the little sack on her waist looks awkward and out of place and like you're drawing your first idea of a little bag. Just look up references instead of making it up. It looks cute overall though, I hope you can have some fun with it!

No. 207564

I think I might be a coomer because I like it.

No. 207565

Poor girl, you’ve dislocated her legs.

No. 207592

I love bunny guy anon, the shading on his hair is also really good

No. 207747

Thank you! I’m very cheesed to hear that, because I’m happy how he and his hair turned out as well

No. 207959


give me more ffxiv content OR ELSE–

i will cry

No. 208111

File: 1653153720917.jpeg (546.38 KB, 1225x1012, E385AB17-1111-4309-BDF3-012CBA…)

I’m a total ffxiv sperg (extremely salty I had to stop playing right before adventurer plates came out thought rip), so I’ll gladly waterboard you anon

No. 208249

File: 1653191208934.jpg (36.23 KB, 846x585, FKznt2TXMAEj5wl.jpg)

I have posted my drawings in many places and have been ignored so many times that I no longer care if someone recognizes me.

No. 208264

File: 1653193496679.jpg (256.16 KB, 1200x901, illust_60981175_20220521_22112…)

I use a lot of references mainly from pixiv (sometimes I practice drawing the references I find and from pictures with real people), and I also look at drawings that resemble the pose I want to draw to get an idea of how to draw it "right".

No. 208279

Nta but I had the same problem and I solved it by looking at a lot of pictures of the muscles you're unsure about, as well as videos (things like sports videos or anything with half-naked people going around) to get how they work in movement and above the skin. After you copy and study them enough times it just clicks and you'll remember how to do it even from memory.

No. 208282

P-post moar…

No. 208390

Nonnies, how the heck do you draw hair highlights on anime characters?

No. 208391


No. 208431

as a ~PROFFESIONAL~ artist my advice is

bullshit everything.

my REAL advice is to pick your anime hair color and then pick a lighter color that looks really pretty with it to use as a highlight. maybe experiment with overlay. go nuts. it's anime. (when my wrist stops hurting, i'll come back to this with some examples)

No. 208433


No. 208444

File: 1653257322120.jpg (27.58 KB, 596x607, FB_IMG_1652806253837.jpg)

This has been a terrible year for my drawings, I can't finish things. I hope to encourage myself to publish the best of 2021

No. 208449

File: 1653259351161.png (1.31 MB, 1500x1500, standalone.png)

still working on this but wanted to share the progress with you nonnies <3(emoticons/ emojis aren't allowed)

No. 208455

I can tell you traced over a picture. Those eyes are kinda too close together, and their noses are not placed that well. Also, mods don't like emoticons, so don't use those next time you post newfag.

No. 208456

underage twitter user/10

No. 208458

Words straight out of my mouth, love you so much. I hate emoticons and every kind of emote there is

No. 208466

Hearts have been allowed for a long time, though. Usually as # <3 but I'd say that banning someone for using without it would be nitpicking

No. 208468

>I can tell you traced over a picture
Nta but how?

No. 208470

this, as long as they aren't emojis quit being speds about them. makes you look like a newfag in your own right.

No. 208471

File: 1653267902059.png (2.39 MB, 1919x1988, ringmastermeta2.png)

Quickie fanart I made of the Kirby Horoscope Collection, specifically of the Leo rubber keychain.

No. 208473

The proportions of the figure's outline is way too realistic and stiff in comparison to how the facial features are drawn.

No. 208478

sometimes people can have a better grasp of broader anatomy but be worse at detailing or vice versa. i do think OP's pic could be traced but it could also be a newcomer who over-focused in one area but neglected others

if it isn't tracing: there's an uneven distribution of realism here that looks uncanny. the shading on the clothing is good but clashes with the hair, which looks much stiffer. the generally realistic proportions really clash with the cartoony look of the facial features. blending realism w/ stylization has to be done with a deeper sense of anatomy or the elements just look like they're conflicting with each other

if it is traced: that's fine to practice anatomical proportions but don't post it without clarification that it's practice or you will get reamed kek

No. 208484

I don't really care for ♥ although I was surprised to see it in colour when I started to browse lc on moblie since I'm more of a pcfag. Whenever I see a farmer do an emoticon for a heart without the hashtag I get reminded on the fact a lot of the newfags don't bother to read /rules/ or /meta/ and just post video links or just write about what happened without properly embedding or simply posting caps since this is an imageboard
>>208471 Keep up the good work! It's fun to see how passionate you are about the Kirby franchise. While Metaknight's right leg is a bit wonky compared to his left, awkwardly grasped staff and his top hat would look a bit better if it tipped down more as he is looking downwards to Kirby other then that I can see the improvements along with you trying to have the characters a bit more dynamic then usual which always a good thing to see.

No. 208486

Nona, her picture is clearly traced. Her skill level is obviously way below that of someone who would be capable of drawing the bodies. If she had the actual understanding of anatomy and form that it would take to do the bodies she wouldn't have drawn the eyes, noses, and inner ears like that; they're too simplified, and off with everything else. Also, her shading is like an amateurs, yet she was capable of getting the placement right in a realistic way, which makes this look more like it was traced. Someone is going to have to find the original picture, or op should just post it.

No. 208489

File: 1653272159282.png (240.84 KB, 715x725, metafeet.png)

Thank you nona! I am extraordinarily passionate about the Kirby franchise so I want to get better and improve. Yeah, admittedly, compared to my other works this is one I'm a little less proud of. Throughout drawing it I several times thought, "I should scrap this". I was trying to have Meta Knight do a cool pose that's fitting to the whole magician thing he had going on. You're right, his right foot is just kinda dangling off at the heel and I think putting it into the foreground (in-front of his body) would've made it look better perspective wise. I also feel the left foot is a little wonky too since the front of the foot is facing the viewer directly so it looks like the foot as a whole is melded to Meta Knight's back rather than the heel and due to the size not being smaller (along with his hand too) it lacks perspective in a way maybe and angling it upwards would help? I see what you mean by the way he's grasping his staff, I'm still struggling with drawing gloved hands rather than just hands with fingers, working with mass blobs as hands is a little difficult. I'm tempted to buy large winter gloves and use those as references. Thanks, with Kirby characters it's a bit hard to do dynamic poses since you have so little to work with depending on the character so I try to look at other art, official art works and in-game sprite-sheets to gather inspiration and to study from.

No. 208497

File: 1653273276207.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1420x1640, 82FDBAC1-6B9C-4A63-A6EC-068584…)

No. 208504

From your post alone I can see that you have but a lot of thought and effort into drawing Kirby and co, especially since you have clearly done research about perspective as that is really important when drawing simple blobs that doesn't have a wide range of movements and the fact you still continued on drawing despite disliking the placement of Meta Knights feet as I like to think that every piece of work that I dislike is just practise that I should finish so that I can learn from my mistakes and try better next time. You could also look up Disney hand that are gloved like Mickey mouse as there is a ton of tutorial about that for sure otherwise purchasing gloves are a good idea too since you can always pose them yourself for reference. I posted a bunch of Kirby wallpapers here >>>/m/208400 I think you would like them, although they are mostly just Kirby himself

No. 208509

I don't think you understood what you were looking at

No. 208511

I actually like the aggressively sketchy look, ignore that anon because it's not bad. But the feathers are a little too round and you should consider blunting the edges of them a bit.

No. 208515

Why is this thread full of avatarfags or whatever the fuck? Stay anonymous you dumb binches

No. 208517

w0t? this is a fucking draw thread of course ppl are gonna be identifiable you retard

No. 208525

File: 1653282254971.png (160.62 KB, 500x500, example 1.png)

No. 208526

File: 1653282375585.png (176.03 KB, 600x600, example2.png)

No. 208543

>think ppl can't tell when trace
Underage beg be like

No. 208566

Thank you! I actually see a lot of both female and male art but the women tend to be very moeblobby which annoys me lol

No. 208632

File: 1653334263511.jpeg (18.22 KB, 299x168, D84740D9-6723-4514-9F68-5BDCDC…)

Thank you anon, I don’t usually draw animals or anything like that I am trying to expand on what I do I like the look of early 2000s sketchy anime picrel ( breaking the habit -linkin park music video)

I’ll be dambed. I did this drawing really fast and I have a tendency to jumble things and rush.

No. 208635

File: 1653335344514.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 2764x3686, law.png)

lawrence my beloved

(spoilered for some blood/implied dismemberment)

No. 208664

It's really cool I like the poppies, his arm is too long, usually your elbow should be at the height of your waist but his elbow is at the height of his hips. And I know it's muh style and everything but I think the eyes are too wide, or rather not too wide but too close together.

No. 208672

I like your idea for this, you're good at hands and the flowers. But the line work, and proportions for some parts of this are not that good. The upper part of the head is too small in comparison with the ears and facial features. Their eyes are too big, and too close together. Also their arm is a bit of an odd shape, it's abnormally pointy. Your line work is inconsistent, their features get progressively thinner towards their eye, which makes it a bit jarring to look at.

No. 208696

I don’t understand how you guys are able to draw this shit my mind is incapable of this kek, this is good nonna

Everything in this thread is good! <3(<3)

No. 208698


dang, and i used a poser for reference too ;; the arm length is an easy fix, i might fix the eyes if i can get them to look aesthetically better lmao

also, please elaborate on what you mean by lineart around the eye so i can have a better understanding on how to fix it. do i make the lineart for eyelashes thicker? the irises? or the whole thing?

No. 208705

With the line art you should make it around the same width for the most part, especially where you have such thin lines for the eyes, but it's right next to a thicker line for the nose, and hands.

No. 208765

The other anons gave great tips, but I would also try to get consistent with the shapes. His torso, shoulders and face are pretty soft-looking but then you have the left arm that's pointy and made up of mostly straight lines.

No. 208776


thank you nonnitas, i'll work on it as soon as possible!!

No. 208780

Woah his face looks really… squished. Nice muscles though, nnnnice.

No. 208876

File: 1653430436669.jpeg (661.29 KB, 2045x2048, 3C08CDAD-DA5D-469F-9AD9-08F57C…)

I’ve tried different color palette on this portrait. I usually do realistic or black and white only because I’m scared of fucking up the values. Not really sure if it’s any good, but I think I need to leave my comfort zone.
Any critique is welcomed!
I love all the original artwork here btw, I rarely draw without reference, so to the nonnas posting here - you have my deepest admiration!

No. 208911

hey, babe? what the fuck? this is so good??? i cant think of any critique to give; please show me more

No. 208913

It looks like you have a nice grasp on values to start with. Once you get to the rendering portion of drawing it is a lot of work just studying which spots of values need hard and soft edges. I'm about the same place as you when it comes to coloring- I start in black and white and then add a tone but it ends up looking flat unless I fuss with it. Once you move on from edge and shadow studying you'll want to move onto skintone and color studies (especially in the face because of the color nuance gets crazy)

No. 208931

Thank you!
I probably described my painting badly but I never do the shades of grey to color technique, because I kinda don’t know how to make it work lol. I either do real skin tone or b&w. But you’re right that this one looks like I did just that and I don’t know why. On my iPad the picture looks way more saturated. I did this one like an oil painting - started with the orange background and adding the blues on one layer.
And thanks for the mention of hard and soft edges, it’s something I struggle to do properly, unless the source picture is in very contrasting lighting. I need to practice more!

No. 209851

File: 1653846323221.png (293.07 KB, 700x703, MagicalDraw.png)

Posting some stuff again! This is something I did in a Magical Draw session that I cleaned up in CSP.

No. 209852

File: 1653846389256.png (125.46 KB, 642x971, daraoch.png)

Daroach! Posting the black and white version since I like it a lot more than the colored version.

No. 209854

File: 1653846588232.png (196.59 KB, 564x537, cafededede.png)

I know I fucked up on the hands, but I still liked how this came out. I was testing out a new set of brushes.

No. 216314

File: 1655941325955.png (2.13 MB, 2943x2195, styles.png)

Back again with some more Kirby right back at ya.

No. 216315

File: 1655941382721.png (1.28 MB, 1389x2048, IDK.png)

I don't feel proud of this one, I'm probably gonna re-do the composition but keep the colors.

No. 216316

File: 1655941623314.png (332.87 KB, 1118x1277, tripled.png)

Quickie Dedede sketch

No. 216318

I love you anonaninacina.

No. 216335

File: 1655948897279.png (204.29 KB, 900x881, trainkiss.png)

Thank you nonnies, I am glad you like my art of varying quality!

No. 216781

May I ask what CSP brushes you use nonna?

No. 217038

File: 1656214911143.png (667.25 KB, 1551x870, ekichouu.png)

Another one! I did this to relax before bed, while drawing this I primarily wanted to test if I can do a more 'lazier' but cohesive painterly style. I need to practice the method a bit more

No. 217039

File: 1656215053969.png (858.05 KB, 2043x1434, kirbys.png)

A buncha different kirbys I made for my commission sheet.
I use a bunch of brushes but if you're talking about the ones I use for coloring.
Here are the ones I use for painterly like rendering and coloring.
And here are the ones I use for watercolor/marker like coloring.

No. 217374

File: 1656326537077.png (219.76 KB, 726x648, bt.png)

this was going to be a full body but i got lazy hehe

No. 217383

She kinda looks like a guy here

No. 217420

True, but it's cute. I like the simple style and especially the eyebrows.

No. 217430

Gnc queen

No. 217508

Anon you just made me realise that I draw all my women pretty androgynously (if i could put a crying emoji here I would), I would try and fix it but i draw my original character all the time who actually is intended to be an androgynous woman.. lets just go with her being a gnc queen

No. 219992

File: 1657238737409.jpg (3.27 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)

This was supposed to be a hair study

No. 219993

File: 1657238795672.png (4.85 MB, 960x2079, C2A87CA2-8102-4B3A-B105-C43E49…)

This was the image I was recreating

No. 220002

File: 1657241601561.jpg (159.88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

It's fine for a hair study! Not sure what exactly was your focus, but if color then it's definitely missing a strong highlight, and if structure, then a good practice would be simplifying the shapes even more and applying more geometric approach to understand a 3d form better, kinda like picrel

No. 220038

Unfortunately the paper for this sketch book is cheap and it’s been degraded to much for me to make and major changes. But I definitely see what you mean and will keep alignment more in mind since I had a feeling that was a problem area but had issues with how to fix it.

No. 220039

Yeah I was focused more on form then on color and will keep breaking the hair down even further

No. 221879

File: 1657828191678.jpeg (758.27 KB, 1606x2047, FFADF5A6-3C88-467D-A5D2-5D7580…)

HRG. Not sure if it’s finished. I have this problem with my artwork, whenever I try to polish it,I overdo it and it ends up looking worse. It somehow looses its "charm" or whatever it is. My sketches looks better than the finished thing. I guess it’s because I start to focus on details and I can’t see the big picture anymore. Anyone knows how to avoid this thing? I

No. 221915

File: 1657833382579.jpg (3.94 MB, 3544x2547, IMG_20220313_000553.jpg)

just a doodle of a seething gamer Eren

No. 221934

I love this

No. 222441

I only know how to 3/4 draw faces (to an extent) and I'm not sure how to expand my knowledge anymore
Also I'm not sure what I mean by these

No. 222457

Props to you for capturing the abolute disgrace this seething incel faggot loser cuck is.

No. 222501

Oh god I love this, you got him picture perfect lmao

No. 222566

it's a literal stickfigure, but this is some drawing i did of some old character of mine recently that i'm kind of proud of oribou is fun

No. 222567

File: 1658061791108.png (157.8 KB, 328x999, pixivSketch.png)

wait FUCK

No. 222929

for real

go to libgen.rs and search for "Andrew Loomis"

No. 222930

in my experience you just have to stop touching it and move on to your next illustration

that looks finished except maybe the hair

No. 222948

You don't even have to go to libgen, just google "Andrew Loomis pdf" and the first two results give you an easy download

No. 222986

damn I'm a million years old. I swear it used to be harder to steal lmao

that's cool though

No. 223741

File: 1658445877393.png (8.72 MB, 3000x3000, bjheeh.png)

feel free to critique the shit out of me, i need it. havent drawn a background in months so maybe go easy on that part

No. 225632

File: 1659177828357.jpg (30.17 KB, 727x582, mkkksssss.jpg)

I like sad faces

No. 225633

I'm no expert, but I really find your drawing beautiful. Good work

No. 225636

It looks great, especially if you consider the character's complexity. What I would be more careful about is the linework (it looks a bit too sketchy and thick) and the shading which looks a bit rushed and confused. I can also notice a few points where the coloring goes outside the lines. Is there some kind of texture near his head and ears? If there is, try not to use textures if you're still learning some things. I see a lot of beginner artists overusing a bunch of grainy textures and brushes to hide mistakes or make the piece look cooler, but it just ends up being distracting and "dirty".

No. 225649

That's a cute stickfigure though
So good

No. 225670

digital layperson idea so tell me if it's stupid or doesn't make sense but I think if you worked on it at a much larger scale (like literally a larger image size) it would look better. kinda looks like you are using a "pen" that's too big for your "paper". but it looks good and the colors and shapes are all nice

No. 225713

the weak part is definitely the background, the trees look fuzzy instead of leafy, and pushing the atmospheric perspective harder would help differentiate the character from the background. As for the character, the design is autistically cluttered and random looking but the execution's not awful. I like the tall ears, they make for a great silhouette

No. 227010

File: 1659637240054.png (55.43 KB, 399x459, Screenshot_2022-08-03_233852.p…)

I haven't drawn in a loooong while, decided to get back to it recently. Thoughts on this? Can you tell who this is?

No. 227011

Samefag, for your own sanity don't mirror this drawing

No. 227012

Is it Ryan Gosling?

No. 227025

No. 227063

The expression is not that bad. But your shading is very messy, you could easily fix that by outlining the spaces where you'd put the shaded parts, and then fill them in. I know it's a sketch, but you could still at least outline the contrast between the darker parts to make it look nicer.

No. 227064

Kek I love this

No. 227903

thank you
Thank you a lot for this review!!!!!! youre definitely right about the shading part because i have no idea what i'm doing to be honest.
thank you
i will keep that in mind thank you
thank you for this, my esl ass is definitely going to have to google for atmospheric perspective but afaik perspective is always a pain so im going to have to work hard lmao. youre right about the design being autism central but believe me or not this is an actual character haha

No. 228317

Kirby is- KIRBY IS A BABY!

No. 228327

Kirby has no defined age outside of the anime.

No. 228328

Ok now this is getting kind of creepy

No. 228333

A lot of nonnies think kirby anon is normal for some reason

No. 228339

nonni im about to engage in some light bullying so that you don't don't become a pariah after getting the mistaken impression from anons here that this is something normal enough to share with regular people
ikr i guess i assumed that she didnt actually want to FUCK kirby characters and just liked them in a weird asexual autistic special interest way kek

No. 228396

File: 1660016312875.png (319.48 KB, 915x957, Capture.PNG)

hello nonitas…any and all criticism accepted i do not mind

No. 228397

draw his ass, dont flake out on the best part

No. 228398

Oh god, so it is a sexual interest? Kill me

No. 228400

File: 1660017185732.jpeg (89.65 KB, 720x1280, D1B6F864-8FF9-4529-92B7-1C01A8…)

Give him a big ass and make it so his bulge can be seen from behind. Otherwise he looks great, he reminds me a bit of Malleus Draconia from twisted wonderland, which is nice.

No. 228402

no, no nonny. Don't discourage her. I want to see the porn. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity

No. 228405

he was actually a big inspo for the process !! so that makes me happy

damm yall nonnies…really wanna see an ass version huh.. gimme some minutes

No. 228408

His eyes are a bit too far apart, that's all I have to say, I'm not good with critiquing clothing designs

No. 228409

File: 1660019392538.png (62.57 KB, 373x379, Capture.PNG)

a quick butt

No. 228416

Can't you just Google Kirby x DeDeDe porn?
Anyways… Ok Kirby anon, do it. Drop the porn.

No. 228436

the corset is lame and I will never be able to dissasociate that purple/green color sceme from an ancient meme. But otherwise decent.

No. 228441

Yall are nasty and bullies omg

No. 228520

I'm just expressing my exasperation. I mean no harm to the autist in question, bless her soul

No. 228529

It is not if it's in a bad art thread, so I assume it's the same for this thread.
>the nerds anon
Living (?) Legend, I hope she and her Nerds harem is doing fine

No. 228579


No. 230595

File: 1660436775539.jpg (619.5 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled_Artwork 18.jpg)

i wish i had more time to draw

No. 230596

Wooa.. just like the real anime’s

No. 230600

nonnie im in love with your art

No. 230609

NTA but that's by "yot_su" on twt

No. 230610

insanely talented.

No. 230619

File: 1660443579771.png (1.89 MB, 1500x2000, stars.png)

looking for things to improve with this oc piece nonnas, i havent drawn for years and this was my first attempt

No. 230632

Sorry for not giving you actual advice, but I think you could benefit a lot by watching Naoki Saito's videos, especially the correction ones and ones about shadows. Correction videos 95, 81 and 97 touch on a lot of the points that I think will help your drawing really pop! While I do think you could fix up the anatomy, and finding a ref of that pose would probably help (mostly her legs, and (our right, her left) forearm is too long); lighting, background, and composition will honestly improve your drawing most. Those things seem a bit intimidating at first, but I think you'll be able to do it! Naoki's videos of him painting over the art submissions is way more useful (for me) than having someone try to explain it in words. He kinda turned into an nftbro but idgaf, his videos are super helpful. Your oc is really cute nonny!

No. 230644

thank you nonna!!! im gonna watch those videos and try and re shade it tomorrow and repost here! wish me luck

No. 230645

>Naoki Saito turned into an NFTbro

No. 230647

yeah that’s me ! lol(global rule #4)

No. 230650

you need way more contrast on literally everything, it looks dark and muddy. Also her knees look as pointy as elbows, assuming you have legs, look down and see that your knees do not become that pointy even when bent. Lastly unless she's sort of standing on her knees, you need foreshortening on the legs to indicate a sitting position. hope that helps.

No. 230878

Sorry nonna you shouldn't out yourself here.

No. 231128

File: 1660614046050.jpeg (924.29 KB, 1170x1805, C8C6872D-93D6-430F-989C-77BE10…)

She’s in a classroom

No. 231556

y not? this thread is good

No. 231557

Are you, by chance, an animecore femcel?

No. 231572

NTA but it's two things. You could either be outed as a TERF meanie for posting here on Twitter and be harassed for it, or someone from here could dig up some dirt on you (or the moid lurkers could harass you). Overall it's not a good idea to be open about your identity on here.

No. 231583

You're on an anonymous imageboard retard

No. 231794

im just a hobbyist i feel like its not that serious

i didn't even post my own @. someone else did

No. 231925

File: 1660844987918.jpg (192.85 KB, 504x1044, featurecreep.jpg)

Great perspective and use of 3D space nonnie! I also really like the shading on her shirt, there's such good value contrast and you can see where the material bunches under her arms and indicates directional movement.
Her facial features are a little spread out, like picrel. But if that was an intentional style choice, feel free to ignore that. There's also some lines that don't match up in the background. The floor line appears to be going two different directions, and is not parallel with the board. The photographs are a bit distracting because the photographs have more value contrast and pull the eye away from the rest of the picture, making everything look washed out by comparison.

No. 233688

File: 1661467986433.png (497.55 KB, 591x890, gorumefes.png)

Posting once more. Kirby's Dream Buffet was released recently so I had to draw something.

No. 233689

File: 1661468020381.png (651.48 KB, 1672x1248, darorodo.png)

Daroach, he's fun to draw though his hat is confusing at first.

No. 233691

File: 1661468073698.png (1015.75 KB, 1683x2421, sketch.png)

A sketch I'm still debating on coloring.

No. 233692

File: 1661468124622.png (259.89 KB, 674x839, annifest.png)

This was made in relation to the 30th Anniversary Music Fest. King Dedede Fest and The Knights' Revenge Medley were my favorites.

No. 233693

File: 1661468170837.png (174.09 KB, 720x360, banner2.png)

Finally a banner I made for my blog.

No. 233694

>made for my blog
umm nonna did you mean to post this here?

No. 233695

Eh, it's on some obscure as shit blogging platform that nobody uses in this day in age and locked behind a pass so I don't mind.

No. 233700

File: 1661472491728.gif (1.11 MB, 498x282, tears-of-joy-anime[1].gif)

Kirby anon I love you… This banner looks so soft and cute like a manga cover ♥

No. 234008

File: 1661585870431.png (Spoiler Image,2.54 MB, 2744x1169, kakaya.png)

I'll never post this anywhere else so here it is. Unfinished spicy drawing of Kaeya from Genshin Impact. I think it's incredibly cringe but I do like how I drew the body/anatomy. I am confused with the composition though, something doesn't look right to me.

No. 234010

Samefag, I know he's too light, I was going to make him a little darker but I can't be arsed to finish this.

No. 234128

i think the head/neck should be more relaxed, it looks like he's straining to lift his head (he is laying down, yeah?)

No. 234166

File: 1661634944068.jpg (380.63 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20220827-161447_Ins…)

Rena pic i drew cuz i love rena

No. 234195

cute. reminds me of early 2000s anime styles

No. 234363

NTA but who made this tutorial? I like it

No. 234381

ayrt I found it on Pinterest, but following the link lead to a coomer pinup art blog. If that's the original artist, I feel shameful for referencing it.

No. 234443

File: 1661729727604.jpeg (109.77 KB, 658x313, 8A41D346-7A5A-47D0-A775-7923EF…)

I make silly collages off of thrifted materials

No. 234444

No no this is slay. No silly

No. 234446

File: 1661729874613.jpeg (44.96 KB, 470x312, 4A10493C-B296-4551-9EEF-F1F9A2…)

Aww thank you nonna

No. 234455

I think you should add a bit more hair going up his lower stomach, or make it blank. That sparse, patchy hair is aggravating me. Otherwise good job

No. 234492

Yeah he was supposed to be laying down. I didn't notice how odd the neck/head/shoulder area looked until you mentioned it. Thank you nonnie! I really struggle with poses sometimes

Got it! Thank you too nona.

No. 234547

This rules! I would definitely hang up something like this in my office or gaming room.

No. 234909

this is badass anon!!

No. 235454

File: 1662046550312.jpeg (228.88 KB, 1222x640, DDBD61CB-5144-47BF-BB56-A6400F…)

Thank you all for the support! I love collecting materials and making them. Ill keep posting here more often. Wish we could all hang out and make art together. Heres another! All the love

No. 235476

You're welcome! I love your style so much and I look forward to seeing any new pieces you do. I've actually been trying collaging myself lately as my wrist is fucked from a decade of tattooing (early onset arthritis, fml) so collaging has allowed me to sketch a very rough idea for a picture and build on it without the pain. I might post what I'm working on if I'm feeling brave. I would love to hang out to! I miss collaborating with other artists and mixing styles so much.

No. 237238

File: 1662619217362.jpeg (338.21 KB, 1536x2048, 9B29FC83-BF22-4EE9-8634-248293…)

Something is horrible with this drawing and idk what pls help

No. 238023

File: 1662861060816.jpeg (84.93 KB, 709x1000, 1665AAD9-CD43-408C-9746-24F28F…)

No. 238065

I like the way you painted the mountain in the foreground, and i love the colors in this piece! the head does look pretty big on her body, and the shoulders are kind of weirdly sloped. it’s been said to death but really, study loomis, and practice figure drawing.

No. 238067

File: 1662880241983.png (726.12 KB, 1900x1600, cool cool cool so cool.png)

I didn't mean to make her look so coomerish, sorry nonnas. Any and all criticism/critique is accepted

No. 238077

Are you going for a more stylized look? I was going to critique the anatomy but I wasn't sure if you were going for something different. Sorry if that's rude.

No. 238085

The lamb's head should be closer to its body, the mass of leaves on the bottom right seems weirdly connected to the two visible bits of wood. Also the way the trees intermesh with the rock cliff is very unclear

No. 238091

I love the palette! I think you would benefit from separating the character from the background as two layers, maybe even three for the fence. The places where the character meets the water/fence/mountain/sky is a bit awkward because you couldn't just naturally make those strokes and extend the image behind her, instead everything merges/stops at those points. This will also help you clean up her silhouette later without messing the background up.

No. 238180

I am going for something more stylized but id like to hear your critique anyways

No. 238308

File: 1662942893577.png (263.18 KB, 566x708, wadodon.png)

I drew a Waddle Bowl, mostly as a test of drawing with only pencil brushes along with using a smaller canvas instead of my usual 2000 x 1000 canvases.

No. 238347

is this you dededechan? I like this! you somehow made it look yummy

No. 238358

Shit, I can only draw on 5000x5000 canvas, anything else feels wrong to me.

No. 238396

As an amateur who also does collage art, this rocks. I don't know if you edited the background to have a red tint but if you didn't, that's some real good scavenging done. Nice cutting and good composition, plus a message. Good stuff!

No. 238413

I suppose so! I love him a whole lots even if others may not and find him cringe. Though I now have the awareness to never mention him ever anymore. Thank you, I want to get better at drawing food but I had to add a Waddle Dee, I can't help myself. I'm glad it looks yummy, rendering the fluffy rice was my favorite part!
Oh, I draw on huge canvases too. It feels like the image is sharper to me when it's on a huge canvas. Usually I start with a huge canvas and by the time I'm ready to ink I'll scale the canvas down.

No. 238439

>Though I now have the awareness to never mention him ever anymore
It makes me so freaking sad to hear this, I legit think you're cool.

No. 238473

Nah, it shouldn't. To be honest, it kind of really hurt to learn the truth of the matter is that he isn't a desirable husbando to others as he is to me. Others will never see him in the way I do. Talking about and posting him was making others annoyed, uncomfortable, or laugh. Not all husbandos are equal and I'm fine with that. I'd rather not make others uncomfortable by posting him or have my husbando, or my love for him, reduced to some shitty punchline or joke. Thank you though, it means a lot to know others may like him!

No. 238780

>Talking about and posting him was making others annoyed, uncomfortable, or laugh
I'm going to say it again but your dedication to Dedede is very impressive and inspiring to me, you're super passionate and you're seriously someone I would listen to for hours, not out of simple curiosity, I legit think your kirby knowledge is cool. I still extend my hand and would like to be your friend someday.

No. 238786

Fuck the haters

No. 238826

Nonnie I love you. Your husbando may be unconventional to me but your art is so fun and clearly has a lot of heart into it, it makes me smile. Keep posting!

No. 238989

Please be my friend I'm serious

No. 239007

This is a very cute rendering style. I'm jelly!

No. 239087

Please don't listen to haters, anon. I see that your husbando is very dear to you and he inspirers you to make great art. Fuck haters. They are just jelous about what you have going on.

No. 239423

File: 1663218761348.png (361.83 KB, 481x934, babumeta.png)

Doodle to compensate for the postings below, it's Meta Knight but babey.
Dedede is my one of two everythings, and I love him very much. I could talk about him, Meta Knight or Kirby for hours, enough to fill a three hour and thirty minute youtube if I had to give an estimate. My passion is unending to be honest and I can get a little carried away with it, so I could never lose any love or passion for him. Probably one of my biggest reasons for drawing things in general!
Thanks Anon, my passion is the one thing that keeps me driving and living each morning. If you're the Anon from /g/ who I snapped at, I'm truly truly sorry for how rude and aggressive I sounded, I really am. The way you acted, especially the wking, kind of scared me since it was eerily similar to a moid with a tsim fetish who stalked me on twitter and shitcord for a while and I just ended up freaking out a bit.
Thank you very much! If you're wondering how I did it, the trick is to use a low density or opacity analog pencil style brushes at a large size and build everything up from the dark color first and the lighter color next. Changing the direction in which you do your brush strokes helps as well as it adds different directions in texture. Three overlapping colors of a varying saturation and shade for each color to blend rather than an actual blending tool helps as well. I used three colors, yellow, pale yellow and pale brown to do the rice funnily enough!

No. 239484

DededeAnon, I want you to know that your art genuinely got me interested in the Kirby series and I actually bought a Kirby art book because of how cute and charming I found your art of the characters! If you ever made an art book of your husbando, I'd be first in line.

No. 239519

Oh shoot, really? I'm honored and I hope you enjoy the series! It's the Official Art and Style Collection Book, I assume? Frankly it's one of my favorite books and I use it all the time for reference and inspiration. I wish they would update it or make a sequel considering the new games and many new promotions that have come out since then like Pupupu Horoscope, 30th Anniversary Music Fest and 2019-2022 Kirby Cafe. If you prefer books rather than the games, the novels are really good! I'm working on a doujin if that counts, I would like to make an artbook one day dedicated to Dedede, Kirby and Meta Knight though! We should probably take this to the Kirby thread on /m/ kek

No. 240007

File: 1663558131529.png (116.17 KB, 438x340, whereamisupposedtolaughatidiot…)

Here's a cowe Kirby I drew back on CC.

No. 240009

No. 240236

File: 1663600444693.jpeg (764.77 KB, 2334x3028, AD2C9204-D424-46D5-9BB8-B688AB…)

I feel embarrassed posting my art because I feel like this is bad art but I have trouble rendering and fleshing out my compositions and have problems finishing my drawings because none of them are perfect. do any of you have any good tips/videos for improving color theory and perspective?

No. 240267

Practice perspective by studying references. It's essential that you start seeing things in 3D (or in shapes) instead of just lines on a canvas. I know it's boring but it'll help a lot.
As for color theory there are plenty of videos/tutorials, but you can also study professional artists you like and look at how it's applied. Lots of great artists also post speedpaints on YouTube so you can see the process.

No. 240290

If I wanted to play a Kirby game what game should I start with

No. 240624

thank you nonita, I have trouble visualizing 3D objects sometimes. it definitely requires a decent amount of spatial awareness but practicing somehow gives me muscle memory

No. 240627

Forgotten land because it’s on the switch and is pretty good. If you have 3ds robobot is solid

No. 241221

File: 1663846284800.png (3.59 MB, 3024x4032, 614DDE01-B465-46CA-A231-9D7B02…)

I like this but something feels off lmao it’s probably multiple things

No. 241222

I just downloaded all of the how to draw manga books I could find. Had some of them when I was in my teens and it feels so nostalgic to look through them. Makes me remember a time when I could just fill drawing pads with different cartoony eyes and be proud.

No. 241249

File: 1663856499582.jpg (154.05 KB, 1173x1600, plans de la face sous éclairag…)

Edges need to be cleaner
Colors are muddy : need more contrast and values shift (look up black skin color palettes refs)
No light source, which brings us to the next point :
Feels too flat : look faces and body planes refs such as the one attached

And mroe importantly, keep drawing !
God luck nonna

No. 241300

Bit late, but maybe you should have posted a side-by-side? I run into the same issue and I figured that it's maybe because I don't have a good sense of values nor contrast.

No. 241378

File: 1663881348599.jpeg (1.06 MB, 3211x2048, FC68D99E-A228-429B-A164-338ABA…)

thank you nonna,
here’s side by side. now when I’m looking at it, I can see the values are off. Maybe I shouldn’t try to get the proportions so right and concentrate on shapes instead. I have a visual impairment (everything I see is kind of skewed and crooked) so digital has been a great help to me. I dont trace, but I make an outline of the source and than I can easily compare it to my drawing. but it obviously limits me too. I have some sketch portraits and although they are not that accurate,they look better than those where I try to be really accurate with proportion.

No. 241379

Kirb-dedede anon, if you're still around, can you let us know about other inspirations and resources you used to learn how to draw?
I really like the movement, forms, and life in your art and I want to stea–borrow some!!

No. 241380

I would recommend everyone here to peak at anatomy stuff for sculptors… there’s a really good book “anatomy for sculptors” (if I’m remembering correctly) you can read on archive.org for free, it has 3D muscle recreations too

No. 241403

File: 1663887427840.jpg (54.62 KB, 612x417, istockphoto-914376680-612x612.…)

No. 241412

Balls might be your thing but it ain't mine, anon.

No. 241431

kirby anon speaks out against the cruel, ball pit image harassment campaign

No. 241434

File: 1663898503938.jpeg (96.04 KB, 1400x788, 7FA7B72C-D84F-4E02-B987-D73D06…)

the one and only ball pit. never 4get

No. 241444

Thanks nonna applied your advice as best I could and it’s looking better.

No. 241445

File: 1663903694725.png (2.09 MB, 2175x1433, dontworryyouwillgetthere.png)

Don't know if I'm the best one to give advice, I mean my only strong suits is coloring and that's about it. I can't even draw humans granted, I don't want to. but for you, nona, I'll give it a shot.

I'll just go over the basis for my art. To be clear, I use a pirated copy of Clipstudio Paint EX.

My biggest inspiration is Kirby, in general. The colors, the aesthetics, everything. So usually I'll play Kirby and take screenshots to use as references, look at other Kirby art, read some of the novels, etc. The Kirby Art & Style Collection book is also one of my biggest references as it covers so many different art and concepts from the entire series up to Robobobot. As for other inspirations, it can be other things like songs I listen to, manga covers, things I see about my day, etc. Really it's anything and everything, though usually it's something cute and adorable.

I generally like soft palettes so I tend to stick to those, but in general I usually use a basic color palette. I used to use a copic marker color palette I got from the ClipStudioPaint Asset Store, but that was removed so I just use a regular color palette called "和色カラーパレット" from https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1631368, it covers all the basic colors you'd need and then some. Color choice really depends on what you're going for with your individual art peice, though I try to be creative with my color choices nowadays using purples to shade reds, cyans to highlight navy blues, blues to shade pink, etc. So it's always good to try playing around with colors, some books I would suggest that I used when I was still shit at color theory would be 色の教科書, コピックかんたん上達色ぬりレッスン, コピックで描く基本 可愛いキャラと身の回りの小物たち, though the last two lean towards marker like illustrations but they help all the same. You can find them on places like e-/ex-hentai as horrid as that sounds. Another thing that helps with coloring is playing around with gradation and hues, they can brighten up, make colors more contrast, make certain areas pop, etc. I would suggest taking an illustration that you used LOTS of different colors and just taking a moment to put different filters and different hues, it gives you a better understanding of what colors might look interesting together when shifted.

As for resources, I admit, I'm a bit of a brush hoarder. In reality, outside of my tablet I can't draw or even write well. My hands shake too much so I'm thankful for technology that has things like stabilizers. As such, I'm able to try out all sorts of different types of drawings and I tend to go a bit hog-wild. I would have to say I use about three different groups of brushes on a daily basis. Manga-type ink brushes, I use them for all sorts of things like hatching, line art, etc. Marker and Watercolor-type brushes, which I use for making "softer" looking pieces. Rough Paint and Pencil-type brushes, which I use for making pieces that are more painterly and have texture to them, along with textured line art or hatching. I'm going to drop my favorite from each category.
Manga-type Ink Brush
>1本で線画&描き文字ペン (https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1811648)
I love this pen a lot, I use it for almost everything. It's not too texturized but just enough that there's a little dash of analog to it. The pen pressure is really good, allows for a lot of control. I used it for my past doujinshi as it's perfect for doing the general inks, small hatching, details, and small SFX.

Marker and Watercolor-type Pen
>Tマーカー風ブラシセット (https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1692034)
I love, love, LOVE this marker set. I looks almost like the real thing if I had to say. The blending tool is wonderful and I use it more than the base blending tool It's perfect for soft water color art that relies on the white background, and more colorful watercolor art. I tend to call these pens the "Digital Copics" because they behave the same way in buildability and bendability. They're best used with pencil brushes and a just barely yellow-tan background.

Rough Paint and Pencil Brushes
>しげ絵筆令式 (https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1871677)
These are my absolute go-to when it comes to making rendered painterly art. It's wonderfully textured, with different brushes that have varying level "scratchiness" to them, so you can layer different colors over with the lower color showing through. They look nice, work nicely and are always reliable from the get-go so you don't need to do much finicking with them.

Those are my main resources for drawing and coloring.

As for process. Usually when I come up with something, I'll write it down and sketch it. Usually I'll use one or two colors depending on what I'm sketching like blue for the background and red for the character. It's better to clean your sketches rather than leaving them messy. Messy sketches won't be as defined and easy to follow as clean sketches, and can lead to slight trouble when you begin inking them. This is just me though, I find I ink faster on a clean sketch than a messy one. I use a huge canvas so I can copy and paste various references I may need around the area I'm drawing because CSP's subview is absolute shit and I don't like opening a new tab for each thing I need to remember. Such things could be screenshots, flowers, color palettes, photos, official renders, etc.
After I check the sketch looks good after flipping, and tweaking and such, I'll save it and close CSP and go ahead and ink tomorrow. Usually the period from sketching and beginning inking allows me to think of things I might not have thought of in the moment like slight additions or changes. I feel taking some times allows you to better stew on what you'll want to do later on. Unless I'm doing a painterly picture, I'll move on to inking after the sketch.

Once I'm ready to ink, I'll do it all in one swoop. I'll have different layers for different things. For example, Layer 1 will be the main body, Layer 2 for small details, Layer 3 will be facial expressions, and Layer 4 will be the background and so on. I feel this allows me to better edit and change things without accidentally erasing something.

Once all is done, I'll go ahead and color. Now, how I color really depends on how I plan to color like if I plan to use water colors or cell-shade or soft rendering. I feel that's too much to type so I'll just put it plain and simple. I layer on the base colors, then shade/blend on a different layer in a completely different folder, and repeat the same with highlights and detail. The reason being so that I can change colors easily if something seems off or I want to play around. (I don't do this for watercolor though, I just do the colors on one single layer for that.)
I also feel the airbrush tool tends to look bad unless done to add a gradient over a large area before applying the shadows and light over it or done as a "non-textured" water color brush against a white background. This is just a personal preference.

After coloring I just do tweaks. I'll maybe add a gradation, shift hues, modify the canvas, add a frame, white highlights, text, etc. It's just the general tweaks before I post it online.

And done, that's how I do illustrations and such. I also used to use this book, Let's Make ★ Character CGイラストテクニック, for a basic workflow of how illustrations are done, it's very helpful!

Some other books I've used… (Note. Some of these are one-offs after I used them for their worth, some of these I come to occasionally, and some of them I refer to constantly.)
着物の描き方 基本からそれっぽく描くポイントまで, マンガで使える! 食の描き方, 動きとシワがよくわかる 衣服の描き方図鑑 服の仕組みから角度別の描き方まで, 完全実用版 おんなのこの服の脱がせ方 (I mostly use this a reference when I'm drawing pin-ups, it's porny though.), Sketching Manga-Style Vol. 4 - All About Perspective, デジタルイラストの「表情」描き方事典:想いが伝わる感情表現, ちょっぴりHなコスチュームの描き方 (Porny, so be warned. Mostly used this when I was sketching up a personal lewd calendar of my husbandos but I still occasionally go to it even now), 軍服・制服の描き方 アメリカ軍・自衛隊の制服から戦闘服まで (For any of you who has a thing military or uniforms, this is PERFECT, even outside of a reference I love it)

As for other small things I keep in mind…

0. Draw what you love, and only what you love. Never let drawing become a chore.

1. When it comes to forms, I just go for what would look cool and interesting and or cute and simple. Though I always try to make sure my compositions look somewhat symmetrical or have an interesting contrast. As for movements, I just try to make sure nothing looks too shift, there should be curves and such with arms, details that imply there's movement going on, etc. The facial expressions help too, I'm horrible when it comes to reading (and drawing) facial expressions so I actually have a folder of them that I've screenshotted from manga and such. As for life, I just try to draw the characters as if they're living as weird as that sounds.

2. This is biased but I feel Kirby characters are perfect for practicing colors. As each character has a general core color theme you can use to test for certain colors. Meta Knight is perfect if you want to get used to experimenting with blues, purples and yellows. Dedede has the primary colors, yellow, red and blue built directly into his design, and so on.

3. There will always be a bigger fish so feeling insecure is stupid. By that I mean, if you feel insecure or upset that your art isn't good enough or isn't good, don't because it's true. Someone will always be better than you at art, someone will always draw better, someone will always draw more interesting and creative pieces, someone younger than you will draw better than you, someone older will draw better than you. This is a universal constant you will and should learn to accept, so there's no use in being sore or jealous of other artists and their skill. Instead, be inspired and use those inadequate feelings you develop to push yourself harder to improve and become the best artist you yourself want to be. Even more so if you're drawing for fun. I guarantee, if you think something like "God, I wish I was like this artist!!! It's not fair!!!" someone is thinking the same about you.

4. Everyone's art has always started piss-poor before they began to improve, pic very very much related (2019-2023). No one is born picasso, and if someone is, become better. Just continue working and improving at what you like and what interests you and you will get there.

5. Try everything and go for it. If you want to try something, absolutely go for it! The best way to improve is to try different things, experiment with different things. Use a painterly brush and textured watercolor brush in one art peice. Even if it sucks, all that matters is that you tried and went for something different and that in itself is a form of improvement, moving out of your comfort zone. If you want to draw something in a lineless painterly style, go for it! If you want to make a doujinshi, go for it! If you want to draw with nothing but pencils, even for coloring, go for it! Just try all sorts of different things, it'll be worth it since you might just pick something up on the way. It's great to incorporate some sort of practice of fundamentals into your drawing

6. Don't use too many artbooks, it will overwhelm you and you'll never read them, same goes for brushes.

7. Drawing porn is only fun if you personally and actually enjoy what you are drawing. Never draw porn if you don't like it, especially if you're drawing porn for others.

8. And most importantly, have fun.

9. Perspective is an absolute pain in the ass but you should definitely learn it. Fundamentals are cool.

Hope this helps. Shit, I sound like a shitty art channel don't I?

Super Star Ultra, absolute 10/10 and perfect for entering the series.

No. 241456

File: 1663905737616.png (914.34 KB, 775x1100, spaceydoodle.png)

Should probably get off my ass and design shit for real.

No. 241468

How many years have you been drawing?

No. 241469

This post is so helpful, thank you

No. 241470

You went above and beyond the stars!! Reading through this made me realizes a lot of areas I was succumbing to chaos too and not really in a fun way either. Like, doodling things I didn't even like just because I was better at certain things and was afraid of exploring, or being disorganized in an oddly unspontaneous way–in contrast to your conscientious approach. And it's really silly cuz when I drew something I really liked, it made me happy. Also, I asked you because there's something I like about your drawings that I prefer over, say, what I see when I look up Kirby and similar art of nonhuman characters. Take that as you may.

Anywaaay, I ramble. I'll check out some of the links and references you gave. I'm pretty shy but maybe I'll talk about my progress sometime here.

No. 241471

From 2018 to 2023, so six years as of now.
Thanks, I'm glad I could help.
I get what you mean. I feel like every artist has that moment when they fear trying something new. For example, despite my uncomfortable lust for Dedede, I only just started drawing him maybe a few months ago because I was afraid to branch out into something so alien and new. Sometimes you just got to force yourself even if it's scary and even if you know it's going to look bad at first. A comfort zone is a double edged sword in a way.
I'm happy to hear that, it's amazing when you're able to draw something you really do enjoy and love, something that actually makes you proud.
>I asked you because there's something I like about your drawings that I prefer over, say, what I see when I look up Kirby and similar art of nonhuman characters. Take that as you may.
I genuinely don't know how to take this but I will assume it's supposed to be a compliment so thank you very much, it means a whole lot.
I'd love to see your progress and I'm honored that my advice was of some use!

No. 241475

Oh, it was meant to be a compliment. I love your art. The expressions, style, liveliness–I worded it like I did because I love these characters, but never really found art I really loved of them until now.
Your Dede-delay is painfully relatable and describes most of my early art attempts. Can't believe I spent so long dawdling on things that were so much less fun to me. Oh well. Here I am, on the right path now.

No. 241513

Could you post the updated version? I'm curious to see how it looks

No. 241520

Can you post more examples of the brushes you use in your art? example
>Rough Paint and Pencil Brushes
I want to see a drawing using these

No. 241593

Here's this >>196512 and >>196511. For the Waddle Dee picture, I only used different colored pencils to color, shade and add lighting. For the second picture, I used a mix of Rough-paint to do the coloring and pencil brushes at different sizes to do add textures and details.

No. 241654

>despite my uncomfortable lust for Dedede
Scrotes could never compare

No. 241771

File: 1663980763035.png (3.84 MB, 3024x4032, 0CCC5EB7-B556-41B3-81BC-2BAFB6…)

Here, I’m still working on the clothing folds and I never expected to work this long on a face lmao. But he looks more lively than the last image.

No. 242375

Can I make a suggestion? Stop trying to work on one part of the picture at a time. Work on everything, build up all the levels at the same time. And don't start adding highlights to one part but not another. (Also don't work on a white background, it really fucks with your sense of values. Work on a gray bg.)

No. 242429

File: 1664159569134.jpeg (28.68 KB, 623x567, 9FB614CB-67C8-429F-A008-3EC57B…)

Tysm these tips are really helping me out

No. 243103

File: 1664332057510.png (Spoiler Image,6.83 MB, 2803x2968, mstrgl3.png)

No. 243131

this is really cute, love her hair

No. 243448

i apologize for not having better criticism to contribute. but i just really love this one, nona. its cool as hell

No. 243793

File: 1664577658161.png (314.65 KB, 1453x1893, uhh.png)

my magnum opus

No. 243799

Can you draw Blaine?

No. 243800

Don't feed his ego.

No. 243935

Was this done on paper then transferred to digital? Love the line texture on the dress and bg!

No. 244009

Thank you anons you have warmed my heart
Yes! It was done on lined paper (at work lol). I finally found a setting of the line extraction tool on clip studio EX that eliminates only the lines from the paper. I’m really happy because I really only can draw on lined paper due to mental issues so this really opens up a new world for me. I think for it to work the drawing has to be in black pen so there is enough difference between it and the lined paper. If anyone has EX and wants to try, I used the “posterize before extracting” option and played with the ratio.

No. 244058

File: 1664659102892.png (59.73 KB, 564x1002, nonnabella.png)


No. 244060

its so good nonna glad i could see it after movie night!

No. 244062

File: 1664659898476.png (9.45 KB, 272x312, thx.png)

im glad you liked it anon!

No. 244063

Really cute, nonna!

No. 245694


you're amazing at painting and values anon, 10/10

No. 245821

File: 1665293312728.png (600.95 KB, 1756x1054, Screen Shot 2022-10-09 at 4.25…)

was just doing fun trace overs of movie screen grabs with my friends and ill never post it anywhere so i thought id post it here..very rough but i liked it

No. 245823

stop watching scrotey coomer movies then bc this is weird

No. 245831

Wolf of Wall Street?

No. 245843

File: 1665307505881.png (494.35 KB, 678x820, Screen Shot 2022-10-09 at 8.24…)



No. 245845

we used to be in a discord server together, i miss your oc sperging tbh, cool to see you're still here.

No. 245853

omg nona….im still in the server if ur still in it, or if we're friends on discord im always open to sharing my socials lolol….and dont worry ill always be somewhere, obsessing over my ocs

No. 246171

are you seriously asking for critique on this or do you just want asspats? because i find it hard to believe you want someone to seriously critique something like this

No. 246512

>>245821 looks cute anon, they look a bit pale but maybe that's the feel you're going for

No. 251013

If you sold these I would so buy one for my future office, they're so cool!

No. 251613

File: 1667147792687.jpg (346.2 KB, 700x628, ribombee.jpg)

Very early sketch, but how are the colors looking like so far? (aside from most likely terrible on mobile).
I usually draw with 3 colors (2 main + 1 accent) because I'm kinda bad at picking them, but I wanted to give her some colourful flowers and I don't know if they clash too much.

No. 251614

Adorable nonnie!! They don't clash at all, I would play around with the blue flower a little, reflect that yellow off the other two flowers like how you did with the pink, it's very pretty & makes it a bit more cohesive. You definitely have an eye for colour, be more confident and play around, there's endless opportunity! Good luck

No. 253831

File: 1667839066167.jpg (6.21 MB, 4032x3024, 20221105_235728.jpg)

I am drawing a weird snail my hands are tired and idk if I have it in me to finish

No. 253853

This makes me think of the radfem art of a snail trooning into butterfly with infected "wings" made from a mangled shell

No. 253882

nice inking! i like his little arms and eyes

No. 257186

File: 1669168544176.png (223.7 KB, 1181x945, cat1.png)

first time in digital, i dont know what im doing

No. 257216

it doesn't look terrible, it looks wonderful! very cute. i would buy this.

No. 257262

wow this is nostalgic for me, I loved drawing shit like this in middle school

No. 257278

It looks really good for your first, looks like you've got a hang on layers and different brushes. What software are you using?

No. 257390

File: 1669233734282.jpg (1009.81 KB, 1700x1597, new ocs - Copy.jpg)

I mostly draw women and girls because of malegaze, how do I embrace the thirst and master the art of cute men, nonnies?

No. 257407

Thank you so much anonna! Im using adobe photoshop cc 2017 and only one of the brushes that come with the software. Now Im watching videos to improve my lineart and the uses of different brushes

No. 257423

Complete unironically, find a good husbando
You'll want to portray him justly, so you'll force yourself to draw the male figure better and break the male gaze dominant pretty girl art
The husbando hornyposting thread is a good research field for new husbando prospects btw

No. 257454

This nonna has a point. I managed to learn drawing decent muscles because my husbando is a hunk and I don't want to give him any injustice.

No. 257513

File: 1669282886289.jpg (540.66 KB, 1700x1387, TAKERU.jpg)

thank you nonnie, I'll try
I'm mostly an oc artist, but I will channel thirst to my husbandos as well.

you're powerful.

I really hate ic but I discovered the husbando thread, and it looks really comfy so far.

No. 259152

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No. 259153

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No. 259154

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No. 259155

File: 1669747479118.jpg (1.53 MB, 3264x2448, 20221129_193237.jpg)

No. 259156

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No. 259157

File: 1669747603665.jpg (947.06 KB, 3145x2327, 20221129_194622.jpg)

No. 259158

adam driver fan art???

No. 259159

10/10 I love it

No. 259160

your art is based

No. 259162

File: 1669748238612.jpeg (152.13 KB, 878x700, Vincent-Van-Gogh-The-Street-th…)

Reminds me of The Yellow House by Vincent Van Gogh, except - Van Gogh could only hope to be this talented.

No. 259164

looks more like Paul Dano to me

No. 259166

She is beautiful.

No. 259175

This >>259153 is Paul and this >>259154 is Adam imho

No. 259176

I think >>259154 is supposed to be Robert Pattinson? "sparkle sparkle" meaning Edward Cullen?

No. 259178

Police sketches be like

No. 259179

this looks just like my cat

No. 259183

I thought it's just bishie sparkles

No. 259193

I want to make this my wallpaper. The scratched out girl on the right is the cherry on top for me.

No. 259198

File: 1669758726413.png (Spoiler Image,989.29 KB, 2745x2650, yoshiwithegg.png)


No. 259200

Hm. So why do you draw this?

No. 259203

you even drew the yoshussy…

No. 259205

No. 259234

No. 259247

I wish I could draw men like you, the guys I draw look like preying mantises

No. 259257


I'm going to vomit

No. 259324

File: 1669778645988.png (Spoiler Image,692.77 KB, 1412x1222, cursed-delete.png)

we posting cursed art now?

No. 259339

No. 259448

Most iconic ship

No. 259480

No. 259534

File: 1669834820425.png (Spoiler Image,85.34 KB, 1322x538, july 2018 the illustration to …)

I've kept a (digital) diary for a few years now, but when I first started it I used to include a few MS Paint illustrations in the folder for each month. Looking back on them they are completely incomprehensible and I have no idea what I was referring to even after reading the accompanying diary entries.

No. 259537

This is epic and cool as fuck

No. 259556

This is so cute nonnie! I hope you continue to illustrate little parts of it

No. 259667

I like it. Could you post more?

No. 260053

File: 1670005353219.jpeg (580.48 KB, 2108x2048, CDF54E27-B072-4E75-A3A6-88EF6D…)

WIP. I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone and learn mixer brushes in Infinite painter instead of using procreate as I usually do.

No. 260054

that's really good

No. 260055

this is rlly good and he looks qt.

No. 260140

nonny!! i love the colors you use

No. 260226

No. 260856

File: 1670210326255.jpeg (336.49 KB, 750x945, A33C6601-B0D8-4F96-920D-092D1A…)

I don’t need a rating I just wanted to share a happy winter picture with my nonnies

No. 260860

I'm rating it anyway
it's cute <3

No. 260924

No. 260946

File: 1670252152552.jpeg (494.89 KB, 1440x1800, B8DFC83F-6387-4478-BA16-086DB3…)

Some fan art for the show wensday

No. 261349

File: 1670356202735.gif (321.34 KB, 500x500, picmix.gif)

rate my pixmix

No. 261350

File: 1670356248419.gif (1.46 MB, 500x500, picmix 2.gif)

just an average nonny, always on the search

No. 261351

File: 1670356270576.gif (1.48 MB, 500x500, picmix3.gif)

this could be us

No. 261353

This is adorable, nona.

No. 261411

i want this as a banner

No. 261911

File: 1670515868272.jpg (921.47 KB, 1600x1507, quinn.jpg)

This character's a cringe they/them gendie but he's a cute man to me. I can fix him…

Thank you!

No. 261914

File: 1670515927801.jpg (1.67 MB, 1137x1386, quinn2.jpg)

Had to draw him again because I don't think the first one is thirsty enough.

No. 261917

Lovely art nonna! I think it's so cute when he eats the ingredients in game.

No. 261924

File: 1670517286401.jpg (2.1 MB, 3456x3024, 20221006_145334.jpg)

I draw weird things I guess. Rip it apart

No. 261928

I love weird things, show something more nonna!

No. 262023

Would anyone mind rating my art?

No. 262033

It's cute! Judging on the skirt, you might benefit in studying 3d forms more.

No. 262529

File: 1670685144852.png (1.65 MB, 1527x1863, Untitled7_20221210101122.png)

Nick fuentes x ye

No. 262530

i hope ye sucks all the flesh off of his body

No. 262532

No. 262549

File: 1670692478726.png (1.13 MB, 1527x1863, Untitled7_20221210121300.png)

Femboy fuentes

No. 262554

The first post was funny but this is coomerish as hell

No. 263839

File: 1671138075915.png (103.52 KB, 383x744, starfiree.png)

god i want art friends but the discord link doesn't work for me so i can't join and meet nonnies
picrel sketch of starfire i'm procrastinating on because it feels too coomer-y but i like the pose. probably gonna redo anyways >>238067
reminds me of those zombie girls on the msi cover art!

No. 263843

File: 1671139145647.jpeg (444.95 KB, 1607x2048, 0C8D36BF-C956-4BC9-817D-3E112B…)

wip of tommy shelby. i’m stuck doing boring portraits, but that’s what I enjoy the most. I deeply admire artists who draw things from imagination.

No. 263844

nice one! I’d love to join some art discord too.

No. 263898

MetaSusie is based

No. 263906

You should make the cows troonjaks.

No. 268386

File: 1673418401494.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, comparacion.png)

it all started as a tracing (right) but i didnt like the lineart so I did it again, used different brushes and it ended like left. I know its silly and edgy but i like it as it is

No. 268387

looks like she's about to do a shit in a public building and get escorted out by security

No. 268390

bump bc CP

No. 268407

C'mon that's even more uninspired that my drawing.

No. 268425

Where's her pants

No. 268520

File: 1673472901206.png (1.82 MB, 1200x1703, Capture.PNG)

got this bad boy shown in an exhibition in december

No. 268551

i like the shape of the fire and the empty stare
congrats on the exhibition!
planning on posting a collage of my elsie drawings

No. 268558

File: 1673489956247.png (192.37 KB, 718x635, redline.PNG)

Hey the thin lineart looks good and there's a visible improvement. I'd advise against tracing though even if its just practice cause it can be difficult to understand what the original artist was stylizing (for example the area around the leg should fold more like picrel, I'm guessing the original had clothes covering it). Instead I suggest looking at real photo poses for reference, or the mirror. Cute design though.

No. 268567

That font has strong "graphic design is my passion" vibes

No. 268630

thanks a lot anon for the correction, guess im gonna redoit but with a photo reference. The original had clothes on it yes

No. 268652

thanks! hope u post them soon

No. 268653

i forgot about the qoute until last minute so it's not incorporated in the design at all kek

No. 270893

File: 1674267953782.png (266.66 KB, 724x872, Screenshot_20230120_212515.png)

this has to be the first time I drew something in a style like this. I think it looks rough… but I like some parts of it. What can I improve on?

No. 271069

I think the horn is placed a little wrong.

No. 271407

File: 1674523231031.png (331.45 KB, 686x1000, Untitled_Artwork 2.png)


No. 271438

Holy shit are you that anon who drew the 90's/retro/whatever you wanna call it anime girl in that one doodle board?

No. 271439

i havent drawn in those since the bunker threads

No. 271440

Well either way I'm a big fan of your style, please keep it alive

No. 271731

I love your art style nonna!! You're so talented.

No. 272974

File: 1675373458758.jpeg (693.96 KB, 1471x1665, E217C01C-87B9-4071-89A2-29D6DE…)

I don’t want to see this thread to die, there’re so many talented nonnas here and I love to see your work. I like to draw men with glasess, so here’s one I just made up.

No. 273315

File: 1675504231370.png (859.69 KB, 1114x1127, twoex_1.png)

I have had art block for almost half a year

No. 273388

2X-chan does unfathomable things to me, this is gorgeous nonna, more please

No. 273454

Lovely angle and a beautiful nose. I'm a bit envious with how you manage to draw glasses on correctly without making it look out of place. 10/10 One question, is this a digital piece?
Astonishing! I love that you made 2X have visible biceps and feminine outline, love that her shirt looks like it frowning to onlookers and yet from 2X it looks like a smiling face, cow print baggy trousers is something that I hope catches on as it matches with Elsie's tacky shirt which I love! Also love that Elsie is creeping in the background and the height diffrence. 10/10

No. 274081

File: 1675791018969.jpeg (543.66 KB, 1204x1216, CEBEFF0C-5480-43D4-A399-3E7453…)

Thank you! I have a lot of practice drawing glasses heh. Profile is actually the easiest portrait angle, only one eye to draw and a clear line to get the proportions right.
To answer your question - yes, it’s a digital drawing, I mainly use procreate. I used to only do traditional, I love traditional, but doing it all on ipad is much more convenient. I sometimes try to mimic the traditional feel in digital, in drawings it’s quite easy, paintings are harder.
Here’s a portrait where I tried to make it look like a pencil drawing.

No. 274084

I love this! I know how does it feel to have the art block. I had one that lasted 4 years… I wrote songs and poetry instead. To pick up a pencil and start drawing was very intimidating after so much time have passed but I was actually surprised. I thought it would be awful but it was almost like i’ve never stopped. A bit awkward but ok otherwise.

No. 277985

File: 1677206794412.jpg (2.9 MB, 3024x4032, 20230223_204139.jpg)

No. 277986

learn to draw hands and feet

No. 277999

File: 1677209260541.jpg (3.2 MB, 3024x4032, 20230223_212631.jpg)

No. 278020

File: 1677214753819.png (362.25 KB, 864x909, cheebs.png)

littl chibi im working on

No. 278027

Kek. I love it nonnie.

No. 278028

I remember you, are you >>261924 ? I loved that one, I saw it a long time after you posted it so I never said anything but I should've, your creature is cool. I like your style, I mostly do pen and ink too so it feels like I have a friend itt. >>277999 kek

No. 278088

She's cute nonna!

No. 278100

Kek yeah thats mine. Bookmarked thread to post in, promptly forgot. Got real stoned last night. Found thread again. Hello fellow pen and ink friend. And thanks so much for the compliment

No. 278194

Yw! I'm going to draw something in ink tonight in your honor nona, I haven't drawn in a while and have been trying to get back into it with pencils the last few weeks.

No. 278680

File: 1677441859249.png (579.38 KB, 1322x1051, valhard.png)

I drew this for Valentines Day

No. 278683

File: 1677442066002.png (354.56 KB, 1069x1207, shesflustered.png)

this as well, it's one of my favorite ships.

No. 279083

File: 1677574290199.jpg (367.54 KB, 1345x1477, 1677559737731272.jpg)

Be honest, I'm looking for ways to improve

No. 279085

9/10 clean, competent

Looks well done. I'm not a big fan of the style but I dont like chibi anime so that's on me

The textured brush on the right helped give it that messy early internet look. I don't really like the execution or subject matter

I like this a lot 9/10 or 10/10

No. 279107

This is so cute.

No. 279110

This is already pretty good imo, maybe one thing you could do is add more variation with the line thickness, I see you've already done that on the details like the shoe, but personally I think the skirt could have thinner lines, for example, as it blends too much with the glove of the girl on the right (for example). It's really cute though, are these OCs?

No. 279294

nayrt but these look to be the mcs from Kill La Kill

No. 279467

They're my OCs dressed as the kill la kill girls lol

No. 279556

Thanks, metakirby is one of my top fives.
First off, I love the linework here it looks solid and confident. The style is nice here, I love how blocky and round everything looks without coming off as the style being used as a crutch. Everything looks fun and pleasing to the eyes. It looks like you have a pretty solid grasp on shapes and perspective already. I'd say you could work on keeping certain things like the little details consistent within the designs, for example the height of the rectangular design of the character on the right's shoes don't match up. One being shorter than the other. Other than that, it all looks really really good!

No. 279633

File: 1677756930839.jpg (259.58 KB, 1377x1477, IMG_5091.jpg)

Thanky, I appreciate the feedback. Didn't see this till I had already colored, so I'm gonna watch out for inconsistencies like that in the future. Arigato

No. 280066

File: 1677959260894.jpg (Spoiler Image,845.47 KB, 1130x1130, Tumblr_l_24554498014770.jpg)

(Spoilered because creepy crawlers)
Gonta Gokuhara fanart. I'd appreciate tips because something feels like it's missing

No. 280074

Did you mean to leave your username?

No. 280087

Nta but you could have just removed the watermark since it's your drawing… also it's not really about self-promo, it's about exposing your socials on an anonymous imageboard like lolcow.

No. 280094

Everything looks kind of flat, Work on forms. I feel like if you moved away from pillow shading into a more painterly style it would help too

No. 280095

File: 1677969480439.jpg (128.31 KB, 1078x878, Tumblr_l_3603524595353929.jpg)

Thanks for the advice, here is something more painterly I drew recently, so I hope that's better

Maybe I'm dumb but I figured it didn't matter since you can reverse-search images anyway - either way, censored the watermark here ^^(^^)

No. 280099

integrate newfag

No. 280126

Good rule: Don't post your stuff to /ic/ crab buckets, it's mostly nit-picky

No. 284406

File: 1679355293890.png (2.71 MB, 1875x1729, magodatefinalfinal.png)

This was more so a refresher in doing my usual cell-shading style and a way to warm up for other drawings such as a card for Meta Knight's birthday.
Very cute cat, I like the shading a whole lot a and it reminds me of old picture books.

No. 284408

this is extremely cute and well drawn nonna, my only small advice ( more like an opinion really ) is that I wish you would have used a more textured brush on the characters, the stones look reaaly beautiful with that watercolor look and I think it would fit well to do all the coloring a bit more in that style. I really like your ligthing btw!

No. 284412

Thank you very much! Now that you mention that, I really should have. The funny thing is, you can sort of tell I had originally went/was going with a textured fluffy coloring with the floor and cotton candy but when I got to coloring Meta Knight and Kirby I changed my mind. Reason being I hadn't done cell shading in a while and wanted to 'brush up' on that however in doing so, while it does bring your attention to Meta Knight and Kirby, it strongly clashes with everything else so I kind of regret that stylistic choice. Thanks, I definitely need to get better with lighting though, I think I tend to make the characters a little too flat with the lighting or not make the changes in lighting such as shadows visible enough.

No. 284413

this looks very Japanese. Really cute

No. 284415

Thank you, and you're right. Actually a lot of Japanese artists are my biggest inspirations. Some examples would be ミシキ, ちぃち/ni, ハピさん, 四ツ橋まりも, 梅茶漬け, and mdok!

No. 285384

Adorable! Love to see meta and kirb together.

No. 286924

File: 1680328437146.png (83.08 KB, 709x1000, 162E8E37-8559-47EF-B9E1-A84F8E…)

A couple of months later and I got gud

Better than Picasso 10000/10

No. 287241

File: 1680535902671.png (571.55 KB, 1074x1558, めたかrd1.png)

New art, this was for Meta Knight's birthday. I took another nonnies advice and went for a full watercolor style with textured brushes though you can kind of tell I got a little lazy coloring things such as the background and Meta Knight's cape. Kirby and Dedede's are on the 26th so I want to draw something special for them next.
She's very cute, I like what you have so far and I can't wait to see the final product! I would suggest giving more textured definition to the edges of her hair but that's about all.
As do I, they're an adorable couple and you have can a lot of interesting dynamics to pull off with them. What do you like about mtkb?

No. 287328

i honestly liked it more before, it made the character stand out more from the background. Still really cute.

No. 288145

File: 1680892839212.jpeg (527.47 KB, 2053x2731, 46A8A336-91D2-44DC-91B1-733B8C…)

I just like to draw portraits so here’s another one I did few weeks ago. Any criticism is welcomed!

No. 288146

Samefag just to add that it’s not finished and it probably won’t be lol.

No. 288153

goddamn anon. The rendering on this is amazing.

No. 288156

Thank you!

No. 288179

Gorgeous and very painterly. Is there anything that makes you consider it unfinished aside from the collar? Because it looks pretty finished to me lol

No. 288191

Thanks! I think the hair is not so great. And the face could use some more polishing too maybe. I have this thing when the more I look at my work, the more mistakes I see. I don’t mind leaving the clothes somewhat sketchy, they’re not too important to me. I honestly am never sure when to stop. Often times I end up over rendering because of this. I struggle with deciding if the piece should use more work or not. I usually have various stages saved and then I go back and compare them and wonder whether it was better before. Sigh

No. 288207

I need her so bad

No. 288370

Nonnie this looks amazing! I love the textures on this so much, are there any specific brushes you use?

No. 288557

Thanks! I use procreate on iPad, the brush I used on this piece is called gouache-ish. I downloaded it from the procreate forum for free. I think I used some other brushes on this for some minor things, but honestly I don’t remember. But the gouache was the main brush, I almost exclusively use this one, even though I have a vast collection of different brushes lol.

No. 289091

File: 1681299900879.jpeg (97.14 KB, 1620x1620, A206E9CA-52DF-4E9B-8D7A-0DAF41…)

not an artist or anything, i'll maybe draw once every 5 months so keep that in mind

had the sudden motivation for this last night

No. 289122

She is very, uh, shiny

No. 289135

heh, yeah.. i guess my personal style tends to lean towards the super shiny vinyl/glass look

once my apple pencil recharges i'll try a more traditional and soft highlight type.

do u have any more reccs?

No. 289141

File: 1681317529159.jpeg (74.33 KB, 1620x1620, FE6FFD03-D53D-4497-9990-DC0551…)


i feel like i just made her depressed

No. 289148

Kek. If you change the black background to a lighter color it should help the drawing's mood.

No. 289155

She's cute! I love her expression

No. 289163

File: 1681325536249.jpeg (81.33 KB, 1620x1620, 48E429FE-5CD8-4FB1-9F44-E9C775…)


i feel like its still missing something, i can't pinpoint what

maybe more color?

No. 289175

Cleaner linework

No. 289345

I’m not an expert in anime art, but when I look at your picture, I see a discrepancy between the very detailed eyes and the sketch mouth. The eyes stand out and are very nicely rendered and the mouth looks like it belongs to someone else. But otherwise your work is great! I love the emotion of it all. The expression is like she’s guilty of something, or smiling through sadness. It’s very good. Especially when you say you draw once in a 5 months… like girl, you are very talented, draw more! If you can of course. I know the struggle. I have art as a hobby, I gotta work, so there’s not much time to draw. And then there’s the awful thing called artist block… I got that too. I once haven’t draw anything at all for 4 years. But keep going nonny!

No. 290422

thank you )

No. 290426


first of all, thank u!!!

and yes her expression is sort of a "smiling thru to the pain", i guess i just decided to draw how i felt at the time? lol

and yessssss i had so much struggle with the mouth AAAAAA, i tried rendering it more and using different styles first, but nothing felt right. So i settled for a painful smile ww

but in the end i guess it not too bad considering most older anime art also follows this pattern a lot, to the point it linda turned into a meme, the overly detailed eyes and hair, but extremely simple eyebrows nose and mouth

ps: if any of you want to tweak it to what you think would look better, please feel free to do so and share it! id love to see everyone's ideas and takes on this piece~(learn2integrate)

No. 290455

So this is just a quick thing, but you have shading above her eyebrow and below her hairline, which would be a very hard thing for 'real lighting' to do. Creating lighting and shadows can be really hard to grasp, but I would suggest working on thinking about the light hitting your model at a really specific angle. What would it look like? What shadows would it create? If there is a shadow created from the hairline, it suggests an overhead light, but the eyebrow having shading above suggest a light from below, which is a little contradictory. I think if you work on shadows, (maybe even some dramatic lighting), it can help you a lot. You also say you think your character needs more color, and playing around with the lighting can add a lot more color to your art without having to add extra things like accessories (that might not necessarily fit the vibe) of your character. You can play around with warm and cool light too. I'd look into it.

No. 290878

File: 1681950335435.png (146.14 KB, 670x576, GOOEY.PNG)

I drew Gooey, he's pretty cute and I like to imagine he's the equivalent of Kirby's roomate/house cat
Very cute character! Like the other anon said, playing around with light and setting up a light source can really make your art pop.

No. 290879

File: 1681950411539.png (44.29 KB, 608x770, metacool.png)

samefag but I also drew Meta Knight and casual clothes. My brother said he looks like the famous Korean idol, Jimin. I'm still shaking and crying thinking about it.

No. 290938

why are you typing like that, you must integrate

No. 291106

Sorry nothing interesting to add but your Jimin Meta Knight looks really cool, I really like this style in black and white style

No. 291110

May be personal opinion but I think your hair highlights are too dark.

Objectively speaking tho your lines are too messy and those random squiggles on the hair make it look dirty in an amateurish way. Clean that up a bit. I see you removed all such lines that you were using as highlights except the black ones, good job, but the black lines also have to go.
You can improve the hair highlights if you give them either a more natural zig-zaggy shape, or a more defined straight/curved shape (like in some simplified anime styles) that doesn't look like you just drew one lazy stroke of the pen brush with default settings.

No. 292838

File: 1682724486310.jpg (643.36 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230428_013132.jpg)

doodling cute boys

No. 292854

File: 1682729462969.png (2.16 MB, 1211x1598, B-DAYCARDfinal.png)

It was my main two's birthday yesterday so I wanted to draw something. I don't like how this came out, you can seriously tell I was pressed for time from the sloppy blending of the icing and the lax and simple rendering of the fruit. Not to mention, it's a direct rip from my card of last year but less painterly and more "soft". I'll do better next year.
He's beautiful, like really really beautiful. I really love this, the way the lines are scratchy yet still provide such a detailed face that draws you in reminds me of those old European inspired mangas or something. Really really good. His face is just mesmerizing, it's truly hard to describe.

No. 292877

your art style is super cool and interesting to look at and i wanted to comment on that despite hating feminine males

No. 292971

File: 1682779338758.jpg (2.02 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230429_163929.jpg)

Thank you nonas! I like drawing feminine men and masculine women, they're not trannies though. Many of my characters aren't even gay

No. 292994

This character is sorta giving Abbacchio vibes lol. I love it nonna

No. 293641

File: 1683015671160.jpg (146.57 KB, 1231x1935, IMG_5269~2.jpg)

Ignore the weird crop
Was meant to be a zombie girl but I'm not sure if that reads, there was a guy next to her but he looked weird
I appreciate any tips or ways I can improve

No. 293647

Maybe make her look more scuffed with bruises, eyebags, messy hair, raggedy clothes pr etc. If that isn't what youre going for, maybe start adding some ghoulish colors? looks great so far nonna! i love the linework

No. 293651

Arigato, I'll scuff up her hair and add some clothing tears to make it come across better. My husband just thought she had an eyepatch and stitches lmao

No. 294064

File: 1683162665552.jpg (79.69 KB, 697x1118, photo_2023-05-03_21-11-09.jpg)

I tried to aim for cleaner lines and better 3D shapes. any tips? I struggle a lot with proportion and keeping stuff clean tbh

No. 294065

Your anatomy is incredible anon!

No. 294399

File: 1683315156482.png (77.41 KB, 526x815, SPOILER_image-1.png)

I'm aware the arms are too long in comparison to the legs, but what do you nonnas think?

No. 294798

File: 1683504266030.jpg (270.91 KB, 1551x1700, Makoto guapa.jpg)

Thanks, but honestly, I think it's because animals are my strong suit. picrel, it's a human drawing I finished today and I suffered a lot when it came to drawing it.

This is pretty cute, I think the clothes should be a bit more detailed though, like adding a few lines to make the sleeves seem puffy.

No. 294804

File: 1683508192678.jpg (246.37 KB, 1275x1651, Imaginative Realism_ How to Pa…)

Study more animal anatomy, specifically écorchés if you can find them. In this case, you'll want to look at references of odd-toed ungulates for the hind legs. Picrel is also a good read for what you're trying to do. The body is serviceable ( a little oversimplified, maybe) but the head doesn't make much sense; the jaw is really small compared to the cranium, and unusually placed structurally.

Don't lie to her. This thread is too much of a hugbox.

No. 294810

Im sure your criticism will be very much appreciated! Specific books are a great resource. I still find the creature’s body and the 3D shapes cool as hell and will keep complimenting what I like.

No. 294818

op here, thanks for the book suggestion. Could you explain better how to fix the jaw, would it be to just make it bigger?

No. 295219

File: 1683652197565.jpg (173.03 KB, 1520x1730, IMG_5378.jpg)

I want to draw more like @tealidium bur I'm having a tough time with matching his colors and rendering

Is there anything I can try to get better at

No. 295363

File: 1683707599829.jpg (372.55 KB, 1554x2307, FpyzeZfX0AAjfN0.jpg)

i think you should start with the lineart, checked that guy's art(thanks for the rec, love it) and he has a very seamless lineart. Have you tried asking him about his process? they seem very small and will most likely see your comment.

No. 296057

File: 1683998173012.png (358.73 KB, 508x670, Illustration.png)

Hi nonita! First off that artist's work is really awesome, thank you for linking them.

I think your art style is very fun already! But if you're looking to emulate this specific style I think right now your art is too soft compared to tealidium's work. I'd recommend either removing the transparent white border around your lineart or committing to making it fully white for a bold effect! With rendering it looks like this artist works with the contrast of cool and warm tones and does it really well. From a cursory scroll they vary their colouring style a bit, but in general it looks like warm colors with a cooler but more desaturated darker tone for shading. Similar with cold colors, with a warmer but more desaturated shading color. See picrel for an example!

Another feature is the different use of blurred and hard lines which your art is lacking, the artist looks like they're using a spray paint or crayon textured brush when blurring lines so if you have a program like CSP see if you can find any brushes like that on the asset store. All this plus the more crisp lineart (which I think comes more from experience than anything else) makes up the style you're aiming for.

Sorry for the reddit spacing I didn't want a massive text wall, hope this helps nonnie!

No. 297652

File: 1684626341519.png (45.19 KB, 818x546, taranzadonut.png)

I was finally able to get a moment to draw, I ended up sketching Taranza. Halfway through drawing this I came to sudden realization of how does one spill something with six hands? Tarazna is clumsy enough to make the impossible, possible.

No. 297653

File: 1684626436218.png (278.4 KB, 1241x1048, eastercard1color.png)

I also drew this for Easter but I really don't like how Dedede's face came out. I think I made his face too square.

No. 297686

can I get recommendations for an online fundamental course from a masterful artist (I hate the style of Sycra and similar artists)? preferably not too dry and with good assignments. an emphasis on "seeing" and capturing value/weight/dimension would be good too.

also–is there any specific resource for interesting and fun still life photography? I figure that maybe I can just save interesting pictures on pinterest, but I wonder if there's a better way.

No. 297689

File: 1684640055115.png (Spoiler Image,2.54 MB, 1668x2288, books.png)

check /ic/ video course thread. Honestly the art of 99% of art teachers sucks, you should take what they teach and apply it on your way. After all, the fundamentals are all the same and the bones and muscles and how light and color interacts with an image are pretty objective subjects. I say make your own curriculum. pic rel is mine.

No. 297753

No. 298254

File: 1684902548280.png (24.82 KB, 956x786, factores.png)

I haven't finished or even started a drawing in such a long time and it feels bad
but making this felt really nice even if it's kinda ugly
I love gumi ♥

No. 298264

Super cute!

No. 298542

File: 1684990487088.png (10.3 KB, 726x918, elsie sign.png)

Thanks anon!
wip and i don't want to finish it because i have no idea what to put in the sign

No. 298975

File: 1685191682252.png (35.62 KB, 1121x1101, regersdcadb gfrewdcw.png)

I really want some advice on… everything basically. I wanted to ask about rendering at first, cause I get lost after applying flat colors, but come to thing of it, my digital art looks extremely messy and ugly. Is there like an easy fix to unfuck it? I kinda going for that comic book-y messy lines vibe, if that makes sense.

No. 299108

File: 1685215556325.png (211.5 KB, 1843x1008, paintover.png)

i actually really like your sketchy lineart it looks like it belongs in a dark comic! i tried redrawing it in a cleaner artstyle and a bit of rendering (sorry i usually draw only women). i really love how you draw noses!

No. 299123

I think this is really far from ugly lol.
Not an expert on messy comic book style but maybe try doing the outline/main lines of your character and only then add details to make it look messy on the surface? Also, idk what drawing app you use but csp's shop has some bangers for different textured inking brush, especially for comic books/manga

No. 299133

That's a lovely paintover, nona! TY for the effort you put into it, cause when you applied your skills, something in my brain clicked and I got a better feeling on how I want my art to look. I especially like the textures on the left, cause I realized that I can make some sort of celshading stuff but with textures applied to shadows, which I think would look interesting. Thanks again!
Kek thanks. I just feel that my art lacks the polish of more smooth line art, but on other hand it doesn't have this chaotically pretty feel that you all over the place.
I use photoshop and use different brushes, but my problem is that I can only use basic untextured brushes with a good control of pressure. Unfortunately, I would really love to use textured brushes for ink, but I don't feel them if it makes sense. My brush of choice that I used for this sketch has this very artificial feel.
I tried using other programs, mainly SAI, but I always come crawling back to PS, cause I just like the huge array of functions and tools and how easier they can be used than CSP and SAI.
Anyway, thanks for your feedback, it gave me inspiration to try more and I would probably post more art after I process the info!

No. 299187

sage for completely ot but this is my husbando type so thank you for the oc nonnie (looks great just so you know!)

No. 300518

File: 1685924035606.jpg (919.53 KB, 2485x3095, IMG_20230605_021249.jpg)

almost every time I draw something and I think it looks cute, I flip it and it looks bad grrrr. How do I avoid that and make faces more symmetric? Is it just practice and training your eye? I think I don't practice enough anyway

No. 300530

It's definitely all about training your eye. Since you draw traditional, you can always hold your drawing up to a mirror as you're sketching to make sure it looks okay before finalizing things

No. 300573

in traditional art lean is common i had it myself,i recommend buying a transparent grid or making one your self at home with a transparent sheet and the other trick is to use a mirror like this nonna said >>300530 good luck

No. 300593

File: 1685956678863.png (25.7 KB, 797x796, regersdcadb gfrewdc__.png)

I love this nonna, I'll just leave a suggestion that you plan for the line's directions and weight when you are drawing shadows or stronger features. The angle of the hatching really changes the end result. You may like Kotteri's work, he's great at giving the messy line vibe.

No. 300645

Kotteri is a woman

No. 300648

File: 1685985395027.png (89.49 KB, 499x1051, FT_B-LeaIAAIrwh.png)

Oh I didn't know that, I probably got her twitter posts confused with another artist then. Good to know!

I can't find her tweet but I'll leave this image where she pointed how she was trying out to shade the jacket by drawing in the same direction of the outside line, rather than the top left. Thought it was interesting and illustrates the difference the direction of the line can make.

No. 300661

Thank you for a rec, kotteri is a great artists and her artstyle is something that I want to achieve!
I'm still trying to produce a piece that I can post itt, since I learnt a thing or two about coloring and rendering… but rn I can't force myself to finish anything except some doodles… sigh

No. 300986

File: 1686138145854.png (196.94 KB, 842x1311, example.png)

i want to shift to a more grittier 90s anime artstyle with some modern styles mixed in.. which i thought i had? i usually draw monsters and grim noir and sometimes emo stuff but the thing is my artstyle keeps getting called cute and im so confused about it like what exactly is cute in it? i feel like i might be not hitting the dark gritty feel i want? i also want to improve my shading as well! i personally feel it is very bland. any feedback is appreciated! picrel is my oc in a cute fit to see if my artstyle is cute?(sorry im esl i dunno how to explain it )

No. 301012

Well yeah it's cute because she's in a cute outfit, post the gritty stuff I wanna see

No. 301026

File: 1686157783500.png (389.83 KB, 1464x1094, example.png)

something like this, i get told my men look cute? im very used to drawing women. ive tried switching my artstyle here and there but it doesn't seem to work?

No. 303051

A lot of anime styles get called cute but i notice these things
>soft expression, shiny eyes
>cute outfit as you said
this one idk
>detailed outfit
>it's an attractive dude ig
i'm pretty sure people call your style because of the first piece type drawings
the ambience in the second one isn't exactly missing the dark feel but the pose of the guy licking his hand may not be really the feel you're going for, perhaps some people call your art cute because they like the type of character you draw?
A lot of artist i've seen considered dark and gritty use dark themes (not emo, more like idk death and disturbing imagery, try to use stuff you personally find scary perhaps), muted colors maybe? violence (not just blood, actions too) and characters with not necessarily detailed outfits/style but more details on what makes them gritty.
Maybe you don't like these things and that's ok, people don't always know how to define/compliment art and that doesn't mean your art isn't working the way you intended

No. 303063

File: 1687146976565.png (65.6 KB, 1200x641, gestures-6-18-23.png)

hi nonnies. are these okay gesture drawings? i'm working through steve huston's book and have told myself i'll do about ~30-40 gestures a day. i had a lot more but i fucked around and deleted them (i was using autodesk sketchbook which apparently doesn't export the entire layer when you save it as a psd)

No. 303065

I mean… Yeah they look more cute than gritty and dark. Or to be more precise, it looks like what edgy teenagers think it's dark.
I think you could lean more into the "creepy-cute" art style. Your art style would work in that niche

No. 303089

File: 1687169247828.jpg (52.32 KB, 399x600, lowbroaw.jpg)

thank you for your feedback! this makes more sense now that you point it out, i felt like my art being called cute was being being called immature and missing the point i was trying to potray but i see that i have been wrong to assume that.
kek it really does i dont really want to draw gore to make it come across as dark but i see how it could work. do you mean art like picrel?

No. 303117

I think you are doing good,keep going and make sure to post your studies when you finish practicing.
I would recommend you looking closer into anatomy and how muscles work, cause you art is more tubes and blocks that represent ribcages/pelvises, while with gesture drawing its more useful to pay more attention to muscles and bone structure. Research more anatomy and try to apply how certain muscles contract and how you can covey movement through that.
Keep grinding, nonnie!

No. 303138

literally what isn't cute about this anon what the heck kek

No. 303148

File: 1687192054374.png (110.34 KB, 1400x884, gestures-6-18-2.png)

did 14 more that night. it's starting to become "fun" which is good.

>post your studies
>anatomy and how muscles work
you're completely right…i noticed while drawing that i couldn't understand what i was drawing, so i wasn't sure of how it would actually move. thanks for the tip nonnie.

No. 304122

File: 1687469402240.png (306.06 KB, 1146x975, Illustration3.png)

if the anon who drew this is miracously itt please tell me how to get this good at drawing please

No. 304130

I love the way she draws/paints hair, I'd also love advice from her because I don't know how to achieve convincing hair shading

No. 304344

File: 1687557181020.png (304.35 KB, 1722x1436, colonized afrikkan catboy.png)

my leoruggie sexo i mean sex i mean leona and ruggie from twisted wonderland doodles so far! maybe i finish later

No. 304352

so cute! but his head would not be able to turn like that anatomically, try posing the same way too and see how your head would look! i love your style though!

No. 304377

I love it nonnie, it looks professional. I love the dynamism, natural sense of movement, delicate linework and pleasing colors that feel like watercolor!

No. 305080

File: 1687881346675.png (80.24 KB, 1092x686, 223423132.png)

Thoughts and all sorts of criticism is very welcome. I still have trouble rendering and adding light/shadows.

No. 305099

WAAAH nonnie this is beautiful! youve gotten so well at lineart! im so glad to see you posted again! i was waiting for you

No. 305236

Awww, thanks nonnie. I feel bad about posing my stuff anywhere on the internet but the lack of people trashing me here (I hope you all are being honest kek) makes me feel better.

No. 305288

File: 1687965646398.png (40.96 KB, 479x455, hairaggie.png)

kek I don't think I am that good but ty nonnie ♥. I mean I can try helping what do you struggle while drawing? What exactly did you like in this drawing that you would like to replicate? I can try giving out advice, but I am pretty bad at explaining. I wished I saw your post sooner.
Tysm! I will try my best helping, but I am pretty shit at explaining. I make the lines, fill the base color in a layer under the lines. I pick a highlight and a shadow that are not too distant to the base color and lower the opacity of the brush to 60% and give it the first shading, sometimes color picking to blend some areas. Lastly I pick a very bright highlight and dark shadow and place only in a few areas. to give it more dimension, also with 60% opacity. In the heimdall drawing I used the highlight on top of the initial base line layer to give him loose hair strands. I hope this made any sense? I left the colors I used for each step.
I love it, the way you drew the nose is so good.

No. 305294

From now on I will be known as the nose anon.
If you don't mind, can you explain how this coloring applies to shorter hair? I think i figured it out when drawing longer locks but otherwise hair gives a headache. Love your stuff nonnie btw. Your addition to the doodle board was just so mwah perfect.

No. 305305

File: 1687971831026.png (106.02 KB, 627x771, shorthairchris.png)

Color wise it's same principle, but sort hair doesn't do that distinct band of light longer straight hair does. You can still see it (red area) but the different directions of the sort hair tend the break the line. I find where I would put the light and break it into smaller strokes. Also if it's really short I would just follow the lighting of the skull.
I love the drawings you posted here nose nonnie! You got a great style.

No. 305369

File: 1688000660680.png (Spoiler Image,676.41 KB, 1655x2667, asdadadawad.png)

>what do you struggle while drawing? What exactly did you like in this drawing that you would like to replicate?
i love your faces!! do you have any tips on how to improve in this regard? this week i started practicing, pic rel. I feel like i struggle the most with the eyes, but everything is pretty wonky.

No. 305377

I'm the other AYRT, my problem is that my hair always looks flat because giving it "dimension" is confusing to me. The way you shaded Heimdall's hair here >>304122 gives the feeling that it's actually made of complex shapes, it makes his braids look really good and convincing. I also just don't know how to achieve the right "flow" when shading hair.
I like what you did here too >>305305 it looks like Chris's hair is actually made of layers despite being so short.

No. 305580

File: 1688095610176.png (245.03 KB, 1200x1530, whatamievensaying.png)

I only got better with faces after I understood how to break the overall structure of the head, I hate suggesting this but Loomis does have a good method of structure for heads, proko has a bunch of videos on that. After you get that I swear it gets easier.
I think you are already on your way because I can see the guiding lines in some of your sketches. After that you just start stylizing and playing around with different types of faces. I sketched heimdall in the hope it would serve as an example but I realized I it turned out almost useless kek.
Anyway on A that's when I decided the face direction and expression, that little cross on top is the skull direction and eyebrow level, inspired by Loomis head structure. From there I sketch the features, trying to put the character's actual characteristics, like his eye shape, jawline, nose shape and all that. This is where I actually suck, when I try cleaning that up to D I tend to mess things up and I end up making the character too different from the original. I would continue cleaning and refining the drawing until I am happy with it which is never.
I included my past heimdalls to show how inconsistent I am when it comes to features, but honestly after drawing my husbando countless times I also found out you become better at this the more you draw them. I don't exercise as much as I should so I definitely suck when it comes to that, Heimdall 1 has a dorito chin and the wrong eyebrows. 2 has a small nose and I the wrong angle on his brows and eyes. In 3 I gave him fat cheeks.
You said you were struggling with eyes, when I struggled with specific things I would see videos and tutorials explaining the anatomy of it. Being quite honest with you I don't draw that much, I am a lazy bitch, I just try observing and seeing videos until something clicks in my head and I can see the form of the object in a way I understand it. Even looking at myself in a mirror helped me sometimes. After I get some grasp at the form I sketch variations of it, like the eyes on the left of the heimdalls.
I guess it's more about seeing the overall shape of it? You could try making simple cell shaded shadows without color to help you practice giving the hair volume and dimension. I made an example for chris.
The little short hairs he got on top of his head, they are like the tips of a long hair, little triangles, but they warp around his skull if that makes sense. So little triangles warping around a skull on the top of his head.
In II. Since his hair is so short most of the volume comes from his skull so I would follow the shadow of a sphere.
On III. I added some shadow to his pointy top hair, but I didn't go too far away from the original sphere shape shadow.
Adding midtones and highlights help to give it volume, like on IV., but try to keep the overall shape of the hair/head.
Heimdall's hair is hard to explain, he has 3 big braids plus some smaller ones to the side and some weird twist thing. I just try to keep the overall shape of things, like braids are big ropes entwined that wrap around the skull. They are weird and you can tell I didn't give it too much care in heimdall 1 and 2 kek. His hair is very tricky to be honest.

I am so sorry if none of this helps, I tried my best explaining but it's harder than I thought. I hope it helps somehow. I hope other nonnas can join and explain things better than me.

No. 305591

File: 1688106554276.png (Spoiler Image,511.77 KB, 2667x2667, 300623.png)

thanks! actually just started with loomis, thats why all the faces have construction lines, but i feel like something goes missing between construction and the clean up at the end. I guess its all practice from there. It makes me feel more relieved that even the pros struggle with how their stuff looks at the end, i guess one is never trully satisfied with their work. I am going to follow your eye practice method!! i feel like its the thing i struggle the most with atm. Screw hands, eyes are my mortal enemy.
Also, where is this heimdall dude from? your art peaked my interest in the character, seriously your art is so good.
Also, today's practice. I am trying to do at least a lil practice everyday.

No. 305610

I don’t know the right thread for this but does anyone know tutorials or like udemy lessons for drawing backgrounds/environments in digital? I have never successfully drawn a nice looking background. Also looking for recs for general digital art lessons. I’m willing to pay. I wouldn’t say I’m at beginner level but since I’m self taught I lack certain techniques

No. 305720

File: 1688157891290.jpg (234.59 KB, 3250x1790, IMG_5646-1.jpg)

I feel like my drawings look worse colored in and I can't tell if it's because:
1. Contrast is bad between lineart and color
2. I am imagining them cooler when they're uncolored
3. I'm bad at color coordination or shading. I don't color stuff in often so it usually is hard when I try

No. 305738

The lack of contrast with the grays makes some parts of it get lost.

No. 305741

think you're right, background might be kind of dark, thanku

No. 305793

Why don’t you try a bunch of different variants messing with saturation and contrast? Please share revisions? It would be interesting to compare and contrast.

No. 305918

Just a suggestion. You can definitely make the colors pop more, higher saturation might match your cute style!

No. 305920

File: 1688214174781.png (48.34 KB, 885x437, Illustration.png)

Got stupid and didn't attach.

No. 306018

Holy fuck, thanks for the examples and explanation. Now I understand Chris's hair so much better. And yes, after looking at some in-game pics of Heimdall his hair is more complex than I thought! Thanks for the tips, nonny. Is the drawing at the top new?
>honestly after drawing my husbando countless times I also found out you become better at this the more you draw them.
Not the other anon but this is so relieving kek. I always get so ashamed of my first attempts to draw characters but you're right, it's good to get a reminder that this is normal and takes practice.

No. 306125

Wtf orange background looks great… you're right, I got told before I should try more saturated colors and I keep shying away from them for some reason. It looks like the saturated colors are workint a lot better though, going to try to use them more. Thank you!

No. 306143

Be not afraid of bolder color choices anon. You'll be okay as long as you take a good look of the entire piece once in a while. But even then your proportions/style would fit even near-eye straining color schemes so you have allowance. Also, very basic, but just think of color complimentaries and then choose one to be saturated and the other desat, one bright and the other dark etc.

No. 306427

File: 1688404111763.png (395.43 KB, 516x860, roro.png)

appreciate it anon! my anatomy and ability to convey perspective is not so good, I'll try to learn how to do things properly in the future.

very quick christfag!white rabbit fest rollo, hamburger helper mascot, and botw dragon malleus. the details are pretty busted (lets pretend the bell thing isnt clipping through his shoulder) but I wanted to get the concepts on a page.

No. 306432

Anon who does those, may I ask to see more sketches you might have around? Who do you usually reference? I’m crazy about your style.

No. 306473

i think you just need to go over your line work if you want to color it, or change it to black to have more contrast

No. 307189

File: 1688761102716.png (Spoiler Image,2.41 MB, 2122x2976, IMG_1437.png)

This is something I’m working on for art fight. The legs and feet look weird to me and I know I have to move the hand up. Also the abs and belly button area needs a bit more work done. Do you guys have any suggestions that could improve the way this looks so far???

No. 307193

Nonny why are you scared of his cock, the pelvis is nonexistent.

No. 307196

> why are you scared of his cock, the pelvis is nonexistent.
Kek nonnie I don’t draw muscular men all that often.

No. 307199

a cock will ruin the entire drawing and make it porny

No. 307492

File: 1688881345917.jpg (141.56 KB, 2123x1419, IMG_57033.jpg)

I usually ref @nikingply or sometimes @tonkatsu184 but not as much

No. 307500

>>307189 anon he's missing the entire pelvic area. your abs don't just connect to your legs like that

No. 307658

File: 1688975272865.png (Spoiler Image,2.52 MB, 2122x2976, Untitled135_20230710032502.png)

Tried to give him more pelvis and make the pose more like the original sketch. I give up on this. Was good practice though. tried giving him a cock and it did make it a little porny.

No. 307708

Nudity isn't inherently porny. About picrel, it looks better nonny!

No. 307731

I can agree with you if it's not an erect cock and rather a tiny resting one

No. 307738

Holy shit your style is so nice nonnie, I'm obsessed!!

No. 307755

This looks awful. You should do a few sketches and maybe draw a simplified skeleton before you put flesh on it. The anatomy and pose just doesn't make sense and it's incredibly awkward and stiff.

No. 307762

File: 1689019087658.jpeg (165.63 KB, 1080x1096, Screenshot_20230710-214727~2.j…)

Do you use references anon? His pelvis is still missing, there's like a whole muscle section that's missing near his crotch. There should be a visibile narrow triangle-like shape that goes from his belly-button to where his thighs start in the middle of his legs (and where his penis would be). You can see it in most anatomy references like picrel.
His pecs look nice but his sides are very confusing. The armpit area is very difficult to get right imo so be sure to look up a lot of references because the muscles there get fucky. In any case there should be a clear oval-ish shape where his armpit would be, and several muscle lines going diagonally from under his armpit to the front muscles under his pecs, following his ribs. His thigh looks good but his calf anatomy is wrong.
I would advise you to start with normal linework for practice and not go straight to painting which can be more time-consuming and practice at your level should be frequent and quick-ish.

No. 307779

>resting cock

No. 307782

No. 307787

File: 1689024781371.png (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 2222x2222, 307658.png)

>> 307658 Atempted to fix the non-exsistent pelvis and short legs, + redlining.
Nonna could really benefit from using a reference and sketching prior to actually starting to paint and render.

No. 307815

Thanks for the feedback. I do use references it's just hard for me to find a reference at the angle I want. I did do a sketch before rendering though.
Tysm to the nonnie here especially.

No. 307852

If you're struggling with rendering light and shadow, I'd recommend making a smaller copy of your lineart/sketch and doing a thumbnail of the colors there. Start with flats and then build structure with shadows (don't be afraid of tools like multiply layers) and then light ti make things pop.
Sounds basic, and probably things you've heard before, but doing a thumbnail of the painting will both help you get a rough sense of what you're rendering and reduce how much you need to think while rendering by giving you somthing to color pick off of.

No. 307879

Nta but isn't the pelvis kinda wide? Not trying to be an asshole, just trying to understand if male hips can look like that. He looks kinda stocky too to me.
>thighs should be the lenghts of ribs
Is this an actual rule? I feel like thighs are definitely a bit longer that the ribcage… unless you mean like, the whole torso. And feet should be about the lenght of the forearm, so one of them is definitely bigger now (or the forearm is too short).

No. 307883

the redlined version makes him look like a basic rectangle instead of a handsome hourglass. also the rape stick really doesn't fit here

No. 307960

You picked a very hard pose to be honest, and buff men are very hard to draw. The muscles tend to make their proportion hard to grasp. I highly recommend that you draw them with a reference.

No. 308758

File: 1689534167141.png (1.27 MB, 2536x2254, ergdd.png)

I like doodling monsters/robots (I have very autistic lore about my OCs, they are basically monsters who are also cyborgs who wear exosceleton suits everywhere).
So here is a monstergirl I made.

No. 308759

File: 1689534347720.png (255.63 KB, 309x405, de8a468f-de4e-48bb-a129-d23ad8…)

And here's her boyfriend. Sadly, I deleted a sketch before I can finish it, but I have a pic of it on my phone kek.

No. 308865

I like her face piece (especially the jaw) quite a bit, Nonny.

No. 312944

I love these. I like the alien robotic vibe you gave them.

No. 315441

File: 1692226125173.jpeg (919.54 KB, 3040x2292, IMG_5936.jpeg)

I’m trying to get better at coloring, any suggestions appreciated

Weird to see my early art still here

No. 315448

looks like you're pretty good at picking out values. id say that the blue hair highlight sticks out unnecessarily, and since the only other blue or cool toned colour in her design is her eyes you might want to try to tie the blue in somewhere else, just so it's slightly more cohesive. the fur collar could do with some more contrast too, either making the whole thing darker or the shadows darker.
these are minor things, overall looks good to me!!

No. 316986

File: 1692797401124.png (Spoiler Image,4.34 MB, 2111x1243, 1692795460958.png)

anons, which pose for the smaller boy's arms looks better? I'll gladly take suggestions for other poses and expressions if anyone has any, but not feeling anything with his arms behind his back.

No. 317004

I love this, nonna, Rook looks adorable. Well, I think Epel would look better with the right side pose, it makes him look cuter.

No. 318828

File: 1693524652678.png (1.32 MB, 1042x1093, Furromierda.png)

Currently sketching my OC, anything I should fix before I go to the final lining?

No. 318839

What I'm noticing is the boy in front's outstretched arm is too short. I like the boy in the back's pose on the right because it just seems to fit the expression you gave him, I dunno. Maybe have his head leaning a little towards his folded hands? Make the arms a bit longer, use yourself as reference, you'd probably find your folded hands coming closer to level with just where your chin ends.
Ye I wanna see more

No. 318842

File: 1693529641972.png (563.22 KB, 776x1003, Captura de pantalla de 2023-08…)

lmao if you insist, here's a crop of one I did about two months ago. Honestly I haven't been drawing much because I have been insanely busy (and stressed).

No. 318845

File: 1693530639147.jpg (193.2 KB, 774x1326, zombie.jpg)

late but thank you, anon! I did go with that pose

mm, I was going for the weirdly long legs you see in some shojo but I might've just given them weirdly short arms. I'm a phone artist and the app I use to draw doesn't have a canvas resize function so I actually ran out of space for vil's arm, it was an add-on to the original drawing… I'll make some more adjustments to it. all my art has issues with short arms and weird poses.

No. 318850

NTA but did you draw this Babaoya art? It's very cute.

No. 318851

yes I did anon! I drew it two days ago. thank you!

No. 318877

Both of these are so damn funny oh my god

No. 319049

File: 1693616543143.png (1.06 MB, 1700x1074, this is an anteater i swear.pn…)

I'm trying to practice more natural subjects for my digital painting. (Things like plants and animals). Anyways, I'm not sure it's going well. How do you guys do fur? I feel lost.

No. 319050

nonna did you make this? is too cute kek

No. 319052

cute borzoi

No. 319053

Yes I made it. I'm glad you think it's cute, haha.

No. 319084

That's cute kek I would add more contrast to the fur, along with highlights. Don't try to draw every single hair, be mindful of the fur direction, and draw in layers (I prefer to start with the darkest color and build the lighter on top). Maybe drawing in black/white helps as well, to give it color when you finish simply put a layer on top in the blending mode "Color" and put the bases here.
There are tons of videos of people drawing realistic animals in YT, their process may be helpful to you.

No. 319097

I miss your old gays, post them in cbsg again

No. 321885

File: 1694907001167.jpg (500.8 KB, 1995x2259, IMG_6029.jpg)

Trying to do full scenes, perspective is fucking me up

No lmao

No. 324376

File: 1696021772896.jpg (Spoiler Image,682.28 KB, 3840x2160, 20230930_011934.jpg)

The shoulder on the left is too far away from the neck. The top of the shoulder touches the neck when you raise your arm
The ogee curve should be more towards the right relative to the maxilla (excuse my autism). The forehead and the arms could be made longer
I prefer the one on the left. It's more in-line with his expression
I dont see anything wrong with the perspective

Please criticise my anatomy, anons. Ignore the messiness

No. 324409

I'm genuinely not trying to be mean but… It doesn't look like you have any knowledge of anatomy at all so I don't really know how to give you criticism except for "go study muscles/bones." Again I'm not trying to be unnecessarily mean but your figures look like they're made of silly putty, with no consistent structure underlying the lines.

No. 324436

This is the cutest thing ever

No. 324437

These look like you drew them under a microscope, drawing them bigger to start like each filling a quarter of a page is going to help you out
Idk what to say about the anatomy, is there a particular style of anatomy you're trying to do?

No. 324439

The sink is empty, even though it's overflowing. Otherwise well done.

No. 324440

I wouldnt mind if you seem "mean." Can you tell me some specifics to focus on? I know the hands need work and the legs need to be a bit shorter
Thanks. Will do.

No. 324469

File: 1696076441812.jpg (702.05 KB, 2160x3840, 20230930_171918.jpg)

Nvm anons I get it. To elaborate I was going for a style similar to picrel

No. 325103

File: 1696341640564.png (8.52 MB, 4240x2610, dddddd.png)

im this nonnie i changed my style!! does this look cute creepy?

No. 325107

Nothing with a cutesy anime girl will ever be creppy unless you step on the body horror territory or similar. I really like the backgrounds and colors you used though.

No. 325109

I really like the atmosphere you have going here, the way you've drawn the girl / her design really fits with the bg! The only things I'd really nitpick is the lighting and texture. The lighting seem to come from behind her (the window) and above her (a skylight?) but I feel like the light is shining directly on her because nothing on her is as dark as the rest of the bg. You could try a b/w grayscale to see if the contrast on her is similar to bg. Maybe some more red highlights would make her pop as well? I noticed some on the hair. Similarly, the texture on the bg comes across as very pronounced compared to the character, which is understandably simplistic due to the anime/cartoonish style. Maybe you could apply a texture over her and see if it helps her mesh with the bg more. Overall, I think this is a really competent and impressive illustration, and I can tell you've improved a lot from your previous work!

No. 325137

File: 1696354150957.jpg (5.32 KB, 276x183, download (1).jpg)

i was really struggling with the light in this its supposed to be light from above from like a broken roof? i tried multiply but it darkened the image fully and i couldnt paint it like picrel ,would noise work as texture or a more paper like texture?

No. 325745

For those who do traditional art, what pencils, pens, and pencil crayons do you nonas recommend? Nothing super expensive preferably.

No. 325757

I like to use the "mop and needle" technique (one tool that makes thick lines, one tool that makes thin lines). I'll start off with a 4H or 3H pencil (typically sanded/worn down so the stroke is wide and it doesn't dent the paper) and then a 0.3 mechanical pencil for the "linework." I also use various sizes of mechanical eraser to refine, and then a 2H or HB to block in value. I also like to use paper with no tooth whatsoever, bristol if it's something i intend to sell or display, or plain ol' copy paper if it's a casual drawing.

No. 325851

File: 1696716173550.jpeg (3.46 MB, 3264x2448, F9047715-457D-4AE5-8D9B-945D9C…)

Drew this after 10 million years of artblock. Theres a crinkle because I erased too fast.

I love drawing ugly faces.

No. 325917

I like how expressive their faces are. Especially the girl on the left

No. 325999

Late reply, sorry! You could probably try applying a noise texture and use the overlay blending mode at like 30-40% opacity. Or potentially try finding a dust texture using the same blending mode,etc. Not sure what programme you use, but CSP would have a good amount of free assets on the storefront you could play around with!

No. 326628

This looks really good! Only thing I can add is that you wrote it’s supposed to be from above but it doesn’t look like it. It looks like it’s at eye level. And the dust particles (?) are too bright. Otherwise it’s so good, i always struggle with lighting in my pictures and yours is perfect imo

No. 327644

File: 1697501775873.png (543.71 KB, 641x954, Untitled_Artwork 46.png)

trying to also get out of my artblock and just draw more thru the end of the year. i want to focus on improving my colors

No. 327694

NONNIE this is amazing! what program do you use for drawing?

No. 327909

File: 1697579594764.png (677.27 KB, 860x1000, Untitled_Artwork 47.png)

thank you! i use procreate
-added some more, changed some things also

No. 327922

No. 327924

Did you delete your tumblr?

No. 327926

So cute!! Are you the same nonnie who posted this too>>230595 ? I love your artstyle nonnie!! Can you tell how do you get those crisp lines?

No. 327961

it got terminated smh

ya. im finding that my lines look better when i draw quicker. i always tend to draw with brushes that dont use pen pressure either, so maybe that's an element

No. 327977

Your style reminds me of old kisekae dolls from the late 90s to early 2000's. I love it.

No. 327986

is procreate only for iPad? or is there a computer version as well?

No. 327987

NTA but yeah Procreate is just for Ipads. If you want to draw in a computer, the forever license for Clip Studio gets disscounted to $20 every spring & winter and it's even better. Then there's also SAI which is cheap (+ easy to find craked if you don't want to spent money), I find it too lacking in fuctions now but you can find tons of free brushes for it. I haven't tried it myself, but I have heard good things about Krita, it's free & from what people say it's similar to CSP and Procreate.

No. 328188

yes unfortunately only ipad, but like the other nonna said, CSP is really good that’s what i used before. i’m actually debating getting it also for ipad too just because there’s great brushes available thru clip studio assets. it’s hard to find good brushes for procreate

No. 328255

I think the appeal of procreate might not be the program itself but the fact that it's iPad only. drawing with a screen tablet is almost guaranteed to make your digital art better or more enjoyable, but people don't realise that and think it's all about procreate instead. Of course there's nothing wrong with the software nor with getting an ipad just for drawing. Just know that you have options.
>t. Cintiq and CSP user

No. 328386

Talking about iPad/screen tablets, am I the only one whose art is way worse when drawing on screens/traditionally VS when you use a blind tablet?
I swear the art chip on my brain turns off when I draw directly and makes me draw with the style/level I had when I was a teen, but then I use your run of the mil wacom tablet and I suddently can draw again. It bugs me a bit because sometimes I want to draw with pencils or watercolors and everything turns like shit, same when I try to use my friend's iPad.

No. 328391

I'm the same, honestly. I don't think it's wierd. It's just what you get used to. I can also paint irl but struggle to sketch. A reason I don't like screened tablets as much is my hand blocks part of the screen and makes it harder to see. With a Wacom tablet, my screen is still my computer monitor in front of me.

No. 328461

File: 1697749305167.png (917.04 KB, 743x868, IMG_9997.png)

Nonna who can only draw portraits reporting here with my attempt at an auto portrait. Remaining at awe of all the original artwork here. I can’t draw without reference at all , I think I have a some kind of a block. I used to draw from imagination all the time as a child but I can’t seem to do it now and I kinda miss it, the freedom of not giving a shit. I guess I’m just afraid of mistakes or whatever .

No. 328473

>I can’t draw without reference
Try drawing with only eyes and eyebrows as an reference, with that draw features you think fit that person with those eyes and eyebrows.
To add in more difficulty, have references to old, young or expressive eyes and eyebrows.

No. 328494

Interesting idea, I’ve never thought of that. It makes sense, the eye and eyebrows shape is what’s the most important imo

No. 330288

File: 1698292117334.jpg (64.9 KB, 528x528, pixelart.jpg)

I've been trying to get used to pixel art. This was my attempt at something ancient Egyptian inspired, I wanted it to look like a statue. I feel like I could have added more for the background, but a lot is above my skill level.

No. 330308

I thought it was a man ngl

No. 330312

This is great anon! Lovely pixel work and very "readable".

No. 330592

File: 1698431127659.png (2.01 MB, 2832x2478, Untitled.png)

hey this is a character im working on! He's one of those really smart kids that's special interest is robotics

No. 330625

Is this a South Park OC

No. 330629

yeah i've been fixated on the show for a while now

No. 330671

>special interest
no offence but pls integrate better

No. 330677

>muh OCs with special interests
>muh hyperfixation on some cartoon
go back

No. 331618

File: 1698736482332.jpg (4.5 MB, 3120x4160, IMG20231031150024.jpg)

>sees favorite artist using gouache
>"wooaah traditional art is so cool"
>looks old acrylics
>picrel is my piss poor attempt
i mostly color stuff digitally so im not very familiar with painting irl,,, are there any Nonna's here skilled with acrylics? or maybe some helpful tutorials

No. 331619

File: 1698736945990.jpg (1.39 MB, 1536x1740, IMG_20231031_151906.jpg)

samefag, these were some older small test. i have a vision of what i want but it feels so uncomfortable to do? idk i just feel like i have lack of control and i don't know how to go about it

No. 331642

Your color tests look way more interesting that the actual drawing itself. While I can't give you tips on how to use acrylics, I think you seem too focused on drawing within the lines & coloring how you would do digitally (lines -> flat colors -> shadding). Try getting rid of the lineart, painting directly over the sketch, do fast quick strokes, don't think over the details too much (if you look at classic oil paintings closely, often the forms are just a few strokes that when looking from a distance, they give the impression they're complete/polished). The white lights on your test look pretty nice as well.

No. 331909

Get to know your paints. Acrylics tend to be shit if they're cheap, they go muddy really quickly if they're mixed because of the pigments used. If your acrylics are cheap, layer them when dry instead of blending or mixing the paints. Some paints are translucent, some are opaque. You can use the translucent ones for glazing, but it's hard to use opaque paint for glazing because even if you dilute the shit out of it it looks muddy (ofc if you're going for that effect, like if you're painting mist, it works great).
Did you gesso the surface before painting? If you want more control over your painting I really recommend that, it helps so much. It looks like you painted on paper, which isn't the best idea as it can't take a lot of water so it warps. You can get acrylic paper that's got more of a canvas texture and will be able to handle the paint better.
Do some studies with your brushes, ideally copy the same painting with the same paints and use a single different brush for each study, so you know what kind of look each brush will give you. You'll be able to get the look you want much more easily then.
Do you have any mediums? I have matte and gloss mediums which I also mix with metallic, glitter and glow in the dark pigments for paints that aren't shit. I also have a bunch of mediums to add textures. They're not expensive and you only need a tiny amount. If you want to continue working with acrylics get at least a matte and gloss medium and experiment with them, they can make a huge difference to a painting.
Lastly, paint like you painted your studies. A limited palette, bold lighting and lots of texture will give you a better result than over-blending and using every paint you own (I know you probably know this but it's tempting to keep adding more paints to your palette when it's not looking the way you wanted it to, and that normally makes it worse).

No. 332412

File: 1698985823777.png (1.16 MB, 1078x1616, Sketchbook24.png)

Israel-san trying to eat Hamas-tan wip
>tfw ai won't give me the picture i see in my head but my art skill level isnt high enough to make it either

No. 332417

i hate the idea of these characters but they really are hot, bravo nonnas

No. 332444

AI art is one but this level of porn-sickness is not gonna end well for you.

No. 332454

I love this

No. 332465

File: 1699009756095.png (63.32 KB, 360x400, it's blurry, i know.png)

Looks good but what is that above his mouth? Is it a scar? Looks okay when you zoom in, doesn't look like a scar when you zoom out. It looks like a cigarette or something. Side profile is a bit weird looking imo, I see you're trying to make it realistic but it doesn't work well with the south park art style, I'd suggest you remove the nose or make the glasses on the nose like this

No. 332466

Don’t listen to >>332444, this is great nonnie

No. 332467

NTA but that's a cleft lip.
With regards to the cringy speshul south park oc you have way to much going on which makes it out of place with south park simplistic art style.

No. 332497

Hamas-kun is kawaii

No. 332520

File: 1699033133967.png (707.14 KB, 1080x1229, Sketchbook27.png)

Arigatou anons

I've accepted my fate

No. 332526

For some reason I misread your first post and my brain (for some reason) thought you were drawing Israel-san was licking Hamas'kun's armpit.

No. 332542

So kawaii…

No. 332545

File: 1699040239983.png (346.52 KB, 1080x1268, circulationrip.png)

Me cant into anatomy

No. 332552

I wasn't saying the anatomy on your picture is bad of course!! It looks good. It's just my brain thinking about hot men licking each other's armpits, don't mind me.

No. 332570

Anyone has any tips on how to make the drawing not look fucked up when you flip it? Most of my drawings have that issue even if i flip it to the other side while drawing to fix stuff i just keep fucking it up more and more and it ends up looking deformed.

Kekk wtf

No. 332590

based nonnie i really like your designs

No. 332602

It always looks a bit weird when you flip it, you need to let your eyes get used to it. I stopped flipping my drawing too many times, I flip it from time to time and when I feel something is off. Take a break from a drawing sometimes, when you look back at it you might see what was off. When I used to to flip it all the times I realized my poses looked more stiff and my composition got boring.

No. 332689

You could try drawing with the symmetrical tool enabled so you see the drawing flipped in real time

No. 332741

File: 1699105902984.png (830.2 KB, 1176x1576, test.png)

>When I used to to flip it all the times I realized my poses looked more stiff and my composition got boring
This is exactly what happens to me every time i try to fix stuff on my drawings when i flip it, i'll try this too

I feel dumb for never thinking about trying this thanks for the tip

Art tax for not posting it before, i used the symmetry tool for this bust and it did help.

No. 332743

omg begerev hi

No. 332744

Cute, what is his story

No. 332766

File: 1699114435396.png (352.02 KB, 1475x1780, 1699067437254.png)

No. 332768

File: 1699114625319.png (273.53 KB, 1051x924, Sketchbook31.png)

drawing nui political cartoons is fun

No. 332774


No. 332818

Wow that was fast hi

None i just made him up on the spot lol

No. 332819

No. 332824

File: 1699140166312.jpg (Spoiler Image,234.68 KB, 1110x1080, Hamas chan.jpg)

kind of edgy, but I wanted to draw hamas kun as a sad animu girl

No. 332838

File: 1699144072348.png (509.75 KB, 1040x1351, fumo_.png)

Bless anon, shes so cute! And your art reminds me of fear and hunger

No. 332841

No. 332849

Oh my god anon that's adorable, I'm guessing these are meant to be fumos while the first pics were some sort of nui plushies?

No. 332858

Make them kiss! Make them kiss!

No. 332859

File: 1699147519855.png (707 KB, 1080x1440, Sketchbook32.png)

Yes! Its based on that old cirno fumo in a bottle pic, someone suggested it earlier but i think she deleted her post

Ill try to draw some more full sized ones once I figure out what I want to do with Israel-sans hair

I do want to give him fucked up happy merchant teeth to bite Hamas-kun with(/pol/ bait)

No. 332860

The arabic text on the headband is cracking me up

No. 332866

>Flag shoved inside his cranium
Yeah i'm thinking based

No. 332882


I love your designs!!!
Please make more!!!

No. 332910

File: 1699166951178.jpg (947.73 KB, 1418x1738, cowmas-kun.jpg)

i haven't done digital in 300 years but nonas inspired me with their hamas-kun autism. doodled him with some cow stickers

No. 332936

he would be a scrote lurker who would eventually get in fights with nonnies calling us all kaffir whores

No. 333012

damn I wish I could draw beacause I have a completely different view of how israel-kun would look as an israeli

No. 333141

File: 1699221722383.jpg (42.47 KB, 563x373, f630caf9c5e5ae470933209f755588…)

Hi nonas. Idk if this is the place to ask for help, but can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to achieve a 90s polaroid look with digital art?

Something like picrel, not necessarily the grainy look but the strong flash and shadows and stuff

No. 333146

Try doing a ms paint mock up

No. 333155

Study the colors from it

No. 333158

Noise filter?

No. 333161

Not very helpful

I dont mean the graininess, i mean more the light and shadows and the colors

No. 333173

How is that not helpful? I don't think there's other way, i've done it before and it worked.

No. 333174

for polaroids just remember that the closer someone is to the camera the brighter they're gonna look, even if two people are standing almost right next to each other, one of them only slightly closer

No. 333253

File: 1699243249143.png (523.03 KB, 1078x858, Sketchbook35.png)


you should make one with the bing AI creator! I mostly based mine on the affluent American jew stereotypes I'm familiar with partially to represent the ties Israel has to America

No. 333265

File: 1699243964460.jpg (531.88 KB, 1447x2047, [23-09-25] 1706279129593881045…)

i know this artist who has a similar style, maybe try asking them?

No. 333305

this art is beautiful, shame about the extremely ugly character

No. 333323

Christ, I thought this was some weird gore and that we were getting raided again kek.

No. 333376

Turn to grayscale and study the values. For effects use noise filter and vignette. The lightining usually looks like flash pictures with low contrast on shadows, blending them in together. Apply a color filter. Look up those tutorials that teach you how to edit your picture to look like a Polaroid. Irrelevant to the post, but that looks like a 35mm film photography, not a polaroid.

No. 333377

I thought this was gore for a second.

No. 333384

I am saving every Hamas x Israel image (hand-drawn not AI, sorry) for posterity

No. 333452

File: 1699297868598.jpg (676.11 KB, 1786x2048, [23-04-08] 1644669201892933632…)

yeah this artist has extreme shit taste, but her(his?) art is godly

No. 333479

This is so cute wtf

No. 333489

Who is the character? I like his moustache.

No. 333511

Either Wario or Sportacus

No. 333537

Yeah, it's spot on what I'm trying to do, looks very cool. I hate the weird little mustaches though,

No. 333541

File: 1699325007168.png (459.59 KB, 531x849, shura from one piece.png)

The character is Shura from One Piece

No. 333583

File: 1699339748885.jpg (391.33 KB, 982x907, newagehetalia.jpg)

im going to burn in jahanam for this but hamas kun is worth it not really

No. 333584

Cute nonnie…I love him

No. 333586

could you please at least make it PLO-chan or whatever, not an Islamist group that has murdered children.

No. 333588


No. 333594

Go back to twitter, none of us support hamas by drawing cute personifications.

No. 333608

No. 333634

File: 1699363708367.png (397.52 KB, 1196x798, Namnlöst 2.png)

Jesus christ, what are you even doing here? Does your genderspecial friends know you post on a terf forum?

No. 333636

>professional boyfailure
Kek you are a failure but not that kind

No. 333648

no, fuck off.

No. 333661

Kek, one time I posted art on the chans. I don't have a Twitter art account but I wonder if someone will recognize my art style if I ever draw something irl.

No. 333972

>(/pol/ bait)
shitty mods to ban nonna for her art. assholes

No. 333977

how about you make it yourself?

No. 334052

it's less the art and more the antisemitic comments (come on, "i wanna give him happy merchant teeth"?)

No. 335271

File: 1699845425137.jpg (321.75 KB, 2129x2329, IMG_6243.jpg)

Was for an art prompt guillotine
Tfw no psycho moids to hunt me down

No. 335303

You have such a great grasp on line weight and perspective. What would you recommend to improve that?

No. 335662

File: 1700012806457.jpeg (141.59 KB, 670x885, IMG_1590.jpeg)

Sorry for the autism but the guillotine should be much taller for that blade to cut anything, also small nitpick but the bottom part of the guillotine wotv the hole should have two halves. the upper half is mobile, that's how you get the head in

No. 336497

File: 1700271153911.png (1.96 MB, 1600x3805, Illustration4.png)

Don't stop drawing your gijinkas!

No. 336504

Hehe cute armpit…nice

No. 336518

armpit sexo want to licking

No. 336556

If hamas-kun came up to you and asked you to be his 4th wife would you?

No. 336567

Now I see why you were relying on AI, kek

No. 336594

File: 1700286766136.png (802.5 KB, 944x1194, fd.png)

cute!! I'll draw some more of them one day, lately all I feel like is edgy linkcest and moblink

No. 336605

He's hawt. Liking your style. The forearms could be longer though.

No. 336606

I'd decapitate him and let people fuck his ass, the good boy deserves it

No. 336642

No. 336668

File: 1700329944989.jpg (266.67 KB, 940x1419, o6G3co0dj3M.jpg)

nonnasnonnas i love cringe so there's my cringe OC

No. 336671

I like the color scheme but the pose is kind of unclear, like, she's fidgeting with her leggings and looking at me with an annoyed expression on her face? But the motion blur makes it look like she's coming at me? Maybe if the perspective was less 2d it wouldn't feel as disorienting. You're clearly skilled regardless lol

No. 336672

I like how you draw faces, but what is her left arm doing?

No. 336674

I didnt have any real intention or idea, just playing with procreate and looking for any pose that won't make me struggle. I need to learn to pose a character but i struggle with good references so it ends up weird/static.

If anyone had good ref source (maybe 3d models to look from all angles?) or art tut would be appreciated.

No. 336676

the art is super cute but i do not understand her arms/hand placement

No. 336681

no but groom kidnapping time + non-consensual waxing time

No. 336726

File: 1700343186253.jpeg (61.82 KB, 736x552, IMG_6006.jpeg)

I just draw a stick figure and go from there without changing the basic lines(pic not mine, just an example) I find it gives more life to the final pose

No. 340596

File: 1702006944222.jpg (356.86 KB, 1877x1470, IMG_3144.jpg)

The latest episode has me by the collar

No. 340597


No. 340631

File: 1702024136701.jpg (833.32 KB, 2640x2510, luckytowa.jpg)

twins having lunch

No. 340637

Aww that's cute anon, but you forgot Todo's locket as well.

No. 340640

damn you are really good anon, i envy you

No. 340657

I love your artstyle! Really love how you did colors too! Did you use a filter on it?

No. 340694

How can I even call myself a fan at this point..
thank so much nonita! I just painted with light colors then used an overlay of blue and purple

No. 345089

File: 1703658676301.png (372.09 KB, 1344x706, itdontlok..likeher.png)

based on the dumbass shit thread, couldn't get her likeness but whatevs
should've drawn her like this

No. 345090

File: 1703658751643.png (160.5 KB, 1344x706, kagura.png)

pee n gee

No. 345091

beautiful nonna.

No. 345104

I adore both of them and I adore your art!

No. 345118

File: 1703674251533.jpg (Spoiler Image,569.68 KB, 1080x1973, wip_haru.jpg)

ty anons. been on a tortured yaoi boy bender for a while now.

No. 345121

The no, thank you!!! guy?? You're great nona. Love his body hair and the hair texture is so cool

No. 345156

File: 1703698991525.png (Spoiler Image,504.56 KB, 679x768, waifu.png)

appreciate it! haru and nty!!! are all-time favs. still to this day it and 1917 are the only bl where I had to take a nap from crying so much.

No. 348237

File: 1705116556270.png (273.15 KB, 839x970, Captura de pantalla de 2024-01…)

here's a painting I have a hard time trying to finish zzzzz
Really want to pull through and improve my digital painting skills more this year

No. 348280

I'm a year late, but kirby nonna if by chance you are still on this thread I want you to know that I came across this post and your advice has really helped me out. Appreciate you!

No. 348627

File: 1705260085628.png (1.14 MB, 616x905, claire.png)

i'm trying to get used to my tablet
it's Claire from that shitty tranny comic whathappensnext
she deserved better.

No. 348644

Based. She looks so pretty nonnie! Truly the best terf wife.

No. 348736

thank you, nona!

No. 349985

File: 1705733521886.png (180.64 KB, 847x840, Screenshot_53.png)

this is probably nothing to experienced art nonnies (and i'm also experiencing a bit of dunning whatever) but i got the sense that i really could improve if i just kept practicing today…and i also think this is the first time in years i've just sat down and made myself draw on a consistent basis.

hope i can keep it up! i would've done more here – these are a few 2 minute poses – but i have to sleep kek, started too late today…

No. 350048

Nice, but don't let yourself get lazy with hands or feet! Try at least to capture correct proportion and shape, you don't have to draw out every individual finger or toe. You will thank yourself later when you go to actually draw them.

No. 350093

nice art but she's canonically obese so she wouldn't have a thin face and neck or a thigh gap

No. 351770

File: 1706432275595.jpeg (1.86 MB, 2240x2986, IMG_1422.jpeg)

No. 351771

"what the girl sitting next to you draws in a horror anime" if you were going for the scratchy creepy look, it looks good! (although the nose looks more like a snout than a human nose)

No. 351858

File: 1706478108708.png (316.21 KB, 914x1668, gnc.png)

wanted to make a comic on why being gnc and trans is a fallacy but i couldn't figure out how to phrase it kek. i will post it here regardless

No. 351950

I like it; it’s cute. Plus the transpeak is a nice touch.

No. 352065

File: 1706564597921.jpg (Spoiler Image,654.57 KB, 1547x2449, mimori_56.jpg)

edgy rkgk, spoiler for amputee stump and lots of blood

No. 352067

File: 1706564939088.png (Spoiler Image,900.23 KB, 1020x1624, israel-kun.png)

and debatably less edgy, very quick doodle I did whenever this happened kek

No. 352078

I dig this so much, really amazing nonnie
Also kek

No. 352164

I wished you put just a little more emphasis on the physical differences between males and females

No. 352210

I like it
Return of the Queen (saved) also please post moar for my folder

No. 352557

File: 1706757242666.jpg (486.16 KB, 1510x2209, maid towa.jpg)

Towa sketch I forgot about and then finished with some spooky elemtents ooooo

No. 352564

I am envious of your shading

No. 353060

File: 1706907406087.jpg (371.25 KB, 1535x991, 1000005693.jpg)

I'm not sure how to pick colors or render, I can get by alright until I get to that point and then I'm not sure what to do. I also don't know if the style I draw in is ugly or not, I might try to change to something else

No. 353067

File: 1706909058735.png (238.96 KB, 1182x778, image.png)

fun sketch based off a cute girl i keep seeing at work. i wish i was a bit better at drawing bodies

No. 353069

I really like the drawings of yours I've seen, I think it's a neat style but if you're feeling unsatisfied you should change it up. And I suck at picking colors and rendering too so no advice sorry
How flattering to inspire a nona to make art,these are very cute

No. 353107

Your shading is fine but you REALLY need to work on your anatomy.
That's so cute! I love your style, it's got a retro charm to it. I think that simple cel shading and not much rendering would work best with your style so it doesn't overshadow the lineart.

No. 353112

File: 1706924685017.jpg (87.11 KB, 792x792, GCweYMAWEAEGGxx.jpg)


Your values are weak in most of your pieces so I think thats where youre struggling. I no you use more desat colors but I'm also a fan of desat and had the same issues with colors you seem to have. You can check the values of your drawings by completely desatuating your drawing. Our brains read the values first even if we aren't aware of it. Your rendering always looks fine to me but if you want alittle more I might suggest some bounce light.

No. 353133

File: 1706937994167.jpg (213.88 KB, 1080x1488, 6216648.jpg)

you should study gashi-gashi, he has a very colorful saturated rendering style and is more caroon leaning like you

No. 353135

mystery machine ass looking bike

No. 353246

I turned it black and white and you're right, I think I make the values too flat. This info graphic is great too, going to incorporate this next time

Thanks for the recommendation, I think I'm gonna practice redrawing some of his images


No. 353249

I've seen your other stuff and I like your style. It's satisfying to look at, it must be the thick lines, though you could vary your line weight somewhat. You don't have to stick with this style if you don't want to, but people like it. If you think it's ugly that might honestly mean you're improving past the style (hopefully). Yeah I am not a color expert. I think it might be that some of the colors you used, like the green on the bike and the blue on Goku are very bright, but you used other more murky colors too (I don't know though). The girl's shorts are also pretty much the same color as her skin and as parts of the bike, which is a little weird. Dunno if it's a real piece of advice, but I think different materials should be a different enough shade/hue to differentiate each other. So the bike doesn't seem made of skin or her skin made of bike.
These are good, you should try drawing bodies anyway

No. 353287

File: 1707011323074.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3464x3464, CF00345E-1383-4667-9D5E-B59783…)

I want to buy an OC design from this artist, but people I know are saying the designs aren’t that good. I think they’re really pretty, so I’m getting lolcows opinion

No. 353296

The art is pretty cute, but… why would you spend money on any of these designs? They're super generic. Why not save your money and feed some prompts into an AI generator if you're looking for something that simple and boring?

No. 353298

idk, do you have plenty of money, and do you really love this artist over similar ones?

No. 353299

if you love the designs and have been thinking about it for a while, just follow your heart. i will say though, if you buy a brand new custom design you might not end up liking the result. even if you love the style and the artist, sometimes it just doesn't click. that's why i have only splurged on a few pre-made designs, and they still make me very happy years later. your examples remind me of the artists i liked actually, except yours is more animu. it's cute.

No. 353301

yeah why would you support a fellow human doing art that you appreciate and think is beautiful? that would be so stupid and cringe

No. 353304

this but unironically

No. 353315

i really like the first one and the sheep

No. 353318

just curious why you're in an art improvement thread if you think doing art is worthless? just to shit on people and tell them a computer can do it better or something? if so that is kind of sad.

No. 353327

where did I say that? going by the same logic, do you think the only purpose of art is to sell it to suckers online? if so thats kind of sad, guess you have a reason to be so mad about those stupid computers then.

No. 353333

post your work

No. 353334

I concur, post work or gtfo

No. 353372

KEK, that's so cute

No. 353384

The first girl is cute. The designs aren't bad per se, but they're very generic, I would consider their value just supporting an artist you like with an OC as a bonus.

No. 353416

>The girl's shorts are also pretty much the same color as her skin and as parts of the bike, which is a little weird.
>So the bike doesn't seem made of skin or her skin made of bike.
The shorts and bike are the same colors as Chi-Chi's skin because nona posted a work in progress, they weren't colored yet.

No. 353428

They're cute but surely you can come up with these type of designs yourself? There's nothing particularly creative or original about them.

Nta but if you can't justify a purchase for the quality of the design by itself and nothing sentimental around it, then that's a completely reasonable consideration.

No. 353478


I’m not buying one of these designs, but I’m getting an OC partially designed by this artist. I’ll be getting a lion girl, but I wasn’t sure if the design is worth it. She’s not crazy expensive either, a colored sketch full body is 60-75 dollars depending on complexity

No. 353484

No. 353496

not trying to shade you or anything but i've never seen the point in "buying" oc designs. what's the appeal, it's not like you can stop people from stealing it or otherwise integrating it into their own work. also wouldn't it be more enjoyable to come up with something yourself?

No. 353498

File: 1707072826064.jpeg (952.46 KB, 2048x2048, EZM20j9UEAAP_Y1.jpeg)

i still think you should try a more even lineart style rather than it being all messy and randomly thicker. Your style kind reminds me of pic rel.

No. 353501

i like how someone always replies with this word for word response literally everytime the topic is brought up

No. 353504

anon is so illiterated she didnt even bother to read anon's response saying she wasnt even buying a premade, she was comissioning the artist to make her an original oc

No. 353588

Thank you, I just got paranoid I was making bad stylistic choices and not realizing it. I get what you're saying about the material, I should probably also put some shine on the metal or something or some texture for the clothes to separate stuff

This is so cute what's this from

No. 353678

What a schnozz

No. 355263


No. 357078

any good art servers? i'm learning /ic/ is completely useless(derailing)

No. 357085

You're learning this just now? Kek anyway I think discord servers are overrated, people using discord fucking suck

No. 357348

why was this marked as "derailing"?

yes so do i, that's why i asked for "good" art servers. or communities in general. this thread is slow and dead, artist salt is full of crabs and bitter whiners, and /ic/ is definitely far worse than it used to be. so much ugly, hateful art

No. 357430

I know this is a old post but this is so adorable

No. 357511

you should only post art here for review by other nonas if you want to ask some other art related question the art salt thread in ot will be best

No. 357965

File: 1708684234359.jpeg (3.66 MB, 4032x3024, FDC681EC-4D2A-43F4-84DC-CDD0E0…)

What do you think?

No. 357966

Very cute, it reminds me of Chris Riddell's style.

No. 357969

thank youu

No. 357974

Very nice style! very reminiscent of the old 90s mtv cartoons! Especially aeon flux!

No. 358118

File: 1708738891844.png (13.03 MB, 3024x4032, liquify.png)

pencil texture looks really nice. I love the texture in her eyes and on her neck, im usually not a fan of how you did the hair texture but it matches the way you did the eyes in a nice way giving everything a kind of soft shaded photo look. If you want to improve i suggest if you mainly draw with pencil on paper, get a hand mirror to check the proportions of your drawing as you go. When you draw your brain gets used to what you are looking at and causes distortions which make it hard to see errors. This is why digital artists "flip the canvas". You can simulate flipping the canvas with a mirror to check your art. Liquified some corrections on your drawing to show some of the distortions. I made the proportions a bit more realistic but if you were going for a kind of fish eye look on the face thats also fine, but the eyes are still a bit distorted to each other. Also the ear could use some work but i just suggest looking at a reference the next time you draw the ear.

No. 358123

Thank you, I really appreciate your advice

No. 358725

File: 1709006187238.png (2.29 MB, 3411x2470, studies examples.png)

Reposting because I didnt know this thread existed.
I wanna keep doing value studies, but I feel like I am doing them wrong. I understand the concepts, but I don't know how to apply them, if that makes sense. I also don't know where to find good photos to study from, all of the ones I think look good have very similar values that mesh all together when I convert them to greyscale. I am just tired of sucking at painting because it's my favourite thing about art and it halts me from fully enjoying art and making more interesting pieces.

No. 358738

File: 1709019384153.png (589.93 KB, 1414x2664, 3toneposterization.png)

yeah unfortunately you appear to be doing the studies incorrectly. I recommend trying the simpler form of this study, using only three values(white, grey, black). Values control the composition and guide the eye to the parts of the picture that are the most important. I also recommend this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZNZ7ln1Z90 despite being about environments, it explains common value study mistakes.

No. 358741

Thank you i fucked up the values on purpose because i realized the original pictures were ass to use as value studies. Sorry i though i made that clear. Like the doll is way too white and the bathroom was way too dark. I don't know where to find good references.

No. 358742

File: 1709021387674.png (1.03 MB, 2677x1448, beforeandafter.PNG)

i draw more people but i ended up using environments to study values and i found it helpful. because i was used to drawing people it was hard not to want to use value to express form. example of my first environment attempt and then after watching a bunch of value and composition videos. values where further away means lighter and closer is darker can also be used with pieces where the subject is a person but its easier to conceptualize with environments sometimes. or it was for me.

No. 358744

This is so inspiring, do you have videos to rec?

No. 358756

the youtuber i recommended here >>358738 hes not insufferable like most male youtuber guys and explains things well.

No. 358950

File: 1709103904470.png (1.67 MB, 1743x2637, february 28 2024.png)

How can I get better at colors?

No. 358963

File: 1709109869252.png (6.46 MB, 5217x5268, valuesvaluesvalues.png)

I'm going to sound like a broken record in this thread but i struggled for years with colors and couldn't figure it out no matter how much i studied colors but it was because my values were shit. 1. study values 2. try and avoid same colors touching, i broke up ur guys clothes with some darker blues to break up value groups to make it more visually appealing. 3. remember that colors are visually affected by colors next to each other. ur figures desaturated with a slightly more saturated background made him appear more washed out. by desating the background he appeared a bit brighter despite me not adjusting his saturation. heres another helpful value tutorial i liked https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/2893

No. 358965

thank you anon this was very helpful!

No. 358967

happy to help, forgot to give you compliments as well. wonderful textures and nice solid pose. the hair texture is so pleasant and the weapon looks great and solid! excellent proportions and cute design. keep up the great work good luck on your improvement journey.

No. 358976

File: 1709112684387.jpg (416.3 KB, 2894x4093, garoppui-1682721904854200320-2…)

thanks nonny!! my goal is to render like this guy, so i got a long way to go.

No. 358978

youre doing great, hope to see more. just need darker values, some texture studies to get those hyper realism bits they do like the gun and helmet a bit on the clothes, but youre real close on the proportions and style.

No. 359728

File: 1709411440265.jpg (833.83 KB, 1488x2021, sailorgirl.jpg)

tried some new methods after watching some Chinese tutorials on color, which would you say looks better?(as in colors) and for the character as well since shes supposed to based in the 1990s so maybe a more pop artish style?

No. 359749

I like them both pretty equally but I think right has slightly better colors

No. 359760

could you drop the tutorial for the left one?

No. 359769

the outfit doesn't really give off 90s vibes

No. 359774

Cute subject matter. I agree with what values nona said, but I want to add that this video completely changed the way I think about color and using the gamut technique makes it super easy to create an appealing color palette.

No. 359847

If it's just colors, I find the left one more interesting. Very fond of the gradients and contranst in shadows/highlights. The eyes could use some darker bits like the right one to make them bless less with the softness of her hair and face though. If you decide to polish it, I would love to see it finished.

No. 359850

this. It looks real good.

No. 359851

thanks nonny i really need to pick up james gurney's book, also are those acrylics?

No. 359855

File: 1709466495474.jpg (87.49 KB, 426x574, Screenshot_20240303_144933.jpg)

I think the poses I draw are very flat. I posted on the art salt thread that I couldn't draw from references, what should I do? (background isn't by me)

No. 359856

I think your problem is lack of construction, flat rendering and lack of perspective.

No. 359863

well, you should start drawing from references!
there's a lot for you to work on but for the flat poses you go try gesture drawing. it's a timed exercise of drawing models, so the drawing itself isn't supposed to be perfect, what matters is the essence of the pose. from that you learn how to see things in more abstract forms which then help you with construction. you balance the dynamism of your pose with your knowledge of anatomy and that requires its separate study too. focus on figure drawing, you can pick up a course like proko's for example

No. 359864

I still don't understand what you mean by construction. I don't think that my issue with perspective is with this drawing since I didn't make the background.

No. 359865

I can't draw from references, I basically can't draw what I see. I have issues with understanding 3D forms.

No. 359866

using boxes and cilinders to build your drawings
all drawings have perspective. The left foot should be further away.

No. 359867

File: 1709470925941.jpg (82.89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i don't understand what you mean by you can't draw what you see then. are you ashamed your drawing from reference looks crappy? the point of drawing is to learn understand 3D forms, you can't do that without exercise
does this example look 3D to you?

No. 359868

I use shapes like stick boxes etc in my sketches first. I didn't know this was called construction.
>>359867 it's not shame, I'm both bad at copying and seeing things in 3D.

No. 359870

do you draw a lot and daily? everyone is bad at those things at first lol

No. 359871

I'm not new to art, I've been drawing for my whole life. I have improved in the last 8 years but it all still looks flat. I don't understand, i studied graphic design at high school and we had excessive art classes but I still can't get a hold of 3 dimension.

No. 359872

File: 1709472779983.jpg (159.34 KB, 1260x1260, 4548076538523_1260.jpg)

nah cmon nonnie, i know you see the edges of this box and can draw a shape like that. reference is only there for you to adjust the angle

No. 359873

I am starting to believe she's actually autistic.

No. 359874

Don't worry, I think the same about myself but I suspect that it's an issue with my eyes.

No. 359875

You just need to keep drawing. Do you study or do you only 'draw'? do master studies too. Develop a study routine if possible and get outside your comfort zone.

No. 359876

File: 1709474873247.png (1.52 MB, 838x1200, image_2024-03-04_005702015.png)

Yor rendering is also making it flat, it looks almost like medieval art. There's no sense of depth because you've done the painterly equivalent of pillow shading. Where is the light coming from? Because looking at the background image you've chosen her face and front should be in partial shadow at least. The clothing also suffers from this, the collars of the undershirt and dress have zero interaction with the light or form- making it look like one of those printed tuxedo shirts. You could remedy this issue with your "eyes" by tracing over reference images (and breaking it down into simple 3D shapes) and then redrawing the trace freehand.
Speaking of the background, your paint over sticks out like a sore thumb because of the colours you've chosen- try adjusting them so they actually fit into the palette of the background- going more muted and greeny- brownish with the character's colours would have fit much better. Your anatomy is also poor, especially around the upper torso and head.
I'm suspecting a bucket of crabs from some of the more unhelpful anon's responses though.

No. 359877

>baby jesus holding a crayola crayon
>in medieval times
He really was the Lord…

No. 359878

needs loomis

No. 359880

File: 1709476063093.jpeg (24.15 KB, 320x431, images (81).jpeg)

I said that I did not make the background, there's no paintover, no "sore thumb". There's also no issue with the upper torso, you're not going to believe this but it's a 1860s style bodice. 1860s dresses have weird low shoulders (see picrel)

No. 359882

NTA but are you retarded, ESL, underage or all three?

No. 359883

The person looks flat not the background. It feels like you drew the person using flat shapes rather than 3d shapes

No. 359884

LOL nonnas poster is not the og artist. >>359855 is 100% a troll.

No. 359885

are you sure? can you link the og artist?

No. 359886

Basically a literally-nobody artist https://www.instagram.com/p/C28RHywtPxw/
>very low quality image

No. 359887

File: 1709477547942.png (3.19 MB, 1400x1050, image_2024-03-04_015108409.png)

It's not your background (which I implied by saying "you've chosen") but you didn't paint over it? Not even going to bother commenting on that. Sure, I'm not the most knowledgeable about 1860s dress but in your example the woman has shoulders and her collar curves around her neck.
Let balding 35 year old baby Jesus and his scary mother be
I tried to google search the image and every match is linked to a deleted account. Interesting.

No. 359890

are you sure its not her? how the fuck did you even find her

No. 359891

kek that baby jesus looking like he's on his second divorce

No. 359896

Reverse Google image exists also don't fucking post art you've posted on your public accounts always post throwaway examples

No. 359899

File: 1709480153086.png (910.82 KB, 1096x1544, hmm.png)

aand of course an amateur would rely on AI slop
you may be right with the troll attempt but I remember some nonny defending AI on the general art salt thread, complaining bout the "inability" to draw from reference wouldn't be too far off this mentality

No. 359904

so this is the art of the AI sperg that has been shitting art salt kek

No. 359905

If she's >>1906457 then she really must be underaged to not recognize that last decade dA art style kekkkk. If you're still here, ironically the way you draw art is very similar to the AI, both of you drawing objects like stickers on a flat surface rather than visualizing shapes in 3D. You're not going to learn properly while using AI as a crutch anon.

No. 359907

It's easy to use art of someone who prefers to use AI bgs for trollposting.

No. 359908

I dont believe you

No. 359912

If you have issues with percieving 3d, it might simply be astigmatism yeah

No. 359957

File: 1709503246504.png (988.35 KB, 1299x2211, 03 03 2024.png)

My brain just completly shut downs when i try to paint. I just realized the values suck and the lighting is coming from two places. Oh well, it's practice.

No. 359959

Keep at it! this certainly looks much better than the old one but there are some critiques i have.
>applying some cloth texture over the clothes with overlay
>photobashing can work for the helmet if you blend it in well
>gesture seems OK but could be better it feels way too stiff as if he's alert but his gun is handled very idly so it conflicts with the mood, making him lean to the back can work but only the torso
>perspective is a bit wonky especially on the feet placement maybe instead them facing downward make them in the front perspective
>use 3d models of guns and paint over them instead of tediously drawing them(up to you if you like drawing them)
Hope it helps a bit nonnie! Good luck! Hope to keep seeing you in this thread!

No. 359960

thank you nonny! i would rather not photobash or use 3D models as i enjoy getting better and i draw as a hobby so i am not in a clutch to get better fast or pump out drawings.

No. 359962

The artist of this pic has a thread on Onionfarms and a shitty KF thread as well as >>>/snow/1498807
Troll or selfpost?

No. 359966

Is it the troon who made the kiwi thread or the artist posting? I might go with the former because they both have the same retard post style

No. 359975

i think the one on the left has more potentential, but the one on the right looks more cohesive? bc the lineart and shadows tie everything together, the left one lacks that a bit. can easily be fixed with some more rendering and/or color layers on top to bring it together

No. 360234

Crossposting in case any nonnies would be interested in an overwhelmingly female majority art server

No. 360282

File: 1709629203346.png (635.89 KB, 887x635, image_2024-03-05_192706193.png)

This is a random collage of work from the past few months. I don't draw very often and I'm very lazy. I've been wanting to gitgud for the past 3-4 years now but alas, I am still very lazy. I have very poor habits when it comes to art as I tend to draw everything in an hour or two and then hibernate for the next month. I'm looking for strong criticism on aspects of my art that look ugly, lazy to a detriment, or even just trying advice on how to draw for longer without getting burnt out. yes I have shit taste, that will not be necessary to point out as I am aware, thank you.

No. 360296

You seem very good nonny, maybe it will benefit you to get out of your comfort zone more.

No. 360297

File: 1709635288438.png (942.22 KB, 1080x1412, _yl.png)

yael and friend. having to think about how folds in clothing like this cape would work make me lose motivation to finish.

No. 360300

You should try morpho: folds and clothes. Looks great otherwise.

No. 360303

For someone who draws only for a couple of hours a month you're really good, fellow akechifag. I wish I could draw that well while practicing so little kek

No. 360312

File: 1709648310919.jpg (1.89 MB, 2802x1068, mqps.jpg)

I would give the colors some variety instead of doing shadows/lights in a darker/lighter tone of the base color, but the mute palette works for the gritty feeling these drawings have as well. Other than that I think they're very good, I have the same problem as you (I draw a bit 1-2 days and then I don't pick up a pencil in weeks) so unfortunately I can't give you advice on that.

Not fully directed at you but since some nonas here had some problems with colors, have you tried gradient maps? I'm not good with colors and they usually help me lots. Once I got the drawing around 80% done, I merge all the color layers, duplicate it, apply a gradient map and play with its layer modes; then I merge again and finish polishing the drawing with its new colors. Sometimes they completely change the piece's colors, while other times they can give you small accent colors here and there, it's pretty fun.
In picrel, the Kirby at the left is the original drawing, middle is original + gradient map 1 & the right one is original + g.map 1 + g.map 2. I think these examples are a bit extreme (mostly a hue shift / complete different colors), but it gives an idea on what they can do, gradient maps with layer modes can give interesting results.

No. 360317

I don't understand why anons constantly shill servers related to /ic/ instead of making one solely for lc users.

No. 360318

File: 1709655513336.png (282.97 KB, 960x850, d00dle.png)

You could start one and post on friend finder.

No. 360319

I wish the jannies would let us make one already, the /ic/ one has men. I think one anon said the /ic/ server has a right-winger moid, which just sounds like a huge redflag.

No. 360320

I'd be willing to start a server, but I have no idea how to structure it. We should have voice verification I imagine.

No. 360321

I think having a general and artwork channel should suffice. And yeah voice verification should be mandatory. I asked the mods pretty please if they let us make one.

No. 360323

What about hand verification as well? troons can use voice modulators and where will you be posting the server link?

No. 360324

anons in meta are saying we can post it here? but i am not sure. I know that anons from other threads, like the fujo and game dev thread, have made their own and posted it in their threads before.

No. 360325

also, anon could make a protonmail acc and tell anons to message her there

No. 360328

yeah I don’t think servers are usually posted directly, the owner uses her contact to filter people first

No. 360333

There could be an open server just for the verification, and whoever passes it gets invited to the actual server?

No. 360334

You cant post discord servers directly on lolcow. I think it's better if the server owner makes a protonmail and asks anons to send verification they are women. That's how the gamedev nonnies did it.

No. 360341

I’d be ready to even do video verification for a truly farmers only art critique discord.

No. 360410

>I think one anon said the /ic/ server has a right-winger moid, which just sounds like a huge redflag.
What the fuck did you expect from a 4chan board? Seriously, I understand the sentiment of wanting a group to draw with, but be aware moids will try to infiltrate it. Just take a peek at the friend finder.

No. 360412

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I mean, I do want it, but I think I can speak for many of us when I say I just don't want it enough to bear the responsibility of admin, management, and potential schizo/troid filtering. It's ironic because usually you'd want someone normal to do such a task but in a catch-22 no normal person wants to do it. I've witnessed a fair number of times where the founder of some niche community especially on discord eventually reveals themselves to either be some deranged terminally online e-clown or tragically lost too much sanity from having to be terminally online to wrangle tards. Wish there was a good way to go about it but it's tough toeing the line between keeping out unwanteds and unproductive autistic gatekeeping, and anonymous mongolian kiteflying forum adjacency and fostering community don't exactly go hand in hand.

No. 360413

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I'm going to be completely honest with you ladies, needing this many hoops just to post work on discord demonstrates exactly why /lc/ shouldn't have a server to begin with. What happens when the owner or mods doesn't like someone in server? Do they just pull a creepshow OP and dox/expose them in the threads? How are you guaranteeing that artist in the server won't leak things on the board for sake of having their own personal artcows or dumb vendetta's? Who's confirming that the owner/mods isn't schizo collecting this information themselves? The bottom line is that you need to have trust to run a successful art server and all of these hoops demonstrate, hell /lc/'s culture of being drama-focused in general, does none of that.

Not to shamless plug the /cgsg/ discord but you can get into a tried and true server right now for less and you don't have to worry about facedoxxing yourself to strangers, being outed as some evil terf, or being harassed by moids because they are all just gay men.

No. 360414

The point is anons dont want to share a server with men, let alone right wing scrotes into femboys.

No. 360420

If that's all you took from that post, then you don't care about being in an art server to being with.

No. 360421

this. if youre all that fucking paranoid about a discord then just dont bother. no ones going to send you pics of their id next to a used tampon to post their chicken scratch.

No. 360423

We do, just not in one with alt right moid >>>/ot/1904688

No. 360428

File: 1709678935691.jpg (2.67 MB, 1984x2239, 20240226_231109.jpg)

>pull a creepshow and dox us
The farmhands never doxxed creepshow only revealed her identity when she was caught self posting and so have many cows if you have forgotten is against the rules.if you don't want to be doxxed don't put in searchable information use a throwaway email account and post art to be critiqued not posted on your public accounts to be backtracked from
>won't leak things onto the boards
Don't act like a cow then.if you do then dont expect nonnas not to laugh at you.Many nonas have posted artcows from the servers they're in its not new.
>Who's confirming that the server mod isn't collecting information on you?
Same could be said for cgsg.dont share personal traceable information
>plugging cgsg ironically
Considering what a fagtard the enstarfag was,I would rather be outed as a terf than to share a server with someone who draws chicken scratchs and spergs on anyone who has a differing taste. Not to mention all the moids,you plugging it here either means you're a troon who's hand will out him out or you want to force nonas to join a server with coomer moids when they don't want to

No. 360430

Source for the pic?

No. 360431

>Not to mention all the moids
Right wing moids into underage looking femboys at that. No, thank you.

No. 360432

I am not passing that hand verification (has skelly hand)
Are any based NEETs willing to take the fall?
Man I gotta post work to a /cgsg/ thread before I can join? I don't even remember if I've posted something there before. Annoying… I'm responding to you only because I'm assuming you are the /ic/ liaison. Also what about pencil and paper fagolis, are they allowed? Asking for myself.

No. 360433

>Considering what a fagtard the enstarfag was
Somehow I'm not surprised the discord filled with moids would be promoted by the terminally online 4chan edgelord that's so fucking annoying even the farmhands won't let them post their fujo discord on here anymore

No. 360438

The enstargfag got kicked for trying to infiltrate the server and had a public meltdown on 4chan yesterday, so /cgsg/ does turn people away and kick people who cause problems. I have been a member for a while, so I can say that gatekeeping is going on there. The slime guy Choob that keeps getting brought up is harmless though. He just talks about drawing and shares artists that he likes. I didn't even know he was MAGA until was mentioned here. Judging by how much it's being mentioned, it genuinely feels like a scare tactic by some vendettafag against the server.

I'm just someone whose been in there for a while, mods mentioned they changed the rule temporality so /lc/ doesn't have to post on 4chan, but they made entering the server require even more art because the enstarschizo posted nonshota to get in before revealing themselves to be the shota schizo that's been vendettafaging in the thread for nearly a year now.

No. 360440

NTA but are you a newfag, why are you defending a scrote so hard? the whole discord conversation started because anons were complaining about the lack of female-only spaces and how 4chan scrotes ruin everything with their coom, so it's normal they dont want to share a space with a scrote. I hope nonny makes a discord server eventually, because every time that /ic/ server gets brought up its related to gay drama.

No. 360441

Good because that schizo was so fucking annoying. How much art does it require? I have pages upon pages of drawings, mostly shit tho

No. 360443

What do you mean defending a scrote, I'm telling you what I have seen firsthand lmao I wish he was the big bad sperg in a pick-me cord so I could at least laugh about it, but it's just empty fear-mongering from spergs who I guarantee spends their times whining about being unable to find any good art communities while being too autistic to properly function in one. I wish there was an all female server too, but until then this cord is as good as it gets considering they only have 4 men at the moment.

Unless your traditional art is really good you might have to go elsewhere since they are looking for fully done digital artwork now. Blame the shotafag if you can't get in.

No. 360445

I looked up the thread on /ic/'s archive out of curiosity and all the art is pretty mediocre. As much as people want to join online groups I think it's best to take an actual class

No. 360446

>i wish there was a femcord too
?? You were fear mongering about how a lolcow female only would fail and we would all get doxxed and to join your scrote infested server instead.

No. 360450

it suffers from the same problem most female communities do, they are too scared of being genuine so they don't really give genuine criticism, only fake praise. Male communities have their own set of problems, but joining a shitcord full of moids that shred my beg art to pieces helped me improve a lot. It's honestly useless to join a discord if you want to improve, you aren't going to get real criticism.

No. 360452

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It's hard enough to convince people to post their goddamn work to join an art discord as it is, pic-related is from their thread. Making people get burner emails and face dox to strangers and all this extra shit is insanity. It's not fear-mongering when it's the truth.
>scrote infested server
We get it "boys icky yucky yuck", do you have another personality trait or is this the only one built into your algorithm? The last post btw, you're becoming a broken record now and this is clearly your only gotcha about the cord.

No. 360456

For a general comprised of NGMI begs you sure are cocky and protective over your server. Just move on, let anons make their own male-free discord server with voice verification if they want, not everyone draws or is interested in drawing men anyways.

No. 360459

File: 1709692113238.png (215.97 KB, 792x638, drawboxestonotsucksomuch.PNG)

https://drawabox.com/ posting for anyone else that complains about their drawings being too flat, drawabox has tons of exercises for helping your brain conceptualize and draw objects in 3 dimensional space

No. 360460

Peter Han dynamic drawing is honestly better.

No. 360463

you can still get better using models, tracing is a helpful for developing muscle memories, figuring out ways to express 3d shapes 2 dimensionally, and just like using any reference you are learning even if you are tracing. theres nothing wrong with tracing, its plagiarizing thats shitty. tracing parts you struggle with or to supplement your skills can still help you improve. straight up tracing will never look as good as understanding shapes, but using models or tracing isnt going to be detrimental to learning.

No. 360478

God you thinking that complaining about being with a certain crowd equals to vendetta is so silly. You can probably understand not wanting permabegs who ask for likes in your community. Or tims pretending to be into female media. Why is it so hard to understand people just have preferences and tolerances different to yours kek. Genuinely, may cgsg prosper, you're probably filtering off people who don't like the right wing tolerance which will be good for your server.

No. 360481

>We get it "underage icky minors yuck yuck yuck", do you have another personality trait or is this the only one built into your algorithm?(bait)

No. 360529

This is real if there is one thing I am grateful for it is the moidcords that made fun of my art. Every server I've been in the women are too nice and just don't give objective opinions, and I end up feeling like a dick if I do it. I wish it was normalized for women to be assholes too

No. 361047

Let me blow your mind: it is possible to give an honest opinion without being an asshole.

No. 361085

>scrotes in discord nay
>scrotes being assholes to me in scrotescord yay
What did nonnies mean by this?(discord derail)

No. 361146

can you move on please? you are starting to get really annoying.

No. 361187

Ngl I got whiplash from reading those too. Mental gymnast scores a perfect 10.(derailing)

No. 361194

You know the anons complaining about your server having scrotes and the anons complaining about the lack of honest criticism in female communities aren't the same ones, right?

No. 361235

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a part of a discord.

No. 361240

please stop derailing the thread already(derailing)

No. 361242

>Said while derailing the thread
Lol speak for yourself

No. 361289

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Here's some art.

No. 361293

very qte

No. 361475

that's adorable nonnie, i love the artstyle.

No. 361875

super cute! Would love to see more

No. 363043

File: 1710606945999.png (961.56 KB, 2354x1200, withcloak.png)

redrew something old again (and was once again told by /ic/ that the old drawing was better…). today i'm just going through proko's anatomy videos (currently done with his overview on pecs), i'll try to do a leyendecker study too. can anyone attest to the marco way of master studies though? e.g. picking out shapes in a painting, just blocking out colors before moving into edge work, etc.

No. 363044

File: 1710607042631.png (190.35 KB, 874x876, Screenshot_165.png)

and here are some miscellaneous scribbles from a week or so ago

No. 363050

Your figures are kind of stiff. I'd give advice but I have the same problem.
These poses just don't really make sense. They look awkward. Where is their center of gravity? What are they doing?

No. 363083

I really like the outfit you drew him in!

No. 363104

nonnie if i may ask what kind of art style do you want to achieve in particular?since itll help me redraw according to it and give better tips seems like youve changed it quite a bit, more bolder lines and character design aswell.