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No. 231080
Adjusted for inflation edition
>what are you playing?>what are you looking forward to?Previous threads:
>>186571 #6
>>162268 #5 No. 231084
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i hopped back onto Destiny 2 again this weekend after i took a month-long break and it feels like coming home, sappy as that is. :') the new season starts next week and i'm really looking forward to it! Bungie has been doing pretty well with the story the last handful of seasons, so i'm excited to see what they have planned this time around.
No. 231091
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I'm playing dragon's dogma again and this is my character with one of the dragons of rotunda of dread glitching on one of those pillars after I killed it while it was flying. He fell off the pillar after I accidentally bumped onto him when I tried to jump back to my pawn to leave the place.
I'm looking forward to many games I won't be able to play anytime soon because no ps5, but especifically that harry potter game I hope it won't suck
No. 231118
>>231084I always like not spoilering myself and just waiting to see what happens when I log in. Hope they bring back Asher soon after that Splicer easter egg.
Spent time this week grinding out the last challenges/triumphs. Still have to do some more Sever runs.
>>231088The seasonal story/triumphs should be available for a few more months. Not sure about the challenges.
No. 231132
>>231088from how i understand it, the only time sensitive stuff being cycled out for season 18 will be the season pass, seasonal challenges, and the seasonal artifact mods. anything regarding the current season's story should still be available, but like with season 16, it and its currencies will probably take a backseat to whatever new offerings are released for 18.
you have until next tuesday (aug 23rd, 1pm est) to get any of what you deem a priority done in the mean time. good luck, nonna!
No. 231290
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Anons, please play Cult of the Lamb. I'm amazed by how good it is. For those who aren't sure about getting it because it's a roguelike, I'll say that the game is worth the money based on the cult management sim part alone. The roguelike segments are honestly pretty secondary to your duties to the cult, and I find myself fulfilling cult followers' requests and performing rituals and sermons more frequently than I battle. It's like Binding of Isaac meets Animal Crossing. I play on normal difficulty and it's been relatively easy so long as I'm focused; there are other difficulties (easy, hard, and extra hard) that I haven't played either.
Will warn console players that there are a few softlocks to be cautious of in the early game. I play on PC and I haven't encountered any on my run, but it seems like those on Xbox and PS5 have had to restart a few times. Anyways, sorry for the sperg, play it!
No. 231293
>>231290Definitely exceeded my expectations based on the lukewarm response my moid friends had. Got it anyway, glad I did. My gf watches me play sometimes, my first follower was based on her and I unlocked the
resurrection ritual so I can keep her forever. I even married her and we smooch irl when the game characters smooch… This game is as cute as it is edgy.
My problem with the roguelite segment has been that the more you advance the combat-related tree, the worse the options get because it opens up your weapon pool to things that may not suit your playstyle. I hate the slow weapons and a bunch of the curses but I have no way of "speccing" into any kinda build. Is there a build-focused feature later down the line? I cleared the first two dungeons and am on the last stage of the third one and if I get the super slow hammer I just wanna ragequit lol.
No. 231295
>>231284Download RetroArch, a multi-emulator program, then install a N64 core, I believe it's called Mupen64Plus. Configure the emulator's controls to your liking.
I would recommend Project64 which is the emulator I grew up and I'm most familiar with, but the devs have turned it into nagware now (the donation message you get every time you open it becomes more and more annoying each time) and I forgot which was the last decent version. Something like 1.7 I think.
Step 2 is finding the game. I recommend getting it from no-intro's N64 collection.
Also play the original MM, the 3DS version changed a lot of things for worse. In the last thread some people mentioned how one of the most fun parts of the original MM was Zora Link's swimming mechanic. There are other frustrating changes like Twinmold being near invincible when it shouldn't (iirc).
No. 231297
>>231284Here you go: the N64 emulators aren't the easiest to use. If you want a graphical interface, looks like m64p is your best bet. Reddit is cancerous but I'm sure if you searched for OoT emulation on Reddit you'd find some setups that work. You can also probably find a place to download the game itself if you don't have a copy on your computer. Also, avoid any website that claims to let you play the game directly in your browser. Have fun!
No. 231308
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Has anyanon played Wytchwood yet? I don't really play craft sims but it looks pretty and relaxing.
No. 231819
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I didn't even know what fun was until I played this game. Holy shit I am endlessly entertained.
No. 231837
Has anyone finished Xenoblade 3? If so, is it great? I loved the first one but X was meh and I won't even speak about 2.
>>231293 >>231290
Thanks for the reviews nonnas.
>>231819I finished almost all zelda games and it's my least favourite. I'm glad others are able to have fun with it and I can even understand why but I really hope Nintendo get their shit together for the next one. It was a good game but a bad zelda.
No. 231847
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>>231380I was just going to say! When I read this tweet I was surprised. He did awesome.
No. 231860
>>231838Minish Cap and Wind Waker, they are both so pretty and fun to play. I also loved Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. But honestly I couldn't even rank them. I love Zelda because I love puzzles. Breath of The Wild has puzzles but they are everywhere and too easy which makes them boring and annoying. The dungeons like the world felt giant but empty. When I finished the first dungeons I couldn't believe I just finished 1/ 4 of the game. I won't even speak about the final boss since he becomes ridiculously easy by finishing the dungeons. Just why?! The story and the lore were so bare too. Everything that could have been interesting happens in the cinematics. It felt like they finished the map and had Link running around and someone at nintendo decided it was good enough for an open world game. I was extremely confused when I saw the reviews and I really hope they try harder with the next one.
What's your favourite nonna?
No. 231934
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Anynonny play Cleo: A Pirate's Tale? It's this cute pixel adventure mystery that just came out, I loved playing it but have mixed feelings about it after I finished the game. It's entertaining and has great story beats but I disliked how our player character, a fourteen year old girl, gets blackout drunk on no fewer than three occasions during the latter half of the game. There's also the story's end where she goes back to work at her dad's bar and doesn't tell anyone about her adventure. Instead, she "learned to listen" and tells stories of all the moids who shaped her journey so that they can remain conscious in the afterlife. That one left a bad taste in my mouth and was enough to make me think this one of the few games that would have been better with a moid protagonist instead of a girl. But I still recommend the game if you want to kill an afternoon with some silly and obtuse puzzles and don't mind the unfortunate implications.
No. 232200
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Started playing Brigador. The destruction mechanics is so fun and satisfying. I vent my frustrations by blowing up mansions and skyscrapers
No. 232269
>>231934Just been plaything through this myself, I'm only at the tail end of chapter 1, but I'm adoring it so far. I grew up on old adventure games so it's entirely my jam.
Love the acting and artwork, the humors been very fun, a few questionable parts but nothing that doesn't give it a hearty recommendation.
No. 232365
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Does anyone know of female retro game (stuff like sega saturn/dreamcast, ps1/ps2, arcade) vloggers? I’ve only seen moids/troons cover that kind of stuff and it’s pretty alienating.
No. 232425
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playing character creation demos for fun
No. 232429
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>>232368I just really like her design. Her easy mode thing is just a bonus kek. Also the game has cheats you can turn on like invincibility and infinite ammo if you just wanna go ape and shoot stuff for a while in freelance mode.
No. 232474
>>232425I wish this series wasn't so raunchy, I love super detailed character creators.
Really hoping Starfield meets my expectations.
No. 232584
>>231819My wife keeps telling me to play this to which my response is always "mehhhhh" because I have the 'tism and playing new games feels weird to me. I love watching her play because the art style is great and it has a nice chill atmosphere but I've never really "got on" with Zelda games before. I liked Wind Waker most because I just spent my time looking for treasure at sea. One day I'll get around to it.
>>232425I liked Saints Row 1 & 2 when they first came out as I was heavily into sandbox games then but the third one ruined it. It was always a jokey franchise but it was total overkill with the sex jokes and everything else. "hurrr dildo penis boobies farts durrr". I bought the 4th one for peanuts in a PSN store sale and I mainly just use it for the character creator, kek. I keep telling myself I'm gonna complete the game but I only do stuff to get the money to go clothes shopping.
No. 233251
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I want to buy my bf a Nintendo Switch (Lite) for Christmas. He is an extremely talented gamer. Which new-ish (last 5-10 years) Pokemon game on the Switch is the most difficult? He's playing Pokemon Reborn right now and enjoying it, if that helps at all.
No. 233407
nonny. This has got to be a troll post ("extremely talented gamer"? Wtf).
But just in case you're serious, Pokemon Reborn is a fangame made on RPG Maker, and for PC. There are no "difficult" Pokemon games on the Switch, there hasn't been one in ages.
Especially compared to fangames that are specifically created to be challenging. Maybe you could wait until the new game Scarlet/Violet comes out and buy it for him just so he can see for himself how shit it is. But if he's one of those super loyal Pokemon fans and not fed up with the quality of recent games (doesn't sound like it tho), he's going to love it.
I'd recommend getting him a game from a different franchise, one that's actually challenging. But be careful not to buy him a commonly recommended game that's actually a port of a game he has already played on another platform, like Dark Souls or Cuphead. Maybe some difficult Japanese RPG since your boyfriend seems to like JRPGs that are hard to progress through.
No. 233529
>>233407Thank you for the advice nonna! I should have just left the part about my bf/his skill level out completely as to not
trigger everyone kek. How the fuck else do you convey skill level. Anyways I will probably just let him choose a game after I give him the Switch bc I can't find a straight answer and so many Pokemon games seem to differ. I don't wanna waste money on a game he may not be into. He hasn't played a Pokemon game since Gameboy (besides Reborn) and some of the newer ones are apparently still kinda for kids. I don't see how it being a PC game factors into this but thank you for your consideration nonnington.
No. 233636
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Finished Jade Empire, I think it's the first time I ever played a RPG where you don't have equipment. Also one of the shortest, and certainly the most dynamic Bioware RPG (you can do rolls, jump behind the target and 1 click = 1 hit). Very original overall, 25 different fighting styles, fun side quests, fun companions (one never fights and just throws alcohol at you to make you drunk box), and there's even a top down shooter plane minigame between levels
Not a big fan however of the dog shit character customization (you have 6 models to choose from, you can't change clothes, that's it) and of the very unfortunate wardrobe choices for female characters that make you flash your panties whenever you roll
No. 233835
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Any nonnas used/use RPGMaker? I used to play aroud with it so much as a kid, RPG Maker 2000 was my shit. I got VX Ace the other day but I can't channel that magic anymore. I used to make custom sprites, download music from forums, all that good shit. I miss being a creative teenager…
No. 233846
>>233835I want to get into it to make a little game for myself just for fun but no computer. I used to play so many free rpgmaker games, fun times, but never actually used rpgmaker cus at the time I couldn't find a free version.
Maybe when I get a computer again.
No. 233940
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Downloading Skyrim again, can any nonas recommend some good graphics mods?
No. 234269
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Anyone play the Splatoon 3 demo? What team did you pick? What did you think of the new weapons, specials, and the new tricolor battle?
I played on Team Rock and alternated between the Aerospray and N-Zap. The new Reefslider special is fun and the Tacticooler is neat but a bit OP, especially if your other teammates have the same special. If you time it properly, you can stagger them and have instant respawn constantly. Initially, I didn't like the tricolor battle but the more I played it, the more I started to like it. I still prefer the regular mode over it though. I imagine that it's pretty annoying to be the defending team. I've seen so many Team Scissor players complain about it lol
No. 234296
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Nonnas what's your favorite puzzle games? I have a lot but recently been playing baba is you. It's such a cute game with a simple premise but difficult levels.
No. 234297
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>>234296My favorite puzzle game is The Winess! It's absolutely amazing, I have sinked so many hours into it and it's still feel full of secrets. I was actually about to make a long post about it before seeing your post. I swear to god I can't stop thinking about it. Also, you just reminded me that I need to try baba is you, it looks very fun!
No. 234304
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>>234296I found nothing that got quite satisfying as finishing a Spacechem level, but since solving them takes as much brain power as solving real-life engineering problems I haven't finished the game yet…
No. 234308
>>234296I dislike puzzle games and never play them. I guess i'm insecure because i think i'm too dumb to get through them, when i watch other people play them and resolve things i'm like "yup, would have never guessed it".
Also i love RPGs too much and need to feel a world filled with life and interactions, and most of these games feel very lonely to me. I could overcome that feeling though, i can enjoy platformers, hack and slash, and many other genres even though they are often devoid of "life" as well.
I'd like to one day enjoy one, just as character development you know.
No. 234364
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>>234358>the game is not giving clear explanation and wanting you to figure it out by yourselfyeah, that's one of the best but also sometimes most frustrating aspect of the game. There is one complicated rule all across the game but you only see one specific cases at the time, and you have to figure it out zone after zone. It's like slowly learning the language of the island and everything including the environment is a puzzle! Do you remenber at what place you were stuck, if you want I could give you directions (without any spoiler) of some of the best zone to start the game? If you like puzzle game, it is really worth trying again imo, it's such a rich world!
No. 234412
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Still on the topic of puzzle game, has anyone played some of Amanita Design games ? They look stunning but I don't really know if I should start with Machinarium, Botaniculla or Samorost.
>>234377>there isn't any story besides dumb philosophical monologuesI'm a philosophyfag so I genuinely loved that part kek, oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess.
>>234405>the puzzles are stupidDo you have exemples? No hate, I'm genuinely wondering, apart from one specific area, I think the puzzle were fair and just the righ level of difficulty.
No. 234421
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i started playing katamari again, i forgot how much i love that game. i haven't played any of the others, are they good?
No. 234459
>>232365That's a tough one anon because unfornately like
>>232367 said, the market for this kinda thing is heavily skeweed as male. I would've suggested PushingUpRoses but she's not a vlogger and she hasn't done a review for games in years as she moved onto doing tv shows. It sucked because she covered a lot of PC and SNES games .
No. 234506
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>>234488I've thought about playing MMOs solo for a long time. I never have the guts to do it because it seems like it wouldn't be viable for bosses or raids or whatever. Do you ever struggle with difficulty while playing alone or is it alright?
No. 234599
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tfw you preorder hogwarts legacy on steam but your friend list is full of tras
No. 234686
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>>234412I played and loved all of them. I played Machinarium the last but I think it would be the best introductory game. Samorost games are wacky off the wall adventures and my favorites. The first game is super short though and you can actually play it online, or you could, not sure if flash being dead makes it impossible to play now. Botanicula didn't make a huge impression, it was cute however!
No. 234855
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>>234853From the way it was explained in my language on the Nintendo website I thought you couldn't add funds either way starting from today but if you had codes to download specific DLCs or games you could still add them and download them. Maybe it's a mistranslation. By the way, I bought Pokemon Blue and Gold on the 3DS because my GBC is all fucked up thanks to my youngest sister fucking it up when she was still young, and I think the internal battery of my Crystal cartridge needs to be replaced because it can't save progress anymore. Would that be stupid if I also bought Yellow and Crystal? I had all the versions for gen 1 and 2 at the time because they were dirt cheap if bought second hand when I was a kid so if I can still add funds I still have time to do it. What do you think? I got Gold because my baby daughter, pic related, isn't in Crystal.
No. 235062
>>235053If you can tolerate PlayStation 1 graphics, you might want to start with Silent Hill 1 because it's story is directly connected to 3.
On the other hand, Silent Hill 2's story is unconnected to the other games, and a lot of people consider it the best one, so that might be a good place to start too.
No. 235185
>>234488Oh my god yes
nonnie i've been playing MMOs alone all my life and the few times i had to group with moids for a specific quest or something, i HATED it and often lost interest in the game quickly after because the higher level you are, the more you have to interact with other people. They really don't understand teamwork, subhumans pieces of shit.
I so wish there was an easy way to find other women, a filter or something. I'd love it so much but as of year 2022 i think troons would find a way to ruin this as well. I'd go back to FF14 if i could filter men out when doing a donjon or a particular quest.
No. 235350
>>234488I recommend ffxiv for you
nonnie. You can solo dungeons with npcs and the raids you get automatically partied with people and they wont even talk to you aside from a 'hello!' Or 'nice game!'
I am in ffxiv hell right now and it's a fucking pain to wait for party members as a dps but aside from that it's a fun mmo you can solo
No. 235512
>>235452I played Ooblets a bunch when it first came out, and stopped playing around the Port Forward update. It's cute and I liked it but there's definitely some downsides when I played
>Repetitive button presses during farming, hurt my hand>Some Ooblets, dance moves, and Plenny's orders are unbalanced. Spent too much time growing zinookas and making blue goo pie>Frustrating early quests like growing crops for someone that take 7+ days to grow, and you can't raise friendship with that townie until it's doneIt's got a lot of personality, which is great if you like tumblresque quirky humor and less great if you don't. The devs might have patched some of these complaints already, but the game is nice regardless
No. 235795
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I'm looking for a game that's like Flicky but like, not arcade.
No. 235812
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>>234296baba is you is so cute! I had a lot of fun with it, but I felt so incredibly stupid playing it, it filtered me extra hard kek. My favorite puzzle games are anything in the Layton series. They're not hard by any means, but the art style, music, and stories are really well-made and very relaxing.
No. 235827
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>>235795Does Sonic 3D Blast count?
No. 235851
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>>231084I did the same thing but I took an even longer break than you did (I dropped D2 before Witch Queen launched by a few weeks) the monetization of the game and the time repetitive nature of the game drove me away.
I used the free week to my advantage and absolutely fell in love with the game again, I wish I snagged a copy from my friend earlier but I was on the fence about about it. The Witch Queen campaign was so good and FINALLY bungie made the game difficult without the use of champions! Last time they did that was when you could replay some red war campaign quests. It goes without saying that the story was also so satisfying I hope the Witness doesn't become the new "it was Savathun all along" or another redemption arc, I'm aware that the witness have existed in destiny's concept art since the beginning.
I wonder what they're going to do after Lightfall, hard to imagine this game going on without the big bad hive gods/goddesses and the witness.
>>231088FFXIV filled the void in my heart that D2 left but something about it just couldn't replace it, the gameplay/mechanics felt so boring. I reached Heavensward and I'm on the fence about buying the game + subscription shitty conversion rates is making me regret waiting on the game also something about how not paying the subscription means I lose access to my account rubs me the wrong way.
I feel like I've been really bad at staying away from spoilers since certain characters deaths were spoiled to me but oh well.
>>234488I always played multiplayer games on my own. You don't really need communication but I guess it becomes necessary when you reach endgame content. Give it a go and try to find clans/guilds/groups that are dominated people at least in their 20s.
No. 235862
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What the hell I was expecting it to be the worst RPG ever but it was good! I mean it would have been great without EA fucking around and making Bioware do a game in 1 year when they did the previous one in 7 years, but the gameplay was much better than in DA:O and when it got released it probably had the best companion interactions in a WRPG
Also I believe there's some material that came from Neverwinter Nights expansions: Varric is a male version of Dorna Trapspringer from Shadows of Undrentide, Aveline looks like Aribeth and the parts where your companions can betray you feel the same as the ending of Hordes of the Underdark (both written by David Gaider)
No. 235876
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Nonny, what PC games would you recommend similar to Danganronpa and ESPECIALLY Ace Attorney? I had a lot of fun with both of the franchises. I also played Aviary Attorney but its an indie AA-inspired game with a bunch of bugs.
No. 235880
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>>235876not a pc game but you should try ghost trick!! The same creators from ace attorney. It's gameplay isn't the same as the two but it's story is honestly worth jumping into. It has the same obnoxiously exaggerated charm of aa
No. 235881
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>>235876How about Your Turn to Die? You can find the English version on vgperson's website.
No. 236977
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>>236958Yes. And it tries really hard to make the mother of the enby child whose run away the villain.
No. 237045
>>236977Not surprising. It definitely gave off the vibes. I thought if it was made by a normal person it might be cute but if it’s also boring like
>>236978 said then that gives me two reasons to pass.
No. 237312
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has anyone gotten dreamlight valley for the switch? is it worth the money? i really like disney but i'm unsure whether i should get it because it seems like some weird farmville x disney crossover… also i really hate shit with microtransactions/pay2win.
No. 237396
>>234296So puzzle games are my favorite but im very picky. I like the "we were here" series but only the last on "we were here forever" is worth it if we are talking price and game length.
I also liked escape simulator. But we got through it fast.
Right now we are playing escape academy and its pretty good now that they added the split screen option.
I mostly play the multiplayer coop puzzles because my boyfriend and i love playing them together. Lol need more coop puzzle game recommendations!
No. 237696
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>>232200Played Brigador thanks to your post, the gameplay is fun but I really love the lore. Almost makes me want to give Mechwarrrior a try…
No. 237764
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has anyone gotten a steamdeck yet? I ordered it and it should be coming soon.
No. 238078
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>>232484To this nonna, I'm the anon you replied to and I now know exactly what you meant. The boss fights aren't even really difficult for me, and I'm no seasoned gamer. I think in order for it to be more challenging you have to buy the Master Mode DLC, which admittedly really sucks because that is extra $$. Like I said before I've never played Zelda before BOTW but I am assuming it was/can be more difficult in the past. Maybe the sequel coming out in 2023 will be harder. Rip
Also… I feel bad when I electrocute the Lizalfos… They are so cute. I also hit a Korok twice with a rock and when you do that they get scared and start shaking and it makes me want to kms.
No. 238105
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Has anyone played Board Game Online? It is so retarded but I got pretty good at it a while ago. I haven't played in ages.
No. 238113
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>>234433>>234471Ayrt, based on both of these posts I found a used copy of we love katamari pretty cheap online and I love it! For some reason I assumed the other games wouldn't be as good but it's nice to not replay the same levels over and over
No. 238298
>>238266I would say I definitely prefer the damacy ost, but I think that nostalgia may play into that as well. Everyone loves lonely rolling star but I think the prince and the moon is the superior track. Also the main theme for damacy is just too good.
As for we love katamari I love angel rain too! Also this song makes me nostalgic for early 00's jpop
No. 238315
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nonnie, I'll give a quick review as soon as I get it. It was a bit expensive the 256 gb one it cost me around 600 cad so hopefully its worth it. I do enjoy my switch for mostly lying in bed and playing games.
No. 238318
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>>235876If you could download a ds emulator I can recommend touch detective. Have you tried the Zero escape series or AI somnium files?
No. 238369
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Any anons here following Overwatch/Overwatch 2 news? Will you play OW2? I was a lot more interested before the recent news dropped that new heroes will be locked behind the battle pass. I also do not care for the PvE and I find it a shame that OW1 had to be butchered for this.
No. 238718
File: 1663084666525.png (6.36 MB, 2400x1350, engage.png)

>>238703You're so right, damn. The female player character is pure moe bait combined with OC donut steel Vtuber tier of character design (both of them are this, really).
Also what the FUCK is this logo? So soulless.
No. 238734
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>>238718>the toothpaste hairIm actually shitting myself, are they doing this because the switch is blue and red or something? It looks so fucking ugly and totally agree that both the female and male players are fucking ugly.
>>238722It looks cute!
No. 238751
File: 1663092283856.png (849.36 KB, 912x756, colgate looking mfs.PNG)

>>238743double posting, but that explains it. Instead of hiring normal, competent character designers as usual they went with a random internet famous "illustrator" who only knows how to draw generic looking guys and kawawii ugu waifus to sell worthless crap during comiket. We went from Kurahana Chinatsu, a woman who already knew how to draw armors and high fantasy inspired outfits for a fucking gay porn game and otome game for mobile before working on FE, to this.
No. 238758
>>238751>Pikazothis person has the audacity to call themselves after Picasso while creating characters that look like they were designed by a 10 year old
I was obsessed with that color palette back then lolAlso that hand is fucking atrocious. It's such a basic thing to draw, I can't believe this is the quality standard in second-party Nintendo games now. Pokemon is another example.
>otome game for mobileC'mon
nonny, UtaPri was on consoles way before the mobage came out.
No. 238770
>>238722>can marry other womenomg you're right! I was excited for this game but AWL's bachelors sucked so knowing that we can marry other women is great!
I just love Celia so much. Who do you like
No. 238782
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>>238777>Otome YuushaOh wow I didn't even know an otome RPG like that existed. Cool, thanks!
Just out of curiosity, what's the BL game with fantasy armor that she drew for?
No. 238788
File: 1663099358050.png (439.46 KB, 579x1000, 85BAB943-EE92-4949-82D8-FC39CD…)

>>238751What possessed IntSys to hire someone who designs vtubers? It seriously looks like shit.
No. 238789
>>238718this new MC is so fucking ugly i cant. not only do they have the multicolored hair but they also have heterochromia. just bring back the character customization that Awakening had. i wanna see myself fight alongside Marth and marry some husbandos.
im guessing they chose the subtitle engage because of the ring motif (the ring is the centerpiece of the image) they really could have put a ring somewhere in the logo design. the retard in the design room chose a sans serif font for the subtitle needs their design credentials revoked.
No. 238792
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>>238788Mika Pikazo only knows how to design one type of character honestly
No. 238794
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>>238782For the BL game, I was thinking about Lamento but they're just regular heroic fantasy clothes and not armors. The characters would fit right in next to the bunny girl in Awakening and the werewolf and the fox guy in Fates compared to this fucking abomination from the new FE, yet it's completely unrelated gay porn kek.
No. 238797
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>>238792These look straight out of a shitty gacha game, fml. I hate the way the female characters look.
No. 238829
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Have you ever judged a book(in this case game) for its cover and then regreted it? I never played Half Life before because it looked like the most generic western shit ever but recently started playing it because it came in a bundle with portal 1&2 and i am having a blast, the atmosphere is genuinely creepier than most modern horror games and shooting things in this game feels really satisfying.
No. 239089
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I recently got my hands on A:MR through the EA game pass and I finally feel like a fucking gamer KEK I've been a major fan of the game series for a long time, having played the original game very early on in my life and then having the game files saved on my PC, so when I needed an icon for something, I'd just go into the game folder and grab whichever picture of item/thing fit. I've also started from the beginning with the Fleshmaiden (picrel) skin because it's my all-time most favorite outfit in any video game I've ever seen, like, fucking look at it! It's AWESOME! It's CRAZY! It's a girl having a GOOD time with her EYE on a chest!
The only thing that weirds me out is knowing that the creator of these games is a male. And the games are about a mentally ill, constantly suffering, young woman (iirc she's 18 in A:MR) and the pain she's being subjected to, yet she never fully escapes it. It all feels like glamorized suffering of a quirky, witty dream goth girl who someone would love to fix. Thank God most of the fanbase I've encountered is women who relate to her, but I've also seen 3D model edits and fan art of Alice clearly made for nonces…
No. 239171
Playstation exclusive for a year
>>235756That would be nice nonna but I'm on xbox 360, thats why my pic looks shitty
No. 239199
File: 1663177172502.gif (239.72 KB, 435x472, giphy-1617654075.gif)

>>238829Half Life 1 and 2 are amazing games. I wish more games were like this. Exploring is genuinely fun, shooting things is satisfying (probably because the hitboxes are generous) and it is creepy! Hitting things with the crowbar is very fun. No wonder people were shitting themselves for a Half Life 3.
No. 239213
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Any nonnas in the FGC? The scene is swarmed with moids/trannies and I wanna sperg with other women.
No. 239216
>>239213Not a part of it but I play a lot of tekken and
super smash bros and im pretty decent so for split second I thought it could be fun but then I remember when I went to CEO and had every man look at me like I was lying when I talked about the matches
No. 239229
>>238792>>238788wow i guess he always draws characters with an ugly design. I wonder what the JP community thinks of his designs?
>>238795I guess that kinda explains it but are there seriously no artists who are not shit at character design?
>>238797this looks really bad, reminds me of genshin but even worse somehow.
No. 239243
>>239229There are a shit ton of artists who could draw for FE games if we're just talking about skills, but the devs only hire freelance artists for that. So there are several issues such as whether the artists even want to draw for this kind of big projects with dozens and dozens of characters to designs, portraits to draw, complicated armors, etc., whether they would have enough time for that compared to their other projects/contracts, how much the devs are willing to pay for their skills and work, and on the other side, the devs will probably want to hire someone who already has an established fanbase to advertise the new game to. Which is the case for the new character designer who is an ok illustrator, a piss poor character designer, and somewhat enough of a newbie to not be too expensive compared to Chinatsu Kurahana for example, and that artist has a shit ton of followers on twitter.
As I said, Kozaki is very busy for projects he can't even talk about, and Kurahana was suspected of working on a BL game that's not released yet under a pen name, and was replaced by someone else for the in-game art specifically after catching covid but besides that we don't really kno, what she's up to. There are some very good artists who are regularly doing art for FE Heroes for pre existing characters but we don't know if they could potentially all be good for designing new characters with complicated armors and medieval/renaissance like clothes. And given who made the art for the OOC donut steel for book 2 and 4 in FE Heroes it's not the first time they hire retarded designers anyway.
No. 239251
>>239213I would like to get into the FGC, or at least the very tiny part that is all women. But I don't have a lot of time these days to practice. I only ever reached a below-average level in the games I played since most of the time I couldn't play with someone more experienced to teach me.
>>239216>I went to CEO and had every man look at me like I was lying when I talked about the matchesScrotes gonna scrote
No. 239498
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>>239213I used to be part of the Skullgirls community, but then I just kind of fell out of it when I realized no one liked the game for the things I did (the unique art style, smoothness, well-animated choreography, etc.). I can still pull off some of the combos from way back then, but I was most active pre-mobile game, so it is what it is. Any other SG nonnies?
No. 239578
File: 1663265484171.jpeg (Spoiler Image,591.37 KB, 2007x2048, DAD0D24B-A00B-4487-8197-6540BE…)

Congrats to Capcom for not making their renders look like shit anymore kek
No. 239601
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Happy 7th Anniversary Undertale!
No. 239607
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>>238369Turns out you won't have a choice lmao
No. 239615
>>239607cant they at least refund peoples money?
on top of that i remember there was a big craze over mercy's pink breast cancer-related skin, tf are these people gonna do with that lol
No. 239640
>>239630Well technically buying a game really is buying a license to use the software privately, which you still very much can do, except that the official servers you were able reach by using the software won't be able to be reached (private servers would still be an option)
Now refunding games when official servers shut down is absolutely not in the economic interest of game developers, since that would mean refunding would have to happen every time servers are shut down for a multiplayer game. For instance, it'd mean that Gearbox would have to refund the price of Battleborn to every player who bought it, which could completely bankrupt a developer as shutting down servers usually happens when a game isn't commercially successful. Multiplayer games being generally a risky venture, if this kind of mass refund was possible only the biggest game studios would ever dare create multiplayer games, or they would never do official servers. Those two options are neither convenient for the developers nor the players, which is why no refund is the current way to deal with the situation
Furthermore in the OW1 case, skins are transferred for free to OW2 and there's no additional charge for OW1 players to play OW2 (it's f2p), so players can't argue that they were robbed of them. Gameplay changes aren't enough for a refund. And if you still decided to sue Activision, well, you'd be suing a multibillion dollars company for… not being able to play OW1 while being fully able to play OW2? That's not going to get enough traction to create a serious class action lawsuit, and since Activision is based in California no judge is going to be foolish enough to pronounce a sentence that could stir shit in the silicon valley
No. 239661
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Been meaning to get into Resident Evil. Is there an optimal order to play the games? (gameplay-experience wise, idc for chronological plot)
No. 239694
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>>239661I'd say start with the remake of Resident Evil 1. It gives you plenty of Ammo and healing items on the easier difficulties, it's less action focused than the later games, and it has fantastic atmosphere. It has fixed camera angles but you'll soon get used to it.
If you do try it, you might want to play as Jill instead of Chris because she has more inventory space(which is very precious in this game).
No. 239813
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>>234594>>234686Thank you nonnies, I had a great time with machinarium!
I also got stuck super long at the last puzzle because I have no musical ears at all kek No. 239815
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>>239796Yes! The early reviews are sounding good I'm so looking forward to it!
No. 239911
>>239908We'll see how it goes, I consider that anything is possible since there's that thing with
the multiple timelines and several Bayonetta from each timeline or whatever the fuck is happening. I'm very curious about Viola, she's often compared to Nero from DMC because of her fashion sense and how young she is compared to the rest of the cast but I doubt she has the same personality. I really like her so far.
No. 240173
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>they forgot how horny girls make them
not even an ounce of surprise about how there was an uproar about a woman being a playable character and suddenly now seeing comments about how the girl is hot. like there aren’t a ton of guys running around as custom made girl characters in gta online.
No. 240221
File: 1663597368924.jpg (395.2 KB, 1442x2048, ElNXb6CXgAA74Km.jpg)

Not playing yet but there is so fucking much great art of Disco Elysium getting flooded into my timeline that I have to start it now.
Everytime the artists I follow start retweeting a series or game in masses it turns out to be great because our tastes align well.
No. 240274
>>240173I like how the character looks, she isn't pornified, she's just normal looking. Plus everyone knows how the GTA women look anyway. They all have thick ass necks and just look..odd. I can't describe it.
However, she looks fine
No. 240623
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Anyone has played 999 on the ds ? I have mixed feeling about it. I absolutely loved some aspect of the story but the plot holes and the very convoluted story was also annoying at times. I think it's still worth the time and effort because some of the gameplay ideas were genuinely fun and original imo. I'm debating if I should play the second game from the series. Did anyone try it ?
>>239816kek I know exactly your pain
nonnie, I was defending the witness with my life up thread but godamn the music zone was hell to me. It's so embarrassing because you can see that they are treating it as something super easy. I prefer it when the game allows to rely on some form of logic even for those musical puzzle, it feels quite unfair otherwise.
No. 240633
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>>240623 I really enjoyed the sequel but it does have the same problems you've described about the first one. The time travel stuff gets much more focus than it did in the first game, which may be a good or bad thing for you.
It also has the kind of plot twists that seem clever at first but make less and less sense the more you think about them.
Having said that I still had a lot of fun playing it, and if you liked the first game you'll probably enjoy it too. Just be prepared for some somewhat bullshit explanations at the end.
No. 240652
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It was a bad dream all along
No. 240659
>>240623Honestly, I first played this in the middle of the night during a family holiday so I think the vibes of the area I played in made me ignore any problems other may have had. Love the series but have not had the chance to play the third game.
Fair warning if you plan to play the second game, the 3DS port is incredibly buggy to the point where on one puzzle stage I had to rotate the room very slowly or it would freeze. Save frequently.
No. 240662
>>239676I recommended BOTW to a friend who had no interest in the Zelda series previously, and sold it to her as a "do whatever you want" game and she loves it kek. It's her first Zelda game and she was hesitant to play it without playing the others, but now she wants to play the other games! It's the same for some other friends and even myself. I love it because there's no wrong way to play the game. You can play it "normally" i.e. just fighting everything and progressing like normal, or you can be a terrible anxiety ridden fake gamer girl like me and turn the whole game into one big stealth mission and avoid fighting everything possible. I have a lot of fun exploring in the game. It might be why I haven't enjoyed the other Zelda games like WW and OoT- because I can't get out of the fights kek.
I'm a shitty gamer overall but I looove BOTW. I love the freedom kek. I'm excited for TOTK!
No. 241118
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I have a shameful amount of hours on splatoon 3 considering it just released but it's so much fun! If you can get used to motion controls it's seriously one of the best multiplayer shooters right now, and the art is so cute. I'm kind of jealous of how hugely popular it is in japan because over here it's mostly seen as a kids game
No. 241173
>>241118I wanna play it so bad with all the splatoon nonnies
if there's more splatoon nonnies out there maybe we should make a group
No. 241219
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I really enjoy VNs for the amount of niche and interesting finds but the fucking cesspool (which is 65-75% of VNs) you need to go through like the top comment in the pic suggests, you have go through coomer pandering bullshit it leaves me sick to me stomach, I even saw one relating to snuff.
(Was looking for a keygen for cyanotype daydream just in case it was coomer shit but it doesn’t seem likely)
it’s extremely pretty and concept is interesting and the only people I’ve seen dislike it is because it censored the unnecessary nudity and moved the character ages up so they’re no longer high schoolers.
Now I’m just wondering should I buy this or the CLANNAD VN…, if anyone’s played either or both and can tell me that would be awesome
No. 241223
>>241219Clannad isn't coomery (in opposite to the Tomoyo After spin-off), but it's cheap moeblob drama. Personally wouldn't recommend unless you like sappy, unrealistic bullshit. It's also super long, so you cannot consume it quickly like VN junk food.
The short VN Planetarian is better in that respect, if you need to play something from Key
I love Kanon and Air due to nostalgia but they are kinda shit too, idk if you can get an all ages version No. 241443
File: 1663903204219.png (1.65 MB, 1450x1856, purplemoonpredictedit.png)

It totally just dawned on me that a fucking GIRL'S GAME predicted the infamous Mass Effect dialogue wheel. So I made this.
No. 241536
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Don't judge me too harshly, nonnas, but I've been dabbled in the new(lol) Call of Duty beta. I notice they make some change to try slow down things in multiplayer (I hate how it's gotten more and more stupidly fast-paced in recent years) so I guess that's one plus. Other than that, it's a run run shoot shoot samey type of shite game that will probably take #1 best-selling as usual.
No. 241550
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I think I have a crush on my daughter
No. 241583
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Anynonny pick up Potion Permit? It came out on general release yesterday and so far I love this game. Legitimately cannot think of the last time I played a new game for a day and barely have any complaints. I adore how the townsfolk start off even more distrustful and icy compared to other farming sim games. There's no marriage option in the game, but you can romance some of the townsfolk. If pirate lady doesn't steal my heart first, I'm taking the town witch doctor who supremely hates the chemist.
No. 241608
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>>241584Unfortunatly for my girl I got the queen marriage ending, I'm so sorry my dear Flora.
No. 241700
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Hey nonas I'm looking for a new Switch game and wondering if anyone can help me out with recommendations. I'm a huge fan of open world games, my favorites being BOTW and Witcher 3. I'm really looking forward to Red Dead Redemption and Tales of Symphonia being re-released on Switch later this year, but until then I'm looking for something else to fill my time. Any recs?
No. 241777
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Really enjoying this. Has blips of pronoun retardation but it's easily ignored and comes up almost never.
No. 241782
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>>241778mafia style deduction game, except with aliens that delete one person each night. you loop over and over with different people being the aliens/killers aka gnosis and slowly learn why its all happening. you have stats and level up with wins and can improve stats that let you sniff out lies or lie better…if you prefer to play as the gnosis kek (not my screenshot)
No. 241784
>>241782Wow this sounds cool! so the game doesn't end in one go right?
how do you lose the game?
No. 241884
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this game seems super scrote pandering, is it as cringey as I imagine?
No. 241916
>>241884this game made me uncomfortable even when i was a mega nlog pickme. my moid friend at the time played it to show me and went with the Catherine ending and it was gross. (Ending spoilers)
No joke you have sex with Catherine right next to her dad in that ending, and he's just sat there complaining about it. The mystery and suspense in Catherine is great tho
No. 241917
>>241884Not at all cringy, as other anon said it's a horror story first and foremost. There are multiple ways the story can go (8 endings in the OG game, 13 in the new version) and the puzzles are really, really good.
>>241916There are four Catherine endings and the one you talk about is supposed to be gross
imho the fact she's a succubus and her father is the king of hell kinda changes the context of what you're describing No. 241928
File: 1664042269607.png (2.4 MB, 1142x1196, stardom:starfollowertranslatio…)

stupid question can you buy and play a game not in your "preferred steam language" I don't care I won't be able to read it without translation, I just want it to run on my computer
The game in question is Stardom 2, which is in chinese. It looks to be like a princess maker styled game about become a rising star alongside having some otome/dating sim gameplay #I found it in the otome category#. I think the artstyle looks so cute and nostalgic which makes sense since it's an older game. My plan is to have my phone/tablet with google translate up since it shouldn't have fast text. I've attached images of the translation, it's not perfect but it's tolerable
>ignore all the UI on the translation side it just looks like that because I hit take a picture due to wanting the photo to be steady enough
I won't be purchasing it now since I have a lot of other games in my library that I haven't played yet, but maybe someday I'll buy it
No. 242113
>>241953princess maker 3 (the remake is faery tales come true) > princess maker 4 (only a rough translation available) > princess maker 1/refined > pm5
if you like classic dating sims you might like the style of princess maker 5 tho
No. 242137
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Is there a top-secret BDO guild for farmers in the EU server? I'm a total noob and need help
No. 242546
>>241584Dragon prince >>> human Prince btw
Also for all the anons that like princess maker 2, I would 100% recommend Monster Rancher 2. Exact same levelling mechanics to grind to being an S rank monster breeder and you pit battles against your monster to win money and level up your own monsters. Watched Jerma play it and immediately loved it as much as PM2 probably even more.
Trust me it’s so fun.
Princess Maker 2 is fun too but it made me feel gross sometimes with the choices it would give to me I felt this video highlighted it all. Still like it but I don’t enjoy all the elements in good faith.
No. 242554
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>>242552Ok I’m fucking stupid, couldn’t delete my post, refreshed, and couldn’t delete the comment because the password changed the pic is an “unknown file extension” so here’s a pic of the princess of darkness ending. Just ignore the comment above pls
No. 242570
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I just finished Okami and I'm so mad. The storyline completely shit the bed after the first 1/3, arguably first half, of the game. Why would you make an otherwise incredible, unique, genuinely fun game and just ruin it with THAT ending after making the plot badly organized? Damn dude
No. 242599
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I never played any Wild Arms game but it's getting an unofficial reboot with Armed Fantasia and even if I don't have a PS5 or any Xbox at all I really hope the devs will receive enough money with the kickstarter thing to get a Switch version because I want to see this guy on my screen. He's my type. I WILL fuck him.
No. 242753
>>242589Hah, well the only old shooters I've played are the Marathon trilogy.
>>242599I really should get back to my playthrough of the first game, but I got to a point where I have to grind to beat a boss and completely lost interest.
>>233132And Crow got some cute lore this week, I love Glint.
No. 242819
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Easily the cutest Zelda game ever.
No. 243053
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No. 243092
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>>242880as if the link's awakening remake isn't the second cutest zelda game. if they gave minish cap a remake in that art style i'd cream, the toy-like look suits it perfectly.
No. 243158
>>243053Every update they post about this launch is worse than the last
>>243149I think finishing your current game is best before starting a new one (unless you don't like it)
No. 243210
>>243194I've seen the ones you mean. Idk how tf they even concentrate on the game with rave lights going on around them
>>243201It looks so fun. I think I want fake plants because real ones release moisture, but I'm also very wary of the fake leaves gathering dust so I had an idea for gaming themed mini terrariums
No. 243286
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This is getting worse every day
>>243274ur cringe
No. 243299
>>243286Is that even legal?
>>243253I know I did but I'm so lazy.
No. 243300
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Downloading Spyro Reignited for my Switch but it's taking like 20 years to download. I used to be a huge Spyro fan as a kid, hell I even had a little flimsy Spyro handheld game from a McDonalds Happy Meal I loved to death. I'm going through a weird time in my life and I'm trying to cope by getting in touch with my younger self. I'm really excited to play it
No. 243344
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>>243337Not doi, yamai. But doi isn't without his own sins, most of his designs are just as bad if not worse without the heavy tokusatsu influence.
>I think Kaneko is retiring slowly but surelyHe's kinda been retired. He hasn't had anything to do with the smt series starting with smt4. 4 was alright, I loved the demon collecting and fusion but the other aspects of it didn't do anything for me.
No. 243418
>>243382Yamai took that decision. I know for sure kaneko did no art or writing specifically for 4, but I don't remember how much he had to do with anything else. It didn't feel like much of note either way, especially regarding the characters. Agree with you on the no power rangers point, the human characters have already gotten less relatable with every game as it is. Heard soul hackers 2 was terrible about that, and that it flopped super hard. Didn't even make enough noise for the designs to make it to the bad character design thread, hmph.
>>243383It's corny
No. 243438
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I think I don't enjoy playing videogames anymore nonnies…
No. 243442
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>>243438Awh, I've gone through phases of this but always seem to come back. Hope you enjoy your other pastimes anon!
No. 243463
>>243418>soul hackers 2 was terrible about that, and that it flopped super hardGood, that's what they get for trying to replace cool designs like Nemissa and Hitomi's with that abomination called Ringo. Deserved. They even managed to fuck up Viktor from what I've seen in the first trailer, an already established character.
>I know for sure kaneko did no art or writing specifically for 4He participated in the writing but didn't design anything new. But even then it was indirect. I think it's info from a guidebook or artbook that was recently translated. In that interview it was also explained that the story was going to be way longer and an entire chapter would have been some sort of "flashback" where you play as the previous incarnation of Flynn, with Kiyoharu, Akira and Kenji being very important. They reused a bunch of backstory in SMT4A instead. I don't remember the source but I'll look for it once I'm done with work.
No. 243497
>>243372>>243433Iirc they're absurdly hard, like "if you missed picking up that small thing three levels ago you can't finish the game" hard. Now if you want a more modern (not that modern, it was released in the 90s) point and click series made by a woman I heartily recommend the Gabriel Knight games
>>243438I find the best cure for that kind of feeling is either to take a break for a little while or to find an indie game with a great atmosphere
No. 243507
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>>243372>>243433The main issue with most King's Quest games is that they're nearly impossible to get through without hints or a guide. They have "Dead End" puzzles, where you'll be unable to continue because you didn't pick up an item you needed earlier in the game, forcing you to reload an earlier save.
If you want one that's more modern in design, I would recommend King's quest 6. It's considered the best in the series and it's much more forgiving than the other ones. There's also fan remakes of 1-3, but I'm not sure if those count as true King's Quest games.
No. 243548
>>243497i have never heard of this game but seeing that its fully voice acted and the protagonist is voiced by tim curry makes me really want to try it
>>243507i like exploring niche old games so I am up for the challenge, but i will definitely keep hints on tab to be safe. i saw gameplay for kings quest 7 and thought it looked cute, so starting with 6 sounds like a good idea. thanks noni
No. 243549
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Just one month until Bayonetta 3 is released… I can't take it anymore anons I want my copy right here, right now.
No. 243689
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>>243549I hope you're in the UK anon!!
No. 243717
>>243548The fun part about Gabriel Knight is that all 3 games look completely different. 1st one is a 2D adventure game, 2nd one is an interactive movie, 3rd one is 3D
Just noticed that 2 puzzles from the 3rd game actually have wikipedia pages, what the hell?? No. 244408
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Anybody knows where I can get the full version of Your Turn To Die/Kimi ga shine? It's only early access on Steam and I can't find it anywhere else. Doesn't have to be in English.
No. 244768
>>244763I liked Pokemon XY and Sun/Moon, but I don't recommend USUM if you already have SM or plan on getting SM soon. They're too similar, don't make my mistake and think that USUM is a sequel like BW and BW2. And when it comes to SMT go get SMT4 and 4 Apocalypse at least they're great games. There are some spinoffs as well like Persona Q, Devil Survivor 1 and 2, Soul Hackers, etc. FE Awakening and Fates are good games, but I hated FE Echoes and still feel scammed despite buying it for just 20€ and selling it later. At the very least for Fates, get the base game version Conquest and Birthright. Revelation is the third route, it's not the best version and feels like a better ending at first but the writing is half assed. However you'll get all the playable characters in one route so that's cool, especially for multiplayer shit. There are some Zelda games including N64 remakes but I haven't played them yet, same for Bravely Default.
No. 245896
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There's now a humble bundle where you can get all enhanced editions of D&D RPG games (from Baldur's Gate 1 to Neverwinter Nights, including Planescape Torment) for $9, or for $20 with the latest Pathfinder No. 245967
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Sad splatoon will never have cute male inkling/octoling idols because it would make japanese scrotes seethe and protest the game. And if they did, western fans would just trans them anyway so meme-y male idols it is I guess
No. 245998
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No. 246259
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has anyone else tried backpack hero? i love roguelikes, organizing and resource management games, so this game hit a sweet spot for me. you fit items in your backpack and try to make a sustainable build with the items to survive the whole dungeon. its really fucking hard and not tuned right yet cus its early access, but I can't stop playing. think the game is made by enbys but idc because the gameplay mechanics are pretty solid despite the early access bugs, and there's no mention of a gendershit. not a lot of games keep me playing for over 40 hours, the gameplay is addicting and soothes my organizing autism like nothing else lel. you can play the demo on their webpage, its practically the full game rn but without the side characters
No. 246757
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I know street fighter has always been coomery but they're really crossing a line with this on the character selection screen. I really should not have to see explicit fetish content front and center in a fighting game
No. 246788
>>246773Read it and parried your super, kekeke~
For real though 3S is so fun! I've been sittin here trying not to geek out too hard but next to CvS2 it's my favorite fighting game to play.
(also shouts out to to Remy-anon in the husbando thread from a little while back I hope you're having a good day wherever you are)
No. 247137
>>246788Aw I don't want to be a little husbando avatarfag by posting a pic but that makes me happy, thank you
nonnie. I hope you have a good day too! There's something so charming about fighting games released around the late 90s/early 2000s.
No. 247269
>>247261I hope so, I got it on steam on Sunday.
>>247253Ish. It was like half price.
No. 247693
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>>247201 Taylor is claiming she was removed as Bayonetta 3's VA because she refused the insultingly low offer of $4000 to voice the whole game (presumably including all the different Bayonettas).
I won't be buying it now. I don't see why she'd lie. I'm sure Nintendo just wanted to replace her for Jennifer Hale and offered her nothing on purpose so she'd turn the game down.
No. 247699
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>>247693And Bayonetta 3 director tweeting this, definitely in response, even though he did not address it directly. People are so underpaid in vidya industry I believe her and really hope boycott works. She brought the character to life and is offered 4k now, it's unbelieveable; glad there's more light shed on it instead just being left as "scheduling conflict" as it was said earlier
No. 247782
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Admittedly I'm a couple of years late to the party but I've finally played Detroit become human and it's such an incredible game. Some of the writing choices in the other routes were cringe-worthy but conner's was the best, no wonder he's such a fan favorite I get it now
No. 247784
>>247782My first experience with Detroit Become Human was watching Two Best Friends Play when it first dropped. They fucked up Connor's route when they played twice.
First time around they never got Hank's son's name, so during the fake vs real Connor sequence Hank shot the real Connor.
Second time around they gave less of a fuck and went android Connor route, leading to Hank's suicide, which was tragic…I finally played on my own this past year and got the good ending. I teared up at the end
when Connor and Hank hug. I honestly hate when people ship them. What they have is a pure, father son bond in my eyes, especially after you learn about Hank's backstory. I try to push what Tumblr Aiden's have done to the game out of my mind and just focus on that kek.
Glad you enjoyed it
No. 247786
& i agree with what you said about hank & conner Nona. also man that sounds frustrating to deal with, I can never stand playthroughs of games that are as heavily dependent on choice as dbh but I'm glad you managed it to play it on your own
i got the good ending first and I agree it's amazing, I'm in the middle of my second game trying to get the machine conner + revolutionary Markus route but god it's so fucking difficult keeping a hostile relationship with hank I remember replaying a whole chapter because I picked the wrong dialogue option and I wanted him to like me so bad No. 247805
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>>247784Hanks son wouldn’t be near as old as Connor appears (he looks 40) so I’ve never understood seeing them as a father / son either. I can’t imagine Connor with a sex drive tbh, they’re more like deep friendship with a few jokey innuendos
No. 247823
>>247805Esp since conner's a grown ass man. making them father/son just didnt feel right idk why that interpretation was so popular even
though hey're better off as close friends
I mean age-gap friendships esp in the workplace aren't that uncommon tbh
No. 247850
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>>247753>She probably overestimated her importanceI wouldn't be surprised, she's a minor part of the game's development and from what I get American voice actors think they should be paid more for reprising roles each time? Like David Hayter being replaced in MGS5 because he asked for more money than a literal Hollywood actor. I won't lose sleep from Bayonetta having a new voice actress but I wish she stayed just for the sake of consistency. Yusuke Hashimoto leaving Platinum Games is way bigger news since he produced the first game, directed the second one (which is less good btw but that's another topic) and he designed the demons and angels from both games, and when that was announced people were way less outraged or curious about it.
No. 247851
>>247782Honestly if the entire game was just Hank and Connor solving crimes involving deviants with Connor eventually turning deviant himself I would be so happy. Their dynamic and every scene with them was amazing.
Reminds me of this fan edit where Connor turns deviant because he doesn't want to hurt or kill Hank. Might be a bit cringy, but I'd definitely have a moment like this be one of the storylines in my Hank/Connor only version, kek
No. 247858
>>247852>she was the main character of this franchise for yearsSure but what does that mean? Recording lines for a few days for Bayonetta 1, then for a few days for the second game, then maybe for an afternoon for Smash, and… that's it. For a niche video game series that was barely saved by Nintendo's funding the second game. So notoriety isn't a criteria here at all. I can't find the video but she did state that recording her lines for one of the game took 4 days. Or 4 afternoons. I'd get the equivalent of 4000$ in my first world country by working in my currently qualified job for 3 months full time, so I don't think I can bring myself to feel totally sorry about the low offer. It's business as usual, she's not an employee and she could have tried to negotiate and see if they could offer a bit more than that if necessary. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was an excuse to indirectly kick her out of the project, in that case that's scummy, especially because there are more Bayonettas talking to each other in cutscenes in that new game. but I've dealt with so much worse than that in my own career that I can't bring myself to be outraged, she won't sleep under a bridge for this, she'll live.
>As far as we know Yusuke Hashimoto left on his own accordWe don't know at all. He's a Japanese guy in a Japanese company so don't expect to ever know. But I brought him up because he's responsible for a lot of the visual choices and most of the enemies in the games which is way more important than voice acting in a short game that has a few cutscenes as a pretext to make you fight enemies. The change is already VERY obvious in the very first trailer of the game, meanwhile I didn't notice the VA changed until someone told me.
No. 247862
>>247858There's over 3h of cutscenes in Bayonetta 2 and even more lines outside of cutscenes, you really think recording that is few days of work? Of course it's a complete ignorant defending $4k pay.
>I'd get the equivalent of 4000$ in my first world country by working in my currently qualified job for 3 months full time>but I've dealt with so much worse than that in my own career that I can't bring myself to be outragedYou're very underpaid and mistreated then, doesn't mean everyone has to be dragged down to that level. Maybe if you respect yourself more you wouldn't be upset others respect themselves too.
No. 247866
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Reecently finished Arcanum: Of steamworks and magick obscura and loved it! It is an isometric RPG set in a world with magic during an industrial revolution. It was made by the same creators who made Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.
Does anyone know other games that have a steampunk setting? Preferably older ones because my PC is shit
No. 247885
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Hideki Kamiya's Twitter's gone entirely. Either Platinum made him delete it or he was banned.
No. 247888
>>247850David Hayter was replaced because Hideo Kojima hated him, not because he wanted more money than Kiefer Sutherland. Even before Sutherland replaced Hayter he was made to reaudition every game because they were looking for someone to get rid of him, they just failed to do so until they got Sutherland on board.
>>247863Bayonetta 3 has multiple Bayonettas, there's no way voicing multiple characters wasn't going to take more time to record than a singular character in 2. It sounds like Platinum wanted to pay her a flat rate too, and not the standard hourly rate. Platinum wanted to be cheap or Kamiya is a two faced snake who lied to her face about liking her, it's obvious.
No. 247889
>>247885Maybe it's something like the account is banned but if he appeals it he can get it back, like what happened to Azealia Banks' account when Elon Musk said he'll buy twitter, she got her account back without even asking for it. Once Hideki Kamiya replied to Japanese fans who misspelled Platinum Games in katakana with "it's spelled Platinum Games" in Japanese and he did it so often so fast that he was also suspected of being a bot just like what happened yesterday when he blocked a shit ton of people. But he wasn't straight up suspended.
>>247888I don't disagree with you because I also mentoned it earlier but
>a singular character in 2She voiced both Bayonetta and Rosa in the second game and gave Rosa a deeper voice, but Rosa obviously has less lines than Bayo. I'm expecting each of the alternate Bayos to have just a few lines and for the main one to have way more screen time in a similar way.
>Platinum wanted to be cheap or Kamiya is a two faced snake who lied to her face about liking her, it's obvious.We'll never know because that's internal info but I wish we did. I don't remember Kamiya's role in the development of the game, he's not the director or the producer this time but I think he still has an important role. It also depends on who takes care of budgeting everything, and Nintendo funds the game so for all we know they're maybe partly responsible for this too.
>>247886He got so sick of English speaking fans spamming him years ago that he at some point posted that he'll block everyone who @ him tweets in foreign languages. I understand him for that one tbh, Americans in general are retarded and his fans are even more retarded than usual.
No. 247918
>>247917I can't tell you whether it's worth your money or not because it's very dependant on personal taste, it's a story-driven game after all.
But with that said I still really recommend it! The game's popular for a reason and a good one at that
No. 247929
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>>247917In other news, BH Connor voice actor replied to
>>247885 in Japanese in order to avoid block.
I loved Heavy Rain, the only Quantic Dream game which I was obsessed about before until they released Detroit. I husbandofagged about Connor for a few years because characters like him are my type… I would recommend this game, I enjoyed its storyline alot and the fact how you can affect everyones stories differently. I am not sure if I can rememvee that much about it now, but as a fellow Heavy Rain enjoying it was a great ride. I recall I couldn't play Beyond Two Souls because it was lame (Ellen Page game).
No. 247930
>>247929pass me the husbandofag torch, nonita
it's my turn
No. 247937
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>>247930Here you go. Please, take good care of Connor,
No. 247942
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>>247937I commend you with my most sincere gratitude, nonnette…i will cherish him
No. 248018
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I was VERY into DA for the longest time, now I am so ootl though I completely missed there has been a trailer and some Netflix cartoon trailer??
I truly love the lore and shit, I really want to get into it again but god I am worried for the next game being a pile of shit with a tranny flag on top
No. 248050
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Curious since I see DBD mentioned here and there on lolcow. Anyone play Dead by Daylight? Do you have a main? Who's your favourite killer to play/go against?
No. 248053
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new apex legend is a tranny, i couldn't have possibly guessed that!
No. 248100
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>Conner husbandofagging
Not surprised to see this on a forum with a history of lusting over Adam Driver and Paul Dano but sheesh
No. 248112
>>248100I just like cute robots and detectives, simple as. Danofags are the cute anons. I miss Driverfags too.
>>248053Wow, no wonder my PC stopped handling this game after they added this tranny to the game. Bless my
TERF PC. This design is hideous too. At least you can still tell it's a man kek.
No. 248146
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Pic unrel. Has anyone downloaded the full sims 3 from g4tw recently? Is it a good torrent? How big is it? Does it run well?
No. 248147
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>>248100Idgaf about Paul Dano and his Humpty Dumpty-looking face and beady hamster eyes and I have no idea who Adam Driver is but I feel like his face looks like a mangled nailgun.
Do not lump in my new boytoy Conner with the disease that is real life moids
No. 248232
I fucking love doing memes with Myers. Something about him brings out the silly in survivors, kek.
No. 248289
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Went to check reddit for Bayonetta updates and of course it all boils down to twans wights
No. 248361
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>>248289There are rapist VAs that still land big roles and they cancel a woman for being a normie centrist. Pathetic.
No. 248603
>>248486That's the thing, she made a tearful confession and lied by omission by not saying it's per session. Almost everyone thought it's for the entire game, she never corrected herself, this is the reaction she wanted and now she can hide behind "well, I meant per session!"
I supported her and defended here on LC and now I'm feeling really embarrassed
No. 248617
>>248608Bayonetta 1 can boil down to being a game about female revenge. It's the story of a woman finding out who she is and deciding to kill her father because he led the genocide of her clan and betrayed her mother. All through the game she can put her enemies (who were all males in the past, even the female-looking ones, because they are born from the souls of dead priests) through the same tortures witches were put through history. The story and symbols are also laced with esoteric meanings. For example, her first outfit is full of symbols tied to the moon and womanhood.
It's still a game laced with fanservice because it always shows how sexy and provocative she is, and it has some uncomfortable and sometimes tasteless sexual humor (Joy torture, losing to Rodin).
The sequel softens this revenge angle by making her father a tragic hero who gets possessed by the androgynous god of chaos. It's honestly a worse game but still an enjoyable story and I am glad her dad was actually not an asshole.
No. 248619
>>248257lmfao I knew it had to be a troon from the very first frame we see it. an overly manly looking "woman" in a circle of new age crystal karens crying about their moon, then it opened its mouth and you hear that obnoxious tryhard "feminine" hrt voice. they didn't even have to shoehorn that "transition" line in, it was so obvious. it honestly makes me kek the only twans representation is the most stereotypical you can get.
remember when the queers applauded respawn for characters like gibraltar and bloodhound for being lgbt without being walking stereotypes and having it be their entire personality? rip to that
No. 248620
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>>248608>>248617Bayonetta was also designed by a woman. It's true that there's quite a bit of male gaze elements in the game, her design and relationships with women in her life (Rosa, Jeanne) are the more important things to me.
No. 248623
>>248361why is spongebob there
is spongebob a
terf No. 248629
>>248620It's ok for me because Bayonetta and Jeanne are fashion icons and Mari made sure that Luka looks cute and
fuckable in the first game, that's all that matters to me. His face looks a bit weird in the trailers of the 3rd game but he looks important now so I'm looking forward to it.
No. 248677
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Knowing Konami, they'll find a way to fuck it up somehow. What do the rest of nonnas think? Anyone feeling optimistic at all? Personally, I'm waiting to see what's actually announced, but I'm prepared to be disappointed.
No. 248712
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>>248553FF5, FF6, Tales of Destiny and Destiny 2, Tales of Eternia. Warning about Eternia the gameplay has kinda aged badly and the early game is hell but it vastly improves as soon as you go to the other world.
No. 248740
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>>248688Or just pirate the game when possible and there’s nothing to feel bad about.
No. 248763
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>>248553Valkyrie Profile. I love Lenneth!
No. 248813
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Presented without context
No. 248815
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Anyone else excited for Ryuukishi07 writing new Silent Hill? There are a lot of questionable things in Higurashi but the horror parts of it are excellent
No. 248818
>>248813>>248814Ew, it's going to be one of those ugly western remakes à la Demon's Souls, right? I don't see the point of remaking this game, the gameplay is dated but otherwise it's still iconic and can easily be emulated, I see that creative bankruptcy has reached the video game industry as well.
>>248815Ryukishi hasn't written anything good for the last 10 years and is getting more embarrassing with each new 07thExpansion announcement, he will never reach the level of Higurashi and the first half of Umineko again.
No. 248822
>>248821He looks like a
victim from a creepypasta.
No. 248836
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>>248821I'm still excited for the game, even if it's gonna be a dumpster fire.
No. 248839
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>>248821He looks like as if they based him on Mads Mikkelsen without actually checking what Mikkelsen looks like and they just worked from memory kek. Mary also looks generic. Why the fuck did they do this
No. 248841
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>>248821They gave Mary such an uncharacteristic face as well. Ugh
No. 248842
>>248824I would love to hear how the rest of this played out! Maybe spoiler the text and put a warning?
>>248837How dare you insult my irl husbando
>>248821also with this update they got ride of that creepy easter egg that James is looking at the viewer first through the mirror before doing the whole hand face touching bit.
No. 248847
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He only shows up at the very end to appease the fans. Which includes me. I hope we get more photos or gameplay later on.
No. 248852
tw for my trypophobia ladies out there.
>>248815Here's a video for the trailer. No deets on the music producer tho. Anyone familiar with the work of kera? Never heard of them before
No. 248867
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God almighty, Konami is going hard on the silent hill revival. They're even making a silent hill 2 movie, there's no footage yet. Only concept art/storyboards.
No. 248871
>>248553Shadow Hearts 1 & 2
>>248870Also recommending BK. Both of these series had a woman working as the illustrator/character designer
No. 248872
>>248840>>248824What do you mean, nona? Do you mean his character model, or…?
Him being Mary's murderer, that is. Your post made me think of those random bodies of James in Silent Hill. Like there is one watching tv in the Apartments. Low poly was REALLY great for this because it wasn't as obvious those are supposed to remind you of James >>248840I told my friend that he looks like he is made from plastelinę, but greasy is the word I've been looking for, thank you. 100% agree with you about Cihi kek. The characters should look like in the cutscenes in original SH2, not whatever the fuck bloober made us look at. This is as wrong as the new voiceovers in the HD collection.
BTW, I hated the voice acting too.
Like the monologue from before the Double Pyramid Head boss fight. So bland and emotionless! The original voices were great because they sounded like everyone was sleepwalking, which is exactly what was happening. Also there is no SH2 without Angela's iconic "LoOoOoOost?" line.
>>248867I'm more excited about it than the SH2 remake for sure
No. 248892
>>248872Imo, I think konami didn't want to make a new IP so it's easier to slap the silent hill name even if it relates not so much of the silent hill series.
Also a bit unrelated, I did noticed a feudal japan trend in the past couple years. Like sekiro and that one pokemon remake. So maybe if it doesn't sell much overseas, maybe it will in japan? Idk, don't mind me. Just talking out of my ass lol.
No. 248993
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Apparently one of the tranny devs for the upcoming dragon age game pissed off people on twitter by making rape joke or something. It's so fucking funny seeing normies get mad about troon behavior yet still call the guy "she"
No. 249009
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Anons, which should I do: buy a new videocard for my PC, buy a Switch or buy a PS4?
I don't play games as often as I used to but would love to be able to play new games every now and then, new titles as well as old favorites and don't know which to pick. I love the Fatal Frame series, the older Final Fantasy titles, the Silent Hills and action RPGs like Bioshock, Dishonored and the Elder Scroll games. Also played Cyberpunk. Don't really care much for farming simulators or games that have an overly anime style to them (although also interested in the Shin Megami Tensei games). Would be verry eager to play Bloodborne. I also enjoy chill point and click adventure games like Syberia and looking forward to the new Wolf Among Us. Not sure which option would be best for me - upgrading the PC would be the most convenient, I guess, because that's how I played stuff mostly. If something I was interested in came out on console, I emulated it (this was on a gaming laptop that I recently sold). Bloodborne I'd be able to play through a streaming service with a subscription I think? The PS4 I'm considering because the last console I owned was a PS2 and most of the games I like and liked came out on the PS. The Switch I recently tried in a game bar with my bf and had a lot of fun playing Super Smash Bros and also like the portability aspect of it. I'm a Eurofag so the three would be around the same price, the videocard I'm eyeing is an RTX 3060
No. 249018
>>248993Is there any screenshots of the rape jokes?
I'm so fucking worries they just focus on lgbtqbbq shit on DA4, and not on the lore
No. 249019
>>249009I think since you already have PC it would be the smartest to just upgrade it, you have the biggest choice of games on PC anyway. Switch library is actually pretty limited and maybe it's just me, but imho the majority of Switch games that are "worth it" are best played on big screen, so the mobile aspect of it is completely lost.
A lot of people sell used PS4 given PS5 is out for a while now so that actually would be the best option for you money wise, if that's something that matters to you.
No. 249046
>>248919this is a sad fact of modern video game voice acting; it's too good. back in the era of sh2 it was rare for any game company to have a recording studio, so voice actors would be selected and then just mailed their scripts. its part of the reason conversations often sound so stilted and unnatural in games of this time. it would be cool if they tried to emulate that again but idiots would complain about the "bad voice acting" since that shit is so prestigious now.
>>248926ok this is becoming as little cringe now
No. 249050
>>249049not that i know of. i'm just guessing because like, every single game of that time sounded weird and awkward too, and i've researched it bc i am fascinated by old video game voice acting
>>248847hey i just noticed that the left side of the helmet looks like fabric? with something stuck in it? interesting
No. 249104
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>>249002>>249102I don’t have the original screen caps but this is his “apology” kek
No. 249128
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>>248053Late reply but you left out the VA’s cringe commentary
No. 249131
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>>248821The old James looked like he was a likeable weirdo who might be on the spectrum, new James looks like he's clinically depressed and ready to hang himself at any given moment. Also it might be just me but the original looks better? Like his bone structure and faceshape is something you might see on a real person, the new face looks a bit exaggerated and cartoonish
No. 249148
>>249131I like both. It feels like they tried to not make him look like all the other generic male video game protagonists we've got and failed, but it would be stupid if they tried to change him a lot from the original anyway.
I kinda just wish they released the old games to Steam and gave more people access to them, but I really don't mind this remake even for a cash grab, especially since we're getting it beside new content as well.
No. 249212
>>248842Ok not used spoiler before so hopefully this works (spoilered for silent hill 2 ending)
so I havent got all the endings but the first ending I got was the one where he says to Maria when shes coughing "we need to take care of that cough" in a kinda sinister, threatening way.
Anyway had a discussion with a friend about Leon and James and said I preferred Leon because hes not a creepy murderer like James and friend was like "but you dont understand he needed to end his wifes suffering hes actually a good guy and really remorseful" and I was like "nah" and mentioned the ending I got and he said that I misheard/was putting my own interpretation on it and I was like no, it was meant to come across like that. One thing I remember (it was a long time since I played this game) was that while not all the voice actors were great I thought James was very good.There was more to the convo but that was the main point. Also TY nonna nice to find someone interested in talking about this, I like silent hill 2 as an experience, gameplay wise I personally dont think its that great so im glad the characters are interesting even if I overall dont like them.
No. 249269
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>>249260Eh I’ve seen worse. Majority of real men are ugly so it’s difficult to get a decent actor kek.
No. 249301
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>>249263As long as you pay no mind to me playing to explore over trying to win
No. 249385
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Platinum Games put out this (non)statement about the Hellena Taylor situation. No docs or anything will be released because NDA, and the game is still selling out in a lot of countries. Hellena does not seem to be making any more statements, apparently she wants to put this all behind her. If she indeed lied, how did she think she would get away with it?
No. 249386
>>248815Reading Umineko and participating in the explosing speculation threads that appeared everywhere after every part was one of the most enjoyable media related things I have ever experienced so I am in for this.
>>249315Taste plays a role so be aware of that but Umineko in particular had one of the best OSTs of any anime/game IMO which made the already creepy atmosphere even better. The lack of pics helped too, a lot of the game is just edited dark photos of that old mansion with some silent hill tier BGM which made it work as horror imo. And when the red text part starts it's just a joy. Imagine reading arguments for hours but being excited regardless. The endless little hints it gave us made the guessing game enjoyable and everytime you have a theory a new hint is given that brings a twist that gives all of what you know a whole new meaning.
It's hard to explain. It it's unadaptable too. Half of the VN are just hours long debates about whodunnit and the possible existence of magic and the other half is looming horror without much happening and almost nothing you actually see (and if you see a thing it's usually not even what actually happens, the unreliable narrator is strong in this one). An anime adaption would just be 5 episodes of talking or someone walking through dark rooms and pondering their existence.
No. 249415
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Why are his lips purible
No. 249439
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Gotham Knights…
No. 249472
>>249216No you're right and I agree
>>249229I wasn't, he was, and its because of what
>>249238 says, I was saying that playwise RE is a better game but he brought up the comparison saying that James was a better character because so deep and Leon is just a pretty boy made for girls and gays to drool over (and if true so what? whats wrong with that?!)
No. 249483
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Praying on survival
No. 249502
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His alt costume looks like shit
No. 249537
>>249472>heok that explains it.
>just a pretty boy made for girls and gays to drool overas if there aren't so many female characters that are just pretty girls made for straight men to drool over
No. 249567
>>249315Higurashi is fun because there's an element in it that is a huge spoiler and very original, that I don't think has been done anywhere else and certainly not in western media
Umineko is in fact a VN about murder mysteries and how to solve them, so every time you read a murder novel afterwards you will think about Umineko
Mind however that the original versions of both VN were very ugly, and that Umineko loses some of its charm if you don't try to solve the mysteries (you're supposed to take notes, and some of the mysteries aren't explained at all). I myself was a bit disappointed by Umineko because my friends told me it was the BEST thing EVER WRITTEN, and I understood later that a lot of their enthusiasm came from the fact that they simply hadn't read much enjoyable books before, so I found it good and a bit too long but not perfect
No. 249665
>>249601No, I am saying that taking care of the people you love who are very, very ill can be a vexing and tiring experience, and I'm both saying this from firsthand experience and from knowing people who dealt with similar situations. I never killed anyone and I always treated the people I took care of with respect and love, but it was not pleasant at all.
James is a bad person but also he is a videogame character. He is not real, so I'm not going to treat him like a real person or see him as such.
He is a cautionary tale of mental illness, stress and depression. The game makes it clear that what he did was wrong but the game also, at least from my interpretation, it shows that those who commit the worst sins must learn to forgive themselves and not wallow in their own self-pity and despair.
OBVIOUSLY you don't need to kill someone to find a message you relate to in James' story, Angela's story, Eddie's story, etc, and to find their characters sympathetic.
No. 249674
>>249665>>249579NTA you're talking to. At the risk of blogging I all I'm going to say is my father was exactly like James and if being a caretaker really drives you to that brink of despair and selfishness you are a bad person. It sucks to take care of people who cannot care for themselves. But the
victim shouldn't have to pay for your failings. Not trusting people like him has legitimately saved my life irl regardless of if they are changed now.
No. 249682
>>249674Well, yeah, I'm not saying James did a good thing or that he is a inherently good boy widdle lost soul… if he were just that he would not be in Silent Hill.
I'm saying that there are aspects in his flaws that people outside of annoying men might find relatable or sad in a way that hits close to home: it could be the situation he got in, it could be his guilt, it could just be that being a caretaker sucks, what have you.
You don't need to be exactly like him or be a bad person to like him or find him relatable: he's a fictional character and he especially was made to be up to interpretation.
I don't forgive James for killing his bedridden, intensely ill wife, but I still found his character relatable and interesting for various reasons: his caretaking situation hit close to home, but also his depression, his guilt, his willingness to fight his stagnating mind and escape from the demonic influence of Silent Hill were all interesting facets of him, and in general it was refreshing to see a game that treats mental illness without demonizing it or turning it into thriller schlock.
He is meant to be flawed, that's the point, that's why he is in Silent Hill. That does not stop people from feeling sympathetic. It helps that he is a
character and not a real person.
For example, I found Angela the best and most relatable character in the game. That doesn't mean I will trust women like Angela or that I have killed my father or that I have been raped. We engage with fiction through its hyperbole and its suspense of disbelief, and not all of us are going to see fictional characters exactly like we would if they were real people.
No. 249685
>>249665anon you dont need to actually sympathize with protags. humbert humbert for instance is a horrible piece of shit who does feel guilt for raping dolores. doesnt mean he is deserving of sympathy ever. finding any "relating" to james is weird.
i like him as a character because hes an utter piece of shit, i like disliking him. its ok to do that too.
No. 249704
>>249682Why wouldn't you trust Angela? Because she's a bit unhinged?
I agree with you about James. I love SH2, it's a masterpiece. Not looking forward to the shitty remake, though.
No. 249706
>>249704>Why wouldn't you trust Angela? Because she's a bit unhinged?She seems incredibly unstable, however now that you mention it I think I'd be safe around her because she doesn't seem to kill women.
>>249686>you dont need to be a murderer to go to silent hill either thoYou know what I mean tho, the reason why he is there is because the town wants to trap him like it did with Angela and Eddie, and the reason why it can do that to him is because he killed his wife.
No. 249923
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Huh didn't notice
No. 250102
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>>249385Hellena responds, with new figures that are different from what she said in her original vid. Seems like she got a fair offer but didn't like it?
No. 250112
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I don't know what it is about the game, but I swear I am bound to Final Fantasy 12. I've been playing it since it first release on PS2 in 2006 (I was nine years old!!) – I played it for months straight in 2009, then played it again from scratch (and completed it) in 2019 during my brief NEET phase. Now I'm starting it again, and I totally forgot how the Zodiac Job System works, despite playing that version last time – so I get to re-discover the Zodiac Job System!
No. 250113
>>250102Note how she's not denying that she asked for 6 figures, she's only denying that she asked for $250,000
>>250111An hourly rate tends to make the work drag on, since the slower the contractor works the higher they get paid
No. 250168
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No. 250171
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To all D2 fans, who is this character supposed to be?
Is anyone else worried about the aesthetics of Lightfall as well? I was already kind of worried that the art direction in D2 was getting a bit uninteresting or boring compared to D1 but witchqueen killed any of these thoughts.
No. 250375
>>250171A new disciple? Some other new chara? Sloane!?. I'm trying not to get spoiled cause it's more fun that way.
It looks like they're going vaporwave, it looks cool to me. They're always trying out different themes.
No. 250454
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bayonetta 3 story leaked. bayoluka is canon i’m burning my copy.
No. 250474
Hey Nonas it’s
>>248789 again, I just wanted to say thank you for telling me to give RDR2 a shot! I’ve been playing it for the past week and it’s hard to put down. This is one of the most visually stunning games I’ve ever played, and the first game I’ve played that truly feels open-world. Other than random encounters with animals or bandits, I’m pleasantly surprised with how relaxing it can be during quiet rides out in the wilderness. I’m impressed, thanks again frens
No. 250668
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So nonas, I finished Ace Attorney Chronicles and really loved it. What game would you recommend me to play next? I haven't played the other AA games.
No. 250672
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>>250454please say syke I don't wanna play the game if that's true
No. 250681
>>250673>Do I need to play them in order?Yes, the first three are a trilogy and you can't skip any of those. I forgot to what extent AA4 is connected to the OG trilogy and if you can play it separately or not, but I'd recommend playing it after the first three.
Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice were made without the involvement of the original creator of the franchise (he later made DGS/Ace Attorney Chronicles) so they're considered lower quality in terms of writing by some fans and personally, I hate the direction those games took and haven't even played SoJ, but you might enjoy them too. Anyway, they are considered part of their own trilogy together with AA4, plus you should play the OG trilogy before playing DD and SoJ, so, to answer your question, yes.
>Also are there other games like this?There were two spin-off games about Miles Edgeworth called Ace Attorney Investigations. The first one was officially localized, while the second was never released outside Japan and got a fan translation. These games focus less on the trials and more on the "investigation"/detective part of cases.
Shu Takumi (the creator) also made a completely unrelated puzzle/mystery game called Ghost Trick. You might like that one as well.
I haven't played other game franchises with similar themes and gameplay as AA, but I see people usually recommend the Zero Escape series, Hotel Dusk, Aviary Attorney, and Professor Layton.
No. 250702
>>250701I've evolved past ooga-booganess enough to appreciate something for more than 1 reason, I play them for the story, characters, as well as the gameplay. (story spoiler)
Bayo getting together with Luka is almost enough to ruin the character for me though, I'm obviously still gonna play it but man what a bummer
No. 250703
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>>250681Thank you very much for you reply anon! Wow I got a lot of games on my list to play now!
No. 250705
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>>250375It's the enbie flag
Bungie has been putting a lot of cosmetic genide things in D2 but nothing really related to the game outside of maybe this 1 lore piece but it's a result of a fucked up experiment by Clovis
No. 250706
>>250700kek, thanks for the warning, nona. I refused to play it until I started to get curious about the characters, so maybe one day I'll play it. I already consider DD and SoJ to be non-canon anyway so I can separate them from the rest of the series in my mind
>>250703I hope you enjoy the other games!
And enjoy the guys too heheheAlso there was a Phoenix Wright / Professor Layton crossover game but I've heard it wasn't very good. The artist for that game was the same as AA4 and DGS.
No. 250707
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>>250706NTA but I finally played the layton/ace attorney crossover last year and loved every bit of it, I think most critiques comes from people who have only played one of the series (AA fans said the story was too farfetched, which is the vein of Layton games, while Layton fans thought the court sections were too long and investigating was on a second plane). Layton took a bit of protagonism, specially towards the end, but in general I thought it was pretty balanced.
This game is pretty much the predecessor of DGS/TGAA and it was pretty fun to play it after finishing DGS and look onto their similarities. Apart from the writting and design (same guys as DGS), the court system is very similar to it too.
No. 250709
>>250705Oh ffs, I guess most of that was already known or isn't really important(Drifter pan?) Hope this new character isn't that important or preachy.
At least they keep the emblems out of eververse so I only see them when some shitter tranny kills me in PVP.
No. 250758
>>250709nta but this character will probably be a vendor and we'll have to see it 50% of the dlc. i just know the voice is going to be so grating and the dialogue retarded. its why i wasn't able to finish tiny tina
>>250705drifter does seem like a screw anything including aliens type so pansexual might actually be accurate (fiction only). i wonder why crow and osiris weren't on there
No. 250807
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>>250709>At least they keep the emblems out of eververse so I only see them when some shitter tranny kills me in PVP.It's kind of ironic how even when someone uses the trans emblem or has pronouns in bio when I'm raiding with them literally everyone refers to them according to how they sound like and very very few put effort in their voices
except maybe on this one discord lfg server but most of the time everyone is muted because of anxiety>>250758lol same I would have been surprised if Drifter wasn't pan
>>250758I doubt people will care about the character's pronouns unless a huge deal is made about it. I remember back when I used to run DSC everyone referred to Atraks as a man
No. 250876
>>250758I feel like Drifter being pan is half a joke because he like to eat everything that means he would fuck anything too. Even though the eating thing is because he starved to death a bunch of times after he was first revived.
And it really feels like they're pushing the Eris x Drifter thing lately.
Osiris is a package deal with Saint so they just didn't want two rainbows. And Crow is straight, he has a crush on Holiday, Uldren and Jolyeon were just sworn brothers/really good friends too.
No. 250904
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>>250870At least we got gameplay…
No. 251318
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Hi nonnas! What are your favorite / the best retro games (or old games in general)? I realised I am having a lot more fun with older videogames than the current new ones (unless they are indie).
No. 251340
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Anybody else here played Sailor Moon: Another Story for the SNES? This is the first time I'm emulating an old game like this my computer is very weak so I don't play much vidya in general and it took me a while to get used to it because not only do the enemies not have any health bar but the boss fight difficulty is weirdly irregular. The first boss in the second chapter was a DRAG to get through and made me fear for the next bosses but then the next bosses are way weaker. At the point I am it's easier because one of the potential party members (after you find her accessories) is ridiculously op it's sailor Saturn sailor Pluto also has a really op ability. Some people enjoy challenges, but I find it funnier to steamroll the enemies.
No. 251432
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Anyone played this yet? How is it? Personally I find that the quality of the stories for the Borderlands games has decreased with each iteration, except for Tales, but that one was Telltale not Gearbox, the New Tales is also Gearbox but with the Telltale-esque gameplay it seems.
No. 251448
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>>251432I haven’t been in the loop with Borderlands in years but got excited when I heard there was a new Tales game. I thought it was a sequel with the OG cast but it’s a whole new story. The protags look like Cyberpunk 2077 rejects and according to reviews it’s on par with BL3 writing. Pain.
No. 251453
>>251448>The protags look like Cyberpunk 2077 rejectsCome on, that's how every single Borderlands character looks like lmao
But yeah, writing being on par with BL3 is definitely bad news
No. 251525
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>>250783Sorry I know this is a few days old but I follow videogames on twitter and theres been a lot of talk about this and how some fans arnt happy. Also the original VA is now being called a
terf by some LGBT people on twitter. I've not played the game but remember there being a segment on an NHK gaming programme and I really dont see how she was ever interpreted as being "queer representation" after hearing the directors comments about her, pretty much came off as being aimed at horny men.
No. 251532
>>251525Wait, how is she a
TERF? I thought the controversy came from her weird financial demands and her opposition to abortion. You can't be a radical feminist and pro life, that contradicts one of the main tenets of radical feminism. TRAs need to stop saying
TERF when what they actually mean is "non-TRA."
Interesting how TRAs are so eager to lump as many people they dislike in with radfems as possible, then turn around and accuse
us of affiliating ourselves with those people. From their perspective, everyone who isn't on their side must be conspiring against them.
No. 251545
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>>251525>I really dont see how she was ever interpreted as being "queer representation" after hearing the directors comments about her, pretty much came off as being aimed at horny men.I can tell you why, it's very stupid. I wish I were joking but I'm not.
>Bayonetta 1 gets released in late 2009, has the reputation of a sexist video game because the MC is a hot adult woman doing stupid, sexy poses on purpose>some gay guys who like video games play the game, find it fun, find the MC fun and joke that she's so over the top and girly she might as well be a gay icon, because yaaas queen, slay!! (think Madonna, Beyoncé, Britney Spears or Lady Gaga's popularity with gay guys)>lady gaga played the first game on the Wii U or the Switch and posted about how obsessed with it she was on twitter>the MC and her rival/childhood friend have a very close friendship and in the second game Bayonetta saves Jeanne from hell and jokes about giving her a wake up kiss to wake her the fuck up so she doesn't die>and the two characters are roommates after Bayonetta 1 is over>autistic queer, spicy straight people who never played the games and only watched playthroughs on youtube and read wiki pages about the characters take all the "gay icon" jokes literally and run with it>confuse jokes on twitter by the devs for actual canon confirmation>these people are then upset that Bayonetta is straight and likes Luka, the guy she's hinted to fall for in the first game because they did NOT play these games No. 251558
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I hope Lady Gaga is enjoying Bayonetta 3 and will post about it again.
No. 251609
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>>251545Bayo isn’t a lesbian but in regards to your spoiler kek
No. 251688
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Anyone else here play PSOBB on Ephinea? It’s mostly dead nowadays unfortunately - the gameplay still holds up as far as MMOs go.
No. 251694
>>248553Nonna I know this is late and you already got some great answers, but I want to mention a couple more. Another nonna mentioned Tales of Destiny + Eternia. I think Symphonia is worth mentioning here because of Raine Sage, who is one of my favorite heroines in existence. (The main girls in the game, while I love them, do have some stereotypical flaws.) Tales of the Abyss also has solid female characters throughout, even though I didn't find any of them as incredible as Raine. And though this is more of an SRPG, the Fire Emblem Tellius games (Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn) from that era have good female characters too.
Not an older game, very new, but after Xenoblade 1 and 2 could be iffy with its female characters (many armor choices in 1, the…entire deal with 2), Xenoblade 3 has really great heroines as well! And only one of them has a cleavage-revealing outfit! (Although the dub apparently made one of the characters a "they" for some reason, you wouldn't know it by playing the game, I only know because I decided to look up her character art once. This character is very obviously female.)
No. 251743
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Ok so I'm done with the main content in Bayonetta 3. Spoilers ahead. I don't like playing as Viola, parrying is bullshit because you'll play most chapters as Bayonetta and use ZR to dodge and activate witch time, then you're given a few chapters with Viola and she activates witch time by parrying, which is done with R and not ZR. And her witch time sucks ass, it's way too short. Aside from that the game is fun and I need to unlock more stuff and find all the umbran tears. Jeanne's minigame was annoying as hell. Visiting Tokyo and Paris in the game was weird as fuck because they looked way too accurate, I could guess with shops irl where in which scenes sometimes.
As for the story it's fun for like 90% of the game, then it shits the bed in the last chapters. They butchered my boy Luka by turning him into a supernatural fairy creature thing despite the entire point of the character being that he's a normal human and can still keep up with what's going on. I'm guessing he's half fairy instead of half-demon because Capcom would have sued everyone and everything at Platinum Games otherwise, since Luka was always Dante as a human before that. Jeanne and Bayonetta die except they don't. But no they do. Because some of the damage caused by the villain are cancelled or some shit but it's super vague, unlike the end of Bayonetta 1 when she gets out of her casket and acts all sassy and shit. The final boss really reminded me of the one in Astral Chain that was cool. And I loved when Mysterious Destiny started playing. But anyway, the writers tried too hard to make the game look super serious and sad but it failed and the end looks melodramatic as fuck. Baal is the cutest demon idgaf what anyone else says.
No. 251835
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I was so looking forward to playing P5R because many people with similar taste recommended it to me and I loved SMT5 so much, plus I was really excited about the life sim aspect. I'm not sure if I'm missing something but I'm disappointed with the writing of the story so far even though I'm early in. I'm finding the first storyline with the abusive PE teacher really creepy and hard to play and I'm just getting something like a scrote or unsettling vibe overall. I feel retarded or like I'm missing something because so many people love this game and it's supposed to be one of the "best RPGs of all time".
No. 251843
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>>251835It's a very fun game to play thru and the music and aesthetics are wonderful, but the story is pretty lacking imo, especially since it wants to make a strong statement but is scared to do so, so all the arcs and game end up half-baked to not anger anyone.
The first castle is hard to play thru, but the rest are just cartoon-level villains (at least the new arc they included in P5R was wonderful). Unfortunately you're right with the scrote vibes, these games bank on fanservice (it's specially bad on P4 and P5), you will get a not-so-nice surprise about how they treat Ann & Ryuji later on. I liked most of the social sim stories though.
I feel most of the people that praise it so much it's because P5 was their first contact with a more story-based game kek. Overall, it's a fun game and I don't regret playing it, but it also isn’t the best game of all time like people claim. I think it's one of these games that is more fun to play when you have someone besides you to make fun of the game/characters with.
No. 251847
>>251835The first palace feels tedious and endless during the first playthrough, it's a thing every new player experiences in P5. I think it gets a LOT better after it, and 40 hours in the game is where the story starts to get interesting imo. Like the other anon said, the new things they added in P5R are brilliant.
As for the fanservice, don't forget that this is a japanese game so there's going to be scrotey moments but as far as I remember the SA theme and creepy teacher thing end with the first dungeon and rarely gets brought up afterwards. Definitely push through if you feel like it nona, it gets better.
No. 251859
>>251835The only good thing about P5 is Akeshu. Terribly overhyped mediocre game.
>>251847>the SA theme and creepy teacher thing end with the first dungeon and rarely gets brought up afterwardsYeah, they move on to sexually harrassing Ann themselves kek
No. 251880
>>251835I've never played P5 myself, but isn't the
abusive teacher plot intended to be creepy? The teacher is a villain you need to defeat, right?
No. 251886
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>>251880Yes, the whole point is that
you have to make him confess to everyone, including the police, that he'd routinely beat the fuck out of his students and that he molested Ann's friend to prevent him from doing it again. Japanese schools take their sports club way too seriously, it's not even a super exagerated scenario: and Italian anons who remember the Attacker You! anime while also remember how the coach kept beating the fuck out of the middle school protagonists for not being good enough or for giving their own personal opinions so it's not invented by P5 specifically.
No. 251891
>>251880>>251859>>251852>>251847>>251843Sorry nonnies, I don't think I explained myself well. I don't have a problem with creepy stuff or dark themes including realistic depictions of abuse. It more feels like how it is handled creeps me out. Why put a story involving abuse at the very beginning of the game in the tutorial so you can
hear children screaming as they are being whipped while Morgana tells you that you can save in a safe room or whatever. It just feels really off to me and it doesn't seem well written or sensitively handled so far. I don't particularly mind fanservice either but same thing as above. It's possible I'm just
triggered and being retardedly picky about the writing. I'm going to keep playing anyway since I really want to like it. I'll reserve any more judgement till I get past the abuse part.
No. 252051
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What is everyone's opinion on the Medium? I haven't played it myself, only watched gameplay videos but it seems like a walking simulator that drew inspiration from the Silent Hill games?
No. 252165
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No Kiwis in a nocturnal animals pack, what the actual fuck Frontier? I'll have to use mods now. I don't care about Halloween decorations which are only fun for 1 month of the year. At least they added the Wombat to make the Oceania animal list a little less pathetic, but still.
No. 252375
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>>252371From the looks of it they look at suggestions from Reddit, so it's an idiocracy and the packs are very pandery. They already released an Australia pack, idk if they see enough reason to release a New Zealand pack. The Twilight (nocturnal) pack was kinda my last hope. Or they would maybe do some troll thing like "flightless birds pack" since everyone is asking for aviaries. I can't really think of any other way they're still going to include the Kiwi. Or maybe an endangered animals pack? They at least added the platypus in the wetlands pack, my absolute favorite bizarre animal, but kiwis are a close second!
No. 252815
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Was looking at Mass Effect 2 mods and someone made a mod that changed the stupid boob-cup battle lingerie chests to actual proper armor. And of course all the scrotes were seething and/or lying through their teeth.
No. 252857
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>>252825LOL fuck I'm sorry anon. Here, have some cute old Japanese game art.
No. 252888
>>252857Kek I'm sorry nona, I've been a little spergy today.
I wish there was a bigger presence in modding communities of women who fix the mistakes made by sexist moid developers.
No. 252928
File: 1667525265554.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.97 KB, 1080x810, FgL_LRdXkAEE37-.jpg)

Sorry to be tardy to the party
>>251532Shoulda capped at the time, cant find the thread now but apparently some time ago a fan asked her if bayo supports trans rights and hellena didnt answer saying its not her character so she cant speak on her behalf. But theres no actual evidence of this. Also yeah never met a terfs whos anti-abortion.
>>251545Um, no. If you are talking about the guy I think you are its because
he said of the apparent nudity, stripper scene at the end not because shes a "how adult woman", most people seem to like her design. I agree that its peoples own fault though for the conclusions they reached on the story.
>>251576Agree, but it sounds like it was an excuse to like a controversial thing. Like a lot of these people who wrote off the sexual stuff because "its FOR THE GAYS" are now writing hit pieces about how sexist this game is and how it panders to men when tbh that was always the main audience, shes very popular with typical gamer guys like pic attached.
No. 253068
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Yoshi-p was interviewed on the upcoming FF game and one of these questions popped up. I don’t know why people ask devs who would never go for diversity for diversity instead of supporting devs who do - the whole thing seems awkward.
No. 253070
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I got Disco Elysium on sale because my friends kept raving about the "gorgeous" artstyle and how great the story supposedly is. But I'm sorry this shit is ugly to me. I get that it's good art on a technical level, but it's just so… male coded.
No. 253109
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>>253080Hey nonna, I am playing Disco Elisyum too! not too far from the very beginning either, only finished the first day, took a long time as I was exploring a lot.
I agree that a big chunk of things feel extremely cringy, especially the 'lol randumXD' bad answers that you can choose, they all center around choosing your character to keep being a raging alcoholic and an extreme pervert, talking about sex crap or sexuality. It also makes me feel like as if the games political part is kind of trying to force you to think in their own way (not that i am a poltard) if that makes sense. But i am a sucker for detective cases and i enjoy the VA, plus i cannot refund the game anymore so I am staying with it. I feel like Ace Attorney will forever remain to be the best detective game in my heart.
I hate the picrelated kid. The way they wrote this characters dialogues make me extremely uncomfortable and nauseous. I really like Kim, but I can only hope we will see a decent female character other than 'a random rich woman in a boat'.
No. 253182
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>>253164Women have different tastes though and judging by twitter fanart there are a lot of women who are into this. The designs don't make me horny but I liked how the game looks like, it gives off a different vibe. I am usually not a fan of isometric games.
No. 253185
>>253164I like it tho, it fits the tone of the game.
Nonny, I don't know if you're aware of this, but not every piece of art has to make everything look beautiful, perfect and clean or else it's devoid of substance.
No. 253194
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Anons Strange Horticulture is awesome! It’s so relaxing and cozy yet engaging and mysterious. It’s perfect rainy day game where you’re a shopkeeper selling various strange plants to strange customers while strange happenings going on. I especially love the collecting and categorizing of plants, makes my brain so happy 10/10
No. 253430
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I wanna play this game soon but ugh
No. 253431
>>253430Honestly as long as they don't force the "they" I am okay with it. Seems like you will only see it if you choose it when you create your character.
I hate seeing it in longer texts because it's confusing.
No. 253497
>>253194Read your post about Strange Horticulture an hour ago and have been playing since it finished downloading. This game is so atmospheric and has such a nice pace; Labeling plants tickles the 'tism and it's lovely. Thank you
nonnie, haven't even finished out my first day and this game already rocks!
No. 253501
>>253497omfg I just noticed that your cat
's eyes follow your cursor. Nonna this game is the tops.
No. 253527
>>253517It's a tranny, isn't it? Slightly OT but I'm so sick of troons in video game communities. I would rather see a bunch of sexist moids than a bunch of sexist moids with some coomer dudes in drag pretending to be "gamer girls" and everyone addressing them as real women.
>it has a big fanbase mainly because of its freedom of choices and artstyleWell, those are good things, aren't they? It sounds fun
>most of the people enjoy le homophobic route where your mc can keep screaming about being a faggot and sex.I'd never heard about this before (I haven't played the game) I just know there are a lot of options.
No. 253565
>>253523Are you talking about the
Homo-Sexual Underground Thought anon? iirc the whole point of that route was for Detective to
stop obsessing over his and other people's sexuality. But because this is Elysium he goes about this in the most obnoxious and backwards way possible and obsesses about it for eight hours straight anyway. People like that route because it opens up extra dialogue with Kim and you learn more about him at the end of it (vidrel).
No. 253566
>>253441Yeah in the spanish version it just says "How do you want others refer to you?" and the little icons for boy & girl, is there are 3rd icon in the english version?
I don't mind this gender nonsense too much as long it's not forced onto you like the other anon said, but it's so evident they include it just for US politics points, most of the languages games get translated into don't have gender-neutral nouns.
No. 253574
>>253573Don't have to sage in off topic boards, retard.
>>253564Glad you're enjoying it anon! I played the demo for a bit but it didn't hook me. Good to know it's lacking customisation because now I know I'm not missing out on my favourite part of modern slice of life games.
No. 253676
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I bred and released 600 piggies (also foxes and monitors), collected 100? reward animals. Got lots I would've never been able to afford unless I make whole factory farm zoos for conservation credits. Which I'll probably have to do anyway if I ever want lions or other popular animals. Though this was for the 3 year anniversary challenge. My brain is too fried to sleep. I did also create the perfect piggie with perfect genetics. And nobody gives a shit about the zooS I make and animals I keep except me. The digital equivalent of a mandala.
No. 253683
>>253678That’s awesome anon! It is such a fun and rewarding game. The community can be extremely
toxic so make sure to mute and report any jerks when they start getting pissy. I’d say to start out learning easy carry heroes like Luna and Wraith King, Wyvern and Puck are hard for newcomers. Walk before you run! Get your Nigel to support you. Watch some videos to learn more. Purgegamers has some great intros, although some are a little outdated because of old patches, the fundamentals that he teaches are great to learn. Good luck in your games!
No. 253688
>>253683yeah he said a lot of the other players are rude so I didn't even bother looking at the chat during any games kek right now he tells me what items I should buy and what to do but I'll learn those fundamentals so I'm not always relying on my nigel, I guess I'll hold off on puck and wyvern until I'm more familiar with the game
thanks nona!
No. 253709
>>253523>the writing is not that goodIf you aren't hopelessly cackling at some crazy scrote who was trolled so much by his own sense of authority that he
stuck his thumb up his bum in front of his fellow detective and the entire public in the name of "honor", I can't help you.
No. 253710
>>253695honestly that doesn't surprise me, I never use voice in any game due to being harassed by moids
luckily my screen name doesn't give away that I'm a woman so I should be ok
No. 253832
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>>253523I've read that the Disco Elysium and it's devs have sort of a pro-communism stance. Apparently the devs said they were inspired by Karl Marx?
Is there any truth to that or are people just taking things out of context? Like is it actually a critique on communism that just went over peoples heads?
No. 253838
>>253832The devs are communists and that's pretty fucking obvious if you play the game (from the screenshots I've seen).
They thanked Karl Marx and Engels at the Game Awards. If that bothers you, simply don't play the game. I remember hearing that /v/ loved the fuck out of it until the Game Awards happened lmfao
No. 253988
>>253956Isn't there a communist doomer character in the game?
>The authors spoke about Communism Manifesto on some awards showNot exactly. They literally thanked Marx and Engels for their political education (and a couple of Soviet artists). 5:18
No. 254017
>>253564>you do get different outfits for different classesseems like that is only in dungeons though sadly.. everywhere else you run around in the default outfit. I'm really hoping they add more cosmetic stuff like they did in RF. I'm sure plenty of ppl would pay for that. I'm still absolutely loving the game is super cozy ♥
>>253573oh dang are u ok? Prayers up bro
No. 254091
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anyone here plays Cultist Simulator? i like it, it has a very unique vibe and is relaxing (like all card games), but i always die of dread before reaching an ending
looking forwards to their next game, the Book of Hours.
No. 254096
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>>253678Back when I used to play my fav was Ogre Magi, he's great for beginners
>absurdly high hp for an int hero>3rd highest base damage at the start of the game, great for LH/deny>braindead easy to use skills>can kill underfed carries by himself>surprise multicast fucks up the enemy team's plansHis late game is weaker but he's always useful
No. 254097
>>253710Yeah same. It's either little edgy shits who are 12 and act like it or adult dudes that can otherwise even be chill but since they are desperate "buhuu no gf" whining-fags they will believe you would fall in love with them for some reason, especially if they know you have no partner which I never had and won't lie about but the fact that I was never interested in romance before should tell them there is no chance but it doesn't.
>>253832Funny enough it was a rightoid who was the first recommending me that game and he said the same thing but also said that it was the best game in ten years and that he loved the devs, so make of this whatever you want.
I bought it since everybody else that shares my taste in manga/games is into it but I didn't play yet, afaik you can be whatever you want in the game, so the devs seem to be fair at least and in this case I honestly don't care much. I just don't like it when a game or movie is obviously trying to shill the writer's beliefs in the stupidest ways like a lot of widely popular US movies openly do.
No. 254133
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I had no idea there was a new FF game in the works. Just saw the trailer and it looks boring as hell. Straight pompous medieval theme with kingdoms but no other aspect to give it flavor. Also I saw no women in the trailer which irks me since 15 also had no women.
What's up with that, squenix?
No. 254139
So, persona 5 royal is out on steam, but it's 60 dollars, which I'm not willing to shell out. Dunno if it'll go on sale ever, but I'm not too desperate. Also really want to buy the Rimworld DLCs because I love Rimworld, but each DLC is 20 dollars and they never have huge sales, so it's gonna be the 20 dollars. Since there are 3, the total cost of the DLCs would add up to 60 dollars, again, not willing to pay that. I might buy just one of the DLCs, but I really hate spending all that money, even 20 dollars. Not like I'm struggling, I just never feel right spending money on non-necessities. Mainly just gamer salt with me. Want something to play over winter break maybe.
No. 254227
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>>253120It's out, apparently hardcore Sonic fans hate it and normal people love it
No. 254369
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>>254133It's honestly looking slightly more interesting than most other FF games of after FFX to me. I hope it will be a bit edgier again and have less k-pop faces.
I miss the times when new FF games could legit excite me like hell. I cannot even tell you what exactly most of the new ones were missing, just that nothing did it for me anymore. I wish they would do something like IX again though, maybe as lower priority project. I just think that IX was one of the best, certainly had the best OST and the landscapes and cities were exactly how I want fantasy games to look like. I also think that FF Tactics was awesome and wish they had made more handheld games like that.
I haven't played FF Origins yet though, that looked so stupid but in a good way that I absolutely want to give it a chance at least.
No. 254541
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any anons playing Eastward? I finally bought and started it and I love it so far (about 5 hours in). The graphics are beautiful and the characters are all really fun. it's a very whimsical game, and if any anons like the mother series it would be right up your alley
No. 254622
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Nintendo nonnas, is it better to buy a digital copy over physical? Which one do you prefer and why?
I am thinking of getting physical copies of otome games on Switch (if i would like some of their cover arts for example, but i think generally it's nice to have them physically), but i feel like the reward system screws up A LOT of physical copy buyers. Having a switch is already expensive enough, but a big chunk of my desired games are way too overpriced. Eg i plan on getting Splatoon 3 too but i am going to get a digital version most likely.
I tend to feel paranoid over owning a digital game lately as a lot of corpos pull weird shit with randomly deleting their games off store pages, etc. Feeling pretty puzzled, because i dont want to overspend on games.
No. 254623
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>>254622Samefag, I also wonder if anyone plays Nintendo Switch Sports. I was always interested in this game as i already have Ring Fit Adventure, but I wonder if it's worth it? Gameplay wise it seems to be lacking a lot, but my interest grew only because i saw picrel being sold.
No. 254627
>>254624Same for me. I resold a bunch of games before and it quickly adds up. And I sometimes lend my games to friends or to siblings.
>>254622I prefer physical copies, but Nintendo does interesting sales for their first-party games more often now than on the 3DS so downloading games isn't a bad idea either depending on what you want. Some games have so many patches and updates that physical copies aren't always complete games like on the 3DS either, and your saves will be in the consoles or sd card, not in your cartridge like before as well. If you're the type to travel a lot and you want to play on the go without risking losing cartridges it's good too. However I think physical copies are better to preserve games even after online stores are closed.
No. 254727
>>254726Unfortunately, there are no known hack for the lite. Only specific serial numbers of the first generation switches are hackable.
If you're lucky, you can find a unsuspecting person on Facebook or whatever you use selling their first gen switch for cheap.
No. 254829
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I am falling down the F:NV hole again and I miss this game so fucking much. It DESERVES a remaster/remake.
No. 254847
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>>254846>potato graphicsI love the graphics, it adds to the aesthetic of the game and the wasteland feel. If it was yassified it'd feel less gritty
>crashes every 10 secondsHeh, not for me
>ragdoll effects?
>stiff animationsThey're fine
>unfinished factionWhich one
No. 254849
>>254846The only
valid problem you pointed out is the incomplete factions. Everything else is either a limitation of the time it was released and can be fixed with mods, or personal preference (like the ragdoll thing which I like)
But it does deserve a remaster.
No. 254855
>>254853I got all of my consoles jailbreaked and pirate most of the games I want, but you all are so annoying tellings others to just pirate every single time someone asks a question instead of providing an actual answer.
If that person don't mind hacking her console to get games, she would've done so already, you're adding nothing to the conversation.
No. 254858
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How do I hack my nintendo switch and will nintendo find me and kill me if i do…
No. 254863
>>254858You can only hack a first generation switch. You also need to manually modify the hardware. There is always the risk of bricking your console because of your own mistake, or Nintendo catching you online.
Also why are you asking here when the very first search engine result will tell you everything you need to know? There are 4,000 resources on switch homebrew, just start reading. Cute Elsie pic though! Hope this helps.
No. 254864
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>>254829It would be so good but I feel like Bethesda would absolutely fuck it up entirely somehow in terms of plot or performance. Imagine seeing picrel in better graphics without the game shitting itself and randomly crashing every 3 hours. God I wish Obsidian had more time in the first place.
>>254847I love the game too and I would probably hate a remake/remaster even if they did it because it is hard to create perfection twice. I still want one just to see though. It could turn out good. Like
>>254850 said, the empty desert feels terrible but it could be remedied by modern graphics/hardware allowing more detailed landscapes and objects in general. I would love more world building and story with all of the factions.
Also, anyone else fucking HATE Ulysses? That was the shitiest dlc and most annoying self-inserted character ever. Best DLC for me is Old World Blues for plot and characters. I do really love the aesthetic of Dead Money, but the game play just annoyed me. Honest Hearts really needs to be remade and given more time, story felt unfinished but I loved Joshua Graham as a character.
No. 254872
>>254850How would you fix this though? The Mojave map in New Vegas is already way smaller than the real-life Mojave. If they shrunk it down to just the Towns, caves, houses etc. it would destroy the illusion that you're wandering through a large world.
Personally I kind of like the feeling that you're travelling through a desert.
No. 254876
>>254847When I say potato graphics I don't mean that they need to yassify it, but the low-res textures are an objective downgrade. Just cuz the game doesn't crash for you doesn't mean it's not notoriously horrendously coded and it crashing is so frequent its a meme.
>ragdoll effectssis….
>they're finelol
The Legion was unfinished, there's some mods that put the cut content back into the game that they didn't have time to finish, not to mention the JSawyer mod that he finished privately. There's a SHITTON of stuff that was supposed to be made for this game that didn't make it in because of the time constrictions. I don't really want the game to be re-done. I want the same iconic voices and no stupid re-writing, but I'd love to see the game with better graphics, running better and have all the cut content/missing content in the game.
Plus, that'd make it possible for them to make side-content for the game, like comics, short stories, and so on, which this game never got.
No. 254881
>>254876There are likely a bunch of great mods for the graphics. I personally think the game looks beautiful, especially at night when you're facing New Vegas. Also what would you prefer if not ragdolling? Specific death animations?
>unfinished legionNot the answer I was expecting, I also wish cut content from all the games could be re-explored. I didn't know the Legion was missing more content
No. 254887
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>>254881I think the graphics are…fine? Like yeah, it's an old game and some mods will fix it, but because of the issues with bugs and the crashes, cramming mods into the game makes it more unstable too, sadly. I mostly want the game to run better.
As for the ragdolls… they do have their charm, but it'd be nice if this game wasn't tied to gamebryo and all the shit that comes with it. I always mod my game so things don't ragdoll and clip because it can cause crashes.
The wiki has some info on the cut content: some info on the Legion's cut content:>>254871Honestly, I don't know if I trust Obsidian either, since only JSawyer works there now. Gonzales, who is the main guy behind the writing and lore, has left, and Avellone is gone too. I want Bethesda to have NOTHING to do with the second west coast game or any remakes/remasters. Since Microsoft owns both Obsidian and Bethesda, we can at least get one, but I dunno… I feel like no remakes or modern sequels have been as good as their predecessors. I am so ambivalent on modern takes on old classics, but I still want some new life into the game because I love it so much.
>>254875>>254864He makes every morsel of feminism in my body just evaporate.
No. 254897
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>>254875>>254887I love masked men. I guess his bandages count as one for my smooth brain. His voice is so hot. Even with Fallout's aged graphics I want him so bad.
I wish we could have more about him or see some interaction between him and the Legion. I didn't want to finish the dlc because we never see him again. I didn't even particularly like Honest Hearts, but he was such a good character with nuance despite obviously being extremely Mormon kek. Maybe his conviction or his eloquence is what does it, plus the rage in contrast with being so religious?
No. 254901
>>254726I have only read about an SX Lite modchip you needed to make that work but never looked much into it sadly.
>>254727Yeah I got mine from a rando from ebay. He sold it for 120 or something right during the craze when Switch prices exploded everywhere, but I got it, hacked it and it works perfectly. If you have steam and a Switch you can basically play 97% of all games out there even the "exclusives" will come to switch or steam at one point.
No. 254903
>>254863No nothing with the hardware if you have the old serial numbers. It's just about putting programs onto the switch and establishing a connection with the PC basically the only physical thing you need is a "jig" that you have to connect with your right joycon rail to access the recovery mode that you need to modify the firmware and such.
>>254858Check your serial number, there are lists that show you which ones are hackable. If it's one of them you should find a lot of step by step tuts for hacking. And no Nintendo doesn't care. The worst thing that could happen is that you play an online game and they notice it and ban you. All it does is that you won't be able to play online games it has no effect on your switch itself or any of the single player games.
No. 254912
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>>254897Maybe we should move to the husbando thread because I could talk about this one particular man for the rest of this thread if you let me. I totally agree with you, I hate religious nutjobs, but something about him makes me wanna get on my knees and praise jesus.
No. 254918
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Just finished this game and I'm exhausted. I think I loved all the different character interactions and stories the most. So many earnest moments that weren't interrupted or brushed off with comedic puns. I enjoyed it.
No. 254922
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>>254864>I do really love the aesthetic of Dead MoneyI think it's been inspired by the atmosphere of the movie Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, if you want more of it
>>254875His face is hidden, so your imagination fills the blank
No. 255019
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I started playing Blasphemous after not touching a joystick in years, probably not the best game to get back in business but I love Metroidvanias and the art direction is amazing. I'm struggling a bit but I'm having so much fun!
No. 255214
>>255019This game is gorgeous! Have fun
nonnie! Would love to hear your thoughts about it when you finish.
No. 255844
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All Blizzard games are now unplayable in China lol
No. 255949
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nonas is the new ace attorney game (I guess not super new but newest) worth getting? I want to play another and was thinking about it
No. 256043
>>255949I had never played this series before until I got it
thanks to the husbando thread and it's a lot of fun. A plot with a lot of twists, likeable characters, nice visuals and music.
No. 256046
>>255949Absolutely, specially if you've played the previous ace attorney games. I followed the fan translation and was hooked to the game for 4 years, the ost and characters are wonderful.
I have to say the second game (…arc? I haven't been able to play the localization yet) is a bit weaker than the first because due to the original game selling poorly, they had to squish the story of 2 games onto a single one (it was supposed to be a triology), but it still holds ok.
No. 256048
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Are there any other nonas here into Hades? I didn't think I would enjoy a roguelike game but it's so addicting! I've escaped countless times yet there is still so much to do. Like learning how to play the lute.
My question to any veterans here is how do I re-unite the Olympic and the underworld gods? Do I max out the relationships with everyone with nectar or what?
No. 256054
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>>256050It will take me a while to find it because the tumblr account where I saved these is gigantic, but I'm pretty sure I read a few years back an interview with Takumi where he said his original plan was to make a new trilogy, that's why the story is long. Not sure if Capcom agreed on that idea, but they weren't happy with DGS1's sales, so DGS2 was pretty much a "gift" to Takumi so he could end the story.
It also would explain how DGS1 is so slow-paced compared to DGS2 and why some stuff is not explained (also there are numerous complains in the artbooks about the lack of budget they were given for DGS2, and how because it and time, they weren't able to add some ideas they had planned)
(In the meanwhile, you can have an estimation of baby Iris' heigh I made years ago. If we think that's a small pet mouse of average size, that would make her around 56cm)
No. 256060
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>>255019I just started this too.
I love this shit. The aesthetics, themes and the atmosphere. I was hyped for this the moment it was announced but then forgot since it took ages to come out but it's so good. I will forever be grateful to the Souls games for making armors popular again.
No. 256193
>>256054A lot of the events leading into DGS' creation are covered in detail here: good watch for Ace Attorney fans in general.
No. 256460
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>>255871I miss him so much I am about to re-download the game just to play this goddamn expac.
No. 256511
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>>256460>>256482agree holy shit i hate HH. everything about it. but joshua is the best character in the game, imo (and definitely top 5 in the whole series).
No. 256576
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>>256460im already on it
>>256482>>256511so, would you say he's… A Light Shining in Darkness?
No. 256606
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You know what's funny? In Xenoblade 2 the main female characters are treated like they're total sluts obsessed with the MC when they're actually fully developed characters who just happen to wear short clothes and whose arcs don't fully depend on the MC (which is especially obvious in the DLC), meanwhile Zeke, Mikhail and Malos literally exist in the same game.
No. 256771
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>>256576>>256511>>256482nonnas, I wanna hear your other takes on F:NV, is there anything else about the game that you remember particularly and want to speak about? I would love to hear.
No. 256812
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>>256771To me the two most memorable NPCs from recent Obsidian games are Fantastic and the Gelato man from Alpha Protocol. They're both wildly incompetent yet are guarding extremely important systems, they're just glitches in the bureaucracy that you're the first to uncover
Also my favorite weapon is the Abilene Kid BB gun, because it secretly has very high critical damage, which means it's one of the best sneak attack weapon in the game (and can be acquired as soon as you reach New Vegas). I use it to sneak kill patrols and caravans in the desert, since it doesn't make you lose reputation or karma if it's done discretely
Also you can win guesses in the hacking minigame if you click on the parts where there are similar opening and closing brackets, like () [] <>
No. 256829
>>256812He has a theoretical degree in physics
>>256826Boone has a cool hat. He is ugly though.
No. 256845
>>256829boone is really a whiny ass bitch. i dont understand why he has such a huge thirsty fanbase. i guess its girls who want to fix him. i just think hes ugly and annoying. he is just manpain: the character.
anyway my fave fonv characters are joshua (duh), ulysses, beatrix, yes-man and vulpes
No. 256891
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I have a soft spot for grumpy/cold characters and Boone is not that good looking for sure, but he has all the rights to be so bitter (out of all the enemies he could be involved with, he got the most dehumanizing one)
I remember feeling very frustrated too because he wouldn't have emotional progress, but when he died in my playthrough and i read his letter he just felt much softer than what i knew him for and i started crying, felt so sorry for him and the fact that he would have never been able to go back to better days
No. 256911
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>>256771Joshua best boy and all
>tfw youre trekking across the desert with your companions and you get jumpscared by the random kill cam when they kill an enemy you didn't see
>that OWB stealth suit pranking you No. 256954
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>>256950all good, it's not like anyone has a chance to surpass Joshua anyway
>>256771i loved Dead Money, it felt so haunting and immersive which is why i love NV in the first place. Ghost People are so cute and the only mod i ever used was one that would let you have a Ghost companion.
Vault 22 will scare no matter how many times i explored it
No. 257050
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I wish I had something smart to say but I don't, I'm just so happy I'll finally get to have at least a semblance of fun playing Strive. Finally, some good fucking food (that isn't spiked with estrogen)
No. 257119
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I'm playing Persona5 for the first time (not Royal) and I can't decide which girl Joker should date. As a lover of romance, which route gives the best romantic content? I've been looking up who's the best and all I can find are creepy scrotes on gamefaqs being weird about Futaba and the teacher. I did the Hawaii date with Hifumi which I thought was super sweet, but I'm a bit sad she's not in my party. So yeah, which option who's not an adult or a literal middle schooler is more romantic and has good chemistry with Joker?
I just started Haru's father's dungeon for reference.
No. 257121
>>257119im a big persona fag and i honestly never hated the romance routes more than p5.
out of the party members, futaba can be endearing at times but sometimes its weird yeah.
makoto and haru are fine but they hardly feel romantic at all
ann's route becomes so nlog and annoying to me kek, but when theres actually romantic parts the chemistry is good i think.
i thought the best girl was hifumi by far, but unfortunately it seems like both the game and the fans kinda forget about her the most
No. 257187
>>257119I don't think any of the routes in Persona 5 are particularly romantic, especially in vanilla P5. I usually end up doing either harem because why not, or choosing Haru or Hifumi because they're pretty and I like them as characters (sorry, not very deep at all).
You might like Royal more for the addition of Kasumi –
or even Akechi's new confidant scenes, if you're a BL fag like me.