No. 398914
We have a bad art thread so why not one for bad writing?
Post and discuss
>purple prose>cringeworthy dialogue>retarded characters>bizarre plots>tryhard style>breasts breasting boobilyand more!
see also:
book general
>>>/m/351019 overrated fiction
>>>/m/15093author cows
>>>/snow/1959094(use the existing thread) No. 398915
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insipired by this excerpt by neil gaiman
No. 398926
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This is an old /lit/ post but the writing always gives me so much second hand embarrassment
No. 398932
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No lolcow bad writing thread would be complete without snippets from Onion boy.
No. 399000
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reposting this one from the cringe thread bc the attempt at turning tryhard tumblr smol bean posts into actual writing is something
No. 399173
>>399036>>399017i did a cursory catalog search but didn't notice the old dead thread, my bad. report this thread and necro the old one if it offends you that much.
No. 399228
>>398926HIS OILY SMARTS… classic kek. how would you even edit this anonsisters… genuinely wdhmbt
>>399000this genuinely makes me suicidal