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No. 2116126

Previous: >>2101400

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread


Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:

Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

Useful youtube channels:
>where to find art
>other useful sites
painting Amrita Sher-Gil - Three Girls (1935)


No. 2116132

I believe this tinfoil tbh its the only way their dedication to schizoposting makes sense kek. Based on their typing style they might even be the same anon who said they'd make an "alternative site for farmers" which screams honeypot to me

No. 2116134

Do any of you Procreate nonas have any recommendations for brushes that mimic traditional media like copics or pencils? I don't like any of the brushes that came with the program.

No. 2116137

With that anon's instant aggression when people questioned them, plus them getting mad about that chick not liking Trump, I wouldn't even doubt the honeypot thing.

No. 2116138

>retard would rather believe some tinfoil without proof than a mountain of evidence leading to the callout poster being a very left leaning artfag
this is why the tifs keep winning and taking over every single female only space. Enjoy having to walk over eggshells not to anger your tranny furfag overlords.

No. 2116139

You need to take your meds

No. 2116142

says the person defending a fag who harasses farmers.

No. 2116145

I'm slowly losing faith in the original tinfoil as time goes on solely because of how combative anons like >>2116138 are

No. 2116153

sure anon, lets ignore the mountain of proof! its definetly someone who just happens to choose the exact same username as a BLM artfag sperg who talked about cutting family who doesnt share her same beliefs! i am pretty sure its all a big coincidence and emily didnt do anything wrong!

No. 2116155

Stop attacking people that are on your side, moron

No. 2116158

you are the one defending emily

No. 2116161

I'm not the anon you're responding to retard

No. 2116162

then why did you even respond? the post wasnt directed towards you

No. 2116163

Because that anon isn't even defending Emily. Stop attacking people because they're asking you genuine questions. The evidence you've provided isn't enough to determine that this is her.

No. 2116164

This always happens when there's that one anon who keeps posting and won't shut the fuck up at the slightest bit of criticism. Like one of those dogs in your neighborhood that barks all day and all night. You know the one.

No. 2116165

I contributed to the proof, dunderhead and now I'm starting to regret it. Chill the fuck out you sound like that doomed from not so long ago.

No. 2116166

there is a mountain of evidence. The only ''evidence'' against the callout poster not being emily is the odd chance that another left leaning artfag just to happens to pick the same username as she. Which sounds insanely stupid. This is why men are allowed to gatekeep their spaces but women arent.

No. 2116167

Can we just stop responding to this schizofag until they chill the fuck out

No. 2116173

do whatever you please, if you dont want to believe all the evidence go ahead. I dont use social media anyways, i just wanted to help the anons that do and that have to walk on eggshells to not get cancelled over wrongthink. Funny how this thread spergs about how trannies and TRAs ruined art spaces yet are the firsts one jumping in to defend a woman who sent people to harass terfs.

No. 2116189

Have you ever tried to come up with a username on a popular social media site? The overwhelming number of people on the Internet makes it extremely likely for a two-word username you come up with to be already taken because someone else thought of it too. I agree with the other people that this is probably someone completely different and we should stop making fun of this random lady

No. 2116193

but how likely is it that you happen to choose the exact same username of a leftist artfag? its too much of a coincidence.

No. 2116194

The username in question sounds very edgy/artsy, so it’s not that weird

No. 2116196

it doesnt really, but whatever. If only troons would also wk you guys this hard, but all of you got banned not even for wrong think, but just for visiting the wrong site kek.

No. 2116200

Are you going to explain her typing style changing, or is the username the only real evidence you have? Another anon proved that she just changed her tumblr blog's username and the blog itself still exists, so I'm not sure why you're so insistent about this being her

No. 2116202

File: 1722563780259.png (15.76 KB, 742x156, lol ok emily.png)

>Another anon proved that she just changed her tumblr blog's username and the blog itself still exists
how do you explain this then? it redirects to the exact same blog with the callout. I am using brave though, feel free to dl brave and try it for yourself if you dont believe me.

No. 2116204

I panicked regarding the af ban and the tumblr post that I've changed all my usernames kek. will this affect me if I'm trying to garner a following to get commissions?

No. 2116206

No shit dummy, that's how tumblr works. You can take the abandoned usernames of other users if they stop using them. The link won't change. That doesn't change the fact that she changed her username. Other anons including me in the previous thread searched for her username on google and this cache wouldn't show up for any of us. She doesn't use this username anymore. What are you proving?

No. 2116210

>Other anons including me in the previous thread searched for her username on google and this cache wouldn't show up for any of us.
because you are using google, i am using brave.
>What are you proving?
that it is her tumblr, linked to her real name. But you guys would rather believe than some random just so happen to steal her username for a throwaway, what a coincidence.

No. 2116213

Well the tumblr linked to her real name is https://www.tumblr.com/gwillygloom/145118775223/redrawn-captain-harlock-by-rainbowbile once again, she just changed her username and someone else grabbed it. You’ve shown no evidence of this woman even having an Art Fight account. It should be easy since she tends to use the same username everywhere, no special characters included

No. 2116214

File: 1722564404461.png (194.77 KB, 598x747, waitwhat.png)

MFW most of the designs replying the thread didn't "glow up" like OP means.

No. 2116215

File: 1722564424005.png (5.16 KB, 520x106, muh lowercase.png)

so real, i am a farmhand actually! how did you find out?

No. 2116218

how do you explain >>2116202 being an username she uses constantly and being linked to her name in the brave search? like seriously i cant believe you guys would rather believe the odd chance than someone just so happens to grab the exact same username as another leftist artfag rather than her just using her old account as a throwaway to post the callout.

No. 2116219

the username is the only evidence and it's not something incredibly oscure or unique that no one else could come up with.
that's just how the tumblr urls work. once you moved your blog to another url, someone else can take up the original one and host their own stuff in the blog suing tagt address. this just prove she used to have a blog with that name at some point, but it's entirely psosible she changed it to something else, maybe even years ago, and someone unrelated picked up the rainbowbile username.
she has been inactive for a long time on every platform too. it seems very likely that she abandoned that name and someone else started to use it.

No. 2116221

You think someone grabbing her username is far fetched but the idea of some normie woman that is barely active on social media randomly coming back to tumblr after 6 years and changing her entire typing style to own the terves is believeable?

No. 2116225

>the username is the only evidence and it's not something incredibly oscure or unique that no one else could come up with.
that username is linked to her deviantart, her tumblr, her twitter, her snapchat, her reddit account and her instagram so it must not be such a quirky username that everyone wants to steal if she has been using it for over 10 years without problems.

No. 2116227

File: 1722564722922.jpg (297.26 KB, 1080x1883, Screenshot_20240801_190649_Bra…)

Nta, I also got this result with Brave

No. 2116228

its not a random woman shes both a turbo leftist who sperged the whole 2020 about BLM AND an artfag, its just way too much of coincidence that another leftist whos also an artfag also grabbed her name.
i am using PC and incognito

No. 2116230

You keep calling her a turbo leftist and your only evidence of this is her not liking racism and a literal rapist

No. 2116234

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No. 2116236

This feels less like you caring about women's spaces and more like you getting mad because a woman has different politics than you do

No. 2116237

No you'll be fine nona. Maybe don't link your socials to anything connected to LC next time

No. 2116238

why would i even care i am not even american. I am just using her politics to show shes very left leaning and very obviously pro trannies.

No. 2116241

This. Make a side account with a random username for lc and keep your main account clean.

No. 2116242

Do you have any posts from her that are actually about transgenderism? A bunch of nonas here are left leaning and anti-racism but being left leaning doesn't mean you're pro tranny.

No. 2116244

she spergs about white privilege shes obviously the tumblrina type of leftist and not a radfem or anything more nuanced.

No. 2116245

Ok so you still don't have any evidence that this is her and you're schizopsting. Good luck, nona

No. 2116248

unless i have a video of her saying ''i wrote the callout fuck all terfs!!'' it will never be enough evidence for all of you. I wish trannies and handmaidens would also have given you that kind of leeway, but nope, permabanned for using a hashtag lmao

No. 2116250

>unless i have a video of her saying ''i wrote the callout fuck all terfs!!'' it will never be enough evidence for all of you.
Correct. We're not scrotes who instantly take the bait, we're smarter than that.

No. 2116252

Nah you're fine anon, Artfight is just a retarded outlier, I've never seen a site that enforces bans for offsite behavior. This will be forgotten pretty quickly and the Tumblr callout post has almost no notes.

No. 2116253

Is it even that deep? The tattlechan from Tumblr sounds like a little pissbaby, but the back and forth over an account that COULD be that asshole isn't much better. Unless you've got a smoking gun or the chick who owns that account starts sperging about lolcow or something milky and worth our time I don't see much point in this keeping on. Was AF even that fun? Just sounded like another art trade event tbh

No. 2116255

I enjoyed seeing a large number of animal characters with pronouns and sexualities.

No. 2116259

I couldn't care less about Art Fight really. I just don't like the idea of anons doxxing and attacking the appearance of some random lady because of a case of mistaken identity

No. 2116260

you say this but the callout post literally linked anons social media pages without proof besides their usernames. You think she would believe the ''umm ackshually some terf stole my username!!!'' excuse?

No. 2116263

she restricted who can respond to the callout post btw

No. 2116268

She didn't. I think you're blocked

No. 2116277

Would that suggest that the lowercase poster has some relation to the callout user?

No. 2116307

Maybe? I went to check the post and could reply to it with no problem.

No. 2116314

nah, i actually didnt realize i wasnt singed in kek my bad

No. 2116338

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Late but
>she just stopped drawing because shes a NGMI lazy retard
Lmao anon you didn’t have to call me out tonight
I haven’t registered to Art Fight and don’t have Tumblr so I can’t tell if picrel is about da evil terfz they found but if true I want to shout out to you ladies. Love the work, and a special shout out to Trinity.

No. 2116390

Does anyone know whatever happened with oosifer/useikun? I randomly thought about how I haven't seen her stuff in a while but it seems she nuked all accounts back in september. All I can find is vague "I'm sad about it but I get why she left" posts with no elaboration

No. 2116391

Are you Emily? If so, I’m extremely sorry on behalf of all the anons who were insulting you

No. 2116398

i brutally fogged my best friend she was coming with her boyfriend to me and when she went to do someone i french kissed her boyfriend brutally what should i do now? should i tell her then steal her boyfriend?(unintegrated troll)

No. 2116404

that nonna is humorously saying she relates a little too much to the words used to describe emily because she hasn't been studying drawing as much as she should, not that she's actually emily

No. 2116426

im fucking begging nonas to actually read the op and put the painting names you retards

No. 2116428

Yeah OP missed that, but at least it's in the name of the file.

No. 2116462

Seeing polite, kind, extremely talented nonas get banned from AF is depressing me. Why should we get banned for offsite activity if none of us are doing anything illegal? I got to see some of the artwork they made for other users before the pastures tag got wiped and a lot of it was genuinely sweet and straight up professional level work. It's just an art trading website, it shouldn't be acting like the last bastion for "social justice" or whatever. Saw some people mentioning on Twitter about getting banned for being christians, too. I keep most of my "named" work extremely socially tame, but who knows what opinions are going to be seen as "disgusting or abhorrent" next year.
Gotta say, sending thanks to that one shitter "emily" for cataloging everyone who was using the tag, makes it easier to follow their work, kek.

No. 2116613

I thought about that too, but this part
>I want to shout out to you ladies. Love the work, and a special shout out to Trinity.
made it seem like someone coming from off-site to clear things up, which is why I thought it was her. Thanks for clarifying

No. 2116628

That’s why I really want to have an art trading Discord server or something for LC. I’m not the anon that people were accusing of making a honeypot or whatever. Though my art is unfortunately linked to my real name so I’d have to be extra careful participating in something like that (or not do it at all).

No. 2116736

Back to this. I gave the cgsg invite a go earlier and the server is pretty decent, but why not make a lolcow exclusive server? Nonas keep suggesting it again and again but no one seems to ever do anything. (And before you ask me, I’m too busy with work to mod shit).

No. 2116745

It's against the rules to make discord groups here iirc. I'm also worried for tattlechans joining the discord.

No. 2116753

It's against the rules. I dont know why anons want to join discords so badly, they always go wrong.

No. 2116763

It always seems tempting to have a lolcow exclusive server, especially for newfags that are attracted to meeting supposed likeminded and talented women. But the concept of a shit talking gossip site rife with infighting and ideological disputes no longer given anonymity is the main reason why lolcord never worked in the first place. All discords typically end in explosions, and I can’t imagine the pent up venting and cowish behavior coming to full light when anons are finally given a face.

No. 2116800

Has anyone tried DAD? A friend of mine recommended it to me and it looks interesting. My only complaint is that the users with the highest streaks have really mediocre art, it's honestly a bit blackpilling to see people who have been drawing every day for 5 years still having begginer tier art, i wonder if its legit autism in some cases.

No. 2116804

Ngl I think you gotta be an autist to draw every day

No. 2116808

is it really that hard to draw everyday? i thought it was common.

No. 2116825

Nayrt like to do studies and doodles every day but tbh I am an autist

No. 2116851

File: 1722597248490.jpeg (55.13 KB, 426x719, images - 2024-08-02T211223.248…)

It's actually way less blackpilling than you think, those users with high streaks have shit art because they're so focused on the streaks instead of actually studying anything or taking the time to explore concepts or subjects outside of their comfort zone and they're definitely not reading theory either. They are a prime example of what you shouldn't do to in the long term, let it motivate you to learn and push your boundaries so you don't stagnate or degrade. As for my other thoughts on DAD, I think it's very unsustainable in the long run and also there's were way too many coomers there for my liking.

No. 2116871

Is it good to get critiques though?

No. 2116883

They were decentish in my experience. I wouldn't recommend following the advice of a lot of the artists on there though, unless they have their fundies sound because otherwise you'll be wasting your time (especially because permabegs don't understand personal preference =\= flaw in drawing worthy of criticism)

No. 2116930

Thats why i wanted to try DAD in the first place. I wanted criticism from people that post work so i could judge for myself if i should take it seriously or not. Its very hard to take criticism from /ic/ or here because you dont really know if the person even draws.

No. 2116971

It definitely helped me develop a habit of picking up the pen to draw something more. After a certain point you outgrow anonymous imageboard feedback and are better off asking in groups you trust.

No. 2117001

Does DAD stand for drawing daily or is it an actual online community? What does the acronym mean?

No. 2117023

DAD is an /ic/ related community/site where users log their daily art progress (acronym means do art daily). I used to post and it was fine (though as nonas above me mentioned feedback is hit or miss and there are a lot of permabegs posting), I left when I thought it was dying but checking the site out now it doesn't seem to be doing too bad? A lot of people I don't recognize kek

No. 2117027

Draw Art Daily. There's been a few iteration of this already in the past, like "Last artist standing". You can treat it as a daily logger and ignore the threads/comments. It's a lot of nodraws backseating in the threads that I dislike, I often see them making tierlists of the artists last I check, kek.

No. 2117060

This seems like the perfect site I’ve been looking for, thank you nonas. I hate the ‘social’ aspect of posting to social media, particularly regarding unnecessary drama and distracting FYPs. I’ll give this a try instead.

No. 2117161

Are there any anons that made the switch from a line art heavy style to a painterly one? I'm having trouble with it so I was curious if there are any specific exercises or tutorials you guys used.

No. 2117166

Is neocities a nice, customizable portfolio site for art? I used to have artstation but it's even more souless than before. I know retard clients want a "professional portfolio site" but I don't give a fuck anymore

No. 2117174

No, you have to put in your own code. You could always find a template or commission a layout and then use Neocities to host it. Carrd has portfolio layouts you can use if you don't want to mess with html/css.

No. 2117252

so much crappy coomer shit

No. 2117334

>/ic/ related
I'm sorry nona but what did you expect…

No. 2117365

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You can say the same for literally any art community though. I miss J.

No. 2117367

I didn’t have the courage to partecipate in artfight because my username there is the same I use to draw lewds, but I so wish to draw nonnas’ characters…

No. 2117374

File: 1722624482220.png (30 KB, 300x300, Kitty Manthing.png)

I miss oekakis. There were some really, really good, fun ones back in the day. There were two I remember, one was something like "ArtCentral Oekaki" and the other was Loish's. Had good times drawing my Neopets and other people's characters. Picrel, ain't my art but I saved it from when someone drew it for my birthday a billion years ago.

No. 2117389

I miss oekaki too! I used to draw on the bakaneko oekaki board as a kid. I know there are some boards still floating around but they are pretty much dead.

No. 2117397

I miss oekaki soo much you have no idea, I would kill to have one just for myself and my friends. Does anyone remember all the crazy drama that would happen on the Sutaro Oekakis back in the day?

No. 2117398

Holy shit you just jogged my memory. Ended up going to the Wayback Machine, found the "Anime Hardcore" oekaki and I recognize so many people from there. It's just a matter of time 'til I find my stuff, lol

No. 2117410

It's a decent community if you can tolerate a lot of moid shit, its better than the rest of /ic/ at the very least. It's good if you need motivation to draw more, drawing every day for stretches has definitely made my art better and improved my output

ngl j is part of what made me wanna quit dad, seeing the gross lolishota rape and drawings of women getting fucked by like animals and orcs he kept putting out, and no one giving a fuck because most dad users are moids who get off to that and he draws better than the average /beg/. It made me realize dad wasn't a community I wanted to be a part of.

No. 2117416

there's the chicken smoothie one still around, though it's a kids website

No. 2117418

He sadly is the most skilled DAD.

No. 2117435

I found my old oekaki art, fuck.

No. 2117458

Who’s J?

No. 2117459

an old user of DAD who doesnt post anymore

No. 2117490

I associated oekaki with nsfw weeb art despite knowing nothing about it, and wasn't bothered to find out lol
Now nonnas mention it fondly I'm a bit curious

No. 2117499

Ah it looks cute actually, looks like branch of pixel art

No. 2117516

File: 1722630133861.png (47.2 KB, 450x450, 274.png)

It was. It was basically all the tools for pixel art, plus a "watercolor" brush, an airbrush, and I think a pen tool. Some artists were pretty damn good with it, like Loish.

No. 2117526

File: 1722630474516.png (77.71 KB, 854x984, DoodleCom3.png)

It was Kuitsuku for me

No. 2117530

Holy shit is that Leelakin's art? I remember her, too, holy fuck

No. 2117532

Wait nevermind I'm gay and dumb. But I recognize the character, and the name sounds so familiar. I swear to god I knew her.

No. 2117534

Nah this is Kuitsuke/Eevee1 who owned Suta Ratio/the Sutaro oekakis, but looking up Leelakin it looks like they were in the same circles back in the day.

Sidenote but Kuitsuku used to have an archive of her old art on her website and now it's only available with the wayback machine, rip

No. 2117545

Ah shit, now I recognize the name. I remember Vanillakitsune completely stole her art style, kek

No. 2117555

File: 1722631581712.png (66.34 KB, 900x900, 1237.png)

I think we all did back in the day, tbh. I used to follow her Photoshop shading tutorial religiously as a teen

No. 2117585

Don't s'pose you have a link to it?

No. 2117602

No. 2117647

I was on sso/sron too nona! It was so fun back then and there were some genuinely good artists (who mostly drew hot men). Do you remember any of the artists you liked?

No. 2117661

Unfortunately I saw the true colors of a lot of the artists so can't look at them the same way, kek. I was more active on a smaller oekaki once I got older and I'm still friends with a lot of them.

I do like Kuitsuku's old art a lot though, and Vanillakitsune's stuff was great despite what happened to her. I was more into sparkledogs than the hot guys though so we might remember different people. Who did you like?

No. 2117678

>Unfortunately I saw the true colors of a lot of the artists so can't look at them the same way, kek.
Nayrt but that sounds interesting. What happened?

No. 2117695

There was definitely a cliquey environment if that's what you mean. I liked the art of that group a lot though (kim, keeko and the other girl). I also liked foolbot/caw. I still follow her but she trooned out sadly

No. 2117705

A lot of the artists on the intermediate/advanced board were in a big clique. They'd regularly harass and bully any younger artists trying to join those boards, some of them even suicide baited the kids for 'copying' their sparkledogs. They all secretly hated each other too and would be nice to each others faces while writing articles on Encyclopediadramatica about each other behind their backs.

They're probably all in their mid-late 30s now but never grew out of that mindset and are still doing that shit behind locked accounts. It's like mean girls who peaked in high school but even more pathetic.

A lot of them also secretly seethe about the artists who grew out of that clique and became successful professional artists.

There's probably a lot that happened that I never saw, but a lot of artists from that era probably have personal stories about those people if you knew who to ask.

No. 2117794

Nonnas I'm paranoid. I didn't use the pastures tag but I attacked someone from it and followed a few of you, my social media is semi-popular, super normie and I have a lot of gendie followers… could I get called out or banned for this? I'm scared, I rely almost entirely on commissions for money…

No. 2117809

You'll be fine, it's not that big of a deal. If you're that paranoid though, just delete your artfight account.

No. 2117820

Nah, you'll be fine. I highly doubt anyone will give you shit because outside of LC, no one really knows or cares about it. But if they do, you can either ignore them or just say that you didn't know. I was one of the anons banned and I got attacked by normies and gendies. Doesn't mean that they're secretly crypto. They just saw my characters and liked them enough to draw them

No. 2117861

people are already making videos of pumpkin the gentlemnan

No. 2117866

Everybody want to be filmcoopers annoying ass suddenly

No. 2117922

>just delete
Easier said than done kek they must have like one or two people working on deletions, that shit takes forever. If you ask about it in the discord they'll simply tell you to wait more because that team is so small. I wonder if they delete any accounts at all at this point, I sent a request almost a year ago and still nothing.

No. 2117962

Chances are, if you weren't apart of the last banwave, you're okay. Even if you were banned, the ban reason is private. You can always feign ignorance when it comes to any callout. You'll be okay, nona, the administration is fucking lazy and if someone doesn't have a vendetta against you, nobody is gonna call you out or notice.

No. 2118036

Can you give examples? I enjoy line art but do not have the patience. Usually my sketches are turned into drawings but I always refine it with paint, not so much a paint by numbers thing with a solid drawing underneath; I need to work on that. It sounds like you’re moving away from comics or illustration then, if understood right.

No. 2118148

I feel like everybody forgot about him already. Tbh that “shiiii I look good” picture makes me Kek still

No. 2118151

Sorry I forgot that it might be a tif. Him/her whatever

No. 2118158

TIF on TIF violence

No. 2118173

AYRT holy shit I did this shading style too but I picked it up from Lion King artists, KEK. What a tangled web it was back then.

No. 2118183

I have been re-reading old threads where anons talked about mgong, and it made me realize that if i had her skill and fame i would also act like a bitchy diva ngl

No. 2118186

would you also make a fat tif oc

No. 2118197

No, but i would definetly waste my skills drawing nasty weird crap like her. NEET autistic weeb artists larping as mean girls is such an oxymoron to me that i cant help but find it endearing.

No. 2118921

File: 1722690113474.jpg (1.44 MB, 2304x2218, plots.jpg)

Why can’t nu-neopets hire better artists, shouldn’t there be more skilled autistic furries frothing at the mouth to draw for them?

No. 2118928

File: 1722690257539.mp4 (12.76 MB, 900x720, champions-of-meridell-act-one-…)

Even the wonkiest looking early plots had more charm

No. 2118929

looks alright for a dying game

No. 2118934

File: 1722690410917.jpg (38.1 KB, 400x400, IMG_20240629_171726_037.jpg)

I like the shitty art though…

No. 2119039

Does Casin0s have any active accounts anywhere?

No. 2119144

File: 1722698632811.jpg (252.48 KB, 900x900, nicooonico_.jpg)

She made a new twitter account
I personally dislike her new art, I wish she hasn't sold 99% of her anthro characters. Her new designs are boring.
Some of her old art is up in a furry booru. if anyone has more old art of her's saved, please share it.

No. 2119198

I gotta ask, how is the art in cgsg and general atmosphere like? Been considering joining since they claim to emphasize with the artfight situation but you can't lurk before joining so I'm sorta curious.

No. 2119210

File: 1722700751659.jpg (62.25 KB, 600x600, medium.jpg)

Her art looks ranfren inspired here, this is the first time I've heard about this artist

No. 2119281

File: 1722702292489.jpg (23.13 KB, 300x300, OEMEfeelingold.jpg)

You made me remember one of my fav artists back in the '00.

No. 2119299

I don't remember much, but her inspirations were mostly kaneoya sachiko, funamusea, osamu tezuka and japanese subcultures in general.
she used to be popular back when deviantart was still frequented.

No. 2119337

I traced this picture to draw my own characters so many times, kek

No. 2119350

Hello. Yes, I am such an autistic. The only furry content I enjoy is that site. But tbh the new owners have had their own issues when it comes to artwork. Less than stellar work is kinda small beans compared to the time they lifted kuitsuku's fanart in 2015 and possibly again for some stupid af necklace design 2020.

I mean the old art has a lot of charm because of it's historical ties to the site. Google races animation, etc is great cause you know it was a couple of 20 something weirdos in the UK making things themselves for the autism farm that became Neopets. Coming up on the anniversary and fact that a lot of artists grew up drawing these creatures and are more than willing to draw more consistent quality stuff shelling out some cash for better artists wouldn't hurt. That said I agree no replacing old original site art!

No. 2119409

I thought this character was made by 3pm or are they the same person

No. 2119517

How does it feel to truly make art just for yourself? What do you do when you finish a piece? Do you finish anything at all?

Two years ago I deleted my social media accounts where I would share art due to how demotivated I got from getting no interaction at all. I decided to draw just for my own enjoyment and don't share it. I ended up quitting drawing completely. Haven't drawn anything for over a year and feel no motivation to do it, since it feels like such a waste of time to make something. I hear people make art for themselves all the time, so I feel like this means that I'm just not an artist by default because I'm mainly motivated by my creations being seen by others.

No. 2119547

used to experience the same. found that even when I create content for myself it still felt like a chore to do not to mention i dont have any self esteem in the first place so i had no regards to making something only i could enjoy i found that having at least a small circle of friends, even if its just one person to acknowledge the art, was enough to satisfy creativity. even better if you and a friend can do mindless doodles on a shared canvas where you can both draw for the fun of it rather than trying to improve.

No. 2119630

I appreciate this response a lot, thank you! Honestly yeah, having a friend to share art with sounds ideal, I do have friends who make art and share it with me, but didn't really think about showing my own to them. The sharing a canvas thing sounds quite fun!

No. 2119653

File: 1722712521411.png (518.1 KB, 609x732, lmfao.png)

The art is so bad in the comic. I will never get over the backwards ear. How is the inner ear on the back of the head. Your thumb faces inward when looking at the figure from behind.

No. 2119685

this has soul, to cop from /ic/fags
they're probably rushed and not enjoying the work, i feel like that artist is probably capable of more but doesn't have time to do better. i wish they either did a more simplified or bold comic style or cut down the number of pages for better art quality. they could have had more dialogue sections.

No. 2119687

File: 1722713528445.png (188.12 KB, 369x608, ch02_pt03_pg04_atlas_1~2.png)

You're right that the art is bad, but the ear is on the Faellie she's holding. The Aisha's own head is cyan. The art is still bad, though. Neopets has plenty of fantastic fanartists who would be happy to work for them, idk why they never hire those people.

No. 2119690

Sometimes art just isn't for everyone and that's okay.

No. 2119744

File: 1722716625772.png (527.88 KB, 471x734, baelia.PNG)

The artist that drew the original comics were also the same artist that created said species and pretty much most of the artwork you would have seen on the sight back then, so they'd have more practice with it than nu-artist. The comic does have it's moments and isn't completely wonky.

No. 2119777

I draw for myself and rarely draw. I don't really study, and struggle at a lot of things but when I pickup a pencil I genuinely feel proud of works I complete and don't feel hostile towards drawing and creating. I have no discipline, but I decided long ago that making art professionally was not for me. I have hopes for my art, don't know if ill ever achieve them but at least I'm enjoying the journey and that's what matters most. I used to have an account where I shared my stuff and want to have one in the future, but it genuinely stresses me to know I'd have to keep up with uploads so the actual act of maintaining a following would be impossible. If more casual sites still existed (da doesn't count) I'd be more inclined to post my creatons online but those kind of sites died long ago and social media is just not for me. I have a lot of respect for artists who have great discipline, and work to improve their skills and continuously produce works. I realize how difficult that is and how impossible it is for me.

No. 2119811

File: 1722718591546.jpg (887.87 KB, 2048x1575, neopets_sketch_vs_final.jpg)

the current plot art sucks complete ass because the company running neopets is hiring a random studio for super cheap to finish their graphic designers sketches. they make no changes to his original sketch if any, and when they DO make changes it makes them even worse. not even defending this slop but im a neo autist and i feel bad for the guy doing these sketches because some of them are even better looking than the finals. he posts these on his tumblr yourfathersmustache if you want to see more of them. a lot of fans are upset with how the comic is looking but that's what happens when they promise a page every other day for an entire year on a 5 dollar budget lol

No. 2119859

File: 1722720068724.gif (8.1 KB, 150x150, 03AA0FCB-8AAF-42B8-838A-050357…)

The eye changes are pissing me off so bad kek like the triangular eyes are part of the design!

No. 2119979

File: 1722723400774.jpeg (213 KB, 1024x650, IMG_3767.jpeg)

Well, nona, there’s nothing inherently wrong with getting your artistic motivation from validation by internet strangers. The problem is that there are simply too many people online for individual artists to cope healthily with either too little or too much attention, whether positive or negative. The two best solutions are to use social media, but delete and begin fresh once every couple of months, or to find a small online (e.g. discord) community of 20-ish friends to share your art with, and cycle through those until you find a group that suits you best. Both methods allow you to consistently dripfeed a small amount of motivation— just enough to get your artsy juices flowing— without all the downsides of retarded fandoms and social mobs on bigger websites. This advice worked for me, so I hope it can work for you.

No. 2119988

(Same nona) I forgot to specify that this advice helps in your unique case— seeking to get the benefits of online attention while also ‘drawing for yourself’— because it allows you to get motivation without getting married to the idea of drawing for an audience that will either disappear anyway when you delete, or a cult discord following that’s too tiny to have any influence on your personal artistic decisions (and if it does, you might just be weak. Kek).

No. 2119999

>how does it feel
>what do you do when you finish a piece
It goes in the Piece Folder
>do you finish anything
In my opinion yes. Keep in mind I mean physical drawings. The piece folder is a literal orange folder. The unfinished piece folder is a separate folder entirely. Then there's the Box.

No. 2120034

Why does this sound so cryptic

No. 2120049

this is so relatable kek nona are you me

No. 2120275

>How does it feel to truly make art just for yourself?
Its great. I started doing art mostly to get commissions, and thus i ended up drawing a bunch of shit i dont like, like anime girls and furries. Now i can fully concentrate in drawing my super niche interests.
>What do you do when you finish a piece?
I move on to the next drawing. Sometimes i show it to my artist friend to get some criticism.
>Do you finish anything at all?
Yeah, I try to finish at least a fully rendered piece a month. My goal is to get good enough that no matter how niche the stuff i draw is, i'll still get some followers due to my skill alone.

No. 2120433

>How does it feel to truly make art just for yourself?
It feels wonderful. I love creating ocs and then drawing them wearing different outfits and interacting with each other. My best friend has also a bunch of ocs and we make stories with them together. It's like playing with dolls.

>What do you do when you finish a piece?

I show it to my best friend and then I save it in my sketchbook, if it's digital I save it in my hard drive.

>Do you finish anything at all?

Yes, sometimes. Most of my drawings are studies and sketches that I do for fun, but I don’t have the obligation to finish anything if I don’t feel like it. So I just draw at my own pace and I really enjoy the feeling of drawing and creating without the need to worry about algorithms or engagement or likes.

I do have social media, but I only use it to see other artists and I’ve never posted my drawings there. Although I might join /dad/ just to experiment but idk I don't want to stop enjoying art.

No. 2120512

>a 5 dollar budget
People give the game so much money though, between buying in-game currency and paying for premium. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I've probably spent triple digits on the game over the last decade.

No. 2120542

I understand that people are free to do what they please when maintaining a social media presence but holy shit why are there some people who go out of their way to be snarky attention whoring bastards? Do you live off of being a piece of shit? Are you not aware of how insufferable you are? I understand that you need engagement on social media to stay in peoples feed, but to choose such an antagonistic route? Why?
I've pretty much had my beliefs cemented that an artist I was following is a woman hating bastard now. I could've been living in blissful ignorance if he wouldn't have gotten his nuts in a twist

No. 2120545

name and shame anon

No. 2120550

I don't want to because he just posted about it and he's an industry artist. But I'm starting to learn my lesson with following attention whores.

No. 2120554

The worst part was that his bitchy post was liked by another attention whore that I happen to follow. Seriously these fuckers need lives.

No. 2120557

at least say what he said

No. 2120559

Does he only have 10 followers or what kek why is him being in the industry stopping you

No. 2120564

He was posting pics of famous women to boost his shit in the algorithm usually with really bitchy captions, one said "fuck rich and famous people" made a point on one post to say the algorithm only favored rich white women(hes posted poc as well but only women). Someone called him out on it and he angrily made a post on this rando claiming they were baiting him and just being whiney and condescending. I had my feelings with all the algorithm boosting celebrity posts but now I know.

No. 2120569

is he a faggot?

No. 2120570

can you just post the name

No. 2120590

Wow, I was going to type out a reply, but this is exactly my experience too. Drawing for myself is fun, and there's also less pressure when you know theres no audience of people judging or numbers and algorithm to worry about.

No. 2120592

>I don't want to because he just posted about it and he's an industry artist
Why would this matter? It's an anonymous board, it's not likely he or some salty lurker can track you down. Esp if you've unfollowed him, there's nothing tracing you to him. There's already been posts shitting on industry professionals.

No. 2120682

File: 1722769142440.jpeg (619.25 KB, 1170x1057, IMG_3803.jpeg)

I think I’ve figured out what pisses me off so much about this account. Forget that her copy-paste retarded faces look like they have an extra chromosome; it’s the fact that everyone in her comments keeps lying to her face about her artistic deterioration. There’s no fucking way anyone genuinely thinks this empty, corporate garbage is an actual improvement, and people are doing her a genuine disservice by sucking up to her and pretending it is. She should hear the truth.

No. 2120692

both styles are genuinely hideous

No. 2120705

Is the left seriously not good? I feel like it's way better than the right, personally. Like you could look at that style and tie it to that creator, while everyone and their mother draws like the right.

No. 2120721

Nta but the the left one's feet look to be different sizes, but maybe I'm crazy kek. The one in the back looks fatter

No. 2120724

I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said

No. 2120728

I like thats she's trying something different, but as one anon said before she almost looks like she's drawing on a grid which limits her art a lot.

No. 2120731

I wouldn’t say it’s good, but good for her if it’s more marketable. Maybe she can make a living selling this stuff to companies that like this kind of graphic. The stuff on the right is honestly just as soulless, literally every Western tumblr artist who watched anime growing up draws in this same anime-influenced cartoon style. And all she was drawing before was junk like tatted tumblr witch girls. Sure it was more cute but it’s no major loss to the world if she gives it up.

No. 2120747

I know she's going for a art deco stained glass look but I'm praying for her to stop using tangents like that, if she improved in that area I'm sure her art would look far better and less stiff

No. 2120815

I feel like she gets posted every other thread but I don't get what about her makes anons seethe so much kek just follow Jacquelin Deleon if you want to see sameface alt girls instead of sameface clipart

Is that not what she's going for in the first place? How would you remove tangents from this?

No. 2120821

Why the fuck is drawing men so difficult? In every art book they are depicted like ugly shapeless blobs, and when i try to give them sexy bodies i always accidentally end up giving them female hips. I have no idea how the artists i follow manage to make them look good.

No. 2120827

NTA I'm sure she's doing it on purpose as a "stylistic choice", but the way she does it feels forced and often makes her art barely readable. On this one making the two legs (on the tigh section) a tangent feels very forced and I think it would have better form without it.

No. 2120842

Copy the artists you follow and then try to draw something similar yourself. You won't get it right if you only have vague images in your mind to reference

No. 2120849

I get my references by googling images related to attractive men and using them as reference.

No. 2120856

Sorry anons my english is shit, thats not what i meant. I mean that when i study for pics or drawings i always fuck the anatomy up and give them feminine attributes, if that makes sense. Like unlike women who are more curvy its harder to draw men and not make them look flat.

No. 2120868

sounds like you're slipping into habit/not drawing what you're actually observing. Drawing men isn't actually that different from drawing women if you're not exaggerating much (obviously there are key anatomical differences kek, I more so mean the general forms– men aren't actually made of 100% hard edges nor are women 100% curves and rounded shapes), so portraying things like volume shouldn't be any different between the two.

While I get that drawing hot guys might be your overall goal, I suggest that while you're learning to instead just focus on accuracy over appeal– one reason being is that you might be more familiar with feminine attributes equalling 'sexy', and that might be colouring your attempts at drawing men, hence the anatomy gaining those attributes when you don't intend for them. Just a thought, not necessarily the answer to your problem though. Once you can draw a generic man comfortably without it looking flat or unintentionally-feminine, then whore him up, basically kek. Good luck anon!

No. 2120891

I get what you mean. But after going through Morpho and Hampton i developed a horrible habit of drawing realistic pigs that i am trying to fix. I know how to draw men, I just dont know how to make them appealing and not like the disgusting blobs from morpho and hampton.

No. 2120910

It sounds like an issue of stylization. Start copying/referencing hot men from drawings instead of real life to see how to exaggerate the right features.

No. 2120912

Thanks, will do.

No. 2120915

do breakdowns of references you find appealing then, take notes of what traits are hot or whatever and keep them firmly in mind when drawing. Concoct your perfect man bod and draw it to your heart's content kek

Also a tip, when using art reference books, draw what's in the book once and note what's important about it, then pull up your own reference images that you prefer and draw from them while incorporating whatever theory was being demonstrated in the book. Then the book will stay as guidance rather than controlling your art habits in a way you don't actually want.

No. 2120939

File: 1722782515825.png (941.77 KB, 1195x1036, 7.png)

Am i going insane or is outofearshot on DAD Tbrainrot? I legit cant stop thinking about it, something about the colors and rendering reminds me of her art.

No. 2120950

File: 1722783381417.png (228.88 KB, 589x407, kekk.png)

I just don't get why you'd make this your main style, it doesn't even look that fun to draw to me.
Her drawings of inanimate objects in this shapey style look nice as stickers though so there's that?

No. 2120951

These people dont draw for fun, they are grifters. She probably wanted a more marketeable artstyle since her last style hasnt been trendy since 2018.

No. 2120954

It's like I get what she's going for but she isn't anywhere near talented enough to push it far enough to be interesting. It's still very lazy and amateur on a technical level. There's plenty of artists who have a very graphic style or interesting shape language but they have the skill to make it work

No. 2120958

does she ever draw anyone's eyes open kek

No. 2120969

File: 1722784111352.png (431.01 KB, 599x630, Screenshot 2024-08-04 080651.p…)

at least once. This is a little bit older but it's pretty nice. Probably because the girl isn't the focal point.

No. 2120971

File: 1722784163011.png (768.54 KB, 1200x600, WdZYkKB.png)

true, but I think the fact that she sucks ass at it shows that it's actually deceptively challenging to make an appealing, catchy, marketable version of this style that's iconically your own.
it wouldn't be a half rate tokidoki knockoff without sexy ambiguously asian women drawn insultingly

No. 2120974

File: 1722784298086.png (360.46 KB, 596x576, Screenshot 2024-08-04 080915.p…)

samefag, another girl drawing with open eyes but I like this less than the shop one.
didn't even know tokidoki had people characters until now

No. 2120977

File: 1722784408490.png (282.76 KB, 598x404, kek2.png)

Anyways I promise I'll stop posting old shit and clogging the thread but both of these look trash in their own way

No. 2120980

what the fuck did she try to do with the pink cake? why does it look so fucked up

No. 2121002

the colour choice and gradient shading makes her art look amateur. worse than it already is

No. 2121014

File: 1722785852260.png (180.91 KB, 607x578, huh.png)

What is happening in this image. Why is she holding her own butt up. Why is the blush making me so angry.

No. 2121017

maybe it's so the skirt won't expose her butt? or the artist didn't know where to put her hands kek

No. 2121019

Okay this is fucking weird kek, she's sitting like how you pee in the woods

No. 2121027

she's pooping into her hands

No. 2121028

File: 1722787004374.jpg (26.26 KB, 494x412, 2bf0fa84ca92d5133a0c0932269132…)

what are some other artists with retarded tryhard artstyles?

No. 2121051

She's fingering herself. That's why she's smiling, duh.

No. 2121054

Any tryhard weeaboo who adopts an anime style.

No. 2121062

I've seen this a few times and what it seems to be is kinda a mix of "O can't get any money with my current style" and they've plateaued in terms of more realistic technique so they swing hard in the other direction thinking stylized
simplified art will be more marketable and easier to draw. When honestly extreme stylization is pretty hard and it may gain a cursory glance but honestly the more you look the more ugly it gets. No one would buy a print of something that looks worse the longer you look.

No. 2121063

I hate the way she can't decide between cute fun pop art/sexy feminine girl who gives men a boner/general corporate memphis vibes so everyone looks like clone high characters with lip filler and blush blindness.

No. 2121078

Tim Buckley-lookin mouths

No. 2121081

Why the fuck do Neopets even need to wear clothes???

No. 2121091

This is a question players have been asking since the site started. But basically the Neopets that are actual characters get more anthropomorphic than regular Neopets and as a result clothes. Plus it shills the Neocash/real money shops that sell clothes. And b4 anybody asks yes there is coomer shit of those Neopets. One of the creators of the site actually joined a NSFW Neopets art discord and threw a Twitter fit over it.

No. 2121102

Who are these two characters? And also it could make sense, it does look like her art but more painterly if that makes sense. And also she disappeared kek, she’s probably only uploading on her nsfw twt and its private

No. 2121104

Spirou and Fantasio. They're French comic characters

No. 2121105

File: 1722791952428.gif (92.45 KB, 360x503, 0011_HH02.gif)

Same Nona and I'm retarded. I meant a discord for Neopets with a NSFW channel lol. I mean I'd classify some of the official art from Neopets as coomer shit so idk why she was surprised.

No. 2121113

AYRT I would argue the only coomer part of Neopets were the faeries. And even that's a bit of a stretch. The lips sliding off her face is triggering me real bad.

No. 2121119

You're right, her previous stuff looks like a mix of any famous instagram artist style from meyoco to samdoesarts. Doesn't seem like she had a real passion for but she is making a lot of money now. She has 1k patrons, 6k reviews on etsy (so who knows how many sales) and 240k followers on insta. People will always like simple decorative artwork with bright colors and since no one is doing it exactly like this she can milk it for what it's worth with all these shocking comparisons without even having to work that hard

No. 2121143

I miss B^U
She should try synthetic cubism next lol I’m not a fan of corpo memphis

No. 2121157

File: 1722794534595.jpeg (Spoiler Image,176.89 KB, 1284x1290, Fw50S2HXoAAOu_U.jpeg)

This is more of a personal lolcow but cappy thule on twitter and tumblr. It's like if a mid functioning autistic gendie was several steps above chris-chan in terms of artistic skill but with added furry coomer and musclefag autism.

No. 2121173

Unpopular take: I never thought Neopets art was good. In the late 90s early aughts it just had a charm to it because all online art was equally bad.

No. 2121175

Fair enough.I may just be cynical af since Pokemon became wank material for weirdos.

No. 2121188

searching both of these terms leads me nowhere, who is outofearshot and what is DAD tbrainrot?

No. 2121189

kek nona i follow her too and i find her ocs hilarious despite the obvious coomer/fetish shit

No. 2121190

She probably just mindlessly referenced this from a random pinterest picture, to be fair.

I am kekking at the way she goes from actually pipping the cake to pipping nothing. Why is she just pipping the air in the new one?

No. 2121192

Holy shit that new style translates so fucking poorly to inanimate objects, my GOD. What on earth was she thinking??? It looks like M.C. Escher got high and tried to illustrate a baking book. Yet, for some reason, the rolling pin still looks perfectly fine. Way to not stick to your own self-imposed restrictions.

No. 2121193

Because she made the girl tiny and the cake would've completely obscured her probably. Or it's just too much brain work to figure out the composition in her new tryhard style

No. 2121213

The hands & feet on the left look so nasty ew.looks like a burn victim.

No. 2121223

if you know you know i guess

No. 2121299

my friend is the rendermaxx soft airbrush kind of artist , I don't have the heart to tell her she really needs to study anatomy and proportions (she's deviantart tier) since when I tried hinting at it she gets extremely aggressive
some people just don't make progress and don't have the eye for art
but if it makes her happy, I guess I'm happy but dang, girlfriend needs to learn to accept cc

No. 2121302


No. 2121308

Constructive criticism

No. 2121329

File: 1722804912186.png (403.9 KB, 600x580, roryisthatyou.png)

I know I promised to stop posting old art but she's also had an RCDart-esque phase and I find that too funny not to share

No. 2121360

Omfg those proportions are so fucking ridiculous. If that's intentional it makes it even worse

No. 2121364

File: 1722806478583.png (497.46 KB, 817x566, Screenshot 2024-08-04 142009.p…)

speaking of rory, i may have found the only ethical ai generator out there

No. 2121367

File: 1722806642535.jpg (35.35 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m483e7yqpg1qilk3yo1_500…)

Yup it's the "I just discovered weird head shapes" phase, seen it all before.

No. 2121368

this isn't THAT wonky but there's way too much space under the mouth, personal pet peeve of mine

No. 2121376

>ethical ai generator out there
You do realize that art is definitely being used for porn? No matter how shit a artist doesn't mean they deserve their work to be stolen

No. 2121380

nonnie it was a joke

No. 2121383

god i fucking love tokidoki
what classifies as tryhard? this is a genuine question i'm just confused

No. 2121404

NTA obviously it's subjective, but for me it's when you can tell that the artists is trying really really hard to have a sooper speshul recognizeable art style, and gives basically every single art fundamental a lower priority level than making sure every single piece looks like "muh style", so a lot of their pieces will have jarringly noticeable basic mistakes. Sometimes it's also when artists that otherwise can draw perfectly fine decides to suddenly start slapping on some specific weird stylization quirk on their drawings without noticing it's actually kinda ugly.

No. 2121508

File: 1722815145417.jpeg (467.94 KB, 738x1049, 02C7120D-2329-421D-A56C-47A221…)

Brujo ari is getting her own cartoon

No. 2121511

I yawn

No. 2121547

I kinda wanna kill myself we're the same age

No. 2121548

is anyone seriously interested in her jotakak headcanon ocs kek I don't get it

No. 2121549

Good for her. Not too familiar with her work, but her style is good for animations.

No. 2121555

>OC artist with no industry connections and no animation experience actually getting a cartoon series in the works
Honestly, cool. I’m jealous. Even for what skills she’s lacking in, they can hire people to make up for it. At the same time,
>animated series by a 22yo tiktok OC gendie artist who got popular off chasing y2k aesthetics, is at best a really mediocre idea guy, and has already fought with her own fans over how to interpret her heroine
For her sake this should get cancelled lol

No. 2121559

File: 1722817837085.jpeg (333.54 KB, 750x1071, 4AE3CFFE-6D5E-45BA-A184-3FF8B4…)

She was just getting mad at people stealing her art style again before this, so it’s just funny that she’s supposedly making a show kek

No. 2121566

Fucking how?? Are her parents millionaires?

No. 2121574

I think it’s a small indie animation studio she is working with, but I honestly have had a tinfoil that she is rich

No. 2121591

File: 1722819148973.jpeg (113.84 KB, 894x894, IMG_3406.jpeg)

i hope she's ready for this in her style kek

No. 2121607

If she's making a show she better get ready for her style to be copied by teenagers kek

No. 2121611

are you the same anon whos always sperging about anime unprompted?
cant wait to see 00s teens have pronouns and speak in tiktok lingo

No. 2121617

File: 1722821488081.png (35.66 KB, 978x720, FlupInMXEAwWD5A.png)

the site where outoffearshot posts
horrocow artist who used to draw weird shit like pic rel, recently nuked her accs and stopped posting

No. 2121619

File: 1722821590856.jpeg (125.21 KB, 339x369, IMG_2077.jpeg)

Here come the jealous aloggers coming to make this “milk” more dead than bj-chan’s sex life. Let me get my popcorn

No. 2121622

>newfag doesnt know what alogging means
goddam you probably dont even know where that word came from stop using it wrong

No. 2121631

you guys are so obsessed with her i have to fucking laugh kekkk

No. 2121635

she doesn't seem to have that many followers even? thats kind of crazy, i'm pretty jealous.

her crying about her art style being stolen is only going to get worse, and her art style is just a copy of early 2000s cartoons, can she really act like she "crafted" something unique?

No. 2121636

Yes we’re all obsessed with her and her nlog ocs and her indie cartoons among all of the other hundred indie cartoons which debut just to flop … Wtf are you yapping about?

No. 2121637

I used it properly, you can stop saying people don’t know what those words mean we do

No. 2121640

Based random woman getting a show before the chicken scratch drawing retards on this website. That is an absolute mog

No. 2121643

the other person they mentioned

No. 2121644

No, you didnt. A-logging is banned here.

No. 2121647

Weird bait aside, I’m just curious to see how her cartoon will turn out. Why are nonnas jealous? This is kind of inspiring kek if that, out of all things, manages to get made into a indie cartoon, why can’t any nona here also make bank and get successful on their ideas as well?

No. 2121650

umm ackshually they go by they/them

No. 2121652

Kek you seriously think the farmhands are using the term right while you’re calling me a newfag for knowing what it actually means? They ban anyone for “alogging” when it’s just saying some random ass dude in like some meme or post should kill themselves, that’s not alogging. It depends on the context and the sperg farmhands dont give a fuck about context kek

No. 2121653

Because their art is shit and they have no luck or connections, easy answer

No. 2121654

>you seriously think the farmhands are using the term right
yes, now stop derrailing

No. 2121659

File: 1722823644306.jpg (1 MB, 1720x1502, VtrP5n7jyW8.jpg)

Speaking of indie animation, I'm kind of happy that TAMAKUZ hasn't allowed herself to be chased off the internet, especially after a incident where some retarded moid starting stalking her and hanging outside her house to try and grab her. I think психоняшки is going to be a bit shit, but looking at her other work and all the story boarding for it I hope she can use the success to work on her more interesting concepts.

No. 2121660


No. 2121676

File: 1722824585249.jpg (723.65 KB, 1527x2160, krkaAeDHSEw.jpg)

Samefag, I don't know I just find it incredibly impressive that she wanted to animate her husbando so much that she's teaming up with two of her friends in order to make a full length series about him.

No. 2121678

>middle class teenagers
Kek, she retconned the girl to only become genderqueer at age 30 so she's not even gonna be a gendie in this.

Honestly, as far as show pitches/public concepts go, hers is not the worst. I've seen actual professional artists do worse public pitches specifically talking about puccanoodles PPF and her artstyle is pretty nice (90% chance it's gonna be mediocre tweening though). I'm surprised that this is just confirmed and not even a kickstarter.

You're probably Russian yourself, but writing a single cyrillic word in the middle of a bunch of English is kinda funny to me kek.
Why did that guy stalk her? Did a Russian moids get triggered about a husbandufag existing in their country?

No. 2121691

Yep, that's literally what happened. He's been harassing her for years and keeps making videos sperging out about her. Vidrel was made about two weeks ago and is him having a tantrum about her going into his Telegram (that had the same handle as the old one TAMAKUZ had so people who were looking for her got into his one instead) where he just posted retarded black face and dick sucking memes to make fun of him. Youtube's auto translate works somewhat okay if you want to try and watch it.
Also no, kek, I'm not Russian I just forgot what the series was called in English because it's something completely different.
I think TAMAKUZ is pretty cowish in her own way but man she solider on after putting up with some fairly scary shit.

No. 2121699

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No. 2121706

Kind of a vent but I wish I didn’t work full time, I want to study more. I see all the mistakes in my art and just wish I could dedicate time to studies.

No. 2121713

I am a NEET and i struggle to sit and study. Its honestly really overwhelming when you arent being guided by a professional.

No. 2121738

To the anons jelly, learn animation and make it a really long term goal to animate a fully voiced 15 minute with music short animation or something

No. 2121842

File: 1722832878323.png (267.06 KB, 653x367, butt.png)

>How does it feel to truly make art just for yourself?
It's a lot of fun honestly. I love my OCs, so it's fun drawing them. I work in the "if I don't like things, then I'll make things for myself" mindset, so they're very special to me. Drawing them is how I unwind these days. I keep to myself and a small friend group, so I don't worry about appearances or false niceties. I no longer walk on egg shells, and I'm free to draw whatever I want, how I want it. Obviously, no nonce stuff, duh.

>What do you do when you finish a piece?

Show it to my small group of close friends who also have OCs, and then talk about it or talk about the next thing we wanna draw or write. We like to create stories or make shitposts about them, so it's loads of fun.

>Do you finish anything at all?

Yes. Every piece of art is something I like to look back on to track my progress. I also use my art for personal things like personal desktop wallpapers, icons, stickers, keychains, etc. I like when my things feel very personalized. I work on projects left and right too, but at my own pace and judgment.

>I feel like this means that I'm just not an artist by default because I'm mainly motivated by my creations being seen by others.

If it's alright, I'd like to share my own personal experience. Detoxing from social media helped my perception of my own art, as well as myself. It took way longer than a year. Way longer. It allowed me to be more creative without the restraints of how others see me. I feel like I improved faster from just drawing without worry, and learning things like anatomy or color theory on my own time or with help from my friends. I used to be a semi-popular artist back in the day when I would post on social media or art sites. However, compared to how it was and how it is now, for the first time in a long time, when I've finally detached myself from my online persona crafted by how others saw me, I truly feel free. I actually enjoy drawing now, instead of it being an obligation to post something half-assed, or something without my heart in it at least once a month to keep up appearances.

Though to be fair, personality-wise I hate attention deep-down because I'm a very "my pace" type of person and work rather slowly, so the slow shift from that to how I am now has actually been great for rekindling my love for art. The main thing I did get out of this is that I found genuine friends by doing this, a good amount of them I've met IRL now. I can be myself around them without worrying they'll get me fired from my livelihood and find a way to starve me or something. To me, drawing for myself gave me more than just a feeling of satisfaction after every drawing. It affected more things around me, so my perception is a lot more different, I think.

As for you, nonna, I think you just need time to yourself to enjoy other things too. Art shouldn't be an obligation. If you don't find drawing fun unless you get attention, it is what it is. If you pick up your pen again in the future for whatever reason, you don't have to make excuses or posts about your absence. Just do things at your own pace, and don't feel bad about this stuff. I may not agree with or understand your views on art, but I hope in time you can reconcile with it. If not, I hope you find joy in whatever other hobby you end up enjoying.

No. 2121890

Good for her I suppose? the story is going to be shit anyways famous tiktok stuff going into mainstream always sucks

No. 2121946

You have no excuse in your case

No. 2121980

I never said it was an excuse, I just said that sitting and studying isnt as easy as it seems and neeting isnt going to fix that for anon.

No. 2122015

nta but what's hard about it?

No. 2122027

It can be very overwhelming when there is so much to study, and also when you dont have professionals telling you where you are fucking up. If it was so easy to just sit and study and become a master the post your art thread on /m/ would be filled with masterpieces instead of garbage.

No. 2122105

Who the fuck is bjchan

No. 2122109

do you make a living out of art or just have goals? im asking because i only do art as a hobby btw
>If it was so easy to just sit and study and become a master the post your art thread on /m/ would be filled with masterpieces instead of garbage.
kek this part sounded kinda bitter but its a good point

No. 2122117

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No. 2122120

you are right nona, the fact they're so overdetailed compared to everything else in the drawing makes it look very weird. Like it's a fetish drawing or something

No. 2122121

I get what she's going for it just doesn't quite hit the mark. I'm sure it will get refined in time. I actually like it a little bit.

No. 2122122

>do you make a living out of art or just have goals?
its just a hobby to me. Even as a NEET i only manage to study 2 hours a day, which i assume even wageys can do.

No. 2122238

do we need to bring up this artist every month? yall have the same criticisms every time, I swear its the same 3 ppl shiting on her art here.

just go read last months dicsussion unless you have anything new to add

No. 2122241

How the fuck do you render hair/clothes? I can do fine with skin and eyes.. I loathe hair and clothes though.

No. 2122242

as if she hadn't stolen Daria's artstyle

No. 2122245

Make them bald and naked. Problem solved.

No. 2122246

more like downtown

No. 2122261

I would be more supportive if she didn't inject the dumbest gendershit into their story and if the premise didn't sound kinda… tired
But who knows, maybe that will be omitted here??

No. 2122266

It’s been states earlier but she’s basically taking away the gender shit with Kate, and with the “transguy” she said he’s already transitioned before they meet. I think that is the direction she wants to go. Just wanted to see how this goes since she wants to make a webcomic. It’s interesting

No. 2122284

more daria+clone high

No. 2122287

So when someone gives you criticism, do they expect you to take these criticisms and fix them overnight or is it gradual? This is something I'm trying to wrap my head around as someone who gives and receives critiques. I don't want to rush the people I'm critiquing but sometimes it would be nice to know if they took the feedback into consideration.

No. 2122293

I kind of like this actually kek. It’s kinda cute. But this style and this… genre? Of ocs is so over done, I’m so tired of seeing it

No. 2122299

A girl from the backpill thread who keeps shitting up the threads with her porn fantasies about sucking cock while being fucked on all fours. She must be severely autistic because she is fixated on these two things and writes huge blogposts about it and the porn she watched.

No. 2122300

Most people expect you to get good overnight. For example, everyone was angry that the femboy goat autist from the /m/ thread didnt improve her anatomy in a week, even thought it takes ages for one to see meaningful improvement in their art. I know its a terrible example, but its one that we are all familiar with. Its why its kinda useless to try and get criticism from randoms on the internet, they cant really give you any genuine form of advice outside ''study anatomy''. The best form of advice one can give imo is redlines, that tends to filter the people that like to parrot shitty advice they themselves dont follow.

No. 2122302

I actually like this artist kek but yeah the whole 2000s cartoon style seems forced I like her beatles style way more

No. 2122303

In that case I'm glad for her. Honestly I like her art and the style and I used to stalk her tiktok for cool art. But I also like her other styles and wish we could see them more.
I still think the 2000's fixation is slightly cringe but I understand why and I don't necessarily blame anyone else with the fixation. kek

No. 2122304

Idk if it's just me but they look like the same amount of detail as the rest of the drawing

No. 2122307

>For example, everyone was angry that the femboy goat autist from the /m/ thread didnt improve her anatomy in a week
Nice lie but the truth is that everyone started clowning on her after she started sperging out on anons who did gave her advice and redlines. She only expected quick results yet put no effort into practice and doing studies.she has done the same shit on ic too

No. 2122310

Yeah I didn't mind her character but she had a really cocky attitude and nothing to show for it. Being smug is only going to hinder improvement

No. 2122312

I just used her as an example because i remember people sperging that she didnt improve in like 3 days. She's autistic and retarded but that doesnt change the fact most anons got annoyed that she didnt just instantly improve after their advice.

No. 2122315

>that doesnt change the fact most anons got annoyed that she didnt just instantly improve after their advice
Are you a autist aswell by any chance? Ever heard of don't ask for advice if you're not going to follow it

No. 2122322

What the hell was this guy's problem anyways? Did she reject him or something?

No. 2122323

Anon, you arent getting my point. You can tell a begginer to go and read loomis, and even if they do they arent going to magically improve right after finishing it. It takes years for one to become good at art. If getting good at art was as easy as reading an anatomy book everyone and their moms would be a mastre artist in a month. Its why so many begginers who are adviced to read loomis give up after they finish the book and dont see any meaningful improvement.

No. 2122324

I think it depends? If you're in a critiquing environment, such as an art class, I think it's expected that you should show signs of addressing the critiques you've been given in your following pieces (even if you don't nail it right away, you shouldn't be repeating the same mistakes to the same degree after you've had them pointed out and been given guidance on improving them) or at the very least by the time the next critique session rolls around there should be some change in the art that shows progress (or an attempt at it).

If it's randoms online, then I wouldn't really expect them to actually incorporate critique straight away or even at all– if they're actively trying to improve and seek out critique as part of that, it's more likely you might see changes in their next couple of pieces, but if they're not pursuing that then, in my experience, they're unlikely to work on improvements from one-off critiques etc (this can be for a variety of reasons such as just wanting to have fun, generally having a poor study ethic or understanding of what study actually entails– see artists who use a reference one time and then think that's the last time they'll ever need one– or they're asking or being open to critique because they think that's what they're supposed to do or say rather than because they really want guidance in any way. oh and ego kek).

Also some points of critique require more study to start to improve on than others, so those can take a while because you have to learn the theory and practice incorporating it, leading to potentially more error (but also hopefully experimentation). Some people also will stop showing art that contains things they've been critiqued for until they feel they've improved on it, so that can also make it seem like they're being slow to take on said critique.

No. 2122328

She blocked him on her VK because one of her friends told her that he choked her in high-school over petty shit, he also thinks that she stole his jokes and he really hates her husbando character and that somehow justifies him trying to stalk her. He's legitimately psychotic, which is ironic considering how much he calls other people schizophrenic.

No. 2122332

oh ew. death to all ragepig scrotes

No. 2122334

File: 1722861639169.jpg (968.5 KB, 1170x1726, 14626944.jpg)

>They are Clone High OCs (technically Clone College). Teddy is a clone of an unknown historical figure, and his best friend JJ is a regular human who somehow ended up at a place full of clones lol
So… clone high ocs who are just regular people and not clones?? (I doubt this artist put any thought beyond “unknown historical figure” kek)

No. 2122336

File: 1722861760720.png (214.26 KB, 825x440, labels are for soup cans.png)

why are zoomies so obsessed with Y2K, they would have all been boolied by scene kids for using labels instead of being cringe and free

No. 2122338

…these were clone high ocs? Funny enough I actually watched this video yesterday after it was recommended to me.
Nitpick but the chin on the scene kid one is pissing me off.

No. 2122341

The "bisexual but would never kiss another girl/boy" scene kids would have openly called them faggots and made them break down crying kek

No. 2122346

scene kids were insanely brutal and edgy a bunch of scene kids i knew uploaded photos doing blackface and would draw swastikas and hitler moustaches on themselves for fun. I get the appeal of the 00s and i wanna go back to, but i want to go back to comfier art community days without trannies.

No. 2122349

The nostalgia trend. A few years ago people were obsessing over the 90s

No. 2122350

File: 1722862578143.png (54.64 KB, 1293x262, Screenshot 2024-08-05 055501.p…)

this was a comment underneath that video. The only time I've really hoped my google translate was broken. Vomit

No. 2122352

File: 1722862646475.webp (112.67 KB, 602x274, main-qimg-3799458409bec53f953d…)

Disregarding that it's her, what your approach to art styles nonas?

Personally I've always seen my "art styles" as tied to different projects and not something I develop one single thing of. I get that that's not good for posting on social media and algorithms but fuck it I just want to have fun creating art! I know everything I make will be flavored by my own tastes anyway because that's just how art works, so I've never bothered trying to create "my personal art style" the way people who post online do.

No. 2122353

how do you feel nostalgia over a decade you didnt even live in though? at least 80s tards are late milennials who grew up in the late 80s. Brujo ari is like what, 19?

No. 2122355

I am not good enough yet for having my own style. But i can see an idea of what i would want to make in my mind and i am working achieving that style by studying things i think would help me get closer to that goal.

No. 2122359

Eh actually its fine imo, can be a bit cringe. Cant say much cause I participated in the 90s obsession and still love to draw in 90s anime style even though I was 5 when it ended lol. Though as someone who through the 00s entirely id say brujo encapsulates the style quite well, its like a merge of daria and gorillaz art from the early 00s and the the thick geometric/angular lines reminiscent of early cartoon network. Its very nostalgic (early 00s)

No. 2122363

People obsess over art styles cause its their own identity and branding. Online if you have a very distinct style its good cause people can recognise your art though so most peoples art style look like someone elses art style. I wouldn't worry too much about it though I think make the art you want to create and enjoy if thats most important to you atm.

No. 2122365

*Though nothing is original so most peoples art style look like someone elses art style

No. 2122378

> Yall
Shut the fuck up, twitter-brained ameritard. Kek. Anyone who types like that is a masked genderspecial lurking in disguise. She keeps getting brought up because she constantly farms for attention with her ‘2020-2024’ comparison tweets. We’ll stop making fun of her when she stops asking for it first.

No. 2122384

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Art styles are just the way you draw and your personal preferences. I think it's a waste of time trying to configure your art style to exactly how you want it instead of just letting evolve naturally, not saying you can't change your style but it will always have those imprints of your past iterations on it. I feel like I have a very fluid style that changes depending on the subject but you can still see that its all my art because of the little quirks I subconsciously add into my drawings. Also gunning hard for a uber unique style kind of defeats the purpose because you're still using other people for reference, even if you're doing the exact opposite of them. The uniqueness of your style should come from the mix of your personalised interests, not a checklist of traits.

It's incredibly fucked up what people are saying about her because of this retarded furry moid, someone's also drawn lewd art of TAMAKUZ and him together and its absolutely vile. I don't think she's necessarily the best person but I can't help but feel sympathetic towards her, especially adding on the fact that where she's from has such high femicide rates. She also goes to a lot of conventions/art markets in the area and the guy has said that even though he doesn't want to go looking for her that if they happen to be in the same market he'll try to interact with her again, so I do worry

No. 2122388

My style is just everything that makes me enjoy the process of art kek. It's consistent across projects (unless I need to draw in some other style obvs), and in my opinion isn't particularly striking, but it is functional and flexible enough that I can draw whatever without accidentally slipping out of style. I get that people covet 'muh style' because they see it as an extension of their identity as an artist or are trying to make a distinct brand, but imo it's very freeing to move away from that attitude and just draw how and what it feels good to draw for you.

'Draw x in different styles' memes like your picrel are always interesting to see too, because you can tell if the artist has actually broken down and understood the required style or just heavily copied an example of it, or how strong their own original art is when they're not using something else as a reference.

On the topic of art styles though, on a scale of circle to triangle, how rounded/soft or angular/sharp would you say your art tends to be?

No. 2122390

File: 1722865061231.jpg (217.75 KB, 1119x1600, otonari_003.jpg)

Is there a good introductory video to advanced brushes on digital? I understand the super basics, but i have always struggled painting with anything but the hard round brush and i want to try making my own brushes, ones that look like this.

No. 2122392

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Apparently the dude has reposted ship art of them on his telegram channel

No. 2122394

I lean towards thin lines and more naturalistic shapes, so I'd definitely say it's more round

Disgusting. I hate him and his audience so much

No. 2122396

samefag here's the youtube video i stole this from if nonnas want to watch, auto translate is pretty understandable

No. 2122463

Have any of you ever taken commissions through ko-fi? If so, what has been your experience? I've been getting a lot of commissions from many different sites lately and I'm not able to organize myself with all of them, so I thought I'd keep everything in one place but I'm not sure where.

No. 2122464

isnt tamakuz the one with the weird pedo cartoon? or am i misremembering this?

No. 2122467

I used to and its great for anonimity

No. 2122469

do you mean this one or something else?

No. 2122471

tayrt yeah that one

No. 2122485

I have no idea because I dont draw in this style, but if you let me sperg, this looks like the artist used watercolor brushes for some shadows and a normal one in some parts. They also added a canvas like texture on top of the drawing. If I had to guess, they probably used a blending mode like soft light with 15% opacity as to not ruin the original colors.

No. 2122497

Thanks nonny! how tf do you use watercolor brushes though? everytime i try them they dont work.

No. 2122507

This exact same thing happened years ago with some animation student making an animated show featuring some Rocky Horror-inspired gay pirate character, and she ended up dating the guy who she hired to voice him. Forgot their names but they were on ED.

No. 2122509

How much do you want to bet she doesn’t know a single thing about history in order to select an appropriate original for the clone, kek. (Sincerely, a historyfag).

No. 2122523

Not only that, but he also wrote a fic (and acted as if someone else wrote it and sent it to him, and he posted it himself) where he basically rapes her. He is extremely fucking creepy. He called her a pig, he described in great detail why she is, in his opinion, ugly (like that her nostrils are asymmetrical). He was walking around her house trying to figure out the layout of her apartment, he waited for her near the entrance. When she had a meet up with her fans he came up to her and started threatening her with violence to "avenge" poor kids she banned and treated unfairly in his opinion, it went to a point that a woman had to step in and shoo him away from her, after which he bitched online about it.
The whole situation from his words is that she banned him for no reason after a comment about her pricing on an adoptable. Like he said something about it being too much (2,5k rubles) and later in his group where he kept sperging about her posts after she blocked him he kept on bitching about it forever.
In actuality, he first stalked another female artist who went to school with him, he tried to become friends with her but he kept being creepy (i'm recalling a vid a watched some time ago so some of the details might not be accurate). Once he tried to strangle her but in his words it was like a friendly thing, but he did take her traditional artworks. After some time her and tamakuz studied together and had their weird relationship and he started stalking her.
In first videos he tried to say that the "husbando" character is that friend and tamakuz self-inserts as a ушко. In his later videos and the vk group he claimed that she is obsessed with him and he is the "husbando" and she is his little ушко. All this shit is really messed up and ofc she has her moments as all artists are insane on some level, but this трусалкер fella is fucking nuts.

No. 2122529

holy shit hope she gets a restraining order

No. 2122542

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Yes, but the story is going to change a lot from its current fotm at this point in time. Iirc Ushka, the blue cat girl, kills the husbando after realising that he murdered her and reanimated her. Her other works are more interesting though, there's stuff like; a nazi girl desperately looking for Alantis, there's this sort of Labrythinesque story about goblins, demons and imaginary friends, evil mad scientist LPS, an author going insane while writing about a vampire family and the story is told from the fictional character's point of view etc. Psychocuties is probably one of her weaker stories in my opinion so I'm hoping that she uses the money and success to be able to work on those

NTA but she's tried a few times I'm pretty sure. Useless police

No. 2122543

File: 1722872393769.png (4.58 KB, 342x71, scrotemoment.png)

I'm just going to post the words of a fellow anon here

No. 2122544

it doesn't work in russia at all, unfortunately.
he still keeps making videos about her, i guess she also sent her personal army after him, but like there's not much else that can be done

No. 2122548

The thing about most art styles is that the ones people try to emulate the most were all created for animation. So they're line and shape based, easy to re-create, with flat colors. But this isn't the be all end all of art styles. Even this artist >>2121014 going for a "style" is thinking with this restricted mindset.

Art style is literally just how you draw, that's it. The more you draw, the more you'll find out what you like to do, and what looks good to you. Forcing yourself to create a style instead of exploring what comes naturally to you is the opposite of "finding your style"

No. 2122549

How the fuck do these artists manage to attract these kinds of weirdos??? I've never seen shit like this happen in my circles of friends over the years, both IRL and online.

No. 2122550

didnt vivzie also have an insane stalker?

No. 2122551

well in this case it's extremely random, as he met her through stalking a classmate who was her friend basically. And just being a bit controversial helps with that, as he thinks it gives him a right to do that.

No. 2122557

Oh that's nice, did you use a business account nonnie?

No. 2122590

Honestly I'm a semi-popular artist in a small fandom and I've had 5-6 cases of men being insane towards me after I've blocked them, thankfully not on this level though. All you need is to be a woman on social media and moids will form weird parasocial relationships with you.

No. 2122603

Insane. Tell more please

No. 2122621

One guy found out we lived in the same country and used commissioning me as an excuse to try asking me out for coffee (I'm openly a lesbian on my account lol). Another ran to 4chan after I blocked him and tried raising a personal army against me and blamed it on 'politics ruining the fandom' making me block him even though he'd been conspiring to make a hitlist of artists who disagreed with him on some fandom drama. There's multiple other guys who constantly seethe about me, make fake accounts to get around blocks, dig up my emails to ask why they were blocked, etc that still pop up regularly even years later.

I also had a TIF trying to skinwalk me and constantly tried baiting me into drawing fetish art for her because we liked the same character. I've been told secondhand that there were some TIFs and moids who were weirdly possessive over me/my art in private too but I never saw them doing anything directly.

It all sounds super minor typing out now kek but it's off putting when all I do is post art and mind my business. I only have a few thousand followers too so idk why they latched onto me.

No. 2122625

moids are retarded (some women can be too sadly..) it doesnt even matter if you announce youre a woman or not, ive had coomers do cum tributes sent to me when i did vtuber fanart so i turned off dms permanently and one fucker kept trying to find out where i lived (ALWAYS USE VPNS!) and then suicide posting he'd kill himself if i didnt respond (i didnt and i hope he did it) its best not to foster too much parasocialism with your audience and always keep a boundary

No. 2122628

a cum tribute?? wtf is wrong with them

No. 2122678

How reachable were you, though? Like did you post all your socials on one account, like as a way to be contacted? Or did you only have one social media account and these fags just managed to dig up everything else? (I barely use social media)

No. 2122706

nta but depends on the watercolour brush. one way I've seen (and used) is to colour with the brushes on a multiply layer above a paper texture layer to mimic the traditional medium a bit better, but it still depends on the brush as to how well it'll work. Tbh with your reference pic, I'm not sure if anything more than a fairly simple square/rectangle brush with some colour blending has been used, with most of the texture coming from a paper/canvas texture layer, a noise layer, and maybe the painting layer being sharpened. Other things that help with that look is knowing where to add smudges or rough strokes, and good use of soft and hard edges.

No. 2122743

there's no rhyme or reason to it sometimes- a friend of mine has had multiple weirdos orbit her over the course of her online art career, and she mostly draws landscapes and weird alien critters. Thankfully they were all the sort who were pretty laughable and easy to chase off once she told me about them, just turbo autists without boundaries who decided they were besties, but it is pretty weird that she kept 'attracting' them (there also wasn't any indication she was female on her profile either, so it wasn't even that). One of her friends also had problems with a commissioner who got weird and possessive and basically haunted his inbox, so that's another vector for weirdos I guess.

No. 2122748

Cute in a dark way.

>the blue cat girl, kills the husbando after realizing that he murdered her and reanimated her.
Omg I hope she's the abusive one next time!

Moids get weird when you reveal you're a girl in the internet. More so if you're a prominent woman in a circle. Moids will just project good and bad things about you and love or hate you from that.

No. 2122787

>a TIF tried baiting me into drawing fetish art for her because we liked the same character
are you me? why are tifs/gendies like this? idk if you even ever drew anything nsfw, but I only post sfw, non-shippy art and still had this happen multiple times kek
more seriously though, sucks that you've had to deal with all of those retards anon

No. 2122940

Nonnas what platform was this on?? I had no clue tifs did this but honestly maybe i shouldnt be surprised
and what kind of art did they want kek

No. 2122956

Same here. SFW account. ‘Will you draw me cuntboy, pretty please—‘ No. Kill yourself.

No. 2122978

you know what, I take back anything I said about tifs. They truly are capable of skinwalking scrotes.

No. 2122988

>Will you draw me cuntboy, pretty please—‘
AAAGGGGH I fucking hate that so much whenever they beg you to draw troon shit (best thing I ever did was to not understand English so I could ignore these retards? )

No. 2122995

kek so they really don't have any shame and just ask randos?
Actually, I may have seen something similar happen on several tumblr asks, but I'm too desensitized to the troons of tumblr

No. 2123006

So would the critique reflect artist's lack of skill? or even say something about said artist? Gonna sage for blogging, but my art is in a middling place now. I think what really brings it down is the lack of line confidence and the fact they're just really messy but not in a good way. But what really holds my art back is just my anatomy. People have said that it's good, but compared to better artist, it's clear I get my inspiration from non-realistic sources because of the inherent cringe of stealing from life. Idk, this might come from the pathological need to become so good there's nothing objectively wrong with my art, only the subjective.

No. 2123062

>So would the critique reflect artist's lack of skill? or even say something about said artist?
I think the biggest issue as artists is that we attach to our art too much but I think it's important to remember that if someone critiques your art it is your skill and practice they're critiquing and not you as a person unless you're a cow like laika it is hard but it is important to view the critique as feedback on your work and not on yourself. you don't lack anything the only thing you lack is the practice you're quite self aware and know why your anatomy is weal (it's a good skill to have as a artist to be self critical of your own work and recognize mistakes) if you're getting burnt out with exercising human anatomy try animal anatomy or even experiment a bit to have fun with the study and not keep doing the same practice again and again. Perfectionism can be a double edged sword but it's important to look at the whole picture and not just the tiniest detail. I find myself being tired to drawing human anatomy so I tried animals studies to learn human anatomy (monkeys are good to learn from) it's important that the goal of studies is to learn how things work not how things look.good luck nonnie!

No. 2123064

Mine wanted feeder/inflation art

No. 2123070

It's happened to me on places that I guess you could say I should have expected (fandom discords and once on tumblr), but I've also had it happen to me in my stream chat and one absolutely cringe time during animation class at uni kek.

What I've been asked was for titchop scars ('would be so pretty if you added them to x!' or 'could you do a version with scars pretty pwease'), demanding ship art even though I don't draw that (specifically repeat badgering in my asks for a pairing to be making out sloppily, with bonus bizarre detail of one of the characters having nipple rings for some fanon reason or some shit lmao), and other various bdsm or sub/dom related 'suggestions'/requests/'wink wink wouldn't it be crazy if you drew x doing y tee hees'. Oh and one enby wrote a horny screed featuring her oral/biting fixation while I was drawing an anime character that had 'shark teeth' as part of his design. Fun. It's kind of ridiculous, I just draw characters I like hanging out or doing silly/cool things, not even in small fandoms or anything, so I don't know what inspires these weirdos to come bother me when there's probably someone out there who actually draws that shit. Also this is spread out over multiple years and fandoms, so it really wasn't that much of a bother, though I have noticed a similar lack of respect for boundaries becoming more common in the last couple years

No. 2123085

I'm so sorry nonna
>titchop scars
The fanfiction over shark teeth and getting one of these during uni (irl i assume) just sound so absurd I wouldn't even be mad I'd just laugh

No. 2123104

oh yeah those two just made me laugh (and were mocked privately with friends), and yes, the uni one was irl and it was a herculean effort not to lose it during the middle of a lecture when this woman I'd agreed to do an art trade with whipped out her oc in its fresh fetish gear fit for me to draw (that was not what it looked like the day before when I'd agreed to trade with her) lmao

No. 2123122

You're telling me this woman, in real life, possibly in the company of others, just pulled out a physical drawing of her oc in fetish gear, and just plopped that on the table proudly expecting you to be fine with it… I can only imagine the expression on her face, I'm so sorry nonna but this is just making me kek
Was she a tif? Did you still go through with the trade? What was she like??? I'm so curious

No. 2123132

Tbh I was mutuals with this person but they still sprung their fetish on me out of nowhere. For a group that’s so performatively careful about ‘comfort’ and ‘consent’, they sure do love flash banging everyone in sight with their AGP porn. No thank you.

No. 2123145

Titchop scar requests are the absolute worst. They’re even more annoying than cuntboy requests, because unlike cuntboy, which requires you to draw an entire new piece, TIFs will hone in on a pre-drawn artwork of a shirtless husbando and ask you to add the scars on. Since it’s already fully rendered, adding the marks would only take 5 minutes maximum. They know this, and will use it to interrogate you when you refuse, since it looks ‘suspicious’ to turn down such a simple request. It’s predatory behaviour at best.

No. 2123147

I hate when trannies corner artists like that. They know you can't refuse, even politely, because it'll paint you as transphobic and open you up to getting harassed by them. Every artist who draws nsfw f/f will get hounded to draw girldick in the same way.

No. 2123160

Aren't troons very likely to have personality disorders? The manipulative aspect is definitely intentional, they're always chomping at the bit for ANY opportunity to cry transphobia and go on crusades.

No. 2123208

>a TIF tried baiting me into drawing fetish art for her because we liked the same character
>What I've been asked was for titchop scars ('would be so pretty if you added them to x!' or 'could you do a version with scars pretty pwease'), demanding ship art even though I don't draw that (specifically repeat badgering in my asks for a pairing to be making out sloppily, with bonus bizarre detail of one of the characters having nipple rings for some fanon reason or some shit lmao), and other various bdsm or sub/dom related 'suggestions'/requests/'wink wink wouldn't it be crazy if you drew x doing y tee hees'.
I don't know if I should or shouldn't be glad I'm not the only one kek I hate these idiots. They do it to ocs too, and ever since then I've had any means to contact me closed. I don't need shit from anybody
>adding the marks would only take 5 minutes maximum. They know this, and will use it to interrogate you when you refuse, since it looks ‘suspicious’ to turn down such a simple request. It’s predatory behaviour at best.
>and will use it to interrogate you when you refuse,
Take it from a crypto that a lot of them absolutely do it on purpose and you need a damn good trans-related excuse to get away with it. Troons cannot, and will not take a polite 'no, sorry!' and leave it at that. I've absolutely been the target of attempts of people trying to make me draw tranny porn and me not liking it was 'sus'. I'm a het artist, retard. I'm not drawing muh girlcock or muh tit chops so fuck off

No. 2123209

> one enby wrote a horny screed featuring her oral/biting fixation while I was drawing an anime character that had 'shark teeth' as part of his design
This happened to me once with a TF2 yaoi pic I drew back in the day. It felt… uncomfortable

No. 2123214

Do you have a go-to troonproof excuse for not drawing their retarded demands? Personally I'd either say something along the lines of "I don't headcanon them as (identity), sorry!" or if i wanted to be snarky direct them to my commissions page. Of course no need to share if you don't want to.

No. 2123216

Treat these requests like you treat annoying little kids: ignore them.

No. 2123218

Just out of curiosity, what are some good excuses? Do you have to sell their own rhetoric back to them like "I'm questioning my gender and drawing scars/girldick makes me dysphoric"?

No. 2123223

Honestly think the best way to handle them is to outright ignore it. You're not obligated to reply to comments on your art or asks on tumblr or whatever. The minute you acknowledge that kind of thing it'll open up the floodgates to more of them coming in to bother you.

No. 2123227

Dig the artist’s style but finding out one of her main ocs is a Tim and not a scene guy was so disappointing,so out of place for this kind of artist too.The trannies they depict are usually tifs.It will never be not weird to me seeing trannies from people who are into early 2000s aesthetics,they were not teeming like they are now.

No. 2123228

Everyone had pretty much the same idea which is already good, even if troons do read this thread questioning tranny ideology might as well be sacrilege so nobody will actually question you over dysphoria, and the few times I did I got combative and defensive back kek. But overall I think it's the absolute best to ignore, but if it's absolutely unavoidable the best course of action is to just not leave it open ended. If your excuse can be followed by a 'why' and not shot down with a 'it's personal' it's kind of fucked. Boy cried wolf etc
>or if i wanted to be snarky direct them to my commissions page.
Also daily reminder to include a disclaimer in your comms that you can refuse a comm for any reason at any point. Toss them down the waitlist, give them a nothing excuse, ghost them, etc. This has come in handy so many times for me and I'm sfw

No. 2123296

nta, but I was in the server briefly before being pruned for inactivity which is part of their policy and helps with keeping the server active. It's a decent enough environment and the artists who've been there for a while actually post consistently since they're encouraged to, but at the end of the day you're still sharing space with ic-related moids. Even non-coom pics from guys who think porn is a normal reference have the sort of male-gaze aspect to them that I no longer have tolerance for but ymmv. If that's something you can ignore/doesn't bother you it's not a bad place to chill and draw with some artists that aren't complete dA-tier level. It's probably not the sort of place that'd support going professional or to get strong critiques from but they're not bullshitting when they say they want a cozy server full of art friends.
Sidenote: I don't know shit about the shota artist that seems to trigger some of the other anons whenever the server host advertises here but I didn't see any shota shit during the time I was on the server.
also nta, but I'm curious, how did you meet your friend group? Are they people you kept up with after you quit socmed or people you met after quitting? I'm about to drop a lot of very old connections (all brainrotted from identity politics) after years of doing cons and I've got no idea how to meet other likeminded artist friends anymore.

No. 2123333

File: 1722896413686.jpg (71.31 KB, 563x550, 997c205aa84cef2756943aba48403d…)

zorgasm. i hate this grungecore alt tiktok zoomer fakedeep nihilist garbage

No. 2123334

File: 1722896439148.jpg (81.21 KB, 564x564, f0b56cdf06ad1ffa1a2cd8e084c194…)

No. 2123336

File: 1722896537798.jpg (81.19 KB, 564x564, ba1d67edcebe8723c196dfbcc83656…)

ok that's enough i'm done assaulting your eyes 3/3

No. 2123348

File: 1722896809337.jpg (288.74 KB, 1039x910, xcvzvbxv.jpg)

This is the scene guy you’re talking about, right?
>TIM in a thong

No. 2123364

To be fair, it's not entirely abnormal. He just also has to groom teen girls and be a junkie to make it more accurate to the era.

No. 2123370

File: 1722897556342.png (3.35 MB, 1173x922, zorgasm.png)

nevermind i'm not done
noticed this while looking for pics to post. imagine being this fucking lazy
well the chin and adam's apple are pretty accurate

No. 2123374

I wish I could find a cozy art server to join. But its either tras or weirdos. I don’t have the confidence or courage (because of weirdos) to post my art online yet…

No. 2123382

Yes that’s him,wish I hadn’t checked out the artist’s artfight account because that’s where I found out

No. 2123400

File: 1722898875544.jpg (61.19 KB, 480x480, apple_avatar1_1_480x480.jpg)

Idk why but it makes me think of cherry from studio killers, but really ugly. Like they binged a bunch of studio killers and then maybe early Gorillaz and decided to just mash the styles together in the worst way.

No. 2123406

I can't stand how all the lines are exactly the same width. Especially in this >>2123336

No. 2123433

AYRT a bit both—all normie anti-TRA types kek—some of them I’ve been online friends with for years before quitting and kept around due to having their brains intact, and the rest I met after quitting socmed, mostly via heavily vetted lesbian or women’s-only Discord groups, local/within my state or otherwise. The latter can be a mixed bag and I’m actually not too active in the groups themselves, but I met some really awesome ladies who are now my best friends through them. I don’t subject myself to befriending troons because I care about my happiness too much to subject myself to eggshells on the daily. It honestly feels great not having to talk politics too often, while also the relief knowing they’d never spring any stupid TRAism at me. It’s been nice just making art for me and my friends without unnecessary worry. I’ve also met some normie non-TRA artist friends by seeing how they react to laughing about pronouns and gendies. These types aren’t too hard to spot since they usually don’t have pronouns in the bio, don’t have close friends with pronouns in the bio as well, and tend to be late-20s to 40s. It’s not too difficult if you know where and how to look. Granted, I don’t partake in fandoms popular with zoomers, and mostly just do OC stuff and non-textile craftwork, so there’s probably that too.

No. 2123513

she made an 'accountability' video
>guys those pictures are my COUSIN and she got DOXXED so delete them all pleaseeee
she also spoke japanese with a ai voice filter on

No. 2123522

half an hour? holy shit can someone make tldw

No. 2123524

second tif trying to pretend to be a cis male to use this voice filter, its so cope. maybe it would less cringe if they didn't always try to use the most obnoxiously masculine voice filter

No. 2123531

I may be dumb, but what are redlines?

No. 2123546

A lot of zoomers were young children during the 2000s and remember fragments of the culture/media of that era, so it’s like being nostalgic for your childhood while wishing you were a bit older (teens/20s) during that time so you could experience it more fully. In addition, a lot of 2000s culture/media lingered into the early 2010s.

>Brujo ari is like what, 19?

So she was a child during the 2000s.

t. born in 2003

No. 2123550

>post swimsuit art
>lose 200 followers
>get moids telling me they jerked off to it
It got a decent amount of likes and there were comments complimenting my anatomy so I guess it's whatever. You can say it's my fault for drawing art like that but I genuinely just find the female form intriguing and fun to draw and I like challenging myself to draw it in more dynamic poses for practice. I've already gained the followers back at least but I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt.

No. 2123595

corrections basically, someone takes the drawing, lowers the opacity, draws corrections on top typically in red to make it visible.

No. 2123603

Let's be honest, everyone was annoyed at them for being an unapologetic /ic/tard and samefagging compliments to themself in a dead thread 40+ times

No. 2123608

I can honestly kinda sympathize here. I'm in my late 20s and was EXTREMELY anime-brained when I was younger & when I first gained a following online it was after spending a long while in isolation, which kinda messes with you. You can forget that weird horny anime tropes aren't normal and that not everyone is around your age. When I was 18 I recall making extremely NSFW jokes in a discord server and then getting shocked realizing there were a lot of 13-14 year olds in there, then subsequently distancing myself. And sometimes people do just lie. I encountered someone last year lying about their age to flirt with adults in a server I was in, turns out they were 15 and a friend of theirs from before they started lying felt weird about it and decided they needed to DM all the adults they were flirting with, myself included. I immediately cut contact. I think the word "pedophile" is thrown around too flippantly these days but there's nothing that can really be done as people love the drama.

I just think that shit like this needs to be a lesson to everyone that we need to be less personal online and if you ever get popular, assume everyone in your audience is a minor until proven otherwise. Don't be overly personal with anyone unless they've proven they've earned it. It's so easy to make that mistake, especially if you're lonely, but then shit like this happens. My opinion might be unpopular though and a product of my age. Everyone in their adult teens and early 20s is a child in my eyes, I view those as prime years to fuck up and figure out who you are and unless it's genuine pedophilia and real abuse I disregard callouts for people that young.

No. 2123749

>This guy wants to be mutuals
> Uh okay?
>Check his account, clearly a TIM
>Don't really give a shit as long as he's sfw
>Has an NSFW linked
>filled with the shittiest coom traced art known to man mixed with black women fetish

I hate being in a space that isn't exclusively women, a single edgy tif that tries to act like a man is always preferred than an xy defect.

No. 2123770

The only """man""" I've allowed in my circle is a TiF. I'm with you.

No. 2123786

I personally don't care about choob's art. He's just a shitty fujo larping moid I didn't want to share a server with. I agree with everything you say though. I know some anons wouldn't care sharing space with some ic moids, it could always be worse and it was a comfy enough space.

No. 2123794

how do you lose 200 from swimsuit art, what do you normally draw?

No. 2123795

>I don't know shit about the shota artist that seems to trigger some of the other anons whenever the server host advertises here but I didn't see any shota shit during the time I was on the server.
did they finally get rid of the slime shota faggot? based if so

No. 2123818

unchecked, uncontrolled autism. A lot of mentally ill people find solace in art circles/fandoms online and grow an obsession for an artist, morphing some bizarre idea of them in their brain. I've had both men and women obsessively trying to be part of my life, and all I do is post silly doodles online

No. 2123870

File: 1722932617615.jpg (415.78 KB, 1466x1200, rei_17-1205510475368292352-201…)

Is it possible to go from sucking ass at colors to being good at it? sometime i feel like it sometimes that comes naturally to some artists, and i am just not one of them.

No. 2123893

Fully clothed people. One of the most liked comments on that piece is saying they were in public when they opened it so I'm guessing the followers lost were of similar opinion or just don't want to be following anyone who could draw anything "suggestive". Also I lost more followers than just that because looking at my analytics I tend to gain about 100-150 followers per day and 200 was just the difference. I'm not huge but I'm above 50k so it's probably all those reasons combined with a decent amount of eyes on my work. So I'm now above where I was the day I posted that art but it makes me a lot more wary about what I post in the future.

No. 2123897

wow that suck, was it even suggestive or was it just a woman in a bikini?

No. 2123901

File: 1722934113146.jpeg (12.81 KB, 318x310, images - 2024-08-06T184420.189…)

Yes, you just need to read theory and study the art movements that feature the kind of colouring you want. Also work on your values! Lots of people complain about how their colours suck but really their values are just really bad. Picrel book (you can easily find a free pdf of it online) is really good for breaking down the basics while also giving really indepth explanations and analysis of paintings.

No. 2123902

lmao it was an ass shot, so I get it if they wanted to unfollow. I've just never gotten that many unfollows at once before. Not like an in your face ass shot mind you, the type of ass shot you get in anime promo artwork. Just standing from behind at the beach in swimswear. Fanservice but not porny.

No. 2123905

Thank you so much!! i have never heard of that book, but it looks exactly like i what looking for.

No. 2123917

Do you draw in an anime style or more realistic, and are you a professional? its so weird to me that people would unfollow you for that because the art community nowadays is nothing but female asses and titties.

No. 2123928

No. 2123938

Anime style. As for if I'm a professional, I do sell my work but if you're asking in terms of skill, I think that's subjective. People compliment my anatomy and rendering a lot, & people were asking me for art tips after I dropped said swimsuit artwork, but I always feel I have room to improve and I am dissatisfied with where I am currently. I think anyone without art skill would see anyone with mid tier skills as a professional so I don't think my skill level matters.
Disgusting, I may draw anime but even when I draw suggestive artwork I draw it with love of the medium and admiration for works that inspired me, never to coom.

No. 2123976

Where's the place to get easy commissions? I even tried setting up etsy but I don't have a credit card, fandoms requires consistency and friendliness I can't be bothered to and 4channers are disgusting cheapstakes

No. 2123980

is it still possible to get any comms whatsoever without drawing titchop or porn or is my dignity going to have to be sacrificed

No. 2123985

>On the topic of art styles though, on a scale of circle to triangle, how rounded/soft or angular/sharp would you say your art tends to be?
Love this question tbh. I grew up copying cartoons so I struggle with making my art a bit too round and cute even though I now want it to be a bit more "edgy". It's something I need to work on, though the current result of "soft edgy" isn't too bad either kek

No. 2123991

Personally whenever an artist I follow start to post "sexy" art it has always escalated into them eventually posting little to nothing but coom, regardless if they're a male or female artist, so now I also just unfollow as soon as they start posting it. I just don't need more sexualized images of women in my life, they're already everywhere. And it's really hurtful having to see someone you respected for their art just openly air out their fetishes and sexual preferences. It's too bad it affected you negatively, but I'm sure there are a lot of women like me who had a knee-jerk reaction and that's why you lost followers.

No. 2123994

I've never done a single sexy or troon commission, I've got less than 1000 followers, and I've still done $200 commissions. So yeah, it's possible.

No. 2124071

Can any nonnies recommend value resources like books/lesson sites. Everytime I try to work on my values the sheer scope of "I don't even know what I don't know." overwhelms me.

No. 2124079

It is but, you'll have to decline some people. About 10% of my customers are trans and about a half of them have trans looking characters so it's not that much to decline.
With porn that's more difficult, i do draw porn because i have to pay to the goverment for daring to work on my own. If i didn't have to hand them half of my money i could get by without drawing porn. So yes there are customers who don't want porn out there.
I'm not sure if it's easy but i had some sucess in facebook groups, you have to be very active though.

No. 2124198

Used to be in that server too and always found it funny that people would call out chooby(slime) specifically as a shotacon whenever cgsg gets brought up here. All I saw was him drawing moid brained femboys with tumors asses or shitty gondola meme paintings. I could be wrong but i think he's just a shitty cumbrain that played kiss ass to stay in their good graces rather than a sleezy shotacon slipping shota into the discord.

No. 2124211

Femboys are shotas. There is a reason why in japan they are called otokonokos(which translates to boy daughter) and why they are femBOYs and not men. Dont kid yourself. The fact that people still believe scrotes into femboys arent pedophiles into young teen boys perplexes me. Femboys became very popular thanks to shadman, too.

No. 2124221

File: 1722956111726.png (384.15 KB, 800x800, businesswomen-people-shaking-h…)

Me and you. But I'm also uncomfortable sharing a space with a trump fan artist.

No. 2124263

File: 1722958137485.png (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 1170x1460, IMG_1122.png)

My local con had a few artists upset that this was allowed and deemed "not sexual" even though it even had a sign saying "squeeze me" and it's clearly very sexualized. The convention prides itself on being "safe for kids" btw. Other artists were arguing that this is totally "not sexual" and "not +18", and the convention mod subtly agreed with that person while pretending to be neutral and referring complaints to a dead link. I think this should be considered +18 but I'd love to hear other anons perspectives because I've never gone to any other conventions so idk what's normally allowed or not?

No. 2124277

>Femboys became very popular thanks to shadman, too.
nta although i agree with everything else thats not true femboys became very coomer bait in the mid 2015 with the tranny virus before then they were just referred as traps and usually were joke tropes and yes femboys are pedophilic

No. 2124279

porn became so normalized people don't even see it as something inaproppriate anymore. now anything that doesn't explicitly show genitalia and nipples is SFW according to these retards
>I've never gone to any other conventions so idk what's normally allowed or not?
if an event advertises itself as "safe for kids" it shouldn't sell shit like this, period.

No. 2124295

Yeah and it was thanks to shadman. Back then he was know for drawing a shit ton of femboys. I even remember him drawing that '' hit or miss'' female cosplayer as a femboy because men were thristing over her because she looked like a 14yo boy.

No. 2124298

i dont think anime conventions should be for kids, anime as a genre is very coomery. Even anime targetted at young boys in japan like one piece has women with gigantic breasts.

No. 2124315

File: 1722960418281.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.52 KB, 768x720, momonosuke_and_nami___one_piec…)

I've seen more anime boob mousepads with male characters than female in artist alley. At anime cons, if there's no genitals/nips showing, it's not 18+. Mainstream anime has scantily clad women and lewd jokes so.

No. 2124322

I think anyone who takes children to anime conventions expecting there to be no sexualization they will need to explain is being delusional as fuck about their pornified japanese hobby that inherently has sexual references without westerners further coomifying it.

No. 2124325

Did anyone catch Adam Duff's video that was deleted yesterday?
I missed it but apparently he called artist against AI "bitches" and said "you lost".

No. 2124330

Nta but it can be for kids too. At least in my country I have literally never seen sexy anime girls on sale, I only saw fully clothed body pillows like last year because I asked what merch someone had of my husbando, and they showed me the teeny tiny body pillows that were sold as gag items for adults because they were hidden under the table itself.
I've never seen artists selling weird mouse pads or anything else, they just give you their card and expect you to check their stuff in their profiles or to commission from them whatever else you want.
It can't be that difficult to do so, then again, these "artists" only sell coom shit because their "art" is shit like
Like what's memorable of that? Who the fuck is the character even supposed to be? Either you sell something actually interesting or you appeal to the bottom of the barrel losers that can only think of sex.

No. 2124335

While I don't think there's a problem with drawing or depicting women showing a bit of their chest, I really hate it when artists act like they're oppressed when people call them out for advertising what is essentially women in lingerie-esque outfits and claiming it's sfw. Seeing coom artists act like victims when zoomers speak out about hating porn always brings a smile on my face.

The amount of posts talking about teenage roman empire femboys and showing photos of young attractive adult women is a telltale sign femboy shit is just men larping as little kids.

Draw from black and white photos, recognizing values are something that comes through practice.

No. 2124339

what a faggot

No. 2124346

maybe he lost because he draws soulless generic monster designs. AI still cant make the stuff i want to draw.

No. 2124354

>ai is justifiable if its used as a tool even if it steals work from artists and harm their career
spineless faggot

No. 2124408

What do you anons do when you feel creatively bankrupt? I've been doing studies for such a long time that I feel like I can't go out of my comfort zone and do anything too daring. It's really upsetting me and I don't feel accomplished with my art at all.

No. 2124412

What's the name of the artist? I think I recognize that artstyle.

No. 2124443

Thank you nona for the detailed breakdown. Will keep your points in mind as I sunset this phase of my life and move into the next. 100% with you in not tolerating any troonery among friends too.
The courses are probably on various file sharing sites, but Bill Perkins covers a decent amount of values-related information in his composition and visual storytelling courses on nma. Pretty sure James Gurney has information about that on his site/books too.
From what I've seen at the cons I've done 18+ is defined as showing nips/genitalia, but depends on who's looking if an AA org is actually walking through the aisle because individual tolerances vary. And >>2124279 is right, most people have been so desensitized to porn that your example is not gonna register as very sexualized on initial glance. I had to really look at the image to lean toward agreeing with you that it should be 18+ due to the smaller details, but if I were walking through AA and saw that in the corner of my eye I'd find it unappealing but not necessarily 18+.

No. 2124488

Wow the art here is so shitty,so much wrong here especially the weird black left eye,the pencil thin neck and the long ass manly hands.

No. 2124704

Captain Rainwater on DA? I lurked ED for art cows and she was a favorite of mine. Her character was inspired by Jrock and Marie Antionette too and was insanely detailed to animate kek.

No. 2124781

I don’t believe it was that bad in the 00’s and could be marketed for kids (even western comic cons) but now I can’t even take my kids to family friendly events because they're not made for kids in mind. Even Lego is targeted to manchildren and it’s embarrassing to see.
Looks like the artist who did Momokun’s merch run years ago. Maybe not but the cow character and coloring looked familiar to me.

No. 2124832

There are three means of handling creative bankruptcy that have worked for me.
1. Fan OCs: just think about creating fanart for a show of a fan made character.
2. Read a new book and try to illustrate scenes from the book.
3. Start with a simple project and populate it with the necessary cast of characters needed to make it function.
Example Project: make a zoo for monsters. Well every zoo has a bird exhibit so what kind of monster birds would you make for a zoo for monsters?

No. 2125131

i'm sorry but to claim men can't have bodies like that when it is literally a moth creature is so retarded. it's art, it isn't real. everyone gets so stupid and locked up about gender/sex in fiction.
>moth with human legs and arms speaking the english language
i sleep
>guy with a pear-shaped body

No. 2125144

>inb4 nonnas start 3 days of constinuous infighting over this

No. 2125203

I guess the initial video was in support of ergo josh, who has gone the way of ai as well. In the comments people were telling him he didn't have to meat ride ergo Josh so hard and he just kept responding with "I'm not dickriding him, his art is just so influental!" He's 100% hiding behind Josh to soften his stance on ai with his followers. You could tell he was seething from his responses. He's pissed his fan base doesn't agree with him on ai.

No. 2125327

NYART but illustrating book scenes is a fantastic option that I don’t nearly practice enough. It’s a great thought exercise, as it already gives you the thematic, tonal and story tools you need and leaves you to figure out how to put it all together visually like a jigsaw puzzle. Just seconding this for any nonas who see.

No. 2125332

This. Its like how anons sperg that artists draw women too masculine. Like who the fuck cares? I draw my men with insane dorito shaped backs and tiny waists that dont exist Do i care? no, cuz its hot. Hope it gives men and tifs body dysmorphia.

No. 2125379

File: 1723018853527.jpg (26.33 KB, 474x334, OIP (21).jpg)

moids cant have pear shape bodies (unless theyre fat as fuck) retard only women can, this is like "men can have curves!" shit that troons say, if youre going to give your male character a "bust" anons are in the right to think its faggy handmaidenchan

No. 2125389

sure it's technically a moth creature, but idolomantis's art is basically just sexy woman with wings and antenna. she gave the "femboy" character big hips to appeal to coomers not because she wanted to create a monster with interesting proportions

that character is a tif anyway so the big hips make sense. not like she wouldn't have done it with a male character, because coom. nothing deeper than that

No. 2125396

File: 1723019745841.jpg (210.49 KB, 802x1024, 27299.jpg)

it pisses me off so bad when i find a cool site that archives old art and the faggots running the site decide to watermark it. Its so selfish to destroy art like this just for clout.

No. 2125397

anon its a fucking furry moth its not a real human male

No. 2125402

dont be obtuse about what i was responding to, go lick Idolomantises boots somewhere else

No. 2125406

i dont even like that retards art i am just tired of anons sperging about muh realistic body shapes when they are talking about anime or fucking furries. Its honestly hilarious they can excercise suspension of disbelief for a fucking pink moth furry, but the furry moth having a pear shape is way too unrealistic. Its stylized art, its not meant to be realistic.

No. 2125426

It's a pointless fight kek anons obsessions with gender and trans people has only been getting worse. It always goes back to woman circle man rectangle and everything else is wokie brainrot

No. 2125429

Its also telling because that moths body wouldnt even be realistic if it was a woman. No woman is shaped like some photoshopped insta-thot with a wasp waist. Its so retarded and it shows how many legit autists use this thread.

No. 2125540


lol this guy is stupid as hell

So we're meant to believe that

- he was born in and lived in japan for 15 years

- moved to america 3-4 years ago

- somehow lost 90% of the japanese he learned and used while living in and going to school in japan in those 15 years

- gained an almost perfect understanding of english grammar and american pronounciation + online slang

- also gained a good level of spanish since he's replied to spanish comments in spanish

- all in those 3-4 years since he's moved from japan

that sound realistic at all?(integrate)

No. 2125554

its a woman, anon

No. 2125571

Who gives a fuck what you headcanon this person as

No. 2125579

you need to be 18+ to post here newfag

No. 2125599

Men selling art classes and tutorials who also endorse AI might be the most retarded of all

No. 2125601

>if an event advertises itself as "safe for kids" it shouldn't sell shit like this, period.
ayrt, the founder of the convention even has a personal video aimed at parents on the website saying it's totally safe for them to let kids go to the convention alone. His own toddler is in the video too. He encourages parents to instead volunteer and work for him/the con for free while their kid walks around the con alone. They also have no lower age limit for volunteer workers, I know 11 year olds who have worked there. Btw the founder is a male they/them polysexual.

No. 2125649

Would fan theory be a more fitting term here

No. 2125665

File: 1723037721741.png (182.79 KB, 499x540, 1648335799569.png)

Sidestepping the porn/lewd items that are usually at cons. Leaving a child unsupervised in a massive event full of randos is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. Esp since in anime fandoms you have a streak of massive degeneracy. All you need is some loli/shota coomer seeing a kid alone and getting ideas. This idiot's con must be a complete Trainwreck.

No. 2125670

>Btw the founder is a male they/them polysexual.
Well, then everything makes sense. He is just a pedophile grooming kids, no surprises there.

No. 2125673

File: 1723038638679.png (784.5 KB, 604x875, 256146.png)

Where's the improvement?

No. 2125680

That guy is so ugly, holy shit

No. 2125682

did her art became worse? wasn't it more polished before? atleast her self insert is not a child anymore

No. 2125761

The guys shoulders became even more massive

No. 2125801

Isn’t this from that weird DDLG-esque webcomic?

No. 2125805

File: 1723049154421.jpg (800.87 KB, 4093x2894, bigshoulda.jpg)

hey guiz how do u like my new improvement? and no i do not ship this old moid with my child oc whos actually an adult

No. 2125810


No. 2125813

Somebody rescue that seme from his forced hetero marriage.

No. 2125825


No. 2125829

> Can't even take a joke about yaoi proportions

No. 2125845

You just typed it like you meant "eeew not mu precious gay moid being shipped with a yucky icky girl!! Gross!! He deserves better!!" Like we all know yaoi addicted women are misogynistic as fuck

No. 2125853

File: 1723052085439.jpg (21.07 KB, 300x300, 1716940782109.jpg)

>like we all know yaoi addicted women are misogynistic as fuck
the newfaggyness to say this on lolcow.

No. 2125854

Nta but it was clearly just a joke about silly proportions, don't be so schizo.

No. 2125875

Nta but that opinion doesn't make someone new. In fact we've had fujo cringe threads here for years.

No. 2125881

You guys are somehow more autistic than a autistic person

No. 2125888

Mother fuckers just a flag with a barbie head at this point

No. 2125891

Oh fuck I had to actually zoom in to see the pacifier HAHAHAHA. This is too good anon

No. 2125892

NYART but it’s about the way the newfag typed it, nona. As if she’s trying to appeal to an invisible audience. Classic twittard behaviour.

No. 2125899

>As if she’s trying to appeal to an invisible audience
What are you even talking about anon? It was just a joke

No. 2125909

Sadly she's still a child. It's just that Iuciferic then created an "adult" version of her self insert OC exactly for the shippier stuff, but it's pretty much still a child because the "adult" version doesn't look adult at all. You know, 5000 year old young looking girl type of deal.

No. 2126173

stressing over potential summerfags is going to turn you lot schizo at some point

No. 2126228


to also add a bit of context: his deleted video featured him saying, "you lost, bitches!" and telling everyone to get over it, they lost the battle against ai, and generally being weirdly combative. he's doing damage control in comment sections under his own video as well as other people's videos criticizing him in the past 48 hours.

No. 2126309

File: 1723070863069.gif (717.34 KB, 500x204, fc9.gif)

Dragoneer was only owner for about three years, and before that it was owned by IMVU. Like most things to do with furries, it will persist whether we like it or not

No. 2126312

this looks like AI kek
god please shut the fuck up

No. 2126316

Some of you really let moids/fujos live rent-free in your heads kek

No. 2126329

Kek. Some people bring it on themselves.

No. 2126356

File: 1723073093441.jpg (125.75 KB, 1170x1295, 1000006351.jpg)

Just imagine it says lolcow instead I'm too lazy to edit it

No. 2126465

I wish I could've seen it, and seen his mask off.

No. 2126490

I watched another vid where this woman claimed that she found a repost of the video on 4chan but it's so impossible to find anything on that site and having to scroll past hentai, lol and shota, and gaping vagina pics while looking is not worth it.
(Same anon)

No. 2126525

Some of you guys are too obsessed with fujos lol

No. 2126531

this is like great value vewn

No. 2126599

You have such a way with words

No. 2126813

I'm throwing this in to give some specifics since I speak Japanese, but there were obvious basic grammar mistakes in the Japanese in that video. For one example she said "4年" as ”よん ねん" / "yon nen" instead of ”よねん" / "yonen", in addition to a bunch of other shit that is glaringly obvious if you actually know Japanese ("san kara yon nen" was all wrong). Also the terrible accent is a dead giveaway. Her grammar and pronunciation are very bad, but her pitch inflection of words and the cadence of sentences is 100% non-native.

No. 2126844

File: 1723118511325.jpeg (971.8 KB, 1170x1325, IMG_3939.jpeg)

I know nothing about this moid (he just showed up on my feed) but if this tweet indicates the general trend of his art, I think I may have found a new personal cow. All that talent for landscape art, and you still can’t help but slather your coomer fantasy of a naked woman with broken hips on top of it. Men cannot be saved.

No. 2126845

File: 1723118541980.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1170x1939, IMG_3943.jpeg)

No. 2126850

File: 1723119365557.png (167.11 KB, 1284x899, 028c8852-ab0b-4fb2-843d-d027fa…)

there was a old incident in jap art twitter community where a artist killed himself over his work being used in ai take this with a grain of salt after all its jap twitter and i cant find the og post anywhere tldr japanese goverment is considering ai art to be transformative and not infringing upon copyright that has many artists against it news source :https://www.ft.com/content/f9e7f628-4048-457e-b064-68e0eeea1e39?countryCode=MEX&multistepRegForm=multistep

No. 2126851

Not gonna lie i thought this was AI

No. 2126852

File: 1723119451019.png (163.37 KB, 560x690, EogdM7bU8AAY-Fu.png)

He's a predator who's been fired from all of his professional gigs for assaulting women. All he has now are his online classes and nude image packs with his wife


No. 2126853

Me too but I couldn't tell if it really does look like AI or if AI has just poisoned my mind kek

No. 2126856

>WAAAAH WAAAH NOT MY FAULT GUIZ THAT I WAS A CREEP TO WOMEN WAAH boohoo im so sowwy guyz im all for feminisms now!
>pls hire me
>waaaaaah wahhh
suck on a shotgun barrel

No. 2126862

Guy used to illustrate MTG cards, was really popular, believed he was a rockstar and would pick up girls for his weird little harem thing at cons and such

No. 2126875

Can someone explain why she tries to hide her weirdass ddgl fetish? She claims those two characters have a father/daughter vibe but literally drew porn of them on her tumblr

No. 2126894

People have called her out on it before so she tries to hide under the cloak of "noo guys it's totally OK now they're family!"

No. 2126896

Many such cases, any day now he'll start fellating rightoids.

No. 2126900

>draws 1 male out of 14 females
>It's an ugly bastard

No. 2126902

Lmao nonnie I'm pretty sure that's a painting of himself referenced from the photo packs he takes with his wife

No. 2126906

Unironically now ask him to draw an ugly/fat woman or even a beautiful dark-skinned woman without using a reference kek, or basically anything that isn't bobbleheaded Belle Delphine.

No. 2126922

This one guy's clearly not the case because he's a sex pest, but it wouldn't surprise me to hear that artists who enjoy drawing landscapes/backgrounds slap random naked women on them so maybe more people will notice their art. Landscapes take a really long time to draw, but can be a little bland without a subject, and the easiest and most appealing one to add is a naked woman. Kind of a "sex sells" thing.

No. 2126936

Yes. She handed me a print-out kek, since she'd seen me drawing out of an anatomy book in the library and thought I'd prefer a physical reference. She was very eager, and when I commented that the character looked different since last class she went all 'teehee yeah I got excited and drew an update'. Apparently her project had shifted gears thanks to the screenwriting elective we were in (off-topic but funniest class I've ever been in tbh). I also think the OC was a gijinka or heavily influenced by gijinka designs lol. I did draw the character, but dressed as a preppy country club golfer while doing a backswing. She loved it, so it all worked out pretty well in the end (if exceedingly cringe).

She was an enby leaning towards being a tif and kinda made everyone uncomfortable, was really gunning for that whole hyper-sexual asexual 'personality', if you get me. I was nice to her when we interacted (gotta be since you never know who could be your in to an industry job someday, after all), but tbh she was my personal artcow– her art was a mess (think a mix of wonky-bnha, steven universe, her fetishes, and being at that skill point where you start to get okay at art but then decide you're god's gift to illustration and never have to improve or study or look at references) and she could not take criticism and would whine about it on her tumblr constantly (she actually dropped out, posting on her blog that she left because the tutor was 'infringing on her creativity' after she submitted a 2D character design assignment and got told to tone down the details in general and not to include hand-drawn galaxy patterns on the character kek). I'd link her here but she changed her handle and made new blogs constantly so I can't find her anymore.

Ah yeah that's always awkward (friend of mine had her art get reblogged by ERPers once and oh what a tale did they weave together in the notes lmao), it happened to me in my chat while I was livestreaming. Uncomfortable and surreal kek.

No. 2126944

I think her weird ddlg thing is retarded but she just needs to own it. The types of people that go rabid at the chance to cancel an artist over their kinks or subject matter always have skeletons in their closet and end up on the chopping block next. Might as well do what you want because in the end, those types end up cancelling each other anyways kek

No. 2127057

"Saying they're my oc is not enough. Let's say they live in my mind and they have their own autonomy"

No. 2127092

The thumbnail of the video hadn't loaded so I was going say something along the lines of
>That's not cringe, I have a oc like that!!
Maybe I am a retard.

No. 2127095

I know he's a faggot but I gotta question the women, too. Why the fuck would you sleep with such a loser? He's not even remotely attractive or talented.

No. 2127099

you say as if you dont understand what coercion is, have you forgotten the blizzard sex scandal

No. 2127101

>Well, then everything makes sense. He is just a pedophile grooming kids, no surprises there.
ayrt honestly that's how I feel about the situation but I can't tell ANY of my convention friends that because they're all woke now and buying that garbage

No. 2127119

How do you keep yourself motivated to draw? I draw everyday, but i am very pessimistic and i cant shake off the idea that i might never be good enough.

No. 2127121

you keep drawing, thats it

No. 2127122

File: 1723142071086.png (724.04 KB, 913x484, aigivememoarshekels.png)


I found the snippet of it of the part where he was like YOU LOST BITCHES on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtistHate/comments/1ek5fo6/he_just_posted_an_apology_video_that_said_he_have/

No. 2127125

Very true, thanks.

No. 2127127

wtf do you guys do with those inbox messages from people from palestine asking for help? i'm a super small art blog and it feels weird and preformative to post them but idk ugh. i just get them from the males too idk how legit they are even

No. 2127130


i don't understand why men can't draw women's bodies realistically. it's like so many of them learned art just to be able to draw and paint pornography of women and it's fucking disgusting.

No. 2127134


i don't wanna sound cruel but a lot of those things are scammers looking for someone to toss them free money, its better to just go to a reputable source to donate to help the people in gaza. if i'm going through a horrific war torn environment, the last thing i wanna do is hop on a laptop and e-beg. but maybe that's just me.

No. 2127139

block them refugees dont go on tumblr blogs asking for help, its a scam

No. 2127141

I wish women would do the same, but they would rather pickmemaxx

No. 2127147


what, you mean draw naked porny men? pretty sure that's already happened. unless you mean draw naked women in that same manner then yeah, i can't think of any names tbh

No. 2127152

I mean draw naked porny men. Most women that do arent in the industry. Industry artists are always pickmes for some reason.

No. 2127185

NTA but
>some reason
That is exactly why they're even allowed in the industry in the first place

No. 2127212

No. 2127300

File: 1723148748566.jpg (478.46 KB, 802x1040, me when i cant figure out my a…)

Peak cringe watching this as an artist because it's so obvious it's still the same person drawing these kek. It's so hilarious that she's larping as a demon but a demon fussing about gender and dysphoria.

No. 2127316

is one of her personalities kooleen?

No. 2127328

Can't be that drawing is way better what koolen draws

No. 2127370

So tired of artists like this, especially when you say they’re not that great and everyone thinks you’re just being a hater kek. He’s probably photobashing most of these anyways.

No. 2127378

>practice for 20 years in order to improve
Is this true nonnas? This actually concerns me.

No. 2127388

Yeah. All of my favourite artists except for one are all well in their 40s-50s. I think to git gud at a young age you need to either be super gifted or go to a chinese art school like mgong.

No. 2127392

Nah not really it depends on what medium though if it's traditional it may take you 20 or even just 2 years it depends on you. There are so many resources out there you can improve way faster in 10 years you'll be a pro ofcourse that doesn't mean you stop practicing you keep doing that all your life.

No. 2127406

I'm not interested in being pro. I'm interested in making art that makes me happy and by happy I mean it looks decent to look at The fact I have to do 20 years of constant study until my sex drive runs out doesn't bode well for me. For reference, I want to do male pin-up art but I wasted my teens only drawing big tiddy anime women during my pickme phase. Now I'm starting to reap what I sow because my guys look awful compared to my women.

No. 2127438

What matters is that you drew, nonny. I wish i had drawing experience going back to high school, but i started drawing around 2020 and i feel super behind everyone else. Just keep going!

No. 2127500

I used to follow him a while back. His work is legit but his personality is shit.

Depends entirely on your study method and how many hours a day you put in. Some people like Guweiz got to their current level in under 3 years.

No. 2127551

>Some people like Guweiz got to their current level in under 3 years.
no way, proof? he went to a chinese art school though didnt he?

No. 2127564

File: 1723158583827.jpg (62.91 KB, 664x900, 2YearOldGuweiz.jpg)

Maybe"current level" was a bit of a stretch. According to Guweiz's DA blog, he is self taught. This is what he was painting like after two years of self teaching.

No. 2127574

How do I get good like mgong without going to a chinese art school?
Also great tip for other nonnies: draw copies of george bridgman’s constructive anatomy. Have been seeing great results

No. 2127613

do you have his art before that?

No. 2127615

>george bridgman’s
fuck no, his art is hideous. Japanese artists use morpho.

No. 2127626

>How do I get good like mgong without going to a chinese art school?
Just fucking take courses there's alot Chinese artists who do full on 20 hour courses on this topics also do reps asking retarded questions like these when you already know the answer is pointless. There should a art thread in m specifically for questions like these

No. 2127628

nta but i doubt you can draw like mgong. The truth is only mgong and artists with her skill can answer anons question. There is no point to asking questions like that here when absolutely no one ITT can draw half as good as her.

No. 2127632

I don’t mean to offend you by saying this but who cares what Japanese artists do. George bridgman’s anatomy is very good and by practicing like him, you can do better. Some of you worship Japanese artists in such a way.. By doing that you easily start thinking you can’t do what they do, since you’re not Japanese. But that’s not how it works. You should start going to museums and see other artists than Yoshinari Yoh.

No. 2127643

I have never seen a good artist shill bridgman, but i have seen tons of talented japanese artists shill morpho. Morpho is just better, more polished bridgman anyways.

No. 2127654

Ah you're that schizoid.figures..

No. 2127656

Again, what does them being japanese have to do with anything?
Well but thank you nonetheless, will check out other Morpho books, I only did the simplified forms one.

No. 2127670

>what does them being japanese have to do with anything?
Western artists dont study, and it shows.

No. 2127676

What do you guys think of Instagram right now? I think it fucking sucks ass to use as an artist, and a lot of the good ones left Instagram for cara or twitter

No. 2127684

Are people still using Cara?

No. 2127694

File: 1723164502247.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x2084, IMG_7191.jpeg)

Got a lolcow jumpscare on TikTok from the art salt threads. Summerfags can you please gtfo of this thread? Or at least don’t post it where other people can see.

No. 2127695

explains all of the newfags that insist shes a true and honest man

No. 2127705

15k likes… rev up the terf banners

No. 2127706

The comments are all equally retarded. I wouldn’t care about them posting pumpkin milk if people weren’t name dropping lolcow in the comments. I always knew there were some gender specials lurking and posting here, but seeing all the “he/they/it”s in the comments talking about “who cares if he’s trans” and “I instantly knew it was lolcow when they said TIF” really solidifies it. School is starting soon in the US, maybe they’ll taper off.

No. 2127710

I hope some peak, but i doubt so. If you are so braindead to like pumpkings art in the first place then it was already over before it started. I hope all the tifs realize how clockable their style is too.

No. 2127713

>bird stamp brushes

No. 2127714

My figure teacher in college "shilled" Bridgman and he was an amazing artist. Morpho looks like watered-down, simplified, soulless Bridgman, kek.

No. 2127715

File: 1723165613283.jpg (322.46 KB, 1289x2048, 3936254707247.JPG)

mgong’s art isn’t that special. i’ve seen dozens of artists on a similar or better skill level.

No. 2127716

drop their @

No. 2127719

Were any of them coerced into it? (I remember hearing about the whole thing when it blew up but I didn't look further into it.)

No. 2127721

Yet another Rei17 copycat, kek

No. 2127722

She used to have her own unique style but switched to this rei17 but readable style very recently. I miss her old art.

No. 2127724

No no no, not the Blizzard employees, THAT I remember, I meant with Noah Bradley.

No. 2127787

Ah that explains it. I follow her for reference packs and she made the occasional post about drama and losing friends in the industry, her strong marriage, being scared to draw again etc a few years ago but didn’t know what she was talking about. I was always curious about it.

No. 2127802

I know it's tiring to say this over and over but this shit is soulless.I don't trust male artists who prefer drawing women over men maybe that's just me but they're all such egotistical creeps obsessed with women's bodies.

No. 2127841

I wish they would at least draw more interesting coom. Thicc woman standing is so fucking boring and overdone.

No. 2127859

Woww!! A male artist who drew nothing but coom was sexually harassing women!!!! I'm shocked!!

No. 2127877

File: 1723177765030.jpg (42.75 KB, 315x512, unnamed.jpg)

It looks fine? Like bordering on the same realistic/semi realistic style of Loomis (an author this thread has shilled for a long time). Nona, if you want to handicap yourself by limiting your art resources fine, but don't give bad advice. Not all of us are looking to be weeb artists and some of us want to have that "ugly" style.

No. 2127879

If you want to draw unappealing post wall men be my guest. I am just saying that there are better artists out there to study from that are recommended by good artists.

No. 2127895

File: 1723179307074.jpg (671.1 KB, 1200x1600, Elisabeth_Nourse_Self-Portrait…)

>unappealing post wall men
You're not a scrote but you speak with all the narrowmindedness of one. You're like all the moid artists in /ic/ who only want to draw barely-legal women. A real, actual artist can draw anyone, any age, any ethnicity, anon. Insulting others for wanting to know how to draw like that only makes you look like a jackass invoking the crab bucket. In which case, I invite you to leave this place and go to /ic/. Women will eventually dominate men in the arts, and we will do it without women like you.

No. 2127898

You sound like an insufferable pickme. Men will never return you the favour btw.(infighting)

No. 2127903

Im not even that famous on the internet  ( 2-3k followers on my Instagram) and Im so paranoid about getting cancelled for some stupid shit. Everyday I go to insta and there is another drama where someone stabs a friend in the back by posting private messages for a "callout". No wonder we have loneliness epidemic, you cant trust anyone these days.

No. 2127905

>we will do it without women like you.
kek what a pick me

No. 2127908

Cool samefagging.

No. 2127913

are you new or something?

No. 2127919

Looks like Eva Green

No. 2127967

File: 1723183215998.jpg (53.86 KB, 972x610, IMG_20240807_152540_825.jpg)

NTA but shockingly learning basic anatomy and then applying that to your studies and using a mix of methods to streamline your drawing proccess means that eventually you'll be able to draw anyone and anything. What is a method besides proportions and a way of breaking down shapes? Some are less helpful but some are more, but you aren't actually learning anything if you can only draw what the books show you how to draw and ideally you shouldn't be following a method to a exact tee besides study because everyone has preferences that they'll naturally lean towards. I swear to god some anons are either crabby no draws or have a TBI from hitting a wall and have to be walked through basic logic.

No. 2127981

You'll be fine as long as you don't befriend any insane or underage people, most of those callouts are motivated by personal grudges. But you can study their topics to figure out what things you shouldn't say even in private to not give anyone the ammunition. There are normal people online but I'd recommend not to bring up anyhing political or controversial with them either

No. 2128019

god shut the fuck up you hamplanet(infighting)

No. 2128024

Open the canvas and draw a single line. It’s starting off that’s the hardest part.

No. 2128091

Thanks nonita I will pick people carefully. There is this one tif that follows me and she is drawing really good and shows interest in befriending me but she is definitely the type of drama queen girl. Won't stop crying on her stories and then chimp out on some stupid shit she saw online once. Kek. 

No. 2128140

How can so many people believe this? The drawings are all the same. Her process is the same, even though she really tries to make it different. Watching this, I thought of how I sketch in red and my friend sketches in blue. She turns the sketch directly into lineart. The noses are identical. Love how she tries a different style with the traditional sketch and then defaults into her usual style in procreate. This is so lazy. She could've looked up vastly different artists at different skill levels and just copied them, but no, she wanted them all to be "good"

No. 2128162

I never said anything against learning the basics. I just dont understand why you would use an old as shit crusty book where you have to squint to even understand whats even happening when there are miles better books. If you want to sit and study and old book with shitty scans go and do it, but i am just telling anons there are better alternatives that are actually recommended by good artists.
>but if you don’t draw post wall men or ugly men you’re limiting yourself to a small pool of references.
this is so retarded, do you think waifu artists drew fatties and old women to draw big titty anime girls? you dont need to draw ugly men to get good at drawing.

No. 2128176

Kek that's the exact kind of person you should be polite to without ever getting close.

No. 2128206

Kek nonny this happened to me. Drew big titty women and cute girls all thorough my pickme teens and turned fujo in my 20's, had to relearn so much and study a new style to draw all the men I wanted. I'm the same though, I'm not looking to become a human copy machine replicating reality 1:1, I just want to be able to create what I personally find appealing and what makes me happy and the "noooo you'll have to draw fat naked middle aged men croquis for 5 years before a single bishounen" approach pisses me off.

No. 2128219

File: 1723206801871.jpeg (93.88 KB, 1198x877, IMG_4024.jpeg)

Seen on Twitter, my new favourite art meme.

No. 2128228

No. 2128248

Also look at how "Soren", the "front" in the video, has the most rendered art style. She's not gonna let her imaginary friends mog her art style wise kek.

No. 2128259

Nonnie. Don't sit there and pretend this is about how old the book is. You said it was bad purely by being western. Even if it's old, doesn't make it bad. There is technique there even if it's a technique you don't want to learn.
> do you think waifu artists drew fatties and old women to draw big titty anime girls? you dont need to draw ugly men to get good at drawing.
How fucking retarded are you? I could give a shit about some moid's garbage coomer art, so why tf would I copy what they study? If you want to only draw your anime husbandos and use only references Japanese artists/coomer moid losers from /ic/ recommend be my fucking guest but don't sit there and sperg in the thread about how ugly it is and bad to learn.

No. 2128354

Because the girl in the image is me and because the bar is through the floor when it comes to making fujo jokes that aren’t troon related somehow

No. 2128365

That image you posted looks like M/F tho…

No. 2128368

>Nonnie. Don't sit there and pretend this is about how old the book is. You said it was bad purely by being western.
This thread has so many retards. I have literally never said that. Morpho, the book i recommend, is a western book. Maybe Bridgman is good for you because Morpho has too many icky words you actually have to read and comprehend, while even a retard can copy shit without understanding it.

No. 2128381

The only artist I believe who may have DID/multiple personalities is a woman who was abused as a kid (satanic cult) and her paintings really reflect her fractured mind. Similar style but there are differences you can see that her mind is protecting herself. Young artists want to play pretend so they should just call it something else.

No. 2128386

No value hierarchy and a weak silhouette. What is happening in this illustration? If you can't automatically tell, it's not that great. Strong illustration is not just about who can draw the best clothes folds and foreshortening.

No. 2128389

Pretty sure it’s just yaoi but agree to disagree

No. 2128391

you can literally see the boob outline

No. 2128396


No. 2128400

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No. 2128401

File: 1723216782951.png (4.07 KB, 266x130, 1641347922743.png)

thats very obviously the arm….

No. 2128402

I don’t wanna infight but you were raving on and on about japanese artists shilling Morpho. Now you’re calling us retarded for making copies even though making copies is a way to learn? I don’t wanna say PYW but be my guest and try to copy it perfectly. Try to make a copy of renaissance painters and look at my face and say that even a dumbass could copy it without understanding it. Even if he doesn’t, he can learn from it.

No. 2128403

wait its not even the arm its just the Onomatopoeia. I dont know how you get boob out of that.

No. 2128406

are you so inept that you can't branch out from a reference book's theory and apply it to the subject matter you actually want to draw?

No. 2128407

>I don’t wanna infight but you were raving on and on about japanese artists shilling Morpho.
I only used Japanese artists as an example because they are the only artists that currently study, and they normally recommend morpho. None of you can post a good artist that vouchs for Bridgman.
> Now you’re calling us retarded for making copies even though making copies is a way to learn?
If you just copy stuff without understand it you aren't going to learn. Morpho and Bridgman are construction anatomy books, you arent meant to just copy the drawings. You actually have to apply what you learn from books by making ecorches. The first page from Morpho's anatomy book is telling you about how to properly study by using that method.
Clearly the anons shilling the book cant since they are all just copying lmao

No. 2128410

File: 1723217419928.png (365.87 KB, 1198x866, pinis.png)

he has a very subtle dick anon

No. 2128418

Schrodinger's yaoi….

No. 2128419

What are some cringy things or habits you still fall into as an artist for example I. Like drawing Pinterest girls quite abit

No. 2128422

Thats not cringy anon, draw whateveryou want.

No. 2128429

Do you consider Norman Rockwell a good artist? Because Norman was one of his students and he spoke highly about him in his autobiography. George studied in the Ecole of Beaux Arts in Paris back in the 19th-early 20th century, he was good and taught thousands of students. Nona I truly don’t want to infight, because I see your points, but if you’re telling me only japanese artists study today then you live in a very small bubble. The thing is today we only see art in twitter or something and we only see japanese and chinese artists, but there are thousands of good artists out there, western or not, who study and are good. I don’t want to keep this going on longer so we can just agree to disagree. I hope you do good on your art, I wish you well.

No. 2128432

"Unappealing post wall men"
I draw men like that pic

No. 2128438

File: 1723219129456.png (150.37 KB, 2048x1536, duck-rabbit-1875343717.png)

kek it's like the duck rabbit.

No. 2128439

File: 1723219161783.jpg (112.91 KB, 720x483, 073e027d3142acde9d38da3acfc96c…)

Agree with this, there are good western artists you just don't see many of them bc they aren't the chronically online Twitter types. Social media artists don't represent the entire artist sphere.

No. 2128442

Norman Rockwell called himself an illustrator instead of an artist because of his heavy use of references. I am not saying its a bad thing, i am just saying that if you want to learn how to construct figures from imagination there are better options out there.
>The thing is today we only see art in twitter or something and we only see japanese and chinese artists, but there are thousands of good artists out there, western or not, who study and are good.
I was very obviously talking about artists who post art online. I think where we differ is that i want to learn construction and anatomy in order to draw from imagination, while i assume your goal is to draw semi realistic copies of humans.

No. 2128444

kek good for you i guess

No. 2128689

File: 1723231603108.png (34.05 KB, 540x320, Screenshot 2024-08-09 122339.p…)

okay this isn't related to art so much but I need to seethe about puppychan some more. That's not how it works you absolute sped. That's not how any of this works.(off-topic)

No. 2128723

File: 1723233366796.jpeg (87.33 KB, 624x877, 1244040318.jpeg)

Let me put this into perspective. You are getting pissy, over the shapes people draw. I hate Loomis but there's really good artists who use that method, it's like people have preferences in the way they want to draw and find it easier and more constructive to study to draw in one method over the other. Also what the fuck is your argument anymore? You learn Bridgeman and can only draw uggo men, or everyone who uses Bridgeman can only copy? Could that not be an issue using most methods?
>only artists currently studying
I like East Asian artists too but you're so obviously limiting the things you see and not allowing yourself to be exposed to different art and artists. There are also a lot of really fucking bad Japanese artists (picrel), you just don't see them on the non Jap side of Twitter because they don't get popular and/or they don't post on American social media.
Also, I'm sorry but Russian art school students mog most Japanese artists, they just don't post online because they're too busy being verbally and emotionally abused by their teachers, kek.

No. 2128728

wtf is your picrel? who draws an arm like that on the sitting one??? this is either some bizarre fetish or a really non-self aware artist thank you for giving me nightmares nonna

No. 2128734

Kek, it's Kikuo's (yes the Vocaloid guy) art. And that's his better art too, be glad I didn't post the one where his self insert is having sex with Miku because that one is fucked beyond belief

No. 2128736

I thought it was some mpreg art

No. 2128741

>the one where his self insert is having sex with Miku
Swear there's something in japan's water

No. 2128748

I hate the fact that people forgave her so easily. Its like people on tumblr are completely naive but also quick to anger. I saw some blogs complaining about that and some people replied “who cares I’ll keep liking her art”. First of all what art, second of all it’s funny reading that because they’re so quick to cancel anyone by pointless things but then turn around and say that. Ok.

No. 2128752

Samefag but I’m insecure now kek, you can improve by copying anatomy drawings and such right? I’ve been doing that and I do feel like I am improving.

No. 2128754

Speaking of idolizing japanese artists, you think there's people over in japan who idolize westerner art or something like how some allegedly idolize western cartoons? Honestly I find it hard to imagine considering the slop I see get popular here. Just a random thought

No. 2128766

File: 1723234818296.jpg (316.53 KB, 1280x2048, Fps6S4jaIAAmfrY.jpg)

This looks nice at first glance but it's unreadable. The arms of the standing figure are very long if there was even an attempt at foreshortening and the hands of the figure lying down are massive compared to the person standing up. Also, it's just two characters with vague lighting/shadows against a white background.
I'm not familiar with mgong but I looked at their twitter account and I found picrel, it's yet another uninteresting piece with wonky/unreadable anatomy and a weird subtext with the little girl by the two grown men in a bathtub. People in this thread need to stop shilling for Asian artists, consume art from as many different sources/cultures as you can and practice good anatomy regardless of who the author of your book is, otherwise you'll just be a carbon copy of another carbon copy.

Anon you can definitely do that. While you do that you can also try to break down the body parts into volumes/shapes/blocks, and if you're extra interested in art you can study bones and muscles too, as in reading up on them and copying drawings of the muscles and bones. That will make it easier when you draw faces (you'll understand the planes of the face better) and bodies (the skin just wraps around the muscles)

No. 2128775

Highly doubt bc even though there's American/western properties that get popular over there, it's not the same phenomena as anime over here. If anything anime is just as infectious in its homeland as it is here, which is why so many people have anime brainworms.

No. 2128779

That pic is creepy as hell

No. 2128781

Well mgong is a toddlercon so yeah

No. 2128787

Kekkk I love this autist antics she's recently put out a hiring offer for pro"shipper"lawyers for angs case kekkkk

No. 2128788

True. I think if they do exist in a significant group they'd either idolize artists of an older time like leyendecker or just straight up porn/coom artists. Although imagining a bunch of japanese people worshipping tif art or something sounds very funny to me

No. 2128789

There's some forum and imageboard threads dedicated to south park and such but any admiration is not really for the artform. Western artists are less technically skilled on average (pick random fanart from each and youll agree) and like ugliness which irritates japs, and lots of the content goes over japanese head in translation.

No. 2128791

>Western artists are less technically skilled on average
Listen, I'm not trying to defend the trash art that comes out of there but I think we should pay some mind to the fact that western artists on social platforms are younger on average and haven't even heard of loomis. Maybe I'm just not immersed in their sphere enough but I've never seen an overseas artist on social media below the age of 16.

No. 2128792

Well yeah, artists like Atsushi Kaneko, Rockin Jellybean and Hajime Sorayama are very heavily western influenced. But most people who are just fixated to anime or interested in bishounen aren't going to care about that. And there are some asian artists into western shows/music, like Yumi Tada drew band fanart a lot, and I follow two artists that draw fanart for stuff like Charles Bronson and True Detective

No. 2128793

Kim Noble? She's the only person who I think may have actual DID, and even then it could be something else. Not sure about her drawings because it's not that hard to fake different styles. The online girls are all faking though, for sure.

The Vocaloid guy that made way too many songs about child abuse to not be a sick fetish?

Mgong is talented but I agree that her art now looks like a mess. Sometimes it's overwhelming to look at because every drawing has the same color vomit palette and every part of the drawing has the same highlights/colors. The skin colors bleed into the clothes (which is pleasing sometimes but not when you always do it), the bigger woman has bright green elements so let's and random green splotches on the smaller girl's shirt! And let's always use the same light blue and neon pink highlights regardless of lighting or palette because more colors = better apparently.

No. 2128796

Thank you nona, that’s what I wanted to explain in my other comments but you did so very eloquently. And also thank you for the advice.

No. 2128801

File: 1723237273980.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.17 KB, 739x415, images - 2024-08-10T065638.684…)

>The Vocaloid guy that made way too many songs about child abuse to not be a sick fetish?
AYRT, to be fair to him all of those songs were made in the same year or two when he was a edgy NEET fresh out of failing high school. Gomenne Gomenne and Useless Child are really the only songs that is actually about abusing a child, the rest are vague horror or vague death, or are about himself like Useless Child. He also had a mental breakdown in 2019-2020 and now makes normal music.
Not to say I don't think he's a degen after seeing his horrible fetish art and whatever the fuck picrel is.

No. 2128804

Didn't he say he made those songs because he was abused as a child? Or was it only the comic?

No. 2128805

That face… Should've just stuck to the music my dude. I would point out other things bad about this drawing, except I can't even tell what's happening.

No. 2128821

Samefag but I also have to mention that most of the young artists don't even get proper art lessons at school or go to art school. Ban me for blogging but I don't live in the west and here in our schools, no matter how shoddy they are, we still have a consistent scheduled art class where they actually teach the kids how to draw things, albeit simple but still teaches them to produce something half-decent, usually landscapes. Meanwhile, according to a friend in canada with a middle-school aged sibling, the teacher just plopped them in front of a piece of paper and let them go crazy with the current prompt and maybe some wacky paints or whatever.
I guess my point is, western artists are not that good but it isn't fully their fault? I' like to hear about any western nonnie's experience though.

No. 2128827

Teachers are hardly respected in the west, they're not going to bother trying to be serious with an entire class if only 1/10 of the students are interested in art.

No. 2128829

File: 1723238322513.jpeg (20.57 KB, 450x336, images - 2024-08-10T071424.729…)

I think he did say that about the comic but it probably extends to the music too. However Gomenne Gomenne is still a really off putting song even with that context.

Yeah, at least he had si_ku (picrel) making most of his album art after the first two kikuoworlds. I don't think her art is that great either but it's leaps and bounds technically better and more appealing.

No. 2128863

wait what the actual fuck are you serious???

No. 2128866

Anon didnt even know who morpho was. I only introduced it to her and told her its better and that i have seen good artists recommend it. Its really not that deep but since i named japanese artists who i have seen recommending it in my original post anons got super pissed because you cannot praise japanese artists itt.

No. 2128869

I once saw a Japanese guy who was a shadman copycat.

No. 2128874

File: 1723240633832.jpg (181.67 KB, 689x1107, 4964114436770.jpg)

>Norman Rockwell called himself an illustrator instead of an artist because of his heavy use of references
Illustrator=artist. there's no difference between the two. That's just pure semantics.
>I think where we differ is that i want to learn construction and anatomy in order to draw from imagination, while i assume your goal is to draw semi realistic copies of humans.
Bridgeman goes through parts of the body step by step. It's not just images to copy, but everyone assumes that because no actually reads the book.

No. 2128878

There's no problem with praising japanese artists, I think what most anons get annoyed with is acting like japanese artists are inherently better just for being blessed with pure japanese blood and that western plebs will NEVER be on their level ever ever and there are NO bad japanese artists. Granted I don't really think anyone itt thinks that
I actually just gagged

No. 2128883

They generally are inherently better but it has nothing to do with "Japanese blood".

No. 2128884

File: 1723241040781.png (848.39 KB, 900x608, 1stGuweizArt.png)

Earliest image I could find was this piece posted in Feb 2014. The art in >>2127564 was posted in Nov 2015.

No. 2128889

>I think what most anons get annoyed with is acting like japanese artists are inherently better just for being blessed with pure japanese blood and that western plebs will NEVER be on their level ever ever and there are NO bad japanese artists
I literally never said this, this is an assumption anons made. I just said they study more, which is true, and that they post their studies and recommend resources more often than western artists. I prefeer old western art over japanese art, but no one in the west draws like the old masters anymore and most western artists are more interested in drawing whats popular to sell prints than actually drawing interesting stuff.

No. 2128959

That method of drawing faces is so retarded and autistic. Literally no one uses it, the loomis method is good enough.

No. 2129340

Love this. It reminds me of 90’s gallery art. Who is the artist?
Yes that’s her, thanks. I couldn’t find her name. Her pictures don’t have a different style but each personality focuses on different subjects which I think protects her. Even if she truly has DID it doesn’t appear to change one’s art style significantly; quite interesting from that perspective but not because od what she went through.

No. 2129406

I think I'll chalk up the rehashed discussion about muh based superior nippon art to weeb newfags.

No. 2129436

As an American can confirm most of my Art classes consisted of studying significance of a style without studying the methods and then the art teacher making you create it without much instruction. I think the one time I got a lot of instruction was when we had to make our own lino cuts and even then it was mostly safety based. With maybe the exception of cityscapes in perspective and the basics of the color wheel/values you don't get taught much of anything. Learned way more on my own as an adult or in college courses.


Yeah sure. What a lovely introduction. >>2127615

No. 2129452

File: 1723270274869.jpg (141.45 KB, 540x564, Screenshot_20211125-164806_Goo…)

Sandra kuck

No. 2129483

Instagram is getting shittier by the second, but I'm getting sick of mock insta social media accounts. Insta is such a shit platform for art. I wish there would be more Tumblr styled art socials and not just ones looking to piggyback off of Twitter or insta. I made art accounts on social media's before that were more for fandoms that were way better for art sharing than insta(but they all went down the crapper). Insta is for pretty people to post vanity selfies for compliments and likes, not for artists to foster a friendly, creative environment.

No. 2129497

>but no one in the west draws like the old masters anymore and most western artists are more interested in drawing whats popular to sell prints than actually drawing interesting stuff.
Nta but you can’t be serious. At this point you’re not arguing in good faith. Maybe you should consider following a few Western fine artists or contemporary illustrators instead of filling up your following list with literal whos that have “portfolios” consisting of poorly-drawn anime girls. I am utterly speechless that you have equated your Twitter timeline with “most western artists,” as though the artists that do not appear on your timeline simply don’t exist.

No. 2129499

You're just telling on yourself anon. You're literally just telling everyone here that your research has been extremely shallow, you've never explored modern Western art beyond what's popular on social media. Deeply embarassing.

No. 2129504

It's a good basis for understanding how to set eyes into the skull correctly though. The point of initially learning construction like this is so that you can draw freely from imagination later on because you know where things go anywhere in space because the foundation is as simple as turning a box in all directions. It doesn't mean you start every drawing like this forever.

No. 2129561

File: 1723281710233.jpg (131.2 KB, 1000x829, russian-children-art-school-13…)

Underage Russian art school students would love to have a chat with you. Also go to an art gallery sometime, people do paint like that.

No. 2129651

>Maybe you should consider following a few Western fine artists or contemporary illustrators
rec me some then let me see those amazing contemporary artists. They better draw interesting stuff instead of just generic semi realistic crap.

No. 2129654

wow, so interesting!. So many of you havent evolved from the ''omg semi realistic michael jackson portrait is the peak of art'' phase.

No. 2129710

>no one in the west draws like the old masters anymore
This is a blatant lie and you clearly spend more time staring at a monitor than interacting with other artists. If you tried going to in-person events or classes you would easily find out how few artists use social media outside of having a personal website.

No. 2129744

Or what, you'll seethe even harder?

No. 2129748

Nta but I feel like you're just trying to pick a fight. The picture that anon used is proof that the artist can work with values, hatching, textures and lights. The post she was replying to mentioned studying and old masters and the picture shows classical techniques used to improve one's skills. You're just being unreasonable and I could list a bunch of contemporary Western and non-East Asian artists that are extremely skilled both on a technical as well as a creative level but you are not here to hear that. You can't just sit at your computer and consume art you see on your screen because you limit yourself so much to what the algorithm wants you to see, no wonder you see so much samey art all the time.

No. 2129757

I still don't understand how shadman got such a parasocial fanbase slobbering over him

No. 2129762

File: 1723298147849.jpeg (745.31 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_6248.jpeg)

I'm half tempted to post a couple American artists I know that were taught in traditional methods (and I took a class with one of them where they taught the bargue method) but it feels too awkward because our local art groups are so small and personal. Like one of them has done portraits for nearby universities and has a bunch of paintings of relatives/his kids on his website. It's very different to know professional artists & instructors versus a faceless person across the globe on the internet who just makes acrylic stands and fanart.

Anyway a cool American painter is Kermit Oliver, he's been commissioned a bunch of times to make designs for Hermes scarves and a lot of his art is related to Texas

No. 2129764

Thank you nonna I love this
My statement may be a little broad/harsh so take this with a grain of salt, but I genuinely believe western art and media outranks japanese stuff in both skill and creativity. I don't understand people who swing the other way with this take unless they're pulling up stuff by recent cartoon network or tumblr fanartists, which again is not the only fish in the pond.

No. 2129785

Put up or shut up. Show us these amazing artist from glorious nippon and maybe we'll understand why you're being such an absolute retard.

No. 2129999

Western artist will always be looked down as "westoidslop" when compared to asian artist until they fully embrace drawing beauty. That's just the way it is.(bait)

No. 2130001

I think everyone is tired of your medicore trolling attempt

No. 2130037

>a faceless person across the globe on the internet who just makes acrylic stands and fanart

I wish I could make money off my art without the internet lol but being a Digital Artist who doesn't draw realistically, you aren't accepted into these contemporary local art spaces. And if you don't draw fanart, you can't make any money at conventions. I wish there was a space for more illustrative digital artists to make money (I guess there's children's books, but if you don't draw child friendly art, you aren't welcome there either)

No. 2130291

File: 1723332524498.jpeg (645.72 KB, 1284x2020, IMG_5900.jpeg)

KEK i just got this on my tiktok feed

No. 2130299

kek link the video nona please

No. 2130308

can you believe this was made by a 21 year old woman who went to art college. i thought this was some pornsick 16 year old

No. 2130310

i thought this was by the happylikeawall sperg who was seething on the industry animation cows thread. They all have the exact same style.

No. 2130317

comments are full of dickriding as expected
>I'm just waiting for the people to rant about the female anatomy
>Oh no women with realistic movements!!! I'm so scared oh no!!1!!:(
>people when FEMALE ANATOMY: (lots of angry and crying emojis)
yeah the reason people dislike this is totally because of "realistic" female anatomy, not because it's disgusting low-quality coom garbage
70k followers btw

No. 2130327

File: 1723335071128.png (254.13 KB, 720x720, astrocat.png)

cows crossover

No. 2130328

God i wish that were me. My biggest motivation is my favourite artists following me.

No. 2130329

No. 2130335

Coomers will really follow anything huh?

No. 2130337

When women leave these pickme comments it's usually because they're fatties who desperately want to believe that they look like this kek

No. 2130373

>cows crossover
i know about mgong's antics, but what's the deal with astrocatie?

No. 2130511

She was found with irl child porn I think?

No. 2130520

yeah her nyan cat video wasnt coom at all. just a woman dancing. with the main focus on all scenes being her butt and boobs.

No. 2130538

File: 1723348637643.jpeg (300.63 KB, 1080x1440, GQhK37BWEAEDMt1.jpeg)

kekkkkk she's actually very thin irl imagine being so deep into coom you make a fatsona

No. 2130543

Are people seriously consuming this slop in 2024? This shit is so nasty. The artstyle looks like it smells

No. 2130610

No. Someone sent one image to her and she made a sarcastic post like "Wow! I sure love to see that!!" which people interpreted literally. I guess she also sent it around in shock, but she was underage at the time. Her other crimes are drawing russia and ukraine gijinkas and making weird edgy jokes about male genshin characters fucking animals. Her statement on twitter has already been deleted but you can find a part in >>1950807

No. 2130640

Are that ankh and black strings photoshopped?? It looks so off kek

No. 2130711

How is this related to art discussion? Go back to the skirby thread now.

No. 2130716

How come when a woman draws coom you lose your shit and act like she’s lower than dirt. But moids draw the most degenerate shit on the daily and no one even bats an eye. And you whine about women artists being treated unfairly. Sigh.

No. 2130744

Literally half of the artsalt threads are us talking about how moids draw absolute decrepit criminal shit and that more than half of them should be jailed for what they do and draw. You need to lurk more.

No. 2130785

I guess because straight men drawing coom of female characters is expected, but a straight woman who does it gets nothing out of that except for male attention which is literally worthless. Though both are looked down on here and in other threads so I don't get your issue

No. 2130842

File: 1723382050561.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1225x1295, IMG_4137.jpeg)

Something about this moid’s comics feels vaguely misogynistic to me but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

No. 2130843

File: 1723382076094.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1225x1295, IMG_4138.jpeg)

No. 2130846

the exaggerated caricature expressions for the woman compared to the unexpressive face of the man certainly is

No. 2130858

>le ebil woman with standards (who is actually a tsundere who would totally fuck him) is beaten in every comic
yeah, typical moid nonsense

No. 2130869

File: 1723383826297.jpg (285.91 KB, 1135x1200, faggotcomic.jpg)

his elf comics are so fucking boring it's literally just "smug woman is stupid and vain but she always gets owned epic style by fug generic redditor self-insert depicted as based chad"

No. 2130872

I bet he's ugly like Stonehouse lmao

No. 2130873

Not sure if it's on purpoe, but to me it feels vaguely misogynistic because it's literally the same joke as that wojak meme of the woman getting mauled by the tiktok bear, just with sheep instead of the bear.
At first I was genuinely wondering if this was supposed to read as anti-SJW subtext, but I went throught the stuff he put on webtoons and I think she's just supposed to be tsundere with ojou traits. Moids are just generally really retarded about tsunderes, so anything with a tsundere character runs the risk of feeling at least a bit gross to read because you are basically watching the author publicaly exhibit his fetish.

No. 2130875

These are so ugly. Who is this made for?

No. 2130882

worthless moids who want to humble women in order to feel better about themselves

No. 2130895

There's a a current trend of "humbling" elves by coombrained moids started by the fag balbuddy either by raping them or drawing guro so yeah they try to pass it off as "funny" but it's clear what it is

No. 2130896

File: 1723385736479.gif (2.84 MB, 498x280, you-guys-are-so-fucking-boring…)

are you baiting or genuinely that retarded? for fuck's sake if i post about a female coomer once it doesn't mean i excuse the same behaviour in moids. this place has been making fun of women since forever. get a grip
i never even opened her thread nona. i just thought it would be funny to compare her coom self-insert with what she looks like IRL

No. 2130919

This is one of the most offputting artstyles i have ever seen. Its like hes trying to make one of those waifu of the week 4koma but inspired by ren and stimpy and other shitty styles that dont mix well with the whole waifu shit

No. 2130922

>making weird edgy jokes about male genshin characters fucking animals
didnt she draw it too? and fucking make stickers too? overall cows colliding is the funniest shit

No. 2130926

Do you not read these threads? everyone shits on degen moids here.

No. 2130939

I don't know what that adds to the situation. Who gives a fuck if she printed her unfunny ms paint scribbles, it doesn't really make her a cow because it's only one instance

No. 2130950

Kek I think you meant stonetoss.

No. 2131001

I mean, she technically still spread child porn, even if she was an older teen at the time. And you can't say concretely that it was a sarcastic response given she was also joking about it

No. 2131008

Samefagging but in the original callout too she makes jokes about liking underage boys >>1948859 So considering that, it's an odd coincidence she would make jokes about liking seeing kids "get huge dicks stuffed in them" while also having received CP

No. 2131071

isnt cp legal in russia or something? in my country there was something called ''the girl from facebook'' which was a cp video spread by normies to the point it became a meme, literally everyone i knew except me saw it because i didnt use whatsapp/fb, even my mom and her friends saw it. It was horrifying. Its sad but in shitty third world countries cp is very easily available and sometimes used as shock content like gore since its very unlikely to get arrested for that crime here.

No. 2131121

it's not legal, it's just often this shit goes unpunished. But it is really accessible, unfortunately, like on vk if you follow groups with open comments you might often see some cp image that is an advertisement for some tg page with cp. And ofc almost in every school there was a scandal with some young girls nudes leaked. It's a bit less normalized now, but when she was a teen it was definitely a more normalized occurrence.
I hate to use the "it was a different time" excuse, but she is being targeted disproportionally for shit other artists did, for not only being a female skilled artist who draws cute boys, but also for daring to not be a uwu kawiwi pickme lets all be friends girlie, but being a rude a bit edgy fujostacy.

No. 2131137

It's not sarcastic because she also made jokes? Do you think sarcasm is serious or something? And why would it be an "odd" coincidence if those events are years apart and she didn't go out of her way to get that image in the first place?

No. 2131157

In what world is joking about wanting to see kids get raped not cow behavior to you? I don't know why this thread is so desperate not to call certain women out on their behavior, as if the majority of cows talked about here aren't other women

No. 2131205

What guarantee can you give they were just "jokes" and she still doesn't draw zoophilia ? It's weird you keep insisting that her mutiple posts about children being raped and spreading cp is just a "joke" why would you be so defensive about this unless you're the cow herself?

No. 2131273

>why would you be so defensive about this unless you're the cow herself?
nta but some anons sound underage when they say stuff like this, shes a huge and popular artists not a nobody with 5 followers

No. 2131279

File: 1723403962815.png (513.65 KB, 785x533, 1720740286063.png)

Reading comprehension. I did not say anon WAS the cow I said WHY would you be defensive if you weren't the cow in question

No. 2131287

thats exactly what you said though.

No. 2131308

There is a huge difference between the two. The word art has been bastardised in English but in any other language calling yourself a practicer of it is seen as being cocky, it’s an honour you are awarded by the public not a title you can just give to yourself. Many illustrators did what AI does now, you give them a prompt and they draw it. Not art.

No. 2131355

File: 1723406809824.jpg (430.95 KB, 847x1200, 1000014466.jpg)

What are your favorite western artists? They can be old or new, digital or traditional, work in 3D or 2D, just post your favorites. Picrel is marisashorror on tumblr

No. 2131364

File: 1723407313083.jpeg (Spoiler Image,119.86 KB, 863x600, IMG_4942.jpeg)

fave painter is ilya repin. fave sculptor is contemporary artist berlinde de bruyckere (picrel, it's wax)

No. 2131391

File: 1723408376703.jpg (206.37 KB, 720x760, Screenshot_20240811_153104_Ins…)

Telling on himself with this one

No. 2131395

I can't help but notice that it's the same woman every time. What are the odds he's seething about his ex or a girl who didn't pick him kek

No. 2131400

I was going through some older art salt threads and saw >>2078559 which reminded me of so many talented artists who already seemed to have it all art wise by age 16/17, who's own sense of style and artistic feel gets absolutely obliterated in art school. Not all of them do, but it ends up that way for many. There's this girl on tiktok, forgot her name, but she already is doing amazing realistic self portraits and decided to go to art school and you could just see the passion being absolutely sucked out of her over the past year.
was thinking the same kek, it's not even funny.

No. 2131402

is that fujo art

No. 2131412

Holy fucking shit imagine wasting this much time and energy (not skill or effort, though) on scrotesobbing through your limp-wristed little webcomic. Peasants couldn't afford to be fatasses, they had nothing to eat and spent all day working and scrounging for a living. This guy can't even get basic history right.

No. 2131418

This is what happens when you populate with ugly worthless scrotes

No. 2131427

File: 1723409740759.jpg (1.04 MB, 1536x2048, fisher.jpg)

fisher always makes me want to draw, his art is super fun

No. 2131430

no. she makes faceless sculptures of people and animals.

No. 2131433

okay but that really looks like a guy being fucked in the ass by another guy. just saying

No. 2131434

How is that cow behaviour to you? It's just criminal, it's nothing to laugh at.

The drawings she made were obviously low effort and nothing else she draws contains zoophilia so why assume the worst?

No. 2131444

It’s true. A girl in my drawing group got accepted into an art college and I felt so bad for her because her style is traditional with collage elements. Her sketchbooks were filled with notes and energy and color. I didn’t have the heart to tell her not to go because she was so excited to be accepted. I hope her art style and passion survives but I really doubt it.

No. 2131452

I think most artists in this thread who shill mgong and overhyped East Asian artists are actually not that good at art so they don't have the critical eye developed to spot compositional or anatomical errors.

No. 2131468

As someone who went to one of the big-name art schools, I feel like it's definitely a phenomenon. Professors are pushing for "marketable" artwork and subsequently for alumni that will give them a good name so will discourage certain themes and subject matter. This is even more so for people who want to work in entertainment since they are being trained to adhere to whatever art style that a shitty Hollywood slop movie or cartoon series demands.

No. 2131470

File: 1723411702527.jpg (238.09 KB, 720x665, 20240811_232442.jpg)

Both are your run of the mil animu uwu style, but to be honest I prefer the old one. It looks more lively/interesting to look at

No. 2131479

File: 1723412028533.jpg (285.55 KB, 736x1110, 1000014470.jpg)

I love Charles Burns' work

No. 2131482

first the corpo-memphis girl and now this one… Why do the people who degrade/stagnate the most feel the most need to post these comparisons?

No. 2131483

File: 1723412374366.jpeg (337.97 KB, 1282x1536, R.jpeg)

William blake. His work is good for inspo whenever I want to draw creature design and horror

No. 2131484

I also went to one of the big-name schools and didn't feel this at all.

No. 2131486

>There's this girl on tiktok, forgot her name, but she already is doing amazing realistic self portraits and decided to go to art school and you could just see the passion being absolutely sucked out of her over the past year.
You mean Camileon?

No. 2131490

You can say the same thing for anons who shit on mgong. I doubt anyone ITT is at her level.

No. 2131491

File: 1723412692023.webp (215.74 KB, 640x991, IMG_6269.webp)

I like bunkerbash on Reddit but apparently her account was suspended.

No. 2131493

Nevermind I just find her twitter, it's tagsalegirl

No. 2131499

File: 1723413051412.png (6.67 KB, 549x223, 1722667076652.png)

I need instant moid repellant nonas posting yaoi art isn't enough it seems, troons ruin everything.should I just block them all? Or some fagtranny is going to make me delete this account too I posted semi terf stuff on my last one not a good idea

No. 2131502

My school had a reputation for having students graduate with very similar art styles so I guess it's very dependent on the school. Are you from an east coast school by chance? Always got the feeling they cared more about creativity and experimentation out there.

No. 2131508

File: 1723413338463.jpg (331.69 KB, 1280x1695, 15-BDB-Marthe.jpg)

no. she simply makes art of distrorted and sometimes conjoined bodies. not everything is about fujos or your porn brainrot.

No. 2131515

This looks horrible I love it. Horror art is the best

No. 2131525

File: 1723414456341.png (862.74 KB, 1074x867, TITSOMGTITS.png)

I will ALWAYS steal from moid artists who draw women like this. Thanks for showing me your secrets, faggot, sorry you don't know how to draw normal clothing.

No. 2131529

File: 1723414536590.jpg (42.19 KB, 736x1070, cb3cb6378ecfe819b354c83499a8a5…)

it's extremely impressive in person, the anatomical wax is disturbingly realistic and she adds a lot of details like the skin folds, veins, etc to he point you're not even sure what you're looking at.
the animal sculptures are great too. her art is heavily influenced by classical references, martyr imagery and natures mortes especially.
i first saw her stuff exhibited in a huge mediaeval building and the effect was incredibly powwerful.

No. 2131532

File: 1723414633120.jpeg (Spoiler Image,13.57 KB, 495x619, images - 2024-08-12T080813.644…)

Patricia Piccini. Her sculptures are incredible and also really unsettling, they're all based on a hypothetical utopia where humans, animals, plants and technology are not really separate categories because everything is mixed together and everything is on a level playing field. So like you'd get plants with a human uterus, sentient deer-like motorbikes, humans spliced with animals and vice versa, and sentient cow balls etc.

No. 2131534

File: 1723414911668.jpeg (Spoiler Image,23.48 KB, 647x474, images - 2024-08-12T081924.287…)

Samefag, more examples. Her hypothetical utopia is kind of fucked because everything is portrayed as being as sapient as a normal human being but there's also an implied slave class.

No. 2131537

Just block them, whats so hard about doing that? i think there was an extension that let you mass block anyone with certain names or emojis in their name, but i dont remember the name

No. 2131540

Anon was obviously joking.

No. 2131541

I don't understand why people love her freak ass art in the first place

No. 2131543

It's because they're mentally ill like her.

No. 2131548

Because she's good. It's really not that deep.

No. 2131580

File: 1723417636469.png (2.4 MB, 1280x1956, bridgmanmorpho.png)

(Hey just an FYI but next time you try to troll, at least do some research first.)

No. 2131592

how are some of you so autistic you cant understand jokes?

No. 2131600

Kek ah yes the old "it was just a joke" excuse.

No. 2131604

File: 1723419032752.jpg (123.39 KB, 735x934, 1000020548.jpg)

Cutecore fags are hilarious, apparently the artist drew herself. They're all autopedos, lmao at the sh scars on what looks like a child

No. 2131617

she for sure used child photo refs or possibly even traced them. Is she claiming this is how she actually looks, is that fr?

No. 2131621

Gosh this is so horribly drawn and uncanny,belongs in the bad art thread.

No. 2131622

she most than likely traced someother jojifiku thot photos, children havent wore mezzo piano since the early 00s

No. 2131623

File: 1723420936943.png (2.53 MB, 1082x1332, Capture d’écran 2024-08-12 à…)

irl she looks like every other cutecore pidckme, obviously adult greasy weeb woman stuffed into too-tight children's clothes

No. 2131624

its sad that such a cute clothing line for girls got tainted by pickme whores, little girls cant have anything without it getting ruined by pedos

No. 2131627

I love how you hyperfocused on the joke and not on the fact anon didnt even know morpho was a western book because she has the reading comprehension of a toddler.(infight bait)

No. 2131658

File: 1723422052381.jpeg (14.32 KB, 694x402, images - 2024-08-12T101917.456…)

NTA but shut the fuck up. You don't know what anon thought or knew about Morpho because anon didn't fucking say that. Hurr durr funny three day joke anon.

No. 2131666

And of course it has scars lol

No. 2131678

She literally did though. She said i said Bridgman was bad because it was a western book, when morpho is also a western book. I dont even know why it pissed off so many of you.

No. 2131687

You'd think that all her practise with razorblades would teach her how to draw a straight line. Tf is going on with this thing's face kekekek
Untoned skinnyfats think that everyone else is jealous of how uwu smol they are and often genuinely believe that they pass as 10 year olds when they're like 5"5.

No. 2131693

File: 1723423046080.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1225x1295, Fl8-RmxXkAA_OKf.jpeg)

I'm checking this guys other comics and I don't think you can even say "the author's barely disguised fetish" when it comes to him.

It's also always the same guy and the same side characters, they're just characters. I don't think you're wrong, and the guy is definitely a blank slate self insert, but your logic doesn't make sense.

This one is the grossest to me.

No. 2131700

Where's the punchline?

No. 2131721

File: 1723423888049.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1225x1295, Fl8-SjdWQAUiOUG.jpeg)

This is only one panel from a longer comic

But yes, the punchline is basically sex. He also has a longer comic called Arlokk the Atrocious were it seems one of the reocurring jokes is that the skeleton gremlin guy mc has a sexually unsatisfied huge dragon wife that slightly hates him.

No. 2131847

File: 1723428675328.png (57.5 KB, 656x432, IMG_3808.png)

these reminded me of this random post I saw yesterday. A lot of this recent 'hatred/coomofication' of elves, really does come from weird, ugly men who basically view elves as stand-ins for tall and/or hot people whom they genuinely despise

No. 2131877

>the humanity
So let's just recap: this guy can't grasp proper syntax, doesn't exercise, is balding, and spergs in his little comics about women not liking him. Anything else I left out?

No. 2131889

he's also a furfag and definetly a pedophile

No. 2131941

She went from one anime trend to another, I guess.

No. 2131966

Sexy men with a faceless female self-insert and male ryona.

No. 2132098

It seems It's not so bad with commissions for artists out there. One artist I like only has 10k followers on Instagram, and she closed her commissions 5 hours after opening them because she got so many. And she doesn't even draw NSFW. But she is a tif and is really into the gendie sphere so maybe there is that. 

No. 2132136

You cannot be serious. I just had to untype my previous draft because I thought the monstrous bug on the right was the new one, but that was thankfully just my own retardation. The actual new one (left) has all the best elements of the right while looking a bit softer and more subtle. It’s nice. Your criticism is a matter of taste, not quality, nona.

No. 2132145

those eyes are are begging you to put it out of it's misery

No. 2132176

nta, you're totally right that it's mostly about taste, but I do agree with op that the right is a lot more lively and fun, while the left looks super stiff and boring. The shading is way flatter on the new one, and the color choices for the subject matches the vibe way better in the old one. The girl has a decora-adjacent style with childish hairpins and face stickers, muted colors don't match it. Her whole personality changed from lively to timid.

No. 2132209

I wish I dedicated more time to seriously study and practice art while I was in college. I have so little time now with a job and seeing so many young artists is discouraging. I've been trying to get myself into it more with little challenges but I can't seem to make myself draw for very long.

Sorry for the doompost.

No. 2132247

Yes, thank you. I think she should have gone into a fine arts program rather then a general art degree where she's forced to make dumb cardboard boxes.
It's always good to make things more relative for yourself. For me for example back when I was their age, there were no cheap screen tablets, every EN art tutorial was absolute ass, and the culture on dA heavily discouraged referencing from photos because god forbid some photographer would get mad and also you weren't a real artist if you couldn't do it from memory.

No. 2132254

Ngl I feel similar. Like when you're a teen or in your early twenties there seems to be so much more time and drive to make art, but once you have a full time job your priorities start shifting and finding time/motivation to make art is harder. Although I have a moderate amount of experience with csp and adobe programs I feel like my sense of creativity is zapped.

No. 2132265

You’re not stealing your e reclaiming

No. 2132266

What exactly are you stealing from them?

No. 2132267

You’ve got a lifetime ahead of you of younger people being better at what you do. It ‘s just the way things are. You just have to accept it and move on

No. 2132278

File: 1723464537236.png (62.67 KB, 231x307, doomer nonnas.png)

To all the doomer nonnies here because there's quite a bit:
You're not a retard or a lazy, slow person or even someone who will never accomplish anything just because there are younger people who have done it before, or people who have done it faster.
As our society becomes more and more fast-paced, I understand feeling like 25 or even 16 is the expiration date. But, to put it simply, there is no expiration date. You're not in control of the fact that, while you slave away in school or a job, like most working-class adults, others with better situations or just better luck are already cranking out their dreams. Your skills and ambition will not wake up one day and decide to abandon you. Unless a crazy mad scientist scoops out your brain and reconstructs it tomorrow, your ideas are not going to slip through your fingers once you hit 25, or 30, or even 45.
The truth is, these things take a long time. Someone who starts at 5 years old has an upper hand, sure, but that doesn't mean everything, or maybe even anything at all. There is no such thing as a guarantee in life if you have no ambition to back it up. And even if it did, why spend all your time lamenting the fact that you didn't go to some chinese art school instead of accepting the cards you have and continuing to train and hone your skills? It's even more admirable if you work for it, and maybe you will produce even faster and more impressive results.
You have a long life ahead of you, a life full of possibilities. Women are constantly told to define themselves by age. Don't fall into this trap, even in the art world. Your work and ideas are still worthy, even if only to you, and you deserve to reach the skill point you want to reach, at any point in time, because this is for you. And maybe you will absorb your lessons even better at an older age, not everyone fits the same cookie-cutter form of learning and developing skills.
And maybe take it as a good thing that you haven't been shoved into an industry yet. Now you have more time to lay low and learn from whatever they mess up.
Sorry if this is cheesy or makes no sense kek feel free to ban me for autism

No. 2132284

File: 1723464877362.png (612.32 KB, 813x661, hopium.png)

thank you nonna

No. 2132407

File: 1723471832485.jpg (410.38 KB, 768x960, Mitsuki_Koyama.jpg)

Exactly! Personally, I'm kinda glad I wasn't particularly skilled at a young age and am enjoying learning more as an adult. Mainly because my goals have totally changed.

This actually brings me to a question I have for nonas. What goals/styles really appealed to you but don't anymore? I used to be obsessed with very uwu anime styles like Pita Ten and picrel and wanted to make something cute like them, but the older I get and the more saturated art gets with these styles the more turned off by it and interested in realism/semi realism I get. Idk I was just thinking about how different my idea of peak art was as a teen and now as an adult.

No. 2132410

Nonas I finally got my shit together and bought some morpho and loomis books. I spent so long as an artist wondering why my anatomy game was shit while refusing to actually study that I'm ashamed.

No. 2132425

my idea of peak back in the day was sparkledogs and tumblr art. You have no idea how glad I am to be past that kek

No. 2132426

File: 1723473128619.jpg (110.83 KB, 691x1000, 81bTFQ8LTKL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

For me, it was James Jean. I used to almost idolize his artwork but nowadays, I feel like it lacks substance. He's still a skilled artist but as I find my own voice, I just don't really care for it anymore. I'm also really not a fan of his later works. It doesn't feel like it's evolved much the past few years which makes sense since he's likely already wealthy from his work and is focused on raising his family.

No. 2132442

Brushes (I'm paying a scrote jack shit), and his process. I slow down the video, mute him, and replay certain sections over and over to see how he did things.

No. 2132479

File: 1723476064237.jpg (356.99 KB, 1680x940, francis-tneh-pitch-p.jpg)

I used to be really into environment concept work but after learning more and realising that 90% of it is photobashing and paintover work I lost interest. I still think this kind of stuff looks really cool but I just don't know if I find photobashing/digital collage that fun as a process.

Somewhat on that topic, has anyone here struggled a lot with moving into digital media in general? I have tried an old school tablet (no screen) and various art apps, as well as an ipad with procreate and I feel like I'm still struggling to really get into the rhythm of drawing/painting digitally. If anyone has also struggled with this and has any tips I'm all ears.

No. 2132506

Stick to trad or try doing some digital art tutorials geared towards traditional artist.

No. 2132563

Do your best nonny! remember to not just copy, but also do figure drawing and break down poses by yourself. I also recommend anatomy for sculptors.

No. 2132585

How you paint digitally depends on what kind of painting style you want to achieve, you can mimic every painting style under the sun with digital. If you want a super clean style, use tons of masks and layers. If you want something to look more painterly and traditional, using less layers and even one layer is better. You must understand color theory if you want to color well.

No. 2132765

File: 1723485728614.jpg (698.42 KB, 1479x1200, tumblr_c91b817ca0e158864a77dd7…)

I used to idolize Kim Jung Gi but looking at his work now with more evolved eye and taste, there's just nothing compelling about his work aside from the surface level of skill on display to admire. It's otherwise busy, samey, and lacks substance. I admire artists who have conceptual or narrative vision, or are just different to most of the art that seems to be popular, which I find often in older art (1700s to 1900s).

No. 2132811

File: 1723487210114.png (358.7 KB, 1920x1080, proko minion.png)

>What goals/styles really appealed to you but don't anymore?
I used to think being able to make perfect copies from real life was the peak of art skill, and then i learned proko cant even draw a fucking minion and started shifting my goal towards being able to draw from imagination

No. 2132839

I know but it would be more bearable if I was closer to my goal

Thank you nonnie, my goal rn is to try my hardest at learning till new year and see how much can I improve

No. 2132940

Is proko really this trash? I only watched two of his videos and completely forgot the contents of one. Can he even be relied on for basic fundies?

No. 2132979

He really just regurgitates what all the other anatomy teachers have said a million times. He can copy really well, he just cant draw or construct for shit.

No. 2132997

File: 1723496013400.jpeg (187.77 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_9875.jpeg)

I am sure you can still learn something from him but there are better artists. Like what the hell is up with that right arm?

No. 2133020

IMO something that really helps is making an influence map, and trying to make a drawing schedule based on what you want to achieve art-wise. I used to jump back and forth between teachers and resources until i realize where i want to go with my art, and it helped me immensely to become more productive in my study sessions.

No. 2133030

Tablets are really hard for me. I can't move my hand right, idk why. Now I feel like I'm getting the hang of it but still, drawing on paper is so much more comfortable and comes out way better.

No. 2133035

It looks right to me. When you draw from life, you get some weird poses that look wrong when drawn.

No. 2133045

there's a new tablet called the xppen magic pad, it's pricy to just try out but it apparently has a more matte texture for drawing.

No. 2133111

Does anyone else get the artistic equivalent of food cravings? sometimes i just really become infatuated with a random subject and i end up drawing it until i get bored of it. Last month it was alligators, now its horses kek.

No. 2133138

I get this but with certain colors and color schemes. Now I just want everything red.

No. 2133139

God this makes me ugly laugh everytime I see it

No. 2133147

If you imagine where the right shoulder is positioned, that arm is going to be ridiculously long.

No. 2133151

>it’s an honour you are awarded by the public not a title you can just give to yourself.
Then why would it matter if Norman Rockwell called himself an illustrator? By your own logic, if I said he was an artist then he was.
>Many illustrators did what AI does now, you give them a prompt and they draw it. Not art.
Most of the great artists of history did commision work, is the creation of adam suddenly not art now because the catholic church paid for it?

No. 2133164

File: 1723504553250.png (802.32 KB, 500x768, IMG_6280.png)

I used to like some comics as a tween and Jo Chen was a massive inspo. She's been the artist of Guilt Pleasure since their inception and I'm really not into all the guys having the same muscular yaoi male anatomy, and I'm not into true crime stories because they can get pretty cliche. I don't dislike her but there was way more variety when she was making fanart and comic book covers.

No. 2133165

File: 1723504738092.jpeg (40.68 KB, 420x730, images - 2024-08-13T091415.471…)

I used to be totally enamoured by Pengosolvent's art and music. Glad I got out of that one, nowdays my inspirations are more varied and a good mix of old and new, which is helpful because I do love making personal nostalgiabait.

No. 2133180

His non copied art is so goofy looking, it looks like something who doesnt even know who loomis is like jazza would make

No. 2133201

I haven't posted in my twitter account for an entire year and while i do have a little following (2.5k) my reach is now abysmal due to the inactivity and I'm so fucking upset. I hate how social media nowadays punishes you for taking a break.

No. 2133209

I was gone for over a year and now rarely ever get followers. The only people who ever interact with my posts now are my friends. Shit is retarded.

No. 2133250

I used to have the same amount of followers as you, but mine started bleeding over time and now I'm at 1.9k. I know it sucks anon but try not to think about it too much. I'm even seeing 50k follower accounts get terrible engagement. I'm at peace with my average 4 retweets per post now.

No. 2133321

File: 1723512593788.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1655, IMG_7354.jpeg)

They’re giving my least favorite TIF artist her own animation. I just wanna see how far off her characters are from the jotakak yaoi they started off as

No. 2133329

where did they get the money from? in the youtube channel they posted an animation test, which sounds like they havent started to animate it yet

No. 2133370

File: 1723514095730.png (1.03 MB, 1406x897, shockwave.PNG)

Why is everyone immediately assuming this is an actual animation studio kek. It's a small indie group of what are probably friends who have posted things related to two studio-original projects, then the jotakak project. Not one single person is being paid in this instance, i guarantee. I wouldn't be surprised if the jotakak artist is a part of this group or is friends with them and they've all agreed to work on this project as a portfolio booster/work that'll get these artists picked up by an actual studio.
https://www.linkedin.com/company/shockwave-animation/ Here is a list of the "employees."

No. 2133377

i completly forgot they were the studio behind that wannabe manic pixie dream girl coom reporter kek

No. 2133383

There's a thread for animation drama in /snow/

No. 2133385

that thread is for industry animation cows

No. 2133414

I was thinking this too, but it's surprising to me. It feels like a lot of western animators nowadays are allergic to passion projects, because they feel so entitled to being paid for their time. That's not a bad thing, but then you have situations like PuccaNoodles making a kickstarter to make a pilot of her "passion project", that she actually had barely anything to show for so nobody cares about it, with a proper studio with proper union salaries, and then being surprised when it didn't reach the goal.

Predictions for this nonnas? I predict this might attract some new fans that aren't pre-familiarized with Kate's gendie status, which might lead to some drama between her old fans that are still trying to keep Kate as a he/him (in the way they comment on Ari's posts) and the new fans that only ever saw her being writen as a girly girl and don't know wtf those guys are talking about.
I'd probably watch it out of curiosity honestly. They haven't posted anything about voice actors have they? It will be a bit keky if they give Alex a frog voice.

No. 2133419

Doesn't she lurk these threads?

No. 2133420

if it comes out and doesnt get canned, i see her throwing hissy fits over kids ''stealing'' her artstyle and overall acting like a child and throwing tantrums over her kid fanbase acting like kids.

No. 2133427

People actually pay attention to this shit?

No. 2133437

File: 1723517209903.png (95.02 KB, 1153x475, screenshot1.png)

I'm guessing it'll be crowdfunded? Who knows.

No. 2133443

NGL It’s funny to me that she essentially got popular off genderbending a gay ship to be straight kek, all she had to do was slap scars on the dude and the occasional “he/him” on the girl

No. 2133458

It's probably going to get some 3 minute mini episode like all the other things on their channel, then they'll stop posting about it. This happens with every collaborative that isn't contractually obligated or beholden to other parties to finish things. It seems like the people in this group are actively searching for official, contracted, paid work elsewhere and are using these little indie projects as things they can put on their showreels, which is a fine strategy.

No. 2133475

is it just me or does this look kind of garbo. like the body poses look fucked

No. 2133488

File: 1723520716180.jpg (117.02 KB, 1710x900, pjimage-2021.jpg)

looks good but…

No. 2133492

File: 1723521013582.jpeg (263.62 KB, 1532x1644, ari.jpeg)

The poses themselves look fine to me. I'm not a fan of the proportions, though. The arms/shoulders feel kind of off? She gives all of her characters shoujo legs, so the top halves of their bodies look smaller in comparison.

No. 2133494

The head is too much. She looks like an ugly bobblehead

No. 2133497

her art is cute, too bad she has the gendie mental illness

No. 2133501

File: 1723521511902.png (3.87 MB, 1300x1400, ari2.png)

Yeah. I like MTV cartoons and early 2000s nostalgia, so I can understand why her art appeals to so many people. I just wish she'd drop the tranny stuff. Her characters are clearly straight, there's no point in pretending that they're both TIFs.

No. 2133503

Yeah, it's funny how anons are nitpicking her style. When the gendie shit is the glaring thing I hope she peaks or at least knocks it off.

No. 2133507

The fact it's a tranny jjba AU is the jarring part of it, the art itself is extremely cute. The tranny shit makes it so unappealing and overdone, feels like she just added it to make herself feel special.

No. 2133513

I personally dont think its going to translate well to animation or a comic. Stuff like Happy Days or That 70s show only worked because the writers and directors were alive and experienced those decades. I have no idea how a bunch of mentally ill gendie zoomers are going to write about whats living in the 00s like. Its going to be a mess.

No. 2133519

If this does come out, it feels like it'll just be some sort of animated high school drama but with a bastardized early 2000s coat of paint.

No. 2133522

Honestly I’d love to see them work with writers who were teens growing up in the 00s (imagine some 40-somethings trying to make sense of the gendie shit and working with tiktok zoomers lol)

No. 2133530

She’s a whitsician from Mexico and is trying to write her characters being from America, and that’s kind of cringey and silly to me kek. She keeps asking her followers what it’s like to be from there. Why not just make them in Mexico since she is more familiar with that? Very retarded nitpick but whatever, we will see what happens if it ever comes out.

No. 2133532

Damn shes also a hispanic americanboo just like me.

No. 2133551

File: 1723525345784.jpg (160.33 KB, 2400x2400, 1000004378.jpg)

Lol it would suck. They want something glorified like euphoria, they like to cherrypick things. They'll probably watch a couple episodes of Lizzie Mcguire or something and mix it with googlable aesthetic moodboard garbage. If there was a show actually about y2k, it would just be normal looking kids developing eating disorders from tabloids and squeezing themselves into low-rise jeans even though they are 12 and still have their puppy fat. It wouldn't be about the cool electronics you see like the transparent macs or consoles because most kids couldn't afford it, there would be some jank flip phones with barely seeable duck lip selfies. There is such a rift between the glamorous, hypsersexed magazine spreads you see and the reality of what the majority of people looked like. Let's be perfectly real, most girls did not look like the popular y2k photos you see. The ones you would see trying the hardest were often preteens and early teens, so it evoked an uncomfortable sense in anyone who wasn't a perv. Also ALL the men looked like fucking Fred Durst. There were barely any cute men. And at the time, black culture was still really cool but most people didn't try to copy it so egregiously (except for baby phat asians). I'm just thinking of American y2k and how it won't fit into zoomer visions at all. You better put those dopey looking white boys in chinos and gross, odorous spikey hair that smells like this.

No. 2133552

I actually think their allergy to passion projects is the inability for anyone to actually get funding. All the hard workers are paid in the least, it's basically criminal.

No. 2133560

anyone that wants the angsty y2k experience will watch skins anyways

No. 2133565

Skins was so funny, it had tweens acting like hypersexed freaks even though they had nooo idea what they were doing. More influential on freaky band geeks than Degrassi

No. 2133571

Speak for yourself, we had a pink iMac and were poor kek. But overall you're right. The "iconic looks" from that time were just celebrities wearing them. And especially the gendieshit doesn't work for that time. It's like these people have no idea that even being gay was something to be bullied hard over back then

No. 2133573

the sid guy also became a sex pest. Now i wonder if her shitty downtown bootleg will basically just be skins but in murica, FUCK YEAH

No. 2133576

How was you poor with a pink Mac? Fall in line with a gigantic grey windows monstrosity like the rest of us.

No. 2133578

Idk if she's white Latin it will probably just be a degrassi remaster.

No. 2133588

File: 1723527034125.jpg (623.01 KB, 2493x1492, kate isaac.jpg)

Going through her other insta to make sense of the ”story” she’s been developing and
>after high school Kate hooks up with a 31yo man for 4 years, almost marrying him before finding out he’s obviously a creep
Kek, what. I mean, I guess it’s “realistic” but..
From what I know of Kate’s story
>absolute nlog who fights with the popular girls
>Becomes model for Alex’s band
>4 years of her life wasted on a creepy older man
>also she’s an americanized chicana who feels isolated from her culture I guess
Not a fan of this kek..

No. 2133645

I'm a zoomer a bit older than her and even though I was still a young child during the 2000s I think there's still a great deal of early zoomers who experienced the y2k Era even in to their teens simply due to the way trends used to fall back then. The internet still wasn't widespread as it is today and in especially rural parts trends moved a shit ton slower. I think she fails at the aesthetic not necessarily because of her age but because of her life circumstances growing up. Her being Mexican and glamourizing a part of American culture in this hyperspecific era is her biggest obstacle. It's more like a millenial weeb attempting to create a 70s japanese action show. She's picked a setting she has absolutely no knowledge of outside of an incredibly shallow manufactured one.

No. 2133674

Thank you, her writing of Kate is so weird lmfao

No. 2133681

I support their endeavors, tbh. I don't get why everyone here is so cynical. I don't care much for their project but it looks a lot more focused than those other voltron wannabes from tiktok. Instead of whining a studio won't take them they just do it, like sublo and tangy mustard.

No. 2133697

oh man, i actually think this artstyle is very cute

No. 2133781

the artstyle is fun and kinda reminds me of something like kim possible but this writing just seems awful. idk seems like it would be better to get a proper writer on board if they can.

its not really something I would actively engage with personally though because that kind of hetero crap turns me off.

No. 2133784

File: 1723540761182.png (72.91 KB, 236x170, Screenshot 2024-08-13 021849.p…)

No. 2133789

I immediately started posing like that irl to see if it was true, kek. Your words had the power to make a dumbass get off her chair and pose like a disk-thrower in front of the mirror.

No. 2133856

I think it looks fine-ish. For some reason the last pose makes her head look HUGE, though, and they added too many details (clothing folds) and natural curved lines that don't fit very well with the ultra stylised triangle boobs and make them look really weird. I actually think this style would look better with less fluid animation.

Who is Gumo? The announcement calls him/her the co-creator and one of the writers, but I don't think I recall Ari mentioning any Gumo and I can't find that person's name on other stuff by the studio. Is it just one of the employers that is doing the kind showrunner position, or is it some random friend of Ari that is helping her with the show?

No. 2133968

It's a good learning experience even if it is silly.

No. 2134011

This is an anatomy/perspective issue. Like one of the Nona's said if you try and picture where the shoulder is the arm is too long. What's more obvious to me is the wrist is too long and not property in perspective so it looks almost like the hand is jutting out of his back. Kinda said because the piece would be gorgeous otherwise, it almost feels lazy to look at. Like the artist didn't want to go back and fix it and hope people don't notice.

No. 2134108

I hate how the hand juts out like a stupid chicken tail on the person's body.

No. 2134242

File: 1723571286343.jpg (214.15 KB, 1270x724, 1690932354985935.jpg)

No. 2134256

I have a soft spot for Proko’s cartooning and imaginative work because it reminds me of when I draw anime and it comes out like that lmao. He has his strengths but can’t branch out into other styles he may admire, and that’s ok. Some people are draftsmen and some are illustrators or cartoonists. You have to know your strengths.

No. 2134261

True, at least he makes jokes about it. Copying from real life models and drawing from imagination are two different skills.

No. 2134354

This incident was funny but I don't think it is a sign of him being a terrible artist. He just never really studied animal anatomy and doesn't have that particular visual library in his mind to draw an animal from imagination.

No. 2134360

>its not really something I would actively engage with personally though because that kind of hetero crap turns me off.

if jotaro and kakyoin were just lesbians without gendie shit and extra steps i would watch this in a heartbeat tbh.

No. 2134408

Its honestly just funny how bad he got it. Its like he's never seen a kangaroo on his life. The smiley face he gave it on the top drawing always cracks me up.

No. 2134545

I want to get back into 3d modeling and the grease pencil in blender again but I just don't have the time for it.
Do you all consider 3d stuff as art?

No. 2134561

Kinda depends on the context. If something is well made or has a lot passion behind it I think of it as art. But if it's something on the level of like the movie Food Fight. Then no, I don't really consider it art free.

No. 2134569

No anon having a story from a interesting and unique time period would be lame she's gotta make it based on something she's never exerienced because it's more aesthetic

No. 2134742

File: 1723594923703.jpg (28.22 KB, 400x386, 1672919037612636.jpg)

Can I get a nona to get on a cgpeers grindset with me… or someone financially privileged to take classes with pros with me PLEASE GOD

No. 2134748

Nona what is cgpeers?

No. 2134908

Do you mean to dl courses and study them together? i would 100% be into that, its what i have been looking for in an art partner for a while. Sadly i am omega poor for the latter.

No. 2134912

couldn't you download some tracker app and torrent some courses?? or get them from telegram

No. 2134914

She meant taking online classes.

No. 2134954

Equally poor, but if we could find something to torrent or something I would be more than willing. I'm gonna see what I can find. Is there anything specific you're looking to learn nonnie?

No. 2134961

File: 1723607836190.png (48.97 KB, 479x457, drawing schedule.png)

I just finished doing the 250 box challenge from drawabox very recently. This is my current drawing schedule, mostly focusing on books because i don't know what courses to pick. I am not a total day 1 begginer, but i am going back to the very basics for the second time(did loomis/perspective made easy back when i was starting, too). Right now i am mostly focusing on perspective and construction. I am also trying to do at least 30 min daily of figure drawing.

No. 2135011

You're an inspiration nona

No. 2135023

Im actually trying to learn blender lol. I do consider it art too, like digital version of sculpting.
What are you making? I found this channel of a guy doing thing in blender in real time and it cool to the the process

No. 2135025

he's one of these TIMs or former TIMs who draw like quirky/edgy teenage girls

Snale, hitsujigoods and hikkichuu are good examples

No. 2135053

this one just proved to me the guy is just not a good observer. Even if you're not an artist, you have in mind an idea of how a kangaroo is structured, because you saw it in media and photos. This dude either is totally uncorious, or aphatasia is real

No. 2135087

funny as it is, most people struggle with drawing even common animals or lack the observational skills to pick up the differences between species (eg all canids being drawn like dogs or wolves) or absolutely flounder when moving between subject matter (eg mammals to reptiles and birds, or worse, arthropods or marine life) so I can forgive fucking up a fairly unique animal like a kangaroo, especially from imagination (he made a lot of assumptions that are common in other terrestrial mammals, such as a straight back when kangaroos have a very curved posture, and the legs clearly aren't locked together either or truly plantigrade, for that matter). It's also pretty obvious he knew he'd fucked it up by the dumb little face on it kek.

I dunno, I guess I just want to give people grace when they're branching out from their usual subject matter, and it's not like he's incompetent at teaching human anatomy like a lot of other 'tutorial' channels out there

No. 2135143

Yeah. This is very true. Even people who obsessively draw animals struggle sometimes. Sometimes I see like Warrior cat fans who draw big cats like tigers like domestic cats and there is a lot of difference in things like snout/jaw, paw size, etc. between the two.
Nonnie, your organization and determination to learning is godlike. I'm beginning to fear/get excited about doing a group study kek

No. 2135174

File: 1723635325086.jpg (Spoiler Image,390.29 KB, 2048x1737, gorarati_degen.jpg)

Is gorarati a tim or a tif? The subject and colors gave me tif vibes but the level of degeneracy  made me think it could be a man

No. 2135176

>Do you all consider 3d stuff as art?
yes, but I'm a 3D artist kek so I'm a bit biassed. It's just a medium, same as any other.

I don't use blender personally, but if you're sort on time, there are a lot of blender tutorial channels out there that explain things in bite-sized chunks. What kind of things do you want to make specifically, and are you more interested in polygonal modelling or 3D sculpting? I might not be able to help you with blender as a program much but could help you at least figure out the pipeline you'd need to work with to achieve your goals

No. 2135179

No. 2135180

Do you do them one by one or?
Also is this a discord?
I've also completed the box challenge and I'm working through a Morpho book. I would love a study group with nonnies

No. 2135185

No. 2135188

It's a tim

No. 2135191

File: 1723638857982.jpg (Spoiler Image,279.97 KB, 2048x1887, GSvOtnRXEAAd3yq.jpg)

id say tim

No. 2135202

File: 1723640560160.jpg (359.24 KB, 600x840, vipplu2.jpg)

Quoting myself for update. I skimmed around and there is some Vilppu lessons on torrent sites. But I may need help on that front because I'm retarded when it comes to tech. If there's a different artist nonnies want to study from plz say so.

No. 2135211

I'd love to join but there's a lot of things going on at the moment for me. Maybe if there was a single day binge study or something?
I generally study/learned from Hampton's book,
but there's recordings in online-courses dot club. If not that, anatomy for sculptors but that's less instructional.

No. 2135258

File: 1723644878747.jpg (1.18 MB, 1045x1467, mk.jpg)

Same anon from >>1693296
Nonas…seeing how much this artist has regressed is actually insane. It has gotten even worse since the last time I posted her. This is her current twitter https://x.com/mk_fanbox02 It’s 99% futashit

No. 2135265

Every single yuri artist I've followed has eventually started drawing futa it's so depressing

No. 2135276

File: 1723645620885.jpg (Spoiler Image,745.41 KB, 1824x2108, shit.jpg)

Actually here’s examples of what’s on the twitter in case anons don’t have an account. My bad I only linked first because I really didn’t want this shit in my files kek

No. 2135285

Imagine being a woman with a brain this worthlessly masculine.

No. 2135287

File: 1723645999573.jpeg (575.14 KB, 828x930, IMG_2557.jpeg)

I will never understand how THIS GUY is one of the more popular artists out there, his shit has regressed immensely.

No. 2135290

Tbh I think he coasts by on his audience being turbo normies who forget to unfollow him.

No. 2135313

>over 70k followers
we live in a clown world

No. 2135314

I remember feeling like my time was running out to achieve my dreams at 24. It wasn't until an elderly woman sat next to me at the mall and started chatting about her life. When she learned how old I was she responded with so much wonder in her eyes, "Wow, 24… You have your whole life ahead of you."
She freed me when she said that. When I'm on my deathbed I want to be happy that I spent all this time chasing my art dream, even if I never make it the journey itself is what makes everything worth it.

No. 2135338

>a one day porn drawing gives you more money than your whole draining comic work
Who wouldn't do it

No. 2135342

This is why I genuinely think nobody should fully pursue a career in art.

No. 2135352

You can draw actual art for art's sake and also draw porn, you don't have to go all in on either.

No. 2135354

yeah the ones who suck at it will fail anyways, art is a career of persistence it leaves no gaps for anything less. the ones who keep going will make it

No. 2135358

Have any of you found success in selling adoptables? Got any tips/stories?

No. 2135535

Based on what I've seen you need an appealing art style and general sense of what kind of colors work together. You can do adoptables of any kind depending on what you're good at, even these days outfit adopts are still a thing.
That said, it's mostly luck, even more than compared to trying to build a following. I remember back on dA being salty some artist would get thousands for their adopts only to spend it on gacha kek I was definitely jealous.

That said I personally pivoted to design commissions instead. As long as you don't offer something super cheap you should mostly get people who want your specific style and sense of design anyway, and you don't have to worry about potentially not selling an adoptable you spend 20 hours on.

No. 2135594

>Do you do them one by one or?
yeah, its structured to go from the basics and slowly increase in difficulty.
>Also is this a discord?
Yup, its a personal discord i use for drawing related stuff, like notes, critiques, saving resources, etc

No. 2135596

My friend did adoptables for a while, and while she sold them and made decent money on art that was easier to churn out than the more detail-heavy commissions she did, she really didn't like how much she had to promote the ones that were selling slow or just in general, really. She also didn't like how it glutted up her gallery or how it turned off a more general audience that just wanted to see her normal art, but she also knew she wasn't big enough to move it to a side account to avoid this and still have good success selling. For reference, her adopts usually started and sold at around $25, but could go for $500+ as she got better and more popular.

Don't want to discourage you anon, only thought it might help to hear some of the issues that you might come across even if your adopts are selling.

No. 2135653

File: 1723660161743.jpg (1.1 MB, 910x1040, d81e7im-5a55718b-0ada-4253-966…)

Was anyone else here into all the dumb kawaii adoptables drama happening in the early 2010s with hinausa, pikiru, and punipunipon/all of her copycats?

No. 2135655

No but do tell, sounds milky

No. 2135666

File: 1723660480693.jpg (1.35 MB, 1080x2340, 1000009215.jpg)

I'm looking to sculpt and model some meme ocs, this was all I was able to do today, I tried starting the hair with the curve->stylized hair pieces but the scale wasn't working to pinch the ends like in this video https://youtu.be/ethg2nYSjqg?si=nJ87kq1GzxRWvW1q so I just have a cylinder in the file for tomorrow.
I'm using blender cuz I'm poor and it's free. I did take a course on 3d modeling like 10 years ago in Maya and Modo but I barely remember it.
I'm actually looking to make stuff that look stylized like https://youtu.be/zcJquhzjwVg?si=2CEUa8TYr1jekO3M
But before I get there with shaders and nodes I have to make this guy's face look not so lumpy

No. 2135732

>they/them pronouns
>name is ami
>feminine art style, prolapse kink
is this even a question? its obviously a tif

No. 2135751

Yes kek, I kinda miss those days. Pikiru pivoted to being one of the earliest faux 90's anime style artists though I don't think she draws at all anymore.

No. 2135779

Nona, remesh the poor guy. The polys are too stretched. Blur the fuck out of his nasolabial folds, his lower lip blends too much into his chin, although idk how he supposed to look. His eyes also really wonky and need ton of bluring, adjusting, eyelids detail, he also needs a brow ridge. Whenever I plan to sculpt, I gather references for the style I'm planning to achieve and even if you are planning to hide everything behind cell-shading, textures and filters you need a good base.

No. 2135783

i dont get why nonas are so surprised at this? if western lesbian artists can be gaslit more like harassed into drawing troon shit why do you think the japs wouldve been safe from it? (this case is vile though since this isnt just futa its futa and loli shit)

No. 2135812

what do you do to help you start making art again after a long break? what are your favourite exercises, warmups, prompts etc?

No. 2135822

Yep. Even that drawing of the genshin boy daydreaming about trooning out screams TiF. She drew some breasts half-assedly to pander to her pedotroon fanbase, there's no fetish intent there. It looks like her whole deal is self-inserting as a shota. So obviously female, probably groomed
Yeah. Honestly she's most likely bisexual and has a strong incentive to indulge this particular fetish since it's popular with moids/customers

No. 2135829

he draws toddlercon no way in hell is this a woman

No. 2135842

We just had >>2131604 upthread.

No. 2135870

File: 1723665440642.jpg (Spoiler Image,285.37 KB, 678x561, deleteshit.jpg)

this is actual toddlercon porn…im not believing this is a woman…

No. 2135875

oh poor innocent nonny, there are tons of women who draw lolishit. Kodomo no jikan was made by a woman, the realistic ghoulish loli from fate was also desgined by a woman. There are a lot of women who cosplay as lolis, and lots of loli vtubers who are played by women. Its nothing new, its just part of female socialization.

No. 2135896

she used to draw sfw twisted wonderland art, this is definitely just a TIF.

No. 2135900

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Been listening to some of Twisted Disaster's latest streams and le gasp, she has discovered from her (autist) friends that she's a furry and she treated it like she was having to "come out" (she literally says this in her stream) and that it's such a life changing thing for her. Even though she literally RPs as her anthro cat character (picrel) for years now. Now she's trying to make a fursona to properly "come out" as kek. So she's a bisexual, aro/ace, nonbinary, "plus size" woman with chronic illness (that at the age of 31, has to use a cane to walk but it couldn't possibly be emphasized from her morbid obesity /s), Jewish, neurodivergent with the "tism", furry. Wonderful, super unique individual.

She also has been doing more cons and only "breaking even" or making enough to pay back her table spot and not making much profit but she still feels the need to tell the audience that it's not just her and that all the other artists at these cons she's working at are not selling much either and are doing just as poorly as she is. Honestly I have to really doubt this because she says this so much whenever she works a con. She says that she talks to other artists while there and they are just that open in sharing that they're not making much sales and I have to wonder if this is really true. Tbh, I don't do artist alleys nor do I go to many and I'm sure that COVID did affect the scene and people are being more frugal with money but I just cannot buy that every con she goes to, all the other vendors there are doing as poorly as she says they are. And I can't imagine every artist would be straight up honest. I mean if I was working a con and someone like her asked me how my sales are going, I wouldn't disclose that info at all because it's none of her business but that's just me.

I can't help but feel that she embellishes and doesn't want to consider the likely possibility that not many people are interested in her merch. She already does a niche of doing spooky "goff" stuff which is a specific niche in and of itself and her art style is very hit/miss (miss for me even as someone who likes spooky themed art). I remember she shared one of her experiences of a con she worked earlier in the year where someone stole her merch box and she was thankfully able to get it back and none of her merch was stolen but I thought to myself that while it's good that no one stole anything out of it, it also felt like maybe the thief thought her stuff wasn't worth stealing because of it's questionable quality.

No. 2135902

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I know some anon here probably have this flavor of tism, so it's worth a shot…
Has anyone here downloaded mgong520's, rei_17's, auroration's (and similars) whole galleries and willing to share? By drive, mega, or whatever…

Many thanks in advance!

No. 2135926

File: 1723666963793.jpg (986 KB, 856x1200, 192729273.JPG)

The shock is moreso about the swerve from years of le wholesome domestic lesbian fluff to just 100% this shit >>2135276 The artist doesn’t draw anything remotely sfw anymore, it’s just lolifuta porn porn porn all day everyday. I’d prefer people to be shocked because that means we still have standards and expectations for others. Too many people online are desensitized to absolute degenerate coomshit, an artist turning to loli futa hentai should always be met with shock and disgust. This artist in particular actually lost her previous 100k follower account because of mass reports. It just hasn’t happened with her new account because she’s cultivated a fully coomer audience.

No. 2135937

sad, this comic seems at best cute and sweet and at worst a little bland and cliche. What happened?

No. 2135941

File: 1723667309458.jpg (81.25 KB, 1103x621, 1647983191753.jpg)

Download Hitomi dl, then just paste the twitter/gelbooru links of the artists you like and it will automatically dl their whole galleries. I have saved like 50 artist galleries from being lost media thanks to hitomi dl. It also works with e-hentai so its good for dl art books.

No. 2135948

Fascinating. It's almost like she had a total psychotic break.

No. 2135950

File: 1723667591155.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1873x3329, IMG_9372.jpeg)

This is like the opposite of what happened to terry. She used to draw disgusting loli guro shit then nuked her account and came back on an obscure site to post wholesome spirou yaoi.

No. 2135955

Are you talking about tbrainrot Terry?

No. 2135957

Thank you for the advice
>remesh the poor guy
How do I go about doing this? I subdivided the mesh on edit mode but it was still funky. I saw in this video https://youtu.be/I-qz4Il3SgQ?si=z077Fx4foQ3Fe9ia they used a grid and it seems like that's the thing I'm looking for but I don't understand how to do that. I'm also not going to be able to touch the file again until tomorrow morning at least but I'll try to find more tutorials until then and hope one actually explains it. I'll try to implement the advice you've given me, thank you.
Also I'm sorry I think this is the wrong thread to post for feedback and advice in.
In my first post I was going to mention people tracing 3d models and what the art comunities think of it but I forgot to.

No. 2135967

yeah, she made a DAD acc and has been posting daily there

No. 2135977

File: 1723668624546.jpg (78.16 KB, 1086x923, tumblr_msjci0yMyl1sw3uc1o1_128…)

Honestly it wasn't that milky in hindsight. Just a lot of teenagers fighting over styles and copying.
hope lacryboy goes down the same path

No. 2135982

File: 1723668713890.jpg (63.6 KB, 564x564, 04f3f56b5f3f4dfb916ad4aa00f402…)

Thanks for the advice, nonna! But unfortunately I don't currently own a pc, so I can't do that, unless there's an app alternative?
Sorry for the spoonfeeding request. I really wanted to study those artists but it's different from downloading like, Loomis and Leyendecker books.
hot guys in pretty clothes and colors are my weakness

No. 2136000

File: 1723669252023.jpg (71.1 KB, 600x900, 1000014575.jpg)

The writing in his comics can be hit or miss, but his comics have a cool enough artstyle for me to read them anyway

No. 2136004

r to get the grid, the density of the grid will be the level of detail and the amount of polys, ctrl-r to confirm the remesh, good luck with your 3d endeavours, I love sculpting (although i find it hard sometimes in blender and i use pirated zbrush kek) although it is hard to get forms right, but hope you will be able to make it just like you imagine it

No. 2136014

There's a ton of female lolicon artist on mastodon, it's probably a woman (or tif in this case)

No. 2136045

I always thought she seemed like an alright person based on her Tumblr asks so I am glad she seems to have stopped catering to pedos.

No. 2136059

i am sorry nonny i tried uploading the zip files to litterbox like 3 times and the sizes are so big and my internet so shit they keep failing. I dont know of any other anonymous file sharing service sadly, but gelbooru has all their galleries archived in a format thats not jfif(fuck elon seriously), you just have to manually save them.

No. 2136084

File: 1723671226074.jpg (92.34 KB, 720x480, 1711295187875238.jpg)

I kind of like her stereotypical scrotey big titty tomboy with the deadpan face. But why the fuck is she paired with what's a child in everything but legal age? Why is it that artists who draw big boobs, even female ones, are always into pedo-adjacent shit? I can't even sniff copium and pretend that they self-insert as the lolishit because you know that's just the excuse lolicon women pull. Maybe it's just that they end up being so deep into porn that they keep looking for more and more extreme fetishes? She did get into futashit too after all.

The fact that she completely ditched the wholesome/romantic aspect of her yuri is also depressing.

No. 2136093

It's desensitisation for sure. They became so coombrained and kept looking for the next high it eventually lead to illegal porn also I'm skeptical as fuck this is the same artist I think nonna might be mistaken

No. 2136108

NTA but its the same artist. I dont know why anons act surprised when shes japanese and loli is super prevalent and common in anime.

No. 2136114

The art styles are completely different and how do you even know this is the same artist? Is there even a archive of her old account? Although I agree with most Japanese women being pedos..which is unfortunate

No. 2136115

File: 1723672023907.jpeg (276.14 KB, 2048x1060, GUuvCpTbMAATB-k.jpeg)

The way her face turned into a doricho chin from How to draw Manga books is so funny to me

No. 2136121

if you check her tag on gelbooru they lead to her now suspended account

No. 2136123

this downgrade is so scary how do you become worse?

No. 2136124

once again… why is it always the artists who degrade/stagnate who are so obsessed with these timelines
2022 perhaps mixed with 2023 coloring would've been great but you just had to go and dorito-fy the face.

No. 2136125

Why is that fucking style everywhere??? I can't count how many artists I've seen with this same style

No. 2136140

my guess is that it's "low effort". just look at how sloppy the anatomy is and how it seems to be basically a sketch that has been cleaned to fool the audience into thinking it's the final work. that and also the whole holographic-like colorsplash and random curls/exaggerated shapes to make it look "interesting" while it's also a convenient way to hide potential mistakes.

No. 2136165

This looks terrible. How can anyone think that 2024l3 and 2024 are improvements? It looks bland, lifeless, and the anatomy is whack. I get stylistic choice but there are some choices that can look fine and others that look unappealing in the worst way possible.

No. 2136201

File: 1723674756175.jpg (349.75 KB, 1169x1878, before.jpg)

Nonas the artist’s twitter links to her pixiv which shows her old art kek https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/20393035
I cleared this up in the same thread I first mentioned her >>1693854

No. 2136206

File: 1723674925777.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.06 KB, 1169x1976, after.jpg)

Here’s how her page looks after you log in

No. 2136228

her art became so soulless

No. 2136244

Fucking hell the only one I feel sorry for is you nona..I'm sure finding a cozy artist turn out like this would've been so fucking despairing

No. 2136256

We get it. Stop posting this pedo shit.

No. 2136263

There is actually clear improvement such as with the usage of line weight, colored lineart, more dynamic shapes and more complimentary color palettes but the stylization just took a very drastic turn. The 2024 with 2022 face would look fine imo, very reminiscent of Trigger's pop style. It's just that the proportions of the face stopped working because the dorito chin doesn't fit with the big eyes, it immediately makes the composition of the face look unbalanced. A clear proof of how facial proportions are essential to an appealing portrait.

No. 2136271

Nona I’m not sure if you’re the same one from the past threads who watches her streams, but pls keep posting about her. She’s just funny. And I hate being mean but her art is … Yeah

No. 2136272

File: 1723676780794.jpg (451.09 KB, 1639x2048, go back.jpg)

What other artists went the coom route? I used to really like okinawanogori, he was like a less messy kjg. Loved his dynamic animal designs and how he would draw a wide range of subjects, he would sometimes draw a random naked big titty woman but it was in a sea of interesting art so it was whatever, but now he only draws the same big titty woman over and over like a sped.

No. 2136286

File: 1723677243707.jpg (788.39 KB, 2250x3000, GQe5qEeaIAAKSuX.jpg)

Most of my favourite artists who went the coom route always had a bit of a coomer undertone so I wasn't surprised when they did, but constellor/penporo who was mentioned in one of the previous threads actually fucking haunts me with her story. Creating imaginative and creative pieces with varying themes only to get pickme brainrot from your new trad husbando and abandon all of it just to doodling your female self-insert with an overly coomerish fetish design, all before you turn 21. She has genuine talent and was skilled beyond her years. A huge, huge waste.

No. 2136321

I have no desire to post her any more, I checked her account after a year to see if things changed, but it only got worse. I shared that last screenshot to clear any doubt of it being the same artist since people were questioning again.
Maybe try not opening spoilers that will obviously have gross shit, considering other spoilers ITT are creepy fetish stuff including loli guro art.

No. 2136347

Why does her new art style looks like AI?

No. 2136359

because its the most generic anime shit imaginable

No. 2136505

File: 1723684373235.jpg (7.83 KB, 200x202, smtjack.jpg)

> I dont know why anons act surprised when shes japanese and loli is super prevalent and common in anime.
More than anything (and regardless of nationality) I find that artists who draw busty anime women of various kinds also end up drawing(or already draw) pedoshit sooner or later.
It's something that will forever piss me off because I like hot anime girls with big boobs (I don't care if that makes me scrotey). I just don't get how they're into lolishit aside from them getting desensitized and in search for new fetishes, because liking curvy and busty women is the opposite of being into lolishit. I get the feeling these degens have some severe mommy issues somewhere in there and are into autopedophilia. Iirc barashit has similar problems so I may be onto something.

I forgot how many times I found hot anime girl art, went to look for the source and saw pedoshit. I hate it.
I believe that all artists that make porn their main thing (so not people who draw it once in a blue moon) simply have problems. None of them seem to know when to stop or ask themselves questions about it all.

No. 2136527

Not to be rude but if you are enjoying big titty anime girls, who are 9 times out of 10 high schoolers, you arent much better.

No. 2136535

>hot anime girls with big boobs
They’re drawn like ballsacks

No. 2136545

I know I should feel disgusted about the lolis but anytime i see futa lolis i don't think of children but emaciated tims so the loli thing looks less egregious to me bc I don't see that blonde thing as a child. But that pic with the blonde futa with a tiny woman makes me wanna transform into kingkong and stomp to death all trap and loli artists. Imagine having a degen fetish of using women and girls as literal dicksleeves bc that's all you see them as. Chicks don't get a pass. The tiny woman art is telling on degen fetishes, you know freaks into that get off on women and especially girls getting hurt on massive dicks. Rest in shit and piss, hope they all die torturous deaths.

No. 2136557

Loli stuff aside I hate how the new way to depict brown women in art is almost always "muscle mommy" shit

No. 2136637

to be fair its because most times they are tanned, not brown. They are meant to be sporty.

No. 2136649

Yeah it’s this, because usually when JP artists draw actual brown/foreign women, or when they’re depicted in anime or manga, they aren’t drawn muscular. With the browned up tomboy meme or whatever it’s basically just a sports tan so they associate it with making her muscular. Same reason they make muscle dudes in anime more tan than other characters too.

No. 2136688

Don't be silly. You see downgrade art evolutions because you're on lolcow, everyone does this meme.

No. 2136734

Other anon's advice is good, but aside from using a remesh tool, you're going to have to do retopology to get a clean look like your goal style, even if only to make UVing easier so you can apply textures (or just to make isolating parts for shaders less tedious). Have you set up character reference image planes in your workspace? Might help with keeping things consistent and on-model (at least have a front and side view set up). Try using more simple, low-poly shapes in your blockout before you merge them and start sculpting to better convey the overall forms and give you more landmarks for your proportions. Another tip, but beginners often think that bumping the poly count early makes for easier sculpting, but the opposite is often true– low-poly is easier to smoosh around for big changes to the mesh, and high-poly is better for later stages.

Good luck anon, always great to see people getting into 3D!

No. 2136774

Yeah I'm the same anon from the lady one. I feel like I low-key a-log her because she's so fucking ridiculous. I don't know if I would call her a lolcow per say because sometimes she says things that are rational but other times she says bullshit like what I mentioned above and in previous subs and because her autist gendie zoomer friends don't check her, she says all kinds of retarded things that someone her age should have sense on. And yeah her art is just… what is going on? Even Vivziepop has a more appealing style in comparison.

No. 2136918

Yeah she improved a lot (22/21 while cute, are boring), so I don't get how she is unable to see her faces aren't appealing. 2023 was starting to get dorito-ish but the proportions were way better.

No. 2136931

Why does society as a whole accept pornographic pedophile adjacent art like this as the norm? How this art that looks like a teenage girl having an orgasm can be considered commercial art by a "concept artist" is fucking deplorable.

No. 2136935

File: 1723714226146.jpg (69.58 KB, 792x749, intrigued_scholar.jpg)

I can't think of a single one of my waifus who's underage. All of them are unambiguously adults with jobs, they have adult responsabilities and aren't immature like teens. Maybe non-weebs like you should stop acting like every single japan-made character is underage? Or are you telling me Lulu from Final Fantasy X is a child?
I do think lolishit is on a higher level of bullshit compared to sexualized anime teenagers though, let's not pretend otherwise.

No. 2137005

if it was a male character people would consider it weird fetish stuff immediately lol

also it's hilarious how every part of her body is facing upward but her boobs are inexplicably facing the camera lmfao. Like her torso isn't even twisted, literally just her breasts. Fucking hilarious lol.

No. 2137009

The 2024 face does look bad, but I'm kekking at 2022's antelope legs

No. 2137021

Is drawing sexualized men gooner bait or the reverse of that?

No. 2137025

no? what kind of sexualization are you referring to? drawing nudes? or drawing semi lewd?

No. 2137056

nudes and lewd content.

No. 2137072

Adding on to this, a lot of your favorite artists, especially classical artists, made their most famous pieces in their 40s and 50s. You don't wither away and die. Plus, when you retire, you'll have plenty of free time.

No. 2137102

Is that fucking Scaramouche. Free my boy he ain’t do nun wrong

No. 2137106

it's a public service

No. 2137108

NYART but if this ends up working I could kiss you on the lips, what a life saver

No. 2137128

This shit was ugly to begin with, ffs when are you weebs finally going to get some taste??

No. 2137136

Wait I trolled a bunch of anons for being jealous of this retarded artist but this is actually ugly like woah, this is actually mighty ugly and unbearable to look at. Why are so many of these cartoonists allergic to things that look appealing and pretty? Do people not really care about beauty anymore because it threatens their ugliness/insanity or something?

No. 2137140

Depends on how you draw them.

No. 2137370

The whole appeal is “y2k early 2000s art style” I guess

No. 2137422

How do VPNs affect anything if you just use social media and don't open links people send you? They can't see ip of other people's posts right?

No. 2137429

You either conform to gendie or die apparently

No. 2137433

File: 1723741103431.png (1.14 MB, 1180x944, 1723181629120.png)

>says the person with no show nor cartoon
its okay we all know it hurts to see a retarded show being animated (besides its done by a indie studio)

No. 2137436

they can find out through paypal or any money transaction sites and even emails. you dont need to necessarily click a link

No. 2137450

does anyone have any good drawing exercises that they do? Not general stuff like "study anatomy" but something a bit more specific to your own process and enjoyment. I'm in a bit of a rut and kinda bored with a lot of stuff I'm doing atm

No. 2137478

I do a bunch of draftsmanship exercises to warm up and then pick a random animal to break down and draw, then try to make a design based off of it. Today's was a tragopan, yesterday's was an owlfly/its larva. Plants or flowers are also a good option- I have a little folder of fairy fashion designs kek.

Other things I like to do as exercises is the classic 'paint a still from a movie you like' or draw boards for a scene in a movie that matches the mood and storytelling I'm trying to get into with my own art when I'm in a rut. If I'm really having trouble getting art out, then I like to take a break to play around with my paints and doodle with them or try out techniques I usually don't use.

What do you like anon? What makes drawing fun for you, and why do you feel like what you're doing right now isn't hitting the mark?

No. 2137486

Chicken gendies with honey mustard
I would never want to be a showrunner that would cause way too much drama and people spreading unfounded rumors about you that would end up on this site. It’s also shitty seeing others do more of the work than you do and you take all the credit for it because you created the idea even though without the rest of your animation team and getting it funded from someone else it wouldn’t have even come to reality

No. 2137515

To be honest I enjoy life drawing, but I've become a bit bored with it, I want to branch into something a little more creative/expressive. Was hoping to dip my toes into a more illustrative style but I'm not really sure where to start I guess

No. 2137598

I wouldn't want to be a show runner because I don't want to make anything that eventually gets enjoyed by kids on the internet because it's colorful, stylized and animated.
Brujo already gets into whining about how people misinterpret her nlog or like side characters over her main couple or skinwalk her style, it's only gonna get worse when this thing finally comes out.

No. 2137647

maybe try redrawing a figure but pushing the shapes to find out what your preferences are, and also redrawing it into other styles that are your goals (or have goal traits). Make note of what works, mash things together, and if you want to just do some free drawing while working on an illustrative style, come up with a single-sentence scenario and draw it a bunch with different levels of exaggeration and with different emotions (eg 'character eats a sandwich', 'character eats a sandwich - angrily', or 'character A greets character B'/'character A nervously greets an annoyed character B' if you want to do some character interaction)

No. 2137663

Animators are a whole other level of fucked in the head, I know one person in the industry with good taste, the rest revel in ugly art with pride.

No. 2137723

If I had to guess the reason for this extreme change: she likely got a huge commission after drawing a likely one off porn drawing. She is likely self inserting as the blonde girl. People who devolve into 24/7 porn artists are in it for the money. Every single artist who is skilled has drawn porn because it's fun. It becomes a problem when you tie that to income. Especially when it is futa or lesbian, because the audience is male. At least 24/7 yaoi artists have female audiences.

No. 2137776

sorry to bring up the lolicoomer artist again but holy shit im glad someone pointed out the artist's massive downgrade. I used to follow the old account for cute rkgks of yuri couples, they were really sweet candid like drawings and i was beyond devastated when she slowly skewed into drawing that tomboy/blonde couple more and more its insane to compare the earliest sketches of the tomboy/blonde characters to the recent ones the juxtaposition is wild; the concept art is already coomerish in itself but the newer ones go beyond that. she did use to draw some r18 contents during her fluff phase, though it was mostly tame and sensual touching of bodies but my god how did it go from that to futa lolishit. this is my burning of rome, himes cant have shit.

No. 2137800

File: 1723752658398.jpeg (235.92 KB, 1053x1200, 74F54CDE-E219-471F-8041-1C3FDF…)

i have nothing against space channel but i sincerely hope ftm femboys don’t become a more widespread trend. it’s so dumb. you can’t be gnc and trans

No. 2137810

trans isn't real and the femboys chicks are just as retarded as the rest of them.

No. 2137812

post feels like massive cope but i do agree nobody can choose their lives. every good artist online that’s like 20 y/o or younger probably
>got an ipad or screen tablet at a young age
>grew up with a strong support network
>had a lot of free time to do nothing but draw

No. 2137819

File: 1723753791654.png (1.56 MB, 1488x1080, chisme.png)

It's inevitable amongst artsy types, especially kids. Just another label to fit in with others, space channel is obsessed with labels like the rest of them. I wish this obsession with making sure things fit tropes would die off. I like their art but the way they write annoys me.

No. 2137826

choose the *life they’re born into

No. 2137827

Maybe that's a good thing?

No. 2137829

Any tips on dawing for long periods of time? I am only able to draw 30min-1hour per day. I really want to sit and study for longer, but fuck its hard.

No. 2137849

>femininity is unreachable for a mexican-american girl

No. 2137855

blah blah white beauty standards yadda yadda

No. 2137895

Jot downs times and take breaks. I try for 50 minutes sessions with a 10 minutes break, but knowing my 25 time is good enough so for example I write:
9.30 (55.20)
Under that I write when I finished so there's a sense of accomplishment+empty brain not focused on the time+scheduled discipline you're training.
Then you can get in the zone and go over time but it's always nice to stand up and stretch.

No. 2137907

That made me want to a-log tbh

No. 2137925

I only know about this artist because of this thread and I genuinely can't work out who is meant to be trans here

No. 2137931

both are meant to be ftm

No. 2137933

She really just has that burger out, leaking all it's juices, left exposed to all the shit in the air and that dudes grimy shirt now getting stuck in its folds. No damn wrapper or napkin, nothing.

No. 2137936

Misquoting it like that changes the meaning. Brujo said
>for whom femininity not only FEELS unreachable
Feels is the key word, she’s not saying femininity is unreachable, just that it felt like that for Kate. And feeling insecure, like girly and feminine stuff doesn’t suit you, because you feel like an outsider in some way, is a real experience for some girls. So I can’t fault Brujo for that.
However, this reasoning makes the idea of Kate being genderqueer even dumber. “I struggle embracing femininity because I (mexican, autistic) feel like I don’t fit in with other girls” -> “now I identify as totally-not-a-woman and that’s cool” Weird messaging

No. 2137941

File: 1723760375010.jpg (598.55 KB, 1300x1450, GQzo4YqX0AAkmpo.jpg)

lmao its so obvious that this artist is too young to understand the era the characters are set in lol
>"doomed woman of this generation"
>character is the embodiment of literally every "cool" female character that you'd find on TV at the time lol

No. 2137957

File: 1723761209227.jpg (822.92 KB, 1100x3251, xbcxnzjsvns.jpg)

The way Kate’s personality has shifted since her fem Kakyoin days is quite odd to me. I feel like I saw some glimpses of her old personality even after the shift to oc, but now Kate just feels more like a moid’s idea of a rebellious coolgirl. Somehow it feels like the closer the artist gets to just making her a “girl”, the more nloggy she gets, but when she was more openly a “FTM” (as fem kakyoin) she was more openly cutesy and girly.

No. 2137986

File: 1723762460031.png (199.73 KB, 293x473, examples.png)

Something that keeps me motivated is knowing all of the artists i like(minus one) are in their 40s. Looking at how my favourite artists used to draw in their 20s also fills me with hopefuel. Finding that one of my favourite artists, whom i admire because of how pretty he draws hands and how fluid his figures flow used to draw fucking oven mittens hands and draw fucked up stiff poses that made his characters look like corpses made me realize that art is really a long journey and it takes decades to get good at it.

No. 2138062

We've discussed this multiple times before, but she has mostly detransed Kate. The Jotaro OC is definitely FtM with titchop and all, but the girly girl went from FtM femboy to anypronouns "genderqueer" to "only comes out at age 30" (implying that she doesn't have trans stuff going on until then). Ari still calls her genderqueer and her fans still like to use gendie pronouns on her, but now she's basically become one of those normie women that realize they "don't feel like a woman, but like a person" so they come out as some vague non-specific "genderqueer" and say their pronouns are she/they so you can literally just treat them like normal women and they themselves won't be able to tell. I think the weird overly complicated explanations of Kate's gender are basically Ari feeling the need to keep her a gendie somehow to avoid loosing face in front of her gendie audience.

No. 2138136

Medrano? Is that a reference to Vivienne Medrano?

No. 2138196

Stupid ass total drama waists will be the bane of my existence

No. 2138633

File: 1723789433298.webp (324.62 KB, 2000x2000, FruitSharks1.webp)

Just found out "afternoon fika" who was the main kawaii/plush artist I looked up to as a dweeby teen (she's popular here in the nordics) is a mod at närcon (known for being run by incompetent bullies) and has personally been helping to silence the mods recent bully victims across different servers. I swear to god it's always the ones who draw the cutest art who end up having the most rotten personalities

No. 2138644

is there a place to post anonymous comics or something like that? im not sure i want to post my cringe art in the actual site i use for my current comic project

No. 2138675

Can't you just make a new separate anon account and pretend it's not you?

No. 2138684

Sucks when that happens, especially when it's a female you looked up to (no one is really shocked when a male turns out to be a douche). I had the same experience but it was a small artist group and the "nice" one turned out to side with her pedo moid bf when he cheated on her by grooming teens

No. 2138741

File: 1723798685274.png (323.86 KB, 949x913, cubari.png)

Probably not what you asked, but you can post image sets in an imgur album and use cubari.moe to read it page by page like in manga sites. It'll look like picrel.

No. 2138820

The nonas in the narcon thread might be interested in this since they're cataloging the mods bully antics (one of them has some contact with SVT I think it's called). >>>/ot/1962002 By victims you mean the congoers that were asking that one mod about boob mousepads/body pillows being out in sfw spaces? Or is this something else?

No. 2139166

File: 1723825384915.jpeg (106.55 KB, 1000x1500, pexels-photo-7147701.jpeg)

Digital arts nonnas, what art programs do you use?

I started with Autodesk but upgrated Photoshop. I used them to edit and line old comics I drew with pen and paper.

Then I used Paint tool Sai. I had a tablet at this point. Sai carried me through my teen-young adult fanart phases, bless it.

Right now I use Clip Studio. It's okay for me, but navigating it is a little tricky, plus hate how it's selection tool works. Honestly, I may go back to using Sai, I've always liked it better.

What do you all use? Does anyone have any other programs that they can recommend.

No. 2139202

Ntayrt but what are good sites to post comics in general?

No. 2139260

I use my cracked photoshop cs5 from 2012 and a cintiq. Getting used to PS took the longest time though, it never felt natural until very recently. Finding custom PS brushes that feel good to use is essential, its default brushes being awful is its only flaw as a drawing program. It's been my main art program for 10 years, but would not recommend it unless you can pirate an old version. The subscription price is ridiculous and Adobe is a dogshit company.

No. 2139282


Back in the day, I used tumblr and Twitter. I was fandom-trash back then so it was easier to interact with other artists/ fans. I haven't used any sites in years, but I think Twitter is still the popular choice.

No. 2139407

>The nonas in the narcon thread
There's a närcon thread on lc?! damn they've gone proper cowcon now huh
>By victims you mean the congoers that were asking that one mod about boob mousepads/body pillows being out in sfw spaces? Or is this something else?
Yes, and yes. 1-2 people who simply asked the mods about a nsfw picture got banned first, but most got banned after that for questioning his actions of banning those first people when it wasn't against the rules to post nsfw pics to begin with because it's a fucking art server and people post raunchy drawings all the time. The last few days at least 3 people got banned simply for saying "the mods are scary, I'm leaving this server for my mental health" it's been a cesspool mess.

One of the banned users was in a different con-art server as well so she/he mentioned it there, I literally started out typing support for them and afternoon fika jumped in to tell them to shut the hell up so quick I chickened out from posting since she's apparently a mod in both and I don't wanna get banned too kek. I shouldn't be shocked people hide behind a kawaii-persona but it was still disappointing

No. 2139421

Autodesk Sketchbook on android tablet
Krita on desktop and android tablet
I like to doodle in autodesk first before doing lineart, coloring, etc in krita. Feels more casual and relaxing instead of getting nervous over using too many layers
Kritas free and open source so thats already miles above CSP in my eyes, it'd be nice if Autodesk was too…

No. 2139441

I use csp. I used to use sai as a teen and then switched to clip studio. I tried an old cracked copy of photoshop cs6 but never could get the hang of it.

No. 2139558

Good video on phony art supplies that get hyped on youtube
>but nona if you believe the hype you are retarder ecksdee
No I just liked the vid besides I've seen people recommend ohuhu markers in one of these threads

No. 2139563

I've bee using Sai to this very day because I love the built-in stabilizer for the pen. I don't care if it's "cheating", it makes work a lot easier and I'm able to get more things done but I've been curious about CSP since it seems like that is what most artists are using these days. Is CSP worth migrating towards? Does it have pen stabilizers like Paint Tool Sai does?

No. 2139571

yes. most art programs have line stabilization..?

No. 2139582

Do they? Sorry, the only other programs I tried working with for digital lineart was GIMP (many years ago) and Photoshop and they didn't have stabilizers in them unless I'm missing something. I apologize, I'm not the greatest with tech.

No. 2139594

NTA but the way the stabilization engine work on each program is very different. The one in SAI is the most wonderful one I have ever tried, and sadly the CSP one isn't great. Photoshop is in the middle.
Despite that, >>2139563 I recommend getting the forever license for CSP, it's a bery powerful program. If you work with lineart, you can still do the line in SAI, save as PSD and finish the drawing in CSP, I do that sometimes.

No. 2139598

Thanks for the info anon. I see artists working on CSP all the time and it looks fun but I can't deny that the stabilizer is a huge thing for me and I know I should practice to where I don't need a stabilizer but I'm stuck in my ways with limited free time so I just work with what works for me kek.
I'll take what you said into consideration though, thanks!

No. 2139600

Ayrt, I switched to CSP because I found the custom brushes/effects in SAI to be lacking. If you're happy with SAI, I don't think there's really any reason to migrate. If you do decide to try CSP, get the permanent license like >>2139594 suggested. CSP used to go on sale regularly. I'm not sure if it still does but keep an eye out for that.

No. 2139644

trying to decipher if a beginner animal oc drawing is by a 25 year old autistic or larper agp male or a 13 year old girl

No. 2139657

lol post it

No. 2139763

File: 1723859138673.jpg (246.22 KB, 721x1223, Screenshot_20240816_205835_edi…)

such an unpleasant person

No. 2139774

why are new wave fans like this.

No. 2139775

The amount of posts this person makes bitching about idea theft is crazy

No. 2139826

File: 1723866085858.jpg (56.7 KB, 564x510, 80c14d3d716b81457f9063a5e3e9d1…)

Gonna just go out and say that artist markers seem like an incredibly childish medium. I fell for the marker hype as a late teen and after I graduated I bought me a set of skintone markers. Other than saturation they were just markers. They just feel childish to use and in most cases will look streaky, unless you layer and load the paper down, or only have very small color areas to block out. Watercolors can do what markers do and more, are generally more affordable and offer a wider color range bc of color mixing.
Plus marker art tends to have a very distinct look to it. And it's not just the artist but the material itself that causes this look. There are rare cases where such a look can actually compliment the piece (picrel) but in most cases it just gives that look. And most people who use them don't have the knowhow to apply the color in a more flattering way. Back when I was getting duped by the shit I was finding professional pieces done by manga artists or very niche western artists who could apply the technique properly but I genuinely don't understand how people are falling for the hype now when all they're seeing is amateur YouTube artists use them to make very basic works.
I'm saying this all as a person that has a set of my own. The biggest upside I can see to them is their convenience but if you're at home what's stopping you from creating a whole setup to color your works with, why do you need overpriced kid tools instead of watercolors or inks?

No. 2139829

Also this isn't me looking to hate on anyone who uses them. It's just stupid how they're getting shilled so heavily online and young artists who have a limited art budget are duped into wasting their money and time on them when they could learn a more professional and better quality medium instead.

No. 2139844

Never heard of this kasane michael artist but looking at their account, ow the edge lol

No. 2139860

thanks nonnie! that's very useful
yeah i guess

No. 2139872

Jazza and his consequences; he got me drawing, barely taught me how.

No. 2139933

I think getting caught up on whether or not markers are childish or what makes a copic better than an ohuhu misses the point of of markers in the first place. They're made for production work that's going to be scanned in an a short amount of time, they're not designed for gallery work or anything like that. It's all just dye in the end and not pigments used in traditional paints and that's fine, who cares if you're cheaper supplies for something that was supposed to be cost effective to begin With? you can use sharpies if you wanted to, it doesn't matter.

No. 2139992

File: 1723877331924.jpg (308.72 KB, 700x934, weisbuch-cantabileI.jpg)

claude weisbuch

No. 2140049

>you aren't licensed to breed bananas
this is hilarious out of context

No. 2140050

Yeah, I'm pretty sure copics are also sold at a much lower price in Japan which explains why they became such a staple for manga artists. Weebs just hyped them up because they think tools equate skill and nowadays every young artist wants to have a big collection to display because tiktok teaches them to mindlessly consoom.

No. 2140054

copics are the absolute worst markers out there

No. 2140062

>>2140054 I use markers a lot for quick sketches. Can you recommend some good brands?

No. 2140066

winsor and newton promarkers and watercolor markers as well as prismacolor markers.

No. 2140069

Thank you!

No. 2140073

File: 1723884030114.jpg (3.17 MB, 2460x3300, 751.jpg)

Banana left and Dex (orange hair) right. Yeah, a character with a ginger side part is obviously a reference to your two ugly characters. The delusion kek is this artist even popular? Are 1k followers on toyhouse a big deal?

No. 2140254

File: 1723901220132.png (476.81 KB, 3000x2313, 140824.png)

I recently joined to Do art Daily after a few anons recommended it. I thought it would be filled with amazing artists but most are intermediates at best. This is fine and all, but it scares me how many have years long streaks and draw for thousands of hours a month yet still have begginer tier art. Pic rel. How do i avoid this? clearly drawing every day and drawing for hours doesnt equal good art.

No. 2140262

God I hate this ridiculous "You're stealing muh oc!!!!!" garbage. Like you're weird twink manwhores aren't that original. Get over it.

If they don't it'll be a funny Twitter sperg between two retards at least. Kek

No. 2140269

Drawing something presentable every day is not feasible most of the time. These people have terrible art (leaving aside the blatant fetish shit) because they spend every day reiterating off of their own style so they have something "finished" to show on DAD instead of practicing their fundamentals and producing a study sheet that day. A sheet full of single stroke circles doesn't look impressive to outsiders, but goes a long way in strengthening your ability to put lines where you want them and preventing chicken scratch boobies.

No. 2140279

> after a few anons recommended it
those were ic shills kek

No. 2140280

She was also well warned of the coomers lol.

No. 2140281

I think its a good site though, i find it pretty helpful to maintain the habit of drawing. It was just shocking to see all the users with the highest streaks having shitty art.

No. 2140284

Just be careful not to become like them. If most of the high-streak users have shitty art, that should tell you something about their process.

No. 2140288

what do you mean? for now i am only focusing on studies and figure drawing, since i dont feel motivated to draw originals. If anything, i am doing the opposite.

No. 2140294

I mean if most high-streak users have shitty art, there's probably a reason for it. Likely that maintaining such a streak negatively impacts the quality of their art somewhere down the line.

No. 2140302

That's not how improvement works… She should be okay as long as she doesn't associate with them kek.
You do have to remember that it's become a bragging right as personalityfags, I remember seeing people post for the sake of posting rather than having substantial progress when I was active.

No. 2140317

if the most rewarded users on that site are not improving thats a sign to get out retard. its so funny anons act surprised to find coomers and pedos in ic communities when they were warned already of this kekkk

No. 2140333

what does that have to do with anything though? i dont draw coomershit

No. 2140470

I wish there was a site like this not infested with coomer /ic/ users. I love the idea and I know not everyone on that site is like this but I also do not like the idea of sharing a space with imageboard moids.

No. 2140473

I think Anon is saying it was talked about itt already that the artists on DAD was full of ic coomers so we're confused why you're surprised.

You may not also get any decent feedback if the users are all ic coomers that just draw shitty fetish art. If you're just doing it for you to keep track of you're daily art then fine. But don't expect to find the community helpful.

I'd ignore the idea of drawing every day. Obviously just looking at these coomers simply drawing every day isn't gonna improve your art. Working on fundies, doing studies, experimenting with process and style, being critical of your work and getting proper feedback of your weak spots, etc. Drawing every day isn't enough you gotta draw with purpose and intention on improvement.

No. 2140482

I am not surprised because of the coomers though. I just found it funny someone could be autistic enough to draw for 3 years straight and still suck at it.
>Working on fundies, doing studies
yeah this is what i do

No. 2140522

File: 1723912674257.png (77.85 KB, 935x852, lasdad.png)

I understand hating sharing a discord space with ic coomers but you could just not browse DAD threads and the other posts in the website and go on with your day. I don't understand the pearl clutching? I previously recommended it only if you'll ignore the rest of the community, but it was more motivating back then when my femanon friends were active. Ultimately it's something you grow out of once you picked up the habit of drawing anytime you want to.

The host uploaded the source code(?) on github so it's open source but I have no idea to set it up. Even now I'm holding my hopes out for lolcow adjacent booru. https://github.com/LastArtistStanding/last-artist-standing

No. 2140526

I remember this girl. She has the most basic tumblr sexyman designs and loves to accuse people of copying. It's so funny to watch

I think she had around 4k followers on instagram, so she's a relatively small artist. Even if she had 100k followers, it would still be stupid when her designs are so generic (wow blonde TIF and ginger long haired man are so unique. Can't believe she invented blonde and ginger characters. I should own up to art theft because I have long ginger hair) I deleted just in case it looked like I was saying I'm a scrote. I'm a ginger long haired woman lol

No. 2140527


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2140543

I am starting to like it because i wanted to post my art, but not on twitter or other big platforms. It helps me to motivate myself to study more so i can get good enough to post on the big leagues(shitter).

No. 2140561

Do you get a notification whenever dad is mentioned here? Stop shilling that shitty site here

No. 2140697

I hate ic, i hate dad, I left the ic discord often shilled here of my own accord, please learn to read and that opinions can have nuance.

No. 2140702

I just pointed out the fact that you all think nona will lose her gains just because she posts in it, it's like saying you'll be stupid like the users in imgur for using it as image hosting site kek.

No. 2140731

I can't believe people are falling for adams bullshit. The yt "art community" is so fucking fake and full of buttlickers its insane.

No. 2140737

> adams bullshit

No. 2140798

Adam duff The guy who posted that "bitch, you lost" video in support of ergo Josh being pro ai. He's been backtracking on his stance on ai and manipulativly responding to people saying they're upset about his stance making them look like schizos who gleaned something from his initial video and response that wasn't true. He's so fucking fake, and people are just falling for the bullshit.

No. 2140818

I don't go that thread but I lurk the cute guy thread more often, the artists seem better than the ones on DAD, and its less coomery probably because there is a higher amount of women. The cute female study thread isn't that bad either.

No. 2140822

what do you define as coomery though? No malice nona, just curious to know? for the record, I dislike the other /ic/ gens but more to do with the high amount of male gaze and cringe worthy coomer comments than the sex itself.

No. 2140837

Think this was replying to my old comment before I reposted it. When I was talking about the coom, I meant the cringe comments and the art with fetish proportions like in >>2140254. I also dislike how the threads can devolve into infighting instead of art posting.

No. 2140858

Damn, Pikiru brings me back. I think she quit social presence because of some drama with her sister or something.

No. 2140887

I had a book about marker techniques for production from the 80s. It had some interesting content about how best to make them blend, a lot of it comes down to the paper. More absorbent paper gives more saturation and color depth but less absorbent paper gives you more time to blend. You can use rubbing alcohol or lighter fluid (apparently) to blend. A lot of the artwork would be finished with colored pencil or airbrush which further blended the markers. The printing process also helped to soften the look further. I'll see if I still have the book.

No. 2142507

she had an artfight account where she was trying to get people to draw loli Spirou

No. 2142517

ew, I don't trust you. Bet you're a creep moid who injected something into these links

No. 2142521

It's a dead server i think the owner was a farmer

No. 2142530










No. 2142562

post it, or did she get banned? she keeps insisting shes not a lesbian/bi but she sure loves lolis and yuri

No. 2142608

She is too misogynistic to admit that to herself.
https://artfight.net/character/5011272.spirouette(this is an imageboard)

No. 2142612

If we're supposed to be seeing some of her degenerate spirou shit the link goes nowhere.

No. 2142613

its not working for me

No. 2142615

The site is probably down, sorry nonnas.

No. 2142617

need to login but i dont have an account. post screenshots.

No. 2142994

Does anyone know of more channels like this guy?

No. 2143020

File: 1724044599878.png (566.45 KB, 699x1131, 2.png)

nta but here's the character

No. 2143022

File: 1724044665627.png (43.55 KB, 1320x426, 3.png)

and the description encouraging ship art kek

No. 2143028

is this really tbrainrot?

No. 2143029

it doesnt look like her shading style to be honest

No. 2143044

yeah, I really doubt this is her.

No. 2143064

The scribble shading looks so nice.

No. 2143083

Where has she said that? I could have sworn she was dating a woman at one point.

No. 2143086

In her curious cat that she deleted.

No. 2143120

File: 1724052639702.jpeg (293.97 KB, 2048x2048, GVDfm3ZbIAABNNI.jpeg)

lol she mad

No. 2143121

literally who is this girl? i have never heard of her why does she have such a big fucking ego when her donut steels look like rejects from the beetlejuice cartoon

No. 2143127

This art sucks ass

Right is pretty nice to look at, I like it. Left is omegacringe

You mean zoomers in general

No. 2143130

File: 1724053583615.png (3.36 MB, 1589x1230, lol always.png)

>reeee they are stealing my totally original donut steels!!!1 thats literally theft!
>proceeds to rip off another illustrator while not credit them
kek they are always like this. Every ''muh original oc DONUT STEEL!'' autist heavily references other characters and artists.

No. 2143136

i love his channel, been watching for years although i get sad everytime he sounds more old

No. 2143137

I wish he had social media or a patreon, i would love to support him. Only good quality channels left are all run by boomers.

No. 2143176

maybe you should suggest it? His quality is excellent, he should at least take donations.

No. 2143212

Speaking of good quality art channels run by boomers:
Marshall Vandruff

No. 2143214

Araki-tier "inspiration" kek

No. 2143216

the art shes referencing is from before araki anon, its from a 60s fashion magazine

No. 2143267

I know, I meant that Araki does/used to do the same thing for his own illustrations, ripping off the same poses and most of the visual elements of fashion magazine art and photos

No. 2143311

File: 1724067402182.png (1.62 MB, 2224x1621, araki-loves-reusing-pose-refer…)

But he actually changes everything about it besides the pose, which is a good way of referencing and what you're supposed to do. That person didn't even bother to design different outfits, just made the colors ugly as fuck

No. 2143340

File: 1724069390985.png (1.01 MB, 1594x721, sunxoxome.png)

this is not the first time she's done this. plus this is most likely traced

No. 2143361

Watch her justify art theft on that one because Tezuka made some racist shit back in the day.

No. 2143368

I find her wannabe-kaneoya sachiko cute dark aesthetic and her projection on art theft an awful combo.

No. 2143371

How the fuck did she suck out all the charm in tezukas style even after tracing it. Also kek at this bitch tracing art but sperging out when someone else's oc has ginger hair

No. 2143373

File: 1724072506001.jpg (337.29 KB, 400x514, be_careful_on_streetatnight.jp…)

this. Shes basically a sachiko clone, minus the soul. Uh oh, did kaneoya sachiko steal banana? they cant keep getting away with it.

No. 2143378

When you put it like that tracing + donut steal muh ocs is making me think they might be some dumb teen. Or a severely.entally I'll adult. I hope this is an adult because it's funnier that way, but if this is just a kid feels kinda bad.

No. 2143383

shes 19, shes too old to be doing this retarded crap

No. 2143462

File: 1724076168476.jpeg (303.5 KB, 1080x1767, 70253DA3-C08B-4315-A016-411C9B…)

this guy’s gallery is just soulless sexy pinups so i don’t get the shock and outrage that ai can mimic him easily. anyone who’s actually good and making interesting shit is safe

No. 2143464

note: i’m not saying he isn’t technically skilled but if we’re talking “soul” and non-coom aesthetic appeal then yes he’s lacking seriously. like ai will never be able to replicate >>2143373

No. 2143467

> Oh, no! The sanctity of League of Legends' waifu splash art has been compromised!!!

No. 2143470

Honestly, same. I hate AI, but i hope it pushes artists to strive for less soulles, corporate styles.

No. 2143471

The chick in the middle looks possessed kek

No. 2143474

zatanna always looks possesed by some agp tranny ghost. Her design is insanely ugly(except in the cartoon)

No. 2143750

The only pro of AI is degrading same-face male pinup girl art so its seen as the uninspired trash it always was

No. 2144079

ugh this font clearly wasn't meant for big blocks of text

No. 2144087

File: 1724106772725.png (2.57 MB, 990x1152, dfgdfgjkdjfh.PNG)

>mental illness
Might be onto something here kek

No. 2144175

Even the artwork radiates that it was made by an unpleasant person. And I say that as a fan and creator of horror/gothic-focused art. It has a lot of the same energy that the old Sparkledog art had, too.

No. 2144212

File: 1724110292981.jpg (Spoiler Image,280.04 KB, 695x857, Screenshot_20240819_192724_edi…)

this has to be one of the worst artwork she has made. forgot to spoiler for fetish and abused woman

No. 2144500

kek this is all edge and no substance. At least when myspace emos pulled this shit it wasn't a horrorific assault of color on eyes. It's like I'm looking at a visual cacophony of color.

On another note can I just say I'm fucking annoyed about beginner art classes. I thought I'd take one because it would be easy enough while grinding through my own studies, but idk why art teachers insist students have the best of the best in terms of art supplies. I'm looking to learn basics I'm sure I'm not gonna need the $30 sketchbook for my practice. I knew I was gonna have to shell out some money, but some ppl have never even drawn before in the class asking them to spend upwards of $200 on supplies that they probably don't need on top of the class fee is stupid. Idk I'm fine with people learning to draw, I like when it's accessible to others. Am I gonna laugh if they decide to take their skill and make gross shit like >>2144212 ? Hell fucking yes. But I get even more angry and annoyed when trying to improve comes with shilling specific supplies that are honestly not a requirement for the lessons being taught. Sorry if this is blogpost-ish and I'm sperging too hard over something dumb.

No. 2144576

pretty sure that's his wife
she is also an artist and a model same as him

No. 2144618

Please do, sounds interesting!

No. 2144809

File: 1724143280717.webp (174.73 KB, 528x779, sweet fuse.WEBP)

Looking for psp otomes and saw people suggest this. The gameplay and heroine sound interesting, but my first thought seeing this: Holy fuck these guys are ugly (except for sunglasses guy)
>FL is a high schooler but one of her LIs is a grizzly middle-aged looking man??
>Actually half the LIs look like moids too old for her (the red haired men also having just terrible styling)
>Blue haired boy is a popular idol but the way he’s styled isn’t cute/attractive at all, feels like how a moid would view idol boys
>Black haired boy looks like failed attempt at making a cute emo boy a la L
>Get feeling artist is a moid
>it is (Tatsuro Iwamoto who did art for Ace Attorney)
Why would you hire a moid to be the artist for an OTOME game kek I’m so annoyed, there are female artists who can draw varied designs in a similar style (while making them actually attractive).
I actually like the FL’s dorky looking hair, just not a fan of the short shorts + thigh highs combo and the baby face, it’s too jarring seeing her with the older dudes.

No. 2144810

File: 1724143367746.jpg (680.36 KB, 879x1347, meh.jpg)

Like this looks more like a girl and her fatherly figure kek, their kiss scene looks so strange. Hate that his route is recommended for plot reasons.
Also I hate when artists do this shit where the man and the woman look like 2 completely different species, where the man has more semi-realistic proportions while the woman is a simplified big-eyed cute anime girl.

No. 2144811

Dear lord this is nasty. Men dont really understand the concept of aesthetically pleasing looking men. That anon that said michael jackson noses on anime only work if both the men and women have pug noses was right, this is really uncanny.

No. 2144812

wrong thread nonna otome thread is in m

No. 2144873

>moid artist
>blatant DDlg shilling in the CGs

They want us to fall for the ugly man psyop even in games meant to appeal to us. Fuck this.

No. 2144890

Funny you mention Ace Attorney, the lead artist for the DGS/TGAA spinoff is a man and he knows how to make attractive male characters, looks like they picked the wrong artist at Capcom kek. I hope you can find a nice otome game, that one feels targeted to men.

No. 2144892

I avoided this game when it was recommended to me because most guys look ugly as well. The same artist did the designs of the human characters in the SMT gacha mobile game and they look hideous except for the generic looking MC so I also don't playing it just for that reason even though I was looking forward to it back when it was announced.

No. 2144922

ugly but still not as bad as grandpa bishie

No. 2145358

I mean AA guys are hot, so I don't get your point? Fighting game artists are usually men and create hot husbandos too. This is just weak character design.

No. 2145432

File: 1724180229107.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1182x1417, IMG_1801.jpeg)

This is also pretty common with other professional artists but along with Araki they can actually do it well

No. 2145447

File: 1724180818663.jpg (182.06 KB, 1024x558, aa.JPG)

>AA guys are hot
There are a total of 2 moids here whose designs would pass for otome material, and I am counting the identical brothers as 1 design.

No. 2145477

File: 1724181707803.png (1.73 MB, 593x764, Matt_Engarde_Portrait.png)

That's not even 10% of the cast of any given AA game. They just have a wide variety of characters, some goofy looking and some traditionally attractive.

No. 2145518

Guessing your picrel is one of the goofy looking ones

No. 2145519

>>2144810 he's so ugly, that poor girl deserves better

No. 2145595

File: 1724185370690.png (72.47 KB, 188x178, Screenshot 2024-08-20 132035.p…)

I know we're talking about the males but she's so hot

No. 2145656

This tutorial by this chinese-aussie that it think is a TIF is what made me understand a bit more the way that some chinese artists usually color and render, although hers (?) is a little less polished. Too bad she've gone AWOL from all of her socials. I wonder if she's gotten better in the last 2 years.

No. 2145700

File: 1724188836373.gif (133.72 KB, 250x188, AJ_Phoenix_Smug_2.gif)

Please nonnie, that's 4/7 hot men (yes counting Edgeworth) debatably 5 if you're a barafag who likes Gumshoe. Apollo and Phoenix are the POV self insert so it's normal they're generic, even so I'd say dad Phoenix in AA4 looks hot.

No. 2145934

They're tripping. Not my fault they can't enjoy AA men. Hobophoenix is best Phoenix tbh.

No. 2146034

Godot is my husbando kek
I love finding no retarded AA fans on the wild. I'm kissing all of you nonnies

No. 2146040

this looks like shit kek

No. 2146047

File: 1724197282754.webp (310.05 KB, 1280x946, miles.WEBP)

Reminder that Edgeworth was designed by a FEMALE bl artist, Kumiko Suekane. And she was the one who pushed for Edgeworth to be closer to Phoenix’s age instead of an old moid like her male coworkers originally pitched. A male artist could never be this based without input from women

No. 2146127

File: 1724198926107.png (18.24 KB, 106x71, Screenshot 2024-08-20 170827.p…)

does she Know

No. 2146342

File: 1724204234318.png (Spoiler Image,472.24 KB, 487x642, 763467843.png)

I fucking hate women that draw male characters from joseimuke or other female oriented media as coomer anime girls like picrel. I wanna say SSA women are diseased but at this point I don't even think it's them, just brain damaged pickmes looking to ruining everything for normal straight women to appeal to moids

No. 2146356

Bonus if they genderswap yaoi to make it maledom

No. 2146360

I love hetbending!!!

No. 2146389

i dont think so but she could've used a regular spiral kek

No. 2146488

If they wanted to go the bunny route just keep them male and draw the outfit. Christ. The anatomy looks fucked.

No. 2146566

File: 1724208738875.jpg (120.09 KB, 667x1000, 81Y29SRrq7L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>Two "lewd" anime girls
>Looking at the assumed male viewer
This is pickme art.
kek at their wide male shoulders and narrow hips. they look like trannies.

No. 2146774

It would just be nice to have someone i can trust when i try getting into learning with aspiring Western Animation Industry artists, i might post on friend finder i guess but probably not, art is a solitary activity unless you go to art school

No. 2146789

I hate/love watching art content because on the one hand, I get decent tutorials/tips (most are shit but the good ones really help) and I get to hear occasionally about art community drama like scam artists, silly fandom fights, and just interesting autists and their weird art. On the other I get blinded by an art fight vid thumbnail of someone's big titty Lopunny oc and want to walk into the sea.

No. 2146801

The real disease is liking anime moids. I'm glad some artists are at least fixing the characters by making them women.(bait)

No. 2146841

File: 1724218648901.jpg (101.69 KB, 1080x976, i2isk9eoendow.jpg)

>I wanna say SSA women are diseased
I'm not SSA but what the fuck anon? 99.95% of that art is made by troons/men or pickmes, not even porn sick lesbians usually draw like that unless they're actually a spicy straight. I hope that's bait.

No. 2146842

i draw both these things cause its fun

No. 2146843

No. 2146844

I do not see the problem with this image. It's sexy but I feel like if she wanted too she could've made it far worse.

No. 2146845


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No. 2146846

Congratulations, you have pornrot.

No. 2146848

Nope. I'm saying it's coomery but not something to really complain about. Let's be real, if a moid drew this there would be a bulging cameltoe, the thighs would be disproportionately large, and there certainly no breast sagging. I don't really get the fuss. Can a woman only draw porny art of men and can't touch women as a subject matter or what?

No. 2146850

why genderbent bishies, draw your own ocs

No. 2146852

If you love balloontits anime girls so much go hang out with scrotes on 4chan. I swear there's been a massive uptick of anons who keep caping for sexualized depictions of women recently.

No. 2146859

Still porny anatomy regardless

No. 2146861

wtf is wrong with me wanting to draw sexy women. i love other women and theyre more fun to draw then men

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