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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1736105250526.png (1.5 MB, 1440x1080, Hitachiin_twins.png)

No. 445650

Due to complaints in the hot/cute couples thread for incest posting, thought it be better to make an containment thread for it.

Post art, ships, discussions, anything related to incest (fiction only). What are some incest ships that you're guilty of liking? Any incest in media that you hate? Post them all here and please keep it civil and the degeneracy low since most incest material is scroteshit (if it involves female characters).

No. 445652

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No. 445656

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I'm a bit ashamed to say I shipped them so hard growing up I read every toxic love fic I could get my hands on. Idk what compelled me since I'm not usually into incest ships. This one is just different

No. 445660

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No. 445662

File: 1736109806966.png (500.99 KB, 822x786, IMG_2619.png)

Ichikara is so good

No. 445668

shouldn't this just be posted in the bl dump thread??

No. 445677

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That's fine though it's acceptable here as well since it's incest related and m/f and f/f are also included too. Thought it be better to post bl first since it's tolerable.

No. 445679

All types are allowed here

No. 445683

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Hope the Laios x Falin poster sees this

No. 445684

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No. 445689

File: 1736115104384.jpg (260.59 KB, 924x982, 122681900_p17_master1200.jpg)

love them
i was also fucking obsessed with stridercest, bro/dave in particular was my favorite homestuck ship but i kept it to myself.

No. 445692

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who liked this ship. I generally avoided the Dunmeshi fandom so its good to see

No. 445724

I understand that, but 99% of what's been posted here is yaoi and and other then one autist, there's very little incest content in the actual m/f thread, so I don't really see the point

No. 445725

Not a specific ship but god do i love shy/awkward big brother x spunky/bratty charming younger brother. There's so much potential (submissive older brother, desperate or possessive older brother, flirty younger bro and prude older bro…) .. I know there's a brother pair out there that matches this dynamic, there has to be

No. 445726

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No. 445737

This manga was like the first time I wasnt rooting for incest just because Ruby was such a non-character compared to the others

No. 445739

I don't see why there shouldn't be a containment thread for all incest since it is a problematic topic and there has been complaints in the m/f thread. I'm sure there is more than one m/f incest shipper on this board given that there are some in the guilty pleasure thread >>>/m/251174. The yaoi balances it out.

No. 445748

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Can't believe they haven't been posted yet. Actually really liked this game especially episode 2. Burial all the way, decay be damned.

No. 445753

ayrt and yeah, ruby kinda sucked as a character, but I do like the dynamic of a very upbeat sister and a grumpy brother.

No. 445754

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No. 445755

They’re literally made for eachother ughh

No. 445758

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No. 445759

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No. 445760

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My first m/f incest ship that I'm guilty of for liking it. It's just that I find Tomoko relatable as a weird loser girl and her brother is pretty hot. Their dynamic is kinda funny too since she unapologetically annoys him.

No. 445761

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No. 445763

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No. 445764

Brothers…are for SEX

No. 445765

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No. 445766

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Hell yeah, Hetalia in the thread

No. 445767

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No. 445769

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No. 445776

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so true bestie!!

No. 445780

I like Mako and Bolin from Avatar: Legend of Korra (or the brothers with Korra sandwiched in between them).

Or Zuko being tied up, completely and utterly dominated, and forced into being Azula’s submissive little bitch is hot too.

No. 445782

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No. 445789

File: 1736133340591.jpg (196.71 KB, 607x900, 122681900_p32_master1200.jpg)

i'm requesting twincest please. i mostly just like incest if it's basically two of the same person on each other

No. 445797

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I know it's been retconned, but I watched the last 3 movies and see every bit of media and fanart with the belief they're still siblings.

No. 445801

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No. 445802

Anybody got good f/f twincest recs? I feel rarely served well in this area, all of the good psychological toxic f/f twincest goes to bl and het ships.

No. 445803

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No. 445805

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They are distantly related…does that count?

No. 445808

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Shion x Mion Sonozaki

No. 445810

They look like genderbent versions of each other so yes as far as I care

No. 445813

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Finally, an incest thread.

No. 445814

I for one am okay with incest shit being quarantined. Hopefully it will prevent the infighting that goes on about it in other threads. Have fun in here, nonas.

No. 445816

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No. 445819

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No. 445820

File: 1736140719218.png (2.17 MB, 1075x1518, Leech.Twins.full.2945763.png)

I might missed some but this is what I could find for identical twin brothers.
>Hikaru and Kaoru from Ouran High School Host Club
>Jade and Floyd from Twisted Wonderland
>Hinata and Yuta from Ensemble Stars!
>Kyosuke and Yusuke from The IDOLM@STER: SideM
>Migi and Dali from Migi & Dali
>Hanako and Tsukasa from Toilet-bound Hanako-kun

No. 445822

No. 445826

File: 1736142719910.jpeg (252.45 KB, 2048x1280, IMG_5099.jpeg)

Ryui and Toi from 18TRIP

No. 445832

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I wish Aida got rid of Sean and its revealed she had feelings for her sister all along and was only keeping up an act to lower everyone's guard and maintain the image of a ditsy and flirtatious girl when in reality she is incredibly cunning and manipulative; a side only Aisha knows of. I also wish the plot twist for the new spin off is that the twins are the only survivors this time around whereas everyone dies from a tragedy Aida orchestrated since she has a fervent desire to protect her sister and keep her in the "fantasy land" within her books; Away from the cruel reality that has abused and hurt Aida. I'm tired of stories where the bubbly and extroverted girl gets the short end of the stick in favour of the calculated cold girl. Personally I always thought they should get together and ditch the ML, even better if theyre sisters and have a deep carnal bond connected by blood.

No. 445837

File: 1736145462595.jpg (184.62 KB, 1521x1658, GZNgtq0bMAA3EBO.jpg)

I love Falin/Laois but I especially enjoy if its f!Fallin/f!Laois. Theres just an additional layer of tragedy towards the two being divided by uncontrollable forces in the genderbent timeline (Laois being forced into a marriage, Fallin being orchestrated and sent away to the magic academy) though I like to think the two always find a way back to each other; with Laois rekindling her love towards monsters after her "family" was tragically killed in an "accident" caused by monsters; widowing her and allowing her the freedom to find Falin again. Hopefully someone draws fanart of genderbent dungeon lord laois soon… f!Laois already has a cold look compared to her male counterpart, I wonder if it would intensify if she took up the dungeon lord mantle, or perhaps she takes up a more manic/insane persona like m!Laois does when he gets into monster sperge mode.

(this headcanon was heavily inspired by a f!laois analysis comic that I can no longer find. I recall it being in Korean and as you know asian artists are very fickle when it comes to keeping fanart up… one day Ill find it again)

No. 445843

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i’m glad the thread image is hikaru and kaoru, they are literally the face of twincest

No. 445844

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Maki and Mai from Jujutsu Kaisen?

No. 445848

File: 1736148829978.jpeg (Spoiler Image,64.44 KB, 463x600, IMG_0318.jpeg)

My guilty pleasure ship. The fics on ao3 during 2020-2021 when the game first came out were so peak, I loved how they depicted their relationship as codependent and toxic + uke abuse on diluc

No. 445849

File: 1736149130143.jpeg (514.43 KB, 1170x1036, IMG_6666.jpeg)

i love them, they are my everything

No. 445855

I still can't believe they actually kissed in the manga.

No. 445861

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I used to ship those two back in 2016 kek

No. 445930

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No. 445941

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Most of the Manga was building up to this beautiful picture. I love how unapologetically happy laios look here compared to the first ressurection where you can tell he's more emotionally reserved.

No. 445947

File: 1736174095605.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.43 KB, 660x563, 27 (6)_edit_7631110967063.jpg)

I mean…

No. 445949

I need them to kiss nonnies… There's nothing better than a brother's devoted love for his sister

No. 445973

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Technically they're mirror images but

No. 445975

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The Striders and Lalondes were made for shipping.

No. 445976


No. 445985

So damn cute

No. 445989

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Never seen the anime or vn since it's scroteshit but I always think they're cute and find the atmosphere pretty. Just recently watched the first episode with low expectations and honestly I think they're better off together since the other female characters are either kawiwi retards or obnoxious big titty bitches. Maybe I'm too quick to judge since they're a tragic sibling pair who lost their parents and the cute brother has to support himself and his unwell sister all the while looking on the bright side.

No. 445990

I unironically love anime art styles like this, too bad 99% of it is scrote shit

No. 445998

I think women should culturally appropriate the moe style and make based shit with it. The otakus stole proto-moe aesthetics from shojo first anyway, it's time to take it back.

No. 446008

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No. 446012

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One of the spiciest and bitter ships for me.

No. 446014

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No. 446017

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No. 446025

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I still remember sometimes of the most crack idea of Bro ordering call boy and gets Dave to his flat all because he was stingy fuck and didn’t give him a single penny for his lunch despite being rich porn producer or something
I had a fixation on trashy (almost bizarre) dysfunctional bro/dave fics in my teens, it felt like a cold shower

No. 446029

Dysfunctional bro/dave fics are my jam nonna. The lunch money thing sounds so on point for the fics I read. They really took that one Homestuck scene about there being nothing but puppets in the fridge and turned it into Bro never feeding Dave and Dave always being the poor starving kid at school KEK. god I miss Homestuck

No. 446032

File: 1736188025724.jpg (490.58 KB, 1138x897, USUK.full.1617665.jpg)

Interested in what everyone here thinks:
>Best pairings (bro/bro, bro/sis, dad/son, twincest, etc)
>Best dynamics (toxic, fluffy, tragic, etc)
>BR vs NBR incest
Feel free to explain your reasonings.

No. 446035

Wtf I'm into it now
Please share the comic if you ever find it, sounds tasty

No. 446039

twincest > bro/bro > bro/sis >>>>>>>> the other dynamics >>>>>>>>> any non-blood related ones
I like when the brother really hates himself in the bro/sis ones (if he’s older). But ones like laios/falin are good too if done right. For bro/bro I love when they younger bro is more eager and sees 0 issue in brotherfucking kek

No. 446047

File: 1736189969960.jpg (166.88 KB, 920x2048, FY19hj2UIAAUN2R.jpg)

Egyptian gods but the dad gets rawdogged by the son he used to abuse

No. 446049

>Every ship is incest besides that disgusting bearded scrote
She could have made an incest masterpiece if she just wrangled her autism…

No. 446058

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I was writing a wall but it’s so niche I became embarrassed
Pic unrelated

No. 446061

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No. 446062

I choose to forget the bearded motherfucker. I skip his chapters and talk as if he doesn't exist. There is no bearded dude anon, just incest with hot Egyptian gods.

No. 446063

NOOOO post your text wall nonna I love reading other people's sperging.

No. 446069

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No. 446076

I like incest pairings, because family is forever.

No. 446111

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Rilianne and Allen is the true twincest

No. 446112

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I'm going to hell

No. 446157

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not enough dadson

No. 446158

who are they

No. 446160

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No. 446161

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No. 446162

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No. 446163

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No. 446164

Nta, Toji/Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen

No. 446169

File: 1736218584682.jpg (619.91 KB, 2048x1794, FIyq8qGWUAMAbtQ.jpg)

shout out to the person who drew mission hill incest yaoi and then vanished when they got called out for being transphobic

No. 446202

Fans always make Megu way too fem in this ship

No. 446205

She's drawing Spirou yaoi under the name ''outofearshot'' on some obscure literal who site now. She used to go by tbrainrot and drew nasty lisaxbart and helgaxolga lolishit. I am glad she found god and is using her talent for yaoi now, no matter how cringe and ugly it is.

No. 446211

File: 1736228626769.jpg (620.86 KB, 2048x1465, FIYnLRUXMAAhno_.jpg)

if thats actually her then damn shes really talented
.. i watched the show out of curiosity from seeing the art and i could kinda see the tension with them

No. 446214

Yeah its her it was in her callout post by her ex tranny friends. Also, do you have all her old mission hill stuff saved or are you reposting it from somewhere? i wish i saved it.

No. 446217

Luffy has a brother?

No. 446228

here you go nonna, probably not all of it but most of it (not dolphin porn i swear)

No. 446245

File: 1736241110793.jpg (233.96 KB, 647x700, Mob.Psycho.100.full.2077172.jp…)

Same but deeper

No. 446249

Confused by your question– Luffy does have a brother named Ace but the ships the AYRT posted are Trafalgar Law/Doflamingo and Law/Corazon. None of the three aforementioned ships are BR incest, though.
Personally I like Doffy/Corazon best

No. 446250

Doffy/Corazon is the best because Law = babytrapping your brother

No. 446273

File: 1736253607222.jpg (686.27 KB, 2592x2948, GVFdWfIaEAMfmaK.jpg)

How is this thread doing so well!? I didn't realize there were so many incestfags out here.

No. 446274

File: 1736253853176.webp (105.28 KB, 703x1000, 81+k6DDW5NS._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Same nonna, I thought it was only me and the other fellow incestfag in the hot couples thread I am happy we are legion. Picrel a peak brocest manga rec.

No. 446301

English name please

No. 446302

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No. 446332

I'm craving some grandma/niece…

No. 446345

where my jaime/cersei fags at

No. 446348

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No. 446355

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Makes me think how turned Felix in Claw Noir’s world?

No. 446381

File: 1736272707926.jpeg (206.2 KB, 877x1240, IMG_0873.jpeg)

They’re were introduction to GI for me, saw red + blue pair everywhere during release

No. 446387

File: 1736274420627.jpg (402.16 KB, 950x1337, Suite-of-Super-Darling-00-MRM.…)

My secret guilty pleasure ship when i was in hs

No. 446396

Nta, from what I can read it's Oniichan Datte Amaetai Wake de by Antama/Fukura Hagi

No. 446400

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Dark twincest…

No. 446402

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No. 446403

File: 1736277840324.jpg (177.7 KB, 768x990, uscan3.JPG)

Soon trump will conquer canada as america’s 51st state and AmeriCan will be canon

No. 446417

i hate ~fans~ who call him megumi when he exclusive goes by fushiguro

No. 446427

That isn’t his son though.

No. 446429

Not if you ship Toji/Megumi or Gojo/Megumi he doesn't kek
Such a pointless thing to get prissy about

No. 446430

The incest ships were the only good thing to come out of jjk

No. 446435

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The OST is unironically beautiful, I remember actually rooting for them to get together.

No. 446436

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>Best pairings (bro/bro, bro/sis, dad/son, twincest, etc)
I like bro/bro and bro/sis, my bestie is a dad/son girlie but the closest I've seen to it that I liked was I guess brudick (I don't really think that counts though)
>Best dynamics (toxic, fluffy, tragic, etc)
I think all can be interesting depending on the context, I think tragic usually works best when it's one sided though.
>BR vs NBR incest
NBR doesn't count to me.

No. 446439

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No. 446442

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No. 446443

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No. 446445

Why is the Zenin clan full of degenerates? Between Naoya being gay for Toji, Mai's first crush being either Megumi or Maki and Toji marrying a woman who looks like she could be his sister they all need to see a psychiatrist. I swear the only reason why Tsumiki isn't biologically related to them has to be because the editors must have thought it would be too weird to have Megumi thinking about how his own sister is his type of women and because of the fight between Sukuna and Yorozu possessing them. On the other hand I'm a bit disappointed that Sukuna is Wasuke's twin brother instead of Yuji's twin brother, but at the same time it made sense since the beginning that Wasuke wasn't just some random guy so I accept it.

No. 446448

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No. 446449

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No. 446450

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No. 446452

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No. 446454

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No. 446457

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No. 446469

Never watched the show but I think about this clip a lot since it was in a lot of Germancest edits.

No. 446470

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Canon incest popping up outside of Japanese stuff is wild.

No. 446473

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No. 446478

me, they were one of my first het ships. Sept scene is still based to this day and I hate that they turned it into rape in the show.

No. 446484

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No. 446509

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I always liked them together since it felt more age appropriate…

No. 446511

Agreed. Honestly I was never a Amu x Ikuto shipper and all the scenes with him in her bed are just creepy. I liked Amu with the boys in her grade more. Nagihiko and Tadase were way more her speed

No. 446513

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I didn’t hate it as a kid but I thought of all possibilities they had the least chemistry. When I reread it as an adult I was really grossed out by it and all the innuendos. I am aware of the irony of being a moralfag about this in the incest thread.

No. 446514

File: 1736306312874.jpg (419.73 KB, 800x725, 1554142229555.jpg)

Finally, a thread for me

No. 446515

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No. 446519

>book sept scene
i honestly don't care for fluffy romantic incest but the toxic stuff? now we're talking

No. 446520

File: 1736307125991.jpg (52.79 KB, 665x375, 9fz0i0.jpg)

literally us, kekkk

No. 446527

I’m into both!

No. 446528

Personally i only like age gaps if it's 2 guys

No. 446536

File: 1736313258058.jpg (108.86 KB, 592x478, Z_eLlFvSCT0.jpg)

My thoughts exactly. I expected a lot of infighting and maybe getting the thread locked but everyone here seems open about it. Adding yaoi to the mix makes it a lot better.

No. 446537

ive always loved rusame since like 2012, but i still like this persons art so much

No. 446539

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No. 446540

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No. 446546

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I know it was never going to be endgame but I still loved their interactions. It’s the only thing that made it worth reading for me.

No. 446548

File: 1736317767507.png (673.92 KB, 1181x1259, __matoi_ryuuko_senketsu_kiryuu…)

this thread needs some sister cleansing

No. 446549

Are they sisters? kek I never got very far into it. cute

No. 446550

File: 1736317930100.jpg (286.04 KB, 800x1000, 3bcc2e0bffcf12183a52bfb7d33a42…)

Nona i love this ship… it's the only incest ship i like. I've read a fanfiction about them together before, Tomoko should be with her brother.

No. 446551

Those two are sisters!?

No. 446552

File: 1736317954847.jpg (648.05 KB, 3000x4000, __elsa_and_anna_frozen_drawn_b…)

No. 446553

File: 1736318016096.jpg (69.76 KB, 1200x854, FHgCbDHXEAI886t.jpg)

thanks, its cute. Makes me want to rewatch mission hill.

No. 446554

File: 1736318230067.jpg (131.02 KB, 500x486, __matoi_ryuuko_and_kiryuuin_sa…)

Yes, they're from Kill la Kill

No. 446555

File: 1736318320215.png (1.58 MB, 1212x1765, __jinx_and_vi_league_of_legend…)

No. 446556

Mission fucking hill of all things. I loved that show. Ngl i see it.

No. 446557

File: 1736318468130.jpg (205.47 KB, 1075x806, __sonozaki_mion_and_sonozaki_s…)

No. 446558

This show fucked me up as a kid

No. 446559

S1 and 2 are insane with the incest, I swear. It's so noticable once you open yourself up to the possibility. Imo it's because Jensen Ackles simply doesn't know how to talk to someone without flirting.

No. 446560

Yes he is.

No. 446561

I watched KLK a long time ago but I don’t remember them being sisters

No. 446563

Is the twincest in this actually good
I tried reading this years ago but couldn't get past the retarded ancient anime way some characters like rena spoke
I can push through for good twincest though (or good femslash in general)

No. 446564

I don't think there is twincest between them canonically if that's what you're asking, beyond them, you know, killing each other

No. 446565

There's a lot of yuri in Higurashi but it's between Satoko and Rika instead of the Sonozaki twins.

No. 446566

File: 1736321909465.jpg (676.98 KB, 1280x1707, 1458803629366.jpg)

No. 446567

File: 1736322058293.jpg (884.98 KB, 700x1037, kristoff is a cuck.jpg)

I feel like frozen is the most hard yuri incest out there.

No. 446568

What the fuck is this anon

No. 446569

File: 1736322501541.jpeg (329.22 KB, 582x558, I don't even star war.jpeg)


No. 446570

File: 1736322543246.jpg (821.03 KB, 1600x1200, __kasugano_sora_and_kasugano_h…)

Same. It's just so pretty and has some cutely designed characters too. Sadly the coomshit ruins it all. Hate that this has been a guilty pleasure of mine's ever since I got into anime figures and finding cute anime art with little to no knowledge of its source material back then. Please don't call me Addy.

Agree. As much as I appreciate shoujo creators, I also wish we have more like Koge-Donbo and not have any coomshit shoehorned in it. At least there are some women out there who like the moe style just for the sake of it being cute and use them for things like aesthetics and nightcore pics. Also grateful we have fujos too that make yaoi out of shounens or any moid-oriented media as part of revenge and pleasure.

It really is even just by looking at the art alone, the music is gonna be beautiful. I'll have to continue watching the anime and root for them too then maybe look into the vn as well. Ugh seeing the fanservice and coomshit is gonna be a slog.

No. 446571

File: 1736322619369.jpg (892.98 KB, 1600x1200, __kasugano_sora_and_kasugano_h…)

Went a little off-topic there, but I'll leave a few more pretty art of these two.

No. 446572

>Ugh seeing the fanservice and coomshit is gonna be a slog
You could just skip to the last few episodes that adapt Sora's route, ironically they're way more plot focused than the others.
But yeah this thread made me listen to the OST as background music again.

No. 446573

File: 1736322753219.jpg (2.48 MB, 3447x4344, Yosuga.no.Sora.full.670709.jpg)

No. 446574

File: 1736322955944.jpg (322.09 KB, 800x600, Koibito.Yugi.full.583222.jpg)

The big bro in this seems pretty sweet

No. 446575

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No. 446576

File: 1736323206700.jpg (398.76 KB, 1221x2048, GKpvHCwbMAA_NUU.jpg)

i honestly disliked the movie but i love this ship soo much

No. 446577

File: 1736323371590.jpg (99.44 KB, 600x711, 8e0fef207ec6412b733413237aaab4…)

I like the movie a lot but I've only recently got into the ship, the sequel sucks ass though.

No. 446578

… do you think the creators were intending elsa and anne to come off as super gay or were they just trying to push pure sisterly love? This feels very intentional

No. 446579

>tfw incest was the unifying factor we needed to settle the hime vs yume vs fujo wars once and for all

No. 446580

File: 1736323615601.jpg (726.67 KB, 3000x4000, __elsa_and_anna_frozen_drawn_b…)

I think they just don't know how to write non romantic relationships between the lead characters.

No. 446581

File: 1736323842851.png (1.75 MB, 1700x2189, d8qhzpq-396a758d-eb6c-424f-b54…)

Nonas, have you read this AU where Elsa is a cop? They aren't sisters in this but I loved it sm when I was like 10 years old kek. I honestly don't remember what it was really about anymore or if it had an ending, need to do some rereading

No. 446582

Or at least hime vs fujo, I can't really think of any yumeships with incest outside of Kurumi Masato.

No. 446584

File: 1736324120774.jpg (1.04 MB, 2031x3441, GMEcQ_2bEAAGVW6.jpg)

Supernatural will always be the GOAT incest show.

No. 446586

File: 1736324209352.jpg (456.36 KB, 1200x1320, sallowstwins.JPG)

No. 446588

File: 1736324787603.jpg (338.28 KB, 1024x768, __kasugano_sora_and_kasugano_h…)

Thanks for the suggestion! I don't really care about the other girls and Sora's by far the prettiest and most significant.

No. 446589

File: 1736324791958.webp (154.33 KB, 1024x1388, Cardcaptor.Sakura.1024.2823971…)

they are cousins

No. 446590

File: 1736324844889.webp (179.56 KB, 1024x1365, Cardcaptor.Sakura.1024.3771063…)

these two are also cousins kek. clamp really had a thing for it

No. 446591

File: 1736325145973.webp (134.12 KB, 733x877, CODE.GEASS_.Hangyaku.no.Lelouc…)

No. 446592

File: 1736325214361.jpeg (127.51 KB, 1200x834, IMG_0894.jpeg)

They had insane animosity and chemistry way better than with Bruce, they should’ve had more episode of killing each other

No. 446593

File: 1736325240652.webp (416.76 KB, 1031x993, IMG_4310.webp)

I was gonna judge you nasty bitches until I realized I ship Farnese and Serpico smh

No. 446594

Pretty boy, which chapters with him are your favourite?

No. 446595

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No. 446596

File: 1736325632739.png (499.72 KB, 697x627, jaimecersei.png)

>mfw only ship something to OTP level once every 100 years or so

Haven't read ASOIAF since about 2021 and picrel are still my fave pairing.

No. 446597

File: 1736325963400.gif (1.11 MB, 500x257, GIF image 25.gif)

No. 446598

File: 1736326374931.jpg (242.88 KB, 923x817, __dio_brando_giorno_giovanna_j…)

Yeah he is. Unless you're thinking it's Jonathan's. Giorno canonically has two biological dads since Dio took over Jonathan's body.

No. 446600

File: 1736326655660.jpg (118.21 KB, 564x800, CODE.GEASS_.Hangyaku.no.Lelouc…)

I forgot about them, nonnie. Code Geass is a gold mine for incest ships kek

No. 446602

File: 1736326912285.jpeg (419.5 KB, 866x1528, IMG_0899.jpeg)

Dio x Giorno looks delicious for such nonexistent pairing

No. 446603

Also noticed that these two are so similar to each other

No. 446604

File: 1736327182992.jpg (2.07 MB, 2490x3509, vampireknight.jpg)

Does anyone else remember Vampire Knight and the absolute shit show that ensued when it was revealed that the main pair are actually siblings? KEKK

No. 446605

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No. 446607

File: 1736328461453.jpg (785.05 KB, 1461x798, E0wt4O2VoAAsCkC.jpg)

does adoptive incest belong here? i love jonadio sm

No. 446608

File: 1736329073221.jpg (114.66 KB, 736x871, 647e1a7115dc20e61902b322d3ee0f…)

Vampire Knight was such kino!! I love that people are still seething on youtube over incest in a gothic romance lmao. I need to catch up on the sequel series, it was pretty good from where I was up to.

No. 446611

File: 1736331207645.jpg (1.05 MB, 1329x1471, GUkfkr0aEAABgKL.jpg)

No. 446613

File: 1736331644306.jpg (62.25 KB, 408x599, 408px-Oikk_v02_370.jpg)

they warmed me up to sibling incest

No. 446616

File: 1736334009754.jpg (1.8 MB, 2704x2048, 8754gfh.jpg)

I'm not even into yaoi or much into shipping in general, but I played DeSu for the first time earlier last year and I fell hard into Naoya/Kazuya. Intense feelings? Check. Codependency? Check. Age gap? Check. Biblical references? Check. Guilt? Check. I love whatever the fuck they have going on, Naoya's breakdown during Amane's route was so hot & I love how their dynamic changes depending on which route Kazuya picks, it's fun to think about. They will make each other worse, they can't live without the other, etc etc.

Pretty funny my first m/m ship ended up being incest between reincarnations of 2 biblical characters. But now that I think about it, my very first ship was Silver/Blue (girl) from Pokespe at the tender age of 9, so maybe I have a predisposition for them kek

No. 446617

File: 1736334083390.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1125x1621, 7BB1D2E5-1F5F-4CE6-84F8-CD8A47…)

VK was and still is my guilty pleasure. Zero x Yuki was never an option.

No. 446624

I never finished the manga, what pissed me off wasn't that they're siblings but that the MC had a totally different personality as soon as she remembered her past. How did people react back then? I wasn't aware of the series' fandom at the time.

No. 446626

I don't remember much about the plot exactly but I do remember the fandom had a very divided Zero x Yuki fan base and Kaname x Yuki fan base akin to Team Edward/Jacob and then midway into the run of the manga the author just dropped the bomb that Kaname and Yuki are not only lovers but siblings(or grandfather and granddaughter depending on the interpretation you want to believe). The justification for it was that pure blood vampires always marry within their bloodline to keep it pure or whatever. Anyway there was like a mass exodus and fandom war with all the Team Zero fans leaving the fandom and of course the obvious moralfagging over the main pair being siblings. The mangaka really gave no fucks and ruined all Team Zero's hopes and dreams

No. 446630

File: 1736340430818.png (870.89 KB, 564x796, image_2025-01-08_134625004.png)

I kinda hate the fact that they're technically incest. They're one of my favourite ships.

No. 446631

File: 1736340498247.png (663 KB, 556x680, image_2025-01-08_134731209.png)

No. 446632

Can you explain to me why though? They never interacted in canon as far as I know. Is it an aesthetic thing? Because of that one poster where they're cuddling?

No. 446633

File: 1736340981507.png (881.98 KB, 800x1200, image_2025-01-08_134913672.png)

I guess I just like Giorno and I self-insert as Jolyne. The first fics that I read were for these two and I liked them, I guess that also helped. Since then I found some others. Problem is that the main fandom considers it hard-core incest and I don't wanna be associated with the incest side of any fandom, sorry.

No. 446636

File: 1736341422355.png (Spoiler Image,463.16 KB, 749x924, image_2025-01-08_135913572.png)

No. 446637

Nunnally deserves better.

No. 446640

Why not self-insert as Trish or as someone's/your own OC? Is the art work for Giorno x Jolyne more visually appealing?

No. 446642

File: 1736343793606.gif (1.03 MB, 500x292, 507dec814252ae2d9f62058d1de018…)

In a purely emotional and non-sexual context. I just want to see them cuddling in a warm bed. I just love how protective dipper is of his sister.

No. 446643

only ship that grossed me out itt.

No. 446644

I found more content of the two, and the first stuff that I found was of them two, so now Giorno with anyone else feels a bit weird.

No. 446645

File: 1736345279065.jpg (354.35 KB, 1170x2080, Tumblr_l_19044387087718.jpg)

Why? I know they're children, that's why I only like innocent fluffs with them.

No. 446652

File: 1736347734228.gif (1.16 MB, 640x358, nezuko-hug.gif)

Please stop trying to justify yourself, that only makes it sound weird. Yes, protective siblings are cute and you should post more of them.

No. 446653

File: 1736347914696.jpg (422 KB, 1259x714, 1734176692294-2.jpg)

No. 446654

File: 1736348077033.jpg (150.17 KB, 540x851, tumblr_e47c6afd3b7336b82e14590…)

don't throw me out in some instances they are brothers

No. 446655

I was gonna post Eren x Zeke but my pixiv is broken. Any kind nonna with art work of them, feel free to post. Also, dungen meshi siblings anon, please post more if you can because I kinda like the dynamic but can't figure out the tag name on pixiv for those 2, as I don't watch the show.

No. 446657

File: 1736349733365.jpg (800.06 KB, 1123x1600, 1429643801752.jpg)

It is hilarious how popular this thread is

No. 446658

File: 1736349874135.jpeg (246 KB, 1200x2049, IMG_0905.jpeg)

No. 446665

Looks like we were all waiting for a place to sperg without standing out too much in normal threads kek

No. 446666

File: 1736351473569.jpg (8.74 MB, 4812x6860, BROTHERS.CONFLICT.full.1659268…)

>does adoptive incest belong here?
Yeah I think it should be fine. It's not blood-related but some people find it problematic. Also step-siblings too.

No. 446667

Now this is a real hood classic

No. 446668

Ngl it just rarely crossed my mind to post about my like for fictional incest on lc, but now every time I open /m/ I have a reason to kek

No. 446669

File: 1736352237700.jpg (87.76 KB, 1228x1600, 86552400_p9.jpg)

ive only watched tfa but i love transformers fanart so much
i ship them so hard

No. 446675

Tbh we've always had a decent number of incestfags in the fujo threads without much problems, I'm guessing it's the hetfags/yurifags that finally have a place to sperg without pushback.

No. 446676

File: 1736354336137.jpeg (156.46 KB, 800x608, 1899C356-4E6B-483D-8247-D7426F…)

Kek I remember the reveal and the absolute betrayal half of the fandom felt. It’s probably one of my fondest memories of being terminally online at a young age. I once remember hearing that the author was receiving death threats over whether Yuki would end up with Zero or Kaname, which makes the ending make a whole lot more sense given that context.

No. 446677

File: 1736354455356.jpeg (44.1 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpeg)

did anybody else play pathologic and end up shipping andrey and peter? theyre so weird and codependent i love it

No. 446678

File: 1736354501010.jpg (283.5 KB, 680x624, Devil.May.Cry.full.1575749.jpg)

I'm not much of a shipfag anymore but I still think about these two a lot

No. 446680

How did it end? Last time I read she got her memories back, started dating Kaname and her creepy pedophile uncle was trying to kidnap her for bloodline related reasons. I never finished the manga I think it wasn't finished yet at the time.

No. 446683

File: 1736355559691.png (1.35 MB, 3508x2480, 91106589_p16.png)

My internet is finally working so here's some Zeren? Ereke? Idk

No. 446684

File: 1736355643481.png (415.79 KB, 1456x2048, 91106589_p30.png)

No. 446688

No. 446690


No. 446693

File: 1736358629102.png (462.88 KB, 1000x678, bdf220d7137cb5d5b817a3e52a34ab…)

>Tomoko should be with her brother
Agree. None of that forced yuri crap that was shoehorned in or if Tomoko doesn't end up with a bf, then she'd have Tomoki instead.

No. 446700

File: 1736361706949.jpg (5.6 MB, 4795x6899, Chou.no.Doku.Hana.no.Kusari.fu…)

>200+ posts in
>still no best onii-chan posted yet

No. 446701

File: 1736361960141.jpeg (110.87 KB, 1317x728, FLpa9DMakAMeF1d.jpeg)

Also Amagicest is the best (Rinne bottoms btw)

No. 446705

No. 446726

File: 1736366501402.webp (15.21 KB, 300x168, IMG_6374.webp)

No. 446727

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No. 446728

Canonically doesnt matter I'm just looking for himebait

No. 446731

Autism thread is next door

No. 446733

No. 446739

File: 1736368620761.jpg (447.39 KB, 866x1200, 98473759_p45_master1200.jpg)

No. 446743

Cool now I want to read Stridercest fics. Can anyone rec any?

No. 446747

File: 1736370370286.jpg (51.12 KB, 600x600, 48e0dcd153606d3b43b500a9bdd30a…)

Ashamedly incestfagging even as a little girl watching Naruto for the first time

No. 446748

clamp really likes incest. Seishiro from Tokyo Babylon is implied to be super incestuous with his mom. Iirc it's vaguely suggested he lost his virginity to her and they do french kiss as he kills her, it's drawn on paper so it's not even implied.

No. 446756

File: 1736371438759.webp (38.21 KB, 800x600, EA07.webp)

>I'll have to continue watching the anime and root for them too then maybe look into the vn as well.
I'm a different anon from the ones you have been talking to but you can find the VN translated in f95zone, from what I heard it's 100% translated and the TN team is doing QC/editing work atm. I watched the anime when it aired and while I can't say I hated it (I liked the ED song) it only made my wish to play the original work stronger.
Haruka and Sora belong together.

No. 446762

File: 1736373458098.jpg (84.14 KB, 480x624, Giorno × Jonathan 02.jpg)

hope thats implied giojona that ship is my fucking crack

No. 446768

File: 1736374681411.jpeg (35.2 KB, 453x480, Elric.jpeg)

> incest thread
> no elricest

By far the best incest ship. The history between them, the trauma ? Unparalleled. Spectacular.

No. 446773

im sorry but my first exposure to this ship was that homunculus100 horrorcow so its ruined for me

No. 446780

File: 1736376720178.png (400.94 KB, 985x550, B6.png)

Kek nonnie you forgot the best tamers12345 incest ship I am being sincere, this is not a shitpost. They have so much drama, angst and tension it's insane.

No. 446783

Based. This was one of my first ships besides Vash and Knives back in the day. It still remains supreme.

No. 446796

File: 1736381733203.jpg (1.02 MB, 3384x3508, 1719874057850329.jpg)

Twincest is wincest

No. 446797

File: 1736381929185.jpeg (302.67 KB, 2048x2048, EAhvESzU8AAvFon.jpeg)

No. 446798

Why is ritsu the perfect whore?

No. 446816

File: 1736389804207.jpg (3.64 MB, 2500x4450, surrounded by your oniichans.j…)

Majima best boy! Everyone here should take the Maruki Bunge pill.

No. 446818

File: 1736390003167.jpg (88.6 KB, 894x894, robbed of twicest route.jpg)

Based and maruki bunge pilled x2.

No. 446837

File: 1736394671519.jpg (359.84 KB, 883x1196, Dante_Vergil_Devil_May_Cry_2.J…)

Spardacest is kino

No. 446847

File: 1736397732784.png (480.74 KB, 540x2371, Untitled62_20250108234153.png)

No. 446850

What in the 2011 is this…

No. 446857

2013 to be specific. back when incest shipping was good

No. 446863

File: 1736400357459.jpg (50.56 KB, 686x386, 1000009259.jpg)

Let us not forget about the holy grail that was the Three Years series. JohnJade was supercute

2011 was really an era. Its hard to believe that it was 14 years ago. I can't seem to find all of the comic creator's posts but some of them were archived.


No. 446875

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No. 446877

File: 1736405878134.jpg (270.37 KB, 1328x2048, GavwDPXaAAgKrq34oing.jpg)

No. 446878

File: 1736406410233.jpg (181.82 KB, 1024x865, 1837382992738292378302.JPG)

No. 446881

File: 1736407929768.jpg (180.33 KB, 1280x1920, 5BMJm5rHWFMIVLQlunt3SYi18az.jp…)

I don't know if anyone seen this children's show but I find it wild that there's a fandom for it that's mostly incest of the two main brothers. Kekkk. Also I think they're based off of two actual brothers irl which was pretty weird.

No. 446882

File: 1736408283095.jpg (49.11 KB, 1024x760, 3bbe73494f37cabbd981a23e630c6c…)

I remember being forced to watch this almost everyday as a kid because we didn't have cable TV

No. 446883

File: 1736408442897.jpg (55.27 KB, 640x885, asdcfvgbrhntgrerfwedqs.jpg)

hotd was kind of disappointing but i did like these two. wish we could've seen her with him instead of aegon.

No. 446887

File: 1736408840198.png (179.73 KB, 485x352, Screenshot 2025-01-08 234713.p…)

i used to watch the show of them as two real human men so it's doubly weird for me but i also find it extremely entertaining

No. 446888

Yeah I could never ever do this because I met the brothers IRL once

No. 446889

Thought this was Reiner and Berthold for a second

No. 446959

File: 1736443428123.jpg (126.51 KB, 700x661, tumblr_njc0dy1Vp01un4b4jo4_r1_…)

based, i love it when the older brother bottoms.

picrel, i wish there was a tox/2 remake. the world needs more kresnikcest.

No. 446968

File: 1736446523126.jpg (399.9 KB, 2048x1502, FiGQQT6VQAAH8_t.jpg)

I discovered I really liked this as an age I probably shouldn't have. Thanks, Mike Inel.

No. 446970

Idk this show, this is fanart right?
No1curr but I find het incest uncomfortable because of the inbreeding implication. Any Nona's feel the same?

No. 446972

I do feel the same, I only get squicky about het incest, anything goes for me in m/m or f/f incest. I get that that same taboo is probably what makes it more exciting for others where it makes me uncomfortable.

No. 447006

The thought of a ship having children doesn't even cross my mind kek
That only happens to me when I enjoy a ship because it's all cutesy and healthy, then I enjoy thinking about their future (and even then, it's very rare to me to give them kids). On all other ships, including incest ones, I just enjoy exploring their dynamic and seeing them go at it, I don't really look past that.

No. 447007

File: 1736457353906.png (429.14 KB, 2048x1729, tumblr_ec50980471207d69f3194b8…)

yeah it's the kratt brothers lol

No. 447008

File: 1736457501935.png (93.11 KB, 378x419, Untitled.png)

i feel a little bad for laughing about this but then i remembered i don't care about moids feeling sexualized

No. 447017

File: 1736458474735.jpeg (570.83 KB, 1820x1470, IMG_0356.jpeg)

I’m happy there’s other kaeluc pseudo incest advocates here kek

No. 447036

File: 1736462781304.jpg (204.2 KB, 734x655, 3ff460566b6a7e75650230431841fd…)

okay I am doing a reread but I really love the chapter where he fights Guts on the edge of the building and we get a first glimpse at his sword skills and intellect. I also like that he stopped pursuing Farnese as soon as he found out that they were related. He's a sweetheart. I also love that he doesn't trust Guts fr. It makes their whole team dynamic so interesting.

No. 447062

File: 1736468870230.png (1.18 MB, 1440x810, Martin-and-Chris-1440x810.png.…)

Shouldn't have given them sexual tension then.

No. 447078

I feel somewhat similar since most het incest is a scrote's porn fantasy that want to fuck their sisters and mothers. Though I only like a few brother x sister ships if the guy is hot and the girl isn't scrote gazed coom material. A little icky with yuri incest too since it's mostly fetishized by scrotes as well.

No. 447149

File: 1736483006504.jpg (855.41 KB, 1536x2048, p12753730_b_v10_ce.jpg)

Can we agree that this has the worst incest fandom?

No. 447150

i remember there was a fujo on DA who used to ship these two. Her art was super good and she was always getting moralfagging comments from pissed scrotes.

No. 447175

File: 1736489504439.jpg (324.38 KB, 1023x1343, _7ve2.1280.jpg)

Remember that they are cousins, therefore their daughters are second cousins.

No. 447177

File: 1736489687427.png (331.41 KB, 900x784, Scanty_&_Kneesocks-165867238.p…)

They're cute together and pretty much canon.

No. 447178

File: 1736489740091.jpg (178.31 KB, 1200x900, DTHzDyYVAAABpP1.jpg)

And this…

No. 447185

File: 1736490854299.gif (2 MB, 375x210, IMG_0366.gif)

i will take my lashings for this one

No. 447186

Oh that is explicit,how are people denying the -cest with this pairing

No. 447187

I agree nona. I love the layers of fucked up-ness too for them- but also in a genuine way because they did love eachother deeply despite both being schizo retards kek

No. 447188

File: 1736491404933.png (342.15 KB, 560x372, Etv8GwZXUAANZus.png)

panty and stocking also do sexual stuff in the manga
i never watched this show but i thought they were romantic interests from what clips i saw kek

No. 447193

File: 1736491912303.png (1.65 MB, 2378x2851, c11f2d1a9009bb327d7a7388933591…)

"Hello Alabama"

No. 447195

blogpost warning i liked this game and i drew some popular fanart, but it was genuinely the worst fandom ive ever been in, and i still have a weird guy cyberstalking me that found me through it. 0/10 would not recommend

No. 447200

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No. 447202

Imbred children wouldn’t turn out looking that normal kek

No. 447206

File: 1736494937314.png (11.84 MB, 1826x2546, c3e5a43dbf702383d0cfe52d32472a…)

Tough question, would you ship Jolyne with Anasui or Jotaro?

No. 447220

ackshually inbreeding increases the statistical likelihood of defects but it's not a 100% thing

No. 447222

Jolyne is for Hermes.

No. 447230

File: 1736502305124.png (374.67 KB, 735x817, kuroki_tomoko_tomoki.png)

Yeah i too hate the forced yuri, also the amount of trannies that ended up liking it mainly for that and self insert reasons was annoying. Watamote would have been better going the siscon route, or maybe it's just my bias since i only care about het or bl.

No. 447231

Don't worry they inherited the tard brain

No. 447233

Isn't he her adoptive father so it's pseudo incest?
Seconding the other anon, Hermes for sure because the jojos are inherently gay.

No. 447234

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No. 447236

File: 1736505149512.jpg (25.57 KB, 669x428, ___martin_squid_attack__incomp…)

yeah they aren't related at all, not incest. more like toxic power imbalance relationship. it's hot but doesn't belong here
as if moids don't tell everyone at random their deep desires to rape dogs and children. i support these shippers

No. 447238

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No. 447239

File: 1736505517633.png (84.7 KB, 830x599, 99989c9145bd2cfebb541364a462e5…)

torn between laughing and finding it hot

No. 447240

File: 1736506522364.webp (100.54 KB, 640x902, aa824ehl9k3b1.webp)

I know people on here hate manwha but Lady Devil has amazing art and an hot couple who happens to be twins and twisted

No. 447242

File: 1736506676366.jpg (65.04 KB, 720x1202, 7pcn6xRrsINfsqbD.jpg)

now come

No. 447249

I salute these artists for nailing the art style so well to draw their favorite ship they're obsessed with. Very impressive.

No. 447256

File: 1736511965237.jpg (30.45 KB, 353x500, majima.jpg)

I beg to disagree.

No. 447261

File: 1736514956847.jpg (332.16 KB, 2048x1692, GbjsseRWoAATeSV.jpg)

Another brocon robot ship, I wish it had a ship name so I could find art.

No. 447272

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No. 447280

File: 1736520993976.jpg (622.51 KB, 2048x2048, evilnumnum.jpg)

i cant talk about this brocon ship anywhere because the small existing fandom is all the kind of childbrained genderspecials that would not be able to appreciate it but i will keep saving their innocent brother love drawings for my own nefarious purposes

No. 447281

File: 1736521044593.jpg (573.36 KB, 1168x1637, ezmnssg 1.jpg)

rickorty 4ever

No. 447284

File: 1736521338385.jpg (200.38 KB, 1486x2048, tbrainrot idogally.jpg)


No. 447286

File: 1736522274814.jpg (190.44 KB, 1580x1134, mikonozo.jpg)

No. 447305

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No. 447309

File: 1736530183921.jpeg (84.55 KB, 736x414, IMG_0930.jpeg)

Having step little brother route was a bold move. Which otome also have incest routes? Toma can be heroine’s step brother in certain route but it’s a stretch.

No. 447318

File: 1736531966357.jpeg (813.03 KB, 1283x1940, IMG_3813.jpeg)

I don’t really think about the kids of my het incest pairings because honestly,that’s just a little too far for me.Though,if it’s between an adoptive parent and child(older figure x younger figure that was basically raised by them) ,then the hypothetical offspring of that relationship becomes an easier thought.

No. 447321

File: 1736533194745.png (257.5 KB, 500x273, tumblr_inline_pgaup30kJb1ukvq6…)

Nightshade has a cousin route, picrel. I haven't played Chou no Doku but Majima >>447256 is the MC's brother I think. Period Cube and 7Scarlet also have nii-san routes but those games are both stuck on the Vita. If can read JP or you don't mind patching games, Everyone in Brothers' Conflict is a step brother to the MC, and Black Wolves Saga has a nii-san route as well (But he manages to somehow be one of the least crazy characters in that game). That's it off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more

No. 447323

File: 1736533754774.jpg (1.06 MB, 713x10613, Dp pinecest comic.jpg)

You were a kid so I don't judge you but mikeinel can suck a dick. Doublepines is the true goat.

No. 447328

File: 1736534269771.jpg (380.9 KB, 1280x720, 1564766969060.jpg)

Remember when Fire Emblem Fates got announced and normies were throwing a fit because the MC could marry and have kids with the members of the royal families because "they're the main character's brothers/sisters!" despite the previous games not being any better and the characters not being biologically related to the MC or even raised with him/her? What was up with that? Why didn't they have a mental breakdown when the MC could also marry either Rhea or Seteth which was way more incestuous?

No. 447329


No. 447330

File: 1736534512663.png (320.84 KB, 600x800, Copie ddrxku0-25a1b190-f0fd-44…)

Noone will ever understand…

No. 447331

Audience changed?

No. 447332

File: 1736534558792.jpg (157.75 KB, 562x759, 1000027177.jpg)

I'd ship her with Giorno

No. 447333

>normies were throwing a fit because the MC could marry and have kids with the members of the royal families
I think that was mostly because of the loli shit.

No. 447334

Can you furshitters fuck off?

No. 447335

>two retards fighting

No. 447336

You animalfuckers already have a containment. Fuck off.

No. 447337

No it was with everyone, I saw similar reaction against lolicons marrying Elise in-game and posting the nastiest fanart known to mankind online and female fans marrying Xander or Ryoma online long ago, you'd think both cases were on the same level of insanity. What was funny was when everyone was like "why would you marry Camilla/Hinoka/Elise/Sakura when you can marry Azura instead? She's the canon choice!" until the DLC route was available and everyone found out Azura is the only playable character who's related to the MC no matter what.

FE3H sold more than Fates so maybe? And more chill Fates fans got sick of the other fans so I'm sure they just stopped talking about the series as a whole on the internet as well.

No. 447339

Majima is not only her brother but also her cousin since he's a product of incest himself. His mom and her brother had him.

No. 447344

Thank god he’s impotent kek

No. 447350

File: 1736537296070.gif (2.41 MB, 600x368, 101 ds.gif)

I'm not even a furry. The show is just cute.

No. 447352

It looks like it's leaning down to give the other dog a blowie

No. 447364

My god, keep your fantasies to yourself

No. 447365

>Incest thread

No. 447368

You have your own thread. Go away.

No. 447370

I am not the anon you were replying to?

No. 447377

File: 1736543663312.png (149.19 KB, 800x436, ___chris_x_martin____by_resuku…)

honestly yeah

No. 447383

7scarlet as a pc version but its NBR

No. 447396

Is selfcest considered incest?
Rhea was such a convoluted level of incest kek I'm glad they let me marry her as f!Byleth

No. 447405

When I realized Rhea was the MC's daughter via reincarnation and grandmother at the same time I was wondering if the writers weren't doing crack but she's best girl anyway so it's fine. Marrying Seteth isn't any better even if it's presented in a much more normal way, since he wasn't directly involved in Rhea's bullshit plan and was just an enabler.

No. 447420

I think it belongs here

No. 447422

I love Rhea and her insane mommy/daughter complex. It's >>>> than the milquetoast Edelgard x f!Byleth (Edelgard's interest in Byleth actively makes her less interesting whenever it arises) fans try to promote as sooo persecuted any day of the week.
When the Byleth Rhea summer unit dropped and was busted as fuck in FEH I took it as a sign of divine approval.

No. 447424

File: 1736554658977.jpg (23.37 KB, 250x249, 1585051105167.jpg)

I laugh when i see replies like these because i keep posting anime in these threads even though i'm kind of a furfag and no one knows…

No. 447430

Smells like troon in here(scrotefoiling)

No. 447433

>Everything i hate is males posting

No. 447435

Is canon yaoi incest a thing?

No. 447439

IDK the only thing coming to mind for me is Vincent and Gilbert from Pandora Hearts but I never finished it so I don't know what Vincent's deal ended up being.

No. 447440

Come on

No. 447442

You can find it in BL manga occasionally. You can ask in the fujo thread for a comprehensive list .

No. 447443

Elden ring has noncon yaoi incest…twice

No. 447444

I'm playing it rn tell me more???

No. 447452

File: 1736567755454.jpg (29.34 KB, 352x550, 1000058498.jpg)

>the canon route is aoba fucking his dog that's technically his own subconscious in the body of his twin brother
Dmmd is the only media you can find that is simultaneously furfaggotry, selfcest AND incest. God bless.

No. 447473

File: 1736575047996.jpg (217.04 KB, 700x700, 155367378833778357.JPG)

It was considered an incest whenever I looked at comment section under Dottore clones or Oncelers art

No. 447474

The ancient curse… And you brought it right to us…

No. 447479

File: 1736577543400.mp4 (6.68 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_qtwiiaSemH1z9cnmi_720.m…)

godbless the person who originally posted kratcest because i'm falling down a hole and it's extremely entertaining

No. 447481

I'm also strangely charmed by them, keep posting pls

No. 447482

whats the song?

No. 447484

The adults are talking by the strokes

No. 447485

SA this place is fucking with my brain, I almost wrote the scrotes

No. 447486

thanks nonny

No. 447487

File: 1736578599780.jpg (Spoiler Image,262.9 KB, 2048x1447, FVpUmmHX0AMWxsg.jpg)

it's extra funny to me because i grew up watching zoboomafoo every day lmfao i know them as real human men, i knew this show existed but it was long after my time. finding this huge cult following incest fandom is tickling me

No. 447488

File: 1736578712235.jpg (67.36 KB, 686x818, Untitled.jpg)

i have to crop so many of these

No. 447489

Post the full version

No. 447490

File: 1736579029938.jpg (296.49 KB, 908x1194, FVpUmmGXoAALhaP.jpg)

anon we're not supposed to post porn
their username is harzupng

No. 447492

God forbid anybody ship female characters kek

No. 447493

Wow, he's amazing at copying art styles. Some questionable stuff there, though
That anon is so mad at trannies she forgot about lesbians

No. 447496

File: 1736579813001.jpg (110.13 KB, 600x540, f4fe11ddb8354b310abd3b5e91bc27…)

Incest harem

No. 447499

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No. 447500

File: 1736580385462.jpg (193.5 KB, 540x697, 54369101_p0.jpg)

No. 447501

File: 1736580867480.jpg (720.5 KB, 620x877, 80876782_p15.jpg)

No. 447502

File: 1736581188492.png (928.7 KB, 926x856, Untitled.png)

daddy's boy

No. 447503

File: 1736581289846.jpg (490.71 KB, 716x932, 80876782_p25.jpg)

No. 447504

File: 1736581330571.jpg (449.06 KB, 752x842, 80876782_p28.jpg)


There being gay fanart from the boys is crazy to me

No. 447505

there's actually some pretty explicit stuff i didn't post kek. homelander is hot + pathetically horny enough to appeal to fujos

No. 447506

File: 1736581510654.jpg (365.59 KB, 499x704, 80876959_p52.jpg)


I kinda assumed it was like the other 'evil superman show' with the guy from the memes and his son where only a couple of gay dudes watched it for muscles.
I think someone said on the fujo thread a while back that the Antman parody gets tricked into having gay sex in the comics but there's not much fujo stuff.

No. 447507

No. 447508

File: 1736581618898.jpg (145.42 KB, 450x450, 54588805_p25.jpg)

No. 447509

File: 1736581738330.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.92 KB, 799x534, Untitled.jpg)

yeah actually the comics are gayer than the show, but the show has a fair share of gay content. like one of the episodes opens with a dude shrinking himself and crawling into another dude's dick hole

No. 447510

File: 1736581834822.jpg (179.27 KB, 600x600, 54588805_p42.jpg)


Kek, works for me.

No. 447511

File: 1736581986766.jpg (74.07 KB, 522x520, 54588805_p44.jpg)

No. 447512

File: 1736582871863.jpg (522.74 KB, 887x1200, tumblr_pdluigq8IB1th9e1ao1_128…)

anyone like the evil within? i love laura/ruvik. the game all but confirms he wanted to fuck her

No. 447513

File: 1736582910360.jpg (163 KB, 1280x670, tumblr_p98uopUNTb1xr6tqpo4_128…)

No. 447520

Spoilers for both main game and for the dlc ending Miquella bewitches his half brother Mogh to fall in love with him then sticks Radahn, his other half brothers soul into Moghs body to create his consort. Its more of a young child demigod saying "I wanna marry my big brother when I grow up" and making it a twisted reality than actual incest though

No. 447530

File: 1736589951730.png (707.99 KB, 1141x711, Untitled.png)

game sucked but these two were hot

No. 447539

File: 1736594908389.jpg (315.52 KB, 600x800, The.Twins.(Superjail!).full.12…)

i love this genre of twincest
why is the guy on the right's head twice as big as the other guy's…

No. 447541

File: 1736595268503.jpg (1.45 MB, 1837x3072, tumblr_bb2f5d2f9922c5bdadc50bd…)

those are male and female twins

No. 447550

oh my bad
is it a borderlands game?

No. 447568

File: 1736607425262.jpg (105.57 KB, 735x1085, 7bd7b2ddad0c2d49d1228e2c2aaef9…)

Was just thinking about them nona

No. 447569

Is the blush real or edited in kek

No. 447583

I used to think her art was amazing

No. 447610

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No. 447641

File: 1736632504578.jpg (583.22 KB, 800x1131, NieR_.Automata.full.2144158.jp…)

No. 447642

File: 1736632540992.jpg (227.56 KB, 900x720, NieR_.Automata.full.2128340.jp…)

No. 447657

Hell yes! Eve was so obsessed with his brother Adam too. I loved it.

No. 447662

>Black Wolves Saga
I remember this having some incest baiting between the cat twins. Not explicitly romantic though.

No. 447672

File: 1736636187148.jpg (531.7 KB, 1488x2000, GbtGheUXcAg4oqC.jpg)

i like reading krattcest fanfic because you get nature documentary description shit like this:

>Anything else would slow them down in this habitat. The forest was old growth, with lots of large trees, but an underbrush of moss and ferns.

it has to be edited… there's no way

No. 447680

File: 1736639779312.png (112.74 KB, 693x558, v0-3o57lg7ki93c1.png)

No offense to anyone here that likes them but having a moid filled fanbase is truly the worst like >>447195 for example. I remember moids trying to defend this game saying things like "incest bad? What about murder and cannibalism?" all the while being smug about it when it got great scores on Steam when really it's mostly moids with incest fetish that liked it. Also incest isn't really horror but shock value. I hated this game back when it was new but I get the appeal of these two. Still this was made for moids.

I think it would've been less moidy if Ashley was less of a "coombait" design like the bedroom eyes, smug face, revealing top with visible cleavage and choker. Maybe have other male characters too like the dad doesn't even have much screen time or even emotes but the mom does which unfortunately attract mommy fags.

No. 447682

the brother should have been the slutty one

No. 447686

File: 1736642079886.png (226.1 KB, 1292x1736, swap-tcoal-v0-v41wlhggjj7d1.pn…)

Agree. Even though he's already hot, he does seem like a moid self-insert.

No. 447689

i mean that's why it appealed to moids more than women. the guy can sit back and be a little whiny reluctant bitch while the girl is the sexually adventurous and flirty one. reverse the roles and you'd have more female fans, but i guess the game was made by a pickme.

No. 447704

I knew someone who met their now wife online in the DMMD fandom. They both cosplayed the characters which is how they connected. I think they tell people they met through “mutual interests” kek

No. 447717

File: 1736646656310.jpg (1.04 MB, 2048x2919, tumblr_4dc5e7d878e85910042b79c…)

fujos dating other fujos via their ships warms my heart

No. 447731

File: 1736648388851.jpeg (295.13 KB, 1132x2048, IMG_8757.jpeg)

My husbando is an incest freak so I self insert as his sister kek

That awkward moment when you break your oneesan’s legs to make her reliant on you but the fandom is a bunch of tards so they say you did it for inheritance.

No. 447743

Um what is this from?

No. 447745

File: 1736650993221.jpeg (382.77 KB, 1499x2048, IMG_8756.jpeg)

It’s fanart. The character is Knight / Richard Sterling and the game is Identity V.

No. 447747

I love to see identity v posting here

No. 447749

They always reminded me of ViTri but they aren’t twins

No. 447758

File: 1736655743217.jpeg (52.64 KB, 431x711, IMG_0129.jpeg)

Yessss I loved The Evil Within and Ruvik and Laura. I felt so bad for her though, her screams were heart breaking. It’s a shame the sequel had nothing at all to do with the same semi-gothic story/atmosphere.

No. 447759

File: 1736656305053.jpeg (350.87 KB, 1200x1480, IMG_0130.jpeg)

Felt bad about liking this ship for about half of my life now

No. 447760

There are so many tragic siblings in that game now that I think about it.

No. 447781

File: 1736664746713.jpeg (431.3 KB, 1290x1937, IMG_8081.jpeg)

Is it incest if the dad uses someone else’s skinsuit? Kek

Also I refuse to acknowledge Yuji x Choso as incest since Ken used two different bodies/sets of DNA to conceive them. Not to mention Choso was a literal fetus that overrode a human body(not his own) in order to take his human form. It seems like DNA does not exist in JJK. Maybe that’s why all the zenin’s are gay for each other.

No. 447784

File: 1736665965845.jpeg (156.69 KB, 1112x736, IMG_8773.jpeg)

I’ll do my best to provide!

No. 447813

I haven't played in so long I can't even tell who these characters are supposed to be.

No. 447840

File: 1736677226935.jpg (119.64 KB, 1078x1200, 52f1ff10adffa7505a930b80693342…)

I wish rodrick was my older brother THERE I SAID IT

No. 447846

>Also I refuse to acknowledge Yuji x Choso as incest
Same. Even in general I don't get the appeal of this pairing because they weren't even raised together or even by Kenjaku at all.

>Is it incest if the dad uses someone else’s skinsuit? Kek

I don't know, but seeing how Kenjaku treated Choso like shit and had a preference for Yuji he(?) actually acts like an abusive parent the whole time towards him.

No. 447850

File: 1736679623713.jpeg (121.22 KB, 948x1200, IMG_3861.jpeg)

Nooo you’re so real though.If this were my brother,I’d be perving on him big time

No. 447853


No. 447877

File: 1736694080984.jpg (144.9 KB, 900x933, Pupa.JPG)

I actually enjoyed this manga (the anime was shit though lol)

No. 447890

That was literally one of the major plot twists, nona…

No. 447894

File: 1736698181450.jpg (305.83 KB, 850x1165, 17634568345786.jpg)

my very first incest ship, god they're so cute. So looking forward to "that" scene when I finally get around to watching the new season

No. 447897

File: 1736699797535.jpeg (119.96 KB, 914x1112, IMG_0969.jpeg)

Randomly stumbled upon Identity V fic right now, Itaqua x Nathaniel Norwell but in fic itself they’re called Nebuchadnezzar and Helel? I know absolutely nothing about Identity V but it seems characters play some personas as they’re the Babylonian royalty twins there. I feel well fed, subscribed the author, going to read other IdV works and maybe try the game

No. 447899

File: 1736700671304.png (220.96 KB, 1400x1050, GSm3hlha4AAIGMB.png)

Nebuchadnezzar and Helel are "the captive" (generic b-tier costume) and morningstar skin (first limited for ithaqua) versions of the characters, respectively. theyre basically just au versions of the characters

No. 447901

Ayrt, I don’t get the appeal of their pairing either which is why I like Kenjaku x Choso more but it’s not a popular ship at all.
i prefer to put ken with fumihiko because their dynamic is cute but since we’re talking incest, I prefer Choso even tho it seems more incest-lite

No. 447921

It’s Night Watch’s brother, Night Watch’s mama, and Night Watch. I was surprised but there’s a small little Chinese side of the fandom who ships Night Watch and his mom.
>maybe try the game
Be wary, game is kind of shit and because it’s multiplayer you’ll probably be matching with annoying kids. The best faction to play is hunter because you won’t have to rely on retarded teammates. I only play for skins nowadays.

No. 447939

Thanks anon, I stopped reading the deductions, I forgot about night watch's mom and brother.
You should know that characters look very different in game compared to fanart lol. And like the other nona said, it's multiplayer and you will get matched with retarded kids. Only play rank when you become good enough that you don't want to play with noobs anymore and want the game to start matching you with better players. Never touch it again once you've tiered up a little bit. Not worth the pain

No. 447943

Wew I would have conflicted feelings if I had a hot brother like Rodrick. Not that I don't mind if he teases me with a bit of rough play or calls me weird. Had this silly daydream back in middle school of pretending to be Greg's friend and visiting his place to study and hang out. He'd think I have a crush on him when really I just want to see his hot brother.

No. 448210

He became super boring and super straight for Oz's little sister of all people and their chemistry and the relationship dynamic was garbage, imo, because of Mochizuki's weirdly sexist way of writing her female characters. I haven't read it since it ended but IIRC he ignores and treats Ada like he hates her in the classic chauvinistic male shoujo character way, she keeps being nice to him because she sees the good in him, then eventually he reciprocates and they become a couple because he realizes he loves her for this and was just pushing her away. The yandere stuff for Gilbert fizzled out completely.

No. 448291

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On the IDV topic, which fucked up sibling pair is your favorite? Mine is vera/chloe. There's just something about tragic misunderstandings that lead to horrific consequences…

No. 448295

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i love the stamatins so much.. need more content for them so bad!! pathologic 3 cant come soon enough

No. 448308

weird, i was just thinking about pathologic really hard yesterday and lamenting the fandom. i don't care much for peter but based patho enjoyer.

No. 448330

File: 1736800309490.jpg (810.9 KB, 1536x2048, GNnWtlHa4AA0Yz8.jpg)

the fandom is so ass, all anybody talks about is daniil and artemy yaoi… which i dont like, not out of dislike for le popular ship but i just dont see them having a romantic dynamic at all and i wish people would talk about the rest of the game or the other characters because theres a lot to talk about! but all anybody wants to post is ftm tranny daniil bouncing on artemy's dick.. it's a sad state of affairs. ok anyways rambling over i love brothers

No. 448334

File: 1736800587570.jpg (273.23 KB, 871x930, bros.jpg)

>ftm tranny daniil bouncing on artemy's dick
i know anon. i ship it hard, but i gave up trying to wade through all the trannyshit. i adore those two together especially in patho classic.
i guess more related to this thread, i thought rubin was artemy's brother for awhile, and was fantasizing about them fucking lol

No. 448356

omfg thats funny lol. its nice to see another fan whos actually sane, thank you

No. 448360

>Fiction only
Can I post the ghallagers french kissing though? Just this once?

No. 448362

fuckin pardon? they tongue kissed?

No. 448363

They did, you can see the tongue action though it's probably less glaring than you think. Can I post it? Can I??? Pleeeeeaseeeee

No. 448364

well, since wild kratts were posted and those are basically real men (though cartoonized) maybe in special instances we can post real stuff

No. 448365

File: 1736804230053.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.38 KB, 750x813, tumblr_4efecec8420fdc1b2bda651…)

I'll spoiler out of respect for other nonas. Image is the ghallagers (3dpd brothers) kissing

No. 448366

oh that is NASTY what the fuck are they doing?
i'm wet

No. 448367

They're really weird about each other. I remember reading a ship manifesto of them on LJ yeeears ago that went on more detail about it. I don't think they fuck, but as you can see they kissed at least once.

No. 448368

File: 1736804498729.png (64.39 KB, 777x583, Screenshot 2025-01-13 133931.p…)

i googled it because i'm not familiar with oasis lore beyond the legendary hatred between noel and liam. this reads like a psycho rpf yaoi fanfic but it's real. that's crazy

No. 448369

holy shit this explains so much

No. 448373

3dpd haters are just going to have to deal with it because i'm suddenly obsessed with the sexual tension between these two
>surrounded by women in bikinis but fully focused on each other and then they kiss

No. 448374

>fiction only

No. 448375

I'm glad you liked it
>Greatest singer, greatest frontman, and a good looking boy as well
>The fucking kiss
The way Liam looks at Noel's lips is movie like.
Aw just let us have a little bit of fun

No. 448378

File: 1736806425331.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.67 KB, 500x338, 818a7f9ac94d7ea97db77302dc8a53…)

this has added fuel to my fantasy of musician brothers having secret fun with each other. thanks anon

No. 448379

holy BASED

No. 448380

They look inbred themselves…

No. 448387

maybe their dad normalized incest for them. hot.

No. 448388

There's no way you guys are posting irl incestuous brothers in here…at least krattcest is cartoons and the actual irl brothers aren't doing this shit.

No. 448390

not the moralfagging in an incest thread

No. 448391

It literally says fiction only in the OP.

No. 448392

who cares what stupid moids do or if we objectify them tbh. we can avoid it from now on if it's that big of a deal. thanks oasisnona i have more food.

No. 448398

They’re ugly though. At least choose hot moids to objectify.

No. 448399

>Bringing up moids out of nowhere
You're literally so mindbroken thy you forgot that maybe actual irl incest is too far, since when is that a moid-centered opinion?

No. 448403

File: 1736807726542.png (1.25 MB, 1627x2480, tumblr_96d69c574d4fcf79d0db65b…)

read her post again

No. 448404

File: 1736807817628.jpg (29.9 KB, 549x622, 180ed2044344532e494e53a3bb0748…)

i will literally never feel bad about moids being objectified unless they're children. put them in the most disgusting perverted situations and i won't bat an eye. you are incapable of making me feel bad about this.

No. 448405

File: 1736807820413.webp (53.23 KB, 900x585, D5C1DA55-572C-4AF2-AF2C-1F8EDA…)

Since people previous discussed Pandora Hearts, does anyone else read The Case Study of Vanitas? The yandere little brother is cute, but honestly, I find the relationship between Luna and Vanitas very intriguing. I've gotten into some discussions about it, and I really do believe there was a pseudo-incestuous relationship between the two of them. It explains a lot of Vanitas' complex, toxic notions about women and there was a strong romantic subtext to the way she spoke to him (which was very different than how she spoke to Mikhail). There seems to be an uncomfortable complexity in his feelings towards her, an almost bitterness of a ex-lover. I do believe he still saw her as a mother figure, and even a friend, as well.

No. 448406

No prob nona, have fun with this new knowledge

No. 448407

This Oasis brothers thing reminded me of how I used to ship 2 musician brothers from an indie rock band I was obsessed with back in middle school. I still remember when I came up with a fantasy where their mom, who I've never seen being mentioned or showed in any of their social media, died and they comfort each other by kissing. I was too young to know about sex so the fantasies never went there kek. Weird times.

No. 448413

Who were they?

No. 448414

Not posting pics because they're ugly but the two brothers from The Fold. They didn't even have anything going on, I was just insane back then and shipped them for 0 reasons. It was at my peak fujo brainrot. They were literally a Christian rock band at some point, I don't know what I was thinking.

No. 448430

I was obsessed with musician brothers too. I always liked how close to each other and tactile were they, older sib subtly protected younger (like hiding false notes moments with him joining, holding his hand close to his bro’s waist so he wouldn’t accidentally fall, never argue with him then sib reminds some childhood and teenhood embarrassing stuff), overall I liked these average responsible older sib x hyperactive talented sassy younger sib dynamics.

No. 448441

File: 1736818078475.png (2.15 MB, 1229x1800, hNRlA8Y.png)

always thought they were cute

No. 448443

File: 1736818337477.jpg (82.96 KB, 736x1060, 59864fca0a251ab0595390ce26b02e…)

Love these two, romantic or just as siblings.

No. 448455

nona you are nuts aha

No. 448457

>there’s a small little Chinese side of the fandom who ships Night Watch and his mom.
There should be more. Adopted son x mother is cute.

No. 448469

File: 1736823164705.jpeg (625.22 KB, 2456x1800, IMG_3924.jpeg)

God momson can be sooo good but I hate how most of it is made by ugly self inserting scrotes who definitely won’t just keep it fantasy.Its a shame more women aren’t into it,there’s so much you could do with it sighhh.

No. 448482

This art is very cute but idk, I think I always just end up preferring older sis x son instead if I’m looking for that type of dynamic so it doesnt cross my mind

No. 448485

I think it’s normal. Well maybe not the incest part but bands in general are very close, usually. Emotions run high during shows. Combine it with the energy of the crowd and being stared at and feeling like the most important person in the world while your fans are all screaming love for you, you get close to other men who are making this music with you and you get really impassioned. I’ve seen so, so many videos of supposedly straight guys in bands, some married, who will make out with their band mates on stage. There’s a band I like who still tours, and the lead singer/guitarist will get drunk and kiss his band mates on the lips. He’s been doing it since the 90s and still does it now. He is married with children.

Regarding the Oasis thing I’m actually shocked I’ve never heard about this until now. Maybe everyone wants to sweep it under the rug. It’s bizarre and shocking but kinda hot in a weird way. I cannot think of any other blood relative celebrities who I’ve seen tongue kiss each other in public. I’d kill to know the intimate details of their lives growing up together.

No. 448493

File: 1736827340151.jpeg (269.76 KB, 1412x2048, IMG_8868.jpeg)

Chloe/Vera felt like they were made for me and my tastes. I love twins (not even in a completely incesty way kek, I’ve always just had a fascination with twins) and I love sibling characters who kill their siblings. I think of the line from one of Chloe’s deductions, “She killed the only person in the world who truly loved her. She was devastated.” It’s so good.

No. 448494

Damn that's sexy.

No. 448495

I don't know anything about idv but this is selling me on it

No. 448499

File: 1736828349785.jpg (244.97 KB, 630x700, Mob.Psycho.100.full.2077183.jp…)

Cute esper brothers. Sometimes I forget Mob's the older one.

No. 448503

It’s kind of a kusoge but it’s one of the few rare games that allows morally grey/black female characters to exist due to the setting, which I really appreciate.

No. 448516

Lolll can I enjoy the story without playing it or do I have to play it?
I have zero patience for gacha mobage and all their dailies these days but the promise of complex women is tempting.

No. 448520

File: 1736832745625.jpeg (920.05 KB, 613x697, IMG_8888.jpeg)

IDV is probably one of the worst games in terms of a gacha system I’ve played so if you already have a dislike for gacha games then it won’t be worth to play it. I’d say you could read the lore without playing because all of the lore is in the character deductions and their birthday letters from what I could tell. The fandom wiki is a good resource.

No. 448523

i was looking up videos/pics of them kissing earlier, they do it a fucking lot.

No. 448525

The IDV gacha is entirely cosmetic so it doesn't really bother me, all characters can be obtained without needing to ever roll, you aren't barred from any gameplay. The issue is the community.

No. 448528

Is it grindy?
What's wrong with the community?

No. 448533

>What's wrong with the community?
Imagine what happens when you combine sweaty gamers and minor shipper TIFs into the same gaming space.

No. 448578

>the fandom is so ass
unfortunately that's all fandom these days

No. 448588

File: 1736890129983.png (2.78 MB, 1334x2043, IMG_1010.png)

>beg your neet sis to comfort you
>sleep on her lap

No. 448619

Off-topic but I wish there was Identity V thread, I tried the game loved the stories but gameplay itself is not my cup of tea. I wish just lurking discussions of the characters or lore (and gameplay) by anons.

No. 448620

You can always make one but there are probably only a handful of anons on here who play/have played. It’s quite a zoomer game for the lack of a better word.

No. 448622

I’d be interested but, I mean, the mobage thread works fine. Like the other anon said, there’s not a lot of anons who are interested in the game enough to justify an entire thread.

No. 448631

Yeah, if you want non-incest idv convos just post in the mobage thread. I’m terminally online, I’ll see it most of the time.

No. 448653

I also support more idvposting and would be interested in reading more discussion.

No. 448708

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No. 448709

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No. 448710

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No. 448711

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No. 448712

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No. 448713

1. why
2. they're not even brothers

No. 448714

Didn’t know they’re related

No. 448715

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No. 448717

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No. 448718

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No. 448719

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No. 448723

I'm in the same position, so make it, please

No. 448725

the bottom two are peak

No. 448775

I want to be in the timeline where bottom left is the real game

No. 448780

File: 1736941961401.jpg (112.25 KB, 800x579, CODE.GEASS_.Hangyaku.no.Lelouc…)

I wish that the yandere otouto trope was more common in general

No. 448822

File: 1736962690436.png (229.05 KB, 700x500, __orihara_izaya_orihara_mairu_…)

Post more genderswaps!

No. 448823

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No. 448825

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No. 448826

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No. 448827

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No. 448828

What would the little brother be even into? BL games with incest routes? Not that there are many.

No. 448829

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No. 448835

File: 1736964686320.png (141.51 KB, 556x705, tumblr_7f1c659f01d776934a3aa77…)

antis will talk so much shit about incest shippers and then go and draw 100 cutesy kitty cat pictures of the fugly rapist guy from mouthwashing

No. 448836

Go back

No. 448837

There will be so much discourse over Naoya being gay for Toji when JJK's third season will start. I'm looking forward to it. And to the doujinshi too.

No. 448838

what else am i supposed to call them?

No. 448841


No. 448843

ah.. naruhodo…

No. 448844

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No. 448848

File: 1736966752264.jpeg (104.92 KB, 600x467, IMG_0777.jpeg)

Hetalia is incest heaven

No. 448852

File: 1736967004116.gif (1.43 MB, 582x324, tumblr_inline_pmvtbphbEL1uli3v…)

i liked them

No. 448859

File: 1736967785210.jpeg (427.55 KB, 1080x1469, IMG_0039.jpeg)

I moved it to the mobage thread anons, let’s talk there. >>448857

No. 448896

I don't get people who like Submas but hate incest ships, isn't that pretty much their only purpose?

No. 448899

I guess he could still be into moege on top of BL? Kirino seemed to also be into yuri(her light novel was yuri) so it wouldn't be that strange.

No. 448902

Please stop posting those things

No. 448903

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No. 448904

Different anon kek, I'm not a fan of them in general I just don't get people who like them but they don't ship them.

No. 448905

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No. 448906

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No. 448907

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No. 448908

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No. 448909

I still remember the drama and shitposting over how they made the hoshido royals non blood related to Corrin, despite their route being explicitly called birthright, and also corrinXazura shippers being on suicide watch after they were revealed to be cousins.

No. 448949

I think it's so funny whenever a popular ship gets revealed as incest. Triangle Strategy doesn't have a big fandom to begin with but the Serenoa/Roland fan content from the demo that got razed when the game released and they turned out to be brothers was hilarious. If there's chemistry, there's chemistry, isn't there…? I also don't see what the moral issue is if they weren't even raised as siblings and can't even reproduce.

No. 448974

Bottom right is so cute. Reserved, stoic female characters are the best.

No. 448999

File: 1736997915921.jpg (106.14 KB, 968x1218, 4Y8PIdS.jpg)

They still hold a very special place in my heart

No. 449009

File: 1737003212584.jpeg (108.15 KB, 865x603, IMG_0522.jpeg)

currently rereading BB and I think that our ciels development of annoyance to admiration/affection for Lizzie is really cute. Also the angst and drama of Lizzie getting wrapped up in the twin shit is tooooo good

No. 449011

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No. 449057

File: 1737023336327.jpg (34.19 KB, 500x679, b24a81bf610cc5a2f0bc7fcafa6f80…)

I fucking hate this disgusting ship but I think you'd enjoy this artist who draws cute Gordie fanart, but unfortunately is also a degenerate incestfag. Malshi_Edroad on Twitter.
>inb4 you already knew that artist

No. 449132

this is the most aggressive recommendation ive ever seen kek

No. 449866

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No. 449875

How is this incest? Is it because they're cousins iirc?

No. 449917

File: 1737228366273.jpeg (179.59 KB, 2048x1138, IMG_3106.jpeg)

Game looks shitty still but I like that there’s an incest character

No. 449920

File: 1737228578278.png (488.36 KB, 426x431, Johnsons-1.png)

wow this image is scary as fuck. reminds me of the strange thing about the johnsons. ghoulish.

No. 449951

What game is this? (Looks like DR, but I know nothing about that series outside that fingers in his ass video kek)

No. 449956

Hundred line, game that comes out soon by the same team as DR
It doesn’t have enough fujobait shown for me to bother though

No. 449967

They're cousins, Ciel's dad and Elizabeth's mom are siblings. iirc Toboso said on twitter that she's inspired by the saying that daughters look like their dads and sons look like their moms, so Edward looks a lot like his and Elizabeth's mother, and this could be why she looks like the undertaker, if we assume the undertaker is Ciel's grandfather. Around the time when the idol arc was being published she made a tweet saying Edward is supposed to look like the undertaker on purpose. This could explain why Elizabeth has supernatural strength and it would make her being Ciel's cousin way more relevant and not just some anecdote about how cousin marriage was normal in Victorian England.

No. 450004

File: 1737238505070.jpeg (125.44 KB, 1280x720, EXo7yk7.jpeg)

Finally a thread for me to sperg. I'm pleasantly surprised it's so active lol.
I've always felt more drawn to the forbidden relationships and miss ye olde fandom times back when people weren't balls to the walls retarded about shipping. I think not being able to ship incest openly makes me ship it harder in some way.

>best pairings
For me it's twincest(f/m)>twincest(samesex)>bro/sis>dad/daughter>other sibcest>>>mother/daughter>>>>>>>>literally anything else>>>>>>>>>>>mother/son. I can't explain why I hate it so much but it's the only one I find genuinely disgusting.
I have to admit there's ONE exception though (picrel), I find it cute.

>best dynamics

Depends on the kind of ship. Kind of tragic but fluffy, us-against-the-world type of stuff for sibcest and more toxic for the older/younger ones

No. 450008

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I KNOW Drac is basically Adam Sandler but I never watched the movies in English so I never made the connection until I saw it on the internet.
Anyways I feel like I'm going insane whenever I watch these movies, he is not normal about his daughter at all. Especially the wedding scene is pushing it

No. 450018

That's some new to me lore, I need to pick up the manga where I stopped. Thanks for explaining though.

No. 450022

No. 450033

NTA but that's not any more autistic than any of the other shit itt

No. 450042

I haven’t seen these movies except for opening scene of the second where she reveals she’s pregnant. It was weird and uncomfortable to watch for some reason, why couldn’t it have just been a simple announcement thing.

No. 450043

You're telling me this girl is NOT a teenager and actually got married and got pregnant? I never watched this movie but always assumed it was a kids movie?

No. 450138

File: 1737263323142.webp (53.77 KB, 1024x576, Olympia.Soiree.1024.2918946.we…)

Reading all the family drama was satisfying. I was so sure Sakyo and Shura were secret lovers but separated big brother and little sister had me in shock, he was so devoted to her, almost everything fucked up thing he did was for her's sake. I expected their villainous kiss moment.

No. 450147

File: 1737266034266.jpg (34.78 KB, 735x418, 6c159653440e10ece27cfb633f2bf8…)

I barely remembered what happened in that show but I always found rich bad boy and his servant mom relationship one of the most interesting parts. Same with intense relationship with mob dad but I think it's just went from scolding and threatening his son to just simply to kill him? Their chemistry lacked, slowburn of denial of mere cleaner woman being his bio mother was intriguing but at some point he almost get her killed by nazis, I felt so bad for her I stopped watching. This series was weird, it's like slice of life with boring love dramas and nothing major happening yet there creepy nazi dungeons and random deaths

No. 450276

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Is this giving "girl is scared that her mom-friend won't approve of her new boyfriend" to anyone else?

No. 450565

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No. 450566

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No. 450568

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Not an incestfag but thought this was cute

No. 450719

File: 1737381350735.jpeg (117.76 KB, 510x800, image_processing20220603-4-dup…)

Didn't know there was a thread for my favorite type of ship. Anyway, I will always curse Sugiyama Miwako for tricking me into believing these two were blood related right until the penultimate chapter. Highschooler me was angry for a week straight.

No. 450808

>best pairings
bro/bro and twincest > dadson and mom/son >>>>> every other type. I find incest involving female characters to be repulsive except twincest, twincest yuri was my gateway drug. I'm ambivalent about dadson and momson but i have one ship i like for each so i can't say i'm totally indifferent to these dynamics. I've looking for toxic momson that isn't stuck in bad series (Bates Motel) nor so realistic it ruins any enjoyment because you're basically reading a testimony (Blood on the tracks)
>best dynamics
Bittersweet and fluffy for bros, toxic for dadson/momson
>BR vs NBR incest
Don't have an opinion, really
Ahhh they're so cute, love them, Panty and Stocking have such a good dynamic aswell, they read like GFs more than sisters

No. 450984

File: 1737416792267.jpeg (176.64 KB, 640x639, IMG_0892.jpeg)

M/M twincest > bro/bro >>>> bro/sis, m/f twincest, f/f twincest, sis/sis >>>>>> any variation of parent/child
Any dynamic but obsessive siblings are the best

No. 450995

I like Hetalia but I could never get past the "they're countries" part enough to see any of the ships as incest. It's as far fetched as digging USUK for being age gap in my eyes.

No. 451023

I mostly agree but because they look the same, call each other brothers, are considered siblings in universe, and you get insulted for shipping them all the same its about as incest as any other fictional incest imo. even if that just means they spawned from the same landmass lol.

No. 451027

File: 1737427472976.gif (503.1 KB, 177x177, tumblr_nwv560Nuwb1urx0xwo1_250…)

Dennis and Dee twincest from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia was so good until Dennis hit the wall.

No. 451039

File: 1737431502444.webp (72.15 KB, 828x1792, 5594A372-511B-48A2-BC24-D131F8…)

You reminded me that a fanart of Arthur and Alfred was the image for Wikipedia’s Shotacon article for a while.

No. 451053

File: 1737434976054.jpeg (264.59 KB, 1280x1680, IMG_8093.jpeg)

incredible, immaculate taste. just mwah. honestly didn’t expect to see a deedennis mention and i’m highkey giddy about it.

No. 451062

I never understood how the fans of hetalia had the audacity to moralfag over an anime where one of the characters is literally moe nazi germany. But symbolic incest is beyond the pale, however

No. 451130

Does anyone have that twitter screenshot of Itsuno's twitter likes showing he liked a Nero/V yaoi fanart right before DMC5 got released? Because I can't find it anymore. Related to this thread because V is Nero's father.

No. 451137

Yes, nonna! He was just so tender with her, the casual contact and way he looked at her was so intimate. I was locked in the moment he hugged her.
Fuck canon. they'll always be siblings to me and that makes his obsession more delicious.

No. 451148

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thoughts on picrel?

No. 451152

I don't have it but based, dadson is supreme

No. 451164

A lot of creators get irritated by fans forcing their ship into their face. You would think people would know by now not to do it.

No. 451165

It's dadson approved by the guy who made the game they're from as well.

No. 451166

File: 1737467891135.jpg (479.69 KB, 1258x710, bro.jpg)

Nah, even cousins isn't proper incest, let alone 'some distant relative'.


No. 451167

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ウウウルトラC has an incest route.

No. 451217

File: 1737484851446.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.35 KB, 1024x576, yomi love.jpg)

And it was the best one.

No. 451241

File: 1737490612268.gif (9.32 MB, 540x403, 1000000335.gif)

We'll never see tragic yuri incest material of this caliber again in anime. Sad

No. 451280

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Incest enjoyer poll:
Do you have a sibling/siblings?

No. 451284

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No. 451288

Yeah, but there's a large age gap between us so we aren't super close.

No. 451290

Biologically no, step siblings yes but we dont talk.

No. 451295

Yes but I'm only into gay incest

No. 451303

Yes. I mostly ship M/M and M/F so I don't think too much about it + it's fiction

No. 451308

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No. 451309

File: 1737501390158.jpg (151.49 KB, 2048x793, GQQj6awbAAAvtVX.jpg)

Yeah. We have strained and distant relationships which is why sibling that are affectionate and intimate feel romantic to me. It might not be healthy but idc, it's just escapism.

No. 451314

File: 1737502050054.jpeg (47.56 KB, 850x639, IMG_7768.jpeg)

i have a half-brother. we get on pretty well, but he lives in a diff state so we don’t see each other often. i’ll still ship sibling incest tho idc.

No. 451317

File: 1737502314533.jpg (295.72 KB, 1058x1512, 8698388.jpg)

This is the most controversial thing I ship kek

No. 451320

File: 1737502765026.webp (370.18 KB, 1200x1100, 4B2BC1FD-3FA8-4A26-921F-E28244…)

I love the idea of all three of them being weirdly into each other, or Ichiro being overly supportive of his little brothers being incestuous together. Its controversial, but baited by the franchise itself tbh, they knew what they were doing

No. 451334

i had a relationship without boundaries with my sister. i like forbidden romance because it feels like unconditional/accepting love, but i never go so far as to consume sis/sis

No. 451348

No full siblings but I have some half-siblings who I've never met/have no relationship with. That's why it's so easy to get into sibling incest and the surprise half-sibling incest reveal in dramas are my cup of tea.

No. 451349

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No. 451357

Idc for this anime/manga but this ship is kinda cute. What's the tag for it on pixiv and/or Twitter? Preferably in Japanese.

No. 451358

What anime is this?

No. 451359

File: 1737510171347.png (2.19 MB, 2796x1290, IMG_2197.png)

Warning, this is a literal hentai.

The brother in Konomi Ja Nai Kedo is actually really hot for an anime porn guy. There had to be some women behind this one.

No. 451361

Looks like a generic self insert to me. Men have been self inserting as sasuke dark haired angsty moids for a while.

No. 451362

I'm a non-incestfag passing by and I agree, he's pretty hot for a hentai protagonist, but that might just be a coincidence, not intentional.

No. 451363

Maybe I just haven’t seen a lot of hentai, much less incest hentai, but all the dudes in the ones I’ve watched were ugly af, if they were shown above the waist at all (or with an actual face.)

No. 451367

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Seems like typical danseimuke porn but at least the brother isn't a faceless ugly bastard. Other than that it's not particularly interesting.

No. 451369

Just a warning nonnie its a beyond retarded franchise… they're from Hypnosis Mic and they're in a rap group called BusterBros!!!, there is a not so great anime but its mainly dramatracks and songs.

No. 451370

The animated version made him hotter, that’s kind of hilarious. But yeah, it’s definitely porn for men. However, I will say that I found the final scene in the second ep pretty hot. The way picked her up and gently laid her on the couch. That felt female gaze-y, even though it probably wasn’t meant to be.

No. 451382


No. 451384

Yes, many, but the ones i'm actually close to are all girls and i mostly like brother or dad/uncle BL incest. Uncle BL hentai is so funny because it's all "ohhh i can't believe my nephew is this cute!!" but i really enjoy it, i like the idea of an uncle seeing his nephew/brother who's all grown up and being taken aback by his beauty, feeling weird or even guilty. Didn't mean for this post to turn into a prompt, my bad kek

No. 451398

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I was not normal about them back in the day. Before Shippuden, which I didn't even bother watching after I heard Neji died. He deserved better. Also, fuck Sasuke. Worst deuteragonist in anime, honestly. Vegeta did it better.

No. 451409

File: 1737518388678.jpg (40.99 KB, 600x415, 17cc705f5e522414d5a5513cfc4ee3…)

Yessss, but Rukia was technically adopted, right?

No. 451414

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No. 451441

I’ve probably listened to this cover more than the original

No. 451447

Relax girl. They're pixels. Being into fictional incest doesn't mean you want to fuck your siblings irl, except if you're a male with degenerate XY chromosomes

No. 451453

File: 1737535073816.jpg (175.56 KB, 819x1024, fb4bd30ed793ab3a4bd147f2cbc43a…)

I love these ships so much it's unreal, and I love it when artists draw Sunny like that.

No. 451456

how can robots even be related. this is too autistic

No. 451461

No, bunch of half sisters I don't see.

Most of the time I just like the art of a ship and end up seeking more. I'm thinking of what had made me orbit arround incest ships in fiction and I guess its the already shared intimacy, that they can be confortable arround each other without sexual/romantic feelings. No interest on it IRL

No. 451465

File: 1737538433179.jpeg (143.61 KB, 700x394, fetchimage.jpeg)

nta but you actually have to be very deep into the fandom to get it

>t. autist

No. 451466

File: 1737538561367.jpg (28.81 KB, 464x462, 1719858129892905.jpg)

what's the appeal in incest. Seems like a sad virgin fetish. how do yall go into society without feeling shame. genuine question no hate

No. 451468

i like twins
>two of the same hot guy

No. 451470

I loved the drama between them so much. It's a shame they dropped the whole Hyuuga clan arc because the Hyuugas were cute
Idk the bond is more special because they're family? I also don't really feel any shame because it's rare that I like an incest pairing anyway.

No. 451485

File: 1737543594390.png (312.35 KB, 581x884, IMG_1226.png)

I know the person who unironically ships Saburei, in fact she was the person who introduced me into hypmic. Yamada family just puts itself on the plate.

No. 451488

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No. 451489

File: 1737544807943.jpg (128.26 KB, 732x674, EtL-jS0WgAIHlSB.jpg)

How did you become an incest shipper? I'll start:

I was a preteen on tumblr at the height of homestuck's popularity. When I began reading the comic I heavily shipped picrel, because I like blondes and I really liked their dynamic. When it was revealed they were siblings I remember momentarily going "oh shit, I have to stop shipping them" and trying to ship Dave and Jade instead. However, at that point my neurons must have crossed and I decided that I was going to ship them anyway and that the taboo aspect was kinda hot. Later I got really into stridercest and discovered that the dadson/brocest dynamic was even more degenerate and appealing to me. The rest is history.

No. 451530

who is going around announcing it like an edgelord though? to me incest is the easiest way to get codependent/overly attached relationships since they already know each other intimately. also incest ships are the only het ones i can tolerate kek

No. 451550

File: 1737565511375.jpg (43.85 KB, 857x464, latest (128).jpg)

I bet that isn't even byarukia fanarts but byakuya with his wife that looks identical to rukia KEK

No. 451551

Codependent bond and two characters who look the same and date is cute. I don't feel shame in society because no one cares about anime shipping and theres no reason to tell random people.

No. 451569

File: 1737570523155.webp (52.21 KB, 550x584, IMG_5585.webp)

love them
it’s all their fault I even like incest in the first place lol
need someone to change it back

No. 451573

I just assumed they were all dating they way they fight over Ichiro’s attention kek

No. 451575

File: 1737572032793.jpg (294.22 KB, 750x1200, 122433598_p25_master1200.jpg)

i'm more concerned about the way you can't separate fiction and reality

No. 451595

I’m way more concerned you find those characters attractive.

No. 451602

File: 1737575888327.jpg (711.97 KB, 1125x1200, 122432357_p0_master1200.jpg)

cope & seethe weirdo

No. 451611

File: 1737577170816.jpg (78.93 KB, 640x1000, hadashidebarawofume.jpg)

I'm an only child anon (whatever half siblings don't count) and Flowers in the Attic may have been what started it all.
>What are some incest ships that you're guilty of liking?
I'm flexible as long as there's love and there isn't a creepy rape ape older moid in sight. Momson, brosis (esp if she's older), and brobro, are preferred but like I said, if there's love, I can roll with it.
>Any incest in media that you hate?
Anything where the father figure or way too much older brother basically grooms the younger female. how do I heart incest but still clutch my pearls
A series I really love is Hadashi de bara wo fume, also known as Stepping on Roses, that was localized!

No. 451617

File: 1737577714770.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.13 KB, 324x370, 3326874258974.JPG)

Now post what they actually look like.

No. 451622

File: 1737578260720.jpg (1.09 MB, 1200x1200, 116375646_p1_master1200.jpg)

cope & seethe

No. 451623

But that’s old man Ingo from PLA.
More please

No. 451626

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No. 451631

Think of it as childhood friends but even closer.

No. 451633

Where are their eyebrows

No. 451642

File: 1737580378678.jpg (828.91 KB, 1144x965, 90946218_p26_master1200.jpg)

you're obsessed

No. 451646

>I cannot think of any other blood relative celebrities who I’ve seen tongue kiss each other in public
there's Angelina Jolie and her brother, but I don't remember if they used tongue and don't feel like looking it up kek

No. 451647

they didn't. people freaked out over them for some reason and it somehow became a bigger scandal in the us than the oasis guys kissing multiple times did in the UK

No. 451654

File: 1737581331618.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.88 KB, 828x1792, 9637953258732.JPG)

>except if you're a male with degenerate XY chromosomes
So naive.(2d only read the op)

No. 451663

Please no more 3dpd incest freaks

No. 451667

File: 1737582878083.jpg (156.79 KB, 2048x622, IMG_0707.jpg)

Agree. No real incest defenders please. We're here for harmless fantasies.

No. 451731

heard a moid incestfag describe it along the lines of
>it feels safe
>family won't betray you

No. 451747

What kind of incest did it have? I was very confused kek.

No. 451796

File: 1737608360487.webp (257.27 KB, 1186x895, 85471490_p5_master1200.webp)

Big fat spoilers for Chapter 3 Yomi's other half gave birth to Juurou, making him Juurou's uncle, yet since Yomi and his other half are two sides of the same alien, Yomi can also be considered Juurou's "mom." They also think of each other as brothers, so that's fun.

No. 451806

About to drop the most ice cold take that'll get me dunked on by anybody in the know but FuwaMoco made me admit to myself that I love twincest and everything else followed from there. If you want to get deep down with it I guess it started with the Hitachiin twins and then the Leech twins, but FWMC are where I started being honest with myself. Tbh I love brothercest in general though and always read yaoi of that variety pretending I didn't care for the incest aspect.

No. 451822

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twin bros > bro/bro >>> cousins >>>>>> uncle/nephew >>>>>> dad/son
it's like forbidden love on steroids. I'm still uncomfortable with it in certain cases so I get it

No. 451825

File: 1737613250077.jpg (32.09 KB, 604x340, downloadfile.jpg)

I'm into sibling incest because I'm an only child and grew up isolated. I had friends at school, but it's not the same. I spent most of my time alone, drawing. The thing I wanted the most was someone to keep me company, a friend who'd be there for me no matter what. This somehow twisted itself into me having a brother complex for a brother I don't even have kek. I can't be the only one.

No. 451827

You hoes are degenerates
If there's a hell you'll be burning next to hitler(hide the thread if you don't like it)

No. 451828

We have the same experience, nona! I never put it into words until now but yeah, I do have a brother complex for a brother I don't even have. That explains a lot about the male ocs I had and it feels nice to learn about myself lel

No. 451834

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>having a brother complex for a brother I don't even have
Same here. Shit's gotten so bad that I've been listening to this Japanese guy on YT named Magaku that has recorded "siscon brother" audios (シスコン兄ボイス) before bed even if I often cringe at myself for doing it. They're the wholesome variety and his voice is quite soothing. And I absolutely relate to your experience, nonnie.

No. 451836

File: 1737616235103.jpg (640.82 KB, 1101x1761, tumblr_9ac3eeae56ac5cacc5f48cf…)

I am the same nonna, I grew up practically alone in between family member's houses and with an absent dad and abusive mother who would give me away to some family member whenever she got tired of me. I was changing schools constantly as well as moving countries every other year. The concept of unconditional love and companionship was really something I longed for, and it got twisted into having a fixation on brosis fiction. I like it when there is love in it, and hate the scrote hentai version of it where the fact that they're siblings is portrayed as meaningless and it's all about sex.

No. 451837

me too, nonna. I also definitely have what moids call daddy issues because my dad left my mom for another woman and didn't give a fuck about me anymore. even as a kid I wanted an older brother but unfortunately I was an only child so that was impossible. I just can't fathom unconditional love so when I see sibling love I really latch onto it. I love it when they are super close but also when the are super tragic. what really gets me is when they are apart or fighting for a while and then reconcile. ships like kaeluc or saerin really get me, kek.

No. 451839

sorry for double post but I only just now read your post, I 100% relate to this. kinda comforting to know that there's so many of us with this kind of experience and we're not just being degenerates.

No. 451841

>kinda comforting to know that there's so many of us with this kind of experience and we're not just being degenerates
Right? Nonnies on /ot/ fixating on this thread calling us pornbrained and saying NGMI don't understand anything.

No. 451955

No retard I know its fiction. Vore and furry and mlp shit is also the same. Sorry you you're so ass pained you had to attempt to insult me and fail.(hide the thread if you don't like it)

No. 451956

So y'all are like the pornhub scrotes just lazy pieces of shit. Jk lmao(bait)

No. 451964

Cousins is not really incest?

No. 451988

No. 452046

I'm the nona you're both replying to and I want to thank you both for being vulnerable and making me feel less weird.
I relate to both of you deeply, my parents weren't there in the ways I needed them to and I grew up with no real home of my own, just like the two of you. It's not about sex, it's about being taken care of by someone who loves you unconditionally and who knows the worst of you. I want a friend who's a lover who's the family I never got to have.
I hope we can all heal, nonnas. Take care.

No. 452053

File: 1737668038929.png (55.43 KB, 500x280, Untitled.png)

report bait and post more siblings kissing

No. 452063

Why doesn’t the twink have sideburns

No. 452065

that's dave and rose from homestuck

No. 452211

I liked the first one best but they were a fun mindfuck route.

No. 452215

File: 1737705056307.png (2.01 MB, 1378x2039, Fx9XHb5aQAASLno.png)

I'm already a societal reject as a fujo gosurori loser so I might as well embrace it and enjoy what I like.

No. 452244

File: 1737708705618.png (494.14 KB, 763x1200, ffd498e4-c187-4964-b1e3-f94851…)

reading this rn based off your rec and it's really good! The art and fashion are so cute, the plot's a bit insane but got me hooked. spoilers ahead in case anyone else wants to read it- I don't see the incest in it though, unless nozomu is her brother? would be a wild twist if true. her deadbeat brother is kinda cute tho

No. 452265

>Fujo gosurori
Holy fucking based.

No. 452363

File: 1737729020975.jpg (72.61 KB, 736x520, Kanata Yatonokami_Gallery.jpg)

Kanata and Nayuta (cozmez) from Paradox Live. Picrel is official art BTW

No. 452447

File: 1737737084766.jpg (65.8 KB, 628x878, touden babies.jpg)

Last night, I dreamed about siblings kissing.
Specifically, it was a movie/series centered around a main couple of siblings, but I mostly rerember a second pair of brother/sister that was more of a subplot. The series would explore their strange, co-dependent relationship. The brother was a bit of a brat, even to his sister but very protective. The sister was very sweet and clingy to her brother. They were constantly attached by the hip. They looked like Pic-rel, albeit older than the touden siblings in those flashbacks. Their tension culminated with a very cute scene of them kissing in a dark room. Then I read comments about it, some where excited about the development, other disgusted, other said the whole movie was just a remake of the female writer's old sonic oc fanfiction.
It was nice.

No. 452448

File: 1737737409632.jpg (249.51 KB, 2048x1448, GIpjImGbAAM9NJ4.jpg)

Forgot to say. Their backstory was that both of their parents died and social services were trying to separate them and place them in different homestay. Something like that.

No. 452450

ntayrt but I remember reading this manga forever ago. Keep reading and it’ll make sense why the other nona recommended it kek

No. 452451

I have to get it out of my chest and confess it anonymously to you nonnies: I ship Vi and Jinx. Fanfictions of them making out and touching each other makes me so horny. I never had a sister and I would think real sister incest is disgusting but fictional incest makes my heart race..

No. 452452

File: 1737738282967.jpeg (110.02 KB, 564x846, IMG_3568.jpeg)

Only George rr Martin could really write it imo. These anime step sis crap or fake bl shit could never

No. 452459

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I support you Nonna-Chan.

No. 452471

They are my OTP, I can forgive the show casting not being book accurate because they're both extremely hot actors, but the fact that Jaime and Cersei look almost identical including long hair if not for their sex is peak fiction. I also like how despite both being willing to kill to keep their relationship secret all their incest children die and they grow apart, it's very codependent and also tragic.

No. 452495

I've only watched the first season of arcane but I was thinking the same thing, they're too cute

No. 452525

Ahhhh, I'm so happy you took my recc, nona! It's one of my faves even after more than 10 years. The mangaka WENT THERE, and I hope you enjoy it.

No. 452587

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No. 452588

Holy yaoi hand Batman

No. 452589

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I kinda get the feeling mostly women shipped this

No. 452591

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No. 452592

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No. 452593

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No. 452594

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No. 452596

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it's okay nonna

No. 452598

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No. 452599

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i'm the opposite, i find sister/sister gross usually but i love brother/sister and brother/brother. i never had a brother but i have a sister. i wonder how much that affects it? no judgement though.

No. 452600

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No. 452602

File: 1737750410688.jpeg (278.83 KB, 1160x1018, and this one was canon too kek…)

I have no siblings so I like them all in theory, I just haven't seen any sister/sister ships that I fancied.

No. 452606

File: 1737750850852.jpg (504.62 KB, 700x828, 1ee45eff4f2eb231f2fcddd84bf0a6…)

Nevermind just remembered Elsanna

No. 452610

File: 1737751284291.jpg (1.42 MB, 1451x2064, 103915338_p0.jpg)

Surprised this wasn't more popular

No. 452616

File: 1737751909366.png (1.47 MB, 1929x1377, 71d6e1a3-72d4-4792-a739-0c0cd9…)

I don't ship them romantically but I joke about him being a siscon and I wish I had a big brother like him…

No. 452620

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No. 452623

whose sperm was used

No. 452624

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No. 452625

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No. 452627

Their daughter is made of ice

No. 452628

Huh? They're related?

No. 452633

File: 1737752321355.png (405.33 KB, 800x701, 魚 - kmgsnまとめ (75996339) p23.pn…)

yes, they were separated at birth but it's heavily implied that Sou figured how that she's his sister

No. 452637

His one wish was to meet his sibling and become a person they could look up to

No. 452640

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No. 452641

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No. 452643

Holy shit nonna! Where does this info come from? Did the fucker finally finish the game? This makes the choice even worse. Wow, wish I had known when I played it.

No. 452646

I'm retarded, I just saw that you linked a video kek. That's kinda cute though but it kind of feels like a tacked on retcon, oh well.

No. 452647

File: 1737753252856.png (Spoiler Image,270.77 KB, 931x295, wiki screencaps because it's t…)

Chapter 3, no he didn't finish it still kek.
Eh, I don't think it does it explains why he's so overprotective and loving of her (to the point of begging to die in her place) and a couple of people had predicted it before the game came out and said it.

No. 452648

File: 1737753431809.png (Spoiler Image,834.61 KB, 811x532, including the 11 year old auti…)

Also makes this reaction make more sense kek.

No. 452671

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No. 452674

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No. 452675

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No. 452677

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No. 452679

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No. 452680

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No. 452681

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No. 452685

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No. 452686

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No. 452694

File: 1737759786228.jpeg (84.17 KB, 376x499, IMG_2205.jpeg)

No. 452705

Guess this is my sign to try and pick this anime up again. This art work is so nice and both characters look cute.

No. 452779

I always had a little feeling about them, Sapphire totally sold it. Naoko Takeuchi is a fucking genius.

No. 452808

File: 1737779293550.gif (642.08 KB, 250x180, brcon bangs brush.gif)

I don't think they really did anything gay in the manga? 99% of the fujo stuff in sailor moon was added in the anime since Naoko's more of a yuri fan.

No. 452822

File: 1737785225674.jpg (116.17 KB, 736x1048, f48dd6a882f80b92f9f03964812d86…)

I miss Angel Sanctuary and older series with a gothic vibe in general.

No. 452995

Don't tempt me, nonna.

No. 453135

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No. 453152

didn't the author also write a story about a seven-year-old girl who 'seduces' her father?

No. 453155

Is it bad that I don't care about fictional sibling incest since I don't see anime characters as real people while having an irl brother? The thought of irl incest makes me want to vomit without exaggeration
This thread is turning into a rec list

No. 453157

no that means you're normal nona

No. 453170

any momson recommendations?

No. 453172

File: 1737839708279.jpg (1.02 MB, 1000x1415, GPBzvt3bMAAoLOG.jpg)

>Is it bad that I don't care about fictional sibling incest
you're in the incest thread, nonna. none of us does.

No. 453182

Ookumo-chan Flashback, cute manga, not in-your-face explicit

No. 453243

Sadly, no reccs because creators are cowards. Blood on the Tracks is popular and apparently is derived from the moid mangaka's twisted upbringing from a mentally ill mother but spoiler the mom never loved her son and actually hated him to death because she's the worst kind of psycho don't waste your time on it.
Thanks, nonna! Will check out.

No. 453254

Had to come back and say thank you, nonna, it's so cute! I tried searching for momson but it's all bbw inflation porn and male pov with the stock male hentai protag. I wonder why no creator with some taste and heart has made anything. Do we have to be the change we want to see in the world?

No. 453313

>He only fell for the little sister
No matter how much they try to donwplay his obvious fetish, Martin clearly has a bias for older man/younger girl, clear as day as Aegon's treatment or Visenya or how Viserys' marriage to Larra created Aegon, older woman is clearly the devil and the worst outcome for his male heroes

No. 453315

Not into incest myself, but this thread reminded me that the author of My Dress Up Darling wrote a older brother x younger sister incest manga once.

No. 453322

File: 1737859625108.jpg (76.54 KB, 736x586, cad6073bc58c1e4bf99c95c8e2ac01…)

Feel blessed with endless Sparda family fanart

No. 453324

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No. 453325

File: 1737859799751.jpeg (104.67 KB, 736x965, IMG_3548.jpeg)

i would like them more if luther wasn’t so damn ugly

No. 453355

File: 1737864677768.jpg (43.5 KB, 474x348, ce489e67dbfbb1b52ae096df98b45e…)

it's a bit retarded but i really, really like minatsuki. she knows her brother wants to fuck her and teases him. the manga art is also top notch.

No. 453358

artstyle looks like 999

No. 453365

interestingly, it predates it by 2 years

No. 453377

I'm really glad you liked it nona!! If i ever find something nice like it (unlikely kek) i'll post it here
>Do we have to be the change we want to see in the world?
I think we really have to…

No. 453427

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No. 453717

File: 1737934008378.jpeg (90.56 KB, 736x736, IMG_3578.jpeg)

this edit changed lives

No. 453746

Aren’t all pure-bloods products of inbreeding kek

No. 454552

File: 1738097721191.jpeg (293.69 KB, 1879x1751, F4eJPNkWAAAZVAJ (1).jpeg)

No. 454556

File: 1738098344019.jpeg (39.22 KB, 534x400, IMG_3575.jpeg)

Anime incest is such trash.

No. 454563

What the fuck is your picrel

No. 454575

File: 1738100583462.jpg (311.35 KB, 1911x2048, F37Ib41WEAA-fav.jpg)

omg i was just looking at her art a few days ago, does anybody know her account now?? i know she drew bakudeku stuff for a while

No. 454605

File: 1738105481310.jpg (1.84 MB, 1200x893, Fo1DicUakAAAvrl.jpg)

really really really love these two

No. 454607

File: 1738106409234.png (381.37 KB, 580x740, Black_Lady_anime.png)

Father daughter incest but the daughter is from the future and 5, the fathet is 18 and still unmarried, and the daughter is obsessed with the father and wants to steal him from her mom. She becomes an adult and kidnaps her dad iirc. Haven't watched this far because all the age gap romance made me gag.

No. 454619

File: 1738108545987.jpg (388.48 KB, 960x1274, 749756945867394.jpg)

Not only they're siblings, but they also have a teacher and student dynamic. This pairing is sooo good.

No. 454620

The one time I wanted the incest to be canon. Fuuuck

No. 454624

>FL ends up with both boys
This manga is so based

No. 454627

They weren’t really related though.

No. 454629

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No. 454634

File: 1738111443482.jpg (Spoiler Image,647.92 KB, 862x1200, 1047688501200.jpg)

I'm usually not into dadson/daughter, but Touya obviously craved for his dad's d so bad that I couldn't help but ship them. I like pairings where the younger person is the dominant one.

No. 454635

Why is bakugo skinned

No. 454659

File: 1738121151487.webp (28.49 KB, 444x250, IMG_5632.webp)

Thinking back to Avatar, I suddenly remembered these two, and how much I wanted them to fuck. Maybe they’d let Bolin watch. What is it about the Avatar franchise that makes me particularly horny for incest pairings?

No. 454666

File: 1738123799349.jpg (684.83 KB, 1794x1344, fanart is much hotter but even…)

So far Dick Grayson/Jason Todd is probably the only incest pairing that I actually go looking for.

They aren't blood related and mostly didn't spend their childhoods together, so at least a majority of shippers argue it's not incest at all. But I only enjoy this ship if it's incestuous. The story keeps repeating that they look like each other to the point that it's creepy and people mistake them for one another, they have similar skills and moves and strategies, and they share certain unique dynamics with their adoptive father that none of the others do.

Dick can be very protective and tender with Jason as his little brother, and Jason admires and protects Dick as his big brother. They never let go of the connection they started back when Dick was a teenager and Jason was little. They haven't had much time or development to build a wholesome relationship compared to others in their adoptive family, but that just emphasizes how naturally and eagerly they love each other.

If they just had a wholesome relationship then I'd only see them as family. I like the incest because they also bring out the worst parts of each other. They can be manipulative and super angsty. They make each other lose control. Much of their stories revolve around approval, and a relationship as lovers should have 0% approval from everyone around them.

I think incest is compelling as a legitimate relationship when it's based in competition, aggression, and isolation.

Incest involving female immediate family can be interesting to me but not titillating, erotic, or sweet the way I think male/male can situationally be. I can enjoy stories about incestuous abuse like Akio/Anthy, but only as horror and trauma. Even Yor and Yuri in Spy x Family only register to me as a sweet family relationship where the brother is just confused about how to express his purely brotherly feelings for his only family, not incest.

I think I could like the idea of male/female cousin incest because it's almost normal but it's still walking the line of something uncomfortable and tense. I guess the word would be liminal.

I've come around to some fictional things for which I previously couldn't understand the appeal. I used to hate incest, now I think certain pairings are interesting. I used to not like male/male at all, but now there are a few particular pairings that I do like. I used to be a pretty firm monoshipper, but now I like a couple rare OT3s and multiships. There are some things that I'm probably never going to like if I still don't like it after all these years (like omegaverse), but I think I could be convinced to appreciate more incest pairings.

No. 454671

I personally don't consider any of the Robin relationships as incestuous but they are fun.

No. 454686

They're lonely and isolated. They think they're the only ones who could understand each others experiences so they have fucked up sex.

No. 454687

File: 1738129274790.jpg (274.81 KB, 1024x768, __diamond_and_bort_houseki_no_…)

Any BortDia enjoyers?

No. 454688

>male/female cousin incest because it's almost normal
Like IRL? What? Where are you from?

No. 454695

File: 1738132137108.jpeg (127.58 KB, 466x480, IMG_1463.jpeg)

It’s kinda bugs me what every time younger dynasty princess introduced, she gets canonically paired with her cousin. First prince with cousin once removed, second prince with first cousin (albeit one-sided) and third prince with first cousin (picrel) too. But all of them get scraped after all, you forgot it happened.

No. 454708

It's not normal to me. It is weird. But I think everyone agrees cousin incest is the least gross kind of incest by a wide margin. Even now it's far from the ick level of sibling incest, let alone parent incest.

Pretty much every culture in the world has a taboo against incest involving a sibling, parent, or grandparent. Until the last 100-150 years, pretty much every culture in the world has accepted or even encouraged marriage between cousins, including first cousins. The world has changed a lot in the last century on that front. Heard of the Roosevelts? Charles Darwin? Various royal families? Kissing cousins. Like 10% of marriages worldwide today are still between close cousins.

Unless you repeat cousin marriages for multiple generations, a few instances of cousin marriage don't increase genetic risks from inbreeding. It's like a 1% increase in risk.

If you read any literature from the 19th century and before, many of the characters and writers are marrying their close cousins. It's interesting to think about. It may have been fairly normal then, but that doesn't make it not incest. It's interesting to think about these cousin-spouses carrying the same burdens and legacies of their families' shared past. Their moms and dads remember growing up together as siblings.

Back then cousin incest was normal, but even then it almost wasn't. Now cousin incest isn't normal, but even now it almost is. There is a tension there. That's interesting.

Fair enough. Though in this case the incest is where all the flavour is stored.

No. 454749

Yeah I'm from Spain and pretty much every family has at least 1 cousin marriage kek
Maybe that's why I'm so unfazed by incest in fiction, I was raised by my grandparents (first cousins) and they were pretty much the only healthy marriage in my family until not long ago, all the others were either divorced or hated each other/their child.
So I guess that kinda shaped my view, it seems people from the US automatically think incest=rape when it's not always the case. In ships, siblings/cousins are fine for me but everything else gives me the ick because pedophilia is included.

No. 454752

Yup, it's still so funny to me that Darwin was in a cousin marriage kek
>Unless you repeat cousin marriages for multiple generations
That's the issue, most cousin marriages are actually arranged (best case) or forced and you end up with so many defects and a real rise in disability after generations and generations of doing this, this happens often enough in cultures where it's still a thing. A lot of effort is put into making kids think it's okay and beneficial to their family and even then, most people don't end up wanting to marry a cousin. Then there's direct pressure and forced marriages happen. But yeah if you don't have any known relatives who were in a cousin marriage, it's probably alright genes-wise.

No. 454788

File: 1738161185342.jpg (575.93 KB, 1536x2048, felixlonely54321.jpg)

Is it incest?

No. 454819

Don’t defend real-life incest. This thread is fictional fantasy only.

No. 454823

Yeah its getting weird

No. 454828

Crazy that it has to be said this many times
I don't feel like selfcest is incest but that might just be because even if it were real I wouldn't see the issue with it

No. 454906

Please work on your reading comprehension a bit.

No. 454953

How did you get that i defend incest from
>most cousin marriages are actually arranged (best case) or forced
>A lot of effort is put into making kids think it's okay
My whole point is that people are groomed into it (includes so-called "adult consensual sibling incest" cases)

No. 455070

File: 1738229166143.jpg (109.08 KB, 792x590, HaruMichi Sailor Moon romantic…)

If we're talking about incest in fiction, why we like and dislike different incest pairings, then some real-life context is relevant. That's not defending incest or derailing the thread. Off-topic would be more like lengthy discussions of specific real-life cases, or arguments for or against incest-related legislation.

If there isn't a traditional, legal, or scientific objection to cousin incest and adoptive incest–then do those count as incest? I'm arguing yes at the very least for fiction purposes. In many cases incest has more to do with family roles than with laws or genetics, and that's somewhat even more true in fiction where reality follows themes instead of the other way around.

Wuthering Heights and Frankenstein lose a lot of their punch if you don't recognize incestuous dynamics in characters who are cousins and adopted relatives.

Neji/Hinata is also in this thread. They're half-siblings according to their genes, because their fathers were identical twins. Does that make the ship more incestuous? Why or why not?

What is the value of framing ships of Batman's adopted "family" as incestuous?

If fictional "almost-incest" is characterized by tension instead of solid criteria, then where does that tension come from and what does that tension mean? What's the appeal and the anxiety of it? What is the purpose of incest as a storytelling device or theme in fiction?

There are real-life cultural and social reasons why many of us find straight incest ships to be ickier than gay incest ships. Different incest ships say different things about age, sexism, cultural norms and stigma, and abuse. Incest seems to be a scale of a combination of different ick factors, so that warrants some discussion about real-life influences.

The incest thread is getting weird?

No. 455228

File: 1738266546007.png (1.51 MB, 1534x1600, 4267335632468.PNG)

Post art or gtfo

No. 455310

File: 1738279290948.jpeg (195.24 KB, 2048x1504, F4eJYKCWkAAT9zI.jpeg)

no idea but i miss her so goddamn bad
tinfoil but she seems based aff maybe she posts here if u see this come back the kids need you

No. 455314

omg wait anon i found her shes at mineraltcup now!

No. 455343

File: 1738284982733.jpg (201.69 KB, 683x1036, 63621007_p0.jpg)

random discussion but does anybody else enjoy incest ships but other "dark" fictional stuff is completely unappealing. whenever i see abuse/rape fetish art i feel so grossed out. its so completely unsexy to me i dont get how anybody likes it. its like getting off to starving africans. even when i like shipping siblings i want them to be truly in love even if its toxic sometimes.
anyways heres some of the craziest incest art i had saved kek

No. 455367

I'm the same as you. I like age difference and incest (sometimes), but I also can't get into any kind of rape or abuse. Anything having to do with pain and blood turns me off.

No. 455391

>I like pairings where the younger person is the dominant one.
Me too. I ship an arguably very nasty dadson pair but only when the son is the instigator and seducer. Most fic has him being abused by his evil father father though which really irks me. My take on their relationship isn't very canon though, I admit I'm quite delusional about them.

No. 455396

The only Robin/Robin ships I consider incest are ones involving Damian, and even then only REALLY Dick/Damian counts. It's also the best one.

No. 455399

LOL god your picrel was a legendary arc.

No. 455420

I remember watching this movie with my normie friends as a kid and even they agreed there was some crazy chemistry between those brothers

No. 455764

File: 1738389595230.jpg (32.01 KB, 720x400, 1_3RuLidMVwKqz-M8hYp1JBA.jpg)

I cant believe it took me longer than a decade to notice perfection was just right before my eyes, hopefully smarter Stacies enjoyed their fandom at their prime

No. 455765

File: 1738389787677.jpg (49.28 KB, 555x405, 4e4f61a1d2438cd9effff7dc8989a7…)

100 pct this anon, love has to run deep in order to be a loveable incest ship

No. 455769

It actually makes some narrative sense for them, the westermarck effect would be negated by Al being a hunk of metal in their formative years, Ed's life revolved around getting Al's body back so it is of particular interest and appreciation to him, Al bypassed early puberty so maybe he doesn't have normal boundaries and his sex drive hits him like a truck, etc…

No. 455771

nonita do you have a blog or something?, I need your Elrincest thoughts broadcasted directly into my brain

No. 455885

I don't ship them but the angst between Edward and Alphonse was so good in both anime.

No. 455887

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No. 455953

File: 1738440276041.jpg (101.44 KB, 1280x720, Watamote_Kuroki_siblings.jpg)

Yes. Two brothers, both adults and I'm the middle one. I don't see them that way because that's fucking disgusting. They're nothing like my fictional men.

It first started as a fetish with yaoi (Hitachiin twins and Hetalia) because fictional men are hot and I didn't care if it's degenerate since moids irl are degenerates too but way more disgusting and I hated them for that. More so, it's the forbidden love with a strong bond that I find appealing and also the chemistry. Later I started to find some het incest ok (Kuroki siblings) though of course I still hate scroteshit ones like you see in harem anime and mommy fetish.

No. 455962

Isn't selfcest just advanced masturbation?

No. 456082

That's not Bakugo, that's Dabi

No. 456465

File: 1738570757999.gif (1.99 MB, 540x304, 1000000408.gif)

Selfcest usually isn't incest. Clonecest exists on a spectrum between selfcest and incest.

Multiple selves having sex is gay, so selfcest is gay. Masturbation is neither gay nor straight. Therefore selfcest is not masturbation.

Many tellings of Swan Lake have a selfcestuous couple between Odette and Odile even though they're npt technically selfcest.

If their alternate self is a different sex, then they're too different to be called the same self, and it's not selfcest. Sylvie/Loki is weak shit.

No. 456502

File: 1738582022084.jpeg (118.45 KB, 736x1002, IMG_1573.jpeg)

My sweet daddy issues

No. 456505

Fake incest (Kawaki x Nard) is a better option in this case.

No. 456506

File: 1738582248075.jpeg (133 KB, 811x1200, IMG_1574.jpeg)

I’m more into Kawanaru, to be honest

No. 456834

File: 1738657974831.jpeg (236.88 KB, 750x1070, GK87SoqaIAAC8Dx.jpeg)

hetalia nichu

No. 456835

File: 1738658295341.jpeg (436.64 KB, 1075x1518, FTeqI7NUcAEOhBR.jpeg)

younger top and older bottom is sexo

No. 456836

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No. 456838

File: 1738659679722.jpg (274.23 KB, 1521x1025, 1000028049.jpg)

I like this pairing bc 1) her being obsessed with eren ruined her character so she needs to be with somebody else and 2) that person needs to be levi bc hot ppl belong together 3) they arent that closely related anyway

No. 456875


No. 456885

File: 1738673409530.jpg (233.91 KB, 900x1291, if I become a monster I'll car…)

>The concept of unconditional love and companionship was really something I longed for, and it got twisted into having a fixation on brosis fiction.
Fucking this. I relate so much. I can't imagine myself hugging a family member yet emotional sibling incest give me more comfort than any other media. It's the "I know you better than anyone else" the "we're in this together no matter what" the "being with you is just easy because you were always there" that get me. Not the sister loli degrading kink that get moid's rocks off. Thank you for posting the touden babies btw. I didn't want to be called a pedo by posting them first.

No. 456951

File: 1738689055560.png (383.47 KB, 680x435, 49a.png)

I wanna write fic for my dadson ship but I haven't written in months. Any other fic writer nonas here? What's your method?

No. 457047

what's your issue with starting the fic? personally it's hard for me to write in a linear fashion so what i do usually is just write bits i feel inspired for and then stitch it together later.

No. 457085

File: 1738717654016.jpeg (94.58 KB, 640x993, vijinx.jpeg)

I love Jinx's unhealthy attachment for her older sister

No. 457089

File: 1738718557069.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.98 KB, 774x628, Gf7vFYq432YUEQ4D.jpg)

I love the toxic codependency and the crippling guilt Vi must feel for being the direct cause Jinx turned out that way

No. 457152

I'm with you, nonna, I absolutely hate any rape and abuse shit and I judge everyone so hard for enjoying it… which is completely uncalled for since I love incest ships. ngl I wish we could have a based incest discord server, you all seem much more chill than even lc's own weebs in the designated anime or manga threads.

No. 457336

File: 1738796875566.gif (12.46 MB, 540x350, IMG_8116.gif)

This gif flashbanged me back to 2011 when first scene between these two siblings is her literally watching her brother fuck a chick, getting caught, chased around the courtyard, playfully tackled, tickled, eskimo kissed, and him professing that he loves her more than God himself. And then they finally get together in the extremely rushed final season, he’s killed all of her husbands, lovers, their mongoloid brother, she’s bitterly forced him into a Vatican cuck chair to witness her consummate her marriage to the last husband after she snuck off on the wedding night in favor of initiating Cesare’s first lay with her, and the final scene ever is him wiping blood off her skin before kissing her neck and telling her she’s his.

We were robbed of the 4th and final season. I desperately wanted to see Lucrezia’s infamous reaction to Cesare’s death as told by historians. HBO could never. HOTD was terrible, GoT butchered whatever GRRM had in that soupy mind of his for the final books.

No. 457415

File: 1738814903800.png (247.05 KB, 964x1431, FPCTH7GakAAe_jE.png)

speaking of…

No. 457445

wtf sauce nona…

No. 457452

They were so good. Absolutely beautiful. Man, I need to rewatch it. They put out a script book for the unfilmed season-4-turned-into-a-two-hour-finale but I haven't read it and I think it didn't review well.

No. 457898

File: 1738959546812.jpg (98.11 KB, 777x960, Shugo.Chara!.full.2911753.jpg)

today i remembered

No. 458235

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No. 458253

File: 1739041463701.jpg (272.91 KB, 1648x1703, Gb3N50UaoAAjaAK.jpg)

ayrt its @4oing on xitter

No. 458437

File: 1739075647734.jpeg (290.74 KB, 1534x2048, IMG_2286.jpeg)

Genshin thread reminded me. Even a ton of their official art is so… couple-y.

No. 458440

File: 1739075982929.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1899x2277, IMG_2287.jpeg)

No. 458527

File: 1739110663305.jpeg (97.12 KB, 468x639, IMG_1763.jpeg)

I have a feeling they’re not actually blood related. I’m so curious about them.

No. 458700

Is asking for recs allowed?
I'm looking for bl manga/webtoon with blood related incest.
Josei can do too actually. Preferably dark/psychological.

No. 458708

File: 1739157536426.jpg (250.07 KB, 2048x1733, 20250124_091454.jpg)

Seeing the flashback cutscenes between these 2 warmed and broke my heart without fail.

No. 458713

Lol normies still bitch about incest, even when they're not related like step-siblings.
>looking for a new story
>is tagged incest
>they're not even related
Authors can't even commit to the tag

No. 458732

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No. 458746

No. 459155

File: 1739287924260.jpeg (222.92 KB, 1200x1425, IMG_1797.jpeg)

No. 459328

Wait they're sisters? I thought they were the main ship this whole time kek

No. 459895

File: 1739431465465.jpeg (103.9 KB, 452x640, IMG_1811.jpeg)

Official art of Uryu and his dad looks gay

No. 459931

File: 1739441387897.jpeg (144.44 KB, 850x950, IMG_8290.jpeg)

genshin has some of the best incest ships imo. they’re so cute.

No. 460299

File: 1739537127589.jpg (398.99 KB, 436x623, Oniisama.jpg)

No. 460432

File: 1739559809397.jpeg (328.21 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_2311.jpeg)

True. Like the traveler “siblings.”

No. 460466

File: 1739567796493.jpg (312.21 KB, 2048x1751, Gji-fP1XkAA8K4c.jpg)

No. 460469

They had such an intriguing dynamic but then the author had to fuck it up.

No. 460851

File: 1739687813337.png (78.02 KB, 505x692, beautiful.png)

Timeless, tragic, 10/10 quintessential 'cest etc

No. 461067

File: 1739747221258.png (630.44 KB, 800x600, nobIt3h.png)

These two are so underappreciated holy shit. Suhc a compelling narrative, only to get sidelined in favor of portraying Rin interacting with Saber in both official and fanart

No. 461556

File: 1739894619909.jpg (58.82 KB, 683x956, 1000000955.jpg)

Why isn't there more GendoShinji art…

No. 461558

Because Gendo is ugly tbh

No. 461582

File: 1739902950249.jpg (151.9 KB, 850x1134, 1000000958.jpg)

He can't hear you, he's brushing his teeth after morning dadson sex

No. 461583

I'm not even a pearlclutcher but uh I'm gonna pass on this one

No. 461610

Shinji deserves so much better than this bum.

No. 461695

I'm not into ugly bastard

No. 461708

File: 1739930395006.png (451.93 KB, 1440x628, ikaricest.png)

Too abusive even for incest fans (including me kek), there's some 90s doujins for it though.

No. 461710

Girlfriend of steel kinda did this in a bad ending to be fair

No. 461712

gendo looks like he smells like onions badly

No. 461713

Ritsuko and her mom are into that apparently.

No. 461717

Well that art is cute I’ll give you that.

No. 461892

File: 1740004708535.jpg (393.27 KB, 554x622, 50428597_p0_master1200.jpg)

DMMD will eternally be peak. There's even SeiAo as a noncanon ship for people who perfer more 'regular' incest lol

No. 461905

File: 1740008215878.jpeg (566.94 KB, 831x1434, IMG_4695.jpeg)

Very late since because I didn’t think anyone would reply to my post but it seems he deleted.Kind of a shame because this little doodle of them is pretty cute.

No. 462293

File: 1740126494081.jpg (239.36 KB, 700x1082, 1000004994.jpg)

No. 462297

File: 1740127360119.jpg (67.18 KB, 736x460, 1000005000.jpg)

Cute and canon

No. 462340

File: 1740147166753.webp (37.17 KB, 600x480, 98177859_p8_master1200.webp)

They're the cutest dadson.

No. 462348

You got any doujin/fic recs?

No. 462723

File: 1740236738108.png (287.56 KB, 349x425, TAG_HeroKel.png)

No. 462728

File: 1740237067755.png (359.75 KB, 350x422, DW_ALBUM_07.png)

No. 462883

File: 1740267002296.jpg (60.63 KB, 850x741, 1000009784.jpg)


I love herokel

No. 462884

File: 1740267067520.jpg (2.61 MB, 1500x2125, 1000009785.jpg)

No. 464140

how could you not? this ship is so fucking goated. love their doomed dynamic.

No. 464951

File: 1740759755676.jpg (1.03 MB, 1993x1447, illust_127556265_20250228_1715…)

My favorite artist posted more toudencest. It is a good day to be an incestfag.

No. 464952

File: 1740759790987.jpg (1.46 MB, 2000x2000, illust_127556265_20250228_1715…)

No. 464956

File: 1740760293952.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 2386x1955, illust_127556265_20250228_1715…)

That's the last one I'll post

No. 465297

File: 1740859362657.jpg (350.36 KB, 2000x1800, 20250223_022540.jpg)

No. 465998

File: 1740982374434.png (316.46 KB, 871x777, IMG_2214.png)

No. 465999

Vergil and Lady aren’t related at all

No. 466000

I think that's supposed to be Dante as a woman, Not Lady.

No. 466069

File: 1740995712926.jpg (329.56 KB, 1442x2048, GT6cFSLXAAAbqSX.jpg)

Genderswap Kuroki siblings. Never thought of them like this and it kinda works well. I like it. Also I know it says TS but I don't want to think it's some trans shit.

No. 466071

File: 1740995745681.jpg (692.61 KB, 2048x1443, GT6cFRraQAARjP-.jpg)

No. 466072

File: 1740995771103.jpg (457.62 KB, 1450x2048, ERJGJuvU0AEn9OV.jpg)

No. 466073

File: 1740995825486.png (578.4 KB, 1058x1500, vbkXYy2.png)


No. 466074

File: 1740995848067.png (607.46 KB, 1500x1058, Wx9qbUV.png)

No. 466075

File: 1740995885930.png (616.56 KB, 1062x1500, od7nnsjv3h7e1.png)

No. 466080

Does that mean what I think it means?

No. 466612

hate the ship but this is the perfect tomoko genderbend

No. 466733

File: 1741163040749.jpeg (1.18 MB, 2973x3000, IMG_4611.jpeg)

Envious older twin with an inferiority complex and autismo imouto who just wants to be close with her sister is peak. Unfortunately it's mainly liked by scrotes but that's what I get for being into incest idolshit.

No. 466734

when I used to play this game I wanted to like this ship so bad but I always just felt bad for sayo kek

No. 466735

File: 1741163233111.jpg (81.45 KB, 281x400, bc9f2cfd07b803853981a7f4272165…)

No. 466916

File: 1741209650997.jpg (1.28 MB, 1000x1400, 114511284_p0.jpg)

Mob Psycho has such a good incest vibe.

No. 466924

Absolutely. They're both so cute visually, in personality, and in how they interact.

No. 467349

File: 1741302062461.jpeg (105.88 KB, 850x869, IMG_8403.jpeg)

good taste, nona. i love them so much it’s unreal.

No. 467530

File: 1741352143726.jpg (185.23 KB, 1920x1080, suiseiseki and souseiseki.jpg)

Not sure if it count since they're dolls, but suiseiseki and souseiseki were my first twincest ship. I just loved how possessive sui was of her sister, and her desesperation about losing her to an human man. I loved how sou still protected her sister in the end. They were the characters I was the most invested in.

No. 467533

File: 1741352440818.jpg (106.18 KB, 735x658, 0cd11472ed6caa20d2d572ee7ec154…)

I couldn't find the Manga panel but the bridal carry really got to me.

No. 467534

File: 1741352583487.jpg (847.82 KB, 800x1192, __suiseiseki_and_souseiseki_ro…)

so glad people still remember rozen maiden

No. 467957

File: 1741439775478.jpeg (735.72 KB, 2000x3247, Sunday and Robin.jpeg)

What do you guys think about Sunday and Robin?

No. 468550

rose and dave is the perfect ship. their dynamic is so erotic and perfect for the female femdom enjoyer

No. 468571

File: 1741555104732.jpg (336.01 KB, 2048x1530, FxP-UprWYAA8b_X.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 468769

I think it depends on how well you can separate fiction vs. reality. I have an irl brother but still go ham for brother/brother incest and sometimes brother/sister incest.

No. 468770

>talking with a friend over discord
>we're both playing the same game, just finished the same route
>"I was so excited for this guy's route but the siscon stuff really put me off."
>I quietly delete all of my gushing about how much I loved the route.

No. 468777

File: 1741588117206.jpg (303.09 KB, 1089x1350, 105116186_p12.jpg)

Genderswap Mob with Ritsu. Seeing a little brother protecting and watching out for his big sister is cute.

No. 469196

File: 1741667501135.jpg (71.71 KB, 640x795, Sn7Y2ManY2Rv1QknsEfDCTyibYMwzF…)

He's so weak for her

No. 469418

What game?
Which route?

No. 469422

They really did think of everything.

No. 470552

File: 1742057831422.jpg (84.37 KB, 735x961, 7f7f8a01bed63344db256a4dd20686…)

No. 471208

I don't normally like incest ships but they have such an adorable dynamic. I wish this show was more popular so more people would draw fanart. If I end up drawing some I'll post it somewhere

No. 471214

Same anon the link won't work for me does anybody have her old Mission Hill/Frenchcest stuff

No. 471247

File: 1742192659377.png (940.25 KB, 960x539, IMG_2579.png)

Anticipating Mundus and Nelo Angelo’s part the most in Netflix series, still salty about Dan Southworth’s replace.

No. 471329

both of their netflix designs and voices make me nauseous… not my spardas. i will be smooshing my dolls of them together and pretending the netflix show doesnt exist.

No. 473104

File: 1742612084001.jpg (472.17 KB, 2160x1620, GZCBA4lbAAY6De1.jpg)

I'm completely sure all fanart of these two was drawn for self-insertion purposes (nothing wrong with that) since the "sister" barely exists or has a personality but I dig it anyway.

No. 473164

Taisho x Alice, Gretel's route. They're not even biologically related but he does put her in a cage so…

No. 473221

File: 1742632863265.jpeg (90.56 KB, 980x551, IMG_0083.jpeg)

So uh…what's going on with these 3 and their subplot?

No. 473382

File: 1742660834526.jpg (63.3 KB, 821x1289, 1000081165.jpg)

Try using a VPN to open catbox, for some reason it's blocked by a few ISPs and in a couple countries for terrorism (lol)

No. 474094

only two eps left and i'm still hoping all three of them will bang somehow…

No. 474524

File: 1742893944107.webp (169.22 KB, 1259x839, zFUwiXrv58TPPL3ttsuCzQay_228vG…)

Shout out to nonas upthread posting them, the early fanfics were truly peak. Sad to see that, while the artists are still going strong, the english side of fanfiction kinda died down. The ones in my language are pretty mid, but there is that one writer and she just gets it so hard. When she will lose interest, I shall pass away.

No. 474533

File: 1742898326018.jpeg (120.21 KB, 850x1838, IMG_2697.jpeg)

D4 x V3 is too spicy to comprehend but can be easily failed as another a/b/o type shit

No. 474586

I liked them too a while ago, but the thing is that the fans were already doing all the heavy lifting when it came to their depth, now the source material literally has thrown them in the trash so there isn't much to do. They had so much potential with the angst.

No. 475007

File: 1743000902437.jpg (102.22 KB, 1280x1002, IMG_20250209_122644_515.jpg)

That's why I don't play for about 2 years now and only kinda follow lore writeups. Last time I remembered my password was for Kaeya's hangout. Yet I'm still down bad for them and whatever fujos hallucinate out of every time one or the other gets a mention once in a year. They are both supposedly in the next patch, can't wait for my 3 sentences each Hoyo approved dialogue slop. Sigh

No. 475105

There was a bit of Vampire Knight discussion earlier, but is the anime worth it? Can I jump from where the anime ends into the corresponding point in the manga, or is there too much changed?

No. 475704

I like Enji/Shouto more

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