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No. 65079
Rant about Kpop, its creepy fandoms, and/or its fucked up industry. Or just nitpick idols. If you are new, please make sure you read: and before posting
· Don't sperg, complain or pick fights.
· Don't racebait. Doing so will get you banned from /m/.
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· Don't just paste a low effort link. Post images, this is an imageboard.
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Previous thread:
>>62891 No. 65085
Thread picture reminds me of those bendy pencils I used to buy all the time from the Scholastic Book Fair.
>>65084He looks sick
No. 65088
plz spill more tea
No. 65089
File: 1575174181753.jpeg (698.81 KB, 2076x1557, 2D60D320-B813-4219-BAD1-D9C09E…)

>>65083Well people always talk about how the camera gives you a few pounds when it comes to female idols, and id say its the same for everyone. We were really close to baekhyun and his legs looked like toothpicks.. my best guess is that he can’t be more than 54kg, and looked about 5’6, contrary to his listed height
everyone else just looked shorter and much thinner in general, considering their tight pants.
>>65086Idk taemin came pretty close and his face is even more plastic irl
Also i couldn’t believe the amount of white koreaboos and fat tattooed ppl that gathered there
No. 65090
>>65089thanks anon
its always funny hearing how different idols look irl
No. 65091
>>65090no prob!
also mentioning that in the pic i took he doesn’t look that terrible but he seriously has a punchable face kek
No. 65092
>>65089kek not surprising considering his past
also are lucas and kai short too? tbh lucas doesn't look that much taller than baekhyun in that pic
No. 65108
>>65107lol that's suho im pretty sure
why did kai lose weight? now he's an average kpop twink now
No. 65115
>>65087That's the most blatant favoritism I've seen in a long time. Usually kpoppies already complain about the tiniest things supposedly being unfair but everything bts does is a-okay. Ratmys unironically still think they're underdogs and that everybody is working against them. They have long exceeded big 3 privilege.
>>65113I don't think that at this point of their career anybody could force them to starve. Exo have been touring for over half a year now, and Kai and Baekhun had to prepare for Sperm and go to the US too, they're simply extremely overworked. Kai even said he lost 10kg, that's quite a lot for somebody who wasn't even fat to begin with.
No. 65116
>>65115After all the other horror stories I've read in here about what managers make idols do (namely the ones that involve iv drips) I don't think it's unlikely even if they are seasoned idols. Especially if they're only doing it on the days they have concerts.
>>65114Yeah he was on the show godfrey gao just died filming and got that plus a minor ankle injury.
No. 65119
>>65089any tea on the weird fans? what was the worst part?
>>65116i still cant get over the iv thing. first they were doing non stop antibiotics for people coming into hospitals in china, now 'vitamins' is supposedly a thing? My doctor called this being a moron (in slightly nicer terms) and irresponsible.
Are there any other kind of IV drips they use?
No. 65121
>>65120second this.
dig deep, im sure you got more
No. 65122
>>65121third this
does taemin give off gay vibes
No. 65127
File: 1575206660414.png (476.27 KB, 480x960, Screenshot_20191009-000547.png)

Kai looks has aged terribly he looks like a 45 year old man.
He looks old and washed up.
He reminds me of post wall cringy super junior who dress like teen's but look like old men.
Rip to Kai stans LOL.
No. 65128
>>65119Well there were grown ass men trading nct photocards. Also one girl put a hexagon cutout on her face and painted it too so it looked like one of the lightsticks which was fucking weird. The cringy white or sea tweens who wear racy things for no frickin reason
The show honestly wasn’t bad, i was impressed by their dancing, but when it came part for them to talk, it was really forced and awkward
>>65120>>65121Yeah sorry i didnt go to a meet and greet haha
if you want to ask questions then maybe specific stuff about the concert
Anyway there were about 60% nct fans (lol i didnt know that many nctfags existed), 35% exo fans (which also i didnt think exo was popular outside of sk??), and the remaining brought shinee sticks which was weird bc i thought shinee was dead at least to ifans
No. 65132
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No. 65133
>>65128Who had the most normal looking face?
And who's performance impressed you the most?
No. 65134
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>>65132That picture is like 8 years old.
Your oppar looks like this now, a botched Haggard man.
Why do most sm idols look like crap after the age of 25?
No. 65137
>>65133Probably lucas, if i saw him on the street i wouldn’t have recognized him kek
Taeyong’s eyes are REALLY far apart, like even more than the pictures
Ten’s performance was really good, he definitely has skill, and i was surprised because he was the person in the group i knew least abt
No. 65138
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>>65134>>65136partly plastic surgery. The more you do the weirder it looks imo.
We have a critical bodyfat %, a lot of idols seem to go below that. it takes a toll on the face and its not always repairable.
Besides that its fillers wearing off
Could also be that most pics are edited and seeing an unedited all of a sudden comes as bit of a shock.
spoiler is unedited pic of Irene (?). imo doesnt look bad, just for once a 'real' pic of idol wearing makeup
No. 65139
>>65138is it just the shadows or did she mess with her nostrils that bad?
anyways, the only few sm idols that don't look bad after 25 were krystal seohyun and changbin off the top of my head. suprised that sm didn't decide to botch them like they did the others. do you guys think it's a tactic to make the idols not want to leave or what?
No. 65141
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>>65138No, maybe with other idols it's plastic surgery but with Kai the main reason why he looks like crap lately is SKIN BLEACHING.
Kai was always known for having brown melanin skin (and other exo members being racist towards him because of his skin color)
And now the man suddenly shows up looking 5 shades lighter throughout his whole body.
Kai was able in the past to hide his facial imperfections he had behind his dark complexion, but now that he has bleached his skin now all his eye circles,aging and other unflattering things are easier to spot.
It goes like this: 40% plastic surgery and 60% bleaching.
No. 65143
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>>65142You can be as delusional as you want. This is not a fanphoto instead it's a paparazzi photo and these photos are NOT edited.
Almost everyone bleaches their skin in kpop so this is common but still sad.
No. 65145
>>65141>>65142>>65143we usually look best with our natural colours (skin and hair, tan or not). changing that can easily make us look sick-wrong hair colour shows up easily. changing skin colour can probablyy make originally hair colour seem off.
are these skin whitening treatments reversible?
>>65137>>65128anon, which one of them seemed the whitest?(not due to makeup)
and thanks for your input, its definitely made me laugh, especially card trading.
the racy clothing was probably in hopes of being selected out of the crowd.
No. 65146
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>>65145none of them are as pale as the pieces of paper the fans edit them as, but still pale nontheless. i’d probably say baekhyun, as he was wearing a t shirt and his arms were pretty white. Kai was actually tanner than i thought, and he took his shirt off in his dance solo so that made a stark difference between his face and rest of body lol
And yeah it is funny, the dude next to my sister was talking to us and he had a mark phone case and one of those little fuzzy bunny ear cover things on his lightstick kek
No. 65148
>>65145>racy clothing was probably in hopes of being selected out of the crowdLOL yup. I even saw someone who went to an nct concert say she saw Mark staring down a girl's boobs
>>65146>the dude next to my sister was talking to us and he had a mark phone case and one of those little fuzzy bunny ear cover things on his lightstick Ugh that is so fucking cringeee
No. 65149
>>65146>mark phone case and one of those little fuzzy bunny ear… keep on giving, kek. thanks!
>>65147yeah, i meant being asked backstage later for…..,not the being stared at, kek
No. 65150
>>65146that ends this discussion
Anon, you're worth gold!
No. 65159
>>65157be careful you will
trigger the lucas stans in this thread.
No. 65160
>>65116>Yeah he was on the show godfrey gao just died filming and got that plus a minor ankle injury.I read about that actor dying just yesterday and immediately had to think of idols who film those insane shows too. He was in his best years and looked so much stronger and fitter than your average kpop kid, so it's really a miracle that you don't read about this happening more often.
I know this is ot, but do you know more details? All I could find was that he had to film for 17 hours non-stop.
No. 65161
>>65160I feel really sorry for k-actors they have it much worse than kpop idols.
They have to work so much and the competition for hiring a actor for a role is even more hard now because talentless idols who have never acted are stealing roles from k-actors just because they are famous.
No. 65165
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>yay, the little kids leeching off my fame won thanks to my boss bribing people with the money I earned!
Rat and jhope can't even hide their bitterness
No. 65166
>>65152Not catfished, but i feel bad for the stans who worship them and actually believe they look like the shooped pics
>>65156kek taemin looks your forty year old aunt who pumps botox and plastic into her face to pass as a person in their late twenties
>>65163I was not impressed by their “vocals” tho
95% of the concert was full lipsync
there was a part where kai sang over his backing track and sounded like a wobbly sixth grade boy in chorus class
No. 65167
>>65160Here's a good thread about it;dr He went on an extremely sketchy, physically demanding chinese variety show. The show is ghetto as fuck and leaves all its guests, including even professional athletes, exhausted. People have almost suffocated on it before, some guests end up vomiting after completing challenges, etc. Using luke as an example since his experience actually got documented in english: he filmed for 12~ hrs out in the rain, had a bout of hypoxia after completing (or during? idk) a challenge, slipped and hurt his ankle, and had to get carried off by his fellow guests. There are some videos of it.
After filming for 17 hours straight, possibly with very few or no breaks, Godfrey went into sudden cardiac arrest while running during a challenge and fainted. The staff thought he was bullshitting for the cameras because injuries are so normal on that show so they just left him there for a while. By the time they realised something was seriously wrong, it was too late to save him and he died.
Then the company behind the show (iqiyi which is the biggest media company in china iirc) had it censored from weibo trends and later gave a half-assed apology. Dude was only like 35.
>>65161Godfrey was not a k-actor…
No. 65170
>>65167Thanks a lot for the info anon, that's really dark…
I thought Lucas and Yuqi are on the chinese version of Running Man, but this isn't that show, right? Isn't it weird to have them both cast together on such similar shows? Just because people ship them?
>>65168I give them the benefit of the doubt, afterall a hollywood actor also participated. Nobody probably would have thought just how unorganized and careless that show could be.
No. 65173
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have yall seen this… is he starving himself? what the fuck
No. 65175
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>>65173different camera and filming distance maybe?
No. 65184
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>>65166and you keep giving! thanks!
which concert did you attend? any member getting considerably less applause for solo (or appearing) than others?.
im guessing nct members were most welcome by the audience?
far right guy looks as though he always looks exactly the same. ok, lots of makeup involved…but still.
No. 65188
>>65140and this is which top dermatologists, make up artists and stylists!
most people will have worse skin than pic.
dont compare yourself to celebs.
>>65139didnt notice until you pointed it out. not sure…depends if she had a nose job.i dunno
No. 65189
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>>65138suzy for comparison
No. 65191
>>65184i went to the atlanta one, and youre spot on with nct imao
Taeyong and ten did baby dont stop and everyone was freaking out
I don’t specifically remember who got the least as overall all of the stans were fucking hyper the whole time
at one point they were dancing to this sperm song where they had to hump these gray carpet block things and they looked like literal children tripping over boulders
No. 65194
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>>65192how edited is this one?
No. 65195
>>65192(not original poster)
I zoomed in on the picture and could see pores,slight lines and even a scar in the middle of her brow area.
These are not edited, i know its hard to believe that not all idols need to be edited to hell like exo so they can look decent.
The girl was just born with good genes,thats why she is rich and famous despite not having any talent or charisma.
No. 65198
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why does irene's skin resemble that of a ~45 year old woman? idol life really must that bad (pic is yum jung ah; excuse the botched nose)
>>65194that gif is overexposed with the lighting, which hides imperfections. suzy does have good skin, but thoughtful surgery that enhanced her features + not being an idol did her wonders.
No. 65199
>>65176That was my very first thought after seeing that lol
He probably uses Wonho's departure to get some ps done, knowing people will excuse it with "He looks different because of weight loss, he's so stressed and heartbroken that he lost his appetite uwu"
Speaking of Wonho, does anybody know what he's doing now?
>>65178Imagine caping for the people who pushed a young person to their death…
>>65189>>65194Suzy completely lucked out with her skin, but that alone doesn't make a person attractive. Imo her features are immensely overhyped. Her eyes, her nose, her lips and the overall bone structure is all just average. I find some idols attractive who most non-koreans call 'plain', but I will never get the hype around her, especially not her debut look that caused her to get famous so quickly.
Also I do think that she's quite smart, so I find her naive act rather off-putting.
No. 65200
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I wonder what happened in kpop to cause this sudden obsession with pale skin.
If anyone has looked at earlier kdrama or kpop works they would see that the people were darker and had more korean-centric features…and then comes 2008 and then after that then there is this sudden obsession with looking white,pale,and having to wear color contacts all the time.
Rain was a superstar in korea in the early/mid 2000's and his skin was dark and he had ethnic features.
We all know he wouldnt be famous today if he debuted, but i want to know why korea was more accepting of dark skin in the past yet now all kpop idols are trying to look like casper the ghost.
No. 65212
>>65191Must've been all those shippers that call them gay kings lel
>at one point they were dancing to this sperm song where they had to hump these gray carpet block things and they looked like literal children tripping over boulderspfftt…an anon posted a vid of that in the previous thread and I thought it looked so fucking dumb
No. 65213
>>65208>Im white and i know nothing about asian people and think they are all naturally pale,must be sunblock .Oh really if thats the truth then why are skin bleaching/whitening products so popular in east asia? Then why do so many korean skincare have whitening effects? Why do whitening injections exist then in almost all beauty clinics in korea? Why do so many koreans use foundations that are 5 shades lighter than their actual skin tone?
This has everything to do with race and melanin than it has to do with sunblock.
Asians have light caramel to brown skin tone naturally.
Also sunblock really…lol they had brown skin for fucks sake its not like they were slightly tan so you can blame it on the sun,also you'd have to be 24/7 hours in the grueling sun non-stop to be able to achieve that skin tone.
No. 65214
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>>65201Show her pictures of tan tzuyu and jihyo.
No. 65218
>>65217No he wouldnt,as someone previously said this was the era before kpop ''really was considered kpop''.
Rain's music was to provocative and risk taking for it to ever be considered idol music.
Rain would be considered more of a celebrity in todays kpop world.
''Rainism'' which im guessing is his most legendary song(?) would be considered way too raunchy for 2019 kpop.
oh so thats why he worse sunglasses lol i had no idea, he looks a lot better (and hotter) now at 37, he looks amazing for his age.
No. 65221
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>>65218Rain is basically an edgier Kang Daniel (another "basic uggo" idol Inetz are confused why Koreans stan en masse) from another era, most solo artist are more provocative than idols. He's still a Kpop "idol", idk how else you classify popstars like Psy or Daniel.
Rain has a complex about his single eyelids (he said it before) but doesn't want plastic surgery so he wears sunglasses to look cool. SK public actually prefer non-plastic rough/manlier dudes with nice bodies like Rain than Botox/fillered-up idols who look fake, that's why Kactors like Kim Soo Hyun, Jang Dong Yoon, Yoo Ah In and D.O. are more popular actors than flowerboy idol actors like Lee Soohyuk, Cha Eunwoo or Jaejoong.
Btw Jang Dong Yoon like a prettier and manlier version of BTS Jin, if you watch him crossdress in female makeup in Nokdu (he's prettier than all the ladies) you'll understand why male Kpop idols look so appealing, it's ALL MAKEUP. JDY looks good without makeup but most idols look like crap and plasticky due to fillers.
No. 65224
>>65223cause if they show off their skelly 'abs' for more than 30 seconds they'd freeze to death
>>65222that's cause tvxq and exo had those concepts before the flower boy trend. now you won't catch many of these male rookies doing that concept unless it's a cover
No. 65228
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>>65200 FILTERS.
I'm serious, camera filters. These days dramas, Kpop vids and photos are filmed with filtered lenses which alter skintones automatically. I doubt all Korean actors had skin bleaching even the old folks but everything looks fairer and brighter on Korean TV nowadays due to the abuse of camera filters. Compare Rain in
>>65223 where he looks much whiter naked than
I owned camera phones in the 2000s and none of them had filters so your skin tone would be sallow or dark in bad light, now all smartphone cameras have inbuilt beauty filters and glow-up apps, a lot of 2000-era Kdramas don't look as good as 2010-era Kdrama which have filters making everything look dreamytoned.
No. 65234
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Some Brazilian youtuber did a video about prostitution in Kpop and put Jisoo in the thumbnail. Blinks are harassing him… This is ridiculous
No. 65243
>>65241 Jihyo should embrace her exotic non-Korean features with bronzer or fake tan rather than look pale and boring. She would stand out as a hottie rather than meh in Twice.
Tan skin is more sexy, like Son Dambi, Hyori, Hyuna in Bubblepop. These days idols are too scared to run with sexy concepts because they get stereotyped as sloots and hated by Knetz.
No. 65254
>>65139lmao thats just shadows below her right nostril. what made me confused is the blurred line on her nose bridge? tf is that? nose job scar (if getting scars on that area is possible) or just shadows as well?
>>65195I second this. Actors/actresses arent as tired as idols
my friend has uber clear skin, not one zit in sight. Her whole family has clear skin too, so its possible to have w/o editing. sage for blogpost No. 65317
>>65237I also don't get it, to me they all look about the same. Especially Jungkook always does that and he's all insoles
But I guess you can't be a soft baby cow if you aren't sm0l kek
No. 65335
>>65317that baby cow shit was traumatized for me at first to see ngl
no way bts hasn’t seen that shit kek would pay to see reactions especially from jimin
but back on topic it’s kinda funny how much of a big deal they make it out to be
honestly they make it sound like jimincel is 4’1 when he’s average
No. 65355
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No. 65359
>>65355Did jungkook gain weight? He looks 85 kg here
looks a lot healthier and muscular
No. 65362
File: 1575287092774.png (374.42 KB, 542x600, Conan_KDrama.PNG)

When Conan was in that Korean drama and looked so offputting but the girl looked fine, thats when I realized how desensitized we are to seeing idols with these filters.
No. 65377
>>65365>no bts memeber seems anaThis. All of them have normal bodies, some are more skinnyfat, some are more muscular, no big deal, there's nothing to discuss here.
How can anybody call jk skinny when female idols exist?
No. 65382
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Since some people asked how short sperm look irl, but didn't get an answer from all those not so secret fans who attented their concerts: just look how kai (who's one of the tallest idols) is not much bigger than your average middle aged/oldish lady. Now you can guess just how twinkish the rest must be…
No. 65389
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>>65382It's kinda blurry but I'd like to add this. The others were only slightly taller than ellen and keep in mind that they were using insoles so it's possible that they're the same height as ellen or even shorter.
No. 65390
>>65382Average? ellen is 5'7".
And since when is Kai one of the tallest idols? When I think of tall idol he definitely does not come to mind.
No. 65396
>>65391So ratmys accused her of being a malicious attention whore for nothing…? And what about her collegue who got fired?
Fans are hard in denial kek
>there are plenty of (asian) girls/women out there who honestly don't mind PDA with the opposite gender friendsBecause especially asians are known to be casually touchy feely, amirite? Manner hands say Hi.
>A korean reporter who saw the cctv said on youtube that jk actually hugged his whole group of friends aka 5 ppl including that girl…Yup, totally believable that he backhugged all his friends one after another, especially seeing as the others were men lol
No. 65400
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I dont think kai bleached his skin. Maybe he looks paler in some pictures because of the makeup and the lighting.
No. 65402
>>65357Cause they're thirsting. Bunch of resident jkfags who probably do those jk cute bunny or golden maknar compilation on youtube
>>65359His twink ass wishes he ever weighted above 75kg. He can't bulk for shit
It's been aleeady 2 days and ratmies continue with that tired
victim narrative.
>eViL bIg 3 is BoYcOtTing our opparsWell bitch maybe they didnt want to attend some flop and low level award show that wasnt even broadcasted on cable lol
No. 65405>The thing is Han Seo Hee probably also knew about Seungri and co but she denied it because she 'wasn't interested' in Seungri. She is not 'exposing' idols out of the goodness of her heart, but out of grudges. I think comparing her to a good person like Hara who genuinely wanted to help is pointless (btw, i'm not calling HSH a bad person because she DIDN'T expose the molka, but because she's trasnphobe and ableist)Koreans don't dare to shit on her for now because she was clearly very close to Hara, but ifans continue to hate her to death.
She's only 24 now and those scandals have been going on for years, so they really want to hold a young girl accountable for
not speaking out? Seungri getting off free of punishment shows just what kind of powerful forces are behind all this, being scared would be just natural. Look at how the actress who spoke out in that old fake suicide case of another actress is treated like, Seohee being rich wouldn't have protected her at all if somebody decided to do something to her.
Plus, if everybody who knew something
must speak out, then why are Gdragon-oppar and and all the other yg idols allowed to stay silent?
No. 65407
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>>65382>kai (who's one of the tallest idolssince when?
No. 65434
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>>65407He might be lying about being over 180cm, but when you on the other hand also have idols who are lying about being 170cm,then this does make him tall in comparison.
In the end the point still stands: most male idols are shorter than him but he's barely taller than Ellen who's not tall for a woman - and therefore in conclusion nearly all male idols are short.
If Johnny is 180cm, then what about him…
No. 65439
>>65434why is them being short a necessity to you?
what does short even mean to you? different part of the world different standard.
check average sk male height, most idols will not be much (more than 7cm) shorter than that.
pictures in which you cant see shoes are useless.
idols are not gonna add 10cm to their actual height.
i added a youtube vid of byg saying he is 179cm. you can use him as reference.
No. 65447
>>65439>different part of the world different standardOf course but nevertheless it's something most of them are rather insecure about, so pointing that out hurts. Their egos are so big thanks to their fangirls coddling but height is not something any ps could fix.
>idols are not gonna add 10cm to their actual heightYou greatly underestimate men lol
>>65446Why are newfags too retarded to put their youtube links into the box which has 'youtube' written next to it?
No. 65460
File: 1575319619585.jpg (83.32 KB, 600x804, tumblr_inline_o0d14sDziP1t19ou…)

Ok so i just realized that Got7 Jinyoung looks like a boring plastic version of Rain.
I know when people talk about companies adding similiar looking idols purposely they mostly talk about sm but i think JYP purposely added Jinyoung because they thought he would be something in his group but he is irrelevant.
They even have a similar smile.
No. 65461
>>65460School pictures always touched up ya know; stop posting them itt
>he is irrelevantIdk much about him but wasn't a main cast member in a recent kdrama?
No. 65468
>>65461>Being cast in a kdrama means famousAlmost everyone in their mother in a kpop group has been cast in some kind of kdrama.
Even that one girl form that flop groups CLC was cast in a kdrama.
And when you are from a powerful company then its even more easier to get casted.
>>65463It looks like he had his eyes done and im suspecting he gets regular botox shots on his jaw when his jaw starts looking too big.
But other than that he does look natural compared to other idols who have over five plastic surgeries.
>>65464Im pretty sure Jackson,Yugeom and Mark are more relevant than him.
No. 65474
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yeri must be delusional if she thinks anyone believes she looks like this
No. 65476
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So Yeonwoo and Taeha have left the group and Daisy is still under negotiation.
I guess this is the end of Momoland. No. 65479
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holy shit they look like something out of a junji ito manga
No. 65480
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>>65477The styling is fine, but her face just looks so off, especially if you look at her previous pictures on instagram, img attached
No. 65482
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Ok so these pictures disgust me.
Idk why but whenever JYP takes a picture with twice he always looks like their pimp and twice look like his prostitutes waiting to be sold for 300/hr.
No. 65483
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Does anyone remember when Jyp did these sexualized ''weight loss' posters and add's with Twice which were targeted toward middle school and high school girls and included sexual remarks such as ''make the skirt tighter''.
No. 65486
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Nayeon has become the most over-sexualized member of twice, and she is always given the most skimpiest clothes or always the least amount of clothes.
It wasnt like this in the past so why is JYP over-sexualising this girl, is it because she is the oldest?
No. 65487
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>>65447height pics just or you anon
No. 65488
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hope that puts the adding 10cm to actual height to rest
No. 65489
Before we start exo (like all idols) are wearing insoles to appear 2-7 cm taller than they actually are.
Now that we got that over the way.
Ryan gosling is 1.84cm
Meanwhile it says that chanyeol is 1.85cm.
But looking at this picture you can tell that chanyeol is SHORTER than ryan gosling.
Sm really needs to stop lying about their idols height or not even let them come to america because then the truth comes out when they have to take pictures with actual tall people and not even their insoles can save them.
No. 65492
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>>65489Reynolds is listed as 188cm though
No. 65493
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and insoles are not 7cm…thats rare. mostly just a few extra.
No. 65494
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some neg comments regarding reynolds meeting with the guys.
lsm working well to get his boys name out there. good networking.
No. 65496
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>>65138Why is no one commenting on how fucked she looks? What's with the creases and cracks in her skin.
No. 65501
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Twf literally all exo are manlets except for kris but he left exo a long time ago so no one cares about him and chanyeol (but not as tall like sm lie but somewhere along 1.79cm. )
No. 65502
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That time when ivanka trump was taller than almost all the exo members.
No. 65503
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Driver is listed as 189
No. 65506
>>65505Exofag BTFO
and your oppas are wearing insoles…soooooooo.
sage hoe
No. 65511
>>65505you cant just admit it that oppa is manlet can you awwwwww.
Chanyeol and kris(he isnt even in exo anymore lol) are the only tall ones.
And all the exo memebers (except for chanyeol) have looked smaller infront of alot of western.
>>65509>>65510funny how when we shit talk other groups and talk about them for hours it okay but the moment we mention exo then suddenly mentally challenged butthurt eggs cant handle it.
Can eggs also learn how to sage.
No. 65514
>>65512Im pretty sure that ratmy's love bp and twice.
Are we not allowed here to talk about other groups because we might upset the stans or eggs and should talk about jungkooks tattoos 24/7.?
No. 65517
>>65511Funny how that's all you can shit on EXO when at least they have some decent singers in it while BTS sounds like screeching goats.
And yeah, height and weight are common lies to every group out there so this convo is pretty ridiculous.
No. 65519
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Baekhyun looks 27 going on 45..LMAO
No. 65529
>>65519His face looks like you poured a gallon of grease on it lel, it seems like kpop idols have never heard of ''blotting paper''.
But sometimes a greasy face can be a side effect of too much Botox and fillers………
No. 65535
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(samefagging) No. 65538
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“visual qUEEN”
No. 65540
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>>65487>>65493>>65492Can't compare actors to idols, there's a reason why popular actors are successful solo acts and idols get shoved in a group. Kim Woobin used to make EXO, BTS, Shinee etc look like midgets while hositng MNET MCountdown, in that pic only Kris Wu can match Kim Woobin's build (prob no other EXO member wanted to stand next to KWB) and he left EXO to be a film actor in China too. Kek
No. 65541
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>>65538her nose is truly horrifying… but she's only one in Twice with some personality
No. 65543
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No. 65545
>>65541well this is rather more what an average sk looks like when not pumped full with fillers to even out any folds and add height to the nose.
looks fine to me
No. 65548
>>65488>>65540Lmao so obvious that half of EXO are scared to death of standing next to tall dudes like Kim Woobin and Ryan Reynolds so Chanyeol is forced to act as the "divider" in photos.
Idols are often considered too ugly to become actors even by Knetz, you'll never see Jimin, Jungkook, Chanyeol, Kai, Sehun in dramas or films because they don't look conventionally attractive for TV unlike Go Soo, Seo Kangjoon, Park Hyungsik Ji Changwook etc.
No. 65556
all this height shit is so retarded. gotta take out the dirty rats and spoiled eggs
>>65553yeah him and many other idols have acted in dramas. most successful dramas rarely have idols in it but that isn't a factor that even stops nugus from acting.
No. 65559
>>65549 Meh Kyungsoo got popular cameoing as a psychopath in some film and in a small role as a mental patient in Jo Insung's drama. D.O. is not good in non-Tsundere or non-psycho roles and can't do action roles, I think like Im Siwan he will age into character actor supporting roles rather than Conventional Leading Man territory like Park Hyungsik.
>>65550 Most idols are forgettable actors at best and cringe inducing at worst. BTS V was so bad in Hwarang. I watched Goblin and even though BTOB Sungjae was praised he really looked like an immature kid next to Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook who had tons of gravitas, better speech and expressions.
No. 65567
>>65565It was well rated for a
cable drama and that was probably because EXO stans drove up ratings. Same as if V or Jin had a leading drama role, it'll prob have high ratings due to Ratmies even if their acting is cringe.
No. 65569
>>65550>>65553Nobody is saying V or Kai never acted in dramas, most idols dabble in acting once or twice and never again or continue despite getting flamed (Yoona LOL). Idols are shit actors because they are too concious of looking glam in pretty boy roles compared to serious actors.
Apink Eunji, Girls Day Bang Minah did OK in their dramas but the roles were specifically tailored for them or idol dramas/romcoms, it's hard for idols to crossover into acting full-time and be successful like Seo Hyunjin, Jung Ryeowon, Hwang Jungeum, UEE who do melodramas or serious historical roles that are not romcoms (100 Days Price and Hwarang are idol romcoms or fusion saeguks), e.g. UEE did a lot of romcom sidekick roles before she went anorexic and acted in melodramas as a dying cancer patient and a single mom athlete, that was when Kviewers and the Kdrama industry started to treat her as a serious actress in acting for the long haul rather than an idol dabbling in acting like P.O. in Hotel Del Luna or Naeun in that Cinderella drama. Suzy is still super cringe in any non-romcom role because she is too conscious of looking pretty in all her roles and can't immerse fully like UEE or Hwang Jungeum when they act as murderers or cancer patients. Most idols can't act in serious historical saeguks because their intonation and enunciation is shit, aka they mumble old Korean speech instead of speaking clearly and Korean viewers can't understand what they say without reading subtitles. Inetz often don't understand why Knetz complain about idols garbling their lines but imagine someone mumbling Shakespearean speech without enunciating properly.
No. 65571
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Was this really disproven?
No. 65572
>>65569 sourced list of idols/actors with good or bad diction according to viewers. Most idols have bad diction even the film major students, because successful actors are picked for their great diction at auditions while idols get roles for their fandom popularity.
It all comes down to how well Koreans can understand you without looking at subtitles, the best actors can speak very fast and also very clearly. My mother does her nails while watching historical dramas and gets annoyed when she cannot hear the lines clearly without looking at the screen.
No. 65575
>>65570Not saying it’s okay, I’m saying that at least I could pick her out if she were lined up with a bunch of other idols. She looks different.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think she looks good. Whether her face is too far from that ‘perfect’ idol face to even try ps to get it that way is a possibility too.
No. 65576
>>65571Samefag but oh my god…h…how could this possibly be disproven? Let me guess.
No. 65584
>>65503Uhh this just shows that chanyeol and sehun are actually tall tho
>>65579Google search glutathione, hydroquinone and benoquin. Also have u heard of michael jackson or do u think it was all vitiligo?
No. 65592
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>>65579then explain lil kim
No. 65605
>>65601eh not really nowadays northern Chinese people are tall
when I went there the men where 6ft on average and I even saw some 6’4-6-6’ guys playing basketball a couple times
No. 65606
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>>65554minho has an old looking face idk what's so attractive about the dude
No. 65612
>>65610I’m not asian
and plenty of people say the the same thing the northern chinese diet is has more wheat based food with more protein
No. 65614
>>65612The Dutch used to be short too I think they were 5’2 on avg until they included more diary in their diet
now they’re the tallest kek
No. 65623
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No. 65638
Just the fact that their once rival had a (not even very successful) comeback seems to
trigger ratmys endlessly, and not just this troll here. article is about chart manipulation, one korean comment mentions not even exo being able to beat iu, but the main thing is about completely different singers. Nevertheless, cue ratmys flooding the comments with "exo are irrelevant, eggs are delulu".
I guess the only way they'd ever be content is if their
boys would be the only group in existence. Talking about other groups is hate speech, all awards need to go to bts, otherwise it's unfair, rigged or racist.
No. 65658
File: 1575383174980.png (214.23 KB, 720x378, 5N4FN5l.png)

Kdrama actor, Cha In Ha
found dead. agency ( Fantagio ) released the following statement: Hello,
This is Fantagio.
We feel devastated to deliver such heartbreaking and unfortunate news.
On December 3, actor Cha In Ha left our sides.
We are truly heartbroken to deliver sad news to everyone who has sent lots of love and support to Cha In Ha until now.
We are filled with grief at this news that is still hard to believe.
We earnestly ask for rumors to not be spread and for speculative reports to not be released in order for his family, who is experiencing greater sadness more than anyone due to the sudden sad news, to send him away peacefully.
As wished by his family, the funeral will be held privately.
We express deep mourning for his passing.
No. 65659
>>65658why did you format your post like a plebbit post.
this thread isnt really for posting about actors…
No. 65670
>>65663You can go and see the length of the videos of their performances on youtube yourself.
>>65666>Details: A video of Jung Joon Young and Victim “D” having sex, taken without consent.>Received by: Group chatroom containing Seungri, Yoo In Suk, Burning Sun employee “Kim”, Choi Jonghoon, Kwon Hyuk Jun, “Park”, “Heo”.There you have it. And the braindead cunts on allkpop are still crying about him being innocent because "he wasn't sentenced!!!
No. 65678
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What does it take for those fangirls to finally leave their oppars' side? Nothing would probably be ever enough to convince them.
No. 65694
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No. 65705
to be honest i agree with
>>65699. this seems like a pretty bad move on halseys part because that interlude is almost guaranteed to do better than most of the actual songs on her album (unless her label does some trickery) purely based on rabid armys streaming it. they dont give a shit about her or her music outside of her bts collabs and anyone who isnt already her fan will not care about any of the other tracks enough to check them out, specially after the way she was publicly complaining about the fandom on twitter which made a lot of people start to dislike her. obvious clout chasing is obvious.
No. 65706
>>65698sperm concert anon here imao
well during the actual sperm songs, you couldnt hear ANYTHING from ANYONE but during his solo he sang over the track the whole time but i didnt really bother forming an opinion whether it was good or not
No. 65712
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>>65710That's what all the not so closeted ratmys on pull claim…
Is jk trooning out, adult man turned little anime girl? Is he himself so desperate to gain back the fans he lost because of his scandal or is bighit forcing him to act like a retarded toddler?
No. 65714
>>65712lol if junglebook really wanted to appeal to those fans again he would have turned back to the bowl cut/brown hair combo a long time ago
he’s just being a troony retard
No. 65716
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>>65712 Ao3 fanservice at its finest
No. 65718
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>>65694Does someone even care about Halsey in the US?
No. 65720
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Last thread we were talking about the dynamic in SNSD.
I don't know if it's just me but Jessica always felt like the most 'idol' out of all of them despite not being the face of the group. I think she was probably my favorite member though I don't know their personalities very well (aside from Taeyeon lmao).
She has a super girly (nasal?) voice that suited SNSD songs the best out of all of the vocalists in SNSD imo. She has obvious plastic surgery which imo made her look a lot better for the idol gig. I know people say Jessica is botched now but her best look was between 2011-2013 for sure. She also looked a lot better with the idol styling than she does now without it (namely, the side bangs), while I don't know if I'd say the same for the other girls–especially Yoona who suits makeup ads like Nature Republic, despite being the most "beautiful" or w/e.
I never was a fan of SNSD but the group seems weird, like a bunch of mean girls. I've seen Sones admit it now, but back in 2014 you were attacked and vilified if you said anything that wasn't pro-OT8. I've also seen Sones recently in Youtube comments who are vocal about supporting OT9 only though I don't know how you can stan a group that has Jessica AND Taeyeon in it now that it's become obvious that they always had a lot of tension.
Does anyone have thoughts on this?
No. 65721
>>65720Same anon– reading over this I sound like a Jessica stan (I'm so sorry ugh) but I was a fan of 2NE1 at that time and I guess I just like talking more about the 2nd gen milk.
The SNSD situation was very milky but I think there's limited info because rabid Sones at that time covered shit up. It's so weird how Sones flipped the switch in like one day from OT9 to OT8.
No. 65723
>>65712I think that he's desperate. Dude refused to eat a single strawberry because of his diet lol's trying to get back those fans with his twink "abs
No. 65726
>>65723>>65724>I had no idea jk was ana b4 joining this threadMaybe because it's not true…?
Everybody would diet for a bit before a super important event if they were celebrities, him not wanting to eat past midnight is not proof that he's ana. He's probably one of the heaviest idols out there, why is everybody on lc always claiming he's starving? I really don't get it. Why be concerned for him when there are hundreds of idols who are skinnier and unhealthier?
No. 65735
>>65734nta seohyun was a batshit crazy autist with no personality traits other that being a whiny bitch when someone called her
also I was in love with Sunny for a loooong time, I considered her my ub but then she went to shit after lion heart era, she also stopped visiting dr kim as often and it showed oh god, she pretty much went from the hottest to the most botched member this quickly
No. 65738
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Lol why is allkpop releasing such a callout article?
Fangirls create multiple accounts, constantly upvote their favs, that's why Jimincel and Kang Daniel are always at the top of the searches, but the actual articles aren't viewed often because that korean site recognizes your id and therefore only counts it as you having clicked once, no matter how many accounts.
>Although Kang Daniel, Jimin, V and Jungkook's articles are the top commented, liked and upvoted articles, they are not even on the 'most viewed articles' list.
>Summary is that, general public don't care about idols at all but unfortunately, we're leaving in an era where you should stream a song 24/7 even if you don't listen to it, stream a MV 24/7 even if you don't watch it, buy many of the same album even in a digital era, tweet hundreds of times a day, so that your favorite group can be considered the top group.
Pic was followed by loads of people commenting shit like
>I'm a 40yo fan and my mother LOVES bts, that's proof that everybody likes them!
No. 65750
>>65740He was allegedly only part of one chatroom, as you can see in picture 1.
In addition stated one of the shitholes, Seungri at that time told them to stop sharing such stuff.
Seungri got mixed up - allegedly on purpose by reporter Kang - with the other LEE Jonghyun.
So VIPs are going crazy on twitter.
No. 65756
>>65754Check for yourself idiot
>>>/ot/171649Did you mean the anti kdrama thread? Yes it was made about a year ago but anon particularly said "kdrama" not "anti kdrama"
>>>/ot/245695Obviously we know who the retard is here
No. 65762
File: 1575417271168.png (554.78 KB, 1029x493, 1575416927643.png)

>>65759Nigger that isn't any weirder than announcing it in the
kpop critical (fka anti kpop) thread. Jfc
(racebaiting) No. 65763
>>65762I'm not even that anon but the actor she mentioned was technically a kpop idol too. Learn to read. Anyways I'm outta here. It's just funny how some anons go through the roof after a death's announcement of some actor but they talk about actors (also how some actors are hOtTeR than oppars) and movies and no one says anything about that. On top of that they ask anon to post on a dead thread instead.
Ps. At least I don't go around posting retarded kpop memes, claiming to be anti kpop
No. 65767
>>65763 was a member of Fantagio's "actor group" SURPRISE U, which is very similar sounding to Fantagio's other Kpop actor group 5urprise. They are not idols but Kpop actors put in a group to gain popularity afaik? seems to be debuting actor groups left and right wtf, hope they know what they are doing instead of messing up prospects. Cha Eunwoo, Ong Seongwu, Seo Kangjoon and maybe Kang Taeoh are promising star level actors under the company but the rest are kinda meh.
No. 65769
>>65767Yep that's why I said "technically" since that group also released music so it's not too far fetched to post about him on this thread. I only knew about them tho, not a secret stan wking my favourite group.
Not sure if you should add the second paragraph however, that'll make some anons reeee cause they can't comprehend what actor groups mean and direct you to a dead thread instead.
No. 65773
>>65628It's especially ridiculous that in the intro the Itzy members say
"I realized all my pains and emotional sufferings came from trying to be someone else"
when it's your job to play a character on and offstage as an idol.
You could argue 'itzy is just taking on the role of a character for the intro/some of their songs' but I think JYP knows many teenagers will think Itzy really does feel the way they say they feel in the skit so they're still selling the idea that those are Itzy member's real thoughts.
No. 65783
File: 1575423750241.gif (2.47 MB, 500x208, Nokdu.gif)

Daily reminder that actors >>>>>> idols
No. 65802
>>65794>the “visuals” look less asian than the “normal/ugly” onesColored contacts and dyed hair are limited to idols, non-idols in Kpop never try to look Western and keep to dark Asian hair and natural eyes. Ideal visuals in SK like Song Hyekyo, Han Jimin all sport a modest chaste Asian girl concept that means they can't do sexy/dyed hair/colored contacts etc, ideal male visuals are a lot of single eyelid dudes like Ha Jung Woo, Jung Woosung etc but Kim Go Eun is getting popular for being pretty despite having small eyes thank goodness. She's the best actress in her generation imo.
Idol visuals like Irene, Tzuyu, Seolhyun, Suzy, IU, Jungkook, Sehun, Eunwoo, Krystal, Jennie etc etc don't look white. Tzuyu Seolhyun Jennie Krystal are tanned, IU Irene Sehun are anorexic looking. Jin has single eyelids. In Kpop it's well-known if you are visual tier, the stylists won't mess too much with your Asian features, it's usually the uggo members who have to be experimental (see RM/JooE/Jhope/Jimincel sporting weird blond or neon hair and contacts)
No. 65803
File: 1575427744110.gif (5.73 MB, 500x447, Jimincel.gif)

>>65802Most Asians are acutely aware that blue contact lens and blond hair look gross AF and unnatural, except Jimincel who is now addicted to styling himself White to cover up his insecurity for being ugly, seeing how his popularity exploded after the Blood Sweat Tears MV. He's going to be the cringey orange-haired ajussi with green contacts at age 40 LMAO
No. 65809
>>65696Why? Go back to twitter
>>65698Is one anon attending a sperm concert really the thing waking up this thread? When you're all closet kpop stans who have likely been to at least one show before? Pathetic, just be honest with yourselves fucking rats
>>65699As if one INTERLUDE would be the thing keeping an entire album from flopping? lmao besides the general delusion & widespread autism, one of the most annoying things about kpop fans is their lack of knowledge about music and the music industry bc kpop isn't really about music, it operates in its own weird little bubble where up is down & left is right, it's literally a bubble of delusion disconnected from reality
Kpops bizarre customs has so many of you believing in the dumbest shit
Halsey has been a problem since long before her association with bts. The fact that rats will support her garbage album based on an INTERLUDE (how low effort can you get?), ignoring everything else wrong with her esp the general attention whoring, clout chasing, pretending to know anything about the state of affairs in the u.s. …just bc she appears friendly with your oppars FOR THE CAMERAS for the sake of clout? A new low. I guess ultimately y'all are just spending your own parents' money tho & it's their fault for not pursuing treatment to keep your mental illness in check lmao
No. 65810
>>65803 The amount of neon hair dye/color contacts an idol uses is often inversely proportional to how good-looking they are naturally:
SNSD: Yoona vs Hyoyeon
Momoland: Yeonwoo vs JooE
BTS: Jin/Jungkook vs Jimin/RM/Suga
Got7: Jinyoung/Jackson vs Bambam
Twice: Tzuyu vs Dahyun
2NE1: Dara vs CL
No. 65814
>>65812CL's hair color is usually blonde, aka she looks too basic/ugly in black hair like Jimin.
Another example is BP's naturally pretty visuals Jisoo/Jennie usually styled with dark hair and eyes while Rose/Lisa the "ugly" members who did PS get neon hair.
No. 65818
>>65813I’m gonna get shit on for saying this. Ex-ratmy here (we mostly are, don’t lie) I’ve seen BTS super up close twice and sort of up close once. I always thought Jin’s looks were severely overrated, that his face was too asymmetrical and his nose was kind of blobby looking.. but he is honestly the most attractive person I’ve ever seen in real life. I was shocked. J-hope is also way better looking in person but I wouldn’t consider him stunning or anything.
Go ahead and make fun of me.
No. 65822
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Astro fleshing out the Kpop golden rule of dark hair = visual member, dyed hair = basic/uggos
See also Gidle Soyeon.
No. 65824
>>65819I live somewhere worse so that’s probably saying a lot.
>>65820I didn’t get a level view of him and I wasn’t paying attention so I couldn’t tell you. I was next to suga level view though and I remember him being my height but I’m 5’5 and was wearing slightly chunky sneakers. He has the body of an 11 year old girl. was shocked at how little his frame was. I distinctly remember thinking how skinny suga, Jin and V were.
No. 65828
>>65720Ot8, ot9, why does it matter? It's over. Do you have a time machine? None of this matters but fans discuss it with such reverence, why can't you just admit you're in a cult? Boomers reminiscing about woodstock are at least talking about a real tangible event they attended. Kpop fans discuss minor rivalries or little scuffles within groups that literally don't exist or are just speculation, & weirdly there are always new fans coming along to hook their wagons onto this train of repetitive obsessive thought, thinking its normal
Ironic how we throw the word "autism" around so loosely here, when perseverative thinking is an actual trait of autism
>>65735She went from being your uLtiMaTe BiAs to the garbage bin because she stopped cutting into her face? Daaaaamn I knew some of you folks were cold but that took some balls to admit lmao
>>65708Isn't that just her name in korean characters roughly? Why do you think she won't figure this out on her own esp when you're admitting it here in plain English? Or maybe her bEsT fRiEnD rAtmOnnnnsTeR will translate, I mean they're like BEST FRIENDS U GUYZ.
No. 65830
>>65720I genuinely never understood Jessica's appeal.
>Voice was awful yet she was part of the ~vocal line~>Couldnt/wouldnt dance or at least refused to put in effort half the time>As much of a bitch as Taeyeon most of the time and even had fans calling her ~ice princess~ as if being an asshole is a term of endearment(same goes for her sister tbh)>Was genuinely one of the prettiest members but destroyed her face and denied having anything done though it had completely changed the symmetry of her face and made one of her eyes wonkyI dont think she should have been kicked out tho.
No. 65831
>>65795Props for trying but none of this spergy word vomit is
valid when it is literally a celebrity's job to maintain their appearance, esp k idols
>>65803Whoa I guess hell has frozen over bc I'm about to lowkey cape for jimincel kek I highly doubt all his styling/fashion mishaps are on him, it's the stylists. For reference, see every kpop group that's ever existed, ever. Are you new? They don't choose this shit, why else would suga have neon pink hair or those horrible crimped waves for fakeu lubbeu? Why would jihyo or wendy be such hair disasters going on two yrs now? Why won't they hem sowons clothes properly, why does soojin look 40, why is aoa jimin literally my personal sleep paralysis monster? Why wouldn't they let jihyo keep her dtna look? (she looks worlds better w/ long hair & a tan just like hyolyn) if idols were allowed to make these decisions this type of thread might not even exist bc there wouldn't be so much milky shit to spew literally every single day as kpop stylists continue their bizarre quest to be the most controversial as they purposely fuck with their charges' appearances just for clicks or attention.
Also virtually everyone agrees jimin looks best w/ black hair & he hasn't had a consistently dark haired era in a long minute
I always want to bring up RV ice cream cake when the discussion heads into this territory, but I feel like I'll get banned just for making one statement, booooo
No. 65833
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>>65822Idk they all look so haggard to me. Soojin is often seen with dark hair but I don't think she's visual.
No. 65835
>>65831 >>Also virtually everyone agrees jimin looks best w/ black hairAre you a Jimincel stan? Wtf no one thinks he looks good naturally, not even Koreans or his plasticfag British twin who has blonde hair kek.
**The Kpop general rule is, stylists will force "ugly" members to dye their hair or wear contacts the most often because they look too basic .
Example 1: CL, Soyeon, Ratmon, Jimin, Dahyun and JooE are usually the member of their group who dyes their hair the most. The less naturally beautiful they are by Korean standards, the more they are forced to experiment with dyed hair and contact lenses to look passable. JooE & Dahyun are non-visuals who signed up to get their hair fried 99% of the time in exchange for being in a Kpop group.
Conversely, top visuals like Eunwoo, Yeonwoo, Jungkook, Jackson almost never have dyed hair, Google it.
Example 2: Google any picture of Blackpink, you'll notice Jennie & Jisoo the 2 girls who are Korean beauty standard
always get dark hair while BP stylists make the other 2 lesser visuals (sorry Thaifags) get colorful hair, because they are less appealing in dark hair. Amazing how consistent BP styling is, as if their stylists maintain a visual hierarchy within the group.
No. 65839
>>65750Seungri most definitely was a pimp of some sort at least even if he wasn't doing the raping/filming himself. YGE shredded a lot of documents before Yang Hyun Suk was taken into custody and I'm guessing those documents had proof of his direct involvement. I'm 99% sure Seungri and YG settled with the police and they're burning JJY and the others at the stake instead.
>>65825The official "visuals" don't go crazy with their hair because they need a uniform look for CFs and such. Jisoo hasn't had crazy dyed hair since AIIYL, Irene last dyed her hair in Rookie era 2 years ago, Yoona also stopped around IGAB era I think.
>>65833They're so busted holy shit. Even their "visual queen" Shuhua is OK-looking at best. CLC has some cute girls and Cube isn't a small company, is this really the best they could do?
No. 65840
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>>65838Makes you wonder why though
No. 65848
File: 1575440159314.gif (Spoiler Image,812.5 KB, 498x390, Hyebin.gif)

>>65835 Yeonwoo has left Momoland, Nancy is now the visual but I agree, Momoland Hyebin who looks like Jungkook's gf Mijoo is always sporting weirdass hair colors
No. 65849
>>65795lmao this is the best thing ive read in this thread, seeing the reaction of a
triggered ratmy after visiting lolcow for the first time is priceless
No. 65853
>>65850Nancy reminds me of an anteater with those beady little eyes and long narrow nose of hers. But hey, she’s white and that’s all it takes to be a visual in kpop apparently.
>>65847Right? Jungkook isn’t even a top visual in bts.
No. 65878
File: 1575448116215.png (1.17 MB, 1269x723, Screenshot 2019-12-04 at 08.28…)

wtf is this styling
No. 65881
>>65853Are you mad you didn't get into UHSN anon?
>>65850>inb4 anons wking kayla because she didn't deserve getting hated for her weightPlease be consistent
No. 65887
>>65850>>65853Edward Avila is that you? Sorry, that your ana body wouldn't make it instead of all those fat little halfu girls.
Obvious jealousy is obvious…
No. 65895
>>65858I skipped thru & im glad i caught jimincel @ 1:20, he looks either super bored or like "aw man, i wanted to be the hot main center guy on this one" idk, i can't explain it but i kek'd
Good call on this vid, it's a good example of what youre trying to say. To the autists above me, stating who you think is objectively handsome, tall, a good center or whatever else is not evidence of being a secret stan. Any reasonably mature person with a brain can make observations without sperging "EVERYONE IN EVERY KPOP GROUP IS THE UGLIEST TROLL TO EVER LIVE" Nayeon & Dahyun are two of the ugliest uggos in kpop history, for me, but i accept there are folks in here who disagree. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
No. 65920
>>65919It's really funny when slaves like them to a grueling system like kpop telling you to "fight the SySTeM".
And what's funnier, those fans don't realize that BTS are fighting against the "evil system" that is the one giving them a working place and giving ratmies the content they can't live without.
The result is an even more dumbed down generation. Not to mention some of the ratmies will procreate. That's when we'll hit rock bottom.
No. 65922
>>65920It’s strange to me bc BTS has been snatching daesangs left and right, but for what exactly? Sucking some American dick. Award shows are all rigged.
They aren’t “fighting the system” anymore, they’re shaking hands with it.
No. 65924
File: 1575473690309.jpg (263.41 KB, 1080x758, Screenshot_20191204_163224.jpg)

jin calling out chart manipulation in his acceptance speech? interesting.
No. 65927
>>65925don't you have to enlist before turning 28? he just had his birthday so he turns 28 this time next year so he'd have to enlist shortly before this time next year, right?>>65924
preaching about making good music while having released mikrokosmos earlier this year omg. i guess it's bc the court case
No. 65929
>>65928wouldnt be surprised if more than just jin enlist.
the one thing they have that other groups cant emulate easily is the close bond. if they enlist separately…it would be weird.
woudlnt be surprised if they split and do a 3 and then 4 people enlistement with a cb inbetween.
No. 65934
File: 1575474996918.gif (9.65 MB, 800x636, 005OXGwFgy1g9l3nljt0jg30m80hon…)

lizard boy needs to put his tongue away ew
No. 65949
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>>65878Suga's jaw shave and other surgeries made him look fucking awful. He used to be cute (pic rel) but now he just looks bloated and botched.
No. 65957
>>65949there are other idols who are from the countryside and don't act like that, hwasa for example.
v is just an asshole
No. 65958
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>>65952Filler and jaw shave completely ruined him. He still looks fine in some staged, edited pics in certain angles, but it' still a big downgrade. He looks like old woman in his candids.
No. 65960

>>65957Hwasa is. A a girl, growing up in those areas means you were made to do chores and cook for your male family members while they played outside.
>>65958 Unmanly is the word. Suga lost his manliness by jawshaving ironically men usually want chiseled jaws.
No. 65963
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>>65850Kek "Hyebin is cuter
No. 65964
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>>65963It's as if Momoland stylists hate her
No. 65965
>>65957Second this.
Besides that, I really get tired of the permanent excuses for assholes. At some point you grow up and if you lucky enough, like for example V, and got much exposure of a more developed standard of society (not only with moving to the capital, which still is misogynist in case of Seoul), but also have influence of western societys and values, you decide for yourself if you want to stay ignorant and an ass or not.
Offtopic but I stand with my point. Vs behaviour today at MAMA was painful to watch.
No. 65968
File: 1575482664575.gif (2.88 MB, 498x280, 068E652B-7005-480A-9B7D-D85B63…)

Suga was so hot before his jaw shave. Hnnng.
No. 65971
File: 1575483348481.jpeg (136.99 KB, 355x766, D6EDDBF2-8F64-46FE-BCA0-B9A66F…)

i knew that he’s ugly but i’m honestly shook at how old johnny looks
No. 65972
>>65968I didn’t say he was hot before, just in that picture . He was extremely average before the shaving. And I’ll be honest he looks pretty gross in that gif
>>65966This will likely not sway you but I was actually never a rat, never even heard of them until faku lovu (I was a Loona fag….unfortunately……….sigh) anyway people can have opinions on appearances and not be stans/ex stans
No. 65986
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>>65984 #1 female Kpop visual
No. 65990
>>65988> pretentious i see it like he knows he and nct suck and are unpopular so he tries to overcompensate and ends up as unnatural
all ncts know this, some are really sad about it (yuta and haechan)
No. 65992
>>65822 Who is the leftmost dude, why are his eyes like that?
I feel bad for Astro, if Cha Eunwoo ever leaves the group they're practically finished.
No. 65994
>>65993the only reason why yoona (and the rest of the visual line) have hype is because they are skinny, have a small jaw from surgery/filler, wear makeup that's way too light, and have deer in headlight eyes. plus they got popular in a time where there wasn't too many established token visuals outside of actors.
super tinfoil but to this day i still think jessica was kicked out because of a vote between the members. sm idols wear her brand's clothes from time to time and some fx members even attended a flag ship store opening i believe. sm wouldn't do that if they kicked her out because of something she did. i'm p sure if the members of, at the time, the biggest asian gg refused to attend events cause of one member they'd get rid of them asap.
No. 66004
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Never understood Yoonas hype either. She’s got an off putting smile and deranged eyes.
No. 66005
>>66001nothing new.
vid related: admits to idols and trainees getting jaw/chin done (apparently also surgery).
talks as though its normal and desirable. if medical i get it….but cutting bone, having an invasive surgery just for some current set standard? nuts.
No. 66007
File: 1575493851504.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.55 KB, 576x1024, hiphop-god.jpg)

>short, ana, fat bloated face, bad proportions, thinks being pale is a personality trait, tiny af eyes, pig nose, what is an upper lip?, the same bowl cut since a decade, rbf + acts rude 24/7But of course all those young boy loving domme farmers flock to him…
Not even his fans know how to properly shield him acting like an ass, they either claim he's "so savage" or "actually a shy cinnamon roll". At least Jimincel does fanservice and acts all smiley to make up for his mess of a face, but Suga can't even arsed to pretend to not hate his fans.
He didn't even bother with wishing his fellow group members a happy birthday, despite just being next door, what does that say about someone's personality? There are zero reason to like him.
>>65924And now everybody is kissing their ass even more…
No. 66009
>>66004i think its all just hype.
records sell well due to good marketing.
peoples 'visuals' sell well due to marketing as well.
No. 66011
>>66010this one:
>>65949and the earlier one:
>>65968look the same to me. he got skinnier but jawline stayed same.
distance from ear to back jawline is same. nothing was cut off. at least i dont see it,
No. 66012
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No. 66017
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>>66011i had a hard time finding it too. But i started agreeing with anons the moment he looked off. Shaved down his jaw and cheekbones, then pumped with fillers. its a sad year for sugafags
and for me No. 66026
>>66021>>66022>>66023>>66024I mean no matter how hard Yuta works, people only notice his horrific jaw shave and talk about how he's a case of plastic surgery gone wrong.
Taeyong is SM's favorite in NCT but Yuta needs to get a jaw surgery revision if he wants to get popular in Kpop.
No. 66028
File: 1575498092309.jpeg (132.95 KB, 750x491, 0FFF856D-FA22-4291-928F-180601…) ah yes it had nothing to do with the burning sun scandal or sm basically eating itself by promoting scamct and neglecting their popular artists, it’s all bts’ godly impact crushing the big meanie big3
No. 66032
>>66028i think SM is making plenty money.
They are following whatever their business stats are telling them to do. Fans hate it but seeing as how they have continued with this model it must be working for them.
No. 66033
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>>66027Yuta's jaw and nose looks sharp enough to cut glass
No. 66038
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What's with their eyes?? They look so creepy. Has Dahyun gotten work done?
No. 66039
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>>66037You know it's bad when the most distracting dyejob/haircut SM gave him can't hide the pointyness
No. 66043
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Ngl I think Yuta was kinda cute (by regular guy standards) in 2016
No. 66045
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>>66040fake or real its an eyesore
No. 66046
>>66043He looks like a suju member at best.
Are Jin and Jimin ugly or is he cute, /kpc/unts? You can't have both; they're all roughly looksmatches.
No. 66047
>>66039Lol but tbh I'll always find it sus how sm fucked him over like that for his debut. As if that hair wasn't enough they pumped his chin with fillers just a couple days before 127's debut
after the mv was already filmed. If he really wanted a pointy-ass chin he would've done it long before and let it have time to settle, not go out looking like that
No. 66048
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>>66037No way. No fucking way. He looks like the crimson chin in the second pic…
No. 66062
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>>65932What? It's not the first time they look hideous
No. 66064
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>>660622019 is the worse I've seen them because they look like geezers now. Bangtan Ajusshis.
No. 66066
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I know almost everyone in snsd has botched their faces at this point but jessica's is something else. All those fillers and ps make them look older than they actually are. Early 30s is not even old but their faces
No. 66076
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>>66075 It's not his fault but Yuta's claim to fame among Knetz is his weird chin and that rep is hard to shake off
No. 66097
File: 1575512686768.jpeg (30.02 KB, 749x779, ECxuEAPVUAAXBbU.jpeg)

>>66091Ok weeb. As if jfashion hasn't morphed into kfashion 2 in the past 5 years. Every guy in nipland wears those same ankle(ish) length pants.
No. 66099
>>66097At least the Japanese have diversity in their fashion
Koreans strive to all look the same
No. 66110
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Are they looking for sponsors ?
No. 66116
File: 1575523105969.jpg (159.39 KB, 785x1200, EK-8E-9VAAA8wKj.jpg)

>>66042I just searched for a recent pic out of curiosity and yeah he looks
so much better lately.
Lol I have more hope for botched idols now because I didn't think it was possible to recover from shit like this>>66076
No. 66119
>>66012I feel like many idols are bowlegged but no one ever talks about it
>>66064Stuff like bad styling is dumb to sperg over bc it's the stylists, not them, & I think they run out of ideas so the styling just gets weirder over time? They're all trying to be original or stand out…& in six weeks they'll have a diff look anyway
I wonder if jimincel demands his pants always be tapered tho, that happens too often to be coincidence
& I'll never understand how idols skulls don't just burn off from the constant stripping, bleaching, dyeing. Hyoyeon must have the strongest scalp in the industry
>>65970Hilarious cuz fans wont make this kind of thing for other idols, they know it'll shine light on the ps they fight so hard to deny
The fact there are still fans who deny BTS ps is simply unacceptable, these people need to be euthanized
>>66038Might be uppers
No. 66120
Samefag, sorry –
>>66067 see above, you might be right, maybe that's why his styling often slightly bothers me? It's not always on theme. What a fucking diva
P.s. I am actually clinically retarded, why is jimincel called the lizard & not V? I think this is the third time I've asked this, sorry, I don't understand so I keep forgetting.
V is the one always sticking his tongue out for literally no reason
No. 66122
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>>66067well it seems like jimin likes to dress like a grandpa when he gets to choose his clothes
No. 66127
File: 1575536110881.jpeg (66.25 KB, 540x810, 877D9B19-E755-40C6-98F5-5DE92B…)

Hey anons is it just me or are hairstyles like this look annoying to deal with…
I imagine V gets hair in his eyes and constantly has to brush it away from blocking his sight
No. 66130
>>66129>>66129Naw I’m just wondering cause that shit looks uncomfortable to dance with
I know it’s hiding his fivehead
No. 66138
>>66136That ugly fucker needed some PS, he never had a chance to be naturally good-looking. You
do have terrible taste and you probably still want to fuck him in both.
No. 66143
File: 1575542130320.png (144.45 KB, 286x340, 1575495670652__01.png)

>>66140Delusional sugarfags like you are the only ones insisting he doesn't and it ruined him. You're pretty much the only ones who keep bringing this up at all. Whats the point in trying to convince yourself that his "real" mug was (/more) attractive? He's not your husband, please love yourself.
No. 66150
>>66142Don't you mean two sexists? Considering there were two of them who called women their "ideal pets."
I hope they lost a lot of fans after that, but honestly, considering oppalogist culture, I wouldn't be surprised if the fans just forgot and/or glossed over it afterwards.
No. 66151
File: 1575546422283.jpeg (Spoiler Image,36.22 KB, 505x513, 97653FA9-AAA9-446F-825D-D85B6A…)

Thirst away my loves
No. 66166
>>66151have you read the title of this thread?
>Kpop Criticalthis isn't a place for fangirling, shithead
No. 66170
>>66169Careful tho, there's been bans for using emojis or twitter slang ironically or sarcastically or when quoting something
Also learn to sage so your dumb ass posts don't draw so much attention
No. 66177
>>66151looking at this makes me realise just how low the standards of kpop stans are
his body looks like that of a 14 yr old and his fans are acting like he’s some kind of sex god
No. 66180
>>66150>>66173look at that #apologizetopieceofshit hashtag.
people whine about economic and ecological situation but dont seem to understand that the first step for an improvement is stop being fooled. That applies to everything. Kpop shows humanities worst traits.
No. 66181
File: 1575555943069.jpeg (320.79 KB, 1367x2048, 1574289938613.jpeg)

>>66176Yeah haechan is pretty ugly and his fake savage personality that so many idols have is so tired. They talk useless shit in safe situations or make snarky remarks to fellow members on camera, but when things get real they become huge passive chickens.
Totally savage /s
No. 66182
>>66179what are they supposed to do in your opinion to upkeep the illusion? cry a river every time they have an appearance?
Its a work relationship. something happens, you get on with it.
idiots will still see it a magical little get together. some people just dont have a grasp on reality, their bias can do no wrong
No. 66183
>>66181is that nct? the group whos lives have been interrupted by managers cause they were going in a direction management didnt like!
its obviously all fake.
No. 66185
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>>66181i'm sorry but sometimes they do kinda remind bugs, the curvature of his face has a ladybug vibe
No. 66186
File: 1575557076030.png (48.36 KB, 810x516, isthisreallife.PNG)

>>66179I'm aware. So up until like a month ago, then. No need to split hairs, my point still stands
Losing him will actually reinforce the bond thing imo for fans who are treating it as a death in the family, also the remaining 8 will milk it for sympathy for as long as they can. Pic related
No. 66194
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>>66191connections, pic related
No. 66198
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No. 66207
>>66150>>66173>>66142Idk this guy or this group but I thought this was a misunderstanding from a mis translation
This kind of thing happens more than we think but there aren't enough bilingual fans dedicated to clarifying (I don't blame them) I think same thing happened w/ somi's dad's fucked up comments but the news cycle moved on so quickly, it was largely forgotten
>>66205>>66203Please report & move on w/o replying or drawing attention to it, we don't want to lose the thread
>>66201It has been, many times, just maybe not this particular article
No. 66215
>>66214I was talking about my country in particular anon, reality show voting here is free of all charges
Anyway, the GP seem to be more mad at Mnet for the time being since there's no evidence that the trainees were personally in on this, but X1 and Izone will be tainted by association regardless. Izone can still try pulling a KARA and promoting in Japan for the rest of their contracts but X1 seems well and truly fucked
No. 66220
File: 1575568438815.jpg (73.29 KB, 640x426, BLnFUYaCYAEfpPU.jpg)

>>66110Remember when T-ara broke into two groups after the scandal? 3 of them went to Japan to promote as ~pure angels~ and the others went to America and met up randomly with a bunch of American rappers, got publicly shamed and destroyed on a stage by Chris Brown, started meeting with literal pimps and known drug pushers in weird situations that made no sense for no reason. Thats what this photo reminds me of.
No. 66227
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>>66222where did you hear that members performed sexual favors?
>>66201the biggest surprise for me was that only one member was rigged into wanna one.
No. 66230
>>66224Wdym? I. e. #metoo didn't destroy or even change western pop/hollywood shit so why would that destroy kpop?
>>66229Burning sun didn't do that and it was a much bigger deal
No. 66239
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The only good thing about Netizenbuzz is you get to see both netizen comments and ifan comments on one article. Kfans are so sassy. No. 66252
"providing the favors"
be more obvious please. you're either a penis haver or yet another brainwashed libfem who thinks sex is ~*empowering*~
No. 66253
>>66252it's not that deep, if you're a lazy bitch who hates work and just happens to be attractive, why not whore yourself out
asking a real question here
No. 66257
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kill it with fire
No. 66260
File: 1575578082449.jpg (52.56 KB, 500x314, 478127.jpg)

>>66257jessica was genuinely pretty despite the jaw/chin area not being ~conventionally western~ so her botched surgeries hurt more than the other members
No. 66262
File: 1575578554454.jpg (24.49 KB, 644x395, w644.jpg)

>>66261Seohyun has always looked like a dictator kek. Like shes going to kill somebody from day one.
No. 66263
>>66238Sex trafficking is a BIG problem in Korea, and most of them underage. There are even some streets in seoul where you can easily buy out a
literal child for the night.
No. 66267
>>66177Agreed. He does*have muscles, but, it somehow doesn't look good? His body looks a bit feminine in a weird way?
>>66201So, somebody decided from day one that little Wonyoung is gonna win. I don't even want to know why they made that decision…
No. 66273
File: 1575585406088.png (532.47 KB, 718x622, Nightmare fuel.png)

>>66270Ok their music sucks but NO ONE in the group is uglier than Rose…
No. 66276
>>66225these sponsorships are not always sexual. apparently these chinese rich kids will spend money to meet up for coffee with an idol. the pop chinese sm artists (exos) are known for this, allegedly.
>>66231yeah, this is how its been working. it is improving though. im sure the more is exposed the better. i doubt much of it will ever come to light though.
remember the actress that supposedly named 31 high profile names in a note before killing herself? of course non of these men were instigated.
>>66238>are borderline underagedif anything then this will provoke outrage in the west, to not import this massive pedophilia from asia.
>>66240it definitely shows people how naive they are. not sure it will bring them back to the real world though.
No. 66278
>>66272agreed, besides the 2 collab songs with western artists. those are not bad and very radio friendly.
>>66273most idols are plain and bland. they need to stop this 1 aesthetic for all concept. it makes them seem like clones.
No. 66280
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>>66273are you kidding me?? rose and lia are on the same level of FUGLY
No. 66281
>>66240most of these girls are underaged anon… for crying out loud one of the izone members was born in like 2005
>>66275same. she looks plain but not butt ugly and is way better with darker hair. if she got rid of the indie voice she'd probably have an okayish solo career.
No. 66282
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>>66280Lia is cute and has a normal body. Rose is just scary tf
No. 66283
>>66273Ok but you purposely used a bad pic, come on we're smarter than that kek
I feel genuinely bad for rose bc her head is huge & there's no ps for that. You can only shave your jaw so many times
Army trolls, i don't use twitter so you're welcome to make a meme of the mma bts dancers dressed like the man in the yellow hat, also for mama jhorse is literally wearing megs hat from family guy
Kpop fashion kills me pretty regularly but especially the hats, how did korea even decide they liked berets and bucket hats?
No. 66285
>>66283A lot of anons itt use bad pictures of idols to prove that they're ugly…like come on everybody has bad pictures, and even the most conventionally gorgeous people look ugly sometimes. Just choose a more neutral pic and if they're actually ugly it'll show
Also the beret trend is one of the dumbest looking things right now
>mama jhorsemy sides anon
No. 66287
File: 1575590323887.jpg (1.36 MB, 1500x2250, IMG_4707.JPG)

To me, Seohyun is the biggest butterface. Her body is great and she's a health nut and all, but something happened after I got a boy promotions that her face started sagging like crazy
And Yuri did some shit to her legs now they look weird as fuck
No. 66294
File: 1575593669678.jpg (129.06 KB, 660x413, pk8RYYI.jpg)

>>66290 That's not a photo of Adriana Lima looking "ugly sometimes", it's her bare face aka what she looks like without 1kg of makeup
Rose is the least classically pretty member by Korean standards, that's why she's always has to dye hair outlandish shades.and why YG hasn't given her a solo. She got PS to fix her eyes but her chin is very long, there's no real fix for it.
Jennie and Jisoo know they are the naturally pretty ones in BP (they know Lisa and Rose's presurgery faces) and it shows in the way they behave towards other members esp Jennie.
No. 66300
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>>66294Let’s not pretend Adriana Lima is ugly.
No. 66303
>>66300>>66299Fags I don't mean Adriana Lima is ugly, she looks fine and cute in that makeup free photo IMO. The point is, saying a makeup-free woman is ugly is major shade on girls.
Most white women have skin like that irl, even the prettiest models look washed out. It's not ugly.
No. 66305
Stop talking about Adriana Lima, it's irrelevant & has nothing to do with kpop, take that shit to literally any other thread
>>66292I know, the way I wrote my post was confusing, I agree she's the least pretty but it's also disingenuous of anons to purposely post unflattering pics…so i meant both things
No. 66306
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JYP feminist icon
No. 66311
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Lol something I found
No. 66313
>>66306What power? The power of choreographing a performance? Just like every other kpop performance that's ever been choreographed since the 90s?
It's not just the dance itself, EVERY move & word onstage is scripted or at least somewhat preplanned. A group like bts, that has good chemistry that's been touring nonstop, can probably pull shit out on the fly pretty often, but still everything they do is calculated. Notice how they'll tailor fan service based on what fanfics or tweets have been trending. It's so brilliant, & still the fans don't see how they're being manipulated ahhhh it's so crazy!
>>65918Because that's what it is, fan service…read above
(aww they deleted their tweet, that was a good example of the pandering tho kek)
No. 66326
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>>66261She used to look like a troon before ps
No. 66331
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No. 66333
>>66331Suprise. Who would imagine someone gets bored in a Talkshow in a country you aren´t able to communicate.
Look at the faces of Idols in most foreign interviews, they all are bored as hell, if they don't speak the language.
And I hate to WK, but we all would, too.
No. 66335
File: 1575631111743.jpeg (29.14 KB, 370x362, 8DD5B913-3EE0-410F-8251-9CD3F6…)

can anons itt stop licking jennies ass and acting like she’s hot shit when she looks like a cross between a monkey and a frog
No. 66339
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Re. the designated "crazy hair color" members in every group, idk if it's the ugliest members like some of you are saying? V often has neon hair while ratmon & jhorse have more natural colors. Itzy visual members have unnatural hair, the uggos have dark hair. Also mijoo red hair lately, solar blonde lately, I mean we don't need to hash out every exception but you get the idea
Is it more about personality? (wacky "4d" taehyung, yuqi, dahyun vs. boring-as-cardboard tzuyu, seohyun, eunha, miyeon) Or it's about whichever member theyre promoting atm?
Hyoyeon was considered least pretty in snsd but she also legitimately looks best blonde & has stayed blonde for like 10 yrs
I think Rose has been forced into blonde or red simply to be diff from the others (it was smart how they went black, brown, blonde, red for coachella .. ditto for RV, red flavor era) also I saw a comment somewhere saying blonde or red fits the soft/cute image they want for her. i agree she's the least pretty in her group but that doesnt seem to fully explain it
No. 66340
>>65735>>66261>>66262>>66326Seohyun is boring, leading a very quiet live (I don't even think she sings anymore?), she never did anything shady, so what's with the sudden random hate? How does a baby look like a dictator who wants to kill?>[+22, -2] But fans of other foreign artists translate the lyrics themselves too>[+20, -2] I support Big Hit on this. Whenever I watch videos of foreign artists, there are never any Korean subtitles. The Korean fans have to voluntarily do it themselves, right? So why should we offer subtitles for free? I think foreign celebrities purposely do it since fans will naturally take an interest in their culture and language as well.>[+17, -0] When have we ever seen a foreign artist provide translation services? This is Korean content, and translations should be a choice, not a necessity.>[+12, -4] Have you ever seen English speaking celebrities provide translation services? This is such a ridiculous request..>[+11, -2] As if Hollywood or other foreign pop artists provide Korean translations for us. Why should we do it for them? If you like them so much, translate it yourselfTopkek knets showing iratmys some love. This reads like how to be a nationalist 101
I really hope that at least some of them will demand refunds, even if that hurts their oppars' pockets.
No. 66344
>>66339rose looks cute here. the fried hair on her and jennie isn’t a good look though.
>>66340they sound like men. she always got shit on for being emotionless “seobot” or whatever but she’s never had any real scandals or done anything to indicate she’s a shit person unlike ty.
No. 66345
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This stupid pandering needs to stop lmao. Now it's some show on Netflix.
No. 66353
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>>66335Despite her gummy smile and negative ass, she is hot and she knows it. She's the type men want to fuck. The fact that she behaves like a spoiled little girl somehow adds to her charm.
No. 66354
>>66331As much as I hate ellen, shitting on job opportunities you were given is also rude imo. Especially since they mentioned korean shows being sooo much better like 3 times. It's just patriotic asskissery.
Plus, the interview was only 3 days after sperm debuted, what kind of
deep question did kai expect? Should have asked them how much they starve and if he plans to get his skin lightened lol
People always say that this annoying kboo girl who somehow gets to interview all kpop groups is so much better than all other american interviewers, but exo were also making fun of her, so you can safely guess that they'd never regard any non-korean as good enough.
>>66353I don't get it either, but I've also heard normie guys say they find her super hot… Appearantly not just male kpoppies like girls who are super young and skinny looking.
No. 66364
>>66354>It's just patriotic asskisseryI totally agree. It's just more of their nationalistic bullshit. "Oh we were in America making money and trying to get on their music charts and we also want to to perform at the super bowl but don't worry guys! Their food is gross and their shows are so boring! SK is superior in every way!"
It's seriously rude and unprofessional. Like how hard is it to show some respect to the places you go and the people you meet?
No. 66369
>>66353gtfo, this is the rant and nitpick thread. for thirsting head to general.
>>66364the worst part is, the ifans dont get it. They are too delusional to see that.
>>66365>baekhyun also said he told lsm his opinion about sperm and in return got 'lectured' (whatever that means) for 3,5 hourslord i wish we could get that convo. would be best milk of the year. if the guys actually disliked the whole sperm thing and just did it to stay within the graces of lsm, props to them for pulling it off.
i just wonder what will happen with it. did they sign new contracts for sperm? for how many years?
No. 66372
>>66335i never see anything but hate for jennie in here? other than
>>66353 which is obvious retarded bait
No. 66373
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>>66369He tried to play it off as funny, but then you remember that he's a nearly 30yo man who's still not allowed to even slightly talk back at his boss…especially since he was asked for his opinion
No. 66384
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>>66377>>66381Presurgery Rose looked like Dahyun, YG prob made her get eyelid PS in Korea to be BP's vocal member, whereas Jennie is the pretty kid groomed to be the visual (she's not a rapper kek) since she entered YG, that's why they are treated different.
Rose is pretty but her face is big and fierce-looking which Koreans dislike. Intl audiences will like it more. In Korea Jisoo is prettiest because she looks kind and sweet, the way to figure out which idol group member is the ideal SK visual
>>66339 other than to see which member keeps their natural Asian hair/eye color the most, which means stylists think they are classically attractive and perfect as is, is to see if they look like a typical Kdrama hero or heroine. Like a damsel in distress. In Blackpink only Jisoo has the TV actress look, Rose/Jennie/Lisa don't.
No. 66386
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How Jisoo is considered a top visual in Korea I will never understand. She only looks good from one angle when she’s making a straight face. I find her kind of ugly in motion and when she’s emoting.
No. 66387
>>66329>>66330>>66382>It's honestly better than anything on Persona>Suga is the only member whose solo stuff is bearable to me>I don’t mind his stuff at all>I’ve got a friend who’s an ex-army who says Suga is the only one who she’d follow for the sole fact he can actually produce musicYour 'friend' is an 'ex'-army? Anon, please…
Sugafags, I really don't understand you.
No. 66390
File: 1575657949701.png (99.36 KB, 710x612, thespergisreal.PNG)

>>66354>>66331Kpop reddit is fucking insufferable, change my mind. "I find it comical when…" oh my god get off your high horse, no one cares about your STILL VERY NICHE boy band
When fans start reciting this shit I just nope out. Notice people don't copy/paste a grand List Of Achievements when they mention Taylor Swift or Drake, it's bc they don't have to lmao
No. 66391
File: 1575658097639.png (105.57 KB, 739x539, thespergisrealpt2.PNG)

Samefag, we joke about autism in here a lot but imagine actually publishing an essay about american late-night hosts in an attempt to defend your very immature, very entitled Sperm cells
If they're such sEaSoNeD pRoFeSsiOnALs they'd know that such comments are in bad taste…but fans apparently love hearing these groups trash their american activities bc bts do this too.
>>66360Youre not alone anon, the cringe was overwhelming on that one
No. 66394
File: 1575659339059.gif (748.7 KB, 320x180, JennisLisasocks.gif)

>>66389Koreans think Jennie is pretty but has star disease, she made Lisa take off her socks and made her manager cook gopchang for her while she waited inside her illegally parked car like a spoiled princess (normal folks BBQ it themselves and eat it straight). She is like Han Ye Seul Teddy's ex gf, there were even rumors Jennie dated Teddy because her vibe is similar to HYS, hot but bitchy. Jisoo is the bland damsel which SK loves.
No. 66409
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No. 66411
>>66404I don't see the problem with this argument. Koreans act as if wishing for english sub is unreasonable and entitled because western artists don't provide korean subs either.
But it's not like ratmys are asking for polish subs or whatever their native language is, they only ask for english. Many of them are very young kids, so maybe being a stan served as motivation for trying to improve their english skills.
I'm with them on this, bighit and bts act like absolute asses.
>>66409>the ackshual messagesSuch as women being like gonorrhea?
No. 66413
>>66403If you really think subjective opinions don't exist you are actually on the autism spectrum, please take care of yourself anon
>>66404It's not white/euro nationalism to accept english has the widest reach internationally esp in media. Acting like every potential English speaking fan should learn Korean instead of the other way around is so laughable it goes without saying. Pretty sure kpop cos want to make money.
>>66410For some reason that doesn't surprise me, are her stans claiming "there's a lAnGuAgE bArRiEr" or some other weak cope?
No. 66415
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>>66410yeah same, and one user brought up this
similarly to irene, i think lisa’s much more cunning than she lets on
No. 66417
>>66415Would be interesting if the naive, mistreated, sunshine girl is the actual bully and not the other girls who most regard as bitches. Imo it's rather unfair anyway to shit on the female idols for having a rbf.
Not sure about Irene, it's not like she pretends to not be quiet/cold, but Sunny always gave me major scary snake vibes.
No. 66419
>>66403you're so obtuse oml
>>66417of course the bully/bitch of the group would act sweet and nice and naive on camera. fans would eat it up and it would hide their real self. i feel like jennie and lisa are faux mean girls who act mean behind scenes in korea and sea because of their clout (which is fading by the days; and in jennies case she acts mean on camera too bc she's the main 'rapper') but get scared and timid when they go to europe or america where they are nobodies and people won't be afraid to clap back or expose them.
definitely agree with sunny being two faced. she'd always have quick jabs and rude things to say to other members for no literally no reason. i also remember that another member mentioned that she would talk back to staff but wouldn't get in trouble because of nepotism (isn't she related to lsm? haven't stanned in years so i could be wrong)
No. 66426
>>66413>>66419I don't question subjectivity, I am simply stating facts. Same as if I said Irene is the prettiest RV and some faggot said but Wendy is pretty too dUmBaSs DifFerent tAste. Common !
>>66422>Rose is considered the prettiest after JisooSo she is the third, just in front of Lisa. What a shocker considering Lisa is SEA !
I'm not saying Rose is hideous but WK are defending her only because of the underdog effect.
No. 66429
File: 1575672345342.jpeg (56.16 KB, 749x668, ELAHumeVUAEvBWi.jpeg)

Seems like all the other kpop fandoms are slowly turning their back on bts, and tbh as much as nct or loonafags are annoying too, I'm for everything that hurts bts and their braindead minions lol
Mama seemed to have been even more of a shitshow than mma. Exofans are upset because they mocked (although they didn't even attend), got7's performance video was deleted, monsta x and chungha had to perform before rookies and so on. Many already boycott it and the ones who attended only got to perform shortened versions of 1 or 2 songs.
Meanwhile bts performed a whopping 45 minutes, got 7 awards and the camera constantly panned to them to show their reaction.
Everybody knows the show is completely rigged, but despite being so rich already, bts shamelessly won't let go of a single chance to get even more money, praise and attention.
The past few years it was also mostly obvious who's gonna win but at least other artists also got the chance to promote themselves, now it's only a bts/bighit concert (and ratmys are so proud that they're bragging about this…)
If ratmys acknowledged that it's unfair, they might have gotten away with it, but instead they only retort with bullshit like "Well, they deserve it?! Bts were also treated badly in the past, where were you back then?!
No. 66432
>>66426> So she is the third, just in front of Lisa. jisoo is considered the prettiest member by far, she’s the literal visual, which would make rosé the second prettiest if anon is correct.
just because yg keeps shoving jennie down everyone’s throats doesn’t mean people find her prettier than the literal visual.
>inb4 waaah stating facts means i’m a jisoo fag No. 66441
File: 1575676343980.jpg (26.99 KB, 800x450, 1.jpg)

>>66432Iirc the GP thought Jennie was too ugly to be an idol when GD featured her in his "Black" performance on Inkigayo.
Also,I'm pretty sure she also had some sort of ps done. None of BP are completely natural,no matter what they say.MAYBE Jisoo,maybe.
No. 66444
File: 1575677933358.jpg (71.74 KB, 720x690, 3QWZSwW.jpg)

>>66435>>66135 IDK why Taehyung gets hyped as the top male idol visual. He's not even as good-looking as idols like Taecyeon, Cha Eunwoo or TOP despite being shorter. His looks are mostly thanks to stage makeup, Bigshit uses whitening BB cream to lighten his tan, plus color contacts and a bowl cut to hide his huge forehead. He can't act in a Kdrama lead role that requires the character to show his forehead LMAO
His eyelids are asymmetrical and he looks really disinterested nowadays. He WAS great on stage from 2013-2016 when his dance expressions poppes, after that he sorta matured and lost his beagle enthusiasm.
No. 66445
>>66444The asymmetrical eyelids aren't a big deal (I actually find little imperfections like that charming) but
OOF that hairline… I bet he's going to hit the wall hard, too.
No. 66448
>>66444>>66445>>66446…and we talk about V and his forehead at least once a week, with these exact photos attached
but hey they really don't lighten up his skin much, it's one of bigshit's claims to fame tbh
I'm more interested in his super off, aloof attitude during this mma/mama extravaganza, is he just tired af or is he now replacing jimincel as the group's resident smug diva?
No. 66451
Come on wtf is this? Have they EVER sung a song live straight thru? They aren't touring nonstop or pumping out new albums every 3 mos & they weren't reported ill or injured afaik. They had literally one job here, perform ONE song at mama 2019. One song. What is the fucking issue?
Jeongyeon & tzuyu are so checked out, & nayeon's hair is an actual crime. This flesh color washed them right out too
>>66447No. This pic is posted so often it's literally a meme at this point. Be original
No. 66452
File: 1575681016979.gif (6.89 MB, 600x338, 0D4FD172-719C-48A8-9940-029892…)

Thread banner nomination?
No. 66454
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>>66448Ratmy super interested in Taehyung shocker. He should try a chonmage hairstyle.
No. 66456
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Speaking of foreheads, who thought it was a good idea to style jin's hair like this?
No. 66458
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>>66456Ratmys find this attractive
No. 66464
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Ratmys are spiteful assholes and they wonder why people hate them.
No. 66467
weren’t boybands supposed to be attractive?
No. 66468
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No. 66471
File: 1575696018218.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1490, 0AC4B7FB-72C1-497F-8B52-FCD0B7…)

Being disgusting as always
No. 66472
>>66464>>66466These people are either whatever the equivalent of trailer trash is in their country, or actually on the spectrum. Nothing else can explain this level of rude, or lack of reasonable social behavior, it's just incomprehensible
Whether it's the grammys or a childrens piano recital you hang & you applaud even if the song sucks. And if this girl is so unhappy why is she even there? So many questions
Also why the fuck do ppl watch concerts thru their phone screen, like oh my god there will be literally dozens of fancams on youtube tomorrow, you are literally choosing to have shitty life experiences lmao
No. 66475
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No. 66476
>>66451Jihyo gives off this massive matron vibe no matter how she dresses or acts. Maybe that's why she's one of the least popular members despite having big tits and dating Kang Daniel
>>66452I always maintain that no Kpop idol is truly ugly but Hwasa might be the exception to the rule. She's the Lena Dunham of Kpop (because she insists on showing off her ugly face and doughy body despite nobody wanting to see it)
No. 66478
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kek at jimincel sitting on the floor
No. 66482
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sage for more jimincel but what did he see lol? he looks disturbed
No. 66483
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This is what IU sees in the corner of her room at night when she’s having sleep paralysis.
No. 66485
>>66353>She's the type men want to fuckThis comment is so fucking stupid, I can't get over it, lmao I mean well over 90% of the world's male population would fuck any of the four of them, and likely every other female idol group too
(Idk why y'all keep posting this shit gif btw, the dance move is retarded & Jennie's body is almost as featureless as ratmon's egg face)
The only jennie comment more cringe is the "come fuck me" eyes thing
>>66360 that was so cringe it hurt
I actually nominate that as banner pic if someone makes a good meme out of it
No. 66487
Jimincel is so fucking ugly, & unlike many idols it's not bc his personality is shit or bc he has negative talent. He just is that ugly, he looks like an actual furby. And his and Jins DSL are so off putting, how could anyone kiss that…im shuddering
Being ugly in itself is fine, look at jhope he does ok…the problem is fans buy into jimin's sob story. There is nothing worse than an attention whore with
actual narcissistic personality disorder.
>>66478There's nothing funny here, stop baiting
The only time he made anyone laugh unironically was unintentional when he was brushing his teeth in that fight vid. Literally everything else he's ever done has been 100% calculated, watch him, he doesn't do anything spontaneously, not even making it look that way, + his fan service is so obviously forced it's actually distracting
>>66476thank you, jihyo always looks 40 regardless of hair style, idgi
No. 66491
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>>66444>>65460 2pm Taecyeon was the Rain after Rain not Jinyoung, 3rd gen idols are are flowerboy sissies.
No. 66492
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>>66491Nah I disagree. It's 2pm's junho, not him.
No. 66493
>>66456Jimincel looks the faggiest but is always the touchiest when it comes to women.
>>66491There are plenty of korean youtubers, models, actors, etc who are very tall, muscular and manly, so claiming that shitting on bts or other male idols' looks is "racist against asian men" is absolute horseshit. Nobody else is nowhere near as girly as them, normal korean men don't look like gangnam aunties with little girl bodies.
No. 66500
>>66486>Do any of you think BigHit is trying to become a monopoly instead of breaking the supposed Big 3 “monopoly”?Absolutely. And they're succeeding rather well already.
But there's no use arguing with their stupid fans, every single conversation goes like this:
>all other kpoppies: award shows are rigged>ratmy: bts deserved their gazilliom awards and hours of screentime! >others: nobody even mentioned bts…?>ratmys: why are you so disrepectful, bts is kpop, they're literally the biggest artist in the world, we are the biggest fandom in the world,…>others: in a couple years mnet will also turn their back on them>ratmys: we already know how it feels to be disrepected, bts never won anything until last year, blah blah… No. 66502
>>66500 I am not a Ratmy but it's dumb AF to think Bigshit are anywhere near making KPop a monopoly when CJ Entertainment are the biggest competitor. SM, YG are publicly traded companies, JYP a long record of making hit groups like Wondergirls, Itzy, Twice, 2pm. Bigshit doesn't even own their own HQ, they rent and unless they can secure outside investment or produce another hit group once BTS go to the army, they won't be able to build their own building.
Bigshit only succeeded at making BTS huge so far, TxT and Gfriend are nowhere as successful so Bang PD has to prove he can be a serial hit group maker like Lee Soo Man (BoA, TVXQ, SuJu, EXO, SNSD etc) or JYP, it won't be easy to convince investors to invest in BTS when the company's income relies disproportionately on 7 dudes who are about to enlist.
If anything CJ Ent, Mnet's parent company, is slowing trying to form a monopoly by rigging shows like Produce 101 and buying up small idol firms left and right.
No. 66504
File: 1575709287258.jpeg (309.69 KB, 1125x1777, 7FE07C68-E6BB-48A5-8BC5-979451…)

Ratmys are having an autistic meltdown, as per usual, because apparently Katy Perry made a joke about bedtimes, and they’re really trying to convince themselves they didn’t “start it”. Kek. This is why everyone despised rats more than almost any other fandom. Absolute childish trash bags.
No. 66509
>>66508Shows just once again Ratmy seriously need a timeout. It's not even that deep to begin with. Was there no other chance to play
victim as they usually do that they have to turn against this singer? Or simply they lame excuse, why they left, what they have planed anyways.
No. 66524
>>66482I hate you faggot ratmies. Stop posting these faggots and go to the boy spam threads.
>>66516They are truly sociopaths. They act like the Cult of Scientology. Deny and Deflect.
No. 66527
>>66522not every asian girl looks the same you absolute retard. it’s perfectly fine to find jennie ugly, it has nothing to do with anyone but her.
you sound like the stans who cry racism the second someone doesn’t like your oppars
No. 66528
>>66526Samefag, found this stupid ass tweet. would someone even use this clip? Is this produce? This sounds like absolute ass. If you’re trying to make your fave look good, you didn’t
Sorry. I didn’t care about any of the other tweets besides this one cause it’s so bad?!
No. 66536
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Very relevant
No. 66540
>>66527the only thing wrong with her face is the lack of fertile coloring that make-up imitates and that asian people don't have it in an obvious manner because of the tanned skin
you're a racist scumbag, accept it
No. 66542
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>>66539I’m wondering if the mods don’t care about /m/ and /w/. There’s a shitload more moderation on the other boards, especially /ot/, but obvious newfags can congregate and bring their friends here and shit up the thread. I came here to be critical of Kpop, not speg about idols that certain fandoms hate. I also don’t come here to read obvious fangirls trying not to appear excited about pictures only stans would like or care about.
No. 66545
>>66540>all asian girls look the same!!>waaah a rando doesn’t like my unnie, raycis!!why are jennie stans the ratmies of gg stans
it’s her facial features that are ugly, not her complexion.
No. 66557
>>66547You must be a stan if you want people to explain what they find ugly about Jennie. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder so if you don’t think she’s ugly then that’s fine but assuming that people are racist or jealous because they don’t find her attractive and demanding a reasoning behind why people find her ugly is weird. I’m not the person you replied to but I’ll answer anyway since you asked.
I find her ugly because she has a weird baby face but not in a cute way. Lower half of her face is doughy. She looks like a bitch. Something about her face looks incredibly worn out all the time like she just woke up and probably smells like morning breath. Creepy smile with too much gums. Ugly flat side profile. Kind of looks like a parakeet.
No. 66559
File: 1575756869568.jpg (127.62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Imagine making a video on the differences between South and North Korea and then thinking natural attractiveness is somehow a well-evidenced difference between the two countries.
No. 66564
File: 1575757162038.png (15.2 KB, 200x202, bait.png)

>>66559Again a rat wanting us to talk about BTS's visuals
It's the talko, what did you fucking except ?!
No. 66565
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>>66557>i don't like her face because>it's 'chubby'>her eyes are sleepylmao you too are an aloof racist shithead, you think she's ugly because of her asian features, bet you think the only beautiful koreans are those with their eyes cut and their jaws shaved
No. 66567
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>>66512imagine implying that a girl is too ugly to be harassed by an old disgusting man
Jennie is no goddess but she has something that turns head and attracts attention. Deal with it and stop obsessing over her when there is no milk
No. 66569
>>66568>She’s Asian so all of her features no matter what they look like are going to be Asian.>i'm a woman therefore i have a feminine penis and a xy feminine biologyit's literally the same argument
i don't find her charming but you racists are just detestable as much as you are oblivious
File: 1575759150142.jpeg (196.97 KB, 1125x1052, D2F71FA8-62F8-44EA-94E6-2BFEDC…)

Sorry for the tw screenshot since the thread is filling up with them but ratmys are at it again. Persona wasn’t even good, they’re just psychos so dedicated to streaming that they don’t shower
No. 66575
File: 1575759360863.webm (1.42 MB, 640x1138, jennifer.webm)
>>66485Are you all mentally disabled? Yes she is the type men want to fuck, it's a way of saying she has sex appeal. Do you know what sex appeal is ? Now stfu fake woke retard
No. 66579
>>66574 Personally, I mostly lurk.. so I don't say much even when something bothers me. But you're right.
The women-hating anons are getting out of hand. Some of the girls getting called ugly aren't even plastic monsters and are objectively pretty.
Please stop the misogyny and love yourselves and other women anons.
No. 66582
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>>66574because they're both actually ugly as sin, dahyun looks like she has down syndrom seriously
No. 66587
File: 1575760424792.jpg (917.17 KB, 1000x1500, auschwitzdeportee.jpg)

>>66583> isn't ugly> but Alright… Rosé at the present moment is fugly. Better ?
No. 66599
>>66598hard non sequitur, disabled much?
and i agree, rats should fuck off back to their locked twitter accounts as they can't follow the fucking thread
No. 66600
>>66595the mod is a troon
the only people who badmouth radfems are not women
the evidence will grow filthy faggot
(ban evasion) No. 66604
>>66601you are agree with that you dislike her face for her asian features
>>66603how am I in the wrong? you can't explain
No. 66607
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>>66582Everyone shits on dahyun but she looks like a natural sk woman (obv I know she’s had plastic surgery), she just looks very average.
No. 66609
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>>66608This anon wins. Her figure legit disgusts me and I’m very concerned for her
No. 66613
Can anyone explain the katy perry thing w/ accurate quotes + context? Ratmy scum can't be trusted to give the real story
And why was that girl complaining ratmys were staying @ the venue after bts performed, when she herself was doing the same?
>>66575You so completely missed my point, it's embarrassing. That line is one of the stupidest things I've ever read in here. It's like the lc banner that says "if you have countless nudes of her naked then where are they?" It's so redundant & meaningless I actually thought we were being trolled.
The fact you are defending this person tells me you're almost as dumb as the op, & that means this threads in a very sorry state indeed…RIP
No. 66614
File: 1575770289042.jpeg (617.5 KB, 1242x831, 6F4A4105-FCB9-42E5-A2E9-E50974…)

The rats are so mad that Katy Perry joked about their bedtime that they’re digging up problematic things about her to try and cancel her. Lmao. I wonder if BTS has said or done anything racist in their past that could possibly be used against them? Hmmm.
No. 66619
>>66567the only reason why she turns heads is because she's Kpop's mean girl and can't stop causing controversies to save her life.Has she ever been praised (aside from rabid blinks)for doing something nice?
She looks bland as hell without YG's stylists and has the side profile of an old lady.
No. 66620
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>>66582both jeongyeon and chaeyoung look more like that than she does though? like its not even a matter of ugliness they both exhibit physical traits of someone with retardation or a syndrome
No. 66625
>>66574I feel you but it's way less deep than you think. The reason is either this thread is full of (not so subtle) jennie stans, and/or way more ppl know who jennie is just by default so when her name comes up more people give a shit & are more likely to chime in
I'm a loud & proud dahyun hater in here, there are lots of us. A huge part of the reason is her stans, they are EVERYWHERE & they genuinely, unironically believe she is one of the most beautiful idols of all time. Reasonable humans resent being forced to believe something that is so blatantly untrue. It's like that anon who doesn't understand objective vs subjective opinion ("rose is ugly there's no argument that's just the way it is hurrr durrr")
In twice, the same thing happens w/ chaeyoung, jihyo, jeongyeon & nayeon, just not quite as bad as w/ dahyun. It's not the girls faults, it's just their stupid insane fans, but most of you can admit it's hard to separate the two, esp when you're being spammed with it all over the goddamn internet
It's totally fine if they like twice. My issue is they can't recognize they find these girls pretty mostly due to their personalities or whatever else about them. And they get pissed when you show anything less than total blind agreement. Just like ratmy delusion, it's ACTUAL mental illness. I'm fine w/ ppl having opinions or liking their fave idols. I'm not fine w/ forcing opinions on others as facts & clogging up online kpop spaces with borderline aggressive spam
No. 66626
File: 1575772995241.gif (117.13 KB, 220x220, eyeroll.gif)

>>66613The word man in its definition =/= someone who wants to fuck everything Shakespeare, so now go push your "men are dicks" narrative on twitter
No. 66630
it's so funny how femcels in here are in complete denial of the attractiveness of female idols but they'll go on about how nana and sooyoung are goddesses who defy beauty standards.
femcels would rather die than admit a sexy woman is attractive regardless of nasolabial folds or some other arbitrary shit that makes lonely women feel better about themselves
>>66629why do you care so much faggot
go do something with your hair and go outside and meet a boy instead of reeing about women who have better lives than you
No. 66631
File: 1575773676166.jpeg (132.44 KB, 750x733, ELOFOAqWoAEUkCR.jpeg)

femcels have a lot in common with lookism incel guys
you both autistically pick apart people's faces and bodies of the same sex
>how can women like him??? his eyes are too feminine!!! he has subhuman bones!!
>how can men like her??? she has jowls and a gummy smile!!
No. 66635
File: 1575773898784.jpg (38.48 KB, 680x680, 1572062654238.jpg)

is it all because you're not asian and you still have asian girl envy from 10 years of kpop and anime?
stay safe(racebait)
No. 66639
>>66638go back to the radfem thread. stop recruiting and scouting, loser.
lol @ going online and trying to indoctrinate women into your nihilistic cult. go brush your teeth.
No. 66643
File: 1575774840645.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.62 KB, 600x637, 547773c27227f06ce2906e33e6c7b9…)

>>66630i mean, i replied once while it looks like you are the jennie spergchan from a few post above. but sure, i am the one who cares, totally not you. learn to integrate, this is the critical thread and nitpicking about appearances is allowed. learn to sage while you are at it too
No. 66644
File: 1575774946009.jpg (140.56 KB, 932x1024, ELOyKnLXkAAYZLs.jpg)

Male idols will always look so much worse than female idols ngl.
And no, I'm not an nctzen in disguise trying to find a way to post my faves. I genuinely find this hideous
No. 66646
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>>66644I feel every male group has at least one member that looks like Gackt at a random stage in his career kek. I remember seeing Leo for the first time and thinking he looked just like him, but he's had so many different faces at this point that theres at least one per group. For these guys its the one on far left.
No. 66647
File: 1575775321559.gif (4.41 MB, 270x480, 04C4D5EC-D471-4F3C-9189-C5569B…)

>>66609This is disturbing. Her company just lets her parade around on stage while looking this sick?
No. 66649
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>>66647Jesus…Ive seen quite a few ana tier idols but this is shocking to me for some reason?
No. 66652
I'm totally not condoning anorexia it's just dumb to say a person is so thin, how do they have energy to perform. Higher weight doesn't mean more energy by itself, there's too many other things involved, esp blood sugar & metabolic factors. Tho I guess I understand the assumption if their bone structure makes them look frail?
Sooyoung never looked frail to me, I think she legitimately was a smaller framed "naturally thin" type. She has an unusual body shape & size for sk, also she was tall. She doesn't give me the vibes of rose, sinb, or soojin who all have that look of, their bodies are unnaturally too small, bc theyre such bobbleheads.
I agree w/ some of those anons who speculated Rose & others can likely get thru concerts by strategically having a small meal + caffeine @ the right intervals. I think most idols are on uppers tho, you'd have to be to get thru these variety games & overall just be "on" all the time. It's so ironic that bom got busted for adderall bc I'd bet actual money that many idols are on an equivalent.
No. 66659
>>66656It all started with this
>>66335 so…
No. 66663
>>66630>it's so funny how femcels in here are in complete denial of the attractiveness of female idols but they'll go on about how nana and sooyoung are goddesses who defy beauty’s funny how it’s so clear you’re a stan who’s
triggered not everyone finds your kpop bias attractive. otherwise you wouldn’t even care what some losers think on a random imageboard
No. 66667
File: 1575800236696.png (77.26 KB, 1044x309, bro....png)

instead of fighting about people's faces, let's discuss major scandals this year…
screenshot taken from south china morning post, btw
No. 66671
>>66668Lolcow vs. one extremely defensive Jennie stan.
Who will win?
I'm surprised so many of you took the bait and kept on fighting instead of just ignoring them. Though considering how the last thread got derailed for literally over 100 posts I guess I shouldn't be surprised how this one ended up either.
The absolute state of this thread.
>>66670I thought the cause of death for Cha In Ha wasn't revealed. In my opinion Sulli got a lot of attention when she initially passed but it did seem like everything went back to normal in a few weeks. Disturbingly enough when Hara passed I feel like people got over it a lot faster, maybe because they were desensitized or they were expecting it to happen. Unfortunately I think it was because Cha In Ha wasn't that popular or well known compared to the other two so his passing wasn't discussed a lot. And then the people here were sperging about how it wasn't K-pop related even though he was technically part of an idol group (Surprise U). In any case, I'm sad about it too. May he rest in peace and may his loved ones be able to find peace one day as well.
No. 66678
File: 1575820029453.png (31.87 KB, 856x120, Screenshot 2019-12-08 at 15.45…)

was on a random video about making chicken noodle soup and i knew i wouldn't have to scroll for long to find army idiocy… seriously why do they all type like this omg. "paid the original artist millions" yeah that's how sampling works he's not a humanitarian
No. 66681
File: 1575833591412.jpg (120.75 KB, 1080x828, IMG_20191208_202513.jpg)

Everybody gets more and more fed up by bts and their fans' bullshit (even tho it's just because they're jealous that their own groups aren't as successful). Hopefully more of this will reach the general public/media and put kpop back to being just an obscure hobby, and not mainstream music.
No. 66697
>>66692so you are that spoiled egg that made that autistic thread that immediately got deleted.
and you think that you have the right to tell people to fuck off.
No. 66702
>>66701spoiled egg, if ''kys'' was a-logging then all the retarded eggs would have been banned a long time ago for telling people to kill themselves here.
Eitherway i wonder how long Hyuna and Edawn will be together, it would be very ironic if they broke up so soon since they lost their careers because of dating.
No. 66711
File: 1575853852946.jpg (209.82 KB, 1080x596, 20191208_190456.jpg)

I found this funny
No. 66714
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The absolute state of Namjoon rofl
No. 66720
>>66715he’s always so hyper
i need to get a hold of what he’s on imao
No. 66725
>>66656then hate on her. i think she's gay as hell. her aegyo shit is retarded.
you don't have to make up autistic rules as to why she /cannot/ be considered hot wrt to her appearance
>she has jowls!!!! No. 66738
>>66714He's like one of those rich old ladies whose face is super tight but their wrinkly neck gives away their age.
It's sad how he looks like at only 25, usually people that age can easily wear grey hair without actually looking old.
No. 66757
>>66755I always imagened it to be the other way around: jin being ignored and jimin trying to do fanservice with an annoyed jungkook. If jk really acts that way and allows retard v and jimincel to treat him badly then he truly is mentally stunted af.
And it would be surprising if him and jin really got along well, judging by their big age difference, but if true, then kudos to jin for being nice. Most young men would hate to work together with a 15yo.
No. 66765
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>>66740What? Using their names is now a proof of being a fan? Get the stick off your ass, you sound retarded.
On another noted,
>>66750 the tag is apparently trending again 'cause of h3h3
No. 66766
File: 1575900761003.png (14.71 KB, 583x94, rdftr.png)

>>66765same fag, stan twt used this tag to spam fancams instead
No. 66774
>>66772H3h3 is a hypocritical hambeast, I remember when he first did a video on kpop a couple of years ago was a complete mess and that retarded obese man didn't bother doing research.
I remember him going through Tumblr kpop and looking at pictures of shirtless baekhyun and calling him a boy and then seething with anger and jealousy at the fact that girls prefer pretty and thin men instead of fat,hairy and ugly men like him.
He also blamed all of Tumblr and the calling the body positive moment hypocritical for girls liking men like baekhyun not realising that kpop Tumblr is not the same as body positive Tumblr and that not everyone has the same views on Tumblr.
No. 66777
>>66769I guess you're trying to make "spoiled egg" a thing like "ratmy"?, but nobody but you uses it (it's obvious you're always the same anon judging by your typing style). You need to think of a better insult, "egg" is used by exo and their fans themselves.
>>66774>seething with anger and jealousy at the fact that girls prefer pretty and thin men instead of fat, hairy and ugly men like himYep, let's not praise middle aged mras just because they also hate kpop, he only does this because he likes making fun of and shitting on everything that girls/women like.
No. 66782
>>66779>>66774>>66777he is way more respected outside the little kpop bubble community. he called the kpop stuff rightfully out.
but way to go exposing yourself.
please move to the general thread, this is the critical thread.
No. 66784
>>66781how about spleggs? spoiled eggs is way to long.
or spoggs, …speggs?
No. 66786
File: 1575907574623.jpg (91.7 KB, 668x752, h3h3-theme-song-one-upped.jpg)

>>66780>Tell me this is not the second TVXQ … I hope this is not true.Too good to be true…
I guess all that fame went to their head, they really think they're
trve artists who could make it without a company, managers and dozens of writers and producers backing them up.
You're semi-talented fugly puppets, be happy with the millions you made so far.
No. 66787
>>66782and how did he even call them out exactly?
He is just mad that not all women like ugly men like him.
He has a high inflated ego,probably plans on fucking other women behind his wife's back once he buys that house with alot of bedrooms.
Kpop has alot of bad things in it but H3H3 is a piece of shit and only the weak minded and stupid can be entertained by that middle aged man.
No. 66804
>>66782lmao h3h3
respected? Anyone who respects that man and enjoys listening to his retarded ramblings has to be as mentally deficient as he is. Are you just defending him because he's shitting on kpop or do you actually like him? Because that's sad
No. 66806
File: 1575919215197.jpeg (304.16 KB, 750x728, BDB13BC5-B70D-4694-AF09-2C0F4F…)

>>66789>Mazel Tov, fellow groomers!Haha, I can see it. He spends his time making fun of women’s candid pictures vs. their instagram, calling them fat and ugly. This slap at k-pop is just another way of saying “anything young women like is retarded… if it isn’t me!”
Did he make a video or something? All I found were tweets saying internet comments caused suicides and not k-pop’s shitty slave industry.
No. 66809
>>66797people give a shit because everyone that doesn't give a fuck about kpop now HATES kpop
I just hope this means no more retarded ~American Advancement~
No. 66812
>>66806Of course he's trying to take the moral highground by pretending to care about the toxity of the industry and fandom culture, but it all started with him being a gross old fart who tweeted about what little girls "jerk off" too…
Most kpoppies comments are more sane and mature than his (minus the ratmys who pretend to be old).
He can hate whatever he wants and talk about that, but he's also very obviously a homophobic sexist.
That comment nails it
>Some men literally freak out about sports and it's no big deal, ppl just like to hate on things girls like No. 66814
>>66769Just face the fact that the majority of people who hate bts hate them for good reasons and not just because they’re an exo stan. A lot of the people who shit on bts here are ex -rats who got tired of their shit or secret rats who are desperate enough to talk about them that they’d anonymously shit on them just so they’re able to. It’s obvious you’re just a rat who gets
triggered anytime anyone has anything negative to say about bts that you try to shut them down by accusing them of being exo stans.
No. 66816
>>66810except it's a circle jerk of retards with mutliple stan accounts
most normies know who h3h3 is
No. 66819
>>66812Listen, the guys is not perfect but i'm all for hating on kpop and enjoying the reeeing it brings. Go mald about Ethan in the Youtube thread on /snow/.
If Joe Rogan did the same, I would agree with him too. Everyone would. Calm your shit and stop being mad he called you out.
I thought this was Kpop critical, not Kpop general?
No. 66820
>>66769Funny that nobody gives a fuck about exo and "eggs" and the only time they are brought up are when ratmys start crying.
If "eggs" were prevalent, they would be posting pics of exo pretending to "critique" them like you ratmies do 24/7 here. NCT stans do that all the time here, but literally, nobody gives a fuck about exo here except you.
No. 66823
>>66821You didn't fucking read what I said then.
I said Ethan isn't perfect. He is shit. Some of what he said is extreme. BUT he is right to shit on Kpoppies. Stop getting your panties in a twist.
No. 66826
>>66824Then take it to the radfem/GenderCrit thread, not here.
Funny enough you go there and the radfems will call out Ethan AND Kpoppies for different reasons. Go find out why and fuck off.
No. 66829
>>66815How the hell is Ethan a MRA? Misogynist perhaps but I don’t see him spouting MRA talking points.
Ethan sucks but that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of Kpop fans are insufferable and sperg out big time whenever someone even slightly criticizes them or Kpop in general.
No. 66839
>>66797Kpop stans (especially army) are extremely insecure and have sticks up their asses.
>>66687No one besides kpop fans can even name a BTS song lol, they’ve only gotten this far because of their autistic fans
No. 66841
File: 1575946793808.gif (2.89 MB, 480x248, thisisenough.gif)

kpop stans are literally insane and I feel like I've seen it all. Just saw some of them saying that if a woman hates/criticizes kpop then she's a pick-me and has internalized misogyny. Wtf
No. 66844
>>66842the announcement has less than 50k likes on twitter and its been up for like a day. no1curr about loona anymore (not that they ever really did), the wait killed a lot of their hype.
its not even a comeback, its just a single.
No. 66845
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This should be a meme.
No. 66847
File: 1575961219179.jpg (186.49 KB, 960x960, IMG_20191210_085848.jpg)

>>66844This is what they'll look like when they get a proper comeback kek
No. 66851
File: 1575964974029.png (101.13 KB, 780x396, poor junglebook.png)

>>66837in anon's defence there actually was a video from that night where jimin ignored jk (and it
triggered jk stans) so they could be telling the truth