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No. 68815
Rant about Kpop, its creepy fandoms, and/or its fucked up industry. Or just nitpick idols. If you are new, please make sure you read: and before posting
· Don't sperg, complain or pick fights.
· Don't racebait. Doing so will get you banned from /m/.
· Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.
· Don't just paste a low effort link. Post images, this is an imageboard.
· Instead of "samefag" addendum spam, delete and repost to reduce clutter.
· This thread is not about shipping or fangirling. Save that for the general kpop thread here:
>>>/m/58853 or the spam threads here:
>>>/m/46568 (boys)
>>>/m/14862 (girls)
Previous thread:
>>66892 No. 68848
>>68847Phaha, I just clicked on the video out of curiosity and decided to make some observations. How does this make a fan?! This is a critical thread, so I use it for the said purpose.
You, guys, have become paranoiac and it's really boring seeing the came complain over and over again. If you don't care about a post, ignore it.
No. 68850
petition for all bg stans to be banned form this thread
>>68825if they wanted her to look like a corpse, they achieved with that fucked styling and skelly body.
all of them look kinda weird except for maybe seulgi. i can already see all of the comebacks in january with this aesthetic and sound cause kpop is unoriginal once again (this song isn't even original either but still companies will copy kek).
2nd girl groups will always be the better groups (even though most of them had terrible ps) because at least they tried to do different concepts and sounds and seemed like actual idols rather than glorified instagram influencers.
No. 68851
>>68846Why can't they at least style them all similarly?
Also what's happening with Yuta's hair? It's just not a good look.
No. 68854
>>68846It's weird how they put so much makeup on yuta…like they're trying to erase his features and make him look less japanese
And yeah taeyong does seem very arrogant, johnny is really cringy, taeil looks creepy (he's even said some actual creepy things before), and jaehyun is full of himself as always
No. 68861
>>68849Even if we ignore it, there are other ratmys/nctfag feeding each other. But tbfairer the kpop scene is dry rn, so there is nothing to talk about.
>>68850>petition for all bg stans to be banned form this threadAgree kek the thirst is too obvious
No. 68894
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Good god. I don’t know anything about BEG, just stumbled across this pic, but the one in the center looks like a monstrosity
No. 68896
File: 1577123487839.jpeg (215.57 KB, 1125x1167, 4D3034F2-62E5-4A61-ADEB-D982D1…) first I was intrigued, but then I realized this whole article is predictable bullshitery appealing to the masses. Any list where Hwasa, Soyeon and post filler Hyuna are considered the top looks of the year is a joke. A lot of the pictures they used were just downright bad, too. Allure is taking away their own credibility.
also: Imagine titling yourself the ‘kpop expert’ kys fag
No. 68915
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>>68899That's miryo, her face is so freaking stiff now but still the 2nd best looking post-ps after gain
No. 68921
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pure fucking jhorse nightmare fuel
No. 68922
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Tf? Why does everyone look like shit??
No. 68925
>>68850>petition to ban bg stans second
>>68897You know when I see shit like this, I wonder how shit female idols self esteem is.
No. 68929
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Yeri has such a shit body type, I almost feel bad for her. It really shows in the MV. Was she always this much chunkier than the other girls?
No. 68930
>>68929irene is literally krystal 2.0 but even less talent and a more boring face
why even be in kpop if you dont want to and are over it
No. 68934 how red velvet is praised for “not repeating concepts and songs” yet Psycho literally has the same BPM, progressions and fucking key as Bad Boy. I honestly wouldn’t be so disappointed if it weren’t how openly kpop producers get away with recycling shit and get millions of braindead fans going “omg this is such a bop, kpop > a-pop”.
I get companies want to chart well, and in rider to do so you have to make musically dull music to please to masses but I’d still expect fans to be more disappointed with how much they complain about Korea not having any taste. This year a lot of kpop songs were really noisy but the noise was at least musically interesting.
No. 68938
>>68929This is one of the better fits she's worn this year and her fridge waist still stands out. Her body was OK during ICC and Dumb Dumb but puberty just was not kind to her afterwards.
She looks fine when standing next to other ggs and male idols, but the other 4 RV girls have notably smaller waists and proportionate bone structures so she looks like a truck next to them when she's probably also very skinny irl
>>68937Not an expert but what threw me off zzb at first was the contrast between the verses and chorus + the random Irene and Yeri raps in the middle of the song. I think a little more buildup would have made it an original public-friendly hit like Red Flavor because despite its shit arrangement I like the backing instrumentals and overall energy of the song
>>68896Any list putting that goblin Hwasa on it is invalid. I get that she's "not like other girls" and gets gassed up for actually eating food, but there are just some areas where Nikita Dragun's lookalike can't shove herself into and beauty is one of them
No. 68941
>>68934>>68934LMAO, they literally copy and pasted their biggest hit because they couldn't come up with it themselves.
This is what happens when all your song producers are foreigners
No. 68948
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Do any of you know what these are for?
No. 68955
>>68935She could pull a tiffany or a kesha and force her weight down so low you can't tell anymore, but it would be…probably super not healthy, and really hard to maintain. And she's not an ED candidate imo.
>>68948If anyone zooms in enough to see the imprints they can be searched easily. No labels = higher likelihood it's just OTC stuff. The blue ovals are identical to generic otc doxylamine. But everythings diff in diff countries so who knows. Probably best not to feed into this, it's embarrassing levels of attention whoring
No. 68957
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I know we’ve already discussed Nayeon’s German stalker to death, but I didn’t see this crazy in-depth interview Kpopalypse did with him linked:’s password protected but the password is:
Basically the stalker is insanely delusional, but also very detailed in sharing what has happened so far in his trip (visited their agency three times - the police came the third time and he went to the station for questioning, but was allowed to leave freely). The interview created some drama in that fans thought it would encourage the stalker and was in poor taste. Those are def legit points, but it also looks like this stalker is so far-gone that his talking to a random kpop blogger isn’t really going to encourage him anymore than his own intense fixation will. Why I want to share (besides rubbernecking) is mainly because how well the article captured how the idol boyfriend/girlfriend relatability and accessibility image being sold can completely consume and delude someone (with those mental proclivities).
Not to say the interviewer was perfect by any means: he had a couple dumb questions and didn’t have the receipts to counter when the stalker just straight up lies that he didn’t write a reddit post approving of misogynistic violence toward women who reject men. The fact the stalker lies so blatantly about something so easily proven wrong indicates that yeah, he is mentally ill, but he’s also a dumbass piece of shit too! The stalker’s “nice guy” mentality in that he is entitled to meet this celebrity and this celebrity must give him a chance to get know him (because then she will ofc fall in love with him as soon as she does) is so fucking gross and seemingly prevalent.
No. 68960
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MAMAMOO - 2019 SEASONS GREETING (Hwasa concept picture)
This was a choice.
No. 68964
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No. 68990
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>>68962Maybe she’s trolling? I don’t know.
>>68963Totally understandable.
>>68968I don’t really know much about him - from browsing his site, he def pervs on idols and is an uncle fan who works in the Australian music industry? But not really getting incel vibes, as he seems to understand and respect idols are also people with their own lives and wants (including dating), which is sadly better than most. If I’m wrong, plz let me know.
Another fun article (image related): Yoochun to hold paid fan meeting in Thailand during probation and netizens react
Dude got busted for meth hence the probation, but even worst, he was charged with sexual assault in 2016 but the charges were suddenly dropped. The police are now investigating if he had bribed for dropped charges (announced July 2019 so I’m assuming it is still ongoing). Please no bashing on SEA/Thailand - crazy stupid oppa stans come in all colors and nationalities.
No. 68993
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>>68929>>68935>>68955She’s always going to have a fridge body no matter what. If she tries to force herself down, she’s gonna look like Tiffany in the sense that she’s a fridge on chopsticks. If anything, SNSD’s stylists and photographers really managed to hide her weird body shape for the longest time.
I’ve mentioned this before but why does Irene’s body always look so pudgy to me? I know she’s probably insanely skinny but she seems to have absolutely no definition whatsoever anywhere on her body.
No. 69002
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>>68993i think it's a combination of tight clothes, being short, and having no muscles (carboxy shots and crash diets?). plus her body is quite rectangular so wearing tight clothes can make her skin look like love handles.
the best bet for yeri (and other fridge waist idols) to look good is to put her in clothes that flatter apple figures instead of clothes made for inverted triangle figures/small-waisted people but that will never happen
No. 69004
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>>69002Holy shit that photo. She's definitely lost weight since then (pic related), but that doesn't change the fact that her upper body is a literal brick.
No. 69006
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>>68964So they're coming back as a 6-member group? It's the beginning of the end. The group is so painfully boring, especially after losing members. I give it another year before they disband.
No. 69016
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>>69004dang… Why have I never noticed this before
No. 69018
>>69006what up on with idols getting ugly blonde hair and super light eyebrows? makes them look sick and like they haven't been outside in years
>>69004she's done quite a bit to her face along with losing weight. "the original visual" but looks like a slightly different person every comeback kek
No. 69024
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>>69008Don't know about the others, but JooE for sure had work done. She looks so different than she did just a year ago.
No. 69026
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>>69015Ugh I think they are trying to emulate baby hair styling that mainly black and Latinx women do - you have to have curly or wavy hair so your fine baby hairs can be styled into curly cues to frame your face. Here’s a link for more images: jlo or fka twigs (musician in pic).
The fact that kpop stylists are trying to emulate this with straight, smooth hair is so effing dumb.
No. 69029
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The juxtaposition of Lisa and rose here drives me up the wall. I will personally kill their stylist. Similar-ish colors does not equal the same style. They both give off completely different energies. Rosé looks all ritzy and lisa looks like she just got done with her sewer graffiti.
Not to mention their repetitive hair/makeup… delete all kpop stylists
No. 69041
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>>69040Samefag, she fell off the stage.
No. 69051
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>>69026Um no? It's just a stupid trend in korea. See-through fringe has been trending for years though they tend to overdo it (too much space between strands of hair/too much curls). I've seen worse than that or this picture.
No. 69055
i feel bad for wendy honestly, pelvis fractures are no joke. especially for someone who kinda sorta does dancing for a living. thats gonna be a helluva recovery. hope she didnt further mess up her face kek
>>69040>>69053>>69052sounds like sbs is getting public outrage with a side of medical expenses for christmas
No. 69057
>>69041Everyone is acting like it's the end of the world but we literally hardly know how bad it really is.
Imagine if people cared this much about their bias' starving themselves on and off on a constant basis
No. 69064
>>69057it's okay to be mad this time because the stage is 5-8 ft above ground. you can snap your neck if you dancing and fall.
>>69060because she's still has a small waist and is styled well to cover it up with things like flared skirts. meanwhile yeri and tiffany look like bricks on sticks with shit styling. her face being slowly botched over time also distracts from that.
No. 69065
>>69051Lol that looks
just like what I mentioned here
>>69030. So old-fashioned
No. 69066
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Because it's not as bad as yeri's and doesn't stand out so much. When you look at her overall proportion though
No. 69068
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>>69065Aren't they always years behind in trends? Kek
>>69067Lol yeah it looks very shitty on jane cause they don't give enough volume to the fringe. It doesn't help that her hair is so limp, flat, and lifeless either. It won't look so bad with more volume, though still ugly.
No. 69077
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Apparently what happened is that the staff told wendy to exit through a tunnel and she fell off right away because the stairs in pic related weren't there…
No. 69082
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Taehyung caught with a juul in a now deleted video posted by jimincel
Havent seen anything in the press yet and big hit released their winter package to draw away the attention kek
No. 69100
>>69077Now that I think of it, she starved herself often so her bones must be brittle and broken.
I feel like accidents and carelessness like this is common among nugus, but since it happened to an idol from a popular group people are finally notice.
>>69082knowing armys they'll just baby him or congratulate him for not smoking cigarettes. or maybe they'll blame it on jimin cause he hangs out with idols who vape.
No. 69101
>>69082People are already saying he doesn't look that bad for a smoker or how he can't be a smoker because he still looks good lol
A) it's unrealistic to assume that every smoker will suddenly go from looking decent to looking homeless
B) they have access to any medical procedure they want to hide effects of smoking
No. 69106
>>69103It was probably dark, I know we hate kpop but this is a weird thing to nitpick.
>>69105If this thread banned retarded nitpicking we might see an increase in quality. Maybe.
No. 69117
>>69115They sue with every right. This mistake was preventable and besides that, SBS continued with the shaky stage, so clearly no stupid accident.
Knowing Kpop, as soon as Wendy is presentable facewise again, they will put her on a chair on stage, so she will perform, after some physical treatment. (not sure, how to say this in english… physical rehabilitation?)
>>69091It clearly is. he already posted some photo of his "art" some time ago and a Juul was seen there, so really nothing new.
>>69103Ago, clearly someone without any experience on a stage whatsoever. Since it was propably a rehearsal with real stagelight, the people onstage can´t see clearly looking upfront. Thats just how it works.
No. 69118
>>69115I hope it's not as bad as people are making it to be because damn, poor girl.
And if she really broke her nose that's also bad, since she apparently had a recent nosejob that wasn't even the first. Each nosejob weakens the structure a little bit more. If she broke her already weakened, fresh nose, that's bad news. She'd have to have another surgery to repair it, too.
This is bad luck.
No. 69119
This article features clips of multiple idols slipping or falling on the SBS stage. Solar fell at the red carpet because of unmarked steps.
SM should really sue. No. 69125
>>69121hmm idk this rock remix made fancy sound 10x better (until the chorus)
shitty lipsyncing as usual though, but sana's hair looks cute like that
No. 69130
>>69121That's some lazy dancing, wew. Almost BP tier.
Sana's hair is looking nice though, after all that bleaching she needed this haircut.
No. 69132
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So apparently this is the height Wendy fell from. The stairs in this picture weren't there when she fell
No. 69133
>>69120Idk why you think so highly of korean companies tbh
>>69132It's already been posted
>>69077 No. 69134
>>69133I didn't say that I thought HIGHLY of them. I just thought for being a developed country they would have similar precautions.
Keep up.
No. 69145
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>>69137This has to be a troll account, right?
No. 69146
The vaping thing is not a big deal, wtf is with anglo fans thinking their views are the entire world's views? SK is still fine with regular smoking and plenty of idols smoke cigarettes in secret, so switching to an e-cig is already a big improvement, what else do you want? Bts already has all your money anyway so nothing you say really matters does it…top freaking kek
>>69132I didn't watch it but skipped thru and it sure seems there are five girls onstage for the rv performance. Is she hurt or not? We've seen idols lay off dancing for far lesser injuries so either it's fake news or we don't know what a pelvis fracture actually entails
>>69060I don't think this thread is full of blind irenefag caping, hers just isn't that noticable? I personally never noticed until that anon pointed it out
>>68950I never thought of this, am I the only one? It makes a lot of sense if so
No. 69148
>>69146you reached the bottom of the thread and still didn't fucking read?
>>69077>>69129>>69127 No. 69155
>>69154All these "collabs" looked very rushed and thrown together last-minute which is why the choreography sucks.
Hwasa insisting on that dark overlined lipstick is horrifying. She should just give in and get fillers if she's THAT insecure about her thin lips (they don't look that thin to me but whatever) because it'd be better than drawing a clown mouth several inches from her actual lips.
No. 69156
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Super off topic but I was on Pinterest and came across this pic of rose and Jesus Christ her head is huge af
No. 69157
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>>69154Twitter is up their asses about how amazing it was, with a few exceptions. This person said exactly what I've always thought, what the hell is with kpop's obsession with these shitty dance covers? Why do kpop fans think this is an impressive display of talent? Show this to any non-kpop-fan and they'd find it cringey.
No. 69162
>>69103have you literally never been on a stage ever?
lighting has to be very particular to be able to see anything at all, much less pointed down the side where you were told stairs were supposed to be that arent fucking there
good lord
No. 69163
>>69120korea has done this kind of shit before though
look at the 4minute incident that ended up being clear mismanagement/faulty safety implements
thats not even counting all the prior incidents where idols have fallen on or off stages for being slippery/icy/raggedy
No. 69165
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>After it was decided that Red Velvet won't be on stage due to its member Wendy's injury, SBS banned Red Velvet's fans, saying they cannot provide tickets because the group won't perform for the show. About 400 fans had to return home. Below is the picture of the empty seats that were for Red Velvet's fans. Wow SBS is really stupid
No. 69174
>>69172yea, I've been seeing people mentioning this because some where tinfoiling that SM was going to use this huge comeback to cover up from potential dating expose scandal on Irene via Dispatch and release the new gg sometime next year. Now, with the Wendy Accident SM might be afraid to sue since SBS and KBS are huge ass broadcasting companies. Wouldn't suprise me if SBS threatens SM with Dispatch.
So SM might just be "fuck it" make Irene and Joy model & act, give Seulgi the la Luna / lgbt fanservice treatment, Yeri stays as a networker / songwriter and SM releases Wendy's pre-recorded solos without her permission as they push through with another gg group.
The shit so far from SBS reminded me of this video. It really puts concert safety in Korea into perspective.
No. 69178
>>69177their company redid all the girls faces in one last attempt to hit bigger
without choa they are nothing kek
they were banking on seolhyuns popularity which has faded immensely after her appearance on that one survival show where her face was shown without makeup
No. 69179
>>69177>>69178It's only becuase AOA became more relevant than ever post-Choa due to Queendom. If it wasn't for Queendom, they would be gone.
Also, I don't know if it's just me, but it seems that on the video they put some kind of filter contrast to make their skin look white / gray and the color on their outfits to stick out. Or maybe it's the lighting. IDK
No. 69182
>>69181>at a concert claimed the girls were super disrespectful during someones performance, leaving trash everywhere and being "distracting" by talking loudly and on their phones or something, that turned netizens off of them for awhile.Who was that? BTS? Because if it was I don't blame them kek. Ratmies exaggerate everything
>Then jimin went on unpretty rapstar and got some shit for that tooshe didn't get shit for that, she got praise and gave the group more attention.
>hen seolhyun and jimin were on some show and they didnt know basic korean history and netizens destroyed them for that.This 100% and Choa leaving is what killed them. The Zico scandal was terrible but not as bad as the prior.
No. 69190
File: 1577335556161.png (222.13 KB, 750x1334, E8513055-64ED-4EA8-942E-09B699…) on Wendy (article text in pic)
SM needs to sue the shit out of SBS. Wendy being injured and missing a comeback due to treatment and rehab is likely to be a huge blow financially (redoing choreo/stages, missing or delaying shows, etc). It seems impossible for any large company to not sue (or at least threaten and then settle), but then again I don't know korean law.
>>69181No wonder AOA went on the variety manager show recently. They talk about getting a complaint once for being too loud, but frames it in a way like yeah we are a bunch of loud excitable girls whoops. Smart of them to hit the variety shows hard as their experience/comfort level on camera is prob one of their biggest advantages over newer groups.
No. 69191
>>69190I called it
>>69174I knew SM would do everything individual. They would never be like Twice and just make a song with a placeholder for her. And the fact that SM has not immediately sued by now speaks volumes.
No. 69200
>>69193>>69191Errr idk much about the sk legal system but hasn't it only been, like, less than 48 hrs? And a holiday? Idk how you think lawsuits work but they're gonna need a minute
>>69156It always has been? There are pics of it looking way bigger than this, i wonder what about this pic got your attention so quickly…she looks fairly normal here bc of the angle tbh
>>69182The fuck is wrong with you? Not everything is about bts
No. 69206
>>69202Yup, Tzuyu was a tad too fast sometimes.
>>69203You can't really tell people to stop trying to chase their dream when they're only in their mid 20s. Plus the 2 biggest groups right now are from that time.
Aoa is doing extremely well now thanks to that show, they completely lucked out. Despite not being able to sing they're only getting praise. The scandal that hurt them the most was Seolhyun and Jimin not knowing history, they had to "reflect" for ages (I think they even took some classes), but who the fuck expects idols to not be dumb? lol
>1. [+1,116, -159] Seolhyun is definitely good at performing on stage>1. [+419, -41] They'd be in big trouble if they didn't perform without their back dancers because of how empty the stage looked;; such a big difference compared to AOA who performed after that. If they ever have another comeback, they should individually practice their dancing skills. the end being charming/charismatic is the most important skill in kpop. That's why some idols look like they don't belong on stage despite having a good voice.
No. 69210
>>69154I wouldn't say especially female ones when the biggest boy group there is fucking bts. Could you ever imagine girls with their faces and everything be the face of kpop?
Not-so-pretty female idols get tons of hate every day just for existing…most ugly or talentless male idols only start getting hate when they're involved in rumors or scandals.
No. 69214
>>69210When I said the standards are too low I wasn't talking about their looks, but mainly their choreos. Girl groups barely even have to move, every toddler could dance the way they do, male idols at least break a sweat because they have to do jumps etc that normie dudes could hardly do (tho in the end this is still sexist because it's based on the assumption that women are physically weaker and not capable of doing difficult and exhausting routines like men).
Whasa might get lots of hate because she's hideous, but in the end she's still famous because her voice isn't too bad and because she has charisma. Solely being attractive doesn't guarantee success, even in kpop.
What have the lesser known members of most cutesy groups to offer? They lipsync, they don't need to be able to dance, their main job is just staying skinny, so if they're not even a pretty face, why do they think they could make it or deserve to make it? Momoland Jooe is probably the only one who had this much luck.
No. 69236
>>69194If her injuries were just in her wrist and face I'd agree with you but pelvis injuries really do take a long time to heal and if they don't let it heal properly worst case scenario she won't be able to dance for the rest of her life without discomfort, with basically ends her whole idol career. I guess they could just make her do a bunch of CFs or MC gigs but I don't see her doing a whole lot for most of 2020. (sorry for mini blog)
>>69209I'd argue SNSD but I don't have any substantial evidence of it
also wow did everyone wake up and forget how to sage or did the site break
No. 69237
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>>69224>>69226>Whats the point of even trying hard if people are just going to forget about you so easily?Because this is their freaking job…? (and supposedly their "dream")
>if i were a female idol i wouldn't even try hard since they rarely get the amount of fame some of these trash boy group get.Great logic you've got there. Why even work at all when the richest people on earth will always be men anyway?
But talking about them "trying harder" also doesn't make sense, since they would lack the talent to do so, their choreos are based on the level of their ability (which is close to nothing).
I feel like so many of you are forgetting that kpop isn't the only source of music in Korea, the general public cares very little about it, they much rather dig ballads. And female ballad singers can easily beat boy groups on charts. Without a doubt there are talented singers and dancers, but they don't join idols groups. Idols aren't in it for the music, they're rich spoiled daughters and/or school bullies who think that being pretty (thanks to ps) and acting cute or sexy should pay their meals. Just look at what they do after their "career" ends: instead of learning a normal job like people in their early/mid 20s could easily do, they turn into streamers or they marry rich old farts. You can see exactly what type of people they are.
So, stop feeling sorry for idols not making it, or supposedly not being paid enough. Nobody feels sorry for some dumb bimbo who fails to make it in Hollywood either. It's not like they're poor 3rd worlders who have to sent money back home to feed 10 younger siblings, they would always have had the choice to just live normally, but they don't because they think they're above that.
And about the unfairness between girl and boy groups: how do you reckon do male idols feel when they see Twice being millionaires because of shit like above while they destroy their knees or backs because their agency thought "hey, that could be a cool move, try it"? It's not like in the west there men can get away with being fat hairy slobs, all idols (minus Shindong) are starving themselves, have to get ps, fuck up their skin and hair due to excessive styling and sometimes even get preyed on by pedo fans.
No. 69242
>>69237 yeah it's their job but if you've ever had a job with a lot of coworkers there's always one or two who don't try hard but still get their paycheck. choreos are not based on ability because of that were the case half of these boy groups would be doing easier choreo. even if you're a millionaire, most people would be ticked to see someone else get 5 million more than you when you put the same work in lol. and i'm not referring to girl groups like twice who just look cute and stare at the camer soulessly, i'm referring to the few ones that can actually hold a note.
> are starving themselves, have to get ps, fuck up their skin and hair due to excessive styling and sometimes even get preyed on by pedo fans.never said that men don't through that they obviously do. only difference is that boy groups have a long life span and more musical freedom at times.
back to twitter bg stan
No. 69243
>>69238I'm just tired of anons very clearly being not so secret girl group stans and constantly whiteknighting Twice and other cutesy groups, they're probably the same farmers who rave about Loona and Red Velvet in kpop general.
Solely being a female idol doesn't make you a
victim who's only deserving of pity, same as being a male idol doesn't make you like Seungri. Some of them do get abused, but most simply brought a broke lifestyle upon themselves (unless their parents are rich). And I'm sure that many are leading a lot less bad lifes than we think they do.
No. 69245
>>69242But do you really think that idols are actually talented and capable of doing harder choreos, and they just don't show it…? And who are those idols who can actually hold a note?
I don't really see your point: why should female groups get longer life spans if they're not offering anything? You say it's understandable that they don't even try because of the way they're treated, but this also means that nobody has a reason to like them either. You might say that boy groups are also not deserving of success, but in the end it's not boy groups and their female fans who are at fault for girl groups being less popular. Hating on male idols while putting female idols on a pedestral won't solve or change anything. It's up to companies and their male fans to support them more in whatever they do, for longer than just a couple years.
No. 69249
>>69245why are you so adamant on defending boy groups lol
>>69244can boy groups get a new style in 2019? i swear they all wear the same edgy black outfits
No. 69251
>>69250And…? Girls are more loyal and prefer boy groups, nothing new (and completely natural since most people are hetero). Do you suggest to force them to like male idols less or to also stan girl groups to make the situation more equal? lol
Like I said, this is something between male fans who only like idols because of their looks/youth and those female idols who rely on their looks/youth.
No. 69257
>>69244non-kpoppie logic:
>sees black military outfit with absolutely nothing nazi related, it's literally just black suits with a bunch of edgy crosses pinned on itIs this Nazism and a personal attack against me? Time to go full retard mode.they behave like nazis invented suits, were the only people in this world who wore suits and if anyone wears suits they're bad and condoning nazi stuff
No. 69267
>>69257>it's just a suitThe high waist belts and the little decorations that very much resemble the iron cross beg to differ… What a dumb move for a group with mainly foreign fans.
>>69258>Male idols just live life on easy mode, even the ugly ones.Fuck off with that radfem bullshit.
>>69260>>69265Great examples anon. One debuted nearly 14 years ago, is basically irrelevant now and the other quit being an idol also ages ago. Totez proof that all idols nowadays are indeed suuuper talented lol
No. 69268
>>69267I never made the claim all idols are talented, but that post made the claim none are.
JxR/Produce X Baekjin competed in WoD of you want a recent example.
No. 69270
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new twitter milk (??)
armys are trying to mass report this korean account for alleging that Jungkook and his tattoo artist gf (mijoo?) got matching tattoos kek No. 69273
>>69270Is that why he's so scared to show his tattoos?
I don't know anyone who hides their tattoos like Jungkook, it's lame.
No. 69276
>>69269How can you say that when just a couple weeks ago a boy group sued their agency because they were basically tortured? And that underage boys have to sleep with older business women is also no secret.
>It's the truth, delulu ass bgfag.How original. This wouldn't have happened to them if they just stanned Loona, amirite gglesbo?
>>69270Well, he can deny it all he wants, it obviously looks completely the same as hers.
No. 69278
>>69276Your oppar will never fuck you, nor will any other male above a 3/10
>How can you say that when just a couple weeks ago a boy group sued their agency because they were basically tortured? And that underage boys have to sleep with older business women is also no secret. As if female idols don't put up with the same shit twice as often lmfao. Life. on. easy mode.
No. 69279
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That fangirl might be embarrassing but she's right: dating is one thing, but lying to your fans is never a good look and also doesn't have to be tolerated by them.>Jungkook…. You said its not true at first….. YOU LIED to us. You manipulated us… We trusted you…. You said you would never lie to ARMY…. You betrayed us.. . We are done with you. LEAVE!Hopefully more will follow.
Also, look at those statistics about fandoms… "i'm a 65 year old male professor and i love those boys!" my ass, of course all of them are little girls.
No. 69285
>>69265This may unleash an incredible amount of secret stans and WKs but I’m genuinely curious. Try to put your bias and oppas aside: who are, objectively (or as close to as objective as y’all can get), the best singers of kpop?
Very curious on farmers thoughts since the ones who are not secret stans are usually not delusional
No. 69292
UPDATE on the Wendy situation:
>Dispatch noted that Wendy will likely be suffering at least six weeks of healing time after the diagnosis of her injuries. Her right pelvis and wrist were broken, and her right cheekbone was cracked. She also has a number of bruises all over her body. It will likely take several months to recover. According to hospital staff, the swelling at the injury site is so severe that even an accurate diagnosis cannot be made at this time. So they are focusing on Wendy recovering slowly until they can make a proper diagnosis and recovery plan.
No. 69295
>>69284>this is a cry for helpQuit being this fucking dramatic. He probably only thinks he's cool, edgy or "rebellious" for doing something that slighlty goes against the usual idol style. But at least he's rich enough to get them removed once he feels embarrassed - which will happen soon since no person above the age of 20 likes that.
My only hope is that the girl at least profited financially from this lol (and that she wasn't too hurt by him denying whatever little relationship they had going)
>>69285This exact question has been asked sooo often already (by you?) and only serves to bring out stans…
No. 69296
>>69285Which among bap btob b1a4 is the vocalist group? I always get those mistaken but i know one of them is supposed to have good singers
Jonghyun was great
Onew has a great voice/timber but is pitchy sometimes
Someone from day6 idk their names
As for females…
Solar, wheein, taeyeon
Is hyolyn considered an idol or is she like ailee?
No. 69298
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>>69297Yes, so what about it cunt.
No. 69299
>>69295I’ve never asked this before and haven’t seen it before, I’m guessing it was done in threads prior to #25-ish, when I joined roughly.
I was just curious mostly if there were 1-3 idols (or something) that farmers could all agree on being good, since agreements are rare here. I figured it would bring out stans but I didn’t think it would be so obvious. Ateez stans giving me cancer 6 replies in huh.
No. 69301
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from the comment section of brendon urie singing into the unknown. someone asked how a man can hit such high notes and got this reply kek. how brainwashed do you have to be to compare jimincel’s struggle vocals to a four octave singer’s?
No. 69305
>>69304the group itself being shitty doesn't change the fact that one member can sing. but he's far from one of the best vocalists
glad to see that no one named wendy or jihyo here cause I really don't see it for them
No. 69319
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Sorry I think we said no more shitting on yeri but did no one post this? This is actual abuse, they couldn't have gotten it more wrong if they tried. Yeri's stylist are you lurking in this thread? Pls reply w/ the designated numerology meme if you're reading this
Also this…is unacceptable, …we just heard this (old, not good or popular) song way too many times thru the year-end award shows as bighit jerked themselves off to the notion of forcing fans to cry with nostalgia over songs not even 5 yrs old. If every bighit group is just gonna be covering each other from now thru the end of time, I'm tapping out now
>>69315 True, idk if he's just out of juice stamina wise, or living too hard or both. He'll never sound as good as that first album
No. 69323
>>69314 Perhaps Jungkook tattooed it on his arm instead of his arsecheek to match with Mijoo's arm tattoo placement?
V and Junglebook come across as tryhards and wannabe tough guys when they are scared to death of Ratmies. Actual cool cats like Song Mino (dude who smokes and posts his selfdesigned lighter, has lotsa tats and holds his own painting exhibition), Zico or Bang Yongguk don't give a fuck about hiding their ink. Even girl idols like Twice Chaeyoung and AOA Jimin aren't covering up their tats because they are SO afraid of what the fans think. BTS are megacowards kek
No. 69324
>>69320Other girls with other body types can wear a dress like this just fine. Yeri isn't one of them. It's actually worse than wendy's hairy green top from Zim. Irene's hairy boxy white tube top here for sbs is in between, not tragic but pretty bad
>>69323Isn't it bighit making him cover it up? Chaeyoung is the resident "relatable cool not like other girls" (btw can the internet finally agree to use an acronym for this?) girl in twice, jype probably loves "letting" her do stuff like that since it makes them look like the cool parent
No. 69328
>>69272Honestly 3/5 of Red Velvet are useless as shit, if Irene wasn't the designated visual she would get similar criticism for being old and talentless. Joy acts overtly cocky to mask her insecurity over being overshadowed by Irene, and allows herself to be treated like a token sex object on variety shows because her body is all she can offer. We all already know how useless Yeri is.
Kinda disagree on Seulgi because I feel her attractiveness depends on her styling, like Lisa. She's not much to look at without makeup imo.
>>69279"Knetz" comments about BTS posts on NB and pann are so blatantly teenagers it's hilarious. Half the time some comment will be like "I'm a 45-year-old man and I love BTS!" - funny how a 45-year-old types exactly like a 13-year-old girl
>>69324Or maybe Big Hit also thinks they're hideous? Who in their right mind would get ARMY tattooed on each finger kek
No. 69333
>>69270Has anyone thought of the possibility that he was just copying the artists’ tattoos and using their designs, that’s why there are similarities? He clearly had all those tattoos done in a very short period of time and he obviously hadn’t thought of anything meaningful to get, not that we have seen at least. The Army one looks poorly thought out too.
My theory is that he went there and went woah, so cool, decided to become a bit of a rebel, saw the tattoos the artists had and designed and was like “I want this, like yours!”
She works there and most likely she designed and executed half of his tattoos, naturally there will be similarities.
Are his stans so terrified of the possibility that he was not in his right mind during that period and was possibly having a mental breakdown or even was abusing substances, that they decided to create a failing love story instead to justify his worrisome actions?
The boy was clearly not in his right mind
No. 69335
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Dispatch has unveiled scary details behind Red Velvet Wendy's accident on SBS stage.
Dispatch met with field staff that participated in '2019 SBS Gayo Daejun' on the 25th and an official who witnessed Wendy's accident talked about the incident in detail.
The witness stated, "Wendy conducted her first rehearsal at 11:00am on the 25th on the main stage for her Aladdin OST "Speechless" sound test. The sound test went smoothly. The accident happened later during further rehearsals."
"Wendy climbed the second floor tunnel and prepared to walk down the stairs as prepared but the lift didn't go up. At that moment, she lost her balance and fell 2.5 meters down to the stage in a defenseless state." No. 69336
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YG Republique was an idea created by Yang Hyun Suk and the CEO of YG Foods. However, the center saw poor business results and ultimately decided to close down.
The restaurant and entertainment center first opened its doors back in February 2018, and it will shut down even before reaching its 1st anniversary. No. 69337
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>>69270apparently the same fan does this on their fancafe
No. 69343
>>69285I think, good vocalists often end up as sidekicks in the group for whatever reasons. Overall I would claim that 1st- and 2nd-gen Idols have more or less better singers and got some vocal lessons (not all…). And especially nowadays 3rd-gen Idols are not in for musiciality reasons.
Youngjae, GOT7
Ken & Leo, VIXX
Jongho, Ateez
That one guy from Btob (someone help me out…)
No. 69345
>>69333why are you overthinking this? the miju chick is his gf, it’s obvious from the stuff we’ve seen and that cctv leak of them hugging.
the funniest thing about all of this though is jk’s 3edgy5u phase. he really thinks he’s the shit and not like others just bc he wears all black now and doesn’t shower. choosing to pursue a kpop career instead of getting proper education really made him braindead
No. 69349
How are Baekhyun, Solar/Wheein, AKMU girl etc. the best singers in kpop? Not saying they are bad, but they aren't standout vocals.
>>69296B1A4 Sandeul is easily one of the strongest male idol vocalists
BTOB Eunkwang is good, BTOB are overall pretty decent
BAP Daehyun is also pretty solid
No. 69355
the only good singers in exo are chen and kyungsoo. baekhyun has too many voice cracks and strains to much to sound nasally. suho is forgettable and everyone else can't sing.
taeyeon is pretty alright
the suju vocal line are all good at singing despite being ugly
no one from yg or jyp except akmu sounds good
>>69351even with auto tune her voice still sounds flat on every note. it's like she just guessed the pitch instead of looking at the sheet music
No. 69360
>>69328>>69333>>69345Not wking the tattoos, they're def bad but they are small and easily covered (he doesn't have a full sleeve or a neck tat yet right?) also I imagine the army letters are positive for his brand? Because army? Am I the only one who thinks this is how he got away with it?
>>69346Kpop fans really peg their own ages every time they refer to idols "dating" kek like yeah your idols are likely not romancing each other with lengthy dinner/movie dates but they are definitely texting each other and fucking on the dl.
>>69337"Are gays and a couple"
There's gotta be a meme or potential thread pic in there
No. 69366
>>69355jyp had yerin up until recently
yg used have good singers(see linked video), ikon junhoe and lee hi sound okay imo
No. 69367
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She looks like a mess lmao
No. 69370
>>69355>even with auto tune her voice still sounds flat on every note. it's like she just guessed the pitch instead of looking at the sheet musicThat's not really how it works, either you have a good sense of pitch or you don't and referencing sheet music won't help unless you're learning a brand new song from scratch with no original audio or something. Bom has always been
constantly sharp and it's not intentional, I'm sure she hears it she just never learned to control her vibrato or modulate pitch on long notes
Hwasa is good but has this throaty, guttural quality a lot of people don't like, with a good coach she could improve it but i doubt she wants to, it's just her voice so whatever. Rose is the opposite, she's actually purposely making her voice sound unnatural and it's so annoying. Listening to her is so tiring, she sounds like she's using all her effort to decide exactly howww everyyyy noooote neeeeds to come outtttt. It can't be fun. Seriously. So exhausting. She can't just chill and have fun singing a song anymore, now that she's apparently set on keeping up this halsey voice and pretending it's natural. No wonder homegirl is having more fun starving & flying to fashion shows, it honestly sounds way easier than laboring thru this singing style
No. 69377
>>69357Not bait. If it’s so
problematic then I won’t ask a question again, Jesus. Not everyone has a vendetta and revenge plot against your kpopc thread
No. 69378
>>69362source anon? wonder why that hasnt blown up yet
>>69361because rm is ugly and isnt uwu enough. fans mostly project their shipping fantasies mainly on the younger three
No. 69386
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>>69379>>69373It was so random tho right? Like they went huh, we need a sexy member, ok it'll be joy…especially now that we're adding yeri to fill the more classic maknae role. That scene of her crawling on the table for, like, 0.02 seconds in the Peekaboo mv weirded me out, like what were they even trying to accomplish there? It wasn't sexy and had no purpose
She reminds me of soojin, both should seem beautiful or sexy but they just…don't. Maybe they're trying too hard? Is it just me? Joy stans are a scary bunch btw, they have no idea that her singing and acting are both
exceptionally bad
No. 69388
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>>69383I suggest watching less 'male idol reacts to female idol' videos because they cherrypick moments when they crack a tiny smile and interpret that as them being secretly married…
Does anybody remember T-ara? Jiyeon just had a comeback and seems to have also jumped on the way too old for tiktok train… She's had ugly tattoos for ages already, but now she even got a lip piercing and looks like an absolute mess in general. Is being tryhard edgy a trend in Korea right now?
No. 69391
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>>69389I think it has more to do with the fact that many idols aren't the brightest (no idea about Jiyeon but Jk can barely even calculate) and them being mentally stunted. Both debuted young and are now having childish interests and are making dumb decisions which are usually mad by teens much younger than them. No normal person above the age of 18 thinks Soundcloud rappers or Billie Eilish are cool but if you never had the chance to grow up normally, how would you know? And with your agency and fans treating you like their lapdog you're also easily influenced by others - style and taste included.
No. 69394
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>>69270I love this. BTS think they’ve reached such a level of notoriety that they can do whatever they please, when in reality they’re getting the ugliest tattoos imaginable in the most obvious places. JK in particular looks like a trashy hooker (pic related). You’d think Big Hit would try to stop them, but at the same time, it’s not like even the most egregious tattoos are going to change the way diehard fans treat them.
No. 69396
>>69386iirc she did mention once that she didn't know what her role was in rv after yeri became the youngest and "took her spot", so she's trying this whole sexy thing now and i can't tell if she's 100% comfortable with it cause it's awkward.
Irene gets so much shit for not having a personality but honestly seulgi and her are kinda dead and awkward too. It seemed to me she was much brighter during debut where she was hyped a lot.
No. 69400
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so this is a list done by the 'Korea Creative Content Agency'on korean content that is consumed in the US. I gotta say I find this very surprising, also kek at blackpink being so low and superm not even making the list, so much for their popularity No. 69405
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>>69401>>69402Is Jungkook planning to hide his hands forever? Lmao I predict he'll get bigger (read: trashier) tattoos to cover up his Mijoo-inspired tats like a proper damaged eboy
No. 69407
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>>69405 >>69405
Why is V regarded as the most handsome male idol? He's squarefaced and his recent blank facial expressions make him look totally out of it. V looks like a middleaged ajusshi now because he lost that playful vibe kek, he looks like his Dad.
No. 69408
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Meanwhile this guy is tattooing her name on his body
No. 69419
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>>69407They've aged a ton, not just due to fillers & stuff, I think they're legitimately exhausted. Anyone see the bighit notice for upcoming tour in april? What the hell, can't they just be done already? I feel the same way about taylor swift, like girl is a zillionaire, go invest in real estate or stocks or whatever and enjoy the world's most luxurious retirement! But these people have a special breed of narcissism that requires a certain min amt of media attention. I barely know who shawn mendes is but I recently happened upon some interview where he said he has nightmares of being not relevant anymore, and like, the thing about that is it def WILL happen sooner or later, it's not just some worst case scenario, it's the actual future.
No. 69424
>>69420We were actually doing pretty good too… it’s pretty obvious it’s the same 1-2 people.
>>69422Kys get off. Do you not feel embarrassed so obviously having a conversation with yourself?
No. 69425
>>69400Not to be that one person but hmmmm… interesting how the top 5 is all boy groups and there’s only 3 ggs in the top 10. I definitely expected twice or bp in the top 5 considering their popularity. BP is considered a super group by many, similar to BTS and NCT. Weird. Guess it’s common to pretend to stan GGs for clout? I know everyone on tiktok is obsessed with bts and twice.
I find the power of horny teen girls quite intriguing
No. 69430
>>69419Nobody is just willing to give up their dream job, no matter how rich they are and especially not at that age.
Plus, I don't think that they really have a choice. It might seem inhumane, but they're at the top, working as much as possible now is for the best. There are so many groups who fell because their agency neglected them and didn't give them comebacks/tours when there was demand, so bighit is actually doing the right thing with this. In a couple years when Jin reaches his 30s/goes to the military they have to slow down anyway. really lucked out. She performed with a girl who's like a decade younger than her (in youth obsessed Korea) and nevertheless all the top comments are calling her beautiful.
Also true. Knets are only kissing bts' ass because "they bring honour to Korea!"…
>"4. [+60, -15] SM went too far… how is it that all of the special stages are SM songs??? I thought they'd do FinKL's 'White', MILK wasn't even that popular of a group. Even TXT… had to cover a SHINee song… when they have their own seniors, BTS. SM abused their power this time, tsk.">Netizens are 2faced. Should get rid of their SM hate. How come SM can have a benefit of other groups covering their not-popular-anymore songs? When ceremonies let BTS perform for 20 to 30 mins (it was actually over 40), everything is ok. When other groups cover BTS' songs, they are a clout chaser. When other groups cover SM songs, they are forced to do it because of SM's power.Somebody wrote that at the height of their fame Exo also wasn't given more than 15 minutes to perform - which is less than Txt gets now in their 1st year. Back then people complained about big 3 privilege, but now it's basically a monopoly already.
No. 69432
>>69430>[+24, -2] You could totally tell that the four aren't that close at all Irene stans want her to go into acting when she can't even fake being amicable with the other girls kek
>>69386Joy stans think she's some kind of it girl just behind Irene when all her dramas and variety shows have flopped so far; the 5 stans Yeri has at least admit they don't believe she's talented but Joy akgaes are another level of delusional.
Also I remember Joy didn't have that kind of waistline when she debuted. Can working out really change body shape that much or did she just do some fat sculpting?
No. 69436
>>69380Rumor was that Sakura got V‘s and JK‘s number and managed to hook up with both of them lol
It turned out to be false.
Also bts don’t hook up with celebrities, they fuck regular girls.
No. 69451
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So like I know everyone is sick of talking about BTS' fans, but I think it's worth mention how bad this looks on them (context: the hashtag TaehyungYouDidWell is trending on K-pop twitter)
sage cuz no1curr
No. 69459
>>69267It's obviously a nazi themed outfit and anyone itt who disagreed is a dumb stan/kboo along with this sperg
>>69257. Nobody is saying they're dressed like that because they're "glorifying nazis" or whatever; they most likely just think the style looks cool without even associating it with actual nazis. It does however look really bad on them to non-stans so they shouldn't make this a thing
No. 69464
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She’s very literally skin and bones. Jfc she wasn’t even the biggest member.
No. 69466
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>>69465I agree about the edgy stuff but I’m allowed to laugh at this, right? No hate but come on
No. 69473
learn to sage
No. 69490
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>>69472Tell that to them (and get castrated)
No. 69492
>>69350She literally sounds like a goat when she goes past a certain octave.
>>69373I agree
>>6939Is that a tramp stamp, christ
No. 69494
>>69493 Doesn't explain all the nugu groups like Everglow, WJSN, NFlying, TxT etc who are less popular than Apink
Can't explain why TxT are so bland (Is it looks? Youth? Concept?) but I doubt they can carry Bighit once BTS enlist. TxT are not that stannable compared to other boybands but everyone thinks they'll grow up and suddenly be in demand.
No. 69496
>>69494TxT is literally a cheap autotuned mess with songs that sound like they're made for nugu groups.
BigHit probably expects them to get all the BTS fans once BTS goes on hiatus, and it's probably a half safe bet because the majority of those fans are the type to be company stans or only stan one specific group (which TxT are meant to be seen the 'younger brothers' or some shit of)
No. 69500
>>69491They haven't had a hit in 5 years, why should they be allowed to perform songs nobody even knows? I think it's very unfair that bts always performs for that long, but a total hasbeen like apink is not amongst the ones deserving of extra time.
Plus these girls are so bland, they even make somebody like tzuyu appear charismatic in comparison to them lol Video is how they perform when given more time: absolutely boring song, easy af dance and extremely weak voices.
>>69493And that's a good thing
No. 69520
>>69516>>69519>that hiphop badboy vibe is what made BTS such a hit in the first placeWhat? Bts only started getting popular when they switched the the uwu flower boy aesthetic
Nice samefagging btw
No. 69522
>>69491Errr not really? It's because bts is the biggest group, it's not a bg vs gg debate. We're way past that, this thread has gone down that road so many times, please try to keep up
>>69492It's not "a certain octave," she is nasal and goat-like through her entire range depending on the melody and vowel sounds in the lyrics
>>69516Uhhhh of course they know how, but they can't do the same thing with every group, is that how you think kpop works?
What the fuck cancer is in this thread today? People are saying shit just to say shit, not thinking things through even a little bit. Is there anywhere safe to criticize kpop online w/o being run out by rabid stans? Serious question. I want to have an actual discussion but this place is a cesspool of preteen idiocy, go to the general thread if you can't add anything useful here, it's a waste of everyone's time
No. 69524
>>69520My point is TXT can't cover the song well because they lack a hiphop badboy vibe, I posted the video because TXT's autotune was horrible and what made BTS stand out was the individuality of the vocals and rapline. V, Ratmon, Jhorse, Junglebook all sound very different and have personality which TXT lacks thanks to severe autotune.
A Produce 101 group covered it way better even if they're noobs who did a rushjob, because the vocals aren't autotuned to the point of being devoid of personality, they hit the high notes and added their own raps. TxT are more bland than an Mnet audition group tbh
No. 69530
>>69509This thread is full of people constantly writing ratmies do this and that shit, but then go on with [insert a gg, in this case chungha] is ackshually quite talented… They're not here because they hate kpop, they are very obviously stans who only use this thread to shit on whoever they don't like and to try and get farmers to agree with their praise for their unnies.
And as soon as somebody dares to criticise a female idol (besides bp) they all just go "you must be a bgfag/ratmy, fuck off!"…
No. 69532
>>69531There should be an emphasis on "former".
Yet above you have people pulling every excuse out of their ass for why all gg collab stages being shit isn't the female performers fault, they try to make an unpopular group getting less screen time than the most successful group into an issue of disrepect towards seniors or sexism, and so on
No. 69534
>>69388korean musicians just copy other people, especially western artists, so thats all this is tbh
they're all getting fake piercings now because they're seeing ~edgy~ faux punks like halsey and billie eilish all over everything
No. 69536
>>69491honestly apink is past their due date tbh sorry
they were only successful when they were pure, and the majority of their fanbase(which was mostly male despite the ~female fan~ media play their company tried to do to imply it wasnt all pervs jerking off to them that made them a household name in the first place) fucked off when they started openly dating and did a literal striptease on stage and started dressing like 9muses. They tried to do a lot of Japan stuff much like several other girl groups that started fading, and even that hasnt worked out well the past couple of years. They all have new faces too so they're practically unrecognizable. The only one worth anything was Bomi because she was genuinely retarded and it was amusing for awhile. Not so much anymore.
No. 69537
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>>69336Seems like YG just keeps tumbling down~(x3)
>>69494BTS is never stannable. Stop deluding yourself ratmy chimp.
>>69496TxT will die once BTS enlists because not even ratmy give a shit about them.
>>69500It's very strange the treatment they have gotten this year. Last year they didn't have this problem. Did they make a producer angry? Who knows. That's shit outta luck. KBS could have found a better way to tell them to go away.
>>69506Fuck off bg monkey, go flick your clit to anus-lipped Jimincel for me, if you can get out of your Cheetos-encrusted bed. like Sakura went out again on a ~personal~ schedule. I wonder, probably more sponsoring?
No. 69540 For Friday - Blackmail
I remember back in the day when TLC gave an interview explaining how all three of them were broke despite selling so many records. They were at the mercy of a one sided record contract. Overseas, it is not so much about being a one sided record contract as it is, just plain evil greed. Over the past few months I have compiled some stories that show how awful being an A list singer in Korea can be and how you can never hope to get out of a contract.
There was a group that disbanded a couple years ago. (#1) It had been around for about a decade. At first it was not a very popular group. The managers of the group thought they should get rid of an at the time a 18 year old female (#2) who they thought was the reason for lack of success. Her parents demanded an explanation as to why she was being replaced. They had been given assurances and guarantees. The managers then told them to stop complaining or they would release a recording of their daughter in a threesome. The daughter was drunk in the video and the men's faces were blurred.
Things went well when that teen was kicked out and new teens were brought in. A few years later another member left (#3). She was forced to leave because she refused to keep having sex with who the managers ordered her to. They found her replacement on a television show that was rigged to make the winner the teen (#4) that the managers thought was best in bed.
This blind item got posted about a kpop girl group. Any guesses?
No. 69542
>>69536>>they were only successful when they were pureEw they grew up so they stopped sounding like teenage girls, that's an indictment on SK's entertainment industry more than anything else, network PDs get bribes and sex favors so it's hard to compete. KBS invited Apink to perform so they shouldve treated them well.
In any case idol groups lasting past 10 years is a huge achievement, especially girl groups where youth is a factor. SNSD lasted 10 years, Apink are 9 years in and Eung Eung was a decent comeback although I never liked Apink's innocent concepts. Most girlgroups eventually do sexy concepts so Idk why Apink doing that is bad, unless SK has severe Madonna/Whore complex? It's sad that few girl groups can graduate to a mature womanly sound without losing fans, they debut as teens and it's natural to sound different as adults. It's boring that Gfriend/Everglow/WJSN have interchangeably prissy concepts while Twice or Mamamoo corner the market of sounding like adult women singing.
No. 69543
2-seunghee(hara and jiyoung were brought in)
god i hope this isnt true
No. 69549
Here is APink's KBS performance, notice at the end with Naeun's back is turned facing the backup dancers to do the second part of the performance which is suddenly cut.
>>69547Better than you fapping to ateezhit, exoshit and bshit
No. 69550
Idk why everyone's so surprised. Entertainment industries of all types, in every country, are hiding prostitution and shady dealings. That's where all the hot jb is more or less farmed for the elites. Idol groups are def used as escorts, I think that's why so many girl groups make brief or rare appearances and never seem busy. It's not "about the music" lol & anyone who says it is is lying to save face. At the very least these female idols are seeking an in for modeling or acting or…other career paths. Idoldom is a foot in the door.
SK is smallish and since the culture is generally conservative, they fancy themselves better at hiding the corruption. The burning sun thing was the first major scandal of this type but think of how much is going on that hasn't been exposed? Look at metoo & Harvey Weinstein in the u.s., look at the actors who have called out the pedophilia and sex rings rampant in hollywood, it's all connected
At the veryyyy least, your bg idols are getting it on with sasaengs who will sign NDAs & offer continued suppression of gossip. At most they have access to high priced escorts who are likely kept on a short leash, no euphemism intended kek, but legally kept quiet. Seungri isn't special he's just the first guy who got caught in a major way. I bet his friends & associates walk around with a lot of anxiety.
>>69542Twice? Adult women? Adult women singing? Twice singing, period? I'm outta here, I can't afford to choke on my wine
No. 69552
>>69550>At the veryyyy least, your bg idols are getting it on with sasaengs who will sign NDAs & offer continued suppression of gossipHonestly, not saesangs. If anyone, its CEO's and powerful older people in very high positions. Saesangs are actually seen as weak and pathetic in Korea. They tend to be younger and have no actual job, only leeching on already wealthy family members and continuously vying for idols attention by buying the idols things, none of which the idols even keep unless its something little that they can carry or wear through an airport a few times to show "appreciation" for the few fansites that go above and beyond gift wise(like showing up to their events, fanmeetings, musicals, acting jobs etc with gifts, flowers and food for the entire crew). Thats as far as it goes, which is why saesangs are perpetually pining and reeking of desperation, and obsessively seeking information so they can ruin the life of idols that they're obsessed with when they feel unabashedly rejected. Deep down they know idols hate them and only use them and the money to further their own careers while fucking other idols in secret.
No. 69553
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>>69552Speaking of, I used to be obsessed with looking at the tier of gifts idols would get from fansites like that. Funnily enough, most of the time its not just the fansite owner spending the thousands and thousands, the fansite owner charges membership fees and that money goes toward these events and gifts for idols. Its actually quite smart because most of the time all they're offering to the members are things like "exclusive photo set of 5 photos I took at the airport that nobody else will get to see" kek. Idol fans are suckers. Even the ones low on the totem pole. The idol will never recognize the 75 people who donate to a site, only the main fansite owner. But getting access to those five extra photos is enough to drop shekels i guess.
No. 69557
>>69555Im embarrassed but i actually think about shit like this when I space out at work, i hate all the tired nicknames but i don't think we can beat jimincel or ratmon…or even btshit, even though it's so lazy
>>69556No, unless there's a word for females who want to fuck a whining baby cow anachan incel
>>69554This blind feels extra fucked up because of hara, no?
No. 69561
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The people running Soshified and that whole network of American "snsd insider superfans" has always been cancer. One of them was a lesbian who was obsessed with Yuri and she was a GROWN ASS WOMAN. Plastering her entire room with Yuri and obsessively stalking her and trying to talk to her in English and harass her for photos everytime she was in America. Weird af. She was even obsessed with Mickey Mouse just because Yuri was.
No. 69562
>>69553Whoever owns Soshified is 100% like this.
>>69556Agreed, lets move on, the less attention we give to BTChimps the better
>>69558The only chimp that seems to have talent is the one playing the drums.
>>69557>This blind feels extra fucked up because of hara, no?Definitely. Yes, we all know how kpop and by extension, how fucked up the entertainment industry is no matter the country. But stuff like this helps to break the cotton-candy / family-friendly fantasy that Kpop sells to the World. Other entertainment countries don't sell that (maybe Disney Channel)?
Wtf is up with channels like these and the youtube sphere of people promoting proana shit via Kpop. It's sad that calling people out on making starving wile eating big on camera is proof they don't have an eating disorder. Sad.
No. 69570
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>>69566I always thought her eyes looked weird too
No. 69573
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Last year ratmies were complaining about exo getting 3 songs, now they get 7 while other get less than 1 but nevertheless they still cry victim, absolutely ridiculous
No. 69575 how the kpoppers complain about this when this exactly the same reason 95% of them started gettin into kpop. So they find it horrible how some shops would choose better looking and young people, but kpop is the exactly the same - using young "attractive" people to sell a product. As if they'd listen to their music if they weren't young, "enhanced" through ps, covered in make-up and colorful clothes
They are so brain-dead that I don't even get annoyed anymore.
No. 69577
>>69575They complain because the job of seller is closer to their reality than idol.
Also the two are not 100% comparable. There are several strategies in selling. I know I will not buy my computer from a beautiful blonde because I will assume they are stupid, for example. It depends what you're selling. Idols are selling a bf/gf fantasy or a dream life by proxy for gcrush groups.
No. 69582
>>69580You think they have the option to say no to a tour or anything really?
Think again lol
No. 69583
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>>69432>Also I remember Joy didn't have that kind of waistline when she debutedYou're so right
No. 69585
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>>69583Samefag. Her face was really different too.
No. 69587
>>69580TBH most of the wealth belongs to Bigshit, that's prob why they hired lawyers to advise them and why Jin cried in 2018 over BTS almost not renewing contracts. Bigshit really need BTS to rake in the money because they don't even own their own HQ premises yet and need to expand the company. If they wanna expand they gotta milk BTS for all they're worth.
Suga, V, Jimin, Rapmon all look deadeyed as hell, especially Jimin/V. I think Jungkook acting out is also because he's spent his entire teenage years and adulthood training 24/7 or in the spotlight so he missed out on a ton of normal teenage activities. Just look at his tattoos, most 22 year old dudes dont get tattoos that look like a 13year old girl's pen scribbles. My kid cousin drew his tats on her hand with a black marker and her drawing was more clean.
No. 69591
>>69432wasn't she like 16 when she debuted? it's possible since she lost weight and wears hip pads/arch her back a lot to exaggerate her waist
>>69530but a lot of chungha's fans are boy group stans that make her their token girl, so you argument doesn't stick. sorry we hurt your feelings ratmy :(
>>69562why are they acting like they know rosé personally lmao. and they are using pictures where her weight rebounded to prove she never lost weight and promote that her body is healthy… ban these kids off of youtube
No. 69593
>>69549No group should be kicked off the stage for an extra min of adverts or whatever the fuck. It's fucking rude and unprofessional and basically has nothing to do with being a stan or an 'anti'
Also on a side note, Chungha sucks and sounds liek a dying cat when she sings.
No. 69599
>>69593Pretty sure most of these recent anons have never had a job. Guess what runs the world? Money. Guess what the purpose of mama, kbs, sbs is? Money. Bts getting 40 mins vs some nugu's 90 seconds or whatever isn't that deep, it's about money. Y'all living in fantasyland if you think awards, show/festival lineups or activity opportunities are based on merit, talent or the ambiguous "feelings" fans or idols or companies have.
Groups can and will and frankly SHOULD be kicked off for extra adverts, because money. Groups that can't keep fans or put out hits SHOULD disband, bc money. Bp frankly is living the dream making millions flying to fashion shows instead of recording new music or learning new choreo, wouldn't you? Bc money.
Folks make all this so complicated when the truth is so, so simple…
No. 69600
>>69540>>69543This blind item really shed a light on the suicide of baby kara's ahn sojin. People speculated that she killed herself because she didn't get into kara, which might be true, but after reading this it might have been possible that she killed herself due to the pressure of having to get into prostitution.
It's also weird because from an article I read
>She was one of the contestants who had the highest chance to debut as Kara’s new member. In every episode of the Kara Project, she was able to complete the mission that was given to her.So why didn't her? Was there also an underground contest to pick which candidate was best in bed? Ew. I mean when you consider this line
>A few years later another member left (#3). She was forced to leave because she refused to keep having sex with who the managers ordered her to. They found her replacement on a television show that was rigged to make the winner the teen (#4) that the managers thought was best in bed. No. 69603
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>>69570>>69566A netizen has made an interesting animated gif of T-ara’s Jiyeon.
While Jiyeon is incredibly beautiful as she is, some have commented that her eyes are slightly too close together. So with that in mind, a fan-made picture has surfaced on the internet showing just what she would look like with her eyes moved a bit further apart.
Netizens have taken quite an interest to the picture with comments like :
“ Wow, what a difference 1 cm can make! “
“ Now she looks a lot like Eunjung ”
“ I’ve gotten so used to her eye spacing that other people I see look too far apart ”’s-jiyeon-look-like-with-her-eyes-moved-apart/Too bad this isn't something you can fix with a plastic surgery kek
No. 69604
>>69599You brainwashed dipshit. There is more to our world than money and productivity. There is also something called RESPECT FOR OTHER HUMAN BEINGS, crazy uh ? No group should get kicked off like this. The company planned Xminutes of performance and the group prepared according to this. You can't cut them off so abruptly because your calculations about the audience rate or whatever were wrong. Especially when the public will know about this (public humiliation is the worse). There are ways of doing things.
With such a submissive mindset, don't be surprised to exploited like a piece of shit and make a burnout.
No. 69605
>>69587Tbh I think that this is one of the most accurate comments about bts/bh.
Companies take an enormous cut of idols checks to pay for hair, producers, costume, etc and even charge them for being a trainee and room/board. Sure after it’s all paid off they can get more money but for about 4 years they are in immense debt to their company. I have heard that idols specifically invest in rent houses and stocks because they won’t have enough money to live the rest of their lives and they usually don’t have a completed high school or college education so they have trouble getting jobs. Sad.
No. 69607
>>69605BTS don't have that problem of needing a new job post-idol career at all, but they do need to work their ass off for the next 8 years for Bang PD if Bigshit is going to get anywhere near the Big 3.
People don't understand that Bigshit is still unstable and relying on one group only, they're not listed on the Korean stock market and do not own any land (unlike SM YG JYP who own their own HQ building and prime land) so the company has few assets and outside investors, it'll take about 10 years to even get to where more established companies like SM are to have their own offices and a few established groups or solos promoting at the same time. Meanwhile CJ, JYP, SM, Pledis etc are all competitors so Bighit need to invest heavily in debuting new groups with good concepts if they wanna stay relevant. BTS could be the TVXQ or Bigbang of Bigshit, but 1 group can't sustain the company forever so it's still up to Bang PD not to waste BTS's crazy revenue earnings on debuting failures (likely possibilty looking at TXT). If Bigshit can't debut a few more successful groups, outsiders will be less willing to invest in Bigshit even if they want to get traded on the stock market.
No. 69609
>>69604That's how you interpreted this? No ones condoning blatant personal mistreatment of idols. It's an explanation for fans who think their faves should get x y or z award or stage time just because it's their fave or "oppar works so hard!" It's not a meritocracy. Decisions are being made by the powers that be who are thinking about their bottom line and little else (they cant even engineer a safe stage or train their cameramen, who royally sucked thru all these recent events)
You think kpop became successful by companies & entertainment conglomerates protecting idols feelings, making sure everyone is treated equally? Should you and your coworkers/classmates all receive the same $$/grades just so you and your friends (fans, as it were) won't get their feelings hurt? Doesn't make it right but that is how the world works.
No. 69611
>>69609Nobody thinks KBS should invite unpopular musicians (notice how its only Song Gain and idols and Bol4, Akmu, ballad singers never get invited because they aren't super popular) but they should allow Apink to finish performing before cutting to a prerecorded montage. Nothing to do with ads or revenue when they could have skipped the replay montage.
You're stupid. KBS apologized. If BTS was cut by 10 seconds their fans will revolt, it has nothing to do with popularity someone just fucked up by playing the prerecorded montage early.
No. 69612
>>69607I actually wrote the second paragraph in reference to all idols, not bts. Guess I should’ve clarified.
I’ve heard about a lot of artist participating in investment spending cause their company hoards all their money
No. 69613
>>69577It's not exactly like that. They are the visual representation of the work of other people - choreographers, music instrumental, video makers, designers, etc. If the idols weren't young and attractive, the shitty works of the above workers wouldn't be sold out.
It's far from only selling the gf/bf image. This is only used to sell the above work. So yes, this also close to real life in itself.
No. 69614
>>69609 Pop's Way said in a recent video that groups get paid a small amount to attend weekly music shows but it isn’t enough to cover basic costs like transport. She added that regarding year end festivals, they either get paid a similar amount to the weekly music shows or nothing at all. Groups usually attend for the honour and prestige of it, help promote the group, etc.
If it's the case I understand why Apink are mad when they paid lots of backup dancers to perform and got cut. Same as when BTS posted a snarky good camera video because MBC's camerawork for their year end show sucked.
(this is an imageboard) No. 69617
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>>69600Holy shit. I never knew about the story of Ahn Sojin. How come no one in these threads mentioned her since Hara died? It's pretty bad that this connection was not discussed until now when this is the type of shit we should be theorizing/conspiracizing about and not gay spec between bg members. It's taking an extra blind item for us to start to think about 2 suicides in a single girl group possibly having some underlying connections…
No. 69618
(Video) I can’t be the only one who thinks they’re pulling a bp and their dancing is getting super lazy. It looked lazy in the fancy video posted in here a few days ago too.
I am absolutely horrified by what they did to chaeyoungs hair. Kill it with fire.
No. 69620
>>69617I know right. It's also strange that her family refused to do an autopsy, they must have been paid some hush money.
Anyway, it was really ironic that Kara disbanded just 2 years after Youngji was added to the group and 1 year after Sojin committed suicide. In the end, Kara became a history, leaving behind a dark past.
No. 69624
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>>69620We still shouldn't jump to conclusions such as that it wasn'ta suicide, but it's important to recognize and discuss patterns. It is
possible that someone who doesn't have the most supportive family would commit suicide after losing out on a huge dream opportunity after training for 5 years during their prime (debut at 22 is already late, then she lost, so I could imagine her feeling hopeless.) She was the oldest of all contestants apparently and known as "emotional leader" so those could be contributing factors (age shaming and emotional predisposition). However… As soon as Hara died of suicide, and as soon as Han Seohee came out with those screenshots and boosted these rumors that Hara could have been a
victim of something much bigger, and now this blind item, on top of the KNOWN Jang Jayeon list of executives she had to sleep with. It really gets you wondering what is going on.
People should be pressuring DSP to step up their mental health support for their current groups at the
very least. I guess everyone forgot about Ahn Sojin so quickly since she never got to reach stardom, but this seriously needs to be revisited in light of new details. I wish someone could interview a former member and put them in witness protection or something. If anything bigger is going on I'm SURE as soon as Hara died they were threatened to keep quiet though. I guess only time and HSH's lack of fear of these people might shine more light on all this.
No. 69643
>>69599>ya'llYou're comment looks like came from netizenbuzz. Now I see why, kek. Ok btchimp. Then why waste time and ask APink to come. Hell, why ask Everglow, Itzy, Chunga, Seventeen, and some who are "literally whos" to come? If they wanted bts only they can throw a concert.
Just admit that KBS is retarded and can't schedule and was disrespectful not only to apink but literally everyone else for wasting their time. Not everyone wants to watch a 40min bts concert at the end of the year. Other people exist.
Not even when SNSD and EXO hit the top did they have that much time. Go be autistic somewhere else. There was never a big 3 "monopoly" (doesn't make sense anyway) because every year they would cry and boycott.
No. 69654
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>>69650You should watch the documentary about them. It literally showed them getting physically abused and mentally destroyed. Honestly it seemed Sera(the girl in your video) seemed to get the worst of it. Probably because as she put it, she was the one standing up for other girls and stuff.
No. 69655
>>69648The Big 3 are CJ, SM and JYP now.
>>69650 If that is Ryu Sera then her whole ordeal with 9 Muses was documented by BBC on Youtube. Star Empire are really shit managers considering ZEA (Siwan, Hyungsik, Kwanghee) and 9Muses were quite talented.
No. 69656
>>69611 >>69614
>>69643 >>69604
K I see the problem, you think this is about apink. I didn't watch their bit. My post is referring to the general vibe of fans arguing about idols set lengths, awards etc. I'm saying it's big business, it's rigged, they're not gonna give nugus a 30 min stage. It's not personal it's business. Idk why this makes me a bts fan though, how are they not part of this as well? Only it's the opposite – everyone forced to sit thru what was essentially a bts mini concert with even more pretentious solo stages than usual. And like above, i say again how tryhardy it was trying to make fans feel nostalgic for such recent times. "Awww when this song came out I was 12! Now I'm 15 wow time flies!" bad example but you get the gist
>>69651Thanks, levelheaded anon, the projection and gaslighting is strong itt today
>>69612>I actually wrote the second paragraph in reference to all idols, not bts. Guess I should’ve clarified. Same. I think there are 3 or more conversations actually happening in here and anons are losing track of who's saying what
>>69617You answered your own question, theres no space to discuss anything heavy when topics are derailed by baby cow fetishists. RIP kpop critical.
No. 69669
>>69660Honestly I don't think the group was made for Korea after they turned into a bit of a one-hit wonder and gained popularity elsewhere.
The fact that the song sounds more suited for summer than for fall/winter also says a lot.
No. 69670
>>69650I will never understand why anybody would join a smaller agency, they can get away with so much shit, and it also never works out, bts is an absolute exception. Audition for sm or jyp and if you fail, get yourself a new interest/dream.
Their parents are also pathetic for allowing their daughters to get treated like that.
>>69652What did they do? I only know that Boram is from a rich family and that Jiyeon did nude streaming when she was very much underage - which is fucked up, but doesn't make her a bad person.
No. 69671
>>69670i dont know what all jiyeon was into, but hyomin was allegedly in a legitimate girl gang that had a reputation for prostituting themselves for drugs/cigarettes and beating the shit out of old people for no reason
nana from after school had similar allegations and was close friends with hyomin predebut which added fuel to the fire once the saesangs turned on t-ara and started releasing old photos/info
No. 69673
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>>69671samefagging because heres a NB link from around the time of the scandal that discusses a forum for a specific group of highschoolers that would participate in simulated sex for cigarettes though some of the korean text says it wasnt just simulated, that they would actually get paid and be given drugs and cigarettes in exchange for actual sex
ofc NB hated t-ara and was one of the main people releasing all this damaging information she was being given by former fans but it seems to have been legit regardless because there was proof, as her photos were all over the forum and the email was the same No. 69681
>>69671>>69673>and beating the shit out of old people for no reasonWhere did you get that bit from, it wasn't mentioned on nb?
If it really was Jiyeon in those nude videos, then she was only 13 and Hyomin having been in high school means she was also a minor.
They're probably from absolutely shit families, to do that for just a couple bucks or cigarettes.
Them being
victims of pedos really shouldn't stop you from feeling pity for them… "Iljins" are only bad when they're school bullies.
No. 69686
>>69684Are you sure about that dyke?
>>posts analyzing how jiyeon has ugly eyes>>Calling Sana old despite her being 23>>Weird hate obsession with Nayeon>>Is okay with Joy being sexualised as long as it turns me on>>Calling any female over 25 ''old''>>Weird yeri hate obsession>>sperging about how certain female idols have fridge bodiesand the list goes on……….
(ban evading ratmy as always) No. 69695
>>69686You are projecting. Idk why you think anyone talking about girl groups is a lesbain. Other people have talked about other girls because it's a change of pace from talking about bts and shit. Notice how people haven't brought up blackpink in a while. It's getting redundant.
We talk about them to nitpick and talk about, is this not the kcrit thread? Go find your hugbox retard. And stop being obsessed with lesbians, no one gives a shit about them or you.
No. 69701
>>69624Yup it could have been a mixture of things that
triggered her suicide. The fact that she had already sacrificed her dignity by participating in forced prostitution, and then dsp cut off her contract just like that when they could have kept her in the dungeon for a while and debuted her in another group/as a soloist (i mean she was praised many times for her hard work and motivation). It could have been like what you said too, that it wasn't a suicide. Idk.
No. 69702
>>69587>Jungkook acting out is also because he's spent his entire teenage years and adulthood training 24/7 or in the spotlightThis gets mentioned here so often, why do anons think this only applies to jk and not the other two? They're the same age, or even if the korean age thing is a factor, at most the other two were only a year ahead in school, maybe two if that's how the math shakes out? Jimin has some very obvious narcissism and rage in him, I think he's every bit as developmentally stunted, possibly worse since he's competing 24/7 with someone he probably really resents
>>69621Momoland is a trash group, I can't be the only one suspicious there are secret stans in here because they're getting brought up way too often, it's out of proportion with their actual status when their claims to fame are just putting out two identical songs and casting some of the ugliest idols of this generation
No. 69709
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>>69671Speaking of hyomin, the idol life must have tired her out. She's only 30, or even younger when this pic was taken.
No. 69717
>>69702Jk was 15, jimin and v 17. Most people consider 17 to be nearly an adult, while 15 is literally a child, at that age every single year makes a huge difference, mentally and physically. Debuting at 17 isn't ususual at all.
Famous/rich males being angry narcissists isn't acting out (plus isn't jimin the "nice guy"?), besides, all of bts have always acted much more mature. Jhope being hyper is obviously just an act and v has calmed down a lot, the only one still acting like a retard is jk.
Jk is not even able to do simple math, so unless similar bits of other idols exist, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to whether they might be dumb/stunted.
No. 69723
>>69717>>69716>>69714Ah i thought they were same age because the "maknae line" title, that's really dumb they were named that then
Folks, asking a question about bts doesn't = ratmy, stop projecting. Actual ratmys know where they can sperg on BTS and it's not lolcow, theyve taken literally the entire rest of the internet
>>69706I don't think there's been a single female idol outfit since November not drenched in glitter .. literally all of sbs, kbs, the xmas thing and all the new MVs. They're probably still finding it in random places & all over their stuff, kek my worst nightmare, the herpes of craft supplies
No. 69725
>>69719Gross. Not even Korean gays call other men Oppa kek
TXT really seem like Ratmy fanboys devoid of charm or personality. The reason BTS could get way more popular than EXO GOT7 etc thanks to YT and Twitter was their personas and group dynamic causing Stan twitter and YouTubers to create 1 million viral videos of (id say its a conservative estimate) Vkook Vmin JinKook etc etc and fanfics of the group dynamic.
After 1 year of promos, TxT has not inspired 1% of the same kind of interest from pervy stans to make 1000 spam videos of gay TxT moments so I doubt they'll find the same success as BTS.
No. 69732
>>69729 Don't equate Hollywood/US culture to Korea. Stage parenting is uncommon in SK, Koreans are handsoff about socialising with stranger children because it can be seen as creepy.
The biggest suicide factors is that both girls came from divorced backgrounds and got cyberbullied 24/7 without a strong support network to turn to, plus Sulli was Hara's BFF. In SK divorce is still taboo (Koreans and East Asian cultures think divorced parents is a sign of bad upbringing or lack of parental involvement and don't want their kids to marry children of divorced homes) such that cheating/visiting room salon hookers in a marriage is accepted as what all men do. Wives don't rush to divorce because it impacts the kids. Suicides rates in SK are high because of the crazy pressures on social appearances like these or on looks and education, rampant capitalism (people here do everything to get ahead including bully others), plus a very strict age hierarchy where the only people you can talk to casually are same-aged friends (Chingoos hence all the age-line bullshit), anyone younger or older comes with age related etiquette barriers and some form of Old → Young bullying. It's shit and a huge contributor to social stress which doesn't exist outside Korea. In China, USA, Europe people talk normally without having to figure out each others age and appropriate respect level.
That means Sulli, Hara, Jungkook or anyone who debuted young and doesnt have many same aged school friends is lonely, esepcially if they also lack a supportive family. Their last resort for problems is mental health counsellors and they are not widely available unlike the West where every man and dog has a therapist.
No. 69736
>>69733>>69735Sulli and Hara would be more accepted in Hollywood 100%. They would have faced no cyberbullying/slutshaming for not wearing bras or being a sex abuse
victim (SK has Madonna-Whore complex on steroids) and they would have felt less isolated from their peers since people in USA are not dependant on family for mental support and therapists are widely accepted.
No. 69740
>>69737 someone like Brenda Song would be slutshamed to death in South Korea for her tattoos and dating life but nobody cares in USA. Even if theres racism, I doubt Asian Americans are cyberbullied to the point where they suicide at Korea's rates.
Also my Korean friends who live outside SK agree that Korean age hierarchy sucks because you get bullied at school, at work, in life by anyone older who talks down to you thanks to experience (AKA i'm older, I know better, don't question me it's rude, young punk bring that over for me, listen to what i say kid, etcetera). When Ifags wonder why cyberbullying happens so much in SK, they don't get that from a young age Koreans are taught to listen to older people and instruct younger people so even in elementary school sunbaes start to bully or pressurise hoobae juniors despite a 1 year age difference. The only place where this sunbae-hoobae age hierachy bullshit doesnt happen in online, where Knetz can say anything they want to anyone 100% unfiltered without respect or etiquette, so they abuse internet forums and social media to cyberbully and "release steam" because IRL they live in a strict age hiearchy where they cant critique their boss, parents, elders, older coworkers etc and take it out on younger people as well. Knetz are vicious online because age hierachy rules don't apply so there's no societal judgement if you pick on celebs.
No. 69742
>>69683the bullying was fake, it was actually hwayoung and her sister stirring shit up and then playing the
victimall hwayoung really did though was threaten not to perform, and the girls essentially accused her of faking the severity of her injury to keep from having to participate in anything
also her sister sent some really weird texts threatening to kill the new girl areum for no reason but areum is weird and creepy as hell too so idk what was going on there
No. 69750
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>>69746Cite your sources, anon. Stop trying to pass yourself off as some Hollywood pedo ring insider.
>>69723Glitter and sequins have been everywhere this year. Everything’s so fucking shiny. I’m still haunted by these Itzy outfits.
No. 69752
>>69728What do his comments have to do with Sulli's behavior on the show?
>>69719>>69725It goes "i wanna be your oppa" or similar bc it's directed at a girl in the context of the song, they're not calling a guy oppa
>>69740Kinda ot but I've been wondering – im assuming the age hierarchy thing is ingrained in every workplace too, does this mean no one can be hired or advance based on skill? Feels like that'd be some kind of opposite (?) of affirmative action, where even if you're stellar at your job, you can't vie for a promotion if it means you'd be supervising someone older than you? Not to mention potential safety hazards – after Sewol i read that the two-pilot rule is useless in Korean airlines because a younger co-pilot won't advise or point out errors if the main pilot is older than him. I totally get the historical basis of the age hierarchy norms, I guess I just wish theyd make some exceptions for public safety or workplace efficiency?
No. 69753
>>69750Speaking of Itzy, I've notice that Yuna is looking near Lisa-tier. Lia's arms are looking almost skeletal at this point. I don't really understand idols who come from well off families that do this. They were already getting praise for how they looked at debut. All their bosses already favored them for being wealthy. What's the point of starving yourself.
Chaeryoung is still looking like a potato, but at least she seems content where she is (you would too if you looked like her but were born with money).
No. 69756
>>69752i'm pretty if someone has to supervise someone older they probably sugarcoat it to hell and back unless the younger person is high up.
>>69753being wealthy doesn't mean anything if you're 'fat' by their standards. plus many kpop clothes are one size so if you don't fit you are forced to lose weight
No. 69759
>>69750Serious? You must not have seen Gfriend, linked, or Twice for KBS haha I guarantee these girls are still finding sparkles randomly on their skin/hair, even the highest quality clothing will still shed this shit, bloody awful
>>69753I don't notice a big difference with Yuna but the web is def abuzz with comments about Lia already, mentioned above in this thread yesterday. It'll be the BP Rose Body Shaming Police Debate all over again, so better settle in…
No. 69761
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>>69754areum? she uploaded weird stuff to her social media about having ghost friends, doing spells in the forest, and how she felt connected to the show master of the sun because she had paranormal experiences
also uploaded pics like this and others where she appeared very unkempt and lots of people suspected she was in a hospital, which she later admitted to but claimed it was because of the things people were saying, not her own mental illness but the good sis was literally posting videos where she was claiming there was a ghost in the room with her
No. 69762
>>69693their songs sound like they belong in 2nd gen and that's not a compliment
No. 69763
>>69762nah i dont think it was drugs, i think she was just mentally ill/trying to be an edgy 2spooky4me gothy girl and it backfired
its literally tumblr tier attention whoring and she is still doing it, but now its just involving her marriage/premarital sex spawn which is pissing netizens off again kek
No. 69766
>>69618See, if they just styled Jeongyeon like that she would look less like a an auntie leafy clone.
Can't say the same for Chaeyoung, can they please stop chopping her hair and giving her these weird styles? Her and Jeongyeon have SNSD Hyoyeon level of styling at this point.
No. 69768
>>69751Sure people have made claims, but to say more boys are targeted than girls is bullshit, sorry. I’m not going to get into this but statistics have shown for years that girls are the most-trafficked.
>>69753Lia’s been looking deathly thin lately. People have been so fixated on Yuna’s weight forever that they’re just now starting to realize how much weight she’s lost in a short amount of time.
No. 69771
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>>69767>>69766Whenever Jeongyeon is brought up here she's called ugly or weird looking, esp most recently an anon said she gives "quasimodo vibes." Then there's always a couple replies going "really? I think she's normal/pretty." Honestly, you're both right. It shifts within eras, or even within single events, for seemingly no reason at all. Seulgi too, she's pretty but also not pretty…? Chaeyoung's been described as both ugly and cute, and yeah somehow she's both? I rarely see debates like this over Hollywood actors or other celebs. Maybe the constantly changing kpop styling gives your brain too many options, so you end up unable to decide? Even my all-time ugliest idol pick, Dahyun, was pretty for five mins for that Move stage last year.
>>69768Yes, but if that anon is American and relatively young, I might understand their angle because Corey Feldman's recent-ish expose, and to a lesser extent the Lou Pearlman saga, both focused on boys
No. 69776
>>69771Ok I guess that’s fair, but still ignorant. Listening to stuff you hear in the media and thinking that represents the bigger picture is a foolish thing to do.
(Also gotta agree with your “all-time ugliest idol pick” kek.)
No. 69783
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the cheerleader effect really helped twice huh
No. 69787
>>69752It still doesn't fit in/make sense gramatically since the "ya" part is used to call someone else so if they're referring to themselves it's just not right, plus it's obvious that they made that "clarification" just to boost txt's popularity. I'll stop here though before this turns into some deep analysis on that phrase kek.
Edited: it's also ridiculous because the said phrase is in 0:12, and it's barely audible so the whole "guys it's ackshually oppaya and not fire!!" is a bullshit. Fuck bigshit.
No. 69788
>>69769complete tinfoil: what if some of the men who sleep with KARA and other group members are SBS, KBS etc executives
I just really wonder who are all the men from JJY's list and other unlisted men who victimize young women. I'm sure they are super intertwined in the industry and there are so many background power plays and threats between the networks and the companies that involve the idols as pawns.
No. 69792
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>>69785None of these girls have any ass whatsoever even with the help of padding, what was the point of this category kek
No. 69800
>>69770Does that explain why Lisa took off Jennie's socks in that one clip? It looked really bad yeah but if that's part of the age culture, and par for the course in SK, should non-korean fans really be passing judgement without knowing the context?
>>69776Youre correct and I agree. No clue if that anon is American but if they are, there's def been a disproportionate amt of coverage of the exploitation of boys in hollywood…add to my list the endless Michael Jackson discourse, and that one Nickelodeon tv producer, tho he creeped on girls equally iirc.
>>69785I lolled at "most improved," also Jennie and Somi scoring top 10 for best solo music with one song each…
No. 69801
>>69785>biggest disappointment of 2019 1. Momoland
2. Blackpink
3. AOA
4. Red velvet
5. Izone
They also have a category called best kpop fap content (amongst MANY other fapping-related categories) And it’s not meaning groups having lots of good fancams, interactions, etc. they’re just being degenerates on main. They put itzy in the top which ABSOLUTELY disgusts me because half of them are underage. The oldest member is 18 or 19 and They got in the top most fapped to in 2019…..ew
No. 69805
>>69803Not gonna copy the explanation here as to not derail the thread but here it is's a song by Seenroot with the same title and it makes sense for them to use that phrase because they're girls singing about a boy they like.
No. 69806
>>69787What? How'd you get that translation? I'm guessing oppaya is 오빠야, which means "it's oppa" or "oppa's here." It makes sense as an intro. (Didn't listen or click any of links so if I am wrong so be it.)
deleted to add: 야 is not limited to referring to another person. You can refer to yourself, especially when someone's asking,"who's there?" you'd casually reply "(name) 야!
No. 69808
>>69801>>69802Nope, i actually noticed this on the first page and almost commented earlier bc I wondered why they only listed four itzy girls. Clearly they left Yuna off bc she's underage. Double check the Korean age thing bc that may skew your perception of the ages of the other four? (Never thought I'd be defending an incel fap subreddit I've never visited but, uh, here we are kek.)
>>69806>>69805And never thought I'd be defending this shitty song I only know from this shitty cover but yeah it's a translation thing, guys don't call guys oppa, bigshit sucks but they weren't going for a gay/trans fantasy or whatever that other anon said.
No. 69811
>>69792men with yellow fever genuinely think kpop idols have nice asses
i can remember degenerate retards on /kpg/ spamming literal bag of bones yoona as having a nice ~ass~ and being called ~curvy~ kek
No. 69820
>>69753yuna is not lisa tier. she underweight but she's 15 so she could have a fast metabolism. lia on the other hand is making her way towards skelliness
>>69811like the other anon said i'm pretty sure that reddit is 60% asian men in which case some of those idols do have a 'nice ass' compared to how flat asian butts can be.
anyways, maybe we should end this topic cause that subreddit is disgusting.
No. 69823
was probably bit naive because he's never needed to handle real life without a manager, but it's silly to assume Korean male idols who debut early are sweethearts or super nice. People used to assume Daesung was kind and innocent because he looks dim (he bought a building with a room salon brothel as the main tenant and the life was conveniently spoilt ew) or assume TOP could do no wrong because he was handsome, good at acting and good on stage. All I will say is most Korean male idols/celebs are not innocent at all and take full advantage of fame's trappings to sow their wild oats in the showbiz industry or make use of groupies lmao, it's hard for men to stay on the straight and narrow in showbiz where temptations abound and women throw themselves at you or spam you nudes.
Female idols who debut young also lose their innocence in the sense that they are subject to a ton of predatory attention from young from male idols or showbiz execs.
No. 69825
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>>69785Digging deeper into this. Dahyun and Nayeon are more popular than you'd imagine.
Most improved 2018 -> 2019
3rd. Dahyun
4th. Jeongyeon
7th. Nayeon
Coolest personality
1st. Dahyun
5th. Nayeon
(both above Irene, Hani, Momo, Jennie, Lisa)
5th. Dahyun
7th. Nayeon
(both above Momo, Seulgi, Jennie, Lisa, Irene)
Overall favorite
9th. Nayeon
10th. Dahyun
(both above Seolhyun, Jennie, Lisa, Lisa, Yeonwoo, Hani)
Want to see more content
2nd. Dahyun
8th. Jeongyeon
No. 69829
>>69771Honestly, you might be onto something. Selugi may not be a visual but because she APPEARS (I did not day that she IS) to be an ace member:
Decent-looking enough (maybe the monolids giving her an edge -I swear it's the same energy people give to Yeji), can dance, sing decent, appear to have charisma but not be as uppity as Irene, not as obnoxious as Yeri /Joy when being funny/the attention is on them, not get pity passes like Wendy. But, she's not borning to the level of being forgotten like BP Jisoo. Plus she has a LOT of female fans (everyone here is guilty, including me), and I rarely hear men call her "ugly" (except /kpg/4chan incels, they don't count). Even back went all of red velvet was called fat right after debut, netizens would start by saying "Except for Seulgi…"
Or, I might be wrong and she's just gets away with looking like someone with good character on camera. SM calls her their (female) ace. SM probably puts a lot to make Selugi's character on screen such as appearing trustworthy and "can do no wrong". Kind of like how they want Irene as their visual to exude a Jessica/Krystal ice-princess as if she's a queen or politican's wife and giving her full frontal 5-10 second shots to showcase her 'beauty' before, during and at the end of a song.
No. 69831
>>69825>Coolest personality >Irene, Jennie, Lisaabsolute topkek
>>69823There were these screenshots floating around of Sistar telling an IOI girl to stay home and not date if possible because "not all male seniors are nice" and they said it right in front of known creeper Leeteuk too. Apparently some agency has a list of male entertainers that are "safe" to approach and talk to
>>69829If an SM idol gets a lot of public attention and praise, it's because SM allows them to be talked about by giving them a positive image. Seulgi was talked about by Krystal and Sulli on national TV when she was a trainee, and mentioned by name when typically trainees stay hidden to the public. Why would SM sanction that if they weren't gearing to push her to hell and back later?
I'm not saying she's a bad person, but I do believe her image has been very carefully pushed by SM to be this hardworking good-hearted all-rounder in the mold of Taemin and NCT's Mark, while the other members maybe get more unfavourable views than is warranted
No. 69833
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>>69829I never ever heard anybody call her an ace…?
She seems very cold, and I thought people rather call her underrated for her dancing/stage presence? Plus lesbo ifans love her, but that's it. Never saw anybody say she's a talented singer or very pretty or nice/funny.
Also, Joy called out sbs' apology and said that it pissed her off. Hopefully SM will really sue, so many fans have been telling them to do so. you think Heechul feels guilty for not being able to help Sulli and Hara? He had known the former since she was literally just a child…
Also today is V's birthday and he was not murdered by haters like his overdramatic fans feared kek Beware if you click on that spoiler…
No. 69838
>>69835Who's the most popular member in japan? Asking cuz they have the biggest twice fanbase outside of sk
>>69833Lol why do people call him handsome? Clear closeups of his face just confirms his unattractive-ness
No. 69841
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>>69838>Lol why do people call him handsome?Because the standards are extremely low? The people he's competing against look barely even human anymore
No. 69842
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>>69841"Natural", "no ps" my ass lmao
No. 69845
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>>69842Oof this picture really shows how plastic they are. The only ones who look like human dudes are v jk and jin. The rest are tragic.
No. 69847
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>>69844I didn't even notice that his face was covered. That's from their twitter, so somebody thought posting that is a-okay lol
Him and Jhope act so obnoxious and are so unpopular, it's just pathetic. The overly feminine styling makes it even worse (Suga and Rat are also ugly dudes, but I think they know and just accept it). Plus their faces are so damn punchable…
No. 69848
>>69847Yeah, rm and suga absolutely know and just try to work with what they have. They’ve both had ps but I really do think that they’ve given up at this point. They all look incredibly haggard here
>>69842, which I attribute to the chaos of idol life (like the shawn mendes bs we talked about)
But I think suga is really funny because he’s hated the group since before they debuted and doesn’t give a shit about any idol bs. I also feel bad cause he would clearly prefer to be less popular and have more creative freedom but his contract trapped him in pink flower boy-ness and eternal anorexia
No. 69857
>>69856He should bulk up again honestly
Not really a good look when a 6 year old could probably beat you up
No. 69863
>>698611. It’s not. More than one Cringy person can exist.
2. Who is that
No. 69872
>>69859Probably a femcel who feels incredibly alone. That's why she's still stuck in this teen fangirl stage. Kpop is a very active and involved community so it gives her a purpose in life. It enables her to escape her shitty life.
Tbh I feel bad for her because I got into Kpop when I was in a very low place…
No. 69874
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>>69856Suga gained a ton of weight this summer, looked downright chubby, now lost some of it again but still looks like a little boy lol
And Jimincel nails the incel posture…
>>69865Half a year later she'll post 'Why I left S.Korea' videos on youtube lol Don't fret it anon, once she travels there she'll grow out of it.
No. 69875
>>69868i don’t see why her weight loss is such a big deal tbh, she wasn’t even the biggest one (isn’t it ryunjin? and she also looks fine?)
she was already slim,why is losing weight while being in the public eye so controversial?
makes you remember that idols aren’t stick thin and that they look pretty normal weight wise
No. 69876
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>>69832Anon, she gained the "ice princess" nickname way before that because of her cunty attitude. Pic related is a translation of some early posts on her UFO, which was like a question-answer kind of sns idols used to have
That said, I laffed each time I read these
No. 69878
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No1curr and ive never posted about him before but stans twitter have just found out that nayeon's stalker has an identical twin brother kek. One is bad enough, let alone two of them. No. 69884
>>69878Dude what, I thought he fucked off, is he still in Korea?
Can one of the male Korean incels that obsess over Nayeon jump him or something? He's annoying.
No. 69886
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>>69883stalker said that they’re twins
No. 69890
>>69886>>69878Leave his brother alone. Also stop feeding this psycho and his fantasy, he's an attention whore. Seriously, stop talking about him.
Onces are so annoying and dramatic "ONCES IF YOU SEE HIM KILL HIM" or shit like this. I don't condone his behavior but let's not act like he's more dangerous than he actually is.
No. 69891
>>69890I agree, he hasn't done anything dangerous, there's loads of weirder fans than him. He's not even a pedo (and that means a lot in kpop kek). God knows just how many korean fans act exactly like that - it just doesn't reach the news/twitter. He only got this much attention because he looks so normal (or maybe even attractive to some korean women).
Twicefags always made excuses like "actually most of unnies fans are young guys and not old creeps!", defending the otakus who fapped to them when they were underage, but as soon as a foreigner does the same, they absolutely lose it.
No. 69904
Finally made it thru most of these sbs, kbs, mma etc clips, i have questions, for bts there's a pajamas theme, a pink silk pajamas theme, a video game playing thing, now they're taking jackets on and off. Are there reasons for this, does it tie into a concept or is it just BH staff going "fuck it, we're out of ideas" or…? There was no theme for girl group sets as far as I could see, other than "glitter & sequins glued on every square inch of fabric" kek.
Posting this clip bc the first 30 seconds jimincel isn't even trying to lip sync convincingly. Idols do the same shit in music videos, like we get you're lip syncing but why can't you at least try? Move your mouth and face appropriately, it ain't that hard…
Were g idle totally kept out of all these events? What about blackpink?
No. 69906
>>69899>>69900>>69902Is this gaslighting? I did not know who yoongi is because I ignored it and thought it was a literally who from NCT. How the fuck do you get suga = yoogi ?
you chimps are insane.
No. 69919
>>69878Lmao sucks to be that guy, what if they go after the wrong one?
Reason #947237472 why this dude's behavior is so fucked up. It doesn't just affect twice, he could actually cause real problems for his family/friends. That's a whole new level of selfish. I bet german twice fans are thrilled too.
Does anyone else not believe he randomly "ran into jeong and tzuyu"? I mean what are the chances of that. Thats a fanfic fantasy, thinking if you travel to seoul you'll just happen upon not only an idol, but two idols, and both in the same group as the girl you're stalking. Also major L points for this guy claiming he's not a fan but used that reddit handle "sha sha sha." I want someone to collect all this info, doxx the fuck outta him & just go all out embarrassing him.
No. 69920 MBC PDs clearly have beef with Bigshit. Therein lies the toxicity of Korean culture, TV network bosses punish hoobaes like TXT and Gfriend (who only recently joined Bigshit) if BTS or Bigshit offended them.
Ratmies are screaming that BTS don't need MBC since they are global superstars now, but they are too stupid to understand that BTS has to play nice with major TV network bosses if they want Bigshit hoobaes to be invited to weekly music shows and EOY music fests. YG JYP and SM bribe or send hookers to network bosses and Bigshit is reluctant to play that game but it means BTS has to put on super elaborate stages for free to ensure that their hoobaes get treated fairly even if nobody gets paid to perform on music shows like Crayon Pop's Way said.
No. 69921
>>69919i don't believe it but it's possible. jyp has a cafe and their artists show up there form time to time but i'm sure jyp put him on a blacklist
>>69920wait if no one gets paid, why do they bother attending? music shows are barely watched nowadays there's no pointing in wasting thousands on sets and background dancers and expensive clothes just to not make it back.
No. 69923
>>69921 Way’s answer to the question of whether or not idols get money prizes for winning awards at the ceremonies:
'There’s no money. It’s just a trophy. They don’t pay you for being there either.'
'They pay you at music programs though. Since it’s an event held by the music program, the broadcaster pays you for being there. But it’s not even enough to pay for transport. You could say it’s nothing.'
According to Way, just being a part of it is such an honor that many idols still participate in the year-end award ceremonies without being paid a cent.
No. 69924
File: 1577678904237.jpg (131.73 KB, 945x2048, EM8VEZwVAAAdSWo.jpg)

Update on Nayeon's stalker: he wants to meet her alone in a small, empty street hoping she would be drunk
At this point I'm fucking scared for her
Rest of screencaps here: No. 69926
>>69924>>69925what the fuck
i was thinking some sort of weird plot twist, that there isnt two and its just him and another personality but if that really was his twin at the airport, thats even worse its like a horror movie
No. 69946
>>69945I'm sure despite that, a lot of younger, rabid stans still found their way to this site.
That's why the last 5 threads have been a even greater shitshow that the previous ones…it's literally filled with stans who are here to release their hateboners…and they're so dumb that they can't even be subtle about it, posting the latest articles or videos of semi-relevant groups that nobody but obsessed stans care about.
No. 69949
I highly doubt there was a kiss and believe the one that said that they were tired and leaning on one another. However shippers are blowing it out of proportion, saving it, spreading it and editing it while non shippers are trying to bury the video. Rat vs. rat lmao
No. 69952
>>69949I saw the video before people started censoring others, JK seems to be nudging him with his head tbh but I could see why someone could think it’s a kiss, it’s nothing but a tiny cute moment.
The problem is that when people see shippers going crazy they should ignore them instead of calling attention to the madness. But they’re blowing it out of proportion.
Btw is it really possible that he didn’t know he was being filmed? In a public place?
No. 69954
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>>69951They were in a campaign together earlier this year, not surprised if they were/are dating. More surprised that it was henry, he's like one of the least
problematic (ex) sm idols.
No. 69960
>>69957I hadn’t seen the video, I was just relaying what I had heard. Now that I’ve seen it, it doesn’t even look like fan service. That’s something I would do with any of my friends and family. The shippers are desperate.
No. 69966
>>69868I feel you, I think it has something to do with their proportions. This opinion would incite a riot if posted in any other forum tho
>>69833Pedantic much? Doesn't have to be the word ace specifically, if there's even a direct Korean translation for that expression. Seulgi is a pretty solid all-rounder and I could see SM crafting her image like that anon said, if they consider her a solo candidate for later on.
>>69831>>69829Seulgi, yeji and a few others are praised for their monolids bc they have classic old fashioned Korean beauty, i can't explain it but i get what they mean even though I'm not Korean. Also personality is a wayyyy bigger factor than fans think it is. If Seulgi had Wendy's personality she wouldn't be half as popular as she is, regardless of talent OR persona manipulation on SM's part. Just off the top of my head Wendy, Seungmin, Hyeri, Jackson, Bom, Jin, Jimin, Jihyo, Rose, baby soul, Miyeon, Lia, and others all have that disposition of eternal insecurity, its truly biological or neurological, like it's just IN them, and no matter how many acting classes they take or therapists they see, it'll never change, it's just who they are. Showbiz is dangerous for these types, I feel bad for them although they knew what they were getting into, at least a little. People like this really shouldn't be in the public eye imo, they end up just getting destroyed by the media and fans.
>>69832No one needs this, no one asked for this. I'm angry I know it even exists
No. 69971
>>69959>this is literally in his job description.Yup, idols probably don't even notice doing that anymore, they were programmed to do shit like this whenever there's a camera on them. V also never quit gay pandering after calling out his shippers.
I'm surprised that kpoppies aren't more mad at the fact that most bg songs usually only adress girls? Isn't that homophobic or whatever towards their fakeboi ass?
>>69951I don't really see the big deal. Henry does seem like a fuckboy, but their interaction only lasted like 2 seconds, he went away immediately. Not any worse than some guy hitting on a girl and she rejecting him, that's not harrassment.
>>69966Seulgifag, she's not half as hot or talented as you make her out to be… If you can't handle people not kissing her ass, then this is the wrong thread for you.
No. 69978
>>69971Huh? Kindly read the conversation above where it's debating if Seulgi is visual or not. We're talking non physical factors that lead idols to be perceived as beautiful even if they aren't technically. Tons of idols have this, in varying degrees, like Soyeon, Lisa, Eunha, Kei, V, all of Twice and on and on. Does this mean I'm "stanning" all these people? If you don't wish to contribute to the discussion, please do us a favor and fuck off.
>>69968It's trippy to watch the snsd Gee MV, notice how long their legs look? But they're average Korean idol height, more or less. It's crazy how it makes them seem so tall? Like an optical illusion.
No. 69979
>>69948Kpop fans are legitimately the lowest iq most developmentally stunted of any online group. If you believe this i feel bad for you. You think BTS don't act as though anyone can see them when in public? Especially in an airport? They aren't that dumb, plus this is what idols are trained for. Please get off twitter and stay in school.
>>69952>cuteDangerous delusional ratmy newfag spotted. Get out while you're ahead, chica.
No. 69988
File: 1577718463075.jpeg (66.43 KB, 1280x720, C5ACD5FF-FCEC-4F5C-9B8D-67FDE0…)

Do you guys predict K-pop’s western popularity will increase, decrease, or plateau in 2020?
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I predict if not next year it will diminish in the year after.
No. 69990
>>69988I'm still not convinced that there is even western popularity in the GP. MAYBE they know some names, but we are far away from popularity.
Therefor it will most likely plateau, because the kpoppies will still go crazy (looking at you, ratmy…) and the rest doesn't care like always.
No. 69995
>>69990Yeah, you’re right. I guess I was thinking along the lines of “when’s the next time I can open any given YouTube video and not see any BTS related comments?” But it doesn’t even matter irl.
2017-18 were already the worst
No. 69997
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>>69994I'm talking about and people who regurgitate their stuff.
No. 69999
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>>69959yeah people tend to forget that groups like super junior did weird sexual shit on stage constantly like this
including siwon who claims to be homophobic af
No. 70000
>>69997this list is fair i guess but there are a few i think should be moved up a little
i wonder if the people analyzing look at videos where idols sing on their own, cover songs and such instead of just the songs their group promotes?
because i feel kei, minah, choa and sojung should be higher
i do think they got snsd right though, i get sick of people saying jessica and tiffany are stronger singers than seohyun
No. 70007
File: 1577729121515.jpg (1.56 MB, 1440x2253, VVsJOce.jpg) Eunwoo, "I felt how much I was lacking through 'Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung'… I promise to grow" At least he's self aware because he is bad at acting.
No. 70010
>>69997Is hwasa really better than IU and lee hi?
i remember he changed the way rated them by not using terms such as "weak" anymore. i guess it's because ratmys and the rest didn't like that their talentless ~bias~ wasn't called a vocal prodigy.
No. 70012
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Wendy is the Anne Hathaway of kpop, she's that annoying kid in drama class who gets way too into it and tries too hard, but is undeniably the biggest fish in the pond so she gets every choir solo and every lead role. Everyone is sick of her, but the spring musical will be a disaster without her so you're stuck.
>>69994>>69997>>70000They're referring to youtubers who make kpop content that panders to fans for clicks. Youtube can't be trusted, all creators are in bed with each other and won't trash talk their subjects. Reaction vids and so-called dance/vocal coaches analyzing idols should be taken with many, many grains of salt.
No. 70014
>>70013>I feel like a lot of western k-stans are using it as a substitute seeing as how lacklustre the western pop scene has been as of late.Imo it's because many young girls are fed up with the low standards of western male beauty. George Clooney is hailed as sex god, dad bods are supposedly hot, so teens jump at every remotely young and attractive guy (e.g. Tom Holland).
Plus with the recent trend of more and more men being into makeup, self care etc, kpop boys fit right into that trend. The metoo movement showed that male american celebs are scary, but a pastel haired >60kg k-idol can't hurt you. Male idols also act sweet, while many western men still think that women are into bad guys.
But I also think that there's more and more western celebrities who realized this, what girls are into and therefore try to also change themselves to fit that mold (e.g. Noah Centino).
No. 70017
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>>70016nta but yes and it's bs imo
No. 70025
>>70017>Taemin proficient>V and Jk better than LeoHuh?
Also somehow absolute nobodies that nobody ever heard of rank extremely high, and is Suju really so good? I never noticed their voices as anything special
No. 70026
>>70017kyuhyun and ryeowook seem about right, i always felt that they were on the forefront of male kpop singers.
though i remember the analyst stating that none of these idols could be considered really good, so i guess there is some level of awareness as to the fact that kpop often has lower standards because they tend to value ~visuals~ ~personality~ and ~cHaRiSmA~ over talent with few exceptions.
No. 70031
>>70029not a bbfag but asking myself exactly the same question.
im kinda guessing most was judged on not necessarily live vocals. they are rare but exist on youtube.
No. 70034
>>70025only the vocal line is good honestly (kyuhyun ryeowook and yesung) the rest can't sing at all
>>70032a still view really shows how uncoordinated and boring this dance is. thought onces paradises how much harder their choreo got but it's so easy and plain
No. 70036
>>70029I have no idea how Big Bang sound but as a former Taeminfag I can confirm that he's extremely weak. I don't even know most of those guys in that ranking but I always thought Leo is at the absolute top when it comes to idol vocals, he's constantly in musicals.
The rest of DBSK is also decent yet somehow didn't make the list…
No. 70049
>>70037Thanks, you beat me. Folks can you please just read the analyses so this doesn't turn into 100 one-liner pissing comments?
Taeyang/Daesung were never good (I like them too but they just aren't, it's ok) but I think the issue might be Taemin is, like, literally the only idol to ever get actual support from his co, I've only heard 3 of his solo songs but noticed they were all right in his range, no tricky ad libs or stylizing, not wordy. Ditto for bts Jin's solo piano song.
Kpop already cares so little about the music, we all know, but then vocals are the thing they care about the absolute least within that, i could rant on but I'll just say in the normal music world singers select songs based on their ability, what works for their voice; high notes & ad libs are scaled down for live shows; keys are changed; songs are rearranged. Kpop doesn't do any of this shit and it's borderline
abusive. Esp for the girls, they force them to sing songs that are completely wrong for them, then they get to deal with all the criticism from knetz? it's just so wrong.
No. 70055
>>70053Ntayrt but omg, do you think the source is credible?
When Jihyo’s relationship with Kang Daniel was revealed, male knetz said they’d only care if Nayeon or Sana were dating.
No. 70056
>>70027From my understanding Leo has decent pitch and is able to hit the notes he has to sing, but the way he hits those notes is
technically really bad.
No. 70070
>>70057lololol no
not a taeminfag but his improvement from debut to now probably the most a idol has improved
No. 70089
that is much better than a screaming jimincel
No. 70090
>>70074>>70075Normally I'd agree but these are dark times we're living in, thousands of teens unironically think Rose and Jimin's forced, breathy sheep voices are not only not-bad, but
good .. and then even not only good, but suitable for a Coachella main stage or sold-out Wembley? Every vocalfag convo helps get the msg out there a little bit, at least I hope kek
>>70078>>70086Yeah this comment is mega cringe by itself but also, more generally, kpop's obsession with high notes is so embarrassing and dated. That hasn't been a thing since the 90s adult contemporary divas like Whitney, Mariah, Celine Dion where they all stuck to the classic pop song structure with the high note at the end after a key change. Pop has evolved so much, literally no one should be seeking out something as old and cliche as tHaT eNdiNg hiGh nOtE
No. 70098
File: 1577768199252.jpg (1.72 MB, 2896x2231, 20191231_061908.jpg)

I was browsing through twicetagram and suho's ig, seems to me they've been flirting through insta like baek and taeyeon did…like in the picture. Roughly translated Sana's caption is something along the lines of "1500 happy days" etc and suho's is "that's just a beginning" and the demon emoji
No. 70113
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>>70105I think it's pretty common though. It would be like him and yoona when standing side by side. i don't think it's weird at all.
No. 70115
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I think this is the most accurate way to measure gg popularity outside of sk, congrats to bp Lmao twice btfo with their entire discography vs 9 songs
No. 70116
>>70104>>70107Please let it be true, that would be glorious lmao
She always does gross lesbo fanservice, all neckbeard otakus dream about having her, but in the end she goes for an exo member who was born into a wealthy family.
You really thought she'd take your poor and old hairy fatass? kek
But they'd probably pretend to have never cared about her anyway and Nayeon will gain even more solo stans. Or they act as if he's not good enough for her, that she could have easily gotten an actor, but dear Sana-chan is a kboo bg fangirl.
No. 70118
>>70116>>70116Yeah the suho stuff would be funny
But can y’all imagine if she dated some big black man tho kek
No. 70144
>>70125she should've left a long time ago, when her voice wasn't ducked from yg's 'training'
>>70098why would they flirt through social media when they can meet irl? that's risky as hell. this would definitely be the end of twice (at least as the top gg) if its true. exols will probably hate on sana just like they hated taeyeon and krystal.
No. 70155
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>>70154Jesus Christ! Why would she do that to herself?!
Oh well, just saw that her name is "singlemom420"
Similar cringe, at first I even thought this must be a new copypasta…
No. 70163
Article: "Provocative Couple Performance" Hyuna ♥ Dawn's surprise collabo [2019 Gayo Daejejun]
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+1,611, -67] Even if they are a real couple, what was with this performance? On a year-end show that everyone's watching with their families? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Quite shocking.
2. [+1,459, -73] This is a mating performance, not a singing performance ㅠ
4. [+135, -3] I felt embarrassed watching this with my parents. I had to wake up my sleeping dog and pretend to play fetch.
10. [+85, -2] Were they not able to reserve any hotel rooms because it's the year-end? Why do it on stage like this?
14. [+53, -1] Crazy… on public broadcast?
15. [+45, -2] I was watching this with my in-laws… super embarrassing
11. [+84, -2] Sigh, I knew this would happen. Everyone already knows that they're lovers, did they need to choose a concept like this and take it this far? ㅡㅡ They're both great dancers so they could've showed a stage that shows that off instead of all these sexual acts, rubbing up against each other ㅡㅡ They looked so low class and boring.
No. 70191
>>70190The fact that some of these people are engaged (and I expect adults) also makes me laugh lmao. It's uncomfortable to watch but it's nothing that's really pushing the lines.
If anything, the grinding just looks shit but so do female adults 'twerking'
No. 70196
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lol i dont think ive ever seen so many negative comments on a taeyeon article on allkpop before hope she doesnt kill herself tho
No. 70199
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Uhh guys? Should we be worried? I know some idols are ugly and talentless but I don't want any of them to get killed
No. 70203
>>70200My first thought was that it's about Josh (the Nayeon stalker).
In any case, this is very concerning. I'm not a fan of Twice at all, but creepy sasaengs need to piss off.
No. 70206
>>70205im sure they've pretty much done what they can do already with stepping up security and such
he hasnt broken any laws
now, if he were smoking marijuana or spreading false rumors online, they could get him because thats all they care about in korea kek
No. 70212
>>70211if you look at the amount of downvotes on the positive comments, it looks like an orchestrated thing tbh
some seatard that doesnt like taeyeon for whatever reason figured out how to make multiple profiles
i dont even like her but thats what it looks like to me
No. 70216
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>>70199this is all so bizarre I can't believe it. is his family really funding him while he does all this shit?
No. 70219
>>70218well if this is true, this is serious and he is very obviously a danger and needs to be removed
hope he gets deported
No. 70223
File: 1577846872540.png (82.23 KB, 1039x530, 1577846733041.png)

kek he literally thinks he is a god or something
the only cure for someone like this is a bullet but since this is in korea, they probably wont do anything until he physically attacks someone
iirc they didnt even press charges against the guy who dragged taeyeon off stage, because he was "ill
No. 70227
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i genuinely think chaeyoung is…slow
No. 70228
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So apparently a saesang illegally sold the information on what flights Twice was taking to stalker. They're now taking legal action against him. This is getting kinda toasty. No. 70229
File: 1577849880103.jpeg (16.41 KB, 231x240, 496B5BBD-F674-4137-BE6F-7138A1…)

>>70158I’m getting japanese ronald mcdonald vibes
>>70228this neckbeard has to be from a rich family.
No. 70230
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>>70229his parents own a jewelry store in germany apparently
No. 70243
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Ratmys are mad.
No. 70244
>>70243well he didn't lie. I don't know why V bothered to renew his contract when he looks clocked out half the time.
>>70223this guy is so delusional it's almost sad. he needs to be locked up or something before he moves onto someone else without any of the security or resources jyp has.
No. 70247
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>>70192>>70191>>70190you all should watch Korean television. They literally censor the slightest bit of blood and a lot of shit.
>>70193>>70196Sometimes I wonder if her "don't give a fuck" attitude works for her, Sunmi and Yubin are from Wondergirls too and tried that too but they came off more insecure than confident compared to Hyuna. Maybe it's a personality thing.
Anyways, happy new year stans, non-stans, former stans, newfags, haters, antis, akages, sasaengs femcels, incels, yoongis, jimincels, ratmies, dykes, faggots, etc.
We may all hate each other, but let's wish for a new year full of more scandals and dramas to top this past one. 2019 was a roller coaster like never before. What tinfoils/happenings are you all expecting this year?
No. 70249
>>70247It's not that I want this to happen but somebody pretty much confirmed that lee sooman is involved with the rothschilds/prob also a freemason/~illuminati~ so another sm artist will die sometime in the next 2-3 years
Maybe even this year
Shit like the freemasons happen in threes cuz numerology
Let's see if I'm wrong
No. 70250
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>>70249This may be insane tinfoil but Shinee had a song called Lucifer where they did the "as above, so below" pose where you point up and down at the same time. I think they also do it in the Sherlock MV.
I'm not a full Vigilant Citizen conspiracy theorist but I couldn't help but notice it.
No. 70251
>>70249>>70250Magic does not exist but I know a lot of filthy rich people so detached from reality they believe in strange superstitions and get scammed by fung shui and spiritualists.
Even JYP's in a cult lmao
No. 70256
>>70135It was funny until you had to ask. For the love of god learn to use google, it ain't that hard
>>70190I think theyre trolling or just very young. At least as young as all those "I'm a 45-yr-old white male American cardiologist and I love those boys!" btshit "fans"
>>70218Finally a voice of reason itt. Last week someone thought SM should be suing KBS on behalf of Wendy after, like, 24 hrs. Obviously they're investigating but it's best not to advertise it. The girls really shouldn't have posted that ig story (tho i understand that type of impulsive posting, it just wasn't smart)
>>70247I hate that I know what all those words mean…but hey i really liked your post, and obviously I don't want nayeon harmed but this is some pretty milky shit to take us into the new year, dear lord of kpop pls keep twice safe but also let some major shit pop off so twice stan twitter has a total meltdown, kAmSaHamNiDa & amen.
No. 70257
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>>70252How dare you call him plastic when creatures like this exist? Lmao
But ratmon is really tipping his head backwards 24/7 to create the illusion of having at least somewhat a chin, if you're so insecure why don't you get it fixed?
No. 70259
>>70257>>70255>>70252I got shit on a few days ago for this but I'll say it again, and proudly, RM and his arrogant smirk is
triggering af, he doesn't even try to seem humble or grateful and he's always jutting out his chin like that, is there a reason? There are lots of borderline underbites in kpop like GF sinb & yerin, bp rose, early taeyeon, maybe ryujin or hwasa, but is it just his face or does he do that on purpose, if so why?
An anon suggested his weird blonde mullet at (mma? mama?) was to distract from recent ps, I agree because i doubt he or his stylist really wanted that terrible hair for him, but im bad at spotting ps. What did he get done?
No. 70260
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>>70257Another good shot of Jhope and Rat kek But Jin also looks like an old turtle.
I bet they hate american photographers who don't filter the shit out of their faces.
No. 70264
>>70262More popularity isn't a bad thing. It may make TWICE look even better in the eyes of the general public as well as JYP(how good he's at protecting them and how much suffering they go through because they're so cool).
Idk, I find it sketchy that the stalker suddenly came out of nowhere with an youtube channel telling us his every step ahead of time. And he hasn't been violent or anything.
I may be wrong but he looks like he's paid to do that to me.
No. 70266
>>70263BTS genuinely look tired, Jungkook looks older than his peers and Jhope Suga and Jin are giving off ajusshi vibes.
Feel sorry for them tbh, unlike EXO, SNSD, Twice, Suju etc who can take it easy since they are part of an established company, BTS have to maximize revenue for another 8 years under Bigshit who will squeeze them dry to fund Bang PD's Big 3 ambitions. I totally understand why some of them thought of not re-signing in 2018.
No. 70267
>>70261My initial response was no, if anything it's all a big prank or scheme on HIS part (the stalker), like some elaborate viral marketing thing, or promotion for some project or something of his
But then I thought, that sure is weird he found his way onto that flight, i mean what are the chances, there have to be tons of flights Korea>/<Japan right? And I thought sasaengs kept all their info secret as possible, why else be a sasaeng? No sasaeng would deliberately sic this guy on them would they? They'd be just as liable if found out.
And the guy is German and speaks English. Nothing weird there, plenty of Europeans know English esp in Germany, but if jype was trying to get attention of "western" populations or news outlets, well, they kinda nailed it.
And it is weird how detailed this guy has been on youtube, reddit, twitter. Who describes every step like that, esp a guy who supposedly has such genuine intentions toward her and doesn't want to be seen as a bad guy? And those early posts, about killing female streamers who don't accept the advances of fans or whatever, are almost a lil too perfect. Why weren't those discovered among a lonnng history of posts in other subs regarding random topics like gaming, travel, cooking etc just normal shit ppl discuss on reddit. Also if the dude is so certain he's in the right, why is he describing every minute of this epic for all these people who are against him.
No. 70273
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>>70260Reminds me of this meme again
No. 70275
>>70243This is pretty wild, who said that? I'm surprised anyone who's not a fan would notice just bc American non-fans can't tell apart any kpop group members, it's just a mass of generic "asian" with crazy hair to them
Go back to the mma/mama thing when they played a clip scanning over all their faces, they were all kinda smiling or at least looking pleasant then V was at the very end hella serious looking. I'm still LITERALLY SHOCKED they used that footage, it's like they were trying to call him out instead of getting the look they needed from him for that bit, or editing it later
No. 70276
>>70271Im confused, does there have to be one? If they're required to have one, I can see it being fake or being planned like suho/sana (very fake, obviously planted ig comments) bc if people are expecting one but they don't have an organic one, then…?
>>70273Is this real not shooped? Is this why he juts out his chin all the time? Idg why he doesn't get an implant, isn't he a millionaire or close?
No. 70284
>>70267I really dislike this but thinking about it… ehhh.
It's odd to me that they posted on Instagram (?) telling him to go away as I expect the first step for them would be to simply ignore him, not acknowledge his presence.
No. 70285
>>70278Interesting question bc I'm always the one saying nothing any idol does is organic, heh. I'm not sure by any means but he's clearly deviating from the desired mood/vibe needed from the group at certain times, he's pretty blatantly not following instructions from directors & choreographers. If the whole group is looking happy/hopeful, like in the clip i mentioned or mikro cosmos, and hes not, well… Also that tweet above, if it's true, i mean if a non-bts fan is noticing, hes obviously acting however he's feeling with no regard for how it looks.
I kinda like this tho. Officially BTS doesn't need bighit, bighit needs them, and I can see them getting away with a whole lotta shit now. Junglebook's tattoos were child's play, I want a sex/hooker scandal sooo bad haha
>>70284Yeah I thought all idol IGs were supervised closely, this is also why the sana/suho thing is such BS. I really can't believe theyd be allowed to post something so impulsively, then told to delete it, that just draws more attention to it. I could see that being planned.
But seriously i feel kinda bad now, if he's for reals and nayeon ends up murdered.
No. 70288
>>70286Also agree with the other anon that it's odd how public he is being. Even the other sasaengs hardly ever become so public and seem to sell info on a bit of a low-down.
On another note, I think people are being dumb by paying attention and engaging with this person since it simply edges him on. Just like Twice shouldn't engage with him because it would encourage him.
No. 70296
>>70271Maybe it had a twice member and they’re holding off revealing it due to the sensitive situation with the stalker? I’m not even a sanasuho shipper but it’s my best guess why.
I hope self-righteous moralfags didn’t ruin the tradition with the “Dispatch needs to lay off the private life of celebs!” activism. Irl milk curdlers.
No. 70299
>>70296Maybe it was Wendy but Dispatch held off because it'd be pretty fucking low of them to expose her while she's in hospital with a shattered jaw and pelvis?
Wendy by herself is pretty unknown in Korea but maybe her BF is someone famous
No. 70305
>>70300>>70302>>70303>>70299Sorry to be such an autist, does there have to be one? It's understandable if it's not happening bc it's from rv or twice, or really any group that had major issues this year – momoland, stray kids, anyone close to sulli/hara? Itzy going ana? (just kidding) I hate watch idols just as much as all of you but I'm not a monster kek.
Would be kinda funny if this is true, it means kpop is so fucked up rn they can't even keep their tmz rumor mill afloat
No. 70306
>>70289Many of their songs are composed by foreigners, they would surely follow them as well. And Bighit isn't powerful enough to freeze them out like SM did with Jyj, everybody would be on their side.
I find it mind-baffling how many fans praise Bighit and just "forget" some of the shit they pulled (or maybe they're so young/new that they don't know anything?), e.g. them complaining about their manager calling them fat or a manager threatening to hit them. Just imagine if they talked about that on american tv, Bighit would be over.
Their new contracts must be extremely good…
No. 70322
>>70315I was mildly grossed out when I learned about his "crush" on Sohee and how he used to leave comments on her forums as a fan because he was in his 20s and she was barely 15-16 back then
His "looking out" for girl groups has always given me a weird feeling because of the girls getting younger and younger….all of Itzy were born in the 2000s ffs
No. 70324
>>70249I'm out of the loop, wdym by it's pretty much confirmed that he's a freemason? And do y'all actually believe in the Illuminati kek
>>70314The point of Knowing Bro's was to help a bunch of male celebrities with tarnished reputations get back into the lime light so I would be disappointed/grossed out, but not suprised.
No. 70326
>>70325kyunghoon had a tax evasion scandal and was really overweight at one point
everyone thought heechul was gay
janghoon had a divorce scandal
sangmin got charged for running an illegal gambling website and also had a divorce scandal
those are the ones i remember off head so correct me if i missed anything
No. 70327
>>70325nta but hodong is an unlikable old man with anger issues, and enough idols have stated how he's basically a nightmare to work with, and that he doesn't really acknowledge them until they get more famous.
I don't know why so many creepy, rude men get to be on almost all korean tv shows, like the dude from radio star. They're not even funny or anything.
No. 70330
>>70325>>70327 Hodong acted so rude and racist towards a japanese(!) singer, that all korean(!) netizens defended him, demanded an apology and got that show taken off air.
He might act nice on Knowing Bros, but all guests claiming he was super scary a couple years back certainly isn't just a joke.
Plus, he sometimes says misogonistic things about/to his wife and then acts as if he's just joking.
No. 70334
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>>70324It's more of an assumption that he's a freemason, i honestly wouldnt be suprised
anyways the rothschilds are the own everything type of old money and are connected to that retarded ass cult sooo
No. 70336
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No. 70339
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Armys are mad lmao
No. 70348
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Some skim milk to start out with a lean diet for the year.
Someone comments on AsianJunkie's end of the year summary
>I don't want to be mean but I think these ever present, in your face ads you have on the site definitely pay a lot so saying you are not paid and you do this just for fun is a bit… One nice change would be to at least reduce the ads, it would definitely improve the site. I mean, if you are doing it just for fun why this level of terrible ads, right? Just a thing for you to mull over, I'm not trying to be a troll or something, I like your site. Happy new year.
Then the user suggests nonintrusive ads that doesn't redirect to malware as an alternative with some users agreeing. Nothing too bad, right? AJ chimps out with a new post (pic related) and the comment section is complete asskissing. AJ is one of the more tolerable (and literate) k-pop sites and makes some points. But making a spergy rant article was hella retarded.
No. 70354
>>70339Did they not see everyone clowning paula abdul's lipsyncing last night? Ratmies think anybody who dares criticize bts has a special racist agenda out for them
>>70352This. And boybands like nsync, backstreet boys, and 1D were always made fun of even though they had some decent singers and made songs that got really popular
No. 70368
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>>70362yeah it's confirmed. gross af
No. 70369
>>70362Heechul is nothing but a glorified creep.
Congratulations to the couple I guess.
No. 70378
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>>70371>well at least now people will look at his love for girl groups more criticallyAh, the fool!
No. 70379
>>70377Lmfaooo ikr. So many people were convinced he was gay and I never got why.
With this being the 2nd confirmed relationship for a member of twice, is the group going to be negatively affected? Mono isn’t Chaeyoung level nugu but she isn’t popular like Sana either, so idk.
No. 70381
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onces are starting to fight on twitter about the relationship kek. at least some of them realize that a 14 year age gap is creepy, especially because heechul fetishized her for being japanese. it seems that most are still grinning their teeth and bearing it because “they’re adults”
No. 70390
>>70385read bottom sentence.
only the kiddies with 0 world experience believed the gay thing.
>>67095 No. 70408
>>70405Momo debuted at 19-20 years AKA an adult, it's not grooming even if you think he's a dick for going after a younger woman.
Not trying to justify shit, but female idols date older males in the industry because their same age male peers don't date long-term. Younger male idols prob sleep around and that's all.
Other than Kang Daniel and Pentagon Edawn and a few other unique cases, male idols in SK don't seriously date or admit longterm relationships until their group goes on military hiatus, it's literal death sentence for the whole group to date under contract because it affects their fandom and earnings. Their members will hate them. Male idols date in their 30s when their fandom grows up and is less crazy/chilled (not true in SJ Sungmin's case) because it affects job security.
Kang Daniel didn't care because he is his own CEO but if he was in a newly debuted boyband like Edawn, he would get severely reprimanded or kicked out by the agency.
The same logic would apply to female idols but women don't sleep around and usually want to marry earlier so they don't care about waiting until 30 to date seriously.
No. 70411
>>70409Because maybe she likes him?
Ya'll are acting like he's J Howard Marshal and shes Anna Nicole Smith kek. He's still relatively young and popular. He's not even an ugly washed up hasbeen like the H.O.T. guy. They'll break up after a few months anyway.
No. 70416
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Stans on twittering making them mini and heechul situation worst
No. 70421
>>70413>>70414Yes they may be big fucbois or visit escorts but for SK celeb/male idols it's a huge risk to their income to admit a serious relationship. It is a financial decision to admit publicly, like Kang Daniel prob has fewer stans now and Edawn and Pentagon lost a lot of income. That Ikon kid who dated Momoland Daisy denied their relationship although her agency admitted it kek.
In SK idols not dating is seen as responsibility owed to the group for the success of their career, so idols who date get hated by stans of their group mates.
Even an established idol like SJ Sungmin got hate for marrying. Male idols are told to date quietly and never admit to dating (Bet Junglebook dated Mijoo but broke up once they got caught) so they have to end relationships once it goes public, whether they fuck around or not.
No. 70425
>>70420We don't know either of them personally. We have no idea what they're thinking or feeling. Plenty of women get married young. Plenty of women think they'd never marry in their 20s but then they meet someone and whoops, guess what we're getting married! People meet each other in all types of ways, esp via work, and people change their self-imposed life plans all the time due to surprise or unforeseen circumstances. Fans attacking heechul or momo or both are likely just projecting their own insecurity or immaturity. It's really not a crazy situation esp because we already knew of a connection between them.
Also it's easy for "western" or i fans to attribute everything to koreabooness, weabooness but I'd like to actually poll some actual Korean and Japanese people to see if this is just i-fan projection. Korea and Japan are near each other, have a long history and consume each other's media, is that really so horrible? Are american fans of Justin Bieber "canadaboos" ? Were fans of Ricky Martin in the 90s "fetishizing" latinx? Why does jaden smith liking kpop make him a koreaboo? Why does heechul liking momo make him some disgusting old perverted weeaboo? Is it really impossible that theyre just two humans who met and now like each other? The femcel virginity itt is so painfully obvious, I'm actually embarrassed for all of you. Grow up.
No. 70428
>>70425>esp because we already knew of a connection between this isn't kpop general loser
>Korea and Japan are near each other, have a long history and consume each other's media, is that really so horrible? Are american fans of Justin Bieber "canadaboos" ?Jesus christ, you're an idiot
>Why does heechul liking momo make him some disgusting old perverted weeaboo?People are calling him a weeaboo/fetishizer because he said stuff about his attraction to japanese women generally not because he likes a girl who happens to be japanese, are you illiterate?
No. 70429
well, at least this thing gave a little milk. i love how the seethers on various social media platforms dont get that are angry cause of their gullibility.
momo told fans she wouldnt date. heechul has been on dating shows and crying about how lonely he is. now reports are coming out they have been seeing each other for years.
example: No. 70432
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>>68815great all these brain dead kpop stans now are gonna have this kind of mindset now. heechul’s & momo’s relationship is so gross please love yourself
(emoji) No. 70445
>>70434That one should've stayed in your twitter drafts,
No. 70449
>>70448He has been famous and comfortable being seen as gay for at least a decade, even actively pushing it, with no baclash. Why tf would they care now?
Sometimes a spade is just a spade, Dispatch obviously caught them and they decided to go public.
No. 70453
Heechul's "befriending" of young female idols now screams pedo instead of gay best friend's scoping out his next gf
No. 70454
>>70448Or Heechul is being thrown under the bus for a more popular idol since he's far enough into his career to not have to give a shit about rabid Elfs
Also, weird how SM suddenly announced the Taemin comeback 2 months in advance and the new GG debut (no date though). It's like they're throwing a ton of news + the Heechul thing at the media all of a sudden… me Alex Jones all you want but I feel they're trying to hide something again. Red Velvet were also suddenly announced and debuted under similar chaotic circumstances so
No. 70455
>>70448lol he's scared of rabid elfs tho they were spying on him in his underwear and sent him a text about
No. 70461
>>70458What's weird is that they denied it the first time. Did JYP cut a deal with SM back in August because Jihyo was outed then and they didn't want the shitstorm of 2 members revealed at once? It's not like Jihyo and Momo are Sana and Nayeon-tier popular anyway
>>70459Maybe SM wants to keep any SM couples under wraps this time so they sacrificed Heechul
>dispatch caught them togetherThis was leaked by another news outlet, not Dispatch. They're the same ones who outed them back in August
No. 70471
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>>70448No way he’s gay. Yoona mentioned that male idols would pretend to be gay for female idols to lower their guards around them. There are def creeps in the industry and he’s most certainly one of them. Img isnt yoona but something sistar said
No. 70483
I'm disappointed that Heechul's love for young female idols isn't just an act, but on the other hand, Momo's been an adult for 5 years already, she's not a child and she also doesn't look anyway near underage, so he's not a pedo. Visually they don't have a large age gap, it's not like he's fat, hairy, bald or something, like other males his age.
She probably knows that her career won't last long and that she doesn't have many options afterwards, so she settled for an older idol whose biggest scandal thoughout his career is being a weeb.
That's also why knets are so supportive, he's old, but he was never caught doing anything illegal in the 15, 20(?) years since he debuted.
So calm down farmers, she'll live, it's not that awful.
No. 70484
>>70483no one said he’s a pedo. but he’s a creep for publicly crushing on her when she was 18-19 while he was well into his 30’s, only to date her years later. her being an adult doesn’t make the situation any less skeevy, and you’re damn right if he was ugly like choiza, public sentiment would be a lot different. reminder that sulli and choiza’s age gap was extremely similar and look how that turned out. both girls were adults, both men knew them years before dating.
i don’t see this ending well but i hope heechul’s not an ass and does right by her if this is a serious thing. i give it a year, maybe less
No. 70495
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>>70486and what about it?
Not a ratmy but I can't believe this glorious pic hasn't been posted on here yet (of has it?)
No. 70497
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>>70486"ya'll" are welcome to leave if you don't like it here
No. 70498
>>70494>>70495>>70496nta but get back in your containment shithole(s). literally no one on lolcow (or most of the internet) likes you cunts besides yourselves.
>inb4 ree trannyhate them just as much as I hate you uwu
No. 70501
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>>70266>Jungkook looks older than his peers and Jhope Suga and Jin are giving off ajusshi vibes.You're exaggerating, RM is naturally ugly but other than that only Jhope's face is haggard and fucked beyond repair, the rest still could pass as Post Malone's (and most other western celebrities') sons.
No. 70502
>>70384Don't forget YG and his wife (12 years), Suzy and Lee Dong Wook (13 years)
Apparently it's pretty common in korea No. 70505
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>>70502>Apparently it's pretty common in koreaYou're acting as if Hollywood and 20, 30 or even 40 year age gaps aren't a thing. Getting mad over 10 years is absolute bullshit, nobody considers Beyonce and Jay-Z or Blake Lively and Ryan Renolds to be weird or creepy either.
They look completely normal toegther, Momo is an adult, let her do what she wants to do.
No. 70514
>>70513Her case is especially a terrible example cause every one knows jay-z had been grooming her since she was a teen.
Idk what's there to defend either. Those anons can take it to Reddit where almost all comments saying they're uncomfortable with the age gap are downvoted or get replies such as "they're both consenting adults!! Stop infantilizing her!11"
That's bold coming from fucking kpop stans.
No. 70516
>>69814 definitely knew about the room salon brothel when he bought the building plus he and YG prob used the place to entertain clients because the lift was spoiled and not fixed. When people say X or Y idol looks naive and sweet, well everyone thought Daesung was dim or got picked to be an idol because he had a good personality kek.
Bastards don't write "I am a Bastard" on their forehead.
No. 70520
>>70468wait what? i thought she was so much older than 17/18 when that scandal happened
No. 70521
>>70508jenny/kai was as fake as krystal/kai so i think you could be right in theory
heechuls obsession with momo has almost been meme tier the past two years or so so it could very well be a fake stunt
i dont think its because either of them are gay though, like some people are theorizing
No. 70523
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>>70518>adding jeongyeonwut…lmao…if thats true id be shocked because she literally looks deformed…
No. 70525
>>70524yeah and apparently they like jeongyeon too kek
nobody ever even acknowledges her presence in the fandom unless its an interaction involving one of the girls that are actually relevant so that person is clearly pulling shit out of their ass
the only exception is mouthbreathing "kfappers" on reddit and 4chan that refer to her as ~twiceboi~ because they're projecting their own tranny/gay fantasies onto a female who masquerades as a fakeboi for attention
No. 70526
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>>70523With 10 pounds of makeup she looks decent, but still not visual-tier, since that’s how all of Twice was marketed. Also she clearly looks so much better with long hair but stylists love to make her look like a butch.
>>70518Jeongyeon has never been one of the most popular members. Post your source or gtfo.
No. 70532
>>70531they definitely are the least popular
probably because they both look like they have either missing or extra chromosomes
No. 70537
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kek another one bites the dust
choi yoo jung has people freaking out because she either overphotoshopped her face, or has completely changed it with surgery
No. 70538
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>>70537What she looked like before, for reference
I never thought she was ugly, just that she resembled Eunji from Apink a lot and had a sort of chubby face. But Korea likes that sometimes.
No. 70539
>>70537from lookin at these pics, my theory is: weight loss, lip injections, injections on the bridge of the nose.
farmers will scream chin shave but that can really just be due to weight loss.
No. 70545
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Jk better stop with the tattoos…
No. 70548
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>>70545No racebait but tats have nothing to do with it. Jay Park, Jaejoong Amber, Zico, C.A.P. have tons of tasteful tattoos. It's more about melanin, Asians have more melanin so they "don't raisin" as fast and the "black dont crack" cliche is because their skin naturally has the most melanin which protects against UV wrinkling. Even some mixed kids like Somi look older than their age.
>>70549Im the one who posted it, and its literally a post making the rounds on multiple sites right now, so clearly this isnt a >so many of you
situation unless your including all the people on those other sites who are saying the same thing.
No. 70554
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At this point they should just ditch jhope, what an embarrassment. Because of freaks like him people are talking shit about all Koreans being plastic and effeminate.
He's even trying to stand out additionally via clothes, on top of already being a Jocelyn Wildenstein clone (who's already 80 btw, so much for asian don't raisin).
No. 70556
>>70553Meh. I believe many Kpop idols do pot, LSD and other drugs (Han Seohee was supplying TOP and Ikon BI who wanted LSD for "inspiration") especially the ones who go on tour overseas a lot and try it.
I wouldn't be surprised if BTS tried or do it on the sly, they were so into projecting authentic hiphop culture they must've known drugs are a huge part of hiphop scenes and for getting into the zone for writing music like the Beatles
No. 70562
>>70561he seems to be one of those hits on anything that moves kind of guy
im pretty sure he had been trying to fuck amber for years and she friendzoned him
No. 70563
>>70560Bigshit are not dumb they know the Maknae line have most commercial value, Jungkook is #1 popular followed by Jimin. Even Ratmies know Rapmon, Hobi and Suga will be averagely popular as solo rappers (Khiphop isn't exactly mainstream, and they release mixtapes for free) and JK is the most allrounded member who can pursue a solo career with concert tours and music stages.
As for favoritism, JK is the centre of the group on stage (he sings a solo on a flying trapeze on BTS tours) and in all posed photos, plus he perfomed on Masked Singer. Bigshit staff treat him the best apparently.
No. 70571
>>70570They never found out who even took the cctv of jungcock so who the fuck they gon sue? a ghost?
I didnt sage because i like what i said may have been new info for people. So you can fuck off.
Either way please lose weight dear jimincel stan
No. 70580
>>70471That's a really nice advice, I'm surprised that it was coming from Sistar. Isn't that the group where all the girls used to be bullies in school?
>>70473I don't think that she has any word on her haircuts, idols don't usually get to decide that.
>>70481The cognitive dissonance of Leeteuk doing that after having agreed with Sistar that older male idols are creeps to young rookies is astonishing.
>>70513Because allkpop stans have found the thread and they're not gonna leave.
No. 70603
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what the fuck.
kpop fans=pedo supporters
No. 70640
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bigbang confirmed for coachella. i honestly can’t believe how much shit yg gets away with. if i was given the opportunity to destroy one company, it’d be them. they are so blatant with their defiance of the law and it’s fucking disgusting how they still garner so much success because ygfags are braindead.
No. 70649
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>>70608lol he admitted to thirsting after 16 year old sohee in 2008
No. 70650
>>70341This is every songwriter and author worth a damn since the beginning of time. If ratmys think that gooey brain swimming in rm's egg head invented literature and cultural references in song lyrics, all of kpop deserves to burn to the ground i can't watch this twitter shit show anymore
>>70473Like she has control over her hairstyles?
>>70525>>70526>>70524I swear we have this conversation every few weeks and we still can't figure it out. I dont think they were marketed as a visual group, and they are not a visual group imo but fans are convinced of this. It's some kind of contagious groupthink like in a cult or w/e. Enough people say tHeYrE sUcH viSuALs and eventually everyone agrees despite literally no evidence. Fans are into their personalities, imo, and confuse that with them being beautiful (it's not bad, lots of people are like this, you can be pretty but ugly on the inside to the point few if any people would find you attractive) see comments
>>69771 and
>>69829 for more on this, i know prob no one cares but i'm haunted by the confusion and would like it solved at some point in my lifetime kek
No. 70667
>>70666do not underestimate these insane ratmys
god stays in heaven because he's scared of them
No. 70670
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Just want to let you all know what a creep Heechul is again and that you are a pedo supporter if you defend him.
Heechul had a huge crush on sohee when sohee was 15 and heechul was 24.
This is how sohee looked like when she was 15,a literal child.
No. 70685
>>70673Joong beat his ex to the point where she miscarried if I remember right
>>70679It's the misogyny that runs in SK sadly
No. 70700
>>70698This was 4 years ago, you know that right
I think it’s bc she’s just the token “handsome” member and not many guys are into that
No. 70703
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>>70698Which is exactly why she isn’t one of the popular members, besides the fact that she isn’t nice to look at. The anon who keeps vouching for her and Dahyun needs to keep their fucking mouth shut so we don’t have to discuss this anymore.
No. 70707
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Taeyeon is really concerning. I dont want to jump on the >Shes just being an attention whore
train because if something does happen to her, I'll feel really bad. Put her posts are bordering on similarity to Hara's and Sulli's just without the drunken shenanigans. No. 70719
File: 1578084505706.jpg (114 KB, 828x931, 1576084748227.jpg)

thread pic nomination
No. 70728
>>70719why? why would we use a reaction pic made by kais fans to subtly flex his global gucci ambassadorship for a critical thread?
farmers used to be funny what happened man
No. 70778
>>70775Do you have any proof of her popularity?
Last time I checked, her ig post get THE LEAST amount of likes (after Dahyun’s) and her fancams actually receive THE LEAST amount of views, your delusion is quite hilarious
No. 70781
>>70778That person is a obvious sperg.
But they are right when it comes to tzuyu…no one cares about her after she turned 18 because males only liked her because she was underage.
The only popular members in south korea are nayeon and sana.
And internationally the only popular members are nayeon,sana,tzuyu and mina.
Mwanwhile members like Jihyo,chaeyeong,Daehyun and Jeongyeon have a very small niche of of fans and are known as the token members which twitter stans only like out of pity.
Now for momo i dont know where she stands.
She was one of the popular members but after her dating scandal she will probably become a niche member too.
(ban evading ratmy) No. 70786
>>70775the hell are you talking about? jeongyeon only had 2 fansites at one point. the only reason why so fans love her is because she's naturally skinny and looks better now with long hair and makeup. otherwise she's so plain and boring.
general non critical thread where you can praise/discuss idols since it's so hard to read the first post:
>>>/m/58853 No. 70794
File: 1578106413670.jpg (401.79 KB, 960x1199, ezgif-1-71e4698765de.jpg)

They ran out of ideas of what role to give yeri so they made her launch a cosmetics brand kek. This is hilarious.
>Red Velvet‘s Yeri shared a video on her personal Instagram page in which she said, “I am optimistic when it comes to trying new things. I think it will be fun.” The clip was captioned “Don’t be afraid” and “Yeri’s New Adventure”.
>The video was an announcement for her new cosmetic brand Colette, which will debut a luxe lipstick line on January 8. According to Allure, the brand is named in honor of French author Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette.
No. 70796
>>70794how in the hell does SHE have a cosmetic brand? do any of soshi even have one? all i recall is them being spokesmodels for a few brands, not straight up having their own brands other than jessica, which is what caused so much tension between her and the other members apparently
and the taetiseo perfume doesnt count because again, that wasnt their brand specifically it was just a collab
No. 70806
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I know I'm a bad person for saying this and thinking this but I find Alexa so fucking ugly I don't even understand how she got a career in kpop. She's a sweet girl and seems like a hard worker but I swear to god I never found anyone in kpop this ugly, she looks like the retarded and much more disproportionate twin sister of Jihyo. Her nose is weird, face shape, eye distance, she has very bad proportions, her neck is extremely thick and her shoulders are super wide and she's short and looks extremely short.(sperg)
No. 70807
>>70806she looks like that annoying girl from game of thrones
which means she will probably only be popular with pedos
No. 70814
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>>70811>>70811>>70811BTFO Twice stans