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No. 25708
>>25701this, basically. the site is a shadow of its former self anyhow, no great loss.
i hope null steals the site through a BP proxy, would be hilarious to see this place run by an honest to god
TERF No. 25718
>>25711This. Who even are those people? If the site is so bad and you think it should go down, don’t come here and curse it. Just stop coming lol.
>i hope null steals the site through a BP proxy, would be hilarious to see this place run by an honest to god TERFWhat the fuck is this? I hate the amount of ghetto KF scrotes that still infest this place, they’re like cockroaches, especially that last poster who said we should go to KF's "Beauty Parlor" like it's not run by literal trannies.
Anyway, I hope someone does come along to take the reins of the site. I think it’s possible. LC has survived this long with a long line of different admins, after all. There must be some autist capable enough.
No. 25728
>>25722after moot stepped down from 4c the site underwent some serious changes that resulted in it actually being profitable to run. of course as a result the site got a lot worse but a shitty lolcow might be better than no lolcow
>segregate NSFW content to a separate site>run a few skeevy ads at the top and bottom of every page, get paid a lot more for the ones on the sfw site>moderate less aggressively to encourage new posters + increase ad revenue>4chan gold a real thing and not a memeit'd be a lot easier to convince someone to put actual effort into this site if it at least was not a financial drain for them
No. 25731
>>25719Right-wing kooks hating trannies only because of their association with LGB isn't "terfy", anon. It's just regular bigotry and homophobia.
If admin offers a way to donate anonymously (such as through patreon since paypal lets you see your billing details) I'd be willing to help foot the server bill. I wish I had the time to help out more because I really don't want to see the site go.
No. 25732
>>25718I mean its not a secret, null used to send all banned users from kf over here. he said he stopped but clearly we're still getting refugees.
I think LC can bounce back too theres just a lot of people frothing at the mouth over this, seems like someone really wants our domain name… hmmm…
so in summary:
No. 25733
>>25718keep telling yourself i’m a scrote, you dullard. pure cope. sperging about moids and scrotes in every thread is what killed this place. uncaring jannies and the utter indifference to the CP did the rest.
bet that there are more natal women posting on KF at this very second than there ever are here. you can have this place. seethe, cope, and dilate, fren. ywnbaw!
No. 25735
>>25730So, an online store where lolcow souvenirs/ merch is produced by the arty anons and run by the business skilled anons, combining all our strengths to make it work.
Put a design forward for the lolcow mascot, the farmhand and make her design into cute plushies, print on t-shirts, backpacks etc as well as other things that could be designed and made and sell on the e-store for profit to keep lolcow running.
No. 25741
File: 1629573501635.png (431.49 KB, 640x359, imagen_2021-08-21_141822.png)

>>25722So true. Let's keep it going!
No. 25742
>>25735I can't imagine any decent artsy anon would actually be willing to potentially risk their own brand, let alone spending all the time on it.
Also I'd rather have Null have my shitty account info then some neets having my entire damn name and address
No. 25752
>>25736This, I agree with other anons who said that a patreon or so should exits. I would even donate a bit more so admin gets a bit of pocket money for this. Could def help with the financial aspect!
>>25739Maybe we should make lc nft's kek
No. 25753
>>25744>>25723Agreed 100%. It isn't the same when everything is attached to a username. People act differently, chase after stupid stickers. I love that we are all anon here, except for a few spergs that can't help identify themselves in their autism. I read KF before LC, but I'll never join.
No. 25754
>>25750kf's culture is totally different tho. It's overrun by edgy scrotes, /pol/tards and trannies.
i hope to god lc doesn't die, there are so few women-only spaces that don't cater to troons
I wish there was a patreon or crowdfund or something
No. 25765
Could a subscription service like gumroad help support the server costs? The /r/drama refugee website is using it, so I assume they're more lenient than Patreon.
>>25699yeah, running a gossip site like this is pretty much only possible if you're a NEET or otherwise don't have to worry about finding employment. You can't monetize via ads, a huge proportion of the userbase is batshit insane, and the featured individuals are going to lob lawsuits at you and otherwise try to ruin your life. On top of that, there's the endless gore/CP spam and a large proportion of the users are going to hate you when you enforce the rules/make new rules to prevent the site from going to shit. I don't blame admin for throwing up her hands and I'm not surprised that it's been hard to find a new one. You basically have to be a Cluster B NEET or self-employed terminally-online techbro with incredibly thick skin to run a place like this for a long period of time.
>>25708>i hope null steals the sitelog off forever
>>25756you'd be surprised
No. 25768
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>>25735I'd definitely buy LC merch, especially if there was a way whoever ran the store wouldn't see my name/address.
No. 25770
>>25735This is a good idea, I mean, an artist can always change their style to make it unrecognizable for retards, use a separate e-mail and some pseudonym like “milktan”.
If I knew how to art I would honestly do it, and like, you don’t really need to do a super complex design either, hell, I would buy a t-shirt that just said “” redtexted.
No. 25773
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No. 25785
>>25782For cow conversation: Kiwi Farms
For women's space: Crystal Cafe
That's it. Anything else and there is no audience.
No. 25786
>>25783Agreed, like Wikipedia does.
Hell, make it even easier, create a Patreon account or something.
I'd pledge a monthly contribution.
No. 25790
>>25779A non-westerner could conceivably get away with it. We should bully one of the Paki farmers into learning how to code.
>>25786Admin should slap a picture of jimbo wales on it for laughs
No. 25793
>>25788some of the cows have threads on kiwifarms. If you're there for jfashion stuff there's /cgl/, most of the drama talked about in those threads starts there anyways. If this place does end up dying the cows not on KF yet could have threads made for them
>>25791i dunno
nonny manaknight and pixielocks are pretty entertaining
No. 25801
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How much upkeep does this site actually need? Pay for server and domain, regularly dispose of moids, what else is there?
No. 25805
File: 1629584440742.png (321.55 KB, 477x392, EJEvpgVXkAIAFFf.png)

If want to keep this place for at least a little while longer, we need a good way to collect funds like
>>25765 suggested
No. 25810
sounds like a lot of people in
>>>/ot/888183 want to just move to crystal cafe and take over
No. 25817
>>25783this is a good idea!
>>25735i'd definitely buy a cute plushie if it meant i could support LC
No. 25830
File: 1629597367560.png (17.48 KB, 536x333, yay.png)

Good news!
>>25823Agreed. Or maybe admin could leave it in all boards until the next goal.
I really don't wanna see this place go…
>>25827Eh, 8kun is maintained by the feds.
No. 25831
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Donor here, I’m not sure what you mean by “message me here but” these are some CSS themes that I request: Decay and mold, Fallout (video game series), Left Behind (book series), Graveyard, Microbiology, war
No. 25846
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>>25844same, and a pin/sticker of this guy
No. 25855
File: 1629611213673.jpg (17.74 KB, 620x478, 1589081727069.jpg)

Fuck admin-sama for all the shit we give you, you're still one of us. If this is really the end, then I just want you - all of you - to know that it's been an honor shitposting/lurking with you. Even the spergier anons like pitbullchans, borzoi anons, driverfags, fas sperges, 32-inch waist chans, komaeda-chan, bpdfags, you name it. Oldfags from the /cgl/ to Stamina Rose days, if you've stuck around this long, then that extends to you as well. except all you pull refugees and newfags, kindly neck yourselves
I hope nothing for the best, for all of you, out in the greater pastures. We're gonna make it ladies.
No. 25856
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Well, just in case the site goes to hell, and tbh, I don’t think I will post often because of the CP, I will miss you all, nonnies, it was nice shitposting, hornyposting and sperging with you all, I will even miss anti-fujo-chan, borzoi-chan and gangrape-chan. Even Finnanon, it was interesting seeing her stuff even if I still think it was all a Larp.
Also, komaeda-chan, your spergs are amazing, I hope I can be as autistic as you are about my husbandos in the future, probably at some random imageboard that isn’t cc because the layout is cancer to me.
And manifiesto-chan from the tranny threads, I love you, please marry me, I will send you the ring by mail, let’s have a polycule with KikomiArtist and that nonnie that drew my husbando Marinyo, we could write an illustrated novel about our OCs donut steel.
I wish we could have our own discord or something that doesn’t have autistic retards invading it.
No. 25857
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I haven't been here as long as a lot of you, but the few months that I've been around have been great.
It's a lot of fun signposting and being autistic hand-in-hand with all of you. I want to thank those of you who made the /pt/ and /snow/ threads fun for me, and those of you who have accommodated me and given me a place to feel at home away from social media.
I'll be heartbroken if we have to shut down the farms, but if its shit down, then thank you for everything.
No. 25858
>>25740I actually think a donation link in the header would absolutely work. I used to use a forum that had 200 max posters and maybe 100 regulars and it's still alive now due to donations alone. People are very invested in their corners of the internet.
Donations plus maybe some merch from artanons would mean this site stays alive.
No. 25860
>>25695Anyone who’s donating to this absolute retard of an admin has no fucking shame. I will literally not censor my opinion here because no one bothers to censor theirs but this is 2021. Get a job. Don’t come whining to your user base for fucking tip offs because you can’t be bothered to get a proper job. I’d like to talk a little bit about data confidentiality. When a certain user’s posts were outted it should have been a massive red flag to everyone who uses this site. This user may have been a disgusting cow, but she used this site all the same. The reason people flock to KF is because under no circumstances does Null ever reveal user’s posts/identities or IP addresses. Current Admin has absolutely sperged out this year and obliterated any respect I had left for her. I think the pinnacle of retardation had to be banning certain political discussion threads, accusing a TEENAGER of doxing her, revealing multiple user posts and lastly, begging on her knees for donations. This site used to be fun, but certain things made me want to never use the site again, I’m not even sure why I’m typing this out other than the fact I’d like to save you all from crazy Mexican Admin Chan deciding to reveal all your bank details or waste your money. This comment will probably be banned because apparently anything
TERF chan doesn’t like should be censored. Ironic. I don’t think you realise that maybe this image board anonymises you to other anons, but Admin chan over here is probably stealing the entirety of your data. If you donate to this bitch you’re a fucking retard and should kys. I also thought it would be fun to mention the autistic lolcow farm discord server and the fact admin chan is banning random users from 2019 or older because she freaked out on schizo paranoia mode. I’m probably going to be accused of being a cow or a KF scrote for saying this. I think the fact Admin chan can’t afford this site is evident they are clearly someone completely unemployable. If you’re an adult literally living in the United States of America, you have absolutely no excuse for unemployment. Especially as admin would have some level of computer skills to run this site. cc was always a better forum as unlike this site it actually has a non IQ stunted moderation team. Sorry not sorry.
No. 25866
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Just found out that Admin not only advertises as an alternative to Kiwifarms, she actually has an account there and is using it to seethepost about Null saying he doesn't want to take over the site anyways. Why aren't you posting about that here, Admin? Maybe because users wouldn't appreciate you doxing the discord ID of a former moderator here and literally sicking scrotes on her to harass her?
In case you don't know, is a site that is made by scrotes who were banned from Kiwifarms for threatening to kill people and getting visits from the FBI, turbospergs and literal Nazis who got banned for sperging out in Articles&Happenings about the (((JEWS))) for days on end, sexpests and of course trannies. Curious that our Admin would make an account there. They also have in the past discussed taking over and are active posters in /snow/'s Kiwifarms thread and shit up the site with their unsaged scrotery. Admin is looking for a replacement and not only is she advertising and posting on, but she seems to bond with them over their common hatred for Jewsh. So how long until we get a scrote-admin from there to take over this place? Anything to get back at that dang darn Kiwifarms, right Admin?
No. 25869
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I agree with other anons suggesting a little shop for LC. It's not a chan, but that's what Catbox has. No. 25884
>>25883Why are people getting hung up on that? Literally the least important thing in all this is some post Dynastia made on THREE YEARS AGO. Dynastia is a troll, has never been an admin or a mod and has no relevance to this situation other than for some reason Admin brought it up 3 years later cause she is desperately reaching out to some scrotes who hate Null as much as she does. The real issue here is that she is
1. posting on a site full of degenerate scrotes instead of here
2. trying to expose former moderators to said scrotes to get them harassed and
3. might actually give the site over to her newfound scrote-friends.
Are you not seeing any issues with this?
No. 25889
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>>25884For some reason Tesco and Dynastia make admin-chan seethe since a majority of the posts they make in that thread are just criticisms toward her run as admin or making fun of the more autistic anons here.
ot but kek at the tranny that got outed for posting here in the dumpster fire that was the kf thread. double kek at admin going to kf splinter that's for all the users
that're too autistic for kiwifarms>might actually give the site over to her newfound scrote friendsas funny as that would be, I doubt admin even cares enough to do something that petty. she checked out awhile ago in case the
terf sperging didn't clue you in, plus the kiwi scrotes on their splinter site can barely even run their site. pic related is the artistic "skill" of their admin who is an autistic middle-aged scrote with an extensive history of trying to befriend and support lolcows.
No. 25890
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>>25889samefag but, some of the cows he's interacted with are Raven Sparks, the queen herself, and even Chris Chan.
Oh, and he made his own rosechu medallion because he's that obsessed with chris lol.
No. 25897
>>25893Because people in the /ot/ thread are already discussing whether of not CC is an option for us to migrate to if LCF does actually get shut down
>>25894You and the anons offering to do this are angels
No. 25912
>>25889I have absolutely no idea why my old discord ID, or a screenshot of me saying I used to be a farmhand is at all relevant to her complaining about Josh.
I was a janny under the second admin, and was given mod after a while, and then the third admin took over and I was a mod under her, until she decided to get her own team of mods to start fresh. I have never been a mod on KF.
Current admin has had an issue with me before she ever became admin, I'm sure she remembers the discord messages she'd send with pictures from my facebook attached, and vague threats to doxx me, for literally no reason (because I had never interacted with her before that). Not surprised, but yeah, confusing.
Thanks Ingenue!
No. 25917
>>25898I'd be willing to handle moderation recruitment/training/have no issue with removal of cp/gore/what-have-you. I have a stable income but a flexible schedule that provides infinite neet-tier hours; been a 4chan user since WT snacks was active and I came here from CGL.
I used to assist in businesses that sold illegal goods online and thus am familiar with setting up website hosting with crypto and fake identification, so I don't think LC has to tie back to anyone.
I have, however, 0 technical/coding skills. Let's team up, anon.
No. 25927
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Important ko-fi anonymity info for anyone who’s thinking about donating. I basically doxxed myself by donating, so make sure to make/use a paypal business account!
No. 25932
Normally I would suggest a bullet between the eyes, but with a brain that small you'd probably miss the shot. Buy a rope, tie a noose, and take a short hop off of a chair. That is, if you aren't too fat for even that tiny bit of physical exertion.
>>25933Male suicides are high but not high enough. Fulfill your purpose in life and contribute to it you expendable, non essential, worthless, retarded, defective XY chromosone scrote. End your life. No one will miss you or notice you're gone. You're stupid and ugly and you're unlovable. Kek so biologically fragile and that ego lol such a pitiful creature. Absolutely worthless and expendable.
You should be thrown into a grinder. And your flesh should be used for cheap low value dog food.
God scrotes cannot kill themselves soon enough.
No. 25943
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>>25940Yes, she is apparently famously "easy" and sends her nudes to anyone. Someone posted this in the KF thread.
No. 25946
>>25943>>25945She is kinda famous for being easy and crazy in those circles. And well, if it is her, then I do have more questions….
Is it true you e-dated Josh and he dumped you for sending him pics of you gouging wounds into your body because he didn't respond fast enough to you?
No. 25952
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>>25951Oh OK that makes more sense. Is this article true though?
No. 25959
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>>25953>>25954I just remembered the mod went by emspex. Are tesco and empsex the same person or just fatties who look like each other?
No. 25964
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>>25860>crazy Mexican Admin Chanwhat
No. 25990
>>25989could the admin at least add it to the top of the site then? the donation link would get more traction then.
someone should also make a thread on archival tools (they have one on kiwifarms but it's geared towards forums)
No. 25996
>>25994Unironically yes. Bitcoin is also skyrocketing right now.
>>25995Finally the rich whuite women pay reparations to our poor brown admin.
No. 25998
>>25997Yep, you can read it here:
>>>/ot/888672Goal was reached pretty quickly
No. 26010
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>>26004Admin has been paying the server bill for years without asking for handouts you retarded kiwifag.
No. 26015
>>25952Null left 8chan because his imageboard software didn't work and he got in a super autistic disagreement between someone even stupider than he is (copypaste) and a a literal boomer (jim watkins) over licensing. That article looks like it was written by some british guy who really hates him for hosting evidence that the british dude creeped on people on a forum back in the 2000s
Nobody involved is sane
No. 26022
>>25980>I wonder if Admin is a little bit bitter about that. But then again he is also way more involved with his site.Why would Admin be bitter for
not having a target painted on her back?
His orbiters sperging all over the internet and being an attention whore online rendered him infamous, unemployable and made him persecuted by psychos online and IRL.
No. 26027
>>26012More like 1-2k unique visitors a day, there isn't
that much interest from the wider world to follow a bunch of cows and commentate on them. I use lolcow because I was actually already following several cows that appear here before finding the site, but it's a very small window into a tiny part of the internet and will always be niche interest.
No. 26031
>>26019Our glorious 2% hispanic queen checked out mentally ages ago. I'm genuinely surprised she hasn't just dumped it and walked away.
>>26023Because he has always wanted to take over this place and tried every thing he could think of. He'll keep trying until the bitter end.
>>26026Still better than the gc-pp cult that want this as a hugbox. Already have troon obsessives with multiple threads shitting the place up and attracting gore / cp / whatever retaliation. Imagine femcel vs incel wars taking over because these cunts can't find anywhere else on the web to go.
No. 26038
>>26031>>26026He said here
>>25773 that he doesn't want cause he doesn't want to run an imageboard ever again, so why have there been like 100 posts about Null since? Instead maybe we should start looking into where to go from here. I don't think sperging out about Null or the current Admin will save the site.
No. 26040
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I want to address a few things in this thread as a random lurker. The fact this has turned into a bashing Null, Tesco, elaine and Dyn is absolutely retarded. Maybe you guys haven’t realised but not EVERYONE posting on this thread that has a different opinion is either a KF user or a Cow. Imagine being schizo paranoid enough to believe that. I personally find it disgusting that this thread has turned into somehow pinning the blame on other people and bashing a list of people who have nothing to do with this. To everyone saying that if we hate the admin we should leave the site, what’s your opinion on Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk? You use their services too. The admin doesn’t have to be liked for us to like the site. Pinning the blame on the same 4 people is just typical of this place becoming a bloodbath and more and more deluded. For anyone who wants to know, the site costs are not $1000. And I have no idea what admin needed donations for as she updated this domain in July, therefore paying all her Cloudflare bills already. Don’t be autistic.
No. 26043
>>26040Sorry but posting site costs, isn't new information or any revelation, retard.
Admin set a small goal, she didn't ask for thousands, anons voluntarily gave it. Also she said it's for running the site in the future, as she will no longer be paying for it out of her own pocket, or expecting future admin to do so. (So whether she paid it already doesn't matter) Additionally, the anon that gave her $1000 or whatever said she gave it under the stipulation that admin also use some of that money to do something nice for herself. You really thought you did something huh?
No. 26047
>>26045I don’t make the rules, go on the Cloudflare website, lazy
No. 26099
>>26098do you think a farmer (female) would be that autistic to spam shit like that for an hour or so just because someone made them upset? Not likely!
That's that scrotey, rapey behavior.
No. 26101
>WKing null and trying to push him as a valid choice for an adminBeyond pathetic
No. 26102
>>25969Whoever posted those screens didn't give any context but why is everyone assuming those are confirmed real because if you're in the discord server you can see it doesn't match any admin or mod accounts there
>>26063I've noticed an increase in tripfagging and avatarfagging but people have already complained about this anon so
No. 26107
>>26106is that why she is constantly sperging on kiwifarms' thread about how much this place sucks (when she clearly still reads it and posts here because otherwise how would she be so up to date on whats going on with the forum?)
it makes me uncomfortable when the admins/cow-documenters become cows themselves. real isabella janke vibes.
No. 26109
File: 1629867136613.png (490.91 KB, 2174x1422, rentfree.png)

>>26106I wasn't sure if she was really a moderator but a veteran janitor actually recognized her from mod drama dating back over 4 years ago.
>>25912>I have absolutely no idea why my old discord ID, or a screenshot of me saying I used to be a farmhandThanks for making this easier, I'll only address you once.
>Current admin has had an issue with me before she ever became admin, I'm sure she remembers the discord messages she'd send with pictures from my facebook attached, and vague threats to doxx me, for literally no reason (because I had never interacted with her before that). Not surprised, but yeah, confusing.What's really confusing is how you're going to sit here and feign ignorance about the rumors you make about staff and the site. I don't care about whatever grudge you have against any former mods or whatever farmer hurt your feelings, why are you feeding Null misinformation? I really got to know what pissed you off so badly that you're willing to serve a मोटी फूहड़ bottom feeding bitch like Josh
What did you mean by having insider info from the guy who created Asherah's Garden? Is he from kiwifarms too? I've been dying to hear about how the scrote that created AG supposedly has insider info. When Null speaks of his
ambassadors he's really talking about some pickme ex-farmhand who has a bitter taste in her mouth.
In case I actually have to spell it out:
>there are/has never been troons/scrotes on my staff and if anyone would like to present proof then the floor is all yours>No, "Ian" does not run the siteI am amazed that in light of recent developments, Null hasn't acknowledged this tinfoil. Surely if I had a gay male to run things for me, because a woman couldn't possibly manage, I wouldn't be stepping down.
>when there are no donations server costs come from either my pocket's or a member of staff'sMeaning I have paid for at least a grand in server costs over the duration of my administration, and that included memory upgrades.
>I didn't make fun of her eyebrowsWhoever made fun of her eyebrows please DM this chick an apology already.
I guess for someone who really doesn't care about this site, you're really willing to invest a good amount of time setting up splinter honeypots, or at least willing to lie about it. It's been entertaining seeing tescoreadymeal and Null act like they don't know each other in our thread. A cautionary tale indeed. But hey, I'm totally just a a paranoid beaner who hates white people. My dislike for Null couldn't possibly be because he spreads rumors to spread distrust within the community.
No. 26119
>>26109So was asherahs garden confirmed run by scrotes trying to harvest IPS
>beanerkys scrote
No. 26122
>>26121it's new milk, you sped. where else have those caps been posted? the date doesn't matter.
>>26117the pedo's always been pissy the url was "taken" from him. this has been known for years.
No. 26126
>>26123He wanted the domain
>>26122 because of lolcow LLC
>>26118>>26125anons doxxed him with whois records because the retard had his name registered
in the screenshot she says that AG admin gave insider info but he was doxxed immediately so this doesn't make sense to me
No. 26131
>>26128He was driven by the same core motivations that drive all of his failed ventures: attention and validation
>>26129>Maybe this is why there are so few websites for women only.At least try to blend in next time.
No. 26134
File: 1629872444295.gif (35.81 KB, 220x293, puppet-awkward.gif)

>>26131>>26132>beaner>this is why women can't have their own spaces>>26109Why is nobody talking about Null's recent post where he acts like he dindunuthin
No. 26136
>>26134I didn't call anyone a beaner. But keep proving my point about this site being just constant infighting and namecalling.
>>26135Yeah, damn. What a statement that could only come from someone with cockandballs. There couldn't possibly be a woman on earth who could notice the trend of female-dominated websites being just constant screeching at each other. Maybe stop letting scrotes live rentfree in your head.
No. 26143
>>26142The KF has a very upfront policy of pseudonymity and that people are responsible for their own privacy.
Lolcow pretends you're anonymous.
No. 26144
>>26143You can say that about anything when it comes to the tremendous amount of steps it takes to truly be anon on the net
the only secure data is no data
No. 26146
>>261441. Use a VPN.
2. Don't tell people who you are.
Same rules apply to Lolcow. If you don't use a VPN and post information about yourself, the admin can dox you. She just pretends she can't or wont.
No. 26148
File: 1629878522931.png (202.19 KB, 1504x455, m98789998778.PNG)

>>26145The same reason they would go into gender critical servers when they think this way
No. 26152
You got some serious brainworms. I am sick of discussing this. I just wanted to get back on topic and talk about THIS place and what we can do about the issues HERE. But you literally can not talk about anything other than Null, scrotes and Kiwifarms. And that's why this place is gonna go to shit. You're a total schizo.
No. 26153
>>26152Then why did you even bring up KF? Also, farmers didn't even mention Null or Kiwifarms in the first place, this post
>>25860 is what started this
No. 26154
>>26153I didn't. You did.
>>26137>yeah as opposed to male sites like kfI criticized an issue this place had and instead of discussing it you immediately went into "BUT KIWIFAAAAARMS! You must go back to Kiwifarms if you don't like this place!"
No. 26163
>>26109>the guy I'm getting this from was the guy who started AG >kiwifags going into the 2X splinter discord, and trying to use anon's dissatisfaction with the decision to shill for their fat ugly manchild siteadmin>all those kiwifags now trying to gaslight adminAll this is proving is that kiwifarmers should be permabanned on a 3-strike-policy and that moids really can't ever be trusted.
Anyway, admin could you list the requirements for the position? What do you think about arranging several admins for several fields of activity? Anons on /ot/ have been talking about it.
No. 26167
File: 1629884106819.png (425.47 KB, 600x600, tin_foil_cat_cat_1.png)

The more I think about this, I think that I might be the only real poster on here who is not a Kiwifarmer or a scrote… you're all trying to drive me fucking insane! GO AWAY! GO BACK TO KIWIFARMS!
No. 26170
File: 1629884504790.png (273.67 KB, 378x474, tinfoil.png)

Aha, so you are upset about a thread being derailed by constant schizoposting about Kiwifarms and scrote? In fact that can only mean that you have been FOUND OUT! You scrote! Only a scrote would ever disagree with any one of my posts and you have shown your ballsack to everyone with this! Exposed!
No. 26172
File: 1629884573897.jpg (78.51 KB, 958x959, 34wahrfnoh401.jpg)

>>26167That's right, it is me. A Kiwifarmer. We are right now laughing about you and your Admin in a secret discord where we discuss the downfall of this site through secret plans of infiltration. You will never stop us!
No. 26173
File: 1629884701996.jpg (77.03 KB, 940x960, 1626892981590.jpg)

>>26172You will never win! Evil Kiwifarms scrote! I will defeat you by calling you out! Everyone knows a scrote secret weakness is to point out his cockandballs and laugh at him!
No. 26174
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No. 26176
>>26109>>25912I believe it is I who made fun out of her eyebrows back in the day. I barely lurk these days but got linked this thread.
First of all Tesco, I am sorry for your eyebrows. If I had known five years ago that making fun out of them would result in this much salt, I would have still done it because you clearly need someone to question your judgement. So here I am again, to question your judgement as to why you're still hung up on minor drama from circa 2016. It's been five years, let it go.
However, if your eyebrows are still that messed up- you are lucky that the 2007 emo girl aesthetic seems to be coming back to style. Unfortunately for you though, they are messed up for even a 2007 emo girl. Please reshape them.
With love, your favorite piggu, Oats
No. 26177
File: 1629886864785.png (484.25 KB, 840x560, asdkhgsadjg.png)

Fear not frends. After I have vanquished the scrotes I have now flewn over to Eastern Europe and I will find that dang darn Null to put an end to him too!
No. 26180
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>>26179Don't worry, I have google translate on my phone and I will find him!
No. 26181
File: 1629888305042.png (559.24 KB, 1000x667, found_him.png)

He was hiding in the countryside!
No. 26182
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>>26181Alright guys. Null will definitely not succeed stealing the site now.
No. 26183
File: 1629888876299.png (Spoiler Image,620.99 KB, 1000x667, asdsgdg.png)

>>26182I have claimed the source of his power and will destroy it. He can't hurt you anymore.
No. 26185
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No. 26197
>>26163>What do you think about arranging several admins for several fields of activity? Anons on /ot/ have been talking about it.That isn't a problem, I've been suggesting this as well I just haven't been able to implement the idea.
Recommended technical skills:
>comfortable with linux CLI, group and user management, networking knowledge>familiarity with the server stack (nodejs mongoDB)>familiarity with HTML and CSS (this could be delegated to another person)Having previous experience in community management is the next best thing when it comes to moderation.
No. 26210
>>26209No. You won't stop me
No. 26212
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>>26201m8 lolcow is
>a gossip site>an imageboard>a place where people talk at each other on the internetand you're sperging out over a single thread having some light metadrama? are you new to the internet?
No. 26214
>>26040Elaine, was it ever possible for you to just turn off your computer? Touch grass? Anything?
Anyways, to ensure the longevity of the site I would like to agree with and suggest some new things:
What was the name of that site we used as a alt for this site when it went down a couple years ago? It had a blue layout and we could see eachother type in real time? I liked that site and we could always use that as a alternative when this site doesn't make it? I just don't remember the service…
A campaign for lolcow merch would be a good idea. We could do themes or just seasonal merch with cute cows!
No. 26252
File: 1630155174325.jpeg (390.62 KB, 1284x2450, 96B718FC-3F4C-421D-A6ED-6EC45A…)

Admin never provided server infrastructure as she is autistic so I have instead :)
(Elaine Gertler Miller)
No. 26464
>>26447I don't think it's gonna happen. Here's why:
A good admin will need to be very familiar and dedicated to the site (ie, a regular, long-time user). Admin apps have been open for like, idk almost a year or something now (?) and still nothing, even though all regular users have been made aware of the opening and urgency. Thus, we can safely assume none of the regular, long time users are interested/capable, and since those are basically the only people who would pass the application, we're fucked, unfortunately. But hey, chalk that up to us being well adjusted enough as a majority to lack the type of autistic hyperfixation and lack of a life needed to maintain a website like this (no offense admin-chan). I think we've been witnessing an anomaly in internet history up to this point, and I've been happy to have been a part of it's brief blip of existence.
No. 26466
>>26464Honestly I see how you may be right, especially with what happened to Asherah's Garden. This is fucking heartbreaking. I wish we could move on to CC, but the random bans don't make it seem like a good option.
IDK how will I manage to archive all the quality threads, especially since spoiler images don't save automatically on
No. 26484
File: 1631552288592.jpg (101.34 KB, 549x800, funasshi-anger-scale.jpg)

Girls am I going to have to teach myself code to save this space? I don't want to lose it but also I'm not equipped with all knowledge needed right now. I don't want to leave the farms. I love my cows and my friends. We've seen and been through so much.
No. 26610
>>26606You're so damn embarrassing. I don't understand how someone can be
triggered for months over a website (yet still being so thirsty for attenion on it) and yet STILL be so illiterate to the most basic imageboard habits.
No. 26643
>>26632>admin is a Mexican hacker who hosts in her basement while using reverse proxies to protect the site from cows, scrotes and troonsadmin sound based as fuck
>>26636>Null has a brain cell and wouldn’t allow streams of Spamming CP & Gore to go down on an image board.So that's why Null worked for 8chan and hosted and image board that allowed hebephilia?
No. 26649
File: 1631920936330.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.35 KB, 500x374, s-l500.jpg)

>>26645go back to kiwifarms fucking mongoloid retard
File: 1631922251019.jpeg (5.52 KB, 281x179, images (7).jpeg)

nooo the lolcow radfems bullied me oh noooooo they didn't believe I am epic haxxer from kiwifarms and they hacked my webcam and saw my ugly scrote pimply face(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 26685
>>26684Ironic shooting threats.
It’s almost as if you can just totally get away with federal crimes by saying “Uwu it was just ironic”
No. 26689
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>>26676oh my god, even if this is real, you retards believe this is a genuine threat i'm going to scream.
No. 26691
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>>26685i'm going to shoot you
No. 26730
>>26729Adding a pol section would be disastrous and would flood the site instantly with 4chan polfags, who will then shoo away any farmers and make the whole site another one of their sausageparty shitholes. And leaving only the staff team to decide what cow is "undeserving" and "deserving" will likely end in a shitshow too. I also don't think it's possible to install a good captcha without obtaining any data.
Movie nights with livechats sound great though. Maybe we should organize a thread for it on /ot/ once a week.
>>26721No words should be a bannable offense, but I agree that the very obvious twitterfags who keep using it for every 3rd post are starting to get insufferable.
No. 26733
>>26730> Adding a pol section would be disastrous and would flood the site instantly with 4chan polfags, who will then shoo away any farmers and make the whole site another one of their sausageparty shitholes. And leaving only the staff team to decide what cow is "undeserving" and "deserving" will likely end in a shitshow too. I also don't think it's possible to install a good captcha without obtaining any data.Movie nights with livechats sound great though. Maybe we should organize a thread for it on /ot/ once a week.
Considering we’ve had multiple political meltdowns here anyway, there may as well be a heavily moderated pol section. It’s autistic to have had so many political breakdowns over pink pill threads. May as well stick it all in one place considering right now it’s all in /ot/ or /g/ anyway.
I know you wouldn’t like the idea of staff moderating threads but we would try not to get too involved. The main reason as to why threads would be vetted would be to avoid letting high school cat fights shit up the site or minors getting posted accidentally. It wouldn’t be as censored and would mainly just be there to cut the current crap of having to report tonnes of threads or scrotes in threads.
When I stated we wouldn’t obtain data, I meant we wouldn’t store it. We would not use IPs, or cookies against any of our posters, cows or not. This ensures ultimate anonymity of our userbase. It’s important if people use our site they know that it is as anonymous as it’s presented.
I’m glad you like the movie nights & live chat ideas though, thanks for your input .
No. 26736
>>26735> No,the main reason you want vetted threads is so no one can make another one on you, despite yours being barely active anyway. Just post your suggestions in the suggestion thread elaine, we know you won't leave anyway and the movie idea is a good one.The vetted threads thing isn’t just about one person or thread. It’s to also decrease the amount of vendetta posting and minor posting. The age limit should be 18+.
Movie nights should be fun, but they should be hosted live with a chat box so people can make fun commentaries.
No. 26768
>>26752Not only that but I just don’t trust using KF overall. So many law enforncement places have their eye on KF, I’m not getting on 500 different watch lists to post about momokun.
If the site does need to close down I wish it could be put in read-only or something. One thing that sucked about the death of PULL was years of archived receipts gone.
No. 26789
>>25695Bored of Admin’s “outings”
She lives in Montreal and posts from her university which I will state if you all hype me up enough, a data reveal without the hype is never interesting!
No. 26792
>>26768Someone on
reddit archived Pull and shared it.
>>26790Pretty sure she's wrong anyway (again).
No. 26793
File: 1632094427067.jpg (200.3 KB, 1080x939, IMG_20210919_183319.jpg)

Ok Elaine. You already blew your load on Twitter.
No. 26801
File: 1632095369036.png (875.05 KB, 1936x1936, Photo_2021-09-19_06-09-22_PM.p…)

>>26794From lillees thread.
>>26800Renee is a callout and boolissa is one of laurs socks
No. 26860
>>25695Sorry. That’s Ines, hence “ness.txt”
It was her whole tumblr she got rid of this morning after being outed. It was archived somewhere but I can’t find it right now.
No. 26861
>>26859Samefag, nvm I found the blog. You still need to give context though.
>>26860And learn how to tag correctly dumbass
No. 26879
>>26873On a woeful night in May I cautiously opened my discord. Trembling as my fingers hovered over the keys, I typed out my message. “I want my thread deleted”
I was shocked to be treated with a simple “No” for I am, the one and only, AnonSecxy.
I persisted and persisted as the seasons changed, Lillee Jean’s DMCA strikes increased, Diane Awesome Laser changed reading glasses and blossom fell from the trees as if coming from the azure sky.
And then I realised. There would be one way to achieve the ultimate deletion.
I smiled mischievously as I calculated my move.
Ines not only became my nemesis, but my forbidden lover across the Interwebz of the dark cesspit of Lolcow.farms
For months we spoke about many things, Ines told me of her plans to skoot up Mcgill university, her plans to decimate Null & Kiwi Farms once and for all, and most importantly, her plans to erase all men & troons from Planet Earth.
I couldn’t possibly agree to such heinous activities despite my love and adoration of based, damaged and blackpilled admin-chan. Unfortunately I couldn’t suppress the urge in my fingertips to tell the lovely farmers in my local field everything I knew about my forbidden lover, after all, she had failed to clear my reputation, she was meant to love me. I’d been lied to.
No. 26884
>>25695>>26883See, this is the thing. Ines tends to claim this as it fits into the site’s anime weeb Uwu mean girl vibe.
Admin has immigrated from the Middle East to Canada with her family, presumably a long time ago.
I can’t remember the precise country but I’m sure I could find it.
Her family are extremely religious from the looks of things & Ines would be, metaphorically if not physically, ‘hung, drawn & quartered’ over disrespecting Allah and gossiping about his people on a website.
Oh well. I guess this is where we’re at huh
No. 26895
>>26894>>26892> Actually, I heard on the discord a few months ago that admin was a Mexican-Russian. It checks out with the timezones if she actually lives in russia tbh. I think Elaine should polish her fine hacking skills a bit.The only reason people believe she is Mexican is down to the fact she shared a photo of her arm once for verification and people came to the conclusion she was Mexican due to her skin colour.
She’s not Russian or Mexican. If she is stating that she is, it’s for Opsec purposes. She’s told everyone to choose a Townhall time in reference to London time zone, which is just evident that her time zones are randomly orchestrated for Opsec purposes.
She doesn’t live in Russia.
No. 26900
>>26895>admin usually schedules townhalls in gmt timezones>anon comes to the logical conclusion that admin is probably located somewhere in europe, and another chimes in that on discord she mentioned being mexican-russianBut, no the more obvious conclusion is that admin is min-maxing in a Canadian Bunker with her terabytes of CP and gore.
Null and Admin already have a tsundere romance going on, Elaine-san. Stop trying to shoehorn your way into the plot through this shitty rival arc.
No. 26905
>>26884God, I'm sorry. I wanted other farmers to confirm if my shit memory is right or wrong about the Japan thing, not any information (real or fake) about the current admin.
>>26900>Null and Admin already have a tsundere romance going on, Elaine-san. Stop trying to shoehorn your way into the plot through this shitty rival arc.>>26903>we're getting into m knight shama llama twist territory now!>>26904>I can't wait for the part where we find out everybody involved is someone's alternate personalityI have keked so hard at you guys
No. 26909
File: 1632252257572.jpeg (368.3 KB, 1284x1618, A54993C2-5D82-4FD1-B1A9-D584A8…)

>>25695Hmm censored for mentioning Admin by name despite the fact multiple people here have mentioned Nicole, Null, Elaine, Tesco, Lillee, Laur constantly.
Based hypocritical namefagging rules.
(Based hypocritical namefagging rules.) No. 26911
>>26909That's still not what namefagging means. God you're retarded. Namefagging means YOU'RE using a name instead of being Anonymous.
>>26910When are you gonna post anything that ties that tumblr to admin?
No. 26913

>>26911Direct mention of site.
Also. In case anyone was wondering, I was only able to find her because as stated previously, I have been talking to her personally.
No. 26928
File: 1632254695296.jpg (18.87 KB, 852x480, 4.jpg)

>>26923Mexican?! More like NESS-XICANa
No. 26937
I never said this comment. If you’re going to out me, don’t hold me responsible for comments I’ve never said. Retards. - Actually Elaine.
No. 26938
File: 1632262985968.jpeg (307.88 KB, 1284x1743, 5AAE44EF-B638-4FC9-9847-1C21A0…)

>>25695Sorry Ines, I did this all for $1000. Thanks for the Gucci I guess, at least now I can stop buying fakes.
No. 27084
>>26240If you think pt is "advanced snow" than you haven't seen snow.
>>26245>>26246Snow is ~mostly~ the tard wrangling board, I don't know why anyone would advocate for its removal.
No. 27085
>>26719>herLooks more like scrote schizoid posting to me
or a fed/informant, same thing kek. Maybe I've just seen so much of it it all looks alike.
Anyway, hope Admin found the help she needed.
No. 27521
>>27520Let me update you all as admin is incompetent again. She thinks she’s found a new admin who is basically an anorexic troon. For some reason this site has a long history with hating troons and anorexics yet employing them as Trannies, I mean Jannies.
She has a backup who I’m guessing is a friend of hers or something.
In short, not a single one of them know how to mitigate an attack on a discord server so I wouldn’t hold your breath. :P
No. 27578
File: 1634364064271.jpeg (15.34 KB, 345x333, gfd.jpeg)

we get more updates from elaine herself than admin about this dump. its actually a little sad.
No. 27581
File: 1634402657205.png (10.43 KB, 476x358, ECD90F5F-0E44-4981-A13F-9C80D5…)

Noooo the whore farmerino can’t be heckin’ borked. Where will my sisters and cisters go now? :( this is worse than that time Han killed a tauntaun.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 27583
>>27582Since you all appreciate the updates, here are some.
Admin has found a replacement who is some ana-chan troon looking self harmer in another country to take over the boards, if the person necks themselves before the handover, she has a backup who’s probably one of her LGBTQIAHAJIEIUXISIWIUSHWJQMAOAOIZJ+ friends.
Admin is extremely paranoid, drowning in exam stress, but fails to comment on her dox because she is aware of the Streisand affect and knows better then to make it worse, unlike some people.
The daily visitor total to this site is less than 200 unique visitors, with less than 100 regularly active users although these figures are often distorted on centralised site traffic websites due to the fact that those websites count clicking on different boards as unique clicks.
The majority of “doxxed” users who were on the discord channel, were actually some of the site’s most frequent users, which makes sense because, why join a chat for a site you aren’t active on, right?
Matrix is still a mess, it’s flimsily hosted on a single Cloudflare IP, and seems to have an affiliation to a company known as Digicert. If the server was attacked, it would only take a low grade skid to buy an online DDOS tool to rape the server of its infrastructure and cause glitches leading to booting out users automatically, for example.
This site isn’t hosted with Cloudflare, it’s with Abelohost. Cloudflare provide the DDOS protection though, and Namecheap helped with domain related thingies.
Abelohost are rumoured to be shutting down soon because no one uses them but this site and various other cesspits, and Cloudflare seem to be tightening up their policies following the recent Anon-ib & ugotposted drama. (Two similar sites to this one, that got closed down by Dutch authorities). The US government is considering revoking section230.
Running this site costs an average of $5,000 a year, and each time it gets DDOSed, it costs money. Even with an attempted DDOS that caused no problems, Cloudflare charge around $30 just for mitigating it.
This site is non functional, 2/5 of the servers that host it are broken, hence leading to the error messages you all get when you attempt to go to different boards of the site. Although, refreshing your browser usually fixes this.
The cp & gore spams are not being done by a real person, they are being done by a bot, this has happened to many other images boards, i.e. 4chan, 8chan, etc…
Blaming and trying to find the person or people who set up the bot is a futile and redundant endeavour considering it could be anyone on the internet, as well as the fact that seething about it, won’t actually stop it from happening.
Now, onto the tea.
There’s inner drama with the admin vs farmhands because she keeps pissing off the moderation team by censoring them, and getting angry when they won’t be her personal army.
Recently, on the matrix server, admin accuses random users “AnonPariah” and “Goldfarmer” of being Elaine, one of these users proceeds to send facial verification to the admin to prove otherwise, and nothing was said after that, and an apology to the wrongly accused users was absent.
The site has been neglected, with little done about the various rule breaking in multiple threads, a-logging, race baiting, revenge porn and defamation, blah blah blah.
The refusal to let go of this site and allow the userbase to move onto greener pastures has lead to this site slowly becoming more and more of a shithole. It’s a slow and excruciatingly embarrassing death, I doubt a new admin can fix this garbage as it would not only cost thousands of dollars, but more time than any non-NEET has, and at least a degree in programming, but I suppose if I had hosted a site for 2/3 years, I’d be nostalgic and sad to let it go too. Props to admin for the tenacity. I’d neck myself if I ran this place.
No. 27585
>>27583what an autistic spergout by elaine
like calm down retard
No. 27598
File: 1634495305866.jpg (69.97 KB, 1080x420, IMG_20211017_202654.jpg)

>>27583Someone's mad the epic discord haxxoring didn't last for longer than a few days.
No. 27599
File: 1634495498257.jpg (78.57 KB, 1080x512, IMG_20211017_203053.jpg)

>>27598*and probably also about getting banned once again
No. 27600
File: 1634499399852.png (183.01 KB, 630x539, 06c.png)

>>27583i mean, most of this is probably tin foil but its more than admin has fed us so..
No. 27601
>>27600all of it is tinfoil or made up kek
idk why anons can’t just wait for the townhall
No. 27605
>>27601Nothing stated was tinfoil or larp. Admin announced a potential new admin in the matrix server in front of everyone, I’m sure other users saw it too.
As for all the facts and statistics regarding Cloudflare, you can literally look these up for yourself. I’m not google. If you think it’s tinfoil, why don’t you do some of your own research?
I don’t think you realise how ridiculously dead this site is. If not for the Elaine/Kiwi Farms/Men/Null/Shayna hate boners, there would be no activity.
A new admin won’t save this place. It’s just going to honestly become more and more dysfunctional until either the farmhands & admin give up, hosting providers drop the site, the police invade the site, a cow sues the site, the site is spammed with cp & gore, or KF takes over the site.
No. 27615
>>27607The anon you replied to is Elaine. She apparently learned how to sage and stopped quoting the first post.
There's no dox, she's just repeating the same spiel like a broken record while expecting other people do the work for her.
No. 27628
I came from 4chan to laugh at you. Women can’t be based. After reading the autism above & in the technical issue thread, holy fuck. Firstly, how is the site owner every minority ever? Gay, Muslim & mentally retarded, not to mention, a woman. This is a direct cause of a lack of redpilling, and being rejected by men.
Give women a website and all they can do is reeeeee at each other, look worse than the girls they post about and somehow think that feminism can be based.
You’re just SJWs who don’t like men KEK
By the way, big cringe at ‘SCrOte’ and ‘NoNniE’
This whole site is literally a kike and a sandnigger arguing indirectly over an image board. What is this shit?
Y’all need some dick. That’s all that can save you now. Kill yourselves faggots, and no, I’m not from /r9k/, I’m from /pol/.
No. 27631
>>27628I came fwom 4chan to waugh at you. Women can’t be based. Aftew weading the autism abuv & in the technyicaw issue thwead, howy fuck. Fiwstwy, how is the site ownyew evewy minyowity evew? Gay, Muswim & mentawwy wetawded, nyot to mention, a woman. This is a diwect cause of a wack of wedpiwwing, and being wejected by men.
Give women a website and aww they can do is weeeeee at each othew, wook wowse than the giwws they post about and somehow think that feminyism can be based.
You’we just SJWs who don’t wike men KEK
By the way, big cwinge at ‘SCwOte’ and ‘NyoNnyiE’
This whowe site is witewawwy a kike and a sandnyiggew awguing indiwectwy uvw an image boawd. What is this shit?
Y’aww nyeed some dick. That’s aww that can save you nyow. Kiww youwsewves faggots, and nyo, I’m nyot fwom /w9k/, I’m fwom /pow/.
No. 27632
>>27628I came from 4chan to laugh at you. Women can’t be based. After reading the autism above & in the technical issue thread, holy fuck. Firstly, how is the site owner every minority ever? Gay, Muslim & mentally retarded, not to mention, a woman. This is a direct cause of a lack of redpilling, and being rejected by men.
Give women a website and all they can do is reeeeee at each other, look worse than the girls they post about and somehow think that feminism can be based.
You’re just SJWs who don’t like men KEK
By the way, big cringe at ‘SCrOte’ and ‘
This whole site is literally a kike and a sandnigger arguing indirectly over an image board. What is this shit?
Y’all need some dick. That’s all that can save you now. Kill yourselves faggots, and no, I’m not from /r9k/, I’m from /pol/.
No. 27633
>>27628I came from 4chan to laugh😅😅 at you. Women can’t be based. After reading 📗 the autism above🆙 & in the technical issue⚠️ thread, holy fuck. Firstly, how is the site owner every minority ever? Gay, Muslim & mentally retarded, not to mention, 🅰️a🅰️🅰️ woman👙. This is a🅰️ direct cause of a 🅰️ lack of redpilling, and 🍯being🍯 rejected by men👨.
Give 👘women👘 🅰️a🅰️🅰️ website and all they can do is reeeeee at each other, 👀look 👀 worse📉 than the girls👵 they 🏣post🏣🏣 about and somehow think🤔 that feminism can be based.
You’re just SJWs who don’t 😻like😻 men👞 KEK
By the ↕️way ↕️, big cringe at ‘SCrOte’ and ‘
This whole site is literally 🅰️a 🅰️ kike and a 🅰️🅰️ sandnigger arguing indirectly over an image board. What is this 💩shit💩?
Y’all need some dick. That’s all that can save 🔖🔖 you now. Kill yourselves faggots, and no❎, I’m not from /r9k/, I’m from /pol/.
No. 27634
>>27628I don't understand moid… Pretty much this is the text I see:
Myself come originate 4chan to laugh upon you are. Woman can’t be based. After the reading autism above & the on technical issue thread, holy fuck. Firstly, with a method the is site owner each minority ever? gay, muslim & mentally retarded, don't to mentioned, that womans. That is that direct caused for that have empty of for redpilling, and being rejected by man.
given woman that website and everyone those with able to will is reeeeee upon every other, see worse the than girls those post around and somehow intelligent this feminism with able to be based.
you’re only sjws that person don’t appreciation man kek
the by way, more than cringe upon ‘scrote’ and ‘
that all of site is literally that kike and that sandnigger arguing indirectly over an image board. To what is that shit?
y’all needed a several dick. That’s everyone this with able to saved you are a currently. Kill yourselves faggots, and don't, i’m don't originate /r9k/, i’m originate /pol/
No. 27638
>>27631Fixed it for you!
Greetings fellow farmers, I escaped from 4chan to laugh with you cause I mean, Men can’t be based! After loling at the delightful and charming posts above & in the technical issue thread, holy gosh my sides. Firstly, how is the site owner the most amazing woman ever? A Lesbian, culturally diverse and well educated as well (not to mention, a beautiful woman). This is a direct cause of rejecting red-pilling, and rejecting a male dominated society.
Give women a website and you'd better believe that they will lol to each other, look lovelier than the girls they post about and certainly agree that feminism is based as all gosh darn get out!
We’re lovely Farmers who don’t like being treated as inferiors by men KEK!
By the way, big lols at ‘SCrOte’ and ‘
NoNniE’ those are based!
This whole site is literally an Anon and an another Anon having some well deserved lols indirectly over an image board. When did this world become so awesome?
Y'all certainly don't need any dickhead men treating you badly that’s for dang sure. Three cheers for our lovely lesbian admin and the rest of you beautiful farmers! Oh and no, I’m not from /r9k/ or from /pol/ because I mean OMG lame am I right? I'm a Farmer true blue and to the bitter end!
No. 27646
>>27641Oh gosh sorry I did do:
>>27638 and
>>27639Was trying to parody the original copypasta and turn it into something positive is all. Sorry no offense was meant honestly.
No. 27713
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No. 27720
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>>27719So she made a fake acc for her fake dox, this is a new low. I looked that user up and they never existed. The only interaction this username has ever had is a tweet from Elaine 17 hours ago. Not to mention that it's a retarded concept;
of course the real admin would not only tag lolcow but also her university in an account with her full legal name and selfies? I don't understand what goes on in her mind to make fake evidence to justify a dox she
knows is fake. She should claim DID when she inevitably gets sued.
No. 27721
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>>27718Nonnie it does appear to be a real account. It was also followed by that Victor guy
(Elaine) No. 27723
>>27721aka Elaine
you took screenshots of a fake account and then disabled it. This is ridiculous even for you. Seek help
No. 27725
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>>27720Why is this “random” Ines girl friends with a farmhand that was in the original discord server on her real Steam account if the dox is wrong? Retards.
(Elaine) No. 27727
>>27726She’s also in the matrix server…
No idea if she was a farmhand on the site but was definitely a moderator on the lolcow discord. She even mentioned being a mod on the matrix server too in the lolcow server.
No. 27732
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>>27719>>27720>account created in late september>nothing cached>this schizolore has been going for exactly two months>suddenly there's "proof">instead of taking screencaps, gloats on twitter>suddenly the "proof" is gone>comes here to gloat anywayReminder that this dumbass created an account on instagram to "fish" for information about this McGill Ines, offering a 1k reward… but now, apparently, she was sitting on Admines' info all along.
Her autism knows no bounds.
>>27727>>27727>she's friends with a farmhand>no wait, that girl isn't a farmhand>she's actually a discord mod (source: trust me bro)…
>>27729>3 different inesElaine, you gotta pick one.
No. 27735
>>27734Literally kys
There’s enough supporting evidence for everything she’s saying.
(Elaine) No. 27736
>>27731the second and third Ines look nothing alike
>>27721who is "Victor"
No. 27740
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>>27735>sheTake your meds. It's almost midnight.
Don't wanna stay up manicposting all night, do we?
No. 27745
>>27744When he isn’t being fucked by Ines with a strap on I guess.
Although Ines seems to be secretly dating this freak called Liannie
So I guess shoot your shot
nonnie No. 27747
>>27745i still don’t get the point of any of this. you are aware doxxes aren’t even interesting if the subject isn’t interesting, right? some random lesbian student living in canada is not worth doxxing.
you on the other hand, elaine, are utterly batshit and i can totally see why null went out of his way to try to reach out to your parents. it’s not too late to seek mental help.
No. 27749
>>27748She did, dummy.
When he isn't being fucked by Lesbian admin, he's Chinese. Damn, can't you read?
No. 27761
>>27745> secretly dating this freak called LiannieLiannie…Lainey…Elaine
Keep dreaming, Elaine
No. 27841
>>27840Me too
nonnie. It’s a dead horse, may as well move to greener pastures
No. 27849
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>>27846Tell us more about how anonymous hurt your feelings.
No. 27881
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>>27867The absolute state
No. 27977
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>>27976pictured: admin's $1400 lambo
No. 28027
>>28026Thank you
nonnie. Isn’t is nice to give something back when you have spent so much time taking dick? :)
No. 28029
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No. 28058
>>27872Inevitable (as long as they keep up the slurs and transphobia they'll be fine). Most oldfags are 35+ at this point
like myself and don't have time to shitpost all day. I think you either "grow out of it" or end up visiting very sparingly. I come here every so often for nostalgic/sentimental reasons. Had some fun times here. Farmers have a rare kind of autism.
No. 28131
>>25695just get it over with and shut this shitshow down.
life goes on.
No. 28341
>>28288The fucking leave. Some of clearly want to stay, if you dont like it then just go literally anywhere else. Nobody is keeping you here but yourself
>>28297I'd go to CC. That's already my plan for if lolcow does end up closing