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No. 11638
>>11626She bawleeted everything.
She could have gotten the same level of validation being judged by these dumb lolcow bitches offers by going on chatroulette and seeing how many people skip her.
No. 11654
>>11651>It's just that if they already don't like you they will rip you to shreds and make you out to be Quasimodowow great. are you happy now sand cunt. it was two sentences of course i read it.
btw that's not even true because you don't know who anyone is until they post their picture therefore all they have to judge on are their looks. this isn't pull where you namefag and all your posts are connected back to your tumblr.
No. 11663
>>11654Are you fucking retarded? Can you just not into reading comprehension?
>btw that's not even true because you don't know who anyone is until they post their picture therefore all they have to judge on are their looks. Does anyone here get posted just because they're unattractive? No, of course not. Threads like that are deleted for vendetta or moved here.
It's not just a matter of "Look at this ugly person", it's a matter of "Look at the shitty things this person does. Let's all shit on them. Lmao they're not even perfect, look at their disgusting [feature]".
If nose-chan was a lolcow you can bet everyone here would be shitting all over her average ass.
No. 11674
>>11663nigger i was talking specifically about the self post thread and here you go making it into some stupid shit about vendetta posts you autist.
also the fact that you think that lolcow is so much nicer than ass kissing pull is hilarious. fucking 12 y/o sjw influx this summer.
>>11660yea she did and asked for him to be "rated". i don't know why people put pictures of their children on the internet tbh. it's not fair to the child.
No. 11676
>>11673>Lolcow actually isn't that judgmental and the standards aren't high.well since the thread is about lolcow AND pull i assumed you were comparing to pull. otherwise wtf was the point. (also lol that you think the standards aren't high when everyone here obsesses about being fat and noses)
>Also I've been here since Stamrose fell apart, you want a damn prize? lmao
No. 11680
>>11676>i assumedNo, bitch. Not all posts in a thread are uniform. You're sounding more and more like some retarded cunt from PULL who doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
>otherwise wtf was the point. To make a remark, obviously? Next you'll be asking what's the point of making a thread on /pt/ if it's not about PT because the name of the board is /pt/.
>(also lol that you think the standards aren't high when everyone here obsesses about being fat and noses)Insecure people complaining about their insecurities doesn't mean they apply the same criticism to everyone else. This isn't hard to reason, but I guess it would be for a low-functioning sperg idk
>do you want a damn prize?No, I obviously want you to kneel down on the ground and dig yourself a grave for incorrectly assuming I'm a 12 year old summerfag. :^)
No. 11685
>>11628The worst kind.
Like oh wow you can shower and put on makeup and not look dumb. Great job, I always hated seeing those threads on cgl along with OFOTD or whatever it is.
No. 11786
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>created this thread for fun
>dumb bitches itt trying to get the last word like little children
No. 11789
>>11622No kidding. I knew it would happen one day, but it sucks. I enjoyed popping by to read up on some lolcows, but then tumblrinas and pull have come >_< to tell us :) not to be ^_^ so mean to them! <3
I think I'm more disturbed by the fact I thought most of us were 18+ and it seems most are actually young teens.
No. 11820
>>11815it's like
one white girl and one asian girl (or a girl who thinks she is asian, with the cows on PULL you never know). i'm sure of it
those are the ones that keep trying to push how perfect their race is and how kawaii desu they are because of their race and the un-kawaii baka other races are
No. 11827
>>11789I'm just ignoring the tumblrinas and pull bitches. I've been on the PT drama boat since the CGL days. I don't want to put up with these types of people coming here and posting vendetta threads while simultaneously complaining about how mean we are.
Everyone is so ultra sensitive these days. But they sure are bitchy to everyone else. I truly fear for the next generation. How will they function in a world where mommy and daddy can't protect their little fee fees 24/7?
Just ignore the kiddos. It's summer. Pretend they aren't here. Don't feed them. Don't let them get to you. If we make them unwelcome they'll lose interest. But if people keep arguing with them they will keep responding. There's still plenty of time to keep the status quo here in check.
No. 11969
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I've pretty much stopped posting on lolcow now.
It just feels like a shitty place with shitty people and shitty opinions. I just try to keep up with the lolcows now. No use in contributing to any discussions anymore.
No. 12001
>>11827>I'm just ignoring the tumblrinas and pull bitches. I've been on the PT drama boat since the CGL days. I don't want to put up with these types of people coming here and posting vendetta threads while simultaneously complaining about how mean we are.This sums it up perfectly. I've always loved pt because it's a place where I can vent out and let the mean bitch inside me take control and the overall userbase is 20+, but now we have tumblrinas shitting up the place and telling us not to be so ~
problematic~. Like that Kaden thread, they're simultaneously saying she's not a real trans but just a bandwagon hopping bitch but still insist on using male pronouns. The tumblr drama threads are just catty vendettas with samefags and offer nothing lolcow-worthy. The "look at this ableist bitch who made a joke about grey anon heads having multiple personas" one was the prime demonstration of this.
Being a shithead underage tumblrina SJW should be a bannable offence.
No. 12018
>>12001>Being a shithead underage tumblrina SJW should be a bannable offence.Admin p-please.
It's a shame admin allows minors.
No. 12036
>>12001>>12018I've been considering this problem for a few months now.
It's very hard to strike a balance between freedom and good post quality.
The problem with setting the minimum age to 18 is that the vast majority of annoying underaged posters you don't like will never admit they're under 18. Not much would change. However, it still might have been a mistake to make that announcement, as it gives the wrong impression that this site is for teenager/children drama.
Please check out the discussion in
>>>/meta/799. I brought up the idea of opening a third board, something in between /pt/ and /b/, due to the recent influx of stupid new threads in /pt/.
I'm still considering doing something like that. Tumblr-y threads could be moved to this new board, and /pt/ could have much more strict moderation (including age standards) and criteria for threads and posts. (/b/ moderation standards would stay the same as they are now, and not get any stricter.)
I've previously felt strongly against opening new boards, because from my experience, excessive board options dilute chans that are off-shoots from 4chan, and lower the overall activity by splitting the userbase too much. This site is starting to get big enough that it's entering medium-ish-sized chan territory though, so it may not be harmful to add 1-2 new boards.
My other problem is that I don't want to invest that much time and energy to moderating posts for content quality and board fitness. Ideally, I would want a "community manager" for /pt/ and another one for the hypothetical new board, who can both come up with and enforce posting guidelines. But unfortunately, at this time, I don't yet know anyone qualified for that whom I trust enough to perform either role without potentially abusing their power.
No. 13899
>>13664Why are they
No. 14433
>>13685this. lolcow isn't a place to spam pics of people you find attractive, even though its /b/
if people want to make threads like this, i suggest making a new board just for posting "attractive ____ people" threads.
No. 14442
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No. 14684
>>14562i like to post in the berry threads and see the PULL fags get buttflustered and go "HUR DUR HI BERRY OMG"
But seriously, she isn't a fucking cow. She does what every other "popular" tumblr/instatard does.
… and? Did she scam anyone out of cash? Is she shaking her ass out in a children's playground? Is she a cam hoe?
No? Why the fuck do we care then?
No. 15147
>>15057who are you calling a racist huh? just because we want our own thread? PROUD TO BE WHITE.
No. 15152
>>15147black can have their own thread, "mhm u go gurl black power!"
No. 15163
fuck off and go back to it racist-chan
No. 15168
>>14684>i like to post in the berry threads and see the PULL fags get buttflusteredYes, it's so easy and so satisfying.
But more seriously it is the worst thread around and it is pulling in all the Tumblrina types, that then spread out and ruin the other threads:
~~no bodyshaming (but Berry is so fat!!)~~
~~why aren't u using the correct pronouns VIOLENCE AGAINST TRANS~~
~~hey calm down anon i ain't gonna contribute but you suck lol u mad lmao~~
No. 15185
>>15179Let's just keep posting and bumping in threads that actually have a topic.
I was actually part of the racebait shitposting for a while and I'm the one who started the black girls thread, but things got too cancerous, even for me.
Funnily enough, this is probably the most active /b/ has ever been.
No. 15326
>>15185yeah, I think like 95% of farmers really aren't racist for the most part. Just the usual chan stuff. I'm glad everyone is pretty much on the same page about bumping shit. The two remaining arguers are bound to get tired at some point.
>>15271 >posting on /b/then leave retard
No. 15499
Samefag-chan here. I just wanted you all to be informed that I'm both
>>15453 and
>>15434 before anything gets too crazy and you all think the race war's starting up again. Just having a bit of fun, as per usual.
No. 15701
>>15677All they care about now is her photoshop though.
And what type of junk food she buys i guess
No. 15703
>>15677Seems to be very little she doesn't lie about. Her boyfriend seems entirely make-believe, she plays up the GAMERGIRL act which amounts to standing in the general area of a video game controller, and didn't she claim to
have used a treadmill for like seven hours straight?
No. 15707
>>15702Yeah. PULL fags don't seem to get that lolcow isn't about
exposing girls who use photoshop and lie about their boyfriends, and if it was we'd have a fuckton of threads on /pt/ about them.
>>15703But who really fucking cares about whether or not she has a boyfriend or lives in a big house? Shit, i used to lie about that shit all the time when i was younger and wanted internet fame. It's not really funny or interesting at all, so I think these threads should just be in /b/.
No. 15923
>>15902/cow/ and /baphomet/ are awful
>Half of lolcow users come from PULL originallywhat is /cgl/
gtfo please
No. 15925
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>>15924>Every single thread ends up in an argument about race.nice hyperbole there, but no.
you're just following the wrong threads/not reporting people posting off-topic crap.
seriously you can't just whine without showing what is happening to the admin so he can actually fix stuff. Everyone complained about the race spam on /b/ and race spam was banned, wasn't it? start using the report button/complaining on /meta/ and thing will be fine.
No. 15970
Please fill out the survey at
>>>/meta/947 to help me prioritize moderation changes.
No. 17139
>>15780I really don't see what is so lolcow about Berry. She's just some dumb bitch with bad shoop. Yeah she lies a lot. But it's not all that interesting to me. I guess some people find her funny. I just avoid the threads.
At first I checked her out. But it's just a bunch of posts about shoop now.
The race arguments in various threads are really getting on my nerves too. It just devolves into off topic arguments that go on forever.
No. 17890
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lmao people like this though