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No. 799

There has recently been an uptick in /pt/ threads which many members of the community find to be lacking the criteria for "lolcow"ness. Often this is because the OP is not descriptive or clear enough in demonstrating that someone is a lolcow. In other cases, when they are descriptive, many people disagree that they're actually a lolcow.

Here are a few threads which have been moved to /b/:


>>>/pt/116632 is borderline, and has not (yet) been moved.

In response to this, I adjusted the guidelines for /pt/ and added this paragraph:

>If you are posting a new thread about someone who isn't widely known, and there are no previous threads about this person, include an explanation in the OP or immediate follow-up posts as to why you consider them to be a lolcow. You should include links, pictures, videos, screenshots, quotes, or other evidence. Threads that do not obey this may be moved to /b/.

A few questions I would like input on:

1. Would it be worthwhile creating a new board, something in between /b/ and /pt/, for threads about specific people which do not fit in /pt/? Or is /b/ fine by itself?
2. The rules do not stipulate what qualities really constitute a lolcow. Would it be worthwhile coming up with a list of very specific criteria for who/what is deserving of a /pt/ thread?
3. In borderline cases, how should thread moderation decisions be handled, if at all? Some form of voting would be nice, but voting is kind of impractical on anonymous imageboards. One option could be increasing the number of volunteer staff and having the volunteers cast votes, but this is also susceptible to bias and potential drama. The current procedure is simply me making the sole decision.

No. 800

>1. Would it be worthwhile creating a new board, something in between /b/ and /pt/, for threads about specific people which do not fit in /pt/? Or is /b/ fine by itself?
Nah, no new board. Don't even post those lolcows, they're irrevelant. If it's nothing, just delete it instead of moving it to /b/.
2. The rules do not stipulate what qualities really constitute a lolcow. Would it be worthwhile coming up with a list of very specific criteria for who/what is deserving of a /pt/ thread?
A small minimal criteria would be fine.
Just because she photoshops, doesn't mean she deserves a thread.
3. In borderline cases, how should thread moderation decisions be handled, if at all? Some form of voting would be nice, but voting is kind of impractical on anonymous imageboards. One option could be increasing the number of volunteer staff and having the volunteers cast votes, but this is also susceptible to bias and potential drama. The current procedure is simply me making the sole decision
If everyone complains about the thread/person not being lolcow enough, a mod/janitor should just delete it.

No. 801

Fuck, I forgot to quote the rest of the answers, hopefully it's still understandable.

No. 807

>Would it be worthwhile creating a new board, something in between /b/ and /pt/, for threads about specific people which do not fit in /pt/? Or is /b/ fine by itself?

No that's confusing as hell. If a lolcow isn't interesting enough, there won't be much replies and the thread will prune itself. You could autosage samefagging like 4chan does these days. (if the OP replies to her own thread the thread won't get bumped)

Overmoderation is what kills controversial opinions and makes a board no different than sites like Reddit or generic forums. If a person is (offtopic) shitposting constantly then they should receive a short ban or a warning. The community itself is perfectly able to shame someone who says dumb shit, or ignoring them.

No. 813

1. No, I think just /b is fine if a large majority are uninterested or think our isn't lolcow enough.
2.I think it isn't necessary as most here are already familiar enough. The only thing that i think really changes how people see lolcows are their notoriety.
3. I think your own discretion has been fair enough. I agree with what >>800 said too.

Things seem to sort themselves out fine enough on their own.

No. 886

Have to disagree with the idea that we don't need another board. For those of us who actually like /b/, it's gone downhill since all the vendetta/offtopic posts have been moved there.

I think vendettas should be deleted or there should be another board. Not sure what you would call it but unfortunately a lot of decent threads in /b/ have died in recent weeks because of the influx of vendetta posts.

No. 887

Yeah, that was my concern. More of these threads are going to pop up and end up there. I don't want to shit up /b/ too much.

My options are

1. Move to /b/
2. Move to some new board
3. Lock thread and let it die
4. Ban such threads outright

3 is simplest, but I don't want to kill active discussions just because they don't fit in a board. Also, people will sometimes just end up reposting the thread in /b/. So, 3 is useless without 4, and I really dislike banning things, so I don't think that's an option.

No. 895

Why was Fahr's thread deleted? It met all the criteria, and not only that but she's definitely a cow. If we deleted everyone who just asked for it, we'd have like 3 threads.

No. 896

The thread was deleted by the thread owner. Apparently accidentally, according to them.

I have no way of recovering deleted threads, sorry.

No. 897

I'll admit I jumped the gun in thinking it was you guys. I guess I'm just still too used to /cgl/ lol. Thanks for the response!

No. 928

Are the berry threads /pt/ material? All she does is photoshop and lie about how rich she is (like every other fag with tumblr/instagram fame)

Can we at least move her threads to /b/ or something?

No. 1137

I agree.

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