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No. 1268961
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>>1268940I'm gonna find whoever shooped flames on this cow and teach them a lesson
No. 1269115
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I miss the 2018-2019 lolcow. Back when the cows were actually milky and GNC and other threads were allowed. Sure, there still were some infights here and there, but the moderation team was always there for you, and lc just felt a lot more like what it was supposed to be. I still wonder where did these old anons go when the admin decided to lock all of the discussions, there was this garden board but it was too dead and then it closed.
No. 1269257
>>1269213>>1269222/pol/fags don't give a shit about women's rights. Them hating trannies for the wrong reasons doesn't mean that they're "
TERF allies". It's not our fault that moids come here and take over specific threads shitting them up with irrelevant race shit.
>>1269246>So what if some of them USED to be right-wingersYou're right, not all of them are /pol/fags. All of them are porn-addicted misogynists though.
>>1269247Race is different than sex. It doesn't matter the race, it's always men who are the most violent by far, and the vast majority of sex offenders are male across all races, and that includes trannies.
No. 1269259
>>1269256So you can’t explain, alright.
Rachel Dolezal might be a great woman, she’s done a lot for the black community. It doesn’t change she’s a white woman from white parents who dresses as a stereotype of ‘black’ and black people are within their rights to want nothing to do with her or share her spaces, no matter how much she curls her hair or tans her skin.
No. 1269262
>>1269257That's even worse, if literally no one else across the political spectrum likes you then you REALLY are doing something wrong.
>porn-addictedNotto disu shitto agen.
No. 1269265
>>1269213i've met a lot of terfs and none of them were racist, woman sees a woman, not a color. On the other hand what i see coming from troons posts is racism against black women and see that almost every day. I like that there is a lot of gender critical women here, a monopol as you say, at least we have SOME place to be. Troons are everywhere, on every website, in every community, stop being selfish and leave us ONE place we can
terf in peace.
No. 1269267
>>1269262lmaoooo ah yes, because women's rights have always been sooo popular
Being hated by men of all political stances is the biggest indication your feminism is actually useful and beneficial to women, but I guess you wouldn't understand that when you're here caping for men who think they get to dictate what womanhood is.
No. 1269269
>>1269265>woman sees a woman, not a colorThis is so wrong I cannot even say anything but just laugh.
>leave us ONE place we can terf in peaceYou sound just like the /pol/ users "leave us ONE place we can hate non-whites in peace"
No. 1269270
>>1269266Why are you invalidating trans racial identities? If someone feels such strong dysphoria that they want to transition, who are you to invalidate them? How are they hurting you?
Oh so now sex and race aren’t comparable? I used to argue this and felt like a fool when I double checked and saw that all brain sex studies were disproven. If you argue this among trans circles you’ll get called a truscum and bioessentialist anyway.
No. 1269273
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>when a tranny visits LC
No. 1269277
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According to stats (since I know you love them), and trans day of remembrance’s numbers, white trans people in America and UK (exactly 0 murders last year) are among the safest populations.
Mind boggling that you’re comparing people like Chris chan to the oppression of black people. Male privilege doesn’t go away when they wear panties. The average trans identified male can answer to his fellow male’s kicks and punches just fine.
No. 1269278
>>1269262>if literally no one else across the political spectrum likes youRightoids don't "like" radical feminists. They just see TERFs hating on trannies and think it's based but they completely ignore the "feminist" part, because again, they don't give a shit about women's needs or opinions. Aside from the tranny hate, their opinions on all feminists are peak misogyny.
Also, they're not the only group aside from TERFs that despises troons or doesn't agree with trans ideology. Like the entitled American male you are, you're forgetting that most people outside Western liberal first world countries think transgenderism is bullshit to some degree, and their political values hardly influence that (unless they're Americanized liberals).
Also "gender dysphoria" in males is literally caused in no small part by porn addiction. Therefore most if not all male trannies are porn addicts. You can't debate this because your have no proof of the opposite yet anyone can see by observing any tranny's behavior that troons are obsessed with sex and porn, and a pornified, fetishized version of femininity. If that's not porn addiction I don't know what it is.
Go back to your shithole site.
No. 1269298
The difference is that troons make up an issue to be oppressed by. Black people cannot identify out of being black and oppressed for it. Their oppression is real. Gays and lesbians can't identify out of their sexuality, they can't help being attracted exclusively to the same sex even when they try their hardest to repress it; their oppression is real. Women cannot identify out of having a female body, even post-op "trans men" aren't taken as seriously as actual men (with extremely rare exceptions). Women's oppression is real.
Trans people can easily stop identifying as something they're not and all that "oppression for being trans" will be gone. They may still be oppressed for other things but you can't opt out of those, unlike transgenderism. But of course you'll respond under the assumption that transgenderism is real: it's not. It's a mix of different causes such as bad self-esteem, sexual trauma, traditional gender roles, porn addiction, autism, a desire to be unique or belong to a group, internalized homophobia, internalized misogyny (in women) or being an incel (in men). Liking girly things does not make a man a woman, neither does being an autogynephile. It's a mental illness that shouldn't be treated with "gender-affirming" methods and enabling delusional troons, but by treating the actual, underlying causes for that strong desire to be the opposite sex. But of course that's not as profitable so the ridiculous idea that you're actually a member of the opposite sex because you have low self-esteem and dont perfectly fit into arbitrary gender stereotypes, and that you need to waste thousands in surgery and hormones to "be yourself", gets shoved down our throats as fact.
No. 1269306
>>1269256Exepct that none of them got on an actual deradicalization process. "change" means something deep,is not as simple to slap a wig and an ugly dress and alas new me that has nothing to do with the old me that used to post about white genocide on /Pol/. Hell this is something that even reddit trannies can point out, the incel to transbian pipeline doesn't really mean a true change of mindset. You're a prime example of why even after all the mainstream campaign the tranny movement can't truly took off: deciveness & self centerism. Because the incel talk doesn't affect you directly that means it doesn't matter. After all life is all what directly affect you, isn't it trannie? And deciveness because you and your whole movement insists as soon as a trannie is out of the closet that means it's absolved for all their sins and you know? Life doesn't work like that. A change of name doesn't mean that the old person never existed for better or worse. People can still tell the person you "were" because you never became anything different actually. You're the same person as ever just with poorly applied lipstick and maybe some temperament changes for hormone misuse. Life isn't a vidya where you can start a new game with no impact whatsoever, and pretending that its like that is dishonest with others. We can tell. Also you can't just police all people's thoughts to "secure" that the old you is dead, neither language or thoughts work like that. People won't perceive you as the way you like all the time, not because you're a trannie but because no one gets perceived as the way they want all the time.
Is not about "just being nice" either, language is inherently incomplete, You don't even have a complete control of what you're saying but i don't want to add lacanian ramblings here. All of this added to the inherent autism that most troons have is off-putting enough that most normies have one or two GC talking points without realizing it. Also, the complete lack self awareness. You're not welcome here. The harder you try the less welcome you're.
No. 1269311
>>1269222>right-wingers support radical feminists you guys!!clueless
>>1269267>Being hated by men of all political stances is the biggest indication your feminism is actually useful and beneficial to womenbest post
No. 1269319
>>1269306The tranny doesn't realize that the TIM population perfectly reflects the normal male population: there are the incels, the white supremacist "femboys", the liberal "communist" LARPer trannies, etc
>>1269315Seriously, where the fuck are all these troons coming from lately?
No. 1269326
>>1268940Femcels (you know who you are), twitterfags. Other than that, the board is outdated and lost its purpose tbh. Kids, neets and adults don’t intermix in a community.
The spammers are honestly not worth the mention I’m talking about actual users.
No. 1269328
>>1269318Their interests are so stereotypically male, I've never seen one be into female-only hobbies (unless it fuels their cross-dressing fetish, like gothic lolita).
Trannies can't go 2 minutes without talking about their gross fetishes online, but it's totally not a fetish guys!! Those studies that say a 1% difference in your brain means that you're 100% the opposite sex are totally legit and definitely weren't made to justify the trans medical industry!
No. 1269347
>>1269319True, the cherry on top is that troons are like every other
autistic men, the only difference is that they shamelessy live for the coom. Like ok agp autismo n°2465178358 your experience is totally unique and the world just doesn't get it and the most evil thing that someone can do is to tell you aren't an anime teenage girl.
No. 1269401
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>>1269213very good, cry harder defected xy chromosomoid
No. 1269413
>>1269354 study is a bit old, idk has it been debunked either. They were looking if being homosexual is biological or not. Though I know there are also studies showing there are really no differences between male and female brains. It's also impossible to study foolproof, since socialization also plays a huge part and cannot be eliminated
>>1269356Yeah this is true too
No. 1269662
>>1269660That's not even an oldfag,
nonnie. I won't explain how I know, because newfags who found this place through Twitter/tranny discords/"leftist streamer" communities like to lie about being oldfags. It's better to let them embarrass themselves kek
No. 1269704
>>1269675>you and the type of annoying user who thinks this site is a place carved out for women to be free from men ruined the siteI’m sorry but WHAT??? Kek. Male opinion discarded, please go die in a war immediately.
>>1269662holy fuck you were right, thanks for the warning! don’t know why these people can’t be fucked to read the rules that explicitly say that “no men are allowed”. even with the delays of the new admin appearance I heavily doubt shaymin would even revert that rule. if they didn’t get this was a woman-only website just by the anons in here telling them to shut their “life-saving” dripping necrotic holes up and go away then i don’t know what will kek
No. 1269733
>>1269704this is the exact kind of
toxic behavior i am talking about. i was here long before /ot/ was like this, when you had containment threads. the lack of men on the site had nothing to do with the desire to have an open forum for women. period.
No. 1269740
>>1269733So you think that gossiping about women isn't
toxic, but misandry is
toxic behaviour…HMMMM
No. 1269748
>>1269740it's not
toxic to other users. just because previous admins were kind to you guys doesn't mean you didn't ruin the feel of the site. if you hate sharing it with the people it was originally intended for, women shitting on cringy women, maybe you should leave.
No. 1269756
>>1269748If you think hating on moids is
toxic, maybe this site isn't for you.
No. 1269769
>>1269751>word salad and getting this upset over two wordsdefinitely male. also men have been banned for the last 7 years so you can stop spreading misinformation and leave your newfag projecting to yourself. ian banned men constantly for saying
>hurrr durr male here xdi'm not even the anon you were responding to
No. 1269777
>>1269756the mindset you retards have is
toxic. no one can have conversations or different opinions or make you uncomfortable or you dismiss it as maleposting. you're just twitterfags with a different coat of paint. i wasn't even initially against manhate threads when they were called that, but it used to be 10% of /ot/ rather than the bulk of it. i'm sick of posters like you who think anyone against you is a man/tranny and that all of us need to have the exact same opinions.
No. 1269789
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>>1269761just ignore them
nonny, they’re about as female as double D
No. 1269816
>>1269804Where are you seeing this groupthink bullshit anyway
nonnie? The only opinions I see get resistance here are pretty retarded and moid-y: anything pro-sex work, pro-DDLG, pro-pornography, pro-"trad" values…those are all, sorry to say, pretty moid opinions to have. If people argue with you about those type of opinions here on /ot/ than either stay away or argue back. You can't expect to say whatever you want and have it go unchallenged, you know. Having a conversation or an argument on the internet, whatever, it is a give and take. It sounds like you're mad anyone dared to call you a moid but who cares? If you aren't, you aren't. Some anon calling you one won't make you grow a dick and a beard.
No. 1269826
>>1269816>Where are you seeing this groupthink bullshit anyway literally
>>1269820 is doing it.
>>1269804 isn't saying anything that could be construed as male but here we are.
No. 1269830
>>1269804Look, I'd usually agree that anons are
trigger happy to call other males for dumb reasons, but the case at hand is someone blaming CP spam on boards filled with innocuous threads such as things I learned today and sanic telling your luck.
No. 1269855
>>1269816This. They keep losing arguments because they say things straight out of scrote screeds and tranny trash fires, then get angry when anons think they sound like men. It's as if they want us to pretend we don't have males constantly shilling and baiting here. Why the fuck wouldn't we be on high alert?
Quick one: If your opinions are 1:1 with a bunch of males on Reddit, Twitter, 4chan, etc, question them and think about what about these thoughts would make women (who are pro-women) go against them. Think critically about your viewpoints and address them with sense and our common interest as women in your brain, not anger or indignation because how dare they disagree with m'moid. If you are a woman, you should be able to do this and discuss your viewpoints rationally, even if you don't come to a full consensus with other anons. Moids and trannies are incapable of understanding or respecting women's viewpoints unless they want to or have the potential to fuck them. They just say the same bullshit like an NPC every time, then start insulting women for disagreeing. If that's what you do, stop crying when you get called a moid, because you are functioning like one
No. 1269878
>>1269855you are part of the problem. no one is talking about people having actual male opinions, we are talking about when anons with simply differing opinions are talked down and insulted with whatever group insult is trendy or acceptable. it happens all over the internet, it's not just exclusive to lolcow. moid/tranny is being reduced to the same kind of insult as racist/
terf/nazi on twitter and it's being used by the same kind of people.
No. 1269879
>>1269816Anons in this thread have spent an hour hysterically screaming moid at another anon because she posted an opinion they didn't like. LC has changed and that's ok, no site stays the same forever but the constant infighting is something that doesn't need to exist. It achieves nothing. If you genuinely suspect that a poster is a moid, report them. I do this all the time, sometimes I'm right and the poster gets redtexted for it, sometimes I'm wrong and nothing happens or the poster gets banned for another reason. It's killing /ot/ and turning it into a 4chan tier dumpster fire of constant infighting.
>>1269855But who decides what is male opinion?
>They just say the same bullshit like an NPC every time, then start insulting women for disagreeing. If that's what you do, stop crying when you get called a moid, because you are functioning like oneHoly fucking shit, the lack of self awareness is beyond my comprehension.
No. 1269888
>>1269866>>1269870well i am not a male for saying that, and the anons calling me a male for that
are a problem. accusations of maleposting are becoming synonymous with "poster i don't like". it's just annoying ad-hom. if you want to defend a point actually do it rather than dismissing it in a way you feel is justified.
No. 1269895
>>1269878Who is "no one", and who is "we"? You? You've said this same "umm no one is saying that sweety" shit to multiple people, and you don't seem to get it. Anon mentioned exactly what she's talking about (pro-porn, trad BS, sex work nonsense), and I'm addressing the same things.
You also still haven't given any examples of "simply differing opinions" besides insisting it's in this thread over and over again (the same thread we literally have a confirmed tranny posting bullshit in), so it seems like we're never going to pin down exactly "what" you're talking about
No. 1269926
>>1269911>insisting on wild guesses about the poster's identity is harmful to the community as a whole.It isn't, though. If it sounds like a scrote, it will be called a scrote, that simple. I've been called a scrote before (not even because of an opinion, but because I was abrasive), and it was annoying, yeah, but also, you get the fuck over it because we
do have scrotes constantly shitting up the place
No. 1269943
>>1269932There's no such thing as
toxic femininity, sweety, you WILL clutch those peals and you WILL nag anyone who performs gender insufficiently!
No. 1269968
>>1269957I see, thanks for providing context.
>>1269958Yeah, I also don't like all the fake "I love you" and what not in response to random posts begging for attention, like if anything is probably a tranny post it's those begging for hugs kek.
But if you criticize it you get hit with demented straw men like if you think fake dishonest affection is cringe you must obviously want everyone to insult each other all the time, it can't be that you are utterly sick of treacly dishonesty IRL and don't want to see it online all the time too.
No. 1270003
>>1269975NTA and not sure what they said, but
>feeling bullied because you said something one time online and some people incorrectly thought you were a guy because of itDon't be so fucking fragile
No. 1271055
Also, don't get me wrong, I use a VPN too but at least banning the free ones would help with the most low effort spammers
No. 1272467
>>1272457If you report suspected moids then obviously my post wasn't aimed at you. I report anyone I suspect of having a Y chromosome. Even if the mods don't react, report and ignore is better than engaging with them. They come here for female attention and disrupt discussion, so the best course action is report and ignore.
This site is in such a terrible state and it's because newfags don't understand "don't feed the troll" is equally applicable to moids. The more interaction and attention the moid gets, the more it's going to come back. LC doesn't need a police force of newfags that got banned from reddit, tumblr and twitter for posting vaguely GC opinions. It needs self moderation, common sense and restraint.
>>1272459Please explain what is male about that post?
No. 1272523
>>1272472So those
>>1271996 >>1272449 were both your posts lmao. You really aren't being slick.
No. 1272528
>>1272517>>1272522Is your IQ so low that reading comprehension is beyond your intellectual capabilities?
This anon says
>>1272457>I report it everytime and ever since admin fucked off it barely gets redtexted or removedI said
>>1272467>I report anyone I suspect of having a Y chromosome.This post
>>1272471 then accuses me of being a troon because I said to report moids.
No. 1272883
>>1272860This is some high level falseflagging.
>>1272861>no one should point out the rat in the room, just ignore it and hope one of the two traps in the entire room catches itLmao I'm begging you to dilate
No. 1272900
>>1272883then I propose an alternative solution: every lolcow poster must be required to signal their man hate convincingly to avoid being banned for moidry. Old 4chan, particularly /b/ and /v/, had a similar etiquette with women.
Moidposters will be forced to
trigger themselves or clench their bussies through all the man hate to fit in, which will either send them back to kiwiddit where they belong, or keep them seething in silence.
No. 1272903
>>1272892And not calling them out makes it more likely they get comfortable and think they can stay here spreading their garbage. And as you can see in the redtext of this very thread, it does bother them that we call them out.
But I agree that anything beyond a short dismissive reply or a "don't bother engaging, this is a scrote", like actually having discussions with them like the "why are you whores moid"(assuming he wasn't talking to himself) threads, should be discouraged.
No. 1272914
>>1272903the redtexting is for us, so we know not to respond. they want
any kind of attention not giving them attention is what pisses them off. they come here for any reaction. if you saw their stupid posts on other sites, you'd see they post any reply and act like it's a triumph. ignoring them is what gets them to leave.
No. 1272920
>>1272903If scrote accusations were accurate then it wouldn't be a problem. They're not accurate and it's just become a low effort insult to instigate infighting and derailing.
>>1272907Link the post. The only tranny that's been banned on /meta/ recently was the one that was shitting up a thread on /snow/ not /ot/.
No. 1272932
>>1272920Then why not ignore them and go back on topic why is everyone continuing the derail
inb4 >>you made me reply
Which I’ve seen. Not attacking you. The moid accusations wouldn’t go anywhere if other anons didn’t jump in and there are a lot of moids sometimes. Case and point were being raided as we type.
No. 1272960
>>1272956Anons still fall for baits very often. Why are you so butt hurt over males being called out? Does it offend you that you can no longer call random anons whores and act like a male?
>>1272948I'm %95 sure this is the man that had a ragefit when I posted that I didn't like x type of man. He kept posting about how all women secretly want x type of men(that he is) on multiple instances and attacked jews for white women not wanting him . Retard.
No. 1272991
>>1272973I very rarely get accused of being a male. I hate seeing every thread on /ot/ turn into a flaming dumpster fire because a few mentally ill twitter rejects can't control their paranoia.
>>1272976Have you ever been to /pt/ or /snow/?
>>1272977It's never going to happen because this site is an anonymous image board. The only way to block anyone from posting is to have accounts. That's just how image boards work.
No. 1273001
>>1272992anon's can't deal with that reality though. i get that people are
triggered by the past mods being outted as men, but this is just how anonymous posting works. maleposting is a specific thing, not just "posts anons don't like so they assume they're men" but they can't deal with the idea that the poster doesn't have the same views as them so they resort to adhom.
No. 1273004
>>1272996I wholeheartedly agree, but that's just not gonna happen. Their nature is to be seething beta orbiters, just like their degenerate sperm are.
In order to ban men, you only need to debase any pro-male sentiment, from anyone. They will either out or remove themselves from being unable to contain the seething, or integrate and eventually internalize hating themselves. The end result is less moids, and the ones left are well behaved.
No. 1273009
>>1272998That anon is just butthurt she got called out for her misogyny so she now says it's sexist for us to be suspicious of misogynistic and nasty anons. She's the one that's derailing even though she keeps making up scenerios of anons derailing with male accusations.
>>1273004>The end result is less moids, and the ones left are well behavedNta but i sincerely hope you stop being a pickme and thinking men who come here on a female website to annoy women could ever be well-behaved. The men were outed for posting fetish shit in lesbian thread, making lesbian/bi anons fight, posting illegal porn, doxxing anons(x-country-chan), posting porn and cp etc.
No. 1273013
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It's the tranny again nonnas. I'm glad he's mad.
No. 1273018
>>1272993Accusing anyone of being a moid without an observable reason is paranoia. In this thread I've been called a moid, been told to fuck off to ovarit and told to fuck off to crystal cafe. So I'm a man, a redfem from ovarit and a women from crystal cafe. That's schizophrenic because it's completely illogical.
>>1273009You're arguing with more than one anon but you can't see it because you don't understand anonymous posting.
No. 1273062
>>1273004>The end result is less moids, and the ones left are well behaved.>the ones left behindThis anon keeps saying there should be some men and we shouldn't try to ban them all, she(?) has been saying the same thing over and over and saying there have been previous male mods so we should leave if we don't want maleposters.
No. 1273088
>>1273084this. no one is defending men period. pointing out the obvious isn't defending anyone. some anons just get
triggered by the fact that we can't successfully ban men because this is an anonymous site. policing posts is not a
valid solution because it shits up threads and just lets men take over the site by making anons try to sus out their posts. i personally could care less about any poster here who isn't being annoying, and 99% of the time scrotes can't integrate, but if they're not being annoying they could be men and i wouldn't know.
No. 1273139
Here's a man hate thread from 2015
>>21625In the entire thread there was only one scrote accusation and both posters laughed it off.
No. 1273151
>>1273143So by your logic, men would husbandopost over ugly men(ever seen a gay dude like uggos?), write concerned rants about their family members in an upset tone(rather than male autistic rage?), complain about their bfs without calling him bastard/whore(like men do irl and online?), etc? Do you like… Ever go outside? Did you ever have male friends? Men and women are just different and although normie men are fine, they should stick to Instagram. Any man on an imageboard is already a ruined male who will inshallah dissappear soon.
I understand trannies are autistic so it's hard to grasp female vs male socialization but it's just scientific facts that men and women are… Different in every single aspect.
No. 1273177
>>1273171the fact that you're so concerned about whether or not you're responding to men is concerning. it matches up with what
>>1273170 is saying.
No. 1273181
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>>1273170You're probably right and I hate it. When one of the soyack moids were raiding, I looked at the archives of various 4chan boards and was surprised how often lolcow gets mentioned or even linked now. It used to be like maybe 5 times a month 2 years ago, now it's almost everyday.
No. 1273232
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love seeing my own thread getting traction, love it
No. 1273246
>>1273224Well, they used to get redtexted but not as much anymore ever since admin left. I wonder if they even get banned now, unless very very obvious ones that don't even try to larp. But yeah, I agree with you about that "anon".
No. 1273262
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>>1273239because I need a moid slave for life you retard
No. 1273268
>>1273263I suspected it was a woman in an
abusive relationship for a while, the farmhands may have thought the same.
No. 1273274
>>1273255For real, he still revealed himself to post here a few days ago too.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's also in this thread, judging by how triggered he was about being called what he is I generally hate the "benefit of doubt, women can be racist/sexist too!" shit that some farmhands (and oldmin) used to have around the time the pp/gc threads got closed. I swear this only further encouraged them like you said.
>>1273254That's a pretty bad reason though. Now anons respond and are vulnerable to moids even though they might be banned and not redtexted.
No. 1273303
>>1273300the anons getting so upset at the idea that they could possibly respond to men are absolutely new and not used to imageboards. men are a nuisance so they aren't allowed to post here, it has nothing to do with getting
triggering by men posting.
No. 1273330
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>>1269887around males
watch yourselves
No. 1273420
>>1273413I never got banned for saying there's a moid itt without quoting the moid directly.
>>1273342Femcels would agree with oldmin because they get super scared of their regular male posters getting banned or bullied off. If any anon seriously thinks these males are well-behaved, they should just discuss discord handles and e-date those incels themselves. Everyone wins.
No. 1273439
>>1273428Isn't the discord still a mess? A ton of minicows oversharing, no one in their right mind would use discord of an anonymous image board aside from men and some bored women who want attention a bit too much.
Doesn't it have voice verification now?
No. 1273655
>>1273653Is this really a bad thing? I'm glad we aren't as bad as cgl
yet. Rip to it though, it became completely unbrowsable.
No. 1273670
File: 1658550007488.gif (360.09 KB, 383x286, die.gif)

>>1273653I don't understand the point of them if there are several boards dedicated to coom
I fucking hate men so much it's unreal
No. 1273740
>>1273734No I got "
triggered" because I was called a moid when asking for advice on how to leave my
abusive boyfriend years ago just for anons to come in and hardcore try to justify moid accusations and say stuff like "well you probably deserved it" rather than ever ever admitting some people use moid accusations wrongfully. People are allowed to have opinions and honestly? If you can't deal with people showing emotions then imageboards aren't for you either
No. 1273741
>>1273740I can deal with that. I also get called a moid all the time.
The environment here is absolutely not hostile enough towards moids.
No. 1273747
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As someone who has lurked imageboards since 2008, I thought the reigning rule about participating in discussion is having thick skin and not taking things personally, due to the anonymous nature of posting. Therefore, all this concern about being labelled a moid is puzzling to me. Is this upsetting people because it's a new trend on lolcow that wasn't there before? Admittedly I have only frequented here for about 2 years so my knowledge of this place isn't exactly comprehensive. pic unrel
No. 1273753
>>1273740It's almost non existent that someone would complain their partner is
abusive (or talk about
abusive behaviour without acknowledging it's
abusive) and get anything but support and care from anons. Tough love at the absolute worst. I have no idea what your post said but you must have expressed yourself very oddly or poorly to get a negative reaction. Even if moid accusations can get overzealous and paranoidd, there is no way someone going
>anons I want to leave my abusive bf, please helpwould get a response like 'fuck off moid'. It just doesn't happen, and whatever bizarro shit went down when you posted is not a representation of how anons communicate normally.
No. 1273758
>>1273753Inb4 it's just a becky making shit up because moid hate
triggers her and she wants to hate on cows without encountering it, but for some reason won't fuck off to kiwifarms because that place hates women proudly and complete unprompted. Many such cases in /meta/. They helped to turn this website into what it is today.
No. 1273760
>>1273741Not everyone can, it stopped me from getting help for years, it fucks me up even more seeing anons jump through hoops to deny the fact that plenty of anons here cry scrote unjustifiably. If throwing abused women looking for help under the bus under the means of "no scrotes kek" is worth it to you then you should really get your morals in line. This is exactly what I mean by no end of moid accusations, it's no longer pickmes or women being stupid it's people going batshit paranoid and literally letting moids win. You really think moids aren't sitting around laughing at us tearing each other apart and pushing down women who need help under the guise of no moids? This is exactly what moids want.
Want to be hostile towards moids? Great then get better at moid spotting and stop allowing anons to do exactly what moids want. I'd rather women have a nice environment that they can talk to if that means some moids will get through than to have us almost kill each other just to keep out moids
No. 1273768
>>1273730Anon why would you ask for advice on
lolcow? I'm sorry but most people here don't care about giving advice and the ones who do give bad advice (because they're autistic).
No. 1273809
>>1273805Have fun with your parasocial relationships you parasitic piece of
toxic waste. I bet you shit up every space you’re in IRL like a tranny because you can’t keep your obnoxious spergery to yourself. Kill yourself.
No. 1273825
>>1268940celebricow posters, as seen ITT. tbh i think they're worse than the
kpop crit posters
No. 1273860
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>>1273787Another response. Can you believe this level of projection?
>>1273858>take your meds!!! What compelling thing are you gonna say next, get help? Touch grass?
No. 1273874
File: 1658562382610.jpg (28.95 KB, 424x424, 8e4438640d15d0b357e796-lq.jpg)

I'm technically a newfag, came here a little over a year ago with the creepshowart drama, It took some time but I got used to it, this space was unlike I had ever seen anything before and I loved it immediately
No. 1273881
>>1273758Those no-life beckies who go to /meta/ and other threads to cry to mods about how evil /ot/ should be closed down every time they see malehate/get called male for being misogynistic should unironically get laid.
All of those beckies either have no bf even though they really want one or have such shit bfs that the anons malehate reminds them of their "nigel" and drives them wild. That obvious desperation is also why they act like pickmes (saw one putting down the tiktok girls "why aren't you whore this cute"fag posted and telling him how beautiful she herself was, trying to talk to the incel who continued mocking her).
They literally try to flirt with incel-chans here. Seriously girls, get a normie man instead of dicord e-dating a man you met here or trying to fight with other anons for the approval of these incels. Even if they were allowed to post freely like beckies wished, they still wouldn't give a crumb of attention to the average beckies and resort to posting their fave tiktok girls.
No. 1273893
>>1273886It was multiple anons. I also got hate here years ago around the same time for being against lolicons. you also need to understand what a hyperbole is. Obviously I don't think any of you are actually killing each other.
>>1273885I've seen it happen multiple times. That anon, the anon who was beat into a miscarriage by her bf, the anon who stripped to find the money to leave her
abusive bf. I mentioned my ex would starve me and hurt me if I ate in private and anons accused me of being a scrote because "the story just doesn't make sense, you sound like a scrote with an anorexic fetish". If there's anything I wish of lolcow it's that if you see a poster venting about abuse and you think it's a moid just leave them alone. If you're right then the moid just doesn't get the attention they wanted. If you're wrong then you possibly traumatized someone looking for help from abuse
>Inb4 haha stupid bitches getting traumatized from a websiteIt doesn't matter where people go, whether they go to a social worker or a rando at a gas station, if this is how you react to someone possibly dealing with abuse you're a piece of shit regardless of where it's at. Why can't any of you admit this?
No. 1273902
>>1273760So an anon called you male and you decided not to get help? If this is real log off and don't use social media for your own good. It's actually not a good idea at all to say something online if a trolls response can hurt you irl, instead try to ask for advice from someone you trust irl.
>>1273893Anon I'm sorry that happened to you but please don't share sensitive information with strangers online, I've seen an anon get mocked for being raped and like… It's an anonymous imageboard, we will have mentally ill people who love shitting on already traumatized anons so the best is just not to share such stuff online.
I also got accused of lying about my experience with childhood sexual assault because anons disagreed with me but I just ignored them cause some random edgy attention-addicted Becky femcel not believing me isn't gonna change anything.
You know the ones who called you ana fetishist were probably fatties who spent 7/24 in anachan thread or ED websites and had their judgment all messed up because of their neetdom.
No. 1273904
>>1273892The issue isn't anons complaining here, retarded snowflake. They always take it to meta and cry about how fagg/ot/s bullied them hardcore and how /ot/ should be closed so male aligned anons can freely post their misogynistic bullshit.
Also if you get banned for being male, it's not the anons fault because janny is the one who bans users based on their judgment. I believe you're ban evading, if you already got banned maybe find another website or even go to kiwifarms so you can freely be misogynistic and autistic without ever getting called out.
No. 1273911
>>1273906That anon's core problem seems to be taking everything at face value. There was an anon wishing death on another anon and calling her a whore because she posted about being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Of fucking course those people are either unempathetic scrotes baiting or bitterly mentally ill femcels who despise other women because they externalize their own self hate, not the average poster on lolcow. Yet people who experience this cite this singular poster as an example of how the general nature of the site is. I've been called a whiteknighting male for thinking that people go overboard with terminal stage a-logging for Venus Angelic and Belle Delphine and I'm not having mental breakdowns over it because I know it was a samefagging sperg mad that someone gave them a reality check regarding their autistic rage over groomed e-girls.
Generally speaking leaving your mental health and judgement of your current shitty situation at the hands of some random anonymous posters online is a bad, bad idea. That's why the anons living in genuinely
abusive and sensitive situations would be better off asking for help on Reddit (yeah yeah I know) or a similar forum that tracks user post history to offer some kind of credibility to them. Now you can never know what kind of a sad excuse of a micropenis scrote is trolling you amidst himjerking off to spree killers.
No. 1273915
>>1273911I agree with you, but
>femcelsEnough with the attempts to force this to exist, kek
No. 1273919
>>1273911I agree with you that anon takes it too seriously. I wrote about my experience, I got called male when I told about my childhood trauma by some bitter femcel too and like, it's best to ignore it.
I also had an anon call my grandma a whore because I said I didn't find a type of men attractive which probably was a male but if not, a mental femcel who would kill for a bf.
Bella(and other sexworker threads too) thread is such a fucking mess. I believe %90 posters are ED-ridden femcels, fellow sexworkers and some males who post weirdly sexual pictures of her, they're also the ones comparing her to a child. It's best to report those retards and go on with your day, they're not worth interacting with.
I also believe the ana-chan migration made this website worse. Any cow thread is full of nitpicking average or attractive women's bodies by wannachans and the wannachans are usually the ones who have moid aligned views. You can see them calling postpartum women whales for not running to the gym five hours after birth while they post in their own thread detailing how obese they themselves are. I wish anons bullied them more so they wouldn't be able to post as freely.
No. 1273920
>>1273917Yeah this is the right definition. I've actually seen an anon writing about how she cared more about her male friends' worries than any women's because she didn't think women's worries were serious and like I asked her if she ever talked to her mom or supported her through hard times, surely anon would've cared about her mother even if she didn't like women. But of course she said she didn't, she then said her mother was the only one who listened to her when her male friends ignored her vents but she still thought her connection to her male friends were more
valid than her literal mother.
And btw this same anon called women whores for caring about their bfs while she literally put random men who don't even care about her above her own mother.
No. 1273928
>>1273919We had ana-chans here from start to finish, it actually used to be much worse, especially the nitpicking of looks.
>You can see them calling postpartum women whales for not running to the gym five hours after birthIf you're talking about the reddit thread, that was a moid.
No. 1273933
File: 1658570854527.jpg (224.24 KB, 1920x1080, vlc_CH7vPCgzne.jpg)

>a lot of weaboo cows became vtubers
>can't discuss their drama because people are too scared of schizo moid spammers
No. 1274005
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People calling everyone a moid is annoying but not as annoying as people who shit themselves over being called a moid and won’t shut up about it. getting called a doodoo head and crying to the teacher tier maturity.
No. 1274008
>>1274005They derail threads because they're butthurt some anon said they sound like a male and then go to /meta/ to cry to mods because they don't like /ot/ users like… They do it once a day at least, they should just not browse /ot/ if it makes them this mad.
No. 1274013
>>1273990I distinctly remember seeing it when an anon posted about her mother being creepy and vaguely sexual towards her. Most anons were supportive and gave her genuine advice but there was a few who didn't believe it and accused her of being a scrote. It was probably in the vent thread about six months ago.
When it gets to the point that even abused women are being called moids, it's gone too far. Who the fuck reads a post about abuse and automatically thinks it's a man? That's either paranoia to the point of mental illness or it's an actual male. The fact that there are posters who defend this is beyond my comprehension. The ability to cause infighting and insulting other women is more important to them than the welfare of abused women. At this point I find it difficult to believe that they aren't men or troons.
No. 1274017
>>1274005Forgot I wasn't on crystal castle for a moment.
Tbh tho the paranoia about moidposting is reminiscent of places like r9k being paranoid about the eternal tranny lurking behind every poster
No. 1274034
>>1274026I agree but he'll off himself soon so it's a waste of energy to get upset about his retardation.
>>1274029Those males and trannies already ruined CC and they can no longer have fun doing their shitty larps there because even to their slow minds, it's so obvious the userbase is full of men, no longer fun for them because of that, they're now moving here because of that. We should keep bullying them.
No. 1274094
>>1274086I came up with it.
>>1274082The male aligned anons come from there and when you trash it they feel called out. They're accepting men here too(saying well-behaved men can stay, calling out men is misogynistic against anons etc) as if that won't turn this website to cc in a few months.
>>1274079Because the resident namefags keep coming back after getting banned, I won't list all but trannycel is one of them and he always admits to his identity each time because he comes for the attention.
No. 1274117
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>>1273874Based newfag enjoy your stay and if you want to preserve any sanity or self-esteem you have left avoid most of the threads in /snow/ never go into shayna’s thread because it’s 99% fan edits and 1% actual constructive milk, never step foot in the ED one, best ones right now are the western cartoon one and the trans ones, MtF thread is a bit better. /m/ is fine, watch out for the genshit scrote constantly whining about fujos in the genshin thread and the occasional disgusting CP that’s never deleted on the board, /g/ is mostly active in the husbando/male attractiveness/sexuality-related/advice threads, don’t use friend finder because scrotes use it to find women to harass or e-date, /ot/ threads to avoid like sweet death is this one, unpopular opinions, vent thread if you don’t want to become more depressed than you are, celebricows, things you hate, tinfoil thread, and dumbass shit thread is the general chatroom for the rest of the board. contrary to the retarded mods, you are allowed to use the “forbidden”
<3 but for some reason that
triggers them. Also DO NOT POST K-POP OR /g/‘s favorite ugly men of the year YOU WILL GET BANNED FOR HAVING FUN. also if you see a scrote bait thread either ignore it or spam it. also it’s very easy to be misunderstood/misinterpreted by your words or attempts at humor so read the rules and lurk more before you’re dogpiled on
No. 1274135
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>>1274117It's like /meta/ doesn't exist. Mods made this picrel for a reason ♥
No. 1274221
>>1274127>>1274026i dont get how this is a tranny, I've seen several of these posts get attacked on /ot/ myself and it's not "concern trolling" to be aware of it. i dont see how anything anon said is really tranny adjacent, wouldn't a tranny encourage shitting on abused woman for laughs out of jealousy? is it so hard to believe that some women don't like to be called a moid for telling an anonymous outlet about their abuse, liking anime, for having sex toys, for enjoying x y and z? Its not like the anon said not to report anons for sounding male, so nothing really aligns with a pro-tranny stance (unless you think not wanting to be called a moid is proof, but who wants to be called a subhuman larper kek, ofc that will irritate any woman unless you're a "cool girl")
several seperate anons have complained about derailing moid accusations over different boards and threads, so which is it? some women collectively fed up or an omnipresent moid? is it a single moid is making all the complaints about derails and board quality to falseflag us into being nicer, or is a moid falseflagging and derailing excessively by calling other women moid (something the moids have admitted to) and women are now complaining about this behavior? and then the women are being called moids because they find the random policing autistic and annoying. i am growing more suspicious of the behavior from derailing moid-accusers in general.
No. 1274348
>>1274229Calm down Miss Edgy, what anon wrote is perfectly raisonnable.
You know you don't have to call everyone a troon/moid/pickme to integrate?
Fucking newfag.
No. 1274422
>>1274392NTA but it's not worth it to give that tard, or any tard, replies. You'll never convince them of something so obvious as there being multiple people that disagree with them.
We really should get used to not replying to infighting schizos, retards, baiters, tryhard newfags and potential or confirmed moids.
No. 1274447
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No. 1274462
>>1274454I agree, there's nothing wrong with not being a /pol/-adjacent pickme who thinks racism is hilarious and based because it gets her attention from worthless, sociopathic 4chan scrotes.
>>1274456That poster said they left in 2017 so it's probably not a recent admin they're talking about.
No. 1274464
>>1274455Oh, I either wasn't around for that or she(?) did a terrible job keeping our transphobia at bay for me to notice.
>>1274454Reminds me of some discord moids I know who are fixated on american liberals while not being american themselves nor having any knowledge about the rest of the world
No. 1274467
>>1274447Does this refer to
Sounds like a buttmad moid.
No. 1274476
>>1274468scramble of africa never existed where they owe millions of dollars in reparations and resources they continuously derived the continent of because europe was a desolate land with no resources, opioid wars never happened, the british colonization and long-term effect of this colonization on india never existed, south africa and apartheid never happened, columbus never happened, hong kong never happened, rhodeshia never happened, Alexander the Great never happened
holocaust never happened, armenian genocide never happened, fascism never happened. where do you think these problems come from? out of your ass or some shit? none of these “ideas” are even strictly american and even if they were it does not take away from its validity or necessity for certain groups of people to achieve liberation. now we have a bunch of fat, ugly retarded anons who are still trying to appease /pol/fags who don’t understand this because ignorance is bliss
No. 1274501
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>>1274491bet your whole face is built like an inbred pug kek
(infighting/ derailing) No. 1274580
File: 1658608667158.jpeg (469.77 KB, 750x634, 8291237C-F085-4A9D-B98B-B0A5F7…)

Anons don’t interact, just wait for the mods to ban them or report.
No. 1274585
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>>1274580They are a confirmed MtF attention whore from KF that has spent days trying to derail this thread and other ones to get them locked, criticizing the justified “man hate” on the boards when this site clearly is not made for them, and is mentally unwell. Since the mods can’t do their fucking jobs or can’t be bothered to care anymore,
don’t interact. If you feel like it’s definitely a tranny, trust your gut feeling and don’t feed it.
No. 1274648
File: 1658610903203.jpg (16.7 KB, 500x365, s-l1600.jpg)

I like that the thread is also an example of the shit state of the site
>get told not to infight
>"what if i don't care about britney spears you retard?"
>get told not to involve race
>you retarded americans caring about race reeeee
>don't reply to bait
>responds to every single tranny post
also i think anons want to get into arguments to prove their right or because it entertains them, constant derailing and infighting it's what ruins the site
That and the lack of moderation + never banning retarded samefagging anons, i genuinely think if you constantly sperg in different threads you should be permabanned
acussing anyone who you disagree with of being a tranny/moid it's the fucking same as "hi cow"ing
No. 1274738
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don't know, don't Care
t. coping
No. 1275223
>>1274585>>1274592>>1274594I hate kiwicels and kiwitrannies. Whenever an anon posts a super retarded take, they always say the came from kiwifarms.
There was even a retarded pickme in /g/ who said she met and married a incel-aligned man who she met ONLY on kiwifarms. Who the fuck would marry a man they met on a website dedicated to stalking an autistic dude who raped his mother? Those anons are probably the ones who get butthurt at the scrote accusations because they want their dear kiwicels to migrate here.
No. 1275233
>>1275232Because kiwifarms has an absolutely retarded userbase obsessed with doxxing, being nazis, being pedophiles and coming up with the most retarded takes possible while thinking they've said something profound. All of this is because it's filled with males - which is, sadly, happening to lolcow too.
But if you can't tell the difference between lolcow and kiwifarms you're definitely a scrote
No. 1275238
>>1275233If it's not a scrote but it's probably a pickme that discord dates one of those incels, lol. I've seen kiwicels bully a 30 year old woman that was venting about how she wanted to get married but couldn't get a man, all of them told her she was a whore and that it was the time to pay back(though she never said anything about sleeping around), that she had hit the wall and would die alone, etc. And they fucking wrote literal paragraphs worth of incel fanfiction.
They're turboautist incels who spend 24/7 online mocking bigger autists to feel better about themselves. Ironically a lot of them have been exposed for cow behavior themselves because they can't help but overshare and namefag.
No. 1275302
>>1275241Are you
>>1274229? Be original.
No. 1275350
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>>1275328Kek keep seething
No. 1275421
File: 1658675092706.jpg (92.44 KB, 1063x769, 1619463623259.jpg)

>>1275361you're cringe and look like pic related
No. 1275531
File: 1658683159538.jpg (233.82 KB, 1080x783, IMG_20220724_190911.jpg)

No matter the current situation of lolcow, I'm glad we're making moids seethe so hard by merely calling them out and rejecting them, that they falseflag in this thread and on meta, spam this website begging for replies, start talking to themselves if no one replies, and spam nikado trash in their mental breakdowns.
Pic very related, it's the same namefag/meta tranny from yesterday (aka the one above) pulling the same shit on crystal cafe.
No. 1275560
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>>1275531Here's some of the rest from yesterday and his falseflagging. It turned out to be him, but his replies got deleted along with all his other spam.
Pic related is responding to No. 1275748
File: 1658694067268.jpg (82.88 KB, 1080x408, 1658606851936.jpg)

>>1275718go dilate you freak
No. 1275874
>>1275718It's either a moid, a tranny or a someone with untreated mental illness. For this entire thread anons have tried to explain how image boards work and provide reasons why calling another women a scrote isn't helpful. They're either doing it intentionally to cause infighting (tranny/moid) or they actually believe that they need to defend lolcow from males and the infighting and false accusations, even towards abuse
victims is worth it (mental illness).
No. 1277012
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It’s like the mods have completely gave up.
No. 1277027
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>>1277012Kek trannies/moids are so predictable
No. 1278963
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No. 1301604
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Men ruin everything, and I'm hoping them trooning out increases the male death toll
Is CC still getting spammed by CP and troons too?
No. 1305057
I've been on lolcow since 2015 and have read through many of the oldest threads over the years; lolcow's always been a petty shithole, but that's been a major part of the charm even as the different migration waves changed the ways in which it was shit. For a long time it felt like one of the few remaining places where you could be an asshole and get into slapfights and come away feeling like you had fun rather than feeling angry/like your way of life or belief system is being threatened.
I am worried about lolcow today and think that it may have attracted an audience that ime is the hardest infestation to get rid of - paranoids. A lot of the worst posting is /pol/-type accusatory behavior towards what they suspect to be scrotes and troons and sometimes even bizarre conspiracy theories that other anons just take at face value. It's not the scrote/tranny accusations that are problems in and of themselves; bullying obvious scrotes off the platform is a good thing but a lot of anons seem to be having too much fun playing troon hunter and alienating sincere users e.g.
>>1273730. In totality it just feels like a bunch of schizos from ovarit and twitter migrated here and started intermingling with 4chan scrotes roleplaying as women. It coincides with the rise of '''''trad''''''' and qanon-adjacent posting too, which leads me to suspect that a lot of it really is disingenuous and we're being laughed at and taken for a ride by actual misogynist scrotes and handmaidens (see
It's just exhausting too; the old waves of infighting over shit like pronouns and nasolabial folds were annoying but low-stakes and cozy, at least in retrospect; the current landscape of infighting feels like the same angry hysterics that have swept through every major social media platform but about MtFs instead of whatever other interchangeable moral panic.
tl;dr bland [social issue] hysteria has swept lolcow and is ruining its unique culture
No. 1305092
>>1305079I agree with you also the troon has acussed other anons of being troons or scrotes multiple times thats literally his tactic.
And yeah there is a lot pol tier racebaiting and throwing sexist slurs at anons lately, I hope we get more moderators soon.
No. 1305107
>>1305094I had the displeasure of reading his posts, which due to his autism are really recognizable once you read too many of them.
>lolcow was so nice before radfems/gc came and told me to fuck off!>calling everyone who calls him out and/or his samefagging paranoid, schizo, hysteric, panic and similar gaslighting shit>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere as if he isn't solely the one spamming lolcow with black people getting murdered and posting pepe shit while at it>scrotes are fine if they aren't obvious>quoting his own posts (the one about how we're actually calling out abused women, not larping troons!!, something he even dared to bring up with his namefagging attached)>actually you're the scrote for calling me out>actually you're from tumblr/twitter for calling me out>actually you're the misoginist for telling me I'm not a woman and never will be>sweeping>shitting up lolcow>samefaggingetc etc, I'm glad he's still malding.
No. 1305629
>>1305092If I were a scrote who wanted to derail or manipulate lolcow's userbase rn I'd sow paranoia by accusing anons who disagree with me of being scrotes/troons. You can try the same thing on /pol/ right now by accusing people in a thread with ideological schisms of being jews or glowies and it causes infighting immediately.
>>1305096That's because not everyone who thinks that the people accusing randos of being troons, let alone accusing randos of being one(1) single troon are being ridiculous is a troon
No. 1305731
>>1305715>Claiming the spam is a single troon is even more ridiculousNTA but the troon has admitted to it himself before and has been redtexted and banned by the mods multiple times. There were also self-identified troons in the lolita thread in /w/ before.
>it's going to be something normal or even saneMost of the time it's really strange or misogynist opinions though like being against abortion or downplaying how often rapists get away with crimes, etc.
No. 1305762
>>1305753It's not random anons and a good chunk of his deleted posts are ones were nonnas accidentally talked to him in normal threads (and them him complaining about it in meta because "he was just being helpful and nice!!" kek).
Also, you're responding to said troon.
No. 1305775
>>1305731>NTA but the troon has admitted to it himself before and has been redtexted and banned by the mods multiple times.That troon is objectively shitting up the site, but that doesn't mean that everyone who has a problem with the liberal troon/scrote accusations that troon. iirc the infamous transpiracy schizo has been posting on lolcow and to some of the posters ITT he would blend in just by virtue of the fact that he's one of the people accusing randos of being troons.
>Most of the time it's really strange or misogynist opinions though like being against abortion or downplaying how often rapists get away with crimes, etc.You're right in that most of the time it's warranted, but like some of the other posters here I've noticed people getting accused after sharing an innocuous opinion or pouring their heart out about something that happened to them, and a lot of posts from people who are 99.999% likely to be misogynistic scrotes or handmaidens, e.g. the increasing number of homophobic conspiracy theorists, are left unchallenged. If the admin and farmhands wanted to put effort into fixing the site they could identify which topics are luring troons and scrotes and lock/ban them or create bait threads every so often and ban everyone who participates, but that's probably not going to happen
>>1305762This is super autismo. Thinking that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranner is one thing; thinking that everyone who disagrees with you is one single troon is deranged.
No. 1305810
>>1305801I mean, that's ridiculous but please don't send your birth certificate or vag to people on the internet anon…
>>1305799Wait, so you're accusing every single person who points out that the troon/scrote paranoia is getting out of hand of being a tranny who has an extremely distinct writing style with distinct grammatical errors and who is more than willing to identify who they are according to your screenshots?
No. 1305871
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>>1305796>actually you are the troon for calling me out!>you're giving women a bad name for calling me out!Your larps suck, pic very related, it's from one of your first methed out, deleted spams.
No. 1305888
>>1305871Not me kek
>>1305859>Begs for a way to prove I'm not a troon>You're a tranny reeeeeWhat do you want?
No. 1306024
>>1305727Not every woman in here is a
terf. I am a woman with a uterus and I am not a
terf. I don't usually advertise it on here because I'd just get called a scrote, a troon or a handmaiden. Which is fine I've made my peace with it, but to think everyone here is a
terf is just delusional. And thinking every nona who's not 100% a
terf is the Dreaded Troon is insane.
I think the person samefagging itt is psychochan. At least I hope most nonas are sane enough to know not everyone with an opinion they dislike is a troon or a man.
No. 1306040
>>1306024No women is a
terf you retard.
Terf is a slur for a women that knows a scrote in a dress is a scrote. You also weren’t talking to just one person. Maybe go take care of your fucking kids instead of declaring shock you’re not a slur. If being called a moid hurts you this much maybe there’s something you need to look at in your behavior. For the love god just stop, your totally real female breast and vagina post are 10/10 more annoying. Stop labeling other posters as one person or namefagging them. You’re part of what’s wrong with the site. Grow a thicker skin or get the fuck off the Internet.
No. 1306045
>>1306040Just scrolling past but
>terf is a slurAnon pls. Why are we in an time where people just call any mean or insulting word a slur.
No. 1306059
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>>1306045It’s not any different than calling an “uppity women” a bitch or a whore. It’s primary used only against women a disenfranchised group and we didn’t label ourselves. If you’re labeled a
terf. You lose your job. Your friends. You’re hated for being a women who disagrees with a man just like that “cunt”.
No. 1306064
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>>1306059We get rape and murder threats. We get assaulted at events for being women with public opinions.
No. 1306090
>>1306084Bitch, cunt and whore are all sex based slurs.
Terf is used the same way. It’s a hate speech based insult against a disempowered group meant to intimidate, demean and insult. It’s to write you off as no good angry vile woman.
No. 1306114
>>1306040Ayrt, I am not the person offering to post my tits and vag and birth certificate lmao, I'm not that stupid. This is the first time I posted in this thread. Being called a moid is no skin off my back, it's just annoying. I come here to gossip and talk about different topics with other women, not to get into arguments with psychos who think everyone they disagree with is the same troon.
And sorry for using the bad word, I'm not a radfem them. Hope that makes you feel better.
No. 1306130
>>1306114Then we feel the same and thank you for owning up to that. The tranny has called me a moid in deleted posts tbh. This need to talk about how annoying it is, instead of just posting in the threads you want to be is part of the problem. People don’t get he’s the one aggressively attacking other women, the ones that keep whinning about it are literally giving him what he wants. You don’t need to post a vag or hand because a retard troon calling you a moid or anonymous set of text pixels shouldn’t destroy your view of yourself. Let’s just all post memes and recipes and shit. I’m just tired both the
>>BUT I’m not a moid Is annoying and so is
>>well you’re a moid. No. 1306234
>>1306024Hate to break it to you, but by fraternizing with terfs on a
terf website… you’re a
terf No. 1306238
>>1306234Maybe zoomers on twitter would think that way, but in reality it's my actual opinions, socia media posts and irl behavior that would make me a
terf or not and adults realize that. I don't have to treat radfems like leppers to disagree with them.
No. 1306243
>>1306234LC is not a
terf website just because it allowed GC/
Terf opinions.
No. 1306247
>>1306234Nta but that's not how it works anon. This isn't a
terf website but also some of us don't even consider ourselves feminists. I personally don't even though I support it.
No. 1306252
>>1306243>>1306247>>1306238Sorry you didn’t make the
terf label you don’t get to define it. You will be labeled
terf just the same. And admins ban male trannies, that’s pure terfism
No. 1306258
>>1306199>>1275748>witch hunting>no, you're the scrote!! another one for the bingo
>>1306208It's because it applies, in fact he's so mad he's been samefagging half of this thread about it.
No. 1306265
>>1306255Let me say it again for you but in simple steps. The rules of the website say no men. TERFs do not believe transwomen are women. Transwomen get banned. Calling males who identify as women males is bioessentialism. Oopsie, you’re on a
terf website!
No. 1306274
terf is a slur. It’s not a label. You can’t label yourself a
No. 1306282
>>1306276Girl, the people who popularized the
terf label don’t know what radical feminism is, most self described radfems don’t even know what radical feminism is. You’re a
terf, cry about it. Or go ahead and tell your employers and transwomen friends that you hang out on lolcow. By the way, if you assume that scrotes on 4chan are racist and misogynist then you’re a hypocrite, and the bar is even lower for you being a
terf because 4chan doesn’t even have a rule enforcing those!
No. 1306293
>>1306287No brainlet, there’s more than one person in this thread. One is mad about the label
terf calling it a slur. I am making fun of the retards talking about terfs and tranny hate like everyone but themselves doesn’t view them as the exact same scum as the anons they’re feeling high and mighty over.
No. 1306299
>>1306289Kek you guys really are autistic as fuck. Yes, anon, that is the point I am making. You either don’t have tranny friends because you’re a
terf, or you don’t tell them you’re on lolcow because everyone knows that makes you a
No. 1306304
>>1306282A radical feminist and a
TERF aren’t interchangeable. No true radical feminist call themselves a
TERF unless it’s to mock trannies and ridiculousness. A
TERF is literally any women who disagrees with a dude in a dress anon.
No. 1306335
>>1306293Well, shit for brains, anon was just explaining why she doesn't call herself a feminist and by extend couldn't be a
terf, that you took it as "feeling superior" to other anons is just you being emotional.
No. 1306347
>>1306335>>1306344Samefag because for some reason I can’t delete, like I said before the label
terf has nothing to do with radical feminism, men, right wingers, and liberals get called terfs
No. 1306349
>>1306299Well "everyone" is fucking stupid then. Gossiping about cows and talking about tv shows, recipes and gardening on here doesn't make one a
terf or whatever you want to call it. I don't usually engage with this stuff because I know I wont change anybody's mind on here and, again, that's not why I come on this site.
I mentionned it itt because it's one of the reasons anons get called moids and trannies when in reality there are plenty of women (that you would agree are women) who don't have the same beliefs you do. I'm gonna go back to my usual threads and continue to not mention it now.
No. 1306403
>>1306349Yeah everyone is stupid.
Terf is literally only a pro-male trans agenda dog whistle that has nothing to do with any other political view. This is obvious because even if you interpret
terf literally it makes no sense. Radical feminists that get called terfs aren’t trans exclusionary, they are male exclusionary and want to abolish gender roles, both of which are already covered with “radical feminist”.
No. 1306512
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jesus all of this thread is just full of baits, like what the hell is this post kek