File: 1655487496630.jpeg (207.47 KB, 1200x630, 2E0AEBC6-8C41-490B-9818-0C81D0…)

No. 34548
jannies and admin missing edition #9
previous thread:
>>>/meta/33094 No. 34562
File: 1655488000520.jpeg (115.88 KB, 750x739, 24742B15-7309-48E2-8EF4-F9676C…)

No. 34578
File: 1655488664640.gif (9.58 MB, 680x382, mendiegodlaughs.gif)

No. 34590
I am thankful at least one farmhand is FINALLY here, but like what the fuck? Why is there no communivation from the admin or any of you? There are so many people willing to help, me included. But NOTHING, no communication, not a peep.
>>34585Oh, what a lovely time that was.
>>34579NEETs are ideal, but non-NEETs could be useful too if there is just enough of jannies.
No. 34595
>>34587This. WE CAN FUCKING HELP YOU, wake the fuck up jesus christ.
Or is there something you are hiding about the admin, that's why you do not accept any jannies?
No. 34603
File: 1655492758743.png (289.71 KB, 989x587, 1647465954691.png)

>still posting
>total lack of awareness and any form of empathy
>unintelligent in differences board culture
>unironically partakes in raids and uses a website dedicated to wojacks
>uses buzzwords
Holy shit, the Y chromosome is a defect. Let us pray it's genes never spread.
No. 34609
>still posting and trying to defend himselfWhat a retard. Again, kys.
>>34607Wouldn't be surprised if it was a troon.
No. 34612
File: 1655495355893.jpg (27.65 KB, 373x235, 1655017205051.jpg)

No. 34619
>>34618Gay-ops means you planned it with others, I gaslit them, it's different tyvm.
>>34607I don't remember doing this, might have been my imposter, I have not been drunk in a while.
No. 34622
File: 1655539379475.png (7.61 KB, 512x100, ew.png)

Can something please be done about the fucking drive-by hags that keep going into the baby thread in /g/ just to be nasty?
No. 34628
>>34622It's the moid stop reposting him
>>34625Don't repost the moids shit good god
Or maybe it's the y chromosomoid repostin it himself
No. 34633
>>34632>They don't encourage discussion or quality posts.kek what do you think the
off topic board (which was originally called /b/) is for anonna
No. 34640
File: 1655552877940.jpg (11.46 KB, 333x499, 31LzzvRZXHL._SX331_BO1,204,203…)

Jannies left up bug porn, pony porn and CP in the Mike thread but called a nonna a tranny.
You tranny jannies really fucking suck at your job and it's snowing hard. Y'all are obviously moids if you're trying to sniff out the tranny so hard.
Tranny chasing jannies leaving up all sorts of scrote shit to call nonnas trannies and hand out a ban I can avoid by refreshing my mobile browser.
Fucking retards, go rope.(assmad tranny)
No. 34642
File: 1655555096354.png (1.02 MB, 882x1260, 1649999290567.png)

Butthurt tranny spotted
Lol what, no, I've never fucking posted in those threads. I just do not personally care, you can enjoy your anime men in peace though.
No. 34643
>>3464>>34641You know mods can see you using different ips even if you use a vpn right? fucking idiot.
"they are supposed to not bring up that they don't have a vagina" lmao tranny you have no rights here
No. 34645
>>34562Belle-fag detected. Keeps spamming Jodi in
>>>/w/220907 too
No. 34646
Why was there a Trash Taste thread made when anons are still cross posting everyone who exists who's a Jvlogger? Mods, lock Trash Taste and make everyone come back to this thread or ban posts that anons specifically made a new thread to post this shit it,but refuse to do so.
>>>/w/220933This begins in Trash Taste, not Jvlogger now, if they want their other thread. They need to keep those guys in their containment discussion thread.
No. 34649
>>34646Aki and Joey also already have their own thread, so why are the anons still posting about them and reposting posts, in the other threads too? There being 3 threads makes absolutely no sense.
>>>/w/221096 was already posted in
>>>/w/220589 No. 34660
File: 1655598204184.png (326.06 KB, 500x375, 162622-Cute-Bunny-In-A-Basket.…)

thank you for cleaning it up jannies!
No. 34678
Is the gore etc gone now?
>>34669I like that there was literal animal gore being posted but this anon was ANGY at SHREK MEMES lmao
No. 34681
File: 1655620722555.jpeg (92.73 KB, 569x349, A28D0471-D3B1-417F-926E-9966E9…)

>>34669You’re not you when you’re hungry. Eat your Shrekfast.
No. 34695
File: 1655743458297.jpg (37.08 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-536664974-612x612.…)

>>34693It's incredible how upset he is at mean images saying moid bad lol. AND HE KEEPS COMING BACK what a loser lmaooo
No. 34697
Can you guys ban this tetarded and spastic !!!!!!! using anon? They fly off the rails in multiple threads, constantly ban evading from Belle's thread.
>>>/w/221862 Typing the way they do, honestly they come off as underage.
No. 34709
>>34705Still there…
Jannies please..?
No. 34716
File: 1655832630222.jpeg (761.79 KB, 828x1351, CF9D9EC5-5E54-4A6C-A73F-AC7715…)

>>34715/pt/ seems to be an unchecked wasteland where rules don’t matter for some reason. I don’t think farmhands care enough to check up on it anymore. Like who is this guy and what makes him /pt/ material?
No. 34724
File: 1655859584442.jpeg (114.89 KB, 785x323, 575A21EE-13CF-405C-9401-0FDBC8…)

That thread is such scrote bait it’s insane. It’s too bad, she’s a good cow but it’s unreadable
No. 34740
File: 1655877010002.gif (1.81 MB, 267x200, 89584B2C-7D76-4E32-B4E1-AD62D5…)

>he has to wait 30 seconds in between his spam
No. 34755
File: 1655878714806.jpg (21.04 KB, 656x322, IMG_20210502_090630.jpg)

consider doing this next time you wanna spam your fap folder
No. 34760
File: 1655879167807.png (456.84 KB, 500x500, 1646360745494.png)

>>34757they refuse to honestly compare picrel and the real and present danger men are to women, and fact that many men literally live to cause others misery, to the complaints of men, which revolve around how we do not want to fuck them. if our distaste for men wasn't warranted, we wouldn't have terminal faggots (who absolutely do not have fulfilling lives) posting obscene material "for fun" (admits it's for his own "fun") in our spaces. they prove it every time.
No. 34765
>>34762dude for real needs to get a hobby that doesn't involve masturbating to nikado and being a Le Epic Troll
there's more to life than gay porn and imageboards!
No. 34782
File: 1655883078921.jpeg (115.13 KB, 1062x1046, 1649057722490.jpeg)

Moid spamming retarded porn in /ot/
A tranny was uncovered to posting on /g/ friend finder thread, and hosting a server
No. 34793
>>34792Yeah, they're pretty fragile and easy to
trigger and right now it's summer so a lot have nothing to do. Very funny watching them chimpout about women saying means things about them though. Just look at the retard in this thread who started rage posting porn and comparing himself to a black man fighting the kkk. Scrotes are truly delusional.
No. 34801
>>34798>Like this is objectively not true, women rape all the time and it's just tiring how NPCsHate to break it to you
nonnie but men do commit an overwhelming amount of crime compared to women. No. 34812
>>34806>Thank you all for proving my point precisely, the 97% is a crock of shit and does not even hit the reported numbers by a long shot. The original meme says men commit 97% of rapes while in the table is is 96.5% and the meme also says men commit 93% of all sex offences, again, the table says men commit 93.5%. The table is accurate to the meme and the meme is accurate to the table, I don't know what exactly is a
crock of shit about either. You're being willfully ignorant.
No. 34817
>>34816NTA but did you literally just passive aggressively wish rape upon someone while trying to say women don't have urges to inflict rape on others?
Trick question.
You did.
Seriously I think a lot of people in the /meta/ thread freak the fuck out at very obvious bait, and it's not funny, it's just like are you that angry at life?
What did life do to you to produce this much salt?
No. 34821
>>34818Oh totally fine, I'm just saying it's very offputting to come in here to report something or see if anything changed and most of the time it's people calling each other men and being nastier in here than on most other parts of the site.
I'm more confused than anything really lmfao.
No. 34825
retarded moid posting porn in sex worker thread in /snow/
>>34824100% agree
No. 34840
>>34839AYRT but stop acting so
triggered in response to raids (cp raid excluded). The whole purpose of raiding is that they want gullible nonnies like you to respond out of offense
No. 34841
File: 1655923807522.gif (79.24 KB, 381x147, fQE0.gif)

You are all fucking retards who are unable to understand a simple concept
No. 34852
>>34851nvm that was quick, thanks mods
he's probably gonna ban evade again though kek
No. 34911
>>34908Heads up, that will not work in the slightest and it won't even make it that much harder. Serial ban evader here and pet troon of the Rachel thread, essentially for me I would keep ban evading until I don't have more content on Rachel, she is a pedophile and I need somewhere to document her behavior.
Stopping raids is pretty easy, you slapfight them to a standstill and they log off. Farmhands ban me for doing that around here so I stopped and now the flood is back up. It really comes down to you ladies needing more staff. It won't stop people like me who are actually here to do something but it will stop low effort raids and troons that act like the gender they were born as.
(you can also stop invading women's spaces ) No. 34921
>>34910I don't (I'm the one screething about them), but yeah. The moid might be right in that the only actual solution is hiring more staff. IMAGINE calling yourself a "pet tranny" tho jesus christ
>>34919Seconding especially for the moids and trannies.
No. 34928
File: 1656056816674.gif (574.23 KB, 322x322, 122235326262.gif)

>>34927Newfags from tumblr, twitter and other shitholes think that the way to get what they want is to screech to a higher authority until their wish is granted. Anyone that's been around for a while remembers the old lessons of self moderation such as don't feed the troll.
No. 34949
File: 1656119770237.jpeg (71.1 KB, 622x622, 1655868375992.jpeg)

thank you jannies for cleaning up and sticking around
No. 34954
File: 1656124494557.jpg (59.96 KB, 563x760, f11660aab97a8cb32d1616379c77ef…)

fake and 3d-gay, i was the yaoi spammer.
No. 34992
>>34991can't be true, because it seems like they're always banning people in every thread i post in
what's up with that?
No. 34996
>>34992maybe in snow, but pt,m, ot and g have very bad inactive moderation. And it seems like the mods and admin
ian are also ignoring anons who are telling them to open janny application's again.
No. 35001
>>34997how much more do we have to silence ourselves so we dont get males here, also the roe thread was a day ago and before that we still get raided and spammed so whats your point, when we choose to be silent we still get raided by males so there is no winning.
The real problem here is the moderation and you know it, the lack of communication or existence from the new admin is also something thats concerning.
No. 35002
>>35001>>34996>>34994>>34991You can stop spamming the thread already.
Do not post the personal information and details of US government/senate members. The reasoning is very simple, posting those attracts attention and problems does not need. It is quite certain some services are working overtime to monitor websites and compiling lists we do not want to be on.
No. 35005
>>35002you forgot to use your farmhand account in this one
>>35003Also can you tell us why janny applications are hidden and whats going on with the new admin??
(users are expected to contribute in a constructive way and are discouraged from posting low quality comments) No. 35009
>>35008lol be careful
nonnie so you dont get redtexted for ''low quality comments'' aka calling out the moderation.
No. 35014
>>35008Men post CP. You underestimate the hate towards women in this country. Feds are programmer sock trannies with actual power, nonna.
Probably admin got a warning by the host, hence locking of thread and disclaimer just before it was unlocked again. Has happened before to other sites I visit
No. 35033
File: 1656191890946.jpeg (154.74 KB, 750x1054, E77F4D40-5D4A-493E-BA87-14B008…)

kekk what is this?
No. 35039
>>35027Fucking amen, it's not just the tinfoil thread either.
>>35026Think of the consequences of outright saying that this site has no active admins
nonnie. Though I hope that's not the case.
No. 35040
I don't know why you guys won't back this exclamation spazzing and spamming anon. They literally only post this shit and you know when they are posting too. They use large amounts of !!!!! constantly and have the same TYPING LIKE THIS style every time. They also keep derailing and it a main derailer in this thread, constantly pushing tinfoil like the Satorini shit when mods already said to stop tinfoiling about them dating and where photos were taken. They also need to learn to reply to multiple people at once, not spam a new post every time. Also samefagging a lot.
>>>/w/223069>>>/w/223064>>>/w/223062There is also this anon who keeps condensing reddit spacing, but only posts in that format. a new line for every new piece they want to bring up. They are also able to be pinpointed and you can spot them in these thread:
>>>/w/223055>>>/w/223008>>>/w/223077>>>/w/219251How many times do anons need to complain about these posters and how they fill up the threads with useless posts before they are banned and kept an eye on every time these posters come back with the same typing style and nitpicks? Its great you guys are keeping up with the bans, but these threads have been complained about for months. This Sharla and Chris shit is the most derailing. Still no milk and pretty sure its going to need to be autosaged again because of these anons. They are still tinfoiling about where a pool was. Come on.
No. 35042
File: 1656205002836.jpeg (36.51 KB, 1113x251, head scrote in charge.jpeg)

Well he felt the need to post this on the thread on KF, so that might explain some of the influx of retarded scrotes posting on the subject. Nice one, Josh!
No. 35056
>>35052What a fucking retard lmao
Also confirms that he lurks consistently. Fuck off Jersh, you are an embarrasment.
No. 35072
>>35070But he has come defending himself here over the years lol
>>35068If you want a tranny haven, KF or 4chan is much more up your speed
No. 35073
>>350724chan is the tranny haven, Josh unironically will either ban a tranny or try to get in their pants.
(Actual trans lolcow boards are invite only, it isn't some open thing where anyone could see what people are talking about like oh say, here)
No. 35077
>>35075It's a tranny babe
>>35076True or not (most likely is though, imagine the shit they say on there when they say absolutely horrid shit on public), we do need to make one. I've been thinking about it for awhile, but I have 0 web developing experience myself. Voice verification or similar, but I would like to keep the posting anonymous still. You would need an account most likely, and that would deter many (as your post history would be tied to an account visible to admin/jannies, yes?).
No. 35078
>>35077Use video with the voice, any way you gate keep you will be cutting out unfortunate looking and sounding natal women this way but it's the way to keep someone out. The sites I'm used to are not exactly trans exclusive, it's just not as tranny focused as someone not passing is not funny enough by itself.
Yes you would be easier to trace to the staff but not to the users, once a site gets to around 30 active users it's easy enough to mask. On the smaller places it is essentially namefagging everywhere because everyone will be able to armchair detective well in the first place and will have a small pool to eliminate.
You ladies do need it, everyone deserves their own spaces yo.
No. 35081
>>35079That is unironically what I do, it is a fantastic idea for you ladies because holy fuck do you get raided so fucking often.
(Discord lets you do video and voice identification and is open source so someone faking is easier to determine there than on other platforms)
(tranny) No. 35084
>>35082Mainly salting people like you.
>>35083They most certainly do not and that is the issue with keeping any place truly anon but wanting to just have one group in it, there never is a way to know. Hell we both know I could be larping as the tranny, it's not hard to do.
Poster above you doesn't but still.
No. 35085
>>35082Just report the post and move on, don't respond to the moid. Acting
triggered is only going to bring them back to bait you harder.
No. 35087
>>35082So the next time I go into the men's restroom you hope I see a hung dude, and that he's into me?
Thank you Tranny-Chaser-Chan, you are always so kind and thoughtful!
No. 35088
>>35079There's been multiple trannies hosting servers there. I want the cc/lc experience, without moids. Anonymous posting, but actions taken to weed out scrotum-havers.
>>35083>>35084Yes, that's the issue, they don't. Idk a better idea either though. One person (admin) knowing your post history and appearing anonymous to other users would be preferable to the raids and moids and no administration communication here, but I know many of you understandably would not agree. It would be iffy as fuck but I can't take the scrotes here any more.
>>35082What are you on about handmaidens? The tranny is avoiding bans with VPNs, he has been banned time and time again.
No. 35093
>>35086> it's been determined to be the same personPeople (or just one person, who knows) keep saying this but "determined" how?
>>35088> What are you on about handmaidens?I mean his fan club of what feels like a small handful of posters who egg him on. Who knows though it could be all him?
> I want the cc/lc experience, without moids. Anonymous posting, but actions taken to weed out scrotum-havers.So we're back to needing jannies. If this place wasn't anon, I wouldn't come back to be honest and I am sure others feel the same. I do post on namefag sites as well but also have a long history with imageboards and I like this place partly because of that.
No. 35094
>>35093Ah I see. Yes nonnas need to stop responding to him.
>If this place wasn't anon, I wouldn't come back to be honest and I am sure others feel the same.Yeah, that's my thing too. I know jack shit about web development, but would it be possible to somehow have invite only/voice verified image board you can only access with an account to read or post, but the posting would still be wholly anonymous even to the admin? Man idk. But yeah, jannies are needed BADLY, but nmot a peep from the admin, if there even is one.
No. 35095
>>35094>I know jack shit about web development, but would it be possible to somehow have invite only/voice verified image board you can only access with an account to read or post, but the posting would still be wholly anonymous even to the admin?That actually happens to be a bit in my wheelhouse and if you mean is it possible in any strong way the short answer is "yes" but the actual answer is "not really practicably, no." If I were tasked with making that system work I might come out with something a little less rigorous that would require a little more trust in the site. I dunno though, it would make this site a new kind of animal that I'm not sure has existed out there before and it being a fairly traditional imageboard is part of it's charm for me. But this is asking for a technological solution to a social problem and that social problem is needing to about quadruple the number of farmhands.
No. 35097
File: 1656270770506.jpg (130.61 KB, 660x495, 0-15.jpg)

Personally I find it very amusing that people think they can totally tell what anonymous poster is the same person and who has a dick and who doesn't. I have been called a scrote on this site at least 50 times and still no dick has sprouted in my nethers. I think less paranoia and more report + ignore + move on would do this site good, but also I don't really care cause the paranoia and seething is funnier than the original drama.
No. 35122
>>35121Eh, I don't support that tinfoil but whoever brought it up stopped the infighting. I make ya'll paranoid as hell.
There are two discords churning out memes and having fun impersonating me and you just eat it all up, like, they are trolling yoooooou lol
No. 35128
>>35126I don't know what you're replying since it was deleted but the constant attempts at "hi, cow"-ing and speculating on who various anons are, usually for incredibly little reason, is one of the majorly obnoxious things in those threads too.
Please lock all those threads, farmhands. They're not salvageable without massive moderation which clearly isn't going to happen.
No. 35137
File: 1656385130612.jpg (311.47 KB, 1080x2340, image.jpg)

Suggestion: ban every single thread and topic that is or could conceivably be made in /ot/ and /2x/ that has the potential to attract extremists, incels, pickmes, and schizos to the site- i.e. anything that touches politics that aren't directly related to women's issues. These threads add negative value to the site in and of themselves and there has literally never been a case of a successful containment board/thread on a large platform because deranged basement-dwellers take them as an invitation to stay and evangelize. pls
No. 35150
File: 1656452233074.jpg (87.95 KB, 966x386, techsavvy.jpg)

>>35130ayrt I said "half of the time" it is the Blaine/Erika person posting and even that wasn't intended to be literal. But a lot of the stuff absolutely reads like samefagging. There seems to be another character involved posting on the metokur forums caping for Erika but who knows that could be a sock.
As for
>farmhands can see more than just IPsee picrel, it's Erika saying that she knows how to circumvent this.
No. 35154
>>35153Source on this intent and not just you projecting like you have been for a month now?
Hope youre one of the retards that fell for Mike and Elaine's gayop you faggot.
No. 35158
File: 1656487876185.png (409.65 KB, 1034x1649, Screenshot 2022-06-29 03.29.04…)

Where did all these posts go? And no, it wasn't just one person deleting their posts. There is some autism here but nothing in comparison to elsewhere in the same thread. WTF is going on?
>>>/snow/1575186 No. 35164
>>35163Yes, it's so bad the jannies are labeling us regular users moids for calling them out on their bullshit, it's so weird how they let this site be run by Kiwifags who, FELL FOR A MIKE AND AN ELAINE GAYOP AND COULDNT WAIT BUT HALF A SECOND TO POST FOR CLOUT
Neutron Injector, you are a clout chaser, your schizo poster makes it even worse you dumb cunt.
I Am Vomit, never ever brought milk before in his scrote life and one of the people de-railing these threads based on timing alone.
Bonktrash - ILJ investigation bitch, you are the female moralfag you keep poop touching and inserting, I cant wait to see your halal you fat fucking bulldyke.
Melkor, stay in your lane and off the .farms you fucking man who jacks off to children cats, fucking furry pedo fuck!
No. 35165
>>35144I think the threads directly related to women's issues are fine on /ot/ because the actual normal women here are invested enough to tell scrotes and schizos to fuck off, but the tinfoil, ukraine, coof, religion etc. threads are only interesting to delusional internet-poisoned wingnuts that contribute literally nothing of value to the site.
One of my favorite parts about lolcow, and imo one of the reasons why it didn't go to shit through the years, is that the farmhands haven't been shy about banning topics and people, so I hope they do the same for non-women-related political topics.
No. 35191
>>35190except i did check, but you can only crtl+f to find many things.
maybe if this site actually had a search bar to filter out results in the catalogue, it'd be easier to see a thread made a year ago, especially on /ot/.
also that "Mail Thread" you are referring to is so constricting, so you can only post shit you bought online and that has come in the mail? thats stupid. my thread was for any goods recently acquired.
anyway, this site continues to stifle discussion and fun thread ideas for absolutely no reason besides mods/janny power trips.
No. 35197
>>34548can there be a new black girl problems thread in /g/, seeing as the current one
>>>/g/199512 chose an asian girl in black paint to be the OP pic? (which kek i'm not gonna lie is still kinda funny)
it makes it hard to want to use
No. 35202
Please take the Phoebe Tickner thread off autosage
>>>/snow/864285There is new milk to discuss
No. 35212
Something needs to be done about the constant posts in the Jvlogger thread where people are not posting images to an imageboard.
>>>/w/224608 Tired of seeing the same anon post the same posts without actual images or context. This is a waste of fucking time.
No. 35223
>>35196Knowing how to use Boolean operators doesn’t make you a genius, faggot. I use them every time. They work better on other imageboards anyway. I stand by what I said, the search function is ass as are the logistics of much of this site.
And have any other anons seen I just thought it was interesting to bring up.
No. 35244
>>35241I don't see the raid, am I looking at the wrong thread?
Does someone need to take their meds?
No. 35250
>>35235>pornyHow many times have you brought this complaint now, sister mary innocente? Of all the things going on with this place, that's your thing?
>>35249The last one didn't do shit and that was before all the staff bailed so no.
No. 35254
Mods, just to be clear, I made a containment thread because these anons who can't get over the Chris and Sharla tinfoiling need their own thread so that the next Jvlogger thread isn't hijacked again and redtexted out the ass because these anons can't post caps on an imageboard to go with their conspiracy theory derailing. Just wanted to bring it up because anons are probably going to complain, but we've stormed through 2 threads already because of their tinfoiling and its annoying as hell. You can't have any discussion about anything else because of it.
This is the containment thread. Please don't lock it.
>>>/w/225033 No. 35255
File: 1656748311054.jpeg (261.72 KB, 566x754, 90BF120E-61D8-4940-81F5-ACF68C…)

Is this really a logging? I saged and everything. I think one of the mods has a crush on belle delphine because they over-regulate her thread. It would have been fine in shaynas thread.
No. 35265
>>35263Because one of the mods is Slanus from .org, yes a tranny, very low effort, never provided half of what the tranny in Rachel's thread did and is not marking every post he disagrees with as "tranny" in a schizo meltdown over a tranny that acts and passes better than they do.
Slanus even admitted to it on their scrote hugbox before the feds shut it down over Sig fedposting yet again. He was over there bragging about how he was the pet tranny and he would start a campaign against the rachel thread tranny and sure enough it got aggressive and went to shit right after the claim.
There have been raids from all over those threads and from an unbiased third party this is pure and utter fucking lunacy.
We need real jannies, not a man who claims to be a woman that sucks of scrotes all day.
No. 35268
>>35267Tranny hands wrote this.
Wait…omg we are all trannies…
I should have known, it's not projected schizobabble but the truth! Everyone here is a tranny omg!
Stfu scrote.
No. 35269
>>35268> quote someone calling the tranny out> " fuck you scrote, i'm not a tranny"(minutes later)
> get called out by a mod as being, omg, a tranny.and scene.
a tranny life.
No. 35275
>>35273Learn a different style of writing Spooky.
>Continues to bluster even when defeated.A pooky life: Part 872
Written by: (Someone you will scream is a tranny no matter who it is because you are fucking insane)
No. 35278
>>35277They are, every retarded post attributed to the tranny is this person, ex-KF mod, founder of ralphapedia, moid and person who infiltrated our discord to skinwalk as us, Spookybones.
They halal approved the tranny over calling them out on a bad decision a year ago and have been alogging and trying to get them to slapfight him for a literal year now. It's fucking insanity.
No. 35289
>>35287a handy guide to recognizing pakichan posts in the wild:
>always hates on western women, western feminists and western radfems in particular>also hates fujos, whom she accuses of being pedos>always mentions her country even when it has jack shit to do with the topic>often goes into long autistically specific derails with random details about pakistan> acts like she's the bigest victim ever and western women do'tnknow how good they have it>hates arabs>usually spergs about islam referring to it as the arab pedophile religion (not that she's wrong, but that's a specific phrase she uses a lot)>uses cute cat pictures a lot> hates women, simps for white men and especially varg >makes every single thread she powts in about herself and her victim complex>extremely combative, will argue over a dozen replies tldr: if it derails a thread to sperg about about western women or "in my country… " it's pakifag
No. 35293
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Everyday I respect the mods less. My only issue is this would be better in /g/.
No. 35299
Hey mods, before we have to make a new thread, can I implore you guys to guys to close the Trash Taste and the Aki Dearest threads? it's clear that we need a containment thread for the Chris and Sharla shippers, already made that, but as is, Aki and the newly made Trash Taste thread [which was unnecessary] don't have enough milk and continue to be slow unless anons are nitpicking.
Can we close those threads and migrate those subjects back to a new Jvlogger thread, please? The threads to close in order to consolidate are:
>>>/w/218113 >They are all vloggers and don't need a separate thread just for their podcast that aren't milky at all, plus there is no drama with their either>Conner is still talked about in the Jvlogger, no reason a second thread should've been made about him too>Same for Garnt, anons still talk about him in Jvlogger, no reason Trash Taste needs a second place for the milk he never has>>>/w/16634>Aki has had this thread for 6 years, going on 7. Joey is already discussed in here, Jvlogger, and Taste Taste. Taste Taste and this thread need to be nixed and both moved back to the Jvlog basics thread. No. 35300
>>35299I'm going to go ahead and update the new thread. If we keep the other 2 up, that's fine, but I added those other thread bloggers to the OP of the new thread in case you guys do close it. otherwise, not really a big difference if there's extra subjects under OPs that link to the cows social medias. I hope that's okay. I just don't want another one of the ban evading, derailing anons to make another trash OP thread like
>>>/w/218113 when they made it.
No. 35333
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>>35328I agree I got banned from all boards for posting this to show (again) how far she will go to sexualize children; specifically seeking out kids clothing and accessories for her larp and NSFW content. The bracelets she wears are from cheap kiddie sets. There was a wk anon in a previous thread trying to say this set had zero pedo pandering at all
No. 35344
>>35343And yet all the threads have massive redtexts such as:
>this is an imageboard>tinfoil>post proof>out to pasture>unsaged autism>ban evade>unsaged shitpost>nitpickingAnon, all the stuff the WKs keep complaining about, for the most part, gets banned. The only things I see banned of the WKs anywhere recently was infighting with another anon who was nitpicking in the Taylor thread, the Sharla and Chris thread getting locked, and one mini-modding in the new Jvlog. You're blind if you can't see who exactly is ruining these threads, especially when you account for the anons like in the Belle thread who post 5 images in a dump at once and the come here to complain
>>35333The Jvlog thread alone had an autist just spamming 'CUUUPS' who was part of the shipping crew the WKs were coming to meta to report.
No. 35349
>>35345The dating sperging is literally shoestrings on a pinboard tinfoil. There is no concrete proof they are dating. No holding hands, kissing, wishful thinking they are living in the same space, when they each have their own living rooms and kitchens that don't even match, but this idea they have only 'seperate rooms in the same house'? That makes no damn sense. Matching cups could easily be filming over at their friends places, they aren't the only ones with the same cups in vlogs and probably because they all gather and shoot multiple forms on content at once. CUUPS anon is a shitposter. That's bannable right off the bat, sarcastic or not. This isn't a chatroom. If you anons are desperate to giggle and post inconsequential nonsense to poke fun of, go to the Discord or make your own for that. Tinfoiling is a pretty black and white topic. That's why mods keep banning you guys for tinfoil and especially the anons who come in out of nowhere and say "I SAW THIS POSTED" and never, ever post receipts and yet you want anons to believe anything you guys say at face value. Hell no. Post actual concrete proof or stfu with the literal tinfoil. How hard is that to understand? Trying to conspiracy theory proof doesn't make that important enough to bypass tinfoil. It's still a conspiracy.
>>35347I didn't say the WKs are running rampant. I even said they come here to meta constantly. Most have to take their time to explain why tinfoil doesn't work. That's not defending cows. It's pointing out bad takes to make sure other anons who come to the thread understand that, especially in tinfoil threads, that what is posted isn't fact. There's a difference between defending and actually having to rebuke and point out nitpicking.
>>35348If you haven't noticed, anon, the mod team has been vastly different for years since. You guys complain about lack of moderation when CP is posted, but when you get held accountable and redtexted, suddenly the moderation have been infiltrated.
No. 35359
>>35358 1.This is a board for general, off topic discussion. Direct all bathroom talk to /g/.
Infighting is highly penalized, it’s not contributive to the overall health of the board.
2.Don’t make duplicate threads unless the most recent thread has been dead for more than 6 months. Always search the catalog.
3.Don’t make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races
4.Responding to bait in the pink pill thread will always result in a 3 day unappealable ban.
5.Don’t report a post simply because you disagree with it, not everyone who disagrees is a man
6.Don’t go into a thread to complain about the exact same thread. Hide threads you don’t want to see and take topic complaints to /meta/.
Right??? If anything you spergs are breaking rule 6.
No. 35365
>>35333The anon is back
>>>/w/ 225678
No. 35373
Doxxing anon is back,trying to hunt down Belle's specific location.
>>>/w/225924Is this also the Sharla sperg who keep trying to find where Jvloggers live too? Mods, do something about this anon. This is ridiculous.
No. 35378
>>35371It wasn't a duplicate post because you said different things about the picture. And here's what gives your WK ass away: posting social media pictures without any interesting comment or milk is considered non-con posting here. The text isn't a fucking caption for dear Taylor's photo, it's the actual reason for posting the picture here. We can all go to Taylor's IG just fine without reposting her pics here just to summarize them "looks like her 'friend' had the same pui yuet": no shit, that is literally what is written on the story.
But it is funny to watch you run to meta every time and whine to the mods to do your bidding. It actually never gets old.
No. 35396
This autistic keeps demanding apologies from anons and it's fucking derailing as hell when they still keep splicing and editing photos of their so called proof and keep denying to post photos otherwise.
>>>/w/226219>>>/w/226158>>>/w/226214Its weird and very scrote-like behavior and we already know there is a scrote who keeps coming here to post
No. 35397
>>35396Stop calling people you dislike or disagree with scrotes (or bitter childfree women, or underage, or fat, jealous hags). There is nothing male about those posts.
It would embarrass me to write a language as bad as you do while tossing around imageboard slang like «scrote» and «retard» and «furbabies». Instead of nobly defending all your ladies, try reading your posts before clicking send. Some of them are close to gibberish. Not sure if that's your language ability or ragetyping.
No. 35405
>>35402>>35401Learn to post caps and maybe anons will leave you alone. What a hard concept
>>>/w/226287 Clearly.
No. 35411
>>35187That's the thing, lolcow
does have rules and they are enforced to a degree to keep order on the boards, except for some reason weight sperging (the single biggest fucking derail present on most threads and are extremely annoying) for some reason is allowed/defended. I can think of 20 seperate threads that should just be locked/abandoned at this point because the weight sperging derails are all that happens on them
No. 35423
>>35415Can confirm the current generation of bootleg gyarus have got to be the biggest selfposters on this site. I barely read the thread and everytime I come back there's some twitterfag sperging about ytpepo
>>35401Agreed, it does seem like two distinctive people. The ESLfag that brigades /W/ reminds me of the obsessive scrote who made a pull account to talk about Belle all day a few years back. He moved to this site when pull died but kept coping bans for evasion, newfaggotory and wking. I guess he's finally figured out using ":v" after every post is too much of a calling card.
No. 35426
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>>35425Yep, only all milk, all the time, right? Mods should autosaged this thread too as with every Belle thread.
No. 35435
>>35431idk i finally cracked open that thread and she is doing some pretty perverted stuff. i don't understand why a couple people try to force anons to stop talking about some cows. We used to have a grand old time discussing lori and other cows a couple years ago. They did repetitive stuff and we had fun keking at it. now it's like there's some arbitrary line about what's milk and what isn't, and a couple people lose their shit if they don't agree. If non-milk is saged, who gives a crap? It's allowed to comment on what cows do.
Why are so many tame posts about Belle redtexted? i think lc really needs to take a look at the mods and admin (kek) because someone has a hard-on for shutting down Belle discussion. probably other discussions too but the moderation of the Belle thread is fucked.
No. 35441
>>35440Is this the "calm down" WK who uses it irrelevantly on /w/? Kek
Belle thread is actually quite milky with Belle doxxing herself, making more horrible pedo porn and failing hard with her e-career. There is no thread without nitpicking and most trolls appear after new milk about Belle is posted to derail the thread.
I am also glad the pedophile WK got banned finally.
No. 35448
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>>35419Prime example of /w/ whiteknighting. “Stop coming here if you hate her so much” kek like this is Taylor’s instagram? Seriously, what is it about /w/ and WKs + nitpicking retards? Just shut it down, anyone milky enough can be moved to /snow/ and the WKs can fend off the far more active anons there
No. 35449
Just why does anon post at all?
>>>/w/226909 scrote teir logic.
No. 35453
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Whiteknighting scrote on belles thread claiming her ugly ass photos are all photoshopped by anons to make her look worse
No. 35461
>>35457We don't know if an anon edited them. Belle had milk about re-editing her photos before, including her nipples.
It's not like she looks good without the edits too, I don't see why an anon would need to do that.
No. 35475
>>35474That place is so gay even trannies who take hrt don't go there, that place is so gay I saw 8 guys fucking 9 guys, that place is so gay it asked me how I styled my hair and did my nails, that place is so gay I saw him suck Andy Dick off for some coke.
Honestly we are about there and it's utter lunacy, the jannies are deleting milk now.
No. 35483
>>35482Instantly jump to all trannies rape and I am a tranny.
Yeah that doesn't kill the site faster than anything, what I was saying was they were a scrote anyways but instead of reading the whole thing you read the word tranny and lost your shit, yet you think you individually deserve a discussion?
Retarded hostility that doesn't read the comment it responds to is a big issue here and the posts that should get jannied are ones like yours that adds zero to the discussion.
I already said a tranny was a bad option.
No. 35485
>>35484There are older threads, Ian is not even a tranny but a cross dresser. I'll be honest before he took over the site was a bit anti-trans but it really stepped up to that while being like yaknow some moids are okay, let's let moids in.
I'm sorry but that just seems ridiculous to me. The whole point is to keep this space testosterone free. Ian also looks like your stereotypical fag boy and is jealous of trannies that commit. Which is utterly pathetic, he should accept he is a man and fucking act like one. Right now he hides away doing nothing and making sure the only staff he lets in won't tell on him and will keep his echo chamber floating.
No. 35486
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>>35483>>35481>the only people I know that can code and would not be extremely bias or try to change the site are fucking trannies >troons>not being biased >not intending to change the site the second they get their greasy manpaws on the admin panel>things are so bad anyway so fuck it, right sisters? why not try a scrote, fellow females? kek you're so bad at fitting in, even your falseflagging is shit
No. 35528
>>35517Nah the thread is fine, fuck off and ignore it if that pedophile's thread bothers you.
There is a retarded WK crying about locking Belle's thread every time it gets heated after milk. Either a pedo or Belle herself.
No. 35530
>>35529i think a lot of us just don't want to see HER being a creepy pedo. it's gross. giving her attention is what she wants. why would belle even want her own thread autosaged she would WANT people talking about her. that's her whole schtick, shock value. when you GIVE ATTENTION to people like that it makes them continue with this!!! let the thread get autosaged and let belle fade into oblivion. it's not 2017 or whenever the fuck she got famous anymore. i also love how you accuse anyone who disagrees with you a pedo ? i'm a female and i think everything she does is nasty. i think
most us just don't wanna have to open the front page to see belle delphines pussy lips.
No. 35532
why are farmhands letting /ot/ turn into pol by refusing to lock threads that are scrote bait. first a ukraine thread, then a depp/heard thread and now a news thread
>>>/ot/1254738we all know the news thread is just going to be filled with polsperging and moids.
No. 35533
>>35530You realize everyone is older than 18 right, so no one is doing anything actually pedophilic. You want Belle to bring in real children, is what what you mean by
>i think a lot of us just don't want to see HER being a creepy pedobecause by that logic she hasn't involved children at all.
No. 35537
>>35532Yea let’s just only have threads about the following
>makeup >boys>fashion>catty gossipLest we piss off our 4chan overlords and invoke the wrath of his fap fodder. You’re fucking delusional.
No. 35544
>>35539>moids are the only ones who keep those threads active.Women are a hive mind and they never care about politics haha!!
You’re the fucking scrote.
No. 35548
>>35546Anon forgot to take their meds
>>>/w/227397They come back so fast.
No. 35555
The retard in /w/ is trying to infight and start up baseless tinfoil again.
>>>/w/227710>>>/w/227670>>>/w/227691>>>/w/227609This is why we wanted a containment. Anons go out of their way to bait with these trolly ass posts about 'Its HIS cat too because HURR DURR they are DEFINITELY dating can't DENY DENIER".
Can we ban the fucking discussion or something?
No. 35566
>>35565Anon I'm making a generalization the same you are think there are only 2 anons. Doesn't matter when the people who get banned get banned and it seems a lot of tinfoil and non caps gets banned. Not to mention the constant anon who keeps saying they don't want to be here but spams the threads.
So what do you want exactly?
No. 35571
Vendetta in cosplay thread
>>>/w/227858 and anon being salty about being called out about it
No. 35582
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>>35581And more refusals to post caps
No. 35604
Can we not have this cows discussion in 3 [snow has 2 threads of discussion about her milk] different places on the site? She's been dragged dead through in /snow/ but now anon wants to rehash all the discussion but in /w/. Like, why?
>>>/w/223521 Also They keep arguing that it's gonna be new milk because it's been put into a new thread. She's already been discussed. No one wants to go back over old dry milk except vendetta anon.
No. 35605
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Summerfags are in full retard force these days, can we please have a Hellweek? It would be so nice to get the site back on track. I feel like every thread I visit has some derailment and infighting going on, it's insane. It's tiresome to wade through all the crap to get to any milk or real discussion. Please and thank you, Admin-sama.
No. 35611
nonnie, true, still just wanna try
No. 35614
>>35612Kek okay. Then don't.
Also unrelated but can farmhands give Jillian Vessey's thread a warning or something. Ever since the cowtipper, it's been an absolute mess. Smells like twitter in there.
No. 35615
>>35614Oh great. Another thread in /w/ specifically where within the last year anons keep reaching out to cows or friends by acting like a
concerned individual. The anons that have been on /w/ doing this shit are annoying as hell. Same anons most likely doxxing the /w/ cows too. This is legitimately scrote behavior to try to post addresses and force milk by interacting.
No. 35628
Unhinged Belle anon is back
>>>/w/228557 and immediately infighting
No. 35639
>>35637does she have a vpn? she has been shitting up so many threads, there's no way she doesn't have a ban by now.
they should just redtext femoid, IQ and subhuman because she loves those words kek. this was also her by the way.
>>>/m/220747she uses that painting a lot.
No. 35643
>>35642that's pretty true.
also some unhinged bitch is infighting in the phobia thread about hygiene superiority
No. 35646
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This guy keeps coming back, necroing threads, and posting spam and probably malware. Focus on the bigger problem
No. 35662
>>35660I think all redtexts should be removed. No one cares about previous admin's "
trigger" words and some of them are really dumb like
nonnie or
No. 35667
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Can we start calling shaynafag admin "shaymin"? she's nowhere to be seen just like the pokemon kek
No. 35676
>>35662redtext is like word filters on 4chan. it's for fun. i honestly think we should have word filters too, it'd be funny. like something cute and silly for
terf or something.
No. 35677
>>35676word filter
terf to queen
No. 35679
The Belle/Nicole/Sharla-fag came back to derail about being mad their past was deemed 'derailing'.
Satalite cows aren't the thread subject.
>>>/w/229225I don't know why mods have let these vendetta Nicole threads even last this long.
No. 35683
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Are we ever getting a new belle thread?
No. 35693
>>35691>>35690Anons have posted examples before anyway, anons can scroll up to see reports/requests for moderation.
I know anons say not to accuse everyone of being the same anons, but the typing inflections and the way the tinfoil is carried out, plus the obviousness of the anon[s] who keep trying to doxx and find out where cows live and it's not even on /w/ either. I've been here since Momokun's 12th thread and it's never been this bad. It's clear there's been a bunch of anons in the past year and a half who keep coming back after bans and derailing threads and posting useless shit.
No. 35697
>>35679Accusing OP of being the cow ITT all because they keep getting banned for not posting milk
>>>/w/229419 These Nicole threads are trash and you can tell it's the same anon because they've nicknamed Nicole "Narcole" like some autistic who thinks they are a quirky medfag.
No. 35705
>>35703This is so dumb kek
Women with low empathy exist because they aren't all angels and you're very likely to see more of them on a gossip site. It's just how things are.
No. 35709
>>35708I am not saying all negative posts are men, I am saying men increasingly openly announce they come here and I agree with the other nonna(s) who noticed it.
What is your intend in denying that with whataboutism when moids themselves literally admit to it, and sometimes even in the fucking threads they derail?
No. 35710
>>35709i'm explicitly not talking about those posters. why don't you stop and actually read what you're responding to. OP was claiming that
any post she deems as unempathetic was clearly men, even though most of the site is full of women nitpicking other women.
No. 35711
>>35698 this is not saying the same thing you are at all. We've been arguing against that point, not yours.
No. 35713
>>35712this is exactly what i was trying to say. i don't know why anon is kneejerking so hard. i was never talking about explicit moid posting. but to imply that all posts that don't fit
>>35698 version of empathy are moids is stupid, especially when we have romanianon
No. 35714
There's some obsessive scrote in the Belle thread who is so proud of scrounging 4chan to post retarded nitpicking photos and fanedits.
>>>/w/229419 I take it back. probably not even a scrote. Probably just a farmer who thinks they are quirky. Nothing posted has been milk at all yet. Her threads are complete cancer.
No. 35718
>>35706i agree with this, honestly /ot/ should be its own site, this site is for lolcows…. i mean what do they think the name means. also lots of women have low/selective empathy, especially the sort of autist
and bpd women who use this site (myself included).
No. 35727
>>35722Report and move on.
>>35723If you're that hungry for male attention, just get a bf. So many anons kept saying the girls were ugly and they were prettier like pickmes, that's not tradition.
No. 35763
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>>35762Forgot pic. It’s in /g/
No. 35781
tranny thread in /g/
>>>/g/275974 please either lock it or delete, thank you.
selfposting banevading scrote back in /g/ >>>/g/276157
Please ban him and berate him.
S a i n t e the pedo troon is back on /w/
>>>/w/230101Please open up mod application again. this site desperately needs a
HELLWEEK No. 35791
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Girls who love girls, summer edition thread. When will jannies wake up?
No. 35827
>>35826Yep, her current thread is pretty dry of milk.
I'm sure she'll provide more milk once she starts reselling sweatshop clothes as her own "brand." Her whole business and how it got pushed on HK media is incredibly sus especially considering Tom's business (which btw actually did have a paid porn thing, I posted it in a past thread but it got drowned out)
No. 35832
>>35831The fact you assume someone posting updates means they are someone's favorite cow, is weird. Everyone is here for milk.
It's also not milky to try to argue her being ana when something she is doing has nothing to do with that. There's so much of this useless fake outrage over things and anons trying to pass misinformation on their behalf off as milk, which it isn't because it's anons own personal fault for their lack of knowledge, because then trying to clear up information makes you a whiteknight.
There's so many threads in /w/ with the same symptoms as the Taylor thread. Not to mention the unhinged group who keeps trying to doxx cows which itself is weird as hell, the group of moids and actual farmers who nitpick the hell across the board [all the threads, even Jillian has nitpick tags].. There's a good group of anons who shitpost across the threads and make up milk along the way or don't post caps and refuse to post caps because you should take them at their word and believe tinfoil and the edited photos they post.
Again, I'd rather take some boring updates and see how that can develop into milk with discussion, rather than someone posting and trying to force milk.
No. 35833
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>>35832This is the kind of retarded update that I'm talking about in the Taylor thread. If you say yourself while posting "there is no milk with her lately" stop, and don't post. Editing pictures is weird, sure. Making fun of cows is part of this site, and sometimes making fun may sound like nitpicking. Nitpicking specific topics get banned on specific threads, like Shayna's thread has the nitpicking ban on her zombie tit. Belle's thread is heavy-handed on nitpicking bans, which is fine, but Lori's thread for instance you can say "lori actually old & fat" constantly and no bans. Nitpicking is a really weird rule to constantly sperg out about because it is very unevenly applied across the site. Anyway, this is the kind of retardation that the Taylor thread has in addition to a thousand posts about whether or not asian men like white women. It's so retarded and an embarrassment to this site. Just like the rest of /w/
No. 35837
>>35832stop it. She lost her period for more than a year, she did an ad promoting weight loss apps when she was already underweight (but called herself heavy). she's got fucked up eating and body issues. She says as much in her video about how "everything has changed" (no shit, taylor). She can't turn off her dysmorphia even for one video, and she barely looks like she was pregnant. But you come in defending her like you know every thought her couple of brain cells churn out.
I know you're pissed that Sharla and Chris actually are dating but maybe go outside for awhile and stop trying to control what other people talk about on the internet
No. 35841
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>mfw (mods faces when) the kaliacc cancer they refused to ban start creating shit new threads
No. 35854
>>35853Most anons don't even hate men like men hate women, they just hate literally evil men such as incels, rapists, etc. Just because they mocked the currycel doesn't mean they hate all other men, it just means he's ugly.
No. 35866
>>35863>Pickmes and scrotes can't handle the freely spoken opinions on LC and complain in /meta/ that everything needs to be banned.The mental illness and projection is off the charts. No one is asking for man hate to be banned. Like no fucking shit there's going to be man hate on a website inhabited by women. What posters are asking for is for the constant infighting and scrote accusations to stop because it's killing the site. The utter desperation to enforce regressive gender roles by so called feminists is truly fucking retarded. The only use it has is to shut down other women expressing opinions that you can't handle. You're no different to SJWs and troons that scream nazi,
terf and transphobe at anything they disagree with.
No. 35885
>>35844I don't want PP/GC talks to be banned personally (I learned so much thanks to nice anons sharing feminist litterature and stuff like that) but I wish there were more posters in the hidden board.
Every /ot thread is filled with discussions about scrotoids and it's getting tiring.
Sometimes I just want to forget about them, is it too much to ask ?
No. 35891
>>35890same anon is bragging about how a 10 year old would type as if they know and thus equating that to how Belle is typing and these types of takes absolutely comes from scrotes. Get this fuck out of here. No1 want sot hear how Belle sounds to them like a child when she's using words like "horny" as a fuckng adult. Especially on a non-pedobait post which makes this even creepier on the anon's part.
>>>/w/231086 Gotta stop letting scrotes post here like the ones bragging about posting from the Belle sex thread on the site.
No. 35905
>>35903Exactly, the whole board is made up of 50% nitpick threads or threads full of pulltards and Redditfags.
Why can’t anyone lurk more???
No. 35940
What's the problem these days with anons who want to nuke all the boards they don't like?
First /ot and now /w
LC is an off-shoot of CGL and SR, so originally a site for weebs (hell, one of the boards was named after the Weeb Queen herself) so I think we should keep /w for the sake of tradition.
If some posts seem too nitpicky/twitter-y, report them but don't cry for the whole board to be nuked cause it don't catter to your personal preferences.
>>35937Be careful nona, you could catch a short ban for abusing the report system.
It already happened to me once (sorry mod-sama, I'm a tard) for reporting a post deemed to old.
No. 35956
>>35953It's bizarre. The majority of women interact with men daily and do not need to be protected from them on an anonymous image board. Do these posters not go outside or something?
>>35955No, they need to fuck off from this website. Men can go and sit down, shut up and listen in the inside of an industrial oven for all I care.
No. 35958
>>35954No it wasn't. It was saying they
shouldn't respond to males at all. Anons are defending the idea of responding to males to out them and warn other anons, which is what the mods are for. Some posters were advocating trying to bait males into outing themselves, which, we shouldn't be doing. If you think it's male, report it. I swear anons on /ot/ are deranged about this.