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No. 1334675
How dumb are you willing to go?
Previous dumbass:
>>>/ot/1320962 No. 1334713
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No. 1334734
>>1334729Thought so
>>1334730Just romaine lettuce and a tomato.
No. 1334887
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>>1334812>he's just so anorexic lookingI dunno if you're familiar with the comics but Dream is usually portrait as pretty thin, the problem is that he's still a tall and imposing guy, which is not the case here.
>plus that weird ass haircut making his head look 3 times bigger on his twig body If anything the hair isn't ridiculous enough, he should look goth with messy unwashed post-punk hair.
No. 1335031
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This actor I've been crushing on has a pretty wide body overall, and now I kinda feel bad for making fun of John Boyega's wide hips. Boyegachan loved him entirely and I really respect that. I love my actor and his dad bod too.
No. 1335033
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Welp just took the plunge and bought myself a Vivienne Westwood ring, now I'm out $145 bucks but at least I have an authentic one made out of silver and am not getting scammed with a fake
No. 1335056
>>1335033I'm jealous!
I was thinking of getting one for my birthday.
I think this is a sign! The little push I needed.
No. 1335100
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Charles is lasting a decade at most so what’s the dick report on this one (the one on the left)?
No. 1335103
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>>1335033i like her clothing lines better but this is a nice ring and $145 is not too bad at all. some of her jewelry is ugly but i like her suits and dresses. i have a few of her red label suits and dresses and they're so flattering
No. 1335109
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I think lolcow should have catchphrase, like club penguin with its classic “Waddle On!”
Sometimes I think jannies can sound a bit too professional and the average internet user is quite a bit like a horse, massively accident prone due to their temperament combined with their size. (I’m not implying anons are fat, I personally am a size zero, they just spook easily.) Saying “Type on!” or something after putting a user out to pasture would be the equivalent of giving a horse that just witnessed its buddy getting its head blown off by their master a sugar cube. It gives them momentary ease after facing their own mortality.
Example redtext: MASSIVE 6 MONTH BAN FOR NITPICKING- (viewer is scared, ready to buck and bite, is she next?) -Type on! (viewer forgot about the incident already)
No. 1335249
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>>1335109Everytime I'm in a dangerous situation irl I just keep calm by thinking about the post-ass kicking one liner I'm going to drop when I deck daft rat bastards with glasses (it's always the meganes that give me trouble, always).
Next time you humiliate a mathsperg, say "should have done your rough work"… but be prepared to have a fucking honey badger launch itself at you.
No. 1335283
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I made a man cry today, and just heard he had a full mental breakdown afterwards and might get fired from his job. Am I a girlboss?
No. 1335298
>>1335286Can't too much because I'm paranoid as fuck, but basically he's been trying to offload his negativity onto all the women at work and I told him that he needs to take responsibility for his problems and that while it's okay to feel bad, you need to manage those emotions on your own. I said the women in his life were people with their own issues, and he's hurting us by just using us for emotional labor and not being a real friend. One hit K-O instant death
Btw he's in his 40s
No. 1335345
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>>1335334You've got the right idea, trying to make friends with men was a mistake. Also the only guy I've ever really thought was good looking is Peter Steele, so idk if he'd be decent looking by normie standards but the way he treats women makes him ugly
picrel, what is stopping moid lurkers from looking like this
No. 1335360
>>1335255If you find this you need to post it here.
Actually all of you should post these here. I like nice dicks on cute guys.
No. 1335363
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No. 1335370
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Every time I hear Vision of Love by Mariah Carey I have an out of body experience
No. 1335391
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Would anyone be interested in a ‘fictional male characters that would’ve been ruined in the age of the internet’ thread? Though maybe it’d revolve into just posting nerd characters
No. 1335396
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>>1335109For a sec I thought this post was going to be about lolcow users having their own ‘secret’ code to figure out if another person is a farmer irl. Similar to how tumblr has ‘I like your shoelaces’ and Reddit has ‘do the narwhals bacon over midnight’. Maybe something of the lines of ‘do you like the pasture?’ Or something idk
No. 1335417
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Shayna, Pixielocks and ME all got their period today… but what does this truly mean…
No. 1335438
>>1335363I started following a small youtuber lately where the guy just grabs food and chats shit and I'm amazed at the amount of rewards apps and offers there is to sift through over there.
I rushed out to get a free coffee a couple years ago. It was just a no strings freebie. Good memory. Rare thing here.
No. 1335478
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I need to get a whole new crown made for my dental implant and it's going to cost 800 fucking dollars. I am absolutely kicking myself for not going back to the dentist who installed the crown immediately after it came off. She would have cemented it back down for free, but nooooo I had to wait literally a million years to get it looked at and now the original crown will not fit because my upper tooth has moved downward so much. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I hate that it makes my jawline asymmetric. AND at the time the crown fell out I was under my mom's insurance still and she was literally paying my dental fees. Idiot idiot idiot idiot
No. 1335556
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I hadn't realized this till a youtube comment pointed it out for me, that all these generic isekai anime mc's are made to resemble the typical Japanese man — black hair, dark eyes, light skin tone and a modest body frame—a sort of Japanese John Everyman, a blank slate that any down-and-out 20 something can project himself onto.
No. 1335570
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I see twitter and youtube currently rambling over the new colorpop collab which happens to be HP. The only thing that bothers me about this collection is that it's so bright? I always thought that the HP series are more dark, so I expected it more grungy. Colorpop says that they donate a big amount of the money they get from it for charity, but's not enough for the twatter folk and tell people to boycott the collection all together.
No. 1335627
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>>1335556They all look like Kirito kek
No. 1335745
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earthworms have a clit lol
No. 1335882
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>>1335556And before that it was harem anime mc's kek
No. 1335888
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>>1335882It seems like isekai does the same job as harem anime did a decade ago, it's just an extension of the same genre but with a fantasy twist. It's all so tiresome
No. 1335897
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I cannot see 3d. I have always double vision. I probably look like a pug.
No. 1336006
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I came back from my first day of running, everything hurts. My friend told me to make an inspiration board to keep me motivated on my weight lose goal but i felt bad putting other women on them because i am not doing this to look hot so i put a lot of troons and now my excercise time is rage motivated. I know it will get easier but damn if starting isn't hard and painful but i cant wait until my stamina doubles and i stop feeling like an eldery woman.
No. 1336020
>>1335882These at least look like they have a personality, and even their designs are more diverse, some even have brightly colored hair. Anyway who's the top right one?
>>1335888These were probably derived from the same trend in hentai manga and eroge to make it easier for scrotes to self-insert. I bet all of these anime are porn.
>>1335556Half of those look exactly the same as at least one other, like, with the exact same eye shape and even hair spikes. I didn't think this could get worse than in harem anime but it happened. Also this thing where they make the male protagonist dark haired for Japanese males to relate more has been happening since forever in shounen manga. For example, apparently Jotaro is Japanese for that reason, like the Jojo being dark haired wasn't enough. In the 80s and earlier a ton of shounen protagonists looked exactly the same.
It actually happens in anime media for girls too
>>1335751 in shoujo and otome it's a skinny pale girl with long brown hair and brown eyes that's "plain" by shoujo standards but still cute/pretty. But even then, maybe it's not as ubiquitous as the male equivalent because there are also many shoujo/otome MCs that have more unique designs like blond or white or pink hair.
No. 1336073
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>>1335907>>1336025I like them all but Lily is sometimes annoying, especially in longer dialogues in stories. Found a related tierlist so go for it nonnas if you have any strong opinions there haha No. 1336091
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how do you deal with anxiety? i get so overwhelmed so easily i end up wasting the entire day just watching youtube
No. 1336119
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>>1336073These are my combined ratings from Spanish and Japanese voices which are the only ones I've heard.
Some voices are much better/worse in one language than the other. For example, the sporty dude sounds borderline retarded in Spanish but energetic in Japanese. I'd say in general I prefer the Japanese voices by far, but maybe I'm just a weeb. Also I think Sari's voice is adorable in Japanese but apparently many people hate her voice in all languages because it's too high-pitched
No. 1336166
>>1336142same anon.
if man don't like my breast size then what's the point of relationship? Just find someone who has right breast size jeez. I like my breasts and I won't change them for anyone.
No. 1336190
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>>1335907lily haters seethe
No. 1336191
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Sorry for the shitty photo quality and I know it may not be fully visible but there's literally a fucking triangle drawn on the night sky with full moon and a star inside of it and it' sus as fuck. Also there was something flying next to the triangle and I thought it was a plane but it disappeared suddenly. What if that's a triangle shaped ufo using some sort of a camouflage
No. 1336201
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everytime i type or read "nona" or "nonna" i think of her… i imagine myself and everyone else who types this as being her… i feel like lolcow has a very strega nona energy.,. love you ladies
No. 1336229
>>1336094A social media mutual.
She's cute and she's gay and we have similar interests/hobbies. If she posted on imageboards too we'd have even more in common.
Unfirtunately I do have a hunch she prefers white European girls. But I will continue to have a dumb crush regardless. Not like it hurts anyone aside from me.
No. 1336236
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So I went to the store on my bike, but before leaving I changed my shorts, from pull-on ones to my new cargo shorts, because those have pockets (to carry money). The street is fairly empty today because it's Sunday, but I saw a few people on their bikes and on the sidewalk. One man on his bike kept staring at my shorts as I rode past him. A few other people also stared at me after that. I thought, "is it really that strange for a woman to wear camo print cargo shorts?" and that made me happy because I'm really proud of my style.
I didn't find everything I needed in the first store I visited, so I went a little farther away than usual to find another open store. I took my time because I rarely go outside and thought the fresh air would be good for me. Since everything was quiet except for a few people hanging out in their yards I enjoyed it. However, when I got home I noticed that my fly was down. I bent over to see if my underwear could be seen when I was on my bike, and yes, it was visible. And my t-shirt wasn't long enough to cover it.
It wasn't because I was wearing the cool shorts that I bought at the men's section. All those people were staring at me because they could see my fucking underwear.
I'm already a pseudo-shut in, this is just gonna make me want to go outside less.
No. 1336249
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>>1336236you will get over it eventually, coming to a point where you dont care about how you look(outside of not being smelly/dirty) is the most freeing mental state you can achieve. I used to spend 30 minutes dressing up to cross the street and buy mcdonalds but now i just put on my crocs and go to the shop with my panda bathrobe still on, i look like a female version of the Dude.
No. 1336255
>>1336227sorta recently i asked an oldhigh school friend if she lurked/posted here cuz she totally seemed the type but she said no. she knew of the site cuz of like the creepshow drama or something. i still kind of think she might but idk why she would say no when i said i used it. she also kept calling me a
TERF (jokingly i think/hope) when i expressed my anti tranny sentiments but like i don't think she particularly cares about trans issues i think she just found it funny for some reason? i wish she had said yes.
No. 1336256
nonny your post made me laugh. You're so right (and
>>1336244 too), it's not a big deal. Also I guess the less effort you put into your appearance the less embarrassing it is when these things happen?
No. 1336289
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>be me
>am young child
>hear adult joke on tv or in a movie or something
>know that in my child brain that is sexual in nature
>also think adult comedy is meant to be hilarious
>so why am I not laughing?
>why are my parents laughing but I'm not?
>do I not get it because I'm just a kid?
>I must not be laughing because I'm young, it must be that
>I bet I'll get it when I'm older and I'll think it's funny
>get older
>hear the joke again
>mfw I got it as a kid, it just wasn't funny
No. 1336322
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Bump and careful scrolling
No. 1336341
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I made avocado toast for the first time today and it was legit delicious.
No. 1336374
>>1336236But that
is a cool fashion statement
No. 1336444
>>1336437It's not available anymore, unfortunately. It's probably for the better but It was deleted some years ago and now only lives on in our memories
but fuck I wish they just locked the thread or something.If you go on the wayback machine, you could probably find it.
No. 1336455
>>1336447>>1336453This is so cute I love you anon
I don't know if anyone else remembers, but this is all reminding of how a few months ago an anon was posting about how she would be moving to America soon and was excited just to go in the grocery stores (I think Walmart specifically).
No. 1336475
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I didn't hear anyone say anything about 9-11 this year. Is COVID the new giant terrible thing?
No. 1336526
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I'm so bored, miss the weekend thread already
No. 1336574
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I saw a SJWfag on twitter make a tinfoil that Steven Moffat is a closeted lesbian. I think that's enough Twitter for today.
No. 1336648
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No. 1336868
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Pretty pissed to find out that vegan leather is just another type of synthetic leather but under the guise of sustainability.
No. 1336898
>>1336881I watched a doc exposing how luxury things are made and leather is pretty bad for the environment. The chemicals in tanning and treating the hides literally pollute the air of these impoverished cities and the people are sick from working in those conditions. I guess people assume they just kill the animal and sew it into a fancy purse instead of having to go through multiple stages of
toxic chemical treatment.
No. 1336946
>>1336941Same anon, I'm really depresed rn.
I ate something and now just sit there on lc. you?
No. 1336963
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>>1336941being a sad NEET hoping someone will respond to my shitty resume, thinknig of playing morrowind later, currently drawing and listening to music in my dark bedroom bleeding out of my vagina
No. 1336971
>>1336821Not me, but I once dated a dude who wanted me to be that way. We would have a conversation and later he would be like "I tried to get you to snap back or have a playful argument with me". Like 1.) I'm dense as hell so I didn't even notice (or he's bad at it). and 2.) I'm not one to get petty like that. It's just not me. Why would you want to date someone who would argue with you? Seems masochistic.
Not talking about you anon. Just my own experience you reminded me of. You do you.
No. 1336973
>>1336941I'm okay, mostly having the dumb realization that I miss the SCA and wish there was a history-flavored LARP group like it, but less war-oriented and only allowed women. I hope all the nonnies here help you feel less lonely nonacita!
>>1336945kek same
No. 1337005
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>>1336963nonnie we are living almost the same life kek, good luck to you twin
No. 1337090
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Dark souls 3 - I love being reset to try again and again and again. Last few days Ive been helping other people beat the boss I was stuck on. The Dancer is extremely aggravating but I kept at it and after many repeated summoning as a phantom i finally did it in my world and kicked ASS
anywho I just want to share the victory but Im sure its a basic boss to people who are skilled.
No. 1337092
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>>1337090ily sweet
nonny!! i admit i am solo-playing all of the dark souls games at the moment, but i am so proud of you, thank you so much for helping others!
No. 1337096
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REEEEEE i sperged to my irl semi normie friend last night about a fanfiction i'm writing for a video game and even let her read my very early first draft and now i'm too embarrassed to open the draft bc she probably thinks it's cringe and was just being nice to me it's also my first time seriously writing something, even if it's a fic
wish i could own being a cringe kek
No. 1337100
>>1337080never related to a post more, same girl. what do
literally what the fuck d o
No. 1337102
>>1337098samefag how does a pros/cons list sound? shiet
>>1337101I hate this for you I am sending powerful healing from my mind to your thigh now (I'm srs ily)
No. 1337116
>>1336881None of the vegan leather that exists at this point is sustainable. While leather may not be vegan it is the eco friendly option as it will last an extraordinarily long time if cared for and can be repaired unlike vegan leathers. My dad designs with leather as a career (I don’t want to give away too much) and has routinely asked me to look into fake leather options for him but it’s all extremely gimmicky. I’ve been vegetarian over half my life but have no issue using leather because I’d rather purchase something durable than something that will end up in a landfill.
The dye process for leather is extremely
toxic but plant based dyes are becoming more and more popular and look awesome.
No. 1337125
>>1336475Yeah there was a 60 Minutes special about all of the firefighters who died that day. A number of surviving firefighters that day also had brothers, fathers, and sons that died as firefighting is a family profession. I think the majority of the NYC fire dept died that day but I’m not sure. I appreciate the specials and the news covering it because the
victims deserve to be remembered. I also appreciate the stories of people who were saved that day by others, that sort of compassion and heroism helps me remember that humans do help eachother out sometimes.
No. 1337132
>>1337125in high school my teacher took us to the 9/11 museum (it had just opened) and in hindsight he said he wished he hadn't. theres literally a part where you walked thru the whole day, from the beginning, and they showed everything. it was so awful, they had pieces of the plane, pieces of the fire engines, videos of people comitting suicide out of the building, voicemails people on the planes left, a teddy bear from the site, just anything awful from that day you can imagine it there. honestly looking back, what an evil fucking energy. like seems like they kind of place they would use to like harvest peoples bad energies as schizo as that sounds. im still traumatized to this day from walking thru there, the energy was insanely awful and overwhelming. me and another girl, we didn't even like eachother, we ended up grabbing eachothers hands, looking at the floor, and hightailing it out of there to sit and cry outside the exhibit. honestly this has me wondering if satan himself designed that place. before i went through that section though, i did get to see the steel beams themself, and of course my first thought was "jet fuel can't melt steel beams".
No. 1337209
>>1337132I had to go for work last year. The rest of the place feels solemn, but very light hearted. There's a section dedicated to the dogs who worked on ground zero, which I thought was cute, and lots of art pieces here and there. There's some stuff like the firetrucks and a small plaque on this blue wall to let you know there are unidentified remains right behind it that is a small reminder to where you really are, but walking through the space you described was awful. It just sucks. Towards the end of that exhibit, where they focus on the aftermath, I remember they put on display people's missing posters. There's this white piece of plastic with lots of writing on it, and there was one line from a kid who wrote about how much she missed her dad or something, and it fucking broke me.
Whenever I visit similar museums (when to the bomb museum in Nagasaki a while back), I always feel like I have to take my time to walk through, as a small way to respect those who passed, but god it fucking sucks.
also I went to the new freedom tower to get lunch at my boss's insistence and the food fucking sucked. Get it the fuck together!!! No. 1337261
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>be me
>put frankincense essential oil barley diluted in my diffuser
>it's so good wtf
>i feel uplifted
>this must be great stuff as they use it in church
>sit above the diffuser and directly huff the glorious fumes
>start to feel dizzy, a little giggly, very vivid, struggling to type this
No. 1337269
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When your neopet's petpet's petpetpet needs a petpetpetpet
No. 1337271
>>1337261Yeah uhh be careful
nonny don't do that
No. 1337276
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>>1337247Anon I know you're lying to fool the federal agent assigned to you (me)
No. 1337284
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>>1337277>>1337278Kira as Jon and KQ as Garfield
No. 1337298
nonnie i feel so good rn
No. 1337323
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She makes people so mad and I love it.
No. 1337342
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>>1337323Her and Anya Taylor-Joy made me realize that I like wide-set eyes. I think Joan Collins also has eyes like that, but not as far apart.
No. 1337380
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>>1337374Your* and I knew antibacterial was wrong picrel is the business
not deleting No. 1337381
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David Austin roses are available for pre-order in my area but I have nowhere to put them!!! My new bed won’t be ready until spring, probably.
No. 1337419
>>1337381Frankincense high nonna here. Just finished Galatians and it hit different. I need to pray more, not out of self hatred but because God is a light to my path. Wishing love to all of you nonnies.
>>1337381Oh yeah they look like a crowd of little ballerinas. Just the way flowers catch light is divine. I hope you fill your life with beauty, like these flowers
No. 1337439
>>1337435That’s the flaw of male nature
nonnie- controlling, and violent behaviour. Not the word of God. I am glad for religious freedom
No. 1337464
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I am so thankful i was born in the anime timeline, it's the only thing keeping me from offing myself.
No. 1337471
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>>1337466what are you watching, tomodachi? i am re-watching pic related on my TV, feels good to enjoy anime in BD quality while resting on a sofa i hope i can get a proyector someday.
No. 1337479
File: 1663033866147.png (1.2 MB, 1839x898, shark team.png)

>>1337475it's honestly not as moid pandering as it looks, 70% of the anime is 3D models of tanks with girls talking about their tactics about how to take the other team down. I also like the designs, specially the shark team.
No. 1337518
File: 1663035656923.png (54.25 KB, 68x292, yukari.PNG)

>>1337515Look at this stupid outfit. Love it.
No. 1337526
File: 1663036038024.jpg (139.38 KB, 850x1200, sample_f48dc6c7c3c4c2587296bf2…)

>>1337515>>1337518she's the cutest, i love her fluffly hair
>>1337517i am currently revisiting it and outside of like 3(sadly from yukari) fanservice scenes from the first eps the rest is just girls battling with tanks, totally worth a re-watch. Tankautists got their anime so i hope aircraftautist get ours someday.
No. 1337532
File: 1663036441949.jpg (185.14 KB, 736x1128, af32d80aa18053ef7be2ef2912880c…)

Just because I bought some merch on a whim, my cat has a bit of a medical emergency. Good thing we had a lot of money saved, but damn, that made a huge hole in my wallet. She's fine and that's all that matters, though. Currently purring on my lap, my 16 year old lady.
As a bad joke from God, the merch is cat related
No. 1337549
File: 1663037384168.jpeg (57.55 KB, 755x649, 53F259B1-E833-459F-93FA-4824ED…)

There’s two dresses that I’ve been obsessing over the past few days because I think they’re so amazingly beautiful and I wasn’t to pull the trigger and buy them but they’re full on real designer and it would be so much money but also I would wear them a lot and they’re so unique and they look like wearable art and I’m in love but it’s so much fucking money
No. 1337576
File: 1663039576806.jpeg (1.57 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20220911-WA0002.jpeg)

Look at this soul i made the other day. Tastes great
No. 1337593
File: 1663040273029.png (16.71 KB, 607x1060, elephant.png)

i wish i could stop daydreaming about the thing i want to do and start doing the things i want to do
No. 1337621
File: 1663042117867.jpeg (119.96 KB, 960x960, C8A17056-92D5-40C2-A813-0F03E5…)

>The names Obey Bruhh
>I work at Pimpin Hoes and Slapping Bitches
No. 1337680
File: 1663049637603.jpeg (27.12 KB, 197x325, 3703F09A-76F9-4749-9E25-5692AB…)

No. 1337748
>>1337730Thank you
nonny I needed that
No. 1337757
File: 1663060274708.png (385.2 KB, 1400x720, Lady you better cool it right …)

I find this image funny. Both of the women in this drawing are me at different times, and I think the anon that draws this stuff is funny/cool and not a scrote
No. 1337770
>>1337762Anon from the draw thread
No. 1337772
>>1337760I guess it depends on people you were around with. I personally never give a damn about what and how much does anyone eat because I was always taught to mind my own business, sorry for you
nonnie. The woman i am talking about always, always for some weird reason keeps telling the r/thathappened stories about how people are 'always so surprised how little she eats', but i feel like even if she would brag about it, that is not a thing to brag about, but in fact would raise ED or any health concern. She doesn't have any self-control and keeps telling people online that she rather pays 4$ delivery for grocery food instead of taking a 20-minute walk by herself to avoid junk-eating.
>>1337757I understand why would some anons think a scrote drew it, but i personally find it cute. Even though I myself don't really get the message… Would be cool if it turned out to be a wholesome comics!
No. 1337776
File: 1663062576979.jpg (186.95 KB, 2048x1536, 20220911_200157.jpg)

>woke media cringe
Oh, interesting, let me check the thread
>hundreds of sperg posts
This is turning me homophobic exclusively towards men
No. 1337808
>>1337780Someone understands the hilarity of "keep on clutching", I don't understand why anons are taking it so personally when it isn't meant to be at all serious. It's not supposed to be an accurate representation of anything, it's a goofy cartoon and nothing more, you
choose to take it personally and you're the ones
choosing to try and identify with a shitpost other than ignoring it. You are pearl clutches though, that's for damn sure. Some of you get so paranoid with "that's a moid" posts that you start to sound like twitter users. It's some pixels on a screen, it's not an attack on you. If the schizo tranny was the one making these comics, they would be filled with random racist bullshit and shock imagery, not silly little doodles of stereotypical bimbos.
No. 1337822
File: 1663068950415.jpg (31.43 KB, 257x386, Cinderella-poster-md.jpg)

If that Cinderella movie staring brandy would've been released today all hell would've broken loose based on how people are reacting to the little mermaid
No. 1337840
File: 1663069896744.jpg (27.8 KB, 350x500, a6903e46ca438ddddcff44234d0aeb…)

>>1337832They're so resentful that when they actually get a gf they take it out on her and treat her less than just to get back at ""society"". Instead of treating her more than well since she's the one who accepted him. Hot guys are more playful and lighthearted since "ree women grr" isn't their modus operandi
No. 1337845
>>1337838Yes, there have been serious racist backlashes to society improving for anyone who isn't white. Same for women, look at the backlash to women's rights we're facing rn. Now a commercial can't even say "teach your boys good values and to treat women nicely" without men and male apologists tardraging. Same for anything race related.
No. 1337853
File: 1663071279773.jpeg (128.36 KB, 720x618, D0191341-A17B-44E3-8E49-840604…)

Can’t sleep, send help
No. 1337854
>>1337832You just reminded me that I visited my friend abroad and she finally presented me her bf irl and he's literally 2m tall. She hit the jackpot I guess because he's also fit, nice and has a nice job, and he treats her like a queen. I hope he'll keep being a good bf to her or our entire friend group will beat his ass.
>>1337848Tell him that if it upsets him that much he can wear high heels.
No. 1337864
File: 1663072916186.jpg (110.9 KB, 500x375, pitbull-mr.-worldwide.jpg)

So far people have wrongly guessed that I'm Indian, Pakistani, Brazilian, Turkish, a hafu (no idea how, I was in Japan then so I guess people were wondering wtf I was doing here to begin with), from the Réunion Island (a lot of people there are mixed with everything or just a native French apparently), a Middle Eastern, a Tahitian, etc. Does that mean I'm racially ambiguous? Are people blind or bad at guessing?
No. 1337871
File: 1663073312242.png (384.33 KB, 1400x720, 1663060274708.png)

>>1337757I just realized the secret of this picture. Look at the outlet on the right drawing with the plug coming out of it. What is being charged? Look at the cursor or tablet or whatever in the left drawing.
They are girlfriends. Pearl clutcher is clutching because the laptop is too flimsy for her girlfriend's phenomenal ass. The "You: My Enemy" is merely subterfuge. No. 1337872
>>1337870It's her, pearl clutcher. She's vowing to get her girlfriend a brand new laptop
nonnie No. 1337873
>>1337871Observation skills on this nona
No. 1337886
File: 1663074641662.jpeg (70.71 KB, 720x960, E132DB16-92FA-486C-BEF5-1034EB…)

>>1337881ayrt I had the same feeling too, it felt too specific with certain stereotypes that most aren’t relevant at all nowadays. I dont mind dumb bitch memes or bimbo shit, this drawing just doesn’t make sense. Also maybe tingoil tier because Im retarded but I dont like the clutchin’ poster they drew, recently alot of anons were talking about R Crumb being a deviant in /m and in other threads so I can’t tell if its a scrote to scrote homage or just an anon that has major nlog issues
No. 1337906
Refer to
>>1337808 if you think the drawings are supposed to be "relatable to your experience" rather than just a shitpost. Get over yourselves. This place is a fucking mess.
No. 1337919
File: 1663077508040.jpg (474.69 KB, 1920x1440, 20220907_231018.jpg)

>the new disney princess blah blah blah
Don't care, disney needs to let go of their "classic" princess tales because they're backwards as fuck. Beauty and the Beast was supposed to groom little girls to be fine with being sold to older men. The little mermaid is a warning tale about giving your everything just for the sake of a man because it's not worth it. Sleeping Beauty was raped in her sleep. Rapunzel was used by a guy and got pregnant and kicked out.
We don't need every woman to be some 2cool4u sword wielding macho woman either. Ripley from the alien movies did it right, she was still believably human and a survivor.
No. 1337951
>>1337848You should be embarassed for not dumping a man who doesn't want to be seen in public with you
>>1337935there's no such thing as a 5'6 king
No. 1337954
File: 1663080671670.jpg (23.7 KB, 460x288, ce131422ecdf953f8c27ec0ddd1b7b…)

My very slim coworker just joined a weight loss club (one with weekly group weigh ins and all that jazz) and she wont stop talking about it. I'm weirded out that they'd even sign her up in the first place
No. 1337957
File: 1663080905237.gif (1.16 MB, 400x170, ebbad573-981d-4cae-8843-0f5fa3…)

>>1337919When I was younger I saw that DreamWorks movie Monsters Vs. Aliens and it made me feel something because the protagonist is an everyday woman who becomes a giant badass woman that realizes she doesn't need her disgusting fiancee and becomes totally empowered on her own. The first fight scene where she starts out running away and ends up destroying the giant robot and saving a bunch of people is so cool, you can see her go from "I'm just me how will I do this" to "I'm capable of anything"
This has nothing to do with Disney Princess movies I just feel like not enough people talk about how good of a role model to young girls that protagonist is.
No. 1337959
File: 1663081043970.jpg (103.77 KB, 594x445, tumblr_op156mnZFe1vkgjmeo1_640…)

bump cp
No. 1337972
File: 1663082367499.jpeg (13.56 KB, 210x260, 7C60568C-9B9C-4793-B7F7-076E4F…)

>>1337864I’m half white (britbong ancestors) and mexican, so I have the same issues with insane guesses as to my heritage. A Roma girl literally thought I was Romanian and started talking to me excitedly before her parents pulled her away, Indians thought I was a pale Indian girl ala Bollywood, French people assumed I was one of them and tried talking to me, some rando guy thought I was Egyptian, being considered Israeli, basically any region where women are idealized for having pale skin and dark features. I found it strange because my nose is the type with tiny nostrils and an upturn. Maybe they thought it was a nose job? I’ve always questioned why it even mattered in the first place. It’s annoying to be stopped mid conversation and have someone derail with race sperging. Let us join hands as the “What are you?” clan. This phrase is what some scrote I never met before decided to ask me as I was keeping score for a volleyball game.
No. 1337976
File: 1663082649683.jpg (57.85 KB, 720x834, cute-cat-with-question-marks-m…)

>>1337973sorry i was sperging because the shortcuts are awful, sometimes shift works to make perfect rectangles but when i want to scale the picture without deforming it it doesn't.
No. 1337977
File: 1663082714906.jpg (69 KB, 1080x787, ijll1uc306k61-1.jpg)

dun wanna study the code dun wanna program while feeling like a moron, i wanna video game and not study. just gotta make the fucking buttons and variables its JUST BUTTONS AND VARIABLES
No. 1338003
File: 1663084283718.gif (585.94 KB, 400x170, 9fc71014-10bb-4a45-af6c-cb300c…)

>>1337971I'll watch it tonight too! Enjoy it nonna, I'll probably rewind this particular scene and play it back twice lol. I absolutely adore the fact that Susan literally throws away this useless moid and then they don't shoehorn in a replacement love interest for her. She just stands tall on her own. If anyone knows more movies like that lemme know!!
No. 1338018
>>1337996thanks gonna look more into that
>>1338005i have a beefy pc, dont have any problem runnning AAA modern games while streaming and using discord, however my copy of PS 2019 decides she's too good for me and often lags my entire PC even if it's the only program running. It's the only program that made me restart my whole PC.
No. 1338029
File: 1663086164542.jpeg (38.03 KB, 736x736, 5799.jpeg)

>>1337960Somewhere around golden and almond, I thought that was in the medium range.
No. 1338087
>>1337776I was so happy to see this pair when I was playing shining nikki… but they aren't together sigh…
>>1337471I'm re-watching nanoha
No. 1338161
>>1338105Are you looking forward to Pikmin,
Kirby, Bayonetta or Zelda?
No. 1338221
File: 1663096528447.png (80.25 KB, 240x197, lain.PNG)

the time when a friend memed me by speedrunning getting a nerd's nudes.
he noticed a cute, petite guy, who seemed mild-mannered, humble, and silly that was into the same exact nerd hobbies as me, including DnD on a social forum. I hadn't brought him up at all but my friend could tell he was my type.
so he had a hot girl he knew add him and then stream giving him a vague timestamp and feigning interest to ask for a nude. he gave a timestamped nude that was CLEARLY him.
the entire process took under 10 fevered minutes.
to this day that piece of me that died inside hasn't come home.
No. 1338232
I just realized that three of my favorite bands have made songs about the bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Weird. The songs slap tho
>>1338221I swear I've read a post about this exact same thing before. That was you as well, wasn't it? I think that was an extremely shitty thing to do to you, but I recall some anons saying that your friend was doing you a favor by exposing him as a pathetic manwhore.
No. 1338256
File: 1663097867768.gif (312.65 KB, 112x112, 1630292195416.gif)

There's a girl in my class who is very reserved and seems rather melancholy but for some reason I get the feeling she browses here. If this is true and you are by any chance reading this, just know that you are in my thoughts a lot and I hope you are doing okay.
No. 1338273
File: 1663099003725.png (1 MB, 600x914, thanx_ex2016sukima.png)

>>1338221being into nerdy boys is a curse, they are all sexpests, on the verge of trooning out or age horribly. Better stick to 2D or just pump and dump them.
No. 1338294
>>1338273>being into nerdy boys is a curseNTA but true
>or just pump and dump themthis is what I do (or would like to do if I actually got laid)
No. 1338361
File: 1663101681419.jpg (790.68 KB, 1078x1078, reality is a pug.jpg)

>>1338273>>1338232Yep, I did post about this once before on another IB (maybe someone SC'd it and spread it around, wouldn't be surprised, I am still in disbelief it happened).
And I think if anything he was trying to show me that even if I was already pretty critical of men…I still was naive, and that my type of guy doesn't actually exist in reality. Not that it wasn't fucked up, but I think around then I kind of existentially threw in the towel.
I don't want to date someone whose logic about intimacy and sexuality is "what? if I see a free burger, I eat free burger. what sociopath wouldn't?" and anything like that. It's so unattractive to me, I'm sorry.
No. 1338454
File: 1663105229129.gif (397.05 KB, 245x169, cd98c52390cba2fb5e7837324871bb…)

>>1338262I did from around age 12 until some point in high school, probably like 17? I learned about it from being obsessed with AFI lol. Eventually I started going to parties and would drink or smoke though.
Funnily enough I'm now sober and have been for like seven years. Not because I had any issues, I just didn't like the way booze or weed made me feel so I stopped feeling like I "had to" around other people. Plus I've been with the same dude for over 10 years so no promiscuous sex anymore. So I guess I ended up straight edge after all despite not using the label anymore haha
No. 1338489
File: 1663107188480.jpg (92.26 KB, 430x685, thanksbabe.jpg)

I'm tired of cute witches, bring back ugly witches NOW
No. 1338532
File: 1663108781833.jpg (1.33 MB, 2340x3797, sm.jpg)

I see Sailor Moon in my 2 year old niece's finger painting
No. 1338540
File: 1663109080464.jpeg (58.28 KB, 567x432, 1576929367824.jpeg)

Doing clothes purging and am now overthinking if layering a midweight turtleneck with a midweight t-shirt looks retarded even if it's cozy and a nice way to wear my dumb vintage tees year round
No. 1338546
File: 1663109400177.jpeg (300.75 KB, 2042x2048, F4C51772-868D-4A13-87B9-A955FB…)

>>1338536You’re exactly the sort of autist most people hate. None of us like you. You are excruciating to interact with. Your whining holds no place in our lives or hearts. You are weak minded and will not survive to your next incarnation.
No. 1338562
File: 1663109749351.jpeg (42.07 KB, 571x577, 1654952573613.jpeg)

i am truly unhinged, there's no need to repress it anymore, i fully accept it and i won't stop myself from acting like it anymore
No. 1338603
>>1338592its so weird how moids try to turn it into a conspiracy when its common in hollywood for actors of different races to play characters of different races.
In hollywood multiple times white actors have played asian characters and taken asian roles especially when it comes to live adaptations, yet no one cares because people are mature and know its just a charachter and not the end of the world so why cant people just chill when its a black charachter.
No. 1338654
File: 1663114090308.png (3.14 MB, 1140x2536, 94AAF4DB-A1C6-4E55-BAA7-F561A6…)

Tumblr sexy man tier list I made with my friends the other day
I kept telling my friend I was going to commission a fic where Adachi, Hazama and Starscream were going to bully Anakin (because she loves Anakin) but Shadow would protect Anakin from the bullies
No. 1338676
File: 1663115979262.gif (1.82 MB, 275x275, 1660786777458.gif)

We have an influx of newfags these days, if you have noticed. I actually added someone from the FF thread not too long ago and they typed like a twitterfag and said "I've never posted on lolcow and don't know the lingo, my friend told me about the website". I won't say who was it for her own sake but yeah, careful.
No. 1338678
File: 1663116052066.jpeg (6.89 MB, 4412x4410, D91B98B0-47BB-4AD2-8D7C-97FBDD…)

>>1338667These are the agreed upon lolcow sexymen yes?
No. 1338710
>>1338692Is that anon even the original creator of that pic? I'd like Bondrewd (though it's pretty much just me and the other anon) and D added.
>>1338701I was wondering that too.
No. 1338739
File: 1663118188595.jpeg (Spoiler Image,204.74 KB, 800x943, ACED64B9-CAFF-4AB2-AF8C-852315…)

>>1338712I feel like I just got RickRolled into
Looking at gay furry shit.
No. 1338740
File: 1663118236799.png (560.94 KB, 735x912, autism.png)

>>1338678need Dano's Riddler sorry
nonnie you dont get to gatekeep
No. 1338747
File: 1663118445873.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.1 KB, 634x625, E611F4A2-652D-4FAC-9687-7FD5CA…)

>>1338730You better make him sport this outfit once you get serious.
No. 1338879
File: 1663124567478.gif (456.89 KB, 256x192, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

>>1338654Wtf, when did Bodoque become a tumblr sexy man? I'm not ready to live in this reality.
>>1338863Wouldn't that just be inversely proportional?
No. 1338887
>>1338879>when did Bodoque become a tumblr sexy man?He probably isn’t and was just added in as a joke, thats the problem with the tierlist in general like 2/3rds of these characters aren’t even tumblr sexymen
Some are deviantart sexymen (a la sephiroth) but a lot aren’t even that like Harley Quinn for one.
No. 1338890
>>1338846>also what's wrong with victor from the corpse's bride? He didn’t get with the corpse bride, so he has terrible taste
>and how is snufkin a kaworu expy?Honestly? Don’t know, one of my friends who I was doing the list with told me to put him there (I’ve only seen like 3 episodes of moomin)
and how is that hazbin hotel guy not lower god i can't stop sperging
I like his voice enough to where he’s not complete trash.
No. 1338898
File: 1663125575362.jpg (21.62 KB, 452x340, 51ddedc224e860e0df59b94ee85c58…)

>>1338879NTA but Bodoque IS my sexyman. I legit was crushing on him since I was like 8.
No. 1338907
File: 1663125918349.gif (2.05 MB, 498x373, 31minutos-juan-carlos-bodoque.…)

>>1338904You wouldn't get it
No. 1338912
File: 1663126033679.png (393.22 KB, 872x1024, Dimentio.png)

>>1338654I would put dimentio in the same tier as rick sanchez tbh.
No. 1338914
>>1338798You intrigue me with such rarity.
What makes it based?
No. 1338916
File: 1663126284002.jpg (959.73 KB, 700x796, Kaneoya.Sachiko.full.2197551.j…)

>>1338914Nta, but it is trust us.
No. 1338919
File: 1663126357804.jpeg (271.54 KB, 1200x1200, DLxyeMJVAAA_fAw.jpeg)

>>1338914nta but she's the only femdom artist that makes interesting art please understand its the only thing we have and we appreaciate it like the last drop of water in the dessert
No. 1338920
File: 1663126463029.jpeg (18.79 KB, 548x560, images (4).jpeg)

>>1338904No need to compare Bodoque to this unintelligent thing.
No. 1338921
File: 1663126618961.jpg (Spoiler Image,172.54 KB, 900x1200, juan-carlos-bodoque-31-minutos…)

>>1338920bodoque is a manwhore
No. 1338930
File: 1663127562604.png (369.8 KB, 600x425, bluebox.png)

>>1338925>>1338928i like her for that reason, i am tired of bishies with dorito faces to be honest, feels nice to have an akward dork for once
No. 1338938
File: 1663127806068.png (1.01 MB, 1078x1258, image_2022-09-13_225808876.png)

>>1338936Nta, but most stereotypical bishies don't look like that. See:
No. 1338939
File: 1663127845510.png (59.78 KB, 300x100, witch.png)

Evil queen shit, make them seethe.
No. 1338942
>>1338938tbh I'm using bishie interchangeably with pretty boy. I thought the men in her art were extremely conventionally attractive but just a bit, uh…baked.
>>1338701 looks like he could be a superhero or something.
it's a bit of a shame picrel is so ubiquitous as a style.
No. 1338948
File: 1663128281633.png (358.49 KB, 400x564, pillow_sales.png)

>>1338942its art
nonnie, fantasy, guys with big purple furries in lsd-colored backgrounds, no one wants to date a smelly ugly fat nerd irl we just want cute/average guys with glasses, dont look so much into it or it's going to give you a migraine
No. 1338955
>>1338948>no one wants to date a smelly ugly fat nerd irl I do
Incoming copypasta
No. 1338959
File: 1663129015277.png (54.07 KB, 186x275, unknown.png)

>>1338948Yes I have an e-boyfriend. Yes he's a moderator of a discord server. Yes he hangs around on 4chan. Yes I met him through youtube (originally a fan). Yes he sometimes draws lewd animations. Yes he masturbates for me on camera and we call that sex. Yes he likes anime and hentai. Yes he has a figure and manga collection. Yes he lives in a 1st world country and I live in a shithole. Yes he's a virgin and a gamer. Yes he's autistic. Yes he's greasy and doesn't bathe that often. Yes he's 29 and balding with a skinnyfat tummy. But this is the happiest relationship I've ever had in my life, he really loves me even with my BPD episodes and supports my artistic ventures even though I'm a hikki neet. Really recommend!!
No. 1338963
>>1338936>>1338938Yeah, he's not a bishonen or biseinen. I don't think he's beautiful or young enough count as either. He might classify as an ikemen, though.
>>1338739Kaneoya never draws gay shit afaik, and that furry is female.
No. 1338966
That's Japanese slang for young adult male
No. 1338967
File: 1663129465791.png (Spoiler Image,348.67 KB, 479x353, PeroPero.png)

>>1338955same but only in fiction
No. 1338972
>>1338948I mean I'm on the same page. I'm just salty men like this aren't the default dork irl as someone who's into dorks. I live in a wasteland, kek.
>>1338963What? Real femdom?!
No. 1338974
>>1338967Skinny nerd>fat smelly nerd
Raise your standards
No. 1338975
File: 1663129677943.jpeg (31.67 KB, 500x651, 2afeee91ff5b863473d0bfc2a89834…)

Apologies for 3DPD but whenever I see this anime man
>>1338930 >>1338919
>>1338916I'm reminded a bit of Jarvis Cocker lol
No. 1338979
File: 1663129761426.gif (7.1 MB, 540x540, jarv.gif)

>>1338975Especially this gif..
No. 1338980
>>1338928They're supposed to be like the average tired young adult male worker but with her favorite physical features (like the downturned eyes and dark long-ish hair, as she's a big fan of The Beatles)
Why do farmers keep associating real life moids with fictional characters that happen to share a feature or two with a real Western moid stereotype? She's probably not even aware of that kind of male you're talking about
No. 1338981
>>1338977Yes, but they are skinny.
>>1338979You caught my interest.
No. 1338983
File: 1663129998486.png (Spoiler Image,135.45 KB, 735x508, 1597971744617.png)

>>1338971i know the original posts here but i wont out her
>>1338974skinnyfat>skinny>chubby>stappling my cunt shut>morbidly obese redditors ''age is just a number'' nerds
>>1338980lel, this the good thing about 2D is we can enjoy the only good things about moids without having to deal with the real,bone and meat moid
No. 1338985
File: 1663130177887.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.18 KB, 256x256, 256.jpg)

>>1338975please don't make me post this absolute manwhore of a game journalist
No. 1338988
File: 1663130247617.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.78 KB, 1200x690, CsWh2zQUEAAPE9B.jpg)

>>1338985oh my fucking god
No. 1338989
>>1338972>I'm just salty men like this aren't the default dork irl as someone who's into dorks. I live in a wasteland, kek.Fucking same
nonny. Cute nerdy men with glasses here are very rare and I always fuck up my chances of getting to fuck them somehow. Even then they're only a match physically, their personality is another story, so I'd just pump&dump them.
>What? Real femdom?!Yeah? That's part of why so many of us like her work, she only draws hot men in the same vulnerable position that women are often put in elsewhere.
And before some sperg starts nitpicking about how "unrealistic" it is for a man to be dominated by a woman because women are weaker, the point is not to be realistic, in Kaneoya's world women are furries who are almost always bigger and stronger than the men she draws. No. 1338992
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>>1338986He's not, his name is Tim Rogers kek. Also he's 40-something
No. 1339001
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>>1338993that thread is only for 3DPD sadly.
i wonder if a nerd thread would be possible here, the nerd threads on 4chan i OP'ed always reached max bump, would be cool to discuss nerdy guys outside of cartoons too.
No. 1339002
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No. 1339004
File: 1663130978459.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.13 KB, 959x865, 1598132734607.jpg)

>>1339001>that thread is only for 3DPD sadly.Yeah, that's what I mean, you're posting 3DPD so post in the 3DPD thread. If you want to post about your cartoon husbandos post in the 2D husbando thread.
>i wonder if a nerd thread would be possible here>would be cool to discuss nerdy guys outside of cartoons too.omg that would be fuckng ideal. There's the glasses thread on CC's /img/ but that board is dead as fuck. You think it would be better to make it on /g/ or /m/? Seeing as the maskfag and monsterfucker threads are also o /m/
also I really wanna fuck young James
No. 1339007
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>>1338989She draws human women too and they always look cool.
No. 1339009
>>1339007Yeah I know, I love all the women (furry or not) she draws
>>1339006Thank you anon!!!
>>1339008Post the questions anyway!
No. 1339011
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>>1338981>You caught my interest.Unfortunately that gif is the only instance of him being tied up. I do think he has the same energy as that anime man (does he have a name..?), though – slightly effeminate, lanky and nerdy. He became something a sex symbol in mid-nineties Britain. I like how cherubic his face was despite being in his thirties at the peak of his fame.
No. 1339017
Nerdfucker, are we ready to get even more hate than danofags?
>>1339005yeah they were always ruined thanks to moids.
No. 1339025
File: 1663132202884.png (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 1086x622, rrqsiwth3pkzuwjv1g5i.png)

>>1339017nerdfuckers REPRESENT!!!
No. 1339033
>>1339017>Nerdfucker, are we ready to get even more hate than danofags?KEK not her but I'm so fucking ready
also are occasional danoposts allowed in that thread?
No. 1339034
Wow this thread is full of hot shit, esp
>>1339007 thanks for cheering up my morning anons.
No. 1339044
File: 1663133235449.png (309.85 KB, 500x500, ELjhDaGVUAEZ8JK.png)

I just got real inspired and drew a bunch of thumbnails for some feminist art pieces. Someday I'll be a famous artist, and I'll let women into my galleries for free. Moids will need to donate at least $20 to a charity for female survivors of assault. And none of my art will ever show women being attacked or sexualized. It's my dream nonnas
No. 1339066
File: 1663134472330.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.15 KB, 768x1024, unnamed.jpg)

(spoilered for faggy moid lol)
picrel is a youtuber who posted this selfie in his community tab and all the handmaidens fawning over him lmao… First of all I do like the vids for the most part but I only listen, I dont look. Plastic Surgery, especially on moids is just too uncanny for me. Second of all, this is more a general youtube thing and not only him, but youtubers treating their channel like instagram or whatever is so weird to me. You are talking about serious topics and being all like #freebritney blah blah and then you post your cringy selfies? Go to instagram for that. Oh wait, you dont have the same followers/engagement on insta or twitter, so you do everything on youtube even if it doesnt fit there.
No. 1339067
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>>1339066who the fuck is this faggot "alpha" male we only lust for nerdy betas here
No. 1339079
>>1339066The mascara and foundation crossed with the gymbro vest, muscles and that hairstyle
do you want to be a pretty boy or not?! He looks like a meme
No. 1339092
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who decided paddington would have this awful voice? you anons hear this shit? i'm upset, it's just an unreasonable voice. never heard it until now. some shit for brains making $350k to give this CHILD BEAR an ugly man's voice
No. 1339112
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You have to live in a cyber-world version of one website and it can't be lolcor.
Which do you pick?
No. 1339170
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Wtf why all the nerd moids upthread
No. 1339189
File: 1663142819881.gif (2.85 MB, 498x356, proxy-image (4).gif)

You wanna know what the best worst part of periods is is having to pee literally, lichterally every 5 minutes exact and only having 2 weeks of sanity per month
No. 1339218
>>1339208This is why we should keep newfags out, we don't want that degeneracy here
t. regular poster in the monsterfucker thread
No. 1339265
File: 1663151004004.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.84 KB, 945x623, rat.jpg)

>>1339263if youre curious, this is the faggot that
triggered my rant lol
No. 1339275
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>>1339263>>1339265Ugh, I fucking know right? 0 awareness. Here's my contribution, spoilered for smug scrote faggoty face
No. 1339350
>>1339189Do you feel depressed/unstable during luteal phase,
nonnie? Have you tried to correct it with vitamins/supplements? This might be individual, but I felt way better taking calcium (it drops significantly with the beginning of luteal causing both psychological and physical symptoms of pms). Plus you need vitamin D. And enough walking and sleeping, which might be obvious, but not everyone take it seriously.
You may also try antidepressants ofc. I started taking them two months ago again because I currently have some external shit I struggle to handle on my own and it's way, waaaaaaay better now. Can't even remember when I cried or had self-hating thoughts last time.
If someone's breasts hurt before menstruation I also recommend vitamin E, worked for me.
No. 1339393
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lost weight recently. funny how skinny my forearms and ankles look when i'm skinny
No. 1339464
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>>1339418I remembered looking up a Josh Turner (country artist) song on YouTube. He has a very distinct deep voice and on the official fricken music video a lady says “this would be amazing putting a speaker next to your kitty box”.
No. 1339489
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These Nerds clusters are so fucking addicting I swear to god. I got really high last night while watching tv and I couldn’t put them down, my stomach hurts this morning kek
No. 1339545
>>1339530>>1339533how depressing/worrying.
allowing kids to sit in front of the TV all day wasn't exactly good either back in the day, but at least most families had only one TV and kicked their kids out to go and play. now they give a screen to their kids all the time. then when they're teenagers and uninterested in sports, reading or studies they'll act shocked as if their stupid child brains were supposed to develop an interest for slower, healthier kinds of entertainment when given ipads at any occasion.
i want to alog parents who let their kids keep the sound on in public spaces so bad. i don't want to hear the sound effects on your kid's stupid ass game or peppa pig episode! No. 1339555
>>1339530>gave him ipad when he wanted to play outsideThat is so evil, my parents were always very happy whenever I played outside. Why wouldn't you want your kids playing outside?? Maybe it's dangerous? Teach them how to avoid danger for fucks sake.
The new generation of children growing up are going to be so fucked and broken
No. 1339587
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>>1339564Oh fuck I'm doing this right now
No. 1339716
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Happy birthday Amy Winehouse, based queen.
No. 1339722
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I can't stop thinking about the dream i had a few days ago, it was of me being all lovey dovey with my closest friend. Thing is, i have absolutely no feelings towards him and i dont think he likes me in that way either, we are just very close friends that share a lot of life goals and have a similar way of thinking so, what the heck was that dream?!. Is this what 5+ years of being a virgin, lonely hikineet whose only contact with men was once a year wishing a happy birthday to my dad does to a mf?
No. 1339732
>>1339686That guy and the anorectal violence guy should fuck
They're just made for each other
A true lolcow romance
No. 1339757
>>1339730Anon, I used to think like this, but then I just didn't do it and made myself get invested in stupid shit, which was a total time waster, but in the end I'm glad it distracted me…
Because now that my brain has developed some more, I cringe when I think back on how I used to think of myself, like I was nothing. We're not nothing, you know. I just hope you're able to get out of that rot one day.
No. 1339829
File: 1663184717135.jpeg (68.95 KB, 976x713, B3B72A26-0C69-4EEC-8F77-DE75C1…)

I successfully deleted someone else’s annoying post
No. 1339846
File: 1663185294062.jpg (110.53 KB, 500x504, 1652929451167.jpg)

NONNAS THE SIMS 4 IS GOING TO BECOME FREE ON OCTOBER. I have wanted to play it for years but i refused to pay EA. Spoopy month is going to be a good month
No. 1339861
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>>1339846Seriously? After I gave EA a million bajillion dollars? Happy for you tho nona.
No. 1339866
>>1339849i knew that if i pirated it i was going to end up downloading the entire game+expansions+packs, play it day and night for a week and then get bored of it. I mostly just want it for the construction aspect.
>>1339861Sorry about that, imagine being the person that bought the game yesterday
No. 1340017
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There are a lot of men who think they are Don Draper, and try to posture themselves like Don Draper, but they are nothing like Don Draper. In fact I’d argue I’ve seen far more women like Don Draper than any male. I don’t think it’s possible for them to actually be like the personas they so carefully try to project. They are always seething with their own retardation under the surface. Like they think they’re Patrick Bateman or Tyler Durden but they’re just some weak, easily triggered sperg that things clenching their jaws and lengthening their neck posture means they’re some aloof cool sociopath. Loser behavior!
No. 1340138
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I logged in Pinterest today, about to save my pins and everything until I realized that the sub boards got sorted in alphabetic order. Right now, I accidentally saved my pins in the wrong sub boards because I was already used to my specific order.
No. 1340155
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Do you think there's a way to convert period cramps into energy?
No. 1340216
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Carefull when scrolling the troon posted CP again
No. 1340272
>>1340269I didn’t finish this before accidentally pressing enter
Part 2)
I don’t actually want to cut and dye my hair like this.
How retarded would it be to buy a scene emo wig to wear on special occasions?
How much would an OK wig cost?
No. 1340352
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She was the biggest pickme. She let Jung fuck and live with another woman in the same house she lived in.
No. 1340425
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The whole thing about Whitney Houston and Robyn makes me so sad.
No. 1340442
>>1340219I was (only semi ironically) obsessed with January Jones when I was a teenager lol, loved her in Mad Men. It’s just very funny to me that men latch on to these hyper-masculine characters that don’t exist outside of fantasy in any capacity and pretend they even hold a candle to that sort of attitude. Like men aren’t capable of embodying “cool” at all anymore, they’re all terminally online speds that think crafting a fake persona that makes it
appear like they aren’t terminally online makes it so. Men like that don’t exist anymore and likely won’t from now on. I men who are always logged in are the weakest link but are convinced they’re like, superior to everything and everyone. Zero life experience just autism.
No. 1340452
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Second attempt to create merch for a RedBlubble shop. This time I got a new phone with a better camera, so even if my paper doesn't fit the scanner, this time I won't give up.
No. 1340459
>>1340457Someone asked her how she feels about being the most normal amongst her, parappachan, and kirdedeanon, and she said something about how she feels some anons use unique husbandos to get reactions from other anons but her passion for Komaesa is genuine. Kirdede anon got upset at the implication that her love for Dedede isn't genuine. She posted a lot of shit, mostly her describing everything she loves about Dedede. I would post caps but I'm about to hop in the shower. It was in the previous husbando horny posting thread if you want to take a look.
Kirdedeanon if you see this, sorry girl. I just thought it was hilarious.
No. 1340463
>>1340459It was posted in the caps thread and the copypasta thread already I think.
>>1340457tl;dr Ko-chan implied that Dededechan's love for Dedede is just a joke to get reactions and this
triggered Dededechan enough to post an autistic wall of text.
No. 1340491
File: 1663224869774.jpg (76.99 KB, 772x662, 1661595708973.jpg)

>>1340484Speedrunning is a huge red flag in moids, at least the dota2/lol moids do it to earn money and often have friends to play with. I cant imagine sitting in my ass all day playing the same game over and over and over hopinh that by miracle i stumble upon a glitch. It's so retarded, the most famous speedrunners always cheat for a reason you have to be severelly mentally ill to do it.
No. 1340513
>>1340491They have the rapist chromosome.
>>1340491this pic is so fucking sad.
No. 1340569
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Dont like critikal anymore, but how can you go from left to right? I am shocked, he looked so good back then. I was surprised he was good looking at all, considering most male youtubers are ugly as fuck. And then he ruins himself with this rat nest some call hair. I like long hair, but he just looks so unwashed and stinky now.
No. 1340648
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No. 1340660
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Why am I so retarded nonnies ? I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family but I self sabotage everything. I need to get my shit together but it's like I'm paralized. I can't send a fucking e-mail most days, it's ridiculous. I've lost almost all of my friends because I can't answer a phone and text, I don't even have any mental illness as an explaination. At this point I should get bullied kek
No. 1340742
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I don't know if this is mean or not, but Johnny Depp genuinely looks like the average heroin addict in my country(heroin is super cheap and common in Pakistan) so you'll heroin addicts on the street huddled together like everywhere, Johnny depp looks like he's done heroin since he was a teenage boy
No. 1340763
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>>1340752I'm in Sindh but yeah its fucking awful(most of my paternal family lives in Punjab where the floods are happening), Its still literally terrifying even here, cause the banks stopped working some days back and its not going great, the rangers had to step in to prevent more civil unrest, then there was also a protest in Baluchistan against Iranian and Chinese imports and you know there's a good chance my country could collapse or likely another military dictatorship(which most people are expecting) like I was supposed to be in the US two months ago, but now that opportunity has slipped away
No. 1340831
>>1339846I'm 19 hours late but idc, sims 4 base game is absolutely not worth playing
nonnie. Just pirate it, it's quite easy if you get the fitgirl repack. You can also look into anadius download but the process is a bit more complicated because you can pick and choose which packs you want.
No. 1340881
File: 1663258150769.jpg (161.07 KB, 1200x1600, tomato-basil-chicken-quinoa-00…)

My brother wants to start a diet which works for me because I've been trying to lose weight for so long, but normally I have to cook more "interesting" dishes, and huge portions too because he eats so much. I'm not the type of person to go on a boiled chicken and broccoli with no seasoning type of diet, but I prefer to cook and eat simple dishes (like pan fried chicken breast with stir fried kale is one of my favorite go to dishes lol).
I asked him to buy quinoa and have already found a lot of really yummy looking one pot quinoa recipes, I'm excited to try them out! Also will probably make us some batches of muesli and overnight oats that we can take for lunch for work or to have for dinner on nights when I'm just feeling really lazy kek. I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight, and I constantly teeter on the edge of falling back into disordered eating habits, so it's encouraging to cook for someone else but cook good and nutritious food that I will like to eat too that won't send me spiraling from eating it.
No. 1340914
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Do you admire the curly chicken
No. 1340932
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>>1340920What do you mean by it looking ai generated? This chicken is real
No. 1340939
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>>1340920It's not AI it's chicken
No. 1340940
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>>1340932this part of the image was very fishy to me, but the chicken being real is a delightful surprise. what a beauty!
No. 1340947
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>>1340942Not sure, but I'd name it Pecky
No. 1340949
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>>1340932>>1340914They look like fried chicken pieces.
No. 1340953
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>>1340949c-can you spoiler that?
No. 1340955
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>>1339092You say you want to paddington to have a child’s voice, but I don’t think you understand how annoying a high pitched British child’s voice be. Even though paddington experiences childlike naivety, he’s not analogous to a child since acts maturely
No. 1340959
File: 1663260427305.gif (439.98 KB, 250x300, giphy.gif)

Not to sound like a Disney adult, but I'm genuinely so excited to see The Little Mermaid remake. Yeah I know remakes are usually trash but it's my favorite and watching the trailer made me feel so nostalgic and happy. I can't wait to relive my mermaid fantasies. Sorry to bring the Ariel discussion here. Doesn't fit in the celeb thread and anons there are unnecessarily hostile
They also are doing Enchanted 2! I'm excited about that one as well. I hope Disney does them justice.
No. 1340986
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>>1340793I'm really hoping things will get better for you. Keep us updated.
No. 1341013
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No. 1341026
File: 1663265763086.jpg (79.54 KB, 564x846, my balloons_.jpg)

decked out my phone with widgets and custom app images. feels good
No. 1341115
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I love this so much I want this framed on my wall
No. 1341221
File: 1663279215521.jpg (118.5 KB, 736x1094, coo.jpg)

I think I finally have gotten a creeper for the first time in my entire cursed life of 0 male attention of any kind.
He is 2x my age, has a neckbeard that goes on for god-knows-how-far, full of pockmarks, and morbidly obese. He works at the local post office and he blatantly leers at me while trying to serve others, among other things.
Anons, feel free to call me shallow but I work out + am not fat, I groom myself, etc. A dorky guy my age? Even a little chubby? Actually I would have been cool with that. My one crush back in high school was a shorter fat guy - yes this was my type back then, roast me please - that ended up becoming a literal incel after high school (also he lied and pretended no girl was ever into him–he rejected me and said he was into the cheerleader that looks like a super model).
I'm gonna take my virginity to the grave, kek. But wow, I'd be lying if realizing that I might be on par with a genuinely disgusting old guy that doesn't even take care of himself is an ego punch.
No. 1341254
File: 1663281477316.jpg (839.36 KB, 1824x838, grungegods.jpg)

>>1341215Having a specific preference is one thing, but to say that all men with long hair are repulsive is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. Go to any metal show and there are enough scrotes with long hair AND short hair who look like unkept smelly rags. Hair doesn't determine whether they are bottom of the barrel or not.
No. 1341257
File: 1663281542618.jpg (199.88 KB, 720x913, 1663281553705.jpg)

This nonny was just too excited for her new wallmart app kekkkk
No. 1341265
>>1340959The little mermaid remake might be one of the few live action disney features I don't entirely hate.
>They also are doing Enchanted 2!This is decent news as well, Enchanted 1 was a fun movie. I hope it has 2D animated scenes like the original.
>>1341221>Anons, feel free to call me shallow but I work out + am not fat, I groom myself, etc.It's not unreasonable to find that kind of moid repulsive. Especially when he's a fucking creep.
>that ended up becoming a literal incel after high school (also he lied and pretended no girl was ever into him–he rejected me and said he was into the cheerleader that looks like a super model).Typical
No. 1341271
File: 1663282363120.png (3.12 MB, 1970x2786, bbru1j5cqzi51.png)

>>1341221Moids are incapable of not thinking with their dicks,
nonnie. That he's a creep and leering you says absolutely nothing about your attractiveness
No. 1341324
>>1341267attractive long-haired men >>>>
trannies hate when men have long hair because it reminds them that gender stereotypes are retarded, and that they themselves are ugly neckbeards lol. i've seen multiple trannies try to meme that long-haired men are "disgusting" and generally try to force gender conformist bs on both men and women, they get so mad about it
No. 1341337
File: 1663286698460.jpg (497.64 KB, 2048x1454, 1648963481958.jpg)

>>1341271It's more about the context and finally having that be the only guy ever to seem interested in any way. In a world where apparently men have 0 standards and would go after any woman - or so that's what people claim - that's reaaaally saying something.
I remember dorming with a conventionally attractive girl and can confirm, guys constantly tried throwing themselves at her and smiling at her, trying to get her attention. Back then I wouldn't mind, but that someone that looks 100x worse than Shrek might be the only guy to ever find me cute is rough.
>>1341265You're right. I just hesitate because as someone that is very ugly, I feel as if I have little right to judge other people's looks.
No. 1341341
>>1340660Not to armchair you,
nonnie, but sounds like something mental/emotional is going on to block you from being motivated and spontaneous.
No. 1341342
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>>1341296I agree with most of this, I still think he wouldn't look as good with short hair, but he'd still be handsome. At that point it might just be a matter of preference.
And yeah there's a lot of moids with absolutely fucked hairlines or who don't wash their hair, who would look better with short hair, but the original post said that no Caucasian male looks good in long hair, which is simply false.
No. 1341350
File: 1663287186584.jpg (65.28 KB, 500x667, 0e62a4c94ef974c1a9e9416b8c4eca…)

>>1341324>i've seen multiple trannies try to meme that long-haired men are "disgusting"How in the world could trannies justify this ridiculous idea? Is it because they know that they're disgusting long-haired men themselves, and are just projecting onto the attractive ones? kek. They do the same to women who don't perform femininity, they say those women are "wasting" their womanhood or something like that.
No. 1341353
File: 1663287246126.jpg (47.75 KB, 466x700, 23bc161991b2777b7859d72d504c23…)

>>1341350And here's one for the fujos. I'll go dump the rest in the attractive men thread.
No. 1341355
File: 1663287328396.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 684042.png)

>>1341337>In a world where apparently men have 0 standards and would go after any woman - or so that's what people claim - that's reaaaally saying something.Moids have unrealistically high standards. They think porn is real life and women look like airbrushed and digitally altered actresses. You're undoubtedly too good for Shrek
nonnie No. 1341366
>>1341337>I just hesitate because as someone that is very ugly, I feel as if I have little right to judge other people's looks.I don't like judging people's looks either, but think about it: a moid who's a total slob, morbidly obese (extremely unhealthy lifestsyle) and double your age (creep) doesn't deserve someone like you, who puts effort into her appearance, showers, exercises, is a nice person, and is healthy. Looks can sometimes tell you a lot about the other person and that's true in this case.
Yes, you may not be considered as pretty as someone who's conventionally pretty, but that doesn't mean you're "very ugly". The fact that no man has openly expressed interest in you before this scrote (maybe you've just had bad luck) might just be fucking with your self-esteem enough that you think you're uglier than you actually are. You'll eventually meet a decent man who finds you physically attractive. Meanwhile you have to work on that confidence of yours and try not to think too much about it. That's the advice I can give on how to cope with it.
No. 1341384
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What's your favorite
No. 1341404
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>>1341384>psyduck>gabumon>gnorbuNow I'm nostalgic for Neopets, I loved Gnorbus. I had several sockpuppets for all the different paintbrush options. My faves were plushie and darigan.
No. 1341473
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How we doing tonight
No. 1341478
File: 1663300838054.png (214.36 KB, 743x407, 1645066370411.png)

>>1341473I'm doing alright thanks nona. How about you?
Your pic somehow reminded me of this from the bunker drawing boards. I miss them
No. 1341489
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>>1341475>>1341478I'm actually bout to sleep but wanted to check on my nonnums. I also miss the bunker threads, they were peak LC. How's your weeks been, please include one good thing that happened for you thx
No. 1341493
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>>1341483>I want you to post moreok I will
No. 1341494
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>>1341489This week someone brought their puppy into the office where I work. It was the smallest dachshund puppy who was only 7 months old. She looked just like picrel, with long fur that was oatmeal colored. Her little stubby legs and tiny furry paws were so cute. A baby doggy
No. 1341517
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>>1341510Very considerate, I'm happy for you anon. Cute animal encounters make my day every time personally. Hope if she becomes less frightened that her owner brings her again some time, what a sweet
>>1341513Nice which ones? Reminds me to go after some myself
No. 1341524
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>>1341505not any of those anons, but do you just like drama, or just want to roast men? trying to better understand why there's so many cat fights over basic preferences all the time.
No. 1341536
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God cursed me with a body that expels everything I eat in the most painful ways nonnies. Just ate spicy jalapeño and spinach pizza and my piss came out BOILING. I EVEN SMELL LIKE PIZZA DOWN THERE TOO WHY CANT I JUST HAVE PAINFUL SPICY SHITS INSTEAD OF PEEING OUT JALAPEÑO JUICE. I even drank some probiotic yogurt before to prepare my stomach and it still didnt work
No. 1341550
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>>1341505sorry i had to go pee>When you take away the long hair that man isn’t even cute.Uhhh I thought you said that no Caucasian moid looks better with long hair kek
>I love that you’re just using cherry-picked Pinterest shotsSince your original statement was proven wrong by the existence of hundreds of pinterest pics like these, I'm guessing you're just begging me to post more. It's kinda late tho so this is the last one, sorry
No. 1341558
>>1341505As a fellow lover of men with long hair, we 100% accept some of them are ugly. That is not the point anons are trying to make.
>When you take away the long hair that man isn’t even cute.Most people are ugly without hair that flatters them. Many men who cut their hair short would look better if they grew their hair.
No. 1341612
>>1341599>>1341430>>1341597…I might be the only weirdo over here who uses O.B. tampons, the little bullets that you just kinda stick in, kek. My mom used them when I was growing up, so that's what I was introduced to. There's also less plastic waste and they're smaller to fit in purses, etc so there's that, I guess.
>>1341607Oh holy shit that's creepy. And wow, that reminds me of the creepy part in the Twilight saga when Bella has her baby and Jacob "imprints" on her and knows he's going to marry her, kek. It makes sense I guess, since Stephanie Meyers is mormon too
No. 1341614
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>>1341564ayrt I’ve only known a few people in my life who get this way after eating spicy food but we all have some mild to severe form of gastritis kek so your probably safe
nonnie>>1341570Im better now thank you!
No. 1341628
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>>1341597I've never tried this but can you try using a water-based lubricant? I use OB tampons when I can find them & the outer cotton is relatively smooth/tightly packed and somewhat …shiny? on the outside for this reason.
Somewhat related: I hate 'pons with flat cardboard applicators on top like picrel, if I don't push out the cotton a bit before insertion the edges of the applicator fucking pull at the skin of my vaginal opening and it fucking HURTS. Maybe pushing out the cotton bit is how to properly use these kind but I didn't realize that until it felt like I was fucking losing my virginity again trying to insert it as-is.
No. 1341632
>>1341626I love this idea because I come across this a lot in Amazon reviews. There is the Shein cringe thread
>>>/g/216852 but no one responded when I asked if we can post reviews from other websites so I abstained.
No. 1341637
File: 1663311054815.jpg (369.33 KB, 2535x1588, hhh.jpg)

>my friend started e-dating a random girl from vrc
>EVERYTHING on all of their social medias match, down to the bio status on discord and banner, -everything-
>the only thing he ever posts on our friends server is how they are playing ffxiv together with their 'romantic' scs
>he even went as far as recorded the wedding ceremony in ffxiv
i dont understand how silly can people be, what happens once they break up?
No. 1341652
>>1341597I had no idea it hurts that much, I basically just angle my middle finger a bit as I push as deep as possible. I really don't like using tampons outside of swimming though.
Maybe I should tell my sister about this, she could never get a tampon in and would literally cry when inserting it and it really cucked her out of many water fun times during summer.
No. 1341680
>>1341674That seems like a great idea
nonnie, please post it if you ever make it. If you go through with it, would be cool if you'd make a thread where everyone could contribute as well.
No. 1341687
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It took me a while to realize my clock app icon reflects the current time. I think that is so cute
No. 1341702
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I don't understand what Americans found so entertaining about this movie, its literally every other modern big budget bollywood action film(single hero beating an entire army is so common that its lost its edge at this point), also it was such blatant Indian male power fantasy, defeating the britishers without any effort and dance battleling an English party and having all the white women ran away with them, its literally just a power fantasy born from insecurity
No. 1341769
>>1334675Ion feel bad for businesses who "can't find people to work" cause you know damn well they probably have a history of firing randoms for no good reason as well as ghosting interviees. Ion feel bad for the US military struggling to find recruits after having a history of rejecting people for stupid reasons. Ion feel bad for the medical field being extremely understaffed since every single person I know who works in the medical field has been unfairly fired at least once. I don't feel bad for people suffering from lack of socialization then gives anyone who tries to talk to them the cold shoulder.
You make your bed that you lay in. All of these are easy solutions, you don't get to block people out of things you need just because you're judgemental and then wonder why you don't get anywhere.
No. 1341830
File: 1663335698247.jpg (426.36 KB, 1080x1562, Jerma Sub Tranny Fetish .jpg)

Can't find the reddit hate thread but there's some highly upvoted tranny transformation fetish shit on the Jerma sub. Honestly I'm done with the cunt. I haven't watched any of his newer streams in some time. Didn't care to watch the baseball stream. I wish I could go back in time and smash his whole streaming set up before the dollhouse stream even entered his brain. Fuck his tranny fans. I'm sure I'd still like him if his fans weren't all crossdressing fetishizers.
No. 1341835
>>1341612My swiss roommate left some OB tampons when she left and I used them, I thought the "non applicator european tampons" were all those little bullet sized ones.
Raw tampons don't hurt when your flow is actually flowin, I don't understand the need to use a tampon when it's not (and therefore you're more dry and insertion is more painful)
No. 1341839
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>>1341825I'm literally in love with a has-been scottish comedian turned streamer, anon. Your parasocial crush cannot be
that autistic. But yes I genuinely love this motherfucker. Reading his autobiography was a mistake. Now I think that we're meant to be soulmates or some such shit. I will think of him in public and break out in a smile. I hope my autism was encouraging!
No. 1341857
>>1341839Hahah this is cute,
nonnie. I still remember when I knew him as the "But steel is heavier than feathers" guy way back when. I didn't know he wrote an autobiography! What parts of it made you feel like you guys were compatible? I honestly don't know much about him except for the aforementioned video and also the fact he does streaming now.
No. 1341884
>>1341852Thank you anon! And yes I think we should all be a little more considerate to the anons who don't want to see ugly/mediocre men kek.
>>1341857I related a lot to his feelings of feeling "other", like when he was in primary school and always felt like he had missed a crucial day of learning. He always felt like he never knew what was going on and felt like he was behind everyone. I also relate to his fear of intimacy and his sexuality confusion. Quite honestly, reading his autobiography was a bit shocking to me, precisely because of how much I related to it all. The way he thinks things through and how he perceives the world is very similar to how I perceive the world. He's a really anxious guy and always thinks he'd make people angry or upset by doing the most mundane of things. He's just very strange to me, but he's strange in the same way as me. And so reading his autobiography made him really endearing to me. I won't lie, the guy is kind of pathetic with his worries and anxieties. He also did some things for attention, like trying to kill himself over a girl when he was very young and trying to provoke some guys on a bus to beat him up. He acknowledges that those were some embarrassing times, though. And though those were pretty pathetic of him, I still relate to them a lot. I think, overall, he's a bit strange and difficult. I hope this makes sense, I'm a bit tired right now! Thank you for asking
nonnie ♥ I've been wanting to sperg about him for some time now.
No. 1341898
>>1341895I hope the cows kick the shit out of anyone who tries to do that to them.
>remind desensitized consumers of the range on emotions that animals can feelWe all know animals go into heat, especially if they're being used to produce products. Why do we need to think about that further or in this way.
No. 1341932
File: 1663346528759.jpeg (Spoiler Image,172.46 KB, 640x1137, 424EC745-30F6-4C24-92E2-8626BB…)

istg if another anachan accuses me of being fat just for disagreeing with her im gonna post pics of food (spoiler for anons that don’t want to be hungry right now)
No. 1341946
>>1341577Idk, anon, I am ugly–I've been told that I look like a goblin, school shooter, screamed at that I am ugly by strangers, a man, tranny, etc. This is different than being an 8. I might not be as unattractive as that guy that resembled Satan's ballsack like you say, sure, but, it's not without meaning considering that's the only person to ever like me.
I can look past looks mostly other than someone who's creepy, twice my age, and obese. I might be insecure and self-hating but no, lol. I will never settle or be settled for. I won't try. I wouldn't want anything less than me adoring him and him adoring me. I don't like being treated poorly either.
And yeah what I've been hearing about men lately (from women and men) is extremely repulsive to me. Why would I want to be with someone who bases his idea of love and sex around porn and consuming women? So many men across the world say women over the age of 25 are unlovable and valueless. There's no way I could trust or have a connection with someone like that. In any case–there's a lot of things fucked up with me, people aren't blind to it, including other women. I don't want to be told there's someone out there for me or be told I'm not ugly.
Just hope in the future I can become more comfortable with myself and train up my other skills.
No. 1341968
>>1341955I already clarified this.
I am objectively ugly. Not as ugly as that but after being insulted over my looks 100s of times, people saying I look mannish, having a deformity that needs reconstructive surgery, etc, I know I'm ugly. Pretty much most the lolcows that are made fun of over their "weird" looks are infinitely more conventionally attractive than me, so I know for certain the people here would find me ugly, or at least invisible. Moreover: that guy was easily the most disgusting person I've seen in years. It really says something that I can go 20+ years being a woman and to be ignored across the board except for the literal ugliest man I've ever seen IRL. Not even a normal frumpy old guy.
Being somewhat ugly isn't the worst thing ever, though, right?
No. 1341981
>>1341702i never even heard of this
t. burger
No. 1341993
>>1341992oh anon, I'm just venting and talking stupid shit but you give me good advices, how can you do that to me
love you
No. 1342083
>>1342071it's not.
>thenoh anon stop.
No. 1342099
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i did the horoscope for autists and it turns out i am, indeed, very autistic
No. 1342177
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>>1341341Yeah you are probably right nonna, I've been thinking a lot about how most of my problems could be potentialy explained by some sort of avoidant personality disorder but just like everything I will avoid going to a psychiatrist/therapist (I almost went two times but I got scared and ghosted them) and I convince myself that I'm perfectly normal and just extremely lazy (could also totally be the case kek). Hope you have a nice day
nonnie, also posting a dumb meme because I don't want to be too anoying with muh mental health blog post
No. 1342235
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>>1342220Me too. Love you all
No. 1342271
>>1342220why did they ban
No. 1342276
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>>1342220Someone tell me what happened over there while lolcow was away please (i do not go to that place)
No. 1342282
>>1342276You saved yourself trouble anon, it was loaded with trannies and besides a few sweet anons it was nothing like the bunker threads from LC. I'm glad anons had a place to get together but it doesn't make it any less trash
>>1342262, it was a last resort nona.
No. 1342295
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>>1342280Again, CC was made by farmers when out only off topic board was /b/. If you Google, I'm sure you will even find the exact thread where making crystal cafe was discussed.
No. 1342305
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Love u nonnies
No. 1342326
>>1342301No place with trannies is a good place
Literally I only use lolcow because I know trannies will always be banned
No. 1342331
File: 1663561543880.jpg (2.08 MB, 3840x2160, 279712.jpg)

i missed all of you, for a second i though i was gonna lose the only site to talk with other women without always walking on shells not to offend troons(twitter) or just straight up troons larping(4chan, crystal cafe)
No. 1342368
File: 1663562872599.png (1.18 MB, 1280x1572, Mark Zuccenberg Bait.png)

its such a pain to delete stuff from fb. I have been trying to find a way to delete my dumbass anime fanpages i did when i was 12 for over an hour, fb is so evil.
>>1342357feel free to laugh at me, i deserve it for being a gacha/mobiletard.
No. 1342374
>>1342359>i sEe yOu'RE noT an OLDFAGI've been here since 2015, and I know scrotes were here. I know. But it's been pretty clear that jannies are ban the very overt ones.
>>1342358As long as they aren't retarded and announce themselves I think I'm fine not knowing.
No. 1342389
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Not trying to shit on anyone's parade here and also not sure how accurate this info is but according to this site there's more males here than there is on crystal cafe, but not by much
No. 1342403
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>>1342401What kind of retard question is that? What if you fucked off?
No. 1342406
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>>1342403Shhh, the only fucking off I'll do is into your heart.
No. 1342413
>>1342228She's just saying that to feel superior, I firmly believe that lolcow is to CC what Americans are to the rest of the world. Loud, retarded, arrogant, and complaining about others (rightfully) finding their behavior annoying and accusing them of being "softies". Oh and making shit up like
>>1342282 (the only troon in that thread was the same schizo one who has been spamming both LC and CC for months, most native CC users stayed the fuck away from the bunker)
Of course not everyone here is like that but there's a lot of retards here who are really loud about it.
>>1342293You've got to be retarded or just a newfag to not realize that
nonny and
nonnie are filtered to redtext here for the same reason it's filtered there.
No. 1342415
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This is like my first non-/meta/ post since us being back and honestly idk what to say. I thought that when the site came back up we would be able to see the update but we're on the same site and we still have no word. It's like disappointment after disappointment.
No. 1342431
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>>1342410sooooo every unpleasant question is asked by a troon and people that throw around retard to bash other women is always right? Ok.
No. 1342437
>>1342413Also, just before LC went down, some anons admitted to liking starting shit on here and elsewhere.
Men are still running around laughing at women at how randomly catty women get. I wonder why–when two groups of (mostly) women can agree about the same controversial things but still invent ways of tearing down one another…anonymously.
No. 1342444
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>>1342426someone link the CC bunker threads please
No. 1342450
>>1342421>>1342417>If you don't like this one thing about this site, don't use it at all!!If you really want to know why I'm still here it's because I use both, since both sites have their pros and cons, but I still prefer lolcow. Do you really find it that hard to believe? You also tell people to fuck off when they complain that lolcow has changed for the worse lately, they don't have to leave just because you didn't like their criticism of the current state of the community.
>>1342399>this is an anonymous site there is no certain way to know>no guys believe me cc is totally full of trannies and there's only like two actual women there, I know because anyone who doesn't behave like a farmer is not a womanEveryone knows there are trannies LARPing there but so are there males LARPing on here. And like it or not, not all women who use imageboards behave like you nor do they have to just to prove to you that they're women. You may call them pickmes, losers NEETs or NLOGs, but they're still women. And again this isn't me claiming that everyone on CC is a woman, I'm fully aware that it's got a lot of males but your tendency to call other women moids when they like or say something you don't approve of definitely leads you to believe that there are way more scrotes there than there actually are. It's not as bad as you claim but it's not ideal either.
No. 1342476
File: 1663566499152.jpeg (99.61 KB, 640x459, D46971C3-B4A0-41BE-9CE0-332CA0…)

I’m so glad I have you nonnies and this site back
No. 1342480
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>>1342389Who’s the 65+ anon? show yourself, Muriel
No. 1342483
File: 1663566746468.png (106.19 KB, 499x281, 46F2BA4C-E6C9-4952-9F27-18FE96…)

Was I the only one worried that somehow this site went the way of Kiwifarms? I was more anxious the last couple days than I’d like to admit. So glad to be back nonas
No. 1342492
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>>1342220Frankly it's fine, as I said on there I think the general age of cc is a bit lower than here and cc is a younger imageboard, so they still didn't form a strong imageboard culture like lc did. Plus they're not infested by twitterfags like we have been as of late, instead it's 4chan pickmes that are slowly outgrowing out of it.
No. 1342529
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I know its against rules to make yourself recognizable but I wish argumentative nonnies could just admit that they argue for fun so some other nonnie can argue with them. Alot of anons in the bunker threads were saying that the infighting is just a way to have fun but it really isn’t fun to read through and see two spergs freak out at each other for some weird adrenaline rush. Not everyone wants to spend hours reading through it and it derails threads. Someone should just make a containment thread for anons who like to stir shit because they’re bored, atleast then they could get their kicks without shitting up different threads or racebaiting
No. 1342531
File: 1663568219531.png (76.22 KB, 1291x214, 11.png)

>>1342422This imageboard is so active because its primary purpose is gossip so it attracts a lot of people from different places looking for "tea", and most of those are women. CC is dead because it was conceived as a regular imageboard but for women and that's naturally going to attract more males, but now that lolcow is also known as a female imageboard we're experiencing more male raids than usual.
An imageboard being slow isn't necessarily a bad thing, many smaller altchans would rather have few users who are active than have a big userbase that dilutes the original culture, and survive that way for many years. I think the problem CC has is that it doesn't have a sense of community that's as strong as those other altchans or as strong as it is here. The few active posters don't all have things in common other than hating trannies thus the only threads that are active most of the time are the
TERF threads, posters there aren't friends with each other unlike in other chans. The posters also seem younger than here.
>Reminder that CC have a thread with a loli for the picThat's the mascot of the biggest Brazilian imageboard BRchan drawn in the style of Lucky Star. I agree that it's pretty scrotey, but the poster could still be a woman who got used to BRchan culture and is not grossed out by that. Remember that a lot of us used to be huge pickmes, browsed 4chan trying to blend in with the males and liked scrote anime (and this is not something I just made up, many anons have talked about it in the anime threads, for example), some of us even tolerated loli when we were younger or were pornsick, and like I said CC users appear to be young. I think the evidence that CC is not as full of trannies as you think is in posts like these, where it's obvious that they have a lot of naive young posters who don't hate trannies and moids and scrotey things as much as farmers do. They're retarded yes but they are learning and calling them all moids doesn't help, they just need to learn how to make it harder for males to blend in and how to detect them, and that is by discouraging posting scrotey shit more aggressively so that moids can't blend in as well and they become more obvious and easier to detect. I actually agree with making CC a sister site but that's probably not happening anytime soon and I don't want that to happen as long as the attitude here towards them is contempt.
No. 1342532
>>1342529I already have admitted to it and I've already made a thread
>>>/ot/1008929 but it's not really the same because it doesn't happen organically and part of the fun is trying to bug the other person rather than pretending to argue.
No. 1342536
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>>1342531good post, anon. completely agree.
No. 1342548
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>>1342531This thread was fun and everyone was happy that Lolcow came back until you came here to sperg about / defend CC. Shut the fuck up already
No. 1342549
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No. 1342550
>>1342531Keep being based Nonnita, your posts are accurate as fuck
>>1342548Calm down sperg, people were arguing before she got here, all you guys do is argue
No. 1342554
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Blah blah blah blah blah blah
No. 1342559
File: 1663569462868.jpg (1.26 MB, 1133x1600, 1641172449415.jpg)

>>1342220I think Crystal.Cafe is a nice place, but it obviously has an entirely different userbase. I could never fit in there because I would see the obvious tranny/maleposters there, polbaiters or really young and naive girls who spend their time venting about their e-boyfriend problems, or the same women who go through 'i am 'edgy' and i need male attention' phase. seems a lot softer compared to a lc, but cc is CONSTANTLY mentioned on 4chan by incels, a lot more than the lc, so…
No. 1342560
File: 1663569538591.jpg (15.49 KB, 540x611, 1651626977059.jpg)

Why are people whiteknighting so hard for CC just because some anons said they didn't like it or had their citicisms for the site. Lolcow literally just came back up and there are still plenty of anons who like CC.
No. 1342561
File: 1663569563771.jpeg (42.42 KB, 670x431, 14C972FE-DAD8-45E1-A757-7F3294…)

>>1342532Im dumb I forgot all about the disagreement thread. Maybe for certain ot threads theres a designated no infighting rule? We have enough threads where anything goes so I dont think it would change much if the rule was applied to more serious threads or threads for cows like vent and celebricows.
No. 1342563
>>1342296NTA but maybe it
was actual trannies.
No. 1342564
nonny, I just used to browse /jp/ and /tv/ a lot since I am a touhoufag and like watchalongs of ongoing shows, but whenever there would be someone complaining about women there'd be a retard mentioning CC.
No. 1342565
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>>1342531You are 100% right. There really shouldn't be so much contempt for miners, after all we took residence on their board when lc was down, there should be at least some form of sisterhood or tolerance between us. I hate this constant rivalry that arises in female spaces, there's no need for it. Especially when we have common roots. Trannies/moids will continue to raid both of our communities no matter how much we hate each other.
No. 1342570
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>>1342565>there should be at least some form of sisterhood or tolerance between us.It's just a sister rivalry silly. They're obviously the unfortunate looking special needs one, but everything is in good faith.
No. 1342583
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Now that the topic is over and stale, can we go back to regular dumbass posting?
No. 1342591
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I missed you all so fucking much. Got a new appreciation for the crystal miners, too. What a weekend this was, glad to be home now.
No. 1342593
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>>1342583Be the change nonna
No. 1342596
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>>1342591I did not miss any of you, but I missed my ability to casually talk shit about current events.
No. 1342599
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>>1342591omg I'm so happy and relieved to see we're back
No. 1342602
>>1342594Fun fact, men are substantially more likely than women to kill themselves after being divorced.
This is beyond the scope of meanness I allow for myself usually, but I give this gift of knowledge to you.
No. 1342604
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>>1342600Theres the spanish/hispanic thread maybe we can post them there?
No. 1342610
>>1342602Men who get divorced:
>Lose their maid, their chef, their life manager, their grocery shopper, their therapist, their organizer, their hygiene enforcer, and a lovely woman who gave them constant attention and patience Women who get divorced:
>Lose a gross parasite Hmmmm I wonder why the stats are the way they are, what a mystery
No. 1342612
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why yes, yes i do think i am the most special little woman in the world oh my gosh ever. everything i do is cool and funny and based and also i'm god's favorite. i have the laugh of a fairy, the face of an angel, fart stardust and shit pure gold. I shall ascend back into the heavens when my time on this earthly planes is done
No. 1342613
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>>1342612i'm manifesting this mentality and outlook for all of the based yet kind anons ONLY
No. 1342617
nonny, now if they stopped committing murder suicide and taking the woman (and often children) with them it would be great
No. 1342625
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Let's all unironically do this
No. 1342628
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I missed you,Anoninettes
No. 1342630
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Let's unironically (not) do this
No. 1342636
>>1342625Awuh but what if I enjoy being an evil gremlin who doesn't have to perform socialized niceness in anonymous spaces
>>1342629Dear diary, today someone on the internet called me a silly goose. I will never recover, what a fucking bitch
No. 1342644
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no bitches?
No. 1342656
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everyone stop being retarded kthnxs
No. 1342657
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>>1342614Agree, I depended on Fujochan while the farms were down and while I enjoy the company of other fujos the one scrote shits up the atmosphere immediately because the general userbase is so small. Men are banned there but it's obvious they don't care and whine about evil manhater lolcow terfs without even attempting to conceal their identities. You'd think an imageboard focused on fujo content would keep them away as is but
even there they can't fucking shut up about what their degenerate dick likes, such as in picrel. I hope LC never dies, I'll foot the server bills personally if it ever comes to that.
No. 1342659
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>>1342654>Are you all misinterpreting posts just to fight?I thought this thread was a safe space for dumbasses
No. 1342660
>>1342657Men looooove penetrating women only spaces. I once saw a screenshot of a male tranny being like "can a
valid trans girl also post here? uwu" on a FTM only subreddit kek
No. 1342665
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>>1342660That's actually really funny, what did they all say? Like I don't already know, teet yeeters always bend immediately to the whims of men because they're desperate for any kind of acceptance. Lol
Picrel, no woman will ever demand for men's medical language to become more inclusive. Although I'm quite fond of calling mtfs "prostate-havers" or "penis people". It's just a lot less exclusionary, wouldn't you agree?
No. 1342668
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>>1342657picrel is how I feel with all the lolcow fujos
No. 1342669
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constant quick interaction that i never have to keep up with again. it requires no regular maintenance and i can stop or start whenever i want, plus the people participating are usually cool and we can talk about shared experiences and common feelings or just shitpost. it's great.
No. 1342671
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what's the thing you most missed about lolcow? sorry deleted the original post
No. 1342672
>>1342657male pickmes are so funny
>>1342668being a fujo is such a female thing that i feel that's pretty much the only thing moids cant touch
No. 1342681
>>1342671the nerd thread i was happy i finally found my kind of degenerates and it was snatched away from my arms overnight
>>1342677i have seen men into kpop boybands, specially the kind with monkeypox
No. 1342686
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>>1342657>fujochanJesus Christ, what a shithole
You'll grow out of it, one day