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No. 1349972
Last thread:
>>1334685 No. 1349980
>>1349972Tfw psyduck reminds me of ex that broke my heart.
Does anyone know a trick on how to learn how to walk in heels quickly? I've had some luck with a chunky heel but I really love those vintage heels.
No. 1350342
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is there a website/forum where one can talk about dubbing and localizations ?
No. 1350459
>>1350454You've dun goofed
nonnie. Consequences will never be the same
No. 1350465
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Whats her name? I keep seeing her around the doodle boards. and what’s the name of the other tanner girl she gets drawn with? Are they girlfriends?
No. 1350630
>>1350592Moids will never understand that and when you tell him even in the nicest way you want to stay friends he will
>a. Keep persisting Or
>b. Drop you It’s not worth it. Cut it
No. 1350816
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Anons, what should I do if my living space just feels negative? I can't rearrange it unfortunately because given it's size its very unflexible, I can't afford redoing it in any way either.
I had some really bad times emotionally living here and even though it's all nice and tidy and someone else would probably not give it a second thought, every time I come back from somewhere I just feel… idk, weighted down. Even when I'm doing fine day to day, I go back home and sit on the same sofa I spent days rotting away while depressed, look around seeing the same space and feel the same apathy.
No. 1350825
>>1350816Plants. It gives so much life and movement into a room. Every couple of days you may catch a new leaf growing and it's just nice knowing something is changing inside.
Also different kind of lights. String lights/colorful lights really can set the mood.
No. 1350842
>>1350825Oh I didn't even think of string lights but this is such a good idea, light can change the space so much! Definitely gonna play around with that.
And yeah, been pushing buying plants aside for way too long too, but I suppose it's just an excuse to think I don't know enough to take a good care of some, probably I'd get some advice when I'll go to a store, but if you have beginner friendly houseplant recommendation I'd love to know! Thank you nonna
No. 1350876
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Nonas what urban myths about how to become a werewolf have you heard? Aside from being bitten. I used to love researching this shit as a kid but all the sites are lost to time. I used to hear that one thing about drinking water from a wolf's pawprint. I remember reading through so many sites about this with a lot of sparkly wolf gifs with people claiming they can shape-shift or have phantom wolf tails and shit. I really miss the wolfgirl autism
No. 1351137
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>>1350842nta but snake plants are beginner friendly, pathos are gorgeous and mellow too.
No. 1351533
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low tire pressure came on right when I parked on campus and I’m kinda worried cause the nearest gas station is 15 minutes away can I drive back with it? what should I do fuck I hate cars
No. 1351630
>>1351545>>1351551>>1351555Thanks nonnas! I did everything you said and decided it was safe enough to drive slowly to the station and got it filled
I was so anxious cuz I have really bad ptsd from a blown tire on the highway (it was a screw lol) but all is good
No. 1351661
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>>1351630Glad you made it home safely! It might be a good idea to get a tire gauge & keep it in your car. The tire pressure info is usually inside the driver's side door. Safe travels
No. 1351818
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I normally eat all my bread plain, and that was also the plan for the pumpkin bread I bought, but it's dry as fuck so it's been just sitting in my closet for the past few days. I have tuna salad. Would this go well together? I don't want to waste precious tuna.
No. 1351846
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>>1351840I want to say no but all I can picture is picrel
No. 1351855
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>>1351846>>1351847>>1351851The shirt looks like picrel without the lacing and made out of a much less shitty material so there's some texture. I guess she was right, but I don't understand why some girls feel like they must deflect a compliment with another, not even genuine one, even around other girls/women.
No. 1352108
nonnie, as someone who lives in your walls and watches you through every camera near you, I can confirm that you are beautiful, worthy of love, and a girlboss. You don't need validation from moid websites habibi ♥
No. 1352111
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I am very dumb and don't get out much so pardon the question, but how does someone actually game in a room like this? There's so many lights in a dim room that my eyes hurt just looking at setups like picrel. I thought these were intended for long gaming sessions, but more often than not look intended for eyestrain.
No. 1352125
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>>1352059We think you’re really cute. Thanks for the contribution!
No. 1352147
>>1352123You can. If you try to get all As and register as many credits as you can in a year, it’s possible but honestly it’s really hard
When I raised mine from 4.3 to 4.6 in one semester I had 20 hours of credit and straight As. it was insanely stressful and not even worth it at the end lol
No. 1352189
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Is seinfeld actually that good?
I’ve only watched one episode and I’m not too sure about it. All I know is that they have an annoying fanbase and Jerry seinfeld is a creep
No. 1352222
nonnie.. I just tried by making a new account on my ipad and adding me then blocking and deactivating it still showed up “added me” category
It won’t show up on the normal snapchat front though but if he checked who added me then it’s there so maybe he won’t see it?
No. 1352227
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>>1352222I’m flipping shit but if it won’t show up on the main chat I think I’m in the clear. He really only uses Snap to talk to his best friend. He’s not super technologically competent so I doubt he checks that section too often. Does the bitmoji still show up or is it like the blank one? My snap username is something I’ve only used for that account and the name is a short version of my real name but one I never go by.
No. 1352233
>>1352222Samefag but I’m trying to do NC and I don’t want him to have any proof that I’m actually thinking about him. Even though he’s all I think about.
Thank you for doing that test for me, I really appreciate it nonna.
No. 1352238
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>>1352227Yeah the name & bitmoji still shows up even though it’s been deactivated for 10 mins but wait you can still reactivate and change your username and name to something cryptic! that’ll work since it still shows up a notification here (I clicked on it so it’s gone now)
No. 1352295
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>>1352251Box breathing helps, just remember to breathe through your nose.
>t. chronic cheek biter, face tenser, teeth grinder, all around spaz No. 1352381
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Okay sorry for being gross but this is a serious question: do you think every moid would objectively enjoy having his prostate massaged? Is there such thing as a moid who would actually dislike it on a physical level (all masculine hangups aside) Because so many guys say they would never ever do something like that, but it seems crazy to me because generally if something feels sexually good to a male they make it their life mission to get that as much as possible- so it seems crazy that fears of appearing gay or whatever would interfere so much with that? Am I making sense? Like for so many women vaginal sex feels horrible, but for 0 men does a blowjob feel horrible.
No. 1352613
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what does it mean when the girl you like irl but haven’t talked to in 10 months because you fell of the face of the earth makes a spotify playlist with all of the songs you’ve recommended/like? I feel like throwing up
Yes I check her accounts and her spotify everyday to see what she listens to yes I am insane
No. 1352628
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>>1352618you’re right. I need to hear that, I won’t check on her like a creep anymore
I’ll go listen to bill evans and be sad
No. 1352650
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I lived most of my life in California and plan on moving back after I get everything settled with my current job, and everyone keeps saying move elsewhere. I don't have any immediate family (wife/kids). The only response I've gotten as to why I shouldn't move back there is because it's expensive. If you had to recommend a state to live in, which state would you choose and why?
No. 1352678
What’s the best way to clean gross/grimy rain boots? I pretty much haven’t worn them since last year when I was walking around in the snow/rain/dirt and I forgot to clean them. Now all the muck has set in and they look gross.
>>1352650I’d say you should think about what you want in your living area. Do you like outdoorsy stuff? Is public transportation important to you? Do you prefer a big city? Make a list of the most important qualities you’d like and see what fits. You could always go back to California but in a different city.
No. 1352914
>>1352882yeah it’d be fine as long as you get enough nutrients. like you could pour Soylent in a bowl and call it soup. and be fine. lots of things are called soup. It’s mostly the chewing part — without chewing your jaw muscle gets weaker. Grab some gum and problem solved.
(Soylent is just an example of lots of nutrition in liquid form)
No. 1352952
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Do you think every family has its own generational curse?
No. 1353042
>>1353018If you have a shit job, or an unstable job, you will suffer a lot because everything will only get more and more expensive.
If you have a stable job with a shit pay, you won't be able to do many things that you used to do, like going to the cinema every weekend or buy certain things that you want but are expensive like some particular foods.
If you have a stable job, with a regular pay you won't be able to buy some food that you may like but it's too expensive or save enough money to go out on a trip in your same country every year.
If you have a stable job with a good pay, you may not be able to buy certain things that you would've bought before because you will either buy those things or go out on a trip overseas every year.
If you have a stable job with a ridiculously amazing pay, specially if it's with money that's actually worth something, it won't affect you whatsoever unless you're dumb enough to have made some investments in your country.
No. 1353091
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where's the new dumbass shit thread?
No. 1353118
>>1353097Ok so this might be wrong but:
150mg/30 servings = 5mg per serving
300mg/30 servings = 10mg per serving
8 drops of the 150mg = 40mg
4 drops of the 300mg = 40mg
Also, 1.5oz is 44ml which is somehow related but I'm not smart enough to figure out how exactly. I think it's 44ml/30 = ~1.5ml per serving if there are 30 servings.
Anyways yes they will be the same amount. Pls no boolie if this is incorrect though.
No. 1353157
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>>1353118>>1353121Nonnie you are amazing mwah mwah I love you so much. Even if you are slightly off it's much better than my retarded ass thinking kek. I didn't even think of doing the math just "hmmm if a buy 2x strength bottle but half dosage should be ok right????" kek
No. 1353230
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>>1353208yuru camp if you are into anime, its about girls camping and has 0 fanservice
No. 1353287
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>>1353230>>1353236Based taste. I'm also seconding Yurucamp, it's one of my favorites that I return to time and time again. Also Ouran High School Host Club. It's old but I think it holds up relatively well, still makes me laugh out loud. I also like K-On!
I don't have any non-anime recs that I can think of off the top of my head right now unfortunately. I hope you'll feel better and life will get better for you soon nona!
No. 1353634
>>1353610absolutely not true for type 2 at all kek!
>>1353603you should really ask a doc what's possible, but lifestyle changes are only going to help
>>1352380late but i was really prudent about making sure there was no plastic left in this replacement one. i've been running it on empty at 400F for 20 minutes at a time to try and burn it off but i made some chicken in it today and it still tasted like a tire. this particular model seems to have issues with this so i think i'm just SOL
No. 1353692
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Question, how is the active noise cancelling on true wireless earbuds with it? I wanted ones with around ear hooks (all other ones fall out) to sleep in because my over ear ANC ones are a pain to sleep in, but I wonder if it's really worth it. I don't really need it to block out everything, just cancel out outside noise a little bit.
No. 1353697
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>>1353679You probably have a yeast infection or UTI, or both. I would recommend taking tests for them, like picrel. If you end up having both you should go see a gyno. If you only have a yeast infection then you can just buy some over-the-counter cream for it. If it's a UTI you then have to speak to a gyno or a telehealth service to be prescribed antibiotics.
No. 1353857
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>>1353831we live in a society girl, squeeze every penny out of them then sit across the street smugly sipping a cocktail
No. 1353967
>>1353859> is there a good likelihood your employer would settle/has a history of settling quickly?I really don't know. My friend had similar issues at the same company but she left early and managed to get some money from the government because of constructive dismissal. The company got acquired by a shitty company and it got worse, so I can't say if they would settle. I did get my lawyer using legalese in this letter I sent to HR but they said they wouldn't pay out because reasons and contracts.
>it's always scary not knowing if your attorney's fees will be awarded. They will very much be stubborn for sure, so I am at a loss. To continue or to fold… Thanks for listening, anon. It helped me.
No. 1353987
>>1353982Nonnie.. omg please dump his ass and leave him immediately don’t let him do it first
He’s clearly using you for comfort to emotionally drain you. trust me he is only putting on this “uwu pls dont leave me i’m so sad” manipulative act because that’s how moids work
No. 1354006
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classes got canceled & it’s raining outside. should I go watch don’t worry darling? (for a good chuckle)
No. 1354033
>>1353603My dad is type 2 and he managed to get it under control after losing weight by eating healthily and also by eating a lot of garlic.
He inevitably relapsed when he fell back into alcoholism and binge eating again but until that point his sugar levels were great without any medicine.
No. 1354116
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>>1354055wait really? the context in which I read it made it seem like she was saying oldgfag as referring to her age
No. 1354167
>>1354069Where i work we make lattes on double shot of espresso, asking for a single shot of espresso cost the same.
Otherwise if you don't wanna feel annoying by asking for a special request, a latte macchiato is the weakest coffee drink you can buy.
No. 1354272
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>>1354261First kill is like that but it has a teenage girl vampire from a prestigious vampire family. It's romeo and juliet but lesbian. It's a little corny but I loved it
No. 1354304
>>1354266I hate eating (small stomach) lmao. I've definitely chewed more food than my stomach can handle.
>>1354284>>1354293I do have excellent oral health, but I think the big teeth help a lot with that.
Does it help with something like singing? I notice all the best singers have huge mouths
No. 1354311
>>1354305do you mean the little girl or the bus driver
nonnie kek
No. 1354777
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Is there a cars hate thread here?
I refuse to go on reddit but also deeply hate cars and would like to discuss my hatred for both cars and retards like picrel
No. 1354912
>>1354909Oh they've already had public fights. In class. I'm amazed at how blind people are to
toxic dynamics because everyone still loves them together.
No. 1354949
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Why is searching for a file on a PC so much harder than searching on a Mac? On a Mac you can search your entire hard drive almost instantly where on a PC you could birth 3 kids and see them through college before it finishes a desktop search.
No. 1355408
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Saw this pic in another thread. Which puppy would you choose and why
I’d take the white one at the far right because I think it’s a female and she looks big and strong.
No. 1355726
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>>1355711Because when they can tell you're not that into them he knows he's dating above his league and wants to catch you before you leave. If you're super into him he thinks you're acting that way because youre even with him on value or below him and has his head filled with thoughts that he can do better. All men do this.
I dated a nerd who was not hot and didn't make much money but because I was enthusiastic and giving in the relationship he got back on dating apps in secret.
The only good part is if you back off and ghost when they start playing at "needing space" and "hating labels", they get shocked by your silence and act butthurt and will put in more effort than ever before.
No. 1355737
>>1355664I got legit memory blackout drunk once in my life. I emailed an ex from years ago and said some very cringy shit then went to bed. I woke up the next morning to find I'd been sick at some point but I'd made it to the bathroom and mopped it up with a towel. Then I checked my email outbox and nearly died of embarassment. I've never drank more than a couple of drinks since that happened. Plan on it staying that way
I have a brother who got arrested for assault or drunk an disorderly conduct over and over again and he's never stopped drinking to excess. He's not an alco but he binge drinks when he's out. I don't get people who wake up in a cell and still drink like that regularly. One incident should be enough of a wake up call.
No. 1355771
>>1355744After one of his arrests he showed my mom that he was black and blue all over his back and sides. He was giving out that the police did that to him. My mom (usually sane and not a coddler) went into mom mode and started talking about how wrong it was for police to use that much force. She was ready to defend him til I reminded her thats he's 6"5 and now has an established pattern of assaulting people while drunk. He's not a
victim because of some bruises. Idc if hes my blood.. we've all seen stories of one drunken punch killing someone. He's lucky he never ended up in worse shit. There's no defending someone with that pattern of behaviour.
No. 1355861
>>1355795I hate the taste of alcohol but this kind of stuff doesn't make me want to 'get used to it'.
I have no idea how I'd react to getting drunk and I really don't want to do something I'd regret.
No. 1355886
>>1355874It may not fit you, I really wanted to use one, didn't fit me well (it was leaking no matter how i tried to put it), bought another, different size - still didn't fit and for now I've given up because they're not cheap enough to keep on trying forever.
Other thing would be that if you need to clean it during a day you'll need a toilet room with a sink, and in many places sinks are outside the toilets and not locked.
No. 1355996
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Say, hypothetically, a guy ends a long term relationship. He was very codependent with her and his identity was almost entirely based off of her. The breakup was bad. He gets into a rebound relationship and it’s much healthier. But he can’t get over their breakup for whatever reason and ends the rebound after a year. Hypothetically, if he went back to the ex, is there a chance he would remember how bad it was and then feel dumb?
No. 1356000
>>1355996No because most men enjoy
toxic relationships with women who hate them
No. 1356222
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>>1356033maybe your visual library got weak, i stopped reading for a while to focus on art, then come back and not only my visualization improved but now i can imagine ''in style''. I was reading wizards of earthsea the other day and imagining it on pic rel style
No. 1356227
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how the hell do you do this?
No. 1356229
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>>1356227So if you want to see it done in action then you should search "swirl/swirly nails" on youtube, but you just use a thin brush to make the outline of the swirl and then fill it in. Simple but easy to fuck up lol.
No. 1356362
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>>1356299I hope it sinks into the sea (after all the nonnas and their possessions are evacuated ofc)
No. 1356482
>>1356263Yeah that's true in some parts of brazil. If you're in a newer house and/or in the big cities then you probably can flush it alright. Had no problems when I lived in the city, now I live in the countryside and not only the plumbing is awful, we also have a septic tank, so the bin that only used to collect pads now gets dirty paper too.
You might still find the trash bins for this purpose in good houses in the city and I'd say that's cultural, people are just used to having it there even though their plumbing and sewage system can handle toilet paper just fine.
No. 1356828
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Why is it that there are even gay men who are obsessed with talking about womens pussies? What the fuck is this pathology
No. 1356840
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>>1356619it comes from a misunderstanding in how pecs work
this guide is the easiest way to explain it but sometimes people don't understand how pectorals attach to the skeleton + how breast tissue is placed, which results in nasty looking muscles that are more like breasts
No. 1356869
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>>1356853autistic people in general are susceptible to trooning out, a dangerous combination of being online everyday and porn addiction
No. 1356897
>>1356869samefag before the era of supercomputers the US government literally used autistic people as human filing machines, see they'd take various teams of mathematicians and physicist who would independently write formulas related to highly specific tasks, as they reach the end of each state, their finding should have been identical, if there were variations between them, no matter how small, that meant there was some problem, so the autists were given printouts of that date, their job was to literally sit at a desk and review the printouts side by side, page by page, line by line, looking for any differences them and circling them out
No. 1357369
>>1356048It makes me so sad, I hope we get the ability back, as much or as little it used to be lol.
>>1356222I was theorizing something like that too, but then thought to myself noo that's stupid, that's not how it works at all for sure, but you saying that is a bit of a relief lol. Would also explain why I have the least trouble while reading fanfiction.
No. 1357377
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I've been out of the loop.
What happened to kiwifags in the end? Did their thread get locked in /snow/ because of scrote tourists and tranny shitposters? (Good.) Is the site now only available on TOR? Did they find Chris Chan yet?
No. 1357759
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>>1357725There should be a list of viewers you can find. This will tell you who's watching.
No. 1357855
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Does anyone else just get completely destroyed by small outings and usually just feel meh and out of it? I start getting dizzy, exhausted, black pits appear around my eyes to the point where people ask if I'm ill (a few times I was asked if I need 911, like, what???)–they also hurt a shit ton, and I'm just generally incapable of having a good time because I can't even talk or really think because I am just so tired. I've also felt this way since I was a kid. Just never played or talked, just laid there paralyzed all the time, developing speech issues, breathing issues (I had to get surgery to fix my nose a year ago) and asthma, etc. I spent the past year getting into shape with 0 results…aside from awesome tone/muscles now. So. Yay?
Also, I had one decent rest in my entire life. Favorite day ever even if literally nothing fun happened.
No. 1357867
>>1357837I had a bad relationship with my parents at the time, I felt like they were against me and just had me to control someone. I know that's bullshit now but back then I fully believed it.
>>1357840Thanks, I was getting groomed back then and my parents were mad at me for it. I did not feel safe at home but I did not feel safe at school either. It's beginning to make sense, thank you nonna's.
No. 1357919
>>1357855i've struggled with some mild agoraphobia post-pandemic but nothing like this. i agree with
>>1357860 that it sounds like maybe something physical is wrong although i'd guess it's more hormonal. have you had your thyroid checked?
No. 1357957
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Found this kook on Twitter and I am at a total loss as to what "338 ppm" could mean. Can anyone help me? She seems like a weird hypochondriac, if that helps.
No. 1358138
>>1358100It happens a lot to me and I am always friendy at the time and feel like it was weird later on, imo just the act of cold approaching a stranger is aggressive and they take advantage of our female socialization/natural instinct to humor anyone who could be a threat. I think if guys want to meet people they should do it in a neutral social setting, bar, club, hobby group, etc (I would say work but that recent Try Guys thing is making me think no lol, the dynamics are a bit off in terms of meeting at work since there's some forced friendliness and power structures at play)
I think cold approaches are bad also because if you're traveling to/from work or shopping or whatever, it's a privacy invasion in a different way since they can figure out where you live/work/other personal stuff about you that would be harder to discern in a social setting unless directly disclosed.
>>1358125Bet he thought he was so clever with that one, sounds like a mix of negging and pickup artist techniques.
No. 1358241
>>1358230>even with the zipper tits? Depends on the result, but yeah including the ones who got top surgery and aren't just at the start of transitioning. There isn't a clear line in my head where it goes "oh this reminds me too much of a man", because it doesn't. I know they're female and it doesn't suddenly go from "I love muscular masculine women", to suddenly not anymore, because they're still female. I generally see those hrt effects as only emphasizing some features women already naturally have, instead of actually turning them into a man. I don't see it as much different from being into actresses who have had plastic surgery, which is also often driven by mental illness. I'm just not the pickiest person and can be attracted to a lot of different women, I'm also into fat/chubby women. I'm weirdly attracted to women with bpd. Idk why my brain is like this.
>TiFs are too mentally ill for my tasteI'm not exactly thinking of making anyone my life partner kek. They're just hot to me and I would hook up with them.
No. 1358362
>>1358350Focus on anti-inflammatories primarily and an object in motion stays in motion. I know it hurts but she needs to keep moving and using those joints. Once she stops for a long period of time because it hurts it will get worse. Ginger, Turmeric with a little black pepper, pineapple juice, cinnamon, make a list and start figuring out everywhere you can add them to her diet. Cut out inflammation causing foods as much as possible. Sugar, wheat, tomatoes, dairy, etc.
If her hands swell and they hurt really bad. I’ve baths suck but can kill the swelling and give relief. Also heat then ice. I know a heating pad or a hand warmer can feel very nice but heat increases inflammation. Ice takes the swelling down. Arthritis cream sucks in my opinion. It’s pepper cream that burns. I prefer gels which I are menthol and then pepper. It’s smoother and cooling and doesn’t burn.
There’s specific stretches and weights for her to do to help strengthen the surrounding structure for her joints. Hydration is very important less fluid in body. Less fluid in joints. More water retention. More swelling. More ouch.
Water is great on another note. Pools take the weight of the joints. If she’s having a bad day that would be a great place to go and have her move around and get a break. Even just a little raft that she can float around with.
I can keep going if you want, I have a lot of loved ones with the same type of arthritis as your mom and I have a different kind but a lot of the stuff helps all of us tbh.
No. 1358373
>>1358367The black pepper is necessary for the turmeric to be able to have full effect. ♥ just in case.
Sometimes the best we can do is life style changes and learning to work with the struggle. There’s pain medications and such you can take but it’s not curing the problem and just preventing you from temporarily feeling the full damage. Some doctors will give anti inflammatory pills, but most of the arthritis specialists when you sit down and talk to them will tell you life style and diet change helps a lot and most patients aren’t willing to do it.
You’re welcome anon. I hope you and your loved ones do okay.
No. 1358458
>>1358100I hate it so much. I can't think of a time they're not being fucking creeps. Coming up to me at midnight, following me for minutes straight just "Hey. hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Excuse me. hey. Hey. Hey.
:)"ing me or literally getting out of their dumbass car saying they just couldn't let this chance pass like we're in some bad hollywood movie. Worst one was one guy coming up to me at a red light, telling me he's watched me for the past year and this time timed!! when I'd be around to finally speak to me. When I told him I have a boyfriend he said he knows I'm lying because I'm only ever alone. I hope car guy runs him over.
No. 1358461
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>>1358430HE WAS A GINGER????
that explains a lot really. ginger male market failure is timeless.
No. 1358526
>>1358100Oh God, do I have stories. Just in the past year. My personal favorite was some dude behind me in TJMAXX smacking his lips while muttering "damn girl… shit… damn" and I knew he was talking about me. I have an unusual build for a white girl. So here I am, shopping for my Nigel's underwear, he gets right up next to me and says "Ay, what you mixed with??" In disbelief I said "I beg your pardon?" He repeats the question, I respond with "white". He keeps muttering to himself and I walk away. Really wanted to slap the shit outta that scrote.
Another scrote stopped his car to scream out his window "WOW YOURE FUCKING HOT" to which I screamed "THANKS" in my most gravelly, masculine voice. He sped off pretty quick.
No. 1358530
>>1358522>Makes me feel like people can tell I'm a good person when this happensSame in a way. Sometimes I feel like a monster
internalized lesbophobia, but then strangers ask me for help and it's like, oh I guess I'm not that scary.
No. 1358543
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>>1358100Happened to me once a couple years back and I vented about on here att. It was 8am in the morning when it happened and it was just bizarre. Started off ok and quickly went downhill. I've had guys approach me before but this was different.. felt forced and even left me feeling unsettled afterwards. It was PUA shit gone wrong.
I usually am pretty good at brushing off attempts to talk to me but it was early and I had just taken my first sip of coffee that day. I was caught off guard but by the end of the interaction I was loud and clear about saying no, no no. We ended things with a painful loop of him asking for my number.. me saying no and him saying.. why not? It wasn't slick. I mistook it for normal small talk at first so by the time I even knew what was up to he'd wasted alot of energy on something that was never going to woo anyone.
No. 1358603
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anons, when i do curls like picrel, how can i keep the twists from un-twisting? i really like the results of this hairstyle but i think it would be better if i could keep it from un twisting. it happens almost immediately. what am i doing wrong?
(these are bathrobe/sock heatless curls btw)
No. 1358613
How do people deal with boredom?
I don't mean BOREDOM like, I need a list of something to do. I mean boredom as in, everything I do makes me feel bored. Art, the class I am in for fun, body modifications, sewing, reading, video games, tv shows, social media, lolcow, etc.
It almost makes me feel suicidal because what is the point of life if it is so boring. I quit social media for a while now, and I'm still bored. Idk if my neurotransmitters are broken or something. I've been this way for a while and it is starting to weigh on me. Everything becomes boring and old. How do I help myself be like other people? My boyfriend does a bunch of different stuff and he's happy. Why does that not work for me, I wish I knew if something could work for me.
No. 1358638
>>1358613How long have you quit social media for? I know it helps to be patient, for me I've been on social media for about 15 years so to get used to focusing fully on real life, I know it's gonna take a while.
I feel like you might be reaching out for things to distract you rather than actually feel consumed in them. Take things slow, appreciate the present. Do you have time to go outside even just once a week? It could probably help to just sit on a bench or curb and people watch or go out to a nature trail and watch animals and insects.
No. 1358763
>>1358613Sounds like depression. I used to suffer with pretty intense depression, bawling your eyes out for no reason type depression. Then it mellowed out quite a bit. At a certain point I considered myself depression free. On reflection though I think milder depression does tend to manifest that way. Difficulty getting into hobbies or feeling passionate about topics. Feeling very 'meh' is still a form of it.
Lately I've started going to parks more, sitting there with my thoughts and seeing what comes up. It almost feels like screens are this distraction and like having some time to just let yourself think is more helpful than trying to constantly engage with content. I have my few minutes out in nature. I find old memories tend to pop into my head. Sometimes bad ones. I sit with them for my alloted time and then move on with my day. I don't dwell for too long so I find it helpful overall. Then later in the day I tend to have better concentration.
No. 1358813
>>1358783I read up all about dahmer years ago so I already knew alot of the gory details. I didn't have a strong reaction to the series. The fact that the
victims were male makes it less grotesque to me tbh. If they made a series about bundy (think already did, idk) I wouldn't watch that.
No. 1358880
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>>1357483shave 5 cm above your hairline then perm it, lastly dye it fire red
now you can rock that queen Elizabeth I swag
No. 1359056
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I fucked up my eyebrows, theyre see through now (i used scissors to make the hairs shorter, idk why tf I did this). They're naturally shaped weird, do I fill them in anyways? mainstream eyebrows look bad on me. I need to find a solution before sunday. I finally managed to make friends and now they're going to think i'm cray or have trichotillomania. I guess they would be right about the cray bit, but still.
No. 1359144
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Yall saw this shit right?
No. 1359160
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Can an anon ID this bug?
No. 1359185
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>>1359160Is that a giant flea?
No. 1359210
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not any of those anons, but how do you guys even stand twitter? I am not enlightened, my stomach is just too weak to handle twitter, tiktok (which is very smart, its algorithm likes triggering you on purpose), instagram, etc.
No. 1359212
>>1359190Is it? It looks nothing like the botties I see on google. I really, really hope it isn't one for the sake of hamster
No. 1359233
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>>1359210Locked account, hundreds of accounts and terms muted, turn off retweets for most users you follow, set location to another country with another language so it shows news from there. Even with all that I can barely stand to open the app beyond once every few weeks
No. 1359251
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where do you stand on the Ai art debate?
can art made by a machine be considered real art?
No. 1359257
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>>1359251quit spamming this shit
No. 1359265
>>1359251I've heard someone irl argue before that whatever nature makes is/can be art so I guess if a sanddune or a couple rocks can be art, so can something AI generated.
t. non-artfag who knows jackshit about it
No. 1359288
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i dont understand why they get so annoyed by people talking about the biggest art controversy since NFTs in the artist SALT thread. I wonder if its just a coping mechanism, like they know it will fuck them over but they would rather ignore it than accept it. I am more worried by the fact that there isnt a law against AI copyright, so you could technically photobash a bunch of art together and sell it as your own.
No. 1359313
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No. 1359330
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This might be the stupidest question in the thread, but is it me or people have been saying "white feminism" as if it's the boogieman a lot lately, especially on social media? Do they realize that "pop" white feminism has mostly morphed into liberal feminism?
No. 1359516
>>1359504Take an hour before bed to detox from tech, dont use your phone, dont watch tv, pick up a book or relax until you fall asleep.
>>1359513Kinda cringe but anime traps, they are a repulsive anime trope and i cant stand them and how moids memed each other into liking tranny porn.
No. 1359534
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How do I stop my friend from starting an OnlyFans
No. 1359569
>>1359513Contra's "Beauty" video. I went from tranny indifference in my teens because I never gave it much thought, to tolerance because of my overly liberal uni that didn't have trannies so I had no real life exposure, to trying to watch Contrapoints because he was the popular new thing at the time.
That video specifically got to me because of the way he justified his surgery as a more necessary thing than for "cis" women who do it for silly vanity reasons which really put the "so trans women really aren't women" to the test. It also led to me posting for the first and only time in /lgbt/, lurking a bit deeper into the board and going full gc.
No. 1359575
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Anyone know where to get little desktop toys like picrel? I want to turn my screen into a mess filled with little creatures but all the ones I find can't run on newer PCs.
No. 1359607
>>1359575look into shimejis !
>Shimejis are little characters or desktop buddies that play around on the sites you visit. They interact with the elements on the page. You control their behavior. Pick them up with your mouse pointer, drag them around, and drop them where you want. They can walk, crawl, climb, and jump all over the place.i used to download fanmade ones from deviantart when i was younger kek
No. 1359638
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is "lymph drainage" a legitimate thing or pseudo-science stuff?
No. 1359764
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>>1359744whatever individual bmi makes someone look like this
No. 1359903
>>1359888what makes you think i care? "nothing to show for it" is the most ill-intentioned thing I said, and it was a reaction to being called a bone-rattler since fatties always point to curviness as a redeamable attribute because of their own insecurities. If anything you lot are projecting, not my fault you see the word fat as a slur.
>110 lbsand? let's hear your height lol
No. 1359922
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>>1359887Isn't it the opposite though? A person that used to be fat that goes around saying how happy they are about their transformation, how shitty they were treated before, etc., is an atomic bomb for the more neurotic people that defend being fat.
>>1359907>>1359897exposed. I hope you don't regret this.
No. 1359927
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>>1359919nta but this you
No. 1359964
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ehhh, nta but it has morphed quite a bit because of the internet. now there's way more opportunities for it and a myriad of different avenues to deeply weed itself into a girl's brain. there's a reason why mental illness and insecurity is just going up and up in girls and it isn't just snowflake syndrome–it's a natural response to all the stimuli and weaponized vitriol that is online.
go look at how the tiktok algorithm works, shit's feral, and I'm tired of people pretending technology hasn't made this stuff even more insidious and sneaky than it already was. not saying real-life bullying is worse now, but that now there's more forms of it, forms that might make helping those trapped by it harder.
No. 1360029
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>>1359964I remember getting these weekly teen mags in the early 2000s that were my main source of outside influence when it came to appearance. Even at the time I thought it was weird that mostly straight girls who just wanted some fashion advice more than anything.. were having bikini shots of celebs shoved in our faces all year round to either be admired or admonished. There wasn't alot of other media to really choose from so we all bought them anyway and mindlessly flipped through it. But its a very strange thought that a bunch of probably 30 somethings were putting these mags together and saw it as fit to publish. Show me some clothes I can buy. I don't care about bikini bods. I did a quick search and those mags I used to eat up were still acting just as shitty up to 2012/2013 at least. Regularly calling womens bodies 'a nightmare' on the cover. Over relatively small flaws too.
The one thing though.. I knew the difference between celebs and regular people. You wanted to look good but there was still a line there that felt like seperation.
> oh that actress gets paid millions so its kind of her job to look amazing but its not mine as a regular ole teen girlThat was the mentality back then. Nowadays with celebs feeling more accessible online, with all sorts of influencers existing and people who model online all using filters and having work done.. the line is getting blurred. Its like everyone has to now try and meet the same standards that were once only really applied to bigtime singers and actresses.
Obviously I feel bad that anyone was nitpicked that hard, celeb or not. But you felt like a spectator reading that trash. It didnt seep into our own self image to quite the same degree as it does today.
No. 1360040
>>1359214>>1359309i did a little bit of googling and it would seem that amish women use rags for their periods. i would imagine that they may also make their own sanitary products out of cloth too since i know a lot of amish women are into quilting and such. it also appears that theres not a massive amount of stigma over menstruation as its seen as natural, although its something they dont discuss openly as it's a private matter.
im from the uk so i have 0 first hand experience with amish communities, but i admit that i do find it very fascinating to read about
No. 1360231
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Hi, nonnies, what is a decent note-taking app for gathering together information in a practical way, organizing pictures, and that syncs across windows and android?
I'm using Simplenotes for basic notes and will continue and I'm contemplating on using Joplin too for more complicated subjects, but I'm wondering if it really is the best choice. It does have an interesting to-do system, an clean + easy table-creation system, great themes, (there's a cute black and purple one), and unlike Notion it's way more intuitive for me. I just never really see Joplin mentioned much anywhere as opposed to other ones (Notion, that Apple thing, Obsidian, etc).
No. 1360251
>>1360037Sound enough, I'll continue monitoring it. Hopefully it is just muscle pain or spasms and it resolved itself by then.
>>1360052Sharp enough that it's super uncomfortable. Like, if the pain were constant, I would get nauseous from it and I'd probably have to go in just because it feels so terrible. It gets worse in the morning and after I eat. It's around my lower ribs/upper stomach and it's on both sides equally. I do have GERD and a fucked stomach in general, but it doesn't feel like stomach pain.
No. 1360307
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How strong do you have to be to break an apple with your hands only? that would be cool
No. 1360333
>>1360313laugh at him. not when he's trying to be funny, just in general. men's worst fear is women laughing at them so take advantage of that.
subtly let him know you don't find him attractive, too. even if he isn't interested in you it crushes men to know women think they're ugly. if you have a friend in the discord you can poke fun at him with and then let him know subtly that you're making fun of him with another girl behind his back, that's ideal.
No. 1360456
>>1360445Same but the "ma'am" and the "meow meows" are very much something he says
>>1360446I didn't start the convo, you know nothing of our posting styles and never will. My comments are these ones here:
>>1360443 >>1360438 >>1360432 No. 1360584
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what would happen if I boil some of my skincare creams and apply them while they have a liquid-er consistency and are warm/hot? faster and deeper absorption? anything? nothing? loose their effect? Increase their effect?
No. 1360599
>>1360584Uhhh, you are aware that some people spritz water onto their face before applying creams already, right? It helps moisturize the skin and sometimes improves absorption.
Boiling creams seems like a horrible idea because there's certain elements that might denature (for example oils can get bad). You can warm it up in your hand and apply it if you think it'd help with absorption. Also–I think patting might be a good idea, even if it's just to prevent friction to the skin.
No. 1360605
Does anyone have a website that'll let me view a private instagram?
>>1360584Some chemicals and oils can alter with heat and might have a negative effect on your skin, or lose effectivity. I'm sure heating it gently on your fingers won't do any damage though. Anything else if your really curious about the specifics you could google something like "mud mask temperature absorbency rate for topical use" and look for sites like pubmed or scientific databases, and switch out the mud mask for whatever chemical or serum your curious about obviously.
No. 1360621
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Can nonnies smarter than me at using google help me find a replica or very similar looking watch band to this? I don't want to pay $160 for this dumb thing
No. 1360793
>>1360751magic is a term men made when they had to police people's speech or sell occultism. the thing we call magical wasn't really magic but metaphores. people simply spoke differently. eve and adam don't actually represent the first people but they are a symbol for women and men. hell and heaven are metaphores for passing away with regrets or in peace. if anon killed herself, during the last few moments she probably wouldn't feel satisfaction of a well-lived life and would pass away feeling sorry for whoever would've to clean the mess. so yes
>>1360747 you will.
No. 1360809
>>1360795maybe 90s or 60s
>>13607992000s felt strongly anti-feminist ime (moreso with the culture not the laws)
No. 1360825
>>1360809>2000s felt strongly anti-feminist imeDefinitely. I tried watching an early 2000s movie earlier and I turned it off twenty minutes in, I couldn’t handle the voyeuristic and blatant misogyny
Women who grew up in the 2000s deserve a life-long compensation
No. 1360876
>>1360857Ntayrt, troons were a thing but operated more covertly like many things now celebrated. I believe a lot of crime shows at the time had troons as
victims (I get fake but still). CSI had an episode on furries. Look at movies. 90's had Ace Ventura Pet Detective had that
plot twist at the end. The Bird Cage revolved around Val's two fathers and the drag show. Boys Don't Cry a movie about a trans man in 1999.
No. 1360907
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No. 1360914
>>1360876The real Teena Brandon was a self hating butch lesbian
victim of CSA, transwashing was a thing even then.
No. 1360959
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>>1360916The writer of that article is a polilez, so I'm a bit suspicious of some of her implications which might be related to her viewing lesbianism as a choice.
No. 1360984
>>1360970i also remember the weird hatred and disgust men showed for periods then (they still do but cant do it publicly anymore).
I also remember girls who had wide hips or a muscular lower bodys get called fat by other men and women.
No. 1360988
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My covid test results just came back and it’s negative but they did a nasal swab on me and I’m still like 90% sure I have covid
Should I go get another one?
No. 1361088
>>1361073Neets are usually dependant on parents rather than welfare money alone. I have mental issues since childhood, lasting to this day but then my parents were big on getting you out the door at 18 so I couldn't milk it. In the long run I think it worked out better. If I could've stayed at home and just stewed in muh illnesses I would've stagnated. Had no choice but to get out and find a way to manage.
I don't view people on disability payments (who live on their own with rent assistance etc) as neets.
No. 1361176
>>1359513Arguing that lesbians don't like peen and them refusing to ~just try it~ isn't bigoted, and then having people on
his side of the argument.
No. 1361237
>>1361222>>1361224Anon, I didn't even say anything about feminism. Sorry for not being disgusted by my own blood though. The
>I don't know what's up with the rest of you.Wasn't meant to be taken so seriously but I should have known it would rile someone up kek.
No. 1361392
>>1360747no because hell is a mannade concept part of religions which serve as social control and to encourage tribalism. if you're feeling suicidal hang in there
No. 1361442
>>1361356Part of it was also because committing suicide was seen as avoiding responsibility and punishment.
>Flogging and mutilation, most commonly having one's nose cut off, were common forms of punishment for such crimes as adultery and the rape of a nun. For crimes such as murder and treason, no social distinction was made with the death penalty for all.>Under Empress Theodora, rape was made punishable by death and the rapist’s property was transferred to the rape victim. This law extended to anyone who was present during the rape, regardless of position or rank. Theodora also saw to it that women could own and inherit property.If they'd commit suicide before their trial, they would escape torture and the
victim wouldn't get the property of the perpetrator.
No. 1361465
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does anyone else binge eat because they feel understimulated? i only saw this discussed in autism/adhd circles and i don't know if i'm either because i never went to a therapist because i don't struggle like autistic people or people with adhd do. but i genuinely believe that i constantly eat because i crave the stimulation of biting and chewing. i noticed this the other day during my break when i had bought a chocolate bar and was slowly letting the chocolate melt in my mouth and it was driving me crazy. i wanted to bite and chew and swallow so bad. it wasn't even about the taste of the chocolate, i just craved the sensation of destroying something. just a few minutes ago i felt this again and it even turned into an urge to just grit my teeth together. anyways i just shoved three of picrel in my mouth and it feels so good to absolutely demolish a giant wad of gum. wtf is this shit??
maybe i should buy a bite ring like babies have when their teeth grow.
No. 1361472
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>>1361465If you're an orally fixated person you might find ARK therapeutic chewelry helpful. I had one for a while I used when I was particularly sensory seeking
No. 1361477
>>1361465Yes. I will binge crunchy foods because I love the stimulation and the feeling of crunching. I try to use gum but it doesn't deliver the same sort of stimulation. I want to try out the biting ring too but I know that it won't deliver the same feeling either, like how do I condition myself put of this UGH.
You are not alone
No. 1361487
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>>1361465thank you for the rec! i bought one of those now to see if it works for me… i think my chewing desire is in my molars though, so let's see if i can fit it in my mouth kek
>>1361475sadly i'm a euro so i don't know this kind of gum (?) but as a kid i loved cherry hubba bubba because they were massive.
>>1361477i'm so sorry you struggle with this too, but i'm also happy to know that i'm not completely alone with this! i was prepared to be called retarded for chewing for stimulation kek.
>>1361481i heard this a lot! the mouth stimulation also seems to be the reason why people gain weight when they stop smoking - aside from nicotine dulling your appetite/hunger.
thank you for all you replies nonnies, now i feel less retarded for discovering this about myself kek.
No. 1361502
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My cat has coughed a few times recently, like little coughing fits. Should I be worried? I fear she will have a worse one when I’m not home and god knows what will happen
No. 1361699
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are elsie and 2X-tan related? or are they just the same species?
No. 1361704
>>1361699They're girlfriends
nonnie. Just 2
terf girls in love, both so happen to have horns
No. 1361742
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Does anyone know how messenger determines the friends to show in the green bubble list? I’m trying to google it but can’t seem to word it right
No. 1361746
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>>1361704that is marvelous, thank you for enlightening me noni
No. 1361861
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My mom wants to watch blonde with me tonight but I’m worried about the rape/sex scenes how graphic are they? Anyone who watched please let me know thnx
No. 1361867
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>>1361823Her @ is birds777
No. 1361873
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artfags where do I start? I'm a weeb and I've been drawing on and off since I'm like nine but it's literally just picrel because I don't know how any of this works
No. 1361875
>>1361873Look up "How to draw dynamic poses". There are lots of resources that can help.
For starters, think about what kind of person yout character is. Are they timid? Draw them slightly hunched over or looking a bit nervous. Are the haughty? Draw them with a hand on their hip and their face looking slightly up.
Look up lots of refences. See how different camera angles can make hugely different impressions. A camera distorting the proportions of a character can give the scene a feeling of unease. It all depends on what you wanted really. Google is your friend here. Lots of photography to give you ideas.
No. 1361884
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>>1361870holy shit you’re right I just saw a clip from the abortion scene where the fetus says “you won’t do what you did last time right mommy”… why would ana de armas sign up for this
No. 1362013
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>>1362006Done thanks
nonnie No. 1362028
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Thoughts on the announcement of community’s movie? I love this show a lot but Idk the last two seasons were really bad and almost unwatchable but still it’s good to know that troy and abed are back
No. 1362106
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>>1362081Give it a rewatch! The second and third seasons are the best they have one of the most iconic lines too
No. 1362198
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>>1362179I take mine at my hip divet but I wear high waist which I already know as measurement, this pic seems accurate and another recommend measuring your ass which is probably true in pants. In sewing class they told us your hips are usually 10+ inches compared to the waist.
No. 1362213
Does anyone know is neocities let's you post pictures of dead animals? I want to post my cooking processes and I'm worried that if I show fresh fish that I'm going to cook it counts as gore or some dumb shit
>>1362175Oh, sweet! Thank you this is perfect
No. 1362356
>>1362341Yes, kek anons listen to this shit, I left when I found out we had the same surname after a few months of dating. Both from the same small local area. Obviously I ran for the HILLS. (his original surname changed due to marriage and, I can only assume by choice, he didn't once tell me!)
Here's my stupid question: does that count as incest?
No. 1362403
>>1362356Yes, stop fucking your cousins you talk about this shit
all the time.
No. 1362541
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How badly would it traumatize/ostracize a kid and make them resent me raising them without smart phones, streaming media etc?
I don't want my future offspring to grow up all mentally fucked from the internet and the shit companies put on Netflix nowadays but they'll probably feel like a weirdo in school and end up hating me by the time puberty starts, genuinely thinking sticking them in some traditional european boarding school for a fuckton of money might be the only way out since homeschooling doesnt work for me.
No. 1362562
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>>1362541If you mean now, that could cause issues, even just in a inconvenient way. Everything is online now, for better or worse. I could barely maintain friendships in middle and high school because I didn't have my own phone and wasn't allowed to go out and it made socializing very difficult just from the fact that kids my age were sharing info and planning outings together way more easily than I could. The best solution would be to teach them to use the internet safely and responsibly. Kids can just use a feature phone to call you or text you or their friends in case of emergency, and can use the internet on a desktop in the living room if necessary for homework or to use social media once they're late teens. Make sure your kids know they can come see you and talk to you if they have issues like, idk, their phones stopped working, they receive weird messages online from strangers and don't know how to block them, they found out that their classmates were retarded enough to post pictures of them like it's nothing, whatever. I raised my youngest sister this way, my other sisters and I prevented her from making a FB account at 7 years old like a retard and told her it's very dangerous and kids aren't mature enough to be on the internet unsupervised, now she's a normie and the most scandalous thing she ever saw online was fanarts of Zoro and Sanji kissing and holding hands kek. However she's not tech savvy either and I had to teach her how to use a USB drive very recently even though she was 18 at the time because zoomers are more used to pads and smartphones than to actual computers.
tldr; Make sure they get good habits by themselves and can be independent and trust you enough to tell you if they have problems, so you won't have to worry about what they do online when you're not here to see it. I said I was very sheltered and that's the reason I'm perpetually online and learned English to escape my parents' very strict and unfair surveillance for example.
No. 1362705
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That guy got hit on the head with TWO coconuts!
No. 1362858
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Nonnas who have jewelry/earrings: I have a lot of tiny earrings and I've been keeping them in a small jewelry box, but I wonder is there a better way to store them? So they stay in pairs?
No. 1362863
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>>1362858if they're stud i have a heart dish where i only put rings and earrings but theres more in a old jewelry box i own. if they are long with hooks or clasp then i hang them on similar to pic related
No. 1362865
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>>1362858>>1362863i saw this and it could be cute with either the plants, books, or the accessory dish in the middle while long earrings hang on the netting. also either of these you can attach hooks to hang necklaces or bracelets.
No. 1362919
>>1362156Thank you
nonnie I was desperate to remember those Lita shoes!
No. 1363011
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I'm going to have my first ever job interview tomorrow and I'm really nervous, what tips do you nonnies have? also it should be noted that the aforementioned job interview will be for McDonald's kek, but I'd still appreciate advice
No. 1363027
>>1363011Smile and make eye-contact. Act friendly.
On the flip side look out for red flags from the interviewer — are they a creep, do they ask you illegal questions like “where do you live/how old are you/are you married/etc”, do they look extremely tired/tell you they’re tired (this means they’re severely understaffed), do they complain about other employees (run as fast as you can if a fast food manager does this lol). Remember you can decline the job if you suspect something is off after the interview is over and you have time to reflect.
No. 1363061
>>1363011Remember that you come out on top after every interview. By that I mean either you get the job or you get good experience interviewing, which is its own benefit. In this sense you have more power and more to gain than the interviewer.
I started working when I was 15 but somehow I didn’t have my first job interview until I was 26 and had gotten a masters degree. Felt silly about that but I managed it just fine.
No. 1363073
>>1363011Google "interview questions for mcdonalds" or "mcdonalds interviews" and see if any good info comes up. This is just so you can get a general feel of what questions might come up and how the interviews might go.
After you get the job, google "wage theft" and "employee rights in $my city/state/country$" as fast food managers can be pretty shady so if you get one of them, you'll want to know what your actual rights are.
No. 1363113
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Hey nonny, how bad is the current twitter Miku fandom nowadays? Say, what could I get petty cancelled for? Would I get cancelled if I just draw normal artworks of Miku with adult anatomy? (Eg just giving her a big chest) i am not a pornfag nor i will draw any porn but i am just wondering.
No. 1363146
I found it during the very beginning of It's Baby Dash drama, and sticked around for (at that time) milky and ongoing Cryaotic/ChaoticMonki threads because back then the entire 'late night crew' started slowly disbanding and they had a lot of personal drama between each other, plus the gf at that time was the milkiest BPD-chan. (i remember how she told one of the friends of LNC to kill herself)
>>1363140I think the 'newer' version of PULL would have been better if they bothered looking at the archive and hosted the archived pages.
No. 1363173
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Why are women’s volleyball sportswear so much tighter/shorter than men’s volleyball?! It looks so uncomfortable on women because of how ridiculously short their clothes are wtf why are women ok with this
No. 1363208
>>1363190>>1363191Basically this. You can make a decent vegan curry with lentils and some frozen veg, rice etc. for not much money. If you want to add more protein, you can do wonders with tempeh, tofu or seitan (if you're not allergic). It's generally cheaper than meat and the meat that is cheaper, is generally unhealthy af. The main thing you need to watch out for is B12 deficiency, but everybody is at risk of developing that, even if you eat a shit ton of animal products. Which is why B12 is added to a fuckload of things (soymilk, nutritional yeast, most cereals etc). Before going vegan I had a B12 deficiency and had to take injections which didn't work, now I've been vegan for over a decade, no B12 deficiency in all that time and never had injections again. B12 is easier to absorb in frequent small dosages than in one big dose apparently. Other than that just make sure you get enough fat so you don't mess with your hormones and watch your omega 6 vs 3 ratio. It gets expensive when you try to eat exactly like you did before, but just swapping out animal products for the vegan versions. The main difficulty with going vegan is that if you don't want it to be expensive, it takes more prep and not everyone has the time or energy for that. They just need something that tastes good, is cheap, fast to make and you don't have to think too much about nutritional content.
>>1363206>You need eggs to prepare pasta so no, it's not vegan iirc.Wtf are you on about? Most boxed pasta doesn't contain egg and you can make fresh pasta without egg too?
No. 1363236
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>>1363234Yeah and you can also make fresh pasta without egg. It's not impossible without. I've made my own ravioli before.
No. 1363413
>>1363324i love veiny arms lol wouldn't say it makes me horny but i think it's hot, too smooth arms on guys look weird to me idk
anyway can someone pls recommend me a good eyebrow gel? my brows are very stubborn and nothing really holds them well
No. 1363439
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Can someone recommend or help me find soups that use pumpkin/kabocha but isn't a blended soup? I want to make a chunky soup.
No. 1363463
>>1363186chicken eggs and dairy are some of the cheapest protein sources. insisting on veganism just fucks yourself over. plus it's bad for your health. vegans have to take expensive supplements because theyre pretty much starving to death. your friend is just coping.
>>1363208cheap meat is not unhealthy. no one is making curry out of spam and hotdogs. cheapest meats are pork, chicken, and sale beef. homemade beef stew can be only like $2 a bowl. if you're so poor you can't afford a $2 meal I dont know what to tell you.
i wish grocery stores sold offal but boomers stopped eating it so now no one knows what it is. boomers really did destroy the entire planet.
No. 1363620
File: 1664903364926.jpg (195.67 KB, 1024x768, 1299923135923.jpg)

When you started using imageboards, how long did it take for you to stop being just a lurker and begin posting?
It took me around 3-4 years to start posting, and around 7 years to gain enough courage to make threads. Sounds absurd but I've always leaned towards lurking rather than posting until I got older.
No. 1363624
>>1363615It's kind of both. Some normie women will call themselves that if they just happen to have male kids. I noticed a few regular, healthy mothers doing that online. Some women that actually coddle their male children will proudly wear the title as well.
But it's also a derogatory title at the same time, aimed at the second type of women I described.
No. 1363727
>>1363439my trick for finding a kabocha "soup" recipe to jump off of is searching for "curry" instead and tweaking it to fit my tastes / desired water level.
I never blend my kabocha. love to have it in chunks, the texture of it is what I like the most (it's so dense but also tender, mmm)
No. 1363792
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Nonnies, what are your opinions on a men using this smiley ? What type of person do you picture him to be ? I had an argument with someone and I want to know if I'm wrong kek
No. 1363840
>>1363823they go away on their own. short of surgery – which is a drastic measure for serious cases – there is no cure except time. it's more of a prevention game for the rest of your life. sometimes a cream can relieve discomfort but then you have a slimed up butt so it's a tradeoff. you
have to drink more water. dehydration will make your life suffering if you have hemorrhoids.
No. 1363846
>>1363840how long does it take to go away? had this one (first one) for 2 months now and it's the same/slightly bigger.
i will start drinking more water/eating more fiber bc i'll admit i strain a bit too much.
No. 1363869
>>1363823i have a puff on my butthole i think might be from a past hem so my butthole is just ugly now forever. i don't really want to get butthole surgery because i tend to shit from there once a day and don't want an open wound getting infected.
anusol works for active ones. it's worth the money
No. 1363874
>>1363869i heard "Mayinglong cream" is good for hemorroids so i just ordered that.
a month ago it wasn't visible, but you could feel it. now i'm sure it's visible but it did also get scratched and bled a day ago. literally can't let anyone hit it from behind unless the lights are out now kekek
No. 1363940
>>1363917i dont feel threatened by terminally online autists
>>1363919i know right, i only check the ftm and mtf threads but whenever i scroll past the shayna thread there is some unhinged person talking about how they want her to get raped and murdered, shaynatards are more insane than her
No. 1364001
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Is there a name for these type of lips?
No. 1364014
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>>1364002posting more so someone can get a clearer idea
No. 1364063
>>1364044>>1364052Thanks a lot nonnas!
>>1364056You must teach me your ways anon.
No. 1364190
>>1364172Your feelings are
valid, but I don't think you are truly asexual if you have had sexual feeling when you are younger as they might end up coming back when you get older. Don't worry about labels too much.
No. 1364402
>>1364399It's all three which makes it
confidence, don't let anyone else know that secret.
No. 1364424
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Who showers/goes to the bathroom with shoes on?
I’m absolutely terrified of going to the bathroom barefoot and I can’t explain why. Don’t get me wrong I regularly clean and wash my tiles and everything but Idk.. something about the bathroom tiles against my bare feet just sends a horrifying chill down my spine. Same thing with bathtubs, I can’t take a bubble bath and lay down because I’m afraid something will come out of the drain and suck me in
No. 1364443
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>>1364442dropped my pic for some reason
No. 1364447
>>1364442I think these are called wet bathrooms. They seem like they'd grow mold easier? But idk.
>>1364424Only time I wore some was when I had to live in inpatient because sharing a shower could cause foot fungus and such
No. 1364582
>>1364550I am 21 and a kpopsperg, look at the lyrics of "cookie" and tell me you still support being friends with her. I can't even look at the group without puking, imagine what they're going through behind the scenes. Poor girls.
(Sorry for the sperg, would post image caps but Kpop)
No. 1364613
>>1364582Holy shit you weren’t kidding
>you know I wanna sprinkle all over>made a little cookie, softer than brownies>looking at my cookie, the scent alone will make you taste itHow is this even legal? Poor girls I can’t believe they got 14 year olds singing soft porn lyrics
No. 1364640
>>1364633never mind, I looked it up and that's even worse.
Is this slang common? I had never heard of it before.
No. 1364641
>>1364633Cookie is usually a synonym for your vulva
No. 1364857
>>1364801most anything you can throw spinach in like a hot pasta dish or a soup, you can throw arugula in. it's also a good pizza topping in my opinion.
you can also stuff ravioli with it (and some cheese) or add it to pierogi filling if you like a project. stuffed dumplings of some variety will use up a lot of greens fast in my experience.
No. 1364883
File: 1664990441373.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.34 KB, 800x825, 322112_1100-800x825.jpg)

i have similar white spots in one of my teeth, what are these, how do i get rid of these? they look so annoying
No. 1364892
File: 1664991299901.png (340.25 KB, 770x877, Screenshot_20221005-123308.png)

>>1364883That's calcium buildup. Get one of those dental tool kits online for like $5. The ones you want to look out includes a tartar remover on the left like pic attached.
No. 1364896
>>1364883Whatever you do please don’t do this
>>1364892 lol. It could just as easily be decalcification and you would quickly blast away your remaining enamel.
No. 1364954
>>1364920Any recs on Spanish TV? I know some grammar from school luckily.
>>1364939For work
No. 1364974
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How do you get over the feeling of you ass cheeks flapping everywhere when exercising?
No. 1365126
>>1364948its so useless though its only spoken in shithole
t.south american
>>1364954watch los simuladores its complete on youtube
No. 1365127
>>1364954I think pretty much every american show out there is dubbed in spanish. You can pick your favorite and watch the dub.
For native spanish shows, I like Alerta Aeropuerto.
No. 1365398
>>1364974the clapping means it's working
>>1365293or this, yeah