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No. 1359356
Vent away.
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>>>/ot/1351685 No. 1359385
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I got period blood on my bath robe, and I ran out of hydrogen peroxide. I know I can just regularly wash it but it just won't get the stain out like hydrogen peroxide.
My flow is also heavier than usual. Hate this shit.
No. 1359420
Idk why I'm even writing this, since nothing can be done about it, but I suppose this is less embarrassing than actually telling to someone irl. I'm trying to accept that after the last of my family dies, I'll be left completely alone, a weird old maid. The wgtow radfem part of me is at odds with the romantic inside of me, and I just feel sad. If I were to find a bf or whatever, that would only mean accepting bottom of the barrel trash. And that trash would think itself settling for me instead, and would cheat at first opportunity. I used to think this was just me, but I now realize that most women settle for the first guy that comes their way, without bothering to vet through, unless he's showing a big red banner of a flag. I guess being alone is just too scary for some.
No. 1359428
It’s really frustrating that I basically have to play my boyfriend’s body like a bop-it for him to finish. Like ok not only do I have to ride him, I also have to… dominate him! Touch his [redacted]! Fondle his [redacted]! Let him smell my [redacted]! All while talking dirty. I do this for him and it’s both emotionally and physically draining for me.
Last night I asked for something extremely simple, I just wanted to be kissed and squeezed and for him to do the work, no dirty talk, and he couldn’t get off. It made me so mad that me loving him and wanting him to just have sex with me normally wasn’t enough to turn him on. I’m so sad… I just gave up, gave him the silent treatment and went to sleep.
I guess I always thought pornsickness/mental illness led men to be aggressive, domineering, demanding, and into idk anal and bondage and stuff. But I have an inkling that this is just pornsickness or something similar with a different coat of paint, where he can only get off in a very specific way. Also he has mom issues so that might explain it. Still, what do I even do????? I love him so much but I just want simple sex where he’s putting in as much effort to initiate as I am, no complexities, not always so fetishy. I don’t even know how to talk to him about it. I want to be felt just as wanted as I try to make him feel, but instead I feel like a robot rotating the same 6 things that I know make him finish because it takes him FOREVER, all because I love him.
WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE ON TOP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE especially because I’M more of a submissive and I have been going out of my way to learn to make him feel good PUT IN SOME FUCKING EFFORT AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa!! AAAAaa!!!!!!!
No. 1359438
>>1359433Thanks nonna, the thing is he has been considerate with me because I have a hard time having sex/being intimate at all so he never pushes anything and our sex is really infrequent, and we have conversations about that—I’m going to therapy for it, past childhood abuse, multiple rapes, grooming, yadda yadda. But I think those conversations are easier to have because like, they’re centered on it being
my fault.
I’m the one who has the issues,
I’m the one who isn’t in the mood, etc.
I do love him, I’m wondering if trying to have a conversation about it is going to open up a complete floodgate of him being mad and upset because this time he’s the one with the issues. And it’s not like “well nonna if he’d get mad about that leave his ass” because I’m simply afraid of that possibility, not certain of it, being a battered woman who’s used to being mistreated in much worse ways by much worse men. When you’ve been through really terrible things, idk like abuse, constant rape, I was even trafficked briefly, and someone is finally (mostly) kind to you, admittedly you can get complacent and have a huge fear that the one person who is kind to you will leave you for being too fucked up.
I guess I’ll just say “it’s really tiring for me to be the one in control all the time, and I wanted to feel wanted during sex the way I make you feel wanted” or something simple like that and see what happens.
No. 1359483
>>1359472That's another thing that bothers me. I'm only reflecting on this stuff now, but the super skinny trend is
also about being hot and sexy. "I'm skinny so I can dress slutty", "I'm skinny so I can do pin up", blah blah, it's the exact same thing, it's always about making sure women know that they can moid pander and find value in that. I hate it. They pick out vulnerable self conscious girls and tell them they're sexy. It's like a weird version of grooming no matter what end of the spectrum they're on. Hiking groups for middle aged women are probably the only genuinely body positive groups to exist I swear to god
No. 1359517
>>1359470I do remember the first times I've seen this "body positivity" phrase online a decade ago it was meant to say that people shouldn't negatively judge you over your body in general as long as your healthy, and it wasn't just about fat people. Then landwhales quickly started posting nonstop about H&M being bigots for not having their sizes and about how they're empowered by crop tops. I got fed up with it once I started seeing more and more of them being clearly unhealthy yet crying about how their doctors told them that they need to lose weight to not have fucked up joints anymore. And this whole thing about being sexy made it even harder to take seriously, it was obviously done by insecure people projecting their personal issues on others.
>>1359472>And I think that skinny trend is due to come back around soon anyway.It has already started I think.
No. 1359518
>>1359470>people in the age demographic where they can be bullied into suicide by their peers at school?Yeah uh.. fat girls in school were definitely bullied to the point of suicide and not everything about ~body positivity~ used to be about being a whore but go off, cause it's not like being skinny with a washboard abdomen wasn't pornified as fuck back in the 90s and 2000s.
Pickmes are bound to hijack anything, and don't worry, most fat moids still walk around thinking they're entitled to models anyway.
No. 1359525
>>1359512The amount of times I've heard men share this oh so cool anecdote
>omg I went down on a girl years ago and she didn't smell the best. Can you believe that. I don't even know if I can be bothered eating pussy anymore since that happened that one time. I mean yeah it was a spontaneous one night stand after a long night of drinking and partying but dam why wasnt she fresh Wow genitals smelt less than fresh one time. You poor thing. I can see why this is a story you feel the need to share
Also men
> drip dry their dicks at best, thats treated as the normal standard, can't decide whether they want to steal and sniff underwear or whether our genitals need to be totally sterile at all times, obsessed with eating assholes. No. 1359540
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Server I'm in with a bunch of my close friends has this one guy posting pics of himself everyday in women's clothing and he only does it to fish for compliments. At the beginning I didn't mind it but now it's every fucking day he posts himself in this short skirt and thigh highs with fucking fingerless gloves on. I think everyone except this one troon (who I'm pretty sure has been using a voice modulator to sound more feminine lately) has been ignoring them, but I still hate getting notifications about it.
No. 1359542
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>>1359539Its focused pain on this part of my back above the booty. Doesn't extend anywhere else though. I was dry heaving and straining to vomit though which was pretty dumb of me to not have some self control despite being sick.
No. 1359550
>>1359541Specifically WRT to joints too, patients need to be under a certain weight before they can get orthopedic surgery. That applies to men and women. Blog but I worked in PT/ortho clinic and even our surgeon needed to lose weight before he could get his own knee replacement. It’s a surgical risk and a recovery risk.
On the flip side doctors and pharma do just fucking hate women point blank. Every woman should expect to be ignored and overlooked by a doctor at some point in their life no matter their health. Sometimes it’s deadly - like the bloating from ovarian/uterine cancer, or the brain/pituitary tumors that are written off with a referral to a psych.
No. 1359558
>>1359551I'm not talking about normal fat women here, I'm talking about very obese women who complain about specific health issues that are 100% caused by their weight. Again, I know that fat and even chubby women are treated like shit by incompetent doctors sometimes but this is a separate issue from what I'm describing.
>>1359550>On the flip side doctors and pharma do just fucking hate women point blankI know that from my own experience and from what I've seen with friends and family. I know I've be relatively lucky because my health issues are taken seriously but that's because my GP is a woman who's specialized in gynecology. But everytime she needs to be replaced I always have to deal with retards, including a woman who tried to convince me, a virgin, that I wasn't actually vomiting because I was sick but because I pregnant. That doesn't contradict what I said though.
No. 1359562
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>>1359545Thank you kind nona..have a nice day.
No. 1359563
>>1359518Please refer your blind ass to
>>1359483 where I said
>the super skinny trend is also about being hot and sexy. "I'm skinny so I can dress slutty", "I'm skinny so I can do pin up", blah blah, it's the exact same thing, it's always about making sure women know that they can moid pander and find value in that. I hate it. They pick out vulnerable self conscious girls and tell them they're sexyInstead of getting your knickers in a twist. The point of this was not to attack fat or skinny, it was to point out that body positivity is infuriatingly sex obsessed when the people who need it most are literally too young
No. 1359619
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I like working where I am at (mostly), but sometimes it just dawns on me how capitalism is wasteful and evil. Like yeah, we have tons of baked sweets lined up, a lot of these don't even sell by the end of the expiration date. Then the supplier comes and trade the old one for a new one. Where do the old ones go? Trash, most likely. Not even mentioning the ones that turn bad on the shelves, so we just trash them. I am currently eating some "expired" packaged lunch that one of the suppliers always leave for the employees when he brings the new ones, but these are the exception.
Today one older homeless lady came in asking for food and we'll, I'm powerless. My boss said no, and I know she's not evil, she just doesn't want to make it a habit. Then one of our clients bought a baked sweet for her, but then she wanted to change for another one. My boss said no again and she started to make a scene, there was this whole commotion involving my boss, my coworker and the lady. It left such a bad taste in my mouth. Like, I kinda understand all sides, no one is at fault but this stupid world that leaves people hungry and homeless, and other people have to fight with nail and teeth to not become homeless and hungry. I hate it all.
No. 1359659
>>1359541>Shut the fuck upNo I will not and facts do not care about your feelings.
A shame that fat women advocating for themselves threatens you in some fashion, but it is true. Medical weight bias is a real and documented fact especially among the "competent" moid doctors who you are stanning for so hard.
>I specifically talked about joints here for a reasonThere's a broader range of issues that overweight women are misdiagnosed about like say, oh, cancer. Another anon mentioned endo.
I didn't say you were wrong about the joints, I just hope you're not that dense to believe that is the only issue out there.
>known a lot of women who had their actual health problems denied by doctors including my own mother because of munchies and fat patients taking up resources and making some doctors doubt their next patients "Lack of resources dedicated to medicine in some of the most wealthy countries in the world and my competent doctors carrying their biases between patients is most definitely the fault of fat women!"
Whatever you say.
No. 1359719
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>>1359709>bmi 18>skelly>bmi 20-25>fattiesAre you high? Or do you not know what these numbers mean?
No. 1359759
>>1359428sounds like breaking up is the only real option because sex preferences like this do not change and men do not give a fuck to cater to the woman in their lives. if you haven't read or listened to trans widows experiences, that's what it's like being with these kind of paraphiliac men who make their female partners act like sex dispensers and ignore their needs and desires completely, sex losing any real intimacy or enjoyment. I'm not saying he's destined to troon out, but as a well-known example of this kind of behavior. You might love him but over time this shit strains and kills a relationship. Included podcast episode of a trans widow whose husband was similar and his behavior escalated.
>Also he has mom issues so that might explain it.I'd run for the hills with this alone.
No. 1359891
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Met up with a classmate today and just realized I had eye boogers the whole time. I WASHED MY FACE THIS MORNING.
No. 1359982
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>went to a work trip
>every food in grocery stores as x2 cheaper than in my own country despite A LOT higher salary
>the amount of food i got for 16eur is a lot while if i paid the same money i would have bought only 4 food items in my country
i am so tired. prices keep getting increased off everything and we have always had economical problems there, but i feel like there is no way i can ignore this kind of stuff anymore. i wish i could have had more money by just buying less food and even that wouldn't help me. its so damn dumb, i hate it.
No. 1360069
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Today I wore pants 6 sizes smaller than last year and felt so proud and happy for myself but I am surrounded by traumatised individuals who would flip their shit if I were to mention stuff like that to them, no matter how happy I was so I wasn't able to tell anyone today. Had to get it out, not sure if it's more a confession but it's also mind blowing how no one is staring at my fat ass anymore the same way they did before, I am still way chubby and possibly even flabby but that's what you get.
No. 1360086
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I'm sick of feeling so lonely. This couple around my age just moved in right next to me and I can hear them talk and laugh and stuff and it just felt like a punch to my chest. I'm glad that others are happy, don't get me wrong but I've been lonely for so long, despite putting myself "out there". It hurts so bad.
No. 1360117
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90% sure I have PCOS but I'm not sure what to do because my insurance is so fucked up. Sigh.
No. 1360131
>>1360100>Guess if I had more money or my own place I'd give 50% less of a shit about it.You would not only care less, but potentially be even more actively opposed to the idea. I have my own place and can't see the point of a serious relationship because he couldn't fit in my apartment and I'd never want to leave so I could move in with him, but I'm over 30 so that'd be the expectation. And since I have money/assets, I'd hate to ever get married because your money becomes 'our money' and I could lose some of it in case of a divorce, or if he had bad habits with money. Men are a financial liability and disturb the peace, I can't do it.
That said it doesn't really help you shake the stigma of being long term single. People are gonna judge no matter what your circumstances are, you need thick skin and to know exactly what you want, and refuse to compromise on that regardless of what other people think.
No. 1360221
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i'm pushing everyone away again, except this time i don't want to come back. i feel bad but it's not like my company is worthwhile anyway, so they'll be fine. they deserve better and i'm too tired to deal with anything anymore.
No. 1360237
my brother sits on his ass all day, refuses to contribute any money to the household, demands that my mom buys him alcohol/skincare products/everything else, and is just a huge selfish asshole in general. he tells my mom that she's a washed up loser almost every day and she just smiles and nods to avoid a fight. yet he gets fawned over and constantly worried about, asked if he's eating enough, babied like a manchild and more. i'm no angel but i actually try to be nice, am constantly forced to mediate screaming physical fights, take care of my own shit, and clean the house. but there's always anger and dismal directed towards me, especially from my female relatives. literally last night i saw my grandma cheerfully tell my brother goodnight and to sleep well, while i was silently washing dishes in the kitchen and cleaning up dinner (as i do every night). she turned her head and sped walked by me to avoid saying anything. i despise how males are infantilized and treated like delicate children for their whole fucking lives
No. 1360275
This is childish but it got to me today, I for whatever reason am still ig mutuals with an ex friend and seeing her in a big birthday party, with a seemingly loving partner and friends just got to me. She was a fucking menace when I was friends with her, did drugs, abused her prescriptions and was so off the rails her ex gf got a restraining order against her, she made everyone uncomfortable and worried out of our minds back then. During the pandemic, we grew the fuck apart because I got cancer, could not really leave my place, all I did was go to my appointments and treatments and she carried on her bullshit, and it was for the best because she was a piece of shit. Maybe she has turned her life around, how the fuck do I know, but it just stung to see her at this nice bday party for her as I think about how I haven't been able to see anyone really because risky, it's not her fault, not even mine but damn that shit hurted!! I was the stupid mom friend, tried to get her to quit, brought her to her therapy shits and she gets to have a nice bday party, with her gf, she still somehow has friends and I lost most of mine because I wasn't able to hang and people find cancer uncomfortable. I get it, I am in therapy for it, I get that, but I am free to be a baby about it and say shit isn't fair lol
No. 1360332
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What is the solution to retarded scrotes?
No. 1360373
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I have a yeast infection and it's very uncomfortable
No. 1360478
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Another day of being awake at 2am because I'm too anxious to sleep. Fuck my GP for saying I can't go on any anxiety or sleeping meds I wish her an eternity of sleepless nights with a racing heart and endless horrible thoughts
No. 1360505
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>>1360232thank you anon, i will try to be patient and see how i feel in the coming weeks.
>>1360239thanks, it's not mine but here is another cute plush pic for you.
>>1360289i'm hope you never have to know what this feels like, anon.
No. 1360512
>>1360306No you stupid fuck, I'm a chronically depressive who understands that isolation void very well. I've just learned to get my head out of my ass. If you keep blocking out people because of low self-worth issues, which feeds into the cycle of depression, you're the one who should step the fuck up, help yourself stop that kind of behavior and make effort to maintain a support system. But I get it, it's just easier to mope, to self flagellate, to be addicted to feeling bad.
>>1360303When I imagine pulling away from depression, it's not about going to parties, doing fun stuff or being an entertaining monkey to the public. I'm specifically talking about the type of depressed friends who cut all contacts with everyone for weeks, meanwhile lamenting their existence online. The type who rejects every attempt of connection, who passive-aggressively wants help but won't get over themselves to reach back, the type who cries about "wahhh everyone is better off without me" but they are completely blind to the way they make their own support system feel unworthy and not enough. That's the real reason you're sapping joy out of people, it's not because you're not a happy go lucky bundle of sunshine. At some point, you're doing that shit to yourself.
No. 1360541
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Last semester of undergrad and god one of my classes is just awful. Lots of busy work that doesn't really help learn the material and my professor just breezes through PowerPoints with no substance to them (mostly pictures). Midterms are coming up and I can already feel I'm going to contribute to the fat curve that will be slapped on it.
No. 1360550
>>1360542aonn there are only 2 options:
>men use you and lie to you in order to get pussy>men ignore you and leave you alone bc they don't find you fuckablemen don't truly "love" pretty women as people, they just want to get their dicks wet and will sometimes pretend to see her as human in order to get her to put out. Pretty women can attest to this. Personally I think this is even more demoralizing and fucked up than being ignored. The point is men are incapable to perceiving women as people and it is best to avoid them altogether.
No. 1360558
>>1360550Eh, I think it's dismissive to say it's just always more fucked up (and also gives lowkey vibes you're one of those that likes framing pretty girls as being the real underdogs–a sentiment I've seen exploding with rising beauty standards). If you were right about it always being more fucked up, then so many girls and women wouldn't obsessively strive to be prettier and the halo effect wouldn't exist. I'm not trying to be
victim blamey here, but there is a reason why so many try achieving these standards–sometimes, there is palpable social benefit. This isn't always a good thing. It can backfire. However, plenty of unattractive or average girls and women get shallow sexual attention and are lied to, lead on, etc. It's just the effort men are willing to expend tends to be lower. They openly talk about ugly women being "easier" in between talking about them like pieces of meat.
No. 1360563
>>1360558take off your tinfoil hat, i'm just saying in my opinion it's better to be able see things for what they are rather than be lied to and taken advantage of when both land at the same result– realizing men don't see you as human. Pretty girls get sucked into the traps and thoroughly chewed up and spat out before they realize this, which I'm saying is sad. As an uggo I'm grateful I never had to go through any of that to see men for what they are.
>If you were right about it always being more fucked up, then so many girls and women wouldn't obsessively strive to be prettierwhat you're misunderstanding is that there's a difference between "what women think reality is" and "reality". Women strive so hard to be pretty because they've been sold the lie that prettiness is the key to getting love and respect from men, not realizing that love and respect from men is impossible.
No. 1360569
>>1360563Nope. Nobody's taking my tinfoil.
I agree mostly, it is all a lie. I disagree that being pretty is objectively worse or leads to more fucked up situations. Unless I'm misunderstanding? I just think being completely ignored is extremely rare, even for "uggos" We're lucky we weren't considered easy or whatever. It took a very long time and I'm finally starting to feel relieved that I never touched a man. It's painful to hear about what women experienced and I was absolutely naive enough to say yes to any boy that would have asked me out back then.
No. 1360593
I don't think that's most of what got her demonized? I think Depp was a psycho, had connections, and had an agenda - alongside Adam Waldman - to tear her to pieces publicly. I think she would have still been a public enemy if she had aged like radioactive oatmeal. Similar happens to ugly women that are in the public eye, famous, and/or powerful, it's just much rarer because most female celebrities are attractive. A lot of beautiful women are beloved and there - aside from misogynists - aren't really much people going on about manipulativeness, it's just easy for people to turn sour about it because it's a form of people trying to suppress women that have a chance to actually gain public/social power or go against the status quo…or just plain old schadenfreude.
I think you're right in terms of normal, everyday people tho? Usually unattractive women are invisible. However, I was beaten up, asked when I'd shoot up the school, considered creepy, etc., so I didn't really have the relief of being invisible and I wish I just looked interestingly normal sometime. It's a weakness.
No. 1360600
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every time I start to feel fine and even good something exceptionally trivial happens that seems to bump my mood down a couple notches and then I start spiraling into feeling like crap again for the night so I always have to remind myself of how many times before I thought it was the end of the world when something happened but seeing as I'm right here right now I turned out fine in the end anyways but it doesn't stop me from thinking "what if this time is really the last straw" sigh I don't even know. I'm in the middle of switching between meds right now so maybe that has something to do with it but I still feel poopy nonetheless and I wish I wasn't such a loner sometimes but I never want to do anything about that either. I just want to have fun forever and ever and I like being by myself but it gets tiring sometimes
No. 1360604
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>mom puts my skirt in the washer
>she leaves it in my room to dry because we don't own a dryer and she puts the skirt RIGHT ON TOP OF MY PS3 FOR SOME REASON
i'm so livid i feel like i'm gonna pass out. surely she knew putting a large wet cloth on top of an aging electronic device would be a bad idea? did she do it on purpose or is she just fucking retarded?
No. 1360623
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not sure where else to post this but the state of some british huns/chav women and the total addiction to fillers and botox is so fucking sad. picrel is only 32
No. 1360628
>>1360623Almost all the girls on Geordie Shore completely botched their faces and bodies, it's depressing as hell. But I'm not surprised, no doubt the men on the series + public scrutiny destroyed their self esteem, plus their only real way to make money now is shilling exercise programs on instagram so ofc they got BBLs.
But yeah Charlotte makes me particularly sad, she was such a character.
No. 1360633
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Not all attractive girls and women get this treatment though–which you actually suggested yourself? You even admit her particular phenotype is coded as devilish, and yet conflate it with all beauty in general so…ok? It's almost like you're so close to also referring to the fact Amber Heard looked in that sharp, beautiful way (and was middle-aged so she probably isn't a 10/10 to that many men–let's be honest here) and acted very forthright, stood up for herself, and seemed intelligent…yet then turn around and make extremely sweeping statements about all beautiful women for some reason even though you clarified there's different kinds of beauty or different situations. For example you referred to retarded beautiful women being treated well which…ok? It's almost like you know the problem isn't just beauty but having that much social leverage and then clearly defying the status quo. Plus, it's almost like you use misogynists and women with internalized misogyny as the cornerstone of how to talk about these subjects.
Please step back and maaaaybe pull in the reins a bit because you're giving some vibes you like martyring certain kinds of beautiful women.
No. 1360642
>>1360623i feel like her before pic wouldn't even be ugly if she didn't have those pencil-thin grandma eyebrows. Ladies stop plucking your damned eyebrows into an anime line. It just makes you look like you pay for groceries with a check.
I'm very interested to see what these plastic surgery addicts look like in 20 years.
No. 1360682
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Goddammit who used the Opera Gx VPN and posted this shit now I gotta reset the VPN setting. Also, love yourself.
No. 1360686
>>1360667my dumb young ass would have married both of shitty ex's. i wonder if men ever do anything but project. young women want to get married, young men want to screw around. women eventually get tired of waiting on men to grow the fuck up. then we end up 30 and unmarried because the men our age were rolling in their own filth and playing video games for 10 years, and they spin around and blame us for it, while demandng to marry an 18 year old. of course no 18 year old will ever want a malding 30+ year old man but that's besides the point.
i think the only reason men in the past ever got married was social expectations to be married by age 25 or whatever. now a 25 year old guy is indistinguishable from a teenager except for the stench. guys let themselves go to seed.
No. 1360711
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I booted up the sims 3 for the first time in many years of not playing sims. Made a new sim and put her in a house. As a kid the starting period of a sims life sucked because they were too poor to afford anything good, but this time I was immediately aware that my sim had a much better life than I do now. Her house is way bigger than my apartment, nicer, and is on a big plot of land. She makes more money than me at her level-1 job and works way fewer hours. She even gets to have a cat, which I can’t. I played it for a bit before turning it off and now I’m just laying here like picrel.
My whole life I was told to work hard and do well so you can go to a good college so you can get a good job so you can have a good life. So I did 20 years of school, got a bachelor’s and graduate degree, landed a job few people are able to get into. Here I am and it’s just… nothing. Even ignoring the money/home thing, there’s nothing I can find to give my life color. I try to be mindful and at peace and to have appreciation for everything I can, like the ability to get a cookie at the bakery sometimes or having a nice-smelling bar of soap in my shower. But still, each one of those things is just a desperate tiny foothold. None of it gives me more than a few fleeting moments of pleasure in an otherwise bleary existence. And sure, it’s always been like that, but at least in school I could tell myself a mantra of “if I keep pushing now then things will be better eventually.” And here I am, at the eventually. Is this the life I worked so hard for? I just can’t stop asking myself why? Why did I keep trying? Why do I continue to try? There’s no longer any milestone I can stick my finger on and say “I just have to keep suffering until here, and then things’ll get better.” This is that life.
Sorry this went off the rails.
No. 1360712
>>1360707I'm not going to explain at this current moment because its a long story
It's not actually, I'm just too embarrassed to talk about it in full detail and my head still hurts, but I'm sure you can figure out how to strain your vagina (well, vagina and butt I guess. The crotch in general) if you think about it.
No. 1360719
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I should stop reading the news altogether despite me needing to keep reading in order to stay alert. I can't believe even safe places of mine are overtaken by at least 2 idiots who end up doing the dystopian spreg. And instead of seeing things in grey, they see everything in black and white and they link shit like CNN as their sources and generalize the fuck out of people.
I am so tired, i just want it all to be over. I really want to a-log, already had enough of being mistreated, already had enough of sitting around quielty, i just want to have DAMN FUN and ENJOY MY TIME at least online. Fuck you. All i wanted was to have a space where i discuss one of my hobbies, but i guess i should have known its a shithole because they have a 'totez gay' ftm.
No. 1360721
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>>1360640It's dumb precisely because it's apart of a system meant to manipulate and bully women into choosing to self-sacrifice and overcompensate on behalf of a man/their family in spite of usually failing to find a true partner in a man…because most men don't actually like women nor want a partnership with one, but want to possess one. Societies across the world have benefited from this because it means many women will basically be working multiple jobs she'll get 0 credit over because the pay is supposedly just being able to keep a relationship. Hell, the idea that men just hate older women if taken at face value just makes mens' love look like shit, kek. So many boomers have come forward saying just this–that they married their awkward high school sweetheart and he ends up leaving her for younger.
How this is so blatantly transparent yet normies play dumb about it never ceases to amaze me–and no you don't have to hate men to understand the above.
No. 1360758
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i hate this bug infested hell so much. i hate this country and each time i am made to come back i grow more hateful towards it. i hate it so much i cry every day that i spend here. i hate my life and i hate everything. ive never been here for more than a month before and even then when i only had that much time to spend here i spent it all counting down every day until i could get back home.
this isnt "my country" it will never be "my country" i didnt grow up here and i will never in a million years willingly step foot in this country. its not my fault one of my parents is from here its not my fault that i look like the people that are from here its not my fucking fault stop calling it "my country". i hate being mixed race so much for this reason but thats not the point of this post.
i feel so depressed but i cant even have one moment for myself because i have to kill and swat away one million bugs constantly on me not to mention the rats that keep me up at night with their squeaking.
i mean how would you like it if you were sent to some country you are completely unfamiliar with and have to spend months in a village in the middle of nowhere with none of the food you once knew available to you at any distance despite the slew of markets due to the fact that your country is two continents away. i seriously cant be grateful for something imposed on me like this when i said time and time again that i HATE it here and i was completely unhappy last time i went and this isnt even a vacation im here for "legal paperwork" that to this day a month later i have not seen a hint of that since i left my country.
i went from a working class poorfag with ways to get around it to live comfortably to an even poorer poorfag in some place am unfamiliar with in any way and on more than that never liked.
the people here never even just counted me as one of their own because i look like an average person from their country and not a fair skinned hafu OMG EXOTIC beauty, and they always treated me like shit for being GNC which isnt to say that the other half hasnt but it was definitely way worse and in my face. it wasnt even children my age it was adults. constantly whenever i made an appearance. i made myself forget the language out of spite and hatred.
everytime i watch content regarding my country i cry. i spend every day here crying because of my miserable life. i cant even forget about it by going outside and enjoying the beautiful outdoors because there are none. althpugh this is a village it doesnt look like what you imagine all gorgeous and scenic, its just dirty gray brown and cement filled, the skies are permanently gray due to pollution and people had to wear masks even ebfore covid due to said pollution. im not even eating anymore barely half a meal a day because everything ive ever known is either nonexistent or in some plastic wrapper or otherwise fake and chemical and no im not a crunchy whatever hippie vegan but come on at least apples? nowhere to be found. in this retarded village anyway.
i am just so tired i am so sick i am so homesick. i never wanted to come here not once in my life. i just want to go back home. i hate this. no matter what anyone says i will always hate it. its not objectively bad maybe this is a life somebody would prefer but personally i get more suicidal each day i spend here. it was never my choice to be here. i am so miserable i just want to go home already but i cant. get me out of here god, please…
No. 1360768
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I feel so alienated from everyone, all the ''normal'' people dont share my hobbies/interests/life experience so, while i can casually talk with them, its hard to build strong connections with them, and the weirdos online that do share similarities with me are all weird politisperg genderspecials. I just feel like i cant be honest with anyone anymore, i feel doomed to be alone and alienated for the rest of my life and while i normally wouldn't care, i hate that you are FORCED to be part of society when i just want to move and grow my own food and life off fishing and what not.
No. 1360786
>>1360782No and yes. the childbirth guess was close enough so don't worry about it.
My headache is almost gone and I'm going to go lay back down to finish it off. I wish I could find my fucking pain medicine.
No. 1360787
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my BPDchan "close" friend seemingly split on me Monday after I didn't react exactly how she wanted in regards to her being in the path of the recent US Florida hurricane. the way she didn't give me any form of grace or understanding just bc I didn't freak out and fawn over her (bc I knew she was safe) makes me angry. she called me a bad person after I apologized for upsetting her. I miss her, plus feels like such a waste of energy the way I thought for so long we were close, maybe even best, friends. on the other hand, her hypocrisy and lack of care for me makes me think I should stop being mopey and start trying to move on from it all. it's embarrassing but it's affected my day to day activities and caused me intense depression.
No. 1360797
>>1360766im here because of my parents who have paid a ticket for me and told me it was for important legal paperwork and documentation since technically i am (half) from the country i am in right now but only ethnically due to my father. i cant just leave on my own, im a jobless poorfag freshly out of highschool. even if i had a job surely i could not have saved up for a plane ticket back. all i can do is suffer here. i cant even pass the time with friends because i have none, even if i did most of my awake hours are their sleeping/work/busy/otherwise not free hours thanks to the timezone, so i wouldnt have a way to communicate with them anyway. not only am i suffering in poverty this time in a different continent but i also have to do it all alone, which is why i came to this thread to vent
sorry for being so negative but i cannot put this in a lighter way or look at the bright side this time as hard as i try. if any of this sounds pssive aggressive it wasnt my intention, im sorry. i dont know how to express myself correctly
No. 1360830
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i wish i had a best friend. my only "best friend" was my childhood friend and she got a new best friend in college. she went to college as soon as she graduated hs, i took several years to get to college, was a recluse, had/have several mental disorders and stopped talking to everyone i knew irl
the girl i'm talking about, the girl who was my best friend, despite her mom dying in front of her at a young age, was more mentally stable than i ever was my entire life. i was exposed to my parents horrible relationship my entire life. i had and still have a love hate relationship with my parents. my dad has severe ocd and paranoia. he would involve me in his arguments with my mom. he would tell me she's cheating on him. he would plant these horrible seeds in my mind about my mother. he made me hate my mom. he made me paranoid. he made me so, so, so paranoid. as an adult in a relationship now, every single day i am reminded of the damage he dealt to my brain. i know i cannot escape what has been done to my mind, it is so engrained in everything i think, do, and say. i'm constantly fearful, fearful about things with no bearing in reality because of the damage he has done. i cannot truly be free of the turmoil from paranoia because it was reinforced in my mind again, and again, and again, and again, for years on end. i started out talking about how i wished i had a best friend. but it all led back to this, because i know that the damage done is all because of the things i experienced in childhood. it's just so unfortunate.
i wish i could escape my own insane thoughts. i understand why my dad ended up the way he did. his mom was his everything, and she died when he was young. he was 20. he never recovered, he already struggled with severe ocd but his mom dying made it a billion times worse. he was unmedicated my entire childhood. actually, he took meds for maybe 6 months when i was 5 years old but then stopped because he got brain zaps when he couldn't get his prescription for a few days. and the meds actually helped his symptoms. but his paranoia made him not go back on the meds ever again. man, it's unfair. it's just unfair. i wish i had a best friend…i wish i could go back in time and tell my dad just how much the things he exposed me to would have effected me later on…i don't think he really knows. that's another sad part about it all. sorry. i wish i had someone to talk to about this, to cry about it to, because really sometimes it hurts in a way i cannot describe. my dad wasn't the only part that messed with me, but my halfsister leaving our house when i was 5 years old (to escape being exposed to my parents and the shit my dad put my mom through) made me feel even more abandoned, i had nothing, nothing at all, noone. there are times i want to tell my sister how much it broke me to lose her. she went to live with her dad. to get away from my dad…and her and i cannot be more different.
yeah it's just really heartbreaking, maybe i should stop feeling sorry for myself. but every so often i just mourn for myself. i let my thoughts get so out of control and i cannot help but cry because damn, it's like, did i ever have a chance? i think my life could have played out a billion times over and i would've ended up the exact same way. what a sad thing to think about. haha
pic unrelated just a pic that brings a smile to my stupid little face
No. 1360897
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Stop scrolling. Tranny is posting CP again.
No. 1360915
>>1360797Figure out how to get into contact with an embassy of your real country (assuming you’re not a citizen of this place?) because your parents got you a one way ticket on purpose. they’re trying to keep you there.
my know so many people whose parents have done that. my first cousin got stuck in the middle east by her parents telling her she had to do “paperwork,” same with another friend of mine whose parents got her a one way ticket to cambodia on the premise of paperwork. it’s a very common tactic.
No. 1360936
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>>1360711Nona, I hope you find a purpose or something that brings you joy in your life.
No. 1360957
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I've got something wrong with my back crossing my fingers it isn't a herniated disk right at the start of the month I have a shit tonne of things to do, I had a meeting on Monday I now can't attend because I have to go to hospital instead, I spent the entire past week calling around to sort out switching my medication after I had a nervous breakdown, I have to start on Halloween prep and my Family is coming to stay for a week next week but I can barely walk or bend over so I can't clean the house or go shopping for food plus I'm breaking out, getting stress rashes and barely any sleep due to all of this shit can't wait to been seen by a doctor looking like a corpse dumped at the side of the road
If there is any kind of god it is absolutely torturing me for some bullshit or maybe my fucking bloodline is cursed
No. 1360961
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Nonnies, I must preface this by the fact that have schizophrenia.
Sometimes I feel like there's a swarm of bugs roiling inside me. And they buzz and they buzz shutting out and silencing my thoughts.
They tell me I am never going to be good enough. That I will forever remain and untalented ugly worthless schizo with my dead-end job and friends who always turn around to stab me in the back and never care about my feelings.
It's absolutely disgusting. I want to cut myself open sometimes just to pick the vermin one by one, but it feels endless, like television static, like if I take them all out there would only be a thin layer of dead skin left that was holding the mass of insects together.
On most days I passively want to die, on some - actively, but yesterday I caught myself thinking about having another grippy socks vacation despite me saying many times before that mental hospitals in this country are worse than prison or death or even hell.
The bugs are buzzing again and I don't know what to do.
I take my meds and try to distract myself, but nothing helps fully or for long. I hate it here.
No. 1360972
>>1360967Some very specific songs help somewhat, but not much. Mostly anything with a cozy light feel, but then again, I can't concentrate on anything, so I am not enjoying the music at all. I just sit and stare at a screen.
Movies don't really help since I can't concentrate and it feels like a huge waste watching something and not getting a single word out of it.
And talking to friends… Well, there's a reason I said they don't care about my feelings. The bugs are kind of a bit right on that. I am kind of pissed with all of my friends because they chose to hang out with my ex instead of me.
That feels absolutely awful, when one of your friends says "sorry, I can't hang out with you" and you go to their ig stories and there's drunk selfies with a person who sent you to a psychiatric institution.
Mostly I feel like I feel awful because of that. Because like, they still smile at me and appear concerned, but then they go and do this behind my back. I am probably very petty and childish though.
No. 1360990
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I’m sorry if I come off as immature I just feel lonely. My “friends” completely ignore me and forget about me unless my stream is doing well. They have all the time in the world to hang out with other friends, post screenshots of their convos with others, and add me into their stupid close friends circle on Twitter just to ignore my comment and respond to everyone else’s. Yet when my stream has 60-100 viewers they suddenly acknowledge me and start coming out the woods. They’ll comment on my stuff or like my post. They will go into my chat on high viewer days “omg I knew her since high school!” “Hehe I was her league friend back in the day!” “We had a class together btw!!” Or sometimes “I STREAM too btw! I’ll see you later nonna I’m going to STREAM now!” The worst part is that this is multiple people doing this and not just one. Is there something so severely wrong with me that NONE of them wanna hang out with me unless they feel like they might get a little recognition? Because they won’t get followers or anything from me, I’m not even popular enough to influence people to follow them. It feels so embarrassing. And since I’m already venting about it I had one friend make fun of me and laugh at me a few months ago in a voice call when my viewers weren’t as high. He told me I should give up since it’s obvious my stream isn’t going to get anywhere. I left the voice call without responding and I’m never going to talk to him again. I never cared about my stream getting big since it’s a hobby and I do it for fun but I hope it does get big so I can ignore everyone back.
No. 1360995
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Not only do I have my period and already feeling like shit because of it, I also do not have warm water since yesterday and the heater isn't working as well. Landlord said he will fix it but nothing happened yet. Had to take a ice cold shower after working out yesterday and wew that wasn't fun. On top of that it's also cold outside, so it's cold wherever I go and it annoys me so much reee.
>>1360977Reminds me of when I had to live with my bro and he always ended up shitting all over the toilette seat but never bothered to clean it up. My mum always said that he is already "doing his best to be as clean as possible". Absolutely vile.
No. 1361002
>>1360990Nonny, ive got the exact same problem, but my viewership is a lot less. My "friends" remember me only when one of my works blows up, or when I have a peak viewership, or if they NEED something from me because they became a streamer too. It breaks my heart seeing myself being so obviously used that I ended up seeing my viewers and chat as friends instead, which is honestly a lot worse. After all, building a parasocial relationship with your viewers is a terrible thing, but they really are the only people who make me keep going.
The person who bullied you is a terrible asshole, no one deserves such unsupportive people around. I hope things will get better for you
nonny and you will find good friends.
No. 1361009
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i feel kind of suicidal. like, i know im not the "prettiest". in fact, im average at best (hair and makeup done by the salon) but what happened just really wants me to hang myself.
i went to the ER yesterday for a pilonidal cyst (i didnt know it was one when i entered the ER, i just had this pain between my buttocks) and when the doctor checked me out he said "thats quite normal for females designated male at birth with mediterranean hair growth" like really dude? youre a fucking doc and youve seen tons of women! and you think im male? like yes im ugly but i still have a normal female body like what the fuck…
No. 1361027
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>>1360768I'll go fishing with you
nonnie, and we can laugh about normies and spergs while catching the big ones
No. 1361030
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Sorry if this sounds stupid nonnies but yesterday was the last night of a temporary job that I was working at and I finished later than expected so I rushed out and forgot to saygoodbye to everyone who worked with me and now I feel really guilty about it. I know that the others probably didn't notice and that I'm never going to see them again but I still feel bad because they were really nice to me even though I'm an autist who can't talk to others and always messes up tasks. I just feel like a horrible person and I don't have any way to contact them so I can't even apologise and say goodbye that way and I'm so scared that they think I'm rude or that I didn't really like them just because of last night.
No. 1361032
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>>1361027nonna, what i wouldnt do to get a
terf fishing and camping fren i swear ily
No. 1361034
>>1360711Nothing can give your life color? Family, friends, hobbies, consooming, videogames, media, books, travelling to nearby towns/villages, cooking, baking, exercise, volunteering? Can't you move up in your job? And if you can't, why stay there and waste time?
No. 1361082
I got to thinking about growing up and what the fuck was all of that. I don't remember that much but from what I do remember it was just fucking weird. Don't know how else to describe it. My mom has always gotten mad at me in the same way for some reason. Even as a really, really little kid. She'd get mad and sometimes get pissed when I asked her how to do things or she'd ask me to things I'd never done before (like sweep the floor or cook food) and then get pissed that my eight year old self couldn't hold a broom!!!! What the fuck you idiot you don't know how to fucking sweep!!!!! What are you, stupid???? Now that I'm older, she's the fucking idiot more often than not. I have to inform her of shit like twice a day because she doesn't know. I remember getting into the habit of biting myself to hurt myself so she wouldn't be mad anymore. I explicitly remember that thought popping into my head at like 5 years old. Just bite your fingers really hard and she'll have to stop yelling because you're hurt. I did that a few times.
She'd get pissed because of the most retarded fucking things too. As a kid, I was obsessed with learning new things and I would spend hours just reading things online. Once I was reading and I found out that Mac stood for Macintosh, which I thought was really interesting because I hadn't known that. I remember asking her if she knew what Mac stood for so I could kidsplain Macintosh to her and she said that it stood for Macintosh and then I went something like "oh", kind if disappointed that I couldn't be the one to inform her of what it stood for and then she gets fucking PISSED and says something like "I'm not fucking stupid you know", which looking back on is funny because she is stupid. Like jesus, imagine having a crisis of confidence because some stupid kid was disappointed she couldn't tell you something because you already knew about it.
I also remember having a bad dream and wanting to go to my mom for comfort after waking up, so I walked into the kitchen still crying and ready for a hug and then she looks at me and gets fucking pissed. She's fucking pissed at some little kid crying because of a bad dream and she just doesn't give a fuck. I had to have been like 5 or 4. And then I think she yelled at me for being bad or some retarded shit like that, because my toddler self was upset at a bad dream.
I also remember having a low blood sugar one time (I'm diabetic and was still really young at the time) and I was sitting on the toilet (can't remember why) and she was there and she gave me a juice box and I think I asked her if I could have a snack too or something and the fucking bitch says something like "I would kill you before I let you eat food in my bathroom" you fucking bitch I'm SIX. AND I HAVE A LOW BLOOD SUGAR. CAN YOU STOP YOUR RETARDED SUPERIORITY FLEXING FOR A FUCKING SECOND.
I also remember her threatening at least three times a fucking week that she would leave and take my sister with her and I could live with my dad and we could be filthy pigs together. She'd say this stupid shit allllllllllllll the fucking time as a kid. For years. And then she has the fucking GALL to get upset when I tell her later on that I think she loves my sister more than me. Yes, you fucking stupid bitch. Of fucking course I would think that you fucking retard.
Quite honestly she was a fucking cunt to deal with as a little kid. And then she'll tell me fun stories of my older brothers and sisters when they were little kids and it's like wow you bitch, sounds like it was fun the first four times. Why the fuck did you decide to have me and then be a huge fucking unstable nightmare bitch mother to me. Like is it me specifically? Because I don't know, she'd always tell me I'm just like my brothers (when I was "good") or tell me I'm just like my oldest sister ("bad") but it's like, either way you sound like you treated them better than how you treated my ass growing up so if I'm so much like your other kids why were you so fucking crazy.
No. 1361092
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>>1361082I wish I could hug you, Nona. This post made me cry and go get my daughter from her crib for a cuddle. I’m so sorry your mom was horrible and didn’t give you what you needed and deserved as an innocent child through absolutely no fault of your own. Your mom sounds like she deserves a good slap.
No. 1361098
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My father took the last two pieces of my favorite bread and ate half of each, and then left it on the table until it dried stone hard. He could've taken just one and eat that one entirely. One of those pieces was the butt, the part I like the most. I'm sad.
No. 1361105
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>>1361082I have emotionally
abusive parents too; I'm sorry nonna. Several things you mentioned stand out as textbook examples of gaslighting. You might find pic rel helpful in putting a lot of this stuff into context
No. 1361107
abusive. not gonna nitpick tho but where was your other parent doing during all of this?
No. 1361170
>>1360711I feel this so badly. I'm entering my early 30s and still living in a tiny studio apartment. I can't even afford a 1 bd. I don't know how I can ever afford to buy a place, either. My nigel is taking forever on a decision to live together, marry etc. I don't want to push him too hard but actually to live in reasonable comfort now it takes 2 incomes and I'm tired of struggling and paying more for less. It's absurd how expensive everything is and how little I get paid, and I have a non-shitty job. It used to be people working my job could afford a good life. Now I have more in common with a burger flipper than with a home owner. Wages have been stagnant for 30 years, while cost of living has never stopped increasing astronomically. It makes me so angry that I work so hard and get so little for it compared to the previous generations.
Apples are expensive. Fucking apples. Some nonna called 36 middle age, and in 6 years I will only MAYBE just started being a homeowner. people are now stuck renting shitty apartments like a college student until fucking
middle age. This is insane. Boomers need to fucking die and stop strangling the younger generations. Every time I think of it I'm overwhelmed with hatred. It's like the powers that be are trying to press us back into serfdom and grinding poverty so they can larp as a baron from the 1400s.
No. 1361189
>>1360931what i hate about church collections is that the priests only "work" part time hours, and their biggest "work" day is sunday. can't they get a job and use that money for church purposes if they're truly committed to god? it seems like they get a leisurely life to do nothing all week and then hold a chat on sunday. the priest doesn't even read except for 15 minutes, the rest is volunteers reading or singing. any of those charities are bullshit, the people asking for money should just go do day labor, they'd make much more than a few pennies.
there is one church near me that is demolishing its own building to put a 5+1 apartment building with the church in the bottom commercial space, and it is going to be affordable housing. this is the only thing i've seen a church do that i really approve of because it took self-sacrifice. (well, maybe. their church building was ugly and old enough to be falling apart, so maybe they get something out of a new building, too.) I think every urban church that isn't an architectural landmark should do this. what people need is affordable housing and why are there so many churches occupying prime real estate with a 1 story single purpose building.
charity shouldn't be just shaking a bucket, they should follow this example and go out and work hard to improve the city.
No. 1361194
>>1361023i was on the bus yesterday and some ten year olds were saying things like "dead ass". children should not be allowed on the internet, not even to browse, until they're 18. kids are annoying enough without them immitating tiktok.
i wish tiktok and twitter did not exist.
No. 1361215
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>>1361092Thank you nona, this made me happy to know that a post ranting about my shitty childhood moments made a baby get cuddles from her mama ♥ much love to you and your baby anonita.
>>1361105Thank you for the recommendation anon! I kind of want to ask if I might be blowing these moments out of proportion? Because there was a lot of strife between me and my mom (really my mom with me and my dad) growing up, when I was really young. But there were also moments where she'd be the best mom ever. I do love her. But sometimes I get hung up on those bad moments and it makes me think that maybe I was just a sensitive child. I do have to say though that my relationships with people tend to get rocky at a certain point and I struggle with people in general so I can't help but feel like those bad moments deeply impacted me.
How do her actions sound like gaslighting? I know there is something wrong with me and I want to fix it and heal it and become a normal, well-adjusted person but I'm hesitant to read any book because I'm scared I might not even relate to it, kind of goofy but yeah.
Once again thank you for the recommendation!
No. 1361220
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Absolute pissbaby of a guy is calling me toxic because I (and everyone else playing pokemon go) is posting memes about how shitty they dressed up Blanche for FASHION WEEK. God imagine being that bleak that you get upset when a community has fun and posts memes
No. 1361226
they really followed the sjw 'u-uh its a non-binary character' tactics. honestly, no wonder, their community manager (!!) is literally a tranny. i am happy i stopped playing it right when the game started showing too obvious 'please throw as much money as you can at us' signs, and the fact how they never fixed some bugs for 1.5 year… I am glad my girl Candela still looks as amazing as ever. The old PokeGo times were super fun.
No. 1361251
I live with my monster in laws because they offered us free rent in exchange for helping around the house because they're very old, and they know we want to save for a house so this sounded like the best option at the time. (lived in a high rent city previously). Turns out this was a horrible decision on my part. His parents seemed like normal, maybe a little church crazy, boomers at first. They actually are extremely hateful and spiteful people. His mom is jealous of me and talks shit about me to him anytime I'm not around. His dad ogles my boobs without even trying to hide it and talks like a pervert about every woman he ever sees. Mom must be jealous of this behavior too, but does nothing to stop it and likely blames me which is why she treats me like trash. Keeps trying to convert me to Catholicism, literally SAYS the words "I will convert you." Hateful to any person who isn't exactly like them and pbsessed with watching Fox News and tucker carlson. The news is literally blaring throughout the house 24/7. I have the option to move to another state and live with my best friend again, and pay her rent. It would be cheap rent and I would still be able to save for a house, just a little slower. I'm so conflicted because I don't want to leave him alone with these horrible people who have guilt tripped him into taking care of them. Worst of it all, honestly, is they make me pay for all the groceries which is fine, but then they won't let me choose what groceries to buy because they will only eat certain foods. They only eat meatloaf, hamburger, and sausages. I have gained so much weight since living here and I feel so trapped. Yes of course I can start family fights over not eating their food but I'm already so stressed out at work all the time that adding literally fighting them about buying myself a fucking salad is not something I wanna add to the list. They act like I offended them so personally if I say anything about how unhealthy their eating habits are. God I want out of here so bad but I don't want to leave my man, hes genuinely so sweet and kind hearted. But this family life is trash and a fucking wreck.
No. 1361267
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>>1361262Crush them
nonnie No. 1361281
>>1361041I've been seeing people have this "ugly girls are actually treated the same as normies" thing for a while used to deflate the experiences of certain girls. Or, "B-but actually, looks don't matter for girls!" Seriously, what even is that? Maybe this is a sign of the tiktok culture setting in where people have to justify the increasingly insane cult around beauty–by pretending there isn't massive amounts of girls and women not being marginalized by it or have a harder time feeling ok in their skin. Just World Fallacy.
You have to ignore millions of experiences like
>>1360913 being singled out for her looks and who got treated substantially better when she started looking better.
No. 1361282
>>1361262Nonny, you shall do that, but i recommend
>dont post anything under your most actively-used username>archive EVERYTHING because that's what people love to forget, if you got website links.don't try gaining fame off drama clout too. goodluck.
>>1361265This is f2p mobile games for you
nonny, and Niantic is the worst mobage company.
No. 1361314
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>>1360711>>1361170I feel you here anons, truly.
The only way I became a homeowner was due to the good graces of my ex's parents giving us some money so we could outbid other people for a home during the pandemic, and we still had to drain our life savings.
Now our relationship is dissolved and the house has to go for sale. At 31 years old, I will probably never be able to afford another house in the near future again. Too much debt. My parents are worthless humans and have never helped me besides letting me move back home temporarily in my mid-20s while ridiculing me for failure and treating me like I should be their grateful house mammy. A part of me always feels the need to be "partnered" out of shelter survival as it's the only realistic way I can afford to rent or mortgage anything.
When I could tell the relationship with my ex wasn't working out (typical irresponsible/lazy moid shit) I had a moment of panic not because I thought I'd never find love again, but because I knew the clusterfuck that laid ahead as I struggle to rebuild a living situation.
Right before I broke up with my ex, I worked 60-70 hour weeks between two jobs for several months trying to lower as much debt as I could only to barely make a dent.
Waking up everyday just to feel another daily grind only to have the minimums is absolutely exhausting when even two decades ago my work and money could easily land someone a comfortable middle class life.
>mfw looking at the hovel my single mother bought and had her parents help fix up after she had me bought for $21k in the 90s and is now over $100k for the SAME mess with no upgrades whatsoever No. 1361393
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I hate myself. I'm getting way too old to have the issues I do still–a jaw/dental deformity that gives me a speech disability (I went to speech therapy for 10 years back in grade school–I have regressed to maybe the speaking skills of a little kid in recent years again and other than the most militant, short sentences, I haven't really had a conversation in many months) and makes it extremely painful to talk, a few health conditions that basically make me feel fucked up all the time…
…that I am still desperately trying to get treated and apparently I can't really afford it because the treatments for everything would be almost 100000$, including the reconstructive surgeries. I am extremely repulsive on the inside and out and it's like my body knows it.
I wish could just hit the "never was born" button and my existence could be erased.
Right now I am selling stuff online but I'm growing more demoralized even though I have so much to sell and I've made quite a bit, and it's very comfortable for me (between researching, reconditioning certain things, sourcing, and doing customer service) though I realize it was probably cope to even lean into it. Maybe I'm destined to be homeless. I barely am able to even do the work even when I am enjoying it, I am usually on the verge of fainting.
I want to kill myself so bad but I need to wait until I don't have to worry about my mom or my old childhood best friend hearing about it anymore. Sigh. For so long I coped and thought things could be better but I realize they won't. I saw someone I used to love at the store a while back and I couldn't even look her in the eye while before I was so expressive and happy around her. What type of life is this? I really don't want it anymore.
Picrel unrelated, it just calms me down to look at it.
No. 1361427
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Nonnas let's all just form a commune far away from all the political psycho bullshit moids pull. I want to spend the rest of my days calmly, spend them farming and gardening and creating and learning and loving and helping other women out, strengthen our bonds. Even if we start out poor, it would be safer than anywhere else. Like nuns , but without the useless religion. It's mostly men who need it anyway, because they can't just naturally behave like actual humans without some kind of punishment (hell etc) if they don't.
No. 1361471
>>1361251this is a hell of a post. similar, i was once renting a shitty room from some woman and she was vicious and evil to me because her bf found me attractive, probably because i'm polite, have basic manners, and am not fat, unlike the rude sow i was renting from. i never even looked at him because not my type, but this woman turned into an absolute monster because she was so envious. her behavior ruined her relationship by the end and i moved out because i couldn't take her shit anymore. it was only like 3 months and it was nonstop drama from her.
also boomers really do eat like that. god i hope they all die of heart attacks soon. idk why people are unreasonable and mean over things that don't affect them. like i'm pretty sure the bible doesn't say "go forth and be a bitter, envious asshole to everyone." that woman is not going to heaven.
No. 1361500
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I wish I could get into cosplay. I want to have fun and meet friends (even though i bet even EU cosplayer community is a dramafest)
>I am a poorfag
>I hate makeup so i am not too experienced in it other than using a base
>I can't even sew
>My vision is really blurry without glasses
>The characters I want to cosplay have complex designs so everything I like costs 150$ and more on AliExpress
>No idea how i would take care of the wigs
>Still can't find a job
>Not into wanting to have photosets with someone else, would rather just spam pictures of myself with my own camera work
>My 'fandom' is still niche around the english community that i even saw only 2 cosplayers on a con, but it's okay
>Already got online presence with no IRL pictures, wouldnt want to show my irl face to my 'fans'
No. 1361549
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My ex broke up with me, moved away, immediately got a better job, better housing situation with his friends, just basically turned his life around in the space of a couple months while I'm just stuck here at the same shit job. I don't think he even thinks about me anymore whereas I think about him all fucking day. The resentment is killing me. I know the best way to move on is to make positive changes in my life, and the best way to do that is to stop obsessing over him, but I can't stop hurting myself by checking his social media. It's not even real fucking life it's just socials and he hasn't even really posted so I'm scraping at crumbs, swinging at fucking ghosts just to convince myself I lost. WHY.
No. 1361589
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Seeing neopronouns being discussed in my own slavic language where it's IMPOSSIBLE to construct something like that pisses me off.
No. 1361630
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No. 1361643
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I can't find a job anywhere. I don't the skills for anything more than retail. I can't go back to school because I can't afford school. I can't get a loan because I flunked out. I'm stuck in loser category forever.
No. 1361739
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my asshole keeps bleeding
not like a little when you wipe too much, that's always happened to me
I mean I'm wearing a panty-liner right now because it will not stop bleeding
I really, really just want to kill myself
I know the doctor is going to want me to get another endoscopy after fingering my asshole and calling the fucking intern over to take a peak between my spread cheeks
why does it have to be so fucking humiliating
you can't even get government money for your asshole bleeding
they just stick a bunch of stuff up your ass and then tell you to eat more fiber. oh you have diarrhea a lot? okay eat less fiber. oh that doesn't help either? better get the camera back up there again. still no answer? well. go home.
No. 1361764
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>>1361739Are you lactose intolerant? I’ve had hard stool and constipation all my life until I removed dairy from my diet. Also I recommend using a bidget or just hop in the shower after using the bathroom. I hope your butt feels better soon.
No. 1361878
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this is so annoying but my sister refuses to stop interacting with a twitch streamer moid +10 her senior while he uses her for free art and sex (gross typing that out)Not to mention her pickme ass friend who gets used by this moid for sex, letting his other scrotes fuck her because he has no respect for her. My sister, having 0 fucking confidence and no standards, is so very easily influenced and started mimicking there behavior. of course neither of these people give a single shit about her so she's constantly crying to me and venting, I attempt to tell her, that she needs to remove these two from her life and look for better friends. doesn't listen to me. she started doing his twitch emotes for free after literally not drawing for 4-6 months. the other day, after crying bout being used by him and then in the proceeding days she told me this half-assed "compliment" he did comparing her to a pokemon ball. I said nothing to her after that. no one in the family even likes these people, so at this point she's being reeled into these people for BDP reasons, or whatever. I seriously want to tell her that I can only care so much, because clearly everyone but her seems to see where she's heading.
No. 1361916
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I really don't like black people but I have nobody to talk to about it. They're all so smelly and unhygienic, and I live in a place where they're literally everywhere. They also tend to look at you in creepy/rapey ways. :/(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1361918
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Anyone else struggle with not feeling like their emotions and personality are real? I'll be sad or crying sometimes and even if no one is around to see it, I feel like I'm faking being sad. I often feel like I'm playing pretend all the time and that I am not 'me', if that makes sense. I sometimes get this anxiety like people are going to realize I'm not really real, that I'm just a pretender.
No. 1361994
>>1361983update: didnt get a choice on the matter, luckily made it to the toilet on time
being a lightweight and drinking after 2 years of sobriety literally has me fucked up from 2 little mixed drinks. I honestly hate drinking idk why I tried it again
No. 1362075
It feels like people in beauty industry in western europe have intellectual disabalities, memory losses and reading comprehension problems. First it was this not very expensive clinic. They didn't check online questionnaire and didn't ask why half of my face is white at consultation. Ok, my bad, should have told, don't trust internet and texts, people here don't understand information unless told with voice directly to the face letter by letter. Got pissed, cut myself from despair, but ok, coped. My bad. Still waiting for the refund. Second time, another clinic, a bit more expensive overall and three or more times more expensive procedure, wrote everything in details in the email, got a call, told the same information from the email in the call, all were fine. Scheduled an appointment at very inconvenient for me hour because weekends are very busy, cancelled all plans. Got a call at the day of the appointment that they don't actually do this procedure at this zone. Holy shit I am so mad now.
No. 1362118
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>omg anon have you considered that you might be trans too?
I'm ~gnc~ (just barely, if you can even call it that), not retarded. The fact that I'm getting this told by someone who says she feels visceral disgust and distress over getting called a woman or a she makes this statement just all the more hurtful. Woman is not a dirty word, if anything you're the dirty one for trying to convince others that it is, I hope in a few years you're able to look back onto this and feel deep, piercing regret.
No. 1362125
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I've never driven because I have seizures that aren't under control. I live alone and I'm hours away from family because of property pricing. I'm happy enough in a way. I'm suited to the solitary life but then when the grey days and non stop rain kicks in.. its alot. I don't struggle with low moods as much as a used (and I reeally used to suffer with that) to but this time of year kinda tests that. I'm hoping my depression doesn't kick in these next 3/4 months. I just want to be able to go for walks or not get soaked everyday getting to work.
I'm legit one of those people who can now manage muh mentalz just as long as I get a daily walk in. Which is cool but if I cant..
No. 1362139
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My favorite manga/anime/series ever is getting a new anime and while I'm super excited, the closer and closer to release I'm getting worried. I'm not even worried if it's shit or not, I'm more worried about the fan base it'll attract. I don't want to see discourse or some kids saying it's "problematic," I don't wanna be recommended "Lum being an underrated queen for x amount of minutes" videos, I don't wanna see oldfags seething every week because it's not a 1:1 remake of the original anime.
There were already Jojo fans being shitheads about it when it was announced because David Pro is working on it.
At the very least I'll get new art and actually good porn of my husbando.
picrel I guess
No. 1362146
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Anita Mann bad
No. 1362147
>>1362132Diff anon but it took me years to get comfortable with being my butch leaning self. Not that I'm even 'that' butch. I'd alot of pressure from family growing up to present a certain way. I've a naturally very deep voice and I keep my hair short despite people constant opinions on how pretty long hair would look on me. If it weren't for my bust I would be paranoid about coming off as a genderspecial. A few years ago I lost my mom to breast cancer and there was a period of time where I was waiting to get tested for the breast cancer gene.. which would possibly lead to me getting a preventative double mastectomy. In the end I don't have it but its depressing that women can't just have certain traits anymore without people wanting to lump you in with the ftms and nbs. Or wanting to recruit you if you tick a couple boxes for them. If I needed that mastectomy I would've been ok with it and with not getting a reconstruction done but I hate the association it has now with trans people more so than women who have reasons to have it done too. Its like women are being erased as soon as they're not super feminine looking. Not uber femme.. you must be a man or something else!
I love women with a hint of androgyny going on but you can't tell anymore who is butch or gnc and who is some third gender. The worst part is when they can't let other women just be gnc women. Apart from on here I don't share my opinons on gender shit, people can do their own thing even if I think its misguided but.. why do they feel the need to recruit or push others to question their gender too? That's the part that bothers me. They talk about respecting peoples identities but don't want to respect women who are just gnc women? Its backwards that we're at this point. Women can't vary from a very set type of presentation without being hounded about whether we're really women.
No. 1362154
>>1362150I'd recommend the manga in that case. The anime is good, but it's definitely more "male" for lack of a better word.
Also read the new translation, the older one punches up the script and then devolves into shitty scans.
No. 1362163
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>>1362139just wait until zoomies start calling lum
problematic for harrassing ataru. I hope that kimagure NEVER gets a remake i will go postal if weebs start drawing coomery thicc madoka drawings or tifs start claiming her as some weird troon bullshit
No. 1362167
>>1362147Yeah it really is weird to see the change over the years, every time I see a woman online that has the aesthetic of a tomboy they have "they/them" pronouns now. It's sad it's like women are being taught that being a woman means "presenting" as one which is just basically old stereotypes of women. I can't even imagine what it's like for women who have to get double mastectomies for medical reasons now, as if it weren't difficult enough to cope with before now there's the added assumption by everyone else that it's just "top surgery" to appear more masculine. I fucking hate that small boobs are even associated with masculinity in the first place. I think the reason the nonbinary types seem to try to "recruit" others is because of the narrative that woman and man are genders not sexes and gender is on a sliding scale, so the "gender" of woman is just hyper femininity and the "gender" of man is hyper masculinity. So then they see everyone else through this weird filter as well, so a non feminine woman is now a different gender in their mind. Whenever they describe it it sounds so sexist to me I don't understand how everyone else isn't seeing it for what it is; sexist stereotypes.
I used to be really insecure about looking somewhat masculine so in my late teens/early twenties I used to wear feminine clothes with floral prints and push up bras to double the size of my boobs, I'd also wear makeup everyday and try as hard as I could to appear very feminine. Over the past few years I stopped wearing push up bras and opted for more comfortable clothes like sports bras and t-shirts, stopped wearing makeup and kept my hair tied back. At first I felt really comfortable dressing how I wanted and not having to bother with makeup and uncomfortable clothes. But the change in treatment I started getting made me so insecure, it's just gotten worse pretty much since the big trans ideological boom during covid. My own therapist of 5 years has recently started using gender neutral terms for words like "mankind" or "manpower" and referring to me in gender neutral terms as well. I guess out of assumption that I'm trying to start transition or "present" as nonbinary or something. I hope this gender stuff ends soon but it's probably not even hit it's peak yet.
No. 1362176
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I’m 20 and I’m still confused about my sexuality. I’ve been reading up on personal blogs and feminist theories and I agree with them on certain aspects. Sometimes I have to reevaluate myself and think that maybe to some degree my sexuality is dictated by the culture around me, I could not envision another childhood where I wasn’t inundated by penises, pornography, unsupervised viewings of explicit adult content that only featured heterosexual “sex” which is just teetering on to the abuse of women. I feel like my sexuality is in a between realm that’s forbidden by lesbians and diehard sapphics who believe in the biological immutability of their sexuality and if you are too late to figuring out that innate hallmark, you’re a “polilez” and only pretending. If you live in the current reality of world, you have no choice but to be a heterosexual woman to gain status and appreciation in this male-ran world, but even with that comes with extra grueling steps at the expense of our own health and individuality. I’m just so confused and this is the least of my worries
No. 1362180
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I just want a bf and to be happy this sucks.
No. 1362251
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Anyone else a former waldorf student here?
I feel like waldorf has permanently tainted me. Even though I left ages ago I'm still influenced by it. When I interact with people I can tell there's something distinctly different between me and them and they sense it too. I left waldorf in grade 10 and went to a public school and the transition was like moving to a new country which speaks a different language. I was so out of my depth and still am. I don't feel like I've aged mentally a single day since I left waldorf. In my head I'm still throwing eurythmy rods and knitting.
No. 1362259
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>>1362251Damn and I thought my private christian school upbringing was weird. Were you well-prepared education wise at least? It feels very culty and I'm sorry you were raised in that I know that I wish I had been in public school..
No. 1362279
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>>1362259Waldorf actually does teach you well, not just about gnomes but education wise. I think it's more due to the small classroom sizes and the fact that you have the same one teacher through every year though. It was pretty culty. Everyone knew each other and their sister by name. It was an inside joke in the school that if you left waldorf to go to a public school you'd inevitably come back after a year and the joke was proved true time and time again. We had a bunch of rituals like morning verse, saying blessings before snack + lunch (it wasn't necessarily religious though), the saint michael play, christmas and spring fair, the rose ceremony, santa lucia, advent and the advent circle, a bunch of other yearly events. Call it stockholm syndrome or whatever if you will but waldorf was genuinely the best years of my life and I find myself wising I was 13 again. Everyone in the class was like your family and you had known them since kindergarten and seen them practically every day since. I'm 23 now and I still have regular dreams about my classmates and teacher. I talked to two of my classmates and one of them was having the exact same integration problems I am. I feel completely left behind to normal people in every way. Even though I loved waldorf I wish I had a normal upbringing so I could be like everybody else.
No. 1362286
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found out my crush is reciprocated, he walked me home from a night out and kissed me goodbye at the door, we got each others' number but he's barely texted me and i feel like i'm going insane. dude is a boomer with tech so i'm trying not to read into it and it's been like a day but i hate this crushes suck i hate feeling literally lovesick
No. 1362298
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>>1362284The most prominent way is computers and the things that come with it. Before I moved to the public school I never even heard the word meme, I didn't even know how to copy and paste, I had to be guided step by step every time I used a school computer and to this day computers are still alien to me and I feel a slight sense of fear when I pick mine up. Hearing people quote memes made me feel left out like they knew inside jokes that I didn't. At first I thought the memes they were quoting they made up themselves. I had to make a video for a school project and mine was basic with zero editing. When I saw the class' I was literally stunned by how they used sound effects and green screen stuff. I had no idea doing things like that was even possible. I got my first phone at 17 and I never brought it to school or used it outside the house. I think I internalized the "no electronics at school" rule to the point where I feel unease when I bring my phone outside. There are a lot of other points but I have to leave for a orthodontist appointment in 5 mins.
No. 1362302
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>>1362300godspeed nonnikins, have fun
No. 1362305
>>1361393I have a leg deformity that makes it painful to walk, so I get where you are coming from.
I suggest talking to your mother and childhood friend, as they surely care about you.
You mentioned fainting at times, so you should probably get your Vitamin B12 and Hemoglobin checked.
For the speech problems, please attempt to rejoin a speech therapy class. It will do wonders.
It seems like you have a gig going on, and I am sure that your business will boom once your physical condition is improved.
I used to be a shut-in loser, but have a high-paying job now. If I can do it, then you can definitely do so too!
Hang in there,
nonnie. I am sure that you can do wonders.
Reposted because I am a newfag who did something retarded.
No. 1362322
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>>1362307Well, I tried to warn ya.
No. 1362331
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I love my family but I can’t stand living with them because they are messy and I’m tired of cleaning up after grown adults
No. 1362334
>>1362327Take an egg and rub it on your body. Imagine she has a red cord connecting you too. The red cord is unraveling from you and twisting around the egg. Once you “feel” like you have it all off of you. Break that shit in a toilet and flush them away.
You can also keep iron close by if she’s using folk or fey based spellcraft or flip your undergarments inside out if it’s just a hex and imagine it turning around.
Love spells are shit anon. She can’t make you love her. Even if you believe in it all she’s going to do is pull “your strings” and be a pain in the ass like an intrusive thought. Just like an intrusive thought tell it to go away and mean it.
No. 1362340
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>accidentally dyed my manicure with turmeric
No. 1362348
nonnie! hope the inevitable butthurt reddit mod overreach ban is worth it
No. 1362351
>>1362317Because I’m a SA survivor sometimes rapey shit in a safe roleplay scenario is a good way to explore my feelings and shit. Idk Google it. It’s totally normal. CNC is a
valid kink.
No. 1362354
>>1362336Ah just typical Reddit pretending that "consent" to something is the end-all to any issue instead of approaching the subject with any kind of nuance or perspective.
By not just accepting that women "consent" to being human incubators and fucking off, you are simultaneously making
>wombless moids in dresses feel empty>infertile couples feel morally compromised>willing fetus hotels feel called out in a system they enableHow dare you question the powers that be and make people uncomfortable with matters that they thought were ok, anon.
No. 1362358
>>1362351>validThis might be bait, but…
Explore your feelings of what? Wanting to violently castrate rapists?
No. 1362369
>>1362299So what happened anon? Did you end up finishing yourself off while he sat there with an empty head and limpdick?
Honestly if he didn't want CNC/rape shit I understand why but I personally don't like submissive men. They're all capable of being a little dominant, at least they are when they're trying to get something they want.
No. 1362370
>>1362365agree, wanna add that you should refuse to give you SSN to a potential employer until after they hire you, and when they do ask them if they keep it on record and why.
Abercrombie and Fitch had a retarded data breech which revealed tons of APPLICANTS (not just employees) names, addresses, SSNs that they for some reason held for years
No. 1362373
>>1362368>y'allYou're very new and also need therapy for your sexual issues.
>>1362369So men can only either be subs or be into acting like rapists?
No. 1362376
>>1362373Nta but;
>So men can only either be subs or be into acting like rapists?Unironically yes.
No. 1362378
>>1362336don't feel bad
nonnie, redditors are literally retarded. once i spent a long time trying to explain how allowing pedophiles to have child sex dolls wouldn't make them less likely to attack real children, going into how catharsis theory was folk psychology, how studies had shown that masturbation to stimuli could cause fetishes to worsen/develop new fetishes all together (rather than making fetishes weaken), how exposure to pornography for men made them more likely to believe myths about rape, literally citing my sources for all of this and explaining why there was absolutely no scientific reason to think that giving a pedo a lifelike fake child would somehow make them LESS of a pedo. the moid i was arguing with ignored everything i said in his response, saying it would only be proof if i could find a study where they gave pedophiles child sex dolls and measured whether they attacked a child or not. i tried to explain how that study could never exist because of ethics committees and he said that then there was no proof on either side. men are dumb as bricks anyway and redditors are a whole new level. the combo of pornsickness and internet pseudo-intellectualism is deadly.
No. 1362385
>>1362348Checked the post history of one guy, he has like 200-300+ downvotes for every other post kek
Some people called him a pedo after one post but he deleted it so I cannot read the full post. So I’m not sure if he’s trantran but def has Pedo vibes. Also, he says shit like “if women don’t want to be sexually harassed they shouldn’t be in male dominated spaces” ..we can add rapy to the equation I guess?
I used to think anons are overreaching calling every scrote a pedo tranny but I can tell there is a reason.. disgusting.
No. 1362398
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Made a chickpea chana masala for lunch and it just wasn't that good fam. It's just ok.
I used fresh ingredients for everything besides the canned chickpeas and diced tomatoes. I'm kinda disappointed..
No. 1362401
>>1362393Because muh narcissism
nonnie, they want the perfect baby angel, a spitting image of his daddy, I wanna give my Nigel the child he deserves!!!
Saw the video of a gay couple choosing a surrogate mother like they’re picking a furniture from IKEA. It’s not good for my mental health for sure.
No. 1362414
>>1362409Idk I just made up a number kek
I’m not age shaming women but it’s truth that men cheat especially after a couple kids and the attractive yt women is not in her twenties anymore because moids think they forever deserve younger women. Yes their Nigels too.
No. 1362423
>>1362417Yep especially Nigels
They’ll show their colors one day
No. 1362428
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I wish more people were open to self reflection and change I wish more people were okay with realizing that many things in life and not timed ‘right’ I wish people realized that wallowing and isolating themselves is the exact opposite of what they want a lot of the time I wish the people I cared about could see how amazing they are and deserve the world and that they’re self sabotaging they’re not inherently bad
No. 1362429
>>1362426Speak for yourself
nonny I’m dunking on all men kek
I don’t discriminate
No. 1362431
>>1362421This and I'm tired of ~adoption~ being the placeholder of what should rightfully be an abortion by default.
The demographic of women putting babies up for adoption tend to have behavioral problems or substance abuse issues which doesn't bode for their unfortunate offspring.
Reddit will trip over itself making sure people adopt from the "right" dog breeders so you don't wind up with a poorly bred dog with temperament issues, yet think it's fine that young couples should have to jump through the bazillion hoops for the privilege of cucking themselves with the adoption of a primo crack baby. Fuck that. Just fucking abort and save everyone the trouble.
No. 1362438
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>>1362430This is the correct answer.
There is no amount of attractiveness and interest you can possess that will dissuade a reckless man from pursuing apples when he gets bored with your peach. Men cheat literally just for the opportunity to have someone new, it's hardcoded in them.
No. 1362443
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>bf snarks that today is national boyfriend day
>I have literally never heard of this
>go on yt to look up 'national boyfriend day' videos
>pretty simpettes setting up incredible and thoughtful dates for their fuggo men like picrel
Oh dear.
No. 1362455
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>>1362444Anon, that is a really hard thing to do and I hope you can feel even a little proud of yourself. Look into local or online peer sobriety support groups. They won't all be abstinence-based and maybe that's what you need right now. Rooting for you.
No. 1362458
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i know it's in part me seething at my difficult group project for uni (not coming together that well) but my mom is starting to get on my nerves. i have told her numerous times that i am busy this semester, but she insists on calling me and stopping by my apartment in ultra sad mother mode like i'm killing her by not wanting to listen to her talk about literally nothing for an hour/haggle me to go out to eat and such.
even if i'm not working constantly on school stuff, i get mentally exhausted and don't want to interact with anyone period. if i spend five hours cracking my head on tough work and want to zone out for another four then that is MY business. i shouldn't be guilted for not wanting to interact with you. this is so evil of me but it's not my fault you don't have any friends to hang with; i don't have any either, but i'm not like, bothering other people about it.
leave me be to suffer in peace woman goddamn
No. 1362461
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Hard relate probably but I charged a bunch of work-related things to my corporate Amex card. Mfw now they want the receipts for everything. While I did get receipts for the major purchases, the small ones like for gas or a $11 incidental I did not save.
Should I just come clean and tell the truth about how I don't have these but will remember for next time, make an excuse (they did not have printer paper etc.), or attempt to forge a bunch of receipts so they add up?
No. 1362468
>>1362416>>1362412Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, date a mf who limpdicks on you, especially if it's in the beginning of a sexual relationship. Doesn't matter how hot or engaging he is. It's going to start happening on the regular, bet your ass on it. There's only one thing worse than sexual frustration, and it's dismissive humiliation.
No. 1362473
>>1362299Nonnie he’s probs a porn addict. It leads to serious limp dickskit.
If you’re determined to mingle with dicks, at least go for one’s who are happy to see you. You deserve happy, excited dicks
nonnie No. 1362486
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My friend was sperging about how she hates herself for actually being attracted to Dream so I felt compelled to look him up and I swear it's not the contrarian in me but when I saw him the first thought that popped into my head was 'holy SHIT this guy is a groomer. That's a sexual abuse allegation case just waiting to happen!'. I'm legit not joking this is one of the most hideous scrotes I've ever seen, I hate his fucking face. Rapist looking ass vidya playing clown. Bet he's got a lot of shit he's hiding.
No. 1362497
>>1362496Ewww so sorry to hear that nonna
These type of dudes exist everywhere sadly. This one is not smart and manipulative enough to hide his true self
No. 1362519
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If it's been less than 24 hours, give them a call, explain it's your mom paying for your line. The rep may be sympathetic and not ask for your mom. Even if they do, Let her get mad and try to recover it.
No. 1362543
When your tinnitus goes eeeeeeeeee and you think about it for more than 3 seconds and it gets significantly louder because it's all psychological like that and you remember that there's no cure and you'll literally never know silence again so you sit there on the couch, that high pitched sound drowning out any other noise.
Sure, you can become acclimated to it by literally forgetting about it, but it also gets worse when your neck is under strain or you've clenched your teeth or you're stressed or you've taken ibuprofen or NSAIDS or maybe too much caffeine, or you have a headache or it's going to rain or literally fucking anything, so you need to watch out for all that while also trying to take the idea of your condition lightly because if you focus on it, yes, it gets worse.
It's honestly unlike anything else in terms of chronic conditions, and even the tinnitus community isn't any help because it's all doom and gloom and you should never go to a club or concert again and it'll definitely get worse either way and it's mainly new people seeking out this community asking, begging for a cure of any kind, alternative medicine, whatever it takes, and the people more experienced with tinnitus just try to forget about it, because right now the only solution is therapy to cope.
No. 1362580
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>>1362486idk who this guy is but he looks extremely normal. There's a bunch of people sperging about his looks and it's a nothing burger.
Idk, this is what the average moid looks like where I come from so he seems pretty normal.
No. 1362583
>>1362486I don't get why people are attacking this Minecraft streamer. Did he do/say anything
problematic or what?
No. 1362601
>>1362393Most children up for adoption are crack babies, deformed/special needs, the wrong race, or have some other issue. I checked a few state's adoption sites for funsies.
Another issue is also that child behavior is mostly set in stone by 2 years. It sounds weird but even that young, kids already have certain habits and behavior patterns. for example if the caregiver actually goes in to coddle the baby whenever it cries at night, that actually wakes the baby up for real because most of the sounds people think need action are just normal sleep noises. so then the baby gets used to waking up in the middle of the night. adopting a baby that's been raised like that will make your life hell. it can take years to get them out of that habit. and that's just one small example. so really if you want a baby you don't want someone else's castoffs becuase they're probably already ruined by stupid parents smoking crack while pregnant or instilling horrific habits in the kids. and that's just babies–imagine the bad habits instilled in an 8 year old who has lived either in
abusive homes or shitty foster cares his entire life. it sounds mean but it's true. there have been people who have been murdered by the children they adopted because their minds were already fucked from shitty living situations and you can't fix them.
No. 1362649
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I fucking despise moids who barge into women-dominated fandoms, hobbies, or interests in general, and behave like they're better than everyone else. There's this absolute waste of oxygen on a place I visit, majority of the users there are obviously women, but this bald fucker is always shitting on others and their taste. He doesn't even watch enough shit. He just watch shitty movies made by equally shitty moids and believes that makes him some kind of intellectual who's always digging out precious diamonds while the rest of us are nibbling on coal. To make it worse, some pickmes consider him the god of comedy, the messiah for those 'suffering from their generic taste' and constantly kiss his ass. You can't even fucking call him out without his army of minions treating you like a sensitive bitch who can't take a 'joke' (haha '14yo girls watch rom-coms to stare at the abs of actors twice their age' how funny, not creepy at all coming from a balding haggot with wife and kids). He literally shits in their mouth, claim it's a joke, and they actually buy that. Moids shouldn't be allowed to speak at all or to even exist.
No. 1362654
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>>1362508>>1362508Kek I looked it up and his former fat face looks like the distant cousin of Dan Scheider. Maybe nona is onto something
No. 1362686
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>Have weekly Webdev class
>1 of 3 women, am true beginner
>Ones at my desk are on their phones most of the time or doing classwork while professor teaches
>No one answers his questions 99% of the time
>Only woman 1 week, feel the need to speak up to assert my place
>Gradual change as questions start getting guesses and answers, actual convo from a few
>Get recommended a program and make jokes with me
>Can tell professor is more happy
Knowledge really is power huh
No. 1362712
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Still texting my ex good morning and good night even though he doesn’t respond god I’m so fucking pathetic but I love him and miss him so much I hate this I wish he would block me to save me from this misery
No. 1362788
How does every single girl get a boyfriend. It's not even that I want one that bad, but when even ugly, unemployed, mentally ill, suicidal, fat, balding, shut-in, autistic, lazy-eyed and even straight up physically deformed women talk about having exes and/or current relationships I'm like wow okay. So there's definitely something wrong with me if I haven't been picked. Am I seriously that bottom of the barrel, I know I'm not hot but I feel like I'm normal and I've seen way uglier women get guys. Sorry for the pickme moment but it's just frustrating atp. And I do get some male attention, but I don't like any of them. I just don't understand how every other woman is lucky enough to find a guy theyre attracted to who is attracted to them back when it seems so impossible for me. At most I'll have the chance to settle with some ugly man I have nothing in common with who doesn't treat me too much like shit.
No. 1362794
>>1362789I don't have skin thick enough to face rejection, plus men know that the societal standard is that
they ask
you out. If a guy hasn't made a move on me is most likely because he doesn't like me. Maybe I'm being too much of a doomer but I feel like making the first move as a woman when you're not smoking hot just means you're gonna end up with a guy who doesn't like you but is willing to use you for free pussy because it's not often that a girl offers herself just like that.
No. 1362822
>>1362305Question anon, what was the path towards getting that career like, if you don't mind telling us? How bad did your neetdom get?
And yeah, I'll check up on my vitals again. I found out I have several nutrient issues last time (mostly ones that make 0 sense; i.e., zinc…because I eat massive amounts of high-zinc food…vitamin D even though I constantly supplement…etc) so I wouldn't be surprised if there's more. Also, my conditions are sucky but they shouldn't completely disable me once I get them under control.
I just have periods where I completely breakdown about my current situation - I feel ok now - and I don't know how to make myself more resilient. Also, I don't want to let down my mother - she has even more problems than me imo - but I will force myself to reach out to my friend. I don't know why I am being so scared and reluctant…she's so loving and accepting.
No. 1362839
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>>1362816>>1362829Are these picrel? I fell out of BJD collecting years ago but damn I feel you guys, these feel so different than what I'd consider "the usual" dollfie look; I guess one can paint and stylize them differently but even with anime face stylization they have more of a western doll look somehow?
No. 1362844
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I went on femalelivingspace and it's full of trannies. no matter what the site, if it's intended for women, troons will invade it. please god can we have global troon genocide
No. 1362849
>>1362844It's so frustrating because the only thing we can do is
terf out and remind them that no, not every woman is a braindead doormat that's gonna let them destroy women's rights and dickride their limp shenis. But if you do that you either get censored and banned at best or doxxed, sent rape threats and even physically assaulted at worst. It's so fucking scary, we can't do shit. There's really no hope, they'll even fucking rape babies and the only thing that comes out of it is the "female" pedophile statistics going up. Clown world.
No. 1362852
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I'm a fucking brazilian. That's it. Is there any country that isn't full of trannies or alt-right fundies?
No. 1362864
>>1362844Thank god we still have pinterest.
>>1362816I still use den of angels and it seems that seems to be one of the few places that moids into bjd shit have not invaded.
This is an unpopular opinion, but i'd rather support smart dolls over dollfie dream just because they make dark skin tones if I had a gun to my head to choose. I hate both brands for having same face syndrome anyways. Imo the fact that they don't just do 2 skin tones like dollfie is really where they make their money because non-white/non-asian women will buy them. Thankfully i prefer bjds with long skinny limbs rather than the classic anime aesthetic ones and those type of dolls get tons of skin tones including natural ones. No. 1362878
>>1362829I'm glad I'm not the only person who notices how they have taken over. I don't understand how this brand can cost so much, deliver such a mediocre product, yet it has taken over in a way even Resin Soul and big Obitsu couldn't.
>>1362839And these are better kitted out than most. Most are dressed like they were dressed by a troon. The nicest thing I can say is that at least they come pre-painted and with eyes and a wig, so they don't get put through the wringer with garbage craft products from Dollar Tree.
No. 1362903
>>1362868No, I'm not. He's one of those "cool" teachers so I doubt it would amount to anything.
To be completely honest (now that I've cooled off) I'm only like this because it's a class full of men (stem major). It was a class full of men and I lost. I feel so defeated, I'm a highly competitive person and to think that even bug eyed males perfomed better than me makes me want to kill myself.
I hate every day that I'm going to class but I have to suck it up. It's my only option left. I'm also working 6 hours a day (from home, but still) so I got to take my studies more seriously.
Sorry that happened to you. I feel like every job should have an emotional intelligence test.
No. 1362929
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my face was finally clear and healing dark spots from the summer. then my dumbass made bacon which is high in fat and now i have 2 cystic acne bumps within 24 hrs. this will take at least 4-6 weeks to fully go away. i really cant eat anything high in fat that will give me tons of white heads or cystic acne bumps. mayo, bacon, half a bar of chocolate, peanut, walnut, maybe even coconut all fuck me up for weeks. i didnt have acne as a teen and when i did it healed really quickly. it would cost so much to go to a derm. it wont be covered under the shitty state insurance i have. yet we have troons of both kinds getting unneeded shit for free. like fuck you im forever stuck as a woman who will always be judged on my competence at a job as well as my looks there is no escaping it. sure i can usually cover the acne decently well but all i want is actual clear skin without a bump on my jaw that hurts when i move my mouth. sorry tired of it anons. some of the methods i probably wouldnt even do because the single time i tried birth control to manage my periods and acne i was absolutely nuts. i bled the entire time with a ton of other awful side effects. my dumbass shouldve learned coding so there is no face to face worrying. instead i have 2 interviews tomorrow where im going to hurt my skin a bit more by putting skin colored cream over it.
No. 1362934
i have two separate issues i want to rant about
my mom needs to stop fucking calling me and pretending i am her therapist. today she called to uninvite me to dinner tomorrow because her and my dad had a huge fight and she started talking about how he would hit her when i was young (which was traumatizing for me to witness too, so i had to relive that). i feel so frustrated because whenever i tell her that she is a victim and needs to leave like i have been since i was a young child able to grasp the concept of divorce, she starts caping for this worthless abuser who emotionally and physically abuses her, and makes excuses for him sexually abusing me (i vented a couple days ago about this somewhere upthread.) what the fuck else am i supposed to say other than i hate him and wish she would leave? i even told her as my bf and i begin to search for houses in the coming months that if she wants us to get a mother-in-law suite or whatever it's called (extension to a house where one partner's mother lives) that i would take care of her forever if it means she would be safe but she refuses. i just want to protect my mom even though she minimizes my abuse and trauma because all i want is for her to love me back (my therapist keeps telling me to stop seeking her love out but i cannot stop, i'm like that little robot from the movie ai: artificial intelligence)
on a somewhat related note, why are men so retarded at making a plan? my bf has said and keeps saying he wants to be married around august/september of next year, so we can buy a house, a decision i am on board with because it's stupid to buy a house without legal protections that marriage brings and i just love him a lot and think he is my partner for life. i made a joke about getting engaged for christmas and he was like
>that's a bit soon isn't it?
dumbass, YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SET THE TIMELINE! we're planning a very small wedding but does he think it doesn't take MONTHS to set a date and book a venue and send invitations and choose a dress and get it altered and book a photographer etc. etc. ? i also just want to enjoy being engaged for a short while as well. once i explained this all to him he said he still wants to stick to the timeline, it just feels like it's coming up quickly. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? that an entire wedding just appears out of thin air? it's very minor thing, just had to scream it into the void.
No. 1362987
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I've been keeping a distance from my brother for years because of his mental illness, addictions and constant sympathy baiting or sometimes straight up suicide baiting. It's hard because my parents won't cut him off. Even worse because I'm living with them currently. I don't want to hear about him. I don't want to see him drag everyone else around him down to his level of misery.
I really fucking hate stupid BPD moids and I just want them all to go the fuck away.
No. 1363024
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I really hate the anxiety I have before sleep and I spin out on the idea I am not a good person or absolutely terrible and people put up with me.
Fuck my lifeeeeeeee tomorrow i have to put on a show and pretend 2 be social and engaging. Then I will be around MORE people and workout and avoid interacting with dumb males who think the gym is the spot to flirt. Then I will continue this cycle of screaming into the void AHHHHHHHHHH
No. 1363030
Nonnie, I'm sorry your going through that. I know what it's like trying to convince your mom to leave her shit husband. Honestly, it doesn't sound like there's anything else you can do. You can't make people help themselves, unfortunately.
No. 1363042
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>>1350621It's been 10 days and i'm here to happy vent that this was LITERALLY the case. So silly
No. 1363119
>>1363094This could so easily be me too. I'm really scared.
Good luck nonas…
No. 1363144
I love you nonas, thank you for helping me feel a little better.
>>1363142Why the fuck do women do this to other women?
No. 1363243
>>1363161It's hard when any pet dies, wish people understood it more that it's not just cats and dogs. Think on how you've provided them with best life possible; and I know it's hard to imagine now, but since you loved them so much, and already have such a big aquarium, you could give a great life to other fish too, life they wouldn't be able to get otherwise most likely since so many people don't take care of fish and other aquarium/terrarium animals properly. But it's understandable if you can't.
Could you tell what kind of fish you had?
No. 1363332
It’s been a few years already, but I’m still bitter and upset about what a waste of time and money my wedding was. My closest friends, who had promised to come, all dipped out for one reason or another (all valid, but still). Ended up inviting a bunch of acquaintances to fill empty seats (required by the venue) and ending up with no bridesmaids. Photographer came tied with the venue, and the photos all came out over exposed and shitty. Paid for a fancy book of barely visible images of a bunch of people I don’t know or care about. Not to mention, I look like I’m holding in a fart in every image because I’m so uncomfortable. The makeup artist gave me super thick, unblended eyeliner because she wasn’t used to my eye shape. And the cake tasted shitty! I didn’t get to eat any of the other food either, since the entire affair was run with military efficiency and over in a few hours. I should have just went back to my home country and done the entire thing myself for a quarter of the price.
Every time I remember this shit it makes me want to either cry or cringe kek. None of you bitches should ever waste money on a wedding. Just splash out on some good food, alcohol, and a scenic AirBnb for your friends and then hire a photographer.
No. 1363398
>>1363332I really hate that for you anon. The guests are one thing, but it's a shame that you couldn't be comfortable and enjoy delicious food on the "happiest day of your life." Then to add insult to injury, to not even have some decent photos you like to memorialize it.
Tbh one of my friends had her rich daddy fund her wedding ($50k+ for venue alone) that I was a bridesmaid for. I remember the drama and her bridezilla moments because she was stressed. It's weird because she doesn't even talk to two of the women from her bridal party anymore bc she wasn't that close to them and just wanted bodies for her wedding–one of them was an abject piece of shit to me during wedding prep, but she didn't believe me until she found out this woman talked massive shit behind her back years later lol. Then eating garbage catering in some stupid proto-american "castle." I don't even remember the cake. Her dress was expensive and a big deal but I don't remember a detail about it. In fact, I don't even think she would enjoy her wedding photos today as she's suffering from heavy self-esteem issues lately, I know I looked awkward af in them.
I remember cute, but relatively inexpensive gestures, like sparklers and handfasting. The wedding favor (a cheap but fancy looking aliexpress keychain bottle opener I still use lol). The bachlorette party was super fun.
Basically all the inexpensive, organic parts about the wedding were actually the best. The forced and expensive parts of the wedding were absolute drudgery.
No. 1363440
>>1363332I had a tiny wedding years ago. We were already engaged when I found out one of my parents was dying so we arranged a very small wedding at short notice to have her present. It was cheap seeing as it was the absolute bare minimum attending it. I didn't care about anything other than my mom being there and having those last pics of her. I was chill about the details and wanted nothing fancy. It was a bittersweet day. And a shame that the marriage only lasted 2 years lol. I got the shock of my life when mr perfect had a total personality change overnight and just fucked off. Obviously I kinda wish I just hadn't married at all but I'm thankful we didn't go into debt over it or drag hundreds of people along to the big day. That would've stung that much more.
I felt like a bit of a failure afterwards but I've since seen couples where their wedding debt outlasts the marriage. They spent more time planning the wedding and getting the details perfect.. than they spent actually being married afterwards.
No. 1363449
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idk but this shit really makes me so annoyed. it’s amazing how no one has a problem with e-begging.
this person literally e-begs every month. get a fucking JOB and work. this is also a tumblr phenomenon that ended up on twitter too.
No. 1363459
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My Russian coworker and her little crew who kinda refuse to sew or pack shit for the Ukrainians were reprimanded in some way yesterday when I wasn't there, but today the final boss lady of them got on my nerves.
>I never got free blankets of sheets when I came to this country
>Yeah, you came here because you wanted to and these people because they don't wanna be killed by russians, maybe that's why
I am 99% sure she will throw my lunch out of the fridge but worth it, she has been quiet since morning now.
No. 1363471
>>1363107>some of the most casually terrible behavior as “funny” so tiktok devious licks et cetera. social media has been terrible for public morality. now you have selfie-spots where women line around a block to take a photo with trendy food and then throw it away, everyone jumping into consoomerism so the internet thinks they are rich, accelerated trend-hopping and fast fashion which is an ecological nightmare, scrote shit like andy taint and PUA, funko pops and gaming addiction being turned into a competition, onlyfans and casual pornography, and generally just feeding into narcissism and entitlement. i feel like 5 years ago the trends were leaning to DIY, upcycling, minimalism, buy-nothing, but now tiktok and instagram have plunged society into a consoomer madness cycle. they turned interior decorating into fast fashion. we have furniture being churned out with less durability than ikea so instagrammers can change their decor every other month. the scrote equivalent is those lifted oversized trucks which are even worse for the environment AND they kill people, or i guess shooter copycats. recently the trend has been grocery store shootings.
the unabomber was right.
No. 1363478
>>1363368what is with scrotes and getting "cold feet" and bailing last minute on women they've been with for literally years. that scrote should be hanged by his nostrils.
same though, fuck weddings. if you have $30k for a giant party give it to me for a down payment.
No. 1363479
>>1363449I left twitter years ago but I remember seeing the same people ask for rent money every month, month after month. Att I was living in shitty apartment shares with strangers because that's all I could afford. A room, a shared bathroom with scrotes. I hated it but what can you do. Meanwhile they're renting a whole nice ass apartment to themself, tweeting out pics of dumb shit they bought as 'self care' and relying on strangers to make up the difference between their income and their bills.
One woman in particular announced that she'd renewed her lease and tweeted out her usual casual begfest to cover that month. She freaked out when someone asked her why she'd renew a lease she couldn't afford, instead of downsizing
> I have to live alone because I have anxiety, I have to live in an expensive city because my mentalz say so, I have to have multiple pets and hoard toys because depression No. 1363485
>>1363449e-beggers are scum. back on tumblr i used to unfollow anyone posting or reposting e-begging. get a fucking job. i've been poor as shit and never begged.
a lot of the beggers are troons now becuase they refuse to get jobs and want to play video games all day, but also want to consoom girl clothes and booba figs. guess their onlyfans didn't work out lol no one wants to look at a rot pocket. like that keffals creature with the fart porn that didn't work out, so he turned to scamming money from the children he was grooming on discord. if you have 100 incels each giving you $20 a month and no rent to pay because you live in your mother's basement it's a sweet gig for someone with no greater aspiration in life than playing video games until they die.
No. 1363512
>>1363479I have a friend who cannot have roommates because of actual mental health issues
after being stalked and robbed as a kid/teen multiple times by two separate schizo crackheads and she doesn't whine nearly as much.
No. 1363536
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>>1362620Did you know that RAD can happen just by changing primary care providers often, or by not paying enough attention to the baby? And this happens while they are infants. Unfortunately, kids in the system usually go through this. The chances of you raising a kid with deep issues is very high and it is irresponsible to try to pretend it isn't. That's why you end up having people who 'return' the kids and why they never get better. They're told they're normal, and just need love, but the truth is they need special care that the average person can't always provide. Hell, most people don't know that they can have these issues.
Yes your own bio kids can also turn into psychos, but there's more legal and emotional commitment to help them and you know their history.
RAD kids are not actual psychopaths, they are just messed up and need help.
No. 1363647
>>1363449love how it’s
>ourthe fact it’s not just one lazy ass person but two people who just refuse to work. ridiculous. no sympathy for e beggers. even less for the troon ones.
No. 1363677
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I finally managed to escape neetdom and start at university again but it's hard. It's too hard. I'm scared that I have to drop out again I'm really passionate at what I study but I still find everything so hard. I'm struggling so much and whenever I ask anyone in my class if they too find it difficult they just say that they did at the beginning but now they have gotten the hang of it.
I'm scared I don't want to drop out. I want this education so badly but I just can't
No. 1363718
>>1363682Killing yourself now because you're worried about the future—which is just an abstraction and literally doesn't exist and will not be how you anticipate it to be—must be peak insanity.
You're struggling because you're powerless. You can't afford anything, presumably don't have the skills for a decent job, etc. The solution is to become more powerful. You can do that by moving to a cheaper place (I don't believe you when you say it's not an option) or by becoming more skilled (maybe this would involved the acquisition of debt). Otherwise, unless you get pretty lucky, you'll perpetually have this struggle.
No. 1363733
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I'm abortion anon from last vent
Called and made my appointment for Saturday, was quoted $400 for the pill treatment. They gave me a financial help line to call to see if I "qualified" for a $200 financial help sponsor. Well I didn't qualify because I have the audacity to work 40 hour weeks to afford my rent–which I cannot afford if I gotta spend $400 this weekend.
This whole situation is such hot garbage. Should I start lying in order to "qualify" for these assistance programs?
Also I know when Roe v. Wade was initially overturned I heard of a bunch of online resources cropping up that would ship abortion pills and such for a much lower rate. Not sure if that's still a thing but maybe I should roll dice and just do that instead? Granted they won't say no based on face value questions about my wage and household size.
Tbh all of this is really exhausting and upsetting and the pregnancy (or perhaps it's silent depression?) have left me with no physical or mental energy. I'm tired. Bf said he will pay for half but honestly I'd rather him not, I don't need a man holding something financially over my head. It bothers me that it might come to that. But in the least, he will be in charge of contraceptives from this point forward.
No. 1363745
>>1363738I'm not stupid anon, I know how men really think behind the performance and lip service of them doing the right thing. He is absolutely half responsible.
Still, society can also do its part and not be shitty to overprice abortions for working class women in the first place. It would still be less of a financial hit for me to only pay $100 split versus $200.
No. 1363752
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Sent my ex a forgiveness text after not talking for two weeks. Did it kinda for him but mostly for me to move on. All I said was that I didn’t hate him and that I’m glad he was honest with me. I am still hurt and feel like he broke up for the wrong reasons but I could not really function leaving everything how we did. He texted me back thanking me and saying that he had been thinking a lot about what happened, and said he hoped we could be okay. We talked for a bit and decided to have a more in depth discussion in the future. I feel less all consumed by anxiety but now I feel like I’m in limbo as to what will happen. I want to be with him so bad but my trust is so broken that if he called me up right now and begged for me back I’d say no. But honestly if he’s willing to put in the work I’d be open to it. Even though he doesn’t deserve it.
Problem is I downloaded Tinder while we weren’t speaking. I ended up matching with a fairly attractive guy and he’s very interesting to talk to. After I talked to my Ex for a bit new guy asked me out. I haven’t responded. I don’t know what to do now.
No. 1363757
>>1363750I have the same issue, and it's because my apt is small but has an entire wall of windows. sucks all the heat right out. i'm going insane right now trying to prepare for winter so i'm not freezing cold like i was last year.
Do we have any type of thread about interior design/living space? I looked and dont see any.
No. 1363772
>>1363748An ex of mine is very tall for a woman and would get clocked as a transwoman even years ago.
I saw her talking about it happening again the other day and even though she acted like she was cool with it I know it bothers her a lot when it happens.
I hate to love the schadenfreude kek
No. 1363775
>>1363772samefagging to clarify
In general I am sorry that any woman has to deal with this shit
But she did me dirty so I have to laugh about it
No. 1363820
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>>1363791I love old coach bags, maybe have him get one of those? even if you are ratty like you say (don't be so hard on yourself!!) old coach goes with everything because it has a neutral design. I only wear their 80s crossbody bags because I found one in a goodwill for $7 and it lasted like 12 years even with me beating the hell out of it so I picked up a few more and now I have a lifetime supply.
they're expensive now in good condition but it's worth it. there are even big saddlebags like picrel if you like to carry a lot
new coach looks cringe to me and the hardware is so cheap it's shocking
No. 1363852
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I feel like such a bitch but my roommate and best friend has such bad hygiene it actually irritates me. Like I have to constantly remind her to take showers and at least put deodorant on like you're an adult why do you need someone to tell you that you stink for you to wash your smelly pits? We live in a hot ass climate too, and our A/C in our car is broke and yet she continues to wear long sleeves and hoodies which makes it so much worse. Her mom would get on to her about it as well but in a much meaner way so even if I'm nice about it she gets kind of moody. Sigh, I don't even know what to do at this point cause it seems like reminding her does nothing, and I shouldn't even have to do that anyways!
No. 1363865
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>>1363733Finally reached a sponsor who was willing to help me by $150. The lady was so much kinder too.
Thank you nonnies for manifesting that.
No. 1363889
i once made a joke about not liking vegetables and my bf now actually thinks i'm a picky eater who never eats vegetables. i'm actually pissed off. meanwhile his diet is literally canned soup, chicken breast, cheerios, and instant oatmeal packets. my diet this week was/will be salad, beef stew, homemade curry, bagels, homemade oatmeal, and scrambled eggs. he literally sat there and argued with me that i "never eat vegetables" despite him always being over my house and seeing my fridge full of produce and homemade food. because i made one joke one time. the more i think about it the more angry i get. sometimes i think he has a learning disability or something because he's always autistically misinterpreting things like this, or doesn't make obvious connections to what people are talking about. they could be having a discussion about [__] and he'll think you mean some random fucking thing no one has said a word about the entire day, rather than thinking you mean the thing that fits into the context of the discussion. i'm not sure how to phrase it but he's always doing things like this. he's not stupid so i don't think he's actually mentally retarded but he comes off as being mentally retarded sometimes.
nonnas what is wrong with my nigel? is he just a dumb asshole, or does he have the 'tism?
No. 1364007
>>1363994>>1363999Same anon. I've been trying to meet someone for over a year, and I've allowed myself to be pretty vulnerable. But there must be something wrong with me because I always end up falling for the emotionally unavailable that seem OK on only focusing on their shit and not leaving a single space for me. At least I've been taking a break and will no longer settle for people that don't want a relationship from the start, learned my lesson…
But that still doesn't explain why it became so hard. At least I was true to myself and didn't try to act aloof or compete with the other person. But that does allow for people to walk all over you.
Even if I know I didn't do anything wrong, feeling rejected this way has made me feel like such a pathetic mess…
No. 1364035
>>1363894It's crazy to me. People are really out there spending hundreds on streaming subscriptions, I haven't paid for tv movies or music since I was a teenager, plus I never have to worry that something is gonna be removed for whatever reason. My stuff is permanently on my hard drive and I'll rewatch 30 Rock and IASIP episodes with blackface in them all I want.
I can't complain though, as long as they pay for streaming they take their foot off our necks for piracy.
No. 1364074
>>1364009You’re really right. It is a huge discrepancy, but I just really, really love my husband. He is legitimately the ground that I walk on and the air that I breathe, and I’ve communicated this fear to him. He’s been very understanding, and he said we don’t have to try having any kids for a long time (at least another decade) and we both agreed that that sounds good. I’m open to my mind changing, I’ve known plenty of women who claimed they didn’t want any children until they found out that they were pregnant and were being given the opportunity to welcome this into their life; but I’d really rather go into conception/procreation with an intention to reproduce. I don’t want to just happen upon it or fall into it and go along with it, I want to truly desire the process.
I don’t think my fear lies within motherhood…it’s mostly my fear of an unhealthy pregnancy, and the effect it would have on the life I’d bring into the world. Like…I feel like you can always see on someone’s face when the placenta they were cooked in was cloudy or shitty. And I don’t want my kid to suffer like that. I guess it’s just about the passage of time and how my kind changes with it, at this point. Thank you for your response nona. It brings me a lot of comfort to talk with people about this who won’t judge me.
No. 1364092
>>1363991i notice scrotes refuse to put in time and effort to make their place look nice. and even if they do it's some godawful scrote shit like gamer lights for their GAYMING REEG that makes the house look like a trashy dump. women will handsew basket covers and pillowcases, upcycle 2ndhand furniture, watch 20 videos in 3 different languages to learn how to hack and max and upgrade all their stuff. moids will just paste LED lights behind their desk and call it a day. scrotes are absolute slobs and always like ugly shit, especially if it's painted an ugly color or is gaudy as all getout. the only men who have any sense of aesthetic are the gays like Lonefox. and when you call scrotes out on it they're like, "lol women are mad at how littleit takes to make us happy" and then they spend 10 hours doomscrolling and asking internet strangers why they are so depressed. it's like they enjoy being miserable from their own laziness and lack of effort. and they want their gf to live like that too, because when a scrote sees how much effort women naturally put into making their home comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, they feel attacked and threatened, so they lash out. either they get angry it's being "done wrong" or "too feminine" or lash out that it's a "waste of money" while they buy another takeout pizza and new vidya gayme. i have never seen a normal heterosexual scrote put effort into making his living space appealing. never. unless he was trying to fuck a girl that weekend. the concept of improving your own life is unfathomable for a scrote. only women make effort to improve themselves. men just lay down and die because putting in effort is somehow losing their nuts and MANHOOD.
it's enough of a struggle to convince a scrote to keep his living space clean in the most basic way. let alone that making it look good will improve his daily life and happiness. scrotes respond to suggestions of improvement being possible with fear and anger.
No. 1364133
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i cried so much in the shower that i almost forgot to wash myself
No. 1364168
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>>1364074why the hell is this man the air you breathe when he wants to FORCE you to be his broodmare? wtf anon??? this is insanity. he sounds like a horrible person.
No. 1364184
>>1364074>he's very understanding, he told me i don't have to start pumping out babies for him and his family for a little while longeranon i am not trying to be mean to you but I don't think you grasp how wrong this is. In your initial post you even said that if you said no he would tell you that
you don't have a choice. I am dumping a 5 buckets of cold water on you right now, get the fuck out of there.
No. 1364192
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I'm bipolar and going through a mixed episode which sucks. Why do I simultaneously feel like I'm the best bitch to walk this earth while also wanting to kill myself?
No. 1364207
>>1364203It’s ok if my previous posts didn’t provide enough context, but this isn’t simply
a moid, unfortunately. We’ve been together since we were teenagers and married for upwards of 6 years, so even if I do get a job and am able to access a home for myself and a career and a future separate from him; will it even be worth living? I will legitimately never be able to love anyone else ever again. I know nobody asked to hear about this, but fuck it it’s the vent thread, I don’t care if it sounds pathetic to the people of this website but after you’ve spent almost half of your life seeing and spending your time with and getting used to the same person, especially after you’ve taken a commitment or a vow that you’ll remain together until death do you part; it becomes very incomprehensible to imagine a life without them. I know that ir becomes more common everyday to hear about some new scrote cheating on his wife or girlfriend, but my husband doesn’t have the attention span to dedicate the time to finding another woman who’s fit his extremely specific standards so succinctly kek. He is the type of man to pour all of his attention into one woman, namely because he doesn’t have a relationship with his mother. So for another woman to leave him, especially because of his own actions, would just be a trauma repeating itself.
tl;dr it sounds simple to just “pack up and leave” but when you have a complex relationship with someone that you don’t want to leave and you really would like to spend the rest of your life with that simply isn’t an option
No. 1364214
>>1364209I’m 27 he’s 28 we’ve been together since 15 I know that that isn’t exactly half of our lives but you probably understand what I mean.
>>1364210It was something with his dad that made her leave when he was little, it absolutely wasn’t anything of his doing.
No. 1364219
>>1364207>that simply isn’t an optionWell it's not simple (and no one said it would be) but it is an option.
> for another woman to leave him, especially because of his own actions, would just be a trauma repeating itself.You do realize how this is entirely his fault and problem though, right? You are not obligated to provide him children. The fact that you not agreeing to have children and parting ways would make him sad is just an unfortunate but logical conclusion to your own differences in life goals.
I would not be half as harsh on him if he and his parents didn't act like he was entitled to children from you. It's one thing to not share the same goals– it's another to
force your own goals (goals that involve only your wife's body, by the way) onto your wife, KNOWING that she doesn't want to. That is selfish. I know you don't want to think of him that way, but that's the truth.
It also seems like you think your circumstances are unique. I'm here to tell you they very much are not. This isn't to minimize the issue, it's just to point out that this is a systemic problem that is set up to be difficult to escape (luckily for you, only emotionally). The fact that it is "complex" is the problem– men get you to emotionally bond with them, you think the experience is mutual, then you find out he doesn't actually care about what you want because at the end of the day he feels entitled to your body. History of womankind in a nutshell here.
It's only "incomprehensible" to imagine a life without him because it's been too long since you tried it. You are 27. When you're middle aged this will have been just one of your many phases in life.
>>1364215are you saying juice would hurt this situation? maybe i just fucking love juice but I struggle to see how juice wouldn't help at least a little. Or a beverage of anon's choosing. Or she can just drink water and have nothing to distract her from the crushing agony of life, if that's what you're suggesting.
No. 1364227
>>1364219Whenever you want to kill yourself the urge is so strong that it, in the moment, overrides your innate survival instincts and the love you feel for your family. ‘You just need to drink juice and take a nap’ is incredibly useless and patronizing. like at least encourage the person to take the steps to take care of themselves until hopefully the wave comes down, not double down with “WHATS WRONG WITH JUICE!?!”
Anon doesn’t have a migraine, she’s considering dying. Come on.
No. 1364237
>>1364227omg, you are such a sperg.
>at least encourage the person to take the steps to take care of themselves until hopefully the wave comes downWTF do you think drinking a cup of juice and taking a nap is for if not exactly that?????
Do I really have to explain the mechanics of the juice-nap combo to you? I will do so since you don't seem ton believe me: wanting to kill yourself is exactly the time you need to go drink juice and take a nap because if you are napping you cannot kill yourself and the juice is to give you a dopamine hit before you conk out. Then when you wake up you usually don't feel like
actively killing yourself, which is the goal of de-escalation.
Are you the same retard who was arguing with anons about how they were replying to the schizochan a couple weeks ago? If so, you need to go get a degree in psychology so you can funnel your micromanaging into monetary gain, because all this is doing is make me need to drink some juice and take a nap.
No. 1364265
>>1364222"only want something casual" is scrote speak for he wants sex with none of the responsibilities of a gf/wife. pisses me off that no scrote had this entitlement prior to the boomers destroying public morality. sometimes i think the catholics are right and sex before marriage should be illegal, because now you just have scrotes fucking around until they're 45 trying to chase tail, then ending up a malding loser with no one in his life, all so he could have sex 3 times.
if a scrote isn't married by age 30 he should be taken out back and shot.
No. 1364293
>>1364283NTA, but i kind of agree on sex before marriage being outlawed, but it's never going to happen. As long as you don't come back playing the
victim when a moids does moid things to you idaf. I guess my unpopular opinion is that I think so lowly of moids that I get shocked that other women are actually willing to put themselves in such vulnerable situations with them and expect me to help them in some ways when what's done is done, i'd love to tell them to stop fucking moids, but it's not like they would listen, so I just pretend I feel sorry for them. The worst part is most of you ladies don't even cum or anything. It's mental illness to me.
No. 1364322
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Oh no, please don't send me to a room which looks better than my apartment, where I don't have to pay heating bills, where I can take free hobby classes, have a free gym, a PS5, free dental care and have a female-only environment. I totally won't be able to have more premarital lesbian sex than before. The horror, don't do that to me, no, stop.
No. 1364405
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Mom has been getting invested in celebrity gossip and it's far more unbearable than what I imagined. Every day during eating hours, she plays at full volume Youtube shorts of the same annoying dramawhore male. His voice is awful, so many awkward pauses between phrases and his attempts of humor make me want to kill myself.
>And then! These pictures reveal! How Shitamber Heard! Was walking around this mall! Trully worthy of talking! For a whole minute! Inserts SpongeBob meme clip
I can't stand this anymore. Now mom is using those trashy memes on random conversations, like calling the neighbor's dog a "Crystal generation pet" for being scared of fireworks or bringing up "Forced diversity" on the Matilda Reboot. I want to scape the bs of the Internet but now I'm forced to hear it even while I'm trying to eat.
No. 1364406
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>>1364405It's like looking in a mirror isn't it anon? You hate what you may become one day, your own mother, out of touch with her memes and cows. Listening to unfunny men repeat the same jokes they made when she was younger.
No. 1364418
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Man I'm fucking up… goal was to lose ALOT of weight but I've gone back to binging on alcohol and food a lot more the past 2 months to "forget". I never drank alcohol before this and already have issues with binging, I haven't left my room for anything but beer, have been up til' late hours and haven't stuck to any physically active or hygienic routine since. Worst is I have lied to close people that "life is looking up" then heavily disappointing them when they figure out it isn't. Not expecting pity, I deserve this shit as it is my fault but it hits hard when all at once. Ah fuck I am weak, old habits die hard…
I really need to get back on track. As much as losing loved ones hurts, it does make me feel an urge to get my shit together, too bad it took THIS to get that fire burning. God I am a dumbass.
No. 1364428
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I hate living in America. Can’t get medical assistance because I make too much money, yet I feel like I live paycheck to paycheck. I have scary, painful lumps in my breasts that feel like they’re attached to my chest wall or something. Insurance from my job still hasn’t kicked in yet, so I would have to pay 100% of the costs for a mammogram. I haven’t called around yet, but I’m expecting it to be quite expensive. Even worse, I’ve had these things for like a year and a half. That’s how long I’ve been trying to ignore it and hope it isn’t cancer. They do seem to fluctuate at least. I keep telling myself it must be cycle related since they do go away, but when they come back in new places, it freaks me out all over again. I wish I had the money/time/job skills to get the fuck out of here. I know people European countries probably don’t want Americans to come in, anyway. Plus there’s the war so close. Idk. I’m just afraid right now.
No. 1364473
>>1364306>you're seeing a doctor for that?years ago, when i started falling asleep whenever and wherever. there's nothing wrong with my body, and got told to drink more coffee (i hate doctors so fucking much).
weirldy, i also find that long walks (and yoga) are the only exercise that i can do without starting yawning immediatelly.
No. 1364478
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I meet really nice guy. Talking with him feels amazing and all that shit. But he send me selfie, he looks like retired grandpa. Well,
chances are he's really bad at taking selfies as most men are really bad at taking them. I meet guy in the past who also send ugly pics but looked hot irl.
Today really good looking guy smiled at me, sigh why can't I get good looking guy?
They either look like grandpa (in their 20s-30s), wear clothes in grandpa style or send shit selfies.
I would love to have a gf too but it feels like impossible dream at this point.
I would need to meet people irl as it's easier to get better looking person but idk where I should go to meet them especially that I'm fucking autist.
Online you only find desperate guys that already hit the wall.
No. 1364496
>>1364482This year we don't know the lecture's theme beforehand so we can't even prepare before it. And usually the themes are not in order of what's provided online so we never know what to study for that day. It's dumb.
But bracelet business sounds amazing tbh kek
No. 1364629
I've been crying all morning. I have to put my dog to sleep, there's no other answer. But I think of our final moments together… Getting into the car knowing she won't be coming home with me. Seeing her on that metal table as I tell her goodbye and I love her. Picking up her body to take to the cemetery. Burying her knowing that I will never ever ever see my sweet baby girl ever again. It sucks. I feel so selfish, I want to back out. It's so much more easier to just do everything she needs to do, for as long as she needs be to do it. But then I feel awful because I know it's not right to keep her here. I am upset and sad no matter what. I'm scared to say goodbye to her.
What does she think of me? Was I a good owner? Does she forgive me for all the times I ignored her when we were growing up? Does she know how much I love her, how much I miss her every moment she isn't with me? Does she love me back?
This fucking sucks. I have to talk to my parents about it too, because she's technically always been the family dog. I know they'll resist, then I'll have to deal with being chastised because I know I'm going to cry again explaining why we have to do this. It's hard on me to make this decision, you know. I don't want to do this. In an ideal world, she would've passed on in her sleep, in the comfort of our home. But she is old and her body is failing her. I know I can't keep her with me anymore. We had a very good run. 18 years. That's so much more than I ever thought I'd have with her. I knew this moment was coming from the very first moment I picked her up from that pet store, but I still can't stop crying.
I don't want to say goodbye nonas. I wanted to be with her forever, I wanted to always be by her side.
No. 1364685
>>1364629had to put my childhood dog down a few months ago. only solace was that we were able to get a vet to come to our home and put him down with all of my family there.
he hated the vet so much i insisted on having someone come to our house to do it, otherwise i knew he would’ve been traumatized in his last moments if we had to get him into a car and then into the vets office.
you must stay focused on the positives in their lives. my dog had such a great life full of love and i’m sure yours does too
No. 1364696
>>1364634>>1364637>>1364685Thank you nonas. I couldn't stop crying at work and one of my coworkers came in to check on me and it means a lot that she understood how much my dog means to me. My boss has let me take off work last minute to stay with her when she was sick before, so it's comforting to know I can take some time off to grieve (or at least work from home).
My vet has told me before that I would know when it's time. I don't know if this is time, and it feels robotic to suddenly have decided it this morning. She still eats very well and is alert, so it feels wrong to put her to sleep. But I know she is uncomfortable and in pain, and her body is failing her. I wonder how much longer she could be with me, but close to 18 years is long enough. No matter how much longer she could live, gone are the days of us chasing each other around, playing in the blankets, and arguing with each other. All I can do now is pet her and cuddle her and hope to remember the feeling of her fur and the warmth of her tiny little body forever. The finiteness of it all is what gets me. She is here one day, and then the next she is not.
I got all of her aftercare stuff set up a few years ago when we first thought we were gonna lose her. I'm glad I did because it's one less thing for me to worry about. I wanted a comfortable place for her to rest for all of eternity. I'm sad it couldn't be my home, but I wanted a permanent place that I could always go back to, even if I decided to move house or leave the country. I'm also not a religious person, but I've started to pray, asking that wherever she goes, she'll be well taken care of. I hope there is a heaven, even if just for our pets.
When I see nonas post about having to put their pets to sleep or them just passing away suddenly, I always try to extend kindness to them. Thank you nonas for doing the same for me, it really means a lot to me. I love you all.
No. 1364754
>>1364405My mom too. Obsessed with Facebook/Youtube shorts and Instagram reels, checks the news 5 times a day. Never really learns or really dives into any topics, just the most surface shit. Started calling everyone a "snowflake" just because she saw some other boomer write it on FB and thought it sounded tough or something.
Maybe I can't say much because I love reading about the cows here. But I just cringe at my 50 year old mom following 20 year old Instagram babes and obsessing over their advice and whatever they have to say.
No. 1364805
>sitting in study area in university building revising for a test
>headphones on, laptop and a shitton of paper out, clearly focused and busy
>some random pakistani moidlet at least four years my junior comes up into my personal space
>not only that but he puts his goddamn hand on the table and says "hey" then mumbles something incomprehensible
>yank off one ear of Ralph Vaughan Williams: Music for Maeterlinck's symbolist drama, "The Death of Tintagiles" and go "wHAT" like a hard-of-hearing grandma
>he repeats himself, less confidently this time:
>"you're really, really pretty"
>i am dressed like a homeless skater, i have a week's worth of dark circles, and i am currently glaring at him
>stare at him in unblinking incomprehension then blurt out "that's great, i'm tryna study" and wave him off like the noxious fly he is
>he mumbles something else, probably "you didn't have to be such a fucking bitch about it" and slinks off, defeated
>i go back to revising
what the actual fuck is wrong with moids
>inb4 ChIlL iT's JuSt A cOmPlImEnT
he could have picked literally any other person who wasn't actively working to go bother and being female in public isn't an invitation for clumsy pickup lines
No. 1364874
>>1364006Samefag from this post here
I talked more with my husband and we had another discussion where he admitted to me that he’s scared of us having a child/multiple children for several reasons, the biggest being he’s scared that I’m gonna experience some kind of post-partum trauma with him or his family that’ll cause me to leave, the way his mother did. Like I said I don’t want to be the cause of generational traumas repeating themselves, he also doesn’t want to be forced to experience something like that again or force our newborn child to assimilate to life motherlessly. So, we’re making progress, thankfully! We went from “we can just hold this off for another decade or so” to “We can hold this off until we’re mentally equipped for the circumstances”.
Thank you for all your help, nonnies. I apologize if I sounded egregious or stressed kek
No. 1364906
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>>1364855What is wrong with gym teachers?
I got into accident after which I couldn't work out for the 2 remaining years of high school (otherwise I would start throwing up, that happened because of head trauma). I barely survived this fucking motorcycle (of course a man ran me over in a place where no one should drive). I always brought long essays about a certain type of sport to the teacher in order to get marks, and on my last year, for sime reason he started just calling me "disabled" instead of my name. Just yelling "disabled" if he needs something from me, etc. I felt so disrespected and I still don't understand why he started doing that, because I was nothing but a calm, quiet kid who never had a beef with any of the teachers.
No. 1364972
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Got witch hunted for being a radfem today and not liking shitty trans HCs online, normally I wouldn’t give a shit but lately my emotions have been out of control so I almost started crying
I’m at the point where I’m crying over annoying handmaidens and not being able to find fucking socks gulls, truly working with batshit insane co workers is making me go insane (sucks because the other one is really nice). really is the number one thing along with shopping that cheers me up.
No. 1364993
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No. 1365016
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When I was a kid ('00s) they aired TV commercials for these disgusting pissing baby toys for girl.
Anyone who buys this shit for her child is retarded.
It's not a present it's a chore.
No. 1365022
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i just wanna live in the woods, the unabomber was right. i refuse to be a slave, i refuse to be controlled by robots, i refuse to be some moids slave and i refuse to pay taxes to pedophiles
No. 1365053
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>>1365016Reminder to buy proper toys for your (future) daughter so she doesn't end up a retard who can't rotate a 3D cube in her mind.
No. 1365085
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>>1365016I had a picrel when I was something like 7, idk, at the time it seemed fun to do these adult things, being like my mom was with my baby sister. I don't think it's that weird.
No. 1365096
I wish I could go back in time to 2020, do the bloody exam, get a job, move. but no, I was a coward and couldn't ask for a sick day off. then it snowballed, couldn't get a passing grade year after year, which resulted in me not being able to get my licence and get a job. I have to work shitty jobs with illiterate people who treat me like shit even though i'm overqualified for the job and the only thing standing between be becoming their boss and working alongside them is one fucking undergraduate level exam. None of them know my education level, they don't care, why would they. One old bitch said to someone I was helping that I didn't know anything, when I know everything. I haven't been able to move out, they denied my paygrade, great, right after my potential boyfriend got sick of me because i lied about graduating and my job, it's all so exhausting. One fucking exam is ruining my life. i'm cursed or something.
No. 1365117
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>>1365103american girl dolls do fuckin suck lmao. i ruined mine like every other doll because they were so boring to play with. slightly related, the american girl minature rooms are fucking awesome, dollhouse rooms with electricity and lamps and reversable surfaces, shit was so cool, i kept mine in mint condition because i thought it was so neat and cute. i miss my little dollhouse complex a lot now tbh
No. 1365153
The hairdresser cut too much. Why did I even bother bringing a picture? She was addicted to cutting my hair, I could sense it. I was able to tell her to stop only at the end. It doesn't look too bad but it's not what I wanted, it's far too short at the back. I think I missed the inscription window. My dog cries when I leave and I feel so sad for him. I feel I don't spend enough time with my cat. Lately I've been going to sleep sad and with a terrible sense of failure. I'm tired of feeling ugly and stuck.
>>1365022Based Queen
>>1365137It's porn, yeah.
No. 1365178
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>>1365053To anyone who is shit at this task: you can train it.
No. 1365224
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I have this one coworker who's really tall and kinda reminds me of young Peter O'Toole, but more fat and with shorter hair, which really frustrates me His name is also Peter, which frustrates me even further If he got a more toned body and longer hair, then damn… My female coworkers told me he has a crush on me and some other people also noticed that but fuck I just really want him to lose weight and get longer hair and remind me of Peter O'Toole more. I'm scared he has a receding hairline (like most young moids today) and he might be hiding it under weird bangs. Why wouldn't he grow his hair otherwise? Can't he see it would flatter his face? I don't know how to figure this out. I don't want a balding moid. But I want to see him morphing into Peter O'Toole doppelganger. He started going to the gym and he's already thinner than he was a few months ago, so that's a good start. But how do I suggest to him to grow his hair…
No. 1365227
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My bf and I have dated for several years and been talking about marriage recently, I'd really love to but I've been putting it off specifically because I have no friends to invite and that makes me feel very pathetic… idk how I got to this point, with a Nigel worthy of marriage but completely socially retarded. It's so soul crushing
No. 1365299
>>1365297The joke means just rope? How do you not recognize the oldest green text joke in the book? It's not supposed to be sound advice, it's what you're
not supposed to do.
No. 1365306
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>>1365227This was me, nona. Don't let it stop you. A small wedding/elopement means you get to spend the budget on the elements you actually care about instead of gruel for 100 people you don't even know. Focus on your Nigel and your family, and YOURSELF.
No. 1365340
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>>1365309i am sorry, not everyone can make it in the funny business
No. 1365344
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Period vent:
I hate my dumbass period so MUUUUUCH!! I want to rip it out with a swiss knife! I am constantly torturing myself because I keep on making bad decisions that make me happy in this moment, but then making everything worse in the long run. Right now all I want is food and sugar to comfort me but then if I indulge then I feel bad because I've been eating healthy and losing weight. All that sadness sugar turned to extra weight drives me insane. And I keep on just wanting to nap instead of doing homework but it's even more anxiety-inducing when I have to turn things in! I feel like I can't be disciplined at all and I want to die!!! But I also wanna be bad and ruin myself because I'm pretty sure my uterus is trying to shoot out a la alien style!! Nothing is going right!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1365345
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My favorite lip tint has been discontinued for a few months now and I didn't even know because I had so many multiples and only now went back to buy more. I have two left so at least I have something to use until hopefully I find another one I like as much.
No. 1365377
>>1365016Looking back there were some creepy toys marketed towards children in the early 00s. I remember the pregnant barbie, I think it was called Midge. I went to an all girls grammar school and everyone wanted one.
>>1365085A doll by itself isn't weird. Children like to mimic adults so a baby doll is no different than playing with a plastic tool set or mini kitchen.
No. 1365389
>>1365383I am, anon. I'm scared because I know I have to leave my financially stable job because of how financially stable it is yet mentally detrimental it is for me. It is mentally detrimental and is destroying my sense of empathy and compassion. However, my parents have both suffered through jobs that are mentally detrimental because of their financial stability to ensure I could get higher education.
I feel like I'm throwing away something that I am privileged to access, however, I am also miserable. I feel stuck.
>>1365383 No. 1365407
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Need to have a deep convo with my nigel and I am dreading it even though I know pain is a part of life it Sucks!
No. 1365409
>>1365384WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?! I'm going through a mentally tough time so I know that any little bit of compassion helps. Good luck.
>>1365389 How is it affecting your compassion and making you feel stuck? Has being in that job cause you to make bad decisions? I know someone important to me that chose thier job besides anything else and they pretend to be happy but are living a really meaningless life and they are drinking a lot. I hope you find what you're looking for anon.
No. 1365412
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I've been acting so reckless recently and I don't know why. I've gone from losing 8 pounds to binge eating every day. I keep waking up very early even though I don't get enough sleep. I can't imagine my future, I can't imagine myself having a career or moving out. I don't even care and the world feels so strange. Like it's looming over a catastrophe. I know everything I do won't amount to much and it's starting to get to me.
No. 1365421
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>>1365377this barbie? i don't remember it being creepy. unless you mean the magnetic belly part, but to me that was only slightly weird but also made sense to get the toy baby out
No. 1365422
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Hate where the world is leading to, it all seems hopeless and inescapable. I just wanted to live a normal healthy life.
No. 1365469
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I've been pretending I know calculus for the past three years when I barely understand integration. I'm deeply ashamed. I'm barely holding myself above water in my math classes. I'm doing mathematical methods at school while reviewing old cal problems at home. I feel like an imposter.
No. 1365539
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People's reaction to pubic hair make me so sad, I usually dont shave or wax because my skin is extremely sensitive and abrasions like that take longer than usual to heal, form blisters, bleed etc "b-but if you exfoliate first!!" thanks but im taking about a serious skin problem to the point ive had surgery. And even without this problem, I LIKE my bush, it's comfortable it prevents chafing and gross sweating, it feels good to just let it be, im an extremely clean person who showers everyday, sometimes twice a day, the hair down there is just as clean as my scalp.
But with every sexual partner is always the same fucking thing, the disgust and disappointment i dont go through the grueling torture of getting a Brazilian wax every two weeks, its such a complete mood killer reaction to something that was the norm until 40 years or so. My current fiancé specially makes me sad, we do LDR most of the time due to his job and it actually makes me look less foward to sex when hes here because i have to shave again and be in pain for a month, sigh, i get his point that giving oral in the dense amazonian jungle isn't appealing but at the same time I personally dont have a problem with any of my partners body hair as long as theyre clean, but I seem to be the 0.1% ou there.
No. 1365552
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I'm really mad that it's 2022 and we still have movies where a fat, hideously ugly bordering on(if not just outright) deformed male lead wins over a highly attractive and skinny female one and no one bats an eye. People wonder what creates incels and it's media like this pushing the idea that men can look like complete fucking dog shit but as long as they're "nice" and "funny" they will wind up with conventionally attractive woman way out of their league. Ffs we just went through a multi-year long """feminist""" movement in which we learned that old, ugly, fat movie executives where raping their much younger, eating disordered, extremely beatiful actresses for decades and no one stops to think "huh, wonder if they put any of that dynamic in their work" and just let shit like this slide or question why there's NEVER the opposite.
No. 1365556
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>>1365552Gaten genuinely has a disability tho, he's not just plain ugly. I get what you mean by ugly men, Adam Sandler romcoms are out there, but it's nice to see someone who is disabled being a romantic lead.
No. 1365573
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>>1365117american doll accessories and rooms were so nice, i used to flip through the catalogues all of the time as a kid. i was a poorfag and i thought the american girl dolls themselves were weird looking so i never bought but the accesories were so damn nice. $80 for a little packet of fake food is crazy though
No. 1365583
>>1365556>Gaten genuinely has a disability thoSo fucking what. We've been looking at disabled male actors for 30+ years. Steve Buscemi has gone his entire acting career refusing offers from doctors and dentists to fix his lazy eyes and terrible teeth. Name me ONE actress who has a disability that makes her ugly, who hasn't had to get it fixed and who actually is helped by it, and who routinely gets written into on-screen relationships with an actor that's extremely handsome and fit. For Gaten in particular his CDD doesn't excuse how fucking fat he is, if anything it should help him not be that way. Plus as
>>1365565 said why doesn't he or any of these other actors ever end up with a woman who's just average, or even a little ugly too, or just within the same BMI category?
No. 1365608
>>1365421AYRT. I was creepy to me because I was a teenager at the time and all my friends wanted one even though none of us had played with dolls for years. There was something off about the way it was marketed at least in the UK and there was various media stories about it, her husband also looks like Margaret Thatcher.
>>1365539Any man that can't accept you as you are is not worth your time. I hate to NAMALT but in this case it's true, not all men are pornsick scrotes that expect women to be hairless children. I'm married and I haven't shaved anywhere except my arm pits for around three years. Some men even appreciate well groomed pubic hair.
No. 1365698
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All I wanna do is joke around, but other people are so serious. I can be an anxious mess, but that's why I value my peace. What I mean is that some people create drama where there is none. They get uptight with you when there's no need. If something's wrong I understand there's a time for that, but I hate when people cause issues for no reason. Getting upset over petty bullshit because they take themselves too seriously.
No. 1365803
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I fumbled a qt tech grad student from a super wealthy family last month and I’m still kicking myself over it. We met briefly on vacation and he went too long without texting me when he got home and got cagey about our plans for me to come visit him in his country (an invitation HE extended) so I told him to kick rocks. I’m proud of myself because the last thing I need right now is to be pining over some scrote on the other side of the ocean but fuck I wish it could’ve worked out. He was my type in almost every single way and initially seemed so interested in us keeping in touch when he left. I think part of what lead up to me cutting him off was a genuine miscommunication and I feel kind of bad but it’s done now and I’m too proud to walk it back or go to a scrote asking for understanding. Sometimes I wish I’d never peaked and was still as delusional about men and love as I was two years ago.
No. 1365810
>>1365539You can spread lips and lick a clit without having to suck on hair. Use two fingers as a seperator and go to town. Its not that hard. If you're currently shaving for his visits and planning on getting married I'd address this now and not later.
Men are brainwashed but anyone who is prone to lumps, bumps, ingowns, spots and all that jazz.. the reality of that is not hot or worth it.
No. 1365836
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>>1365539>i get his point that giving oral in the dense amazonian jungle isn't appealingIdk nonna, seems pretty romantic kek. But seriously, a bush is soft and you can just move it out of the way, stubble on the other hand is not nice to deal with. He's a weak coward.
No. 1365998
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Man I loved my pooping Baby Born. Feeding her that nasty little porridge mix and having my mom get annoyed because she had to spend money on more diapers for my little diarrhea doll. I'd give her water from her little baby bottle and she'd piss on my clothes because I'd forget to put her diapers on.
No. 1366084
>>1366075>is violent and beats up other kids bc of abuse and being cussed outIsn't it funny though, how little girls who also are abused and cussed out tend not be violent and hurting other students?
Almost like scrote brains are wired to be violent from birth and require a "
trigger" to activate it in their brains, while having the physical stature that enables them to carry out their want for violence.
Feel sorry for the other innocent students who have to walk on eggshells around that rabid dog and might even be caught in his warpath later on.
Violent people should be on mandatory medicated sedation.
No. 1366109
>>1366100Ntayrt but I have literally never gotten an STD and I have "fucked around" plenty. You having bad luck doesn't mean everyone having a casual relationship with someone who they get to know and whose values they like is an idiot. Clearly you hooked up with a rando and not a buddy, not even a friend who would feel bad that they gave you the clap.
How old are you anyway? You're the one sounding naive if you seriously do not believe there is a stereotype and pattern of male behaviors and interests, not just their appearance, that would indicate that they are trouble and not good candidates to sleep with or get into relationships with.
No. 1366118
>>1366112You are at risk whenever you sleep with a scrote period.
Even if you get to know them and get into a serious relationship, it does not mean you will not get an STD. A college friend got the strain of hpv that causes cancer from an ex. It didn't matter that she had never hooked up.
You accept the risks and try your best to find men who wouldn't put you in those situations. Being bitter cause you got burned isn't gonna change what happened.
No. 1366130
>>1366121>I’m not going to put myself right in front of the risk though. But you are regardless if you are hooking up or are intending a serious relationship. The only guarantee is to not fuck men.
>decent men don't… "Decent" men will lie about what they've done and whatever fantasies they have because they know it's shameful and unattractive to women. That's why you need to judge by overall attitudes and behaviors, like perhaps not hooking up with men who type they want casual in their Tinder bios.
>>1366125On this note, you are right. Women have way more integrity and empathy.
No. 1366131
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No. 1366153
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>>1366136Nice, ride that wave as long as you can. Today in the car you can read The Forgotten Employee: No. 1366166
>>1365803You probably did the right thing.
Not even a rich scrote is worth the suffering.
No. 1366290
>>1365511>This sounds like a very normie suggestion so forgive me if you've heard this before Don't worry about it, at least it may be helpful. And also no one's actually suggested that to me before kek.
>it might help to write a list of goals Yeah that sounds doable!
>But also keep an eye on the sleep thing … because it could be the start of a manic episode.Nooo Anon please don't jinx it. I haven't felt depressed or suicidal in about a month now and I'm pretty happy with where I'm at mood wise.
No. 1366309
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My siblings and mother praised me yesterday for my strength and how I always seem to do whatever I set my mind to and pull through no matter what… I just today changed my sheets for the first time in weeks because I've been too depressed to care because I feel like a failure that can do nothing right except being a wall flower and should just die. It's not the first time I've had others tell me as well that I'm someone that can pull things together, that people can trust, etc. but I always just feel like a walking joke and a failure. I always hate myself for not being more accomplished and how the brain fog my autism brings me holds me back from being the person I could be no matter how far I push myself. In my eyes I'm a nobody no one notices unless I push myself to be the one that makes people laugh.
I don't know who I am anymore. I don't understand how people perceive me anymore. If I was able to see myself from the perspective of how the people around me see me, where would I be today? Or is it just lip service? I don't know. I really don't know and can't tell.
No. 1366319
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>plan on going to a restaurant on wednesday with my female friends
>one of the always ignore us, it's been 5 months since we last saw her
>suddenly she comes back to the fb group
>"can I come to uwu? I'll eat super fast and leave asap to go to work tho"
>"btw I'm bringing muh bf with us, you don't know him so he'll ruin the whole outing but he's muh bf so I HAVE to present him to you at some point"
No. 1366322
nonnie, i've had the exact same experience
No. 1366331
>>1365556doesn't matter if it's labeled as a deformity or not. he's fucking ugly and nonna is right. you never see movies where a totally ugly dumpy woman scores a 10/10 moid. it's always women who are being sold as a product for ugly men to buy with 10 minutes of attention and common courtesy. it feeds scrote entitlement and creates incels who think they are owed a supermodel. these movies need to fucking die and be erased from existence.
>a bloo bloo, he was born uglyno shit ugly people are born ugly. they should castrate themselves so no more fuggos are born.
No. 1366367
>>1366345dont' remove perfectly good teeth nonna. you can't grow those back. good dentists do the minimum necessary to maintain health. crook dentists love to yank and drill as much as possible.
you're worried about coming off as rude to a guy proposing to yank out 4 perfectly fucking good teeth and cripple you for life. get perspective and stand up for yourself.
No. 1366392
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My coworker is like really nice and he always offers me a ride home, he knows I don't like people and I'm a loner so he's really respectful and doesn't intiniate conversations too often now, but always helps me with something if I need it. My female coworker told me he has a crush on me and I should try to ask him out first. I'm an autist and I never dated anyone, like I don't feel able to form relationships with others and idk what to do. I'm too awkward to even talk to him. Today I just asked if he had any change to borrow bc I wanted to buy something from a vending machine and he just bought me the food and said I don't have to pay him back, despite mee insisting. A relationship with someone seems nice as an idea, but I really can't imagine it irl. I need some affection, but I also need to be alone for most of the time, and no one in a "serious relationship" would put up with that. My family members are already angry at me that I rarely call them or answer phones, I also had problems at work for not being communicative and social enough. A "relationship" with a guy would look the same and inevitably fall apart. I should've been born a cat. A cat is loved and sheltered despite not always being affectionate and good owners leave it alone and only cuddle it when the cat itself wants that. Otherwise they just let it be and let it sleep for the majority of the time. That's my dream life. Except instead of just cuddles I would need both cuddles and interesting conversations. Not really interested in sex with someone, I feel good as a virgin and masturbating once a week
No. 1366394
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>>1366380ntayrt but I was always insecure about my boyfriend liking more masculine women because I'm pretty stereotypically feminine. In that sense it's better that he's not into it, right?
No. 1366398
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One of my teeth fell out and I feel so goddamned miserable, in pain, and decrepit right now. It wasn't enough that I have sleep apnea and issues with my thyroid, nope–I have to look like I'm falling apart, too. I don't say this often but this is really just unfair.
Also inb4 "you deserve it for not taking care of your mouth."
Several of my adult teeth never grew in, some are missing roots, my jaw/mouth is all around a mess for reasons entirely out of my control. So.
No. 1366401
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Me when the FBI came to interview me
No. 1366408
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I'm starting my first ever job at McDonald's tomorrow and I'm fucking terrified. Like overall it's a good thing that I finally got a job since most people my age have already had one (I'm 21 and about to turn 22) and it would be good to finally make my own money, but what I'm feeling is reminding me of why I've never had a job before, my anxiety is through the fucking roof. I've been struggling with anxiety (including social anxiety) for several years but it's worse than ever since the pandemic happened and I've also been a NEET for nearly a year now (it would be a year in early November). I just don't feel prepared at all. This will probably sound pathetic, but after I did the paperwork and officially got hired yesterday I burst into tears after I got home and went into my room as well as this morning after I woke up, just because of how anxious out getting this job made me, and the prospect of having to interact with people because it's a fast food job. And to add insult to injury my dad walked in when I was crying yesterday and after I explained why he started laughing, idk why I ever try to explain my feelings to him when he does this shit. He thinks I was crying because of pure laziness and doesn't take my anxiety (or depression) seriously. At least my mom is understanding (she also has anxiety and depression), she actually comforted me. But anyway, I hope this goes well, and I'm starting off just doing it part time so hopefully it won't be too bad…
No. 1366439
>>1366408Have a good first day at work
nonnie, we’re all rooting for you. It’s scary but you’re making big moves and I promise you they are not going unnoticed
No. 1366453
>>1366447Baby I want you to take a deep breath and remember that you're a human and also a student (so doubly expected that you will make mistakes) and that doesn't, and will not, define you.
If people are talking about you that's in fact a blessing, because now you know who to stay away from.
No. 1366466
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>>1366402What? Bone loss? How? I have one another gap - it was from a tiny baby tooth - I've had since I was a kid on the middle of the bottom row. Don't tell me there's probably a problem there too. What the heck.
Anyway thank you for letting me know.
>>1366404It's as the other
nonny said. I figure that something went really wrong in my development…after all I have breathing issues (I thought it was normal to not be able to breathe through my nose–it turned out it wasn't and my insurance deemed it medically necessary to have surgery) and etc.
Hypodontia is what the tooth issue is called, I think.
No. 1366537
>>1366466nta but when you have a missing tooth the jaw in that area will weaken in bone loss. if it gets bad enough it can cause deformity or the surrounding teeth to also be lost.
the good news is they're working on regenerative dentistry to regrow teeth. bad news is it will be another 10 years before it's out. i have a missing tooth from a routine filling cracking the tooth apart, have a bridge there, i'm patiently waiting for improved techniques to fix it up before issues set in. i think they're getting a better technique to regrow jawbone mass out sooner though. it's used in implant surgery and the current method is kind of crappy so they're figuring out a way to regrow bone better.
i feel like there's a huge stigma against dental issues, and society believes that anyone with crappy teeth must be a meth-head or never brush, when it isn't true at all. 90% of tooth health is genetic. they're developing a lot of new treatments right now. in 10-20 years it will be way improved. save up some money
No. 1366604
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>>1366408Good luck anon! I don't know if this is helpful, but I got my first job at the same age (21, turned 22 later that month), though it was retail, and it was really hard at first. REALLY hard. I honestly couldn't even figure out how or why I was hired. My bosses even clearly thought I was a fucking dumbass. People who don't have that kind of anxiety don't understand the pure fear of humiliation and/or helplessness that comes with any situation that is even slightly chaotic or unfamiliar. I got bitched at by a lady on my very first day, and it made me want to die. Every single day for the first couple weeks, I rushed out the door wishing I could just quit. But it DID get easier. It really did. Just remember that progress is an upward spiral, not a slope: you will come back around to the same old fears, setbacks, and general problems that have always plagued you. You will have an awkward or painful customer interaction after a whole day of being a star employee and you will feel like it was all for nothing, but it's just part of the cycle. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can try again, and you will bring a little bit of experience and perspective to the table the next time you have that same problem or setback. You WILL grow. Also want to echo
>>1366411 in that you can quit whenever you need to, and you should do so without shame if it becomes necessary. You aren't saving lives.
No. 1366677
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I have a large amount of trauma related to school, and I was hoping university would be a new thing. Now I'm about half way to graduating, and I'm realizing I actually repressed a ton of abuse from when I was at in my university's kids day camp 20 years ago. I even look at my student registration details and it has stuff from the kids program in 2003 kek
No. 1366680
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>>1366666no worries, you'll rock your bald head nona
No. 1366708
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God hates me.
First I get a sore throat, it’s ok it’s cool I can manage the next day I wake up with nausea so severe I throw up and pass out twice, I go to the hospital, they give me an iv drip and some painkillers, turns out I just got my period that’s why the pain is so severe, I feel better after the iv and meds, now I wake up with a throbbing red itchy eye and I can’t open it.
What did I do to deserve this in one week?
No. 1366715
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Mods forgive me for always bringing my cringe drama here. I am weak. I am autistic.
Anyway, bf finally met the egirl I've suspected he's been online cheating on me with for the last 2ish years in person and he damn near creamed his jorts the second she looked at him. I fucking hate being alive. I fucking hate scrotes. I wish I could find a nice butch and spend the rest of my life happy and loved.
No. 1366719
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Something's wrong with the YouTube app on my Smart TV and Switch where a large chunk of the sidebar disappeared only showing the "home" and "settings" section. It shows up fine on my phone and laptop so I don't know what's the issue here. Technical difficulties is so annoying. I hope this get fixed soon.
No. 1366740
>>1366717I consider it regularly but I've done this for nearly 6 years. I'm scared to leave. I don't want to be alone again, but I can't take feeling like nothing much longer.
Also that little nickname nearly made me cry from the softness. I hope you have a lovely day.
No. 1366767
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I went off my diet really hard, so now I'm going to be strict with it. Don't know how long I'll keep this up but here we go.
No. 1366835
>>1366453Nona I know it’s been hours but thank you the words mean a lot seriously, it made me feel a little better in that bathroom lol… i couldn’t look my group in the eye after the class but a group mate texted the chat saying that we did well and im going to try and take it as a positive that she’s not mad at me
I also want to say to all nonnies in the thread i love you
No. 1366930
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I'm at a point in my life right now where the decisions I make will make or break my future. I will live a life of misery or I will prosper. This is where I have to remember delayed gratification is the most important thing. Work hard. Discipline. Make her proud.
No. 1366950
>>1366466Sigh. It's still bleeding. I wish I could stop being anxious, my body feels so numb.
>>1366537I'll try, but I'm not really sure if I have much hope. This stuff is so overwhelming and I can't really afford a bridge.
No. 1367011
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Nick cannon and Elon musk are beyond retarded. Having hoardes of children because of declining birth rates isn’t going to help anything because they’re rich assholes creating MORE rich assholes, only widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Also Elon’s gross fetish for boy children is just going to create another china problem, men in the west are already struggling to entice and enter relationships with women, having more men than women will only make it even more difficult for these retards to find a woman. Males are selfis and unable to think of the future consequences of current actions. To all lurking males, kill yourself, but before you do make sure to donate all your money to a woman’s shelter. Fucking pigs.
No. 1367023
>>1366411>>1366439>>1366604ayart, thank you so much nonnies! I'm still pretty worried but I do feel somewhat better now.
>>1366442What country do you live in? I honestly didn't know that was a thing.
No. 1367150
>>1367141show her the fake dick full stop, show the really bad ones, the detrans videos, the acne, and probably remind her that surgeons are more than happy to have paying human experiments. also bring up why she hates being a woman and how that ties into society putting expectations on women, that if we were all stripped down the only thing that makes us women is the body we were born in not some expectation of dresses, make up, sexy, cute. we are just people, women allowed to express ourselves in the way we choose and none of that ties into the expected gender role men try to shove us in. we can be business women, wear 'butch' clothes, love math and science, enjoy videogames but none of that in any way equals 'male' except society trying to shove women into pretty cookie cutter boxes. if she is lesbian/bi tell her that the idea of her having to look like a 'man' is from people's engrained homophobia towards lesbianism. people are uncomfortable with butch women, women having nothing to do with me, they make lesbian/bi women out to be predatory when men are the ones raping, raping kids, murdering, controlling governments. other anons probably have better advice but this is coming from when i was a teen and confused myself but tbh the main kicker had been internalized homophobia due to my mom, the fact i was trying to escape being a woman from the expectations placed upon us, and after seeing a frankendick years ago i knew there was no way in hell being a male was possible. im now comfortable with myself and very very happy i didnt do anything but dress tomboy-butch for a bit.
No. 1367153
>>1367141Smartphone, access to internet? There are ways to kick individual devices off the WiFi network. Can't remember if this is the exact one, but yeah. If your mum isn't in the cult, communicate with her too.
>oh no, you're phone can't connect, guess you can't get brainwashed. Take her to play sports, or spend time around other females. Watch movies that portray females in all types, not just 'perfect' types- awkward, Tina Belchers, tomboys, and stuff with strong female friendship in. Instead of telling her it's wrong, prompt her to ask questions.
>What do you think it means to be female?>Do you think female puberty and the female experience can be uncomfortable as compared to the male version?>Do you think it's safe to go under a medical procedure that is relatively modern and has a new success rate?>How's your self esteem?>Do you feel accepted at school?Get to know her and you'll know just what to do.
No. 1367172
>>1367141>>1367150Ngl as a teenager I was ok with tranny stuff because I did not know how awful the surgeries were, that they had to dilate, etc.
But if you want to stop this naturally, you need to control her internet access. Step up filters without her knowing. This shit is like porn, it will rot their brain. If you try to persuade her while leaving the content available, she might rebel against you. You should also be filtering porn and adult sites if you haven't done it already.
No. 1367206
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>>1367154 !! There's a detransition blog on tumblr that I found recently and my ex reblogged this post.
No. 1367208
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>>1367206I'm retarded and forgot to link the blog:'s some food for thought if she tries the enby route. Going trans is not going to solve the issues that she thinks it is. Open her up to these ideas and get her think critically about it.
No. 1367248
>>1367222I'm so jealous of u
nonnie. I never have dreams like that.
No. 1367257
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God. I really hate my body. It is dumb and bad and looks actually ugly. I look like Satan's fridge.
I need to wear plus sized bras despite being a pant size 2 because my ribcage is gigantic even though my boobs are flat. I got a XL bra and it was painful and tight. Comfort bra? Nope. Apparently I need to get an extra special fitted bra for my exotic body type.
I usually just ignore it, but god, I look horrible. The only things that really flatter me are big clothes that completely cover my body. I looked at my medically tested body fat %, my BMI, etc…and I match it up to pictures of other women with my %…and I look twice as big as them for incomprehensible reasons. My bone structure is literal hulk. I can't believe I can almost understand what goddamned MtFs experience (except I'm also taller than most men in my area so fuck my life).
Many years ago I used to have dumb "BDD" panic attacks about how I looked after being constantly bullied, men screaming how ugly I am randomly, etc…but I got over it and I just told myself that I was ok. I am actually - with all this distance between now and then - realizing that I really look extremely weird. My body is weird. My face is weird. My insides are dumb and icky. Sigh. I wish I was someone else. I'll die without having kissed anyone and I realize that I prefer it that way, being the thing I am.
No. 1367271
>>1367118Trying to prevent your child from mutilating their body and ruining their life isn’t being a “schizo homeschool parent” good lord
>>1367109Be kind to your babies, love them, offer them
attention and a listening ear, affirm their beauty and their worthiness, treat them with understanding and humility, protect them from abusers, always believe them when they tell you they get a bad feeling from someone or are scared of someone, don’t give them an iPhone at a young age, and monitor their internet access. Don’t listen to the retards telling you that not having children is the only way to avoid your kids trooning out. If you wanna be a maman you should listen to your gut and follow it!
No. 1367326
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what the fuck is this shit. a song about a married scrote cheating with mtfs? the only thing good about this heap of shit is it's admittedly catchier than harry styles
No. 1367386
>>1367339Thanks anon. I know there isn't much you can say, but just knowing that someone read that and heard me means a lot. Wanting to die is one of the few things I don't feel comfortable talking about to others, but sometimes I need to vent about it so bad. I cleaned my room and listened to some music and did some thinking. I don't think I deserve to feel this shitty for the rest of my life. I know what areas of my life are causing me the most stress and even if I can't do anything about it now I think if I stick it out for another two years I'd have more freedom to change my situation. As I said, killing myself isn't an option so I'm just going to fight every day to get through the next two years because I know I deserve to be happy with my life eventually.
I don't know what your situation is like, but you deserve to find your own happiness too. It's hard to have hope when you feel trapped, but I hope things get better for you as well.
No. 1367466
>>1367455i know how that feels too anon and experienced that very thing quite a while back.
unfortunately the only thing i’m able to suggest to ease it (if you want suggestions) is to try to find something, anything helpful or good to attempt to take your mind off of them. maybe these ideas might not help, and maybe you’ve already tried them. but maybe you can try your hand at art, cooking, or any sort of beneficial hobby that maybe you’ve wanted to try and haven’t gotten around to yet, maybe complete some tasks or chores, maybe hang out with some trusted people to spend some time with if possible, maybe find some sort of tv show or film not associated with your trauma to get into. it can be so hard to take your mind off of traumatic memories. but distractions have been the only thing that have somewhat helped and eased things a little bit over time.
No. 1367516 hate when these idiotic self righteous rw MRA men lie like this. AS IF conservative men who posture how trad they are don’t cheat or quit pursuing younger tradthots and women as well(sometimes even their male friends’ teen daughters!), or have mistresses/multiple other women on the side, and worse - straight up leave their trad wives WITH KIDS after 7 years only to settle for a “Trump supporter porn star girl”.
And its obvious the Red Pill keep on mentioning that, more women also need to realise that men use them as placeholders all the time while holding out for their imaginary supermodel virgin barely-18 yrs Stacy who is skinny yet thicc and has a baby face plus quiet as a mouse, submissive and is so masochistic she likes doing his shit for him and taking his abuse and issues, to upgrade as soon as he gets bored or the chance.
Keep on making those tradgirl antifeminist sock accounts and sneakily slipping in little statements and exposes of how RW men truly think and their lies of trying to make themselves seem like chivalrous whiteknights who will loyally protect “good submissive women only” while still being sex pests who want to deflower multiple girls every week and have a wife do his shit chores and raise kids for him, while he goes partying with 18 yr tradthots on the side and only buys them expensive gifts and lingerie, while old wifey gets nothing on their anniversary
No. 1367519
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I feel like my life is just a prison and I'm now constantly full of confusion over why it is that I even exist.
>dumb health issues. I feel like death. I've had 1 decent rest in my entire life
>spent entire youth being bullied and ostracized by everyone, I no longer give a shit that I am a kissless virgin because the rest of my life has been so terrible that romance seems inconceivable to me and I haven't felt attraction towards anyone ever
>I look like a fucked up demon–plus I look like I have PCOS (I have jumped through years of insurance-loops to see dermatologists over my severe cystic acne–0 progress)
>speech disability from a jaw deformity, talking literally hurts me too
>getting up in the years so there is 0 excuses for me being so fucked up
>0 thoughts besides those revolving around how self-conscious I am
>it's been many, many years since I last laughed…around high school?
>the effects of being near mute for the past years have set in; I can't even HAVE a CONVERSATION anymore
The last one hurts more than anything. I was always a bit odd, but I was able to talk? Kind of? I had some sort of sense of self. But it's like my self-conciousness has become everything. Imagine someone talking to you and just having your mind scream in agony how much you wish you could say something to make them happy, cheer them up, make them laugh….anything. And it fills you up like poison and it hurts and makes your limbs feel numb and your lungs feel like they're on fire. Idk.
I feel so bad for my mom. I can't even talk to her anymore. I just act like a brick wall and just try getting what little money I can from my freelancing thing. I'm trapped in my own body…my own mind, it feels like.
I'm a mistake of a human being and it goddamned hurts so much, I wish I was a great daughter and that I could actually make my mom happy but I'm just…this…and I can't stop crying. God dammit.
No. 1367524
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The one weekend it’s good weather and all of my friends want to go out after being dead weight all month, I have a fucking chest infection and can’t come with them. I’ve had this cough for weeks and nothings done anything for it. If it turns into pneumonia I’m just gonna fucking kill myself, I can’t be fucked being sick anymore.
No. 1367526
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I fell down my stairs early in the morning, called off work cause the pain isn't getting better it's getting so much worse, going to an urgent care in the morning (they dont take walk ins on weekdays, thanks america) I can't do anything normally right now. Not walking, can't use the bathroom comfortably, can't do so much shit without physical support. This is so awful and embarrassing I'm scared of the potential of needing surgery too, highly doubt I'll even get any paid medical leave from either of my jobs. I'm so scared
No. 1367537
>>1367533Obviously it hurts because you feel like you're not his first choice in looks and aren't truly what he likes in a woman, anyone would feel insecure and jealous about that. I assume you want to hear some deep thoughtful explanation of why you're being irrational and have nothing to worry about, but this isn't a handmaid hugbox and unfortunately with men you always have something to worry about.
If you genuinely feel appreciated and are confident he's attracted to you outside of this one thing, you can try to move past it. If you can identify other ways he treats you that makes you insecure, then you should take it much more seriously. But you shouldn't question yourself for being upset and on your guard, it's warranted.
No. 1367543
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Lmfao he was saying how he didn't just jerk off to girls with big tits and ass, but that he was into various types of girls. I pointed out that what I had uncovered of his past behaviour online (we have access to each others accounts, a mutual agreement because we are…were, a very clingy mushy whatever couple) showed he was obsessed with this one particular chick. He told me it's because he thought she had a beautiful face too. Lmfao , and the lines between lust and love get blurred too easily. I know him, I know what he said, I know that eventually his lust also developed into fantasies about her being his gf and whatnot. Just blegh. His friends sending him chicks who all have comically enlarged breasts. I'm not at all like this. Makes me feel sick and stupid and also pathetic
No. 1367551
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>>1367543> He told me it's because he thought she had a beautiful face too. If it makes you feel any better your bfs porn crush looks like onion son in drag
No. 1367555
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>>1366710relatable fren, im sitting hear listening to metroid prime music at 4am and lookin back at all my missed opportunities to make relationships, im in my mid 20's with nothin. im too fucking retarded for any form of connection. Let's hope things get better anon
No. 1367733
>>1362822Sorry for being r-brained and replying after almost a week. I had a hectic work week.
As for career path, I am an Indian and went for chemical engineering. I had to take two drop years before I finally qualified for one of the most prestigious institutions in my nation. Those were the darkest years of my life, as I saw all my friends in college while I was trying to crack a shitty entrance exam. I attempted suicide once, and most of my family cut contact. I am currently working in research, and finally have an apartment and car.
Please reach out to your mother, she will do all in her power to help you. I would have never made it without my mother.
No. 1367799
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I hate moids so much I can't handle it. They're not like us. They're destructive emotional retards who don't care about women and children, or anyone else. They do not care about consequences. They self-destruct but drag other innocent people with them. How the fuck are we supposed to be the same species and how the fuck are we supposed to co-exist.
No. 1367839
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I want a bf I’m not strong I’m sorry