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No. 1367610
you dropped this nona, i will help
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1359356 No. 1367616
File: 1665228957356.jpg (65.55 KB, 563x756, 6b4b08d48153cfbcd9301eda98b55d…)

Remove the manhate and GC threads from /ot/, they said. It would stop the scrotes from attacking the site, they said.
No. 1367717
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I hope I have an exam whenever its my sister's graduation day so that I don't have to attend and feel the humiliation of having my 4 years younger sister graduate before me.
No malice towards her, she deserves everything great in this world, it's just shameful and embarrassing on my side.
No. 1367735
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A fly I just killed is stuck to my curtain. I don't want to have to scrape it off.
No. 1367759
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>>1367561I'm grateful it is completely a thing of the past, but I just can't seem to let it go. We are both 19, so indeed it is something of the recent past, yet at an age where it is understandable. Today at work I kept getting intrusive thoughts about her. I have such a difficult time articulating to people why this bothers me so much. It just upsets me so much. I feel deeply unhappy about it. I loathe this entire situation… Picrel has been bothering me all day. I guess a bubble has been popped for me too. LITERALLY ALL MEN. It doesn't matter that he was a virgin when he met me despite having had previous girlfriends, because he cared to save his virginity for one woman… It doesn't matter that he spent thousands on me and has traveled across the world to see me when I had to go abroad… It doesn't matter that he never is angry at me, always sticks by me, always is patient, babies me without complaining, spoils me without complaining, adores me, treats me right, doesn't watch pornography, always respects me… None of it seems to matter, this feeling just overwhelms me. I hope the majority of it is just that I'm a bit exhausted and haven't eaten well recently… It must be making me a bit more emotional than usual. But still… Grrrr it upsets me SO MUCH!! Why did he have to fap to big tit OnlyFans whores??? I don't look anything like them… How?? How can this arouse him?? I thought I was his type?? And how can his standards be so low???
No. 1367789
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My ex was so kinda and loving in so many different ways when he was focused on me but would shut down and reject a lot of the kindness I tried to return to him. It was such a strange dynamic and I’m still trying to figure out why he would react like that.
No. 1367805
>>1367801It's just how I talk I'm autistic, socially inept and don't interact with other women besides this forum.
I've talked about it in past vent threads. I'm actually going to hang out with a new girl friend for the first time in five years today kek. My bad for the scrote like language nona.
No. 1367810
>>1367797My boyfriend and I had a conversation about that lense. He claimed that he felt for her is lust, yet for me it's love. I'm aware of the madonna-whore complex and adjacent concepts, so I understand what he is trying to say. But I can't properly formulate why it feels wrong still. So one moment he can masturbate to chicks who look nothing like me, and the other he can love me..? It makes me feel pathetic, honestly. How could I think he would be aroused by my body when I showed it to him? How can he even be attracted to me? I'm nothing like those women. He is completely broken about this situation too. He has already expressed to me in the past the shame he feels for his previous masturbation and porn-watching behaviour. I know he is different now and feels true regret. It just makes me feel like shit. I told my mom about this and she said I have no reason to be concerned, that I am just as beautiful and even sexy. My boyfriend said one reason why he feels so awful about pornography and mastubration is that he knows now how men look at me. I'm just blurting out things I gathered in this whole mess. I'm seriously overreacting and way too messy over this, I know. I feel kind of shocked at how deeply this has affected me and how incoherent it makes me. He didn't do anything actually wrong. He was literally a virgin when he met me and let me take his. But I still feel so sick… I just want to break up with him… I don't understand. We have so much great together, this isn't anything to throw that away over. I obviously won't act on this thought unless it persists for at least a week, because I know I am being very irrational and due to lifestyle aspects as well. I've really been needing to vent about this… It upsets me way too much. I feel like I can never win. I don't know how to perceive myself. Sexy, not sexy, the type of girl guys want as girlfriends and wife, but also a girl guys disrespect and sexually harrass, attractive, not sexy enough, bitter, jealous, in the right, in the wrong, overreacting, overly emotional…
No. 1367899
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Waiting for shit to restock so I can order it. It's also getting closer to November so I'll also probably wait 1-2 more months for the sales… damn, I just want my shit
No. 1367923
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Needs to be a study on the link between autism and hardcore stalking. What is it about those people that makes them completely ignore consent.
No. 1367950
>>1367934Autists take stalking to a degree few others do. Very interesting. Total dehumanization of their target and very long, drawn out obsession.
>>1367937I think it could be an amazing gift when used for good things instead of absolute evil. Like instead of using it to degrade and stalk women, catch pedophiles or rapists or something god damn.
No. 1367954
>>1367923Special interests + obsession.
They do the same things with fictional characters and inanimate objects like toys.
No. 1368007
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Just finished FF IX and now I'm having an existential crisis
No. 1368026
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I'm sitting here like.. damn I'm depressed. But really I'm just understimulated. I need to find something new to get into. I think I should take notes on a class I'm taking, or take a walk… but I'm just sitting here like "no, I don't want to do any of that…"
No. 1368049
>>1367810Anon I'm 19 too and I relate to how you feel. I'm really sorry you're going through this and I hope you feel better soon. You are not unhinged for feeling this way.
Do you have any friends you'd feel comfortable opening up about this to?
Maybe spend some time with them and take care of yourself for now.
If you haven't already, talk about it with your bf, be completely honest and ask for his honesty too.
I hope things get better for you soon. You'll be okay.
No. 1368138
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I am starting to really like my friendship with a moid. Everytime i find a moid friend he ends up asking me out, which instantly ends the friendship for me, but so far he's everything i've ever wanted as a friend, we share similar interests and goals, same humor, we have our dumb inside jokes, we don't take everything so seriously, we are focused on THE GRIND, etc. He doesn't seem interested in me sexually, but now i am scared I might fall in love with him, fugg.
No. 1368144
>>1368141Nonna… Time heals all wounds. I know, because a year ago I wanted to die from how sad I was over the breakup I of my 4.5 year old relationship.
Today I am fine.
In a while, you will be fine too. And in a while longer, you will find new love. It's gonna be ok.
No. 1368146
Yet another vent about my boyfriend that I'm still struggling to move away from due to poor economy. Today since I knew I would be living with him for quite some time still while scraping together means to leave, I tried to connect with him on some projects he's doing and he shut me out. Told me he didn't want to be asked about what he was doing because I would ruin his inspiration. I told him I just missed being able to have longer conversations with him about it since we're both in the same field, and he just shut me out. Because of my savings I'm not buying food for myself atm, but he doesn't want to share much of his food with me, so I nibble on vegetables and cucumber and defrosted an old soup I bought few weeks ago that was buried in the freezer, which he helped himself to. As I tried to sleep he started talking about what food he was planning to get tomorrow. He said he wanted to treat himself and order some nice food from a restaurant, and then speculating which item to get. It made me think about our good times together where we would order food on sundays and watch movies and comedy series. Now he's just gonna order for himself, sit by his computer and ignore me. I can't believe the guy I'm living with now used to be such an invested, caring and loving guy. Sometimes he's back to his old self again when he seems to catch on that I'm planning to leave, but he's still in for a shock when I'm actually gone. Please summon some good job opportunities in my life, nonnas, I desperately want out.
No. 1368228
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I feel really guilty of having been depressed and being anxious because I have a younger moid brother who now takes after me and is pathetic like me and says he's depressed and anxious too and is basically a very really lazy sadboi lite. I feel like I made him this way, or at least he's faking being like this because of me. I always helped around the house even as a neet, I still at least tried getting a call center job no matter how socially anxious I was. I was never mean to my mom. He is like this though. I have actual childhood trauma but meanwhile what about him? oh his online girlfriend he met up with twice cucked him when she went off to college, boohoo. I mean who freaking wouldn't? I wish he would get over himself but I feel like I have no place to say that because I spent and still sometimes spend tons of times sulking. I just hate this fucking privileged moid alot.
No. 1368243
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Call me racist if you really think that this is somehow racist but it’s hard to take black and indian writers seriously when the only way that they decide to create content for “their audience” is by rehashing films or television shows written and created by white writers and producers, and just making the characters black; as opposed to creating their own dynamic black and indian characters. It’s lazy and really pathetic. It makes it impossible to take any of these people seriously.
No. 1368246
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>>1368243is there a point of doing stuff like this? I’m pretty sure nobody is looking to fictional character Velma Dinkley for a green light to be openly gay
No. 1368266
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>>1368243Americans suck at so called ''representation'', i swear they all just want to justify their racial kinks. I just want ONE latina character that's not ''sassy'', brown and lives in a rat nest with the rest of her family, south america isn't just Mexico either. They are also obssesed with identity politics, they made a DUCK latina and ofcourse that means that they must make her feathers brown.
No. 1368268
>>1368266most latinas are brown though, why do you have a problem with that? I understand sassy, but brown?
>>1368243what about us straighties that see themselves in velma?
No. 1368276
>>1368268>most latinas are brown though, why do you have a problem with that? I understand sassy, but brown?not really, i live in argentina and most people i know are light skinned, same for uruguay and chile. I hate that americans thinks all latinos are brown.
>>1368274>Mexico is in central americaas if americans care, we are all mexicans to them
No. 1368289
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>>1368266idk why you're expecting a ducktales design to be good look at the shit that is picrel, awful
>south america isn't just Mexico eitheryeah as a matter of fact it's not even a part of it anon, it's in north america kek
>they made a DUCK latina and of course that means that they must make her feathers brown.i mean yeah, i guess they could have made the design inspired in a common mexican bird or something but meh.
>lives in a rat nest with the rest of her familyhave you perhaps posted about this topic before? not acussing you of samefagging, but you have a very similar phrasing to some other posts
No. 1368301
>>1368287>Most latinos in the U.S. are MexicanMost latinos in the U.S. are Americans with a Mexican great grandpa, digamos las cosas como son nonita querida.
The US having issues representing minorities is not news though, and has nothing to do with Choripan-chan liking or not trigueños, there are plenty of Americans of Colombian, Venezuelan, etc descent that are lighter skinned and are told they aren't true latinos because of it or because they're "white-passing" even though they literally
are white. Latino is not a race after all. I mean look at Sofía Vergara, the woman is naturally blonde and she couldn't get jobs until she dyed her hair brown and started playing up her accent. The US loves caricatures.
No. 1368333
>>1368301Honestly I don't care for american raised "latinos" and they aren't who I had in mind. I also really doubt someone with a Mexican great-grandpa would identify as latino but alas. I'm talking about 1st generation immigrants and illegals, the majority is overwhelmingly Mexican.
>Latino is not a race after allAnd I never claimed otherwise. Just that most look brown and not otherwise, so it's petty to complain about the lesser phenotypes not being represented, which btw is not true and you completely ignored.
>"white-passing" even though they literally are whiteOk so this here should solve your issue, just look at white characters for your representation? they won't make them be sassy or live in a rat's nest, and certainly not give them an accent. I'm not sure how them slapping a "latin" label would change anything.
No. 1368351
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I'm in a "self-improvement" era (aka manic) and I'm so mad and sad. I used to be super into lolita fashion. I sold a ton of my dresses, I held onto some of the really expensive ones but got rid of a lot of oldschool pieces that were gorgeous and some AP (right before the sweet boom.. missed out on so much money there). After a breakup my ex stole my shoes, my bags, accessories, coats, sold them and kept the money. I only got to keep some headbows, a couple dresses, blouses, and socks.
Now it feels so overwhelming to build back up what I had now that I have more financial stability, I can get shoes and accessories back but holy shit the market for dresses is awful, it's so expensive with not many pickings, cheap brand dresses don't seem to exist anymore on the JP or western market, somehow the western market is cheaper than the JP market. Fuck the money but I don't even see dresses I would like to own on the market. I regret getting rid of everything I fucking had like an idiot, and fuck my ex for stealing my shit just to sell it off (especially my rare milky-chan coat). I'm so pissed
No. 1368364
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don't scroll
No. 1368374
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Every time I see that character, I remember this tweet.
No. 1368388
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after dropping out of studying game design, i still have anxiety from having to make every project perfect. so much so that i can't even start big projects without getting drunk or self harming anymore. i hate scrotes and how they expect everything to be perfect from women but half-assed projects and efforts from them still PASS AND WITH A GOOD GRADE! we compared projects with a guy friend and it showed how a teacher was sexist. it kept happening to other girls too. then he kept giving me fail grades until i went to the student council, after which he accused me of "ganging up on him". fucking hate hate hate scrotes they ruin everything
pic bc a scrote is posting cp
No. 1368389
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>>1368388i am so angry i forgot to add, other students have accused him of being sexist and a shit teacher too. to which he assumed i ask them to do so. fucking scrote, i went to the council at last resort because yours were the only projects i kept failing
No. 1368399
>>1368388Nona I feel your pain so much. I've had game dev classes, and every single time if I wanted to pass the class I basically had to do ALL of the work and the scrotes contribute nothing. The second there is a woman in the group they lose interest and don't give a fuck. Or deliberately sabotage their own group like psychos. Why are they such incompetent and lazy pieces of shit? I pull all-nighters and go insane to do the work of 5 people and they get an A in the class by doing nothing.
I want to give up and drop out because I'm so burnt out with this shit constantly happening, and I feel like if I get treated like this everyday at work I'll go fucking ballistic. I feel so hopeless all of the time.
No. 1368414
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Enjoying a multiplayer game to which i came back to after 1.5 years of playing made me realise how alone i am. My entire friendliest stopped playing a long time ago, and now that even the people from 4 years back, none of them messages me to join. Not like I remember them much either, but still. My outside of the game friends don't play anything like that and here i am, grinding levels alone while watching others have fun together. My bfs stepbrother is playing it too, but he also plays it with his sister that hates me despite me never doing anything to her, but she loves making shit up because of her misogyny. I am such a loser who still never made even any irl friends in this new place.
No. 1368431
>>1368399i dropped out after 3 years because i just couldn't take it anymore. fuck them FUCK THEM! they really sabotage their own group or do the bare minimum! holy shit, i thought it was just my shitty scam of a school. if i can give any advice to you is try to dress as much as a guy to the point of being a fakeboi because otherwise they sexualize and lose their minds. in every group project i had some scrote steer our conversations, mention masturbation, want to hang out with me privately "to study" or ask me on a date right after sexually harrassing me. i was a gamer so it wasn't weird to me until i met another girl who was into feminism and told me these behaviours are sexism, and then i read about incels. only girls i see pass in one go are with previous education experience in programming, locals, supported by their entire family or literally top of the class coming from countries that autistically focus on education.
idk anon i hope you can make it and join a nice professional workplace. if i had another go i'd wear hoodies constantly and suck up to the teachers while pretending to be gay and or asexual.
No. 1368433
>>1368314They're still visible in the catalog and there are so many of them
>>1368319Yeah they're literally boring and tedious lol someone mad that we hate them ig… Can't vent in the vent thread
No. 1368451
>>1368266>south america isn't just Mexico eitherMexico is in north america
>lives in a rat nest with the rest of her familyI hate people who refer to big/poor families as if they were animals, i tuly hate it. and no i don't live with 5+ family members either i just hate this obsession some latinos have with not being represented as whatever, not because of the racism we experience from richer countries but because they want to dissociate from other latin americans out of internalized racism or whatever it is
No. 1368463
>>1368431I'm actually in a really good school, so the behavior is the same everywhere. There is no escape. I appreciate your tip but they do this exact same shit (sabotaging and doing no work) even in online classes where they have never even seen a picture of you and have no idea what you look like.
I'll probably finish out of stubbornness but I wish I could just be a worthless neet instead. Hope you're happy being free of this shit nona.
No. 1368469
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CP bump, scroll with caution
No. 1368471
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CP bump
No. 1368479
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CP warning
No. 1368521
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My boyfriend initiated a serious conversation about our relationship yesterday, telling me that he is uncertain about its future partly because of my depressive and avoidant tendencies, which obviously affect him as well. It felt like it came out of the blue because sometimes I avoided him precisely because I know being around a depressed person is not fun and when it gets especially bad and I burst into tears for no reason every hour, I call off our dates to save him from my presence. I just don't know what to do. I've always been this way, always been a sheltered melancholic fuckup and this is my first relationship. I don't want to lose him even though I know he deserves someone better, someone balanced with a social life. All of my friendships have withered because of my mood swings and I'd be completely alone if he broke up with me. I feel lost. He also said that he thought that his company would lift my spirits up a bit but it doesn't seem to have an effect on me. I tried to tell him that I always had this dual feeling towards people, when I'm alone, I crave company but when I'm with people I want to be alone because socialization exhausts me.
Sometimes when my pessimism reaches its depths the idea of breaking up with him pops up in my mind because it feels like the best solution - I get to be alone, he gets to find someone better and healthy - but I realize that it's just my depression wanting me to get worse. I KNOW what I need to do, it all seems easy written in a list: I need to build out a social life, pick up my hobbies again, go to therapy, get on antidepressants, and try on focus on the positive side of things, and be more active in general - I just don't know how when literally evetything feels pointless and exhausting. I feel lost. I just feel like I will never change, I have always been this way, and nothing is worth the effort
No. 1368533
>>1368521 >depressive and avoidant tendenciesI always had similar issues and ngl I lost my first serious relationship to it. Tried my hardest to hang on but it wasn't working for him. Thought I'd never find someone again. My life was over etc. But afterwards I pulled myself up and became more independant. The next relationship I got into it wasn't an issue. We broke up because of his shit. Which in a weird way was a comfort.. being the more functional partner was a hell of a role reversal.
Whether you 2 last or not.. You're the main person in your life who is going to carry this around with you. Like other anon said.. if you seek help do it for yourself first and foremost. Tbh ime alot of the usual routes for getting 'help' often didn't help all that much. That was the frustrating part. Just getting older seemed to kick me into gear. I lost people to it, isolated myself, had a bunch of ups and downs but gained more resilience.
No. 1368537
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This is fucking disgusting I hate society who the fuck does PayPal think it is daring to draft and publish this policy update. I don't give a shit they've allegedly walked it back who are they to decide the subjective notion of "misinformation"? If it's anything like the CloudFlare scenario anons it's time to delete this shit before we all get fined by a power hungry financial company for daring to criticise mentally ill men in dresses having access to women and children. For context they tried this shit on an LGBTQ org called "gays against groomers" which you can imagine what they're advocating against. Again I don't know why the fuck this literal business thinks it has any place fining people but it's probably because we're all retards who don't read the policies we agree to. Ffs.
No. 1368581
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>>1368528Yeah, I guessed so, it just feels like so far my life is a pattern of 'getting my shit together, then snap back into my old tendencies of self isolation, then rinse and repeat'. I've also had several therapists and while they helped me, I always always went back to my old habits as soon as the therapy ended. But it seems like the most rational thing to do, thank you for your comment
>>1368533I'm really glad you could pull yourself up, anon, it's nice to hear that someone could overcome this. It's so fucking frustrating feeling like you're simultaneously two people, one that wants to be alone because alone means being safe and also having a side that naturally craves human contact. And then sprinkle it with being sad and exhausted all the time, it's hell
>became more independantit's interesting you mentioned this because I recently entertained the thought of the main problem being not depression itself but my lack of the ability to self-sooth. The things that make me feel hopeless and depressed aren't extraordinary, traumatic things, just everyday small things, like a hard day at work or having to speak to people I don't know. And now I also realized that I have always depended others to comfort me
No. 1368604
File: 1665323287828.gif (475.19 KB, 640x360, big anime titties.gif)

I asked my new bf whether he’s a tits or ass guy. I’m bottom heavy and have been complimented on my ass by several guys. He told me he used to be one of them, but then he met me kek, basically insinuating he’s a tits guy. I guess it’s the nices way he could have answered without lying, and it’s my own fault for asking, but I’m feeling some sort of way now.
No. 1368609
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Sometimes I wonder why tf I’m still alive. Most people don’t care about me and I feel extremely lost in life, I genuinely don’t understand why I continue to persevere despite these things even though I know the quality of my life is always going to be inadequate and full of suffering.
No. 1368653
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I'd like to think I'm not in the closet but the girl I'm really into couldn't hang out today and am very sad about it
No. 1368663
>>1368658I want whatever this
nonny is on
No. 1368702
>>1368537>the west criticizes iran's morality police>meanwhile western companies are becoming a morality police via financial coercioni mean. maybe we should straighten out our own country with as much fervency as we criticize iran (which rightfully should be criticized, but only when we aren't being hypocritical about it.) they said the shit about the covid vaccines affecting women's periods was "misinformation" and censored it and banned people for saying it, but it turned out to be true.
you might say "but it's okay if OUR corporate oligarchs become a morality police because they're on the side of good" and you know, i'm sure the scrotes murdering teenage girls in iran for revealing their hair (gasp) think they're on the side of good, too. maybe we could all just not be egoistic assholes. today they're fining "misinformation posters", tomorrow they're fining anyone who doesn't believe a troon is a biological woman. i don't like where this is going.
No. 1368710
>>1368648i feel this. i feel like i'm constantly waging warfare against dirty dishes and unfolded laundry. i have 3 bags sitting my the entryway to take to goodwill but i'm not done decluttering yet so they can't depart yet, and i do not have the space for 3+ bags to sit there for a month. but i got actual storage furniture recently (i simply didn't have any to begin with) and it's made a big improvement already. my apartment is so fucking small that if i'm not maximizing efficiency of every square foot it's unliveable. it's kind of mind boggling how much dust builds up in just 1 week.
also pisses me off that boomers and gen x never had to deal with trying to live for long periods of time in extremely small spaces. rent was so affordable for them most of them rented like a 2 bd apartment just for the fun of it. 2 bd apts here go for $4000 a month. i'm living in a studio because i can't even afford a 1 bd, they're all $2400+ while a studio is 1200-1500.
i just wish i had a little more space. with how my studio is laid out i feel like i am living in a kitchen. it's basically entryway + bathroom + kitchen/dining area. nothing else. i barely have enough space for a daybed and clothes rack. (no closet)
and everything is so expensive now. i was looking at those shitty plastic drawer organizers and they're $35. for a bunch of flimsy plastic.
No. 1368727
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I need to stop thinking any part of 4chan is redeemable. I browse animal threads on occasion when it's really quiet here and I was having fun looking at goofy bird videos set to music when I clicked a webm that turned out to be a grainy cctv video of an ostrich or emu accidentally pulling its own head off after getting trapped in a piece of metal. It wasn't particularly violent or detailed, but it was so shocking. I've been thinking about it for days and seeing it replay in my head before I sleep and I have no idea why, gorespam here never really effected me. Maybe it's because it's an animal, or because of how unexpected it was, I don't know. Rest in peace birdie. I'm not going to visit 4chan again.
No. 1368742
File: 1665330443116.jpg (78.46 KB, 800x1440, 1572201815468.jpg)

>>1368727ive heard another anon had her day ruined by seeing that video, sorry
nonny. it is best to stay away from 4chan or to keep all images/videos disabled if you must browse.
No. 1368746
>>1368601I see alot of people repeating the same few points that they think make him more 'sympathetic' But anyone who has watched interviews of him knows.. even he didn't use those excuses to explain away his actions. In the end he did interviews saying he didn't blame his parents, he didn't blame muh gay shame, he didn't blame those few months of being left alone at 17, he didn't blame porn for making him do it (like bundy did) He said it himself there's no blame to be laid at anyone elses feet. About the only thing he ever did right was entirely own it in the end
> oh but his mom did this thingNo. If you like him so much maybe take his word for it and blame him and him alone.
No. 1368813
>>1368809Fucking based nona, my thoughts exactly.
>>1368811Then explain what makes you gender nonconforming? It's literally the same as scrotes thinking their somehow ~female brained~ because they like pink and the Kardashians. It's all just based on sexist sterotypes.
No. 1368834
>>1368817Gender doesn't exist. And by categorizing different lifestyles and personality traits of women into categories like "gender nonconforming" you're basically saying those women aren't fully women when it comes to gender. I have traits (like all women) that don't conform to the sexist architype of women, but I would be offended if someone were to try to categorize my "gender" as different somehow. I'm a woman, so is every other biological female regardless of stereotypes or lifestyle choices. And I'm not less woman than women that "conform" to those stereotypes.
>>1368820>Like it or not, women and girls who don't behave in a stereotypically "feminine" way tend to be "othered" or alienated from those who doSo then why make it worse by perpetuating that stereotype? Women and girls have it hard enough as it is without having other women contribute to the sexism.
No. 1368836
>>1368834Dressing like a teenage boy and saying “
GENDER ISNT REAL” because “sexism”
No. 1368841
>>1368815 > she’s probably slovenly and introverted, so she thinksNta but what is with this particular type of tardpost lately?
> she's probably like this > she probably think that > she probably > probablyStop playing these weird guessing games. Its' dumb. You're getting mad at a character you made up in your own mind just now in a knee jerk reaction to a word
No. 1368842
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when i’m my exes age i’ll probably be prime minister and he will still be unemployed and sucking the floor-length tits of whichever special ed ugloid loser has the great misfortune of being scraped from the bottom of the okcupid femcel barrel in exchange for a place to stay you womanising, prevaricating swine
No. 1368844
>>1368834It's not perpetuating the stereotype to simply talk about being othered for not fitting in, wtf anon? That's like saying talking about misogyny (especially internalized misognyny) perpetuates it. I really don't understand why this was so
triggering to you, she didn't degrade other women for not being like her or play into any weird gender LARP. She just observed her own condition in society.
If you don't believe in the BS stereotypes, you're also gender non-conforming. Once you're out of radfem spaces, the average normie does believe in gender bullshit and roles, sadly, whether they're pro-troon or anti-troon.
No. 1368847
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the autists are fighting over nothing kek
No. 1368863
>>1368848it's still the same mindset of "pointing out your experiences with discrimination actually upholds discrimination, discrimination would just go away if no one talked about it ever!"
like those people who say "no we do not live in a patriarchy anymore and saying that women are oppressed means you think women are weak so you are the real misogynist!"
No. 1368871
>>1368860Oh my god he was black? I’m not
victim blaming but were you expecting him to act normal..
>>1368857No that's just fashion and personality. The term "gender" was made up by a pedophile scrote into beastiality called John Money. Gender doesn't exist, your sex is your sex. What's in your head and how you present yourself is just personality and fashion.
>>1368863Stop equating what I said to arguments I didn't and would never make. I said referring to women as "gender nonconforming" upholds the stereotype because they quite literally are, I didn't say pointing it out when it happens does it. Playing into does.
No. 1368886
>>1368872NTA but what do you even want? For women on Lolcow to stop talking about gender as a whole, and not discuss whether they conform to its stereotypes or not, because it's "perpetuating them"? Whenever we go outside, gender roles are something we have to deal with, and get we admonished by the average person of both sexes if we reject them "too much". Pretending otherwise and calling anons "NLOGs" for trying to vent about it is dumb.
If you don't conform to gender stereotypes, you'll face consequences IRL. It's that simpl
No. 1368913
>>1368894what makes you think black men are more violent than white men? wtf?
he’s jewish
No. 1368950
>>1368940Be honest with yourself
nonnie is the medication to blame or is the the way you eat combined with a lack of physical exercise?
If you’re crawling this website to complain about medical issues it is likely the latter
No. 1368971
>>1368956Most people living in the real world do not operate by your line of logic, neither do they treat women that way. It's not pickme, wokeist or misogynist to talk about how you are treated in a misogynistic society that punishes you for not conforming to its enforced stereotypes.
Also, literally no one who uses the term "gender non-conforming" thinks gender non-conforming women aren't still women, anon. It's not a new gender, it's not saying you're "not a woman". It's just stating you don't fit into stereotypical gender roles outlined by mainstream society. Please learn what words mean.
No. 1368990
>>1368975Nah, this has to be Blaine the tranny LARPing as a totes legit radfem who somehow doesn't understand the term "gender non-conforming" to sow more infighting, just like in the unpopular opinions thread. No actual woman can be this retarded and proud of it.
Reminder that no matter how many times you shitpost or try to psyop, you will always be an ugly man.
No. 1369024
>>1368990>everyone i don't like is the trannyi wonder what that troon is thinking right now watching this shit
i'll put it in plain language for you since you're still in high school. saying "gender nonconforming" is saying that you believe women MUST look and act a certain way and conform to certain stereotypes. and that, since you don't, you're not a w-word, you're a magical new label you made up for yourself. it's misogynist. get over it.
(calm down) No. 1369030
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i’m a grown woman. i shouldn’t care about having friends or being lonely, i’m used to it. i’ve been used to it most my life. i always got left out and i was fine with it because i prefer my own company and i have my job and studies to keep me busy and hobbies i can do by myself that make me happy…
but every now and then that stinging feeling in my chest catches me off guard and i feel like a little kid sitting alone at lunch for the first time all over again
No. 1369033
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If crochet or shit like that is enough to be conforming, why did that butch reject me for being too masc huh? My arts and crafts didn't convince my coworkers of my inner divine femininity either. If that's really all that it takes, why doesn't it convince the lesbophobes? Somehow crochet is just not enough to not be called a dyke.
No. 1369041
>>1369035Mods are online at different hours of the day and there are times when there is only one mod active that cannot delete things from certain boards. This has been said and understood by anons that actually use the site for years. Stop being retarded and embarrassing yourself. Stop ban evading. VPNs are being permabanned anyway, as we said weeks ago
as a non-technical remedy to preventing child porn.
No. 1369046
>>1369041>Mod who cannot delete things from certain boards >real nonnies know!!!1! So…they’re not a mod? If they’re unable to manage the site?
Also calling us newfags just because your mods are for some reason incapable of doing their duty…yeah, okay KEKK
No. 1369057
>>1369041>VPNs are being permabanned anyway, as we said weeks agoWhen did you say that?
Sometimes it feels like farmhands only come out when someone is shit-talking them in /ot/.
No. 1369060
>>1369052…If you were incapable of understanding that I’m referring to the mods for this specific board, then all I can say is work on your communicative skills.
Also - why the fuck would they only have one single mod for each of the boards, especially if they’re well aware of the fact that CP gets posted here regularly, and that there needs to be multiple people capable of getting it off the website in case other mods are asleep. You can call me a newfag for thinking that it’s an irresponsible move to have a single mod for the whole board, considering the state of it.
No. 1369075
>>1369072The site used to be run with clearer communication. We had announcements, hell week and town halls. If you prefer to browse a site full of cp spam that is your issue.
No. 1369082
>>1369072>apply to be a mod or get over it!!1!This is in regards to child porn being posted. I can understand ignoring the spamming of black cock shit but, literal evidence of crime being committed is being posted every single day and coincidentally - they haven’t had a hellweek in months and the mod applications haven’t been open for almost a year, if I remember correct.
They are purposefully putting this content on the website, simultaneously stifling anyone who’s trying to get it the fuck off.
No. 1369085
>>1369045>>1369053>>1369068>>1369069It was in a past suggestions and complaints thread actually.
>>>/meta/37130I didn't say we were banning all VPNs. I said VPNs are being permabanned. In other words, if a user posts something tranny-like or fucked up on a VPN, it is being permabanned. So it would behoove some of you to stop ban evading so that you don't get permabanned.
In case it wasn't clear, the tranny has been samefagging/echoing a lot of the same talking points from different VPNS, including the talking point of "OMG THE FARMHANDS ARE POSTING CP" just seconds after he himself posts CP. Of course your IP address is going to be banned if you say retarded shit like that, that's clearly untrue.
No. 1369092
>>1369085For some reason this response makes me feel like yes, the tranny absolutely is posting spam and cp, but for a mod to try to say it’s only the tranny who’s suspecting the mods of posting criminal content is…weird. A weird cope.
Cause I’ve been suspicious of the lack of moderation and rise in cp being posted for months, but my IP also isn’t the same as Blaine’s and admin can see that very well.
Why deny that the majority of people on the site are getting completely fed up with this shit being spammed by our own moderators?
No. 1369094
>>1369085Thanks for sticking around and talking with us.
It must also be awful to have to constantly deal with cp and gore as a farmhand, so surely you share our frustration and want reports and communication to work.
No. 1369098
>>1369090Not sure how many times we have to say this: Farmhands and jannies don't implement any sort of code or programming on the site. We can't make banner announcements, we can't choose what happens from a technical standpoint.
When/if admin is able to do so, she will. It is not up to mods here. We do what we can to make sure it's deleted and that the posters are permanently banned. That's what we can do. It seems like every few months when we say this, anons understand and then months later, they completely forget and start this shit all over again.
>>1369092When I say "tranny", please just assume I mean "tranny & co", whether this be rachelfags – which is something we actually saw a few times – Elaine or other retards from dark corners of the net that want to either fedpost or get the site taken down. The reason I say that it's just them, is because we can see IP history of posters. These posters have maybe 10-15 posts at most, and all they do is either infight or complain about moderation/accuse moderation.
So if there are some users that genuinely think that we'd post that shit, if they genuinely believe that's a thing, it's sad but there is nothing we can do about it. We can't just reveal everything that is happening behind the scenes, as much as we really want to reassure you all and be transparent. The nature of this website does not allow that, especially with so many prying eyes like kiwifags, trannies, and outside media (see: Kaitlyn Tiffany).
No. 1369099
>>1369079If you're daydrinking on the weekends rn and you took time off would you be at risk of drinking throughout that break? Sorry you're struggling
No. 1369102
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>>1369093>>1369091Samefag, here's the end of the comic.
No. 1369113
>>1369106>>1369106>Are you farmhands in touch with her?Yes. I should also repeat
>We can't just reveal everything that is happening behind the scenes, as much as we really want to reassure you all and be transparent. The nature of this website does not allow that, especially with so many prying eyes like kiwifags, trannies, and outside media (see: Kaitlyn Tiffany).Since it is public information, I will say that the priority for the site right now is upgrading it. That's about all of the information I can give regarding behind-the-scenes.
No. 1369115
>>1369030I'm not saying you have to care, but it's
valid to feel hurt about being lonely. Also absolutely same, it hits me the most during social holidays. I used to think whatever, any parties I've been to I've hated, but it's more than that.
Oktoberfest (celebrated a lot here), halloween, st patricks, new years. All holidays I kind of dread because it's like you should be either at a party or celebrating with your closest friends and I love the holidays and it stings. I'd love to dress up in a costume and go to a friends house to watch something spooky! I love the idea of putting effort into a holiday theme.
No. 1369118
>>1369113I’m so curious to see how post history works?
Mostly because if my IP gets banned in one place like at my house, if I walk down the block and sit in the park I can scroll and post just like normal, so does that mean that there are separate post histories for different locations?
No. 1369125
>>1369120This has happened to me a few times,
nonny. It's a chemical burn. You need to make sure it's dry and make sure you tilt your hips forward when you pee so that the pee doesn't burn you .IT STINGS SO BADLY.
No. 1369126
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No. 1369128
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>>1369120good luck soldier..
No. 1369131
>>1369119That was me. Because I’m a long time user who got banned today for being suspicious of the mods. You have all my other post histories on file too, nonichka. The post you tagged that I deleted was literally just me asking how administration is appointed because I’m just confused as to why someone would volunteer to be admin and then not do their duties?
I have post history going back all the way to January on this phones IP. You know goddamn well I’m not some newfag troon.
No. 1369138
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>in an unsuspecting place, meet man who is likely my third cousin or so
>he has no way of knowing this but I do
>luckily I very rarely get pursued by men
>suspect he is attempting to pursue me
How could this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?
On top of this I'm not a huge fan of him, but that's to be expected of any member of my extended family.
I hope I can get a chance to clarify our likely relation to him.
No. 1369141
>>1369138my mom's uncle married his third cousin. love is everywhere
nonnie /s
No. 1369154
>>1369141Crying, anon.
>>1369142Suspect, not know 100%. It's just low population area things, nona.
His last name is common in a certain place where half of my family is from (and I am related to everyone with it there), but is not common here. Some of that side of my family moved here so if his grandparents are from there it's almost guaranteed.
He also looks like my relatives lmao.
However, he'd have no way to guess for me.
No. 1369169
I feel terrible but my mid 20s friend ruined her life by having a baby unplanned. On one hand, I pity her because over half the torture she's been through wasn't her fault, like medical abuse. I feel like she got brainwashed by christians or something because she said she thought an abortion would be more traumatic than birth, idk why. Birth nearly killed her though. Also her and her husband now hate each other. I don't blame her anymore than her husband, honestly. I'm just so confused by it. She's completely traumatized and regrets it now so I'm not going to go out of my way to blame her or anything, she admits she's responsible and is doing everything for her kid. Also she is basically the only one caring for her kid. But she's just going insane from stress (I follow her on her personal twitter so I see her venting about everything). I try to be supportive but part of me has felt so sick about it. We are mutuals online so I felt like I lost my vent space, because I can't be open about my nice single life, or vent about how much pregnancy freaks me out, or anything about family planning.
I just don't understand. I feel weird because I don't know if I'm gay or not, like I don't even like penis enough to go out and have sex ever, for years. I've had occassional boytoys over the years that I'll peg, but that's it. I've only had unprotected sex only probably 3-4 times total in my life, and I know a couple of those times I panicked and got plan B afterwards, other times he used to pullout method and I was on the pill. I am not blaming her or anything, just this whole experience has got me trying to understand what's normal or how to judge anyone for anything ever. I just feel terrible for her baby. She's also super poor so I'm like, why. But she's also dealing with other family issues that are out of her control, I don't want to abandon her or anything.
Also, I feel some survivor's guilt, honestly just seeing her post online all the time about how scared she was to give birth and the detail of it gave me proxy trauma. I knew pregnancy was medically extreme, but not that bad. I feel like I've benefited so much off her experience as a warning, which is depressing. I feel a huge amount of guilt for not stepping in and convincing her to have an abortion, I would've paid for it. I just assumed she was going to do that herself, or ask me if she was unsure.
I've also had a point as a teenager where I gained 45 lbs from a medication, lost it after quitting, but it gave me permanent dysmorphia. But she constantly vented during pregnancy about how she gained 100 lbs uncontrollably (yes I know it's just calories in/calories out, but if you're feeling like you're literally starving all the time, you can't be blamed for overeating. She is extremely health conscious and cares about her weight so it wasn't laziness). My mom also was permanently obese after having kids. Just the thought that for society to work, I'm basically expected to ruin my body like that. Knowing my genetics and how I stress-eat I would undoubtly turn obese if I got pregnant.
In general, I feel guilty all the time because I really don't want kids, because on some level I feel like it's morally obligated (just in the sense that someone has to be doing it, and idk how you would create some ethical system for this). But now I really never want to go through pregnancy. Maybe I'll change my mind as I age, but everything about babies and kids makes me feel even more physically ill. This whole year I've been horribly depressed from this, along with tons of other things in my life.
No. 1369238
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I hate that I’m 10x more emotional than an average person is. It’s like I experience emotions strongly than people should, what is that called?
No. 1369270
>>1369268thats a misconception. Autists feel emotions, but they have troubles expressing them and labeling them in others.
For example, autistic screeching (meltdowns) are how autists deal with sudden onslought of strong emotions.
Sauce: dated an autis for 5 years.
No. 1369345
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God. So I've been into this guy for like a little under a month (like a week ago we started dating but that's not integral to the plot). I've known him for years recently reconnected etc etc. When I started liking him I told my e-bff (AKA my only friend) about the whole situation. I'm a bit autismal so I wasn't sure if it was normal to tell her but she's been talking to me about this guy she likes for months now so. I figured it was. But she told me she found it and him annoying so I dropped the subject. This is despite the fact that she still talks about her guy who rejected her a while ago, and now when she talks about him it's about his new girl (other girl) and about how wishy washy he is to her (my friend). Then later she said she wanted to hear about how things are going with the guy I liked again and I was like "but I thought you didn't like him" and so she told me yeah, but she "likes gossip". So I started talking about him again. And then the last time I did (and it was going well with him which was exciting for me) she just went off on me saying she seriously dislikes him and is tired of me talking about it and she thinks I shouldn't pursue him (he is literally just a guy). At which point I told her I just don't know what she wants from me but that it's my life and I'd already told her I wouldn't talk about it if she doesn't want to. Then she ghosted me for a few days, and then came back and said she was sorry for not responding to me but that she just worries that I "worry" too much about him and he stresses me out and it's an "exact copy" of her situation with her guy when it quite literally fucking is not considering that he likes me and he is not dating another girl and I am not worrying. So I told her I appreciated her concern and she doesn't have to be worried, but that I want to understand where her feelings are coming from on this because she hasn't explained what exactly is so worrying, or we could just drop the topic and not worry about moids and either way I just want to be her friend. And now it's been radio silence for a week. What the fuck am I doing wrong why is it so wrong for me to TALK about a scrote when 1. she literally asked me to and 2. she has been talking about HER scrote nonstop I just don't get it UGH. Tldr it's stupid I'm stupid
No. 1369349
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>>1367972I relate to your post anon. I've been on forums and imageboards since I was 11. The internet has really screwed up my sense of empathy and identity. I don't know what part of myself is real anymore because I was the kind of little shithead who would troll and sperg about stupid shit even though I don't act like that in real life (I was a quiet and well-behaved kid). Now, I won't deny it has ruined a lot of my precious online friendships. My life has become so digitized I have also become digitized myself and now there is nothing authentic about me. I think the only way to cure ourselves from this terminally online brainrot is to detox and form connections with actual, human people irl. It's the only way we can form a real personality of our own.
No. 1369361
>>1368391You say "traveling" like that's what alot of these people are doing. A short-term vacation of sorts. It's not. It's resettling, paying taxes, you know, actually
residing here.
No. 1369372
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this girl from high school felt the need to harass me for an hour over text yesterday, sending 25 messages while i was busy at the ren faire. she's pissed off because she can't stop stalking my social media for shit i've said in the past (over 2 years ago) about her parenting skills that i was told by a mutual friend. i haven't mentioned her at all since so it's just strange. and then she randomly brought up my psychotic break from over a year ago and info from it that only that same mutual friend could've given her because they were there for it. (i sent the mutual friend a "care to explain" text re: telling her about my psychotic episode like that's anybody's goddamn business, but i'm honestly feeling like just blocking them) then she proceeded to make a tweet about "slinging [me] across a parking lot" at her big age of 24 with a 4 year old.
i have to laugh because she said she's praying for my man and "the many more to cum and go" like she's not a single mom since 19 who's fucked more men than i can count with a dead baby daddy that used to beat on her and told her to "abort that shit, it's not mine" working instacart for a living. she's just living years in the past and it's sad.
and all this is coming from a woman who makes tumblr posts crying about wanting to kill herself because she had a dream about holding a baby she miscarried. i should've responded to her with picrel.
No. 1369373
>>1368015>>1368027Agreed. I think in this day and age of modern capitalism, people have become so absorbed in themselves to the point that there's an entire culture revolving around self-love and levelling up your material assets. I think the only way to really grow as a person is to form connections with people, even if it means being vulnerable and getting hurt in the process.
>I also think that people have taken the ‘relationships should be easy’ part too literally too. The fun parts of a relationship should be easy. Someone who you can truly be with will be hard when they challenge your negative aspects and help you grown significantly.Yes, finding the right partner and falling in love with them is easy. Maintaining that relationship and actively bettering yourself is where the hard work comes in.
No. 1369379
I’m starting to get actually pissed at my roommate (she is also a friend who I’ve known for many years so it makes things difficult). She has a few mental issues that make living with her so annoying sometimes, like we had a set up where we both do our own dishes, and she wipes counters and stove (I’ve used the stove maybe 1 times btw) and I take out all the trashes. The new place we are living in has a roach problem so I’ve been really careful about not leaving crumbs and dirty dishes out over night but she will not get it through her head to do it no matter how much I remind her. So I said “hey, how about we switch, you take the trashes and I’ll take care of the kitchen counters, drain, etc so I can make sure it’s getting cleaned every night” and she agrees.
Fast forward to this afternoon, I’m taking a nap after work and she had a trip planned to visit her boyfriend for a week, I thought he was coming to pick her up tomorrow but it’s actually today, so she leaves, I saw bye, I go back to my nap. I wake up a few hours later and I notice a text from her being like “hey can you lock the door, I already put my keys in my bag” I look around, she left her dirty dishes on the sink and she didn’t take out all the trash. I’m honestly just mad about the door because she KNOWS I’m paranoid about having the door locked, we live alone in college town and are both female, plus my sisters place got broken into a few years back. You’d think she’d feel the same way. At our old place I literally put a sign on the door inside to lock the door on your way in and out bc it became such an issue. One of these days I’m gonna end up dead because she can’t be considerate enough to lock the door behind her.
No. 1369465
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No. 1369524
>>1369509You confronted them about their gullibility and made them feel foolish, to cope they turned the situation around to be about you.
Inwardly, they realize you are right even if their pride cannot allow them to admit it.
No. 1369546
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stories like these are a dime a dozen nowadays and nothing new anymore but one of my former friends from middle school starting dating a white they/them moid (looks like a normal guy with theater kid vibes) and keeps posting about how "homosexual" and "fruity" they are on her story, it's so obnoxious. has dated multiple dudes but no women, also regularly posts about wanting top surgery. no you are not gay for each other you are just two hecking special quirky fandom straight people in a straight relationship and that's fine but don't act like you are somehow going against the grain of society for it. you aren't the two gay lovers in a forbidden relationship that you think you are. I don't even really feel mad when I see shit like this anymore, just annoyed
No. 1369573
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I am going to an inpatient facility for 4-6 weeks. I went through a really difficult breakup this year and my mental health spiraled over the summer. I ended up relapsing and becoming extremely self destructive. To top it off, I was in a situationship with a emotionally unavailable NPD moid that gave me mixed signals so im not really in the best place rn. Im terrified because this will be the first time Ill ever be away from home and im also worried going away wont help/possibly make me worse.
No. 1369599
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Social media has become something so annoying, it’s just a whipping post. Passively think ‘I like jack black he’s funny, charming, and always nice to people that’s cool’ and then of course comes the “well akshually he supports autism speaks so he’s a very horrible terrible bad person and he doesn’t deserve all of this positive attention”. Everything bounces off the vacuum until people tire of it and it’s on to the next retarded thing. Nothing I’m saying is groundbreaking it’s just annoying.
No. 1369642
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Class starts in 30 minutes and I've gone to the bathroom about 5 times. Why did I eat those 2 buffalo wings? They were only 2… Or was it the red robin burger I had? The bun had milk? Was it the seeds on top? Was it all 3? It is a mystery
No. 1369756
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I hate american feminism.
No. 1369783
>>1369757>>1369762Picrel is literally an ad for a prostitution site disguised as liberal feminism. Big L for you nonnas. Lmao
This is why everybody hates americans especially american women. Capitalism is rotting your brains (and your pussies with STDs).
No. 1369786
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>>1369762>Millionaire>Still a whorelmao
(infighting) No. 1369810
>>1367607i just found out that some people with multiple pronouns (i.e. she/they) want people to SWAP between pronouns and use both equally. even in the same sentence, like:
>she wanted ice cream, so they went to the store.the entire fucking point of pronouns is to make language LESS confusing, not more.
No. 1369845
My history of depression goes very far back. A huge source of it is my relationship with my mother. Since my father died when I was little, I have had to live with her during important developmental years. I developed very severe depression which eventually took away my ability to attend class. I was withering away. In high school I never fully recovered. I graduated, but I hadn't attended classes properly in years. I was a true mess with so much pain. My relationship with my mother never improved. She is abusive. It is still difficult for me to admit, since barely anybody believes me and even I doubt myself sometimes. I know she doesn't mean to. I don't feel like describing my symptoms properly, but if you have ever dealt with depression/burn out/suicidality/eating disorder/self harm/etc, you will understand what I have been going through. When I finally turned eighteen I was seeking that love and care that I was looking for my whole life. All I wanted was someone to care about me and be there for me, especially a parental figure. I went on dates with guys and let them do things I didn't want to do, because I could not handle the alternative of going home. I lost my virginity in a way I did not want to. I was experiencing a lot of things sexually nobody was aware of and I loathed it. I was miserable, but I had nobody. When I was sick, my "boyfriend" at least took care of me. He let me sleep in his bed, he made me food, he genuinely cared about how I was doing, he gave me kisses and cuddles. Even though I did not like him and did not want to have sex, I never received that treatment from my mother or anybody else. So I stuck around and accepted that misery. Then I spent some time in another country with distant family. It was pretty miserable because they did not understand my mental state and difficulties taking care of myself. They were harsh to me and had no compassion. They did not like me. I understood I was a burden. My depression is easily triggered, since it is so chronic, and it gets so bad I can't even get myself to eat and I can barely digest anything. It is really difficult, and I truly try. Alas, I have learned many people do not understand what it is like to suffer from these things, so I fell into similar traps. Men did things to me I did not want, and I let them because I was too weak to properly resist and get people to treat me right. I am home again now, have been for a while. The symptoms resurface living with my mom. The sensible solution would be to move out. I don't know how I can move out. There is a housing crisis where I live and I am not sure how I would be able to earn enough money to take care of myself when right now my depression is so bad again I barely eat and all I can do is lay around and attempt to keep my eyes open. I wish my mother cared about me. I wish I had a parent who cared about me. In so many ways I am still a child who has endured a lot of pain. Nobody cares. I have received help from countless mental health social worker whatever people. Without them and their cooperation with my school I could not have graduated. So I am grateful for that. But all that help did was focus on school and getting me to graduate. It was also very tedious and ultimately nothing changes about the fact that my ultimate trigger, my neglectful mother, remains unchanged. When I was abroad my perspective on my mother improved a bit. The distance made her more tolerable and I thought I forgave her. But now that I am home it is all back again. I just don't know how to break this cycle. I have a boyfriend now so I am at least not being used for my body anymore, but he lives abroad where I met him when I was there. I cannot live with him right now due to my education and I cannot put my education on hold now. I have come so far, and even though it does not seem like it, I am so much stronger than before. When I stay with my grandparents for just a few weeks, my mental health improves tremendously. All because my grandmother actually cares about me, does not mind to cook for me when I am unable, helps me make breakfast, does not yell at me, berate me, and so forth. She helps me and I thrive. I am capable of so much, I am done with this awful way of living and how terribly my mother triggers me. I can't take it anymore
No. 1369870
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Had my abortion
>>1357280 over this weekend. Sorry to keep fagging about this, it's just that obv I'm not talking to anyone irl about it. I ghosted my friends bc I was feeling down and tired. I felt bad that they were so concerned cause I'm usually always down to hang out and one of them is moving away soon. Yet I feel I cannot be honest about the reason why I was absent so I made an excuse. Weirdly enough, if one of them needed an abortion I would want them to come to me for support but I guess I'm just a coward.
And good grief, the abortion clinic was an absolute trial in itself.
There was no parking in the little clinic lot and I almost hit an anti-abortion protestor as she walked out in front of my car trying to flag me for a pamphlet. I went to check in & found out they misquoted the price of my abortion over the phone. It was $50 higher when I got to the office. The check in process took forever, and mostly because the receptionists were writing down their orders for quesadillas–I know it was around lunchtime but is discretion really so hard when people are trying to receive abortions around their queso fundido? Then I had a panic attack bc the pledge lady whom I had received the financial assistance voucher from never sent anything over to the clinic so they said they had nothing for me. She had called me on a remote personal phone line so I had no org number to dial back. The office sent them an email and by chance got my information over that way. I rage-called my bf to come who had given me some money the night prior, but there was no point of him staying cause guests aren't allowed past the waiting room anyway.
Oh, and because sickos would record inside, I had to surrender my phone beyond the waiting room.
I checked in a little before 11am and I did not leave until after 3pm. Mind you I was just there to get the pills. Well, they wound up corralling us all (~14 other women) into an additional waiting room in the back while we waited for vitals, ultrasounds, consultations, etc. Some were clearly further along and needed D&E abortion. It became clear they had no order. The waiting room was dank and dilapidated. No magazines, uncomfortable flat chairs, water stains, no water or snacks, and nothing to do besides watching whatever trash dvd was playing on their 90s era tv–and none of us had our phones. We all mostly tried to avoid eye contact with each other. I couldn't help but tear up a few times, just feeling bad for everyone in that room and how undignified it was. Some women were visibly upset and it was really sad. A few women started to become angry because most of us were there for the pill and so waiting almost 3 hours didn't make any fucking sense, some had been there since 9 or 10am and had not eaten anything. Well, after everyone scheduled had undergone all of their steps, it all came together: We were all to be administered our abortion pills at the same time hence the wait.
Yes, that's right. Apparently this was a group abortion! This was not told to us beforehand. No privacy or one on one time with the doctor. We were all ordered into a small room and given little cups with mifepristone and our take home packets of the misoprostol. The doc came in with his speech and then instructed us to take the first pill. We all had to take the mifepristone at the same time. That's why they made us all wait for three hours cause that's how many women there were and it was easier on staff to do it all as a group /facepalm.
It felt really violating.
What's worse is you could tell which women were receiving what based on the color papers they had. I was given a yellow paper for "Pregnancy not detected/Ectopic Pregnancy." They told me bc I had a positive at-home test plus symptoms, I was probably just too early for ultrasound to detect but I'm still worried that it said "Ectopic." No one else had my color paper. I didn't take my pill right away and stayed behind to ask the question about what if I did have an ectopic? The doc said I could either wait and come back once I was further along or I would have to go to another clinic for a scan that would confirm that for me. Well…obviously after the rigmarole I just took the pill.
Anyway, so far so good. Some diarrhea and cramping but my bleeding isn't even all that heavy. When I told my bf about the nightmare shit inside the clinic he said "Maybe psychologically they make it that way to discourage women from wanting abortions again?" Except, no, women who want abortions are going to get them no matter what. That's why back alley abortion was a thing.
The actual problem is no one cares about our well being and the lack of support trickles down onto the most vulnerable. I'm way more upset about the shit I've seen than my actual abortion. What the actual hell? Has anyone else experienced this shit?
No. 1369885
>>1369876>I had no idea even getting an abortion in pill form was that troublesome.Honestly? It's not supposed to be. When I lived in a northern state I went to a Planned Parenthood for an abortion pill yearssssss ago. It was all private like an actual doctor's visit and I swear it did not take nearly as long. This was
real unusual stuff and I am not sure if it's legal.
Even if I were to lodge a complaint I feel like it's a betrayal against a resource for women–even if it's a shite one–and is putting a point with those smug anti-abortion protestors outside. It makes me so mad. It's not hard to treat people decent.
No. 1369888
>>1369870>medical procedure preformed as a groupExtremely illegal, they probably assume you won't say anything out of shame/grief/fear that yet another clinic will be shut down
I'm so sorry
No. 1369893
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>>1369855What are they saying that should be used instead of oils? That sounds ridiculous, the healthiest way to eat animal protein is grilling the food, and you need some sort of oil or at least butter so it doesn't stick.
Also, it's dumb because oils are necessary for the body.
Never pay too much attention to any "health tips" that you see on the internet, foods are just like clothes, they go in or out of fashion every season.
No. 1369906
>>1369756This is literally just an ad for some sugar daddy site masquerading as an article by some normal woman who's "just dating up". All the men she talks about "dating" from there are decrepit old scrotes looking for sugar babies, and nothing lasts with them. She herself is an influencer, so you can bet she was paid money to promote this garbage. A lot of naive young women who think they can sign up and essentially be classier versions of escorts/do sex work "without the sex" get taken advantage of, abused, assaulted, etc because the moids on most of these sites aren't even screened.
Tired of the fake, heavily compromised feminism/le girlboss libfem bullshit. This shit is predatory
No. 1369913
>>1369873Nona, you're normal, the abnormal people are those who think homosexuality is some mental illness, when the real mental illness is being a fucking narc that needs to control everyone and everything.
I'm sure that you will be able to find a nice community to support you, maybe you could try finding other people that has gone through conversion therapy and that can relate to your struggles and that are working on accepting themselves as they are.
You ser serve to be happy and to fall in love with whoever you want.
No. 1369929
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Ever notice that as a catfag you can't find males that are also catfags? Never met one in my life
No. 1369941
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>>1369929They exist, my cousin is a catfag. He has this black cat the size of a bear that rules his apartment with an iron fist. He’s also married though, I think catmen get snatched up quick.
No. 1369949
Ugh, as the old coworkers move on the younger ones are changing the dynamic and I really don't like where it's headed. I'm seeing some things where I think it's going to be a shit time for all but it's like they're younger and don't see how it's going to bite all of them in the ass later. Currently we all do our tasks, share responsibility equally and speak openly if something is bothering us, don't micromanage and trust everyone else to do their job while communicating logistics or changes, no matter how mundane when needed. It's fostered genuinely a 0 drama workplace because if everyone volunteers nobody is forced, you know? We cover for each other and in turn are covered.
So today, for not the first time i'm sharing responsibility of answering requests with a coworker. So, the phone rings and before I can react either way he says "can you do it?". Not that he's doing anything, he's on his phone and I say uhh yeah no problem because I wasn't busy either and that's the ethos. Next time the phone rings he literally doesn't react, so again I get up and do it myself. So I find a reason to leave the office for a while so he has no choice but to do it. It's stressful that someone's taking advantage of our more charitable way. Once I get back I find out he's left all of the end-of-day tasks for me, when we always split.
The problem is that the old way was based on common courtesy and not rules so it's not an enforceable thing, and I can fully see this leading to pettiness and resentment on all sides. I'm already feeling resentful! Not that I can't handle conflict and say no do it yourself, but I know that it'll breed hostility, it was the same at my last place, I hated all those "Ohh i'm busy can you do it? Thaaanks" moments. And it came so organically before, like if you didn't mind a task you'd volunteer, if it was clear none of us actually wanted to do it we'd agree to take equal turns, not fucking ignore our responsibilities until someone else is forced to do it! I just don't understand how these younger people could take the rare fair and honest workplace and turn it into something individualistic and shitty like so many others out there. It's so sad too because I can't single handedly force kindness and compassion.
No. 1370234
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I hate that I never take care of myself and now when I absolutely need to be fit I just can’t. Im gonna have to give up a job I’ve always wanted just because my body can’t keep up with the labor. I feel so shitty I haven’t even finished a month of work and I’m already crying over having to put my two weeks in because I hate being a burden to my coworkers and feel like a retard everytime I do something
No. 1370239
>>1369953Ayrt — thank you for the kind words. If it doesn’t sound crazy, I actually got a bit emotional knowing that I’m not alone. I know exactly what you mean about little things bringing the feelings to the surface; for me it’s things like seeing men with a similar fashion sense to me because it really highlights the ways I don’t, and can never, look like them. It’s a humiliating feeling, I don’t know how else to describe it.
>>1370102I’ve noticed it getting worse as I get older too, particularly when I started college. I wonder if this is a common experience.
No. 1370251
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I reached out to my ex to offer an olive branch even though he didn’t deserve it. He was very happy to hear from me. I suggested we have a deeper talk a week from then and he agreed. He hasn’t reached out to be and it’s 5. I’m so fucking mad I don’t want to do all the work in this I hate how much of a coward he is
No. 1370268
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>>1370266Which gba one is it? On the PS2 I still am seething from not beating the Demons' Souls final boss almost a decade ago so I fully understand.
No. 1370354
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banned from all boards (4chan) for two weeks. seems disproportionate.
No. 1370390
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>>1370367He's lying to you. Ever hear of the narcissist's prayer? This is what he's doing to you right now. Saying he didn't do and and the backing down to saying he doesn't care. This is not a good sign Nonna. Don't trust this shit.
No. 1370395
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>>1370388Nta but I'm always getting banned from 4chan which is a blessing in disguise. It's bc I keep making dubz threads.
>>1370387I hope you feel better Nona. I'm in the same boat.
No. 1370443
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Blowing off handing my ex the mortgage money for the month for the following reasons:
>I'm sick of paying for half on a place that I have no reasonable way to share because he refuses to ever leave
>the bank withdrew mortgage early this month before it was time to even give him a check, which proves he can pay it himself while he occupies the house by himself
>he uses my appliances such as my brand new washer/dryer, kitchenware, and other furniture which I do not get to use in spite of actively paying off the cc debt that he has never given me a dime towards
>he stayed with me and my stepdad rent free for an entire year while he settled financial matters with a prior ex
>I had a medical emergency earlier this month and then I am going on my first vacation in two years soon and I am going to be fiscally selfish about that trip
>he has never shed an ounce of concern about the extraneous expenses of where and whom I am staying with so long as he gets his coin which makes me hate him more
>he has already threatened me with lawyers as a baseline because he feels he is more entitled to a bigger share of the house when it sells for bullshit reasons, so to me I might as well not simp and give him my money while he's claimed he's paid for the majority of everything all along and our verbal agreements made as a couple don't mean shit anymore
However, I know if I said this irl everyone would beat me down for having the audacity to not give this fucking mooch my half and would expect me to crack open my pickme piggy bank to fund his lazy sack of shit lifestyle.
Good thing I emotionally distanced from my house bc the place is a pigsty too, it hasn't been cleaned once since I left several months ago.
I've never wished for someone dead irl before but he takes the cake. He is a shitbag who will only lovebomb (his words) the next woman to then attempt to drag her down to make her life as bleak as his is.
No. 1370504
>>1370500She is hurting YOUR feelings though, and she's shitting on every woman you love by being a misogynistic asshole.
Save some terfy things she's said in case the other enbies wonder why you cut them off
No. 1370507
>>1370501Lol I would be too, damn
>>1370503I'm just playing with you no need to apologize, I just found it funny lol. I'm sorry about your TIF friend though she sounds pretty insufferable to be around rn. It's cringey as fuck that she's trying to justify her troonism by acting like a misogynist. Would it help to point out biological males misogyny to her, like maybe that would help her get some insight on how she's acting in misogynistic ways since she seems to be in denial about her own behavior.
No. 1370511
>>1370504As for the
terf joke shit, they all feel like they're "woke" because some of them lurk detransition stories and even some of them are detransed but still not anti-troon hence why she ironically jokes at it. I'll probably just distance myself from her in particular but really this is my tipping point from feeling like a crazy person for being a closet
terf for the last 4 years
No. 1370542
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I feel like I'm fucking insane. I always had depression-like symptoms right before my period like clockwork so I tried going on bc pills (already tried antidepressants but they numbed me down too much). For a few months it worked perfectly and I was relieved, but lately I have the same stupid impulses (want to break up with boyfriend, feel hopeless, random crying fits, start picking fights with people, thinking about suicide). I don't know what to do. I even had a hormone test and it didn't being up anything. I guess I'm just naturally insane or something. I just cannot deal with the feeling of hopelessness in those few days and the 180° shift after it passes, it's like being Jekyll and Mr Hyde
No. 1370646
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my boyfriend's grandma died and i booked him a last minute flight to be able to go home. i asked him three times last night what time we needed to leave and they said xx time. then this morning at like 04:00 he's like "i fucked up" OH SHIT i am half asleep. felt like that scene from home alone where they're throwing all the kids in the cars and sprinting through the airport. he made the flight but now i'm up way too early and stress cleaning AHHHH. i was going 95mph on back roads to get to the airport. i have no idea how the hell this dummy made his flight, he was 5 minutes from the gate closing. i'm the anxious bordering on neurotic partner when it comes to flights so this was a shitty way to wake up but i'm so glad he made it. there were no other flights to that place until tomorrow and since we used airmiles there would be no way to get the $500 for the first flight back. anywAY I am stress cleaning and glad that he made it because his grandmother was an amazing human and i'm glad he is able to go to her funeral. thanks for reading
No. 1370650
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>>1370646just found $150 he put in my purse so i guess he is forgiven, i'll make some bougie cocktail and soak in the bathtub later
No. 1370673
>>1370661look up the list of what you need document wise, if it's anything government related they usually have alternatives (e.g. if you don't have your SSC, do you have your birth cert? if you don't have a
valid drivers license, do you have a lease agreement?) there are usually work arounds for most things. whenever you're trying to find documents they randomly disappear and show up when you don't need them, even if you have a good organizational system, it's just what happens. hope you can find something
No. 1370704
right. so i joined a discord a while back to take part in a fandom i really enjoy, and this one chick–she's a tif, because of course she is–is acting like a standoffish weirdo. she writes, and i do too, and i was hoping we could sort of bond over it, even though her stuff isn't really to my taste, and all she does is give me the cold shoulder. we don't even know each other–she refuses to engage with me, so how could we?–and she's already treating me like i've wronged her somehow. i'll address her by her handle, and she'll dance around actually answering me, or just outright ignore what i have to say–sometimes even avoids conversations i'm in until i leave them. like, fine, whatever. i'm an adult and i can take a hint, but damn, our fandom is already so small. i was really hoping to get to know her, bounce some ideas off her, maybe get into the process of how we each analyze the characters we write for, you know? us cringe writers have to stick together… i was even willing to entertain her gender delusions–even though she's almost thirty and far too old to be acting this childishly–but oh well i guess. it's probably for the best anyway, considering how off the cuff she is about her mental illnesses. c'est la vie.
No. 1370716
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I don’t think I can handle it anymore. I’m a failure who always get nervous whenever socializing and has no skills. Should I just end it all?
No. 1370798
nonny. I'm a wonky driver and I've failed it twice. Not gonna bother anymore. I guess it wasn't meant to be for me.
No. 1370885
>>1370829I've never heard of grailed until now, thanks
No. 1370906
>>1370802That's very sweet of you,
No. 1371032
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told my boyfriend he didn't need to lose any more weight and now he's getting fat. this is my fault.
No. 1371041
>>1370976don’t listen to >>1371012 they’re being a bitch. “jokes” like that are annoying and moidish in the vent thread.
tbh i agree with the sentiment of it not being a permanent thing for some. Have you ever considered that maybe you have cptsd? Every woman i’ve ever met who was diagnosed with BPD was just reacting to legitimate abuse or harm from their childhood/past. being sensitive doesn’t need a diagnosis too. Women are generally over diagnosed with BPD and men are under diagnosed.
No. 1371042
>>1370957Damn same. Self rant incoming. I was on magic mushrooms for the first time recently and realised that not one bit of my self esteem comes from the inside. It's all external and if people treat me like shit I'll believe I'm shit. I don't come across as some battered mouse but for example if someone does me wrong instead of standing up for myself i'm just glad when they choose to do me right. It's such a stupid and dangerous situation to be in if you have low self esteem, and everyone takes it for character weakness, which I get it, it IS but it's like a cycle because people see you as pathetic so you see yourself as pathetic and funny enough what makes you feel better is another person being generous enough and pitying you to verbally build you up, which is just a temporary fix and does nothing in the mid to long term. I want to be secure on the inside and hold steady in my beliefs and values.
For me with problems I can't tell if I have a right to be mad over I have some friends I use as a sounding board, but that's more or less useless because I've been told by them in the past that it's all in my head, and when the behavior escalates they're like oh that's rude but I foresaw it ages ago and it stresses me that they gaslit me into believing nothing was wrong because they're oblivious.
No. 1371097
This is so petty and specific but nobody understands! So I'll type it out here. I can't even pinpoint what specifically annoys me about it, I have a friend who's not a contrarian or playing devils advocate but sort of puts characteristics on me that he knows isn't true? And you'd think he's playing it for jokes but there's no follow up and it's not said in a jovial manner, he's just…saying it. As if I'm supposed to play my part and be like "oh but that's not like me at all haha", and then what? What's the fucking joke?
For example I'm terrified of flying which he knows. I say oh this route requires 2 flights so preferably not and he's like oh I don't see the problem, flying is great! Which doesn't even make SENSE because NOBODY enjoys taking 2 flights when you can take one, so he clearly said it for a reason, that reason being to try force me to say "haha silly you, remember I have a huge fear of flying? So actually it would not be so nice for me". And if I'm talking about going to some mandatory social event he's like "great, you love socialising" and its like ???bitch what? I have been on full tirades to him about how much socialising exhausts me, what is he trying to achieve by saying this? It wasn't sarcasm either, as usual just a flatly delivered statement.
And just recently he was talking to me thinking of a good restaurant in his area and I'm like well I'll be no help because it's been a bit of a point of conflict because I don't like and have never liked restaurants and he does, and he knows very well I never go. To this he says "ah yeah ofc, you only know the good restaurants in your area" and I am just so BAFFLED as to his motives here, I just replied "do I?" and left it at that.
Sorry I didn't specify, these bewildering comments aren't here and there every so often, it is CONSTANT and if I don't at some point say "uh that's not me at all though" he will keep riffing on that same joke(??) over and over until I acknowledge it somehow. Genuinely what is this behaviour? I've tried to explain it to my friends and they ask what crawled up my ass, as if this is completely normal. Is it? I refuse to believe it. Like if it was sarcasm and jokes, yes irritating if overused but OK. But he says it as a statement that either has to be corrected or just hangs there, and that's what fucks me off.
No. 1371133
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OK I keep seeing meme posts like this and, where the hell are all of these remote e-mail based jobs where you don't have a boss monitoring your activity? The only remote work I've had was customer service and everyone can see if you're inactive/away, and tickets/chats/calls were monitored for time. Plz help, I want a remote job where I can compile reports or send in projects/e-mails by the end of the day but still have some fucking time to run errands if I want, shit
No. 1371175
>>1371133I do email only customer service for a tech company and they are super nice and don't monitor you at all. They are Germany based so they treat you like a human being. Idk if you'd be able to find something like that in the US.
Before them I did the same but in a call center, for a chinese company, and you were a slave, constantly monitored and micromanaged. I'd look for tech companies in Europe with no call work.
No. 1371234
>>1371215I can't even force myself to date.
I feel you though, I'm also late 20s and would love a gf. It's just too hard to find compatible people.
No. 1371250
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Gonna go talk to my ex for the first time since the breakup. Wish me luck nonnas
No. 1371273
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Watching the lengths people go to in desperation for negative attention
No. 1371364
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>>1371356It's corn time, anon.
No. 1371421
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I FEEL SO TERRIBLE. A cat that has been living in my yard was begging to come in when it started storming outside. I've never let her in before and maybe I should have. God dammit.
No. 1371564
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>>1371547Why not just stop interacting with her? If she sucks, then hit the bricks.
No. 1371632
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God I'm sick of having people depend on me. I have had to babysit my older brother since we were kids, now I'm almost 25, he's approaching 30 and he wants consistent rides to work? Take the bus, bitch. I got drunk tonight just so I would have an excuse not to drive him.
No. 1371695
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>>1371563Absolutely discosting. He sounds like a horrible cryptid that subsists on cope and envy. Condolences nona.
No. 1371699
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Sorry to ""relationship"" sperg nonnas. It's long.
I feel like a selfish person for feeling hurt whenever my ex mentions his "girlfriend"… he refers to her as a gf sometimes and a friend with benefit at others? Says it's not a serious relationship but during the year he was just lonely and can't handle the LDR anymore, and that he'd happily leave her for me anytime, tells me that he made it clear with her that he loves someone else(me) and she's indifferent. I understand the LDR thing but I am so conflicted… god…
I guess it wouldn't hurt as much if he didn't go on sermons about how important I have been to his life, how he'd always love me the most, how I'm always going to be his number 1, how he's realized what he didn't do for me in the years we knew each other, and that I don't have to worry about being replaced. I believe him but at the same time I'm suspicious, like he's trying to manipulate me into not caring about it.
"You'll get used to it, you being hurt by it hurts me too. I know it hurts but there's nothing that can be done right now, just work on yourself and we can be happy in the future."
HELL. He even offered his undivided love and attention to me without having to break it off with her, I told him I'm not into polyamory and now I feel like a cuck for accepting it because god I love this man so damn much. Fucking hell.
No. 1371715
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I wanna start working out but I'm terrified of gyms because I don't want moids to take creep shots of me and there aren't any women-only gym close to me. I can't fit equipment in my tiny one room apartment so I can't work out at home.
But at the end of the day it doesn't matter since my depression is so bad that I can't find motivation to get into a routine. I know there are some workout exercises that don't require equipment but I can't do those either because I just struggle with leaving bed. I just wish I could attend a gym so I could be in a work out environment? but once again men ruins everything with their creep behavior
No. 1371763
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We have a big class project due tomorrow and even though everyone was supposed to work on it, only a couple people are taking any responsibility; one of them being me. But the problem is I'm sick at home with a fever and yet I get messages form other people asking me to do shit for them even when I explicitly said I didn't want to do them because I already had too much on my plate and I had already done way more than anyone else in our class. Now I apparently have no choice but to keep myself awake to finish something that never was and never should have been my responsibility.
No. 1371772
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I had a falling out with a "friend" at the end of the last year and I'm still salty about it. I won't be at peace until I find out where is she hidding now.
No. 1371808
>>1371789blood infection from wounds is a real thing. sepsis can be fatal. if you have signs of infection in your wound you need to treat it
at the hospital before you risk losing a limb or worse.
No. 1371863
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>>1371833sleep deprivation is actually torture nonna. just because other people get better sleeps than you doesn't mean you don't need or deserve a full night's rest yourself
No. 1371918
>>1371910Idk I try to limit my sperging about women, because I feel like it's a bit scroteish. Plus I think a lot of lesbian nonnas sage a lot, to avoid having the threads be bumped to the front, where troons could try to shit things up.
>>1371900Cate Blanchett is hot and those nonnas just have bad taste. She was the perfect pick for Galadriel, absolutely otherworldly beauty. She still looks fucking great. I love her eyes, they are beautiful, but also kinda scary bc it feels like she could stare into your soul.
No. 1371959
>>1371951Way to address anything that I said. I'm talking about the response to
>>1371900 and
>>1371905, I made no posts here previous. Thanks for your 3 sentences about me, well done on being wrong in all of them.
No. 1371989
>>1371986It isn't
I was venting
It's not that deep
No. 1371999
>>1371935It's probably just loss of fat in the face.
I have the same thing happening to me with time and it's just naturally how I look because I don't have all the babyfat in my face anymore and already pretty prominent features and bones that make it look more severe
No. 1372020
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I am going to go through something very scary tomorrow, nonas. Send love and support please.
No. 1372023
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>>1372020Lots of love & all the best anon
No. 1372035
>>1372020I love you
nonny i will think of you!!
No. 1372046
>>1372045Lmfao anon
The way the most mild criticism is blown out of proportion
No. 1372048
>>1372035thank you
>>1372037going through a big surgery
No. 1372049
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Idk if it's because I slept weird last night but my ribcage hurts so fucking bad and I'm just like "is that it? am I finally going to die?" hopefully it's nothing serious since I can afford to die but I can't afford the medical bills or a unnecessary checkup as a broke peasant in my shitty 3rd world country.
No. 1372088
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>>1372062>I'm reading about signs of a toxic person, and yeah… that's literally meso true
nonnie No. 1372092
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When P.Is are good they are very good
No. 1372174
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Sometimes in a push pull cycle you just have to stand there and let the other person act a fool. Yes, you do look crazy and stupid. No, I no longer care. I care about you, but not enough to let you ruin my days. If that bothers you fuck off and stop being a codependent leach. I’m not your therapist. You were supposed to find one mate.
No. 1372253
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Gonna be on my period for the romantic trip I've had planned for months
No. 1372255
>>1372222I'm convinced all dermatologists are fucking retards. I'm sorry
nonnie. I've had an irritating growth on the bottom of my foot for years and my derm just goes
>yeah I don't think it's a wart but idk lolNo tests either
Boyfriend has chronic eczema issues and his derm spends all of 5 mins with him and doesn't let him ask questions or voice concerns. It seems every one I know about is incompetent as fuck. I hope you can get this figured out and find someone competent
nonnie No. 1372264
>>1371723Back in my neet days I used to walk and bike a lot but I stop doing it. I need to get back into that habit
>>1371733Can you recommend some videos and games? I think that would make it easier for me
>>1371734I already wear baggy pants and hoodie when exercising
Tbh I hate how sexualized gym clothes is. When I was 15 I noticed all the girls in my class switch their baggy pants out with tight leggins in gym class. I know some people find them more comfortable and more power to them, but I still find it odd that it's the default gym clothes for women and young girls and that you rarely see women in baggy pants No. 1372270
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Have you ever felt so tired of the way men are it doesn’t even make you feel anger, sadness, or even hatred anymore? I just feel nothing for them anymore. Ok, maybe a little bit of hatred towards them. I have no female friends to go to. Men are.. what they always been. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to because of this. I really am nothing like the other girls or in this case women
No. 1372272
>>1372249I know you don't have to be in a couple, but the anon who worked in a sex shop talked about straight couples so I assume the customers don't usually go alone there. I legit don't know how that shit works.
>or traced to you in any way.I once read online that the stores in my city gave unlabeled shopping bags for customers kek. I always see people I know downtown so I know shopping in physical stores would be way too risky for me.
No. 1372280
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My mother seems to be stuck on repeating the exact same things I have told her that I HATE.
She has been pushing me again and again and AGAIN to have a relationship with my father, who has not spoken to me in 3 years. I have told her a total of THIRTEEN times never to bring it up again. She agrees everytime, apologizes, says how stupid she is for bringing it up, says I don't need him and that he's a bad father anyways. typical manipulative shit. and then he comes back into town and she brings it up again. I'm literally about to burst with rage. She did it again and I exploded. She says it's wrong for a child to not "try" to love their parent, no matter what. because the "biBle sayss sOOo"
i told her point blank:
>if you're allowed to divorce him despite it being a huge ass sin in your faith, why do I have to put up with him until he crokes?? you couldn't even put up with him even if it costs you your "spot" in heaven.
I made her cry, and she said that I was using the hardest decision she's ever had to make against her. I just cannot believe she can have such little introspection. I love my mom, it's complicated, when it's good, it really good. but when it's bad, it's absolutely insane.
No. 1372287
>>1372270that’s called the blackpill nonna.
>I feel like I have nothing to look forward to because of thisIt can be lonely, but there are definitely women that feel the same as you. Try to join women only spaces (could be a small group focused on a hobby) and make some friends. There is so much to look forward to in this world other than moids.
No. 1372297
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No. 1372311
>>1372308I feel like it's been more pervasive in the past year. Am I remembering wrong?
I can't use the site anymore because men whining and being general misogynists gets to the front page daily at this point.
No. 1372313
I need to vent but I'm also just looking for someone to tell me that I'm not an idiot. My father was an alcoholic creep. He never assaulted me, but during my childhood he would constantly talk about how beautiful and sexy I was and as I got older he would hug and kiss my neck in ways that still make me shudder. He was good friends with a teacher at my school when I was 13 and took pride in telling me how that teacher thought I was beautiful, including jokes where the teacher asked him to "watch over me" to make sure I was a virgin until I turned 18.
As I got older and expressed my hatred for him more, he reminded me that he was very rich, and threatened to cut me out of his will if I kept being a brat. I told him I didn't care. And now as I've cut him out of my life and had no contact for several years, I still don't. Meanwhile he's been in rehab and apparently become sober, and he's constantly asking my mother and the rest of our family for information about me because he wants to reconnect. He even wrote a long apology letter to me, but in that letter he also conveniently confessed that he still hasn't removed me from his will. I haven't responded, and I've told my family that I still want nothing to do with him. They all think I'm an idiot. They all tell me to "just see him a few times a year and pretend to like him" until he dies to make sure I get his money. No one thinks what he did was that bad and that I'm being dramatic. My mother especially, while she did divorce and move away from him, keeps guilting me into seeing him again. I'm currently broke, which makes them even more insistant that I'm stupid for not wanting to make sure I stay in his will. He also recently mailed me a very expensive ring as a gift, and I just got sick looking at it.
I really don't think I'm being stupid here. This man caused so much pain, fear and anger in my life. I don't care about the money. I might be broke now, but unless he dies within a year, which he's not likely to, what is this future money worth anyway? I'd rather struggle and be poor for the rest of my life than accept the money from such a disgusting human being.
No. 1372332
>>1372313Same anon as
>>1372323, meant to add more. If you're financially stable it doesn't matter too much but idk in this economy it seems kinda stupid to not take money from someone who's tryna offer it. But only you know the pain he caused, so as long as you can afford to not take it, do whatever your heart is saying
No. 1372333
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having another "god i wish i could kill myself/reset my life" day. uni's so tough this final semester, got no idea what i'm doing the work keeps coming. just want to graduate. to top it all off my dad might want to sell the house/move and i don't know what i'll do, because moving in with my mother again would be hell. no internet at her place, i can't get it either because of zoning issues
i only have…7k saved up, no job or real work history because i'm 22 and my parents let me lay around and attend uni (which became online uni and stayed as online uni due to covid). also still friendless and talentless and sad about that
if i were like ambitious or something i'd probably be worse off. but all i want is a dumb wfh office job honestly. i don't vacation or anything because my anxiety is fucking terrible, so all i'd spend money on are bills + food
No. 1372346
>>1372311It feels like it to me too. For a while, if something floated onto my front page that I didn't want, I could hit "show me less of this" and it would actually show me less. Now I can't even do that without basically the same thing appearing a few posts later. Show me less unfunny anime memes. Show me less pseudoscience articles about the male brain. It just conveniently "forgets" I guess.
>>1372313Saw this while writing about my own stupid bullshit but I wanted to say that I don't think you're an idiot. Money and opportunities to make it come and they go. Your own morals and ideals are just as important as financial security. Fuck dirty money if you don't want it. Whatever you choose to do, this internet tard supports you and wishes you peace and happiness.
No. 1372358
>>1372344yeah it's probably to my own peril but i totally don't want to work a wageslave job and do all the complicated shit i do (and have done) for schoolwork
>>1372354i plan to do this only after i get my degree, i really just refuse to work tables or at a drive through. i went to uni to avoid having to do that…i know that sounds insane but i'd rather move back in with my mother and struggle each day to get somewhere with internet than this
No. 1372374
>>1372358I hope you don't think a degree is going to guarantee you a cushy office job… But hey, you've already decided what decision you're making so good luck with it
No. 1372381
>>1372374well. i'll have a compsci degree once i graduate. i assume that even if i don't get an elite programming job right off the bat, someone is going to trust me (over the other applicants perhaps) to do their spreadsheets or whatever. also, i live in a sleepy southern state. i'm not even aiming for top jobs here, just something that pays like 30k a year + isn't excessively stressful + lets me wfh will be peak.
>>1372344>go into debt and set your roots ehh. i'm not even sure where i want to live atm – definitely not in this state (or even this country tbh) so a house isn't for me just yet. studio apartment in a clean and safe area is more than enough for the first few years of my life
No. 1372399
>>1372396Mainly I hate male NEETs because wtf are you doing? Literally your only purpose is to provide and you can't even do that? But you want to sit online and talk about women's bodies and how everyone but you is a stupid wage slave, as if you wouldn't die without someone hand delivering you chicken nuggets. I see no problem with someone that's not in school or at a 9-5 but pursues their hobbies full time or whatever. I'd love to quit my job and be able to draw and take pictures of pretty stuff all day. Bonus if I get paid. My hatred is for the NEETs who do nothing but be terminally online wastes of space.
>>1372395I do not consider the chronically ill to be NEETs. And if you're trying to profit off art, is that really being a NEET or a starving artist? At least you're doing
No. 1372423
>>1372417>>1372402Yea I'd say pretty much all male NEETs are incels and both of those conditions feed each other and turn a male into the worst version of himself possible. They aren't meant to sit at home and do nothing. No one is. If you're not going to work or go to school at the very least you should be contributing to household chores and pursuit of knowledge unless you want to stagnate and kill off braincells prematurely. But instead, they write off all criticism of NEETdom as "reee wage slaves want me to be unhappy like them at their shitty jobs". Like, no. But it's damn near impossible for a human to find balance and fufillment by living through the handheld glowing doombox and the stationary masturbation mashing. Don't work or go to college, that's fine. But you
have to do something unless you want your brain to turn to mush, and for randoms on the internet to point that out everytime.
No. 1372435
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i was looking for a tampon at my boyfriends house and i found a box of panty liners even tho i can’t remember ever asking him to buy those for me bc i don’t use pads/panty liners. it looks like an old box so he could’ve had them since before we dated. he says that he did buy them for me like a year ago but I could’ve sworn I asked him to buy tampons. hmmmmm
No. 1372454
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i'm a quasi-neet (online uni, never really worked) so my opinion is biased, but…outside of the jealousy angle, i don't get neet hate either. personally i contribute to my household by cleaning, buying groceries with refund money i get from scholarships, cooking or ordering food for us to enjoy, helping my elderly parents with things…it's like this for a lot of neets, not everyone is just rotting in their rooms.
wouldn't most people not work if they had the choice? why even care if someone wants to avoid the rat race as hard as they can, it fucking sucks
No. 1372458
>>1372430I felt the same way but being taken to a hospital by strangers once made me start to wear the medical alert because I kept imagining a scenario where I was unconscious or completely out of my mind and the medical team doesn't know anything about me and I can't tell them my history and I don't have a phone or any ID on me. Your wife might be thinking something similar.
After two years of wearing it nobody's really noticed it or even really cared, and nobody can really see what's on it unless I show it to them because the necklace is always inside my shirt and when ppl do ask about the tag I just say I'm on medication and that's that. The engraving isn't easy to read unless you have it right infront of you anyway.
No. 1372474
>>1372470I'm sorry about your aunt, I'm sure she doesn't deserve that pain. This is a vent about my older brother who is undoubtedly an
abusive shit person who would rather mope around the house and make everyone depressed instead getting treatment.
No. 1372485
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I wonder how I'm going to get insulin when the apocalypse happens
I wonder what I'll store it in
I wonder if they'll keep making test strips
I wish I hadn't wasted my whole life working for money I couldn't keep when the end was always this close anyway
No. 1372489
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I watch these short videos on yt sometimes, the doomer meme ones that use the soyjacks as characters or whatever they're called. Most of them are trash but once in a while I like a couple but anyway every time they have this soy character they draw him with these pointy triangular shaped tits, like the one's that mtf's grow and I cannot get over the fact I have the exact same tits. I'm not kidding, I have the exact same fucking triangular shaped a cupped boobs that an mtf has and I fucking hate it, I literally wanna get a boob job or kms cause I hate them so much. I never even noticed how misshapen they were until I started seeing trannies growing the exact same pointy boobs but now that I've taken notice I cannot unsee it, fuck my life I want a boob job.
No. 1372494
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i want to vent on lolcow but im not comfortable with it, is it time for therapy?
No. 1372498
>>1372481I personally don't feel any sympathy for him since he's a narcissist, has a history of being a woman beater, uses people, neglects his dogs, basically a shit person. His refusal for treatment and slowly dying infront of our mom feels like his final abuse tactic but idk maybe I'm just a fucked up person.
>>1372483And I'm truly sorry anon, I hope I didn't ruin your night.
No. 1372501
>>1372222Check with your general practitioner if you have a nutritional deficiency.
>>1372255I have chronic eczema on my nipples and was told be less stressed. Ducking thank you for nothing. I bought St. John's wort oil because I read that it has wound-healing properties. Guess what? The eczema is almost gone after one week.
>>1372420I hate chronically online people. They ruin every online conversation with their dehydrated brain.
No. 1372505
>>1372458AYRT, and yeah I've been taken to hospital by strangers too after a seizure and it freaked me the fuck out because I woke up very confused and disoriented. I was admitted as a Jane Doe because I only had some money on me and no ID and it messed with my head big time until I came around fully and it's made me very wary about going out alone ever since. I found when I wore my bracelet for my heart issue and seizures I had quite a few people stare at it and naturally that made me very paranoid, but I guess it's human nature to clock them and wonder what's wrong with the person. I never thought of tucking the necklace under my shirt, I thought the point was to keep it on display but I think police/first responder types are trained to look for these things so I guess I could claw back some privacy that way while still being sensible about my condition. I told my wife we'll look at some tomorrow and try to find something discreet-ish. I'm just trying to focus on doing this for her, because it would be a colossal dick move if I refused and made her worry about me every time I left the house.
>>1372460Extremely Low Frequency and Radio Frequency. When I'm going through it I think people are talking to me using ELF sine waves and attacking me with RF weapons that cause vibrations and other pains like headaches to purposely stop me sleeping and torment me.
No. 1372548
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I ranted in another thread that I don't know how to use Discord.
So then I join this small not-very-active server and decide to really put myself out there. Then I make this kinda meaningless comment that adds nothing to the conversation and the conversation dies after that. Then a few moments later I come up with a better reply that maybe would had kept the conversation on going but by that time it's to late because it would be too awkward to go back and add something new when the conversation has been finished for a while. Now I just feel extremely nauseous because I always feel sick whenever I have to talk to people. Ugh, ugh, ughhhh why is socializing so hard and why do I seem like the only one who struggles so much with it?
I would like to say something like "all my socially awkward girls make some noise" but I know yall are too shy soI'm just gonna send my support quietly
No. 1372551
>>1372505Ayrt, but there's some pretty nice ones that look like jewelry. I got one that doesn't have the red color but the symbol is on it so a medical personnel will clock it right away if they see it but an average person doesn't notice it unless they look closely (medical ppl are supposed to check for tags anyway). It just looks like a silver pendant at first glance.
I hope you find one that you like that serves you well
No. 1372565
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I didn't think I had a crush on this girl who I met kinda recently but she just called me just to talk/catch up, and i found myself smiling the whole time. She said she called to catch up, because she hasn't seen or heard from me in a while, and I realized I completely disappeared on her. I was there for her during a really awful break up, then I subconsciously went away bc I was scared of complicating things or sending weird signals. She prolly doesn't need this rn and I don't either. but she's so so cute. Like literally everyone in the room watches her when we go out.
Another reason why I went away was bc I feel that our other friend had been keeping her for herself like she's her property. Kinda like lovebombing, but in a friend way. She feels off limits to me. It's also messed up for our friend to do that, they have said really messed up things about her.
I probably shouldn't have, but I expressed that I felt like I had to go through my friend to get to her bc she staked claim on her. She said she could see that, but I felt it was unnecessary for me to say.
No. 1372588
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>>1372562Thank you,
nonnie. This was actually really encouraging! I do feel less like crap now I just have to remember to take it one step at the time
No. 1372624
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No. 1372629
>>1372607Being a virgin and not having been in a romantic relationship yet doesn't mean you're a looser. You put way, way too much value into those two things.
In fact, I'd say it's better to have that more later, as an actual adult, than sooner.
No. 1372648
I cant find my post, but i posted in here that two exes reached out to me last week, via email, letter/ig. It frustrated me so fucking much. I had just gotten over being angry about it. A year is such a long time to be angry, it felt like it was rotting my soul. For about two weeks, I felt good and not held down by negative thoughts about how they've hurt me. One cheated and would self harm in front of me, the other threatened suicide and I can't even say anything further or I'll freak out. Every time I get a text from an unknown number, someone follows me online, I check the mail, and (now) when i check my email, my body gets flushed and i feel paralyzed until I can be reassured either of them didn't contact me. It's just so upsetting to me that they can't give it up, and have to keep reminding me of their existence after making it abundantly clear I want no contact from them and that I don't like them.
A couple days ago my friend told me one tweeted "Happy bday (my initials)." She also would post photos of me on her second account. Whatever, I kept moving and laughed it off. But when I was at work today I got a phone call. After some research, I found out it was a fake Google Voice number. I feel so broken down, like there's nothing I can do to stop them. It's a weird, helpless feeling. Idrk how to put into words how awful it makes me feel. I don't want to be reminded of them, I don't want to get mad all over again. I'm just trying to heal
No. 1372657
>>1372629>>Being a virgin and not having been in a romantic relationship yet doesn't mean you're a looser.if you want it really bad and are genuinely trying but can't find anything then you kind of are.
>>In fact, I'd say it's better to have that more later, as an actual adult, than is that better at all? i appreciate the response but this is the kinda stuff people who have never had issues dating and have been sexually active since their teens say. there's nothing better about dating when you're older. in fact, it's pretty awful to try to get into things when you're the only one who's a virgin.
No. 1372682
>>1372648I'm sorry anon. I hope they stop harassing you soon and give up.
Semi-related, I was a
toxic, obsessive person who couldn't stop harassing my ex via DMs, stalking their accounts, and reaching out to them on multiple platforms, until they literally threatened that they'll get the police involved if I don't stop… I am not proud of my behaviour. I hope your exes gain some shame and realize you want nothing to do with them anymore.
No. 1372692
>>1372657>if you want it really bad and are genuinely trying but can't find anything then you kind of are. This really only applies to men tbh. You aren't as desperate as you think you are - no doubt there are many, many moids who do not meet your standards whether for looks or personality or the way they treat you. You could find an ugly moid to pump and dump you but I doubt you would tolerate that (rightfully so), but that doesn't make you a loser. Swipe right on every guy on tinder and see how many options you have, if you really can't get a match then I'll eat my words.
Anyway I stopped having sex around 20 and I'm 30 now, so I've been both sexually active and so celibate it's like I've been revirginized. The thought of getting back in the game at this age is intimidating af and I don't really want anyone to know how long it's been. I concede that I'm grateful I had sex so at the very least I can say I have, so that I don't feel completely inexperienced and have nothing to contribute in conversations. But at the same time, emotionally it's a net negative and I kinda wish I was just a clean slate - I hate knowing that men who really weren't shit have had access to my body, and have private, intimate knowledge of me that they didn't deserve. I also feel insanely fortunate that I never got pregnant or STDs or abused in any way, it was sheer luck that I didn't experience any physical harm. So while you are missing out on positive aspects of sex, you're also missing out on the negatives. Keep trying and you'll find someone to fuck, but in the meantime don't convince yourself it's the worst possible scenario because it's a mixed bag really.
No. 1372740
I want some opinions nonas
>Group assignment, me and 3 younger moids
>I do everything in the beginning, two moida pull me aside and tell me that they want to participate too, that it's unfair that I do everything
>Tell them ok, thanks for telling me
>They participate, do ok
>Meanwhile the other guy is just there, doesn't participate in group meeting bc he's busy, didn't write anything etc
>Kinda big/boring paper coming in, we need to write and show a prototype
>The previous 2 moids stay together working on the prototype, I stay stuck w lazy guy with the paper
>We have our exams week coming up, no one says anything bc we're busy
>Exams go by, deadline coming closer
>Guy doesn't say anything about the paper on group chat, private chat, nothing
>I sit down and write everything in 4 hours while I have to work early the next day (today)
>Didn't put his name
Am I the asshole here?
No. 1372760
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my moid did the most braindead coomer thing and idk how to move forward. i want to add that this is the most out of character thing he's ever done, and I'm still really really shocked by it.
for our vacation, I woke up pretty early in the morning (from a terrible nights rest too, I never do well in hotels) and he wakes up shortly after. I pull out a book to read to wake myself up, when suddenly he asks me if he can have some privacy. I ask for what, and he says so that he can jack off?? (I was on my period so it's not like I was in any mood or could have sex). I laugh and say "yeah right, where am I supposed to go, the lobby?" and he goes "oh you wouldn't mind would you?" completely not picking up (or choosing not to pick up) that I find this completely incredulous. We just stare at each other for a minute and I get up and leave, more so out of not wanting to be in the same room rather than obeying his request.
At this point, I'm completely pissed. I come back after an hour and he asks if I'm ok. I sit down with him and explain that if I posted what he just asked me to do on one of those "AITA" threads on reddit (ew if I used reddit) he would be the resounding asshole through and through. Why the FUCK does he need to jack off so badly that he kicks his wife out of the room at 7:40AM?!?!?! He apologized a ton and has been trying to make it up to me for a week with my fave flowers, my fave dinners, and just over all being nice.
He's never done this. he's usually so attentive, caring, considerate, and generally knows my boundaries and has common fucking sense. My friend said i'm overreacting, and that masturbation is normal, but that's not the fucking issue. am i nuts nonnas?
No. 1372770
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My body has so many random issues that it isn't really meaningful, but I really hate that to the middle-right of my throat there's a spot that's been burning, throbbing, and just feeling horrible for many weeks. And not too long before that I woke with it on fire and in a huge fever that I went to the clinic about and they did a strep throat test and found nothing. What I didn't expect as it faded away to its usual pain for it to stay. Is this what being human is? Random pains that are completely nonsensical? No wonder why people take drugs. I would never, but, god, I get it.
No. 1372788
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my friend told me her opinion on something and it killed any desire to continue talking to her, i can barely fake any interest. we've been friends for like a decade but its such a retarded and degen opinion that made me realize she hasn't grown past the age of 14. i gotta reevaluate who i spend time with.
No. 1372791
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People who try to sexualize normal friendships are weird as fuck
No. 1372793
>>1372791Idk what this even means
>>1372788>>1372790I wanna know too I'm nosey
No. 1372800
>>1372779Makes sense. I am, but in a very low-energy, slow, painful way. I feel numb yet tense. Weirdly the sharper anxiety comes before I sleep.
>>1372790Actually for once I don't want to hear it. I can sense how dreadful it probably is, kek.
No. 1372817
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I keep seeing hot gifs of Evan Peters both on this website and elsewhere, I swear to god if I actually get memed into driving 4 hours to fuck that dude…
No. 1372818
>>1372805Nonnie me and you both. I will kill for a feminine man better yet a straight feminine man because a bi one feels like he’s conforming to stereotypes but I won’t say no
I want a bf that will wear nail polish and not lose his mind over it. Makeup is whatever since it’s not great for your skin.
I’m sure my gc feminine man is out there somewhere
No. 1372867
>>1372866Mike is just a salty misogynist under all that fat and lazy irony. I cant watch RLM anymore because he bounces from quiet seething to quiet coping constantly, and his distaste for women is usually palatable in the air. think the only reviewer on RLM that doesn't lowkey
trigger my incel alarm is Rich.
No. 1372879
>>1372866The recent trend of making fun of actual murder/kidnapping
victims as a direct continuation of the "I hate (white) women!!" movement is the most macabre fucking thing in a long while. I get that it's a real problem that a young pretty white girl
victim gets more media coverage but that's not her fault, like what was she supposed to do, not be brutally murdered? Usually, just like in this case, it's used as another shoddy crutch to whine about how bad men have it too instead of genuine concern for
victims of less privileged groups not being noticed.
No. 1372910
>>1372454I think you missed my other post and I'm too lazy to link it, but the NEETs I hate
for reasons outside of being jealous are the ones who do actually
nothing productive. If you help around the house and at least try to keep up with hobbies and self betterment, good.
No. 1372940
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Shidding and vomiting, I haven’t kept up with anyone from high school and just found out a guy I was kind of friends with is a tranny now. All his posts are just talking about how hot he is now when all that changed is he grew out his hair and does shitty eyeliner. Gross gross gross
No. 1372944
>>1372760I'm sorry nonna but I was laughing all the way through your post and have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard, this is just unbelievably absurd. Men never cease to amaze me with their stupidity. What the actual fuck was he thinking? Was he jacking off to something illegal or something?
>My friend said i'm overreacting, and that masturbation is normal, but that's not the fucking issue.Well exactly, who the fuck asks for their partner to just leave the hotel room so that they can masturbate instead of just going to the bathroom? I've literally never heard of something like this happening.
No. 1372949
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My girlfriend of 1.5 years read my journal. I didn’t go out of my way to hide it but I never expected her to go through it. I didn’t say anything bad about her in it but I did mention a crush I have had on another girl almost since the time my girlfriend and I have been together. It’s nothing serious, I have never acted on that crush and never would. I love my girlfriend and we have a good relationship. She feels understandably very hurt but also do I. I never had any privacy growing up and my parents would read my diaries so I feel rocketed back to my teenage years. I also don’t see any big problem with crushes in relationships, as long as nothing develops from them but she seems to feel differently. I tried to emphasise that a journal is private thoughts and not representative of how a person actually feels- just a stream of consciousness.
I have removed myself from the group where the other girl and I cross paths but I sorta feel like I haven’t done anything wrong here.
No. 1372960
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>>1372958Thanks Nona. I know I’m in the right here but I guess it must feel shitty for her that read without context it seems I’ve had feelings for someone else our entire relationship and she had no idea. Idk I’m trying to see things from her perspective but like you, I would never look through her journal (if she had one, and I think that’s partly the issue- she doesn’t get that journals aren’t the gospel), I would wager she vents about me to her friends and I would never want to be privy to those conversations. Some things aren’t meant to be read or heard.
No. 1372961
>>1372949I had the same as you growing up so I understand you, just a thought of someone messing with my things gives me the worst anxiety but then I also feel really bad for your girlfriend finding out you're crushing on someone else you've made no effort to remove yourself from until she saw it and confronted you with (because if i'm understanding correctly you've left the group only after the diary was found, right?)
Awful situation for everyone involved, sorry you're going through it
No. 1372964
>>1372949That was a major privacy violation. I'm sorry it's happened to you again after all these years. When you're reacting to both the present situation and the painful memories, it's hard to move forward with a clear head. Take some time to calm down and formulate your thoughts before talking with her again.
It sounds like there may be some boundary issues between you two. It seems you never discussed if it's ok to read each other's diaries, or if it's ok to have crushes during the relationship. Now is a perfect opportunity to find out where you both stand. You can also find out if you're willing to forgive each other for your trespasses and come to an agreement on how you'll move forward.
No. 1372973
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What am I supposed to do when I'm literally a creep and a weirdo? Compared to everyone else I'm very abnormal, and even among the niche social groups where I feel most at home, I still don't quite fit in. This isn't for lack of trying. I'm friendly and a good listener, I work hard to make people feel comfortable and give them the focused, loving attention that they deserve even when I feel like they don't deserve it. But I guess because I'm ugly, I have weird tastes, I'm submissive, I'm desperate yet picky, it doesn't work out? I must be sabotaging myself. That's much easier to believe than being forced to finally accept there is nobody "for" me. Nobody has been waiting for me her whole life. Nobody is ecstatic to learn more about me and discover I am perfect for her. If I was more normal then I don't think I would have this problem, at least not to this degree. There would at least be more people willing to give me a chance. But I can't be normal. It'd be useless to try, especially because by changing myself it totally defeats the point of being loved for who I already am. Sigh… what the hell am I doing here, I don't belong here.
No. 1372974
nonnie, that is actually really level-headed advice, thank you.
I want to work at our relationship and stay together. I think she feels bad deep down about the privacy violation and it will take time for me to get past that but right now she’s more focused on the fact I “kept a secret” our whole relationship.
No. 1372975
I learned thay FIL does believe in mental illness, when I always thought he didnt.
He believes in mental illness when it comes to being able to call me crazy and tell my husband to medicate me, and not when it comes to him and his daddy issues and domestic violence.
I swear to god, I don't want any advice from a stupid scrote who's still crying because dad left him at his fucking 50s. Grow the fuck up, he was an asshole to his wife, and he deserved whatever the fuck happened to him, and if you had a little insight, you would realize that instead of trying to be like him, and therefore being a little bitch towards you whole family.
I've only ever met my husband's grandfather once, and he made a comment about my breasts, so fuck him.
I literally don't get men laugh at women with "daddy issues", when that would mean a men was at fault, yet they spent their lifetime traumatized because daddy hit their mom and then left them, and still believe mom was the one at fault.
No. 1372978
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>>1372973I could have written this whole post, I am sorry Nona. It really does hurt to feel like an outcast no matter where you go. I feel invisible and that nobody cares what I think or do. Anyway, I’m kinda coming to a level of acceptance about it. That song by whitesnake “here I go again” I relate to a lot. I feel like my purpose in life was to be eccentric, different and a loner and that gives me a modicum of peace.
No. 1372990
>>1372974Just as you're upset because your family used to read your diary, she's probably remembering all the times she's been lied to or betrayed by someone she trusted. Whether or not you agree that you've lied to or betrayed her, that's how she feels. So she also needs time to calm down and separate her current feelings from the ones in her past.
I'm wishing you two all the best. When it's time to talk, leave the blame at the door and just try to see each other's perspectives.
No. 1373022
>>1373014Some of these "mra fathers" just married 4/10 or below wives, as they claimed, and are so unhappy like Rollo Tomassi and Jordan Peterson for having married fugly, they want to take it out on everyone to only have one type of tradcon lifestyle to make society as miserable as they are.
Also, for a dad, saying that men can cheat and the woman still must stay isnt very fatherly or trad, is it?
No. 1373086
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I KNOW that It's my own fault that I'm in the situation in that I'm currently in but I really, really, REALLY hope I can change it asap because otherwise I will loose my shit and jump out of my skin reeeeeeeeeeeeee
No. 1373088
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How the fuck did one of my newer pairs of underwear get a hole
No. 1373090
>>1372944i know this might be hard to believe but he doesn’t use porn, he uses nudes i sent him back when we were long distance for a summer, i’ve caught him using it once and tbh i much prefer that.
i have no clue, he literally says he has no clue why he did asked that and says he was half asleep and forgot the bathroom was an option. which is the only way i can make sense of it. it’s kind of hilariously weird
No. 1373100
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>>1373092You guys realize they’re keeping him alive so that he can keep getting buttraped in prison by the Bears so that he can keep animorphing into an elderly library lesbian instead of being gifted with the sweet release of walking into Hell?
No. 1373137
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My life is in ruins, I am pathetic and insignificant, my husband isn’t real.
No. 1373174
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I want to watch the moovie night movies but I have to study for TWO exams tomorrow (heat transfer calculations and microbiology)
No. 1373202
>>1371285honestly white collar entry levels (which is now up to 5 years of experience) dont make much more than that. wage stagnation has been bad. upper levels make criminal level salary while they squeeze the lower 80% of the company more and more every year, refusing wages that pace with inflation, denying benefits, etc. it's been going on for 20 years or more and we're all poor as fuck now. even most of the yuppies who seem like they're doing okay are probably making shit money and abusing debt, gambling on getting a raise in a year or so and paying it all off, which they won't. but the kids fresh from college don't know that and jump on the credit card abuse.
the wall street assholes simply do not care. if we can't afford the rent, they'll let the properties sit empty. our tax system is really fucked up, to keep the explanation short.
No. 1373213
>>1372297fr. I bought a sewing machine to make my own. I assume even I can sew in a straight line.
After that project I want to start making my own clothes. The clothes I want are totally unreasonable prices (not designer/fashion, just good solid well made clothes that aren't trashy). Everything I can find secondhand or in stores is ugly, crap construction, and lousy material. I feel so frustrated all the time. This polyester shit is driving me insane, they put it in everything and I hate the feel of it. I can't even find clothes without polyester anymore, and mostly, the clothes are all fast fashion trendy thin poorly fitting junk in hideous designs and gaudy patterns/colors. I wish society wasn't trash. I shouldn't need to resort to literally making my own clothing like a 1600s peasant just to get clothes that are functional and decent.
No. 1373263
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>>1373249It's a long story, I'll need a whiteboard, red yarn and a couple of hours. With pensionfunds I don't mean something you would voluntarily save for yourself. It's managed by investment managers via your employer and the pensionfund is more like a shell company. They're not actually used for paying the elderly (like I said, idk where they get the money from for that, since they never put in the order to get it back from investment managers) they are generally used to bail out whole countries though (like Greece), banks and "too big to fail" companies. I'm pretty sure the same is the case for insurance companies, which kinda work in the same shellcompany fashion as a pensionfund, they've also never put in orders for extraction. So guess what is going to happen when suddenly everyone is going to ask for their money back, we're not even talking about banks, but money that is being passed from investment manager to investment manager like a hot potato, until you find out it somehow still ended up in Russia or in North Korean cluster munition or Iranian nuclear program. Point is we don't know where the money is and people have started to ask for it back.
No. 1373267
>>1373124Thank you
nonnie, you’re right
No. 1373326
>>1373263basically this. the programs were allowed to be mismanaged, and the initial contributions wouldn't even pay out the promised compensation anyway. we've known they were destined to be bankrupt from basic calculations anyone could double check on, for about 2+ decades now. goes from smaller private funds to social sec. all the money was mismanaged. now we have asset bubbles like crazy (both the stock market and housing market–basically all stocks are incredibly overpriced and these companies are not actually solvent without creative accounting) and shit like debt markets and derivatives markets make up 95% of the economy. the actual money represented does not really exist. unfortunatly the economy (big and small) was allowed to form as a ponzi scheme and we're running out of new intros. if you were wondering, that's also why the west welcomed immigration in massive numbers this past decade, because they buy houses and keep the sham economy afloat for a while longer. they were injecting actual capital from foreign nations into the domestic economy to offset part of the issue for a while.
no aspect of the nation/west/economy is actually sustainable. everything from running a mcmansion in the suburbs to the largest companies, entire cities/towns, and the pension systems are all essentially ponzi schemes. not just bikes actually did a video on the city/suburb part of this problem if you want to learn why entire cities and counties are going bankrupt.
why it was allowed to get this bad is difficult to say. basically narcissitic assholes got into positions of power per inevitability by hiring criteria, and the mismanagement grew rampant as no one can tell them no and everyone is too afraid of losing their job to contradict them. derivatives being permissed didn't help matters and basically threw a 3x multiplyer at every smaller division of the problem.
sometimes i wonder why we all still go to work every day. did you know that before mount vesuvius erupted, people had weeks of forewarning and were told to evacuate, but they stayed and carried on their normal everyday lives and pretended everything was fine, right until the volcano erupted and everyone fucking died. the issue we're facing is about 4x the size of 2008, or larger. we have too little people generating real tangible value and too many leeches (by which i primarily mean the financial elite, who do no work but have immense wealth anyway.) creatively moving money around does not actually generate wealth. most of the things we've spent our wealth/time on building or developing are non-wealth-generating liabilities like the highway system (needs maintenance) and suburbs (use more maintenance cost than they generate via taxes.) pension system, same story.
No. 1373351
>>1372879A lot of the people who keep indulging in the “I hate white women” thing atm are rarely people actually targeted by the things that make white women vile (weaponizing tears to aid racism etc) and are people
exactly like the white women they’re picking at solely for the sake of misogyny. White gays especially are very fond of this. You ARE the white woman.
No. 1373357
>>1373137Being insignificant is fine, you don’t have to have some special worth to exist. You really don’t. You need to stop marrying 2D though, you won’t be able to have sex with anime avatars for at least another 10 years.
>>1373136I agree with us. Most of us in the age range you’re talking about have tired of it significantly and don’t see the point in engaging. It’s a lot less humorous here that’s for sure, so I don’t have the interest.
No. 1373368
>>1372866I watched the review last night and felt the exact same way. I fully understand the point they were trying to make but plastering up an image of Gabby Petito as if it was somehow her fault for being a DV
victim was really tasteless. Somehow whenever people try and have this conversation they try and pin it as being the fault of the dead women rather than the living media. The compilation of
victims with their photos being plastered everywhere when they’re not here to defend themselves anymore, while their living family members have to deal with the aftermath, was really uncomfortable to sit through.
No. 1373378
>>1373326>sometimes i wonder why we all still go to work every day. did you know that before mount vesuvius erupted, people had weeks of forewarning and were told to evacuate, but they stayed and carried on their normal everyday lives and pretended everything was fine, right until the volcano erupted and everyone fucking died. the issue we're facing is about 4x the size of 2008, or larger. The problem is when do you stop? It was prepandemic when they told me they expect shit to hit the fan in the next 2 years. Even before that my paranoid ass did prepare in some ways. At the same time I've not prepared nearly enough, but I already feel crazy for having done so at all. People don't understand why I'm not dreaming of buying any kind of house really, they just think I'm being hard on myself. No I fear that we're going to repeat last century in a way (but worse thanks to climate change, pollution, lack of drinking water etc) and I know what happened after THAT recession. I think the signs are already there, so many countries banning/limiting abortion and putting in measures to try to get more future wageslaves, sheer desperation. Imagine what they'll push through once it truly hits. Getting a house at this point is not just unrealistic, but also it would limit options and movement a lot, at least imo.
No. 1373381
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God nonnie, I miss my family so much. It has been so many years ever since I've been to my country. At first I couldn't visit them because of COVID, but now because of inflation and politics. I am so worried for them. I really don't know how I will handle ANOTHER Christmas that reminds me no one but my husband cares about me here. Every time I trade the gifts it always shows how only I put actual effort into it and I am getting some random crap… It sounds so petty but I so wish my grandparents are going to be okay and I will see them again soon. It really drives me crazy, I am so alone here. I miss my family so much.
No. 1373415
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My mom often says to me that she's so proud of me for my accomplishments, but feels sad because she never will get to have that. She has schizophrenic bipolar so my grandparents basically sheltered her to an insane degree. Now she's a 50+ year old woman who's afraid drive outside of her neighborhood and is so deeply technophobic that she thinks she's gonna die soon because she can't download an app on her phone. It's hard to talk to her because she says she can't understand a single word I say even though I try to speak as slowly and in the simplest of terms as possible. What can I do to help my mom nonnas
No. 1373429
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me when my mom, who for years shit-talked my childhood best friend and the LITERAL only person I've ever been able to trust in my entire life (and yes I defended her), acts like I need to find activities to meet other young people because I've become a neet recluse that is near mute these days
No. 1373451
>>1373378I know we hate reddit but I like /rebubble. We are at the top. Housing will crash and they can't stop it anymore. Unfortunately it's hard to take advantage of a crash unless you have like 100k in cash, and who does. Most people have less than 1k in savings. I have 25k saved up and that won't buy shit. The properties I'm looking at now for 350k will be 200k if the crash is sufficient.
Of course there are larger economic problems that will come to a head sooner or later. I'm just a simple girl who wants to be a homeowner so I can drill shelves in to the walls and change the cabinets and have a nice garden. I have no hope of a comfy retirement and already came to terms with it. Boomers consumed everything and ransacked every system, and now the entire planet is fucking bankrupt but no one realizes it yet. There are also a lot of secondary economies that rely on the west, like Taiwan and Mexico, and they're fucked, too. China is equally fucked. They do crazy shit like build ghost cities and foam buildings. They wasted all their resources on shoddy trash just like the west has but to an even stupider degree.
All so a few wealthy moids could buy a yacht.
No. 1373456
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is there something worse than being born a self-aware retard? I am legally retarded, i have an IQ of 80 or something, i know that i will never accomplish anything in life, so i am aware that my only options are marrying a scrote and forcing myself to find happines forming a family while i scrub bathrooms, or killing myself. I just wish my mom would die of cancer already, so i could seek the sweet release of death already.
No. 1373472
>>1373456nonny this post was better formulated than the emails I get from scrote execs who make 6 figures and dont know when to use "an" instead of "a".
There is a path for everyone to make it, fuck academia if that's why you feel this way, consider other options. Have the confidence men do when they're blatantly wrong. If I had one rich business owner client argue with me that orange is a primary color… then retardation isn't even as big of a factor in life success compared to pure stubbornness.
No. 1373510
>>1373456nona honestly what
>>1373463 &
>>1373472 said, guaranteed you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. IQ tests are bullshit and arbitrary and the fact you're on an imageboard bitching about it makes me respect you more than the actual dunces who I work/live/associate with. doubt yourself but I don't doubt you, you've got a universe inside your mind, perhaps on a different plane to others but I think that makes you sicker if anything.
No. 1373516
>>1373513You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
No. 1373517
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>>1373514are you one of the weak bitches that likes to suck off AI art because it makes super generic anime guys? you are going to be the first one to obey the AI vtuber when it tells you to give in your human rights to free yourself from the burdens of society or something lmao i pity you
No. 1373518
>>1373517In every way possible I mean this in my blood, in my bones, in my heart.
FUCK OFF SCROTE. No hint of irony or facetiousness, in all caps FUCK OFF SCROTE.
No. 1373530
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Well, this if off the chain for me, but I just want to say: fuck the people that said "no one cares what you look like." That is what I thought through my youth. I should have been saving up for reconstructive surgery.
And, fuck the people that ever insinuate that how you look is completely under your control.
>being screamed at by random men how ugly I am, I've never had any sexual or romantic interest irl besides from a morbidly obese very old man
>hearing behind my back people pitying how fucked up I looked and to my face how I look like I'm dying
>the last interaction I've had with a man was one calling me an ugly bitch when I had an asthma attack and was begging for help 2 years ago
>finding out I actually have a few deformities that both effects my looks, speaking abilities and my health late in my life
>kids screaming in horror at my face and asking if I'm some sort of witch
>disgusting skin issues that I've gone to several specialists about yet aren't resolved
>looking 50 years old by the time I was 13
>grow up thinking I was normal and ok - thinking it was just "mean bullies" that thought I was ugly - only to find out I was basically a freak that terrified everyone
>getting older has only made all of these issues worse; even my acne is 10x worse in my 20s than it was when I was a teen
>being a retard so I thought losing weight would help; turned out I looked much uglier when fit
I'm a mistake and never should have been born. I can't even bare walking outside without covering myself from head to toe. I am such a coward that I walk with my face to the floor and I can't even look people in the eye. This is no way to live.
No. 1373601
>>1373576Sorry for insulting your boyfriend
nonnie, I'm sure he's a great guy.
No. 1373604
>>1373456Just curious, do you like the book Flowers for Algernon?
You could probably get a great job
nonnie. Half the people in my company are retards, you would fit right in with management.
No. 1373610
>>1373604NTA but god I love that book. It was the only assigned reading in all of highschool that I still remember and still adore.
>>1373456>while i scrub bathroomsEverywhere I've worked, the cleaning ladies/men have earned a lot of money. A lot of them have union jobs so they have good job security and a good salary. It's a good, honest living, albeit a bit looked down upon.
No. 1373612
>>1373595I already didn't like them because of my experience, but seeing how they behave and the stories they tell on reddit absolutely solidified my hate towards bi scrotes. They have no respect towards their gfs and wives, want to have their cake and eat it too, cheating on them and being absolutely whiny. I used to browse bisexual subs and 99% of the posts were shitty memes, polyshits complaining how they were a MiNoRItY and entitled bi moids complaining about straight women not wanting to date them. Their rants and the comments about it were really misogynistic (they wrote things how the women were jealous they could suck cock better than them, how they were biphobic Karens, etc). I was very shocked of how they open they are and act when they feel comfortable in their spaces.
They have no grasp on what being faithful means and I would never cheat because "sexual urges" towards the same sex. If I love someone I want to be with that person only.
The Y chromosome and it's consequences are a disaster to human race, nonnies.
No. 1373615
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bf left me for a woman a while ago.
just learned that that woman has a legit learning disability and is unable to be independent from her parents.
mogged by a literal tard kek
No. 1373616
>bf left me for a woman a while ago.just learned that that woman has a legit learning disability and is unable to be independent from her parents.
mogged by a literal tard kek
Retards need love too anon.
No. 1373618
>>1373615Kek sorry
nonny but that's too funny
I hope you find a better boyfriend and make him seethe
No. 1373624
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I work in an industry that's more male-dominated, my experiences have been fine so far, most male coworkers are respectful, I make good money. But once in a while it's obvious a guy will show obvious signs of romantic interest and sometimes I just want to give it all up and go back to being a neet again. It's not just that it's annoying but despite passing for a normie I have such bad social skills that having to reject a man terrifies me. So far I just avoid and hope they won't ask me out directly. I want to die alone!!!!!
No. 1373627
>>1373513>people isARE. people ARE.
sorry i'm autistic with the plural form. but it's are. unrelated but are you the ted poster from the irl husbando thread
No. 1373631
>>1373620I'm glad you're trying to better yourself too, nonna. Although, reading about all these makes me envy people who grew up in normal, stable households with loving, affectionate parents because they a model for what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like. Then maybe I wouldn't be so unhappy right now that I lost someone who's supposed to be the love of my life.
>>1373622I'm still figuring out what a healthy relationship is so I can't answer your first question. But I don't think I'll ever have been ready for a relationship if I hadn't met my ex and hadn't gone through the process. It's bittersweet but the breakup made me more aware of my flaws and underlying personality issues.
No. 1373633
>>1373467>>1373465>>1373456IQ tests are all about pattern recognition. You can improve your IQ a little in some ways such as learning math from scratch. The issue with a lot of people is that they didn't receive a good education, so they never learned how to think logically. Also there are different kinds of intelligence, IQ tests don't measure them all (needless to say, even people with higher than average IQ can be unsuccessful and have shitty lives).
This video explains the solutions to the Mensa online IQ test and if you study this after taking the test youself, you'll probably learn to recognize patterns a little better.
No. 1373685
adult acne is infuriating. and the advice comes in from all directions, requested or not, and none of it helps. the worst is the constantly moving goalposts.
"wash your face", like no shit. fuck off.
"well you have to use salycic acid when you've wash it", "no you have to use a sulfur soap bar", "actually you need to be using a gentle cleanser like cetaphil/cerave", "no no ok here's a 48 step Korean skin care routine", "well have you tried benzoyl peroxide?" then the "well it must be diet related", if it is I can't fucking trace the problem. "it must be your make up", I literally don't wear any.
"it must be hormone related", this seems most true to me, but my pcp doesn't seem to think my hormones are enough out of whack to care (it's a low income clinic that advertises itself as trans and aids/hiv friendly, so he probably doesn't think my hormones being off is unhealthy/a big deal) and my dermatologist doesn't want to conflict that. I got tretonin topical which I'm honestly scared to keep using it, and it's expensive as shit anyways, and yes I know it has a "purge" period but i think I'm way past it now and it just isn't worth the price and the pain. I'm so frustrated. is it like teeth where it can just be genetic? my mom's skin is fine, my dad's is oily but maybe doesn't break out
maybr because he's an older man. my sister looks perfect and my brother gets a little pimply sometimes as an adult but nothing disgusting like mine. this is in vent and not the skincare thread because I'm furious and sad and discouraged and tbh I just want to vent and be pissed about it, no advice irl or online has helped me and I've been losing my mind for awhile now.
No. 1373693
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i will scream so fucking loud and run around naked outside until a semi truck hits me head first. i mean it. i ruin shit all the fucking time. all the fucking time like how the fuck. i will take this suv and die of gas fumes i'm not even depressed just do not want to live
No. 1373724
>>1373685it's not just acne that gets retarded insulting advice. i get frequent canker sores (which are the internal ones, NOT caused by herpes) and some smartass online goes, "brush your teeth more often." it's just dumb fucks trying to feel smart by typing braindead shit in to be insulting. by making out that the other person must be super fucking dumb, they make themselves out to be smarter, even when they have the brain power of a chimpanzee.
most people also don't understand that teeth health is genetic either. they just assume that if you ever get a cavity it's because you're a horrible dirty person who literally never brushes. we have the internet in our pockets and every book ever written available at some library in reach, and yet the average person is less intelligent than a medieval peasant.
No. 1373748
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Do any other anons feel like they had an eating disorder as a symptom of their mental I’ll was rather than a main controlling factor? Growing up I was under constant stress and because of that I rarely ate enough calories a day. I was fairly underweight and had the saggy B cups, boney ass, hair thinning, elevated heart rate, exhaustion, and terrible skin to prove it. I wouldn’t feel comfortable labeling it as anorexia though as it was never consciously about controlling what I ate, I just literally had no appetite for most of my formative years. I’m going through something stressful right now and the same symptoms have popped up again. I’m down like 5 pounds but this isn’t sustainable.
No. 1373757
>>1373748Yes, I feel this but at the opposite end of the scale. I binge eat when I'm stressed. I don't do it because I'm hungry, but when when I'm so anxious or stressed I stuff my face like a piggie. It's so strange. I won't even taste what I'm eating and just consume until I feel like I'm gonna explode. I guess it's the full feeling giving me some.kind of shit tier comfort?
TLDR, yeah I feel like my shit eating habits are a symptom of my mental illness.
No. 1373779
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Men are so entitled, ofcourse the comments are about men "suffering more" or "both genders suffering equally". I am so glad lolcow radfempilled me
No. 1373781
>>1373776It's probably karma for having ruined my mother's life with post partem hormones. First thing I did when I was born is irreparably damage the psyche of a woman so she'd lose custody, feel like a failed mom, end up with
abusive scrotes who prostituted her. Everyone would've been happy if my father had worn a condom.
No. 1373788
>>1373776That's a guy who stalked me from reddit to tumblr to lolcow. Every time he gets called out for stalking and creeping on women he does this. He impersonates the women he stalks and makes up some "boohoo women abused me first" story. Women and girls still make up the majority of CSA
victims, women learn and grow from their abuse to have empathy for others as grown adults.
No. 1373789
>>1373782and I'm probably just a lesbian because of mommy issues and being molested. Up until age 6 I thought mom was a name and called a friend's mom, mom and then we weren't allowed to play together anymore because she said it was unhealthy and shocked her.
>>1373787my grandma was still the best I got and I wouldn't have survived if it weren't for her, but I question whether I should've survived.
No. 1373790
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The guy I'm seeing is so fucking bad at taking pictures, every time he posts to instagram I just cringe because he poses awkwardly and makes that stereotypical "awkward white person smile" (see picrel), he looks special needs. He is also 6'5" which should make him a chad but he slouches, so when he takes a picture and becomes awkwardly aware of his height he stands up a little too straight and again, just looks like an absolute retard sticking his chest out. But he's an athlete and whenever I look at his candids from games, he looks hot as fuck because he's focused and confident, and magically able to stand naturally at his full height.
No. 1373849
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My govt just cut funding to a massive youth Shakespeare program on the grounds that it upheld colonialism and white supremacy and it was time for other “more modern” organisations to get a slice of the pie. I want to tear my hair out. I took part in that program all throughout high school, it gave me so much confidence and introduced me to so many amazing people, it was one of the main reasons I didn’t kill myself when I was 15/16, and knowing that there are thousands of kids now who won’t have any opportunity to give performing a go or test their own creative talents breaks my heart. Suck my fucking cock. If Shakespeare is white supremacy then so is electricity, indoor plumbing and the entire English language.
No. 1373855
nonnie? i feel for you. change for the sake of change is not helpful to anyone.
No. 1373876
>>1373873Standards for men are so low I'm sure a lot of women think they have to accept this because at least the boyfriend is nice to them otherwise
I'd never accept this but I just bet I'd get called a bpd psycho for even speaking against such shit
No. 1373895
>>1373888No penalty can keep male degeneracy in check, especially as long as other men will be in charge. Like in priesthood they're explicitely forbidden in their sacred texts to have any sexual relationships and thoughts, it's forbidden to be greedy and live lavish life, all under a penalty of excommunication and later; hell and they still do all that and more
I hate how modern women are memed into thinking that they will be living the coolest, progressive lifes if they agree to do open relationships and polygamy and at the very least what
>>1373873 listed, as if it's not degrading and doing exactly what suits the scrotes interests best
No. 1373978
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Seeing this in my recommendations just pissed me off
No. 1374053
>>1373978Eh don’t believe it too hard anon. She might just be marketing to trad women. It’s working because look at the views. From the look of it she lives a comfy life hopefully paid for by the useless scrote. And now she has her own stream of income.
>>1374010A man enjoying your free labor isn’t reciprocating love you dumb ass bitch.
No. 1374065
>>1373978I can't believe there are people in the female content creator thread who enjoy these videos without being bothered by the fact that these women do all this shit for their scrotes
I mean I get liking to watch other people cook but the fact that these specific videos reinforce tradfag values makes it fucked up
>>1373988NTA but what the fuck does race/nationality/ethnicity have to do with it? When a nona says "men" she means ALL men. Oh let me guess, you're a scrote who unironically believes that Japanese women are genetically predisposed to be quiet, submissive and enjoy being housewives. That's so true that Japanese women want nothing to do with Japanese scrotes and choose to have a career of their own instead while the moids screech and whine like children about Japanese women these days being too independent instead of improving themselves to attract a partner. That's so true that Japanese birth rates are at an all-time low.
No. 1374076
>>1374066That was the blackpill for me.
Even in the best cultures around the world, scrotes always scrote.
No. 1374097
>>1372973I must have ghostwrote this post. I understand this feeling of isolation all too well that despite being surrounded by people you still feel so alone.
>Nobody has been waiting for me her whole life. Nobody is ecstatic to learn more about me and discover I am perfect for her. >by changing myself it totally defeats the point of being loved for who I already am.I feel this a lot especially since I'm trying to get over a breakup with someone whom I thought was my soulmate and so I tried so hard to change for her. But who she fell in love with was just an abstraction and I tried too hard to become a person who fulfills her ideals. I don't think there's anything wrong with being with a partner who challenges the negative aspects of yourself and makes you grow as a person but at the same time there's a line to be drawn to upholding the authentic parts about yourself. I've been fine being alone throughout my whole life but I still want to connect with people and understand them on a deep level. The loneliness and feeling of helplessness is excruciating.
No. 1374101
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>Found a fic writer whose writing I adore. Reminded me of other professional/fic writers.
>Is a woman
>Find her on tumblr and see her pinned disclaimer.
>Immediate hatred.
>Bullying begins.
I've always found this attitude of "don't copy my style" so annoying. Most of the time it's from people without an distinctive style who weaponize their fanbase to bully anyone into compliance. It's such a prevalent attitude too, I thought this new generation had moved away from it.
No. 1374103
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Wow. Waited 2 months for a phone appointment with my doctor and he basically cut me off halfway through asking for labs.
For example I basically was diagnosed with most the vitamin (4) deficiencies I was randomly tested for months ago in spite of eating a very healthy diet rich in all of them and already supplementing two (vitamin D and iron) which alarms me. I wanted to get them and a few more tested because it'd explain why I feel like shit constantly, but he basically said "yep I'll get it done, bye" after asking for the iron one and cut me off. Sigh.
I know he might not be having a good morning, but still, it took 5 minutes and the appointment was technically supposed to be 20 minutes.
No. 1374110
>>1374101most people with any talent don't bother saying this shit. their work speaks for itself
No. 1374250
>>1373978Unpopular opinion: I'm fine with stay at home women doing shit like this for their husbands because it ties into the whole childrearing/cleaning/cooking thing being their full time "job."
They can either report to work 40+ hours a week to have full financial control of what they wanna do and make domestic demands of their husbands, or sacrifice that independence and power to rely on them. They know their scrotes better than I do.
It's their choice and they know what they're doing. Many women would rather be stay at home than work a traditional job and that's ok–but they're still going to work.
Who needs to be feeling sorry for are WORKING women who don't have time for this cutesy shite but are still socially pressured to be the primary caretakers, cleaners, and cookers while they're compared to videos like these of women who are provided for with all the time in the world on their hands.
No. 1374251
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I hate living here I swear to god my dad used my toothbrush. Im so tired
No. 1374262
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It’s interesting to me that the people who prattled on about how unique they were on tumblr and genuinely believe were some sort of blueprint are doing the exact same thing on twitter even though all they do is regurgitate whatever everyone else is saying and piggybacking off of people who are way funnier than them. I will never understand the arrested development and complete lack of desire to move on or do something else. Still acting like 17 year olds, edging closer to their late 20s, some nearing 30, and trying to impress even younger people still. What do they even get from it at this point?
No. 1374356
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This is the 3rd time my browser crashes while writing this vent, so I will just say FUCK YOU CHROME AND FUCK YOU GOOGLE
No. 1374392
>>1374235Technically, the men saying no could be thinning that women have it “just as hard” as them and not worse…
>>1374250Retard take. If childrearing is counted as her job, that’s nearly 24/7 so she’s already working more than him. Adding cleaning and cooking for him on top is slave labor level. And scrotes ain’t shit so when she inevitably wants or needs to leave she can’t because she’s dependent.
No. 1374521
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This woman just came out of the hospital to have both her knees replaced. She's in her fucking 70's. Guess what she did this week? Get fillers. What the actual fuck. She was showing it off to my grandma and my grandma wasn't impressed at all luckily. Just what moves a woman to still do that shit in her fucking 70's?
No. 1374816
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>>1374694Hm, is it really true that your body adapts?
I've taken on working out and I basically am on my feet probably 20 hours a week–which isn't really that much, but it's something especially considering I'm doing a ton of lifting and carrying stuff around to the point where I'm starting to get muscles. But I still feel like living hell, even my eyes feel exhausted and look dark/sunk 99% of the time. I've always been low energy since I was a kid but now that I actually have real work to do it's really getting in the way–and also making it impossible for me to actually do anything fun.
No. 1374850
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I am DONE with this annoying fucking tranny who has invaded my friend group. Dude has been trying to get me to move in with him and be his personal therapist for like a year now. We worked together and I was the only woman and of fucking course he always stood right the fuck next to me and tried to hug me when he never pulled that shit with our male coworkers. I recently just got a job and moved 12 hours away to a different city and now he's asking me about my neighborhood and telling me that he wants to move there, too. This was in the discord server that we're both in and one of the girls there fucking exposed me by giving him my new address and even telling him that I had a car and could help him out if he needed it since he doesn't have one. She's a nice girl, don't get me wrong, but she's a goddamn idiot sometimes. I would be creeped out but thankfully I'm fucking rich and he's broke and could never hope to afford living in this area.
No. 1375667
Hey… same nonna back here again… it got worse. My brother is a 4ch*nner lunatic who holds ISIS' beliefs.
My father finally broke and dropped the nice guy act after a series of fights over the course of the last few days. My brother was always disrespectful to both my parents, especially to my father, calling him stupid worthless insulting his job and saying he has no clients cause he's a failure (which is really harsh considering his new clinic isnt doing so good) but he does his best. Even got him a 1k dollar phone a few days ago. He spoils him so much cause he wants him to do good for college.
But this motherfucker just sits in his room curtains closed lights off 24/7 doing who knows what. Hes been like this ever since he was 12. His excuse? That he got bullied by our older brother. Which is true but we both got the same treatment and even the bully himself was getting bullied. Now I blame this on my parents negligence but the past is the past, hes a 22 yo "man" now, either go to therapy or suck it up. Dont just complain like a incompetent wannabe victim.
Anyways as I was saying, today he was especially aggressive which I assume is due to the fact he has to travel for college, he had been doing an online course before (allegedly) and now has to attend it IRL cuz it's mandatory or something. Anyways yeah my parents were trying to help him get ready and pack n stuff but he was literally SCREAMING and bitching and whining at every turn. No exaggeration. Just throwing insults everytime someone even brushed his shoulder, the sensitive little scrote.
Then yeah his actions led to my parents fighting and my dad revealed the college tuition was almost enough to buy a new house. And no one even knows how well he's doing or if he's even attending his classes. The imbecile doesn't even know where he should be heading and what department he's in so it's not looking so good.
He also called my mom "property" of my father, which made her freak out while my dad proceeded to do nothing. This was before he himself exploded and let out all he had, saying that their ungodly son was a mentally ill freak and that's he's hanging on a thread and has no idea what to do other than this bla bla bla.
And that's that. Sorry if this is a little erratic I'm still a little shaken up, I feel a lil better now though. Sorry for the essay too.
I love you all nonnas. Have a nice day
No. 1381467
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I hate scrotes who suicide bait. There were two scrotes somewhere in my life that tried to stop me from leaving their worthless existences. "If you don't talk to me again, I'll kill myself by the end of the year!". "You need to be my girlfriend, please, I might cut myself tonight!". Such pathetic little husks of scrotums need to permanently shut the fuck up. They tricked their girlfriends into playing their little game of crybaby manipulation, and becoming their brainwashed mommy bangmaids and as soon as the scrote's personality, hygiene, or hobbies are just too much for the woman to handle anymore, it's "no, don't leave me! I'm gonna kill myself!". Some moids will do this before you could even date them. "Please be my girlfriend! I'm going through a lot! I need a chance! I'm DEPRESSED!". How worthless must you be to have a situation appear as life-or-death JUST to maintain a girlfriend? To any woman that's not a "cold-hearted bitch", she's basically forced to maintain contact with the suicide-baiting scrote because as a woman, she was more than likely raised to give some shits about anyone and anything, unlike moids (who put themselves and/or their desires above anything else, including their own health). The suicide-baiting moids do doesn't even end there, because scrotes have this fixation with straight-up killing themselves when anything at ALL doesn't go their way. You're a scrote and you ran your multi-million dollar business into the ground? Just jump off the fucking building! You're a scrote and you finally got placed in prison for killing innocent people, molesting children, and breaking countless other laws across the globe? Just hang yourself before you can even be put to death! Or before you even get thrown in prison for the punishment you deserve! You're a loser moid who went to just five interviews to get a job and got rejected from them all? Screw applying for other options, just grab a shotgun and blow that head clean off! Your wife divorced you for being a piece of shit husband? Oh no, life's over, time to die by your own hands and make all your family members and friends think your ex is the one at fault for getting up and walking away.
And you wanna know what else I hate? How people, especially libfems who live to virtue signal about men, frame all these suicide baits as "mental illness" and thus, "something that needs our empathy". Let's say that every single moid that suicide baits are, in fact, mentally ill. How would this make them victims, instead of the manipulators they are? What about such an action or state of mind would absolutely require anyone to feel empathy for them? In what world does mental illness guarantee innocence? Are we supposed to believe every single one of these motherfuckers is mentally five years old and can't understand their actions? They'll say, "suicide is not and never is a weapon". Fuck you idiots, yes it is. It's actively used as a threat to keep people feeling sorry for them instead of giving them the treatment and punishment they deserve. Before moids do commit suicide, some of them do go out of their way to plan it as something that can be "traced back" and blamed on someone else, especially people like their ex-girlfriends (suicide letters, or phones intentionally left on their old girlfriend's number). Some of these scrotes are so sick, that they plan their suicides to be as exposed and messy as possible, setting their death scene up to be right in the middle of the street, or In the fucking living room. Way to traumatize others on the way out, jackasses. Sometimes, as their CHILDREN are right in front of them, SCREAMING for their father to stop. And again, the most annoying part about this shit is the amount of people who will look at you like a terrible person for calling this out. For daring to realize that not all suicides and suicide threats are from some innocent soul who has been "bullied by the whole wide world and needs all of our hearts". Why do people get so blind about this? Is this virtue signaling? Fuck, I hate this running theme of always coddling the supposedly suicidal no matter what.