File: 1669595707806.jpeg (35.35 KB, 526x378, clown to clown.jpeg)

No. 1423780
Dumb and Dumber
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1410645 No. 1423789
but they will inevitably make a troontoon of the troondox before they'll ever make a show about women
No. 1423860
File: 1669601677961.jpeg (26.21 KB, 629x839, C01CD633-289E-44D2-896A-E0C71A…)

I’m on the toilet
No. 1423895
>245 yo>obese>insists on wearing horizontal stripes despite that making them look even fatter>bpdchan and compulsive liar>cannot stop making their problems everyone else problems>goes by America despite being born the United States of America>''i am not like other countries, i have my own metric system''>i am so edgy, i have 3000 serial killers>is convinced a tortilla being projected onto the sky is something called the moon>has been lying about it for year, filmed a whole ass movie just to try and convince peopleomg i am so tired of this dumbass thinking they are quirky and the center of the world, lmfao so cringe
socials: No. 1423925
File: 1669605947748.jpg (41.81 KB, 765x774, IMG_9287.jpg)

My chinese proxy thought this was an actual cake for some reason???
No. 1423954
File: 1669608122840.png (27.02 KB, 1290x203, grandma-nonni.png)

which one of you is this
No. 1423979
File: 1669611799512.jpg (39.1 KB, 640x960, cat.jpg)

Avast gave me a notification that it found a tracking cookie on my computer and made me panic, just for it to be a fucking trick to try and get me to subscribe
No. 1424050
>>1423996>identifying any flaw or sexism in trans ideologyOops too late, you're officially a
terf! Welcome to the club, all we have in common is being female and not bowing down to every demand men in dresses make.
No. 1424059
>>1423996Lol soon. They call men and fundies
terf too because they literally don’t know wtf
terf even means.
No. 1424064
>>1424057Reality doesn’t change whether you call yourself
terf or not
No. 1424071
File: 1669617986605.png (5.16 KB, 273x126, 5724A43A-8392-42E6-8FF7-592B62…)

Registering for classes is top ten worst human experience how do people not just drop out college is one big humiliation
No. 1424083
>>1424043Because I believe in nuance and I’ve been here since inception and refuse to care about any of the negative shit imposed anywhere online. I don’t argue about it. It’s my own choice.
>>1424076Just did. Who fucking cares.
No. 1424103
>>1424100>it’s a common saying when someone is being pretentiousYeah I’m so sure an anon saying they aren’t a
terf with next to no conviction fits the bill. No wonder people can’t stand it here.
No. 1424105
File: 1669619868186.jpg (59.23 KB, 560x564, 1648335477688.jpg)

>>1424096its not for being a slut, its because she used her connections to censor the internet because people were mocking her for being a slut. I also never blamed ONLY her, i blamed the autismo gamers who targetted advertisers. I think to this day her wikipedia is completly locked and you cant say anything negative about her on most forums, even on 4chan. I hate this modern black/white thinking that gamergate spawned, i can hate and mock zoe quinn and the ratarded 8chan scrotes.
No. 1424109
>>1424103no it was about the other post
>>1424083. sounded like some uppity redditor idk
No. 1424128
File: 1669620770419.jpeg (124.66 KB, 720x900, 8BFA83EA-11EB-43AA-A1FF-F9C063…)

Ew are the remaining active users from mumsnet or something what the fuck is going on
No. 1424129
File: 1669620862895.gif (670.07 KB, 500x500, 17yfsh.gif)

>>1424126now we're back on track
No. 1424135
File: 1669621191365.jpeg (186.01 KB, 820x960, 5C8933D8-22DA-479A-8710-C8658D…)

>>14241305am time to go to bed
No. 1424147
File: 1669622378341.jpeg (664.8 KB, 1170x1305, 8F4B65DA-DFBC-49EB-8956-2FBA68…)

Imagine referring to the casual dating phase of your relationship as a “soft launch”, lmao
>This is Nigel, we’re soft-launching
No. 1424148
>>1424147I like to imagine the journalists writing these articles as harried and frantically trying to come up with something to produce for 10 cents a word or whatever (idk how they get paid) so they can afford rent for the month, but they don't actually care what they write because it's just a soul sucking job to them. it makes it make more sense.
that, or a robot is writing them and we just don't know yet.
No. 1424171
File: 1669624818176.png (77.88 KB, 920x920, 1669624248902.png)

yaoi hands are our version of back breaking boobs
No. 1424180
File: 1669626021792.jpg (289.73 KB, 1200x900, krishna-the-hindu-god-of-roman…)

not sure how sacrilegious this is but he was basically my first husbando, I think I imprinted on him. he only existed to me as drawing in the middle of my dad's book. maybe this is why some religions outlaw idols and images of holy figures lol
No. 1424193
File: 1669627044593.png (337.46 KB, 492x442, tumblr_oiun0wku2C1rkxwpfo1_500…)

>>1424180Krishna in SMT4 Apocalypse is my husbando so I can't even shit talk you.
No. 1424218
>>1424141I love how instead of being capable of casual convos in any capacity some of you get genuinely
triggered by someone saying they aren’t a
terf and have to assign your own projections to it
No. 1424247
File: 1669632361308.jpg (299.82 KB, 1080x1039, IMG_20221128_114427.jpg)

>>1424209Sounds like someone I used to work with but he excused it all with his tism
No. 1424292
File: 1669638474179.png (403.12 KB, 649x638, 1542234507768.png)

Oh God help me, I am in a contest against my older brother to save my younger brother from becoming a retard like him, now my younger brother is fine, he's a nice 11 year old who likes playing Football with his friends and Roblox online
but my older failson brother wants him to be more "masculine" so he's literally subscribing his youtube channel to joe rogan and various podcasts and youtube channels by either military dudes, marital artists, misc "alpha males" and shia Islamic channels, plus he's "training" him which is just my older brother wrestling him and calling him weak(cause of course an 11 year old would lose)
I am trying to inform my parents about this but they don't want to deal with it
No. 1424334
File: 1669643434400.jpeg (694.57 KB, 1170x1152, 20D5E8F0-CE3C-454A-A7B5-CF46CE…)

No. 1424348
>>1424084>>1424083>muh nuanceYeah, even trannies don't validate each other all the time because they already know that a man can't turn into a woman and vice versa. It's a massive LARP. Simply recognizing it while being biologically female = TERFdom. You don't even need to be a radfem these days lol. See if any tranny on earth will say you aren't a
TERF because "uh well some MtFs say FtMs are women too". Unless you're trying to tell us that you're a self-hating tranny, you can't "identify" out of it. Sorry. Also
>Crazy how I can make this observation without any malice or bigotry.Lol, the "I'm a nice lady, not a meanie
TERF!!!" cope. If you seriously believe the crux of all this "
TERF" stuff is women not being nice enough while talking about these topics, you're severely underestimating how deep this shit runs (which might be intentional on your end, for emotional wellbeing - no shame there tbh). A lot of us have been cut off from friend groups or even family members for pointing out issues within the trans community, with how "cis" women are treated or even just personal struggles without a hint of malice. Guess what? Anything but blind support can and will have you marked as a
TERF. You don't get to control that. Doesn't matter how polite you are, you're not allowed to bring up how only "cis" women are branded with that term, or acknowledge instances of MtFs being cruel/invalidating to FtMs. These two thought processes indicate that you place support in biological females over biological males, regardless of gender identity, and that's very
problematic. In fact, you're low-key "othering" trans women by singling them out specifically in misgendering trans men, and that's some cryptoterf behavior.
No. 1424353
>>1424347See how many people in this day and age don't use the two interchangeably. Literally no one is going to be like "Oh, my bad!" if they call you a
TERF and you respond "No, I'm gender critical". They see it the same way as when /pol/tards, white nationalists, etc deny and run from the word "nazi", even though their opinions match up for the most part.
No. 1424359
File: 1669646518826.jpg (282.61 KB, 1600x1200, 81LMLT0 tPL._RI_.jpg)

I left the house thismorning, went to my local corner shop to grab a coffee on my way to work. I get in the door and on autopilot I reach out to the right where the automatic hand sanitizer thing usually is… I didn't see that theres a man in front of it on a stepladder and my outreached hand was at crotch level
No. 1424368
>>1424356I know everyone is different but I’m only a couple of inches taller than you
nonny and 150 looks relatively slim… Go easy on yourself
No. 1424407
>>1424395>>1424395Because they moved to Japan and I know Felix Is huge weeaboo. I wouldn’t be shocked if he has yellow fever on the low.
>>1424396Because pewdiepie has gotten away with being an asshole for years and I want him to do something really fucked up to tarnish his reputation
No. 1424410
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No. 1424429
>>1424407>yellow fever on the lowNothing on the low about it.
>I want him to do something really fucked up to tarnish his reputationLol the only people who gives a fuck about pewds in 2023 are stans and literal children. Cheating is not gonna ruin him in anyway. A bunch of his cocksuckers are already in homoerotic parasocial relationship with him and hate his wife.
No. 1424486
File: 1669656575186.jpeg (27.34 KB, 640x480, images (4).jpeg)

Switzerland's coach looks like someone who'd get posted on /g/
No. 1424511
File: 1669658759606.gif (647.75 KB, 480x270, sedfgrtyguio.gif)

good news: i'm not pregnant
bad news: i don't have another explanation for the bouts of nausea that have been happening
No. 1424519
File: 1669659445518.jpg (127.25 KB, 843x826, 316798672_677341093750288_4865…)

is anyone else in a weird funk? Like they feel kind of "bored" and empty? Dissociation or something? It might just be me
No. 1424525
File: 1669659925759.png (3.17 MB, 2538x1540, F6789504-8164-4DCE-90D4-32EC82…)

I don’t watch the show nor do I have the desire to but form the clips I’ve seen I relate with her BPD meltdowns so hard kek
No. 1424529
>>1424528room for 2 in that hole
nonnie? boy am i tired.
No. 1424531
>>1424529The dirt is nice and warm
I pissed in it get it while it's still hawt
No. 1424536
File: 1669660871539.jpeg (460.58 KB, 900x1200, D680279C-C381-4240-BDCC-3817AD…)

I want to learn Finnish so bad. I need to know what they are saying
No. 1424557
File: 1669662168213.png (2.63 MB, 955x1616, uglyginger.png)

Every time I see this ad I want to scream, I mute it and tab out. No way that ugly ass snaggletoothed ginger creature would be able to date such a beautiful woman
No. 1424594
File: 1669663446961.jpeg (100.46 KB, 952x536, a9e4adad-ad35-4e4b-be22-83b4b0…)

DID fakers always make me think about this show from 10+ years ago.
No. 1424648
File: 1669665783253.png (203.61 KB, 364x476, 8e97ee9778c2ad6c6c54e84282e430…)

There's this troon I like to hate-check and he asked for help about confirming if a shiny is hard to spot without spoilering the colors and since I can't read I just told him on his curious cat the only difference is the hammer being rusty and he got into an autistic fit because he specifically asked to NOT spoil how it looks oops my bad I really tried to help lol
No. 1424677
File: 1669667714655.jpg (137.66 KB, 1088x1280, cat (2).jpg)

I've been staring at the art board for like the past 5 minutes because all the doodles are so lovely. I think LC has the best artists ever.
No. 1424694
File: 1669668563190.jpg (10.46 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

Seriously thinking of starting my own religion-
>Wake up at 9am
>don't say anything to eachother/no eye contact
>5 neatly lined up coffee machines
>each make person makes a coffee at the same time
>the color of the coffee will indicate our moods
>Heavy Creamer so it's a light creamy brown equals- "Good mood,I'd like to small talk"
>The darker the coffee the less you want to say
>plain black coffee means "say nothing to me"
>Drink the coffee while standing in a circle staring at eachother
>those who want to talk, talk, those who don't, do not
>10 am-12am
>shower togeather with eyes closed
>wash eachothers back in Zest soap
>Dry eachother
>no talking
>get dressed
>The color of clothes depend on the day of the week + the biggest holiday that month (american)
>if no holiday is that month you remain naked until 12pm, then you get dressed in yellow (The color of the sun)
>Go to work. Pretend to be normal
>3pm- Make Coffee, only dark coffee at this time. Nobody talks, you get in a circle, make eye contact and drink
>4pm- 6pm- Free Time- Do what you want, but you have to be in the house before 6pm
>6pm-6:30pm- Gossip site time- Pick a gossip site and post what you want.
>6:30pm-7:00pm- He comes and cooks for us.
>8pm-9pm- Eat and talk. Don't make eye contact with Him.
>9pm-9:30pm- Shower alone and think about your day using Zest soap
>*10pm-10:10pm- Pray to she who loves and cares for you. Pray for your sisters, pray.
>10:20pm-10:25pm- Make sure He left the house
>10:30pm-8:30 am- Sleep
I think it'd work good for those who want the simple life.
No. 1424715
>>1424694I love this
nonnie I want to stand in a circle and drink coffee while smelling of Zest soap
No. 1424727
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The new enby girl at work annoyed me today so I'm gonna butch it up slightly tomorrow and easily outmasc her stupid ass
No. 1424757
>>1424754for real sis, this aint it, it's giving…
Nonnie card declined. Shit is not bussin, like it should be. The tea is cold, old and pissed in sis.
Ya'll don't even know whats going on, it never declines. Delayed and Bitter. I can't
No. 1424770
File: 1669671767578.jpeg (55.86 KB, 698x400, 9E13BD70-7693-43A0-BF01-CB3FD3…)

Me trying to give sensible advice in other threads even though I know most nonnies are unhinged
No. 1424771
File: 1669671833076.gif (718.49 KB, 500x281, I'm psychic.gif)

>>1424590>I.. yeah, I actually haveI knew it! you should probably stop doing that.
No. 1424787
File: 1669672303619.png (451.01 KB, 959x539, Screen_Shot_2019-10-25_at_3.13…)

I'm going to bed, can you wish me goodnight and keep it down in here
No. 1424858
File: 1669676398174.jpg (79.31 KB, 256x389, goldwhite.jpg)

picrel is almost eight years ago
No. 1424942
>>1424883you are turbo seething at this point, he's fine. He's miles better than this old fart
>>1424486 at least.
No. 1424957
File: 1669682549351.png (170.51 KB, 1520x400, Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 4.41.…)

>>1424858i've never read a satisfactory explanation for why people see this differently (don't try to give me one) except that we're all just making stuff up constantly
No. 1424961
File: 1669682937513.gif (451.01 KB, 220x220, kitten.gif)

Two of my kitties are waiting outside my room door on the stairs, I feel so bad. Last night one of them peed in my bed, he's getting old and he's probably senile so I'm not too angry. But I love them so much, I want to tell him & his brother why but they're just cats. I love snuggling with them, the older one has a little belly fat patch that's unbelievably soft & they both have such cute and cheeky faces. Oh my god I can hear him now scratching at the door, I'm so sorry my little angel. I hope the night passes fast so they can be let back in under my supervision & they aren't too mad at me
No. 1424972
File: 1669683648339.jpg (68.37 KB, 1200x1680, deviled egg salad.jpg)

I have bipolar and they tell me it's real bad but I don't care because when I can't stop obsessing over eggs, I feel fucking great
Eggs is everything to me, I spend all my time eating eggs and researching monotremes
No. 1424995
File: 1669685562843.jpeg (112.63 KB, 342x556, 84F5F40B-F91C-40F1-B939-E4EEB1…)

>>1423780What is this, did someone use picrew for a webtoon cover?
No. 1425023
File: 1669687087626.jpeg (261.22 KB, 619x605, FDADB6CB-F1CD-4D80-8B20-3F17EB…)

I download tiktok and then find myself deleting it because every time it starts out fresh with funny videos, makeup videos, hobby videos, etc and then I like like 1 mental health video (something about depression) and it starts showing me a lot of videos about depression or anxiety and ends up being videos that are unhealthy, aka like trauma dumps or unhealthy mindsets and such and it becomes too much and tired out my mind. I then find myself deleting it again lol. When it turns into the loop of trauma dumps (I end up “liking” some because I relate) it is exhausting. Reminder to myself not to download it again even if there is some useful stuff here and there. It’s like gambling to find the good stuff
No. 1425038
File: 1669687982215.jpg (56.1 KB, 500x500, 1668909143365.jpg)

Men are so vile, they will harass other men and wish harm on their family for something as petty as not making ''good quality videos'' anymore.
>>1425035I steal them from other nonnas here. this one is my favourite but havent had the chance to use it
No. 1425044
File: 1669688352556.jpg (63.74 KB, 698x524, tumblr_pluyqlrlW61w7ycyko1_128…)

>>1425035i get mine from lc but also from tumblr
No. 1425045
File: 1669688378450.png (284.79 KB, 400x541, awwwwshit.png)

>>1425035Found this one recently, it fits lc
No. 1425046
File: 1669688391226.jpeg (23.47 KB, 412x406, images (11).jpeg)

>>1424906p-lease i cant keep having this conversation. the dress is blue and black. the dress is blue and black. the. dress. is. blue. and. black. wwwwaaaaaahhhh your brain is a liar.
No. 1425050
File: 1669688614507.jpeg (19.05 KB, 591x519, images (13).jpeg)

>>1425035i just sorta wake up and find them in my gallery. they keep coming and i dont know what to do about it
No. 1425054
>>1424414well most other shia channels are more liberal muslim types(and I hate those types as well) and my older brother isn't the usual muslim misogynist, his ideology is very inconsistent, like he mixed maoism, nazism, shia Islamic thought and "aryan" ideas to create his worldview
he just hates the west and that's about it
No. 1425089
File: 1669691058761.gif (1.18 MB, 320x200, 2A8D90AD-C9CB-4BFA-B3AE-0AFA0F…)

>>1425035I save a lot of memes nonnies post and grab a couple more from pinterest. Here's a cat speed running lung cancer.
No. 1425094
>>1424210Full of shit.
>>1424200Same, i'm ashamed i can't do a split, i want to be able to do the tiktok wap dance for my own entertainment.
No. 1425100
>>1424557i’m with you anon, as if shaggy could bag a naomi like that. why are men so fucking ugly?
i can find something about every woman to appreciate, but men just have no redeeming qualities. why are they allowed to just walk around feeling entitled to the time and attention of women? because of ads like this.
No. 1425178
File: 1669698015951.jpg (183.88 KB, 500x500, so cute.jpg)

I want these things so badly but i cant find them anywhere. Also i am angry the GodzillaxSanrio collab never went further than phonecases and these thingies, i want a Kittazilla plushie so bad.
No. 1425181
File: 1669698255100.gif (560.91 KB, 400x319, 891b3cf2e24301602d73a105bd4d51…)

I've been able to drink milk tea two days in a row without stomach cramps and shitting. I'm getting stronger. My power only grows.
No. 1425206
File: 1669701594558.jpg (3.16 MB, 3198x3199, homer simpson godzilla.jpg)

>>1425205aww too bad they are a bit rare/expensive, congrats on getting them!. All of the Godzilla plushes are so incredibly ugly sadly, i just want a cute and small one. I have this one i got from a friend and its looks like he eats crayons.
No. 1425267
File: 1669709804346.png (8.8 MB, 3640x2938, d9gwr9s-c0de54e3-413b-424c-aaf…)

I wonder if I should watch Solaris, Utena, or Kraina Gryzbów?
No. 1425326
File: 1669714757631.jpg (124.04 KB, 800x800, Fie2jD9aYAAURGv.jpg)

Which pokemon game should I play? I only played red
No. 1425389
File: 1669719534995.png (46.01 KB, 144x357, 1668045731596.png)

The pigeons are fucking over my AC again
No. 1425411
File: 1669721872848.png (34.54 KB, 144x144, 1648546940489.png)

I weighted myself, i was expecting to gain weight but i lost one kilo.
No. 1425432
File: 1669723952771.png (275.79 KB, 509x415, kek.png)

I hate that when you watch health related content on yt you eventually start getting these fake ass kpoop videos about how to become taller and lose 50kg in a day. I cant believe women actually believe they can grow 10cm, i thought that was male-only autism.
No. 1425451
>>1425389One time I thought it was hailing but it was actually just pigeons fucking on my roof. I feel you
No. 1425465
Whenever i think about how sad my life turned out to be, i remember that my group of friends in high school now are either gendies or kpop fans
>>1425459It says after 18, sad
No. 1425527
File: 1669732466766.jpg (1.66 MB, 3648x2736, trio.jpg)

when was the last time youve pissed yourself
No. 1425563
>>1425560kek what did you do,
No. 1425602
>>1425568I did, nona!
>>1425574>>1425597Form a neat line and observe how I can’t chop wood efficiently
No. 1425608
>>1425530This happened to me once. I was doing the dishes and desperately trying to hold it in so that I could finish everything and go to the bathroom after, but then sneezed ridiculously hard and just pissed myself right then and there. It was mortifying back then but now I laugh thinking about it.
That said it's the only time I've done it as an adult. Having good pelvic muscles pays off I guess.
No. 1425612
File: 1669737751366.png (8.41 MB, 1170x2532, 7F9FCB1D-0F9E-4409-A158-FEE442…)

I feel like a big fat clown whenever I remember that my husband is the only person who I’ve ever been able to be 100% vulnerable about the trauma I’ve experienced medically/in hospital settings, and he’d pretend to listen to me and then immediately turn around and tells me he wants me to give birth in a hospital with a bunch of IV’s stuck up inside me and a catheter fucking ballooning my urethra. Seriously? Do you really not understand that women need to be in an environment that we’re comfortable and feel safe in in order to effectively give birth without harming the child or herself? Why would you purposefully put me in a position where I’ll likely be harmed by some braindead ‘nurse’? Why would you want the first person to touch our child to be some random ‘doctor’ who probably got fucking D’s through his whole schooling and that’s why he’s working at a local hospital and not somewhere more important? You’d really want me to be pregnant for 9 months and grow a whole child just so we can give it over to the medical system? Why are you trying to harm me even though I give you everything you want every single day? I’m just gonna pretend the child’s not mine kek play shitty games win shitty prizes you cruel motherfucker. At least he knows what wound to poke kek…
No. 1425655
File: 1669738983339.jpeg (146.46 KB, 1170x492, 62FEE699-8E8B-46EC-88F8-FC2D99…)

They can take the time to ban me for asking them to delete a post that’s extremely personal but they can’t take the time to just delete the post.(if you stopped ip-hopping to ban evade you wouldn't get in the situation of losing your password.)
No. 1425662
File: 1669739148514.gif (1021.41 KB, 498x479, i-pretend-i-do-not-see-it-i-do…)

us rn
No. 1425672
File: 1669739614927.png (Spoiler Image,201.09 KB, 699x523, SPOILER_We Love Sonic's Butt.p…)

>>1425666did not report but lucky 6 here! fuck the 30 second limit btw
No. 1425685
>>1425683ive been on lolcow for 4 years and i learned on my second month there about the 30 minute rule or losing your passwords that mods wont be deleting posts after , honestly getting really tired of entitled piece of shit newfags like you.
I hate you for making me defend the janitors.
No. 1425690
nonnie once put the terrifying thought of posting and mistakenly having your real email address put in the "email" section. As well as me often fearing I may mistakenly post the wrong picture. You are not alone
nonnie No. 1425699
File: 1669740520050.jpg (327.5 KB, 800x600, hard-boiled-eggs.jpg)

>>1425689I just realised this post made my salad sound like it looks like this
No. 1425705
>>1425694i like how you are not denying being a newfag…tells me everything i need to know. New + entitled + doesnt know how the site works + acts like a retarded twitterfag/troon.
>>1425702KEK this.
No. 1425717
>>1425705>you’re acting like a troon Well someone didn’t read the original post kek
No. 1425738
>>1425735kek yes!
Does anyone remember that one anon who posted a photo from above the back of her head? She had dyed grey/silver hair, I think. I can't remember.
No. 1425744
>>1425740>>1425741kek I wonder if they're still here since
>>1425720 still is. I've seen some miners over on CC post themselves too.
No. 1425747
File: 1669742056523.png (857.24 KB, 890x715, buttered toast.png)

>>1425745everyone gets laughed or yelled at on lolcow sometimes, get over yourself
No. 1425753
File: 1669742308974.jpg (63.42 KB, 712x434, 020deee2be03843324c3fba81e433f…)

>>1425720LMAO the ana-chan tradthot who posted their troon hands is also the weird poster having a meltdown because they want one of their posts deleted…..Why am i not surprised. KEK
No. 1425755
File: 1669742351325.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x2273, 72CA399B-F56A-498A-B533-61FDAC…)

>>1425752Nooo don’t make me go back to the 2015 edgelord era I can’t do it
No. 1425761
File: 1669742556744.gif (226.83 KB, 180x180, vortigaunt types.gif)

I type like this.
No. 1425778
>>1425766if it was a different anon i would feel sorry but knowing its troon hands honestly they need to fuck off this site. Idc about their bitching and shitting up this this thread.
Everybody made fun of them for a reason last time. (someone post the hand memes)
>>1425771anon theyre probably not even pregnant or ''she''. This was just a bait spergfest for them and you fell into the anorexic trannys bait.
No. 1425805
File: 1669743425662.jpg (80.26 KB, 736x701, 711f26be4293dbb2863324c7d9aaf5…)

Good thread
No. 1425806
>>1425798you want ot be romanianon/pakichan so bad but you will never be them because they are actually entertaining.
Meanwhile you just come of as a annoying sperg who everyone is waiting for you to stop posting. You act unhinged but you are still a boring loser just like that other spammer who shall not be named.
No. 1425810
File: 1669743588728.png (234.73 KB, 433x402, 133333.png)

>>1425806kek so many anons are getting confused with who they are replying to
No. 1425811
File: 1669743615088.png (111.8 KB, 351x362, _D9BvY42y5B3XjqszccZEWSBklYwpS…)

>>1425809girl are you trying to infight me……… I go to the MTF threads regularly
No. 1425813
File: 1669743679747.jpeg (43.78 KB, 476x383, 22086711-D11D-4881-B6B1-9F2B21…)

this thread is a dumpster fire and i love it
No. 1425815
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>>1425809Are these supple hands?
No. 1425823
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>>1425811Not all women have soft and tiny hands. This tranny has more feminine hands then me so I guess by your logic he’s more of a woman. Not all dudes have big ugly hands.
No. 1425825
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>>1425815I like man hands that are like this
No. 1425827
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>>1425804yeah because there’s nothing wrong with me answering when someone mentions me kek
>woah tranny hands answered so they must be the same person!!! goodness kek
(we can see your post history, whats the point of lying on a imagebaord?) No. 1425831
File: 1669743945873.gif (227.93 KB, 220x171, eyebrows-raise.gif)

>>1425823but I never said why I thought tranny hands are creepy.. you are filling in the blanks of things I have not even said
I think what's creepy to me is troon's trying so hard to be dainty and cute with their hands, not necessarily what they look like No. 1425834
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dank meme
No. 1425853
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>>1425825Is this Evan Peters? He is the perfect example of how male hands should be. Clean, vascular masculine hands with cut nails and proportionate slender fingers is sexy. Yes the bar is in hell for moids. So many moids look like their fingers smell of ass and they're always really stubby, round and wide like a pack of Asda cocktail sausages.
No. 1425869
File: 1669744754572.jpg (186.89 KB, 670x670, 1667661065407059.jpg)

>>1425848Fuck you phoneposting zoomer
No. 1425886
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>>1425853he has nice forearms too
No. 1425889
File: 1669745371413.gif (771.07 KB, 220x166, mario-luigi.gif)

>>1425886>>1425825I've seen these two same pics on lc so much recently
No. 1426033
File: 1669751641480.png (71.38 KB, 1280x800, gaY3dbx-1826766315.png)

Only tangentially related to the drama above, I just had a thought about the jannies; why are they so sarcastic and sassy and quick to expose random dumb anons, like just ban them without making a scene. Jannies literally farming milk.
No. 1426054
File: 1669752998952.jpg (404.7 KB, 1200x720, angelash2.jpg)

I'm tired of men being given sympathy. There needs to be a game where a woman does something immoral, but instead of being demonised, her psyche is explored and we understand why she did what she did. I hate how women with mental health problems in shows books games etc are never given a chance to redeem.
No. 1426092
File: 1669754587550.jpg (12.05 KB, 250x250, Tubbs_on_a_cushion.jpg)

I feel like such a retard for letting myself get tubby when I have such a nice body. I like my height (for the most part), my shape works well for me, and I had curves where I wanted them, I could literally have my dream body if just lost weight and exercised more often. Even now I still get compliments but I look and feel like shit.
No. 1426256
File: 1669762270404.jpeg (128.06 KB, 1080x608, CF7B4820-792B-4549-91D8-41BA6A…)

It’s hilarious to me how so many troons choose the name “Alice”, when that’s also the name of the big burly tranny from Superjail with visible dick and balls. I just think of that character every time and it makes me laugh and laugh
No. 1426294
File: 1669763571333.jpg (8.13 KB, 250x245, 1658199318973775s.jpg)

Just found out that 'praise kink' is a thing. Imagine having such low self-esteem whilst also being a wannabe kinkster that you think wanting to know that you're loved seems fetishistic to you
No. 1426318
File: 1669764234081.png (686.65 KB, 748x960, yeah I know these were all gon…)

If I could go back in time as any animal, I would pick whatever was big and toothy and lived near the first human.
I would massacre the shit out of anything trying to walk upright, I would subsist on an exclusively ape diet
No. 1426381
File: 1669768487064.jpg (658.73 KB, 940x1646, 1651686679564.jpg)

>>1425777Late but in one of the other dumbass shit threads she(?) also called women who have premarital sex "whores" because she thinks sex should solely be for procreation cause "god said so!!" lol but doesn't even have sex with her husband
>>1425778>>1425787I gotchu
No. 1426509
File: 1669774224007.jpeg (207.39 KB, 1242x525, 1ABE3B83-3F15-41D2-AC1B-FCAD7E…)

Never been this early on a wikipedia page
No. 1426524
File: 1669775181431.jpg (1.69 MB, 2694x2036, HATS Washington, D.C. 400-subj…)

I was looking for hot pictures of people from history for the historical crushes thread in /m/ and I came across this pictures of some ladies working a postage stamp perforating machine. I became obsessed with their hats. why are they wearing the hats? there is no explanation, I think they're having a laugh because they knew their pictures were being taken. they seem fun, I want to work with them.
No. 1426525
>>1426520Totally missed out on the joke I haven’t checked tumblr in a week and when I did it was all goncharov posts with 30k+ notes
It’s kinda cringe it reminds me of the “I like your shoelace” era
No. 1426530
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>>1426529do you think? that would be cute. I was absolutely dying to know what's up with the hats! I even went to the library of congress website and there were more pictures of them but that's the only one where they are wearing the hats No. 1426570
File: 1669777013689.jpg (13.64 KB, 304x296, 1643934439997.jpg)

>>1426557waaah waaah, go back to reddit faggot, this image board is for stacies only
No. 1426581
File: 1669777212487.gif (12.48 KB, 220x133, bait.gif)

stop replying seriously to bait, you retard faggots
No. 1426582
>>1426569>>1426575NTA but
>it's basically insulting men for… being like women>insult them by comparing them to womenhow the fuck are faggots like women in ANY way, now that is an insult
No. 1426585
File: 1669777385701.jpg (31.94 KB, 736x562, 96e76c3fef25f5666910c11bf850f6…)

I am eating tomato like a fruit and i like to believe i just ripped the heart out of my enemy and i am eating it as a victory
No. 1426587
>>1426573Ummm are you
not a stacy? Lmao embarrassing
No. 1426589
>>1426578>the word faggot isn’t misogynistic itselfWhy do you think it's an insult in the first place? It's because it's comparing men to women. I forgot this site is now for 17 year old twitter refugees who can't ever connect 2 and 2 together and think everything exists in a tunnel vision of identity with nothing ever having to do with anything else. Big "does math have to do with science?" vibes
>>1426582Everything I just wrote plus
>missing the entire point>>1426583Yeah I thought as much. Don't worry anon you're definitely not like other girls/whores, you browse 4chan and say whore and faggot, you're so le based!
No. 1426596
>>1426589this has to be
triggered trannyhands trying to bury her embarrasing post
No. 1426607
File: 1669778389266.gif (6.09 KB, 329x302, 90d.gif)

>calls us twitterfags
>uses 'vibes'
prove you are a true and honest imegeboard user
No. 1426612
File: 1669778632350.jpg (204.47 KB, 1080x1235, ab.jpg)

>only 4chinners say fag-
No. 1426619
File: 1669778811462.webm (155.81 KB, 588x432, 1669587325377.webm)

>>1426612she's a Stacy and a
nonny, baiter destroyed
No. 1426636
File: 1669779529278.png (1.15 MB, 1935x1588, today i feel homo.png)

No. 1426656
File: 1669780229700.gif (9.78 MB, 320x240, im_retarded_quantum_leap.gif)

lmao holy shit i havent laughed this hard in a minute, girl i dont know what you were expecting from men on discord. everyone knows normie males use forums for their specific hobbies
No. 1426692
File: 1669784615913.gif (333.19 KB, 500x334, 5bf.gif)

>>1426684>meeting a scrote from /soc/why
>never seen what he looks like. WHY. i swear some of you nonnies like punishing yourselves on purpose
No. 1426709
File: 1669786465042.jpeg (115.33 KB, 944x901, 1668133696926.jpeg)

>>1426696>>1426704>>1426684lmaooooo thank god i dont have low self steem and i can get cute boys despite being an ugly bitch just because of my stacy attitude and doing a lil gaslighting
No. 1426717
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Ladies, love yourselves holy shit stop settling for basement dweller moids
No. 1426724
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I'm reading about the Unabomber and what the fuck? He's actually right?
No. 1426745
File: 1669789860776.jpg (87.99 KB, 789x1024, Dale Cat.jpg)

I honestly think the anons that talk about how lonely they are and how no moid gives them attention and thats why they end up as discord kittens to men they meet through 4chan are larping, moids or underage. I am an ugly fuck, i am talking greasy hair, fat, cystic acne, ugly teeth and i had over 10 men interested in me through life. Getting moid attention is not an accomplishment, they will flock to anything with a hole.
No. 1426811
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bump for gore
No. 1426828
File: 1669799903949.jpg (42.38 KB, 520x520, 1648335530552.jpg)

>day 2 of not being a fatty
>already craving mcnuggets
lord have mercy on me
No. 1426855
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No. 1426856
File: 1669804227674.gif (17.14 KB, 128x128, nomnomnom.gif)

>>1426846thankfully its summer in my shithole so i have been drinking tons of water and eating tomatoes/cucumber for snacks
No. 1426859
File: 1669804499720.jpg (11.06 KB, 322x315, 1666953535044.jpg)

I dont know why my mom found my troll bridge of a dad good enough to have a baby with, now i am cursed with his genetics
No. 1426883
My mom sometimes surprises me with her stupidity. She put the sandwwich/toast bread on the freezer and it obviously got wet…. ended up loosing like half the loaf of bread and its useless for sandwiches now….
>>1426879I eat them like a literal animal too, no time to cute it into lil pieces
No. 1426960
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the dude from Full house is aging so well.
No. 1427004
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>>1426997then why do so many of you low self steem fags end up with 10 year long distance relationships?
No. 1427022
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I love engrish so much
No. 1427030
>>1427025Ive posted in the diet thread in g (sorry am a idiot dont know how to link it) but ill try to give you the main points. Plan was made by a dietician/doc/trainer team.
1300-1400 cals/day with protein goal of 120 gs
150-200 minutes of cardio a week
Full body workouts 2/3 times a week.
I use the nike training club app for bodyweight workouts and also follow the guidance of the trainer.
I think more than anything, having 2 snacks 3 meals spaced out through the day helped rev that metabolism.
im also recovered binge eater, so the frequent small meals help No. 1427062
File: 1669824774031.gif (1.22 MB, 400x200, slap.gif)

snap out of it you fucking idiot
No. 1427082
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>>1426880I ended up watching like 4 episodes and got used to the awkwardness, but it's insane how big the difference between autistic men and women are. All the ladies on the show are very personable, treat their parents well and connect with their dates, while the men talk about Thomas the tank engine on their dates, are very judgemental, to the point one of them was disappointed the only girl who matched him on a speed dating event was "just" the autistic girl, and not the normie Stacy. I know it's heavily edited, but I doubt there was too much good material of the guys to be used.
No. 1427088
>>1427075its crazy because women get locked up for 20+ years for killing their abusers in self-defense and even with proof that their abuser attacked them first.
Meanwhile that crazy bitch gets free for murdering a toddler…..its weird. Probably someone in the jury wanted to fuck her or she has connections with the jury/judge.
No. 1427119
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I hate moids hope they all burn eternally (this is about Jenny Ortega)
No. 1427148
>>1427117Not that anon but please piss off with this ''low value'' bullshit.
The favor will always be rigged for men when it comes to dating and women who have some slight normal flaws will be put in the same category as men who are homeless, abusers, sex offenders, creeps, addicts etc. Fuck that shit.
No. 1427149
>>1427134Nta but you’re probably decent looking yourself nona or at least easy on the eyes
Bumfuck ugly girls like me wouldnt even manage to get civil attention from an attractive dude, let alone become friends, unless we conveniently have the same niche hobby or something uncommon like that
No. 1427155
File: 1669830339988.png (895.28 KB, 1137x665, firefox_PspL9q58jh.png)

I'm reading about the FTX stuff and holy shit those kids seem like such huge cows
Is there a thread on here or on kiwi about them? I don't really care for crypto so I didn't follow shit
No. 1427176
>>1427170Oh, it's named after caroline, that's why I didn't find it, thanks
>giga stacyLmfao, I just have a bias against her because she looks JUST like someone I know irl
No. 1427185
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can't believe i'm one of the top grimes fans. what an honor
No. 1427198
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I want this cute 2009 japanese headset so bad for the y2k hot pink gaming setup I’m envisioning but it’s not available anywhere i can only find the white version. You would think there would be other heart shaped pink headsets out there, at least on aliexpress or something but nope. All theu have is cringe belle delphine gamer girl bathwater shit.
No. 1427205
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>>1427200Vestax hmx1.. you can get the white one on amazon but pink is nowhere to be found
No. 1427208
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>>1427198i think y2k seems like it's extremely popular because a lot of people online love it so much, like a loud minority, so it seems it's less niche than it is, especially the pink bimbo kind. i do like it a lot but i prefer the blue cyber kind
No. 1427240
File: 1669835034574.jpg (207.26 KB, 1206x759, 001-408.jpg)

Baki's horrible art style has repelled me from ever trying to read or watch it. And I watch Attack on Titan so I've seen some awful art.
No. 1427242
File: 1669835129249.gif (1.2 MB, 220x283, 7680DB4B-C996-424D-8D68-9D312C…)

>’ate using lolcor
>very slow, can barely load
>probably the server itself
>userbase getting even more antsier and dogmatic in their imageboard language
>can’t have fun anymore
>occasionally checks /g/ sisters to see if they are alright
>gets bored and leaves
No. 1427249
File: 1669835586265.png (785.26 KB, 900x675, 69e.png)

Noticing I'm starting to become emotionally dependant on a man and I'm gonna kill myself I don't want this. I have never been like this. Why am I suddenly like this.
No. 1427250
>>1427242its the influx of tinfoilers and radfems (im sorry but you know this is true) who cant have a normal conversation about anything anymore without infighting or make things about gender.
Every post here lately is just about men, trannys and alt-right conspiracy theory's.
Now i know why the previous admin was so against GC topics and kept telling anons to not talk about trannies or manhate other that the designated threads, because she knew they would infect the whole site with only posts like that.
Oh and dont get me started on how judgmental they are towards weeb women even though weeb women were the ones who made this site what it is today.
No. 1427263
>>1427250oh and the retarded habit that ive started to see since 2021 where twitterfag gets thrown away all the time that its completely lost meaning.7
i bet if the dumb bitch meme thread was made today there would be anons who would call it twitterfag….that makes me sad.
Im kinda losing interest in this site not going to lie, and i also see how inactive its become because alot of oldfags are leaving, im planning to stop using the site soon too tbh. Its just not fun infighting with spergs, tradthots, gender obssesed anons who have to post mood-killer posts in every thread in ot because they dont know how to integrate, retards, underage or boomer anons anymore.
No. 1427275
>>1427250Anonita do you look like this
>>1427155and fap to yaoi with boypussies
No. 1427286
>>1427270me too kek, lolcow used to be a place for entertainment for me and to let go but now i leave feeling more angry and bored after using this site. Ive contributed alot to the site and made alot of threads posts and had some good moments and i guess its time to let go.
>>1427275thanks for proving my point on why this site is becoming low quality.
Also again weebs/cosplayers were the majority of posters on this site and are a reason why it exists so find a better insult than ''yaoi'' you dumb fuck.
No. 1427301
File: 1669837285563.gif (333.56 KB, 392x498, cat.gif)

I literally have no rhythm and not a single boogie bone in my body. I want to take a dancing class or something.
No. 1427304
>>1427250I've been into radical feminism big time since 2019 and I literally never get into long preachy discussions with anyone here. It must be so fucking exhausting. I come here to shitpost and to have fun.
It's so stupid when nonnies even mention having a boyfriend or a husbando and get shit on for hours for daring to let a man into their life and how they're fake feminists, I only started to notice this type of retardation recently.
No. 1427348
>>1426745I have lots of male (and female) friends who genuinely like me but barely any of them are ever romantically interested in me. I definitely haven’t had anywhere near 10 men approach me despite having a relatively decent social life and being average looking. The men who have liked me were relatively normal though, not 4chan creeps or ones who sleep around a lot.
>>1427007>complains about black and white thinking by using black and white thinkingHmm…
No. 1427690
>>1427684I think I know who you are and I’m actually so happy for you that you’ve found a place that accepts you fully and found someone to be retarded (using in a fond way) with
nonny. That sounds wonderful
No. 1427695
File: 1669851896674.png (Spoiler Image,16.41 KB, 684x113, kdgonvg.png)

>>1427688A wonderful one, a place where I can post about my husbando to an autistic degree with several others.
No. 1427718
>>1427250Actually GC MH ban is because trannies being the rapist pedos they are, can’t stop raiding site to post child abuse and admin doesn’t want to put up with it so thought placating trannies will make them stop invading female space. Spoiler: it didn’t stop, raids still happen. Weeb posters are not a separate group from GC/HM posters, they are just as tired of trannies, pedos and coomers. Baiters love to bring up female weeb interests, notably fujo/yumejo/jfash to accuse them of being just as bad as men. Everytime farmers would defend them.
You post this every couple months to attempt to rewrite history and think the newfags wont know better.
No. 1427723
File: 1669852814169.gif (3.9 MB, 600x338, molbandon thread.gif)

>nona never replied to a post about our niche mutual interest
No. 1427728
>>1427575I'm not any of the anons mentioned here
>>1427670 but I definitely got spooked a while ago when the avatarfagging accusations were going on.
Pretty sure it was directed at dedede anon but I wouldn't be shocked if other people got scared too. I never actually stopped posting but I was more self conscious than usual for a little while after that happened. No. 1427750
File: 1669854067085.png (124.81 KB, 341x415, hm.PNG)

I fell into a fiverr scrolling rabbit hole and wtf is this lmao
No. 1427751
File: 1669854087563.png (14.13 KB, 172x43, thanks rui.png)

>>1427734if you specifically mentioned not being able to find anyone else into the thing you might be her.>>1427744nemu's threads should be mandatory reading
No. 1427819
>into tech>pinkpilled>bad at room decor>awkward but unapolagetic about itnooooo im good at room decor i swear, i just use dark because im online late into the night
No. 1427820
File: 1669859597521.jpg (133.25 KB, 600x765, d9e83d633f2fb8e281cce3b96ce295…)

>>1427693>Moved on from SugimotoCouldn't be me
No. 1427843
File: 1669861380177.gif (1.81 MB, 540x304, IM KILLING MYSELF TONIGHT.gif)

Today i was shaving the fuzz off my sweater and i accidentally made a bigass hole in it. This just might be the final incident that pushes me off the edge
No. 1427901
File: 1669865126694.jpeg (158 KB, 567x1005, FF9E88C5-5DD9-467D-B078-6FB92B…)

I wonder what life would be like if I were born a stacy. Instead of spending my entire week inside not interacting with a single soul and being ghosted by 3/10 scrotes I’d probably be at some fancy mall with my daddies credit card laughing it up with my other stacy friends. After that we would all go back to my mini mansion and make alcoholic drinks and dance while getting dressed cute, we all like getting dressed up because unlike me we don’t look like shit and we aren’t fat. When we are done pre gaming we will head out to some upscale bar in nyc and rich scrotes who are trying to get our attention will pay for all our food and drinks. I can actually dance and smile without people pointing out my hideous teeth like they usually do. When my ugly friend comes around complaining about being single I’ll try to set her up with one of my hot chads I’ve friend zoned because he’s a “nice guy” but of course he’s not really nice, he’s just nice to me because I’m pretty and he laughs when I show him a picture of my friend. That’s my stacy larp.
No. 1427903
>>1427901sounds like tranny fantasy
being attractive only marginally helps when you are socily retarded autismo
No. 1427910
>>1427905I am able to be when I try. Doesn't do much because part of being a stacy is 90% mindset and social skills (and 10% is don't be fat and disfigured)
I am autismo, I hate smalltalk and my parents dont give me money to throw away.
You are having a tranny fantasy, it is why they kill themselves when they realize they can't change their autistic personality by cutting their dick off.
No. 1427930
File: 1669866529438.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1125x2246, F93288A6-F55E-44F0-B73B-0814B3…)

>>49659 predicted the state of our trends today 6 years ago
No. 1427934
File: 1669866881784.jpeg (76.56 KB, 1024x684, literally me.jpeg)

>>1427901>When my ugly friend comes around complaining about being single I’ll try to set her up with one of my hot chads I’ve friend zoned because he’s a “nice guy” but of course he’s not really nice, he’s just nice to me because I’m pretty and he laughs when I show him a picture of my friendtrue stacies are supposed to be NICE. you are a poser
No. 1427937
>>1427935But at least they are hot and rich
>then cheat with women they actually put in effort to get to knowLol
No. 1427960
>>1427945I wish a kind
nonnie would draw an afghan hound and a borzoi being stylish friends…
No. 1428027
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I don't remember this episode of Black Mirror.
No. 1428038
File: 1669875805770.jpg (41.59 KB, 384x384, 17146.jpg)

Browsing lolcow at the airport right now. I'm making this post with the screen turn to the public. The 10/10 Stacy Nonna has inspired me.
No. 1428087
>>1427684Aw, I'm happy you're happy
nonny. I hope you'll stick around, I find your posts funny even if I don't completely understand the ship and don't browse husbando threads very often.
No. 1428237
File: 1669890714332.jpg (73.8 KB, 793x960, original.jpg)

I'm playing Danganronpa 2 and I understand Komaeda anon now, he and his self-deprecating personality are so attractive
No. 1428248
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I am about to finish my vtuber model i cant wait to stream to 0 viewers while i play Lemmings
No. 1428264
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>>1428248This chicken is so raw it's low poly and encircling me!
No. 1428265
>>1428258>Was it tough to make?I am not that skilled as an artist so a little. It was mostly painting things, hating it, starting again. It was also super time consuming and tiresome, I started in July, took a hiatus to work on other stuff, and i might finish it on january if i don't get depressed again. I finished the big parts(body, hair) and i still have to finish the face and the accesories. My model is super simple tho, otherwise i might have gone crazy lol.
>Did you model it all from scratch of how is it even done?yup! did the art and i will do the rigging as well. Here is a good video series that explains the process of the drawing!.
No. 1428328
>>1428295Kind of true but not in a face value way. I was born in 1997 and feel those born between '95-'00 got fucked over
a lot. Gen Alpha or whatever truly have no personalities or style of their own (and it's not all their fault) but that group of Gen Z? They have personalities but most are checked out so it seems like they don't.
No. 1428331
>>1428328I was born '90 and you guys gotta give yourselves more credit, you didn't fuck the world. you're a product of your environment/don't blame them they just work here imo. same sentiment as you, it isn't their fault. I honestly try and stick up for zoomers/people younger than my gen cause you guys got such a raw deal, even with all the cringy genderspecial shit. you guys deserve better, WAY better.
also millenials got trashed just before they moved onto you so we know what it is like and most of us (that I know irl anyway) are rooting for you. I'm sorry you guys cop so so much hate it genuinely isn't fucking fair.
No. 1428347
>>1428345same!!! it's either "oi moite wots all this then?"
or it's "yeah nah who is this fucken gronk aye?"
No. 1428357
>>1428341Yes. Obviously like every other English person, I’m stewing and saying nothing.
>>1428345>>1428350>>1428347In England, we don’t have an accent. It’s English. It’s “y’all” who have the accent.
jk chums pip pip up yer bum with a crumpet what ho No. 1428360
>>1428357god bless your cotton socks my commonwealth sister. tell your monarchy to release my shit country from it's grips!! (ausfag)
secretly love the bri'ish don't tell anyone that or we'll both be called colonizers or some shit
can I ask also, is blood pudding a yay or a nay? everyone I know irl says yay but I'm like…pardon
No. 1428363
File: 1669899499595.webm (1.82 MB, 896x720, good morning chat.webm)

good morning to everynonny, have a beautiful day god bless you!!!
No. 1428367
>>1428362you can always put on some skates and roll right out of derby
I am so fucking sorry that is so dumb it had to be said ily nona you>>1428363bless you beautiful bitch you better have an excellent day or we will MAKE YOU (spoiler: you have a very good day, enjoy it ILY)
No. 1428370
>>1428360Yeah I’ll have a chat with K Middy about it next time I see her in Primark. I’m anti monarchy too kek
Black pudding is gorgeous! Especially with HP sauce and bangers in a bap. So is haggis. Heartily recommend ♥
No. 1428373
>>1428368most american accents sounds grating. you are the loudest people in the room always.
BUT boston accents/southern/new york are usually more palatable and/or relatable sounding. the classic LA cali accent is what most of us grew up hearing purely because of media.
vidrel is the most charming thing I've ever heard, but I also lived in L.A. for work for a bit and I never wanted to gouge my eardrums out more.
>>1428370>K Middlyyou have NO IDEA how much this made me laugh nona oh my god thank you ahaha
>spotting K Middly in Primark like Oi Oi Oi stop trying to bag the birds and fight the geezers free australia innitfucking love you nona I hope your bus rides from now on are blessedly devoid of chavs and scumbags
I will try the cursed pudding and think of you god speed to us both on this harrowing journey they call life
No. 1428389
File: 1669901122420.jpg (82.01 KB, 819x580, nice.jpg)

>mfw dying in a game on purpose because the pain groans the male protagonist makes are really hot
No. 1428476
>>1428394same here as an ausfag (can we call ourselves something else? ____-fag seems scrotey. call us the upside-downers and it's less insulting somehow kek) any american inherently has to make themselves known. main character syndrome is real for yanks whereas here we have tall poppy syndrome so I feel like we can't get along culturally sometimes. like americans LOVE themselves to an unhealthy extent. like you are a human you aren't special cause you're a yank. nobody has a high opinion of you and you shout everyone else down in the worst accent ever (no offense obvs to you personally nona trying to give the actual perspective) I've never been more embarrassed than when my US relative came over and acted like an entitled piece of shit he would constantly embarrass us and we would have to apologise like "he's american" people go OHHH and then give the american the benefit of the doubt. like coddled af. again not at you nona, from experience and perspective yanks are 100% annoying unless you're 1. from someone noobody knows 2. you aren't annoying. the rest of us manage overseas but americans just refuse and expect us to cater to them. I've lived and worked in north america as an aussie and it was so stilted socially.
tl;dr don't be a fuckhead yank you should be good but so many of us are jaded with myriad experiences you might find people have a lower tolerance for americans in general even if 80% of you are fine. still annoying. sorry, still love you my yankee sisters. I feel bad being this brutal but here we are.
>>1428400I tried to resurrect the ausfag thread recently and got a ban for being a tranny and I was super confused so good luck. can we at least get a commonwealthers (UK/CA/AUS/NZ) thread? anyone willing to cop a ban for even asking for it?
I'm gonna ask in /meta/ god forbid I get an answer thoughsorry for salad-tier wordery I'm not tipsy whatsoever
also sorry again american sisters it's not you it's the accent and how you pronounce 'mirror' as "meer" makes me want to alog
No. 1428484
also better than being called an anything-fag on a women's board
>>1428482please that is SO FUNNY and aussie-accurate kek
No. 1428564
>>1428495true, aussies (my kind) are a plague they are fucking everywhere it's genuinely embarrassing especially on Australia day, as bad if not worse than americans with 4th july.
poor indonesia, poor japan, poor NZ
also when we travel "we don't tip". I actually did and it was hard and weird to figure out but that's what you do in another country like you play by their rules? NOBODY I KNEW TIPPED and half of them worked in hospitality and they know how hard that shit was, imagine half your wages being stolen and having to rely on some arbitrary customer kindness?
didn't mean to dunk so hard on yanks (affectionate nickname my yankeedoodles) when aussies are their own brand of bad.
I will say Vancoverians (or whatever) are cunty as fuck if that helps
yes vancouver anons jump in and reee all you want but I lived and worked there and I know what I saw
No. 1428591
File: 1669912215217.jpg (28.49 KB, 674x432, motherfucker.jpg)

>Fill out and send a very important and time sensitive application
>Two days later
>Realize you forgot to sign it
No. 1428829
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I don't like how sometimes my voice can be kind of croaky. It's not even raspy, just croaky. Sometimes it's clear though. I wonder if it's because of insecurity or because I naturally tend to talk in a lower tone or something else.
No. 1428851
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>>1427970I always think about Becca/afattyfox. She's so pretty.
No. 1429051
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>>1427970>>1429006I feel this way with Becky.
No. 1429153
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i finally realized why i find most guys shilled as "conventional", "cute", etc. unattractive: because most of them have eyes that are either too close together or too beady and small, or their entire general look is too old. i think only large eyes are the cutest facial feature a male can have but they're often on men who are called unconventional, maybe the ones i like are too large idk
No. 1429249
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hi guys
No. 1429259
>>1429249samefag i really appreciate and love the
nonny who posted this chicken nugget gif from silent hill 1 I like it a lot
No. 1429271
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No. 1429275
How can i hear my neighbours snoring i swear
No. 1429295
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>>1428396What’s wrong with being scouse? I wish I could learn about all the weird english infighting.
No. 1429298
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I love my nonnies, you're all my friends even/especially the retards I infight with mwah mwah mwah!!!
No. 1429351
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Only retards hate Diane
No. 1429451
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>its been almost 10 years since the internet changed for the worse
No. 1429503
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>>1429451>10 years of trans bullshit, xey/xem nlogs, dying websites, corporations selling personal infoI wish the world really did end in 2012. I think it'd be a lot better off. Humans have gone too far. Industrial society something something
No. 1429576
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I have the power to jinx everything i hate. An autistic stalker i used to have told me he was really excited about the spiritual succesor to dead space, i told him it looked generic as shit that it was going to suck(to spite him mostly), and guess what, it's fucking shit and it runs like crap. There is a 50/50 i might either be a wizard or i am manifesting really hard but everytime i predict something it turns into a reality.
No. 1429590
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There's something going around on social media about how this lady from a YouTube vlog channel got her girlfriend's face tattooed, and people are speculating that she may have killed her girlfriend due to postpartum mental illness. Craziest shit I've seen out of a vlog channel in a while.
No. 1429601
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>>1429357Mr peanut butter sucks. My favourite character is Beatrice Horseman even though she is evil for what she did to Hollyhock. But she makes me laugh so it’s ok.
No. 1429652
>>1429295Nothing is wrong with being Scouse. I fucking love Scousers. I went to Liverpool on a mini break/con trip and everyone was fun and helpful, the city was clean and pretty, the trains didn’t want to make me kms. Same with Newcastle. I had a way better time there than I did in London, which is dirty, wildly overcrowded, expensive, snobbish, and everyone is rude and entitled. The museums etc aren’t even worth it because of how utterly repellent London is.
>inb4 Londoners start going “hurrdurr you’re talking about central London, that’s not real London”No, I really am talking about the whole of London. I look at the tube zones the same way that you’d view a map of exclusion zones after an atomic tragedy. Central London is the worst yeah but everything around it is full of nuclear wasteland and radioactive freaks too. You have to get to Coventry at least before you start seeing humans unaffected by the absolute
toxic sludgepile/vampiric drain on the country that is London. Fuck Southerners in general. I’m not even a Northerner, you guys are just that entitled and self-absorbed and above all boring that I can not physically stand to listen to anyone who says “grarss” and “barth” instead of grass and bath unironically. I break out in hives and black out anytime I hear a Southerner talking about “leaving The City” and spreading their sickness elsewhere. Stay in quarantine, ya nasty wee beasties.
No. 1429658
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I've come across a lot of tiktoks calling Hungarian women ugly but I just don't get it, why us specifically? I personally haven't noticed us looking any better or worse than anyone else, there's such a massive variation in how people look here that it's pointless to generalize.
No. 1429663
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Mel B and Eleanor Neele have the most unbearable accent to me, it physically pains me to listen to anyone with that accent speak
No. 1429686
>>1429669Seconding this, don't tell him about that. I'm not accusing your bf of anything, but males will often use your honesty (having a past with
abusive men etc) as an excuse to lower the bar for your relationship. You definitely want to keep those things to yourself/your friends/a professional because unfortunately sometimes it can just open a gateway for a male to take advantage of you.
If he wants to know so much stuff about your past, talk to him about school, or some funny moments or even cringy shit you did as a teenager. Never let them know about abuse, being cheated on, and so on. It's never worth it.
No. 1429703
>>1429626The whole point of her getting fat is that she's on depressants so she's letting go of being worried of being fat so that she can be happy. Like she's not going to be skinny again unless she goes back to being depressed.
I do like Diane, she's not very relatable, but a lot of the male fans don't like her so I extra like her to make up for it. (see Skyler White and Shiv)
No. 1429711
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The curse of having a big ass and not being able to wear short skirts without showing half of your ass cheeks
No. 1429724
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>>1429711This dilemma can be fashionably and easily resolved.
No. 1429728
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>>1429724bring back true y2k fashion
No. 1429729
>>1429669I'm early thirties, single after my last relationship was
abusive. I stayed way too long because of both practical and emotional ties. Pretty textbook pattern of being sucked in, fed a false version of him and abused once we had settled into living together. Very Jekyll and hyde. He was a lil too eager to play this white knight saviour in the beginning. Made out like he plucked me out of the depths of depression and I was like.. you what? I was still in therapy and taking meds and doing that for myself. Not him doing it. Looking ahead I'm thinking of keeping certain info pretty close to my chest. I know some women end up in a cycle where men know about your trauma/abuse and they see it as a sign of vulnerability to play around with. Loevbomb you early on, get you to spill your heart out to them about past shit and then oop.. they do the exact same shit to you or worse.
My ex would tell me my dad is evil for spanking me as a kid. I never got why he was so obsessed with repeating that to me. Wish I'd never told him with how much he blew it up. My dad was emotionally absent so tbh the spanks weren't high on my list of issues with him. I wanted my bf to shut up about it already. Same partner who ranted about spanking being evil beat the absolute shit out of me and I can't even tell you what the petty argument that proceeded this beating was about.
I think theres way more risk in telling new partners straight off the bat, compared to later. It seems like alot of women fall into that 'too much, too soon' trap. But same as you, I don't want a man to console me over my past shit. To know all the details. I can say it was a bad relationship and leave it at that. And I'm staying real vague about my dad and me.
No. 1429741
File: 1669984890011.gif (229.15 KB, 277x480, CAR RUNNING.gif)

>saw two 6ft tall gods, one of them even cleaned his sweat with his tshirt and let me see his abs
>saw one hotdog and one of those cloud looking dogs
>a bird shit on me
>saw a guy fall down his bike lmao
>touched grass for the first time
>saw a gorgeous cat, like the feline version of a nordic goddess
>it gave me the cold shoulder, didnt even acknowledge me
>it's fine i will keep running so i can gain its respect
>on the way back saw a really cute bikini and a tshirt i want to get for when i lose weight
>my left lung hurts
wtf, running is fun? next time i need to bring a hat, apply sunscreen and wear a proper bra tho
No. 1429772
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I thought i asked a legitimate question but anons called me bait
No. 1429791
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>>1429785I didn't even know who this is, i just saw the meme and thought it was a gay dude
Why am i still getting bullied by so many anonymous bitches today ? I have to log off
No. 1429805
>>1429776No it's not, the whole problem with Diane is that she's too obsessed with how people see her, being skinny isn't a huge part of that but it's a part of it nonetheless.
Did people miss that she gains weight uncontrollably when on anti-depressants which is a real side effect or is this a youtube comment section where no one pays attention to the show. She would be depressed if skinny not because omg so depressing to be skinny but because she wouldn't be on her meds.
No. 1429840
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I thought people were just typing sentences but with an accent. Then I realized I was looking at a screenshot from the Dutchfag thread on accident and it wasn't even in English. I think man hate is universally understood. Picrel for reference. Love you, Dutchfags!
No. 1429868
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there is no post just enjoy picrel
No. 1429880
>>1429874 yt shorts doesn't work and all the non-short upload are edits, here's the original
i love it too!
No. 1430021
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No. 1430058
>>1430048anon you do realize the pink sauce lady used to sell that sauce by making it in her own home without any hygiene standards or preservatives and it would be shipped in hot summer weather to others for weeks which would arrive expired and disgusting.
it seems like both you and the woman in the video are forgetting or are dumb to the fact that most people who are talking about the pink sauce negatively are talking about before she got signed to the company and now one really give a shit about that sauce now.
This was before she signed the deal with that company to start making it in the factory and in-stores and most of the criticism also comes before that and its from her days when she used to sell homemade food online that was food-poisoning, i wonder how much she got paid by sauce girl to make that video kek.
No. 1430255
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Sign in Singapore subway station
No. 1430343
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I hate OJ Simpson's real name.
No. 1430389
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I know the secret to happiness.
No. 1430412
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>>1430389And are you not going to say what it is?
No. 1430414
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>>1430412Putting clothes in the dryer for a few minutes before you wear them so they can be warm and snuggly.
No. 1430416
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>>1430414Oh you are so clever! I don't have a dryer but I use a radiator sometimes like that.
No. 1430430
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>>1430414I sometimes put my underwear on my heated towel thingy and it's fucking lovely
No. 1430432
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>>1430431Nta, but I googled it and I think anon means these plushies that seem to have some parts made out of (I'm assuming) polymer clay.
No. 1430434
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Hair goals
No. 1430440
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I made cinnamon rolls and I wish I could share them with you nonnies because it turned out to be more than expected.
No. 1430461
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Mf really did just released one album then dipped. I miss him gals ♥
No. 1430495
>>1430461I learned about Jeff, because I was watching one of those countdowns on VH1. I was in high school and Halluejah played. I downloaded that song to my cheap tablet. Then I discovered Grace. Then I discovered this preformance of Grace where he sticks his middle finger up while talking about his shitty dad. Also he was mentioned in a game called, "The Cat Lady".
I love him so much, so a beautiful voice and man.
No. 1430584
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i made a mistake anons. i let this devil back into my house. give me one good reason not to eat it for all meals until it's gone you can't
No. 1430585
File: 1670030346822.png (523.65 KB, 1024x960, df509f1804e9d5d134da6206230e52…)

my pussy go quack
my pussy don't attack
my pussy don't frack
my pussy ain't whack
my pussy a snack
my pussy like crack
my pussy go QUACK
No. 1430736
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Why does this cat look so embarrassed in the frog hat
No. 1430738
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>>1430736Meanwhile this one looks so mischievous…hm.
No. 1430743
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I'm mad this isn't a real club
No. 1430794
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trying to convince my mom to lend me money to buy a bikini because it reminds me of Sonic
No. 1430801
>>1430786You're so right, I mostly worse mens tshirts and pants during that time, but I was also a silly 13 year old punk kek
Once tumblr/american apparel fashion reached mainstream you could find some nice items here or there, mainly cute dresses
No. 1430808
File: 1670057369415.png (2.5 MB, 1953x1215, wtf.png)

what the heck is this glow thing? is it new?
No. 1430860
>>1430794My mother would be elated if I were to buy a bikini, only to be slowly brought back down to reality if I explained "bcause sonic", at least she has my brother to project normality onto
>>1430855Do not feel bad, I was doing a university linguistic class and still needed a note to tell me what a noun and verb is.
No. 1430882
File: 1670068921439.png (417.63 KB, 875x872, camelboots.png)

Should I get these or are they too TikTok
No. 1430910
>>1430882Kind of ugly, kind of cute. Like this anon
>>1430904 says you'll be limited, but if you don't care and you know you'll wear them for a while then why not.
No. 1430934
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goodnight nonnies i am going to dream of them
No. 1431604
>>1429703Ayrt, I also like Skyler and don’t really get why people hate her too unless again, they hate every other character in the show. It’s literally just misogyny.
>>1429653I don’t think anybody had a truly happy fantasy ending at the end of the show. It’s all more like good enough for their circumstances. She has a good support network and is successful doing something she actually loves, that seems pretty ideal to me. Bojack should have died though.