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No. 1428904
What are your plans for next year? What did you achieve this year?
>>>/ot/644632 No. 1428936
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2021 goals:
>Learn to drive
Been saying this shit for years but I signed up for lessons and got my license. Been practicing in my dad's car and it's enjoyable but scary. The biggest hurdle is out of the way though, so here's to hoping next year I'll continue to get better and more comfortable behind the wheel.
>Read 1 book a month
I didn't read 1 book a month but I did finish 12 books so far this year. I've been downloading a lot more than I can read so I should really get through my library.
2022 goals:
>Read more
I mainly only read during my commute, I want to read more during my free time at home instead of mindlessly scrolling through the internet.
>Reel in spending
My 2021 goal was to not buy any clothes at all and I was very proud of achieving that, but I did buy a lot of clothes this year. Next year I want to spend a lot less on material items in general. I find this hard because "less" can be such a blurry line compared to straight up "no ___ at all."
>Lift more
I started going to the gym and lifting this year. It makes me feel great and it'd be great if I could continue and progress to higher weights.
No. 1428948
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my 2023 goal is to do a solo, overnight hike. im going to spend the spring and summer hiking on more intermediate trails than im used to and challenging myself until i feel confident and comfortable enough.
No. 1429021
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Archived in 2022: Nothing
Plans for 2023: Nothing
No. 1429340
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I'm planning on continuing improving my art fundamentals so I can get into this art school. It's in the downtown area of my city, meaning I have to be careful about pissing off trannies if I get in this year lmao. The suburban areas and the downtown area of my city are the only really accepting places of the lgb(and trannys).
No. 1429386
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2022 achievements:
>bought a new monitor/a cute anime figure/started my artbook collection/got a new microphone
>met my discord friends and didnt get kidnapped
>should be able to finish my vtuber model in december
>excercised(though very inconsistently)
>did the logo for a small business
>my art got slightly better
I hate that i didnt do most things i proposed myself, like starting learning how to code, get fluent at english, get autistically good at a videogame, spend more time grinding fundies. It wasnt a good year overall and i regret wasting so much time.
for 2023
>fucking start coding
>finish all of the Loomis books
>become twitch affiliate, get at least 10 viewers
>start a yt channel
>lose more weight
>become good at fighting games
I think thats it, hopefully this year i dont get depressed.
No. 1429515
>look for a job as I'm graduating early next year Not really picky on what job it is since I only intend to work for a year or two before going back to grad school
>start applying for graduate school Will have to read up on programs and aiming at least 15 schools in North America and probably Europe.
>pass the driving test and get a license Want to earn license before my 26th bday but I keep putting it on and off. I practice, take the test but fail, and forget about it until I lose my skills, and repeat. NO MORE. I WILL pass that test.
>hopefully get over my shitty breakup As of now, my ex has been on my mind too much and hopefully she won't be in any form of my thoughts by next year. They say time heals all wounds and I am hoping that is true.
>improve art and grind fundamentalsAiming to draw more from imagination, drawing with a purpose, applying what I learned to my own art. Get better at using ink. Complete the drawabox course. Learn from Vilpu, Hampton, and Loomis (I did not like his books or his teaching style but I feel like I have a new perspective on art and learning now so I will give it another shot).
No. 1429525
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Considering I just left a decent paying job because she boss was awful, I want to get a new job by end of Dec, beginning of January.
I want to do light cardio and free weights at least 3 times a week. I want to drink more water and drink less coffee.
I also want to take a break from weed because I don't think it's making my depression any better. Good luck to all the nonnies!
No. 1429543
oh also, i want to finally get better skin this year, fix my acne/open commedones/skin discoloration/acne scars
>>1429500oof that sucks but dont worry had plenty of times whent hat happened to me, some people are more autistic than others
No. 1429589
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Achieved this year:
>Went to my first concert
>Drove out of state alone for the first time
>Went through first serious breakup and came out of it alive
>Bought my first pc
SPECIFIC goals for 2023:
>Quit drinking alcohol for at least three months
I started today actually, figured I may as well since it's the first of the month
>Go to the gym
I'd like to make it part of my routine but just going at all and overcoming my anxiety about it would be a success
>Move out
>Finish and post ONE painting
VAGUE goals:
>Read more
>Draw/paint more, work on fundamentals
>Save money
>Start streaming (for fun)
>Figure out what I'm going to do about my future (back to school, get a new job or not, etc.)
>develop dependence on weed
>spontaneously quit job
>start streaming (for career)
>talk to my ex again
No. 1429678
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2023 resolutions
>drop weight to 18 BMI
>become proficient in several programming languages (Python, Javascript, Solidity, HTML/CSS, PHP)
>get first proper software engineer/web developer job
>start learning a second language
>go to psychiatrist to see what’s wrong with me (have suspected for a few months now that I have BPD), start therapy and/or meds so I can become a better person
>practice fundamentals more, complete and upload more digital art, maybe get a small twitter following?
>get cosmetic surgery - lip lift, revision rhinoplasty, breast lift (maybe with augmentation), forehead reduction
>move out from mother’s house once and for all
>learn more about financial markets, start a paper trading account and fully document my trades, attempt to develop some proficiency
>get clouted up on crypto twitter, start developing solidity projects
>HOPEFULLY quit prostitution
>get a boyfriend
>develop group of IRL and online friends
>get Distinctions in my Higher Education course
>get accepted into university (maybe evening or fulltime day)
>legally change my name
>backpack through Europe??
2022 has been the worst year of my life and it’s almost entirely due to my actions. I can’t wait for it to be over. I want to get rid of the guilt and shame I feel, forgive myself for my past actions and move on. But that doesn’t take back the damage I’ve done to others.
No. 1435694
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>>9953322022 goals
>Lose more weightlol no
>Drink more waterYes some days more than others
>Be successful at new jobStill at it baby
>Save more moneyStill saving, but took a hit for house
>Invest moreNo that one took a backseat
>Find long-term therapy No as well
>Start planning moving outBrought my first house in March so yes
2023 goals
>Buy my own car or have one that's mine>Lose weight (secunda)>Get out more>Find second source of income>Get to 30k savings>Go for walks more>Travel to Europe again(maybe?) or just more in America>Grow hair to hip>Cook more>Less internet usage/social media>Simplify life/mind>Fix your posture bitch No. 1436188
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2022 achievements:
>Started a real career-type job for the first time
>Moved away from my hometown and out of state for the first time
>Lost my covid-20, plus a bit extra
>Learned a lot about my work and became much better at it
>Managed my finances well and put a bunch of money into savings while living on a low income in the most expensive part of the country.
>Started biking to work for extra exercise
>Gained new insights into the nature of my own mental health and a new perspective on industrialized society’s effects on everyone’s mental health
Goals for 2023:
>Strike a good balance at work of doing just enough to be acceptable and no more than that
>Make friends in my new town
>Lose 5-10 more pounds and maintain that weight long-term
>Simplify my worldly possessions; stop bringing things into the house that I don’t need and if I do need it, spend more for something high enough quality that I can use it for years or decades.
No. 1436216
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2022 was the year I got sober and ended a toxic relationship where I was 100% dependent on the person I broke up with, but it did involve me losing what stability I had in life in terms of a living situation. Thankfully I was able to move back in with my parents to have some time to recover but 2023 will be the year I get my life together, and start being more like a “real adult.” Putting this here so I can look back next year and either be proud of myself or massively disappointed as usual
No. 1436286
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2022 Achievements:
>Graduated from university this summer
>Started looking for a 'real' job
>Started eating somewhat healthier
>Really improved my drawing skills!! This was my goal from last year so I'm super psyched about this point.
Goals for 2023:
>Actually get a job
>Get over my anxiety and fear of parking in crowded parking lots
>Move out of my parents house???
>Be more social.
>Keep working on my art and improve even more.
Although I was effectively a NEET for half a year after I graduated this summer, this year wasn't a bad year for me. There was a point when I thought I wouldn't graduate at all, and I had no clue where I'd be, so really I'm counting this as a success. Also I'm still so happy with how far my art has come. It has nothing to do with my employment or anything useful, but as a hobby I'm happy at how much time I got to spend on it. Here's to hoping this next year is even better!
No. 1436370
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I'm homeless right now, but I still achieved some good things this year!
2022 achievements:
>broke up with my shitty ex and later started dating someone who actually cares about me
>left a toxic, dead end job
>moved out of the city and into the country where it's quiet and laid back
>got my dog back after having to rehome him due to being homeless
2023 goals:
>get my drivers license and hopefully a car
>get a job that I'll actually enjoy
>find an affordable place to live with my boyfriend
>pay off all debts
>start saving up money for property/a house
>meet my long distance best friend for the first time
No. 1437149
>>14289042022 achievements:
>finally got an adhd diagnosis and meds>started studying>moved in with gf2023 goals:
>catch up on university work>get better grades>read 25 books>draw more>find weekend job>adopt cat No. 1440823
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>>14289042022 achievements:
well I barely made any compared to what I actually wanted to do, there is a few minor ones at least
>got almost all As in my uni classes the past 2 years, GPA is almost a 4.0 >made my first lolita coord after wanting to for years >finally getting a sewing machine (supposed to arrive here soon as a christmas gift)>went vegetarian >lost almost 30 pounds >finished my first cross stitch pieces>grew a strawberry plant that has produced a few good strawberries >100%ed a few games my 2023 goals:
>pattern draft and sew my own lolita coord (minus the shoes of course) >keep up my good grades and get my college degree>continue being vegetarian plus eat healthier >start working out regularly >improve my japanese to at least N3 or maybe even N2 >practice art weekly and improve enough to make a few paintings/drawings I can consider myself proud of >create a small coding portfolio and get a decent job >attempt to try out gamedev >declutter - sell off all my old stuff for a profit >get through most of my video game/steam backlog before my pc quits on me >spend a month in japan sightseeing (if money allows) before working full time No. 1442491
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achieved in 2022:
>escaped abusive relationship
>moved out of violent household
>tapered off anxiety medications
>got back into contact with loved ones i became distanced from
>finally took up regular yoga
goals for 2023:
>find some means of accessing trauma therapy
>read more books
>find employment
>start wearing clothes that fit
>take care to remain positive and kind as consistently as possible (without caving to unhealthy expectations of people who are too attached)
No. 1442531
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achievements in 2022:
>got in to music school and improved skills on my instrument
>sorted out a messy relationship
>took my first art commissions
Goals for 2023:
>start exercising regularly
>sew or knit a wearable garment
>make a short comic
>start reading more
No. 1447025
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What happened during this shitty year:
>grandma died suddenly
>got a permanent position at my job a bit before my 6 months old contract ended which I was happy about at first but the job is fucking awful, after that we became short staffed and overworked and I'm very close to having a mental breakdown from this
>couldn't find an apartment as planed because our office will move and we only recently learned the new address
>public transportation turned to shit, no bus anywhere near my place at all, all summer long when it was 38°C nonstop for a bit over a month, yet subscription prices keep increasing
>thought I was gonna get breast cancer, instead it was a huge fibroadenoma, so big that I still needed to get it removed to avoid it becoming cancerous
>breast still hurts weeks after surgery, I feel sick and tired all the time now
>phone stolen by some retard in the middle of a restaurant, lost a shit ton of important messages and photos that I planned on putting in my laptop today because of fucking course
>inflation, yet no salary increase
>still a kissless virgin
>positive things I can cite didn't even happen to me but to friends instead
Goals for 2023:
>not killing myself
>finding a new apartment
>after I've secured the apartment, finding a new job that pays more and doesn't make me work to near death
>redoing my wardrobe
>going back to Japan on July for said wardrobe and to buy manga I couldn't get last time
>beating more games in my backlog
>keeping journaling
>maybe getting a bf, or at least going on dates from time to time
>avoiding working overtime
No. 1447044
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Achievements in 2022:
>got into my preferred course, very happy
>made lots of great friends, began having somewhat of a social life with people who actually share my interests and who understand me
>started writing again
>got a job that doesn’t make me want to kms
>journalled a lot more
>read lots of great books
>marginally less online than I used to be
>improved musical skill
Goals for 2023:
>get published in a local writing magazine
>pass exams with at least a 2:1, aiming for a 1:1.
>finish Ulysses and read anti-Oedipus
>read lots of other books that i will not list here because there are too many
>maintain new and old friendships
>fly out to see my friend who moved abroad
>get involved in a book club
>write more prose
>write essays on my academic interests instead of just thinking about them all the time
>get back into visual art
>complete (piano) performance diploma
>be even less online & more present in the real world
>be in an actual relationship
No. 1447153
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2022 achievements:
>didn't kill myself
>didn't kill anyone else
>got another degree
2023 goals:
>move somewhere quiet and nice, with nature around
>go minimal/no contact with my parents
>learn a new language
>start drawing again, this time learning it right
>design/make my own fashion collection
>lose 20 to 35 kg
>change my hair style and colour
>quit drinking
>find friends
>maybe go back to university (without money, in my 30s, kek)
No. 1447232
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>sick all year
>played some vidya and read some books
>fought with my family and made up
Boring and quite a dull to be honest, couldn't do much with my illness but spend time with family which had it's ups and downs which is fine I want things to be normal.
>Go abroad with family, treat family.
>Redo my parents kitchen, don't take no for an answer
>organize my things for family and sell some for money
>Talk to family so they don't feel guilt and become too sad
>look into assisted dying in neighbourhood countries
>if it is too expensive hoard my pain meds
>send family to enjoy the night out in a restaurant and a film
>Send a timed email to the police to find me
INB4 I worked in hospitals and nursing homes, I've already seen people needlessly suffer and die without dignity. I will not let my family care for me when I'm too far gone. You do not know a single thing of how much I struggled and suffered through this. I wrote this down here as to remind myself and not you.
No. 1452750
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I want to grow my hair, I want it to be really long, or get a wig, I just want to be able to do Sailor Moon's hairstyle at least once and for it to look neat, with the ridiculously long hair.
I want to start going to a gym and continue my diet and workout routine like during this year, it has been great for my body, I still don't look the way I want to look, but I feel healthier, my stomach feels better too.
I also want to meet with my friends more often and earn some money.
I want to earn enough money for me to commission husbando stuff like stuffed toys, badges and such.
No. 1452850
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>>1452769Good luck for your surgeries and speedy recovery, nonna!
No. 1456284
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>moved to a new city
>got a new job
>eat less processed food and more fresh vegetables and fruit
>get more consistent + serious about strength training
I have chronic illness and am always in pain but I know that strengthening my joints is one way I can help improve things. fatigue keeps holding me back but I really want to push through and feel better. I'm too young to feel so old and weak.
>learn crochet
>save at least £3k
>enjoy nature more
(making a list of all the outdoor spots to visit in my new place of residence)
No. 1456310
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I just want to make some money as an artist and not fall apart any more.
No. 1456339
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>2023 goals
1. Build a successful business
2. Improve my health, beauty, and wellness
3. Successfully ask out the woman I've been interested in for months now, or if that doesn't work out, move on gracefully and find another hot and stable gf (I wanna be like picrel next year)
4. Be the best version of myself so that I can handle financial and personal success without spiraling and self destructing
Wish me luck nonas! I hope we as a site can survive these turbulent times. Love you guys
No. 1456732
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>find more diverse and healthier recipes (nonas in the "things you ate" thread showed me I really gotta up my game)
>lose 10 lbs
>start learning another language
>go to more events or out with friends more
No. 1457203
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>>1456339That picture is the picture I look at from time to time to get the strength to continue on to get a girlfriend. I'm more like the blonde girl so I really want another woman I can help support and build a strong life together. I'm glad another woman looks at this photo and wants similarly.
2023 goals
> practice guitar> finally get drivers license> secure stable job in my fields and establish my freelance business> journal everyday>draw everyday> follow low carb and low sugar lifestyle changes> drop 25 more pounds and lower body fat> go to gym 3 to 4 times a week> give more free tarot readings> make strong connections and friendships> travel to Europe for my friend that passed away No. 1457249
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2023 goals:
>count calories, lose weight at a pound a week
>stop picking finger skin
>don't buy any more books, read what you're got
>don't buy any more cards
>help mom with chores more
And I really need to work on my porn addiction, but I don't have plan for that yet
No. 1457264
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>sold all of my stuff
>moved to a new country by shipping everything there via mail
>got my work visa
>received a puppy for Christmas/birthday
>got married
>worked out more but fell off the wagon a bit
>met new people
>made a big purchase
>finish college
>lose weight
>eat out less and cook more
>draw more
>sew more
>see my mom when my residency paperwork is complete
>get a job
No. 1457270
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>start youtube channel to talk about autistic crap
>get people who like autistic crap to watch my channel
>perhaps start talking to other youtubers who like to talk about autistic crap
>dont get cancelled for being transphobic
>stop eating my boogers
No. 1457501
>>1457280Based, these are more or less my new years resolutions, too. We can do this
No. 1457938
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Idk if i have posted on this thread already, but i want to be able to find my post next year.
>give myself a makeover
>cut down on consooming and declutter
>go go a walking trail at least once a week.
>have to days of no internet unless it's essential.
>pass all my classes
>be stricter with my spending.
No. 1457988
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My resolution is too have resolutions. I feel too embarrassed to even make any bc I don't have enough hope to try and better myself? Any advice, nonas?
No. 1458038
>>1457899Thanks nonna
>>1457994Dropped out because I was severely bullied. When I tried to go back (around my early 20s) I just didn't succeed, I was very depressed and gave up easily. That was a long time ago, I'm 31 now.
No. 1458186
>>1458038I’m proud of you
nonnie. You’ve gone through a lot and you keep going. Hope you have plenty of adventures in 2023. I’m starting uni a year later because I need treatment for schizoaffective disorder/psychosis. I’m happy I kept going even when I got set back.
No. 1458218
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I checked my HLTB account just now and after updating a few things and making a new tab for video games I have (either gifts or bought on sales or second hand for very cheap) but don't feel like playing yet I just noticed that I don't have a lot of games left in my backlog anymore. So a resolution of mine for next year will be to try and beat all the games in my backlog in 2023 (not including NG+ runs). It's going to be hard but doable because some of them are long JRPGs. I'm not including visual novels and short games on PC though. I don't know why but this is making me happy. Maybe I'll treat myself at the very beginning of the year though with a few coupons or vouchers I have for a specific store to buy very specific games I've wanted for a while but I won't make excessive purchases, and there are games I was looking forward to that seemed disappointing at launch so I won't make my backlog bigger than it already is.
No. 1458908
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>found a job that put me out of my depression
>was a member of society
>started reading again
>grew alot mentally and truly learned my worth
>went to Paris several times to meet my friends and go out
>stopped streaming and dropped the MMO I was on cause I was getting bored
>broke up with my ex
>recently picked up FFXIV again cause I never started Endwalker and I'm having a pure blast
>find another job and move to Paris
>walk alot
>travel if I can
>hopefully not fall back into depression
>keep reading
>keep learning about myself
No. 1458974
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My resolution for 2023 is to make the year as comfy as possible. There are a lot of things I had to deal with in 2022 that will continue into 2023 and there isn't much I can do about it. But what I can do is take care of myself the best that I can so that I can deal with all of that uncontrollable stuff a lot easier than if I was always beating myself up, comparing myself to other people, and not giving myself a break. I'm going to make nice meals for myself and keep my place clean, make time for my hobbies, and maybe sign up for a class at the gym. But most importantly I'm not going to beat myself up over what I haven't been able to accomplish because I know that I'm doing my best and working hard and being hard on myself only makes things worse. So happy to leave 2022 behind!
No. 1459343
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>repair my relationship with my family
>repair my relationship with my best friend
>quit watching porn (I have been off of it for a while but I want to quit for good)
>cut out fast food
>cut internet usage almost entirely
>stop browsing lolcow, especially when I'm feeling depressed
>start lifting again
>read more
>draw more
>make videos
>put myself out there more
>move out of hometown
>be more vulnerable with people I trust
>actually attempt to manage stress/anger in healthy ways
>stop making decisions based in insecurity and loneliness
>just chill the fuck out and be happy for once
I will try to actually make 2023 a good one
No. 1459365
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>lose weight
>actually study
>make my appartement actually livable and cozy
>be nicer
>lose weight
>buy new clothes
>not buy useless shit
No. 1459382
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>try to get bosses to let me attend game cons with them
>make more connections in the industry
>keep getting better at concept art
>do more outdoorsy shit
No. 1459503
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all i've really done is advance through university. even then, i'm stuck finishing up a project for a class (incomplete grade). hoping i can hit a stride period soon and get it wrapped up…i won't even consider the alternatives/speak or write them into existence. really want to have my degree before my 24th birthday. yeah it's not a race but kek i need to be out of here.
actually, i guess i did hit my reading goal this year? might've matured a bit, or rather…better learned what i actually want to do with my life. but jeez i really stagnated this year.
>2023 resolutions
>read more
>start exercising, or at least pay more attention to my health
>draw more. pick up art again
>get an actual big girl job
>move out
>make an actual friend or two…i can't romanticize loneliness anymore
>stop wasting so much of my free time
>maybe find the source of this mysterious 24/7 chest pain i've had since like 2018 kek
No. 1459522
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>Eat healthier
>Lose 30-40 pounds/exercise every day
>Learn how to dance
>Go places by myself and just sister
>Learn to drive car and ride bike for more than 30 seconds
>Figure out how buses/trains work
>Get sugar from fruit instead of candy
>Sell old clothes and misc. decoration clutter
>Paint and deco bedroom myself
>Sew full outfit for myself
>Delete reddit and twitter
>Don't bite nails
>Fix up garden, plant herbs and vegs
>Plant native plants in front lawn
>Join women's orgs
>Aquire 2X gf
No. 1459539
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in 2023, i want to
>read 1 book a month
>design clothes
>buy a keyboard
>make felt bunnies
i learned how to sew recently and want to make some patches to put on clothes
No. 1459764
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No. 1459775
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Last year, I resolved to live healthier and lose more weight. While I did eat less and manage to lose like 40 pounds, I still haven't really gotten into exercising really so I'd like to do that as well as continue to lose weight. I also need to eat more healthy foods instead of just eating one unhealthy meal a day lol. I think I will make it a goal to eat one salad a week and go from there. Also maybe I can exercise more by playing stepmaniax. Also I need to make more friends and get myself a girlfriend, but all the lgbt stuff on campus is obviously filled with tras. Maybe I'll just try and join a weekly club and be more active on HER.
No. 1460596
>>1460595I feel that
nonnie. I don't have to work nearly as many hours (just a regular work week) but my commute is kinda long and I don't always have time to eat or meal prep. I've recently started using a pressure cooker to make bulk meals like soup or curries and it's been helping. Also just accepting that sometimes the best you can do is bring multiple kind of bland sandwiches and fruit to work and that it's still better than not eating at all. Good luck, and I hope you can take more time to yourself this year!
No. 1460704
>>1460698Does manifestation work?
I guess I'll try it
I will have a juicy booty and a baddie bod, I will have more confidence and become successful. I will have it all when it comes to love and lose nothing, just all the reward. I will have that new PC set up, laptop and tablet. All that I desire will be mine. I will get a puppy and teach my cat how to shake paws
No. 1460721
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>getting over my mom. i don't cry as much because of her anymore. i think i've found peace
>getting help for my long time lower back pain
>regular exercises
>discovering new sport that i actually enjoy and spending more time with my friends
>traveled to many places alone
>move out from this place
>be less lonely? i'm not sure how, i think i need to be able to be vulnerable with people? i'm not sure where to begin i'm very avoidant. but i desperately need to have a deeper connection with anyone i genuinely don't know how.
>stop porn completely
>progressing at my job
>stop ghosting people out of nowhere
No. 1460756
I had a really eventful 2022 and I'm worried that 2023 will be a let down in comparison. I've had a bad couple of years and I'm not used to any form of success.
>got my rabbit a rabbit friend
>booked a once off surf lesson for valentines day, ended up loving it and now I surf weekly
>took up swimming. Started off hardly being able to swim 50m, now I can swim a full 1km. Learned proper freestyle, rudimentary butterfly
>finished my Masters degree, graduating in a few months
>wrote my first literature review, should be published soon
>presented at my first conference
>received a PhD offer from another supervisor after my conference presentation
>got separate full PhD funding for my own project
>interviewed for a position at an exciting startup company, looks really promising and I'll have final feedback soon
>planned my wedding
>got married
2023 manifestations
>long distance, open water swimming
>improve my surfing
>smash my final interview, get an offer that's significantly better than the PhD salary
>start a family
>company will somehow be super chilled with it and have a great maternity leave policy (lol)
>be more social and make some close friends
>stop ghosting friends and family
>be more adventurous, see more places, learn new things, watch more movies and read more books instead of scrolling lolcow/IG/twitter
No. 1460784
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>ask for 15k raise
>work on personal projects for my artstation
>learn substance cus I'm "old" and it didn't exist when I was in school
>start painting again
>hit fitness goals
>get a cat maybe if we move to a bigger apartment
>save for Europe trip
>was able to stay with my company and secure a long ass contract
>fitness is going great
>actually work through my trauma and body dysmorphia to the point of where I very rarely have breakdowns
>heal the relationship I built with my partner that was going south really fast but ultimately made changes for myself that in return helped us together and now we're closer than ever
>got a dog, he's ok I still prefer cats lol
>main thing I achieved was internal happiness and I don't hate myself like I used to
No. 1461227
>>1461188Wouldn't recommend trying to lose that much weight, would probably make yourself very ill and it would definitely be insanely difficult. 25lbs is more realistic.
But if you know you're aiming for the stars so you can hit the moon, go for it.
No. 1461305
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>get strong
>learn how to drive
>reconnect with my childhood best friend even though I couldn't even look her in the eye a month ago when she ran up to me at the store and said she missed me so much, begging me to talk to her again
>start reconditioning/repairing stuff for my resale hustle
>not let my soul die even more
No. 1461340
I had a really good 2022, but over the excitement of Christmas and New Year I forgot to take my meds and had a bit of a lapse into depressive habits. But it was good to know that it was a dip because of choices I made and could control, and not world events putting my life on standstill in a way I can't fix. A small wobble is a lot easier to set right when I know exactly what I did to cause it, ig.
2023 goals
>Start therapy and engage with it properly, even if I'm skeptical of the methods.>Make a zine. Not to publish, but just to take a project to completion and have something to show for it.>Do more traditional art in general.>Learn to drive.>Join a class / hobby group alone and not need friends to escort me everywhere for moral support when meeting new people.>>1460756Damn, congrats on having such a good year! You sound like everything I aspire to be lol, I hope you make all your goals a reality anon.
No. 1461601
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my plans for this year:
>don't have a psychotic break
>don't have a psychotic break
>don't have a psychotic break
>don't have a psychotic break
>don't have a psychotic break
No. 1461609
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>>1460952I started focusing more on my traumas and actually dissecting them. I used to emotional dump my problems to my partners or friends but I realized I was just talking about it, not analyzing it. I found root causes to other things and made peace with what I could. I became more selfish because I never am and that helped me get passed a lot of the doormat/woeisme part. I had a therapist for only a month because it was fucking expensive, but I realized the therapist was good for me to just talk about whatever I needed to because I tend to bottle up. After therapy I did research on cognitive behavioral therapy and that helped me kick myself in the ass. The biggest take from the cbt was a thought you process that says "the terrible thing you just told yourself, would you say that to a friend?" And that helped me focus.
Of course everyone is different nonna and I'm still working on myself but I believe in you! I often used to think about suicide and I would drink myself to sleep in prior years but this year was crazy because I feel I made a lot of change in a short amount of time.
No. 1461900
>>1461609>I started focusing more on my traumas and actually dissecting them. But
nonny, I like pretending I can forget about them because that is how I put them in the past and move on (j/k it's not working)
Thank you for your answer, seriously. It was helpful.
No. 1527951
>>1527866I'm glad you asked nona! It's forced me to reflect.
It's not been going well. I thought I had a bright 2023 because I broke up with my disappointing but inoffensive moid, and had this mindset of not settling for less from now one. I'm glad I did it, but I pushed myself too much in January. I started doing yoga daily and cooked healthy 3x a week, all new habits that I thought keeping busy and seeing the results would make me content. I think it was the January weather combined with leaving the main person I was attached to that just made me feel sort of underwhelmed by everything I was trying to do. I'd go on scenic days out, but it got dark early and it was cold. If I stayed inside I was bored, I was sick of netflix. I developed this mindset of just waiting it out till spring because what I was feeling was just temporary.
Then February came and I was hit with 2 viruses 2 weeks apart, some kind of flu then bronchitis. I did nothing. I ate the easy junk food and of course stopped doing yoga. I just rotted in my bed ruminating on the fact that if I didn't leave my moid he'd be doing grocery runs and anything to make me more comfortable. I hated seeing myself get unfit and consumed media between fitful sleeping. It's only been around a week now that I can do yoga again but I'm more unfit from the baseline I started from so it's really been a struggle.
I'm not giving up and will scale up my efforts slower this time compared to January. I won't have the results as fast as I'd like, but I will get there! But if I get sick again soon I think…yeah I'm giving up.
What about you?
No. 1528363
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>>1429386updating, march 19th
>finished all loomis books>became twitch affiliate and got 10 ccvdoing pretty good so far. Tho i got softer and more rotund.
No. 1556781
>>1460784>ask for 15k raise Got 7.5 because I figured as much but proud of myself
>work on personal projects for my artstation I've started to with work calming down
>learn substance cus I'm "old" and it didn't exist when I was in schoolI'm happy to say I've learned the basics and I feel comfortable using it
>start painting againNot yet lol, started doodling again though
>hit fitness goalsSlowly getting somewhere, only 3 months into the year so it'll take time
>get a cat maybe if we move to a bigger apartmentStill want kitten, after trip maybe
>save for Europe tripPaid for all my tickets so I just need savings for the actual trip!
I also mentioned my dysmorphia for 2022 and I've worked on that. I don't restrict myself on what I can and can't eat. I just eat those in moderation and upped my protein. I'm in much better shape than I was before.
No. 1559054
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>save $25000
>run a marathon
>not reactivate my facebook or instagram
>finish the book I'm reading
No. 1559078
>>1559069Ahhh thanks
nonnie that makes sense. The other nonna should have specified though, cause a lot of people in weight loss groups want to be slightly underweight and I think it’s a harmful thing to perpetuate