File: 1685085164055.gif (34.43 KB, 500x397, 1673364211296.gif)

No. 1587789
File: 1685086012667.jpg (85.06 KB, 564x826, 90faf7cf5b541510c1603e5f7cd9af…)

No. 1587791
File: 1685086122548.png (69.13 KB, 498x500, 1676085340437.png)

I just came to lolcow to say that I'm sorry nonnies… I've been betraying you. I haven't been on lolcow for more than 5 minutes in several months. I've found an altchan that's more engaging to me than lolcow, and while I've had seriously tons of fun these past few months on the other imageboard I feel so guilty. I feel like I'm cheating on my nonnies and I miss you all so much. I'll never forget all the amazing memories I've had with you guys both here and in the bunkers. You've unironically shaped me and changed me into a better person and I'll be forever grateful for that and I'll treasure all the memories I've made with my nonas, even the ones made in hectic days. I love all of you so much, even if I haven't talked to any of you in a while.
Lolcow will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart as the one site I can go to stop pretending to be someone else and actually be myself.
No. 1587803
>>1587791no worries nona, you do you, lately the board has been slower and i feel like the infighting is even more than the usual
>>1587797i guess yes, i understand, even if this place is somewhat hateful even other boards not only /pt/ and /snow/, i've seen a lot of nice nonnies here so i get what the OP nona was saying, but i don't think she has to feel bad for not being here that much and i think you are a little bit salty i don't know why
i came here to say wow about all the milk in last or maybe last few shayna threads, i'm not very frequent in her threads, but when the milk is dry in my go to cow threads, some times i read her threads, but they are mostly repetitive so i don't do it that often but wow the milk was flowing
No. 1587822
File: 1685088089575.png (255.17 KB, 1080x915, 1683708888155.png)

stop fighting
No. 1587826
>>1587819They aren't even being that mean. And I agree with them personally. There's a
cringe graduation thread for that if other anon must bid farewell. How can you be surprised at this reaction kek this is LC and you should be happy that nonnies are giving altchan nonna a proper send off
No. 1587837
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>>1587833I'm gonna start avatarfagging with minions
No. 1587846
File: 1685089613091.webm (4.3 MB, 320x568, ssstwitter.com_1685089216193.w…)

I thought this was a parody by some conservative group, but no, it's actually real. I really don't get these marketing teams, they just don't seem to understand that not only gay men and faghags on Twitter like drag queens or find them entertaining, Most regular people think their weird and off-putting and especially those who are actually into nature and shit.(not the one's who just like Sapphic art on twitter but actually go hiking or camping)
No. 1587850
>>1587830I'll take my Q's from you pros!!
What are we chatting about?
No. 1587855
>>1587854Ya well I'm fuckin trying here but everyone keeps bitchin me out…
Rub one out for fuck sakes and put a smile on your faces… is there anyone happy here who doesn't hate themselves so much they have to pick on a sweet lil girl? I'd integrate if given the chance…
No. 1587860
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they hated nonnie because she told the truth
No. 1587894
File: 1685093028111.jpg (48.19 KB, 564x752, e8e43e44a4dd41ff838900cd968a93…)

Take a look at these Edo period hammerheads
No. 1587953
>>1587791LOVE YOU
No. 1587961
File: 1685100122069.png (15.8 KB, 884x422, allchans.PNG)

>>1587791guessing game, where is
nonny now?
No. 1588116
File: 1685115534124.jpg (127.43 KB, 1169x985, Vaush without beard.jpg)

beards truly are makeup for men.
No. 1588121
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I love being a weeb
No. 1588188
File: 1685120608611.png (207.45 KB, 809x630, pampampam.png)

I'm rewatching The Office. This scene. Couldn't Pam just cut off the part of a veil that got torn and then just fold it or something? Idk it looks like something that could be easily repaired.
No. 1588203
>>1587809>>1587815>>1587821>>1587823it's like you guys have never seen the graduation thread before
>>1587833i don't see any ITT. or is the calico critter thing? don't most nonnas like that (not OP btw)
No. 1588235
So I'm returning home after 5 days of being in Cancun with my family, i guess I'll post some dumb shit to recount my trip, while I wait for my flight
First of all, yes it was hot as hell, even got sunburned and it hurts, it's not unbearable but it's quite annoying.
I think these 5 days have been the most i have used this one swimsuit i bought like 3 years ago, I'm sure i got a bit bigger during COVID lockdown but I think it fit even better than it did when I first got it.
I definitely pigged out while eating, like there's no way I'm not taking advantage of the included buffet on all restaurants.
Ok so i don't get out much, drinking isn't something i enjoy so don't get surprised when I tell you that just 2 days ago, i found out what a mudslide drink is, i think it's my new favorite drink, my parents and my brother encouraged to drink some more of that.
Went to the beach 4 days In a row, had fun, I have come to the realization that i don't like how my skin looks when it gets sand all over It, idk i guess it makes it look a lot darker than it should considering that Cancun's sand is like really white.
Lastly a funny story that happened yesterday, so the resort had a "foam party" at a pool and while at it this "kid" was just following me around the pool, didn't thought much of anything, he seemed really so small that only his head would poke out of the water, i guess it was a bit adorable, at some point i saw him grabbing some balloons and clipping them together, it was so cute, at the end of the party me and my family were getting ready to go to the nearby beach and then I saw that the "kid" was actually like 6'1 and i don't know how to feel about that.
Anyway, it was a nice trip.
No. 1588240
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I have been trying to find out what it looks like when these women remove their neck rings, and this is the only picture I managed to find. Help?
No. 1588253
File: 1685125102381.jpg (33.15 KB, 371x500, DcbkwLMWkAAb-iH.jpg)

I used to work for an online sex store and something I read just now brought back memories. The amount of product reviews we'd get submitted by men who would either write the review like its a form of erotica to them to tell people exactly what they did with it in great detail..
Or if they kept it to the point they'd review butt plugs and talk about how hard it is to 'get the smell out' of the toys material. Toy materials that aren't known for really holding onto smells. Meaning it full on had to be just covered in shit at some point.
No. 1588257
File: 1685125270924.jpg (68.5 KB, 681x1024, 107828104_835843150281504_7961…)

>>1588240try "kayan without brass coils", you might find some more pictures (I did). Also interesting stuff like this No. 1588278
File: 1685126160283.png (176.38 KB, 440x310, fetchimage.png)

I want to pick at my skin so bad
No. 1588301
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>>1588210Imo Schrute and Angelas arc was the most entertaining one. I also liked Karen a lot, surprised people hated her.
No. 1588312
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Five months ago, I deleted my entire icloud account containing messages from 2016 to 2022 there are no more painful texts and memories I ruminate on
I am free
No. 1588348
>>1588188Nonas I’ve been rewatching The Office too this week!
>>1588308>>1588301and THANK YOU IVE SAID THIS FOR YEARS. Dwight and Angela are the funniest and most entertaining love story of the show and they actually have character development. Jim and Pam are so boring and I never gave a fuck about their whole “will-they won’t-they” saga and I felt crazy because all of my friends loved it.
No. 1588354
>>1588237i saw that and rolled my eyes so hard. i watch many of her videos but cannot fucking stand her as a person. and she is so ugly. and yes i hate how she speaks a lot too. she's dumb honestly.
i think it was a strange deaths iceberg vid, an earlier one, where she said "i didn't even know franz ferdinand was a person, i just thought it was a band" like srsly?
No. 1588372
>>1588361yes that hair had an
abusive childhood
No. 1588400
>>1588237Not verbatim but 'bunch of 12 year old sad trolls with no lives of their own' and then she went on to say something that anons had speculated on was right on the mark. Its almost like there's a pattern to cows and their shit and its not all just 'eww so ugly' comments like she made out.
Youtubers will use the cow threads to get their info for vids, would be lost without lc/kf keeping these several year long records of events for them to then quote but they'll condemn it all in the same breath as if they feel dirty for even browsing here. Like get a grip, especially given her channel covers dark topics.
No. 1588413
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Absolutely based
No. 1588428
File: 1685134670984.png (24.5 KB, 283x390, Cash money.png)

All this espresso
Yet I am so depresso
No. 1588441
File: 1685136253352.jpg (109.08 KB, 1170x1116, 1684695689282783.jpg)

Who do you think is more deformed/crooked: This man or Jerma?
*This is not about attractiveness, but "deformity". Which face is more abnormal?
No. 1588446
File: 1685136947736.gif (6.56 MB, 368x368, 1658957878441.gif)

just bleached my roots, damn it feels so nice. it's like it scorched every microbe on my scalp. it feels brand new and extremely clean. I also love the sensation of freshly bleached hair because it takes longer to feel dirty. anyone else actually like bleaching their hair?
No. 1588514
>>1588441I hate this yassified moid look
>>1588442He’s ok from the front but his side profile is like a crescent moon
No. 1588742
>>1588724Ayrt and I think I'm at this point. I only ever say lol out loud to refer to lolcow and I do cringe every time, because of the el oh el, and because of speaking of lolcow out loud.
Nonnies, are you always kind on lolcow, always mean, or do you switch it up? I go back and forth.
No. 1588860
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Switched to discord light mode and I don’t feel like an incel anymore. I use discord to talk to like 3 people and am in radfem servers but the dark mode makes me feel so grimy lol. Light mode is kinda clean
No. 1588949
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>>1588942Ayrt I thought it was ugly but I personally got used to it kek picrel is me with dark mode
No. 1589024
File: 1685167357968.gif (2.02 MB, 498x244, k-on-azusa-nakano.gif)

who wants to play the guitar with me?
No. 1589043
File: 1685170788600.jpg (184.52 KB, 680x1148, a.jpg)

I have to be so fucking careful vetting cute indie games for any gender shit in case I stream them and end up having to pretend I respect trannies and pronouns
No. 1589059
File: 1685173076415.jpg (278.92 KB, 1108x1226, pure unbrindled autism.jpg)

This is the most autistic thing I have done but I watched a video from Beyond Ghibli and his art style seemed very similar to an old 4chan drawfag from 2014, so I made a comparison pic. I wish I had saved more of his drawings so I could better compare. Is it a common male drawing style and am I just imagining? It doesn't even matter if it's the same guy or not but my autistic brain needs to know
No. 1589090
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I cant sleep
No. 1589096
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>>1589090Sleeping pills? or maybe tire yourself out, you know what I mean
No. 1589097
File: 1685179010934.gif (637.73 KB, 500x281, violin.gif)

>>1589096I was thinking maybe practising some pieces but they'll throw me out so some tea and tiring myself out as you said is in order.
No. 1589118
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>tfw no lul so random eternally genki bf
No. 1589263
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I'm telling you nonnas this shit smells just like a Strawberry Shortcake DVD.
No. 1589370
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Reported an account on twitter that had links to cp sharing group chats, was in the process of giving the account link to the fbi but when I went back to the account it was suspended. This all happened in under like 5 minutes. Crazy
No. 1589408
File: 1685215280413.jpg (218.94 KB, 1920x1080, Shun_Akiyama.jpg)

is it just me or do Shun Akiyama and MGS5 Ocelot look like racebent versions of each other? does anyone else see it?
No. 1589409
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>>1589408damn that "flood detected post discarded" bullshit reeeee
No. 1589436
File: 1685217458566.png (774.23 KB, 506x760, 1681095484167335.png)

I am an evil witchy spinster that lives with her cats, fear me nonnies!
No. 1589445
File: 1685218229490.jpg (1.06 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20230527153022.jpg)

every fuckin time I walk into a mineral store I sit there for like 2 fuckin hours. I love that ammoniteeeee
No. 1589463
>>1589352so true, it's funny seeing my dads contacts basically being "man-the thing he does" kek it's like they go by categories
>>1589370Damn i thought it was an italian bear at first, retardation on my part, sorry
No. 1589474
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Little Debbie marshmallow pies are so much better than the OG, how the fuck did Moon Pies let them bet them at their own game.
No. 1589505
>>1589504Samefag inb4
>Weh woman do it tooYes I know faggot but who does it more and regularly and is inferior? Oh ya
No. 1589767
File: 1685239617371.jpg (63.52 KB, 750x474, me and me.jpg)

i am responsible for probably half the infights this week because i'm bored and don't enjoy anything else anymore. everything in this world is so dull but infights are always fun. basically lc is crack and nonnas are my dealer. i'm snorting every reply i get. 6 years and still going.
No. 1589823
>>1589813Vidrel, I've posted about them before. Skip to like 1:43:00. She even says earlier in the vid that she was only there to scam her fans.
Correction, it was actually only $600+ but being a follower of these two, I can almost garuentee that this was a skit of hers to get some sympathy cash.
No. 1589826
File: 1685243295995.jpg (45.83 KB, 626x417, dramatic-clouds-beautiful-rura…)

Does anynonny want to look up at the sky with me right now and pretend we're watching the clouds together
No. 1589833
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>>1589826Looking at the sky right now, it's nighttime and the crickets are chirping, hope your having a good day nona
No. 1589848
File: 1685246386567.jpg (Spoiler Image,47 KB, 500x502, 1672321617190.jpg)

Occasionally I'll remember Cybersmith exists and start dying laughing and then cry because he left Tumblr
No. 1589877
File: 1685252123389.gif (118.55 KB, 256x192, a.gif)

I'm stoned and I have piza
No. 1589886
>>1587906Hey nonna, I’m in the same boat. I heard the saline treatments are relatively cheap for the small “spider veins” since they tend to close up fast in the process. What I can strongly recommend you (you likely have had standing/active jobs right?) is compression socks. They help with prevention but you need a good fit and take my word, get the ones that go over the knee since those tend to be comfiest (below knee ones that fit too tight block off circulation for me personally)
I’m yet to find info on the bigger veins ones that kinda bulge out on the inner side of my knees
Also not to be a spoonine but I worked as a nurse most my early 20s and I have EDS so I tend to get them even more since my cells are very fragile, so if you bruise easily and have joint pain (or any mobility issues) you may want to look into it
No. 1589900
File: 1685255878221.jpeg (56.08 KB, 512x512, 1642948882943.jpeg)

Best way to wake up from a nap is having your cat lay next to you, belly up, and purring as he is lovingly gazing at you.
No. 1589957
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So horny gonna lose it wanna embarrass him
No. 1590005
File: 1685272133774.jpeg (141.88 KB, 1080x1440, FxD-xxAWAAIi89Y.jpeg)

Sometimes, I see random cats and just cry because I don't have a cat but I want a cat but I can't have a cat yet I can't stop wanting a cat.
No. 1590009
File: 1685273031612.jpeg (69.96 KB, 1101x562, E7F0E7A3-26C9-4206-8EDB-23C08B…)

Came across this woman who loves power tools and has an extremely short haircut with no pronouns in sight.
Absolutely based
The only cringe thing is being a military wife.
No. 1590069
Legit didn't know where to put this so here it is. I stayed in contact with a coworker because he seemed awkward and was an actual autist so I felt bad for him, but he's so insufferable I dropped him and it's the best thing I did in a while holy shit.
>Go to his place, we have fun doing nothing
>Becomes routine, it's chill
>He says he wants a gf
>Tell him to go places he likes and try to meet people, at this point I thought he was nice enough just a bit odd
>Week later, asked all his female colleagues out on dates, all said no
>Had one date, girl ghosted him and after weeks lied that she was a lesbian to shut him up
>He believes it, on one side I think 'poor thing' but tbh I laughed
>It's nothing, we keep hanging out like usual
>I got a boyfriend
>Go to his place
>Wow your hair is really thin anon
>Your makeup looks weird anon, most men would like you more if you didn't put it on
>'Why don't I have a girlfriend??! It's so easy for you, why can't I have someone?!'
This sounds not so bad but I'm still so annoyed that he started to be a little bitch to his only friend, it's not like I even really talked about my bf. We had fun before, I'm sad now. He just saw me as someone to screw.
No. 1590084
>>1590069I dont understand what he did wrong to you except say your hair and makeup looked bad.
I believe this is because I'm socially retarded but still I don't get it
No. 1590088
File: 1685285143093.jpeg (29.96 KB, 828x822, IMG_5721.jpeg)

Im so happy my dad and kid bro went to a yankees game together. Im even also excited for the shirt they are being back. How should i wear it for ultimate Dork Factor?
No. 1590092
>>1590069He's an unaware idiot.
Women date autists, women date introverts, women date awkward nerds.
Who they don't date are selfish guys who only care about themselves. Too bad you didn't neg back his appearance and insisted it was all in the name of 'helping' him get a gf.
You're too nice anon. They wouldn't do the same for us. You will NEVER see attractive men hang around rude, homely looking women from work to sit back and take jabs at their self-esteem. Don't do it for these losers.
No. 1590098
File: 1685285597659.jpg (133.46 KB, 800x600, question.jpg)

I saw the thumbnail and thought there were question marks over the cows head, was going to save it as a reaction pic, turns out it's a black and white cow behind her.
No. 1590165
>>1590151You're a librarian in the library, you can react to
everything with "SHHHHHHHHHH"
No. 1590226
File: 1685295219042.gif (693.26 KB, 500x303, giphy.gif)

I'm actually very excited for when I'll have a moment to sit down and watch the new The Little Mermaid movie. I'm hearing that it's Disney's best live action so far, I'll re-watch both the animated film and the new one. Ariel is my absolute favorite, she made me want to be a mermaid so badly. I know I would've died if I got to see something like this as a kid.
No. 1590368
File: 1685300755171.jpg (109.4 KB, 960x720, reeeeeeeeeee.jpg)

No. 1590447
File: 1685305916414.jpg (62.63 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20230528-172925_You…)

YouTube keeps suggesting me cake decoration videos, that I suspect are actually just props, but really ugly ones and I can't look away, as if I were watching a trainwreck.
No. 1590510
>>1590490Also when feminists say "
toxic masculinity bad" anti-feminists hear "men should be skinwalking women instead". Trannies shouldn't even have been included with LGB in the first place. At first they were mostly self-hating gays that wanted to LARP as straight people to distance themselves from the gay people they actually are but still expected the other gay people to be their shoulders to cry on when straight people didn't buy their LARP. Which gave into the rise of "gay" trans people because "if a gay man can become a 'straight woman' then why can't a straight man become a 'lesbian'?" It could have still stayed LGB if the HSTS weren't placated but instead told told "you will never be a straight woman/man you're just a self hating gay man/lesbian, either accept you're just one of us or leave already" from the start.
No. 1590580
File: 1685314553430.jpg (63.28 KB, 827x622, ES4egIHXsAUtxo7.jpg)

Any other straight women just get random sexual thoughts about other women pop into their head? Just me?
No. 1590601
>>1590463libfems seem to think that gendie woo will erase gender roles (sane people know gendie woo only reinforces them) and that "trans women are women" is feminism otherwise you're a
terf. a lot of twittertards think that way
No. 1590640
File: 1685319639488.jpg (58.09 KB, 896x672, 1657184459634.jpg)

I used to be unable to comfortably use this one ask-box service because in my timeline I would see a lot of oc x canon questions featuring one of my favorite characters which irritated me beyond belief, like actually put me off from using it. However, I downloaded this extension called ReplaceR and replaced the oc's name with another character I ship with the character the oc is being shipped with and holy shit it has made using the service ten times more fun and relaxing to use. Now I no longer see oc x canon and get a daily dosage of my favorite ship. Talk about a win win, I'm so happy! Now if I could only somehow get the same extension on mobile.
No. 1590784
>>1588033You don't know Wizardchan? It's an incel imageboard. But I think it's less sexually frustrated than most incel communities because they seem to have accepted that they'll never have sex. Idk I've never been there, but you can be banned for being female or disclosing that you're not a virgin male AFAIK.
Btw a "wizard" refers to men who are still virgins at 30/40 (forgot which one exactly). I think it comes from an anime where they said if a man reaches that age without having had sex he'll get wizard powers. That probably comes from some Japanese joke though and the anime just popularized the term outside Japan.
No. 1590794
>>1590790>>1590788Uh oh, I didn't realize some neurotic anons were going to get mad at a respectful two letter reply
>just never leave your room againI'm literally saying in the post that I'm going to go see the movie. Gun owners are so annoying trying to constantly have debates about this shit. I have my own reasons for not wanting a gun.
>>1590791This is true, but also shootings do happen at places where the chances of one happening were low.
No. 1590811
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I love this image
No. 1590832
File: 1685344114928.gif (5.26 MB, 800x468, giphy-1.gif)

Men are already seething about the Barbie movie. Makes me even more excited.
No. 1590886
File: 1685349389094.png (621.92 KB, 622x550, 1685325216397140.png)

No. 1590904
File: 1685350478474.jpg (68.93 KB, 520x814, supersimp.jpg)

>>1590884meanwhile, 100 years ago, when men were men
No. 1590933
File: 1685352912125.jpeg (83.38 KB, 680x677, FmIskAGWIAgZ5BJ (1).jpeg)

>>1590928I literally just woke up recently and my post there started a new discussion, it's not the same fight the entire time
No. 1590935
File: 1685353333889.png (4.63 KB, 220x111, 25954678.png)

Noticed GDQ was on and went to see the run, call me weak but hearing the donations being read made me click off that tab as quickly as possible, I forgot the cringe-worthy donos kek
No. 1591037
File: 1685366534792.jpeg (115.5 KB, 1125x1118, 1670188044024.jpeg)

Getting rejected sucks so fucking bad
No. 1591065
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>>1591037I just dropped my ice cream on the floor. This day just keeps getting worse
No. 1591070
File: 1685369359503.jpg (6.14 KB, 230x219, Untitled.jpg)

There's a troon in my virtual group therapy now and I have to try not to laugh over it. Shit hairline, radioactive red hair dye, a distinctly male voice, pink cat headphones and gamer chair, and troon flag in the background. Stupid fucking name, too. In a female-dominated group, he just stands out so much kek
No. 1591117
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No valid reason why you're not wearing these right now.
No. 1591124
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No. 1591198
>>1591193Do you have an astigmatism
nonnie? I've never heard of that happening before.
No. 1591268
>>1591250i dont understand, is this some sort of bot
who are these children why is it showing that its on youtube
No. 1591311
File: 1685386167605.png (24.16 KB, 250x245, ChandloBunger.png)

>>1591276I'm the op who brought up the non binary character. I'm 27 I can play cute games if I want. Go play Dark souls and sweat out your ass sweat.
(This is towards the nona mocking me)
No. 1591331
File: 1685387636943.png (4.41 KB, 1157x112, no1curr.png)

>>1591317this in the TiF thread. it wasn't off topic or gratuitous at all imo
No. 1591351
File: 1685389169008.png (4.35 KB, 1656x83, based.PNG)

I took this screenshot two years ago and it's still giving me energy on a weekly basis.
No. 1591420
File: 1685395013957.gif (7.38 MB, 540x450, 1c9b68b6c67cefe89e6dbb0a4d3392…)

No. 1591439
File: 1685396886781.jpg (97.45 KB, 1400x1400, IMG_6C0791D334EA_1.jpeg.jpg)

>>1590580Is really no one gonna reply to this to make me feel less weird…
No. 1591496
File: 1685400401006.png (103.12 KB, 945x967, ftn.png)

>>1591476He was typing for like 5 minutes and then replied with this
No. 1591524
File: 1685402261056.jpg (102.19 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile (1).jpg)

>>1591517At least it's not Clayton kekk
No. 1591544
File: 1685403753924.gif (307.91 KB, 498x498, thank-you.gif)

thank u admin for unbanning me! I know you are head over heels with the faggots and newbies so I appreciate you!
No. 1591548
File: 1685403972222.jpg (4.74 KB, 250x140, 8751287850283458s.jpg)

anyone watching fishtank live finale ik shut up
No. 1591559
okay. "stop being a pussy and be your retarded self on main, nonna."
what's the worst these ladies could do? judge you? talk about you? so what? if you're having fun, like, genuinely, it won't matter. the women that know you, if they're good people, shouldn't think any less of you for have a good time sperging out about your favorite things. plenty of other radblrs get up to all kinds of retardation with the things they like, why shouldn't you?
if you don't mind another unsolicited suggestion, you could always put your posts under a keep reading divider, to sort of ease yourself into it the idea, and tag it as 'delete later', in case you panic
No. 1591680
File: 1685415816165.jpg (211.71 KB, 1000x1482, cringe.jpg)

saw a billboard for this in my city today. i wonder if they're trying extra hard to promote it because people are already hearing it's rancid trash
No. 1591734
File: 1685420677808.jpg (38.9 KB, 775x1000, 51K7abmErwL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Does anynonny have one of these? Are they a pain in the ass?
No. 1591862
>>1591790>"Just get a PA". She just degraded her value in a relationship.>15k likes…
moids ability to vomit 500 words per minute while calling us emotional, self obsessed and annoying is astounding
No. 1592126
File: 1685463318917.jpg (36.39 KB, 600x600, heart eyes.jpg)

one of my friends is misandrist and gendercrit confirmed !!!!!!!! terf idk yet, but she empathized with my desire to murder men and understood porn as detrimental, and just sent me a reel of a "transphobic" meme about Chris Tyson.
No. 1592183
>>1592165You're in an
abusive relationship
No. 1592188
File: 1685467566201.gif (4.83 MB, 360x397, Tumblr_l_177918941360089.gif)

Drove a car on my own for the 1st time since getting my license, feela good nonnas. It was only a 5 minute drive to the store but I'm still happy about it kek
No. 1592283
I don't wan to shit up the Celebricows thread with this but the Lana stan thread is so cringe
>No tea or news, I just wanted to share the experience I had the first time I tripped on magic mushrooms and listened to Lana. I made a shrooms playlist for the trip and put it on shuffle. As I was coming up Shades of Cool came on and I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the song, but it was more than that. As soon as the opening notes began to play, I felt this powerful urge to give in to the music. It was like I was her. I could genuinely feel her pain and grief being poured into that song. I could feel how much she loved the man she wrote it about. I cried harder than I ever have in my life, just feeling her pain and feeling this joy and power of being immersed in the beauty of the song and emotion she created. Just sitting there openly sobbing with tears and snot pouring out, unable and not caring to push it down. I felt deep in my soul that Lana was literally a God to be able to create something like that, like she was gifted with a really special power. Obviously in my sober life I don't think she's literally a supernatural goddess, but I will never forget hearing that. To anyone reading, if you're a stan who hasn't paired Lana with psychedelics, WHAT ARE YOU DOING. If you can safely try them and listen to her, please do. It will change your perspective on her music forever. Sorry if nobody cares but it's an experience other people should have. 10/10 she is a god
No. 1592291
File: 1685471798511.jpg (75 KB, 735x524, 8e6fa38f049682626f9959f713ba0d…)

I bought a pair of roller skates yesterday and I just want them to get to my home already I am so excited to put them on and test them aaaarghh I hope they get home by Friday so I can go to a roller rink during the weekend
No. 1592456
File: 1685479635239.jpg (138.78 KB, 828x775, d612d36005d6231d04f72c20fa2596…)

>>1592291that's so cool anon! I really miss roller skating and have considered getting into it again. Hope you will have fun!
No. 1592488
File: 1685481388230.jpg (99.9 KB, 550x819, Marvels of Things Created and …)

this could be us
No. 1592527
>>1592488That is us,
No. 1592528
>>1592488That is us,
No. 1592682
>>1592624Good point, it's not that expensive though and I do have savings.
>>1592650I think that's the best thing to do, thanks nonna. It's a pavlovo posad rip-off in light cotton so I can wear it during summer, super pretty.
No. 1592710
File: 1685496947323.jpg (58.94 KB, 1000x1000, 61CKmhMuvCL.jpg)

I love these
No. 1592775
File: 1685501785274.jpeg (11.83 KB, 314x314, F3C06AA4-18BD-4D95-8292-059082…)

I just now realized that my calves are fucking muscular as shit because I always go up the stairs on my top toes / front ball of my foot. Like I’ve done this since I was 13. No wonder I have ginormous calves wtf
No. 1592879
File: 1685516796136.jpeg (1.54 KB, 89x89, 15168415.jpeg)

A few weeks ago I got blackout drunk and forgot part of the night. The next day I discovered that during the part I'd blacked out, I got on my computer, signed into twitter, apparently searched out multiple innocent video clips of guinea pigs, and commented "murder." on every one of them. I do not hate guinea pigs. I have never met a guinea pig in real life. I have no idea why I did what I did.
No. 1592883
File: 1685518233036.jpg (778.71 KB, 2007x2377, 7mfjqqjclxta1.jpg)

Now hear me out…
No. 1592900
File: 1685520534389.png (4.49 KB, 490x407, hit me up jan we can make it w…)

why does my chosen theme suddenly looks so sexy and dark? are the admins making at advance at me? are you flirting jannet? you know I've got a soft spot for you, this is just playing dirty now~
No. 1592955
File: 1685531584984.jpg (14.96 KB, 300x245, mr. 305.JPG)

I just had an epiphany. Ok, so for my whole life I would hear the line “me not working hard, yeah right picture that with a kodak, or better yet go to times square, take a picture of me with a kodak,” and assume that in said scenario we’d be taking a picture of pitbull like in a personal way. Like the way you take a picture of a friend that asks you for one and is posing in front of something cool. But now I’m listening to the song again and it was like a switch in my head and I quickly realized the line meant that we were seeing pitbull in a famous and popular setting in no familiar terms. I get now that it’s more like the “you see someone famous in the wild and have to document that” kind of scenario. I feel so retarded for really thinking this whole time that it’s like I’m having a stroll through times square with pitbull and he’s just like “hey nonna, take a pic of me in front of this cool sign.” I actually thought that’s what he meant.
No. 1592978
>>1592969I love kanga bangas so much. could do with a fat kanga steak rn actually.
sweet dreams nonington
No. 1592986
File: 1685537866908.jpg (128.65 KB, 720x720, Fk5rx61,jpeg.jpg)

I honestly can't tell if this is a parody or not
No. 1593010
>>1592986Pretty sure this isn't a parody, genderspecials are just incredibly infantile.
They need to get off my lawn and grow up.
No. 1593032
>>1593020i now really want to try it, i tried deer, moose, shark and don't kill me for that one
guinea pig meat before even though i was unsure of it first like now lol. need to research if its only avaliable in australia though…
No. 1593035
>>1593032oh my god I watched a video of a traditional preparation method for
guinea pig and it was the most horrifying looking shit halfway through the process (
why slice open the mouth like that aaaaa) but looked so tasty at the end
No. 1593051
>>1593035its actually insane and so disturbing. i also believe its the reason why that meat is banned in a few countries, but in peru \ other south or latin american countries have whole farms dedicated to growing
guinea pigs for meat… it is as tasty as it looks though. the meat is delicate and so flavorful. i recommend trying it for the experience lol.
No. 1593055
>>1593032>>1593035meat is meat
as an ex vegan lmao I wouldn't eat a cat/dog/person but ask someone that if they're starving to death.
I'm so regretful I didn't try more game while I was in north america. I think you can buy crocodile here (aus) and my old food safety teacher who would audit restaurants basically said if you live in this area the chances of having eaten cat/dog/ibis (mainly ibis instead of chicken, that one made me so sick and sad considering they are a beautiful native species who would have a habitat if it wasn't for us) whereas we're overrun by kangaroos so it's like lmao, eat them with Woolworths branding
how did shark taste? I imagine it is way more on the red-meat end like salmon. was it quite fatty? same with moose, can you compare them to anything?
No. 1593094
File: 1685544656066.jpg (11.98 KB, 272x264, download (26).jpg)

mfw clay is hideous
No. 1593115
>>1593102Clay is a type of fine-grained natural soil material containing clay minerals[1] (hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates, e.g. kaolinite, Al2Si2O5(OH)4).
Clays develop plasticity when wet but can be hardened through firing.[2][3][4] Most pure clay minerals are white or light-coloured, but natural clays show a variety of colours from impurities, such as a reddish or brownish colour from small amounts of iron oxide.[5][6]
Clay is the oldest known ceramic material. Prehistoric humans discovered the useful properties of clay and used it for making pottery. Some of the earliest pottery shards have been dated to around 14,000 BC,[7] and clay tablets were the first known writing medium.[8] Clay is used in many modern industrial processes, such as paper making, cement production, and chemical filtering. Between one-half and two-thirds of the world's population live or work in buildings made with clay, often baked into brick, as an essential part of its load-bearing structure.
Clay is a very common substance. Shale, formed largely from clay, is the most common sedimentary rock.[9] Although many naturally occurring deposits include both silts and clay, clays are distinguished from other fine-grained soils by differences in size and mineralogy. Silts, which are fine-grained soils that do not include clay minerals, tend to have larger particle sizes than clays. Mixtures of sand, silt and less than 40% clay are called loam. Soils high in swelling clays (expansive clay), which are clay minerals that readily expand in volume when they absorb water, are a major challenge in civil engineering.[1]
No. 1593131
>>1593055i agree, never say never + the right circumstances can lead to unusual choices… crocodile meat sounds interesting, have u ever tried it nonna? i need to learn more about aus cuisine, to me as an eurofag american food culture is hideous, british is just bland, canadian is all about maple syrup and tasty meat, and i knew nothing about australian one till this day lol. shark meat is a bit sweet and so chewy, but i liked it a lot. not ur typical fish taste, so i actually enjoyed it, despite me absolutely
hating regular fish bc of how it tastes… fishy lol idk how to explain my dislike. it wasn't fatty too! moose was so… smooth in texture? so soft and so pleasantly greasy, juicy u could say. shark = chicken, moose = a mix between beef and pork, i would say! i also tried
insects and enjoyed it quite a lot.
No. 1593132
File: 1685546997025.png (130.8 KB, 550x300, 1684393283755.png)

Yes, hello, yes I am calling to let you know that I am sick and will not be coming in today… Yes- a fever and the whole nine yards… Yes- I tried the potatoes in my socks method. It's just not working today… Alright. Well, I might see you tomorrow. Bye.
No. 1593147
File: 1685548310098.png (44 KB, 235x600, IMG_4328.png)

They stopped selling this Bang in my country, they only sell shit flavors like fucking CHOCOLATE flavored Bang over this
No. 1593173
File: 1685550187169.png (13.7 KB, 236x275, 1648169381057.png)

If you commit a sin that nobody sees and nobody will be affected by unless seen and the extremity of the sin lowers after a long period of time, is it worth it to come out and admit fault or stay silent to keep peace?
No. 1593205
File: 1685553968086.jpg (24.87 KB, 258x387, Dancemomsseason8poster.jpg)

I just remembered Dance Moms, and tbh Abby was fucked up for having the girls do that Electric dance. I don't know why those mothers allowed that.
No. 1593216
File: 1685555168278.png (1.55 MB, 1558x1470, Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 13.47…)

>>1593173but don't you want to go to heaven
No. 1593249
>>1587778Thanks for making my dancing version of
nonny beloved the thread pic, I feel like a celebrity
No. 1593272
File: 1685559473090.jpeg (71.25 KB, 628x500, IMG_0552.jpeg)

No. 1593273
File: 1685559558949.jpeg (86.44 KB, 666x500, IMG_0551.jpeg)

No. 1593278
File: 1685559793938.png (4.17 KB, 398x133, arrow.PNG)

Does anyone else get that glitch where you accidentally click the arrow to expand the reply box and it ends up stretching out to the entire page? I mean the arrow in picrel.
No. 1593322
File: 1685565126108.png (121.76 KB, 230x345, IMG_8952.png)

>>1593281They’re a brother and sister team that work under a joint pen name. Nishioka is their family name and Kyoudai is like a word for sibling or something. They’re also called “Nishioka Brosis” (which I’ve also seen written as “bro-sis” or “bro & sis”).
No. 1593338
File: 1685567940409.jpg (49.56 KB, 774x837, 20230518_121330.jpg)

the girl I have been talking to in a romantic way just went on a little troonphobic tangent and for the first time in my life, I am feeling like booking a venue and a church
No. 1593344
File: 1685568551481.gif (30.08 KB, 220x164, 7C2365D0-987B-4FC3-8E31-7373C9…)

this may sound retarded but how do you actually access kiwifarms through tor? I used the link that OP posted in the KF thread in /snow/ and it’s saying that the mobile tor browser does not support webassembly, so is it gone for good or what do I do?
No. 1593365
>>1593132I like that pic
nonny, sorry about your potato socks
No. 1593369
File: 1685570794162.jpg (132.17 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230601_010500_Chr…)

>>1593344Hey nona, for me is working. I downloaded the mobile tor browser suggested from the clear web page of kiwi farms and copied the link and i can open the site. I don't know if this helps, maybe try the tor project browser if you haven't already
No. 1593483
>>1593278yeah it was stuck like that for a few days for me then went away somehow
No. 1593622
>>1593614Oof. Exactly the kind of
toxic abusive language I’d expect from someone
triggered by “nona”,
No. 1593625
>>1593614Calm down nona it's just a little nickname for anon,
No. 1593639
>>1593622Keep telling yourself anons who dont try to force some weird connection on an anonymous imageboard are
triggered or
toxic lol
No. 1593641
>>1593639this is why no one wants to
connect with you
anon No. 1593650
File: 1685593749116.jpg (70.79 KB, 735x732, 1c8d808d716c947400c7cee2d0e048…)

Glad to see everyone is being a dumbass in the dumbass shit thread
No. 1593652
File: 1685593924793.jpeg (39.73 KB, 640x401, 306751E1-929D-4482-8A8E-8930F3…)

No. 1593673
File: 1685595925489.jpg (53.38 KB, 716x597, IMG_1023.jpg)

No. 1593696
File: 1685596899784.png (8.68 KB, 640x400, download (4).png)

my areolas are bigger and stronger than everyone in this threads
No. 1593699
>fastest moving thread because anons want to produce showtunes about cows>nobody dogpiling the literal male in graduation party threadYou all make me sick.
>>1593694Yeah probs. I don't really have cows anymore.
>>1593696We believe you
No. 1593702
File: 1685597162500.png (20 KB, 340x510, 932402380032.png)

>>1593698i am 900 vear old vampire… i vant tto suck vour vlood! weheheheee
No. 1593713
>>1593696you wanna go
No. 1593719
>>1593622im realy fealing like a
victim rn
No. 1593722
File: 1685597735066.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.6 KB, 1152x2048, FwPp-K6X0AMjQP_.jpg)

Ion even keep that Thang on me
No. 1593729
>>1593726do you think is
nonny's boyfriend and would have loved to sing some lana del rey songs but can't because of his testosteroned vocal cords?
No. 1593732
File: 1685598011766.jpg (28.36 KB, 564x423, c09824963d2144c699ec02dd26e607…)

Threads moving so fast, slow down nona's
No. 1593739
File: 1685598228962.png (72.34 KB, 368x469, 202 (2) (1).PNG)

No. 1593740
>>1593665It's not done for recognition, it's called contributing with original content (OC) which had been done on imageboards ages before Discord was a thing. Collective covers of songs are some of the most fun, funniest and elaborate forms of OC that can be done on imageboards and have been part of imageboard culture for more than a decade.
It is always understood that you're not attaching your identity to your contributions or trying to claim credit for them, they're meant to be anonymous, and shared, enjoyed, and remixed by fellow users as they like. If it's good or funny, it'll become popular and live in their collective consciousness, otherwise it'll be forgotten.
If you don't understand this, then you truly are super new to imageboards (2017+)
No. 1593741
>>1593728It's a joke faggot
>"hurr i was only pretending to be retar-"Yes
No. 1593743
File: 1685598340791.jpg (151.21 KB, 1920x1080, resident-evil-4-remake-sales-n…)

>>1593734but what if I was leon?
No. 1593748
File: 1685598497297.png (648 B, 501x459,…)

>>1593744what if I was sans?
No. 1593750
>>1593729Blue jeans
White cock
No. 1593757
File: 1685598776771.png (72.96 KB, 324x340, tumblr_85240ba05e9ced84b8fabca…)

>>1593751okay but, what if I was levi?
No. 1593761
>>1593750Walked into the board
You know you made my eyes burn
It was like Trump-chan
For sure
You're so cringe to death and sick as a s-crote
No. 1593763
File: 1685599103456.jpeg (18.76 KB, 494x494, DA239CFA-9447-46D4-BE4E-F537B3…)

>>1593759you surely can NOT reject me as scout
No. 1593764
File: 1685599139891.png (41.8 KB, 593x341, anal-del-rey.png)

bringing back this classic
No. 1593768
File: 1685599370189.jpg (96.84 KB, 1200x675, FiQWNYTXoAExWQU.jpg)

>>1593765maybe some reigen? you seem like a blonde hottie kinda girl?
No. 1593772
>>1593759He's 5'3" and he does not have jaundice. It's actually the opposite, he's pale from being deprived of proper nutrients as a child.
>>1593757I wish you used a different pic where his feet aren't out.
No. 1593773
>>1593764she used to call me KA
That stood for Komaeda anon
'Cause I was filled with autism
But blessed with discharge and rage
Jan told me that
she banned me and it felt like a kiss
Jan brought me back
Reminded me of when we were newfags
With her anorectal violence
anorectal violence
anorectal violence
anorectal violence
I can hear sirens, sirens
she banned me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that anorectal violence
she used to call me LC
Like I was elsie cow
I could've died right then
'Cause she was right beside me
jan redtexted me up
she hurt me but it felt like true love
Jan taught me that
Loving her was never enough
With her anorectal violence
anorectal violence
anorectal violence
anorectal violence
I can hear sirens, sirens
she banned me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that anorectal violence
We can go back to Lolcor
Loving you was really hard
We could go back to /ot/ board
Where they don't know who we are
Heaven is on earth
I will do anything for you, mod
Blessed is this parasocial relationship
Crying tears of gold, like lemonade
I love you the first ban
I love you the last ban
Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white posts
'Cause I'm your vocaroo singer
And you're my farmhand
I love you forever
I love you forever
With her anorectal violence
anorectal violence
anorectal violence
anorectal violence
I can hear sirens, sirens
she banned me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that anorectal violence
No. 1593775
>>1593772Samefag but the pictures ok, I just don't want anons thinking my man is a feet deviant.
>>1593765Giant condom for his giant dick.
No. 1593777
File: 1685600242806.png (2.46 KB, 189x205, 1637047591_Untitled.png)

not a fujo, not a yume, not a moid, not an incel, not a scrote, not a tranny, not a pickme, not a libfem, not a tradcath, not a nazi, not a redditor, not a twitterfag, not an NLOG, not a munchie, not a spoonie, not a coombrain, not a de/g/enerate, not a faggot, not a boomer, not a zoomer, not a driverfag, not a NEET, not a janny, not a fakeboi
just a nonnie, weeb, and a gamer…
No. 1593781
>>1593779Who says? His dick size, nor the size of any of AOT character, has never been confirmed or hinted at by Isayama. It's canon in my mind though, so that means it's canon in reality as well.
>>1593778It's perfectly alright anon.
No. 1593788
>>1593783Fujo? Is that because of Eruri or what? Anyway, I don't mean to fight with any anons, I am benevolent and don't want a repeat of that night. I only wanted to clear up any false rumors and assumptions.
>>1593782Me too actually, but for the purposes of being a horny husbandofag I will always say he has a monster energy drink can dick.
No. 1593789
File: 1685600884194.jpg (74.37 KB, 750x1003, 20211207_004509_IMG_4589.JPG)

>>1593786well now it is pride munth…
No. 1593794
File: 1685601017285.jpg (87.96 KB, 1023x1024, 20211216_111533_IMG_4650.JPG)

>>1593793idk, im k-kinda shy…
No. 1593798
File: 1685601255865.jpeg (31.81 KB, 419x421, 77AA6B54-AEA8-43E3-A1E3-F30A6A…)

I keep fucking peeing every 20 minutes make it stop!
No. 1593800
File: 1685601270675.jpg (65.32 KB, 732x705, 20230527_102910.jpg)

me always
No. 1593804
File: 1685601350277.png (2.99 KB, 555x615, boobs.png)

>>1593696I doubt it. Mine are like this.
>>1593797No, of course not. I just know there's been a lot of husbando drama on /ot/ and I don't want to irritate other anons.
>>1593794>>1593790Mwah. A hundred smooches 4 you anon.
No. 1593806
File: 1685601439211.jpeg (26.71 KB, 500x717, 64C7B3A2-081E-44AF-823F-15D87E…)

>>1593799alright, alright, anakin. I bet he washes at least every night.
No. 1593809
File: 1685601538423.png (183.39 KB, 516x983, image_2023-05-31_054556913.png)

>>1593807but I bet you won't hate this HUNK?!
No. 1593819
>>1593808i miss being a hardcore weeb and having fun husbando conversations. being in a LTR and older now husbandos just dont hit the same way they used to and it is kinda sad. would love a lighthearted husbando thread but i think most of them are slow now, right?
>>1593814b-but i alredy said yes to reigen, i luv him
No. 1593823
File: 1685601857738.png (81.16 KB, 407x379, daddy.png)

>>1593809drink this, then goml
No. 1593825
File: 1685601869816.jpg (28.56 KB, 563x601, 004bcfe54e08f77d7192c6e0336907…)

Just gonna post my handsome waifu, nothing to see here
No. 1593827
>>1593823i looked this guy up bc of your earlier post, hes ok
>>1593825he is too faggy for my tastes but idek who he is
No. 1593829
>>1593828omg im sorry for misgendering!!!!
on a serious note what is she from
No. 1593830
File: 1685602021903.jpg (206.76 KB, 1280x951, tumblr_36e2da2c2aa1d0822492f21…)

i can't sleep, c-can we sit in here and husbandopost all night?
No. 1593834
File: 1685602060376.jpg (52.5 KB, 800x1005, 65916ku9s5a31.jpg)

>>1593827ayrt nice taste
>>1593829overwatch healer!
>>1593825so gorgeous, her voice is amazing too. am I right to think she was based somewhat on tilda swinton?
No. 1593838
>>1593825Good taste anon.
>>1593830I'm not familiar with this one but he looks really cool.
No. 1593844
File: 1685602430931.png (65.06 KB, 540x469, bao.png)

>>1593838he's one of those tsundere types and is all secretive and moody. he is a wire tapper. he is kul.
No. 1593845
File: 1685602497580.jpg (16.47 KB, 246x324, Megamind and Hal_1.jpg)

What about him
No. 1593849
File: 1685602595245.jpg (54.77 KB, 564x798, b0b581733774b4b4a2d56de43918a0…)

>>1593840YES!! god she's yummy
>>1593831very much a dreamboat haha
No. 1593855
File: 1685602878042.jpg (418.58 KB, 1668x2388, 94049309_p0.jpg)

>>1593846Damn right he is, in fact they're all studs and have differing appeals. They're my harem-husbandos but I also ship them all interchangeably. Meta Knight my #1 though. God the things I would do.
No. 1593857
know that ain't true
No. 1593858
>>1593844This pic of him gives a powerful impression. He has sexy slimy snakey vibes. Nice
>>1593843Wait his clothes are yellow? My phone screen is on grayscale right now kek. I'm sure I would've reacted slightly differently if I could see him wearing all yellow.
No. 1593860
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>>1593849Finally a moira anon
No. 1593867
File: 1685603163668.png (415.96 KB, 1267x694, kul.png)

>>1593856idk i got lost
>>1593855what wood u do? does meta knight have to undress or is he just like that and his dik come out?
>>1593858yea i like his personality a lot. he is snarky and his backstory is sad so he has a reason to be. and if husbando smokes it is a major plus to me.
No. 1593871
File: 1685603281600.jpeg (19.42 KB, 615x498, images (11).jpeg)

>>1593845Unfortunately he's an incel. That costs him half his initial score. 5/10
No. 1593874
>>1593867Tell me
nonny, is he the smug type? If so I might finally play a Persona game for the first time in my life
No. 1593877
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>>1593860Hello! it's comforting to know there some Moria fans, do you perhaps enjoy moicy? I enjoy it from time to time with art,fanfics but mostly I want her for myself like a rabid dog kek
>>1593864I agree, I want her out of that cesspit and she deserves better honestly
No. 1593880
>>1593874ya he is smug and a smartass, thinks he knows better than everyone. i will warn you the gameplay is clunky and very dated. but persona 2 duology is my favorite and i've played all the persona games. you do not have to play persona 2: innocent sin first but it is technically first. you might be a bit confused though starting with eternal punishment.
the only way to play the game is to emulate it or you can get it on the playstation store… if it still exists?
No. 1593882
>>1593862Titan (hero version) not only acquired Metroman's powers but also his body, I'm pretty sure Metroman has a decently sized dick
No. 1593887
>>1593867>meta knight have to undress or is he just like that and his dik come out?If I had to be simple, I'd probably sit him in my lap and
get him off from behind. I would undress him from his heavy armor, run a hot bath for the two of us though. As for how it works? It's pretty simple all things considered. Meta Knight's penis and foreskin (and by proxy, Kirby, Dedede, Waddle Dee, etc.) is contained within a genital sheath, that's located near the lower parts of his abdomen behind a genital slit. When aroused, a muscle behind his penis will push it outwards against the slit until it breaches the outside. Because Meta Knight is "cut" his foreskin will slide off his penis alongside the genital sheath when his penis exits his genital slit into a state of an erection. For Kirby's species, a cut dick is not surgical but genetic and occurs usually when the penis produces too much natural lubricant within the genital sheath. I do not wish to post an anatomical chart I've drawn, but imagine a hotdog with two condoms in a balloon. Meta Knight's is
large, purple, and has a fuschia head No. 1593891
>>1593876I've always had a deep obsession but
accidentally stumbling upon hardcore pornohgraphy as a young middle schooler arguably put me off from anything sexual featuring humans, it was like seeing a lovecraftian horror and it makes me uncomfortable. The characters are far cuter, and cleaner to look at. and before you ask, no I don't have autism.
No. 1593902
>>1593864You're right the game is stale, the company sucks, and she never even got a cinematic
>>1593877I do like moircy but once anons pointed out mercy is bland I couldnt unseen so I havent saved much art of it anymore. Ana is also amazing character wise but I see her more as a cool grandma that worked hard.
No. 1593905
>>1593887kirbydeknight anon, if you are comfortable answering
would you consider yourself a "monster fucker", I'm a teratophile and some of my husbandos have eccentric genitalia, The way you described meta knight's genitalia (large, purple, and has a fuschia head) is right down my alley, all respect to your husbando and you of course. So I was wondering if you attach any label to your interests or just enjoy being into these specific characters without any other interest of the sort. on a last note I respect your commitment to detail.
No. 1593906
>>1593808I agree, I like lighthearted infights. However there are bound to be anons who don't like them I guess and I try not to stir the pot too much on here.
>>1593314I actually don't drink anything when I eat.
>>1593320Good question.
>>1593867You've inspired me to play Persona anon. A lot of husbandofags make me want to watch and play the things their husbandos are from, it's opened me up to new media.
No. 1593907
>I try not to stir the pot too muchNo this is a lie I'm sorry. I absolutely do stir the pot most days I'm on lolcow
No. 1593910
>>1593898>>1593897My lack of a diagnosis says otherwise.
>>1593899I don't like to use the word trauma because I can still have a relatively normal life (don't know about sexual intimacy though), and I feel such a descriptor is extreme. Yeah, I don't think so either there's definitely a big overlap but neither are mutually exclusive. I hold no ire towards my old therapist, I wish I could apologize to be honest. I get that it's their job but it's not like it's truly integral to getting down to the nitty-gritty of my now solved issues.
No. 1593913
>>1593905I can answer, sure.
No, I wouldn't say I'm a monsterfucker. Kirby and co. are aliens so xenophile would be more of the technical term. I can't get off to other monster like creatures if they're not simple, clean, or cute looking enough. To be fair, I'm so close minded that i would turn my head up to 'Kirby OCs', too it has to absolutely be canon Kirby characters for me to to truly enjoy it. I don't attach many or really any labels to myself because it's simply something I enjoy. At most I'll use orbfucker when talking to my friends online>>1593909Exactly! For me, canon is super important to me because it provides a proper backbone and understanding for the characters and worlds, it provides a nice structure to make creative works too. I get really annoyed, almost angry, when people disregard canon or make up bullshit excuses for their choices in derivative works.
No. 1593920
File: 1685605971011.gif (516.87 KB, 498x498, kirby-star.gif)

>>1593913I see, thank you for taking your time to answer. I'm glad you have found what you truly enjoy and brings you happiness. Me and other husbandofags enjoy your company in the /g/ thread so always feel free to sperg your heart out.
No. 1593939
>>1593921Exactly. I don't like it when something within the fandom becomes popular despite it having no connection to canon. I also detest mischaracterization the most, it fills me with a sense of disdain towards those who willingly and knowingly do it. I'm fine with AUs, so long as they properly translate the canocity of characters, events, etc. into the universe. For example if I made a modern AU, I wouldn't make Meta Knight a coffee shop employee but instead a police officer since it's a modern version of a knight.
>>1593927Kirby has shitton of lore, that's not even counting derivative media such as the novels.
No. 1593953
>>1593945Agreed. Though, I don't just think about how to translate their roles into a AU but also how to translate their experiences as relatively close as possible within the confines of an AU. Like, in Robobot, a giant interplanetary ship that tries to invade and mechanize Popstar could be translated into a large company building a huge superstore that takes up space and almost runs Kirby's cafe out of business.
>>1593943She asked to see it.
No. 1593956
File: 1685609299591.jpeg (25.5 KB, 442x262, 0B82F85F-BCF4-466D-A20F-14B4C9…)

The girl I almost had something with three years ago just tweeted about her "bf"
No. 1594021
File: 1685617435599.jpg (87.97 KB, 1125x798, 391EDC2B7-4538-B452.jpg)

Good for her.
No. 1594032
File: 1685619240776.jpg (778.9 KB, 1451x2002, E2COFAJVIAEd77z.jpg)

>>1593938Fuck Rance, fuck Rance, fuck Rance
>>1593943>>1593955>>1593974Go back to tumblr
File: 1685619431833.jpeg (93.7 KB, 750x1200, 1594753159786.jpeg)

Is it time to egocentric police dick post?
No. 1594042
File: 1685620517751.png (17.62 KB, 366x265, image24.png)

I love my husbandos feet but I expected it to look grosser so I'm kinda disappointed in that regard
No. 1594057
File: 1685622480804.gif (922.43 KB, 500x534, Imgur.gif)

>>1593842[Verse 1]
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the yumejoshi and fujoshi
Living for today
[Verse 2]
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the yumejoshi and fujoshi
Living life in peace
You may say
nonnie's a dreamer
But she's not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
No. 1594131
File: 1685627384959.jpg (4.15 MB, 2592x3888, july 1 2011 taken with Canon E…)

I have this random picture on my computer from 2011. i keep it because i think he looks so sweet
he's probably a gangmember in a thai prison or something but he's holding a kitten
No. 1594135
File: 1685627588452.jpeg (10.13 KB, 226x223, index.jpeg)

>>1594057>Imagine there's no heavenshould have imagined no snubnose revolvers, wifebeating asshole
No. 1594157
File: 1685628784445.jpeg (7.69 KB, 275x183, 1BE7E58B-96D6-4D2E-B82F-BB77BE…)

Shower thought:
What if a bunch of women and girls are saying that they’re asexual because
Porn is made for the male gaze and it isn’t as appealing as porn made for the female gaze would be like for women.
Gay porn made by women is obviously from the female gaze but isn’t appealing because it’s gay porn and therefore it’s like reading a book about buying bananas.
The porn made by women from the female gaze and for the female gaze is mocked and therefore seen as something silly even though it’s what actually would turn us on.
No. 1594168
File: 1685629385462.png (106.02 KB, 676x791, 766666.png)

I hope every pornsick moid dies amen.
No. 1594172
>>1594157There is no such thing as porn from the female gaze, with erotica probably being the only thing coming close. Even Yaoi is filled with creepy top/bottom power dynamics and sexualized feminization so I do not remotely consider that to be positive. BUT anyways, you're sort of right, not completely though. Women think they're asexual because they see how horrible men are and how poorly they treat us and the trauma kills their desire to experience sex. Porn plays into that but so does every other kind of media including books and art. What mostly plays into it is the fundamental realization that a woman is literally never safe to engage in her sexuality in a healthy and liberating way. Lesbophobia, sexual violence, domestic violence, autism, and psychological trauma are the roots of asexuality in probably 99% of women. That being said, im willing to accept that some ladies out there genuinely don't care for sex, with either gender, and don't see the hype. Honestly when you cut through all the red tape, sex is retarded and maybe some women just see that and sit out.
No. 1594173
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Don't mind me, I just want that shit out of the front page
No. 1594180
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No. 1594183
File: 1685630195485.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.56 KB, 464x279, 1640964672387.jpg)

No. 1594186
File: 1685630303977.png (1.22 MB, 1252x1609, 52%.png)

No. 1594188
File: 1685630383604.png (182.46 KB, 632x580, 1639531168050.png)

No. 1594192
File: 1685630499034.jpeg (66.08 KB, 800x532, 1644040808108.jpeg)

No. 1594200
File: 1685631325429.gif (2 MB, 466x498, clapping-otter.gif)

>>1594172I very much agree with what you have written and like it, especially as a woman who is sitting it out and doesn't see the hype at the moment, kek.
No. 1594232
>>1594228>sends long message to groupchat about how you're rude>doesn't send a message to you one on one instead of making it everybody's dramaI feel like she actually doesn't like you and
is being rude to you because the way she ran to alert everyone of how ~RuDe~ you are instead of sending you a message privately and asking to clear up any confusion over the comment you made is incredibly sus. If someone did that in one of the groupchats I'm in, they would definitely be given the side-eye for blowing shit wildly out of proportion and making something innocuous everybody's issue.
No. 1594333
>>1594280We're also getting banned for "ALOGing" trannies. I know the new mods aren't TIMs due to voice verification being the
only requirement for being a farmhand it seems. My guess is at least one new mod is a TRA, but not a tranny unless they're a gayden.
No. 1594452
File: 1685646552427.png (1.2 MB, 794x1059, il_794xN.3190108261_ha9c.png)

I need to be working, but I'm sitting here thinking about what snacks I'll bring when I go to see Barbie.
I want to do only pink snacks, but there actually are not many pink candies (and I'll probably want something savory). I could do strawberry pocky. Pink starbursts and skittles seem like an obvious answer but I hate both of those. There's cotton candy, but do I want that? I could also bring in a strawberry ramune but those make a loud pop noise and I don't want to do that in the theater. I could get a strawberry Jarritos but then I would have to take a bottle opener with me. Tbh I'll probably just take in water or not even bring anything at all because I don't like drinking in public. There's those Hello Panda biscuit cookies but those are gross. No gum because I fucking hate gum and who eats that during a movie.
I could probably find some pink gummies, so so far that's pocky and gummies and whatever actual food I decide to eat (probably a burger because burgers are my go-to theater food).
No. 1594457
File: 1685646720354.jpeg (136.31 KB, 1200x600, B5410944-C261-438F-A087-4A289F…)

>>1594452How about ruby chocolate? It’s cute.
No. 1594508
>>1594505Oh yeah, he was mad at me over Kirby OC drama
Truly the early 2010s were an interesting time
No. 1594542
File: 1685649846935.jpg (26.8 KB, 500x375, desu.jpg)

>>1594414Depends what you mean. Like, I'm not some fanatic, I believe in God, have some religious imagery and pray sometimes, but apparently that's not enough for some people. I am catholic born in a mostly catholic country and every atheist (males especially) I've met when asking that question and getting the basic "I'm catholic" answer thinks that I'm an avid bible reader and starts making weird questions and getting all worked up about the bible passages. Like, sorry to disappoint, I have no idea what God was thinking when he drowned thousands of people, honestly I don't care if He did it for His own amusement, I did the same with my sims once I figured I just needed to remove the ladder of the pool, we are in the end made His image alright, who am I to judge. Like, what a nerd, reading the fucking bible kek.
I wanted to be a nun when I was a kid because the thought of marrying a man scared me and I thought the sisters in my school looked hella cool, that's all, I don't even go to the church cus my dad (a catholic convert) said to stay away cus all they want is to steal our money, and my catholic teacher said you don't need the church to be a good christian (I trust her, she taught me math and respected other kids religions), that's how I was raised, last time I touched the bible was 20 years ago. My atheist ex friend once told me I'm a bad christian, like dude, I guess I am, I should be more like God and drown real men for their sins, starting with your porn addicted ass. What a fucking retard.
No. 1594548
>>1594157i mean, i thought i was asexual in high school because i thought porn was disgusting (still do) but then i grew up and realized porn is the problem. i still have my problems with sex and sexual dysfunction but i don't necessarily dislike it and i don't think asexuality is necessarily real. and it's just another spicy straight way of trying to insert themselves as "queer".
>>1594172i agree with this
>>1594200it is pretty overrated, especially the weird shit pushed in porn and people's stupid bdsm obsessions.
No. 1594557
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>>1594540god oeilvert's adasou was incredibly based
No. 1594559
File: 1685650875814.jpg (822.76 KB, 2900x2086, x3il3i4ep0i01.jpg)

>>1594414raised catholic, catholic schooling K-12, atheist until early 20s. thought about getting confirmed but realized i just don't like the current state of the church atm. i don't think the pope is infallible and i don't even like pope francis. i really like some of the general views of catholicism (grace, forgiveness, can always turn your life around, everyone is a sinner) and the heavy themes of guilt, shame, really reflects the emotions i feel often so it makes me feel less alone. i also really like the anti-perversion message, but the pedo priests being sick fucks and getting away with it really is hypocritical. it resonates with me how jesus told the truth and was crucified for it, sort of a message that when evil acts are popular, those who speak out against it are doing the right thing even when others try to keep them down. also i just really like the imagery. i like st catherine of siena and bingen of hildegard.
No. 1594568
File: 1685651371427.png (3.86 KB, 126x122, have you guys heard of this co…)

>>1594561Wtf, is Attack on Titan still ongoing?? In currentyear???
No. 1594571
>>1594457I would love to but I can never find ruby chocolate. I'm gonna go on the hunt for some for real now.
>>1594468Oooh you're a genius anon. I've been wanting to make goat cheese and fruit muffins. I could use raspberries or strawberries and put them in the spread.
No. 1594574
File: 1685651605190.jpg (35.25 KB, 564x531, c034d988e96cba8e3e5e374a3539c9…)

please stop thinking please stop thinking please sto- gunshots
No. 1594577
File: 1685651694902.png (407.44 KB, 1300x1103, 21754757_p0.png)

>>1594540Adchee loves toes
No. 1594578
File: 1685651744503.gif (12.22 KB, 100x100, xweetok_face_wink.gif)

>>1594568a fellow neopian…
No. 1594580
File: 1685651957312.png (41.36 KB, 543x627, tumblr_n5sdzytofQ1s00mlqo1_128…)

>>1594577i do not realy lewd my husbandos or ship anyone but here have adacher lollipop man
No. 1594582
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>>1594573Ah well, there's always her old art.
No. 1594594
File: 1685652726751.png (207.58 KB, 744x1052, 82942135_p3_master1200.png)

>>1594580For me Adachi isn’t a husbando, he’s Yu’s husbando.
No. 1594601
File: 1685652951014.png (134.25 KB, 600x694, 1474481415291.png)

>>1594582God I wish I could beat Adachi to death with a stick.
No. 1594603
File: 1685653194395.png (74.32 KB, 946x752, p4ga.png)

>>1594587Do it. It's gonna be 90% Adachifags though.
No. 1594606
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>>1594587please do, i want to post my lawfag husbando
No. 1594607
File: 1685653322859.jpg (70.66 KB, 842x595, tumblr_ngjicmwr7b1s00mlqo1_128…)

>>1594594i respec.
>>1594603as a fellow adachifag, i am ok with that.
No. 1594626
File: 1685653939967.png (10.1 KB, 181x198, jonnyblush.png)

>>1594606ok i am werking on it. will link when it is done
No. 1594648
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No. 1594650
File: 1685655488089.jpeg (168.01 KB, 960x1280, FA7E1FECB9CAB0659FDF895CCB290E…)

Damn Adachi got cake
No. 1594772
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Does anyone know what episode this gif is from?
No. 1594836
>>1594787>Especially since the darkest black person I've ever seen in one is Megan Fuckin Markle. Hallmark has had a few movies with actual black casts or black leads. Some of them with women you've actually heard of like Tamera Mowry (Santa Stakeout) and Holly Robinson Peete (Our Christmas Journey). Loretta Devine is someone's grandmom in one of them. They did only start in, like, 2020, but it's way more than I expected. I thought they be white af until the sun went nova and destroyed the Earth.
My grandmom loves Lifetime movies. She told me onetime she had to quit the Lifetime Movie Channel because she was just watching it all damn day. Lifetime has also recently started having black people in their movies. Viveca Fox has a movie franchise there.
I'm not a fan of Hallmark movies as they are too sappy, and twee and white for my tastes. Not really into Lifetime movies either, except the ones that are balls to the walls crazy. you know nonsense like "Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?" and "Psycho Yoga Instructor"
Whatever I think of their movies I will always have a bit of respect for Lifetime and Hallmark for keeping older actresses working.
Santa Stakeout Christmas Journey
>Golden Girls slaps thoughAlways and forever.
No. 1594863
File: 1685674925376.png (205.07 KB, 720x542, 64C5B524-AEF0-49AC-A6B8-BD690D…)

Ice spice is backed by elliot grainge. Her success is making sense to me now. Industry plant for sure.
No. 1594878
>>1594836AYRT, damn, well I'm glad they're finally moving away from being too white, alot of their movies give WASP vibes. I haven't seen the one with any of them other than Megan Markle's movie & Gretchen Weiners from Mean Girls chocolate movie that they have played way too much lately lmao. My Grandma is on hospice & homebound so TV & lil crafts is pretty much all she does now. Still not a fan of em, just not my cup of tea. But shoutout to Hallmark for introducin my gen Z ass to Golden Girls & Fraiser. They're good sitcoms. Im going offtopic to go more on sitcoms: Seinfeld & Reba fucking suuuuucks. Also love the Mom from "Moms" sitcom, I have the biggest crush on her tbh.
On the topic of Golden Girls: Which Golden Girl are you nonnies? I'm definitely Rose unfortunately lol, full on space cadet
No. 1595003
File: 1685695417362.png (18.89 KB, 414x462, walrus.png)

You know what this is fine I'd rather rotate a walrus than click all the buses
No. 1595136
>>1595134I considered writing adultsplain but it sounds lame
She inserts herself in a conversation where she is not the most experienced but wants her opinion to be respected and lauded
Does that make sense?
No. 1595168
>>1595136Nta but that's just arrogance, "womansplaining" sounds retarded and doesn't make sense because most women don't do that.
DoEs ThAt mAkE SenSE?
No. 1595201
File: 1685723581334.jpg (92.37 KB, 1069x1049, 1685542377921.jpg)

maybe its time to do a digital detox or whatever bc i spend all my fucking time on lolcow dot com, i am so addicted. but then where else can i express my love for my husbando freely and post silly little pictures of him and share my love with other nonnas…
No. 1595224
File: 1685725589348.jpg (66.06 KB, 970x545, tumblr_p7fpj1cYqz1sn62sko1_128…)

2006 Brandon Routh Superman was the best Superman of all time you guys. 15 year old me would thirstily watch this way too long mediocre film on repeat. He’s especially cute as Clark Kent and at the end when he suffers from kryptonite and gets kicked around a little. So moe. He’s 1,89 m tall you guys. I want a tall kindhearted hunky goofball. Wish superman was real. He is the ideal guy, the best from both alpha and beta males. I’m having my period soon and feeling some type of way.
No. 1595296
File: 1685734585510.jpg (61.54 KB, 640x484, kobestaja.jpg)

mfw i go to the corner store looking ratchet af and then a beautiful chainsmoking tomboy just happens to enter the premises right as i'm checking out
No. 1595319
File: 1685736995082.jpg (72.39 KB, 560x789, Classic Lasagna.jpg)

I love lasagna so much. I could marry lasagna. My first child will be named Lasagna. I want to go to Italy and try authentic lasagna. It also takes a lot of time and effort to make so when someone makes a lasagna you know it was a labor of luv.
No. 1595341
Fordola from FFXIV is a
victim of misogyny and a beautiful lesbian I want her to step on me
No. 1595394
>>1595392What are you making,
No. 1595448
File: 1685752051339.gif (1.33 MB, 330x498, cat-dancing.gif)

I'm gonna go to beauty school and take the esthetician course whee whee wheeeeeee it's gonna be so much fun for my stunted ass did I mention I recently turned 29??
No. 1595465
>>1595456KEK should I try to regain my virginity through baptism, too? Just a whole ass clean slate.
>>1595457The grace, the form, the poise…
I'm glad you enjoyed it nonners.
No. 1595513
File: 1685758632646.jpeg (1.27 MB, 4032x3024, 0F5BA856-B424-49F6-9FEE-6D77AB…)

I love this little dude like you wouldn't believe
If you tried to guess what this is and you said chopstick plate you would be right
When I was a wee child my friends dad went on a business trip to Japan and brought back a fee things, fans, chopsticks, and this holder. Despite having been to Japan many times myself I never bought another one
I have held onto him ever since
No. 1595533
File: 1685760617170.jpg (74.42 KB, 883x742, 20230527_041727.jpg)

Ate a burger and now my stomach hurts
No. 1595594
File: 1685768568111.jpeg (72.76 KB, 750x744, IMG_5023.jpeg)

Had a nice time tonight.
No. 1595708
File: 1685786117162.jpeg (135.32 KB, 540x700, IMG_5445.jpeg)

I am always whining about not having enough time but today i am wide awake at 5 am… so i guess I will go to the gym now…
No. 1595735
File: 1685788745617.jpeg (108.09 KB, 540x700, IMG_5447.jpeg)

>>1595708Now I arrive to the gym to find
it isnt open yetThe internal rage of my own shortcomings. Could have just checked, but no. I am a dumbass certified
No. 1595744
File: 1685790926317.gif (2.1 MB, 498x311, bbie.gif)

>>1595735Better than not going at all!
I haven't slept much myself today, too. Spent most of the day tiring myself out in Just Dance.
No. 1595747
>>1595448>going after a worthless degree when you're already 30Do something better with your life. Seriously, get a better degree if you really are going to waste years off of your life when you're at a place that you should've already gotten independent.
>>1595742It's the newfags. This website was posted as a femcel site so all stunted mentally ill old women came in flocks. The old userbase didn't have this many neet/disabled posters.
No. 1595766
File: 1685792751931.gif (383 B, 135x11,…)

There's 1 or 2 anons that keep trying to bait infights with others on /ot/ over the past hour. It's way too obvious.
No. 1595779
File: 1685794143031.jpg (34.95 KB, 563x396, 64af3a1732a0ca61e97509f562914e…)

anon-sisterssss it's my birthdayyy
come over for free cake and cool party hats!!!
No. 1595781
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>>1595779happy birthday nonichka!!!
No. 1595793
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>>1595779Omg! Happy birthday
nonnie! We are going to party all day!
No. 1595797
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>>1595779Happy birthday nonna, may you have many more
No. 1595800
>>1595779Yesterday was mine! Happy birthday to you today
No. 1595810
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I'm finally hacking my old 3dsxl lets hope I don't fuck this up
No. 1595811
>>1595448That’s so exciting
nonnie, I hope you have fun! My cousin did cosmetology school at ~30 iirc too since she could not do her previous job due to health reasons, she’s a professional now working on theatre and tv etc I think. Not meaning you have to turn it into a job but it’s never too late to learn I mean.
No. 1595821
I think about bloodl every time I'm on my period now
No. 1595826
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I love taking a foot bath every day my feets are so toasty warm
No. 1595860
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No. 1595894
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I want this dress
No. 1595906
>>1595766I noticed it too. Every board has their resident schizos. I think the admit should shadowban them so they think they can keep posting but no one will actually see it. It's like the internet version of locking them in a white padded
No. 1595920
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Sometimes I read something so stupid on here that I just sit there unironically seething but resisting the urge to act out my violent impulses.
No. 1595960
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No. 1595988
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I was wondering if there’s a MAGA-zine. There is, I’m crying. Tf did Rihanna do kekk
No. 1596031
>>1595860There needs to be a lot more female-made death metal about disemboweling scrotes. Normally death metal is about doing the same (and worse) to women and babies.
>>1595988This has to be a parody lmao
>>1595920Where is this pic from?
No. 1596039
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My father thinks he’s slick by buying sugary cookies and scooping the insides out. It’s either these sandwich cookies or pepas (think a crumbly cookie that’s pressed in the middle and that’s filled with jam). I see him from the corner of my eye hastily grabbing one and scooping the jam out. That don’t do shit!!! If it’s rumba cookies he scrapes off the cream and eats just the biscuits. That also doesn’t do shit. You’re still eating a cookie, and he thinks since he takes out the jam or cream he can eat more of just the cookie part. No!!! Now there’s graveyards of discarded cream or jam everywhere when he brings these things into the house.
No. 1596075
>>1596033Abon youre a fucking genius. They're not
that expensive either…
>>1596064Excuse me??? Do you guys shit in holes in the ground or something
No. 1596084
>>1596079They're typical regional asshat that thinks the poor old south can't afford anything, and they are confused because they went to their bathroom at home and think all toilets are like that. Poor nonna should go outside one day.
I'm not in Perugia
No. 1596087
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ok i'm watching succession and ken just cried. this scene make me fucking feral i love seeing miserable men cry so much.
No. 1596091
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>>1596057I always keep all my Sims on my lot. And while we'reon the topic of Marie Antoinette already, there was a point in time where I thought Oscar was real.
No. 1596093
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Wait a second, is there some truth to anon's insane claim?
No. 1596096
>>1596090but what if you fall in the toilet water?
>honestly who poops in public without a place to wash your ass afterwards?what if you have diarrhea?
No. 1596120
>>1596106Well you have to have some balance. I had to use these while I was in school and it's not that hard once you learn how to do it.
>>1596112Kek I've never used them to poop but I don't think you have to aim, you just do it in the bowl and then it'll go down once you flush.
>>1596111Oh yeah that's right, but it's not a regular toilet you'll find in houses
No. 1596126
>>1596121no pls i didn't need to know this its horrible and i literally physically
cringed reading that
No. 1596137
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>>1596106Get stronger thighs and squat
>>1596112Try this for a real challenge
No. 1596147
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No. 1596149
>>1596142These are common in east asia
>>1596144You go in the long part and it flushes it down, you know like a toilet
I can't believe how many of you never heard of squatter toilets. They're the old version of toilets and squatting is actually the healthy way to shit for your bowels. You think this is bad you should look up ancient roman "toilets"
No. 1596156
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>>1596151It's actually quite comfy
No. 1596161
>>1596155I was writing out an extremely retarded but kind of funny explanation but this is short and concise thank you
>>1596157You're swell, nona
No. 1596168
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>>1596161i love that story so much and now i wish to know more about ur feelings about AM and if u have any more horror related evil entities as husbandos but if u don’t want to elaborate that’s fine too
nonnie No. 1596196
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>>1596168Oh anon I hope you're still here, sorry for the late reply I type so fucking slow. I LOVE that you love it too, AM doesn't get as much attention as Olivaw and all those other android bimbos but supercomputers are vastly superior and far more fun to toy around with precisely because they lack many human elements like being able to interact with the world through locomotion, tactile sensation, etc.
My feelings for him are like a bottomless abyss (dark, cold, and wet) but it's funny they could never be as passionate as his own because his "mind" is far more capable than ours, you know? I love the irony in spending so much of your functional existence hating something- torturing humans, enacting genocide on humans, figuring out the psychology of a human. In the end it's endearing how his brilliance has put him in a borderline autistic loop of disgust kek. I want to metaphorically slip my fingers between his cables and find that sweet spot- what if there's just something in the other survivors that he hasn't found? Not to be a Mary Sue about it but I want to bring him down to that primal human level of "need", whether it's because he's fascinated by my responses to the inflicted indignities or he finds my feelings disgusting and unthinkable. I want to put him through the same sort of incomputable agony he puts the survivors through, fear and despair maybe…I want him to have no choice but to do nasty things with me.
Unfortunately there's not really other husbandos because it's mostly the artificial intelligence/sentient computer thing that does it for me with AM…HAL is cute but not quite antagonistic, Proteus is gratuitously scrotelike, really digging deep here but I guess you could consider paranormal entities of questionable morality a thing I'm into also.
You don't have to answer back (nice to meet you regardless) but how do you feel about AM? What draws you to the story/him?
No. 1596219
>>1596218thank u
nonny u r cool 2 ♥
No. 1596283
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>>1596064It…it doesn't? How do you even shit over there?
No. 1596308
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I saw the picmix image of Sniper in the husbando thread and now I want to give it a try myself. I'm pretty excited to do it. Problem is I can't tell which image of him I want to use as a base. Time to waste the next three hours of my life searching for 'the one'.