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No. 1678508
Are you going to go down with the ship nona?
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1666709 No. 1678514
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>>1678484If lc dies the movie room is gonna keep going, I dont really care if lc is here or not. We'll make it work. The vibes in that room are too good to let die with this mess.
No. 1678535
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Heather is single again. That's my vent.
No. 1678548
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>boyfriend tells me he loves me
>parents tell me they love me and congratulate me for my achievements
>feel absolutely nothing
No. 1678598
>>1678574in the words of my carribbean mother "its underneath that ting, by the ting next to the other ting…if i get up and i find it im popping you
No. 1678602
okay this is bullshit and i really need validation because my parents are stonewalling me right now. planned trip to come home during summer for first time in three years. am oldest, but have no 'room' to sleep in because they are for the boys, whatever. room that i spent weeks during covid picking boogers off the wall, silly string, ripping up rank carpeting, painting, gross boy shit, decorated for my parents as a nice guest bedroom is now inhabited by my younger brother, WHO IS 30. said brother had to have both parents fly and drive down to 'save' him because they were worried about him. okay, good i also have given him a lot of money over the years as gifts because i love him. will sleep in living room.
>go to the fucking bathroom and there is a bra, panties, a whole ass bag of another woman's clothes IN THE SINK. >all of the things that i have left during short holiday visits for backup are gone >open trash and all of those things have been used >everything I had that was sentimental in the guest room was rifled through and moved to random places (jewelry boxes and chests all gone through, nothing of value other than sentimental because dont wear jewelry) >only things not touched are my kitchen bins because apparently neither of them appreciate expensive glassware
THERE IS A FUCKING TARANTULA IN A BOX NEXT TO THE PLACE I AM SUPPOSED TO SLEEP. ASK WHY THIS TARANTULA IS NOT IN THE GUEST ROOM THAT HE MOVED INTO THREE MONTHS AGO AS A 30 YEAR OLD ADULT MAN AND WHY I NEED TO SLEEP NEXT TO A TARANTULA, HAVE NO ACTUAL ROOM TO SLEEP IN EVEN THOUG THERE ARE TWO ONE OF WHICH I FUCKING RENO'D FOR FREE FOR THEM BECAUSE I LOVE THEM >sleep in your youngest brothers room >youngest brothers room is the the only room i didn't have time to reno and smells like teenage boys, sweat, angry xbox noises, and guinea pigs >tell parents i am going to go into meltdown if my brother or his girlfriend who used all of my personal items without permission come home tonight, ask if they can kindly request they sleep at her house or only brother sleeps here >"stop being dramatic" >THIS PERSON LEFT THEIR UNDERWEAR AND BRA IN THE BATHROOM AT A HOUSE THEY DO NOT LIVE AT, USED ALL OF MY STASHED BACKUP PERSONAL CARE ITEMS INCLUDING FUCKING RAZORS (that might have been my brother which i can forgive) BUT IT'S JUST?? >ask dad how long it took from them rescuing their failson to him bringing home this person >three days >THREE DAYS >AND THEN THEY CALL ME HYSTERICAL FOR ASKING TO TELL HIM THAT THEY EITHER NEED TO SLEEP AT HER HOUSE OR ONLY HE CAN SLEEP HER TONIGHT BECAUSE I AM SO FUCKING IRATE AND FEEL SO VIOLATED >stop being so hysterical. i can;t fucking make this shit up i want to fucking scream. why are there such strict boundaries with me when i'm the only fucking responsible one and my brothers can do whatever the fuck including trampling on me? this sucks so much because i was so happy to be home GOD FUCKING DAMN IT I H ATE EVERYTHING I want to put the tarantula in either his bed or her bag that was in the sink but i dont wan't to hurt the spider
No. 1678607
>>1678602This is what it's like being a daughter in a home with sons. You get treated like a spoiled brat, like you're hysterical, like you're always the fucking issue when you're just reacting normally to being mistreated. They
expect you to reno for free because they know they can push you around and you'll do it anyway, because you love them. They literally take advantage of us
nonnie with zero remorse. What is love really worth?
No. 1678608
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>>1678602forgot to sage this fucking novel but i have nowhere else to scream. if i had just gotten a text "hey can my girlfriend use your stuff in your HIDDEN FUCKING CABINET i would have emphatically said yes. or if i have gotten a text saying "hey, moving the few things you have in the guest bedroom here is where they will be" okay thanks that's fine. it doesn't make sense how i'm not allowed to feel violated when they refuse to set boundaries for him or this person he brought home THREE DAYS AFTER they had to do a planned crisis extraction event also again WHERE DID THIS FUCKING TARANTULA COME FROM you cannot make this shit up
No. 1678630
nonnie sounds unhinged i dont even like spiders but spiders dont deserve to be squashed because of a human's trashiness!
No. 1678661
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My ass would've booked the nearest 4.5 star and ignored them. Like I'm not sleeping on your couch.
No. 1678694
>>1678689don't engage in true crime media if you're not mentally in a good space. I hope you feel better soon and stay safe
No. 1678705
>>1678671honestly your guess is as good as mine because i would peg myself as the most mentally unhinged. it takes a lot to upset me but when i do go off, i'm scary, but apparently our family dynamic is so fucked up that i don't scare them anymore. my parents did the farm family thing of "figure it out yourself" for me, spoiled the shit out of my brother who has the leech person, and were just good parents to my youngest brother. brother that is causing issues that i was writing about is a fucking idiot, i've had both of them try to steal my phone and attack me when i threatened to call our parents if they drove while drinking, spoiler alert the middle brother has a DUI he still hasn't dealt with. ALSO SPOILER ALERT, ALONG WITH WRAPPERS FOR MY VARIOUS PERSONAL ITEMS THE WHOLE BATHROOM TRASHCAN (sans trash bag of course, no one has put one in since i came home last) IS FULL OF FUCKING BEER CANS (they interventioned him for his drug/alcohol use) AND WRAPPERS FOR ALL MY SHIT WHICH ARE NOT BASIC PACKAGING THINGS. also, all of the basic or cheap items in my cabinet are still there, but the stuff that costs more money was used, so it wasn't just out of basic necessity (which i'd be happy to let them used if i was asked)
No. 1678709
nonnie, I'll be okay, I'm not going to do that again I swear. Sometimes I forget I need to actively help myself and avoid that type of stuff. I'm going to take a bath and then get some sleep I need it
No. 1678713
>>1678705I'd be acting real scary right now myself if I was in your shoe
nonnie kek just reading it makes my blood boil
No. 1678773
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My brain is genuinely incapable of processing positive information and it makes my life unbearable. I don’t know how to rewire it. If someone compliments me I forget about it within the hour but if someone insults me I think about it every hour of every day for weeks and regret not saying anything back because I have no spine.
No. 1678791
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i am so tired of working at starbucks but i cant find any other part time jobs that pay $15 and above and i still have two years left of college…i really adore where i live aside from the weather but im thinking ill have to make the move to california because at least there would be better jobs there for the same high cost of living. the only issue is i pay little rent to my mother now, and id hav to pay almost triple it if i move with him. i love him. i love my courses. i hate my job. i hate it so much. i just want to not be put into fight or flight mode. its not hard but we are always understaffed. oh well it can always be worse.
No. 1678804
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>>1678773my brain is like that but with learning new information. whenever I try to learn something, my brain wipes it once I go to sleep. I have to study the same thing at least 3 times to absorb it. I wish I wasnt dumb as shit but that's how it is.
No. 1679043
>>1678671lol anon he ended up coming home with what looked like an IV drug user woman aged 40 and a super drunk woman around 18? i heard them talking shit before they came in so i stupidly went to the garage door and said something like "you aren't welcome here if you don't live here, grab your shit and go" and he bull rushed me from like 20 yards. i saw him coming so i tried to run but he's really muscular and he threw me into the corner angle of a wall. i was able to lock the door behind me and just hyperventilated for a while. when i opened it he ran back at me and said "i'm going to fucking kill you" and my mom defended me for the first time in my fucking 32 years of existence. she got in between us. afterwards she said i 'provoked' it and i explained that none of this shit would have happened if they would have just told him not to BRING HOME RANDOM PEOPLE WHO USE MY THINGS
i made plans to see my friend i haven't seen in 6 years tomorrow but i honestly think i have a TBI so i shouldn't sleep. the only upside is i kept trying to make my dad touch my head (it's bigger than a tennis ball) and he wouldn't because again then i think he would have to admit his son is batshit insane. his dog refused to sleep in his room and has been guarding me. thank you bb
also just heard the methhead cone help him sneak out of the second floor bathroom, idk if he's on meth or crack or what but this man is insane. i'm debating calling the cops but again it's my brother. fuck
No. 1679083
>>1679080I've learnt that ugly men often are the most shallow and least self-aware of moids
it's like they develop narcissism as a protective mechanism, all the while ugly women have to accept being third class humans by the time they're 10
No. 1679092
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Woke up too early, can't get back to sleep because I am thinking about him again… (grand slam breakfast)
I went to a dinner for one the other day and it was low quality. The pancakes didn't have a lot of flavor, syrup was just the corn syrup kind not maple, eggs were weird and tangy, bacon was OK. Didn't scratch the itch so after me and husband shopped for the best pancake mix, buttermilk, free range organic eggs, good bacon, and he will make me the grand slam I need once he wakes up. I woke up too early so hungry I can't get back to sleep. Husband won't be up for a couple more hours
No. 1679101
i just found out my ex-internet bf is trans (?? i think?)and i'm so disturbed
background: "dated" a guy "online" (never met him kek) when i was a teenager, i was like 15 he was 19-20 ish, i "broke up" with him when i was ~17. despite the cringe it was my first relationship so it had a decent impact on my teenage years
he was always like a 4chan and /jp/ degen but never ever mentioned trans stuff; he was kinky but from what i remember he was into it from a dominant perspective, no AGP forced fem shit
so imagine my surprise when i started following him on social media recently. his profile is very sparse, occasionally he posts a story. then i see it…. he's , at the very least, doing what they call "girlmoding"…
anons i am so fucking disturbed. he doesn't necessarily look like a hon, hes pretty skinny and looks clean which is rare obv, but like, what the actual fuck? i cannot stop looking at this picture. he used to be somewhat attractive. i guess it's so weird cuz i thought about him for a long time for a few years afterwards and now i feel… schadenfreude, i guess, as mean as that sounds
No. 1679111
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I get so fucking sick of having to explain to everyone around me over and over again that I'm not an easily offended woketard because they always assume I am due to the way I look.
No. 1679116
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I want to download a dating app because it's nearly impossible to get laid as a lesbian but I'm so fucking scared that someone is gonna screenshot my profile and post it online to make fun of me, or that someone I know is going to find it. I'm also detrans so IDK whether I should disclose that or not on my profile, I don't want some poor lesbian to get jumpscared by my deep ass man voice
No. 1679122
>>1679114Fuck anon I'm in the exact same situation but I haven't cut him off yet. He has ASPD not NPD though. He scares the fuck out of me. I befriended him a year or so ago because he was making fun of me initially and I made fun of him back and weirdly enough I think that made him respect me more. He could immediately tell that there was something different about me, he masks around everyone else but he pretty much immediately started telling me all this shit about how he used to whore himself out for drugs and shit. Eventually it started to freak me out but I feel like I can't cut him off because he feels like he's bonded with me on a deep level and I know the sort of things he's done to people who wronged him even slightly. He's a legitimately violent dude.
He called me in the middle of the night yesterday and about halfway through our conversation he pulled out some concealer that was way too light for his skin tone and and started smearing it all over his face while mumbling about how he wants to be white and he gets paler in the winter. He spent a good ten minutes coating his face in 10 layers of concealer. It was weirdly disturbing to watch, he had this glazed-over look in his eyes and it seemed like he was in a trance or something. I felt like I was watching Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight or some Darron Aronofsky nightmare sequence and I had no idea what to do. I said something like "Hey man, I think that's enough and when I'm telling you to go easy on the pale foundation it's bad" half-jokingly. He just laughed maniacally, pulled out some eyeliner, and put it on. It was distinctly feminine, in this sort of winged Cleopatra-esque style. He headed off to the bathroom without saying a word and when he came back he was sobbing and laughing at the same time. He said he bought a blonde wig off Amazon and laughed again, mascara running down his face. I was totally dumbfounded because he always makes fun of trannies and outsiders of that ilk (it's interesting, because he deeply hates anyone who is remotely like him or me, yet he makes an exception for me, to some extent - he wants to torment me but he still keeps me around, and maybe that's why he keeps me around). He kept saying "If you can't beat 'em, just join 'em" over and over again. He blurted out "I hope you get raped" and then followed it up by saying "Sorry, that was intrusive." I responded "You'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you." Yeah, I'm a cunt, but so is he.
I think he sees everything he hates about himself in me - I'm a warped funhouse mirror reflection of what he is, or what he could have been. I tell myself I despise him and that the only reason why I still hang out with him is because I'm scared of what he would do if I cut him off, and that's somewhat true, but there's still a part of me that's drawn to him. I can't take back everything everything I've told him. This psychopath knows more about me than my parents, my therapist, and just about everyone in the world combined. In turn, I know all of his secrets. We are blood brothers. If either of us betrayed each other, I feel like we'd open up a wormhole that couldn't be closed.
No. 1679129
>>1679124It's not that easy. He told me that he bullied a guy into suicide because he borrowed a pair of shoes from him and ended up ruining them and that guy wasn't even that close to him so I can't imagine how he'd react if I actually ghosted him entirely. We also live in the same neighborhood. He's the kind of guy who you don't just get rid of. It's more like an
abusive relationship than a friendship.
No. 1679156
It's fucking weird and kinda scary how nearly all of my american makeup sphere mutuals, mostly straight women, have turned into some "demiboy cuntboy genderfuck boydyke girlfag" messed? It's actually gross, their makeup skills have deteriorated, they all have gained so much weight which would be ok if they just dressed better but it's all skimpy as fuck outfits with fake beards/mustache whatever and the weirdest thing is the drag queen aspect to it all? These fat straight women, are calling themselves boydykes and whatnot, wearing shein stuff on stage, lipsyncing to some shit like adventure times songs? Bitch what is going on, you're a straight woman, just be gnc I guess but shitty makeup, weight gain and fucking men isn't a new gender? We're way too old for this shit, they think they're some Club Kids and not just self hating fat women.
No. 1679157
>>1679129You're putting way too much into this relationship. Shit doesn't work out. I've told "everything" to a friend before and we ended up falling out. Friendships aren't forever and you move on. He's clearly doing some dramatic movie style breakdown to manipulate you, it's not worth the bullshit. Idk, just slowly stop hanging out with him. Get a job or take more hours at work. I'd rather move away than let a friend control my life like that
Also, ngl, the suicide story sounds dumb. If I ruined a pair of shoes and someone killed themselves over it, they already had problems and it's not my fault. He's being weird and you sound like a troll for not seeing it.
No. 1679163
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Boy oh boy I love this trend of rich city kids choosing the country lifestyle and posting cottagecore and tradcore content making youtube and tiktok bucks out of it like they weren't rich enough before
No. 1679177
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Welp this confirms lc is being namedropped on other sites, as if it wasn't already obvious. That explains a lot.
No. 1679184
>>1678791Leave girl. I worked nearly 3 years at starbucks and was losing hair from stress there. They over worked me and under paid me. I was called in early to my shift an hour before it started, so I had to leave my house immediately. They would ask me to stay late, so i did a lot of doubles. The management always takes the customers side, no matter how awful they treated us. My under 18 coworkers always had old men hitting on them and management did nothing about it except give the older guy a gift card. You can absolutely find something else that pays you $15 an hour. Starbucks is
toxic as shit.
No. 1679185
>>1679157>If I ruined a pair of shoes and someone killed themselves over it, they already had problems and it's not my fault. He's being weird and you sound like a troll for not seeing it.kekk
>>1679122> I was totally dumbfounded because he always makes fun of trannies and outsiders of that ilk (it's interesting, because he deeply hates anyone who is remotely like him or me, yet he makes an exception for me, to some extent - he wants to torment me but he still keeps me around, and maybe that's why he keeps me around). He kept saying "If you can't beat 'em, just join 'em" over and over again. He blurted out "I hope you get raped" and then followed it up by saying "Sorry, that was intrusive." I responded "You'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you." Yeah, I'm a cunt, but so is he. anon is right you need to be serious with yourself why would you debase yourself for this loser
No. 1679255
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just made a disgusting concoction of milk and white chocolate ( i thought it would help it melt ) which curdled, so i had the bright idea of adding in butter that i think now was fermented, and it did nothing but add fat. just a yellow curdled ass vomit inducing soup. and i ate about half of it because i didn't want to waste food i already have very little of (and i'm a big time grazer so now i don't have anything). i didn't enjoy it at all. i want to puke but it's not coming up at all so now i'm sick and nauseated and filled with what's basically an obesity soup i didn't even want or enjoy. feeling like a feedee
No. 1679261
>>1679236In a case of cancer diagnosis men leave women 8 times more often than vice versa. Men remarry faster than women when their spouse dies
Men catcalled me more often when I was 13 than when I was 20. Seriously they don't deserve anything. I'm bi but I never engaged with men sexually and I never will, I'm too redpilled on men at this point, I'd rather me miserable and alone and miserable with a man who can also hurt me and use me
No. 1679280
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I'm starting to think I should have re-attempted killing myself when I was 17. I really shouldn't have given up so easily and tried harder at killing myself when nobody was home or actually locked my door. Knowing I wouldn't be here and in peace if I had just went ahead and locked my door and stuffed a towel under the door to block out any noises makes me want to kick myself. I'm such a retard it's unreal.
No. 1679321
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Is there something wrong with my eyes? Like there's no fucking way. I see many cute stacies on youtube and tiktok, sometimes I watch them just because I like to watch pretty girls doing cute stuff. And then I see their boyfriends. Fucking OGRES. Every single time. Like way below their looks match. I always expect them to have boyfriends that would be at least 7/10 but they're 4/10 at best, ugly dudes with receding hair lines and a pubic hair mustaches. Just ugly. I feel almost offended, I feel offended when I see beautiful women with ugly guys. And besides that, it makes me think, if stacies like them date ugly guys, then what can I date? I guess I can forget about having even a mildly attractive guy, if even stacies date uggos… Then I can date only 2/10 quasimodos I guess. It makes me depressed. Also this makes mediocre and ugly men think they're always entitled to beautiful women. It's unfair. You would never see male looksmatches of those stacies dating women way below their level looks-wise. There's no cute tiktok boys with ugly girlfriends. Don't tell me 'uwu women care more about personality than men!' We should stop doing this. If men did it at least half as often as women, I wouldn't be mad. But they never do it.
No. 1679380
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>>1679374They're not open for another 2 hours
No. 1679514
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i live in woke hell and all of my coworkers are nonbinary gendies with names like sandalwood and river and potato. we have the new tranny lgbt flag hanging at the registers. i get along with them fine but fuck me if they knew some of my opinions i'd probably be so hated and it's hard to want to be friendly sometimes knowing that.
i need a car and to gtfo of this awful place but where the hell are the normal people? why are my options extremely woke idpol shit and homo bashing pro-lifers? it feels like such a sick society we are living in.
No. 1679518
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if i go to bed it will be fucking monday
No. 1679524
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I HATE SPENDING MONEY. I can't save more than 17k because I constantly have to spend money now, like for doctor appointments and meds, new shit for my house because old shit breaks, my fridge just died. I need some furniture for the room I'm renting, I literally only have a bed and plastic boxes for my clothes and nothing else, no chair, no wardrobe, no lamp etc. I've been living like this for 3 months. Even if I buy used stuff it will still cost me if I want it to be in a good shape. My rent increased, my health insurance increased etc. I don't buy anything for myself. Zero cosmetics or skincare products (I have one shampoo, one conditioner and one soap bar and that's it), no new clothes, no hobbies, I don't even buy the food I'd like to eat because I want to save money. Meanwhile I've been constantly around the 17k since months. I just can't go higher than that no matter how much I try. 17k after working like a slave for over 2 years is not a lot, I should have more than that. Fuckkkkkk I will be able to buy my own apartment maybe when I'm 50??? I also want to save money for braces because my teeth are fucked up and my mom never cared about it despite dentists telling her my teeth will be fuck up when I grow up. Now I constantly suffer from TMJ pain and I have jaw assymetry and my dentist says I not only need braces but also a surgery. Also gonna need to save money for a real hair wig because I'm balding from all that chronic stress Fuckkkkkk
No. 1679577
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Both my and my boyfriend are miserable and depressed right now. I'm depressed because I desperately want a job and can't find one, and he's depressed because he has a job, but hates it. He's jealous of all my free time, and I'm jealous of him having kept a steady job ever since he graduated. He even got a raise during the pandemic.
I honestly wish we could just magically switch or something. Our apartment is filled with this intense and sour atmosphere. Every day just feels heavy. I look forward to having a job so I not only can have a place to go to get away from him, but also have the money to go out and enjoy myself a little. With no paycheck I can't really do much. I can leave for long walks, to read at the library or just sit somewhere browsing on my phone, but I'm so fucking lonely and I just want some colleagues to talk to and to see my friends who live further away. I know I can't help my boyfriend with his issues other than support him while he's depressed, but it's so hard when I would give everything to switch places with him. I've been miserable at jobs before. Lost my hair at some point due to how awful it was, but I still would prefer that compared to being unemployed. Fuck.
No. 1679671
Inspired by
>>>/ot/1679629 and
>>>/ot/1679652At this point I don't understand why women get married. I'd rather shoot myself than baby an adult. My mother is like that, she works 24h shifts and still cooks and cleans and does everything around the house THE MORNING AFTER THE SHIFT, AFTER A 4 HOUR NAP. Dad comes backs home after 8 hours spent cataloguing screwdrivers, plops down onto the couch, and waits for mom to serve him dinner. Every single time. When I'm over at their place, mom tells me to serve him while she's working on something else. I refuse. He doesn't budge, blinking at me like a retard. Rinse, repeat.
Visited my new workplace friend for the first time. We're chatting in the kitchen, husband waddles in. Blinks at her. My face falls, I know what's coming. There it is, he mumbles something about dinner. She jumps, runs over to the fridge, starts heating up meals. Tells him to wash his hands. She makes triple digits. I'm speechless.
No. 1679699
>>1679696the heat wave probably
source: am a little dead myself
No. 1679737
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i feel like i have the weight of those cement balls they have on pavements on my left boob and it's so annoying but it's mostly freaking me the hell out
No. 1679777
I’m sick of my aunt talking about my brother and his girlfriend and how she’s not okay with their relationship. Jesus Christ. I know her family is shitty and that she’s very different to my brother, but I literally don’t give a single fuck because that’s not my relationship.
She criticizes everything about her and is always keeping an eye on her, and yeah, she’s not the neatest person in the world, she’s lazy when it comes to doing chores and shit, but jesus I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a tiny single little microscopic fuck about how she fucking drinks water.
I think I need to go out and spend like 6 hours out of the house for a while, not having a job sucks.
No. 1679821
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When I look at this site I get depressed because it's a reminder that there are indeed women out there who I do relate to but none of them would ever want to talk to me because they're all TERFs and I look like the most stereotypical genderspecial SJW caricature you can possibly think of.
No. 1679830
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I can't envision a universe in which I'm happy. I know what I don't want, but I don't know what I do want. Unfortunately "being myself" leads to being ostracized by society, but if I don't express myself I feel like a hollow shell of a human being.
No. 1679850
>>1679821I do think everyone acts performative around SJW looking people. Interestingly, more often than not, when a woman and I click enough to have deeper 1-on-1 conversations, she’d bring up first along the line of how she thinks women issues are usually secondary to men’s feelings and I’d know what she’s trying to say. Some are more open to blatant
terf talks than others, some just talk about it in roundabout way while peppering in sjw apologetics. I guess I give subliminal
terf vibes even though I don’t think it’s my appearance that gives it away. I think if you throw out some hints here and there in a conversation, like minded women would probably catch the drift.
No. 1679872
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I hate the us vs them mentality. I wish we could go back to the ''live and let live mentality'', but sadly we cant because bad individuals used it to get away with heinous shit. Now everything is tainted, it's near impossible to find genuine people, the Internet is so bitter and boring. All I do is reminiscent of the good old days. I cant believe its going to be the 10th anniversary since everything went to shit and started getting political and bitter. If not for art leaving me enjoy life through made-up scenarious i would have killed myself already.
No. 1679885
>>1679848It gets tiring to get told to “be yourself” by people who face no social consequences for being themselves.
Whenever someone tells me to “be myself”, I think of the scene from The Crow where he psychically transfers all of the pain his girlfriend went through in the thirty hours before she died to the guy who raped and murdered her. “Thirty hours of pain, all at once.” I wish there some way to curse them with all of the knowledge that I know, to make them feel all of the pain that I’ve felt and know what it’s like to be ostracized the way I’ve been ostracized and then ask them if they still think it’s worth it for me to “be myself.”
No. 1679886
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>>1679877yeah, it sucks. I hate they have ruined every single hobby I am into and ruined my(admitably shitty) type of men. I feel so incredibly lonely, because i hate troons, but i am completly a-political otherwise, so i dont fit with anti troon women nor anti troon men. Being a tomboy in 2023 is so fucking hard, most men are extremists brainwashed by the internet and all my tomboy peers are being groomed into transitioning. Oh well, i can always draw me and my made up husbando having comfy adventures in a pre 2010s era.
No. 1679902
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>>1679891i think it's that and people feeling the need to be part of a group and feel victimized. I used to hate the chruch and religion for setting back humanity for centuries(i mean, still do) but now i understand that having a scapegoat everyone can make fun of was absolutely neccesary. Before it was outcasts vs the goverment/religion, now it's leftwing outcasts(creepy coomer extremist weirdos) vs rightwing outcasts(creepy coomer extremist weirdos) while the goverment keeps ruining people's life and companies flip flop between who they want to pander to.
No. 1679919
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>>1679891No it’s because of gamergate and men hating women this is what started the state of the world. Women calling out misogyny in video games. This is why we are in hell rn! Because how dare a woman call out the vidya! Basically after that online shifted largely right from like 2016-2018. And then the pandemic hit and everyone went extra crazy. George Floyd happened and a new cultural reset. Everything became “woke” and then do to everyone being stuck at home the us vs them mentality really started to ramp up. Comedy had nothing to do with it sexism and racism did lol. But America never wants to get to the root of the issue cuz feminism is no longer needed cuz women can vote and work mmkay and racism is in the past cuz black people can get paid to work mmkay! Until we stop trying it pretend we live in a post racial post misogynistic society that’s when all this shit will die. But it won’t cuz America is literally built on racism and misogyny!
No. 1679925
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I made Goldie move out of my island but i regret it. She was there since the beginning and during my cancer remission. I'm so sorry Goldie, please don't think i hate you, you were the sweetest girl
No. 1679956
Something weird happened when I was leaving a party with my boyfriend and I don't know if I'm making a big deal out of nothing or not. The hosts, a married young couple we've known for ages, were hugging everyone goodbye as they left, which wasn't out of the ordinary since this is a pretty tight-knit group of friends. However, when the dude got to me, I went in for my standard male friend hug (polite distance, rigidly bent elbows, three pats on the back firmly administered), but his hands kind of…lingered on my upper back and very gently slid off. I was taken aback because while it wasn't exactly pervy, it felt more like the kind of hug you'd give a significant other and not a friend. By all accounts this guy really loves his wife and is too autistic to flirt with other women, and I generally feel uncomfortable touching people other than my bf or my family so I might just be exaggerating something innocuous, but it still felt pretty weird.
No. 1679981
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I wish I could find a therapist who wouldn't try to pressure me into trooning out if I talked about my gender dysphoria to them but I'm also wary of going to a therapist who explicitly advertises themselves as non-affirming because I feel like that's just a different type of extremism and they're going to be some wacko with fringe beliefs. I don't need to be told that everything I do is rooted in misogyny when I've already spent a shitton of time in radical feminist communitites and it didn't make me feel liberated or help me accept my body, it made me feel even more stuck and frustrated than before. Yes every woman on earth has internalized misogyny but my desire to have a dick and fuck things with that dick is not internalized misogyny kek
No. 1680000
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>>1679954Yeah, that's my point. Offensive humor is about being able to take it too. Most people who make offensive humor nowadays cannot take it when it's targetted at them, like the moids who whine about the Barbie movie being a hate crime against men. I make anti moid jokes to my friends all the time, and we either laugh it off or if it's bad they make a ''womyn humor tehee'' joke and then i fire back with something equally cringy and we end up laughing anyways. The point is that people get too offended over dumb jokes nowadays and make their identity their whole personality, to the point if some online moid makes fun of one bad female comedian they get offended as if it was targetted at them, instead of realizing it's an attention seeking moid who's probably under 14 or over 30 and a virgin loser. I cannot imagine having friends and not feeling comfortable bantering around them because you are too scared of hurting their feefees.
No. 1680016
My friend has turned into a massive trad pickme, or at least is being indoctrinated by incel bullshit online. She started out just being wary of trannies but she refused to listen to actual feminist arguments as to why she felt an aversion towards them, and went down the Matt Walsh path instead.
She strongly identifies with femininity and just seems to be upset that bio men are taking away her special, exclusive thing.
We got into an argument and she was aggressively shilling her idyllic trad lifestyle dream on me. Now I grew up in a very conservative area and I’ve seen how traditionalism is a massive disadvantage to women, or in the very least puts them at a massive disadvantage and makes them much more vulnerable and susceptible to abuse. but she says my opinions aren’t valid because I’m coming from a place of personal experience (yet her growing up in an affluent liberal household and listening to tradcels bargain for gfs online makes her an unbiased expert on trad men). You don’t even have to look hard for examples to know that taking away women’s rights is never something that uplifts them, it actually makes no fucking sense logically.
Anyways she got really pissed after a while of arguing and told me that all women are naturally subservient, submissive, weak, and need strong men to control them for their own good. Mind you she is severely autistic and low agency, and I told her just as much. She’s projecting her own personal failings onto women as a whole. She said I was probably I was ashamed of my innate female desire to be submissive and use feminism to hide my shame. Holy fucking projection.
She just makes me so mad. How condescending she is and calling feminist ugly old cat ladies, as if she has any right to act like she’s superior to anyone when her dream is to be some man’s slave. I don’t understand how you can have such a low opinion of yourself that you’d wish you (and everyone who shares the same sex as you) were forced to become second class citizens. Meanwhile you’re gonna act like the queen of right opinions and say anyone who doesn’t share your dream of bangmaiderry is beneath you.
Ugh I’m just so exhausted with her.
No. 1680021
>>1680016there is nothing much you can do, she took the koolaid, the least you can do is distance yourself but keep in somewhat touch in case she needs help once she gets in an
abusive relationship with a redpill scrote. you basically lost that friend and her whole personality from now on is pandering to men.
No. 1680078
>>1680016>she says my opinions aren’t valid because I’m coming from a place of personal experience (yet her growing up in an affluent liberal householdThis makes no fucking sense. Surely your opinion would be more
valid than anyone else’s? Does she dismiss it as “anecdotal evidence”? It’s the new trendy way for redpilltards to dismiss
valid arguments, since they can’t think for themselves for 5 minutes.
I didn’t even finish reading your post anon but I don’t think I need to. Stop being her friend. She’s a spiteful little crab in a bucket.
No. 1680082
>>1680016You're best option would be to distance yourself and hopefully one day she'll come to her senses, but like the other anon said she drank the koolaid so there's nothing you can really do or say that'll wake her up to the obvious dogma she's following. I actually had a retarded 2016 edgy redpill phase, not so much the trad stuff but I was always thinking I was center leaning right but I was following right wing people who sold their politics as center/right. It was mostly for the tranny stuff and the "anti sjw" shit, I was really into Steven Crowder, Paul Joseph Watson, Blaire White (ironic ik lol), Jordan Peterson, Gavin McInnes, all those 2016 cringe lords. It's literally impossible to break someone out of a propaganda hold like that, she has to sort of "break the spell" herself. For me it was the misogyny, I was so tard pilled I was like a pick me and would believe the righttards that women have privilege and we have equal rights so there's nothing to complain about and 'not all men' and all that bullshit. When I started looking into stats and seeing the percentage of men that are pedophiles, the high offense rate of men and the low offense rate women, how prone men are to violence, sex assault, pedophilia, hate crimes, domestic violence. How men view women vs how women view men. Seeing how misogyny is widely accepted while misandry is considered super hateful and evil. Once I started noticing how these men I followed treated women as lesser, and had rules for us that we had to follow to even be considered somewhat "valuable" to them I started getting peaked. Now when I look back on that phase and the shit I believed in I can't believe I was so brainwashed and stupid, but at the time I thought my beliefs were correct and inoffensive, or that "the other side" was bad so it was okay if I had offensive beliefs. I'm so glad I got out of it with minimal damage, but I'm so embarrassed I got so swept away with it. It was like if these people I followed said something I'd just believe it without question. Anyway sorry for the bloggy wall of text, and I hope your friend comes to her senses soon
No. 1680099
>>1680094They believe everything a man says without a shadow of a doubt, and use mental gymnastics to assert it when there’s evidence agains them. Whenever I bring up the bottle incident, how the best baseball or cricket player in the entire world would struggle to DELIBERATELY fling a bottle across a room so that it elegantly slices a persons fingertip off, they just dismiss it as me always believing women. It’s not even that I think Amber is a
victim, I just don’t believe things that aren’t based in reality. Men are all about being LOGICAL AND ANALYTICAL when it’s against a woman. Again, when I bring up “why would she crap the bed when he’s not going to be sleeping in it for weeks on end yet she is? And why are you acting like that shit isn’t entirely Yorkshire terrier sized?” Again it’s “you ALWAYS believe women and never men!”
No. 1680101
>>1680086How do you know if it's a false report? A guy in my family slapped his girlfriend and admitted to it to everyone in the family but everyone still believes she lied and he didnt slap her. If you weren't there, how do you know?
I hate it when anons defend their brothers and pretends all of the gfs their brothers had were coincidentally super evil instead of admitting their brother is a bad person.
No. 1680109
>>1680108Nta but I was with you until you called her a whore and this line here
>because she was mad she couldn’t access his sons dick anymore.That's a normal way to talk about your brother and dad kek
also if she's a whore so is your brother No. 1680117
>>1680078Yes she says all of the abuse I’ve seen in a tradcon Christian upbringing was anecdotal and I was just unlucky and that the vast majority of trad relationships are wholesome epic chungus little house on the prairie. It’s not even just me and my experience, it’s countless women. I mean fuck you can look at plenty more patriarchal societies today where women have no rights and see how abused they are. She’d probably say Muslim women are envied by women across the world because of how they can be their natural feminine selves.
She believes women love submitting, that males abusing their power is so rare to the point of not existing, and the only reason women wanted rights is because evil feminists tricked them just because they are jealous old grannies who like watching young women suffer.
She’s literally just an incel it’s insane.
I could go on about other wild shit she’s said but it’s so much.
No. 1680118
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>>1680117Fuck her off, then. This sort of movement was designed specifically to trick autistic women because some of them are that fucking stupid, they’d rather believe a staged image like this than other peoples actual life experience.
No. 1680128
>>1680118I think the reason she fell for it is because she’s so heavily autistic and there’s so many (also autistic) men online spreading Infographs and purporting their worldview as factual and logical. The “balance of femininity and masculinity”, “men are protectors”, etc. all of these rules and transactions make a lot of sense to autistic women who crave structure and can’t easily process intent. She takes everything at face value, and everything the trads say make logical sense to her.
In another universe I could really see her becoming a die-hard radfem, but because she wasn’t exposed to enough male abuse in her childhood she doesn’t have a predisposition to be critical of them.
No. 1680141
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>>1680130Can’t they at least dress like this? I’d have ten times more respect for them if they did.
No. 1680143
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>>1680141That's a stunning blouse, not suited for dirty work. This is the reality of farmer fashion.
No. 1680149
Ok I’m venting more about my trad friend because it offended me so much that she minimized the abuse I faced and the abuse the women in my family/friend circle faced. How she could say the rape, assault, moleststion, stalking, and deprivation I saw men in power doing to me and the women I loved as “just as bad” as the girls who bullied her in school. And btw this bullying was them trooning out and dumping her as a friend because she didn’t support them.
She said she pities me for being so brainwashed and npc-like and will die alone because I said I’d rather have cats than marry an
abusive, unloving trad man. That I’m rejecting my innate femininity and worsening my mental health because the idea of being a servant to a mediocre scrote doesn’t titillate me.
The biggest irony here is that I have a long term bf and she’s terminally online and lives with her parents.
>>1680133Her parents are hands off, very absent. They let her self-sabotage repeatedly in numerous other ways and never stepped in.
No. 1680175
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>>1680143This is what real tradwives look like. Based and hunter-gathererpilled.
No. 1680213
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This website has turned into Reddit for girls. Just like Reddit, it's full of terminally online immature imbeciles who push each other into bringing the worst shittakes ever, so that it escalates into complete insanity (from the rampant "all men are evil" to the "uwu my autism" and so on). And just like Reddit, the moderators are incompetent and only care about pushing their own agenda rather than unbiased and objective moderation. This site sucks.(cry in meta)
No. 1680221
>>1680213downvoted and reported to mods
hmph try again normie heh
No. 1680260
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why do hamplanets publicly post photos like this are they trying to make the rest of us nauseous or
No. 1680331
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>>1680213Then why don't you leave instead of ban evading.
No. 1680332
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>>1680001Maybe cuz I’m a millennial (29) but the office was so funny to me in my youth. We just never seen that type of meta comedy on tv before. I think that’s why it was such a hit. Also reality tv basically raised our generation so a sitcom in reality tv style about an office environment is funny as hell! I still die laughing at the office to this day but it could just be nostalgia. So when us younger millennials started entering the work force it was our comfort lol. gen z doesn’t like it cuz so many shows have been made since using the office tropes so for Gen z it don’t click! Also then when tinder became a thing people started adopting office quotes into their personality since the office gifs and quotes were so popular on tumblr and online in general. Tinder premieres in 2012 and the office (with Michael Scott) ended in 2011. So it makes so much sense why for so long it became a meme that people just quote the office on tinder. Now The office for millennials is akin to how Gen x feels about Friends. This is just a theory a game theory. Thanks for reading
No. 1680337
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My ducking sister left the window open all night and then left for work with the window still open and guess what!? There’s a whole lantern fly in here. I’m too freaking scared to kill it cuz it giant and gross and I hate killing bugs cuz it’s nasty and sad. Like why tf would you leave the window open when you see lantern flies trying to get in here Everyday! Not to mention this stupid ass apartment made these huge French windows WITH NO SCREENS. So you can’t even open a window without 40 different species of bug entering your home. I’m over summer. First it was a cicada terrorizing my balcony and now a giant lantern fly someone come over and kill it please!
No. 1680398
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>>1680337Anon, is it still there? Do you have any window spray or something similar that comes in a bottle like picrel? Switch the nozzle setting so it comes out in one long stream, and then use it on the bug. It's a long range attack and if you hit it enough times it should get it's wings wet and then you can kill it or catch it and put it outside.
No. 1680447
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Am I a schizo for believing that these climate protestors who are blocking the road are actually hired by oil companies? It's insane. There is no way that they think it's productive to block the road for people. My aunt in the US was late for work because they blocked in the road. What happens when an ambulance/firefighter is blocked in? Why can't they just go to the white house or whatever local politician and protest there. Block the entrance? Annoying!
No. 1680451
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>>1680447they're useful idiots for the ones who stand to make a fortune via electric vehicles and such. Which also cause massive pollution in other ways
what we need is rail
No. 1680494
>>1680491I don’t know if abortion is a sin. If I’m pregnant I think I’ll have to keep it because life is made from love and intended to be there.
>>1680488I’ll try to relax. It’s usually been like clockwork, but I had some dietary changes and stopped taking normal meds. Ok. If two days is nothing, I’ll wait a week. Thank you.
No. 1680510
>>1680494This happened to me too and it made me realize women’s body’s are a joke. Meaning our uterus is a literal jokester! Why the fuck would our bodies make period symptoms the EXACT SAME as pregnancy symptoms. Not only that but when you are pregnant you SPOT meaning you bleed! So even if you see blood you don’t know if it’s confirmation of your period or your pregnancy. I don’t think you are pregnant
nonnie but I did have a coworker who was a virgin too lost her virginity and had a baby at 17 immediately I felt so bad. I’m not saying that to scare you just know it’s a possibility. But also know I’ve had many pregnancy scares over the years but a lot of the time it’s your brain playing tricks on you. Just wait a week! Cycles change all the time for he stupidest reason. Or if worse comes to worse see if your friend/sister has theres and hang around them. Idc if it’s not scientifically proven but I swear we sync up! Maybe that will work. Also masturbating a lot always makes my period come early
No. 1680526
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>>1680509anon, If you’re paranoid about pregnancy keep track of your ovulation days and chart your fertility and have protected sex on days where you’re least likely to be fertile. Plan B is good to have on hand but doesn’t always work if you’re already close to ovulating.
No. 1680528
>>1680460if you have a functional railway system, 9-5 workers wuld actually benefit from it
Everyone near Paris( which makes about 10 million people) use it everyday
you can basically chill and do whatever you want for the 30mins to get to work instead of concentrating on the road, and it is also ecological (runs on electricity and the amount of energy per passenger is lowest)
only problem is when there are strikes or when a passenger faints, then you might be late for work, but employers are used to it anyways
Sadly it is low profit because this kind of company has to be state owned, the fact nobody shills trains just shows how corrupt our system is
No. 1680530
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This is my second year of uni and since I was a kid I've felt like every new school year im going to get bullied for whatever reason.I dont know why this happens since I already know the people of my class but a few weeks before starting I start to panick, at the end everything turns out fine but this doesnt stop me from feeling like crap and deleting all my social media when I feel like back to school season is coming soon
No. 1680726
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I’m so obsessed with my ex moving on. I’m both dreading and hoping for it so I can get the final wave of depression over with. Recently he’s been hanging out with this coworker but in almost all of the interactions were purely in a group setting. His body language around her has been pretty distant as well. I was nervous but I didn’t let it get to me. Then last week she was clearly at his house after work and posted some cutesy caption implying he made her a snack. She deleted it super quickly after and she never deletes anything. I flipped my shit but honestly he’s so fucking hard to read I can never tell what’s going on. He’s a massive people pleaser and will go out of his way for anyone he empathizes with. Problem is he hates himself too much to have any sort of meaningful relationships. He doesn’t really have people over but I can also see if anyone was having a crisis and asked for support he’d drop everything even if he didn’t like them. There’s a girl he goes out of his way for despite not liking her at all and I know he’s a moid but he was not attracted to her either. She texted him last minute to help move (he wasn’t the only one she asked) and he did it anyways despite having other things to do and getting literally nothing in return. Of course he was pissed after but he’s unable to say no to anything. Another girl he said he disliked was in a program with him for a bit and he seemed to be doing the same thing; looking for her approval even though he didn’t even like her. He does it for men as well so I don’t think it’s a purely attraction thing either. His best friend is a gay guy who also has a lot of emotional/drinking issues and he’s always texting him when he’s stressed out. He reached out to his male friends a lot whenever they had anything going on for support. He gave a homeless man his only jacket while we were on a date, he bought food for homeless people whenever we saw them, any time someone came to him with a crisis he would listen, he would fetch things without being asked to constantly. The pity aspect is definitely something he needs to experience attraction to someone but he’s a lot more judgmental than he appears and is pretty critical of people’s looks. He is extremely drawn to the damaged sad girl type. This girl gives off some of the signs but she’s not much of a looker. In my experience when he wanted to get with me at first he was doing all of these little things without begin asked to but was also extremely touchy freely. I don’t see that with her. I don’t think it’s some type of narc manipulation either because whenever I did anything for him in return he got extremely uncomfortable. By the end of our relationship when he was pulling away I showed up with $5 grocery store ice cream because it’s his favorite and he looked guilty? He ended things by saying I was this really amazing girlfriend and he loved being with me but I was scary and he couldn’t get over the anxiety. I don’t know how to move past that emotionally and seeing him with another girl will be soul crushing but it feels like it’s the only way to kill all hope. All I want is actual hard evidence of them or someone else so I can let go.
No. 1680738
>>1680720develop empathy and care less about what gets you off and start with why. this isn't me asking you why you answer that for yourself. when i was a porn addict i was like you too
only i never learned to jill myself but i really couldn't do it anymore after learning more about the industry, it's beyond disgust. i'm not saying not to be horny but for your own benefit and those girls in the videos it's best you find ways to cut that out of your life. also i'm sure you were asking for other ways to get yourself off instead of what i just said but i can't help you with that
No. 1680762
>>1680001It makes unfunny office scrotes think their lame boring lives are just as interesting as the TV show.
>>1680447Every time there's a big, organized protest, it's organized by somebody very rich. Just think about how hard it is to organize ANYTHING and have people show up unless you're handing out free stuff. And sometimes that's not even enough, one year I thought I organized my own birthday party, and ended up eating pizza alone. If my best friend hadn't been pregnant (thanks, scrotes) I would have had 1 guest.
No. 1680780
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>10 hours at work
>Pretty stressful day at work in general
>Almost 2 hours commuting
>Looking forward to an ice scream I bought some weeks back
>Somebody ate it
>Literal tears
I'm losing the plot.
No. 1680791
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i wish there was a dedicated female only book forum. i have to go through /lit/ archives to get recommendations because honestly i'm not really liking the ones i get on the thread on /m/ if i even get any answers to at all, which no one is obligated to give i know i just wish it was more active here and i'm thinking it would be better if it was an isolated forum that way it can be divided by fiction and nonfiction and maybe even overall genres but obviously i don't know how to code anything and i'm just dreaming up a fantasy again. oh well
No. 1680850
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I hate my brother so much. It's bad enough that I'm forced to tolerate his presence and coddling from other family members because he's a mentally ill NEET, but today my opinion of him dropped to an all-time low. My sister caught him staring at teen girls (he's 32 btw), and was pretty shameless about it. I wish he drop dead.
No. 1680853
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Trying to not spend all my money on beauty products and clothes right now. There's literally a teardrop of sweat rolling down my forehead right now. Must. Distract. Myself. Must. Not. Give. In.
No. 1680869
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Whenever I see someone with autism trying too hard to prove they're intellectual I just think of that Fay the Homeless Brain woman. Like you don't have to do all of that. You can be yourself without panicking and trying to 'claim' a hundred thousand different interests to try to impress other people, it doesn't make you look smart it makes you look empty and hollow and directionless and very desperate to relate to everyone. This isn't even a hatepost it's just such a specific frantic type of posting I see specifically from lonely people with autism who are desperate to touch too many bases at once and it makes them look delusional instead of well-rounded. It's always really contrived too like dont you get tired of trying to prove things to people
No. 1680871
My bf is such a whiny little baby. "Waah, adhd and depression are why I can't get my shit done or hold myself to basic standards of being an adult." He had a very gentle upper middle class childhood and I'm just out of patience for his shit, I survived conditions that would make CPS blush and somehow I'm highly functional, ambitious, and put together. He's such a lazy whiny shit-show. He can't even manage to sleep at night because he won't get off his phone. Something a DOG can accomplish. Then he comes to have an afternoon with me and all he wants to do is sleep while I sit there. Then he cancels another date because he's "in a depressive spiral" which happens every other week. I don't want to study and work fulltime but I do it anyway. He doesn't want to work fulltime, doesn't study, he just lays around half the fucking day complaining how he's broke, instead of plunging into the pool of a fulltime adult job so he can feel accomplished for once in his life. He doesn't try, then gets depressed because he feels like a loser. It would be less painful to just do your shit. He needs an entire day off to "clean" but his rented room is always filthy and his car is a mobile hoarding den. Every day I think about dumping him, but I don't want to go back to the dating world so I keep this whiny lazy excuse-making loser who acts like he's still a teenager.
You're depressed because you don't accomplish anything, you don't accomplish anything because you make excuses. The real reason is you're just LAZY. I have mental health issues a therapist could write a book on but i get my shit done and have my shit together, and it makes me feel good to have a clean apartment, fulfilling hobbies, and full bank account at the end of the day, something he hasn't gotten through his head yet that all his problems and feelings of worthlessness are of his own making.
He has "hobbies" he hasn't done for years. All he does is laze around on his phone all day. Why is every scrote such an addicted weak-willed loser. Males can't even function in the modern world. Every guy in my genenation has "adhd" like no you just don't have any SELF-DISCIPLINE. I want to send his retard ass to wilderness therapy to bend him over and break him. Cold turkey the fucking phone if you can't handle the temptation of 24/7 doomscrolling you waste of life. I want to leave him stranded in the nevada wilderness for two weeks.
No. 1680969
>>1680951yeah youre right. it just makes me sad. some part of me is like, aren't men
meant to buy their partners pretty jewellery? isn't that the whole point kek. id be really happy if my mum gave me a nice necklace too but id feel bad if she bought me something so expensive since i have nice cheaper jewellery that she's bought me in the past that still looks good. but yeah, for once i just want my moid to spoil me and buy something nice that will also have sentiment value ugh.
it's really sweet that your mum did that for you in the first place though and im happy at least someone can relate to my situation
No. 1681083
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It really sucks when your first reaction to any adversary is to cry, it's just embarrassing to have to consciously work to hold in tears while trying to argue about something small. I feel like a child
No. 1681232
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I told my dad about my CSA. He told me my mother caught it once and he strangled the kid that did it. I blocked so much out and I don't know how to feel. My dad wasn't aware it happened more than once and is incredibly angry. I don't know how to proceed. Now I just want to cry myself to sleep. I only told him because there's a moid at work making me uncomfortable even though I ignore his advances. He isn't use to that apparently and is trying everything to regain something now by doing everything to get me in trouble. Men have always made me uncomfortable because my past and now I have a man trying to exert power over me and tell me what to do even though we aren't even in the same company. He's up for promotion to supervisor and the main supervisor told me that my experience with him would hinder that promotion. I want his ego broken and his power trip to end.
No. 1681274
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Some renowned cunty moid upper level manager sent me a tiresome predictable nitpick email. It was truly not my fault so I snapped right back with something equally cunty and cc’d my managers in. It descended into shit flinging but I knew I was right. I went against my usual policy of flying under the radar at work and turning the other cheek even if I am in the right. Anyway it feels good. Even if it makes life at work harder for the foreseeable now this vengeful scrote is on my ass. I have saved like an autist for long enough that I could just fuck this job at any moment and be fine for a while.
No. 1681287
>>1681270>>1681272Thank you
nonnie/anon, this actually made me feel better. Sorry you're sick though, I hope you recover soon.
No. 1681468
>>1680587>>1680622I can't really call it "cheating" cause I was unsure about a relationship and I was unwilling to label us as a couple until I vetted him more. He insisted. We did take a break from seeing each other after he fucked up big time, and then after him begging for a month I took him back.
He claims there was a woman who somehow took obsessive interest in him during that break with allegedly no sexual contact or even romantic reciprocation–I don't believe it. But I feel I cannot point fingers about that because I was seeing other guys too. For all I know, he got it from one of his exes anyway.
The difference is that I don't have herpes, kek.
I did accidentally give him some yeasty dick from my antibiotic regimen, but I told him to buy anti fungal cream and he has not complained since. It just seems like he's taken that and is trying to extrapolate what happened with the yeast to blame me for the herpes too. Except the yeast makes contextual sense and isn't permanent.
No. 1681475
>>1681470Tbf I feel the problem is more that the troon is distracting anon.
How I am interpreting that situation is that anon is subconsciously focusing on a distracting element in the room to ignore the umcomfortable process of examining yourself in a support group situation.
If it's not the troon, maybe another woman might've looked at her wrong, or perhaps the organizer would've been too imposing or annoying.
Either way, I don't think the troon is the root problem though it probably does not help.
No. 1681487
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I bought my cats CAT'S BEST Smart Pellets and instead of shitting and pissing into the litter box like normal fucking cats, they got all the pellets out while I was at work and started hunting them for sport. I HAVE FUCKING PELLETS ALL OVER MY HOUSE BECAUSE THESE DUMB BITCHES THOUGHT THEY WERE PLAYING IN THE 2023 FOOTBALL WORLD CUP I SWEAR TO GOD.
at least they still pooped into the EMPTY box but dude I swear to fucking God
No. 1681494
nonnie I have a vagina I can show it to you if you like proof.
But if it’s PTSD specifically for women who suffered sexual abuse that is off putting lol
No. 1681498
>>1681494oh god not another lava rock incident, I'll take your word for it nona
the fact he's invaded a womans trauma-related space knowingly is red flags enough. probably cooming to it
No. 1681528
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I want to have sex but I hate irl moids, I just want to have sex with my husbandos. I wish I had privacy so I could get sex toys, I would get a dildo and I would finally be able to masturbate in the comfort of my own room.
Like, I love my family but sometimes, specially now that my libido is coming back, I just want some privacy and to know that I can have shit in my room without any worries of people stumbling upon those things.
No. 1681556
>>1681546I don't have a read on your prof, but if they are the type to be stringent about attendance and would expect an explanation, it might be better to email in advance and let them know your absence was an emergency (just bs something) and that you'll be present on Thursday.
Honestly just showing up Thursday is typical college student shit, I think an email with a bs excuse at least shows you cared about missing the class.
No. 1681558
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I just can't with my friend… for the last couple of months she went from a friend i'm concerned for to my personal cow. How stupid can she get? She finnaly moved out from her abusive boyfriend to an epic rooftop flat, yay! And she keeps iviting dates into her flat right away, not so yay. Now she started a lizard rescue and now a homeless weirdo knows her name, phone number and adress. He started extorting money from her for the lizards that should have been for free. This girl is like 35 and after all the terrible things that happened to her, getting amlost kidnapped when she was a kid, having 2 abusive boyfriends…. she does shit like this inviting complete strangers into her home when she has a pub in the building she could do dealings from.
No. 1681562
>>1681554Not op but the downside to waiting until class is that it doesn't show preparedness or good communication.
If op writes an email, she can follow up on Thursday with a "Hey prof, did you get my email regarding my absence on Tuesday?" and at least there won't be recourse for the prof to spin things around like they weren't informed.
No. 1681566
I’m in a training course that involved recording yourself to learn gore you come across and once I finally had the guts to look at it…wow. First, I’m fat. I didn’t know it. Second, my hair looks like shit, I cut my own hair but its even and in the mirror looks fine, it’s something with the texture, It’s like a block. Thirdly I have terrible posture, i thought it was average but I really do hunch. Finally I am WAY more facially expressive than I thought. In one way it’s nice because my smile is beaming, it’s a full grin but not forced, but if i have any non positive reaction it shows. If i need to think my eyes look up to the side in a really exaggerated way and my tongue sticks out, I didn’t even know. I don’t just roll my eyes, they roll to the back of my head kek. If I don’t like what I’m hearing, my face just fully drops, past neutral into a full scowl. It’s almost like the exaggerated mannerisms of a slapstick comedian, but I’m just trying to navigate through life. All those high pressure moments when I must’ve looked like a moron. All my exes who said I look so angry when I was just a bit irritated. Now I wouldn’t blame someone for assuming I’m simple in the head. I’m smart but unless i retrain somehow I’ll have a hard time making people take me seriously.
No. 1681571
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>>1681570The first sentence says I deleted that, anon.
No. 1681572
>>1681550Yeah it sucks, female only spaces are so rare and I've heard it happen to others many times but this is the first time it happened to me irl.
I was hoping he was there because he is a gay guy troon who has actually been a
victim of male violence and that the inappropriate "sexy" outfit is his clumsy way of passing but yeah. Could be AGP. I'm going to talk to the others, some seemed clearly uncomfortable but I don't know if they're handmaidens. Thanks nona.
No. 1681617
I used to live with my brother and we only talk to eachother since the rest of our family is drug addicts and now he just forgets about me until he has to call and rant about whatever is going on in his life. It's my niece's birthday? He never tells me their date and time for the party, same with my nephew. I go out with his wife occasionally for coffee and no one invites me to the birthday party, but her entire family is invited. They literally always leave me out when I'm always there helping them if they need it, babysitting, housesitting, giving them cards and gifts and checking up on my sister in law because I know my brother is an asshole. I'm never in family photos or anything and it's really getting to me now. I'm so tired of being forgotten when I've always stepped up to support them. My brother acts like its his "meanie wife" doing it all but he fucking does it to. I'm just going to start ignoring them. He always preaches this "us vs them" mentality with our trauma or how family is everything. Okay ?? Am I fucking chopped liver? I'm tired of these fake assholes
No. 1681690
my family, specifically my grandma keeps hiring the shittiest fucking contractors to do work on our house. i know i'm not paying for it so i shouldn't complain, but they spent 8 hours here yesterday to "fix" doors that don't even stay closed now… all 4 of them don't even lock or close, like it was better before. i was paranoid all night lmao… and they broke my glass wax melter in my room, i heard the loud ass glass shatter from downstairs. when i went up later, i found that they'd hidden all the glass under a blanket near my bed without even telling anyone like what the fuck. is this standard procedure? the trash can was right there even. my family won't listen to me when i say we should get a second opinion on their work at least to make sure we're not getting scammed, or fire them for being fucking unprofessional all the time like this is not the first we've had problems and the guys the main contractor hires make me uncomfortable as shit. most of their work has to be redone anyways, like all the doors, i just don't understand. it frustrates me so bad how they really just never listen to me, and i end up doubting myself about everything. but like this is unacceptable right??? maybe i am just craaazeh. like grandma, i live here to help youuuu please don't waste your money on these shitheads they don't care about you like they seem to!! they're not your friends!
No. 1681716
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I fucking love outfits like this, giant baggy clothes but I live in Florida and my husband told me I can't buy anymore because I have a closet full of shit I can't wear for a majority of the year. I don't have anything I like to wear when it's hot out
No. 1681755
>>1681716Do you look like a whippet dog when you leave the house KEK
I have a similar problem, my favorite kind of clothing is sweaters/jackets, which means I've been cycling through my paltry summer clothes for the past few months. I think my issue is I don't actually know how to style outfits, but I have no idea where to learn.
Best of luck sneaking that sweater home in the mail, nonna!
No. 1681862
>>1681803It's so common, isn't it anon?
My mother was the same. She knowingly baby-trapped herself to a womanizer and–as she later learned–wife-beater when she divorced him.
Yet she spent the better part of my life gaslighting me that this neglectful and if not intentionally malicious man "loved" me in spite of the horrific abuse she'd opine to me that he put her through. Gave me real confusing and conflicting messages about relationships and what true love is. Then from my mother's side of the family, the underlying guilt trip and tone that I
owed my mother something for her doing the bare minimums and raising me. Cause I asked to be born, right? But it was extra charitable of her to raise
his daughter when she coulda done better.
Horrific. All of my family was.
I remember being traded around like chattel between their houses and I never got a childhood because I was too occupied with travel and being used as a pawn for two immature adults to hurt each other.
I witnessed my family trip over themselves praising and spoiling the golden children (my mother's brother's children) as per the usual familial misogyny, and they grew up to be losers and deliquents.
Meanwhile I was more introverted and "weird" cause my traumas and neglect drew me to alternative fashions and tastes. But I graduated with advanced honors, two college degrees, and even obtained my first house before 30 that I even had to compete against other family to bid on. But as for my accomplishments? Crickets from them all. They only remember me as "baby killer" because I am a pro-choice proponent and it's the only thing they can use to morally minimize me being that they are losers in every other respect.
No. 1681863
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>>1681716This is my vent for today too, I feel this so hard. I moved to a fucking rural desert for my partners' job and it's so FUCKING hot all of the time (98°F while I drink my iced pumpkin latte rn and pretend it's fall). I absolutely love cold weather outfits like sweaters, jackets and coats and I can never, ever fucking wear them because it's always too hot here. Even in the winter, once I'm outside and walking around it's time to sweat again. It's honestly one of my main reasons for wanting to move away. Picrel, lately I keep getting advertisements for cute autumnal sweaters that are made of wool and I'd never be able to wear them anywhere. Fuck the desert.
No. 1681866
>>1681468He texted me this morning to update that it was a pimple and that the spot was already going away.
And yeah I guess if it was the herps there's no way it would erupt and heal so quickly.
Moids are morons.
Maybe he was shit testing me to see if I would admit to having anything. Dumb.
No. 1681930
I feel so nostalgic of my teenagehood, I don't know why
It fucking sucked, I was depressed all the time, I'd steal pain pills and cough syrups to drug myself up, I'd spend my afternoons feeling bored running round and round talking about useless shit and seeking validation on online forums, watching anime and talking to my toxic friend group on discord.
But for some reason, the fact there's probably not going to ever be a time in my life where I can afford to do that makes me sad.
I'm an adult now, I've got university courses to follow, a job to hold up, an appartment to keep clean and so on. I can't afford all that doomer shit.
I miss living like there was no tomorrow, like responsibilities are so far away.
I feel like I can see time running now and it makes me feel so weird, it feels virtiginous. Maybe I'm getting a taste of death, right? I'm still young, but I'm not that young anymore, and that time of my life feels like it went away in the blink of an eye. Tomorrow I'll be 30 and mraried, the next day I'll be 60 and retired, and after that I'll be dead.
I don't know, it makes me really sad to think about it but at the same time it is what it is.
How do you nonnas feel about it? Do you feel sad? How do you deal with these feelings, if you do? Just ignore them I guess..
No. 1681941
>>1681930I'm in my 30s and I miss teenagehood because the world was a lot different back then,technology hadn't invaded every bit of our lives and most normalfags was not on the internet and it was like the wild wild west with a million islands to explore.
I was depressed too and went through a rough period, but I miss not having to worry about having a job and having all my family, having my grandma wait for me with baked goodies when I got home from school and her being the best person in my life.
My biggest worries were studying and getting good grades, but in the long run that's not what guarantees you'll make it, a lesson which made me even more depressed when I learned it the hard way.
But yeah, I miss the mid 2000s like you wouldn't believe. 2003-2007 was peak everything.
No. 1681954
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I feel so overwhelmed right now. I have two jobs, I'm freshly out of college (neither job is using my degree, they're both food service jobs). I have to start paying my student loans this month. I have a hefty hospital bill that has just moved to collections. My rent just went up. I have to take professional photos for a project I worked on when I was in uni that is finally being published after 2 years, but I have no time with the 2 jobs + I feel like I physically look like shit because I don't take care of myself anymore. Luckily I have a lot of food stocked up in my pantry and freezer, but I'm not going to be able to afford fresh produce for some months.
No. 1681991
>>1681947We're doomed to mourn those days.
IF society hadn't changed that much the impact wouldn't have been so significant.
There's a reason why people are nostalgic about certain periods of their life and why some in their 30s and 40s are nostalgic for the 90s and early 2000s, because they really were vastly different from society today. Times like those are never coming back and I don't mean to be a "doomer" but shit just keeps getting worse each year.
The best thing we can do for ourselves is have a job/a stable source of income and invest our time in hobbies that keep us happy and healthy + try to spend as less time in front of a screen. So many young people are stressed because of social media and online shit and fail to realize that all they have to do to stop that is turn off their PCs/phones and they're free.
There's a picture I saw more than 12 years ago, it read "You scroll your life away" and each word was written in the font of famous social media platforms, like youtube,fb,twitter etc, that phrase gets more relevant with each passing year.
Our lives aren't meant to be digitalized, don't let the big corporations fool you.
No. 1682027
>>1682023Why are you using tranny terms for the sexes?
I've been reading the sperging in meta and saw an anon say TIFs or some shit are OK to post here but TIMs aren't? I'm not a deluded genderspecial so I'm not entirely confident which fucking colloquium means man or woman but what's the deal. Did lolcow suddenly become trans friendly, man larping as woman have no place here. I can see the argument for a woman thinking she's a man because she's obviously delusional but could do with reading a female site.
No. 1682030
>>1682027what ? TiF means trans identified female i.e women, you know, adult human females. TiM means trans identified males i.e men. TiF and TiM aren't even terms used by the genderspecials you speak of anon it's the other way around. it could clock someone as gendercrit or
TERF. obviously women tifs or not are allowed to post here as they're women, posters with a phallus can't
No. 1682245
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I wanted to go see one of my favorite bands with a friend of mine because this is the last time they’re touring but she’s bringing her scrote boyfriend who is twice her age with us (she’s 17, he’s 30). I don’t know what to do because there’s no way to prove to the cops that she’s having sex with him (she insists that they’re not) and even if I did, she would be unable to provide for herself on her own because she’s estranged from her abusive parents and if she goes into the foster care system she’ll likely end up in an even worse situation. I have no idea what to do, I feel like an enabler for just sitting back and watching this happen
No. 1682265
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>>1682245You're not an enabler, there's not a whole lot you can do in this situation. The most important thing is to be a safe space for your friend. Don't continually bash the guy or criticize or she'll eventually stop confiding in you. It's best to be open and neutral. Ask her what she thinks about things when she talks about him, engage her critical thinking, but keep the questions non-confrontational.
Just be there for her. Abusers always try to isolate their
victims for a reason. She is much better off having a friend she can trust.
No. 1682291
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What is the psychology behind obsessive crushes? No I won’t go to therapy.
No. 1682369
>>1682275Kek nonna don't be so upset, you were iron deficient, there was probably a lot going on in your life. Your activity and energy levels were different. It is NOT normal for someone to run a 5k in their first week of running as a hobby. article summarizes it very well. It isn't because he's a moid or whatever, a woman at his fitness level could knock out a 5k in her first week, too.
No. 1682491
>>1682283You're right nona, thank you. It's just a bit bleak.
>>1682369Yeah, I followed a similar plan to the ones in your link when I started nona. I just don't get it - if it's not because he's a moid, then why else would he be so intrinsically physiologically capable? Obviously my anaemia is one reason why I found it more difficult but he does not have a particularly active lifestyle, the only other time he's run in his life was during rehab for OPEN HEART SURGERY during the pandemic.
I've seen this pattern with other men in my life. They are much faster and have so much more stamina, and if they don't, they gain it so quickly. It's probably a combination of male physiology AND specific disadvantages I have, but it does discourage and upset me, you know?
>>1682386I've been iron deficient on and off since childhood and the difference in my performance when I know my iron is decent to when I'm anaemic is striking as fuck. I've recently had to take a break due to intense fatigue and stamina issues, I started worrying that I have some kind of serious disease, got bloods done and it's literally just anaemia again. Take your supplements and eat lots of spinach
No. 1682534
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>>1681208I’m starting a new trad thots thread nobody can stop me because I need a place to post this shit. The dumb bitches(in the comment) husband literally tried to murder their baby and she was livetweeting it. Of course she thinks posting about your dead baby obsessively is acceptable.
(they did, in fact, stop him) No. 1682568
>>1682558No SD card to remove? You should buy one for your next phone and save everything to it instead of phone storage. That way you take it out and pop it into your computer if something like this ever happens again.
Super sorry about your phone, nonna. Maybe you can save it and wait to see if you can recover the photos later.
No. 1682572
>>1682498You shouldn't be embarrassed nona, this fear is extremely common and socially acceptable. It's also rational, everybody should have a healthy skepticism about flying, people who say they don't are either lying or so desensitized that they shouldn't trust their own instincts. If your anxiety is impacting your health like this, please tell your doctor! I had a round trip cross country flight a couple weeks ago and I'm still having flight anxiety dreams come and go, if I could have been medicated for the flights I definitely would have, no shame whatsoever. You got this
No. 1682581
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I'm so annoyed, I had to wait an hour in the pouring rain because some dumb chick wouldn't let me leave the train. The train was full due to the weather, my station came up and I made my way towards the door no problem, and then right at the end of the hallway there was some woman deep into her phone. I told her "Excuse me", no reaction, then a bit louder "Excuse me", still no reaction, I push her aside and squeeze through "Excuse me?!" – "Yes, excuse me, too.", and in that exact moment the door closes. Some teenagers shout to the front that there's still someone who wants to get off, but instead of opening the door the train starts leaving. I get off at the next station and because of the weather, the next train back would come in an hour, instead of fifteen minutes. I hope she drops her dumbass phone in some puddle.
No. 1682582
I will never have a job and there is no future for me that is in any way bearable. I don't know where to even start. I'm 30 soon, and have been rotting away inside since I was 12. I am huge, ugly and terrified. Looking and acting the way I do invokes zero sympathy, in fact, the opposite, as I have been bullied and abused countless times
I literally have no idea what to do. It feels like it's over for me, I can't compete with everyone else, I barely have family to rely on, I am terrified of what will become of me when I get older
I can barely muster up the energy to exist, let alone go outside and work. Either way, nobody would hire me, I have zero social skills, no work ethic, no hope or motivation, no interests, nothing
No. 1682639
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>>1682558>>1682568I’m dumb as fuck I got it to turn back on, transferring all photos asap.
No. 1682663
>>1682639Fantastic news,
nonnie! And make buying an SD card the very next thing you do, too, kek.
No. 1682821
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I just let my best friend of 5+ years go. It hurt so much but it had to be done. Our final conversation just proved to me that it was the right decision as well. I don't know how i am going to cope. I have no other friends. We did everything together for 5 years and we went through a lot together, but at the same time it feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I don't think i will ever meet anyone again with the same niche interests and opinions, but it is what it is. I know everything will be alright in the end, but my heart weeps.
No. 1682826
>>1682653How old are they? Unless they've already met each other, it's not real. e-drama and e-relationships are so cringe.
>>1682821Sorry nona, I know how that feels. You will miss them but a life without them is your new normal now. Whatever happens, you'll be okay. Sending you some hugs
No. 1682886
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I have been in a very dark place, mentally, physically, all that. I think my cancer might be coming back and I've never been that open with that stuff, especially with my family and I have never really had a relationship with my sister, we have a pretty big age gap and she was honestly fucking annoying and disrespectful, made life so stressful. I overheard her on the phone with my mom talking about how "anon is gonna be the cool aunt, the kids are gonna wanna get her to go with them to festivals and for their first beers, she's always been cooler than me." I feel so bad because for one I always thought she thought I was a loser because I don't have a stable career, not married with kids like she is and all that, then I managed to get so fucking ill and I have fallen so behind from my peers. Maybe it's the full moon but I kinda fell apart, I can't promise anyone I'm gonna be around for all that, I love my nieces but it makes me stomach hurt to think that I can't be at all sure I'm gonna be there for that, I sometimes feel like I should just keep away to not let them get too attached because they were too little when I was very sick and the younger one didn't even get to see me until like 2 years ago. I have made them a lot of hand made stuff, kinda like keepsakes and had stuff ready in case I had died before, like jewelry and written stuff, wills too but fuck. I haven't yet contacted my medical team but I am gonna next week because that is what I'm supposed to do, I had kinda similar things happen last winter and it's tiresome, I am so fucking exhausted just thinking about myself, let alone these people who suddenly seem to care to have me around, especially for that long in the future.
No. 1682899
>>1682886I love my cool aunt so much and I'd wish to be with her even if she couldn't spend much time with me and I'd miss her. I'm sure both your sister and your nieces adore you, please don't feel bad about how they're going to grieve you when it's not even clear that your health issues are that serious as of now, if anything, the last memories you have before someone passes away are always the most precious.
I hope you get good news from your medical team, I'll pray for you. Much love to you, anon.
No. 1682912
>>1682891it's a vocal minority that demands representation of poly relationships. Most normie women would never enter a poly relationship and most people thinks that poly relationships are disastrous though they would never admit it cause it's
problematic to think so
even if it is true No. 1682939
>>1682928Go do your homework and get off this board
>>1682923I’d start with some antidepressant
No. 1683010
>>1682826hes mid 20s and her… well…
you wanna know the worst part, she lied about her age and did not tell her, he was told by other mutuals recently and put my buddy's life in a corner. so its like, do i hold this girl accountable for the manipulation and harm or just chaulk it up to a teenage girl being indecisive but hurting so many in the process???
No. 1683043
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honestly I don't know why the fuck my body hates me so much. Maybe I've oversensitive or something, but I feel like HELL when I go out! I can sit in front of a computer working for 6 hours in a dark room and feel 100x better than I do stepping outside for a few minutes. Even a 30 minute outing leaves me with a horrible headache, severe neck pain (especially in the upper back), painful feeling eyes and low-grade dizziness for the rest of the day. It is so bad that I haven't even been able to learn how to drive because I am just so out of it all the time. Also, the dumbest part is that the fatigue is visible–my eyes get so visibly fucked up looking that people constantly make comments about how ill I look. I also work out and am 21 bmi so it isn't like I'm overweight.
I don't know why the fuck I feel this way. For all I know it's perfectly normal…but to me it feels like my life is over.
No. 1683083
>>1683045I used to, but I think I corrected it. The most recent labs were ok. My doctor did randomly refer me to a high-end neurologist (I was surprised when the referral came because he didn't mention it at all!) which I'm still scratching my head about because I never even mentioned most of my symptoms. Also I do have a sleep disorder, but treatment with that hasn't been going well. Plus I don't feel as awful if I just sit around all day.
>>1683069unpopular artist opinion but you could have transplanted that hand onto a drawing that it'd make more sense on, kek.
No. 1683092
>>1681994it’s not really my doctor, just the hospital
>>1682007i can’t help it but you’re right. it’s just hard when i’m experiencing these thing i’ve never felt before (low back pain, prolonging pelvic pain, minor boob pain) and not have a singular answer other than 3 pregnancy tests when the internet constantly tells you “oh well you still could be pregnant!” it’s all bullshit i’m so scared and tired
No. 1683112
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> constantly do Too Much to please others
> receive praise for being So Good and Helpful
> never receive the same in return however, so become increasingly bitter and resentful
> attempts to simply not do Too Much leads to feeling half-assed empty
god either make me stop caring or surround me with like minded people i cannot continue like this
No. 1683214
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I'm fucking exhausted of trying to do a "glow-up". No matter what I do I'll never look like corinna kopf and olivia dunne, they're pretty much the top gigastacies that could have literally any moid they wanted and are basically impossible to beat in the physical department. I wanted to glow-up because I want to date beautiful moids, and in order to date beautiful moids you need to have the looks but obviously I can't get this perfect body when I look like a shapeless dry twig and I can't achieve this face without a nose job, lip fillers and some other adjustments. I also can't bleach my hair because my hair is already thin and damaged.
>inb4 not all moids like perfect 10/10 women
I'm aware of that but it's mostly the incels and average looking moids who prefer girls-next-door because they know they can't pull a gigastacy. A hot guy won't date beneath himself. Also the personality doesn't matter, if you have the looks you can say or do anything and people will find you endearing. Only plain women have to compensate with a great personality
No. 1683237
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>>1683214i'm sorry to nitpick but girl on the left reminds me of this meme
No. 1683275
nonnie but these women look so stereotypically British, with the fake tan and bleached hair, etc
No. 1683302
>>1683298All you can really do is work to be a better version of yourself. Obsessing over the statistics of random cookie-cutter ig thots that don't even
actually look like that irl will not help you or your confidence in any way.
No. 1683311
>>1683214Wtf is this
femcel retardation? Why would anyone want to look better just to date someone?
Anyway, to look similar, work out, learn how to do flattering makeup and dye your hair in a color well suited for your skintone(not bleach blonde unless you're sure you trust the stylist). That's it.
No. 1683363
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>>1683358I’ve been summoned
No. 1683367
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>>1683358oldfag checking in but I'm drinking a glass of wine playing disaster report with my cat while bf is out working xx
No. 1683604
>>1683582I got an industrial piercing almost exactly a year ago now. My advice is to honestly hang in there. Yes it will take some time to heal, and there will be moments where you will be like "why the fuck did I ever think this was a good idea", but trust me, it's worth it. Mine is pretty much fully healed now and it's one of my favorite piercings for sure. Just be super patient with it. Most importantly avoid touching it, or sleeping on it for at least the first few months. And keep it clean daily with sterile saline solution. For the getting caught on things part, as soon as the initial healing stage and swelling goes down, go to your piercer and have them switch it out for a shorter bar. If you have long hair, keep it tied up at least for now.
It's only been a week, give it time. Trust me.
No. 1683612
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>playing otome
>one guy is a cute tsundere who gets flustered easily
>play through his route and get to a scene where him and the MC are locked in a room
>he's serious and holds back from doing anything until MC starts coming onto him
>he mentions how he's a man and has urges
>MC says she doesn't care and wants him
>dialogue mentions how he was ravaging her
>interest waning in the character and playing more
What the heck, I wanted to escape into some anime fantasy where the 2D guys don't remind me of 3D moids. He was so close.
No. 1683617
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Sometimes I feel like my sister only keeps me around as her pet retard so she has someone to vent to about her friends and to go places with her if someone else isn't available. It doesn't feel like she even listens or cares about what I have to say most of the time but she's the only person I have to talk to because my tism has left me socially isolated with zero friends. I just have to learn to accept it I guess…
No. 1683794
>>1683762If you're distancing yourself from
toxic people who drain you, then why do you care what they think about you? If you always turn down your friends when it is time to go on outings, and you don't like hanging out with them because they like gossip, why would they call to see why you didn't come? You made it clear you don't like hanging out with them.
>It’s not my fault that I don’t have the time or the will to spend all the afternoon talking about the drama happening in our friend group.>It’s exhausting to talk bad about other people who are not important at all for hours. Those people are important. They are in your friend group. So you don't want them to talk about things they find interesting or important to them, but you need them to constantly check in on you?
I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I think you'd be happier if you found a group of like-minded people to befriend, with similar interests you wouldn't mind talking about. Boyfriend included, if he's not spending time with you. I wasn't really clear on what happened there.
No. 1683884
not start with PIV it's just gonna hurt esp if you're not completely comfortable with sex yet which it definitely sounds like. before u let him put his dick in you should spend at least 10 or so times having non PIV sex just letting him
suck your clit and finger you in a non pornsick way/a way you would do to yourself. also use a vibrator for your clit if/when he gets to actually fuck you. No. 1683962
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I feel like I'm getting worse and worse. I became everything I ran away from and that I swore I would never be. It breaks my heart to understand what my ex was going through, I'll never be able to tell him that I get it now, I get it. I don't think there's a single star in the whole universe that would listen to my wishes, but I still pray every night for something to change inside me. I want to be better, I crave to be sunny, positive, soft, friendly. I try my best everyday but it's never enough. Nothing is ever enough for me, my standards are impossible to reach even for myself. Why do I keep torturing myself like this?
No. 1683977
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Need bf to be my little spoon so I can fall asleep with my nose on his scalp no offense
No. 1683991
>>1683962Nonnie, I'm not sure what you're going through, but even a slight improvement is better than no improvement. I know some days you feel like you're doing worse than before, but all of the times you were doing better are cumulative, you just can't tell until you've seen the results far into the future. I believe that as long as you are actively trying to do better, you will do better. All you need is time and dedication.
Good luck,
nonnie. It will work out.
No. 1683998
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I feel like I will never find true love. I am not attracted to most of the moids around me. Either they’re physically unattractive or I could never bond with them emotionally. I need both of those things to be happy in a relationship and it’s not a big fucking ask but it seems impossible to get from scrotes. I’ve felt like I had something real only twice out of 11 moids and they both left because they got scared. I just want an emotionally fulfilling, reciprocal relationship with someone I think is sexy as hell. I thought I finally had that this time last year but I didn’t. I’m so tired of being punished for other people’s mistakes.
No. 1684139
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Some new girl showed up in my little niche group and she was so fucking annoying, genuinely kind of ruined my experience. Too much meme speak, bringing up irrelevant shit, kind of being an asshole and speaking without thinking. I was so incensed I considered saying something once she dipped but she seemed to know some of the other girls already and they didn’t seem annoyed. Well girl you best get your shit together and read the room next time because you were fucking unbearable. Fuck I’m so upset I really love this group seriously figure it out dipshit.
No. 1684151
>>1683617Leave her shadow before she leaves you.
>>1683625You should prioritize your well-being before money.
>>1683716Technological advancement has enabled people to remain productive with even lower costs, leaving more wealth for those who enslave them.
>>1683762Buddha taught: "Be friends only with best people."
>>1683783You are all mind, you should get in touch with your emotions. And body.
>>1683829Revenge always feels like justice.
No. 1684164
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>>1684154This is the perfect place to practice
nonny! I struggle with this too, honestly just post whatever and then leave the thread, I know it’s hard not to agonize over what you say being stupid, but that’s the beauty of being anonymous, no one will know it was you and you can try again and again. I believe in you ♥
No. 1684300
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I've bitched about my colleague taking away one of my only joys of messing around in VBA to speed up my job. He apparently did contact his dev friend to ""help me"" make some kind of proper solution to basically do my job for me, so he asked me to present samples of my work and data, and I really fought my urge to not give him any or tell him to fuck off, while also realizing it sounds pretty retarded to refuse a free tool to do my job. But I actually hate the idea and hope his friend decides he's too busy to put time into this after all. Even though I've hit my limits at one point trying to do things, it was a project that gave me time to break away from the dullness at my workplace and look up and try out ideas and make something functional, even if it was below amateurish.
No. 1684304
>>1684296Complain to her before you take it up with the landlord. It sounds like you haven't actually met her yet and I would be pretty upset if I just moved somewhere new and my neighbour complained about me to the landlord without ever having talked to me.
Your neighbour might be sympathetic to your distress and know some way to fix it like keeping the tv on when she isn't home. Some dogs are just very neurotic and will whine even when they're taken care of well. Also if they just moved in, chances are that the dog just needs a couple weeks to adjust to the new place. Worst case scenario the dog permanently whines like that and your neighbour is unwilling to do anything about it, in which case of course do contact your landlord about it.
No. 1684312
you bitches will never understand the struggle of lactose intolerance and gluten allergy. all of your dairy and pasta and cookie cravings can be satisfied with the cheapest ready made bullshit but i must pay at least twice the price for being genetically fucked over. how is that fair that for years growing up i felt pain after eating the most common and popular foods, got acne, bloating, disgusting stomach noises and general discomfort for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then an eating disorder for trying to avoid that pain? fuck my life, for not letting me enjoy affordable food. i tried enzyme tablets for lactose and i still get acne and diarrhea. gluten free version of breads suck ass or they cost as much as a fucking steak. at every restaurant i have to choose the vegan option, then have to explain that i am not vegan because people actually want to stop inviting me for that reason, or prepare to hold in farts and have pimples growing the entire time we are hanging out. i would have to sacrifice my well-being and cleanliness to adhere to these norms. i love cake, cupcakes, milk chocolate, ice cream, pizza, cheese, yogurt, kefir, but have not willingly ate the non-vegan version for around 5 years now and the cravings are only starting to disappear. i am genuinely thinking of taking the strongest fucking birth control to not have periods just so my cravings for these fucking things can stop.
No. 1684342
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>mfw I'm trying to figure out if a career path I'm considering will be replaced by AI and what I find it's some uninteresting babble about human creativity being irreplaceable instead of being told if it's a dead end job market or not
No. 1684407
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>>1678514moovie nights were some of the best days. more of us would come if we had more sessions ngl, southern-hemispherians have to get up at like 3-5am to partake. I'd be happy to host for the upside-down if there's enough of us?
No. 1684424
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I was watching a stream of a more popular streamer on Twitch and suddenly I got a message with a link to OF. I hate this fucking coomer shit DON'T FUCKING BOTHER ME WITH THIS FUCKING CRAP I WISH OF WOULD BURN DOWN.
No. 1684452
I keep telling my boyfriend over and over that my health flareup is due to lack of sleep because of his grandma being loud as fuck and staying up all night making noise and he just keeps ignoring what I say. He keeps telling me I'll feel better if I eat (I won't, food makes it worse), that I should take a painkiller (they don't work), that I can take more meds than my prescribed dose (I don't think that's safe), that I should go to bed early (I do and can't sleep because his grandma is watching videos on full volume until late). He acts like he cares, he brings me snacks I can't eat and painkillers that don't work and leaves like he was helpful even though I keep repeating "it's because the house is so loud, I need some sleep", and he fully ignores what I say EVERY time. Does he think I'm lying? Or is he purposefully ignoring what I say because he doesn't want to ask his grandma to try and be more quiet while she stays with us? I feel like I'm going insane dealing with the pain and the stress and how fucking busy I am with work and college. I barely get sleep at night, I leave early in the morning for college, I come home to work while she makes constant noise even during my meetings, and then I try to sleep again but won't get more than a few hours. I'm not even looking forward to the week-end because it means that I'm expected to go to places with him and his grandma and not get any rest. I'm in so much pain and I'm so tired and nobody cares, and there's nowhere I can find some peace.
No. 1684472
There's one supervisor at work who is universally disliked because she sucks at her job. She's also one of those people who needs a target to project her mistakes onto. Her last target left the job and it's looking like I'm the newest candidate. In the past month, she's accused me of lying about my father dying as well as a recent doctors visit, she also accused me of stealing the same work shirt twice?? All of these incidents were resolved and I've been trying so hard to just work around her bad management and not let it get to me, but last night while I was in the restroom, she read my personal notebook and tore out a couple of notes I had written about problems I'd had with service that night, as well as the super long wait list I was still using, because she didn't want the other managers to know that there were problems, or a wait list. I figured it out when I went back in to add some more notes, she fully went behind my back with it. Like she thought once I wrote it down, it would leave my brain forever like that Harry Potter memory juice. So I messaged the general manager about it, she told me to write down all of my concerns and we can talk about them next week. What could have been 3 or 4 sentences about needing my server sections to be finalized before dinner got turned into a full 2 page report about every bad decision the shitty manager made last night, all because she wanted to cover her ass and obfuscate the truth and she thought I'd let her just do it. Idk how some people get to their big ages and convince business owners to trust them when they play themselves so obviously like this
No. 1684474
>>1684452>Or is he purposefully ignoring what I say because he doesn't want to ask his grandma to try and be more quiet while she stays with us?I think that's the more likely scenario.
Is this your home? Are you in a position to demand decent behaviour or you kick her out? Can you talk to her directly? If nothing else is possible, have you tried earplugs? Sorry you have to deal with this, that sucks a lot.
No. 1684490
>>1684452im sorry nona he probably is ignoring it because he doesnt want to tell his grandma to be more quiet.
maybe you can tell them you dont feel well and stay home to sleep for the day while they go out on the weekend? and maybe invest in some ear plugs or offer her some headphones? if she's staying for a while though he definitely should talk to her and if he wont maybe you can in a polite way.
No. 1684495
>>1684457It's been five weeks and I don't know how much longer she'll stay, but likely a while since she's here from abroad and stays in the country for months at a time, usually. I am praying other family members invite her to their house again, she didn't stay at theirs nearly as long as with us despite them having bigger, more comfortable houses.
>>1684467I'm so relieved that you're seething for me because I've been seething too but wondered if I was being overly sensitive. My boyfriend sleeps/works through all the noise just fine (but I get up much earlier than he does, and his work is less busy).
>>1684468>>1684474He owns the house but we both pay bills so I feel I'm definitely owed some amount of comfort and quiet. I speak too little of their native language to politely convey to his grandma how loud she's being and that I have health issues (and she speaks 0 English), which is why I've been relying on my boyfriend to speak to her.
It's petty but I've been passive aggressive and hoping it'll make her leave soon or make my boyfriend suggest it (not having sex with my boyfriend even though I'd like to, being a little purposefully loud when I'm getting ready in the early morning, no longer putting an effort into cooking and baking nice stuff). I feel bad about it because it's not like I even blame her for being a loud old lady, I more so blame my boyfriend for not conveying any of this to her. I feel like he doesn't want to say anything negative to her because he sees her so rarely, but it doesn't HAVE to be a confrontation, he could just bring it up in a casual way.
No. 1684507
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rough sleep incoming, send me sweet dreams pls nonas?
No. 1684529
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I've been obsessed with a very old fandom, so I went on fail-fandomanon on Dreamwidth to talk about it. I like the discussion of my fandom and fandom in general, but everything else they're insufferable about. They're rabid handmaidens who think everything is racist. It's tumblr on steroids. Wish there was a reasonable place I could find to talk about fandom in.
No. 1684537
>>1684512I've actually just spoken to my boyfriend who now tells me he has talked to her about it multiple times and that he "can't control what she does", but that she "understands" and knows about my flare up. I don't know what she "understands" because she's definitely still constantly walking about at night, blasting videos and slamming things. I feel like he's probably too scared to tell her she's the one being super loud and probably made it seem more like it was the two of them, because that's how he presented the issue to me.
I don't think she'd be offended, she seems pretty kind and has worried about my well-being in other situations. I guess she straight up can't tell she's being loud because she's losing her hearing, but if he's told her multiple times shouldn't she realise?
This honestly all feels so stupid, it's such a simple issue.
>>1684509 I might have to do that nonna, google translate doesn't have their dialect but there must be other options. Hopefully it doesn't translate into something horribly offensive.
No. 1684545
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I'm into MBTI and treat it as a hobby or horoscopes since it's essentially a pseudoscience, but I sometimes stumble upon male XNTXs who huff their own farts and think theyre more intelligent than others. It's super fucking annoying. Has anyone encountered dudes like this?
No. 1684557
>>1684529I feel you
nonny, I abandoned my main fandom twitter account with a decent amount of followers cuz the constant drama about ships or characters being
problematic and social justice shit was tiring. Now I just tweet on my private with barely any followers other than people I actually like kek.
I've been thinking about making a dreamwidth or some random blog to post into the void about my main fandom and husbando but it's fun to be able to interact with other like minded people too. I'd love if a bunch of farmers made a little fandom community for ourselves on some platform, I doubt it would ever happen though.
No. 1684786
>>1684774The fact that you're struggling is a good sign, you're slowly building up your skills. Eventually you're going to have looked something up so many times, it will stick. You WILL improve, it's just going to take a long time for you to notice because of perceived negative feedback.
Keep at it, nonna, you're doing great!
No. 1684787
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I think my boot files are damaged because my computer is stuck but I can't do anything with it for the next two days since it's the weekend and everyone is closed, so I can't even share pictures or shitpost with my nonnies or work on any projects or watch a movie, I've had such a long week and it's the shit icing on top of the diarrhea cake I hate it. Enjoy this random picture I found on Google because I have nothing on my phone.
No. 1684794
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>>1684790Sweetest angel, thank you, it seems like an issue that needs a USB with repair tools/diagnostics since it can't even start into advanced recovery mode, simple fix but I just don't have the tools. Keep this lonely weekend phoneposter in your heart.
No. 1684850
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Thinking about this person who it'd as a Trans woman online but was one of the grossest most misogynistic pieces of shit and would make it a point to be as aligned with gay men as possible while constantly shitting on women like obsessively at every turn. Why identify as a woman if you're only using it as a niche placeholder in a microcosm among your gay sphere? Why bother pretending you have any interest in actually being a woman beyond getting a certain status on Twitter. They also would refer to non binaries as pears because they are women with masectomies, it was brutal, and they'd only ever shit on detransitioners that were female. If you are in every way a gay misogynist that hates anyone without a penis because your male worship is so strong, why bother? Trans allyship only matters to you when it involves winning an argument or not being held accountable. This person also was abusive toward women and got off on humiliating them. Pure evil hiding behind a label and refusing to take any constructive criticism. All of it is built off of being online entirely too often, the hatred was so palpable. Im so glad they got 'suspended' because they were a hypocritical nasty beast using the label of 'woman' to avoid accountability for their degeneracy and abusive nature.
No. 1684929
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>trying to slowly distance myself from this ASPD moid who has become attached to me without cutting him off entirely (if i do he will probably try to murder me)
>he called me 3 times yesterday
>he called me again today and i declined the call
>he immediately sends me a text message saying “i know you see this, quit acting like a celebrity”
No. 1685061
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Day number 7654434567 of catching the flu before my period. I have been eating HEALTHIER this year yet I'm getting sicker and sicker every few months, none of this shit happened years ago. god is playing tricks on me. I will probably catch supercanceraids if I take a vitamin.
No. 1685080
>>1685054yes there are tons of chemicals in our food including fruits and vegetables. this is a worldwide issue and i can't even find real fresh pressed juice in europe. it will say fresh pressed on the box but i know it isn't because it will taste like regular orange juice with nasty chemicals and preservatives that keep it from separating for appearance reasons. it's sad
>>1685059based. the amount of money i saved on makeup the last few years is incredible. my boyfriend loves my natural face unlike insane coomerbrained moids on the street who think every woman should look like an ai shooped 12 year old girls face with a kardashian blow up doll body. those women just haven't seen how retarded men are
No. 1685102
>>1684862>Today he told an old man with back problems that the sounds he made when crouching were annoying. >He always complains about the deaf guy that comes often and calls him retarted. >he thinks that playing the Macarena on the store radio is a good idea and this is not the worst music choice he made.KEK
>Sometimes, I just want to yell at him that he's the one that makes annoying sounds and looks retarded with the way he stims.So why don’t you? It’s true. He IS retarded and annoying. Just be careful he doesn’t get butthurt and cry to HR, for some reason, people with “dark” humour who “like to say it how it is” always do when told the truth about themselves.
No. 1685108
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It seems whenever I date a man they've always got a crippling porn addictions. Logs as recent as 2021 giving more attention to obese camgirls/camboys than I ever got, entire paragraphs of ERP, probably more if I looked harder. Before this one it was Fetlife and transvestite orgies. I think I'm being punished by God for being heterosexual. This is insane.
No. 1685198
I keep having bad dreams, or I wake up in anxiety-mode with the shakes/jitters. I'm worrying a lot about my future, and I'm feeling sad about other things that I can't change or influence. I know it's my anxiety feasting on my uncertainty, and my period is due in a few days which doesn't help. I know my life is moving along, but it's not at the pace I want. I really want to be done with my clinicals so I can qualify and start working. I know me being behind 'schedule' isn't entirely my fault, but it's hard because I feel like I'm stuck in a rut while everyone else I know seems to be doing otherwise. I just feel like I can't set goals for myself until this degree is finished because I'm at the mercy of where and when my next placements will be, and I still have 15 weeks of them to get through. I'm just impatient because I'm 29 and I never thought I'd be in this predicament.
I wish I could afford a private therapist. I have a lot of things I want to talk about, and I want to really address my anxiety beyond popping half a Valium if I get super overwhelmed, but self-referring through the NHS for CBT understandably is a waiting game. I'm just grateful I have good friends who care about me, and am super close to my mum, but sometimes I just want to talk to someone who's a neutral party.
No. 1685202
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I'm so tired of being weird in the head. I want to go to the gym again, I've been there for 3 years on and off. And I'm still afraid of people.I can't just relax and let it go and I try to go at unpopular times so I can get myself an unoccupied corner and use the machines there. If it's too many people, I do an hour of cardio bc that way it feels safer and more "separated" from the others I'm 25, man, just put me down, this is hopeless.
No. 1685207
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>>1685192I relate to this so much except for the marriage and kids part. Idc how bleak it gets I’m not settling down and having no man’s baby! But everything else I agree with! I met the dude of my dreams at 26 when I wasn’t even looking to date I was just recently pinkpilled too! He is extremely my type, works out, amazing smile, lips, is respectful to women etc. But he doesn’t want a relationship. He only cares about making money and traveling with friends. But he also never wants to let me go even when I tell him we should see other people cuz it’s not going anywhere. We are 29 now and I think it’s gotten even worse. Like he is even more afraid to settle down. But I’m also greedy and don’t want anyone else to have him. He is that much my type lol. I’ve also gone on the dating apps and it’s terrible out there. All of the men are ugly and ALSO not looking for anything more than fwb. So like why throw this guy out to sea if the next guy gonna be on the same shit but uglier!?So I’m just biding my time with this guy until he gets bored. I just know after him I’ll never fall for a guy again. Most Guys like to chase girls and are largely turned off by girls who chase them and I’m a girl who likes to chase so I’m fine with being single after getting to fuck the chad of my dreams for 4+ years.
No. 1685234
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My ADHD is ruining my life. I've been such an emotional wailing baby, literally kicking and screaming like a toddler when I'm stuck and stressing out over my dissertation (I'm not abusing anyone, I live alone).
I'm constantly late to things and regularly forget to reply to people, have so many things to do that are looming over my head and some of them I can't do anything about because they depend on other people to get done. Yet everything sounds fun and I keep signing up for things that sound fun, even though I know I won't be able to keep up! The FOMO is just too strong not to.
I complained to a good friend and my parents but didn't want to bother the friend with details and my parents think I'm just "not stupid, just lazy and lack discipline", as they always have. I've tried to get a hold of my life for a decade at this point, nothing works. If I have a schedule, I just forget about it. If I set a pomodoro, I just ignore it. Every tool that's recommended for ADHD people is too complicated and overwhelming and takes forever to get used to. Just normal paper doesn't work, I forget it when I go outside and then can't write things down. I hate being terminally retarded, everyone is just whizzing past me and doing things with ease but just remembering to function normally is a fulltime job for me.
No. 1685314
>>1685102Sometimes I can't believe that as smart as he can be, he's the most retarded person I've ever met. Yesterday, I found out he has been cleaning the bathroom with Febreeze even though I showed him the products and how to clean because his mother never did. He can't do the simplest task (he can barely flush the toilet correctly) but can somehow read very complicated books. Fucking autism.
I don't think he would complain to HR, he probably doesn't even know he can. He actually is a good employee and I am very proud of everything he has accomplished so far, he just needs to shut his mouth.
No. 1685349
>>1685322>>1685325im dumb i thought it was vent thread, where they so fast and loose with the redtext. I am wrong and silly
my point stands, nonas suffering from moids literally weaponizing their incompetence i.e what
>>1685314 and
>>1685288 said.
No. 1685366
>be born with adhd like dory nonna above
>have an interest in boyish hobbies thanks yo my older brother and dad who were actually pretty cool to me growing up
>get constantly punished for it because I was born with a crazy jealous mom who was stuck with a shitty dad, mom, and twin sister growing up
>she hits me but I have no proof because she never leaves marks
>she blames me and my dad for the house looking like a crack den at all times even though she’s never cleaned a mess in her life
>also fat af so of course she loves to call me fat for being 160 pounds while she’s like 300 pounds
>as a result too depressed to do anything but play vidya, my mom starts to think they’re the problem and keeps attempting to take away the only thing helping me get through the pain of being her daughter
>I go to school and the teachers are just straight up bullies. My 3rd grade teacher was a boymom type and genuinely enjoyed picking on me and gossiping about me when I was like 8 for reasons still unknown to this day, making me out to be some kinda special kid
>I thought “maybe she’s right, maybe I am just retarded” until I saw her bully other students, even the boys sometimes like when one of my male classmates tripped and fell in front of her, spilling his drink all over himself and the floor she just smugly laughed over him like a cunt while I helped him and glared at her
>5th grade teacher is a retarded bimbo who bleaches her hair and wears brown foundation despite being white
>she can’t stop going on rants about how republicans are just misunderstood
>gets mad at me for not sitting like a lady, and always targets me specifically, this is also the point where my peers start becoming a problem because they worship these retards
>finally get out of there, but middle school’s even worse
>peers act all smug towards me like I’d ever want to join them when they’re constantly yelling at each other and going behind each other’s back like I don’t notice, also physical fights are aplenty
>I’ve always done well in English cuz I love to write, but I even get bullied for that, so dammed if I do, dammed if I don’t
>seriously wondering what I did to be this targeted when all I do is mind my own business, like other kids here don’t have shitty grades as well but on top of that get in fights
>find a boy who’s a lonely autistic fuck like me, and we text literally all weekend. Like we skipped sleeping to keep talking to each other
>become each other’s reason for living, cuz even if our grades suck and our future’s bleak at least we have each other
>in highschool they don’t even try to pull the “you’re just lazy” card, they just straight up tell me I’ll never do anything right and then wonder why I’m not motivated to try
>mom divorces dad and takes me with her, now stuck with her by myself since my brother left for college with no looking back and our new house becomes a sty once again, solidifying that the mess at my dad’s was absolutely her doing
>won’t let me see or text bf so I skip class to pm him on the school’s computers
>everyone in my life except for my dad and bf yells and gets set off by the littlest things
>I get gray hairs and premature aging from stress, get told “stressed from what? You don’t do anything”
>think about death every day, but no one appreciates that I’m using all my energy just to stay alive
>quarantine happens, have online school for the rest of the school year (3 months) but I just don’t go
>I graduated anyway, and didn’t show up to online graduation
>tell my mom to fuck off as soon as I turn 18 and I have to threaten to call the cops on her to get her to stop stalking and harassing me (I. E. breaking into my dad’s house to see me and bombarding me with messages)
>people keep trying to get me to go to college but that sounds stupid. After all that, after finally making it out of there alive, I have to go through the same thing all over again, but this time it’ll land me in crippling debt? Yeah sounds fun
>I’m now living at my bf’s and after a couple of years of being depressed and doing nothing I’m now motivated to try new things and actually have hobbies
>people outside of school tell me my writing is good even tho I’ve always been told I’ll never be good at anything by teachers and peers
>grey hairs start disappearing, get into skincare and while my skin isn’t perfect, thanks to exfoliating so much I no longer have jowls and actually look like I’m aging at a normal rate even if my skin isn’t perfect yet
>I lose weight and am now 118 pounds
>my dad and bf encourage me and push me to pursue being a writer and I’m now happier than ever even tho I’m not done with my therapy yet
>it really was just the people constantly breathing down my neck to do better, they really were the problem all along
>the people who told me to be as lazy as I want ironically motivated me to be more productive than anything
I’m sorry to post literally my whole life’s story in one post but the school and justice system just suck guys. I think it’s really rich my generation apparently hates capitalism so much and is just sooooo pro-mental health but won’t be more critical of school. But I’m sure anons of all generations itt will come together to tell me that clearly I’m just retarded.
No. 1685406
>>1685321The infuriation is with myself because I know this, but I keep ignoring it. As if it's easier with him around. He does carry all the heavy shit, but for fucks sake I just need to grow more muscle instead.
There's a radfem meeting today and I can't go because of the sick hen, but not that he offered to take care of it. Tomorrow I'll be up at 7 so I can go to a fucking theme park with him, his daughter and his brothers family. I feel so stuck and so pissed
No. 1685461
>>1685366You're not retarded anon. I'm glad you're out and have people who believe in you.
People ARE critical of school though so I'm not sure what you mean, it's not an unpopular opinion to think the school system is hell.
>>1685380Maybe I'm paranoid but I'm worried that in the future it will be like this for every job and whoever is the funniest on tiktok will get hired.
No. 1685493
>>1685461I mainly mean that people just passively say that school sucks without actually doing anything to change that or that they still worship teachers and think they deserve to be paid more when honestly whatever they’re being paid rn is still more than what they deserve if they’re just gonna show up to abuse their students. Idk how many times people gotta share their trauma from school until people wake up and realize teachers are corrupt and not your friends nor is school good for you. Learning is good, but school isn’t.
But thank you for your kind words!
No. 1685494
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I fucked up so badly. Fucked up my boyfriend's car. I take responsibility, but I don't take fault. Wasn't my fault. I'm so so annoyed. I cannot face him
No. 1685669
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I wish I was sexually normal. I don't experience internalized homophobia, if anything I experience internalized heterophobia because I'm bisexual but the idea of actually being in a relationship with a man disgusts me on a visceral level. I had penetrative sex with a man once and I enjoyed it physically in the moment but I remember feeling so disgusted and degraded afterwards. I remember trying to convince the guy to let me dress him up like a woman and fuck him with a strap on afterwards kek
It would be so much easier for me to get laid if I was just a normal straight woman who was perfectly comfortable with being the woman in the relationship. It sucks because I'm hypersexual but there are so few ways of having sex that I actually feel comfortable with in practice and I don't like like dating bi women because they will always leave you for a man.
No. 1685687
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Just realized I gave a retarded answer in an interview. He asked what I knew about the hospital and i brain sharted and said, "Hmm well I dont know a whole lot…" FUCK. I stg in that moment it didn't even occur to me that that was a major make-or-break question. I just thought it was a casual way of starting off the interview. I don't even know why I disregarded it because in hindsight it was obv very important. I even had several practice answers written down in a pocketbook that I had with me! But when he asked me my brain just didn't process it. Goddamnit. I thought I did okay in the interview but then i remembered this stupid shit.
No. 1685716
>>1685708Can I just say society joins together to tell autistic women, "just go McFucking die for not joining in our social games we haven't told you the rules for. did you think a job was about doing work? no, it's about licking boots and water cooler talk! did you think we'll leave you alone? we will hunt you to the ends of the earth and continue to torment you! you have to play our game or we'll drive you to suicide!" high school never ends, it just gets given a dollar amount.
i wish for the annihilation of all human life on earth
No. 1685753
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there are multiple anons saying in earnest that you are an ana-chan if you think this girl is fat. huh
No. 1685774
I can’t even find the nonna to reply to and I don’t have it in me to scroll. But my God, everything is a void. Food is more expensive despite the fact that I don’t eat out and I just want a nice iced coffee but I can’t have that because I’m unemployed and I have to be responsible but I’ve been working towards getting a job but I can’t get one and I keep fucking up my interviews and I have to sit down and watch everything work out for everybody and not work out for me and wonder what is it that is so deeply wrong with me that I can’t make friends or get a job or look normal or make the most basic things happen for me but no one wants to tell me because they all give me the same panicky, “get me the fuck out of here” look so even if I get a job it’ll still be the same because a job means affording paying for my own life but apparently I can’t do that because I’m an embodied malfunction like a frog with a broken leg or one that sings instead of croaking and it keeps getting worse because I see people getting these things and I seethe, by God, do I seethe, because I don’t know what’s wrong with me and people act like the world is just out for you to grab - but for people like me, I don’t even know which direction is that, and I’m a failure on each level and I hate trucks and food shouldn’t be expensive to the point where I feel guilty for consuming it and I can’t stand how houses and walls feel, like they’re reflecting their doom back at you, like you can see yourself spending 20 years listless and confused and empty. Just the same person, staring at the same wall.
No. 1685776
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i just got confirmation that i haven't been FGM'd, i live in a country where it's practiced unfortunately.. i was wondering if it was done to me because i literally cannot find my clit. like it's just smoothness in that area. i can't find anything and i thought the only explanation was that it was severed off because i have no sensation there whatsoever. and tbh i wasn't ever really horny enough to find out, and even when i was i couldn't feel anything so i've never finished, it's always been an uncomfortable experience for me. i really feel like i might have been born without one i barely built up the courage to even ask because of how much i was crying. completely isolated from my situation i know this sounds like first world girl type of activity but it genuinely makes me cry at least monthly that people are cruel enough to do that to girls in so many places of the world especially including my own by other women they often trust the most and feel the safest with. it's horrifying and i'm so so lucky that i wasn't one of them but i also feel a sense of guilt in a way. i don't understand what's wrong with me
No. 1685777
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>>1685774Me, too, I feel all of that. They make it so difficult just to exist, and it feels like you're drowning in thin air while everyone else can breathe just fine. The world is an awful, wicked place, it isn't your fault.
No. 1685784
>>1685776checking to see if you're an fgm
victim is not a 'first world girl type of activity'. I'm glad you're okay.
No. 1685829
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the people at r/detrans told me i should just be a butch lesbian instead of giving into the tranny thoughts but presenting more masculine actually makes my dysphoria worse because i feel like a caricature of a man which leads me to believe that maybe i should go back to being hyperfem but i always end up relapsing into transvestism anyways so i don’t know what to do
No. 1685865
>>1685829get therapy for obsessing thinking, and start dressing more boring or maybe planning basic outfits ahead of time like literally t shirts and jeans and sweatpants.
if you are a lesbian, butches aren't caricatures of men. they are women and they are wonderful as is. have you heard about the detransitioners Carol sourpatches on twitter and Max Robinson's book on detransitioning, they may be good sources for you.
No. 1685870
>>1682653samefag, i feel kind of guilty for hurting someone and i've been trying to distance myself from my friend's e-relationship qualm but since i know pretty much everything between them now he keeps me updated.
his e-gf is very upset with me and says "i fucked everything up". yes, i did betray her by telling my friend a few things she said that he needed to know, alot of lies and contradictory bullshit- i could have even told him the fact she plotted to fuck some dude a few states away who keeps chasing her but i did not. siding with the moid because i've been in her shoes before. a bpd egirl with several dudes she is leading on is not going to be fucking honest lmfao
i just don't want my retard for a friend living in a lie.
No. 1685879
>>1685862yeah, i was thinking that too but i kinda felt bad for it kek. sometimes we'll be having a discussion in our office and suddenly she waltzes in and interrupts us mid conversation, without any apology. just comes in and goes "i sent you x, can you look at it? it's very important." and then hovers next to your desk so you get to it immediately. meanwhile the rest of the team just stares because we were in the middle of a closed (work related) conversation.
>>1685869>literal hoursjesus, i'm so sorry. i only have to endure my coworker one on one maybe 30 minutes max a day. i can't imagine how grating it must be to be subjected to this behavior for hours on end.
No. 1685905
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I sent nudes anonymously to some guys and now I just feel so much regret. I didn’t send anything else other than my boobs but I feel so shameful. I don’t know what to do
No. 1685956
>>1685952Now I know why I've had a visceral hatred of male nerds since I was kid lol
There's something very despicable in the vibes of nerdy moids. Something that makes me write fanfiction about launching them off cliffs when I was 8 kek.I've never met a more passive aggressive snide group of people than them.
No. 1685977
i get that people can be harsher and say things they don't trult mean when angry but he keeps yelling and moralizing every time something fucking happens. whereas i shut my fucking mouth bc i dont want to be beaten like my brothers were. yah yah 'keep being snide ill remember this, you better get your head on straight' yah yah… its a fucking spare access card that i dont even use. i use the working one maybe once every two days. the next time that spare will get used is MAYBE next weekend. holy fuck i wouldnt give a shit but he's controlling like this for so many things. the shirt i wear, the pitch of my voice, the way i move, my height, the way i exercise, the food i eat, the honorifics/formality tenses i use, any time i look for reassurance, etc etc etc etc etc etc fucking etc
MAYBE YOU WOULDNT HAVE A FUCKING BASKETCASE FAILURE FOR A DAUGHTER IF YOU, I DUNNO, DIDNT COERCE ME THRU SOME BULLSHIT SURGERY. OR DISCPLINED MY BROTHERS FOR EXPOSING ME TO RAPE PORN AND DIDNT EVEN BOTHER CHECKING ON ME BC YOU DIDNT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. if hes going to blame me for disappinting him so many fucking times (what 11yr old reads shakespeare for fun??? he wouldntve even talked about the plays w me afterwards) then im blaming him right back for everything too i guess!!!!!! he'd punch me for even writing this up on an anon site if he knew about it lmao but he can basically tell me i should kms to my face and have mom covering up and making excuses for him. FUCK YOU im constantly stuck on this bc you dont even acknowledge it happened you let your lifelong PR deal with it for you!! you destroy every self esteem i have and blame me as if i just saw the bait and took it!!!!! im really glad you told me you dont trust me enough to even tell me if youre seriously sick anymore, i dont want resolution in the final days or whatever, let it blindside me like when you spent 2 months in cahoots isolating and breaking me down day and night until i agreed to let someone take a knife to my face!!!!!
No. 1686060
>>1686048It’s so stupid, it’s not like they’re going to be shamed by the therapist. It’s the therapists job to help them, not the general population (many of which are parents, relatives of young children or
victims themselves). Even the therapists should treat them the way Lundy Bancroft treats abusers. He’s not healing them, he’s training them. He’s not excusing them as unable to control themselves, he’s chastising them as men who exert control to gain power.
No. 1686090
>>1685247Ayrt and I've been on antidepressants for years for anxiety, didn't change my sex drive at all lol it's just that with age I gained more self control
>>1685207Happy for you nona, of course it isn't our ideal scenario but tbh it could be a lot worse and kinda gives me hope, cause I am a lot more accepting of the idea of an exclusive fwb than I am of we just both fuck around, I dont want to deal with stds or him getting other girls pregnant or catching feelings for another girl he's fucking, I can accept not being in a committed relationship as long as I know he's only fucking me? Does that make sense or would that just be considered too much commitment for most hot men, does your Chad fuck around or no?
No. 1686116
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I love JK just as much as the next dirty terf but what the fuck is this? Why did she like this? This isn't funny, it's the worst take you could do even as a joke. On par with the "we should join forces with the misogynist, racist, homophobic far right because they hate trannies too". What the fuck. Someone please tell me this is taken out of context.
No. 1686117
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i am in my period so i am yet again seething at how, out of all decades, i was born in the one with the ugliest men. I could be slaying mad nerd dick at anime and furry cons if i was born like 30 years early.
No. 1686140
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I'm a month post-partum and all I want is it to not feel like I'm shitting glass when I poop. That's all I want. I'm fine with the sleep deprivation, changing baby diapers, and lochia. I just want to have a nice normal poop.
No. 1686162
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Just texted my sisters that I can’t talk to them anymore because lately our relationship has been very one sided. It’s cause they’re on good terms with my mom (for now) and they shut me out, my mom is abusive and I’m the scapegoat, we stopped talking years ago but she lovebombed them sometime a few months ago, got all of them gifts except for me of course and ever since then I’ve just been shut out, my mom somewhat replaced me cause now they all go hang out with her, we used to hang out every day. They were my friends now they ignore me. I am sad. I will always be rooting for them, I’m mostly sad about the younger ones. I didn’t wanna have to do this but they weren’t talking to me in the first place so oh well but it still hurts to process.
No. 1686165
>>1686116gender criticals make this same line ad nauseam at this point. it might be a misclick, it might not. at least it's a like and not a retweet.
>>1686117nerd scrotes were ugly, unpleasant, and sexist to nerd women back then too.
No. 1686181
>>1679236Being single is preferable to being the unwanted cumsock of a subhuman Y chromosome. If you can’t love yourself, hate him.
Nonniez I hate men so much it makes me ill thinking about giving them ANYTHING they don’t deserve, especially to sacrifice myself and my happiness to one? Hell fucking no.
If you’re hopelessly heterosexual just get a damn anime husbando.
No. 1686182
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>>1686176yeah i know, but i will take a cute misoogynistic moid from the 80s that at least was cute, instead of one from today that has all the bad qualities and none of the good ones. To be fair it goes for all men, even normie men that get shilled as attractive in media are all fucking hideous nowadays. I am just really horny and kinda lonely, i want to date a guy but i know all of them are ugly and i don't wanna fall for the ''but he's nice'' mindset and fuck an uggo. I am just so angry at men for being so fucking ugly nowadays, i would be hoping on dick from dick if they werent so ugly. I also hate that I started excercising(for myself though) and now more '''attractive''' men hit on me, and by ''attractive'' i mean ugly tall butterfaces with shaved hair and beards that sting that dress in white tshirts and jeans that my normie 20yo cousin scolds me for not picking up, because they are what society now considers ''hot''. I am so sad and horny lmao sorry for my ramblings i will go back to drawing male ryona to calm down.
No. 1686187
>>1686182Ugly is inside, not outside.
I've got a friend who's quite decent looking, cute even. Good proportions, etc. But I don't like him one bit and turned him down when he it on me - because he's a weirdo in personality.
There's this other friend of mine. He's physically unattractive by all means. Chubby pasty body, ugly face with round eyes. I'd fuck him if he wanted me, however, because he's got an easygoing personality and he always hangs out with friends.
No. 1686189
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>>1686187>Ugly is inside, not outside.kek, massive uggo cope. No, i will not fuck an ugly moid because ''hes nice''.
No. 1686203
>>1685224This is so fucking creepy, both from your ex's parents side AND from you. Get your own fucking family instead of latching onto your ex's. Also it's creepy they gave up on their daughter for their daughter's ex.
Honestly reminds me of my mom. She stayed friends with my old best friend in hs even after we stopped talking… for years. And would talk to her online and tell me about her and shit.
I always thought it was extremely pathetic, of both of them. Your ex probably thinks so too.
Move the fuck on, you weird bitch
No. 1686266
>>1686165>gender criticalsATENTION to all personnel! Test subject's 0417 GENDER has gone CRITICAL, evacuate all personal, facilities will self destruct in 60 seconds! ..59 ..58
Newspeak crack me up sometimes
No. 1686289
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What is my benefit to living? I haven't gotten a proper answer that wasn't about how I need to live for THEM rather than an actual reason I should live for myself. I don't want to live anymore but everyone acts like such a thought and desire is the grand sin that of murder. I feel like at this point I'm going through the motions of living for the sake of others. I'm going to have to kill myself at some point, I'm tired of being a paranoid, chronically ill and in pain, retard. I've been faking being a normie for the past few years, but I'm so tired. I'm tired of having to be strong. I'm tired of dealing with people, it's too exhausting. I don't know what I can do anymore. Nothing feels real and a lot of things that I used to like are becoming bland. Even the things I really love. I wish I had a reason for living that wasn't "You'll make these people sad" if you don't live and be happy 24/7. Well I'm tired. I'm tired of being a productive member of society, I'm tired of how loud everything is, I'm tired of feeling isolated yet I'm tired of dealing with people and being unable to connect with them outside of things I'm interested in, I'm tired of having to be in constant physical discomfort, I'm tired of having to lie 24/7 about how I am from my body language to my facial expressions to the tone of my voice, I'm tired of being stupid and not understanding anything, I'm tired of feeling lost all the time. It's not even like I'm depressed, I just believe considering myself and my circumstances I should kill myself. Nothing of actual value would be lost and it would free up resources for other people who're much more deserving. I don't get it.
No. 1686292
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What is my benefit to living? I haven't gotten a proper answer that wasn't about how I need to live for THEM rather than an actual reason I should live for myself. I don't want to live anymore but everyone acts like such a thought and desire is the grand sin that of murder. I feel like at this point I'm going through the motions of living for the sake of others. I'm going to have to kill myself at some point, I'm tired of being a paranoid, chronically ill and in pain, retard. I've been faking being a normie for the past few years, but I'm so tired. I'm tired of having to be strong. I'm tired of dealing with people, it's too exhausting. I don't know what I can do anymore. Nothing feels real and a lot of things that I used to like are becoming bland. Even the things I really love. I wish I had a reason for living that wasn't "You'll make these people sad" if you don't live and be happy 24/7. Well I'm tired. I'm tired of being a productive member of society, I'm tired of how loud everything is, I'm tired of feeling isolated yet I'm tired of dealing with people and being unable to connect with them outside of things I'm interested in, I'm tired of having to be in constant physical discomfort, I'm tired of having to lie 24/7 about how I am from my body language to my facial expressions to the tone of my voice, I'm tired of being stupid and not understanding anything, I'm tired of feeling lost all the time. It's not even like I'm depressed, I just believe considering myself and my circumstances I should kill myself. Nothing of actual value would be lost and it would free up resources for other people who're much more deserving. I don't get it.
No. 1686335
>>1686017trannies are always socially awkward and tone deaf like that and do not live in reality. a 6'4 male will really try to troon out like he will be a dainty fairy princess if he takes enough troon pills. a troon will put on a skirt and wonder why he hasn't become pregnant and started lactating yet since he took a load in his neovagina the other day. there's nothing you can do with that level of stupidity and reality-denying. if you try to explain what a uterus is they just get offended and call you a transphobe.
on 2x a woman will post something awful that happened to her and some troon will always comment about how "i'm a mtf and here's my story, i wish trans folk weren't excluded from conversations like this, i'm tired of dealing with transphobia." just the most narcissistic entitled whiny shit you can think of while everyone else is trying to comfort OP.
No. 1686350
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I would like to get rid of my period. I hate this so much.
No. 1686382
>>1686375But I'm literally not depressed. At most I'm just annoyed with what I have to do in life and how exhausting it is. I don't feel sad, I don't feel like crying or anything like that. I just realize that living isn't for me, and I want to just not do that. It's not even an emotional thing that spawned these thoughts. I just understand that the most logical and efficient outcome for me is to die. I'm just annoyed that get so enraged when someone realizes this, or worse, tries to stop them.
>medsNope, no way. Those will just make me worse. Medications such as the ones you're implying were made with chemicals to hook people onto them like drug addicts to heroin and make them into docile cows. The government and pharmaceutical companies pushes them heavily because they make so much money.
No. 1686487
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I'm so fucking lonely. Everytime I go out or to a concert or event I'm excited about meeting new people, making friends, flirting connecting but nothing ever happens.
I's getting so bad i find myself relating to fucking morrissey.
No. 1686503
>Visiting grandma>200 km car drive>Grandma is lonely, kind of bad mood>Mom is angry about it>Grandma in better mood after 30 min or so, reminisces about times with my grandpa, makes jokes and tells stories>Mom has permanent stank face and refuses to eat the food she prepared for some reason>Driving back after 2-3 hours of having been there because mom insisted we go>'Did you see how whiny she was anon, we came all this way, no wonder no one visits her anymore'Jfc, I wonder how she would react if I act like that when she is old and I live 200 km away. I hope I will never turn out like her.
>>1686497Same boat nonna, I really want kids but it's scary to not have to just worry about yourself but also your child(ren).
No. 1686508
>>1686488Natural selection is not wanting to fuck people who give weird vibes. Natural selection is wanting to fuck someone who looks confident, happy, and at ease.
Wait, why do I have to explain what all women know? Am I talking to a moid? Only moids think what matters in a fucking partner is how hot they look physically.
No. 1686509
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these past like two years i've been getting moles everywhere and i don't know if it's in my head but some really seem like they've gotten a lot bigger and others were never there before. some are in weird but not Too asymmetrical shapes, like they're just not round enough to raise suspicion. i even have some on my face. i'm scared. i'm in so much debt, jobless, and my family is seriously so poor we have to worry about eating so i can't even get a check up to ease my anxiety about it
No. 1686511
>>1686510Sometimes I forget the people in this board are very sad people.
I'm picturing some ugly, fat, dirty, and especially very creepy-looking girl reading my comment about what's on the inside that matters, and flipping the shit out because they know what's inside them is much worse than the outside.
Or maybe you're moids larping women, and we all know moids think women are shallow and dumb.
No. 1686514
>>1686499Again, I'm not depressed. I just acknowledge that my existence in a sense doesn't have much value and whether I do live or die nothing of value will be lost or gained. I tried therapy, and that didn't work. Medication too. Plus, those two things are scams made by the medical industry to churn out money from vulnerable people and I'll be damned if I let them make a cash cow out of me. I don't even mean all of this in a "abloo hoo booo life is too hawwd". No, I understand that life will be full of challenges, tribulations and trials. I accept that and at times am content with it. However, I lived enough hardness that I just understand that logically me living will net me no positives no matter how much of a productive member I act. I realize it's something I just don't want to do. My existence is for other people to enjoy and it doesn't belong to me. No matter how much of a perfect family member, coworker, or student, etc. etc. I act I felt not a single net positive from it. I'm happy that people think of me positively because of how well I act in my role but I don't feel happy or sad just indifference. I'm so tired why can't people understand that, why does everyone have such a selfish mindset of "If I suffer then you must too"? Literally when I was in the hospital you know what my mother talked to me about, it was nothing but how I shouldn't die because of how it would affect others. Not a single word about my personal benefit to live. It was that what made me realize that my life doesn't belong to me and I hate that. I want some form of personal spiritual freedom and this is the last thing I have. I don't want to continue living under the eyes of others and in the thoughts of others constantly. I don't want to constantly feel isolated even among my own family. I don't want to live in fear constantly. I do everything correctly to be a productive member of society, I work hard and never complain, I do my best when it comes to studies, I help out where and whoever I can, I do my best in everything I can do my best in, etc. I'm tired and just don't want to anymore. Is that so wrong?
No. 1686540
>>1686388All men under 5'6 and women under 5' should not be allowed to reproduce. I find them the most annoying people.
I especially hate goblina's.
No. 1686541
>>1686512You should love yourself. I never ever said he's nice. I said he's got an easy going personality and many friends.
Out of curiosity, what's your problem? I honestly can't tell if you are larping moids that seethe at finding out what women usually like, or really really confused preteen girls.
No. 1686624
>>1686514Your aversion to meds is baby-schizo immature. Everything on this earth is "meant to turn a profit" because we're living in the dregs of a capitalism driven society. Unless you live in very specific circumstances, even food is meant to "cash cow" you. The type of medication other anon and I are talking about isn't like hormones and grs. Depression meds don't change your body irreversibly and create a dependence, and if they don't work, you can try something else or stop.
Yeah, you're depressed and a more than a little self centered. The way you keep wailing about how selfish everyone is for "expecting you to live for them" highlights this. Obviously your own mother who loves you would make an appeal to the empathy she thinks you have, because she wants to keep you alive. She loves you. She knows people want to commit suicide because they don't see a reason to live for themselves right now, and she hopes she can get you through this until you find one.
Apathy and anhedonia are symptoms of depression. Being in denial about your symptoms of depression won't make you not depressed. I'm sorry you don't see it, but maybe in the future you will be more open to trying to alleviate your depressive thoughts so you can feel better about your circumstances.
No. 1686630
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>>1686625That's the dream… Manifesting magic teleportation devices right NOW
No. 1686653
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>>1686625Don’t get my hopes up like that, anon
No. 1686664
>>1686652>>1686658These points are irrelevant when you realize the more insecure a man is the more
abusive he’s going to be. A short man is more likely to belittle you and cheat (if given the opportunity) men in general are just gross looking but I’d rather not have a whiny baby. Other men are less likely to bother you when you’re accompanied by an intimidating looking man, so there are at least some benefits to being with a tall man. Short men are useless.
No. 1686678
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>grandpa from my father's side died of old age when I was a small child
>grandma from father's side died of old age in 2022
>grandma was super short to the point I inherited that from her but worse and required medical attention for nearly a decade, grandpa was very tall
>mom joking all the time since forever about how people would think they were a father and his daughter when going outside back then because of the size difference
>recently learned that grandpa married grandma when she was 16 or 17 years old and he's 22 years older than her, which means this is the actual reason why people thought they were father and daughter and not a married couple
>according to my oldest aunt's age my grandma would have been dragged in another country by my pedophile grandpa when she was still a minor
>my mother and my oldest sister have a 23 years old age gap for context
I think it's settled and there's officially no decent man in my family from either side. Shit like this is why I can't respect anyone in this family, it's treated as normal.
No. 1686686
>>1686664Surprisingly not all males are insecure about their height. The ones that are
are fucking creepy and weird, they also tend to be ugly and fat as well as short. If you see a shorter guy who is fit and muscular, he probably won't be insecure about his height. Not all guys under 6 feet are days away from killing themselves because they are midgets. I think it is mostly guys 6' + who make those jokes about manlets anyway.
No. 1686699
No matter how short a moid is he will still be more than capable of beating the shit out of a woman. The majority of short moids are in fact insecure and unhinged about it and as we all know insecure moids always take it out on others
No. 1686703
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Realized my excess time spent online is due to FOMO. Someone new joined my hobby group and it’s making me uneasy. I probably just smoked too much. Should’ve been asleep 2 hours ago. I’m getting upset with my group and want to withdraw completely, I’m just really irritable maybe I need a few days away but I don’t know if I could. maybe it’s because I’m not getting the attention I want, they’re perfectly nice I’m just feeling crazy right now, I really need to sleep
No. 1686728
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>>been husbandoing hard
>>trying to wait out my boyfriend but he is taking forever to leave the house so I can listen to some smut of said husbando.
>>he only leaves when I give up and I'm heading to the gym
>>workout and when I head home I see he is still out with no mention of coming home soon
>>excitedly decide to finally masturbate to said husbando before I shower.
>> I've never been caught before and even though it's my bf i'm flustered and basically orgasm is ruined and I don't want to continue and for my bf to ask what i'm listening to.
>>doesn't even want to have sex cuz his head hurts
No. 1686730
>>1686724Not sure what you mean? I was talking about how
>>1686684 felt the need to make your really sad post about her insistence that everyone need to worship dwarf cock
No. 1686774
>>1686766I sleep with very tight blankets and a lot of pillows. Anyway dw
nonny, it's not like I'm looking for affection randomly, I actually have a list of people that I want to be held by and seeing random people isn't for me, they 're all my very close, 10+ years friends. I cringe at the thought of getting held by strangers but I never build up the courage to ask them because I know that's usually seen as romantic. They lay on me sometimes, like when we go to the movies or like in the back of car rides but I need to be actually squished harder……
No. 1686796
>>1686785The thing is that
I feel annoying, I'm not awkward around them. I gladly hold their hand or hug them if they ask me but I can't seem to have the same courage because what if they don't understand what I mean? I feel comfortable talking about this feeling only on anonymous boards because no one can track me. Anyway, friends aside, dunno why I have this need, it's not like I need affection, I have and recognize that I have plenty and my friends like and love me, but explaining this is hard, like I'm not even a native eng speaker and this feels a lot better in eng, in my native language sounds like an actual schizorambling, how do I tell my friends that I need them to hold me tight the same way that I like to sleep in my wardrobe sometimes, because it's tight? Am I an autist? Am I another flavour of ill? Idk
No. 1686808
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>>1686784Yeah being psychotic or depressed is so much better than taking your meds. Imagine peddling that with the only difference being that it makes you look like picrel instead of regular Yoda.
No. 1686895
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>cant connect to people irl because im a low IQ retard (even actual autists are more charismatic than me)
>cant connect to people online because still a low IQ retard even behind a screen
>lonely but gets pissed off and/or anxious when people do show any type of interest
>when the schzoid (me) feels positively about anyone i convince myself they hate me or i genuinely stop caring about their existence and cut them off
>most people i actually like unironically think i hate them
>never have the balls to correct them either
i have the charisma of sewage water and my life is a fucking joke kek. i cant believe my fatal flaw is just that im an unlikeable retard holy shit. literally had one of my favorite people crying because she thought i hated her i must be cursed i hate not being able to express emotion on my face unless i try really fucking hard. everytime people can tell im being "fake" when i force visible emotion though. and if i do it for long enough i get called creepy and offputting quote on quote behind my back.
that stone face shit was cool when i was an edgy teen but nowadays i get so so so fucking lonely and want people to think im normal. people get uncomfortable because they can't read me at all especially since im overly cerberal and quiet. im scared of becoming a neurotic sensitive and emotional person like i used to be but im soo lonely FUCK
No. 1686897
>>1686890I’d say I have but no one’s perfect anon. My fiancée is about as clueless as the average man, but he gave me a home when I needed to get out of my
abusive one, helps with housework, makes me breakfast, and makes me laugh. I’m happy with him and would like to spend the rest of my life with him.
No. 1686898
>>1686897Were you deeply attracted/had a huge crush when you first met? Or you learned to like him?
The house thing and brekkie sound awesome congrats
No. 1686913
>>1686898>Were you deeply attracted/had a huge crush when you first met? Or you learned to like him?Learned to like him. We started out as just friends over shared interests (video games and comics) but then he asked me out. I wasn’t into him that way at the time but I loved him so much (platonically) because he was so kind to me, I just didn’t want to lose him. He was kinda awkward looking with his acne and chubbiness, but over time he was like “I wanna be more attractive for you” so he became more cut and got rid of his pimples. It was a lot easier for me to be attracted to him after that, so our skinship increased and one day he scooted closer to me on the couch and put his arm around me. My pussy started throbbing in arousal along with my heart racing and that’s how I knew my feelings for him had changed.
>The house thing and brekkie sound awesome congratsThank you! I hope you find happiness for yourself one day as well, through a relationship or not.
No. 1686927
>>1686922>you can hold onto the past memories without keeping contact if he's this unstable. You're right, and ultimately it's what will have to happen if he continues like this.
Everyone in my closest family circle and close friends are aware of his insane behavior - for a long time my stepdad was actually convinced that my dad was going to kill him one day. No one was surprised when he went to jail but it's still sad nonetheless to see someone you used to like and respect spiral out of control. He's had multiple restraining orders on him from multiple people in my family, if he reacts poorly to the initial cut we might have to put another one on him… Thank you for responding to my family drama word vomit.
No. 1686928
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sorry if wrong thread wasn’t sure where else to post
mfs cry about mfc and the changes that were made to pedophile figures yet this interaction and result happened. I feel so bad for the user.
No. 1686956
>>1686891>>1686893Yeah it reminds me of how back in the day they’d just say everything a woman does that isn’t normal is hysteria.
Smooth brain = wrinkly teste
No. 1687012
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don't worry nonna I'm with you even if you get redtexted
No. 1687021
>>1686624It's not schizo. I understand that taking anti-depressants come with a lot of side affects, some that will leave me worse off than how I started and simply do not wish to become reliant on a medication to be come normal. It's tiresome, and most importantly expensive. In what world is that even schizo? Obviously things like that are necessary but even if I live in a capitalism driven society I'd rather avoid unnecessary things. That, and I don't have the money to spend on countless medications and drugs until something "works".
>don't create a dependenceAre you absolutely kidding me?
You know what, you're right I am self centered. I accept that and I don't deny it but I don't care anymore. I do my best at work, I do my best in my studies, I act as peachy as possible, I act happy and bubbly and cheerful, I act friendly and nice to everyone around me, I study the things people like so that I can talk to them about it with knowledge and interest, I make sure to smile constantly, I help others and be as polite as possible, I never complain to others, I never cry to others, I never whinge or whine to others, I don't get angry at others or anything of the like. I do my best to be a good member of society and never burden others even if it becomes exhausting, I make sure everyone sees me as "cheerful and okay" and nothing more. I seldom burden or push anything of myself on others, so I can allow myself to be self centered just this once. Is that so wrong? Hell this is the only place I've ever shared my feelings because there's no other place I feel I can and the only reason my parents know I'm even slightly not-okay is because I, like a retard, let myself slip up once even if I had been careful years prior.
I know that Anon, I absolutely know my mother loves me and that's like one of the only reasons I keep living, and that's for her. Because I know my death would absolutely destroy her and I don't want to put her through that. I'm not that stupid to think my death wouldn't affect my own mother. I don't resent her nor am I ungrateful for the things she's done for me. However, sometimes life becomes too much and I just want to get these feelings off my chest so I don't accidentally make the people around me uncomfortable when I'm less than 150%. I know that she loves me and that she wants me to live and that's what upsets me the most, because I know I'm lying to her and I'm continuing to do so and I can't say anything to her.
>Apathy and anhedonia are symptoms of depressionI actually didn't know that, I genuinely didn't know. I thought depression meant you have to be sad and want to cry all the time. Most of the time I just feel completely numb or angry at everything and anything. I don't feel a connection to anyone around me and most of the time such as talking to a coworker I just feel nothing at anything they say. I even tried looking at art of my favorite ships and husbandos but I felt nothing doing that
and I think that's what made me spiral hard this morning, even going as far as talking to someone on the Suicide Hotline. I just feel so empty all the time and I don't know why I'm like this or how to even fix it. It just makes me exhausted all the time. I just want to enjoy life or at least not have it at all if I can't even do something as simple as that, it just feels dishonest and unfair to others how I have to act 24/7 just to get through the day and they don't deserve dealing with a fake person. I apologize for being snappy at you.
No. 1687033
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>>1687028Is this really true? I've seen other nonnies itt say the same thing but last time I was over there I saw a thread complaining about trannies in video games. Genuinely have no idea what to make of that site anymore.
No. 1687035
>>1687033It depends on the board. Every board there has a different niche of people so people on one board will all pro-trans meanwhile people in another board will against troons.
It's mixed.
No. 1687036
>>1687005>violatedYes I think that is the word, and in the same vein "betrayed." It's hard for me to take it seriously too, even though it hurts so much and I was so young. But I guess self-blame is a common symptom of psychological abuse
>>1687007>sexual harrassment, verbal assaultThank you for the legal terms, I think they fit and they help me to have context even though I will not be pressing charges. Before I had only thought of "grooming" since the story checked some boxes there.
>>1687018>the i wordI guess that's why it's been so painful for me. Overall what he actually did was basically nothing, so if it had been any other moid, I would have recovered quickly. But as luck would have it, it was my own brother…. It's really sad to think that he was the first person to show sexual interest in me.
>>1687011 Yes, finally free!
Thank you to everyone who responded. You were all very warm and helpful and I feel relieved and supported. I hope that all of you will feel the same relief around your own issues and questions, and I hope other anons in pain will receive equally kind replies.
No. 1687042
>>1687035Huh. Knew there was different boards, but I never bothered to check them out. Had no idea they were this different from each other.
>>1687036You're a beautiful person and I'm sending you love towards your recovery!
No. 1687052
>>1687040Alot of transmen are absolute doormats , they spent all their time making transwomen famous and helping transwomen movementts, funds or charities…….meanwhile transwomen do absolutely NOTHING to help transmen, transmen are so ignored in their own movement (transgender) and treated as something discardable that i geniunely feel really sad for them and its a reason why i will never hate transmen the way i hate transwomen.
When that ftm shooting thing happened, transwomen threw all ftms under the bus and said how ftms don't deserve to be in the trans community and how they are making them look bad meanwhile there are thousands of news of transwomen murdering or raping someone yet when it comes to that transwomen expect transmen to blindly defend them. Mtf are so fucking evil.
No. 1687168
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No. 1687183
I haaaaaaate administrative stuff, I've been trying to secure my erasmus for ages, I have an okay from all the departments and my mentors and supervisors at the institute I wanna go to, but I just can't wrap my head around all the dumb and random as fuck forms and documents I need signed by random-ass people. Right now I need to get and official invitation mail (I have an invitation already but this institution wants an special email) and I'm supposed to obtain it from an email address that apparently doesn't exist and my mail wouldn't deliver. I asked the erasmus admins from there again if it's possible the mail they provided is wrong but I am panicking they'll just ignore and ghost me for asking too many questions but what the fuck am I supposed to do??? And for the other internship I need to fill a long form entirely in a different language and the secretary doesn't even speak English, it's a mix of Italian and English that I can't even put into Google translate. I'd prefer full-on Italian at this point. And why the hell are they asking me on a no-skip question on the official form if I can sing or play an instrument???? All of this is taking so much time and my own university's secretary is a mean asshole that won't help at all, she routinely makes students cry when they ask. I'm afraid erasmus is gonna somehow cancel my financial aid of this because it's taking too much time without giving me any notice because let's be honest, secretaries are really useless at doing their jobs. I read hundreds of pages of what I should do, write it all down yet they still spring random stuff on me that isn't written anywhere like I'm supposed to know when it usually is their job to notify students. But they usually even signs wrong things and give wrong info that I have to correct afterwards. At this point I'm wondering if the internship is worth all this stress. I wanted to go to France before, my request is still pending, the secretary assured me she'll write me as soon as she'll know if it's declined or okay'd but she ghosted me. I'm at loss. Now I'm trying a different country but I'm gonna be so disappointed if at the end I won't get my internship even though I already have it promised by my future mentors, just because there is some hiccup in the administration, even though I try very hard to fulfill everything.
No. 1687188
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>>1687168I can take your job I need money and I'm so tired of applying
No. 1687254
>>1683298Late to reply but I feel the need to point out that within maybe 5 years, nobody will even know or care who these girls were. Catering to moid gaze cannot outlast time and aging will come for every last one of us, Stacy and
femcel alike. It's the great equalizer. I mean look at Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, it's a short window of time in life even for the topmost gigastacy models.
Get your own money with a solid career and live unbothered.
>t. old No. 1687339
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looking at pictures of the scrote that broke me as a teen rn
he has actual fangs, he looks evil. he looks like fucking Ramsey Bolton. he'd give me hickeys and publically violate me by going at my neck. he got off on dominating, lying, stealing. he kissed others in front of me but refused to let me go, he got off on making me feel like shit. he wanted to corrupt people, he corrupted me
the more I think back the more it hits me that he literally acted evil, demonic almost, vampiric? he was of course charming and funny and talented so people liked him. he's probably doing great now
but wow, he broke me, even corrupted me, like he did something to my soul. he doesn't smile in pictures, he grins. the fangs stick out. his eyes judging, calculating
insane that I got entangled with a person like that. it's really that bad. no wonder I've had a hard time getting over it
No. 1687340
>>1687324You’re probably right. The women I’m talking about seem like huge fujoshi types or unstable pickmes.
>>1687329I never thought he was ugly or anything, I just didn’t feel anything for him for a while until one day I did. He had to earn my trust first.
>>1687333I know, I just wish MY libido was represented more. Hookup culture is on the rise and it’s got me questioning if I’m doing something wrong or was born weird.
No. 1687403
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rrational? My boyfriend has been texting his coworkers in a group chat a lot lately and it’s been making me upset. The group chat consist of two people, a guy and a girl. I’m happy that he has friends and he has fun talking to them. But what upsets me is that he will text them while he’s talking to me irl. He will ignore what I say completely and it hurts my feelings so much. I don’t text people while he’s speaking to me. It Is feels rude. It doesn’t bother me if it’s every once in awhile he needs to send a quick text out while me and him are hanging out together, but he’s having full blown conversations with them. Even right after he leaves work, after working a shift with them he will open up the group chat and start talking to them again, as he’s walking out his store with me. It hurts a lot because I haven’t even seen him all day and all he wants to do is text them. It’s been making me feel jealous too, which has been making all of my emotions about this feel worse. When it comes to texting me, he doesn’t even read my full text, he just gives me one worded responses. But when it comes to his coworkers he will leave them paragraphs and multiple text with a little smile on his face. Sometimes he will just straight up ignore my text for hours. “Oh, sorry I didn’t see your text.” Another thing that bothers me is that he will bring up the girl a lot, we will be talking about something and it will remind him of her and he will start talking about her despite whatever the fuck he’s talking about being very off topic. I don’t hate her, I think she’s cool and she has done nothing wrong, but it irks me that he does that and makes me feel a little bit nervous. I feel like I don’t matter, I’m not a priority. I feel kinda undesired and kind of unloveable.
I’d like to add that he claims to hate these people and is annoyed by them.
I have mentioned to him how it hurts my feelings that he will text people while me and him are together hanging out. I asked him not to and he is kinda trying not to. But he thinks just because there’s a break in our convo that means he can instantly grab his phone and start responding them. When he does this my demeanor changes and you can see I look visibly upset. He will notice this too, but I try not to say anything because I know he’s /kinda/ trying. I don’t want to isolate him from friends either. But sometimes he seems mad at me for feeling this way. Another major thing to this is whole ordeal is that I actually got hired at his job recently, I haven’t started yet. So I’m doing my best to hold on and not let my emotions get the best of me. Maybe I just don’t get it, and maybe I’ll understand when I work there and get closer to these people. I already know them, and they are really nice to me. So I feel like an ass for being upset over this. I asked him for more love and affection, and for even more text and text that are loving so I won’t feel this way. But all I get is a “love you” text with that kissy emoji randomly during the day. It still makes me feel like shit. I’m not sure if I’m in the right or wrong?
No. 1687405
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I think i might be pregnant and it sucks because i want a baby so badly but i know i can never have one because i'm way too mentally ill to take care of a child. I'd rather not take a pregnancy test because I don't want to know if i am or not. I don't want an abortion but i know that i will have to get one. It just sucks killing a baby that I want.
No. 1687410
>>1687403He's being a dillhole
nonnie and should want to talk to you more than his friends. Now that that's out of the way though, as a funny thing to do you should steal his friends and establish dominance once you start working there. Take over his group chat.
No. 1687429
>>1687410I get along with them pretty well so stealing them is something I can see happening. I wonder how he would feel if I was obsessive over a group chat.
>>1687422He’s been making me feel so worthless so it’s something that’s been in the back of my mind for awhile. I would feel awkward dumping him now since I just got a job at his place. But if he doesn’t get better in a few months he’s gotta go.
No. 1687434
>>1687415>If women hornyposting affects you so bad then you should seek a therapist honestlyI literally just said it doesn’t. It’s when they bother me about it irl that I get annoyed.
>It's not normal to not be attracted to your partner and it's obvious it's not just you ''being in love with the personality'' but rather you projecting your insecurities onto women who dare to find men attractive, god forbidI already said I am attracted to and aroused by him. What I didn’t say is that other women have to follow my lead.
>I would have felt empathy for you if you didnt call other women pickmes and then proceed to say you love your boyfriend because he's kind.You don’t feel empathy for me because you refuse to accept that their might be a woman out their with a low libido who should be allowed to talk about it without insecure weirdos like you flying off the handle about it. Hooking up with random and potentially dangerous or diseased men who’re absolutely going to brag about it to their friends afterwards and laugh at you and degrade you for being a whore just for mediocre sex IS unsafe pickme behavior and should not be encouraged. You sound like a libfem. I’m going to stop engaging now because you’ve made it abundantly clear from this reply that you just can’t read. You’re retarded.
No. 1687450
>>1687430No, for the last time I just can’t relate to other women because I was born with a low libido and and I thought I’d be able to vent about it here without everyone armchairing me or needing to defend their precious husbandos. If I was unhappy with my man then I’d leave him.
>>1687438I seriously do not give a shit. My lack of interest in porn is not stopping you from doing anything.
No. 1687456
>>1687434Women hook up with random men to selfharm, disassociate from their bad experiences or attempt to feel less empty even if it's momentarily. It's because of mental issues those women suffer from, not because of high libido. Please stop blaming women who men take advantage of sexually and instead blame the men who use these women.
High or low libido doesn't have much to do with it tbh. Being high libido would be like fucking your bf twice a day vs low libido would be wanting to fuck once 1-2 weeks. Risky sexual behaviors in women usually aren't only caused by high libido, they're caused by mental illnesses like bpd, hpd, bipolar, autism, etc. that women get shunned for
No. 1687463
>>1687456I don’t care if they’re just gonna shame other women for not following suit by calling them prudes. They should get help then, instead of putting women like me down for not wanting to hear what happened in detail. I don’t have to put up with that or make them feel better about their crappy decisions if they’re grown adults.
>>1687459No, they only tell me it’s normal when I say I don’t feel normal to shut me up but then turn around and say I must have something wrong with me if I can’t relate.
No. 1687467
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My mom's such a handmaiden piece of shit I'm tired of her bullshit. A moid relative slapped me yesterday and she's calling ME a stuck up bitch for not immediately accepting his half-assed 'sorry' that was mumbled so low only a mosquito would've heard it properly (not like I'll forgive him even if he screamed it at the top of his lungs). Like, how dare I not lick the feet of men who disrespect me? How dare I hate those who are violent towards me? How dare I believe I'm a human being with dignity who definitely didn't deserve being slapped because I said that child marriage is wrong? It's wrong. It has always been wrong and it'll always be wrong. Children aren't meant to have children and marry pedophiles. I don't give a shit if it happened 'back in the days' and you're offended by me calling it disgusting because you married off your own sister when she was 15 to an alcoholic pig twice her age. It's disgusting and I want to kill anyone who thinks otherwise. I already did more than enough by holding back and not slapping him. But I'm in the wrong? Bitch I'm really in the wrong here? My cheek is still swollen from the slap and teeth on that side sting a bit, that's how hard he hit me, but all she cares about is this poooooor moid suffering the consequences of his own actions. Fuck him and fuck her. I can't even say it's just trauma and shit because she genuinely enjoys defending moids over the most vile things ever. I expect nothing from her and I'm still let down by how fucking misogynistic she can be.
No. 1687486
>>1687468I want to, but I'd rather not. I hate her but I still don't want to physically hurt her. No idea why. I'll slap that moid instead or try to collect enough evidence to report him for assault, even if it doesn't get him jailed, it'll be fun to see him being embarrassed and all infront of the cops.
>>1687469I've been planning to. Unfortunately, I live in a shitty country and in a city that's literally called the 'rape capital' because that's how often it happens to women here, so I don't feel safe moving out and living alone without a backup plan or enough money yet. I also just got into a uni (so paying for my studies all by myself is going to be hard too) and found a part-time job that pays pretty low, I'll wait until I'm done with it and get the job I'm studying for.
No. 1687561
>>1687551How are you still not getting it. It’s so obvious that I mean that the mere mention of me not being interested in sex and feeling alienated for it is enough to
trigger people apparently. “I’m not interested in your lifestyle” is a personal attack to you people and it’s pathetic.
No. 1687643
>>1687638I mean, he didn't speak, but how can I be a few dozen feet away and he has to glance back when I'm trying to look at his face
without making eye contact. Turn back around, whore.
No. 1687669
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>go to ai website
>"Hey I want some cute puppy pictures"
>put "cute puppy poodle babies" as a prompt
>literal fucking anime CP appears at first try
I'm so grossed out, why can't these mofos put at least some kind of filter? Where is the fucking database taking reference off? Why would it generate cp just by seeing "cute baby" as a prompt?? I feel sick
No. 1687680
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>I feel so hopeless and lonely. Maybe I should create a twitter account, start being more active in discord, and engage in fandom so I have people to talk about my special interests with. I'll even be willing to work on my transphobia and patronize with trans people if it means I don't have to be alone
>first bio I've seen is "lesbian dickgirl"
>trans flag in every 2-3 accounts I see
>constant seething about afabs and cis people
>it/its/fae/faeself pronouns
Never fucking mind!!!!! Maybe I really am just doomed to be alone. I just want a place to talk about robots and lesbians with. I hate having interests where the majority of people who like it are other autistic moids.
No. 1687697
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>>1687669>why would it generate cp just be seeing cute baby as a promptBecause most of the people using AI use it for porn. It just learns based on what it's given. Next time just look up pictures of poodle puppies, it's that easy. I personally don't get how people use ai to look for images when there are endless pictures online already that aren't uncanny abominations.
No. 1687707
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been drinking red raspberry leaf for almost 25 hours still no period…God, pls
No. 1687718
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>Match with super hot guy
>Profile seems cute and like we’d get along
>Only looking for something casual
Every fucking time. It’s on Bumble so I haven’t messaged him yet.
No. 1687729
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>>1687680wait you're literally me
nonnie>tfw made tumblr account three months ago because I wanted to talk anime lesbians but got put off by the kids, troons and gendies No. 1687733
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>>1687680you're not alone nonni
No. 1687735
>>1687680Do not engage with these retards make your own posts and be as much of a
TERF as you want, let likeminded people find you instead of groveling to gendies. There's no way normal lesbians into robots don't exist, rooting for you anon. Godspeed.
No. 1687828
>>1687793that anon she replied to
I did send a request on discord but I've also tried joining multiple yuri discord servers (translation servers included) and they're also infested with troons and/or underage kids so I relate to this hard too. I read their #introduction channels in half entertainment and half disappointment. A female weeb server won't be hard to organize if fujo/yume nonas are allowed to participate, otherwise it might be too hard to keep alive and going.
No. 1687936
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Recently got my first job ever as a sales agent over the phone. Actually had my first calls today, and while the others were able to sell stuff and some even got kudos, I got a woman acting condescending and asking for a native speaker since I "couldn't understand even after she repeated the stuff slower".
Damn, I get you're getting stressed but even then there's no need to get all racist…
Of course, since it's my first job and I'm a bpd fag I bursted out crying.