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No. 1712250
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I stay away from women who are super into their looks(fake lashes, surgeries and getting their hair and nails done all the time). The super dolled up women like pic related. Those kind of women usually do look down on women who don’t do all that and see them as lazy. No hun I’m not lazy I’m poor and I tried to be friends with a girl with a similar aesthetic and she would always shade women who don’t do that stuff.
No. 1712255
>>1712248I'm kinda bored so I'm gonna give my 2 cents on that. But I personally dislike both fat men and women. They take too much space on public transport, they stink because of their skin flaps, they don't feel cold so they make the AC as cold as possible killing us normal sized people with cold temperatures, they have difficulties walking and block the way when walking in front of a person, they just look legitimately disgusting and are hard to look at without feeling sick, they complain about how oppressed they are because of their fatness since no one finds them attractive but it's their fault for looking unnatural, they're lazy and neglectful of themselves which made them fat to begin with and aren't suitable for serious relationships that they feel so entitled to. That's all I can think of right now. I don't care about someone being fat as long as they don't bitch about it and how unfair they are treated, but I'll always silently judge them for being an eyesore and lazy. Ofcourse I don't hold that judgment against people with genuine illness causing them to be fat, especially if they're trying to lose weight. But the ones who are fat by choice don't have the right to complain. Also again, it's unnatural to be fat or to be anaroxic at that, the natural state of the human body is to be fit, and I hate how being either extreme is seen as a norm because of modern society and how being fit can be looked down upon sometimes (i.e. people saying it's fatphobic or so stressful and causing them mental illness like anaroxia or body dysmorphia when it's their faults for looking at it negatively), being fat is dangerous on one's health and is sort of self-harm just as much as anaroxia is, and I don't understand why being fat is excused or sympathized with more than anaroxia, but I'm guessing it's because it's easier for the average person to slip into the former than the latter, so ofcourse they'd defend it so they don't get ridiculed later on when they finally become fat. Saying "just let people be fat/anaroxic!" creates a lazy ugly unhealthy society, and I'm sure it's not in our best interest for thag to happen. Plus it kinda says a lot about a person's discipline and will power of they let themselves go in either extreme or if they are normal and fit. It's just a more out together person's thing to be fit, while messy people who are better to avoid are either fat or anaroxic. But that's my two cents on it, feel free to disagree.
No. 1712281
>>1712269I am not American and your explanation doesn't make sense.
>A chubby person is ok I guess but they're still chubby for similar reasons as a morbidly obese one, just less intenseHow can you know? In your first post you say you don't judge those who have hormonal or health issues but it's not like you can know who is sick or postpartum and who is just "lazy", according to you. Which means you do judge everyone.
No. 1712283
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i like participating in fandome discusssions (on lc and elsewhere) but i sometimes feel like i'm the only one who really doesn't caare about shipping. i mostly read/write gen fics or ones where the pairings are not the focus of the sotory. but almost every discussion of fandom revolves around shipping.
then again i don't care much romance as a genre so there's that
No. 1712490
>>1712255>the natural state of the human body is to be fitWhat does "fit" mean to you ? different types of activity result in different specialized bodies/muscle development and usually that doesn't look like a decorative gym rat. There isn't one "natural state".
>being fit can be looked down uponIt's literally the beauty standard. It's pathetic if terminally online seething fatties are all it takes to make you sperg out like this. Body positivity has always been a larp, literally no one actually thinks good of fat people outside of their hugboxes. The idea that fit people are shunned by current culture is just the moid equivalent of pickmes who think they're oppressed for wearing makeup and being "feminine".
The fat people debate is so tiring, it's either mindless landwhale advocacy or pretentious retards who act like everyone owes them beauty and think real farmers look like soviet propaganda posters. It's like gender, it wouldn't even be a problem if people just went outside.
>>1712283I don't give a rat's ass about ships either. I just don't see what's so exciting or why it's so important that people go to e-war over them. I can tell when two characters would go well with each other but idk what state of mind you have to be in to straight up fawn over it to the point of making torrents of fan content about them
No. 1712535
>>1712525same they really ruined this place and then they get on a high horse about it too and call you a pickme/nlog. like you have the entire rest of the internet and you had to come here and woobify this place too? theres no place left for girls who
really don't fit in. i gave up on shitcord servers too because theres always one or two 30+ fat women who condescend and then start drama about you behind your back because you said a slur or something
No. 1712547
>theres no place left for girls who really don't fit intrue
i have nowhere left to go
No. 1712631
>>1712623If you’re
triggered by people talking shit about you because you said a slur you wouldn’t have survived early 2000s internet. You’d end up groomed and cutting yourself within a month kek you zoomers wish for things you don’t really want.
No. 1712638
>>1712631do you lose the ability to read properly when you go past age 35? your entire point is moot anyways when you're on an imageboard trying to tone police people. you didn't grow up on these places and larping like some AllStarOldfag at your big age is just sad
>>1712630i like to post my lukewarm takes on here and watch you guys rage so hard until you have to wipe the sweat under your fatrolls again
No. 1712679
>>1712676you keep assuming me much younger than i actually am and then proceed to condescend about things you know nothing about. i was on the internet 14 years ago dw
No. 1712744
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>>1712662>>1712669>>1712691..what does any of this have to do with lc? did you get a thread on here or what?
No. 1712806
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>>1712248I only hate them when they think they're oppressed for being fat or when they actively make feeder content because slowly killing yourself for a moid's fetish is pathetic. I will always hate fat moids more though. Losing weight is so easy for them, they don't deal with pregnancy or birthcontrol, so they have no excuse.
No. 1713162
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hello newfag here can anyone show me around?
teach me the lingo and unwritten rules and what you guys usually post about?(shitposting)
No. 1713265
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>>1713229People get too use to seeing bodies that are perfectly angled, edited and if not then plastic surgery. I remember how many moids were crying about how disappointed they are to see Sydney Sweeneys boobs like?? Yes that's what big boobs look like when they don't have a bag of saline shoved in them or in a bra.
No. 1713335
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>>1713316It also depends on the kid. It's easy to be a good mom to a kid who is naturally obedient and well-behaved. If you are unfortunate enough to have an aggressive moidlet who throws tantrums to get what he wants, no amount of "good" parenting will be enough.
I also don't believe that it's all nurture and no nature. All kids would be irreparably fucked up in that case because most parents just can't teach everything, and it doesn't explain how babies who can't even speak already have personalities of their own.
No. 1713414
>>1712998hard disagree the girls i knew with dominating moms turned out the biggest cunts and they now have terrible relationships with their moms and run to
abusive moids for validation. meanwhile the moms who were friendly but stepped in when needed like a normal person produced normal kids to adults
No. 1713446
>>1712490>what does "fit" mean to you?Having normal fat percentages and muscle definition, or being slim at least.
>it's literally the beauty standard For a reason. And yet it isn't the norm. Plus women who work out are accused of being pickmes as well for daring to care about their health and for doing a "masculine" activity, i.e. working out. And any woman with muscles is considered "mannish" and undesirable or lesbian. Tribal people who are isolated from modern society have defined muscles and never have any fat members because they have a proper natural diet and level of activity, unlike the modern human living in a city. With all the technology and science available to us no one has an excuse to not take care of their health and work out and eat properly, the guides to that are a click away. Some people are just lazy and they never wanna admit it or be called out for it. I'd take a gym rat woman (or man) over a fat one any time, at least they're trying to emulate what living in nature used to be like. Ofcourse this doesn't include the ones on steroids and ones with no carbs no fat diet who do the whole cutting thing to show as much muscle as possible, or the bulking people either because they raise their fat percentage above normal.
No. 1713587
>>1713564in the case of like youtubers but also other social media influencers you're always paying them indirectly through adsense and/or sponsorships unless you use an adblocker and skip all the promotions (which i don't even think can be done in apps).
anyway part of what bothers me is the way a lot of them are trying to legitimize their "jobs" and also when they're pressuring their retarded simps into subscribing and whatever by going "haha okay so anyway guyss thanks for watching aaand if you liked this video please consider subscribing because this is literally how i pay my bills and get to eat… okay baiii" as if they just performed some service they deserve to get paid for, when it's literally their own lazy, fame hungry asses choosing to waste time posting online instead of getting an actual job. it's just ebegging. same goes for online "artists" on twitter and tumblr who act like people are denying them their livelihoods by not commissioning them or sharing their stuff everywhere kek
No. 1713833
>>1713812I've said the same thing and now I aren't eligible to donate shit and even then people act so insufferable over
my dead body? Yeah I don't want to be some detached head used by plastic surgeons in training or a loose limb used for poking practise or have my tissues being used for some other weird shit, it's rarely some "my heart will save a child", and like, yeah I won't know what is going on once I'm dead but it's still mine as of right now and I don't want to be cut into pieces and somehow that is so beyond selfish of me. Others can do whatever the fuck with their corpses but it's weird to get angry over me saying what I do not wish to be done with mine.
No. 1713834
>>1713812The "well you're dead so it doesn't matter" argument is not even always true. Except if the person is brain dead (so no consciousness there anymore), they have to harvest the organs out of the donors before he/she flatlines so the organs don't start failing.
Which is to me just the worst fucking situation I wanna imagine anyone in, like the clinic takes your autonomy from you to declare that you're not going to make it, whatever brought you to the ER in the first place, and then the moment you have a donor card, it feels like it's about the same as an DNR (do not resuscitate) and I find that absolutely fucked up.
At the very least, if there was a card "willing to give body to science", because there are some people who are willing, I'd accept that shit.
And the one thing that perturbs me the most is the aftermath of the body emptied of whatever got donated, when the family want a burial with a wake etc. Like I can't imagine having your loved one in the coffin and with sunken eyelids in the eyesockets because the eyes were donated, or the burial clothes fitting loosely cuz there are no more organs in the upper body, it makes me feel icky.
No. 1713861
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Large beds are so overrated. You know your room could be so much cuter and less cramped, moving is easier, and bedding less expensive if you would stick with a twin or twinXL. But noooo every motherfuck gotta have a queen or king size bed that leaves small and awkward dimension spaces rendering the entire rest of the room useless.
No. 1714134
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Fellatio is stupid to me. The point is to put your lips and suck on the penis, but without your teeth getting on it at all. But that's the problem. Not letting your teeth touch the penis is a challenge because it's not like a pill you can easily put in your mouth and not get your teeth on. A blowjob is like telling someone to put a corn dog in their mouth but to NOT let their teeth touch the corn dog at all. How is that supposed to be easy when the corn dog is taking up so much space? You can imagine how practically impossible that is already. How did such a stupid practice get more popular than objectively better things like cunnilingus?
No. 1714178
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>>1714176Why not just use one of these bad boys
No. 1714285
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I don't know what to call this because it was around right before "aesthetic" became a thing but I love the late 2000s girly blogspot vibe. I guess some very early Tumblr blogs looked like this too. It was images of carousels, macarons, baby pink bows, photos of flowers, random obsession with the eiffel tower. There was something very comforting about it. It was such a cheesy girly vibe and I love it but I never see that "aesthetic" anywhere anymore. I guess it's too simple and dated for people nowadays. Or maybe it could be compared to the pinterest pink christmas obsession just without all the shitty instagram photos since Flickr was all the rage back then and film was still somewhat alive.
No. 1714668
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Finn and Jake were assholes, Jake wasn’t too much of an asshole in some episodes, but Finn was always obnoxious as fuck, specially when he tried to be all cool and deep. Actually, the best episodes are those where Finn and Jake are either barely around, where they barely speak or where they just aren’t around.
No. 1714717
>>1714047Yeah, fair. But I still don't buy that your Nigel is the only perfect man available, and that he'd be comfortable and happy in a relationship in which a woman is a hardcore
TERF tier feminist that believes sex is oppressive by nature. Or if you believe in sexual liberation/sex work is real feminism, etc. Your core values don't align and activism calls for sacrifices. I'm not implying that a woman who likes to think of herself as a feminist because she's pro -choice needs to go break up with her boyfriend, but I do think if you're willing to go full dworkin, having a boyfriend/husband makes me take you far less seriously.
and yes I'm aware she had a husband No. 1714904
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This shade of red looks good in literally no one
No. 1715059
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>>1714898Sometimes they like the same stuff I like, sometimes they like the worst earrape sounding shit ever. Depends on the niche tiktok part that made the song trendy. But they always have surface level liking of it though and only know hits and never dig deeper when it comes to bands, groups or artists. And they LOVE singles. They'll never make an album trendy.
No. 1715170
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>>1714852dropped my vid but basically DD/LG people and ageplayers are disgusting. Thinking this is a harmless coping mechanism is retarded.
No. 1715201
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A lot of people hate this version of Dante. But I personally think he's hot.
No. 1715282
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>>1715258That literally isn't even a twink you're just retarded
No. 1715324
>>1715321I think anyone who assumed Michael Afton would look like a hot anime boy(let alone regular white guy jerma) were dumb as hell
No. 1715326
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>>1715324Please nona. Please tell me what you'd imagine Michael Afton to look like. I really wanna know your take.
No. 1715333
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>>1715329I meant BEFORE he got scooped but…that'll do, nona. That'll do.
No. 1715436
>>1713265I truly hate men if that is considered "disappointing" boobs. You literally cant exist as a human if you're a woman. You have to be a inhumane fantasy that doesn't exist. Her boobs are literally perfect and I wish I could trade. I swear I fucking hate moids so much. Women don't even fuss over the shape and appearance or even the size of mens dick as much as men will degrade and destroy a woman's body for being human.
I'm so sick of women being nice to men. We need to treat them like shit. Tired of being empathic for these subhumans.
No. 1716028
>>1715991As a software engineer, let the men have programming. It's too autistic and annoying for me to deal with it. I want to make the actual designs and infrastructure of software and you know, ENGINEER it like my title indicates. But nooooo I gotta use junit4 to test a method that returns the result of 2+3=5 that takes 10000000 lines of code to do so. Fuck programming.
Html and gui design are fun though, they can stay. I'll leave the retarded abstract probability and algorithm shit to the autistic males.
No. 1716116
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No. 1716161
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Correct me if this is actually a popular opinion, but scrotes who cheat on their wives should not be able to see their children AT ALL until they are eighteen and willing to meet their cheating manwhore sperm donor. Scrotes should not be able to see any of their children they cheat, ESPECIALLY if his wife or girlfriend was pregnant while he cheated. Moids and libfems whine left and right about "oh no not enough males get to see the children they dont deserve", but I completely disagree. Males are not hated enough for when they destroy family dynamics. You wanna backstab your own fucking wife and take a big fat shit on the family she made for YOU? You don't get to see your offspring at all. Goodbye.
No. 1716256
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>>1716242>When you decide to date or marry scrotes it should be expected that they will eventually cheat.What the fuck is this shit? Should be expected just because they're scrotes?? Come the fuck on, scrotes are still adults and it's still their responsibility to act like it and to respect their goddamn wives. And now you're using that to justify piece of shit scrotes of still seeing the kids they didn't respect enough to not cheat on their mom??? I'm tempted to believe what you're saying is a five piece combo bait. You're using the same logic for when lesbians bully heterosexual women for getting tricked and abused by scrotes because "hurr durr they're males so you should have known he was gonna be a piece of shit to you from the start". FUCK the concept of cheating scrotes seeing their kids. They. do not.
deserve their kids.
No. 1716298
>>1716258Yes but child support payments aren't typically enough for mothers to ship their kids off to someone else's house for a week or weekends or whatever. And that's if he actually pays, which many don't.
You're making the mistake of believing men when they baww about not being able to see their kids. Not having to look after kids is a reward and advantage for most of them, even if they pay child support. They only start missing their kids when they want to look like good fathers to their new gfs. Ultimately the mother's judgement and the kid's wellbeing should be the most important thing, not a blanket rule that is more about punishing a cheater than coming up with a practical solution that actually helps the mother and kids.
No. 1716394
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“Neetbux” should only be allowed for people learning disabilities (adhd/autism) and not for lazy depressed moids
No. 1716409
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Men with meatball eyes are discosting
No. 1716430
>>1716394People with ADHD and autism can still get a job like the rest of us, with the exception of autists who are so low functioning they won't ever live independently anyway.
People with actual physical disabilities and serious chronic illnesses are the ones who deserve neetbux, and even then a lot of them should WFH if they can.
No. 1716442
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Quinceanera fashion is the ugliest shit I have ever seen in my life. 15 is not the age of womanhood, either.
No. 1716685
>>1716607Almond milk tastes like dieting and misery in hot coffee, it's always soy milk for me and normal milk in tea.
Almond milk in iced lattes is good but maybe because coffee shops use sweetened versions of it.
No. 1716809
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She looks like one of those belligerent special ed students that’s always wringing his hands and rocking back and forth
No. 1716867
>>1716028If you wanna make architectural code decisions you’re going to need more than just html and UI design skills
nonnie. Sorry your code sucks and you need an unnecessary number of lines of code to write unit tests. Maybe you should have studied those autistic algorithms more.
No. 1716994
nonnie I couldn't agree more. That forced ass smile. Still can't believe they nominated her for an oscar (guess I can cause hollywoods shit but ya)
No. 1717062
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>>1716607I'm so sick of almond milk hate
No. 1717109
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>>1716607Is that really an unpopular opinion?
I hate all nut "milks" and hope Big Dairy succeeds in banning them from using that name. Nut "milk" peddlers should call it what it really is:
nut water.
No. 1717291
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>>1716439Duh, it's the natural state and shape of a dick, which the vagina is designed to be pleasured by.
>>1716442Had to google what's that but it looks pretty to me. Or is there another version of it?
No. 1717298
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i like 90s-00s videogame graphics better. i don't play games anymore because they don't make any that look good to me.
No. 1717301
>>1716867I'm still studying but my university is retarded and they only teach us too little and ask us to go and look it up ourselves on google and youtube as if that's a legitimate replacement for college education. They refuse to work with us in labs or help us at anything and say it's our responsibility to learn coding from scratch and its basics, so we end with lots of shortcomings and not on the level of knowledge they expect us to do. And I refuse to learn on my own, since software engineering is about ENGINEERING and modeling the structures of software, not coding. Coding is computer scientists and AI engineers work, that's why the best doctors at it in my university are from these majors. All my software engineering doctors don't know how to write a single line of code but expect me to do so without guidance or education. I also did take an algorithms course last year but it was useless, especially the lab work which they expected us to do in one hour and submit it but the absolute retard of a lecturer I had didn't actually know how to write code and wanted us to turn pseudocode and some extra instructions to java code without any explanation how but didn't let us google it either??? The only thing I know how to code so far is for/while loops, if statements/switch cases, classes, gui oriented stuff (the best), and print/read related statements, oh and system.exit. but that's about it, and only in java as well since every other language isn't given any importance.
No. 1717331
>>1717301NTA but you need to know how things work in practice in order to engineer them. You can't just become a software architect telling people to do this and that without having any idea of how to do them in practice, that's literally how Elon Musk does things and look how Twitter is doing now. I'm a senior software engineer who's been doing this for many years and even then I don't always feel confident enough to work on a full architecture of a software by myself because the more you know about them the more you realize how little you actually know about them.
>Coding is computer scientists and AI engineers workSoftware engineering is a branch of computer science. Yeah compsci people are more focused on the more scientific side but you've completely gotten the wrong idea if you think software engineers don't code. What do you think software developing is? It's about planning, yes, but also practical application i.e. coding.
>All my software engineering doctors don't know how to write a single line of codeYou mean they don't know the syntax which is something even senior developers have to google all the time. They still know the patterns and models of how programming works. If you take the short cut and just start smashing blocks together without knowing how they actually work beyond the abstraction you're going to come across fatal mistakes eventually, brought upon by ignorance. If you want to work in software engineering then you need to swallow your pride and learn the fundamentals or it'll cost you dearly in the long run. The tools we are are changing at such a fast pace and are always developing and if you have no idea of their purpose then it'll get harder and harder to keep up.
No. 1717568
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i know it got terrible reviews and i understand the criticisms completely, but i think mona lisa smile could have been a masterpiece of a film if it hadn’t been written and directed by scrotes. between the casting and the main idea of the plot, they could have had something really interesting and meaningful from a female perspective (and there were glimpses of it throughout the film). but i feel like you’re left with the stench of male influence by the end. i will never not be pissed off that Julia Stiles’ character didn’t go to law school
No. 1717602
>>1714134Hard agree, I used to think penises were way smaller/thinner and I've thought it was dumb and makes no sense logistically ever since I saw one in person.
>>1714140statements like these are amusing to me because my nigel is autistic about wiping after peeing for some reason and rants exactly like this about his friends not wiping. He spends like a solid 1-2 minutes just standing in the bathroom wiping, it's weird
No. 1717666
>>1717655I dislike traps and femboys. I don’t think a man (let’s be honest here, a boy) should be feminine to the point of being mistaken for a woman. It’s not fantasy that appeals to women, not me. It’s always agps who “like girls” and go on to become transbians if they aren’t already. All of this just feels like scrote pandering crap, and in some ways even the “butch” lesbians characters are. Men are perfectly happy letting “masculine” women get paired with other women. They can’t conceive of masculine women getting paired with men.
On the same note, all the cute guys in media I like are either gay or pushed by fandoms into being interpreted as gay. People see a picture of a hot guy and make comments like “oh he’s so not straight” like!?!? I can’t have anything. All of the girls who I identify with are made to be lesbians all the men I’m attracted to are made to be gay.
Why can’t we have heterosexuality be based for once? I’m just fucking saying!!
No. 1717668
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>>1717653Holy shit are you me? i remember watching the tangled show and amphibia(i am an adult just autistic pls dont ban jannies) and being dissapointed at sasha being bisexual and cassandra being headcanon as lesbian just because she doesnt like men. Pretty much all the female characters i liked as a kid(pearl, applejack/rd, marceline, clawdeen, harley/ivy) are also lesbians. I still like the characters, obviously, but god would it kill western cartoons to make a straight tomboy for once? the new new PPG reboot is probably going to retcon buttercup as a lesbian too, she's the only tomboy left. It's such a cancer to be a GNC straight woman because your two options for 'representation' are lesbians and coombait by moids. It sends a really weird message and it doesnt surprise me so many women troon out, it's basically impossible to see a GNC woman in media that isnt a lesbian or male gaze.
No. 1717689
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Eyelash extensions look stupid and awful 99% of the time
No. 1717698
>>1717684I just want to see a fictional couple with a big strong lady and a man who isn’t as big and strong. No male goonshit. No leatherqueens, no hyper muscle mommies, no beta self-inserts, no programmer sock femboys,
What I want seems impossible. Hardly anyone else except the based nonnies here seem to agree with me.
No. 1717704
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>>1717698Didn’t they retcon Phil and Lil’s mom to be lesbian in the new series?
No. 1717705
>>1717704I love them but I can’t cum to fucking rugrats characters oh my god. I want him to be sexy.
Just another example of het queen erasure….
No. 1717725
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>>1717689They look stupid and are hell in terms of maintenance. Lash extensions collect dust and makeup so you have to brush them out daily, since you can't wash them like you would the rest of the face.
I imagine lash techs go for this overly dense, fake look because the extensions look rough as hell once a good chunk of them is gone. It's such a waste of money though, not to mention ~ the microplastics ~
No. 1718576
>>1718521This and those who congratulate themselves for being smarter than everyone else for never dating men. Great cope virgins but most girls/women have dated boys/men and guess what? You aren't a better person because you weren't abused by a man. Stop comparing yourself to
victims of abuse, it's gross.
No. 1719587
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This recent attack against Israeli civilians totally changed my point of view. "Palestine" has never been a legitimate state and needs to be destroyed. Palestinian men are uncivilized animals looking for little girls to rape and they need to go extinct. I'm sick of my retarded 'neutral' country and now I hope Israel destroys that shithole.
No. 1719599
>>1719523You’re right, I think horses also shouldn’t be used for work and I look down on people that uses them, either in farms or in big cities (which is the foulest). Because unless you’re living in a very small town in Africa, I’m pretty sure anyone with a farm that produces shit enough to buy a horse and the shit that a horse needs, can afford a nice car that can carry the shit that a horse can carry or even more.
Plus horse rides around cities/parks are retarded, just use your goddamn feet to walk around you fatass.
And I honestly think horses should be considered pets like dogs or cats, you wouldn’t get on the back of a dog or a cat, but people still loves them, even the huge ass dogs that spend their days just sleeping on a comfy bed, eating and shitting. Why can’t horses get that treatment too?
No. 1719800
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The skincare industry is a scam, all most people will need is a cleanser and maybe a moisturizer. I saw a video named 'simple skincare routine' that contained 6 products kek. I do feel kind of bad for women who wear foundation, get acne and have to cover it up with more though.
No. 1719817
>>1719809Oh I didn't mean Glossier in particular, just liked the image kek. Maybe their products are as good as people say but idk, I've been using a 2,50 euro cleanser for years and it has worked wonders for me and my friends as well. I meant more the overconsumption part like in the picture, I doubt 30 (overpriced) products will be good for you.
>>1719811What do you use/what benefits? Genuinely curious
nonnie No. 1719905
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>>1719846It's only available in the Netherlands or Belgium, sorry nonna! But it's picrel, kruidvat (home brand) tea tree cleanser.
No. 1720353
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A lot of lingerie is straight up unflattering. Even on women with naturally nice bodies, those hideous fucking slip dresses that can make even Kim k look flat, the weird lace cut on camis/slips/etc that either make you look like you have no boobs at all or makes them look saggy. The only reason why vintage things get praised so much is simply because of the old picture style filter. If women like bettie page, Marilyn Monroe, etc existed today they wouldn't be able to remotely compete with the main celebrities being shilled at pretty, people would probably just assume they're failed onlyfans girls or something and they'd just get buried on twitter. that's not to say they're not beautiful, I think they're more attractive than the celebrities today but unless you have loads of plastic surgery you will be considered ugly. Fake boobs and fake nose is the bare minimum now to be attractive
Even anons act like this. If a celebrity is pretty without having fake everything anons will think they're average looking or obtainable. It just feels like a weird dystopia where all the "pretty" girls have to get dangerous operations to look the way they do. It's also a way to keep poor/non obedient women out of modeling since majority of girls will never make it now unless you have PS or are a nepo baby. The women that are being shilled as eternal beauty goddesses back then would be forgotten today
No. 1720463
>>17198172nd anon
>kose softymo oil cleanser (good for removing makeup and sunscreen quickly at night)>any regular gel cleanser, I'm not picky but I prefer viscous ones>cosrx bha blackhead power liquid (really noticeably helps with acne, I break out when I stop using it and have very little acne with it)>G9 white in milk toner (honestly just feels good and refreshing in the morning, skin feels plump after using) >haruharu wonder black rice unscented moisturizer (good basic non-sticky moisturizer)>biore watery essence sunscreen (great non-greasy sunscreen that absorbs fast with no white cast)I'm currently also using a vitamin C serum and a retinoid cream but I got those for free and wouldn't really consider them part of my routine. I don't think I will continue using them when they're empty, they don't have huge effects. The serum seems to slowly lighten dark undereyes and it feels nice, but it's expensive at $30.
You don't need a complicated routine but I think sunscreen is good for mostly everyone that goes outside, UV damage can cause a lot of damage over time for both looks and health. Habitual use is better than any other anti-aging product. For someone who wants a simple routine I'd suggest any basic cleanser + any basic moisturizer + an Asian sunscreen (they are more advanced and lightweight than Western products)
No. 1720565
>>1718576I saw someone in the vent thread basically admonishing their friend for being in an
abusive relationship, literally acting like a
victim of this friend. She said something like “you choose to put yourself through this by staying with him so it’s your fault as well but mostly his and now I have to cut you off for my mental health bla bla bla” these people should just admit they’re emotionally barren
victim blaming misogynist cunts. I know sometimes women in
abusive relationships get battered wife syndrome and end up dragging everyone else into their abusers web including their own children, and that isn’t acceptable, but it’s like every time a woman is abused there’s some evil cunt sneering “well this is what you get for dating men!” Fuck off. Men can and should behave themselves, and if they don’t, they should be severely punished. Why would we punish them if this is the way they are? It’s like trying to make a lion a vegan. Men are people and people are capable of not raping and killing. When they do so it’s out of selfishness and entitlement.
No. 1720578
>>1720565that anon was likely the resident moid who puts down women in
abusive relationships. he also got a bunch of anons to claim a woman whos husband beat her into a miscarriage was a moid larping their abuse fetish
No. 1720604
>>1720581scrotes/troons pose as radfems to do this. I've seen this do this on tiktok when women talk about their
abusive relationship they say that the woman shouldve expected it for dating a man in the first place. never seen an actual woman do this
No. 1720664
>>1719642Agreed, nona. Giving people advice on what precautions to take and
victim-blaming are not the same thing. Nothing can 100% protect someone from being victimized by a scrote, but there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of it happening, and I think that's information a lot of women would like to have.
No. 1720693
>>1720638>Women are not always your friends and they’re not always good and benevolent people.Oh
nonnie you can't say that here, this is wrong think!1!1!1!1!1!
No. 1720722
>>1720716The jannies arent even reputable anymore, a majority of the users VPN hop (I know because I see all of the bans), and there's been avid rumors about a couple of the staff members being men. Many of us have been on imageboards for a decade or more. We have seen them spam cp daily, post graphic sexual fantasies about rape and abuse, creepshot photos and hidden camera screengrabs, bragging about pretending to be women, 'raiding' lc and sharing their screens on discord (like the fake ass eating nudes on shay), etc. I dont give a fuck if I or someone else calls some stupid trad bitch a man, they might as well be since they want to dickride them so badly. Let them dogpile a shitty pickme as much as they want, why do you give a shit.
>b-but women can be just as bad as menAnd statistically, they rarely ever are. Read the news stories that fuck with you thread and tell me women are just as bad as men. Boo hoo you get called a man on a board that is supposed to be a pocket away from these other retarded male-centric, male-worshiping spaces. It doesn't matter, I hope all of them get ran off by spergs since they want to play bangmaid Olympics so freaking bad.
No. 1720729
>>1719800True. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
Got dry skin because of cold weather? Moisturize.
Got dark circles? Bitch you know you don't sleep enough, no product will fix that just go to bed earlier.
Acne? See a doctor to clear it.
No person on earth needs a skin care routine for more than a short period to fix a specific problem. Wear sunscreen if you actually want "good" skin, it's the only thing that works by preventing damage (not fixing it).
No. 1720766
>>1720729>Acne? See a doctor to clear it.I tried a bunch of products for my acne that didn't work. Then I spoke to a doctor about it and that fixed my problem lol.
The fact that 90% of skin care is marketed towards women is telling. Why aren't men expected to use 647383 skin products but women are neglecting themselves if they don't?
No. 1720820
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>>1720805I have always envied how a lot of japanese artists sell original stuff over fanart merch
No. 1720892
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Christian girl autumn is cuter than all these y2k weeb coquette cores people are into lately
No. 1720899
>>1720881I feel this.
>>1720805Also, the other issue is that while yeah, you can see the artists’ skills in their fanart of random characters, and you can follow them and stuff, you will have to commission the artist in order to see something original and you will have to pay the fee for getting a commission, which is a pain in the ass because the idea of also selling in a con is selling stuff at a price that’s affordable to let others show off your stuff.
So at a con people should sell stuff at, idk, 20 dollars, but the commissions will be 30 or 40 or even 50 dollars because it’s a special piece made for the customer.
But why would I take the time to dig through a bunch of characters I don’t care or know about, if I can just not even go in there.
And this is everywhere, in my country it’s so boring nowadays to go to a con because people only sell merch of flavor of the month bullshit, there’s like 4 actual artists trying to sell their shit, and neckbeard-kei accessories.
No. 1721128
>>1721085What I’m saying is, if you take moids out of the picture, most of the evil women do isn’t going to exist anymore. Men are endemically evil, women aren’t (and I’m speaking in broad generalizations here). Men murder, rape, kill, abuse, etc. because they are personally gratified by it. Women enablers are brainwashed by men.
Of course they are wrong and deserve punishment but I do not think they are on the same level as men, or “just as bad”. We should address their capacity for deference to an absurd degree, or address whatever circumstances led them into believing they should aid male degeneracy. You can’t just say “women are just as bad” as if they are driving these crimes to happen for themselves.
No. 1721170
>>1721123I agree but the problem is short men are just so insufferable. I hate the way so many do the theatrical showman schtick in group settings, as if it's overcompensating for their height.
And it's only if they're short and skinny ones that look good, the burly ones just look like oversized meatballs.
No. 1721998
>>1721128>if you take moids out of the picture, most of the evil women do isn’t going to exist anymoreIf you take kids out of the picture, most of the child molesting pedophiles do isn’t going to exist anymore.
If you take money out of the picture, most of the slaughtering the cartels do isn’t going to happen anymore
No. 1722031
>>1722009Are you the same anon who gets
triggered when nonnas post jodi memes?
No. 1722061
>>1722050How simple minded. Not every relationship exists on the basis of the woman doing all the chores and cooking it's definitely never been an arrangement in any of my relationships.
Plus I doubt the dude cheating is attempting any emotional or therapeutic conversations with hid partner since he doesn't respect her. The logic ain't logicing.
Men put status on the type of woman they can pull and parade around. Where do you think the concept of trophy wives come from? A lot of men see success in earning money and having a wife. They hide infidelity for selfish reasons so the pretty wife won't leave them.
No. 1722123
>>1722121I definitely would prefer a man in his early 20s but I’ve accepted it’s not going to happen and it would never work unless the dynamic between us was really
abusive and I don’t wanna abuse them
No. 1722125
>>1722123It doesn't have to be
abusive; explain?
No. 1722133
>>1722130From what I’ve noticed that you have to be manipulative and shitty towards men because that’s what they’re doing most of the time but I am older and smarter that a younger scrote so his tricks won’t work on me and when I win at the
toxic game I’ll get called a groomer
No. 1722144
>>1722082god i both loved and hated that show. princess caroline's story was masterfully done and i don't think modern live action shows would be able to go as hard as they did with her story, they got away with a lot of real human emotion behind that animated pink talking cat. that scene where
she's drunk out of her mind and told her faggot mouse boyfriend about her miscarriage hit hard. diane by comparison got completely shafted and her "lolol just take the pills and all the very real problems in your life are suddenly nbd" arc sucked. bojack was good the less it focused on him and his problems.
No. 1722164
>>1722156Beatrice and Sara Lynn were the only good things about this show. What a shock the female characters with real struggles women go through are more interesting than the millionaire deadbeat horse alcoholic…
>>1722157I can't even remember her story arc, I only remember she got fat at the end because of the meds lmao
No. 1722473
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Cillian Murphy is straight. Not looking like a slob doesn't mean he "looks gay". If these retards keep clogging up celebricows with this bullshit every single fucking day I'm going to find this man and fuck him myself.
No. 1722558
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>>1722254Fair but I think Eugenia Cooney was pretty at a normal weight. Now she looks horrifying.
No. 1722661
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Annoyed she deleted this I watched it whenever I needed my spirits lifted
No. 1722835
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>>1722828>newfags think picrel is racebaitbut saying tranny faggot is ok, that definetly wont attract edgy 4chan/kiwifags
No. 1722975
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>>1722858I think their definition of "shitposting" is just plain old bigotry like yelling jewniggerfaggotchink over and over again just for the sake of being edgy and "trolling" people, not pointless and/or snarky funnyposting.
No. 1722990
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This faggot doesn't pass or look feminine. Chasers only think he "passes" because he dresses like a pornstar and they think women = pornstars they see online
No. 1723017
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>>1723011the fuck are you on about? do you also not know that even 4chan has an antiracebait rule? i even said that 14yo edgylarpers that spam the nword are what ruined 4chan
No. 1723023
>>1723021Yea so sensitive, not at all like this anon
>>1722893 taking such an affront. I-I- muh-culture, you don't even deserve my knowledge! I!
No. 1723047
>>1722772NTA but really now, who uses phones to browse lolcow or any other imgb, altchans or forums
>”dying, shitty imageboard”may i ask why do you think that?
No. 1723084
This is probably not unpopular here. But women need to start taking accountability when they stay with or have kids with shitty men. Like no shit it's not these women's fault the men are shitty, and yes some are extremely manipulative and abusive, and some women can't leave, but most people understand in those cases and while it's not the woman's fault her man is a cunt I'm not talking about those cases.
To give an example recently I saw someone talking about how she had a baby to a man who gave her a fake name, changed his phone number and ghosted her after they agreed to have a baby together. Everyone was going on about how you can't blame her and it's not her fault but there's no way in hell you were with someone long enough for the baby talk, let alone believe any of his bullshit if you never once saw some type of document including email or text or at the very least were not in earshot when someone else called them their real name. And having a baby with someone yet only having one type of contact with them? Is it her fault the baby daddy is a deadbeat ghoster? No but you have to be a fucking idiot to get into that situation and WILLINGLY plan a baby with him. Another thing is women will talk about, in person and online like "hey everyone my man refuses to wash his ass, is a porn addict, cheated 50 times and is a genuine retard" and then make 100 excuses to why she loves him and has to stay because who else would wash his shit covered sheets? After being warned and warned these women willingly marry and have kids with these men and then act shocked when he's a deadbeat man-child. But then it's taboo to ask these women what they genuinely expected.
I have genuine sympathy of victims in abusive relationships but I'm sick of people treating women like dumb children when they willingly stay with pieces of shit, especially if he showed he was a cunt from the moment they met. It comes to a point where personal responsibility for putting yourself in those situations, especially if a child has to suffer the consequences
No. 1723093
>>1723084>muh accountability>muh dumb children>muh personal responsibilityyawn
of course bringing a child into a situation like that is idiotic but you underestimate how far men will go in pretending to be decent until they get what they want + how much women are pressured to lower their standards and settle down to have kids
No. 1723179
>>1722978>for weeksI'm pretty sure it was like 1 day those hamster posts were made, maybe 2. Then it stopped cause anons were infighting in multiple threads about it.
>>1722984There were a bunch of posts made in that thread after the whole hamster debacle though. Most new threads just die because enough anons aren't interested, but I doubt anons aren't posting in it just because some anon made hamster LARP posts a year ago. I don't even think it was 12 posts. Sorry to WK the hamster-anon, I just don't understand why the whole situation was so serious and offensive that it's still being brought up like a year later.
No. 1723180
>>1723093Lmao no I'm not, I literally addressed manipulative men and the fact I'm clearly talking about the situations were the men make absolutely no effect to hide how much of a dick they are in relationships were the woman has the full ability to leave. A situation where the man pretended to be decent is a completely different. I thought I repeated the point that I was not talking about those situations where I thought it may of been a bit much but yet somehow someone STILL manages to completely mis. You really think that when a woman is very literally speaking about or writing out about how her man shits the bed and rolls in it + can't even remember her Birthday he is some sort of master manipulator? When she herself is the one saying it? Take my example with the man lying about his name, you really think he had an actual plan when lying about a name and telling someone "yeah I'll totally stay for a baby" was enough? Most men are dumbasses and can't even think that far. Most of them are shitty manipulators who see themselves as Patrick Bateman and then their tactic is negging or some shit. May of been understandable if it was a one night stand accident but she literally admitted and I quote "we planned this baby together".
I do agree with you that women are pressured to lower their standards though, have seen more and more women starting to speak up about it so hopefully it will catch on more. I'm genuinely glad to see more and more women pointing out men's bullshit. I'm nowhere near immune to actual manipulation and abuse, yet I've had men try this shit on me, it doesn't work because again most men are pure retards.
No. 1723566
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Pointless uggo nitpick but I’m tired of 'girlhood core' being referred to the same ultrafeminine three female characters and movies (Jennifer’s Body, Black Swan and Cassie from Euphoria or some other shit). It’s not that interesting or relatable if you grew up as genuinely unattractive or fucked up girl (I’m not necessarily talking about the themes, but general sense of aesthetic and perception). I need more movies about disgusting and truly disturbing women ig.
No. 1723574
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>>1723566Agree wholeheartedly
I have two things I really want to see more of
>unhinged women that aren't sexy femme fatales, see: kathy bates in misery>ugly and/or nerdy girls that are still feminineit's like you have to have your femininity taken away from you if you aren't attractive. it sucks! where are the unattractive horse girls in my media?
No. 1723748
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The Judy Garland 80 cigarettes diet sounds effective and honestly not that bad if you’re an adult. Obviously doing this to a developing child is wrong but a 25 year old would be just perfectly fine
No. 1723849
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I think stuff like this, with a more cell-shaded look, looks way better than the over-rendered anime girls with a trillion values and sparkles and layer effects and colors
No. 1723872
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>>1723566same, i just want some depressed uggo/average woman badass followed by her manic pixie dream boy, or female fight club
No. 1723898
>>1723882Uhhh what the fuck is this cope, that's like saying "you can't be a lesbian if you don't like eating pussy" or "you can't be straight if you don't like vaginal penetration". People have different physiological reasons for not enjoying certain sexual activities and anal sex specifically requires a crazy amount of prep, is usually painful and causes microtears that are a health hazard. I swear some anons on this site have such a strange hyperfixation on anal sex between men and talking about it in detail and it weirds me out.
>>1723897Yeah seriously it sounds like these people are just gay men in denial.
No. 1723919
>>1723912if they want to be
valid maybe they should stop pretending to be things they are not
No. 1723927
>>1723915i am a tif for saying men who dont fuck men arent actually gay but men who dont fuck men are uwu
valid and queer?
No. 1723948
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toblerone SUCKS taste-wise and texture-wise it is so overrated it couldnt even make it to top 1000 of best chocolate in the world
No. 1723956
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>>1723948They also changed it so there are big spaces between the "mountains" = less choc.
No. 1723976
>>1723084Give it a rest, this is not the first time you’ve posted about women in
abusive relationships needing to ‘take responsibility’ for being abused/having kids with a
abusive boyfriend/husband. Christ it’s like this site is overrun with bots that just repeat the same few talking points over and over again.
No. 1723994
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Most female characters kinda suck honestly. I think i can count with one hand the female characters i genuinely really like to the point they inspire me to draw. Leela is definetly top 3.
No. 1723999
>>1723994I agree, and it's such a taboo topic to bring up especially on Lolcow and anons are going to scream and yell at you for "not looking hard enough". So many female characters have terrible writing because people are too afraid of making them compelling characters due to the belief that nobody will like it and will instead find it intimidating, so they just make them look pretty and/or leave them vague enough for female audience to self-insert into. Or in a lot of cases, they exist there as a political statement, not as fully developed characters. Leela is one of my favourites too, her character was never defined by just "being a woman", she was physically strong but she had a very human side with real emotions, she was intelligent but not a know-it-all and could also make mistakes and be goofy, she was a balanced member of the main trio but still had female-specific experiences women could relate to like dating scumbags.
If anything I feel like the writing for female characters has gotten worse in recent years. Everyone went back to being just sexy, cute, beautiful and nothing more but now it's supposed to be "empowering".
No. 1724001
>>1723976This reminds me of when a woman talked about her arranged marriage where she was abused at 13 and claimed she takes 100% accountability for it and Andrew Tate fans kept egging her own for "finally being a woman responsible for her actions". That's all I can think of when that anons tries to blame women for being abused or the other anon who thought all anons in
abusive relationships were males larping abuse fantasies
No. 1724009
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I think phone screens look better with a little bezel, I really hate how those phones that are edge to edge screen look especially when the edges are curved.
No. 1724031
>>1724001Most women in the USA date shitty men because if you actually want a bf you’re going to have to cope and ignore a lot of bullshit to avoid being single. You just have to take what you can get and then when it goes to shit just play
victim and rinse and repeat. Women end up in shitty relationships because a lot of us don’t have strong friendship and family bonds or the mental strength to deal with the social stigma against being single….I wish more women could just admit this instead of trying to act like they had no idea a scrote was garbage when they had kids with him or married him.
No. 1724058
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>>1724005As an ex-Catholic who actually read the Bible, no, and you are wrong.
You will not find "good men" in any religious sect. Men use religion as justification to commit horrendous acts against women and then use an imaginary patriarch in the sky to forgive themselves of those sins.
It's a dice roll whenever you decide to let men into your life. The only thing you can do to protect yourself is to ensure your decisions benefit you and that you always have the means to get out when your relationship goes south i.e. have an education, career, prenuptial, and be able to monkey branch to a new male provider
No. 1724090
>>1724046I grew up surrounded by fundies and you're right. Christian moids are extremely hypocritical and liars, and they only care about "sexual purity" for women and gays.
>>1724044Implying that Christianity is not a cult and that their scrotes are not sexually degenerate too. Go back to /pol, tradthot/scrote.
No. 1724101
>>1724070I mean, my problem with overly-religious people and “new converts” is that they’re often really shitty people that often use religion as a way to make themselves feel better for all the shit they did/do, it’s obnoxious tbh.
Then they adopt this religious nutjob persona that makes the non-crazy ones look retarded, and think that being the 100% number 1 religious autist will grant them the right to sit on God’s lap.
No. 1724106
>>1723566agree with this also
>girlhood core>black swanim also tired of the meme the "only women understand these characters" meme, where people lists characters from movies written and directed by men. I often see people do this with black swan. claiming that you need to be a mentally ill woman in order to fully understand it. It wasn't even written by a woman to.begin with
No. 1724107
>>1724101The worst religious people I know are the ones who were born into the religion, cling to centuries old traditions even if they're
toxic, and have an aversion to anything "new." even I haven't met new converts but I'm assuming they're more open monded.
No. 1724110
>>1724107not to blog but I grew up with an anglican father/catholic mother they infought so hard me and my brother were told to figure it out for ourselves kek. 13+ years of religious schooling he's an athiest and my alco ass (I am
>>1724102 for context kek) has found big boi jeebus again. oh lawd, oh LAWD
No. 1724118
>>1724107The ones born in the religion are the overly-religious freaks, the new converts are just newbies that get too hyped over thinking they will be saved or that they can’t believe they can be saved (as long as they repent and actually do shit to stop being shitty people).
Like, my issue is that those who go to church way too often are usually people that never learn, like yeah, God is very patient and shit but Jesus Christ, it wouldn’t kill them to least try to do something to change, instead of overcompensating by acting like a prophet.
No. 1724161
>>1724155Yes. I got an early diagnosis and was on meds for it for a while even. The thing about ADHD is that it really makes you feel helpless, like a retard who can't do anything right and you can't ever hope to be as functional as neurotypical people without meds and without being overwhelmed by everything constantly. It's like a life sentence to being permanently absent-minded, clumsy, and prone to making mistakes. People with ADHD often feel like something is wrong with them their entire lives and it destroys their self-esteem. And this is the part that needs to be changed. I stopped meds, made myself see my ADHD as a quirk rather than a lifetime sentence, and improved way more than I ever had on meds.
I also had a severe anxiety disorder (couldn't leave the house without feeling like I was going to faint) and depression. I've gone to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. I know people will say "if you can get over all these things you didn't have them in the first place" but I genuinely struggled since I was a child. And was still struggling as a adult, until I tried to change my faulty thought patterns instead of just coping with the symptoms.
I used to think that none of this shit could be changed with meds or therapy. But those things were never a life-long solution. They were just bandaids. What happens when you can't take your meds? What if you can't afford them anymore? Many people can't even cope with the ADHD medication shortages. It's setting you up to be dependent for life.
No. 1724177
>>1724164>The issue as well is that most often people in the "don't victimize yourself" mindset have no idea how to go about it, a walk will not magically fix mental illness but it does help some.Very true, it's not a one-fix all solution for everyone. For example, exercise helped me because exercise has always been an important part of my life. Working out makes me feel like I'm taking care of myself and investing myself, which boosts my mood immensely. Many people don't have this relationship with exercise, so it mentally drains them and makes them feel beaten down. It's important for everyone to find any small thing that can generate any small amount of confidence, inner purpose, positivity, joy, anything and then build on that. It can be something simple and weird like collecting pennies. Once you have a small amount of joy in your life, it helps you build hope and confidence in yourself and makes it easier to change your thoughts about other things. This is essential because if you're depressed, you're likely numb to almost everything. It helps to ignite a small spark, and it can be anything no matter how trivial.
No. 1724188
>>1724177I'm not a go to the gym and exercise type of person (only reason I'm fit is because my job) but getting myself to do an extra walk as much as possible did wonders for me. It has helped with my sleep, I use the time for mindful thinking, I feel more energised so on. It was hard at first but action does not come from motivation, motivations comes from action and those little achievements helped me so much to create a happier positive day.
Another thing that helps me a lot is everyday I try to set out a small accomplishment before going to work and getting that done makes me happy and makes me want to achieve more. It just sucks because anyone who is mentally ill is obviously aware of how hard it is to get into the mindset, but if you can it really can do wonders.
No. 1724205
>>1724177It's almost like I am diagnosed with 5 different mental disorders highly likely have 6, felt shit and suicidal for years, went to therapy from a young age, will never be "cured" but I decided to take action, stop waiting around for motivation (because that's not how motivation works) and stop seeing myself as a
victim constantly . Didn't realise I posted my entire medical history on Lolcow and you were a psychology expert to determine how my brain works?
What are you on about "remotely long endless tasks?" Point out where I said you need to do long tasks.
No. 1724235
>>1723868On the opposite side of the coin there
are the girls who took the path of never worrying about romance or looking cute, which would be fine if that didn’t also expand into making sure to never get in trouble, question authority, look silly, etc and because of that ultimately not doing anything fun or rebellious thinking that it would protect you and have you set. Only to find out that you were so harsh and self hating and fearful all that time and it doesn’t matter anyway, the girls who had fun are doing just fine and you may even be getting punished for being so good. And you still have such crippling anxiety and self esteem issues you’re easy to take advantage of by perceived authority figures
No. 1724248
>>1724026There is only one church near me
i went to a lot for experimental reasons kek that has the balls to take an outright anti-porn stance and they have frequent sermons about porn because the number of guys in the church who watch it. There are no god fearing men kek
Also didn’t god tell some guys to offer up their wives to be raped in order to save the town from a siege
No. 1724256
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Males should be forcibly lobotomized at 18 years old, so that they are no longer able to think or do anything other than be brain damaged shells who mindlessly obey women. The extremely intelligent males should be castrated instead so that their evil little minds can be used to benefit us, and before the castration their sperm should be harvested and stored for later use. The males with normal intelligence levels would be able to do menial work and labor despite being lobotomized, they just wouldn’t be able to formulate thoughts or ideas about harming women and children. Women used to get lobotomized all the time so I don’t see what the big deal is, I think it’s fair. Women could easily start lobotomizing men ourselves because it isn’t a difficult procedure.(bad bait)
No. 1724308
>>1724285>Even trauma can be overcome if you just forget about it and stop thinking about it.if that's all it took to help, it probably wasn't trauma.
>>1724298 is right, it's the main cause of moid suicide/chimpouts (not that i care about moids dying but the pattern is there)
>>1724297i am fortune (4chan) teller and am also from r/fakedisordercringe i spot fakers instantly. you can NOT hide and you will never be
valid No. 1724351
>>1724013Wasn't actually Paul who wrote that but one of his disciples pretending to be him.
>>1724019It's still shitty but the context there was to force a rapist to provide for a woman he raped rather than ruining her marriageability and leaving her destitute forever. The equivalent today would be forcing a man to pay financial support to a woman he raped (should be the law today imo, skim their wages directly and bleed those fuckers dry). Also that wasn't Jesus, that was a much older Israelite law.
>>1724074Buddhism is extremely anti-woman. There are branches of Buddhism that believe women can't even achieve enlightenment before reincarnating as men.
No. 1724400
>>1724294That's fair, I see what you mean. But I still think the op has a point. I guess it's a matter of mental strength which can vary from a person to another.
>>1724296You're the one who got so
triggered by what I said you had to resort to insults and arguing without any actual discussion or rebuttal of my opinion. I bet you don't even have a single mental illness or any bad experiences, you just want to argue.
>>1724298Sometimes yes, but I've seen some info about it suggesting that bottling up and becoming cold after trauma can be a healthier coping mechanism because the person can focus on other things that way rather than being busy with everything bad with their life 24/7. And the opposite coping mechanism would be a person who is too mentally and emotionally stable they get upset and cry at everything mildly infuriating. I'd take being the former over the latter since the latter sounds too crippling.
>>1724308It was a terrible thing and a very unique experience to me and some specific people where I live, so it's a very uncommon experience. I can't really tell if it counts as trauma or not but I believe if it was then it got resolved on its own and I'm glad it did. I also still live in the same circumstances that caused it/where it happened so I probably got used to it after 2 decades of constant shitty circumstances and stopped caring all together, and as I said above it's a better response imo. If I wasn't this way I'd probably kill myself just like those moids you speak of, but I'm built different, though I don't think suicide is a horrible idea anyways, it can be the better option if the problems never go away.
>>1724323Yes, exactly. I do get bothered by some stuff I've gone through or I'm still going through from time to time but I don't dwell on it for too long so I don't end up being dysfunctional, especially when I NEED to be functional. I can't even afford to sit around and feel sorry of myself because that will make my situation even worse, and I would probably leave it faster if I just ignore it and work towards my goals which will hopefully save me. The people who just sit around and be sorry for themselves all the time probably don't have anything to worry about, while I have to worry about dying on the hands of a cult at worst, forced marriage at best.
No. 1724429
>>1724241No idea who Jillian is tbh. Again didn't realize you were present throughout my medical history my bad.
Also don't care about your narc bpd friend and I don't have NPD or BPD so can't relate
No. 1724502
>>1724494A lot of men get pissy about anything not going there way like that, I'm sure if gamers were playing a game of darts and kept missing they'd get equally as upset.
So it's not really the games themselves all of the time, it's just typical moidbrain.
No. 1724600
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>>1724502>>1724509nayrt but I kinda feel like it is different from moid anger outbursts over a table top game or something. Video game addiction is common, gamer rage is well known and joked about, and gamers themselves have pretty hideous stereotypes for reason. I agree with nona that video games likely bring out violence in an audience of men that are already more disposed toward it, eg. addictive tendencies + impulse control issues + poor emotional regulation + seeking escapism. Men do get upset over normal competitions, but the only other truly violent ones are sports comps. You don't see moids punching walls at bowling.
Maybe they're not imitating violence in games exactly because so much is weapons based and they don't have access to them, but movement wise, I feel like you could make the argument that they reflect video game movements. Kinda like how upset soccer players angrily punt a ball or stomp/kick at the field or baseball players might swing/thwack their bats, video game guys throw/hit stuff, or scream like an animal. I have nothing to back any of this up, it just seems plausible when you see movements like in picrel (spoiler is ugly video game monster). So basically men aren't going to go around hitting people with pipes like in GTA because a) the situations in which they do that in the game aren't stress inducing and b) the probably don't have a pipe/similar object BUT they very well could be subconsciously imitating movements from stressful situations, i.e. a gamer raging from dark souls might swing at objects more than slam his fists down/punch items. Honestly if moids spend hours staring at a screen displaying repetitive movement mechanics while getting stressed out, surely some of that might be displayed?
No. 1724617
>>1724615I think those people are either trying to use protein shakes for extra calories or using it as a meal supplement to lose weight rather than for the proclaimed 27g of protein
At uni a lot of students drink those because they don't wake up early enough for breakfast and it keeps hunger at bay til a proper meal at lunch
No. 1724675
>>1724610A meme how? Like you think the protein in it is fake or inferior? Most people don't want to eat chicken breast for every meal, protein products are an easy way to up your intake with zero effort.
I love protein bars personally, they're basically chocolate bars to me except way better for my diet.
No. 1724710
>>1724665Back in the day when she was new, she was dismissed as Jay-Z's side piece and industry plant because of it. Her talent show singing leaked and she got clowned for it as well as her forehead. She consistently made catchy af songs for a long enough period that she became part of millennials youth so she solidified her place as a superstar for it and had a chill enough personality to taper off her music career and not look like she pitifully fell off like Katy perry.
Personally I think her voice is prized not because of skill but because of her unique tone and Barbados vibe. I can't imagine Beyonce or whoever covering SOS for example and it sounding good.
No. 1724821
harvest moon is better and the characters have more soul
No. 1724872
>>1724494i mean the fact that ppl are affected by the media they consume is well known, that's why video games and movies have age restrictions. i think if it wasn't for all the NRA lunatics pushing the false narrative that video games cause
gun violence specifically, the argument that can games can negatively affect behaviour wouldn't be so aggressively disputed.
No. 1724916
>>1724898>don't go yada yadaIt makes perfect sense to want to enjoy a rock/metal gig without being pushed around or squeezing yourself against the wall.
Metal is my #1 genre but EDM shows are infinitely better and more enjoyable.
No. 1725084
>>1725004I think you forget that those people also decide NOT to seek shelters, even free ones, that are usually opened in western countries, because 1. they don't want their shit stolen by other bums 2. they don't want to get killed or raped by other bums 3. their goddamn fucking dog(s) is/are not allowed in those shelters for sanitary reasons.
If they don't wanna go get their lives turned around (I've only have seen that happen once when working in a cheap hotel, where one homeless guy tried his best to get a job and a place to stay. One fucking time), who's going to force them, besides an authoritarian government, nobody because it infringes on human rights.
So the rest of the population have to endure, what can you fucking do.
No. 1725116
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>>1725110Message to tranny janny
No. 1725160
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>>1721123>I genuinely think short men are more handsome than tall ones, all other things equal.>Take the exact same guy and make him like, 5’4, and I’d be more attracted to him.Same here, nona
>I just think they look cuter.Absolutely
>When I see a cute manlet I just want to manhandle him.NONA YOU GET IT! YOU GET IIIIIITTTTTT
Unfortunately I will never be able to manhandle my own manlet or any guy really because I'm a 4"8 womanlet. Guess that's why the fantasy appeals to me No. 1725244
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>>1725239If male fan, then assume the worst
If female fan, it's teenage autism/bpd same sex attraction fem!joker angst
No. 1725256
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I thought lately about why lolcows amuse me so much, and I came to the conclusion that it stems from the same kind of loneliness and lack of real feeling that comes with forming a parasocial relationship. But instead of thinking of the content creator as my friend and liking/loving them, the parasocial relationship I form with them is based solely on hatred. These people never wronged me directly, but I still want to see them fail. I check their posts daily for my entertainment, and it gives me entertainment and satisfaction to see other nonas roast them, because they are my parasocial punching dummy. In my opinion other nonas build this kind of parasocial relationship with cows as well. But I'm open to being proven wrong.
No. 1725360
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I think Flemish is hot actually, sounds like sexy elf gibberish language to me
No. 1725380
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>>1725345I'm with you nona don't listen to the haters. Regional american accents are especially the hottest, especially southern ones.
No. 1725641
>>1725136That would be hilarious.
>>1725177Fair but it's better to have the chance always open for them if one who is into it wants to do it. I've seen some anons here who said they work in each of these fields, but they were lesbians if memory serves me.
No. 1725653
>>1725348Wrong. It's the bel canto language and the language opera singing was based on, and opera is anything but nasal. Classical singing, which is taught to any beginner singer as a base skill, is based on opera singing because it's the healthiest style. Italian also has lots of vowels which makes it easier to flow.
No. 1725666
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>>1725661I unironically feel like this meme whenever I just know that lots of very important texts to humanity can’t be read properly because they surely have been mistranslated for the sake of spreading ideologies that only benefit a group of people (moids).
No. 1725813
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>>1724005I think Christianity's greatest strength and weakness is that you can create whatever meaning you want with it, it's just the exaggerated(but not unture) stories of Semitic tribal people and then the parables of Levantine carpenter, all of which have been mistranslated and interpenetrated in a thousand ways since Christianity's inception.
>>1725661>>1725666This is also true, in most Semitic mythology the first human being was a joint man and woman that was split into two by the Gods, despite the centuries and translations upon translations there are still traces of original telling, in Genesis
>“Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam”i.e our first parent was originally both male and female
God did not create mankind, he created Ha’Adam(from earth) and from Ha’Adam God made them Ish (Man) and Isha (Woman). its stupid but in a different way, you can only dismantle faith when you truly understand it.
No. 1725873
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>>1724026No there are African religions you can follow where women dieties are heralded. Don’t be so short sighted. Christianity is a shitty ass religion that has been used to justify unspeakable acts of violence and terror. Like please. There are literal churches built on top of where slaves were being kept begging for their lives. Fuck Christianity it’s on the same par as Muslim religion if not worse in my eyes idc. It also set my people back hundreds of years. And you can’t go into any black neighborhood without seeing 400 churches 2ft away from each other. I hate Christianity and what it’s done to the black community. Shitty booty ass religion.
No. 1725895
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Steven Universe is a fun, decent show. Most of the hate from 2016-2018 either outright lesbophobia (stuff like E:R’s video) or just Lily Orchard’s nitpicking/misinterpreting. Also Lapis, Jasper, peridot and pearl and cute
No. 1725910
>>1725885I agree that christianity is yet another woman-hating religion but you can't be serious when you say it's just as bad as another religion that can't be named. No one is jailing wwomen for not having a cloth over their heads, honor killings aren't permitted, rape isn't openly encouraged (yeah I know it happens a lot because men but by the bible it's not encouraged) and at least you don't worship a literal pedophile in christianity. Overall it's A LOT less controlling and violent. If you don't want to be a christian then you can tell them to fuck off and not be a christian. You can't stop being a muslim unless you're very far away from your family and community because you will literally be raped and killed. There's a huge difference. And no the acts of terrorism in the name of fucking jesus don't happen unless it's some white supremacist racist man.
>>1725691The "gl" sound is very similar to the spanish "ll" sound, but the "gl" with a hard g is also used in some words. Same with the "gn" which is a "ñ" sound. With italian you also have to keep in mind that the dialects (which are more like separate languages because they were born before the official italian language) have very different sounds, some are more nasal and some aren't. If you are towards the north you will hear a lot of open vowels, h and sh sounds. Towards the south it's more focused on ns, ms, and double consonants.
No. 1725928
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>>1725920Christianity was very popular not only with women in general but also with slaves and lower classes. As for how it gained power, that's also easy to understand. Upper-class women raised their sons who would become governors and law-makers as Christians. The Roman emperor who legalized Christianity, his mother(Saint Helena) was a devout Christian woman. 1/10th of the Roman Empire was already Christianity before it become legalised and is spread rapidly. At that point, both the Roman Empire and Christianity underwent changes, with the latter becoming a tool for the state and taking traits of the people's that practiced that faith.
No. 1726010
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>>1725935Did you not hear what I said Christianity hides their hand of course Christian’s aren’t going to go and bomb and rape white women in 1st world countries like I stated before they go to the underdeveloped black and brown ones. I guess you can lie to yourself and feel good about how Christianity protects only white women and was designed to exalt white women while excusing the constant and excessive rape of black women who were enslaved under the guise of it being “gods will”. Again I am talking about the bastardized religion that is AMERICAN Christianity. In which like I said they exalted white women not because they thought white women were superior or needs to be protected but because white men wanted an excuse to rape black and brown women with impunity and not let it contradict their religious doctrine stating sex is bad. Not to mention the rape of any and all barnyard animals.
I am so tired of white women putting a hierarchy on religion and always placing Christianity at the top when Christianity like I said before was is and continues to be used to subjugate all women. But feel good that your religious men allowed you guys to be nuns or whatever tf lol
No. 1726156
>>1726028>Christianity is the most destructive religion and has led to the collapse of religions, cultures, languages etc.Yeah, it's not like there's another religion that subjugated the entire middle east as well as a big portion of african countries by erasing their original faiths so they too could worship the great pedophile. It's not like there's members of said religion making up the vast majority of religious extremely violent terrorist attacks all over the world. It's not like the countries where women still struggle the most with basic human rights are the countries where said religion (which is not christianity) dominates. You're just objectively wrong. "Christianity is a white supremacist religion" it literally originated where "brown people" or whatever you like to call them live.
Also a reminder that America isn't the only country in the world.
No. 1726264
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I just hate Catholic school boys (graduates), I moved to an area where there are tons of them. Before I lived in an area where everyone was from public school or maybe a Quaker school. Now there are tons of Catholics and they are all demented. They all seem to have a touch of autism and a lot just come across as very gay, and a unifying factor is they all lack manners and seem very awkward around women. It isn't like the Catholic schools are segregated, they are all co-ed. I think being raised heavily religiously Catholic makes males automatically defect to other males, even theoretical ones that aren't and will never be present (God). I don't know much about the girls who go/have graduated from these schools. There's just such a big disparity between public school boys who are loud and sociable and annoying versus the Catholic school boys who are silent and dead-eyed (still talking about graduates mostly but I work somewhere where I see a lot of people including students with their parents so it's a big sample size).
>inb4 the boys were molested
Yeah I wondered that, too.
Anyway the most seemingly well-adjusted Catholic males are the ones who weren't raised strictly Catholic, went to public school, and who worship Jesus and the Mother Mary more than God. They also tend to be less super religious anyway; as in, they don't bring up God/Jesus in conversation constantly. I hate Catholics who do that it's so annoying. Also has anyone else noticed that Catholic women will throw women under the bus constantly? A man will have a rare moment where he's like 'wow men are evil' and a Catholic woman will be like 'WOMEN TOO' or 'WOMEN ARE WORSE, ACTUALLY'
I wonder if it'd be different if males worshipped angels instead and sought to be as pretty and as kind and as loving to women and children as angels are
No. 1726623
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>>1726612Why? What's confusing about what I said? Non-Latvian arabs consider Latvians to be the closest to European looks and culture wise, but ofcourse not that close. There are light skinned, green/blue/gray eyed people there with blonde or light brown hair. How isn't that white passing? Ofcourse they still have arab features to an extent and don't look 100% white, but they're close to it. Picrel is an example of it. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees colored eyes and light hair+light skin=white.
No. 1726632
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>>1726618>>1726612I think she meant Levantines and she's not wrong either, it's a stereotype and a sorta truth that Levantine people are usually more of a mix of more Arab/European appearances, due to the regions history.
No. 1726735
>>1726725It's a typo/mistake on my end, see
>>1726642 and
>>1726632 No. 1726743
>>1726626Kek anon, I was like "oh, I had no idea Latvia had an expressive arab population…" and I'm
>>1726438 and I guess what you said makes sense cause the arabs where I live are almost all of Syrian or Lebanese origin. But I've seen them too get called brown or
poc and it always feels odd when I look at their faces
No. 1726969
I can't tell if
>>1726936 and
>>1726941 is samefagging or two weird anons accusing others of being arab
No. 1727076
>>1726941>Asians have been fighting to claim white for the longest NTA but no they haven't. Why would they want to be white when asians are known for having higher iq and being academically and socially successful than white people?
It's so annoying to see some white trash say we wanna be white, no of course we don't. Why would anyone wanna be another race? Especially one with lesser iq and known history of violent war crimes? Have you seen how white tourists get treated in Japan, Korea, etc? They're seen as easy and tacky - similar to how you see brown people.
No. 1727219
>>1727076Girl lie to yourself they literally brought it to the Supreme Court. The Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians etc. all were laughed at by the Supreme Court lol. I don’t think you understand how deep seated and disgusting americas racist history is lol. And how almost every race who came here fought at some point to be labeled white because they KNEW like everyone in this country and fuck it every country in the world knows but likes to gaslight black people about which is that being labeled white meant you’d be treated better off rip and being labeled black meant you were auto gonna be treated like dogshit. All of that shit you just spouted about Asians being oh so smart and basically model minorities is all bullshit conjecture! When they came to America in the late 1800s early 1900s they had the exact same stereotypes as black people. Lazy, didn’t want to work, stupid etc etc. Google it I’m not lying. It wasn’t until the railroad workers realized hey!! Instead of employing and paying black people for their work (we were “free” now) “let’s just hire those orientals and pay them less than we would a white mans cuz we’d rather pay them than those dirty niggers.” Thus the triangulation between Asians and Black people in this country started. Suddenly the Asians stereotypes changed now that they were being compared to Black people. (Notice how every Asian stereotype of today is perfectly the opposite of black stereotypes…it’s by design and you all fell for it lol.)
And now it was only the black people that were considered lazy and stupid. Funny how that works. Mind you they did ALL this so they didn’t have to hire( aka PAY) black men anywhere. The Black men would have nothing to do besides sitting around waiting for work (this is why loitering aka standing laws exist in America btw) and they’d be arrested for loitering and worked to death in chain gangs where they built those same railroads they were just fired from but for FREE this time the way white supremacist America intended! Meanwhile the Chinese got to
Pocket whatever little they made and actually provide for their families. The black men were largely in jail. Thus the triangulation of black people and Asians where Asians are used and discarded by politicians when it comes time to roll back civil rights laws where they can use the model minority Asians as an excuse. This was widespread during the Reagan administration. Black people would try to uprise white politicians would write articles about the docile Asians who unlike the dirty blacks found success in America despite being minorities so how is America racist if Asians are doing so well hmmmm!? Not ever mentioning the fact that the reason why Asians were able to be successful in this country was because of the civil rights act which made it so Anyone Can enter this country and become its citizen not just Europeans. But what the sneaky govt did was they only allowed high status Asians and Other non white minorities into this country. Meaning if you weren’t already established you couldn’t come here with your broke ass. That’s why so many EAST and SOUTH Asians are rich in America Hell even if they were broke guess what the government did for those asians, Africans from Africa, Latinos etc etc….they gave them business loans (that black Americans are still routinely denied but most DEFINITELY denied back then due to redlining) money to set up businesses in BLACK neighborhoods because you see white people didn’t want you Asians, Latinos, Arabs etc anywhere NEAR them. That’s why most chinatowns etc are near black neighborhoods. It’s all by design. So now we have Asians being black peoples grocery store owners, laundromat owners, beauty supply owners etc etc. it’s not because immigrant minorities are better than black American families at starting businesses like you guys like to believe and look down on black people for (we know and we see you), it’s because whenever black people tried or try to establish their own communities we were bombed out of it the moment it gets a modicum of success. Black Americans fought for all minorities rights the civil rights don’t even benefit black Americans honestly if you really do the research it helped everyone BUT us! It’s disgusting how everyone comes to America and plays right into the the white supremacist handbook.
Also also it’s funny how Asians are the mouth piece for anti affirmative action when affirmative action got taken out of UCLA because a white man didnt. Want to attend schools with majority Asians. That’s the true reason why affirmative action is gone now! White people do not want their ivy leagues to be more Asian than white. They just used black people as a scapegoat because everyone likes to make black peoples the bad guys who always bring up race hurr durr. Meanwhile Asians still not gonna be accepted into these schools at high rates despite their good grades because what would America look like to the outside world if all of its Ivy League schools housed Chinese international students. Black pepper had nothing tho do with this. White politicians just saw the stop Asian hate vs BLM that was racking up and was like “let’s kill 2 birds with one stone” get rid of AA and get rid of all those hyphenated people! While ignoring the real reason why Asians weee being denied it’s because LEGACY students take everyone’s spot lol. But no it’s the 6% black people at Harvard that took their spot. Also it’s funny how a literal CANADIAN person was able to roll back affirmative action because he didn’t get into UCLA. A school where affirmative action hasn’t existed since the 80s lol. But again black people are the devils set to destroy America and Asians are the perfect minorities set to save it LMAO JK. Please Google history before spouting nonsense!
(racebait) No. 1727339
>>1727337Makeup takes 10 mins and usually a whole face worth products barely costs 20-30 euros when you buy Maybelline and other brands %99 women use. Normal women don't use lipfillers, stop projecting.
But yeah in most workplaces you need to do makeup so you can't just shit on women who choose to fit in society's expectations because it makes them more likely to get hired and respected
No. 1727344
>>1727225Black people having low iq is pseudoscience, white people having lower iq than asians is unfortunately correct though. That's why asian minorities are more likely to succeed even when compared to white kids who have better upbringings. It's okay to accept that as a white you have lower iq long as you realize you're not superior.
Black people dominate in sports, Asian people dominate in academic field, white people point fingers and say both asian and black people wanna be white. It's the way they cope knowing they don't have their own strengths.
(racebait) No. 1727506
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>>1727476>better lookingThis is going to get me banned but I agree white people have a lot of cuties but white people have a short shelf life. Especially scrotes and I think this is why white people are so obsessed with high school and youth because that’s literally their prime. A lot of white scrotes are so cute and within 3 years they will look like a totally different person.
No. 1727550
>>1727354I did as a teen but it was for mental health screening as you said. And my tinfoil is that they artificially inflated my score for for dishonest reason because the test they gave me was really easy and I am not some genius, so I don't know if I'd even trust tests like that. There were other tests done aside from IQ and they told lies about me (like that I cut often when I don't) so I'm skeptical about it all.
I don't think I've ever met another person who took a professional test with like a psychologist or something as opposed to a random online one.
No. 1727614
>>1727587Good, leave, I dont want to be around your kind.
>>1727598He isn't ugly, but no I'm not okay, thanks for the concern
No. 1727652
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>>1727644>is so used to being called out for a being fat, ugly loser that they expect it>also somehow expects everyone else to believe they're not a loser with an inferiority complexDelusion is powerful
No. 1727654
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For the love of god, stop responding to this baiting troll(likely blaine) cause he just wants to cause in-fights
there are good and bad aspects to asian people, white people, black people and arab people.
No. 1727750
>>1727740Yup, you're just another braindead libfem.
>>1727745Not this time. My experience of female socialization has not been severe enough to be accommodating of those I don't deem deserving, lmao.
No. 1727785
>>1727219I hate hate hate that black hair products are sold by Asian scrotes.
Unbelievable that black people are stopped from owning their own hair businesses.
No. 1727805
>>1727339>muh workplaces This is the biggest lie. The only normal job I’ve actually seen require makeup is airline hostess. Most of these women’s jobs absolutely do not
require makeup be for real.
No. 1728019
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>>1725895Imagine if they kept the pilot episode art style and had it limited to only 3 seasons. With more Jasper. That would be an improvement
No. 1728060
>>1727285Despite MRA types thinking that women are always Machiavellian and looking to squeeze every cent out of a divorce. Judges, lawyers and rich men who get divorced know all the tricks, and bewilderingly throw every law meant to protect women from domestic violence at their wives. Cops turn up and just order her from her home and away from her children. There was this guy, Stephen Baskerville I think he was, who wrote about the divorce industry. Even he was forced to admit that there's a lot of women being absolutely shredded by their ex husbands who know how to game the system, and it goes unreported because the divorce industry likes to keep a healthy gloss over what's going on.
Gold diggers don't really get anything. The sociopathic men that want such a trophy wife know what they are, they know how to intimidate them and they keep them on a short leash. They specifically get stupid wives that are liable to fall into legal pit traps when provoked.
No. 1728110
>>1727908>What sort of alternative explanation would you prefer for why the majority of women do not live their lives in feminist ways? They're too stupid? They're naturally like that?Convenience? Zero backbone? Lack of critical thinking in favour of male opinions? Those are my guesses, at least for those that aren't held by gunpoint or living in third world countries
>but as for women who have simply not gone outside of norms thrust upon them, it's stupid to be hostile to them and push them awayWould you respect somebody who got told to jump off a cliff and actually did it? Me neither, because it sounds
retarded, to be quite honest
>Hell, speaking about sexual submission, we've all seen the hoards of women who unironically have fully bought in to bdsm being fine and feminist, and our voices critiquing this are far from being loud enough to have been heard by all of themI don't know, I think they already heard you, they simply don't give that much of a shit about your opinion unless is palatable + male approval is way more important for them than your feminist opinions
No. 1728257
>>1728196Yeah I understand that it comes off as that. But I don't have ones. I eat normally everyday, never skip meals, and try to eat as healthy as possible within the limit of my circumstances since I don't have access to 100% healthy food. I eat desserts and fast food and drink soda in moderation, and I don't purge or check my weight 24/7. I only weigh myself at a hospital when I get sick because they require me to do so for some reason when all I have is a flu kek. But I have tons of digestive system issues that force me to avoid certain foods, and that mixed with some hormonal issues cause me to crave things that ruin my health and I end up regretting it. And because of that I ended up gaining fat around the guts and on my butt only while the rest of my body is skinny to an extent with a low but not underweight bmi, and it's very devastating to me, because all these health problems that made me look the way I do are my parents' fault, from their shitty genetics to their neglect of me and preventing me from getting the health care I need, and also controlling what I'm allowed to eat and not eat including healthy food they don't let me buy simply because THEY don't like it, even though I'd eat it alone and won't force them to eat it with me or something. So all of that combined made me extremely upset about my looks because it's unfair I have to go through this and look the way I do against my will and not by my own choice/fault, I ended up obsessing over it because it's the sum of everything wrong with my life showing up on my body and face, and it keeps getting worse as well since I'm getting older and might end up reaching a point of no return, the point where it's too late to reverse the damage done once I get to leave the place I'm in. It's scary to have to live with that reality but there's really nothing I can do about it other than just thinking about it.
No. 1728277
>>1728261I appreciate this site and its users but I wish that a lot of people here could be less
trigger-happy and bitter. Sure we talk about dumb stupid things but can't we have a good laugh at idiocy instead of getting all heated and angsty? It makes you look silly too.
I feel like imageboards and maybe even the internet in general have gone downhill from a culture of letting shittalking slide off and just playfully jabbing back to like, taking everything super personally with a furrowed brow. Why is everyone so outraged
No. 1728338
>>1728261well yeah people here are literal autists kek
but there's also a mix of ethnicities on lc and not all languages and cultures do sarcasm, places like twitter will curate local people/same language for you but anyone can come to lc
No. 1728418
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Elder scrotes are worse than young ones because they're just as evil AND ugly.
No. 1728423
>>1728075You are wrong.
>>1728419You are a gigantic faggot.
No. 1728672
>>1728371Ntayrt, but here's my two cents: I think sex did "change" me in that, after doing it for the first time, I realize that there really wasn't anything to be so scared of. It was fun, it wasn't crazy mindblowing, but I did like that. I think I had this belief in the back of my head that it's really confusing, that I'd be bad at it, that I didn't really understand HOW people could do that. And then I had sex with my boyfriend and I realized that I shouldn't feel so much pressure because all it truly is (having sex with a significant other, that is) is making your SO feel good, and making yourself feel good. So, in a way, I actually ended up shaving off a lot of social anxiety because my social anxiety comes from a place of confusion and "I don't know (how to do this)" but then I had sex and realized it wasn't so scary or confusing after all.
That + being open and very communicative with my boyfriend on how to please me also helped me with social anxiety. Because if I can tell this man to do
this not
that and I can move his hand and correct his position to what feels best for me, then I shouldn't stress about being bossy IRL. It ended up making me more communicative IRL.
No. 1728733
I am biased because I suspect that I may have a disorder (such as vaginismus) that made it very difficult and unpleasant, but I'm not diagnosed. I wouldn't say it's traumatic since I was fully consenting with someone I'd known for years, but it's not a nice memory. (we did all the usual stuff like going slow and using tons of lube, it didn't help)
In my teen years I hyped up sex a lot and was really eager to do it, and I was porn addicted. When I reached adulthood I started to feel insecure about being a virgin. I began to enmesh it with my identity like the way incels do and would unironically view myself under the lens of "I'm a khhv and that means I'm a loser" while obsessing over stats about x% of women are non-virgins by 18. I'd hear about how "easy" it is for women to have sex and feel like I had to have an excuse for why I hadn't.
After doing it, I sort of lost interest in sex because it wasn't fun at all, which is a double edged sword since on one hand I don't have an unhealthy coombrained fixation anymore but on the other hand it can be considered unhealthy to actively dislike sex. It is not currently an issue because my bf respects that I don't want to do any sexual activity and is ecstatic with just kissing/cuddling but I worry that I won't regain interest or that it will be an annoying medical battle if there's really something abnormal with my body.
I am a bit sad that I'm not a virgin anymore because I feel like I didn't have a healthy view of it when I was, and wish that I could go back and love myself more instead of worrying about "measuring up" to others. There was truly nobody judging me, it was just made-up people in my head. I am also a bit sad that my first few experiences were negative. But I accept that I was foolish and hope to learn from it, it's okay.
Also, I know the hymen doesn't reliably equal virginity, but in my personal case I used to have a very obvious ring and it's not like that anymore. It doesn't matter but I guess it's a change. Everything I've said is just my experience and I have no intent to generalize.
Tdlr I stopped being pornsick and incel-ish about sex but also lost interest in general
No. 1728770
>>1728699What if I don't want to form a relationship solely for getting to experience sex? I don't value relationships personally, and I sort of don't understand your point about the emotional part of sex being exploited by moids? Can you expand on that in more details? What kind of emotions do they exploit? Curiosity, wanting to be desired, seeking validation etc. kind of emotions? I get the vulnerability part since you're basically naked around a stranger, but I don't think I'd mind it that much knowing myself.
>>1728733I see. Thank you for sharing this experience with me, I appreciate it it. Sorry you had to go through that. I do have dumb ideas about sex sometimes too so you're not alone in that. Except I'm not a virgin by choice but by circumstances and geographical locations if you get my drift, so I have a chip on my shoulder about it and want to hurry up and do it while I'm still young and can pull someone before it's too late and I never get to experience it and be "normal".
No. 1729195
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"Barney" is one of, if not The scariest show of all time. I mean, just take ONE LOOK at this shit and tell me it's not straight up DEMONIC!!!
No. 1729233
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>>1729195wait till you see the new barney
No. 1729361
>>1729340i also really hate icing / cream on cakes, it's the gritty texture. like eating sugary soggy sand.
>>1729342holy shit your dad is deranged. do you ever try to forage for abandoned cookie tops?
No. 1729381
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>>1729346But what if I get full easily and nauseous? Whenever I try to finish a full plate of food I end up vomiting
No. 1729394
>>1729381Doggy bags or keeping the leftovers for another meal is where it's at. Some leftovers you can also freeze up.
Same with veggies/fruits going bad, slice or chop em up (minus veggies that have a lot of water like cucumber or watermelon), put them in a bag for refrigeration and freeze em up. You can then use em next time you cook/bake.
With dry bread, make french toast, pudding, or even breadcrumbs to reuse.
There's like so much stuff you can reuse instead of throw away.
No. 1729555
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I don't care if youtubers like to steal other people's content and don't really get the big deal. It's not like stealing someone's artwork. All the drama is over what, tiktok videos of all things? I thought it was something actually serious. Maybe I'm just not tech savy enough to get it. It reminds me of people on tumblr wanting "credit" for editing and adding filters to gifs and screencaps they took from movies, or wanting credit for a meme. I also see nothing wrong with doxing a man.
No. 1729577
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>>172919590s Barney was nice. I used to watch reruns of the show and having my culture represented there by one of the kids and having Barney singing along was really special.
No. 1729599
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I think I will get some backlash for this, but anyway. I dislike how all this mental health activism of today kinda coddles people with anxiety (or anxious attachment) and that's from someone who was too anxious and scared to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom and of course destryoing my bladder in the process (and that was in highschool btw). Or being genuinely scared of eye contact since that resulted in getting my ass beaten by other peers in middle school.
And I mean especially the kind of people who can have aaalll the reassurance in the world yet they still manage to:
>a) pull the "everybody leaves anyway" card
>b) throw a tantrum about not responding to a text when they want (which usually is immediately)
>c) not magically reading their minds somehow and accidentally saying something that isn't inherently offensive or something they want to hear from you (like idk saying "bro" once) and they take it personally. God forbid you're being honest with them even in a the sweetest way possible, they will bitch and moan how you're mean and therefore you have to walk on eggshells with them.
>d) when you're helping them to step out of their shell and tell them viable advice, they will resent you later on since they don't want to get out from their shell but also want to do that at the same time
>e) when being confronted on how some of their behavior is not ok for themselves and others around them, they play the victim and act like they are a sweet cinnamon roll and others are monsters
>f) all of the above or 2/3 traits out of these
Yes, I as well did these things when I was a teen. I'm grateful I'm in a better place right now to realize that I was being a little shit who pushed people away back then.
Can I see where these people are coming from? Absolutely
Will I excuse their actions and coddle them further? No, I can't even excuse myself for that
Do I dislike this bevahior because I did it myself and I see myself in these people? Sicerely, yes
No. 1729631
>>1729611Don't get me started with the relationship advice. Apparently, you're considered an avoidant if you don't reply to texts immidiately while at work and/or school or just having your own life/family/occupations and don't spam or glue yourself to your partner every waking moment. They will consider cheating not being the center of your attention for a brief moment, been through relationships and even wayy too many friendships like that.
I hope your axiety issues will lessen somehow, nonna. You deserve a carefree and better life, you will break those chains soon enough.
No. 1729784
>>1729599I've had anxiety and panic disorder since I was a kid thanks to childhood trauma, and I agree. I'll admit that it takes a lot of maturity, self-awareness, time and exposure to things you absolutely can't stand but I also wonder how these people never think past the present moment. They think being effectively handicapped and awful company won't bite them in the ass down the line, and will blame everyone but themselves for never having tried once they get a bit older and realize they drove everyone away.
I'll add onto your post and say that I loathe therapyspeak that's so popular nowadays, since most people use it to get their way and excuse their shitty behavior. They can't think critically so they parrot TikTok therapists (who are hacks more often than not) and I'm really so over terminally online retards accusing their friends of traumadumping for confiding in a close friend. Or "setting boundaries" by bullying their partner into doing whatever they want and saying they have to respect their boundaries. Or the stupid attachment theory.
>>1729776They're a problem when you start being annoying, inconsiderate and inconveniencing others. If someone like tube girl got on my subway car and started recording me in the background minding my own damn business I'd slap that phone out of her hand. Learn how to behave in public.
No. 1730221
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>>1729894>>1729955>>1729978Sorry, I was in the middle of my shift when I wrote this, and my coworkers kept coming to my desk so I was in a hurry.
The stealership part was on purpose, while not as insane as in the US, the markup for new + the prices of used cars are absurd.
No. 1730709
>>1730508I agree, cheese is disgusting.
Idk about the mold part, but the general taste is just horrible
No. 1731025
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I might as well get stoned or dragged to filth, but I find texting (and texting culture) exhausting and draining.
No, I'm not a boomer just because I prefer getting calls or heck, seeing each other irl and talk. It's easier, straightforward and less interpretable than texting, for me at least. Oh, and I can talk to someone over a voice call and do some physical work around the house or garden at the same for example, whereas with constant texting, you usually have to leave everything you do to just answer, send maybe a tiktok/reel, scroll for "5 minutes" and a lot of time is lost in the process imo. I usually reserve texting for when I can't call or send a voice memo at the moment.
There are these things and rules I see in my generation like you should answer fast, otherwise the texting will become dry or someone will combust into a million pieces thinking that you're avoiding them just because they were left on delievered for over 5 minutes. Or having to be very careful with the tone of your text to not be percieved as passive-aggressive, or whenever you don't use an emoji, someone will fall into a coma, thinking that you don't like 'em or something.
Edited for typos
No. 1731045
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>>1731031picrel is me enjoying my hobbies "in peach" kek
>>1731042>I find people who are texting constantly are usually people who don't have any hobbiesMy friends are like this and I love them but please leave me alone I can't concentrate on my activity!!! I've been to the gym with a friend like this and she spent 50% of the time texting on her phone and taking snapchat pics, like girl please we could have been out of here an hour earlier if you just did your actual workout!
No. 1731062
>>1731025Depends what you call texting culture. I still remember when I had 20€ monthly rate on my phone to send texts and then had to wait the next month to text anyone if I sent them too often. I also had a teacher back in High school who advised us to type the words correctly, so I did my best to write with the proper spelling.
Nowadays (since texting is largely irrelevant) I'm the kind to just write via Whatsapp or IG DMs whenever something important or funny is happening.
I also prefer texting to calls (worked at a call center for Nissan, got traumatized by it), and I can't stand sent voice recordings because people can't stand typing messages. They send their voice recordings during a work day where I can't listen to them because I'm not an impolite dumbdumb, so I don't listen to them until way later in the day during lunch break or when I'm getting back home.
No. 1731217
>>1731205Idk. I'm Muslim but I support Israel because Palestine has funded several countries that systemically genocide Muslim and nonwhite minorities while Israel has offered help to Muslim countries and countries that were suffering economically. Palestinians are also objectively racist/antisemitic and misogynistic people on average - if I had to choose between either having israeli refugees or Palestinians, I'd pick Israelis and I know most "pro-palestine" retards would do so as well. If the refugees are more likely to rape you and commit crimes, doesn't it mean it'll be worse for their country if they rule it? Why don't you guys care about the women's fate in those countries? Why do you want them to be independent have the ability to abuse their women when you're also complaining about the refugees abusing you in your country? Why do you assume that you can enable the abuse of countless women just so jews lose and you satisfy your antisemitic desires???
It'll be better for the women there if Israel rules. None of you will accept it - none of you will understand it before you unfortunately welcome Palestinian refugees in your country and get abused yourself like the Muslim and Jewish women there have been for decades.
No. 1731272
>>1731235Not pakichan, she hates Muslims lol.
Stuff Palestine has done:
>Supported Armenia when armenians were killing Muslim Azerbaijanis and even feeding them to pigs>Supported china when China was genociding and sexually abusing Muslim minorities, jailing underage girls of that ethnicity and torturing them etc.>Claimed Armenians were genocides when Armenians helped nonmuslims in wars in a Muslim country and got deported because of thatAll in all, Palestine has done more harm for the muslim women and children in all three situations mentioned than Israel will ever dream to be able to.
No. 1731302
>>1723566>>1724121YES I wish this shit trend would die. There's a young woman in my ballet class who I'm pretty sure is one of those coquette-core girls or whatever who sit on Pinterest all day larping their life away. She comes to class with her hair down (thanks for hitting everyone with your hair) wearing all baby pink which makes her look like she's in a toddler pre-class. She's disrespectful to the teacher and doesn't talk to any of the girls in class. It's embarrassing and I bet she doesn't continue classes past the year.
Conclusion: this garbage has seeped into real life.