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No. 1758716

Previous: >>1724516
Discuss art and related topics such as:

-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art


Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:
Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

>useful youtube channels

>where to find art
>other useful sites


No. 1758775

Beautiful thread pic nonnie please do add the titles of these works I love them

No. 1758787

It's by vittorio corcos.

No. 1758939

Are you either of the mentioned people in that post, anon?

No. 1759477

Any other anons that do art commissions have noticed a big dip in demand? I'm only getting about half the amount of commissions compared to this time last year, even though I've lowered my prices. I don't know if it's because Twitter is worse now, because of AI, because of the economy… I guess a mix of everything huh. At least it's not my main source of income but still, kinda sucks.

No. 1759510

I really hope bluesky doesn't catch on seriously among artists. I don't want to be forced to migrate to an exact copy of twitter just because everyone else is most active there. Bluesky is as much of a shithole, if not moreso.

God I miss pre-2018 tumblr. It had its issues but at least none of the dumb shit was forced down my throat like on every other platform.

No. 1759547

Why is the second woman thousand yard staring into my eyes

No. 1759562

she's wondering why you are shitposting instead of drawing

No. 1760005

genuinely its all of the above. its not your fault, i feel it too hardcore

No. 1760007

I honestly don't see it catching on unless it had some significant advantages and twitter actually got paywalled. Otherwise people would never switch completely, the audience on there is just so much larger. Artists usually stay in places where other artists are and where they can have some form of conversation, if that's not happening they will go wherever the numbers are bigger. That's why everyone flocked to tumblr during that situation with the viewing limit on tweets, just to go right back the second it was over

No. 1760060

Shit and I'm guilty af

No. 1760966

Damn, and just when I wanted to open.
Not that it represents the whole commission sphere but whenever I look at Vgen it's mostly Vtuber emotes or graphics, and illustrations are all the same high-polish low-fundie anime style. Most Twitter followers are kids or whoever that are just there to look at fanart for free and I've seen accounts with 10k followers and reasonable art quality not even fill 5 slots. I don't even know what I'm trying to say, I wish this shit was easier.

No. 1761366

File: 1699516643277.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 1299x1983, 757F1244-509A-4ADB-A8AB-257F53…)

I haven’t been keeping up with these threads lately so idk if anyone’s posted this guy yet but god his art is so ugly. I don’t even care about the big boobs or butts, it’s just fuckin rank to look at.

No. 1761382

Remember when most profiting artists actually had talent instead of drawing recreations of the weird kids hentai journal and somehow making more than doctors

No. 1761761

this is what obsessing over "art style" does to you

No. 1761801

File: 1699523009341.png (810.59 KB, 1092x610, 711357617.png)

Remember when society wasn't shit, freedom of speech was valued, most vocal retards didn't dictate the flow of culture, people preferred to discuss what's beautiful and interesting instead of having a rage boner over what's vile, ugly and boring?(derailing)

No. 1761820

dad? what are you doing on my lolcor?

No. 1761829

>assuming romatards didnt do the same shit with art
the only thing that has changed that instead of shaming degenerate freaks we've allowed them to express freely i miss the era where you could call a pedo a pedo instead worrying that you might get doxxed

No. 1761830

pedos werent called out before either lol

No. 1761842

People are allowed to not like bad things. Grow up.

No. 1761860

File: 1699526885201.jpg (64.13 KB, 538x340, priestess.jpg)

If you consider something as bad why give it more attention? The only place i encounter ugly af art is lolcow, because some users are constantly seeking it out and promoting it under the guise of disliking it. And the places i find most good art is not lolcow, because most here are too engaged with being salty over piss, shit and vomit. Be the change you want to see in the world. You people disgust me.

No. 1761861

Wow there Ecstasy Darks, careful with the edge.

No. 1761863

>you people disgust me
Made me laugh harder than I have in a while, thank you. But seriously, why are you even here if you’re too good for this place?

No. 1761870

I'm trying to bully people into posting good art in order to expand my collection.

No. 1761872

Well stop. You look retarded. At least you stopped avatarfagging, tho.

No. 1761873

You don't even know what avatarfigging means, peasant.

No. 1761876

Constantly posting images to stand out is avatarfagging, yes.

No. 1761884

This is an IMAGE-board, consider going back to facebook.

No. 1761886

What’s with all the newfags here lately? The image feature is there to post milk, moron. Take your pretentious nonsense somewhere else.

No. 1761891

Stop pulling made up rules out of your ass, just because you're old doesn't make you an oldfag.

No. 1761892

God of course you’re a zoomer

No. 1761898

What's your primary art medium and what other medium/crafts/skills do you want to pick up?
I do digital painting but I want to pick up plush making.

No. 1761904

I guess my primary is digital? I started out with charcoal, then oil paints, then digital because it was quicker and less messy, but starting out with traditional definitely disciplined me. I looooove needle felting cute animals for my nephews and nieces.

No. 1761906

I didn’t think crafts were allowed in this thread, my primary medium is origami, i also do quilling, cutting, collage, and i want to learn pop-up papercraft

No. 1761908

If you can pull something like quilling off then pop-up will be a breeze for you. I did a very basic pop-up for an art school assignment and I got an A even tho it was my first try.

No. 1761941

i agree with your idea but you might want to post beautiful art in /m/ instead of a rant on here to promote it

No. 1761949

same massive dip. I'm only getting commissions from long time friends now. Feels a little demoralising sometimes because shilling my commissions everywhere gets me nothing now except retarded bots engaging.

No. 1762031

jfc I forgot what a bunch of salty crabs /ic/ or the rest of that site was
what are your favorite communities for resources and learning?
when the hell did twitter become this massive place for artists? it fucking sucks as an art platform
I'm really starting to miss old tumblr and the days when pixiv was gatekept and only japanese

No. 1762068

Honestly nothing beats pixiv, even tho I feel kind of out of place there because I hate anime. But the users are chill.

No. 1762076

Primary was previously drawing in general (trad and digital), but I've shifted over to 3D sculpting and general model-making. I want to learn how to do plein-air watercolour/gouache paintings, I find them so intimidating though.

No. 1762087

Pixiv is full of fucking pedos. I like to draw characters with an creepy cute twist (imagine the drawings of hollie hobbie but with fangs, horns,long victorian dresses, that shit) and I got followed by a bunch of fucking pedophile scrotres. Deleted my account at the speed of light

No. 1762106

Sorry that happened to you. Any place with weebs is crawling with them, I guess the people who shill pixiv as the perfect social media just draw yaoi or something and that's why they don't encounter anything gross like that

No. 1762109

I’m having a full-blown artist crisis. I was drawing porn to support myself, but having to draw and interact with men and trannies’ fantasies gave me burnout. Even at my highest earning days I was making less than 2k a month, now I make a third if I’m having a good month, and drawing is almost painful at this point. I want to start over fresh, but I don’t know how…

No. 1762114

A scrote I used to talk to told me that someone on the site randomly DM'd him asking if he wanted CP. Vile site.

No. 1762130

I don’t, I tend to stay away from the anime people in general on there and so far my experience has been pedo-free, but every platform has its unsavory side so there’s really no perfect choice to make

No. 1762138

Where on pixiv are you finding non-anime kek

No. 1762152

You have to look hard for it, but it exists. Look I would never say the site is perfect, but every art platform with moids on it is going to have pedos. If you really want to avoid that, then go on a platform with only women. Pixiv can be gross, but at least they banned AI, and no one’s gonna yell at me for not coloring a character dark enough.

No. 1762172

If I were to start off on social media with 0 followers but had art that's at a decent skill level, how would I go about getting my art out there? I'm not necessarily wanting to farm followers but I just hope that I find people who might appreciate my artwork and hopefully make some meaningful connections.

No. 1762174

I'd agree but now even yume/otome tags are littered with either moid porn, AI or 3D poser porn. I wish I used it more before this shit.

No. 1762185

Usually using tags appropriately, posting at high user traffic moments, interacting with other artists

No. 1762216

Create a new account with a fresh artist persona, and start building it up, while doing the porn commissions on the side for money. You are burned out because you only draw for money. You might think you'd have no energy to draw for yourself after a commission, but I've found I feel the most inspired to draw for myself after doing paid work. Good luck nona.

No. 1762222

Is this AI? I like this painting, who is the artist?

No. 1762235

There was a time last year or so where people would use Pixiv to shill CP (from realistic AI to actual images). The staff had a hard time dealing with them afaik, it was full of CP spam. Though I wouldn't be surprised if that guy was completely unrelated to that.

No. 1762244

It was terrible. People were literally adding in actual scan codes or off-site links to real CP even through the AI ones when you would click on some of the images and went to the right profiles. The fact that they could just put a FILTER over the real images and get away with it, not even just the AI, was disgusting. Sorry, I'm not really adding anything new to your post, just sharing the disgust I had regarding the pixiv thing. Now people are using QR codes, so watch out for lolicon and all with QR codes.

No. 1762252

are you nonnas buying anything art related on black friday? especially trad art nonnas
I want to stock up on cotton watercolor paper and maybe buy some Schmincke granulating watercolors and some other pans
next year I want to buy an ipad and try procreate, it's like the second coming of christ from what I've seen from artists

No. 1762271

I’d love to do that, but I’m afraid I don’t even have it in me to draw for myself… I get so anxious at the idea that I should be looking for clients so I can make at least min wage on commissions to draw for myself, all my ideas dry up. I’ve always supported myself this way so I’m scared my brain might have crossed the “drawing” and “work” wires for good…

No. 1762382

Ugh that's terrible, I only knew some second-hand info. I used to use Pixiv tons back in 2012-2015, until they re-designed the whole site + their Pixiv spotlight started to be just "look at this fetish". Now I only use it to save the archived art from artists I found on JP and such, a shame honestly.

No. 1762390

I miss old Tumblr too but most of all I can't get over DeviantArt. It was so much easier than building an audience now on social media with their shitty algorithms. I haven't posted anything in years (It shows, I know) because I hate everyone everywhere and it's such a hassle, maybe I should try Pixiv, maybe I should just go for current day Tumblr or even DA regardless. I feel so virtually homeless it's a little depressing honestly

No. 1762402

File: 1699555784682.jpg (141.09 KB, 976x1010, tumblr is kill.jpg)

I was waiting for someone to post this and no one has yet, so. This doesn't mean the end obviously but tumblranons how are we feeling? Are you taking the news well and planning for the future or are you fully fearmongered? I'm not going to lie I'm a little bit of both.

You know what? I'm so hyped to just blow my next paycheck on a big ass pack of copics.

No. 1762696

i never used tumblr but lol at them losing money for wanting to cater to phonefags instead of their core audiences

No. 1762793

I can’t use pixiv anymore because there’s way too much porn. If you so much as open the app there’s so many porn livestreams, search tags, and like 90% of the AI art being spammed is CP. It’s disgusting

No. 1762800

This is what they get for trying to force a bunch of memes, ads, and crappy merchandise nobody asked for.

No. 1762827

wait wtf is tumblr getting killed?

No. 1762832

you can hide all of that i am 100% sure although i do agree the ai cp spam shit is vile

No. 1762853

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In comparison to other social medias my posts get the lowest numbers on there, so I'm not too worried. If it completely dies it'll suck though, I have so many refs saved on sideblogs.

>instead of their core audiences
I genuinely don't think there is any way of appealing to the average tumblr user in a way that will generate money. They did memey stuff like the crabs and fake checkmarks and users started saying that that's cringe and that they'll block anyone who buys into it. They tried subscriptions and blazing (paid boosting of posts) and livestreaming and it just made users mad kek people who still use tumblr do it because other social medias are worse, this doesn't mean they are particularly fond of the site

No. 1762858

Sounds like they are just going to stop investing more time and people than necessary into it

No. 1762946

How do you detract certain types of audiences?

Unfortunately at the moment, I'm still working through how I want to draw, and I have interests that while niche, lean toward genderspecials and teenagers being the ones to go to my stuff. I just want to meet at least one or two women that also like the things I like to draw.

No. 1763007

Nonnchan if you're trying to keep kids, trannies or moids completely out good luck. They're on most social media and love to worm their way into places they aren't wanted and don't belong. Especially if it's a by women for women face. I swear it gets their dicks hard. The best you can do is be unapologetically for your audience and never pander or compromise.

No. 1763039

If you're doing OC stuff and character art, try switching to illustrative work that tells a story instead. The reason it's so easy to attract that crowd is because they just want to consume without interacting or understanding, so if you have more complicated themes and ideas going on in your drawings it usually disinterests them. Also just generally having above average and professional looking art can be intimidating since these people are usually bad artists themselves and don't want to interact with artists who are a lot better than them. It also helps if you only focus on showcasing your art and give very little of yourself and who you are to them - as in don't make posts about your own life and don't mention how this and this piece was affected by how tired you were after work this week.

No. 1763066

Thank you, nonnas. I speak extremely minimally, I just put captions in english and then post, nothing about myself as a person, just my art, for about a few years. What I post is a mix of OC illustration, life studies of animals and the occasional fanart for a few really old, untranslated japanese RPGs, but none of this is anywhere near above average / pro level. I'll continue trying my best to get better to filter out some people and do what I like, thank you.

No. 1763162

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reposting from the animation cow's thread
>Jaiden Animations and Odd1sout are joining a coomer sketching tour with egoraptor and guests. Is this supposed to be entertaining?
so much for being asexual

No. 1763167

Anyone got any good art program torrents or cracks? I used to use sai from some link i found on tumblr when I was 14, and have been using that ever since. The laptop I was using during that time is a dying piece of shit now, so I got a new laptop recently and I'm not exactly ready to spend any more money before recovering from this cost, can't just stop drawing though I'll go crazy and start chewing insulation so if there's any pirate nonnas here that can help I will kiss you on the forehead

No. 1763173

Krita is free and has everything you need

No. 1763214

I could only bloc one person or tag at a time without the premium, kek.

No. 1763219

Is it possible to build an art forum (like old message boards) or another site like DA just for artists? I think you would need phone compatibility but I’d rather not encourage mindless scrolling but learning and group challenges.

No. 1763220

I try to do this when I can, and I find it hilarious, but TIFs are women too. Theres a handful that interact with my male-focus sub art as women do lmao.

Try to get a cgpeers or gfxpeers account. But I know quite a lot of pro people still sticking to sai for inking or painting and hust moving to photoshop or somewhere else for text or something.

No. 1763351

all they had to do was get rid of the cam girl shit, I had no idea they were dying kek. There goes my 10+ years old blogs. I draw mostly for myself these days but I still use art to make money as a side gig, I couldn't imagine making my whole living off it during these times.

No. 1763977

File: 1699603534257.jpg (79.18 KB, 1170x1230, IMG_20231110_100457.jpg)

How do you exactly start selling clothes you designed? This particular artist has so much stuff she designed, even keyboards.

No. 1763997

Whats her site

No. 1764002


No. 1764009

Her art is cute and simple. Im sure she had saved the funds to begin making the items she wanted to sell. You wouldn't want to attempt this kind of thing unless you are sure you have stuff that would also attract intrigue.

No. 1764031

Right, maybe anon should try a kickstarter to begin with. Many people do campaigns on there for limited merch runs and it probably raises more awareness than just posting on your own social media. But Lily started with other merch items to build her shop. Meyoco also switched to clothing after some time selling other stuff

No. 1764186

My stuff get the less traction on Tumblr as well, but despite that I get more interaction. Since tags are seen as much less direct than replies, akin to sticking a note to someone's fridge, I get way more comments and such on Tumblr than on Twitter/IG, it's one of my favorite things.

No. 1764212

Question, how do you guys feel about the social aspect and the social benefits of being an artist?
I love art for arts sake, I really do, but I would lie if I said getting validation and approval from others doesn't matter to me. This isn't really about the number of likes, but the way people in real life treat me. Being slightly autistic and having an uninteresting personality means most people tend to ignore me, but as soon as I show them my drawings or draw in front of them they suddenly gain interest. When I was in school the other kids would notice me drawing and try to make conversation with me, something that in a normal context wouldn't have happened because I didn't stand out. I know it sounds pitiful but it was the only way I could gain attention from others. And one big moment from my formative years, when I was 12 my crush at the time saw my drawing and he started to compliment me and say that it looks amazing, I think that was a big push for me to continue drawing and improve even more. It even helped me gain some sort of popularity in middle and high school but at the same time it made me realize I didn't have much else to offer. I didn't have that natural charisma, so I think in a way art became my crutch…

No. 1764367


I'm sort of the opposite I can be personable outside of making art, but I don't necessarily like getting attention from it because it's often followed up with people wanting something from me. I avoid drawing in public because even strangers think it's fine to make conversation where I don't usually want it.

No. 1764444

I'm the same as you nona, I can only make friends through art because I am a boring person otherwise. But I've found the better I get, the less I relate to normies too, because I don't know what to talk about other than art (and fandoms) It sucks because a lot of artists are either egomaniacs or alt weirdos, and I can't relate to them either. If I could find other boring people who just loved to sit together and draw that would be the ideal friend group.

No. 1764665

File: 1699641519318.jpg (438.53 KB, 2000x1250, samsung-galaxy-tab-s9-review-1…)

Nonnas please help me with some advice.
I want to buy a tablet in the near future and I don't know what to choose between an iPad (for procreate) and a Galaxy Tab S9 (for Clip Studio Paint)
One of my friends is hellbent that ipads are the absolute best choice I can make if I want to have a good workflow and touch response, saying that if I am to buy a Galaxy Tab the ecosystem will limit me ( like what, isnt apple ecosystem restrictive af?) and that the tablet will end up catching dust.
I know iPads and especially procreate have a cult following, but having tried CSP on pc I was and still am super impressed with all the functionalities and the brushes etc, being a software specifically used and optimized for manga artists (I want to draw mostly characters and fashion designs, concept art).
If any of you have experience with any of the 2 tablets please outline the pros and cons, I'm really stumped as to what choice I should make. I know for a fact battery life is essential and I'm planning to use the damn thing for at least 2-3 years,mainly for drawing.

No. 1764698

You can get CSP on iPads too. I don't have other input, my impulse-buy iPad is collecting dust and never got much use.

No. 1764726

Plus if you have cute and simple designs but also don't have a big name, you might get more resellers and copycats than normal

No. 1764772

You can, like anon mentioned, get CSP for the iPad. I've been using mine for 3 years now and I don't use anything but procreate since I don't do extensive work that needs a larger expansion of tools. The good thing about Procreate is that it is freely updated with fantastic quality and it's a one time payment. Same with Dreams coming out for animating soon, one time payment. CSP has a pay per month thing, used to be a one time purchase. There aren't many other tablets with the tech as good as procreate and still be able to travel and not need a tablet hooked up to something. My boyfriend gave me his Ipad in luie of him buying the Galaxy and he barely touches it for any art, unless we travel. Otherwise he uses his wancom that's attached to the computer. Galaxy is fine, but the CSP on it isn't as good as an actual desktop tablem. Ipad has a way better 1:1 that you can adjust. The Galaxy has a small bit of lag, even when updated and using CSP or Photoshop. Also even with a glove, the Galaxy tends to pick up your side hand gestures rather than just the pen, so you have to hold you hand up a little instead of relaxing it. That can get tiring after a few hours.

As far as battery goes, both are about the same as far as full charge to 0 based on what programs you are using like on a phone. Regardless you gotta charge them for a while.

Other Pros/Cons:
-iPad you can send files to other computers and save them as different files, but Galaxy has easier transferring power due to the ios of it being more universal compared to apple
-iPad from full to 8% I've been able to use Procreate for about 3-4hrs, reading is like 10hrs and this is with an iPad Air 2, but apple still recognizes these as updatable and Dreams is coming to my version and will function perfectly too [these last longer than their stupid phones considering they have been caught doing technology obsolescence and have been sued]
-Galaxy is very nice and sleek and some models come with a pen instead of how you need to buy a separate one for the Ipad, you can also charge the Galaxy pen against the tablet whereas for Apple you need to hook up your pen [charges very fast] to the actual iPad or a separate cord [some have attachments which I have lost previously too because not all the charging cords fit due to apple being a little bitch about proprietary cords which are now changing over to USB C]

Sorry, I forgot about some of this in my initial post, hopefully this helps.

TL;TR: I find the accessibility, the overall tablet update system, the ios, and the apps for procreate to be much smoother and easier to interact with [EXCEPT MAX - HBO MAX - app which is buggy and will restart my iPad all the time]. Plus they give quality updates, that's really important to me. They have a whole team just for these apps and that's good because they aren't fucking around with low budget updates.

No. 1764775

>Galaxy is very nice and sleek and some models come with a pen instead of how you need to buy a separate one for the Ipad, you can also charge the Galaxy pen against the tablet whereas for Apple you need to hook up your pen [charges very fast] to the actual iPad or a separate cord [some have attachments which I have lost previously too because not all the charging cords fit due to apple being a little bitch about proprietary cords which are now changing over to USB C]
The gen 2 Apple pencils recharge against the device. They're only 20 bucks more expensive than the original ones.

No. 1764781

That's good to know, too bad I have an older iPad and pencil lol. I have the gen 1 pencil.

No. 1764795

I found my best friendships are with people who don’t make art. There have been a few times in the past I attracted people with incompatible personalities (and sometimes with serious issues) and mainly became friends with me because of my art. Those relationships would eventually sour once they realized I don’t actually have much in common with them other than art.

No. 1764986

i don't know if the anon from the previous thread will see this, but i find clip studio paint to be quite easy to use for quick references, but they are more primitive like the softwares you mentioned. for clothed references, you can get models from the assets store (they are quite shit tho), create your own, or import from blender models.

No. 1765069

My ipad's nearly untouched unless I'm traveling, yeah. How do you like your display tablets, nona? Through this I found out I prefer non display tabs to work on lol.

No. 1765083

I think I still have an ancient wacom bamboo in a drawer somewhere but I've fiddled with a display tablet too and I found it make things a million times easier.
I'd buy one of those 20+ tablets but atm I want something I can draw on on-the-go and that doesn't chain me to a PC.

No. 1765095

File: 1699663826349.jpg (497.54 KB, 1075x993, Screenshot_20231111_005001_Ins…)

Yeah why do all hyperrealistic artists draw the same "woman with water" stuff, is it because water is difficult to draw hyperrealistic and they're flexing or something?

No. 1765097

I thought it was just general coomer shit meant to look like cum or something

No. 1765105

I thought this was a great little motivational video in learning anatomy but after watching, I just have to ask, Where the hell did this "using reference = cheating" mentality come from? I'm older (in my 30s) and when I was growing up in the 2000s drawing, I have never once heard anyone say that using a reference when drawing is a bad thing. I do remember the tracing thing but that was mainly in saying that tracing an image 100% and then uploading it and claiming you did it all your own, THAT is what was shameful as opposed to either A, giving credit or B), really just using it as reference for studying.

It's not even just this artist here, I've heard this thing from a lot of online artists with the whole "using reference is not cheating" and I'm just baffled at this because again, I personally never ran into this at all. I can't help but feel like this was being uttered by young kids just being ignorant or something, mostly affecting the younger end of millennials and the zoomer generation.

No. 1765153

You must be lucky, then, because it was a more subtle way of thinking that dominated some fandoms and friend groups but not others; you either ran into it or you didn't but it was definitely an unspoken rule of art.

No. 1765154

No. 1765175

AYRT and okay, fair enough. Admittedly I didn't really get involved in a lot of fandoms back in the 2000s tbf. It's just wild to me because I hear this saying a lot and it feels foreign since the artist I hung around back in those days didn't have this kind of thinking at all, we all used references and thought nothing of it unless it was like mentioned before, tracing beat by beat and not crediting.

No. 1765255

Does anyone else struggle with feeling like you have a weaker imagination as you get older? Is it just a creative slump? Is there anything you do to help come up with more original ideas? I lack a better way to explain.

No. 1765263

I am sure many factors created this phenomena, but I believe it came from the raise of digital art since through that it became sort of an easier deal to simply overlay over drawings and trace easily, leading to art thief being rampant online, people became rather paranoid about the authenticity of someone's art, driving the idea that art needs to be 100% made from imagination to truly call it yours.

No. 1765283

I'm sure there are artists that have seen people with those crappy mindsets, but I've never seen it personally, and especially not as a widespread opinion, so whenever I see artists making the trillionth video/reel/short/tiktok/le quirky funny post/whatever going "umm sooper hot take here guys!! it's ok to use reference!" it feels like they are just pretending that it is an unpopular opinion so they can act like they're being polemical and get more clicks. Same goes for "digital art is real art" and especially for people making videos like "Umm unpopular opinion guys but tracing is actually perfectly ok teehee [insert a dozen specifications and disclaimers about the specific situations in which it is ok to trace that are a completely unrelated thing from what "tracing is bad" is actually supposed to mean, thus making the "unpopular opinion" act clickbaity and retarded]"
Maybe this was more common in early deviantart like some nonnas say, but at least the "digital art is real art" feels like it would only be questioned now by people with literally zero knowledge of art and by beginners (scribbleshit on lined paper tier) being obvious crabs, and I don't know why anybody would give a shit about those guys' opinions maybe trillion year old jeezers that don't know how a computer works too, but those guys aren't on twitter to have beef with you

No. 1765405

File: 1699676765118.jpg (219.13 KB, 1400x583, aliya chen.jpg)

Do you ever see an artist that's really competent but you cant like their art for some reason? This artist is really talented, and I find her use of dynamic composition really interesting, but i cant fully like it. I don't know why.

No. 1765409

I think some idiots believe people telling them to use references to learn instead of depending on them for everything means they have to stop using references, which is ludicrous. I think that's the only time i have heard of people saying ''dont use references….everytime, learn anatomy and construction too'' but zoomers can only think in black and white.

No. 1765416

AYRT and thank you anon, that's exactly what I grew around. I do somewhat remember the "Digital Art is real art" debate around 2009-2013'ish as more artists were transitioning to drawing tablets. I remember on the DeviantART forums around that time, that was a frequent topic being asked but I'd like to believe that at least around 2015/2016, it was agreed on that Digital Art is art as well which makes it unnerving when I hear these youngsters reiterating that when it's like, no duh, we know lol.
I feel that you're right that it more than likely is just these kids trying to vie for more likes/attention by saying pseudo-deep, popular statements or "opinions".

That's fair anon and you're correct that around like 2008/2009 to about early 2010s, digital art was becoming more of a norm and there was a debate going on on whether digital art was real art or not, I remember the topic popping up on DeviantART but I stopped seeing the topic being mentioned as much around like 2015/2016. Now I'm not sure what it was like on Tumblr though because I was hardly active on there.

No. 1765421

Interesting point anon. Sounds like a case of misinterpretation. There's no denying that while there is no harm in using references, it's also good to try to learn fundamentals so you're also able to draw when you have no access to references (this one is more for artists who still draw traditionally though which I fall into kek).

No. 1765424

File: 1699677633370.jpg (141.49 KB, 620x1092, normanrockwell.jpg)

>Where the hell did this "using reference = cheating" mentality come from?
Pretentious assholes. There is no generation that encapsulates pretentious artshit behavior. References are a necessity in art, maybe they've confused tracing for referencing.

No. 1765425

Tbh, just because an artist knows what he/she is doing doesn’t mean everyone is obligated to like the art. Maybe there’s something you just don’t consider that remarkable for you to actually adore something, specially nowadays that it’s so easy to find other artists with skills who also have a great use of technical knowledge.
Idk, I feel like it’s easy to even get overwhelmed by the stuff that’s online, to the point that looking at art feels the same as looking at pictures of the same monuments over and over again but from different angles and taken at different dates. Like, at some point even the most wonderful stuff becomes something regular/common.

No. 1765458

lets not compare norman rockwell to modern artists kek

No. 1765502

Young beginner artists and non-artist who still think art skills are magical talents only drawing gods are blessed with.

No. 1765993

bit off-topic but man, I just love Rockwell's (and a lot of his contemporaries' tbh) use of stylisation in his subjects, things are pushed just far enough that it adds so much charm and character without losing the realism. Same goes for Leyendecker, as great as his painting technique is, I actually love the design aspects more, especially the faces. Such comfy, pleasant art to look at. Your picrel really motivated me to draw today, so thanks for that!

No. 1766000

American artists are really good at that, you should check dean cornwell too

No. 1766009

Gorgeous stuff, thanks for the rec!

Another thing I love about this kind of art is how there will be multiple figures and each of them quite uniquely posed and interacting with each other and their environment, gives a real liveliness to a piece, even if it's somber in tone. I know this is a feature in a lot of art in general, but it feels like an area where a lot of contemporary art stumbles a bit so it's always pleasant and inspiring to see

No. 1766045

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American painters are my favourites. They definetly stand out and were more unique, with styles that aged much better than their European peers of the time. I have noticed that American painters tend to use more experimental color palettes, brushtrokes and more vibrant colors(although the later might be because they are just preserved better). Dean cornwell paintings specifically feel so modern thanks to his unique use of color and dystinctive brushstroke style. Cartoons and sunday newspaper strips were a curse for american art.

No. 1766099

For the example you used, while it is technically impressive, the subject matter is boring. Broken down into words, it's two people resting by a motorcycle. There's no atmospheric lighting, no character interaction, no dynamic poses, no story. It's like looking at a really well drawn apple. Story is king in illustration, if you want an audience to connect to your piece.

No. 1766352

Same, furry porn has always been easy money for me. I drew lots of neopets as a kid even though I'm not into it like that, so it felt like a smooth transition and it's been good money over the years, but I'm tired of moids thinking that commissioning me means I'm their girlfriend, and I'm tired of having to interact with moids I don't respect or even see as people. I used to think of it the same way as working a corporate pizza job or something, but when you work at a pizza place you don't have to worry about men thinking you making their pepperoni pizza means they can send you good morning and good night texts every day that you can't ignore because they've paid you. I can't pretend I'm a tranny because I have art mutuals that know I'm not and I don't need that callout. I'm burnt out and fed up but I need the money. I wish I could make the switch to adoptables so I wouldn't have to have extended interaction with customers, but I can't imagine there's much market for newcomers when even popular artist's ychs mostly rot.

No. 1766617

>but I'm tired of moids thinking that commissioning me means I'm their girlfriend
This is why I stopped doing furry commissions. I didn’t even offer porn and this still happened to me. I know it’s not just a furry problem but there is a huge emphasis in that community on being “approachable”. And a lot of autism.

No. 1767230

This is really interesting and not much people realize it. I used to draw things that while I enjoyed the subject matter, I noticed they'll look bland and boring in the end. When I discovered Norman Rockwell's pieces I finally realized what I was missing. My drawings should be telling a story, or at least make the character(s) show personality.
I can't believe I took my sweet time to realize that

No. 1767716

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I know it's going to be a while, but please use this next thread image suggestion
"In A Roman Osteria" by Carl Blocch

No. 1768128

Their judgemental expressions are perfect kek

No. 1768134

i love this painting, you can make like 10 reaction images from it easy kek

No. 1768140


No. 1768183

File: 1699786991748.png (5.76 MB, 1408x1920, two smiling girls.png)

not for thread pic but I like this painting of his too

No. 1768261

File: 1699798055034.jpg (171.58 KB, 675x900, cover-girl-norman-rockwell.jpg)

I always like this one. I don't know if it's thread pic worthy though

No. 1768306

File: 1699801868264.jpg (654.99 KB, 2560x1078, -129846215_457241111.jpg)

I made a vk account to follow fandom specific artists, but stayed because the art scene in general and I'm amazed by the standard of art by Russian/Slavic women. There is higher quality, skill and heart in stuff that is usually phoned in, why is that? They also seem to just draw whatever they want rather than follow fandom trends, I see way more niche or experimental stuff or random multi ships that would get western fanbases screeching. Seriously considering learning at least Russian to hang with them, they seem so cool. (Picrel is Lady Shalirin).

No. 1768315

I remember seeing somewhere that slavs/russians tend to be generally better at art because they actually study art in depth in schools or something, so they actually do learn the fundamentals and everything early on. I could be wrong tho.

No. 1768325

File: 1699803545968.jpg (683.98 KB, 1536x1152, -129846215_456239679.jpg)

Makes sense (same artist). I saw some Russian academic drawing course somewhere online and I want to take it. I hate being in the global west, a lot of the art schools are shit with fundamentals, focus too much on interpretation,style and networking and I can only assess myself so much.

No. 1768331

Russians and slavs (particularly those from the ex-Soviet Union) have also always been very focused on things such as art and sports for competitive reasons fueled by nationalism (sweet sweet ol' Cold War remnants), which is why at least in Russia when you're in school you get to choose early on whether you'd like to become an athlete, artist, engineer etc and you'll receive extensive training for that as early as possible. The result is russian artists usually being extremely skilled at least in fundamentals at a very young age.

I envy them so fucking much. The art classes I got in school were pure shit so I had to self-learn entirely by myself. There were some academic art courses I could've taken but they were expensive and honestly not even that good.

No. 1768342


>I hate being in the global west, a lot of the art schools are shit with fundamentals, focus too much on interpretation,style and networking and I can only assess myself so much.

goddddd this. i'm a mostly self taught artist but i've been in my fair share of art schools/courses because i wanted to improve on my fundies (i always sucked really fucking hard at perspective so i wanted help) and nearly all of them put most of the learning focus on shit like style and artistic value and meaning and other subjective shit. they'd give you some fundies and then quickly after go back to "expression" and other mumbo jumbo. many of them were also full of big artists giving speeches and licking their own balls while giving almost no good advice because all they talk about is art on a subjective level. i remember in one of the art schools i was in there was a week full of tedtalks/speeches from many gallery artists and teachers and stuff and only one of them actually talked about academics and fundamentals while the rest basically stood there and spent one hour looking at their own navel talking about art in a philosophical lens and yadda yadda. it sucked so fucking much and i feel retarted for wasting my money like that.

i also hate the networking part. so many opportunistic bootlickers.

No. 1768355

I'm glad someone mentioned this because I'm honestly blown away by the skill level of a lot of russian artists , I started binge watching and following them on instagram. They really know what they're doing and I would love to take a course by them too.
I'm thinking of making a vk account too, if anyone can recommend tutorials or drawing guides by russian artists I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm subscribed to AzbukaR on yt and I kinda like his content, and other watercolor artists, but I'm looking for digital artists to follow as well.

No. 1768359

This is all true. I got an art degree at a state college so you can imagine how shittier that was. The only benefit was networking, even at a shit school, there were still people who went on to become successful artists. But you have to be entirely self-driven. The only time we learned fundamentals was in our 101 and life drawing classes. The higher level courses all focused on "expressing yourself" and having good artist statements. Basically, learning how to market your shit art. I don't recommend traditional art school to anyone living in America. Take specialized online art courses that focus on technique, young people are lucky that there are so many now.

No. 1768379

I've personally talked with 3 Russian/Slavic artists on twitter because we shared a fandom, and they were all amazing. They were 18,19 and blew all the western artists away with their fanart. I was on a similar level as them, it's how we all became mutuals, but I'm much much older. I was amazed at how good they were being so young. The thing they all had in common was their illustrations had good human proportions, none of them had influence of western cartoons or even anime, but it still looked stylized.

One of the artists is in a new fandom now and she's incorporating 3d animation into her illustrations, so she's now more knowledgeable than me. I remember struggling so much to even draw people at her age. America does not give a shit about teaching art, which also creates an adult populace who does not value art.

No. 1768418

You should absolutely take a course by a russian teacher if you can, irl would be best. The difference is insane. All other teachers I had would leave the group to fuck around and wouldn't put much pressure into doing things right, most of the work was imaginative. With him we only did still lives and live portraits and then drawing from imagination in the last sessions before holidays. During the lessons he would go around and explain where to set values and point out mistakes and do demos for us. It was where I learned the most fundamental things, like how to judge distances and draw from my shoulder. I only wish I had gone earlier and taken it more seriously

No. 1768588

Is it the drawing academy? I've seen some of their stuff on YouTube. I saw an intro video where they said in Russian art schools you learn the fundamentals instead of it's muh style. Don't get me wrong, only relying on technical skill with no personality and thinking only that is good art is false, but I like that it's in the curriculum.

No. 1768698

This, 100%. A couple of years ago I got to visit the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg outside the working hours and saw what some of the students were working on. The basics are hammered to their skulls unlike anywhere else I've seen. We got to see master studies by the ''new students'' but obviously their starting point is not at zero. It honestly made me ashamed of the so called art institutes in my home country.

No. 1768860

>irl would be best
I wish but given the political circumstances, I'll never be able to. I was supposed to visit St Petersburg last year but the war happened.
If anyone knows an online course I'd love to hear about it
>The basics are hammered to their skulls unlike anywhere else I've seen.
I remember seeing a yt vid from a russian fine arts academy and you could also see what the students were working on, my mind couldn't comprehend how advanced those 20 year olds were, they blew everything western i've seen out of the water
You're so lucky to have visited Repin Academy!

No. 1768897

File: 1699831792429.jpg (543.86 KB, 1600x1110, Albert_Beck_Wenzell_17.jpg)

i am so jealous, i wish i was japanese or russian(well maybe not now…) they have an insane art scene and their schools actually teach art. My friend who goes to artschool sshowed me the type of work they make her do and i swear to god it's something you can find in an elementary school art class, making art out of macoronis tier assigments. I am so envious of people with access to actual art schools.

No. 1769072

Some russian and eastern european artists teach at ateliers and the experience is close to what russian art school is like. I remember a friend mentioning some in Italy, but they are all over the world. Even thought I didn't chose art as a career, I kinda wish I could do that.

No. 1769193

I feel you. It could be because of the daily stress of life but I also think most artist, myself included, get lazy and don’t exercise our art muscles enough. Drawing outside your comfort zone helps a lot and keeps the brain engaged. Also don’t focus too much on Social Media because you’re not creating when you scroll, you’re consuming. It doesn’t help motivate most of the time. Create things you wanted to as a child now that you’re an adult with more skill and better supplies, see how that can help. Make a sandbox to play in.

No. 1769263

File: 1699856316529.jpg (168.33 KB, 1177x1600, IMG_3993.jpg)

Has anyone else noticed men hate acknowledging leyendecker was a faggot? it makes me laugh how they try to justify it by saying that drawing hot guys, never marrying or having children and living with a hot male model was doesnt make him gay kek

No. 1769276

as long as he wasn't hurting women and children.

No. 1769461

they don't like to admit past historical figures were gay. even with celebs like freddie mercury or even someone like oscar wilde, they act like they were just a victim of the other evil gays and that deep down they loved their ex-gf/wife more lol

No. 1769477

This is true, I'm not russian but as an eastern european it's well known here that russian art schools are HARDCORE when it comes to fundamentals. I'm talking still life and life model studies again and again and again. They don't play with it, so expect to spend 6 hours every day doing studies. They also give pretty harsh critique and have no problem pitting students against each other by showing who is doing better. It's basically the outdated communist style of teaching, but well it does show stellar results.
However in my opinion also focusing on interpretation and style isn't really a bad thing. A lot of my favorite artists are western and I think the art is more dynamic and colorful sometimes

No. 1769486

>A lot of my favorite artists are western and I think the art is more dynamic and colorful sometimes
post them

No. 1769490

not excusing the behaviour (or even suggesting this being anon's case), but I feel like this has gotten worse thanks to people pushing the idea that some historical figure or other was actually gay (or trans, ugh) when there's no evidence for it or even evidence against it, and so have a kneejerk reaction to the idea at all now even if the person was very much gay kek

also can't forget how you can get a horde of twitter cretins swarming your post on thinking eg Leyendecker is neat and all of them crowing 'he's gay!!!' when you just wanted to talk about art.

No. 1769491

the difference is that it's super obvious that leyendecker was gay, it's an actual fact not some zoomer saying joanne of arc was actually a twansboi because she diguised herself as a man. The moids are crying because they are salty they like a gay moid's art.

No. 1769498

It's because no one really acknowledged these talented famous people were gay for many years (despite the evidence) so for youngsters it's something they take pride in and they don't want this to be seen as a shameful hidden fact. So instead they become too loud about it kek. I honestly don't mind it, it makes straight men uncomfortable because they don't want to admit they like the art of a gay person. Imagine a tradfag obsessed with classical art having to admit the michelangelo, the davinci, were most likely gay men, that would be too much for him to handle. But theories that this or that historical figure was a tranny is extremely retarded because it's usually directed at women who didn't want to be constrained by the horrible gender norms of the time. Context matters.

No. 1769612


Do moids seriously have this issue? Have they been griping about this well documented fact? I'm sure this is a big reason why they'd rather talk about Rockwell til the cows come home because he's safe to talk about.

I prefer Leyendecker but that's because I prefer his technique, I think a lot of zoomies cling to the nearest confirmed gay they can find and say they're a big influence because "gay icon", while not actually studying his work. The trend of "queer for the aesthetic" has fucked the dialog between art and social subjects. Everything needs to be watered down and "comfy qweer" now.

No. 1769767

>However in my opinion also focusing on interpretation and style isn't really a bad thing.

The problem is that the west is obsessed with interpretation in style to the point it barely teaches you the fundamentals before hammering in the 'MUH STYLE' way of things.

I'd rather be forced hardcore into fundamentals and basics old communist style and actually become a competent and highly skilled artist who later can develop the more subjective part of art and my own style than to get minimal instruction on basic fundamentals and spend the next 12 hours listening some narcissistic artist teacher ranting about how art and meaning and metaphors and shit are important when I can barely life study an apple.

No. 1770007

I think I'm just biased because my experience with still life was not only boring, but also mentally draining. Being forced to sit and take very good measurements of the objects that would take at least an hour, then the hatching process which made me frustrated because it never looked perfect… for a 13-14 yr old it was exhausting, especially someone who like me who enjoyed doing more intuitive studies not having to check 10 times if the vase is twice as big as the cube. I was also good at it (at that age) and I wanted to learn how to draw something more advanced like anatomy, but the teacher was adamant that we only focus on still life. Now that I'm older I understand how extremely important fundamentals are but you have to spice up things a bit for young teens and don't turn them into robots.

No. 1770011

Samefag but looking back now I wish I was taught even more hardcore fundamentals by stricter teachers. After 15 I got burnout and there wasn't anyone to push me back into drawing…

No. 1770020


nta but i think it's just a problem of two extremes. one side is too obsessed with subjectiveness and style and "spice" while not caring about the fundamentals, while the other is too obsessed with fundamentals and everything has to be perfect but then there's no flavor in anything.

still, i think i'd prefer being given harsher education on fundamentals. it's much, MUCH easier to figure yourself out as an artist if you have an already solid base that was hammered into your head from a good stern teacher than to do it when you're on your 20's with a decent but ultimately lacking skillset in the basics because you were never actually given any training or education in it and as a result you had to learn on your own without anyone to point out mistakes or give you a reason to actually want to keep improving.

No. 1770100

File: 1699908507018.jpg (783.43 KB, 1040x1604, jcleyendecker.jpg)

Leyendecker is still one of the best husbandofags

No. 1770107

File: 1699908623908.png (94.4 KB, 1338x629, tb.PNG)

I think it's funny how TBrainrot is getting dogpiled (again) for making fun of trannies and not because they're a pedophile. Just goes to show zoomers are fine with disgusting people as long as they agree with them politically

No. 1770140

If you're able to go to one and feel you'd enjoy it then go for it, nona. Though, they can get expensive depending on where you are. I do want to do art as a career one day, but didn't want to go to the art universities in my country because most of them have the "muh style method" of teaching, and like other nonas here I prefer what ateliers do and I feel vindicated by seeing this discussion, my parents genuinely believe university is the only way. But the ones nearest to me are expensive so my only hope is a scholarship, but my art is nowhere near there and I've been self teaching for a while now to whip myself into shape. At this point though cos its taking such a long time maybe I'll go to one when I'm older, and start doing stuff like commissions now. Good luck if you go to one. Are there any nonas here who've been to one?

No. 1770153

Oh god I remember something that annoyed me in art school. One of my friends was complimenting my sketches (in front of the teacher) and then asked the teacher to review her sketchbook because she wanted to improve and the teacher randomly pointed out that it's true that I'm better at fundamentals than her but then proceeded to say thay my composition is absolutely subpar. And before that when I asked her to give me some tips she didn't say I needed to work more on the composition! I had no clue I sucked at it because I was 14 and I had to find it by watching my teacher compare my sketchbook to my friend. Honestly it's so important to have proper teachers who care about their students and want to see them improve, not this catty bitchy behaviour.

No. 1770162

I can't believe the zoomers are still going on about this. Hasn't it been like two years already? I despise this bitch but the "transphobia" is the least alarming thing about her.

No. 1770262

100% . Demand was so huge i was turning people away and was choosey with requests i recieved and charge whatever i wanted. Now i get no inquiries at all. I blame post-covid.. people arnt stuck inside scrolling on social media and can spend money on more things now.

No. 1770720

>Terry/Dez is a self-hating detransitoner
so if she was still a fakeboy they wouldnt have given a shit about her pedo tendencies?

No. 1770769

Yes. If pedos like Aggy and Gretchen Felching-Martin weren't trans or detransed tomorrow they'd have laundry list callouts too. I'd be surprised that more pedo scrotes aren't trooning out for the free get out of jail card, but they don't need to.

No. 1771050

men get away with literally everything. creepsmcpasta groomed a 12yo girl at 21 and he still has 2 million subs

No. 1771114

File: 1699958049789.mp4 (3.03 MB, 720x1016, [23-10-17] 1714040272404074748…)

does anyone know of more artists who upload speedpaints starting from the sketch?

No. 1771128

Source? This is the most thorough timelapse I’ve ever seen, and strangely soothing

No. 1771146

I don't think I have ever seen an artist include the thumbnails on the timelapse, that's really nice actually

No. 1771147

File: 1699962433423.mp4 (4.26 MB, 720x1014, [20-08-24] 1297914344814948354…)

@aruurara on twitter
he's amazing. I love the brainstorming part at the start, specially since i struggle a lot comming up with poses and composition. Seeing him discard 20 amazing poses is rough for my begginer brain kek.

No. 1771312

No. 1771414

Not adding to your question, but I don't care about what the subject matter is from scrotes or women, what I care about is the fact that this artist you linked actually draws folds properly and doesn't extreme proportion their bigger character/s. This character is so cute, who is the artist? I see people do this with Mei where she's bigger, sure, but with a flat stomach and huge tits and tiny arms and a huge ass.. This is refreshing.

No. 1771695

what books should I read or courses for fundamentals? until now I used tutorials and I can grasp the basics but I want to take it to the next level

No. 1771704

There's a list of 11 books which you can probably find pdfs for in the first post. And depending on the quality of those tutorials you my need to unlearn a few things.

No. 1771740

How the HELL do you do gesture and figure drawings nonnas? I have spacial issues and can't wrap my head around making them look right.

No. 1771756

For straight gesture drawings anyway, forget the idea that the figures need to look "right." It'll make them stiff. Focus more on capturing the energy of the movement, does the motion make sense, does it look balanced, dynamic, etc. Don't try to include details, focus more on the silhouette and simple, larger shapes. Good, flowing gesture will make a disproportionate figure look better and more dynamic. You can have perfect form and anatomy and it will still look wrong if the gesture is stiff, unbalanced, whatever. I watched a lot of videos on gesture drawing but vidrel really helped it stick for me, just watching her doing gesture drawings made it click in a way that's hard to explain. I think Manga Materials has a lot of gesture drawing videos as well.

No. 1771871

Thank you nonna! The thumbnailing is my favorite part. I wish more artists would show this part of the process.

No. 1771976

he's a fatfag so the appeal are all the folds. still an amazing artist. He's one of those rare artists that used to draw soulless coom but completly shift to SFW illustrations.

No. 1771986

haave you tried watching artists do figure drawing/gesture? there are tons on youtube and it helped me understand what they were doing.

No. 1772112

Nonnas, I'm so sick of the bullshit art people just eat up. I'm frustrated because I've been trying to cut through and make some kind of headway with my project for such a long time. I wanna be so good that nobody can ignore it, I wanna be adored and lauded for my efforts. I'm so salty that mediocre artists get all the support and attention for doing the bare minimum but I can't get someone to so much as comment on my work. This is just a vent. I know the reality isn't that this is a meritocracy, I'm just frustrated and I've stopped posting because I've been so discouraged.

Then when I do show inner circles, 1 or 2 folks will say how good my work is or how underrated I am and it never makes me feel good. It's not a compliment… to be doing work I'm happy with all to be told it's 'too niche', 'not professional enough' or 'underrated'. I've been at this for so long…I'm so discouraged and not sure how much longer I wanna push it. I just haven't been able to break through the noise. I'm not asking for asspats or advice. Just salty is all.

No. 1772232

I feel you. I feel so discouraged that I haven't posted on social media since the pandemic. I still draw and paint regularly to improve my skills but I never feel it's good enough even when people around me say otherwise.

No. 1772751

Social media makes me feel like that. I don't want only my friends commenting (the ones the algorithm lets them know I posted, some never see it) and if you don’t cater to flavor of the month or you’re not a fine artist you’re kinda screwed online. I would like more engagement. I’ve tried Later for IG but it doesn’t seem to work with my FB linked to IG. It’s a hassle trying to manage both accounts and my own portfolio.

No. 1773385

So kogito is actually a russian guy, i remember there was a discussion about him. Just caught him streaming live.

No. 1773411

That makes sense, the dudes over there have that really grimy morbid weeb aesthetic going on in their coom.

No. 1773952

For every popular "bullshit artist" there are a hundred more with the exact same art style who don't even get attention. Nothing puts me off an artist more than them having a pity party because they don't get enough likes online. Not saying you're exactly like this nona, but I have friends who will cry that their post "flopped" because they only got a few likes and they'll even "threathen" to delete it in public and I get so freaking embarrassed seeing it. They don't even realize that behaviour is keeping them from their goal. I wouldn't want to work with an artist who thretens to delete their own work at an emotional whim, and someone begging me to like their posts only makes me want to not do it. It's fine to want attention or to have your goal be popularity, but to act like a baby because you didn't get what you want is frankly pathetic.
And it's the internet! Things can blow up years after it was posted, you can even repost your own art a year later without having to delete the first one.
I originally come from a traditional art background and there is no way in hell some of the paintings at the local art gallieries would get a single like online. Think abstract color blocking kind of art - they're painfully boring to look at compared to anything on social media. Yet they sell for hundreds of dollars and enough local people love and buy them for the artist to make a living. You define your own success.

No. 1774263

I know you didn't ask for my soapbox bullshit specifically, nona, but I feel the same way too. So far, in my experience, it's all about paying more of your attention to the art itself and your relationship with it. Frustration is totally natural. Hell, there are some days where I hate it too, however with the absolute shitshow that is the online art scene nowadays it might suite you more to look at it from a different angle and refresh your perspective on it. Ignore all the subpar twitter garbage, look around for artists in other places that inspire you, and focus only on you and the experience of making your art.

The leg-up that artists like me and you have over the zoomers and their rendermaxxing is that we take art alot more seriously. That desire to improve is important to the craft, but creating itself can be pretty taxing and the only reason you don't see zoomer kids complaining about shit like burnout is because their art is so derivative and low-effort.

I only say all of this because being mindful of yourself as an artist and creative is more crucial than before, what with the commodification of art and the growing disrespect for anyone over the age of 25+ who's been at this for years. It's not going away or getting better anytime soon, so it'd be best for you to step back and evaluate accordingly, but do know that I, personally, don't want you to give up!

No. 1774410

If Kogito is actually a man, I'm shocked that whole document even happened given men rarely get dragged under the bus for their coomshit

No. 1774516

File: 1700156680085.mp4 (Spoiler Image,15.65 MB, 1080x2340, 23-11-16-01-30-36.mp4)

>>1774410 as i understood he himself wrote the document, but the controversies covered there are actual things people accused him of. He just recently started streaming, so there was no real info on whether he's female or not before that. People probably assumed it's a woman, making it easier to try to cancel him.
I also have this weird short recording of the stream, idk why this specific part at the start was recorded kek. If we're being really skeptical, the voice is on a softer side, so it could be a tif too? But i do think it's a moid though

No. 1774531

File: 1700157466054.jpg (672.92 KB, 2400x3100, F6575EcW4AABX98.jpg)

if youre going to talk about an artist atleast provide screencaps,the way she? draws porn is very tifish no moid would draw himself that small unless its a troon , although i would say she sucks at drawing real humans

No. 1774635

File: 1700162941948.jpg (251.64 KB, 1265x1643, 446e53dbc5fb985a5f924482e237dc…)

I finally found an atelier near me that has art lessons. They have two courses a beginner and advanced so I'm thinking of trying the beginner first even though I'm not really a beginner, I'm self-taught and I'd just like to have some guidance since I don't have any art friends.
I'm kind of EE so the previous conversation here made me hopeful it will be good.

No. 1774860

File: 1700174221752.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1170x1537, IMG_5293.jpeg)

Rare Tumblr W

No. 1774923

It's not censoring your trans identity, it's censoring your vulva.

No. 1775051

Good luck nona!

No. 1775091

Anyone else feel that kids complimenting your art means more than when adults do it? I know kids can be kind of dumb so their comments don't really mean much but it's just always a nice reminder for me to keep continuing to make art.

No. 1775256

Ayrt, yes, I know exactly the kind of artist you mean and I mute them without a second thought. Playing off the pity of others is pretty skeevy to me. It's one thing to vent every so often, it's another entirely to make that your social media plan essentially. You're on the money.

I'll keep on. Thanks for those reminders.

No. 1775396

Kids can be the harshest critics, sometimes without meaning to. I see it as a good thing if they aren't accidentally or even deliberately roasting your art right away in the comments. Some compliments from other adults sometimes come off as a little condescending but maybe I read too much into those.

No. 1775545

No. They don't have much to be impressed over, so their crit isn't valuable. It's nice to hear someone likes something you did but if their comparing it to shoddy roblox art that they also say looks amazing,well… i don't know what to tell you, anon.

No. 1775624

>I wanna be so good that nobody can ignore it, I wanna be adored and lauded for my efforts.

This is why you get nowhere. You can't have the main motivation to draw be the approval of others. You have to want to draw to give life to your ideas/story.

You get demotivated when your post doesn't get any likes, you think what's the point if no one praises me, you get slower and bogged down with these negative thoughts when you start a new drawing. How is this helping you improve?

Also, no one praises artists for their efforts, it doesn't matter how good you are. They'll consume your good art and expect more from you. You need to shift your mindset from pleasing others onto pleasing yourself. That's when you will finally start getting good.

No. 1775753

im not the op thanks nona you really streak me with it i was worried about how i will perceived coz i draw mostly dark/edgy/nsfw stuff and most of the fandom produces the normal cute and heartwarming ones plus reposting insane mastery of pieces id thought id have some mind alikes for sharing my doodles
my thoughts are racing and i have feeling like im regressed idk thanks again nona

No. 1775758

Do you tag your works?

No. 1775862

…be more specific?
I don't on twitter since almost everyone searches by text and not tags (plus twitter hides posts with lots of hastags or if you use the same ones often), but I use tags everywhere else

No. 1775936

Is there any online artist who makes Art Nouveau style illustrations in the year of our lord 2023? Digital or traditional, doesn't matter.

No. 1775967

A lot of anons shit on her, but I love her work.

No. 1776034

Not me taking an hour to write a blogpost that says the exact same thing just for it to get ignored because no one can read actual words and sentences and not internet speak, KEKW.

No. 1776209

I'm extremely lazy. I get a ton of ideas in a day and I don't even bother to pick up a pencil or vene write down the idea. I give up every time when I start a drawing. I rarely colour my drawings because I leave them unfinished.
How do I get motivated?

No. 1776322

File: 1700274090155.jpg (153.9 KB, 1440x1440, mary_dimary - CzoeO7ONt03 - 1.…)

Maria Dimova on instagram

No. 1776349

Her works don't look any close to Art Nouveau but still nice.

No. 1776575

Why the fuck do people still like her? And surprise, surprise no one is calling her out on her bullshit in the comments and just making up excuses for her having "a different idea of +18" (isn't supposed to be 18+?). She doesn't draw, her storytelling skills are shit, and now she's selling seats for a drawing stream for 36 bucks a pop - a quarter of which have been sold. I'm surprised no one shat on her yet for how popular she is. Even real artists are trying to be nice to her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYSQGV_-A58

Aside from that is there any info on how much she pays her animators (real)? Seems to be the only win/win scenario where either animators finally get compensated well without working to the bone, or she gets ousted for underpaying her staff.(learn to embed)

No. 1776578

It's over for you

No. 1776650

I'm on the same boat, and honestly? You don't. Just force yourself to draw. Though if it's a hobby for you, if you don't enjoy it anymore you don't have to continue drawing. Or if you still want to materialize your ideas, so it via different ways, like writting, videos or 3D renders

No. 1776742

Kids are very easy to impress because everything is new to them. Even when I was younger and drawing shit beginner art they loved it so it doesn't mean much in terms of proper critique. At the same time, kids are the ones that show the most excitement over my art and ask me questions and seem to be genuinely interested in the process while normie adults, unless they're artistic themselves, tend to give more compliments like "wow you're very talented" but they seem to care less. I want to impress adults because they're the one giving me money, but I enjoy getting making kids happy with my art too. I think I see myself in them because I was also super fascinated by all things artsy when I was their age too. The only difference is that I never grew out of it.

No. 1776790

File: 1700319449481.jpeg (55.34 KB, 530x707, NADEZHDA SOKOLOVA.jpeg)

I don't follow russian/Slavic typical artists but crafters and they have a knack for creating that is very rare to see in western artists of the same variety. They tend to lean to more surreal and stylized works and are just very skilled and creatively abundant.

No. 1776801

This is the same for me, and as others said all you can do is force yourself to draw. But you can make it easier by just sticking to sketching instead of focusing on complete drawings or illustrations. Just do like random thumbnails when you inspired or in the mood to draw. Like baby steps. The more you get yourself to draw the easier it will be.

No. 1776807

You may be going through a burnout nonnie,it's alright to feel unmotivated sometimes but I would suggest doing other hobbies which creatively fulfil you or you can just jot down the ideas instead drawing a thumbnail. Stay strong nonnie relax for a bit it'll be alright!

No. 1776834

File: 1700322347450.jpg (95.47 KB, 760x767, Miho Hirano Tutt'Art@ (16).jpg)

Would Miho hirano count?

No. 1776913

File: 1700328287615.jpeg (5.31 KB, 220x176, FKiBcvZXsAQg8Fc.jpeg)

This is a vent nonnas. Previous nonna mentioned some of the things I'm frustrated about but lately just been drawing for myself and focusing on personal projects. I definitely feel more happier whereas before I would draw lots of fanart for whats popular (Genshin, etc) but fell out of love or loss interest temporarily even if they had more engagement.
Been trying to focus more on my personal growth with my art and focus on what makes me happy. It's hard not to get frustrated when they don't get enough engagement compared to my previous content, but I rather make something I love than constantly push out content I don't feel as passionate for. It's a struggle, and I'm trying to find a balance.

No. 1777042

How tf do i make an art schedule

No. 1777289

Help me nonnas, I want to start drawing handsome men in a semirealistic anime style/that chinese style that's so prevalent. Are there any artists who do tutorials or any books on this? Youtube videos,anything, I am so lost

No. 1777318

This kind of mindset is so perplexing to me. Are you doing art to replicate real life properly? Is photorealism the true endgame of art? Fundamentals are very important but grinding them until you've worked yourself to the bone and maybe then being able to draw something creative instead of working it into your pieces as you go is senseless, art should be about expressing yourself than being a human copy machine. People glorifying brutal soviet methods always sound to me like they want others to tell them how to do things instead of exploring and experiencing it themselves, that's how you end up with artists that create impressive work but it's on par with AI generation because it's exactly how their teacher made them to be like. Methodology like that works with fields that are based on mathematical formulas and other absolutes, but with art there's the creative aspect that can't be whipped into you by some angry Russian boomer. Think back to kr0nprinz, all his famous pieces turned out to be traced or copied and once he was outed for it his art immediately became void of anything interesting. That's the kind of people a system like that creates to be honest.

No. 1777328

Post a reference so we know what you mean. Do you mean those kpop fanarts? What's your skill level? Beginner? What do you struggle with?

No. 1777483

File: 1700359595084.jpg (539.7 KB, 1436x2048, tumblr_714b934a256a4a13c408108…)

What are fem-gaze elements so that I can apply them to my artwork? I want to try an alternative element to my regular art.

No. 1777885

File: 1700382485024.png (357.54 KB, 737x536, Screenshot 2023-11-19 082532.p…)

Hm yes I do wonder why the like count may have gone down, what a fascinating conundrum, I suppose this mystery shall never be resolved…

No. 1777886

File: 1700382526035.png (450.23 KB, 584x639, F_Pr0W0X0AAOEeY.png)

>First image

No. 1777887

File: 1700382571992.png (542.34 KB, 593x495, F_Pr4uUWYAE-VO_.png)

>Second image

No. 1777897

This post may have gone unnoticed by most but you couldn't be more based, nona.

No. 1777898

Do you have a link to the course, nona?

No. 1777899

What are you getting at?

No. 1777988

Nayrt but I'm guessing nonna is saying the second pic is uglier than the first

No. 1778034

drawings that tell a bit of a story/show a scene always do better. In the second drawing the characters are just busts in a void

No. 1778233

It’s not a void anon it’s an ethnic rug. Get it right! kek

No. 1778376

goddam how do you regress this much?

No. 1778407

Nonnie try to get vtubers attention even the smaller ones can get you constant flow of jobs for them(even more if they ask you to be their model artist)
If you know how to do chibis you can do emotes/panels
If you know how to animate you can offer alerts
If you're the autistic enough as me you can learn live2d and psd cutting for making vtubers models

There are a lot of them that don't use ai for art just for the backlash so they still recurring to artists. Hope my advice help you nonas, we're all going to make it.

Hope you can overcome the number rot nona!
I feel the same when drawing nsfw for moids, the art sometimes does good numbers but I don't like their ideas most of the times and I draw them anyways since I need the money.

No. 1778417

This is such a specific style compared to the first image. Does she really think her whole audience has to like everything she makes? My god, the ego.

No. 1778422

I haven't had a dip, but I also draw porn as an extra hustle, so that is always, always in demand. You can only use AI for so much regarding specifics.

No. 1778741

Yeah and AI sucks for anything that isn't porn of a neotenous woman or anime girl. The nsfw all looks inbred at this point.

No. 1778926

File: 1700430974577.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x1353, RDT_20231119_22433748680416622…)

71K people liked an art of Anya going to Auschwitz. The artist posted it on a Holocaust Remembrance day. I'm a racist edgelord and even I don't find it funny. Maybe because I don't even see where's the joke here? Maybe the joke was supposed to be at the audience itself? Because it's obvious that the majority of the people who liked it had no idea what that sign implied and they were historically ignorant, because if they knew, they would be sending hate to the artist and saying it was done in poor taste instead of liking it, because it's twitter. Maybe that's the joke? People being so ignorant and dumb they literally love a cute art of a little girl going to Auschwitz. I'm eastern european and I immediately knew what the sign says. Meanwhile people on twitter and reddit where it was reposted more often than not didn't know and asked what does the sign means because they didn't get what the whole fuss was about. Cringe

No. 1778929

i am so tired of these ''generic popular anime illustration but with some quirky meme thrown in'' artists. They genuinely think they are funny because they pander to children who think saying the nword or miku doing weed is the peak of comedy. They are so tiring, i had to stop looking for western anime art because the online scene has been invaded by those irony poisoned retards.

No. 1778943

Didn't this happen like a year ago? I distinctively remember it being discussed in an older artist salt thread and all the scrotes ITT calling it super based for owning le libz and everyone being offended is just an oversensitive tumblrite.

No. 1778991

>I'm a racist edgelord

No. 1779016

nta but these kind of people have always existed

No. 1779022

The joke is that you're complaining about a stupid antisemitic anime drawing. It's not funny but it also isn't anything worth caring about.

No. 1779201

This is super old milk

No. 1779245

File: 1700443177881.jpg (168.24 KB, 800x1131, 20231120_091956.jpg)

These were posted a day apart kek. And twitter severely did limit visibility of your posts to your followers. Even 100k artists have been complaining about it for a while now.

No. 1779272

>I'm a racist edgelord
Uh huh, totally. Anyways.

No. 1779301

I thought arbeit Macht Frei was the quote posted above the entrance to dachau
Also, this was already posted here and yes its disgusting asf

No. 1779423

I'm pulling my hair off, one of the few femporn het artists I follow started pandering to troons.(caps needed)

No. 1779474

And you're not going to say who

No. 1779506

This happens so much that it feels like a tranny psyop to real women from creating het porn that's just for them. Their gooner scrote brains can't handle it. Even that one femporn pickme with the fetish for totally not teenage girls fucking geriatric daddies drew some lesbian art to blow off the evil uninclusive het accusations. Lesbian is superior to her usual nymphet daddydom shit but it's almost always a stepping stone to tranny pandering if it isn't done of the artist's own volition. Soon one of those mommies is gonna have a girldick.

No. 1779514

You'll say it's cringe anyway.

So fucking bleak. I'm already used to pickme women drawing straight up male gaze, as well as women just going straight to BL. I thought she'd be different kek.

No. 1779529

I hate the look of AI porn. They all look like the same 10 artists were used for a majority of it. It's like that shitty TikTok [not going to try to embed, sorry] with the AI and it's always the same girl with the cat and then spaceship and superhero. It's just no longer unique.

No. 1779530

Anon, what artist? This doesn't sound believable now since you're purposely withholding the milk.

No. 1779845

I know exactly who you’re talking about and I hate it.

No. 1779957

You're talking about saagelius or whatever her name is? She's a whiny artist on top of the wrinkly ddlg kink.

No. 1780071

File: 1700503595012.jpeg (562.57 KB, 1170x1114, IMG_5301.jpeg)

>Maybe YOU’RE the one with a pedophiliac rape fetish!!!11!!1!11

No. 1780158

there are sadly way too many pickmes with cringe ddlg loli fetishes, she's not special in the slightest

No. 1780253

She constantly makes posts like these which tells me how afraid of other people's opinions she is. Just own the kink. Own the wrinkle dick age gap fetish and go.

No. 1780436

File: 1700517032982.jpeg (1.47 MB, 2160x4000, 08A01EC6-3AFE-4F73-B59F-35D468…)

>uses tape to secure crossbars together
>keeps the tripods nearly closed, which sacrifices stability for height
>normally uses screws to secure crossbars together, the one time it falls apart is when it’s taped
>setup obviously falls apart
>”somebody must have sabotaged me!!!!1!1!”
>garner hundreds of comments encouraging legal action against the con, or speculation that other artists are out to get you because ???????
>con staff actually complies in obtaining security footage
>”well actually I’m not saying somebody DID sabotage me! and even if I did get the footage, it’s for my eyes only”

Are artist alley artists usually this retarded? How has nobody pointed out that their setup was obviously just dogshit? The irony is that these types of setups could fall and destroy their neighbors setup. But they get to dodge accountability for their shit engineering and say other artists are sabotaging them over drawings of genshin impact twinks.

No. 1780463

>I'm a racist edgelord and even I don't find it funny.
Is it because it's about your in-group for once or something? It's a year old, stop being so whiny and scroll past it next time kek

No. 1780735

File: 1700529810200.png (72.06 KB, 793x421, 1700453900160 (1).png)

Kek this reminds me of the comphet fandom theories in fandom thread.

Why would I lie about it? I just wanted to vent somewhere. And she sometimes draws atypical/ugly moids, I know the Nonnas will judge her hard for it kek.(post the artist or fuck off, this isn't your blog)

No. 1781479

No1currs if you won't post the artist.

No. 1781606

File: 1700586209012.png (63.28 KB, 1065x1655, Screenshot_20231120-2154262.pn…)

Look who can't handle criticism

No. 1781631

I genuinely cant understand why anybody would buy Robaatos latest book when literally every other project he has crowdfunded ended up being abandoned while he kept the money. Does the urge to coom really override every other critical thought process? To the point where you will give a middle aged black dude your money for the slim chance at seeing some paintings of fat women?

No. 1781787

IDK this theory is based even if it's from some genderspecial Tumblr tard. Asuka is 100% a TERF queen

No. 1781795

File: 1700593747236.jpg (321.87 KB, 631x975, ugly westoid shit.jpg)

his art is ugly, i am glad he's gone. His artstyle always reminded me of those how to draw manga western books.

No. 1781917

he's such a drama queen, isn't this like the millionth time he said he was going to quit?

No. 1781986

File: 1700599108736.png (142.12 KB, 1160x851, Robaato_2.PNG)

Twitter user waited a couple of months before writing a callout post and only then did Robaato decide to refund him.


No. 1781988

File: 1700599183741.png (161.13 KB, 1438x767, Robaato_3.PNG)

Of course he needed to add some kind of snide ass remark while doing so.

No. 1781998

men deserve to get scammed if they hire this guy. He acts as if he's god's gift to coomers but you can find much better coom artists out there.

No. 1782024

>DO NOT be enticed by the voluptuous women

No. 1782043

>Are artist alley artists usually this retarded?

The short answer is yes. A lot of them are and love to blow shit out of proportion.

No. 1782234

File: 1700609642386.jpeg (609.87 KB, 1231x3692, D35E7662-CE0D-4B59-9164-FFBC06…)

Croquis Cafe is getting canceled for being batshit kek
Sorry 4 bad mobile collage

No. 1782241

File: 1700609937920.jpeg (989.44 KB, 1586x2374, E72A75AC-9765-4930-84C5-E694ED…)

No. 1782261

They lost my respect when they pay walled all their free youtube content out of nowhere, fuck them.

No. 1782313

File: 1700612796159.jpg (57.31 KB, 564x752, loit.jpg)

Am i retarded for only sending a paypal.me link through dms? i've seen people just post them out there in the open or sometimes send their e-mail (privately) but i've heard giving out your mail can get you hacked and the paypal.me link i send in private for no reason other than paranoia maybe idk

No. 1782331

nah you're ok

No. 1782371

File: 1700615055945.jpg (135.27 KB, 768x1086, Fisher_3062_high_res_copy_mast…)

Can my art ever recover from my anime phase? I have been drawing anime since i started drawing, but now i want to start shifting towards realism. Is my art forever going to be stunted thanks to being a weeb?

No. 1782375

what a bunch of tards

No. 1782378

How do you really define semi-realism as? I think my style is semi-realism but I can't quite understand it.

No. 1782382

Short answer: probably, but it's worth trying anyway

No. 1782384

Trying to contact the university over this is is crazy. Why did she even ask if if they were going to teach with it just to jump to 'thwarted shoplifter'.

No. 1782386

can you post something that looks close to it?

No. 1782409

Semi-realism has more a "feel" to it. Art like GUWEIZ and Sozomaika's work would fall under semi-realism.

No. 1782524

(samefagging >>1782378)
I don't know of any artist with a similar style to mine. I draw close to semi-realism but my colouring/shading is very bare and bright, and with sketchy thick black lines. I like emphasising the eyebrow-to-nose line and drawing twin-triangle style upper lip. I have art nouveau/deco inspired style.

No. 1782532

Whenever I search about semi-realism, i get the same indistinguishable over-rendered weeabo shit with disfigured faces over and over again.

No. 1782626

Thoughts on print on demand services? Are they worth the effort to sell designs ?

No. 1782669

File: 1700631947363.jpg (1.44 MB, 4096x2625, 3vdb1xkhp4961.jpg)

Honestly just use more realistic things as inspiration and it might phase the anime out if that's what you want. I developed my art style as a kid around pokemon so everything I drew had those shiny bug-eyes but have phased it out into semi realism. >>1782378 I think semi realism is when you have some realism proportions and physics mixed in to your work? And I guess I'd give columbo as an example.

No. 1782956

speaking of semi realism. I have yet to find a good semirealism artist that can draw nice faces without it looking flat or looking ugly as soon as they try to do any expression that isnt a poker face.

No. 1783070

File: 1700668715780.jpg (33.54 KB, 400x400, TwistedDisaster.jpg)

Hey there anons, so I'm looking for some new art-tuber commentators who share personal stories or give opinions while streaming. The only one I watch currently is TwistedDisaster since she's closer to my age (30s) and is consistent but lately I just cannot with her anymore. She says a lot of stupid shit, is too involved with retarded gender crap, and just comes off a tad too immature at times considering most of her friends are almost a decade younger than her and makes her complacent in the stupid, common sense stuff she says.

So I was wondering if there are any artist commentators you don't mind recommending that you watch/listen to on Twitch. I like listening to art livestreams when I'm drawing or driving and it would be nice to find some new ones to look into. Would prefer someone who's in their 30s but I'm okay with late 20s as well. And definitely are not pronoun/gender tards or at the very least, they don't bring it up much (if at all).

No. 1783078

If you liked Twisted Disaster's stuff you'd probably like TheStarfishface. She's much more tolerable than TD I think but still has moments here and there where I cringe. No gendie stuff that I've seen though, I mostly just use her videos for background noise while I work.

No. 1783121

I like this style. I'm guessing AOT? It looks good

No. 1783138

It's fine to trace over photos just to learn shapes right..? Even though I know I'm not posting my art anywhere I still feel guilty when I do this…

No. 1783153

Yeah, that's fine.

No. 1783209

AYRT and I actually already know of her haha. I agree, she's a lot more tolerable than TD and she doesn't say as much ridiculous stuff like TD does and I especially appreciate that she doesn't seem gendie obsessed, at least not in her videos anyway (no sure about her livestreams). She totally deserves the 100k subs imo.

Thanks nonetheless but just curious, what things have you cringed about with her? lol

No. 1783279

Nta but the way she talks feels so cringy to me even though she seems very friendly. Just her kind of millenial humor and the way she sounds like she's forcing herself to chuckle at jokes and other small things. I remember this video being pretty bad because her complaining was so annoying kek

No. 1783325

>Just her kind of milenial humor and the way she sounds
I see lol I guess I don't mind this because I'm a millennial in my 30s myself so it never bothered me at all but I can understand why her style of commentary wouldn't be for everyone. I'm kind of like this myself when I'm watching zoomer art commentators and they say things like "bet" or "my dude" or "LET'S GOOO!" and/or insert meme vid clips into their videos, I personally find that cringe but I'm sure to a zoomer it wouldn't be so it's all about that sense of familiarity I'm sure lol.

That's kinda why Twisted Diaster irks the hell outta me when I'm listening to her Twitch livestreams because she tries to talk like a zoomer because of how her friends tend to be zoomers themselves (among other things, that's ignoring the gendie shit) and I'm like "Ma'am, you're in your 30s, stop." kek

Back to vidrel, she actually did explain why she scripts the videos the way she does in this >>1783078 where she said that she felt adding some more emotion your commentary can help it from sounding monotone and boring so there's that.

No. 1783353

RedBubble has further gone to shit with imposing a new massive fee on what you earn this year. That place is already plagued with AI/stolen art then bots scrape your thumbnails to sell as shitty sticker packs on AliExpress for a dollar. I guess just put out low effort designs you don't mind getting ripped for some beer money.

No. 1783827

File: 1700701104669.png (674.91 KB, 922x574, how.png)

I was browsing on pinterest and found this beautiful artwork of some random anime guy. I asked who it was and apparently its someone called dottore from Genshin?! How do they get that from a genshin character? I love genshin artists.

No. 1783851

It's mid tbh, whatever story its trying to tell isn't helped by his bland expression and his eyes looking at nothing. And a genshit artist, I'm surprised they haven't yet been cancelled for drawing the skin tone 0.5 degrees off or whatever

No. 1783856

its a popular franchise, its bound to attract good artists

No. 1784060

>beautiful artwork
Kekkkk eye of the beholder I guess

No. 1784655

Yeah she's drawn a lot of things for aot, I think she's a pretty good example of semi realism that is less on the anime looking side of the spectrum

No. 1785148

You're fine. But I don't recommend it when doing commissions. You HAVE to send the a invoice made by you with your tos and explicitly saying that the good you are charging for is digital and you don't need to ship anything.
If you ever have problems with your client, you can resolve them more swiftly with an invoice you created.

No. 1785346

File: 1700758775826.jpg (322.95 KB, 2031x1200, FxfsCUjaYAAnuhk.jpg)

I do get what you mean anon. I watched her last stream which was a group one and she happened to have most of her TIF friends in there and it became an annoying mess. It was so cringe how she kept referring to her much younger TIF friend as a "sugar daddy" and constantly validating her "maleness" with the "he/him" pronouns and you hear how she sounds and she sounds like the most stereotypical young girl voice eve.

And Michie was also talking about a webcomic she's been working on and the art is as unappealing as you'd expect with her style but the true cringe factor she shared about it was that there is only one male in the comic but this "male" is just a TIF. Even if you want to believe that women can become men, you have to at least acknowledge that they aren't male. But I'm pretty sure this is all just pathetic virtue signaling to her troon friends. She shared that her last few webcomics had flopped and I can't imagine this new one also not flopping considering the premise is about "sex work positivity" and that the characters represent all sexualities so you can only imagine what that's gonna turn out like. (Picrel is one of the main characters) I'll give her this though, she's ambitious to say the least.

No. 1785376

lol i knew it was russian (speaking) art and then dropped my jaw seeing the artist's sign who i follow

No. 1785390

KEK I just knew this person was making shit up, this happened before the con even opened to the public. There is zero reason why another artist would intentionally knock over her display—they're all busy setting up their own shit anyway.

No. 1785401

Fantastic. Thank you. Do you have her name btw so I can see more of her work?

No. 1785515

>Makes sex work positivity comic
>Unsexiest character design on the planet
Huh, I wonder why her previous webcomics failed

No. 1785516

Columbo @ThisUserIsAngry

No. 1785716

File: 1700771769391.jpg (532.94 KB, 2048x1820, Fx_hFL7aIAAfnaE.jpg)

According to what she said in the stream about her character designs, she said that there is no representation of fat "AFAB" character being sexy unless it fell into fetish territory. So she's creating the cast to be sexy fat characters. Personally I think she just means obese because knowing how she views herself where she doesn't call herself obese but just "chonky" or "thick" when the woman is so big she breathes heavily and has to use a cane at times to walk when she's barely 30, i can just read between the lines of what she really means.

And about her failed webcomics in the past, she claimed in the stream that the reason why they failed was because she tended to write overarching narratives into the stories and that it didn't seem to grab an audience. I can't help but feel that while that may have been something that contributed to it, I feel like it was also just that not many people found her art style appealing neither. It sounds harsh but I have to be honest that aside from her friends who gas up how amazing her art looks, it doesn't mean it'll always translate outside of the friend circle.

No. 1785802

How does she have no sense of fashion despite presumably being on tiktok all day kek these outfits are so ugly, not to mention the faces

No. 1785992

File: 1700777411021.jpeg (277.4 KB, 1725x1285, FRWmxbbVgAEngT1.jpeg)

I honestly have no clue kek. I get people have different tastes in fashion and I like kitschy fashion from time to time but some of the looks she comes up with manages to loonlk unappealing. But I'm not sure if it's the clothing that is bad or if it's just her overall art style that makes it look bad.

Even her main OC that she loves to death has a very jarbled design (picrel). I dont think the overall design is bad per say but the white fishnets look atrocious imo.

No. 1786036

that's exactly how ''tiktok'' fashion looks

No. 1786042

Really?? Even the outfit on the right hand side? I've never seen anyone wearing yellow double breasted button shoets

No. 1786047

tiktok fashion is so ugly, i swear i have seen that outfit before. Looks like something melanie martinez in her gugu gaga era would wear

No. 1786079

I really doubt anyone is wearing pastel yellow and mint tones with black knee-length shorts. The outfits are close to something you might see on there, but just slightly off in an awkward way. Just going for any other cut on the shorts, moving the letters to the sleeves of the jacket and choosing generally more pleasing colors could make this work or make it resemble current trends. The "uniforms" do look okay and like she just got the design off pinterest now that I focus on them, but the bad colors and art ruin it kek

No. 1786103

Considering how her friends all rave about creating pinterest boards, she's more than likely doing the same things but her colors electing is just gaudy and not in a good way but honestly I'm not sure if a better color would make me like her designs more because her style just doesn't do it for me. I like cartoon styles but hers just looks so off-putting and I'm not sure why when theoretically I would like a style like this in terms of being more cartoony in nature.

No. 1786205


For me it's the dopey eyes that bother me. Most of her color choices are oversaturated and clash, her designs are tortured and clunky and her bold outlines make everything look like some weird gaudy cut out. Everything she designs looks bloated and like she's trying too hard, relying too heavily on pinterest boards.

Her art truly hasn't improved either, so you can tell she's engrossed in her hug box and not trying anything new.

No. 1786402

Are there any art classes that are genuinely worth taking on Coloso or a similar online class/tutorial site?
>inb4 do studies and learn it yourself for free
I get overwhelmed when trying to do studies. It helps to have someone guiding me sometimes.

No. 1786405

>I get overwhelmed when trying to do studies. It helps to have someone guiding me sometimes.
same. being self taught fucking sucks, i wish i could take an art course but im broke

No. 1786408

I’m so jealous of people who can self-learn everything. I taught myself anatomy and basic light/color theory, but I’m plateauing because I can’t figure out how to reach that next level by myself.

No. 1786425

Honestly, if you've got cash to spare for an online course, I would recommend finding a similarly priced in-person drawing or life-drawing class in your area instead– even if you're not being directly taught (the cheapest life-drawing sessions are usually untutored), you can ask others for tips or advice and learn methods that people often forget to bring up when doing a more structured online course that has no interactivity. I'm self-taught for the most part, but the two mandatory life-drawing classes I did for uni really helped to make a couple things finally 'click' for me and it vastly improved my general ability to study and therefore improved my art. Best of luck nona

No. 1786472

My government keeps pushing for AI image generation and they are literally using AI for their advertisments now. I fucking hate everything. Everytime I see that shit, I think about how that's another lost job for my fellow graphic designers and illustrators.
I'm thinking about sending them an email about it, but they are probably gonna ignore it cause they are cheap as fuck. Why is AI image generation not a violation of copyright? It's just insane…
On a side note, do any of you know of any sites where you can sell illustration packs for a few bucks? Because I was looking at webpages where you could sell your work, but all of them seem to be cattered towards big companies or big media projects. Are there any webs that focus on selling image resources to small bussiness or individuals?

No. 1786518

Same over here, and the worst part is that they're aware kids are using AI to make deepfake porn of their female classmates, but they continue pushing for it. I guess since it's free and make their dick hard, they don't mind it even if it's hurting women and artists/singers everywhere.

No. 1786524

>using AI to make deepfake porn of their female classmates
Ugh when I first heard about ai art making it big this is one of the first things I thought of happening, not surprised but really fucking annoyed. Fuck moids no matter how old they are, I swear.

No. 1786528

File: 1700823177049.jpeg (914.8 KB, 1170x1619, IMG_3847.jpeg)

Rolling my eyes at this… you know you could just ask people to promote your work normally right

No. 1786532

I keep trying to tell people this. Genshin has such strong but wasted potential that the game has this habit of attracting really good artists who instinctively want to ‘fix’ their favourite characters and end up making some surprisingly good fanworks. You do have to dig to find them though, since the trash has a way of floating towards the surface and obscuring the gold-ridden sea bed.

No. 1786553

Begging for promotions is always pathetic. This is just as bad "Today is my birthday, please share my art!!"

No. 1786564

File: 1700828812502.jpeg (303.79 KB, 668x1021, IMG_7313.jpeg)

I love the military aesthetic in fanart so much but I also don’t want to dart around the very grave implications of it; not because I’m scared of cancel culture but because I genuinely do not want to glorify the idea of war and murder to myself or anyone else. For example, I love Abbystea’s art so much but it makes me feel ill knowing that both her art and donations from her streams actively spread propaganda and directly fund the Russian military (she publicises this fact, btw). How should I tackle this issue? And how can I create fantasy military uniforms that are far enough removed to avoid evoking propagandist or fascist imagery? Should I just go for it, but try to subvert or critique the subject matter? I’m just thinking out loud…

No. 1786570

Kek you're thinking way too much about it. Just do what you feel is right. Abbystea is an exception because she does vocally support an oppressive military, but there are enough artists who draw soldiers and don't do that. Just think of all the golden kamuy or call of duty fanartists out there, not to mention everyone who has mafia or yakuza OCs, or really anything that could be considered bad. If you don't lift it directly from reality or talk about how much you love your nation's military no one will care. Some time ago there was drama because Yana Toboso revealed in an interview that she designed the Diasomnia uniforms inspired by SS ones and even though they are pretty similar, it's not like she supports nazi because of it and no one cares anymore

No. 1786571

File: 1700830089488.gif (1.8 MB, 268x250, spongebob-mr.gif)

That's not very manly of you sweaty

No. 1786577

Oh boy abbystea has really good art but the personality of a garbage dumpster fire, it's difficult for me too to admit that I like her stuff. But for your own military art I suggest to make it very clear that it's a fantasy setting and very much removed from reality, like the design of the uniform should be something more unique. Something like the garrison uniform in voltron? Something sci-fi military garb.
It's actually a good exercise as a character designer to study what makes the SS uniforms so recognizable and "iconic".

No. 1786657

I'm not seeing what others are seeing about abbystea's art that's so likeable. She just draws moeblobs standing around with Russian propaganda and military themes. Seems like standard fare.

I'm sure what ever it is you end up making is going to be less bland than this, nona. Good luck.

No. 1786712

her art is so fucking good. I miss when all trannies could make was shitty steven universe vitiligo art

No. 1786715

File: 1700843979614.jpg (1.21 MB, 2977x2401, 88872303_p0.jpg)

you are so sensitive, no moid is going to become an alt right nazi from seeing hot bishies in uniform. I draw military moids getting dismembered and raped all the time, worst commentary i ever got was some handmaiden crying about how i was disrespecting all the men who died in nam, as if i care.

No. 1786719

>Abbystea’s art so much but it makes me feel ill knowing that both her art and donations from her streams actively spread propaganda and directly fund the Russian military (she publicises this fact, btw)
Could someone expand on this for those of us not in the know?
Side note but I looked and her art is very lackluster

No. 1786737

nta but you aren't giving a good example.

No. 1786744

File: 1700845220032.jpg (405.03 KB, 1638x2048, F5dUJ1LaQAARh9a.jpg)

>For me it's the dopey eyes that bother men
You know what? I think that's my biggest issue as well. Her insistence of drawing eyes big and close together makes the characters she draws look dopey as fuck. I think that's why her "Cleo" character isn't as unsettling to look at since she made her a cyclops. But whenever she draws 2-eyed characters like picrel, you're in for derpy, dopey looking character.

>Oversaturated Colors

>Bold Outlines
Yeah it's funny when you listen to her streams and she goes on and on about how proud she is when it comes to coloring and her mostly young fanbase praise her for it when in reality, it's clear that she's not practicing on things outside of coloring and inking. I feel like she thinks that if she makes her colors overly detailed, it'll distract from how amateurish her overall style is. Take away the colors and you'll see it more.

>Her art truly hasn't improved either, so you can tell she's engrossed in her hug box and not trying anything new.

That definitely seems to be the case because the way she draws characters hasn't changed. Whenever she claims she's doing something new, it's usually coloring or inking related. It's funny how back then she said she would love to use her art for a cartoon series (not sure if she still feels that way now, it's mostly webcomics this time around) and could you honestly imagine a cartoon series using her art style?

No. 1786765

File: 1700845894103.jpg (269.01 KB, 1850x1257, raidenabbystea.jpg)

She has strong fundamentals. Well at least in comparison to the average genshin artist her drawings, despite still being anime, have more flow. Even if the subject matter is usually portrayed in a coomer pose the proportions are realistic so it doesn't look like an exaggerated bimbo caricature. It's a bit hard to explain but she's clearly skilled. Solid rendering too.

No. 1786777

lol why

No. 1786779

she's crazy good drawing clothes

No. 1786826

File: 1700848971706.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1800x1580, B8214079-083D-4C31-8B50-5A525B…)

Kek this looks like another dime a dozen artist who over rely on tracing 3D models. This could be something out of the likes of koikatsu

No. 1786858

Right? I sometimes feel like anons don't browse social media at all, they find one artist that draws something they like and act like there's no one else doing it like them. And I didn't even know that the image in the original post was made by her kek but her art has always been pretty simple. It's very pleasing to the eye but it's nothing extraordinary either

No. 1786942

You again? Jfc no one cares you wanna fuck the fatass nazi faggot from Hellsing

No. 1786955

i have no idea who you are talking about i dont wanna fuck that guy

No. 1786958

its way more pleasing that the average anime shitter

No. 1786963

she doesn't trace over i've seen her livestreams

No. 1786969

File: 1700858277262.png (540.51 KB, 897x703, hetwithextrasteps.png)

I'm so sick of this trend, I wish women didn't hate themselves.

No. 1787008

File: 1700859698405.jpeg (509.64 KB, 1170x738, IMG_5319.jpeg)

How do I stop comparing myself to professional artists if I’m a hobbyist

No. 1787030

I don't get it either. "Strong fundamentals" doesn't mean anything if you're just going to stagnate into being a genshit artist. It's not even an interesting iteration of the characters like some artists can pull off it's just bland, samey anime waifu draped over 'strong foundation'.

It's not bad art. It's fine. But i recognize it's not for me!

No. 1787031


I don't know if this'll work for you, but I stay off social media and utilize inspiration from artists outside of those platforms. It's also easier if they're dead kek.

No. 1787037

File: 1700862292888.jpeg (508.24 KB, 937x2810, 0E4E392D-8D8A-44CC-9CE9-76B439…)

I mean, I checked her? YT and she models and traces a full BG in one. The level of detail/dynamics is pretty varied on pieces that are actually shown from sketch to final. If you’re familiar it’s easy to see what’s directly lifted from models.

No. 1787041

File: 1700862595000.jpeg (658.81 KB, 2254x1610, 9C5C491E-1B14-4107-9EAE-EAE8E4…)

Compare the blob going on with the yellow hair to the meticulous detail she’s apparently capable of elsewhere. These are the kind of inconsistencies I’m used to noticing at least.

No. 1787102

Humility. Accept that although you may never "quite" reach a professional level (and it varies to each art genre) you do art because it fulfils your creative satisfaction trust me when money and career is involved in art it loses a bit of its magic, you at best must prioritise your own happiness in your art.not compare with people who've gone to art schools and worked like crazy to reach a level to be hired among many artists who same as them have done more a continuous competition. do not think this makes you less of an artist just think that it's their job and you have a privilege to enjoy it without being concerned how to make a living out of it, do not concern yourself with them nonnie find your own happiness art envy exists in all of us even I as a professional artist sometimes am jealous of my peers works and continue to improve myself. it's just being part of being an artist.

No. 1787104

This makes me ridiculously furious. I wish "he's just like me fr fr" i wish they realize how retarded they sound.

No. 1787105

What program do you use to make customized folds like those? Csp?

No. 1787110

File: 1700866831953.mp4 (845.47 KB, 720x720, [23-10-26] 1717376246391451736…)

i follow artists who openly trace from 3D models and their art looks very obviously traced even if they are good artists. I dont think she traces 3Dmodels

No. 1787120

I'm always unsatisfied by my art. I spend a lot of time on it and I've been drawing for a lot of years but there's always something that makes me think that it's trash. I just finished a piece after months and it isn't that good, and I keep seeing all the mistakes. Idk what to do to fix this anons.

No. 1787155

nta, I don't think her complaining's too bad but I'm getting a lot of schadenfreude from hearing how awful GalaxyCon Austin was. They really shilled their celebrity meet & greets super hard and for something that's advertised as a comic convention it seems like the actual artists kind of got the shaft. It also came off as a little shady that they decided to have the event on labor day weekend, like they were trying to directly compete with San Japan.

No. 1787165

File: 1700868955439.jpg (437.46 KB, 1080x1725, Twitter_Screen_Shot.jpg)

Just another case of "draw woman but call it not a woman for more likes", though when a male artist does this its some trap fetish thing, and when a woman does this it attracts tifs instead

No. 1787222

File: 1700870816063.png (380.7 KB, 428x795, lancelot gbf.PNG)

>it’s this character
Wew lol

No. 1787227

it looks like the artist used the lasso tool to paint the folds easier. most programs have it so you dont need to use a specific program

No. 1787231

The y2k brown female kakyoin artist killed her creation for this monstrosity to be born

No. 1787437

Kek seems like she genderbent/racebent to better self-insert into her yaoi ship. Girl just make an oc.

No. 1787444

The character is an actual nazi kek
Just do it, but be aware that not everyone will like it, and it depends on what uniforms you're drawing. People draw soldiers all the time and a lot of people don't mind. It's just if they look like nazis or if you're drawing actual propaganda then people will get mad. And even if you do military uniforms that are somewhat based on nazis, just don't include the red armband and you're completely fine. Don't listen to people who tell you "just do what you want" because they don't understand the art you produce has consequences on you and your image.

No. 1787485

Why do aidens love doing this? It's not hard for female artists to gain a substantial following with blatant self-inserts as long as their art is trendy or pretty enough. Do they not want to admit that deep down they still very much want to be seen, loved, and treated like a woman while also living "socially" online as a gay yaoi faggot? Are they trying to catch fujos and moids with the same net? Last time I checked fujos still shit their pants at anything feminine and moids are put off by gendershit unless it's futa or femboys. The optimistic part of me wants this to all be one big joke at the fanbase's expense but it probably isn't lol.

No. 1787528

File: 1700883265114.jpeg (172.08 KB, 1024x2048, IMG_1231.jpeg)

That’s something I’ve noticed too, as I’ve seen 15 year old Russian girls on tiktok that draw god tier level art. This makes me just a little insecure, but I’m only 3 years off from that age I guess. One artist that catches my eye is pyanyasha. Her lighting, composition, and especially proportions are well done, especially considering her age, only being 15 or 16 now.

No. 1787571

Sidenote this artist makes me seethe every time since I love drawing military men and this artist I swear has my style but better. What's the name?

No. 1787816

NTA but I feel like it's mgong520's early work

No. 1787818

AYRT I've watched her livestreams and as someone who struggles with ADHD and the ability to sit and draw for long periods of time, I really admire the level of care and attention to detail she gives her work. Sure, it's not very 'complex' but they're easy on the eye because she has a good understanding of shape and colour. It doesn't get more simple than that.

No. 1787839

Yeah reminds me of some other artists with very simple art that might look kinda boring at first but on a closer inspection it shows a better understanding of the subject. Maybe i'm just put off by the rendermaxxing trend lol

No. 1787841

>>To ALL
Does anyone know a good FREE drawing software?
Ive been using Gimp for a while now. I dont want to draw any super crazy looking tumblr waifus or anything, I just want to make memes n shit. All I want is ms paint with more features.

No. 1787843

All drawing softwares are free

No. 1787848

Im not avery good pirat Im afraid. As in, I havnt Pirated since I was a kid and the sites from back then dont exist anymore

No. 1787854

On the topic of rendermaxxing god I wish I could rendermaxx. I've went through so many color tutorials and color dissection videos but I just can't fucking get it, the moment I start to color one my artworks it just starts to look bad. I think my technique is good but when it comers to rendering I must be miss retardo or literally colorblind. Although since I last discussed this with another anon last thread I've started to literally color pick from other artists and my stuff looks better? Maybe I need honest to god professional tutoring live with someone or something.

I think the hardest part my little brainletto brain can't grasp is not being able to reliably tell color warmth and saturation. Like yeah sure I can tell when a piece of art is warm or cold but if I have to select them on the menu myself I'll have no fucking clue.


No. 1787856

No. 1787863

Well, most colors are only cold or warm in relation to others and saturation just means how intense it is. You could broadly say that red is warm, but you can also have a cold red when it's between warmer tones. In the end it depends mostly on your feeling. But rendermaxxers don't care about theory, all they know is cold = blueish/purple shadow and warm = yellow/orange overlay. They just follow tutorials without understanding, that's why there are so many of them out there calling the terminator a "colorful band next to the shadow, idk what it's called but make it bright orange!". This video showcases it quite well, the guy has no fucking idea how to paint clothing folds but if you add enough bullshit detail and effect layers it ends up looking fine enough for normies and beginners to praise you.
You say you already went through tutorials, but did you just read/watch them or did you copy them exactly? Keep copying/colorpicking and playing around with adjustment layers until you get a feel for it and don't worry if you can't pick good colors immediately, many artists start their pieces with boring ones and then adjust until it looks better

No. 1787875

oh, I also follow her, apparently she hasn't gone to any art school or taken courses, read books. She just draws.

No. 1787878

Krita, Medibang, Paint Sai. Also piracy exists if you want to dabble in PS and Clip Studio Paint (don't pay for either). PS is a massive resource glug but its useful to have around for editing and 3D art.

No. 1787884

Paint tool Sai is actually a paid software, it was just easy to pirate so back in 2011 everyone on Devianatrt would share their cracked downloads kek.
I tried to download it again (I was looking for a program without fancy options so I'm forced to practice more rather than using filters, liquify etc to hide my errors) and turns out 95% of the downloads around have viruses, very small ones, but still viruses. I haven't been able to find a fully clean version

No. 1787888

if that's not cap I'm gonna kms

No. 1787897

File: 1700909888650.jpg (112.72 KB, 795x1280, photo_2023-11-25_15-54-39.jpg)

This is from her faq in telegram, apparently she's been drawing digitally since 2016.

No. 1787901

Makes sense if she really did start digital at 8 years old. I'm jealous of this younger generation, they have a lot more ressources available much earlier. I'm only now starting to practice drawing properly, I'm sad I didn't do this when I had nothing to do during school years

No. 1787917

>I sometimes draw NSFW
>15 years old
Someone restric internet connections to kids. I hope she doesn't post her porn online, it will just make a bunch of pedophile try to groom her.

No. 1787930

Anyone else kinda annoyed when young artists pull the "self-taught" crap? I noticed a lot of them put this in their bio as if to brag. I also learned digital art and anime from the scratch without anyone teaching me, but I've also been taught how to draw still life and composition by traditional art teachers. I don't think being self-taught makes you better especially when majority of time they're still watching an online course or a tutorial.

No. 1787937

My eyes just glaze over it, it really doesn't mean anything. I saw some artist claim they are self-taught while posting about artschool assignments. They probably looked up tutorials and books to get started just like the rest of us, don't know why that's important enough to include in your bio or talk about at all. It's not like teachers hold your hand the entire time while drawing either

No. 1787954

I know this is lolcow but maybe it's because plenty of artists actually do enjoy genshit. I've seen significantly worse artists here being hailed as drawing good shit.

I'm older then you and had this same feeling around a decade ago. From that experience I can tell you that out of those 15 year old prodigies, half actually improve and the other half stagnates and never goes beyond what they got popular for at 15.

No. 1787981

File: 1700920413112.jpg (203.76 KB, 1300x855, ESns2bAUMAEraHC.jpg)

>but did you just read/watch them or did you copy them exactly?
Admittedly I didn't. I usually learn by watching a metric shit ton of content and absorbing it through osmosis, and if you're right my problem might be that I'm just waiting for that magical flip to switch and reach full information saturation and automatically understand colors. Hasn't happened, so. I'll put in some leg work.
>all they know is cold = blueish/purple shadow and warm = yellow/orange overlay.
This is autistic sperging at this point but I swear that multiply shading is a joke everyone is in on but me. It makes me seethe to no end to see friends I personally know as well as random artists make purple multiply work. You guys must be using those illegal eldritch forbidden colors HP Lovecraft wrote about. Maybe I'm being sabotaged by the overall color picking of the whole drawing being bad? I don't know if I'm making sense but what I mean is if the colors are shit in the first place using that multiply crutch (which I shouldn't be using in the first place) just makes my drawings look worse
>but if you add enough bullshit detail and effect layers it ends up looking fine enough for normies and beginners to praise you.
This is tryhard behavior coming from a person who doesn't understand colors well in the first place but this feels like cheating. It feels like if I keep using this crutch too I'll definitely never learn how to color.

No. 1787989

Her arts neat

No offense but generic anime art doesn't really do it for me, but this is still really impressive considering the artists age alone. They could be drawing digital horseshit and it'd still be impressive for that reason. I recall hearing something along the lines of "you have to know the rules to break it" from art tubers and artists on social media yet some claim that they just suddenly "learned art". It's clear that hours of practice is the only way to learn. Also it's hard to knock anime anatomy as it's bullshit either way and heavily stylized. It's hard to knock most anime design since it's all inbred looking and same face like most fugly western art, with few exceptions.

No. 1788017

Definitely try to make some copies then. I used to think the same as you, but just seeing and trying to apply it immediately isn't very easy or helpful. It's better to follow step by step, as closely as you can, and then apply what you learned on something else. But be aware that your version might still look off to you, even if you use the same brushes and colors. That's just because you made it yourself and you can't judge the result correctly. This works mostly for lines, but overlaying the two images would help identify mistakes, otherwise you will have to get back to it in some months when you've developed your eye through further practice. Just don't get too discouraged to keep trying is what I mean.
I really can't imagine the purple multiply not working haha maybe try picking the used shade directly from a tutorial, sometimes it's included. It's usually pretty bright and close to magenta. If your base colors are dull you can adjust the saturation with a slider or just use gradient maps if your program has them. Or check your programs color settings, I found for example that my screen was way too bright on the device I drew on, so I had to double check every piece on a different one.
And don't be afraid to use what you consider crutches or cheating, that's what rendermaxxing is. Many professional artists also use them and the guy from the video is going to continue abusing effect layers while improving other aspects, so in the end he would have a collection of good pieces that only get better as he learns fundamentals and stops relying on certain tricks. It's not lazy to polish up your artwork with filters, I'd say its almost necessary if that's the kind of look you'd like your art to have

No. 1788018

File: 1700923718350.jpeg (102.69 KB, 1016x1350, IMG_2764.jpeg)

Isn’t this illegal?

No. 1788027

It is not illegal for a minor to draw porn but it really seems like it should be illegal for an adult to commission porn art from a minor

No. 1788058

That’s just how it is.

No. 1788078

I'm not sure but as a commissioner I certainly wouldn't want a minor drawing a lewd commission for me. And aren't hentai and 18+ basically the same thing?
Also kek at how proship is somehow just as bad as the other two things in that category. Especially because the bar for proship is incredibly low.

No. 1788088

Especially because its all fictional. Non-proshippers just seethe. Not even br the same as the others on that level at all.

No. 1788120

Nonas I'm so fucking angry right now.

I transferred to a new art school and I already got four or so years of academic experience on my belt (I wasn't able to graduate yet because my family keeps moving around but now I'll finally get to just get it over with and get my diploma so I can fuckoff) so they placed with alongside the 3rd year students because the last two years are mostly internships and exchange programs rather than classes. All is fine, until we get to typography class. The teacher gave us a stupid assignment that's very easy but very tedious. People who have studied typography already will know what I'm talking about but basically we had to make the letters HAMBURGERFONTSIV from scratch, with only the letters H and O given to us. Because long story short most non calligraphic fonts are heavily modular and you can build almost any letter by just using shapes and curves from H and O.

All is good, I did mine and sent it.

A week later the teacher gave us our grades and he had the fucking gall to accuse me of cheating because my assignment was "too perfect" compared to my other classmates (aka my classmates fucking suck because apparently nobody in this building knows how to use adobe illustrator) and that I most surely "copied it" from somewhere, and gave me a harder assignment to prove myself like a fucking 'gotcha' so he could check if I really copied or if it was real skill.

Anyway I did his stupid fucking 'gotcha' assignment and I suppose he finally got the memo because I ended up with the highest grade in the entire classroom. The assignment was easy as hell and I swear that I'm not doing this to brag because I hate typography, but I am just so fucking angry. I hate how art school teachers are so quick to yell "you're cheating/you copied this!" if you manage to be marginally better than your peers at something.

Sage for no milk, only salt.

No. 1788131

Any anons here have experience with their drawings looking nice at full size because you're able to see textures and brush strokes but once you zoom out it's just kinda boring because you can't see any of that? I love adding texture on my drawings but when I post it online no one can see that because most sites butcher the quality or downsize the drawings.

No. 1788137

Don't…Zoom in. What you could do is what a lot of artists do. If you zoom in and see the cool details on your screen, zoom in to that area, crop it, and save it. When you go to post your fully image, you can add these extra close-up shots to show the detail work you put in to it and because you externally saved these and posted them up, the image quality shouldn't degrade as significantly because it's not compressing a larger image.

No. 1788173

I feel you, but in reverse. This is from all way back from highschool, but I'm still salty about it kek I went to the art branch because I'm retarded for anything else and I like drawing from time to time. My older sister went to art as well (key difference is that she's good at it) and so we shared most teachers. And every single time I did a good assignment this one teacher would think it's because my sister (who wasn't even living with me at the time, did it) not me. I know I suck, but even a broken clock is right twice a day…

No. 1788321

You need to remember that coloring is also very intuitive. It's not just analytical color theory and this should work with this or like that. There's no point in watching color tutorials if you aren't doing TONS of color studies yourself. Draw from real life, draw from photos, do master studies and at some point it will just click. A very good exercise is to look at a photo with nice vibrant coloring, think of a festival or a sunset, and without using the color picker try to to replicate it. And if you feel like too many colors overwhelm you, another exercise is to use just a very limited palette, like a study where the only colors you use are blue and purple or just blue and blue-aligned colors. Once you feel comfortable enough you can upgrade to a more complex palette.

No. 1788341

how the fuck do you render in this much detail? god i wish i had her patience to fill all those in

No. 1788353

I hate timelapses like this kek I wish I could understand what's happening there. I get the lineart part but once the color part starts it speeds up so much out of nowhere. It's amazing how she can render everything without specific reference

No. 1788358

File: 1700940990504.jpg (1.6 MB, 2508x2508, F4m6R-WacAAZPXe.jpg)

Sad that her fundies suck, the perspective and anatomy is a bit uncanny but her work is beautiful otherwise

No. 1788361

>Anyone else kinda annoyed when young artists pull the "self-taught" crap? I noticed a lot of them put this in their bio as if to brag.

Yes, she's doing this because she's 16. It shows her immaturity. Once she becomes an adult, no will care if she's good for her age, because her competition will be other adults, not just kids. This is why I think it's bad to get into this mindset that being young and good at art means you are inherently better (unless you are a prodigy at 6) she has been drawing digitally for 8 years. That's why she's skilled.

No. 1788382

Once you understand how to render materials like glass, fabric, metal, etc. you can do this. Like you said, it only takes time. If you don't know what you're doing, it will take 5x as much time.

Also, starting drawings with the perspective figured out like this artist did is what you should always do. You are actually drawing on hard mode when you don't draw on a perspective grid. This video makes perspective really easy.

No. 1788383

File: 1700942247640.jpg (107.51 KB, 720x695, OwO.jpg)

These cats seem traced so maybe she's just tracing over objects and coloring them?

No. 1788391

File: 1700942951157.jpg (4.28 MB, 4096x2671, F4h9ZTZboAExNz_.jpg)

I doubt it, with the cats she was probably just copying a reference closely and it turned out wonky because she doesn't have the practice to make animals look natural. Some pieces of hers do get close to those photobashed point&click games though. Like the things on the table don't fully follow the perspective of it, so they end up looking pasted on in a weird way

No. 1788396

Not sure exactly why, but I find so funny she has to trace over 3D models for the people but has no problems drawing the overdesigned rococo furniture/objects

No. 1788504


After a certain point it's just visual clutter.

No. 1788518


It is pretty funny, but some artists really do specialize in items and texture. She doesn't actually need to add in those pale anemic anime people. The actual characters are the backgrounds, even if they are a little wonky and need better visual flow.

No. 1788523


I firmly believe that everyone constantly telling someone that young "you're so good at art at such a young age" results in them getting comfortable and actively sabotages their growth.

No. 1788526

File: 1700952141475.png (324.19 KB, 576x657, Screenshot 2023-11-25 144142.p…)

anyone else find it insanely weird that this artist was happy to take all of the credit for this mascot design when they knew fully well they were completely referencing it 1 to 1 from another artist?

No. 1788528

File: 1700952202552.png (254.89 KB, 579x501, Screenshot 2023-11-25 001226.p…)


og artist's work that the client fully admit they told the new artist to reference

No. 1788535


No. 1788568

File: 1700955377306.jpg (243.23 KB, 1200x800, mond-van-de-waarheid-3.jpg)

Nonnies who deal with chronic hand/arm-related pains, how do you deal?

A year ago I developed tendonitis in my dominant hand and it's been a struggle to keep drawing. Most days I can't even write and have to keep my hand in a cast almost constantly. It's made me quit drawing over the past half year or so, and makes me so depreesed. I don't want to end up like the genshin artist who draws with their feet (though I do admit it's impressive)

No. 1788573

File: 1700955794523.jpg (68.66 KB, 564x818, 00dd3f567a6f736566216ce546769b…)

What kind of study methods do you have? I like to find old art i like and redraw it in my style.

No. 1788591

was the clip studio ad that used art cerated using ai discussed here or did it get deleted? all the accusation comments on the post are gpne now as well..

No. 1788606

File: 1700957998545.png (215.03 KB, 377x410, ai.png)

i knew it was ai,that face is way too uncanny

No. 1788610

File: 1700958256956.png (Spoiler Image,374.62 KB, 564x549, image_2023-11-26_112237191.png)

I love trying to redraw weird images like picrel, mostly because I want to work in more semi-realistic painterly style and it's a good destresser, kek.
Nasty, I thought they stopped doing anything with AI like well over a year ago.

No. 1788638

File: 1700959056168.jpg (190.77 KB, 2033x1122, annasophia-robb-rise.jpg)

looks like AnnaSophia Robb

No. 1788846

the artist posted a speedpaint when she did it, and some of her big name friends got pissed and started yelling about why the "ai accusations" haven't been taken down. probably why so many comments were removed.

still, she did ai paintovers in the past. even if it isn't ai, it's too pretty to the point where it's ugly, imo

No. 1789124

trying to sell an art program with an AI drawing is insane. They always commissioned great anime artists before, as that's what clip is best for.

No. 1789136

Well, that artist switched to non-dominant hand before feet

No. 1789153

File: 1700991350065.jpg (83 KB, 920x607, letired.jpg)

I think I'm experiencing a major art burn out. I'm gonna be boothing at an anime convention soon but I don't feel excited about it at all. Instead, I just feel anxious and stressed out doing merch preps and thinking about wasting more money on hotel and printings and transport and shit (which my sales would probably not cover the costs considering the current economic situation). I just feel like quitting! I want to withdraw myself from the artist alley/anime convention scene indefinitely since I'm not enjoying it anymore and I can no longer relate to the younger artists/newer anime con scene but I feel so torned because I've been doing artist alley at least once a year for years. My art is also super dated and I don't get a lot of sales at conventions anymore. I easily got mogged by other younger talented artists. I'm also tired of keeping up with the social media game. I can't seem to make genuine art friends anymore. All the artists I met just cares about making money at anime conventions and gaining popularity on social media. I miss just weebing out about your favourite anime/manga because you really love the said anime/manga and not because you're following the trend and want to make quick bucks selling shitty plastic trinkets. Nowadays, everyone moves on too quickly to the next flavour of the month. It sucks. Sorry for the nonsensical vent. I'm just tired of it all. Also, fellow 30 yrs old and above artists, how do you guys make art friends that you can weeb out with and that are not too sjw-ish (can we be friends)?

No. 1789206

Their contests always have AI pieces getting submitted and they’ve placed a few times

No. 1789287

Nonny I'm very curious about how your art looks like! Also don't force yourself to do something you're no longer passionate about. If the conventions are making you uncomfortable and making you lose money, then maybe it's not worth it. Maybe in the future if you still feel like it, you could keep it local instead of traveling from con to con. Also yes we can be friends! If you leave your info on the friend finder thread maybe we can talk more there.

No. 1789288

I feel you. I'm no convention/artist alley participant, but I'm just so tired of how nowadays most online artists only create for the sake of money and clout. It always makes me feel horrible about my own art output, that I create slowly but that's because I want to enjoy every bit of the process and care little for the end result, but as we all know social media and followers want rapid-fire posts and if you don't post often they turn their backs on you.

I just want other artist friends to chat and create with without some cloud of money/clout/internet fame over my head.

No. 1789301

I remember asking booth artists what they thought of a certain anime and them always saying “I’ve never seen it”. Bruh how soulless can you get. I’ve wanted to do artist alley stuff but hearing your complaints makes me nervous if even attempting it.

No. 1789327


30+ nona here, wishing you the best. I just started tabling recently and I get so nervous about it. I'm not trendy and I don't really care much about what's popular enough to draw it and spend money on merch for it so I'm always feeling like nobody's gonna care about my work but I'm usually greeted by people who do.

I am very tired of the artist alley community constantly scrambling to the next popular thing or people coming in asking "what's popular?" So they can cash in on it. It's a waste. I wished there were more people who didn't care about any of that and just were confident enough to do their own thing. I think a lot of it has to do with the sudden influx of post pandemic zoomers and their tendency of trying to make as much money as possible. now the usual way artist alleys function is fucked up. You used to at least have a shot at making friends over the thing you love but now it's all chasing trends.

Sorry for what you're going through. I hope you find your passion in some other outlet! Wished we could be friends!

No. 1789372

>I am very tired of the artist alley community constantly scrambling to the next popular thing or people coming in asking "what's popular?" So they can cash in on it
As someone who always browses artist alley because I love art I'm always looking for unique art styles and things I haven't seen before. But even I have to admit I like some cute current trends too. But the thing there is that if 50 artists did their own take on the Current Trendy Thing I will still only buy 1, and it will only be THE best one of the 50, leaving 49 artist without a sale. Wheras if I find a unique cool arist I'm much more likely to buy from them because there's little to no competition for it.

I also now avoid buying from anyone who sells anything gender related, which cuts out a lot of people at the local cons. I can't imagine they even sell many of their 500 different combos of pronoun pins. How many "he/xe/them" are there really at a con and once she's bought 1 pin why would she need another?

No. 1789768

I understand you anon even though I don't do artist alley or cons. I'm 33 years old and been into the online art scene since 2004 and I've noticed this shift on how younger online artists tend to view the art fandom scene where it seems like it's all about chasing and quickly discarding trends and money, money, money. It doesn't help that for me personally, I find it harder to get into newer anime and I'm simply content with the anime I grew up with or finding anime that came out around that time (the early to mid 2000s) which is very dated by today's standards (think Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc). I can't relate with the hype of My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Haikyou, Jujutsu Kaisen, etc. you know, the ones that are very popular at this point in time. It can make talking with younger artist very difficult since I can't relate with this stuff and they can't really relate with mine, different generations and all.

And I wish I could offer advice on how to meet art friends to vibe and nerd out with but I'm lost on this myself. I haven't had an online artist friend group in almost a decade since my old friends, we sorta drifted apart and it's been so hard to try to make new art friends because of what you mentioned with the money mindset and trend chasing. I honestly feel like streaming culture has sorta ruined anime fandom. Back in the day we had to wait weeks on end to get new episodes of anime and we didn't have streaming services like Netflix or Hulu that rushed out a whole series altogether to where you could watch it within a week to even a day or two. The former way allowed viewers more time to sit with shows and truly absorb what we were watching compared to now where attention spans are getting shorter and binging a show doesn't give you time to actually sit and bask in the atmosphere of the show which is why it's so easy to quickly discard and move onto the next trending anime and rinse and repeat.

Anyway as for the con stuff, if you're feeling unmotivated and don't really feel like working them, I'd say to take a break. There's no shame in that and it sounds like you are definitely getting burned out so a break is definitely in order. Give some time to yourself to rest.

>t always makes me feel horrible about my own art output, that I create slowly but that's because I want to enjoy every bit of the process and care little for the end result, but as we all know social media and followers want rapid-fire posts and if you don't post often they turn their backs on y
Feel this so fucking much. It's why I miss when DeviantART was popular. It wasn't algorithm focused and you could take your time with your work. It sucks because it feels like it's hard to get feedback on your week and commence weebing out. I post new illustrations of fanart every so often and it barely gets interaction whereas back on the DA days, I got a bit more engagement and had some fun discussions as well.

>but now it's all chasing trends.
And masking networking with "friendship" it seems.

No. 1789780

File: 1701034513403.jpg (371.87 KB, 1536x2048, F_kSov4boAAp1Ky.jpg)

I know this is kind of an old comment but I agree with the weirdness of her style. I really started to take notice how off her art looked when I saw her working on Helluva Boss fanart merch. I know that Helluva Boss has a love/hate type of deal with artists here but seeing how Twisted did her take on the characters was awkward. Her take on Blitzo looked okay but the others were wonky, Millie being the worst example. Picrel since she hasn't posted the illustration, just merch images.

No. 1789850


This looks hideous, and the quality on the charm itself is bad. You can see the print lines on it.

No. 1789910

File: 1701039957430.jpg (352.95 KB, 1536x2048, F_kSov2bUAAgXwa.jpg)

Yeah like I said, not great. Here's a bonus, her take on Fizzarolli which is the second worse of her Helluva Boss merch.

No. 1789916

Jesus christ that's awful

No. 1789918

File: 1701040299860.png (5.21 MB, 3003x2048, F_kSov2bIAE0e0L.png)

And here is Moxxie and Blitzo. Like I mentioned in my other comment, I don't think that Blitzo looks as bad. And Moxxie looks okay… Ish. But Millie and Fizz look wretched. And I can only imagine what Loona, Stolas, and Octavia are gonna look like when she gets around to them kek.

No. 1789923

Sort of off topic but I hate that particular shade of purple that all beginner/shit digital artists use, it's never incorporated into the actual palette it's just set to 50% multiply and it's always so garish

No. 1789927

It's very sad seeing artist alley being taken over by twitter genshit flavor-of-the-month crap but I'm glad there are still a handful of passionate and unique artists there. It's fun finding hidden gems from series that I love that aren't new or super popular. I also adore styles that some would call dated. What I'm trying to say is that I would absolutely buy your art nonnie, but do what you need to do for your mental health. If it's not bringing you joy, don't feel obligated to do it.

No. 1789940

I understand you, I used to do the purple shading method as well, I honestly still do it sometimes but I just try to play around with the opacity to not have the purple look so overt and bold because yeah, it really doesn't translate all that well, especially when using it for white.

No. 1790065

File: 1701049093835.jpg (427.32 KB, 1535x2048, 48be03576d74aca0c1618c4ac2b128…)

when it comes to commission prices, how much is "too much"?
I'm thinking of raising the price a little, but I'm also afraid of losing my current +3 year clients.

I think pic rel is completely exaggerated and retarded, but is it? Maybe I'm in the wrong here.

No. 1790072

gloss is one of the most popular porn artists so it makes sense, plus he does super weird as shit niche fetishes

No. 1790100

I can understand some of these to an extent but the middle-tier ones are insane. those ones are particularly ugly and unimpressive imo. I find the fleshy blob coomer art style disgusting anyways. it reminds me of those nasty ass Ethan Becker pinup drawings where they look like they have lymphedema.

No. 1790123

File: 1701050889193.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.92 KB, 999x895, Art of Ethan Becker - 11.jpg)

Didn't know what you where talking about so I had to search it. I miss it when I was 1 minute ago kek
And this is the image from a interview he did, he gets interviewed drawing shit like this??

No. 1790140

He was so obnoxious i am glad his channel died. He had this smug ironic persona that was insufferable to watch.

No. 1790158

I feel like the bottom one is the only one worth paying $200 for, not much higher without a background or some other extra. With those prices I’d rather get a Chinese artist commission or one on skeb

No. 1790193

What the fuck is this cuck mentality of wanting artists to work for less. You are the type of artist that ends up charging 80 usd for a full background 5 character commission.

No. 1790201

Who are you quoting?

No. 1790207

this whole thread is full of repetitive cuckery tbh

No. 1790213

File: 1701053708390.png (77.45 KB, 474x474, tumblr_e97e3e77ba9e192cdd9001a…)

Is Tumblr even worth using to post art anymore?I've been terminated for no reason whatsoever and feel like Tumblr wasn't really worth it at the end.I feel like if you're super popular you're art will always get attention with tons of notes and reblogs but if you're not what's the point it kinda sounds retarded i know.I always saw beginner level artists blaze their art only for them to get 4 notes lol unless it's fandom related then it's probably going to blow up it really depends tho

No. 1790217

File: 1701053796494.jpeg (10.61 KB, 255x197, images (11).jpeg)

No. 1790220

don't disrespect the crimson chin like that nonny

No. 1790307

>how younger online artists tend to view the art fandom scene where it seems like it's all about chasing and quickly discarding trends and money, money, money
I honestly blame the obvious push for grifting and how everything needs to be marketed super hard

No. 1790322

Winter heavy countries are encouraged to stay inside, so there's more time to practice drawing

No. 1790612

File: 1701065145949.webm (302.63 KB, 1280x720, ls mark pilot.webm)

Does anyone feel like western comic/animation indie community is absolutely creatively bankrupt? seeing the kind of things people put time and effort into is making me insane
>lsmark pilot is just tom and jerry meets bojack horseman in the style of butch hartman
>mr enter pilot is some weird ageplay nonsensical bullshit that makes no sense, just KND but worse
>pan pizza's pilot is just jojos but uglier and with some weird breeding kink
>smiling friends is just lolsorandom AS crap
>harry patridge starbians is some boring scifi movie parody that got old 5 minutes in
>hazbin/helluva is just edgy demon crap for gendie preteens
>monkey wrech is boring, generic saturday morning generic trash
>dont get me started on daftpina's saturday's off failed pilot
>lore olympus is just harry potter mixed with all YA novel tropes on earth
not like the mainstream animation is any better, but i will take one Primal every 20 years over whatever the fuck all of this is. I feel like no one can come up with anything original anymore, it's all heavily inspired by something else. I dont mind people taking small inspirations from stuff, like how madoka's art direction might be inspired by stuff like Suspiria(it was actually inspired by an specific soviet type of style but i dont remember it now), but there is a difference between inspiration and just regurgitating what has been done a million times before.

No. 1790634

What kinda stuff would you rather see instead? Just curious.
I feel like monkey wrench could have been better if the characters weren't so fucking ugly or had better voices.

No. 1790644

Something original. If the best idea you can come up with is ''tom and jerry meets bojack'' you dont deserve to make animation or have an opinion on animation.

No. 1790653

File: 1701067536115.jpg (97.66 KB, 606x454, FHDrbSMXoA4A-fg.jpg)

No. 1790657

you cant seriously think any of my examples are somewhat original or interesting. Basic shonen shit like chainsaw man is more interesting than all of that, the bar is that low.

No. 1790669

I don't think they are good at all tbh but I was curious what you wanted to see instead. I know what I wanna see but my interests are so niche and autistic that I'm gonna have to make my own animation to bring it to life.

No. 1790689

> I know what I wanna see but my interests are so niche and autistic that I'm gonna have to make my own animation to bring it to life.
what do you want to see?

No. 1790716

I don't wanna say too much cuz I'm embarrassed (and I don't want you fiends stealing my ideas kek) but the MC is a brutish barbarian woman who gets labelled a hero even though her goals are ultimately selfish. Like, dragons are terrorizing people so she starts killing them, but she isn't doing it to save people, she just loves the taste of roasted dragon meat. She gathers a "adventurer party" but she really just pays people to carry her stuff on journeys. She allies herself with a powerful wizard, not because she wants friendship but because she wants the utilitarian benefits a wizard can offer her. Of course as the story goes on she would get character development and start gaining empathy etc etc.
I know it's autistic plz no bully

No. 1790734

Samefag but a lot of the animation would be focused on fight scenes/boss fights. I just gotta learn to animate.

No. 1790782

Tbh I hate-read lore olympus cos I like pointing out the art mistakes, it makes me feel like I'm learning kek. The artstyle was kind of pretty in the beginning but the broken anatomy, ugly expressions, and characters changing every panel is a learning tool at this point to me at least.

No. 1790821

Lore Olympus is so inspiring to me. Like if something that ugly can become a sensation then maybe there's is hope for my work as well.

No. 1790945

File: 1701090828046.jpg (65.65 KB, 640x802, wod5vsoiyqrb1.jpg)

Literally, because what is this shit. And there's countless more examples of things from mangled hands to ugly character design. Get your bag, I guess. What bothers me is Rachel Smythe wants to call this a feminist retelling while she does it.

No. 1790982

I'd call Lore Olympus is an absolute fluke, but there are so many trashy things out there people will absolutely eat up because they think it's a new take. Rachel got lucky. If she were making this comic at any other time it'd flop.

No. 1791075

Same. This isn't a humble brag or anything but regardless of the quality of my work I wish I had some measured delusional self confidence. Even in the worst hypothesis that my shit sucks and I'm an irredeemable talentless autist, I still got my content out there. I wish I was an animation nepo baby or something I can't believe I have to work my way up this is trash

Genuine question and not bait but who is the Lore Olympus demographic? Who's reading it?

No. 1791085

I think she definitely got lucky with the timing because it meant there wasn't much competition, but it would've still flopped if she had stopped uploading regularly or had a more boring style. It's true that people eat up anything that's a new take on something familiar and if you want your own projects to succeed you should consider that. Right now people want easy entertainment that looks nice without making them think much and simple characters they can project onto

No. 1791123

>gloss is one of the most popular porn artists so it makes sense

Exactly this, basic supply and demand. Regardless of how bad we may think his art is if there's a long line of people waiting to commission him that gives him power to raise his prices. If you only have a handful of people asking for quotes every time you open your commissions then you're in no position to raise prices.

No. 1791263

Probably girls aged 13-17

No. 1791267

File: 1701113636676.jpg (447.81 KB, 1536x2048, jokah minion.jpg)

I am going insane i just want to be able to rendermaxx i spend 1 hours doing the lineart then 60 hours erasing and repaint and erasing and repainting and it never looks good

No. 1791344

File: 1701116493342.jpg (806.46 KB, 1280x1828, Kiki_SB_003.jpg)

what are some high quality guoache/watercolors i can ask for? this fag i am e-dating wants to gift me some stuff and i want to run him dry of his money before i dump him

No. 1791352

you gotta find the right brushes nona
(don't ask me, i'm also struggling with rendering)

No. 1791358

KEK nonna. Here are my recs,if you want some of the best and on the more expensive side
Watercolors: Schmincke, Winsor&Newton (NOT COTMAN, that's their student range), Sennelier, Mijello Mission Gold
Gouache: Winsor&Newton, Holbein Artists Gouache
I'd ask for some 100% cotton watercolor paper while I'm at it too, I recommend Fabriano Artistico or Saunders Waterford. And maybe some kolinsky sable brushes. Might as well go the whole route.

No. 1791364

Double posting because I bought 100 euros worth of 100% cotton watercolor paper because a site had some crazy good discounts. We're talking some of the THICC 640gsm paper that is a joy to work on too. I can't wait to use it! Paper makes the biggest fucking difference, your watercolors can be on the cheaper side but never cheap out on paper!
I want to go digital but it'll be at least 10 more months before I can get a damn ipad and i'm still wondering if it's gonna be worth it.

Also wondering how much Apple is paying Procreate to keep it exclusive to its OS.

No. 1791393

If you plan on rendermaxxing then don't worry too much about your lines or mistakes. They won't matter later, the colors will distract from them. Just finish rendering (polishing the turd as people say) and move on to the next piece

No. 1791410

based queen

No. 1791451

File: 1701122540819.jpg (332.72 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20231127_220251.jpg)

What even

No. 1791457

he has the trade mark bara style, anons that thought he was a girl clearly don't know the difference between how gay men vs women draw because it's very obvious

No. 1791460

What is the difference? Just that bara is drawn more overtly masculine?

No. 1791479

the same difference between how straight men vs women draw women - men often exaggerate proportions and overly focus on certain parts of the body (like boobs, feet, dicks) while women (mostly, there are exceptions of course) focus more on the ~vibe~ and feeling of the characters while the bodies look normal or even more delicate. There more little signs like the certain fetishes he has (like turning objects into sexual things and being a furry) but it’s hard to explain to someone, you just notice the pattern after you look at enough art.

No. 1791485

I honestly hate that that shit story got popular. The fact that people pay her money to keep it up is insane to me.

No. 1791486

I have seen a lot of western female artists jump into the "man booba" trend. Its very gross

No. 1791487

I'm sure if one did a compilation of this and put it in a "vs" type of way, it'd be more noticeable.

No. 1791488

> "man booba"
just wanna say this pisses me off so much , it's not boobs it's PECTORALS for fuck's sake
yes,this makes me irrationally mad

No. 1791489

Man booba is so fucking gay but I stay away because maybe it’s just the new retarded young person thing. God it’s gross though.

No. 1791630

Same, pecs are hotter anyways. If a guy has moobs he’s fat and gross.
Kek I stopped reading around the Minthe arc idk the red skin demon was jealous of her ex (pic quoted) and somehow Persephone is powerful or something. I don't think they’re official yet. The story is pretty flimsy and even with color coded characters I can’t recall their names. Is she the only one keeping webtoons afloat?

No. 1791799

in your guys' opinions, does nsfw art that actually tells a story instead of just being generic waifu-of-the-week (genshit or hololive for some examples) coomer trash sound like it would be appealing in any way? i'm being kinda broad because idk how to describe it but i specialize in more detailed porn and was wondering about whether or not people would want to even see that, compared to what you might see normally.

No. 1791858

Storytelling in illustration is always favored. But those fotm porn 'works' (Works is in quotation because, as anons previously mentioned, there's a sea of copycats who don't get nearly a fraction of the attention the top porn artists get.) because people don't really take time to scrutinize art and just scroll fast.

No. 1791954

i have been dancing around the idea of making yt videos for a few years now (as someone who's pretty mediocre at drawing and streamed here and there in the past): i don't intend to make any kind of money from it or get a large following, so it'd just be a fun side project for me (especially to challenge myself and my consistency more), but i would be very happy if i could build a small community of likeminded individuals from it. is anyone considering the same? do you nonnies think there is anything specific the yt art community is lacking right now?

No. 1792090

File: 1701186293898.jpg (212.66 KB, 1080x1080, 19227403_155468588334145_80121…)

do you have any artists you liked that dropped off the face of the internet or stopped posting?
I just remembered minmonsta, she used to be one of the big copic artists years ago and I like her art even today, although it could be labelled as "generic"

No. 1792115

I’ve thought about it too if only to help me be consistent but for your question I would say I personally like videos like Waffles showing the step by step process or time lapse showing sketches/thumbnails helps too. I also enjoy reviews of products. Sarah Burns has a great series on reviewing gouache for lightfastness and life expectancy (she’s done mold experiments). It also depends if you want to show your face or not too, but I think laid back content is always a need. Less drama more knowledge.
Mark Ulloa seems like a step up from this but still anime style with copic. I remember Elfwood/Elwood back in the day and there were some amazing pencil drawings which I’m sure would be considered mid today lol. A lot my DA faves haven’t updated in years. Theres a certain charm about that style though.

No. 1792220

I've thought about getting into YT my>>1783078
self. I wanted to get into art commentary like >>1783078 and share stories. I know it wouldn't be original but I like listening to art storytimes and I think it might be potentially interesting to share my own stories as an artist in my 30s because most of the ones I come across tend to be younger artists around like 19-23.

No. 1792582

File: 1701211896602.jpg (18.79 KB, 300x391, conceptstuff___run_yellow_boy.…)

Skippymoosh/skippykangaroo. I remember growing up seeing her artwork on Deviantart and being awed at her creature designs. I recall she later majored in fine art at a university where she made more traditional fine art paintings and then just disappeared shortly after. This is one of the few pieces I can find from her DA days and it's from 2004. She made stuff like this when she was in high school which blew my mind as a child. Unfortunately, I can't find any larger images even via archive.org trawling. I feel like it's a shame she doesn't post her work anymore because she had some major potential for a career in creature design.

No. 1793030

moriah elizabeth is dogshit at drawing but managed to become a huge youtuber, i say try it.

No. 1793053

File: 1701231850768.jpeg (64.07 KB, 800x661, annunciation.jpeg)

I will always be sad that my fave harry potter fanartist on lj (mneomosyne) dropped off the face off the earth forever ago. both ehr serious illustrations and her silly ones were amazing, she took a lot of i spiration from calssical art but in a way that suited the characters too. there was a lot of thought put into it.

No. 1793056

File: 1701232009738.jpeg (384.97 KB, 2048x1384, DsNcvH2UcAEY_dn.jpeg)

she came back after going MIA for 2+ years but her style degraded…

No. 1793298

File: 1701264738353.jpg (612.77 KB, 628x843, Mivvu.jpg)

Some anons here really seem to love the starving artist trope

I mean, yeah? If you want to make money you gotta market yourself one way or another. That doesn't make someone bad.

Mivvu. Loved her style but she seems to have deleted all her presence online. You can find a few of her works on some of the boorus but that's it.

No. 1793316

This girl I met through an online art community was amazing. She didn't really post or if she did she kept it far away from everyone. After her major art friend abandoned her to draw porn or something she broke down. They had made all these stories and mini comics of characters. She deleted her only account so no one could contact her. I got worried she killed herself but saw she was online. I just hope she keeps drawing even if I can't see her work anymore. Sometimes I wonder if she browsed LC because we have her language here, some interests in m, and she decently hated men.

No. 1793318

I remember Mivvu, the last things she posted were about King of Fighters 14 and two guys she's liked as a pairing. Then she posted about how she plans to leave the internet and will delete everything and she did just that. I followed her on tumblr and then twitter for a long time because of her Pokemon art.

No. 1793411

File: 1701271875759.jpg (528.57 KB, 800x590, coming_home_by_nuriko_kun_d47x…)

Nuriko-kun / banafria. Used to be big on dA in the early 2010s. Looking back at her work now is really nostalgic to me, she used to be one of my biggest inspirations back then. Particularly her original work/characters were so evocative, I still think she could have made such a cool manga if she kept with it (still i'm curious about the story all these years later)… sadly she gradually stopped posting and then dropped off the internet completely a few years back.

No. 1793627

Got into Attack on Titan because of their fanart, shame they vanished but I always respect artists' wishes.

No. 1793804

Probably the same demographic watching Miraculous Ladybug, teens and pre-teens.

No. 1793822

I also like Lore Olypmus, but I like cheesy romance manwha and manga regardless of how old I am. I like that type of entertainment. I don't bother reading hard in to tropes, so a lot of content isn't ruined for me.

No. 1793837

the same demographic that's reading all of those meme sexy dominant man booktock smut books, I knew a girl in college that was obsessed with both lore olympus and those types of books

No. 1793940

I am in the same boat as you nona, 30s, doing cons, cannot relate to pandemic zoomers who saturated the anime con scene after 2020. Mostly, I hate how Consumer artist alley has gotten. I know, you're supposed to sell things, but the things people are selling have gotten so expensive to produce. Enamel pins, ita bags, clothes, hats, etc. It feels like you can't even get into juried alleys anymore if you just sell prints. It just feels like soulless business, you don't need to be good at drawing to make a pin or bag, and the weebs buying don't care about how the thing looks, as long as it has their favorite character. The generic cute products look like cheap shit from aliexpress or temu.

My advice would be to move away from the anime scene, and focus on comic cons/fantasy cons, which are a lot more welcoming to original art styles. Emerald City, GenCon, C2E2. The competition is much tougher because the artists are insanely good, but it feels less soul-sucking than drawing a hundred acrylic charms to pollute the environment with.

No. 1794072

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Nuri was one of those artists I just followed because I liked her style so much, even if I wasn't into all the fandoms she drew art for (ie. Nirvana in Fire). I even bought her Touken Ranbu Okitagumi fanbook… I really miss her and her art. Really wish we could have seen more of Parashi, she's an artist I often think about and wonder what she's doing/if she still draws.

No. 1794125

you are so right i'm an artist alley regular too and it makes me annoyed how consumerist normies have made congoing. i try to lean into the nostalgia/retro thing and make thing i actually want to see in the alley, the animecore/aesthetic zoomers like it and so do the oldtakus who i can actually talk with. it really depends on your location; west coast really wants the newest big thing and east coast favors old anime.

No. 1795197

nonnie I want an update on what he buys you please and lol

No. 1795462

Is it a bad idea to make a twitter account to dump fanart in this climate? i would love to join fandom but reading the fandom thread scares me kek

No. 1795494

I've multiple twitter fandom accounts(mostly alts) it's not that bad if you keep to yourself and only intract minimal to only fanartists.if you are part of big fandoms you tend to attract gendies and I would recommend limiting replying to them and just discreetly muting them. But it depends what kind of art you want to post

No. 1795535

I'd suggest to dump your art and not engage much with anyone beyond that because even if you try staying out of drama someone else you've talked to once could slip up and now you're suddenly under pressure to release a press statement denouncing them kek but it also depends on the fandom of course. If yours is for any gacha that has english language you're really better off just posting and leaving, it's impossible to identify and block all weirdos who might cause you trouble. Especially because they tend to seethe quietly in their groupchats only to explode on you one day and because having them blocked could already be taken as "evidence" of you being a bad person or whatever.
If you still want to try making fandom friends by interacting and posting more I'd advise you to generally never share anything about yourself when you're making text-only tweets and try not to make yourself seem too friendly/silly or online when posting publically. If someone gets a random callout it's because they're considered annoying or weird first and foremost, everything else is simply piled on top. And if you ever do get one yourself you can literally ignore it. Stay offline for half a week and then continue posting like usual. You can delete the posts in question and apologize if that makes you feel better, but the people pressuring you won't care anyway. If you look up artists who had big callouts made on them you can see that it didn't affect anything but their mental state for that time. The truth is that the percentage of people who care about drama and following the correct people is pretty small but loud and if people follow you for art they'll stay for it too

No. 1795546

I ventured onto nsfw twitter and it didn't take long before I found an artist with almost 1 MILLION followers and 15k+$ monthly usd on patreon…what the hell nonnas, do nsfw really make that much money?
I saw his comm sheet from 2021 and I am mortified at the price/quality ratio
what the fuck, I am shocked, the art is pretty gross imho ….as are most nsfw,I can't believe this

No. 1795548

who is it? post name

No. 1795549

>If yours is for any gacha that has english language you're really better off just posting and leaving
oh noooo, it's for a gacha, ensemble star. Yeah i guess i will post a leave, i dont really look forward making art a job or anything, i just want a space to dump my art and maybe, hopefully find some mutuals.

No. 1795557

File: 1701382862181.png (Spoiler Image,1.85 MB, 1534x2048, P4Ml437.png)

maybe I'm disconnected from the reality that is digital art now, but those prices are ridiculous
I've seen other artists do amazing art for less
coomers ruin everything I swear

No. 1795559

wow, she's terrible. Why does she make so much money? there are miles better generic animu artists out there.

No. 1795563

Sorry Nonnie but how old are you?
NSFW artists making big banks is an open "secret" guess why most artists do furry commission despite not being a furry?
Same with gay moids. The male hornyness knows no limits.

No. 1795580

If moids are willing to pay, I say drain them for all their worth. Bills aren't getting any cheaper.

No. 1795587

>I've seen other artists do amazing art for less
that's the beta artist's fault for not charging more, coomers have nothing to do with it

No. 1795591

I feel like there's always drama with the so called enstarries kek I don't want to imagine the braindead discourse they have. Take care anon, I hope you find some normal friends.

No. 1795599

i already saw someone in the wiki trying to trans my best boy lol. I will try my best not to rage, there have to be normal enstar fans out there…

No. 1795613

File: 1701386739041.jpg (66.96 KB, 927x698, 20230718_144052.jpg)

Nonnies how do you reject a art commission you took on for "exposure" its quite time consuming and I've gotten stuck to hers constant whining how poor she is and can't afford it so I took pity and took her on,now I'm stuck with something that's 30+hours of work how do you politely reject someone? I don't want to work for free she's intending to use it for her streams now(which I didn't agree too) I feel like she's just taking advantage of me(which she is) I just want her to stop pestering me

No. 1795615

why are artists such betas kek just tell her to fuck off

No. 1795618

Apoligize and tell her someone bid a high amount for your time for a large project and you have to prioritize your paying customers, especially at this time of year. Then mute and hide the conversation.

No. 1795803

are you like 14? grow a spine

No. 1795955

THIS. As a commissioner, twitch users have soooo many revenue options, theres no reason there not money aside for their weeb shit, games, food, and not have money for art commissions. You did yourself a disservice and like anon says that I quoted, say you got a big paid bid and unfortunately aren't able to continue free work.

If they throw a fit, I 100% promise you everyone, but her friends, will side with you. E-begging to get free art makes you a community pariah. This thot has absolutely no real stake in it and most likely wouldn't have even tipped you. Probably would mention you once, that it was free, and send more e-beggings cunts to you for free shit too.

Seriously, decline to finish AND DO NOT SEND HER THE WORK YOU'VE DONE SO FAR! People like this will finish it through ai and won't credit you.

No. 1796081

don't be tricked into it anon, very few make it without selling themselves completely. My nsfw art posts used to get 10k likes easy, but that doesn't automatically means money. You can do commissions/patreon but getting porn commission destroys your soul, especially when asked fetish stuff. If you put boundaries like I used to you won't make more than 200 a month. If you wanna make merch it's hard to sell as nsfw content is banned almost anywhere and, well, very few will just hang a picture of drawn porn in their room.
Drawing pron killed my creativity for like a year. You can make it with safe stuff if you're interesting enough

No. 1796084

File: 1701423466768.jpeg (337.19 KB, 1169x1543, 94F98827-5B48-455E-ADFF-A30DFE…)

I would say Miilily/pastelpinkwitch on DeviantArt. When I started drawing, I used to consider her art as the ultimate goal for digital art. She used to do a lot of Owari No Seraph fanarts back in the day, but after a sudden art style shift (that personally I don’t like) now she seems to have disappeared from the internet. This piece is from 2018.

No. 1796087

I would like to start a YT channel as well, but when actually thinking about it, I feel my head empty. Zero ideas about whatever I could talk about or even about what to draw in general.

No. 1796088

Can anyone recommend good Asian artists on Youtube who do tutorials and have subtitles on their videos?

No. 1796137

I really like Naoki Saito, his videos are typically more for beginners and a bit weebish for me personally but I do enjoy how eloquently he explains certain things.

No. 1796219

seconded, i dont know any, especially i want to know their methods of putting light and make high res clear works (with barely no line)
english speaking yt channels researching popular asian artists

No. 1796232

this might help nonnie! he also shared a psd file you can download to practice on

No. 1796239

No. 1796377

File: 1701448750001.jpg (152.12 KB, 1600x1600, ipad air 5.jpg)

So I've decided and I'm thinking of gifting myself an iPad for Xmas because I want to jump on the procreate bandwagon. I'm aiming for the iPad Air 5 2022 10.9 256 gb since I can find it for a decent price (880 EUR is very decent atm and I'm buying it in 12 month installments) .
If I'd have a bugger budget, what would you nonnas recommend? Do you think the one I'm going for is ok? I plan to use it exclusively for drawing.
I know I also have to buy an Apple Pencil 2 , is there any difference between the gen 1 and 2 pencils?

No. 1796392

I don't have anything helpful to add, I hope the tablet turns out to be what you wanted. Have you had the opportunity to try it out before? Making the switch to screen tablets can be difficult

No. 1796403

the apple pencil 1 is pure shit, truly a sin of an idea. It charges via the lightning port, thus potentially ruining not only the ipad port but also the pen itself. Get an Apple Pencil 2.

No. 1796610

I played with some ipads in a store. I've had a screen tablet for a while now so it's not something entirely new, just the iOS environment.
really good to know, so apple pencil 2 is a must

No. 1796733

File: 1701474495013.jpg (52.68 KB, 640x567, i eated it all.jpg)

being self-taught sucks. idk what to do, i feel directionless. im trying to draw more and actively improve my art but i havent picked up my stylus in a while because i feel so overwhelmed. theres so much i have to learn. i wish i had a teacher to guide me but i cant sign up for any classes/courses because i dont have the money. if any of you have advice i would appreciate it, like what are some good resources for self taught artists? and what kind of studies/exercises should i be doing if i want to improve? i dont wanna be a beg anymore, i actually want to start taking my art seriously but i am not a very disciplined person and i tend to get kinda lazy

No. 1796735

samefag i just realized this post is very rambly im sorry kek but i hope you get the gist of it

No. 1796743

At least they're not drawing loli. That's pretty rare for coomer scrotes nowadays.
I've noticed that a lot of popular nsfw artists have vaguely animu styles with simple features, thin lines and 95% rendering.
Moids have proven time and again that they'll happily pay money to jerk it to anything so long as their favorite sex parts are all there. It doesn't even have to be good so long as it's not obviously bad. AI porn is as prevalent as it is purely because a moid's boner doesn't care about freaky uncanny shit like hair melting into clothes, hydra fingers, double-stacked assholes, or pussies without identifiable inner labia or clitorises. As long as there are big, shiny balloon tits, noseless anime babyfaces and shapes that vaguely resemble a woman, they're willing to fork over their cash.

No. 1796773

File: 1701476838249.jpg (231.4 KB, 1000x1370, DUrvH1uVMAAcMtA.jpg)

I loved janrheeee's art. She had a decent-sized following on Twitter and was active in making pieces for zines, taking comms, etc. when she suddenly disappeared off the internet in 2019. I still really love her style and hope she resurfaces sometime.

No. 1796774

File: 1701476971667.jpg (68.06 KB, 750x1047, JJBA Stone Ocean.jpg)

This piece of hers lives in my head rent free. It's so calming but also so cute.

No. 1796888

File: 1701488370410.jpg (802.76 KB, 1399x1302, 1000006017.jpg)

This thread often talks about the negatives of western artists, so I think there should be more recognized given to the good ones. How about talking about some of the good western artists.

For mine, plastiboo has a memorable artstyle that is very different than a lot of artists. I like how creepy it is.

No. 1796911

Ohh this is really cool and creepy, thanks for sharing anon!

No. 1796924

File: 1701494642772.png (1.35 MB, 848x939, image_2023-12-02_162159985.png)

Oh I adore plastiboo, I love how the detail is controlled in his art. I need to get that artbook he worked on.

I personally have a soft spot for babezord (picrel) and cursehole, they both have that sort of feeling that some Alexsandra Waliszcekwa cat paintings have, even though their art skills aren't quite that refined.

No. 1796927

Samefagging, another one is doomaemon.
I think you can tell what type of art I like kek.

No. 1796966

some have good art but why would you want to befriend them? i wouldn’t go farther than following. they’ll turn on you and spread shit the second you do something they don’t like. speaking from experience

No. 1796967

can i make tiktok artist mutuals when im 22 years old? I feel like im too old for fandom proship dni retards but tiktok zoomer fandom artists have such a great community. plus i still feel 17 but will tiktok/insta people think im weird when i turn out to be 22 and a loser neet shut in person

I bumped the thread so i'll add in that procreate dreams was just released, thoughts on ipad users vs pc app users?

No. 1796968

the fact you're the same age as me but still think you're 17 and are unable to use your own judgement to figure it out yourself is not doing ya any favors.

No. 1796972

i want the emotional support of people being happy for me accomplishing my art goals/ liking the same things i do and sharing oc/ip ideas but i guess i could do the latter anywhere but for the first past i need a longer connection

No. 1796973

when did fandom become overrun with kids? i remember when i was 13 in the DA days and i used to get kicked out of every fandom because they were mostly 20+ women who were tired of little kids that traced anime bases like me kek

No. 1796989

make friends for that not mutuals, most of them are just looking for follows

No. 1797056

The easiest way for you would be to download some loomis or anatomy for sculptors or any of the books mentioned in the thread OP and just try to work through them. Copy the drawings and attempt your own freely. Also start doing figure drawing warmups daily. Progress will show slowly, but it's better than doing nothing

No. 1797062

Try it out, I feel like there are many 18+ artists who get famous on there. Just don't entertain longer convos with minors, don't allow them to follow private accounts and don't join their discords. And it sounds like you haven't had that kind of social media experience before, but mutual doesn't mean anything beyond liking each others content. People online act like it's a replacement for genuine friendship when your dearest moot leaves a nice comment once in a while, but it's not.

No. 1797097

Why do you have to announce your age? Is this zoomer etiquette? I've never said my age online kek

No. 1797116

nonna I'm 30+ and considering doing this, I have 0 shame
nobody has to know your real age

No. 1797415

File: 1701548661146.jpg (11.53 KB, 275x197, 1670398198901.jpg)

You have no obligation to say your real age online so don't do it. I had artist friends in high school who pretended to be two or three years younger, they were 17 and they put "15 y.o" in their bios. I never said anything because I wasn't an online artist yet, but they told me that it was quite common for artists to fake their age. Since then I no longer trust the ages that people put in their bios.

No. 1797472

On one hand I understand saying you're younger than you really are to give your art skill more grace but it sounds embarrassing if you eventually make mutuals because then you have to keep lying or come out as someone who is obviously embarrassed by your age or skill. Not having age in bio sounds like the best option, there really is no obligation to give your personal details. Though you could take the opposite route and lie about everything for the internet safety of it all.

No. 1797495

File: 1701555659088.jpg (150.06 KB, 640x448, 09285060db6f31483c5ab3396c8ed1…)

Is it possible to even gain friends in art communities anymore without ass kissing?I'm tired of complimenting other's people's art just to get some interaction and followers it's so joyless and boring. im gonna sperg like a boomer but I felt like making friends back then in the 2010's was so much easier and genuine in art spaces than it is now.everything is so soulless and cold.

No. 1797580

To add to this I hate how so many artists on social media insist that you as a follower of their art have an obligation to like and interact with all of their content so they can keep traction. It's entitled and whiney to the core. I don't want to waste hours of each day giving fake ass compliments to the 200+ accounts I follow.

No. 1797586

File: 1701561207523.jpg (457.64 KB, 1638x1111, 34577532234.jpg)

This might be more cutesy than what everyone else is posting, but I like magnagallina. Her artstyle is cute.

No. 1797651

what an horrendous style

No. 1797696

I've been following them for a while now, their art is really nice

No. 1797708

File: 1701569638209.jpg (355.89 KB, 1280x1810, tumblr_0890d142168b303d539c61c…)

I love the work from this unusually good fnaf artist

No. 1797717

File: 1701569961660.png (1.58 MB, 3718x1906, 1640624948259.png)

that's super cool nonny, i like it. i wish this furfag would draw more fnaf. I am not even into fnaf, but holy shit his animatronics drawings are so detailed and amazing.

No. 1797731

File: 1701570891285.jpg (368.32 KB, 631x900, 43502632_p2_master1200.jpg)

Rae, her mother got very sick and it seems she had to focus all her time into taking care of her. She always put so much energy and time into her art.
That's a shame because this looks so cool.

No. 1797737

File: 1701571213761.jpg (332.56 KB, 1024x776, 45633513_p0_master1200.jpg)

Samefag, but I also miss rvsa, I liked her ink strokes and how she depicted flow and movement into her art. Her explicit work was sexy, without being too porny.

No. 1797755

Isn’t she friends with alt-right moids? Besides she draws ugly bastard porn on her nsfw so ew.

No. 1797756

>Besides she draws ugly bastard porn on her nsfw so ew.
kek i cannot imagine her porn drawn in the style of clone high would get anyone off, but we are talking about moids

No. 1797768

Find people that make art you actually like and you won't have that problem. And I don't think you'll find friends by only talking about art anyway, you need some other shared interests to really talk about and bond over.

No. 1797773

File: 1701574995390.jpg (11.75 KB, 289x297, f6d7ab0c902299c97c6326738c48ec…)

>she draws ugly bastard porn on her nsfw
Well there's another artist I can't enjoy because they draw porn. It would have been okay if she drew cute guys, at least. Ugh I just thought she was into history stuff.

No. 1797785

anon you need to post it now, i am dead curious

No. 1797813

File: 1701579325325.png (Spoiler Image,5.51 MB, 1500x2171, 2758983_literalhat_secure-thre…)

i love literalhat's work and overall work ethic! missing their black and white gore era though

No. 1797819

Literally can't tell what that is

No. 1797821

this is awful, either needs better values or better shape design

No. 1797831

i knew she had weird/nerd/history porn but i didn't know she made ugly bastard porn, dissapointing

No. 1797833

has anyone ever subcribed to an artist's fanbox? this artist i really like has a fb to post his anatomy tutorials and it's not uploaded anywhere, so i was thinking of subcribing

No. 1797857

Do you mean pixiv's fanbox? If so, yes. I've subscribed to a few in the past. Some will allow you to access previous stuff, others you only get what they posted in the month you payed for.

No. 1797861

oh wow that sucks how do you know when you get all the content? also i imagine they dont accept paypal, do they?

No. 1797870

You can use paypal, it just has to be linked to your pixiv account

No. 1797926

pretty sure she stopped, her alt is abandoned

No. 1797964

File: 1701597101332.png (286.88 KB, 581x742, bruh.png)

I'm black and this art has to be one of the stupidest pieces I've ever seen. I can't explain it but it almost feels like they're challenging the audience to get mad for making the guy so unnecessarily dark (so that they can lash back and call you a racist) when the choice just objectively makes no sense. If you want the character to be shrouded in darkness, add a black background. If you want the character to be lit by a source, add sharp highlights (especially for skin this dark, it won't NOT be reflective). It's that simple.

No. 1797967

I'm outing myself a bit here but I'm pretty sure this guy is the second coming of Christ for Genshin coomers. His art sucks ass but it's just a simple case of demand and supply. If anything I'm surprised he doesn't charge them even more.

No. 1797968

i find his ugly bratz lips and his hairstyle more stupid, really retarded character design overall

No. 1797979

Wanna share who it is? I feel like they tried to tranny everyone by now, but maybe i just feel that way cause my boys are very effected. Dann i wish i could see your art and be your normal enstars friend. I am in the need of one

No. 1797988

>Wanna share who it is? I feel like they tried to tranny everyone by now, but maybe i just feel that way cause my boys are very effected.
tsumugi, which is funny to me because he's one of the tallest boys. Who's your favourite
>Dann i wish i could see your art and be your normal enstars friend. I am in the need of one
i wish i could link my twitter! i would love enstarrie friends, specially since the game has cool co-op elementes. I am going to try to find a discrete way to signal i am terf-adjacent on twitter. If you find an artist that draws aoba/tomoya fanart and doesnt have pronouns in bio, that's me kek.

No. 1797990

File: 1701602152031.jpg (115.93 KB, 1200x1200, 61efec71c6e113a36c86ce4164e082…)

It just looks like a raceswap of Choso from asian to african.

No. 1798023

It is, look at the hashtags.

No. 1798026

I don't see a problem with imagening a character in a "what if they were from a different country/were the opposite sex" way unless the artist claims it's canon.

No. 1798037

His skin looks fine imo just the lips look stupid. I wouldn't care if he was drawn with blonde hair and blue eyes (and I doubt you would either) so I don't care if he's drawn black
She's a woman surprisingly

No. 1798053

Honestly, I agree. It's just fanart, literally who cares.

No. 1798057

It looks fine to me, sounds like a personal issue for you or maybe try adjusting your computer monitor.

No. 1798098

Not gonna touch the racebending aspect, but yeah, this is a good example of poor value management in a piece– if it had the same low amount of contrast but was pastel/outright 'over-exposed', it would also probably look flat and be difficult to read, especially at a glance/zoomed out. So yeah, some brighter edge highlights would really help the forms to pop, and a grey/dark colour for the bg would also help (especially if the character is meant to be in low light). The art isn't bad or anything, the artist just needs to work on their lighting and presentation a bit more to polish it.

Related, but I feel like a common issue at the moment with artists (usually beginners, to be fair) trying to depict very dark skin tones is that they try to use near-black values for the local colour of characters drawn in a cartoon/anime/lineart-based style. I understand that they want to depict characters with truly dark skin, but for those kinds of art styles you have to really know what you're doing to pull it off (and usually shade it), otherwise you gotta bump it up a couple shades to contrast with your lines better to improve readability. They're usually doing it for representation reasons, which is fine of course, but if someone tries to explain this aspect of design people flip out kek

(this obviously goes for drawing any super dark/black coloured subject in such styles, unless you want a silhouette effect, hence why black cats or suits in animation are often actually a grey or dark, de-saturated blue)

No. 1798186

nonas who have gone to art schools/studied art and/or design in college, what were your classmates like? we all know art school is pretty much 90% networking and 10% actually learning shit, but were your classmates nice people? good friends, good networking? or were them shitty, unskilled, unreliable?

asking this because i was curious after looking at my own experience in art schools. i've studied in three art schools so far and out of those three maybe one had a pretty expressive number of people who were actually great both as colleagues/friends and as professionals that i still talk with to this day.

but it seems that the usual, at least for the other two art schools i've been in, is that for 50% of the class to be composed of borderline delusional competitive assholes who act like they're in a survival game, and the other 50% are incompetent skylers and aidens who are more focused on drawing their genshin blorbo for twitter and are horrible to work with.

another thing i've noticed is how…overtly mean, entitled and jealous many of those people are. a colleague of mine who's actually a pretty amazing girl (i say colleague because we weren't super close but we sometimes talked in class) managed to win a 6 month internship in some big art school in france or something (this was a few years ago and my memory is ass) and instead of being happy for her victory or at the very least congratulating her most of the class just got really passive aggressive instead and stopped talking to her altogether. that girl interacted with the rest of the class just fine before winning that internship, mind you, which is why that change was so jarring for me to witness.

saged because no salt, just curiosity.

No. 1798287


I didn't go to a school that specialized in art, but did study animation and it was shite. Most of my colleagues don't even pick up a pencil anymore. A lot of em, during my time there, would just repeat what their favorite cartoons were and talk over and over about how great Glen Keane was and the "Disney Renaissance" thinking they were gonna get jobs like those once they graduated.

Every single one of their final animations looked like absolute shit. Others just wanted to go indie and make story time animations on YouTube when that got popular. But nobody actually wanted to study animation as a medium they were just really autistic about their "favorite toons" and waxed poetic about how they wanted to make commentary videos about them. None of em ever put in the effort though.

There was no competition. It was just everyone fumbling around with outdated information and little to no resources. At the very least they were not bad colleagues. I could call some of them my friends even today.

No. 1798290

This was such a loss. I remember her from time to time and miss her art. It was so expressive and unique. Fuck tumblr for running her off the internet.

No. 1798312

I think she stopped but she said "hiatus" which implies a plan to return. idk but I hope not.

No. 1798330

That wasn't AYRT's problem. Their problem was with how stupidly lit the artwork was.

No. 1798357

File: 1701635980267.png (398.35 KB, 825x837, dfgs354dgf.PNG)

The values look fine to me, I can still read the facial expression, and make out things like makeup and beauty marks on the skin. The white background is probably throwing things off, but if the background was darker it would probably read better. Personally I enjoy when people aren't afraid to just color a character unabashedly dark skin like this. Much preferred to when artist make a character greyish brown because they want them to be dark, but they still want their lines to be read. And so often I see characters who skin are so white I trouble figuring out where their skin ends and their sclera begin without much of a fuss kicked up, seeing the opposite almost feels like a breathe of fresh air.

No. 1798369

I installed Infinite painter today on my S6 lite and I'm very impressed with it, I messed a bit with ibis paint and HiPaint before but I'm really liking IP, so many brushes and settings, I hear this is a procreate dupe.
The reviews say it has a lot of bugs and I really hope I won't encounter those.
I'm surprised this app isn't more popular,one thing procreate has going for it is the huge community that creates resources.

No. 1798374

Yes but your picrel works well because the eyes and collar contrast with the skin and hair to give this very cool, striking effect. A dark, blobby silhouette is just as bad as those stupid pale-skin, white-haired anime girls with no colour or contrast, it's just two opposite ends of the spectrum. Hence why the original artwork looks so bad. No variation, no nothing.

No. 1798379

My art school experience wasn't the best because I am diagnosed autist. That being said, there were quite a few nice people but I also felt a lot the social dynamics were incredibly cliquey. It felt like a lot of people would avoid socializing with those who weren't as skilled or who didn't share the same sociopolitical views. I guess that also stems from this whole unhealthy competitive atmosphere my school had. Professors were often old men who would go on and on about the harshness of the art world and many of them crossed boundaries and played favorites with students. When I think about it now, I think this sort of competitive classroom setting contributed a lot to this cold social atmosphere.

No. 1798385

I'd just have to disagree. I would say to people having trouble reading either, to cover up the white/bright negative space with you hands or something as the background washes out and distracts from the overall image.

No. 1798549

This always ticks me off because you’d never have a problem reading the expression or literal features of a real person with skin this dark. (Unless in photography, not irl, the photographer is full retard or malicious) There is always natural a contrast. It’s almost like this is a harmful stereotype that needs to be unlearned kek

No. 1798622

ayrt and I also think characters like your picrel can look stunning, but it also has much better use of contrast and 'reads' much better. I didn't mean that I couldn't make out the facial expression or the finer details of the original, just that it's indistinct when it doesn't need to be due to poor presentation choices/lack of knowledge. The artist is a beginner so it's not really a problem and they're on the right track. It's not a huge issue either, I just thought it was an interesting technical aspect to discuss here.

>so white I trouble figuring out where their skin ends and their sclera begin

kek this bugs me too. I've seen it work in a couple styles where the character is essentially depicted through negative space, but yeah most of the time it just looks awkward.

No. 1798702

File: 1701661330986.gif (232.88 KB, 400x300, 1688843694014084.gif)

help me nonnies where do i find hot pictures of men so i can do figure drawing sessions? i got tired of line of action and all the ugly gendies/fat moids/old moids so i pirated a custom gesture drawing app to pick my own refs but i cant find any. I tried pinterest but all the pictures there are cropped or low quality. Is there a tumblr blog or page where i can find what i am looking for?

No. 1798709

> I tried pinterest but all the pictures there are cropped or low quality
can't you try to lens it for a higher quality one? or maybe that's more complicated than neccesary idk

No. 1798713

This looks like the artist only watched tutorials for painting skin and put no clear light in any other parts of the drawing
also maybe its just me but the collar looks too dark and the lighter part too dull, the piercings could also look a bit shinier/lighter, also she could have used some of the clear tone she used for the hairclip in the hair that falls to his face.
Otherwise i think its a nice drawing but i don't think its meant to be a detailed piece

No. 1798716

File: 1701662485121.jpg (533.37 KB, 800x1038, 1000006064.jpg)

This guy's work is pretty cool. It looks almost like a mosaic. He's from Mexico I think.

No. 1798719

Pinterest is good. The website https://freephotomuscle.com/ is good for drawing muscular men, though I only use them for the bodies. For the face, I use Pinterest

No. 1798722

File: 1701663459605.png (208.63 KB, 1000x1000, 1696455860621.png)

oh shit this good nonny, thank you so much. Now i need to find a site like this for skellies/twinks.

No. 1798723

Was just about to link that too, really like freephotomuscle because they do silly/goofy shoots which is a nice break from more serious/reserved or blatantly horny references. What search terms are you using on pinterest? I usually have good luck with modelling shoots and sport/dance photography

No. 1798727

just male photography, i have no idea what other terms to use

No. 1798728

In my humble opinion. this artist is just doing that sort lazy thing that artists do a lot on the internet where they want to draw a person and don't bother to make a background or whole image or anything. and it looks kinda weird because the whites of his eyes are dark, implying a shadowy setting, but the artist didn't bother to draw any kind of a setting. so all the very smart and insightful feedback about adding texture to the clothing or tasteful chiaroscuro to make the composition come together are kinda wasted on this dumb quick sketch because this person just wanted to draw a hot 'alt black boy' and then quit

No. 1798786

File: 1701667938200.jpg (955.09 KB, 2400x1200, nBx0ss6g9k.jpg)

Benjamin Vierling, the artist who did the cover art of Joanna Newsom’s Ys.

No. 1798820

oh boy at my illustration/animation program at a state college anyone decent were in their own cliques, meanwhile there were plenty of students who were just an utter mystery why they were even there. it was a struggle trying to network because a good majority were objectively not skilled enough to be doing an art degree and/or severely socially inept. some would get downright upset that they had to actually draw for their art classes. these people would literally get mad at professors for assigning them portfolio building type homework and expecting them to keep sketchbooks. it was like they expected art skill to just be handed to them. honest to god id see anime cat boy ocs submitted for assignments. i saw a girl paint those shiny anime cheeks that look like giant zits in figure painting.
often i’d meet students who were so opposed to any critique or criticism from classmates and professors they ignored it and learnt nothing or took it like a personal attack. a guy in my group project presented the rest of us with 20+ basically identical character concepts that were not in our agreed upon style that were just 3/4 view family guy characters with minor details changed. he said he wanted to be a character designer and i told him about the basics of character design and what the job would entail (this was a 300 level class) and how these were not going to work; he did not change them at all for the final submission and was so butthurt he rated me 0/100 on the project review. i was in the program’s extracurricular club and we’d swap sketchbooks at a mixer and I got someone’s badly traced pictures of spider-man in a ruled notebook. these people needed a babysitter not a professor.
i regretted going there because of the lack of standards in my peers making networking a fucking joke but i graduated debt free and i’ve got a career in art. after i left they instated portfolio reviews before being allowed to formally enter the program; i assume because even the professors took note of similar students.

No. 1798846

Why is it that I can sit on a finished piece of art for a few days and scour it with fresh eyes, but then see mistakes in it mere moments after posting it

I mean 10k people have liked something I posted on Twitter but fuck, the leg I drew a bit too long or the eyebrows I forgot to color in are really doing my head in

No. 1798851

I was in an animation course for a short while and it was mostly bored rich kids who didn't have a clear idea of what to do. Some were just artsy normies and other annoying little hypebeasts. Had no idea why they were in the course, it still cracks me up how they barely knew how to draw but were really mean and judgmental. Then you had the ghibli girls, who were very skilled, very woke too. Still nice to work with. Then the aidens, i used to mock them in my head but they were actually really nice to me, how ungrateful.. They happened to be pretty skilled and good at what they were doing (furfaggotry with nice lineart). Then you had a couple male animation nerds (also pretty sympathetic) with varying levels of skill. Now we were all very young so i imagine the people who were really into it have progressed since. I loved the competition but as another nona said i struggled a lot with the cliques. It was like i was back in middle school. I never fit in anywhere, and i suspect other women in the course also struggled with autism (we were a bunch of weebs, after all). It truly depressed me how they were either aidens or came out during the year. Actually, not just awkward autie girls, there was this stunning talented butch lesbian who ended up trooning out too. Most teachers were male and a couple were absolute coomers who just couldn't shut up about it.
We had solid training but it was a money trap for people who didn't get into state schools because they're so in demand. Total waste of money and expensive education was a dead-end for a poorfag like me anyways.
tldr; don't go to art school unless you're sure you can get into a school that is actually good for networking.

No. 1798928

i tried to join some furry rp game at 18 and i never put my age because i thought i was too old then too and i thought back then i came off as a creepy oldfag because no one followed me back on deviantart after drawing their characters and leaving comments… so i left like the neurotic retard i am

No. 1799041

I took concept art for video games at UK college, which is 16-18 so a step below university, but it was mostly shut in moids obsessed with league of legends and whatever, and the few girls were weebs, furries or tif types. One girl was even all 3. Most of them weren't good at things like perspective and anatomy. I expected this to some degree sure but not most of the entire class, so that really sucked.

No. 1799049

I don't use search terms, by scrolling around I find stuff that I then save, and I then I click on those images to find similar images. That way, I get a higher concentration of pretty male faces. There is an image search option on some photos that is helpful.

No. 1799077

>Who's your favourite
I am a ValkyrieP and you know the rules, boys can´t enjoy feminine clothes without being women…

I put an anon email in the /g/ friend finder thread, so you can write me there and we can exchange accounts If any other enstars nonnie feels up to it you can message me too.

No. 1799110

sent a DM, thanks for making an email nonny

No. 1799242

Those types of people are based though, surprised the tifs would be bad at drawing though since they dont go outside

No. 1799253

me after telling ic moids they need to read loomis and do draw a box every day

No. 1799257

i hate those retard loli im so silly and such a loser femcel ms paint artists theyre all troons and underage girls

No. 1799263

File: 1701712460833.jpg (113.73 KB, 1024x768, 20210214-DSC05010-1024x768.jpg)

this site is amazing thank you so much

No. 1799287

anyone else contemplating suicide because their art is skilled but gets absolutely zero love while autistic zoomers get so much love from everyone

No. 1799303

No, because I’m an adult with a life and my existence doesn’t hinge on getting likes on the internet.

No. 1799321

You mean shut ins are based in terms of art? I can see it, if they're just drawing their husbando 24/7, but I can also see them just doing it for the coom and not bothering to learn the fundamentals.

No. 1799327

No.because I do art for myself, Why the fuck should I care a deku kinner gendie zoomer thinks of me? besides being a zoomer myself kek the algorithm sucks if you want engagement try following clout make popular stuff and then sneak in your own originals follow artists and reach out join communities.but if you're truly happy with your so called talented art you wouldn't care how many likes you get

No. 1799453

I've had luck with pinterest and searching for chinese / asian men for twinks,I'm sure there are skellies too
pic not really but maybe related, cute chinese boy

No. 1799455

File: 1701725478195.jpg (64.88 KB, 736x1000, 04322e450f4538cc8fa2b029ebe640…)

oops, dropped my pic

No. 1799514

This is relevant to my interests.

No. 1799537

File: 1701732021497.jpg (43.89 KB, 520x716, ec73b545149936b48cb87759723b02…)

oh I'm glad to hear, search for "chinese man reference" , "chinese man manhwa" , click on any pin and enjoy the pinterest rabbit hole of cute twinks to your heart's desire kek
here's some pins to get you started
just be careful, pinterest is a REALLY slippery slope

No. 1799538

double posting because I'm a tired idiot and forgot to ask:
> i pirated a custom gesture drawing app
what app was it?

No. 1799739

gesturedrawing! it's on artstation but you can ask around on ic for a free copy

No. 1799754

Does anyone else think about digitally disappearing in the art sphere sometimes?

Lately, I've been getting really nervous because a few posts of mine have gotten more attention than I ever thought before because I assume a big account found my drawings, I've been getting following notifications for a few days now. It makes me really nervous, especially since I keep to myself and I don't really want to "be out there" due to all the retarded fandom shit and the fact I have no desire to take commissions or sell stuff, I just want to sperg out drawing fanart for the kind of niche games and characters I like to a small crowd. I thought about finally stopping using social media for art a few times, but each time I've caved because someone talked me out of it, but now this is really worrisome to me. Sorry for being a bit of a paranoid sped.

No. 1799868

huh what do you mean

No. 1799986

Currently going to school for design to get into web/app design and I'm astonished at how unemployable most of my classmates are. It feels like no one knows what they want to do with their degree, or what they want their career to be. Many want to be freelance and make money off of their "identity". Some straight up admit they want to be art influencers. One guy unironically wants to be a VA and specifically wants to do voice work on indie animation projects like Hazbin Hotel (he cited this series by name). A lot of these people don't have good design fundamentals and don't know how to use Adobe CC despite it being a requirement for class (and by extension, the field). Most of my classmates don't engage in class discussions and most of the time it feels like its only me and a few others are carrying the class. People only perk up when someone mentions the current meme or trend in class. While the behavior hasn't been as bad as what you other Nonnies are describing, there's still an air of pretentiousness that comes from my classmates. They want to get better to pass the class, but not to thrive in the industry, they have no drive to learn, grow, or adapt. I try to connect with my classmates for networking but most of these people just don't want to. It's like they want to become the broke artist stereotype. I get that I'm a little bit older than my classmates so it might be a maturity issue, but still. I'm also still at community college so I wonder how much worse it will get when I transfer to a university.

No. 1800001

I had the same feeling when I was studying design. It didn't actually bother me that much because I realized I wouldn't have to fight for a job after graduating since barely anyone else had even a basic grasp of programs we were supposed to work with lol and when you're the one person who cares the teachers notice and you're instantly the favorite and have the best connection with them.

No. 1800008

I kind of understand you. I personally delete most of my side accounts shortly after they gain 5-10k followers. It stops being fun when the numbers get to your head and suddenly 1k likes isn't enough anymore and you start doubting your abilities even though you know the attention is random. If you don't like being online then don't be and if you want a smaller crowd you can remake the account. But if you don't talk much about yourself on your account you should be fine, even people who draw "problematic" subjects can fly by if they don't come off as annoying and the fandom itself is small

No. 1800129

nonna, when i get overwhelmed what i do is disable notifications and download an extension like Better Twitter which hides metrics like followers, likes, retweets, etc. i have 20k+ followers myself but i literally just post art and don't interact with anyone, even my profile is blank with just an old pic of my oc as the profile picture, and it suits me just fine.
plenty of times a piece of mine blows up and i kind of want to delete it because i get embarrassed that so many people are looking at my mistakes but i think of people like >>1792090 and figure it would be a shame to delete what a lot of people ultimately enjoyed.

No. 1800225

Shit like this is why every time I see someone saying that "art college is for good networking!" I roll my eyes. The only decent networking I've gotten were the teachers and the odd industry professional invited to do a speech or workshop here and there, because my classmates are good for absolutely nothing. More than half of them can barely use Photoshop, have an absolute abysmal sense of artistry and design (their presentations literally look like the "graphic design is my passion" meme and I WISH I was joking) and they're usually either extremely immature twitterfags or have their heads up their asses. Or both. I think maybe in my entire YEAR there's like 5 or 6 people who are actually worth something or at the very least are actively trying to become real professionals, because the rest is genuine trash.

No. 1800239

thanks nonna, I hope you have fun drawing cute guys

No. 1800250

why are chinese artists so damn good at coloring? i know we've already been over russian artists and how they're absolute masters at fundamentals because of very strict art schools, is it the same with chinese artists? i know incels try to make this a race issue as if asians are inherently better at art. what do you guys think? is it a genetical predisposition, different work culture, better art schools? i don't think it's really a race thing considering there's a shit ton of mediocre animu art with rendermaxxing and chinese artists usually mog the japanese or korean artists but maybe they just happen to be way more hardworking and ambitious? just better at learning? i'm gonna kill myself if this is an IQ issue

No. 1800256

I think it's a matter of competition. In those countries the population tends to be inserted into a very competitive environment either by society or by the government itself, which in art tends to result in extremely skilled artists at a very young age. Much like how in Russia you have the soviet-style learning in art schools where you are pushed to perfection due to Cold War ghosts in which you needed to be the best to prove that your country was superior, in China it's much the same + the fact that you need to somehow distinguish yourself in a population of billions who's extremely ambitious.

No. 1800260

i wonder if we're also nitpicking here, i doubt the average chinese is that good at drawing. out of such a big population, there's bound to be more prodigies

No. 1800265

Ah yeah, I was definitely generalizing in my comment. I meant to say that since there's so much competition and so many people to compete with, then a young chinese artist might be more fiercely pushed towards becoming the best and most unique artist they are able to become. They're not competing with the average chinese but with other chinese artists, which considering the population number…would still be quite the expressive number.

No. 1800318

I'm the anon from >>1799986 and I couldn't agree more. I'm mostly in school to network with the teachers and other faculty. A lot of the teachers I've had worked or currently still do work in the industry and I want to get insight on what does or doesn't work (and maybe get a job). I'm not opposed to networking with my classmates but most of them are unskilled or insufferable to be around (or both).

No. 1800456

No. 1800475

There's definitely a ton of social pressure. I have a relative who lives in China and loves art, but she's more of the "daydreaming with a sketchbook for fun" type than a professional career artist. A lot of her family heavily frowns upon her casual hobby approach and says that she should either go all in and take things seriously or find something more productive to do. It's not acceptable to be an amateur

No. 1800482


this is all so true and it's sad as hell. i have a friend from when i did art school years ago who was born and raised in china but later moved to the usa and she was by far the most dedicated and skilled person in the entire class, her work was phenomenal, but she was also incapable of drawing for fun. it took her years to even start accepting the idea that it was okay to draw amateur work for fun and that her creations didn't need to be god tier masterpieces 24/7. she'd tell me how her parents would never allow her to paint or draw "low quality work" because it wasn't worth "wasting her skills and their money on it" (she did a lot of traditional work, mainly oil painting). as a result she literally became a masterpiece machine but could never engage with art in a fun or relaxed way, she was basically trapped.

No. 1800504

yeah I heard the same sentiment. A story that makes me mad is that this woman likes to do quick sketches of people and things that she sees outside, and she sometimes gives the art to the person who inspired her… and some family members criticize her and say she's inconveniencing people by handing them unsellable worthless work. She has such a sweet creative spirit but all people think about is the economic value

No. 1800517

What happened? I thought she just stopped posting for her own personal reasons.

No. 1800534

File: 1701807994937.png (1.06 MB, 1007x673, siqVAoh.png)

Is there an alternative to vgen? Since the site stopped being selective with the artist batches, the quality has gone down so much.

No. 1800580

Damn it's been the opposite for me, though I'm south asian and while the overachiever mentality is still very much present I wonder how much of a difference that makes. My family have been pushing me to keep art solely a hobby, and are only starting to take it seriously now that they know there are "serious" expensive art schools and different career paths you can take

Repost because I'm dumb

No. 1800594

Why does the overall quality matter? Do you expect to get customers from there instead of your social media?

No. 1800600

i downloaded krita but i'm so unused to it i kind of hate it
i just got too used to pts but i think learning to use krita would be good idk
do any of you use krita? do you have any fave features or something?

No. 1800701

I went from Sai to Krita a long time ago and also found it painful to use because I couldn't figure out how to get that nice blending brush everyone had on Sai.
David Revoy / Pepper & Carrot artist has a lot of Krita brushes on his site and made the transition a lot smoother.
I'd say my favorite features are just being able to use other filters or layer modes. FOSS and Android app are also a plus.

No. 1801223

Sorry, I was asking as someone who commissions art, not as an artist. Probably the wrong thread to ask in

No. 1801305

try Reddit, artist tree, or maybe browse the"art commissions open" tag or some varieties of that on twitter or Tumblr

No. 1801544

did kelsey rodriguez and lilstarnerd have a falling out? around the 10min mark on this video kelsey mentions starting a new podcast (she abandoned her last podcast, make art dont starve) as her last one ended for 'various reasons'. the way she said it sounds very loaded.

No. 1801573

Isn't the networking MEANT to be with the teachers and other faculty members? They are the ones with experience and connections, there is nothin of worth you can get out of fellow students who are on the same blank stale as you.

No. 1801684

nta but in art school i was always told to put effort in networking with my fellow classmates. the teachers called it a "future bet", as in, if by chance anyone in the class makes it big in the industry you'll have networked with them and therefore you can reach out more easily.

like, i get it but i also find it stupid because the chances of that happening are stupidly slim.

No. 1801710

There's no telling what happened, lilstarnerd doesn't seem to mention it at all. One comment on this video is telling Kelsey she's overthinking it and that she's trying to manage a version of herself that doesn't exist yet, thinking like a businesswoman. Honestly, having listened to part of this video, she seems like she's just going to be doing the same shit (wants to make her OWN podcast, keep making courses and dumb templates).

Rather than just making art, she wants to use art as a means to an end because she's not creative-minded enough to pull off being more than a youtube artist, rather than being an 'artist on youtube'. She will not change, she will not improve, she's just reiterating the same bullshit she's been doing since she got on the scene, only this time she'll probably be left behind because she won't be relevant making the same shit over and over. Especially if her art itself is nothing to write home about.

I feel a little bad for lilstarnerd, she's clearly the better artist in this deal and yet she's got less subs because she's not regurgitating 'art business advice' for the masses. Then again it's good she's gotten away from kelsey

No. 1802262

File: 1701936745260.png (423.03 KB, 738x495, mossa cringe.png)

this new trend of pedo moids showing off how they all draw diverse/old/ugly men but only draw cute/young women is so fucking cringe. If only more women would react with the opposite(diverse women, cute/young moids) but they are all pickmes so they respond with their waifubait and ugly moids, as handmaiden pickmes do

No. 1802265

I remember that she drew young boys getting raped by older men, like Jesus that was horrid appearing.

No. 1802281

mossa isnt female nor draws men

No. 1802289

File: 1701942578892.jpg (242.5 KB, 1024x1001, 1685857659647153.jpg)

The year is almost over nonnies. Did you improve this year? did you overcome or found a new obstacle in your art journey? what are your goals next year?
my goal next year is to draw a full piece each month.

No. 1802306

File: 1701944442105.jpg (8.24 KB, 259x194, download (5).jpg)

>still alot to improve but im glad to finally learn how to render hair
>learned photobashing to work faster
>got a major gig for a good company
>colors improved alot
>found myself a niche community that i like
>animation improved
>my work was used in a game
>finally can draw husbando the way i want to
>some nice art mutuals
i would say this year was very pleasant even with numerous times i was with art burnout and depression, i hope to improve more next year and to appear in a music video and more indie games

No. 1802342

Mossa isn't a woman but he has drawn boys before. He doesn't do it often but yeah

No. 1802384

File: 1701955223194.png (217.76 KB, 587x592, bleak.PNG)

Reminded me of picrel that I saw earlier today. So fucking cringe I need the old man propaganda to die out

No. 1802385

File: 1701955263913.jpg (3.7 MB, 2480x3508, GAtUvV-aAAAQkru.jpg)

Double-posting but I don't even know what to make of this. Why are people so scared of old women

No. 1802398

fucking bleak, meanwhile men get isekais where they marry 15yos

No. 1802408

File: 1701957737792.jpg (27.97 KB, 554x554, GAuhS75bQAAOReu.jpg)

I don't think I want to see the inverse of that either kek it's just weird that now post-wall men are getting pushed stupidly hard in weeb stuff too when they are already praised in every other type of media

No. 1802413

File: 1701958202567.jpg (329.84 KB, 1200x800, 2016-10-19-catsfull.jpg)

>Made merch. I always avoided making it due to lack of self confidence but people like my merch so hey!
>Improved the shading and rendering on how I draw hair
>Took a break from drawing furries. They're rich as fuck and I managed to live off from it but I wanted to focus on my stuff
>Made art friends that aren't pickmes nor artstation wannabes
>Deleted instagram and I'm trying to get my twitter community to join my Telegram art channel. I like platforms without a "timeline", on telegram I only follow shit I like without some shitty for you nor sponsored pages.
>Got new followers by drawing fanarts of shit I actually like and realized I stopped clout chasing by drawing the fotm husbandos/waifus.

Proud of me! It can only get better!

No. 1802418

>I don't think I want to see the inverse of that either kek
i do

No. 1802433

Then start making it I guess

No. 1802656

Started to but then i fell off hard because my mentally ill ass cannot commit to something even if it's some paper and a pencil goddamn

No. 1802664

Did you nonas see that meta posted news about their ai which used images uploaded to fb and ig? I knew they were already doing it but it was in the back of my mind and it just feels so shitty. I want to have a place to share my art and pictures with family but knowing all of it fed their stupid generators makes me feel so bad. I don’t have many followers or run a business so I could just leave but I want to feel connected. A lot of my friends have said they’re happy seeing my posts or ask me what’s up if I don’t post art for a while and that alone makes me happy but idk… I just want to leave and delete everything even though it’s too late by now

No. 1802683

If you read the terms of service for those sites you would see that you don’t own the images uploaded to those sites a majority of the time in the first place.

No. 1802729

Post a preview of the link, anons don't want to click random links. This is an imageboard.

No. 1802751

Wtf spoiler that shit, go read the rules and user guide retard

No. 1802753

That’s a really low res image but something looks kinda off and weird about it. Could be a deepfake.

No. 1802759

No. 1802760

You are a retard and a newfag, sorry. That's just a redheaded woman being raped on camera and it's someone's idea of a joke to title it "cyarine sextape", maybe even someone harassing her, and you have the mind of a scrote for believing it for even a second.

No. 1802763

Yes, I am a retard and a new fag sorry for trouble in the board low quality

No. 1802772

I hate this. The same mindset as zoomers who think 30 years old is middle aged.

No. 1802782

for some reason, this makes me very angry
Ew. When I was 22 I would have liked to date a 30+ man (brainwashed by movies) . Now at 30+ I want to date younger men lol.
This whole "much older man" & young girl who's barely 20 shit needs to stop.

No. 1802787

reminds me of that "I will Survive with Potions" anime where the mc gives a "youth potion" to a female knight to restore her youth.. when she only looked late 20's? And she was restored to looking like a middle schooler. Men: Yes, yes, much better

No. 1802986

how much do those of you who make nsfw art charge for comms?

No. 1803449

File: 1702010949502.jpg (83.49 KB, 1080x1080, d9209bd362f2d723389640def7a2f1…)

does anyone know what ibispaintx brush looks similar to the lineart in this pic? I'm trying to go for a similar style.

No. 1803484

>I immediately pinned her for a furry. Like to the point of pointing and going "FURRY" before she even got a "hello" out.

No. 1803536

I'm considering going back to posting my drawings on social media, but I'm in doubt about whether I should go for a brand new twitter acc or instagram…
For additional context, I have an ig profile that I started many years ago (abandoned, but it still has followers), while I only use twitter to RT stuff. Like, my actual posts there had very few interactions.
What do you nonnas think?

No. 1803689

Post on the site you like more. Insta is easy if you do it with a proper schedule, twitter is completely random.

No. 1803784

instagram sucks in my opinion, and the artists feel more generic and less creative than in shitter

No. 1803848

is it worth it to have a tumblr art blog in 2023 anymore?

No. 1803857

That's such a stupid question. You decide if it's worth it for you. You can get popular there if there's a niche you fit into or if your art has general appeal, but you'll never get crazy numbers like on twitter, insta or tiktok because there are just less people on tumblr

Kek in that case wouldn't it better to post on there if the competition is as generic as you say

No. 1804258

Yes, if you market it right. You'll get less followers but more engagement from people who want to give you money for your art. Stockpile WIPs, sketches, color tests, studies, and some finished pieces so you always have something to upload, reblog your older posts every couple of months too. For some reason WIPs and sketches always do well, usually better than finished pieces. Good luck nonna!

No. 1804322

i made a tumblr a month ago to post my art, but i dont even show up in notes or tags. wtf do i do lmao

No. 1804344

You might be shadowbanned. Happened to me too, but you can solve it by tweeting at them or sending a ticket and waiting like a week for a response.

No. 1804457

Nonnas help I can’t find a tutorial I had saved to get more interesting colors in a finished art piece by editing some settings for colors. Does anyone know the one? I feel retarded I can’t even think of what settings it was talking about.

No. 1804470

was it about gradient maps perhaps

No. 1804491

No it was like the curves tool or something similar

No. 1804525

That's not specific at all. Try fucking around with the curves tool by yourself then

No. 1804619

File: 1702089778344.jpg (82.93 KB, 662x1005, jihum.jpg)

This artist who used to post stylish bubbline

No. 1804623

File: 1702090043827.png (915.41 KB, 900x900, 1229803713381847040.png)

This talented UT artist hasn't posted in a long time either. At least their social media is still up

No. 1804633

Am I supposed to practice fundamentals all at the same time or do I have to spend weeks practicing only one of them?

No. 1804745

whatever is easier for you anon. I do a bit of all of them every day.

No. 1804968

What program should I use to edit videos for SpeedPaints? I use obs to record but not I have like 8 separate videos I have to put together and fasten but no idea how.

No. 1805047

hi nonitas, sorry if this has been asked before but i haven't spotted it in the past thread or so.

considering the current fanzine scene, would you be willing to join one as a contributor or mod? i've noticed that the zine scene has shrunken a bit compared to a year or two ago and many of my artist friends who used to participate in multiple zines now barely even apply to one or two. i myself used to be a lot more willing to apply to zines, i've been features in nearly 30 zines so far, but nowadays…i don't know, i don't feel the drive to commit to a fanzine project anymore. i haven't seen a single project that has caught my eye.

No. 1805429

File: 1702149911013.jpeg (1023.8 KB, 1170x1354, IMG_5336.jpeg)

Based professor

No. 1805465

Sorry if this has been asked a lot, but does anyone have any advice for easing back into art, specifically portraits and human figures, as an adult? I grew up doing a shitload of art, going to the brutal communist-style classes, applying for art schools, etc but due to some BS not worth getting into I did a hard U-turn and went to school for something completely unrelated. Needless to say that pretty much killed my desire to make art for a very long time. I still remember the basics and I've got my old books, but obviously my skills have degraded a lot and for a while it was very emotionally draining trying to draw anything. In particular, I have this irrational aversion to drawing people or anything stylized when before that's almost all I drew. It feels like there's this monumental skill threshold for drawing appealing, anatomically-correct human figures from memory, especially stylized ones, that I'll just never reach, while things like plants or even outdoor scenes are much more attainable subjects for me right now. Should I just focus on the easier stuff because it's enjoyable and also worth pursuing mastery in, or try to exposure-therapy my way back into what I used to do? I was never a prodigy and I'm most likely not gonna do art as a career so I don't care about rendermaxing or whatever; it just feels like a part of me has been missing for a really long time and I want to get it back.

No. 1805492

Ahhh nonas I really wish I had art friends (that actually draw), the grind feels a bit hopeless sometimes

No. 1805494

perfect description for most gay moid "art".

No. 1805501

was it related to light and curves?

No. 1805581

What was the assignment, to draw some janky looking drag queens? If so, A+…

No. 1805604

was it a video or an image?

No. 1806199

i don't understand how are some people studying medicine, engineering and still able to push high quality art on a regular basis. idc if they're chinese, it just makes no fucking sense to me like when do they get all the time to study a lot and then also practice a lot of art because for some reason they're all prodigies too and draw amazing art. this is the type of shit that makes me feel inferior, not a pro artist that is dedicated only to art, but people who are able to juggle jobs or an university that is basically very very demanding, but still able to pursue art on a high level

No. 1806241

It's because most of those people have wealthy or supportive parents and they don't do chores. I've met a few people who are like what you described and besides juggling school and their good art they don't do anything else. One of them couldn't figure out how to make instant ramen because she's never cooked or even turned on a stove a day in her life. These people also have the personality of drywall.

No. 1806251

im a med student and studying 2-3 hours a day was enough for me to get good grades. Med being hard to study is moreso about how tiring, stressful and hard it is rather than the workload. A lot of profs will advise you to have a hobby to cope with stress actually. Until your last year, you have quite a lot of freetime.

No. 1806263

you mean this tutorial posted in the previous thread?

No. 1806294

This won't be the case for everyone, but studying STEM actually helped me a lot with my art in two major ways: 1) I was already in the mindset and rhythm of study, so learning art theory and practising it was just an extension of that, while also feeling like a break because it wasn't the usual academic research, and 2) I drew things involved in my field of study– lots of intricate diagrams and cross-sections, which helped me then understand how to better portray a similar subject in a more illustrative way after researching things like composition and colour/light theory and visual storytelling techniques. All those old masters doing dissection studies were onto something, reducing a subject to its inner workings can be very helpful sometimes, which I feel a lot of art advice glosses over (not all of it obviously, there's some great stuff out there, but a lot will only show form breakdowns or how to make something look convincing, even if inaccurate).

I am a very technically-minded artist and always have been though, so all of these things just clicked for me by teaching myself in this way compared to how I was taught art in school, which was too feelings-based and wishy-washy for my sped brain kek

No. 1806338

this makes me feel genuinely stupid and low iq, my brain can only focus on a task for a short time before i get burned out. honestly you guys amaze me

No. 1806347

I doubt you're either of those things anon, you might just still need to find a method that's right for you or focus on slowly working your way up to spending more time on a given task to up your stamina before burning out. Also remember that everyone has their bad days or gets rusty or burns out, you just don't always see it (some outright try to pretend it doesn't happen, too)

Art's a marathon, not a sprint. You'll get there in time.

No. 1806353

Man sometimes I feel stupid for choosing Design as my major, but at the same time I can't see myself doing anything else.

Don't get me wrong, I love art and design and like I said I can't see myself working with anything but those things, but my approach to design is so wildly different from what's usually taught and displayed that I can't help but wonder if I'm doing it wrong or whatever. I se design in a much more logical and scietific lens but people around me only ever see it as an art-adjascent which…is not wrong, but at the same time it's not right either, because design and art are two different things.

Well, I just hope that I'm able to find a job that allows me to explore design in a way that's closer to my vision. If I have to study any more about how to make "generic supermarket food company retail logo on illustrator" one more time I'll fucking a-log.

No. 1806553

I plan on building a light box for tracing my comic drafts, any tips?

No. 1806570

Why build? USB light boxes are cheap.

No. 1806729

i've recently started doing oil paintings (no real work, just playing around with the medium) but does anyone have any good oil paint tutorials? I'm struggling getting crisp lines and not just making everything muddy

No. 1806764

Check out Paint Coach on YT he has some good oil painting tips

No. 1806836

do you have some examples?

No. 1806840

File: 1702244940141.jpeg (859.77 KB, 1113x1011, IMG_1585.jpeg)

What are some good (obviously female) artists that draw relationships between women? Can be sweet romantic or sexual.

No. 1806882

File: 1702247742957.png (1009.15 KB, 1237x957, Untitled.png)

I can't confirm if this artist is 100% female but they draw a lot of amphibia fanarts that could pass off as femgaze-y. This is the only instance I found them of talking about queer stuff.

No. 1807031

is there any way to make these dot gradient thingies in clip studio paint? i need it to be like a gradient between two colors but of little dots

No. 1807159

This is so beautiful.. I am so desperate for good Yuri art.

No. 1807229

Get a brush

No. 1807254

The word I believe is "halftone dots" I hope that helps

No. 1807293

File: 1702282793545.jpeg (2.36 MB, 1290x2037, IMG_1590.jpeg)

She’s amazing, I love her series with the knight and princess

No. 1807294

File: 1702282887151.jpeg (520.39 KB, 1372x2116, IMG_1589.jpeg)

I want to pretend like the comments are just unhinged and making shit up

No. 1807297

I looked it up and it's real, modern artists need to be persecuted unironcally.

No. 1807306

That suffering robot of their vent viral I wonder if their disturbing “artwork” will also get attention and ruin their reputation

No. 1807318

They don't have a dead baby artwork, but they used the flesh of animals and dead children for one of their art-works to make some deep meaning about some bullshit.

No. 1807342

besides the dead babies and the dogfighting (vidrel) they've also done some weird shit like where they cut open corpses and then poured the fat into a wastewater river in beijing. I guess it could be said that making something that's hard to look at or controversial has been a part of the art world forever but I feel like the main thought most people have is "why the fuck would you do this". idk. just because something is extreme or taboo doesn't mean it's meaningful, some things are just gross and utterly deranged.
there's this one thing they did called Old People’s Home where a bunch of wax figures of elderly world leaders slowly move around on electric wheelchairs and bump into each other which tbh sounds funny as fuck
they did do two different works featuring aborted/stillborn fetuses and one using the cadaver of a dead child. one of them, they transfused their own blood into a medical specimen of conjoined twins

No. 1807357

i hate this kind of "artists", i think there's just something shady behind their fame and of course whoever praises them is messed up in the head
didn't that dahmer loser took pictures of his deceased victims in poses? it's not like he's a praised artist for that

No. 1807366

File: 1702294534442.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1170x1664, IMG_2829.jpeg)

Went to look at more of this artist’s work, it’s really gorgeous. But also, is this a ron/hermione lesbian au lol?

No. 1807367

kek I think Ron's hair was just long in that movie and the art style makes him look more feminine here, but the jaw and the hands make me think he's just meant to be a cute boy. Doesn't help that it looks a bit similar to the knight lady's design though.

Could be wrong of course, would be far from the weirdest HP AU. Lovely art all the same.

No. 1807369

I can't find anywhere the babies were real, where did people get this from? tired of female artists being shat for doing anything remotely controversial meanwhile there are moids drawing unironic pedophilia and necrophilia pornography and nobody bats an eye.

No. 1807374

>making pitbulls run and spend their energy for hours
they're doing way more than the average pitbull owner does tbh. a tired dog is a non aggressive dog.

No. 1807388

Make a layer with your colors, go to "Layer property" and "Tone" and then choose how dense you want the halftone to be or what kind you want. You can change the color under "Layer color" but if you want a gradient between two you will have to make that on another layer and clip it onto the halftone one

No. 1807391

She sometimes draws straight ships like Link and Zelda. I think she’s based honestly appeals to my tastes 100%

No. 1807427

You can’t use the misogyny card every time a woman does something disgusting and is criticised for it. The patriarchy didn’t force her to make “art” involving cut up animals

No. 1807431

so I take you don't use leather or eat meat? where do you think your animal remains come from?

No. 1807438

Ron's hair was longer in the 4th or 5th movie where they had the Yule Ball.

No. 1807440

I wouldnt take shit an idiot says on twitter as facts anyway. They love to just say shit but never give any actual evidence.

No. 1807446

call me jaded but I don't give a shit if someone is making dogs run or making an art piece with a corpse clearly nobody cares about. people place too much value on things that are not alive breathing humans.

No. 1807451

It’s a husband and wife, I’m not sure why you’re trying to make this a gender discrimination thing.
Gonna have to agree with the haters on this one, their art is retarded. Nothing of value in what they’re doing. Definitely no beauty. feels a lot like them using “art” as an excuse to do fucked up shit for attention.

No. 1807454

you clearly don't get art and it's fine but what they are doing is no different than someone eating meat or buying a phone made with slave labor. pretty much anything you do in this society has some unethical background so don't feel too virtuous about not doing dumb shit for attention.

No. 1807491

Please, nona. It's 3deep5u shitposting.

No. 1807536

Have you considered exploring web design or UI design anon? I'm asking because I feel like we have the same mindset with design in that we're both technical. Both disciplines rely on the more technical aspects of design with a touch of computer science thrown in. I feel like a lot of people think design is just pretty pictures when design is a discipline that's meant to solve a problem, whether that problem is through marketing or web usability. So many of my classmates use their graphic design major as illustration lite because they couldn't get admitted into the fine art or illustration program (usually because they refuse to do fundamentals).

No. 1807630

I am in the same boat anon, I used to be really good and then stopped drawing. Now I have no muscle memory and it's so frustrating being at my current skill level when I used to be pretty good. I am starting to fall in love with drawing again. And yeah I am just practicing the shit out of faces and people. Right now my biggest struggle is lining up the eyes, and drawing glasses, the proportion and angle is always crazy weird and they look terrible. I found this video helpful and the exercise is more interesting than the old 'circle with some lines through it' practice, but ultimately I have to build my muscle memory back up. So I'm just drawing all the time, like I did when I was a kid.

No. 1807631

What are good places to browse art besides twitter?

No. 1807649

>just because something is extreme or taboo doesn't mean it's meaningful, some things are just gross and utterly deranged
This. So many "shock artists" whether its these people or Damien hirst or fucking The Idol or something, some artists and especially male ones believe if something is gross then it's actually so deep and people only hate it cos they don't understand, mom! It's goofy.

No. 1807653

Nta but at least the animals have a practical use as leather or meat, meanwhile as art their only use is to serve the artist's ego. I agree that women are unfairly criticised more than moids are, but that doesn't make them completely exempt. They should be free to make their ugly art just as people should be free to criticise it, simple.

No. 1807656

File: 1702314659617.jpeg (279.93 KB, 1611x832, IMG_2836.jpeg)

Yeah I know Ron’s a guy in the yule ball art, I was asking if the knight/princess art was the AU(or based off them) because I was thinking the way she draws the hairstyles looks similar then saw people outright call them lesbian romione lol (I think the other commenter is referring to luo’s nsfw patreon, but paywall so I can’t tell)
And apparently there’s a group of hp fans who draw Ron and Hermione as girlfriends (surprisingly cute to me when I used to hate Ron kek)

No. 1807687

I'm kinda iffy on depicting male characters as women with their love interests, cause I have seen mostly troons make part in this. the extreme AGP one's who fetishize lesbians.

No. 1807824

My apologies, anon. i dont think i read your reply correctly. I actually am not okay with making any male characters gender bend to use them as 'lesbians.' It does feel very wrong and troony. If they wanted hermione with another girl character, there is quite a few in HP. Even Luna or Ginny would be fine


No. 1808567

Idk if i'm paranoid or something but i'm getting the impression that this bigger artist hates me and my art. I did some art for them a while ago and they seemed to love it but recently they pretend that i don't exist and never seem to like my stuff and i don't know what i did to get on their bad side? They still engage a lot with the art community and like pieces of art that are less technical that's why i'm feeling so insecure right now because i don't think my art is any worse. Do they think i'm a bootlicker because of the very few interactions we had? I doubt i ever came across as a tryhard

No. 1808632

There is Artfol I suppose? But even tho I used to post a lot on here and I put a lot of effort in curating my profile I still have to get how does their algorithm work, and I always get two or three likes at best. Now with the new update it had an automatic logout and I cannot login back in because I still have to understand how does their “forgot your password?” thingy works

No. 1808645

calling myself out here, if i didn't spend so much time on social media and browsing lc i would gain a couple of extra hours a day to study art, and that was true for when i studied too. alas im lazy and without self control lol

No. 1808683

Xiaohongshu and Weibo

No. 1808718

I can think of different explanations but it really depends on the person. If your art for them was unprompted they might feel pressured to make something for you in turn and that's why they avoid you or they found you were acting too clingy or something. Maybe they didn't like the art as much as they said, maybe they liked it so much that it made them insecure about their own skills. Otherwise they could be avoiding you because someone else said something bad about you or because they disagree with some random thing you posted. Or the algorithm simply doesn't show your posts to them right now and they don't check your account but they do check the accounts of their friends who might have worse skills. There are countless possible reasons but no one can look into their head. Try commenting something nice the next time they post and see what kind of reaction you get. Don't take it personally if they don't want to be friends or whatever and don't think too hard about that kind of interaction in the first place, if you two weren't on talking terms they aren't doing this to spite you. Likes and retweets don't mean much

No. 1808906

nonnas, what are your favorite tutorials for rendering skin?

No. 1809673

When it gets like this, I repeat "silence is not rejection" in my head and try and move on. Best not to let your mind run wild, you'll end up seething and hating someone for no reason.

No. 1809691

File: 1702420917717.png (672.1 KB, 563x637, 1702346053227.png)

I don't understand how/why people draw ugly ass faces in fan arts of characters that look pretty in canon. Do these artists hate anything beautiful? Example attached, fan art for Draculaura from Monster High.

No. 1809701

File: 1702421219036.png (98.97 KB, 500x800, Draculaura_Render_2_G3_.png)

no, it's 3rd generation redesign of Draculaura with switched colours.

No. 1809703

>featuring Grimes as Draculara

No. 1809741

Hermione with Luna sounds cute tbh

No. 1809842

Ngl I like this - theres endless amounts of pretty girl #83920384 art so it’s refreshing to see art of women that isn’t conventionally pretty, but not in the sjw “make everyone brown and obese and hairy” style

No. 1810034

Yes, instead of brown, obese and hairy let's make pretty women look like anorexic, ungroomed drag queens.

No. 1810042

Let this be a reminder that lolcow hates any and all art styles. I wouldn't be surprised if the anons here can't even draw a box at this point.

No. 1810057

I like it too but it's probably because I also draw creepy-cute. There's nothing wrong with the look of it, it's just not an art style everyone can appreciate.

No. 1810204

i don't like this because the fullbody sketch looks weird and she looks like an alt cow but what i really don't get is why keep her plump lips, they throw off the whole drawing for me

No. 1810205

File: 1702445269668.jpg (144.27 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

this might shock you, but some people find beauty in the ugly and yes, even in ugly faces/conventionally unattractive features. unibrows and big noses. wider eyes or imperfect faces. it can make characters look more real, especially given plenty of amateur artists hide their lack of skill behind perfectly flat untextured skintones and conventionally attractive same face syndrome.

take scooby doo animated vampires for example, like from the scooby doo movie with the hex girls. they're ugly af. but something about their ugliness is also charming to their design.

shes literally a vampire, a monster, in a series called monster high, and youre bitching about her being portrayed monstrously and not like a bimboified caricature of draculas daughter? bad example

No. 1810215

>Let this be a reminder that lolcow hates any and all art styles
Only if they're boring, coomershit or tranny twitter or tumblr garbage.
Vampires are also commonly portrayed as conventionally beautiful, sometimes even perfect. This is supposed to be an established character, not just someone's ugly vampire OC. MH characters are designed to be fashionable and cute to appeal to the target audience. Drawing a cute vampire girl as a gangly lamprey doesn't make you groundbreaking or unique. It's attention whoring. Just like when artists draw Sailor Moon as a hambeast because "Naoko Takeuchi said that Usagi was supposed to be a little chubby" despite having the same slim, stylized body as her friends. They may as well admit that they feel better about themselves when the pretty characters resemble them.

No. 1810239

and unconventional, and genderless blobs, and too anime, and not anime enough

No. 1810269

One of the twelve principles of animation is appeal, which something like these ugly-charming vampires have. It's basically the drawn version of charisma, and any character/creature, morally good or bad, should have it. Appeal is a bit nebulous and people often get it confused with thinking a character needs to be pretty/attractive or some other positive descriptor to have it, but a design can be technically ugly and still have appeal (sometimes it's absent from the design itself but present in the actual movement, too).

The difference between your example and the vampire girl redesign is that the scooby doo vampires still have balanced features despite them not being attractive ones– the large mouth fits well within the long jaw, which in turn is balanced out by having a short forehead and things like the lack of nose etc. The vampire girl's features are more unbalanced and clearly not as well thought out (this is a design that was clearly only made for aesthetic purposes– and fun, obviously– and not to be useable for storytelling or even as a doll). I don't have problems with the design because she's ugly, but because it needs work (the thing that shits me the most is actually her leg merging into her cape kek), though I also understand it's fanart and just for fun/not serious design work. I would actually like to see more female Nosferatu-styled vampires tbh.

Sorry for the sperg kek

No. 1810279

Just saw my secret art account get posted on an imageboard by a random anon and I was scared shitless kek. Has this happened to anyone else before?

No. 1810283

Not everything is about beauty anon. Some artists would rather draw something that's interesting to draw and look at before it's beautiful. Not that I think picrel is a great example of drawing something that's interesting despite being ugly but beauty isn't everyone's top priority and it doesn't have to be.

No. 1810583

File: 1702482506451.jpg (239.31 KB, 1750x700, hei1.jpg)

it's always the genderspecials and the super religious christians who have some of the best art

No. 1810642

religious Christians? sure but genderspecials? I have to ask who in the world are you talking about? Majority of them have terrible art.

No. 1810665

i've seen a lot of talented young genderspecials or good artists who later came out as a "they/them"

No. 1810673

nta, but if you're going to ruin art for yourself by caring about pronouns in a bio, I don't feel bad for you. You're personally gatekeeping yourself and it's pathetic.

No. 1811088

Based, anons get so fucking whiny and annoying about pronouns when that shit literally doesn't matter if the art is good

No. 1811094

It's just irritating. It's such tard behavior.

No. 1811128

>akshully you're personally gatekeeping yourself
OK twitter user

It's true though that a lot of artists' work don't get degraded simply because it's by a themby, but unfortunately some of them do let gender shit seep into their art, sometimes after they come out it becomes the only thing they draw.

No. 1811137


This. I simply find a lot of gendie art topics gross, I don't find titchops or cross dressing appealing and those tend to crop up in the kind of themby artists I like. Whatever happened to "curate your experience" lol

No. 1811268

i hate the new braindead hp fans they just open their mouths without thought. disrespectful.

No. 1811278

i like the idea of making her nosferatu-inspired

No. 1811283

File: 1702506793836.jpg (383.42 KB, 1569x2048, micodraw-1619697939122888705-2…)

>It's true though that a lot of artists' work don't get degraded simply because it's by a themby, but unfortunately some of them do let gender shit seep into their art, sometimes after they come out it becomes the only thing they draw.
i see so many talented artists that get ruined once they become gendies. Pic rel might be the most outrageous example

No. 1811285

what i didn't even say that as a bad thing that bothers me, but something funny that i noticed. you're putting words in my mouth

No. 1811328

Nonnas I’m a burgerfag who is in the process of applying to some graduate programs in Europe. Money isn’t an issue and I desperately need a change of scenery in my life so in these aspects it would be worth it, but can it help long term? A lot of people in my life seem iffy about it but I already have an undergraduate art degree and have an art related job anyways, I just want to strengthen my portfolio in an actual art school. The programs I’m looking at are on the more practical side too. I keep getting the side eye when I talk about it but it’s from people who don’t really know anything about art.

No. 1811375

>a lot of artists' work don't get degraded simply because it's by a themby, but unfortunately some of them do let gender shit seep into their art, sometimes after they come out it becomes the only thing they draw.
God this is so true. It's not that they/thems are good artists (most of them are god awful kek), it's that all the good artists online are forced into woke circles and eventually "come out" as he/they/them (if they're female anyway…) because being a boring she/her cis oppressor is literally looked down upon. The ones who don't agree with troon stuff out either disappear on their own because these crowds are insufferable, or they get canelled and thrown out of the platform for being a transphobic bigot.

Every time I've seen the trans identity shift happen in person the art switches to being at the very least 50% trans art. And when the art isn't showing mutilated female chests or other trans stuff their comment is still like "i made this piece to showcase how i feel trapped… by gender dysphoria" or "drew this hot guy… he's my gender envy oc". And then through that the art itself starts to degrade in quality, likely because their mental state goes to shit from this all-encompassing mental disorder, and also partly because the art itself stops to matter and only the trans message matters now. No one gives a shit about a badly drawn ugly, fat, hairy male oc with green hair - but if he's a trans man character sudddenly it's a politically important piece in the fight against the evil bigoted world out to kill trans people like them.

It's even worse when you have to watch said female artist go onto the path of medicalizing, knowing you can't say anything while she and her friends openly and happily celebrate yet another female getting their body mutilated.

No. 1811607

I'm in the same boat as you. The art industry is all about connections. I regret not attending a prestigious art school even though I got accepted. Art schools are worth it because you can meet professionals and get a job quickly. Plus I would do it just to leave America too if I were you
>t. also a burger

No. 1811674


Crab bucket burgers will only try to keep you in your hometown to live out your life there with the rest of them forever, do what YOU want to do nonny, the only way you will know if you don't like it is if you try, don't let other people put thoughts into your head about something you're set on x

No. 1811699

>the most outrageous
>you have to look very closely in all their art to even notice the top surgery scars
yeah, you're not obsessed at all kek

No. 1811714

This makes me sound like a boomer but I feel like with the death of dA and tumblr as art-specific social media the spaces for hobbyists have also died out, especially for those over 25. I’m a hobbyist and fairly skilled if I may say so and everywhere I look it’s just “buy my merch, join my patreon, looking for work” et cetera. Other hobbyists are either minors or very beginner level and everyone who gets to a certain skill immediately starts marketing it. And most people who are successful on social media are full-time artists because how else would you be able to keep up with posting so often the algorithm doesn’t kill your account?

Idk where I’m getting at but I wish there was a space for other hobbyists who genuinely want to get good and improve but also relate to having to manage full time work with making art on the side.

No. 1811849

the death of deviantart was one of if not the worst thing to happen to online artists in my opinion. even with all its flaws deviantart was pretty much the perfect platform for artists and a safe heaven for hobbyists. you could just enjoy art without having to appear to algorithms and shitty social media stuff.

i'd argue that tumblr is fine nowadays but it's definitely more empty now. i still post on mine though and funnily enough i alwats manage to get more traction and more reblogs on it than on my twitter (even though both accounts have very similar follower counts).

No. 1811887

the self harm scars are gigantic, unnecesary and fetishistic. He even drew stitches over a top to signify titty chop scars once because he cannot draw women unless they are shown to be butchered. He creeps me out.

No. 1812051

I've been practicing with gesture drawing and human anatomy studies lately after not drawing for a while and I'm pretty annoyed with the trend I see in the model pictures I find. When I'm doing nude studies I mostly see only sexualized pictures of women, often beautified. They feel downright distasteful. And as for the men there are very few pictures in comparison, but when there are pictures of a male it's usually a hideous fatass old guy trying to do some basic pose. I just really hate the contrast between these very sexualized pictures of young women versus the ugly old fat men. It was kind of a rude reminder of just how misogynistic the art world is.

No. 1812118

I miss the deviantArt days, even if there was a lot of cringe. There really hasn’t been any successful art-focused community website or app since then.

No. 1812121

I've had a similar experience, even just when looking for stock images of some pose or other. You also rarely see men in tight clothing.

No. 1812178

It is something of a comfort to see that other people feel the same way I do about dA and online art spaces in general. I'm dying for a community like that where people could just engage with and enjoy art as a hobby. I still post on da and tumblr too but it really feels like a wasteland if you have niche interests or don't gel with fandom people. Is there even anything else out there?

No. 1812638

Yeah it's irritating but for some reason I assume most people are cryptoterfing or just using pronouns for safety like myself at this point.

I heard newgrounds is still a place like that and a "bastion of the old internet" and like yes, I've been around long enough to watch newgrounds grow in the background and do things, but I have no idea what the actual posting culture is like there. Is it a moid circlejerk (probably), what content do people like (i imagine porn, but then again twitter isn't much different), does it have an algorithm, etc.

With that being said I have faith in nothing right now. Maybe I'm too pessimistic but I haven't been wanting to post anything anywhere. Maybe I need to bite the bullet and draw what's popular and also sexy. Can you even grow if you don't follow flavors of the month?

No. 1812657

Honestly, look at gay male pinup poses and things like that. Men will put in an effort only when the audience is other men, it seems.

No. 1813006

File: 1702618413361.png (3.12 MB, 1284x1749, JINlIl1.png)

No. 1813007

So the tranny is admitting that AI "artists" are retards? What a nice confirmation.

No. 1813069

How many artists on Western art communities like twitter or tumblr are actually pretending to be LGB or trans/mb identifying? I see so many artists on those sites that say that they're gay/bisexual or trans-identified/genderspecial or have pronouns in their bio that I highly doubt that they're not LGB or trans/nb-identifying.

No. 1813078

this image is hilarious to me, the way she just sits in utter disbelief and confusion staring at the haphazard pile of warped pencils kekkk
A lot of people without hands/arms can and do draw and paint though, I've actually seen lots of examples. Here's a small artist I found off a quick search, I don't think she is particularly famous or outstanding but I think the interview is sweet

No. 1813163

File: 1702637281160.jpg (433.96 KB, 1080x1643, Screenshot_20231215_054330_X.j…)

I always hated artists that come off this way. The idea that they were the original creators of such and such idea and everyone is copying and profiting off of their unique concept. This thread just reeks of narcissism. Imagine for a second you stopped drawing that concept because so many people were making the same thing that it didn't feel special. What the hell, right? It's embarrassing. Get over yourself.

No. 1813178

That tweet is just attentionwhoring for bronie points and retweets, most people into art will think so, but only mediocre losers with zero creativity will feel like their shit was 100% copied directly from their brains.
Like, is something even creative when it can be done by many people exactly the same without ever communicating the ideas between each other?

No. 1813248

When it's something completely generic that a thousand other artists have entertained in their minds before and they pretend they were somehow the "first" to think of it omg. Bitch those are polly pockets.

No. 1813272

File: 1702646330473.png (132.62 KB, 666x1166, 08dzugiew97zgidf8.PNG)

Kek what the fuck is she on about

No. 1813274

File: 1702646362374.jpg (235.44 KB, 2047x1152, FwF97U6XoAAMPq7.jpg)

Her polly pockets are also inspired by other games, so her concept is not original in the least

No. 1813289

"Guys I'm not blaming the artist or anything It's okay I'm not the only Polly Pocket artist it's okay."

"…buuuut they are like, totally copying me you know, I was the only Polly Pocket artist back then because I was SPECIAL and now everyone does it and it's not special anymore so like pay attention to me more guyssss :///"

lmao the attention whoring is real in this one

No. 1813291

She literally has +100K followers like what more attention does she want

No. 1813302

How do you soften your bodies more as in getting better at round lines? I'm working on anatomy and slowly getting better but so many other artists who struggle more with anatomy have a better flow on legs, boobs, meaty pecs, sometimes skin folds while sitting.

No. 1813306

i noticed it's common for artists with a very large following to act very spoiled and demanding, always complain about how their life sucks, are offended by the smallest things and instigate their followers to send hate to smaller accounts they "call out". most of the time their art is mediocre too and maybe that's why they feel so insecure deep down, they know they don't deserve their audience yet beg for even more attention at the same time

No. 1813308


this fucking sucks because that's a small game studio just trying to do something new. why are online artists with big followings so fucking narcissistic, like who the fuck cares that she was "the first one to draw polly pocket fanart in this specific scale"?

No. 1813310

True. I've noticed that as soon as an online artist goes over the 30K-50K follower thereshold they tend to become one of the most insufferable, entitled and bitchy attention whores known to man. In my view it's either them being insecure with the realization that they only earned said following because of a gimmick or because they were the first artist to draw a specific subject and that someone with better art may be able to "dethrone" them, or it's them thinking that they're now an e-celeb of sorts and that now their name has to be everywhere.

No. 1813322

File: 1702649731866.png (1.1 MB, 557x1319, bobba.png)

It has to be insecurity, deep down she knows she didn't have some super interesting concept on her hands, she just combined already popular games (stardew valley, pokemon, breath of the wild) with vintage polly pocket toys and got lucky with the social media algorithm. No one would have liked it if it didn't combine two things people already enjoy seeing. Acting like someone stole her idea or something is crazy and if it just made her feel bad but didn't matter she should've kept it to herself instead of sharing it on her 100k+ follower twitter where it ratioed the original announcement tweet. But I have to wonder if meyoco would say the same if someone ever decided to work on a Papa Louie game about making fucked up fantasy boba kek

No. 1813337

Imagine claiming you created art you based off a FUCKING TOY kek these people need to go touch grass asap

No. 1813368

For traditional anons, what colours make up your paint palette/s? For digital anons, do you gravitate towards specific colour schemes/palettes in your art? What makes you choose them?

Lastly, is your art more varied in colour schemes or more consistent?

No. 1813371

A diorama terrarium garden thing. That's been the subject of aesthetic art for ages. Of course hundreds of people would think, what if that was a game. Someone else got there first, cry about it sis.

No. 1813379

I paint with blues, teal and yellow most of the time. For some reason these colors have more emotional impact on me and fit well with what i do. I usually do abstract/dream art that's either about what i saw in a dream or tripping or i do automatic paiting to music which makes the music draw instead of me.
Next painting will be dark violet, red and white though, i have to experiemnt more.

No. 1813404

I'm a digital artist and I have 2 accounts (no one knows i'm behind both of them lol) one is for bright colors and pastels, cute cartoony stuff. I tend to use a lot of pinks and yellow. And the other is for very dark matted colors, for more realistic fantasy and horror drawings. Any color goes as long as it's dark and muddy so black, grey and brown are staples.
I love both aesthetics but they do not mix at all lol

No. 1813424

File: 1702656867098.png (2.52 MB, 2410x1356, pokeball-interior-donnie.png)

She ripped of a toy design to make her art featuring popular characters of games that didn't belong to her. How does she think it makes the creators of PP, pokemon, zelda, AC, etc feel that she ripped off their designs and made money and fame online from their hard work?
And her polly pockets were just another take on already existing popular trends to begin with, I remember seeing similar pokeball interior designs over 10 years ago on tumblr. Picrel was posted in 2013 (or earlier, but it existed in 2013 and I ain't digging further)

No. 1813427

oh cool, sounds like a good palette for something abstract and dreamy. Aside from experimentation, is there any reason why you were drawn to those colours for your next piece? Also, what genre of music do you like to paint to?

Sounds like you have some great range! Very understandable that you'd run two separate accounts as well kek. The bright stuff sounds charming, but I'm a sucker for darker fantastical art, so cool! If you don't mind, what kinds of subjects are in your darker-themed work?

Personally, I'm both trad and digital, and I mainly use very earthy/natural colours, and when I make OCs the MC is always autumnal in scheme for some reason. I like to paint animals and scenery, as well as 'realistic/naturalist' fantasy and paleo art. I used to rarely use blue outside of skies and accent colours, but lately I've been painting studies of seabirds so embracing blue has been a fun change.

No. 1813428

B-but muh scale, perspective, and style! Somebody needs relevance.

No. 1813677

File: 1702664103966.jpg (96.12 KB, 398x450, IMG_20231215_191543.jpg)

>book burners
why is this troons default insult? it doesn't even make sense in this context

No. 1813679

File: 1702664106484.png (497 KB, 604x770, letitgosis.PNG)

She's not going to let this go. She's going to milk this for all its worth.

No. 1813692

when I saw this earlier my only thought was
>mentions she's a mother in her bio
how do these people exist in the real world? how can they take care of real life children? what the fuck

No. 1813717

That doesn't even look similar to this >>1813163 . The only similarity is that they're both clearly polly pocket inspired. Even the garden at the bottom of the video game's one is enough to distinguish the two.
Even if her art was referenced (since she claims that you can't google polly pocket art without her art popping up), so what? Artists reference each other all the time, and she's silly if she doesn't think that artists use references in the video game/TV/film industry. I'm sure she's referenced other artists. As long as they aren't copying it's not a problem. Britt's art is nice, I hate seeing artists I like being such losers.

No. 1813728

does meyoco ever get into drama? imo her copycats are usually pretty mediocre and rely on clutter + too many saturated colors. the first artist in that pic is exceptionally worse than her. meyoco's anatomy can be jank but her colors and composition more than make up for it

No. 1813735

Samefag but also
>But artists whose work is so heavily referenced by others (again, not necessarily bad) are bound to feel some typa way when their vision gets recreated into oblivion
So how would she feel if the people who design Polly Pocket decided to call her out and say they feel uncomfortable with her art? It's not YOUR vision, you just took something that's already existed for decades and gave it more modern elements.

No. 1813739

So let me get this straight:
>no one can make PP games with tiny house-type decals because it's copying her
>she made a bunch of game {zelda, pokemon, animal crossing} versions of PP
>PP itself is a tiny house simulation
>anything with gardening aspects is copying her
>she never planned to ever make unique versions of PP, only those game versions
>she didn't go forward with an original PP design for a game to be played

Nothing she has done is unique. PP already was a tiny house simulation.

No. 1813768

File: 1702666055376.png (1.74 MB, 2372x1214, polly pocket 105.png)

Interesting, so she admits to ripping off these artists from 2013-2018 right? They drew the polly pocket houses their own way YEARS before she ever did. Or the THOUSANDS of isometric room and house artist all over deviantart since the early 2000s? evergreenqveen should feel ashamed of herself for ripping off these poor deviantart artists without giving them any credit, and use her platform to give them more attention.

No. 1814002

All I can see in this tweet is another "I had a concept but I was too lazy to actually go for it and now I am mad someone else actually put the time into creating it then getting good feedback for their effort!" Like you had how many months, years, hours if you supposedly cared?

No. 1814010

File: 1702678039360.jpg (23.7 KB, 300x400, $_1.jpg)


Me when I've invented a wholly new concept (literally the top result on ebay.co.uk for "polly pocket 1992)

No. 1814013

File: 1702678272284.jpg (30.44 KB, 300x400, $_1 (2).jpg)

brand new never seen before concept guis

No. 1814019


LMAO did she delete the post? I checked her Twitter and I wasn't able to find that tweet anymore.

No. 1814025

I mean has anyone asked Bluebird, Origin and Mattel how they feel?? (s)
Do artists realise those are copyrighted and trademarked designs and the company can chase them up for any profits made? many etsy and tiktok shops get shut down for less. You do not own that concept. Defending corporate IP you do not own is wild (also the game designers are on thin ice too, you literally do not have the rights to use corporate IP unless you bought a license, even if it's a quick way to get views and followers)

No. 1814037

Something something glass houses. It's entirely possible that a game developer saw her art and thought it would work great as a little game but her concept has been done before many times, it's nothing she came up by herself. It's not like she's the first one creating isometric polly pocket fanart like this, if you google the term you'll find many similar pieces from years ago. People using the most lackluster ideas relying on other intellectual properties seem to be the most insecure.

No. 1814061

File: 1702680370902.png (273.61 KB, 1660x740, IMG_9128.png)

Bitch thats Habbo Hotel

No. 1814093

kekkk nonnie how does Habbo Hotel feel about this?

No. 1814097

Is it even possible to make a weibo these days? Would love to follow a bunch of talented Chinese artists I've already been trying to follow but without an account it's just a mess of bookmarks and being unable to see posts beyond like 2 months or so.

No. 1814100

she deleted it lmfao I had the link and it's not there anymore.

No. 1814127

oh nonna…sulake (company that owns habbo) has dealt with copied habbo servers for over a decade now. so id say pretty careless!

No. 1814253

I always assumed they were her OCs or something

No. 1814256

Isn’t this what every kid used to imagine Pokémon balls as?

No. 1814269

I’ve thought about old school forums but I don’t know how well it would work. I spent a lot of time on art and pixel forums in college.
I can’t find the game anywhere
Are these three different artists? Meyoco does have a stronger design than the others.

No. 1814272

I grew up with this one >>1814013 never saw this one but I like the design. Polly Pocket was a fun line of toys. Now she looks like any other doll toy line.

No. 1814621

the only "drama" I can remember is her not acknowleging Qinni's death and posting something a day or so after that resembled how Qinni would draw stylized orange stars heavily associated with her style. She was a little rude about it. Otherwise shes boring and just sells tacky/ugly merch.

>>1813322 Deadass thought these were the same artist over the years or something. I hate this stupid fucking style so much it just feels so sterile and manufactured. Yet Instagram normies eat it up.

No. 1814830

File: 1702722319904.jpg (288.81 KB, 542x823, IMG_20231203_054308.jpg)

Has anyone taken any schoolism classes? Do you feel like it actually helped you improve?

No. 1814838

File: 1702723965306.jpg (212.85 KB, 720x1056, IMG_20231216_184245.jpg)

>3rd video is of her character dressed in catgirl bikini shit
OP didn't really deserve to be permabanned considering the way more horrendous examples posted daily out there but c'mon.

No. 1814843

File: 1702724263787.jpg (227.65 KB, 720x1180, IMG_20231216_184323.jpg)


No. 1814868

Nah they deserved it, post coomer shit, dont be shocked you get shit on, same goes for anyone else posting anywhere other than their respective degen sites.

No. 1815355

File: 1702761234727.png (867.03 KB, 1120x926, itlodfkhgoer8ugh.png)

It's super beginner friendly and also pretty enough to wow normies. I just got this video recommended on pinterest after searching up meyoco knockoffs and it just shows how little understanding goes into it kek but I feel like these are the same artists that ultimately reach a point where they feel immense pressure to stay in that style unless they don't give a fuck about drawing itself and just do it for money

No. 1816200

File: 1702793394738.jpg (471.14 KB, 2048x1228, just missing ghost cat.jpg)

I actually want to practice making stuff like this. It's really cute, but no way in hell can any of these people claim they made the designs/idea. The polly pocket girl should've taken that hint with stuff like this. She also makes a bunch of non-ghost cat witchy earthy shit. Basically like that one artist with the witches and ghosts.. I'm sorry, I can't think of her name to post an example. I think a bunch of you nonnas probably know the artist I'm talking about, but she's basically doing that same esthetic.

Pic rel is her version.

No. 1816294

File: 1702806008630.jpg (314.68 KB, 1080x1350, F7xg8WPXIAARpIz.jpg)

nayrt I think picrel is actually cute, that subject matter is also just really overdone. Claiming the idea of isometric polly pocket art is lobotomite behavior though. I believe you are referring to SimzArts for the ghost cats.

No. 1816663

File: 1702836623247.jpg (411.36 KB, 1694x1102, 1028023792.JPG)

Does that art remind anyone else of Javidraws? I mean, not that Javi’s is particularly original either. Kinda funny you mentioned the art was like another artist’s(who I didn’t know of) but it still immediately reminded me of another artist lol. I respect their skill but I wonder if these artists ever get bored drawing samey aesthetic art. I’ve always been curious what it’d be like if they tried making something more original.

Props to the artist in >>1816294 for having a more interesting style and concept at least

No. 1817119

No, that's the artist I'm saying she seems to be referencing, IMO, but just like she assumed that Polly Pocket game was copying her, it isn't. There are so many ideas out there and aesthetics, that she cannot claim she started the PP design. I love Simz. Thank you for knowing who I was talking about.

No. 1818463

File: 1702932284853.jpeg (172.35 KB, 1285x840, IMG_4870.jpeg)


No. 1818466

Animal abuse, how funny and cute

No. 1818482

This is disgusting, female dogs don't even have breasts like us. Unless they're breastfeeding it looks no different to the males. Also the only reason for a dog to do a surgery like this would be breast cancer, so this just makes me angry, why are troons like this.

No. 1818489

I really hate the gatekeeping in the western art community. You're not gonna fucking die if you share what type of paper or what color of pencils/markers you use.

No. 1818491

File: 1702933675053.jpg (29.58 KB, 564x564, 0df0caa0ff920bc130029b899c1e6e…)

>artistic freedom
Yeah, no. this is the exception. Please tell me people are calling this out

No. 1818501

You just know this was made by a fury who probably wishes she was a dog

No. 1818502

No. 1818508

That's fucking sick and the fact that it is uwufied surgery cult shit imposed onto a cutesy animal makes it worse, I really am grossed out

No. 1818512

That’s so random why??

No. 1818515

haven’t taken them but imo
Only take classes that have feedback otherwise it’s almost as if you’re pirating coruses

No. 1818532

They look ugly and bland. There is so much going on but nothing worth looking at. I also despise the blowup doll face on the last girl.

No. 1818599

File: 1702938927407.jpg (73.94 KB, 1080x766, 2023121814303.jpg)

Reposting here because I posted to the wrong thread by accident. But why do artists complain about getting a bunch of followers but then continue to post? This is M2Gong, and they went the same route as Columbo where they delete their account and make a new one, and when it gets popular, they delete and restart the cycle. If you're gonna complain about getting an audience, why even make a Twitter account to begin with? Why not get a couple of followers and then go private?

No. 1818602

let them be, i love these type of tortured edgy soul artists. Miles better than the attention whores that complain about not getting followers. I think you need to be mildly mentally ill to be a good artist, so it makes sense they are like that.

No. 1818611

I think both are annoying. These people are unironically suffering from success kek. It's just partially annoying to see them complain about a good thing or something easily solvable. It's like what do they want? Their five seconds of fame? It's confusing

No. 1818613

File: 1702939467435.jpg (451.37 KB, 2048x1694, 6464208.jpg)

i cant access twitter because of bullshit reasons, but is this mgong? i can understand why an artist would rather remain niche, we both know once they hit it big they will attract obnoxious westerners. If this is pic rel mgogn then she's probably afraid of zoomer westoid thembies finding her nazi/shota art.

No. 1818618

this is mgong yeah

i did see some tweets in which mgong showed worry for people looking at their art because of the themes they often depict

No. 1818620

Why bring attention to it then?
Just delete your account and quietly popup and post art.

No. 1818621

Yeah it's Mgong. I might be biased because she's a personal cow of mine just because she used to complain a lot in her old accounts. I think it's mostly funny that her new fat OC that she's making a comic about is based on the fat nazi from Hellsing. Her art is absolutely amazing though, so it's sad to see her keep purging her accounts.

No. 1818622

Autism, unironically. But I think in Columbo's case it's because some of her followers are genuinely insane, didn’t they dox and out her in front of her very conservative family or something? Also what's her newest handle

No. 1818625

File: 1702939738130.png (24.8 KB, 691x209, Screenshot 2023-12-18 224956.p…)

It seems like her main thing is men sending her weird dms? I'm not sure

No. 1818627

I don't think she has a new handle sadly. She posts sometimes to her old account but takes month gaps. Also, she was sort of doxed. She was publically gay on her account and her family followed her so I don't know how she was "outed" to them lol. But her art is amazing nonetheless and twitter users complain too much

No. 1818628

File: 1702939817482.png (27.74 KB, 679x226, Screenshot 2023-12-18 225117.p…)

No. 1818631

File: 1702939891066.jpg (182.53 KB, 1264x1078, FJ9ZpoyakAEDpHy.jpg)

that's probably it then. Last time i checked on her she switched her style and started drawing fat cuntboys so it makes sense she attracted that type of audience……
> I might be biased because she's a personal cow of mine just because she used to complain a lot in her old accounts.
spill the beans. She's on top 3 of favourite artists, i want to know about her schizo episodes.
>I think it's mostly funny that her new fat OC that she's making a comic about is based on the fat nazi from Hellsing
she's had another fat shota(?) oc that was just a younger version of the major. pic rel. She's an unapologetic fatfag and i can respect that. I miss her old style though, i genuinely dont like her new style.

No. 1818636

>based on the fat nazi from Hellsing
What? All this time I thought it was the actual guy from Hellsing himself.

No. 1818637

damn poor mgong. why the fuck are thembies shitting on her for? outside of jealousy ofcourse

No. 1818642

This. What you're paying for is the feedback from instructors. I've taken online classes from other schools like Concept Design Academy and Warrior Art Camp and they were definitely helpful. Schoolism's instructors look good too. However, you really need to put in the work to get the most out of it and I noticed a lot of the classes would gradually drop in attendance over the semester since students aren't working towards a grade. Massive waste of money if anyone does that.

No. 1818644

File: 1702940342709.jpg (174.1 KB, 2048x1178, 20231218_145732.jpg)

They do look exactly like them now that you mention it, but they're based on the Major and the Captain from Hellsing. She just has a thing for fat blondes x tall muscular guys I guess
She doesn't deserve this. Could the crowd come from her drawing cuntboy art?

No. 1818649

File: 1702940578813.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.02 KB, 873x1236, FZuoVOkaMAE33Kl.jpg)

goddam she's so fucking talented. Still a bit salty she dropped her cell-shaded hard brush style for something more painterly and kinda ugly and hard to look at.
most than likely, yes. It has to be westoid TIFs shitting on her out of jealousy, based af for calling them women though kek. Is her OC a cuntboy or it just a crossdressing woman? because she has drawn her as a woman in feminine clothes before. I want to read her manga but it's sadly not translated.

No. 1818652

I thought she was being an attention whore at first but I can get it. It's hard to ignore onslaughts of negative attention even if it is from retarded teenagers.

No. 1818657

i feel bad for asian or non english speaking artists that get popular in western circles

No. 1818677

oh, I hate that so much, too. It's especially annoying when it comes to where the people produce their stuff, like buttons, printed fabric, stuffed animals, stickers and so on, no one will tell a thing. I understand that some make money from their art, but it's not like you will make less money if someone with a completely different style is selling their stuff or if you share the things you use.

No. 1818678

File: 1702941575837.jpg (654.11 KB, 1024x1424, military_air_craft_ww2_by_kane…)

The whole thing reminds me of Kaneoya Sachiko being bullied by a bunch of losers into apologizing for drawing German WWII pilots. I hope non-Western artists just learn to ignore and block these types of people who mainly attack them because they're worthless and talentless people themselves.

No. 1818680

I can't lie I had no idea her oc was a cuntboy before I read this thread. I actually thought it was an androgynous fat crossdressing female priest pretending to be a man for religious purposes. I thought it was pretty unique. Why does nobody want to make interesting female characters and just cuntboys? Just go the whole mile already

Pretty based for calling the tiffies and theybies girls though. I hope she stands her ground even if she's a little bit autismo, because she's really undeniably talented.

No. 1818686

wow i didnt knew she was a fellow aircraftfag, a shame she apologized

No. 1818691

>bullied because she drew WW2 german pilots
What was she supposed to do? not draw them? it's not like the drew germans killing jews. holyshit, I hate the west so much

No. 1818692

This is so depressing wtf.

No. 1818695

>apologizing for drawing German WWII pilots
Are these silly girls gonna bully every Hetalia and countryhuman artist they come across too? There's often fanart of them in military uniforms, and sometimes it's sexual. I guess they see non western artist as easier targets.

No. 1818698

These are the same type of people who want to censor and erase history. Just let people be. it's so annoying

No. 1818699

Poor columbo, I really like her stuff and didn't know she was doxxed. What was it about?

No. 1818700

if only those faggots bullied the thousands of moids who draw nazi lolis

No. 1818717

They always go after women. They're cowards.

No. 1818719

You know for a fact the average they/them would run away crying if she tried to call out a nazi loli coomer and her replies got filled up with naked lolis and chud memes telling her to kill herself

No. 1818760

I like military art. Most of it is either boomers drawing tanks/aircrafts, moefags drawing cutesy cozy girls in milary outfits riding tanks or planes or holding guns, and then there is a subset of gross, mostly westoid troons who draw military girls getting hurt/Sexualy assualted/murdered/gored or downright racist art. Imagine if these tifs went after those fags and not women drawing hot men in unifoms.

No. 1818772

I like hot men in military uniforms, esp if it's 2d art.

No. 1818774

same, i just wish thembies didnt run women who draw them away

No. 1818775

it’s tifs and jelly artists in general. look at the original op who calls her annoying. >>1818599
100% it’s someone unpopular who wishes she was in her place with a large following

No. 1818806

This is stupid I'm venting but I'm jealous of new artists nowadays who can just start drawing with their iPad (basically mini cintiq) and I had to save several birthday's worth of money to get the cheapest tablet and learn to draw with my eyes up
and i'm not even good by now

No. 1818810

…Are you old enough to post here

No. 1818813

same, but with tutorials. When i was younger the only tutorials available were how to draw manga tier garbage that only hindered your progress, now young artists can get advice from amazing japanese artists and academic artists on youtube.

No. 1818864

Staedtler triplus fineliner colored markers are my favorite for sketching. had em for years and somehow they never dried out even if i forgot a cap off. the ones which are drying out is due to me using that color so much.

No. 1818873

Just use paper retard

No. 1818888

Get a sketchbook. Practise drawing on paper first.

No. 1818928

File: 1702954451081.jpg (86.86 KB, 500x596, 203446fg.jpg)

what kind of stuff do you draw, nonny?

No. 1818942

Anything but men

No. 1818970

my favourite boy whom i share with fellow 5 fangirls (and one male fictive) in the world

No. 1818975

To draw digitally?

No. 1819043

creepy cute

No. 1819044

I am tired of shitty westoid artists ruining perfectly cute anime faces with their western faggotry, they always use the excuse of ''diversifying'' the characters and shit on the anime artstyle for being boring. I am so tired of it and the retards that call bishounens ugly and generic and then ruin them by making them fucking ugly. Why the fuck do you play japanese games if you dont like pretty bishounens? literally go play westoid garbage and watch disney shit. I 100% prefeer sameface moeblobs over quirky disney shit that always manages to look both ugly and generic. The artists are always so smug about it thinking they are doing the world a favour by westoidfying anime.

No. 1819049

a screen tablet/ipad doesn't automatically make you good at art. Plenty of professionals use screenless tablets and prefer them over screens for posture. It sounds like you just have FOMO of not having an iPad, I promise you its not really worth spending that much if you aren't already getting regular commissions or need to travel while still doing work. Get off TikTok.

No. 1819059

I'm confused anon, are you annoyed of artists who go out of their way to make bishounen characters look genuinely ugly via Tumblr style or people who draw bishounen character in a semi realistic way? Because if it's the latter, I don't think the characters look ugly at all

No. 1819060

Ignoring the hilarious fact that this young woman thinks she's a man (I hope for her sake that she doesn't get her breasts amputated and becomes another victim of post-mastectomy nipple pain syndrome), I find this rant kinda funny. I get that it sucks to be compared to other artists but if your style looks that heavily similar to whatever it is you're inspired by, you shouldn't be surprised when people make comments about it.

No. 1819084

I like drawing creatures/furries and my autistic ocs and otps from series no one cares about

No. 1819092

File: 1702971776299.png (275.32 KB, 761x794, speedpaint.png)

Shoujo but also semi anime rendered, basically what lolcow hates.

No. 1819093

File: 1702971859144.jpg (52.5 KB, 521x350, Em11ADaXYAMrMpN.jpg)

>Weebs shitting their pants over MUH WESTERN SJW CRYBABIES GETTING MAD OVER NAZI IMAGERY WAAHHH as if literally everyone in Asia didn't collectively buttblasted about anything even slightly resembling the rising sun flag
Just because you're stuck in your anglosphere hugbox doesn't mean Asia is some Based And Redpilled dreamland where nobody is ever held accountable for anything.

No. 1819101

No. 1819102

>whats up my fellow degenerates
ah, at least she knows her audience

No. 1819103

is that yours? i dont think anyone would hate that here, it's very pretty.

No. 1819104

tbh ignore what lolcow hates. There's a reason why a lot of us draw in that style and it's because we personally like it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just generic cutsey and that's literally everywhere. No one has a specific one has a unique style anymore.

No. 1819105

that's fucking retarded, though. If you are so enraged over something a country did years ago, then why consume their garbage? go read manwhas and watch kpop vids. Nationalists are so fucking annoying, like those fags who cry about America then go watch the lattest marvelshit movie in hoardes.

No. 1819112

File: 1702974840659.png (314.8 KB, 738x653, 1234567890.png)

Nonnas… crush h[er] skull

No. 1819124

File: 1702976208958.jpg (88.22 KB, 700x401, comfort women statue.jpg)

Genuinely curious, what do you feel about Japanese normies consuming K-pop who are unaware of the concept of comfort women?

No. 1819125

It's funny how they never seem to look as glamorous and attractive as they draw themselves.

No. 1819128

this is pretty tame and a common feeling for girls

No. 1819155

Bl,husbandofagging and sometimes horror creature design although I have separate accounts for each.

No. 1819176

damn i struggle even separate my own art and reblogs
made nsfw account initially where id go degen with fandoms considered cringe and now its my only blog in only one platform cause birdapp scares me
nona do you have some tips for optimizing accs?

No. 1819224

That dress is not even pink

No. 1819232

I hope the retard that made this is castrated so they won't reproduce

No. 1819462

both obnoxious and insufferable

No. 1819467

Having girly stuff forced on you, so you veer away from it hard as a kid then come back to it when you're older and can choose to like it in a way you want, is pretty common yeah. And it sucks, but I'm glad the general understanding of this save for delusional tifs, which is a vocal chunk of people though tbf, is that there is no one way to be a woman.

No. 1819656

This is such a pet peeve of mine but I hate how most of the "relatable/meme art" artists talk the same way. "Ok but why -insert some stupid shit here-" "ppl" "bc" "folks" "ok but can we appreciate -insert stupid character trait nobody cares about-"
Where they created at the same factory or what

No. 1819702

It's crazy how multiple people can have the same experiences or go through the same thing. Who could've seen this coming.

No. 1819748

nonnas… Something unexpected happened and I lost years worth of drawings, over 500 drawings and most had no copies. My first ever digital drawings are now gone. I don't know how to react to this.

No. 1819789

File: 1703017791677.png (35.5 KB, 738x202, xgbfhjdyj.png)

I kind of get why Mgong is going on and on about not wanting followers but idk can't they just ignore the people who ask them for tips? People will naturally ask you for advice if you're a good artist that others admire. If you don't want to be asked those things just lock your account???

No. 1819799

Shrug and keep drawing. What else is there to do really?

No. 1819839


apparently mgong5's previous account was banned because of too many "silent followers" or so they claim. maybe twitter thought they were all bots or something

No. 1819867

my hand gets really cold , I was thinking about getting some fingerless gloves,anyone else use something like this?

No. 1819880

Sorry to hear that, nonnie. It's hard to lose something like that even if it was just to prove how far you've come.

No. 1819887

I use fingerless gloves when I'm a home on my PC because I get cold hand easily and normal gloves outside. Sometimes I use fingerless gloves outside too if I am constantly handling something like a camera. I'd really recommend having one pair of each type and handwashing them if you buy them in actual wool or merino or any decent fiber.

No. 1819913

Right now she's going on a spiell about her followers not interacting with her. I think she deactivated because she's getting low interaction, not because of harrassment. She deleted before I could get a screenshot, but she made a tweet basically asking people to compliment her and to tell why they followed her. If you look up the username, you can see people responding to the deleted tweet. I would call her an attention whore if I didn't feel somewhat sympathetic

No. 1819916

i kinda get her side because i think i'd be pretty depressed too if i had a fuckton of followers but not even 1% of them actively engaged with my art outside of likes and RTs. she sounds attention whore-y but i can kinda see why.

No. 1819923

I agree. On the other hand, I hate to sound like those e-begging tweets about big account vs. small account, but it's not like she gets bad traction. Her finished art posts get at least a thousand likes everytime she posts. Her better pieces even reach up to 10k likes. I don't know what more she wants, unless she wants people to like and retweet her WiPs as well? She should feel proud that everytime she purges her account, her new one gains over 10k followers incredibly fast.

No. 1819927

From what I've seen she seems to just want more comments. She doesn't seem to care about numbers, but she wants to see comments and written praise and people engaging with her and her art.

No. 1819932

File: 1703022534906.png (18.66 KB, 618x236, salvat.PNG)

I think you're right. She's the first person I've seen prioritize comments on twitter over likes and retweets, picrel kek but I guess I understand why

No. 1819941

she just sounds like a really lonely artist which honestly i totally understand. like >>1819916 said it does sound painful to be essentially famous and always rake in huge numbers with your art but almost nobody talks to you or even praises your art, they just stare silently. maybe it's still a way to be an attention whore but tbh i prefer this than those artists that are just obsessed with numbers.

No. 1819946

kpop is already extremely abusive to women and kpoopies know it

No. 1819959

I hate this type of women, they always frame it as them ''growing'' out of their nlog phases and wearing slut outfits totes for themselves, when they just went from normal women to pickmes. It's not a coincidence women started to become hyper feminine in the late 00s, when moids started to mock ''feminist'' women who dress casually and dont shave and glorifying literal whores like belle delphine.

No. 1819980

File: 1703023911399.png (12.67 KB, 736x180, df98491085672.PNG)

What really gets me is why she's posting this all publically. She even did the classic black icon with vent tweets. She needs to take at least a break or something

No. 1819985

she's super young. I wonder if young artists suffer with ''peaking'' i imagine her meldown has something to do with her art and she's taking it on her followers.

No. 1819989

File: 1703024112702.png (18.04 KB, 740x158, dfbdsfnrdt.png)


>"Netizens ruined a perfect account of mine. I hate you. Wait until I save a bunch of pictures before I can be reborn. Haha."

Wtf is she on about? This is kinda cringe.

No. 1819994

anon did you dl her accs gallery? i will kill you if you didnt.

No. 1819996

She didn't even get called out or anything right now, I don't understand what this sort of outburst is for? Am I missing milk or is she just going full autist right now
NTA but I backed up some work, not all. I will do that now though, wish me luck that she doesn't randomly deactivate in the middle of it kek

No. 1819999


I've been saving her works for years now. She's one of my fav artists ever and when I first caught wind of her purging her accounts I started to save everything I could.

No. 1820000

you can dl hitomi downloader and mass dl twitter accs with that. I wanted to do that yesterday but for some fucking reason i cant access twitter.

No. 1820014

For some reason Asian artists tend to get really paranoid and destroy their accounts any time they get popular, I guess it's because they're afraid of being doxxed and attacked in real life. Especially with Chinese netizens.

No. 1820018

File: 1703025072059.jpg (65.49 KB, 659x446, [23-11-22] 1727405709548253245…)

You just saved my entire life nonna, you have no idea what powers you just gave me.
Everyone always complains about western internet but Chinese netizens get mad at anything. Especially when it comes to art.

No. 1820033

FUCK, I remember her but I didn't follow her, someone please make an archive of her stuff.
I've noticed this a lot with asian artists too, one little thing and they nuke EVERYTHING

No. 1820049

File: 1703026272045.jpg (74.33 KB, 818x864, 1692890004839.jpg)

>You just saved my entire life nonna, you have no idea what powers you just gave me.
anon please can you zip it and uploaded it to catbox? its an anonymous link sharing site and you dont need to register. I really dont want to miss on her art because of my shitty third world internet connection.

No. 1820053

Western internet ain't got shit on them, Chinese netizens and terminally online Korean incels are like the worst people to get going after you and I'd also nuke my accounts immediately if that happened to me. Westerners behind a language/cultural barrier tend to interpret them as being "just humble" by not wanting to draw attention to themselves but in reality they're covering their entire asses by doing so.

No. 1820059

File: 1703026635561.jpg (239.49 KB, 1099x1406, [23-10-16] 1713889601121820705…)

Here you go nonnas! There are too many files for catbox, but this is a link. It should be a zip with them all I've never used this site before to share files so if I accidentally doxxed myself please tell me lmao
This is only the OnlySalvat twitter account though. I can backup the m2gong one as well though.

No. 1820063

nonnie make a zip/archive and put it on mediafire or mega nz and share the link, check the link from an incognito tab in your browse so you see how others will see it, if you're afraid of doxxing ureself

No. 1820070

Sorry, I did it the hard way, and I already did all that. I somehow forgot zip files existed like a retard. But here's a catbox link for those who asked.

No. 1820095

File: 1703028154190.jpg (242.9 KB, 2048x1136, [23-09-21] 1705011898171949155…)

thanks anon god bless you. I hope mgong is doing fine, can you believe she's only 21/22? i wonder is she works for a studio and that's why she doesnt want her account to be big, i wouldnt want my employeer to find i draw cuntboy art either kek

No. 1820105

Following trends/trying to fit in.
They existed in spaces were “eeww no i don’t like girly things” was cool and now it’s “aktshyally pink and bimbos is feminist because legally blonde”

No. 1820427

I thought Columbo was a male? Was he a tif the whole time? If you find out his new handle please share

No. 1820504

Yes, but in the topic of fucking war conflict from the past and media consumption of countries who went to that war lmao. Is Japan's consumption of Korean media okay to Anon because they don't sperg about censorship?

No. 1820530

I don't wanna be mean but it is the average "following an asian artist" experience. We have this idea that they have no drama just because we can't read their languages, but they can be so overly dramatic. I hate following an artist and being bombarded with short tweets about them feeling suicidal cause their last drawing didn't perform well or something

No. 1820585

Kek it’s either that or flooding the feed with pictures food and pets instead of posting any art.

No. 1820586

Nothing puts me off an artist more than them complaining about not getting enough likes. It makes me actively not press like on their art just to spite them

No. 1820588

Nonas what's your best newbie tips or "wish I had known this before I started" for someone who wants to start an art account?

No. 1820591

This, weebs ITT idolize Asian artists so much because they don't understand the language or bother to even translate their tweets but they have meltdowns and delete their art because a piece got 10% less engagement than the previous one, beg for compliments and attention, subtweet about each other and send their follower armies after people they don't like, have petty drama and accuse each other of stealing/tracing from them. And finally they just nuke their entire account with no warning.

No. 1820617

The best combination is raging over the lack of likes and then locking down their account or deleting when a tweet does blow up and they gather "too many" followers.

No. 1820618

Highly unlikely I mean hell just look at what she draws, very tif centered fandoms also she mentioned in her pri twitter about the hijab protests so also I'm suprised nonas being weirded out by deleting alt accounts mainly focused on a certain fandom it makes sense in columbos case as the punishment can be harsher for her and retards were doxxing her, Mgong was quite a cow in the sphere I was in too ererei art deleted her fanarts if it got too popular and sperged about how fanart should be made,which is somewhat redundant I mean does she not think people save it? Most alt accounts in the tag are private now after westoids found it and spammed trans fanarts.

No. 1820709

Agreed. I love following JP artists for fandoms I'm in, but there was this one incident where one of them had a falling out with another and deleted like half her fanworks, written and drawn, over it. They have the same type of drama as westerners do, just crazy in a different kind of way.

No. 1820882

Am I the only one who rolls my eyes and finds it boring as hell when artists reach a phase in which they insistently try to emulate the style of popular painters, usually either Alfons Mucha or J.C. Leyendecker?

Don't get me wrong, I know that it's always good to practice and reference old masters every now and then because it's the best way to learn their techniques and better your own skills, but I'm talking about artists who have entirely different artstyles/rendering styles and then one day suddenly they're trying really hard to be the next Leyendecker except it's Dollar Store edition. Bonus if they're obviously not skilled enough to pull it off and the rendering actually makes their art look worse and/or less original.

No. 1820943

As Leyendecker's biggest dick rider, even I'm tired of it kek. It's like they just see 'dapper faggot from the 1920's aesthetic' with no broader appreciation for his works in their wider commercial context. Unfortunately it's practically honey to sticky fujo flies off Twitter who love 'subverting' christian imagery and lauding cannibalism every other Tuesday.

No. 1821027

(Samefag as >>1820882)
Yeah like. Hell I LOVE Leyendecker and Mucha, but some the fuck on. The amount of times I've seen mediocre artist after mediocre artist trying to copy their art without trying to actually understand it and the end result is an ugly, messy bootleg.

No. 1821041

>triplus fineliner
I have a 48 set of those I bought years ago and they're still going strong, I love the colors! my only gripe is that they aren't waterproof but I can work around that.

No. 1821098

If you're legitimately brand new to posting online, choose a shorter handle and google it with "art" and see if there are a lot of/weird results. Treat yourself like a brand and try not to change too often. Make sure you can also get it as a domain later on if you want to do commissions.

No. 1821103

File: 1703103041925.jpeg (358.81 KB, 2014x1600, 46DEF99D-6916-4E28-8ADF-CD13A7…)

The “realistic man and uwu animu girl” combination is always so hilarious

No. 1821108

That's by Range Murata, a massive pedo. The scrotes are probably selfinserts.

No. 1821112

Is this supposed to be a callout or?.. lol, that’s attentionwhoring, literally - oh the burden of being popular, oh the cross of hers, how dramatic

No. 1821131

Is Japan's consumption of Korean media okay to Anon because they don't sperg about censorship?
yeah, duh

No. 1821152

I despise Range Murata's stuff. Even worse to see mutuals list him as a fav or retweet his nasty pedo-gaze work every time it comes up. Like are you all blind and retarded?

No. 1821175

not trying to be petty, but…looks like TwistedDisaster finally got away from the symmetry tool and her art still falls pretty flat for me. i guess i just never noticed how uninspired it is, and don't even get me started on the way she speaks here; like she's hunched over the mic trying to be quiet (in what i'm assuming is a house???), talking a little too fast, and making those disgusting mouth/breathing sounds. you'd think being a content creator for as long as she has would teach her to practice some basic recording etiquette, get her mouth off the mic, and enunciate better. like i'm sorry, i went in trying my hardest to enjoy this video but it's a little hard when she's being so gross!

No. 1821261

Absolutely 100%. I roll my eyes so hard when people praise Asian artists for "sticking to art" and not getting political, but all they ever fucking do is vent and post food pics

No. 1821371

when people say that they mean ''not drawing bishies with tit scars holding tranny flags'' i personally dont care whatever shit artists want to post as long as it doesnt interfere with their art

No. 1821378

No. 1821384

Cool stuff

No. 1821638

This basically, post pictures of your food all you want but if the art is good I'm staying

No. 1821714

File: 1703129472531.jpg (331.38 KB, 1536x2048, [20-01-11] 1215928248036519936…)

unpopular opinion but i like seeing food and cat pics on my feed. Japanese food looks delicious and pretty so i sometimes end up using them as ref for my drawings, and the cat pics are just cute. Things i cannot stand in feeds is spamming reaction image/gifs. Western and chinese artists LOVE to spam on their feed, STOP RETARD ITS UNBEARABLE.

No. 1822689

No. 1822810

Men being injured kek

No. 1822913

I know next to nothing about the ACC but I HAVE watched enough creepshow drama videos to spot personal beef between your sort when I see it kek… you a friend of hers, nona?

No. 1822987


I was just about to say this; every so often in every art salt thread we get this one particular nona posting about TwistedDisaster. It's always the same formatting. I understand if she's been a personal cow of hers for ages, but she's not even milky enough anymore, only tangentially related to old cows.

We get it. She makes ugly art, hangs out with tifs, mouth breathes and whines about her privileged life. Nothing new here, just stop hate watching her lmao. She can be salty about TD all she wants but it's not bringing anything to the table at this point.

No. 1823124


i remember when i had a phase like that kek. i was super insecure of my own art style and i wanted to stand out but i didn't know how but i knew people loved mucha and other art noveau aesthetics so i dove headfirst into trying to mimic mucha's style for my own art.

in one hand it did help me learn some stuff mainly when it came to composition but on the other hand my art looked even more generic than before because now it didn't have a lick of originality and it was just glaringly obvious that i was trying to copy mucha instead of learning from his style. didn't help the fact that my technical skills were also shit (i used to be one of those rendermaxxing with shitty anatomy type of artists) eventually i grew tired of it and went back to my old style and improved it instead.

No. 1823147


I had a phase like this too. I love Leyendecker's work but there's a limit to what can be gleaned from him, and some artists just exclusively study him til all their work is some weird facsimile of his. I believe he only recently became 'the artist to emulate' because the 'kweers' (seemingly all at once) all recently found out that he was gay and it's trendy. Before then everyone was on Mucha and others.

Mucha and Leyendecker specifically get very redundant though, but it's understandably because the body of work they left behind was majority advertisements. So now the artists going through those phases, all their art ends up looking like ads kek.

No. 1823157

I think what kills me the most is when digital artists try to copy Leyendecker's painting style without taking a painting approach to it. One example that always makes me want to eat my table is when those artists add white strokes around their art which in Leyendecker's work was basically him cleaning up the area around the drawing, but when people try to copy it they just slap some white strokes behind their art to simulate that effect and it looks so jarring. I think the problem isn't even people copying them, but people not taking the time to understand their techniques and why they did what they did. It's why those copycats' art ends up looking empty and generic.

No. 1823246

does anyone know how long it took to see improvements in their art after doing copies of the work made by their favourite artists?

No. 1823350

For me, it took about a year. My art is pretty different from what it was at January, and a lot of it was supplemented by mastercopies and studies of a few artists I really like (both that draw realism and things like cartoons/anime). It's not insanely drastic, but I feel like it helped a lot in supplement to regular life studies and anatomy breakdowns.

No. 1823449

Okay, so, using basic grammar and punctuation means one person complaining about her is the exact same as the next? Please make it make sense, nonnie.

If you don't know anything about TwistedDisaster then you're not exactly qualified to answer, are you? And since when does watching 'Creepshow Art' videos make you an expert on gauging personal beef between strangers on the internet? How can you possibly watch all of them and not understand that was an IRL stalking situation with lolcow drama on the side? Since when does me not liking one artist's videos mean that I have personal beef with her or know her in any way? It's literally called the art SALT thread, it doesn't always have to be a hugbox for nonas that pretend to be smarter than they actually are. I miss when we were able to articulate responses that actually made sense. That being said, both of you need to get off the internet, go outside, and get in touch with reality more often. Seriously.

No. 1823750

I hate rendermaxxers. People praise heavily rendered art that has shitty anatomy. Especially with the uncanny animu shit targeted to coomers.

No. 1823771

File: 1703217770928.jpg (Spoiler Image,186.72 KB, 996x1144, GB64GDWacAAzfK7.jpg)

An update on the Mgong situation:
>no longer private
>upset because only her works depicting women became popular instead of her works depicting men
>upset because she doesn't want a male following
>also doesn't want a foreign female following
Overall, she's just upset her art isn't performing well, which is a normal thing to be upset about. On the other hand, what was she expecting? Most of what she posts nowadays is fat "cuntboy" art, which appeals to two particular niches that aren't big at all. She would do great just posting regular, non tranny-adjacent work. No matter how amazing her style is, no one wants to reblog fat nazi tif porn publically kek(picrel)
Pace yourself and ensure every piece you are working on is an improvement from the last. Take little things and focus on aspects to improve on for that piece, ex; the background or faces. Doing that, I've been able to see improvement each month. It's all about consistency

No. 1823778

File: 1703218220863.png (72.46 KB, 758x994, nnnndgggg5238.png)

Samefagging with missed milk, she made a new alt account. She's purging her other account. Starting strong though with her vague sad tweets, I suppose.

No. 1823783

i stopped liking her art after she started drawing her fat cuntboy oc i hope she goes back to drawing men

No. 1823786

Why doesn't this retard just leave the internet instead of whining about having a lot of followers?

No. 1823793

She wants pity comments from people even more retarded than her.

No. 1823811

I like her art but oh my god I can't help but laugh from all this fucking milk lmao

No. 1823852

Fat Tranny fetish porn Is severely affecting her brain

No. 1823858

I would always block this artist’s accounts when they showed up in my feed because her fatass moid oc annoyed me (and so many other Chinese artists draw similar anyway), I guess I was doing just what she (doesn’t) want kek

No. 1823902

I find it hilarious when artists that hang on the coattails of major toy companies or similar and just milk nostalgia are like that. I like this type of art but is she paying royalties to Matell or whichever designer came up with the prototype?

No. 1823938

You can usually tell who will make it early on, there's not a lot of betting needed. If it's people you're gonna found a studio or agency with you will most likely already collab while you are in school, not after. If that doesn't happen, the thing is, those people who will make it won't work with you unless you really bring something to the table, so while it is true that it is easier to reach out to alumni you still primarily need to focus on your own work.

No. 1823941

Oh dear… nona, if I had any doubts before now, you have so very kindly cleared them all up for me, kek. No one who doesn't have something to hide gets that angry over a 'wrong' accusation.

No. 1823964

Seconding that you NEED to get the 2nd gen pencil, the first one is shit (make sure tablet is compatible). The improvements for 2nd gen are major, first gen is like a prototype that should never have gone to market (I have it, I know).

No. 1823980

omg, nona, she was my favourite HP artist as well! I remember so many of her drawings. I recently looked her up and found her on insta, she seems to be just living as a regular artist now and doing fine. The art isn't much like her fanart though.

No. 1824102

I wish i could find female artist friends, why did they all have to troon out in the last decade?

No. 1824143

File: 1703250546162.png (26.04 KB, 558x216, KEKKKK.png)

nta but shes seems to be on a all out spergout,she has deleted some tweets but damn am i keking

No. 1824179


jesus christ what the fuck even happened with them? like ok i get it she wants more comments and engagement and praise but this is starting to get ridiculous, this is mgong's 5th account or so already

No. 1825479

is drawing the most mentally draining hobby in existence?

No. 1825537

File: 1703311816526.png (429.8 KB, 590x788, Screenshot 2023-12-22 220901.p…)

"lol look at my quirky wholesome horror school shooter oc!! he's so quirky and edgy and funny and he's a wizard who has a wand that's actually his gun and he he takes no shit from those twitter people!! isnt that so edgy and quirky and wholesome???"

No. 1825538

File: 1703311938293.png (398.43 KB, 573x349, Screenshot 2023-12-22 221334.p…)

No. 1825556

Yes, but only if you allow it. With the amount of art she puts out I can imagine she's glued to a screen, alone in some room for at least 10 hours each day. I hope she finds at least some online friends to talk to and exchange art with, maybe that will make posting feel more meaningful to her

No. 1825566

File: 1703315997696.jpg (905.24 KB, 1638x2048, FzdHz6yWAAAhPCG.jpeg.jpg)

Oh, that motherfucker again. I blocked him when he first appeared on my timeline during the crazy spiderverse discourse earlier this year. He had some awful takes about shipping and pro/anti shit, I can only find this scribbled over version of the last "panel" now. Iirc his point was that people ship anything and that it's all problematic because it's not canon, so this person marked which ships apparently are and aren't according to them kek
His art pisses me off so much, it's so fucking ugly. The colors are bad and I just can't stand that overly detailed painting for a simple character joke he always does. It also just generally pisses me off that he gained so many followers off of stickmen and drama baiting

No. 1825587

File: 1703317892296.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1179x2062, IMG_1454.jpeg)


“Something that doesn’t exist”

oh the irony

No. 1825716

Trigger warnings are for the retarded
I'm 100% sure that this is a pooner.

No. 1825744

File: 1703335384052.jpg (883.28 KB, 2048x1024, tumblr_ef762bdeb040d27f71cd8eb…)

Really? Something about the abhorrent color choices and subject matter in the non-stickmen artworks just feels so distinctly moidish to me.

No. 1825828

"something that doesn't exist" as in a fictional character. they didn't say school shooters don't exist

No. 1826026

Bwuak bwuak bwuak chicken legs BUh-KAW(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1826131

>I don't give a fuck!!1
>Cares enough to do a drawing detailing how she doesn't give a fuck

No. 1826138

It's a woman and she can't even understand fat thighs = no thigh gap?

No. 1826328


i think what they meant is that the artist made a whole post about how disgusting fictional ships and such are but is now going "lmao you guys are so funny for being disgusted at my fictional school shooter oc"

No. 1826438

Her entire existence on twitter is just drawing verbose "comics" that could easily fill an essay and endlessly tweeting in response to anyone who calls it shit. What a miserable existence

No. 1826442

He talks in this video. It's a man, and I was surprised too because I've seen women draw like that

No. 1826460

his art is complete fucking dogshit
no wonder he's so defensive and responsive to anything random people say about his art lol

No. 1826631

repulsive style, cant even rendermaxx lol

No. 1826664

File: 1703391657695.png (1.32 MB, 1088x1312, huh.png)

What exactly is she teaching here? This looks so unfinished and rushed to me and I don't think its much different from the WIP post besides the over "detailed" water and blobby birds.



No. 1826682

female to male transsexual

No. 1826685

Francine would be cute if she wasn't so coomery

No. 1826705

>if too rendered then its rendermaxxing
>if not rendered enough then its an unfinished sketch

No. 1826764

How much money do you suppose sakimichan has now

No. 1826785

Too much considering how lazy their art has gotten. You can see the blurriness in the ai, the attempts to adjust it, you can see even it in the timelapses. She will outline and then lazily base color and shadow, then suddenly it's all shifted to the left and fully rendered. You can see this in the timelapse video she has for Nightmare Before Christmas, look at Jack's chest. Also the lining is just uncovering a layer, not drawn out. Then you have the different art styles between multiple people in a photo.

I used to like her art, she can do art. It's stupid to say she can't, but I cannot stand the lighting not matching up the fight sources and how shitty everything looks now in everything she puts out. Thats why she puts out so much so fast compared to one or two a month.

No. 1826818

File: 1703403704224.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1076x748, IMG_6356.jpeg)

I was browsing through insta on my explore and found the left pic. I was certain that I had seen something similar before and so my initial reaction was a bit of annoyance but I wonder what anyone else’s opinion would be on this?

No. 1826825

Kind of shameless to copy a design and not credit just because the original is almost a decade old and you feel like you can get away with it. The caption only being "Pony" makes this even worse somehow. I don't like artists that have no respect for others work, even when it's something silly like MLP fanart. She could've done something inspired by the original but she chose to copy it instead, it only shows how little creativity she has

No. 1826845

File: 1703408603849.jpg (113.12 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Any nonnas do 2d animation? What software would you recommend for a complete beginner who just wants to try it out? I see a lot of recommendations for After Effects but I'm not keen on supporting Ad*be and can't find a working pirated version.

No. 1826847

File: 1703408744893.jpg (Spoiler Image,343.16 KB, 720x1207, Screenshot_20231224_120259.jpg)

Sakimichan draws the same shitty coomer tier rendermaxxed shit over and over again, I don't understand why is she notable to have a Wikipedia article. Almost certainly made by her coomer simps.

No. 1826850

goddam her style deteriorated. I didnt think it was possible, but alas.

No. 1826853

File: 1703409217468.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.62 KB, 720x696, Screenshot_20231224_121319.jpg)

Seems like her work was never good. Picrel is from 2018, she nailed the AI-generated coomer art look before AI.

No. 1826855

that looks miles better than her new style. Even if it's still garbage, it's at least more detailed and pleasing that look at than her anachans with big asses and boobs .

No. 1826856

File: 1703409599707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,299.31 KB, 900x1165, 245248e7fa8a99ada2570eb56cf799…)

unpopular opinion but I liked her early style, much more details and line work

No. 1826867

Holy shit this awakened the 12 year old Fujo in me. His legs and pussy and face arfhfhggg wtf is wrong with me I'm straight(seek help)

No. 1826870

Aw hell nawww getting horny on the bad art thread is a new low for me. I'm turning off my router !

No. 1826874

post which art made you horny we need to know

No. 1826883

Same, as a teen new to art i thought her earlier not-coom art was super pretty. As time went on it got more porny and made me dislike it more and more until I dropped her completely.
She's so famous for her porn now, I honestly think if she hadn't gone to draw porn she could have been one of the most respected artists on the internet by now and it could have given her really cool career opportunities. Like how that moid got to help out working on detective pikachu because he made pokemon fanart. He's also a known coomer but he doesn't draw or post it himself so he could maintain a professional image outwards that allowed family friendly companies to work with him.

No. 1826901

Seconding this

No. 1826945

lol no, anon. Her generic lol splashcard artstyle is still boring. She would have ended up like Krenz, a good but extremely boring artist. Not that she's any better now, but i dont think we missed on a good artist.

No. 1826989

Merry xmas eve nonnas! A thing I've been pondering lately is how do I stop caring about numbers (on twitter, discord..)?

No. 1826990

What type of 2D animation? AE is suited for puppet animation, but not hand-drawn. The only free hand-drawn animation software that I can think of right now is OpenToonz. The interface might seem scary if you haven‘t tried out any other animation programs before. Haven‘t used the software personally, though. Photoshop is also a decent pick for hand-drawn animation if you just want to mess around. The animation tool there is simple. If you don‘t have Photoshop or want a software that is free and has similar features, then maybe you could try using Krita? I believe it also has a tool for animating.

No. 1826994

if a western artist did this on twitter everyone in this thread would call her a cow

No. 1826998

western artists SUCK and are cows. Choose a struggle.

No. 1827006

No. 1827008

where do you newfags keep coming from?

No. 1827018

Holy shit how did her art actually get worse? She needs some sort of medal for having art that looks like it was AI generated before AI generation became a thing. Is this even rendermaxxing anymore?

No. 1827024

she honestly draws like her clones now. I cant believe coomers still eat it.

No. 1827029

If you already have Clip Studio you can use that to animate, just look up how to change the workspace and what tools to use. The Pro version allows like 10 seconds but Ex is unlimited iirc. It's good if you want to make short blinking animations or are only trying it out.

No. 1827032

we still are calling her one, asian artist meltdowns happen all the time its just most nonnies dont understand the language or dont follow their alts kek, rei_17 has enough cowish incidents that her agent wiped off the internet, visit weibo and youll see some schizoids

No. 1827040

Not quite hopeful but I keep wishing and looking forward to making connections with like-minded artists over numbers and time and time again the artists turn out to be pro troon, so, kek.

No. 1827042

read >>1826785 for my reply I guess lol

No. 1827044

At conventions it would be women and men who would be crowding her booth with helpers while she drew. I think your personal take is honestly just you. This was 4 years ago too that I'm talking about, before she heavily replied on AI to finish her art and the making of fake timelapses.

No. 1827070

I use Pencil2D for roughs/initial passes, then move my work into CSP for clean up and colour once I'm happy with the timing and movement. My version of it is pretty outdated so I'm not sure if it's been improved kek, but I like how simple it is and prefer working with its timeline over CSP's when I'm keying and inbetweening. Another option for you to try could be Animation Paper, and OpenToonz is also interesting.

Good luck animating!

No. 1827176

I'm curious to know, what distinguishes a boring piece from an 'exciting' one?

No. 1827224

Can tifs even get this voice? Because if it's a real man then he's the girliest man ever, but if she's a tif (as I suspect) then it's just regular tif bullshit.

No. 1827234

her art has always been ugly and generic. She poisoned the western art scene with her hideous realistic expressionless coomer women style for years, so i am glad she's irrelevant for anyone but coomers now. Shit tier artist.

No. 1827235

If they have a naturally low voice and have been taking hormones for awhile I think some of them can get that low

No. 1827260

I stg all the retards flock to this thread and the fandom discourse one. No shit her art looks like AI, the AI was trained on her art. Like some of you guys popped fresh out the pods today or something. Criticize her art for being bland sameface coomerbait sure, but don't be all shocked Pikachu face.jpg that the artists who had their shit stolen by AI surprise surprise look like AI art.

No. 1827261

Some do get that low, sadly some of the deepest tif voices I've heard have been from women who detransed anyway and its pretty jarring if they look back to normal but sound like your dad. They don't all get that froggy voice.

No. 1827267

Personal taste mostly. Artists like Sakimi draw the same thing over and over, of course it'll get boring to look at.

No. 1827305

Ayrt, her art is "generic" because that's what's popular and she helped make it popular and generic. I was also thinking she would have developed further and in a not-coomer way to be respected in my hypothetical. Of course her lazy ai coomer art isn't respected as good art now. But I stand by the fact that she could have been seen as a great artist if she hadn't ever gone into coomer art.

Just out of interest, did anyone else use to follow her but got put off by the coomery nature of it? Or did it happen with any other artists?

No. 1827360

File: 1703446023653.jpg (438.95 KB, 1475x2048, F-5jUvvWEAAYSwC.jpeg.jpg)

There are many such cases kek I had to unfollow @jjjj_h_9 for that recently. She used to draw pretty neutral subjects and some BL and then went full coomer. I just don't care to see women with huge breasts in various positions. Though I still like her lineart and the videos showing how meticulous she is with breaking down anatomy. It's a shame that it all ends up looking stilted as if traced from a 3D model. When I first saw her art I felt like she was really close to amazing with how easily and accurately she could construct bodies, but the stiffness I saw back then just got worse

No. 1827373

File: 1703447035950.jpeg (169.91 KB, 900x750, IMG_8808.jpeg)

Nonnies sorry for stupid question but how do you practice drawing people? How can I practice more efficiently? Are there specific websites you use for references? I’m an OK artist but it takes me a while to get a sketch to look right. I wish I could draw like picrel relatively effortlessly (minus the render). Any tips would be much appreciated.

No. 1827388

I would recommend a trip to the optometrist because that's clearly ai. concept art rendering usually works the best, soft gradients and usually using textured brushes

No. 1827392

>she wants to draw like the AI

No. 1827393

I hope this makes sense but does anyone know how I can make robed characters look more interesting? Because of my setting a lot of my characters are wearing robes or other flowy clothes but at times their designs look boring af just like a walking rectangle and it's painful because I spent a lot of time learning anatomy and gesture
Should I just give in and make their robes shorter to show off their legs>

No. 1827394


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1827403

Try having their heads be interesting, whether it be hair design or different facial features. I like to attach armor or shoulder pieces on people if they're in a fantasy setting, or other things such as a sword hilt peaking through the cape/other clothes. All depends on the character you're making and the vibes you want. Sometimes a "boring rectangle" is good if you want to give the feeling that the character is hiding something or insignificant

No. 1827405

>I cant believe coomers still eat it
Aren't they famously easy to target or is that my wishful thinking

No. 1827406

Are Proko's courses worth it? Or can they be torrented by any chance?

No. 1827409

I've been pirating the ebooks and they're handy. Can't speak to the courses themselves, though I see he has new ones out

No. 1827411

Doesn't she make a crazy amount of money? I remember last I read, she had to have made over a million since her Patreon was estimated to be in the six figure range. She is past the point of caring hence why her art has deteriorated. There is no need for her to care about fame or respect.

No. 1827422

Don’t skewer me nonas the AI stole it from somebody. I meant like pretty husbandos.

No. 1827477

Imagine degrading yourself so low to draw coomer art of children from a kids cartoon, sorry I mean "aged up" children. I hope the money was worth the price of her soul.

No. 1827518

It's hilarious seeing her alma mater's page about her stating how proud they are of her work while linking to her Patreon that advertises a special $11 futa tier.

No. 1827522

I noticed that chinese artists are like Sakimichan (only care about money) or insane passionate women who draw only what they want. What's up with that? I promise I am not racebaiting, I just wonder if there is a cultural reason behind it.

No. 1827543

What other chinese artists have you noticed this trend with? Isn't that how most artists can be categorized? Basically all of them are either passionate hobbyists or soulless patreon grinders if they aren't in the industry.

No. 1827546

you're just noticing two extreme ends of a spectrum. passionate about money or passionate about art. everyone else is whatever.

No. 1827627

Work ethic and values are completely different in China.

No. 1827728

File: 1703470092604.jpeg (649.42 KB, 1678x2047, IMG_1485.jpeg)

Why is twitter convinced this isn’t ai when is so obviously is? Is it just because there’s a big artist credited to it?

No. 1827734

i hate danmai shit but this doesnt look AI. Just your usual rendermaxxing anime artist.

No. 1827740

her art was fucking everywhere in the early 10s yet i cant remember a single piece she did. I am sorry, but she was boring and generic even back then.

No. 1827750

It's ai, look at the background where the flower meets the window and the inconsistent pattern

No. 1827753

oh damn, that sucks. Hope they get enough backlash to fire that hack.

No. 1827786

File: 1703475913713.jpg (290.56 KB, 2500x1666, artomi-katherinebernhardt-gold…)

I want to know why bland lazy uninspired shit like this is considered fine art. Who is buying this?

No. 1827788

it big

No. 1827791

File: 1703476214110.jpg (422.09 KB, 1080x1556, piss.jpg)

Yeah but why is a big amount of trash considered art? Those paintings took less skill and brainpower to produce than this literal pisscube.

No. 1827793

looks like my mspaint doodles i did in hs

No. 1827857

File: 1703484039821.jpg (Spoiler Image,550.59 KB, 1280x1707, dog_boy_sakimi_chan.jpg)

I liked it as well although it has always been generic. In the past it was promising. You could appreciate her skill at the very least. And honestly back then people were far more impressed by digital art bc of how new it was. Now there's ass tons of clones and she doesn't even make the art herself. I do agree that her art is nothing special, but if she actually pushed to establish herself as something other than a coom artist she could've at least maintained a level of skill in her art that is nonexistent now.

No. 1827869

Rich people love to be told by other rich people what to buy even if they don't give a shit, kek. Probably some nepo baby artist people are being paid to promote.

No. 1827916

>Transgender "artist"
>Making a glowing piss cube installation
Of course, the fucker probably gets off to people seeing and admiring his piss

No. 1827918

money laundering

No. 1828017

Damn that piss nothing but monster and kidney stone

No. 1828026

File: 1703506664495.jpg (78.02 KB, 1920x1080, jaiden animations.jpg)

I absolutely hate the "popular youtube animator" artstyle that is the laziest ugly shit you've ever seen. 90% of the time they're just pure white and look like ugly emoji blobs just becuase it's easier and faster to produce more videos that way. What a way to scream "I give 0 shit about art or animation and just want more views and money". I hate that they ever got popular, I have 0 respect for them as artists/animators.

No. 1828027

can't believe I clocked a troon based on their art being literal piss, they are so damn predictable kek

No. 1828034

>for having art that looks like it was AI generated before AI generation became a thing
AI is trained on real people's art, of course AI looks like popular artists' art style. One of the most popular promts is "trending on artistation", which is often those Leage of Legends-esque artworks.

No. 1828056

I still can't get over how fucking anally butthurt asian artists, especially japs, get if someone somewhere reposts their art or other shit. Then they go nuke all their accounts and art on all platforms.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? bitch, there's 8 bln ppl on the planet and most have access to the internet, this isn't the 90s anymore, if you expect your art will never be reposted you are out of your fucking mind, take a chill pill and keep on drawing , not throw temper tantrums like a fucking toddler.

No. 1828074

>I don't understand why is she notable to have a Wikipedia article
Kek she isn't, that's why her article has been nominated for deletion thrice ("may not meet Wikipedia's notability guidelines") and only two or three users ever participated in the discussions on its deletion. I am highly positive that the only reason it is left up is because it is being safeguarded by her coomers; the damn page hasn't even been touched in almost a year.

No. 1828076

let me point out that sakimichan was like 19 or 20 here or even younger. for her young age she was indeed very skilled and had plenty of potential to get even better that's why many of us are mad that she went for the coomer route. although there seems to be a recent trend of artists who were prodigies but then they either stagnated or got worse

No. 1828082

nayrt but I remember her since her deviantart days and she was indeed skilled considering her age,I liked her stuff
she sold her soul to the devil for money
there are so many clones of her and some of them so good you can't even tell which is which, really a shame she followed the route she did

No. 1828098

Look at how the sitting one’s hair melds around the hand on his head. It’s definitely AI. >>1827734

No. 1828101

definitely ai. the hands are fucked. and the dead giveaway is the decor, look how skewed and mismatched the window decorations are

No. 1828105

My theory is that wealthy people need an easy way to money launder and that's when fine "art" comes to play. Is a win win for both tards, one makes shit and sells them for incredible amounts of money and the other launders money without looking suspicious

No. 1828132

speaking of fine arts i have a story to share. usually to succeed in the fine arts community you need to be a nepobaby or well connected but i know someone who grew up poor but was extremely hard working and good at networking and now he's making a living solely from painting. and he's living very well off. he was very stubborn and proud and determined to make it and managed to gain so many important contacts by putting himself out there to all the big galleries. had he been only talented but shy and insecure he would probably be another one of those artists living by scraps day by day but because he was so hard working and assertive he impressed the arrogant richfags and they bought his paintings. he's obviously also a very good artist, but the lesson here is that at the end of the day you make money by convincing other people to buy it from you. that's the power of being a good salesman

No. 1828139

what was the name of that anime artist that became popular for posting a full rendered finished piece per day for almost a year?

No. 1828142

i dont think there is a single popular youtube artist who's actually good at drawing, minus that harry guy but his stylization is garbage

No. 1828143

If she didnt sell her soul she would be drawing boring LOL big titty girl anyways. Rendermaxxers cant really do much.

No. 1828171

Well, they aren't drawing for random people to repost or edit their pieces. It's their art and I can understand locking down once they see that happen. Oftentimes they get no interaction either, it must suck to post into the void like that and then see someone take your work without permission on top of that. They aren't emotionless machines and not reposting art is basic courtesy

No. 1828218

hungry clicker (@click_burgundy on twitter)

No. 1828229

I loved watching mohammed agbadi's videos on art but why is it that nearly all art he posts is coomer shit? i dont think i've seen a single art post from him that wasn't coom.

No. 1828261

His courses have been torrented for probably a decade now.
The important thing is if you want feedback because, at least for the figure drawing courses, the difference between that specific premium course and his youtube videos isn't much.

No. 1828265

>I loved watching mohammed agbadi's videos on art
Why?? Isn't it just him talking shit or being provocative?

No. 1828349

I think you're referring to jeonghee1414 and he actually did the 100 day challenge twice. He also streamed it and you can find some of them reuploaded on youtube.

No. 1828373

I only really watch his commentary videos and it irks me how he doesn't seem to know what he's speaking on half the time. I watched that jelly style video and on top of him talking about something different from the topic proposed by the title, he completely missed the point on why people were angry at the artist in the first place. They found it hypocritical that she was attacking a person for copying her style when she posts how to videos on how to do just that. Instead he used that topic to make a point on why artist are so protective about their styles.

No. 1828639

File: 1703563706856.png (478.52 KB, 885x769, poc features.png)

this type of shit always feels so racist

No. 1828641

>"how to draw people of color, guyz!!"
>draws them animalistically.

No. 1828645

the smugness of putting neccesary too

No. 1828647

what is going on here– I'm guessing those are the artist's ocs or something, but why the fuck would you put characters with fantasy features front and centre for this? one of them has whiskers kek

not even going to touch on everything else wrong with it lmao. how are the responses to it/the 'necessary' thread?

No. 1828650

File: 1703564719644.jpg (194.26 KB, 1350x1080, wtffff.jpg)

its either things everyone can get by just doing studies or looking at refs to weird specific shit like this

No. 1828655

File: 1703565046616.jpg (1.24 MB, 1637x899, ew lmao.jpg)

she also recommended some artists and they are all pretty bad. Genuinely dont get going for an animu stylization and drawing this shit.

No. 1828666

>straggly body hair/pubestache/ chin hair
every damn time

No. 1828667

Christ, that is not flattering art kek. Unless you're just deeply unobservant (and/or suck), studies should be all you really need to draw a given subject, and it sometimes feels like the artists who make these kinds of 'tutorials' just want to feel the high of sharing some secret, arcane knowledge that can only be gleaned by being something– it's weirdly gatekeep-y and narcissistic. I'm probably reading too much into it lol, but they're always so smug about simple stuff so it's hard to take them as genuine. I often think back to a series of ethnicity/phenotype guides made by an artist on DA years ago when I see posts like these, which were actually helpful because they were academic in their approach rather than idk antagonistic and smug.

I don't mind animu/'anime-esque' styles, but art like this just feels kind of off to me. It's not technically atrocious, really, but there's just a twee/idealised undercurrent to it that I can't vibe with– everyone's smiling but it all feels so dead and corporate with its design choices and character cliches.

No. 1828670

i have no idea how to get over the "i'm too old to start art" shit. whenever i see a 21 year old (or god forbid, a 15 year old) who's drawing incredible shit i just want to give up. man

No. 1828675

just do it anon. I started out at 18. I am not amazing, but if you dont start now then you are going to look back and regret never starting at all.

No. 1828687

it's never too late to start or improve at art– I taught my 62 year old aunt basic fundamentals from scratch and now she does lovely watercolour landscapes and illustrations.

The only part about art that sucks with age is that it feels more embarrassing to be at a beginner level or make beginner mistakes because you think you're old enough that you should be past it, even if you're literally at the start of your art journey. You become more risk averse and wary of failure as you age, so getting past the ugly or awkward stages of art can be more difficult. Just gotta push through anon, you can do it!

No. 1828691

File: 1703568153821.jpeg (141.67 KB, 750x1238, A979628C-731D-4212-96A8-A28229…)

Oh I’m in this fandom kek. I think the artist is just shit at anatomy and made lazy use of BG assets. They’ve been drawing hands the same for years if you go back on their media tab. What happened was one of those fandom engagement farming accounts made an upscale of a thumbnail of the art that looked clearly ai https://twitter.com/doufudanshi/status/1733239479282909598

No. 1828833

The picture I posted up there is directly from the official pash twitter account though, not some random twitter user’s post

No. 1829044

They all look like they got hit in the face with a pipewrench. Absolutely curb stomped. This artist definitely has a numbers agenda, they really thought they were doing something with this post.

Making caricatures and then getting away with it by calling it a tutorial kek.

No. 1829059

lol next you'll tell me a lazy eye is a good charcteristic too.

No. 1829100

File: 1703605408216.jpg (488.64 KB, 800x2000, 512078_poster.jpg)

>you will never be Mucha

No. 1829103

File: 1703605473841.jpg (3.32 MB, 1900x1900, 019127.JPG)

Kek I hate this artist, somehow his art is both bland/soulless and irritating to look at for me. He has no design sense at all. I looked up >>1828639 and it has over 63k likes atm. I feel bad for the kids who see this and treat it as inspo.
I can think of a ton of artists off the top of my head who do what these people want while having a stronger sense of appeal/style. Why not recommend artists like this?

No. 1829106

damn, whats the name of the artists that did the 3 images on the right side?

No. 1829121

Wow anon, these are so much more fun and lively! I'm a sucker for styles like the black and white one, the bottom left makes me want to see the story the concept sketches are for, and the kids with the shounen shirts made me smile. All your examples also handle their character's expressions so much better than both of those other artists, even though they're not even particularly complex ones. Wish people would promote more artists like these rather than just flog their own work as the pinnacle of diverse character design or whatever when they feel the need to go on a rant about this stuff, but I feel that most wouldn't even bother to look for them or would find some issue that discounts them because they're crabs at heart.

No. 1829122

The recommendations suck because the person who made that tweet is a literal nobody with bad taste. It's crazy how any kind of tip or tutorial will blow up on any platform now, I've seen so many mediocre artists build their following off of that. The most popular tiktok artists for example all post their process or make quick tutorials on how to draw like them, no actual skills needed

No. 1829167

Got a lot of nerve assuming anybody would want to take advice from someone with this hideous of an art style. They barely look human. I’m laughing at the idea of like a 11 year old giving all their dark skinned charas teeth gaps bc of this though

All of these works on the other hand are beautiful! I’d love some artist names if you’re willing, anon!

No. 1829185

artist names, these are all really good.

No. 1829215

So, ever since I found full time employment, I haven't been able to put much energy into growing my art social media like i used to, and used my free time improving my art instead. Instagram used to be my main art page since a lot of artists from my country follow me there and I have the largest amount of follows there as well (under 200 lol) Recently I posted a few things there and got little to no interactions aside from people who follow me and I realized that instagram took away the recent hashtags feature so there isn't really any sense in relying on hashtags to get your shit seen. I don't know if its a glitch or intentional but even searching terms with # in front of them yields 0 results on the app. I don't want to completely abandon the platform but these changes has made it even more difficult to reach people outside of your following. So what should I do now? Is there any other site I can go to where I would have a better chance?

No. 1829229

>akschually it's symbolism for having to hold my piss because women don't want me in their public toilets
>piss is the color of someone who drinks one glass of water per day max

No. 1829336

I will never be a good artist because every time I see "I added triangles to make the character more sneaky and mischievous" or "he's all round shapes to show he's friendly" I just cringe. I get that we "read" things certain ways but it still annoys me because it's not how humans work, skinny people aren't all sneaky and evil, fat people aren't all nice and happy

No. 1829399

Just ignore those rules then. They ARE cringe and just lead to boring, repetitive designs.

No. 1829433

I just learned about that chinese artist who did nsfw videos of genshin characters and that he was cancelled by chinese police. This is so satisfying to know.I wonder if he got his patreon money though, 200k+ $. Fucking wild

No. 1829494

Likely a glitch, hashtags still work just fine for me. If you're making original artwork you will have the same problems on any platform unless you have some specific niche that you don't leave. Posting good art regularly will help you anywhere though

Circle good triangle evil is for character design in kids shows, just ignore it.

No. 1829616

File: 1703640391805.jpg (176.71 KB, 1080x1080, bambii.JPG)

Left to right
Top row: Ramb_d, viprviprvipr/malikvipr, Gyimah Gariba
Middle row: Sesamefruit, Yap1co, iohym
Bottom row: Manny Edeko, lilitafae, likelihood_art

Also just adding this art by Gyimah because it’s my favorite one of his but he never posted it in decent quality on his own socmeds. Slight warning, he’s the least consistent one here when it comes to style but I don’t mind.

No. 1829809

I fucking hate the globohomo shit style so much. It has no soul or aesthetics. Ugly without exceptions. I would rather use AI images over this globohomo "art" made by human "illustrators".

No. 1829829

What are you talking about? Do you mean Clip Art style art? That's been around since the 90s.

No. 1829832

they probably meant the alegria/'corporate memphis' art style and its derivatives. iirc it's based off of asset packs and is intended to be as inoffensive as possible (aside from its sheer ugliness kek)

No. 1829839

They're supposed to be very easy to understand too which is the point for medication informercials which uses these a lot too.

No. 1829876

shut up faggot, that's terrible. First they go for the moid coomers then for the women who draw yaoi.

No. 1829879

File: 1703661856974.jpg (104.63 KB, 640x973, gremlin-poster.jpg)

nta but they are still really ugly. Older posters were also simplistic but looked interesting and hold up as real art to this day. Globohomo can only exist in our aesthetic depriven marvel universe loving hellhole of a timeline.

No. 1829897

File: 1703663542677.png (652.76 KB, 597x769, Capture.PNG)

No. 1829902

even rendermaxxing cant save those ugly as fuck designs

No. 1829907

and they aren't even ugly in an interesting way because they all somehow manage to look samey.

No. 1829970

File: 1703672786533.jpg (552.21 KB, 1200x833, terraformars.jpg)

that looks like shit out of a horror comic

No. 1829974

Anyone else exclusively into fine arts/art investment? Most people here seem to be posting anime… Wer could gossip about Nepo babies smh

No. 1829979

What's the best way to grow from zero on social media (eg. Twitter)? I want to open an account again and I don't really care about numbers but it would be nice to have a small following, like in the hundreds, and a few people who actually enjoy and interact with my art. I was thinking about being the one to be friendly/comment around and make fan art for artists i like, but is there anything else that'd help me get noticed? I know drawing popular stuff also helps but the following/likes you get that way seem so hollow.

No. 1830033

I studied illustration and one of the students there who "made it" went fully into globohomo style with perpetually cheerful almost faceless humans in strong colors it was sobering lol. I fully understand the reasons why this style works for big corporations but I still hate it. I feel like the only other route to an income would probably be to go into 3d.

No. 1830050

kind of a sperg but i hate this whole "there's no such thing as bad art! be cringe! sucking at art isnt a crime!" type attitude people adopt online because it's always to the point where if you get called out for something people will start saying horrible stuff about the things you create because it's "ugly" or whatever. i can deal with people not liking me or the opinions i have, but since i'm just starting out again as an artist, it makes me never want to post my stuff because i'll be worried that people will be waiting for me to get on the bad side of a zoomer so they can relentlessly making fun of the fact i don't know perfect anatomy or how to colour well. i saw people being like "oh i was friends with [terrible person] and i had to pretend to like their art for the longest time it was horrible". that's just horrid weirdo behaviour, i hate that a lot of these zoomers are hitting their 20s nowadays because you can no longer just brush it off as "kids being kids" in a way that you can easily avoid

No. 1830078

File: 1703684455985.jpg (4.17 MB, 3264x3262, 1112334029.jpg)

I confess I'm a huge hater. I don't think it's fair to be this young, beautiful and talented and probably intelligent too. Some people really just hit the lottery. This is kuri huang btw, she's an amazing artist but it annoys me when amazing artists are also very good looking lol

No. 1830099

oh nona, I must confess I unfollowed an artist I liked because she often posted selfies and she was so pretty I couldn't help but feel very jealous of her skills + attractiveness combo kek I understand…

No. 1830112

I do this but I'm surprised there's an audience for it.

No. 1830140

I kind of am interested although I don't follow fine art too closely since I despise a lot of the big names. Any kind of art outside the typical online illustration styles is refreshing to hear about though. If you have any good milk, please bring it up.

No. 1830256

god has his favourites

No. 1830314

fine art is fucking ugly and pure money laundry. Its on the same level as NFTs in terms of cringe.

No. 1830316

I'm into fine art gossip!

No. 1830370

welp, thanks for reminding me how unfair life is kek

No. 1830379

new thread

No. 1830380


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1830383

Kek reading your second sentence I almost thought you were self-posting, but yeah I love Kuri Huang’s art too. Followed her years ago but your post just reminded me to check out her newest stuff again.

Personally if I get jealous of an artist, my one cope is I have different goals for my art and don’t necessarily want my art to look like theirs, so I don’t worry about it. Nothing I can do about looks though lol, I just accept it

No. 1830395

new thread, forgot the subject. Thanks nonny for reminding me.

No. 1830405

Meh, some of them have nice colors but there is so little contrast and what’s there is placed nonsensically that if you look at it more than 3 inches away you can’t see shit and it’s headache inducing. Other than the color it’s just average art with a shit ton of details for no reason

No. 1830432

I started AT 21, I feel you.

No. 1830557

i met a girl who is 3 years younger than me and her art is so much smoother. it's also a shame she mostly draws same-face women when her men are actually better. she could have such a nice women dominated audience but instead she draws scrote bate…

No. 1832288

so, im not self taught, im a dropout who skates by on talent who spent the last couple years in a art education and screenprinting. now that ive secured somewhat of a bag, i want to shake the rust off and pack about five years of dedicated study into 2024. i am cribbing from courses ive taken as well as forcing myself to work towards actual goals for my art. this second thing is probably whats fucking you the most: its hard to have self discipline in the small moments when you have no big goals. i used a wimpier version of this last year and started seeing big improvement and finding time to do commissions. so, here's my strat for big moves in 2024:

>pick one to three long goals, brainstorm the smaller goals you will need to accomplish these things. for me, i dont give a shit about cons, fandoms or galleries, but i do like my city, so by the end of the year i want to be regularly cranking out hand made prints and shirts, and i want to be a better traditional painter so i can decorate my house with real art that didnt cost me 2 grand. acknowledging that i was disinterested in the art goals i had when i was 18 (i used to want to be a comic book artist, now i dont even really read them) and embracing the parts of making art i actually like (mess, working with my hands, meeting other art people) was surprisingly big for me. what do you actually want? dont say money or followers, thats too big. maybe you actually want to participate in a fandom. maybe what you actually want is to be less online. maybe you just want to draw your personal fantasy life, or make a webcomic.

>build a syllabus around your goals. mine include printmaking, some minor business stuff, and painting. i used chat gpt to give me an idea of where to start by asking it to make me a year long syllabus for a self taught printmaker, and to include links to free online youtube courses relevant to each lesson. it didnt give me a perfect syllabus (like it included two weeks to explore materials, which is too basic to be useful to me, so i replaced that with museum trips and some research goals) but it did give me the format i needed to tweak. ive divided up the 52 weeks that make up a year into 2 week blocks that cover certain subjects, and written them down in a Moleskine pro project planner. my goals are listed in pencil so i can edit as i got, and i will log my progress in this planner in pen.
>my fancy art school kicked my ass to make me good when i had fundamentals classes that made me sketch everyday, and made me finish something big every two weeks. you should sketch everyday, and finish something big every two weeks. personally i dont set daily time goals because it doesnt work with my schedule, ive set it so i need 5 filled sketchbook pages a week and a painting/print every two weeks. but some people like to set a timer and make themselves sit in front of a tablet or sketch for like an hour a day. whatever works for your brain.
>accept that you will fuck up and get behind. its fine. your discipline muscles arent what theyre gonna be, even if you work hard in other areas of your life. youll get sick, busy, discouraged, whatever. its literally fine. a year is such a long time and even if you fuck off for two months you can always pick back up your syllabus and just stretch this party into 2025.
>consider finding a trad artist on patreon to follow, even if your interests are digital. there are less grifters and trend chasers in that space. i follow a nobody (but extremely skilled) artist from my hometown pay her 25 a month to have access to her figure drawing courses and huge library of nude references that she shoots herself. because her courses are online, i can practice digitally if i feel like it, but the thing about art is that trad skills always translate well to digital. over the course of a year i will have paid her like 300 dollars, but she has cheaper tiers and i pay for it by cancelling some streaming services and returning to a life of piracy. there are hundreds of trad artists online like this who made their money doing traditional art courses but started to shift to cheaper models of online course giving after the pandemic.

being able to regularly make art and finding yourself in the flowstate that you can achieve that way IS the reward, nonny. once you push past that first month of effort creating your new routine, you will be amazed how easy and genuinely fun it will be. c'mon, new years is in three days, chop chop!

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