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No. 1879378

A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?

Thread #1 >>1291087
Thread #2 >>1417602
Thread #3 >>1573244
Thread #4 >>1707886

No. 1879384

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get up please

No. 1879389

>What in God's name is happening
This is what happens when you let go of your life and chase a trashy moid like this guy. Why are these tiktokers oversharing their life like this too? What in God's name is happening indeed.

No. 1879428

No self respect, desperate need for attention, and a dash of humiliation fetish. Incredible what’s considered “content” these days

No. 1879438

with her FACE attached she wanted everyone to know she lets losers hit raw and doesnt even care. we need a new y2k

No. 1879439

File: 1707233841688.jpg (925.42 KB, 1125x1663, livethongandprosper.jpg)

Imagine my shock when I do some digging and she’s on OF. Why is she surprised men treat her like a whore?

No. 1879480

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this is the worst genre on tiktok

No. 1879489

These women deserve to be shamed. this is disgusting. Have some self respect.

No. 1879491

It's always the trashiest people who get into these dumb situations, it could have been avoided so easily kek.

No. 1879499

We're never escaping the patriarchy

No. 1879527

Whatever happened to shame? Like, aren't these women actually ashamed of posting all this? I know they ain't getting paid that much so it's not even worth it. How did this level of humiliation and pathetic antics became normal?

No. 1879543

This genre exists specifically for onlyfans creators to shill their porn in a safe for work way, prove me wrong.

No. 1879546

I felt a need to respond to this, but the only reason why they did it was because the mother was going to have her reputation for being adulterous. That reason alone makes me feel less sympathy for them even if the moid who was harassing her was gross, because she could have always called the police on him instead of resorting to murder, she would have suffered less consequences. Overall, i feel like because of how easy it is to gain an audience on tiktok, i've been seeing so many true crime stories related to tiktok as opposed to youtube which has been around for decades and i think it's interesting.

No. 1879550

Yeah, these type of polemic, lame ass tiktoks are most of the time just promo for some shitty OFs

No. 1879606

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Comments are about what you’d expect

No. 1879670

A grown man getting involved in teenage drama. And not only that, he’s posting her personal business to flex his “parenting skills” and get a bunch of internet freaks to hate her. All she’ll learn from this incident is to distrust her father and keep secrets from him. I hate men.

No. 1879709

.. is it a kid and the comments are calling the kid a whore?

No. 1879732

All of these types of poses just remind me of PT and her "I'm pooping" pose.

No. 1879771

Hate this normie bitch, of course she only cares when it's a series popular with women.

No. 1879781

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spoiler because it's really gross,i was scrolling through instagram reels (ik this is for shorts and tiktoks but there's nowehere else to post it) the thing i hate the most is that all comments are like "i hate my mind" instead of actually calling out this deranged behaviour, this was made with all the intentionsot be dirty and people are still okay with this bc apparently it's "not what it looks like" this shit is vomit inducing

No. 1879785

Oh my god I can't believe what I just watched. I'm not shocked by a lot on the internet but holy fuck. These parents need to be imprisoned or worse. I think they know EXACTLY what they're doing. There's a style of videos on TT that is the same thing but with adults who are actually having sex, which is also disgusting and predatory considering these are random lives that come up in anyone's feed, including children. I feel sick.

No. 1879792

Okay, this is disgusting. Who in their right mind posts something like this of their child? The way the camera was positioned at the start, the sounds, and then the pan to the feet kissing was all so fucking gross.

No. 1879794

it's probably a fake story just for engagement and to draw attention to her of

No. 1879795

What the fuck.

No. 1879816

She's so young but she looks extremely uncomfortable.These parents need to be shot.

No. 1879836

> There's a style of videos on TT that is the same thing but with adults who are actually having sex
People really do this? Either these people are sex workers or they just want to be chronically unemployed for the rest of their lives. Sometimes I can’t believe I live on the same planet as these people.

No. 1879844

I regret looking at this, this is abhorrent.

No. 1879886

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Well now what in the actual fuck was that?!! The innuendos, the sounds, the foot fetish, the LITTLE GIRL getting her feet kissed by
her weird ass dad, eww oh my god I'm done with this planet this is repulsive

No. 1879918

It’s not just a grown man though, it’s her father. Yes posting any family drama online is retarded imo, but you don’t think that parents should step in when their children are doing something as foul as cheating? And not to be like that, but had the roles been reversed and it were a mother and her son you would be applauding her.

No. 1879921

Thank you for giving me another reason to kill myself.

No. 1879930

Did they filter the kid's face with a makeup filter too? What the fuck

No. 1879994

fucking hell

No. 1879995

Oh my god. I want to die, what the fuck is this? They absolutely knew what they were doing. That poor little girl.

No. 1880013

I feel like they should have known not to post this.

No. 1880796

The worst part is that people will defend it as a "joke", and insist that you're the pervert, while they further normalize cp in their own heads.

No. 1880843

The parents who allow this to happen their kids are going to hell.

No. 1881232

This might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen on /ot/. This messes me up so bad. The fact a father makes what’s basically softcore of his kid and knows it but just goes “yeah but I will get social media views for it”

No. 1881263

kill all men

No. 1881441

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I fucking hate these sorts of videos with a passion. Woah people kind of neutrally glance at you? How cool!! You're so special and not like those other BORING women who you zoom in on to show their face!!

No. 1881445

Hate these videos and it makes me want phone cameras in public to be banned. I'm a bit terrified that I could be posted like this vid on someone's TikTok for glancing at them and have had a bunch of people laugh at me and call me a bitch, and I'll never even know it.

No. 1881447

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She shows up in my feed constantly and every video is her talking about how much better she is than “normie” girls. I hate this women hating women behaviour and I hate that it’s becoming normalized to be the “pretty mean girl”.

No. 1881458

Pretty clear she is just getting attention to the OF.

I want to alog the parents so bad. Disgusting.

No. 1881469

videos like these are just to target women, specifically unattractive and often older women, so the poster can get her asspats and in the comments men get to say shit like "other women are women's biggest enemies". there was one such reel i saw of a girl wearing Indian garb in the London subway and in the compilation of women that just so happened to not have a permanent customer service smile and women that had more important things in mind than some attention whore's confidence, there was a man taking a photo of her, imagine trying to brag about that.

No. 1881471

how are her eyebrows transparent?

No. 1881479

>muh reversed genders argument
Ayrt and you’re wrong. Family matters should be handled in private no matter the genders. Disciplining your child or confronting their shitty behavior isn’t content, and you’re a bad parent if you blast your kid online like that.

No. 1881482

think they’re the main character and their presence just makes people look in adoration or jealousy. But really they’re just shopping.

No. 1881489

These videos are vapid. Of course people will glance at you if you're wearing something unconventional that stands out. Their thoughts are probably neutral and something along the lines of wondering why she's dressed like that/where she's going before they look elsewhere and continue on with their day.

No. 1881898

She's not even dressed weird or alternative at all, I wouldn't even second glance at her, it's just a dress. A lot of those zoomed in people weren't even looking they were just blinking, she's really reaching

No. 1882834

People are right to mistrust the sick animal beggars. The lady who posts the Wisp stories is assmad and defending some woman who adopted one of her dogs a month back, then dumped it off at an emergency vet this morning with $5-8k bills, falsely registered under the charity's name instead of the new owner's name, and left. She said the dog is in critical condition with anaphylactic shock and internal bleeding.

But this bitch is mad about the audience and paypigs being "entitled" aka mad at the dog dumper. This bitch is the one entitled out the ass. People shouldn't give money to these people, it just makes them insane and out of touch. They don't realize how insane they are. $5-8k is half of some people's yearly income, and she expects to "fundraise" for that with nobody blinking an eye, for a woman who adopted a dog, let it eat god knows what, and dumped it at a vet half dead, and who cares. Money is free and falls from the sky for these people. No link because I don't want TikTok to save my name to that shit.

No. 1883285

tiktok beggers in general are unbearable. I swear to god there's some girl i keep blocking that shows up on my feed anyway that keeps claiming she needs a few bucks for pads "but is starting a new job soon" like bitch are you on your period every week? always the same girl too

No. 1883289

Are these people just projecting their social anxiety intrusive thoughts or something? This literally sounds like something someone with social anxiety fears. Women can't even EXIST in public now without people assuming the worse. If you go grocery shopping people are ready to assume you're jealous, ugly, single, miserable, etc

No. 1883316

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A lot of the TikTok girls that act like this aren't all that special looking either. They're not ugly but they're not models either.

No. 1883570

>$5-8k is half of some people's yearly income
Damn, where do you live where people only make $10,000 - $16,000 a year? I can’t imagine living somewhere where the poverty is that bad.

No. 1883580

Nta but this is most Americans all the way up until after they get a degree or certification or something, even then your keep home pay is probably less after bills

From the time you're like 15-22ish you're likely to get a job that pays more than 10 an hour and actually gives you stable hours, not to mention the constant firings and year long job searching process. It's unfortunately not unusual for a lot of young adults in America to make less than 10k yearly because of the shitty job market

No. 1883595

>pretty mean girls becomes normalized
And it all starts in a cycle again

No. 1883599

Mormon or Orthodox Jew?

No. 1884874

I hate the Wisp the Cat shit. Just on the level of people mass getting attached to an obviously dying animal and then going "why does god keep taking the good ones why?!?!" it annoys me, get attached to a normal cat instead of one like Wisp or Pot Roast. But it's also spawned an entire genre of people adopting sick animals and then immediately making an entire tiktok page to exploit it for money. There's no reason someone should find a dying kitten in the dumpster and their first thought is to make a new tiktok account called Dumpster Cat and Friends or whatever. There was no reason for that Pot Roast chick to get her dead cat stuffed into an animatronic and when that was offputting and didn't maintain views, she adopts like 5 kittens that look like Pot Roast and names them all shit like Faucet and Bread Loaf. Like how terrifying

No. 1885069

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(Insta reel)

Are we regressing or…?

No. 1885080

I blame zoomers trying to recreate the 2000s by mimicking the “mean girl” antagonist characters that they saw in Disney Channel shows that nobody actually acted like IRL

No. 1885088

What the actual fuck is this. I felt so uncomfortable seeing this that I had to look away. I hate men so much it’s unreal

No. 1885099

they have nothing more important to care about

No. 1885106

I truly don’t understand the point of this. If I saw her walking by I’d just assume she was part of some kind of performance or theater production and was wearing a costume.

No. 1885107

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No. 1885118

She gives off incredibly Mormon pickme energy, I’d bet a million dollars that she’s former LDS kek

No. 1885418

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>There was no reason for that Pot Roast chick to get her dead cat stuffed into an animatronic
What the fuck

No. 1885469

That's minimum wage in many US states working full time. Sure it varies by state but the legal minimum wage is still 7.25/hr a lot of places. Lots of people work for minimum wage. I used to make 12k a year as a happy stupid 19-22 year old working full time plus overtime for a local small business. lol
It's actually crazy to me how many people even in the US don't seem to realize this is the reality. I was talking to my inlaws and my father in law was legitimately shocked minimum wage was 7.25 in his state (Texas!). I think he was listening to too much NPR and conflated the new federal contractor employee wages with actual real people minimum legal wages. I was dumbfounded he could be a blue collar 65 year old man so out of touch (my bad lol).

No. 1885582

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Japanese Shorts are taking over my feed this one very pretty Gaijin English Teacher has been showing up, but the illusion broke when her face filters shifted mid movement.

She's very pretty nonetheless but it sucks she needs to use them

No. 1885702

I heard east asian phones have way more aggressive filters on tiktok by default, maybe she never bothered changing it because the chin/jaw filter she's got barely affects her face anyway

No. 1885763

>"soft none combative tone"
not being a literal cocksucker and having a voice to speak with makes you combative apparently

No. 1885766

>i could move mountains the next day
no you'd be the same shithead retard moid who'd leave even the most loyal woman for a woman he thinks is "higher value". you're not some suited up Chad with slick back hair in 50s America that can do carpentry and fixes lightbulbs or some shit, get so fucking for real.

No. 1885877

Why are they always redheads?

No. 1886316

Umm she looks the same

No. 1886460

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I should be clear that she didn't actually, she just called it Bot Roast and is weirdly attached to it and often jokes that she did, but what a strange way to continue monetizing your cat after it dies

No. 1893891

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L + lesbians and gays are probably your best bet as pooners and trannies, respectively

No. 1893932

Very true. And pedophiles

No. 1893986

Today on: How influenciable people can be.

>Artist is dying of Cancer

>"Let's boot her song so her kid can have her saving"
>Someone: actually she's a Zionist because she follows the IDF in IG
>"Then let's post annoying comments pro-Palestine, from the river to the sea, and fuck that kid, there are dead kids in Palestine or without their mom".

No. 1893991

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At this rate, these kids are so annoying that make the whole Pro-Palestine thing taken as a joke and a big "if you don't think like us, then you're the colonizer/enemy/Zionist". And it terrifies me.

No. 1894028

Moids are so emotional kek imagine your job performance being based on whether your wife had a ‘combative tone’

No. 1894053

I wish you could block sounds. I could care less for her stance on whatever it’s just that damn song is so annoying and sounds like a half assed rip off of dua lipa’s dance the night, which was already non stop annoying summer 2023

No. 1894127

I saw a thing where they were trying to shill another song to raise money for whatever, and they were like "Fuck that white lady, stream this song to help this black man." they are so annoying. Just the worst, I hate how people are like "OMG STREAM TIS ITS GOING TO A GOOD CAUSE!" No. Dancing in my head sucks, abusing me sucks by ylana sucks. Those songs are awful nobody wants to hear it

No. 1894152

I like it because most of us need more cheerful happy songs, but this situation shows once again that how so many people would call themselves "activists" but need only ONE thing to not support someone because "fuck that lady, I knew she was in the wrong!". Not mention also that they're giving her views that can be seen as big track, so if you're against her pov, block her and move on, but is Tiktok that we are talking about.

No. 1894171

I am tired of keyboard activists. Shut the fuck up I don't fucking care if some moids are having a war in the desert shut up shut up.

No. 1894189

This bitch is so annoying though. She always posting that same caption with stuff that barely makes any difference / will not culture shock you if you live outside japan.

No. 1894192

These are the worst kind of main character energy videos too. The worst is when the comment section is filled with either "Women should dress this way again. it's so classy!!" or "the women who looked at you were definitely jealous." I saw a similar tiktok with a desi woman wearing a wedding dress in the tube to get reactions.

No. 1894194

ayrt. No I absolutely agree with you it’s wild how easily influenced and insanely witch hunting “activists” are on TikTok and the woman does not deserve that. Even before whatever happened I didn’t care for the song, I was stating in general it’s annoying in general how you can’t block sounds on TikTok. She’s been blocked but her music will still appear. I’m stating in general I hate that you can’t filter out specific audios. “TikTok hate thread”

No. 1894446

Why do all these white girls in Japan all have the same type of voice and look? kek It makes me miss when Abipop, Becky Cruel, Venus, and all the other gaijins were in their prime cow years.

No. 1894489

Her face kinda creeps me out but I think it's just because her makeup doesn't read well on camera. I'm pasty and don't have super strong features either and can look super moonfaced easily kek.

No. 1894529

The way people are treating this palestine situation is so annoying. I thought the blm stuff was bad, but somehow idiots on the internet learned absolutely nothing from that situation, probably because there's not a lot of Palestinian people to speak for themselves in english speaking spaces online. I am not convinced not going to starbucks or buying la roche posay is going to stop the war.

No. 1894553

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tik tok drama has to be the worst social media drama. a lady blasts a customer for not liking her shitty ass cakes. a lady stupidly agrees to pay thousands of dollars for only a stencil of a shitty tattoo. some tattoo apprentice gets fired and then grifts for money. a girl maybe faked a scar on her face. a lady makes the worst looking substance known to mankind and her fans are surprised when it arrives looking like a biohazard. the latest i’ve seen is some girl made a video about how her sister cut off their entire family and she happily stalks her sister and harasses her ever so often just to bother her. can you imagine getting canceled not bc you’re racist or homophobic but bc you’re a nosy pain in the ass?

No. 1894693

I highly prefer it to current youtuber/twitter drama which is always pedophiles. I miss this kind of funny petty shit. Haven't seen it since the tumblr days

No. 1895003

Maybe she made this up as a ragebait but wow imagine how shitty you have to be to get blocked by your own sister.

No. 1895694

Recently I've been seeing these bizarre youtube shorts slideshows of AI generated cats dying of cancer or otherwise ending up in hospital and dying. There's multiple channels making them. The comments are always either crying emoji spam or in foreign languages.
I have to assume it's kids watching this kind of stuff? There's something disturbingly childlike about it anyway. Like the kind of scenario you'd remember play acting with dolls as a kid without realising how morbid it might look to an adult.

No. 1895705

kek I followed and kept up with both of those tattoo dramas. The first one with the stencil, what the fuck? How dumb does someone have to be to pay thousands for a stencil that she didn't even like??? I do feel bad when people get scammed though, even if they clearly are retarded. At least the woman who made the stencil ended up quitting tattooing. The 2nd drama with the fired apprentice… Why did anyone even like her anyway? She was ugly and acted like a baby "uwu I'm so cute with all these tough scary tattooed people around me" it was retarded. Infantilizing herself. She clearly got fired for a reason but people sent her money and of course she used it to travel kek. Retarded.

No. 1895708

Sad thing is that, in example, they're using the "From the river to the sea" thing which is something many Pro-Palestine stuff reject, since it means that "Palestine can be free if they find a way to co-exist with Israel", but they want Israel gone forever. Either they don't know the full meaning of the phrase and repeat it because is "cool" or they know and want to Israel to disappear… just because? Now it feels like it is a trendy thing to do like back then was supporting Ukraine against the "evil Russia", and it makes me sad because I think it downplay what people living in that war zone have to endure.

Talking about that girl, someone did a cover of her song and wow, is a big difference.

No. 1895836

Lmao i wanted to post about this channel too. Literally all their content is weird clickbait about cat tragedy stories with morbid ai pictures.

No. 1895922

This is poor baby monkey (cry laughing emoji) levels of weird / creepy

No. 1896087

I had never even considered it until recently, but these people get paid to mess around with sick or unwanted animals all day. It's not that impressive or charitable when third parties are the ones footing the bills.

No. 1896957

This isnt hate at all but this woman teaching English in Japan was randomly shilled to me even though I had no similar content and I thought wow, she looks like popular japanese illustrations from like the 80s, aunties must love her- and I randomly came across an image to describe what style im talking about

No. 1896958

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This one

No. 1896989

>send Americans into a coma
Most American schools also don’t have air conditioning/good heating and the students do far weirder things

No. 1897001

I never trust men who insist they want their woman to be quiet and demure, they always cheat with the craziest most toxic bitch they can find.

No. 1897019

This woman was posted just a little upthread. Both posts complimenting her appearance. Come on girl

No. 1897021

Idk if you're implying it's a self post or what but you're the one who decided I was complimenting her. I think she payed for promo or something because she was evidently pushed on the algo for like a week. I dont watch vids about Japan and also who cares that we didn't call her mean names or whatever

No. 1897043

This bitch is so annoying

No. 1897130

Teehee I’m so quirky and expect sexual services without anything in return teeheee

No. 1898381

I hope this moids entire family sees this video and when he forever lives in shame and disgust for this video

No. 1898382

tiktok is the unfunniest thing to ever happen to humanity since the birth of woody allen

No. 1898460

Why do males feel the need to overly-sexualize everything? All males do it, even the faggy ones. The only time you'd see a woman doing shit like this is when she is genuinely retarded and has fallen for the male psyop.

No. 1898463

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off-topic, but I don't know If I'm happy or worried seeing "Islamic reaction" memes getting popular, cause those guys were really over-dramatic and cringe.

No. 1898464

stuff like this is just a psychological projection. Dude is a fag and has a thing for muscular thighs.

No. 1898468

Damn, I’ve been found out (this is me with MMA, nothing could convince me to watch soccer)

No. 1898471

This is so disgusting. A dog cleaning itself isn’t sexual. I hate men.

No. 1898473

I didn’t see anything wrong or sexual with this video, I genuinely thought its just a dad kissing his little girls feet, but the comments and viewers are obviously perverts and disgusting by projecting that onto a little child.

No. 1898474

She is not all that.

No. 1898477

Yeah imagine not wanting to send money to zogbot murderers(derailing)

No. 1898478

This looks like a shitpost kek

No. 1898480

nona is probably right. I watched some videos of american football/rugby dudes and it was some of the gayest shit I had ever seen. I don't watch sports in general but women in sports don't have these vibes despite wearing more revealing outfits.

No. 1898488

File: 1708675369081.png (409.44 KB, 483x604, 9CHT9Pa.png)

that happens with women's sports as well, when I did BJJ, women could only roll in special training facilities cause regular moids would often stare, and then there were our ow awkward moments, It's the nature of contact sports, where your gonna end up in touchy situations.

No. 1898492

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probably is, but he's said so much insane shit over the decades that it's impossible to know what's real or not.

No. 1898514

>YOU’RE the REAL pedo for thinking of sex when you see the child!!!
The first half of it? Really?

No. 1898569

I don’t know about your mind but I genuinely didn’t see anything sexual about that video. The comments were full of pedos tho.

No. 1898587

I can't imagine being this obtuse, but I could see this post as being bait. If you can't see how this video is wrong and how it's wrong to post your child to the internet like this, then you're a lost cause kek.

No. 1898614

Look I am not even a “omg everything is pedophilic” person and I can see those first few seconds especially are egregious. don’t know how you can’t see it.

No. 1898619

Really the sucking noises while filming a child dont feel creepy to you? And why film kissing the feet anyway when you know internet is full of creeps. Even the most innocent videos of little girls dancing etc will get tons of sick pedo comments.

No. 1898630

Really? You don't see anything wrong with the first seconds being filmed in at that angle and with those sounds? You don't think it's weird to film a dad kissing his daughter's feet doing so many wet kissing noises and focusing on the child's feet up close? The dad's face? The fact that the child has a make-up filter on? You don't think this caters to a specific group of people? You might be autistic.

No. 1898681

Unrelated I just wanted to say that dog is so cute.

No. 1898752

i hate moids in book spaces and i especially hate this one and his hyper active brother he keeps putting in front of the camera. i have never managed to watch a single video of his in its entirety because i find men in female dominated hobbies so repulsive.

No. 1898758

That looks like a tif to me

No. 1899527

This is creepy in my opinion and the comments are filled with girls talking about their middle aged teachers flirting with them, and the search is ‘the teacher that has a crush on you’. There are also commenters saying they would fold for a teacher who acted like this

No. 1899530

this is repulsive he's ugly as fuck too and looks greasy as shit

No. 1899535

This video was absolutely repulsive and just when I thought I couldn’t take it any more that nasty scrote became soaked in fake sweat? Like I had to tell myself it was just a fake pov cause it was legitimately a little triggering kek. I’m not gonna read the comments but I’m just gonna tell myself that all the “women” commenting are probably mtfs cause I can’t cope with the opposite being true.

No. 1899539

I liked the comment calling him a super senior, haven't heard that one in years

No. 1899553

Never in life have I wanted to embed a video here so badly but I can't at the moment. Dropping this earworm here before I forget, incredible things happening on tiktok. I think she deleted this though

No. 1899614

Fuck this moid, he used to post un funny as is, harmless “dad at Home Depot” skits, then of course it gained traction and he went full on pedophilic “thirst” trap TikTok’s. ew. I would say about two years ago a majority of his comment section was filled with scrotes, now it’s filled with ddlg degens. Musty ass greasy retard.

No. 1899871

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Well shit, the tiktok kids are trying to make being white trash an aesthetic now, I'm damn sure that these retards are just middle-class and likely treat service workers like crap. White trash people are depressed, do heroin, and suffer from generational poverty, they aren't ever quirky about it.

No. 1899881

Eh, I don’t know anyone with face tattoos that bad that isn’t an addict, no one in their right mind would do that.

No. 1899894

They’re talking about being poor while walking past two story houses and community gardens, lmao. Poor people don’t spend money on Stouffers lasagna, it’s too expensive. Homie has clearly never been in a position where he couldn’t afford to feed himself. Shit, actual poor people don’t make videos bc they’re too busy working.

No. 1899899

Yeah, I've noticed this too, It's not just in that video, but in a lot of media. They often show poor people eating fast food. I remember seeing a video on Buzzfeed or a similar channel where someone said they were so broke they had to eat fast food every day. I was like, 'What the fuck?' That's not being poor. The poorest these people probably were was during their time in college.

No. 1899901

Ayrt and fast food?! lmao a cheeseburger meal from McDs is like $10 now, fuck outta here

No. 1899923

The average Arkansas lesbian

No. 1899962

my chinese american dad does half of these things

No. 1900172

agreed, poor people treat fast food like how middle class people treat a sit down restaurant, like a once in a blue moon treat. the only reason why a poor person would eat fast food daily is if they work at a fast food restaurant and get free meals

No. 1900335

File: 1708815458608.png (1.31 MB, 1080x2373, bloatedfaggot.png)

Another ugly bloated woman hating faggot on tiktok. One of his videos popped up on my page saying women +30 are trash even though he's 27/28 (and looks even older). Keeps making fag weightlifting videos and dating much younger women as if his faggot ass even wants pussy. Pretty sure his ugly tattooed flabby face eyeballs only mens junk in whatever gym he wobbles into. I hate when ugly faggots bother women for just having standards.

No. 1900348

These dudes always seem to be chasers, they should just date TIMS

No. 1900375

I couldn’t even watch this past 5 seconds because of his ugly face but I personally did know multiple women (not underage) who were into things like this and it made me increasingly blackpilled. There’s an even stronger push online now for young girls to date or be with adult men, along with pushing all kinds of kinks and “spicy” taboo fetishes to the underage online population

No. 1900385

This is so creepy to brag about…

No. 1900392

She adds #petitefashion to all her videos when she's a medium as well. uwu smolbean girls are weird af

No. 1900405

Kek of course these are the women bragging about their tall huge giant “daddy” husbands and he just looks like…that. Ok sis have fun with white bald trailer park shrek, congrats to your pedophilia and size kink I guess

No. 1900498

He is hideous. Do you think this is why incels think all women care about is height? Kek

No. 1900527

She has a reel that says she loves when people confuse him for her dad….
Incels know the height thing is bs but will take any opportunity to play victim at a preference a woman might have. It is hilarious that this woman fetishizes size so much and uses him as an objectively ugly prop standing there in a musty tee shirt every reel just to make herself look underage like she wants.

No. 1900548

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This just screams middle class larping as poor. Especially her preaching at the end. Poorfags dont have time to think of shit like that.

No. 1900558

File: 1708822174761.png (358.1 KB, 395x854, whatthefuckishappening.png)

Ew. It's not like she's ugly, and there are tall men that aren't bald, obese, or look special needs. His pupils are facing different directions in every single video. She's 5'4 and he's 6'6, she's not even uwu smol she's average height

No. 1900559

God short women with ogres are the fucking worse. Notice how she purposely wears little girl like clothes. Maybe that outfit wouldnt be weird once in awhile, but shes in one in every single video.

No. 1900562

I agree with you. Something I noticed about these types of LARPers like in >>1899871 's post is that they always assume the fashion of whichever group they're LARPing but from like 2 decades ago. The guy in the video attached is dressed like a white trash character from an episode of South Park that aired in the mid 00s. It's like these LARPers don't actually interact with the community of people they're basing their fashion sense off of outside from outdated media. Most white trash I know shopped at Walmart and a jean jacket would be way outside their price point. It feels like the people in the video are just middle class kids that fell from their parents' grace and now have to work to earn a living but still buy the expensive bullshit because it's what they're accustomed to.

No. 1900565

Average college experience

No. 1900580

God this is so true it’s the first thing I thought of. I had to listen to them complain between classes about their parents paying tuition but forcing them to take a certain amount of credits or some shit which cuts into their partying time. Literal “I have a job lined up at my daddy’s company already” attitudes. These people are all so sheltered and shallow when you listen to them for long enough. It sucks realizing you have to do so much more to reach a baseline they take for granted and then they act like they have such a hard life because their wealthy parents work or don’t pay enough attention to them after sending 1k weekly allowance. Most of these kids on social media are this exact type while actual poor people work and focus on trying to improve circumstances.

No. 1900585

He looks like a more retarded version of the fat fuck soldier that shoots himself in Full Metal Jacket.

No. 1900599

There has always been something unsettling about these types of relationships that I could never quite put my finger on. To me it feels more like an arrested development issue where the woman is looking to recreate her adolescence with her father. In any scenario it always comes out as unhealthy.

No. 1900602

It's why I hate college moids. All they do is drink and age 10 years at college. Going from decent to bald and fat because of their decadence. Not to mention the STDs and how some of them are possibly rapists.

No. 1900641

This is so gross and I wish students (scrotes really) would not try hitting on their tutors and instead keep it to themselves. I used to TA and I can’t tell you how many scrote students I had that would come to every session of mine just to eventually tell me I look like their favorite actress and ask about my personal life like i was gonna risk my job and reputation. I also had no romantic or sexual interest in them despite them being college students who weren’t much younger than me so I can’t understand how anyone crosses that line. The scrotes were pretty blatant in my case—I’d think that female students are better about concealing their crushes on teachers/tutors than the moids who were blatantly asking me how old I was, what I’m doing this weekend, and commenting on my looks. It’s so bizarre and inappropriate.

No. 1900656


No. 1900659

Im fucking cackling is he lobotomized

No. 1900660

File: 1708826572676.jpg (99 KB, 458x1278, 1000002965.jpg)

Can he speak

No. 1900666

What is going on

No. 1900678

>"Can he speak?"
He can speak but it seems to be limited to short, basic, phrases. It appears that he struggles to say words longer than 3 syllables. I think she chose to marry a giant retard because even though she has a "small petite womangirl" mindset she seems to also get off on mothering him. He has the Lennie Small phenotype.

No. 1900685

Damn she could use him like an Amish workhorse to build a home from scratch

No. 1900990

I hate people like this so much it's unreal.

No. 1901004

Is this fake for views or some sort of a fetish thing. Like she knows she is dating a hideous moid and is showing it off. Would she do that just to look pretty and uwu smol in comparison.

No. 1901522

Yes, it's called coping. It's only ever ugly or fat girls who date tall uglies and make a huge deal over how smol they are next to their bean pole 'tard

No. 1901573

I hate this woman. Her instagram is constantly recommended to me, her whole shtick is "im so smol uwu everybody thinks im a child because I dress and act very childish in my videos, here is my giant retarded husband teehee"

No. 1901712

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I keep seeing self hating pickmes carry on about how they think women lose value with age, I can’t stand them

No. 1901732

It's just as hard to find someone decently attractive to settle down with when you're in your 20s. So this doesn't make sense. And if you do manage to land a decent looking tall guy in your 20s, he's gonna cheat as you age anyway. Why play a game you can't win?

No. 1901875

did she ever consider she’s having trouble because she’s botched as fuck?

No. 1901881

It will be miraculous to get a normal man at all with that amount of willing malformation

No. 1901918

Why does it never occur to so many women that being single will always be superior to settling? Why does it look like she has an allergic reaction? So many questions to ask.

No. 1901955

Seriously kek most of the people I know in long term relationships are settling y the time they're 24. Women need to realize that settling down with a moid should be considered an option, not an inevitability.

No. 1902146

why do 30yos feel forced to immediately settle down and have kids and shit? someone with all that plastic surgery is probably not feeling well inside anyway and should be focusing on themselves

No. 1902370

I think this too, seeing so many young women complain about their shitty boyfriends but don’t break up because “the next one might be worse” well have you considered not dating at all if you think ending up with a shitty man that drains your mental energy is inevitable? I swear someone needs to spoonfeed them that they can make independent life choices. But idk it really does seem hopeless sometimes seeing all the misogyny from all sides and often coming from inside the house too when they accept the degrading and dehumanizing ideas about themselves which they then project onto all other women.

No. 1902529

I don't read it as that, even moids acknowledge it's harder to date as you get older because most people find their life partners in early to mid 20s. Thats both males and females. And kids and baby mommas/daddies become a thing you have to deal with too. This really is just the nature of how people settle down.

No. 1902535

>here is my giant retarded husband teehee

No. 1905015

File: 1709120759797.jpeg (375.01 KB, 1125x2019, IMG_9250.jpeg)

>ugly moid pushes crying girl down and cockgobbling noises are heard
Instagram not tiktok but this woman is revolting. We are never escaping the patriarchy.

No. 1905016

his hair is trying to run away

No. 1905021

File: 1709121325748.jpeg (280.1 KB, 1124x1881, IMG_9251.jpeg)

>”do you want a Tim Tam”
>grabs back of head and orally rapes her

No. 1905038

ProJared looking ass

No. 1905042

Blackpill-chan you're fucking annoying.(infighting)

No. 1905056

No. 1905059

NTA but there's nothing blackpill about that. That girls whole of is about giving blowjobs, it's beyond cringey

No. 1905281

I just don’t get how these women have zero shame about doing this degrading shit and broadcasting it to the world, I can’t even watch it due to secondhand embarrassment but they’re totally fine being treated like idiot sex dolls so guys can jerk off to it. All the skits where it’s just re-enacting some gross porn scenario, what the fuck??? God the way this is so normalized that women choose to participate in and defend their own oppression is depressing. And because they get some money to act like that it’s somehow empowering to reinforce sexual violence against women. You’re right that they’re our own enemy and there will always be a pathetic pickme waiting in line to gleefully play the part of porn star bimbo to the ugliest guy you’ve seen in a month.

No. 1905443

the weird obsession with the woman looking like a child comes off as pedo-ey. I can sorta understand if the woman is happy about passing as a woman in her 20s. But a literal child? pedo. Not to mention she doesn't even look like a child she purposely styles herself like that

No. 1905706

File: 1709167974611.png (487.14 KB, 445x555, she's literally an eroge compa…)

her being under 18 and mentioning her mom buying her a bunch of sonico figures (which according to her mfc she has like 20 of) is creepy as fuck.

No. 1905708

Like…I'm very disturbed that her mom bought her this.

No. 1905710

i wish i had rich parents…

No. 1905712

>second hand
I'm sure the mom just thinks they're like edgy dolls (Bratz, Monster High, etc.) but I'm cringing and gagging at the thought of buying a second hand figurine of a female anime character

No. 1905714

I feel like that's a stretch considering the figures she owns.

No. 1905716

she's so edgy and not like other girls for buying ugly coom anime figures

No. 1905733

>super sonico child figure
is the worst fucking sentence I have read today

No. 1905746

IF they every have a moment where they wisen up and look back at how degenerate they’re being…the embarrassment and crushing guilt would be just biblical, it makes me cringe just thinking about it. But of course I would rather her/them have that moment than keep making videos where an implied stranger on the street rips over her coat to show her breasts, where she’s jerking off a slot machine, sex POVs, etc. just vile.

No. 1905748

Can you really blame her mom? She probably thought it was a cute animoo girl like those that her daughter hoards in her room and bought it for her.

No. 1905749

>umm guys its fine because i am not supporting the creators
>proceeds to support the creator by buying more sonico shit
is she mentally retarded

No. 1905762

File: 1709171931873.png (9.11 KB, 375x100, Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 21-50…)

Just checked and she's 13. Honestly, I think it's pretty common for parents of weeb children to not understand the implications of the anime merch their children want because the kids insist fanservice is "just part of the culture you wouldn't get it reee," and it's also very common for children to latch onto stuff like this without understanding why it's fucked up, especially because it can feel rebellious/edgy. I doubt any of the other 13 year olds feel anything about it either, it's just teenager dogpile hivemind stuff. Kids these days love their moralfagging.

No. 1905775

Okay see i hate this. There is NO reason for adults to be able to interact with 13 year old online much less argue with them!! Tiktok ban is necessary

No. 1905791

File: 1709174608236.jpg (97.83 KB, 520x780, 213339-2ac2f.jpg)

>34 figures on MFC
>many of which are typically listed for $100-300+
Really? Who in their right mind is buying their goddamn 13 year old expensive plastic statues of half naked women in lingerie and bikinis? I could understand Pullip or even the clothed ones but half of her collection has barely-there bikini tops or underboob and panties exposed. Her mother has failed as a parent. A few years ago there was a 13 or 14 year old girl on Twitter who said that her mom would show off her daughter's nsfw Youtuber yaoi drawings to other people. Do some people just have fucking insane weeaboo parents?
>Location: California

No. 1905811

>13 year old in California
kek of course. As I watched her explanation for the loli Sonico figure, I had a feeling she was very young due to her reasoning and presentation for owning that figure. Her parents are failing her. Damn, at 13, I was listening to Vocaloids and thought hentai was nasty and for gross people. Why is it so popular for young girls to like coom material like this shitty coomer Sonico character and her two other obese friends? It's bleak. They need to get off the internet or stick with kids' games like Webkinz and Neopets.

No. 1906253

File: 1709203136004.jpg (139.43 KB, 1077x1617, f93Af5u.jpg)

>scrotes reaction to "false" abuse accusations is to try and inflict more abuse.
I hope it backfires and he gets an actual criminal charge.

No. 1906292

Maybe her parents just bought some order of multiple figurines and didnt even look at them. For some spoiled rich kids I knew their parents would just pay for shit without even researching what it actually is. Replacing caring with material is what probably creates many young consoomers.

No. 1906499

Do you guys actually believe she's 13 lol

No. 1906562

My mom used to buy me "mature" manga when I was around the same age cuz she thought "mature" meant "at a higher reading level". Some parents are stupid

No. 1906679

>Cat has passed away this week
>"yay one zionist less"

Thank you for your scrotal opinion.

No. 1906700

>Some parents are stupid
So true, reminds me of the time my dad bought me some anime blu-ray's as a christmas gift. He knew I liked zombies and anime so he bought me Highschool of the Dead kek

No. 1906709

anon I have a similar memory! when I was a kid my mom gave me a huge box of anime vhs tapes she got at a yard sale because she knew I liked miku and lucky star… Most of the tapes were ecchi or just straight hentai kek. I don't know how the boobs on the covers didn't tip her off

No. 1906726

>Cat Janice died
This is how I find out? Damn. Anyway, looked on tiktok and my god, the amount of people happy that a woman that died from cancer because she "supported genociders" is depressing. They act like she personally funded the war or something. At least some people (including some of the palestine supporters) realize how terrible it is to dance on someones grave.

No. 1906741

And many of them use the "she liked the IDF post" as excuse of her zionism. So if you like any post pro Palestine means you support Hamas or Islam or something else? I'm glad there are many people like you mentioned. You don't have to like her music but have some empathy for her kid.

>yes, but there are many ki-


No. 1906742

hail to the oblivious parents nonas. mine were equally bad when it came to western books and tv. I read the original Wicked novel which is full of sex and violence when I was like 11-12 years old and was regularly viewing crime tv and pg-13 films, sometimes r-rated from the age of 6-7. if anything seemed "kid coded" my parents didn't bother to check content warnings, but that was such stereotypically 00s parenting

No. 1907397

File: 1709287861273.mp4 (7.13 MB, 480x854, cY7HAcm.mp4)

is this what a male pick-me is like? Also, I can't take this type of moid ever seriously, knowing full well that he would pull a Ned Fulmer

No. 1907839

I know Cat's dead is old news but the fact that people try the grief of her son like "oh he's gonna be OK, he has a family, not like the Palestinian kids" is almost like an Oppression Olympics. No one will replace his mother, not the money she earned will bring her to life.

I hate people.

No. 1907849

File: 1709315342102.mp4 (4.52 MB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1709315432990.m…)

No. 1907869

The fact people believe a random moid claiming the accusations was false no questions asked and he didn't even have to tell his story at all is a prime example of male privilege. In order to convince people you've been raped you need a novels worth full of evidence and then they'll still blame you anyway

No. 1907900

File: 1709316952445.jpeg (168.62 KB, 1922x1080, IMG_7251.jpeg)

this fucker’s face makes me want to alog. then he flashed sandals. absolutely disgusting.

No. 1907913

You just know this motherfucker has to be one of the most annoying people on the planet IRL and would constantly be trying to moralfag and one up you in conversations. Also the fact that he made this video sucking his own dick for wearing ugly sandals and driving a meme car makes me hate him more kek

No. 1907955

File: 1709319878808.jpg (50.42 KB, 426x603, bot4xL0.jpg)

Teenage girls are unironically thinking of dropping out of highschool to become trad wives. It's one thing to want to be SAHM, it's another to screw over your job prospects because some tiktoker convinced you a rich man will come to magically whisk you away.

No. 1907959

"she" is probably a moid larping as a 13 year old online

No. 1907995

god I may have been an asocial retard for most of my life but at least I always knew what a genuine friendship is and didn't have to give it a retarded name.
Some people online try to do everything in their power to avoid being branded "cis" and "straight"

No. 1908037

Tiktok and growing up online fried their brains so now they hate the idea of having a normal job or life and want to either make money from porn or from being a bangmaid/housewife to their boyfriend. A lot of girls are easily brainwashed by social media into wanting to be a stereotype of a stupid bimbo hence all the trends of teehee I’m so girly and silly and mindless yay

No. 1908045

The tradwife to single mother pipeline is real. I find it strange how you could think a moid wants to take care of you in the age of the red pill and podcasts where women are degraded being so popular. These girls need to learn the hard way that they are not special.

No. 1908061

I don't even blame tiktok or the retard right peddling trvdwife shit at them for this one. Zoomer girls entertaining tradwifery as a lifestyle is 100% a desperate attempt at seeking security in a world where you can waste your life in a 9 to 5 or be an OF whore to escape it at the cost of their dignity

No. 1908076

especially with little protection in place. Most moids think they're literally being tortured with child support or alimony even though the woman will be expected to give up an income and her career so a man can continue his while having children. Most moids jump through hoops and get any paperwork possible to avoid paying any sort of support to the woman if the relationship ends and she better hope someone in her life is decent enough to help out until she gets back on her feet

the best option for trad wives when the relationship comes to an end is to quite literally get him on good life insurance and then make him die somehow. literally the only way you can get a sustainable life after a relationship

No. 1908077

Being an e-whore doesn’t even guarantee anything since most of them make below minimum wage and it’s not worth the risk overall unless you somehow grow a huge audience in the over saturated industry. I do think the rise of trad goes hand in hand with the popularity of doomerposting late stage capitalism, awareness of high COL and shitty economic conditions so shit like tradwife and cottage core is an attempt to escape from reality by focusing on your own bubble. And they’ll gladly deal with a shitty boyfriend to escape reality too, it’s depressing and the opposite of security if you’re a literal dependent though. When I was younger, independence through education and career was promoted much more than tying your life to a man or performing sexually for them as a livelihood.

No. 1908082

zoomer girls gave up hope because of the shitty job market. Thousands of applications with no response and years without any sort of steady employment, hellish interviews just to get rejected or fired because of some stupid reason. It's kinda depressing since they went from being teenagers having dreams of being a successful career woman, and then coming to the realization majority of them struggle to find a job in even fast food or retail, and if you have no support system willing to let you live rent free/ pay for schooling you're fucked. I also feel like this is why it seems like trad wives now have issues with their parents like Mrs Midwest

No. 1908103

Zoomer girls fall for it and a lot of them try it at least once even in the DL. Moids and other ewhores pedal the idea it's an easy way for young women to make lots of money easily when in reality most women making a decent income were either already influencers/famous before doing OF or they're escorts on the side

No. 1908117

File: 1709328975456.png (1.14 MB, 1212x681, EeceziO.png)

To me, tradwives and a lot of other shut are just a symptom of a declining society. I don't think it matters anymore. Pretty soon most people will have no options left, and we'll all be working three jobs at once just to afford our one-bedroom windowless apartment. Like I actually want to have kids at some point, but I know that's financially viable, even If I had a husband who had a decent job, it still wouldn't be financially viable. so either we'll continue down this path and our current society will eventually collapse.

No. 1908132

>if you have no support system willing to let you live rent free/ pay for schooling you're fucked
One thing I can't really grasp about American parents is that they seem to expect their kids to move out immediately after 18, pay rent while they're saving to do that, but are also fully aware that there's no jobs for their kids and also that their college tuition is through the fucking roof. I can see why they're turning to tradshit

No. 1908137

File: 1709329922343.jpg (23.31 KB, 564x564, 0cd3383326733f4b9ce3e21da57182…)

I wanna cry so bad. in the 2010s I remember teen girls (gen z) being excited to grow into an independent career woman, making sketches and goal lists and motivation collages of how they plan to be successful for themselves, even with body goals more girls wanted to be fit and healthy. Slowly the protein filled dinner recipes turned into diet cokes and ozempic, girls trip plans turned into staying home and being a slave for your husband and trapped, job applications turned into rejection emails and college motivation turned into debt and still being unable to afford living.

No. 1908143

I know what you mean, I feel that somewhere around the end of covid it just became almost impossible to live out of home anymore. I didn't have any kids or a car, I had an internship and a part-time job and I was living in a one-bedroom apartment with a friend and It still wasn't enough. Both of us had to move back in with our parents within a year.

No. 1908144

They're going to learn the hard way that men controlling the finances are the worst way to go. Women marched and fought for our fights to work and have separate bank accounts. This is so sad to see

No. 1908160

It was before COVID but COVID just made it straight up impossible. I remember planning to split a place with my friends in the mid 2010, it was like 600 and something for a 2 bedroom apartment in the city. I could've easily made my portion of rent serving while going to school on the side and still have enough for treats here and there. The job market was pretty bad at the time but it wasn't straight up impossible

No. 1908164

File: 1709331818026.png (724.87 KB, 977x1143, vi2fav.png)

I don't know if there's a single country in the world right now that has decent housing prices and a good job market. This is how dictatorships arise, like in the 1920s when the economies of all nations were falling apart and all a populist thug had to do was offer subsidized housing. People would cheer as they watched their country turn into a dictatorship for life.

No. 1908168

I agree, but at least the citizens of other countries generally admit to it. American parents just accuse their children of not trying hard enough

No. 1908181

I'm not American, I'm sorry If I gave that impression, but my American and British mutuals tell me similar stories.

No. 1908368

>Some people online try to do everything in their power to avoid being branded "cis" and "straight"

I mean, do you blame them? You had people playing Oppression Olympics for so long, of course they'll try to flip over and over to not being called a "heterosexual woman", or else you're out of the club.

No. 1908733

This type of guy is so revolting. Like a wolf wearing sheep clothes

No. 1908958

File: 1709375386999.jpg (431.59 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240302_111845_Tik…)

I don't know if anyone knows about this drama.

So basically this account TheGlowupsGal goes around stealing videos of teenage girls that may be considered "ugly" or average and adds a fake caption/text to those videos saying "how can i glow up, be brutally honest". What makes this fucked up is that those girls never said that and this account goes around adding fake text to those videos and giving their advice on how those girls can look better or pretty when those girls never asked for that advice, that account has been getting away with doing this because most of those girls whose videos they steal don't speak english so the chances of them finding out about it are lower. She also shills her beauty and glow up courses/appointments.

TheGlowupsGal finally got exposed when one of the girls whose video they used in their glow up video made a reaction video saying that she never asked for any advice and that the text in the video was fake, this ended up opening a can of worms and people ended up finding out that TheGlowupsGal has done this numerous times to multiple girls.

No. 1908963

File: 1709375638799.mp4 (4.33 MB, 576x1024, 83ad5d9e8513987e1d1121a18654cd…)

Thia is the video that TheGlowUpsGal made that would lead to them getting exposed.

No. 1908967

File: 1709375846709.jpg (409.66 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240302_113704_Tik…)

That girl then reacted on her account saying that she never asked for any advice and the text they added was fake

No. 1908968

File: 1709375869285.jpg (333.82 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240302_113527_Tik…)

No. 1908975

File: 1709376965032.mp4 (3.87 MB, 576x1024, d654b3b05b09262eec8a2759171d9b…)

No. 1908988

“Some moids”? It’s Palestinian kids and women being murdered too. I don’t feel sympathy for this bitch either, sorry for her kid though.(derailing)

No. 1909022

Muslim kids and women who will create more Muslims. Don't care either, this religion needs to die.(derailing)

No. 1909052

>One thing I can't really grasp about American parents is that they seem to expect their kids to move out immediately after 18,
That is not the normal at all in America. Most parents are letting their kids live with them well into their 20s. If you're moving out earlier in this economy, it's because your parents suck.

No. 1909060

Idk the story sounds pretty fake lol, not that I don't doubt young girls might get swept up in that shit. The path most women have shoved at them is wage slave, OF whore, or this, which on the surface resembles some ounce of dignity and purity in a world so fucking ugly. The sad thing is that the men into this are going to be the worse subhuman moids in existence. They will get a wake up call, sadly too late most likely. My grandma who was born in the 1940s, always told me to NEVER fully rely on a man because they can leave you high and dry. She lived through a time that it was normalized. She knows what really happens to women in those situations. And she's literally hard R Republican.

I also always come back to this, but the covid shutdowns have done such a huge damage to all our brains. I constantly thibk how different things would have been had that not happened.

No. 1909541

1. She's obsessed

2. Her comments are full of people asking if he's retarded, not if he's her dad

No. 1909564

what do we think about this lady? she spends hundreds of dollars on makeup and crap but uses food stamps and wic

No. 1909576

typical ameritard taking advantage of the system, probably has multiple baby daddies too.

No. 1909580

File: 1709419206808.jpg (130.89 KB, 720x1216, Screenshot_20240302-223506_Ins…)

Disgusting kek, and the way they flaunt it to the public on Instagram reels is pathetic. If I were them, I'd make sure word of this never got out and would get rid of the baby ASAP.
The comments are retarded as fuck too. Everyone calling the girl a groomer or saying she raped the moid and that he's a victim. Get real. How the fuck does a girl rape a guy. Did she hold him down with brute force and make him shove his willy inside her over and over again? This bullshit needs to stop. Everyone is so fucking retarded nowadays, I'm speechless. All these retarded girls trying so hard to defend moids when they wouldnt give a hot buttered shit about any problems we face

No. 1909587

At worst she's finished with high school and he's a sophomore. Most likely she's a junior born in like october and he's a sophomore born in the summer (if they're american). This is a very basic age gap and I agree they should get rid of the baby.

No. 1909588

>Clearly physically bigger than her

I hope it's teens commenting because you'd have to be retarded to think he's a victim kek. The only victims here are the parents who now have to deal with the consequences of their retarded children.

No. 1909599

The original skin tone, hair color, styel, texture, eyes and eyebrows of the girl in the video literally look better, all she needs is a proper diet and basic skincare and for her teeth to be done getting fixed and she'll be alright. The hair and skin change was so unnecessary, and so was the mascara and eyebrows thing.

No. 1909600

The only victim here is the poor baby. This is disgusting

No. 1909602

Teen pregnancy is such a sad sign of extremely poor upbringing and education. The fact that they're flaunting it online is worse

No. 1909625

>you can never be perfect enough for someone that seeks to hurt you

Well said. Happy there's women speaking up about this

No. 1909665

How the fuck can a two year age gap be considered ‘predatory’?

No. 1909716

File: 1709432638066.jpg (155.32 KB, 720x888, 1000003108.jpg)

Glow ups that are exteme remind me of the "Brooklyn Chipman to Una Guitierrez" thing. Like HOW.

No. 1909717

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No. 1909719

File: 1709432792042.jpg (117.31 KB, 639x880, 1000003110.jpg)

Both her parents are white. I don't understand the name change kek. I don't understand how the filters hid the lazy eye but it makes me wonder if it all started out with being insecure about the lazy eye, starting the dark contacts > >disguising lazy eye >reborn Latina thing. It's kind of funny.

No. 1909720

File: 1709432890706.jpg (130.82 KB, 720x980, 1000003111.jpg)

But she went from this to (1/2)

No. 1909721

File: 1709432934578.jpg (135.32 KB, 720x886, 1000003112.jpg)

To this (2/2). She wouldn't have gotten any attention for it if she didn't change her name to a mexican name for whatever reason.

No. 1909723

She looked better before, how unfortunate.

No. 1909742

File: 1709434692366.jpg (112.42 KB, 619x879, 1000003113.jpg)

Idk about that but she could have not gone to that extreme

No. 1909761

is this latina makeup? just looks like mediocre 2016 makeup.

No. 1909766

That's what it was called yeah. She was really popular, there are better photos examples but at the time this wasn't as cookie cutter as it became like a year later which is why her pics were so popular

No. 1909823

>Latinoboos are now a thing

Kek what a time to be alive

No. 1909847

That’s what I thought, just straight copy paste 2016 makeup. zoomers have weird identity crisis that have to correlate the most simplistic shit, that is just makeup as “skin walking” they idolize the early 2000’s aesthetics so much, but wouldn’t last a day. TikTards and their pitchforks. >>1909742 “that extreme” she dyed her hair, threw on some contacts and bronzer. Not like we see this all the time as opposite.

No. 1909896

Anon no one is shitting on her for her appearance you dumbass. Even tiktokfags dont care about how she looks like. What people are actually upset about is that she literally changed her name to a hispanic one and pretended she was hispanic.

No. 1909923

>waste your life in a 9 to 5 or be an OF whore to escape it at the cost of their dignity
I'm sorry this is the thing that gets me about zoomers falling for the trvdwife larp. They don't appreciate the comfort of mundane. Wannabe be a family woman? Sure whatever then go to college, find another spouse with a good job, move to a suburb with a good tax bracket and go camping or on vacations if life gets too boring for you.
But this thing of dropping out of highschool is actually more likely to get them into sex work kek. It will be a harsh wake up call when the "rich men" coming to "save" them are just sugar daddies.
And the fact the mom asking that was probably upper middle class is just tragic.

No. 1909924

AYRT. Yeah but the tiktards are the same zoboomafoos that god forbid you dead name a troon. “Literally”

No. 1910190

Who cares if she changed her name to be hispanic? The people who crying about this are the same people who rename themselves fucking Deku or some shit equivalent in Japanese. It's literally just some weird woman larping it's not actually harming anyone

No. 1910464

Why are you riding her metaphorical dick so hard. She is a retarded cow and yes i would make fun of those weebs who call themselves deku too so what is your point.
Is there anyone in this thread who is not a moid, 4chan pickme or ovarit grandmother.

No. 1910583

I'm not riding her dick I just think the drama is a nothing burger. To me she just looks like.a chav in 2016 idk why Americans are so dramatic about a larp, its not like she when full Rachel Delozel

No. 1910621

>To me she just looks like a chav in 2016
I'm a Britfag and before I read the caption I thought it was just a throwback to 2016-2018 makeup. You saw girls of all races look exactly like that a few years ago kek.

No. 1910876

Zionists gonna zionist. But don’t cry about people not giving a shit about you vermin either then, like the zionist cunt who died.(derailing/infighting)

No. 1911604

How true is this? For any nonnies who have fallen in love

No. 1911609

This is pretty embarrassing. I can understand helping your loved one out and all, but it all comes off as her coddling him. Why not do laundry together or cook food together? Don't make the man reliant on you being his mommy bangmaid. I know he doesn't appreciate it as much as she thinks

No. 1911642

>they wouldnt give a hot buttered shit about any problems we face
ot but KEK some of you nonas are true poets

No. 1911648

Not true whatsoever if you have any self-esteem to begin with.

No. 1911883

completely untrue unless you have severe BPD

No. 1912728

>I thought it was just a throwback to 2016-2018 makeup
Ayry because it literally is. Latinas didn't invent being shite at eyebrows or being orange. People are going about this as if she blacked up, she's just a normie who (in typical normie fashion) felt bored and tried clinging to a fake ethnicity instead of getting a hobby to be more interesting person, weeabos have been doing this for years online but the minute it's a fake Spanish person people lose their minds

No. 1913196

File: 1709715291454.jpg (173.1 KB, 720x1296, Screenshot_20240306-083556_Ins…)

In this reel, some girl is outside a skate park filming some retarded looking moids and talking about how they're all her boyfriends and that her favourite one is the fella in the green, while laughing. The moids look back at her uncomfortably KEK but she doesn't give a shite.
The comments are filled with "IF the genders were reversed" bullshit and once again, girls giving up their life to defend moids talking about how this is harassment and that the girl should be locked up.
Shut. The fuck. Up.
I want to see more moids 'harassed' and made to be uncomfortable, they fucking deserve it

No. 1913264

I really did want to do nice things for my last, aka final, boyfriend. He seemed decent and hard working at first, so I really tried to show him how special and important he was. He was just a piece of shit under a wholesome facade. Now that I'm older and fully realize that men have stunted emotions and can't reciprocate, if I ever got into another relationship, I would just correct myself if I started to feel those feelings. The same way I correct myself around little boys and don't fawn over them like a boymom anymore.

No. 1913295

i can't stand that shit either. like the hockey girl booktok drama. who gives a fuck? anyone living in reality knows boys dgaf and are probably enjoying the attention, but tiktok zoomers delude themselves into believing men are just smol widdle beans crying, dying and throwing up because of all the uwu hawassment from the evil pervy karens. their brains are melted.

No. 1913337

Reciprocal acts of service, yes. As in, I love to do things for him when he's busy or that he would find thoughtful to show I care and he does the same for me equally if not more, it's a partnership. That's not the same as becoming bang mommy who wipes his ass and cooks all his meals and does his laundry because muh womanly instinct. She just gave up all her dignity and became his slave because that's how she's been socially conditioned that women should show love. My Nigel and I share cooking and do our own laundry because we are both adults. She's just adopted herself a child kek

No. 1913345

File: 1709734533737.png (39.31 KB, 241x203, Midnight_Man.png)

>teenage boys
KEK, this is like when women get up in arms about when men get fetishized for whatever feature they have. Men and teenage boys don't give a flying fuck about being objectified and fetishized because their minds are simple; they want sex and female attention. The only reason they ever act like they don't want to be objectified is because they want to live in the illusion that they never starve for it. As long as they're getting ANY kind of attention, believe me, they're going home happy and sleeping easy. Those faggots will be fine, if anything, they'll probably regret not asking the girl out when they reach 40+ and notice the striking lack of attention from women.

No. 1913346

I agree the book drama was misogynistic, but anything revolving around real random people is not really appropriate.

No. 1913574

File: 1709750095432.jpg (421.81 KB, 2201x1006, 0G3HVhV5DlgC.jpg)

Looked them up and yeah, it looks like they were just LARPing. It seems like these two are just just crusties. Honestly I'm thinking of creating that punk cringe thread myself, I just need a good header for it.

No. 1913575

What does this mean?

No. 1913584

>tfw man is built like an aggressive beast that can kill me thus causing me to feel sexual arousal and excitement at the prospect of his abuse
I hope this translation suffices.

No. 1913589

Ooh ok I understand now. Thank you.

No. 1913591

something something, crusties, riot-grrls and degens?

No. 1913635

No. 1913954

Blah blah blah she's nearly an adult, blah blah blah. But that's why there's that Romeo Juliet law about teens having a small age difference wouldn't be considered grooming.

No. 1914113

Sage because she's not milky but I hate how she won't admit that she clearly had some type of straightening treatment.

No. 1914217

This mfer is sooo annoying. She makes the same 3 videos about braids, oil, and "dunking" on people who point out her laminated hair. Faggot behavior

No. 1914546

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No. 1914550

File: 1709822637409.jpg (163.57 KB, 575x391, tiktok.jpg)

TikTok users are some of the most uninformed idiots on the Internet. This bill is a good thing. It's forcing China to divest in an effort to protect American's private data. But they probably read this alarmist propaganda and didn't do any further research before crying on live

No. 1914556

>destroy the livelihoods of countless creators

No. 1914558

I support this 100 percent. Surprised it took so long for congress to think of why tik tok is so brain damaging to younger minds and people in general. Just ban the app. It's shit and contributes nothing to society.

No. 1914586

There's this woman that keeps showing up in my feed and it's kind of bizarre for a hospice nurse to create a channel around her impression of people dying. A lot of her uploads are just her dying over and over again

No. 1914602

File: 1709826790011.mp4 (6.03 MB, 480x854, J2Na.mp4)

Caitlin Reilly and her consequences

No. 1914624

>Call now button
KEK it's like they want this app to get shutdown, no zoomers are going to make phone calls because "m-muh anxiety"

No. 1914905

This is like an AI generated joke.

No. 1915874

No. 1915875

Social media was a mistake

No. 1915893

File: 1709885779095.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x1890, IMG_7840.jpeg)

I’m scared

No. 1915916

No. 1915935

File: 1709887937008.jpg (91.54 KB, 800x450, 1000003231.jpg)

Saying all that from behind the fence is crazy

No. 1915937

God please.

No. 1915938

Who hypes these women up? Who tells them this is funny?

No. 1915952

Nobody really finds it funny but it lets them vent their frustrations about le evil white women (with white being a stand in for all women)

No. 1915977

But.. she is the evil white woman. This is like that woman that makes a ton of tiktoks like "wasp woman does [ ]" who the fuck finds this funny for more than 3 seconds

No. 1916031

I appreciate some of what she does but she posts a lot of cringe “humor” and suspiciously narcissistic videos of herself. And she posted a video showing how she got a facelift (for her neck I guess) when her whole schtick is hospice…why

No. 1916064

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No. 1916070

Why are people so obsessed with armchair diagnosing celebrities, especially with autism? Marilyn Monroe is one of the least likely people in history to be autistic lol

No. 1916074

Theyre retarded

No. 1916081

this hit me like a brick, I hope the gender specials don't ruin it.

No. 1916086

The biggest flex is being born before the '00s?

No. 1916116

kek reminds me of celebricow anons unironically diagnosing ariana grande, taylor swift, and margot robbie with autism

No. 1916119

We have some of the dumbest people alive here.

No. 1916155

This is embarrassing to watch.

No. 1916204

I will lmao if TikTok dies, and various shitty clones pop up. They will be absolute content dumpsters. Yt is already full of trash stolen off tt. Imagine a free for all of people ripping off already terrible quality videos and impersonating people.

No. 1916236

lest we forget florence's stimming

No. 1916238

Wait, by "masking" they mean presenting a persona that is not their real self? All entertainers/celebrities must be autistic then kek.

No. 1916452

File: 1709921530132.mp4 (1.64 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cnjamt7og65qshgbmb…)

I’m going to sperg out a bit out of envy so forgive me, but do you know what kind of influencer I don’t like. The ones who literally make a living off of being themselves online, work at max 3 days a week, have a tight knit friend group, have all of these brand deals and being flown out to New York, Korea and etc and still act like their lives are fucking horrible. Like bitch shit the fuckk uppp, it’s borderline like when Shane Dawson pretends he is poor when he’s fucking loaded. I hate hate hate the ‘ohh I hate living I’m so relatable’, bitch fuck you I rather see someone be wealthy and enjoy their life than to have it all and still act like a victim of circumstance. Vid fuck inf

No. 1916558

Same fag but I meant vid related at the bottom sry

No. 1916983

She was making fun of her not armchair diagnosing her

No. 1917176

I’m not kidding when I say that the cops should have been called on this freakish substitute teacher

No. 1917178

I bet the kids told her to say that

No. 1917272

File: 1709968943373.png (23.1 KB, 411x723, 100987644.png)

what was it?

No. 1917319

Tiktok clip of this song made the rounds on Twitter and its been stuck in my head and I hate it its so bad.

No. 1917322

A substitute teacher saying something like "I'll be your discord kitten for nitro uwu" and then like aggressively dabbing. I'm almost positive the kids told her to do it and then snuck the tiktok. At the end she says something to the effect of "there is that good?"

No. 1917326

She's still an adult who should have the self awareness to know doing this kind of thing is not appropriate for someone in a teachers position.

No. 1917330

I'm not gonna lie she seemed kind of developmentally disabled from the video but idk

No. 1917418

Well tbh social media bucks are unstable, you could quickly lose all following. Everything revolves around your fake persona, looks etc. You need be in character and make content even when feeling horrible, like actually not just "relatably depressed". And do you even know if she gets all the money from tiktok or if she works on the side or does onlyfans or something? I agree it is dumb that people can make a living being influencers, but I wouldnt necessarily envy them.

No. 1917680

She has a YouTube, a podcast and has worked with multiple big beauty and fashion brands like Marc Jacob’s, if she had an only fans it would have been known esp with a million followers on insta

No. 1917683

File: 1710003615437.mp4 (2.04 MB, 480x854, Zd6GU7u.mp4)

it's not like the men are any funnier.

No. 1917914

>we cut out all our racist family
They have never even seen a white trash before kek

No. 1918073

No. 1918219

anyone not believe the tiktok shut down? I hope it does low key but they claimed they were gonna shut down since trump was in office

No. 1918255

Of course she’s dressed like tha

No. 1918679

I don’t know why this was on my fyp but it made me kek unfortunately

No. 1918793

what is going on kek

No. 1918803

No. 1918881

No. 1918885

no hope for women

No. 1919498

File: 1710100978716.mp4 (17.16 MB, ssstwitter.com_1710065313864.m…)

Would this cure your depression nonnies?

No. 1919506

File: 1710101616158.jpeg (157.86 KB, 828x1097, IMG_1105.jpeg)

Actually stomach turning. Did this guy not have a trash can or those pink hospital buckets???

No. 1919508

This is well-fitting for the consoomerism thread too. Like what the fuck does the person even get that isn't complete trash, a chocolate bar and a single fucking teabad?

No. 1919513

nemu flashbacks

No. 1919524

Ew. Growing up I just used a basin that was kept in the bathroom.

No. 1919575

literally nothing wrong with this, do people not know how to wash something? no one would care if you'd use the same bowl for preparing raw meat, raw eggs raw chicken etc and then eat popcorn from that bowl after washing, but logically that should be seen as equally gross as the vomit

No. 1919809

In my household we just puked in the toilet (no weird suctioned toilet traps where I'm from so the toilets barely clog) but unless the bowl isn't soft plastic or has that popcorn texture on the inside this is fine as long as you clean it properly lol

No. 1919857

Oh my god they're scamming the fuck out of women

No. 1919872

Lol this was my family

No. 1919890

whoa I didn't know this was a thing? My family had a vomit/popcorn bowl too. I refused to eat from it though

No. 1919906

>english speakers cant pronounce guarana
you have to be kidding me kek

No. 1919932

I'm ESL and read it correctly in my head even though this is the first time I ever come across it, all those linguistics youtube videos proved to be useful after all.

No. 1919946

Zoomers weren’t taught phonics in school so it makes sense kek

No. 1919955

Tbf raw food ingredients are a lot different from bodily fluids, even if you clean it

No. 1919963

"Masking" is to show to society your "functional persona" while hiding you have high functionality autism. So not act like a fucking retard in the streets like most of self-diagnosed people are.

No. 1919975

This reminds me of how trannies need to pretend historical figures are trans to boost their numbers and pretend that they have always been a thing. Of course, with autism, such a thing doesn't need to be done because it's a common enough trait/condition to where we don't need to lie about it to make it seem "valid". This could probably only appeal to a malingerer who wants to feel confident in their delusions.

No. 1920052

You can like and identify with people without thinking they have your disabilities. This is just one step away from tumblr tier kinning kek.

No. 1920062

Do most people actually vomit that often to need a fucking family shared bowl for it?

No. 1920282

we used an empty paint bucket. I now have that bucket to wash my pavement. They don't build them like they used to….

No. 1920445

and? sweat, spit and hair will also get in your food one way or another when you cook unless you wear a hazmat suit

No. 1921839

i’m not sure about other nonnas but my childhood house was structured in such a way that running to the toilet while violently ill presented a real risk of not making it in time. the popcorn bowl had to be the vomit bowl because it was the biggest bowl. if we had a water proof receptacle that was bigger and empty (like some small trash cans)we would have used that instead.

No. 1922594

The zoomer/millennial debate about who is aging better is funny to me

No. 1922602

I'm with the millennials on this. Gen z are ugly. Most people I find attractive are millennial or gen x.

No. 1922616

Millennials are older and aging better somehow. Also gen z is terrified of aging, wtf are 20 year olds so afraid of maturing? It's so fucked. Also lol at the woman in the video trying so hard to seem untriggered.

No. 1922645

I thought she was older than him at first. I always wonder how many takes they have to do when they fake laugh like that, do they just keep refilming their shrieking cackle? It makes them come off as unhinged every time

No. 1922648

She laughs but if she told me she was 35 as a joke i would believe her. His skin look good for a moid.

No. 1922674

I don't really think she looks old bc her skin is bad or anything, it's just that when you're young, being fat makes you look older, though when you're old it makes you look younger. Basically everyone her size in my uni classes (when I was in uni years ago) I would have mistaken as being in their 30s were it not for them being my uni classmates

No. 1922679

I feel like Gen Z ages themselves a lot purely through styling. Millennial trends were ugly but also very juvenile. That girl isn't wrinkly and haggard she just had undone hair and old lady glasses.

No. 1922683

Oh wow they are both so unbothered

No. 1922688

This ugly moon faced bitch is 20? Big yikes

No. 1922690

Lol, a fat gen z at work was so friendly to me until she found out I was 33 and she was 23. She thought I was the same age as her and promptly stopped sitting with me on breaks (thank god). I had to have a surgery last year and still had stitches and we got assigned to the same task and I literally had to slow my pace for her. I was still recovering and this gen z girl was struggling to keep pace. I don't know what the point of her constantly chugging energy drinks was, homegirl was lazy. She got let go.

No. 1922695

File: 1710296355927.jpg (192.22 KB, 720x1105, 1000003365.jpg)

I'm actually not sure what thread to throw this in but it's an incredible article about how mommybloggers forcing their children to be influences is damaging. It's a real account from a girl who first went viral as a toddler and is only away from that content now as a new adult.

No. 1922697

I’m a zoomer but it’s cringe that they’re so pressed about this. It’s funny because it’s almost ironic given their obsession with youth. Not so coquette now kek

No. 1922698

File: 1710296473405.jpg (180.3 KB, 720x1019, 1000003366.jpg)

My mistake, she's actually a teen still forced to do tiktoks with her sibling for them

No. 1922702

File: 1710296667244.jpg (206.68 KB, 720x1106, 1000003367.jpg)

No. 1922854

there's this one moid constantly on my fyp who's always reporting some horrific pedophile case when i see him. i didn't think it was weird at first but i realized that they were literally all coming from him and i got creeped out, who is just so interested in pedophilia that they deliberately search for the most revolting cases they can find? he's a true crime account and everyone already knows that people overtly interested in or make content solely based off of true crime are freaks but he's a special breed, half of his content is about pedophiles. like, there has to be something more sinister underlying his keen obsession with the subject.

No. 1922862

Or he is a victim of CSA and wants their crimes and psychology to be known and not forgotten.

No. 1922869

lmfao, if you're running a true crime account based on ~creepy~ entertainment and getting the most clicks i don't think your top priority is 'raising awareness for csa victims'.

No. 1922898

Tired of these thots advertising their shit. I reported her channel.

No. 1922900

No offense but unless you have proof of him sympathizing with the pedophiles you're just acting satanic panicked

No. 1922923

>unless you have proof
XY chromosomes

No. 1922932

No, I need you to get a fucking grip. By proof I mean other than him posting about true crime, wdym that makes him a pedophile?

No. 1922938

That’s such a repulsive thumbnail

No. 1922947

What in the actual fuck

No. 1922972

NTA but can we please drop the idea that asking for proof of something is something scrotes do? it makes us look retarded and gullible

No. 1922986

Ayrt and I wasn’t trying to say the anon I replied to was a scrote I was (half)jokingly saying that the proof that scrote is a pedophile is that he is a scrote kek
>only specifically posts about graphic crimes involving CSA
That’s enough evidence tbh kek

No. 1922989

I'm not being hostile but I disagree. I do believe if they constantly post it with even vague defense of them or try to humanize them then yes def a pedo. But bringing awareness to it doesn't equate to fetishizing it. If anything a pedo wants to psyop you into empathizing with them, not catalogue their psychopathy.

No. 1923035

nta but there is enough pedo awareness nonna look at how moids act online and in public now. Males that focus on csa cases give the same feeling someone gets from seeing a male kindergarten teacher. If he wanted to really raise awareness he would talk about statistics regarding how many children are abused and how to help report it not talk about children getting assaulted/borderline tortured for tiktok content like the misery machine on yt

No. 1923411

This shit is so stupid to me but the way zoomers act are so fucking obnoxious. It's obvious many of them make their identity being young and are going to have a melt down when their older. I've seen zoomers irl calling people old non stop as a joke and it's kinda off-putting how much they do it. Like you're gonna be old one day too asshole. Sorry to any zoomers I know it's not all of them. I think I'm technically a zoomer too lol a cusper one tho.

No. 1923469

I would sincerely love it if both sides stopped being retarded about age. We will all get old, wrinkly, and die someday. How about cultivating emotional intelligence and interest in hobbies rather than botoxing every wrinkle in the name of pickling yourself? Beauty fades but dumb is forever. You will never "win" the youth race. fwiw I'm a millenial but these debates are driving me up the wall. The only party that's winning are the beauty and pharmaceutical companies capitalizing on both generational fools.

No. 1925086

File: 1710441778767.mp4 (2.55 MB, 576x1024, 8ZRUWCBmOjdHQuWJ.mp4)

Literal pick-me humor.

No. 1925089

Her face should be considered a plastic surgery fail tf, the filler looks terrible

No. 1925110

I want to pop her lips like a balloon

No. 1925142

She can't walk normally in those shoes and her posture is shit. Stacy larp failed.

No. 1925143

I remember her.Shes been discussed on here before kek She's always been a raging pickme

No. 1925217

File: 1710447994004.jpeg (12.87 KB, 192x263, IMG_3343.jpeg)

The little girl looks so uncomfortable, even if whatever the fuck is going in this video was not happening and idk they were making cooking and her face looked like that I would delete the video and move on. Sorry this is so diabolical dude delete the video and put your head in here

No. 1925288

This is painful to watch. Not only that, but her face looks painful too. Damn hope she gets picked?

No. 1925674

It refuses to let me webm this but you won't regret watching. White peoples 'Trapped in the Closet'.

No. 1925680

really, what did she do?

No. 1925683

Am I blind or are her arms cracking at the seems/look dirty?

No. 1925706

I'm pretty sure that's a fading spray tan kek

No. 1925737

File: 1710479603790.jpg (396.1 KB, 1080x1921, 1000000778.jpg)

The tik tok brain rot

No. 1925745

File: 1710479767701.jpg (28.81 KB, 500x500, avatars-E6Bis0i3CUGJnmUY-VwqZ0…)

Wtf is this Y/N fanfic looking ass ad lmao. Seriously though how are there so many suggestive/outright sexual ads both on TikTok/Youtube/etc?

No. 1925795

isn't this guy a Nazi?

No. 1925806

This is the unfunniest shit I've ever seen.

No. 1925808

>a means to share unfiltered information.

No. 1925892

Oh this shit weird

No. 1925948

Imagine your personality being whore

No. 1926022

File: 1710512595199.mp4 (11.41 MB, 720x1280, Dora_stormigee.mp4)

It's actually being a whore womanchild

No. 1926024

I thought her other vids were funny but this completely changed my perception of her lol.

No. 1926025

I'm sure the 24 year old zoomers at work that play chubby bunny at lunch would find this shit funny.

No. 1926029

Who the hell is playing chubby bunny at 24 and why do you know this

No. 1926033

Her face is so creepy and uncanny.

No. 1926034

She looks like PS1 character. All angles and no depth.

No. 1926048

Nta but it's the same 24 year old zoomers who going to Primark and buying all the Disney collab pyjamas and still make 1D jokes. These people exist

No. 1926053

Those are called millennials, arent they

No. 1926057

Sadly the graduates at my job do. I have voiced my disgust many times. Who the fuck wants to see a bunch of geeks seeing how much food they can stuff down their face in a 30 minute lunch break. They told me I didn't get it and I told them to fuck off kids tv day time presenters were at that shit over 20 years ago.

No. 1926059

Millennials are at minimum 27-28

No. 1926062

And they're Disney adults who loved 1D so it sounds like you're trying to be shady to the wrong demographic

No. 1926067

looked her up and this was the first result

No. 1926074

Isn't this the elephant man filter or is she trolling after getting double jaw surgery

No. 1926168

Does anyone have pics of her before PS? Her face shape is so unfortunate in this and now she has no chin, how could she possibly think this botched surgery was an upgrade from her original face

No. 1926191

File: 1710519792670.jpg (115.07 KB, 720x1256, 1000003433.jpg)

So hes her professor but hes also her step brother but hes a werewolf

No. 1926200

This ad has been haunting me.

No. 1926201

Ew, why is he so bloated?

No. 1926211

File: 1710520373819.jpg (117.28 KB, 720x1267, 1000003434.jpg)

I feel like I'm looking at something I'm not supposed to when I watch these shorts. Like I'm reading someone's diary

Women and gay men on Twitter saying they want him… I truly don't understand. He looks like a piece of parchment paper

No. 1926214

Even the werewolves of what we do in the shadows looked better than this

No. 1926217

I'm 99% of convinced he's the authors brother and they couldn't find anybody else to play the part.

No. 1926227

Everybody plays like they think white men are gum under their shoe until the most mediocre water retentive white man takes off his shirt and then suddenly it's like cats in heat. Truly despicable I am ashamed of women and homosexuals everywhere.

No. 1926229

asian women on twitter seem to the worst case of this.

No. 1926304

Can someone please explain the weird wave of hate against single moms? It doesn't even seem to be from a religious standpoint and a lot of it seems to becoming from single men with kids themselves. I've even seen people assume moms in general are single because they posted a video without their partner and then hate them for it

No. 1926312

Combination of several factors: general hatred of "sluts", two single mothers are not available for them emotionally or sexually (her children will always come first), last if they're single fathers it reminds them of the woman that ditched them.

No. 1926317

Could it be men being possessive of their ex baby mamas and then other men taking the bait? I guess successfully brainwashing other moids into hating your ex because you dumped kids on her is one way to deal with a break up

No. 1926319

File: 1710526164947.png (12.86 KB, 294x447, moms-4-1.png)

The root answer for men is misogyny, but I've never known a smart single mom. Every single one makes a series of the stupidest decisions to reproduce with the the biggest loser you've ever seen and then cries about how hard raising a kid as a single mom is. Like sis, the entire group chat told you to leave him and then recommended an abortion when you announced that your birth control failed yet you're acting like everything that happens to you is a surprise.
Also, ever increasing percentages of woman are choosing to reproduce with men they're not married to which is a terrible decision for not only her, but also for the child, and also as society as a whole, so it makes sense that people are talking about it.

No. 1926338

Do you live in a fairly uneducated area? The best obgyn I ever had became a single mom at 19 and I have nothing but respect for her. There's definitely cases of trashy types but there's a lot of single moms there's no need to group them all into one type

It could also be who you're surrounded by? I live in a very affluent area and successful and smart single moms aren't unusual here. If you only know trashy people of course you're only going to know trashy single moms

No. 1926400

Misogyny is just trendy right now. I mean, it always has been, but a lot of woman haters think they're being noble and brave by shittalking women who they've perceived as being "too protected." Over the last few years, some media has portrayed single moms as unambiguous victims and heroes, and so now there's a pendulum swing/overcorrection.

No. 1926424

I haven't seen this personally outside of niche media and even then at most it will just be a story of someone raised by a single mom where the mom was vaguely mentioned but never an important part of the story or anything. I also know on the 80s-2010s single moms were extremely sexualized especially if the mother resorted to stripping or another form of SW to support the children, even to get under the skin of other guys they'll always make a "I fucked your hot single mom" jokes and really dig into it when their mom actually is a hot single mom. They basically went from being over sexualized to still being sexualized but at the same time irrationally hated. I don't even understand how people have the mental energy to spend on women just trying to exist

No. 1926442

I hate talking down about that aspect of single mothers without sounding like a moid, but honestly there are so many woman that act like being love bombed by a clear lowlife piece of shit is the same as having a gun held to your head and being made to reproduce. One of my local dating groups had a massive argument over single mothers. Some men were saying they don't want to date single mums, the single mums insinuated if you're in your 30s of course you'll have kids and good luck finding someone without baggage, then other women were like I'm this age and I don't have any kids I choose to wait for the right man. Then the single mothers argue their kids were made in love and you're a horrible person, birth control can fail, I have 4 kids with 3 different men what are you trying to imply? And its like. You obviously got horny and let a moid cum inside you like that's what happened lol. We've all been horny. In the heat of passion I let a guy cum in me unprotected but not long after I came clarity set in and I got emergency contraception. It's not difficult to not get pregnant. Obviously men shouldn't con women into thinking they'll stick around and be a good dad, but you're honestly retarded if you have a baby with a man that has invested nothing into you, or isn't grounded and responsible. People make light of having children.

No. 1926448

Are they single moms because they had a child out of wedlock with a man who bounced, or are they single moms because they're divorced and the dad still visits the kids?
I'm not arguing that extraordinary women can exist (like your obgyn), but statistically, having children out of wedlock with a deadbeat leads to lowered outcomes for both the mother and the children. It's a bad idea, and if a woman wants children, she should be married because of the legal protections it offers her and the child.

No. 1926457

I don't date but I can't speak on this. Preferences are fine but the issue with men specifically is that they can't understand the difference between simply having a preference and leaving the people they do not want to date alone vs straight up harassing people that don't fit their preferences. From what I've seen most single moms I know don't care and understand if men don't want that or they just don't want to date until their kids are adults.

Personally women's dating choices are none of my business and id much rather women be single moms than to feel like they have to be stuck in a dangerous situation because of extreme amounts of shame. Unfortunately it's not like these women can go back and unfuck shitty men so it's best for them to make the best and safe situation for their children

I don't know these situations and they're none of my business, regardless of the women's mistakes all I know is that by being single she is creating a safe environment for her children rather than those women that let their moids beat them and their kids up and never tell anyone to avoid the reactions, well exactly like this

No. 1926472

This is my thoughts exactly. I know that having a child rewires your brain, and that the hormones really play a number on your decision making, but most people do not use logic before keeping an unexpected pregnancy.
I hear a lot of single moms and unprepared mothers proclaiming that "there's never going to be a good time to have a baby so just do it now" but I think that's cope. All women who want to be mothers should be over 25, be financially stable, have a stable partner, and have worked on their mental health. Because having a baby is the most stressful and vulnerable time in your life, so any trauma that you've pushed way inside you is going to come out unless you've worked on it. Also, huge bonus points if you can get a mortgage on a house before you have kids (because I have seen so many landlords suddenly sell the house and the kids lives are completely uprooted), but that's so far out of reach of most people that I haven't actually known anyone in my age group to do this yet.
>I don't know these situations and they're none of my business
I do not understand your reply. Do you mean you don't know the situations of the successful and smart single moms in your area, or that you've never observed a woman have a worse outcome because she's a single mom?

No. 1926481

I don't know why someone became a single mom and it's none of my business. Did her husband die? Did baby daddy do a 180 and she needed to find what's best for her kids? Was she just a dumb party girl who had a 1 night stand? Was she previously married and it didn't work out? I don't know and it's none of my business for me to know. The only thing I'm going to judge her for is where she is now. Either way no one owes me an explanation, no one owes you an explanation, the only thing they owe is making sure their kids are safe, healthy and happy.

Even in worse case scenario where she was just stupidly sleeping with jailbirds as long as if she makes a good life for her children that's the only thing I will judge her on.

No. 1926533

I think it’s weird that single moms with daughters especially are willing to date men at all with the high chance of the men they bring home sexually assaulting their daughters…

No. 1926541

By this logic is she be less controversial to be a single mom then right? If women are constantly getting judged and harassed for being single moms all that it will accomplish is them being desperate to rush into a relationship with the first brute they meet

No. 1926545

Most single moms seem to be actively dating despite having minor children. I don’t see any reason to dislike a single mom who is volcel or a lesbian.

No. 1926552

When they're in a culture that is extremely against single mothers which causes those women to rush into relationships and marriages to quickly remove the "single" label. Hence why people in ultra religious communities get abused by step dad's since single moms with just grab onto the first man that was okay with them having kids. Also why poor Americans face a crazy amount of child abuse via step fathers too

Take in account upper middle class people or even people from more accepting countries like Finland or something, child abuse there is the lowest in the world since women who are single moms don't feel the need to rush into relationships or even re marry at all

No. 1926571

This is nothing new, single mothers have been a punching bag for pickmes and moids since the beginning of time. Everybody likes to presume that they are "dumb whores" who randomly got pregnant and not mostly women who were formerly married or in a relationship with the father. There's also been a lot of discourse about married single mothers making the rounds who are married women with kids who have useless husbands they need to drop and often because their moid is so useless, getting a divorce for them will actually make their lives easier even if they get zero money out of him. Marriage and kids used to be the ultimate thing that moids use to trap women, but now even that's not working if women have barely anything to gain from moids in any capacity. This is all just a psyop to try and bully women out of divorcing men when they have children or make them feel that they lose value when having children despite single mothers getting married all the time. It's also how many can artificially leverage morality over women by assigning being divorced or a single mother as a moral failing and allowing the father who has administered abuse through neglect to get away unscathed. Not trying to say they are all saints, but i don't think there's any point attacking them when i feel like them taking care of their children and giving them the best life possible is more than enough proof of them at least taking some responsibility over the situation, even if they children shouldn't be here in the first place.

I agree with you anon. Personally i can't relate with being reckless with your fertility, but what's done is done. I don't expect these women to be on their knees to justify how their children came to be conceived as long as they are good to their children.

No. 1926582

They don't care about married single moms or even moids that go on "business trips" majority of the year and avoid their families. They irrationally care about the relationship status so much they'd rather pressure women into doing twice as much work and be a punching bag for a scrotes than dare… Put single on her taxes? I don't get it

No. 1926590

File: 1710535854483.mp4 (4.72 MB, 478x850, VID-20240315-WA0026(1).mp4)

I don't mind when people do this (more power to them) but it's kind of creepy personally speaking, also I was bullied for having thick eyebrows so it makes me feel extra weird

No. 1926591

Does she have alopecia?

No. 1926592

I mean this woman has alopecia or whatever that condition that makes you completely hairless is, of course she would want to have eyebrows and look normal? Don't know how it's weird. I find the laminated brow trend worse, it looks retarded irl

No. 1926596

I was the nonnie that brought up the Primark Disney and 1D stuff, and tbh it's not an age thing. It's a retarded thing. It's what happens when a normie is an nlog and if you ACTUALLY knew this type of person then you would know the age range is typically 20 to (no exaggeration) about 50 years old

No. 1926597

so this overpriced scamming shit is ok with zoomer idiots as long as it's in a pretty box then? alright. i am not paying someone to mail me shit i can buy at target.

No. 1926599

Oh okay I'm sorry, I didn't know she had a condition, I thought she shaved her hair and brows off. My bad I feel terrible now

No. 1926602

Kek it's okay nona don't feel terrible. I've seen actual eyebrow wigs before, so I think the product in the TikTok is really useful for alopecia anons or people going through chemo.

No. 1926604

I see it now and I get what you mean! If something like this happened to me I would do it too

No. 1926612

Tiktok itself is spreading this misinformation. If you look at those articles, tiktok and chinese officials are basically threatening against being forced to divest while trying to paint it as being against small business/against free speech/whatever else will stick with their userbase. They did the same kind of scare tactic with UMG when they refused to take down AI songs, but UMG told them to fuck off and didn't renew their contract. The thing that upsets me most about this sentiment is that I AM a small business and tiktok is actually awful for me, there's no way to market your videos, you just send them off into the void and it doesn't matter if you get a million followers overseas who can't buy your products. It's the same annoying shit as on instagram where maybe like 1 of thousands buys something but the rest just post useless comments about how much they'd "totes love to buy it but have no money!". Tiktok is an absolute waste of time and resources. Any small businesses who think tiktok provides anything real is a fucking idiot. Even if your stuff goes viral it doesn't do shit for your sales.

No. 1926670

Just more nlog (not like other guys) delusions from men. They all get so mad at proof that women had sex with all those other bad men, and not with the individual wonderful paragon of male virtue that every single scrote thinks he is. And it makes it so much harder for them to find a devoted bangmaid, and after age 30 women with intelligence and prospects start giving up on dating, so women who make terrible decisions are disproportionately the remainder.

No. 1926704

The irony is most of them abandoned their kids if not probably will if they were to have kids. A better man takes what would've been them if they acted decent and they can't stand it because they just wanted their baby mama and kids to suffer without them to stroke their ego about how needed they are. There's a reason why you never see men who are their for their kids and wife have hate boners for single moms

No. 1926730

Yeah, I've noticed this too. Been seeing alot of weird, sexual/suggestive ads on YouTube recently. I'm certainly no prude, but what the fuck is happening lately? This world is crumbling.

No. 1926807

The only decent thing about tiktok is that you can click not interested on ads. So I don't get any weird ones, just stuff that's catered to me. Youtube doesn't have this option (and if it does, it's hard to find)

No. 1926891

Anon you're underage, if you automatically think women are shaving their heads and eyebrows bald to apply fake eyebrows you should not be on here. Please gain some xp.

No. 1926901

Tiktok repeatedly saves all your contact info and can also save keystroke data. There's a lot of "there's no evidence it will really do that thoughhh" when the simple answer is that it should not be allowed these permissions at all, whether claimed for convenience and personal experience or not. Knowing China's reputation, it isnt xenophobia or racism to not want them accessing our data. People crying because they cannot live without tiktok is bleak, they call it censorship but all tiktok does is spread misinformation and you can still post videos and proof of things you don't want to be censored on other apps. I do think that Elon is going to try to turn X into tiktok and that's the only reason there is sudden push though.

No. 1926909

Calling a zoomer old is guaranteed to cause them to have a mental breakdown which is funny. I'd do it too. Especially given that so many of them are obsessed with the uwu wonyoung coquette babygirl aesthetic.

No. 1926963

File: 1710556210133.jpg (29.47 KB, 500x382, 83865d64a3ee53e284c715af587481…)

I remember when Tiktok recommended me a 13 years old "censoring" hentai drawings of Undertale characters. She always insisted to send the drawings to her IG and she would show how she "censor" them in Tiktok, but "she always delete the photos because she knows is against the law and IG would have deleted her account".

I should have reported that account when I had the chance to.

No. 1927004

File: 1710558294892.jpg (184.57 KB, 720x1272, 1000003443.jpg)

I wish she would make more videos like this theyre so bad they're addicting

No. 1927029

File: 1710560304343.mp4 (4.32 MB, 1000003446.mp4)

No. 1927037

kekkk this so unbearable cringy that it's entertaining again. Honestly good for any woman who genuinely likes it.

No. 1927047

This guy looks like a ginger jerma

No. 1927050

Hate when this shit is stuck in my head

No. 1927053

No. 1927057

No. 1927074

This belongs in the modern punk cringe thread.

No. 1927139

It's such a funny virtue signal after you realize that they try to look tough, but are actually scared absolutely shitless of anybody looking down on them. If they actually grew up in a trailer park or section 8, they wouldn't give a fuck. Maybe racism might bother them, but they wouldn't be preemptively shitting their pants and having to start a video by announcing how not racist they are.

No. 1927214

Ah, yes I've always wondered how [checks notes] two mixes races looked in mongolian robes in a shopping mall. The content is funny because when women do these videos they're called vain and narcissistic but when men do it it's cool.

No. 1927222

Wtf are those pecs lmao. He looks like a ginger VitruvianPhysique to me.

No. 1927226

tbf these two are Russians, so it's considered less insensitive to them.

No. 1927244

They look good im not mad I just think the difference is interesting

No. 1927250

concepts of cultural appropriation don't exist outside modern america, like 300 years ago my people moved to another region and decided that we should become the people of that region and did so, just like that, no one gave a shit.

No. 1927252

Woah, I'm not talking about that. I see nothing wrong with what they're wearing and most Asian cultures consider it appreciation and not appropriation. I was referring to the fact that when women do the "upload vid of people's reactions to me walking in public" they get a ton of hate lol.

No. 1927253

that happens here as well, anytime you go to another ethnic province, they'll practically force to wear the local hats and veils and eat the local cuisine.

No. 1927299

I'm surprised at how real they look, at least in this vid. Maybe I'm retarded (v possible, I have trouble identifying wigs are not real hair sometimes), but fooled me, I've never seen anything like that. If they actually look that real, she'll do a good job selling those.

No. 1927311

Her voice and facial expressions annoy me. That is all. Also how is she not fat as hell? I swear she eats so much.

No. 1927316

just because you see her eat three bites of each thing doesn't mean she really ate it. But even if she is eating all of it, it's honestly not that much if she doesn't eat like that every day it won't make her fat.

No. 1927317

You can tell anon hates her because this is the obvious answer.

No. 1927323

Ok? That’s a waste of fucking food and wasting food is disgusting greedy behaviour
>even if she ate it all it’s not that much
5 waffle tacos filled with custard, 5 dumplings, a sandwich full of whip cream, a breadstick full of chocolate filling, a full lunchbox of fish and sushi all in one go is not that much? Really?

No. 1927330

rattle rattle anachan

No. 1927334

You think that upsets me? Waddle waddle fat fuck, I don’t care. It’s an abnormal amount of food to eat in one sitting and most sane people would agree.

No. 1927338

Don't be so gullible. She didn't actually eat all of that. I maintain if she ate that much one time it would be fine because that's not how getting fat works but I see her whole account is like that so the more important point is she doesn't actually eat it all. thin-young-woman-eating-food accounts are staged.

No. 1927341

Have you never been on vacation? Kek anon I’ve never been even close to fat and could easily down all that on on a vacation especially an exercise heavy vacation like Japan with all the walking. I’d absolutely disgust you if we went on a cruise together.

No. 1927351

You are retarded

No. 1927367

She probably keeps leftovers, trisha paytas gave the game away on mukbangs. You keep most of the food as leftovers for the week and just edit the video.

No. 1927369

I think irl it's more visible because tattooed on eyebrows are totally flat, but it's still a very good alternative for people without brows

No. 1927372

So are there really mukbangers reheating fast food? That shit goes bad after 10 minutes idc what anyone says.

No. 1927375

File: 1710590455553.jpg (161.59 KB, 720x1276, 1000003462.jpg)


No. 1927378

Saw someone on twitter the other day say to put him in a laundry bag and beat the ground with it for 45 mins kek

No. 1927380

I thought it was the guy who's dating his caretaker at first

No. 1927399

Mens desire to rape children is so strong they don't even stop when crippled.

No. 1927413

If they could channel that amount of energy in something useful we would have FTL travel already

No. 1927418

Read up on Brian Peppers, he became a meme back in the day because no one would expect some deformed man such as him would have the audacity to molest his nurse

No. 1927489

>100lb weight gain in only a YEAR
>wearing a shirt that says EVERYTHING FAT AND JUICY
So clear this woman is into feederism and I'm grossed the fuck out there is a line where it becomes self harm. She's going to kill herself if she keeps up at that rate and she's just cheesing it picking out dresses for a gala. I winced

No. 1927493

I think only males can be coomer enough to truly be into feederism. I think she's just talking it up like that for business and views, while also soothing her own obese woman ego.

No. 1927506

I actually enjoyed watching her, she describes food pretty well. Bug since learning she has an onlyfans, it just feels gross. Especially because sometimes she'd eat creamy stuff kinda unfortunately and I'd always think: "I hope noone sexualises that in the comments, that'd suck for her"

No. 1927518

Noooo I liked watching her! Time to unsubscribe, can’t have the OF whores on my timeline

No. 1927616

I've seen some anons on /g/ that mentioned they were into that sort of thing, but I'm going to assume they were trannies. Nasty.

No. 1927658

Only cos he was trying to meet a 14 year old boy. If it were a girl everyone would be defending him, saying “it was normal in the past!!!” So was buggering young boys but that doesn’t make it right.

No. 1927729

could he even physically harm a child? like all they'd have to do is just get out of the way or push him over

No. 1927739

Why would you make up this lie anon

No. 1927747

Some woman in the comments pointed out how she picks dresses with the women's/girls boobs hanging halfway out and her response was "girl shut up" I've watched a few of the prom dress videos and every single one I watched 4 out of 5 dresses had breast compartments so small for the teen that it was covering a little more than a nipple. Then she recorded and chuckled at this one girl's father who obviously was upset she put his daughter in a dress with her breasts spilling out.

No. 1927791

> when a normie is an nlog

No. 1927795

Idk what this genre of cringe is called but it's kino. You know its going to be good when it's called some shit like "Alpha desire" or "King of the pack" or whatever werewolf shit

No. 1927867

She's wonderful and beautiful,I like her

No. 1927890

not a lie, its been deleted i think but it was onlyfans.com/karissalovee
10 seconds on google and you'll see full nudes etc

No. 1928084

File: 1710638031005.webp (Spoiler Image,18.23 KB, 768x432, 1000003468.webp)

I remember him being a meme but I always thought it was a puppet to Jumpscare omg

No. 1928088

I'm sorry, but this man has some village feeders on him wtf.

No. 1928191

No. 1928306

eugh those "scars" dont look cool and edgy at all, they look infected and necrotic. on his doughy weak chest. barf

No. 1928338

you don't have to announce this shit.

No. 1928340

No one cares what you loose easy bitches would fuck. Take it to /g/.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1928360

File: 1710656269610.jpg (183.8 KB, 1290x1545, 20240317_112029.jpg)

This guy used to work for pinterest. No wonder it's filled with softcore cp.

No. 1928363

I'm glad I'm not the only one, my stomach dropped when I thought it was him and how his poor wife would feel.

No. 1928385

I find both halves of that couple disgusting. Last I checked, she was trying desperately to get pregnant with his kid via IVF. They honestly deserve a cow thread but the visceral disgust I have regarding that whole situation renders me unable to make it.

No. 1928386

the xenophobia/sinophobia/racism is so stupid to me because that shouldn't apply to the fucking government anyway.

No. 1928393

You aren't even bothering to pretend to be a woman. Kys.

No. 1928418

I hate when moids just insert themselves in a video like this

No. 1928435

I saw a girl out in the wild like this and she looked sooo cool but all I could think about was how crazy she was for riding it in such a high-traffic area where people regularly had accidents. Truly looked amazing though, but people were getting whiplash trying to take photos of her including my driver

No. 1928444

didn't a Youtuber die just a week ago in some Motorcycle accident.

No. 1928465

>there's no way to market your videos, you just send them off into the void
This is the thing I really hate about modern social media. At least back in the day on da or flickr you could network and people would see the thing you spent 10 hours on. Now you just toss it into the toilet and flush. Maybe 5 or 500 or 5000 people will see it. Then it's probably over and buried forever.

No. 1928475

What amount of youtubers dying from motorcycle accidents within a weak would you consider abnormal?

No. 1928499

I fucking hate motorcycles and anyone who rides those stupid loud pieces of shit

No. 1928500

Are you having a stroke

No. 1928502

I wouldn’t care if she wasn’t trying to get impregnated with his child. Why do so many women happily have retard spawn? To the point that they’ll spend thousands of dollars trying to have retard spawn? It doesn’t make any fucking sense to me.

No. 1928646

IVF should be illegal since majority of the time it's being used by selfish retatds who want attention

No. 1928712

its interesting how culture affects this. in burgerland, its still extremely taboo to talk about screening pregnancies for certain congenital defects, whereas ive heard of scandi countries basically having no people with Downs anymore. i wonder, do misogynist cultures with high rates of aborting female fetus have similar attitudes about disabilities? i get the impression no, because the misogyny that underlies that practice seems to also view disabled children as the mothers fault and burden to bear, along with her other children. but i cant really speak on it from personal experience.

No. 1928728

that tracks with what ive observed about american debates about this issue. abrahamic religions' cultural values seem to give people the ick about the idea in a way i dont really see a parallel in those cultures. this is true of burgers who arent religious as well.
even among agnostics i think theres this nagging idea in the back of your head that your supposed to take on life's challenges as some sort of test.

No. 1928737

What on earth are you talking about about? Screening during first trimester is literally standard and expected. No one thinks it's taboo if you screen. It's also crazy to think there's no downs being born into scandi countries when "brownies and downies" and the community it created is a thing

No. 1928744

not every palestinian is muslim. retard.

No. 1928747

>whereas ive heard of scandi countries basically having no people with Downs anymore
It's called Finland and there's 6 million of them actually

No. 1928802

Really cute! Until she falls off and goes skidding across the road at 70mph, losing half her skin in the process…
Please wear leather if you’re going on a motorbike.

No. 1928851

No. 1928952

File: 1710702354043.jpeg (441.3 KB, 597x982, IMG_9645.jpeg)

Not really hate because their food looks pretty good but it’s getting real bad when I can’t even tell if this biological presenting woman resembles a bit like a tranny or is this just a typical midwestern/east coast build? I’m very lost a lot of “women” have that tranny face nowadays and it’s because they’re turning us and the frogs friggin gay through the water supply and hormone birth control(trannyfoiling autism)

No. 1928958

you are mentally ill that's clearly a woman

No. 1928961

i didn't want to say it but i thought the woman in the video here >>1925086 looked like a tranny but that's mainly because of the surgery and outfit

No. 1928968

Tell me the difference between her face and Dylan Mulvaney’s. Quick, tell me. This seems to be a common trait with trannies and average white women, they sometimes look way too similar and it’s probably due to the fact that the white sexes have similar sexual dimorphic markers where I can’t tell them apart most of the time. Also despite being seen as more “feminine” the average estrogen levels of these women are lower compared to other groups of women hence why she has flatboard chest and no healthy fat distribution or hips, also doesn’t help the fact that a lot of whytea girlies fall for the anachan psyop that makes them starve themselves to look like fags and troons. Idc ban me jannies, my tinfoil is that 95% of the internet is moids and trannies just like it’s ran by a bunch of bots. And that “woman’s” food looks bangin’ but that tranny face is concerning, they’re poisoning us(racebaiting)

No. 1928972

not reading all that shit get tested for autism

No. 1928975

File: 1710703183171.jpg (140.51 KB, 1600x800, tiktok-banned-02-1178665942.jp…)

I 100000000% agree with banning TikTok, though I've heard there will be other consequences. What does everyone else here think?

No. 1928981

No you’re right and you should be bold about it when you clock them because you will be surprised how much “passables” are floating around online, IRL and in the entertainment industry. So much tranny or transsexual influencers with so much repeat FFS and soft plastic surgery we don’t even know about and they could be deceiving us at this moment. Cosmetic surgery has become so advanced at this point the only reason celebs and influencers like that look incredibly botched is because they don’t listen to their doctors after the surgery and they become extremely addicted to it because they think they can get the same result many times. I’ve seen those Thai lady bois on social media who look damn near identical to the biological women because jannies can seethe but East Asian men have low testosterone and it affects the way they physically appear. You never know who’s really a troon and who’s not because while we’ve been fucking around being peasants and retards they’ve perfected or are beginning to perfect their Frankenstein science along with facial AI and filters that can nearly change your face and no one can say a thing, wonder why AI started booming so much especially now? Additional tranny aid.(schizo troonfoiling)

No. 1928985

This type of post belongs in unpopular opinions

No. 1928986

Shut up, ugly.(ban evading)

No. 1928987

The thins is, the impact of Tiktok has already been created, and that niche will most likely be filled with Youtube Shorts.

No. 1928990

I’ve shat up that thread too many times I just wanted to be autistic about this because I’ve noticed so many tiktok/ytbers women with tranny faces and it makes me not want to trust anything anymore.

No. 1928993

you most than likely have a tranny face yourself, every woman that isnt a super model with the face of a 12yo gets called a tranny nowadays

No. 1929006

File: 1710704172258.jpeg (485.36 KB, 630x935, IMG_8625.jpeg)

>you most likely have a tranny face yourself

Stop projecting and use your brain for once, but if you actually used your tiny little peanut head it will result in you getting banned or being called crazy.(ban evading)

No. 1929011

It's just the lack of eye makeup + heavy brows. If she had thin brows and heavy eye makeup you wouldn't be posting this. Aren't you a woman? Shouldn't you know how women look with less-than-flattering makeup?

No. 1929014

Kek yes. I remember seeing some women on YouTube who trannyfoil about celebrities (aka just using paranoia as an excuse to nitpick women). She even called Marilyn Monroe rib cage "wide and manly". She turned out to be a 300 lb hambeast who looks like a damn tranny herself. Not even the first time I've seen daughters of jabba screech about how all women are troons

No. 1929016

File: 1710704608792.mp4 (8.47 MB, 720x1280, 0aada27773d673409d7c587ad7da14…)

I didn't get this from tiktok. One of the comments on the platform I was using said that if the genders were reversed, the guy would likely say no.

No. 1929017

>Also despite being seen as more “feminine” the average estrogen levels of these women are lower compared to other groups of women hence why she has flatboard chest and no healthy fat distribution or hips
>w-white women look just like me, you can barely tell the difference
>a-akschually, I am more of a woman than they are
Kek coping tranny detected.

No. 1929019

You aren’t replying to a woman. Notice how they’re saying troons have gotten such amazing cosmetic surgery to blend in? Kek, one look at the MTF thread will prove otherwise. They’re one of them.

No. 1929021

Estrogen levels don't even correlate to breast size kek. Anon needs to stick to a biology book and off of /pol/s biology class

No. 1929024

They would say no and then wait for the cameras are off to try to get a cheap lay. They think she's lying because they date/mess around publicly for status and then sleep with everything that walks when no one is watching, so they find it unbelievable a conventionally attractive woman would date a man not considered attractive

No. 1929036

File: 1710705947275.jpeg (158.36 KB, 750x470, IMG_9647.jpeg)

>Estrogen doesn’t even correlate to breast size

You’re a flaming fucking retard or a brazen liar. For example, picrel. Use this as a basic fundamental framework, it’s basic biology that certain levels of estrogen contributes to high female fat distribution you literal gas chamber bait. And where does that fat go, hm? Where does it go? Why do you think men with high levels of estrogen have moobs, wider hips and a whole host of other health issues tat are usually common in females? Trying to equate me to a random YouTuber hambeast isn’t going to help your literal stupidity, we’re all anonymous.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1929045

This video is kinda cringe

No. 1929050

Yeah you get a cup size bigger or two and then it goes down. not to mention how many women remain flat while pregnant. If this was remotely true all women would turn into hentai characters while pregnant or on birth control. If it was as simple as estrogen = big titties and there'd be a damn low estrogen crisis in countries where the average cup size is an A and endocrinologists would have clinics for flat women alone.

No. 1929053

Also plastic surgery simply wouldn't even exist if this was true. Women would just go on birth control for big boobs and wide hips. You can get swollen boobs yeah, but the idea you're just going to turn into the next macromastia case with increased estrogen is just delusional

No. 1929060

All this post told me is that I have high estrogen

No. 1929066

Kek I have PCOS and chronically low-e and my body looks similar to Sydney Sweeney. If OP met me I'd blow "her" mind

No. 1929083

I get what you and the other anon who mentioned social status mean, but she's so dumb for saying yes, he's attention seeking and looking for clout online with his retarded videos. And he'd probably look as ugly even if he was skinny anyways. The other woman talking about how she's married to a fat man is retarded as well, have some self respect and marry a good looking guy with a good personality goddamn it.

No. 1929114

I'm surprised moids haven't done the math yet when multiple influencers with breast implant accusations like Abby Shapiro ended up having PCOS. Ofc they'll probably claim it's implants even though in any other situation they'd fight over them being natural.

No. 1929131

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>calling women with straighter thicker eyebrows trannies like these traits can't occur naturally in women

No. 1929145

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No. 1929157

The no makeup/thick eyebrows combo are low hanging fruit for trannyfoilers. At this point it's just next level nitpicking

No. 1929179

File: 1710711476342.jpeg (228.06 KB, 799x1200, IMG_0548.jpeg)

I don't know if these people go out in real life but there's a diverse phenotype of women if you choose to look outside the internet

But hell you see a handful of female celebrities with this phenotype (not common, but they exist), and it's not easy to arch or style these types of brows without makeup and regular styling to arch them

No. 1929184

Men don't see women as human beings. They see us as walking checklists to determine if we are fuckable. That's why they all see themselves as hot when they are all ugly moids with smudged makeup, greasy long hair, ill-fitted feminine clothes and shaped like tubes. They are so dumb that they are aroused by a mass of flesh, their moobs, not understanding that it looks nothing like breasts.

No. 1929185

They're stupid and think not looking like an anime character must make a woman a tranny. The voice nitpicks are even worse since a lot of the women they swear have tranny voices are normal female voices that just aren't super high pitched

No. 1929201

If more women had husky voices and thick straight eyebrows in mainstream, then men would probably be attracted to those traits just as much as they're attracted to women with arched eyebrows and high voices. Men are fucking one dimensional brainlets who sway with popular opinions for no reason other than their inability to think for themselves

No. 1929204

I don't care what men like or not, the worse ones are the psuedo-biology morons trying to literally claim women are secretly trannys or have hormonal disorders because they have a trait they don't like (remember the moids that agreed Lauren southern is infertile because her voice was deep?)

It goes well past the scrotes just being petty to literally thinking women who have 1 or more traits they can't get their rocks off too are a biological deformity

No. 1929205

My favorite theory that I'm not sure is biologically true but induces a good chuckle in me is that all fetuses allegedly start off as XX and XY is just a mutation, so men are incomplete, mutated women. I want it so badly to be true even if it's not

No. 1929225

He didn't even bother reading the study in the screenshot, the retard literally just googled and took the first result to mansplain our bodies to us kek.

No. 1929240

He also pulled up a study relating to pregnancy even though majority of people that actually leave their house can easily name multiple women they know that are pregnant or have been pregnant with small breasts kek. Also by his logic all Mormon women like Michelle Duggar would be walking around looking like Pamela Anderson. Utah would have breast reduction clinics around every corner kek

No. 1929244

Fucking retard. This screenshot doesn’t even mention breast size at all, it’s referring to the ducts, which is what carries milk from the lobules to the nipple. You must be male because only they could fail this hard to see what is right in front of their face.

No. 1929245

File: 1710716814313.jpg (219.14 KB, 1908x1146, 1000000092.jpg)

If we're comparing countries then cup size vs estrogen actually say the opposite. The most fertile countries in the world only have average cup sizes of A-B. Countries with the lowest birth rate outside of Russia actually have the largest cup sizes

No. 1929246

This is true. Ducts just make tissue denser, not necessarily larger. A lot of women with PCOS have extremely large breasts and have trouble breastfeeding

No. 1929626

Iceland is probably what anon is thinking of. They haven’t had a Down syndrome kid born in over a decade or so. And yeah they do screenings here in burgerland but some psychotic women will happily still give birth to retards. Personally I think it should be mandatory to abort Down syndrome fetuses lest we get more families like vidrel, who happily would have had 3 downies but thankfully only has 2. I feel so bad for her normal child, imagine having a quasi-tard for a mom and two actual tards as siblings. The dad is probably a low IQ misogynist too, if he’s just happily continuing to impregnate this retard woman. Already has 3 kids and 1 miscarriage and 75% are retards. No mention of how she’s not going to get pregnant anymore, probably wants a whole litter of retards. What wonderful additions to society.

No. 1929681

This woman thekeptwifelife_ has been trying to be a Shera Seven style femininity/lifestyle coach. She abandoned her daughters (I think they’re 12-15) and left to be a stripper in another state, where she married her ‘millionaire husband’ and started coaching women on how to find their own rich husbands. She had a public defender after being arrested so people think she’s lying about her and the husband’s wealth

No. 1929682

And this is how she speaks about other black women

No. 1929705

Of course she abandoned her daughters but is now bragging about being a boymom

No. 1929739

I don’t think she should be having children but wanting her aborted/dead because she has mosaic Down syndrome that barely presents and is able to live a normal life is sociopathic, freak

No. 1929752

kek i love you

No. 1929760

Reading comprehension. I think her downs kids should have been aborted. As should all downs kids detected in vitro .

No. 1929772

File: 1710767895608.jpg (604.79 KB, 1080x1336, Screenshot_20240318_141123_You…)

pretty much my only 'real' hobby is indoor gardening. i'm not a seasoned veteran with 30 years experience but i'm a quick learner and my plants grow well enough and i invest in giving them good conditions… to a point. needless to say, the online space for this hobby is saturated as fuck with people and influencers with too much money and inaccurate information. social media influencers dictate every stupid trend for growing plants. i find stuff like this especially stupid; what you're looking at is quite literally 100 bucks in one photo. and it's just ONE plant. cost of the plant, that ikea greenhouse, the individual hygrometer, the cost of the clay aggregate she put in the pots. like come on dude. you don't need to individually house the fucking thing. if you take tropical plants seriously enough you probably already have your indoor humidity set high enough for them to do well in, so why do you need a humidity dome??? just for show. rant over

No. 1929790

Honestly why tho they don’t bother you, you’re really one to call other women psychotic

No. 1929799

Gonna be honest, Nyart but i kind of agree to an extent. Maybe not all downs but other diseases that are found should be a mandatory termination of the pregnancy. We don’t NEED more Hartley Hooligans in the world and a life being nothing but a shell seems like worse torture than never existing at all.

No. 1929814

File: 1710772282492.jpeg (237.56 KB, 750x489, IMG_9651.jpeg)

You’re a literal retard who’s overcompensating because you have flat tits and an ugly ass hideous mug. Maybe if you have flat tits and built like a refrigerator you may have hormonal issues or it’s genetic, but there’s a GENERAL BASELINE that the average woman grows breasts in accordance to certain estrogen levels. Please stop, I’m using Google screenshots because this is literal common sense but your hopefully autistic asses keep denying it because you’re the 1% of women walking around built like TIFs. Shut the absolute fuck up, you don’t know shit bitch.(infighting)

No. 1929815

For people who hate trannies none of you actually know how your own bodies work, probably because you skip meals trying to lose weight but losing weight isn’t going to distract from your ugly ass faces. God I hate other women, so hopelessly retarded playing fawns just to be a bitch and assuming every single person with a differing opinion is a moid.(infighting)

No. 1929825

>the most fertile places in the world have smaller tits

No retard, the place with high fertility rate is most likely in Africa and the women there according to recent studies have shown they and their female disapora descendants in the Americas have the highest level of estrogen in comparison to other groups of women with flatboard tits, yet the world has the audacity to lie to our faces saying ugly ass tranny-faced white women and chink women are the Venuses when they’re built like stickbugs, biggest lie of the century. It doesn’t matter if the woman has smaller tits and built like a Mexican woman who’ve birthed 8 children, it’s estrogen that contributes to our high fat content and distribution to sustain pregnancy and regulate our reproductive system. Your hairy drag beard PCOS ass who already has honorable imbalances to begin with is not and will never be a baseline for average healthy women, so idgaf about your anecdotes you’re all retarded.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1929830

>chink women
Why don't you fuck off you weird cunt

No. 1929831

If Tiktok gets banned what if a new social media app takes its place. Like how Vine died then Tiktok emerged out of nowhere as its successor

No. 1929868

united states is already waiting to deploy its replacement, which will be permitted because it will be under american control

No. 1929994

It's literally a tranny seething so hard that he replies thrice in a row, accidentally quotes himself and ban evades just to seethe more. Just peak xy tard rage kek.

No. 1930257

God I hate this so fucking much, something similar blew up on tiktok a couple months ago. I scrolled through all comments and found less than 5 (with no likes) calling this bullshit out. The rest all women saying that they do this too and moids saying that this is true love.
I get when moms do it. My mom still gives me more despite us not struggling. But for a moid? No moid would ever do the same for you! Some even said they did it while pregnant because he works so much harder uwu! One old pickme even wrote she does it for her daughter's bf, like send that bitch home to eat!

No. 1930269

How do they not get incredibly turned off by this? I literally wouldn't be able to respect my nigel anymore if he'd accept an offer like that.

No. 1930288

Oh fuck that. If you're on a budget then cook at home so that the both of you can eat properly, not this shitty share one plate at a restaurant deal. That's genuinely embarrassing.

No. 1930291

These women have no self respect. they are part of the reason feminism has not progressed. A mother doing it for her children is normal, but not for any grown ass adult male

No. 1930298

I don't understand why does it have to be replaced???? why can't everything similar like YT shorts and reels just get nuked/banned/whatever

No. 1930319

Africa has the smallest breast size on average right next to Asia. You'd know this if you bothered to read for 5 seconds instead of immediately having mental breakdowns over literal boobs

No. 1930949

File: 1710840467419.jpg (267.01 KB, 720x1265, 1000003492.jpg)

Men profiting off of staring at and creeping on women doing their jobs

No. 1930966

That's creepy, but I hope those street food vendors upcharged them and are upcharging every other nasty scrote that has to come to their stall.

No. 1930969

They will never see the money made off of the videos of them that have millions of views though.

No. 1931257

i genuinely don't believe he has ever done this. nobody could be such a retarded grieving vulture scamming mourning families??

No. 1931286

I wish I had computer knowledge to trace back the location this was recorded and report it to the local police. Assuming TikTok doesn't encrypt the file, you could potentially do this. This shit is nasty. Can FBI be reported for this, especially if the page has more than one example? The problem is TikTok is likely hosted in China, so getting their authorities to submit the user information seems unlikely.

No. 1931435

File: 1710876779302.jpg (76.96 KB, 1080x368, 1000016606.jpg)

On a video about the Wren situation. I hate trannies so much, god forbid there be one situation where they aren't the biggest victim.

No. 1931554

This fag really get's booked now thanks to being non-stop annoying online and somehow getting recommended to everyone. Imagine a girl with that proportions, giant head and sup-bar features expecting to get modeling jobs… Also his song is so bad but I can't get it out of my head for days reee…

No. 1931577

>fetishizing wage slavery
>fetishizing passport bro behavior
>filming women without their consent
just nuke the male species now they don't deserve women

No. 1931950

the worse part is adding multiple filters to make their proportions look weird and their face alien-like. They couldn't just stop at being creepy but also had to make sure the woman and others self esteem is in the shitter too.

No. 1931953

what planet is this person living on that this isn't happening? I don't even watch that content and it's all over and even FBI agents and stuff made videos about it. Troons being pedos is typically swept under the rug

No. 1932505

File: 1710957362321.mp4 (11.02 MB, 576x1024, 953857483.mp4)

vidrel encapsulates the entirety of liberal feminism.

No. 1932526

Why are people on tiktok so easily triggered? I'm not talking just like troons or something but it seems to be mostly men. You can correct them on their spelling and they'd write out 10+ comments cursing you out and accusing you of all kinds of crazy stuff

No. 1932530

>do you also hate when Taylor swift and Megan thee stallion embarrass our entire sex?
Yes. Weird because the women who don't like trannyshit ARE the women who also critique Taylor swift being a dick obsessed pickme and the rappers for degrading women with their lyrics. There's absolutely 0 hypocrisy here, the opinions of women who don't like this stuff are pretty consistent. Dickworshipping culture comes in many forms we're not limited to just hating troons kek

No. 1932534

tbf Dylan's song ended up peaking a lot of normie women.

No. 1932536

At least it's women holding other women accountable. Dylan just larps as a woman to make as all look bad as if moids don't religiously use women like Taylor or so to undermine women. I've never seen a troon credit their accomplishments to femininity but they only ever seem to credit their crazy behaviors and superficialness to femininity

No. 1932556

How fucking ingenuine her point is, Dylan's whole brand is about "girlhood" and becoming a """""girl"""", he's not a woman making a song about high school crushes or her wet ass pussy. It's not female cringe, it's a gay man writing shitty fanfiction.

No. 1932583

I seriously cant imagine someone caping this hard for trans rights or whatever, not even tras themselves, also kek at her acting like taylor swift never recieved any criticism when i still remember how she got made fun of for only singing about her exes and owning her haturrz
And ignoring that "transphobes" are usually the ones actively disliking rappers and the oversexualized content they put out.
Funny how they always like to say women are just as degenerates as troons and black women are the same as them because they "totally look just like a man!!", but normies dislike one song and they throw rappers under the bus lmao
Honestly idec if women like taylor swift/mts and dislike dylan mulvaney, fuck trannies

No. 1932642

I've gotten into minor disagreements before and have had people log into multiple profiles for the sake of harassing me after I block them or accusing me of the most bizarre things possible and the subject will be able ice cream flavors or something. idk if it's a mental health crisis or what and yes it is mostly men doing it/men larping as women

No. 1933673

File: 1711037227264.jpg (179.25 KB, 720x1270, Screenshot_20240321-160626_Ins…)

Homeschooling is a bit strange to me but whatever. I don't like how the comments are filled with people saying they look weird, or Mormon, or 'obviously homeschooled'. What the fuck? They're just kids wearing normal clothes? I genuinely don't get why they're being made fun of. Meanwhile a girl walks around in a burqa looking like a ninja and it's all "yas slay queen".

No. 1933691

>Meanwhile a girl walks around in a burqa looking like a ninja and it's all "yas slay queen".
I chuckled.

No. 1933693

What's wrong with how those girls are dressed? Is any female outfit that doesn't have ass and tits out considered frumpy to American moids?

No. 1933709

> Is any female outfit that doesn't have ass and tits out considered frumpy to American moids?
The sad thing is the comments in that cap are from women. God forbid they aren't wearing trashy shein crap or head to toe overpriced brands kek. Americans act like putting on a skirt instead of frumpy sweats to go out somewhere is a huge deal

No. 1933857

That's the reality of low intelligence men. I finally realized that's what actually sucked all the fun out of 4chan a decade ago. It turned into nonstop butthurt and jockeying for dominance on a fucking anonymous website. Once the internet stopped being populated by educated-ish people who could afford a computer and ISP, it turned into endless butthurt men throwing fits.

No. 1934216

this is cute, way better than the frumpy jean skirt and obnoxious bright t shirt combo Pentecostals use to wear back in the day. It's nice for girls to have cute options that actually cover them up

No. 1934221

This reminds me of that one tweet from a couple years ago where the mom posts her teen daughter's back to school fit and it was some hot pink avril lavigne-esque getup with a skirt over jeans and everybody called the daughter a frumpy and too conservative

No. 1934615

File: 1711089013833.mp4 (6.19 MB, 640x800, h4CSCyb.mp4)

on paper I agree with her, but she explained in the most annoying way imageable.

No. 1934631

The most tumblr delivery ever. When will this style of humor finally go away?

No. 1934632

I don't understand the caption of the video. Is there some special attire you're supposed to wear to Sam's Club? It's a fucking grocery store

No. 1934637

File: 1711091348629.jpeg (542.67 KB, 1170x1360, IMG_6602.jpeg)

Can’t even listen to her talk I want to punch her in the mouth so badly.

No. 1934640

I have no idea how this style of humor has survived. It wasn't even funny on Tumblr in its heyday. Plus, people this condescending never actually understand their opposition and just oversimplify arguments to make themselves seem more correct, like it's lazy argumentation that will persuade no one and it's not even funny.

No. 1934641

Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, Ice Spice and Taylor don't make their entire image about being a "girl" so I don't get the comparisons. They're just artists that happen to be women.

No. 1934643

All of them are gross though. Dylan would kill to be one of those pickmes who made a career out of whoring themselves out to men.

No. 1934646

No offense to American nonas but what's fascist about Trump? Not that I think he's fit for political leadership, since he's obviously a business man who just does that to make money and push his brand, but I don't remember him controlling the military and overthrowing the FBI and the supreme court to be the sole dictator leader of America or something. He lost and left the office, sure he made drama on social media, but he didn't try to get his rule back by force or something. If anything, his supporters who tried to do so were arrested and stopped by the police because the majority of people voted for Biden and he won fair and squre.

No. 1934647

A lot of people just like to throw around big words to sound dramatic. Everyone's literally a fascist and a nazi these days. I don't like Trump either (and I'm not american) but I think he's very far from being and actual fascist.

No. 1934648

Whether they're gross or not doesn't change the point. They're not comparable to Dylan.

No. 1934653

Dylan pretty much copies what they do. They aren't better.

No. 1934675

america has never been under a fascist regime, a communist regime, or been invaded by a foreigner since the natives, and you can see that in its citizens obsessive victim culture. That woman and the average libertarian act pretty much the same

No. 1934747

This isnt hate really but this woman makes shorts about her military husband and I find her so confusing because she is objectively the gayest looking woman I've ever seen. My brain gets slightly confused whenever I see her content I think something glitched because she should be working at a dog sanctuary with her gf of seven years or something. Her gayface is so strong for a woman in a heterosexual marriage

No. 1934760

Have you never heard of the Midwest or the Lesbian joke? cause women who focus less on arbitrary femininity end up looking a little like lesbians. This is also true for women in sports (I learned that the hard way), cause politically they can range from normie liberals and Trump-supporting ultra-Christians who have 4 kids.

No. 1934764

>I learned that the hard way

No. 1934766

Not much to say, I joined a women's kickboxing gym and I assumed the women there would be a bit more feminist then the average normie women and a few were progressive, but most were extremely on the right.

No. 1934767

Yeah im not investigating her its just funny. She has the fade and everything.

No. 1934771

she made a video about that - some grocery store clerk was surprised she had a husband when she asked for military discount. she’s aware of it and had enough good spirit to joke about it herself. seems like a normal lady.

No. 1934775

This is a who calls you a TERF onlone.

No. 1934782

File: 1711110747321.mp4 (4.07 MB, 720x1280, 5Ru31j97whFYWKjy.mp4)

I don't get it myself, Look at vidrel as example, Despite agreeing with the message, she speaks in such a irony poisoned tone, as if she's been brainwashed to believe that sincerity is the worst thing you can show.

No. 1934810

lmao she deleted the video?

No. 1934861

I do not like them. Every interaction I have ever seen of them has been against my will.

No. 1934871

You know that's not true
It's a vicious cycle of debating what teen girls wear.TikTok mom congratulating herself that her homeschooled kids don't dress like other girls (slutss) and the weirdos in the comments complaining that the girls are covered up.There's always girls that dress like this who gives a fuck. This stupid policing not changed in decades it's fucking sad.

No. 1934901

Why does this bitch act like she's the sassy main character of the new generic sjw Netflix show? What is that makeup? Where are her parents?

No. 1934911

He isn't, but it's convenient for his opposition to say he is to bully everyone into voting for them no matter how much their candidate sucks. They do this every election, it's their electoral strategy. Trump is retarded and unfit to run a McDonalds, but it's obvious huperbole to get zoomers like this in a frenzy.
It's so jarring too because real people don't talk like this, it's a figment of YA fiction's imagination.

No. 1934961

File: 1711123944600.jpg (68.58 KB, 564x792, lost.jpg)

i hate this era of short-form video content because almost every single fucking design job now wants me to not only draw and design but also animate tiktok and instagram stories. can shit just NOT move?

also to avoid double-posting: i hate how rushed tiktoks/reels/yt shorts/etc are. people talk SO FAST their speech becomes unintelligible, images flash in front of your eyes before you can even register what's on them, text shows up for one second then vanishes so you have to rewatch the video several times to understand what's going on. that's why i watch youtube videos instead BUT some people now apply the same editing to them as if they're making a tiktok. i hope ameriburgers actually ban tiktok, it will be one of the few good decisions they can make. and i hope the rest of the world will follow them as it always does. fuck this chinese spyware (fuck american spyware too btw)

also to avoid triple-posting: the more time passes since i stopped using social media the more disconnected from my peers i feel. i don't understand their lingo, their memes and references, i know nothing about trends and media they discuss. most of it sounds like dumb shit though so i'm not missing out on much, but still, i wish i was not alone

pic somewhat rel

No. 1934972

I dont think its just design, I think its many 'creative' jobs. They want you to be proficient in 10 different things at once while only paying you for 1 job. The entitlement needs to be stopped at the root, but unfortunately people just want to pay their bills and survive so they compete in these job hunger games and every company and conglomerate searches for a trick monkey.

No. 1935022

>I dont think its just design, I think its many 'creative' jobs. They want you to be proficient in 10 different things at once while only paying you for 1 job
OT but so true, I worked as a graphic designer for a couple years but got laid off. Trying to find work again was brutal, they really want you to be able to do an entire departments worth of jobs for a couple bucks above minimum wage. I ended up leaving the industry and finding work elsewhere, not the best paid but at least I'm not expected to jump through hoops like a monkey for peanuts kek

No. 1935050

I remember wanting to be a graphic designer years back because I genuinely enjoyed the coursework. However, when I come across posts like yours, I think to myself that it's for the best. Are you still in a creative job, nona?

No. 1935052


you’re all retards. i’ll take my fucking ban. make it forever. this site has gone to literal shit(ok cya)

No. 1935057

don't be too hasty, literally no one is saying that Trump is a good leader, he's a retard fat moron but he's not a Fascist, he'll most likely run the country like Bush did, but with less war.

No. 1935059

fuck you

No. 1935061

Why are you alogging over this? Retard populist right-wing leader =/= fascist

No. 1935064

i can’t stand this site anymore anyway, so why not? this will finally keep me from coming on here and reading your retarded opinions

No. 1935066

File: 1711129721854.jpeg (35.14 KB, 474x414, 3422.jpeg)

Thanks for proving the above nonnies' point, spergie

No. 1935067

Ok, goodbye anon! I wasn’t even any of the anons you replied to in the first place, but I’m sorry you’re having an autistic meltdown

No. 1935076

‘Murica isn’t a fascist country and has never been communist, but it sure as hell being invaded by South American immigrants at the expense of actual American citizens. Trump isn’t a “fascist” anon, not even in the slightest, just your typical neocon sludge who’s used to swing the culture war pendulum in favor of the elites who run the two-party machine. It’s never been communist either, just a victim of leftard social justice policy mixed with capitalism.

No. 1935161

Nope, now I have a boring office job but have been doing some night classes to get certifications so I can do more boring office stuff but in healthcare settings since the pay is really good kek. I'm just channeling my creative skills into my hobbies and a small side business I'm planning. I don't really see the point in trying to get back into the industry when the job market is shitty (low pay, crazy amounts of competition, no benefits, etc) and lots of bigger companies are catching onto cutting corners with AI

No. 1935166

Idgi, why can't you at least explain why they're retarded?

No. 1935659

This is the ultimate pinkpill:
>my boyfriend of 8 years
>i don't care about marriage
>we met when we were really young, i was only 20 (no mention of his age, so likely older)
>he bought a house in his name only
>i moved in with him and pay him rent (this is good, he's cheaper than other landlords!)
>house is basically a construction site and since i work as home designer/renovator i will also renovate his house, of course for free!
So you get to live in a dumpster, while he gets pussy, gets a house, has you pay part of his mortgage, gets the entire renovation for free and on top of that you likely also clean and cook for him like all good wi- i mean girlfriends do. Absolutely crazy.

It seems like many brainwashed pickmes deep down feel bad and know they get mistreated and therefore post about it on social media, but as soon as people started ripping her bf a new one, she starts defending him hard.

She now deleted everything but the original follow up clip is right at the beginning of this video.

No. 1935667

Shit like this happens to men and they'll still swear "we're worse than our grandmothers".

No. 1935674

I was in a 5 year relationship with a guy and he had talked about buying a house and I thought we were planning to settle together I just had to finish school and had a lot of savings. Anyway he bought a house randomly very run down. That financial decision was the nail in the coffin for me. I broke up an engagement before over a moid getting his name put on a house my dad was helping us get and he treated me like shit so I pulled the plug because houses are a big deal. The house he bought was such a fucking shitehole and he was starting to talk about renting out rooms to housemates and I just thought fuck this. 2 years after I dumped him he invited me over for a chat and no joke the house was in the same state i had last saw it and the bathroom and his bedroom still had the cheap throws and decor I had bought before I finally broke up with him. It was depressing as hell. I had to tell my current boyfriend of near 2 years just last week I'm not moving in with someone unless I'm engaged and we're both contributing. Otherwise it's a massive financial burden.

No. 1935677

Every single person I've met who bragged about having a house young was like this, especially those who knocked down others for not having house. 9/10 times it was the most ripped up trap house I've ever seen kek

No. 1935683

Honestly I'm so glad that house is not my responsibility. He was talking about selling it and trying to brag about his wage. No ones as fucking dumb as him he'll make a loss selling it as is he's somehow made it worse from when he first got it with his shitty DIY.

No. 1935692

It's probably some humiliation kink shit or fake ragebait.

No. 1935700

I didn’t watch the video so maybe it is but the situation described is how my sister lives. On top of paying him rent to live in his unfinished house her sole source of income is being a caregiver to her boyfriend’s grandparents (his family pays her, it’s not a lot and she’s not certified for that kind of work, she’s not a nurse or aide). It’s like she’s literally paying him rent to be his helper. I tried to tell her it was a bad situation and no one else in the family likes her boyfriend either but she won’t hear it.

No. 1935722

>2 years after I dumped him he invited me over for a chat and no joke the house was in the same state i had last saw it and the bathroom and his bedroom still had the cheap throws and decor I had bought before I finally broke up with him
It makes complete sense. Just like that other guy, he expects a woman to work like a mule to fix up his shitty shack, and do it with her own money. I've definitely dated the same kind of scrote who waffles between future faking, then talking about his roommates. One of mine finally rented a house years into the relationship, and finally asked me to move in only after he couldn't find any roommates after months of looking. I declined, he got mad, he kept asking and getting mad. I really didn't understand why Mr. Nontraditional Relationship was suddenly so desperate to have me move in. Amazing how all these women who think they're in a feminist egalitarian nontraditional relationship with no rings and no marriage end up getting worked like a field mule even harder than their grandmothers did.

No. 1936020

seething ameriburger spotted

No. 1936372

File: 1711217677293.mp4 (7.45 MB, 720x1280, wecantellbabexx@lorealparisinf…)

I've seen an uptick in this sort of annoyance at girls who don't wear make up. Like the jabs "Yeah, I can see you don't wear it/You really need it." The specific person parodied in this video sounds exasperating, but the sentiment of just disliking girls or calling them pickme when they don't wear it is something I've seen pop up more lately.

No. 1936377

I've only ever met this obnoxious type online, never irl though

No. 1936383

That audio is so popular now, I wonder though, wouldn't the pickme be the one who wears makeup every single day to do anything? Like not too long ago it was considered pickme shit to wear makeup to go workout, is it now accepted or something?
In the end I know it's just a dumbass marketing tactic to make people engage with the posts with controversies so everyone justifies why they like or they don't like makeup.

No. 1936389

Im pretty sure that type of stuff is in response to women who make being bad at makeup/not wearing makeup a personality trait, or women who go out of their way to compare themselves to and insult women who wear makeup. Those women are very annoying honestly, and I say that as someone who doesn't wear any makeup.

No. 1936412

Makeup has had a huge, huge boom so it doesn't surprise me because it's super popular now. But I don't think either is 'pickme', that term has lost all its meaning. Like, out of a career woman who supports other women and wears makeup everyday and some.. I don't know, woman who hates on other women but doesn't wear makeup, who's the pickme? You know what I mean? Just one aspect of someone can't determine that. I say that as someone who doesn't wear makeup at all, and think it's really stupid as an everyday thing. Of course there are things to be said when women can't even go out to the groceries without having something on, to feel 'put together', stuff like that and there can be a healthy discussion about that or about women who feel superior to others in whichever direction, but yeah, these short little videos taking jabs at each other can't leave any room for nuance.

No. 1936414

nta but i've seen some people who can't tell the difference between women like that and women who simply don't wear it, they automatically assume anyone without makeup is like that by default

No. 1936514

Truly, it's honestly crazy how these weird infights are just a way to use women so we all hate each other for the most retarded reasons.
Like it's insane how there's always something mocking women, whatever trend that happens (specially now that everything moves so, so ridiculously fast) you have some moids using other women like fighting cocks that have to get their claws sharpened by being told that they're totally special to them.
And it's with everything:
>alt vs normie
>makeup vs no makeup
>Stanley cups vs no Stanley cups
>tight clothing vs loose clothing
And so on, I'm sure there's even more things that in the end are just retarded infights made for engagement bait.

No. 1936526

I ain't no makeup expert but who tf contours their lips? That looks like shit. She looks like she has a mustache and got lip filler. The eye makeup is cool though.

No. 1936547

Makeup companies (especially the more online ones) have been desperately trying to reframe makeup as feminist and liking makeup as a "girls supporting girls" thing for years now. Pretending women who don't wear it are the main source of pickme shit is literally a marketing strategy, a way to encourage us to get other women to start wearing it, and to have suspicions towards women who don't. It's purposefully driving a wedge, and many of these companies actively pay for videos like this to be made.
t. worked in marketing for a makeup company, surrounded by women who openly stated how much they hated working with other women despite calling themselves total "girl's girls" for being hyper feminine

No. 1936552

That's bleak but thanks for the insight, nona.

No. 1936788

anon its clearly satire

No. 1936790

File: 1711240358267.mp4 (15.43 MB, 404x720, sary3x2sWb1aodt99_720.mp4)

Is the food that bad that she needs to cook a separate meal just for him? This is something you would do for a child, not a grown man. He can make his own food

No. 1936794

It isnt about girls who don't wear makeup, its the girls who are super passive aggressive and rude to women who do.

No. 1936796

I'd rather die alone than live like this.

No. 1936800

>>1936788 this is supposed to be a reply to this >>1936790 idk why anon deleted it

No. 1936804

That video doesn't seem like satire at all kek

No. 1936808

genuinely can't tell if you're autistic or if you're just trying to post ragebait
anyway here is the tiktok channel https://www.tiktok.com/@mercy_festus where she very clearly posts comedy skits with her husband

No. 1936817

? I'm not the poster, I was joking about autistic men. Fuck off.

No. 1936825

This is such an ugly looking moid. Like damn, could he not trim his unibrow, shave his beard, and cut his hair? It's not even his appearance that's the issue but his voice too. Gruesome.

No. 1936861

He looks like every Irish faggot rolled into one. I hate eurofags and their bland, overrated cuisine so much

No. 1936863

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Hmm I'm thinking people deserve the misery that's in store for them post internet brainrot. (1/4)

No. 1936865

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No. 1936866

Oh please, there’s so much fucking African mammies and handmaidens so I bet she enjoys it and even thinks it’s mandatory to cook an entirely different meal for her toddler husband because he’s the “provider” and “king of the house”. Nigerian women definitely have that crazy pathology where they hold their husbands high as if they’re God, at the expense of their families, their daughters, themselves, ew.(racebaiting)

No. 1936867

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3/4 they're all incels of course

No. 1936870

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An anon already posted that she does skits with her husband so it's fake. Can you not call black women mammies thanks.

No. 1936885

These are the worst kind of pick mes/NLOG. Eat what I make or don't eat at all. Women who treat their men like this are part of the problem

No. 1936890

nta but this is a fair observation. This is regular behavior of moids so it makes sense no one can tell "satire". Also huge difference between satire and rage bait

No. 1936892

the fact she's skinner than the girl that called her fat kek
why is everyone on tiktok considered fat now? lol, it's like a kpop forum
>big nose, big chin, shitty hair
damn, if I were looking at the comments and didn't see the post I wouldn't know who the fuck everyone was talking about

No. 1936896

I think she meant that being fat was her insecurity and thus noticeable, not that the girl in the tiktok was fat? I hope anyway

No. 1936897

>it's not that she called her fat, it's that she called her fat
please repeat what you said but slower

No. 1936898

Can you shut up? I’m literally a black woman and it’s a real phenomenon. And of course it’s a skit, they’re basing their ragebait content on reality kek, that’s what makes it even more infuriating and comical at the same time

No. 1936900

He's so fucking annoying I want to a-log. Why did she marry this retarded faggot piece of trash?
On another note, what is she eating? Looks delicious.

No. 1936906

Oh sorry, I dont think that an imageboard frequented by racebait and poltards is the place to be talking like that.

No. 1936934

I think Commenter was calling HERSELF fat and that being fat was HER(commenter's) insecurity, I don't think Commenter was calling OP fat.

No. 1936935

Watching this while pretending that she’s spiked that sauce with arsenic for my own peace of mind.

No. 1936947

>I’m literally a black woman
This is an anonymous image board, claiming you are some identity doesn't matter and even if you are black, it doesn't make calling black women "mammies" less weird and gross.

No. 1936950

God that moid is repulsive, and her food looks so good wtf. He doesn't deserve her

No. 1936995

is this guy special needs? because he talks and moves like a tard

No. 1936997

My same exact thoughts, maybe he's a picky eater because autism but like, he could learn to cook. She doesn't need to cook twice for him

No. 1937001

he sounds gay imo

No. 1937031

She’s cute honestly. The commenters are revealing a lot about themselves though…

No. 1937033

I’m sick of people claiming that not liking feminine things makes you a ‘pickme’, a pickme is a woman that throws other women under the bus for male attention, nothing more nothing less. Also I frankly don’t believe the supposed phenomenon of non makeup wearing women bullying women that do is very widespread, just seems like it’s made-up for engagement.

No. 1937051

Pickme is such a self evident concept I'm surprised people don't get it. If a woman tries to get male validation by bragging about how she doesn't wear makeup because she's less slutty and more natural than other girls, she's a pickme. If a woman tries to get male validation by bragging about how she does wear makeup because she's more feminine and takes better care of herself than other girls, she's also a pickme. Any trait can be used by a pickme to try and appeal to moids.

No. 1937083

The term has been watered down to mean any women you don't like, or any annoying woman.

No. 1937085

File: 1711273241600.png (1.15 MB, 1081x580, kedm.PNG)

I'm not surprised by this… The makeup industry has risen so much.
>I Will Never Understand Girls Who Flex about Not Wearing Makeup Theyre Literally Missing Out on The Best Part of Being A Girl
There were many more videos with this exact caption.

No. 1937089

she looked so much better without the clown makeup

No. 1937090

File: 1711273762140.jpg (392.05 KB, 1284x1528, alittleblush.jpg)

>best part of being a girl
>covering your face in artificial chemicals you purchased from international cosmetics firms owned by scrotes in order to make yourself conform to unattainable standards while shitting on women who do not engage in said activity

No. 1937092

i hate men so much they literally have women caking themselve full of chemicals just to appeal to them yet we cant get moids to shave or wear anything slightly revealing because they think its gay

No. 1937106

She looks pretty good before and after, she has a solid foundation to work with anyways and I'm always into a smokey blue shadow look. I don't think calling it clown paint whatever is gonna help with anything.

No. 1937107

It’s a massive projection. The audio reminds me of my makeup obsessed friend after I finish putting on my small amount of eye makeup. “OMG I COULD NEVER!!!!! YOURE SO BRAVE!!!”

No. 1937115

I dont know seeing her in makeup makes me sad, those chemicals cant eb good for the skin. She doesnt have any blemish to cover so she just looks weird with all that makeup, like an alien.

No. 1937124

I get that, most young women don't 'need' foundation (They don't need any makeup, but you get what I mean), it just got advertised into being an essential makeup step even if many can do without if they have alright skin, like the girl in the video. There's no blemish she has to cover and her bone structure is really good, the only reason she has to contour is because she put that foundation veil that flattened her dimensional face. I do see a lot of those 'no foundation' routines which is good. The less steps the better.

No. 1937126

I was thinking the same thing, that was such a strange technique and it didn't work, it looked weird even after she finished.

No. 1937134

Why is she being so rough, I keep getting nervous when she does stuff close to her eyes

No. 1937137

Woman tries to be positive and lift others up but worthless tiktok cunts are constantly cynical rude pieces of shit. And these are the people that preach about mental health and shit. Oh brother.

No. 1937138

What would posses someone to post something so trashy

No. 1937140

looks fake and gay

No. 1937148

If you like makeup and dressing up, that's awesome, but to say it's the best part of being a girl? Please. It's because of shit like this that I was a gendie for a while.

No. 1937149

Why'd she wrap tinfoil round her legs

No. 1937154

Alcohol and/or drugs

No. 1937325

File: 1711290452539.jpeg (Spoiler Image,409.17 KB, 1124x1840, IMG_0608.jpeg)

Fuck the moid (UAE of course) who posted this and all the women in the comments saying ummm it’s just gym attire, why are you sexualizing a child huh? Maybe YOU'RE the pedo!!! to the sane people horrified at it

Why do videos of children need to be online at all. I hate people

No. 1937331

>best part about being a girl
These bitches are too brainwashed

No. 1937332

It honestly needs to be illegal to post any child 16 and under on social media

No. 1937351

I spoke about this exact video one time on here but didn’t post the image. Very disturbing

No. 1937375

Lifting weights can't be good for toddlers wtf

No. 1937466

File: 1711300071098.png (120.03 KB, 1049x1219, strengthtrainingvsweightliftin…)

It's not, their growth plates haven't closed yet and heavy weightlifting is an injury risk. Her poor wrists look like they're folding back on themselves because she's trying to lift 25lbs of free weights (if I see the numbers correctly). At her age she should only be using her body weight for strength training and avoid free weights for a few more years. The parents are being seriously negligent here.
Picrel comes from here: https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=weight-room-no-longer-off-limits-to-kids-1-1187

No. 1937473

Learning to love my face without makeup was the most freeing thing in the world. I still enjoy putting makeup on for special occasions and when I’m wearing fancy clothes. I think my face gets a bit washed out in something like sweet lolita if I’m not wearing some blush and mascara and a bit of eyeshadow. But shit like putting on foundation everyday, cleaning brushes, just the sheer time it takes to apply properly, fuck that. Normal day for me is leggings or jeans and a shirt, if my legs happen to be waxed or shaved I’ll go for a simply flowy dress, and some sunscreen/lip balm, dats it. I spend enough time with skincare that I’m happy with my bare face and it’s sad more women feel the need to do this every single day. It’s one thing if it’s truly for their own pleasure but I know women who will get stressed and genuinely feel extreme anxiety if they need to run to the store and don’t have time for a full face, fuck there are women out there tradthotting and waking up before their moids to apply makeup just to do housework. I can’t even imagine that life or mindset.

No. 1937475

But isnt make up for everyone? Gay guys who wear it are so fabulous and brave. But when women dont like it is a girl thing kek. How about not shitting on women for wearing make up or not wearing it?

No. 1937478

Fuck skincare too though unless it’s for acne or something

No. 1937481

I’ve had extreme acne all my life until recently. If I slack I get zitty, which I dislike. My skin has always been high maintenance.

No. 1937482

I still would never risk it, there are a thousand safer sports you could put your kid in rather then this.

No. 1937489

No it hasn't the meaning means any woman throwing others under the bus for men and male validation, that's it and always has been.

No. 1937509

Agreed. If you really are a black woman, then you know this is absolutely not the place to be talking comfortably because all you're doing is attracting racesperging from actual racists.

No. 1937510

ayrt and sorry if my post wasn't clear, I'm saying she shouldn't be doing it at all. Free weights are not an age-appropriate exercise and her parents are putting her at risk of injury. At her age she should be doing stuff like pushups or maybe using an elastic band for resistance, but free weights (especially not 25lbs!) aren't safe. Her parents are being negligent and should know better.

No. 1937511

I think the effects of longterm use of heavy makeup aren't studied enough. I do think that it likely has a really detrimental outcome on the skin if worn too often, but they never talk about it scientifically. You always hear that women age worse than men (from men) and I think its just years of artificial makeup and tanning that they pushed on women in the first place. If women were allowed to take it easy without being dogpiled in any formal setting, I imagine a lot of women they claim hit the wall wouldve aged more gracefully.

No. 1937515

>You always hear that women age worse than men (from men)
Men just enjoy negging even when they know it's not even close to true. They're already claiming 18 yr olds hit the wall or anything above the BMI of 18 is fat
As for makeup goes…maybe? It it really had that big of effect on aging women in professions that requires heavy makeup daily would be nothing but raisins. Drag queens would have jowls to the floor if this was true. I'm not doubting it's bad for skin but claiming it causes crazy aging because men rip apart women's appearances is delusional

No. 1937531

Drag queens do look bad lol and they weren't wearing heavy makeup as preteens and teens either so I don't consider it the same. Wearing it a few hours a few times a week vs a lot of young girls who feel the need to wear it at least 8 hours a day from a young age is different imo, also men have thicker skin than women as a whole. I don't mean casual wear btw I mean the kind of women who wear it constantly do look pretty bad underneath it, no offense to them. I think there are a lot of other factors beside makeup but I've also seen some instances irl too of women who wore a lot of really trendy makeup in their teens in like the 60s that have some unnaturally weird aging signs around their eyes that looks sunken and odd.
>claiming it causes crazy aging because men rip apart women's appearances is delusional
I was actually talking mostly about it in tandem with tanning beds which was a hugely popular trend until recently among western women, which does have an insanely bad effect on the skin. Women used to coat themselves in baby oil to fry themselves even more, of course they aged badly as a result. Many of them did so because they were made fun of for being pale. Im just saying that men make fun of women for things that don't matter and often contribute to them taking extremes and then make fun of them for the outcome. It isnt delusional its just true. Im not anti-makeup at all I just think heavy use is probably pretty bad.

No. 1937534

That's the meaning but I see people use it for any woman who's behavior they don't like.

No. 1937540

I'm wondering if it's really young women because pickme wasn't used by 25+ until recently, it was never a substitute for using actual vocabulary. Zoomers love to use words incorrectly and refuse to allocate new vocabulary or expressions into their arsenal unless everyone else is doing it, thus everyone and everything is a pickme.

No. 1937545

>they weren't wearing heavy makeup as preteens and teens either so I don't consider it the same.
if you want to bring that into it shouldn't all millennial women who were emo or into the y2k style be aged like crazy? lol. if anything they aged better because of the spf in makeup
>Women used to coat themselves in baby oil to fry themselves even more, of course they aged badly as a result. Many of them did so because they were made fun of for being pale.
that's just sun damage, not makeup alone

No. 1937549

They've gotta be around the same age so why does he look 15 years older than her?

No. 1937552

Why are you so insistent about it? Those women aren't even old enough to tell if it has any effects in the first place, y2k was not that long ago.

No. 1937589

>Why are you so insistent about it?
it's just called a disagreement, people are allowed to disagree with you. I'm just pointing out how your conclusion simply doesn't make sense given reality
>Those women aren't even old enough to tell if it has any effects in the first place, y2k was not that long ago.
most girls who were teens and preteens in y2k are in their 30s and 40s now, you would indeed notice especially considering how dramatic you're trying to push the effects

No. 1937593

Anon I'm talking about older women, not women in their 30s and 40s. I think the effects take time but do impact skin elasticity and placement. And yes I'm fine with a disagreement im just conversing as well.

No. 1937597

>Anon I'm talking about older women
you can't just overexaggerate the effects of makeup on aging just to turn around and deny that examples "don't count" because they're not old enough in their 40s while SWEARING women age super bad because of makeup
>I think the effects take time but do impact skin elasticity and placement.
if you don't consider 40s old enough for the aging process to begin and definitely not enough for the effects of makeup to set in, then I'm going to assume the age you do consider "the time it takes for the effects to set in" are already aging and makeup has no effect. You basically just contradicted yourself

No. 1937603

No I didn't. All I am saying is that if women weren't pressured into harsh beauty rituals like tanning and heavy makeup, they would probably look a lot better well into their 'old' age. Yes, I still believe makeup is harsher on the skin than people realize but I also believe it takes longterm use to notice any change. Im not saying it turns you into a decrepit raisin by 45, like you keep attaching.

No. 1937608

>they would probably look a lot better well into their 'old' age
most women who do all those things look fine in their "old" age, but again if it truly were as intense as you claim you'd have better examples
>Im not saying it turns you into a decrepit raisin by 45, like you keep attaching.
can you give me an example of what you mean? I personally don't know any women that had bad aging due to makeup alone

No. 1937627

>the kids will eat nigerian food

THEY HAVE KIDS?? How desperate can you be to be in a relationship with such an ugly faggot and on top of it, TO HAVE HIS KIDS?! YUCK!!

He eats like a retard too.

No. 1937652

No. 1937674

File: 1711312434665.png (639.26 KB, 840x429, Screenshot_7.png)

This is the same smelly half retarded moid from pic related, a tiktok titled "I Didn't Clean My Bathroom for 2 Months to See If My Husband Would Notice". Sadly I can't find the original video and the tiktok got deleted, probably because of the criticism. They seem to be really good at making ragebait kek

No. 1937705

I remember this being posted on here before. Yeah, they definitely make ragebait for engagement.

No. 1937769

kek i find these hilarious as well as people's raging responses

No. 1937778

Very bold of the moid and tranny to post this with their face as pfp.

No. 1937782

>They seem to be really good at making ragebait kek
Honestly that actually sound kinda fun to plan, just subtle enough that people don't cathc on but not too mundane.

No. 1937791

Half off-topic but increasingly seeing mostly teens and young women with tiktok makeup irl is so bizarre. It always looks ott like stage makeup and 3/4 of the time the girl has really anxious body language.

No. 1937806

Is this Ned's declassified? Wtf lol.

No. 1937828

Nta, but consider checking your hormones and changing your diet and lifestyle to be healthier and less stressful. I heard combination skin can be a sign of hormonal imbalance, and the oily nature of part of it is prone to acne, while the dry spots are prone to eczema and itchiness.

No. 1937926

I saw one in the wild recently and it was weird. She just turned around and stared at us behind her and then broke out into a literal tiktok dance in line at the gas station with her mom. Didn't say anything, her mom didn't acknowledge that she was moving her arms around in a tiktok dance. Weird as shit.

No. 1937937

I'm fucking cackling KEK What the actual fuck is wrong with people nowadays..?

No. 1937944

It sounds like I'm making this up out of spite but I'm so serious. She was normal looking and probably between 16 or 17, maybe older I guess but she was with her mom and talking a lot so I assumed teenaged. They were in front of us and the girl turned around and stared at me and then the chick behind me for a few seconds and then turned back around and immediately started doing a tiktok dance where she moved her arms around over her head and stuff. I refused to look at her outside of my peripheral omg im not rewarding these little narcs

No. 1937960

kek sims tier behavior

No. 1937987

That's really embarrassing. You think the early internet might have stunted us, but this is on a whole other level. At least we learned to have shame. These kids are acting like entertainment bots lel.

No. 1938073

Meanwhile, I get concerned whether or not I'm walking or breathing weirdly in public. Kids these days are mad… Was she recording her dance for tiktok? Or literally just dancing for no reason like a demented mental patient?

No. 1938082

I dont know about embarassing but it was definitely strange. She wasn't filming or anything and her mom did not acknowledge it or even look at her while she was doing it so she must do it often I guess.

Nope just saw two women behind her, stared at us for a bit longer than is socially normal, and then started dancing. I still don't get it. She was not retarded either.

No. 1938088

my aunt did the baby oil thing back in the day. maybe she used a different oil, but for the same purpose. her skin has been red and leathery since I can remember. now she’s retired with lots of money and gets a bunch of expensive skin treatments.

No. 1938148

16-17 is a bit old for this but honestly my sister (about to be 17) had this phase about a year ago where she would just start tiktok dancing (not filmed) outside in like Aldi or Tesco, literally just regular zoomer behaviour kek

No. 1938228

File: 1711347238898.mp4 (10.32 MB, 576x1024, 1347297187.mp4)

>Tiktok is being banned because the revolution has started

No. 1938230

This woman appears to be at least 40 years old why is she talking in a whiny valley girl croak

No. 1938238

That sounds hilarious, actual NPC behaviour. The Zoomer has a 0.095 chance of breaking out in a TikTok dance at any moment.

No. 1938297

I believe you nonnie, my sister works in a store that's really popular with young zoomers and during the pandemic she said the teens were doing the most unhinged shit. Like if a tiktok song came on in the store they'd film themselves in the middle of the store dancing, or they'd try out clothes and undress in their underwear outside of the changing rooms. They'd also keep filming the employees for their haul videos which was obnoxious. She says the brainrot calmed down after the pandemic though.

No. 1938329

and this is why I'm kinda glad it's finally getting banned.

No. 1938446

low IQ

No. 1939135

Yeah there was no music playing and no one said anything. She did it in silence.

No. 1939140

It's even weirder to me adults in their 30s are against tik tok getting banned despite the brain rot it causes.

No. 1939147

Did she just say "tik-tak ban"? Kek

No. 1939175

And I'm afraid they'll all migrate to YouTube and Instagram

No. 1939286

File: 1711448892393.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x2347, 6C3F5349-DA69-4BD4-B2E6-08A85A…)

This bloated pudgy alcoholic fuck has been all over my fyp terrorizing my eyesight. How is tiktok allowing his page to be up? All he does is promote alcoholism and smugly downs bottles in one sitting like that's something to be proud of. He legit talks and behaves like a 12 year old who found his dad's beers pretending to be cool, constantly swearing and slurring his speech
Man I hate this app

No. 1939621

Off topic, but having a croaky voice is a generic feature of speech. In the English language it used to be associated mostly with rich British guys and for some reason people don't seethe over that.

No. 1940359

File: 1711526629732.mp4 (15.96 MB, 480x854, PM4bVI7.mp4)

In less then 3 years time, she'll be a socialist catholic.

No. 1940361

What the fuck.

No. 1940366

Shanin Blake get behind me

No. 1940369

>“kidney infection i healed that too”
what the FUCK LMAO

No. 1940372

How do tiktokers manage to make even something like being a hippy look so… Cheap and mass produced? Every single thing in the video looks like it came from shein. Even the song is cookie cutter. It's like they try to buy their way into a lifestyle.

No. 1940379

Isn't this the chick who has a weird relationship with her cousin? Either way classic trust fund child antics.

No. 1940381

well her parents are rich and they basically bought her a rap career

No. 1940386

Everyone parrots this but is there any actual proof? Nobody ever says this about scrotes, that their parents bought them a career. She’s a single mother and had a baby at like 18 and lived in a van.
Let women make music ffs. You all go absolutely insane trying to defend the dumbest most useless tiktokers ever so what’s the issue with her?

No. 1940784

File: 1711558598628.jpeg (578.83 KB, 1170x1642, IMG_2755.jpeg)

Anyone here knows anything about a couple called Anjali and Sufi? They were a mixed religious lesbian couple and one of them (sufi) cheated. I saw some comments speculating that sufi was pretending to be a lesbian or that she cheated with a man. The way people are reacting like picrel is weird, “important figure for desi” is just psychotic

No. 1940945

the way people are reacting is really weird, as if these two girls are characters in a TV show.
>such an important couple to the desi and south asian community
they are also their own fucking people! do they want the couple to stay together so that the public can look at their instagram posts and feel happy??

No. 1940954

>You all go absolutely insane trying to defend the dumbest most useless tiktokers ever
nta but where. did you forget what thread you're in?

No. 1941028

Because she's a mentally disturbed attention whore,anon.why are you defending some random nutjob??

No. 1941313

I looked her up and saw people complaining about "cultural appropriation", but I didn't see where she was from a rich family. She claims the opposite.

No. 1941316

I can fix her

No. 1941326

jfc, he's so ugly! Why are men so hideous now a days?

No. 1941332

>decided to have a baby at 18 in a van to boot
kek why should i feel bad for someone so selfish?

No. 1941681

Ohh I think she is trying to say that the hippie shit helped her heal. At first I thought she is bragging of doing so much drugs her kidneys got infected lmao.

No. 1941991

File: 1711651163386.mp4 (2.62 MB, 406x720, f5Xg0RL.mp4)

I might be completely overanalyzing this, but I still feel like there's something off about vidrel. I came across this post on Imgur and although it may seem innocent and just a joke between a dad and his son, there's something about it that gives me a "creep" vibe.

No. 1941996

literally what is creepy about this?? did your dad never kiss you

No. 1942005

I also find it creepy but not in a pedo way. Pranking a child for social media is extremely fucked up. Two adult men playing a prank on a small child is extra pathetic. Children are trusting so it's not really an epic win to trick them.

No. 1942007

Every father making videos with their young child on tiktok is a predator. I'm not even joking, I found a similar account of a moid posting videos upon videos of him and his about 10yo daughter dancing to suggestive songs with the kid dressed to look older. The comments were all absolutely vile and openly making sexual "jokes".

No. 1942022

it's not the kiss, but what he had the kid wearing and the way it's shot as well.

No. 1942179

File: 1711659825024.mp4 (6.7 MB, 576x1024, 1000002957.mp4)

I have no words keeek

No. 1942185

Lol. When she said "posts violent content" I was honestly expecting her to find some fringe femcel community that posts the sorta stuff incels post.

No. 1942187

>the darkest corner of the internet!!!!
>snuff cp and how surprisingly popular is?!
>uhhh no
>women being mean, duh

No. 1942189

I am wheezing ,could not have made this funnier if she tried

No. 1942197

KEKK they need to stop trying to make ‘femcel’ a thing

No. 1942201

What site is she even talking about? Kek.

No. 1942209

I watched the full documentary on YouTube (it's very short) and there is a 1 second shot of the "femcels" scrolling lolcowfarm with the screen blurred kek. They are users on this very forum and have probably just seen themselves now posted here

No. 1942211

No. 1942217

I’m so glad we missed a bullet cause imagine if this place was showcased on there?? It would be a done deal kekk

No. 1942220

Isn’t this subreddit full of troons now kek

No. 1942222

It almost makes me want to fly into a rage that they think that “femcels” exist when you can just call them misandrists like a proper person would and also that a misandrist would engage in the same kind of mass violence that incels engage in. Women are not and will never be like men, ugh like fuck off this shit is an obvious psyop, women are mad at an oppressive culture and incels are mad that they were born ugly and can’t get a woman like a freed slave was able to get 50 acres and a mule, we are not the same.

No. 1942224

i have no idea

No. 1942228

File: 1711662239804.jpeg (535.4 KB, 828x1065, IMG_0961.jpeg)

It is. Misandrist larpers smh

No. 1942231

Isn’t it awesome that those trooners are able to play cosplay with our identities to the point they’re larping with our own hardships? They’re practically mad at themselves

No. 1942246

Oh, so it's just a incel subreddit? Like the rest of the site?

No. 1942253

Samefag but if you look at the clips you can see some are from 2018?? I could go on one of the many incel loner sites and I'll see specific manifesto length fanfics of wanting to get back at muh womens that were posted like last month

No. 1942257

I thought this was satire at first kek

No. 1942263

File: 1711663995999.png (410.1 KB, 985x659, i am vomit.png)

Few clicks on the top posters and most of them participate in tranny subs. There used to be an actual femcel sub and it was never as retarded as that one. Almost insulting how quirky normies and trannies appropriated the word and turned it into an "aesthetic" or a fetish. Women really can't have shit or be taken seriously.

No. 1942298

I'm mad they stole the word "moid". Fuck right off! And they're all trannies themselves, KEK hilarious.

No. 1942306

Yeah, it's just yet another male behavior that they can't stop engaging with, they have to always steal shit from us.

No. 1942314

They're even more insidious than regular scrotes. The only good thing about trannies is how they chop their own dicks off. Hallelujah

No. 1942326

Reddit and some gardening website, judging by her tabs and bookmarks.

No. 1942343

Kaitlyn Tiffany Atlantic saga part two??

No. 1942443

File: 1711678668935.jpeg (100.83 KB, 716x722, targetad.jpeg)

Target, why are you advertising this nasty looking thing? I guess panty sniffing troons might buy it.

No. 1942566

I can't imagine wanting to use your mother's funeral as an opportunity to attentionwhore on the internet, unreal

No. 1942588

so it's basically an MTF femdom fetish subreddit?

No. 1943917

Do you think this person is using filters/got plastic surgery? Kek this moid is really trying to peddle “looksmaxxing” courses to dumbass teenage moids, hope in one of those courses he disclosed his former ugly ass definitely got surgery.

No. 1943942

this is so depressing, especially the fact that she had to place the camera somewhere, press record, go to a spot with a good angle and cut the video so you don't see her do that. also wtf why is she spraying perfume on a baby?

kek is that a james sapphire clone

No. 1943962

He looks deformed. What's up with the neck and shoulders? He looks freaky.

No. 1943976

at least the moidlets are attempting to actually look good even though that guy looks uncanny as fuck, more men need to be insecure about their appearance tbh

No. 1943985

looks like ayuwoki

No. 1944041

File: 1711842150035.png (Spoiler Image,72.58 KB, 350x252, image_2024-03-31_104112522.png)

You're right lmao, just give it a couple years and he'll be a 1:1 copy

No. 1944195

OoooooOoo women making fun of men's porn addictions ScArY!!
Kaitlyn was unironically more reasonable and did better research.

No. 1944245

Can handmaiden pickmes please shut the fuck up

No. 1944366

Michael Jackson reincarnate

No. 1944435

You mean to tell me it's not? God, her over-the-top facial expressions trying to milk this non-existent cow read autistic AF.

No. 1944437

It's probably because it did. Those "evil eye" hangings are $1.99, I have one, and I'm pretty sure that's plastic aquarium moss on the roof if it's not some weird filter.

No. 1944444

I'm disgusted, so many creepy men have probably bookmarked this video, in addition to putting their daughter at physical risk, both the parent and gym. I have NEVER been to a gym that allowed children. Most have a 12/13/14+ policy and a parent has to be present and near you under 18. They make you sign a waiver that if you misuse the machines/equipment they aren't liable, and reserve the right to kick you out and keep your deposit if you misbehave.

No. 1944477

File: 1711869357809.jpg (295.22 KB, 828x2490, i4UdW4IT.jpg)

liberal feminism is gonna fucking destroy it's self.

No. 1944480

Oh no! A couple hundred women have been so hurt and traumatized by being victimized by men their whole life that they fantasize with each other about violent revenge fantasies!!! How horrific!!! Notify the press immediately!!! Why not focus on the millions of men who post legitimate threats and plans to harm, rape, kidnap, murder women and girls online. Why not focus on the men who actually pose risk to peoples safety, instead of women writing fanfic about shooting mens dicks with a BB gun. But I guess that wouldn’t give them the precious asspats by moids they’re clearly desperately seeking.

No. 1944524

>on your way to your mom's funeral but make sure the angles and the eyefucking are on point

No. 1944562

Exactly. The amount of vile, horrid sites I've stumbled upon throughout the internet, filled with evil moids is insane. Nobody is making documentaries or exposing them. But women are just sooooo evil aren't they? What a fucking joke.

No. 1944577

if a female elliot rodger goes apeshit on some strip club and kills scrotes i will start a religion around her

No. 1944587

It's already destroyed

No. 1944597

>more men need to be insecure about their appearance tbh
Thats what I'm saying, fuck men. Look how much they cry about not being tall or being bald. I want them to feel insecure about every inch of their disgusting bodies the same way women and girls are constantly made to feel. They don't even get half of what we get and still act like standards are way to high for them.

No. 1944603

I looked a little deeper into her and it's interesting that her old stuff felt more "true" hippie than this. I don't see any proof her family was rich but I do think she found a way to crack the tiktok algorithm code with her egirl make up and shein zoomer hippie aesthetic. Everything is about aesthetics nowadays (maybe it always was), but i saw a picture of her in front of some luxury suv and it just kinda felt funny and ironic kek.

No. 1944621

File: 1711890858853.jpg (97.89 KB, 620x530, B4andafter.jpg)

I know people change style throughout time, but this just seems like a lot.

No. 1944645

File: 1711893069072.jpeg (159.05 KB, 1456x2000, IMG_9787.jpeg)

She has one of those bodies that resemble those fucked up deformities in dogs where it’s missing almost all of its bones like picrel

No. 1944691

That's the power of trashy, dated makeup and clothing

No. 1944695

File: 1711896012954.jpeg (30.78 KB, 300x300, ab67616d00001e025f4d757a8a6bcf…)

I don't think so, I think it's just the weird ass clothes

No. 1944826

there’s such a thing as photoshop vs. real-time clockable footage of a woman’s body

No. 1945031

I know but to me it looks like she has a short torso and the skirt pulled up so high makes her look deformed.

No. 1945056

Come on nitpicker, there is nothing wrong with her body and you know it.

No. 1945142

>darkest corners of the internet

No. 1945294

File: 1711919619098.jpg (30.61 KB, 357x755, DfbCbyMW0AExU_o.jpg)

No. 1945301

Is this that faggot over on Instagram? He looks like what happens when you order Peter Steele off of Etsy, and the original isn't even all that.

No. 1945363

She's not wrong, just not how she thinks it is

No. 1945374

>means involuntarily celibate
>means ???? female celibate
>mfw nuns are the biggest threat to moids
"Are we on the cusp of real world violence bubbling over?" Unlike incels, whose violent and misogynistic thoughts have never had any real world consequences.

No. 1945391

it feels like she is trying to be the white Erykah Badu, everything from the aesthetic to the music.
It was dead on arrival.
The way normie pick-me women are desperate for a femcel mass shooter, i know they are foaming at the mouth for it. I bet they were seething they couldn't pin being a femcel on that one aiden who shot up the school.

No. 1945408

File: 1711925170027.png (1.14 MB, 662x1745, ja87sdfv.png)

Well, it looks like she's now under the scrutiny of wokies because in one of her songs, she makes a reference to an alien ancestral species that originated from the delusion of a 19th-century Russian mystic. This hypothetical species was later appropriated by a spiritual subgroup of esoteric Nazis, and because of this association, they are calling her a covert white supremacist.

No. 1945415

Thai just feels so artificial and cosmetic, everything she's dressed in was so carefully planned it feels fake.

No. 1945471

Can’t just say she’s annoying and move on

No. 1945602

File: 1711937047866.jpg (152.51 KB, 1750x902, nara-smith.jpg)

people idealizing nara smith not realizing
>she was a single mom before getting married, has two kids from her previous relationship
>she was also a semi-nude/nude model for ages
>addicted to social media
literally every single thing moids scream about, they'll make so many exceptions to women for agreeing with them it's hilarious. if she didn't make fetishey cooking videos moids would be crucifying her for "being another tiktok thot"

No. 1945608

>she makes a reference to an alien ancestral species that originated from the delusion of a 19th-century Russian mystic
What? What aliens? Never heard of this before

No. 1945613

Star seeds are a very old spiritual/conspiracy thing. Basically people believe they're aliens from another planet stuck in human bodies and they're waiting for a mothership to arrive to take them to their "real home", and also there's these reptilian aliens that want to wipe them out so they can enslave the human race. Very retarded and schizo stuff, and I'm pretty sure Jonestown was based on this.

No. 1945622

No. 1945632

wasn’t she 18 when she met lucky? how could she have had 2 children?

No. 1945656

She has two other children???

No. 1945657

Maybe I'm too sensitive but am I the only one who really doesn't like this woman's comedy skits? I actually used to find her really funny when I first saw the first 10 or so videos of hers but I started to realize the joke is always just "haha, aren't older women dumb and slow? Look at me pretend to have mobility issues." I don't know, let me know if I'm overthinking it and being a baby

No. 1945693

Thank you! No you’re not alone, I find it annoying as hell and that entire “type” of character is so overdone.

No. 1945702

I think your mixing it up, Lucky was the one with kids before getting married.

No. 1945719

with a reference to pleiades specifically its fair to assume shes referring to pleidians/Nordic aliens, though i highly doubt she knows the implication (i think some neonazis have Theories about white people being "starseeds" from the pleiadian aliens which is evidence for white "superiority" in appearance/intellegence to other earth races. the nordic aliens surely have a weird white supremacist vibe to all normal people who hear about them though right??).

idk what theyre talking about with 19th cent russian mystics but would be interested to know if anyone else does, as far as i remember pleidians were first described by some polish (maybe jewish?) schizo in the 50s lol

iirc jonestown had a strangely marxist inspiration. there were faith healings and stuff but idk about any ufology connection. heavens gate are the retards youre thinking of i believe

No. 1945747

>as far as i remember pleidians were first described by some polish (maybe jewish?) schizo in the 50s lol
Yeah, pleidians are pure new age schizo nonsense. The nordic aliens/galactic federation surprisingly have nothing to do with white supremacy, or at least typically don't.

No. 1945862

sorry for ot but the russian mystic in question was helena blavatsky who founded theosophy and had major cultural impact on the "occult turn of the century" and the birth of new ageism. she wrote the secret doctrine in which she talks about different races and aryans being a higher form of mankind yada yada and a bunch of other stuff, a lot of schizo rambling. anyway her thoughts did actually greatly influence the thule society which was an organisation in the 1920s focused on racist occultism that essentially forwarded the esoteric beliefs of the nazis and in some ways paved the way for what was to become the NSDAP and ofc the esoteric schizo beliefs that dominated it. some very important figures of nazi germany were members of the thule society. either way, i don't think the wook in that tiktok is a nazi at all, a lot of new age ideas just originate from the same well that early nazis also drank from.

No. 1945917

Do they really assume she is some researched esoteric nazi and didnt just see cool alien post in reddit while high on drugs. Didnt get enough attention going after the white girl dreadlocks?

No. 1946607

The previous kids are definitely hers, she has pics with them before they met
Lying about age possibly? I remember seeing somewhere she was 33. She's been in the spotlight claiming she was in her early 20s since 2017 so do the math

No. 1946611

File: 1712010802844.png (94.48 KB, 1080x733, 1000000126.png)

Did a back trace, she claimed to be 24 in 2020, meaning she would be about 28 now? Hope she's not trying to moid pander

No. 1946843

File: 1712024526548.jpg (216.55 KB, 1024x1280, 1000000128.jpg)

That's just the truth about a lot of trad influencers. A lot of moids will defend them like their life depends on it or endlessly defend her and make exceptions after exceptions that they would other crucify any other woman for. Outside of making cooking videos half naked while pregnant, she would easily be marked as any other "used western thot", more so than even just a normie woman going to the club once.

No. 1947190

i cant find anything about her having kids before him? Lucky has a daughter born in 2017, then the two of them have two kids born after they got married with one on the way. The two kids they have are from their relationship, she doesn't have any others. She's def lying about her age though

No. 1947222

They were on her IG from way back when, when she was still nara aziza, I followed her for a long time, hence how I was easily able to spot her being dishonest about her age. How long will her whole facade last? Even if she does trad pander why bother claiming to be super young? Most of her followers are women. She'll likely pull a Mrs Midwest and do trad fetishey videos for another year or so and then do a 180 and cater to her actual audience

No. 1948715

File: 1712155956821.png (1.37 MB, 1333x2000, yaU4uwY.png)

I don't know her full history, but lucky was pretty popular on tumblr and him having kids was something I saw in real time, the two kid's definitely are both there's, so maybe they were born out of wedlock.

No. 1948717

>Born out of wedlock
I wonder how many moids who use her as an example to bring down other women will also cry bloody murder about people having kids out of wedlock kek

No. 1948723

I think the most likely scenario is he got her pregnant and they got married before the kid's were born, it would line up with the timeline.

No. 1948725

I have to ask, can you show me a single video where she encourages young girls to become tradwives or convert to Mormonism?

No. 1948787

She never encouraged it to young girls (I don't think), but the she constantly panders to moids despite her audience being mostly young girls and a lot of trad people use her as a pawn to put down other women

No. 1948837

Why are black moids on tiktok and reels so unhinged? Ik most moids are incapable of acting stable online but it seems to be a weird distribution of black and Arab ones acting batshit insane(racebait)

No. 1948857

a black feminist actually explained it this way, black american moids basically grew up in their own corner of the internet, liveleak and specifically worldstarhiphop, that was just filled with gore and extreme misogyny and they basically brought that culture over to twitter and tiktok.

No. 1948875

these people are morons

No. 1948877

File: 1712164046006.mp4 (7.18 MB, 480x854, NL5H1NK.mp4)

No. 1948884

File: 1712164393726.gif (1.97 MB, 245x180, gus.gif)

Not trying to racebait but I genuinely hate that specific type of browncel misogyny. Men from my culture are also openly annoying with their spergouts even though women in the country get murdered at very high rates. The pickmeism is also very prevalent and when I spot it online it makes me want to scream.

I think it's so interesting how there's now a trend of people acting cringe on purpose. It's actually harder to find genuinely cringe-y content these days which is kinda disappointing.

No. 1948888


No. 1948891

I believe it. I remember growing up in the early 2000s as a teen and a lot of the online forums were chill, but if you were a true piece of shit degenerate male, you were always on 4chan. I heard stories about them linking gore and real life dead bodies, so I never went over there until i was much older. I think places like 4chan were breeding spots for already low moral males.

No. 1949007

File: 1712169505938.mp4 (8.15 MB, 480x854, mpgUciZ.mp4)

“passport bros” going to different countries to find “submissive women” and endlessly getting rejected or scammed is hilarious to witness.

No. 1949011

There should be a law to legally murder passport bros.

No. 1949017

They aren't just getting rejected or scammed, they get fucking murdered kek

No. 1949028

Columbia has one of the highest crime rates so I don’t know why anyone is surprised. Latin America is still very dangerous and I wouldn’t be surprised if the locals are actively going for passport bros because they probably have money and unlikely to have anyone come looking for them.

No. 1949031

Actually based. It should be legal to kill them as soon as you find out the reason they are in your country.

No. 1949187

KEKKK. Oh yeah. This is the kind of stuff I like hearing about

No. 1949212

you love to see it. it should be legal to hunt them for sport

No. 1949308

I just find it hilarious how these scrotes always cry and whine about western women being gold diggers then go to impoverished countries where the women only want them for their money KEK. Actual retards getting what they deserve, we love to see it

No. 1949987

I wanted to watch the video because it sounds hilarious but what is it with the background noise/constant clapping? It's very distracting.

No. 1950408

This is a super popular divorced mom influencer who depicts the opposite of the tradwife/mom cooking lifestyle content– she is utterly disgusting, disillusioned, detached, drained of happiness, and positions herself as 'just like us! AMIRIGHTLADIES??'
I really despise this content.

Instead of filming your sadness and burn out life maybe just brush your hair, lose weight, and try to make the world less miserable by perpetuating your sad sack loser philosophy. She literally called her first daughter a messed up pancake: "oldest children are like pancakes, the first one is probably a little messed up" https://youtu.be/N6xNJ7RT2-w

All her content just reinforces that "you're doing your best! yes I spanked my child but now I'm in therapy and that's ok! Everything you do as a parent is ok, watch my content and let me soothe you. You can be a shitty chaotic mom and still be perfect and loving. Yay relativism!"

No. 1950427

those poor kids.

No. 1950443

File: 1712253236820.mp4 (10.33 MB, 576x1024, rrOPDH-ktop.mp4)

This is an American woman who travels around Russia and talks about how great everything is there, when someone asked her a question about the rights of gay people, she basically gave a state PR answer and so either she's that naive or a paid shill for the government.

No. 1950485

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No. 1951294

I watched her videos too and she is not a careless parent. She makes content on gentle parenting and advice videos. I do think there is a lot of pressure on moms to be perfect from the same people who'll find any reason to hate them or demonize them.
She certainly has that annoying millenial humor but lets not lie now.

No. 1951707

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No. 1951751

This is nothing new, its been happening for a while there of homeless mentally ill men attacking women. Also its so cowardice how they only want to fight women, notice how these crackheads bums are rarely trying to pick fights with men?

No. 1951753

I saw this on yt shorts once and immediately went to the newest comments, and they were all (rightfully) telling her the kids will end up morbidly obese like her

No. 1951763

This is why I carry a knife. And no, I am not afraid of "suspended sentence" for defending myself. I'd rather carry a pepper spray/gel but it is even more illegal than carrying a knife lmao.

No. 1951988

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Of course she would make gentle parenting videos and advice videos. Because she's the exact opposite of everything you should look at for advice (in this tiktok she calls her children wombfruit).
She admitted to being not emotional stable and horrible to her youngest toddler/child after her divorce, spanking, screaming, and verbally abusing her kid before "getting better" and now giving all her amazing advice to other moms.
She also gives tips on food videos but her meals are gross, prepackaged, beige, nutritionally empty, and uncreative. Also she's morbidly fat so why would I want food ideas from someone like that?
I don't like the pressure of being a perfect mom or woman, but I want to take advice from people who I consider better than me in some ways, better chefs, better organizers, better artists, better behavioral researchers. Not people like her who are trying to drag everyone to their level and make that level "acceptable and actually VERY NORMAL and GOOD and akshully really the best we can do because of XYZ reasons." The best women can do is be morbidly obese, make shit food, wear stinky frumpy Target shirts and beat their kids when they get mad, then monetize everything those kids do/say as content?

No. 1952723

That is true though, I know someone who grew up in Moscow and migrated here and it isn’t illegal to be gay it’s illegal to “promote” it. Although the government can be vague about what counts as promotion. The only thing she got wrong is not mentioning the rate of hate crimes is much higher for gay people there than it is in the west, and police don’t take it as seriously as they do in the west.

No. 1953234

File: 1712410560310.png (585.43 KB, 1280x720, 1708717526757.png)

and picrel is a what an unironic "quirk chungus" is like.

No. 1953239

File: 1712410904337.jpg (58.85 KB, 680x778, c84.jpg)

you're really based nonna. you described exactly how I feel about all this mess.
also, if you're feeling disconnected from your peers, befriend someone who's like you! (there are lots of peeps on the same boat). or you can try telling your current friends how you feel about all this bullshit and see where it goes.

No. 1953244

1. not everyone is American/from America
2. at least give some explanation on your meltdown

No. 1953296

Paid shill. Call it

No. 1953302

Has she adressed the Russian domestic violence law which makes moids get away with seriously physically abusing their wives and children as well?

No. 1953323

File: 1712413907780.jpg (82.96 KB, 720x1087, gay frogs.jpg)

Anon she's just dishonest in general. Everything's fiiiine, just don't walk around with colorful feathers sticking out of your ass! Russians are sooooo religious, respect their ~culture~! Meanwhile, the so-called "international social movement LGBT" is now considered extremist organisation and it is illegal to be a part of it. It doesn't matter it's not really some kind of official organisation. If you identify as a gay person, you're automatically a part of it. LGBT is always spoken about as something coming from decadent West, where it was born specifically to work as a threat to birth rates and traditional nuclear family.
>Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said: “LGBT are not some unfortunate gays or lesbians, which, as we are told, Russia has decided to fight. In fact, this is a well-organized and clearly planned project to undermine traditional societies from the inside. Sodomy is a sin and the complete opposite of traditional values. And sodomy in a beautiful package is also an attractive product designed to accomplish this substitution”. According to him, “the law banning LGBT propaganda adopted last year cut off many of the tentacles of this monster. But it is not the tentacles that need to be destroyed, but the entire monster.”

The LGBT symbols are banned now so they eliminate regular rainbows from everywhere. You can get into trouble for selling or wearing accessories with a rainbow (even if it's really just a rainbow).
>At the beginning of 2024, Russian courts handed down the first verdicts related to the recognition of the LGBT movement as extremist. On January 29, 2024, a court in Nizhny Novgorod sentenced a woman to five days of administrative arrest for earrings with rainbow symbols. On February 1, a Volgograd court found a man guilty of posting symbols of an extremist organization for publishing a photograph of an LGBT flag on the Internet and sentenced him to a fine of 1,000 rubles.
>In February 2024, it became known that in connection with the ban on “movement”, employees of the Letual cosmetics retailer were ordered to paint over the rainbow manes of unicorns on the packaging of Unicorn Approve brand products with a black marker. A little later it became known that male consultants were advised not to wear makeup in order to avoid customer complaints.
Not only prides are banned but pretty much any event or a support group organized by LGBT communities. The owner of the gay club Pose in Orenburg has already been arrested and the employees of the said club might go to jail for 10 years, because they're all "active participants of an extremist organisation" that promotes LGBT ideology by working for this club. It was a couple of weeks ago.
>This week, a court in Orenburg arrested the administrator of the Pose club, Diana Kamilyanova, for “organizing photo and video recording of performances promoting non-traditional sexual relationships,” and the art director of the bar, Alexander Klimov, who allegedly “promoted it among visitors to the bar and in the Telegram mobile application non-traditional sexual relationships." The press service of the court reported about both that they, “being persons of non-traditional sexual orientation, worked in the bar and ensured its functioning.”

No. 1953345

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>very pretty
nonnie please.

No. 1953368

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No. 1953374

She has a great body i'll give her that

No. 1953376

ohhhh nonna, my sister has blocked me so many times.

No. 1953377

the fake baby voice, arigato grande inspired shitty fashion, greased up troon glow from all that fermented troonshine they take. holy shit, I don’t know what’s gonna become of zoomers when they finally have kids because they’ll have to decide between thot daughter being harassed by rapists or moid son who dates a tranny and actually thinks he’s dating a real woman. men are going down as deluded faggots and it makes me kek so fucking hard

No. 1953392

>lying about something so easily verifiable as impossible
This could be a retarded joke, but there are probably comments thinking it's true, including kids who have no clue how the body works.

No. 1953439

No. 1953467

>a lot of pressure on moms to be perfect from the same people who'll find any reason to hate them or demonize them.
tiktok is so backwards towards moms, I've seen them rip mothers apart over giving their kid fruit in water, eating a single potato chip while pregnant (yeah seriously), not putting shopping carts away, etc but they'll defend smoking while pregnant, junk food galore, etc

No. 1953501

Isn't that the literal corpse of a woman some fucked up moid kept as a souvenir?

No. 1953632

Nta but yes. Creepy.

No. 1954764

People like this are just roaming around freely

No. 1954809

A wax figure of it, but yes it's weird.

No. 1954825

Peak autism.

No. 1954871

This is a joke documentary, right?

No. 1954947

>colored pigments and powders are the best part being a girl
We have regressed so bad

No. 1954964

They complain about female taboo but participate in it themselves

No. 1954965

We’re told that’s just culture and we’re the ones who are supposed to adapt to it. It’s his fetishized nod we shouldn’t kink-shame. We’re not people and we should tolerate and ache for violence

No. 1955860

No. 1955863

Some of these chiropractor videos are sus

No. 1955971

3 days late but try to find dog spray, anon. Perfectly legal to carry and easy to find (at least where I am)

No. 1957002

File: 1712666494798.png (608.65 KB, 924x366, J923.png)

>This had 25k likes,
I feel like a lot of people are buying into essentially Nazi propaganda thanks to tiktok and elon's tiwtter.

No. 1957030

Omfg lmao

No. 1957037

I guessed he was Turkish before seeing the flag in the background. I can sniff out homoerotic uncles from my country like a K9.

No. 1957093

no homo

No. 1957097

Well fuck you too then

No. 1957284

There's a ton of antisemitism on sites like lipstick alley too. Just outright. Unfortunately a lot of people are buying into it because of the Israel Palestine war not realizing that being anti Zionist does not mean you have to hate all Jews. People have zero media literacy. It's also pushed by gossip tubers like SLOAN who knowingly spread misinformation adjacent to antisemitic conspiracy theories and alt right retardation. It's kind of disturbing really

No. 1957320

These sounds are making me irrationally angry I had to turn this off after a few seconds.

No. 1957587

Another morbidly obese loser mom posting online about her life and dinners but doesn't want any hate or comments about her burn out processed food lifestyle. She's 31!! What the hell. Those poor kids have this ugly step sister IRL as their mom. Her 'Aggressive Tutorial Lady' persona got her featured on a segment of the Drew Barrymore Show.

No. 1957597

This aggressive persona is really aggravating to watch and listen to. She's only 31 and leading her kids down the same path of obesity and mental issues with this. Damn.

No. 1957603

Some Indian dance.

No. 1957604

>ugly step sister IRL as their mom.
..Why would they care about how their mother looks?

No. 1957612

Mothers like these who are so fucking neglectful and can't actually make food for children/teens annoy me, they're a big issue and no, no pun intended. My mom made me grow with health complications thanks to the shit diet I got because she's addicted to greasy fast food

No. 1957613

Her persona is like that of Cinderella's ugly step sisters- they were ugly not just on the outside but ugly on the inside as well. If you watched the Disney's Cinderella you can see that the step sisters were were mean with their actions and words, and were very spiteful and angry even though they had a very comfortable life.

No. 1957660

All this moid talks about is how badly he wants a womb transplant and to get pregnant. Actual women with fertility issues don’t talk about it so much or beg for sympathy online like he does. Also, I remember seeing a post of his where he talked about how his grandma always said women always have to cook for their husbands so he cooks for his gay bf for ~affirmation~. That’s how I know they’re moids, they don’t see anything wrong with misogynistic traditions like that, they enjoy them and conform to them because they think it makes them more womanly.

No. 1957682

That anon is definitely overcompensating for insecurities that she has onto this woman. Literally talking about her as if she is a cartoon villain lmao. Def a chronic w or snow poster.

No. 1957703

File: 1712712438439.mp4 (6.65 MB, 576x1024, 1000003165.mp4)

The fuck

No. 1958681

This is from last year when the whole Barbie movie craze was a thing.so I don't know if this is staged or not but this ugly,crusty,old fat moid ruined this randoms woman's picture at a Barbie photo booth and people all over Tik Tok were laughing at this.this wasn't funny just stupid I would have told the fat fuck to fuck off or else I'll get security.Im taking this too seriously I know.

No. 1960378

File: 1712917516410.jpg (549.24 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240412_121530_Tik…)

>500 thousand likes victim shaming a girl and claiming she is a liar.

>People in the comments who are posting proof that drake was actually a creep are getting told to shut up by pickmes aka most women.

The creator of this video is a liberal atheist and most of the women in that video share the same beliefs as her yet they don't see the hypocrisy of victim shaming a young girl so just so they can uplift a abusive man whose skin is like leather.

No. 1960933

>I cook real meals a lot, with vegetables even!
As if it's an achievement. That's the bare minimum.

No. 1960981

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No. 1961050

that shit looks like ai or bad photoshop kek

No. 1961672

No. 1962425

File: 1713042242895.mp4 (13.9 MB, 1000001157.mp4)

This came up on my fyp and I need to subject others to it

No. 1962430

I despise autistic men.

No. 1962436

This was posted earlier in the thread too. He needs to have his social media access revoked.

No. 1962444

oh shit I should've checked

No. 1962446

what was the antisemitic alt right misinfo sloan posted? curious, i watch him.

No. 1963301

or are you talking about the blonde woman

No. 1964714

They're straight up saying they look like an inbred couple and she thinks it's an uwu smol bean comment kek

No. 1964865

I can not handle looking at that man every time he is posted. He looks like he has no thoughts going on in his mind. Zero. There's nothing there when you look into his glazed eyes. He looks like one of the most primitive men of the 21st century that only cares about the basic necessities of life. I can imagine he only goes along with her tiktoks because she gives Grug food and sex. Men like this should not be procreating.

No. 1965167

No I'm talking about Sloan. He refers to "le satanic" conspiracies in his Kanye/Doja videos and also openly praised that shitty movie Sound of Freedom and proclaimed it was being censored. He's veering into qanon right wing nut territory

No. 1965185

>I can imagine he only goes along with her tiktoks because she gives Grug food and sex
You're not wrong. Look at the way he dances in this clip, he clearly does not give a shit about her pickme size kink youtube channel

No. 1965190

Wow, the ugly male psyop hit her like a plane.

No. 1965318

Late but I can't put my finger on exactly why, but she sounds like she could possibly be a Russian ESL. A lot of ESL people can copy a generic American accent near perfectly these days. But yeah definitely a shill.

No. 1965447

I was going to that Valkyrie40K moid page someone found in the MTF thread's page to see if he posted any new gross shorts, and I came across this person. Is there just a fucking Genre of red-headed women or "Women" with huge implants, posting thirst videos jiggling their titts/moobs while doing things like shooting guns or welding (or whatever this person is doing).
The comments come off like fucking bots.

No. 1965481

That’s a man for sure.

No. 1965517

Imagine being tall and male, and still choosing to be fat.

No. 1965816

i feel like even zoomers easily catch the qanon brainrot cause they often engage with content about hollywood gossip and abuse scandals etc, and then the algorithm probably leads them to right wing aligned conspiracy shit. sad

No. 1967651

Wtf this channel is weird, and i highly suspect they are a tranny from the weird looking breast, coom pandering and the ai voice.

No. 1967670

Exacty like it is so much harder for tall people and males to get fat and yet somehow there are so many of them

No. 1967671

this looks so much like a man kek the bolt ons are terrible too, he looks like the guy from fight club with moobs.

No. 1967678

I will be highly surprised if this is NOT a tranny, because the face looks like it was taken straight off of a white guy in his early or mid-30s. It looks like Hal Stewart if he trooned out. Then there's the AI that's used for the voice instead of exposing a real one? Almost like a real voice would make "something" obvious.

No. 1967711

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(1/2) I tried to do some digging, and I may have found his old tumblr. If this really is it, then yeah it's a tranny

No. 1967713

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No. 1967718

always weird to see relatively good looking guys troon

No. 1967721

File: 1713375091636.jpg (580.28 KB, 1078x1394, 1000015744.jpg)

Went through the official "path of fire" Facebook. If the previous photo and this one here hold the same people, then it all comes together.

No. 1967732

Listen to the voice, there's some distorting right at the beginning. Definitely using a voice filter.

No. 1969099

File: 1713452386547.png (2.79 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_5421.png)

Autism won today, but heres some good evidence he is a tranny as if it wasn’t obvious already.

No. 1969102

Wow. The epidemic of redhead trannies pretending to be gunfags. Sounds like a redditors wet dream

No. 1969103

these sperg nitpicking posts always cracks me up because 9 times out of 10 they’re always brutally true lol

No. 1969106

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They remind me so much of this “woman” who was getting flack for showing her uncensored boobs on Twitch. Tell me how this isn’t a post-op tranny. Look at the shoulders and plasticky mannequin face from the artificial hormones trying to cleanse itself out of their skin because it’s not supposed to be in their bodies to begin with. I’m here for the redhead tranny psyop theory because this alleged one also has red hair.

No. 1969113

I literally found this person because someone posted that other red headed troon (Gun shooter with huge fake moobs), he was in the search results.
And the comments come off very bot-ish, the Red headed Valkyrie guy has a identical comment section, going, "Stay strong boys" or corny "I'm not looking at your boobie" comments.
In fact the biggest reason besides the face, shoulders and weird looking tits, I thought the Path of fire person may be a trans, is because I noticed the lack of negative comments.
I've seen actually attractive women be negged by moids when they do coom bait shit like this. There's barely anything negative, or pointing out how fucking odd they look. They seem to follow the same, "Post coombait/delete all negative comments" because I cannot be convinced that there's not moids thinking this is a real woman and using their go to misogynistic/hateful shit.
Especially on youtube shorts comments. It's so weird how they all go with the red hair and huge boobs but "being into guns/woodsworking" thing.
Is there a specific woman they are larping as or something?

No. 1969119

damn…damn, I hate doing transvestagations on women Drake does NOT count but i looked up a few pictures of this woman…if you told me this was troon…I would'nt deny it.
I simply think she's a woman with big shoulders and bad surgery, IDK. Also the coomer thing gives troon vibes, but…I don't know. I feel bad for even admitting this.

No. 1969122

File: 1713453572029.webp (204.47 KB, 900x900, IMG_9262.webp)

Why does this look like Chad Chad’s face shooped on a male body

No. 1969123

He is 100% troon. See >>1969099

No. 1969130

>Is there a specific woman they are larping as or something?

I'm guessing maybe a fictional woman. I think there's one female character who's a strong redhead from a video game. Or maybe some female influencer I haven't heard of..

No. 1969133

Samefag but also redheads are stereotyped as "fierce tomboys", so probably just trying to mimic stereotypes

No. 1969138

Mary Jane maybe? Or amoranth?

No. 1969152

Off topic but i looked at the comment and 99% of it is scrotes making sex jokes. I recently posted about how vapid and shallow men are in the things you hate thread and this is yet another example. If this was a man then the comments would be praising him for being a male.

No. 1969159

File: 1713454824669.webp (542.33 KB, 3500x2427, IMG_0035.webp)

even the manliest looking of woman like p!nk or dula lipa still have significant female markers, they are still women. troons no matter how much surgery they get still look like troons because it looks so plastic and unbelievable, troon skill hiding level peaks if they’re rich and able to afford more realistic surgeries while taking the HRT/estrogen that feminizes their voice and softens their body making them easier to hide in plain sight, makes the surgery more effective and believable. picrel of someone on the right side who i think is genuinely a tranny and they didn’t even attempt to hide it, for celebs it’s easy for them to troon because they have access to surgeons and a bounty of surrogates. the tranny just can’t post-op the cro-magnon rape ape jaw and larger male skull out of their face, when they get massive tit implants and body sculpting procedures it makes their body look unbalanced like a yaoi drawing and sticks out. you will be shocked how much transvestigations can be valid if you aren’t too autistic about it, anon >>1969099
did a good transvestigation

No. 1969170

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I hate the hate his ex wife gets, she just is tall with big shoulders, she looks like her mom, she gave birth. She's not a man.

No. 1969223

>her mother also looking like a man
kek, holy shit those genetics had no mercy on those girls

No. 1971282

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No. 1971349

How are these even comparable? Ofcourse he's a literal retard with the broccoli hair and the coom stare and a pedo stach.

No. 1971360

typical moid behavior, thinking whether or not their dick can get hard is as serious as rape.

No. 1971412

pretty sure the comment was taken from the comments section of this video and overlaid on top, not a quote he's responding to

No. 1971478

A woman made a video on why she won't date bisexual men and the fags and pickmes are riled up. They are comparing it to racism.

No. 1971509

Why bi men are always pressed about straight women not dating them? I don't get it, just leave us alone. Women aren't as horny as men we wouldn't risk getting STDs just to have sex and it's common knowledge that bi men are messy as hell so why not cut the crap and fuck other males and leave. us. alone??

No. 1971514

Because the rape apes always feel entitled to womem's bodies.

No. 1971524

1. as a black male he is completely retarded to compare racial preferences in dating to sexuality preferences in dating. a straight woman might say “i don’t want to date a gay man,” that doesn’t make her homophobic. i’d argue not wanting to date x race isn’t racist either (i’m a black woman and i’d never date an indian or a white gay) but that’s whatever
2. i didn’t watch the entire tiktok but if it’s him whining about possibly not being able to get a partner because he is “bi” then he’s extra retarded. i hate when attractive people go on tiktok and pretend to be any way oppressed in the dating market

No. 1971525

My bad, I don't use tookiok so I don't know what the layout looks like.

No. 1971563

File: 1713554517563.jpg (40.76 KB, 736x732, fdabbfe9d4321706739a0fccc07521…)

It makes my skin itch when fags and trannies drag race (most often black people) into their little faggy issues. It's like watching a drowning person grab onto someone else in the water, and bringing the other person down with them in the struggle. Fags and trannies can't seem to argue by themselves, they always gotta drag races and women into it. It's pathetic, and rather insulting.

No. 1971936

The only people crazier than swifties are football fans

No. 1971938

I hate football fans, they're retarded. At least fans of music artists and shit are trying to decode their lyrics and such. I think there must be something absolutely wrong in the brains of sports fans.

No. 1971943

You can't even call her particularly insane by footbal fans standards because she could argue that at least she never beat anyone to death.

No. 1971958

This is a joke right? Her pfp is a clown, and I'm pretty sure nobody really cries like that lol

No. 1972017

Probably a mixture of a few different redheaded tomboys from media, but the lumberjack angle makes me think Wendy from Gravity Falls.

No. 1972041

Footballs are actually the worst. Reminds me of sports fans in general who actually get violent and burn things when their teams loses– or wins? Like, they are mentally unstable.

No. 1972042

Reminds me of my mom's friend who dated a bisexual man and contracted HIV from him (this was back in the 1980s.) Men are literally walking diseases.

No. 1972138

File: 1713587308703.jpg (626.81 KB, 958x1371, 1000015797.jpg)

>bisexual men
>not even once

No. 1972338

>in 2022, an Ugly hambeast named Shay(kek) are gifted a house from the tiktoker @trademeproject, also known as Demi
>moves in with her soylent incel manlet moid and his mom.
>soon after, a neighbor notifies Demi that they left a bunch of packages and shit outside in the rain
>14 months later, Demi finally gets to see the house and it is completely trashed. It’s fucking disgusting. There is piss and garbage everywhere.
>Shay is kicked out and post a TikTok about it as if it wasn’t her fault
How retarded do you have to be to get a free house just to lose it because you’re an ungrateful slob.

No. 1972370

>good looking

No. 1972380

This just looks like a bog standard section 8 eviction, except everything isn't quite as busted up yet. She should have donated it to a women's shelter instead of trying to give it to a random for social media clout. This is what happens more often than not if people get free or almost free housing. I've even seen it in my own family multiple times.

No. 1972390

As someone who is busting ass for the 0.001% chance that i will at least get to own a shitty condo, it is so hard for me to wrap my head around how microcephalic one would have to be to squander a once in a century opportunity like this for no reason. It was a nice house too.

No. 1972417

Oh my god, I am a slob but it would take so much effort to leave it like that … like you would get sick of the smell and having a fucking pillow on the ground and just so much shit on the floor. Not to mention that this Shay person apparently posted at first as if she was evicted by this house when she did not go there for a YEAR

A free house. You do NOT GO TO? FOR A YEAR.

Pearls to pigs, tbh

No. 1972447

I am speaking from a property manager POV, but honestly, the owner did not transfer the title over, and waited over a year to go into the abandoned property.
She should have gone in 60 days after Shay went MIA to access her property. It is absolutely ridiculous she let all the trash ferment for a year. As the owner she had every right to send the tenant written notice of inspection/repairs/ whatever, and she would have saved herself months of grief and stress.

No. 1972453

muslim girls wearing makeup is the weirdest shit

No. 1972568

Why? Plenty people follow a religion only for appearances.

No. 1972752

gos i hate this so much

No. 1972764

File: 1713645274012.jpg (93.9 KB, 451x492, 1000015803.jpg)

As a kid, I thought it was just a joke when movies, tv shows, and even video games depicted random, everyday people as either retards or just insane. But the more I look at people, especially through TikTok, the more I see that it's not really a joke.

No. 1973375

It really is stupid. Even if they hated the house and location, they could have all worked fast food jobs and still saved up a decent down payment in 2 years, and moved out, and passed the house on to somebody new. If she ever gives a reason, it's going to be retarded and shortsighted as hell.

No. 1974200

Pornographic versions of children's cartoon characters like wendy from gravity falls. Redhead kid characters usually fall into the same archetype of a little gruff but ultimately still girlish which retarded reddit coomers make the basis of their entire sexuality until they bastardize it into strong mountain mommy thick tomboy. Add their other demented preferences on top to get the final results.

No. 1974809

TikTok has slowly made me hate urbex videos. So many videos are now of people breaking into private homes, and then half the comments are from people talking about how much they want to go there and steal shit. The account owners have to see that a big chunk of their audience are would be burglars, it's not ethical to keep posting videos of people's houses like that, I don't give a shit if they are uninhabited ATM. That's somebody's grandma's house. There have been a few recently where it was obvious that the houses were still occupied, just run down and messy, and the retards still posted them online.

No. 1975211

File: 1713812752670.mp4 (1.75 MB, 480x854, nnN6Fst.mp4)

what's the joke supposed to be here?

No. 1975229

She's butch? also very hot thank god she's not a tif I would've been so angry

No. 1975230

She's cute, I hope she doesn't troon out.

No. 1975241

Dunno but she's hot, I finally understand straight women who are into the whole blonde hair blue eyes jock type look kek

No. 1975711

god wtf. neurons activated.
anyway the audio (i'm assuming it's a trend) is meant to represent being insulted but misunderstanding it as a compliment. so the text overlaid on the video is meant to be the tiktok owner's "version" of that joke of being insulted but misunderstanding it as a compliment from the other person. in her case it's being recognised as a lesbian kekk.

No. 1976923

File: 1713902477993.jpg (472.25 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240423_214841_Gal…)

I don't know if anons know about this account but its a very weird race fetish account disguised as a street interview account.

The account seems to be run by two asian woman. If you look at their older videos when they first started their account their videos used to be normal and they would ask people of all races and genders but something changed in the middle and now they only interview young white men. 99% of their content now is them only interviewing young men and asking them what they like sexually and what they are looking for in a woman, all of their videos have the same repetitve question and they use beauty filters on the men they interview. The comments on these videos are also very weird and a bit creepy. The guys in those videos always sound like douchebags meanwhile the comments are just by weird gay men and lonely women who fetishize white men.
Very weird account. Also i dont even think this is their real account because i remember them showing up on my douyin a year or two ago so their real account is probably on douyin.

No. 1977138

File: 1713906900175.mp4 (8.03 MB, 576x1024, v15044gf0000cok163nog65qo33dg3…)

Leave it to a moid to use his mother’s experience being mauled by a bear to speak over the women who’d rather be in a room with a bear than a man. If we’re talking worst case scenario, like his mom, then look at Junko Furata. I’d rather be with the bear than her murderers.

No. 1977576

At least the bear will ONLY maul me, meanwhile a man would rape me first then do the same. Attentionwhore moid, his mom didn't go through that trauma just for him to use it to defend rapists and murderers.

No. 1977743

>Stupid femoids, the bear will still hurt you
Yeah, that's the point.

No. 1978437

ugh this is so annoying. i hate urbex videos enough already, imo it should be a personal experience that you dont broadcast to the world, which protects also the space from getting trashed too badly. tbh "abandoned" house urbex is boring as shit unless the house was burned or is falling apart. still doesnt hold a candle to industrial spaces

No. 1978693

>if you choose the bear you have lived a privileged life

Yeah, women who have experienced things horrible enough to rather get mauled to avoid it, so privileged.

No. 1978866

File: 1713992192599.mp4 (8.58 MB, 480x854, zOP9AFT.mp4)

chinese tiktok humour is really "something".

No. 1978867

this actually fucking disgusted me

No. 1978875

I remember seeing a chinese mukbang youtuber who uploaded a video of her consuming a whole fried dog and it took YT a whole 2 years to get it taken down kekk. Best they did was ad and age-restricting it

No. 1978876

damn I had to google urbex. this used to be called "urban decay" back in the day and it was very trendy until people started calling it out as being immoral/disrespectful. that was a short cultural cycle if it's back already.

No. 1978877

My jaw actually dropped what the fuck

No. 1978886

I mean male bears are more likely to kill someone out of moidrage than a protective mother bear, I wonder what the connecting similarity is there…

No. 1978887

Social media has ruined so much. I used to go love going to abandoned places, but the rule was to never take or destroy anything. Leave it was it was. After 2020, and tiktok getting more popular, you have all these shit zoomers ruining places with spraypaint, breaking, stealing. it's the worst.

No. 1978888

She's hot af. I miss butch lesbians. Wow

No. 1978931

that and the fact his mom was able to write a book about it without being sued for slander or being harassed by people thinking she's lying is solid proof of their privilege. If you get raped and disfigured by moids not only do you deal with that sort of trauma but any sort of discussion about it will result with people screaming "liar" in your face and trying to shut you down

No. 1978940

That she's very obviously a lesbian lol that's it.
It's not that serious

No. 1978972

File: 1713998933838.png (148.98 KB, 1396x531, bear attacks.png)

That's actually the exact opposite. Mother bears(specifically grizzly bears) commit the majority of maulings, black bears are a lot more safer due to different evolutionary factors but it's still a fucking bear that you shouldn't mess with.

No. 1978995

>can be fooled and scared off
>if it attacks you it's likely because it felt threatened by you being near territory/cubs or hungry
>will give up if it feels like you are more work than what it's worth
>random moid
>remembering all the fucked up things men said they'd do if they thought they'd get away with it
>same species as you, harder to fool or scare off
>him just killing you is best case scenario
Gee, what a hard decision?

No. 1979152

whats with blue collar moid worship lately? they are the worst partners alive. ALL of them cheat no exceptions, all of them are abusive and neglectful and think their job gives them free passes for their behavior (newsflash ladies he isn't busting his ass 9/10 times he's in a seat using equipment with zero muscle effort all day). You'd think there'd be some sort of redemption right? nope! they still don't make any more than most office moids and are likely stingier with their money since they don't care about appearances/hygiene - which is another thing, hygiene. they're probably all conservative and misogynistic too.

they literally do the same exact shit as office moids but at least office moids are forced to act decent and not run around scream at everyone and not shower for days on end

No. 1979205

>whats with blue collar moid worship
i want to believe its because other women are as tired of ~intellectual~ men as i am, but thats just me wishing

No. 1979569

I think they are still better than engineering moids. They think they are such intellectuals for having a degree, and also that they are doing real manly man work when most sit on their asses filling out excel tables and writing emails all day. Usually autistic and spoiled by mommy, think women should beg to be with them because of their education and paycheck.

No. 1979824

File: 1714064593307.jpeg (260.23 KB, 1290x771, IMG_9066.jpeg)

Hell world.

No. 1979841

I know. There was a popular video a few months ago where a guy climbs down a hole in the sidewalk, discovers an underground parking garage, and immediately smashes in a window in a car. What the fuck.

No. 1979895

I know everyone hates when someone makes a video about us and there’s an influx of newfags/moralfagging retards but I think on the positive side it can peak normie women. Like I know a lot of anons found the site by hate reading during the creepshow art controversy.

No. 1979904

File: 1714067824843.jpg (3.22 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_24-04-25_14-56-30-203.…)


No. 1979915

Can these motherfuckers leave us alone? I can't stand tiktards

No. 1979923

>that second icon
isn't that that fat pickme weeb girl that anons tear to shreds in the consoom thread all the time? kek no wonder she doesn't want to attract anymore attention

No. 1979930

let them make it. I peaked because I wanted to check out why people kept talking shit about this site.

No. 1979939

Why wouldn't it shock me if she were the type of person who was a secret farmer kek

No. 1979971

she definitely seems like a farmer tbh those animecore girls love this website for some reason

No. 1979997

Unless you are in the arctic face-to-face with a polar bear, they also won't stalk you until the rape eat you like moids do. 10/10, would take the bear and let it kill me quickly

No. 1980610

what a retarded fatass. if you compared the worst case scenario of any moid encounter with the worst case scenario of any bear encounter, he himself would pick the fucking bear anytime. just look up literally any of the most fucked up true crime cases where men have victimized a woman lol. let's hope something like that happens to this annoying bitch so he can learn a fucking lesson.
also, it's unlikely to get mauled by a bear unless they get startled or you go near their cubs. i've known people who've been just a few meters away from bears and wolves in the wild without even getting a reaction, they're most likely not going to flip out if you don't provoke or startle them.

No. 1980664

How does she seem like a farmer?

No. 1980680

Yeah, that's also something I've been thinking about. Worst case scenario a bear kills you and eats you, but a man can also do that to you and more. A man will also deeply enjoy hurting/humiliating you, for a bear you're just prey or a potential danger to dispose of. A man will literally get off to your suffering and death. How is that not worse?

No. 1980723

File: 1714133470354.mp4 (8.76 MB, 480x854, 0Z049aM.mp4)

I might actually miss tiktok, cause I'll never get see anything like this ever again.

No. 1980724

kek. seriously though people really act like this for weed even though it's equally stupid

No. 1980853

the worse part is his mom actually did a AMA Reddit thread and ended up agreeing that men are scarier and more unpredictable than bears. His poor mother

No. 1980854


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1980914

yeah it's that fake weeb girl from the consoomerism thread. She's deplorable
>let them make it
not on fucking tiktard. everywhere else but not there
me neither nonna, they're all clout chaser braindead fags

No. 1981019

wtf imagine if indians would report every mukbang video about people eating beef. let people eat things

No. 1981039

To be fair it’s not just shit zoomers, been exploring since 2007 and there’s shit moids everywhere, every gen that have destroyed abandon buildings just to smash shit, but absolutely haven’t explored since 2020 when tiktards started just fucking up shit to fuck up shit like dumb ass kids.

No. 1981563

You can also just hide in a toilet until a bear goes away, or throw your food at it and back away. None of that works on men.

No. 1981602

why are male rappers

No. 1981605

Chinese people also don't like it when people cook/eat dogs

No. 1981882

File: 1714223993115.jpeg (101.85 KB, 362x529, stupid.jpeg)

I hate seeing this dumb ass weed candy advertisement disguised as a warning. And now it has spread to yt. Tl;dr some stupid stoner pretends he TOTALLY DIDN'T NOTICE this was weed candy, and ate a whole foil bag and got totally stoned. Except this is retarded, because normal candy doesn't come in a head shop metallic zipper bag, normal candy doesn't cost $30 a fucking bag, and that palm oil paste in a mini cone shit never existed as a "candy" until weed products became legal. He was too stupid to use weed gummies for his fake ass "warning" video.

No. 1981884

God, his eyes creep me out lol

No. 1981896

They are all the same. i dont trust a single one. There is this annoying ass kid in my job who is 18. He swears he's the number one rapper and also knows martial arts. I want someone to kick his ass.

No. 1981898

Weed gummies and candy are always in bright containers that say THC/% ect. People like this who act like it's elusive piss me off. it's fear mongering to idiots online

No. 1982050

There's something so 'gay' about rappers, like even 70's musicians who were flmaboyant and wore garish makeup seem more heterosexual

No. 1982092

Judging by the comments and the full video this is a joke. Would be funnier if it wasn’t a joke because that is the gayest rap line I’ve ever fucking heard lmao. “If I was a bad bitch I would fuck me too” kek the fuck

No. 1982095

File: 1714238211083.jpg (474.68 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240427.jpg)

I don't like Jojo but i also dont like the dumb bitches who think a woman's only value is her appearance and are making videos on what Jojo should do so she can be "hotter". Also the fact that most people share the same sentiments as her in the comments shows that gen-z is doomed and really is the pickme generation.


No. 1982102

File: 1714238655025.jpg (309.21 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_191409.jpg)

The fact that Gabbia Hanna is the only rational one in the comments….what a strange timeline

No. 1982107

If they grew up with glow up soft girl coquette manifestation divine feminine videos this is to be expected, or alternatively they troon out because they don't like pink. Not like misogyny wasn't rampant in the 2000s but at least older zoomers knew of subcultures where being the sexiest baby wasn't the goal.

No. 1982109

Must be ragebait because I don’t even care about Jojo and this made me angry enough to consider making a TikTok account just to flame them in the comments lol

No. 1982110

this has to be american propaganda to push for the tiktok ban. This is vile.

No. 1982135

Yes its quite sad. Also the video has over 600.000 likes which is insane. Like why do ao many people care that much about how some random girl dresses like. It almost feels like they are shaming her for not being feminine enough for them…..

No. 1982136

I don’t give a shit about Jojo, but I’d take her cringy WWE cosplay over basic Midwest blonde bitch look any day. Like she’s a celebrity known for her childish cartoonish look, why do you expect her to go full normie.

No. 1982143

Did some research. He got exposed by an escort called wetfiji for being in a threesome with another dude and liking dildos up his ass. He was also allegedly picking up grindr troons in Memphis.

No. 1982171

Why do they want jojo, a masc-ish lesbian, to style herself like the typical straight normie girl? Image saying Tig Notaro would look so much better with long hair and makeup kek

No. 1982181

>why do you expect her to go full normie.

it’s the goal of society to make everyone into the same carbon copy of whatever ideal is popular that day. someday we will all pop out of factories and drink the globalist juice, be pretty and popular but never unique. number 12 looks just like you!

it’s normies. normies have ruined everything. social media wasn’t this bad until everyone and their momma discovered the internet during covid. people get mad at me when i say this but it’s true. normies suck. i get tired of all my favorite subcultures getting ruined by these losers. i get tired of seeing their stupid videos of someone’s random baby or bowlegged designer dog on my feed. i do not care about their flash in the pan politics or retarded assumptions about other people, including myself, since 99.9% of the time they are always dead fucking wrong. i miss when the internet was a weird place and it didn’t feel so compressed and negative. i miss all my weird internet friends who were into shit like aliens, underground music, fashion, and actual politics, not just what they heard on tv. i miss people, but genuine people who are authentic and interesting and not just another brain dead retard who thinks like everyone else. fuck normies. i can barely stand these assholes in my daily life.

No. 1982197

That's just straight women being casually lesbophobic.

No. 1982222

>masc lesbian
I agree with your point but she is not masc at all. She’s tomboyish at best.

No. 1982282

I used to get bullied by normies for being a weeb. Wasn't anything that bad - I read shojo manga, watched Jdramas and studied Japanese so it's not even like I was the greasy yaoi paddle type. I just liked cute escapist media and Japan happened to have a lot of it.
Now all the same normies that bullied me have hopped onto the Japan trend and visiting the country is 'goals' for them. Suddenly anime cons aren't cringe anymore. One girl that used to bully me particularly hard even managed to become a kawaii cosplay Youtuber before moving to Japan with her moid and turning into a titty streamer/gravure model after a sponsored boob job. She's always been a pickme so it's no surprise, I'm just salty that she picked this of all things to seek attention with.

No. 1982297

File: 1714245847638.jpeg (Spoiler Image,718.83 KB, 2048x1536, 1642204297795.jpeg)

late response but there was recently an "animecore cows" thread (on /snow/ I think?) that was filled with tons of unintegrated newfaggotry as the cows came to defend themselves. you could tell it was a small group of women with rooms like this posting about each other. they all like 4chan too and most people see lc as edgy girl 4chan kek

No. 1982508

is this what tomboys do nowadays? have a bow collection?

No. 1982569

There's been a growing amount of kids bringing edibles to schools because the packaging looks similar to a regular bag of chips. Usually coming from weed smoking parents. Most places sell edibles if you just ask, law doesn't matter. Also, if a school is having an uprising in "random" seizures, it's because synthetics are causing them.

No. 1982684

That’s why I said at best she’s a tomboy. I would just call her a typical girly girl that just happens to have short hair

No. 1982704

went through all the comments and had to hold back from sperging i hate tiktok and normies nuke them all bunch of faggots

No. 1982926

>gen-z is doomed and really is the pickme generation.
Meh I disagree. Yeah their are extremes but so many are so much wiser and more based than I was at their age. I'm like the youngest millennial right on the cusp and I feel like the older millennial women are so much worse than the worse gen z pick mes.

No. 1982927

I don't fucking care if it's hypocritical. DON'T EAT DOGS.

No. 1982928

It's literally shaking in fear the whole time. You can tell it's uncomfortable. The chinese are so fucking cruel about eating animals. Like fuck I know meat industry in america is awful but god damn. It makes me ill.

No. 1982930

No wonder most crush content comes from China kek

No. 1982954

Are these based zoomers in the room with us now?

No. 1982958


No. 1982974

I doubt that, your problem is that you’re a self-hating millennial who thinks shitting on older millennials will make you less cringe. Sorry, I mean ‘cheugy’. Which ironically is some real NLOM pickme shit kek.

No. 1982975

Yes I’m here

No. 1982976

You’re coping over how liberal older millennial women are literally responsible for all the drag queen qweer tranny shit and I don’t like it. They are the biggest cock worshiping generation of women ever

No. 1982977

I hated the first part too. Putting all those chemical products and weird suction cups to an animal should count as abuse. Look at its eyes so defeated.

No. 1982997

There’s a lot of zoomer girls openly criticizing porn and prostitution or having slightly more radical views on feminism. Millenial women on the internet will jump through hoops to justify their scrote’s porn addiction.

No. 1983017

You're forgetting that everyone born in 04, 05 and 06 are now 18 or over and some are probably using the site as we speak.

No. 1983045

File: 1714295355952.mp4 (10.4 MB, 480x854, IVBbyi6.mp4)

what is going on with her face

No. 1983050

I’m not forgetting, the site’s the worst it’s been in years for that very reason kek
Coping over what? I’m not the one hating on millennials despite being one myself. Keep fighting the millennial handmaidens in your head I guess, I’m just wondering why you’re doing it on an image board made by millennials instead of going to TikTok where all the supposed based zoomers are. Maybe because you know you’re full of shit?

No. 1983062

Filler. It doesn't go away with time; it loses its shape. So when they get a new injection, it creates the desired shape but also adds more volume. That's why those people look like they are wearing a mask. They are, and it's a filler mask under their skin.

No. 1983098

Damn she really is the final boss of pickmes.

No. 1983109

I know zoomets are just the current (relevant, gen alpha is too young) generation so people will amplify their mistakes and say they are the worst of all time, but older generations protected predators way too much for zoomers to be the most pick-me generation.

No. 1983120

Samefag but I guess I should clarify before someone misunderstands and spergs at me. When I say "older generations" I'm not talking about millennials.

No. 1983234

We're on lolcow so yes kek

No. 1983240

I really dont understand what point you're making. Nobody thinks all millienials are bad plus lolcow was much meaner and not really pro woman when it first came to exist. Older millienials are the ones who are teaching your kids pronouns and gender identity shit right now. NOT ALL of any generation is bad. But zoomers will call out sexism and defend other women in ways that just never happened in early 2000s. Not saying they are perfect, they definitely do extreme shitty things too, but I hate bashing on them all as a whole.

No. 1983298

>the site’s the worst it’s been in years for that very reason kek
how so

No. 1983550

half of chinese tiktok is educational videos and the other half is a woman wearing three layers of makeup and six digital filters, speaking with a fake high-pitched voice, cokking an endangered species of salamanders as if it's nothing, but then adds so many spices that you probably can't even taste the original flavor of the meat

No. 1983554

These videos fascinate me because where are they even getting these animals? Who is selling gigantic live salamanders? Are they expensive? When I Google how to cook a salamander nothing comes up. No butchering guides, no recipes, nothing

No. 1983556

she has a gigachad chin

No. 1983572

I hate Chinese tiktok and I hate Chinese culture

No. 1983574

>but then adds so many spices that you probably can't even taste the original flavor of the meat
we get it anon you like boiled chicken and broccoli and you’re white(infight bait)

No. 1983579

This is such a bad moment to make this comment I can only presume you're joking, but anons have disappointed me before.

No. 1983582

>Much white ppl food
You realize not everyone wants to injest 10 different spices in every dish they make right? And plenty of non-white people enjoy non-spicy food. We get it, you're like a child who can't swallow food unless it's made super duper tasty with tons of salt, sugar or sauces and you can't drink plain wanter. Your breath stinks and your shit is liquid.

No. 1983586

Nta but why do you think that seasonings/spices = spicy. Peppers and chili are such a small part of the spice world, this just makes you look culinarily ignorant.

No. 1983590

the spices are an integral part of the dish and gives a meal an identity. only cavemen care about the taste of animal flesh and nothing else, could only be a britbong or asianoid who’s palette is only used to msg and sesame flavoring

No. 1983593

this pig had a better life than any animals you've eaten today, meat eaters are such hypocrite, you always forget your meals are living sentient beings. Yes this video is fucked up but so is complaining about it and they going on to eat chiken from mas farming

No. 1983596

File: 1714332329945.jpg (117.68 KB, 1080x750, Screenshot_20240428_201442.jpg)

KEK these comments.

Ngl I love how she keeps the schoolgirl influencer outfit on throughout the cooking process, I can only imagine the stains from the splashback though sob. I watched the whole video anyway, it was so fascinating. I didn't even know you could eat salamanders, I didn't even know they could grow that big.

No. 1983603

That's why I said salt sugar and sauces too. Learn to read.

I'm neither. Again plenty of non-white cultures use less seasoning and plenty of muh white ppl cultures use more seasonings. It's also true that meats can have very different tastes (just like other foods) and being able to taste them isn't a bad thing. That amount of spice in the video is just unbalanced and probably tastes like shit.

No. 1983616

I'm literally asian and brown you moron.

No. 1983624

File: 1714333936324.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1004, Screenshot_20240428-125043~2.p…)

This is all I could find lol. Maybe wet markets?

No. 1983628

Douyin is a trip. I remember using the chrome version and saw edits of Chinese politicians.

No. 1983630

A lot of the "weird" asian food mostly from southern china and southeast asia, the environmental constraints made it difficult for large herding animals like cows and sheep and there was little incentive to focus on growing other vegetables, so the primary focus was on cultivating rice, spices and making use of whatever was readily available such as frogs, bugs, insects and in this case salamanders.

No. 1983639

Nobody disagrees that meat butchering is always barbaric but I highly doubt this pig had a decent life. This was all made for one video and it's shaking in fear the whole time.

No. 1983696

>this pig had a better life than any animals you've eaten today,
NTA but fuck off with this ledditor r/iamverysmart ass take

No. 1983701

This is the most unique preparation before butchering that I've ever seen in my life.

No. 1983748

Pigs have complex thoughts and feelings, so there's definitely some reason why it's paralysed and shaking in fear instead of snorting and looking happy. That type of pig is considered a pet, so while it could have had a bit of a better life than a factory farm pig it doesn't guarantee that it wasn't mistreated, especially when you take into account that China has virtually no animal abuse laws beyond the basic "don't steal/destroy other people's property".
And yeah people do need to look at what brands they buy but also avoiding any mistreatment is kind of difficult because normal farms can be fucked up and good farms could send their produce to an abattoir that abuses the animals without their knowledge and your beef might be mixed with a dead racing horse without your knowledge etc. etc.

No. 1983853

Ayrt where tf are the wet markets just getting a hold of ancient endangered lizards? There was one video where a girl cooked an unironically 5 ft long salamander. That's basically a retarded crocodile like what

No. 1983860

Well they're farmed apparently, so maybe they buy it from the farmers I guess

No. 1983864

Why does this thumbnail look ai generated

No. 1983987

> older millennial women are literally responsible for all the drag queen qweer tranny shit and I don’t like it
yes it's always the women's fault not the drag queen men's themselves kek listen to yourselves o' the non-cock-worshipper ones

No. 1984021

i hate it when meat eaters act like they care about animals so they can act like chinese people are barbaric compared to them. wait til you find out how much cows suffer. like i don’t care, do what you like, hell be a cannibal, but don’t be a hypocrite. it comes across as ignorant to what agriculture actually entails.

No. 1984033

yeah it kind of bewilders me, I picked a career path that requires 6-8 years of schooling (not physician but healthcare) and I was surprised when gaining experience at jobs how many women in the job were with blue collar moids. one was with a construction creature who she seemed to have the dumbest arguements with. one's fiance was an elevator mechanic. One girl I met in undergrad and we went on to difference programs I saw on social media with her pet moid and and he was a blue-collar scrote to, and he was ugly. On one hand I sort of get because assuming these men have been working since at least 18 working at least 6-8 years they're probably not in beginner positions and have some money , and I don't know the moid ages so maybe they're older which means even more experience but still, I would have assumed more would pick healthcare scrotes. blue-collars are the most undesirable

No. 1984064

Nta but it is true that liberal women helped "normalize" and increase the acceptance of transgenders and drag queens. The same thing happened decades ago with gay men. Millennials helped push the trans and drag queen stuff, a lot of anons were there to see the shift. Idk why you're acting like we're supposed to ignore this.

No. 1984094

Because it is lol. The rest of the video shows real footage

No. 1984101

inshallah she gets reported and banned somehow.

No. 1984109

the sad part is that those women probably work harder and are exposed to more dangerous diseases and then go home and do all the housework because "he's out there in the field doing mans work". blue collar moids are so fucking arrogant and delusional they think they're literal gods and have no responsibility for what? working a normal job like everyone else?

No. 1984113

The song is funny as fuck, idgaf. Best thing he's done his whole career.

No. 1984119

Sorry but pt 1 with sexyy red was better

No. 1984147

>most places will just sell you edibles
where the fuck do you live nona, every dispensary i've been to makes me show ID before I even enter the main room

No. 1984194

Tbf nonna it's kinda true, I know this because I was one of those retarded women who went full tilt with dragfags for a while. We willingly empathised with men who were portraying us as whores, uggos, and worse, and we just clapped and said "yas kween" kek

No. 1984198

I know I saw it, and hate that I was a part of it, even though the worst I did was very, very minor. It's so crazy how this went from a thing that only weird people cared about, to a pet project for wine moms.

No. 1984389

Are you a pharmacist nona? I know many pharmacists whose job is more intense physically (and of course mentally) than their blue collar moid's and they still do all the housework. Depressing

No. 1984596

I'm not an old moid why does youtube constantly show me staged/creepshot(?) videos of Hot russian girls! walking… The numbers of views are crazy but even more insane are the comments: This woman here has her nipples poking through her top and a skirt open up to her upper thighs yet 1000s admire how classy elegant and smart she is compared to evil western women… Also many comments saying it's so much safer in Russia? Thank god they have no McDonalds! plus going on rants about how horrible tattoos are and so on.
It's just disheartening to see how many moids are like that, millions are watching these clip and have that mindset, they must be everywhere, your neighbor, your coworker secretly think like that…

No. 1984602

I've noticed that all of the women on TikTok hating on Sam Taylor Johnson, calling her a granny and praying for Ariana Grande to homewreck her marriage to Aaron are ugly as sin. Like it can't just be a coincidence? It's one thing to disapprove of their age gap, but another to be this level of disgusting, saying they wish he got together with his stepdaughter?These women/girls need a reality check real bad.

No. 1984623

Sounds like Russian propaganda. Russia isn't exactly known for being a super safe country. Reminds me of how someone posted worldwide top suicide statistics in the Stupid questions thread and Russia was 11.

No. 1984743

This reminds me of how the cat meat trade in China was banned, but some parts still do it. The thing is, they have no "cat farms". They just steal them.

No. 1984922

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This is something that disturbed me on a visceral level kek. Every time I see women with big ass acrylic nails holding greasy fried chicken I feel like an alien or something. Peak over the top femininity juxtaposed with popping a glistening animal carcass into your mouth like teehee, I don’t know, it’s some uncanny valley shit

No. 1985063

This is one of those crazy double standards with delusional scrotes. American woman in normal Walmart clothes=a whore dressed like a whore. Foreign woman in literal sex shop clothes that were not meant to be worn in public=beautiful chaste goddess.

No. 1985431

i got a mate who works for passport control/deportation type services (in australia) and about once a month they deport some chinese student or tourist for going to a national park and killing and eating echidnas and snakes and lizards and shit. yokel chinese are almost as annoying as obese brahmin caste indian tourists kek

No. 1985432

retarded crocodile… anon your mind kek

No. 1986303

they hold women overseas to a much lower physical standard and American women to unrealistic standard, label the video as some woman walking to work in America scrotes would immediately rip her apart for her outfit, fake boobs, no ass, big jaw and nose, etc.

No. 1986452

It's all ragebait. Cooking a weird food that happens to be a critically endangered animal and cooking it weirdly while wearing that outfit with those nails is going to bring in engagement from multiple types of viewers who'd never watch her vids otherwise.
Massive nails and food are super common ragebait, unfortunately you're going to see a lot of this shit floating around the internet.

No. 1986675

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This site got mentioned under a tiktok with over 500k likes.
If you are wondering why the posting here is so low quality lately, this is probably why.

No. 1986677

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No. 1986678


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1986699

New thread

No. 1990145

Men are an absolute hive mind. If you scratch the surface of any they all think and say more or less the same things.

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