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No. 188038
A continuation of this thread from almost 2 years ago
>>157737A place to dump your thinspiration, diet goals, workout regimens, ect. This is not the place to talk about eating disorders. If you need support, please visit this thread:
>>139942Please keep your fit girls in the fit thread. All girls are beautiful.
(Admin, if this thread is too controversial, please feel free to lock or delete it.)
No. 188039
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just going to get this going, sorry if there are some reposts
No. 188040
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No. 188041
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No. 188042
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No. 188043
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No. 188044
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anyone else have an obsession with tiny arms?
No. 188046
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No. 188053
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>>188048lmao yeah it is
No. 188054
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No. 188055
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No. 188056
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No. 188057
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No. 188059
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No. 188060
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No. 188061
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Don't forget the importance of bf%! You want to be skinny, not skinny fat.
No. 188062
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No. 188063
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No. 188088
>>188085Same here, as someone built like a midget boy I'll never look like these willowly thinspo types no matter how much cabbage water I restrict to
There's always fitspo though if that's your thing
No. 188097
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>>188085Yeah it's called FITspo
Pic not related
No. 188099
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>>188085Go to the /fit/ thread anon, stop whining about it here.
Strive to be the best version of yourself, not the best version of someone else.
No. 188100
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No. 188102
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No. 188103
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No. 188105
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No. 188109
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No. 188115
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No. 188119
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Where do you guys drawn the line between thinspo and fitspo? Visible muscle?
No. 188150
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>>188119No, I feel like when you are thin you usually have a bit of visible muscle just because you have a low bf%, it will show more. I feel like fitspo is more about the muscle, I.e. big round butts, big strong thighs, washboard abs. There's nothing wrong with either, I just prefer thin for my own body.
>>188125>>188139If you don't like this thread, please just stay out of it. We aren't trying to instigate anything against you, and I don't think we are doing anything against the rules. It's not like this is some incel woman-hate thread or something. We are just trying to post photos and talk to each other about them.
No. 188151
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No. 188152
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No. 188153
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Don't get dehydrated!
No. 188154
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No. 188168
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>>188164Sarah Michelle Gellar is 5'4", she was major thinspo for me when I was younger.
No. 188171
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>>188164I find East Asian thinspo helpful if you're looking for shorter girls.
No. 188173
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No. 188174
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No. 188175
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No. 188176
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No. 188177
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No. 188178
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No. 188179
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No. 188180
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No. 188181
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No. 188182
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No. 188191
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So many triggered fatties itt
No. 188195
I'm currently like this size
>>188179>>188177>>188176and want to be this size
>>188168>>188152>>188151especially in the legs. do you guys think its possible to do this mostly through exercise, like working out the legs to gain muscle, or would i have to significantly increase my calorie intake? I usually eat around 1800/day
No. 188201
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lads im working on healthier eating and i currently walk for around 40 minutes total a day is all, please tell me what exercises and what amounts to do. before i kms with frustration. im shit at exercise, i try to do HIIT on youtube but am winded within the first two minutes, and feel faint. i'd love to just be like "fuck it ill work out this evening" but i dont know what a sufficient workout entails or how long it should take.
i know the obvious answer is to google it but ive been trying to figure it out for like ten years now and im still a chubby retard.
i have pretty much no muscle mass from being a depressed bedbound neet until recently, and want to lose weight but build it back up. any responses will mean a lot.
pic related is my dream size
No. 188208
>>188152Height and weight please. It'll be easier to give advice that way. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, look up your tdee and eat 600 calories under. If you're still hungry you might need to raise it a hundred or so. Stick to mostly fruits and vegetables but some people do keto, just do whatever that works for you.
If you're starting from a higher weight - 200lbs+ I'd focus on just light exercise like walking as you already are doing. And focus on finding a meal plan that works for you. The more strenuous exercise can wait until you're under.
No. 188257
>>188209from personal experience i feel like, exercise is needed after all.
Like personally i could live on 500 calories a day and still
not lose weight. But as soon as i start exercising daily, i lose weight even if i only eat slightly below my tdee.
>>188201the only important thing for exercise is, that you sweat and get out of breath due to exercise. Walking is great, but is more of a senior resident workout.
Also yoga is a great tip. It only need to push your own bodyweight for that.
No. 188264
>>188044Yes. I hate my arms so much. Tiny arms are beautiful and delicate. I wish to achieve them some day. Please- more armspo!
Also, has anyone with broad shoulders lost weight and managed to look not-so broad? They're one of my biggest insecurities.
No. 188270
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I only allow myself to eat 1,000 cals a day, but I'm having trouble finding the motivation to excersize so my weight loss is slow.
I have pretty good motivation for my diet, but still struggling with exercise. I have a bike that I love to ride and a decent fitness center in my apartment. How do you guys force yourself to do it? It probably doesn't help that I've been diagnosed with depression for years and don't find joy in anything.
No. 188281
>>188271This isn't an ana thread wth
Unless you're short this is way too low
No. 188284
>>188281I'm not trying to be Ana. I do not think I have an eating disorder. I'm 120 at 5'3" and I'm trying to lose at least 25 pounds, before mid-July if I can. (I've already lost ten.) I just don't want to end up with a shrivled weird body, so I'm asking how others motivate themselves to exercise and not just cut calories.
Calories in < calories out. From reading the last thread, 1,000 a day without fasting seems pretty high.
No. 188285
>>188284>not trying to be ana>aiming for 95 lbs at 5'3>25 lb weight loss in 2 and half monthsOkay. I'm not judging, but don't be disingenuous about what you're doing or what advice you're seeking.
Anyway, have you tried doing something like the pomodoro technique but applied to exercising not studying? If you use a mobile app for it that tracks how many hours a day and over a week you've completed, it's pretty motivating to keep that streak up.
But be careful, anon.
No. 188287
>>188284Yea no, get some help
>>188283I mean, it doesn't have to be, but I get it
No. 188288
>>188285Look, I'm not being disingenuous. Dieting does not mean you have an eating disorder. I don't really expect to lose that much weight in that short of a time– but it's my goal. 2 and 1/2 months is 10 weeks. Losing two pounds a week is as much as people advise you can sustainably lose. That's about 20 pounds. My goal is only five pounds over that, so it's honestly not even that extreme.
Anyway, the pomodoro technique sounds really cool and can probably help with studying as well. That's very helpful, thanks.
>>188286But a 16 BMI isn't even that bad? 14 or 15, yeah, it's a little scary. But there's nothing wrong with being slightly underweight.
No. 188290
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>>188287>angry fattie detectedpls go eat your feelings somewhere else
No. 188293
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>>188264Same, friend. I have lots of armspo because it's the area I'm the most self-conscious about.
No. 188294
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>>188291Which one poster in particular?
You should leave if you're so
No. 188295
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No. 188296
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No. 188297
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No. 188298
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No. 188299
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No. 188302
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No. 188332
>>188103I don't think so, Scoobs.
Wish there was a photoshop-free thinspo thread.
No. 188358
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Ariana Grande is honestly my number one body goal.
I wish I could be as cute and dainty as her, but alas, I'm a gross 5'7 giant.
And on top of her perfect body she also has one of the prettiest faces I have ever seen.
No. 188359
>>1883585'7 isn't tall though? It's just a tiny bit above US average (5'4).
If you wanna feel tiny move to the netherlands :)
No. 188394
>>188201>>188257>>188209exercise is great for your physique, but
weight loss is diet. You should do both but the main focus needs to be on what you're eating. It takes minutes to eat a 300 cal snack and an hour+ of moderate cardio to burn it off.
No. 188411
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my ideal body type.
I have a curvy inner thigh situation and it pisses me off so much because it makes wearing shorts look sexual no matter how normal they are.
No. 188421
I can't believe she's only 5'3. With how much people raved about how tiny she was I would of guessed 5'0".
Her measurements are nothing to brag about. 32-24-32. I like prefer my girls to have a WHR of .71 or less so no thanks.
No. 188423
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>>188420I know right. She always looks constipated and pulls that confused "jaden smith" pout thing.
Her face is more average and punchable if anything.
No. 188446
>>188115Does any anon have more thinspo like this?
Love me some thinspo with little waist and wide hips. Deff my favorite.
No. 188453
>>188448only because their clothing and makeup were vintage and elegant back then. it's not the models themselves that stood out, styling played a huge factor. put them in
modern fashion today and they'd be just as
basic as every other ~celep~
No. 188457
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>>188041Ah this is really inspirational
No. 188464
>>188288Losing motivation to exercise and struggling to concentrate in class are signs you're not eating enough. Not to mention depression on top of that.
Your body is going into survival mode and reducing your metabolism to get you through this starvation. Scientific research has shown that survivors of severe famine tend to have higher obesity rates later in life.
You're doing yourself disservice and you're better off increasing your protein intake and exercising. The tape measure around your waist is more important than the number on your scale.
No. 188504
a lot of pics here have 5 foot tall girls with preteen bodies and twig legs or over 6ft gals with a petite bone structure. how many of you are anas and why is there such a big focus on getting a giant thigh gap and looking like an "uwu frail bb bean" over getting toned?
>>188173 looks like a completely healthy weight on the left, then remids me of myself as a kid on the right kek
No. 188509
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class lasts forever
No. 188540
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>>188504clothes look better on smaller bodies
No. 188543
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No. 188545
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>>188544She does strike me as a filthy bitch. She's just got that aura about her.
No. 188546
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No. 188549
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No. 188552
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this dance made me fall in love with <3
No. 188557
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>>188552Yeah, I'm trying not to be mean but all those girls are fucking fat, like lets be real here. This is my ultimate thinspiration, I mean just look at her KAWAII knees! I'm 5'9" and currently 95 pounds and I'm trying to lose
at least 70 pounds until summer. Get
triggered fatties!
No. 188572
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>>188569i feel better about my body when i look good in nice clothes
No. 188573
>>188569>If your entire goal for losing weight is to just look 'better in clothes,' then that sounds like a problem.You're right in theory, but this isn't how the cruel world operates.
The world operates based on looks.
You could be a cracked out bulimic eating nothing but junk yet people would assume you're healthy because you're not overweight.
Meanwhile a fattie fatkins can be losing weight, eating right, and exercising yet most people would assume they're unhealthier than crackchan.
Sad but true.
Happened to me when I was losing weight, so I know.
No. 188575
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can we not ruin this thread with concern trolling like the last one? kthanks.
No. 188576
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No. 188577
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No. 188578
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No. 188579
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can someone explain to me wtf is going on with her stomach here
No. 188580
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No. 188585
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No. 188586
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No. 188587
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No. 188588
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No. 188590
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No. 188593
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No. 188595
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No. 188600
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No. 188601
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No. 188652
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>>188044>>188264>>188293glad i'm not the only one, i have super weird insecurities about my arms and i feel like i'm always surrounded by girls with natural effortlessly fairy-esque bby twig arms, and here i am with these short, half muscular/ half flab that will never go away upper arms that cause me to lose out on so many cute styles of clothing (literally only a classic off the shoulder look flatters me because i have good clavicles/ my shoulders look fairly thin if not broad. but cap sleeves? ANYTHING sleeveless without layering something over or under? i instantly gain 10 pounds visually) and it suuuucks because even at my lowest weight, with the rest of my body fairly small, killing myself over tricep dips and upper arm exercises, they're still always the worst part of my body without fail. (def might be the BDD talking but i'm in a thinspo thread so not like that's a rarity)
No. 188657
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>>188504I just like to look androgynous tbh. I do think the before in that example looks really nice though.
No. 188677
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I have a lean but stocky, bottom-heavy (Google camogie player) body. I don't hate it, it makes me look kind of powerful despite my size, I find it pleasant looking.
But I'd love love love to have a lean swimmer's body. They look strong but elegant, as opposed to a powerhobbit like me.
No. 188748
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>>188735tbh for me the androgynous look is a huge part of finding thinness appealing.
No. 188750
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>>188735Dafuq are you talking about? Thin, feminine girls are everywhere in the media
No. 188754
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>>188735 This entire thread has nothing but thin feminine girls are you blind?
No. 188778
>>188740Curviness is a shape not a size. Only braindead retards assume that you have to be "THICC!!" be to curvy. The fuck is so hard to understand?
>>188750Girls with shitty WHRs and boxy torsos aren't "hyperfeminine".
>>188754Not hyperfeminine
No. 188779
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>>188778I'd like to see what you deem as hyperfeminine.
No. 188784
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No. 188786
>>188784this one is adorable.
who is it?