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No. 1917990
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No. 1917999
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>>1917984Take that back now nonna or else
No. 1918081
>>1918076It's kinda funny because one of them caused some controversy in the doodle thread a year ago
>>1336590. I personally like their stuff, including their weird doctor show, but I can see why their style is offputting to some anons.
No. 1918094
File: 1710030993274.gif (3.5 MB, 500x380, IMG_2796.gif)

anyone who refuses to watch black and white or silent movies on principle = uncultured swine. "bluhbluhbluh they're old" doesn't mean they're bad. you're a retard.
No. 1918144
File: 1710034937303.jpg (164.68 KB, 1080x605, Chaae.jpg)

>>1918079There is like zero female media that dumps on degenerate males like they deserve that doesn't care about being mean to trannies and also isn't a pick me rightoid. I can see how maybe the art style might turn some people off. I love it and especially love seeing some of the men seethe in the comments.
No. 1918152
>>1918094I actually prefer old films, including silent and black and white films to the utter garbage that has been shat out in the past 30 years. The limits of technology forced film makers to be creative.
>>1918121Try German expressionist film from the Wiemar Republic
A few examples
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
No. 1918204
>>1917984I don't mind them but I can absolutely see them either going into hacky political cartoonist territory or dropping the radfem angle and leaning into the right wing male audience if their most recent video picks up.
Their previous stuff is not all that political except for some easter eggs, and it has less emphasis on references to ecelebs.
No. 1918206
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I don't like the barbie movie and I'll debate anyone about in an extremely autistic way
No. 1918257
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>>1918246>I'm a very skeptical, almost paranoid person. why don't you tell me what sign I am astrologyfagsI bet you have the same birth chart as infamous aquarius Alex Jones
No. 1918258
File: 1710045106179.jpg (134.35 KB, 1752x550, 1535096227093.jpg)

>>1918245Her comics were popular on /pol/ in 2017
No. 1918265
>>1918257wrong, try again, very nice pic though saved
>>1918254I mean, ok, sure, RTS games are complex too but that doesn't mean goblins are real. maths is objectively correct but that doesn't mean that using those angles to chart moving bodies tells you fuck all about a person.
No. 1918266
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I don't understand the appeal of Hazbin Hotel at all and I'm really surprised it's rated so high on places like IMDB. I've watched 5/8 episodes and haven't been able to get into it at all, I don't find it very funny at all and don't like most of the songs. Really dislike some of the character design and animation. I just don't get it.
No. 1918267
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>>1918258wow they're even on the le reverse racisms bullshit
No. 1918270
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>>1918262omg… I always wondered if this was the same person and now I know. I always got a weird bimbo tardthot vibe from her newer art but I didn't say anything for the most part cause I didn't want to seem like a hater. kind of depressing but I guess she could have grown out of it.
No. 1918274
File: 1710046204645.png (392.13 KB, 473x1024, zyi6zp14quz71.png)

>>1918258this is just straight up racism. are you kidding me, such a loss
>>1918270>weird bimbo tardthot vibethat always weirded me out too, like I don't understand what angle they're going for portraying all their women either as lipo-bimbos or hamplanets, it just seems misogynistic to me but I was almost ready to brush it off until I saw this.
No. 1918277
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>>1918274antifeminist comics too for the headpats from the moids
No. 1918279
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>>1918277of course le white extinction + blackface joke combo, this just keeps getting worse
No. 1918280
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>>1918274At least they realized pick mes never prosper and went a more terfy route, but it doesn't excuse their behavior. Still accumulated a fan base of kiwi scrotes and brittany venti simps, BEGONE.
No. 1918284
>>1918280terf doesn't mean shit anymore, it's so infested with tardthots and conservatives that kiwifarms scrotes feel right at home. part of me wonders if its just cynical grifting at every point in her career because she couldnt compete in the "normie" cute girly comic space.
>>1918281They speak Spanish for sure.
No. 1918289
File: 1710047042598.jpg (14.56 KB, 480x480, f793aecbb7c6b18b9634e07cd7945f…)

>>1918277>>1918258>>1918274I was the anon who said she was overhyped, and all I have to say is: HA!
No. 1918295
File: 1710047181195.jpg (185.32 KB, 960x915, 1670474399907.jpg)

>>1918289hey silly if you read here just know you'll never be one of us
No. 1918299
>>1918294is it
morally wrong though? it's just funny when people drastically try to reinvent themselves, kinda like how every breadtuber has a decade of skeletons in the closet.
No. 1918309
>>1918304if all your humour is about how women who get abortions are loose whores then I think it's fair to assume that's what you believe.
No. 1918311
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Ywnbaterf sillypoo…
No. 1918322
>>1918317I was referring to the comic about women on tinder all being loose holes which no actual attractive woman would think/give a shit about.
>>1918318"cancel her" amongst her audience of 11 thousand? but disagree, lolcow has always been about digging things up, that's the nature of this site. she should be fine with this since she's a true and honest farmer anyway.
No. 1918327
File: 1710048190029.jpg (81.11 KB, 708x660, oldtwitter.JPG)

>>1918303from sillypoo's old twitter, the sort of stuff they retweet would get them banned here
No. 1918329
>>1918315it's a reference to how people will type
in place of saying the actual n word and people will join in spelling it out letter by letter. used a lot for steam games with "forced diversity" or whatever.
>>1918324well, you see, it's extra groundbreaking when a girl agrees with the male perspective.
No. 1918333
I always find it amusing whenever farmers preach about having a “moral compass” kek. If you don’t like her for pandering to scrotes in the past, that’s fair to me. But I’m glad her content is going in a new direction, I enjoy it even
No. 1918335
>>1918318I think it's just a general thing, not just with lc.
Songs can't just talk about how Sailor Moon is a boom anime babe anymore, people have changed.
No. 1918340
>>1918339someone that insincere is always going to seem
sus to me, politics aside.
No. 1918344
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>>1918279wtf even is this
No. 1918349
>>1918340exactly, seems like they have no beliefs they actually care aout, they just soak up attention wherever they can get it, as
>>1918343 says:
> they're pick mes and attention whoring on both sides (kiwi and lc.)they welcome support from kf tards and their old racist, anti-feminist fanbase while also
posing as LC allies because they like to dunk on troons, or seemingly any woman who isn't stereotypically petite and white and attractive? a la
>>1918344 No. 1918353
>>1918349for real, that was exactly the same vibe I got. bet they hate gnc women too.
No. 1918358
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>>1918327i mean this is just unfunny and cringe, "moralfagging" accusations aside. But yeah to be a moralfag for a second, I do also think it's distasteful to base your social circle around saying racial slurs together
No. 1918364
>>1918359hating troons is very popular with right wing circles, in fact it's pretty much the only way terfss get legitimacy. if were being real they swapped out one flavour of tradthot for another.
>>1918361fair point. you can still pander to a niche audience though.
No. 1918368
>>1918359>Them giving up the easy anti-SJW tradthot griftthey didn't voluntarily give it up, their accounts got banned so they went private and collected patreon bucks from racists
>to become radfemsthey are not radfems in the slightest kek, they just mock troons
No. 1918374
>>1918366ok this is going to get very niche and tinfoily but there's a certain sort of "man hate lite" that's not really like the true LC manhate. making jokes about "I wish all men would go to war and die" is very on brand for it. if you remember or have seen bimbo twitter it was full of it.
>>1918370You Will Know Them by Their Fruits. Expect a disgusting newfag influx from this.
No. 1918421
>>1918373No the site wasn’t but that doesn’t mean we should be the same as polfags. This isn’t 2015 anymore you guys can stop trying to bring racebaiting shit to the site and further infect it with anons that can’t integrate.
>>1918304Especially anons like this that try to throw words like twitter around to cover up the fact they enjoy comics from a pol pickme that wouldn’t think twice to change their stance just to get attention from males
No. 1918456
>>1918386if disliking and negatively judging someone for mocking a black woman for looking "manly" and calling her the N word is being "sensitive" then sure, I'm "sensitive," i honestly don't care. plus she was literally retweeting shit like this
>>1918327, either stop trying to downplay clear racism or just admit you agree with griftypoo's rancid takes
No. 1918472
>>1918460>Nobody was that political about it pre 2012, but I absolutely do remember pickme tier shit being said on /cgl/ pre drama ban non stopYeah, we made fun of ugly fatties and 32 inch waist chans. We weren't mad at women for having abortions or seething about Michelle Obama because reeee black woman.
>Being a blue haired feminist obsessed with rape culture was absolutely seen as cringe, nobody was waving around suffragette flags and talking about feminist theory. Sillypoo's brand of tryhard facebook-tier comics, racism and "#IDon'tNeedFeminismBecause" was considered just as cringe. Pretty much everyone but the pickmes and the /pol/tard incels involved saw it for what it was: dickriding and attention whoring.
No. 1918481
>>1918469I made 2 posts I'm not obsessed with anything. A few posters here keep assuming everyone is the same person it's weird. I don't even find this stuff funny but the gasps of frightened anons that talk no different from twitterfags got to me, not going to lie.
>>1918472I'm willing to agree on the fact that these comics are a specific unfunny post gamergate flavor of /pol/ retardation I never gave much attention to, but they're a product of their time. There absolutely still is an audience for that kind of humor today (kf and worse places than kf) and if they wanted to they could have continued that grift, but they didn't. So it shows some maturity on their part that reflects the general vibe of lc as well. Maybe it's a grift too and I'm coping kek
No. 1918491
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If we forgave Jodi for her pickme past i dont understand why we cant forgive sillypoo. I stand by sillypoo, I hope they add a Jodi reference is their next video for maximun moid tears.
No. 1918496
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>>1918493omg them sharing a cell with jodi and doing art collabs would be so cute
No. 1918508
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>>1918506>I didn't think she was as universally (for lolcow) belovedyour newfaggotry is showing
No. 1918512
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The farms used to be casually racist, picrel
No. 1918518
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>>1918513I like her more than Aileen because Aileen isn't a girlboss, she's sadly a woman who was raped and victimized and had to kill her rapist jhons to survive. Meanwhile Jodi killed some scrote just because, humilliated him in front of everyone by airing his dirty secrets, and people still believe her and, dare i say, stan her because she just exudes stacy aura. Idk i just like evil women and aileen isn't evil.
No. 1918528
>>1918518i disagree because i think she killed the moid because she really tried to appeal to him and he just didn't care
nta btw
No. 1918532
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No. 1918540
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>>1918532ofcourse it has to be a NGMI faggot that cant draw that's vendettafagging this hard
No. 1918561
>wall-eyed derivative ms paint scribbles>skillCope.
No. 1918571
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>>1918565Please pick up a loomis sensei book, crab-chan
No. 1918663
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>>1918658Around 7:10 in
>>1918376 this video she basically implies she's conservative and then says she wants to be having kids asap so she can't have a career kek. Also in the same interview talks about hanging around dick masterson and co.
No. 1918673
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>>1918665The reason why I don't think she did is because she's involved with, a relatively new platform started up by dick masterson last year or so and hehesilly did art for it. Disappointing in any case, rightoids are obnoxious kek
No. 1918680
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>>1918675Their alleged "manhate" is most likely Anna Slatz and xxclusionary, in that they will go after visbily ugly left-wing men, but will conflate a man being attractive as being morally superior, but claim it's actually sexulizing men.
No. 1918866
>>1918862No, I'm saying that
as children, at least one of the two must have experienced childhood cancer
I had it, that's how I know they nailed it, and why I loved their cartoon
No. 1918894
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>>1918258I thought these were made by a man. Wheres the proof it was made by sillypoo?
No. 1918905
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>>1918895Oh shit I missed that, I remember seeing those comics back in the day and their being a debate if it was a man or woman but this settles that… I only skimmed the vid, I don't know though. If it was her, it's obvious she had some change of heart, grew some common sense about right wing moids. But people saying she's grifting as radfem… eh idk cause being a
terf/radfem really isnt lucrative like being a rightoid grifter is. Also the art style isn't exactly the same, but I noticed SillyPoo comments "we" when describing themselves so I thought ot was multiple women. Idk how to feel nonnies…
No. 1918924
>>1918918>>1918912>>1918910fuck, I found it, it's real
(this is an imageboard) No. 1918931
File: 1710078499906.jpg (5.22 KB, 224x224, 1707447390174.jpg)

>>1918918>>1918924Uggh wtf I know im coping but why do they not seem to recognize him in any posts?
No. 1918932
File: 1710078562942.png (1.11 MB, 1471x1199, 1644872401051.png)

It's been over 10 hours of derailing, if most of it isn't just the artist attentionwhoring/wking herself, can't you make a separate thread?
No. 1918944
File: 1710078961236.jpeg (582.69 KB, 828x1136, IMG_7726.jpeg)

>>1918924Even if they have additional help for animations from that person, I think hehesilly is still clearly apart of sillypoo.
>similar name >similar art style and hand writing >both accounts have always been mutuals with the same circle of twitter edgelord girls encompassing brittany venti, sheepdawgie, and others And the most obvious stuff:
>picrel is from the hehesilly patreon and it’s just a rougher and earlier version of the sillypoo duo we see now No. 1918945
File: 1710078997185.jpg (Spoiler Image,295.24 KB, 1536x2048, GIPWQ99W8AEq8Ls.jpg)

>>1918924is that a guy? is it a troon? there are some mirror selfies posted on the twitter account.
No. 1918948
>>1918941We’re gonna get slapped with bans pretty soon if we don’t move this discussion elsewheres
>>1918944This is the confirmation I was looking for
No. 1918951
>>1918945I was gonna ask for proof they were male but felt like it was cope, but this does look like a woman. I'm just wondering why they don't acknowledge them for some reason.
>>1918944Damn ok that does look similar, thought hehesilly shut all their accounts down. Idk how to feel.
>>1918948Yeah I agree we need a new thread, we need somewhere to post all this info.
No. 1918956
File: 1710079613873.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.55 KB, 1080x1697, GITqhRPWgAAH2hQ.jpg)

>>1918946maybe it is silly or poo? or a third woman? i don't want to scroll more because it's boring and a derail, but i can't imagine a some moid being a kpopper like this twitter user seems to be.
No. 1918958
File: 1710079629842.jpeg (454.51 KB, 1170x1993, IMG_7141.jpeg)

>>1918944Hehesilly confirmed as the silly part of sillypoo. Posted a link to Drama MD skit on the hehe silly Patreon.
>>1918951 No. 1918963
>>1918944>>1918958Ugh so this is real. We really can't have even semi-nice things.
>>1918797Well I think that scrote might just be mentally ill
No. 1918966
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>>1918958they're still pandering
No. 1918980
File: 1710080417150.jpg (155.67 KB, 913x1200, F_C_w6hWkAAYmcg.jpg)

>>1918949Eh, she looks to be in her mid 30s to me
No. 1918989
>>1918924This is poo, while hehesilly is silly. In some videos there's two girls introducing themselves, 'silly' has an american accent and 'poo' is scottish. There are also videos of them in real life with their faces covered in masks.
They are definitely women.
I think they're just edgelords and the right wing thing got stale so they've moved on to pseudo-radical feminism. People like this don't really believe in anything, I would guess they just want to be provocative.
No. 1918997
>>1918966>>1918958>>1918965I'm so disappointed.
>>1918976Yeah I thought that was nasty too
No. 1918998
>>1918994unless this was a very recent change because
>>1918966 is not even an year old
No. 1919007
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>>1919000>>1918994And for nonnies unfamiliar with stonetoss, picrel. Truly wonderful company.
No. 1919025
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>>1919011>>1919013They are friends and have been for a while = she hasn't changed. I will say that I don't think we're "cancelling" them. I'll still enjoy their anti moid tibits, but they aren't one of us or a good example of us.
No. 1919028
>>1919007>>1918966>>1919006I mean, stonetoss is a fucking cow and retarded, so being friends with him or even liking the ugly drawings he makes is kind of cowish to me.
I guess this was bound to happen, only someone who is a cow would make so many lolcow references outside of lolcow.
I wonder though, what do you even win from acting like you support terfs and radfems if you know you're a misogynistic retard? Is it some
>lol ebic win dey totally thought I support them lmao what a bunchbof idiotsRetard shit?
No. 1919041
>>1919031she's confirmed to be at least involved with it last year, stop being daft.
>>1919038people ITT right now defending it and saying it's no biggie being friends with someone like stonetoss but ok.
No. 1919042
>>1919026You didn't point out shit, your mad at nonnies for pointing out shit.
>>1919013>>1919016>>1919020>>1919006These have to be the same cow, getting this defensive and angry over someone on the internet they don't know… unless
>>1919031It was literally confirmed they were posting right wing moid shit less than a year ago retard. Im not against people changing their mond but it doesn't seem like they truly did.
No. 1919045
>>1919037NTA but what the hell are you talking about. Calm down
victim-chan, you’re acting like stonetoss personally showed up to your house and called your mom a slur while stabbing her
No. 1919052
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>>1919035Said it in the way that nonnas are reacting to her past being pulled up is threatening
>they're a literal nobody but happened to post a thing or two in this boardI sort of agree but their new video has multiple references of this site and it was on the front page of newgrounds and has 14k views on youtube. Takes anyone to ask "what is that site?" or have basic knowledge of imageboards
No. 1919061
>>1919052would be nice if mods exposed her posts like ritard or mistery.jpg tbh I bet this bitch posts 24/7, she seems jobless
>>1919057stop being a little handmaiden bitch to a racist retard then I'll stop being a faggot
(infighting) No. 1919070
File: 1710082529273.gif (192.56 KB, 200x150, 200w.gif)

I have to say, this sillypoo analysis is very entertaining to me. Doing this sort of deepdives and getting autistically obsessed over a subject for hours is the true spirit of lolcow and, regardless of what anons say, this is the kind of energy we need in a time where the interest in cows is severely decreasing. Also if you keep drawing attention to yourself by mentioning/referencing lolcow and becoming a notable figure here, farmers WILL look into you eventually. Again, that's the true spirit of lolcow. I love to see it.
No. 1919075
>>1919031nta but kek I was a huge poltard in 2017. Now I hate all men instead of just a specific subgroup of men.
Anyway change or no change I don't think it's a big deal. lolcow is filled with hate towards moids, any woman who posts here obviously discriminates against others in some way. Like seeing some nonnies say they draw their line of hate at racism is so funny to me.
No. 1919083
>>1919020>>1919016>>1919015>>1919013Silly made art for Dick Masterson's platform
>>1918673, paid actual money to own a shitty book he wrote
>>1918663 and talked about supporting Trump, being more conservative/right wing/politically charged than other people around her in this podcast
Poo made several posts on her Twitter
>>1918924 talking about adoring and following a right-wing Christian podcaster, "DiscoKino", and his following/general circle is tradtards, incels, Milady/kaliacc faggots and accounts with usernames like "DropkickNiggers".
Yes, they are racist tradthots around their 30s who use this place for "cool girl misandrist points" with the gross men they worship, not le based radfem farmers. The Stonetoss thing isn't a one-off. I don't know why there's suddenly a quick succession of posts trying so hard to gaslight about this.
No. 1919089
>>1919077a classic trait of cows is that they think the public is too dumb to notice their milk.
>>1919083thank you
>>1919082I'm awful at making threads sorry
nonny No. 1919092
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No. 1919097
>>1919075I hate
abusive POS moids. I don't hate women, and that includes women who are different races from me. I'm sorry if you have personal problems with the latter, but don't project.
No. 1919123
>>1919110>The point is other people would tell you the same thing And they're wrong.
>"You don't like moids, why won't you be racist too?!?!" Lmao give it up
No. 1919137
>>1919123It doesn't matter if they're wrong or not. It's just silly (heh) to be on a sexist image board but then get offended when a fellow hater hates moids in a different way than you do.
>>1919128Nonnie pls i've been saying i hate all moids since my 1st post.
No. 1919153
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No. 1919176
File: 1710085530487.gif (667.39 KB, 498x233, popcorn-eat.gif)

>>1919139This suddenly got interesting.
No. 1919188
>>1919154Incorrect, it's the hatred of moidkind.
>Its kinda worseKek are you for real?
No. 1919194
>>1919189I kind of agree, but
>didn't know she was misogynisticHer art didn't tip you off?
No. 1919199
File: 1710086631522.png (77.45 KB, 1288x371, kf.png)

>>1919189it's funny because I lurked on kf and they were saying how they're too misandrist and
femcel, as well as they're too misogynistic and racist for here. Pick me pandering never works I guess kek though the scrotes are more lenient
No. 1919206
>>1919194nta, call me a clown but I thought it was ridiculous on purpose and that it was fully satirical. I'm truly a retard because it always turns out it's the opposite and I should know better kek.
This is practically thread tax at this point but pearl clutch-chan is still funny though.
No. 1919214
File: 1710087142214.mp4 (6.42 MB, ssstwitter.com_1710087070694.m…)

>>1918376Do you guys think silly he he's voice here sounds like the one on this video? I'm retarded so i can't tell for sure.
No. 1919225
File: 1710087907317.png (25.22 KB, 685x168, poo.png)

They're lurking kekeke
No. 1919237
>>1919234I'm sure their gay little discords are very active at the moment.
>>1919225>fun or cuteShit fashion sense, shit bedroom, shit humour, shit fans
No. 1919239
File: 1710088580842.png (46.7 KB, 661x326, poolurk.png)

They're trying to win back their precious scrotes since we know now?
No. 1919277
nonnie, it would've been so milky.
No. 1919284
>>1919216Not to "no u!" But I truly believe that the anons calling other admins newfags are actually the new ones. Been here for 7 years and /pol/fags, pickmes and overly edgy people have never really been all that liked along with SJWs. It's the newfags who think we're some edgy
femcel site. I'm also so certain that a few years ago, anons would not have got so offended over farmers making fun of someone who keeps looking for attention from us.
No. 1919290
>>1919284Yeah I don’t really know what is up with these anons, shit like
>>1918258 has never really been accepted here. Brittanyventi/Sh0e have been criticized for the exact same things for years.
No. 1919298
>>1919282Sad but true
>>1919294>the political spectrum is tumblrtards vs. /pol/tards and there is no nuance or any world view that is possible outside of these two extremes.How about neither? Both sides are fucking retarded.
No. 1919329
>>1919309no one is ~cancelling~ sillypoo. some people don't like their content. get over it.
they've been referencing lolcow in their art for attention, they got that attention, not all of it was going to be good.
what's the difference between nitpicking nasolabial folds and nitpicking comics? this is the place for shittalking.
No. 1919331
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Really tired of this shit taking over my insta.
There is nothing wrong with 50/50 a bill on the first date, the amount of women throwing hissy fits and acting like complete bitches because he doesn't pay full is fucking wild to me.
No. 1919390
>>1919282You know how Nyanners still does her pedo-pandering LARP under the same name and persona despite pretending to have moved on from her 4chan days ? It's kind of a similar thing. If Silly actually wanted to move on from her past she would have picked another name and not linked herself to her old stuff and most importantly she wouldn't try to pander to the same audience that liked her edgy shit. You can't have your milk carton and drink it too. Quite a few women on this site "grew up" in degenerate online spaces, it's not like we can't understand.
>>1919342Good thing they look fat in Jfashion too
No. 1919394
>>1919379Why? All it has to be is like two sentences and links to the doodle thread. E.g. "Sillypoo is an art duo who makes animated mspaint videos about (insert whatever the fuck their videos are about). Sillypoo was first introduced to lolcow through the /ot/ Doodle Boards, where a drawing of theirs stirred controversy. Anons quickly recognized their art style and were able to trace it back to the Sillypoo YouTube channel /ot/>>1517160 "
I'm a shit writer and practically ESL but you get the gist
No. 1919395
>>1919282>>1919309>>1919342You're troonishly embarrassing and a newfag for thinking this "y-you're just twitter, omg it's cancel culture" cope works on anyone who's actually been here long, especially to defend unironic twitterfag pickmes who ass-lick scrotes who'd call them fat, post-wall attention-seeking roasties with no eggs left.
Please throw another, bigger tantrum about the fact that we've mocked and shit on other pickmes and tradthots for years. You probably don't realize that because you're an actual newfag who thinks this is "muh edgy
femcel board, /r9k/ or /pol/ for foids!!1" or something brain dead like that.
(infighting) No. 1919406
>>1919284>It's the newfags who think we're some edgy femcel site.We're not
femcels, but this site was created to document and mock people. It meets the definition of edgy and is widely mocked by everyone else on the internet. Just seems weird that the people here openly mock people for things they can't control (mental illness), but then get up in arms for people mocking others for things they can't control.
No. 1919421
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>>1919413imo some of the jill pics are funny but posting them in twitter using hashtags like confetticlub is basicalky asking for her to find them… maybe not straight up cowtipping but it's getting close
>>1919412you can discuss sillypoo without replying to the wk
No. 1919426
>>1919416I don't either. I thought their videos were funny and I'm going to continue to watch them. The people who seem hellbent on hating them don't seem to have any substance beyond throwing every insult at them and hoping something sticks.
>>1919422lol, what?
No. 1919432
>>1919406You can stop being openly BPD online and get help (or at least self-reflect and quit embarrassing yourself), you can lose weight, you can stop having retarded pickme opinions, you can detransition and stop taking horse piss pills, you can stop being a retarded incel. You can't stop being female, you can't undo an abortion and you can't change your race.
There's a reason we've never had threads mocking people simply for being black/filipina/whatever or female, because that'd be retarded. Unfortunately, sillypoo are retarded and value ugly men's attenton over all. That's the difference.
No. 1919445
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My unpopular opinion is that picrel is right and a lot of so called "gulity, anxious" people are coping with their shitty lives and that they either can't change it or doesn't want to change it. "People pleaser" is also a code for bippie/convert narcissism
No. 1919461
>>1919449Dogisaga might be schizo, but IMO she's better than Silypoo in the sense that she's not really pandering to any demographic besides herself, and never seemed to care much if her work was incomprehensible (that's part of the humor). She also isn't racist anymore after actually marrying one of the /pol/tard scrotes and finding out how worthless and
abusive they are, being told to lie about her ancestry to seem "whiter", etc. It was wild when she posted his face and he looked exactly like the chud meme. Her anti-nazi/anti-racist art is funny, too.
No. 1919465
>>1919458That goes into the "coping with their shitty lives while refusing to change" category. Also hundreds of women are murdered because they pretended to help their "friend" who refuses to let go an
abusive moid thanks to her beautiful princess disorder. If they recognize that its a problem, there is hope though. If they can't even do that then it's the best to get away before you get into the crossfire.
No. 1919466
>>1919461Dogisaga isn't a lolcow in the traditional sense but still has her moments in self ID'ing as a FtM and unironically trying to now opt out of being white and connect with her aboriginal ancestry. She's is also absolutely schizophrenic and a woman-hating porn addict.
Still a fun character to watch, but can't be at all compared to.
No. 1919479
>>1919478Thank you for your prayers
nonnie. I too hope your path is untroubled.
No. 1919484
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>>1919445picrel has a point too imo
>>1919476Do scrotes even know what BPD is ?
No. 1919495
>>1919484It can also be replaced with poverty tho. "i have no emotions because i'm poor and i have no time for those" "i'm angry because i'm poor" "i'm depressed because i'm poor" in fact that is the background of 99% of people that "became mentally ill" suddenly
>>1919492A literal menace.
No. 1919509
>>1919331I've never cared about this either. Maybe it's because I work in software so I earn good money but I really don't give a shit if my man earns less than me provided he's attractive to me physically, emotionally and intellectually, has something productive going on in his life and is most importantly a good person.
FDS style "get dat bag" mantra is how you end up married to some Indian or Asian dude you feel no physical attraction to and will inevitably cheat on.
That's my unpopular opinion. Most of these Taylor R style relationships are probably borderline sexless.
No. 1919534
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>>1919461If we're going to set a precedent with sillypoo/hehesilly then we should treat dogisaga the same
No. 1919572
>>1919476I dated a guy who I later ended up finding out was bpd.
Never again would I do that to myself. It was horrific, I couldnt understand why they did the shit they did. Hes one of the only truly nasty evil people I've ever come across. It is for sure real.
No. 1919657
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>>1919647I looked it up and you're not going to believe it, but that nonita is right.
No. 1919663
>>1919647My take is that any psych that diagnoses a young adult with a personality disorder is a quack. All of the professionals I've seen are really hesistant to diagnose
anything when the patient is young because 9/10 times a person grows out of it the weird behavior they're in a stable environment and gain a few years
>>1919657LOL anon
No. 1919675
>>1919509incredibly based nonna
>provided he's attractive to me physically, emotionally and intellectually, has something productive going on in his life and is most importantly a good person. this a million times
No. 1919828
>>1919815I've always thought the same especially seeing posts like
>>1919666 and how lots of nonas seem to be either ldr discord kittens or married to smelly gamer scrotes. tbf normal people don't use imageboards and in some ways this really is female 4chan kek
No. 1919907
>>1919892>overfamiliar game What is that
No. 1919920
>>1919907No I'm tired of having to explain simple phrases to you people omg. Every single day it's "what's that" "what does that mean" I am not a teacher and you have google
>>1919903But people usually do it in inappropriate scenarios with strangers that don't want to watch you play court jester for attention. A lot of times people are tired, high strung, want to go home. Coworkers especially like this are the worst. I'm not sensitive but I would not attempt this with people I'm not friends with.
No. 1920031
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No. 1920122
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As much as I hate religion, I understand that it’s a load bearing belief for many people and philosophies. I try to see it from the perspective of it being a utility. Very few people can create their own philosophies from scratch and it’s interesting to see how religions change over time, like polytheistic to monotheistic.
No. 1920130
>>1920119terf is applied to anyone and everyone who hates trannies. i've seen the word applied to like, trump kek
No. 1920190
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>>1920177I kinda get what your trying to say, the movement included women with various political leanings, from out-right proto-fascist eugenicists to more moderate centrist women, to women with communist leanings, but the majority of them were white english women usually from the Middle and Upper classes. that doesn't make them wrong per-se. but other then a few exceptions they weren't a modern mult-cultural progressive group and there's nothing wrong that. most of the feminist fascists were from the UK, were it's party was kinda different from other Fascist groups, but as stated it was primarily driven by anti-Semitism.
No. 1920197
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The fact that it's become an unpopular opinion to think Poor Things sucks (costuming and set aside) is so sad. Everyone is like "yeah movie about a toddler masturbating with a chicken bone and fucking for two hours is sooo chic and deep". At this point I think people are just so desperate for innovation that being a contrarian to common sense is fine as long as you get to look at something new.
No. 1920205
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I've been saying this for years but english people are LIARS and their language is false. You have to speak in cursive italics but you sing normal? Okay.
No. 1920296
>>1920197Everyone I've asked has actually no idea what the movie is about. They just know that it's some artsy movie about a zombie kek. Once they learn the plot they've all been horrified. I think only those in pedowood like it.
>>1920292now THIS is unpopular kek
No. 1920297
>>1920205Most pop songs are sang with an American accent so to sound pop you use an American accent. A lot of people aren’t aware of this but they do it without thinking.
When I did school choir as a bonglander child the teachers had to tell us not to use American accents even if the song was pop inspired. Though we sang in our natural accents automatically for typical hymns.
No. 1920373
>>1920292She’s pretty to me, but I don’t like her for being in that movie. I always get her confused with Emma Roberts. Emma Roberts is an alleged man beater and the one that got called a transphobe
based kek.
>>1920205No I think that British people’s accents and slang are the real deal. There is no way any serious people are just going along with calling cross guards lollipop ladies/men.
No. 1920387
>>1920376This but with british accents. Especially southern ones.
It doesn’t help that the amount of british assholes or two faces I met in my life are an overwhelming majority rather than the nice ones.
No. 1920401
>>1920389There are a lot of british accents and most of them do not do that kek
t.burger accent
No. 1920420
>>1920376Just curious if you want it to sound like
skworl or
skworelle? and is it
karrmull that irks you or
No. 1920451
>>1918528Nta but I agree with this, I honestly think anons stan Jodi more than Eileen because Jodi is very beautiful so they see her as a Stacey. Eileen targeted johns who weren’t trying to rape her (allegedly, this could be wrong but it doesn’t change my opinion of her) she just wanted to kill as many johns as she could, that is extremely based and Stacey ish of her. She was traumatized and victimized by moids throughout her entire life and decided to retaliate 10 fold, it’s admirable. Jodi comes across as a scorned pick me who was willing to go along with her
victims pedo fantasies when she thought she would be his girlfriend, once he started pulling away she killed him because of the rejection. Good for her for killing a moid, but Eileen is an actual Stacey.
No. 1920489
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>>1918258tbf a few of their comics were genuinely funny, it's like stonetoss, if he wasn't a neo-nazi, he could have been an actually decent webcomic artist.
No. 1920539
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>>1920530>misconstruing the point to start shitNo. Outside time.
No. 1920556
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>>1920489I like satire. Controversy is good, those who say otherwise are hiding something. Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
No. 1920591
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>>1920570>rubeRuben sandwich?
No. 1920638
>>1920538i agree, Amelia Earhart biopic staring john cena fucking when?
Marie Curie biopic staring Chris Farley fuckin when?
Queen Elizabeth biopic staring Henry Cavill fuckin when?
Straight version of Broke Back mountain fucking when?
No. 1920664
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>>1920556I agree with
>>1920646 feminist Victoria Smith talked about these gen-x "liberals" in her book Hags, these men took comedy and drenched in raunch and mockery. They painted anyone with a shred of care as villains aiming to spoil their fun. Feminists, Christians and Communists were all damned by these men (and a handful of degenerate women).
No. 1920814
>>1920706When did they say black women look like men? Genuinely curious.
And as for the holes comic, the point is that the moid browsing the dating app thinks all the women were holes. The comic was unfunny because it was not funny, not because it was offensive.
>>1920727Oh thank god, I’m not into Brits.
No. 1920858
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moooooooooo goes the lol cow(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1921477
I think anons falter to very black and white thinking on here. Like someone being homophobic automatically means they're a tradthot, (example above, unless the anon was truly baiting) or that an anon being racist or antisemitic automatically makes them a poltard, or that using certain words or saying certain phrases means they're a twitterfag or a zoomer or jealous or fat or an anachan etc etc. And don't get me wrong that could definitely be true, I just think it's a very juvenile and lazy tactic to just sum up one aspect of someone's beliefs into an entire category, I'll give an example, an extremely unpopular one.
I don't care about sillypoo making potentially racist comics, I'm bothered by them aligning themselves with stonetoss because he's very clearly misogynistic, but I don't care when people make racist jokes. I think even if they were to come out and admit to being racist I still wouldn't care, you can think of me as a racist for thinking that and I honestly don't care. The point I'm trying to make though is anons will automatically label me as a polfag or a tradthot because of this, without taking into account the other aspects that would make someone fall into one of those categories. I'm not homophobic, I hate pretty much all men, I don't think it's a woman's duty to be a housewife or a mother, I don't want to ever be a mother, I don't look at women who have had abortions poorly and think they should always be legal and available, I detest 4chan moids and "manosphere" bros, I hate rightoid moids and the women who think similar (Candace Owens, Brett Cooper types), I'm not white, I don't believe in white supremacy and I'm not against "race mixing," when people are racist to women it bothers me but when people are racist to men I couldn't care less. So yeah not that any of this matters it's just so cringey to see some anons jump to calling someone a tradthot or a polfag based off the one thing that they might share with a group like that, it's so tired and twitterish. Inb4 "tradthot!!" "go back to pol!!" "It's sillypoo defending herself!!" None of you are very clever, and you're all extremely predictable.(racebait)
No. 1921479
>>1921440this argument makes zero sense, bisexuals and trannies have been historically excluded from the gay rights movement because they were seen as a hinderance. All those boos come from gays and lesbians in the video.
Most LGB would agree that there is an element of heteronormativity in being a transsexual/transgender. This is why it can be considered a form of conversion therapy towards lesbians or masculine women.
No. 1921523
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>>1921492It's been like this for months already, we're getting namedropped and linked on 4chan every day or two. Even on niche boards like /adv/, pic related.
No. 1921524
>>1921521I'm not a misogynist though, at all.
>misogynist who thinks she's not a misogynist because she bashes women of other racesWhere did I do that? I said verbatim in my original post "when people are racist to women it bothers me but when people are racist to men I couldn't care less."
No. 1921538
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People who have a family history of or have eczema should not be allowed to reproduce.
No. 1921546
>>1921535Yeah of course men, but the vast majority are black or brown men. Why would it hurt my feelings that men make up most of the crime statistics? Kek
>>1921534The nonna was saying I was a misogynist who bashed women, so that's what I was replying too and asking her where I did that. Also if they have been racist to women that bothers me yes, but I'm not paying their patreon or stanning them, I just watch their videos so their beliefs don't really matter to me.
>>1921537Fair point, that's true. But I feel like I wouldn't contribute to that because I never say anything or do anything racist. This is the only time I've ever brought up race on lc, or anywhere online.
(racebaiting) No. 1921549
>>1921534why women specifically, because of the toilet paper comic?
btw just curious. how many of you are black or latina?
No. 1921560
>>1921549Because of multiple comics. Scroll up.
>btw just curious. how many of you are black or latina?>if white: "You're a white savior taking offense on minorities behalf!!! Non-white people love being bashed" >if not white: "Lol you're just a seething (slur)!! Sillypoo are normal based white women"An obvious game kek
No. 1921659
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Men look really good in slutty clothes and should be encouraged to wear more revealing clothes. We should go back to men wearing croptops and short shorts. Suits and tacticool shit are butt ugly and everytime i see a meme saying suits are the hottest thing a man can wear i am left wondering if the person who posted that garbage is even straight. Whats attractive about clothes that cover every single part of the body? lame.
No. 1921749
nonnie, you need to get laid. You are so angry all the time and it leaks through in everything you post. I don't think she should shave either, but you're unhinged.
No. 1921818
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The negative impacts of low self esteem on an individual are overestimated.
Let's start with my argument against low self esteem. To expound on what I've originally stated, whether or not you're insecure doesn't strictly determine the quality of your life. It's your actions which do that, and blaming insecurity is an excuse. Studies show that people with high self esteem are actually more prone to violence and low empathy. Similarly, insecure people tend to be harder workers. That's not saying having confidence is an explicitly bad thing, but it is to say that self love isn't the end all be all that it's treated as.
See picrel, which is an excerpt from an article from the NYT titled "The Trouble with Self Esteem". The only reason that society focuses on this shit so much is consoomerism (I went to a spiritual shop and they were selling self love candles KEK) and trying to pin having a shit life because of a shit society on the individual.
No. 1921847
>>1921832>>1921802It is made for losers by losers. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Watching people have awful, shitty, fake sex on camera when you could be having healthy and fulfilling real life romantic and sexual experiences is pathetic. It makes people selfish, lazy and unmotivated. I really feel for kids and teens who are exposed to it. Sexuality is a complicated topic and no one needs all this garbage on top of it making it even harder to understand.
>>1921806That happens for sure, but I don't think most men self insert like that, I think they watch
repost because I misquoted someone
No. 1921924
>>1921920Yes. I was broke and had an
abusive mother, I just wanted some seemingly fast money to get out. I realized before I turned 18 that I'm not cut for that lifestyle and it's not as quick or easy as it may seem.
No. 1921929
>>1921897It’s almost like… the porn industry exploits damaged and vulnerable teenage girls, exactly like
>>1921924. Fancy that! Just because not every porn actress is a sex trafficking
victim (though plenty are), doesn’t mean they’re not being exploited, coerced, and groomed. I’m glad anon didn’t go down that path
No. 1921975
>>1921477Samefag and I'm back from my ban and I just wanted to follow up on something real quick, out of curiosity of anons who kept telling me to go pol I went there and lurked and posted for like 6 hours and I wanted to say what my experience was like.
I still hate men of course, and being there increased that a great deal. I am still discriminatory towards moids of certain ethnicities, I am more racist towards white men now, I already was but that increased as well. But I stand by the fact I am not racist towards women at all, I saw multiple videos that were meant to spark feelings of hatred for Black women and I felt none of that. I see women of all races as my equals and all men below us, and men of certain races at the very bottom. I know that is hypocritical but I can't help how I feel, honestly to me that doesn't seem that bad because I've seen those same races of men and religion place women and my race below them so I feel justified in my beliefs. I also know for sure that pol is not for me, the men there are disgusting and vile and misogynistic and cruel. They celebrate the rape of women and violence inflicted upon us, they joke about children getting assaulted and murdered. And the racism is honestly on another level, they don't even see certain races as human. They seethe over women dating men of other races, they post photos of random women with mixed race kids to mock and insult.
Some random highlights, they're all losers who have no socialization. They think women genuinely enjoy rape, that we all fuck dogs, they don't understand things like nose piercings and cute tattoos. Women are considered sluts for wearing sandals or having a large chest. They take everything at face value, there were some fake Jordan Peterson tweets that the vast majority seemed to think are real. One moid was posting photos of his dehydrated little poops claiming they were stones of a parasite or something I don't even know. There was an AI photo of Greta the activist in a cheerleading outfit that a couple of them thought was real. They were honestly very easy to dunk on, I made a total of maybe 20 posts mocking and belittling them in different threads while pretending to be a moid and nobody clocked me as a woman kek, despite them saying in one of the same threads that women cannot act and are terrible at deceiving them. They also complain about being miserable spending their time on 4chan all day but don't quit or make any effort to lessen the time they spend on their, it's pathetic really.
But yeah there's some pretty awful shit on there, one of the most upsetting was an older woman and her daughter or granddaughter looking outside their front door. A young black man was staring at them and the woman noticed and tried to run inside but was pulled out onto the concrete by the moid. Both the woman and the little girl hit their head on the concrete and he began grabbing items off the woman and then grabbed the little girl by the wrist and tried running away with her in tow. She got out of his grasp and ran back to her mom or grandma and thankfully the moid ran away. I was really happy it didn't end worse but it really upset me, the little girl looked so frightened and the mom or grandma hit her so hard (thankfully she was conscious) but they were both okay and the girl wasn't kidnapped. Another was a photo of 3 very young middle eastern kids with their hands ziptied together and crying. There was no backstory or follow up but I'm hoping they're okay, it really is a depressing place to hangout on and almost everything posted is meant to
trigger a negative reaction.
Sorry this is so long I just wanted to say that being there peaked me a bit more I think, I'm definitely not racist to women not that I ever was, and I hate men more equally now. I for sure won't ever share racist sentiments online (not that I ever did before) because I don't want to fuel racism towards women.
No. 1921989
>>1920556No. And this is an incredibly popular sentiment with everyone but the most terminally online zoomies whose hearts are in the right place but brains are turned off and those with half a conscience occupied brain. This sentiment along with "freespeech" is evoked to cause undo harm on groups that already get fucked over the worst in the world.
This is a common sentiment of pickmes and moids to justiy the continued ills in the world and i'd argue the absolute default of all media because it encourages moid degeneracy be normalized in all media and makes jokes of children, animals and women being
victims to male violence with the goal being to create real violence out of fake violence in sentiment and sometimes in reality. The pattern of media now still echoes this sentiment but in safer ways, or what moids call "woke" and "progressive". There is no such thing as truly progressive media because truly progressive media would be misandry for example, kek. You can speak for no one but yourself, so enjoy your incredibly based satirical rape jokes where women, children and animals are nearly always the butt of the joke I guess.
>>1920646>>1920664Damn I already wrote my post but yeah this exactly. Women are the superior gender in every way and this only exemplifies why.
No. 1921992
>>1921980I agree, the bluntness is one of my favorite things about lc, I always appreciate the honesty and hearing nonnas opinions on things, even if I disagree.
>Hopefully anons don’t dogpile you again kekThat's okay kek, I honestly feel really bad about making nonnas uncomfortable with my posts and being hard headed about it. I never want to make anons feel how I do being on pol reading about all the ways they hate women and think of us as inferior, it really sucks and I don't want ever want to mimic that behavior.
No. 1921994
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>>1921969I don’t mind most of the banners, but I really hate this one. I get it all the time. No offense to the anon who made it, it just feels like tumblr fanart from 2016 in the worst way
No. 1922022
>>1921991It's the unpopular opinion thread for a reason.
Here's my unpopular opinion from the celeb cow thread: dating a moid 20+ years younger than you isn't based. It's cringe. Even if you're with him because he's cute/hot/attractive, how do you stand his immaturity and shit zoomer personality? And if you find a way to put up with his childish shit because of his looks you must be really shallow. Age gaps are ok but dating someone young enough to be your kid is embarrassing, man or woman. If a friend of mine said she wants to date a man young enough to be her kid I'd tell her to try to find out what's missing in her life instead of calling her based.
No. 1922035
>>1921969>no icky and gross sex stuff uwuyou must be 18 to post here
>>1922027site demographics changing
No. 1922047
>>1922027NTA but I'm
>>1921969 and I'm an oldfag who hasn't noticed a lot of people complain. I think the people who don't like the banners just don't complain much. Last time I saw someone complain was years ago and I only remember it happening because she got so many replies saying the banners shouldn't be taken down because they're historical.
>>1922035I am probably way older than you. Not wanting to see ugly fake orgasm faces doesn't mean I'm a kid.
No. 1922064
>>1922061i agree, we should all use the power of AI to make men that all look like they are about to troon out to
trigger males, funny shit.
No. 1922105
>>1922022Yes I agree but I'm also not gonna say shit when a woman does it cause moids do it more often and are often
abusive. And I will still call any famous woman based for dating a young moid.
No. 1922137
>>1922085Um actually it's herstory* anon.
>>1922126I think the OG cows from pre-2016 were destined for greatness being documented on this website. I wish anons were more fired up by their personal vendettas so we could get a new batch of cows that could rival the worst of the pre-pandemic era.
No. 1922161
>>1922157Literally. This anon was actually seriously saying "why would anyone want to
laugh at the
lolcows?! My heavens, what sort of degeneracy is this!" like girl come on now.
No. 1922176
>>1922150not really? i mean everyone enjoys gossip regardless if youre mentally ill or not but it does depends what kind of
lolcows they laugh at.
No. 1922188
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>>1921477Not sure if this is new but it seems stonetoss has been doxed. derailing) No. 1922192
>>1922022>how do you stand his immaturity and shit zoomer personality?By remembering that men my age behave the exact same way. They never mature kek that's a myth.
>And if you find a way to put up with his childish shit because of his looks you must be really shallow. Oh no not..shallow.
No. 1922200
>>1922114Because posting in the vent thread about my depression and knowing that there are women who struggle with similar problems makes me feel better. I just find Pumpy uninteresting that is all. She doesn't even do anything lolcowish. Her situation is kinda sad tbh. She has 0 self esteem and allows a moid to leech off her and soon she will run out of money because she will be too old. Also, some of her takes on moids are BASED. I don't think she's a lolcow. Just a stale sex worker. The internet is filled with them
Personally, I find Pixielocks entertaining. She comes from an incredibly privileged family. She's been treated well all her life. Her mum does everything for her, yet she's LARPING and pretending to have illnesses she obviously doesn't have. Illnesses that people who grew up in poverty with neglectful parents have. That's lolcowish to me.
Also, Venus's case is sad. I don't wanna laugh at someone that is actually suffering.
The internet is filled with privileged LARPERs with rich parents enbies and gender specials. I don't want to laugh at people that suffer from misfortune or that are straight up stale. I've found more lolcows outside of lolcow.
No. 1922218
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Isay this as someone who's not a huge coffee head and always drinks it with lots of cream and flavorings: Starbucks is not good coffee and it's wayyyyy overhyped. It only got popular because of the power of packaging (remember when pics of colorful Starbucks drinks were all over Pinterest and Tumblr?) and I guess because it's really the only drink chain restaurant in the US. I mean yeah Dunkin Donuts is known for their coffee but that's Dunkin DONUTS. Usually the coffee and flavors in Starbucks really are not that strong, it's almost watery.
Anyway, people should go to local coffee shops and skip out on Starbucks. I only go there when it's my birthday cause I can get a free treat.
No. 1922233
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>>1922188I knew he was fat
(stonetoss derailing) No. 1922243
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>>1922188I was literally praying for this the other day in the art salt thread, I knew he'd be a fat ugly moid. This is amazing.
No. 1922270
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>>1922188Imagine if males didn't exist.
No. 1922297
>>1922270Men using this story to get their misogynistic opinion accross are always so funny. Yeah Eve needed the literal devil to fool her into eating the apple, Adam was so fucking stupid that he just followed her and never questioned shit kek. So what they're saying is that as men they are so dumb they'll follow women in everything.
>>1922188>Ugly>Fat>Neckbeard>Balding>Retarded grin>Makes unfunny woman-hating comicsIt's like he's trying to fill a bingo card or something
No. 1922312
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>>1922188Lmao this is too funny, why is it that all nazi dick riders always look like the opposite of what they preach as peak humanity? He has the face of a Daniel Travieso Abadi who ate too much thinking that body building means you only eat shit and never lift weights.
No. 1922328
>>1922188>Ugly>Fat>IT fag"I'm 8.5/10 tall white guy"
KEK. Men are fucking delusional. No wonder this faggot seethes about real women
>>1922270 No. 1922364
>>1922188>puerto rican lmaooooooooooooo
anyway, he's fat and I would not have sex with him.
No. 1922366
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>>1921050>punishment that is out of proportion to the crimes. >be me>make comics expressing my opinions>people see the comics and discuss them>they disagree with my edgy takes and are disappointed>"Wahhh I'm being PUNISHED and CANCELLED for WRONGTHINK"If you expect to be coddled at every turn and never, ever face criticism or disavowal (even for bashing others), you're probably either mentally unwell and seeking validation from the wrong places, or actually the type more naturally inclined to "safety bubbles" like Tumblr and Twitter, and you'd be better off there.
No. 1922380
>>1922337>>1922366yes I did see them and they were neither funny nor offensive? you’re too sensitive. if you spent a couple minutes on actual /pol/ like the other anon and see falemales wish death on people for not being white or Christian, that might put things into perspective.
this is going to be my last reply on the topic. next time you use a public restroom I hope there’s poopy toilet paper in the trash can.
(racebaiting) No. 1922400
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>>1922188Jeb Bush looking retard
No. 1922405
>>1922380>cries that people not liking something is somehow "punishment">says others are too sensitiveYou're not made for imageboards, you are way too fragile and project hard when confronted. We know what /pol/ is, and that's why we don't like sad pickmes/tradthots. Take a break, stay in an echo chamber if you're going to get
triggered every time people don't share your opinion, kek.
No. 1922424
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>>1922410>that discrepancy between his legs and torsoHe looks like an exquisite corpse
No. 1922436
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>>1922188This was the tweet I saw before his reveal, anyone seen a transwoman in his future? I bet its all he could pull lmao.
(stonetoss derailing) No. 1922463
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>>1922436>>1922410God bodied him giving him that body and face. Straight up looks like a bloated corpse.
(stonetoss derailing) No. 1922471
>>1922440Women tend to be guilty of it more even if this happens in all online communities. When talking about female socialization I meant both irl and online and there's no way you're gonna lie to me and say that women don't tend to have pecking orders in their groups.
>>1922444Nah women are more annoying about it
>>1922447I'm just speaking in general and this was a stream of consciousness. Nothing happened in particular to make me write this but this is an observation I've made being on here and similar places online.
>>1922456I mean it's autistic as fuck to catalogue everything a stranger does so I've find it dumb to imply that this place was just normal people laughing at retards. You're already a weirdo yourself if you spend that much time on here tbh. Look at the vent threads and you'll see anons complaining about how they feel outcasted or hate "normalfags"
No. 1922474
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>>1922457they'd have a point if the "chads" they posted weren't so ugly
No. 1922490
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>>1922484Kiwi scrotes are far worse looking. This made me kek though; what the fuck is that extra chromosome side profile?
No. 1922491
>>1922477>>1922486This ugly half Puerto Rican will surely save the whuite race kek.
>>1922490They're seething about anyone calling him ugly because they probably look similar. Not to mention they ree that women better looking than him or just as bad as if they're worse. It all hits too close to home for them the same way fat dreams dox did.
No. 1922492
>>1922485I meant that it was never intended as a safe haven for female weirdos
>>1922481Most of my friendships with women dissolved after I stopped being the one to initiate everything, or they just stopped talking to me after a while. I dont think women are awful, certainly not worse than men, but I can’t seem to make friends with them.
No. 1922493
>>1922481Ummmmm. I don't know what's up with this gendering shit. Humans can be pieces of shit regardless of gender or where you find them.
Also, as cockbreath-chan posted a screenshot of a "radfem" from Twitter "I can't make any friends because all women in my college are dick sucking whores".
Humans are imperfect. Most people are flawed. Dissonant. Hypocritical.
No. 1922498
>>1922492I think the problem a lot of nonas have with irl friendships is you'll have just a few different people who are all independent of each other. These people probably have their own little groups of their own. That's why they fall off the radar.
I don't mean to be a bitch, but if you're (not you in particular, you plural) a bippie then get help first before trying to build new friendships.
No. 1922510
>>1922505Sure. My point is more that seeking out other women here and on adjacent spaces for friendship is going to leave you with a nasty taste in your mouth. These aren't good people.
More generally the ship for healthy internet based relationships sailed probably ten or fifteen years ago. I was lucky enough to meet all sorts of amazing women and men on geeky online spaces back then. These days the spaces aren't niche enough, there's too much noise and information and too much mental illness.
No. 1922521
Remember to be responsible when you get drunk, people will not sympathize with you no matter how much you cry after you lose control of your actions.
Remember, when drunk people can't can't consent… [/spoiler] specially men [/spoiler]
No. 1922534
>>1922517>You just think your psychopathy should be let off the hookOh be for fucking real. No way you think mean comments on the internet is psychopathy. How is it this site runs in circles every day with
>women are held to higher moral standards than menAnd
>women who hurt my feelings are basically as evil as violent menYou know damn well every woman on this site has a far, far lower likelihood of being a rapist or murderer than your average moid.
No. 1922546
>>1922423>>1922441is it true though? it seems like you have to do something kind of specific to actually get mobbed instead of one person getting mad. it's like how personalityfagging is against the rules. I enjoy personalityfags usually. they're like miniature cows, but like cows they can shit up the board. plenty of anons have discretion and individuality. there's also a lot of wannabe schizos that are obsessed with categorizing remotely transgressive behavior or control freaks.
>>1922483yeah and that's precisely why you probably met so many. this is a IB, those that make an identity out of browsing lc and make it known are probably inherently stranger. this isn't tumblr.
No. 1922556
>>1922525>>1922524I said there are sjw leaning posters too but even if you don't completely allign with being a radfem which I don't either. I have my fair criticism towards them. I think pretty much everyone on lolcow agrees that the tranny stuff is incredibly dangerous and it's also something pushed by the medical system to make as much money as possible. It's not even in the sense of "men are invading female spaces" rethoric. It's literally people being concerned with the well being of underaged children and teenagers that are barely 18 that get pushed by society, friends, the medical system to completely ruin their bodies, they are being brainwashed. Even amongst leftists and troon communities there are people that speak out against transitioning because they got pushed into it by the medical system when they were young, confused and vulnerable and the repercussions are horrendous. It's not even "hatred" where you sperg about trannies invading female spaces. I think that we all agree it shouldn't exist and that it is incredibly dangerous.
>>1922525It's not even a common "enemy". I think everyone on here agrees that trooning out is incredibly dangerous and it ruins your forever. It's not even hatred necessarily. A lot of it rises ethical problems.
Now I will stop because this is the unpopular opinion thread
No. 1922578
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>>1922481> Make some real female friends in real life and I guarantee you that your opinion will changeNo… just no. Irl women suck so much if you don't fit an ultra specific mold. I am not a neet either so i interact with a lot of women enough to know i want nothing to do with them and it's not even out of hate. But funnily enough i actually agree with the first two sections of your statement because i have never once thought of turning to 4chan or males for companionship because it's retarded and i already knew i hated moids very early on. The key is to have a hobby and keep busy. It also helps that i have been lucky with the friend finder. There are some trainwrecks on there, but also some ok people, but i find that most of the ok people will ghost you after a while or don't really give a shit about you that much, but groups are better than 1 on 1 interactions.
No. 1922585
>>1922578this this this this
other women feel like a different species
No. 1922644
>>1922611You don’t have to do that though. People like that only have superficial friends. Just be authentic. Of course I can understand how things like autism would make it more difficult regardless. Still, no one was talking about people problems / difficulty socialising, they’re talking about
women. The original opinion was complaining about the girls that act like women are crueler than men so they only hang out with moids. Those women are either lying pick mes or have some personality traits that only men put up with.
I don’t relate to most women in the slightest, I’m pretty impolite and I don’t fit in with conventional “woman” stuff (not straight or feminine, not into fashion or makeup, nerdy hobbies) I still have more female friends. Yes I’m friends with moids, but even those friendships are shallow because that’s the extent most moids are capable of.
No. 1922646
>>1922630No. I like anime but it attracts too many actual japanophiles who think the place is paradise, are desperate to live there and rage about random literal prostitute cows who work as hostesses there because they consider that an aspirational lifestyle.
A few months ago some baiter retard on /g/ was claiming Japan was one of the most feminist countries in the world because they have female only train carriages and "take care of women".
No. 1922650
>>1922601You mean the Hungarian bands?
Keleti Fény
Autumn Twilight
Irgalmatlan Nővérek
Black Leaves
No. 1922658
>>1922639why do some users expressing the sentiment of “not relating to other women!!!!!” bother you?
>>1922644sometimes it just happens. for me personally there wasn’t some “drama” or whatever it just petered out quietly, and my male friendships didn’t. women can keep each other in line very strictly.
No. 1922666
>>1922635I'm not following the discussion as closely as you guys are about women vs men so I'm not arguing for either side. I was dropping in an anecdote that bait like that exists all over here all the time, it
triggered the memory when I read
>Have fun when your male friend group turns on you and gang rapes you. No. 1922687
>>1922677do you need to be so condescending? Sometimes it just happens, not everyone makes friends based on ideological purity. Befriending women isn’t as easy for me as it is for you so idk why you’re acting like it’s something I rejected whole cloth and not something that I’ve tried and failed at many times- but congratulations on identifying its a me issue. I would like to have female friends for things I can’t do with my male friends but it’s hard to find women like me because
statistically there’s less of us, and they’re also less likely to try. I’m not going to be friendless in the meantime for moral purity reasons.
No. 1922738
>>1922618the word pickme or nlogs has lost any meaning. like how is talking about negative experiences with other women suddenly mean you're pandering to scrotes lmao
>>1922630not all of us like gay asian cartoons
No. 1922744
>>1922718You really aren’t understanding are you lol. Talk about that all you want because that’s a real thing (although not as common to me as anons are making out to be). All
I’m saying is that NLOGS who act like men are a better alternative when they also are often socialised to be a certain way are just trading one set of problems for another. If you prefer moids’ problems to women’s that’s on you and okay to vent about but don’t expect to come to a female-dominated site and find women agree with you that other women are oh-so-terrible and hard to get along with and scrotes are just so much better company kek.
Maybe it’s location but most of the guys here are pretty boring, they just like watching sports and going to the pub and bitching about women. I’ve never had a friend group that wasn’t funny, couldn’t chill and play video games together etc and they’ve always been majority women especially because we were into alternative fashion and anime. No. 1922767
>>1922731tbh the personable ones probably already have established long-term friendships.
I've known someone since I was a little girl who I have played minecraft with and I sincerely thought it was the default friendship. she has 2 other really close friends from childhood and the only people she shit-talks are male family members. I don't think anyone finds us cool or aspirational though, we were considered losers in high school and college.
No. 1922793
>>1922630Personally, I feel like you're not incorrect; imageboards and their users should have some sort of link to Japan in some manner. In a "historical" sense, all of this boils down to weeb shit. 4chan was just a copy/pasted, English translated version of 2chan. lolcow was made because of /cgl/, and it really doesn't get much more weeby than cosplay/gothic loli-related content. Cosplay is literally dressing up as anime characters to celebrate them. People pointing at 4chan and saying "not an anime site" are delusional. Just because these sites have grown over the years doesn't mean the past is completely irrelevant. One could argue that the decline of these platforms is because of the influx of users who despise anime/any content from Japan. And don't any of you give me the
>Umm, gothic lolita is Victorian-era inspired blah blah blahIf someone accesses lolcow without already knowing that, then that just further proves the point I'm trying to make.
I feel that the issue stems from the fact that more and more regular people access the internet now. If they wanted a truly anime-free experience, they should do so on a non-Japanese platform. There are probably an infinite number of websites that don't use an imageboard format to display and interact with content and other users.
No. 1922818
>>1922200ayrt. honestly i find it bizarre that some people comehere just to blog about their life in /ot/ and look down on users who enjoy cow stuff. i know the golden era of cows has passed but i dn't get why someone would even come here specifically when there's a bilion places to talk about your daily life and mental health. this place is for the weebs and NEETs and mean girls who enjoy making fun of retards, you're gonna meet them even on the offtopic boards.
>>1922618true. hellweek didn't do shit either
No. 1922838
>>1922824>>1922830>Uhh, since I don't have a rebuttal, I'll call her a newfag!Let's not do that. There's no point in trying to prove to you how long I've been using lolcow/4chan/imageboard and BBS platforms. You should reread my original post.
>Just because these sites have grown over the years doesn't mean the past is completely irrelevant.What do you think this means? The point is that the internet used to be primarily used by losers and rich kids. Of course this has changed over time, internet access has gotten cheaper and easier over the decades, but the fact that imageboards are losing part of their historical, original use leaves a complex feeling. People come to a website that was originally for cosplay and EGL community drama and wonder why there are posters who like anime here. If you don't see the point I'm trying to make them that's not my problem.
No. 1922963
>>1922950>get abused by men so bad you decide to turn into onei know people, specially actors can be pretty retarded but, really?
>>1922958this, they are pretty much breastless lesbians and the fact they can't admit it will ultimately make them end up on a worse place than the one they were when they trooned out.
>>1922962who the fuck is dylan? also yes attention seeking weirdos are real and most of them will eventually troon out or do something worse to get the attention they/them crave
No. 1922971
>>1921989What fascist black and white thinking. Truth isn't evil, those who try to suppress freedom of expression in order to further their agenda are evil. There are two types of humor, good and bad.
Basically a good joke functions by creating suspense and then revealing something that wasn't evident before, some truth, by nature good humor is illuminating, suppressing something like that would be like suppressing what makes us human.
Bad humor on the other hand is always done at someone's expense, its funny because it allows one to indulge one's dark inclinations.
Its important to distinguish between the two.
No. 1922996
>>1922377>not all menz are rapistsOk
>blames women in relations for getting rapedShe probably means that she doesn't care about het partnered women because they are insufferable and should have knew better than dating men. It's not that serious, some women are tired of the endless trauma content hetero women provide with their moids and the endless pity party.
>calls women who touch men pigsCause they come off as that, should I bring screenshots of them sounding like pigs? Go to any sex space online and see how horrible these people sound and the masochism coming from women would be a
valid reason for a woman to wish to not be perceived as a woman ever again however tifs are the same as these women so idk, and certain hetero sexual acts are a symbol of the inherent inequality between sexes, making women who suck dick a slaves of men cause the pleasure can't be reciprocated. It's sadomasochism. You're probably just addicted to self degradation and have a love hate relationship with it cause some women genuinely do not care and keep you know what. Not everyone who doesn't suck on men is a lesbian, most lesbians now preach "lesbians like dick!!". You sound like a moid with these lesbian accusations. Moids bully women who are turned off by hetero sadomasochism and call them man hating lesbians
No. 1923230
>>1922599I'm a big TON fan and not a goth by any means (and neither them) but I agree, that album is way overrated and I hate the whole ~uwu sexy vampire bf,breathing and moaning into the mic like a retard~ schtik.
"World is Coming Down" is a way superior album imo but it's not ~aesthetic~ enough for the Instagram "goths".
No. 1923310
>>1922999>there's a theory of the brains of women with aspergers being hyper masculinizedno, they just don't always act hyperfeminine for western ideals which is seen as "masculine". the brain has no gender so behaviour gendering is based exclusively in how you yourself see men and women. in some cultures mild autism is seen as a positive feminine trait cause they tend to get hyperfocused on school and non-fiction nerd shit as opposed to makeup and boys so the difference is encouraged by adults.
>Even terfs hate women like this but pretend not tosomeone not walking the walk after talking the talk doesn't mean the whole batch of people claiming to support gnc behaviours are liars. plenty of people say what they want to support but haven't fully internalized. people will also claim to support things but have exceptions they don't realize mean they don't truly support the thing.
No. 1925856
>>1922971>There are two types of humor, good and bad. And who decides that? Certainly not women and girls otherwise rape jokes wouldn't be peak humor and most media wouldn't be trivializing horrors.
>those who try to suppress freedom of expression in order to further their agenda are evilKek what absolute empty garbage. Continue being a freedom fighter for pedofillic and rapist males humor I suppose, very strong of you to fight black and whites with ackshually "black and whites that I like". I'm going to save your comment to remind myself of why the moid propaganda psyop of freedom of expression and the counter argument of "muh satire" is dogshit. Also, I'll repeat that your opinion is not unpopular and that's for a clear reason. I'll give you a hint; its not because anyone cares about freedom of expression.