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No. 2031808
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters> Debates over death of the author> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creatorsRelated threads:
Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
>>1978406Fujocoomer cringe:
>>1959358 previous:
>>2000429 No. 2031870
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Saw discourse popping up on my TL yesterday about BG3 fandom being "disgustingly ageist" and it turns out it was over this mod. God forbid women want to look at a hot Edward Cullen-esque twink and not a saggy jowly old man
No. 2031889
>>2031884charming wrinkles belong on grandmas
nonnie, not on someone you'd like to fuck
No. 2031898
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>>2031889Couldn't be more wrong
No. 2031929
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>>2031870Of course they had to choose the one where he looks the most uncanny valley. As if they are no better ones where he doesn't have wrinkles but still looks normal. I hope they make more no winkles mods for Astarion so they can keep seething over people doing whatever they fuck they want to do with their game.
No. 2031936
>faggy music+drama teacher who works nights at the jazz club. will never launch his band. drinks coffee and abuses stimulants. has students who like him despite his raggedness.After
>obese jock mouthbreather who sits behind you in school and huffs down your neck the entire class. is slowly collapsing under his own weight like a red giant star. peaked in high school. unrecognizable by the first class reunion.>>2031929Not an Astarionfag but lower right and upper left are very cute considering the character they had to work with. Pity they don't keep his curls.
No. 2031958
>>2031936>>2031942>bottom rightreally? I don't like any of them (or the character in general) but that one just makes him look like one of the (imo) blandly ugly male face defaults. Ah well, each to their own.
even though Astarion looks haggard, I can still squint and see what others are into about him. Gortash though, I just cannot see the appeal in (it's not like he even has a particularly fun presence in the game, like idk Raphael's performance, he's just some dumb wanker… is just being a villain enough?), yet I see so much thirsting for that hairy cretin kek
No. 2032170
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So this is only partially related to fandom, but it does have a strong correlation. I was watching a film video essay (which I sorta half agreed with), I was this one inconsequential comment(as well as a few TIMs and TIFs) and it reminded me of something. Most people didn't realize how unironically, the vast majority of film study theses (and a good chunk of other subject theses as well) will take some movie that is barely remembered, misinterpret it and create retarded takes. I've seen theses about how Gone Home is actually about racial imperialism, or how Hook is an allegory for the fear of queerness around of children and there are thousands of theses like this, and the vast majority of them get approved. When you see a moronic breadtube pulling some bogus source, this is what they're referencing 99% of the time
No. 2032390
>>2032276That's just because twatter is on a constant virtue signaling purity race to see who consumes the most artsy non-lewd animu so they can go around gloating about being less coomer than thou on the peseants who watch anime with fanservice, all despite the fact that practically all anime are made by degenerates anyways.
You will have people swearing to you on their mother's grave that Chainsawman or Dragon Maid aren't coomer at all, despite Makima being Fujimoto's personal fetish mistress since he was in highschool or there being a loli with melon-sized breasts, I'm also convinced Lucoa is literally invisible to them.
Whoever made the wish to the monkey's paw to make anime more mainstream should be detained, I guarantee these people didn't watch anime at all before the late 2010's.
No. 2032414
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>>2032382I don't think so, there's a lot of fairly recent stuff that's great if you get out of the trending bubble.
There's three shows ongoing now that Im watching that are both fun and nonfanservicey.
No. 2032460
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>>2032416Agreed. I miss the hand-drawn painted backgrounds, everything is too sharp and clean now and it’s just not as comfy
No. 2032963
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>>2032416AGREED. I like how people strive to emulate the Studio Ghibli style but in digital form. Like dude you can download Ghibli-style tree brushes all you like but you'll never replicate the natural, organic quality of them.
No. 2033020
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It makes me laugh when western weebs try to convince eachother that obvious fetish female characters are good ''strong female representation''. I don't know if they genuinely believe it or of they are just coping to justify liking a medium thats 99% boob fanservice. I have seen retards try to claim the gunsmith cats girls and revy are strong female representation!11!.
How do you reach this level of brainrot where you are incapable of discerning between a real female character thats meant to be cool and strong, and obvious waifubait made because the author likes drawing hot women?. Also, dont get me wrong, i Love Revy and Rally, but they are clearly coom bait and not meant to be genuine strong female characters. Its like when people ask me why i draw guys with guns instead of girls with guns. I am a straight woman, i just like cute guys.
No. 2033033
>>2033027samefag but to add to my argument, separating female characters between sexualized and virginal is just madonna-whore complex rebranded.
>>2033030what was your point then? media for scroteshits still can have characters that are strong even if they're poorly written most of the time and whored for the audience.
No. 2033081
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>>2033069its not hard. If its made by a woman then its strong female representation, like Riza. If its made by a man, its just a strong mommy dommy character. I find it funny zoomers will cry and cancel any woman who dares to draw yaoi because ''its fetishizing gay moids!!1!'' but will look the other way when a man, like the chainsaw man author, explicitly shouts his dominatrix fetish and still praise his dom mommy characters as ''strong female representation''. For example, you will never see riza get a figure like this.
No. 2033088
>>2033081Only because she's pokemon, tbf. Bunny figurines are probably the most common "let's sell out" alongside gacha collabs and the original creators arent usually involved as tar as I know. If the companies can get away with it, they will.
It's the same with the most random definitely not husbando bait male characters getting perfume.
No. 2033106
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>>2033103Sexy Tanaka-san.
No. 2033119
>>2033114And? I said the people that make bunny figurines don't care at all if the character is waifubait or not.
They make whatever character they can sell as a bunny figurine, good female rep or waifubait.
No. 2033126
>>2033117just because she is well written it doesnt mean she cant also be coombait.
>>2033118nta but you are the exact same twittertards i was complaining about in my original post. Literally incapable of liking something without politicizing it first.
No. 2033127
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>>2033104>if you think a character can't be taken seriously if it's sexualizedI do think that. I will never respect fictional characters created entiriely so a man can jack off when he looks at her. Meanwhile men are throwing shitfits when their precious video game male MCs look a bit too attractive or by the gods, sexually attractive, because they can't "take them seriously" otherwise. A woman exualizing herself for the male gaze be it fictional or real will never be "taken seriously" and you know it.
No. 2033132
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>>2033124I can definitely agree on that.
No. 2033144
>>2033139I literally never said it was sexist to not like a character because it was sexualized. but it's retarded to assume every sexualized character is solely coombait because there are good written characters out there being whored for the audience.
>you and twitterfagsI dont even have a twitter account kekk
No. 2033155
>>2033152Kek my
nonnie you're the one making this argument and you can't even bring the evidence back it up? Sad.
No. 2033165
>>2033159>I'm not going to point out examples because you will nitpick them and I have no time for it. So you're aware your argument doesn't stand on two legs and have already given up. Godspeed
nonnie get some sleep.
No. 2033184
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>>2033181That's it. World peace achieved
No. 2033194
>>2033146Nta and don't take this an an example because I won't say her name because spoilers, but something I've read had a female character die. While she would 100% be categorized as "boobie waifubait" when it came to visuals I was surprised at how most comments were respectful, practically obituaries about her personality and her life. How she was both bold and arrogant, how she was cherished and blessed in her life both inverse and out and how even in death, she went with utmost grace and dignity.
Ngl it was pretty nice, I liked her too.
No. 2033197
>>2033190you have brainrot and think the only "
valid" type of female characters are the one who you can see yourself on because they're not being whored for scrotes. I just try to appreciate characters for what they are and ignore any sexualization if the character is worth it. we're built different and you will keep clutching pearls while I'm still able to enjoy media not made for me while still recognising its' flaws. you're the epitome of a twitterfag, won't take anything but "representation", will politicize any character and won't accept people might see media differently.
No. 2033262
>>2033258How is saying "some female characters are ragebait" a defense?
If anything, wouldn't that be worse?
No. 2033264
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>>2033246This 100%. Especially since we are talking about Japan. Most Japanese female otakus care more about male characters than female ones. This is why Otome Road is 99% stuff about male characters.
No. 2033277
>>2033268There's plenty of cases where men don't draw a character until way after.
Some add sexualization to the official release after they see reactions.
No. 2033278
>>2033270This is the real threat to women imo, not moidslop being chock full of mommy dommy/submissive waif/big tit airhead female characters but moidslop figuring out how to milk the starved and thus considerably wealthy fujo- and yumejoshi machine by making one or two 1 note personality vacuum male characters into bishounen.
After things made genuinely for women like Yuri on Ice get cancelled because studios sell out to the shounen machine I find this actually incredibly offensive as a fan.
No. 2033285
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>>2032382Eh, I think a lot of people just have rose colored glasses. Anime has always been majority garbage with some stand out greats here and there.
The 2000s haremshit is modern day isekaishit, and shounenshit has always and always will be hot garbage.
No. 2033288
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>>2033277Speaking of, that mahjong manga where the female character's breasts expanded like mad.
Forgot to spoiler pic, I'm sorry.
No. 2033301
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So, has anybody given these a try?
No. 2033320
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>>2033312Yeah, the male characters are pretty good, nice variety.
No. 2033323
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>>2033320I also like the coffin teeth.
No. 2033367
>>2033333This bullshit came about as a kneejerk reaction to moids taking over MLP to an extent that you couldn't interact with the fandom without being bombarded by porn. Teen girls saw that they couldn't do shit to make moids fuck off so they took their anger out on other women. They pretend they're moral crusaders caping for the terminally oppressed but really they're just crybullies who desperately need some sense of control over their lives. They have every mental and physical illness in the DSM and they're troons and also their DID headmates are all poly so you can't say anything to them or you're evil.
Because of how retarded, volatile and authoritarian they are, they piss off everyone they interact with. They get cancelled by their fellow cows, do callouts for whoever cancelled them, and on it goes. It seems to have gotten to a point where everyone's pissed off at them and their hysterical black and white thinking, so it's now acceptable to block or bully them back. Hard to tell if this is going to make much of a difference but it has pushed the most retarded ones out of the spotlight, and whenever someone with a '
problematic' past surfaces, they're more likely to get shit for their past actions, so they also tend to lie low or change their usernames.
I don't think things will go back to how they used to be until it's normal to have a completely anonymous online presence again. No selfies, no identifying information, nothing. Maybe when Tiktok dies and there's less incentive for kids to put their lives online 24/7 they'll calm down.
No. 2033391
>>2033333>I think fandom should just if it is or isn't activism.I see completely forgot the word decide
>>2033367>their hysterical black and white thinking, so it's now acceptable to block or bully them back. I feel like people are getting there, it's generally acceptable to do so but it's not yet acceptable to say in female fandom spaces something along the lines of "you're insane and I do not care about your moralfagging because this this and that isn't about real world politics for me. Go talk to a wall".
No. 2033409
>>2033391Kek I think we're getting there. The retardation has gone so far that even the ones perpetuating this shit are getting fed up with it. I think that what's really driving this shift is a mixture of everyone getting sick of the oppression olympics and an ageing userbase. Teens are taught to believe anything they see if it comes from a popular account. They then grow into adults who suddenly realize that they have no actual skills, the unskilled jobs they write fanfic about actually suck, and they have the social skills of a paranoid chihuahua. They don't have time to send death threats to other SU fans with incorrect opinions, and seeing someone sob about how they're oppressed for not seeing enough fat BIPOC rep in Disney is kinda grating when you're struggling to keep yourself afloat. That's not to say that there aren't retarded adults, but most of them are the '25 year old minor, ickies DNI' variety.
Because of how impossible it is to scrub yourself from the internet I think there's going to be a big shift towards letting kids make mistakes and not hounding people over their pasts. Hopefully it becomes the norm to not put your personal information online again, but there are too many attention whores for that to happen any time soon.
No. 2033714
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>>2033642You can thank lolicon otaku in the 80s and loli otaku animators who latched onto little girls like Minky Momo and had them as their waifus. It's far from a current thing.
If you think of at least one mahou shoujo anime made after Minky Momo that you like, it's guaranteed the production team of the show catered to the moid otakus who watched them and loved/lusted over their heroines, at some point.
Mahou shoujo is for little girls first but for otaku moids second, kind of like how MLP ended up but not nearly as blatant about it.
IMO this is why joseimuke is becoming more and more popular in female otaku spaces. Shoujo has been unpopular for decades and mahou shoujo is a moid playground unless the series is 10+ years old (like older precure seasons, sailor moon, etc; doremi fsr has been appropriated by moids).
The closest thing I saw to a mahou shoujo female fandom in current years was when Love Live was popular with women.
No. 2033731
>>2033415Antishippers are more concerned about AO3 and shipping a 17 year old with a 19 year old than actual porn. I've known antis whose only issue with Pornhub is "it steals from sexworkers" and think being a porn star is a
valid job.
No. 2033909
>>2033903Feeling attacked much? Maybe when you stop being underage it won't
trigger you so much.
No. 2033912
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No. 2033937
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>>2033932Because she's still a self hating fujoshi, she's also just convinced that she can make us actually normal fujos troon out with her.
No. 2033940
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>>2033937What is it with TIFs and "converting to Judaism", converts aren't even accepted in their faith
No. 2033941
>>2033923This, it’s due to gendered social structures and a “principle of empathy” thing, in other words these out of touch women online might in effect be parroting slogans for arbitrary cherrypicked political topics or enforcing some conservative social ideas, but they’re centered around the
concept of an “empathetic,” righteousness-for-the-underdog kind of social standpoint, whileas male nerd spaces that applaud fascism, imperialism, or bigotry in the name of might and efficiency also allow coomerism for the same reason of disdaining the general principle of empathy and collective social obligation (even when complaining that others are the “true” degenerates who fail their imagined ideal fascist collective or libertarian faux-survival-of-the-fittest fantasy, this is based off self-serving ideas of strength and masculinity rather than a desire to actually embody or promote empathetic community-oriented behavior, which is also why they are so glaringly different from their imagined/symbolic Chad selves).
No. 2033947
>>2033917>You'd think it'd be the opposite, conservative fandom moids would be the ones to become antis and harass artists for wrongthink based on religious purity valuesThis was how it was in the 2000s, but the switch flipped that the "content police" are liberal-leaning and secular instead of right wing religious people.
>>2033940I have Jewish family and the conversion process takes literal years and has to be overseen by a Rabbi, there's a good reason why more traditional Jewish sects don't trust or accept converts. None of the online converts put in the effort.
>Lou Sullivan quoteKEK. Of course the straight women who infiltrated LGB spaces in the 70s and died from AIDs from cruising is her role model.
>>2033944There's clout in being an anti-Zionist/pro-Palestine Jew, but I notice some of these TIFs take the "leftist pro-Israel" view too.
No. 2033958
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The schizo anti types on twinbuns page have become my favorite internet people to laugh at as of late, omedetou!
No. 2033964
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>>2033917I think it's cause moids just don't give a fuck and moids also don't give a fuck about other moids in general. Women do it seems. I'm so tired of it though. I do miss the early 2000s and even early tumblr where you could write/draw whatever garbage you wanted and no one really batted an eye as long as it wasn't complete degeneracy like scat or zooshit. I'm under the impression that some women do police other women just to feel morally superior though. I see moids doing it too and then get caught with horse porn in their twitter likes.
>>2033958>Moid has IQ in biolul
No. 2033982
>>2033974Yes moids… watch anime that's out and they don't really care who it's targeted for.
Is mech off the table for you too because Char wanted to fuck minors and Eva was about minors wanting to fuck adults or do the cute boys make it okay
No. 2033983
>>2033980>its still shitty lolibait for pedo moids at the end of the dayYou can literally say this about every mahou shoujo if you really stretch it.
>not to mention the writer seems to have an lesbian fetishHe likes BL too.
No. 2033986
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>>2033735Right? If they were consistent about it I honestly wouldn't give a shit and just assume that they have overbearing christfag parents or something but instead it's kind of the opposite.
No. 2033990
>>2033984>but i loved the magical girls genre as a child so seeing what it envolved into is just sadBeen like that since the 70s anon, I don't know where you guys are getting 'MAHOU SHOUJO WASN'T LIKE THIS TILL MADOKA' from.
>>2033985Well if that's their viewpoint then at least it's consistent I suppose.
No. 2034006
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>>2034000I liked the funky shaft direction and the witch designs, but yeah it's just okay.
No. 2034012
>>2034009The anon they were replying to brought up Madoka though which is aimed at adults rather than children.
Also saying cutie honey isn't mahou shoujo is pretty stupid since almost everyone classifies it as such, unless you're saying any mahou shoujo that isn't in the shoujo genre doesn't count in which case Madoka wouldn't either.
No. 2034041
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>>2034021Devilman was one of his tamer works in comparison (it was shocking for the 70s but mild now), Kekko Kamen was probably among his worst off the top of my head.
No. 2034056
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>>2034045I agree, compared to the CGDCT shit you see today she's not even that bad. Her design was very iconic and every teen girl was cosplaying her and making fanart of her back then. It says a lot about the show that no "edgy" mahou shoujo show after Madoka has had the same success among female fans.
No. 2034061
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>>2034056I knew a girl into the mahou shoujo raising project novels, but even then I think that was a really niche group.
No. 2034064
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>>2034061What's the female appeal of it? Googling it and there isn't much but most of it is already sexualized.
No. 2034067
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>>2034062Apparently the first arc is considered to be the worst by far and just a generic Madoka ripoff, but the later arcs are supposedly good? I find it kinda hard to believe though.
There's some good character design here and there but also a lot of this type of thing
>>2034064 No. 2034077
>>2034072But it is ecchi…?
Also Go Nagai's stuff sucks.
No. 2034113
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>>2034061>>2034067Honestly, it's pretty fun, but I can say that some of the designs are probably too much for a lot of people here.
It stays edgy but doesnt go too far with it, but it does get away from Madoka into a more murder mystery type deal, it changes from arc to arc, the third being more of a chased time mission, etc.
Pic related are some designs I think are pretty good.
No. 2034137
>>2033301I’ve read all three
Akane Banashi is alright. I’ve read the least of it, it’s focused on rakugo so either the cultural disconnect will put you off, or you might enjoy learning more about Japanese culture. It has some cute boys but I couldn’t get into it, my sister who reads all of shounen jump really likes it though
Ruri Dragon is the shortest and is a very mellow and comfy SOL. It has some cute interactions with the mom character, I found its portrayal of the teenage girl protagonist charming and non-moidy enough.
Blue Box I read the most of. It has an unambiguously female author, it’s basically just a shoujo romance with a male pov character. It’s good if you want a chill hs romance with a focus on sports, it’s cute and a little silly and the couple gets together in a reasonable amount of time, but it’s also very mellow.
No. 2034138
>>2034072>Go Nagai is basically an insane geniusYou're saying the guy who made shit like
>>2034041 and
>>2034079 is a genius?
No. 2034158
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>>2034138He was kinda based for this one
No. 2034162
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>>2034158He fucked up by making Akira ugly once he turns into devilman, I don't like either Ryo or Akira though, both of them suck.
No. 2034220
>>2034172Every anime with a group of cute girls is popular with men. What do you even mean by waifufags, 4chan weebs? Yeah she's popular with that type of men because they relate to her.
>>2034201So you mean something like Kancolle, not something like Bocchi.
No. 2034230
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Ngl when I think of whether bocchi is waifubait, I just think of pic related.
No. 2034365
>>2033704My thing is that tv and media aren’t fuckin real, lol. when you’re a kid it’s nice to grow up seeing yourself on tv and in stores and comics and whatnot. But those are consumerist pleasures we have, because we’re privileged. It’s a privilege to be able to produce entertainment, tv shows, anime, comic books, block buster movies , sell expensive action figures and toys, etc. and it’s a privilege to consume them! They’re all apart of capitalism and sold only as products. In that sense it really shouldn’t fuckin matter if every superhero on the side of a cereal box is a blonde haired and blue eyed kid, or a rabbit with a top hat. It means nothing at the end of the day and anything it fullfills is so shallow, surface level, and egotistical, that it warrants not even a fraction of the urgency people treat it with. It’s just not that important
Why not devote your time to uplifting real people who look like you in your community. A fat obese black lesbian ninja in Naruto is not a practical or realistic role model. It’s totally an ego thing that retards on twitter want to treat like a ‘life or death’ thing.
No. 2034445
>>2034216I get wanting to avoid dumb shit, but dropping out before the story even tells you what it's trying to do seems dumb, like moids who drop because the female lead
might talk to a male character that isn't the lead and that means they're basically ntr'ing them.
No. 2034469
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>>2034188To me, a show is waifubait if:
>characters have at least one onsen episode with "kyaaaaaa my towel" moments.>characters have at least one beach episode in which they just pose for the camera >weird bendy knees>one of the characters is/looks too young but is somehow wise/actually older than what it seems>one of the characters has ridiculously huge boobs and that it's a constant theme in the show>awawawawa uguuuu voices>doesn't even dare go out on a date with an anime guy that isn't basically a self-insert>barely male cast, or the male cast is unappealing/adults>the only adults you see are the moms/relatives of the girls or male teachers that are totally very nice, maybe one actually cool guy that's taken as a joke/turned into a pervert later on>the adult women speak in Ara Ara >Perv anime autistic girl with no sense of boundaries (another moid self insert)>or all of the girls are obvious waifu archetypes: deredere, tsundere, kuudere, autist, etc.>any sort of panty shots or underwear on sight>crossdressing moids/traps (part of the small male cast)>maid episodes/theme>sick girl episodes with mandatory ridiculously high fever that makes them hallucinate and make ugüu sounds>unironic bunny girl figures/ outfits>literally focusing on a waifu anime girl that's quirky in some way or anotherIt doesn't mean I will never watch it but I will avoid watching it because I know I will get annoyed, specially because of the Fandom that surrounds that anime.
No. 2034574
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>>2034562Moe has a self insert male protagonist pretty regularly, though not as often as it used to since waifufags get mad if they even see a male character now.
No. 2034642
>>2034443nta but imo people care so much about (increasingly niche) 'representation' as teens/adults because it indulges their narcissism and means that they don't have to apply as much effort to empathise with the characters on screen (which is an attitude that is at least partially taught and fostered by all the identity-based media discourse going around the last decade or so). I honestly think that a person should feel fucking embarrassed to say "I can't relate to x character, an abstracted facsimile of a human, because we don't share x trait", because if they feel that way about fake shit, I can't imagine their opinions towards real people who differ from them are much better.
Visual media is bad enough, but this attitude being applied to literature bothers me the most, since the whole point is being in someone else's head and experiencing their world and thoughts, so dismissing an entire story just because it doesn't match you specifically (not your interests, but you) is just so warped to me. But idk, I've never looked to fiction to see myself, so maybe this is a me problem, sorry for the sperg kek
No. 2034968
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Does anyone else larp as a man online to participate in fandom without all of the downsides from being female? I feel like a traitor but i would 100% get cancelled if i didnt.
No. 2034985
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Sometimes I feel so smug knowing I was able to enjoy certain fandoms before they went completely downhill.
>>2034656kek when I saw Nana in tiktok videos I knew it was over. It some how managed to attract the worst type of people.
No. 2035042
>>2034968I don't specifically larp as a male, but I never correct anyone assuming that I am one, which is common kek (the parts of fandom that stereotypically attract women don't interest me much, especially not for anything I'm currently into, so the lack of that on any of my accounts apparently means I must be male. That and the mechas… despite female mech fans/artists not being that obscure a niche lol). Same thing happens outside of fandom though, spent years in a gaming group where it was assumed I was a guy until I went on mic lmao.
I don't think you're a traitor for specifically pretending to be a guy either, fandoms are supposed to be for fun, and so many of them are full of
toxic rats who'll only attack and harass female fans but ignore far worse moids, so whatever lets you have a good time and avoid that shit is worth it imo.
No. 2035117
>>2033888Cutie Honey was made for male audiences and the manga was released a shonen magazine. It's not really a show you can compare to actual mahou shojou for little girls because the demographic and targets were completely different… it also aired in the dinner/late afternoon time slot like Lupin the Third instead of early in the morning or after school.
Vidrel is mahou shoujo FOR GIRLS made by Go Nagai (coomer author of Cutie Honey, for those who don't know) and you can see the clear difference in tone and imagery.
Also, sidenote, Honey is a gynoid meant to look like an adult woman, she was never a character that lolicon otaku latched onto. She was always meant to be a character for men and boys, unlike other mahou shoujo before Minky Momo exploded in popularity.
No. 2035179
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I hate skin colour discourse so fucking much
No. 2035200

>>2035140Yes, and Creamy Mami came out after they knew they could have an otaku audience. They had an idol voice her and they accepted male otaku at their live events for little girls. For the record, majokko otaku are part of why otaku in Japan always had a reputation as horny pedophiles and part of it is due to their presence at these kinds of events.
If you look at most actual mahou shoujo before Minky Momo got a male otaku audience it's anime like Chappy (vidrel) or Sally where the sexy content is equal to zero. The characters are cartoony and silly and there is an emphasis on cuteness and whimsical things, but it's not made to be titillating in any way.
The outliers are Cutie Honey (made for men) and Majokko Meg (made for boys first and girls second and it replaced Honey on the same timeslot), and even then Meg already toned the sex appeal down compared to Honey because the idea of an anime about female characters for men wasn't popularized yet. Even then, Honey and Meg aren't little girls, because back then they had no ideas that being into little girls would become a widespread phenomenon in japanese nerds.
Mahou shoujo was not a genre made for males, but it developed to cater to lolicon otaku earlier than you think. And again, not just shows like Madoka or the recent coom fotm magical girls or Prisma Ilya cater to male otaku. Sailor Moon, Mew Mew, some PreCure seasons, etc, all catered to male otaku to
acceptable levels when they aired.
Now, I'm saying that these shows are tainted and impossible to watch due to this fact, just that mahou shoujo as a genre in Japan can't be separated from the adult male audience anymore.
It's something we magical girl fans have to make peace with or not think about, because it does feel like some sort of betrayal even if it's just silly cartoons.
The only solace I feel in all of this is that if a show is good the otaku shit is negligible. Also I do feel schadenfreude when shonen mangs and shit like Inazuma Eleven get lewded by fujoshi.
No. 2035266
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The Silent Hill 2 remake, like I get it's mostly a style change. Angela doesn't look like she's in her 30s or 40s anymore, and is a little more chubby I guess that's fine.
But they toned down the sexy nurses and Maria when their entire thing is being a male sex fantasy like are they changing the time period maybe she doesn't have to be like Christina Aguilera but this outfit fits her role better than the dress and coat combo they showed.
No. 2036411
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>>2034985They didn't even give em nipples, I swear to god all Japanese male gamedevs are just secretly gay.
No. 2036429
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>>2036424They're more than capable of making pretty art. They just don't want to for the male characters.
No. 2036459
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>>2036437No, it can, it's like I said, though: the devs hate men.
No. 2036780
>>2034015A lot of sites delete your post for saying naughty no-no words like what tiktok does with CP and SA. You can't discuss mature subjects without sidestepping the censors leaving the whole post/video a nonsensical world salad of doublespeak. It doesn't stop at tiktok since zoomers censor their words on ao3, the site where posting whatever you want is the point.
>>2036411>doesn't give them nipples>gaymore like straight. Moids start fuming at the mouth when a anatomically correct bishe is so much as implied to have nipples.
>>2036459What is going on with his pecs? Male chest aren't shaped like that?
No. 2036988
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>>2036983Granblue is bu far one of the more equal opportunity fanservice gachas though. The winner of the popularity poll for both men and women was Sandalphon even, not a waifu or loli
No. 2037089
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>>2036780>Male chest aren't shaped like that?AYRT, that's what I'm saying dude!! The devs are so scared of coming across as even slightly homosexual for daring to put time and effort into a goddamn illustration of a man's torso. Meanwhile an ACTUAL artist would just get on with it and paint the damn thing he set out to paint.
No. 2037157
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>>2037151>gachafags aren't addictsyou're a gachafag arent you?
No. 2037171
>>2037157Nta but nona if all gachafags were whales then gacha would be making a bazillion dollars.
The reality is there is a very small number of whales (genuine gambling addicts) dolphins who just like one or two characters and will only spend on them, and the massive amount are free players that don't spend any money.
No. 2037277
>>2037080Based. Sometimes I wanna travel back in time and tell my younger self to invest in coding so that one day my femgaze video game dreams are fully realized.
>>2037133Wished there were more buy to play hero collectors where all the main heroes were cute and hot guys. Maybe then less women would rely on gacha to get their husbando fix.
No. 2037420
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>>2036459I hate how many pathetic bones GBF throws. Look at how flat this ass is. Meanwhile, all the female characters have extremely detailed and shapely tits and ass and many sport extremely lewd outfits.
Anyone who plays these games for the husbandos is deeply cucked. Idgaf if Lucipher and Sandalphon are sad cute yaois.
No. 2037448
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>>2033106I thought you were joking, anon. WTF?
No. 2037499
>>2037448Yeah, it's hard to tell what info is legit but from what I've heard online, the the script writer refused to work with her and when they kept arguing, it was decided that the author would write it herself.
She had no experience with script writing and the show suffered as a result.
When people went to the scriptwriter ont their instagram they went "lmao it wasn't me lol". The author committed suicide soon after that.
No. 2037840
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>>2037080i am making my own shitty game with husbandos. I suck balls at coding and art, but it feels nice to be able to make something no big company is willing to do.
No. 2038750
>>2038472Thought r/ao3 was wisening up before the community downvoted and berated the user for being "transphobic". For what? Pointing out countless trojan horse fics promising m/m and f/f only to be met with piv but it's so totes gay because the author said so.
>>2038672Piv in slash is somehow more queer than two men actually having sex. Don't quote me on that, that's what I've gleamed after lurking the thread and finding a several users defending the sanctity of such a cursed genre of fanfiction. These are the same retards whining about het a/b/o but turn around defending a/b/o AUs that turns one of the MCs into a woman in every sense but name. The cognitive dissonance is giving me a brain aneurysm just thinking about it.
Is it too much to ask for slash to be about normal same-sex pairings without coming off as a crytoterf?
>>2038719Some say they do, but dysphoria conveniently ceases whenever they like, no matter how nonsensical and arbitrary. It's different when they do it. Consistency was never on tifs and tim's mind while living out their deluded lives walking fetish trucks since to them, becoming the opposite sex is the important fulfillment to true degeneracy. They don't aspire to men or women, only ukes and cute anime school girls despite vehemently denying every form of sane rhetoric levied at them.
No. 2038848
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>>2038472>Using gay sex terms top and bottom for heterosexual sex acts>Using gay sex terms in reference to lesbian sex but it's actually heterosexual sexWe are hitting retard levels that shouldn't even be possible.
No. 2038889
>>2034968Nah fuck that shit. Fandoms are supposed to be fun and not stressful. I don’t like what seemingly most fangirls are into so i venture into fanboy spaces. Like
>>2035042 said if someone assumes i’m a fanboy I don’t correct them idc just let me talk about dumb fan stuff in peace.
This shouldn’t even be stated but I’m not attacking anyone, everyone enjoys fandom differently and deserve to have fun without having someone breath down their necks
No. 2038939
>>2034968I don't larp as a guy but I'm in male-heavy sides of my interests and everyone assumes I'm a man there. Obviously it has its downsides like how the majority of moids only care about coomery but if you find a couple of decent people it's not a bad experience. There's a lot less tone-policing/virtue-signalling/retarded social justice politics and even if you say something politically incorrect you don't have to worry about people pulling a sudden 180 on you.
Of course you can achieve the same thing with women but in my experience it's 100x harder to find likeminded women, LC is my only option for that but it's not really an apt substitute for regular interaction on social media. Even the seemingly apolitical ones start chanting TWAW protect trans kids up out of nowhere so I gave up.
>>2038930>I remember there was a trend a decade ago where people joked about their het ships being subversive because they wrote about pegging or femdomThe new thing is calling het ships "bi4bi" therefore it's queer and not tainted by icky allocishet privilege even though it's a man and woman in a relationship. Though it's worse than the pegging = subversive jokes because these people are serious and will call you biphobic if you call their ships straight.
No. 2039013
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Not sure where to post this but good news Monster High is ditching the Nickelodeon movies and went straight to universal. Say goodbye to they/them Frankie Stein! No. 2039796
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>>2039748Anyone making edgy things kawaii gets so much hate for some reason. Adding that kind of feminine cutesy touch to something usually masculine or
problematic triggers something in the brain
No. 2039826
>>2039796I think sometimes (but not always) that backlash towards cute-ifying or wholesome!AU fanart for darker or edgy media stems from fans of that kind of media expecting the fandom to reflect it and make more of it rather than change it into something it's not– eg you play a horror game only to find the fandom full of pastel positive vibes art etc. Not saying that's even a bad thing, only that the expectation of a fandom being a gateway to more of the things you like not being met can tick people off, or make other fans seem 'fake', especially if it's something niche. You see it with reboots and remakes that change the original aesthetics or tones as well.
(personally most of my fandoms are so small and slow I'll take anything at this point– so long as it isn't gendie etc kek)
No. 2039880
>>2039826Interesting, I never thought about it like that. Fandom has become such a weird group thing where people assume everyone in it should feel the same or treat the media in question the same. And when some people don't it becomes a "but we're not like
that part of the fandom" situation.
No. 2040126
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I wonder why the bulk of vocaloid fans at least in the west are women when the majority of producers are male. In fact the only big name female producers I can think of are oster project, hitoshizuku, ghost and pals (ayden i think), and cilla. No I’m not counting coomers who make rabbit hole edits or naked project diva mods, which are the majority of male western vocaloid “fans”.
No. 2040170
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>>2040126I think more men make indie music in general, why else do you think there were so many brony songs? Also damn you left out the women who did vanaN'ice aka the most fujo project there is…
No. 2040922
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>>2039764You're right anon! Zoomers and older alphas are definitely ruining the fun in fandom. They want everything to cater to them and cannot accept different interpretation of their favourite characters. The most annoying part is they will go ballistic when people have fun with non-canon pairings/shipping. I was called out by a snot-nosed zoomie for commenting that A character should be with C character instead of A character's official pairing with character B because they have more screen time together but this zoomie got buttmad and pulled the "Bu-but A character is a minor card!!!". Thing is character C has a 4 year gap between character A but is still a teenager like character A. So there wasn't a "minor" issue at all! I hate how zoomies/alphas are quick to use the "minor" card to win a disagreement or worse, cancel a person. Why can't they just use their brain to at least argue why they think A and C wouldn't be a good pairing instead of jumping straight to cancelling a person. Does no one teach them how to have a fun discussion/debate anymore? Or teach them to ignore views that they don't agree with instead of taking everything personally? I'm definitely gonna stop engaging in big fandoms now. It's too risky out there. You can be cancelled at any moment by a random snot-nosed kid just because you "headcanon" their fav character wrongly. It's crazy out there in the fandom world, especially for fanfic writers and fanartists.
No. 2040992
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Cows, which kind of problems you see in the fandoms you usually interact?
I'm usually in some fandoms that allow fucked up content without moralism or virtue signaling, but they are still full of gendies.
No. 2041010
>>2040992Its mostly a twitter and discord male fandom in the west, so waifu wars.
Damn dudes act like they're electing a fucking president. Weirdly enough the Japanese fandom has a lot of moms so their problem is mostly just art drama. Weird separation between the two. What type of show gets western side 20 something moids and the eastern side 30 something women?
No. 2041141
>>2041120Wasn't watching but I was googling stuff about series I used to watch a while ago, some of them being Higurashi, Madoka etc. Also was reading discussions about newer series that seem to be popular. Anyways I am too old for this shit
>>2041126>men in my school sometimes just casually talk about what anime character they would fuck, and one time they mentioned sakura kinomoto,Back in my day, saying this shit as an adult (or older teenager) would make you an outcast in an instant and now I see it is for a good reason.
No. 2042113
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>>2041126It's creepy how mainstream it is now to openly like lolis, this image got around 80k when reposted on some meme account
No. 2042137
>>2040992proship antiship autism they all ship underaged characters with each other though so its just watching two pedophiles fight but ones into child x child and child x adult. and you can't kill yourself.
i try to avoid these people and keep to drawing meditated abuse of my (adult) bias.
No. 2042487
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>Minor charactersMmkay but what if I was a minor at the time the show was airing? What am I supposed to do not age? I know he's not a good example because technically/canonically he's a grown ass man now, but I can never tell where people land on this kind of thing when it comes to Husbandofagging. It feels so off-putting getting called a pedo for liking a character I've liked for fucking years. And also since the situations they're all put in is not based in reality anyway.(I'm not talking about loli/shota characters btw I'm talking about the fictonal characters that were popular with my age group at the time.) Where is the line exactly?
>>2041126That's not normal but it has always been a thing. Anime becoming mainstream is probably the worst thing for everyone right now.
No. 2042509
>>2042487Most of the time everyone expects you to move on and find an older character, which is kind of what happens when the Fandom is mostly a bunch of trend-hoppers with the attention span of a wasp on drugs.
Most people don't seem to understand that you can be in love with a character for literal decades.
No. 2042555
>>2042550Not really, because they do that to already buff characters. I really have a hard time imagining an exaggerated design of men that doesn't look straight up retarded and that has been actually used to signify sexiness like how the hourglass figure with huge breasts and huge ass have been used for so long.
But I guess it could be that, still thought, I haven't seen women making hyper buff drawings of characters like Astroboy or Hanako while saying that it's an "aged up version" of the characters.
No. 2042569
>>2042487I understand how you feel. I think for me, the line is drawn when the character is written to be a kid and visually looks like a kid. I also really like the Elrics, and I like a lot of sports anime male characters (even though they all look like adults but somehow are 14). I think if people find men liking little girl characters creepy, then they should understand why people would find it weird if women liked underage characters. At the end of the day, they're not real, but I still find it weird in certain circumstances.
I also think arguments like
>>2042530 are pointless because women do find men who like loli weird. It's just a universal thing and that's why a lot of women aren't 24/7 tweeting screenshots about how men like loli or how weird it is. We know a majority of men are into loli, why would they spend 24/7 talking about how bad it is, or even go in those spaces? It's just a bad deflection. On the other hand too, I think people spend too much time online because women anime fans in real life all still have crushes on the teenage characters, it's online fandom spaces that are policing about it.
No. 2042577
>>2042545Some people have weird reactions to characters being 'aged up' because they see them as a sort of eternal child/teen/whatever and don't like that illusion being broken by implying they will age and get boring jobs and have non-chaste relationships– you ruin their endless summer, so to speak. It's retarded I know, but also something I've only really seen strongly in regards to media that's very static (cartoons are a great example, where characters will be the same age forever despite the show going for years or even decades), but not so much for media that has characters age and mature (especially if they're depicted as adults, not just older teens) over the course of its run.
This obviously isn't the biggest reason for this nonsense, but I thought I'd bring it up since it can be behind a knee-jerk distaste towards the idea of ageing up characters that doesn't have much to do with shipping or anti/proship idiocy. For younger fans they might find it confronting to see an outside force change something they relate to into something they're not ready for yet (eg ageing a teen character up to college age), and for older fans it might be that they want a character to stay a pristine time capsule (especially if it's from media they enjoyed when they were younger/same age as the characters in it), or they might see them from a more parental/sibling perspective with anything else being disruptive towards that.
No. 2042581
>>2042413that game? the silly Hungarian rpgmaker game? I'm sorry you had to deal with those people. I'd instantly asked to be banned if I were you.
>>2042502Guess anything and everything will get the rainbow mafia to soil anything sacred.
No. 2042587
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>>2042569>I think for me, the line is drawn when the character is written to be a kid and visually looks like a kidTbh I also draw the line there since it’s reasonable. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t for some reason but maybe it’s because they’re young or retarded or something. Im also a huge sports anime fan and I recall when there was a resurgence in popularity for HQ!! during COVID. I’ve witnessed a lot of “UM ISNT HE A MINOR” despite the characters being tall and muscular (anime also came out when I and lots of artists were still in high school). Even at that point they were already adults in the manga. Even with recent animes like My Hero, literally all of them were muscular and a lot of the time their fanart made them look way older anyway. I don’t mind “aging up” a character either as that pretty much falls into the same realm of AU ideas. But maybe that’s just me
No. 2042591
>>2042487In a similar vein, I feel like I can't bring up my husbando anywhere, I've only been in love with him for close to a year but we have a ten year age gap and he's of legal age at the current point in the lore, but just barely. I don't give a shit I only care that I love him, but I really don't want to subject myself to the predictable arguments I know I'll get.
I probably worded this really badly but oh well.
No. 2042665
>>2042656i noticed non english speakers are starting to get infected with the same brainrotting virus amerilards have. I uninronically started being super
toxic and drawing normalfag filtering stuff because users with the tranny flag started following. Like when k-on fans larped as nazis to filter the plebs.
No. 2042768
>>2042738literally no kid looks or act like that. Just because 3DPD lives rent free in your mind it doesnt mean every other woman thinks of fleshie cock all day too. I like bishies, and there isnt a single 3DPD that has the body or face of a bishie irl. Because they arent real, they are a fantasy.
>>2042763Submissive women are cringe, but yes. The ''women like dominant male characters, that means they want to be raped and abused irl!!'' is something moids say to justify the abuse of women.
No. 2042824
>>2042738>written as a kid and that looks like a kidI'd agree if we were talking about fictional children depicted by real children, but Enstars boys and South Park blobs do not resemble real children in any way.
>>2042763Yes. I have zero interest in that sort of thing, but it would be ridiculous to think that women who are actually want to be stalked and locked in cages.
No. 2042884
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Tiktok fandom spaces are not real
No. 2042886
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>>2042763Personally, yeah. All my friends who like slightly fucked up shit like Diabolik Lovers and generally bad boys in anime and manga tend to make it very clear that a real life equivalent would be horrifying and it'd suck.
Otoh I've had one of my few male friends once tell me that he stopped with lolicon after meeting his nieces in another country.
Then he went back to drawing and cooming to lolis a few years later.
Really makes you think. Gross.
No. 2043422
>>2042758It's true kek. Although you can recognize that they're not real, seeing someone posting about wanting to "rape x or y character" is quite revealing
>>2042768>bishieDid you read my post at all? I've never mentioned bishies once. I like bishounen boys too, and have even admitted to liking characters that are called minors sometimes. I think you think I'm accusing everyone interested in underage characters of being pedos but I'm not. I'm just saying it's weird if they look or act too young, but I'm not holding you at gun point. Sorry if I'm giving you flashbacks or something.
>>2042824>enstars>south parkNever mentioned any of these. Also, those characters are not written like children. I mean characters that are written like kids.
No. 2043816
>>2043798Coomers will overanalyse this shit to death I swear. It kind of sickens me how they simp for Himeno so much especially when she is a serial groomer and almost rapes Denji.
The plot is an excuse to have fight set pieces, which is why part 2 is tanking in sales in Japan.
No. 2043887
>>2043798I haven't read that much into part 2, but I think people making such a big deal about CSM's psychosexual stuff is actually an indictment of the way shounen treats women and sex. The whole "if I save your cat you let me touch your boobs" arc is based on the unspoken rule that Denji needs
Power's consent to grope her, and Denji doesn't even try to sleaze out of the deal. I think a lot of people finding it super deep is people that are used to shounen slop where the pervert character just walks around committing sexual assault for giggles so when they see something a bit more realistic and more serious than that their brains explode.
nonny he hasn't done that but if you keep saying that you might give Fujimoto ideas
No. 2044247
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The pinnacle of fandom political brain-rot has to be how, if there's a character who is a police officer or detective(even in a fantastical setting) they must automatically be labelled as a racist fascist.
No. 2044410
>>2044244Not a yurifag but it's frankly retarded. And these same people will turn around and accuse you of being a exclusionist goldstar…even though the whole of point of being lesbian is liking women? lesbians don't have sexual fantasies about men, envision a future with one, but then decide they're gay becuase a woman looked at them funny.
Speaking as a former fauxbian, the comphet doc has to be a disaster for ssa race.>>2044247have they not read the lore? There's whole wikis detailing everything surrounding vi and the entire setting. It's free.
No. 2044868
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>>2044244Also not a yurifag but I feel this way with Nana. Hachi was hopping from man to man and gendies still whine about it being "queerbait" when it's a shoujo and the first scenes in the anime involve her going around with an older man. She's bisexual at best. I do like the pairing between her and Osaki Nana but these retards need to realise they were intended to be close friends and mabye platonic soulmates. "Compulsive heterosexuality" doesnt mean shit when characters go off and have sex with multiple guys repeatedly
No. 2044904
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>and showing men frolicking in a field in white dresses because the evil women are dead or similar idiotic stupid shit.
maybe there's some very schizo fakeboi who's written something like this but usually the women just get shipped with another guy/girl (if they get shipped at all) in regular BL shipping/stories.
No. 2044905
>>2044868AYRT I was thinking of Nana when writing that. I swear everyone that calls her a lesbian is just a bihet larping as a lesbian so they project onto her as a coping mechanism. Arguably they're even worse than Hachi because they're "self-aware" about being a lesbian but still tweet about lusting over men 24/7 and then blame it on comphet. Having
toxic relationships with men doesn't mean you're experiencing comphet, that's just every other straight woman's experience kek. No idea why they're so allergic to her being bisexual when she acts like the average annoying bi woman that constantly talks about how wonderful girls are but only dates men.
No. 2044906
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>>2044244Do you mean Asuka?
No. 2044912
>>2044244Yeah. Same with the most misogynistically woman obsessed male characters being called comphet gays.
>>2044905>I swear everyone that calls her a lesbian is just a bihet larping as a lesbian so they project onto her as a coping mechanism.This is also my general theory about why it's so prevalent
No. 2044922
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>>2044918Hahaha you're fine, the fandom take on comphet also annoys me a lot of the time too and I say this as a fujoshi.
Every now and then there's actual decent reasoning and speculation for it, but a lot of the time it just comes down to 'I LIKE THIS CHARACTER BUT THEY'RE STRAIGHT AND THAT SCARES ME' like ship whatever you want but don't act like you're somehow 'deeper' than anyone else for convincing yourself that an obviously straight/bi character is ACTUALLY MEANT TO BE COMPHET
No. 2044940
>>2044410nta and I don't know anything about LoL, but in my experience, these types of people don't read the lore of anything. You would think with wikis things would be more accessible, but not really. We used to have to scrap the internet for info and now fandoms rely on their headcanons and twitter takes.
>>2044874If they want to fuck the characters, they suddenly don't care about it kek
No. 2044988
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>>2034365>A fat obese black lesbian ninja in Naruto is not a practical or realistic role modelI have nothing to add to this discussion, I just find it funny that you mentioned naruto for this example
No. 2045103
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>>2040922I genuinely have no hope for Gen Z or Alpha. Media literacy is dead and buried, there's no room for nuance. Obviously when a 30-year old is watching something like My Hero Academia where the characters and their motivations are meant to be relatable regardless of your age (proving yourself, protecting your friends, finding your place in the world, feeling slighted etc.) but they're all teenagers for the sake of convenient storytelling, you're going to find them relatable and also get invested in the relationships they have. If they were real kids whose situation you got way too into, that would be disturbing because they're not a controlled story written by an author but living, sentient beings with complex inner worlds you're not allowed access. But those other teenagers are fictional characters created and written by an adult. And I honestly don't know the extent of brain damage one has to have to put committing child abuse and """shipping minors""" in the same ballpark.
>I hate how zoomies/alphas are quick to use the "minor" card to win a disagreement or worse, cancel a person. For some reason, maybe the influence of pedo-peddling Gen Xrs do with their Y2K revival and nymphet fetish and helicopter parenting, I don't know, zoomers are obsessed with youth and thinking of themselves as perpetual children and self-infantilize to no end. Always failing to realize that soon enough they will be in their 30's too, and they'll have to lay on the bed of fandom policing that they made. Oh no, that 16-year old character didn't grow up with you and you still like shipping Naruto and Sasuke like you did when you were 15? Too bad they're 12 and you're a pedo now. You wrote the rules!
>Why can't they just use their brain to at least argue why they think A and C wouldn't be a good pairing instead of jumping straight to cancelling a person.I would much rather read a painfully autistic, 16-page essay about why A/C is a better ship than A/B filled with cited sources but because zoomers have a raging hate boner for millenials being invested in fiction, it's completely verboten to indulge in such behavior. I remember a Gen Z anon on Lolcow saying how she thinks it's embarrassing that Millenials care so much about "Disney and Harry Potter" instead of "real issues in the world" (and ironically enough, Zoomers themselves treat fictional people as real people and real people as cartoon characters) which speaks enough about their mindset, you have to make everything into an issue with morality to justify your opinion. That's how you get all this endless hand-wringing about muh
problematic ships and muh
problematic themes in media. Zoomers bitch and moan about "wokeness" ruining their fandom experience yet then turn around and post dogshit takes like this
>>2040937 and get personally offended when someone headcanons their self-insert as a lesbian, I've had enough. Everyone under 25 should be banned from fandom spaces, I'm laying it down right now. When I was 16 and hanging out in fandom spaces I kept my fucking mouth shut about my age because I would've been gatekept like crazy if they knew a kid was amongst their ranks and that's how it should've stayed like. Centralized social media needs to fucking die so that the data harvesting done on teenagers stops being the greatest currency online and we don't have to tolerate their presence anymore.
No. 2045145
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Even when you find a small, mostly pleasant fandom, tumblr still manages to do its thing. Like sure, just ignore the actual lesbian representation in the show and insist that the genderless robot is a lesbian.
No. 2045280
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Wtf is comphet
No. 2045288
>>2045285Thank you
Whats the point of going through all the gymnastics? Its not like amyone has ever had an issue taking two straight men who are friends & making them gay.
No. 2045354
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>>2045288People just really like being pretentious about shit. Weirdly despite gay ships making up the vast majority of fandom 99% of the time when I see someone bring up comphet it's for a lesbian ship/character.
No. 2045466
>>2045404Maybe deep down, these so-called diverse pieces of media just aren't that good? Why want what "cishets" have been enjoying since time immemorial only now they're more overt over it. They want queer rep in shows they like becuase in the end, they like the same stuff they do but won't voice why they like it besides "it's so
No. 2045758
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>>2045625>Deku>Canonically straightI'm not a shounenfag but that seems like a cope kek.
No. 2045791
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>>2045768Speaking of autistic, why are most of his instagram photos him in a shitty dingy room putting his hand out?
No. 2046094
>>2045625I feel so sorry for this girl. At least she's in Japan having fun while their detractors are greasy manlets stuck in minecraft themed rooms, but it must suck doing literally nothing and still getting haydurrs.
>>2045679>38 likespathetic
No. 2046120
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>>2045791>last picEvery time I see this pose I think about this cosplay
No. 2046131
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I joined a niche fandom recently and made a good mutual friend, who I’ve been bouncing back and forth smut ideas with a lot. Recently they randomly asked me when I’m going to write a trans![insert our favourite character] fic, as if it was a question of WHEN I’m going to do it, irrespective of whether I wanted to or not. Obviously I fucking don’t. But how the hell do you respond to that kind of query without outing yourself? It’s like these people deliberately phrase it as a trap; a weaker person than myself would have just caved already out of fear. How should I non-suspiciously tell them to knock it the fuck off? This person is likeable otherwise, plus the fandom is tiny, so I don’t want to lose our friendship.
No. 2046140
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and this one is ftm
inspired by Henry Bowers?
No. 2046145
>>2046131Say that seeing dick/vagina (depending on which flavor of trans she wants you to make the character)
triggers your dysphoria and you can't write a fic like that without having a panic attack. Don't worry about it not making any sense, those people are used to accepting anything a self-proclaimed trans person says without question.
No. 2046292
>>2046145This one made me kek but unfortunately I think they use some ‘it’s transphobic to imply that a trans man with a vagina isn’t
valid’ retarded logic these days. Not the optimal response.
>>2046154This one is good, I should have gone with it. Seems pretty clean cut.
>>2046281And this is ultimately the one I went with. I might have been a bit soft with it but I think they got the message. Thank you nonas
No. 2046339
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>>2045679There's a kind of top surgery called keyhole. In this method the doctor places an anchor or a keyhole shaped incision around the areola extending to the underside of the breast. Then a small device is inserted to melt fat and a low power vacuum is used to extract it. After this is done the area is stitched up reducing the breast size. It doesn't leave any scars at all. But they're only done when the breasts are small (A or B cups at most). Usually the nipples may look botched but they end up healing well and may look normal. She seems low body fat in that picture so it makes sense the surgery would have good results. She acts like a TIF and looks like one so I'm sure she is. Trust your instincts nonnas.
No. 2046349
>>2046339The reason so many TIFs do the worst tit chops and they scar so bad is because they are fatasses who can't have this surgery performed on them, they don't know the options, they like the scarring or they have terrible hygiene and can't take care of themselves so the scars always look worse than if they took care of them.
Best way for a TIF to pass is not to say she's a TIF, not to be extremely short, voice train (they never do it, I know some who have and they don't have that froggy voice), exercise, dress like a man, have manly interests and hang out with men. Which they never accomplish.
No. 2046376
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>Lying this hard when he spent a large portion of the video yelling about Bakudeku
I really hope he gets cancelled by these retards kek.
No. 2046385
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>>2046376>my problem is sexualizing underage charactersThen why would you watch mha in the first place? It's such bullshit to anyone with eyeballs.
No. 2046388
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>>2046385why do these people even watch anime?
No. 2046529
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>>2045280>>2045354Compulsory heterosexuality was coined by Adrienne Rich in the 1970s (later published in the 80s) to explain the social, political, and economic conditioning of women in patriarchy to think that marriage (to a male) and motherhood are inevitable. Her answer to this was that all women should be political lesbians who are unavailable to men because partnering with men undermines their feminism. She even separated real lesbians versus political lesbian feminists. The "lesbian existence" was primarily about "erotic and emotional choices made by women", and "lesbian continuum" (woman-identification as opposed to heterosexual-identified/male-identified women) included all activities relating to boosting women up socially, politically, and economically. This included activities like African women's trading networks. So it was very broad and not largely related to sexuality at all. Although I know that many bi women political-lesbians did actually have sex with other women because they wrote about how fun it was, and then had to fight for the custody rights of their kids they had with their exhusbands within the law when the law actively worked to disadvantage women more than it does now.
Basically "comphet" has always meant "straight/bi woman who identifies as a lesbian but is not actually lesbian." and fandoms (who are always spouting off how they "hate terfs!!1!" and how ~all cis lesbians are terfy~) appropriated this radfem terminology for some insane reason, probably to do their 5 minutes of femslash activism (akin to briefly acknowledging the awkward bullied kid in the schoolyard and sympathetically wondering how she got that way) before they continue flicking it to yaoi characters being drilled on mrm while they publish male/ftm under the m/m category on ao3 like a catholic at confession. Respect to them or whatever but I wish they'd STFU because they fill up the lesbian tags with their BS but never draw or write anything. It's all performance. Probably out of guilt of being the absolute most useless members of fandom that nobody likes, not even their discord friends can stand them, and I know this because their friends have DM'd me just to complain about them kek.
(Also no hate to actual fujos btw I think normie fujos are fun to hang out with.)
No. 2046546
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>>2046529That's pretty funny since the yurifag who I see using it the most is a tranny.
No. 2047056
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>>2046773In the judeo-christian mythos, Lucifer is basically the first twink or one of the first twinks of history. It's something Hazbin actually takes from religion (most of the time it just does its own thing), so you know whoever's complaining is just complaining for the sake of it. They try so hard to find morally right reasons to hate on Hazbin from their insane gendie lefty POVs, but they really can't because the show is the most inoffensive kiddie adult cartoon ever (it also preaches rather christian moral lessons lmao), so they make up the most ridiculous and inane shit just to have the moral high ground over Vivziepop and her sparkledogs.
(Picrel is Lucifer from Shin Megami Tensei 1 who's even twinkier than Hazbin Hotel's; never heard anyone complain about him).
No. 2049513
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Is it me or did anyone else remember this character making moids seethe? What was up with that?
No. 2049556
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>>2049513Moids hate him and his fanbase consists of lesbian fujos, making him the peak moid character of all time.
>character revolves around him being a mommas boy and le revenge for mom >hates his dad >murders another shitty dad character who tried to sex traffic his own daughter, though he didn’t know this but it still makes him based goro is based. I rest my case.
No. 2049652
>>2049641Sage for retardation but there’s a mini game involving the feather men in universe series that heavily implies goro was experimented on and worked in tandem with futabas mom, and neither of them knew the consequences of the metaverse then. Meaning goro killing futabas mom most likely was an experiment to see what would happen. I think the whole narrative of him being a
victim of circumstance, and to “le evil adults” is what actually made me empathize with him more than I would with moid characters specifically because he was a
victim of circumstances to the evil men in his life, like his father and his lackeys. That and his mom being a
victim of having to do SW for survival + his anger at the injustice society had done to her but also respect for all she did for him in that one confidant scene, all to me is very female gaze-y and like a woman wrote it. it also helps that moids seethe so hard over him being the really obvious gay bait for the protag that makes me like him more out of spite kek.
No. 2049679
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>>2049674You’re so based Nona
No. 2049798
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you are all so smart. goro is the deepest thing persona 5 could squeeze out of itself ever since release.
you can also tell he's the favourite of rokurou saito (who did the spinoff manga mementos mission and picrel)
really hes just a mega cutie and his tragic angst makes me love him so much.
No. 2049903
>>2049513They hate him because he's a good-looking clever bishonen that has more plot relevancy (he's the main antagonist up until a certain point) than any of their waifus and the MC canonically cares for him even if players choose to not do his confidant (in vanilla P5 you didn't really have a choice since it was automatic). In the game he has all these details in his design and lore that mirror the MC and this doesn't happen with the other characters. In Royal his showtime with Joker has writings on the signs in the background saying "Prodigal sons" and "Two sides same coin", Atlus decided to really push the fujobait with them and it made moids seethe so hard kek. Idc what the personafags say, I still think Persona 5 was good only because of him and otherwise it would have absolutely sucked. Atlus knew this too and decided to bring him back for Royal and tbh it's laughable how they were trying to put the red-haired mary-sue as equal to him, it only made her look even lamer.
>>2049652The fact that they added a whole new minigame cleverly hinting at this (the name of the scientist that can be read as Wakaba, the grey featherman symbolizing Goro against the other feathermen who are the thieves, all of this connecting to the cut content of Wakaba's silhouette as the master of a palace and her concept art where she's shown experimenting on people) is insane to me, the women on the team really went off. How he does not have his own little game is a mistery.
No. 2049980
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Bridgerton discourse is:
>book fans seething about "francesca being a lesbian"
>bisexuals seething about "lesbians erasing francesca's bisexuality"
>bisexuals seething about "Ben's actor calling his character pansexual"
Happy pride month
No. 2050069
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i hate these people with a passion, have we fallen so low we are using a fucking war for clout?
No. 2050237
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>>2050178Reminds me of this, a perfectly normal pair of gfs.
No. 2050558
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I never thought I'd see someone calling NaruSasu incest, what an insane take.
No. 2051131
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>>2050558Leave sasunaru alone lmao
No. 2052594
>>2049556Goro is so fucking based and I love him, absolute peak male character as you said. He was the only character not kissing the retarded waifubait Marysue's ass in Royal too and his and Joker's detective&thief dynamic made moids seethe so hard Atlus is too scared to confirm his alive status for good.
No. 2052607
>>2050237How isn't this just friendship? I know sex isn't always a necessity in a relationship but becoming extremely uncomfortable and repulsed with bodily contact included with a lack of physical attraction comes off to me as more of some trauma response or simply not being attracted to this gender. I knew a girl who used to completely lack a sex drive but she saw sex as equal to a hug or a handshake, she didn't desire it but she didn't have a panic attack when it came up.
>>2050178As an actual fujolesbian I hate these people so much because they lead you on bragging about being the gayest bitch around but when push comes to shove, pussy doesn't suffice and women are only good for emotional support and as caregivers like in that comic above, not for sex or serious relationships. They're the kind who self insert all the time and after they get a boyfriend when nearing 30 they turn on fujos and relentlessly complain about straight content not being popular enough in fandoms.
No. 2052677
>>2051164Sae is also a favourite of mine. A shame they had to sexualize her in her palace but she's a cool villain there too and I really love her monster boss form. You're right in saying that her not being romanceable leaves space for actual character depth and growth, while the waifus may be nice (but not too much tbh) in the main story but their character gets destroyed during their confidants because they turn into blushing shy uwu giwls thirsting over the MC (because god forbid males don't have romance content involving a doormat that kisses their self-insert's asses) and then once their arcs are over they almost disappear. Kasumi going "senpai" every two minutes was the most grating thing.
>MakotoTo this day I still don't know why so many moids latched onto her. Among the female team members she's the blandest one who also has an annoying ass voice that you're forced to hear 24/7 in battle once she joins. She's pushed as the clever one but she only repeats what everyone says calmly and makes basic observations. Her social link sucked, her arc sucked and her non-existent growth sucked. You can't show a person finally freeing themselves of strict social norms/high expectations, going ham and dropping the good girl act and then… go back at making her the good girl with perfect grades who respects everyone. Akechi also does this but successfully.
No. 2052961
>>2052950>kirby>markiplieri need to know more of this autismo lore. How the fuck do you get
triggered by the pink ball baby game.
No. 2052963
>>2052961I was just about to ask this kek. The among us one too? How does it "
trigger dysphoria" the characters are blobs
No. 2052965
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>>2052961I have no idea, I just randomly found this person on a VN server and I have no idea what gender they are (they say she/her pronouns, so it's possibly a really strange flavor of agp?)
No. 2052968
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>>2052965Definitely a guy, first time I've seen a guy into DID larping though damn.
No. 2053041
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>>2053035samefag, this is her
No. 2053049
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>>2044247It's amazing how retarded any discussion about procop/acab regarding fictional characters can get.
No. 2053588
>>2053049god can't people just admit to liking things anymore? also kek at mindhunter being 'copaganda' when so much of it is about how insane the MC is and how no one really knows what the fuck they're doing and gets shit wrong. It's also weird to frame media where the targets are only serial killers, who do truly monstrous things, as being propaganda– it's not like the show is about punishing petty criminals and druggies or something (saying this because those are the types I see these people bring up as being unfairly handled by the police), and it even tries to be sensitive about racial issues while also being period accurate (whether you think it succeeds or not, point is that you'd think these people would see the effort if not appreciate it). Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Mindhunter pre-date the true crime streaming boom as well?
Anyway, hope it does come back, it was a fun show
No. 2053731
>>2044247League fans have basically been predicting this since Arcane came out. I love seeing them correct Arcane fans by going “she’s not a piltover officer she’s THE pullover officer”
It’s going to make for fun internet fights i guess
No. 2053749
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This is deeply offensive .
No. 2053918
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Has anyone noticed the uptick in yaoi vs yuri sperging lately? I've been seeing so many posts that read exactly like this in the last few weeks, and all of them spawn tons of discourse in the comments and quote retweets
No. 2054074
>>2053944agree, and it especially sucks when the original media has some really interesting ideas and themes and no hints of romance, but the fandom instead fixates on the fanon versions of two characters who have been warped into cliche moulds/romance dynamics (or sub/dom shit). Tbh I probably wouldn't mind it half as much if characters were still kept at least mostly canon (and the setting maintained intead of shifting to generic modern/mundane AU etc), but that's apparently a big ask even if the canon character is a simple archetype and not complex in the slightest.
Worst thing though is how showing dislike/disinterest for a ship can get you marked as 'suspicious' in some fandoms, even if you're super polite about it or don't ship anything in general. So weird and entitled over something that should just be a bit of dumb fun.
No. 2054159
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the latest episode of smiling friends caused some controversy on twitter for this joke. The line 'all cultures are equal' said in a mocking tone. The wokies only then discovered that zach had tweeted racist stuff in 2016 and the voice actor for mr boss had also made racist joke videos where he used the n-word multiple times, so they realized that a group of edgelord newgrounders would not be progressives, but the reactions are pretty insane, I have seen people call zach a christo-fascist
No. 2054219
>>2054159this was so obvious since season 1. people need to get over themselves, it's a fucking cartoon made by some dweebs
>>2054170how does this make sense?
No. 2054351
>>2054321Same, the contrast before and after her dungeon was too big for it seem believable. I like Ann a lot and her arc happens early enough that she can grow for the rest of the game but her confident was a waste of time
except for the rank where Shiho shows up but since the writers came up with way too many playable characters she and Ryuji get overshadowed pretty quickly. The cast would have been a lot better if you removed Makoto, Haru and the new OC donut steel waifu from Royal, and if you made Futaba show up earlier instead so she could get better gradually instead of just needing a few days to go from a PTSD ridden neet to the most extroverted character in the team.
No. 2054467
>>2054351I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but Ann is the best female character in that game, she gets shit all the time because the writers sexualized her so much but she's the only one who actually stuck with me as a defined personality with layers. Haru isn't bad either because she joins in so late that her blandness can be excused, but Makoto and Futaba were such a waste of potential. Kasumi was just terrible and clearly a writer's waifu, not a real character meant to be seen as an equal to the other more plot relevant ones.
>>2054302Most women gravitate towards husbandofaggotry and especially yaoi because they don't have to deal with moids there, not necessarily because they're lusting for fictional cock. The biggest reason I can't get into f/f ships is that they're always two femmes and the scene is absolutely ridden with horny troons, I'd take a socially maladjusted delusional fujoAiden any day over a porn-addicted yurifag AGP.
No. 2054492
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Kodaka and Uchikoshi's new game looks shit but the amount of people on twitter having meltdowns is really really funny.
No. 2054495
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>>2054492>Uchikoshi>good let alone best writerMan pandering to trannies really does make them suck your cock till it pops off.
No. 2054696
>>2053918Because most are straight women and straight women like men. Put those two together and you get yaoi's preeminent dominance in fandom since time memorial. Not to mention, SSA women take up less space than OSA women and you're left with the remaining going over to the winners since the grass' greener. Eat your veggies became a meme for a reason. Others are not entitled make content let alone in ways others like. If the person truly cared, they'd happily shine light on ill-begotten works otherwise unknown. But no, they choose to waste time bemoaning the lack of cottagecore yuri AUs and making it a activist issue rather than matter of preference.
Plenty of OSA fans could like f/f but the people surrounding it usually aren't pleasant to be around. For all this talk about representation, they sure do hiss at the notion that lesbians and bi women aren't perfect angels but multifaceted people. I'd like that more than sperging about yuri good, yaoi bad for the millionth time.
No. 2054773
>>2053764Do as many of the following as you can on twitter:
1. Try to choose fandoms that have complex plots and emotionally mature content
2. Prioritize following non-English artists for fanart, use the shit out of Google translate to read their headcanons and the like, leave short "thank you!" "Beautiful art!" type of comments to assess if they are bilingual, you might get lucky
3. Look up the fandom tags and preemptively block any loud gendies, especially the ones that post titchop art or have other degen signs like furry, gore
4. Block words like "transmasc" "transfem" "cunt boy" etc etc basically any combination of bullshit a gendie might say in Twitter settings
No. 2054949
>>2053588>god can't people just admit to liking things anymore?Not anymore, ever since it became le bad to watch anything that could be interpreted as "not progressive enough" in certain internet circles. It's a moral offense and you should hit yourself with an whip to prove how much you disapprove the
problematic content.
I don't really know if there was a True Crime boom before the pandemic (I wasn't really interacting in english speaking groups/forums before very recently) but David fincher, one of the show's producers, already did other true crime related movie before in late 00's.
No. 2055054
>>2053944That’s only in tumblr-adjacent fandom spaces.
On reddit-4chan you have to intentionally seek out shipping (like going to waifu threads or something cringe), most of the discussions are focused on lore, plot, power leveling and HC that aren’t related to shipping
No. 2055810
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>>2055287apt observation but the person in the original tweet was at least a girl or a woman. Others like here are coming out of the woodwork calling fujos "cultist" while shouting cultish platitudes without a hint of irony. Could be a case of handmaidish as the same talking points are popular among TIMs and their lackeys.
No. 2055846
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>>2055824A moid would say it's shit and move on. A pick-me would go on and on about why fujos are actually oppressive bigots because reasons. I can understand the animosity surrounding yaoi, but most of their arguments come down to old clichés–some of which don't matter–poisoning the well and somehow ruining SSA male representation. Fujos and himes will fight over fictional characters boning till the earth cooks us all alive.
Also, can these people learn how to write? Writing well may be hard, but if they set aside one moment in a day for writing, maybe they'd have fewer problems to whine about.
No. 2055850
>>2055846>A moid would say it's shit and move on. That or they'll say "it's not canon shut up" if they're fans of the story and characters and also move on. Even then they sometimes have consrructive discussions on other parts of their favorite series with fujoshi sometimes because at the end of the day they're still into the same series.
>Also, can these people learn how to write? lol that's only one part of the issue. The truth is that they're nor actually dedicated fans enough to even want to write anything regardless of talent, they just want to feel included in some specific internet subculture because they saw nerds having fun together online. Peak retarded normie behavior.
No. 2055913
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>>2055846Kek it does sound like picrel
No. 2055939
>>2055850There's also the third reaction of agreeing that the mc is acting like a fruit and then complaining about how every male character has to be gay nowadays.
Those are more fun though.
No. 2055968
>>2054492So annoying people are losing interest into Danganronpa (good), but it's almost funny how even when leaving you must be annoying one last time and make a moral song and dance out of it. Like shut up, you were just fine overlooking or actually liking the so-called
problematic elements for years.
No. 2055976
>>205581099% chance people like this aren't even actual lesbians. Her feed is almost entirely selfies, RTing the latest trendy political slogans/armchair activism, and the occasional generic "teehee I love girls uwu i'm so gay reblog my selfies teehee".
No original wlw or yuri content, no retweets of wlw works, no gushing or discussion of any work featuring lesbian storylines, and frankly no indication that she genuinely even likes women as people for that matter.
No. 2056849
>>2055054These spaces have separate problems from shipping.
>4chanI don't know what's your fandom but mine is barely discussed there and when it is, it's never about lore, at the very, very best they are spewing trivia from wikis. Usually they are just complaining about something dumb or repeating ancient boring takes, spamming stupid memes, saying they would fuck character x or having genuine schizo takes (like bringing pol takes into something that has nothing to do with that). Nothing of value is discussed and add their incel channer lingo makes it more insufferable. Not really an option for me.
>reddit90% are fanarts/memes/cosplays/merch pictures. That's all fine, but I don't consider those lore discussion. When there is an attempt at discussing something there are barely any replies.
These are my experiences in my fandom. Maybe yours is different and good for you, but I've been on this fandom for over a decade and I saw the discussions dying over time and the same happened to 2 other fandoms I was part of.
No. 2057213
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No. 2057627
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And these people are being completely genuine lol
No. 2057711
>>2057627I hate antis and can be considered a proshipper myself but these proship discourse accounts have the biggest
victim complexes. Most of the stuff on that list is either exaggerated, made up, or blaming everyone for the actions of some individuals which is as dumb as saying all proshippers are potential pedophiles because one was a groomer. Proshippers run with anything to make it seem like antis are mass murdering them irl like that Undertale needle cookie story that was never verified kek. The "antis are literally cops" is the most retarded shit ever and just an example that people are obsessed with inserting their politics into fandom discourse.
No. 2057757
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I don’t know if this is the right thread to share this, but I have recently been having thoughts as a mid twenties adult who still autistically enjoys media, fanart, fanfic, and so on.
I don’t know how to express this coherently, but do other nonas who are now undeniably adults yet continue to enjoy media and derivative media feel like you have “outgrown” fandom? And I don’t mean giving up your autism for fictional characters or your writing fanfiction, but the community/social aspect.
I still draw and write about media I like, even share it on AO3, but it feels like fandom, the social fandom where you interact with others on twitter or discord, is just so… mentally and emotionally stunted. I’m not even speaking about how swathes of people are actual kids on their teens, either. They have an excuse to be mentally stunted, at least to a degree, and I rarely interact with them anyway given we have nothing in common. But I managed to get a moderate following (1500+) on the past two years simply sharing my ideas and art for a specific fandom, and those two years were so exhausting and full of confrontations with extremely immature adults it has made me discard social media and lean harder into anonymous imageboard posting, at least if you have to face a retard anon, you can close the tab and be none the wiser. I was shocked seeing other adults in their twenties and even thirties deeply immersed in gendie shit, taking extreme stances on stuff like pro and anti shipping with little to no nuance, believing in complete nonsense fear indoctrination things like trans genocide… It was very eye opening.
It’s almost like being a certain level of immature and childish is a pre requisite to be able to be involved with fan communities to this cultish, abusive degree. I have real life things to do, I don’t have time to keep up with empty gaza virtue signalling or neopronouns or any of that shit. I’m not even American, so what the US funds means nothing to me. A lot of things about it that I used to like I simply don’t enjoy anymore, people I found ok I cringe at.
Have other nonas had this experience? What was your “wake-up” moment? What are your horror stories with fandom manbabies?
No. 2057782
>>2057757>>2057767I'm the same as both of you but I was always a paranoid lurker and never posted art, fics, headcanons, fan translations, etc. so I never had a huge following, just a few mutuals here and there that all dumped me when I started shit talking fakebois for ruining discussions about Yuri on Ice once when the show was still on-going. I saw fandoms as a hobby before, but they and the internet as a whole changed with time for the worse, and at this point I'd rather post about the video games and shows I like here or even on 4chan than anywhere else, it's just that bad. When I was in university I was really busy because I had a lot of work and a very weird schedule, I made weeb friends there and we're still friends to this day but while I decided to delete some of my social media accounts to focus on school and then on work, two of are still deep into fandoms and they're by far the most immature ones. One of them skipped class, refused a job offer offered to her on a silver platter during an economic crisis and lost her visa and right to live in our country just to play online video games with her online friends that she secretly dislikes and who she worries will dox her for liking
problematic age gap gay pairings. The other is working retail despite having a degree and spends an insane amount of money on merchs and materials for cosplay when she really shouldn't, and has drama with her cosplay friends all the time. Witnessing crazy shit like a grown woman actually crying for 10 good minutes over some one-sided beef she had with some online acquaintance for stealing her idea for a powerpoint presentation of her OC irl was really eye opening, because it's one thing to see someone saying they've cried for that on a tweet and think "lol what a retard" and move on, but that was too ridiculous and pathetic for me. I even regret getting into fandoms on tumblr and wish I never made an account back then.
No. 2057819
>>2057757Pretty simple but it was just, having to explain obvious stuff going on in the story.
If it's not about who is fucking who, people aren't paying attention anymore. They call any story development that a character doesn't directly point out an asspull. They refuse to even consider thinking about how stories might develop because it's not a "real book" like those they get at school.
Also, shitty slang getting spammed. I hate the word GOAT so fucking much.
No. 2057870
>>2057757I'm the same,
nonnie. I quit my xitter I had for over a decade a year ago and unlogged from discord permanently and I haven't looked back since. It's been a bit lonely but it's been amazing for my mental health, just like you I also realized how emotionally exhausting being on top of fandom beef, walking on eggshells while simultaneously trying to sperg about your favorite media, being in discord circles and their absolutely saddening levels of retardation (which I also participated in for a long time) it all takes a toll on you. I also realized I stopped drawing for myself the moment I made a Tumblr account at age 13 and I can't conceptualize creating art from making "content" that needs to be perceived and validated by fandom with likes and retweets. I think I had fun being in fandom as a teenager but I want to be chill now and no longer have to be subject to the drama of the week and hang out around immature, egotistical and chronically online sad, sad people, as much as I genuinely cared for them and enjoyed spending time with them. It's lonely not having socmed anymore but mentally I've been doing so much better I can't go back now.
No. 2057925
>>2057757I am kind of the opposite? From 15-25 I didn't have a lot of interest in fandom. I was basically asexual and aromantic so I had no interest in shipping and I was genuinely too retarded to consume media. I read ao3 fics when I was bored but I had no real investment in any of the fandoms, I mostly read fics where I hadn't even watched the source material.
Then at 25 maybe because of hormonal changes I became sexually attracted to people and that has made me interested in various fandoms. I feel alienated from these niche fandom communities and their retarded ways but I am slowly trying to worm my way in so maybe I can make some friends
No. 2057930
>>2057757Yeah, I'm over 30 and have been in fandom communities since high school, but after I got out of school and started working, I became less tolerant of modern fandom culture. Even though I'm still passionate about media and characters, I love analyzing it and creating things for it, the way other people go about it is so "life or death" or a replacement for having a real life or identity. And the way artists and writers are treated is so awful, people basically see you as soulless content mills and put high standards even though you're just doing this for fun. Even trying to meet local friends has made me more frustrated, because a lot of nerdy 30 year olds are Tumblr poisoned.
I just have a blog that's not on any social media where I talk about this stuff, and channel my autism in original creations. Instead of writing "fix it" fanfic or think about headcanons, I just make OCs and my own story.
No. 2058056
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Why do teenagers want to live in the 2000s so badly? It fucking sucked back then, unironically I think the 2010s were the most decent when you compare it to the 2000s and 2020s and that sucked too for the most part.
No. 2058596
>>2057627This is why I don’t associate myself with either sides and just call myself a degen, even though I’m technically a proshipper. I hate this retarded faggot who was posting about pro/antiship discourse on her BIRTHDAY and acts like a huge misogynist like that’ll unrape her.
>sent slurs to pocsWhenever I see stuff like this, I have to wonder if they only started using social media yesterday. Calling people slurs based on their identity has been a thing for ages on the internet and the etiquette has been to either ignore them or call them a slur back, not throw a temper tantrum over “WAAAH SOMEONE THINKS IM A DEGEN FOR LIKING SHOTA RAPE FURRY UNBIRTHING SCAT PORN IM THE
VICTIM DOODS”. Also racist lolicons are technically proshippers, what does miss woke have to say about that?
No. 2058681
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>>2058056They want the freedom of the cringe and free days, but have no real personalities or subcultures besides throwing pronouns in their bios.
No. 2058822
>>20580942000s anime’s art styles are pretty ugly for the most part though because no one knew how digital colors worked for most of the decade.
>>2058151Maybe they want to be a 2000s Japanese person?
No. 2059016
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>>2058828I'm not gonna say most anime nowadays looks great, but it looks better than this.
No. 2059021
>>2059016NTA but Kanon was even considered derpy/badly animated back then, kek. That's hardly a representative example,
No. 2059028
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>>2059026It's still a 2000s anime though and Key style art was pretty common back then despite it being hideous.
No. 2059279
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Another Bridget figure, another time where people fight about a kid being groomed to think he was a girl due a superstition and think that's "good trans girl representation".
No. 2059514
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Not sure if this is the right thread, but a TIF I followed back when she was in my current fandom has been outed to be scammer stealing money from multiple projects, but still her "callout doc" makes sure to respect her pronouns, lmfao. No. 2059518
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>>2059514The doc doesn't even mention her TIF-ness (though you can guess from her fandoms) so including her pronoun having bio from the account I knew her from. It just so hilarious to me that her former friends are launching a campaign against her but still won't let themselves commit the crime of misgendering kek
No. 2059671
>>2055810I don’t get it what’s wrong with not liking fujoshis, even they’re aware that fujo culture and stuff like the omega verse are weird
Is disliking fujoshi now misogynistic or something? I don’t understand this weird hill that nonnies are willing to die on. It was always a thing for some fangirls to dislike shipping in general ot obviously got much worse when politics and self righteousness got injected into fandom
(derailing) No. 2059729
>>2059671Moralfagging as a way to justify disliking something is fucking stupid and automatically makes me throw out your opinion.
Just say you dislike something, you don't need to say any reason.
No. 2059871
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The absolute state of modern fandom.
No. 2059939
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>>2059522The soulless meme is moid shit
>>2059596I prefer generic over ‘vomit inducing’ there’s a reason when they released her nendoroid they didn’t use the original art style
No. 2060088
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So the world (but specifically southeast asia) is experiencing the worst heat waves ever. This is everything we were told about climate change brought to life. thousands are dying and the heat is completely unbearable for literally everyone and with all this going on, I don't understand how there are still southeast asians who seem to act as if we live in a peaceful nation with no grander conflicts. I don't understand how anyone has the energy to sperg about fandom or shipping(off topic)
No. 2060109
>>2060088The last thing I'd want to think about while dying slowly is how I'm dying slowly tbf.
I want to die with my husbando in my heart.
No. 2060176
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>you are definitely a bad person
I'll accept it!
No. 2060204
>>2060176Didn't we go more than 20 years as a society without considering JK Rowling
problematic or picking up on her "bigoted beliefs"? Are people supposed to retroactively eliminate their enjoyment for media if it turns out the author has different beliefs than them? I swear this is one of the dumbest takes I've ever read
No. 2060222
>>2060192Racism, probably.
I think South Koreans still haven't forgiven him lol.
No. 2060444
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>>2060222To be fair I think even if Korea was depicted as the most kind, handsome and intelligent character they would have still bitched about it until he got removed because Korea vs Japanisms.
No. 2060446
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>>2060267That was on deen not Hima though, and it gets corrected in the later seasons anyway.
No. 2060778
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>from source materials or artists I have moral issues with
>Owns a figure of a bunny girl pissing herself and is the admin of a ddlg and petplay club
I fucking hate pick mes.
No. 2060907
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It’s over, nonnas. I officially deleted all my fan accounts on various social media platforms because the normies have ruined fandoms for me. I wish anime and gaming had never been normalized.
Every fandom has now been flooded with low IQ normies who don’t even talk about actual fandom related things. They’ll randomly post about being horny, wanting to be choked by their ugly moid boyfriends or post thirst traps. Ew. I hate seeing unrelated stuff about their private lives because it just gives you even more insight into what a normie life they are living. They are literally the types who peaked in high school and would have bullied people for watching anime in the past. Not to mention that moids now use fandom communities as a dating platform. Had to block a good amount of them for “crushing” on me.
What bothers me the most is the normies ranting about literal non issues like fujos “fetishizing gay men” or accusing people of “asian fishing” because they have a Japanese username etc. How did it even get to this point? The normies have truly taken over now that these are actual topics deemed worthy of debate.
No. 2061003
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>>2060907I joined a local anime discord to see if there's anyone cool. I posted my collection to see if anyone likes the same things I do but once others followed suit all they had was shonen slop manga with seasonal anime splashed in (pic from reddit). You can tell who just got into anime by what they collect.
No. 2061012
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>>2059028They actually made an Air movie that came out at the same time as the anime and it has a drastically different art style. It's directed by the onii-sama e guy. The anime is better than the movie though.
No. 2061018
>>2060778all the youngins in mfc are so annoying, i visit their profiles and they always have something like, dni if you are into these
problematic things, but then they have like you said gross figures, cutesy figures from gross origins. On the other hand the males crying about loli being heavily censored are even more annoying, muh free soeech and if we let it happen it’ll be literal fascism! So retarded.
No. 2061137
>>2060907The other day I saw someone comment on a post about how the content of that post truly made no sense and went against the whole lore of the series. They were nice about it and explained in detail, but that didn't stop people from dogpiling on him, even if he was absolutely right. Saying stuff like it didn't matter, it was just fiction, who cares about it, and so on.
I hate how normies colonized the fandom spaces and how social media ruined it too. Some of us care, because that was what the fucking fandom was for, a place for people who cared. Somehow the fans are being shoved away from the space they created.
I managed to find a very select group as enthusiastic as me about one of my fandoms, but because weird trannies and annoying moids still lurk by I don't interact as much. The few dedicated fun ones are great though. I won't say you'll find a group that matches your interest for sure, as I have a few fandoms and only found what I was looking for in one, but I hope you get lucky.
No. 2061255
>>2061137Not who you're replying to, but what you're describing is exactly why I hate most of fandom these days. Headcanons just ruin everything. I'm talking about being expected to accept the most lore breaking, ooc "interpretations" of a character, their transing and being given the most random mental illnesses just because some random zoomer has said character as their "comfort character". And then too often such shit hc's spread bc too many ppl don't actually consume the media in question or just lack reading comprehension.
No, not all headcanons are
valid, some are just wrong, and we shouldn't be the bad guys to point that out.
No. 2061285
>>2060116People get into fandom slapfights because they have cushy lives and aren't affected by the world's problems, or they do have shit real lives and use arguments over shipping and
problematic media as a distraction.
No. 2061297
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I don’t know how to explain this but I hate how fandoms crossover into eachother now
My fandom with qt cartoon boys shouldn’t have furries in it gdi, the whole discord was discussing their ideas for the characters fursonas. Barf. I wish furries were still bullied to suicide.
Also ive never been able to figure out if the women who draw cute or attractive characters as 1000 lb fugly lumps with cellulite and stretch marks are actually that ugly irl and projecting, or if they’re cute/normal girls irl and just doing that thing where they pretend they think ugly people are attractive but would never want to look like that themselves and don’t want “competition”
No. 2061373
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>>2061311thank god, but i feel like i do see quite a few jp artists that acknowledge he is a tranny. now that GGST is getting an anime, i can't help but wonder if bridget is going to get an episode or even a multi episode side arc about his trannyism, even though sin looks like he is going to be the main character. it seems that arcsys understands bridget to be their biggest paypig right now, and i wouldn't be surprised if they'll continue to suck trooncock with the show.
testament still makes me sadder than bridget, especially with how the fans dropped him the second they retconned bridget too. both their stories have depressing implications about their trooning out, and they both reinforce gender roles in very unfortunate ways. they'll probably never have another feminine male character, or bother with a masculine female character.
No. 2061398
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Is it just me that thinks fandoms back in the late 2000s and early 2010s seemed way more tight knit and passionate? Nowadays everyone seems splintered in small groups like super sekrit circlejerks on discord and fanworks are focused more on gaining traction and likes than out of love and interest for the source material, also way more political content gets shoehorned in everything made.
No. 2061404
>>2061239NTA but this explains why so many Korean artists crank out art of literally every character ever. God their scene sounds so exhausting.
>They're quick to do that shit to western artists, but they don't dare attack big stacy JP artists because they're the more prolific (and talented) ones and fight backKek Koreans never beating the insecurities about Japan allegations. I wonder how their dynamic with the Chinese artists work because the Chinese fujos from what I've seen are the most unhinged (but also extremely based) yet.
No. 2061592
>>2061398There was a lot more gatekeeping. It was
toxic but imho it made things better
No. 2061601
>>2061255I'm so sick of headcanonfags. I'm sure there's exceptions here and there and some who adhere to canon but I haven't encountered one that doesn't throw a gargantuan tantrum at being quietly ignored or disagreed with. Even ignoring a popular headcanon in fandom will get you side-eyes and people specifically seeking you out to try and interrogate you or badger you. Speaking from personal experience
>>2061398It's unfortunately the case because nobody wants to deal with fandom, so the moment somebody gets the chance to jump ship to a literal secret club circlejerk that looks like heaven in comparison they'll do so. It sucks, and I don't enjoy it either.
No. 2061739
>>2061587From what I recall, muh sjws existed on LJ and then these people migrated to tumblr and spread the garbage more. Tumblr was perfectly fine until the gamer gate and politics hit. Pretty sure 2012-2013 is when I started to see tranny vitiligo deathfat
POC gender blob fanart too.
No. 2061752
>>2061398Adorable pepe.. Yeah, i crave the feeling of looking up a manga/video game and reading the forums/deviantart groups dedicated to it, it was cozy. I miss generalist weeb websites and forums too, looking into every little corner to find something (fanart, fic, opinion etc) that caught my eye. Tumblr kind of killed this, the massive fandoms and over-enthusiastic attitude around stuff like Homestuck was exhausting. I mean i get teenage excitement but it was genuinely grating to constantly have someone screaming in your ear about x ship or x
problematic creator or 'why is [] a trans disabled piss drinker'. I don't miss the peak of tumblr fandom at all, even with nostalgia goggles on. Tumblr/X is perfect for smaller fandoms though, it kind of replicates the 'small town organized around an interest' feeling of early forums and dA groups, but they're slow to post and the site is dying anyways.
No. 2061973
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You'd think after that ecchi mahou shoujo yuri aired earlier this year they'd stop coping with this. Yes, there is yuri for women (Maria sama ga miteru for example) and it's usually pretty easy to tell what's for women and what's for men by art style alone but it's pretty stupid to pretend yuri is majority for women.
No. 2062155
>>2061373>but i feel like i do see quite a few jp artists that acknowledge he is a trannyfrom what i’ve seen, when they call him a girl it isn’t because they think he is a girl, they just have a feminization fetish.
>>2061809>There was an official Pixiv article about him tagged with otokonoko while the English translation was completely different yeah this is generally how it goes for otokonoko characters. like that guy from project sekai. i love his design so i follow quite a few fan artists and every single one refers to him as a dude and otherwise draws him with a dick. then you peek on western circles and it’s him holding the tranny flag and crying tears of joy kek
No. 2062280
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>>2061809companies making the figures for bridget and such will still refer to him as a guy, and on the official website they never bothered to update his profile from referring to him as a boy. however, daisuke did do several interviews in japanese where he continued to buckle down on bridget being transgender now, and any mobile crossover game has called him female. although retarded details like his jacket being a "dysphoria hoodie" detail is english only.
>>2062155i've seen some westaboos call him a girl, but you're right that it tends to be fetish material, or just treated as a joke.
No. 2062287
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>>2062184>>2061973i'm sorry but you all sound really stupid with your constant x=boy y=girl etc etc comments. you say you dislike gender roles and such bullshit but perpetuate really pointless fandom policing in these circles. same goes for obsessing over technicalities about trans characters, as if they affected you in any way. have any of you considered that maybe some gay men like to look at yaoi twinks too? Or some straight women might find bara appealing for whatever reason? That's like saying action movies are for boys and drama movies are or girls when both of them are their own things with differences and similarities that appeal to whoever they appeal to. Sure, an audience will always be skewed in one direction because of generalizing factors, but going all black and white about it makes y'all sound like miserable, preschoolers.
'blue is for boys and pink is for girls guys . and also we hate fun and feel the need to make everything ever into a negative and miserable experience for everyone, including ourselves.'
grow up nonnas.
No. 2062405
>>2062287>Sure, an audience will always be skewed in one direction because of generalizing factors, but going all black and white about it makes y'all sound like miserable, preschoolers. fucking exactly kek. people can’t rant to their hearts content if they don’t have a stable point though, hence the overt generalization
> same goes for obsessing over technicalities about trans characters, as if they affected you in any way.i don’t get what you mean by this, though. it’s just a fact that you can’t go into any tag without seeing trannyshit, and a lot of people here hate troons. i’d say seeing things you hate and being unable to call them out or voice discomfort without being called a bigot and ostracized is very impactful to one’s enjoyment and sense of peace in fandom. or am i misunderstanding what you’re saying
No. 2062419
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The Eltingville Club creator is still angry that people are thirsting for his characters and insists Bill Dickey will never be in a relationship or be happy
No. 2062429
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>>2062184i mean class s was (is? i dunno how common it is anymore, maybe the occasional female friendship route in otome counts) just girl bestie “you will grow out of intense feelings towards other women” propaganda…it was never yuri, e.g. romantic/sexual relations between women. bara is also not used in japan, it’s called “geikomi”. a quick google search tells me the eq to geikomi used to be bian, but it’s more or less been consolidated into yuri. i’d also argue that most lesbian relationships in old shojo were 1000% not meant to be accurate depictions of lesbians or a sign of acceptance, they were pure drama fuel. which is fine ofc but it’s just fetishization of another stripe. like the intent was rarely ever “i want to reach out to women into women and reflect their experience” it was “i want to scandalize my audience and make them gasp so here are some carpet munchers”. i hope nobody saw me make this post three times
No. 2062712
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Didn't Arnold go to her house over and over too? I would be hateful and cruel with a moid wanting to stalk me like that.
No. 2062721
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Just saw this on twitter, idk why they’re trying to make a madonna whore complex for fictional characters. It’s funny bc half the characters mentioned in the comments/qrts are meant to be attractive/sexy, like what did you expect lol. And even then you have plenty of people willing to discuss them outside of their looks so I don’t see how this is an issue.
No. 2063113
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>>2062419I understand your issue but I do wish zoomers kept a professional distance with the authors, twitter was such a mistake making creators too accessible. And I wish authors would respect a distance to fanon to an extent. Picrel is such brainrot that has nothing to do with the game and the fan just wanted some kweer shipping points. I'm a shipper for this game but I wouldn't dare clarify it with the author if it were canon because that's not the point kek.
No. 2063124
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>>20627219/10 times the person bitching about it does because the character's trauma makes them go "wow just like me fr!!" or they are self-proclaimed aroace with sex-repulsion so they don't feel an attraction and no one else should either
No. 2063154
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>>2062429There was a period when yuri was for girls, but it revolved around the class S trope and it was clearly not meant for lesbian girls. It was a romanticized, puppy love-esque, voyeuristic take on lesbian relationships, which a lot of yuri still is to this day when it's not a literal comic blog self-insert diary of a lesbian author. I would fucking kill for a yuri that was made in the same spirit as Maxine Harlow's comics (that coincidentally have a tone similar to a lot of comedy BLs) but picrel in response to NDG_0_0's art shows why GL is doomed as a genre, lesbians can't have shit for fun ever. She's one of the only artists drawing apologetically butch x butch characters but immediately it's called out as being "secretly straight" because tall and/or muscular = male.
>>2062695>farmers constantly saying "umm why doesn't [x thing that exists in multitude] exist?! wtf. scrotes ruin everything" kekBald-faced lie. Every time farmers complain about mainly the lack of butch/GNC women in yuri and webtoons anons still try to recommend something they're not looking for and get all hissy when they're told that the shy schoolgirl having shoulder length hair isn't "masc". In worst cases they get recommended straight out scrote-pandering hentai when requesting more dramatic stories because "it has girls eating pussy and it's
problematic so what are you complaining about god you people are impossible to please!!!".
No. 2063182
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>>2063124They sound terminally online but this the most sane twitter take I've seen in my life. Tumblr was riddled to the brim with underage teens using their lack of sexuality to harass and bully grown people for having functioning sex drive and falling back on the acearo excuse when caught. If you so much as suggested they dial back their insanity, you were a branded a acephobe or worse yet a queerphobe because half these kids were some form of quoiromantic demi-pan foxkin and you should respect their presence "
terf". I wasn't on tumblr much, but I've seen their ilk out and about on reddit and twitter as well some art circles where normal sane people were banned for offending wannabe queer kid's feelings.
pic rel embodies how I feel on the subject though sadly I couldn't fit the whole thing through snip, Still landed on something relevant.
>>2063154If they do exist, there has to be one that's butch enough to actually be butch? Shouldn't be gatekeeping what's considered gnc, but when a gnc woman does appear, somehow she resembles a man despite the boobs and feminine features. If a chick with long hair gnc is considered butch enough, I afraid what's considered too much for the likes of others. Ftr, I would love to see more butchxbutch gl works but I'm attracted to masculinity so take what I say with caution.
No. 2063207
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>>2060907The people you're complaining about aren't normies what are you on about.
Talking with normies about the show or game you like is fun but the conversations are very surface level because they don't care as much to spend hours talking about the thing on a forum.
It's not normies who ruined fandom, it's tumblr's shitty politics every single movement bled into fandom and made things worse.
Shipping became a signifier for how you feel about gay rights
Randomly making characters black reflected your view on police brutality
Giving characters their "ethnic features" reflected your view on Western representation
Even seeing some art styles is enough to let people know about the artists' politics.
Even people here engage in the same game.
I don't regret dropping shipping in fandom, for some reason the people most involved in shipping are always obsessed with shoehorning politics everywhere as well.
Even any creator (writers) that are clearly inspired by fandom culture make something independent it's always really shitty. The books people keep arguing about in other threads from Asian-Americans or Westernised authors they all read the same because they all spent years marinating in the same headspaces and are incapable of looking outside their spaces.
The spillover effect is what annoys me because it feels like no matter what I can't escape it
Before anyone brings up "but men are worse" i don't care, I used to only be on female-dominated websites and fan spaces but they've all gone to shit since they're obsessed with shipping and fandom as politics.
>>2061296Yuri has always been (or at least until recently …)understood as a genre where lesbians get fetishied for men similar to lesbian porn. People apply the same argument for yaoi
No. 2063210
>>2062721While I agree that this reeks of having Astarion's sadhag self in mind, I do kinda see where this is coming from– dislike the use of the term 'oversexualised' though, even if it's technically fitting to use, as it comes across as the usual attempt to elevate a point by using academic or therapy speak (eg fanon could have been captioned just as easily with a simple 'slut' or 'horny' etc).
I am tired of almost every character I'm interested in being converted into a cookie-cutter sex trope by the fandom– if it's a male one, then he's a cringe daddy dom (or slutty sub if that's already taken in an m/m ship), and if it's a female one, then she's now a passive husk that could be the heroine of any cheap bodice ripper. I'm not mad btw that there's horny shit in fandoms, and fanfic will always be some level of OOC, I guess I'm just sick of wading through it since it seems to be the focus of the fandoms I'm in, with no one even wanting to talk about things other than sexual headcanons.
Idk, maybe I'm just old or too much of a sped kek to find this shit interesting
No. 2063215
>>2063210> attempt to elevate a point by using academic or therapy speakThat's how I felt about it as well.
It's very common in fandom
No. 2063282
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What’s the difference between bury your gays and doomed sapphics
(Pic somewhat related i think)
No. 2063375
>>2063207I dropped any shipping in my fandoms too, because most of the drama comes from it and there's barely anything of value in them anymore. Every fanfic reads the same, the same tropes, the same phrases, the same plots. The stupid slapfight between the groups about which ship is the righteous one is tiring.
They bring politics to justify their preferences and use it as ammo to criticize others. Everything is
problematic if they want it to be. If they can't back up their hatred with something from the canon, they'll say a character or a relationship is "coded" as something. So they can pull off a rhetoric to antagonize or defend their obsession and this circular discussion never ends or leads nowhere.
I didn't mind shipping, but the constant drama and the lack of quality made me lose any interest. I don't see the point anymore and everyone involved is stuck in the same mentality.
>>2063210Every character is forced into a few boring categories. Seeing people write fanfics about series they didn't fully watch is insane to me, but I've seen it too many times by now. So it doesn't surprise me that they get the character wrong and push them into a trope. A lot of fanfic is fed from other fanfics. They have become so generic that you can blank out the names and you would never know who that was about. It's not only fanfics, even Fanarts became generic and repetitive. I often see artists copy the same poses/ideas/tropes over and over because, just like fanfics, they feed from each other in this circular motion, and everything ends up looking similar and repetitive.
Thirsting after characters became the main attraction of fandoms, in both female and male spaces. Liking a character just as a character seems almost impossible now.
No. 2063431
>>2063154in general i think you browse lc too much…yuri isn’t “doomed” as a genre, you just don’t actually read yuri past whatever is spoonfed to you. the type of dumbass in your picrel isn’t keeping anyone from making anything. also
>It was a romanticized, puppy love-esque voyeuristic take on lesbian relationships, which a lot of yuri still is to this day this is most romance in general, for every good story you have ten thousand “boy meets girl and they experience no real complications outside of blushing at one another” slop
No. 2063445
>>2063424I used to read all kinds of fanfics. Sometimes there are time skips in media and some writers take advantage of that to write in between stories. Or they would take a canon event and add some character inner dialogue and shift the scene to their perspective. There is so much you can write beyond romance. I don't despise shipping, I despise the current state of shipping. Romantic and sexual relationships can be interesting to read, but the repetitive and surface level fanfics around aren't it.
>does it pale compared to real relationships or are you just not mentally prepared for a relationship and don't like them depicted in media?What does this even mean? Fiction isn't reality. I don't expect the fiction I consume to mirror my life in any way. I expect to be entertained, regardless of the topic. The issue is that most of the current shipping fics are not entertaining, they are boring and repetitive. The authors don't seem to implement the lore and canon material in them as much either, so what's the point?
No. 2063468
>>2063445>What does this even mean? Fiction isn't reality. I don't expect the fiction I consume to mirror my life in any way.Not implying it does, I'm trying to warp my head around why? And sometimes one's life does inform their reading choices but not always. You can be a pacifist and enjoy war stories or celibate and enjoy erotica. My awareness of fiction's engagements with the real world isn't unfounded but a pattern I see time and time again. Life circumstances inspire someone to seek works that resonate with them or at least clicks enough to try it.
And on the topic of new authors not bothering with canon, why does this happen? Video games are understable in light of barriers like gameplay but for media like anime, there's no excuse besides sheer laziness on their part. Speaking for myself I have to be intimately aware of the source material before engaging with the fandom since care enough about the world, it's history, and characters to understand them. That isn't to say AUs are questionable, I personally like especially when the source well has since run dry. There's so much juice you can squeeze before the hose grows thin and narrow.
>>2063452So you're fine with pre-established relationships essentially and since you quit BL, what filled that void? GL? Het? friendship stories? what do you think of platonic/gen ships?
And regarding the first part, how does one make a story where the characters are LGB without necessarily being about romance?
No. 2063469
>>2063235That's shit that people harassed you over your husbando-ing, that's not really the sort of thing that bothers me either– I was more thinking of like, the only content being put out by the most active members of the fandom all being renditions of the same horny fanon version of the characters. Someone being a smut peddler isn't the issue, it's stuff like what
>>2063375 said clogging up tags that I find grating.
>>2063424>why engage in fanfiction without romance in it?I look to fanfiction/fandom for more of what I enjoyed in the original media– what-ifs on canon events, fix its, character studies, canon-style stories (eg murder mystery for a detective show etc), some types of AU/canon-divergences, crackfic, scenarios that explore more of an ensemble casts' dynamics, and themes and aesthetics from canon, etc. There's a lot more you can do with canon's toybox than just pure romance (not saying any of that list can't be combined with romance either, of course).
>where everyone's just hanging out, it seems kind of boringThe problem with this kind of fic comes down to how well a given author can handle slice of life stories or canon concepts and dynamics– there's also an assumption here that an absence of romance means a passive story with no driving force, which isn't true. There are more genres and plotlines than romance anon.
>Maybe I'm misconstruing these post as a ban on romance… (cont.)Hardly– while I'm not a shipper, I do still read fics (or consume media in general) that contain or revolve around it (I tend to just trawl through everything for a character or two, on the hunt for anything that does something interesting with them), my complaint is more towards the watered-down and generically-sexed-up content that's become rife in a lot of fandoms. Doesn't matter if it's an established/canon couple or not either.
>And lastly, do you read romance or not? why?As in the romance genre? No. I find pure romance genre stories dull, repetitive and myopic– I have yet to read one where I like one of let alone both of the leads, and side characters in such stories generally exist to support or oppose the romance rather than anything else, same for the world, so there's nothing for me to latch on to. They're formulaic and riddled with tropes and cliches in a way that just doesn't appeal to me (not that I don't read formulaic and cliched things for genres I do enjoy, mind). I am romantically content irl and unbothered by depictions of romance/intimacy, if that answers your other question. I also agree with
>>2063445 points.
However, if a broader story contains a romantic subplot (and it doesn't proceed to take over the whole story), then I usually don't mind it at all (if it's good, obvs). I'm not against or coming for shipping or anything like that, I just find current trends frustrating (and confusing when it comes to stuff like name-swap smut kek).
No. 2063479
>>2063424Sometimes I just want more of the source material, shipping fics tend to slot characters into tropes too much and explore the same plots. Don't get me wrong, my favorite fics have shipping in it, but it's not the only thing or it's a established couple get into wacky situations type of thing.
I don't want tropey fluff/smut to be the only thing a fic has going for in those cases, sure desserts are good, but you won't go to a restaurant to be served only desserts.
No. 2063501
>>2063481Nta, but can you post examples? I would really love to find yuri like this. My experience has been like
>>2063154, the yuri I’ve come across have all been very saccharine and girly. The women I like IRL feel closer to cute anime boys so I was into yaoi as a teen but nowadays I wish I could just read about women.
No. 2063514
>>2063501Literally just Google GL manwha and check out the ones with bishie-looking women in the cover. I only know a couple because I don't like masculine-looking women that much and I seethe whenever the side couple of whatever I read looks like het with extra steps.
>Finding Assistant Manager Kim>Love Thy Neighbor>On A Leash>For Garbage I literally don't understand having the audacity to shit on yuri when you all people just read yaoi 24/7 and can't even take 5 fucking minutes to Google yuri that might be to your liking. Just fucking admit you don't like reading about any sort of fictional anime lesbians and be done with it for fucks sake.
No. 2063603
>>2063424I have noticed a trend of a lot of fanfiction being made about platonic family relationships between siblings, parents and children, etc. It has always existed but it seems like there's more and more of it recently.
It's funny because despite the fact these fics don't feature sex or romance they read exactly as a shipping fic. They're mostly a tool for mental masturbation and giving people the positive fuzzy feelings of a complicated relationship getting some resolution, like with romance.
I read romance fics mostly to get the hit of dopamine and sometimes they help me feel less lonely. I don't think they resemble real-life romance that much, if at all. For example it's possible that two people would be both secretly in love with each other, but if they were not completely retarded they would eventually pick up on the attraction and do something about it, or move on. Wm
I don't read stuff that is just the author playing with the world because most authors are not good enough for me to commit to reading their what-if fic that is 200k words long. Maybe I would if they were shorter.
No. 2064255
>>2063424It’s fun to imagine how characters interact in non-tense situations especially when the story itself doesn’t explore it much.
Some people LIKE filler episodes and tbh the thought of writing my favs just interacting together seems fun
I’m thinking from a shonen/action pov, so apologies
No. 2064260
>>2063564>>2063501Tiktok has a huge GL fan base and people recommend all sorts of comics on there, if you just relied on LC you’d think that there are only 3 GL stories across Japanese/Korean/Western comics.
I wasn’t aware how
toxic GLs were until I started looking comics/manga/manhwa on tiktok
Granted they have shitty art styles with those weird sausage lips and what have you but they EXIST. Try to talk about them here and you’ll have nonnies lecturing you about how you are a man or the writer is a man and how it’s
problematic because it objectifies some or something. Seriously this website sucks when it comes to female centric stories. The standards are unrealistic and honestly boring
>>2063481Nonnies just recycle arguments or are like 10+ years late.
No. 2064840
>>2064260Kek Korean GL is literally what BL manga was in 2002. I.e. dogshit with badly written characters, horrible art and edgy plotlines a 14-year old came up with.
>>2064700You spread misinformation about yaoi and fujos all the time yuripedo so we're even
No. 2064964
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>characters whose "queerness" is so obvious
>literally every example given is from shounen or other media meant for mostly children
No. 2065080
>>2064700Aren’t you the fat pseudo dyke who got
triggered when anons didn’t like strike witches a lolishit ecchi anime for scrotes?
No. 2065089
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>>2065080kek i remember her she had hideous salad fingers claws. IRL kikomi.
No. 2065118
>how's about recommending good Yuri that doesn't look and sound like ass>I may be straightWhy the fuck are you even looking for yuri then? Or pretending to, because one google search would give you My Broken Mariko or The Ends of a Dream (if you want new perspectives, a good adult story, whatever). Go read straight manga in peace
>>2063154I love masc x masc but why do you
need to have a GNC character? Genuinely curious.
>>2062287Please, it needed to be said. Anons have such a narrow view of what could appeal to either sex
No. 2065193
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>>2065189You just don't wanna read about women, period. Go back to your anal tearing literature.
No. 2065202
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Where do anti fujo sjws get the impression that all fujos hate female characters? That was true maybe, 10-15 years ago but that just isn’t the case anymore, and the characters I see fujos hate are rightfully so, aka shounenslop female love interests who’s only narrative purpose is to be the mc’s tardwife. Picrel is a character I’ve devoted way more love and energy to than any of my uke cumdumps
No. 2065205
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>>2065196Sal Jiang is literally female, and a million times more beautiful and talented than any pornsick fujo could ever hope to be. Seethe and cope.
No. 2065209
>>2064964Why are "queers" obsessed with teens and kid's sexualities? Isn't that a bit pedophilic? And some of them go on to have opposite sex love interest and families, so why in the fuck are these characters considered gay? Not denying the possibly that some can be bi but by that point it changes nothing.
>>2065193truly riveting lesbian representation. I could feel my loins quiver by the tension of pristine lust between these two dames. Oh how I wished there were more of this.
This was cringe nonna No. 2065232
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>>2065208Indeed, I pity my gf that needs to put up with my straightness every night.
(spoiler your shit) No. 2065248
>>2065236Are you serious?
>a million times more beautiful and talented than any pornsick fujo could ever hope to beYou're implying that the things she makes are so much better and superior to what a fujo could ever make (BL).
No. 2065257
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>>2065240Here, this has no tiddies so it's not porn.
No. 2065269
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>>2065242They're only happy when the butch/gnc representation is an obese bulldyke el goblina
No. 2065276
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>>2065256I guess looking back on it only makes sense if you know Sal. Besides drawing manga she also sings beautifully, plays the guitar and
builds nice gunplas kek.
>>2065259I will when everyone on this website stops posting scrotes.
(ban evasion) No. 2065280
>>2065276Or why don’t you just realize that most women are straight including you
>>2065269Based. Normalize ugly women, we have enough ugly moids as is
No. 2065296
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>>2065267Many JP yuri artists also do yaoi at times, and some others are fujos that do yuri at times. This artist exclusively does yuri though, she just has a stereotypical feminine artstyle, which is not that uncommon to see in yuri. There is this one artist (Tima) that has this hyperfeminine artstyle to the point of looking bad lmao.
(ban evasion) No. 2065319
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>>2065242>>2065269ok, let me get this straight, you think normal people who want gnc women who aren't moid bait are the same tumblr queers who smacks every anime girl with the uggo stick? Where are you pulling this from? Your blood soaked rear? I'd personally like mine to be good looking but not in ways that beget a moid gaze. You can be good looking, masc, and free of scrote-pandering bullshit without turning them into a diseased orge. Just becuase they look a bit male-ish doesn't negate the fact they're still women but tell me how a muscle butch women is basically a man. And we mean by by tomboy, we mean pic rel.
At this rate we can agree to disagree and move on with our lives because this is going nowhere.
No. 2065336
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>>2065335>fellow rin enjoyerbased beyond belief
nonnie No. 2065340
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>>2065280I have no issues claiming I'm straight. I'm really straight actually, a turbohet if you must and I just appreciate women in platonic ways you lower hets are unable to comprehend. I am simply ascended into another level of heterosexuality. Hope you plebs catch up someday because shitting on beautiful female friendships is very misogynistic of you.
(ban evasion) No. 2065353
>>2065094Personally I wouldn't even have a problem with the "sexy rapist" trope but it's literally the only role GNC women are given in GL ever, it's always some Sailor Uranus looking vaguely androgynous but extremely well-groomed woman who's overly flirtatious and makes all the straight women suddenly want to be fucked by her. It's such a bihet fantasy and I'm sick of it, butches deserve to be real characters instead of just fetishes. Like that served cold webtoon that was mentioned upthread, I got so fucking annoyed at it being an obvious power fantasy of a MPDG taking her away from her boring housewife life that I dropped it because I get enough of that shit in real life. That's why artists who draw butch x butch are so fucking based despite yurifags constantly crying and whining about them "looking like men".
>>2065239More yuri needs to look like this just to piss off the yuripedo who can't coom to anything but pornified femmes kek
No. 2065376
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>>2065358No, I suggest all yuri should look and read like yaoi but without dicks but since the entire genre and community is filled with irl kikomis like yuripedo and her million male counterparts it's never going to happen because they would get
triggered at something that's not a barely legal woman with gigantic tits being raped.
No. 2065383
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>>2065356Most of the characters who people bring up as being 'hated' by fujoshis are just hated by everyone or only liked by extreme waifufags anyway
No. 2065420
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>>2065395NTA but every time something like this gets posted as an example yurifags start screaming about how IT'S A MAN NOOO IT'S A MAN THATS NOT A WOMAN SHUT UP MUH LATENT BISEXUALITY REEEEE. I'm very masc, built, and much taller than my girlfriend and I like seeing couples like this because femme x femme does absolutely nothing for me, yuripedo can dilate while coping and seething about it.
No. 2065437
File: 1719424112795.jpg (202.07 KB, 1170x1356, GBs9nZQa4AAPzK4.jpg)

>>2065426>women visually indistinguishable from menactual mask off moment. Go get catfished some more by your online "girlfriend" while beating it to strike witches loli doujins and don't come back.
>>2065433I actually prefer butch x butch. Here's another from the same artist.
No. 2065460
File: 1719424709926.jpg (202.46 KB, 1113x879, GFVO_elaEAADLd1.jpg)

>>2065442It's not my fault all talented female manga artists actually capable of telling a good story and doing passable art are drawing BL instead of GL,
nonnie. I'm not going to violently rewire my brain to force myself into liking polilez-esque webtoon GL with shitty art made for literal teenagers or lonely housewives or boring as fuck hyperfemme yuri coomery just so I could earn my imaginary SSA badge from yuripedo.
nonny, mwah ♥
No. 2065587
File: 1719427440152.jpg (297.01 KB, 2048x1444, GPOWy6rbIAEMaH2.jpg)

>>2065579Cope and seethe, maybe in your deranged incel rape fantasies you'll finally find peace. Personally, I'm glad I'm not mentally damaged enough to having to imagine little anime girls being abused to coom.
(infighting) No. 2065757
File: 1719432929927.jpg (134.54 KB, 700x892, 1282523747069689864-png__700.j…)

>>2065654Right, exaggerated body proportions in drawings are meant for male characters only and female cartoon characters always need to have long lashes and a hourglass figure so that people won't get confused.
No. 2065924
File: 1719438579191.jpg (400.1 KB, 1638x2048, GIpkmHLXoAAbjRd.jpg)

Anyone else get sick of the types always trying to virtue signal with "BUT IF THE GENDERS WERE REVERSED" as if these characters/jokes aren't exclusively written by moids lol
No. 2066014
File: 1719441995647.png (258.83 KB, 500x328, 0.png)

>>2065924Yep that's why at least half of the examples in that list are still written as possible love interests despite being annoying as hell. I doubt female fans are the ones clamoring for more 'crazily obsessed with a guy' kinds of female characters. I can't think of many male examples from kids cartoons other than Sheldon though I'm sure there's more.
No. 2066065
>>2065202Because they're tourists with a
victim complex that should have been gatekept from nerdy hobbies, otherwise they would know a lot of fujoshi also read shojo/josei manga and many of them got into BL because of shojo and josei manga.
No. 2066728
File: 1719461474804.png (292.25 KB, 720x720, help.png)

>>2065460where's this from? who's the artist? help
No. 2067708
>>2065189>hyperfem balloon tit bimbos I don't know about korean GL but most male gazey yuri manga is about super-pure fluffy girls blushing and being cute together (male yurifags think of this as the pinnacle of femininity). Why do you guys always miss with your male gaze analysis of GL manga..?
This is iust my impression but 'moe virginal girls in love' male gaze is pretty compatible with het/bi female readers who are uncomfortable with lesbian sex (for whatever reason) and complain about any trace of eroticism. Every time a smutty GL gets released you can be sure to see women complaining about it and asking for more wholesome yuri manga, as if it isn't already the majority
No. 2067785
File: 1719529607924.png (51.73 KB, 562x316, Screenshots_2024-06-27-18-04-0…)

I know it's a joke but the fact that this how people unironically engage with media is so disheartening. It makes me not want to share the stuff I create either when I already know the people won't even bother engaging with the text of something I wrote and just use my characters and face claims for their OCs and AUs.
No. 2067821
>>2067785I know how you feel
nonny, I'm about to release my first original work and I'm pretty tense about the possibility of it going viral and developing a fanbase because people at large are so disrespectful at the author and consciously choose to ignore the canon because they just want to use the characters as their own little OCs. I'm not even talking about drawing my character holding a trans demi nonbinary whatever flag because that's just random autism but actually disregarding the lore I've written and had huge personal investment in and completely misinterpreting and/or flanderizing them. Or getting WAY too deep into them, some anons on this site freak me out with the level of obsession they have for a fictional character and it's a horrifying thought that someone would develop such a parasocial schizo relationship with one.
No. 2067827
>>2067785Unless you get a very niche small "autist moids from 15 years ago" crowd, it's going to happen.
Just hope it's "the story is shit but the male characters are cute so I make them more bishie to be actually watchable" and not "the character is trans and the author is probably trans too they just don't know it."
No. 2067867
>>2067811lol same
some of my online friends are still kinnies and its embarrassing to see. we're not 14 anymore wtf>>2067821>Or getting WAY too deep into them, some anons on this site freak me out with the level of obsession they have for a fictional character and it's a horrifying thought that someone would develop such a parasocial schizo relationship with one.i dont understand your gripe with this tbh. i plan on publicizing my original stories as well, and the thought of someone obsessing over my characters like that is very flattering
No. 2067876
>>2067861It's nothing special, I was never delusional enough to actually think of myself as
being x character I just did it because all my friends were doing it.
No. 2068259
>>2065516No. Like
>>2068235 said the rates are very similar, just look at the amount of handmaidens in GL spaces who simp for troons (fictional or real), date males while sporting the lesbian flag… Actual lesbians prefer GL but they're still a small minority. Honestly, fakebians or open bisexuals are always the majority in any f/f space, you can't salvage your taste by accusing the other side of being polilez kek
>>2068186Right, feminine 'futa' is infinetely more popular than 'GNC' futa
No. 2068373
File: 1719553313698.jpg (35.73 KB, 640x447, michelangelo.jpg)

>>2065420>>2065437Not mad at you OP but THIS is meant to be butch yuri? Fuck this shit I'm learning to draw. Retards will only learn how to draw moids, then give their 50-inch ribcages gynaecomastia tits and say "that's enough lesbian representation for one day." This barafication trend of butch women is fucking disgusting to me. These women can't reference their own girlfriends suddenly? Or even pay for life models? Moids with tits are all we get? Male Butch PsyOp thread when.
No. 2068393
File: 1719554423050.jpeg (142.11 KB, 602x867, IMG_5681.jpeg)

>>2068373You’re right. I know roided women exist, but this is just a heterosexual couple.
No. 2068396
>>2068381Imagine your hand wrapping around the right boob, there's a lot of man pec space there around the bulge.
The torso is generally thicker.
No. 2068402
>>2068186>>2068259ayrt. im sure there's still futa of feminine women, but unlike with fanart of gnc women i don't have to brace myself for surprise dick every damn time i stumble across nsfw of them. and while morons slapping dicks on gnc women is a problem in general, my observations are that artists who draw masc women all roidpigged are much more likely to dick it up as well.
>>2068373KEK your picrel. my thoughts exactly, nonna, brilliantly put. hell even michelangelos "woman" looks more like a woman than whatever fuckery is being presented to us by the male "butch" psyop (i would join that thread in a heartbeat btw).
No. 2068412
>>2065798isn't the amount of fujos that exist online solely because most BL romance is written and drawn by women and for women? Not talking about the smut, but women tend create characters with personalities and storylines that appeal to women, especially compared to balloon tits harem anime
I don't care for it but i can see how so many women get sucked up into it when looking for media to consume
No. 2068421
>>2068412Out of my ass, I'd say about 30-40% are actual true fujo blooded voyerists that get off of two dudes fucking.
The rest are self insert yumefujos, trapfags that like the girlier the better, trend hoppers, women who read anything that seems neat and happen to like bl style, and women wanting women written stuff.
No. 2068448
>>2067809>kinning>war flashbacksis that even still a thing anymore? I thought the hot new identity for middle schoolers was therians
I don't get self inserters in general on a personal level. I don't know if I'm a voyeurfag or a yume or a hetfag or whatever since I like hetshit but I don't self insert and in many cases can't. not in a 'no way! haha' way but in a I can't conjure up an image of myself way, but I'm 90% sure this is some dissociative mental illness and/or wanting to see a hot man and a hot woman is a symptom of bishit and identity issues. I don't know how to word the next sentence without seeming pretentious or like a humble brag but I wish I could self insert with my husbandos. How do people do it? I can't imagine myself with anyone or anything, except maybe other women fictional or not. but I've never been in a relationship
No. 2068463
>>2068448Literally me lol. I can imagine myself in a romantic context but sexual? How do you not cringe? How do you even imagine yourself having sex with a 2D husbando, is he stuffing his paper penis inside you? Do you become a drawing? It's very baffling to me.
I'm mostly a fujo but it would be impossible for me to self-insert in a relationship with a gay moid when the whole point is that he's gay. I don't even consider myself a "voyeur" I'm not imagining myself looking at two people. I'm just imagining the two people and their intimacy which will never involve me in any way, shape or form.
No. 2068470
>>2068448I was just like you, I didn't self insert until recently, I think it comes to preference, like I hate certain genres of media and there's nothing wrong with them. It could also be related to other personal experiences. My blocks for self inserting were
>Non canon bothered me>I had self image issues>sexual traumaI got over some of them over time and I have one self insert now, but only with one character, all the rest I prefer ships. I don't know what changed and made me accept this self insert thing, because they were extremely cringe to me in the past. They still are, I would never post about mine online, ever.
>>2068463>is he stuffing his paper penis inside you? Do you become a drawing? It's very baffling to me.Have you ever done that aphantasia test? I feel like people with more difficulty picturing stuff have more trouble with that. I either imagine the self insert in the character's style or I make the character more realistic, it's hard to explain, it's just a very vivid picture in my mind. I'm not discarding the cringe though kek, it can be cringy sometimes, but it's a guilty pleasure.
No. 2068481
>>2068470I don't have aphantasia (if anything I have an overactive imagination) but I do have trouble with first-person memory formation. There's this meme disorder called SDAM and I relate a lot to it. To be clear I can imagine myself having sex with a 3D guy but not with a drawing, I can't even conceptualize how that would work.
What confuses me is if you're imagining your self-insert having sex, isn't that also voyeuristic? Do you really relate that closely to a character you created even if obviously she's not you? Because I turn moids a lot more realistic when I imagine them having sex with each other but if I had to also insert a real-life guy into the picture it would break my brain
No. 2068486
>>2068448I'm a bit like you in that I can't full on self-insert and prefer imagining hetships I like, but I can imagine myself in the place of the girl. And I don't imagine her acting like me, but I always imagine her more in line with her canon personality and I just mentally exist in her place.
I can more fully self insert if its something like a pokemon game or something similarly blank-slately and romanceless, and I can have normal IRL relationships, but I can't place myself in a fictional one.
No. 2068489
>>2068481I guess it's as you say, a bit voyeuristic, but when I imagine them together, it's less about her and more about the character I'm into kek. I'm more focused on what he's doing. While I picture shipping, then it's more about both characters, so it feels more voyeuristic to my standard.
>Do you really relate that closely to a character you created even if obviously she's not you?I do relate to her, she has some of my traits so it's enough for me, but I agree that there's some voyeuristic level to it. This is my only self insert experience and it's pretty recent, a few years ago I would have never gotten into it. I was just like the other anon, so idk how much of an outlier I am in the self shipping group.
No. 2068496
>>2068448Ngl I was bullied too much when I was a kid so the thought of self inserting just fills me with embarassment, cringe, and shame.
I have a lot more fun just voyeuring it up and don't want to force myself to look at a mirror and say motivational shit when I read romance.
No. 2068539
>>2068470I not only have an overactive imagination but hyperphantasia so I think imagining a fake man as a real man isn't really an issue. When I imagine myself as part of the experience I often envision static or somebody else that looks maybe similar but different. I don't know if I have something like SDAM but I have a degree of faceblindness when it comes to my own face, or maybe a lack of a personal identity? Is it possible that I just like being someone else and live vicariously through that instead of directly self inserting? Ok honestly the more I think about it just sounds like I'm a voyeur. Maybe I do like sitting in the cuck chair kek
>>2068486>>2068463>And I don't imagine her acting like me, but I always imagine her more in line with her canon personality and I just mentally exist in her place.>I'm just imagining the two people and their intimacy which will never involve me in any way, shape or form.I think I agree with these two statements equally. I could exist in her place or even his but I'm just a guest. It's not about me.
>I can more fully self insert if its something like a pokemon game or something similarly blank-slately and romanceless,It's retarded but I think I'm already a blank slate so it's like painting on a white canvas with white. I'd much rather be someone else or at least have a female mc with a spine regardless of what she looks like.
No. 2068543
File: 1719566040173.jpg (146.49 KB, 634x803, article-2353420-1A9DA7FD000005…)

>>2068070KEK if someone actually traced a realistic normal woman (i.e. not a super skinny supermodel) it would probably look much closer to those "buck angel butches" than the dainty anime woman people expect, peoples' perception of female anatomy is so absolutely fucked that I need to remind everyone how people genuinely developed tinfoil hat theories about Abby from TLOU being a tranny psyop because they could not fucking comprehend a woman who didn't have exaggeratedly feminine anatomy (despite her being modeled after an IRL female actor who was way more jacked than the actual character ended up being btw) and blew the fuck up because Aloy from Horizon was "too manfaced". Fuck off with this, just be honest and say you don't like masculine women and none of this "nooo it's actually a scrote" bullshit.
No. 2068557
File: 1719567668155.jpg (540.86 KB, 1079x2322, comodjfksidt.jpg)

>>2068543Exactly. The way women are usually drawn has majorly skewed people's perception. Shit like
>>2065654 is crazy because the differences between 2D men and women are miniscule in certain anime-inspired styles. Like, their profiles are literally the same, one just has short hair and wears something baggy. Would longer lashes or a more visible chest be the only thing that makes her look feminine enough to count?
>>2068550Actual bait kek, there are no dicks anywhere
No. 2068569
File: 1719568647783.png (106.29 KB, 266x375, Abby_in_The_Last_of_Us_Part_II…)

>>2068557It's so fucking infuriating how people don't see this, as a teenage artist I did the same experiment and was genuinely shocked at how "stocky" and "burly" women actually are compared to the skinny anime characters I was drawing. And even when someone posts athletic women with buff arms people still whine how they're corner cases and don't really exist in the general populace, but for some fucking reason male characters can look like superathletes without much other reasoning than the author wanting them to. The people whining about masculine-looking female characters "looking too much like men" are just simply retarded in my books and too weak to admit to their own skewed perceptions. Seriously, imagine looking at this and writing paragraphs upon paragraphs of how she's a tranny psyop to brainwash people into finding troons hot when this is like the body of a basic female athlete. But then again I remember some schizo on lolcow ranting about how a female character wearing a sports bra is a tranny psyop too because "normal women don't wear sports bras".
No. 2068583
File: 1719570132236.jpg (310.87 KB, 1618x1992, 100 percent natural gainz.jpg)

>>2068543>irl female actor thats way more jackedtry to pick a woman thats not obviously using steroids next time if you want to make a point about people not liking masculine women in their "natural" state. you think its normal that every damn gnc woman gets turned into roided up barabait when theyre not being uberfeminized? i just want to see some normal-ass gnc women not on hrt or steroids, but youd think i was asking for all of them to be turned into paris hilton. theres a middle ground here, but you barafags constantly call any woman thats not fucking up their endocrine system "feminine". speaking of which, if its such a normal female form, how come youre not pushing for more feminine characters to get the roid treatment too? i'd at least respect some consistency if this is just a matter of wanting realistic depictions. also, extremely disingenuous to equate abby (realistic artstyle) to animu artstyles. abby is just fine in her medium, this shit
>>2065437 is not.
No. 2068595
>>2068583Abby is way more masculine than what's portrayed here
>>2065437 you dumbass, holy shit the perception people here have of female bodies is flabbergasting. I'd scrotefoil but I know plenty of women themselves have been gaslit into this mindset themselves. Take a look at real women's photographs and take some measurements to compare them to and you'll be surprised at how IRL women's proportions start looking like "roidpigs". Funny how none of these "they look like men" retards never post acceptable GNC characters themselves despite constantly egging others to do so and the rare times they do it's a pretty girl with short hair or a tomboyish teenager.
No. 2068607
File: 1719572045549.jpeg (418.11 KB, 1678x1194, FcNUJ9_aUAABrwz.jpeg)

>>2068583Kek aren't you just saying you don't like muscles or whatever you think bara means when talking about lesbians
No. 2068613
File: 1719572850064.webp (28.63 KB, 1200x675, my-hero-academia-character-mir…)

>>2068607Let's be real, anons will be fine with tall muscular mommy doms and other cartoonishly built female characters as long as they're not butch lesbians kek, that crosses the line.
No. 2068616
>>2068615These girls
>>2065437 clearly are and that's the one they had a problem with. Read the thread.
No. 2068619
File: 1719573319226.png (31 KB, 986x212, last-3.png)

>>2068611I don't mind Abby's design either. I think people complaining about her being muscular is stupid. She was raised in a stadium with a gym and good food supplies. Her dad was a scientist in a bio lab so it's not unreasonable to assume she could be juiced.
>killed the franchise off kekLast of Us 3 is happening
No. 2068624
File: 1719573943596.jpeg (109.46 KB, 1023x882, GQ8Hq91WoAAcpsa.jpeg)

The entire discussion reminded me of picrel kek
>>2068620And if the artist mainly likes masc women roided and the femme ones small? Are you going to get angry with them?
No. 2068632
>>2068623They can't settle for preferences. It must be a moral right that butch and masc women are a secret troon plot to infiltrate SSA spaces when they've existed since antique. But to tell them this truth reveals their inherent misogyny against women. Their credulous rhetoric was born from troon worship yet they refuse believe the overlap they share with the so called TRA they so despie. Look how yuripedo's talking points are the same TIM logic they love to use to harass gnc out of LGB spaces? they look like men therefore they must be men, therefore to be a true lesbian, they must be as fem as possible. It's all so retarded that even a straight person can look at this and call it bluff.
Are you gonna walk up to a straight woman who likes feminine men and call her closeted lesbian? Absolutely not. I swear, stuff like this breeds queers like crazy. I don't believe for a second Yuripedo is genuinely a sane human being. She has to be troll who exist to further divide an otherwise divisive group of people.
No. 2068647
File: 1719575824695.jpg (679.86 KB, 1440x1080, comparison.jpg)

>>2068632You're right anon, sporty women and men look exactly the same.
No. 2068655
>>2068628finally some honesty. i have much more respect for you than for the fags who desperately want to convince me that these totally read as women actually. honestly im just tired of the notion that only draw-a-baramoid-call-it-a-woman artworks can qualify as butch/gnc and if you dont like those depictions then you clearly hate masc women.
>>2068632>>2068637>extrapolating a discussion about the depiction of fictional butch/gnc women to real life for some reason irl butches will always look like women because of their female anatomy, but i suppose it makes sense to get weirdly defensive over people rightfully calling out the "draw a man's anatomy call it a woman" trend for gnc women if you can't tell them apart from men irl kek.
No. 2068670
File: 1719577026189.jpg (729.38 KB, 3840x2160, same artist.jpg)

>>2065437>>2065420i went to her twitter and picrel is by the same artist. i think she just copies male photos instead of actual muscled up women. these were the ones where i could distinctly tell they were meant to be women because boobs, whilst all the rest of her images literally just looked like men. her male portraits look amazing but her female portraits look off. like if the bara seme art style was projected onto lesbians and not if a woman was muscled.
No. 2068675
File: 1719577558972.jpg (93.58 KB, 750x740, tumblr_6fa0cc1b0dc28f5728d5bf7…)

>>2068670What do you think about Rhea Ripley kek in most pictures she's just as big as the moids around her. Or would that go back to "w-well women shouldn't be roided, they don't look that way naturally so it doesn't count"
No. 2068726
File: 1719580240334.mp4 (2.36 MB, 480x852, lolcow dot farms meetup.mp4)

>>2068675literally don't know who this is sorry but she's got proportionate hips compared to the two men flanking her, and also compared to the art posted ITT which have narrow male hips. for muscled women i like, i saved this video from a random lcf post months ago (so not my filename) and i think they look the best compared to the butch "yuri" posted. i just have standards when it comes to art kek. if someone cartoonified one of the women in the video i'd be into it but if the artist drawing them gave them stupidly broad shoulders/chest with moidhips, when the body of a female athlete clearly becomes rectangle-shaped instead of a dorito, it's like why bother drawing women at all? just follow your heart and draw yaois at that point. or, crazy suggestion, maybe just draw muscled women in proportion. i'm just frustrated with samey dorito-butch art when women just don't look like that. is it so much to ask to use a female reference? arcane suffered the same shit when i was in the fandom. narrow moidhips everywhere on couple art. once you see it you can't unsee it.
No. 2068854
File: 1719585773664.png (692.01 KB, 873x1250, __byleth_and_byleth_fire_emble…)

Picrel is a more realistic depiction of a muscle woman than whatever "draw man call it woman" the fujo """lesbian""" up thread posted.
No. 2068867
File: 1719586164272.png (237.31 KB, 400x300, Screenshot-2022-07-06-at-22-43…)

>>2068675I don't know why you used Rhea Ripley. She's probably on light steroids like Anavar that don't completely erase femininity. Jordynn Grace would work better.
No. 2068883
File: 1719587512076.png (3.5 MB, 2596x2000, a86cec3c-62ac-4923-be95-bc1689…)

I saw this article a while ago from Huffpost. They interviewed elite women athletes from every field. Essentially unless you are on a ton of steroids and plastic surgery the muscle mommy with massive tits is a complete moid fiction.
No. 2068938
File: 1719589533436.jpg (43.25 KB, 526x699, 448904308_467731762624592_1702…)

>>2068670Draw a man with breast implants, call it a woman. I think artists like this would be better off drawing MtF trannies, the drawings look like tranny athletes who don't pass.
No. 2068951
File: 1719590065232.png (1.49 MB, 752x2906, IMG_8579.png)

One thing that needs to be understood is that wokies and many fandom brain-rotten people genuinely believe (or at least try to believe) that there isn't any difference between men and women, not sociologically or even biologically
No. 2068955
>>2068951Butch lesbian house? lmao. These are straight up men but yet the irony of such pales compared to their stupidity. Is this what butchphobes think gnc look like? I have more reason to believe
>>2068883 pic rel than whatever the fucks going on with these tweets.