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No. 2046911
Confess everything. Featuring an Agnes of God threadpic for the nona who is obsessed with it.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2003994 No. 2046916
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>>2046911I confess that her post inspired me to create this thread for her. I hope she's doing well.
No. 2046929
>>2046842I dated a 19 year old guy when I was 24 and I don’t regret it because I trained him into giving the best head I have ever received in my life.
He never found out but secretly I was getting off to corrupting him and training him like a dog. At least the other women after me will get some good use out of him KEK.
No. 2047013
I have three cats, one of which belonged to my dead sister. Her cat got outside last week when the door was accidentally left open, and we couldn’t find her for a while. Today, a neighbor showed me ring cam footage of this dock down the block setting his dog on my cat for no reason at all. I’ll spare the details, but it was so bad, there was no body to bury. I know where he lives, so I confronted him, and he just laughed in my face about how he’s doing the neighborhood a favor by getting rid of strays, even though he saw my cat had a collar. I called the police, but since the dog didn’t attack a human, there’s nothing they can do. This cat was the only living thing left of my sister, and I’m not gonna take this sitting down. The retard neighbor keeps his dog tied to a rope 90% of the day, only letting it out when it’s time to walk or sleep indoors. The rope is near a doghouse, and a water bowl in his unfenced backyard. I put antifreeze in the dog’s water while he went on a walk. It’s been an hour now, and I haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t care if I get in trouble with the law. That cat meant the world to me, and if he wants to take away my beloved pet, I’ll take his.
No. 2047026
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>>2046916awww thank you nona. bless you!
No. 2047179
>>2047163I don’t think you noticed that killing humans is frowned upon in most places, no matter how scummy they are. Plus, my neighborhood has a few outdoor cats and a large population of strays. I’m doing them a favor by taking that thing out of the picture. I don’t need pitmommy anons (yes
>>2047111 it was a shit bull) telling me that the dog was just a widdle baby and it’s the owners fault. Fuck that shit.
No. 2047509
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I’m very close to identifying as non-binary. I’m not a minor, not a tumblr/xitter/tiktokfag, it just feels so natural to me to identify as one. I wouldn’t care about others calling me the correct pronouns I just don’t care enough to police people like that.
No. 2047531
>>2047509I know what you mean and how you feel. I had a week ago some old guy misgender me as a man kek My name seems to be becoming unisex too and I had interviewers be a bit surprised that I'm a woman.
But going by they/them won't gain you anything, the majority doesn't care and the worst case scenario you get retarded comments about being a gendy. It's unfortunately too tied with online culture and similar bs.
No. 2047541
>>2047517It’d just be easier that way. Won’t TiF out though. I’m not stupid, however, if I could push the button, I would.
Btw not the nonbinary anon
No. 2047570
>>2047556This. I feel bad but I can't help but think Anon is comepltely batshit and retarded. Instead of getting the dog taken away from its
abusive and harmful owner which will make that moid barred from the adoption system, she kills it. Now when moid figures out some psycho killed his pet he's going to act equally psycho. She better hope Mr. Mittens 1 & 2 don't get out of the house and roam because they will mysteriously disappear for a long time.
No. 2047742
>>2047013Based and wish more owners of shitbull
victims would do this. Just watch your back so he doesn't retaliate.
No. 2047888
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I have a crush on this squirrel
No. 2047996
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I really like Death in June
I don't think Pearce is a fascist – a fascist wouldn't mix their own important imagery and symbols with such beautiful and compassionate lyrics – just a provocative gay guy with a ww2 military uniform fetish
No. 2048031
>>2047013Update: He did come to my house and start getting aggressive, though he has no evidence it was me. He started shouting, cussing, even got out a gun to threaten me. Naturally, I called the police and said I have no idea what he’s talking about, and that he’s dangerous. Police show up, turns out he’s tweaking on a drug that is extremely illegal in my country, minimum sentence of 10 years for just possessing it. I was interviewed by the police, and showed them the footage of his dog killing my cat, and mentioned that a few neighbors have had their pets killed by this man (not a lie, it’s true), so it could really be anyone who poisoned his dog. With the drugs, footage of him possessing an unregistered firearm on my ring camera, and the fact he’s got an existing record, they had enough evidence to make an arrest. His next door neighbor actually approached me this morning and said she actually saw someone pour something in the dogs dish (I don’t think she knows it was me), but she said she’s not gonna report it, because that dog killed her daughters bunny while the kid was in the hospital with cancer. I’ve done my good deed, not just for me, but for the whole neighborhood and the animals. Everyone hated this guy, and he lives alone, so I doubt anyone’s gonna stand up for him.
No. 2048040
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>>2047888He's a chipmunk, and everyone knows Alvin is better
No. 2048456
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Getting ate out rn while scrolling lolcow.
No. 2048459
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I had a meeting with a woman about my current work schedule, when she asked me to take out my laptop I had completely forgot I had LC open and for a split second she fucking saw Lori Lewd. I know she forgot it by now and the image was relatively small but thinking about it makes me want to kill myself.
No. 2048508
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>>2048465>>2048031I hope you retards know that “they’re plagues that kill other animals” is also the justification people use to shot, poison and torture feral cats. Anon “accidentally” let her cat lose and on that time, the cat could’ve gotten to a native species, so I guess the “shitbull” and anon’s cat both deserved to die.
(derailing) No. 2048543
I wish you guys would take the dog hate to the dog hate thread. I don't like reading about you guys killing animals.
>>2048517Don't confess here please.
No. 2048618
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I love my family a lot, so I always feel really sad whenever the future I imagine tends to be with me living in another country or in another zone of the city.
I guess it's because everyone just wants to be independent and having your own home sounds nice, but I always end up feeling kind of bittersweet, specially now that the family is so small, I guess this is what happens when you just have been spoiled all of your life.
I end up wondering just how am I even going to function in 10 years? Or in 20 years? I see PT and I worry about becoming a burden like her, I also keep looking at her thread hoping she somehow stops being a waste of space, that's because I also feel like a waste of space.
I feel the same about Shart and Jillian, they're shit people but I'm always morbidly curious about how the hell do they even manage to survive? They're younger than me but they somehow are more independent than me, they live on their own and all that stuff, and their lives look so sad and miserable that I worry that my life will also be sad and miserable once I'm all alone, as in, without my family.
I just know that my brother will just go his own way like our eldest cousin, my youngest cousin though, I wonder just what is going to be of his life?
I always worry so much about this, that I just look for whatever to study nowadays so I can feel like I'm mildly productive, but if I could, I would just sleep my life away until something good just happens to my family and we all somehow become millionaires.
In the end I just wish we could all live in a building, we could all be neighbors and we wouldn't have to worry too much about each other, we could just visit each other whenever we want and help each other whenever we need to.
But seriously, finding a job has been so difficult that I wonder, how the fuck am I going to exist? I also worry so much about the fact of actually getting hired, I'm so scared of being too retarded to work, I'm also scared of fucking up something (like a paper or project) and going to jail forever and getting murdered in jail in a sad way that not even the news would talk about because it would be too pathetic.
I just want to be remarkable and successful, I don't want to be like PT or Chris Chan.
But in the end I also think that I wish I could just exist and not worry about anything ever, it's cringe as fuck but I tend to imagine just being a cute character or doll, not in a sexual way, of course, it's more like I wish I could exchange my sentience with a doll, something would be me and I would be something that just stops being myself, I could just stop existing peacefully but I would be treated with care during my inexistent state, I could just lay on a bed or sit on a chair and just stop being myself for the rest of my life.
It's weird and cringe but I guess this is just how I end up thinking whenever I'm on my period and feeling particularly suicidal, I wish there was also a way for me to stop feeling this way during my period, it's somehow humiliating? Whenever I reflect on why the fuck I think the way I think, I end up noticing that the days before my period and during my period I feel particularly miserable, I get sick, and can barely move, and then I just want to stop existing quietly or die horribly and quickly.
Is there even a way to stop feeling like this? Not using drugs of course, I feel so retarded knowing why I feel this dread and misery but not knowing how to stop thinking this way so I can at least be mildly happy, specially because my life isn't even bad, I just want it to be better.
No. 2048623
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>>2048618Believing our queen is a waste of space is your first mistake.
Cringe pride
No. 2048881
>>2048724Of course you should still have a platonic best friend, but your partner
should be your best friend. It's just that a lot of women are dating men who don't even like them.
No. 2049014
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This is from middle school. There's this character in Fairy Tail whose all shtick is that he swings his arm up & down in every panel and, in one scene, the main characters pick up on this habit as well and start imitating him. And like an absolute idiot, I thought "that's so funny, I'll do it too!". So next day at school, I started swinging my hand up and down, immediately locked eyes with a guy and only then did it dawn on me wtf I was doing.
No. 2049039
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I'd honestly be perfectly happy with a cheap engagement/wedding ring as long as it's cute looking and doesn't break, but I ain't ever telling my boyfriend that because I want him to actually make an effort and not be cheap kek
No. 2049046
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I brought home some balloons yesterday and seeing them traumatized my cat so bad he's been hiding under my bed for a full day. I even tried coaxing him out with some food but he won't budge. I'm sorry for scaring you, please don't hate me forever… I'm worried but it's kinda cute how much of a baby he is kek
No. 2049145
I’m madly in love with a TIF and it’s starting to fuck me up. I met her before her transition, and she was the hottest butch lesbian I’ve ever met in my entire life. She’s tall, tan, muscular, and she’s got the best facial structure I’ve ever seen on a woman. She doesn’t dress typical butch, but dapper, like a 1950s gangster. She’s also attracted only to women, so I thought I’d have a chance. But recently, she came out as trans, essentially wanting to be male. She hasn’t expressed any thoughts about starting testosterone, but she’s been sharing a lot of facts about trans rights and talking to me about her dysphoria. God, she’s so fucking beautiful, and I’m almost willing to throw away my morals just to be with her. I won’t, but damn, I really want to be with her, even if I have to call her by a male name and pronouns. She sees herself as a straight man, so I’m technically still a candidate for her. I don’t know, guys, she’s just different.
No. 2049577
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I wish I had the heart to tell her that the word also comes either from the French, Persian or Arabic.
No. 2050124
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this is who I aspire to be in life
No. 2050221
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I just don't like ugly "diversity" art. I don't like it when characters all look totally different. I like it when they're pretty/handsome, and practically same-faced and have similar bodies just with different colors and hair and so on.
I'm fine with them having different skin tones etc that's fun and great, but I don't like it when one is short and fat and a literal midget compared to the others, and one is tall and lanky and a giant in comparison. It just looks ugly and childish to me. My artist friends constantly shit on same-face syndrome art, art that is "just pretty" but I secretly love it and that they're kind of like a blank canvas I can fill with my own imgination with. I really dislike the ugly (imo forced) diversity art they all love even though I've tried my best to like it to please them
No. 2050236
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>>2050221It's funny that you posted Sailor Moon. There was going to be a western remake of it with the exact same points you're talking about
No. 2050252
>>2050241this was made in the 90s, so trannies weren't part of the "diversity" yet
>>2050239the full pilot was uploaded too. always kek at how bored the singers sound.
No. 2050451
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Years ago before I got my autist behaviors under control I was having a conversation with this troon I knew and he said that a guy SA’d him. I blurted out “you don’t have to abbreviate it, you’re not gonna get censored like on Tik Tok.” I am a survivor too but holy fuck I cringe so hard when I remember this. Not sure whether I should apologize to him, he might not even remember
No. 2051080
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>finally organizes computer after years
>comes across hentai folder from pickme phase
>immediately hard delete it
>realizes it also contained my obscure yaoi collection
>will probably never find those pieces again
No. 2051202
>>2050451Is it the topic or the general message? Because I said the very same thing to someone talking about "spices" about a year ago and I don't think I'm in the wrong, still
Maybe I'm just being defiant though because she treated me like I'm stupid for not knowing what it was an euphemism for.
No. 2051591
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>>2051581Racist who date non-white people are the worst
No. 2051760
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I used to be a francaboo. But sometimes I want to be like
>dying my dull blonde hair dark to a beautiful and intellectual rich french brown
>speaking only in french, reading french literature only in french
>making french food
>watching french movies
>being serious and mysterious
But I've told myself that it's time to grow up and stop doing this. I love france so much. I'm losing my knowledge of the language and it's so sad. I wish I was born french and not english. Well I love being english, being from the midlands is just a sad state of affairs to be honest. Sorry if this freaked anyone out, have a good evening everynonny
No. 2051797
>>2051769Well you are sweet, but it seems i am moving to germany instead…but i did dream of taking a motorcycle tour through france, i also chatted up a french girl who was really into dressing up as clowns and had a clown themed bedroom, i hope she is well
>>2051786I have, the architecture is beautiful, the language is beautiful, the standard of food is better, there are pastries. I can believe that the people are cunty, and some areas smell of piss, but i am from the midlands so it’s probably still better, as long as it’s not paris. Maybe if you’re from there you don’t appreciate it?
No. 2052229
>>2052218you must be a very bad actress if you’re asserting that, no? most people have talked behind people’s back for something with the recipient none the wiser. in fact, people have probably talked badly about
you and you will never know.
No. 2052239
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>>2052173>>2052206It's just that it's very weird but certainly funny how you confess this by trying to make yourself look like a cool super secret anachan spy that's really clever and loved even by her enemies because they're all so dumb and stupid that they absolutely have never noticed the jokes you make with your friends about them being fat fat fatty fat fat.
No. 2052356
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>>2052334“Yeth gurw I’m SHOOO shor no one hash notished you and a bunch of other anachansth "cryptickly" making fwun of them rwight to thewr BURP feish, I’m shwor EFFRYONE thinksh you're jusht the
shweetish thinck. Snort.”
(ai shit outside of containment ) No. 2052399
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>>2052173I used to lead the exact same life style online and offline and I’m going to tell you you’re either gonna end up killing yourself and die alone from how miserable you are or grow up and change. Being pro Ana and having pro Ana friends as your closest circle is a literal death trap as the only path forward is to keep pushing and pushing until your weight ends up killing you. You are not living a human life style and your mind and soul are being rotted, your life is not worth living as it is like this. Those are literally your only two options, dying or changing. This is your ultimatum. I’m being as harsh as possible because my illness and lifestyle brought me to the brink of death too many times and I’ve had too many friends in my death trap circle die from this. I know too many people who didn’t make it past 20 because of this stupid fucking mindset. I hope you end up choosing the right path.
No. 2052431
>>2052399Ayrt, I appreciate the sincerity of this comment. To be honest, I don’t know if I could be described as genuinely having an ED. I did restrict as a child but I’ve been underweight since my early teens, so I’ve just eaten normally most of my life, bar some things (like being disgusted by unhealthy foods). I’m happy with my body and happy with my life, no desire to go lower, and to be honest my closest friends are the same, some having always been underweight even. So while I am “pro-ana” for the meme / think thinness is better, it’s not like I really have ana practises…. To be honest, I just find non-skinny people or people who lack self control disgusting. That’s all there really is to it. Like I said before though - people are extremely reactionary to “fatphobia” in a way I do not understand. I fail to understand how this could be considered genuinely malicious (especially considering the things said here on the cow thread, the things I’ve said aren’t half as bad. So it’s funny to hear a moral high ground here.)
No. 2052462
>>2052431That wasn’t about any moral high ground for being fat phobic, I’m just being real that being in actual pro Ana groups is deadly. Not sure where you got the moral part from considering I didn’t not mention that at all. You might be projecting.
Running with this crowd will kill you if you don’t get out. That’s great you’re pro Ana for the meme or whatever but I’m talking about actual pro Ana groups- having your only friends all competing to see who can not eat is just a sure way to die eventually if you don’t get out. Not only that but everyone in these groups is also probably comorbid with drug and substance abuse, alcoholism, self harm, ect. If that is your group you run in youre playing with your life, and that’s pretty obvious. Not sure what you’re getting at, but good for you, I guess? Do you feel better you got to humble brag about being le skinny?
No. 2052472
>>2052431>Like I said before though - people are extremely reactionary to “fatphobia” in a way I do not understand. I fail to understand how this could be considered genuinely maliciousbut didn't you say in the spoiler
>>2052173 that some of the "fat" people you're mocking are actually normal weight? which is it?
No. 2052490
>>2051865This is really romantic. I'd love to read a short story based on this post
>>2051622>formerly-piece-of-shitMost kids are bigoted. Calm down
No. 2052688
>>2052668I'm talking about all sorts of fat women. Nerds, normies, from all ethnicities and generations. They have too many things in common in terms of personality and I wouldn't be surprised if these things were an indirect result of being obese. It also applies to my fat relatives and former coworkers I never befriended. At the very least they all have that specific
victim mentality that they try to make others agree with.
No. 2052694
>>2052688It's almost as if being fat means you get treated worse by almost everyone around you, which makes you develop a particular sense of humour or defensive mechanisms to keep yourself sane? From experience inside and outside pro-ana circles, ana-chans have the ultimate
victim mentality, thinking they're beyond reproach because they're so smol and delicate.
No. 2052717
>>2052688I’d say that fat women maybe do have certain aspects of themselves in common due to insecurity, but even then I just think y’all live boring lives or don’t get out much if everyone you meet is the same. The fat women at my school vs my job vs in my hobby groups are all vastly different. Are you a neet or something? Also, what happens to the “fat personality” you speak of if they lose weight? Is it innate or a societal thing to you?
And as an ex Ana chan no one has a worse personality than the Ana chan personality lmao you’re insufferable, narcissistic, and have an inferiority complex at the same time. Not to mention always doing constantly doingattention whorey behavior to feed the ED like not eating in front of others while going out to eat or something. Everyone sees right through it and thinks you’re a pathetic narc. You don’t have any real close connections from burning all your bridges being an isolated loser.
No. 2052731
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>>2052688I know a woman who's gone from fat to anorexic and now she's obsessed with growing muscle. At most I can believe in common traits among people with genuine eating disorders and deep seated body image problems, so, people with similar mental illnesses. Even slim borderline anachans do the whole "whoe is me pity me am I fat rn?!" to get approval, after all.
I feel like you might be projecting your fear and self-hatred onto fatties.
After all both anorexia and obesity are slow suicides born out of disgust of the self, like trannyism.
No. 2052738
>>2050239What's wrong with this? It just looks Americanized. No one is fat or trans and the magic chair looks cool, like a throne. I'd have liked it as a kid.
>>2052173Eating disorders should fall under the personality disorder category. They act just like NPDs. You think you're a mastermind and you're above everyone and outsmarting them all and getting to taunt them in public when they likely just don't give a fuck. You are shallow and mentally vacant. The faster people with eating disorders die off, the better. They're like a self devouring toxin. Just isolate it until the only thing it can destroy is itself.
>>2052356This is how children make fun of each other.
>>2052371Even when only competing against bongs, you couldn't get into the top one, huh? Having to come onto an imageboard to fulfill your Regina George larp is something you should be genuinely embarrassed about.
>>2052439I used to feel terrible for girls with eating disorders, I used to think they were horribly troubled
victims and pitied their suffering. Seeing the way they act on ED Twitter, or online in general was eye-opening. The suffering they experience is punishment for who they are.
No. 2052786
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I’m either fixing to be trafficked into upscale sex slavery or fixing to have a fucking blast or maybe a little bit of both but regardless this will be an interesting adventure. Like damn I really did go and book a whole ass plane ticket (not with my own money I’m not fully retarded) halfway across the country to visit with some man and potentially be his live-in SB in his skyscraper apartment. Nonnas please feel free to tell me how retarded I am but you won’t change my mind. I’m getting picked up from the airport in a limo and if I’m not comfy with this guy there’s no obligations and I can just hop a flight home. Also not having to stay at his place and right away instead I get to stay in a house triple the size of any house I’ve ever lived in in my life (except it’s also in a super great neighborhood of a VHCOL metropolis) like wtf. When I had an ego death trip on acid a few years ago Grimes (the musician) came to me and lisped that my current situation/partner was limiting me and I could be partying in a skyscraper rn and I didn’t believe it. My vision has proven correct so far and I hope it’s true that I get to have fun and it’s not weird, but I’m already pretty weird even if it is weird I hope it’s the kind of weird I’m into.
No. 2052803
>>2052717I'm not a neet and I've met plenty of different people my whole life, which is why the whole "fat personality" thing the OP mentioned feels a little jarring when you notice it.
>>2052694I haven't met a whole lot of actual anorexic women irl so I wouldn't know. Even just trying to see what's going on in kf and /snow/ threads is confusing or annoying as fuck so I'll consider it a good thing. I would get the whole defense mechanism thing they do if they weren't also acting this way with people who fully love and respect them too.
No. 2052810
>>2052173You’re based, ofc the obese morons that make up the vast majority of the website are
triggered by this, kek. I mean, there’s a reason why there’s a pro ana cringe /snow/ thread but not a fat people cringe one. I don’t have an eating disorder but I’m skinny and a raging fatphobe and I have been this way my entire life. I have fat friends and know how to mimic being body positive so they don’t know this about me, the irl ones at least. Sometimes the mask slips though with online ones (which hs costed me a few friendships) and they’ll make fun of me for my small chest then I tell them to go to the gym and suddenly I’m the bad guy. Fascinating!
No. 2052838
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>>2052810OP went into a confessions thread just to brag about faking being nice at fatties while secretly mocking them and normal weights. How's that not cringe? It would be based if she told fatties like it is but she's too preoccupied with uwu being a nice anachan girl! uwu
In this day and age more people should be honest to fatties (and anachans), it would actually help with all the fakeness surrounding them.
No. 2052860
>>2052791Can you ovulate on your period? I’ve already been chatting with this guy for over a week. He’s older but he’s honestly hot and I don’t think I’ve been affected by the ugly/old guy psyop, he’s just actually aged well and good looking (probably bc he’s rich and can afford to/actually does take care of himself).
>>2052792Kek considering making a new TikTok account but I’ll probably just be posting it to my private snap, sorry nonna
nonnie, I have like 5 different friends/family members that will be actively tracking me and at least one has the means to buy a plane ticket and do some looking for me if I disappear kek. Honestly my life kinda sucks so I’m just happy to have something exciting to look forward to even if it ends up being totally not anything I want to involve myself in. Though I guess deep down I’m a weird kink-addled psycho that’s read too much erotica and it has probably fried my brain because I’m giddy.
No. 2052882
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When I was in high school there was this one really obese teacher who was super into social justice and stuff. She was like 500 pounds and she was a nice woman but she absolutely reeked. One time I took a picture of her from behind and sent it to my friend. She’ll never know but I still feel kind of bad about it
No. 2052931
>>2052738>Even when only competing against bongs, you couldn't get into the top one, huh?If you’re talking about Oxford/Cambridge, I was accepted to Cambridge actually! I didn’t go because I wanted a different city. I wonder what university you went to.
>I used to feel terrible for girls with eating disordersI don’t think what you see on imageboards should be taken as what most people are like. As you can see, all of the former ana-chans here are disagreeing. So don’t cherrypick the statements you attribute to them just because this particular one made you feel bad. Most anorexics I come across are unfortunately very unfatphobic - even on ED twitter fatphobes are shamed. It’s incredibly saccharine. That being said, I don’t even qualify for an eating disorder at this point, so how can I reflect on them? Most anorexics are simply people with a problem and need help, but those are the ones you might not notice. The ones that do make it obvious are the loud minority who just want to attention seek
and usually aren’t even that skinny I don’t want to give a bad rep to people who don’t deserve it.
Also, the personality trait I like most in thin people is self-control. It’s the lack of self-control that disgusts me.
Your body also reflects hormonal differences and hormonal differences affect your personality, I’m autistically interested in this but even leptin and ghrelin - correlated with BMI - are linked with different metrics of the Big Five personality model, tonic dopamine release also plays a role (motivation for reward) No. 2052962
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>>2052810why do you care so much about other peoples bodies?
No. 2053060
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I’m seriously considering putting together an Elsie cosplay. I will never wear her outside the house, of course.
No. 2053193
>>2053186Honestly I don’t even care. At some point I’m just going to have to let go of the sexual squeamishness
>>2053192Do you do this
nonny? How much does it make?
No. 2053349
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I love being an obnoxious moralfag. Moids and whores deserve to be shamed.
No. 2053354
>>2053200Shut up moralfag
>>2053205Kekk le patreon
>>2053232>>2053217Good idea, thanks anons kek
No. 2053433
>>2053349>muh whores How gracious of you Mother Teresa who has never had dick before, how serendipitously gracious you are not like the others and haven’t been touched (we know). Nobody cares, sending off feet pics faster than you can lose weight so you can finally fit into an airport seat with your car accident inflatable ass you fat piece of shit. The only thing you have is feeling better than a bunch of women you don’t know on the internet, go and let that sit in your
femcel dungeon because you might just be the only
femcel that actually exists.
No. 2053483
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Ain’t no feeling quite like sunlight on your titties.
No. 2053674
>>2053672kek reminds me of when an anon posted her hand and some
nonnie responded by saying ''why are you brown?''
No. 2053970
>>2048031I came back just to see if there was an update to this. You did good by taking him out nona, he only has himself to blame.
I'm not happy the dog had to die, but realistically he had already fucked that dog up as it was violent and aggressive and used to murder other family pets on purpose, and accident. It's not its fault that it got abused like that but I doubt it could have been saved by anyone. The few people who are willing to adopt "murderous dog who kills other pets" aren't doing it to have it NOT murder things, you know? I think even most angry anons would be ok with a wild wolf getting shot if it was murdering pets around the neighbourhood tbh.
>His next door neighbor actually approached me this morning and said she actually saw someone pour something in the dogs dish (I don’t think she knows it was me), but she said she’s not gonna report it, because that dog killed her daughters bunny while the kid was in the hospital with cancer. It might have been her way to say she saw you but won't report you.
No. 2054155
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>>2054136Thanks. Her girlfailure moments always make me laugh and I think she is especially adorable post-reform. Her excitement and passion for her shows are so infectous. I'm sad that she has a tranny fanbase, she deserves better.
No. 2054178
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>>2054161Haha, I love it.
>>2054169I am a pretty big startrix shipper personally, even though it seems like trixie is way more into glimmy than she is into her. But I love them as just friends too, I'm so happy she got a good ending.
No. 2054244
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I need to stop participating in /pt/ or /snow/. I am being so mean… it’s not good for me. Sure, a cow is a cow, but at what point is it just too much time invested itt. For now on I will spend that time for things I need to do.
Like I think criticizing bullying narcs can only be fun for so long.
No. 2054434
I was cleaning out my room and found a home brand wine bottle with empty drug baggies in it jfc past me.
>>2054296Me too, I barely find sex intimate it just feels like being used.
No. 2054846
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I fantasize about being pretty/confident enough in my appearance so that I can wear cute outfits and put cute pics onto insta
No. 2054893
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>>2054846i get it, but i personally fantasize about being able to do thirst traps like pic rel. i would have legions of both men and women crying and losing their shit in the comments over how hot i am under every picture of me.
No. 2054996
I do not consider myself vain but I want to be perceived as cool?
I do not how to describe this feeling, I know I'm pretty mid, not the most beautiful, not the ugliest around but I want to be particular
I want to be charming, in some way, attract people not sexually but with vibes, maybe with a particular feature that will make people remember me? I want people to think I'm cool, not hot or sexy or whatever sexual feeling, just cool. I know it's not much of a confession and it's also stupid but sometimes I get hit by the beauty of people for ex. on the subway, esp by other not normie girls (unless they are gendie tifs, by now my eyes are developed as a hawk for that), I think they're cool and I want to compliment them but I'm autistic and shy and yet I want others to do that to me, teen to old moids forbidden tho, little boys are ok as long they're nice.
Does that make me an insecure pickme?
No. 2055069
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>>2055061I guess I’m glad my life is so fucking surreal it sounds like a poorly written tale
No. 2055322
>>2055232Thanks nonna. Truly feel like the scariest thing this man will do is want to buy me fake boobs and lip fillers (which is a bit scary because I’m happy with my boobs and lips, but I know if someone tries to convince me to change them and funds it I will likely agree, especially if it meant I was gonna be sent back if I didn’t agree to it). Scarier things are likely to happen to me if I stay stagnant where I am, I’m coming apart at the seams truly, I wanna be some trophy gf and get to have sex everyday I’m so fucking bored and lonely
and horny nonnas. I live in the middle of fucking nowhere and the dudes on the dating market DISGUST ME and all live in hovels or with their parents or with roommates. Living with my own parents in this bumfuck area is driving me insane and it hasn’t even been 2 months. Wanna do anything that isn’t country ass bullshit? 1.5 hours one way and nope no public transit. I’m so bored all there is to do is smoke weed and dissociate. I can’t even watch TV!! I hate my life and I’m not okay here, honestly if I get body snatched I don’t even care at this point. My organs are probably worthless cause I’ve damaged them from multiple suicide attempts, so joke’s on them if that’s why I’m being sent there.
(not your personal blog) No. 2055382
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sometimes i want to get off this schizophrenic website forever but then i remember it’s the only place on the internet where anyone has validated my opinions
No. 2055512
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>>2055382Girl same. Whenever i try to go somewhere else i get treated like i am batshit insane. I also always manage to offend everyone and honestly, i cannot handle the sparkles and flowery kumbaya bullshit outside this site where everyone is going on about how queer they are and sucking on troons at any given time. I got called a troll for telling women they shouldn't have to support drug addicts in their life and that it's ok for them to abandon their weed addicted bf.
No. 2055523
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I was really rude to this one teacher when I was a kid and I feel bad about it. She was really fat and smelled bad, and she would always yell at us. I made this grotesque caricature drawing of her and showed it to my friend, and the teacher ended up seeing it. I found out years later that the whole time she was dealing with her husband trooning out on her. They ended up staying together for the kids
No. 2055666
>>2055523I feel your pain
nonny I was a total bitch as a kid and I feel bad for it. if its any consolation teachers are used to it and just think you're a little shit acting tough/cool for your friends
No. 2055708
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I'm probably the fattest person on this site
No. 2055720
>>2055706He's not doing it for you but for himself. Don't be flattered by garbage males, he's not some knight breaking his oath to risk it all with you, hes just horny and other women ate entertaining.
if you were a married woman hitting on a younger guy they'd just think youre an easy whore. Adopt that mindset. That man is an easy whore.
No. 2055782
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i'm trying so hard not to let it bother me and bottle this up because this is such a minor thing but i can't take it. it's starting to annoy me how many times some anon is like "BY THE WAY HE'S GAY" whenever someone posts some celeb they find attractive, and the anon usually turns out to be wrong 99% of the time. (i'm not talking about celebs who are actually known to be gay). it kind of makes me not want to post who i like because i know for a fact i'll go full autisma mode and start dumping information proving he's straight or at least bi because i actually fact check things and look into his background, dating history, and general past behavior before fame. like i will personally shit up a thread if an anon responds with that.
so many people online get things factually wrong about him, not even just relationships but even super basic, searchable information like the damn country he's born in and it makes me irrationally angry.
No. 2055951
nonnie, i've had it hidden for as long as i can remember. literally some of the most autistic and psychotic ramblings i've ever read are from the cat/dog hate threads. terminally online and socially inept behavior
No. 2056151
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As an actual thirdie suffering hellish conditions, I would genuinely be happy to switch nationalities with any of the "America is a third world country" doomposters online. I know that even if that set-up was possible, they'd refuse because they know the truth, but it's still annoying to see. Even an inbred meth addict without a high school diploma has a better chance in life than me by virtue of a burger passport and nationality coupled with more resources, shelters that will help them, etc. I'm not saying nobody in America suffers, but it is not exceptionally bad compared to the rest of the world.
No. 2056160
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>>2056151I know this feel.
No. 2056200
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Years back when I was a teenager I was browsing 4chan out of morbid curiosity and I clicked on a hardcore porn thread. I saw this video that looked like actual footage of someone being raped. I have since quit watching porn entirely but that video is burned into my brain forever. The worst part is that even if I could somehow find it which I don’t ever want to, I don’t think I could hand it into the police as evidence because you couldn’t see the rapist’s face or the victim’s face
No. 2056202
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>>2056179>>2056185kek is this that tsundere britbong from the other thread? so obsessed
No. 2056264
>>2056244>American citiesPay $2,000 a month to have bullets whizzing through your window from a drive-by
>American suburbsSpend a quarter of your income on your fuel for your car so that you can drive 40 minutes to the nearest grocery store, spend two hours of your working day stuck in traffic driving to an from your job.
>American countrysideFuck-all infrastructure
No. 2056283
nonny. I’ve lived in all three and haven’t had any of the quintessential American experiences you’re describing.
The countryside is actually quite charming, though we admittedly are experiencing rural decay No. 2056311
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>>2056286Video related is a frequent occurrence in American cities. When Americans come across an unlocked store or an unlocked delivery van, their first reaction is to loot.
No. 2056319
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>>2056311Aww bong-chan, you don’t have to try so hard to get our attention silly~
No. 2056380
>>2056339UK life expectancy - 81 years
America life expectancy -79 years.
UK hdi - 0.931
America hdi- 0.927
UK inequality coefficient - 0.507 (0 is perfectly equal, 1 is completely unequal)
America inequality coefficient - 0.517
(derailing) No. 2056403
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I wish it was legal to hunt these types of men for sport
No. 2056494
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Tfw you see an anon ban-evade to troll some more but you can’t report them because you’re also ban-evading after baiting them back(ban evasion)
No. 2056500
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>>2056494This whole site kek
No. 2056793
>>2056781>dildo from eBayWtf
Anyway, Amazon packages always come in cardboard packaging/bags so unless people open your packages it's not a big deal. Just track the package and get it asap when it comes.
No. 2056796
>>2056793Not like a used dildo lmao. I'm taking about retailers who use eBay to sell their stuff. But thanks for that info
>>2056786I feel super weird about putting anything in my vagina (I don't really want to get into explaining that rn), I know I could use my fingers which I've done before but it's hard to touch myself with one hand in front and one in back at the same time) I just kind of wanted to try them as a one time thing. But yeah I probably won't end up ordering them anyway.
No. 2056809
>>2056799Thanks, I'll look into that
>>2056798I did something like that with UPS once, they seemed extremely confused about it like why on earth would you have it delivered here instead of your address. I do live near a post office though, maybe they would be different
No. 2057194
nonny, I even joined female oriented hobbies to make friends with WOMEN but all they talk about is mlm shipping and fanfics with men and kpop trash. I truly don't give a fuck about any of this, I hate judging what women do but women spend too much time caring about men.
No. 2057480
>>2057409I literally came here to mention that seeing Shayna's life around a year ago gave me a weird mini reality check. I posted in a confession thread back then that seeing her body made me realize I needed to get healthier. I felt determined.
Anyways, over a year since, I wanted to share here that I lost all the weight I wanted to. Nearly 40lb! I became much more active, and I eat nutritiously now and indulge with care. I learned a lot about cooking and how to be more physically active. I look and feel my best ever! You can do it!
No. 2057700
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I am in a healthy relationship with a nigel who makes me very happy but I am very sleep deprived right now and I just looked up my ex online and saw that he's working in a small firm in his small town kek big fish in small pond, never change you ambitionless loser.
No. 2057923
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All my notes are written in at least 10 different colors. It really does motivate me to study. I bought a 100+ pack and I have fun scribbling away.
No. 2058201
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I just really feel that Tumblr and the crazy people that migrated from there to other platforms groomed so many people into thinking they’re trans. A lot of people’s personalities and views are almost a clone of how these chronically online idiots were on tumblr. It is trendy now to be offended like it was to be offensive back then. I lost a friend due to all of this because they ended up being mean and nasty when they came out as trans. Even demanded me to say certain pronouns for someone when THEY got that persons pronouns wrong and not me. And this person did not mind pronouns so much and noticed they were doing too much. I miss my friend but I never want to be seen as transphobic for this view but I see it so much. A low key tinfoil is going to be a massive detransition and purging of pro trans social media accounts. Then they're going to demonize the whole identity. Kinda like what happened to “Ddlg” when it was no longer popular . I’m gay and crazy I guess
No. 2058232
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Watched this film called hardcore(2004) when i was the characters age and kinda liked it since it was pretty sad. Now although the book was written by a woman i feel guilty for liking the movie since it was directed by a man depicting teen girls pain. idk
No. 2058405
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I'm black but the black girl thread has been my least favorite thread ever since it (recently) became a popular thread. It's literally the most miserable thread with the most miserable anons, but I guess that's not out of the ordinary for lolcow. And funnily enough, I used to wish the thread was more active kek.
INB4 I get called a white mood for this post
No. 2058490
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>>2058405I once got called a "pickme for white men" for posting a picture of a black girl because even though she was dressed normally, they thought she looked too "white washed". This was while they retardedly ignored a straight up baiting white scrote who implied that black women are less attractive because our vaginas looked like "roast beef" to him while white women's vaginas apparently looked like fuckin "strawberries and cream". Look, seeing other black anons is somewhat fun, but the Black Girls thread attracts our worst retards apparently because my god, they are insufferably difficult. They bitch and moan all day about a white person doing this or a white person saying that, but will dismantle another black anon before they even tell an obvious white scrote to go kill himself like how his demographic likes to do. I'll still lurk and post once every blue moon, but they effectively lost me for the most part.
No. 2058619
>>2058201don't mistake seeing things as they really are for being crazy. they want you to doubt yourself and be afraid of being called a
terf because it makes it easier for them to control you. this person stopped being your friend the minute they took it upon themselves to police your words.
No. 2059220
>>2058871Ngl I dislike the art stuff but damn if it isn't useful for translating stuff I want to read fast.
Tbf, translators can be a pain in the ass sometimes, fucking big brudder.
No. 2059329
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I wish strawberry cows were real
No. 2059665
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I am close to meeting my savings goals, losing weight and getting hit on in public.
I am still living with a boyfriend (and I say that flippantly). I told him if he didnt get his act together Id move out. For a few weeks he showed promise, but reverted to his old ways.
Trust me nonnas, I knew he wasnt going to pull through and be the man I need him to be. Ive just taken advantage of the free rent while I got my ducks in a row.
Anyways, the other day we ran into a customer I have from work and he hit on me hard. Barely acknowledged the bf. Immediately bf gets bitchy and I shrug my shoulders and act oblivious. He uses my computer and I left my rental search pinned in the browser. He starts up again, and all I reply with is “why does it matter?”.
Now all of a sudden he's begging me to do couples counseling and trying to pick up second job. I asked him over a year ago to do these things and ignored. So I just ignore his requests and head off to social stuff and the gym. I cook my own meals and have started to pack up belongings. No aggression, no fighting. Just doing my own thing. I sleep upstairs, because I made sure to have my own room available from the get go.
Hey man, you wasted my time, ignored my warnings, and decided to be a dipshit. Time to enjoy the consequences of your actions. Tonight Im going out with my friends, and hes already asking me who's going to be there. I replied “why does it matter?” I dont have social media, so it makes lurking impossible, kek.
No. 2059695
>>2058405>most miserable anons Because life is pretty irritating for many black women and we share relatable woes. Is that so wrong to talk about? Why are other groups of women allowed to do that but we’re a bunch of miserable wenches if we dare try to empathize with each other and bond on our problems? Kek
you are apart of the problem>>2058490>bitch all dayThat thread is active maybe every few days with a couple of posts kek, most reasonable black women go to LSA so they don’t get banned for daring saying the most dangerous curse words of all: I’m black
No. 2059874
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I used to be “in love” with the most greasy, fat pathetic (and hairy) moid and every time I think about his disgusting self it makes me feel so disgusted with myself. I honestly think I was just in love with the feeling of love and not him, he was just overall gross, looked like a younger wetback version of ian miles cheong. What the actual fuck was I doing?
No. 2060067
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I find europeans fighting with each other very funny
No. 2060142
>>2059938Too many people look at the gym like it's an accessory to weight lose or muscle growth instead of a part of leading a healthy life. Just by working out you've helped your heart get stronger, improved blood circulation, brought your energy levels to a good standard, etc., etc.. If you keep going to the gym regularly, you'll stay healthy and reap all the benefits that come from exercising.
>I feel like the other regulars judge me for my lack of progress and I'm embarrassed.I mean this in a nice way, but I don't think they even notice that you're there, let alone keep track of how much you weigh.
No. 2060431
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Teenagers and kids freak me out. It's stupid, I know.
No. 2060476
3 years ago I changed entirely for a man and I still hate myself for it even though I’ve done my best to undo all of that damage. I was in a really bad place mentally after leaving a long term abusive relationship, and I started to get closer with this moid in my life that was just a really bad person. He did a lot of drugs, was a wannabe emo rapper, was out partying and going to events all the time, actual narcissist by definition, just overall a really bad person. He was really good looking though, like 6’4”, toned tan body, long well kept hair, 9/10 face. So when he started showering me with attention I just completely bent to his will. I started doing drugs with him, partying with him all the time, we were constantly traveling together. My depression got worse, I became someone my friends didn’t want to be around so he was the only person I had in my life. I was actually obsessed with him and so needy and clingy and would’ve done anything for his approval.
He just made my life feel fun and exciting and he made me feel more desired than I had in a really long time. He’s no longer in my life anymore after all of that ended really, really poorly. But I feel so much shame and embarrassment over it even still. Looking back at all of that makes me feel like I’m such a weak person, and I worry if it was that easy for me to just lose myself then I’ll never be fit to be a good mother, or a good friend, or anything else.
No. 2060627
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I got really interested in H R PufnStuff and shipping the old witch with the teenage boy and I'm pretty ashamed of it. I think it's like the genderswap of the ugly bastard trope and I'm a little disappointed at the lack of anything with it.
No. 2060656
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>>2060627You shipped
Witchiepoo? How???
No. 2060858
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i sometimes wish for some dictatorship or communism or whatever ideological rule that results in low birth rates to come into place in India because Christ why are there so many people? how does a country with a society this prudent create so many offspring?
No. 2060964
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>>2060858>how does a country with a society this prudent create so many offspring?you make it seem like the women have a choice in it, plus with the caste system some rape cases of lower castes aren't even considered rape because the women are considered untouchables lower than dogs so why should it matter?
>inb4 racebait No. 2061135
>>2060858>>2060964It's a complex situation, India's population is mostly due to the the fertile land. but root cause lies in the social culture where personal choice in relationships was removed for centuries, and every disgusting male was guaranteed to have a wife.
>>2061128India almost had a dictator who wanted to sterilize certain men
No. 2061140
>>2061135>certain meni already know what direction that would've gone in
>>2060964man i feel bad for North Easterners, rest of India treats them like shit and they still wouldn't be accepted elsewhere, i wish they could be spared from India's deserved shit reputation.
No. 2061221
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I want to buy a Sylvanian family toy because I get easily influenced by the media I consume. I wish I could stop being this way, I usually buy the stuff I definitely totally want when a few months have passed by and I still want that thing/haven't forgotten about it, but I still feel retarded for being swayed by cute pictures and funny videos.
No. 2061305
When I know I'm going to vacuum clean within 24 hours I just throw shit on the the floor.
>>2061221I feel you
nonnie, I've limited my media consumption to cooking videos, cartoon reviews and spooky story narrations and it's worked pretty well. I still can't go on amazon or shein without being super tempted to buy useless shit but I'm not thinking about it in my spare time. Even videos about minimalism make me want to spend money, guess I'm a consoomer at heart.
No. 2061588
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>>2061315I kind of want to use it as my character figure for DnD kek.
No. 2061829
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I'm on level 3281 in Royal Match. I feel like a massive boomer lol
No. 2061836
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>>2061829I've been playing a game like this (Project Makeover, that game with the weird ads) and it made me realize that for all those Candy Crush type of games, someone really has to design each board for each level. I mean obviously there's templates and randomisation they must use and everything, but I wanna see a behind the scenes into how these type of games are developed.
No. 2062048
>>2061234>Two thousand men died from botched operations.only thing making me feel bad about this is their wives left behind that were dependent on them and probably were mistreated and pressuring into killing themselves. and now indian moids have this
victim complex and think women and men are now even.
No. 2062258
>>2062152Nooooooo l\
sb\an is a le hecking trans exclusive languagerinooo
No. 2062453
>>2062258LMAO. I first saw this post and was about to respond "gee I sure hope the autistic faggot mods don't ban you for typing like this" and what do you know they did kek.
No. 2062642
>>2062503>>2062463You sound insufferable.
inb4 get reported for infighting>>2062463I know you can get banned for misreporting posts, so I just put the blame on the autistic mods who can't recognize a joke. At least the redtexts is lifted now but I'd be careful of making joke on this site. LC is losing culture and soul.
No. 2062703
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when i was a teenager, i used a rock to draw a "Squidward" on the sidewalk. As I was making the eyes and the nose, I stopped and started to giggle because it looked like a penis, so I left it like that. Instead of making 1 i made 2 in picrel. I'm drunk and it just made me realize that I was drawing dicks wrong, not that they deserve to be drawn right but i was like 18.
No. 2062851
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i had a crush on him
No. 2062885
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Turkey tom looks a lot like my Mexican hapa cousin, which makes watching his videos feel weird
No. 2062892
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Having an eating disorder is genuinely so embarrassing. Shit is not cool, quirky or enjoyable. I hate having these retarded centipedes crawling around in my brain. Living a life with normal eating patterns isn't making the thoughts go away. I don't like anachan culture because it consists of retards thinking that wanting to kill yourself places you on a higher plane than others, when really, you're more like a dumb, defective animal constantly at odds with its own survival while still clinging to life. There is nothing more pathetic and miserable than to repeatedly choose adjacency to death, whether that leaks into your habits or not. It's a fucking humiliating way to be, and it's tempting to tell myself I just think that because my body isn't where I want it to be, but I know for a fact I'd still feel intense shame around coveting the things I do even if it was.
No. 2062896
>>2062892You are a poet Nona.
I fall into that retarded trap of thinking having suicidal habits makes me le tortured empathetic poor soul but in reality, like you said, I’m just a retarded human fighting my own survival skills and instincts, and for what? To feel good about being underweight? Like that makes me the most specialist girl ever? I relate to you a lot right now nonni, I’ve been going through the revelation that being an Ana chan is just not worth it and dumb. I’ve been telling myself these days ‘bitch, just eat’ because I’m fed up with how retarded this shit has made me.
I’m praying for to recovery nonni, I hope we can both make it together. I’m rooting for you
No. 2062919
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>>2062892No, you are on a higher plane of existence when you have an eating disorder. The very idea of evading the animalistic urges of the mind to achieve noble feats with the possibility of death and ostracization is quite cerebral and admirable. Fatties are on the opposite side of that scale as they are lazy, dumpy, don’t aspire to much and chase their emotions with food like a squirrel hunting for the right kind of nut. Fatties are slaves of nature, anorexia is overcoming nature with nobility that our human minds can’t handle so it caves in.
No. 2062920
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>>2062919peak form. ultimate goddess. the skeleton is the backbone of human beauty.
No. 2062980
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I don’t like dogs except for pugs. I know they are abominations and their flat snouts are terrible for their health but I love their personalities and I think they’re adorable
No. 2062981
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I had a crush on these 2 scrotes when I was 11
No. 2063058
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i saw another anon call this furby ugly but i think it's cute
No. 2063745
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I feel kind of sad because I haven't been able to use discord or most social media in general, I'm again retracting in my shell, I haven't used discord in months and opening the app somehow gives me anxiety. But I haven't had a single bad moment in there, I'm in a group with some really nice girls where we can sperg comfortably about our husbandos, but I'm just not ready to use social media.
I don't know why I always do this, I make a few friends and then I just stop using any app that lets me communicate with them, I can barely reply to my best friend and my family on WhatsApp.
No. 2063758
>>2063689Being volcel is truly a blessing and not having to care about my appearance really saves me from being stressed.
>>2063698I do wear sunscreen when I'm going on long walks in the sun, but no way am I slathering my face on a cloudy winter day, I don't care about getting wrinkles now or in 10 years.
No. 2063764
>>2063757Pic of my cat (literal cat) on my bed.
I was pulling them out. As a hobby.
No. 2063815
>>2063794They always have naturally terrible B.O as well kek, they overcompensate
>>2063805I feel abnormal for this but they make me feel dizzy. I absolutely can’t stand perfume for this reason
No. 2064346
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So I used to eat my teenage half-sister's lipsmacker stash in the late 90s when I was like a five year old kek. Pic reminded me of it
Dr. Pepper was pretty good. All the solid-colored lipsmackers at the bottom were tasty. The sparkly ones at the top were pretty shit cause I recall they had some kind of gritty sparkle glitter to them and did not have a good taste.
I also ate chalk, so there's that.
No. 2064380
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My posts get on the caps thread alot. I’m not even funny.
No. 2064440
>>2064416>Mine was fish flakes for sure, genuine good snack they need to make a human version.Ntayrt but agreed, I used to sneak a pinch of it kek. Dog and cat food always tasted bad to me and smelled about as gross.
Bird seed for my parakeet was good to me, but not that weird when you really think about it.
No. 2064462
>>2064458Do you eat sunflower seeds? Pumpkin? Fennel? Flax?
I assure you anon, you eat seeds that birds eat kek.
No. 2064517
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>>2064416AYRT fish flakes are good, but I did enjoy dog and cat food. I only ever ate the dry kibble, though. I ate the Kirland Signature brand dog food, but the ProPlan selects with the actual scraps of chicken in it was the really good dog food. It seriously tasted good since it would have the dry kibbles mixed with freeze dried chicken. I preferred the taste of cat food overall because sometimes it has a fish flavor to it. Dog food was like… had to immediately brush after because it made your breath smell terrible. I'm 27 now and I sometimes still want to take a little taste test since I'm older.
No. 2064789
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>>2056485As an update to this, the anons in that thread on CC are now saying that LC is the same as a fascist dictatorship. These are the anons that stir shit up on this site. In their minds, they're not baiting - they're fighting against a totalitarian fascist regime… you can't make this shit up kek.
No. 2064949
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To disclose- I'm genuinely not racist, some of my family is Indian and I genuinely love learning about persian history and that area's contributions to the world.
When I was a little younger, I was rather schizo paranoid, and was very into online conspiracy theories about stuff like diseases actually killing your connection to the divine and stuff like that. and about politicians all being cannibals, i was mentally unwell
Anyway, on websites like this, where I could get into my schizo echo chambers, there were also racist forms of media, like memes and songs. I honestly could not look away, it felt like discovering some weird, scary, underground club. But here's the silly part- kid's songs rewritten to sound racist- trying not to get on a watchlist, but in retrospect that stuff was so funny, like imagine 'hakuna matata' rewritten to be about 'white p-wer', it's so retarded I just can't take it seriously. Like imagine these silly disney animals being racist, or like Elsa from Frozen calling for a civil war against the lizard/'semite' led government or something. What were the idiots who made those songs thinking kek
No. 2064969
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Sometimes I shitpost to talk to the FBI agent I hope is watching and tracking everything I do online. It makes me look schizo, but I like to imagine that somewhere, there's a sexy FBI agent watching me and falling in love with me. Then I realize I want to laugh at him because he went to the academy only to have to babysit random people online.
No. 2064976
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I discovered lolcow 4 years ago because I had a grimes fanpage and my mutuals were ranting to me about some grimes lolcow thread (not the current one). I had to pretend to be upset about it too but I secretly realized that grimes is cringe and developed an image board addiction ever since. I genuinely need to stop opening these websites
No. 2065004
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I love making mtfs feel uncertain and excluded in female social spaces. I love making them realise how much they stand out like the hulking, awkward gross males they are just by simply naturally socialising with other women.
So many disgusting freaks keep trying to insert themselves in my circles, calling themselves "lesbians", dating delusional handmaidens who bow to every word they say. I never say anything to them obvious or directly of course, seeing women naturally exist and experience happiness together and be actual lesbians is all i need to do
No. 2065096
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My life is good, better than it's ever been. I have a decent job in my field that doesn't demand too much from me. I have plenty of friends and a loving support network. I have hobbies that enrich my life. I feel mentally stable at least compared to the rest of my life. So why do I have constant invasive thoughts that this is all temporary? The impending sense of doom, that my life will soon fall apart and this goodness is all temporary, is fucking me up.
No. 2065226
>>2065191>they'll always have a supply of enablers and handmaidens to wipe their asses for them.An anon could post in the vent thread about how her scrote shits himself in his sleep every night and that she's tired of washing the sheets, and STILL defend him when other anons tell her to dump him. Nigelposting should really be limited to /g/ because I'm tired of seeing the same vent over and over again on /ot/.
>My beloved nigel hates me because he's a misogynist, and he is always mean to me and doesn't respect me, but once he bought me Taco Bell 3 years ago so if I break up with himnow it'd be really mean and nasty and I won't do it!
No. 2065251
>>2065096I'm sorry you're feeling that way, nonna, but if you can manage to reshape your thoughts a little, that feeling is actually quite healthy. In most cases your current situation is temporary, and something will happen that will make life difficult again. Be it the death of a loved one, the loss of your job, your health or injuries that might impact your hobbies, it's all a common and normal part of life. Having this in mind makes you more prepared for when it happens. Try to just appreciate how good your life is now while also knowing that when it changes for the worse again, it will not stay that way either. Hoping this good time in your life will last for a long time, though, so you get to enjoy it!
No. 2065270
>>2065226It's giving aella girl from Twitter(that woman who did a birthday gangbang she recruited moids for and created statistics of it including how many men cummed, how many men didn't, how many cummed inside of her etc.) she's some polygamous e whore, once she posted a childlike drawing one of her moids made for her and pinned on her fridge after he told her she is not that pretty during sex and he wrote on it a childish apology and made the words "not that pretty" like 100x bigger than other words and drew them having sex. She said she appreciates his honesty, his explanation was something like "imagine you live in a world where blue balls are ugly and green aren't and you have a/are a blue ball and everyone lies to you by saying it's not ugly and it confuses you!!! There here is me being so honest about the blue ball being ugly and telling it to you straightforwardly cause that's what best friends do!" Literally he used balls and their colors as an example so she goes like
"in general he's a very loving, kind amazing man!!" Blah blah usual retard shit
No. 2065761
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Just farted so loud I scared the cat. AMA.
No. 2065807
>>2065793Same boat
nonnie. If I knew people with my same ships I wouldn’t have to resort to it. We could be having roleplay like yaoi god intended.
No. 2066015
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I wish American/western feminists were this based instead of whining and starting hashtag campaigns. Women should be doxxing, harassing, and stalking men all the time as punishment for their degeneracy. I always send screenshots of the shit men say or put online to their families and work whenever possible. Although a hashtag campaign about the fall of western civilization because there's ugly men in modern games would be pretty funny.
No. 2066100
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I used to eat these as a kid
No. 2066113
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>>2066100I used to eat chapstick and lipgloss
No. 2066284
I've come to terms with the fact thay I dislike everybody I know/meet a not inconsiderable amount and that's just how my brain is wired, no amount of positive thinking changes that without feeling like I'm lying to myself about who I am. It doesn't diminish the value people have in my life and I'm never going to find somebody with minimal traits that rub me the wrong way. I don't think I'll ever manage a romantic relationship or have children though, since there's a level of authenticity and choice in the affection there that I'm not capable of. It would feel immoral.
>>2066232Not nonna but that stuff was like play-doh in consistency and had tasty food-based scents so I can see a kid wanting to eat it.
No. 2066330
>>2066292Warning for sperging and samefag but my own additional input to what's presented in that novel is that men are unable to cope with the shifting valuation of women in Korean society as it modernizes.
Males have always been severely overvalued, my own grandfather had 7 daughters in poverty before he gave up on getting a son, and that's a mild example given how common it was to simply abort female fetuses until recently.
But in modern Korea, it's increasingly become the case that families want at least one daughter because women are not only able to work and participate in society (ie less need for a male to carry on the family name), women are also almost always the ones who will take care of their parents in their old age. I know several families that bemoan having only sons for this reason– men have no sense of familial duty, and their wives will be taking care of their own parents. Is the dissonance in the male psyche towards the lived reality of their insignificance within a culture that has not shaken off telling them lies about their importance not obvious? Just one facet to many in this societal conflict.
Women increasingly have the power to live independent lives, the education and access to information to see sex-based injustice for what it is. Meanwhile men warp into themselves, violently and institutionally desperate to gratify their delusions of entitlement. This has happened in numerous cultures, but the struggle is exacerbated in Korea, where the breakneck modernization from a former third world country has been historically very bloody (a generation before ours, and Korean history is not well known, so you may not know what I'm referring to) and societal views experience intense growing pains attempting to catch up.
No. 2066768
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I love old blackface movies they’re actually funny as fuck and the music in it is often really good. They’re more entertaining and savory than some bullshit like Get Out kek.(racebait)
No. 2066892
>>2066875No, because its a great song. Lighten up
nonny not everything is funny because its racist.
No. 2067151
sk is a third world country that developed very fast so it has first world trappings. also in its desire to separate from north korea culturally and visually it’s constantly stealing from other cultures, so the us. lots of glitz and glam over there very little substance
on top of that their latest president/minister/whatever has disintegrated the ministry of gender equality in a very blatant effort to get women barefoot and pregnant again uhh what else…molka, megalia, etc.
No. 2067410
It’s kinda heavy, SA and pregnancy hatred in spoilers.
I was SA’d by an “ex boyfriend” who was mid 20s when I was 17. He locked me in a room and refused to take a no and wouldn’t wear a condom. I almost killed myself from the grief and fear and hatred of pregnancy, which I still carry today at 22. My current boyfriend of a year and a half doesn’t know, no one else knows, and will ever know except for my parents because I had to tell them as I was scared for pregnancy, thankfully I “survived” and wasn’t pregnant likely due to Plan B and irregular periods. I wish I was smarter back then, because I wouldn’t have wanted them to know. I will take this shit to the grave with me. I won’t even have sex with my boyfriend until I can get sterilized or start a BC regimen. Thankfully he is one of the kindest people in the world and he understands me, and I wouldn’t question that for a second, but I just feel bad. I feel broken, and have ever since. All of this even made me become an Anti-Natalist, unironically. I might as well be asexual too, and to this day there is nothing more I hate than the thought of pregnancy
No. 2067462
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I'm unemployed at the moment and started sperging over dodgy historical eras out of boredom and rediscovering old hyperfixations .. obviously I have nobody to talk to about this, and I don't want to bore/weird out the people I know. It's an intense obsession to the point where I feel upset I'm not able to get a time machine and talk to historical people (cringe). I started writing this heinous historical yaoi thing and it occupies me for hours a day. I'm now worried that my flatmate thinks I'm politically dubious/morally sketchy because all I watch/read are things about these historical eras. HELP.
No. 2067484
>>2067462There’s no way she’ll find out
nonnie it’s ok
No. 2067515
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I love being unemployed lol
No. 2067631
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>>2067515hell yeah same
I have never had a job and I will keep it that way
No. 2067771
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I love Melanie Martinez, I just dislike her gogoogaga I'm baby schtick but I'm happy she's moving on from that. I would go to the trilogy tour if I could
No. 2067822
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Is it bad that I miss the guy I had one off workcest with? He’s kinda of an asshole and the sex wasn’t amazing but going through the actual motions of it and the cuddling after it was really nice. He’s away for the summer but I highly doubt he’ll come back to work. As far as I’m aware I have no proper feelings attached to him so I think I’m just bored and touch starved more than anything kek
No. 2068197
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I was considering becoming a full-blown husbandofag but my former husbando had way too many talented yume artists and I can’t draw for shit so I just gave up.
No. 2068306
>>2068300That's called human instinct.
>>2068267Nonna, I used to be like this, just remember that irl moids are retarded and become a Yume.
No. 2068358
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I had a 4 hour red eye flight last night and the couple behind me knocked my seat for an entire hour doing who knows what the fuck behind me (in and out of bags, tray table up and down, kicking the seat) and I finally lost my shit and in a moment of madness flung my chair back all the way. Anyway they complained to the air hostess how far my chair was back and when she asked me to put it back up I complained back that they had been knocking my chair non stop. Anyway it mostly stopped but will I be arrested? Is that assault? I don’t think the person behind me was hit by my chair. I hate being so autistic and prone to losing my shit over other people being rude.
No. 2068360
File: 1719552387510.jpg (35.39 KB, 500x375, lawyer cat.jpg)

>>2068358You had a sudden bout of airplane psychosis
triggered by the atmospheric Orgone fluctuations nona, so don't worry they do NOT have a case against you for assault and you shan't be arrested lest the airline desires to be sued.
No. 2068389
>>2068360Good so I won’t be in the clink for this?
>>2068379Thanks nona I love you
No. 2068537
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I wish this tif was an actual man . I’d fuck
No. 2068784
>>2068456Relationships are based on a sexual attraction without it's it's just a friendship duh there's no love, there's just sexual attraction thatd what humans see as love, women and men positions in love are different as well.
With no attraction and get gender roles there's no "love"
No. 2068887
>>2068876Nonna you got nothing to worry about. I've literally never heard the term "roastie" used outside of 4chan and even then the men who call you roastie are just coping about the women who won't sleep with them. You basically described my vag which I was insecure about as a teen, but men never seemed to care or even notice anything to be insecure about, most men Ive been with have asked to eat out but tbh I am not really into that. I also don't shave which I have never received any comment on besides positive, one guy said he prefers it au natural and was glad to see it.
When you do get with more men you will see irl men kind of prefer what you are describing, the only people who want the tiny lipped shaven vagina are 4channy men who will have a host of other issues with your body anyway
No. 2069023
>>2069013Ok Miss CLEAN and non-filthy un-spreading innie pussy, thats because you have no ass and a bony pussy regardless of lip length
>I knew a woman on Instagram who shared why she had a labia plasty. She was in pain while biking or sitting or walking.Shes lying because she'd look pathetic to say it was for her porn addicted scrote. "my pussy hurts from my bike… lets not get a new seat but cut and stitch it so I cant ride a bike for months"
No. 2069051
>>2069047You said people are saying men prefer innies cause of porn.
>>2069042Also you just keep describing some kind of issue with your bike seat. Just shut up and get a new bike
No. 2069819
>>2069817Please don't, that brings trauma to kids.
>>2069814Well, do you have a wife? How old are you anyways? I don't think it's impossible to save for IVF if it's two people working for the same goal.
No. 2069829
>>2069819I’m single, which is another reason why the baby dream isn’t possible. It’s extremely hard to find lesbians in my area that actually want to start a family. Most of them want to be child free, which is perfectly fine, but we wouldn’t be able to work out long term. I have yet to meet someone who wants to start a family.
>>2069822I don’t think I could foster, because if I’m completely honest, I’m terrified that I’m going to mess up somehow. I’m pretty unstable, and I don’t want to subject a child to my mental illness. I grew up with a mentally ill mom, and it was rough. I can’t traumatize a doll, so this feels like the safer option.
No. 2069949
>>2069926Tall and lanky with lean shoulders, small chest, and a nice butt. Growing up and to this day I always had to listen to my mom shit on her body type and talk about how ugly she thinks those features are and as a kid I never knew what to say to her. And now that i'm an adult with a specific preference for that exact body type, I REALLY can't say shit without it being weird. Like "nooo mom trust me your body type is the sexiest" kek what…
As a child I always thought my mom was beautiful, but i think every kid thinks their mom is beautiful, right? But then it seems to have kind of manifested in some weird way into my adult sexuality which feels weird.
No. 2069951
>>2069888>>2069888BIG same. Watched a ton of videos yesterday on it. Every year of my life got more and more pathetic no matter what I did to overcome it. It'd just come crashing down because I was always trusting terrible people and spending time and resources trying to unfuck problems, thanks to my family. The cycle got so exhausting I lost my mind.
By the time I figured out it the root causes I was declared too old by society to do anything I loved and my opportunities were no longer existent. The trauma has destroyed my brain and body. My friendships and relationships were gone. My family are all addicts, alcoholics, and mentally ill. I've wanted to kill myself since I was 13, and everything that helped me avoid that was slowly destroyed over 7 years. But maybe I can scam my way into a passably peaceful life.
Ngl I think I was cursed/hexed with some kind of voodoo. Something has been trying to kill me since I was a baby. I'm not supposed to be here.
I wish I wasn't pretty, talented, or smart. It's just a waste at this point.
No. 2070005
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>>2069979>>2069953so what are you trying to say to me
No. 2070333
File: 1719641957645.png (177.26 KB, 736x732, LEeSV6l.png)

i'm eating cereal that i just picked bugs out of and it is still more bearable than going through the no fap thread
No. 2070352
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>>2070005Bad news, nonna, I'm sorry.
No. 2070545
>>2068916 and the YouTuber isn't Dr disrespect this is the first time I've heard about him, the YouTuber I'm talking about is a non-english speaking uggo in his early twenties
No. 2070987
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Some of you are so obnoxious I'm past misandrist and am becoming misanthropic.
No. 2071187
File: 1719700129297.jpeg (Spoiler Image,159.15 KB, 760x1154, 870B5D36-C71F-4CED-914C-282CAF…)

He used to be really cute even with the autism face
No. 2071241
>>2071121Do women usually say titties and boobies in a serious tone or are they saying as a joke?
>>2071143That's exactly how I feel about them.
No. 2071575
>>2071544I don't know, if she herself believes that she's a lesbian, then I guess she told me just to see how I'd react or maybe she trusts me. Ngl, the fact that she decided to tell me so casually that she thinks she's a lesbian makes me think she isn't one. I don't think a real lesbian would come out so easily, especially in a public setting(we were in a metro while she was talking about this), and in India of all places? I think SSA women living in India would be more wary of which people know their orientation.
It's not just this, other reasons I have are that the spicy straights/kweer contagion has reached India as well, many middle/upper class girls like to use this to seem more interesting, I knew girls that liked to pretend to be bisexual, right now, it's not uncommon to find (English) pronouns in the bios of Indian girls nowadays.
Another is that, I feel like sometimes girls mistake being intimidated by attractive admirable women as being attraction, and the same goes for admiration of women. If it was another college mate she was into, I'd buy it. But it's a female professor, someone who she no doubt looks up to and wants the approval of, and as is with student-teacher dynamics, it's not like she could actually know her enough to fall for her.
I can accept I could be wrong though, she did show me a collection of poems she wrote about that female professor, it could be that she's just trying to be the next Sappho though.
No. 2071878
>>2071822I reread my post, it comes across as way too serious kek
Anyways, this reminded of my own confession. I resent one of my friends for being a fakebian and an autism faker. She's really nice and i cherish her friendship but it's annoying. The first lie can be really jarring. She will describe her heterosexual hookups before talking about how hard it is to be a lesbian. She's a full blown polilez too and seems pretty aware that it's an elaborate LARP. I guess her stance is that lesbianism or 'female sexual oriention' is simply not a thing. I really get why a woman might want really bad to be gay but the total denial of something like lesbianism is
very strange. It's like she knows very well what she is but has to pretend the thing she's LARPing as isn't real at all to make it work.
The second one is less fun for me. I tried to cope by telling myself there are things in her life that explain why she'd think she's autistic (really, i won't be specific but it makes sense). I'm not invested in being an authority on that subject either. But there are occasions where she points out autistic things i do or is seemingly weirded out by my demeanor,
all the while she pretends to be a special little ND flower. Not to be dramatic but being a sperg wasn't fun at all. I was constantly ridiculed by some family members, frequently called a retard, the usual struggles at school etc. To see someone treat it as a quirky little thing that explains
really banal problems (being feminine but not liking femininity as a rule, mild awkwardness, mild social anxiety) when i know it's a little more than that … I prefer it when people openly criticize my retarded moments as honest normies. It pisses me off how she's surprised at typical assburger things (repetitive subject matters, not understanding subtext, stiff expressions, borrowing entire phrases as script etc) when she's larping as one? She could at least do her research. She also likes to latch onto autistic people she meets to ask for anecdotes and to share her own. I don't know if she's testing her narrative or what, but it's weird. I guess i wouldn't be so bothered if we were teenagers and unsure of who we are or whatever, but we're adults kek. To add to all that, it wasn't so long ago that she argued 'high functioning' autism shouldn't be diagnosed in kids and i had to explain how it was actually helpful for some. Sorry, too long, reads as vent, but it's a dirty secret because i don't like hiding negative feelings from my friends
No. 2072020
I looked at prn on tumblr yesterday. I feel like I've sullied myself. Making excuses, not respecting this vessel of the Holy Spirit. I thank God that I am feeling this guilt, and can be turned in the right direction. When I am close to the Word, I genuinely need nothing else to feel at peace. I'm sorry I did this. I meditate on Mary and repeat Hail Mary when I'm afraid, I did so during sparring, during painful experiences, the Lord has taken my yoke when I needed it and given me peace. I want to be closer to this spirit of love and peace and clarity, may I become less so that the Lord may become more, for I am a blink in the timespan of the universe, let me be an instrument to something better, to love and fairness. May I love others as You love us. May your Word become clear to me, may your message resonate with my spirit.
No. 2072162
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I like your average harem protagonist. I like the basic combination of dark hair and dark eyes, they usually try to help their target of affection and unless it's their childhood friend they're nice to everyone else, too. Not like they're my favorite characters, but they're so inoffensive that I can't bring myself to even harbor feelings strong enough to warrant calling them hate. Talking about protagonists up to the 2010s, I watched a few more modern ones and those ones were questionable.
No. 2072278
>>2072202Oh, me too. I feel like one on the inside sometimes. I don't even know how old I feel, I don't remember a lot of being young. I think it would be nice to have a routine, and famliarity in life, to just have to wake up, follow a routine, come home, and play, learn new things. Having to be presentable and hygienic as a woman is a lot more work. I want to feel wonder at the world again, to have boundless energy, no responsibility, to have my whole family around me, to be allowed to be silly, to not feel useless. Didn't the world seem huge back then? I don't know what I'm doing with my life yet. I mean I'm in school, but it all feels so burdensome, so much to pay for, so many facades to keep up, people moving away, the world wanting to squeeze everything out of you, the loneliness, the fatigue. Sorry if I'm bringing your vibe down. If not then we can be sad together. Fuck it im probably pmsing.
No. 2072416
>>2072364if you just play around in the spicy straight thread for ten seconds you'll see that most "bisexual" women are just chasing the trend or otherwise desire men far more or they're "bisexual" (only attracted to celebs). to call it hateful or reductionist is dumb, that's literally just how bi women are.
this could go in unpopular opinions as it's a bit of an ot thought but i think the line between sexual pleasure and sexual attraction needs to be drawn more
No. 2072439
>>2072364To be fair I'm bisexual and I don't trust most of "my community." I have some horror stories which I won't get into kek so I understand why lesbians have hang-ups about us.
>>2072416THAT BEING SAID, if you're judging an entire demographic based on Twittoid specimens (many of whom are probably underage) then you're being facetious. Every letter of the acronym is insufferable on Twitter. Some users on this site do seem to believe that we're, like, cartoonishly evil and that none of us have ever gotten any shit whatsoever, or they legitimately think most of us enjoy being fetishized just because some celebrity is being dumb.
No. 2072453
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i think being an autist has saved me from a lot of male bullshit in my life
No. 2072505
>>2072439>if you're judging an entire demographic based on Twittoid specimens (many of whom are probably underage) like i said, go look at the spicy straight thread…none of those people are underage. also i think a lot of the complaints about bisexual women here are personal anecdotes
>Some users on this site do seem to believe that we're, like, cartoonishly evil nah farmers overact to everything, i think overreaction on imageboards is normal. like whenever you see an extremely angry post or one that speaks of bi women like they're babyfucking cannibals (or any subject, really), consider that the post was probably made at the low point of that's person's day
or it's the sum of anger/irritation/negativity they've been bottling up for months, if not years. or it's just text and they're just typing without really thinking of softening it. see the dog/cat hate threads for a great example of this. all those crazy ass essay-posts over animals.
>or they legitimately think most of us enjoy being fetishizedhad a lot typed up but to summarize:
imo a lot of bisexual women these days are just larping for male attention, because they're straight and straight women do enjoy being treated like a fetish by men. they just don't want men to be upfront about it. they only want it dressed up chivalry or him being "down bad". plus being bi is now the equivalent of being a "cool girl" who doesn't mind if her guy checks out other women – because she's (supposedly) checking them out too so it's okay lol
i think most of the hatred for bi women is aimed at these sorts of women, the ones who are basically cock worshippers but also want to get the queer label/are deeply ashamed of being straight and won't shut the fuck up about it
No. 2072538
>>2072528please reread my post a little slower kek
>>2072521>I don't understand how straight women using us as a fetish is our faultquoting you again as i realize i should've maybe put quotation marks around bisexual. but also i thought
>i think most of the hatred for bi women is aimed at these sorts of womenwould've gotten my point across cleanly. bi women as a sampling pool are just made up of too many fakes. and even the truly bi women who have fucked women all their lives are going to end up with a guy anyway (basically straight after all is said and done)
No. 2072558
>>2072505>imo a lot of bisexual women these days are just larping for male attention,Let me name celebs like this: dove Cameron, Madison beer, billie eilish, Megan fox,Olivia o brien who else.
Yeah bi women are bi(those i named def aren't sorry) but it doesn't change the fact they they go for penis more and in more intense ways so that Twitter post was absolutely right
No. 2072566
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For the last week I have been making a plan on how to find and groom a 3DPD into cosplaying/roleplaying my husbando so I can lose my virginity to him. Not grooming in the illegal sense but literally make him go through some series of tests to make sure he is 100% like my husbando so I can grope him and touch his dick and think Wow this is literally Husbando. I will have to pay him at least 10 grand for going through the training maybe more because my requirements are very specific, the first round of men will be eliminated based purely on the texture of their skin, how close I think they smell to him, body hair color and quality, dick size and shape, body composition, all small but extremely important details for it to actually feel like I'm fucking my husbando. Then I will make him take every possible STD test and give him a list of things that he MUST do before we fuck like never break character until he leaves my house, talk in the same voice as him, he's not allowed to say no to anything I do etc. Then I will have him watch my husbando's media at least five times and have him read a script so he understands fully the depth of his character. I'm now realizing it would be smart to have him write an essay to makes sure he understands him correctly also, maybe we can even roleplay through text at first or I can make him read my fanfic for a fuller understanding. Obviously I will have to pay him every time we have sex if it happens more than once and I feel like 5k would be fair especially since he gets to take a young woman's virginity and also I'm not especially hideous so that's nice for him. Another upfront cost would be making the cosplay but it's not as important as finding the moid.
I don't know if there's anything else I should plan for before I do this but the situation is dire I am about to start digging holes in the backyard with my bare hands and chewing through the plumbing with my teeth I literally can't take it anymore.
No. 2072574
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>>2072566I wish you all the best luck in this endeavour nonna kekkkk
No. 2072580
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>>2072572I am into actually femdoming him too I would bite him until his blood vessels break so thanks for saying that. But I don't want some random 3DPD I want my husbando. He's the only man I'm attracted to in this way where I actually feel a psychotic level of desire.
>>2072574Thank you I'm at the point in my life where there's nothing to lose.
>>2072578I don't want to date him, just fuck him. No man has the self-control to stay in character and take care of himself like that 24/7 hahaha.
No. 2072604
>>2072591What you're saying would be equal to >>2072576 which isn't the same thing at all.
>>2072601You have no idea what you're talking about or how committed I am. No matter how much I masturbate I'm starting to feel like a female ferret who's about to die without him. Do you suggest locking myself in my house for a week to see if flicking the bean for 20 hours a day could relieve this.
No. 2072620
>>2072610You worded this in a way that was confusing to understand, I
don't want to have sex with anyone who isn't him. Being a husbandofag is inherently delusional so why can't I get someone who looks and acts exactly like him and just think it's him for an hour? I mean maybe you will change my perspective on this, please clarify.
No. 2072637
>>2072604jesus christ, who the fuck is that husbando who deserve this devotion ?
( pretty sure i'll have no idea who he is if you do tell us)
No. 2072681
>>2072416thanks i actually quarantined myself so thoroughly from the reality of fake bisexuals i forgot they existed (despite witnessing the epidemic firsthand in it's infancy circa 2010s) and so i took the replies as very unjustified bad faith readings of my situation. i get how it came across now tho. i agree being bi is the new "cool girl" even for some men too as shorthand for "sensitive, non threatening" however i agree with the other anon these arent actually real bisexuals and it is misplaced anger.
>>2072471ironically i am "gold star" and have no plans of acquainting myself with this dick you speak of
>>2072515i'm happy you say this nona because my gut said some of this felt like projection
No. 2072711
>>2072708before I was medicated when I was deeply stressed I huffed glue instead. so you're good
nonny acetone doesn't kill that many braincells anyway.
No. 2072793
>>2072749Women and men arent equals. You dont need to feel bad.
>>2072202>>2072278Pick up a new hobby. Kids experience new things every day that make the days feel longer and more exciting.
No. 2072795
>>2072749Don't think too much about it.
I think one of the issues we have as women is that we always put ourselves in the shoes of others, it's always "what if the sexes were reversed?" Or "We should do better" and it's all for nothing, just self-flagellation time all of the time.
So what if you're having fun? He's not some child and you're not a 70 years old man buying a girl from a third world country who just wants to make money to buy medicine for her mom that's dying of cancer.
Plus, if he doesn't like you he's strong enough to push you and run away, unless you're some 1.90 bodybuilder that loves to workout every waking second of your life and he's a petite 1.50 guy who is an anakun vegan.
No. 2073356
Sometimes I get this overwhelming urge to tie a belt around my leg, get drunk and dunk my leg into dry ice and wait for it to do its job. I don't think it's a fetish thing because I find the puckered scarring on amputations a little disgusting and unsettling, I think it's a self harm/pity thing, like "oooh look at me and my fucked up leg, don't you feel bad for me?" I don't like it all, it feels gross and gives me a physical sensation of being covered in old grease whenever I think like that, but there's this little desire mixed in with it.
The thing is I don't even leave the house and I never go to the hospital if something is wrong because I don't want to take time away from people who actually need it, except for that one time I got bit down to the fat layer by a dog and thought I would get lockjaw from it. I don't know, it feels so separate from me but whenever I think about that furry who froze his hands off, or that TiF artist or Kelly, I think that if they could do it I could too. And that's fucking disgusting of me.
No. 2074040
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i made a tranny cry in a group voice chat
No. 2074059
>>2074046plus a man who dates tifs isn't gay anyway kek, maybe bi at most
>>2074055nta but you could've just said biological, regular, actual males, etc
No. 2074067
>>2074059Nta but stop arguing semantics at this point, some of you get on your high horse a bit too much
>>2074055Your situation makes me kinda sad, that must be really surreal. I have heard this happening anecdotally, all the women I know that started T begun to feel a stronger attraction to males. This TiF I know
like was “straight” (lesbian) but now she’s a hypersexual coomer who doesn’t stop thirsting over men and the whiplash is painful to me kek. Anons here might not understand but I get what you mean, “gay” men were willing to make exceptions for her when they otherwise didn’t because she has this androgynous beauty and magnetism that probably makes them more open to the idea. Sigh
No. 2074080
>>2074074I would see your point if I was talking about an adult but she was very young at the time. We both were but especially her and she relied a lot on me. For example, she stopped smoking because of me and she even told me so. I know it's a very immature mindset to stop smoking because your e-girlfriend told you to, and it's also immature to pressure your e-girlfriend into not smoking anymore because it freaks you out, but we were both kids at the end of the day. It's just this guilt that I can't shake whenever I think about it, and I can't talk about it to anyone because they either think I'm a crazy narcissist or they think transitioning was actually
valid and brave
No. 2074083
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>>2074080>e-girlfriend You guys make me so tired.. seriously
No. 2074119
>>2074067>Anons here might not understand but I get what you mean, “gay” men were willing to make exceptions for her when they otherwise didn’t because she has this androgynous beauty and magnetism that probably makes them more open to the idea. I'm trying not to be mean but this reminds me of wish fulfillment characters in fanfics kek. Not saying your story isn't real, just that the description reminded me of that.
>she was so beautiful she turned gay men straight!I unironically wish I had that power
No. 2074171
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The woman (women?? Are they twins? They have very similar facial ratios) in this meme have the exact face type I’m really attracted to. Whenever someone posts one of these memes I get distracted admiring their faces.
No. 2074298
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>>2074171That's a screenshot from the movie The Player's Club. The woman with the black hair is LisaRaye and the blonde woman is Chrystale Wilson. LisaRaye has always been very gorgeous to me, she's aged amazingly too, picrel.
No. 2074300
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>>2074298Samefag, and I also think Chrystale looked like a hot vampire.
No. 2074617
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I may post misandrist content here in lolcor now and then—but deep, deep down I want to meet a guy who can prove that he's One Of The Good Ones™ and be my loving, loyal BF who would cure my fear of intimacy and never take advantage of my vulnerabilities. And maybe my misandry too.
No. 2074635
File: 1719910950975.png (5.21 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_6478.png)

I am so ashamed of this stupid ass idubbbz merch i got whilst in middle school. I want to fucking burn it, especially with how idubbbz h become an embarrassing lolcow lately, but it has too much sentimental value. Between 2016-2018, i was in middle school at the time and was a huge fan of Filthy frank, Idubbbz, & maxmoefoe(mostly filthy frank). I have fond memories of watching these men on the having fun being dumb and goofy best friends. Middle school was awful for me. i had no friends in school and was super envious of the cancer crew and their fun looking friendship. At some point between 2016-2017, i bought idubbbz merch because even though i wasn’t a big fan of him like i was for Frank, i wanted something more lowkey and i thought it would somehow help me attract like minded friends or something. Never made any friends kek. Looking back it was super retarded because if my dumbass plan of being a friend magnet worked id end up attracting misogynist Scrotlets and would have to pick-me hard as fuck to keep them around. I am 19 now and i wear the shirt a lot still as you can tell from the wash damage but i only wear it inside out kek. I am going to wash it once last time and then im putting it into my nostalgia drawer.
No. 2074642
>>2074635damn what a shit quality, i'm glad i'm not buyng any merch. This peeling is what i'd expect from HM.
I have nice memories of the era too, i was just ending high school and getting into uni. To me their videos were pure art.
No. 2074775
This made me so horning and it’s only the morning time
No. 2074894
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>>2074635Anon this is actually very cute. I remember loving the cancer crew, and they always made me laugh when I was feeling down and sad (and still do sometimes) I loved the friendship and degenerate content but like you mainly for ff, idubbbz was my least favourite of the 3 but he still made me laugh in that era. He is a loser now. I know the fan base was mainly edgy misogynistic weirdos but just think that you did find comfort and humour in them once. I did too, and I watch cold ones kek
No. 2074910
>>2074719>>2074865It's okay to dream, nonas. As long as the OP knows its aint gonna happen its fine. This is why fan fiction exists after all.
>>2074830lmao just let noni enjoy things i guess. I dont know what is that with me today kek.
No. 2075079
>>2075007That may be true but I've been around far too many conventionally attractive males, my brother included, to believe that they're any better. Literally everyone treats attractive males like the sun shines out of their ass no matter how they behave and that means you'll fight alone with nobody in your corner.
Best case scenario you'll have strangers on the street, male and female, making mean comments if they think you're not as hot as he is and 'he could do better'. Worst case scenario he knows it and acts like an egotistic cunt who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Better pray extra hard if you're also fat and not 'just' average, because the odds of your hot boyfie defending you publicly and not just playing dumb by saying 'oh sorry sweetie I didn't know, that sucks' are near zero. He may even give you a bit of extra gaslighting for the road by saying they probably didn't mean it like that/I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. See: recent UK football chant fiasco where a stadium full of 'people' was encouraging a footballer to dump his wife because she put on a bit of weight. His response was predictably limp-wristed.
No. 2075702
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My dreams can be unintentionally offensive. I remember while ago I had a dream surrounded by people who didn’t look like me but didn’t look like anyone else, just feeling like an outsider compared to everybody else and they looked like aboriginals and I remember it feling ominous and being scared. I also had a dream a few years back that I vividly remember some parts where I was in some Islamic country and I was in a white futuristic mosque that looked like a white dome with windows all over and I was inside of it trying mistreated and chastised by Muslim moids. Why does this happen?? I’m an uncultured burgerfag so I’ve never been to Australia or the Middle East..
No. 2075980
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>>2075037>>2074635same kek I’m 15 years older than this
nonnie shit is wild being an oldfag
No. 2076025
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I’ve left my radfem arc. Witnessing some of the retardation on Lc made me lose my trust in other women. I used to think most women were good people but my eyes have been opened and now I‘ve become just as wary when interacting with women as I am with scrotes
No. 2076068
>>2076066You’re writing fanfiction about me right now kek it’s time to end this convo before it turns into an infight
nonny. Have a good day
No. 2076199
>>2076166sorry to hear that, I used to use a variety of drugs ranging from psychedelics to hard stimulants in occasional escapist fits being somewhat in denial that it was for the sake of coping, but I realized that I didn't need the harm to my health in addition to the wasted time, so I opted for non-chemical forms of escapism that is so ubiquitous among the terminally online
hope you get better!
No. 2076205
>>2076199what are these non-chemical forms of copium that you use, madame
No. 2076292
>>2076025Samefag, on average women
are better people than men. Use the women in your real life to come to that conclusion, not a website that's main purpose is
making fun of weirdos, you really think you're a going to find the cream of the crop HERE? If you don't know many women irl you're just proving my point about most of us being socially inept. All of the women in my life excluding my mother are remarkable people with deep hearts and intelligence a man could only hope to attain if males had the ability of self reflection to even notice they didn't have those qualities.
No. 2076303
>>2076278Read my replies that I wrote to that other anon because I’m not talking about women who call other women ugly or stuff like that. I literally do not care about mere insults or some minor cyber bullying kek. I‘m referring to truly evil inhumane disgusting psycho shit like violent torture fantasies etc.
>>2076289>>2076292I guess you have a point
nonny but a good amount of women are also psychos they just hide it and reveal their true nature on sites like these. Seeing that was a true wake up call to me because I was truly delusional. I now know that I need to be wary of both sexes. A female lead society will not be the solution to our problems. We will be fucked when women run the world too. That’s my current stance.
No. 2076313
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>>2076303>guess you have a point nonny but a good amount of women are also psychos they just hide it and reveal their true nature on sites like theseThat is just blatantly untrue, you're being obtuse. Is this deliberate? Is this bait? Great anon, you have no integrity and are completely incapable of understanding people. Nuance doesn't exist to you. Billions of women can be thrown into the drain because a handful of anons on a
toxic website said something fucked up and you have absolutely zero way to confirm they were even women. Good to know. Go crawl into your cave like the spineless loser you are.
No. 2076347
>>2076313Are you okay? I never said that all women were like that I just realized that some women can be psychos so I can’t blindly trust random women anymore and a female society won’t solve all evil
>>2076311Idk about the husbando thing but I saw anons describing violent torture fantasies in the vent threat or unpopular opinion thread or some thread like that about actual people they interact with in real life not even fictional characters. Then there’s the occasional schizos finding genuine joy and pleasure in animal cruelty. Some things being said on here are genuinely inhumane and scary. Serial killers start out like this.
No. 2076352
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Bait used to be believable
No. 2076354
>>2076347Anon, those users are
mentally ill stop thinking "a good amount* of women are secretly like that. That's the issue with your gobbledygook.
No. 2076359
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He fell into a door knob
No. 2076362
>>2076347>vent threadYou mean the thread where people go to rant about their lives so they can move on? Nobody posts violent shit in the vent thread just to go on and do violent shit irl, that's called leaving a paper trail and most nonnies aren't that stupid.
>unpopular opinion threadYou mean the thread where moid depravity gets brought up on a near daily basis and anons rightfully board the kam train in response? None of them are actually going out and slaughtering moids, even when we really truly wish we could. It's just venting because how else are you supposed to handle the sheer deluge of moid depravity?
>schizos finding genuine joy in animal crueltyMinimize the dog/cat hate threads. most of the posters there are zoosadist refugees from moid boards and not to be taken seriously.
No. 2076365
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>>2076357Can this be the next thread pic? I've never made a thread before and scared of messing it up
No. 2076379
Some of you are allergic to reading kek
>>2076372Never said men were better
>>2076368I never said that all or majority women are like this. I wasn’t generalizing an entire sex because I am aware that most women don’t think this way. Doesn’t change that psychotic women can be a danger too that I should be wary of. And my eyes have been opened to that. And I used to shrug things of as "it’s probably just a scrote" but at this point it just feels like wishful thinking and coping to me idk