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No. 2060559
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>>2060552Yeah, anon, definitely bad fanart.
Here's my unpopular opinion: I love playing along with dumbos
No. 2060567
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>>>/ot/2060553Watching TV isn't the same as being an iPad baby. The other kids kept up with cartoons when they weren't playing outside, yet here you are nlogging about childhoods as if not knowing a popular show makes you better and a Grade-A crunchy child. Like I said, you're being a professional loser. And next time, learn the definition of what anime even is before using it to insult random anons. You look retarded, and it proves our point that you're too slow with basic media.
No. 2060571
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A lot of old school anime from 1999 and before have such ugly art styles. I don't understand the praise.
No. 2060573
>>2060571These all look good compared to whatever
>>2060559 this is from. I guess some anime studios were more ahead of the time than others.
No. 2060578
i don’t want to hear any women complaining about harsh beauty standards in Hollywood after they made a huge deal about that black girl in Romeo and Juliet that they recasted her as a prettier girl. Just stfu at this point because anytime we get an uggo in the spot light women sperg out.
No. 2060581
>>2060567AYRT anon and the sheer number of random cartoons, bands, movies, and shows people here expect everyone to know about would require you being extremely plugged into TV and pop culture as a child to know all of them. I recognize a large number of pop culture things from my childhood even if I didn't personally watch them all but it's far fewer than people here seem to expect you to know about.
Also I wasn't a 'crunchy child' I was just normal and most of my normal friends did not spend much time watching cartoons at all, so the idea you 'weren't keeping up with what everyone at school was talking about' unless you know about every cartoon network show also just seems funny to me. Kids did not spend much time at all talking about TV shows. I'm not even the other anon you called a 'professional loser'/the anon that thought that still was from an anime but thinking someone is a loser because they don't know about every semi-obscure kids show from the year 2000 is a bit.. much.
No. 2060589
>>2060571A lot of it is due to backgrounds and color.
I like modern anime fine but most have their issues being a hatred for digital paint, less contrast when it comes to light and shadow, and over using filters.
No. 2060635
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>>2060578>>2060585They didn't recast her. That actress is an understudy.
No. 2060645
>>2060557Based threadpic
>>2060610Redskins was a shit name for obvious reasons but commanders is somehow even lamer
No. 2060725
>>2060707I agree. Growing your own food and hunting your own meat (within reason) at least isn't wasteful.
Slaughterhouses are hellish testaments to human greed, sadism and gluttony. Some people are fine with being poisoned with shitty chemicals, some of the poorest hygiene practices known to man, and animals like turkeys getting sexually violated by sub-80 IQ rapist moid employees because no one notices/cares, etc because they've been taught to simp for brands that don't care about them.
No. 2060766
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>>2060557Are woman/man biological differences considered off limits or are we ok to post about those?
I've got some really interesting unpopular opinions but they might be risque
No. 2060767
>>2060578I just don't like the deliberately pandering recasting that studios do
If I am watching a show or series set in China or Japan, I want the cast to be Chinese or Japanese
No. 2060768
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>>2060149I think it's weird that whenever I scroll past that thread they're sharing articles about how people, particularly children, got mauled. Not to say my experience is the only experience, but I never see stories about that kinda of stuff, so are they just going out of their way to look for stories of children being mauled by pitbulls and shit?
No. 2060781
>>2060768There are actually tons of dog maulings every year especially in the US because the US for some reason has like 1000x more pitbulls than any other country. I personally know multiple people who were (mildly) mauled by dogs or had one of their pets mauled/killed by a dog, but no one with any real horror stories, however I do see horror stories on the news periodically. I had a scary experience with a dog that did not progress to mauling but it freaked me out and made me think dog owners need to be a lot more careful, the dog jumped like an 8 foot high fence in its backyard and chased me down an alleyway growling and baring its teeth when I was a child, luckily I managed to act calm and it backed off because I'd heard from someone who had been attacked by a dog that they can sense fear and get more aggressive. My mom used to give me lessons as a child on how to prevent dog maulings because there were a lot on the news back then.
I just looked at the stats and apparently there are 4.5 million dog attacks (on people) per year in the US, almost a million requiring hospitalization/medical attention.
No. 2060785
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any kind of soda, fake chemical juice or other carbonated drinks are disgusting and nauseating. the only acceptable drinks are water, tea, hot chocolate and real (apple) juice
No. 2060799
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>>2060775German and Scandinavian men come out on top in Europe
.. Balkan moids are insufferably macho so they don't count
No. 2060802
>>2060785>>2060793alcohol has absolutely no health benefits whatsoever.
>>2060794the few health benefits of juice (some vitamins and minerals) are outweighed by the sugar content and total lack of fiber. juice is bad. just eat the fruit.
No. 2060804
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>>2060801I think it's cute tho
No. 2060808
>>2060805tbh the evidence is mixed and the benefits don’t outweigh the risks. you can get those benefits elsewhere, in foods and drinks that
don’t carry the risk. if you like alcohol then drink it i guess, you don’t have to pretend it’s healthy.
No. 2060828
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How the hell could someone look at picrel and think it’s an anime? There are some very slow people on here.(not an unpopular opinion)
No. 2060848
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wish i could befriend eene nonnie so bad.. no one else understands
No. 2060867
>>2060854My technique (The Tactical A-Stance)
First grab lots of toilet paper and have it on standby
(warning this works best when wearing a skirt/dress)
Pull down panties to about mid-thigh, you dont want them touching the toilet but also not too high, put your pants sorta around the knee area
Spread your legs to make an A shape, project power
Angle your hips forward/up, also projecting power
Piss really hard (idk how to explain you have to use your muscles)
Dont move while pissing
When you're close to finishing just absorb all the excess with the toilet paper and wipe as normal
It has helped me a lot and I still know how to do it
No. 2060878
>>2060571you are either young or have brainrot or both
or that's bait
No. 2060901
nonny how are you?
No. 2060909
wanting people to use anon (or just something less cutesy) means I want to look at porn and gore?
No. 2060919
>>2060801I say "anon" all the time here and have only ever been told not to by children
you don't care what children think, do you, anon?
No. 2060992
>>2060982I actually like the thread because it means they can just chat in there and not sperg about blackpill stuff on every other thread…but they end up doing that anyway so idk kek. I can see where they're coming from sometimes but when I've tried to talk to many of them before it's only a matter of time before you get the whore/cock worshipper names thrown at you for mild disagreements. There are some people who you can talk to properly and learn about what they think without all of that shit but I think for some of them it's just an excuse to let out their anger at the wrong people.
I think they have a right to be bitter, honestly. I get it. I was there once myeslf. It just depends what they actually do with this bitterness - and I don't want to pull the "female socialization ur forcing me to be nice reee" thing because that's not it, but I feel like if you want other women to understand the argument from a blackpill side then I think they're not doing very well in that regard. I got tired of being in that community because I realized I was doing nothing with all of this anger and frustration at the world so I started separating from that and trying to educate/help other women instead, which has worked way more than whatever they're all doing online.
>>2060989>bitter volcel polilezzes who want to ree about how all women are brainwashed pickme cockwhateversExactly this. They claim all of these women are somehow moidbrained and male-worshippers yet they're the ones being socially aggressive and telling other women to kys. It's like they come full circle and just end up sounding like moids anyway. No one is gonna want to listen to you (generally speaking) if you're just instantly aggressive about everything.
No. 2061041
>>2060786never tried it but someone else said it's carbonated so it's not acceptable.
>>2060793coffee is only an acceptable drink if you're normal about it. i forgot about alcohol but that falls under the disgusting category. carbonated water is wrong because it is carbonated. also i consider hot chocolate and juice to be drinks because they're liquid and you drink them, no chewing needed. doesn't matter if they have health benefits or not, they taste good so they're acceptable drinks.
No. 2061066
>>2061057>Joining feminists groups, attending feminists rallies etc is being in a hug box with like minded people.It's not but I don't expect you to understand it
>The hard work would be dealing with women from male centered religions like Mormonism or Islam and getting them to change, that would actually make a difference.Are you doing that yourself anon? Kek There are no mormons in my country and only a small minority of muslims. You just want to complain about what feminists do when you don't even do anything yourself and on top of that you come to LC to shit on women and cape for men.
>Don't expect your opressors to do your job!!!!>Actually we don't, we do X, Y and Z>It's a hugbox!!!!>No it's not>Well, it's not that important!!!! You need to do this thing I just pulled out of my ass because I think anything else is useless!!!!I know you won't admit at any point that you're speaking complete bullshit just for the sake of complaining, but it it what you are doing kek
No. 2061085
>>2061073>aying that women’s liberation is women’s responsibility to deal with and not men’s, is not caping for menAs I said on my first post: Literally no self-proclaimed adult feminist that seriously cares about women's issues does that. That's why we urge other women to get organized in sex segregated groups that focus mostly on working with women and supporting other women through many ways. That's why a lot of women decentralise men from their lives to nourish female friendships and spaces.
Holding men accountable for their crimes and their discrimination against us is not expecting them to do the job of liberating the female sex, it's something feminists have been saying since the very beginning and you're deliberately misinterpretating it.
No. 2061099
>>2061089So do you suggest being an overgrown female adult wearing a miniature version of a diaper? Do you know how infantilizing that shit is??
>>2061092No, but I want to be in a situation where I will be able to have my breasts open in public without scrotes trying to rape me and free bleed without having the wear a mini diaper being sold to me for less money than an actual diaper
No. 2061118
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I was looking up the history of pads and noticed the Wikipedia article for it is fucking woke as shit. Pathetic. Well, if nothing else, thanks for enlightening me, anon.
No. 2061164
>>2061152Period blood is sterile when it leaves the cervix, it isn't unhygienic for a few hours. If anything it's probably technically less hygienic when it's exposed to air when you use your tampon like that.
>>2061154Doesn't it feel wet? Or at least weird when it leaks out? I could never use pads because the anxiety from when you feel it leaking out of you was too much.
No. 2061174
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>>2061087>me getting the bc arm implant so I didn't bleed once for several years and also didn't worry about getting knocked upToo bad the weight gain was retarded.
No. 2061238
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People who aren’t normal about fat people, mostly online, are so fucking annoying. I’ve gone from skinny to fat to skinny to fat again multiple times throughout my life and tbh it was mostly because I had different things going on and prioritized different things and had changing habits. I feel like the reason why I’m more chill about fat people is because I have fat family members and friends and they’re normal people, they just don’t really do much for their health so I’ve felt normal about myself both when I was fat and skinny. people who used to be fat and then got skinny, can also fall into the trap of being really annoying about fat people mostly because they hated themselves when they were fat and project that onto everyone else
No. 2061250
>>2061059Yeah, pretty much this. And when (black) women try to talk about the misogyny and shitty messaging, a bunch of porn addicts, pickmes, clueless libfems with special pronouns using it to fill in their daily "listen to
poc artists and feel so #progressive" quota and black incels start coming out of the woodwork to cry and scream and say it's freeze peach because they think it's like, moid's god-given right to bash black women and treat them like they're incubators or pornography.
I've literally seen people call Cynthia Delores Tucker (a black feminist) conservative and anti-black for speaking out against it in the 90s. I don't think rap is inherently bad, but nothing but the most misogynistic, hypersexual, low IQ garbage makes it to the mainstream, and that's very much on purpose and tolerated because of which women are most harmed.
No. 2061259
>>2061238>I’ve gone from skinny to fat to skinny to fat again multiple times throughout my lifeI feel like most people are like this. It's crazy that identity politics has gotten so bad that even a person's
weight (something that constantly fluctuates and is responsive to change) can be considered a core part of their identity. I think the pyschos online that are obsessed with it (either fat or thin) have very little going on in their lives and usually they come off as losers. Maybe the only identity they have is their weight. Weird.
No. 2061276
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If all men thought about women like the lesbians do in the lesbian fantasy thread, the world would be a better place
No. 2061340
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>>2061276Yeah I would not be happy knowing men would be thinking about me like this.
No. 2061356
>>2060811green tea, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar. your healthy friends aren’t healthy
because they drink wine.
No. 2061365
>>2061340Men are thinking worse, nona. This is tame in comparison to the average male fantasy.
>>2061356At a quick search, wine does seem to have health benefits. Green tea and any tea will also be good for you.
No. 2061384
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As a ugly woman who was once a ugly child, this kinda shit isn't true and I hate seeing it be repeated. "Ugly thoughts" could be depression, or simply theories running wild in your head, something as simple as a rude nona talking shit and making you feel bad for years.
"Bad Thoughts" don't make a person ugly, being ugly makes a person ugly. And not all bad "thoughts" are thoughts that are like, "Ha ha imma go be evil" it could be shit like, "I hate myself, I hate how I can't do this or that".
My biggest point is, there's horrible celebs, who aren't ugly and nobody would call ugly even if they are ugly inside.
on the outside, you see a pretty person. While there's ugly people who are just seen as ugly. Now theres some people who aren't coincidentally attractive BUT they have great PERSONALITIES.
Maybe thats what this quote is a bout, but as a ugly person I hate this talk. I'm ugly because I'm ugly, thats how i'm set up.
My thoughts being ugly are because the world has always treated me ugly asf. I do love people who may not be pretty but don't care.
I wish I could be that way. Thats the ONLY thing I admire about "Drake" is that he's ugly asf but moves like he isn't.
No. 2061423
>>2061415I would argue that moderate drinking most days is better than the binge drinking some cultures do on weekends. A lot of people don't just enjoy drinking for the 'party party' aspect of it. If you have a healthy liver (which healthy diet should enable most people to have and diet/pharma/other drug use often has bigger effects on that than drinking) then moderate alcohol intake throughout the week should not damage it. Tylenol is worse for your liver than moderate drinking and many doctors will say that taking it daily is still fine (people with chronic pain who take T3s/T4s usually take the max nontoxic tylenol dose daily for example).
While drinking 'socially' is perfectly fine and healthy for some people I think the way a lot of people do it leads to more binge drinking actually than incorporating alcohol with meals as just a foodstuff. Your liver can usually fully process a standard drink within a few hours especially if you're not drinking sugary alcoholic beverages.
No. 2061426
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>>2061406>2 days a week at mostNah but while having a hard rule is good it's better to define goals and then if your vices are interfering with your goals it should be time to cut back. Goals aren't just like getting a job or passing a test but your health, social obligations, relationships, etc. Setting hard rules is a way to lead to failure for most people. TED had a talk called "Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong" by Johann Hari
I wouldn't know how accurate this is though I'm drunk right now No. 2061464
>>2061426While personally I have never been addicted to anything so I can't say for sure, seeing some of my friends with addiction problems I believe this is likely true. I've seen alcoholics or addicts of other drugs do much better using 'harm reduction' strategies where the goal setting is to cut back, emphasize building social activities and connections that don't rely on drinking or drugs, etc. as opposed to people I knew who were in AA type programs or tried to go cold turkey. Going cold turkey on things does work for people I think but only when they're really and truly 'mentally ready' to stop something completely, the problem with many addicts is they aren't truly ready to completely stop using a substance so trying to go cold turkey just makes them mentally crave it more and more. I feel this way about most highly restrictive diets in general too, I do know people who have had success with autoimmune issues and such by going completely carnivore or strict keto or whatever but most of them 'relapse' off these diets in the long term and then
trigger a bunch of health issues from switching back. A lot of animal studies have also shown that addiction is related to loneliness/unstable social environments so actually trying to build healthy socialization into your life usually does a lot more to curb addiction behaviors than just telling yourself 'I won't do this anymore because it's totally evil' does. Kind of related to the weight gain discussion I think the panic mindset of 'oh no if I do this one bad thing one time I've totally failed' actually makes people more prone to relapse into extremely unhealthy habits.
No. 2061479
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Trisha Paytas was not ugly. She was very cute before botching herself.
No. 2061491
>>2061482Lol based post anon.
I know your post was kind of jokey but since we're in unpopular opinions thread I wanted to add an 'unpopular opinion' I've been thinking about lately your post reminded me of, which is that I think the emphasis on 'trusting science' and 'what science shows' where the 'science' is some corpo-or-government funded experiment run on people you've never met with strict inclusion standards in another country is actually corrupting the original ideas of empiricism. Yes, well-run science experiments (most are not well-run) are better at making wide scientific generalizations about health than one person's anecdotes but originally empiricism was about collecting data on the basis of what you can actually observe. Now lots of people are being asked to not believe their own observations (about their own body, about things happening to all the hundreds of people they know, etc) because some scientists somewhere want you to trust them that they ran a really good experiment and you're supposed to base your life decisions off the generalizations from those experiments rather than what you yourself can empirically observe. This works great for stuff like physics experiments that most people could easily recreate themselves at home because all over the world people will make roughly the same observations about newtonian motion etc. but it gets weird when people's personal experiences are constantly discounted and written off as 'anecdotes' because someone somewhere ran a science study or two on a couple hundred people that 'showed' something contrary to your own experience. I think in order to save the mess that is current scientific thinking we need to go back to basics and teach people that what they themselves are able to observe is also important and that scientific thinking isn't supposed to be completely based on 'trust.'
No. 2061642
>>2061637People in the comments praising her singing are just tone deaf/don't know about singing, and also those people are in the comments of 99.999% of videos of famous singers no matter how bad the singing is.
I'm not talking about her persona being quirky I'm talking about her singing style, one that she popularized, being quirky because it doesn't even try to sound like 'good' singing and that's kind of the appeal. Having a voice that you like is also completely unrelated to whether she's a good singer or not.
No. 2061670
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>>2061619Twins (in behavior, not looks)
No. 2061672
>>2061669I mean if you want to argue that she's extremely out of tune and sings with very little vocal power on purpose to be 'experimental' then fine, but the singing is still objectively bad even if it's a stylistic choice like I said. I admire her for becoming famous and maintaining fame with this 'bad singing' style whether it's on purpose or not, most female artists would not get away with singing this badly on stage and still be admired like she is. If you think she sings badly on purpose though I'd be interested to see the videos where her ability to sing well are demonstrated.
I don't know why you're asking me for live videos of Lana I don't listen to Lana and never said her singing is great. Objectively speaking though 'good singing' does not refer to having a voice that you like it refers to actually being good at singing.
No. 2061695
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>>2061672I literally saida couple of times that Bjork sings with a powerful voice, she's experimenting with the melody and the tune. I never said she sings badly, you're putting words in my mouth I didn't say. Stop mixing up concepts to try to make a point. Experimental =/= bad, an experimental approach to music doesn't affect someone's range and vocal power, which I already said Bjork has plenty of. I'm asking you for a video of Lana to prove she is a better technical singer than Bjork like you said, not that hard to understand. You insist on saying that liking a voice isn't the same as a singer being good, which has never been the point of this conversation. But go ahead, backpedal and say you don't even listen to Lana. If you don't listen to her how come you say she's a better singer than Bjork? Kek, you probably don't even listen to Bjork either. You don't have a horse in the race yet you have an opinion on it. Go listen to them actually before saying anything
No. 2061697
>>2061684Idk nonna its pretty easy to agree on whether a guy is an ugly slob or not, but above a certain point it becomes more subjective
Some women are attracted to more masculine looks, some like more bishojo looks
For some height is an important attraction, for others it doesn't matter so much
Sometimes a certain personality type combined with a certain look is extremely attractive, these would be the types where you wonder what she's attracted to because from looks alone he's nothing special
Its much easier for scrotoids because they are so shallow, they are the ones who invented the 1-10 score for women
No. 2061707
>>2061695Where's that picrel from? Imo your video shows she does not sing with much power. You can see she barely moves the mic back to belt the high sections even though she is singing with a quiet and delicate voice in the lower sections, and she has a lot of 'vocal fry' in her belting which usually correlates with a quieter/less powerful voice. I didn't say you said she sings badly, I said she objectively sings badly, but if you have videos of her singing well to show that it is just a stylistic choice how she sings I'd be interested. I know you said she has plenty of range and vocal power but at least based on the video you posted, you're wrong - her range seems very small and her vocal power is lacking in that video.
Why are you asking me for a video of Lana? I didn't say Lana is a good singer, but you can literally look up any video of Lana on youtube and see that she sings with better tuning and vocal control. I'm not 'backpedaling,' I really don't listen to Lana. I am not the anon who originally said 'Lana is a better singer than Bjork' I just agreed that she probably is, then you posted the video of Bjork singing and I went 'wow yeah her singing is really bad in that video.' I have listened to Bjork for like 2 decades now but I never watched videos of her singing live before and always thought her singing was 'bad but an interesting style.' I think you're getting pretty confused with this argument, misreading my posts and also assuming I'm another anon even though I said NTA originally.
No. 2061714
>>2061697Plenty of women I know dated men who I thought were hideous ogres but would gush about how hot and out of her league they were so idk if it's that easy to agree. I agree that above a certain point it's highly subjective, like I actually think River Phoenix is really ugly facially (although had a nice body hair etc) but lots of women think he was the holy grail of men on the ugly moid psyop thread. Despite the fact that it's always going to be subjective on the 'upper end' of the looks scale (for women as well, by the way) unfortunately I really think many women find ugly males genuinely appealing, largely because of being psyopped by the media and also, like you said, personality factors. I also think there is a 'halo effect' on men who used to be attractive when they were in their 20s who age badly, where women kind of remember them as their younger self and still think he's 'hot' even though he's gotten really ugly. I think that's probably overall a good thing for relationships in the sense that it would suck to be super attracted to someone when you're in your 20s, get married, and then start finding them hideous later if you have a good relationship so maybe it's a self preservation mechanism.
>>2061703That's Aella, pickme supreme
No. 2061720
>>2061707I know you're not OP, I've never said you were, you're another anon that engaged with my post. The picture is from a website called Voice's Critic.
>You can see she barely moves the mic back to belt the high sections even though she is singing with a quiet and delicate voice in the lower sections, and she has a lot of 'vocal fry' in her belting which usually correlates with a quieter/less powerful voice. I didn't say you said she sings badly, I said she objectively sings badly>at least based on the video you posted, you're wrong - her range seems very small and her vocal power is lacking in that video.My point is that I think her range is great in that video, she's tired and dancing around, and she's messing with the tune of the song and it sounds nothing like the record, but her voice sounds powerful and rich despite that because it's deliberate. That's what we disagree on.
No. 2061727
>>2061721Afaik vasectomy just means that the sperm can't get out. Everything else still works. Castration should cut off all hormone production.
>>2061722They'll at least be weak af. Like a decent slap should break their weak bones kek. It should even the scales a bit.
I'm not saying this is the one solution I'm just spitballing here.
No. 2061729
>>2061714One thing I think is definitely true is we get influenced by the media and whatever the consensus opinion on someone is because we are more socially connected to each other than moids are
And its subconscious too, if someone is presented to you as attractive by others, you will subconsciously overlook certain things that would have stuck out to you before because you'll doubt your own perceptions if they conflict with what everyone else is saying
For example, Ryan Gosling was gushed about a lot on MSM but I never saw the appeal, I mean he's not ugly looking but I would not put him in my top 5
Many moids spend most of their time in their basements so they don't have friends or a social life to influence their perceptions in the first place
No. 2061730
>>2061720Okay I understand what you're saying but I disagree in the sense that that's an actual small vocal range for women who sing (tired or not) and her voice only 'sounds' powerful because she is extremely close mic'd, most people with actually powerful vocals would have to move back like a foot away from the mic to be able to switch from the non-belted to belted sections and have the volume stay that consistent. Bjork has always been known for her fairly delicate/airy/empty sounding voice, but when I say she's a bad technical singer I mainly mean her very bad tuning (which you say is probably deliberate, it might be but it still is technically bad singing even if it's on purpose), her extreme straining at the edges of her quite small seeming vocal register (as perfectly demonstrated by your vid) and her lack of control (vocal breaks between high and mix voice, searching for pitches etc) which again could be a stylistic choice but likely isn't. I don't think Lana is a very good singer but she is fine, in the sense that her tuning is good overall and she seems to have more control over her voice.
If your opinion is just that you don't like Lana's voice and you like Bjork's, I get it, lots of people don't like Lana's voice and lots of people like Bjork's. I don't think singing skill is subjective though.
No. 2061731
>>2061697Empathy im women is a mistake. Women's empathy should only be reserved for children and other women. I don't even know what women are attracted to these days. A lot of women are not truly attracted to their partners (some dont even find themselves attracted to their naked boyfriends), but how they make them seen and how they their scrotes help them imitate whatever fantasy they have. A common one is the "i luv a big guy!" Because it makes them feel small and delicate, hence why so many lanafags are also anachans. Most women huge pickmes and will do anything for a guy that treats them like a human being. Its ironic seeing men talk about muh smukilinty but women are the ones who are true princes. They are the ones fighting sweat over their mediocre scrotes. Men threw their masculinity away and it relfects on their apperance. Scoring women over how attractive they are is retarded and femenine.
You mentioned bishojo, but not a single guy on this earth can truly look like a bishie yet you have hundreds of women who lool like tifa. For a man to be truly beautiful he needs to have a handful of femenine feautures.
women need to 4b and go the husbando way until all the subhuman genetics die out.
No. 2061738
>>2061729Lol I think Ryan Gosling is ugly but at least he's stayed in decent shape and iirc still has some hair. I always thought he was ugly though and he's a very 'male' fav where I think many men see his mid looks as achievable so they like to hold him up as an example of a chad.
Basement dwelling inceloid NEETs do spend a lot of time in their basements but they are influenced, they're just influenced in the other direction by looking at too much anime and porn to the extent that they start to believe really stunningly beautiful real women are ugly because they don't look like anime and AI face filters on tiktok. Men are more susceptible to supranormal stimuli. I think women often experience the opposite where we're exposed to so many ugly to mid males in media (and in real life) that are shilled as attractive we lose sight of how attractive males actually can/could be and many women just end up settling, but not even thinking that they're settling. Men also age much worse so even women who didn't settle in their youth often have to deal with being married to/in a LTR with ugly men past the age of 30 or so.
No. 2061740
>>2061694Bjork sings better than Lana and bjork can sing. She uses her voice in weird ways but she sing.
No. 2061745
>>2061738I have this mental block where I have a very hard time calling anyone ugly because I feel guilty about it, growing up as an ugly duckling until the end of HS I'm very sensitive to bullies being very cruel to ugly girls
I know scrotes don't deserve that consideration but its something I can't really help, I do think you're right though
>they're just influenced in the other direction by looking at too much anime and porn to the extent that they start to believe really stunningly beautiful real women are ugly because they don't look like anime and AI face filters on tiktokI agree, but in this sense its not because they are being influenced socially but because they follow their dicks into completely unrealistic expectations
Its the visual stimuli itself that is influencing them, rather than the opinions of others, is what I am getting at here
In my experience scrotoids all have an extreme self-centered bias, they will be sure they are right even if everyone else around them tells them they're wrong and points out why
The perfect example of this of course is the redpill, where they insert their own sociopathic brains into womens heads and then assume we are all as evil and machiavellian as they are, and no amount of evidence can convince them otherwise
No. 2061755
>>2061745I used to feel guilty for preferring pretty men (and women, I'm bisexual, but so many women are pretty it's never been a problem) over ugly/mid men until I actually interacted with a bunch of ungrateful ugly moids and realized they don't actually want or deserve my empathy. I stopped feeling bad about it then. I'm conventionally unattractive now myself (have been very pretty and very ugly at different times) and I am not going to go out of my way to be nasty to people I know and like for being ugly, if they are good people that's more important anyway, but there's basically no benefit to women to giving ugly men a 'chance' or pretending they aren't ugly because men aren't shamed for looking bad like women are and their egos just get more inflated if you pretend they're better looking than they are. It's also dysgenic to try to force yourself to be/act attracted to people you're repulsed by so trying to talk yourself into believing some hideous (with a bad personality most likely too) male never does any good for him or you.
>Its the visual stimuli itself that is influencing them, rather than the opinions of othersI see what you're saying but the visual stimuli itself is influenced by the opinions of others in the sense that it is usually some flavor of the month/year unrealistic standard moids decided to impose upon women. It's not like the stuff men coom to is just more 'objectively beautiful' than real beautiful women, it's always just some caricature meant to be impossible for real women to achieve so males always shit talk actual angelic looking women in favor of corpocap media products.
As to your last post though I would actually recommend women try to be a little more machiavellian when interacting with men, it's very useful and the men usually don't even mind.
No. 2061768
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>>2061731I could go into a giant autistic sperg about this, but I agree with you (might just do it anyways)
The main problem we have is that humanity is split between women and moids; moids are built for the stone age, the reason they are the way they are is because nature is extremely brutal and required brutality to survive in it before modernity.
I'm speaking as a leaf nonna. A close friend of mine is from Egypt, she worked her ass off to come here and escape her misogynistic hellhole and now we are seeing the kind of scrotoids she tried to get away from getting elected into high office, hiding their actual beliefs so libtards vote for them to virtue signal.
We now have a gender ratio of 1.09:1 M:F because of millions of "students" from India, almost entirely scrotoid, abusing our student visa system to get PR here. They are everywhere now and stare at us 24/7 and its becoming scary to take public transit where I live. There was recently a kidnapping attempt of a young girl at a park by these troglodytes in Ontario, and I can see this getting worse and worse as the demographics change.
Well this is the unpopular opinion thread so I guess this is my unpopular opinion:
All scrotes from misogynistic shitholes get kicked out, the women and children stay, and scrotelets above the age of 12 are not allowed to be classified as refugees, only women and young children are allowed
No. 2061770
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>>2061745Women should only be empathetic to children and other women. Dont you feel upset when women humanize and protect a male character to death but all the female character gets is sex jokes and porn? Dont you feel angry when almost if not all deepfakes are of women but almost none of men? Dont you feel anger when males get away with rape and taking abortion away? Dont you feel disgusting when women are skinwalked as a costume for cooming purposes and being gaslighted about sexwork and femenine woo woo shit is actually empowering? Dont you feel anger when women are ripped to shreds from flesh to her soul but men are able to die in piece and are given the grace and nuance they don't deserve? Doesnt something die inside of you when womens rape and suffering is encouraged to be coomed to and youre shut down if you call it out? Go to 2X.
Look around you, women get eating disorders, dangerous surgeries, spends thousands in makeup, hair clothes, self conscious about their skin texture, the shape of their shoulders, if their breasts are too saggy or not the right shape, their shape, color and texture of their genitals, eternally chasing to look like a young girl yet men are allowed to look like picrel and treat women like they arent people
No. 2061781
>>2061776Even if youre an ugly guy you can still be truly loved. You are still human, the same is not true for women. For people to feel empathy for me, give me the grace of nuance and understanding, i cannot be ugly. Why do you never see movies starring women with wrinkles, eyebags, rough skin, below average bone structure, just less than perfect where the focal point of the movie is about their goals, their aspirations, their internal turmoils that didnt center their looks? Because humanity is a privilege only given after a woman passes the beauty standard. If a woman is ugly that is all people can see as if its a glitch and the product is not working correctly. An object whose purpose is to be beautiful and any human traits she posseses (what skills she has, how she feels, what she likes to do, her views on things) are just quirks, a plus, a minus, but the most important is that she is beautiful.
No. 2061785
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Love to see nonitas recognizing the psyop. What a beautiful day.
No. 2061791
>>2061715chemical castration is nowhere near the same thing as cutting the whole balls off. they dont need them.
>>2061731I agree with this. Women's empathy for men in general has cost them so much. Look at the women who have their own kindness used against them- scammed, kidnapped, or worse. Look at psycos like ted bundy who used womens empathy against them. Women will throw other women until the bus, stand behind other rapists, before they even think to help women. It's some sort of psyop brain rot. Women hype up their own boyfriends like they are some god for doing the most basic shit in the world. I hate it.. I'm so sick of it
>women need to 4b and go the husbando way until all the subhuman genetics die out.Agree so much. Procreating with subhuman men should be a crime.
No. 2061797
>>2061792I don't know if nonnas realize how dire the situation is, womens rights as a concept literally did not exist in 90% of the world and it was imposed only very recently, in the last century, everywhere else outside of Europe and North America
I was reading some articles on China and how their government is becoming more and more restrictive towards womens' rights because of their birth rate problem, gradually they will just revert to their natural ways of treating women without western influence on them
Fundamentalist Islam is overtaking the middle east and even non-MENA Muslim countries because their women are enslaved baby factories, Hindu nationalists are becoming radicalized and even more misogynistic as time goes on because they have a huge gender imbalance due to aborting their girls (there are entire villages in places like Punjab where no girls have been born for multiple years)
Latin American countries have womens equality on paper but their governments are so broken and dysfunctional that life for women there is like a steampunk dystopia, if they are not born wealthy they either become a wife to some STD riddled degenerate or they get forced into prostitution just to survive, with no real protection from rape, assault or domestic violence because the police can't even control regular crime
Giving us the right to vote was a "mistake" from the scrotoid point of view because it empowered us to protect ourselves from abuse and enforce true legal equality for women at the expense of scrote privilege, if we lose those rights here we will doom every woman around the world to slavery forever because no other scrotoid dominated country will repeat that "mistake" when the west isn't able to project power and influence onto them
No. 2061810
>>2061797>Latin American countries have womens equality on paper but their governments are so broken and dysfunctional that life for women there is like a steampunk dystopiaCan confirm as I am a latin american woman kek but I think even wealthy women aren't safe from misogyny tbh. It also depends on how wealthy you're talking about, for me upper middle class is wealthy lmao
>they either become a wife to some STD riddled degenerate or they get forced into prostitution just to surviveI would like to think my future is a bit better than that, I mean, there's ways to get around. My country has affordable public university and a lot of women do attend (my school was mostly women) or there's also the option of working in a factory and eventually getting better job positions, that's the to go opportunity for women where I live. We have a lot of american and european born factories, though chinese and korean factories also exist here and they don't treat you very humanly. My local economy basically depends on them. It's still soul breaking but at least it's not prostitution
No. 2061813
>>2061792I think I was a bit hyperbolic hehe, I cringed a bit when I reread my comment as it sounded preachy
I do know that scrotes in LatAm have no problem cheating on their wives and its just accepted as normal for them to use prostitution
I worked with a Colombian moid once and he was genuinely puzzled when I explained that its NOT socially acceptable for married men or men in general to solicit prostitutes here
I'm actually noticing attitudes towards escorts changing with our own scrotes as they have more contact with their fellow ballsacks from misogynistic cultures
No. 2061832
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This stuff is HORRENDOUS!!!!!! It's so fucking dry! I thought I didn't like cornbread for years because this is all my family would make.
No. 2061845
>>2061792I understand the sentiment
If we had a femocracy we could engineer our moids through eugenics to be perfect companions for women and supersoldiers
Then we invade the rest of the world with them to spread our femocracy for women everywhere
No. 2061909
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>>2061887Ghoul hands wrote this
No. 2062235
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Nonnas, recently I found out that a of creator that I used to follow decided to wipe her social media that she use her body to promote her adult business and switch to a more “healthy” and family friendly content, ironically she still keep her onlyfans lol. Telling ppl that she felt ugly and she’s for the girls now…I was like are you being fr? You financially benefited from posting your body on social media, esp the creeps that watch your contents and knowing way to well doing that will cause harm to yourself both mentally and physically in the long yet you still choose to do it because of the money. I’m sensing that there’s going to be a of regret era soon if this keeps happening and these girl will finally grow up.
No. 2062284
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Sometimes, I read fucked up posts from anons and wish I could go through their social media. I wouldn't try to talk to them, I'd just want to see exactly what kind of person they are. Like, what is the physiognomy of a woman who mocks other women for getting molested as children, then insists her dad, brother and bf are the "only 3 good moids in the world" so she can still feel like she's part of the "based women's club" or whatever? What other neuroses does she carry? Do people IRL see her and cross the street? That kind of person is almost confirmed to be vile and cow-tier, but we only get glimpses of their bullshit.
No. 2062285
>>2062251She’s an ex sex worker with hug tits so she’s probably great in bed. I would technically still consider her a sex worker but she just found a husband to take care of her and she uses sex/sex appeal to keep him around. They really don’t care if a woman is a whore as long as she will do all his kinky sex shit and looks hot they will marry her.
No. 2062289
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>>2062286I thought so at first, but this post made in response to someone calling her a man makes me think it's just a pickme that got
triggered at the notion that men aren't to be trusted, and feels superior to other women for worshiping the men around her.
No. 2062290
>>2062278So there are areas where food and housing are insane. Like that engineer probably spends $40,000 a year on rent alone, and that's a kinda dangerous neighborhood. So if she also has kids, childcare is about $27,000 per child so I can see her feeling like she's poor, but still, she's just bad with money because she still has tens of thousands of dollars left over each year.
You just get people like my sister who cry that they're broke, but then she screams that buying my nephew $200 baseball shoes and spending $5000 each summer to send him to the traveling baseball camp is a necessity to his childhood. And it's definitely nice that she sacrifices like that to give her child something that he wants and that he gets a lot of happiness out of, but also they have zero savings for college and only $500 in their bank account for emergencies.
So the vast vast majority of people who are broke are just retarded and not willing to make the tough choices that are needed to be financially secure.
No. 2062324
>>2062246There's a difference between a woman being forced into sex work through sex trafficking or poverty. Woman who are forced into sex work deserve support. Women that choose to become sex workers when other options are available to them do deserve the criticism they get.
>>2062320>the possibility of owning your own land and detached house is an opportunity you won't get anywhere else in the worldAs someone who owns a five bedroom detached house in acres of land and doesn't live in America, what are you talking about? It may be easier in America but it's far from impossible in other countries, especially in rural areas where there isn't high density housing and property prices are lower.
No. 2062414
>>2062404Cotton (or other natural, breathable fiber) shorts underneath dresses and skirts goes a long way in preventing chub rub and sweatiness. Thick/rough fabric in trousers is a no-no (produces too much heat and friction, which can irritate skin).
As long as you keep your thighs clean and relatively dry, it shouldn't mess up your skin too bad.
No. 2062438
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>>2062404I'm not fat, but I do experience thigh chafing in the summer. I use the product in picrel and it's a game changer
No. 2062454
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I hate when straight women mindlessly defend gay men. The photographer David LaChapelle is a creep.
No. 2062479
>>2061887>you have to put sunscreen on the back of your ears >on your eyelids your scalp and your lips!!People who are out in the sun a lot definitely need to wear sunscreen and pay attention to obscure spots. I've had sunburn on my ears and feet and it's awful.
The skin of your eyelids is
extremely sensitive and burns easily, as do your lips.
>Vitamin D deficiencies are so common now and I feel like it’s because people have hatred for the sunAfaik sunscreen doesn't stop you from producing vitamin D. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
> Derms seem to like scaring people by saying what spots they remove melanomas from on patientsMelanomas are no joke. Skin cancer is silent and most people only realize something is wrong way too late.
Ideally you would put sunscreen every time you leave the house, but the truth is you don't need sunscreen if you're just going to the corner shop or something like that.
No. 2062829
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When women compare older women messing around with young boys as the same I don’t get it. Sure, its gross for women to be pedos but when was the last time you heard of a 14 year old girl sexually assaulting an elderly man? Women need to wake up and realize it’s not the same
No. 2062928
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>>2062925What? Asians can't even fish now?
No. 2062976
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>>2062951I really love Africa's biodiversity, but they have BIG problems in that continent.
No. 2062992
If you're a conservative and you're on this website, you're a universally disliked loser for valid reasons. You may have the freedom to speak in conservative spaces, but here, you act as if you need this site to express yourself. The truth is, conservative anon, you're here because you're incredibly annoying—so much so that even other conservatives can't stand you. Your presence is not just irritating but a source of persistent discomfort, driving away those who might otherwise share your views. You are so intolerably foolish and vexing that you end up sharing a space with radfems and lesbians. It’s a strange irony that in your quest for a platform, you find yourself among those who tolerate your insufferable behavior, not out of camaraderie, but because no one else will. Your desperate need for attention and validation has brought you to this peculiar crossroads, where your unwelcome presence is a constant reminder of your isolation.
No. 2063001
>>2061887It's the opposite. Everything else in 'skincare' has zero evidence backing it, only marketing, and obviously doesn't do anything or worse fucks up your skin by disrupting its self-regulation. There are a lot of different ingredients in those products that each need to be justified in isolation and in combination but no one has ever even seriously attempted to because it's all random nonsense. Sunscreen actually does something. Cancer or no, there is a clear difference between indoors youthful skin and leathery outdoors skin. Clothing is easily more protective than sunscreen though, especially clothing that has been rated for sun protection. Some clothing is treated with protective chemicals. outside of that, thick, tightweave, synthetic, black clothing is the best. you may not need to bother with sunscreen.
The best prevention is staying out of the sun, especially during the high UV part of the day and year.
No. 2063019
>>2063001This is also true of sunscreen. A lot of the ingredients in sunscreen are allergenic,
toxic, etc. and not properly justified as being there at all, and there is actually more evidence for certain other skincare ingredients (and lifestyle choices) having 'anti-aging' effects than sunscreen has. Also this is a funny thing to say:
>there is a clear difference between indoors youthful skin and leathery outdoors skinboth because you just compared people staying inside (in the shade) and going outside a lot rather than comparing sunscreen-wearers and non-sunscreen wearers who go outside the same amount, and also because it isn't really true. Plenty of people who go outside and don't wear sunscreen have beautiful skin and plenty of people who barely go outside have awful skin and age badly. I agree with your last point though, clothing has all the sun-protective effects of sunscreen without containing all the toxins and allergens that sunscreen contains, and if people are really worried about sun exposure they can easily prevent most of it with clothing, staying in the shade, or an umbrella in most (not all) situations.
However all that being said people need UV exposure to be healthy, not to the point of getting burnt and leathery but definitely to the point of not always wearing sunscreen and staying inside/hiding your whole body from the sun.
No. 2063050
>>2063023Yeah I agree with this and I think obsessively avoiding the sun makes little sense overall, I just really really don't believe that 99% of the women who are 'cultish' about it as the original anon with the sunscreen opinion described are doing it because of skin cancer fears, it's just an excuse that comes up whenever it's pointed out that this plays into the cosmetics industry.
Also to reply to that other anon who said 'but it works though' something working as anti-aging wouldn't mean you aren't playing into the cosmetics industry. Lipstick 'works' to make your lips a different color but it's still paying into some fat old man's pocket who owns L'oreal or whatever for the purpose of making you 'look better.' If we even accept that looking 'younger' is automatically better.
No. 2063060
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>>2063055Why do you need to be spoonfed this info anon do you not have google?
Oxybenzone is one, picrel lists some others considered concerning.
No. 2063134
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>>2063019is dis ok? They advertise it as a natural one
No. 2063241
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>>2061887Some of my friends wear sunscreen everyday and most of the time it looks like this outside. The sunscreen psy-op has its claws everywhere.
No. 2063275
>>2063272No it’s completely
valid coming from them. Decent, moral female friends is slim pickings out here and I rather no try to befriend one who’s still knee deep in her quest for male validation, she’ll bring everybody down. The ugly woman who can’t stop whining about being ugly makes everybody pity her because she can’t use her attractiveness to garner attention and the “hot” woman acts like her friends are the children created out of infidelity and pretends they aren’t associated with you when a man comes along. It’s fucked on all fronts, get women who are also as tired as men as you are (and aren’t lying just to join the “feminist club” because they’re bored and want to bond with anyone) and it will go a long way.
No. 2063342
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Being colored is pretty much the South African equivalent of letting the mixed slaves work in the house but the darker ones have to work out in the field. It was a way for the South African government to disenfranchise full race black people and give mixed people a higher social position above black people(higher than black but still lower than white South Africans). This is why black Americans don’t like the whole “I’m not black im colored” shit from Tyla, also we don’t understand if she’s not black why does she want bet awards? It doesn’t make sense to us. Also, South African colored people have a festival called kaapse where they make fun of non-mixed black people. So it’s not just “oh black Americans are trying to force a mixed girl to claim to be black!”, no it’s deeper than that.(racebait)
No. 2063357
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Adopting a child is the dumbest thing you can do. Picrel is incredibly typical especially if you adopt a scrote. My adopted scrote ex resented and hated his adoptive parents even though they are kind and middle class. Imagine spending so much time and money to obtain somebodys discarded baby that won't even love you couldn't be me
No. 2063366
>>2063357This is really dark and all but it's definitely not true of all adoptees, my boss is adopted and talks about her family adoringly, my best friend's dad was also adopted and extremely close with his family although he did meet and connect with his bio family eventually as well, apparently he was always closer to his adoptive family. A few of my female friends in middle/high school were adopted too and the only one I remember not caring about her family was adopted through a trafficking type situation from Haiti (her real parents were still alive and she wanted to contact them but wasn't allowed), and her parents were extremely
abusive and treated her like she wasn't a human being so I understand why she didn't connect with/love her family either. I think your picrel is a psychopathic moid issue as well as an adoptee issue.
No. 2063388
>>2063357I see a lot of adoptees on social media talk about how traumatic adoption is and then proceed to describe just generally
abusive parenting. I don't disagree that the adoption industry is corrupt and unethical but I feel like a similar proportion of people probably resent their biological parents. A lot of adoptees want to cling onto this fantasy that they would've been happy had their biological parents raised them meanwhile there are plenty of kids going back and forth through the foster system and their drug addict mothers that probably have no chance of having a stable life.
No. 2063418
>>2063409>Oh, but you're so lucky to have parents at all. I'm sure it's not that bad.Heard this shit all the time from my
abusive, emotionally unintelligent parents.
Abusers gonna abuse.
No. 2063423
>>2063409I just don't get what motivates people to go through the entire (complicated and extensive in many countries) adoption process just to become
abusive/neglectful POS toward their kids. I get it more with bio children because people have a reproductive drive and also many babies are unplanned/accidents so I can see how many biological parents might end up resenting an unplanned/unwanted child or just not feel ready/equipped to handle parenthood but I don't understand how this happens with adoptive parents who have to jump through hoops to prove they're ready and able to raise kids.
No. 2063434
>>2063418I'm so sorry nona. I don't think I've met an adoptee who hasn't heard that from their parents at least once, even the otherwise decent parents. It's fucking tragic.
>>2063423It's entitlement, plain and simple. The altruistic adopter, while very real, is unfortunately rare and overshadowed by people who feel entitled to a child and are butthurt about the fact that they can't just make one for whatever reason. So they'll do everything in their power to "get" a child because they think that's what they're supposed to do, but very little thought or effort goes into raising them afterwards. It doesn't help that a lot of adoptive parents don't put effort into bonding with their children
which can be harder because adoptees are less likely to initiate bonding as babies but tbh that's not the kid's fault and the parent should be understanding and extra attentive that their baby needs time and patience to adjust to their new life and then complain that they feel no maternal/paternal drive. Filling out a bunch of forms and having home inspections is one thing, actually raising a new child that you missed out for the nine months of pre-bonding is another matter.
No. 2063465
>>2063357That reddit post is fucked up if true, but there's an unspoken truth about a lot of adoptive parents being
abusive, or treating their adopted kids as "lesser" than their biological kids (if they have them). There are a lot of sad situations all around.
No. 2063470
>>2063434My closest cousins are all adoptees and my aunt got so much shit for adopting 4 kids (people telling her she couldn't love the kids the same way birth parents could, etc.) but what is wild to me is how she pretty much did everything right when I don't think that knowledge about adoption trauma was as widespread back then. She never hid from her kids that they were adopted and she maintained relationships with all the birthparents (except for 2 sisters because their birthparents were alcoholics, gave them FAS, and were genuinely messed up; however, even in that case, my aunt was in extensive contact with their bio grandparents and made sure her daughters had a relationship with the bio grandparent. I also met her!). Those 2 sisters had various learning disabilities and autism due to the drug and alcohol abuse as well as neglect (they were left in cars for days at a time with no adults as babies and early toddlers) are all doing really well today. One is getting her master's in teaching special needs kids. The other sister is not able to drive and will need a care plan since she can't live independently, but she is employed and has an associate's degree and my aunt and uncle love her to pieces. My aunt researched so much about her daughters' learning issues and needs that she decided to get a Master's in special needs education recently and she started her own business helping other kids with special needs. Her two sons who had teens moms are also very, very well adjusted and successful.
All of her kids see her as their mom, but they all have a relationship with some bio family. I truly think that's key. I am considering adoption since I refuse to get pregnant, but I feel like the only way a person can ethically do it is by understanding that adoption is inherently traumatic outside of whatever the kids have gone through. I respect my aunt so much for trying the absolute most for her children.
No. 2063549
>>2063529I grew up around a lot of religious people so that specific length of skirt that's just below the knee combined with a shirt with 3/4 sleeves just
triggers something in me. I rationally know that there are probably a lot of women who just choose to dress that way but it's so engrained in me to associate it with an obnoxious mom staring you down for daring to show part of your collarbones and hitting your toes with her stroller.
No. 2063623
>>2063357Just go on r/adopted. Adopted kids hate the fact that they were adopted because they consider the US system for adoption a scam that looks for poor prospective parents, brainwashes them into thinking giving up your kid is a good thing, then sells the kid into a family of wealthy people possibly cutting contact with the birth family forever.
Adoption is beyond retarded and you can understand that as soon as you realize the impact of biology and genetics. Most parents who adopt are literally just morons who waited too long to have a kid and at 45 they cope by buying a kid. I literally can't believe you can go on Reddit, cry that you find pregnancy "disturbing" as if that isn't an incredibly childish take and then proclaim that you're going to take charge of the life of a random kid that has literally no relation to you. At least infertile parents have a deep desire to be a parent and tried having a kid first.
No. 2063627
>>2063559around 1/5 children are
victims of CSA. chill.
No. 2063693
>>2060557>>2063623Adoption is inherently traumatic, but there’s always going to be druggie/
abusive/shit parents who don’t want or can’t take care of their kids. There does need to be a system in place so that those kids can have a chance at finding a family that’ll take them in, I think.
No. 2063707
>>2063665I think the problem is that demand for adoptive children outpaces supply in the modern world. If we can't stop the 'adoption industry' a lot of children (and their parents) will end up
victims. This needs to be addressed before 'altruistic adoption' can really be considered a real thing, since so many adoptees currently don't/can't know whether they were trafficked/ripped from their parents or actually unwanted by their birth parents.
I think possibly normalizing 'open' adoptions would help this? I have a friend who got pregnant at 18 in college and was religious so she didn't want to abort, but she was involved in the process of selecting the adoptive parents and was present in her daughter's life from the beginning. The daughter is a middle schooler now and she still spends a lot of time with her as well as her adoptive family, the daughter hangs out with both families for holidays etc. and from what I can tell seems pretty happy and secure. I think in these cases the child would be more likely to 'get' on some level that they weren't literally unwanted, but that their birth mother just didn't have the financial stability or familial stability to fully take responsibility for raising a child at that moment. Unfortunately I know that some birth parents literally don't want anything to do with their children afterward, but I imagine that must be very mentally damaging to the child.
No. 2063808
t. adopted at birth, love my parents to death and have never known or really think about having parents other than my own (the ones who adopted me.)
No. 2063810
>>2063623>>2063623Bingo, I knew foster parents who were looking to adopt, the husband had kids from a previous relationship that he walked out on and claimed "evil mom wouldn't let me contact them!!!" (not even true, both the moms had to beg him to keep contact with his kids)
anyway they basically kept treating kids like shiney toys, they do the same with animals too, they'll foster/adopt and then "return" them over the littlest problems
No. 2063841
>>2063763Take your meds, I'm literally a kissless virgin. If anything I am coping because I don't think I'll ever get to have a kid whereas morons spend 15+ years in a committed relationship without being able to shoot an unprotected load of cum inside a vagina. Then when they get too old they start crying that OMG they can't have a baby what will they do now?! This is not to mention the risk of having an autistic child if you manage to not become infertile while you fuck around instead of growing up and just having a child already. But wait let me adopt a disgusting slobbermutt and spend thousands of dollars to feed it raw steak, probiotics and duck liver!
It's insane that so many people lack the foresight to understand they will desperately want a kid one day (as millions of people have before them).
No. 2063858
>>2063841>”boohoo no scrote will inseminate me and rape my children!”(1 in 12 btw)
Nta but I think older couples tend to make better parents and less likely to end up separated. I don’t think waiting less is the solution here, I think that tends to cause more problems.
No. 2063866
>>2063429No, it's not strange behavior. The whole point of trying to convince people that you're correct is to back it up with facts. Telling people to go look shit up themselves when YOU'RE the one who initiated this is handwaving. It's dismissive. And if you "don't have to convince people of anything", then why do you want
me to waste
my time looking up this shit? I dare you, next time you're in a public setting somewhere, try this exact "argument" out on some random person, and do exactly what you did here, tell them to go look it up themselves. See how quickly you get laughed at for acting this way. Grow up and learn how to debate like a woman, nona.
No. 2064056
>>2063841If people aren't in a financial position to have children (as most young people are not these days) what do you suggest they do even if they realize they will desperately want a kid one day?
Not asking this in the context of adoption or whatever specifically, but literally what are people who want children but can't afford to start a family yet (most people) supposed to do?
No. 2064091
>>2064069tobacco yes, not the 34035345
toxic and addictive substances big cig puts in cigarettes.
No. 2064099
>>2064091The amounts of a lot of the
toxic substances in conventional tobacco products are far less than the amounts in the air from industrial pollution in most cities though. I guess the question about propylene glycol is 'is it
toxic when inhaled' and 'how much gets into the lungs' because when it comes to cigarette smoking no one would deny the chemical additives are
toxic but they're just so below baseline threshold amounts in most major cities it seems like kind of a wash. If the amounts of propylene glycol already in the air are much higher than what's inhaled from vapes then it's probably a negligible effect too, I don't know much about vapes though and we have less data on it than smoking (the data on smoking does not show very high correlations with decreased longevity, cancer, etc although there might be some).
No. 2064126
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>>2064121the extremely strong, unambiguous and incontrovertible evidence
No. 2064135
>>2064126You can find countless studies that associate smoking with mortality anon. It’s not just cancer but also reactive oxygen species. Just like with obesity, you can cherrypick the occasional study that doesn’t show the usual correlation but googling “smoking effects study” or “smoking mortality study” will absolutely bring up countless results supporting the fact and if you deny that you’re being delusional.
>>2064133What is with this stupid gaslighting. Next you’re going to tell me the cocaine they put in coke was actually good for us.
No. 2064136
>>2064121I like that I brought up a good example (Japanese Smokers paradox, i.e., Japan has a very high rate of smoking but a very low rate of lung cancers) and you called me retarded for it instead of actually thinking about what I said or offering some sort knowledge on the subject.
>>2064131Okay again, all I did was bring up the Japanese Smokers paradox, I didn't say all that. I'm just confused because
if smoking is the main cause of lung cancer, why is it that in country's where smoking is very prevalent (like Japan) the rates of lung cancer are so low?
No. 2064144
>>2064135Sure you can find studies that associate it, and studies that don't, like you can find about basically anything else. 50% of scientific studies are probably fraudulent. I'm asking if there's actual good, solid evidence. I'm not asking how many 'studies' associate it. The screenshot I posted was the first thing I found when I looked up smoking and coronary artery disease on google scholar and it seems that only 50% of studies even find a correlation at all. Certainly not strong evidence.
I'm not in the habit of just googling 'some keywords' and counting the number of studies that say there's a correlation in the abstract. I'm asking if anyone knows of any really solid studies.
On secondhand smoking too, please.
No. 2064146
>>2064137Yeah I agree, my uncle's third cousin's best friend actually died by drowning in a lake. That's why I've led the anti-lake lobby movement for the past 5 years. One day, we will accomplish our goal of drying up all lakes across the country. Once all the lakes are gone, drowning will be a problem of the past. Nobody will ever have to be
murdered by a still body of water
ever again. Make sure you contact your local political representative to discuss any dangerous and evil lakes in your vicinity, they
must be dried up and removed from the landscape ASAP before another tragedy occurs. It's all the lakes fault.
No. 2064156
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>>2064151NTA but that is not true at all? Lung cancer is not only the most common cancer in Japan but Japan is also in the top 5 countries with the highest cancer of the lung rates. Are you just making stuff up and writing essays because you too took much speed and you have nothing of importance to do?
No. 2064160
>>2064152I asked for a study, not a screenshot of a 'quit smoking' website. But okay I'll bite. Your 'source one' in the linked article is a report that claims to refer to studies, but when I click into the report, I cannot find studies cited. I see a bunch of references saying simply 'there is insufficient evidence to conclude that secondhand smoke ….'
Could you actually link a study? Perhaps?
No. 2064161
>>2064153Oh yeah, you're right. Sorry, I guess I was trying to use silly "logic" instead of just trusting what everyone else says. My bad.
>>2064152The thing that I don't trust about these statistics is that even if someone smokes just
one cigarette in their whole lives, they will be counted as a "former smoker." I remember when my granddad was having health problems, the doctors kept going on about how it was because he smoked in his 20s, instead of trying to find the root cause of his health issues (that weren't even lung related) that he faced at age 84. It was really weird because it seemed like they were so ready to just say "oh, you smoked when you were young, that's why you're having issues today" when I don't think that's very believable at all.
No. 2064167
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>>2064158ah so what you are saying, anon, is that people who inhale (X, you provide the number) ppm of smoke over a lifetime, much less than the rate of the same chemicals coming from industrial pollution, eventually die of…
asphyxia? yes?
No. 2064180
>>2064176NTA but what makes you think that they’d connect this to secondhand smoke if the non-smokers had
not given them the context that they’d been living in an environment with secondhand smoke kek. At least rub those braincells together if you’re gonna try this hard to sound smart.
No. 2064183
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the spergs are starting to break out their statistics now kek. gonna smoke a hundred packs until i see the gates of glory and no unpopular opinion on lolcow can stop me or the iron clad lungs i will be developing from the smoking exercises i do
No. 2064194
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I want to have sex with this woman, that’s my unpopular opinion. Not really an unpopular opinion she is objectively hot and was my wife when I used to live as a white man in the 50s in my past life
No. 2064199
>>2064136I'm open minded to this point of view, my parents both smoked their entire lives and never had adverse health issues from it
Though it could also be that the Japanese have certain racial characteristics that lower their cancer rates across the board, for example it was noted that people with Laron syndrome in Latin America have a much lower rate of various cancers than people without the condition
No. 2064205
>>2064179I'm not the japan paradox anon, we're not all the same person lmao.
The paper you linked is not a study or experiment, which study or experiment referenced in it would you like me to read?
No. 2064208
>>2064180So if I said that 'most boating accidents result in drowning' and then the government decided that people living in high-humidity environments all die of 'secondhand drowning' from air humidity content, it would be enough for me and one other person to tell the government 'I experienced partial drowning due to the high humidity of the climate' and then everyone in the world should believe that I am sick due to humidity drowning?
I asked for studies or experiments, not fabulist theories cooked up by two random people.
No. 2064229
>>2064183please keep smoking, smoke a lot
nonny, inhale that shit, the more you smoke the faster you die.
No. 2064235
>>2064178So, the pollutants from someone's cigarettes that are released into the air is really bad, but the metric tonnes of pollutants released into the air from industry is okay? So we should ban smoking next to playgrounds because of the second hand smoke, but it's okay if we build factories right next to homes.
>>2064221They don't know what scientific studies are nona, they think that if they add "study" after their Bing search term and then link you to a blog website without citations to back up their claim is good enough proof.
No. 2064257
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>>2064229chillax and have a smoke
No. 2064259
>>2064254I asked for studies showing secondhand smoke causes cancer death. I didn't ask for 'sources' like a blog post, or a US health services document that says there is no link, or whatever. I asked for an actual study showing a link. If this is an incontrovertible truth people should easily be able to find not one study but dozens of studies.
The fact this started with a couple anons pointing out that industrial pollution is worse than smoking but you all just jumped to assume anyone arguing that is a smoker is really interesting from a psychological standpoint.
No. 2064262
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>>2064223People started getting fatter after smoking declined, maybe the health issues related to smoking are a better tradeoff than obesity issues, plus people looked better in the 90s and earlier
No. 2064267
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>>2064259Hm, besides all the studied already linked what about picrel??? Bet you can't explain your way out of this one, tar breath!
No. 2064269
>>2064258I think
nonny has to realize you actually have to read and comprehend the entire study before you link them and use it as evidence. How in the fuck did some of you even graduate college?
No. 2064271
>>2064156The anon was literally saying nonsense
No. 2064296
>>2064278That just sounds like whoever thought it was a paradox was misinformed either about how much smoking would correlate to lung cancer, or just how much the Japanese smoke, because Japan is
very prevalent in lung cancer rates, as has been established.
No. 2064320
>>2064313Since this post seems intelligent and in good faith I wonder if you have an estimate for the ppm of chemicals in smoke the average person is exposed to via SHS and how that compares to the same chemicals in environmental (industrial, automotive, etc) pollution? I agree with you completely that heart disease is largely caused by stress and other factors (imo, metabolic factors largely). But I still haven't seen anyone post a ppm estimate or 'total year-long' or 'total lifetime' exposure for outdoors SHS and I'm curious if anyone has a number for the common toxins in cigarette smoke.
Personally although I have looked for studies most of the SHS studies I find are from deliberate secondary inhalation from the end of a cigarette, I'm wondering about realistic ecologically
valid estimates for a city center for example.
No. 2064339
>>2064329I already responded to these. The first one is not a scientific study, it's a powerpoint presentation from 2014 (and states plainly no link between SHS and lung cancer was found. The wording is: "Secondhand Vapor: Health effects not well-studied.")
From the same first link, the second source is also not a study. It is a 'report' from 2006. It does not directly reference any study that proves SHS exposure causes lung cancer, but there are a number of references. Since it does not indicate which of the 9 full pages of references are the studies clearly demonstrating that SHS causes lung cancer or disease, I did not take the approx. 12 hours necessary to fully read all of them. Do you have one you would recommend, that you think is a good study?
The second lolcow post you referred to is not a study on secondhand smoking.
No. 2064345
>>2064331Yes I'm joking. I have a PhD in a bioscience field and I am not retarded, but no one has indicated an actual study that they want me to read that demonstrates a causal link between secondhand smoke exposure and lung cancer. All I see is a bunch of web pages and reports, and I'm on lolcow not to dredge through all 50 references to find the one nona I guess is 'implying' I should read. If an anon has an actual scientific study that proves the link, I would be very happy to read it (in full even!) but I won't dredge through 20 pages of references to find which is supposedly the relevant study.
>>2064335I didn't ask for an essay, I asked for a science study. Like an experiment. With experimental data.
No. 2064355
>>2064261it's probably just some weird form of discrim without outright saying "it's because you're black/autistic/ugly/etc"
ik blue collar work is a complete meme but at least (most) employers for blue collar work dont give a shit if you're awkward or whatever as long as if you can do your job. American restaraunts somehow have the absolute worse employee selection I've ever seen. bitchy mean girls and coked up chefs somehow secure jobs but oh no can't let that one kid weird kid work because he says the word "chips" weird like
No. 2064381
>>2064349If a study has not been done, where is the data from? There has been one very large and very well-funded study done on secondhand smoke, funded by the WHO, which found no link to any diseases. The WHO withdrew funding midway through the study since no link to any diseases was found, but the study was completed (it took a couple decades iirc) with corporate funding, and continued not to find anything. I would doubt the results after the corporate funding took over, but it's interesting that for the first section of the study where the WHO was funding it, no links were ever found. To my knowledge it is still the biggest prospective trial ever conducted on secondhand smoking.
I am not saying 'secondhand smoking is healthy,' I just asked for studies showing that it is clearly linked to disease. I also asked some anons if they have estimates for inhaled ppm of secondhand smoke in urban areas, since I think that's relevant. There is a lot of air in the atmosphere and smoke disperses quickly.
No. 2064397
>>2064363I don't know nonna, and I'm not saying that I think tobacco is not harmful. My intuition is that inhaling any smoke directly is harmful (although interestingly, prior to the 'modernization' of smoking via filter cigarettes, directly inhaling was not common - in my understanding from studies I have read, people who 'don't inhale' tobacco smoke still inhale some, around 5-10% of what they would inhale under the current normal method of smoking, and cigar/cigarillo smokers still 'don't inhale'). There are also known health benefits of tobacco, although I don't know if these are outweighed by the other chemicals in commercial cigarettes. It's an interesting topic to me, one that has been understudied, but as you can see in this thread people quickly become emotional about the topic so it's hard to have a real discussion about it.
What I do know is that (as another nonna tried to point out) there is not a close correlation between lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. and smoking rates. Lung cancer rates among women are also disproportionately high considering how few women smoke, relatively. You would expect the vast, overwhelming majority of lung cancer worldwide to affect men if it was smoking related, but there is only about a 10% difference although smoking rates in men are several times higher.
The best working hypothesis I have is that lung cancer seems to have correlated with the introduction of diesel engines, nuclear testing and certain other industrial pollutants. I believe one working hypothesis may be that smoking was used as a scapegoat to partially cover up lung cancer rates caused by industrial pollution. I also think the development of modern cigarettes may be related to this - many common industrial pollutants were added to cigarettes after lung cancer rates rose in industrial areas, and while they are still inhaled at much lower rates than the same chemicals exist in the air in many urban areas, I think it may have been an attempt to divert attention from industrial pollution.
Note that most 'lung cancer' diagnoses are not determined by autopsy and when a smoker dies it is often assumed to be lung cancer although it is usually not confirmed postmortem.
No. 2064410
>>2064373No it wouldn't, have you heard of prospective cohort studies? The WHO funded one such study a few decades ago and it found no correlation between secondhand smoke and disease. Not all studies have to be controlled experiments, obviously it would be inhumane to do a controlled experiment on smoking in infants for example. But many infants or entire cities exist in environments where SHS is more or less common, and all it takes is measuring disease propensity in these households or areas (and controlling for other factors). Yet when the world's biggest study like this was done no correlation was found.
I also threw a real softball by asking nonas what the ppm of cigarette toxins breathed in by urban cigarette smokers is and no one even provided me with an estimate. If we can't even estimate how much cigarette smoke people are breathing in then how could any 'estimates' of SHS exposure's contribution to disease be arrived at? One would have to know what the exposure levels are. I was just asking for an estimate of exposure levels and no one had any idea either.
No. 2064420
>>2064410ok NTAYRT But
> I also threw a real softball by asking nonas what the ppm of cigarette toxins breathed in by urban cigarette smokers is and no one even provided me with an estimateDo you think we’re all professors or some shit kek refer to google. Unless you’re just here to complain which is achingly obvious at this point.
No. 2064427
>>2064415>we all do know that regular exposure to smoke can cause illness in your lungsSource? And how does tobacco smoke compare to other forms of smoke or industrial pollutants? Do you have a study with an estimate?
Do you know what causes cancers?
No. 2064430
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No. 2064449
>>2064438And how has the cause of death of 'all the people dying from exposure to secondhand smoke' been determined?
Where was it posted? One actual study shouldn't be hard to find if this is well evidenced. If it is well evidenced finding the evidence should be a matter of minutes and there should be many available studies. We aren't living in the dark ages.
No. 2064469
>>2064456I got my ears pierced when I was five or six cause I told my mom I wanted them done.
I think doing permanent things to babies is strange, but not torture like some would make people believe.
No. 2064538
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>>2064457Again this is not an experimental study but a review paper, but at least it is an actual paper. It would be cool if you could provide an actual, you know, study.
However out of interest I have been following the links and finding some very interesting claims within them. For example, picrel.
Normally, a direct dose-response relationship is considered a 'validating' sign of a medical agentive relationship. Considering that this paper suggests that passive smokers (who are estimated to consume less than 1% of the smoke active smokers do) are estimated to have 50% of the elevated heart disease risk active smokers have, this actually suggests that the relationship is not, per se, scientifically 'real.' Again I'll repeat that many of the '
toxic substances' in cigarette smoke are already present in higher quantities in the environment from pollutants than even a chain smoker inhales through smoking, so this dose-response relationship seems bizarre, mathematically speaking. A slight (1% or less relative to smokers) increase of these chemicals that are already common in the environment leads to half the additional risk a smoker has of CAD? (Reminder that a study from 2021 was already posted in the thread showing at least half of studies find no increased risk for smokers).
Then it looks like the new published studies were as likely to be fraudulent as not:
"Since the last meta-analysis was published, we found 6 new epidemiological studies on the association of passive smoking with heart disease (4 case-control23–26 and 2 cohort studies27,28). We excluded 223,25 of 323–25 case-control reports on the same data set and 1 cohort study because of serious misclassification bias." I tried to follow the links to all the studies but several seem to have been retracted? Anyway I found the one case-control study they included, still published in the journal Tobacco Control (which is largely funded by public anti-tobacco government funders). The study was done in greece so the majority of the patients in both groups reported exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke, inside the home for a prolonged period, but the correlation did suggest that people who were in the hospital for cardiovascular issues were more likely to report secondhand tobacco exposure than those who were in the hospital for other issues. Socioeconomic status and such were not controlled for. However, there was no big difference between actual smokers and non-smokers (94% are smokers in the cardiovascular risk group, 86% are smokers in the group that went to hospital for something else). Btw a majority of older Greeks are smokers. So apparently people exposed to secondhand smoke were more likely to be in the hospital for a cardiovascular reason (by around 50%) but the discrepancy did not exist for actual smokers. More people in both cohorts were smokers themselves than were exposed to secondhand smoke, yet the secondhand smoke made a bigger difference than them smoking daily themselves. Interesting. So less than 1/100th of the secondhand smoke makes a bigger difference in your risk of being in the hospital for cardiovascular issues than being a regular smoker yourself does (with over 100x the exposure). That's the only new case study considered non-fraudulent in the review you linked.
As for cohort studies one was found I guess to be fraudulent and the other one was this one: "
Results For participants followed from 1960 until 1998 the age adjusted relative risk (95% confidence interval) for never smokers married to ever smokers compared with never smokers married to never smokers was 0.94 (0.85 to 1.05) for coronary heart disease, 0.75 (0.42 to 1.35) for lung cancer, and 1.27 (0.78 to 2.08) for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among 9619 men, and 1.01 (0.94 to 1.08), 0.99 (0.72 to 1.37), and 1.13 (0.80 to 1.58), respectively, among 25 942 women. No significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.
Conclusions The results do not support a causal relation between environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality, although they do not rule out a small effect. The association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed."
Interesting. I could keep reading but again if rather than a summary paper you had an actual convincing experimental paper that would really save me some time.
No. 2064550
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>>2064538can i bum you a smoke nonalita?
No. 2064551
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>>2064550smoking is for faggotz
No. 2064580
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>>2064546I do! Certain factors alter the phases of the menstrual cycle - for example hormone proportions (oestrogen to progesterone or FSH etc) - or processes stimulated by the body like uterine shedding. A higher progesterone to oestrogen ratio is usually associated with better health, lower incidences of PCOS, lower incidences of breast cancer, and a higher luteal to follicular phase ratio. Meaning it’s associated with shorter periods and longer gaps between them. One thing that increases the progesterone to oestrogen ratio is polyphenols, which are found in fruits and vegetables but are probably easiest to find in herbs. The most commonly known source are the ones found in the Vitex berry, but I think increasing general polyphenol intake is the best for general health anyway which can be done by increasing intake of plant matter, vegetables and any old herbs in your cupboard would be good. Paeoniflorin from white peony is also known to decrease the ratio of estrogens and androgens and FSH to progsterone. Lignans, like the ones from flaxseed, also do this in premenopausal women. Secondly, SHBG is a protein that binds to sex hormones other than progesterone and weaker oestrogens like estriol to a lesser ratio that oestradiol and androgens. SHBG is associated with lower BMI, lower carbohydrate intake, lower meat intake and higher polyphenol and PUFA intake. Which brings me to my last piece - prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are what induce the shedding of the uterine lining. Most are made from arachidonic acid, a lipid (doesn’t seem to correlate much to dietary intake though) but ones made from omega-3 fatty acids displace them and are much less inflammatory. Increased intakes of omega 3s were associated with less bleeding and pain. Raising your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio will especially help funnel your prostaglandin synthesis to the less anti-inflammatory omega 3 series. EPA is best for this (found in fish). This is the thing that has made the biggest difference for me. Oh a higher amount of antioxidants also reduce inflammation which causes further pain, good ones would be vitamin C and E. Lowering histidine intake might be good too, also found in meats. Can’t be bothered to provide allll the sources because this is just memorised information but google is easy to confirm. I just wanted to sperg anyway. Funny that medfags are so obsessed with “le facts” but seem to lack ability to apply knowledge, to have an actual thorough understanding of the topic beyond a topic they studied in school, and to have the flexibility to see biological evidence as never really one true concrete fact, just a bunch of clues.
No. 2064605
>>2064589Kek, no. Prolactin makes you lactate. Polyphenols that increase progestogen while decreasing other sex steroids like oestrogen and androgens also inhibit prolactin, especially since they increase dopamine which reduces prolactin activity. Also - having high progesterone isn’t necessarily the ideal, it’s about funnelling cholesterol pathways to the progesterone end instead of turning it into other steroid hormones. A period is actually caused by the progesterone drop at the end of the luteal phase, and oestrogen is what builds up the lining again. The more oestrogen, the more the lining builds and the more it has to shed. Progesterone inhibits shedding. You won’t be able to prevent the drop, you aren’t meant to, but presumably it eases it.
>>2064596I assume you’re replying to me? From a normie healthy diet to increasing flaxseed, fish, and polyphenol intake (from herbs and rich sources like amla, aronia etc) my period length decreased from 6 to 4 and reduced in pain by quite a bit. My cycle length stayed the same (28 days)
No. 2064614
>>2064601Anything involving buttholes is gross and dangerous
Straight scrotes didn't start getting fascinated by anal until faggots normalized it
No. 2064641
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>signup required No. 2064658
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It is amusing how quickly the secondhand smoke argument was dropped as soon as
>Conclusions: The results do not support a causal relation between environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortalitywas posted but I wouldn't expect anything else from you nonnas.
Anyway in a prior thread an anon asked for more resources so I'll post some as I find them: No. 2064664
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>>2064659People always have so much fun infighting until someone actually brings the evidence, but it's okay anon I'm just paying it forward to the nonna who asked for resources. Continue to sperg over gay porn though, it's clearly unpopular.
No. 2064680
>>2064675I'm suspicious of this (more leaning towards tinfoil thread but w/e)
Up here in Canada they allow people to buy 30% THC weed that melts your brain yet they banned nicotine vape juice above 3%
Feels like there's a lot more going on than just concerned health administrators
No. 2064690
>>2064684Both are bad, and since weed was legalized Canada is a giant stoner pit
I was pro legalization but now that I see how much its taken over the popular culture I'm on the other side
>>2064686Nicotine itself is a very mild opiate, it barely has any effect at all except slightly enhancing cognition (increased dopamine to the brain)
By comparison THC has a much larger impact on your brain's functioning
No. 2064722
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>>2064188>>2064693I believe that men are worse for your overall health and age you faster than smoking
>>2064696used to smoke cloves, now I rarely smoke but its wood tip black and milds lol
No. 2064755
>>2064693Nicotine itself isn't harmful, its the other elements of smoking that are
Cigarette smokers smoke a lot more than weed smokers, but weed actually has more tar in it than tobacco
No. 2064772
>>2064757The exact same study can be shown for caffeine, its
toxic in lethal doses but the amount that people consume is miniscule compared to those studies>Studies of nicotine medications and smokeless tobacco indicate that the risks of nicotine without tobacco combustion products (cigarette smoke) are low compared to cigarette smoking, but are still of concern in people with cardiovascular disease. Electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine without combustion of tobacco and appear to pose low cardiovascular risk, at least with short term use, in healthy users. No. 2064779
File: 1719381436916.png (247.18 KB, 966x793, smokingparkinsonsreductioonneu…)

>>2064673I am PhDchan what is this weird reading incomprehension?
>>2064675Feel free to post it nonita I am waiting with baited breath
No. 2064833
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I don’t think it’s creepy to have a randoseru if you’re into jfashion or have “kid” bags in general. They can look super cute. Obviously it’s only weird if you’re some brain rotted loli larper/age player though. Fetishists really do ruin everything.
No. 2064854
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>>2064833Except for the bright pink ones, I feel like randoserus don't look particularly childish compared to other kids backpacks anyway.
No. 2064886
>>2064833Did the Addy Harajuku thread
trigger you?
>>2064854That backpack looks wrong on her. Like she's carrying her child's schoolbag.
No. 2064984
>>2064936I agree,
nonnie. People say shit like "Anon, you must be so strong for going through xyz, that must make you a really strong person" etc. and I'm always like bitch no I have trauma and severe mental illness. Suffering doesn't make you better or stronger in any sense. I think it does make you more grateful though, and appreciative of when good things in your life.
No. 2065026
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I don't like it when I see other women only doing leg/ass centered exercises in the gym. Feeling strong across all your body is worth it!
No. 2065173
>>2064936Seconded. I get that they're probably trying to change people's mindesets out of a
victim mentality, but there has got to be other ways to frame it. It just seems like a slap to the face when you're like "I had to overcome this traumatic event" and they tell you it made you stronger. As if you're supposed to be grateful or something that you had to go acquire this trauma, that it was a good thing in the end.
No. 2065365
>>2065170I don't disagree with the living alone being overrated part but
>his parents kept him on track with hygiene and social mannersThis isn't something to brag about. An adult man shouldn't have to be kept on track with his hygiene by his parents. You should be able to handle your hygiene independently by time you're like 13 at latest.
No. 2065854
>>2065365nta, kek I was just trying to say because he lived with people with standards (rather than other greasy moid roommates or alone) he didn't have the option to not keep it up like a lot of other moids I know who moved out in their early 20s. I can see how I kinda made it sound like he needs his mom to tell him to shower, but that's not what I meant kek
Semi related, I have had a moid friend who had unhung paintings leaning against the wall for years, the kitchen table was used for casual strorage of anything and everyting, he had no sofa nor tv or anything to offer guests, his PC (his only entertainment really) had no speakers and only one set of headphones. His bed broke so he just slept on a mattress on the floor for at least a year. The bathroom door lock was broken the entire time I knew him. He just didn't give a fuck about anything because he was living alone, it drove me nuts any time I had the misfortune to visit. And this guy was in his late 20s-early-30s when I knew him.
No. 2065909
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The whole "introvert or extrovert" thing is so stupid. "Ackshually you're not an introvert because you have xyz" My sister in christ there are nearly 8 billion people on Earth and you're trying to tell me that your special little statuses that you apply to everyone can't overlap? Seriously?
No. 2065925
>>2065882thank you for saying it
>>2065865you stick old man phallus in your mouth? jesus christ you’re nasty
No. 2065965
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The ugly male psyop gets stronger every single day. Tell me why out of all places, Pinterest is feauturing ugly moids. I swear to god 2 years ago i wasnr encountering ugly moids at all. Pinterest needs a captcha or glitch whatever the fuck its called that recognizes moids faces and doesnt allow to upload a picture if the scrote is ugly.
No. 2066046
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>>2066038what nonners? he wouldn’t look like my dad it would look like he’s supposed to be my dad and it would be cute. i swear i’m not a minor or anything
(ban evading) No. 2066047
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>>2066007>>2066017KEK dating younger men master race
No. 2066155
>>2065804>I don't understand the outrage over bishie fujosit exists purely on this site, people that hate "bishie fujos" hate women into gay porn period.
>why does it exist on this site people will hate on anything here
No. 2066201
>>2066151>you get pumped and dumped for a better younger whore instead of just going to actual schoolingYou are the better younger whore tho
>instead of just going to actual schoolingHow is this mutually exclusive? You can get an education and also date or even marry
In reality ofc most moids turn into blubber potatoes after 35 so this is purely theoretical
>>2066120Imo I would never date a moid under 28, their brains develop so slowly that a moid has the emotional maturity of a 16 year old girl by his late 20s at the earliest
If I was in my 30s or older though I would not mind dating younger tho because their development arrests by their 30s anyways, they don't get any better
Might as well go for one that hasn't hit the wall yet
No. 2066223
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>>2066213I just googled him. Jesus christ. I’m gonna throw up. I just want my fellow women to get better. Heal.
No. 2066250
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>>2066223She could've done a LOT worse.
No. 2066269
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>>2066255And they swear they aren’t pedophiles or even ephebophiles which is what they accurately are kek. They think it’s an own to other women that they want to become a mother figure to their young scrote who’s supposed to be their partner. No matter how you put it the dynamic looks awkward and neither will meet each other half way because they are at completely different stages of life, younger scrotes barely know how to wash their ass and take care of their finances so why would you even want that as a potential partner kek?? It says a lot about these anons ngl
No. 2066278
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>>2066241>Dating this crop of 22-25 year old zoomer scrotes that grew up with hardcore porn on their tablets as childrenYeah no thanks
Millennial moids have their own problems but I don't have to worry about finding their lolicon hentai stash or goon sesh autogynephilia outfits
I will commend you for having a genuinely unpopular opinion though
No. 2066310
>>2066303What possible use would you get out of a teenage scroteling anyways
They don't know what they're doing w/ regards to sex, they are emotionally unstable and potentially violent and they aren't even able to support themselves financially most of the time
Not interested in playing vidya in some scrotelings moms basement or driving him around like a chauffeur thanks
No. 2066323
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You can tell my original post was 100% spot on because the beta bitches were instantly big mad
No. 2066328
>>2066314There's a difference between "financially independent" and being a gold digger nonna
I'm not interested in a man who can't afford to do the things I can afford to do, at a minimum he should have his own place and his own car with some direction in life and I don't think that's unreasonable
If you wanna be a sugarmomma for some weird reason go ahead
>>2066316Yeah most moids in general are useless, but all moidlets are useless
If you're a nonna in her late 20s or older and you think the grass is greener with our scrotes by all means go for it, don't say I didn't warn you
No. 2066347
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>>2066336>not taken over by porn addiction>I’m talking about guys 18-19 thoughlmao
Zoomer teens are the most porn addicted generation there's ever been
The creepiests DMs and interactions I've had are from scrotes my own age and growing up, they get access to hardcore porn before they even hit puberty
No. 2066367
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>>2066355Wow, that sounds bad.
Nonnie get the hell out of there!!
No. 2066374
>>2066349>>2066350The difference is millennial scrotes only had playboys growing up, online porn took off when they were already in highschool
Now we have the most perverted, degrading pornography all over the internet and zoomer scrotes have been watching it since they learned how to read and write
Add to that zoomer scrotes are also more misogynistic than millennials, incels and Andrew Tate were not a thing in the 2000s and permavirgin spergs were laughed at instead of put on pedestals by moids
No. 2066390
>>2066383And he did it in the most
tips fedora way
No. 2066394
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>>2066388why are you caping so hard for milennial men? whenver i think of milennial men i think of fat bald men with a poop beard, a funko collection and a star wars and reddit addiction. At least zoomers have a few fuck boys around.
No. 2066405
>>2066382>I'm retardedDozens of studies on the harmful effects of childhood exposure to pornography says otherwise but okay
>>2066383Zoomer scrotes are either pansexual tranny supporting fairies or basement dwelling incels, there's no in between
I'm not caping millennials like they are objectively good, they are just less fucked up than zoomers
>>2066394Odds are he's fucked more boys than girls nonna
Good luck finding a zoomer who isn't into assplay (unless that's your thing I guess)
No. 2066406
>>2066402NTA but
>you either like old men or faggots Its kinda true KEKK
No. 2066423
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>>2066417Meanwhile millennial men
No. 2066427
>>2066278Kek they thought they were such a Stacy for wanting a moid that wants his chicken tenders cut up into toddler-sized pieces with fries served to him while his eyes stay glued to a screen because they all have chronic video game addiction and terrible tastes in just about anything.
>”I’m gonna be as debauched as men!!!” No, the pool has been poisoned since forever and no man regardless of his race, gender, class is worth the risk or investment, you get nothing in return and your empathy just sours the well where women reside because your individual action to speak life into a moid causes unintended consequences for the rest of womankind and I’ve seen this example happen overtime. The key is to become entirely decentered from men overall, they are still seeking validation from men but they are only younger and more impressionable.
No. 2066450
>>2066427Pretty much agree
I'm not interested in a moid who can't support himself, period
That cuts out almost all zoomers and a good chunk of millennials but so be it
>>2066443See above
You put "has his own place, his own car and a job that isn't dead end" as a requirement and all zoomer scrotes are immediately disqualified
No. 2066466
>>2066452Yeah during the 2008 financial crisis because everything tanked
We recovered by 2010 and if you're a millennial who didn't get their shit together by now you're hopeless
>>2066454I said zoomer scrotes, not zoomers in general
Women are now out-earning moids in younger age brackets per capita
No. 2066475
>>2066470Not being a loser is now considered gold digger territory for zoomer women
The absolute state
No. 2066482
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>>2066468Well, here he is! The one with the beautiful blue eyes!!
No. 2066490
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>>2066482Their prized 30+ scrotes
No. 2066500
>>2066486Don't bother arguing with them, I'm 100% fine with them going after scrotes my age
I'm not gonna be shamed for dating men in my SES range with my politics and life goals though
No. 2066502
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I find older scrotes just so damn sexy and the deep voice is all worth it. Imagine having sex with a young little buck and he’a dirty talking you with his spongebob voice inflection. You do not have standards just shut up and stop speaking for the rest of us
No. 2066506
>>2066500And then he’s gonna be cheating on you with younger women and you’re gonna be a poor
victim of grooming and rape(you claim)
No. 2066508
>>2066500Literally same. I can’t wait to see some witch nosed aunt seething because most normie women of similar age will be taking all of the younger scrotes. It says everything about the young scrote and the cougar that they can’t bat for higher quality people in their own generation, their own
generation and that is sad as hell kek
No. 2066509
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No. 2066513
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>>2066506>And then he’s gonna be cheating on you with younger womenWelp, at least they'll be women and I won't be worrying about HIV and syphilis
No. 2066516
>>2066508This reminds me of the zoomer woman who was harassing this beautiful woman for dating a younger man
No. 2066517
File: 1719454027237.png (1.21 MB, 982x840, Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 11.01…)

Traditional gender roles are worse than gender ideology. I live in the South, where gender roles are still a huge deal, and this stuff hurts women more than trannies do on the coasts.
When traditionalism reaches a certain level you have women literally being sent to finishing schools where they learn inane body language/clothing/eating stuff about how to be elegant. It's like etiquette tiktok I guess but for hours per day. It leaves your brain with not enough space left for actual thoughts.
The effect on moids is also bad for women. A big thing traditionalism teaches men is that they shouldn't put effort into their appearance because it's feminine. So you get a lot of things like men deliberately uglifying themselves, covering their more attractive features up, getting into aesthetically gross habits like chewing tobacco. A lot of them, especially the older generations, also fart in front of women, because it's crude and therefore unfeminine and therefore good.
No. 2066518
File: 1719454099787.gif (1.73 MB, 272x480, IMG_1434.gif)

The menopausal victim is immunized against all dangers. One might call her immature, autistic, suffering from arrested development, wanting to relive lost years of wistful youth, a swindler and a scoundrel. But call her an “ephebophile” and watch her shrink in the horrors of her dust bowl vagina and says: “I’ve been found out.”
No. 2066533
>>2066508They're also acting as if we're talking about grandscrotes 20+ years older
I'm 23 and the max I would go upwards is 32, and even then he'd better have great aging genetics (it becomes obvious by then if they do)
I will not date a moid under 28 however
No. 2066549
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>>2066539>Also, i am with you on the pipsqueak voices that some younger moids have and tbh just continue to have until they are like 40Microplastics, testosterone has been going down since the 1970s and its really beginning to show with metrosexual zoomers
No. 2066559
>>2066530The women with older men don't typically have babies with them though. I could understand if she didn't have a baby but it just looks kinda pathetic when you have a baby with someone who can't carry themselves properly or have basic manners towards you, regardless of age.
Anyway, tbh I think farmers are retarded with this whole "this is what I like, and if you don't like it you're a (pick me/zoomer/grandma/handmaiden/whatever) infight that keeps coming up OVER and OVER. Literally who cares as long as you're both adults, were not a hivemind so we will all have different tastes. And regardless of how old you like them, you still like men either way so none of you are winning. It's like arguing about which type of caca is better.
No. 2066585
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Here’s a helpful infographic for anons with a particularly bad case of pussy maggots
No. 2066597
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>>2066539>yes bonersAbout that
No. 2066619
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>>2066585Holy shit
nonny. My sides.
No. 2066634
>>2066615Zoomer scrotes flattened their noodles jacking off to extreme hentai from age 9 onwards and are now ED in their 20s
I remember when extreme hentai was used as shock humour 10 years ago, now every scrotelet with an anime pfp is guaranteed to have gigabytes of it on his PC
Most millennial scrotes are garbage, ALL zoomer scrotes are garbage
No. 2066700
There is absolutely a correlation between people’s characteristics and their faces. I don’t mean like big eyes mean this and this face shape means that, it’s more that there’s a common denominator that somehow fits with certain neurological patterns? This is universal across races. Sort of how some people physically “look” autistic. I’m convinced to a degree there’s some sort of connection to the wiring of the brain and the development of the body or something. A good example is Grimes, because she looks exactly like how personality is. Even if you swapped their clothes and hairstyles etc, someone with say Taylor Swift’s face would never act like her, speak like her, etc. I’ve met people with similar neurological habits that have the same kind of eyes and facial flesh shape as her. You can subconsciously pick up on stuff like this a little, but it’s not something that applies to everyone, there are just distinct features that crop up sometimes, sort of how you can identify foetal alcohol syndrome. I don’t notice this with men that have ASPD, but women with ASPD have the same eyes for sure, it’s so rare that I pick up on it every time.
No. 2066707
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This is endearing
No. 2066798
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>>2066793It's okay nonna, you can still sit with us.
No. 2066822
>>2066269Why is anyone supposed to care if women on lolcow are ephebophiles when we know just how many women both IRL and online reward male ephebophiles
and pedophiles in their daily lives with free defense game, sex and companionship? The nature of the entire infight goes to show that an unfortunate amount of people, even on a site like this, are perfectly fine with older men dating younger/late teens women, and will even get offended when others are disturbed by these women showing clear symptoms of childhood trauma/grooming in their descriptions of what they like about that dynamic. On the other hand, when women so much as say they find an 18-24 year old man better looking than a middle-aged balding man, it's suddenly time to clutch your pearls, make comparisons to brutal murderers, discuss different stages of life and LARP that men are literal babies until they're in their 30s or 40s, lol.
At least a young man can fight back against an older woman in cases of abuse most of the time. The same isn't true the other way around, and it's also far less common to see older women actually dating those younger men, so no, I can't find it in me to give a shit the way you seem to think we all should.
No. 2066823
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>>2066793Oh come on nonna you know you wanna smell
No. 2066842
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>>2066448How does she do it? Not even joking right now, I'm just tired of ugly scrotes. If all men are useless (and my experience is shaping up to be this), then at least I want one who's pretty.
No. 2066847
>>2066822This. An older women dating a younger man is so much less
abusive than the other way around.
No. 2066848
>>2066700God nona you really need to get out more. Given the massive overdiagnosis of ASD/autism that makes your little theory even less plausible, and that's saying something since it's just factually incorrect to think a purely neurological condition has any correlation to facial features. ASD isn't even 1 single condition, it's a bunch of traits/symptoms lumped together and if you have enough of them you can get a diagnosis. Meaning in reality those symtoms don't always even stem from the same disoder to begin with, even though in name they call it the same thing.
>I don’t notice this with men that have ASPDStrange how that works huh…
No. 2066852
>>2066848Oh I agree with your opinion on ASPD. By ASPD I don’t mean “criminal personality traits” (basically what the criteria looks for) I mean the people who are born with blunted empathy. The ones I’m talking about have all been undiagnosed but you can tell and/or you’ll learn. Criteria and diagnoses are pretty flawed imo.
>Strange how that works huh…In what way?
No. 2067126
File: 1719493080794.webp (59.35 KB, 740x737, IMG_4296.webp)

Lolita (as in the story) is disgusting and i don’t care if Nabokov was “processing his own abuse” through writing it. I don’t care if it’s “supposed to make you uncomfortable”. I don’t care if Nabokov “never meant for it to be romanticized”. Those statement do not change the fact that it’s disgusting and everyone who likes it is disgusting to me as well. Also, I’ve seen an interview with Nabokov in which the interviewer straight up called it a love story and a romance multiple times and Nabokov did not bother to disagree even once. But like I said, even if he did it wouldn’t make it any less disgusting. You lolitafags are not as deep and thought provoking as you think, you’re just gross.
No. 2067209
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>>2067176Holy shit same. Every time I hear a Youtuber stumble over a FAMOUS NAME (or hell, even just a name that's slightly "exotic") I just switch to something else. However, I do love watching those fake-ass "artist" Youtubers talk about famous artists, as if we'd never heard of them until some no-name 23-year old retard like sed Youtuber introduced them to us.
No. 2067233
File: 1719502621043.jpeg (313.24 KB, 1021x936, IMG_1442.jpeg)

This is going to sound absolutely bogged but I truly want fast food and retail workers to finally be replaced with robots. It is not an essential job all you’re doing is serving extremely unhealthy and shitty food to ungrateful and entitled customers. I also find it hypocritical that Europeans call us fatties and lards because they banned a bunch of chemicals in their food but still have these fast food franchises in their countries. I wish they would finally ban and outlaw fast food and idgaf about “convenience”, if people weren’t so greedy they would make convenient and cheap healthy foods for people to eat that would be available to them everywhere, not goyslop that will cause health problems in the long run.
No. 2067248
>>2067233>banned a bunch of chemicals in their food but still have these fast food franchises in their countriesyeah, without those ingredients though
I was in Berlin last week and every chain restaurant and many smaller ones have kiosks now and someone just keeps screaming order numbers or names and hands them out, it's so much more annoying than just talking to someone and getting your order to your table, autistic children who have mental breakdowns over having to speak to a person to order food shouldn't be enabled like this
No. 2067272
>>2067258Learn to be curious, that's how I deal with it. And because it's general knowledge, you don't have to suddenly become an expert at the Canadian Hockey Championship since 1970 or read the encyclopedia front to back. But watch and read stuff you wouldn't spontaneously look for. Like the National Geographic channel or Arte, or look for podcasts of things you have no idea about, or if someone IRL makes a reference to something, look it up.
I think it enriches one to be naturally curious, especially since now with the internet, with people archiving stuff, a lot of sources are for free, you don't need to go to a library or spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to learn anything.
Best real life example, we noticed at work that a lot of European flags have the blue white and red colors, and then we googled how many there were and which significance each color meant for each country. So now I know that 11 European countries have blue, white and red colors in their flag.
No. 2067476
>>2067126Dunno why you think that art being 'disgusting' is inherently a flaw and not a quality it can deliberately possess. Inb4, not a Lolitafag.
>>2067461True, and it’s not like most of these things (besides murder and CP convictions obviously) stop you from getting a quality partner.
No. 2067535
>>2067531It's funny because at least where I live I see average or below-average woman with the hottest and sweetest guys. Hot women are almost always dating old uggos for money. That's why I think all women need to do is have standards, and a decent personality, which most women do if they aren't desperate for male validation.
>Attractive women just have a bigger dating pool because they have more men approaching themDo you mean cold approaching? Only trashy men cold approach, the majority of meaningful long-term relationships come from meeting others from shared hobbies/interests.
No. 2067561
File: 1719519282452.jpeg (163.64 KB, 736x736, IMG_1850.jpeg)

Autism is over diagnosed
No. 2067562
>>2067539>>2067540I get what you're saying, but it really isn't that way at all. Men who fall in love with looks first are just looking for a trophy wife or a sex doll; they don't give a shit about what she's like as a person, so once she gets pregnant or wrinkly all their "loyalty" and "love" goes out the window. Maybe the guys look hot and maybe they have money, but their personality and character is deficient and that will show eventually. Am I saying that women can look like landwhale trolls and get a decent man? Likely not. There is diminishing returns on looks, if you look presentable and groomed that is more than enough. Women just need to have boundaries and standards and they will guaranteed find a great man since they are not settling for bald uggos.
>>2067549Wrong. Women should be picky with men's looks. We choose men, not the other way around.
No. 2068050
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The movie Amelie sucks
No. 2068716
>>2068683yeah those are the more right wing adjacent "radfems"
they eventually become trad
No. 2068723
File: 1719580048271.png (494.84 KB, 632x942, kamstartingwithhere.PNG)

Commodifying reproduction (Sperm banks, IVF, surrogacy, etc.) is inherently dysgenic and unfair to children created by such processes. Decoupling reproduction from sex has made it even easier for moids to dodge responsibility to kids they helped create. This is a problem caused by social pressure (the way people used to and sometimes still do treat infertile women is unconscionable) and exacerbated by institutional greed (medical system) and male opportunism. The entire industry should be made illegal and moids who have contributed to sperm banks should be immediately vasectomized to prevent accidental incest in future generations.
No. 2068736
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>>>2068728Cheerleaders make 20k a year. It’s pretty much just for vanity and hopes of finding a rich husband. While the guys on the field are making millions, they’re shaking their ass in lil booty shorts like strippers and making less than a fast food worker.
No. 2068742
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>>2068739They should do it as a hobby then and not degrade themselves by parading around like strippers. They don’t mind it because they get validation from being a “hot cheerleader” and they get to be around the foot ballers. They participate in a yearly bikini contest….wtf does that have to do with cheerleading?
No. 2068751
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>>2068742>not degrade themselves by parading around like strippers.Funny how you're saying this about cheerleaders, but not female gymnasts who are expected to wear significantly more revealing uniforms than their male counterparts. Almost like one sport is valued for its athletic merit, and the other socially sanctions mocking the women who participate.
No. 2068757
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>>2068751At least they’re getting adequate pay. Being a Dallas cowboy cheerleader is a highly sought after job because women just want to be able to say “tehe I’m a Dallas sweet heart”. Cheerleaders aren’t doing it because they adore the sport or want money, they’re doing it for some kind of ego boost.
No. 2068761
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>>2068758>the problem isn’t going to go away by shaming womenYea it will. They arent going to die from not being able to do bikini calendars. They could easily revolt against it but they dont want to because they’re doing it for attention.
No. 2069027
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Some of the posts here about men just read like how /pol/ posts about minorities , the same seething and cognitive dissonance(bait)
No. 2069061
>>2069027This is the
femcel terf website. Idk what you expected.
No. 2069072
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>>2069061>>2069027kill yourself out of for being a failure to your family that they raised a lolishit lover <#3
(infight bait) No. 2069129
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Infighting, trolling, falseflagging, samefagging and spreading misinformation is like 80% of fun you can have on an imageboard. I try to contain myself on lolcow, but when I see a bunch of particularly autistic anons that take everything seriously it is very hard.
No. 2069230
>>2069072Ok her opinion was bad but
>Any anime pic is literal cepee and lolisho!!Gtfo back to twitter
No. 2069239
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lets all hate men together, every ethnicity, every culture.