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No. 2069467
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I know he's a favorite amongst fujos but I find Sephiroth really ugly. I think he only looked good in his OG Nomura artwork
No. 2069626
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Alec Baldwin deserves the death penalty
No. 2069783
>>2069758Why? You trying to find your runaway wife again?
>>2069740Damn, I did not realize this. Thank you for showing me the light, we really do need to be more thankful to conservative men.
No. 2069835
>>2069825I'm in heavy agreement. My boyfriend makes our lunches, does the dishes, fetches me food, clips my nails, washes me, does the laundry, fills the cars with gas, does the oil changes, etc. etc. etc. and we switch off between me vacuuming and him cleaning the bathroom. I had to implement that because I felt bad I didn't do anything. I also sometimes wash the dishes if I want to. Life is easy because of my moid and I appreciate it a lot. He'd honestly do even more like drive me all the time, but I want to keep up my driving skills and I don't want to become dependent. He also turns on my car and either runs the AC or the heater beforehand so when I get in, it's at a nice temperature. I know not all males are conditioned this way and I try to keep this to myself irl because I fervently believe a decent nigel has a lot of luck involved, but it is possible. Find a man who likes to serve naturally if this is what you enjoy. TBH I don't need it, but it's how he likes to express his affection.
No. 2069847
>>2069830My Nigel does a potentially dangerous but highly paid job while I'm a housewife so I'm prepared to take 15 minutes out of my leisure time to do the laundry, load the dish washer and do some vacuuming every other day.
>>2069838Make the entire site pass the Bechdel test.
No. 2069854
>>2069847I guess that's fine if you want to split it that way but most women work in this day and age and women are likely to have higher education and better jobs than men so I see no reason to cohabitate with moids if they don't make your home life much, much easier than it would be alone. I would be very nervous to let a male support me while I don't work for any significant length of time because moids can screw you over.
I unironically think the single anons would have a harder time passing the Bechdel test since they seem to talk about moids more but making the site pass the bechdel test would ban 'misandry' which would be bad and stupid.
No. 2069862
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I’m ready to cop a ban for this but just imagine the amounts of head she could receive from him. I want a headless scrote too (alive just like in the video game)
No. 2069882
>>2069867have you tried an emulator?
>>2069873do you still have the pic of what you drew share it if you do kek
No. 2069897
File: 1719621633353.jpg (324.08 KB, 854x1280, effectofcircumcision.jpg)

>>2069255This may only be an unpopular opinion in America but I'm throwing it out there: circumcision is a tool used by Abrahamic religions to traumatize moids into being more psychopathic towards women and also to make sex more unpleasant for both sexes so no sexual bonding happens.
Circumcision also removes most of the nerve endings from the penis which means cut moids need more extreme sex acts to feel gratified.
Early Jewish scholars like Maimonides even wrote directly on this, saying circumcision was necessary to prevent women and men from bonding sexually outside of marriage.
No. 2069913
>>2069885Check if your computer meets the system requirements for an emulator and then check if the game is considered playable.>>2069897>circumcision is a tool used by Abrahamic religions to traumatize moids into being more psychopathic towards women and also to make sex more unpleasant for both sexes so no sexual bonding happensWhile I agree on the main point, Christianity does not require circumcision at all and this is stated several times in the New Testament. This is why the majority of men in Europe are not circumcised. Even in th US, states with a higher Catholic and Orthodox populations have a lower rate of circumcision. Why Evangelicals circumcise their sons is more related to a fear of masturbation than anything related to scripture.
No. 2069920
>>2069906>I can’t take another round of circumcision-chan’s sperging.Redpill me on circumcision-chan, this is my first time posting
>>2069913That's true. I didn't want to make my post too drawn out by talking about how circumcision became a thing in the US.
>Why Evangelicals circumcise their sons is more related to a fear of masturbation than anything related to scripture.We can thank Kellogg and his neuroticism for that. I'm convinced the most extreme coomers come out of America more often than Europe because of circumcision.
>>2069914I had no idea. Why would anyone defend circumsision? All it does is make moids more unstable and sexually depraved with no benefit to us. I'll keep it to myself for future reference tho
>>2069917Gay moids see women as their competition, they all fantasize about "converting" straight moids
No. 2069929
>>2069920First ayrt. Like
>>2069922 said, I assumed you were the moid raider who comes here to whine about “male genital mutilation.” I don’t think nonnas here actually think circumcision is good, but it has caused endless infights because the moid baiter relentlessly tries to push it as something equivalent to FGM
No. 2069931
>>2069922>/pol/ moids who come into this thread routinely to sperg about circumcision for men being bad, and then start spewing MRA/moid rhetoricIts literally entirely enforced by moids in the first place lmao
No mother would ever let some scrote with a knife mutilate her baby if she had a choice
The only reason circumcision is going down in the US now is because mothers are following their gut instinct and advocating for themselves more than in previous years
>>2069929>it has caused endless infights because the moid baiter relentlessly tries to push it as something equivalent to FGMCompletely retarded, FGM is like cutting the entire penis off. I guess I should take a cue and stop caping for them, even unintentionally
No. 2069943
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>>2069934I'm used to low info normie spaces where these things just don't get talked about. I should lurk more
>it's some 'feminist' invention to keep them down just like the draft I love this one, moids crying about getting drafted for wars started by moids over stupid bullshit women don't care about
Draft every moid above the age of 12 and let them kill each other off until there's too few left to cause trouble
>>2069932This is why I have zero sympathy for "gay bashing" when it comes to moidfags. You never see lesbians raping and prostituting adopted children or spreading diseases all over the place including to the wives of down low moidfags. The worst thing that ever happened to lesbians was being associated with moidfaggotry
No. 2069956
>>2069682No, that part of the song is about the hypothetical future. That anon
>>2069644 is right, she got dumped by her boyfriend of 4 years before she turned "gay" and her song Casual is also clearly about a man. She's dabbling, and likely bisexual, but calling herself gay at this point in time is disingenuous. I wish bisexuality wasn't considered such a dirty word by these women who treat other same-sex attracted women as a last resort just because men are disappointing. Grass isn't greener on the other side.
>>2069770What does "lesbian" even mean at this point if you can date as many men as you have sexy glitter makeouts with women and still call yourself one?
No. 2069978
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dove chocolate tastes way better than their soap.
No. 2070028
>>2069921I disagree, I don't think her music is very 'personal' and I also don't see her influence in most young singer-songwriters. I see her influence in other corporate produced music. Tswift seems to have this thing where her music is ostensibly 'personal' but the lyrics are so bad and seem geared to her fans trying to 'figure out' who/what it's about rather than really feeling genuinely personal. None of her lyrics are good (they're very bad actually) imo but even the way in which the lyrics are bad seems 'calculated' rather than raw or personal.
Also her music from a musical perspective is so, so repetitive and bland.
No. 2070119
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>>2069973I agree except for
>Single fathers then turning gay or whatever and keeping their bio children is differentMoidfaggotry should be grounds for losing access to children, it should be treated like any other sexual paraphilia
No. 2070166
Dl faggots also deserve hate. Women legit die due to those fuckers.
>>2070122>Letting gay moids do adoption/surrogacy/whatever is a terrible idea though, just terrible.Exactly. Most men don't have the abilities needed to raise children properly.
No. 2070401
>>2070192I'm fine with gay men who act normal but I think the problem with a lot of gay moids is they don't have a woman acting in a capacity to dial back their worst moid instincts so the moids will egg each other on in gay relationships to act completely degenerate. There are legitimately gay male couples who act like normal couples and aren't kink/porn/sex crazed but these are the same men who in straight relationships would probably also act halfway decent, unfortunately most straight moids don't want to act decent and are only slightly forced to by women, so when they aren't fucking women most moids will act completely sex-crazed and insane. This is the exact reason why as
>>2070216 said there was rarely any real attack on lesbianism in most historical societies, because lesbians mostly kept to themselves and acted normal. Most historical lesbian relationships were just two women living together saying they were 'friends' while acting as upstanding members of the community, not spreading depravity and disease like libertine moids.
No. 2070503
>>2069956How do you know that she's still dating men or that her relationships with women don't go past "sexy glitter makeouts"?
>>2069711 is right kek
No. 2070586
>>2070503Because I've watched her interviews……… you can watch her lie in real time. She said Femininomenon was about how sex with women is better than sex with men but if you listen to the song it's just exclusively about disappointing men and there is absolutely no mention of women or sex with women or any type of comparison, just "why men bad at sex?" I like her music and I think she's cute but it's to soon to claim a lesbian when you put out a song about a guy fuckboying you and she talks about how the experience is recent. her album has as many songs about men as about women but the only things she mentioned is having a situationship with a girl who won't commit (good luck babe) and how she fell in love with her best friend. but then she has a handful of songs about how much she wanted to be with these guys too. she's bi with a "grass is greener on the other side/i'm super new to being totes gay" attitude.
>>2070503>"sexy glitter makeouts"super graphic ultra modern girl is basically "omg guys suck and wear ugly clothes, look at this sexy girl, we make out at parrrtiiiees"
No. 2070656
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>>207061931 here. Hate my birthday. My parents, bless them, organize a fancy meal for all the kids to celebrate but I'd really like to get older in silence. BF knows to keep it simple at least.
I can take a little bit of solace that I'm less cringy and have more money now.
No. 2070673
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>>2070663Same fag a lot of these white girl pop stars know these days have to go the pedo porn route, like Sabrina if they present as straight but if they appeal to the queer/alt demographic they still have to whore themselves out just not to the extent that straight women do. Chappell roan still has to walk around on stage in thongs to appeal to scrotes but she’s gonna get less hate for it because she’s a “lesbian”.
No. 2070690
>>2070683ntayrt but I'm not gonna resign myself to be a baby factory to overcome bad immigration policy
No. 2070706
>>2070697Idk it seems like white women really don't like white moids, at least from the outside looking in.
See, like this
>>2070699. I mean if you don't want them I'll trade you for our moids
No. 2070724
>>2070720I'm a white Euro and I still don't get what they are sperging about
>>2070717>FilenameThat's Vegito retard
No. 2070732
>>2070727Europe isn't a monolith obviously but in my town 90% of the younger kids I see are white. There's the odd Indian or East Asian kid. The fact that you are saying "white" makes me sure you're a yank trying to stir shit. I more pissed about the Spanish being here.
>>2070728Yeah ban abortion, that will totally help women. Head back to your side of the Atlantic you American troll.
No. 2070737
>>2070728>>2070732no because what is this whole rhetoric about women killing off the population? like it wasn't men who created the slavery capitalism in the first place. whoever wrote that is retarded.
if there was no stupid system like it is then no-one would be fighting over women having or not having children and importing muslims to Europe bc there are no slaves to sustain the economy. which they give no shit about btw. but sure it's women's fault.
maybe change the economy and don't police Swedish women who happen to be one of the most progressive groups for the sake of women's rights.
No. 2070739
>>2070738NTA, play that game if you want but I can tell you as a
WOC we see you all as white
Not that that's a bad thing but that's just how everyone else sees you, whether you like it or not
No. 2070748
>>2070721If Europe wasn't importing millions of migrants this wouldn't be an issue. We could have had a higher quality of life in a lower population society with less population density, more green spaces, less pollution, cheaper housing, a competitive jobs market that benefited workers and functional public services. Instead Europe is determined to pack as much of the world as possible into what was already a densely populated geographic area.
It's not even about race, culture or anything else. It's a simple problem of over capacity. There are countries that are larger than Europe by area and yet we are taking in more people, which requires more infrastructure, more housing and more public services. The only way to achieve this is by destruction of what's left of the natural environment, turning farmland into housing which then creates dependency on imports and increased pollution. Public services only function when more people pay into them than take out, which is no longer happening. Euro countries including the UK have unsustainable debt levels. It's a complete mess.
No. 2070762
>>2070739Most of my countries history is being shitted on by an imperial power. Europe is only great if you're of the big powers.
>Not that that's a bad thing but that's just how everyone else sees youFuck them then.
No. 2070773
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>>2070758The bearpill seething was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time
No. 2070788
>>2070663I guess I just don't care about the personal life of the musician enough to care if they are really lesbian or not. I've always seen Billie as two-faced and she flip flops on nearly all her views. She hates porn, then loves porn, particularly if she's the star who is sexualized. Then she gets mad at being "outed" when it wasn't intentional, but she's been making it obvious she wants to be seen as bi. We shall have to see for Chappell Roan, but I personally love the crazy outfits, I think it's fun. She does wear revealing outfits like
>>2070673 points out, but they don't feel male gazey to me.
No. 2070800
>>2070785I wish I knew, I found the clip on 4chan when the usual suspects were shidding and farding about a silly questionnaire. I think it's from Russia though
>>2070786>luscious black hair>tall and burly>not a picky eater>hunter eyes>gonial angleLiterally my type
No. 2070822
>>2070788>>2070795I think a lot of things about Billie Eilish specifically are explained by her being kind of a stupid person. It's unfortunate that she's struggled so visibly with whatever is going on with her relationship to sexuality because I feel like if she just shut her mouth and then had her deliberately unsexy era, then her tragically sexy lana del rey ripoff era, then her chappell roan ripoff era, then she would have been fine, but when she gives an interview to say "I never want to be sexualized" and then her manager sends her out there to say "I'm reclaiming my sexuality by getting my tits out all the time for THIS album cycle!" a few months later, it's a bad look. someone needs to give this girl a hobby so she has things besides sex to talk or think about.
I feel like Chappell Roan's problem is that anyone who is gay has to be so stunning and brave about it and she has to go out there and talk about how profound and deep her pop music is and that's why she's going to be embarrassed when she has to re-come out as bisexual in a few years after she's gotten over her breakup. musicians who are quietly, genuinely bisexual or lesbian exist and do fine.
No. 2070837
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>>2070827Now I'm sad thinking how good we could have it
No. 2070839
>>2070737>like it wasn't men who created the slavery capitalism in the first place.As someone from an ex communist country, I have to say as bad as the current system is in the west it could be a lot worse. The amount of innovation in just the last 100 years has been staggering and lifted millions, if not billions, out of poverty.
But perpetual compound economic growth is just physically impossible, eventually you consume all the natural resources and you hit the limit of what people can consume, then once GDP can't grow anymore we get economic crises because investors will pull their capital from the economy when it doesn't bring a return.
I think if we had an ideal, non corrupt government, we should have the state take over the investment and financing of industries that reached the maximum limit of growth (they fully satisfy the consumer demand for the industry in the country) with a policy to maintain it at its current profitability instead of needing to constantly increase profit. Then once everything is maxed out we will have a zero growth, steady state economy.
Its probably a pipe dream and I'm sure I've overlooked a million different things that would screw it up, but we have to come up with something other than perpetual growth.
Why haven't the WEF and these other gigantic think tanks looked into that, I wonder? Hmm
No. 2070864
>>2069869You're so fucking right, it's painful to see, they're wasting their lives to baby retarded men who won't even be thankful. It should be a moid thing to do menial labor at home, and if they can't even do that - they belong in the trash (literally put them there in parts).
>>2070854Yeah, it's literally so obvious. What do you mean by "it’s going to sacrifice and jeopardize many people’s lifestyles which they cling on to as a safety net"? I always felt like we won't get rid of them because women would feel bad getting rid of their screaming future rapists and scrotes don't want to remove themselves.
No. 2070883
>>2070864I’m talking about women who rely desperately on moids because feminism did not address any of the economic and material disparities that women face. The rest are people who are unwilling to sacrifice for a greater future, there has been virtually no era where there hasn’t been a radical change in the government and society, people are way too frightened and scared to revolutionize because they think it’s a fantasy when it’s unfortunately the last resort people do when the power imbalance has gone so far.
>>2070863stop leave me alone.
>>2070872I know it isn’t realistic, it’s definitely an option once women gain full control over their reproductive power because in reality we don’t, if we did the world wouldn’t be like this because we are the main ones birthing their soldiers, their workers, generations of people and that is more valuable than a lot of things and politicians and elitists know this. I don’t want to resign to doomerism because I know it isn’t looking too swell for the future but it is a possibility if things were set in the right motions
No. 2070884
>>2070852>That’s pretty fair, you have a birthright in the country you’re brown inFlorida here I come
>>2070854>population control and culling the huge moid population solves all of these issues. I agree but I that's not exactly realistic..
.. but if you want to get into theorycelling, imagine if we had a femocracy where we selectively breed our moids to be perfect companions to women and also super soldiers who will ruthlessly wipe out all other moids and liberate women around the world. Sort of like dog breeds that were bred to be docile to humans but aggressive to other dogs. It sounds science fictiony but really, it could be possible given what we know about genetics of aggression, sociability, etc
No. 2070896
>>2070883I see, nonna. Yeah, you're right, sadly. Especially about the fantasy thing and not doing anything until the last moment, i can see it. We should focus on getting more capital and power for now.
>>2070884>It sounds science fiction.No, it sounds like it could happen realistically. I think even parthenogenesis world with no men is realistic if we could get into it seriously.
No. 2070941
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Unless we embrace Green fascism the planet is fucked. We are on a bullet train towards extinction and every politician is either ignoring or paying lip service so they can stay in power longer. We need camps to reduce the excess population until we can get cheap nuclear power for everyone. Jfc nuclear power was discovered like 50 years ago. Why isn't it everywhere? We are way past nipping this in the bud. Extreme measures are the only way.
I don't care if it infringes on rights or whatever. Kill the protestors, kill me. I don't care, keep the one place in the universe humans can live.
No. 2071064
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I dislike this style of lip makeup, overlining your lips and making them look super glossy just makes them look puffed up from an allergic reaction or something
No. 2071225
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>>2070945>>2070965I remember reading that female psychopathy is more likely to manifest as BPD symptom-wise than how male psychopathy presents.
I'm not sure I buy it though, because looking at the data I think that psychopathy is a male specific mental disorder
Studies on male psychopaths show they have physical brain abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex that makes them incapable of empathy, but diagnosed female psychopaths don't have the same abnormality (implying their condition is caused by psychological factors instead of biological)
No. 2071286
>>2071240Having met a bunch of people who engage in the whole spectrum of shitty behaviors that fall under the assorted umbrellas of NPD/ASPD/HPD/BPD/etc., I think they’re all basically the same thing with slightly different results based on gendered socialization, how attractive and cool the person is perceived to be by their peers (so can they easily engage in slutty attention whoring behaviors or not, how quickly are they shut down by others for being self obsessed and whiny perpetual
victims, what methods work best for them to garner their desired attention and dopamine hits etc).
So you’ll end up with a fuckboy type guy everyone recognizes as a narcissist, a hot girl diagnosed with BPD, an ugly uncool guy diagnosed with social anxiety and bipolar, an ugly fat uncool girl diagnosed with rejection sensitive dysphoria, and so on, but they all share the actual same psychological profile, behavioral motives, and flaws, and are just outwardly reacting based on what society teaches and allows them. But the core thing of wanting the world to revolve around applauding them and having extreme reactions to perceived negative judgment, acting out in flashy and emotional ways to gain approval or lashing out and then self-alienating because they aren’t feeling validated, is all basically the same bullshit in marginally different flavors.
No. 2071303
>>2071279NTA but I remember reading some new stories of ozempic causing birth control to fail
Would be pretty funny if they got sued to death for unintended pregnancies
No. 2071305
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There is nothing morally wrong with AI art, only seething twitterfags care about muh stolen art, intellectual property isn't real
No. 2071360
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Hot parents don't produce good looking offspring most of the time.
No. 2071683
>>2071676the ensuing discussion had comments like
>>>/ot/2070185 but I’m still reading back, so
No. 2071757
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Well I guess femanons can be chuds too
>>2071712Never understood the appeal of k-pop, it just feels like reheated 90s boyband aesthetics
No. 2071804
>>2071798Yes, and my father went on to have two other children, each with different women - one was just 2 years ago. Your point? This could be so much worse too - I don’t think it’d have been odd to assume from my comment that I could have been one of the common
victims of paternal sexual abuse (I wasn’t) so your point would have rang even more hollow.
No. 2071814
>>2071804you proved my point. i've noticed people who tend to hold these views are projecting their own experiences onto others. i don't blame you either but i can't imagine someone becoming an anti natalist who also hasn't come from an unhappy or
abusive home. they assume that since their parents sucked, that others who chose to have children must also suck. i'm not denying that there isn't suffering in this world, but isn't healthy to be this negative and anti human
No. 2071857
slut shaming is good. In the past a little girl would have been embarrassed to come online and talk about being a single mother at 12 but we let the whore acceptance go too far and lost the plot.
No. 2071864
>>2071857Slut shaming is stupid because it conveniently only targets women (or girls in this case) when it takes 2 to tango.
Regardless when a 12 year old girl becomes pregnant she's
victim of a lack of sex education and parental supervision. A 12 year old will NEVER be a slut.
No. 2071867
>>2071857This opinion doesn't work because it's not as if there's some sort of uptick in teen (or barely teen in this case) moms coming online to unashamedly talk about having children at a young age or make jokes about it post the whole sex positivity movement. There's always been young mothers who publicly talk about being young moms even before the whole sex positivity thing started online. They're isolated incidents, not some sort of crisis that's caused because of less slut shaming. Also, I think zoomers have a lower rate of teen pregnancies but correct me if I'm wrong.
Not to mention, if this was because of the sex positivity stuff, people would be praising and supporting this girl. But they're not, no one thought it's ok for a 12 year old to be a mother before and still don't now.
No. 2071871
>>2071814Nta but I have good parents and I still have sole anti-natalist sympathies, it's not an ideology as scary as you think it is.
>anti humanYou are so dramatic lmao.
No. 2071880
>>2071866You're not wrong but nowadays young kids are constantly exposed to sex, so I think that's no longer a realistic option. The sad reality is also that young boys have become increasingly sexually aggressive because they start watching porn at very, very young ages and that has direct consequences for little girls.
Regardless this child became pregnant at 12 so clearly something went wrong somewhere that she shouldn't be held accountable for.
No. 2071900
>>2071857>>2071883>>2071866Stop shaming the kids for existing in the environment adults created. This is the culture you built. Instead, shame the lack of accountability shown by porn addicted, dickmatized men and women and the lack of concern a parent or guardian has to have for their 12 year old daughter to get pregnant.
>music made by/for adults is put on mainstream, non age guarded platforms so all kids hear about is sex>cartoons meant for kids are filled with sexual innuendos, "fanservice"/hot mom characters, weird fetishes like inflation and feet because adults can't go 5 seconds without hearing/thinking about sex>can't even go to a store without seeing magazines talking about "your BEST SEX ever", "SEX MOVES that will make him go WILD FOR YOU", etc>adult men can never shut the fuck about sex, adult women think it's empowering to talk about bouncing on dick>internet inundated with sexual content because adults hate locking down their porn (including content based on media that are meant to be family friendly)>"Omg why do the kids even know about sex?! We should be shaming them!! A 12 year old who got impregnated (likely by some moid who preyed on her) is as bad as a murderer!"Not even trying to sound like an asexual, but adults are so self-absorbed that they force sex shit everywhere and in everything kek.
No. 2071927
>>2071814I was anti-natalist back when he only had one other child kek. It wasn’t for parenting reasons at all, but political reasons, like most anti-natalists. Now, I can see how moids are. I’m not disgusted by women having children with men who will leave them, that’s their own problem - I’m disgusted by women who birth their moids’ next sexual assault
victims. You can say all you like that they’re blameless women but when there are women who
knowingly have children with men who have told them they watch porn… that’s disgusting.
No. 2071937
>>2071857I hate referring to a vagina as “kitty” and any use of the word “pop” around it like “pop that pussy” “pop the cherry”
No. 2071941
>>207193311 year olds are literal retards, why do you think the age of medical constent starts at and Doli Incapax ends at 16 years old and even then if a 16 year old girl gets groomed to be impregnated by a much older moid it's still not her fault, it's her environment and the moid that is at fault. You are either an idiot or a vile person.
"oooh well she shouldn't have had sex with him in the first place", that's a pedo argument, actual pedophiles say that.
No. 2071949
>>2071947She doesn’t look very manipulated to me. Some girls are just hoodrats because that kind of behavior is normalized in that kind of culture and that’s why they should be shamed for it. She seems pretty aware that her relationship is inappropriate but she doesn’t care because everyone else in her environment is trashy.
(racebaiting retard) No. 2071964
>>2071857>>2071903I dont see the tik tok but seems like a case of neglecting parents and predatory older boy. Most people who start having sex very young come from troubled homes. I mean there are women who pander to pedos and
abusive bdsm freaks, and you choose to shame someone for something she did when she was a literal child?
No. 2071975
>>2071925>>2071933>>2071949Okay, then congratulations you weren't groomed or manipulated into thinking sex was "so cool" by bad influences or that it was all just love by some nasty older person. How does that make young girls at fault?
>hoodratsGhettos are full of pedophiles and
abusive men, but you would rather blame the girls victimized because god forbid a man is held accountable.
No. 2072041
>>2072031Her observations are
valid because even grown asian women play into the childlike stereotype and I see it everywhere not just in their home countries. A lot of white men are deranged and seek that type of shit out where the woman seems like they are mentally undeveloped therefore won’t threaten his power or ego which is why they prefer women who seem like they are hyperfeminine and accept gender roles but this facade cracks when you dig deeper. That’s also another reason why white men are always threatened and talking down on black women because on the flip-side we are overadultified and had to learn how to be independent at a young age, we are not allowed the same type of vulnerability that asian women express and when we do we are classified as angry or bitter. Watch me get classified as angry or bitter just because of something I’ve also observed for years now kek
No. 2072080
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I’ve started noticing that we are breeding women like we have been breeding dogs, our appearance looks more domesticated, stunted and we’re getting physically degenerate each generation that comes in place of us getting stronger, durable, intelligent. I’m just using this woman as an example but a better person who made this type of look make a ripple wave among female communities was Belle Delphine and I hate it because I can see her influence but realistically she just popularized what’s been happening to women biologically for years.
No. 2072099
>>2072091Why do we act more retarded then anon… neoteny dumbs down a species
>>2072087>best looking menSo none? Kek, men have too much shitty and terrible genes inside of them that their offsprings inherit and have the nerve to blame the woman
No. 2072100
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Oh anon no matter how much you try to lie to me, men choose women because they look like children in the face… they aren’t choosing for intelligent and strong women and it’s very clear. Inb4 “YOURE USING WIKI” yeah idc kek
No. 2072106
>>2072100Why are non-sciencefags so stupid. The genes that contribute to our in our neurone density as well as our endurance running skills both produce some “cuter” features, like V shaped head (higher crown to jaw ratio is a product of more intelligence in contrast to aggression as a product of testosterone), higher fat percentage (fat is essential to brain and is fuel for endurance-based exercise) less body hair etc; and some non-neotenous ones (like aforementioned limbs with a smaller head to body height ratio)
>>2072102“Maternal instinct” is bullshit. Kids are nasty and gross
No. 2072118
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>>2072100Nona were you reading my posts in the ugly man psyop thread? I was posting this guy’s paper earlier…. Hivemind.
I laughed at the part of his paper where he mentions another much better theory for why rapeapes prefer younger and he immediately dismisses it even though it makes more sense than his own flawed fecundity theory. Older men prefer younger women because they’re easier to control and coerce, millions of women observe this phenomenon every day, not a crazy theory to me. His argument against this iirc was that teenage boys prefer “older” women and by older he means 23 year old women lmao he couldn’t really refute picrel at all he was grasping it was laughable
No. 2072127
>>2072121Did we? Didn't we only start to get stupid not really that long ago? Ntayrt.
nonnie. No wonder i prefer cuter guys too.
No. 2072128
>>2072122Incorrect. Sciencefags always have tunnel vision and that’s why civilizations always go down to shit, always sticking to the books and never observing and listening to their intuition. I guess that’s asking too much from sociopathic, emotionally bankrupt spergs
like you>>2072118And by large they reproduce with this women passing on the same traits to their offspring, people think men solely keep us chained to them through socialization and while that is partly true they’ve been breeding us to be less capable of being on our own.
(infighting) No. 2072130
>>2072080go outside
nonnie. women don’t increasingly look this way irl, it’s just filters plus social media amplifying women with trendy faces.
No. 2072154
>>2072149there is a lack of punishment for children. teachers will call home about a student and get their parent on the phone going "so what? he's your problem when he's at school, i dont have to talk to my child about their behavior"
dont worry, im sure weak and timid children are still getting the belt from
abusive parents, but the average child gets little discipline at home or at school
No. 2072261
I don't need a reason to be in a bad mood, leave me alone.
>>2070576Stfu boomer. Acting like a baby at retail is a great way to get terrible service. stop acting like you deserve to be waited on hand and foot.
No. 2072271
>>2072252Thank you so much nonna! You just explained a lot of social nuances I've noticed in old literature. I hope I'll be able to find some of those essays, they sound excellent!
>medieval view of children as being especially prone to/vulnerable to sinTotally explains why the original Grimm fairytales were dark and gruesome in order to scare kids into staying safe (ie: Stay the fuck out of the woods, most of what dwells there can and will kill you.) But the post-Victorian equivalents are much softer.
No. 2072353
>>2072348Ntayrt but
>who said anything about abusing kids? >my kids would get the snot slapped out of them Nonnie I know you’re not having kids but that is abuse. And that’s also not an effective or healthy way to teach your babies how to behave. It would only result in them either being aggressive with their classmates (turning into the bullies you mentioned earlier) or growing up to be
abusive towards their partner or their own kids.
No. 2072356
>>2072347i know this is just bait but it scares me to think that there could be
abusive mothers on LC.
No. 2072368
>>2072363Men are already inherently
No. 2072371
>>2072359nona that’s an not only issue with her parenting abilities and willingness to get him some kind of therapy, but also he had to have
learned that from somewhere: kids don’t just wake up one morning and think “oh! bitch! i’m gonna hit my mom!” he likely saw his mother being hit and screamed at by his dad. it’s fine if you disagree with me, but he’s a small child who’s obviously living in a dangerous environment and that is what has influenced his early behavior. i’m surprised this is so hard for you to understand.
No. 2072373
>>2072343It's hyperbole on an anonymous image board, calm down.
>>2072362This site literally came from 4chan. The original userbase was made up entirely of 4chan posters. The first admin and site creator was a man. The site was also created in the same year as gamergate.
No. 2072374
>>2072368if you think a baby is inherently
abusive because he was just born that way and didn’t live in an environment or be surrounded by media that is violent, you’re just rejecting reality. children learn their behavior from other people.
No. 2072376
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>>2072374Nta but there are baby scrotes going out and raping elderly women. Idk where they’d learn that from.
No. 2072385
>>2072379right, it’s an issue with her
parenting abilities, not the sole fact that he’s a child. and i’m also still standing behind the belief that that baby had to have learned it from somewhere. babies don’t learn words or actions unless they’re taught to them.
No. 2072406
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it’s over. compounded with the fact that men are born with testosterone that already increases their propensity for violence and aggression, you will not make a moid no matter how young he is unlearn this innate trait and it will be expressed when he grows up. even the barbie movie got this one thing correct when ken went to the human world, his womanhating lies dormant until it’s time for it to be expressed
No. 2072411
>>2072404Yeah I’m gonna have to strongly disagree with you on that kek, are you referring to
actual IRL real life no-internet no-bullshit traditionalists or online wannabe twitter ‘trads’ who are just right wingers that have kids?
No. 2072414
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>>2072406That only effects 40% of the male population, also it’s mostly black guys so…unless the problem your describing is with black little boys I don’t know where you want this discussion to go next
nonny No. 2072419
>>2072154>Fast forward 40 years and teachers are quitting en masse because their students put them through so much hell. This may be at the risk of racebaiting but if we're talking about the US, the demographics of the school makens a huge difference in how the kids behave. You don't see anywhere near the delinquency problems in rural North Dakota versus inner city Detroit
>>2072353I used to be one of those types who thought all physical discipline is bad but after a few years as an adult I looked back at my behavior as a kid and teen and realized I deserved a good backhand at least a few times kek. I don't think direct disrespect of a parent by a child should be tolerated under any circumstance
No. 2072420
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>>2072388Have you not heard of the epidemic of 8-9 year old LITTLE BOYS fondling, touching, harassing and raping other little girls? I swear I saw an article on this epidemic a year ago and of course mainstream media is scrubbing it because they don’t want women to peak on the male problem that starts at birth. Picrel is more about non-human animals but it is a Ponzi scheme that continues because men know it’s not entirely socialized within them to become mutants.
No. 2072422
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>>2072414I save those opinions inside of my head so the mods don’t ban me. I’m black and have seen it firsthand soo, idk kek
No. 2072425
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>>2072331Lately in the uk there was a show about bug catchers (men who seek out hiv infection on purpose) The last time I had seen a docu about that was back when it was still a death wish with no Prep and meds not really being there yet. Idk which show was worse. The first crowd of men taking decades off their lives and getting high off the 'danger' aspect of it or men today bragging about how it's just an easy lifetime of free and reliable hiv meds.
No. 2072426
>>2072420Yeah, and once again, that is an issue with little boys
seeing things that they then mimic. Boys don’t just come out of the womb knowing what boobs and vaginas and sexual things are. They are exposed to it. You’re talking about the little iPad boys who watch porn from the age of 2. Children are products of their environment.
No. 2072436
>>2072406I do think that on average, white moids are more likely to be pushovers (I guess the polite term would be "easygoing") and this is one of the main things that other women find appealing. I can tell you being close to a large Chinese community where I am, their relationships are very patriarchal.
>>2072414MAOA explains some but not all of the differences. East Asians also carry a longer repeat variant of MAOA than whites so but Asian men are less physically aggressive
No. 2072440
>>2072426Nta but people usually mimic things they enjoy. Why is it they all mimic being
abusive and sexual but never mimic any good behavior?
No. 2072443
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>>2072436>asian men are also less physically agressive Where the hell did you get that idea from? They’re about as bad as white men
No. 2072446
>>2072430My unpopular opinion is that it's
abusive to post retarded right wing shit online with your face and name on display as a public figure, knowing your kid will carry your name and get treated differently based on your behavior.
No. 2072447
>>2072440I remember being a small child and I didn’t mimic good things, I mimicked things that interested me and that I did not understand. But I can also only say that from a female perspective. But if a child is watching violent media, seeing violent actions up close and personal, they’re going to start to think that that is
normal behavior that is done by everyone, even if it’s not good. Or some of them even start to think that it’s glamorous.
No. 2072460
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>>2072449I don't know what you are thinking I said, I'm just pointing out that MAOA is associated with aggression and violent crime but it can't be a perfect association because white moids carry the least aggressive variant of it but commit slightly more violent crime than Asian moids. I do think it has an affect on domestic violence rates though because, at least comparing across countries, there's more DV in Asian countries than white countries per capita.
It's also notable that China is one of the only places on earth where the female suicide rate is higher than the male suicide rate.
No. 2072472
>>2072462Yep, it should be from one of the recent threads.
>>2072457Actually brain damaged response kek
No. 2072475
>>2072463I’m not even gay but this is why I believe that it’s substantially better for all children (boys and girls both) to be raised by women. I used to think that children needed a mother and a father because I had both and I turned out normie, but now that I really see how the cycle of abuse is something all men are subjected to and is what truly influences them growing into complete monsters, I feel like young men raised by women who teach them how to be empathetic and caring for others actually do end up better. The woman who nannied me as a child had a son and he only grew up with his mom and her sister, and he turned out to be such a gentleman. Men raised by other
abusive men turn out like total shit, and always will, and it’s so common which is why basically all men are like that.
No. 2072481
>>2072475The main problem there is that moids do not respond well to female socialization. They need male discipline or they end up having the worst traits women have but dialled up to 11 because they have 10x the testosterone and 1.5x the body mass.
The most violent countries on earth (and most violent parts of the US) have the highest rates of paternal abandonment, it's not a coincidence
No. 2072494
>>2072452IIRC China only enacted laws making domestic violence a criminal offence in 2016.
>>2072455>It was never some /v/ or /r9k/ friendly spaceInitially LC was not a woman only website. It was a lolcow website that had both male and female posters. Robot threads were allowed at the start.
>LC was also never part of the gamergate thing.LC was created by Ian to be a honeypot for anyone criticizing shoeonhead. In general LC never cared for either side and considered both sides of gamergate to be full of cows. It was a fun time online and cows were plentiful. All the threads from back then are still up on this site and you can see what it was like for yourself. One of the reasons radical feminism gained popularity here is because most women on the site hated SJWs, trannies and libfems. Shit like Wesley Bailey spamming sites with CP to get them taken down, Nick Nyberg sexually abusing his niece and other cow activity that happened during gamergate is directly responsible for how LC is now. I don't think people are aware of how a retarded argument started by grifter to attack /v/tards changed the landscape of online politics.
No. 2072517
>>2072494>Robot threads were allowed at the start.Not "at the start", but to find a happy medium after they kept raiding. They were banned after containment threads didn't work.
>LC was created by Ian to be a honeypot for anyone criticizing shoeonheadAside from him being male, this was concealed for years, kek. I was there. You're right that both sides were seen as cows. Disliking SJW/libfem shit didn't mean we were adjacent to /pol/tards who marketed themselves as just being anti-SJW either, though.
No. 2072533
>>2072483Yeah sure I'll incorporate that into my beliefs.
>>2072501>So blond mixed race people should only be considered white?You heard the lady, blond people are white. Albinos don't count as anything because they're abominations. Remember, subsarahan Africans kill and eat albinos, which is the right thing to do.
No. 2072534
>>2072519It was known as the Minnesota twin adoption study: became taboo to talk about because one of the areas they analyzed was transracial adoption, twins of various races raised in relatively similar households, which established that the differences in IQ between various races remained strong in spite of environmental differences.
People are scared of these things because if we acknowledge fundamental biological differences, or even biological determinism itself to any degree, it means we have to reevaluate our entire understanding of the world and our value system over the past century from the ground up
No. 2072590
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Glorilla is the reincarnation of Jackie Kennedy. They look a like and have the same birthday.
No. 2072624
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>>2071305I do share this unpopular opinion
>>2071349>>2071327>Anime slopThankfully realism has never been AI's strong suit, most of the AI companies seek artistic perfection rather than absolute reality, also most independent AI researchers are weebs so i think we are safe for now
(ai outside of containment) No. 2072790
>>2072710>But mostly women.Why?
>>2072766Tbf human beings aren’t supposed to shave at all. We (women) are only pressured to do so to meet societal standards.
No. 2072798
>>2072790Because I think hairy armpits are manly and gross. Also, remember what thread this is.
>>2072792There are more sweat glands under our arms. Hence why deodorant exists as we sweat the most there. So what you said is stupid
No. 2072809
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>>2072760I feel bad for legit chubby women who have thyroid/hormonal disorders that make it difficult to lose weight only because medical neglect/doctors denying women the medication they need is super common. People will sit around screaming "calories in, calories out, anything else is breaking the law of thermodynamics!!!111!!" til the cows come home and gaslight people into thinking medications aren't needed and that they're simply just too stupid to workout and eat properly
all until its a moid or animal of course! THEN people magically understand how certain foods can affect your gain/loss, how you need medications and how reducing calories way too much can have a negative affect, and it's not just stupid fat women just binging and not accounting for it ~
No. 2072822
>>2072804Acne is about 50% hormones and genetics. Women tend to get more acne around their periods for this reason.
On the topic of armpit hair, do you find that you smell better or worse with it? I personally shave it, and I feel like they air out better now, and don't carry as much odor. Not that I was an onion-chan before, but I get a little smelly after exercising.
No. 2072834
>>2072811Do you know what thread you are in?
>>2072827Armpit hair. It is manly. Masculine.
I am so sorry for
triggering you and your hairy pits.
No. 2072841
>>2072721The only moids who have a right to be hairy are moids that are physically burly. I better see beefy arms and big meaty hands if there's any hair on them.
There's nothing more pathetic than a scrawny moidlet covered in hair.
No. 2072842
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Anons ITT(infight bait)
No. 2072848
>>2072843II am mid 20s. I hate hairy armpits and it is clearly an unpopular opinion which is why I posted it ITT. Yet so many anons still get
triggered and angry.
(ban evasion) No. 2072851
>>2072848i know she’s banned know but i just wanna say i think it makes me laugh how zoomers think that asking them a question that they don’t know how to answer is being
triggered kek
No. 2072859
>>2072851anons have been rilled up, like
>>2072819 kek
No. 2072885
>>207288310-12% is still less than the amount of people who are obese from gluttony,
nonny. Also I thought we were talking about fat people in general not just fat women, so even if you apply that statistic to fat people as a whole that’s still even less.
No. 2072886
>>2072710I don't know how women can have hairy armpits, unironically like I become too aware of the hair and it gets itchy funny autism. Like do you nonnas not feel it? I don't say I disagree with it or dislike it, but literally how?
t. hairy arm beastwoman
No. 2072914
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>>2072909oh my god stop being so autistic, we were talking about obese people in general, number one, and two 0.06% was an exaggeration. i’m not trying to sound facetious and i know we are online and everything but i find it hard that some people here have such an amazingly difficult time reading social cues and truly think everything you say is meant to be taken seriously
No. 2072920
>>2072914No we weren't, my original post was saying 'she always gets it' to an anon who said 'sucks that people assume I have acne because of diet or hygiene when it could be out of my control. Fat people on the other hand…' which is funny because fat people often experience the exact same thing she's talking about with her acne problems.
Yes, 0.06% is a large exaggeration of 'probably like 50% in women.'
No. 2072931
>>2072925i feel like that’s an easy change to make, i was in school before the whole computer/iPad shift came about. teachers can print out fucking sheets and we can make workbooks a thing again kek! i was taught how to write using just chalkboards, not even pen and pencil. i think these lazy ass teachers will survive without technology, if they really are dedicated to
teaching children.
No. 2072938
>>2072927>>2072927it’s actually more like 28-30% but that’s still less than half,
nonny. also, obesity and being overweight is something that causes PCOS so you can’t really blame being obese on a side effect of obesity
No. 2072940
>>2072938Less than half is not a fraction of a tenth of one percent though, is it?
PCOS is not actually caused by obesity. Obesity is a side effect of PCOS. Usually it occurs later than other symptoms of PCOS although symptom severity correlates with weight gain (stands to reason as weight gain is closely linked hormonally to the other symptoms). Even if it was only 10% of obese women my point would still stand that it's silly to say 'all fatties should be shamed unlike me, my acne is for hormonal reasons' when you have no idea just looking at someone if their weight gain was due to a hormonal reason either, just like acne. The logical stance would be not to harass people just based on an assumption either about their skin or weight.
No. 2072943
>>2072935oh i understand that, but it’s also not required to use computers/iPads in education. it never has been, even today. teachers just opt to use them because they’re made abailable to them by the school if they’d like to include them in their lesson plans, but at least in the U.S. teachers have the freedom to create their own lesson plans without influence from the school. this is how trooning out being advertised to elementary schoolers and middle schoolers by their teachers became such a massive issue seemingly overnight. however, if teachers simply decide against using them and the school superintendents/figureheads see that the lack of technology being present in education results in better test scores, reading, mathematic skills, penmanship, speaking skills, etc, they’ll become less likely to continue purchasing or using these unnecessary gadgets
No. 2072955
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>>2072952A lot of schools in my country (and a couple in the US iirc) have implemented mandatory phone pouches which could be a good solution in theory, however in practice it's way too easy to skirt around and/or even just break the pouches in a unnoticeable way.
No. 2072979
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>>2072710>>2072798>>2072834Wow didn't know sophia loren was soooo manly and gross just look at her
No. 2073065
>>2072882>>2072883NTA but this could also be due to massive underdiagnoses. I see women who constantly fit exact profiles for PCOS with cysts, hormones, etc that don't officially get "diagnosed" cause doctors have weird reasons to
same goes for thyroid issues since a lot of it goes massively untested at all. It's not unusual to hear the umpteenth story of someone experiencing all the symptoms for thyroid issues just for doctors to blow it off because "they aren't overweight enough" or if they are overweight they just get laughed off and told to lose weight.
No. 2073071
>>2073065From what I understand nonna the estimates that about 10-12 (it varies, sometimes I see 8-14, sometimes 10-12, etc) women under the age of 44 have PCOS takes underdiagnosis rates into account. I find it hard to believe that over 10% of under-44 women actually have an official diagnosis, I think these estimates are based on like random samples of women and extrapolating the undiagnosed rates to the population. 10-12% sounds approximately correct to me, and unironically in my location and in my age group that's about the number of actually really fat (not like 5lbs overweight) young women I see, with most of the rest being fairly normal weight. Most of the very fat women I personally know have either a thyroid or PCOS diagnosis or they have most of the symptoms too, and many of them got fat really rapidly and suddenly which tracks with the disease model. The rest of women I know who are fat usually were fat since childhood and come from fatter families. Ironically most of the women I know who hugely overeat are either normal weight or a bit chubby. This might be a bit different if I lived in the US, but here massively overeating does not seem that common in younger women.
I had that exact trajectory when I first gained weight rapidly and tried to see doctors about it - I was consistently told 'oh but you're not fat though, stop worrying' even though I had many other concerning symptoms, which I were told were probably a 'result of my attempt to diet' even though they started before the weight gain. Then as soon as I was fat enough for it to be seen as concerning, suddenly the same symptoms were all 'caused by being overweight' lmao.
No. 2073077
>>2073074Yeah I know non-fat women who have PCOS too, but more than half the fat women I know seem to have PCOS or a thyroid condition. I agree it's the estrogens in our food, water, air and in general in industrial pollution and packaging. In the past it was more common for a very small proportion of people to have 'glandular' issues leading to obesity, while most other people would gradually gain weight in middle age. Now it seems like many women who are fat suddenly went from thin to fat in 1-2 years and have no idea why it happened.
Unfortunately although there is lean PCOS too where women will never gain weight, many of the thin/fit women with PCOS will eventually get the weight gain sooner or later. If it was caught a lot sooner it could be treated before it got worse but it takes so long to diagnose now that a lot of the girls/women with these issues are just fucked.
No. 2073084
>>2073069Nationalism is a moid thing, but I'm fine with it as long as its not attacking women's rights. European nationalism is a lot less tied up with Christian fundies than American nationalism.
If our moids will kick out the "refugees" terrorizing women, the choice is pretty clear as far as I'm concerned.
No. 2073101
>>2073096PCOS also has high comorbidity with/frequently causes hypothyroidism. I think something like 30% of women with PCOS develop hashimotos if the PCOS is left untreated, even if they had a normal thyroid before. The two are definitely related.
Even to the extent that these things can be caused by food I think they have more to do with what's in the food than the amount of food, which we are constantly gaslit about (I believe this may have something to do with men having less sensitive digestive/hormonal systems although there is not that much research investigating the sex differences). Many conventional 'diet foods' which have been targeted mainly at women have more of these hormone disrupting substances and a worse nutritional profile than the 'normal' foods most moids eat. Hormonal BC being pushed on all women and young girls is also a common
trigger for PCOS and thus likely also thyroid issues. Men still absorb the chemicals in birth control through drinking water but they aren't taking hormonal BC themselves (unless they're DIY-ing troons, I guess).
No. 2073111
>>2073097Maybe I'm being too absolute, but at least when it comes to the degree moids are definitely exaggerated. It also makes sense from an evopsych point of view as non-tribalistic moids would just get outcompeted and killed off by the tribalistic ones.
The main reason I am supportive of nationalism is because when a bunch of moids from different races/ethnicities are stacked on top of each other, chimping out is inevitable
No. 2073113
>>2073105Actually the cysts themselves are not the main diagnostic and not all women with PCOS have them. I think you might just be lucky though, it is a really debilitating illness for many (probably most) of the women who have it for a number of reasons and the fact that it is getting more and more common rapidly is very alarming. The 'common symptom' every woman with PCOS has is hormonal dysregulation, which if you're lucky or catch it early and intervene quickly may remain mild, but otherwise is likely to make your body progressively break down over time in a way that can be life-destroying. PCOS is basically a 'feedback loop' syndrome meaning the worse one symptom gets, the worse most of the others get, in a self-reinforcing cycle. The fact that it is on the rise, extremely underdiagnosed, and very badly understood, with almost no real treatments offered, is extremely concerning.
Imagine if there was a disease that did all this shit to men and it increased gradually with more and more younger men having it. Do you really think it would be 'no big deal' to the medical industry then?
No. 2073120
>>2073105I have mild PCOS too and it wasn't until I got properly medicated I realized how bad it really was. I wasn't "fat" per say, but the best way to describe it is that I could never really lose the "last 5-10 lbs" for my goal weight, irregular periods, random cramping,cravings, tiredness, terrible skin and a puffy face, I just assumed I was lazy when in reality it was all related to PCOS. Once I took metformin and spiro all of those went away instantly and I was finally able to get below 120 lbs again
weirdly enough the one symptom I didn't get was infertility. I got pregnant almost instantly each time I tried. I'm actually getting my tubes tied after I give birth this year
No. 2073121
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>when no one knows it’s the cysts that emits hormones which is why they prescribe you hormonal birth control to keep it in check
>will never know the horrors of bleeding for almost a month to the point it will make you anemic because your period decides to be retarded
>doesn’t know what it’s like to have hair all over your body
I hate women I hate women I hate women I hate women I hate women I hate women I hate women I hate women I hate women(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2073125
>>2073120You probably weren't infertile because it was mild, and even women with severe PCOS often can conceive, they just have so many anovulatory cycles it's usually harder than for normal women.
But having a much worse case than you I will second your thoughts about getting it treated being mindblowing, I'm still not completely better but after a year and a bit of 'proper' treatment I feel like a completely different person. It took getting treated (which is really rare, most women with PCOS just get put on birth control or something) to realize that the vast majority of shit I thought was just 'normal' or 'me getting slightly older' or 'just the way my body worked' was actually completely abnormal and unacceptable. I hope I can get back to full health eventually though it might be too late but even getting back some of my health it hit me how insane it is that I was told all these things were 'normal' or 'caused by being fat' or 'maybe you're anxious from school' or whatever I was being told.
No. 2073127
>>2073113>Imagine if there was a disease that did all this shit to men and it increased gradually with more and more younger men having it. Do you really think it would be 'no big deal' to the medical industry then?nta but I hate this, almost any disease that mostly effects males has treatment, serious concerns if the patient is showing symptoms, etc. Even with autism/adhd, people spot the signs in boys instantly, they get handed treatment, medication, special exceptions made throughout education, etc. If a girl is struggling in school it's almost instantly assumed she's just lazy
I also noticed the very few men that do have disorders that affect weight get taken way more seriously. When men gain weight out of nowhere , medications, hormones, etc are questioned, tested, and treated. If a woman gains weight out of nowhere people just accuse her of being too stupid to track her own calories and such
No. 2073128
>>2073121Hormonal birth control doesn't treat PCOS though, it just puts a bandaid on some of the symptoms and is one of the main
triggers for getting PCOS in the first place. Getting put on hormonal birth control made my PCOS so severe I bled for… much longer than a month and needed to be hospitalized. Then it turns out that 'oops the estrogens in the birth control we prescribed you actually are a
trigger for PCOS, and yes there are science studies saying this is a thing, but lol whatever our bad!'
One of the actual treatments is bioidentical progesterone which will solve the high estrogen problem without giving you even more estrogen or a whole host of other issues BC causes.
No. 2073143
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>>2073130Although there is no incontrovertible proof there is a lot of scientific and anecdotal evidence that hormonal birth control can
trigger or exacerbate PCOS, to the point where the term 'post-pill PCOS' was invented to describe women getting PCOS (sometimes transiently, sometimes not) after taking BCPs. One of the main factors in PCOS is insulin and carbohydrate metabolism dysregulation and the BCP is known to cause this (see imgrel). Source: there is quite a bit of scientific work suggesting that the etiology of PCOS appears to be largely high estrogen levels with correspondingly lower progesterone levels (in the correct part of the cycle) and BCP further dysregulates this natural cycle (hence why many women still don't ovulate normally for 3-6 months after they get off the pill). You're right that the research is currently insufficient but most of the better research on PCOS suggests that hormonal birth control is not a good treatment and can make things worse.
No. 2073144
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>>2073143Samefag, another screenshot from the same article
No. 2073146
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>>2070713Here's one I found
No. 2073153
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>>2073148Okay last one from this study, I'll summarize the conclusions from the article too as basically saying that depending on genetic predisposition, weight, and the specific type of synthetic progestin used (again this is not an issue with bioidentical progesterone to nearly the same extent) in the BCP it can have effects of even wholesale inducing diabetes in some women predisposed to PCOS.
No. 2073155
>>2073151I think I said it can '
trigger' PCOS because not all women are biologically susceptible to it, but if you are susceptible it can wholesale 'cause' PCOS symptoms, yes, hence 'post-pill' PCOS being a thing. Obviously not every single woman who goes on the pill will get PCOS, but many women who were predisposed to it can start having PCOS symptoms or women with mild PCOS can get much, much worse on the pill.
No. 2073162
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>>2073151There are treatments for PCOS that don't involve hormonal BC, for example metformin (or berberine), myo-inositol/NAC, certain diets (ketogenic or IF diets oftentimes but low-GI non-keto diets also sometimes help), and cyclic bioidentical progesterone. Ozempic shows promise for severe PCOS cases as well although its mechanism of action for PCOS is not as well understood and a lot of people don't feel it's a good option for them due to potential risks and cost. At any rate birth control is not 'the only' treatment for PCOS, and in fact should hardly be considered a treatment at all considering it doesn't actually treat any of the root causes.
There is also this working group (picrel) who try to study PCOS and other reproductive diseases who believe (not in picrel but you can browse their website) that the cause of PCOS is actually fast LH pulses in the brain, although afaik they don't know what exactly causes that. But they believe PCOS symptoms are caused by low progesterone (which can itself be caused by overly high estrogens in the cycle suppressing progesterone production in the latter half of the cycle). This lab seems to have quite a bit of success in treating patients.
No. 2073168
>>2073154To be fair, I think most people don’t consider it necessary. The only ones who care are /pol/ types who don’t go outside and only see one depiction of a race. How can you consider certain groups (we know you’re talking about black people) “biologically less intelligent” when anyone can see that outside of poverty, they achieve the same as peers of other races and in certain countries immigrants of these races even outperform. There are lots of different aspects of racial science that could be for and against racial indications of intelligence but for
some reason only ones that dehumanise black people or elevate white people seem to get highlighted. That’s really sinister to me. People are against racial science because it’s primarily used as a malicious tool, not as helpful research.
No. 2073180
>>2073168>To be fair, I think most people don’t consider it necessary.We have enormous affirmative action and diversity quota schemes set up across western countries because we assume that if a race doesn't have representation proportional to their % of the population its due to structural racism. We are also seeing competency crises in many critical areas such as infrastucture because people are being put in positions they aren't qualified for in order to tick a checkbox. This is the #1 thing fuelling the extreme right, being denied a position at a university or a job placement because of your race is infuriating.
>There are lots of different aspects of racial science that could be for and against racial indications of intelligence but for some reason only ones that dehumanise black people or elevate white people seem to get highlighted.I keep hearing this, but if you look at the actual research it shows that East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews both score significantly higher on IQ testing than whites do. For some reason this doesn't get any negative coverage but anything that could threaten the diversity industry does.
No. 2073183
>>2073171I guess my unpopular opinion on this topic is that tribalism isn't necessarily bad or stupid. Excessive tribalism is almost always bad because it leads to people acting irrationally, but it is basically rational to be 'tribalistic' in a few senses: 1. tribalism is an extension of kin preference, which is reasonable. If you don't take care of your direct relatives and people who closely share your genes, it's evolutionarily non-adaptive, but also just from a moral standpoint there is a benefit to kin groups feeling the need to care for each other when strangers usually won't. People have limited resources (including energy, love, time) and kin preference is a way to distribute these resources basically 'fairly' and get some quid pro quo reliably. 2. tribalism when it comes to cultural groups is reasonable because most people perform best in groups/societies where their own role in the society is well-delineated. If you don't have a 'tribe' it's harder to understand your role and social norms, and you waste a lot of energy trying to 'negotiate' new norms with all the random people with different cultural norms and expectations. This relates to nationalism in the sense that most 'nations' have their own laws and cultural norms that give people a sense of place in a society, and as soon as a 'nation' becomes a hodgepodge of different groups with different norms all vying to be the normative group in society it becomes very difficult to enforce norms and rules 'fairly.' 3. It gives you a proxy for who to 'trust,' which is not always a good thing but it does reduce cognitive load for people. If the people around you are basically motivated to act high-trust/altruistic with you because you're part of the same group, you know who to turn to if you're in trouble. You can assume that if someone mistreats you/violates social 'trust' they will be punished by other members of the group. This is less reliable if you dont have a 'group' with this quid pro quo mentality.
No. 2073185
>>2073180>being denied a position at a university or a job placement because of your race is infuriatingHow is this related to racial intelligence? It’s the same as people over-representing other “marginalised” groups like the “LGBT”, religious minorities or same-race immigrants. They would prefer to be able to represent this groups over more qualified people considered the majority.
>For some reason this doesn't get any negative coverageI wouldn’t know this because I don’t frequent any spaces that talk about this like you seem to, I only hear what I do against my will, like here. Sure, East Asians and Jews score higher on IQ tests, it’s my first time hearing it, I’ll take you for your word. You think this is a biological trait instead of a cultural one, or lifestyle related?
No. 2073186
>>2073180NTA. At least in the US, affirmative action isn't a thing anymore. Interestingly, the main benefactors were white women, but it doesn't seem like people talk about that very much.
IQ tests are far from unbiased or "tried and true" measures of intelligence or potential, neither are they "proofed" for environmental factors, cheating, language barriers, etc, which is why I can't really take them seriously. I get that some kinds of people cling to them because most people want their biases confirmed, but it's not convincing otherwise.
No. 2073190
>>2073185>How is this related to racial intelligence?We are running under the assumption that all groups are equal in average intelligence, therefore we should see the same proportions of each race in universities and high income employment as we see in the overall population. That doesn't happen anywhere in the world, therefore there has to be an explanation. Since we can't acknowledge some groups may be more intelligent on average than others (for whatever reason), it has to be due to some kind of elusive bias in institutions and employment that can only be corrected through affirmative action.
>It’s the same as people over-representing other “marginalised” groups like the “LGBT”, religious minorities or same-race immigrantsThey were added later, but the foundation for this was affirmative action based on race.
>East Asians and Jews score higher on IQ tests,>You think this is a biological trait instead of a cultural one, or lifestyle related?Who knows? We can't be certain if its biological, cultural, or whatever else, only that it is persistent and remains whenever we try to control for outside variables. White-Asian mixed race people score intermediate between whites and Asians on IQ and the same is true for black-white mixed race people. No research on mixed Jews because they are already very heterogeneous to start with.
>>2073186>At least in the US, affirmative action isn't a thing anymore.Only on paper in Ivy League universities, but that ruling is irrelevant because Ivys don't recruit on merit. They will maintain the proportions of each race that they want and will just filter their applicants using other reasons, like "socio-economic status". Affirmative action and diversity quotas are still in place in employment, there was a recent news article showing only 6% of hires by Fortune 500 companies that committed themselves to racial diversity after the Floyd riots were white males.
No. 2073196
>>2073194>When it comes to Ivy Leagues, they're far more concerned with whether you have rich parents (especially if they're alumni) than race.Sure, but the ones who could get in on merit rather than legacy are shut out in favor of racial quotas. That's how the Ivys used to functioned, and they produced far better outcomes than they do now.
>>2073195>Ok? So the natural conclusion is to believe that culture and maternal/paternal lifestyle are the main factorsWhy?
No. 2073205
>>2073199>No, most Ivy Leagues are mostly white, whether students are legacy or notLook up the religious affiliation of those whites. You will find that the kind of white people who represent 98% of the white population only make up around 25% of the student body in most Ivy Leagues. Don't take my word on it.
>There's also been no reason to believe universities "still have racial quotas".Ivy Leagues do not recruit using SATs alone, they are not meritocratic institutions.
No. 2073211
>>2073205I'm confused. Are you trying to imply "real" white people aren't protestant, Catholic or atheist?
>Ivy Leagues do not recruit using SATs alone, they are not meritocratic institutions.Yes, legacy admissions are a common thing.
No. 2073212
>>2073196Because those are the factors that always hold the most weight, and are provable anecdotally, as I said, for anyone that goes outside. It also makes the most reasonable sense in alignment with other things we know - such as, higher Omega 3 intake throughout life and during pregnancy is a very strong indicator of high IQ; healthier BMIs and richer nutrient intake are a predictor of high IQs; higher emphasis on education in certain communities would also be a predictor. I don’t live in a country where Jews are a large population, I can’t say I know much them other than their higher income on average, but I do know that East Asians are the group with the highest association with all these factors, in the world. It’s not like this is an unexpected result out of nowhere. These statistics
do not go against the grain for what we know, they go with it and affirm it.
I’ve seen ghettos with various races, people from different parts of Europe, East Asians, South Asians, Africans - the kids there all performed badly, as bad as each other. On the other hand, in my university, even though the immigrants come from worse backgrounds they all perform to the same extent. The top 3 best performing people are black and South Asian. Anecdotes, reason,
and science, that you think is on your side, all disprove your belief.
>>2073206I didn’t think I’d get this conversation here but I knew a 4chan scrote at school and this is giving me deja vu, it’s almost nostalgic. I was smarter than him, by the way, unfortunately I didn’t fit into his agenda.
No. 2073213
>>2073202>if you truly believe that certain races are less intelligent than others, those of lower intelligence wouldn't even graduate high school, let alone have the grades to be considered for admission.Averages are not absolute. There are people of all races at all levels of intelligence, only the proportions change.
Its like height. Moids are taller than women, but there are women that are taller than 99% of moids and moidlets shorter than 99% of women. Doesn't change the averages.
>>2073211Look up white Ivy League student body percentages by religious affiliation, and then compare it to the average for the whole country.
No. 2073221
>>2073190>there was a recent news article showing only 6% of hires by Fortune 500 companies that committed themselves to racial diversity after the Floyd riots were white males.What's your point?
Is there some mystical knowledge that only white males know which nobody else can learn and now companies are deprived of without them?
No. 2073232
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I'm not denying Adriana Lima is beautiful woman, but at the same time she looks so normal to me. I don't understand the obsession with her appearance. I think people wouldn't give that much of a fuck about her if she had dark eyes.
No. 2073235
>>2073232most models are just normal attractive
nonny, they’re just scouted by people who were horny for them
No. 2073239
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>>2073232>>2073235she looks terrible now though
No. 2073244
>>2073232Blue eyes and olive skin are a killer combo for most people.
I once had a French roommate, tall with olive skin and bright blue eyes, was the hottest guy I've seen IRL in years. Too bad he was a sleazy dickhead like most French moids
No. 2073245
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I don’t think anyone actually go crazy for how she looks most of the time, they’re just obsessed with that one pic of her for some reason. Weirdly as a bisexual woman she looks beautiful to me but I don’t feel any attraction to her, maybe it’s because I prefer dark eyes.
>>2073243anon, don’t be silly. I’ve obviously been in a relationship before so of course I know this is my experience.
No. 2073246
>>2073212>I’ve seen ghettos with various races, people from different parts of Europe, East Asians, South Asians, Africans - the kids there all performed badly, as bad as each other. On the other hand, in my university, even though the immigrants come from worse backgrounds they all perform to the same extent. The top 3 best performing people are black and South Asian. Anecdotes, reason, and science, that you think is on your side, all disprove your belief.I have a similar background and agree lmao. I feel like the whole /pol/tard view is based on a mix of personal bitterness and poor understanding of data used to back up personal biases.
No. 2073252
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>>2073235I would love to know where you live where this is the norm kek. You guys just have unrealistically high standards for women.
No. 2073253
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>>2073252Samefag but also being a model isn't just about your face. It may not be hard to come across pretty people, but how many of them are also tall with model body proportions/shape?
No. 2073261
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>>2073217candied salad walnuts
No. 2073268
>>2073212>Because those are the factors that always hold the most weightSays who? And even then, you don't have to know what factor is causing a difference, what you need to confirm is that the difference is there and acknowledge it as being responsible for differences in outcome between groups.
Our current model is that these differences don't really exist (in this case, IQ differences) and therefore something else is responsible for disparities in outcome; systemic racism is blamed, which brings in actual systemic racism against whites in hiring and education in order to "correct" this imbalance.
>I’ve seen ghettos with various races, people from different parts of Europe, East Asians, South Asians, AfricansI've already covered this. A normal distribution means you will find people at all parts of the bell curve; the difference is that the bell curve is shifted right or left for some groups relative to others.
Immigrants who can afford to immigrate to western countries are already selected for intelligence, as they would have to be above average for their country of origin in order to immigrate in the first place. Indian immigrants to the US have an average IQ of 110, whereas their majority back home in India sit at 82. We can look at the condition of India and see that the other 99.9% of Indians are more representative of their group than the top 0.1% who immigrate on H1b visas to the USA. The same is true for any other immigrant group.
No. 2073277
>>2073268>And even then, you don't have to know what factor is causing a differenceI replied to you with just a few of the countless factors that are strongly correlated with IQ,
more so than race is, that are overrepresented in these groups - not just a little, but more than any other place in the world - obviously the logical inference is that these are the cause. If we know that obesity is correlated with mortality, and obese populations die earlier, is the rational conclusion to believe that obesity causes higher risk of mortality, or that these populations are just predisposed to dying early? The rational conclusion is the former, that is how inference works. If you want to hold another belief despite what inference is most logical, then do so. But don’t suggest that your belief is any more likely - on the contrary, it is less likely.
No. 2073282
>>2073277>I replied to you with just a few of the countless factors that are strongly correlated with IQ, more so than race is, that are overrepresented in these groups The Minnesota adoption studies showed IQ is heritable between 0.6 to 0.9, meaning 60-90% of the variance is due to heredity and only 10-40% is due to environment. Even if we could control for all those environmental factors, what is left over is heritable and cannot be changed by tweaking outside factors. Even then, as I said before, this is irrelevant because our current zeitgeist is that these differences don't exist at all, and we are putting people into positions on the basis of race rather than actual ability. If we could get back to the pre-90s position that these IQ differences exist but they are entirely environmental, that would actually be an improvement over the current system.
Also, you don't seriously believe intelligence is just random, do you? How could intelligence evolve in modern humans in the first place if it couldn't be selected for? And why is it intelligence is completely equally distributed in all groups when we don't see this for any other trait?
The fastest short and long distance runners are almost always east African, the strongman competition winners are almost always northern European, the NBA is almost entirely black, and nobody jumps up and says there's a diversity problem or systemic racism because we know intuitively that those differences come down to biology.
(take racebaiting to /pol/) No. 2073286
>>2073282NTA but you went from getting mad over getting clocked and complaining about "black/white thinking"
>>2073198, just to foolishly equate intelligence to height and long distance running capabilities. Mask off, every time, kek.
No. 2073295
>>2073282>this is irrelevant because our current zeitgeist is that these differences don't exist at allNo one has ever thought these differences are nonexistent, it’s common sense that cultural and lifestyle differences result can affect intelligence.
>nobody jumps up and says there's a diversity problem or systemic racism because we know intuitively that those differences come down to biologyI think your issue is not comprehending that biology is flexible. If Kenyans train in mountains with lower levels of oxygen, consume a diet that promotes the growth of slow-twitch muscle fibres as well as have the cultural factor of long-distance running being a common and thorough practise, this is a biological factor, no? Could there be a genetic factor? Possibly, but as with most genetic factors it would be marginal and overshadowed by the environmental factors. There could easily be other populations predisposed to being good long-distance runners to the same degree, or more, but aren’t represented in these statistics due to the fact that environmental factors have a greater influence.
>How could intelligence evolve in modern humans in the first place if it couldn't be selected for?The fallacy in this argument stems from the fact that genetics don’t work in the same way our idea of race does. Different parts of Africa have more in common genetically with the Eurasians who left them than each other, due to the fact they kept to the same areas. Humans from the Horn of Africa will be more related to the Asians that settled there than Africans further South and West. Our idea of race does not reflect genetics, so how can you assert that intelligence would be universal across groups that are less related to each other than the rest of the world?
That being said, even if this were untrue; race scientists like yourself overestimate the differences that can happen in as short of a time period as the one since humans spread out, made to seem under observation even shorter since there has never been a time humans haven’t been mixing.
>>2073287Any genetic influence is likely so marginal it is impossible to control for enough factors to accurately gauge what the pure, base level difference is, especially since lifestyle factors carry on to children and turn genes on/off. This is assuming we’re talking about one kind of intelligence - “intelligence” is an abstract metric made up of a composite of many different factors, a lot that aren’t understood yet. Even if there was a gene that positively influenced one factor, there will be others that negatively influence another, or other factors. We hardly even have a grasp of how human intelligence works in regards to other apes, when it comes to brain size, neurone density, genome, etc - let alone within our species. Humans are very, very similar to each other, enough that it could be said there is more in common within sexes than within our idea of “races”. So what do your assertions mean to you? How do they matter to society?
No. 2073303
>>2073302What you mean is that moids are
born inclined to violence, but genetics are shared within a family, so a brother and sister can have the same set of genes but the male will be predisposed to violence.
No. 2073310
>>2073307No, I don't get what you're saying. Males are genetically predisposed to violence compared to women, because of their different genes. Related to violence, not to tasting cilantro.
When people refer to genetics, they're usually referring to genetics, not the cilantro tasting gene specifically.
No. 2073325
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>>2072406If only you had clicked on that article ..
No. 2073333
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We started down that road in Canada with MAID (Medically Assisted Dying) and now we are here (pic related).
You always have to consider the slippery slope, its not a fallacy.
No. 2073347
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>>2073337>>2073346I'm a bit of an aspie, should have recognized it and had my suspicions but since this is the unpopular opinion thread I decided to bite anyways
No. 2073352
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>>2073351consensual murder
No. 2073372
>>2073366Idk nonna I'm very averse to abortion because I myself was almost aborted. Its an academic question until it affects you personally
>>2073371I'm not too invested in the IQ stuff I just am fascinated how genetics affects personality and could sperg about it all day
No. 2073385
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>>2073377>I’m not particularly interested in genomic variants but I’m fairly invested in how hormones affect the brain. Were a gene to increase or decrease the levels or sensitivity of a hormone, it could certainly affect personality.The genetic influence on personality is largely due to how certain neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin are released in the brain. The baseline is different for different people and even entire countries
For example there's a single SNP called rs53576 that has a small influence on a personal level (if you have the GG variation, you will be slightly less stressed and less lonely than if you have GA or AA variations and higher empathy overall) has a huge impact on the culture of a country
So East Asia has almost all AA alleles of rs53576 but Europe has about 50% GG alleles and this affects the culture of these places strongly, with the most collectivist cultures having the lowest GG frequency
>for example obesity and insulin resistance can affect the brain & some hormones associated with it even have correlations with traits on the Big Five personality modelI would love to see data on this sort of thing
No. 2073400
>>2073385Yes, I’ve heard of this one at least. Unfortunately I am way too tired to look for links but the hormones I know that affect behaviour and the production of which are correlated with BMI and HOMA-IR are dopamine, BDNF, ghrelin, androgens, estrogen, progesterone and cortisol. Androgens (in women), estrogen (both sexes) and cortisol are positively correlated, dopamine, BDNF, ghrelin and progesterone are negatively correlated.
Theoretically, this should mean that as incidences of metabolic syndrome increase the following should happen:
1. Stress should increase.
2. Aggression (of which estrogen facilitates as well but to a lesser extent than androgens) should increase.
3. Antisocial behaviours should increase (high cortisol reduces empathy and prosocial behaviours too).
4. Motivational levels should decrease (tonic dopamine and progesterone).
5. Intelligence should decrease (dopamine and BDNF).
6. Bonding and closeness should be hindered (progesterone, cortisol)
Ghrelin increases dopamine release, reduces stress in response to negative stimuli and increases novelty seeking behaviours.
Another relevant hormone could be endocannabinoids (which aren’t decreased by obesity but whose action is inhibited by hormones elevated in obesity like leptin and insulin). This paired with reduced progesterone, ghrelin and dopamine would likely be associated with lower creativity, novelty-seeking, self-assertiveness and increased anxiety.
Sorry for sperging, it’s kind of off-topic.
No. 2073455
>>2073451I barely watch regular streamers and dont understand the parasocial shit with them. Some have a charismatic personality or Looks but even normie streamers get old fast. I am probably not the target demographic in the first place.
Well If the are mental then there is the possibility high that there is milk.
No. 2073457
>>2071779true though most of us are too kek
>>2071788i believe you but it is hard to imagine since i am more complaining about ppl not understaning sensory issues (i have pretty bad auditory ones) and infantilising us irl you know
like i had a scrote therapist without my consent tell my mom as an adult private stuff after our session
No. 2073474
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>>2073354>>2069644She's not even over her ex yet, she dedicated her Coachelle performance to him. Very lesbian of her
No. 2073654
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Victoria's Secret never actually had a "diversity problem". Fat positivity types just kind of tacked that on to get their real agenda passed. I still wouldn't buy them today for quality reasons, but yeah.
No. 2073662
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>>2073654Lmao, cherrypicking one image when most of their shows looked like this and their angels were almost all white women.
No. 2073671
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>>2073662>>2073661This is a reach. They had multiple mixed, Latina and Asian models too, by the way. There was a lot of diversity. The common thing is that they were all just thin/conventionally attractive.
No. 2073684
>>2073661>calling black people "diverse models"what sort of brainrot is this lmao are we not allowed to say black anymore? and VS does have/had
poc models, they're just not fatties.
No. 2073717
>>2073684Nta but they're American or online enough to be Americanised. The modelling industry has always been diverse, it's just that a majority of popular models for a while were various flavours of Asian, European, and Middle Eastern, so it's not sthe models aren't
POC enough for American standards. Not that it makes a difference because anyone of any race who is tall and slim is preyed on by that awful industry
No. 2073735
>>2073704That appears to be data from 2019 taken solely off IG posts (rather than shows or data on models actually hired), so…after their so-called "woke" rebranding. In their 2017 show (which was before the rebrand), nearly 50% of their models were black, Asian or Latina. >For this study, fifty Instagram posts from each brand (100 posts total) were randomly selected from July 9, 2019, to October 31, 2019. All posts for each brand were counted chronologically and assigned a number. Then, a random number generator was used to select the 50 posts for analysis. If a model was notincluded in the photo (such as a photo just showing the product) that post was skipped and the next most recent photo with a model was used. If more than three models were included in the photo, the photo was skipped to avoid confusion when coding. The selected posts were then analyzed for race and size. Their way of codifying race of the models they went through was a bit iffy, too:
>There are various methods for coding of race, but this research draws from a 2017 study that defined five categories - black, Asian, white, other person of color, and indistinguishable. “Individuals were assigned Black if they had medium or dark-coloured skin, a natural/afro hair, and/or a braided or dreadlock style” (Reddy-Best et al., 2017, p. 67). Individuals were assigned white if they, “had fair or light coloured skin and smaller facial features. Asian was assigned if the individual had narrow-shaped eyes and straight darker hair” (Reddy-Best et al., 2017, p. 67). An individual was assigned to the “other person of color” category if it was hard to definitively determine the race of the person but some of their physical characteristics matched a person of color. Additionally, Latino, NativeAmerican, and Pacific Islander were included in the “other person of color” category. The researcher did not use the indistinguishable category because coding the race of the model was an important part of the study. If the race could not be determined, the photo was skipped.
No. 2073907
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these movies suck ass and they're very misogynistic
No. 2073919
>>2073916I guess it depends on the intention.
Abusive men will definitely go through a woman's phone to ensure she's isolated and not in contact with people he doesn't want her to, not organizing to leave, not saving her own money etc. I don't think that's the same as a couple having an open phone policy where they aren't trying to hide anything and aren't texting other people on the sly.
No. 2073922
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>>2073916Coercive control can involve surveilling and controlling a person's actions and all communications.
Abusive men engage in coercive control far more often than women which is why limiting partner access to your devices and accounts is a preventative like having your own untouchable bank account.
No. 2073924
>>2073916It’s considered
abusive because scrotes wanna hide their shit. So, if you ever feel like something is up and you want to see their texts etc they can claim you’re a crazy
abusive bitch invading on their privacy.
No. 2073925
>>2073916I think a lot of people have bad experiences with someone violating their privacy (like a parent, a short term partner, etc) but I agree that it's weird to be so private in a long term relationship. I think intentionally snooping behind someone's back into their personal conversations with family and stuff like that is weird, but it should be normal to know/have each other's passwords and be okay with the other person knowing what you do on your devices.
It can get dangerous however when an abuser has access to a partner's devices because that can be used to track or control someone. So I guess at that point having your own passwords would be a good thing since you don't trust your partner. And presumably they know you don't trust them.
No. 2073929
>>2073924Samefag scrotes have also brain washed women into thinking us searching their phone is like
>>2073922 so many women won’t even ask. If a man doesn’t let you see his phone it’s red flag.
No. 2073933
>>2073922>>2073919I get what you guys are saying but I'm not talking about policing of behavior, just looking at someone's phone casually isn't the same as telling them what they should and shouldn't be doing and obsessively monitoring what they do. I get why women would be cautious of giving this power to
abusive men but that's a completely different can of worms.
>>2073924>>2073929I agree completely lmao. I can't imagine dating a man and not looking at his phone once in a while and no scrote agenda will stop me from doing so. The only man I ever dated who refused to let me look at his phone ended up having violent Loli porn saved on his gallery. Don't let them convince you of this shit.
No. 2074022
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>>2074020>>2074011>>2074010because i told you to look it up, and im not a search engine
No. 2074064
>>2074041Yes and no. I posted this opinion because I feel like I
constantly see redditors and cooking youtubers shilling cumin on everything, and any time somebody says they don't loke cumin in X dish, a bunch of people respond to them with shit like "oh so you don't like FLAVOR?!"
IRL I do think this opinion is decently common, though most tex-mex fans grossly overestimate how common cumin is in Mexican cuisine.
No. 2074128
>>2074126Why no cocaina
No. 2074243
>>2074199>women age like milkMen peak testosterone by 18 and are bald by 25
>women are emotionalMen chimp out at everything
What else?
No. 2074740
>>2074178Women want boys and scrotes want girls.
Homo scrotes want boys and I suppose lesbians want girls.
See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil.
Kids respect the authority of whoever scream louder.
No. 2074771
>>2074740>scrotes want girlsNot really? They usually want sons.
>lesbians want girlsThey hate men usually, kek. But sometimes they do have sons.
Stop being retarded, please.
>>2074178They want them to please their husbands/culturally it was more important to have boys since long ago. I think it's the main reason.
No. 2074884
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>>2074878>truly caring about a moids opinionbe a stacy and look them dead in their soul as you read it aloud to them, make sure it’s extra gay
No. 2075291
>>2075281That's a slur against black women, too.
>>2075263There are legitimate reasons to worry about aging, but the majority of the time, when I hear about it, it's in relation to not being pretty anymore, losing facial collagen, anti aging creams, shit like that. Anti aging exercise that is meant to keep your body healthy and spry into your 70s is based, but everyone's too busy vaping and drinking corn syrup to bother.
No. 2075450
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NickiMinaj's best era was her Harajuku Barbie era. I'm not a fan of her, but I can't lie, I do miss it. Her music from that era was fun too.
No. 2075495
>>2075281You can call them dusties, thats what BW call them
>>2075266You really only feel the hit from aging when you reach middle age (not 25 year old zoomies who have a quarter life crisis when they get their first grey hair)
If you take care of your skin (especially if you are fair skinned) you will look a lot better than the average woman in previous generations because they weren't educated on sun damage to skin and all went out tanning in their teens to 30s. A lot of the "Asian people age better than white people" thing is due to them taking better care of their skin than white people do
No. 2075506
>>2075501Any woman can call any moid a dusty. It's not a race specific thing (or at least I've seen women of all races use it towards moids of all races.)
>sprinkle sprinkle ladyWho is that? Sorry, I'm out of the loop.
No. 2075533
>>2075521Yeah but dusty sounds funnier imo, it also makes you think of some grimy hobo
They've got other ones like poverty peen, niggly bear, tyrone
Black women are GOAT at coming up with insult nicknames for their moids, if only white women had a fraction of that ability
No. 2075537
>>2075533Dusty sounds way better, reminds me of how moids shrivel up faster.
>tyroneI know for a fact that one's been used by incels with black moid fixation for at least ten years now. Glad to hear it's gotten a different connotation.
No. 2075547
>>2075537>I know for a fact that one's been used by incels with black moid fixation for at least ten years now. Yeah it used to be the black moid version of "Chad" but BW appropriated it and use it for any low IQ black moid caught doing something atrocious to a BW
I find it funny that incel moids of different races hate each other more than they hate their own women, I guess that's a good thing though because they'd be more dangerous to us if they got along with each other
No. 2075810
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>>2075558divest-chan i know you've suffered since cynthia was banned from youtube but try to keep the brainrot on LSA
No. 2075849
>>2069693It's not to feel more marginalized, it's to get work. Labels are worried that hiring white women is "
problematic", so unless you're a mixed-race, half-black woman with an interesting backstory, you'd better have a great gimmick for "The Queerest Generation" to relate to and put as their background music for their TikTok videos. Otherwise, your performing arts degree and all of the time, money, and blood/sweat/tears your parents spent on endless rehesarsals and lessons were absolutely worthless.
No. 2075854
>>2075555>Just straight up implying that black men treat women worse than white men doThis is going to be hard to hear but um, they do. Black men have the highest rate of inflicting domestic violence and unfortunately black women are most likely to be
victims of it.
No. 2076037
Emo white girls who only hang out with edgy 4chan type of dudes are the worst form of pick me. They grow out of it once they’re too old to be edgy and scrotes lose interest in them but damn they’re nasty little shits before that happens.
No. 2076161
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>>2076037I am always reminded of this clip whenever I see her being mentioned kek
No. 2076183
>>2076161She was being super weird here too. No wonder she says she can only get a long with guys kek
No. 2076254
>>2076221I get you're like a misanthrope or something, but you're
also retarded.
No. 2076293
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>>2076263Agreed. The main reason I don't think it's real is that ADHD sufferers never seem to get better. I don't mean cured, I just mean a crumb of improvement which comes from growing up and developing decent coping mechanisms. Pretty much every other disorder is marked by what you need to do in order to live with the condition and stabilize your life (autists have to learn how to socialize and minimize negative sensory exposure, borderliners have to learn how to minimize their external emotional reactions, etc.) But ADHD always seems to be an unending list of "I can't do that because muh ADHD". It seems that many of the people opting for diagnosis these days are looking for an excuse not to fix themselves instead of an explanation as to why the usual methods of self-improvement aren't working. I really do believe it's a convenient excuse for lazy normies that's been co-opted by a few genuinely suffering turbo retards, but since most of the treatment involves giving stimulants to people who don't need them, most people who need actual help instead of prescription meth are left by the wayside.
No. 2076477
>>2073417IDC this is from 2 days ago.
I lived where it was legalized and it was a shitshow. You know how they used to say weed makes you lazy, dumb, fat, etc rather than a literal panacea? They were fucking right! Weed destroyed the local culture and the tax money did jack shit but line pockets.
There is absolutely no need to bring alcohol into the discussion, weed is cancer, period. Alcochol does not change it.
No. 2077061
>>2076413Absolutely true, reminds me of a certain instagram account who ditched radical feminism because tumblr radfems felt like she leaned conservative too much, only to prove them right.
>>2076263I wish the ADHD deniers were telling the truth because having adhd is incredibly annoying, especially when society isn't built for people who don't think or organize themselves in a certain way. I think the problem with adhd that causes people to question it so much is that i do believe that a lot of hyperactive children are wrongly diagnosed and i don't think is necessary to give children stimulants and I say that as somebody who has adhd. I did get diagnosed as an adult because my parents have no idea what it is, but because there was so much structure built for me through school and having a consistent schedule, that alone made my symptoms a lot more manageable. Now as an adult, my schedule constantly changes and my sense of structure has been completely destroyed and i am forced to rely on meds to force myself to focus on shit instead of being on the kind of autopilot i was on during my childhood where i had few distractions and had everything organised for me by someone else.
>>2076721Stimulants really aren't that good for you, even if you have adhd. I also recall reading a study saying that it practically does nothing for neurotypical people and i'd imagine the kind of people who use them get no sleep which further makes them useless. People very greatly overestimate their effectiveness, it's not going to give you superpowers or anything, you still have to make an effort.
No. 2077073
>>2076577I see the troon phenomenon resulting from the idea that "gender" is a fluid concept with no connection to biological reality. If woman or man is just a set of stereotypes, then why not allow someone with male genitalia to call himself a "woman" if he feels he conforms with those stereotypes?
The only way to beat this is by affirming that "gender" doesn't exist, sex does, and that it is a biological identity that can't be chosen, anymore than you can choose your race.
No. 2077607
>>2077599Society has gaslit women into retarded double standards so don't be surprised when they are too far in the shit to realize the hypocrisy.
I have heard all my life that women should want to date older men. Young women "should have known better" when they get involved with groomers.
We should not want younger men cause "boys will be boys."
Older women criticize younger women because if they admit these relationship dynamics as fucked up, then they would be forced to also consider what happened to them was fucked up too and wasn't right.
People in general do not like being wrong and choose cognitive dissonance because it's easier.
No. 2077612
>>2077599You and many people online are abusing the term pedophile to talk about something that has nothing to do with pedophilia. Most people can put themselves in the shoes of a child and feel how horrible it would be to be molested. I don't really think the same logic applies with age gap relationships, if you are a grown woman the guy that dates you cannot be defined "pedophile" no matter how big your age difference is. There's a possibility he's going to be manipulative or
abusive but he's not going to completely obliterate your identity and sexuality that haven't even developed yet.
No. 2077738
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They should take every job a tranny/gender has and give it to unemployed women. They don’t deserve those jobs at all quite frankly. All of those tech-engineering jobs filled with trannies and spergs that avoid proper eye contact should also be replaced with actual smart and educated women
No. 2077884
>>2077738I'd agree with this because I've always wanted to have a STEM job, but unfortunately despite having an aptitude for computers and autism for them, I lack the specific kinds of autism for jobs in it.
Also I'm happy being unemployed.
No. 2077896
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Women who post this on social media are just as bad as men. There are comments saying "sometimes I want to grab it"
No. 2078005
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Rihanna doesn't need to release another album. ANTI was a really good note for her to retire from music on, and I think it's too hard and distinct to follow up on. If she does drop another album, everyone's just going to be disappointed no matter what she releases cause they're gonna compare it to ANTI.
No. 2078152
>>2078005Rihanna is good to retire, music isn't her passion. Another person who needs to retire is Cardi, she needs to find some kind of hustle so she can. She seems scared to drop her second album, and seems to just want to have kids and jump on remixes.
I'm not begging for music from Cardi b ( I personally think she raps like a fat hispanic teenage boy i knew) but she has no passion for music.
She also was the domino drop that lead to Sexxy Redd, Sukihana etc.
No. 2078159
>>2078118But..she's still stuck with a DV Moid, Asap Rocky and had two of his kids. Rihanna still has to play "the game" but in a different type of way. I like her how and Beyonce both navigate being icons.
Beyonce drops her shit and disappears, we don't really see/hear about her unless she has new music. Rihanna runs her buinesses and you barely see her at any industry parties etc.
No. 2078166
During the BET Awards the crowd was said to be dead until Sexy Redd came on and people were mad about it, saying, "Why didn't they get that excited for Megan or Victoria? Smh the state of music etc. etc."
And I don't care. It's junk food catchy music, Sexy Red literally makes almost Ai Generated Club music.
Music you don't take seriously, you just dance to because the beat is nice and the lyrics are so fucking ridiculous but basic.
I think people tend to internalize everything, like some people just listen to the music and have fun. Sexy Red also has never been promoted as a good rapper/person etc. She's not like Megan, who people expect more from so we DO listen to the lyrics.
She's just sexy red, she makes meme music. Theres so many issues with Sexy Redd to bitch about. Getting mad because people didn't react to the people you "Feel" they should is dumb.
Plus Megan (who is wildly overrated) and Victoria are always praised. Like yes sexy red sucks, why were you taking her seriously anyway? Nobody does, she's viewed as a clown.
Even when she's on a big stage, nobody is going, "She's so amazing and a great artist" it's, "She makes popular songs and she's a fucking clown. Sexy Red does not represent me as a black woman and anyone who thinks she does, is racist anyway. She's a fad that will fade.
No. 2078172
>>2078152She needs to back to reality tv but she probably views that as something beneath her now.
>>2078166Her music is just fun let loose music when you're partying. I don't know why people are taking her so seriously. It reminds me how people used to rage at Ke$ha back in 2010.
No. 2078177
>>2078172There are legit complaints about Sexy Redd BUT she is just a little more raunchy and less clever then the other female rappers.
Instead of saying,
>I let him eat the box while playing X-BoxSexy just goes
>This nigga licked my ass crack from the back, spit out the hair, I don't care, I'm a big slut hoe with a booty hole full of nairShe is not clever or pretty enough to get a pass for being gross, shameless and nasty.
No. 2078210
>>2078131I agree, they really do feel more like influencers who sing on the side. I think the issue nowadays is because of social media and the internet, the mystique of superstar musicians is completely lost now. On top of that, record labels have thrown away artist development programs that would have served to help artists make better music and develop their craft, so a lot of them feel incredibly lackluster or unpolished. They often have to pay out of pocket nowadays if they want that stuff and have to want to improve as an individual. The music industry just isn't as lucrative and profitable as it used to be because of the internet and the decline of physical sales, artists nowadays get most of their money from deals and going on tour.
>>2078159I really do think Beyonce genuinely loves performing and making music, that's why she keeps slaving away and honestly i do feel the effort in the music she makes compared to other pop stars in her position.
>>2078177>She is not clever or pretty enough to get a pass for being gross, shameless and nasty.I totally agree. Like for example, cupcakke pretty much does the exact same shit sexxy red does, but she gets way less hate because honestly, she is a ridiculously good lyricist for somebody talking about chopping and man's dick off and putting it on a grill. It's sad that cupcakke isn't part of the AAA pussy rapper crew because she deserves it, her songs are far more entertaining and her persona is far funnier.
>>2078196I've never seen such accusations against either of them. Asap does have a history of violence against other men, nothing against women that i recall. If he wanted to hit rihanna he would have had a decade to do it since they have been knowing each other for a long time. I also never really saw Beyonce and Jay-z's marriage as anything more than a business arrangement for Jay-z to cultivate his own brand and maintain Beyonce's in the process. Between the two of them, he has been the most successful as diversifying is business ventures and Beyonce benefits from their marriage in that aspect. My tinfoil is that they were never in love in the first place.
No. 2078228
>>2078206That's not DV though anon.
>>2078210>I also never really saw Beyonce and Jay-z's marriage as anything more than a business arrangement>My tinfoil is that they were never in love in the first place.I think the reason Beyonce really ended up staying with Jay Z is because he has enough influence in the industry to protect her. I won't get too into it because I've sperged about this before some time ago, but I think being with him probably protects her from shady companies and people, in addition to the business benefits. Something that indirectly confirmed it for me was an IG live Cardi B did about a month ago. She was talking about why she had beef with some other rapper, but at some point she pivoted to talking about how her husband (another rapper, Offset) helped her behind the scenes when she was new in the music industry and people tried to "play" her. Jay Z is even bigger than Offset, so imagine what he can or has done for her. Once I realized that I stopped judging these celeb women for staying with cheaters, because if I was in a weirdo industry like that, I would want someone to shield me too.
On the love thing, I think Beyonce really does love Jay Z. There's the video of her counting down the days until she can see him again, the video where she's giving him a speech and saying he made in her into "the woman she is today" (or something along the lines of that), I even distinctly remember seeing some pictures of handwritten diary entries she wrote about how she felt after his infidelity. I think the love is there, at least from Beyonce. I don't think it's the main reason they're together though. Anyway, tinfoil over.
No. 2078230
>>2078227this logic is so dumb to me,
>I don't want to marry this moid because of money…but I'll have his kids though!Not saying you are dumb nona, just this is dumb.
No. 2078242
>>2078208That’s so abhorrent nona and I totally get you. Idk whether or not to discourage you but there
are normal women on here like you, so don’t feel like you’re being affronted alone by these characters. Some have taken their ideology into a 180 degree switch, which is their loss, as they lose the eye for progress. The rest and racebaiters are the standard empty, waste channer types clamouring for attention on here. That is definitely a troll and anyone else like that has earned the title regardless. Encountering these kinds of posts is awful, especially when they go unchallenged but since we have rules against engaging with bait, you can still infer that you’re not the only one put off and disgusted. Time away from here is never wrong, look after yourself online and
really only do whatever’s fun.
No. 2078266
>>2078248I’m more or less the same, my first introduction to drag queens, there were jokes about how vaginas smell, sagging breasts, “loose vaginas” and it was super offputting. I’ve seen other drag performers that were actually funny and their personas were more like just flaming gay in makeup and less like what they perceive femininity to be, so i guess it just depends on who you see.
To be fair though, the idea of it is still disturbing to me.
No. 2078316
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>>2078315Dropped my pic but this is Jimbo who relies on pornified shock value. Appearance comes as no surprise. It's always about being rejected for not being hot with these types, classless and desperate
No. 2078397
>>2078390I mean can you blame women for being paranoid when men on the internet and in real life are talking about girls at the gym that they want to fuck or approaching her for the sole purpose of hooking up. In some cases even stalking or SA.
Tbh to me gyms are so overrated especially when so much workout content exists online that you could do in your room.
No. 2078556
>>2078248I agree (and somewhat disagree) but why did you have to use 'genderplay' kekk
I relate to not finding it in myself to be offended, a lot of the femininity they perform is silly and alright to mock actually. It bothers me how femininity equals womanhood for so many people, including women with feminist views. However, i've started to see why some women find it insulting after seeing many examples of them mocking pregnancy, male violence on women, etc. For some drag queens it's clearly just a safe way to be very feminine (because playing it up puts it in comedy territory, which makes people less uneasy), and for others it's mingled with typical gay resentment and contempt for women.
No. 2078572
>>2078556>It bothers me how femininity equals womanhood for so many people, including women with feminist views.The psychology of femininity is rooted in the biology of womanhood, its not an accident.
And its okay for women to be feminine, there's nothing wrong or inferior about feminine women.
No. 2078622
>>2078593>Most of 'feminine' traits are not really useful or help us getting anywhereI disagree completely, I would actually argue that we had the moral high ground up until third wave feminists dragged us down to the moid's level. Before third wave feminism, women were seen as morally superior to moids because we are innately morally superior, and we should have leveraged that to further restrict moid sexuality and other shitty moid behaviors. Instead, third wavers declared akshually femininity is bad and needs to be deconstructed so we can all be masculinized animals just like moids are.
Moids have only gotten worse since third wavers destroyed femininity as an ideal for women, now there's no accountability for the behavior of their sex because we've lost the moral authority of femininity that was used to shame and restrict them in the first place. Moids can be deviant porn addicts or worse without shame because of YAS QUEEN sex positive feminists.
No. 2078744
>>2078589Those things are what people commonly believe to be femininity. I don't agree with them. Personally I think that anything that a woman naturally is is femininity. Not artificial shit like make-up, clothes or imbarassing learned behaviour, nothing in your DNA tells you to wear make-up or skirts, but our natural phisicality and attitudes, like having sharper senses, being more intelligent, being physically a female, being less aggressive socially and less degenerate. All the rest is made up bullshit.
>>2078613The difference is that "dresses" and skirts worn by men used to be practical and beautiful in a dignified way, while dresses for women are there to identify you as such, make you pretty in the eyes of men and make you more uncomfortable and accessible. It's like a form of humiliation for us. The only "dresses" for women that don't feel humiliating to me are the ones that were used in ancient civilizations, where men also wore them.
No. 2078763
>>2078744So doing things that men don't usually do is humiliating to you by default? Dresses aren't 'there' to identify you as a woman, make you pretty in the eyes of men or make you more uncomfortable and accessible. This is simply not true. They have existed for thousands of years because they are functional, practical and easy to make correctly. Men in Europe just started wearing tight pants because there was a trend for men to show off their pretty legs in tights and heels for a while which eventually segued into the riding pants which later became other types of tailored pants and jeans, pants as we know them in the West were basically created to objectify men ironically while most moids outside of that would wear what are now dresses, the decidedly more functional garment. It's just a weird historical curiosity that men memed themselves into choosing to own the worse, more restrictive and unhealthy form of clothing.
It's not my fault if you can't find dresses and skirts that are practical and dignified, I have no problem.
No. 2078901
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>>2078897Tbh you do have a point
No. 2078903
>>2078897Probably because they’re still women and women are still innately
attracted to men, even if they don’t act on it kek
No. 2078925
>>2078921The post you were responding to says “The psychology of femininity is rooted in the biology of womanhood, its not an accident.
And it’s okay for women to be feminine, there's nothing wrong or inferior about feminine women.” I don’t believe that was to say that myself or OP have some extraterrestrial knowledge of what femininity should be, she was just giving a reasonable explanation of why people believe femininity = womanhood. Mostly because woman = female, and we are inherently feminine creatures even if we don’t always immediately present as such
No. 2078930
>>2078887I think everything got derailed when feminists stopped focusing on good qualities that were stereotyped as masculine (women can be brave, ambitious, resilient, competent etc. as well) and started claiming bad masculine qualities like aggressiveness, promiscuity, selfishness etc.
I'm not much of an anime girl but one I really love is Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli. Miyazaki managed to capture that kind of feminism with female characters that were strong and feminine at the same time.
No. 2078985
>>2078930>resilientAlready a feminine quality. To many (most?) people, women are virtuous and admirable when they are resilient and enduring in tragedy. Aggressiveness and selfishness aren't always bad and many women could certainly use some of it.
>>2078897I'm a radfem but i agree kek. It betrays intense love, in many cases. In others it's just that you have to name the problem
>>2078572Yeah, well, we're not talking about the psychology of femininity in drag. We're talking about superficial signals. Makeup and heels does not make a woman more feminine in behavior (i could bring up a local example but broadly: women from rough circumstances)
>>2078622>Before third wave feminism, women were seen as morally superior to moidsYeah this cancer was already a thing in 2nd wave (popularized by Steinem IIRC) and where did it get us? Absolutely nowhere. Moral superiority doesn't help with the low status of women.
>>2078964>its femininity itself that sucksIf you listen enough to feminine women (in behavior, that's where it counts) they will tell you it sucks and they feel miserable. Not in public, of course. But they constantly complain about the restrictive side of femininity. The issue with femininity is not makeup or crying a lot, it's that if you take it to its extreme you deny your own humanity. You can't have bodily functions (that's shameful), can't have too much emotion, can't go against what Daddy/Husband says, etc.
No. 2078993
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>>2078981What the fuck are you talking about lmao. What do my 'political views' have to do with actual statistics?
No. 2079008
>>2078994Right? The fact that
>>2078622 thinks men are restricted by the 'moral authority of femininity' is hilarious. Men are restricted by man-made moral codes, which then were leveraged by women for their own benefit. That's why things like marriage or religion can have beneficial effects in some way (controlling male sexuality, chiefly). But it was never about submitting to the subaltern sex kek
No. 2079010
I'm cleaning shitted diapers all day but it's weirdly fulfilling? At the end of every day I feel like I did something that really matters.
>>2078979Uhhhh if the only men you know are angry and obnoxious all the time I think you should probably move
No. 2079032
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>>2078924Maybe the problem is the structure of marriage. Because let's face it, it's better for kids to have a stay at home parent. Daycares are expensive and suck.
Scrotes who cheat should pay twice as much child support or something. It's not fair that raising the next generation isn't treated like a real job.
No. 2079039
>>2079015Hey, a broken clock is right twice a day. Since I gave birth I've been dealing with health issue after health issue and it sucks balls,
nonnie. I love my baby but now I'm constipated all the time and there's something that looks like a chicken strip hanging out of my vagina, it's gross.
No. 2079063
>>2079011artifical wombs are probably bad because there is in utero bonding and development that is understudied. i assume it would only lead to children with even worse attachment issues. society needs to better project children and abuse
victims before reeing about pro-natalist agendas.
No. 2079240
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Nemo was dumb as shit and deserved getting scooped up by the diver
No. 2079284
>>2079269Just taller than me (5'7) is fine, I don't find super tall men to be anything special. I had a tall bf back in the day and I just thought of him as lanky and awkward.
Face/hair > body > height is my order of importance for appearance. I'd like it if my lack of concern with height means I could aim higher in the face, but men are ugly anyway.
No. 2079293
>>2079112I know it's unpopular, but hot men remain hot even with a shaved head. Hair makes ugly men better, but a hot bald man is still better than a haired ugly one.
>>2079145I said no such thing, lol.
>>2079153Yeah, but at least some of the older ones know how to cook and clean, have you ever walked into a college boy's bathroom? I still think about the horrors I saw.
>but all men are gross/unhygenic/immatureYep, but men that young are worse in my opinion. Also, I'm heterosexual so I play the cards I've been dealt.
No. 2079298
>>2079269I agree. I do notice what
>>2079280 anon mentions with the the insecurity thing (and if they're immature this turns into rage), but if a guy can just accept the fact he's short and own it, he'll get much further in life. this, however, is not to be confused with making it his whole personality.
people who make their
quirky physical abnormality their whole personality and the thing they always mention in conversation get so tiresome, even if they're nice people. that's why I'll never date another ginger. all gingers I know do this. except for one, and her hair turned white long ago
No. 2079554
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>>2079534He doesn't just take their picture, he actively gets on his knees and catches them first.
Not all the time but if he has an opportunity he goes for it
For example he found these bunnies in a nest when he was at his mother's place helping with yard work, good thing too because they almost got whacked by the lawnmower.
>>2079541Women should have whatever standards they feel like, if they can get what they want that's what matters.
If I was asked for advice though, I would say filtering out by personality is far more important as a first step. A hot moid is pointless if he's a misogynist or asshole and the last thing you want to do is reward those types with attention.
No. 2079582
>>2079541>I think some women who otherwise wouldn't care are memed into obsessing over male heightIt does seem like there's a recent trend about it and it's funny how men are twisting the narrative and acting like they're going to ask about women's weight as revenge for women caring about height kek. As if women haven't been subjected to harsher beauty standards than men since forever, with weight/body shape being the main one. A lot of women have also internalized that they should be "petite" to be feminine/pretty, no wonder they feel uncomfortable being the bigger or taller person in the couple. And to top it off, men have always been ridiculing the body positivity movement for women, yet acting like the biggest crybabies when there aren't enough handmaidens in their vicinity to reassure them with "short king!!" "dadbod!!". They fully deserve women caring more about height and appearance (although it barely even happens IRL)
>>2079554So cute! Hope they could be reunited with their mother and be fine after that (don't tell me otherwise)
No. 2079584
>>2079582I do think the 'smol petite woman must be with big chunky man' meme is actually somewhat newer, or at least more emphasized recently, than we tend to think. Of course sexual dimorphism always made the average woman smaller than the average man (although women naturally should have a bit more fat), but I look at 'normal' older couples and I don't think it was as big a deal. Just for example my grandma was considered a 'catch' when she was young and was 'famously' beautiful in her rural-ish area where she grew up, had tons of suitors, and was always both taller and 'bigger' (not really fat but chubby/voluptuous) than my grandpa who was an average-to-short height and very lean/slim his whole life while my grandma was extremely tall for a woman back then, and I don't think anyone, ever, thought it was weird, looked weird, 'didn't fit' or whatever. My family has talked about how they were considered a very 'beautiful couple' and well matched when they got married. So literally has this gotten worse since the 1950s? I don't remember my grandma ever expressing any insecurity about being non-delicate or tall, and I don't remember my grandpa ever expressing any insecurity about being short and wiry either, he actually bragged about how fit he always was. I think men started looking more dysgenic as they developed more hormonal problems and extremely sedentary lifestyles and then started pitying themselves excessively for being unattractive, and taking it out on women by making the already strict beauty standards for women even stricter and nitpicker.
So yeah to summarize I can't blame women for wanting to be the 'smaller one' either, I had these thoughts a few times myself but I just got over it as I genuinely don't prefer physically tall or large men and I'm not going to pick my partners based on looking a certain way next to them, that would be unhealthy levels of vanity. But men are still the worst whiners about this, wanting to be validated and coddled about their insecurities about shit that isn't even unusual. A bunch of the men who call themselves 'short kings' are like 5'10 lmao. Get a grip. It's like a weird extension of dick measuring contests where they need to be abnormally tall and being average makes them horribly oppressed even though most people are average.
>twisting the narrative and acting like they're going to ask about women's weightThey can ask all they want but moids wouldn't even be able to tell if the woman was telling the truth, they're terrible at estimating weight off appearance alone. Unlike men lying about their height which is just hilarious, I'm like 5'10 (and a half on a good posture day) and one of my dad's middle aged married work friends got into a full blown argument with me about my height (not his, mine) because 'he's 6 feet tall' but shorter than me so I must be over 6 feet. No, moid, I know what height you are and that means you are lying.
No. 2079593
>>2079579I agree with you, I'm saying after you've passed the first stage of basic physical attraction you then need to filter for personality.
Attraction can't really be negotiated, its either there or its not, though I will say that I've been more attracted to some men (like my current bf) after getting to know them than I was after initially meeting them.
>>2079582Not sure if/when the mother came back unfortunately. He put them back where he found them after he mowed the lawn but had to leave afterwards.
>>2079584Height has always been an attractive trait in men but it does seem like its exaggerated in the US compared to elsewhere (I'm not American). Where I am its nice (and generally expected the man is at least taller than you are) but a cute face gets them a bit further.
No. 2079603
>>2079593I'm not American either, but it's very much a thing now in both the countries I'm a citizen of, whereas when I look at older couples from those countries, women who were 'bigger' (fatness wise/broader) or the same height/taller than men at the time of marriage/in their wedding photos did not seem that unusual. Could just be confirmation bias I suppose but I didn't go out looking for this, it was a pattern I started noticing.
>I will say that I've been more attracted to some men (like my current bf) after getting to know themI think that usually happens if you like/bond with someone (not just in romantic relationships either, I think it happens with platonic friends too) but I think the possibility is only there if you at least found them okay to begin with. I've met people that I initially found cute-ish that I found gorgeous after knowing them better, but I've never met someone I found repulsive/ugly that turned sexually attractive to me after getting to know them better, no matter how great their personality was. Like you said, it's kind of an on-off switch, either there (to some degree) or not.
No. 2079613
>>2079603>it's very much a thing now in both the countries I'm a citizen of, whereas when I look at older couples from those countries, women who were 'bigger' (fatness wise/broader) or the same height/taller than men at the time of marriage/in their wedding photosIs it TMI to ask which countries you're talking about? Because while there wasn't that much of a height difference between older couples where I'm from (English speaking Canada), it was still always favoring the man being taller than the woman. Maybe in earlier times marriages were more for economics / family obligation than physical attraction and that's why you see that difference where you are now.
>I've met people that I initially found cute-ish that I found gorgeous after knowing them better, but I've never met someone I found repulsive/ugly that turned sexually attractive to me after getting to know them betterThis was the case for me. I was already attracted to my bf when we first met but not in a crazy way if you know what I mean (I rarely ever get that crazy attraction at first anyways). I have had guys who I was initially crazy attracted to immediately become repulsive to me because of their character (or lack thereof) though.
No. 2079615
>>2079584>my dad's middle aged married work friends got into a full blown argument with me about my height (not his, mine) because 'he's 6 feet tall' but shorter than me so I must be over 6 feetKekk nonna what the hell. Imagine gaslighting someone about their own height rather than going to therapy. Hope everyone else witnessed how much of a retard he is.
>I do think the 'smol petite woman must be with big chunky man' meme is actually somewhat newer, or at least more emphasized recently, than we tend to think.No you're right, it got to that extent relatively recently, although women have always been judged more harshly on their appearance. So it's pathetic seeing men whine about height when it's fairly easy for them to find a shorter partner since women tend to be shorter anyway. It's the exact opposite of standards for women which are often unnatural/unrealistic.
No. 2079629
>>2079613Also Canada (though maybe it's just some of the couples I know) and a Slavic country. I noticed it more with the Slavic country, especially since girls there are super into tall guys and height differences now, but apparently it wasn't a big thing in my grandparents' time (I even asked them about it once while looking through their old photos and noticing a lot of couples like this) or even especially during my parents' time. The marriages I'm talking about weren't arranged or for family obligations so I think it's not that, it was all love marriages in my extended family. Of course the man being taller has always been common because men are much taller on average, but I've seen quite a bit of the reverse too and it never seemed to be considered worthy of comment. Whereas in my generation people will not stop making weird, rude comments about it, or 'oh she can't wear heels, she will be taller!!' about men who are actually taller than the woman but just not taller enough, etc. I think moids made such a big stink about their height complexes recently that even women who would consider dating shorter men don't want to because they assume the man would be insecure and resentful (most probably would be). I've also seen men making comments like 'how does he even climb up that' about couples where the woman is 1-2 inches taller meanwhile moids will see no problem with having to literally crouch down to kiss a girl more than a foot shorter than him lmao.
>>2079615Lol yes he did this in front of my parents, his wife and child, and my highschool boyfriend. I can't imagine what kind of mental derangement it takes as a 50yo man to demand a teenage girl stand up from the dinner table in the middle of a dinner party, stand back to back with you and compare heights and then start repeatedly insisting that the girl is wrong about her own height by several inches just because you can't cope with the obvious reality you're not 6 feet tall.
No. 2079643
>>2079629>Also Canada (though maybe it's just some of the couples I know) and a Slavic country.I should clarify I live in Quebec right now, when I was in my home province height was a more noticeable factor than here. French are significantly shorter than Anglos but French men don't seem to be as insecure about height as Anglo men.
Its refreshing on the one hand because I've dealt with manlet insecurity with past men I dated but on the other hand French men often think they're god's gift to women. If I had to pick though, I'll take overconfidence over insecurity.
No. 2079662
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>>2079648>I find Quebecois men significantly less annoying/insufferable (about height and several other things) as well, even though a lot of them really are full of themselvesIts really funny because in my experience they aren't that chauvinistic but its more like Pepe Le Pew
Like Pierre, I'm not playing hard to get, I'm trying to politely let you down here
>moids with extremely low confidence deep down are narcs who think they're god's gift to women too, it's just mixed in with crippling insecurity which makes it much more annoying.Yep that's covert narcissism. Most of us had the "nice guy" routine tried on us at least once and its exactly that, they believe they deserve any girl they want but are too insecure to actually show interest. They expect to win the girl over with "niceness" and then are outraged when they aren't reciprocated.