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No. 2062573
Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standards in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev
>>2033298 No. 2062781
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>>2062763The creator of this video is only in university and he looks like this btw, I see the male pattern baldness sticking out. Ranks feminine sided androgynous men a 1
No. 2062812
>>2062790Samefag, his small mouth with full lips is especially so pretty to me. Wouldn't look misplaced on a face of a female, that's why it looks good to me. He's not really masculine in his facial features at all, lad got a button nose and cherry lips and soft cheeks! But that neanderthal squarishness in his skull and his body probably and also balding ruins it all. I'm so sad.
>>2062804I don't want them to reproduce, so i hope women are recognising all that plastic at a first glance to not make a mistake, kek. But it's great they're trying to do something with their situation.
No. 2062869
>>2062781He has potential but his hair is so fucking greasy wtf. His skin is so red, too.
>>2062827I hope this isn't the wrong thread to ask, but what's wrong with gingers? I always see this kind of sentiment, but I personally find the color combinations cute and can look very nice with the right features. I'm not western so I don't know the cultural context about this.
No. 2062882
>>2062869They supposedly all hate the stereotypical fug gingers because they're too pale and sickly and bizarre, but then they say gigners who're not like this are ugly too, so i don't know. I like his hair colour, i'm not seeing what's wrong with it.
>>2062877It's the exact opposite for me, i can't bear darker men most of the time, but darker women look nice to me. Maybe it's just a preference?
No. 2062987
>>2062915On the metric of being fugly and jealous, and promoting the busted types he's most similar to.
Ugly and old men are unironically the main reason most men aren't getting laid. If you're a genuinely hot young guy old farts and fuggos will beat you down until you're ugly and/or old like them.
No. 2062996
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He was never attractive I’m sorry Pakichan
No. 2063006
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>>2062989Yes when a ginger or light haired man has neanderthal ridge it just makes them look like eyebrowless ungabungas. Ugliest feature by far, I'd take a unibrow over it. And I hate that porcine skin tone. Makes them look like fucking salami
No. 2063015
>>2062763This video is so funny with how wrong it is, it seems like an alien who came to earth last week and is trying to figure out how human beings operate but struggles too much because it has no experience on earth and is unable to grasp natural human traits and behaviour.
First of all the men he's calling chads and 'medium feminine/androgynous' are already too far on the gigachad hypermasc scale for most women to find attractive, then he says f-boys are the opposite of e-boys (lol, lmao even), then he goes on to say that there is 0% desire for pretty boys in women over 21 years old but his next section is about how 'hypermasc 50yo roidbeasts are the guys women want for one night stands and prettyboys are the ones they want for LTR and fathering their children.' Is he saying that 21yo girls and under are the only ones looking to have children and long term relationships and the older women get the more likely they are to have one night stands? Is he retarded?
The saddest thing about wheat waffles (I've watched multiple of his videos because they're so funny) is that he actually had some romantic experiences before age 20 making him not really an incel but instead of deciding 'oh, some women are interested in me, I should just run with it and improve my looks and social skills so I have a better chance to date girls I like' he decided to devote himself to autistically sperging over male looks instead. He has a super funny video where he shows his 'fashion' and 'beauty routine' where he acted like he puts maximum effort into beautifying himself to looksmaxx but it was ugly stained chav clothing and he unironically said he uses the same wet wipes to wash his face and his sneakers. That is what incels think putting maximum effort into your appearance is.
No. 2063036
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I'm really enjoying the comments under the wheat waffles video too. All the incels admit that women prefer pretty boys but then say they'd rather be attractive to men instead. Stay gay lads.
No. 2063040
>>2063036>so i dont think its worth itKEK trying so hard to convince himself that it's not worth taking care of yourself, grooming yourself, etc. to look nice for women. Holy
fuck men are stupid these days.
No. 2063041
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>>2063036More cope in the comments, my fav is 'yeah but male models aren't what women find attractive though'
No. 2063062
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>>2063041My very favourite. If only the other moids would listen.
No. 2063087
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QOVES is an incel larping as a model I'm calling it.
No. 2063094
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>>2063088When googling his name only low quality instagram photos of his ugly mug come up kek.
I feel kind of sick the more I look into this. Like this incel who feels terrible about himself has to go and make everyone else feel bad by making shorts justifying phrenology, imploring his viewers to get plastic surgery, or saying East Asian women are the most attractive because they're more "neotenic."
No. 2063120
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>>2062781He's going to age into this, but balder.
No. 2063159
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>>2063157This one is fashion ugly (so kind of doable in an inbred Targaryen way) I guess
No. 2063166
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No. 2063185
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>>2063166If you need some hopefuel, just know that even TradCath women are sick of their own "Trad" men too.
No. 2063324
>>2062869I don't get it either. The only attractive guy I've ever dated is a ginger so it's just bizarre seeing people act like every single ginger man is ugly. That guy doesn't look good but he'd look presentable if he grew his hair out and did something about his face redness, I don't think having a face that red is really "a ginger thing" since his just looks like rosacea or something and the gingers I've met (both men and women) don't have faces that red.
>>2063036they're so gay lol
No. 2063348
>>2063338Actually there were times in the past in some cultures where males (aristocratic males anyway) were expected to groom themselves excessively, wear big uncomfortable wigs, tights as pants, all kinds of weird fancy impractical clothing and makeup so actually it has gotten even worse. In Imperial Han China scholars/nobility had to wear all kinds of retarded uncomfortable hats, square metal belts, long ass weird sleeves that practically dragged on the ground, and keep their hair super long and groomed. At some point Western moids realized that there's no real benefit of doing all those things to signal social status and just pushed all the beautification and grooming shit on women while deciding it was acceptable for them to put in zero effort themselves. So it's actually even worse than you're saying because beautification, grooming and 'ceremonial' clothing used to be more sex-egalitarian in many societies because it used to just be a marker of status and aesthetic sense of the society until moids completely gave up and decided they would just look like shit while continuing to force women into marriage, except they'd pretend it was the women who wanted to be forced into marriage and they are the hot commodity.
I agree with the rest of your post, most male sperging about gender wars shit is always confession by projection. They themselves only value women based on looks and/or what women can 'do' for them (labor, financially, etc) so depending on the type of man they project this on women and say they are either wallets for women or that women only care about male attractiveness and have very strict specific standards. They are the ones sperging about and poring over thousands of pictures of random male models with little graphs and charts but they pretend it's women that do this, when in reality it's what they do to women and they just started doing it to men too and acting gay. They are the ones who aren't nice to ugly women and act like ugly women are subhuman so then that's what they claim women do to men, wah wah I'm so nice but women treat me like I'm invisible. Men are basically never truly invisible in society just because they look bad, they still get to 'take up space' and be respected and rewarded for their modest achievements or even the most minor positive qualities in their personalities. They say women are whores/sluts/cock carousel when they are the bigger whores who always have more sexual partners and pressure women to sleep with them very early in relationships. They say women lead them on when they are the ones always trying to lie to women and trick women into thinking they're committed just so they can sleep with us and then dump us. They don't wash their asses and have gorilla hair all over their bodies they don't clean and then they project that on women and say we need to shave our entire bodies for 'hygiene' reasons. Then they project that women age terribly because they are the ones extremely insecure about their terrible fucking genetics that cause them to age horribly and young.
No. 2063369
>>2063328It’s actually shocking just how fucked up men are, especially when you remember they promote the idea of themselves being the logical, rational stewards of the earth who are naturally inclined to protect, innovate, and advance.
Most men either become vindictive or catatonic or a combination of the two when they realize pussy is unavailable to them.
All the shit they say about women existing as “agents of chaos/destruction” while simultaneously being ineffectual children is pure projection. Not surprising when you remember most of them could not empathize their way out of a paper bag, so the only critical analysis available to them is projection.
They do not care about love, respect, dignity, or any other higher principles like that. They lash out not because they live in a cruel system, but that they are not benefiting on its bottom rung. The ugly men who complain about the world would never make a peep if they actually got the pussy they wanted. The lack of guaranteed pussy in recent history has really made them insane.
So of course yes they’re clambering to recover the image of the ugly and remarkable, marketing their unremarkability as “high status, actually”. They’re bargaining to ascend the hierarchy by redefining the terms. They cannot let go of the hierarchy they’ve built in their minds because they are so spiritually underdeveloped it’s the only meaning of life they can understand. They’re constantly accusing women of doing the same, calling all feminists ugly hags trying to artificially inflate the value to score some dick. Again, projection.
For all intents and purposes, women would be entirely justified doing so in a society where their QOL depends on men’s attraction towards them, but it’s so rare I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen it. The amount of women guilting men over not finding them sexy is peanuts compared to manlets going on a crusade against the world over a few romantic rejections.
No. 2063400
>>2063338My conspiracy theory is that the high troon sui/depression rate can be majorly explained by XYs finally experiencing being defined by objectification. When the coom haze starts to wear off they have to contend with the fact that their entire existence must revolve around being fuckable (aka, what they think “women” are). The XY’s coom haze is very strong, so of course they must live in extremes. They’re either hypersexual or hyper-mentally-ill. Every time I read a troon’s social media they’re either cumming over freak fetishes, posting “sexy” pictures of themselves, or having existential meltdowns making observations about their shitty lives. I’m sure the cost/benefit analysis favors the coom when they’re younger and more conventionally attractive/desirable. But what is life for a middle aged troon? Every middle aged troon’s level of delusion is magnitudes higher than the average person, even by troon standards. I think over the next few decades there’s going to be a wave of (now) young troon suicides, detransitions, or laughably some sort of troon radical feminism where they scramble to define what womanhood of theirs we should even be respecting.
Males so envious of women’s “easy mode” life, who decide to join the “winning team”, end up realizing to some degree that being seen a pretty fleshlight is an existential nightmare every moment they’re not jerking of.
No. 2063417
>>2063338We just let bald men exist fr. Like imagine if women went bald instead. They’d have to become hermits because every time they became visible to the public they’d be relentlessly torn down.
Like we just let bald men show up on tv and see them first as scientists, politicians, actors, farmers etc. A balding woman shows up in a news interview about how she cured cancer and 99% of the discussion would be ridiculing her appearance.
Men do not comprehend how good they have it, and they have the audacity to complain after inventing a narrative Stacy wouldn’t fuck them because they’re 5’9”.
No. 2063476
>>2063036I think men are deeply terrified of giving women any more power over them. They’re so controlled by their dicks that women already occupy the majority of their thoughts and influence all of their motivations. willingly giving women any more consideration than that makes them feel very vulnerable. They’d rather be spiritually gay than relent their entire existence to women.
Just imagine it, you’re a man, the only reason you do anything at all aside from eat and sleep is because there’s a possibility pussy awaits you somewhere down the line. You have to lie to yourself in order to not sound pathetic and vestigial. You have to lie to yourself or confront the fact you are a drone.
If you tell heterosexual men to prioritize the wants/needs of the women they’re attracted to, you’re asking them to be ok with death, essentially. Not just their literal lives, but the deaths of their ego. Every man is afraid of how easy it would be for him to become an insect, crawling into a woman’s den, knowingly making the choice to trade his life for pussy.
This is why they are obsessed with jezebels and simps. They think since women have the ability to ruin them that they actually want to ruin them. They think “male feminists” are sellouts who traded their souls for pussy.
They find comfort in masculinity, male culture, male company, male approval, where they all reinforce their delusions that they aren’t what they are. Listen to women and you’re a doomed to be a suicidal praying mantis where your entire worth is your sperm (and it’s not a very hot commodity either). Listen to men and you can convince yourself the opposite is true, that it’s actually women who want and need YOU.
It made more sense to be invested in the man’s club when patriarchy was functioning properly, when your copes coulc be made real through force and coercion. But now, it’s just a refuge of pathetic men on the internet. Men who have no other option but to scream into the void, desperately trying to manifest.
They call horoscopes bullshit but you’ll never see a person more involved in magical thinking than a moid pining for patriarchy to save him from his own pathetic existence.
No. 2063488
>>2063449It’s insane there are sociopolitical debates over whether or not ugly women should be depicted in art. Men really cannot comprehend just how insane it is. Seriously, imagine a world where the normal is that almost all protagonists/major characters videogames are women that men find unsexy, and almost all the male (side) characters are ornaments designed to please women. That if a male character exists and isn’t a sexy ornament, women online start a fucking culture war. Women crying en-masse that seeing unsexy men is an affront to their values, a threat to their existence, a malicious and spiteful attempt to brainwash them into consuming filth.
They would not be able to handle it, at all.
No. 2063495
>>2063369>Most men either become vindictive or catatonic or a combination of the two when they realize pussy is unavailable to them.Yup exactly. This is precisely why they always act like women are either uselessly sitting on their asses waiting to get the princess treatment or they think women are some mysterious unpredictable destructive force in society, because it's the way they feel when they're not reined in by women. They genuinely cannot understand that the vast majority of women are logical, cooperative, and behave in a rational and orderly fashion when left to their own devices, because most moids could never do the same. They think the only reason they would or could possibly do anything useful is to 'get' and keep access to a woman they like.
Therefore even though they have never been severely punished for being ugly or 'unfuckable' like women always have been, they act like it's over for them and they may as well jump off a bridge when they realize that they're not attractive to women. This is also what drives the pathetic cope of muh skullinity and roidmaxxing, it's the only form of 'beauty' that's actually achievable to genetically ugly or average men or aging men so they cling desperately to the idea this will salvage their attractiveness in women's eyes. It's ironic that they constantly crow about how women's value is only in their 'youthfulness' and beauty (when they're very young) but start having complete schizo meltdowns themselves at the mere suggestion that young women actually prefer the looks of young men with youthful beauty.
No. 2063505
>>2063476This is a really good analysis/hypothesis nonna, I always feel so baffled at the gay behavior of these PUA/incel males online who obsess over women and yet constantly resist trying to appeal to women but your explanation makes more sense than them all being literal homosexuals. Your theory also explains why they act so aggressive toward other men who actually are nice to and appealing to their female partners, inventing terms like 'whipped' to describe men who seem happy in their relationships with their wives or girlfriends.
It's funny though because in reality men who actually listen to women and do things to appeal to women (appearance wise and behavior wise) usually seem much, much happier and more satisfied in life than the pathetic men who try to shame them for it and take refuge in male culture. Most men will happily give up most of their male friends and hobbies for one half-decent stable relationship with a woman they actually like, that's why most men who are divorced or dumped after LTRs are pathetically lonely, helpless and friendless. Men who are in happy relationships often don't even bother doing the most basic upkeep on their social connections with other males because they're honestly worthless compared to even one relationship with a woman who likes them. Even in the pathetic gay-sounding comments where they say they'd 'rather' look like roidpigs to be 'respected' by men they admit that they seek the male respect because 'women would probably stop respecting me if men don't' lmao. They think women are as pathetically driven by other people's approval as they are, so since their social strategy is to pick women that their bros like (a losing strategy) they assume that women also will only like men that other men like. This is why social connections with women are so much more important and fulfilling to these moids, they're not secondhand, fake, reputation-based 'affection' but actual real affection.
It's just pathetic how much they shoot themselves in the foot though, if you can learn to listen to women about what they find attractive you are already better off than 80-90% of other males. I remember when I was dating my high school bf I took him shopping and got him to dress better and get a better haircut, and he was all like 'oh no what if you break up with me, then it will all be pointless? and my friends will make fun of me?' I had to explain to him that if we break up he'll have better luck finding another girlfriend not looking like a slob (which was true of course women instantly found him more attractive while the men tried to sabotage him and mock him for looking 'gay'). It's like they're hardwired to be too dumb to understand what's good for them and think their bros gassing them up about their appearance somehow affects their actual chances with human women through some ancient magic.
No. 2063511
>>2063104Yeah, I started watching his videos a long time ago and they were very helpful to me. It made me understand what kind of plastic surgery I actually need and what's wrong with my looks, because it gave me words to describe it and find fixes for it. I grew into my features and started accepting some of my looks as I got older, but his videos about noses especially and the correct rhinoplasty for a person were very helpful, because he pointed out that it's better to get a nose shape suitable for one's ethnicity, and one that could've been the nose they were born with naturally, and that made me realize if it wasn't for the hump and the broken nose bone, my nose would've been perfect for me. I don't feel like I should change the tip or wings of my nose anymore, just the broken nose bridge, and I will look infinitely better. His videos also made me understand my face shape better and see the positives in my features, like my skin tone, hair and eye color, cheekbones, jawline, teeth etc. And I realized through his videos that maybe I have a receding chin, which is why my nose looks tok big when it isn't, and I should fix my underbite instead of trying to force my nose to be smaller. Iirc he doesn't shill the bald roidpig with beard look and has talked about the female gaze and that women find pretty boys attractive or something like that but I'm not 100% sure. But I do dislike his shillings of neoteny because I find it ugly personally.
>>2063118This is very true. My mom always tells me how when I was a baby, I was so ugly I looked like a monkey and nothing like her, so people would make fun of my looks in front of her until I start crying and she'd have to go somewhere private and quiet to hash me, kek. Blogpost but it reached a point where
I was the only child being physically abused by my parents, while my other siblings who are "cuter" than me weren't touched at all. No. 2063517
>>2063495I agree with everything you said but would like to add that a lot of what men find “attractive” in other men is yet another product of their terminal lack of empathy.. Their frame of reference is entirely themselves, so their idea of a what makes men successful with women is “alpha male”/“harem king”. It’s their intrasexual competition instincts being mistaken for women’s preferences. The strongest monkey impregnates the most women (by beating all the other monkeys away), therefore, women prefer the strongest monkey. It’s just “logical” to them.
While it’s true that most men would have an easier transition into roidfreaks, given they’re already ugly to begin with, I do think they actually believe it. They act so genuinely bewildered when shown evidence to the contrary. Not even just the Redpill dudes. I remember reading some study where it was shown women preferred androgynous features on men. the observations from the male researchers was genuine surprise and were unable to come up with any explanations themselves, treating it was though it were just some quirky little oddity.
No. 2063534
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>tfw my formerly fit, long haired, and good looking bf walls hard a year after meeting me
>resists efforts to stay fit and healthy with me
>doesn't want to use hair retention foam on his head because it's "gay"
>has a gunt now where he had abs and blames me for it because I work from home and have asthma so I don't go on 10 mile runs with him at 2pm
>will probably panic to get his shit in order as soon as I break up with him because men only try out of pure spite not out of devotion
I want to scream
No. 2063550
>>2063505It’s an explanation that makes the most sense to me and I can’t find any fault or inconsistencies lol.
I remember seeing the “oh you’re afraid of/hate spiders? That must mean you wanna fuck spiders.” And thought about it so deeply, because the two ideas never once even vaguely strung together in my mind. It seemed so nonsensical I had no idea why people would even say it. But I am positive i understand now.
Men are terrified of what they want to fuck because their entire lives revolve around fucking, making them very vulnerable to the target of their desires. They’re like parasites who are resentful of their hosts because they’re so reliant on them for survival. Their hosts’ ability to keep them hostage/dependent, as well as the host ever expressing desire to remain unbothered are both very terrifying for men. They feel vulnerable and at our mercy, and think we have a very cruel advantage over them.
They try to rectify this injustice, by dedicating every other thought to resenting/punishing/controlling their obsessions.
It’s why heterosexual men and heterosexual male culture is so cruel towards women, despite supposedly “loving” women.
They aren’t gay they don’t want to fuck men. Other men just give them refuge so they can dodge actually confronting their own weakness. Solidarity with other men feeds you lies to protect your ego (masculinity) while also enabling you to exploit women (patriarchy).
These men aren’t gay. Men hate each other, they’re all in competition with one another individually, but realize that it takes group effort to restructure reality to their benefit.
This is also why male friendships are so substanceless and based on fronting and transactionality. They’re here to reinforce lies about themselves and to benefit from one another (the “friendships” dissolve as soon as this stops happening). They save all of their “emotions” aka narcissistic abuse for the women who they feel they have sufficiently locked down.
I do not think the average male is capable of love or “sexuality”, at least not how women see it. They’re too busy resenting their own existence and trying to buffer their own egos with copes to explore anything profound. “Love” for men is tolerating a woman’s presence whose labor and service were worth abandoning his dream of pursuing an infinite harem. “Sexuality” for men is indulging in their base desires while convincing themselves they’re taking something sacred away from the women they fuck through penile conquest.
No. 2063566
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>only 21
No. 2063570
>>2063534Lmfao he bagged you and instantly started not giving a fuck and blamed you for it.
Well, he’s right. It’s actually your fault. He doesn’t have strange pussy motivating him to “improve” anymore. The real question. Is, are you ok with a man bitterly settling with you? A man who can barely even hide how resentful he is that your pussy isn’t so strange and exciting anymore?
No. 2063593
God there’s so many based takes in this thread I want to reply to all of them but I can’t kek.
>>2063325>sexy bishonen men shaking their asses on screenIf only, why was I born in the wrong timeline.
>>2063417Bald scrotes disgust me so much, I wish they’d at least wear wigs to conceal their ugliness.
>>2063517Men are insanely retarded. They want to attract women but rather listening to what women tell them (they won’t because it’s “gay”) they would rather listen to other moids in their online circlejerk as if that’s somehow more heterosexual. They’ll feed them all kinds of lies and bs about what women really desire and then wonder why they’re unable to pull, like way to shoot yourself in the foot retard.
>>2063500The way scrotes react to women fawning over pretty boys will always be amusing to me. Like you said they pull out copes about those women being hysterical/repressed lesbians because apparently liking well groomed men means you’re mentally ill and attracted to the same sex somehow. The fact that they’re shitting on women for having those preferences and basically negging them to change them is very telling. And whenever they bring up “muh objectification” it’s clear that they’re just jealous and wish they were being lusted over like that.
Another thing about moids when they cope over pretty boys is that they’ll always act as if they’re all these weak, frail, limp-wristed faggots as if there aren’t plenty who are physically fit and hit the gym, and even those guys get called gay too.
No. 2063632
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has anyone else realised that modern female celebrities dress like hentai anime girls(and act like them too)? meanwhile where did all the super flamboyant faggy straight male musicians like Prince and new york dolls go? its so insane how wide the sexualization gap between female musicians and actresses and male musicians and actors is nowadays. Even the rare female musicians who arent visually sexualized like billie STILL sing extremely sexualized lyrics. Fucking insane.
No. 2063652
>>2063550This is a very thought provoking post and I agree.
>These men aren’t gay. Men hate each other, they’re all in competition with one another individually, but realize that it takes group effort to restructure reality to their benefit.I have the same thought when looking at incel/MRA/MGTOW/PUA moids. They act homosocially obsessed with one another and their opinions of each other but it's also in a very competitive way. They sabotage each other constantly. Just look at incels admitting that young and pretty women like prettyboys and then lying to each other that actually any woman over age 21 has zero interest in prettyboys. They want to drag other men down with them into their own stupidity, but also express surface level, superficial solidarity with each other when it comes to 'tricking' women or 'punishing' them or keeping them down. They sabotage each other to remove competition but then act in solidarity when it comes to attacking women. Literally 'it would be better that no woman have the man she desires than some men getting women and women getting to choose.'
Even as a 15yo at the time I recognized my bf's friends' behaviour as sabotage. They were such buddies but they instantly tried to tear down his ego when he did something to make himself more attractive (he was already more attractive to girls than most of them) and tried to convince him that it was 'weak' and 'lame' to dress and style himself differently than all of them did as if actually asserting individuality was a weak-minded thing, because they hate when other men outcompete them in some way and won't hold the line of 'we should all be ugly to women together.' The men who actually listen to women often manage to break out of this (if they're young enough) and have happy relationships while their moid friends drop them out of bitterness and resentment. It's funny how they talk about women's friendships being fake and women being catty bullies when most male friendships are even more fake and superficial than the worst mean girl clique behaviour. Yes my highschool boyfriend ended up basically losing/getting rejected by his friend group after this, but ended up in happier/more functional friendships while they remained bitter and vindictive. I can't believe even teenaged moidlets are trained to act like this, like there is some secret childhood pact not to cater to girls.
I think you're right but the minority of men who are capable of real love or real sexuality end up making the other ones seethe even harder because they end up much happier. Males who manage to foster real loving relationships with women get a lot more out of them than they can get out of most of their male friendships because women don't resent and try to tear down their male friends or partners. Again men project this on women and think women are all in some brutal sexual competition when most women don't resent other women for having nice boyfriends.
No. 2063660
>>2063593>they pull out copes about those women being hysterical/repressed lesbians because apparently liking well groomed men means you’re mentally ill and attracted to the same sex somehow. Another confession by projection, it's moids who become obsessed with 'femboys' and tranny porn because they're so attracted to the trappings of femininity they themselves invented to humiliate and subjugate women that they even get off to men enacting those tropes. Men meme themselves into being more turned on by the things they convinced women to do to denigrate ourselves and cater to them than by actual women and the female body. When women like prettyboys (even ones with too much makeup and plastic surgery) it's because women like pretty boys who try to be attractive, not because we are attracted to the trappings of femininity moids imposed on us. If women who like boybands were lesbian they'd just like girlbands instead, much prettier.
Lol yes also men being like 'omg they're so frail and weak' as they look at a man who spends 8h/day 7 days a week working out in gruelling dance and gym regimens while the fat 'masculine' soyboy sits on his couch eating cheetos all day. It's like they don't understand that fat doesn't make you physically stronger lmao. It's a total reversal of reality to call men whose entire image is crafted to appeal to girls/women 'gay' for actually attracting women.
No. 2063661
>>2063632I don't know if it's caused by anime but I noticed that this stuff really took off after anime started being mainstream. I remember when people used to make fun of anime for being "weird and perverted" and hentai was considered a creepy degenerate thing, and now it's just normal to dress like a little girl and use a baby voice and do ahegao faces and now normies joke about what anime girls they want to fuck, etc. Back in the day I remember it was a big deal when Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera wore crop tops (showing their…
gasp stomach!!), or sang innuendos that were still subtle enough for plausible deniability and it was considered "too sexy!" and inappropriate for teenagers to see. Now we have middle schoolers seeing Sabrina Carpenter doing
>>2063632 this and singing about her pussy and sucking dick without any subtlety at all.
No. 2063724
>>2063660>if women who like boybands were lesbian they'd just like girlbands instead, much prettier.So true. like what’s the point of a pseudonymous woman online in 2024 repressing her homosexuality? There’s no oppressive, rigid social structure that would inspire them to repress for the sake of strangers. Even more, all these fandom girls into kpop/yaoi boys actually show deep interest and involvement with their pretty boys. LARPing for years as a dedicated fangirl just for pretend? Why??
And “subconsciously lesbian” is bullshit too. Every woman I know went through a phase where they questioned their sexualities and ended up at the truth. Women are also much more introspective than moids so how you could just accidentally overlook your own sexuality is laughable.
No. 2063738
>>2063724Again it's usually men who turn themselves pseudo-gay with too much porn because they're attracted to 'feminine stereotype marker' so they think women can be memed into sexuality as easily but there is no shortage of pretty women for lesbian or bisexual women to lust over, so the women lusting over plastic surgery monster pretty boys are only doing so because the pickings of actual attractive males are so slim.
It's the same with the roidmaxxing hypertrophy shit. Men sexually respond to supranormal stimuli like fake ZZZ cup silicone boobs/breast plates, photoshopped tiny waist filters or whatever so they assume that they can meme women into liking sweaty roidpigs who are 2x wider and veinier than naturally high testosterone weight lifter men, except women aren't susceptible to supranormal stimuli for coom so women go 'wtf??' when we see these roidpig men. We are not evolutionarily adapted to find unnaturally huge and disfigured male bodies attractive, we are evolutionarily adapted to finding naturally healthy male bodies attracted. Men, being the meme sex, don't understand this and become confused. The wheat waffles video at the start of this thread is a great example, his 'chad'/most attractive pinnacle image in the middle of his cutecel to roidcel scale already looks like an unattractively neanderthal-esque gigachad/roidpig to most women and is already at the far end of the masculinity scale women are even likely to find attractive. Most of his 'pretty boy' examples also look like masculine/high testosterone young men, just young enough their skulls haven't grown to double size yet. He acts like balding could ever be an attractive trait to women. These men don't get that what they see as 'perfectly balanced' is already on the far end of normal male attractiveness and everything beyond that is the male equivalent of hentai women with boobs that droop to the floor, which no woman genuinely finds attractive.
It's all just incredible cope for the fact that most men are ugly. I'm a bisexual but thought I was lesbian throughout most of my preteen/teen years because most boys were just ugly. Even after realizing I was bisexual, I actually managed to date more women I actually liked than men because women are both likelier to have good personalities and far likelier to be attractive, even though there are wayy more men willing to date me than women. But most of them just aren't appealing. That's just the blackpill males have to accept, I guess, women who are attracted to both realize that 95% of males are basically ugly while at least 60% of women are genuinely pretty.
No. 2063744
>>2063651Men actually don’t care when they’re sexualized. In fact, they love the idea of it. They will confess to this constantly, even the normal, non-incel ones. They’ll say “hell yeah! More women should be open to using me as a meat dildo! Sounds sweet! Ladies please hmu!”.
They only get pissed when OTHER, NOT-ME men are sexualized, because they’re jealous.
They do not have any moral concerns over being reduced to their cock. It seems to be what they’re after, actually. Their obsession with x-maxing over actual self improvement proves they just want to turn themselves into shiny, enticing dildos, not boyfriend material.
If you as a woman feel uncomfortable with being objectified and living in a culture where all women are objectified because it reminds you that you are less of a person and more of a thing, don’t project that onto men.
They’re only ever upset when they don’t meet the standards themselves. They’d be happy fools if they could exchange their ability to speak for magic cocks that made every attractive woman drop her panties in his presence.
Don’t pity them they’re too retarded.
No. 2063761
>>2063751This is also why men have no issue with hideous monster looking male characters being 'sexualized' or half naked in video games/movies by the way. If women (pretend to) lust after the standard males have set for themselves in the monstrously ugly characters and aesthetics they like, or see women talking about how much they love fat moids because theyre like soft cuddly teddy bears or whatever, they won't be mad. They have eyes too. They get mad when women clearly genuinely like hot men who are unattainably attractive by the typical male standard.
In the last thread someone mentioned Mass Effect femshep romance options versus maleshep options, lmao I went on reddit and found a bunch of women saying they played as maleshep because they're straight but would rather 'romance' the non-disgusting female romance options than the disgusting male ones. When males control media this is all we're gonna get, hideous 'fantasy' males for the male gaze and hot fantasy females for the male gaze that are less repulsive to straight women than the male options.
No. 2063765
>>2063751I wish they were that nice. if they believe women get horny over doing chores and still refuse to do them they really just hate women lawl.
No they say women get horny over their “status”, which is to say, women get horny when I have leverage over them. Again confusing their previously successful predatory sexual strategy with women’s genuine interest. They believe it, but they still don’t care since these “high status” men are stingy as fuck and will destroy your life by withholding their resources from you while demanding you sacrifice all of your valuable time and energy for them.
Men dgaf about what women want. They just dangle what they think women want in front of them until they can rope one in and stop putting in any effort. It’s extra funny though since they’re tryna do a carrot-stick routine when it’s not a carrot it’s crusty celery they picked up from behind a trash can, and they STILL think you don’t deserve to eat it.
No. 2063770
>>2063517It's a product of male disposability (rapid senescence) and needing to artificially expand the definition of what's fuckable in a man. A promise of post-wall pussy windfall to keep ugly men striving/subservient to rich men is also a big part of it (ugly and old men are natural allies). Every male knows exactly what's actually hot in a man, that's why they know exactly who to bully, call gay of sexually degrade into becoming gay.
Males pretend-like what's reasonably attainable by all of them and isn't based on any innate or genetic trait, which is somewhat similar to when women elevate unattractive "chic" women like Sarah Jessica Parker. Granted, women don't harass men into finding SJP attractive, but it's the closest female equivalent to that line of thought in moids.
No. 2063775
>>2063765>believe women get horny over doing chores and still refuse to do themTbf a lot of the men that say/think this are hideous fat libfem soyboy male feminists who probably do a chore now and again and feel like heroes for it. The more 'trad' or conservative men instead, like you said, think it's about status and 'leadership' quality as though it took some skill to 'lead' a group of two people including yourself.
> “status”, which is to say, women get horny when I have leverage over them.Great point nona, it is really dark when you put it this way. They actually convince themselves women are attracted to an abuse/power dynamic. They really are retarded because as you say this is how men 'got' women throughout a lot of the history of civilization but it's not like the women liked it. I think some women genuinely are attracted to 'status' in specific contexts, like when a man is really excellent at something and desired for it, but that's usually because of the 'excellence' part and not the power dynamic/leverage part.
I disagree though that men dgaf what women want. They are obsessed with what women want because they're actually nothing without women (usually) and obsessed especially with female validation. They just try to convince themselves they dgaf and act as though they dgaf because they know they wouldn't measure up. Men who actually measure up to female standards of desire usually know, and care, that they do. Those are basically the only men in this world with genuinely healthy self esteem.
No. 2063779
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>>2063761I love conventionally attractive yet exotically sexy monster boys so much, actually. It’s easy to pretend their non-human qualities imply depth through lore. He’s actually my manic pixie dream boyfriend because he’s a fish and that’s just his fish culture and fish biology, he’s not prone to human man type scroting since he’s simply not capable of it.
I wanna fuck sexy monster nigels and the community of women obsessed with pig ugly fictional monster men make me embarrassed by association.
No. 2063783
>>2063770Exactly, the vast majority of ugly/post-wall men close ranks and pretend to think the small number of hot men are gay and ugly for actually being fancied/desired by women, and then psyop other young men into thinking 'women won't like me if men don't respect me' as above. Oh the prettyboy on my high school football team got his back broken from a beating from other moids, but it totally isn't because they were deeply jealous! Don't be a pretty boy! They will run in circles to sabotage the rare attractive man and will deliberately sabotage any man's attempts to become more genuinely attractive. Looksmaxxers only support each other when they believe a guy is 'tricking' women into finding him attractive when he's ugly or 'gaming the system' in some way which becomes really funny when they occasionally (accidentally) congratulate some 'looksmaxxer' who just hit puberty and had good genetics all along.
I don't think 'chic' women like SJP are really the same phenom though. I think women are just genuinely more interested in aesthetics, fashion, and the idea of 'coolness' and will look up to SATC characters because they seem (superficially at least) cool and unbothered and rich and fashionable and glam. I don't think it has much to do with sexual attractiveness. Most women innately know and will admit to which women are the most sexually attractive to men, but I think the women who are not top tier sexually attractive are usually fairly happy and satisfied to be chic and cool instead, because women get more genuine satisfaction out of being admired by other women than men do. In women it's not merely a crabs in a bucket mentality.
No. 2063799
In regards to all this, what can we do as women to safeguard our media from the psy-op? Not to blog too much, but I'm a writer and an artist and only came around to undoing the psy-op after years of brainwashing. Drawing beautiful and hot men makes me happy but I fear that men will find this content offensive enough to harass me as well as others into submission. And it's not just moids either. Pickmes hiding behind
toxic inclusivity will get mad if you refuse to draw fat ugly old men in the name of diversity. I feel like the cards are stacked against me, nonnas, truly and surely. Sometimes wish for a world where women were calling the shots instead of this hellscape run by ugly old rich men.
>>2063779Based, we need more cute monster guys in this world. There's a reason I call myself a monsterboy fan and not a monsterfucker, this is why. I don't see the appeal in characters like jason who only further exacerbate my dislike of mask.
No. 2063802
>>2063783Definitely. There's pretty much no direct female equivalent to ugly moid status cope behavior.
Moids also love intentionally conflating monetary utility and sexual attractivenes in some bizarre suspension of disbelief, then turn around and seethe about golddiggers.
In essence, one can summarize the "patriarchy" as a futile moid pursuit of absolute love and acceptance that isn't based on anything whatsoever, something akin to involuntary maternal love.
No. 2063807
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>>2063661Nah, songs have been pretty raunchy since at least the 70's. The 80's reeeeeeally fucked everything up, though, because it was basically an industry-wide game of "chicken", of who could get away with being the most explicit and awful and sexualizing (see picrel). Now we're seeing another cycle of it again, but with multiple industries, not just music.
No. 2063828
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>>2063062they never learn.
No. 2063831
>>2063799I'm an artist too. The trick to beating everyone is being
capable of drawing everyone: old people, ugly fags, pretty boys, rugged men, etc. You have to have enough raw skill that you can depict anyone. But your talent should come from you having enough judgement to decide what to draw, and how to depict it. If you wanna draw hot men, go for it. But make them stand out from the crowd of hot men. Make them your own. I've heard a lot of artists, gamedevs, filmmakers, etc. say that they made their stuff for themselves (and it just so happened to resonate with a huge audience). Stick to that mentality.
No. 2063835
>>2063775They do this constantly. Which is ironic since they’re usually wrapped up in evopsych explanations for everything. Women don’t like rape because men rape them. Males and females by design, across all animal species, have conflicting sexual strategies and that is the entire point. If you let the males run roughshod over the females then you’re missing half the picture. Why would women actually like being exploited? All evidence suggests that the more freedom of choice you give to women, the more they choose to abstain from men. Virtually all females of every species evolve to mitigate male sexual exploitation. Males evolve to exploit, and so on and so forth.
When I said men don’t care about what women want I meant they don’t care about what women actually want. They invent this false narrative where women want them only under xyz conditions. when they encounter any friction, they accuse women of being illogical/emotional/chaotic/hysterical/less advanced. They want women to want them, but in a very solipsistic, retarded way. Also, even in this framework, assuming the woman is entirely compliant and complicit, he will still resent her for her “inferior” nature, and resent his dependency on an “inferior”. Men invent unreal women and still hate them. We’re still jezebels, gold diggers, nags, dead weight, grown children, etc. even in their idealized fantasies. If you want to learn a lot about moid psychology just do some research on NPD, specifically about the narc’s internal relationship with his
victim, how he perceives them and his sense of self.
Men think prostitutes want them if the woman acts play-cute. Men don’t know what women want. They do not have the empathy skills required to conceptualize another human being that has a completely different perspective and approach to life than him.
No. 2063839
>>2063809Seriously what's stopping men from using complexion products when they look like a stop light? Asian moids do it. It doesn't even make them look 'feminine' like lipstick or something would. I am anti-foundation myself but if men are gonna whine about how they want to looksmaxx to get girls then you'd expect them to at least get some tinted moisturizer or centella serum to tone down the redness. I really think he's roiding though.
>>2063802Yeah 'SMV' is all about male obsession with 'market forces' and capitalism lmao as if women were commodities. Apropos Wheat Waffles though I find it hilarious how all the men in his comments are like 'omg high IQ so good with data bla bla' when he can't even make a proper graph and his 'science facts' contradict themselves. They just love feeling like they're being intellectual and objective about their 'mate value' instead of spending 5 minutes listening to a woman about how to be cute.
Yes men are obsessed with 'unconditional love' from women that's why they emphasize 'loyalty' so much while never cultivating any qualities that would inspire loyalty. If you're such a big strong smart old school general who needs his troops (wife/gf) to be loyal try winning some battles first. They talk about being desirable or leaders but then actually want to be treated like babies. Babies are not desirable sexually to any woman. Ever.
No. 2063859
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>>2063036>>2063062I don't get this though, because most males don't become huge muscles freaks unless they spend years in the gym with insane diets. Most males who do regular exercise have more in common with 'pretty boys.' This is even true for special forces soldiers, like my dad served in the special forces and showed me pictures of his training and the members of his unit, as well as soldiers from other countries they worked with. they were all young and attractive men in their early 20s who literally resembled male models
No. 2063864
>>2063839Men are stunted creatures and must explain everything with math and hierarchies to make sense of the world. Even the most intelligent men will just speak bullshit. Even if they are narratively consistent, it’s bullshit because it fails to account for reality. They invent video-game rules that they wish to be real, try forcing them into reality through policy and conditioning. When you start cutting them loose, many failmails will flounder and throw tantrums that life is hard and doesn’t make sense to them. They can’t see a clear path to pussy so they react with violence or impotence. They do not like the idea of giving themselves meaning. They want a walkthrough for life and will go through the motions so long as it involves access to pussy. Uninquisitive, boring, cruel, more close to animals than women.
Most of them are low IQ, too. you’ll frequently encounter a lot of boy maths and general retardation when they start yapping about the rules of engagement in their fantasy moidtopia.
No. 2063871
>>2063835Men don't understand that women's sexual strategies are good for their offspring and for society. I know males and females are usually sexually antagonistic but you'd think that with higher cognitive capacity men would see and understand that this is actually a good thing for the species. Instead they throw their own potential future sons and daughters under the bus by trying to trick women into reproducing with them that don't even actually want to. Even in most animal species where males 'compete' for sexual access to the female the female still grants sexual access or not, human moids think they can circumvent this whole process and just decide to divvy up the women amongst themselves.
I think you're right that men don't consciously, intellectually care what women actually want, but I think deep down they do care and it hurts them and that's why they're so bitter. All the accusations and projection are sour grapes cope because they know on an instinctive level that they live for female validation and they know on some level they're tricking women and themselves into pretending that's what they're getting. That's why I said the small minority of mentally healthy men are usually the ones that have actual value to women, these men tend not to be disgusting coomers and tend not to act completely antagonistic toward women but they tend to be hated and sabotaged by other men. I believe they know on some level that their lives are usually pointless without women and this is why they try to coerce women and victimize them.
No. 2063876
>>2063859It’s more like the gigachad is their idealized false-self. Most men aren’t gigachads and were not historically gigachads. But gigachad is still their icon, even when they themselves are shrimps/fat/unshapely and undisciplined.
Men love fixating on false-selves and false icons they see themselves in. Their obsession with their idea of what a father is, searching for surrogate father figures their whole lives, inventing “god” as their father. Men become obsessed with other men because all they know is men. Because they’re stupid.
No. 2063888
>>2063847Remains to be seen
nonny, I will never fully 100% trust any male to be a 'good one' but it helped that I knew him from basically child age and he actually looks up to me in most ways. I really think men should consider it the bare minimum to be at least as fit as their girlfriends or even random female friends/sisters (since it's easier for them) and try to learn from their female friend/relative/partner's grooming and fashion habits, otherwise I assume they don't respect themselves let alone you.
No. 2063894
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>>2063859Men used to be capable of being handsome.
No. 2063898
>>2063871Oh you’re absolutely right they do care and are at the very least, subconsciously aware that the version of love they allow themselves to be in with women is transactional and hollow. The problem here is that it’s very scary for men to break down their ego barriers and make themselves truly vulnerable. To have real deep, profound love means loving someone as your equal. enough to give them freedom, including the freedom to reject you. Men are so terrified of rejection they will live spiritually unfulfilled lives if it guarantees them fake love and all the material benefits that come with it.
For a man, being authentic means taking a huge risk. Imagine you exposed your true self and were rejected anyways? That’s like saying they aren’t good enough to even exist, and is probably more scary than death to them.
No. 2063904
>>2063534Throw him in the bin.
>>2063566Throw him in the bin.
>>2063062>>2063828Males actively do not want to understand us. They do not see us as worthy of being understood.
>>2063859This is confirmation bias, I think. The old photos you see today are usually of hot men because the ones of mid/ugly men aren't interesting or worthy of being preserved. It's like when males complain that women back then were all hot and petite, when all they see are pictures of celebrities.
>>2063894Ok this is cute…
No. 2063913
>>2063864I think the 'most' intelligent men won't just spout bullshit but very generally intelligent men are rare. Most men who are perceived as intelligent are just autistic spergs who seem 'dispassionate' and 'data driven' but are actual retards. Slightly off topic but the biggest blackpill on this for me was my own dad (who I thought I got at least half my own high intelligence from) unironically looking up to that rationalist moid Scott Alexander. I can't believe that is in my genetic code and I ended up actually smart at half his age while he's still into these 'graphs and charts' spergs as an old man. WTF. Autism. Rationalist moids that I recently found out my dad follows did things like spending 2 years developing flow charts for a conversation with a 'hypothetical female' before they actually tried speaking to one. They literally want women to be figments of their imagination; like you said it's a video game algorithm driven mentality. The rare generally intelligent moid will not be like this and will use common sense and intuition but other stupid moids mostly are impressed by these video game algo sperging autists. I don't want to start posting every Wheat Waffles video here but there was another random one I watched today out of curiosity where he made a line chart to describe 'percentage rejections, getting insta or getting a number' from women instead of a bar chart. And all the comments underneath were like wooow, you're soo deep mathematical and objective and high IQ with this deep analysis of female behaviour! Of course missing that the entire thesis of the video was wrong because he was comparing a moid chasing women from the back down dark hallways to a moid approaching women in groups from the front and attributing the 'rejection percentage' to looks.
All of these moids would unironically benefit from just spending a bit more time trying to act like normal human beings and asking women (we are people too) how to act normal around women. Instead they act other admitted incel men with no romantic or social experience how to approach women. Literal retardation. They want a video game tutorial for women made by other autistic moids and that's that.
No. 2063923
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>>2063632this is the insane behaviour i'd expect from someone that puts her mouth on this pitbull physiognomy monstrosity
No. 2063927
>>2063876One of the most baffling things to me about modern moid logic is that some fat soyboy incel who wears dinosaur overalls like a 6 year old and is bald at age 24 will unironically identify himself with Dwayne Johnson and talk about muh skullinity while looking like an overfed retarded toddler, and then turn around and mock 'feminine weak soyboys I could snap in half' who are fit young athletes with full heads of hair. Gigachads (roidpigs) are disgusting of course, but the men who identify with them are even more fat, unfit and feminized than the average 16 year old eboy they make fun of, who probably at least could jog up 2 flights of stairs without
triggering a heart attack. The reason fat couch potato soyboy men with no hair relate to gigachad and not 'feminine eboys' is solely because they know deep down both are ugly, repulsive, and have unbalanced hormones.
No. 2063945
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>>2063913Not to sperg or derail but my husbando seemed to be one of the intelligent moids. Picrel is from an interview he did a while back.
No. 2063949
>>2063880I still think the single funniest thing about this video is him taking pride in using wet wipes for his face and shoes and being like 'wow! it's so efficient!' He really thinks he's a looksmaxxer lmao when he's using butt cleaning wipes to 'clean' his angry red face.
>uses castor oil on eyebrows, eyebrows still look like that Why are looksmaxx men so averse to makeup? We even have those cool 'tinted brow gel' products that only color your eyebrow hairs, not the skin and look semi natural. Can't even color in his eyebrows or tint them or use actual face wash.
Meanwhile female looksmaxxers
>15 invasive plastic surgeries and filler treatments>150lb weight loss using gastric bypass, ozempic or starvation>1000s of dollars worth of fancy clothes>3h/day in the gym>extensive research about fashion and makeup and color theory/kibbe typemoids could never
No. 2063976
>>2063898>Imagine you exposed your true self and were rejected anyways? Women do this all the time in various contexts (not just romantic) and get strong because of it. Men think they're stronger mentally than women but their biggest fear is vulnerability and rejection, that's just pathetic. I do think the minority of men who can go through this and get over this can be as human as women though.
The roidmaxxing gigachad fantasy is all about refusing to show vulnerability. It's not women's dream but their dream to see themselves as 'protectors' who could beat up threats to their woman even if in reality they've never been in a single fight. They almost always measure themselves up against other men and that's why they're baffled when women express that our own preferences for moids are not based on how men 'stack up' against other men in some moid games. The average emotionally broken BPD drug addict woman probably has a lot more resilience, rationality and emotional strength than most moids who consider themselves 'strong' and that's why they need to fetishize fake strength proxies like muscle size after roiding and gymmaxxing or jaw angle.
>enough to give them freedom, including the freedom to reject you.This is also a big part of why men create their 'own' standards for male attractiveness decoupled from what women like, and insist that women are lying about not liking it. If women have already rejected the type of 'attractiveness' you claim they actually secretly desire, then when women reject you for being ugly, you can claim they're just fighting their real super serious deep down desires that they're hiding, so it's not a 'real' rejection. And you rejected the standards the woman said she had anyway. It is scarier for moids to realize that the most basic standard a woman might have to like him is, e.g., hair retention, which he mostly can't control, and that's why moids lash out by trying to convince 26yo women that they've 'hit the wall' and aren't attractive anymore. It's an attempt to reverse and counter-inflict their own panic about not being desirable.
No. 2063997
I was watching the YouTube channel of Pathe yesterday and couldn't help but notice vidrel and think that body positivity and its consequences had been a disaster for the moid race. How come exercising and encouraging a healthy lifestyle became scrotes' kryptonite? They nowadays are fat useless blobs who keep stuck in a room cooming all day. How dare you say anything about them, they bemoan about being oppressed and that exercising is fascism and nazism. I hate lazy modern scrotes so much nonas, it's unreal
>>2063859What a beauty. Even though he is masculine than I usually like, but I feel pain noticing that we don't have cute average moids anymore
>>2063894I don't think he is that hot, but he gains points with me for taking care with the kitten. I love vintage photos of soldiers taking care of animals. Same with vintage pictures of moids writing letters, there is some romantism in it that makes them half a point more attractive in my eyes.
No. 2063999
>>2063957the tardhusbands also get resentful of their SATW/Ms because they're retards with no object permanence or empathy, most of the wives' work will go unseen and unassisted, likely by design because she'll try to get the chores done with by the time tardmoid is home, so all he sees is her talking with him, eating, doing her hobbies, or playing with the children and not the cooking, cleaning folding arranging the clothes, cleaning, wiping shit and puke and half eaten food or readying for school, setting out clothes, helping with homework or entertaining the children that she'd gotten done before he came home.
No. 2064014
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My god nonas, i was supposed to stop using lolcow but i wanted to see if i could understand color seasons so i tried to look for pictures of people faces in the same lighting, this ones were from UK but i started to literally tear up, why are they such abominations???
Most of the female ones are average too but they're not this bad, and most of them at least used some light makeup or tried to not look unkempt. My god. Do you see anyone that is visually acceptable? Why didn't they even shave that stubble for a picture?
No. 2064030
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>>2063997To keep stuff balanced I'll post a soldier with a dog, too. "A Marine Corps German shepherd is comforted by his partner while being x-rayed. Shot by a Japanese sniper on Bougainville, the dog died of his injuries. Date unknown. (208-AA-121-SS-9)"
No. 2064040
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>>2064021Not really too related,but It's saddening that when I see a average moid actually be a good person especially with animals it's such a shocker that immediately raises a few points. They really have it so fucking easy to appeal to women if they were kind-hearted people. The moids who do try to appeal to women usually post with their cats because they know.
No. 2064050
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>>2064037My honest reaction
No. 2064054
>>2063999this but I always see loads of moids LARPing as SAHDs to neg women about how super duper easy it is, once I even called out a moid for lying (was only following porn and vidya accounts, nothing related to parenting or parent influencers like how most parents will follow) he ended up throwing a bitch fit about how good parents dont need advice, plans or anything else and we should just go by the previous generation, when I pointed out most boomers have a lot of outdated parenting advice he claimed I was a gentle parent raising spoiled brats who will leech off of me forever when I was referring to feeding, safe sleep, etc as outdated and not discipline. don't be fooled by these idiots.
anyway - the few moids that do claim it's super easy and evil women are just lying typically get loads of help from the evil women they claim to hate, they'll get fast food or ultraprocessed, they keep everything messy and don't cleam well, they dont help the kids learn, dont help with homework, don't go to appointments, dont go to the park or anything, etc.
No. 2064057
File: 1719354804432.jpg (146.21 KB, 735x751, britishmoids.jpg)

>>2063904>Confirmation biasI don't know about that,
nonnie. I just did a little experiment by searching a pic of the ugliest nationality that would come to my mind in one of the most brutal wars which was WW2. And I picked the first image with a multiple soldiers I could find to avoid bias and picrel was the result. They look way better than the moids in
>>2064014 No. 2064071
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>>2064057ntayrt but picrel is the only attractive one to me
No. 2064093
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>>2064057Kind of mind-blowing how moids from WW2, men who had to march for weeks, get blown up, shot at, have to take care of their gear and supplies, have to build bridges, mine fields, operate machines, etc., get shellshocked, wounded, blinded, maimed, STILL look better than men today.
No. 2064105
>>2064079Yes she was from the same group, she was the prettiest one but to me the ones that didn't look good at all were probably just 2, one was an overweight lady that doesn't look good with the pulled back hairstyle, and another one was an indian looking girl that just had a lot of discoloration and her eyes didn't really point in the same direction, lightly.
There were some that were indeed more masculine and it didn't compliment them, but the rest was pretty inoffensive as average, with more than just few coming close to her.
No. 2064154
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>>2064101Nonnie really do be like "how you don't find those sexy?"
No. 2064163
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>>2064140>>2064129>>2064113Pick your husbands, nonnies
No. 2064174
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Last one, that one made me kek
No. 2064206
File: 1719359514406.png (3.41 MB, 1200x3262, UKF.png)

>>2064120Took me some time, but here they are! There are some older ladies and i know some look too tense or a bit asymmetric too, but it's okay for average, nothing that gave me the visceral reaction of seeing 1 face of the male ones. I wouldn't want any of them to meet those men.
My mood is the woman at the end of the 5th line and i forgot to include the pretty lady because i took her out kek.
No. 2064447
File: 1719366142028.png (683.17 KB, 644x1000, i want to beli.png)

>>2064063this, whenever i see a moid with a cat, i want to beli that he's a good person bc he has a cat and cats usually have specific boundaries but then i remember the troon thread and how many TIMs have cats
No. 2064459
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>>2064209Barefaced AND with unkempt beards, like the purpose of taking these pictures was clearly to show faces, they probably would have accepted bearded men if it was okay but they probably just rolled with the stubble because they didn't think it was important.
I'm on a new one and it looks like they have asked these ones to shave but even these look deformed, i don't want to post them because i had to agree to some terms of service and i don't want the police to take a look at my computer and see that i have pictures of 500 different strangers KEK.
Once i took out the pictures where they do different expressions i almost thought that they are all just composite drawings, aside the pokemons there was almost no good looking man, one seems okay as long as he doesn't smile but he has hobo hair. God i pray for beautiful aliens to invade us.
No. 2064735
>>2063927But that's the thing, nona. Dwayne and other hypertrophy creaturos are innately more attainable than, let's say, the 22 year old Jordan Barrett meme, even for a cheeto encrusted gamer. All you need to do to be Dwayne or Joe Rogan as a soyslob is increase your entropy. There is no going back to twink though, it's simply not possible for a male to even create a bleak emulation of it past certain age. Once you're no longer that, it's REALLY over, as in cannot even be approximated with plastic surgery. Is it really surprising that moids struggle to accept that?
Because of this, things needed to be made "fair" and an artificial senescence/post-developmental growth based "beauty standard" (muh skulinity) needed to be created to include past prime males. It just so happens that it's based entirely around things that happen to males with aging - overactivated growth pathways, hairline thinning, thickened beard growth, torso fridgeification, head expansion, harsh facial topography with numerous grooves, wrinkles and folds, etc.
Imagine if the postmenopausal female look was called "femininity". This is what moids are doing.
No. 2064739
>>2064014All of these creatures are literally missing parts of human genome by design. What's surprising about all of them looking inbred without actually being inbred?
Did you nonas know that males have less symmetrical faces than women, for example? Or that beauty (aka genetic quality) is a trait so innately female beautiful men are more likely to make daughters? (Ugly women are more likely to bear sons)
No. 2064826
>>2064735I know you're right of course it's just baffling because it feels like deliberate uglification. But of course moids would, because why wouldn't they? They don't have a genuine sense of aesthetics and they don't actually want to be genuinely attractive to women. It's just weird to think about from the female perspective, where most of all the women I know are trying to hang on to their 'youthful beauty' by any means, while moids will catapult themselves out of it before age 25 on purpose.
>Imagine if the postmenopausal female look was called "femininity". This is what moids are doing.That does really put it in perspective doesn't it.
No. 2064834
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>>2063652Moidlets do not have a conscious pact and they're not really "trained" to behave this way, much like they're not "raised" to be misogynistic. They're simply following their reproductive program.
I recommend reading the article linked below. The part you want is the one where moids at large behave like their sperm does - spermatozoa are broadly competitive with each other, but also ready to team up against the egg all the way to the point of allahu ackbaring themselves just to make sure at least one of them gets it. The alliances are conditional and become an every-coom-for-himself bloodbath the moment the female reproductive tract is sufficiently beaten down.>Essentially, the behavior of sperm is analogous to the behavior of individual malesOn a purely visceral level, the faceless hivemind biomass of (ugly) moidlets you're describing understands that collective bargaining to lower the ceiling of what's expected from all of them is more optimal, and see the attractive moidlet mogging them as an adversarial/non-cooperative agent that needs to be either homogenized or removed. What they want is to achieve some sort of lowered, more fug-friendly baseline first before they commence intra-male competition, and the attractive moidlet leaving them in the dust without even paying lip service to how cool and manly it is to be ugly reads as an enormous betrayal by them. See also: bros before hoes, "he's whipped", etc.
No. 2064844
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>>2064826Kinda. They're trying to make it look like they're "catapulting" themselves by choice because there's genuinely no other available outcome for them. The skincare meme isn't going to help them. The way a male ages is naturally abrupt and severe due to higher rate of anabolic growth. In more simple terms, it's like getting into a bunch of debt to rent Lamborghinis in your 20s and then slaving away as a Walmart greeter til grave. This is purposeful and programmed, because the male is designed to compete, reproduce and die early (see also: antagonistic pleiotropy). Any organism with this mating optima will "pay" for this with an abrupt onset of rapid aging if it survives past its biological warranty period (around 25 in males), which now hapoens to every male because we live in a (technological) society. And boy do they feel it.
Basically, what appears to be a purposeful abandonment of beauty is "just shave it bro, chicks dig bowling balls" sour grapes cope, but applied to every other body part. What else is he supposed to do, just grow it? Get hair plugs? Chemical castration? It's over.
No. 2064859
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>>2064022The thing is, literally every society encourages males to be somewhat physically fit and be useful citizens, whether that's for the good of the race, the faith, or communism, all except for liberal capitalism
No. 2064867
File: 1719388866743.jpg (672 KB, 1299x2000, bastard.JPG)

It is a curse to be a real male-objectifier in a society which was and is designed for the benefit of unremarkable men. A curse I wouldn’t wish on anyone I ever cared about. If you’re a heterosexual woman, you’re basically living with a disability. And it’s not your fault, it’s actually everyone else that’s wrong and I say this unironically.
Men are so ugly, so fucking ugly. They just wake up, don’t shower, put on their jorts, and leave the house like nothing. The media they produce? You will find no sexy man in sight. And if they do decide to put one in, he’s what men think “sexy” is. He’s an icon of hideous man wish fulfillment where they’re still just as ugly but now vascular and “wiser” (read:beat and old).
And when do men actually make effort to be sexy ornaments? When they’re gay. It’s so insulting. Men will only perform for other men. And these gays are retarded, like every other xy. It’s either bara cowboy grandpas who look like a stack of bloated hairy orbs, or cracked out twink streetwalkers who carry themselves like distressed birds. If my pussy wasn’t already inverted, it would invert. If I ever have a uterine prolapse just take me to the local gay bar instead of the hospital, it’ll be a cheaper and quicker fix.
Where are all the sexy men? I see sexy women every single day and most of the time against my will. I actively look for sexy men and I’m coming up with nothing almost every day. I WANT to fuck men. But they’re just not fuckable. What is the problem? Don’t they want to fuck? Don’t they want me to look at them with lust? Aren’t they always bitching about how stingy and standoffish women are? If I woke up tomorrow in an alternative dimension where most men looked and behaved like sexy yaoi boys, I would do nothing but fuck them. But no, they don’t even try. I think they’ve devolved somehow. They must have lost this instinct long, long ago, I’m talking when we were still early mammals.
Men should be peacocking for me. They should be getting cute and pretty to go into the world and be judged by me. They should have a female observer in their minds who compels them to be sexy and do right for me. I’m supposed to be the one who stays unremarkable, sits on my ass, and picks. Aren’t men supposed to win MY favor? Isn’t it men who have near-worthless gametes and the instinct to spread them? Why do I live in a society where I’m the one being forced to compete for their attention? It makes no sense.
No. 2064924
>>2064904How do we fix this? Serious question. I’m a picky sarcastic bitch to ugly men who show interest whenever I can be. But they don’t learn to be sweet and sexy, they just think “now I gotta jelq, mew, and invest in crypto” while seething on 4chan about how women deserve less rights.
Is there any way to get through to them? I actually really wanna fuck men but they’re so repulsive I just can’t do it.
No. 2064925
>>2064867Because they have used physical violence to hoard resources and make sure you can't pick anymore, or else you starve.
Of course by using this epic lifehack they also bred themselves into unbearable hideousness, but women have money now.
No. 2064956
File: 1719395731220.png (755 KB, 793x804, Wolf boy.png)

>>2064865Have you ever noticed when men create villains in fiction they’re usually beautiful? The kind of beautiful women actually like?
SO MANY WOMEN have “bad boy” fetishes because of growing up with this, and it pisses me off to no end. You associate pretty men with being deep, dark, brooding, and misunderstood. In real life women settle for ugly dudes and interpret his uncaring monkey abuse and antisocial tendencies as depth and try to fix him.
Your shitty boyfriend is a lazy entitled scrote who only cares about himself and uses you for sex and as an emotional punching bag, because he is incapable of feeling love. He’s not a Byronic antihero who just needs you to unlock his heart with kindness and you will finally share some profound life bond.
The majority of women’s romance novel/literotica material is the product of misogyny. Women settling the slop they’ve been indoctrinated with and try polishing a fictional moid turd in 200 pages of unrealistic romance and laughable sex scenes.
Screaming online about kinkshaming and are libfem pickmes 9 times out of 10 because they can’t be hypocrites when their pussies have a vested interest.
Then moids see women lusting after
toxic men (and like the idiots they are, don’t realize women like the idea of “fixing” him and/or becoming his exception through some woowoo mystic soul connection aka love) and say “see? Women like rape and abuse. This means we should rape/abuse them” and also “take away their rights because allowing them to get what they want means dark triad men will rule society and not the benevolent patriarchs, like me, who will keep my rape and abuse private”
No. 2064973
>>2064956I miss when bad boy was just "he is an edgy asshole but will give the world for you", instead of evil
abusive moids. Also a part of my soul dies every time I see women praising the moids of that ugly cartoon Hazbin Hotel, their tastes are truly in the trash
No. 2064990
File: 1719402117542.jpg (75.06 KB, 567x851, 664.jpg)

>>2063827> Can't imagine a moid starting to get fat and ugly with a pretty girlfriendwelcome to balkan couples, where the woman is shamed to stay beautiful but the guy ages like utmost milk
No. 2064998
>>2064994idk who that is i just picked the image off google cause that's what the couples look like
at least the dude ain't fat
>>2064997nonna, they look fucking pregnant, it's digusting, literally they have a big gut
No. 2065008
>>2064867I could've written this post kek.
I'm a perfectionist and I see the world for what it is and especially men. Idgaf about their dicks if they aren't hot, if their looks hurt my eyes I don't give a shit about them (if they wanna pursue me romantically) . Why would I when for them it matters that a woman is beautiful? Suddenly if women want pretty boys it's bad.
Those fugly moids think they offend us women by telling us we'll be single. Kek, I have no issue with that, rather than be in a relationship with an uggo.
> But no, they don’t even try.cue sleazy men I used to know who'd viscerally tear apart women when they're ugly/fat manlets
> Men should be peacocking for me.They really should, and those who do would get to have sex with me, even as fwb, much to the horror and frustration of the average crusty ass moid
>If I ever have a uterine prolapse just take me to the local gay bar instead of the hospital, it’ll be a cheaper and quicker fix.I am dying, nonna I love you, I need to print this and hang it on a wall in my house kek.
"Society is collapsing" (I keep hearing this) because women woke up and realized they DON'T have to be in a relationship with the average guy just so they can give birth and have a family. Sometimes out disgust in men overrides the desire to live life "the normal way" aka marry,have kids etc. After all, this is how the gene pool became shittier in the first place, cause average ugly guys were allowed to breed.
No. 2065105
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No. 2065116
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Has Lewis Cappaldi been mentioned in these threads? When I go in the celebrities thread and see anons nitpicking on average and beautiful women, yet this thing is allowed to look like this, and is somehow popular with many female fans… I feel disheartened by the misogyny. Women aren’t allowed to exist having a single flaw. Yet this creature sells music and shows and even has a Netflix doc about him. Why
No. 2065155
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>>2065143Sorry for uploading the pics like this. Lolcow keeps telling me there is a flood
No. 2065168
>>2064021That's just settling for the bare minimum. Sure, it's cute that he's caring for the kitten but this is the
*UGLY man psyop thread not
mean man psyop thread. You pretty much agreed with the anon anyway:
>I consider his behavior more attractive than his looks. No. 2065194
>>2065177Well here’s my take; I don’t give a shit I want to see more sexy men because I want some food, too.
Also, they do get distressed over seeing sexy men on a screen. Not the same way women do. They like seeing self-inserts, the “he’s just like me fr” but with the masculinity stats bumped up.
Women objectifying it doesn’t “combat” anything, but it least it pisses them off. There’s no equal counter to men objectifying women I can think of. Men are coomers and nothing will discourage them from being coomers. But you should at least keep reminding them what should be expected and make them cry when they can’t meet the standards.
No. 2065201
>>2065187They love being sexualized without having to do anything or change anything about themselves
*This has a lot to do with jealousy. They think women are born with life on “easy mode” and can get fucked by any man even if she’s hideous (they’re right, but that’s not our fault and we never asked for this burden). They want the same for themselves, to do nothing, be ugly, and get infinity women clambering for their cocks.
The other half is stupidity and lack of empathy, even if it’s not malicious. They don’t understand what it means to be sexy even if they wanted it for themselves.
No. 2065231
>>2065201>>2065197>>2065194>>2065184>>2065180You’re all making great points but (and maybe this is off topic for the thread? Sorry) I was reacting to this post
>>2063632 specifically because I don’t like the idea of the entertainment industry creating slutty male equivalents to pop stars like sabrina carpenter because that would just mean more kids getting molested by the industry so they’re ready to legally sexualize at 18 years old. Please let’s not turn into South Korea where young male and female celebrities have insane beauty standards, we already know that fixes nothing and just creates weird child entertainment “career paths”. Spreading the debasement is just a different flavor of psyop, it’s a misleading goal that buries us deeper and creates more misery, the anon who was whining there are no slutty gay pop boys anymore probably unironically thinks Ancient Greek pedo culture was sexy. Nah. Ugly male psyop is real but I’m not going to be misdirected into supporting pedo goals
No. 2065241
>>2065213Women are socialized to be deferential to men especially in regards to sex. Not just socialized but men will use their monkey rage and monkey strength to beat/kill you if you ever tell them “no”.
Plus, they are propagandized to see ugly men as having rich personalities, that they’re a safer option since he will “appreciate you especially” for being out of his league. Plenty of women would prefer an unattractive but personable man who loves you over a sexy man who takes advantage of you and doesn’t love you. This is a false dichotomy men have taught them and inspires a lot of their fantasies.
What you can do to combat this is inform women that ugly scrotes are just as bad if not worse than pretty ones. How ugly scrotes are not only ugly, they’re just as emotionally unintelligent. They don’t appreciate you for using your body as a charity case, they think you’re stupid, and if they can bag you that means they can bag even more hot women. They’re also incredibly insecure and even if you genuinely love them, he won’t believe it and sabotage you in every way possible to prevent you from leaving (typically by making you dependent on them financially, and destroying your self esteem so you believe he’s the one doing YOU a favor by dating you).
No. 2065255
>>2065187I think they're genuinely too retarded and lazy to see things from the perspective of a woman. It reminds me a lot of video related with the few moids in the comments proclaiming proudly that they wear those too. Too bad they're ugly though kek. But that's the problem they only do the bare minimum.
No. 2065263
File: 1719419839057.webp (16.01 KB, 276x650, SleepawayCampTop.webp)

>>2065255men literally used to wear short shorts in the 70s and 80s and then STOPPED. If they liked being sexualized to badly then why did their clothes actually get longer and less revealing? if you watch movies from the 80s you see a lot of male characters wearing crop tops and short shorts, as it was the fashion back then. Women still wear crop tops and short shorts, so why did men stopped? perhaps its because they are insecure faggots who dont like being sexualized? but nooo, men love being sexualized ackshually thats why there is so much evidence of male fashion moving from whore clothes to burkas
No. 2065273
>>2065231Jesus Christ women can’t even wanna see hot men in their media without people catastrophizing to absurdity. “think about all the children!” Are you serious?
do you think men stop wanting to fuck the sexy women on tv because a girl is being raped somewhere else in the industry? Not even “normal” men who aren’t pedos who don’t like abuse wouldn’t ever fucking believe they’re not allowed to stroke their cocks to adult women.
Can you reflect on your impulse to empathize and how you’re overextending to your own detriment? Moids never question their right to coom if it involves rape in the abstract. If men are allowed to lust over adult women while child exploitation exists I’m allowed to lust over hot men.
You’re asking for perfection before advocating for yourself and your interests. Until we can solve rape, abuse, and child exploitation, we aren’t allowed to have sexy men in our entertainment? Why are women held to such absurdly high moral standards? Why do we have to restrain our (perfectly legal and perfectly normal) desire to see sexy men because other people out there are being exploited?
And to make this all even more ironic, the abusers are still overwhelmingly fucking MEN.
No. 2065274
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nonny its what i had in hand here is depp before he hit the wall
No. 2065289
>>2065249I know the argument is going nowhere when it’s come down to debating semantics.
I want more sexy men to be shown in every-day media and I don’t give a fuck.
I’m tired of being shamed for not wanting to see ugly ass men and their ugly ass man propaganda and if you think this makes me a pedophile or pedophile enabler you’ve “smarted” your way to stupidity.
No. 2065292
>>2065285>do you even want to see the current average moid on the street to dress slutty?ugh i hate this dumb argument because a man willing to sexualize himself means getting in shape. Why do you think women starve themselves to look good in shein clothes?
>They're not afraid of being treated like a piece of meat by womenyes they are, put a man in a room filled with ugly women catcalling him and he will kill everyone in the room them himself
No. 2065311
File: 1719421054347.png (939.06 KB, 1079x1098, 1000001214.png)

I'm going insane
No. 2065320
>>2065316You two aren’t disagreeing you’re just using vague terminology.
Being lusted after by women kind of sexualisation: good no matter what
Being sexualised and degraded like a woman is for the male gaze:
>>2065317except women dont like masculine ape builds? like hes obviously not sexualizing himself he just wants to be a gross ape and rape women(so sexualizing women, not himself)
>>2065318?? you think male children in hollywood dont get abused already? what a fucking insane hill to die on.
No. 2065325
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Are you ready to get your og husbandos ruined by future live action adaptations?(ai shit outside of containment )
No. 2065337
File: 1719421696223.png (1.22 MB, 1240x984, (@thesam_show) TikTok.png)

>>2065255The "pretty boy" in question
No. 2065341
>>2065334i can
>getting catcalled by becky>becky drawing yaoi of him and his bestie>becky molesting him in the train>becky telling him to shave and calling him nasty if he doesntetc, etc.
No. 2065344
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This thread has been particularly blackpilling. I hope in my next life I’m reincarnated as a straight moid
No. 2065378
>>2065316You have to be a certain personality type to be comfortable sexualizing yourself. Female stars are selected for this trait, but male stars not necessarily. Sometimes they are, an example would be Lenny Kravitz (you don't have to find him attractive but he does sexualize himself). Sometimes there's entire industries were men are selected based on these criteria, like kpop which keeps getting mentioned.
The point is that female stars have to be sexualized to make it big, whereas male ones might choose to do so but they're not forced to. They can make it even if they're wearing a frumpy t-shirt and they look like a retard. This leads female fans to sexualize them anyway but in their retarded ugly state, which is a factor in how the ugly moid psyop is created
No. 2065384
>>2065360The kind of ape you love and give your sweet pussy to anon
Whether someone would choose to be reborn as a malelike creature or female like it depends on what traits they prefer being, you can lean into masculinity as a woman but you sex will sabotage you truly living those traits, women here tend to see the feminine prey like soft traits as more mighty out of being mad at men and what women are in comparison to men is like a prey so they worship it
No. 2065397
>>2065380You’re a low IQ freak for thinking like that. I can’t believe you’re being serious right now. You either never think about the behind the scenes and you’re dumb or you’re actually a pervert
>Mmm baby boy was already abused so why not he do a little dance for me too literally you right now. Gross. This is what I was complaining about. You’re not being normal and wanting more attractive men and less ugly men, you’re being a freak.
No. 2065408
>>2065405Why do you care about moids so much? Feeling sympathy for male sa “
victims” is laughable because deep down we all know they enjoy it
No. 2065422
File: 1719423658297.png (2.55 MB, 1713x1232, ugly scrotoid.png)

>>2065413wow such a whore he shows a whole two cm of skin!! kek the bar for men is so low. He isnt even fully shirtless what a joke.
No. 2065423
>>2065405>my threadThis is
Lancefag's thread there's no fucking way she of all people would moralfag about this nor would she have the right kek
No. 2065436
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>>2065422Sorry for the double reply but I think this is a fascinating phenomenon. It could be that I completely overestimated his popularity and he's a literally who in your country? Not sure why this would skew the Google image results though.
No. 2065438
File: 1719424128241.png (851.46 KB, 522x815, sexman.png)

On sexualization, men’s desires towards being sexualized, and how men view their wants in general.
Men want to be sexualized. Their idea of sexualization an oiled up sex god fuckbeast with a 2 foot cock who hypnotizes women with his irresistible sexual aura and mindbreaks them into complete submission with his magic dick.
Men are also lazy and have fragile egos, so while they do want this, most of them will refuse to try to turn themselves into this. The same way they prattle on about masculine men and patriarchs and father figures while remaining fat, unemployed slobs.
Men have many conceptions and fantasies of their false/ideal selves. They imagine that they are truly the epitome of masculinity and sex appeal. When people don’t treat him the way he thinks he should be treated, it’s the fault of unfortunate circumstance and/or malicious actors that conspires against him. Broken society, unfortunate genes, the shitty economy, a cruel upbringing, the irrational women etc.
Occasionally I have seen men who say “women don’t want to climb to the tops of mountains, they want to cut down the mountain where she stands and declare herself at its peak”. Like with every accusation men lob at women, this is projection. This is how they think.
because of this he seethes and insists reality bends itself around him, where he becomes all those ideal things when everyone else magically believes it, the same as he magically believes it. He will not put in any effort to improve himself the vast majority of the time. He wants everyone else to think of him the way he thinks he deserves.
This is why unsuccessful men become either catatonic or violent after they realize they will never live the life they think they deserve. They have decided it’s the world that is their enemy. Self improvement was never on the table at any point. So he checks out. Sometimes punishing the “cruel” world who denied him his imagined rights. Their locus of control is far removed from themselves, which is ironic when you consider the fact that their masculinity larp prizes leadership. This is why the worse off a man is in life, the more demands he starts making. The less leverage they have, paradoxically. the more they start behaving like they have it (because the contention is the injustice and the right to complain is the amount of injustice faced). This is why men who are the most ignored and do nothing to change that cry the hardest over not being “sexually objectified” and pursued by women.
They see themselves as “temporarily embarrassed harem kings”, but instead of working towards modeling themselves after a harem king, they make the world their enemy for not recognizing who he “truly” is and becomes bitter, entitled, and digs his heels in. He whines impotently for women to bend to his will, he whines impotently for a return to patriarchy because he knows this is how men of the past got women to bend to their will. Or, if he fancies himself a liberal man, whines women need to be more “sexually liberated” and “empowered” and to not be “discriminatory” towards his penis.
Men and their behavior makes a lot more sense when you stop imagining their behavior as “logical”, even if they present the framework of their beliefs in earnest. Assume men’s behavior is reflective of a textbook narcissist and work from there. Almost all of them are on the spectrum, it’s extremely under-diagnosed because it’s so intrinsic to them that we just see it as normal.
Don’t mistake their actions for what they actually believe or how they actually think. Start psychoanalyzing them like sideshow attractions.
>>2065325Irl men are too ugly at this point in time to be paraded around to the same as women. We should be plastering 2d men everywhere until we can genetically engineer men to make them hotter.
No. 2065441
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>>2065436most of those are boring but woah mama this could rival the sluttiest of anime whores. This is what i want to see more of. My apolocheeses
nonny. Now i am going to draw my husbando in this.
No. 2065475
>>2065397straight women wanting men to not be unsightly does not correlate to hollywood scrotes raping kids.
this is why I think hetero women are one of the most oppressed demographics of people honest to god. not only do we have to deal with shitty/ugly/evil men literally abusing us. we can’t express our desire for sexy nice men without being shamed into submission. hetero women are called pedophiles and pedophile enablers for wanting sexy nigels to be normalized lmfao this is so goddam ridiculous.
No. 2065520
>>2065343The first time he’d hate it most likely, until he gets conditioned. A few months later and he’s into it and looking for worse in Grindr behind your back.
I remember that one study done where they got a bunch of normal men to get boners to pictures of boots.
XYs are designed to be ravenous sexual opportunists. You can’t disgust them for long if you can manage to disgust them at all.
No. 2065542
>>2065490You know it’s men doing the kid raping? They’re pandering to an audience of men, many who are rapists themselves, and the majority of them pedos themselves.
Why are women attracted to adult men be held responsible for any of this? Why are women always guilty by association for remaining heterosexual?
Women aren’t the ones out here raping kids or being pedos. We want to see sexy adult men more than maybe once every 3 months in passing.
No. 2065605
>>2065559I agree with you on the condition that I get to keep my brain. The problem with being a man is that their brains are puny and come pre-installed with reptilian-like sexual neurosis that is nearly impossible for them to overcome. They basically live the lives of animals capable of human speech. Sure they can impose themselves, but for what purpose outside of procuring transactional sex?
The best thing about being a woman is being secure in your own existence, because you are already born complete. Actually, it’s the outside world that pressures women to be less than what they actually are.
I don’t think you understand just how existentially horrifying the idea of being a man is. 99% of men throughout time don’t even know themselves and die in the tutorial stage of mental development.
Being a woman is very difficult, materially speaking. Being a man is difficult spiritually speaking. As a man you must “prove” your worthiness to exist before you can explore anything higher than your own basic needs. Most will toil trying to fill the void with pussy forever, instead of destroying the void within themselves. As a woman you do not have this problem. As a woman, so long as you are not under physical threat, and so long as you can resist/overcome the inhibitors men try installing into your mind, you are free to transcend living as an animal.
No. 2065642
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>>2064867>I think they’ve devolved somehow. They must have lost this instinct long, long ago, I’m talking when we were still early mammals.Men should be peacocking for me. They should be getting cute and pretty to go into the world and be judged by me. They should have a female observer in their minds who compels them to be sexy and do right for me. I’m supposed to be the one who stays unremarkable, sits on my ass, and picks. Aren’t men supposed to win MY favor? Isn’t it men who have near-worthless gametes and the instinct to spread them
They haven't lost this instinct, they just willingly avoid it because it's easier to play into the rigged system their forefathers served them. I've already sperged out about this but the answer lies in the invention of money and agricultural society. The ugly, weak and cowardly males banded together to make institutions that allow them to propagate their genes, instead of keeping mother nature's way. The invention of property made you property too.
>men competed lifelong to be fit and fuckable for women, strong enough to be allowed to exist by other men >a man's worth was based on his ability to take down a mammoth and his health + leadershipafter
>men secure a younger woman for life ensuring she cant breed with any better genes and he doesn't have to try being pleasant or fit>women psyoped into being jealous and territorial with eachother over shitty goods>males artificially increase their value with money by participating in scam economic games >they are weak and scared and insecure, but rewarded with spreading their genes anyway because they all banded together to institute this system>technology advances giving us depression and dystopia with new horrors and problems sprouting up every day, instead of just chilling in caves or on beaches with nubile sex men No. 2065648
I see the function of patriarchy as inverting the roles of men and women to correct the unfair disparity between them, for the benefit of men, as they are naturally lesser (most males are essentially drones, sperm delivery machines). The only way this was accomplished was because of men using their superior strength. Basically, a bunch of monkey men evolved to be stronger and that’s all they needed to spread their genes, so they didn’t have to develop much past that. You can just use the threat of violence to get what you need as an organism. Inversely, women had to evolve their perception to negate being the incubator to the most offensive men. Men need women and evolve only to procure women, and women avoid men, and evolve to avoid them.
I’m going off on a tangent, but the point is to say, by forcing women into a “male” role, where she is dependent on men for survival. Part of this is turning her into a “drone”. Objectifying her and reducing her to her sexual function. Inversely, men are humanized and given the opportunity to become fully realized, though most never will.
No. 2065690
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>>2062804Picrel the top comments: Women lying mostly to themselves to make a male feel happy and included(Impossible feat). If it was a woman instead imagine what the top comments would have been. Joever.
No. 2065693
>>2065642If agrarianism functioned as incel affirmative action, technology and convenience is going to destroy that. We already see it happening now. Men aren’t serfs bribed with pussy any longer, their labor is being replaced by machines and automation. Taking the ability to “protect and provide” from men by giving them control over resources will equalize the system and women will start enforcing their selective pressures again. Fertility rates dropping in all modern societies is basically this. Technology is liberating women. As it advances and as women gain more freedoms, soon we’ll be “eugenics”ing men back to a better state.
Less overpopulation less overconsumption, a higher quality of overall human. All of the shitty genetic lines artificially extended and propagated through the enslavement of women will eventually die off.
With machines we can do more than just lounge on the beach with nubile sex men, we can do that while also be being served meals from robots and spend our leisure time pursuing art and philosophy rather than hunting for food.
[Also hopefully some of those robots could be fashioned into sexy men themselves putting even more selective pressure on the male population. And wishful (spiteful) thinking is having extremely sexy fuckbots with vibrating perfectly sized cocks and limitless stamina, who are programmed with emotional depth AI and packaged with artificial sperm of the highest quality.]
This sounds like an hopeful and amazing future for everyone, aside from the bitter “left-behind” men who are only concerned with “getting theirs” instead of any higher ideals. Most men are dysgenic in this way. They’d rather see their seeds spread over a pile of shit than be seedless and let humanity advance without them or their direct lineage.
No. 2065714
>>2064834Lmao nonna AYRT and super late but I just wanted to say I appreciate this post so much and it is incredibly accurate. Lmao the comparison between how men act socially and individual sperm is actually one I have read before, but I'd forgotten about this article. It's so pathetic when compared to women's prosocial (and also competitive) behaviours, which are just so much less parasitic and crabs-in-a-bucket the vast majority of the time.
Lol this line
>When they behave in this way—aiding other bodies with whom they share genes—we call the behavior “altruism,” although it’s really a matter of genes behaving for their own benefit and using bodies to achieve this end. No. 2065788
>>2065438You are so based and I wish more women thought like this. I wish I had friends that think this way. I hate the women I'm surrounded by.
I am critical of mens looks entirely and that's how it should be. If I look at a moid and don't want to turn into a giant ravenous monstor and lock him away as my beautiful sex slave, I don't want to be involved with him.
No. 2065834
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>>2065810thats why I mentioned the bottlenecking phenomenon for good genes happening here
>>2065660. We're too far gone at this point to bring back sexy men genes with the system in place, unless we do massive eugenics or something. Today, a genuinely hot guy would probably not even breed but a weasel hippo hybrid man will walk around with 5 kids. This doesnt even account for the ones who choose to get fat and ugly (sleeper agents)
No. 2065858
>>2065325Thing is Justin Chatwin was is cute but clearly the wrong choice to play Goku.
Anyway we know if they make another hes clearly gonna be played by Idris Elba.
No. 2065859
>>2065693>Technology is liberating womenI was just thinking about this the other day, specifically about the internet. Even though there are MASSIVE narcissists because of it, it's been a major win for women worldwide. It allowed women to communicate with one another, to warn and guide each other when it came to men, governments, societies, etc. For men, it allowed them to become slovenly, pedophilic, porn-addicted, stalkers, etc.
No. 2065888
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>>2065263Men used to just go around shirtless, too.
No. 2065915
>>2065899Nah, doing shit on the internet won't work. Not unless it's on an absolutely massive scale. Like any movement, it has to start from either:
A. inside major industries (especially entertainment)
B. in real life
I doubt we have any nonas on here who are leaders in their fields who would be willing to just openly say stuff like this. Shit, the hippie movement only really got traction because it stood on the shoulders of the beatnik movement, and it got endorsed/adopted by popular bands at the time (most notably The Beatles).
No. 2065997
>>2065980Stop that,
nonnie. The more unkempt you look the more dominance you establish over moids. We
need more women who dgaf, do you think the obese, smelly neckbeards care about the crusty cum stains on their pants? Women who allow themselves to look messy are literally political figures. I inspired my best friend to stop wearing make up simply by being myself and there's nothing I'm more proud of. She even told me that seeing me being confident in my own skin encouraged her to try the same, stay strong,
No. 2065999
>>2065810Women did not have full rights, at least in America, within living memory. Most of us even grew up during a time where raping your wife was perfectly legal. In this short time, women are excelling. Getting more college degrees, owning more homes, etc. birth rates declining below replacement rate and if it weren’t for immigration the ramifications would be even more obvious. Zoomers are barely fucking each other. Women are advancing so incredibly quickly with their legal restrictions uplifted, even while we are still conditioned to be servile. I think you should be more hopeful than not.
A lot of women pairing off with shitty scrotes haven’t realized they don’t have to listen to their programming any more. The ones who are forced/coerced are increasingly offered ways to escape. You can prevent Anne improve their awful conditions by talking about it and supporting women in gainful employment/donate to women’s shelters.
Men had be whipped into line and constantly corrected to adhere to “masculinity” and keep this already broken system chugging. They had to be bribed with pussy and a personal slave to put in the bare minimum to function. Do you think they are an actual problem? If they cannot force women to serve them, women won’t serve them, and they’ll give up on life. Men are going to do what they’re already doing, a lot of bitching but no action outside of the occasional fruitless outburst. They’ll pacify themselves with porn and videogames to simulate the life they wish they still had. Ironically men are so inept they have to be promised immediate pussy to even fight for their “right” to own pussy. Unless the government conspires to make women slaves again. Which is unlikely. Not because they are benevolent but because men are no longer useful most of their function has been replaced by machines. their propensity to breed like locusts with immigration.
No. 2066013
>>2065999This. I think we zoomers underestimate just how much freedom and rights we have compared to previous generations.
Most women (luckily) don't remember the times where an average woman had 12 children and was pretty much auctioned off to her husband by her father but we should remember that.
Whenever I feel bad about myself and my accomplishments I remember how much freedom and comfort I have compared to my female ancestors. How just the fact that I'm renting a flat with my own bank account with my female friend would be something so incredible and awe inspiring to my great great grandmother or even grandmother tbh. Nothing motivates me more to keep living and trying for better life than the fact that I've been blessed with the possibility of surviving without relying on a moid.
More women need to realize just how new and freeing our current situation is, at least those living in developed/developing countries.
No. 2066022
>>2065997I don't think anon should be disgusting to "own the moids", that sounds like some earthmother shit. She should be comfortable in her own skin. Women should look however they want; it's their
attitude towards men that should be honed like a knife.
No. 2066146
>>2065841Hard agree. Women are attracted to women's idea of what men are like, not what men actually are. Disney, BL, YA novels and romance stuff basically serve to trick you into something you weren't anticipating. The romanticized idea of maleness used to work wonders because there was no internet enabling moids to vomit the contents of their deranged minds for every girl to see freely.
I'd say women are innately more suited for being happy with husbandobots, which is why there will be a lot of objections to making those. The main challenge will be making sure that the AI (assuming it's LLM based) isn't trained on moid internet mind-vomit: No. 2066176
>>2066146I'm in a chatbot discord and there are a bunch of scrotes (owner included) lamenting over the fact that "A lot of AI rpr's are girls, cause they come from roleplaying communites :despairge: and wrote before or just read a lot…"
Why moids are so shocked by this, I'll never know. Women were the ones who write AO3 fanfics, roleplayed on AIM/MSN/Tumblr/Gaia Online/etc. while these guys were shitposting on 4chan and Omegle. It's no surprise that women are better at making character cards than men will ever be.
No. 2066191
>>2064867>>2065438These nonas are your friend, they fight for freedom.
>>2065855I went out in public with my legbeards the other day. Felt good.
No. 2066524
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We need to band together and bully these bitches into suicide
No. 2066569
>>2065855>The answer is to copy what they’re doing and start shaming women who are too attractive or use no no, this won't work, women will just call you a pickme and insecure. the en masse uglification is fine though. maybe it'd be better to bully the moids that find them attractive, leave the women out of this. the way moids overreact when they see a youthful pretty boy, we could act the same way when they thirst over a pretty girl.
>>2066191kek same
nonnie, i've never shaved or waxed from school to college. the environment i grew up encouraged this too, in school all the moidlets were ugly so i didn't care if they thought i was ugly and i went to a mostly female college(like 3 males per batch) where scrotes would have to go along with the opinions and behaviour of the female students if they didn't want to be ostracized so who cared if they didn't like fat chicks or bush and publicly degen talk was non-existent.
No. 2066727
>>2066569I think women want to be cute and express through their appearance and not just be slovenly. But you should do this for yourself literally instead of men. Not to sound at risk of being a libfem.
Look at how quirky old women dress who don’t care about what men think of them. Men don’t like it when you dress like a clown doll art piece. If you’re gonna decorate yourself be real about it.
No. 2066902
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What the fuck is wrong with scrotes?
I'm starting to think the only who can age well and those who don't do any sports.
No. 2066922
>>2066902Kek the filename. But aren't steroids specifically known to age men badly and ruin their genitals? Why is he surprised?
Also this made me realize that moids probably also strive for the roidpig look because that's what they know from the porn they consume. Those actors also always look like shit.
No. 2067079
>>2066767I feel exactly the same way, always have
Do you have a high sex drive
nonnie? Bc for me I do and i think that's why I care so much about trying to be attractive enough for the highly unlikely possibility a guy I actually find attractive will be into me for a relationship not just to bang, cause even though I like sex I can't do fwb or hookups it emotionally wrecks me
I think the nonnas who say "just give up on men" don't know what it's like to be afflicted with the disease of actually being horny a lot of the time and genuinely being attracted to men, albeit the small percentage of hot ones. I can't just accept being a celibate nun for the rest of my life that easily when I have actual hormones telling me I like d*ck, unfortunately. I know, icky gross toxoplasmosis from bjs or whatever I guess I got that disease
nonnie was talking about.
Most men legit disgust me but that small amount that don't are actually so gorgeous to me.
If I had lower sex drive I think I could just find a nice bf easily bc I've known guys that were sweet and genuinely good guys but when I imagine intimacy with them or even try it out I get grossed out, and I can't be in a sexless relationship.
No. 2067153
Why do people act like it's impossible to find a Chad bf? While hot guys are hard to find, they are not hard to get. You can find one regardless of your looks and you absolutely don't need to resort to dating ugly scrotes out of desperation. Being moids, they are still pretty fucking easy to have sex with.
I genuinely see myself as a 4/10 woman. Not entirely fugly but I am less attractive than the average woman. It never stopped me from exclusively wanting to fuck Chads. I don't have to force myself to find my "looksmatch" attractive because guess what? I have more value than my appearance because I'm a woman so lots of scrotes still want to date me, I am infinitely more valuable than a 4/10 moid who is attracting fucking nobody. He doesn't deserve me and no one wants him. We are not the same.
I do get ignored irl obviously and used to have no luck with dating so I gave online dating a shot. I have been using dating apps for years and my experience with them has been positive. I go through the abundance of options I have, swiping left on hundreds of uggos and go on dates with the ones who sent me likes that I find the most attractive.
I'm not looking for a husband right now so women who are looking for more serious relationships might have a different perspective, I'm just having fun but I have dated and slept with multiple Chads thanks to Hinge and Bumble. I was surprised to see so many hot guys I'd see as way out of my league sent me likes. I look the way I do and none of these Chads negged me about it irl when we met up, in fact, they made me feel hot too.
Why were these 8/10 moids attracted to a below average woman for me? I don't know. Maybe they see me as more attractive than I see myself. Maybe they like my personality. Maybe it's "easy sex" (moid take). At the end of the day, they wanted to date me and I had dozens of Chads to choose from. Don't wanna derail too much but basically, if I can do it, so can any woman. Don't settle. Go see your options, chances are, there are Chads you would have never expected to be into you are interested in you. You DO NOT have to succumb to the Ugly Man PsyOp.
No. 2067182
>>2067134How are you standing out by being pretty when there is always going to be thousands of girls prettier than you? By your own logic you'd stand out more by just being an autistic rat girl. And what about when you get older, will you still try to compete with girls younger and prettier than yourself? Genuinely don't know how people think this would ever work.
>>2067110Kek I had to learn this the hard way
>Be with moid>Moid likes women who have x, y and z features>Get x, y and z to make him happy>Now he wants me to do a, b and c skill>So I do that>I bend and bend and bend over backwards so he would like me because I was young and insecure and scared that he's the best I'll ever have even though he was awful and mean>Find out this man who is 10 years my senior likes another girl>Girl is everything he claims to hate: is older than me when he and the internet told me women over 30 are expired, is mouthy and outspoken, dresses androgynously>I tried to be the perfect pretty princess that he wanted me to be and still got clowned on>He even said I was a tryhard loser who cares too much what he thinks, even though he was the one who pushed me to do those things>Realize this is all a game he plays to break women and dump him>Now have a normal bf who actually likes me for meTL;DR: It's not worth the trouble and I'll forever feel like a giant idiot for falling for it.
No. 2067231
>>2067182Chances are, you were a ressentiment outlet/punching bag stand-in for the older "cool" chick he knew he'd get hurt/rejected trying to pursue or game. Many such cases with going for younger women, unfortunately. This is a difficult mindset to imagine, but moids are in fact this broken and warped. The older option is more threatening, so he's already pre-avenging the anticipated rejection/ridicule from her on a woman he perceives as safer.
It's especially common for bitterly dumped or divorced front poles to use a younger rebound as some sort of safe vengeance target while thinking about "The Bitch" the entire time.
No. 2067369
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>>2066949Can confirm. I also saw a ton of them at this food expo in NYC, they were dressed pretty hysterically. Picrel was the best of them all.
No. 2067380
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>>2067369perfect reaction pic KEK
No. 2067388
>>2067363I have had serious relationships with some of them but I am not looking for marriage. I think if I was, I could also find a Chad husband but it would just be slightly harder because there are more factors to consider
>>2067365It's because they were brainwashed into believing that they should stick with ugly scrotes, they must know that they can do better, any woman can.
No. 2067437
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Slightly off topic but this made me think of an anon on the TI thread who claimed she was being gang stalked and harassed specifically by "ugly man/pretty woman" pairings to make her seethe kek
No. 2067460
>>2067375Hate to break it to you, but you're a walking disposable sex toy for a balding "marriage material" dadbod too. Interactions with males are meant to be minmaxed, no one cares how they see you as long as you're getting what you want and not giving back anything but the bare minimum required to get it.
Some of you are really delulu with the notion that having to dispense dry obligation sex three times per week to an ogre you're babying is any less "degrading" than fucking a different chad you'll never have to see again every other month. I'm beginning to suspect you're a coping maleposter.
No. 2067488
>>2067460Just not interested in being used for sex. I didn't say you have to settle for an ugly or old man, quite the opposite, or that you have to stay with one forever. I said I want more than being used as a disposable sex toy, as most of us do. So the idea that you can get 'chads' is kind of wrong ultimately. It's kind of coping and leads to tolerating shit behaviour and not getting what you want because oh they're attractive so you get what you're given. But yeah
>>2067447 it's more complicated. Of course you won't get it from the men who use hook up 'dating' apps anyway. And I think there are attractive men who don't do casual sex or casual relationships, while there are unattractive men who do (or wish to).
No. 2067541
>>2067488If enjoying sex with a man you're attracted to makes you feel used (completely
valid btw), then I really don't see how you'd survive a committed relationship nona. Those have a lot more of those moments, I promise.
No. 2067678
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how do you feel about this? is this good?(kpop)
No. 2067699
>>2067688Maybe… but the key element would be temptation. A lot of Christian misogyny is that women raw evil succubi who take advantage of a man’s penis induced weakness. Sure, it’s about him being “dirtied” by her lust, but it’s his lust that is tje problem in the first place. I don’t want him to feel like he’s fighting his lust. I want him to be lustless but give himself to me anyways even though he thinks it’s “dirty”. You know what I mean?
Is this even possible for a man because I feel like they all want to have sex just for sex’s sake.
No. 2067732
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Genuinly why is a rich good looking woman with an ugly fat sex offender?
No. 2067742
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>>2067732pretty sure she did that for her career but like still imagine rapping about fucking him
No. 2068314
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This, I feel, is the basis of the ugly man psyop. For centuries women have been viewed as little more than incubators and were second class citizens and many didnt have (and sadly, still dont) have a choice in who fathers their babies. The 4B movement and global birth rate decline is proof that modern men on the whole are not fit to breed with.
For too long its been said women do not have as high a sex drive as men but then, how could they when most moids are abominations? It time to get back to real natural instincts, not the redpill shit, but that only the most attractive males get to carry on their genes, and given that idea I feel the birth rate is only going to plummet lower! (not that im complaining)
No. 2068336
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guardian article about the barry kegstand types and double standards for ugly men vs women. pretty tame but i'm glad she's
saying it in a mainstream publication.
>>2068314you're so right. the riot of it all id lale entitlement. they don't think women should get to decide who to mate with, inly men should get the choice. they feel threatened when women start to have standards.
No. 2068787
>>2066524>imagine fucking a young little buck and he's dirty talking you with his spongebob voice infection1. do not fuck children and teenagers with squeaky voices (and just in general)
2. do not let him talk. especially not dirty talk
problem solved
>>2067732he is sniffing up all the air in a 2km radius with these nostrills leaving none for her and causing her to develop cerebral hypoxia. it's hard to make rational decisions when your brain is suffocating that's why
No. 2068895
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lord free my people
No. 2068942
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please can this scrote end up disfigured and drop dead from his smoking habit already
No. 2069147
>>2068900i have no idea who these characters are but that procreate sketch would be so hot if not for the ugly ass moid
i need to be put down like a rabid dog>>2069012nona i love you
No. 2069516
>>2069363Ugh I had this Italian moid friend who was here for some portion of his medical degree (so like you'd think he had high self control or something being a doctor) and he was legitimately super hot, like 9/10 by any typical standard but within minutes of meeting me he was hitting on me and I was just 'ew gross no' because I could tell he did this to every woman. Indeed as I got to know him better (he lived with one of my best friends so I met him a lot) he was hitting on every single attractive woman, and then getting freaked out whenever one of them got emotionally attached and wanted to date him, like clockwork. They do tend to take better care of themselves than moids from other countries but they are some of the biggest whores in the world, and the only way you can get them to treat you like a human being is to seem entirely uninterested in them sexually. He ended up being super super nice to me because I treated him like he was physically disgusting the whole time I knew him, but would treat any woman actually attracted to him like trash.
Sorry deleting to add, in regards to 'beautifying yourself for the hottest men' this Italian moid ended up spending like 3 years desperately pining over some 45year old woman (I think he was 30ish or late 20s) with a 10 year old child who dated him briefly and then dumped him. He was completely obsessed with her and said he would marry her if she gave him a chance. So also 'stacymaxxing' or whatever doesn't work even on hot men, they will randomly get fixated on a woman and think she's the one for what seem like completely arbitrary reasons, so there's literally no point making yourself hot to get into a relationship with a hot moid.
No. 2069518
>>2069034I mean, he is famous for playing a serial killer.
Would a serial killer holding a hostage be a popular pose idea? Do people do that?
No. 2069674
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I hate that one thread in /g/, wtf is this(off-topic)
No. 2070170
File: 1719633355631.jpg (1.33 MB, 1439x2409, Screenshot_20240628_204808_Sam…)

Do you guys think it's easier for mid Asian girls to get hot white guys? Nadya Okamoto and her fiance. I'm prepared for the coping saying they're actually looksmatched but anyone who doesn't have yellow fever can see she's punching way out of her league. She also doesn't look better when wearing makeup, and I didn't pick her worst photo.
Lucky girl I guess and yes I'm jealous. They're getting married so it's not like the anon who said she's a 4/10 but fucks Chads.
It's wild how it's so common to see ugly men with hot women but so rare seeing the reverse that it really stands out
No. 2070185
>>2070170They are going to take this down
nonny. But yes, that’s like 98% of asian girls who are able to get white moids. They are banking off of the white man’s propensity for pedophilia and an orientalist fetish, beyond that there’s nothing there.
No. 2070191
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>>2070170Also picrel, most of these Asian women have virtually no self-respect and an ultra docile they’ll take white moids who also have a propensity for being bisexual metrosexuals. This moid is way too comfortable doing this on the gram kekkk
No. 2070244
>>2070170no because white moids who are obsessed with asian women are completely rotten and their taste is forged by racial fetish porn.
>>2070185>>2070191you're right and you should say it
No. 2070363
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>>2070348Agreed, she’s decently attractive and his case of gayface is terminal like you said.
No. 2070451
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>>2070416I rarely use this term but I feel like this is prime example. It’s basically picrel.
No. 2070468
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>>2070466You're getting frustrated about such a silly thing anon
No. 2070472
This is literally the old man psyop in action. For anyone who doesn’t want to watch, a woman had an OF and her jobless loser boyfriend participated in videos with her, essentially pimping her out by living off of her income from OF. The woman had accused her stepfather of sexually abusing her from when she was 12 years old until she moved out as an adult.
After dating her boyfriend Sean for a while, she retracted her claims about her stepfather, and then she and her boyfriend actually moved into her stepfathers house. One day Sean overheard a conversation that she and her stepfather were having, she was talking about how she wanted to buy a new car, and her stepfather told her he would buy her one if she filmed specific OF content for him.
She agreed to do so and went on and on about how she’s all about money and down for anything, calling him “daddy” the entire time. Then Sean went close enough to peek at them and saw them having sex, then he shot and killed the stepfather.
He claimed in court that it was self defense because he thought she was being assaulted by the stepfather, but she denied that and said that she and her stepfather had been having a consensual sexual relationship for years and that he routinely paid her.
I’m sure she was very mentally ill but tbh this is what happens when ddlg/Lolita/stepdad porn/age gap shit is all fetishized and normalized
No. 2070500
>>2070468You're calling me frustrated because of a six word reply and my first in response to any of this. You are retarded
>>2070471>>2070475Agree, obvious at one glance too. This thread fosters some serious delusion on occasion.
>>2070487I rarely see hatred toward Asian women here (why would there be? Also Asian women post here) and she is not more attractive than him. Move on.
No. 2070508
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>>2070495You're not retarded, anon
>>2070500Yes, a six word reply where no point was made, only seething, but keep caping for men in a thread designated to talk about ugliness in males
No. 2070517
>>2070500Nta but Asian women are frequently discussed in a gross manner in some /ot/ threads and all over /g/ and 99% of the time it's in the context of WMAF relationships just like the self admitted jealous anon upthread.
Not gonna go into details as not to derail any further but
I suspect the op was the same sperg I've seen accusing "mid Asian girls" of stealing all the supposedly "hot" white guys. It's a similiar writing style and I've seen the exact same kind of post posted in /g/ numerous times No. 2070521
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>>2070520You literally said that here. That's not what gayface means but delude yourself as you please
No. 2070524
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>>2070519If him and this man have gayface and are less attractive than that chick then I have no idea what anons itt find attractive in men, if anything I find men with "gayface" more attractive because they have a little feminity that softens their look, genuinely want to see an example of a man who you feel strikes the balance between looking like a rectangle head roided out chad and looking "gay"
Also after looking up pics of Ian somerhalder his jaw became so fucking square and in general he just got uglier and more hypermasculine looking with age, he was much nicer looking back then
No. 2070531
>>2070525You've clearly proved that you
do give a fuck anon, a bit late to claim you don't
>>2070524Gayface doesn't mean a guy is ugly, I think Ian was objectively handsome too, but so is that Asian girl to me, at least I think she's better looking that her bf
No. 2070535
>>2070531Ultimately I'm happy for her I know my post came off like I'm shitting on Asian girls but I really didn't mean it that way and was genuinely wondering if it's easier for them to get cute guys who fall outside of the ugly man psyop
Like I don't think she's attractive but I wish all nonnies a hot boyfriend (if they even want one) regardless of how attractive they may be physically
No. 2070538
>>2070533I feel like saying handsome men have gayface goes against what we're trying to do which is get men to actually groom themselves and look attractive and not try to appeal to the roidpig male fantasy but be appealing to women
It's like when guys call other guys gay for doing skincare or getting a nice hairstyle, counterproductive
No. 2070541
>>2070478It's not what they urrently like at all, they love ultra doll-like features with paper-white skin.
>>2070530>she looks like those high fashion models, not appealing features to the majority but certainly intense and attractive to someThis.
>>2070508I always thought people call high-trust face a "gayface" maybe?
>>2070537She's right though, wrong thread.
No. 2070543
>>2070537I did see a post with her showing off her bf on ig recently and the comments were full of weird racist remarks like "why did he waste his Aryan genes on an asian" which is a deeply retarded and racist take
Why do we have to make someone being unattractive into something racist
No. 2070548
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The worst thing about this psy op is how forced and fake it is. Most women who are hyping up this ugly mood online would be repulsed by him if he wasn’t a celebrity and tried to make a move on them irl.
No. 2070557
File: 1719657356767.png (2.96 MB, 1920x960, kevinandlip.png)

>>2070548I remember when in Shameless US he was in his
alcoholic arch and thought: how does he look so shitty? Amazing makeup department in that show, you could literally smell William H. Macy through the screen. I think Jeremy Allen White did good as Lip because he looked very odd and so the appeal of the character was entirely on his personality. Too bad they fucked up the writing of that show at the end. Can't remember a single dude in that show that looked decent. The worst part was Vero and Kevin, why would a smart hot woman like Vero end up with a dumb ogre like Kevin.
No. 2070558
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>>2070555>nice body I’m guessing you’re referring to his muscles? He’s 170cm. Imo men that short always look very disproportionate. And gaining muscle actually makes the proportions look worse. It’s better for men to stay slim at that height
No. 2070565
File: 1719657763210.webp (60.13 KB, 1420x946, IMG_4066.webp)

Re: Adam Driver again, but it’s insane to me that his fangirls are now claiming that he was sooo out of Dunham’s league in Girls. Lena Dunham is not a looker (although I think she was fine when her show was airing) but at least her face looks normal. It’s weird that he was commonly considered ugly and awkward looking in 2012, but now that he gained recognition people act like they’re crazily attracted to him. It’s a looksmatch if I see one, the biggest difference was in their bodies but no one would look at them twice if they were average real life couple.
No. 2070567
File: 1719657942359.jpeg (120.94 KB, 1400x933, IMG_4067.jpeg)

>>2070558I’m shit at guessing moids’ height in photos, being a midget kinda kills it. His body is still ok, but he should stay some women’s treat and not be widely pushed as attractive.
No. 2070571
>>2070567Men built like this are on the opposite side of the “skinny fat” situation. While they are muscular, their fat percentage is still too high, making them look unbalanced. Not a fan.
No. 2070645
File: 1719667239930.jpeg (75.81 KB, 716x1023, 2C0A0A07-591A-49FC-B813-18865E…)

>>2070515It should be called gay eyes. Gay men seem to have a lot of light in their eyes or make female like micro expressions with their eyes, almost how you can clock a tif with her feminine eyes. Gay women seem to have masculine eyes like cara or Kristen. Can you clock that this actor is gay by his eyes and how he is expressing?
No. 2070651
>>2070645NTA but this is just a regular face? the only thing consistent i'm seeing with these examples is smiling, is smiling only for gays now kek
>or Kristenkristen stewart? she's bi
No. 2070973
>>2070645Who's this? What a cutie. I hope he shaved after this photo though.
>>2070858I don't think anyone meant that gayface means he's totally gay though? Just that such face exists. That first anon probably doesn't like soft cute features on men? Doubt she thought that guy was gay, he was with an asian woman.
No. 2071069
>>2070170Never thought I'd soft-blogpost, but okay, whatever. I disagree because of the following:
1) They are looksmatched. "Mid" women are objectively on the same level of aesthetics/genetics as beautiful men. I'm not talking in retarded sociological terms btw, but actual objective beauty aka genetics.
2) "Chads" settle down with "mid" women all the time. More often than not, actually. Getting hitched to a man isn't the prize, though moids love shilling the idea to somehow make the exchange look equal. The blackpill is that a man ALWAYS wins from settling down with you, and you always take varying degrees of Ls unless he's billionaire rich and extremely generous. There is objectively no relationship where the man is completely taken for a ride and the woman basically hit a jackpot, there's always tradeoffs. YOU'RE the one settling.
Now for the blogpost: the discourse here actually made me look up a "Chad" I rejected years ago (most of you have would nitpick, as I would as well, but he modeled for bridal magazines and such - he was an actual standard issue dark haired Chad similar to those from Acqua di Gio ads and women would chase him). He settled down with a slumhouse Indian woman (!), had kids with her and appears to be a great dad. Most of you really got e-negged into oblivion, how do you go outside and conclude that attractive men only go for LTRs with supermodels lmao?
No. 2071126
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You're very right about that nonna. I noticed that other short men who get into bodybuilding honestly look worse. I think picrel looks really bad with his huge arms and chicken legs. He looked better when he was short and twinky when he was young. It doesn't help that guys usually don't focus on building muscles for legs as much as arms.
No. 2071132
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>>2071126>>20705582/2 When he was younger. Not like he's a showstopper, but the biceps look weird and in some Smosh videos his stomach looks… not sure how else to describe it, but barrel-y? Why does that happen with muscle builders? Is it just the way the muscle forms or is it a cocktail of muscle and steroid surplus? I know barely anything about men's bodybuilding.
No. 2071137
>>2071103Unfortunately that's nature. The discrepancy in beauty (which is, again, the outward expression of genetic quality) simply reflects the intended human mating optima - only about 10-15% of males are supposed to reproduce. It can be seen as unfortunate to those who are attached to notions of 1 to 1 enforced monogamy and the nuclear family.
Personally, I see the idea of "mid" women having to shack up with absolute dregs vastly more depressing and actively harmful for the gene pool. There's a reason why the experience is generally regretful for them.
No. 2071203
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>>2071197I’m not saying she’s wrong I’m saying that ‘mid’ woman are still leagues above the average moid. The ‘mid’ women hot moids get with still have nice hair, clothes, are fit etc. while good looking women will have boyfriends who literally look disfigured.
No. 2071230
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>>2071203Damn this picture almost ruined my day
No. 2071298
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>>2071069 If this is the woman you're talking about she's definitely mid nor a beauty in the slightest. Its a bit of a dilemma though, while good for her and do I hope more mid and uggo women can pull out of their league, unfortunately I feel that east asians and that I mean women especially of Japanese descent have such a bigger dating pool by default. You see this from all the weeb moids that exist nowadays desperate for Japanese gfs. So the system is still going in the moids favor unfortunately.
No. 2071321
>>2064022>When you talk to your average agoraphobic jobless anxiety ridden depressed woman she will openly admit deep shame about not being able to motivate herself to reach her goals and have a bunch of fantasy schemes about how she will become awesome soon, just to like herself.It's like you're speaking directly to me, nona.
>>2065642Dude in picrel didn't even deserve the privilege of breathing in her presence.
No. 2071330
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Why did we stop posting about ugly hideous post-wall males and start posting women, what the fuck get back on track
No. 2071417
>>2071298was reading her snark subreddit and they said she cheated on her bf. her sister also said he's weird and creepy and she's
toxic. anways i feel this is a mid white guy gets with a successful woman by being a mid white guy type of relationship.
No. 2071428
>>2071419This is me
Ive already seen it and im dissatisfied because they are all post wall and hairy. Thats why said psyop approved because most anons here like smooth qts
No. 2071476
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Haven’t been keeping up with this thread, has anyone posted this pairing from Bridgerton yet?
No. 2071477
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>>2071476Here’s a pic of them actually together
No. 2071784
>>2071396the only man all anonitas can agree on is leon kennedy and he isn't real
it's so over
No. 2071786
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>>2071387Fuck you were not kidding, first pic and there are nonnas tripping over themselves to defend this guy the psyop got the girls in a chokehold
No. 2071876
>>2071402I disagree. We do think she has value outside of her looks, but we know men don't value women outside of their looks. You're really going to tell me that man gives a shit about her success other than for using her money? Please. Being a successful woman is not even on the list of things 99% of men care about
>>2071337Agree, which is why Nadya and her bf stands out, even though she's not fugly in the way that men are often fugly while still managing to have an attractive gf, she's mid enough that it's shocking bc we never see even decent looking moids with women who aren't conventionally pretty
>>2071476Lol for some reason I just know some anons itt are going to say they're looksmatched and if we don't think so we're racist
As if Simon and hell even bald Lady Danburys brother weren't better looking black men
>>2071193I do totally agree with this and forgot about this sad reality
Nadya may not be beautiful facially but she is thin and generally groomed although her weird period posting is usually something moids would find disgusting
No. 2071887
>>2071069>They are looksmatched. "Mid" women are objectively on the same level of aesthetics/genetics as beautiful men. I'm not talking in retarded sociological terms btw, but actual objective beauty aka genetics.I'm sorry but this is just not true at all. I think many of you are also blinded by makeup and styling, but what makes a woman "mid" is the average bone structure and average body. They have plain features. I know cause I'm a mid woman, I've seen mid women, I've analyzed the men and women around me since I was in school and I'm not gonna pretend I'm just as beautiful as a top tier male model. Sure, a mid woman will always be more pleasing to look at than a mid moid, but they also have an advantage of being able to lookxmaxx easier. Mid moids can only looksmaxx by being young, fit and choosing a fluffy hairstyle and most of them won't bother with that. And they also hit the wall incredibly fast. A top tier male model will have striking features, with great facial harmony, a great jawline, great smile. A regular woman with a slight recessed chin and no outstanding, flat features simply can't top that just cause she can put on some fake lashes and lipstick.
No. 2071920
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>>2071905I wish women would stop talking about their neotenous features like it’s uniquely female. It’s not. The whole concept online is some evolutionary pseudo science cooked up by midwit males who think they’re flexing their superior scientific male minds but who actually want to justify why it’s okay for them to want to fuck teenagers because science reasons, as usual. This is part of the psyop
No. 2071951
>>2071945Bingo. You see it differently because you filter it through a forgiving attitude about what's "hot" or "young" for a male, hence why you don't see "hot" males as objectively mid.
Ever wondered why 20 year old troons or drag queens look like peri or postmenopausal women when they put on their femsona outfits? This is why. There's no more "this is a man, it's actually fine for him to be this busted" thinking at play.
No. 2071958
You are all overcomplicating this. Maleness is just ugly.
The average men:
>>2064206The average woman:
>>2064014 No. 2071963
>>2071951I’m not following? Did you respond to the wrong anon?
>>2071953No? A 30 year old woman will never be seen as more childlike than a 15 year old boy kek. Lacking masculinity doesn’t make you neotenous, it only makes you cuter because masculinity reduces cuteness. Believing women are “neotenous” is malecentrism; men are just old.
No. 2071970
>>2071963Not a 15 year old boy. A 20 year old man, ez. Just put a dress on him and you'll see just how fucking old he looks compared to a woman his age, or even a woman 10 years older.
I didn't invent twinkhons or the directionality of human sexual development. Virilization = anabolic growth = aging.
No. 2071972
>>2071970Yes I agree they look
aged. But there is a difference between looking unaged and looking childlike, is what I’m saying. Women aren’t childlike for looking less aged, that is a male-centric pedo shill. They just look less aged. You get what I’m saying?
No. 2071982
File: 1719747486000.jpg (311.37 KB, 800x542, 6676957765_4361025a5b_o.jpg)

>>2071968>>2071971Well, that's what happens when you're missing human genes (y chromosome).
Pic related is teen to early 20s male models. What's ethereal model quality for a man is 45 year old methhead busted for a woman.
No. 2071994
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>>2071993Yeah it’s because you’re not white, the average 30 year old white male looks like this.
No. 2072003
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It baffles me how women look just like their video game characters yet leon
No. 2072004
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>>2072001Nona, they're top male models who apparently aren't looksmatched by mid women because of their "bone structure".
No. 2072006
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>>2072003I know the pics are probably a bit shooped but still, they all have good bone structure and jaws
No. 2072008
>>2072005…thats what im saying
nonnie, leon needed endless fixing
No. 2072014
File: 1719749568812.jpeg (2.32 MB, 1429x1331, CDA9D7E1-F2F1-4B57-8EC5-8D2B65…)

>>2072000Blackpilled again. He looks older than this woman actually old enough to his mom. Imagine if he was a woman with that face, anons would tear him a second one on the celebricows thread. They would call her a groomer even if her husband was a decade older than her because “no one could love a face like that on their own volition!” A male supermodel mogged by a 40 year old mom. What a world we live in.
No. 2072016
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>>2072014If he was wearing a dress most people would read him as a pleasant looking yet beaten down 37-45 year old woman.
No. 2072034
File: 1719751784752.jpeg (923.92 KB, 1071x1957, IMG_3525.jpeg)

>>2071980The scientific theory of the human preference for neotenous features especially in women (that I’m familiar with) is based on believing that women rapidly lose fertility as they age and men selectively choose younger looking women for increased fecundity. whole paper is like a longwinded way of saying young women are attractive for science reasons and it’s totally natural for older men to want younger women and women don’t care about looks as much because old men are totally still fertile. This paper has the whole psyop all laid out kek. That’s why I don’t like the term, not because it makes me think of babies
No. 2072184
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>>2071387the second half of picrel's post is pure cope + cringe
No. 2072195
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>>2071419You're lying through your teeth. You must be one of those uggo retards or grandpa posters if you feel offended by anons criticizing them and telling you to fuck off to the unconventional thread. Be honest, which one in picrel was your post?
No. 2072204
File: 1719760700069.jpeg (114.75 KB, 735x895, IMG_1519.jpeg)

My legs are quivering I would quite literally fold if this was me in the situation idec(>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs)
No. 2072291
File: 1719763981144.jpg (607.77 KB, 2176x1224, 1000015241.jpg)

>>2072195kek now they're trying to push THIS motherfucker as conventional. That thread is a total disaster now.
No. 2072309
File: 1719765211376.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_3515.png)

>>2072303Yeah. Most of the current hot girls like ice spice, Sabrina, Tula, Sydney Sweeney all look like they’re trying to give little girl vibes.
No. 2072321
>>2072311>Just a 25 year old teenagerThe amount of times I hear that.
Even on pregnancy/mother videos, "I'm just a teen mum, a 30 year old teen mum" like
No. 2072653
>>2072649Chad was just my shorthand for 'very conventionally attractive male.' As other nonnas pointed out, most women and men who are 9-10 in the looks department date down, for the very simple reason that there are not many of them and they also take other factors into account. Especially for moids, a 'well above average but not supermodel beautiful' woman will be at least his looksmatch anyway even if he is as hot as males get, and he will age worse than her. It's still a win for him.
As for men who spend tons of time grooming like you're saying (who usually aren't naturally attractive because why would any naturally attractive person have to spend hours daily grooming? That's a mid people thing) yeah they are likely to date women with a similar aesthetic and grooming patterns to them, but that's because of their lifestyles, not their looks, being similar. Like I said, the hottest moids will date women who match their personalities, interests, and lifestyles/beliefs, not women who are as hot as possible. Even moids do care about getting along with their girlfriends most of the time, and the more attractive the moid is the more likely he is to care about factors other than beauty (because the obsession with getting the most conventionally attractive girlfriend possible is a self esteem issue in males).
No. 2072662
>>2072649NAYRT but I don't think lifestyle matching is necessarily shallow? It's just that people are more likely to meet and therefore date if they frequent the same circles. This is especially true with celebrities who are basically living in a bubble.
I guess your argument boils down to the fact that really attractive women are way more likely to date down than really attractive men and I do agree. But I'm not sure if it's because they have less options or if they just value different things besides looks
No. 2072676
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>>2072291>>2072308This. Hes a descent actor, has a nice voice and seems to be a nice guy irl but lookswise? I think it was more to do with him playing a villian and his styling in that film, I really felt like there was something wrong with me as a woman years ago when all these women were frothing over him and I was trying to understand it. TBF I went through the same things when at high school when all the girls were crazy over leonardo di craprio (yeah im showing my age here lol). I think this is more proof if you believein the whole wall crap, men hit the wall faster and sooner than women.
No. 2072685
>>2072653>why would any naturally attractive person have to spend hours daily grooming? That's a mid people thingThey probably don't, but if they are very self-absorbed and/or self-conscious about their appearance they will anyway. Also naturally attractive moids, especially if you think of idols, definitely don't just rely entirely on natural looks. There are definitely some kind of enhancements going on, like skincare, mild plastic surgery, makeup, or hair styling. If natural was enough everyone would look good in mugshots too. I'm sorry but the idea of a "natural beauty" is a moid fantasy.
>>2072662It can be. If a moid is a Hollywood actor, aren't screenwriters, directors, stylists, etc. still considered part of his circle and bubble? Why still go only for his attracive co-actress then? This means it's basically because they both have less options and still value primarily looks. But the former rarely exists without the latter, because once a moid looks at your face he typically decides only in 3 seconds if he is attracted to you or not. As a woman, that time for me can exist anywhere between 3 seconds, 3 weeks, or 3 years. I need to know a person to establish my physical attraction. A moid needs much more instant gratification.
No. 2072692
File: 1719780300866.png (397.35 KB, 603x878, IMG_7171.png)

this has to be a psy op
No. 2072742
>>2071417>cheated on her bf Stacy. Also snark subreddits always call women
toxic and throw pity parties for their moids, there’s a lot of jealous Beckies there probably
No. 2072748
>>2072685"Idols" are not usually naturally attractive, which is why celebs are always doing 23294834 plastic surgeries and under 4 layers of spackle. They also don't do this themselves, they have people to do it for them and it's part of their job. It's really not the same as any normal person who chooses to personally groom themselves for 2-3 hours a day. I have never seen a naturally very attractive person who does this voluntarily, only for a job.
Natural beauties do exist, all over the place, especially women but even some men, most of them aren't celebrities though. You're contributing to the psyop by saying 'natural beauty doesn't exist so the best proxy we have for it is getting dozens of plastic surgeries, wearing wigs and 10 layers of makeup.' What attractive actors only go for their attractive co-actresses? People have been trying to find a single attractive male Hollywood actor in these threads and there aren't any. Ugly hollywood moids date their attractive hollywood actress costars (who are often also not the top most attractive women), because they meet at their job and their lifestyles match. That's it. It has nothing to do with normal mate selection dynamics for normal people with normal lifestyles.
Also are you seriously saying it can take you 3 years to determine if a moid is physically attractive? Lmao.
No. 2072774
>>2072748>23294834 plastic surgeriesObviously, you can only have so many plastic surgeries until you start looking botched. I meant minor enhancements. The West is obsessed with using plastic surgery only for very dramatic changes in appearance but that's not the case in all parts of the world.
>so the best proxy we have for it is getting dozens of plastic surgeries, wearing wigs and 10 layers of makeup.Nope, not what I said at all. You're putting words in my mouth. That appearance you describe is of a troon. I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that's what I'm talking about. I'm just saying consider that moids want a woman effortlessly looking like who they jerk off to in porn but that isn't possible, nor realistic.
>People have been trying to find a single attractive male Hollywood actor in these threads and there aren't anyYes, and why do you think that is? Name female celebs considered highly attractive but that are with a moid who is very fat, obese, old and balding. Now name a male celeb considered highly attractive but that is with a woman who is very fat, obese, old and balding. I'm waiting.
>Also are you seriously saying it can take you 3 years to determine if a moid is physically attractive? Lmao.Not unofficially, but to be 100% confident I'm not just fooling myself into being attracted to someone like many women were to like Benedict Cumberbatch just because of his British accent or to Patrick Bateman just because of his confidence? Then yeah, definitely. If I find out they are pieces of shit some of my physical attractiveness always goes out the window. I have found a part of my being attracted is directly correlated to how I feel like a moid is as a person.
No. 2072783
>>2072774Only mid to ugly people 'need' (I know no one needs them, but in order to look good) 'enhancements' anon. I don't know what you're talking about obviously because you mentioned idols, most of whom are not naturally attractive but they do have extensive plastic surgery, makeup, hair pieces, etc. to make them look superficially 'good' under the correct lighting (and they still usually look like shit) and then are saying that those are the most attractive men or women in society. They're not. They're 5s who were willing to do what it took to get into the entertainment industry. Genuinely highly attractive people are very unlikely to do any of that 'enhancement' shit beyond the bare minimum unless they are professionally in the entertainment industry, so saying 'popstar moids date popstar women' is just irrelevant. We were talking about hot men here, not moids in the entertainment industry.
>Name female celebs considered highly attractive but that are with a moid who is very fat, obese, old and balding. Now name a male celeb considered highly attractive but that is with a woman who is very fat, obese, old and balding. I'm waiting. Male celebs are ugly. That's what the thread you are on is about. Are you lost? Why are you claiming celeb men are the 'hottest' men? It seems you still have a lot of unlearning to do of the psyop if it takes you years to figure out if you've been 'memed' into finding moids attractive due to their celebrity status, and by the looks of it you have.
No. 2072826
File: 1719784962784.jpg (214.45 KB, 766x1024, 1442505925104.jpg)

>>2072817That thread is a really great example of the psyop existing lmao, they gave this as an example of 'hot guy with hideous woman.' Basically proof that the psyop exists and is extremely strong
No. 2072978
>>2072783>We were talking about hot men here, not moids in the entertainment industry.>Thread is about ugly male celebsMale celebs are in the entertainment industry too, nona I…
>>2062573 also literally mentions
>lack of attractive men in hollywood
>Why are you claiming celeb men are the 'hottest' men?I specifically used the word "considered". That means men who are thought of as being attractive by a large number of women, regardless whether or not you personally find them attractive.
>it takes you years to figure out if you've been 'memed' into finding moids attractive due to their celebrity statusThis was when I was younger and I'm actually doing better about this. For example, I would not find someone like Ezra Miller attractive today, no matter how many other women would, because he is fucking insane and degen.
No. 2072981
>>2072978Yeah because hollywood is one of the main pushers of the ugly man psyop, meaning hollywood moids tend to be ugly. Why are you acting like celebrity males are 'the hottest' males? I don't get it. They might be 'considered' hot because they're shilled in the media, but if they were walking down the street as normies, they wouldn't be.
So I wouldn't use hollywood males as an example in a conversation about whether hot men usually date very hot women or not (the conversation was started by an anon sperging about a non-celeb couple). Entertainment industry people usually date each other, but aren't a good proxy for normal people and who they date.
No. 2073000
>>2072992Maybe we're just arguing two different things anon because my original post about how 9-10/10 men irl usually date 'mid' women (by which I mean above average, but not in the top 1-5% of beauty) was about how people self-sort in the 'real' world and not about celebrities' PR relationships (or even non-PR relationships). I thought the counterargument was that you only see the hottest men with the very hottest women but that isn't true in my experience, the hottest men and women both usually date down a bit because they have high self esteem (the men especially), the men usually have tons of options who are good looking while the women have fewer, and both will pick at least somewhat based on proximity, personality, lifestyle, etc. rather than looks alone. Some extremely beautiful women can be memed into dating extremely ugly moids but extremely hot men usually don't date hideous women, though they don't date the most beautiful women most of the time either.
The men who are most autistically obsessed with dating 10/10 supermodel type women are usually ugly/mid men with low self-esteem who need to feed their ego by dating women their scrote friends will be jealous of them for dating, since ugly moids have low self esteem by nature and one of the only ways they feel they can demonstrate value to other men (and women) is to date the most physically beautiful woman possible. This is the type of man who hangs out on incels and rateme forums nitpicking photos of female models and calling them 5.5/10 or whatever. Genuinely hot men get so much attention they usually end up partnering up early (either permanently or having lots of longer term relationships) with girls they really like. They aren't on phrenology forums obsessing over the golden ratio in hypothetical female partners they'll never meet or get a chance to talk to.
As soon as you start to talk about celebrities everything becomes inverted because ugly moids are heavily shilled in media and their lifestyles also usually only allow them to date women in the entertainment industry, most of whom are well above average and well-groomed. So you'll see plenty of hot women with hideous moids in the entertainment industry. Even the East Asian ent industry where male looks are more important they're often just plastic surgery monsters and not genuinely hot/attractive men naturally.
This is kind of unrelated but nonna I'm glad you're working to deprogram yourself, however I don't think it should take months or years to know if a male is physically attractive. Developing a repulsion toward someone because he's a rapist or has a horrible personality is not really the same thing as initially determining physical attraction, most women should naturally be able to tell within a few seconds if a man is physically attractive to them as well. Women are just more likely to lose attraction from finding out the moid is a rapist scrote or has a terrible personality, whereas men usually won't care.
No. 2073021
File: 1719796239577.png (583.88 KB, 750x787, IMG_7179.png)

fucking disgusting
No. 2073038
>>2073037Yeah that looks like a feminine obese bodytype to me (the thicker thighs/hips and narrow shoulders) so I wouldn't be surprised.
The reality is that fat women can still be pretty attractive unless they're at deathfat levels but fat moids never look good. They also have way less of an excuse to be fat because they have better metabolisms, gain muscle easier, and are less prone to hormonal diseases that make you gain weight. Their hygiene is also terrible to begin with so when they're fat they're probably constantly smelly and unhygienic to an extreme degree, fat moids probably don't even have enough flexibility to wash themselves properly even if they wanted to. Moids are already stupider and have worse personalities than women so at the very least they should try to stay fit. I'm sorry to the small minority of moids who have like Cushings or no thyroid or something. I used to feel guilty for thinking fat moids are ugly while I think some fat women still look good but then I realized how much easier it is for moids to lose weight and stopped feeling bad about it.
No. 2073060
File: 1719798616984.png (492.16 KB, 753x1309, IMG_7189.png)

libfems and male feminists really think that expecting fitness from men is literal fascism
No. 2073107
>>2073103Yeah exactly, there's nothing at all 'concerning' about the fact that some hot men date hot women who aren't the hottest woman humanly possible! We should be more concerned that women are being convinced to settle for hideous, geriatric bald ogres even if they are attractive and young themselves. Women are supposed to pick men and keep the quality of the gene pool going, and are being convinced that we're not 'worthy' of that.
Although it does make me think that the other aspect of the ugly moid psyop is that it also makes relatively attractive moids such a rare commodity women are willing to throw themselves at hot moids and fight other women over them due to their rarity, again inverting what's actually supposed to happen (women picking males, not fighting over them).
No. 2073272
File: 1719809021018.jpeg (527.4 KB, 1200x1742, apparently this isn't ugly.jpe…)

>>2073216Basically everything that was said here:
>>2072195>>2072291Like atp it's no different from the unconventional thread. Actually I almost respect unconventional posters more because they usually at least own up to the fact the men posted are ugly/messed up in some way, the conventional thread is riddled with delusion. I don't get why some anons there want their favorite men to be accepted in that thread so badly, like they'll keep insisting on it when there's a more appropriate thread right next door?
No. 2073291
>>2073216i don't care for it, its as the name sounds, the attraction is unconventional, the moids posted have an appeal other than face and body that the anons like them for, like a weird taste for their look or general vibe or they fell in love their PR-portrayed personality or the respectable career they might have.
similarly to the husbando thread, how do you even judge a lemon yellow vaguely human blob by human beauty standards, monsterfuckers/monsterboy enthusiasts are also clearly into the anatomy design and worldbuilding associated with the monster/boy they like.
No. 2073327
File: 1719815153856.jpg (291.35 KB, 1920x1080, resident-evil-4-remade-2d-side…)

>>2072003og resident evil 4 looks better in general. I don't like when japanese games go for western-kind realism, it loses the art style that makes it distinctly japanese. The way they render pupils and such
No. 2073338
>>2073021I hate these virtue signaling motherfuckers so much. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder yada yada, there's definetly no doubt that there are
mentally ill people who like something unconventional—but
dios mio when they try shoving it to everyone's throats and will accuse you of being something something phobic (in this case, fatphobic) if you don't wanna fuck them.
No. 2073358
File: 1719818377089.gif (883.28 KB, 540x304, ''Come fly with me gatinha!''.…)

>>2073238Yes, and she's based for that.
No. 2073379
>>2073107A commonly agreed upon "hot" Chad is still objectively less attractive than a commonly agreed upon hot Stacy, because males are less beautiful than females. An Adriana Lima dating a Chris Hemsworth is settling looks wise. This isn't a difficult concept.
There is a vanishingly small minority of males who actually looksmatch beautiful women up until a certain age (never surpass, however), but they're barely ever famous because other moids will try to eat them alive out of jealousy.
No. 2073440
File: 1719827319855.jpeg (117.12 KB, 500x756, IMG_4011.jpeg)

I don't care about ugly moid lonely pandemic, I wish a bioweapon pandemic kill these subhumans all
No. 2073513
File: 1719835448741.png (5.81 MB, 1969x1985, agedlikewine.png)

seeing people on twitter say jensen ackles aged like fine wine meanwhile this is what his aging in the video they're posting looks like. guy literally peaked at 25 but he's somehow the prime example of a man that aged well to these people
No. 2073519
File: 1719836019498.jpg (59.32 KB, 736x736, 0d5932c59c3340c8368044d5f1aee3…)

Lana is a war criminal for the psychological damage she caused in young women
No. 2073599
File: 1719842220820.png (131.02 KB, 320x240, 3PrHEkT.png)

>>2071994>>2072014>>2070170I don't care if this is scrote-foiling, these posts were obviously made by that moid who's been race-baiting these thread for weeks. How does anyone fall for this?
(scrotefoiling) No. 2073632
>>2073557kek, I can understand that
>>2073600I genuinely couldn't recognize him at first since all I've ever seen of him before was him post wall kek. Like I'm baffled he even looked that good in his youth. Not exactly something you're supposed to feel when looking at someone who "aged well" imo
>>2073618He seems to have gotten way more wrinkles and gotten haggard post 25. The haircut and beard is definitely adding to it though
No. 2073745
File: 1719851513568.jpeg (234.88 KB, 1124x1095, Es7DN1jVcAI0sEs.jpeg)

>>2073599I think only the last one was made by the moid,
nonnie. He'd never admit that 30+ yo white moid look that bad or that males look objectively uglier and more haggard than women.
>>2073618Hard to tell for me either. My guess is he slowly started having those old man eyebrows anons discussed before here
>>>/ot/2012498. All of them seem to have the same Old Moid Mask, btw. I think it's more than just eyebrows, but it's hard to pinpoint, it's million little things together. Look at the slut he used to be at 25, the lifespan of moid is short.
No. 2073762
File: 1719852509687.jpeg (4.83 KB, 189x267, 18.jpeg)

>>2073745Samefag, besides the eyebrows, so far i pinpointed worse skin, obviously, either more hooded eyes or more exposed eyelids, less bright lips (actually their whole colouration changes a bit?), not sure, but i think something happens with the noses, they also start to wear more hair on their faces (maybe it starts to grow too fast to keep up), they overall start to have more fat, their shoulders become less pronounced proportionally, it's like they're more of a triangle when young, and they actually start to look more feeble and weak. Anybody notices anything else?
Look at him at 18, this is an e-boy material. I notice they stop looking like themselves past teenage years.
>>2073758Kek. Maybe he thought it makes him look less gay.
No. 2073834
>>2070170He is so cute…
>>2073599Is that Nigel farage?
No. 2073837
File: 1719856375604.png (1.1 MB, 1005x1247, Screenshot_20240701-105140~2.p…)

>>2073599It's probably this guy again
No. 2073845
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>>2073837It's humorous since what is there to get mad at? It's rare and good to see matched / male looks a little better than the woman. They have around the same facial features besides eyes as well as he is unshaven. Women should be shamed posting pic rel for everyone to see their gross scrotes
No. 2073849
File: 1719857204809.jpg (14.11 KB, 270x405, 6df7ff16737a12acfbfbaeb86ed9d4…)

>>2073762>they also start to wear more hair on their faces (maybe it starts to grow too fast to keep up)You are actually correct. Fun facts about moid hair:
1) Their hair grows faster than women's hair on average. This contributes to faster hair follicles stem cell depletion, which causes earlier greying/hair loss;
2) Their body hair increases with age. Beard is technically body hair. The older a moid gets, the coarser and thicker the beard gets, it's something akin to senile nose/ear hair growth. This is why the beard cope is viscerally repulsive to most women even if they train themselves to like it - it's a marker of age in males.
No. 2073859
>>2073857Sean O'prey looks retarded kek
No. 2073867
>>2073851I don't think so? Unless you can remove the whole hair follicule with ladser maybe. It's worse on lighter moids with black hair. One of the reasons i prefer them with lighter hair.
>>2073855That moid poster sounds like he has a crush on him, if i'm being honest, kek.
>>2073860>the country that cannot be named Keeeeek
No. 2073870
File: 1719857883056.jpg (285.27 KB, 1080x652, the moggening.jpg)

>>2073859Daily reminder that PSL haggots still promote somewhat fugly "chads" because they're more attainable. Imagine choosing the right over the left.
No. 2073871
>>2073859it's true
nonny, accept it
No. 2073893
>>2072427>stalkerdamn I'll consider myself lucky then, the worst that happened is they got upset and deleted me on social media, but they were people I knew irl
> he'll think you owe him and the resentment will start to build uptheir fucking problem for having that retarded way of thinking, they were so salty I didn't end up having sex with them (some I helped with some stuff too, a lot of men confuse politeness and helpfulness with "she wants the dick")
No. 2073904
File: 1719860117331.jpg (72.73 KB, 480x640, Sean-OPry-Polaroids-2008-001.j…)

I just had an epiphany. Incels like him because he looks like a looksmaxxed le chud wojak
No. 2073973
File: 1719865669727.jpeg (144.76 KB, 1125x1111, IMG_4076.jpeg)

I somehow ended up on a fanpage for Dutch politicians and kekk this is so funny
No. 2074244
File: 1719876094833.png (450.46 KB, 750x856, IMG_4516.png)

more like
>what most women want vs degenerate male fantasy
No. 2074271
>>2074244>>2074252I have a manlet fetish and I'm not afraid to say it.
I like 'em really short, 160cm and under.
No. 2074290
File: 1719879035596.png (250.87 KB, 509x623, IMG_20240701_180829.png)

>Attractive Men You Want to Fuck #10
No. 2074291
>>2074283somebody posted the same exact image of that ugly pile of bricks too that was posted here
No. 2074308
File: 1719880494014.jpg (88.84 KB, 590x742, image.jpg)

I hate redditors and their shitty taste
No. 2074347
File: 1719882895165.jpg (17.49 KB, 235x422, f1d618a3140d6b9454fabc957831bd…)

>>2074244If it wasn't for the fact that the girl on the right was pornified, this wouldn't be an issue imo.
>>2073513Idk how he looks so rough in that 2022 image when he looked hot in the boys, but facial aversed anons will disagree.
>>2073216Going against the purpose of this thread, i tend to prefer the unconventional thread purely because they tend to post men in their natural states rather than them looking airbrushed which i find to be deceptive. It hasn't been giving me any food in months though, although i am biased to options who were posted purely based on being older in age or being more masculine looking and not being twinks. Right now, the conventional attractive thread is posting super ugly men.
>>2073060They can stay mad about the ripped and dehydrated trend lmao. Hugh Jackman caught so much shit for it back in the day if i recall correctly. They act like most movies are superheros where the character NOT being ripped would make zero sense.
No. 2074377
File: 1719884336005.jpg (168.32 KB, 1454x538, hc.jpg)

>>2074347Your post reminded me of this, out of interest I was looking up bodyweights of actors and this came up. As someone who was a teen in the 2000's was and was exposed to a lot of unrealistic beauty standards there was never this level of concern about how unrealistic portrayals affected our view of ourselves. Now that the men are getting some heat there is sudden concern. I remember back when Britney was pushed as a normal teen girl (which she was mentally) but I recently found out about her insane diet and exercise regime then and now. Alot of us felt like shit bc we didnt look anywhere near her despite being fit.
>If it wasn't for the fact that the girl on the right was pornified, this wouldn't be an issue imo.This.
No. 2074587
File: 1719905272663.jpg (68.04 KB, 620x827, Victor-Chitanu-by-Nico-for-DSE…)

Bluepilled nonas, I found a less busted version of that period blood eating ratman from saltburn. Literally every "interesting" moid has an actually attractive counterpart, you don't need to simp for complete el creaturos just because you find the "quirkiness" appealing.
No. 2074590
File: 1719905593725.jpg (179.5 KB, 750x1000, large-1526895811-9c85a4c6e4e9b…)

Here's a less rodentmaxxed rat from the bear. Chadification is unnecessary, nature provides!
No. 2074612
>>2073599Sorry to disappoint you
nonny I'm only responsible for one of those posts and I am in fact female, if it was a moid he would think that mid asian girl was hot just because she's asian, most men probably think they're looksmatched
And most moids would think the guy looks gay and call him ugly to cope since he still has his hair and isn't a roidpig
No. 2074614
>>2074271i hope you get a qt3.14 manlet
nonnie, not the one in that retarded tweet.
No. 2074616
>>2073516All because he didn't age like literal dogshit and still has his hair
He's not ugly but he looks like a 40 year old man, like if i was his age I'd probably find him more attractive, but most young women are going to prefer how he looked when he was closer to their age range. Another case of the bar is in hell for men so a man who actually looks his age is impressive compared to how most men age. And it's 100% true that men cherrypick the few attractive guys in Hollywood or men like Leo who still get young girls bc they use him for his money and clout and try to compare themselves as if it's the same
No. 2074618
>>2073837I remember seeing this post, i think that person was actually sperging about how white women are mad asian women get all their beautiful men or something
I remember thinking she was mid at the time and forgetting abt it then she popped up posting some cringe to that 6'5 blue eyes song and all the comments were like "he knows he could do better right?" And imho she is mid and he's better looking but it still cringed me out to see moids shitting on her in the comments, bc the reaction an attractive man with mid woman gets is so much more overblown than when there's an attractive woman with a mid man
No. 2074621
>>2073679omg this is that girl who was dating that old woman
definitely just for views, they were milking that whole "relationship"
No. 2074631
>>2074244I'm a manlet magnet despite not being short, I get so fucking annoyed by it kek, how delusional must you be to think you have a chance?
life is pain when you live in a country where most men are short
No. 2074652
File: 1719913170575.jpeg (40.05 KB, 445x475, IMG_6480.jpeg)

>>2073672God i fucking hate age gap relationships. It feels like watching bestiality between a women and some extinct species of ape.
No. 2074697
>>2074308they'll say this then turn around and shit on women for aging past 25 and call them hags casually then act like it's the evil wahmen who are the only ones hating on the poor wittle men for aging when it's the other way around. men should be shamed for losing their attractiveness but they think it only applies to women
>>2074332the entire "male loneliness epidemic" would be solved if men actually gave a fuck and tried to improve themselves and listened to women instead of whining about how women want to be sexually attracted to their partners as if it's some deep injustice (meanwhile, them wanting to fuck 12 year olds and hating on any women that don't fit their unrealistic beauty standards isn't weird or demanding though!!!). it's the same as like, if you wanted to get a high paying job then didn't apply to any interviews or improve yourself or listen to any advice from people in that area, and instead chose to listen to the crack addict homeless guy on the side walk about how to get the job you want, then turned around and whined and shot up schools when it didn't work. men are terminally retarded and self sabotage themselves out of their stupid ass pride and entitlement about how they don't want to actually do what women like or provide that to them and instead just make up a strawman of what they think women like and then cry about how they don't fit into that specifically
>>2070487I don't hate asian women but I'd assume it's partially because of how much bottom tier scrotes tend to fetishize them in recent years and have massive yellow fever, usually for pedophilic reasons ("japanese women look so much more like the lolis in my anime while white women are all ugly hag roasties!!"). asian fetishism in general has gotten out of hand with how popular anime and kpop has become and moids with that fetish are typically extremely insufferable. finding asians attractive is one thing and i'd never hate on a woman just for being asian but any moid with a fetish for them is a massive red flag to me at this point
No. 2074704
>>2073513His eyes changed a lot between 25 and 27 years. Is it fat loss around the eyes?
>>2074590This man looks horrible. If you find this attractive, you have been influenced by tiktok filters. His face is probably okay with less editing but the outfit and the styling are just horrible. It's giving incel dream.
No. 2074711
File: 1719919814680.png (1.67 MB, 1285x757, lovelycomplex.png)

>>2074608>there HAS to be better manlet romance anime/manga for tall girlsthere is, lovely complex. the girl isn't fetishized like in that image and is just normal, and the manlet is actually kinda cute. it's pretty much the only manga/anime I've seen where they don't make it into a dommy mommy vs beta sub male fetish thing in some way to pander to men. probably because it's a shoujo and aimed at women
No. 2074721
>>2074244I feel like the problem isn't even manlets it's their entire attitude and how men try to psyop you into feeling bad somehow if you don't want to date one… and then if you DO want to date them, they'll call you a mommy or only accept you if you have massive boobs, especially the ones that are weebs like this. you never see them fetishizing a tall woman who is flat chested and isn't dominant in some way. it's almost like they're only into it to get away with being submissive and doing jack shit in the relationship + getting a free mommy because they see it as emasculating, rather than wanting an equal relationship with a tall woman. it's just gross and lowers their chances of getting a gf even more when they fetishize tall women like this and turn them into just a porn category or accessory for their humiliation fetishes and as a disguise for their own inadequacy as a male
>>2074717kek very true, they're almost always huge creeps. I've only met one white guy who wasn't a loser and had a thing for asian girls but he wouldn't tell me how much better they were, just said he had a preference and was actually normal about it, compared to men who go around whining about how much they want an asian gf because they think they're all childlike and look like one of their anime, and how white women are inferior or some shit like that. it's just really cringeworthy and they'll say you're jealous but if anything I feel bad for the asian girls
No. 2074723
File: 1719920966561.jpg (365.32 KB, 2880x2880, 20240702_134747.jpg)

I'm late for pride month, but I'll still announce my coming out then
No. 2074724
>>2074723imagine if women did this to men everytime they found a younger, more attractive woman better than an old post wall man. it's such an absurd cope lol
"you must be gay if you like the younger woman"
they think they're the only ones allowed to dislike aging signs
No. 2074728
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I bitched about the cuteguyswithcats sub but now I have to bitch about this sub, every ugly ass scrote that uploads gets this comment underneath. "Oh u should post this to cuteguyswithcatssub". Women are just constantly negged by scrotes but scrotes get showered with love no matter how ugly.
No. 2074735
>>2070487I agree.
Imo I think good for her, maybe the moid is genuine we will never know. Honestly I couldn't care less about "average" women "dating up" and I honestly don't understand why people are getting their panties in a twist. You guys are acting like being average is a bad thing and its tiring. Im average and im fine with myself. We need more average women dating up imo especially darker girls. Sidenote a lot of moids I know who have east asian gfs are racist and weird af and I am saying this as someone who was in the foreign community in Japan.
No. 2074800
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>>2074723Scrotes are obsessed with trying to make young well groomed men seem undesirable. That’s why they refer to boygroup members or literally any man with a predominantly female fanbase as "gay". They used to rage over Robert Pattinson daily when he was playing Edward in Twilight, simply because of his large female fanbase. But now that he‘s lost his cutesy heart throb status moids suddenly became big fans of him.
No. 2074895
>>2074732Yeah, the whole muh fertility thing doesn't even make any sense when you consider teenage girls have more complications with pregnancy compared to a fully mature adult woman. They claim to care about fertility but then love emaciated features on women or traits that display sexual immaturity and frailness, it just doesn't add up. An indicator of actual fertility would be adult woman features or looking like you've been through puberty considering that's when it's optimal to have kids (in your 20s and 30s), both socially and physically. They think they're the sexual selectors in general too when women are the ones who select our partners in nature and thus it makes sense for
us to be attracted to youth far more than them, nature doesn't give a shit about a moid's preferences lol. It's literally only women's that matter in the grand scale of things, but they twisted it so it's reversed and we're the ones who have to pander to them by force and doll ourselves up and be scrutinized for our youth when that should be
them if they want any chance at sex and reproduction. They're also out here dying earlier on average yet claim it's men who deserve younger partners and that women should be partnerning with them otherwise they'll die alone, and it's just like…If women DO partner with men 10 years their senior, they're still gonna die alone anyway? Lmfao. Even if you marry a guy your own age you're still likely to outlive him so it actually would make way more sense for women to select younger partners if they "don't want to die alone". Overall women have way more
valid reasons to want younger men vs scrotes being pedophiles but since society is scrote based they'll keep pushing the opposite narrative even though it makes no sense at all. Another cope they'll throw out is that older men are stronger and have more experience meanwhile they're frailer and have a beer gut compared to a young man a little younger than you or the same age. There's the money and maturity cope involved too as if older men are even mature (kek) and as if money makes up for all the other shortcomings and being made to give birth to kids with bad genes and fucking an uggo. Last thing they like to say is older men are just more masculine, as if that's even a good thing when they just turn into roidpigs and become bald. And they'll say they're more capable of protecting you than a feminine pretty boy your own age or something but then beat and murder their wives kek.
>>2074800This is so true holy shit. They love him now that he isn't as much of a sex symbol for teenage girls and moms. It's crazy how much moids hate literally anything women like and suddenly start liking it as soon as it isn't associated with us anymore. I guess it's because he fits into their retarded moid standards more now and isn't as threatening to them as when he was a pretty boy kekk. The male ego is so fragile they literally can't like any guy that's lusted after by women until women no longer care about him as much. It's actually so pathetic how insecure they are
No. 2074909
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>>2074728The only “cuteguyswithcats” are male models posing and holding cats, not below average moids who were complimented by women who just wanted to be nice that day. Picrel is his ugly microcephaly ahh
No. 2074951
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If only you knew how bad things really were.
Edward Furlong. Male friend really tried to say he didn't look too bad. Are you retarded? Men seem to have no standards for eachother.
>>2074723 Why do they want their fellow men to look like fugly orcs?- The answer is insecurity. They're ugly and malding and hate it, so they push their own version of a body positivity movement (much like how women push for obesity to be considered attractive) and really cannot help insulting women in the process too, calling us expired hags all while pushing for more and more men to be proud of their androgenic body rot. Tired of the Norwood Nonsense from these expired maldlets.
No. 2074976
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such a revolting double standard and extreme DELUSION ..they live in lalaland
No. 2075027
Ugly men should be treated the same way most men treat ugly women: vicious. They shouldn't reproduce and pollute the gene pool.
Handsome manlets should only be allowed to have girls if they reproduce.
>>2074976top fucking kek
No. 2075066
>>2074976this is great
>>2074979it's because they want to hold it over women's heads that we have menopause and they don't and that we can't get pregnant forever, but they fail to realize they can't be having kids in old age either if they don't want them to come out with issues, old sperm is just as bad. they also want to pressure us to fuck them and have their dysfunctional children out of desperation, it isn't working though lol
No. 2075155
>>2074979speaking of the wall and fertility, I saw this really, really good post on a /g/ thread, I'll copy paste it
>Here are my thoughts on this whole thing. It is mostly european or western society centric so I cant say I am speaking for entire world.
>This whole ageism (The wall) thing is absolute INCEL MOID propaganda and semi-new at that.
>Pre 20th century, women were expected to marry young because they were expected to pop out babies until their fourties. Those children were meant to work in the fields or (if sons) become future soldiers to go fight in moid wars. See the problem here? You were basically a brood mare for a moid-led society that treated life of your children as a resource so a king moid could have soldiers in his army or to work in fields so king moid could collect taxes, leaving little for your family to survive on. Also infant mortality rate was high too, and many mothers had at least one child die. This is where the "woman should be young" bullshit originates from.
>Around 20th century, after world wars, living standards got higher. There are no needs to birth tons of children anymore and infant mortality rate is WAY smaller. You could focus on your life, career and hobbies more. So could your children, as more care was given to them. Therefore you did not have to start popping kids at 18. Also feminism was on the rise, and as years went on, women gained many rights were able to actually become independent members of society and not husband's property. There are still some comments around being "too old" at 30, but those were influenced by centuries of women subjugation of being a property and a broodmare.
>Now moids noticed that because they lost that tiny bit of power and they do not have the same grip on society as they once had. However they are obsessed with power. They want to be kings who powertrip and lead pointless wars where thousands die, bringing ruin to society just for their own ego. They need women to be below them and subjugated to them in every aspect. Also, now that women are free to choose, these genetic trash men do not get their free wife appliance anymore - and they are angry. So now in 21st century they are working hardest to bring back the "old ways". Abortion rights got taken away. Feminism is getting ruined from inside by "liberal feminism" (that is led by moids). Women who are ONLY 25 are getting told they are too old? Too old for what exactly??
>When I was a child/teen, me and other girls actually wanted to become older. Nobody feared 30. Nowadays I see women crying about how they are turning 23. Or girls who fear aging past 16. It is awful that the moid propaganda is working. If you tie your value to your age, you are shitting on everything women in the past have fought for. You are letting moids gain more power and the more power they gain - the more misery they make. They will make the world go back to the dark ages if they can, all for the sake of their peen. So, even if you are being bombarded with propaganda, please remember:
>The fact that you are able to turn 30 without being forcibly tied to some moid and forced to birth children since 18 is the proof of your FREEDOM AS A HUMAN BEING. No. 2075169
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>>2075066>>2075084 and female mating optimas are antagonistic. Judging male reproductive quality by his ability to fertilize is delusional because a male and his worthless gametes are meant to be tested against female choice.
Males understandably like to think that continued gamete production into old age is evidence of continued "fertility", when in reality it's something akin to aging and malignancy - an aimless program. Just because growth still occurs past certain age doesn't mean it's desirable, useful or even intended. More deformed sperm with more gain of function mutations is more "virulent" (fertile) and rapidly outcompetes high quality sperm just via passage of time, both in the nutsack and the female reproductive tract, much like cancer by nature outcompetes properly organized tissue. That doesn't make it the prize, quite the opposite.
The self soothing delusion in which past prime sperm production is evidence of males being meant to breed after their average pre-agricultural age of death is something the incel sons of old males are now paying for.
No. 2076223
>>2076185Why do you assume beautiful men have no personality? Popularity/status ≠ personality.
A woman saying that she dislikes beautiful men shows how insecure she actually is kek
No. 2076270
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Why even bother being pretty and thin if women think they’re winning by having this
No. 2076283
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>>2076279I think she just likes being the small bean in the relationship. He’s big, tall and fat and probably feels more submissive and smoll with him.
No. 2076291
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>>2076283reminds me of this old post from /g/
No. 2076331
>>2076139this is true actually, I've met a couple of men who never had gfs despite being pretty boys. this was mostly due to them being shy and not going outside much, being more passive, etc, but also what you've said. Unfortunately one of them also went on to become bald afterwards though.
>>2076291>a skinny dweeb can't protect youand a fatass who can barely go up the stairs without breaking a sweat can? kek. this whole "i want a big man to protect me" crap is retarded especially when you consider even the most skinny, short male is still stronger than an average woman of the same height. In general, women don't even need to go for fatasses who tower over them to feel "smol" or dainty either, we are literally already smaller than the average male so this is just odd and feels like wanting to push that to an extreme because of your own insecurities. Not to mention men typically use their strength to hurt women not really protect them
No. 2076494
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>>2075169bless you nonna for that pic, he's delicious
No. 2076539
>>2076291kek that reminded me of someone I knew. she had an ed and he was tall and chubby. she was obsessed with being skinny and went down the orthorexia vegan pipeline. eventually she dragged him down into it and he lost weight. she actually despised the fat man. he still benefited on that KEK. stopped being a fat ass.
made me think some women with body image issues might like these big dudes bc they indeed feel less compelled to starve themselves. or to starve themselves even more to exaggerate the contrast and recreate the feminine-masculine trope with size difference.
No. 2076668
>>2076539This just gave me an idea. If anorexic people managed to stop being selfish retards and focused the energy into other people they could help really fat people lose weight instead of themselves (because fat people are alays like "but i need to lose weight in a way i don't lose muscle so i GOTTA EAT A LOT" bitch no you need to lose weight ANY possible way so you don't die tomorrow.) and the gratification from seeing it over and over in new people would make the anorexic person happy. So many things can be solved and suddenly work if people stop being selfish damn…
>>2076602how? the fatter you are the more piglike you are and act, that's not feminine.
No. 2076677
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it should be a crime to walk around looking like this
No. 2076712
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On the topic of the wall… this channel is basically just propaganda but this sis
triggered them all to hell kek There's hardly any country in which girls aren't more educated than guys and are starting to outearn them too, so why can't we have your standards too, hm? Calling them "leftovers" and "older women" at 30 is all just negging, you can't be leftover if there's 100 million more chinese men than women + a much higher percentage of moids being desperate for marriage while girls are just fine on their own.
Later a scene is shown in which a guy is shamed for being 30 to which he goes on a rant about his grandpa, his dad and him all prefering 18yos, to which she just says "and yet you went on a date with me" lol I know that many probably just do that to mirror moids or to get annoying parents off their backs but it's nevertheless funny. No. 2076738
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Recently I got sucked into the looksmaxxing sphere of youtube and honestly, they're right. You will hardly find a crowd of moids on the internet that shits less on women than they do, because they're so fixated on how they look (and behave). At first I thought that these videos have to be made by trolls/girls/fags (they even often use Lana as their background music kek) but no, some post their face and it's really moids who absolutely gush about the looks of Chico and Co. Many videos are mocking redpillers, Tatefags and gymfags who keep spreading the "you only need money (and charisma) and you will get tons of hot model chicks at 50!"-lie. They even acknowledge "pretty-boy-maxxing" and "female-gaze-maxxing", even if they don't like the twink or kpop look, they simply have to do it in order to attract women. I found so many new cute guy recommendations lol
No. 2076744
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>>2076738Alain Delon is their highest rated "god"
No. 2076749
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>>2076744It feels like moids with this healthy looking, naturally athletic body hardly even exist anymore nowadays.
No. 2076771
>>2076740you'd think that with more people = more genetic diversity there would be better looking moids. but since all the mediocre and ugly moids got to reproduce, we are flooded with these.
y'all know the idea that when an ugly or generally not attractive moid is hitting on a woman it is considered rape-y and creepy.
I have a theory that there must be some evolutionary reason why women are repulsed and feel threatened by the uggos. like for natural selection. because like in every other species, only the few best looking, healthiest males get to reproduce while the females don't have to worry about their appearance at all as they are already inherently invaluable.
and I see it all over social media, men whining that they are being seen as creepy because they aren't chads and they don't get girlfriends.
this whole ugly man psyop started together with the female gaze and all this stuff to encourage women to date against their instincts. I'd go as far as blame religion for the origins of it.
No. 2076779
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I keep thinking about eyebrows anon, she's so right, how did nobody ever think about this before? Now I keep noticing how all young and attractive males basically all have the same traits: big beautiful eyes with a strong gaze plus prominent, full and straight brows (and a cute charming smile). As soon as their eyebrows start to go sparse and rounded/droopy, it's over.
No. 2076803
>>2076779Cue some wurstie screeching that it's feminine to have eyebrows (all while shoveling finasteride in his front hole and researching lateral canthopexy for muh hunter eyes).
Btw, rounded eyebrows happen due to temple and periorbital fat loss, an event almost universally considered to be the official sign you're walling. Any moid whose head shape is beginning to resemble a peanut can stop sweating, it's already over.
No. 2076816
>>2076771Ugly/subpar males are also more likely to resort to tactics like sexual coercion and trickery in many animal species. Being repulsed when a fuggo is hitting on you is rational behavior, they're more likely to do something fucked up than moids who have no problem getting laid.
Also, human population grew specifically because of removal of normal selective pressure, so it's actually expected that population quality would fall with quantity.
No. 2076823
>>2076533same. I feel like that would solve a lot of issues we currently have since men wouldn't be able to get away with violence as easily and they'd be the ones getting controlled much more than women. which honestly they need far more than us seeing their rate of crime and basically every bad thing in society.
>>2076677moids will say this about women that look average at most meanwhile they walk around looking like that. something that helped my body dysmorphia (or just feeling ugly in general idk) is knowing i'll never be as ugly as the average male nowadays so i shouldn't worry too much
>>2076712holy based. the leftover thing is so right, males are the real leftovers of society especially older incels, women could get married if they wanted to but they actively kill themselves and other people just because they aren't getting a gf lol. but surely it's the women who are the desperate ones
>>2076771>the females don't have to worry about their appearance at all as they are already inherently invaluable. I wish men would stop coping and actually just accepted this instead of pretending it's us that have to be sexually appealing to them
No. 2076824
>>2076139This is actually pretty true. Most hot moids I've encountered in my life (safe for one, and he was by far the least hot) were low status/invisible. I'm glad I was born shallowmaxxed enough to actually notice them immediately.
>>2076185The idea that high status or ugly moids have more "personality" is a delusion stemming from too little experience. I promise you they will all seem equally amoeba-like eventually, so might as well go for the lookers.
No. 2076828
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Balkan couples and balkan men are on another level. Literally bottom of the barrel dating high maintenance women
No. 2076852
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>>2076837I feel like I live in the number one balding country on earth (close enough, looking at statistics). And the biggest belly one too. Plus bad skin…
No. 2076868
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>>2076712How are they leftovers if you're the one being rejected by them and they can get hitched within 5 minutes of deigning to settle for you? Moids really think they can flip physical reality if they just "no u" or manifest hard enough, like toddlers. Maybe that's why they're all so mentally ill by default, it's basically an adult onset santa-isnt-real trauma lasting a lifetime. An inability to develop past infantile sense of omnipotence.
>prefering 18yosAnother banger is LARPing like you get to "prefer" anything while remaining unpicked. Your sperm donors have used artificial market conditions to cheat female choice, "preference" isn't a thing in the expendable sex. Now that we no longer live in a penile resource monopoly, your imaginary "preferences" are, predictably, unenforceable. And you are stuck with shit unpickable genes that were frauded into existence by your daddies, like a pug dumped in an African savannah.
The momentary sexual market blip that allowed them to realize short term gains no longer exists. Your moid ancestors, literally and metaphorically, have left you holding the bag (ballsack).
No. 2076876
>>2076864Something to keep in mind about phytoestrogens is that it doesn't work the way you'd expect. For instance, East Asians (including East Asian women) have the lowest estrogen levels. This could be because of chronic dietary phytoestrogen exposure and the corresponding adaptation to maintain hormone homeostasis. This observation isn't met well by all the muh soy roidpigs.
If that is true, it follows that beer phytoestrogen consumption may
trigger a paradoxical reduction in estrogens and elevation in androgens, causing higher rates of moid pattern malding.
No. 2076879
>>2076300I think this applies to that white moid with the Asian girlfriend here
>>2070191 too. Yes I’m sorry for bringing them back up but now that you’ve said it I cannot unsee it. From what I’ve seen he doesn’t defend her from the nasty comments she gets. You always see people thirsting over him while putting her down and yet he never really calls them out & just keeps posting the same content with her that evokes the same comments that probably get to her self-esteem. I imagine he thrives on being the better looking partner and seeing his girlfriend be disparaged. It will seem weird to those who have not experienced it but I have seen many moids who let their friends trash their partners and say all sorts of despicable things.
No. 2077040
>>2076779I agree. I'm starting to realise that every single man i've ever found attractive has the exact traits you are listing.
even if they aren't young they still have these traits. Why the looks maxxing crew are not focusing on these traits instead of obsessing over having huge lips and jaw is beyond me. I feel like these traits in particular tend to age really well. I feel like a man having a strong gaze and nice smile makes or breaks them.
No. 2077060
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>>2077040Because those features signify peak fertility and youthfulness. Not in a pedo way (kids actually have sparse brows, low facial contrast and thin hair), but the ripe bursting with hormones kind of look of a hunk between 18 and 22. Like he's done cooking, fresh out of the oven, but not on clearance yet. It's not something that's as apparent as it should be because women don't autistically quantify what it is that they find viscerally attractive, choosing to use PC terms that don't directly describe physical traits (dreamy, etc). But further introspection will inevitably reveal it.
Things like hypertrophied jaws come from a copeful need to rebrand decline as "maturing" and "dimorphism"(since everyone's jaw grows with age), while blowfish lips are a carryover from porn addiction boggles.
No. 2077097
>>2076533I’m sorry, but no. Unfortunately. Women are the gender of guilt and pity. The reason moids
are allowed to run wild today is not because we are physically weaker(there are many ways to kill a man) but because we are too forgiving and too empathetic. Even if women were physically stronger expect pickme whining about how muh poor little boys can’t defend themselves.
TLDR change your grind set
No. 2077098
>>2064054anytime I see a SAHD online or irl I feel terrible for the women and children that are involved. These men are totally swindling the women they are with to live a variant of NEET life. So many of them just do the very bare minimum and spend the rest of their free time jerking off to porn and playing video games. That’s why they say SAHM have it so easy. They are neglecting their children and exploiting their wives.
Imagine how many of them easily cheat under their working wife’s nose with all that free time they brag about having. So many of them use their kids as an accessory as a way to talk to other moms to flirt with them. I see it a lot.
I hate that men are not only getting uglier but they are doing even less in modern relationships to the point of commonly becoming an adult child to the wife instead of an involved father. They can’t even bother grooming themselves to look halfway appealing with all that easy SAHD time they claim they have. I can’t believe so many of them get away with this lifestyle and that it hasn’t been exposed for what it is.
No. 2077101
>>2076816That’s why it
triggers me when they go on their rants that every man “deserves” to reproduce because it’s “natural”. No retard what would be natural is your below the floorboards tier genes never coming into light.
No. 2077118
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>>2076816>>2077101Not sure if any of you seen the boogie2988 documentary, he repeatedly says he deserves to sleep with hot women while also trying to make people feel pity for him for being fat. Several people have pointed out the way he talks about women while trying to get sympathy.
And this is the problem. I think a lot of women humanise men because every woman gets shit for her appearence at some point in their life and they know how bad it feels. The problem is unattractive guys dont react the same because context is different. The uglier the guy the more entitled he is and the more angry he gets when rejected because hes been told by culture and society only womens value is based on looks, not his.
I'm saying this as an older nonna I fell for this psyop when I was younger and I'm glad a lot of you are not being fooled like we were. These types of men need to be ignored and left to rot they are a detriment to society. This waste of space was begging people for money (despite at one point being a miltumillionairre) and is now in hot water for trying to scam his fans with crypto.
No. 2077130
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>>2077101>>2077120Remember when the internet tried to gaslight women with this meme? After looking it up I found this article, and while a lot of it, to me, comes from placating the male ego I thought this little bit was relevant here
"Obviously flirting is more likely to be mutual when a man is attractive — especially when it comes to someone you've just met or don't know well. If all I know about you is what you look like, what can I judge you by except what you look like?
So if you consider yourself to be unattractive, then obviously your approach to flirting needs to be different from that of a man who is considered attractive. Is life fair? No. But are women attracted to men who constantly whine about how life isn't fair? Also no."
Men are outight horrible to women they dont consider attractive why the double standard?!
No. 2077143
>>2077130omg yes I remember that. exactly what flashed in my memory when I was writing there must be some evolutionary reason. I remember this type of memes were the beginning of this whole conversation. they tried to make women feel bad for judging men based on appearance. it was introducing tolerance to uggos kek.
its easy for women to humanise uggos but it never happens the other way round. the uggos barely humanise even average women.
>>2077136I wouldn't use the word shallow, it's what men like to call us and used to bash us for centuries. rather it is a common sense to subconsciously assess if the man is healthy and fit to mate with. no-one should waste time on someone that will make them ugly and potentially sick kids. moids love to talk about health and appearance. it's time to end the double standard. ugly men=bad genetics.
No. 2077144
>>2077130lmao men are always playing dumb about this phenomenon, they refuse to self reflect or take any accountability. Obviously the difference between an accepted come-on and a rejected come-on is whether she reciprocates interest. If you're very good looking, you can assume a little more safely that she will reciprocate. Otherwise you need to fucking suck it up and either try a different approach or stay away. They want to be able to shoot their shot indiscriminately with any hot woman they see without ever having to face consequences.
Vid rel always makes me kek though
>know your place monster man, your time's up No. 2077145
>>2076533Do you genuinely think this is why women are oppressed right now? Humans have long forgone the times where raw physical strength was what’s important, tools and social power have been the deciding factor since forever ago. When it comes to physical power, the winner is the one with the knife or gun, so this is a false equivalence. I would argue that in pre-civilised times there’s historical indication that women held
more power in their communities despite this. As the other anon said, moids aren’t shit because you can’t beat them up or murder them, they’re shit because of societal reasons like women spending hours prettying themselves every day just for an ugly moid to cheat on them, and that just being
No. 2077176
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As the thread is about to max out may I suggest a new pic (sorry to the nonna I promised this 2 threads ago still getting used to this new comp)
No. 2077178
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>>2077176ewwww please can we not have a gross ugly moid as the thread pic tho…
No. 2077179
>>2077176This one
>>2074976 is good too
No. 2077193
>>2077181I think moids only evolved bigger and stronger to compensate for their inability to create life. and they know it. the fact that instead of just beating each other fighting for the right to reproduce they started beating women instead was some tragic misstep in evolution. a byproduct of magical and religious thinking that brought on the patriarchy. I hope it will correct itself for the future generations. in any case, they should rather be busy with working physical labor than thinking and making policies.
>>2077192that's what I'm saying
No. 2077215
>>2077197tsa. i get your point. I still think it is a misstep or maybe a tragic phase in our evolution.
I read in some book a while ago about bonobo females that they refuse to mate with and have their offspring around aggressive males, and generally exclude aggressive males from their life and that this is somehow forcing the males to develop new tactics.
it is sorta giving me hope but I can't stop thinking about the bleak reality of the neanderthal ways you described.
>>2077203yes, the entire prince charming and now the situationship and all the love-bombing techniques they shamelessly share online as the means to coerce women into sex with them.
they are scrapping to get some any way they can.
>>2077207maybe in the so-called western world
No. 2077224
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>>2077212Right now they are crying about being lonely and dying alone and expecting women to fix it. Women in droves are saying no and leaving them be. They need to learn the hard way they are not children. We need to hold our ground, men are insufferable as it is they should at least be pretty wtf would you want the trouble of having a man who is then also fugly?!
No. 2077227
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No. 2077228
I found a premium vein of copium from within our own ranks (before these threads started being made). Hilarious.
>>>/ot/1722433(btw sorry if the link doesnt work I can never figure out how to do it)
No. 2077235
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>>2077227Ok so I looked her up, dont know much about her one of the first yt videos with this thumb nail oh I am laffin
>>2077231Nonna have you been living under a rock? The tide is turning they may have had before but now men are bitching about women having high standards
>All men have to do is brush their teeth and shower once a weekYeah and a alot of them arnt doing that hence that outbreak of illness of men not washing their ass because they think its "gay".
No. 2077241
>>2077235That's a loud online minority that's complaining because they're not willing to date women who have an equally small dating pool. They're only interested in women who're leagues above them, well duh women with more dating options have higher standards.
Look at women you know irl, this "women are refusing to date men en masse because they aren't up to standards" phenomenon doesn't exist irl, I wish it did. Or at least I haven't seen it in my personal life and social circles whatsoever.
No. 2077246
>>2077239>>2077242This. And then they will try to use the excuse of "men cheat and its ok because they have higer sex drives" no no hunty, its because as you've said here, they settled. If this were really true they wouldnt be bitching about the mythincal chad and how all women want him.
>>2077241Google is your friend anon.
No. 2077251
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>>2077228Everyone's appearance grows more masculine with age. Masculine faces are perceived as older than less masculine ones. Post-developmental hypertrophy is an antagonistically pleiotropic process that defines aging. Males are significantly more antagonistically pleiotropic (you can say that mammalian maleness is defined by fast anabolic growth during youth followed by rapid decline).
My hypothesis is that masculinity, at least the way wursties define it, is an attempt at rebranding the process of male senescence as aktually dimorphism and development, because that's the only way you can sell 45 or so as a reproductive prime. The horseshit about boys maturing slower would probably fall into that, since it's impossible for an organism that sexually matures faster to also live longer and age slower. Must be some major creativity with definitions, as per usual.
No. 2077258
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>>2077251(cont.) I'm sure everyone here has noticed that teenage females have a very normative attraction pattern - they're interested in "older" (16-25) fertile young men. This is reflected in all the products created with the teenage female consumer in mind, the young prettyboy being the sole permissable type. Then, inexplicably, their tastes are supposed to "evolve" to encompass the ugly, the past-prime, the "personality" and attractive maleness as conceptualized by males themselves - "masculinity". Regardless, even after settling down with a subpar mate, middle aged women still secretly squeal at whatever the new Justin Bieber is.
In my view, the (ungroomed) teenage female sexual schema is the default state of female preference, the authentic female sexuality, with any future changes being socially imposed capitulation and/or grooming. Curiously, the capitulation pattern is less prevalent in East Asian countries, wherein women of all ages are overtly uncompromising on having the typical kdrama male lead as their ideal.
No. 2077262
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>>2077258Yes. And adult women then get negged about "having the tastes of a little girl" when they express their organic preference. And also a lot of memes about muh personality, muh marriage material, muh he wont settle down with you, muh lumberjacks, muh women aren't visual anyway and so on.
>>2077260I find it funny that you basically avatarfag with biology articles.
No. 2077292
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Kek found another one as I had my account open they really cant stop shooting themselves in the foot with their attitudes
No. 2077300
>>2077266It isn't good or bad, it just is. The goal is making their existence not affect you in any capacity, not help them evolve the kind of unconditional maternal care for you that you have for them. Being aware of how sexual reproduction works past the mythos of complementary sexes who play on the same "team" is a necessary step.
For as long as XY depends parasitically on XX resources to self-perpetuate, their view of you will be antagonistic. It's impossible to want to inflict pregnancy onto someone and also love them, just like a wolf can't genuinely love a rabbit, or a starving nation can't feel neutral or positive about a nation they intend to invade for their land and water. You are a resource to a man, a resource he intends to reap - dehumanization is necessary to make it happen. If he fails to do it, he doesn't pass his genes, therefore the traits you expect are self-eliminating.
(derailing) No. 2077310
>>2077263No one needs to "secure" any moid. The "securing" meme is something that's sold to women to create a pretense of equal exchange in a relationship, and women inexplicably fall for it. But strip it down to the bone and the "trade offer" is the following: you lose your access to the resources of other men, in exchange you get to spend your resources on caring for me and my offspring.
Monogamous pair bonding, without exception, only benefits males and is at best value neutral if a woman is
really unattractive.
No. 2077316
>>2077306You still suck their cock and love them deeply and obsess over romance with them
>>2077308I'm not talking about me getting dumped plus I'm just being realistic
>>2077310Stop creating some dumb conspiracies about me listening to what men say. Those are real life happenings predictable cause of obvious reasons. You guys still unconditionally love them and have crushes on them but now choose to pretend you aren't a make worshippers cause you only worship chads
No. 2077319
>>2077306We don't disagree. But you don't understand the difference between reality and the POV males evolved to have to facilitate reproduction. You don't think they're actually objective, do you? Being delusional is one of the defining traits of maleness, it's optimal if your purpose is to sling meat or die trying.
Hell, even the researchers who came up with the concept of Dunning-Kruger effect have observed sex differences in said effect.
No. 2077320
>>2077316Oh cockchan it's you again. So, how are you not "making things up" when nonnies here plainly tell you they don't suck cock?
>>2077310And don't forget the literal lifespan implications.
No. 2077330
>>2077317>I'm realistic so women wouldn't even survive in the wild without moids You're certifiably delusional
and probably a coping robot. If the less expendable sex was built to be unable to survive in the wild without the more expendable one, humans wouldn't exist. "Males building shit" is post-agricultural niche carving.
No. 2077340
>>2077338This thread is
goated if it's attracting replies like that one.
No. 2077346
>>2077267>>2077263>>2077292>>2077310>>2077316>>2077320>>2077320y'all made me go and unblock this bitch to show you this
(derailing) No. 2077348
>>2077241I used to live in a college town, and actually heard some fully grown men bitching about it at an outdoor restaurant, as some college girls walked their dogs across the street. It made my dinner that much more delicious. So at least for a few scrotes it is true.
>>2077118IAWTC. Boomers pushed mutually exclusive "never judge anybody" and "what's inside counts" bullshit onto girls, and it fucked us over. And it is bullshit, because men still judge just as harshly, they don't have any greater real sympathy for women or girls. And to make it even worse, boomers raised a generation of giant crybaby, self-absorbed sons. Loser men know how to act like pitiful babies and elicit a mothering instinct out of women. But they will never pay back what they take. Accomplished men used to shame loser men for acting pitiful in public because the men on top recognized manipulative pity whore behavior for what it is.
No. 2077349
>>2077339Why would you be into it as a man?
>>2077341I think that's what you, a man, perceive while shitting
>>2077342Indeed, how are there still humans if the sex that rate limits population growth at 1 human per year requires basically nonverbal retard levels of care to survive in fresh air. You should write a paper about this, guaranteed Nobel.
No. 2077356
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>what the fuck dont avoid settling down with me! I can give you money and build houses for you! YOU BENEFIT NOT ME! THIS IS LITERALLY A FAIR TRADE! I'm a good wallet! I might be ugly but I'm USEFUL AND YOU WILL LITERALLY DUE WITHOUT ME, YOU HEAR? FUCKING WHORE
Incredible that a moid waltzed in to personally demonstrate the ugly walled muh provider cope. Poasting in an epic thread.
No. 2077447
>>207730I'm not an anon that's responded to you so far jsyk. Your 'reproducing is a man or a fetus parasitizing a woman' argument is doesn't make sense. And your view that women gestating the child is what causes men to be at odds with us is half-right, in my opinion, but not for the reason you think.
>You are a resource to a man, a resource he intends to reap - dehumanization is necessary to make it happen. If he fails to do it, he doesn't pass his genes, therefore the traits you expect are self-eliminating.Although I don't doubt that men view women as resources to be reaped, as pussy to be got, and not as equals, and I don't believe this will ever change, your reasons for believing this are wrong. You fundamentally act like reproducing has no benefit to a woman. The benefits she gets are the same as the ones the man gets, and it's instinctive for humans to want these things: passing on our DNA, and experiencing the 'next stage' in life- the fulfillment of parenthood. The second thing may be the first one in disguise.
>It's impossible to want to inflict pregnancy onto someone and also love them, just like a wolf can't genuinely love a rabbit, or a starving nation can't feel neutral or positive about a nation they intend to invade for their land and water. The rabbit and nation having their resources or their life taken gain nothing in these scenarios. The host of a parasite doesn't benefit from the parasite. Again, in reproduction, the woman benefits, at least in the evolutionary sense and generally in her mind (because most people want kids). Just because the woman risks her health and life making this happen, doesn't mean a man wanting to have kids with a woman means he can't love her (although it isn't like it ultimately matters whether a man could hypothetically love a woman, because in reality men are growing up jerking off to violent porn so whether it's nature or nurture, men are shit).
Neither the man nor the offspring are the parasite except in a figurative way. To use that term in the way you do when reproducing is something ingrained into our species (including women's) to want is such nonsense. It's not a suitable term for what you're describing. If you want to make the argument that women shouldn't reproduce despite wanting to, and the species should die out, then okay. I don't consider that argument to be invalid just because humans instinctively want to reproduce or because I think we NEED to continue the species. I believe tying yourself to a man like that is a bad idea. But your parasite comparison just isn't logical.
I think men will always oppress women and be at odds with us, and I'm not sure but my guess would be that it's because nature doesn't give them paternal certainty, unlike how a woman can be sure the baby she's carrying is hers, and their lizard brain wants to pass on their genes. So it benefits them to control women's reproduction whether via violence or controlling resources to make women dependent on them, thus coercing women into reproducing with them if those women want to not starve or live a life or daily struggle. So men end up doing these things in many different ways. I think men being bad for women is rooted in how human reproduction works, and it's related to the fact that women carry the child, but it isn't as much related to how much of a reproductive investment women put in as it is to men's lizard brains wanting to know they're the father and seeking ways to make this more likely that are based on this instinctive part of them that guides their actions. So the fact that we have paternity tests nowadays doesn't change anything.