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No. 2104704
continuing the american dad theme edition
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous:
>>>/ot/2090915(thread made by ban evading personalityfag) No. 2104745
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No. 2104754
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>>2104751>Francine is the best Seth Mc Farlane mother.shes too much of a pushover. I dont remember anything funny she has ever done, and shes used too much for coombait. Lois is an asshole and i like her for that, shes as much of a cunt as petah.
No. 2104759
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>>2104754You are simple and have no idea what you’re talking about.
No. 2104772
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>>2104762Francine Supremacy.
No. 2104778
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>>2104776Kys you fucking faggot. You dare disrespect the soup of the gods?
No. 2104781
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>>2104718you’re being a hater
No. 2104785
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>>2104718Strange how the stanfags appeared after our lord and savior Alfred F. Jones was featured in the Amerifag thread… almost as if this is a reactionary movement of sore losers to destroy us from the inside… fuck you stanfags are your gayops waged against America itself
No. 2104786
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This shit looks ugly and unnatural. Helmet ass hairline.
No. 2104823
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Stan is much sexier than Peter
No. 2104844
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>>2104802Stanfags here is my peace offering
No. 2104851
THAT is what I’m talking about! Amazing work
nonny No. 2104909
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kek who was it?
No. 2104919
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I don’t get why women like wearing these tiny dorito shaped butt thong swimsuits. What’s the appeal for these? Aren’t they uncomfortable?
No. 2104925
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>>2104919being a pickme is about feeling uncomfortable for male attention. One pieces are miles cuter than any kind of bikinis and the enlightened women who have reached the nirvana know that.
No. 2104962
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>>2104925they can be cute but I hate them anyway. when Limited Too started selling "tankinis" I was so happy because they were modest enough for my parents to let me wear them. I don't like to pee in pools so peeling off a wet 1 piece swimsuit was something I loathed. anyway, keep wearing cute one pieces.
No. 2104985
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I hate the feeling of loving people. My retard self can be sitting right next to them and I'll already be missing them preemptively.
No. 2104993
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>>2104964But he's a patriot anon…
No. 2105024
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/m/ needs an American Dad general
No. 2105087
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>>2104754Nta and late but I dislike Lois mainly because she's only nice to the men in her family and treats Meg like shit. She's also sort of a pushover when it comes to a lot of things, including letting Peter walk all over her sometimes. I like very early seasons Lois, but her character is sort of underdeveloped then. I prefer Francine because she's genuinely nice to all of her kids, she wants to be a part of Hailey's life like a best friend and a mother. She's airheaded but has a desire to learn, she knows what she wants and tries to achieve it, she's a problem solver, and she's very kind when the situation calls for it and tough and mean when it's needed. She's also very funny and has a "go with the flow" type attitude. She doesn't let Stan get away with stuff the same way Lois sometimes lets Peter get away with stuff, and Francine always puts her kids first (except Steve which is fair.) But even when she's hard on Steve she's not anywhere near as mean as Lois is to Meg. If I had to pick a favorite from Family Guy it probably would be Meg because she's chaotic, angry, slightly sociopathic, weird, and kind of antisocial. All the traits I love in a protagonist in a horror movie or something. But Lois would probably be a third or fourth favorite because I do like that she's an unapologetic mean character sometimes, and I like that she's always kind of doing her own thing.
Also in one of the episodes Francine shouts "Turn to stone much ya giant scrote?!" To some villain that turns to stone, I can't find the ep but it makes me feel like she would a poster here kek, maybe very annoying but I feel like she would like it here. No. 2105103
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>>2105097I like that she bullies Steve sometimes but they didn’t flanderize her the way they did with Lois. Lois is a complete sociopath now.
No. 2105108
>>2105097>>2105103Kekk same, I love her
>>2105101I haven't seen that show but it's on my list to eventually watch, whenever I'm about to watch something I always see stuff like "you're going to hate
insert slightly abrasive female character here she sucks so much!!" And then I watch it and like them, I just did that with Breaking Bad, everyone was saying how terrible Skylar is and how much she sucks but she was my favorite in the entire show kek.
No. 2105361
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i always thought alexander skarsgards looks were overrated, something about his face just pisses me off
No. 2105394
>>2105383It must be. I don't see the facial appeal so I always assumed it was because of him getting nakey. Something about him looks… smug? I don't know how to explain it
I do find bill weirdly attractive unlike alexander
No. 2105634
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>>2105590I don't understand the shilling of American Dad (Dime a dozen cartoon where it's 99% of moids with actual characteristics and the women are just there to be lusted over or be le stupid female caricature ) like no tomorrow. Offended over America's qt3.14
No. 2105730
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>>2105705Some episodes involuntarily and it's retarded
No. 2105790
>>2105782My sweet nigel is very sexy don’t worry nonna
>>2105786What is negging sorry I’m not that hip
>>2105787I don’t really think I receive compliments from an
I wanna fuck this retard corner, especially because I’m taken
No. 2105798
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>>2105751>>2105776the "average" guy looks like jabba the hut or a demon. If the average guy was a woman he would be considered hideous. And there is no such thing as a nice man. Do you consider the attention of a creature that watch porn, have less empathy and if you lost your rights tomorrow to seriously have worth?. Women in relationships risk pregnancy, stds, financial loss, giving birth, coddling your scrote, emotional labour and he would not reciprocrate not even half of it not only because he doesnt want to but because he is y chromosome haver. The least they can do is be pretty.
No. 2105817
>>2105801It's almost like people have different tastes and one
nonny's hot stuff is another
nonnie's ick fuel
No. 2105837
>>2105830it always makes me smile when i see schizo anons tinfoiling that another
nonny is someone they know personally kek, try not to forget how expansive this website is you guys
No. 2105893
I'm sorry farmhands I just wanted to reply and then I'll leave and take my 24 hours!! Sorry!
>>2105837Kek I'm sorry but I know she's around here lurking and posting and that post seemed like something she would say because she has an objectively ~sexy nigel~ like the anon claimed so I took a shot in the dark.
>>2105835She's a trad pickme who capes for men because she thinks their above us hierarchically. She posts here because she hates trannies, leftists, and anachans and is too abrasive for real life friendships, okay I'm done, sorry
(ban evasion) No. 2105904
>>2105876they closed the kofi ages ago, the link is dead. I went to check how much they were making like 3 months ago and the link is removed and the one from wayback 404s'm pretty sure its because null bought out the site and gets enough from his paypigs he doesn't want to manage it
No. 2105985
>>2105798>y-you just call men ugly b-because you actually want to fuck them!this
>>2105798 is what the average male looks like. The average male cant even manage to develop a normal looking skull but somehow im the crazy one for not being attracted to someone that doesn't even resemble a human.
No. 2106570
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I hope every XY tranny dies. Women are way too nice and try not to say shit like this but seriously, I hope they all die and are eradicated because of their severe mental deficiency
No. 2106624
>>2106599Hurting itself in confusion. That’s truly what you get when you’re male-identified
>>2106605>that’s not true changeTrue change is making the 41% go higher. Why do you care if men die?
No. 2106642
>>2106570So do I,
nonnie. I am sick of men larping as women and EVERYONE seems to be okay with this. I feel like a freak because all i see are men and I refuse to call or pretend a man is a woman because they just 'feel like it.' Makes me too angry
No. 2106974
>>2106646we should also bring back orphanages (better ones) and stop handing children to rapist
abusive foster "parents" to be quietly tortured in private homes. well regulated orphanages with enough eyes on them and especially no males and no mixed genders (males have been charged with rape as young as 12 so they need to be separated)
No. 2107153
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I like the Solar Power album cover. But specifically the one where the sun is beaming over her crotch, although the original is alright.
No. 2107169
>>2107167depends on the animal
do you like cockroaches?
No. 2107181
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>>2107169Some of them are beautiful. Otherwise, I don't want random ones in my house, but I don't make a big deal of them.
No. 2107350
>>2107321Ngl pure smooth skin does get boring after a while.
I like body scars.
No. 2107356
>>2107321body hair and facial hair on males is disgusting. men with beards have poop on them.
Women with body hair looks cute like a hamster. Men with body hair look like rape ape beasts of a horror video game.
No. 2107386
>>2107375Calling out the women who want hairless men because they’re usually that same camp calling scrotes pedos for wanting hairless, short women. Honestly both of them are retarded and I love my jungle dgafff
>>2107382>biting dick and ballsewwww
No. 2107393
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>>2107391Ewww still nasty, male tits are the only ones that should be in binders and hidden from the public and whenever they go out to job shirtless they should be charged with punlic indecency. I also don’t get the big male ass lovers in /g/, that’s typically a faggot preference unless their brains have been melted from the years of reading and watching yaoi
No. 2107396
>>2107386>sasquatch-chanexcessive body hair looks gross in both men and women. a little bit of hair on arms and legs is fine and on your crotch as well, but if you like leg bearded men and chest hair you are a monsterfucker.
>>2107388why are you shaved bald if you think its weird?
No. 2107434
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>>2107396I have excessive body hair because I have PCOS. It is what it is, I feel more free and less restrained than other women
No. 2107448
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>>2107321Finally a nonna who understands. Hairless males and males with big asses (not muscular, just big) seem so faggy to me.
No. 2107912
>>2107321How is this such an unpopular opinion? It's the ugly man psyop planting false desires in your head to make you like hairless men. Men are hairy, period. Only spot they need to shave is the schlong.
Women shouldn't be expected to be hairless either. Shaving is a waste of resources.
No. 2108143
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>>2107912I preferred hairless men way before even finding lc, hairy men are the psyop because they're the ones that hollywood shills the most
No. 2108810
>>2108622Statements like this are a red flag for munchie traits.
>>2108807Most male criminals should be euthanized on the spot instead of "given a chance" in prison. I'm pretty the ones who are relatively harmless get targeted for abuse by violent inmates, which naturally gives them wack mental issues which makes them more likely to commit future crimes, so it would probably lead to BETTER rehabilitation rates if they just got rid of the psychopaths.
No. 2108990
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>>2108983Anyways, love this woman so much
No. 2109014
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>>2108983Hey it’s not my fault Hollywood pedos only hire nepo babies and creeps to make movies. I would happily make a horror movie that involves brutalizing men if given the chance.
No. 2109018
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>>2108983Absolute retard take. horror is more than slasher films and not every horror fan wants to fuck the monster/killer. i like ghost stories, it ain't that deep.
No. 2109049
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>>2107153I wonder why she felt the need to do this though
No. 2109074
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>>2108983Yes, when I watched Ginger Snaps the first thing I wanted to do after the movie was submit myself to a man. Nevermind the fact most of the few male characters are portrayed as fucking creeps and get killed off by Ginger
No. 2109139
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>>2109079Yeah but that's just a portion of the genre, it's like if someone were to say they hate all fantasy because there's knights in it. Anyways a lot of the best horror has minimal male involvement (picrel). Shit like Funny Games or the many slashers are genuinely some of the most boring movies once you get desensitised to the initial shock of it all
No. 2109218
>>2108983I agree with you about some horrorfag women, especially the ones who stan male killers or are super into to true crime. And I hate how cringe it is to be like "everyone else except me!!" kek, but there definitely are horrorfag women who aren't like that and I know for a fact because I'm like that. I really like the one's you're referring too like the Scream movies but I'm not watching them for the masked killer, I like the "who did it?" aspect as well as the goofiness of a lot of it. I love Sidney's character as well as Dewie and Gale. There lame but I like them. I think part of what separates horrorfag women is whether they watch the movies with male killers and excuse/stan their behavior or not. Cause even movies that get labeled as misogynystic like Silence of the Lambs I love but I'm not watching it because I like the killer, I just like crime horror and I love movies with female protagonists, and I love Clarice's character. But yeah anyway I would never submit to a man, I would never even date a man again probably, I'm actually in therapy right now and part of what we're talking about is how much I hate men and can't empathize with any of them. I'm not trying to change that but I think it concerned my therapist kek
>>2109064You gotta watch more horror movies that aren't centered around men, or at least don't cater to them. There's a lot of what you're talking about but there are ones that don't fall into that trap.
No. 2109302
>>2109301Ntayrt I'm
>>2109064 and I was kinda referring specifically to slasher/gorey movies, not the more elegant horror genres kekek
No. 2109315
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I feel sorry for celebrity children, particularly girls, as it seems like they will constantly be judged on the basis of their parents' good looks, and if they don't measure up, they will be made fun of. I see people making fun of Adriana Lima's daughters for not looking like their mother, but they are just little children, and it's rare to look exactly like your parents. They have money, sure, but it must stink to be picked apart by strangers just because you're related to a celebrity.
No. 2109372
>>2109345I think this is a popular opinion nonna
>>2109362Kinkfags are usually the only grotesque people who make their sexual escapades their whole personality, I think the majority of normie women are more submissive in bed
No. 2109462
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They could never make me hate her.
No. 2109827
>>2109757I genuinely think body hair on men is disgusting. Facial can be okay, I really don't like it though. Men always look much better with no facial hair. But chest hair makes me feel like gagging, I can't do it. It's nasty. Their armpit hair is really gross too.
And I really hate their disgusting pubes that go all over their ass. Honestly men are just gross in general…
No. 2109898
>>2109892Yes? This
>>2109843 will happen, kek.
No. 2110196
>>2110132Yeah yeah not wanting middle aged men means you want literal children, men without facial hair look like literal children, yada yada how many times do we have this discussion?
>>2110181I'm 28 and still don't like 30+ men
No. 2110227
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more men should get this done
No. 2110363
>>2110359Nta but I think all men should get laser hair removal surgery and should be publicly shamed for being ugly on average. That can coexist with the belief that
some (not ALL) anons on that thread come across as at least a little ebephophilic. No one’s even shaming anyone for it, but you it’s fine to recognise it.
No. 2110366
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>>2110363i literally dont see it because in the rare ocassion men get praised in that thread they look like pic rel, and the official thread mascot of the thread is leon kennedy whos 22 and doesnt look even like a teenager. Literally none of the guys in the OP pic right now, who were carefully choosen based on anons curated taste, look even like teenagers.
No. 2110587
>>2110365You’re defending her but she 100% thinks you’re going to burn in hell for not living like her and she thinks
poc women are evil because they were born darker
No. 2110640
>>2110630Same fag also her husband has a history in dance as well which is probably what made him attracted to his wife. I don’t think he’s anymore
abusive than the average scrote.
No. 2110714
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>>2110707They may kill the woman, but they will never kill the idea.
No. 2110735
>>2110711I feel like reading comprehension and the ability to tell when something is a joke has also gone way downhill.
>>2110631 was right.
No. 2110928
>>2110909i dont feel bad for her if she ends up getting beaten on by Shia, she knows hes an
abusive selfish faggot and she chose to have a daughter with him
No. 2110964
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>>2110957>because such men have superior genes hmmm..sounds suspicious
No. 2110976
>>2110963If you know the basics of her case you'd know that she was 100% justified. It was her or her mom. I feel no sympathy for that weird ass nasty moid who'd probably end up klilling for his own joy. Gypsy is annoying and the "celebrication" of her is annoying, but you know what? I'd rather a mentally/physically/medically abused woman get attention for helping kill her abuser (and doing 10 years) than some moid who killed & ate a woman writing books an doing interviews. This girl had a feeding tube she didn't need installed, didn't know how old she was, I also heard her dad was a asshole as well and she was molested.
She did what she needed to do. I also think that the crime scene photos aren't even that "OMG i feel bad for her!" tier. It's the moid who did it and wanting to rap her that hunts me at night. Sorry im driunk if this is hard to understand,
No. 2110983
>>2110964i dont think they mean dominant as in BDSM wise
nonny, just a dominant personality in general
No. 2110989
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>>2110972I like her Crybaby-era songs, but yeah, the DDlg shit was cringe. My unpopular opinion is that I like her fairy shtick better. Lots of people say that it's ugly but I think the corrupted fairy tale motif suits her style better.
No. 2111053
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>>2110956I don’t understand why people like you don’t just do your own research. Peoples’ views on how genes and sex affect us is so retarded you’d think an anti-tranny website would know better. It sounds like the troons that say going on HRT turned them from a “”lesbian”” to a “”straight”” girl.
Androgenic traits correlate strongly with low indices of health. This is why the most feminine women (low T, high oestrogen and progesterone) are considered the most attractive but the most masculine men are seen as ugly ogres. High androgen levels are associated with beard and body hair, balding, thin head hair, coarse skin, lower intelligence, lower disgust response resulting in a lower desire to groom self as well as moral disgust to be better people/shame perceived immorality, lower self-regulation and emotional inhibition, higher recklessness and yes, more “dominance seeking”, and stronger reactions to not being seen as the most dominant person/others not acting subservient to them. I’ve read a lot of studies and the information is all there (though since they’re all male led I do think some bias is there still). Is this attractive? No, when we see someone like this we perceive them as the unintelligent less civilised creatures they are.
“Masculinity” is not the same as being in peak health - muscle mass and leaner bodies are healthy in men, and attractive.
But to break it down more - higher oestrogen levels and higher testosterone levels correlate with the likelihood to find androgenic features attractive. If you were to try and extrapolate this in a generalised manner to people in a population… this should mean that fatter heterosexual women (who have higher oestrogen and testosterone levels) prefer masculine men more often. But that’s a generalisation. An interesting tidbit - oestrogen acts in similar ways to testosterone for certain aspects of biology, just in a smaller fashion. An example would be “physical” libido, and muscle anabolism. Since oestrogen antagonises testosterone though, you would think it creates an opposing affect but no, it is merely displacing a stronger inducer.
Progesterone correlates with aversion to masculine features, and preference for features that signify health, like clarity of skin, and also femininity. This is interesting as it is honestly arguable that progesterone could be considered the main female hormone, it’s just that oestrogen is often given that name since it’s what causes the growth of the hip and breast tissue. Progesterone is also associated with “mental” libido, which I find interesting since progesterone is also coincidentally correlated with higher incidences of homosexual attraction, in
both sexes.
My guess is the average straight woman likes enough facial masculinity to look like a post-pubescent male, but not enough that it looks unhealthy, along with a body that doesn’t obscure this (eg too fat).
As a bisexual woman, I do have to somewhat scoff at the idea that there is some “inherent attraction to dominant men” latent in women, it just seems silly to me. Anyway that’s my sperg over.
No. 2111058
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>>2111053Picrel is a more accurate depiction of male facial masculinity
No. 2111085
>>2111058left looks faggy but approachable. right looks one inconvenience away from going home and committing dv.
damn. there might be something to this moid face thing
No. 2111131
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>>2110957>breed me dommy.pngWell well well… Be careful what you wish for kitten
No. 2111153
>>2110671As someone who was raised mormon but hasn't participated in over a decade, that
is a normal mormon kek. All the mormon women I know are career women
No. 2111158
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>>2110957Dominanent men pregennante women better? Sounds like some duck rape shit.
No. 2111179
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>>2111171nta but i thought we all did it, its not normal?
No. 2111190
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>>2111179goofy and his son is canonically African american and it’s been noted they both celebrate juneteenth
No. 2111191
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>>2111179Anon is just being weird, everyone has pictures like pic related saved somewhere.
No. 2111195
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>>2111190july 30th is the day i learned goofy can legally say the nword
No. 2111234
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>>2111227You sure about that?
(spoiler that shit next time, retard) No. 2111242
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>>2111227No? Mickey is probably the best designed Disney character. Plus it's kind of interesting how everyone seems to headcanon him having red eyes, you would think most people would think he would have blue eyes like Mario.
No. 2111266
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>>2111242mickey is like what, 30 cm tall? good luck trying to explain to the authorities
No. 2111271
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>>2111253>>2111249The quality of the westaboo artwork is so high that I don't need drugs. Some girls just love Michael the mouse, and I get it even tbh, he's better than Donald the angry issues duck and used goods goofy.
No. 2111273
File: 1722319150716.jpeg (94.78 KB, 498x700, IMG_2001.jpeg)

alfredfag get in here. he’s ready for the button. stanfags too
No. 2111309
>>2111286Goofy has too much baggage, specially since his ex-wife is probably dead, good luck with the post-spouse-death depression! Plus his son was a little bitch to him and that probably stung him, so you better pick the right time to approach goofy (around the straight to DVD Christmas movie maybe, when his son stops being a bitter incel and has a gf).
Meanwhile you just have to get Minnie a great job far away from mickey, she's a career woman and mickey overthinks stuff a lot, it will probably take him years before ge gets the courage to even look her up on Facebook, just use that rift to get in between them.
No. 2111324
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I think bugs bunny is hotter. Unlike michael mouse the capitalist he is completly naked, which is his way of asserting dominance against society by refusing to conform to societal rules.
No. 2111329
>>2111325Fuck it, give me both
>>2111324HIDE YOUR FURSUIT. I know what you are.
No. 2111339
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>>2111334he can crossdress and still come across as manly because, again, he isnt tied to societal gender rules. He also has something called personality, which michael mouse has never developed in his 100 years worth of life.
No. 2111367
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Ok, this is my rating from most emotionally available to least emotionally available:
>Mickey Mouse
>Porky Pig
>Daffy Duck
>Donald Duck
>Bugs Bunny
No. 2111370
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>>2111339He only wants insta baddies like Lola
No. 2111376
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>>2111363bigs bunny cant cum inside you though nonna
No. 2111391
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How about pepe le pew
No. 2111397
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>>2111367What the fuck anon you can't make a autistic ranking chart without Speedy Gonzalez you fake fuck (he is number one by the way)
No. 2111411
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I know he can eat it good
No. 2111412
>>2111367I feel like goofy would be a better husband than mickey. I've watched the old cartoons, I saw how he disregarded minnie's feelings and only did something later when he felt guilty. Goofy is not like that, he's got a heart of gold and truly cares. And he is a good dad.
Porky pig is not even boyfriend material.
Donald, well, he is able to care but he does the same shit as mickey but without the sense of humor and added 3 demonic child that will probably set the house on fire (again), also I have vague memories of him thinking he killed his nephews and his nephews faked their deaths to cause him pain, this is a fucked up family no one should be part of.
Daffy duck is like if bugs bunny and donald had a child. Horrible. I like him but he needs therapy, not a girlfriend.
>>2111394Love this
No. 2111416
>>2111402I'm sorry nonna, I saw fat fuck Porky but no Speedy and got incensed.
Elmer Fudd is definitely a troon chaser though let's be real.
No. 2111421
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>>2111415Tom is a poorfag
No. 2111422
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Bugs Bunny or Big Chungus
No. 2111426
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Do you reckon he's a incel? He has the vibes
No. 2111437
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thoughts? he was my first childhood crush
No. 2111438
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Adventure time has literally the most unwaifu-able/unhusbando-able characters ever and that's why everyone just talks about ships instead of husbandoing or waifuing any of them.
No. 2111439
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>>2111437She was too hot for him
No. 2111440
>>2111432The chicken and that yellow bird are the worst, they go to the porky pig club of the worst cartoon males. Jerry also should go there but he's got good moments, the birds could never.
>>2111437The best one. No one can compete.
No. 2111442
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>>2111421Tomxjerry anyways
No. 2111452
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>>2111447Yeah but Tom wants to eat Jerry
No. 2111460
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>>2111451>There's literally zero husbandofag art of adventure time charactersyou literally posted art of a westaboo woman who husbandofags the ugly pink fag shadow thing
No. 2111463
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>>2111461husbando art isnt strictly self shipping. She also made her own whatever his name is in real life.
No. 2111472
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It's unfair how Asia gets the cutest merch.
No. 2111474
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I don’t really get how anyone can be attracted to Disney characters (aside from obvious ones like Flynn Rider) but I do think that the three caballeros fujo art that pops up on pixiv from time to time is pretty cute.
They always make Donald waaaaay too moe for a member of the Navy though kek.
No. 2111478
>>2111475Shoe doesn’t even like his actual design though dummy, she likes his beta design which looked more like pregory.
His actual design is pretty much Shang tier attractive.
No. 2111480
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>>2111479>also donald duck was never part of the navyHe left his nephews with Scrooge because he was in the navy though
No. 2111485
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>>2111478Wrong, literally one of the only few attractive characters from Disney is this boy from Treasure planet.
No. 2111490
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>>2111481Touché motherfucker
>>2111485>implying anyone remembers that movie exists With that being said did people ship him and John Silver?
>>2111486Isn’t Daisy meant to be BPD as fuck? They suit each other because no one else wants to put up with them.
No. 2111491
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>>2111486Samefag and he joined the Nazis too
No. 2111493
>>2111492Cartoon birds are cute
I’m like 99% sure primos was made to be a tax write off and nothing more
No. 2111496
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>>2111490Nah, Daisy is just a chronic /g/ poster
No. 2111501
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>>2111495so this is the power of fujoshis…
No. 2111502
>>2111496To be fair if he looks like how the fujo fanart Donald looks to us (just like, in duck form) I don’t really blame her.
Girl living her best duck life with her duck husbando.
No. 2111515
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>>2111501Is reminded me of retarded monkey pokemon
No. 2111602
>>2111490Mmmmmm, 3P
spitroast yaoi doujin material.
No. 2111608
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He is not the horror god everyone hypes him up to be. Don't get me wrong, Us was amazing, probably one of my top fave horror movies. But Get Out was mid, and Nope was just a dumb, fun, one time watch. People act like everything he shits out is gold and it feels like everyone is just blowing smoke up his ass. His casting choices are good, I'll give him that.
No. 2111618
>>2111608Us was fucking garbage what are you on about? Completely nonsensical premise, how can you take the story seriously when it just has 0 fucking logic to it. Like logistically alone, do the underground people just leech off the energy grid and food that the normal people produce? Kinda misses the point then.
>inb4 muh its a metaphor for that western middle class guilt Cheap fucking excuse to use when the garbage you made ends up making no sense.
No. 2111622
>>2111614>>2111618Kek really? I thought Us was good. But my taste in horror isn't great. Yeah the tunnel people aspect didn't make sense, but I still liked the idea of it. It was a unique premise at least, and the goofy bits made it seem like it wasn't taking itself too seriously.
>inb4 muh its a metaphor for that western middle class guilt That's the part of his movies I hate the most, the pointless injection of political shit. I watch movies to forget the world is hot garbage not be reminded of it kek
No. 2111691
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>>2111681Nta and random but one moid director who I actually enjoy movies by is Jeremy Saulnier, I've only seen Green Room and Blue Ruin by him and I don't think they qualify as horror but watching them I truly do get the vibe that he's felt fear of other moids like you mentioned. They also don't have the same misogynistic undertones that most movies have where the women are either portrayed as "beneath" the men in some way or caricatures of the strong women archetype. And there are no themes of sexual abuse or rape which moids love to put in literally every movie for some reason. I don't usually like movies with male protagonists but those 2 I really enjoyed and rewatch them every now and then.
No. 2111705
>>2111700many women will accept horrific treatment from moids that they would never tolerate if it were dished out by a woman so they find it easier to empathize with a woman in an
abusive relationship with a man than a woman who has been abused by her mother
No. 2111708
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>>2111705I can’t imagine any woman killing her husband or bf who is abusing her and women taking the abusers side but that’s what’s happening to Gypsy. It really all is hypocritical. People seem to only care about abuse when it’s within the context of a straight relationship, people don’t care about child abuse unless the kid dies.
No. 2111715
I can hardly feel bad when a severely handicapped child dies, you know those "brave" moms who get called brave for letting disfigured/mentally stunted children be born (not counting children who get problems after being born, this is not about them), from the 2000s and on, technology has evolved so much that you can physically see and test your baby for problems and I believe that not aborting them out of (fake) love for the children is so hypocritical. How can you love a child that will live all their life strapped to a chair with a tube down their throat? I feel bad for them for being born, not for suffering, because that's all on the mother and for the same reason, I don't donate to gofundmes for these children. You chose to birth them and curse them to a pitiful existence, your responsibility and curse you for the attention that you're getting throu them, narc. When the hartley hooligans died, I felt an immense sense of relief, it should be illegal to birth babies like them, it should be classified at torture.
No. 2111747
>>2111745I don't know why people think
him being a sperg means he's a helpless baby who didn't know better, but at the same time they were perfectly content to laugh at Chris Chan for years.
No. 2111788
>>2111715I can't bring myself to force abortion on women who are already suffering after learning that their babies will not be born healthy. That said, I wish it was socially considered to be selfish and that these women were not valorized for what is knowingly creating a child who will have a short, suffering-filled life
inb4 antinatalists twist this and say that all life is suffering stfu it's not about you. I don't think we should legally force such women to abort, but I think social pressure should encourage them towards that decision. More people (especially those with lifelong disabilities) should speak on how hard life is for those kids and how it's fundamentally unfair to condemn them to such a fate.
No. 2111798
>>2111788The thing is that alright, you're suffering knowing that you have to abort your child because it will be born with a crippling condition like alright I can somewhat understand but why don't they feel about about their child grasping for air? Their child not being able to swallow? With a hole in their stomach/throat for feeding? Don't they feel bad knowing that they won't ever walk or call them "mom"? And in the case that child gets a sibiling, taking away crucial attention to that second child because the older one will not grow up, mentally and physically, requiring constant attention?
These people claim to be sensitive and brave. There's nothing brave about caging your child to a painful, pitiful existence. It's narcisstic and, paradoxically, selfish and sometimes they don't even hide it that well. One time I picked up my niece from school and she told me (I was there to visit, I'm not used to her school, I don't know what the whole story is) that that day was chaotic because his wheelchair, borderline vegetable classmate was screaming the whole time and the teacher had to interrupt themselves often, once at home I told my sister that poor girl wanted to have fun and couldn't, she says that this poor woman had this child and refused to abort it, she brings him to school because at least she has some time for herself for her groceries.
So you're saying that you're making this everyone's problem, now? Even you can't go all day with his screams so you basically park your child at school and made the teacher and children responsible? I get it, I mean, teaching children to be respectful is a good thing, but they cannot live with a constant machine beeping and choking sounds during class. It's hell and if you can't even handle it, nobody should, neither your child which is trapped in his body. Sick mom.>>2111788
No. 2111815
>>2111053Thank you for explaining it so well, you made some really good points too.
No. 2111887
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Eating healthy isn't that hard, it just takes time and a palate that doesn't hate the taste of vegetables or spices. It's just that most people don't seem to have the time to cook, but sometimes I wonder if its just that cooking time has been replaced with doomscrolling time.
No. 2111888
>>2111885gaining social status (through scientific research, art etc) or becoming rich
good looking men do the same manipulative crap anyway when they get the chance
No. 2111890
I really don't care that Cybertrucks are ugly. The design has been widely known and discussed for 5 fucking years and you see them all around for a while now. Yet every time you see one STILL someone has to start talking about how ugly it is.
>>2111887How is that recipe in the image healthier than a regular McChicken it's the same ingredients and it's still battered and fried
No. 2111910
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Asa black woman I think it’s funny when non-black women end up getting made single mothers or abused by black men. You played into the degarding of black women because not being black made you feel special and you got gassed up by self hating black men, now you deal with the consequences. I’m just happy it’s one less black woman being abused. I’m not a girls girl and I accept that I guess.(racebait)
No. 2111928
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>>2110491Yeah, she doesn't deserve getting a thread or doxxed just because she writes and makes comics about girls getting molested and raped by a teacher.
We can even make a thread about it! Let's make a thread where all anons can discuss about stuff like rape kink and where to find the hottest rape
victim statements about old men raping young girls, wouldn't that be amazing?
No. 2111936
>>2111930You wanna seriously pretend women like this don’t exist?lol
No. 2111943
>>2111932You're right, that's why I think, that since we all want lolcow to be great again, with different opinions and ideas, we should just make a thread in her honor, wouldn't that be just right?
>>2110365>but anons are soooo holier than thou now in a way no one was a few years ago. Like I said before, since we want edgy cool opinions, we could make a thread about "rape kink" on /g/ or a tradwife thread on /g/ too, and we can all tall about how sexy is the idea of getting raped or how inspiring is it to be the mother of 8 children at a farm with no job other than ~being a mother~. Wouldn't that just be a different opinion to what most anons don't like? It would spark conversation and maybe make anons have more diverse opinions about stuff.
Everyone could see the good stuff of how hot it is to see rape
victims talk about the moment they got raped, or the good side of being a trad wife with a husband that's never at home, there's even literature about that.
No. 2111944
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>>2111910I don't care about women getting abused by men in relationships, they know what they are.
(baiting) No. 2111951
>>2111944I care about abuse
victims, Just not the ones who date known colorists with criminal pasts. If you got off on my discrimination then I don’t care about you. Go cry about. All races have women outside of their group who fetishize their men but their behavior manifests in different ways. For non-Asian women into Asian men for example it makes them more jealous, insecure and hostile because Asian women are stereotyped as the image of feminine. For non-black women into black men they don’t get jealous but hey feel superior and confident due to our degradation. They enjoy it.
No. 2111967
The beauty standards being the way they are aren’t 100% men’s fault. Women enforce these standards just as much as men, especially if they fit the mold and are getting perks from it. Sometimes these are women who were past beauty queens, cheerleaders and models, take jobs as scouters or managers because they have a crab in the bucket mentality and think because they had to suffer from beauty standards, that everyone else should too.
No. 2111987
>>2111979Exactly, for example, we know where Shayna and Jillian live, and where Jillian's mom lives too, an anon even discovered the place where "corpse husband" lives and showed everyone his fat fat fatty fat face.
I don't get why anyone is getting so apaled at the idea of anons knowing stuff that the cows themselves post or that anons that live nearby just know about, it's silly.
If anything, cows are just a cautionary tale of how you should be more aware of the shit you post online.
No. 2111991
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>>2111890I wish their egg poaching robots were a lil snazzier looking. Something's missing.
No. 2112035
>>2111707They've been popping up since the new pictures, what I notice is they all hate Gypsy but ignore the moid or make him a
victim. I said this in another thread but I had to stop reading a thread on lipstick alley where they were like, "I only feel bad for (whatever his name is)" and people were trying to make Gyspy into some monster, instead of a very abused child that would've been killed by her mom.
She did 10 years and at best she's annoying but thats it. It reminds me of the videos of Chris Watts and his wife, where people basically seethe about how horrible she was and they don't say it but you know they wish that Chris would've just killed her so they could be 100% on his side instead of like 50%. Annoying women/Abused girl/women is worse than anything to some people.
No. 2112057
>>2112026I can't explain it but she's just…chill? Her looks don't really matter. I kinda like she's kinda weird looking because you see the moid version of her all the time. Why can't she just be the weird white girl who gets attention for her personality/vibes?
Now, I don't like her because there's something about her being dressed in 2000 worth of clothes, sitting in the car while she's driven to a fashion show, looking fucking sad and shit.
No. 2112101
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>>2112095I am black girlie pop. Sorry to break your female solidarity fantasies.
(ban evasion) No. 2112121
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>>2112095this take isn't even unique, go on any thread on lsa about any non-black woman getting abused by a black man and you see the same sentiments regardless of if the woman has spoken poorly on black women or not. Theres a lot of black men (almost all being rappers) over the years who've dated non-black women who've talked shit about black women.
For example Cyn Santana (love and hip hop reality star) has a baby by has been
abusive rapper Joe Budden. She said this years ago, just to accuse Joe of being
abusive, being weird with his dog and now she's a baby mother to some other black men. These women DO exist. The issue I have is it went from people pointing out those women, to laughing at any non-black woman getting abused by a black moid I don't find that funny and like I said, women like that usually view abuse as a whole in that lens, "what did she do? Did she say/do something to deserve it?". So for this to possibly truly be a black nonna I'm not shocked.
No. 2112125
>>2112123…No..? I’m a lesbian kek I’m just giving you advice… It looks crusty
>>2112124Even more true
No. 2112133
>>2112128Ok then eat healthier or wash better, dead skin doesn’t look nice cuz it’s a sign of something. You don’t have to have a complete lack of care like moids do.
>>2112130I’m black and I agree with this, I find it pathetic and immature. I get it if it’s some racist white woman but laughing at a woman who’s done nothing wrong for suffering at the hands of scrotes is retarded. It’s not just towards non-black women too, it’s also an attitude expressed towards black women are
victims of DV. Atp you’re siding with scrotes over women, it’s sad.
No. 2112139
>>2112122what racebait what did I miss
>>2112127having flashbacks to anon gleefully telling us that her husband thinks american dad is for smart people and watching my smile slowly fade off my face. moids ruin everything
No. 2112143
>>2112104*Say yes to heaven
say yes to me
say yes to heaven
say yes to me*
*I got my eye on you,
I got my eye on you,
I got my eye on you,
I got my eye on you,
I got my mind on you.*
No. 2112145
>>2112140I don’t think they implied it was all of us, just the chronically online retards
>>2112141You don’t have to conform but if you have dehydrated crusty skin it is often connected to health. You do you though
No. 2112178
>>2111944I thought the woman on the left was Lovelyti for a moment kek
>>2111910Bad optics, most black women don't spend their time fretting over what white women are doing no1currs also the woman in your example looks asian so major fail on your part. I agree with you but this is something you just say during a quiet night hanging out with your black female relatives and never bring it up. Then the next morning you get up, have breakfast, wash your face with kojic acid and moisturize with some black castor oil, and clock in at work. Come on anon.
No. 2112206
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>>2112151All women have to be tiny with itty bitty wrists now? Hmm I guess women do follow the same pedo standards for women as men do? Yall probably think anyone who doesn’t have those kpop tier proportions is a man which says a lot lol it is why don’t take this feminism stuff seriously
(no kpop) No. 2112252
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Magical Doremi has literally the BEST magical girl toys ever, they're all iconic and amazing, they're colorful and cute but they also don't have obvious colorways that makes girls feel like they HAVE to be the main girl to have the cutest magical girl weapons.
No. 2112253
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>>2112206>kpop stanIt all makes sense now. All of you are maladjusted and obnoxious. I hate gormless retards like
>>2112130 too. It annoys me so much to share a race and a sex with you absolute mongoloids and to know I'll never escape being associated with the brain-dead in one form or the other. So many women are sad, pathetic pickmes sperging over race and dick back and forth.
No. 2112263
I think more media should have alternate endings, even if the creators don't confirm which one is canon. I don't care about the inevitable infighting it would cause because that's funny and would provide us with milk.
>>2112252I love the little pink book, it's so adorable!
No. 2112275
>>2112223If you have scrotebrained opinions, you will be called a scrote. We've also had white "women" (likely trannies) post similarly shit takes, post their hands to "prove" they're women and get called men because they had weird/ugly wrists and hands.
Stop dragging all black women into your bullshit, stop weaponizing race and skin color just because you personally said something retarded. All of you damaged pickmes sound and behave exactly like trannies, it transcends ethnicity.
No. 2112319
>>2112309Pearl's behaviors are intimately tied to her looks, other women's looks, her self-esteem (or lack thereof) and her obsession with pandering to men, so no, in her case, it's pertinent. Try again. It doesn't "debunk feminism" to point out things that are true, and your worth as a woman isn't devalued for being ugly. It's devalued for siding with hateful,
abusive men and sounding like one when you "express yourself" in that way, and when you post your physical body to prove you "couldn't POSSIBLY be a man", you open yourself up to even more suspicion (and yeah, misogynists of both sexes tend to be dysgenic, I really don't care if men refuse to talk about it because my goal isn't to emulate men, and I also am not bothered if talking about looks is a
trigger for you). You're the only one reducing the topic to fuckability here, because, again, you center men above all.
No. 2112323
>>2112320Once more, your fixation on fucking, fuckability, boymomming, etc and being bothered by looks being discussed goes to show how much you personally center men and your limited view of what counts as "
valid feminism" (it does not have to be kind to your feelings). It doesn't matter whether or not Pearl consciously cares about other women calling her ugly, because her actions and words have to do with appearance and desirability. She comes from a rich family and could continue playing volleyball, she chose this avenue for personal reasons, and people will call a spade a spade.
No. 2112331
>>2112329Why are you projecting skincare autism now kek
>let it go lolYou replied to me all bothered,
nonny, not the other way around. Act like a scrote, get called one. That's how it is, no one's going to coddle you.
No. 2112342
>>2112341The kind of women who think it’s flattering and cute when black men are mean and
abusive toward black women and like it because it makes them feel special are pick mes to me and i don’t care what their scrote dishes at them. Go cry about it.
No. 2112363
>>2112348Yeah, yesterday you were laughing because it was Chantelle from down the block after she said she could take your man or whatever. Today, you're laughing because it's Becky after she laughed at Chantelle, dated her
abusive Nigel and assumed being white made her "the special exception" (it did not) and tomorrow, it'll be you. Then, some other retard with a similar mindset to you will laugh (maybe because you are black, she sees black women as the enemy and thinks white Nigel would never hurt her) until it's her, then Hijabina will hear about it in the news and laugh because she thinks all of you western women are degenerate whores who deserve it, then it'll be her, and so the world goes. Pickmes holding everyone back, laughing at the same misfortune that affects them all and getting in lifelong beef over dick.
No. 2112365
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>>2112361Samefag and let’s be real the only women who wouldn’t get clocked as man hands are tiny East Asian girls. They’re the only ones who have the stereotypical “pretty girl hands”. Of course as a 33 year old black woman I’m not gonna have cutesy hands and most white women don’t either.
No. 2112377
>>2112373That nonna didn't even post her hands. What are you supposed to even prove with only your wrists showing?
>heh nonna I can clock 8000 trannies a day from their wrists alone No. 2112406
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>>2111913Thanks for saying this anon, you put my thoughts about the current state of the site into words better than I was able to. Lolcow's always been the particular way it is, but it's a lot more political now which I think took it from fun, bitchy and sometimes annoying retardation (as a gossip site is meant to be) to miserable and preachy retardation. Nta.
No. 2112434
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>>2112373Maybe if you weren’t such a fatty you wouldn’t have been made fun of. Look at me with my child bearing hips, my nigel loves me for it
(bait) No. 2112460
>>2112446Idk why a radfem would want to be a tradwife
I don't even consider myself
that radfemmy but there's no way I would want to be economically dependent on a man
No. 2112465
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I don’t know how to tell you this anon, but.. it’s not me jazz jennings KEK and he’s a troon
No. 2112521
>>2112498Not if you're being picked by someone ugly,
abusive, a sexual predator, etc. which is usually the case, I don't recall pickmes being picked by anyone actually decent.
No. 2112679
>>2112663The hate boner against single women makes no sense to me, especially since most moids will treat married women just as badly if not worse since she's unavailable to them. It's so strange that men will have a whole list of demands for women before her words will be
valid to them, yet when women do meet those requirements they turn on her anyway. They'll happily support an unmarried, blue haired, tatted up fat woman in her 40s if she's saying something they agree with but completely rip apart the perfect skinny blonde trad wife if she says something they disagree with, and it's important women know this
No. 2112691
>>2112498But a lot of women still continue their antics even after they get picked like shoeonhead. For a lot of women, having the attention of one man or even ten just will never be enough, they need all the validation possible.
>>2112663Nobody is jealous of you. Looks fade and so will the happiness you feel being with him when he trades you in for a younger model.
No. 2112747
>>2112691I'm tired of people telling poor people "plans" that end up failing
>just work at amazon/mcdonalds/walmart!great idea until they reject your application like they do with 99% of people who apply
>just call them and go in person!great idea until they blacklist you for being "too needy"
>tipped jobsgreat until now where people are running around screaming bloody murder about tips
>roommates, sublets, its not hard!great idea until now (at least in my area) where 90% of sublet postings are scams and most people are living with partners or are unstable moids
>start a businessuntil people laugh, claim you're a scam, haggle, steal your shit, and you brought all your business supplies for nothing
>job corps, social programs, churches, etcmajority of job corps programs are only offering jobs that aren't any better paying than burger king + some of these places can actually make your situation worse because they'll require you to sell all of your shit + "exhaust friends and family of resources" before even considering helping you, then you're left with no friends, no family, no car, no anything before you can get the free watery milk and expired cereal W i guess
>food stamps, WIC, sec 8do I really have to explain the issue in this?
>but but I saw this program online/heard about it where this rich guy gives you a free apartment and good paying job if you just ask!!!if only so many of these "programs" people told me about when I was homeless actually existed/ did what they claimed there'd be absolutely zero problems in america kek
No. 2113259
>>2112968Nta but what? "Honest work" is typically referring to blue collar, fast food jobs, service industry, etc. Not sex work
>>2112747>>but but I saw this program online/heard about it where this rich guy gives you a free apartment and good paying job if you just ask!!!My MIL is like this, she's unemployed and mooching off her parents in her 50s and doesn't do crap all day. Keeps claiming she totally knows like 200 different programs that will set you up with an apartment, a job, pay for school, etc and there's "no excuses" (even will go online and make up fake stories about owning a house, working 3 jobs to call others lazy) can somehow never be able to find links or any source to all these amazing programs she claims she knows of though!
No. 2113769
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Gonna sound like a self-obsessed asshole but it’s genuinely hard trying to talk to people like a normal person when they can’t not get fidgety or awkward or wide-eyed, and then turn and have a normal conversation with another person. How are you meant to make friends easily, especially since once they get used to you they polarise you, (she’s incredible I love her, she’s amazing/scrutinising everything I do and finding faults in them) both are exhausting. I feel like I should be complimented when I go out in public and I try to be but when people treat you like that it makes you feel like some sort of freak, other specimen. I don’t wanna seem like I don’t think this is anything more than a first world problem, I’m sure the negatives of being ugly have to be way worse. But I think it genuinely messes with your brain a little, when all your interactions with people are like that. Also people don’t think about when they stare at others because you’re one person but it’s incredibly unnerving when it’s everyone and I can’t even scratch my nose without feeling like people are monitoring my every movement. Also the way people look at you when they realise your face is beautiful is so unnerving KEK I never see any face like it, it’s like this weird mixture, it’s like they’re really excited to see you but frightened. picrel is the closest I can think of
No. 2113792
>>2113777Is the question am I really attractive or is this really the reason (like some other reason)
Guys do not approach me, they are very avoidant especially ones my age. I don’t dress in an “available” manner, not feminine at all, I just have a pretty face. But even in the times I do they don’t talk to me unless I talk to them.
No. 2113797
>>2113259Anon said that "honest work" is for retards. I'm saying I'd rather do "honest work" like what you mentioned rather than risk STIs and violence being a prostitute (which is not considered honest work).
>>2113777Nta but anon is quite silly. If you are attractive, it is nearly always a plus in any setting. The reason people end up disliking me is because I'm rude, I was unsocialized, and I act autistic and mean. Some people play it off as me being "quirky" and "logical" (topkek) but it is quite offputting how I act which is why I can't attract long term female friends. Men won't really care because they are more easily swayed to like a woman based off of appearances, but they just want to fuck you so it's a lost cause.
No. 2114068
>>2114057I’m not being aggressive, grow a little spine - why are you apologising if you don’t think you said anything wrong KEK. It’s a little tiring because lesbians on this site are always doing something apparently, the moidhatred lets anons justify being stricter on women who are lesbians over straight women
who have a sizable populations of snuff and shots enjoyers which is way worse than what any of the lesbians here do. Tbh, there
has been aggressive posts lately though, way worse than this and often nonsensical/can’t read.
No. 2114353
I have no patience for the extreme edginess some radfems/manhaters cultivate. It's really hilarious, until they start advocating for rape or mass murder. Their rebuttal always goes like 'ohhh you're a male-centered bleeding heart libtard' but i couldn't care less. It's really about having an ethical spine, if you genuinely care about and understand the consequences of certain kinds of violence, you always oppose it. It comes off as really pathetic and laughable too, like you're a shut-in who probably can't talk back to moids IRL, can't convince other women because you're so offputting, yet here you are talking about genociding people and gloating about rape (incl. rape of 'moidlets'). I also find that this lack of ethical principle comes with a deep lack of curiosity for anything that doesn't tickle their weird, sexually-charged obsession with moids. They usually know next to nothing about how the oppression of women is anchored to other phenomenons, the way violence against men in certain contexts (say, war) always comes with extreme violence towards women, women's issues beyond a super narrow 'leave your moid and join my weird nun commune!' perspective. They completely lack any kind of coherent thinking or plan to help women beyond gathering to feel oh-so-edgy. Just retarded, myopic, ineffective, impotent.
No. 2114372
> Unf moidlets deserve it ackshuallyPosts are really annoying and are obviously being posted for attention because people with paraphilias always need to broadcast it for some reason. To be fair though I think it's literally like 2 people.
No. 2114403
>>2114372>people with paraphilias always need to broadcast it for some reasonShit, i think you're right. With general 'kill everyone!!!' posts i always assume it's simply a strange woman but the ones about moidlets are pedophilic a lot of the time. Reminds me of that korean ''radfem'' (don't want to taint korean RFs by association) who posted CP in some forum
>>2114398Right. Wishing rape to male rapists makes sense but there's something really wrong about the constant pseudo-sadistic impulse to celebrate it
No. 2114434
>>2114353Stop wasting energy on moid's self-inflicted issues, focus on your own group and how we suffer from it. Nothing would help women if they won't finally start aborting the majority of males so they would be more controllable, and it won't happen as long as you feel so sorry for them fucking constantly. The moidlet-chan is a dedicated troll who's infighting throughout the whole website. I think people theorised it's Rancefag, but idk.
>>2114398I wasn't one of those edge posters, but i really have a hard time feeling any sympathy for something that'd rape children during a war. I genuinely do not understand. It's a raped rapist, that's why they don't care.
>>2114403>the constant pseudo-sadistic impulse to celebrate itThey're just tired and are bitterly happy about the same is happening to them.
No. 2114468
>>2114451Literally a Nobel is being retracted right now due to fraud in one of the best peer reviewed academic journals. But keep appealing to authority,
No. 2114550
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>>2114522>cant think of a single american alfred to save my lifei do
No. 2114682
>>2114353I don't care. I don't say those things, but I also just don't care when others do. After years of misogynistic and pro-rape comments and actions from men about women and little girls, I cannot find it in me to argue and get mad when it's used on them. Even if all the feminists online only say nice "normal" things, it's still just posting shit and doing nothing in the end. Real action is more important than whatever someone says on the internet.
The whole "If they cut you, I bleed" thing you mentioned re: war is irrelevant to me too because there are no female gangs kidnapping men and forcing them to be soldiers in war at gunpoint and stuffing money in politician's pockets to start more wars for men to die in. No one's trying to start a new world order by telling some retarded misogynist "Go die in a war", because he wasn't going to listen to facts, logic and compassion anyway. It's all just shitposting.
No. 2114698
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>>2114522Hetalia was originally set during ww2 when it was first released, so I can see him as an Alfred in the 40s. In modern times, he probably goes by Freddy
>>2114543USUK mentioned
No. 2114943
>>2113769>Also the way people look at you when they realise your face is beautiful is so unnerving KEK I never see any face like it, it’s like this weird mixture, it’s like they’re really excited to see you but frightened. picrel is the closest I can think ofAs another 10/10 stunning beauty I can agree 100%. It's very unnerving being stared at so blatantly and over-hearing conversations about you ("Here comes Barbie," "Wow, she could be a model," etc.), and the creepy Miley Cyrus look as soon as you approach them for help or service is so awkward for me, like okay, I want 10 McNugget combo meal large fries large Diet Coke, I don't want you daydreaming about the next 50 years of married life together in your head while I speak and you mess up my order. I've said this time and time again but beautiful people have it much worse in this world compared to uggos. Beautiful people are expected to do so much, like I have to walk gracefully down the sidewalks because people naturally move out of my way because of my beauty, and I have to always speak twice to people (I speak very clearly but usually the first sentence after "hello" is lost on them because they're so captivated by my charm and gorgeousness that they momentarily go deaf so as soon as I'm done talking usually their eyes are glossed over and it takes them a second to snap back to reality to say "sorry, what?") and it's really hard on us. Besides everyone wanting you, a lot of people will naturally hate you as well because they're jealous of you. A lot of the more intelligent (>115IQ) uggos really really hate us pretties and I've heard stories from fellow beautiful people that uggo nurses refused to treat them before in hospitals because of their burning seething hatred of the gorgeous. They're deeply jealous because deep down they know that halo effect is real. It's also difficult being beautiful because it enables my worse manipulative side to come out. Since 9/10 people will do whatever I say because of my appearance, I've asked people to do a lot of fucked up shit and gotten away with it too because nobody wants to blame pretty people. Basically being beautiful is the worst curse in the world, sometimes I wish the uggos could understand our plight and realize that they don't have it as bad as us. I'd never wish to be ugly myself of course because anything is worth being a Venusian beauty, but they should be happy being ugly!
No. 2115299
>>2115278go ahead then look like shit
go ahead
No. 2115323
>>2115301Kek found the gacha picrew zoomie
>>2115320You do, otherwise every other nonna wouldn’t be a Lolita fag
No. 2115327
>>2115278> They’re self harm because they are training yourself to see women as decorative and objects, and no matter how hard women deny it, it does alter your self perception and lower self esteemIf you're more insecure than a wet blanket, sure. Don't project your crippling insecurity that's so powerful dress-up games are enough of a
No. 2115404
There is no such thing as good men, none of them are good. Like that
nonny said a few days ago they all revert back to their natural programming. A good man would topple the system that benefits him and subjugates women and children and yet they haven’t because they think it isn’t real and they also think just because they are lower on the patriarchal totem pole means it also affects them negatively kek. I miss when we had these radfem discussions
>>2115278You’re being extremely extra but I lowkey agree with you but they’re fun. Nonnies would have agreed with you if this was posted 3-4 years ago. The real femme blackpill is realizing all media is bad and
toxic towards women but I can’t help but play them
No. 2115416
>>2115410I wonder why people are like
>social media impacts women’s mental health and self-image >YES BE YOUUU HONEYYYYYY >video games, tv shows, movies and even comics and books impacts women’s mental health and self-image>OH NO FUCK YOU, STOP CONTROLLING PEOPLES BLAH BLAH SPEECH FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION HIDE YOUR CHILDREN FROM IT SOCIETY DOESNT OWE YOU ANYTHING Kek it’s amusing to see the cognitive dissonance even coming from female fans of these media and games. It does make it better knowing everything is
toxic for us so you can have discernment and when to just stop supporting it lol, you’re right
No. 2115425
>>2115323You can wear lolita fashion because you like the clothes and not because you want to larp as an uwu doll. Nevermind there are like 10 lolitas on this website max. I agree with
>>2115294 , please touch some grass.
No. 2115429
>>2115416Most of those people identify with the media they enjoy, so they take it personally when someone doesn't like it or points out negative aspects about it. The whole "Your fave is
problematic" trend didn't help, because it was used to shame people for liking media instead of informing people about questionable things in popular media. So there's extra incentive for fans to be hair-
trigger sensitive when someone brings reasonable criticism, because for years that has been the prelude to fans getting harassed or cancelled.
No. 2115432
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>>2108983What if I like typical slasher/horror male characters (preferably not masked) being violently tortured and killed. I'll agree with you there's a tragic lack of it out there though
No. 2115470
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>>2115432>strade bishiefiedgatobob shouldve made him like that instead we got a fat nazi
No. 2115488
>>2114957Number 1, I don't make my posts on here for your enjoyment or for you to copy and paste my posts into that shit copypasta thread with your grubby fingers. It's actually really creeping me out that so many anons see everyone else on here like a stock clown character or a jester that wants to make everyone else laugh. That's not true. We aren't here for your pleasure. I don't give a fuck if I bored you. If you think that what I posted was satire you have to be fucking retarded.
>>2115237It is really that difficult to believe we exist for a lot of people out there like the first anon I replied to. It's sad and pathetic and honestly it really creeps me out like when I read the first post I'm replying to I got chills and goose flesh from it because it's that weird and creepy
No. 2115916
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Overrated as fuck and if you still like this flavour you are a terminal child
No. 2115980
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this is what tifs should be about
No. 2116276
>>2116216I was upset at that moment, sorry for the cringe
nonny. I ate and drank a watered down latte and feel slightly better kek
No. 2116900
I feel like this opinion is unpopular here, but I don't feel bad about the relative lack of Russians in the Olympics. They ran a full-scale government-sponsored doping operation that fucked up an entire Olympics (which they got to host through corruption anyway - Sochi was in no way appropriate as a host). They continued even after being "punished" (if one can even call it that) to dope their own athletes, including children, and interfere with drug testing. Then their government then decided to just invade and attack a sovereign nation - for a second time - right after the Olympics. This just isn't comparable to whatever beef people have with another country reacting to a giant terrorist attack. I don't like or condone that reaction, but prior to the attack there was more and more normalization of relations (something that a certain group hated and wanted to stop). There wasn't an invasion or military operation ongoing during the terrorist attack.
Let the Russian athletes compete as individuals or for other countries, but I for one do not miss their flag or anthem at the Olympics or anything else. I wonder who really misses those things right now. That said, I watch artistic gymnastics for the art, and if I so wish, I can tune in to watch the Friendship Games (could they come up with a more commie name, kek) in September to watch more artistic gymnastics and appreciate the individuals who create art while sponsored by a shitty government. I've appreciated and rooted for Russian gymnasts in the past (Mustafina, Nabieva, Gerasimova on beam, etc.), but I don't really need to see them as a unified country get honored at the Olympics in order to appreciate the contributions of individuals.
No. 2117314
>>2117236good? fuck moids, and even snowflake moids like gays or
PoC are awful in their own ways
No. 2117345
>>2117318I think there can be nuance in this. i don’t think you can think “men of x race are inherently low-iq/subhuman” but women aren’t, but when it comes to the specific behavior of men or x race i think it’s perfectly reasonable to hate the men, but not the women (who are usually their main
victims anyway)
No. 2117378
>>2117335All moids suck, doesn't matter the color of their skin, their beliefs, height, eye color, hair color, hair texture, ideologies, preferences, posture, possessions, social media followers, social status, economical status or anything else I may be forgetting to name.
No. 2117412
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"I'm sorry you feel that way" is the perfect response when people take offense about things that they've fabricated in their minds. I'm not going to coddle them and apologise for my normal behaviour because they perceived it as being unfriendly or rude.
No. 2117438
Social media isn't about connecting with others and making new friends, it's just all about selling products, anyone who still uses social media by posting their selfies, pictures of pets, family, food, places or personal opinions is just a fool that may be autistic at this point.
Unless you're absolutely flawless, unique, extremely talented and interesting, there's literally no reason for you to use social media to talk about the things you like/dislike, your opinions or just anything in general, it will be most likely that the people following you consider you milky or are just nosy friends that are too cowardly/retarded to directly talk to you.
Just get a diary and you will even feel better about life in general.
Also, if you don't plan on make a business off whatever you make/do, then honestly just don't even try, it doesn't make sense to publish anything, the attention you get from interacting with random people and bots isn't really worth it in the end, unless you're a BPDemon of course.
No. 2117608
>>2117576Ah yes, Indian moids are truly bottom dwellers and anyone who thinks we're speaking from a place of "racism" and not fact are fuckin retarded. Tbh its part of the issue i have with feminism. It's not as intersectional as they claim, because they don't even allow women of color a place to talk about how
PoC men terrorize them specificallym they're always too quick to talk about white incels, which are dangerous to women don't get me wrong, but men from other races do their women much worse. The culture allows it
No. 2117739
>>2117709>Female solidarity is non-existent irland
>I love women, but we're still people and people are shitty.Are two very different statements, though.
No. 2117798
>>2117786This is 100% right, nonna, I honestly just support feminism because I just haven't read that much to consider myself a true feminist.
>inb4 just readI'm not ready to get completely blackpilled, thanks.
But anyways, the true issue is that the attention spam of people seems the be inexistent the moment they're born, no one has the guts to read nor the wish to do so, so then you have people being fucking live coaches or influencers talking with information that they found up their asses during a masturbatory session of navel gazing that climaxed with them thinking
>This is sooooo deepLike sure, experiences are kind of the reason why everyone picks a different path in life, but what we all read is what makes us able to actually understand and identify properly with shit.
This is also why we have people calling themselves any color or fake identity of the fake rainbow, no one has the will to fuckimg read history unless it's something regurgitated by someone who once watched a video that made a resume in 5 minutes of a series of documentaries that together amount to 5 whooping hours to watch (the horror!).
No. 2118000
>>2117998What was posted in the vent thread? I briefly checked and I don’t see anything like that. Regardless, I’m talking about in general, on /g/ too.
>and try to extrapolate on it to condemn them as if you really fucking know them and this isn't just an anonymous ib. Fuck off.The way some anons just randomly react extremely aggressively is really bizarre to me. I just kinda don’t get where this hostility is coming from tbh, but whatever.
No. 2118009
>>2117995Yeah, but we have to be empathic and understand how porn standards may affect other women. Many women who have those issues were
victims of porn-addicted men too. I used to feel bad about my own looks until just a year ago, but it took years to get out of that mentality.
No. 2118015
>>2118003>Noooo I don't use this site I don't check other threads…What the fuck are you talking about. I never said I don’t use this site and I even mentioned /g/
>Idgaf lolOk… if you must know
>>>/ot/2117983 inspired my post, but this was after I’ve seen similar sentiments elsewhere. I checked the vent thread and can’t find what you’re talking about.
>>2118009I am sympathetic, I guess it’s just surprising to me. Maybe it’s because I’m not straight? But I still like men, so, hm.
>>2118010Seems a bit much. Is it really lacking empathy to ask that? This is an anonymous imageboard, it’s not like I’m saying this to someone irl while they’re opening up to me about feeling insecure.
No. 2118018
>>2118015>Ok… if you must know >>>/ot/2117983 inspired my post, but this was after I’ve seen similar sentiments elsewhere. I checked the vent thread and can’t find what you’re talking about.I already fucking knew that that's why I replied with
>>2117998 fucking duh? Like I said in that post I just linked, it's RETARDED for you to take a random post and extrapolate it the way that you did. All I got wrong was where the post was from, I thought it was in the vent thread but it was from that thread you linked. My bad.
No. 2118025
>>2118015So fucking crazy because you people will act like I'm a schizo for connecting dots… then you turn around and confirm everything I just said… Like your bait is boring and mediocre and I can see through it in 10 seconds. It took me 10 seconds to read this post
>>2117995 and realize it was based on that innocuous post in the Cow Opinion thread. 10 seconds. That's how predictable you are. But to reply to me, and then pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about and acting like you are an independent thinker, and then to admit that I was right all along? Come on. This shit is just so extra and gay it's insane.
No. 2118028
>>2118023You're welcome because as soon as I saw that retarded post itt I knew it was about your vulnerable admission in the other thread, and it pissed me off. I'm so tired of this shit.
>>2118024Idgaf you pissed me off because you're annoying and dumb. Rethink your bait posts and come back and bait when you're ready to actually post interesting and engaging bait.
No. 2118038
>>2118033Sighs loudlyWell, I guess you can say….
snaps fingers loudly and twirls around gayly that…
strikes pose and breaths in deep and pushes my glasses up that this typing style…
plays air guitar isn't for everyone! ROFL!!!!!
Rolls on floor and laughs No. 2118075
>>2118066So mean!
Kawaiialy turns into a rocket to fly out of the atmosphere and explore the cosmos Yipee!!!