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No. 2129824

ask away.
prev thread: >>>/ot/2107174

No. 2129825

which 4chan threads should i flood with boyguro?

No. 2129838

have any of us ever actually encountered a skunk face to face?

No. 2129842

From the bits of interviews I've seen, the guy that plays Edward in Twilight seems incredibly ungrateful for that role and openly cringes about the entire universe. Is the wolf dude the same? The trivia section about him on the Twilight wikia says he read the book series to play him properly.

No. 2129843

The wolf dude is the exact opposite.

No. 2129859

Robert Pattinson? It's known that he hated playing Edward's role but did it to pay his bills and be a bit more famous, but recently he's been saying that while he disliked it everyone's reaction was a bit too over the top and it's time to move on, more or less. I don't know about the other actors. btw Robert Pattinson is the same guy hired by Dior for some perfume ads who told to his face to one of the Dior employee inventing new perfumes that he almost never showers so he doesn't understand wtf he's explaining about notes and smells, no wonder he wasn't hiding his disdain for Twilight, he just doesn't give a fuck.

No. 2129864

Perhaps she's in love with you and wants you all to herself

No. 2129866

Does wall paint smell like ammonia to anyone else?

No. 2129879

Taylor Lautner never took it too seriously, he made megabucks from it and stayed out of the spotlight and drama. Had a few small roles in comedies later then got married to a woman also named Taylor, now he's a civilian who sometimes makes funny Tiktoks with his wife.

No. 2129887

Why is the Imane thread even allowed when it's been confirmed in meta that it's full of 4chan troons trolling? I hate having those male retards here and nonas falling for every bait

No. 2129891

Is he an autist? Like who is so idiotic they say they hated playing a hit lead role, or that they never use nor understand the product they're modelling for?

No. 2129892

It would be better to ask it directly to the farmhands in /meta/.

No. 2129899


No. 2129907

Probably because our jannie’s are 4chan troons themselves, nonna

No. 2129920

all of them but any where men are whining about being "depressed" and use irl pics

No. 2129929

i don't have that many irl, but ig no time like the present, i'll go hunting

No. 2130012

Where do I request a book that doesn't have an ebook? I spent 4 hours looking for light novels from an obscure series I like and there's nothing.
I can't use my card for overseas purchases (kinda retarded) and if someone could buy it for me, I don't want to waste their money by buying unnecessary things. I hate it here.

No. 2130028

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Two years ago I got my savings account with my bank closed from it being overdraft for a while. I thought it would've been affecting my credit, so I checked my credit report and apparently after all this time they never reported it. I wanted to call and pay the balance off (again, to repair the damage to my credit which apparently never came) but should I just take this win?
…It was only overdraft $200 so I'm assuming they didn't see it as a pressing issue but that doesn't make sense

No. 2130030

I am gonna TWEAK
Tell me if I’m being sensitive
My boss won’t give me last weeks paycheck until I finish my current shift, despite there being nothing going on. No customers no tasks etc
Am I wrong for getting upset over this?

No. 2130032

not, you're not wrong, it's your money.

No. 2130034

I wanted to cry so bad lmao so embarrassing

No. 2130095

could i be charged with impersonation if i pretend to be someone on grindr

No. 2130101

Why was latex chosen for fetish clothing? What's the point of it?

No. 2130102

Does Netflix always do batch releases for its animes or do they do weekly ones, too?

No. 2130105

I use a pirating site to watch anime and it does have pop up pages, but not when I watch on incognito mode. How's that possible?

No. 2130117

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Is wisconsin just not a state anymore or what

No. 2130123

Because it's skin-tight and associated with weird stuff like doctors and surgeons which evokes an illicit feeling, I guess?

No. 2130127

Would you force an Alzheimers patient to eat their vegetables or at that point do you just let it go?

No. 2130145

Let it go
Old people in general don’t eat a lot, just give them an ensure shake and call it a day

No. 2130167

I've worked with elderly people and no, it's much more important for them to eat energy-dense food like butter since they often eat so little.

No. 2130193

Just had an appointment with a new therapist who mentioned IFS or parts therapy. Should I consider another therapist? I got screwed over by a therapist before who had just learned about some new disorder and therefore kept pushing it despite it being irrelevant. It was a waste of time and money as well as really confusing, but I didn’t see the red flags at the time. Once again I’m not sure if this is a red flag or if this instance the modality is reputable.

No. 2130195

What is the purpose of therapy. You pay to talk to someone?

No. 2130198

Yes? Many times kek, they're normal animals where I live. A few weeks ago I got trapped in my car because a skunk was waiting around in the parking lot looking for victims to spray. Scary.

No. 2130213

By what criteria does it get judged whether a weeb cow dyes her hair black because she wants to larp as a Japanese girl or just because she likes it?

No. 2130217

Whats the best AI husbando?

No. 2130221

Is solar energy worth it? On the bus today I passed by an apartment building and saw the whole roof was fitted with solar panels, and I was wondering if putting solar panels on a house actually generates enough electricity to slash energy bills by a significant margin.

No. 2130226

I wear a nose plug each night to help me breathe easier. However it makes my nose huge as its basicslly 2 big rings that need to open my airways. Will using this long term make my nose bigger?

No. 2130230

Nah. My parents have them but they say they wouldn't get them if they could make the same choice again. In summer (if it's sunny and not a rainy cloudy summer) you generate enough energy, but you're also not using much. In winter, when you're using most energy, they generate next to nothing. And you can't store your own energy without an incredibly expensive battery. And idk how things work abroad but energy companies charge money to store the excess energy YOU GENERATED but can't store, I wish I was kidding. Maybe it's different in hotter climates or in countries with more favourable laws.

No. 2130237

What's with the weird country to emo/emo to country pipeline? Why does it happen? Is it because of guitars and starting as an acoustic guitar artist?
Examples: some obscure MySpace emo artist I like have became a country artist, Avril Lavigne was supposed to be a country artist before she became an emo/punk musician, some cartoon I watch has some "cool" kid who likes rock music but likes and plays country secretly, there are probably other examples but they escape my mind. I hope you get what I mean. Why are those 2 genres weirdly associated with each other. Also, is midwest emo just country emo?

No. 2130238

Samefag when I say they store it, I mean you pay them to take your excess energy, you don't get it back when you need it or anything. My parents have a killswitch of sorts, idk what it's called, that automatically turn the solar panels off when they generate more energy than is being used up. It's mental.

And predictable, of course the energy companies where never going to let consumers generate their own energy and make them redundant.

No. 2130265

Do you think a capsule wardrobe can be done in a truly minimalistic way when you live somewhere that has all 4 seasons and you don't want to end up overwashing winter stuff due to having shit like 2 thicker sweaters or something?

No. 2130272

I mean minimalism is essentially owning no more than you truly need, right? Which is different for different situations. Don't overthink it.

No. 2130276

That’s mental, wtf. In my town solar panel installation is done by cooperatives and households act as little power plants. Excess energy goes to the cooperative who then store it and redistribute to the neighborhood as needed. You pay a monthly membership fee which is how they get money, and I think you pay a little for the installation, though really poor people get it free. But those are flat fees.

No. 2130277

Forgot to reply to you sorry but you need to look up your local offers. It’s highly dependent on where you live, how much sunlight you get annually and who installs and distributes the panels and energy.

No. 2130281

what is good about being a woman? other than not being a rape ape statistic

No. 2130296

nothing really but you will have 155145 responses telling you womanhood is wonderful because pregnancy or some other retarded shit

No. 2130301

no mandatory military service for me

No. 2130304

you're actually so right, I just sometimes feel insane for having 5 jackets/coats but I truly do use them all and go through my clothes at the end of every season and usually get use of my summer clothes during the winter too. Social media may have gotten to me today, nona.

No. 2130352

my gut initially said let it go but i think it depends on a few variables like how old are they, are they physically unhealthy, etc

No. 2130354

File: 1723336671545.png (2.18 MB, 1727x1920, asdf.png)

Left is what anon A posted in a poor attempt at delivering milk, right is what anon B could decipher by playing with image editing tools. How do I do that, too?

No. 2130355

Sorry for spoon-feeding request, but does anyone remember the name of that girl from Twitter who posted a photo of herself in a polka dot dress, saying loli character's are okay because they look like her? I remember her face later being revealed and men calling her mid

No. 2130362

linguistics. Get better at deciphering how the cow talks and types (stories,long posts,vocabulary,certain keywords) you can guess the words from there or you can use image ai tools to guess it out.

No. 2130382

File: 1723338518897.png (698.06 KB, 1516x1444, Capture d’écran 2024-08-11 à…)

i was able to do somehing cruder but similar just by fiddling with the colour slider on a basic photo app. basically you need high contrast and sharpness, then fiddle with the other sliders and you'll get something readable.
this is why you shoulld censor with black at 100% opacity lol

No. 2130383

turn up the exposure on left pic and it'll reveal the text

No. 2130389

Why did anon censor this in the first place? It's not milk if we can't see the message

No. 2130434

When did snow become a subscribe to use app?? I used to use it for silly filters like adding bunny ears and stuff. Just got on it after a long time, took 3 pics and now it wont let me without subscribing over $30 a year… what the fuck?

No. 2130453

About trauma so that you can heal

No. 2130459

I feel the same about polarr, they even now restrict you from screencapping "premium" features as a workaround and charge for everything. Total garbage

No. 2130555

Not being controlled by the brain disease testosterone

No. 2130616

I don't know but I'll assume he has something at least, autism or anything else that makes him look like an idiot.

No. 2130734

What are jobs/fields that involve applying a lot of rules or systematic thinking? I know of law but what else.

No. 2130759

No one ever answered this so I guess either no one from Wisconsin uses LC or it’s simply disappeared

No. 2130764

What would you do if it was your SO's turn to do the dishes and they promise to do them but they end up procrastinating for several days until the plates pile and there's nothing to eat from? Would you just do them yourself instead?

No. 2130771

that sucks with Polarr. I paid for the premium version wayyy back, when it was still a 1 time purchase type thing. found out they switched to subscriptions when I got an email informing me that now I just have a lifetime subscription, lol.

No. 2130784

Any field of science. Fuck bureaucrats.

No. 2130790

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>>2130281(tradshit bait)

No. 2130791

I’m going to have sex with your husband and he’s going to abandon you(infight bait)

No. 2130796

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Okay nona's, I think I've figured out a way to get the government to pay for any cosmetic surgeries we may want, just like they do for trannies… Hear me out and tell me if this is stupid: Say I all of a sudden identify as a "male", going so far as to make it legal on my drivers license or whatever, pretending to take hormones for some time to add to the authenticity, and then suddenly (out of the blue!) I'll express a desire to "transition" into becoming a woman… And uh oh, my body is now giving me dYsPhOrIa!!1 So now I need a government sponsored boob job, nose job, and some fat grafting to make me feel more like my authentic self uwu. Am I crazy, or could this work??

No. 2130802

Is that your biggest fear? Or is it supposed to be mine?

No. 2130806

living longer and being capable of higher thought

No. 2130807

not having male neuroticisms and entitlement. men are societally disposable and both want to be so and hate it.

No. 2130811

It would work if misogyny wasn't real and people gave a shit about female trannies. They only care about the males because men's feefees are the only ones that matter in our current society. But I like the way you think nonna.
Being more developed at birth and having a higher chance of surviving disease, injury, and famine. Women are fucking survivalist beasts, it's awesome!

No. 2130829


When I was a kid and I didn't know anything about sex or men etc. I was super into the idea of being pregnant and having children, and I did think that this capacity was something which made females obviously superior to males. Like it was just pitiful to think of a human being that could never be a mother, just an accessory to a mother. That's how I saw the world when I was 5. I naturally formed a gynocentric worldview in which males mainly exist so that females can use them to fulfil their reproductive aspirations. (Why I was able to see things this way has a lot to do with my female-dominated family structure growing up, my mom and grandma's determination to completely insulate me from the reality of misogyny and dangerous men, etc.)

Although I knew from an early age that pregnancy and childbirth were dangerous and painful (I was into history so I read lots about women dying in childbirth & my mom was also pretty open about her medical trauma), I only developed negative feelings toward motherhood when I learned more about men and how they relate to women. I didn't want a man to "do that to me", picturing being pregnant with a man involved was so disgusting and terrifying. Once I learned about that part, my feelings completely flipped, and by the time I hit puberty I had something like rapid onset gender dysphoria (in the pre-social media era) and for a good while could not stand any thought or reminder that I am female.

No. 2130833

>Like it was just pitiful to think of a human being that could never be a mother, just an accessory to a mother.
Nonna you just gave words to a long-buried childhood thought of why moids felt so alien, bless you.

No. 2130834

> change name
> change gender marker on as many documents as possible
> find new gendy cult clinic
> open new patient account with male name and sex marker
> do all appointments online
> if they complain about your female body call them bigots and threaten legal action/suicide
> Get surgeries
> profit
Do it nonnette! If XY does not a male make then any denial of your cosmetic wish is straight up violence!
other nonnella is right though, this stuff is only for male predators by male predators and their supporting handmaidens. It’s not actually life saving, it’s erection saving.

No. 2130839

waking up after a good night's sleep, the feeling after a run or a shower or a haircut, the ability to pick up a guitar and look up tabs for a song you like

No. 2130845

Women are more social and connect with other people better. All of humanity is based on cooperation, if only men existed humans would still be cavemen doing nothing but hitting each other with sticks.

Women survive cold better because we have higher fat reserves, so women naturally make better polar explorers and ocean divers.

Women are naturally more flexible, so we excel in gymnastics and balance sports.

Women look better lol we just straight up have cuter faces and features (funny thing is this is actually true for a lot of wild animals too, male orangutans look retarded)

Men are generally dumber and hurt themselves more in stupid ways. If someone died shooting themselves out as a human cannonball you do not have to ask what sex the person were, you just know.

Women are generally more creative and fun. I ain't ever seen male friends get together just to create a perfect replica of an anime cake just for fun.

Women tend to be better at detailed work.

Women see colors better, and female babies have better hearing than male babies.

Women don't let sexual drives rule their lives. Women can be and do whatever we want just for the joy of it. Men just want to be rockstars to get laid, women because they love music.

Women have an awareness of themselves and others than men can never even dream of achieving. We even know what signals our clothes send, we know how sitting certain ways can communicate things, we can give each other a single look and know exactly what the other woman means. Men are like "sandals in socks is ok for a wedding right?" and think they're god's gift to women when they look like shit.

No. 2130850

Sometimes I am reminded that other people experience life in a completely different way than I do.

No. 2130856

You don't hyperfixate on sex and fetishes and let your life revolve around it.You don't run around murdering and raping people. You don't take pictures of unsuspecting women and children to make porn images of them. You don't make up an entire ideology over not getting laid.

No. 2130864

An endocrinologist will need to regularly test your blood to check levels when you're taking testosterone and if that shit's not right.. god knows what they'll think is wrong with you. You can't fake taking it then say that the hormones changed you so you need to change back. They're dumb for going along with this shit but there's plenty bloodwork involved

No. 2130889

I'm ESL. Please translate the bolded part to modern English for me.
>He was even given arsenic to drink, which, though it would have killed the syphilis bacteria, "occasioned such bitter pains that those might be thought very desirous of Life who had not rather die than thus to prolong it."

No. 2130894

"it was so painful that even those who enjoyed life would rather die than endure it".

No. 2130944

Thank youu

No. 2130959

What were you reading, nonnie?

No. 2131009

Is there a way so that an anime, manga, comic, etc. with an all-female cast doesnt attract coomer moids and trannies? If shows like BSD and JJK had the sexes reversed and the women were the most important characters, how would it turn out?
What is a way to have a woman centered media that attracts female fans and not trannies and moids?

No. 2131012

>What is a way to have a woman centered media that attracts female fans and not trannies and moids?
make them ugly fat tifs like in steven universe

No. 2131015

Make them similar to over the top, edgy, older shojo manga that men don't even know. Or make the characters as retarded or crass as possible for comedic purposes.

No. 2131039

Anons what do you order from Chick Fil A? Is the Mac and cheese good? I've only ate there once and it was for the Arnold palmer

No. 2131046

The mac n cheese was decent but I'd say it was nothing to write home about, not compared to waffle fries

No. 2131061

obviously there need to be lesbians because women are into romance. however they can only be queerbaited and their relationship can never become canon, because women like shipping more than they like canon relationships. the characters need to be well developed with a strong personality, not cutesy and boring. that's pretty much it i guess. then add a plot that would be more compelling to the average woman than the average man (depends what kind of media you are writing/making)

No. 2131074

>obviously there need to be lesbians
Hell no, that's how you attract hordes of transbians.

No. 2131104

Most manga or novels in the Josei genre don't attract moids or trannies. They tend to get live action adaptations instead of anime though. A nonna in the anime thread posted this a while ago and it's got a mostly female cast and is pretty funny. I'm not super weeby so please don't take me as an expert.

No. 2131117

you don't get it, they're not going to be canonically lesbian. in fact, they can have relationships with men/crushes on men.
the point is that they have either an extremely close, enmeshed friendship OR they're rivals. the audience is going to ship them in lesbian relationship, strengthening the fandom. they cannot kiss, cuddle (especially not those anime cuddles that look like they're fondling each other) but they will have an obsessive relationship where they're constantly thinking about each other.
this only appeals to women as men will be more interested in a single frame of two random women who have never interacted before kissing.

No. 2131132

Nyart but I looked it up because I was curious too. It's "The Royal Art of Poison: Fatal Cosmetics, Deadly Medicines and Murder Most Foul" by Eleanor Herman. It's about classical European poison methods. Maybe we got a femme fatale nonna.

No. 2131139

make them older adults or in historical-esque setting with fancy clothes or something.

No. 2131146

Yeah I don't think that shows like Gentleman Jack has a lot of moid or troon fans.

No. 2131159

Oh shit I can see it already. Write a soap opera. It's a natural male repellent.

No. 2131193

How are people able to save money in this economy? Even without buying superfluous shit, everything is so expensive these days and I'm barely able to have any money left after I pay my utilities bills.

No. 2131208

I was going to save a picture to reply to an anon. The moment i clicked on the picture my dad opened the door or something, whatever. The point is that now my brain associates this picture with my dad. I want privacy and dont want him to get involved. I try closing and opening the tabs, the websites to do it again but so i dont remember my dad in the sequence, but i forgot to delete it in my computer because if i see the picture i saved while my dad opened the door or something i will remember so everything is ruined. For some reason, i start getting horny. Like, my vagina is opening and closing. It often happens when i have these… attacks? routines? i dont know what to call it. Get frustrated with myself, and search up porn so i can release and make myself feel good and relax because i never experience happiness. Im still thinking about the picture that i was going to send because i hyperfixated in it so much, in one of the ads before the video plays, an ugly fat moid is eating a woman out, i fap anyways, but now when i remember that picture i remember that ugly fat moid eating a woman out, also i have to reset my new phone but now i cant because then im going to remember "the day i reseted the phone i saw that pic of an ugly moid eating a woman out".

Is this a mental illness? if it is, what is it and what meds other than escitalopram, mirtazapine and sertraline can i take? (dont recommend those i have already tried)

No. 2131218

> It often happens when i have these… attacks? routines? i dont know what to call it.
it sounds like you don't have other coping mechanisms so you get the urge to masturbate instead. deciding to do so only cements the habit, maybe focus on journaling or doing something physical to distract yourself and then come back to it. it does sound kind of OCD.

No. 2131228

When doing mental maths, do you actually calculate 7x8=56 or do you just know by heart because of repetition?

No. 2131230

The Royal Art of Poison by Eleanor Herman, after seeing it getting recommended by another anon in /m/.

No. 2131237

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How do these mukbangers stay thin? Especially this nasty one. Nick actually got fat ass fuck, is it because he's eating this shit off camera too? Some Mukbangers come in fat (like Prissy P), or borderline fat (like Blove) but how do the other ones stay so skinny?Do they really throw it up?

No. 2131240


No. 2131244

and that time she ate live octopusses how come they didn't choke her their tentecles? It seems so dangerous.People talk about how it's all a fetish for Nick, but nobody talks about how Ssoyoung's shit seems like straight up fetish content. Her letting the tenticles stick to her face, I don't know why they allow her channel on youtube. It's not educational or anything

No. 2131274

>I don't know why they allow her channel on youtube
Because of all the advertising money Google gets by letting her shit stay up. If they could, they'd whore out all female Youtubers.

No. 2131281

Bulimia, laxatives, fasting between these productions

No. 2131282

idk i can’t see seafood fetish being a thing…weight gain fetish is though

No. 2131283

File: 1723404192655.webp (13.21 KB, 800x534, happy-young-woman-sitting-floo…)

nonnies, what is this ankle position called?

i twisted my ankle 18 months ago and it still hurts like HELL when i have it in this position and i want to go to the doctor and be like "help", but in my country you have to describe what your problem is on the phone before they give you an appointment to physically see the doctor, and i legit don't know how to explain it. is there a particular term/ word for this? i feel like a moron rn

No. 2131291

>She doesn't know about asian moids having fetishes involving octopuses

No. 2131292

The toe area looks slightly pointed, I would say that pain is extreme in the ankle region when feet are slightly pointed, then at the appointment I would try to demonstrate. I assume by ankle position you are talking about the one foot in picrel where the toe is slightly off the ground right?

No. 2131304

File: 1723405174562.png (Spoiler Image,205.1 KB, 456x248, Capture.PNG)

Tenticle porn is a thing apperently, she's eating live sqiud/octopus and she squeals and fails around with live fish letting them drop on the floor and shit. This is 100% a fetish and moids are into this shit. She knows it and probably got paid big money for those videos. I once ran into a moid online who had a fetish for the sounds of crushing cans

No. 2131324

>thinks its only asian moids who are into that

No. 2131326

No. 2131331

Asians especially Koreans and Chinese can eat a ton without gaining weight. It always makes me laugh when Asiaboos talk about how healthy Asian people are, because half of my friends are Asian women and I can confirm they eat nothing but absolute crap all day: huge servings of white rice, fried meat, ramen, chocolate, chips, sweets, sugary bubble tea etc etc. And all of them are still under 23 BMI. And none of them exercise or go to the gym either. They are just built different, honestly.

No. 2131336

Nta but ime this is the reality of many women under the age of 30 kek the metabolism is strong with them. If they shit multiple times a day every day their metabolism is (typically) working overtime.

No. 2131353

It's not into mukbang but I watch a couple of competitive eaters because I'm weird and find it interesting. It's either not eat for a few days after a challenge or they are bodybuilders. I'm hoping most mukbangers are the former. I like BeardMeetsFood and that guy is tiny.

No. 2131366

And asian countries are also big on walking everywhere so that could be a huge benefactor to their metabolism

No. 2131374

How do I scroll through tumblr search without having an account? Something like nitter

No. 2131424

Does this one do livestreams or does she upload her videos after editing? A lot of times if you watch, you can tell the video cuts before they every swallow the food.

No. 2131438

kek same, half the stuff anon listed doesn't apply to me and some other women i've seen at all. i have the "male" type of awareness, lack of skills, socializing, hearing, stiffness etc. maybe it's autism

No. 2131451

Flexing/pointing your foot

No. 2131463

This goes against the grain but my advice is to be as obscure and hyperbolic as possible. If you describe it well over the phone, then the doctor won't have to examine you, she could just diagnose over the phone which isn't what you want. Whenever I was in this position, I would just cry on the phone during the screening about how I'm afraid and in pain and I need to see the doctor and usually they'd make the appointment quicker than if I had just described what was wrong. So it'd probably work if you just said:
>I injured my ankle really badly last year, and I still can't move it because of the pain, I need to see the doctor so that they can figure out what's wrong with me. It's an intense and chronic physical pain.

No. 2131535

has anyone else gotten a weird neck/throat pain? it's on the right side for me and has been here for maybe a year or two. the weirdest part is that a while back I woke up with the area extremely hot a few months back and I was running a 102 degree fever.

I have had a basic thyroid test and a CT(?) scan a while back but nothing showed up so I assume it's not a real problem and that my body just wants to feel bad.

No. 2131546

Do you still have your tonsils?

No. 2131555

Nonnies is there any sort of OSINT(?) tool used to scrape for usernames in the likes of tumblr posts? Or any sort of tool that could show me the likes of a tumblr account when they're hidden on their mobile profile?

No. 2131631

why do so many feminists have rape fantasies?(bait)

No. 2131661

Only scrotes think that, it’s just not common.

No. 2131663

being female doesn’t = feminist

No. 2131681

Men are just very rapeable.

No. 2131690

Men being violated and reduced to a pliant sexual object is just hot to me okay?

No. 2131691

Now you know that’s not what she meant KEK >>2131631
Being a feminist doesn’t mean they aren’t male worshippers, I honestly think proclaiming to be one means by default you worship men because the very action of these things like marriages, heterosexual dating and PIV sex brings so much cognitive dissonance and doublethink they need something to quell their guilt. It’s like a religion for these types which are 99% of feminists, it’s like sitting at confessions screaming “scrote I hate you so much!!!!!” feeling relieved that there’s a feminist priest to listen to their struggles and then go home to cock garble their nigel and afterwards write up a blogpost in the vent thread about how he refuses to clean up the shit stains in his underwear and her trying to clean them takes time out of her remote work or something kek. No woman takes it seriously, none of them do.

No. 2131807

File: 1723427378235.jpeg (308.57 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_4672.jpeg)

What is the game in this pic?

No. 2131811

Looks like Mario Kart

No. 2131815

Does anyone else agree that ugly faggot rapist johnny debt must have discovered the white stripes while on drugs and has been trying to larp as jack white. I hate johnny depp so fucking much. It's an immediate red flag if you like him or think he's cool.

No. 2131816

Well if she's eating the animals alive, then it may appeal to men with vore and zoophilia fetishes. Irl vore is a thing you can find on zoophile websites, where mainly women are depicted straight up dropping goldfish into their throats

No. 2131818

Mario kart doesn’t have actual cars and the UI is different

No. 2131825

Cruis'n Blast?

No. 2131831

File: 1723428274989.png (1.67 MB, 1432x976, Capture d’écran 2024-08-12 à…)

looks like it could be cruis'n blast, same interface
nope, mk doesn't remotely look like that

No. 2131834

Thanks! Is it a fun game?

No. 2131875

Is it ok to say "There are people living within that house"?

No. 2131880

no it's shit

No. 2131885

Shit taste

No. 2131988

What's so alluring about cows like Amberlynn Reid? I know she's had a decent amount of milk over the years (her current feeder gf arc is horrifying) but i still don't get why she's famous. Being morbidly obese isn't that interesting in itself, it's just sad. Her followers constantly a-log about how horrible she is for not losing weight, which is again, pretty boring. The only thing i can think of is they are highly insecure themselves but i feel like i miss something.
No moe tropes, concern for realism and introspection, adult narratives. Anything that reminds the reader of the real world as opposed to escapism.

No. 2132032

Why does everyone on LC hate Charli right now

No. 2132036

Some anons here have always had a hate boner towards critikal, I think mainly because of the pissing in a girls mouth situation

No. 2132037

charli xcx, i meant… but huh? he did what?

No. 2132040

the reasons were already explained a dozen times but basically
>music isn't as good anymore
>is blatantly trying to cater towards gay men
>put two trannies in one of her videos
>supported a tranny during women's month
kek i think she means charli xcx. though that other charlie sucks too

No. 2132043

I'm so fucking stupid, forgive me.

No. 2132045

File: 1723436900064.mp4 (16.99 MB, 1000015721.mp4)

sorry for double posting
see vid related

No. 2132056

Ugh. He used to be cuter though, guess he walled already.

No. 2132066

No. 2132140

I always thought he was ugly. He has this look and atmosphere of a "greasy" person, you know the type of people that are very greasy and sweaty and they always have that weird odor. Not the BO odor, but like the odor of 2-day unwashed hair without product in it. He always just looked like a guy that smelled mouldy, like his house has a mildew problem and it gets on his clothes or something. He just reminds me of those guys that you get stuck behind in line at a gas station that buy the type of lotto tickets that you scratch, but you can tell he is spending too much money on it and that it's becoming desperate.

No. 2132148

Mizkif is so ugly I hate looking at his giant meatball eyes omg. Idk how his gfs did that, you have to be cloutsexual

No. 2132179

These are the correct answers.
You sound rather naive.

No. 2132229

nonnies that didn't have many friends growing up and in college but overcame it, how did you do it? did you change your appearance? did you change your manner of speaking or dressing? did you get into other people's interests instead of revealing your own? did you abandon certain interests because it was giving you a loser miasma?

No. 2132234

Overcoming social anxiety + building social skills by mimicking other people.

No. 2132238

Thanks, that's another reason to never give men blowjobs.

No. 2132251

What's the defenition of a wagie? I always thought it was used for people who work shitty low paying jobs that require no education but then I also see it used for people who work for a living in general even if it's a decent comfy office job?

No. 2132290

File: 1723465358635.jpeg (80.45 KB, 624x737, IMG_0554.jpeg)

What’s this hair color called? Dark blonde?

No. 2132298


No. 2132302

It's just literally brown, stop it with the stupid "insert word"-blonde cope

No. 2132307

>Sometimes I am reminded that other people experience life in a completely different way than I do.
>i have the "male" type of awareness, lack of skills, socializing, hearing, stiffness etc. maybe it's autism
ayrt, i literally am an autist tho kek
Female autists aren't even comparable to male autists tbh, honestly i struggle in some areas but i can still tell normie men are even less capable than i am socially. Even if you suck at something you'd be twice as retarded if you were a man

No. 2132308

Is there anything bad about being a woman that is NOT linked to men?

No. 2132338

File: 1723468811280.jpeg (341.28 KB, 1908x1080, IMG_9288.jpeg)

No. 2132369

Incredibly and unfathomably based 5 year old nona kek. This unlocked a memory for me, I distinctly remember thinking as a kid that women were innately better for a variety of reasons and being BAFFLED when I learned how many people disagreed.

No. 2132434

Men say they like feeling women clench around their penis, do lesbian/bi women like feeling women clench around their fingers?

No. 2132440

Calling it brown or blonde doesn't change the actual color

No. 2132448

i am a woman, maybe i shouldve rephrased it better. But i always see so many women talk about womens problems publicly and claim to be a "strong, independent and outspoken feminist" and in the same sentence they say they like CNC, being dominated, called a slut and a whore and serving or pleasing said partner

No. 2132474

Most women pretend to be feminist because its mainstream. They dont actually give a shit about it. For normie women feminism is when you do the same male pandering shit you usually do but call it "empowering".

No. 2132477

i never overcame it, i just found a husband instead

No. 2132480

>blonde cope
No one gives a shit about being blonde, this is literally dark blonde. Ask any hairdresser.

No. 2132484

you seem to give a shit about being blonde

No. 2132491

File: 1723476477761.jpg (11.48 KB, 405x140, notevenapotato.jpg)

who is this?

No. 2132498

Anons aren't ready to accept that color is subjective and arbitrary.

No. 2132500

the anon literally asked what it's called tho

No. 2132504

How do I cope with the fact that I’m about to fail university at 25

No. 2132510

Same. I've tried making friends with women and it doesn't work if you weren't socialized. I have accepted I'll always be weird and offputting to other women because of how isolated I was. Part of it is because women I've tried to be friends with have children, but even the few women I know who don't have kids have never been interested in maintaining a friendship with me outside of the way we met (like in college or at work). I've offered for us to hang out and for the women who have kids, I've offered for us to hang out and I help her with chores or her kids, whatever she needs help with, and sometimes they'll agree to hang out, but they'll always cancel beforehand. I have bought gifts and emotionally supported all these "friends", but it's just not something they're interested in giving back to me (and I don't bring up my personal issues immediately or anything like that). I can tell I weird women out despite them acting as if they like me in the moment. I'm not owed anything and I can understand that if I'm offputting, why would someone want to be around someone who is weird? I hate it when men bother me so I don't want to bother women with trying to be their friend as I'm afraid it's a similar experience for those women to have to reject my attempts to maintain our friendship. My nigel is my only friend and it is a little sad when the only people who want to be your friend are the men you are in long term relationships with as you know that even if they "love you for who you are", you know that part of why they were interested in you in the first place is because you were sexually attractive to them. I only socialize with women on lolcow and it's been okay, you get used to it after 6-7 years.

No. 2132511

How does this happen anon, break it down for us

No. 2132524

you are not blonde

No. 2132534

Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be allowed to take a break, they will forcibly withdraw me from the course and my previous credits won’t count for anything

No. 2132536

probably ayrt, sorry I deleted, saw your other response and was like "well damn that might not work out"

No. 2132590

Why does only my armpit sweat drip down? It's not every single day but too frequently do I feel water droplets falling along side me from my armpits

No. 2132718

I read your post before you deleted it. Can you talk to someone at your uni to maybe get some ideas/advice on where to go next?

No. 2132788

I think I will do that but my situation is looking hopeless and downright embarrassing tbh.

No. 2132804

I don't know if this is a stupid question or more of "What is this thing?"
But there's this feeling that I get sometimes, I don't know how to describe it - it's like, if someone is really nice to me, or gives me a compliment or says something kind and I feel this sort of "embarrassed" feeling but it's not necessarily negative?
For context, I was just talking to an 81-year-old customer on the phone and she was so incredibly sweet, and ended our conversation with telling me we're all blessed and God loves me and she hopes I have a wonderful week. I had this weird "embarrassed" feeling in my heart like I feel humbled and happy or unworthy of her nice words or something. There's gotta be a term for that right?

No. 2132805

Why do moids smile at me suddenly? They never did before?

No. 2132829

If you're from a country where blonde hair is common, that's brown. If you're from a country where blonde hair in uncommon, that's blonde.
How can you have no friends but have a partner? I find talking to women so much easier than men.

No. 2132846

there's barely any yellow whatsoever

No. 2132851

There are so many anons here so whine about being lonely but then mention the fact that they have a boyfriend. Its more common than you think

No. 2132949

How would a company know if I lied on my CV?

No. 2132953

I cant figure out where to ask this. Its unrelated to any of the current threads.

For the past month I have been having nonstop fatigue, brain fog and weakness. It improved for two days and started up again. I do take medications but have had no issues with them. I exercise, get vitamin D/others, electrolytes, eat very clean, sleep well, you name it, and I am covering each base.

So what the fuck is it nonnies? Is it anemia? I dont think its sleep or some hormone issue. Its so sudden. I have no energy like I usually do. My doctor is talking to me later this week. I have so much healthy anxiety because I wish it would end. I’m not experiencing burnout either! I’m just so tired and out of it.

No. 2132957

Bashful. The more you get complimented and the more confident you are, the less you'll feel that way.

No. 2132964

what is the recent hot blonde video game moid called? he looks like final fantasy character and has blonde whiteish hair

No. 2132970

That definitely sounds like a nutritional deficiency, though there are so many that can cause those symptoms that I can't tell you which one. Maybe your uptake on a vitamin is different because your vitamin either changed their formula, or else something changed in your diet that is impeding the uptake.

No. 2132973

Definitely possible, but fatigue is a symptom for a lot of different things so it totally could be something else too. I do know that some vitamins can actually decrease others so if you're taking several vitamins without guidance maybe there's an issue there?

No. 2132993

What are his clothes etc like? Your description is so generic.

No. 2133000

File: 1723496075188.png (136.11 KB, 900x2297, goqoo.png)

His name is Goqoo he's from Dragon Balls

No. 2133003

Why do I get a headache when I'm in a busy public place like a supermarket or a mall without blasting music through my headphones? It's not a headache per se, more like a pressure in my eyes/face and a feeling almost like hot flashes, I also get super tired. If I turn on my headphones it literally goes away instantly. And no I am not a tard I have gotten tested for everything under the sun.

No. 2133008

Not an expert but to me the pressure in your face and eyes sounds like elevated stress to me. I get the same way when I'm in a really busy/crowded place and I get super overwhelmed.
And obviously not just cards experience overstimulation kek maybe you're just sensitive to things like that.

No. 2133010

>I have gotten tested for everything under the sun.
Tested by doctors, or by priests? That may be the issue. The most likely cause of your problems is that your sinuses may be possessed by otherworldly and malevolent forces, perhaps a poltergeist. Not to alarm you, but your life is in serious jeopardy. If the poltergeist continues to wreck havoc on your sinuses with its dark and twisted methodologies, you may end up with serious breathing issues in the near future. Your next course of action should include daily gurgling and sinus-rinsing using fresh holy water from the nearest Catholic church, frequent singing of psalms, and if the poltergeist persists in its ne'er-do-well activities, you shouldn't hesitate to contact a priest to perform a professional exorcism. All the best.

No. 2133019

KEK nona I chuckled thank you. I will contact the nearest priest immediately.

No. 2133021

Her name was OrangeCitrus

No. 2133054

why are there phone case kiosks at every mall? nobody ever buys anything there

No. 2133061

Sometimes people buy phone cases from them

No. 2133103

Are invidious instances not loading for anyone else, too? A few days ago it were just a few specific ones, but for the past two days absolutely none work, I just get error messages and as of today 502 bad gateaway pages. And if it's really a problem with invidious, anyone got any alternatives? I used either Discord or ViewSynch in solo mode otherwise, but the former isn't blocking ads anymore while with the latter it's a gamble, too, if I can even manage to play the video without getting some error.

No. 2133119

It was more about photo editing I was confused about, but thanks.
That's pretty much what I attempted to do, but for some reason I still can't reveal it lol. Maybe it's a problem with the tool I'm using, glad to know my approach was correct, thank you.
I think she was scared of Addy going after her or something.

No. 2133130

File: 1723501858620.jpg (161.79 KB, 696x1200, f0ce7374418da0bc520161c0f717b5…)

I've been watching tennis matches as someone who knows nothing about sports and I don't understand. If an ace ensures a point, then how come tennis players don't just hit the ball super hard and in the opposite direction of their opponent everytime to win? To rephrase, why don't tennis players just get an ace every time they swing.

No. 2133136

I'm not a tennisfag but from my experience from wii sports tennis tells me that there is a chance the ball will land out of bounds if it is swung in the opposite direction, which is a point to the other player.

No. 2133141

Kek nona I was just about to reply talking about my own experience on Wii sports tennis

No. 2133172

Should I learn Japanese? I'm not asian so I'd feel like a cringe weeb especially if my family found out but I AM a weeb so it'd be handy tbh and I'd be getting regular practice in through my hobbies
Or should I just learn a different language

No. 2133179

don't care what other people think, always do the option you know you'll regret more if you didn't do it. the opinions of people who don't support you are irrelevant

No. 2133182

Cringe but free is the way to be

No. 2133185

File: 1723507013188.jpeg (27.83 KB, 397x417, D999DB62-E612-4DE3-BC18-259412…)

Nonnas my left nipple has been a different color for a few months now and occasionally burns. I have no other symptoms. I went to the doctor’s today and she examined me and didn’t feel anything but still ordered some tests. She’s no super concerned but just wants to double check. Should I be super concerned? I only have one family member who’s had breast cancer but my mom/grandmothers haven’t.

No. 2133186

is it wrong for me to masturbate secretly once in a while (like once a month) and not tell my boyfriend? sometimes i just need to coom myself… i can't help that i was pornsick for so many years.

No. 2133194

No. 2133195

I hid my japanese self-studies from my family for years for the same reason, but when I stopped hiding it they were actually impressed.
It also helps to be interested in some Japanese things that are less weeby like history or traditional music which helps hide that I learned a significant amount of kanji from playing shitty eroge kek to look less cringe.
But either way do it, learning a new language is really good for your brain.

No. 2133208

Was there a DID faker thread or did I actually dream that? I swear I cannot find it. Maybe I am the one developing dissociative amnesia.

No. 2133214

Why do some guys act like they love you or whatever when you’re doing a fwb thing

No. 2133218

How worried should I be about microplastics if I keep plastic take out containers to use as tupperware?

No. 2133219

Males want what they can't have and hate what they do have. Men who agree to fwb situations are most likely insane and probably have BPD or sociopathy.

No. 2133220

Because men are irrational with their emotions. They’re controlled by their dicks and you’re currently making his pp feel good

No. 2133221

Microplastics are literally everywhere and in everything.

No. 2133224

They’re either manipulative and trying to get you emotionally hooked without a label for the attention or they do like you and are just cowardly. Either way stop having sex with him and teach him a lesson.

No. 2133226

lmao it's actually sad that you think i'm baiting. i guess that answers my question

No. 2133228

They do that and then when you reciprocate they get freaked out and act like you're insane. Men in fwb situations unironically like it when you act like they're nothing more than a penis

No. 2133231

Like >>2133221 said, you are already full of them. At this point it seems pointless to care

No. 2133346

Whatever happened to that pedo tranny Blaine that used to spam nonsensical replies and CP?

No. 2133365

Any nonas who use KiwiFarms please give me advice on how to make an account. I don’t wanna give them my GMail out of paranoia Google will suspend it so should I use a forwarder? Which ones cuz I know some will leak the email? Should I use a VPN? Basically what can I do to make sure the site has as little idea who I am as possible and I don’t get the cops knocking down my door for using the bad site. I know KF has a thread dedicated to what to do as you’re signing up but it’s so complicated and I’m too dumb to understand it and need the steps simplified lol

No. 2133372

You're asking us how to make a dummy account? Just use a fake email kek how old are you?

No. 2133382

here's one nonnie, could have sworn there were more scattered around though

No. 2133392

I feel incredibly grateful for my beautiful nigel. He’s the center of my world, and it brings me so much excitement and joy to go about my day knowing that he’s happy, healthy, and taken care of. It is a million times more fun to live with a man who’s just obsessed with you as you are with him than it is to be roommates with 5 girls your age.

When you meet a man who you feel a visceral connection to it’s just easy to talk to him, especially when he’s attracted to you too kek. Sometimes I see posts on here about nonnies with men that they don’t know how to talk to, don’t feel like they can be honest with, aren’t able to articulate their emotions to them properly because they fear their nigel either won’t listen or won’t care, and it’s just appalling to witness. They deserve so much better. Theres no experience in the world like finding your mate.

No. 2133396

why would you want to sign up to kf anyway?
if can't figure out basic opsec you really don't want to go there, you'll be doxed in an instant

No. 2133398

use a protonmail acc and dont use a surname that links back to you

No. 2133424

File: 1723516433305.png (2.11 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4416.png)

How can it possibly do both?!?!

No. 2133426

If you take a cold bath right after you wake up, it wakes you up. If you take a cold bath right before you go to bed, it actually helps you fall asleep.

No. 2133429

AYRT and I’ve heard Protonmail gives out data though and idk if I’m willing to risk it, any other possible services?
>>2133372, >>2133396
This is stupid questions, not reasonable questions nonnas

No. 2133521

this is for your own good. if you're afraid of the gubmint finding you on the bad internet place and can't undersand the fairly straightforward opsec insructions on kf, it definitely isn't the place for you. you'll get eaten alive by rabid incels.

No. 2133541

I'm contemplating larping as a TIF to get asspats and fundraiser money online. Just a bit of extra cash. What should I add to my little story? Currently I'm a tif struggling with mental health with transphobic parents and I want to get top surgery and move out, what other details should I add

No. 2133542

File: 1723525045144.png (358.04 KB, 397x600, astarion.png)

Could it be Astarion from Baldurs Gate?

No. 2133543

File: 1723525045760.jpg (48.93 KB, 695x522, Ben-Shapiro-Wife4.jpg)

How can you tell if a man on a woke brained dating app who says he's bi is actually bi or just convinced he is because he likes TIFs?

No. 2133546

You should add some commonly faked munchie illness too. Maybe add a dash of autism diagnosis in as well

No. 2133547

You can't, it's a red flag either way though! Do not engage

No. 2133550

Honestly I've never met a man who said he was bi who wasn't actually bi. If a guy is going to outright claim he's bi, then he definitely likes dick. Normal "woke" men still get freaked out over being seen as gay

No. 2133553

I second adding a munchie illness, say you have "mobility issues" and need an "aid" as an excuse to get more cash. Also if it's possible pretend you're Indigenous/Jewish/Arab/whatever

No. 2133558

Definitely don't claim jewish. It's more looked down on because of the war going on right now

No. 2133561

Say you’re trying to escape a mormon/jehova’s witnesses household. If anything, you’ll get more money pretending to be a disabled black hsts trans woman because people care more about men. Say you live in a transphobic state and you can’t even leave your house without fearing for your life.

No. 2133562

Yeah, bi men are ostracized because having anything in common with women = bad, weak. Certai women on the other hand who aren't actually bisexual see social currency and since nobody takes lesbian women seriously anyway, they see nothing wrong with pretending their subtle fleeting bicuriosity counts as lgbt and gives them a new community to attention whore in.

No. 2133564

Why do people get offended if you don’t trust them?
(I don’t have autism, I’ve been tested).

No. 2133567

True I forgot, that was more effective a couple years ago. Your best bet for fake heritage would probably be Arab, Indigenous (don't even have to specify what kind of Indigenous, most of them don't), or black. Bonus points if you claim to be all 3 mixed.

No. 2133570

Why would you want to date a man who has a higher HIV risk? Most bi men I met don’t even seem romantically attracted to men, they’re desperate enough to have sex with men because they’re that far gone.

No. 2133584

It depends on the circumstance. Normally, there are few reasons to share with a person that you don't trust them as you would just keep your guard up and not try to make that known unless necessary.

No. 2133602

Can anyone who has pharmacology expertise explain to me why bipolar medication makes my short term memory so much worse? It seems inescapable no matter what I take.

No. 2133605

To use layman's terms, when the pill goes inside your tummy it becomes little pill men and they go into your brain and mine the bipolar depression and mania out of your brain like they are little gnomes mining coal. When the medication gnomes are mining sometimes they strike a vein of memory ore and they are blind as well (forgot to mention this in beginning) so they can't tell and they strike the memories with their pickaxes of pharmacology and then the memories are annihilated from your brain sadly but so is the mental illness so it's worth it. Hope you feel better!

No. 2133622

AYRT I'm bi myself (also literally by myself) and think bi men are hot. It's a shameful pipe dream of mine to one day have a threesome with two bi men

No. 2133624

Thanks anon that's a beautiful analogy

No. 2133625

I have had a lot of experiences with bisexual men and I would tell you firsthand I would actually not recommend most women get involved with them at all. I have only been with bisexual men because we were sexually compatible and if I had other options, I would pursue them. Bi pp is evil.

No. 2133626

I dated a bi moid who wrote fanfic about me having a penis. Yes, he wished I was a fucking TIM. He also came on himself during a Skype call and then scooped it up and swallowed it.

No. 2133650

Do you all think there are posters here who would unironically marry Shayna? I think there are.

No. 2133652

Yes they probably think they can fix her

No. 2133869

File: 1723547399633.jpg (233.7 KB, 2400x700, NNC_Hero_394439_V1_1457468271.…)

I'll ask here in case any other nona has gone through something similar. My fedex international economy package has supposedly departed customs in Memphis, TN last Wednesday after it experienced a clearance delay. Packages usually arrive in this amount of time, but I'm worried the package is lost or stolen or whatever else. Is it even worth calling tomorrow to speak with an agent? I've been irritated with this whole ordeal and wanted to see if anyone else has had this issue. I've imported a fair share of packages, but this one is bothering me.

No. 2133873

>He also came on himself during a Skype call and then scooped it up and swallowed it.
NTA but hot

No. 2133975

File: 1723553737381.png (1.02 MB, 802x1109, H.png)

How do I get this haircut without people assuming I'm a TIF or some other kind of queerio? I want to cut my hair short, but not too short. Something like a short wolfcut/short mullet/modern shag/whatever it's called.

No. 2133977

get old

No. 2133978

File: 1723553812244.jpeg (71.88 KB, 728x546, IMG_4422.jpeg)


No. 2133980

Wear polished normie clothes and act like a mentally well-balanced adult.

No. 2133983

personally i wouldn't automatically assume a woman with this haircut was a tif. you should do whatever you want with your hair regardless of what terminally online people will think

No. 2133985

File: 1723554063387.png (313.98 KB, 569x413, Hh.png)

No. 2134020

By simply not caring if people think you’re a tif

No. 2134024

How do you design a female character that's attractive but not sexualized persay?

No. 2134031

give her stylish clothes that cover her and a face that you (or your target audience) want to kiss.

No. 2134033

There's a few boxes people tend to lump you into for just being a woman with short hair. If you wanna go short you have to not gaf about the growing list of things where hair length on women is somehow treated like a window into your brain, your identity, your sexuality, your views.

No. 2134034

You just don't place unnecessary horndog emphasis on her tits and ass and don't give her retarded clothes cut outs highlighting cleavage or put her in retarded super skintight, cameltoe causing latex. Just put her in normal clothes but give her really nice hair and a conventionally attractive face shape.

No. 2134060

File: 1723559195590.png (7.67 MB, 2444x1956, outfits.png)

are outfits like picrel slutty? are they showing too much skin?

No. 2134061

In the midwest it would be slutty but on the east cost this is every second young adult woman.

No. 2134062

what is "midwest" and "east coast"?

No. 2134063

wise nonnies, how do i not get vpl?

no matter what size i buy or what shape/cut or material the underwear is, i ALWAYS have a line on the lower half on my bum, even the "seamless" ones do it. i'm a uk 8-10 but pear shaped and even size 14 knickers dig in to my cheeks while gaping at the waistband. do i just have an abnormal shaped bum or something? lmao

if anyone has any underwear recs, please share because it's driving me insane.

No. 2134064


No. 2134067

Wear trousers and skirts made of thicker fabric. You can also wear a slip under dresses and skirts.

No. 2134072

ok thank you, this is useful and i can do this in my normal day to day life BUT i'm going on holiday to turkey soon and i'll be too hot for thick fabric or slips. i just wanna wear my shorts and not look like a sack of potatoes.

No. 2134076

what if it's like fantasy or sci fi?

No. 2134086

File: 1723560621095.jpeg (146.61 KB, 736x1007, IMG_4417.jpeg)

Fantasy has the most beautiful clothes imo, drapey flowy things that easily cover the body but emphasize a feminine silhouette in a non-vulgar way. I googled “long flowy high fantasy dress” to find this, there are a lot more beautiful results when you search that!

No. 2134092

File: 1723560908354.jpeg (109 KB, 800x600, IMG_4418.jpeg)

Sci-fi is harder because we see so much latex and bodysuits, but Rei’s outfit from Star Wars isn’t skin tight or flashy, and Queen Amidala always had beautiful costumes, picrel. Even in Dune, the stillsuits are skin tight but they aren’t sexual. Men and women have the same suit, they are very utilitarian.

No. 2134125

I’ve always heard spring is the allergy season, so why are mine mild in the spring and at their worst in the summer? I can’t wait for fall because it’s also a mild allergy season for me.

No. 2134150

maybe you're allergic to the sun

No. 2134161

The fantasy one is exactly what I'm thinking of but I'm mixed on the sci fi. Comes off space fantasy than the cyberpunk techwear look often seen nowadays.

No. 2134164

How do I stop feeling anxious? I can't sleep, it's seriously obnoxious at this point.

No. 2134182

Okay this is a weird question, but has anyone (or their parents/gparents) used poop for fart when they were a kid? I remember my mother (whose from the Caribbean) would use poop for farting, and caca for shit. Just remembering this and thought maybe someone else said that

No. 2134186

This drives me NUTS. I don't even have much of a butt but every single underwear I try gives vpl! I have spent way too much money on supposedly seamless undies and they're never ever actually seamless. The last ones I bought online looked seamless in the pictures but showed up with huge thick-ass seams. It's like they're not even trying to have truthful advertising anymore. Thongs work, but I don't want to always wear a thong!

No. 2134190

Never heard of that before. Unrelated, but we were never allowed to say fart in my household, we had to say "poot." Big, big trouble if we kids used the f word.

No. 2134193

have you tried boxers?

No. 2134253

File: 1723571989592.webp (336.54 KB, 220x275, C272D734-4848-4B7A-8706-B749E7…)

Im mentally exhausted. I can hardly write this. Which sucks bc i cant read my books or read posts on here for more than 5 minutes. It takes too much cognitively energy. Semester starts soon. I’m in no capacity to learn new ideas.

I can only sleep 5-6 hours for the past 2 weeks. Ive tried forcing myself back to sleep, like, I succumbed and took a sleep aid last night AND I STILL WOKE UP. EARLY. The only difference I was in a groggy blurred out state and only managed to get out of bed 1 3/4 hours after waking. Any ideas on how to rest my mind? How to sleep for minimum 8 hours?

No. 2134276

does anyone else's mom ask them what they plan to have/make for dinner all week whenever you call her?

No. 2134283

is it depression related?

No. 2134298

what's the woke word for a thembie female who is only into women? is there one?

No. 2134299


No. 2134307

bisexual, because she's willing to date trans men

No. 2134310

it's shiny, fetishists can like different types of fabrics and materials not just latex

let it go, feed them ice cream

I think it is definitely more challening but doable

Try melatonin or magnesium glycinate

No. 2134311

you could find a slip made of see-through mesh

No. 2134316

Funny enough, no. I'm probably the most sociable and content in my life. But it comes at the expense of my sleep. I just want to get up and do things..my mind can't keep up because I can't rest it. My body also feels a tad bit worn out but not as bad as my mind. I wish I could nap or something.

Oh, I used to take magnes. glyc regularly until summer began…Ill try again and see thanks

No. 2134318

trixic or wlnb

No. 2134319

I said woke, not correct

No. 2134321

yes, it is woke. lots of actual lesbians are still attracted to trans men/TIFs, but have to call themselves bisexual to cater to their partner's delusion.

No. 2134322

This is a problem I face at certain times in life and it's almost always due to 1) ramping up my caffeine intake, even just a little bit 2) not getting exercise during the day or 3) too much screentime.

It won't miraculously work on the first day so don't give up, but cutting back on coffee, making sure to get some form of brief exercise, and forcing myself to look away from the internet makes me able to sleep better. (Unfortunately, being back in school might make the coffee and screentime thing difficult for you …)

Melatonin and other sleep aids usually make me feel like shit, too, and don't really work.

No. 2134339

kek so retarded. thank you nonnie

No. 2134418

File: 1723579368734.jpg (346.77 KB, 800x904, 1500496303047.jpg)

who the fuck is this, i found this photo here years ago referring to some drama i cant find info on. Kek at the dude face

No. 2134440

This is a genuine question. Is it just me or are men's nipples never ever soft? I swear every time I've seen a man's nipples they were hard as diamonds. But then, I never see a man's nipples through his shirt like they would be if they were hard, so what's the truth?

No. 2134451

Top right with the shirt exposing back not at all. None of these necessarily look slutty, but it'd look weird if you were in the wrong place. I see a lot of them are taken in a city probably near a beach or just a major one like NYC where it's usual to dress out of norms.

No. 2134452

the moid kinda looks like knoch (/fa/ tripfag who had kind of a nazi style) but with worse hair

No. 2134460

Idk anon the nips I’ve touched have been soft, but they do get stiff like women’s. I hate the look of puffy male nips like why do you have fat boy nips.

No. 2134473

iPhonefags; did anyone else’s safari tabs randomly clear out? I don’t have auto-delete turned on for my browser so I don’t know if it was just an issue with Apple or what

No. 2134476

What should I do with my life nonnies? I don't feel bad enough to die but not good enough to live if I think about it and I don't have enough enthusiasm or interest to develop any skill anymore

No. 2134477

For now just chill anon, keep your head above the water with whatever you can. Get some light exercise.
My 148 tabs are still here. Did you accidentally open a new tab group?

No. 2134479

Get into the occult and physically evoke ancient deities. I'm being serious.

No. 2134480

any advice on how to get started?

No. 2134495

Regular meditation and a mirror between two candles in a dark room is all you need. If you want to be safe though, you need to learn how to banish and protect yourself. Going into this blind taught me a tough lesson.

No. 2134524

I've been trying to start a New Age Religious Movement in my spare time, it's a good source of passive income and it's a lot of fun manipulating people. Cults are also a good way to make friends.

No. 2134534

Invite me to your cult bitch I'm sick and tired of being friendless and bored

No. 2134552

I would but I don't want to get redtexted for promotion, sorry.

No. 2134563

Why can't we ever get wild posts like this in the confession thread kek

No. 2134612

Tell me more

No. 2134619

What exactly?

No. 2134624

Nyart how to do banishing? I feel like I'm going to mess this up

No. 2134634

Josephine McCarthy's Exorcist Handbook
Jason Miller's Protection & Reversal Magick

No. 2134640

Thanks! Time to do spooky stuff

No. 2134643

Is the phrase "sniffing their own farts" 4chan or Reddit-esque? Should I use it in conversation or will someone catch up? It's just too perfect.

No. 2134647

File: 1723589299207.png (661.64 KB, 836x862, Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 00.43…)

Is it normal to NEVER get sleepy at a normal hour? I don't mean tired, cause I'm always tired, but never sleepy. I started taking some medication that makes you sleepy as a side effect, and for the first time in my life I'm willingly going to bed at 10-11 PM. All the other times I've had to force myself to sleep at 12-2 am. I can keep going until like 4 or 6 am before I get sleepy.
Unfortunately my meds don't always have that side effect and today they failed. So now it's almost 1 am and I have absolutely no desire to sleep.

No. 2134648

Sounds like what fat middle aged men say so Reddit

No. 2134651

I’ve heard it on family guy if that means anything

No. 2134679

How can I make the hair on my head grow as fast as my pubes do

No. 2134681

Wear underpants on your head

No. 2134683

File: 1723591721300.gif (1.37 MB, 294x231, mourning-nod.gif)

No. 2134723

Am I crazy or is she wearing makeup?

No. 2134737

>tfw you are a coffee hater; drink only ginger and chamomille tea
>walk min. 20 min a day and do chores, upkeep
>spend time outside in nature bc outdoorsy
>only browses the net for max 3 hours and occasional scroll through phone

am I experiencing a sort of mania? the moment i eat healthier, am more active, actually practice my non-technology hobbies, and give myself an hour of silent contemplation..my sleep is like "fuck you..you're only sleeping for 6 hours max. we got things to do"

No. 2134747

File: 1723595244392.gif (995.78 KB, 499x374, 1452282543625.gif)

How do I have peace with myself when I feel heavy repulsion and fear whenever men sexually or romantically desire me? I'm not used to this and it doesn't feel good. Is it because I don't reciprocate their feelings? I also flinch or stiffen when one of them embraces me. Women are fine. I have no sexual assault history in my past. I just am a weirdo turbo virgin kek.

No. 2134762

It does look like she has a lip stain and some brow pencil on but everyone is so washed out it's hard to tell.

No. 2134777

Oh course she's wearing makeup, moron

No. 2134794

What is your problem?

No. 2134811

Please don't reply to this with "no such thing", does anyone know any attractive athletic/fit/muscular handsome young ginger men? Red hair is a fetish of mine and I want to see one real attractive man with that hair at least. No Harry Potter guy, please, he's too tiny. Thanks. Sorry for autism.

No. 2134826

search reels, there are many attention whoring himbos. i saw a ginger there but he might be too skinny for you.

No. 2134828

I don't like other people's feet but the thought of someone sucking my toes and touching my feet turns me on, does that make me a foot fetishist?

No. 2134829

melatonin deficiency exists so you might've had it

No. 2134850

No? Did you accidentally switch to private browsing mode?

No. 2134885

File: 1723603261560.jpg (45.33 KB, 1000x711, MV5BMjA5ODE4MTg2N15.jpg)

Caleb Landry Jones used to be cute

No. 2134894

I don't have Instagram, but thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I should try Pinterest? It has almost everything.
Not really what I had in my mind but thanks for reply, I appreciate it.

No. 2134897

that looks like a woman

No. 2134898

no, he doesnt. What are you smoking?

No. 2134904

he does look like a young clea duvall, still cute though

No. 2134909

flat forehead, soft jaw, small nose, round eyes that are a normal distance apart as opposed to close together like most men . feminine lips, hair is styled back kind of similarly to the way a waitresses hair is, need i go on?

No. 2134915

if he called himself a tranny you would be screeching over him not looking like a woman. Just let cute men live, jesus. He has a pretty masculine face.

No. 2134919

no, if he called himself a tranny i’d be screeching about the fact that he’s a man with XY chromosomes and a male body. this doesn’t really change the fact that he has a sexually ambiguous face though nonna

No. 2134922

The protruding brow ridge cancels all of that out kek

No. 2134925

>hair is styled back kind of similarly to the way a waitresses hair is
no? he has a comb-over kek

No. 2134929

after i started working out consistently, my scapula juts out really far/sharply if i so much as move any part of my arm. it doesnt hurt at all but it feels weirdly "loose" and im not sure if im going to hurt myself eventually because of it. does anyone know why this happened and how to fix it? my form when weightlifting is ok and i havent done anything to hurt my shoulders/back (again, no pain). in stupid question thread because i feel like this probably has an obvious answer that im missing??? when i was out of shape it jutted out a little if i moved it, but not to this extent

No. 2134931

File: 1723605805163.jpeg (91 KB, 629x888, IMG_7211.jpeg)

It’s just that pic, he def has full man face

No. 2134932

Idk he has a huge head that screams moid to me. His jaw isn't really soft either it looks pronounced, and he's inflating his lips out.

No. 2134934

he has a deep sweeping side part and a side ponytail

No. 2134935

i’ve never seen his head in person and he looks small in that photo

No. 2134936

He looks like a sexy Jez from Peepshow.

No. 2134937

Am I the only one who notices his huge noggin in the photo?

No. 2134938

Sexy Jez? That's redundant!

No. 2134940

This can happen if you’re running low on memory

No. 2134945

Why do some anons here have a seething hatred of Asian women? I’m not Asian I don’t want to trigger a racebait infight please just answer straightforward.

No. 2134947

File: 1723606729147.jpeg (139.86 KB, 500x500, IMG_0635.jpeg)

Does eating frozen pizza make anyone else’s mouth hurt? The roof of my mouth starts peeling. I don’t get this way with pizzaria pizza tho

No. 2134949

How do you stop being the Project friend? I know I'm weird and shit but I keep attracting this type of women who constantly belittle me and make me feel like shit so they can "help" me.

No. 2134951

Anon, is it possible you might be allergic to something? I've never had this experience with frozen pizza.

No. 2134957

It's the same with me and I'm not allergic to anything either, it's because the crust is way harder than pizzeria pizza

No. 2134958

That usually happens when I burn my mouth on Totino’s kek

No. 2134959

hmm I wonder if buying thin crust would resolve this issue

No. 2134973

Nta, try to add some water in a cup or on the pan somewhere away from the pizza when you warm it up in the microwave, to create steam and soften it up. Or just cut the pointy part at the end of thr pizza if it's what's too hard/hot.

No. 2135019

Oooo good idea I’ll try that too

No. 2135020

you need to start being mean to them

No. 2135034

I am into a moid who is slightly older and he seemed basically perfect looks and personality wise. I was so excited to see he actually seems to like me back too. However I found out recently he always talks to his friends about wanting to date older women and his latest gf was 9 years older. I feel like going through with dating him would be a dangerous game to play because there is a very high chance he would cheat on me as I am not his ideal type. What do you think? Is our relationship doomed from the start?

No. 2135036

Can someone give me a reason why algebra is important? And explain it to me like I’m 5 because I’m thick.

No. 2135064


No. 2135069

How old are you? Algebra is important because you'll use the functions and skills you learned from it in other advanced areas of math later on, like calculus. And if you do anything in STEM, you'll need to use variables (x, y, etc) a lot to solve problems. Usually when you learn something in one subject they expect you to use it in others. In my major (I won't say what it is but it's some kind of engineering) I remember how we learned thermodynamics in physics and then some months later it also popped up in chemistry, with some additional information we didn't learn in physics.

No. 2135095

I was writing you an answer but mega autismo kicked in and by the time I was done, I had 7 paragraphs about the history of al-gabr, and mathematics as a language of abstract concepts. it's too embarrassing to post but you should just watch the intro videos for algebra on khan academy or something


No. 2135105

Bro how are you gonna talk about this and not post it.

No. 2135181

As a fellow shape rotator, pls post it

No. 2135193

Al-Gabr sounds like a math themed genie

No. 2135197


No. 2135379

If you're talking with someone every day and it's usually you intiating the conversation, but they initiate too sometimes and then when you stop initiating and they don't talk to you for days, does that mean they don't wanna talk with me?

No. 2135429

Have any of you (hetero) had genuine loving sex or is it just a meme? Would appreciate candid input before I take a vow of celibacy

No. 2135444

In my experience it usually either means they're very busy or they're stupid and they're used to putting in little effort while still being able to call you a friend. I had a friend at some point who did this and I was so fed up with her never taking action that I stopped messaging her first and asking her out. We haven't talked in a year and recently she reached out to me to go out as if nothing happened. On the flip side, I have another friend who is very busy all the time and I'm usually the first one to message her and she replies whenever she has the time. This one, compared to the other friend, does sometimes initiate conversations.
Can you be arsed to ask them why they do that or if you did anything to bother them? Do you feel like this is a person you can discuss this with? Sometimes people don't feel the need to talk as often, yet enjoy it when you talk to them. Is this person like that?

No. 2135480

Has anyone else gone to Dennys recently and gotten food poisoning

No. 2135484

No. 2135485

Moids are incapable of genuine love so anyone who says yes is lying

No. 2135489

Tell them that you don’t want their help and in fact you see them as beneath you in every conceivable way.

No. 2135490

I had some really loving hetero sex PERIOD SEX, might I add last night so I’d say yeah

No. 2135494

I meant for society in general, not for me personally. What happens to the world if algebra ceased to exist?

No. 2135499

We'd be stuck in the 14th century or something technologically

No. 2135517

What exactly made it loving and worth it

No. 2135533

See everyone says that but they never explain why.

No. 2135615

File: 1723659124385.webp (105.57 KB, 362x1132, 6234868632586.WEBP)

Rufus Shinra?

No. 2135625

1997 isn't very recent. I wonder if original nona was shitposting since she never replied and elaborated.

No. 2135659

File: 1723660331344.webp (18.52 KB, 320x465, AD61F650-E926-4792-9941-EDDD17…)

maybe try bartek borowiec, he is a little older than he was in picrel but he surprisingly aged well.

No. 2135664

He needs to sit up straight

No. 2135686

>no abs

No. 2135705

how do i convince my friend to break up with her 30 year old neet e boyfriend

No. 2135721

would lick

No. 2135729

It’s really hard to describe because so much of it is just in the moment feeling each others vibe and looking each other in the eyes like I actually love you and it’s so much more electrifying than just having your clit wiggled at until you orgasm. Of course he made me cum (multiple times), but the sex wasn’t like a chore. It was so fulfilling? I think is the right word to use.

No. 2135735

Ask her if she wants to pay his rent and all his other bills or if she wants him to be the one doing that for her. If she concurs with the answer that’s against her fiscal wellbeing, then there’s not much you can do to help her.

No. 2135775

File: 1723662916098.webp (26.91 KB, 281x375, A54E3E8A-FA5C-45A8-838D-A6F449…)

because he was a starved runway model, nonna

No. 2135792

how do i archive a webpage?

No. 2135802

This is an anonymous board nonna.

No. 2135807

his stomach looks bloated

No. 2135815

skinny fat in all of the worst ways

No. 2135823

i don't give a fuck about him enough to defend him, so sure.

No. 2135831

Are you the anon who said her nigel makes it easier for her to sleep?

No. 2135938

File: 1723667215404.jpg (63.63 KB, 666x417, baraou_no_souretsu.jpg)

Not sure whether to ask this here or in the anime thread, but considering that this really is a stupid question… How historically accurate is Baraou no Souretsu? lmao Aside from intersex Richard, I guess. I'm reading a book describing various historical events right now, and when I got to England of the 1400s and 1500s, all I could think was "Oh my god, you're from the red rose", "Oh my god, so that's what became of you after faking your death?" and "omg so great to see you here, I hated you"; it's like meeting famous people in book form lmao. On a similar note, how historically accurate is Hetalia?

No. 2135979

Very niche question. Do English bank accounts not have IBANs? I’m a burger trying to wire some money internationally to England. My banking app won’t let me do it without an IBAN but the company I’m trying to pay says they don’t have an IBAN because the bank account is in England. When I google this though it says UK accounts all have IBANs. I feel like they’re just confused and don’t know what I’m talking about but that means they’re going to royally screw me over because there’s no other way to pay.

No. 2135990

Why is everyone particularly stupid tonight

No. 2135992

It's not even night bitch it's the afternoon

No. 2135994

A lolcow thread was posted on 4troon

No. 2136001


No. 2136007

I'll be real nonnie it seems it's been particularly retarded and scrotish this whole past week. Has anyone else noticed some weird potential tourist shitting up /ot/? I swear it's never been THIS annoying before. Maybe it's time to permanently migrate to /g/ and /m/ and only use specific threads now. Sad day.

No. 2136024

Nta but to me it felt scrotish for the past few weeks, since July but especially when the election drama and olympics happened.

No. 2136082

No. 2136094

File: 1723671496870.png (2.45 MB, 1170x1447, help me out .png)

Do any of you know what these wine tasting glass pipettes are called because when I google that term exactly I don’t find anything like this

No. 2136153

What password managers do you guys use? Is Apple's one safe enough?

No. 2136170

Bitwarden with their Premium tier. Their code base is completely open so that anyone can see and flag issues with it. Google and Apple's one are obscured but tbh is they get cracked it's going to be a bigger deal than your passwords getting leaked.

No. 2136189

It's a fancy wine thief. Usually we'll just use plastic for production, but they make glass ones for VIP tastings and stuff, which is what the one in your picture looks like

No. 2136216

File: 1723675237989.jpg (253.23 KB, 1499x1500, 81nuID-zTzL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

I used to rely solely on Apple's and Google Chrome's but now I write everything in a little notebook with letter tabs like picrel

No. 2136219

Also, you'll notice that one has a plunger or some mechanism for suction, but normal ones are just like long straws that you suck on with your mouth and then hold to transfer. Winemakers are constantly putting their mouths on things, and they spit like alpacas. It's in, swish, spit, all day. Sometimes into a sink, drain, or container… but not always, sometimes it's just back into the tank. It's only 0.00000000001% by volume, and wine is aseptic, but I still think it's gross. Especially when you consider that a lot of these are wrinkly old men that look like Gollum and live in the cellar.

Anyways, enjoy your wine

No. 2136224

Late but here's the link to the post. Sorry no cap

No. 2136416

What if the dimensional merge already happened? We are watching these lolcows, their friends and family that disown them as if they’re caricatures instead of real life people who live and breathe just like everyone else. These aren’t real people anymore, they are cartoons and we farmers across the internet are watching them on some fucked up 24-hour Cartoon Network channel in real-time.

No. 2136433

File: 1723681387765.jpg (176.73 KB, 1084x610, defeee.jpg)

Can I go in and just buy the hello kitty glass and plastic cup or do I just have to take what they give me? I have two random plastic ones but I want those

No. 2136482

You can’t ask for them, sorry. They’re random and sealed.

No. 2136491

why cant there be mouthguards but instead of being for just covering the teeth it could be like a pick toothpaste for every single tooth. then you dont have to pick each teeth individually and can put it on and take it off to do them all at the same time.

No. 2136493

File: 1723684159742.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1170x1800, IMG_7227.jpeg)

is that a pic of kyle mclaughin or am I losing it

No. 2136495

Why are you posting this on the internet kek? Go to an inventor and make this, don't post about it so someone can steal your invention and get rich off your idea.

No. 2136496

too late the ai algorithm is relaying it to some richfag already

No. 2136504

File: 1723684354990.jpg (65.26 KB, 1000x1000, Mouthpiece_Toothbrush-9.jpg)

They invented something similar but it failed because it can't accurately get between each teeth since people's teeth are different. Picrel.
Article warning against them:

No. 2136507

they could model it for people like invisalign does

No. 2136513

I'm so confused anon, what do you mean?

No. 2136514

The first thing I thought when I saw the pic was why is that Kyle Mclaughin so yeah I think so

No. 2136515

i meant to say floss, not toothpaste.

No. 2136518

I haven't watched the show so I have no idea what it's about in context, it's just an image I saw someone post in regard to mrbeasts expressions

No. 2136567

Close, that's Jason Segel! They kind of look similar I guess because they both have brown hair and ugly faces, but I recognize the show and I looked it up and it's Jason Segel that's playing the character.

No. 2136599

File: 1723686774979.jpg (283.39 KB, 1000x1000, 817g8o2cymL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Good news, I found something interesting. Chewable/fuzzy toothbrushes. You chew between like gum and they have belt-in mint. They're as good as normal brushing.

No. 2136605

oh wow, great find anon!

No. 2136610

Jason Segal is also the character in the picture he's holding up? I'm not talking about the guy holding the pic, I'm talking about the guy in the picture he's holding with the crazy eyes

And I don't find segal attractive but I think young mclaughin was cute?

No. 2136621

Sorry, I thought you meant Jason Segel. I don't know who the guy in the picture within a picture is, probably just a random stock picture or something.

No. 2136694

File: 1723691419882.jpeg (372.83 KB, 889x763, IMG_7255.jpeg)

yes I mean this guy

No. 2136695

I’m going to start swimming. My hair is very long and I try to keep it healthy so I’m worried about the chlorine. I kind of want a swim hijab. Would that be stupid? I just think regular swim caps look a little weird and undignified kek.

No. 2136883

Smother it in oil and it'll be fine. I heat up some coconut oil and apply it to my hair until it looks wet. It just looks like your hair is wet to anyone looking so you don't draw any attention at all. The only downside is that it'll need multiple rounds of shampoo to get it out afterwards.

Swim hijabs look ten times more stupid than a simply athletic cap imo sorry

No. 2136907

Girl just wear the cap, if you do laps and aren't just playing around it will look much more normal and dignified than larping as a muslim for no discernable reason.

Wet your hair in the shower before going in the pool and wash it immediately afterwards.

No. 2136932

Is skinny being seen as attractive on women kind of a gay moid psy-op at the core?
I mean it originates in high fashion, which is largely created and controlled by gay moids who find "male-like" (dare I say "boy") features on women more appealing becasue then they look more like the men who they desire. High fashion wants tall women at typical man-height, slender long legs without typical female curves, they want as flat as possible chests, they typically favour sharp facial feature like cheekbones and thick intense eyebrows and eyebrow ridges. Plenty of these women could "pass" as young men/boys when put in male clothes (not in a troon way).

No. 2136943

Skinny is exclusive in a world where most people are chubby or downright fat and body trends always reflect the unobtainable and exclusive.

No. 2136994

What thread allows shitposting?

No. 2136997

If said gay men prefer women to look like men… why dont they just use men? They want to be fragile twinks?

No. 2137014

It's because they're as misogynistic as a straight moid. They hate women and want them to be ugly because they're jealous they pull straight men.

No. 2137020

This kinda sounds like you're jealous of those high fashion models. I don't think an average person's beauty standard is to look like high fashion models anyways, so this seems like a bit of a reach. I find the strong, striking features and height beautiful personally and I don't think these women look like men at all. They look mature and adult instead, compared to beauty influencers who either pedo pander or look fat and are addicted to plastic surgery.

No. 2137023

Even skinny women with small chests and long frames still look like mature women and not like boys.
I agree. Models look graceful and elegant. I hate the meme that women's bodies have to fit one archetype, curvy hourglass or else the woman in question isn't a "real" women. I love all female body types: hourglass, athletic, skinny, chubby, inverted triangle. Why can't we just agree that women's bodies can be varied and can all look amazing in different ways? Unlike men's bodies which they need to look fit and toned or they just look like skinnyfat/flabby abominations.

No. 2137034

It's on autosage so it's effectively dead no matter how hard the tranny jannies try to defend it by saying you can still totally use the thread!!

No. 2137065

Yes. Within gay culture, youth is important for sexual reasons, and women typically stay youthful-looking longer than men do. Gay men of effeminate leanings have a fixation on women, and there are strong aspects of admiration that can foster fellowship, but also switch to envy, bitterness and passive-aggressive power games. I think the fashion industry is a big example of that. It very quickly stops honoring the natural beauty of the tall, slender woman and veers into more insidious shit. A lot of the gay men and pickme types working there take joy in telling a skinny, 5'10 woman she is getting "old and fat" (because she's 26 and gained an inch on her hips) with their own beer bellies and bald heads on display. There's all the more glee in selling both them and young male models off to strange, rich men for sexual exploitation (though, in the case of the latter, they also just do that sort of exploitation themselves). Many of them use models for a sense of vicarious living (and yes, unfortunately, sometimes that means they do want models to look more like boys or "twinks" than just thin women - and many aren't afraid to manipulate with the "You're getting fat and look old" thing for that purpose), literally posing them like dolls, and too much of that is obviously unhealthy.

A lot of women who are into fashion don't want to accept there's a degree of perversion to this dynamic, either because they're too young to understand what's going on and the photos look good anyway, or they're aware that they're kind of directly implicated in all this too. I mean, heterosexual culture fetishizes youth, as well, but there are other things at play. There's a sort of neuroticism embedded into female socialization, lots of contradictory urges toward disappearing, receiving attention, taking up less space, towering over others. They want to earn reverence through suffering, and they want people to simply take one look at them and treat them better than other women. They want hyperfemininity, and they want androgyny. They want male power, and they want girlish fragility. The aesthetic of a high fashion model kind of embodies that sort of thing, it's "aspirational" for them in a surface-level sense, so many look up to it and want to be part of that world. It's not an easy subject. The whole thing is like some sick sadistic/masochistic practice, and many of the younger, poorer girls brought into modelling are basically thrown into a meat grinder.

No. 2137081

File: 1723725694018.jpeg (Spoiler Image,353.12 KB, 1024x560, 5E979129-23BC-43C2-81B3-87E156…)

Is this a normal amount of veins to have on your hands?

No. 2137083

Samefag, straight men are attracted to all kinds of women and are pretty malleable in this regard, but also like to "rank" them in dehumanizing ways. This is why there's always a new "body trend": thin with big boobs and a small ass, thick with a big ass and small boobs, just thin, just thick, etc. I forgot to mention them here because it's just kind of a given IMO? It's also why fighting over what men like is a waste of time. They'll take what they're given, but a lot of them also want a semblance of control over women, so they'll talk shit no matter what too.

No. 2137098

File: 1723726776434.png (52.21 KB, 400x528, IMG_4980.png)

yes. there's a shitload of blood vessels in there, they're just more visible on some people. the actual positions of the veins can also vary from one individual to another.

No. 2137150

Is the skin on my breasts, abdomen etc. (what remains under clothes basically) supposed to be lighter than my face and neck even when I'm applying sunscreen daily? If not, does it mean my sunscreen is not working?

No. 2137153

What price is considered decent for average therapy?

No. 2137162

Is ‘purchase returns’ an income or expense account?

No. 2137172

They are more visible when it's hot because your body try to cool your blood.

No. 2137235

Does anyone else ever get the vibe from shows like Chowder and Adventure Time that they were made by pedos

No. 2137244

do you guys think they give the unsold vapes to the homeless

No. 2137266

No. 2137273

May I suggest that you use this wonderful tool before asking?

No. 2137277

nonna this is the stopped questions thread not the “hmmm let’s go ask dad” thread

No. 2137278

What's Google?

No. 2137286

No. 2137317

Did models from supermodel era have more power or is it just an illusion?

No. 2137360

Mine protrude similar and I have even bonier more skeletal hands. I've always felt like jack skellington

No. 2137432

How do I stop obsessing over wanting to be loved? I feels so cringe every time I catch myself getting tangled in fantasies of affection. Please help me.

No. 2137434

You have beautiful hands

No. 2137442

I posted my hand one time and everyone made fun of my weird bones

No. 2137444

Get a husbando and join us over in /g/

No. 2137447

Sunscreen isn't perfect, fabric will always be a more effective sunblock. If there is a significant difference you should get new sunscreen.

No. 2137451

I have one already but its not enough unfortunately

No. 2137452

I hope so

No. 2137455

This is such a 2015-tier insult. Nobody even uses Google anymore besides out-of-touch doofuses and senior citizens.

No. 2137456

It's not cringe nonnie, it's normal. You can try to compensate for it by getting love from other things, like pets, or you can get a partner.

No. 2137459

Did James Charles ass-fucking vids really get leaked? The media is suppressing the information it seems like.

No. 2137476

Samefag just to say I found them, nobody look it up he's really gross it made me throw up in my mouth.

No. 2137482

Thank you nonna! I'll definitely get a new one.

No. 2137513

Why are so many nonas into DOL? It's essentially a rape fetish game

No. 2137536

Not allowed to own a pet where I live and I doubt I can find myself a moid… So unfortunate.

No. 2137655

Yes anon. And not to brag but I am way, way more veiny than you are.

No. 2137677

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Pendleton Ward does have a weird energy to him

No. 2137713

When someone says the word 'dog' what's the first breed that pops into your mind?

No. 2137714

the one with the long ears

No. 2137715

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No. 2137727

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Russel terriers!

No. 2137730

File: 1723749799540.jpg (29.87 KB, 600x300, dog.jpg)

No. 2137732

File: 1723749828988.jpg (95.78 KB, 736x981, d2409cb8eff7d394a190ff073a8b49…)

Doberman because I like them

No. 2137733

File: 1723749971423.webp (340.34 KB, 1290x1677, 1000006628.webp)

Basic answer but Labrador!

No. 2137738

Pitbull lite

No. 2137742

Me too! Such cuties, and a classic too.
I remember this but where the fuck is it from again?

No. 2137744

its from the shining

No. 2137749


No. 2137768

File: 1723751342958.jpeg (311.54 KB, 1600x1200, b632f903-79c0-47b9-bbc6-d1601e…)

German Shepard. I'm going to get one once I get a house. If I get land it's going to be a Border Collie

No. 2137775

File: 1723751556243.jpg (130.31 KB, 333x500, 1000038818.jpg)

No. 2137779

Oh wait I. I didn't read that right.

No. 2137781

if fat why hungry? why body still have hunger pain while fat can burn?

No. 2137783

cause it’s your stomach that’s hungry not your arm fat

No. 2137784

Go eat something. You are typing like a retard.

No. 2137787

If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? It has to be a person that already exists, like a celebrity or someone you know irl, not a hypothetical person.

No. 2137795

I would become Kim Kardashian and post anti tranny and man hate stuff every day. Let the mass peaking begin.

No. 2137796

Hmmmm I would choose to be whoever is the most handsome unmarried man that is acquainted with my celebrity crush kek

No. 2137911

How is it that the shittiest people have the loudest circle of friends? Shit attracts flies?

No. 2137926

does anyone know why lolcow is mostly for women if it’s owned and operated by dudes?

No. 2137929

Not this shit again. Unless you have proof kys.

No. 2137930

nonna…the proof is in how they moderate the site kek

No. 2137935

they're doing sociological research

No. 2137978

File: 1723762167046.png (570.49 KB, 1024x772, 1000051368.png)

Has anyone ever tried to gameify their life? Kek sometimes I think about how much easier life would be if I could tell why I was upset or uncomfortable at any given moment, like a bar that showed which one of my needs wasn't take care of like in the sims 4. Like on a theoretical level I feel like someone should be able to make some basic needs decay website but for irl people

No. 2138037

>I think about how much easier life would be if I could tell why I was upset or uncomfortable at any given moment
You're supposed to be able to do this normally. You need to work on your emotional intelligence and your self-understanding if you can't decipher your feelings at any given moment. Sorry to break the bad news.

No. 2138040

Yes I imagine I'm in the sims all the time. When I accidentally say something so stupid I see those negative friendship marks above my head kek

No. 2138043

Looks exactly like mine but I've also wondered the same lol

No. 2138049

Some anon talked about using this as a cope in overwhelming situations some years ago

No. 2138131

Is Gypsy Rose just Venus Angelic for normies?

No. 2138272

can you sauté garlic before making garlic butter/bread with it? i cannot find a recipe where they cook the garlic first but i need to or else its disgusting to me

No. 2138327

I suggest baking it in olive oil covered in the oven. To soften it up and give it a sweet taste. Sautéed garlic would probably not have the same texture that would work for the butter/bread and won't be melty enough. It would still be a bit firm. You can alternatively grate it and sautee it in olive oil to soften it up enough and add it to your butter/bread, but I imagine removing the excess oil would be harder this way. Grating garlic releases its natural oil and enhances its flavor. If you want to get rid of the strong garlic taste, open the cloves and remove the germ, which has all the strong flavor in it.

No. 2138354

ty nonna i will definitely try baking it for a little while next time

No. 2138388

Unironically yes but she doesn't have the pretty privelege that Venus used to have (pretty in past tense, yes i know venus is busted now)

No. 2138441

why were there anons troonfoiling about jordan chiles? she doesn't look remotely mannish

No. 2138481

What's worse, gay men or straight men?

No. 2138483

Straight. Both are bad though if we're honest.

No. 2138488

Straight men

No. 2138511

straight men

No. 2138525

Theyre the same minus rape so there's your answer

No. 2138562

File: 1723784498803.webp (5.33 KB, 300x301, IMG_1256.webp)

Isn’t there another reaction meme like this but with a grey mouse? I remember it being funnier but now I wonder if it ever existed because I can’t find it

No. 2138672

How old is lolcow? I have memories of being here when the miranda vs rachelandjun drama started, which would have been 2014, but did lolcow even exist back then?

No. 2138714

File: 1723796832151.png (1.11 KB, 3840x2160, a3ccc9.png)

Is eggshell blue a cool tone or warm tone?

No. 2138718

10 years nona

No. 2138721

>miranda vs rachelandjun drama
omg what a throwback!

No. 2138730

Cool tone

No. 2138738

I need the thread for that drama please

No. 2138743

Looks cool to me but different screens/settings can display a color differently..

No. 2138767

The only one I can think of is the Chuck E Cheese rat

No. 2138881

Do people who abuse stimulants they don't need understand how annoying they are or are they oblivious

No. 2138905

Straight men though bi and gay guys are close seconds.

No. 2138915

it's cool, however it has some yellow in it. If it's a fashion related question then this can still be a good fit for warm toned people depending on which season/subseason they are.

No. 2138951

If they weren’t men I think they would’ve rejected this belief by now but they obviously haven’t so

No. 2138952

They’re oblivious. Unless they’re an experienced recreational drug user who know how to reign themselves in. When my ex tried adderall for the first time he said he felt like a god. I was thinking “wtf, I never get to feel anything like that???” Then one of the guys I used to live with would take vyvanse more or less recreationally. I think he actually needed it though, the only obnoxious part was how he’d start mixing his EDM tracks at 2am with no headphones.

No. 2138964

Many of them know how annoying they are and they make it an integral part of their personality, a select few genuinely don’t know how obnoxious they’re being because they’re constantly inebriated

No. 2138970

When someone says they like a character, how do you tell that they like them cuz they want to fuck them or like them cuz they're friend material? apologies for the hella retarded question but the internet sucks with convey information…

No. 2138989

Is DID real or not? I lean towards it being fake, but I can see an amnesia condition from severe trauma being plausible if you expand the criteria for DID

No. 2138999

somewhat but its extremely rare. theres been some cases that even now are contested as being did and not some other mental illness. but the tiktok did isnt real, most patients go on living not knowing they have did at all until some specialist checks them

No. 2139002

I think it’s fake, I don’t think any human naturally develops alter personalities over the course of their life. It’s something that someone personally, actively adopts and chooses to make part of themselves. That doesn’t mean that it’s not a mental illness it definitely is real in that sense, but I don’t think that the symptoms of it are innate and unavoidable the way PTSD or anxiety is.

No. 2139030

If you invite a friend over for dinner and they say they'll be there for 530, what time is acceptable for you to start texting/calling asking where they are?

No. 2139063

Where can I meet strange/highly intelligent people to interview about their worldviews? I love finding out about people but its getting harder and harder.

No. 2139084

No. 2139169


No. 2139201

File: 1723826465794.png (604.01 KB, 737x644, gum.png)

Any of you tried nic gum? What did you think? I’m considering trying Lucy’s because I know vaping the seed oils isn’t healthy at all

No. 2139205

Reddit is the very reason I cannot find these people

No. 2139233

why do elementary school teachers think that root beer floats are the best thing a child can experience

No. 2139254

What a cool project to embark on! Sounds like it's a personal project, but are you a journalist? It also sounds like it could lead to some serious dead ends because a lot of people think they are highly intelligent but are not, kek

No. 2139272

this looks vaporwave

No. 2139276

Kek, whoa it does

No. 2139362

File: 1723836355314.jpg (163.34 KB, 1284x1231, c.JPG)

If a scrote wines and dines me but doesn’t text me every day in the early stages of dating, am I being played?

No. 2139374

Probably but just milk him of money/food without putting out or giving him the attention he wants

No. 2139375

I already have put out… originally I was just looking for casual sex. But he says he wants to keep taking me out. That’s why I’m confused

No. 2139412

i would assume he's looking for a fwb type thing and he wants to keep fucking without making it anything serious

No. 2139422

How can any of you stand posting on social media? Long winded insane misogynistic rant is fine but name-calling said moid subhuman insect scum is too far? Is this specifically designed to coerce women into making undeserved one-sided thoughtful interaction with males instead of simply telling them to neck themselves?

No. 2139426

I don’t use social media. That’s why I’m here

No. 2139439

Who do people who are against drinking tap water do when they need to wash dishes or cook something with water or wash their hands or shower?

No. 2139446

>Is DID real or not?
Depends on what you mean by "real". Do people with multiple separate split personalities exist? No.
Do people suffer from mental illness that make them think crazy unreal things about themselves, some of which they delude themselves into thinking is another personality? Yes.

Most people who claim they have DID don't even really think they have it, they're larping to escape reality (good or bad) and deep down they know it.

No. 2139456

Wash dishes, hands and shower in tap water, drink and cook in bottled water, unless it's something like boiled eggs, where the water won't be consumed, then i'll use tap water too.
It's a cooler green, closer to blue than to yellow.
Golden Retrievers♥

No. 2139460

Tried to get on radtwt and gave up almost immediately because my comments keep getting blocked, I didn’t even use any no-no word while men were literally defending pedophilia. I just look at art now really.
Water used to wash stuff doesn’t have to be potable. Use boiled/filtered water for consumption. I just think tap water tastes bad.

No. 2139467

does having sex with a man who is good at sex feel better than masturbation?
ive had sex but it felt nothing like it (it was mostly painful and impractical)

No. 2139473

i havent tried it but i heard theyre good to soothe the urge of lighting a cig but for best effect you should also have a nicotine patch

No. 2139479

File: 1723841875185.png (904.25 KB, 700x1486, unnamed.png)

global nonas, how does this look to you? This is the new lower negotiated drug prices for american citizens

No. 2139487

xarelto is 30€ a box over here and its already overpriced

No. 2139489

It should be lower

No. 2139517

Seems comparable to canadian prices.

No. 2139534

For me, how it feels is mostly mental. The more into it/him I am, the better it feels

No. 2139689

It depends. Sometimes you can be in the mood for either. Good sex feels different from masturbation but they're both good feelings.

No. 2139768

still confused about this, i dont feel like looking back and finding it, someone spoonfeed me why a few anons thought jordan was a troon

No. 2140137

Why is it not possible to criticize zionism without being accused of antisemitism? I recently read about a rabbi who literally said that Hitler was right for wanting to kill jews because no jew should live outside of the state of Israel and Israel is the only place destined for jews. Can I criticize that rabbi and call him a sociopath for saying this shit or will I be accussed of antisemitism for merely disagreeing with him?

No. 2140233

Why is it always the abusive pedo moids that make such good electronic music sometimes

No. 2140324

What does it mean in fanfictions when a character says "fuck your/my head"? Is it referring to oral or deep kissing?

No. 2140329

It's a particularly vulgar/forceful form of fellatio.

No. 2140393

File: 1723908678556.jpg (204.61 KB, 1240x1777, 1000016049.jpg)

Has anyone here had breakthrough bleeding despite having been on the pill for several years? What was it caused by and how did you resolve it?

I'm on the 10th day of my period (did not miss any pills and I always take them at the same day) and I cannot see a doctor until Wednesday because Monday and Tuesday are national holidays in my country. I wonder what could be causing it, I have pap smears and ultrasounds every year, and everything is always fine. I wonder if consuming a lot of soy products affected my hormones or something? Or I had an antiobiotic treatment recently because of a lung infection, maxbe that's what causing it? I read that they recommend stopping the pill for a few days and then start taking them again or doubling up for a few days to see if the bleeding would stop but I suppose I should wait with these until I see my gyno?

No. 2140408

No. 2140409

It’s a type of oral sex where you grab them by the head and thrust/grind into their mouth

No. 2140542

File: 1723912991458.webp (365.33 KB, 1080x1920, 08E2AAE0-7585-4EAD-A24E-CAC44A…)

Anons who like androgynous dainty men can you please explain the genuine appeal? Is it their voice? The style? Specific body parts given extra attention like shaven legs and clean skin? I just realized that I never understood the appeal and never looked into it until now.

No. 2140545

They are cute, masculine hairy men are scary and remaind me too much of real scrotes. Meanwhile a pretty men is pretty for you. Its just nice to see men being held to the same standards as women, even if its just in fiction.

No. 2140547

Bishonen men have existed since like the 80s, anon. Anime men dont have hairy legs either. what lmaoo
It's literally because men dont look like this irl is why a lot of women like 2D over 3D

No. 2140553

Because he's cute.

No. 2140558

Maybe he's one of those guys who thinks going out to eat alone is for losers and you're his cover.

No. 2140574

Because they're rare to the point of being fictional. Like a rare shiny Pokémon card, you know it exists but it'll realistically take you tons of time to have a physical copy of it. They're rarity is what makes them so precious.

No. 2140578

File: 1723913993863.jpg (45.21 KB, 720x486, 73b746acbf4fa3af9078aed28f6824…)

Please does anyone know how difficult it is to convince insurance that a breast reduction is medically necessary (burger btw)? How do I approach my doctor about this? My posture is fucked and my back is in pain all the time. I already lost a bunch of weight but those aspects haven't improved.

No. 2140583

Ultramasculine moids reek of redpill/trad/conservative bullshit and like the other anon said, moids like those can be pretty scary. Having a guy have feminine traits in appearance makes me "relate" to him more, that, and in my opinion perfect beauty is a balanced of mixture of feminine and masculine (the former is more superior of course).

No. 2140587

I wuv him and his see-through top.

No. 2140597

They also reek of gayness

No. 2140672

I really like the nicotine gum. I buy a pack for when I know I can't smoke, at like social events or work trips or whatever. They're good because I feel like they give me a strong hit, it's similar to smoking 2 cigarettes in a row. The only issue is that it makes my mouth and throat feel weird, it's almost like a tingling tired feeling. The effect usually starts 5-10 minutes after beginning to chew, and peaks at 30-60 minutes. Usually after 45 minutes, I toss the gum out and I'm good for another 2 or 3 hours.

No. 2140675

Today is the last day of a rental lease I'm in and is it kind of weird that the landlord hasn't texted/spoken to me at all today? Not even just to say where to put the key or to ask what time I'm leaving. Hell I even heard him leave earlier so now I'm just sitting in the house waiting to see if he comes back

No. 2140682

Are nic gums easier on your oral gums and teeth conpared to cigs or vapes because vapes have been horrible for my oral cavity.

No. 2140686

I think they might still be an irritant to your gums. In what way has vaping fucked up your mouth? For me, since I'm a smoker I know I have to drink a lot more water so I usually drink 4L in a day. I also try and suck on a mint after ever cigarette.

No. 2140695

Maybe text first and tell him, hi I'm all moved out, and ask him where to leave the key. No sense in needlessly waiting around when you probably have shit to do

No. 2140709

Vaping irritates my mouth and gums and gave me gingivitis and other problems. I dont know why.
It also gave me a dry painful throat.

No. 2140739

In the same boat as you nonna but I get it. I like some femininity that's enough to enhance the more masculine aspects of him. Too much and he ends a faggot, too little and he comes off as shitty douchebag. Balance is key of course, but women can benefit from having some masculinity while men can benefit from having some femininity. Humans were never designed for confined spaces, so why must everyone conform to an elaborate performance of gender roles?

No. 2140756

File: 1723921065681.png (356.17 KB, 493x595, he does as hes told.png)

It was them.

No. 2140872

Does everyone have armpit fat? My based sister confronted me about how everyone has it and it's important to have it to move your arm when I said I felt bad about mine. I swear I've seen people without it though

No. 2140880

Because they're nice to look at, a mixture of being very handsome and cute. They are the furthest thing removed from realistic fugly scrotes and that is what makes them so good.

No. 2140882

>waited 30 minutes
>rang doorbell 2x
>took parent out for ice cream
>still hasn't gotten back to me/not even here I guess
Alright this is going from mild inconvenience to really fucking annoying

No. 2140911

Put the key in envelope, tape it to his door and take a photo as proof. I hate that you have to wait around for this dumb moid

No. 2140922

He just texted me, he must have been sleeping on the upper floor. Cautionary tale for anyone else that leases with a boomer

No. 2140957

I remember worrying about my ~armpit fat~ a lot as a teenager, but now it's something I don't think about or notice on myself or other people. Unless you're obese, it's normal and not an issue

No. 2141072

does anyone else set unnecessary requirements for yourself? for example, i've started watching some tv show and i keep telling myself, "you can't do X unless you get to Y episode" with X being things like eating, getting water, showering, etc. i don't know what's wrong with me.

No. 2141079

I can’t smoke until I’ve brushed my teeth, I can’t eat until I’ve walked a certain distance, I also avoid specific materials that I feel are below me

No. 2141123

You're behaving like a responsible adult with impulse control.

No. 2141126

convincing myself that i can't drink water until i watch 4 more hour long episodes is definitely irrational but alright

No. 2141153

I think you misread the post. Anon is not delaying her tv time until after she does responsible things, she's watching arbitrary amounts of tv before she does responsible things.

Could it be procrastination, like you dont wanna get up even though you're thirsty and are just making excuses? If not it sounds like OCD tbh. I mean I like to finish an episode before I do things just because it's nice to complete things, but I won't put stuff off for hours especially if it's making me uncomfortable.

No. 2141156

Yes I had this problem in high school and it started controlling my life. Weirdly enough I was able to let go of it when I went in patient for anorexia

No. 2141242

Do any other straight women wish they could play with someone else's boobs without it being weird? I already touch my own boobs all the time because they're soft and nice to squish but I have small boobs that don't pass the pencil test and I've always wanted to get my hands on boobs that were more normal sized because I feel like they would be even more fun to play with. I don't want them for myself though, I just want to play with them. And like rest my cheek on them maybe kek. Is it just me?

No. 2141247

Idk I don’t think you’re as straight as you think you are…

No. 2141251

You're telling me you don't have ANY desire to play with boobs? Do you have naturally average-large sized boobs? I think if I did, I wouldn't have this fantasy because I could just play with my own boobs. You know? It's not even in a sexual way I don't think, it scratches the same itch as watching like, satisfying slime squishing videos. That sounds bad, but you know what i mean. Right?

No. 2141253

would you ever trust a man to make a list of potential baby names? seems like they're always gonna pick names of girls they wish they could fuck/ex girlfriends or pornstars

No. 2141257

men can't be trusted to wipe their own asses correctly, you shouldn't trust them with anything at all.

No. 2141259

i would not trust or task a man with such a thing, but i could be open to suggestions. not for girls names tho

No. 2141274

That list is gonna look like
Mia Khalifa

No. 2141275

>Deceptacon mentioned

No. 2141305

I was going to say Optimus Prime too. Transformers reference, not your lesbian music im sorry to say

No. 2141333

Does anyone else notice a correlation between girls id-ing as aroace when their friends get into relationships? Kek

No. 2141336

No? I’ve never seen that, is it a Gen Z thing?

No. 2141356

Burgers, I'm watching a video by an American and he says milk cartons are pretty atypical in the US and that you guys usually pour it from a giant milk jug, is this true? Not judging btw, I saw some countries put their milk in bags.

No. 2141358

Yes the milk jug is the most common place milk holding apparatus in america.

No. 2141365

Late millenial thing more like.

No. 2141366

we drink and use too much milk to get by with cartons. They sell cartons, but they're rarely bought because they don't hold as much as a gallon jug. Because of gov't subsidies on the dairy industry and the "got milk" campaign, probably.

No. 2141368

the milk cartons are more common in school cafeterias ime (the school ones are usually mini though)

No. 2141405

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Is it true that normies have an easier time finding a partner? I cannot imagine finding someone I like enough to be in a relationship with so often. I was my last boyfriend's sixth girlfriend despite being close in age, which is nuts to me.

Are all these people just together for the sake of being together? Or is it just easier finding someone you mesh with when your background and interests are closer to the average?

No. 2141418

yes…you answered your own question here

No. 2141421

>Or is it just easier finding someone you mesh with when your background and interests are closer to the average?
Yes. That's how people get into relationships.

No. 2141423

It's just foreign to me being able to deeply connect with someone that often I guess.

No. 2141435

thats the thing, they dont, a lot of people date for superficial reasons and not actually liking the person as a person

No. 2141445

Okay that makes sense. Thank you for holding my autistic hand through this Nona.

No. 2141647

In stores there's an abundance of milk size choices (from 2 cup to 1/2 gallon to full gallon). The size of the container you pour from is going to depend on household size/personal preference.

No. 2141653

When you read fanfic of characters that were portrayed by real actors, do you imagine the character as looking like the actor or do think up your own image of them?

No. 2141665

Mostly I just have my own interpretations. Although this is the reason I can't go back to certain fandoms I was in and read fics, if they were portrayed by real kids or teenagers I just can't unsee it and find it too weird.

No. 2141735

What in the world do the Japanese find in South Park—to the point of even having its own fujo fan base??? (I do a double take seeing a SP doujin in MRM) I mean it's so American—I doubt they'd get any of the cultural/social references unless they're a die hard westaboo. I don't fucking get it.

No. 2141737

They don’t. Real, deep connections are rare but people settle for something shallow because it’s safe. I think most moids pick certain women to be their wives because their relationship falls into this category tbh. They know the woman will stick around and take care of them without having to form a deeper connection so he wifes her up. That’s why it’s not a compliment to be picked. Women will gaslight themselves thinking their college boyfriend is the love of their lives but in reality they become obsessed with romance novels 2 years into the marriage because the bedroom is so dead.

No. 2141738

What do you mean with shallow?

No. 2141750

The moid won’t ask questions about the woman and learn who she truly is and the women makes herself smaller so he won’t leave. They won’t have any compatibility, shared interests, or support each other emotionally beyond ‘work was bad today’ but will stay together for 20 years purely because each party is too scared to leave. They don’t have interesting conversations or push each other because they don’t need to.

No. 2141763

The USA has a huge soft power, you just need to keep up with international news from time to time and be aware of some pop culture icons to know most of the jokes. Saying this as a non American who watched episodes on TV when I was a teenager. I kinda watch to rewatch the show now. I found the Nanny way harder to follow actually when it came to references to American culture and events, everytime a celebrity showed up and the public was screaming for 5 minutes to hype them up I was confused as to who tf that was supposed to be, same thing whenever the main guy's job as a producer was brought up and the characters were talking about specific Broadway musicals.

No. 2141775

If you had to wake up five hours earlier tomorrow than you did today, what would you do to make sure you wouldn't be mega tired tomorrow? Note I don't drink energy drinks

No. 2141792

What does it mean if I outgrow friends quickly? I'll find someone, we get kind of friendly, then I find out some shit like they do onlyfans, or they've went after married people intentionally, or they spend a shit load of money on unnecessary stuff while claiming to be a poorfag, etc. Is it normal to distance yourself from people like that or am I just too uptight and I need to be more tolerant? Funny enough most of these people also identify as some sort of nonbinary or transgender in some way, of which I majorly disagree with the ideology but I figure I can't just blow off individuals like that.

No. 2141796

what do you mean by what a person “truly is”? Not trying to argue, I just find it all vague.

No. 2141798

She means questions about her, her beliefs, her ideas, her plans for the future, if she wants kids, how she feels about politics, etc.

No. 2141811

only replying b/c i cant believe no one else said thongs. i havent worried about vpl in over a decade thanks to thongs

No. 2141908

is it really hard to find a scrote to be happy with

No. 2141914

go to bed earlier tonight

No. 2141925

Is your chance of successfully finding a job seriously better with a degree? I remember all those statistics long ago supporting this, but then I see all the horror stories of people getting their degrees and still being unable to find a job. It genuinely seems like this isn't the case anymore and that everyone is just fucked regardless of if they finished college or not.

No. 2141954

>no degree
>sorry retard-fag we only want people with degrees to do our sloppy little slave work
>have degree
>sorry underachieving-fag, we only want people with BETTER degrees to do our sloppy little slave work
>have specific degree
>sorry, loser-chan, you have no soft skills and didn't even laugh at our unfunny jokes during the interview, we only want someone the moids here would like to fuck! Try better next time
It's a never ending joke.

No. 2141966

I mean most people without a degree are stuck doing low paid manual labour so it appears so. Exceptions there. We just live in a particularly shitty time to be young.

No. 2141984

IME if you have a sense of self, yes.

No. 2142052

That doesn't guarantee I'll actually fall asleep earlier but I guess just resting on the bed is better than nothing

No. 2142099

exercise before when you want to go to sleep and it'll tire you out. you'll also get the best sleep of your life

No. 2142153

Take melatonin or ask your pharmacy for some sleeping pills (non-homeopathic).

No. 2142158

Would I like this cucumber salad thing if I don't like cucumber? This dumb twink has so many variations and they look so good. I wonder if the sauce would be enough to alter the cucumber taste enough for me to like it.

No. 2142160

Yes I think anything can taste good if it’s seasoned nice

No. 2142162

Do any other nonas struggle with back acne? My face is clear, but I really have problems around my shoulder area. It's not poor hygiene and I only developed it in my early twenties.

No. 2142163

Basically spicy Korean cucumbers. I've had them and they're okay.

No. 2142168

Do you take birth control? I suddenly developed back acne after being on it for years, and nothing made the acne go away other than when I stopped taking it.

No. 2142179

No I don't, but I also had acne in the face when I took birth control. It does get better when I am not stressed and eating healthy, so hormones definitely do play a role, but it doesn't go away completely.

No. 2142249

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Are there any bpdfags who have any insight, I have a genuine question. Why do they become so attached to specific people and skinwalk them so intensely? Sometimes it feels like they do so to try to evoke jealousy, but like… they don't give a fuck you're trying to show interest in the same things they are. Like why, you aren't mogging them and you just look kind of sad. Its even funnier when it's grown men trying to emulate the interests of a girl kek like what is the psychology behind it.

No. 2142253

How often do you wash your bed sheets? How long is your hair? Do you always use the same brand of laundry detergent and fabric softener?

No. 2142255

About once a month. Long enough for it to touch that area of my back, however it's pretty dry at the ends, could it be my hair products? Yes I do

No. 2142261

Once a month isn't right, you have to be washing them at least once a week. The fabric holds on to all the sweat, dead skin, sebum, and impurities that are released by your skin whilst you sleep. If anything, I'd blame that for the issue. Try to wash your sheets more often and see if the acne improves.

For the hair, maybe try putting it up when you go to sleep so it doesn't touch that part of the neck. Especially if you frequently use thick conditioners or other hair products ont the ends of your hair. I know that sometimes people with bangs will get acne beneath where the bangs fall because of the hair product and sweat and such.

No. 2142262

Nta but you need to wash your sheets every 2 weeks at minimum. You sweat and rub skin oil on your sheets for hours every night. Make sure you wash your pyjamas regularly too.

No. 2142264

ok I will try that, thank you nonitas

No. 2142266

Also leave your bed uncovered for at least half an hour every day to air it out so moisture can dry out. It prevents bacteria and mold growth. It also prevents mites.

No. 2142267

From what I read, because their grasp on their identity is feeble they use other people as anchors for their own sense of self.

No. 2142276

But why is it common for them to skin walk people they claim to hate? It's so ridiculous I can't grasp it.

No. 2142288

I think it's to gain a sense of power over them.

No. 2142298

Kek I know bpdfags live in a feeble little world of delusion and this makes sense. Just thinking theyre spiting everyone all the time when no one is thinking nearly as hard about it as they are. Sounds exhausting.

No. 2142303

Because they don't "hate" or "love" anything. They have NO desires, ONLY affectations. They're only alive in this very minute, they've no sense of future or past in any meaningful way. They will want to kill you in one minute, the next they'll want to kill themselves for ever doubting you. There's no sense in asking "why" they do anything from a logical sense because they aren't operating on logic, they're crazy, they're sick in the head, they don't know what logic is.

No. 2142310

i found a bunch of bugs in my rice but i googled and everyone says it's fine to eat the bug rice after washing it but i don't want to eat the bug rice. should i order a pizza

No. 2142318

I don't know why you'd eat bug rice unless you're in a famine. Rice is cheap.

No. 2142325

Take pictures and email the grocery store support from where you bought it as well as a receipt (if you don't have receipt, a screenshot of your bank statement that shows you bought it here) and tell them what happened. When this happened to me I got a $100 grocery store voucher in my email in the apology.

No. 2142355

So what, they're trying to absorb the interests of other people to emulate humanity or something? I swear everyone with bpd is also autistic comorbidly

No. 2142372

Anon please don't validate the typical BPD delusion of autism. They have no sense of self so they're just super impressionable. I get the feeling that BPD just makes you think "oh, I think I might like that" if you're exposed to an interest for too long.

No. 2142470

No I firmly believe that autism is comorbid in bpd. Not everyone who is autistic has bpd, but definitely every bpdfag has autism.

No. 2142483

whats the shit that is on Kingcobrajfs and Onlyusemyblade's teeth? Like what is it? Why is there just gunk, is it hard?I enjoy watching Kingcobra's disgusting food videos but I often gag when I think about all that gross goo on his teeth coming off in his food. I went through a period where I didn't brush everyday and besides plaque, my teeth never had that gunk up top. Is it food? Rot? What the fuck is it?

No. 2142556

>only replying b/c i cant believe no one else said thongs

No. 2142584

File: 1724022926492.png (99.22 KB, 288x242, ugh.png)

NONNIES. HELP. How do I download Youtube videos to my pc

No. 2142588

look up "Download youtube videos" and there should be sites that let you just put the address of the video and download it.

No. 2142589

Tartar. If plaque sits long enough it becomes a hard crust

No. 2142591

They look sketchy though. Are they safe?

No. 2142593

i've used random ones no problem

No. 2142606

… I feel so old… How do you not know about the Youtube to .mp4 converter website kek

No. 2142637

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Why’s it called northwestern university if Illinois is in the midwest

No. 2142646

The people of Illinois, the people of Illinois are not a "smart" people.

No. 2142650

Use yt-dlp. It's command line only but it's well worth figuring out how to use it.

No. 2142657

Do you think "Mary Jane" has been ruined as a name?

No. 2142671

Yeah definitely. There was this weird girl in my secondary school who had a sister named Mary Jane that died like 10 years before. She would bring it up in weird ways, like she'd talk about her sister as if she was alive and then if you asked further she'd always say "yeah, but she's gone now…" or "too bad she's not here…" and it took me 2 years to figure out her sister was fricking dead. Why would she do that? It's been like 10 years, get over it freak. She was weird as fuck, so the name is definitely ruined for me. Apparently it means marihuana too in street talk but I don't know if that's for real or just a rumour.

No. 2142673

>thinking Americans in general are smart people
>enough to discern intelligence based on state
Lets not pretend there are Americans who are a "smart people"

No. 2142675

You sound vapid and pathetic, can't believe I thought this post was real for a second. Anyways your trolling attempts are a little too convoluted to be funny

No. 2142676

I am vapid and pathetic but that really did happen. Sometimes real life is convoluted I'm afraid.

No. 2142679

>a rumor
I know you think you sound like quirky ai but get a diary to write your short stories

No. 2142684

Yeah like marihuana, the drug pot. I don't know if people actually call pot Mary Jane or if it's just a rumour because I'm not a druggie. Sorry I'm not a junkie I guess damn.

No. 2142688

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Samefag just to say I looked it up and I guess some people spell it marijuana but I always spell it marihuana because there's an H sound. The state of Michigan spells it my way as well so it's more proper. Just because spelling differences exist doesn't make me a fricking troll. Ugh.

No. 2142692

nta but saying this
>Why would she do that? It's been like 10 years, get over it freak.
sounds pretty trollish to me

No. 2142698

Because why are you 16 talking about your sister that died more then 10 years ago like she's still alive and well? It's weird. And she was a freak FYI.

No. 2142701

what was freaky about her

No. 2142702

Okay like for example you'd ask her about something like "oh what music do you like," and she'd respond back with some shit like "I like indie but my sister would like rock…" and then if you asked about her sister she'd be like "well, she's not here right now…" and then would go all silent. Like what. Why are you bringing up your dead sister for no reason? Sorry if it's insensitive to say but it just made her look like a freak.

No. 2142715

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Technically can be said about any state, kek.

No. 2142824

It has to be satire. There's no way you're this fucking retarded

No. 2142832

There is gravel and rocks in your brain cavity

No. 2142842

This is all because I told a fricking personal anecdote to answer a question? This is insanity.

No. 2142900

If I have an extremely flat ass even if I'm not underweight does this mean that I have shit genetics or that I need to build more muscle there?

No. 2142902

No. 2142910

You know like 15 years ago you'd have the enviable ass. Just embrace your small butt.

No. 2142926

You love telling stories huh

No. 2143007

>>marihuana, the drug pot
gotta be elderly, underage or a troll lmao

No. 2143011

don't forget all the "fricking"s kek

No. 2143116

Just stop obsessing over it and it will be ok.

No. 2143265

Is it normal that my throat(?) sometimes shifts to the side, making me push it back into place or else it'd cause me pain when I'm swallowing?

No. 2143274

Where do I post if I want honest feedback about my appearance? I’ve tried Reddit but I’ve seen the way they lie to other people. Call ugly people pretty and cute and call beautiful people ugly just to humble them because they’re all a bunch of vengeful nerds.

No. 2143297

Samefag I wanna post my pics to lolcow cos I know my nonnies will be honest but I’m not gonna do that. It’s not allowed and I respect that.

No. 2143351

NTA but it sucks bc you know majority of nonnas here would be honest. There would be plenty of assholes too tho who would nitpick, look how many beautiful celebrity women get picked to death in /g/ kek

No. 2143352

Yeah but most of them are true to an extent. Like Sydney sweeney and ice spice DO look like they have Down’s syndrome. They are definitely attractive though.

No. 2143399

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Why did this get me an 11+ hour ban in /w/ when nobody would have given a fuck if it was in /snow/ or /pt/? Am I in the wrong here because this was clearly humorous in nature.(take it to /meta/)

No. 2143405

jill thread farmhands hate fun

No. 2143412

It's getting to the point where there is a clear disconnect from the moderation on the rest of the site compared to the moderation in Jill's thread. I don't know how more anons aren't talking about this. It's genuinely fucking annoying.
The reason why this site is getting more and more shit by the day is because when TIFs and gendies would come by they would have to assimilate, now the board culture is too forgiving of their presence. Jill's thread is probably the most concentrated population of gendies and TIFs. I'm not being schizo because I know a trans man and her gender fluid (female) "boyfriend" who go on Jill's thread.

No. 2143416

Samefag but holy shit this janny didn't even unban me. What rule did I break, retard? I took it to fucking meta too. Maybe look before you shit out your automated response like a faggot automaton.

No. 2143429

My question still stands, what made me get the ban in the first place? Mods are unable to answer, so I'm still asking.

No. 2143436

how long before you make things official? me and this dude talk every day, have sex, play video games. this bitch brought me campfire ribs when he was on holiday

No. 2143438

Hey jannies reading this, what rule did I break the first time?

No. 2143445

Can anime characters look unique and distinctive without looking tumbler-baity as hell?

No. 2143455

Yeah, just look at houseki no kuni and other manga with distinct drawing styles

No. 2143456

Yeah, but you have to be skilled.

No. 2143478

You should've already have made it official.

No. 2143497

How is lolcow funded? I don't see any ads. Maybe there's a donation thing but I can't find it. I'd like to donate though.

No. 2143512

admin pays out of pocket. though there are trackers that this site uses allegedly, so I wonder if they sell our data after all.

No. 2143524

That's pretty cool. I know this is a small site but I guess it would cost about 1k - 4k a year. It's been a while since I've done website stuff so I don't know how accurate that it. It's nice to know it's not a glowie honeypot
>I wonder if they sell our data after all
I wonder what kind of people would buy my data kek

No. 2143621

Is there a car/auto thread on lc? I need a car badly but I don’t have any money saved up, I’m broke and in debt. My only options are sub 5k autos but I have very little experience with cars so I can’t tell if I’m gonna get ripped off or something, or how to check if a car will run OK, obviously at less than 5k no car will be perfect, but I want it to at least run and not break down on me suddenly. I have my eye on a 2012 Nissan Leaf but I kinda wanna get some advice/info before going in and speaking to a salesperson

No. 2143641

I don’t think so, I think it’s possible for meanings to change overtime

No. 2143642

you're doing everything that people in a relationship do and he won't even call you his girlfriend. on an imageboard asking about when to make it official when he's already fucking you and hasn't yet. for Christ's sake get the fuck up nona this is pathetic

No. 2143657

so i'm about to graduate and getting into the tech industry, mainly in ux. whenever people ask me what i'm studying or doing for a living, i tell them about ux design, and nobody gave me a positive reaction so far which is confusing to say the least.

>one woman i felt very attracted to thought i was boring right after i talked about ux design and ghosted me

>a man i used to be friends with talked to me out of the blue after 2 years of not speaking, he asked about my career stuff, i replied ux.. ghosted me.
>another woman, who is the guy's ex-gf and someone i used to know for quite a while, removed herself in a group chat that i have not used for 2+ years that we've since spoken in.. this is literally right after i told her ex-bf about the career thing. like she literally did not had to do all of that so it felt pointed, you know what i mean?
>a much older man that is a friend of my parents also seemed to have pulled a confused look of some sort when i told him about what i'm studying at the time

am i missing something or am i reading too much into this? tbh its not a passion of mine and is just something i chose out of a list of possible jobs to have that could at least give me a normal lifestyle of housing + food + not dying in the street, so idk how to feel about all of this.

No. 2143668

you're reading too heavily into it, i think! tech, specifically ux design, is a great field and you'll be able to make a comfortable life for yourself.
the first woman probably got turned off by your sperging more than anything honestly, kek. the guy and his ex-gf were probably just trying to be nosy then dipped after getting the info they wanted. the old guy definitely would've been clueless of any tech related thing you could've said. don't worry about it.

No. 2143671

UX is a pretty specific thing that people outside of tech might not get. I'm full stack but I just tell people I work in tech or computers. If they push it I try to explain it pretty simple. I'm prone to getting ranty, maybe you were doing the same?

No. 2143679


maybe you're right, i might've sperged a bit too hard on her and thus ran her off kek. honestly fuck the dude and his ex-gf, i literally did nothing bad or wrong to either of them, but then again, they do know someone else who never liked me so i guess in the end it is what it is. and ya i guess old dude just didn't know how to react since he was like 60+ plus and worked in business his whole life lmao. thanks i'll stop worrying about it.

No. 2143685

File: 1724086672032.png (482.25 KB, 728x410, dbab9cde3c8aa803cd6e97ec490752…)


good on you for being full stack, i always hear people with that career feeling mighty comfortable with their salaries. pretty sure i wasn't infodumping or doing anything weird when they asked, so i'm guessing its what the other nonnie said and they just felt confused since none of them are in tech and just didn't know how to respond like normal people. either way its whatever, i just want to get my first job and feel comfy for the rest of my working years in peace so whatever.

No. 2143693

I fooled about with startups after graduating college so I got a bit of everything. It was good for experience but not for job security kek.
Yeah I would keep it simple for non-techy people. It is really fun though when you can just click with someone who's into your passions tech or otherwise. I mostly just ask other people questions until they loosen up like I'm a scam artist or something,
Good luck with finding a job nonnie, I know it's rough out there for grads atm.

No. 2143758

Is "daddy issues" a real thing or some kind of long-term meme? It's a weird term to me because I notice a lot of broken home women who should have "daddy issues" but don't, and on the other end I see a lot of women with present fathers who do have "daddy issues."

No. 2143787

It’s a meme, short hand for a specific kind of female who exhibits particular traits but is not necessarily related to whether or not she has actual issues with her father… I’ve heard it most often used to refer to promiscuous young women, women who jump from partner to partner and prostitutes

No. 2143795

What size font is your go to? What size do you go "now this is unreasonable"?

No. 2143832

Probably anons who took what men with yellow fever say a little too personally

No. 2143848

If someone uses size 14 or above in an email I assume they are mentally challenged. Generally this has been a correct assumption.

No. 2143857

Why does Luna love Lurch so much?

No. 2144109

What if they remade Never Been Kissed but the reporter was there to actually report on corruption like exposing a pedo teacher?

No. 2144119

Lonely, low self esteem, he got her addicted to drugs.

No. 2144135

we’ve only known eachother for a month. its just seems like a lot to put a title on it so quick. like am i really ready to broadcast to world this guy is my boyfriend and im his girlfriend? i mean, women are allowed casual sex no? i guess im the weird one here with commitment issues. im like 35 so idk if that makes any difference.

No. 2144196

How do I learn to like things again? It felt like a couple years ago I would get super invested in any old thing. I would sit down and watch the most terrible show or anime and be engaged. Now I get that click maybe once every 4 months. Have I just internet brain rotted myself or is this just a getting older thing?

No. 2144529

What threads do you have hidden? i have the aishit thread, celebricows and the non english threads hidden.

No. 2144530

Why are we no longer allowed to hate on males and male-identified behavior here anymore? I can’t make fun of women’s ugly ass shitty pet nigels w/o getting banned now kek

No. 2144531

All fandom related threads

No. 2144532

File: 1724121819271.jpg (249.3 KB, 800x800, 25-Pine-Cone-Crafts-Your-Kids-…)

impossible to tell because we grew up with the internet. from observation, older women get into different knick knack collections, soap operas, and crafts in their free-time. i wish i could be into just (1) hobby instead of many quick dopamine fixes like coffees and reels smh. fuck it, i might make a bee or a fairy.

No. 2144540

news that fuck with you and the dog/cat hate threads

No. 2144549

There's a time and place for it. If you're going into the positivity thread or other random posts and being a little shit out of nowhere of course you'll get banned for baiting.

No. 2144606

why is japan so fucking weird about loli/shota? literally looking at the twitter archive of a female yaoi artist and she drew a couple pics of almost-naked little girls. why are japanese ppl like this

No. 2144607

most japanese artists are neets who havent touched grass in years so they dont realize how weird it is since they are disconnected from reality

No. 2144616

I feel like it can be both. When you're young it's easier to be more intrigued by simple things because you're still learning and discovering what you like or maybe oblivious if there's anything underlying on what you've consumed. There's also if you watch a lot of short form content and get too concerned with the outwards perceive of things that you try to like it can ruin the experience. I've noticed when I used to watch TikToks I would unknowingly categorize things into cringe or not which didn't help me at all.

No. 2144628

Because Japan only banned CSEM in 2014.

No. 2144633

dog hate, cat hate, femdom, 2d husbando containment thread, finnish thread, and a few others

No. 2144635

What is CSEM nona? I googled it but still dont understand sorry

No. 2144636


No. 2144640


No. 2144641

All country/region threads, unpopular opinions (bait central), tinfoil, that one thread where you aren't allowed to respond to posts, cat hate, all generations-related threads, artist salt (am no artist), news stories that fuck with you (too depressing)

No. 2144643

I don't like femdom as a fetish and I'm not gonna scroll this site in a public place and have my eyes insulted by cock and ball torture pics someone forgot to put under a spoiler

No. 2144644

Its so bizarre how the author of made in abyss can straight up admit he likes kids and write his retarded fantasies about little boys with puffy nipples and nobody has anything against it. I mean, Trevor Brown lives in japan too but he wont even dare to show his face and his career opportunities are kinda fucked but MIA author is doing just great? How does it work.

No. 2144645

>2d husbando containment thread
And not the unconventional male attractions thread…?

No. 2144647

I'm allergic to weebfaggotry I have most of the weeb threads hidden too

No. 2144654

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jesus christ. it just feels so sinister. i know people accuse miyazaki of being a pedo too but i feel like he's someone who goes about putting kids in his work in a completely heartfelt way, unlike whatever the fuck this is.

No. 2144659

As if Spirited Away isn't some darksided bohemian grove MK Ultra torture of a small prepubescent girl. Her parents got turned into pigs and then she was forced to work in a bathhouse until a mysterious feminine twink tells her to ride on his white dragon. This is some anti-chinese junkie child prostitute propaganda. Miyazaki is just a gross you just still watch his movies as if you had never learned of the fact that he's a pedophile
>Can't even google that blogpost that had a scan of one of his director buddies admitting to Miyazaki getting wasted and crying about being a pedo
Disney Totoro fascism

No. 2144660

And no persecution. Moids are just allowed everything I guess.

No. 2144687

Idk how their fixation on youth started, but Japan used to be 20x worse just a few years ago. I'd say around the 90s-2000s and early 2010s was when child gravure was at its peak. You'd be able to buy DVDs and photo books of little girls in adult stores, and in more rare cases you could buy just plain cp. One particular company featuring European girls got pretty popular among the otaku pedo crowd, and eventually spread onto English speaking forums like 4chan. A lot of those girls are still popular to this day despite being adults by now. I think that sorta thing probably left an impact to where maybe some people there just don't see loli/shota as particularly bad

No. 2144693

Bare minimum standards lmao. That aside it really doesn't mean or change anything if it's called official or not so just have fun with it until you're bored of him and toss him aside, and find someone else.

No. 2144696

Go to /meta/ then click catalog, you'll find a co-fi donation button at the bottom of the screen.

No. 2144702

Too many to mention. But any thread about any topic idc about at all, or threads with constant infighting and baiting unpopular opinions and the race specific threads on /g/, sinful but /snow/ threads on cows I don't know, not milky enough imo, or have 100-200+ threads and are too overwhelming to get into. I never visited /w/ so I didn't hide anything on it since I wasn't around the weeb scene growing up and idk any of the cows, for /pt/ I know a little select few but they also have 100-200+ threads and idk how to go through all of that, I wish there was some private lc youtube channel with cow summaries and the unlisted videos links would be posted in some mega cow thread so I can watch the video and get to know. I'm dying of curiosity about some of them but I don't even know where to start kek. I prefer the "x topic cows general" threads, they're way fewer and easier to read up and usually I actually know some of the cows or get invested in the ones I don't know.

No. 2144706

Nta but how is spirited away anti-chinese?

No. 2144707

you sound like a qanon believer. got any actual proof?

No. 2144708

kek, what?

No. 2144714

If you don't understand how Chihiro is an allegory for the Chinese Nationalist Party idk what to say to you

No. 2144731

The chinese nationalist party as in the one in Taiwan? So it's about how they invaded Taiwan and forced themselves as a government or something?

No. 2144734

I'm not gonna spoon-feed you but think about it… the railways… China has a railway… It's all connected, don't be blind

No. 2144754

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well, you're right about one part

No. 2144766

can we get a translation that isn't "very rough"?

No. 2144786

>If you don't understand how Chihiro is an allegory for the Chinese Nationalist Party idk what to say to you
what the fuck are you talking about?

No. 2144788

kek this is premium shitposting

No. 2144789

Why does every male creative I admire turn out to be a fucking pedo. It isn't even funny anymore.

No. 2144799

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>Miyazaki is not a pervert
Not sure, but some stuff like this was just strangely detailed and didn't quite seem "funny" or plot-relevant

No. 2144804

It sounds extreme, but it's honestly better to not get invested in any male created media anymore. Every fucking time, without fail, if you investigate for the creator being a degenerate, you'll eventually find something.

No. 2144817

Speaking of male creators, why do people have a seething hatred for Butch Hartman? Other than he's Christian and does art tracing and sells it. I've heard some say he butchers his own shows and they're better without him, but that's a bit subjective and doesn't warrant all the hate I see of him. Anyone knows extra details I don't know about?

No. 2144829

Hes a christian who believes autism can be cured, scammed his fans, scammed a guy who was working for him and stole his idea, and also hinted at tara strong being the reason why the original VA for timmy commited suicide.

No. 2144830

It's accurate. You can probably dump it in chatgpt if you doubt it. You'll get the same translation.

No. 2144833

what's the question dumbass

No. 2144836

I see. It doesn't sound as bad as people in the industry who did far worse, especially sexual crimes, so it's weird to me how people always criticize him 24/7 but I don't see the same hatred for the far worse creators. Not defending him, just saying it seems like people picked him because he's an easy target or something.

No. 2144841

>but I don't see the same hatred for the far worse creators
because those guys are blacklisted and dont have a social media presence. John K does get criticized a lot. Butch is a fag and it wouldnt surprise me if he doesnt see women as people considering how hes a hardcore christian.

No. 2144871

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what is considered a 'long walk' (in minutes)? when people who quit running and swear taking long walks is the way to go, how long are we walking?

No. 2144875

I assume as long as it takes to walk 10k steps

No. 2144878

I can walk miles in nature but walking around a busy highstreet gets my heart racing lol

No. 2144881

cute monkey

No. 2144888

1 hour minimum, walk for more if you can. Either in one go or split throughout the day.

No. 2144897

30 minutes is enough. The goal should be 7'000 steps, so as long as it takes to do those.
>While taking 10,000 steps is a healthy goal, the researchers determined that walking just 7,000 steps per day may be enough and can reduce the risk of premature death by 50% to 70% in people age 38 to 50. And walking more than 10,000 steps per day does not further reduce that risk.


No. 2144899

Personally I think if you're giving directions it's
0-15 min is a short walk
15-40 min is a "normal" walk
40-60 min is a long walk
60+ min is a hike
Like if someone said "it's a short walk" I'd be annoyed if it's half an hour away.
But if someone is walking for exercise I'd extend the time by at least 10-20 min each.

My friend was bragging about taking a really long walk for exercise and when I said well done and asked how long it was she replied that it was 20 min and I thought she was joking because that's nothing! That's literally my shortest lazy day walk (and I'm not even a big walker). But then again every person is on a different level… still, if you consider 20 min of walking to be a big effort you must be really badly out of shape.

No. 2144975

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No. 2145045

Is it possible for a tampon to break your hymen? How likely is it to happen?

No. 2145071

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What insect is it and is it male or female

No. 2145103

broad winged katydid

No. 2145333

Yes. It's pretty common because most girls will use a tampon for years before losing their virginity, so there's a lot more opportunity. I did it to myself on accident because the first time I ever used a tampon, I inserted an extra large tampon when I was completely dry and getting it out caused me to tear.

No. 2145342

>if you consider 20 min of walking to be a big effort you must be really badly out of shape.
Maybe she's Swiss and lives in the Alps and every walk is up-hill for her. What about then?

No. 2145351

So nonnies, I picked up my home grown potatoes today, then I washed them and left them in a bowl on the counter. I didn't dry them because it was hot and I thought they would dry by themselves. Tonight I looked at them and one had white mold on it. I threw it out but do I have to discard the entire batch? I know mold can be invisible so it can contaminate the others.

No. 2145408

Do people stop hanging out after graduating college? Every time I text someone they don’t want to hang out or they are too tired from work. Is that it? Everybody hangs out on Fridays only now?

No. 2145426

Sometimes people actually get really busy with their post-college jobs. At least they still want to hang out on weekends.
(Try being an oldfag and attempting to wrangle people in their 30s. I usually end up going out with younger friends because they still want to do things on weekends. With friends my age, the best I've got these days is an active group chat punctuated by like one meetup per month)

No. 2145441

What of you didn’t party in college is it like over social life wise now

No. 2145461

There might be an adjustment period of some sort? Graduating is a big change, and your social life will change. It's not over, but it will be different. I assume you recently graduated. You'll probably maintain connections with a few from school, but you'll also meet a ton of new people who can become new friends.

No. 2145541

How bad is it to pluck out your nose hairs? is there anything that feels similar as someone with trich?
Join a book club or knitting circle

No. 2145559

Why is it a bad thing for someone to have ugly ex girlfriends? I feel like the only anon who doesn't get it. If someone only dates beautiful women then that means they'll never date me kek

No. 2145588

Allegedly plucking your nose hairs could cause an infection in your nose that will spread to your brain.

No. 2145610

And this only happened because they were going to host the 2020 olympics. Absolutely pathetic country.

No. 2145670

Based Entomology nonna

No. 2145682

Is YouTube premium worth it? I’m canceling all of my subscriptions because I’m leaving the country but still want shit to watch. The only one I haven’t cancelled is Spotify but is it better than Spotify?

No. 2145689


No. 2145696

Your college friends are just that, your college friends. They were good for those 4 years, but now you're evolving beyond them and that's okay. You have to meet new friends that don't have all the hang ups the college friends do. My college friends and I still chit chat and catch up once or twice a year, but honestly I'd much rather hang out with people I met post-college. It's easier to find people on your wavelength once you get out of college.

No. 2145756

>I'd much rather hang out with people I met post-college. It's easier to find people on your wavelength once you get out of college.
Nta, but how did you find new friends? And how old are you if you're comfortable telling your age

No. 2145811

I graduated college 5 years ago now. To make friends, you have to go out and do stuff. For example, right now I'm part of a yoga class, a pottery class, and sometimes I do pilates too at my gym. Usually, when you're around the same people for a few times a week, it's a lot easier to make friends with them (and if you meet them at a club or activity, it gives you a shared interest too). As long as you choose a place, and keep going there regularly, you'll make a friend there sooner or later. Even just going to the same coffee shop, or library, or diner every week at the same times, you'll find it easier to connect with people.

Another thing is, like, it's okay to just be acquaintances with someone. You don't have to make friends with everyone or be super close to everyone, you can still go out and have a good time with people you don't know well. I think sometimes people can be too closed-off or closed-minded, and it's much more difficult to make friends when someone is in this mindset.

No. 2145840

No, it's not worth it. If you're going out of the country, buy nord vpn so that you can pirate and continue to have access to all your shows.

No. 2145950

What’s the word for when a drug addict just did drugs and you can tell that they’re visibly incoherent

No. 2145972

Nodding off

No. 2145977

thats what i thought, thank you nonners

No. 2145978


No. 2146580

Gross question incoming. Do bidets even actually make your ass cleaner than wet wipes and toilet paper? If you think about it, you're not actually using soap for either so there still has to be remnants of bacteria for both. Have scientists swabbed people's ass for both methods and compared the amount of bacteria for each?

No. 2146593

i don’t think so

No. 2146595

The water is spraying from back to front so in all honesty, there has to be fecal bacteria there. I have seen accounts that women who use bidets get frequent utis from that.

No. 2146730

How to deal with toxic family, especially my brother, and my own anxiety? My brother is a prick and likes to pretend to be some sort of savior and act like I'm some awful abuser for leaving my dog in my room for two hours or less while I go to the laundrymat with my mom. He does whine sometimes but I'm pretty sure it's cause my brother is doing something to instigate because my dog always quiets down after about a couple minutes. I've left him there for longer. It just pisses me off cause he left his dog outside of his room where the dog was crying the whole night and then he has the balls to talk about me. All of his past pets died of negligence and he thinks he needs to save my dog? He does have some mental issues but why I have to deal with his shit.
I don't like to keep the dog outside of my locked room cause I don't trust them due to their own past actions that lead to a pet death.so I leave him in my room and lock it so they can't get in but the thing is I'm starting to get anxious that they'll just use a knife to open the door cause that's what I do and then they'll completely disrespect my privacy and then they'll end up getting my pets killed too. My mom said that my brother wouldn't do that but I'm still very anxious that it's hard for me to go out without being extremely nervous the entire time.
I have cats in my room too btw and he always has water and food and I always take him out before I leave. Idk I need advice for emotional dealing because I always just blow up in anger. Sorry if this is incoherent, I just got really stressed from him throughout the day and blew up, so I'm asking here for advice because my friends are MIA thanks.

No. 2146740

I'm pretty sure that the point of the bidet is that you actually wash your butt with soap and water so you can clean yourself quickly instead of going right into the shower, which would take longer.

No. 2146751

Has their ever been an angsty piece of gay or lesbian media where two young lovers are in love and one's gay and one's bi, but the bi one is comfortable with his/herself but the gay one isn't so they break up. Then later on the bisexual one just so happens to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex, so then the gay one is extremely envious of the other in a "see I told you so" way too.

No. 2146755

There's this one film called Lola Runs. It's not a romance and it doesn't feature gay characters and it's not about envy or falling in love, but it's a really great action film with a catchy score and a lot of fantastic cinematography and I think you'd enjoy it but you would just have to pretend there was lesbians and such.

No. 2146765

Run Lola Run? Ok I'll watch it right now, thanks.

No. 2146769

Yes and plz tell me your interpretations and thoughts in the movie thread on /m/ God bless

No. 2146770

But also watch in original German dub with Eng subtitles I think the Eng dub is fucked up

No. 2146776

So when does the soap come into play? I've never seen anyone mention using soap with their bidet

No. 2146778

They dont. People just assume the water takes care of everything, not that they're blasting a little poop particle water on their taint

No. 2146779

Are you trying to torture yourself?

No. 2146784


No. 2146788

I mean, I wash my ass after shitting and you just have to keep liquid soap nearby and a small towel to dry yourself, and that's it.

No. 2147035

IMO it was an illusion. I suppose they had power in the same way someone like Ariana Grande during the Nickelodeon days had power over the set and could fuck lesser co-star's career moves if they wanted.

No. 2147101

Nonnas how do you do it. How long do you expose yourself to social interaction before you know how to express yourself and just don't care about possible perception of you. I can't do this with random people online or IRL anymore but I've been trying at uni and it's just bad, keep withdrawing fully

No. 2147137

I was like that too. Start by building a thicker skin slowly but surely. You only have one life. Maybe start by talking about yourself online anonymously with good opsec?

No. 2147185

why’s everyone using the word demure

No. 2147205

When you pull back your clitoral hood is it not supposed to smell at all? I always pull it back and clean well in the shower, but even just an hour later it'll start to smell… strong? Especially if I've gotten wet. It isn't foul or anything, but it is strong. Sorry if this is a retarded question.

No. 2147206

Uhm, I've never gotten any smell from my clitoral hood ever. Could it not be just regular vagina smell?

No. 2147208

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literally i want to know too. i got this email today and i still have no idea wtf any of this means.

No. 2147212

I have to clarify, there's only a smell if I pull it back outside of the shower. Maybe that's normal? It's the same with my vulva, it doesn't smell until I spread it. I'm paranoid because I've heard of women having their partners spreading their pussy and pulling their hood back and what if I smell weird?

No. 2147214

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Because picrel on tiktok did a video saying she was demure.

No. 2147215

its a troon

No. 2147217

I have no idea tbh.

No. 2147221

Who was the girl in one of the site banners with the freaky bowl cut who used to skin walk Natalie Portman's character from Leon the Professional? Wasn't her name Summersby or something? Can anyone link her threads? I have not been able to find them on the site search function nor on Google.

No. 2147224

Is this gorlok the destroyer

No. 2147229

what the hell is that?

No. 2147231

this shrek impersonator is trying to tell actual women how to be respectable KEK? im gonna commit a hatecrime

No. 2147232


No. 2147235

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Brazilians, why are you so obsessed with this damn bird more than any other country I’ve seen?

No. 2147236

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I’m debating on whether or not I should spend my precious free time reading AMT’s new book. I think the title is kind of cringeworthy and tumblrina-esque, and her tattoos make me not take her very seriously, but have any of you read any of it?

No. 2147242

I tried to start a convo about it in the book and author thread in snow, but couldn't find anyone else who has read it. I've read a few recovery memoirs by addicts, and it's similarly inspiring and moving in many places – though in her case the addiction isn't drugs, it's self harm. And some of her accounts of the men she's dated were interesting to read and relatable.

However, I started to get increasingly bored as the story moved along, and the last chapter really angered me. She finally gets her official diagnosis from the team that treated her, and she spends pages and pages "refuting" it, because apparently not the diagnosis she wanted. I'd love to make fun of that part with someone!

No. 2147250

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People who were catfished on the MTV show… How? It seems so obvious to me on almost every episode that they are not talking to who they think they are. Are they genuinely deluding themselves into thinking they're talking to a real person or is it all for clout?

No. 2147253

Kek why is gorlock talking about being demure?

No. 2147256

What? I legit don't know what you are talking about by "being obsessed". I've seen some people owning them as pets, but I'd argue that parrots are more common (also cheaper)

No. 2147259

If parents loudly argue and fight with each other every single day around their young kids, is it reasonable to assume that behaviour could cause social anxiety and low self esteem in said kids?

No. 2147262

What I posted is a parrot (cockatiel) what I mean is that every single time I see someone posting a cockatiel on insta or some other social media it’s without fail a Brazilian. They’re very cute birds though

No. 2147263

Absolutely. Any sort of unstable environment can. If a child doesn't feel safe, especially around their family even if the parents aren't yelling directly at them, they're going to grow up to be fearful and anxious.

No. 2147266

I’m sick of this meme but that was obviously part of the joke. Some of you are too autistic for your own good.

No. 2147272

At this point I'm convinced that most nonnas use /ot/ when they're already pissed off and are looking for an excuse to start fights, that's the only way I can explain why everyone's so literal

No. 2147275

what the hell kind of name is dustin?

No. 2147277

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I meant local parrots like the video, not from the cockatoo family because those are not native, therefore very expensive - I guess it's a bit of a tomato tomahto situation lol
I don't know what you tell you, though. I don't think they are more popular than other pets or even most birds. My best guess is that a lot of brazilians like birds because our country is very birdly diverse? lol
For example, I see all of these (among others) on my yard daily because I have fruit trees and I live in the biggest city in the country. They are very cute, but damn they are noisy.

No. 2147310

It's an anglicization of the Norse name "Torsten" which means "Thor's stone."

No. 2147350

Is it normal in a relationship to feel really irritated at your SO when you're together but when you're apart you genuinely and intensely miss them?

It's a daily cycle and it's making me feel crazy: When I'm at work, with friends, or at home (we do not live together) I can't wait until we meet up again. Then within minute of getting together, all I can see is a conglomeration of annoying habits. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Is this one of the things people mean when they say "love hurts?"

No. 2147399

I have 0 relationship experience so take this with a grain of salt, but this sounds unhealthy. You don't like your SO, you like the illusion of being in a relationship, then when you're put into the reality of it, you realize it's not as good as the idealized idea inside your head. Maybe it's either time to find someone else, or to be single and take a break.

No. 2147409

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How do I tell my normie friend I don’t want to play video games with her moid friends

No. 2147413

No, that's classic signs of codependency. You want him because your dopamine centers are addicted to him, but the reality of him annoys you.

No. 2147425

Thanks, that's helpful. Sometimes I think I have relationship retardation or something, I'm absolutely terrible at sorting out and recognizing what's going on with my own goddamn feelings. As a result, I either immediately ghost over something stupid or stay in a relationship way, way, way too long.

No. 2147430

it depends on what type of normie she is, but you can just say you have trauma and men make you anxious or something and hopefully she doesn't question you. But statistically as a woman you probably have been traumatised by a man so its not a lie to begin with kek

No. 2147432

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Long story short I had a falling out with a friend who turned out to be a crazy bitch who sicced online stalkers on me to track my every moment so she can obsess about it for the next 5 years (yes I should have known I did witness it happen before). I don't want to delete my twitter account and make a new one as I'm 99% sure this will provoke her (been laying low for a few months) into trying to track me down, and if I follow the same people it's easy to find me again. My question is: if you wipe your account (without deleting it), softblock someone and then change your username, is it possible for them to find you again?

No. 2147435

Please spoiler this image.
But to answer your question - yes.

No. 2147441

Fuck, how exactly? Is it not enough to get them to lose your username?

No. 2147443

How the FUCK do I stop FB from recommending me Furries as a friend. It won't stop. I only have 6 friends, and my whole friend recommendation block are faggot furries, like the whole bulge and like dog mask or whatever. It's so fucking annoying, I'm about to nuke this account. I remove them, but MORE keep coming back.

No. 2147448

Most social media platforms still display you on recommended lists even if you block/get blocked.

No. 2147453

But if I change my username/display name meanwhile there's no way she'd know it was me… Is there?

No. 2147457

If she’s stalked you for years it’s likely she’d tell from your typing style kek sorry

No. 2147458

You'd have to use a new email and device. And probably move too. Changing your username isn't enough anymore, social media platforms will recommend your account to people who live in your area too

No. 2147459

Its too late. Facebook is recommending you their friends because they think you'd also be interested in furry shit

No. 2147469

Fuck nonnies, I just want to get a stalker off my back why is it so hard… Guess I'm doomed to having no social media ever for the foreseeable future. I'm trying to starve the beast and hope she loses interest in me eventually, anybody with any experience chasing away unhealthily obsessed people like this?

No. 2147475

Just quit social media. It’s better in the long-run.

No. 2147476

Just use a new email and turn geo location shit off/use social media from vpns

No. 2147516

Am i a scrote according to lc if i find farting and shitting funny

No. 2147625

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Does unpinning a message in Discord send a notification like pinning a message does?

No. 2147626

No. 2147662

How do you curb sugar cravings? I really want something sweet rn but I’m supposed to be saving money

No. 2147663

Drink a diet soda and pretend it's full sugar.

No. 2147672

Taste wise, use artificial sweeteners. Eat sweet fruits, with time I got used to having them when I want something sweet instead of sugary snacks. Idk what does a sugar craving mean but usually craving certain foods means you need specific nutrients so eat food rich in said nutrients to get rid of the cravings.

No. 2147691

Throw out any food food that's tempting cause it's a lot harder to get off your ass and go to a store. buy your favorite fruit and keep it easily accessible for snacking. if you're into chocolate try dark and look at the grams of sugar content. in general if you're a burger look at the grams of sugar on everything it's truly wild just how much there is. one of my favorite vitamin drinks even had way too much added sugar. for cost effective maybe find a cafe and take various sugars like monkfruit to try yourself. my main vice with sugar is coffee and chocolate so I'd recommend a light roast that needs far less sugar.

No. 2147732

No, it is funny. We just have immature humour. Can't help it. If you were a scrote, you'd have a fetish for that shit instead.

No. 2147738

What nutrients am I missing if I’m craving cakes and donuts and the like?

No. 2147740


No. 2147841

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how tall is Elon? I would've thought Jordan was taller than him because something about him looks lanky tall to me, but this pic is proving me wrong. Elon always gave short guy energy to me

No. 2147918

Anons who’ve given birth is it screaming in pain bad like you see on TV or is it something that hurts so bad you can’t actually process the pain?

No. 2147922

there is a list of over 65 things that can go wrong during a birthgiving

No. 2147925

So bidet users have been shitting on wipe users and this whole time they have shitty butts too. I knew it. Bidets are just faster and less wasteful at cleaning, not actually cleaner.

No. 2147938

Very true, I think this might fit better in unpopular opinions but I think epidurals can make the birth process way harder

No. 2148052

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These are essentially all the container types where i live. Specialty milk goes in cartons like plant milk or lactose free. Normal milk is at the bottom, and glass containers (top left area) are local farms that give you $2-3 dollars back for returning the bottle to be reused. Califia milk has their own specific hourglass bottle.

No. 2148063

I asked my mom once (natural birth, no epidural) and she said it wasn't so much the pain, but the strain of pushing that made her scream.

No. 2148083

it feels like taking a huge shit but just adjacent to your poophole. also feels like passing a massive period blood clot. epidurals are the reason most women tear because instructed pushing is unnatural. it's kind of like someone telling you to push when you're constipated instead of just letting the shit come out

No. 2148498

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How the fuck am I suddenly sick if no one else in my house is sick to pass their sickness onto me? I can't have caught it from outside because the last time I left my house was the 1st of July.

No. 2148504

What was the /m/assacre?

No. 2148505

Vitamin D deficiency.

No. 2148517

Makes sense. A couple of months ago my doctor gave me some capsules but I ran out

No. 2148556

It was when threads on /m/ disappeared suddenly due to some /meta/ mishap. Hence why some threads have "temporary" on their titles.

No. 2148601

Were the motivations for Trump's wannabe killer ever found out?

No. 2148609

I want to annoy the fuck out of someone with spam emails. What websites should I sign up?

No. 2148613

If my period started today, when will the next one start?

No. 2148649

Do you think it's easier to hate people if you liked them before?
I used to be a fan of venus as a tiny weeb and then she turned crazy and now I have a lot more contempt than if I had discovered her in this state to begin with I think

No. 2148656

September 20-23 maybe

No. 2148712

Yes because the things you liked about them before are increasingly soiled by your shifting perception of them. Everything you once liked is ruined, or it becomes something you hate. sometimes hate is led more by disappointment than malice and disappointment hurts more than malice

No. 2148779

Why do some many artists use young in their names? Like young lean and stuff.

No. 2148809

Looking for a video of a guntuber saying something like "weebs and furries like me and I dont understand. furries are disgusting. first of all, why are you the way that you are?" and just keeps trashing on furries

No. 2148812

My period was around 8 days late last time, right now im spotting super lightly 7-4 days early, is this my period?

No. 2148813

Probably not your case but that happened to me once and I had gonnorhea.

No. 2148861

Am I wrong for being weirded out by the fact that my 10 year old niece doesn’t have any basic hygiene? My mom and I need to hold her down to brush her teeth, and when she’s in the shower she just sits there, she doesn’t use soap or wash her hair with shampoo/conditioner. She doesn’t flush the toilet either and we can tell from that that she doesn’t use toilet paper. It’s so bizarre to me. My sister was never a dirty person but does she not teach her daughter these things? I’m hoping it’s just a phase.

No. 2148877

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from the consumerism thread, where would I buy a nice quality candle instead of bath and body works?
that's disgusting, I knew to wipe and flush as soon as I could shit by myself. is she autistic?
buy frozen fruit

No. 2148882

Maybe you can gently bring it up to your sister to ask if it's a phase and how she's trying to resolve it. That is really, really, really weird at best.

No. 2148888

There's an epidemic with kids starting first grade in the UK and Denmark and still being in diapers. I think children are perpetually coddled when it comes to basic tasks in lieu of excelling in education. Don't know if that's the case with your niece but it should start bothering her soon (I mean being unclean feels pretty uncomfortable for most people), so I hope she grows out of it. You can also try making it part of something "cool teenagers" do, if she's swayed by that type of logic. What has your sister said about it?

No. 2148899

Not to assume the absolute worse but you should ask her if everything is okay at home. I've heard of children who neglect personal hygiene because they think it will ward off abusers. Or the more likely thing, she could be depressed or something. Ten is old enough to be able to smell yourself and feel uncomfortable when you're dirty. It's a red flag behavior for sure

No. 2148982

How can I make i prevent people to "fake buy" things off my wishlist? I made a wishlist on xmas and people were using it fine. then I shared it to a friend and everything in my wishlist was gone. My sister was planning on getting multiple things but said everything was gone. The friend bought some stuff but not all and I don't know how they tricked amazon into marking everything as bought. Only those who I shared it before her got to buy things off my list which sucked. This friend is a pathological liar so I cant ask her why or tell her to stop. Is there any way I can prevent her from marking all my wishlist things as bought?

No. 2148987

make another (private) wishlist and don't invite her

No. 2149005

Why does my pee smell like chicken broth

No. 2149010

>the last time I left my house was the 1st of July
Jesus Christ

No. 2149012

What is 'gyno' in reference to men? Some scrote posted his body on moidchan and even though he's muscular he had loose/sagging pecs and the anons in the replies were calling it gyno

No. 2149013

Short for gynecomastia

No. 2149014


No. 2149124

How does humanity sings? Why do humans sing? Since when do we just sing? What's the physiology of singing?

No. 2149197

I wish I could answer all your questions, but the only thing I know is that it somehow has something to do with sexual selection and there are studies about that, kinda like birds.
For the mechanism itself, it involves more muscles and organs than speaking, so that could possibly be why it sounds different to speaking. Some of these organs are the soft palate (by lifting it), the larynx (by changing its position deliberately), the diaphragm, abs, back muscles and pelvis floor for breath support. Even the shape of the mouth affects the sound, and the tongue position. There's also the vagus nerve that is wrapped around the larynx and can affect it when someone is nervous by tightening it and ruining the sound, and vice versa. The nose can be useful for singing certain genres like country, and singers can just control where the sound comes out from, mouth mostly (like in opera and classical singing) or half mouth half nose for the nasal sound (i.e. twang, for country and sometimes rock). I hope this is helpful.

No. 2149233

Idk what thread to ask this on, but can anyone recommend me media for women (literally anything) that has attractive, sexualized men with women that are non sexualized or honestly not present at all?

No. 2149246

The Audubon society. Those fuckers have tracked me down between multiple homes without even having my forwarding address. They will spam physical mail and emails for life. They would probably save more birds simply by cutting down on the shit they send out monthly.

No. 2149277


No. 2149283

How are you asking this question on the site with several containment threads related to this exact topic?

No. 2149308

Because it's a stupid question and i couldn't find a thread that necessarily fit recommendations

No. 2149313

Its yaoi and joseimuke which usually have a faceless female insert. Not much else. Maybe CBDCT anime.

No. 2149322

Tough ask…Marvel movies kek anything else definitely has women being sexed up too

No. 2149325

Magic Mike?

No. 2149371

Damn i was a weeb hoping to broaden my horizons but i'm right back to where i started
Too hideous

No. 2149400

do you like anime

No. 2149451

How do people make friends so easily and quickly? Am i just too autistic and doomed? Everyone around me always forms friend groups and I'm always left out

No. 2149466

I don’t have autism but am ADHD so that may or may not affect my approach. Genuinely I enjoy learning about others and their lives. People like to talk about themselves, I am more than happy to listen. I also generally don’t take someone’s shyness or reserved personality as an indicator they don’t want to talk. I keep pushing and talking to people. If they truly hate it they will avoid you or tell you to shut up.

Taking the initiative to connect is generally appreciated, people are attracted to others who take that first step when they’re too scared to.

No. 2149621

how do i make russian speaking friends in the western world?

No. 2149625

Having close friends is difficult, specially a group of friends, just don't care too much about it, take care of yourself, join clubs, a gym or something that requires you to talk with people at some point and let them approach you.
I'm not pretty, I'm autistic and awkward, I'm even fat, but by being impertinent sometimes and a bit flashy, you can make some friends.

No. 2149644

In Burger, depending how old you are Russian women are always flocking to Facebook and making groups for Slavs of their state/city.

No. 2149683

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What happened on feb 14-22 2022? I’ve browsed LC on and off for several years but don’t remember anything of the sort.

No. 2149708

/m/ and /ot/ broke for a few weeks due to technical issues (/m/ in particular had all its threads disappear) so anons made bunker threads on /g/

No. 2149712

original /m/ was completely erased and they had to start over once they got the website runnning again. the website was breaking apart and either right after or during administration decided to not appear/hard to reach out to, the only board that was working was /ot/ and they created the bunker threads, then the website completely shut down for a few days and the bunker threads were “moved” to crystal.cafe. i think that’s when the admin just decided to abandon the website and they were asking for donations, nobody donated that much except for one anon who donated $1000 to their ebegging ko-fi. so basically we can thank anon for stopping the ultimate good ending by having this site completely shut down and everybody goes in crystal.cafe, kicking out all of the scrotes and starting anew but now we’re stuck here in their demiurgic gossiping chamber doing the same things over and over in an endless loop with no end in sight. i have a grand tinfoil about this website is that a) ran by a moid we don’t know about and they just have a random woman as a spearhead b) there’s multiple admins and the rest don’t want to be seen or heard letting the main one pretend to make all the decisions and “fix” things, some of them are the farmhands and the other farmhands are just a bunch of old irrelevant cows trying to spy on others and talk about fandom stuff all-day and the other group are just mods from other websites like reddit which explains their reddit-style bull like moderation so that means some trannies from /lgbt/ who can handle anti-tranny banter slipped into the mix somehow c) they get other spergs to fix their shit for them and pay them to do it or is getting financial help from certain people null to run this website because i know it’s extremely costly to run it for this long not with a measly $1000+ a few chump change donated from nonnas over a couple of months even though it’s not as popular as it used to be

No. 2149716

nonna you're getting the timelines mixed up kek
>then the website completely shut down for a few days and the bunker threads were “moved” to crystal.cafe.
this was during christmas of 2022 when shaymin tried making nucow, not february
>i think that’s when the admin just decided to abandon the website and they were asking for donations, nobody donated that much except for one anon who donated $1000 to their ebegging ko-fi.
this happened around 2020 under oldmin/burritomin

No. 2149717

Can I be honest, I'm glad we didn't have to move over to CC. When we had bunkers there I kept getting banned for stuff that doesn't get me banned over here. And no I wasn't doing anything bad kek. I think I even got banned for posting too much like damn do they want it to be dead silent over there? Idk I really appreciate the nona who donated all that money, I wonder if she is still on here.

No. 2149727

i don’t remember anything else since then, thank god lol. everything was happening all at once and i only used the site in few doses
i don’t appreciate her because why would you spend $1k on some crappy little website? mentally maladjusted weirdo, no offense but yes offense if that anon still lurks or posts. with crystal.cafe though it was probably some retarded tranny mod trying to deter people off from their new colonized internet haven, that’s why i wish this site was closed and crystal.cafe became the new thing so it could kick them all out and incentivize people to fix it up and add better mods

No. 2149733

Are you fucking retarded or just high on crack? I can tell your arms are lined with scars like some tiger with down syndrome. How DARE you call Lolcow dot Farm a "crappy little website." You're a crappy little shit-eating goblin from Hell, fuck you. "I don't appreciate her" my ass, fuck you, eat diarrhea shit turds. This "crappy little website" is actually the last bastion for many of us on this shithole world wide web. Have some respect for our home. Do I walk into your home and pull down my pants and shit all over your home? Do I smoke meth in your home? Do I try to start random arguments in your home? No I don't. Because, unlike you, I have something called "class" and they can't teach you that. Why the fuck are you even here if you think it's crap? Maybe because your soul is crap? Calling any dedicated and beloved and wealthy nona that donated money to save our home a "mentally maladjusted weirdo" makes you sound like a pompous piece of shit bridge-troll that hates freedom and hates love. Do you hate love? Do you hate love because nobody has ever loved you? Probably. Seriously DON'T try to talk crap about Lolcor unless you wanna fight, because whenever you insult my home those are fighting words to me. So let's just get that clear. I really hope you learned something here. Grow up.

No. 2149758

>everybody goes in crystal.cafe, kicking out all of the scrotes and starting anew
Anon, this is retarded. CC is full of scrotes. All the scrotes that know about Lolcow know about crystal cafe. Trannies talk about going there to larp as women and girls all the time. In fact, you saying we "should all have moved to CC" is kind of suspicious with that in mind.
The staff on CC are even less responsive, not to mention posters get banned and have their posts deleted for the most random shit with no explanation whatsoever.

No. 2149762

>The staff on CC are even less responsive,
CC has staff?

No. 2149763

Why do people get pitbulls as pets still? Especially normies with family and children? What in your lifestyle requires you to have this infamously known aggressive dog? Like there are hundreds of dog breeds for you to choose from, big and small, non aggressive breeds that were not specifically bred for dog fights. Is it just to prove a point?

No. 2149765

Okay I'm not crazy, they really do ban for no reason over there. I said upthread I think I remember I got banned for posting too much, shit was insane. Had lots of my posts deleted from it too. Felt weird as fuck over there during the bunkers, I really enjoy lolcow and am glad it's still here. Sure there's some problems but I like most the anons over here and actually have fun majority of the time

No. 2149766

I've noticed a lot of latent homosexuals that repress their orientation choose pit bulls to reaffirm their heterosexual masculinity. I'd reckon maybe 30 to 45 percent of pit bull owners have some kind of gay hookup app on their phone. Scrotes are very unintelligent animals.

No. 2149773

I've noticed that, and then the women that own them are always the "I'm may be smol and tiny but I'm FEISTY bitch if you try me I will beat your ass!" like girl chill if your pitty tugged on the leash it would be game over for you. But that also relates to the masculinity "toughness" thing about owning them

No. 2149781

I love this website too

CC was never gonna work out, I don't get why it exists in the first place. The only offshoots that seem semi-successful are fujochan and the kpop one (I don't remember the name).

No. 2149782

How do heavy sleepers wake up? I sleep through all my alarms and I need solutions.

No. 2149808

Maybe you need to go to sleep earlier? Like your body isn't getting enough sleep so it won't allow you to wake up

No. 2149809

you can try a sunrise alarm clock, might help

No. 2149810

>Trannies talk about going there to larp as women and girls all the time
What makes you think so. Sounds like an excuse to scrotefoil and morality policing. It happens a bit too often these days.

No. 2149819


No. 2149825

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What does it mean when you're straight but have a "gayface"?

No. 2149826

The problem is no matter what time I go to bed, I can't wake up until I've had at least 10 hours of sleep. It's like my body just won't work if it's less than 10. Sometimes if I'm not careful I can sleep for 13-15 hours a night.
I've tried one of these but I just put my head under the covers and keep sleeping.

No. 2149948

I want to create an Instagram profile for my art and I plan on posting regular stuff and also political caricatures/illustrations about the local political scene (I'm in Eastern Europe). Should I create a separate account for the latter?

No. 2149959

It means you look like a stereotypical gay person, I guess. You can’t really look at someone and know they’re gay or straight. people claim this is a thing but they’re just stereotyping. Haven’t you ever watched But I’m A Cheerleader?

No. 2149961

Ok. So if you need ten hours of sleep but you have to get up at 7am or whenever, then you need to go to sleep no later than 9pm.

No. 2149988

What's the best way to fix your sleep schedule? I need to get up early in a few days for an event so might as well make it a habit.

No. 2150001

stay up all night and go to bed early the following night. i used to have to do this periodically for a job schedule and it worked every time.

No. 2150005

what does pinkpill mean

No. 2150012

have something you need to take care of on a time schedule that forces you to wake up regardless of how tired you are

No. 2150100

How is the first therapy appointment supposed to go? I've never been and I'm feeling nervous because I don't know what to expect or to do. Does anyone have some wisdom about it??

No. 2150111

The first appointment will usually be an intake, where you are asked to tell the therapist about your problems and give them an overview of your life story, any traumatic events, your current situation, etc. Don't worry too much about it, if the therapist needs more information they will ask you to elaborate and there's no pressure to tell everything right away. If they're good they will guide you through it and there's no need to prepare anything in particular.

No. 2150215

What is baby mama culture? is it like surrogacy?

No. 2150228

From my understanding it’s used by scrotes to describe the mother of their child who they may not be married to or in a committed relationship with. It’s often used in reference to younger women who got pregnant outside of a committed relationship. It can be used as a term of endearment but also an pejorative (insult).

No. 2150233

Sorry cut myself off there. It hasn’t got anything to do with surrogacy as far as I know but it could be a good place holder for people who don’t want to admit to their human trafficking and instead wish to use a cutesy term for their child’s incubator.
Baby mama culture as such is probably the culture of single mums with absent or mostly absent partners (absent in the sense he’s too immature to take the role seriously). As for specifics someone whose part of the culture or witnessed the development of the culture might have better insight.

No. 2150234

Ooh OK thank you nonna.

No. 2150264

This is a retarded question but I was on an anime site because I'm a weeb and I checked out the "chinese anime" tab, it's like 80% 3D-looking models, all in what looks to be traditional chinese settings. But the characters do not look chinese at all?

I always thought the "hurrdurr why are anime people all white if they're from japan??" to be stupid because they're such simplified drawings to begin with but these characters are so detailed and unless I knew it was from china I would never have guessed it in a million years. If an American made those characters and called them chinese they'd be called white-washing racists. Are the "beauty ideals" over there truly that bad and messed up??? I'm genuinely confused over it

No. 2150273

Asian people don’t have blue eyes or blonde hair and wide eyes.

No. 2150327

Am I blind or is the Help Me Decide thread gone??

No. 2150334

No. 2150344

Neither can they perform magic. So what?

No. 2150346

Super late reply but that's not brown. It's greenish and the strands look weak. It's like a very deep and discolored blonde. A real brunette wouldn't have hair like that

No. 2150390

Most efficient way is recovering from jetlag imo but it's not easily feasible unfortunately.

No. 2150411

Thanks anon!

No. 2150832

If you're not supposed to act on your OCD compulsions but also shouldn't ignore them, what are you supposed to do?

No. 2150836

How do I get over extreme jealousy? There is a woman my boyfriend talks to a lot, and despite me asking him to not bring her up as much he continues to do so. I feel bad because I don't like to be against other women, and she has not done anything wrong. I just don't want to feel this way towards her anymore

No. 2150851

That he still brings her up is blatant disrespect. That you had to ask him to stop bringing her up at all tells a LOT he must be obnoxious about it like a boy with a crush. Men are so obvious. This is not a jealousy issue this is a your man sucks issue

No. 2150889

He brings her up on purpose, in case you didn't realize

No. 2150907

>You can’t really look at someone and know they’re gay or straight. people claim this is a thing but they’re just stereotyping.
I wish /g/tards understood this

No. 2151023

what kind of abuse is it when a partner pressures you to do drugs? physical, emotional, something else?
luckily i’m not in that situation anymore…

No. 2151027

isn't that coercion? wearing you down until you stop saying no.

No. 2151042

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thank you anon…

No. 2151045

Tell me if I was too hostile, I feel kind of bad now tbh
I was making flatbreads and my dad was like “is that good for you?” and I went “well I’m not fat.. so” and it kind of ended there. Idk was I being a bitch?

No. 2151056

nope. you gave him a clear, concise answer and shut him right up.

No. 2151061

you're very welcome nonna ♥ ♥

No. 2151108

What exactly is an open wound? Google tells me it's when internal tissue gets exposed and reaches deeper skin, does that mean a popped pimple or a cat scratch isn't an actual open wound?

No. 2151110

not at all nonny

No. 2151171

Is installing cfw on your 3DS really as easy as the memes make it seem?

No. 2151206

There aren't any choices if a person wants to adopt a dog rather than buy one. Shelters are all pitbulls.

No. 2151369

is it worse socially to be fat or bulimic? asking for a friend

No. 2151542

Can you find someone’s Twitter if you only know the phone number they used to sign up, and not their username?

No. 2151546

they'd have to enable you to find that in settings, if they've restricted their contacts from being able to find them probably not

No. 2151562

Yes, you just follow the guide to a T, which isn’t that long. The only annoying part is dowloading all the correct files

No. 2151566

being both fat and bulimic

No. 2151568

No. 2151805

Why do some mice keep entering rooms that don't even have food in them? What else could they possibly want?

No. 2151806

Maybe they didn’t understand yet that there is no food, or are looking for places to make a nest? I mean, you know there’s no food, but if you look at the room from the point of view of a mice, there’s a lot of space still to be explored that might have food in it.

No. 2151810

I thought they had a good sense of smell tho, so it should be easy for them to smell that there's more food in the kitchen than a bedroom

No. 2151860

Do most inter-"national"(as in one of the people is not a native to the country) couples usually have the man as a native to the country while the woman is usually a foreigner?

No. 2151879

I think it depends on the country. When it comes to poorer countries, it’s usually true (passport bros) but when it comes to first worlders, it can go either way

No. 2151902

right, passport bros might spend a while there before he eventually nags the woman enough that she moves with him, i was asking bc it seems like women are made to uproot their lives and move away from their families usually, regardless of class status, because sometimes i really don't get foreign women that stay in India for their scrotes.

No. 2151930

Why do anachans reply with “stay safe” on edtwt when it’s self contradictory

No. 2151937

Cognitive dissonance. They know what the anachan is doing is harmful but refuse to apply it on themselves

No. 2151941

Why do my allergies flare up the moment I wake up?

No. 2151956

There is a whole subculture of women obsessed over india. They want to marry a rape ape and move to this shithole. I dont understand it. What is the appeal? The aesthetic? They can just consoom all the tacky crystals and figurines, why move to a place like that, its literally hell for women.

No. 2151961

Maybe cause your immune system was asleep too kek.

No. 2151979

Happens to me too, for some reason allergies affect you differently at different hours of the day when your body is just weaker to defend itself. Mornings are bad for me too, i can't even take showers in the morning because i'd have allergy all day.

No. 2151980

i might think too good of these women, i wonder if they genuinely look to their religions for guidance(like that poor woman that went to India to try to cure her depression) and don't want to "disrespect" the scrotes culture of having the woman live with the male's family and move in with them and don't criticize anything bc scrotes might call it racist.

No. 2151989

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I saw several German why are they always German? girls on Youtube who are so obsessed with Bollywood movies that they moved to India kek. Real life isn't a Bollywood movie, just like real life isn't an anime or a kdrama. Why do so many people fall for the "media from x country is so awesome. I'm going to move there to live my dream life!" crap?

No. 2152003

>Why do so many people fall for the "media from x country is so awesome. I'm going to move there to live my dream life!" crap?
Low IQ if its a normie, but with anime its usually autism. Plus for a lot of women aesthetic means more than comfort. I would say its really a fucking problem, in a lot of aspects of women's lives.

No. 2152008

If anything, most people should watch the media of a country and assume it's usually the opposite of what happens in there, or that it's even worse than it seems.
Seriously that shit should be taught in school, it's right in front of our noses but people go into career paths where they're never taught how to analyze shit and then you have 30 somethings going to live to Japan or India it seems, thinking that it's sooo cool.
Like let's see some random examples:
>Korean cartoon about makeup
>It's literally about how you SHOULD use makeup "mindfully" and not about accepting yourself
>Japanese cartoon where girls are always getting upskirt shots and "lol so funny" perverts (add some incest to the mix too)
>normalizes voyeur porn and incest if the incest spice is added, women get their pictures taken all of the time
>Chinese story about woman being cool and independent
>women are hated to hell and back in China and they need stories (specially isekai-like) to cope with that reality because they really wish they weren't there
>Indian movie about a guy trying to woo a woman by doing ridiculous dances and singing
>just watch the news
And so much more, but everyone prefers assuming the best of a country when they already like the idea of not being where they live, and I get routines are annoying and no place is perfect, but media literacy should really be taught so everyone can just understand the world better without creating dumb realities that just don't exist.

No. 2152041

German women are extremely brainwashed. We are told that being anti male immigrants is equivalent to being a nazi because all our left wing parties are insane and the one right wing party has neonazis in it. The state of our political landscape is depressing, there is not a single party here that doesn't hate women.

No. 2152044

Am I supposed to say the L in gold? I always say it like goal or goat with a D at the end.

No. 2152048

>Boohoo being a white wealthy woman is so hard
Then make your own party, retard.(infight bait)

No. 2152064

Ah yes me having it better than many women around the world means I can't ever criticize anything or give anon answers why German women are naive when it comes to Indian moids. Of course my hypothetical party would be extremely successful since most women here are brainwashed libfems.

No. 2152070

Damn, I feel bad for you nonas. Nazis were terrible people, but having the sense to know that immigrant males are evil and bad for your country does not make you a nazi. Sucks that people think you have to either be a libtard who coddles male immigrants like innocent fawns or a full blown racist that goes after innocent women too. Where is the common sense party?

No. 2152098

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>bf wants me to be close with his family
>invites me to dinner at his mom's all the time
>all we do is sit in the living room and eat
>she barely asks me any questions
>barely makes conversation if I ask her questions
>sister is cool, I like her
>her scrote makes me nervous because I do not know him
>boyfriend makes no effort to really include me in conversations
>I'm already a very, very anxious person
>he thinks rambling and then going "oh, and [gf name] does it/likes it too" and then shutting the fuck up to let me speak is somehow doing anything other than making me incredibly anxious
>tells me I'm not trying hard enough when the anxiety makes mind go blank and forgets how to talk to people
>tells me it's weally weally weally important for me to be close with his family
>doesn't understand that telling me I'm not doing enough and that it is incredibly important to be close with his family is making it so much worse
>always wants me to go eat dinner at his mom's when I have a shitty work schedule
>as a result gets upset with me because I don't want to spend 3 hours of my day sitting and being scared as fuck and not knowing what to say when I have to get up at the asscrack of dawn the next morning for work
I literally don't know what to do that will make him happy. It's like even when I do go he's upset that I'm not talking enough for his tastes when his mom can barely hold a conversation herself that isn't about how much she hates work and the people she works with. I also try to match her energy and try to bitch about work with her too but that also gives the same result. I don't know what the fuck is so vitally important about loving his fucking mommy but it's infuriating. He's known me FOR YEARS he's always known I'm incredibly anxious and hard to talk to people and I am trying, I just don't know what he expects. My mom says to just try listening instead of talking but I do that too and it's not good enough.

What the fuck do I do??????? Nonas please help.

No. 2152101

File: 1724510751327.png (79.27 KB, 400x309, 1716461435269.png)

Is there an Android equivalent to hitomi.dl? Google was useless.
Much obliged!

No. 2152123

is there any site in particular you're looking to download from? booru, youtube?

No. 2152125

File: 1724511801352.jpeg (62.03 KB, 750x419, IMG_5203.jpeg)

how do i get this scrote on shitter to kill himself? he's a whiny lil shit that argues that "men are the real victims" and makes those annoying self-woobifying posts about being lonely, i wish i'd been stocking up on male gore more, shit.

No. 2152176

What kind of doormat are you? Just order him not to talk to her anymore, what the fuck.

No. 2152214

Maybe you could turn these dinners into movie evenings instead? That way you'd be spending time with his family but aren't the center of attention, plus you can discuss and share opinions about whatever you watched afterwards

No. 2152253

Mostly twitter, I think

No. 2152353

Does tumblr delete your blog for liking or reblogging transphobic stuff, too, or just for posting it yourself?

No. 2152360

File: 1724521905521.jpg (25.67 KB, 636x358, f0446e2a46a0daae33727254474dd8…)

Why do some yumejos get so defensive when you point out moidgaze in otome/josei?

No. 2152374

because the examples you give are made by coombrained moids

No. 2152379

One indie jpn company known for putting out trash puts out its usual trash among a sea of normal nice looking otoge and consequences are never the same…

No. 2152460

Can gray look good with dark green and cream? Talking about interior design. I can't imagine it would, but I also suck at color theory.

No. 2152497

Why am I attracted to men in theory but not in practice? I get crushes on actors (even non super good looking ones, as long as I like a role) so I know I'm not gay, but I actually haven't liked a man I talked to since what? Middle school? And even the few times I met a man irl who was attractive and I could get along with I didn't grow to like him or anything. It's like my attraction disappears the moment I start to know them??

No. 2152500

You're posting on lolcow so I'm assuming you're socially retarded and inexperienced and might have low self esteem, combined with the IB culture and probably internet addiction can make for stunted sexuality.

No. 2152514

As long as you match the cool/warm tones and provide some accents like orange or yellow. Try using AI for some ideas nona.

No. 2152522

Men in theory are always infinitely more appealing than irl scrotes. Just to check, have you heard of compulsory heterosexuality?

No. 2152538

>compulsory heterosexuality
This is literally a meme in the largely secular first world nation. Be real.

No. 2152543

Who's been the weirdest poster on lolcow? I remember that anon from a few months ago who would constantly post that child actress in pain

No. 2152553

Well yes!
>IB culture
What is that?
>low self esteem
I sure got that, however I don't know how much it hinders my ability to form connections? I see it in my other insecure friends who get super attached to people who treat them nicely and develop crushes and I don't really get that.
I actually like women as well but, again, no real crush on irl people (however I do feel like I've gotten closer to developing them with women, due to more attuned mindsets and greater empathy and finding common ground.)
Obviously something is kinda wrong with me, I really wonder if it can somewhat be fixed.

No. 2152557

Oh I remember that faggot pretty sure it was a pedomoid. There are many anons who I think can be listed like
>Romanian anon and her art(wonder what's she's doing now)
>pakichan posting a weird thirst post while discussing her cousin plus larping as poopchan
>the one anon who keeps pushing fran to be a meme
>when a autistic moid made a nona doll and was outed on cc and lc
> a perma banned icfag who was banned from ic itself which is something considering how fucking coomer they are and a farmhand catching her samefagging and outing it (she is also known to seeth at better artists in lolcow)
>tif furfag wishing death upon lolcor when outed for her vendetta
>nullpedotard being outed for a farmer
Can't remember the rest

No. 2152563

>that anon from a few months ago who would constantly post that child actress in pain
What the fuck? Can I get some spoonfeeding? I do not remember this.

No. 2152564

I have some frozen chicken thighs I wanna fry. Do you guys think I could bake them at like 300f to defrost and partially cook them, and then fry them? Or would they be gross?

No. 2152582

It was a moid who used to post children actors in pain (one was a very fetishy gif) as thread pics and tried to pass it off as "she's just acting!! It's not real!" But it was clear what it was

No. 2152585

Can I get a link or a cap? I literally have no memory of any threadpics with hurt children. This totally slipped under my radar and I'm disappointed because I would have been first in line to cop a scrotefoiling ban.

No. 2152586

They're probably deleted by mods now .I mean no one is going to save that weird shit

No. 2152587

Why does he look so grey in comparison to other content creators? Is it bad lighting, wrong foundation, wrong color scheme?

No. 2152589

I mean a link to a thread where this was discussed, or a link to a thread where the pedofag tried to defend himself.

No. 2152603

People don't save that shit. The ugly, weird cp/gore/bbc porn spammer that we had would also post screenshots of teenage boys half naked in the Hollywood csa thread, but im sure no anons saved that either. We aren't monsters and don't save anything that hints at CP. You can believe we are collectively making it up just because you can't stare at it but that doesn't make it any less true

No. 2152611

They also posted in the dumbass shit thread and a previous unpopular opinion thread from what I remember

No. 2152612

File: 1724530934872.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 989x2154, Screenshot_20240824-131955~3.p…)

No. 2152615

Are you new?(genuinely asking) You do know know mods delete any pedoshit? Or any pedo baiters. I dunno why you'd want to see the shit he posted

No. 2152621

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I genuinely am starting to hate zoomers and their lack of object permanence. You spend an entire childhood seeing and dodging horrors online and suddenly zoomers tell you things flat out dont exist just because they can't look at them. Dumb as shit. Nothing in the head.

No. 2152675

>compulsory heterosexuality
Kekkk next you're going to ask if she has heard of demisexuality

No. 2152719

Package leaflets say common side effects affect 1 in 10 to 1 in 100 people. Does this apply to illness, too? So if like 1 to 10% of the population has an illness, it's a common one, likewise one that affects 0.1 to 1% of population is an uncommon one and so on?

No. 2152813

Are there dermatologists and med spa workers who get in that line of work because they love getting nasty shit out of people's pores?

No. 2152878

Is cabbage known to have a bad smell? I never heard of this. I buy and cook cabbage a lot and my parents always act disgusted by it. I don’t even do anything crazy with it, I usually boil it and throw butter on top.

No. 2152911

Is manaknights' thread on /w/ glitched? Whenever I click on an image to enlarge it, it opens a new tab with the image instead. It's the only thread on the whole site that does this AFAIK, and I wondered if it's a me-problem or if other anons also experience it? For reference, here's the thread
If you click on an image, does it enlarge for you or does it open it in a new thread?

No. 2152913

Samefag just to say I tried it again and some of the pictures enlarge, but most of them open in new tab for me. I don't know why this is?

No. 2152985

have any of you ever bought one of those hoodoo/witch spells off etsy
im honestly curious what happens or if it helps people somehow

No. 2152988

maybe its better to ask this question on the sexuality related thread, but i am not sure. i am pretty confident in my attraction to women irl, never questioned it, but i’ve always had difficulty relating to any female characters, i also never really liked yuri that much. i liked very specific dynamics in yaoi and very a specific type of male character, though. i also very often yurify my favorite yaoi ships. or for example every time i like a male character i think to myself “he’s okay, but if he was a woman THEN i’d simp for him for sure”. is there a way to explain this? what is wrong with me lmao.

No. 2152999

Anyone that's actually paying real money for some random person to cast magic spells in the year AD 2024 is seriously retarded. Like I don't know what else to say. Buying magic spells on Etsy. In 2024. That shit blows my mind.
You like some comics and you don't like other comics. That's what it boils down to. Who cares about illustrations? Sexuality is a real life thing, not a comic book thing.

No. 2153048

i mean, you are correct! but i went for the first time in forever to read a fujoshi thread and remembered this whole “fiction vs reality” debate. thank you nonna

No. 2153051

>pakichan posting a weird thirst post while discussing her cousin plus larping as poopchan
plus that time she posted borderline CP (some weird pic of a child painting on his mom's breasts or something)

No. 2153053

Kek who the fuck is poopchan plz enlighten me

No. 2153055

> a perma banned icfag who was banned from ic itself which is something considering how fucking coomer they are and a farmhand catching her samefagging and outing it (she is also known to seeth at better artists in lolcow)
the trapfag from /m/?

No. 2153065

>when a autistic moid made a nona doll and was outed on cc and lc
This poster legitimately scarred me the most. For context, there was a weird larper in the doll thread here and on cc who would type in a baby voice(?), so some anons complained about the personalityfagging and my retarded ass briefly whiteknighted him because I thought it was some female autist being a little weird in niche hobby thread not hurting anyone. But then… it was just a creepy scrote trying to make “female friends.” Sorry nonnas.

No. 2153074

Omg I remember him!!! I was actually the one that saw his CC callout and posted it on here to alert farmers. I always figured it was a scrote, but when I saw the CC post I literally raced to post the proof about it here. He really did seem like a serial killer in the making.

No. 2153079

Thank you for your service, nonna. I’m sorry I defended him back then…

No. 2153082

i’ve never bought any of those bottles but back in 2018 i made one myself and then met my husband a few days later, so i recommend instead of buying one from someone else make it yourself

No. 2153084

Is anyone else getting that weird genre of TikTok content where its women complaining about how "ugly" they are during their luteal phase and only feel pretty when theyre ovulating? Its getting overwhelming, all the new ways for women to be neurotic.

No. 2153085

Kek it's okay nona, you didn't know any better. I just remember that day because I was at work and I took my break just to post the reveal here because I knew the replies were gonna be funny to read through.

No. 2153109

is protecting your internet data really that important? obviously don't be retarded and get your more sensitive information like credit cards or addresses leaked, i'm talking about emails, names, browsing history etc. maybe it's because i grew up on the internet so i couldn't possibly scrub my presence from it, but i don't understand the fearmongering. it seems like almost every single site you visit nowadays just pawns your data off regardless? what's the point in putting in so much effort just to avoid getting some relevant ads?

No. 2153116

It really is that important, yeah. This is sort of a retarded question. It's like asking if it's really that important to lock the door to your house when you leave for work. It's very very easy to find someone's address even if all you have is a phone-number or a full name. Besides your own, people can easily find your family and friends' information as well. With just an email and a phone number, you can find any social media profile that they ever made. If someone with a vendetta against you, or a crazed stalker, or a killer, or anyone that you don't want in your life, can piece together your whereabouts, your information, from stuff you post online: you need to re-evaluate what you're doing.
>maybe it's because i grew up on the internet so i couldn't possibly scrub my presence from it,
This is telling me that your parents were too lenient when it came to your online escapades as a child, and that you didn't learn appropriate internet safety.
>what's the point in putting in so much effort just to avoid getting some relevant ads?
It's not about advertisements. If you're above the age of 15 and you still don't have an adblock installed on your browser, you're behind. It's about personal sensitive information being leaked online and how people can take advantage of that. Maybe you're too young to remember, but the Ashley Madison data breach was a good example of why you shouldn't be using your personal email address, name, or any other personal identifiers online. If you're curious to see how many of your accounts have been compromised, check with https://haveibeenpwned.com/ and see how much of your personal data has been leaked and stolen.
>but i don't understand the fearmongering.
Read survivor stories about stalking victims, or victims of identity theft, and you're gonna start to realize why this is a dumb thing to say.

No. 2153249

You know how certain websites try to make you pay money to view the content or to sign up? Is there a Firefox extension that disables this, so that you can just read the articles or whatever without paying?

No. 2153254

Anons with insomnia, what over the counter stuff helped you?

I haven't been able to sleep since the beginning of the summer. I've tried valerian root-based products and melatonin but they seem to have stopped working (and melatonin wrecks my stomach in higher doses)

No. 2153258

Zzzquil. But you may want to be careful with it, it can be habit-forming. I’ve gotten the best results from a prescription for Trazodone.

No. 2153260

How do I get over my fear of stairs? Really high stairs mainly, not short ones. I used to fall down them a lot as a child and I get sort of dizzy when I'm at the top, so going up is okay but coming down is a problem.

No. 2153261

Exposure therapy. Fall down a few sets of stairs, but as you fall just repeat to yourself "I am the master of my own destiny." Ideally you'll be cured, even if you end up breaking a bone or something.

No. 2153299

Does men's hair get "curlier" when growing it out, or do alot of trannies just happen to have curly hair?

No. 2153300

If someone has wavy hair and it's cut short, you wouldn't notice. Once it gets longer though, it would take on that typical wave pattern. I think a lot of troons have "curly" hair because they don't wash it frequently or they get a perm because curly hair covers up thin hair. Most troons I see suffer from baldness so either they use a lot of hair product or wear a wig.

No. 2153321


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2153324

The irony is when they have their dysphoria tantrums and say curly hair is what makes them "masculine" as if the thin, greasy straight hair doesn't just expose their fucked hairline and bring more attention to their masculine features, kek

No. 2153591

I never understood why we test rats for human diseases?

No. 2153593

They're like little humans except they are rats. It makes more sense when you think about it.

No. 2153594

Rats and humans share a lot of similar DNA or something like that.

No. 2153601

File: 1724590869429.jpg (35.1 KB, 800x533, rat hands.jpg)

Yes they even have little tiny hands that look like human hands but more rat-like.

No. 2153602

There was even a movie about a rat becoming a great chef in Paris, it made me cry it was a beautiful touching story.

No. 2153604

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I didn't like the spinoff about his mouse cousin though he was a nepo baby bastard

No. 2153607

Stuart Little isn't real dumbie, mice can't talk like rats.

No. 2153617

he may not be real but he has caused innumerable amounts of psychic damage to society

No. 2153621

And only she (pbuh) can fix it

No. 2153628

i hate him too nona

No. 2153630

>And when I cry, my rats lick my tears
Ugh why can I never meet beautiful soulful women like her??? I wish I could be her friend so badly I would befriend all her rat companions as well

No. 2153652

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do you wash bagged salad mixes before you eat them? i do even if the bag says it's been triple-washed but apparently most people don't.

No. 2153653

Ever since lettuce e. coli became a news topic I've been washing every salad I buy. TBH though it's better if you just buy the ingredients and make your own salad, it's cheaper and tastes better IMO

No. 2153674

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Every time I see him this meme appears in my head
"Oh dear look at these poor orphans"
"Let's take this rat"

No. 2153837

I have an Android phone with chrome and the Tumblr app logged in with my account. When I click on a Tumblr link it opens it on chrome instead of the app, which is really fucking annoying because i cant like/reblog or even see the whole post. Also copying the link text doesn't work because there is no way to paste it or look for it on the app.
How can I make it so Tumblr links are opened on the app when I'm on my phone?

No. 2153843

No. 2153847

File: 1724602790670.jpg (20.85 KB, 905x208, Capture34t34.JPG)

its the apps fault. they're being lazy

No. 2153872

that’s exactly what happens to me every time and its so fucking infuriating. sometimes i just search the blog name on the app and try to manually find the post through hashtags but sometimes literally nothing shows up. such a retarded app, its unusable

No. 2153874

forgot to add that this is with my iphone but it still happened when i had an android

No. 2153962

I've been on a holocaust binge of content, what are even the agruments it didn't happen? Theres footage, pictures of mountains of bodies, and even surviviors, what the fuck do people deny it THINK happened?

No. 2153965

A lot of them think the jews were just held in a cushy relocation camp, because MUH LUXURY POOLS!!!

No. 2153967

They'll say all that stuff is faked. Either that, or they will say not as many people died as the sources state. I see more of the latter which falls into revisionism I think.

No. 2154185

wtf happened to mimei?

No. 2154202

File: 1724620050429.jpeg (55.55 KB, 500x500, 1569599242627.jpeg)

how can i translate all the time I spend reading and re-reading cow threads into reading actual books
asking for a friend

No. 2154205

I'm having the same problem. In the past though, I found that going cold turkey and getting rid of all screen use was the best way to reset my attention span.

No. 2154212

Find a book that gives you the same high as reading cow threads: fucked up stories about messy people, tragic but also funny etc. What kinds of books to you like?

No. 2154277

Who is romanianon……

No. 2154288

you are so lucky nona. shes a sex worker who comes her to sperg about sex work. how her life is worse than everyone else's, how life is already over if you live in a third world country (I do too and its fine). how shes gonna really killherself this time. reeee and reeee for paragraph after paragraph. she always says shes gonna stop posting and killherself but she never does. she only wants pity and anything else you give her will make her rage at you.
the most self hating poster who somehow cannot take advice to save her life

No. 2154322

Should I make a thread with pics of attractive men looking vulnerable or crying in /g/ ?

No. 2154325

Any nonnie?

No. 2154326

File: 1724625836461.png (1.7 MB, 887x1336, bubbe.png)

shhhhh don’t worry about her have some of this matcha

No. 2154327

No. 2154330

To be fair to her, she's very obviously struggling with some type of psychotic mental illness. Let's not forget she thought the Gorillaz stole her ideas and that some random Japanese band uses their dog logo to make fun of her somehow

No. 2154355

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Why is leopard print seen as trashy compared to other animal prints?

No. 2154387

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'Cause the people who wore it were trashy. (This is a great book, btw)

No. 2154395

I was looking for a book rec and I'm so gonna read this. Thank you bb

No. 2154397

Why is it some kind of inside joke/meme to bully the french and/or censor the word? Did it originate from something?

No. 2154409

for me its because its a pedophile country but i think the real origin is because the brits hate them so much

No. 2154419

File: 1724631462833.jpg (53.51 KB, 1000x1000, lesley-joseph-as-dorien-green-…)

Me showing my age but in the 90's certain female characters in uk comedy shows were decked out in furs (not just leopard print but this was the one that stuck) they were wealthy but but were implied to be trashy/trying to be classy and failing. They also would have deep tans and big hair. That was the joke, you were meant to be laughing at them in these shows rather than with them. I dunno if this was just producers picking on women with this asthetic but it had huge influence on me as a kid and put me off wearing most animal prints as an adult.

Also I wanted to add its associated with being an older woman trying to look young (in these shows, year I dont get it either) looking back its kinda messed up.

No. 2154421

I though it was the American's who hate the French?

No. 2154424

File: 1724631739775.png (270.11 KB, 1221x561, fvck frenchies.png)

everyone hates the french. Japan hates them so much they get sick when visiting france.

No. 2154437

the only reason we would hate the french is because they took canada but no one gives a fuck about canada (sorry to canadianons im sure its a beautiful country but culturally americans dont care about it)

No. 2154463

France and the UK have a lengthy history of going to war with each other.

No. 2154519

Have U ever heard of the French colonial empire
This isn't what happened? Kek go back to school nona

No. 2154551

it was a joke but i probably should

No. 2154554

NTA but this is a great idea, do you have any recs for books that fit this bill? I tried Google searching and the only stuff that came up were very tame compared to the average cow thread or were books I read and didn't personally enjoy like my year of rest and relaxation.

No. 2154796

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Do you ever stop wanting? Is there such a thing as wanting to much? What is wanting too little?

No. 2154797

There's difference between desire, want, and covet.

No. 2154810


No. 2154813

Well desire is soul, want is body, covet is mind.

No. 2154869

File: 1724659726725.jpg (1.04 MB, 1000x1000, 1000013545.jpg)

Is there a correlation between obese white american women and those eyesore mickey mouse ears? Why are they so popular to collect, where are they congregating to talk about them, where do you even buy these? I have so many questions because it's such a bizarre phenomenon to me.
Picrel as a shitty example.

No. 2154880

I think it's because the ones who were them are womanchildren Disney adults, and those indulge way too much in food. Also they're American and American food is laced with hormonal imbalances causing stuff and microplastics which ruin hormones with time.

No. 2154908

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How can I overcome self-hate?

I was raised in an environment where I was always compared to other kids and the narrative was that there is something wrong with me. My mother later told me that she was just trying to 'motivate me to become better', but instead I just became practically addicted to hating myself and have been struggling with it ever since. I beat myself up for making mistakes and am afraid to start new things/habits out of fear that I won't do it perfectly. I rationally know that perfection does not exist but this knowledge doesn't really help me. I find it extremely difficult to enjoy anything and not think about how I perform in it conpared to others

No. 2154931

sooo…is it normal to just stop dreaming completely? it happened overtime, like two years ago I was at least dreaming biweekly, but now…it's probably been almost a year since I last dreamt. it kind of matches up to when I started getting a lot more tired in general and barely remembering anything tbh.

No. 2154939

You're probably still dreaming, you just don't remember it, especially if you're having memory issues. It's more likely you'll wake up from a dream if you take naps. Once you remember one, write it down. There's ways to improve your dream recall.

No. 2154986

This is going to be long as fuck, sorry for the wall of text I'm about to throw at you. TLDR do a lot of mindfulness and follow that up with problem solving.
There's a lot of overlap between these points that I'm going to list but personally it helped me to see these as separate things with different treatments.
-Recognize when you're ruminating. In your case, it sounds like you might keep certain incidents in your mind and pull them up out of nowhere to bash yourself over your perceived inadequacy. For example, seeing a car advert might make you obsess over passing your driving test on the 3rd go, and being too poor to buy a brand new car in cash unlike your cousin who has 5 houses and a twenty figure job.
The most common ways to deal with this are mindfulness, grounding and relaxation, but you have to notice that you're ruminating in the first place. This is harder than it sounds btw, but the more you become aware of your rumination, the easier it is to notice and stop it.
It's possible that this is also why you're a perfectionist paralyzed with fear over starting something new- you only see a new opportunity to fuck up big time and forever bash yourself with your future mistakes.
-Find out what makes you spiral. Again, it's usually something innocuous. For example, watching makeup tiktoks might trigger shame because you don't have an entire room dedicated to expired lipsticks because you're hideously poor, and also trigger shame because you do have a lot of makeup, which means you're a money-wasting hoarder smearing disgusting bacteria-laden eyeshadow on like it's normal, and also make you feel self-conscious because the girl's style is so different to yours so obviously that means you're doing something wrong and you look like a freak and nobody likes you, and this leads to you deciding that your mother was right all along, THIS is why you didn't have any friends at preschool like the smart normal nice girls. You recognize on some level that this is insane and retarded, but you struggle to separate your anxieties from reality.
If this happens, try writing down all your thoughts surrounding that, and any circumstances that might have triggered it, like a conversation with your mother about a family member you used to be compared to all the time, or issues at work that might have made you feel more self conscious or worried about finances than you usually are. Don't be judgemental, just write it all down, go and do something else for half an hour, then come back. Read what you wrote and write down how it makes you feel- powerless, trapped, paranoid, worthless, whatever. The next time you catch yourself spiraling, read what you wrote last time, see if you can spot any patterns, and address the areas that trigger you the most. If talking to your family makes you spiral more than anything else, distance yourself from them for a week or two and see if that helps. If browsing Tiktok makes you spiral, delete the app for a while and see if that helps. If you get guilt tripped into resuming whatever triggered you, remind yourself of how awful you felt and stick to your boundaries for your own sake. It's well worth it.
-Self inserting. Basically, you'll be watching TV and a character's comedic, terrible job interview will morph into YOU doing that at a job interview because you're so retarded and inept and weird that you're absolutely going to fuck up that badly.
If you have a lot of anxiety and can't pin down why, this might be the answer. Write down what made you feel this way, eg a TV show or a Reddit story, and why it made you feel that, eg you relate to the social ineptness of the character, or you've had a vaguely similar experience and now you keep superimposing the other scenario onto the experience you yourself had. Again, go through this and see what patterns you spot. Sometimes all you need to do is actively remind yourself that you are not in Always Sunny and never will be, but the best way to deal with this is through mindfulness and setting boundaries. It's important to acknowledge what you feel and why, while also acknowledging that the situation you're self-inserting into isn't applicable to you at all.
Setting boundaries helps since this normally happens when you feel powerless- you're shoved into a situation that's hopeless from the get go and you're not allowed to leave. Boundaries, no matter how small, will give you a sense of control over your life that will go a long way towards stopping these patterns. Remember, YOU have to enforce these boundaries. If you decide that you're turning your phone off at 7 every evening and your mom complains that she won't be able to chat to you at 9, tough! She can call another time or another day. YOU decided your phone is off from 7 on the dot and YOU won't turn it back on no matter how much she nags. Don't bother getting mad at her for not respecting your choices, all you need to do is stick to your own boundary and let everyone else deal with it.
-Massively over compensating for your perceived flaws. Being compared to others a lot as a kid tends to make you hyper aware of yourself, your actions, and your perceived failures. It's likely that you're especially defensive about the things your mom usually complained about, and this can lead to you over compensating in those areas.
If you were yelled at for getting sweaty when you were playing and told you were disgusting unlike your perfect friends whose shit didn't stink, that could carry over into you obsessing over skincare and perfume. If you were called stupid for not getting 100% on all your tests, you might get insanely defensive when you can't remember the square root of 184 off the top of your head. If you were always compared to a certain person, you might loathe them and everything you associate with them, like the clothes they wear or the food they like, out of principle.
It's honestly really hard to notice that you're doing this. It's subconscious and easily mistaken for an interest, or competitiveness, or preferences. But the more you work on mindfulness and separating your thoughts from your reality, the more you'll notice it, and that's when you can work on it.
-FINALLY, what can you do about these? Problem solving. You need to do a lot of work to get here in the first place as you have to identify the actual problem to work on. You're going to attack the root of the issue, not the surface level cosmetics of it. For example, if you own classic literature you hate because you feel stupid without these books, the answer isn't to toss them all out. It's to work on the root of why you feel stupid in the first place, come up with an action plan to work on that issue, do a lot of journaling exercises to make sure you're staying on track, and then, at the very end, decide if the books are worth keeping or not. You might find out that you only hated them because of what they represented to you and the contents are quite good, or you might feel comfortable enough in yourself and your abilities to toss them out because they're actually pretty shit.
Problem solving, at its core, involves separating your self-imposed reality from the actual reality. Ideally you'd do this with a therapist, but you can do it alone if therapy isn't an option for whatever reason.
From what you wrote it sounds like most of what you were told as a kid was a lie that your mom came up with in order to motivate you, so most of what you hate about yourself isn't even real. There's a real temptation to get back at her, or cut her off entirely, but if she's acknowledged that what she did was wrong, and acknowledged that it fucked you up, there's really nothing you're going to gain from that. Making amends with her should NOT be your first priority, your health always comes first.

No. 2154988

Autists always save the day with their text walls. God how I love you.

No. 2155020

can someone please explain to me how snus/zyn/nicotine pouches are bad? are there any studies or research i can look at?
i quit smoking but these nicotine pouches have me in a fucking chokehold

No. 2155037

I believe nicotine itself is carcinogenic.

No. 2155038

Nicotine is bad for your body, you can look up the myriad of reasons why. The reason in particular that nicotine patches are bad is because nicotine is very irritating on the gums. Over time it will cause gum loss and gum disease. Once you lose your gums, they never grow back. Look up "severe gum recession." Once your gums are gone, either your teeth will fall out, or you'll have to get a gum graft. It's a similar mechanism to how chewing tobacco damages the mouth.

Seriously, if you can quit smoking you can quit the pouches. Not in a mean way, but that is one of the cringiest things anybody could be addicted to ever. You might as well be addicted to sharting or something.

No. 2155041

Ironically enough, nicotine isn't considered a carcinogen. That doesn't mean it doesn't have negative side effects though. It's damaging to the skin, heart, and nervous systems.

No. 2155063

NTA I’ve done so much addicted drugs yet the one thing I’m addicted to is nic. I’ve smoked on and off for 15 years but I’m pretty sure my gum is noticeably receding after like 3 years of vaping…

No. 2155066

Look I’m completely out of the loop I live under a rock and am not American so I’m confused. I just saw a video of Kamala Harris dancing on tiktok and all the comments were like ohhh nooo and we’re doomed or whatever, it got me curious - what exactly is the drama on both sides? People who are for or against her? Can anyone give me a tldr?

No. 2155070

You're asking us to give you a tldr of the life and career of a well-known politician? Just read the Wikipedia page I don't get it

No. 2155072

Not her life KEK on the different sides because it’s all a mess and people seem to have varying opinions of her that aren’t exactly going to be explained through a biography….

No. 2155082

Thank you for your detailed answer, nonna!! I found many of yourpoints very valuable

No. 2155084

Okay basically people that support her party like her and people that don't support her party don't like her. Idk what you want to hear.

No. 2155092

Wow, thanks….

No. 2155112

Holy fuck does no woman ever complain about her male family members? I’ve tried looking this up and I never get anything about women complaining about their shit fathers or brothers the search results always shows males crying and whining about their mothers and being virgins meanwhile these women are walking around with zero problems or complaints about their male family members?? I fail to believe that, Google SEO is rigged towards scrotes and their fake problems

No. 2155129

This is going to be very simplified but I guess the shortest possible answer is that normally, the citizens elect the people who are going to run for president. So all the democrats get together and elect who they want to run for president, and then separately, all the republicans get together and elect who they want to run for president.
And if you're already president, it's basically assumed that you'll run again. So since Biden is a democrat, and had said he was running, everyone assumed that the democrats would throw their might behind relecting him. But many people dislike him and when citizens are meh on a candidate, it's a bad sign since they just won't bother to turn out to vote since it's an effort, which leads to that candidate losing just because more people on the other side bothered to turn up to vote.
But then, some guy (who may or may not have been involved in a conspiracy from either side) tried to assassinate Trump in a field in the middle of nowhere. The assassin failed, but it lead to amazing optics for Trump and it drew together his base and gave him a huge boost in popularity.
So as Trump rocketed upward in popularity, Biden looked even more like a senile limp dick in contrast. So the democrats had to do something, because Biden kept confirming that he wouldn't step down and he was running for reelection no matter what. So they might have staged a "coup" and allowed Biden to make a fool of himself during a debate with Trump. And without his handlers making every move for him, this resulted in Biden looking completely senile and like he actually has dementia (which is probably true, but even if it is, politicians are hiding it from us).
So after the debate fiasco, Biden then announced through a tweet that he would not be running for re-election (which more conspiracy theories, he may not actually had a choice in and was ordered to do). And on an absolute dime, the entire democratic party changed direction and said that Kamala will be our next president and everyone has to support Kamala or else fascism will win. And then there was a lot, and I do mean a lot a lot, of astroturfing all across the internet and media as the democratic party attempted to convince everyone that not only is Kamala super awesome, but that everyone needs to get out and vote for her because she's so awesome. And one of the ways they're attempting to convince us that she's awesome, is through a lot of cringe meme bullshit like tiktok dance videos and twerking with Meg Thee Stallion. (Personally, I think it's really out of touch and a failure of her marketing team, but I've seen people fall for stupider things so whatever.)
But, the problem is, Kamala isn't liked for a lot of different reasons across a lot of different people, so it's a hard slog to sell her to voters. One, you've got the extreme basics. She an Indian and black woman with parents who were immigrants, so racists and sexists don't like her. Two, she was a prosecutor (District Attorney of San Francisco and California), and she did some bad shit to the black community as the district attorney. She jailed over 1500 people for marijuana crimes while laughing about her own history of smoking marijuana and did stuff like not inform prisoners that DNA evidence in their cases had been tainted, so they were legally entitled to another trial. She was also very pro-cop during this time and was endorsed by the police unions. This results in ACAB people and "anarchist" democrats not liking her. And third, the way she became the democrats presidential choice was pretty underhanded on their part, and while totally legal, it kinda bypassed the election process where citizens vote to decide who is going to represent them, so some people are mad about that too.

No. 2155131

hmm, good question. i think women are more loyal, and used to being treated poorly. men bitch and moan about every little thing because they’re weak faggots, that’s why you see more men complaining about their family.
i only feel comfortable complaining about my narcissistic dad to my mom, and even then i hold back a bit. i posted about my dad on here once, but i felt so embarrassed and ashamed i deleted it.

No. 2155143

Wow… that’s a fucked situation. Thank you so much for the rundown, it was really helpful. Yeah, if I were American, I would think I’m voting for the lesser of two evils here. But I’d settle on Kamala because I would prefer a woman in power and Trump’s a pedo. Sucks that it’d come down to that and not actual presidential capacity, but… that’s the state of politics I guess.

No. 2155152

Not online but definitely when I've talked to my friends or even women acquaintances if it comes into conversation we relate on how shit and lazy our dads are. Either they left, alcoholics, cheaters, etc. It's seen as just normal and scrotes get a plethora of excuses, fathers are so shit that they skew statistics like the women abusing their kids one incels love to preach. It's not because fathers are so lovely but they're uninvolved 99% of the time if they left or not, and if they do partake they do it tenfold worse than the mothers. Also women are way too empathetic and with socialization we deal with were expected to feel pity for everyone and be step stools, my mom cared more about me not liking my dad more than he did. Even though he cheated on her multiple times and sits around on his ass all the time. With the help of me she's eased her way into not caring and enjoying when he goes on work trips because he's out of the house and we have more fun travelling together without him.

No. 2155154

has the chappell roan thread been made yet

No. 2155160

Males overall aren't worth the energy, and like someone else said women are more loyal. I also think a lot of women aren't willing to open themselves up to "daddy issues" jokes, and whenever you complain about a man there's like 30 women willing to jump all down your throat with "well MY pápa/Nigel/brother is AMAZING you must just suck". While when a scrote complains about his sister/mom/girlfriend there's 50 men and 100 pickmes itching to cosign him

No. 2155174

I want more women to talk shit about them, you’re anonymous so it doesn’t hurt to vent about them here without the “nooooooo guuuuddd menzzzz!!!!111”. I feel a bit bad for female redditors now, they could never do this kek
>my mom cared way more about me hating my dad
Literally same but me with my useless brothers, my sister is a gem but grew up a parentified daughter. younger than the both of them and literally has her life together while they’re still disgusting, play video games and don’t clean up after themselves. I called them parasites once and my mom didn’t necessarily disagree with it but she was shocked I said it about her precious sons, ugh. It’s hilarious because men love to meme women for having daddy issues like it’s the woman’s fault the dad decided to evade his responsibilities and wanted to be selfish.
That last part kek it always makes me smile a little seeing those Reddit posts and comments of males talking about how scary, mean and dominant their ex-girlfriends were and they seriously chalk that up to abuse, god they’re so weak

No. 2155183

File: 1724686078345.jpeg (69.63 KB, 736x981, IMG_1118.jpeg)

Is chocolate milk THAT unhealthy? Sure it has sugar but it’s not like most people go out of their way to avoid sugar. I think the protein and calcium in the milk compensates for it.

No. 2155188

Nta but thanks for an actual answer. I tried to type out something like this, but yours is much better

No. 2155203

I feel like a lot of women recognize their fathers, brothers etc suck but it's just so normalized and expected for males to suck that no one cares. It's like how media always puts single dads on a pedestal while single moms get constantly disrespected. Males just have to do the bare minimum for people to applaud them and most people overlook all the scrote shit they do because it's just normal "male behavior".

No. 2155210

And half the time they're complaining its cuz the woman just has semi reasonable boundaries like "don't watch porn while we're dating I'm not into porn scrotes" or "clean up your disgusting funko pop cave". Yeah dude, tell me about how evil your mom is for yelling at you to bruhs the 5 teeth that haven't rotted out of your pitiful skull yet.

No. 2155214

No, you can even make it with dark chocolate cocoa powder or just make it with dark chocolate syrup, it's probably the sugar content that draws people away which you can always personally adjust by adding and tasting. I think people like giving kids flavored milk because the taste of regular milk would turn them away but it helps them get their calcium/protein. Drink your chocolate milk nonny

No. 2155216

Oh my god, I deleted reddit for this reason. Redditors (men and women!!!) act like women are the devil for not wanting their boyfriend to watch porn. Someone got shat on for breaking up with their bf over it… lmao, what was she meant to do, stay even though she hated? Bunch of fucking babies.

No. 2155219

Yeah, I make it with milk and artificial sweetener and a little bit of butter. I bake so I have cocoa powder and it’s just cheaper / tastes better to me anyway.

No. 2155220

File: 1724687613949.jpg (71.8 KB, 371x371, 1000056456.jpg)

I like soy chocolate milk, it helped me a lot with my sugar cravings and I managed to lose a bunch of weight by having it with some cereal or even oatmeal.
I should buy some again, I haven't had in a while.

No. 2155224

I think I posted a reddit screencap here awhile ago of some scrote posting about his gf berating him for having a "certain tone in his voice" or whatever and of course the entire comments was in full support of him and saying "she's toxic drop her", they love women to be always agreeable and on board with whatever toddler bullshit their boyfriends and hubbies pull it makes my eyes roll. Everything is abuse to these scrotes, it shows how much they've never been abused at all. In fact, if scrotes were "abused" more (which just equals proper, strict and moderated parenting and justified annoyance towards their emotional and overall retardation) it would alleviate some of their subhuman qualities.

No. 2155266

how do i let go of a grudge? i can take it to the grave.
this has been a problem for me throughout my life

No. 2155271

Forgiveness. Contrary to what most people think, forgiveness is something you do for yourself and not for another person. It's not doing someone else a favor by "letting them off the hook", it's doing yourself a favor by moving on. You can understand that someone did something shitty, realize it's not your fault (it's because of their warped perceptions, mental illness, selfishness, or other things that have nothing to do with you), and resolve to not think about it or let it bother you anymore. You don't even have to talk to the offender ever again, or have them in your life at all, unless you really want to. Forgiveness is on your terms. You recognize they fucked up, move on, and learn not to get in similar situations with others in the future.

No. 2155284

Find something to fill your life with. Either a new hobby or new relationships/friendships or new career, something or several somethings to keep you occupied enough that you don’t care about that person or what they did. You don’t even have to forgive them if you don’t want to, just fill your mind and your life with other things.

No. 2155291

None of that sounds like forgiveness just moving on

No. 2155303

Are there any threads covering Wheelchair Rapunzel and her cow antics?

No. 2155365

I'm glad you asked, as a former deathfat: accessories like these are one size, thus fatass friendly

No. 2155373

ntayrt and unrelated but I'm glad you were able to loose weight nona! Just curious but what did you change? How did you manage to get out of overeating?

No. 2155410

Why is K-pop a banned topic?

No. 2155425

It causes too many fights because it has too many rabid fans who can't resist bait. There's a couple other fandoms like that, but they're one of the largest.

No. 2155436

Why does everyone hate landlords? They're just players in a system that rewards ownership. It's a path to stability for those who are otherwise unskilled.

No. 2155441

Because by participating in the game, they directly increase the suffering and pain in the world. They're on the same level as a cop who chooses to enforce an unjust law.

No. 2155452

She is so cute and sweet, what a nice lady. I cried when her rat died.

No. 2155471

So, how should they like, not participate?

No. 2155483

do energy drinks work better if you eat something?

No. 2155484


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2155491

By not being landlords. Duh.

No. 2155499

Then who owns the properties?

No. 2155829

There's nothing wrong with owning property. The problem is Chinese investors and companies intentionally overpaying for property to squeeze locals out of the market so they can charge absurdly high rent to tenants or use the space as an Airbnb. That shit should be illegal.

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