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No. 2146858
>>2116126Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
Useful youtube channels:>where to find art>other useful sites Amrita Sher-Gil - Three Girls (1935)
No. 2146865
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Since there are so many nonnies who study, whats your schedule like? what do you study? i would like to study more but i dont know what else to do besides figure drawing and studying books
No. 2146869
>>2146850Why not? There's no rules for fanart.
>>2146852>If you love balloontits anime girls so much go hang out with scrotes on 4chan.Nope, cause I don't like men. Look, all I'm saying is that if a woman's drawing coom art of anime girls I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Compared to other shit I've seen made by actual pornrotted coomer males it's just not that egregious to get up in arms about I feel. Visually, it looks tame to me. If some woman wants to draw twisted wonderland yaoi twisted wonderland genderbent pinups what's the big deal? Where's the harm? I don't like this weird idea that woman can only draw one thing and only one thing otherwise they're not true women and/or are detractors to all of womankind. It just seems childish when it's not even something egregious like rape, or abuse, lolicon, or the severely hypersexual proportions you see only moids make.
No. 2146903
>>2146875>>2146877Don't get me wrong. I don't think she's free of criticism, and I don't believe all other women should accept and be supportive. That'd be insane. While I do say the art is tame I'm not saying it contains zero amounts of coom or coomery. Nor does it personally appeal to me as I don't really lik3 anime. I just think that compared to other coomery I've seen by actual moids it's miles more light in comparison so I don't get why you're raging at some twisted fujo's genderbend.
>These women are invading female art space that are free from female sexualization and making it about their attention seeking behaviour.I don't agree with that. This kind of art is extroardinarily niche and most of the time locked behind a poipiku. I don't believe it is an invasion unless it's completely inescapable, not a rare occurance you see by stumbling on a profile. Unless she explicitly posted it for another person, or a moid, I don't the think the two are mutually exclusive either. If she's posting it on her own profile, for herself, I don't see the problem. It's weird, it's odd, and I agree there are absolutely criticisms to be made but I genuinely can't see it as bad as you all are making it out to be. To me, it seems like it's a case of cross morals. Unless she's explicitly said otherwise, I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt believe she posted that drawing as innocently as she'd post coom drawings with men as the subject. Something weird she wanted to try out and not some attempt to purely garner moid attention. I don't like the idea that as a woman, you can never draw anything outside of what's expected of you otherwise you're a pickme who hates all women. If it isn't even something egregious like rape or that one bitch with the clit removal fetish but just a pinup then I don't think you're a pickme traitor. As someone who draws genderbends and hetbends, I just see it as some chick who wanted to draw her favorite male characters as cute girls. Supremely weird but ultimately harmless and not indicative of her views on society.
>>2146874No, again, I don't like men and certainly do not like men who hate me on the basis of my existence and view me as a white or black 2-dimensional being with zero nuance or personality.
>And yes, women who create porn of women are traitors to womankind.So is it that only men can create porn of women? Just kidding. I don't know what else to say other than that women are human and I'm sorry.
No. 2146924
>>2146921No I just wanted you to answer the question.
>the gender thats socialized since birth to always think about moids feefees first?I have three brothers and I'm genuinely selfish as shit and actively hoard resources from them. Women are not a monolith.
No. 2146951
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Not any of anons involved but fucking christ I forgot how retarded lolcow is after over a week of being gone. Can we end this dumb infight early before it gets worse?
No. 2146952
>>2146911Personally i dont mind the genderbend, i actually think the genderbend is cute if its on both characters. But thats because i also like yuri. However the art that op was talking about was really fuckinh ugly, and also like
>>2146930 said it was overly sexualised to the male gaze.
>>2146932Well im assuming that if its twisted wonderland the coomshit she draws of the man is pandering to the female gaze. However you can draw male characters more to appeal to men, for example you can see that a lot of art of bara and femboys is drawn by men. And you can also draw lesbian fan art for a female audience, which moids are just not capable of doing imo. And sadly some women draw lesbian porn art not for lesbians, but for men instead.
>>2146938Both male and female characters can be draw sexy, however as example lets take your typical anime bishie and then compare it to your typical waifu. You notice that while the male character is just a non fat character with a six pack and a nice face, the female character has really exaggerated features and often wears really dumb clothing. Even armpits and other body parts are weirdly sexualised.
>>2146946>Are men not considered sexual objects when drawnWell if you are talking about in real life men then yes, just go outside. Women are sexualized so much more then your average man. Men will never be seen as an sexual object by the biggest part of the population. Just look at the man countries where women get beaten to death because they don't cover there hair, do you think men are actually treated the sameway?
Anyway this is ofcourse in the end all mostly subjective. No one is going to stop you from drawing your big tiddy art. But since you keep asking for opinions i think its fair that people explain what they think of it.
No. 2146956
>>2146930>>2146948>>2146952according to mulvey, the male gaze has 3 aspects:
1. scene directed by a male director
2. depicts women's bodies as passive, uniquely vulnerable or victimized
3. discourages female empowerment, especially in sex
also the "female gaze" doesn't exist, literally a le aesthetic tiktok meme. male gaze is a legit film theory and a response to the dominance of male directors and incredibly shallow, misogynistic, objectifying ways women were written in films. "objectification" does not mean "in a state of undress" or "sexy". it means the female characters only sole purpose is to be quiet, obey men, defer to men, and take their demands. it also means the woman ("arm candy") being physically like an object to hang things on because her only purpose is her looks. that is not the same thing at all as a female character who has none of those characteristics and simply looks sexy
No. 2146958
>>2146956Okay then replace the words gaze with audience/target group, does that make your autism not
trigger as much?
No. 2146966
>>2146952>Well if you are talking about in real life men then yes, just go outside. Women are sexualized so much more then your average man. Men will never be seen as an sexual object by the biggest part of the population. Just look at the man countries where women get beaten to death because they don't cover there hair, do you think men are actually treated the sameway?See, I 100% agree with all of that. Within the context of real life, the concept of the male gaze is obnoxiously apparent and concrete, both socially, societally, mentally, physically, and commercially. It is any and all facets of publicly controlled media or good and the only time it isn't as poignant is within individually created media. To deny that is retarded. I think I worded my post wrong, what I was getting at is that while male gaze exists brutally in almost every facet of our resl life, what I don't get is the perpetuation from an individual female artist if it was drawn purely for herself. Is it just unconscious male gaze then? Can you even do that? I can agree with that if that's the case. I just didn't like how the word pickme was being thrown around since I believe being a pickme is something you must actively uphold and contribute that provides the detriment of women, and I genuinely do not believe some Twisted Wonderland fujo's genderbend pinup is that.
I feel I need to clarify but I don't draw that sort of thing, hell I don't even draw humans
or furries. I'm glad you've actually properly explained it. Thank you, and I hope you have a good night.
No. 2146969
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>>2146961NTA but it's a pre-tiktok concept, it just wasn't called that until ~2018
No. 2146991
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I just wanted to share this.
>'s surprisingly super helpful for drawing rough scenes at interesting perspectives.
No. 2147024
>>2146997>they'll out you as an transphobic terfAnd so what? Can't you just delete and ignore their screeching? I don't mean to be completely flippant but I'm wondering if that's not the best way to deal with them.
>>2146999Troons leave children alone challenge…impossible.
No. 2147032
>>2146841I am late as hell replying to this kek, but yeah browsing this site you can tell some anons straight up have something against lesbians. Maybe it’s a side effect of the fujoshi vs himejoshi infighting in a few of the threads kek. But admitting to wanting to call ssa women “diseased” reveals the kind of person nona is.
Meanwhile there are straight girls such as Constellor(fujo tif-turned-detransed hetshipper) who draw anime girl coomer art all the time. But my first thought isn’t “straight women are diseased”, it’s “jesus the internet is a disease”
No. 2147064
>>2146973What do you think of lesbians who draw women shirtless?
>>2146997Not art related, but one user thought an avatar I made was super trans rights related despite liking the color scheme. They were literally based on a chinese figure, so it made it even worse kek.
No. 2147095
>>2147024>And so what? Can't you just delete and ignore their screeching? I'd lose 100% of all my commissioners if they knew I'm a
terf. Even the ones who are secretly non-woke can't risk associating with transphobes in public or they'd lose their friends/commissioners too.
I try to ignore them but it's annoying when your non-trans drawing has nothing but trans flag emojis and comments and shit under it, and when you think you're getting a comment or follower it's just another troon. And since I usually reply to most comments it looks suspicious if I only ignore the trans comments… can't win. Best thing I can do is go "oh wow I didn't even realize, it's actually based on this other pink and blue thing" which is true anyway
No. 2147135
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I'm a pokemon autist and this pokemon has become the bane of my existence. I loved it's design at first but the amount of ,"Draw the trans pokemon!" I see even on other artist's pages is insane. Fairy pokemon fanart are also cursed.
No. 2147171
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>>2147135I hope this tumblr thread losing their shit about what they thought was a transphobic caricature give you any respite No. 2147177
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>>2147135>Fairy pokemon fanart are also cursedThis, I feel so cursed having popplio line as my favorite starter kek. I just think they’re cute, no furries, no troons, no coomers, and no mean moids sperging at me for liking a girly starter pls
No. 2147265
>>2146852Why can't anons like you conceive of women enjoying erotic art of women
because we're attracted to them… Why bring up 4chan and moids, they have nothing to do with SSA.
>sexualizedYeah..? And..? You know that as a woman, you can enjoy sexual depictions of women and still not cape for extremely degrading porn-y depictions of female characters by men. How is this hard to grasp?
I don't like that drawing because i find bunny costumes boring (on either sex, there's plenty of woobified male characters in bunny suits out there) and i hate Playboy references. You should try saying 'i don't like [x] and that's it' instead of coming up with flimsy generalizations.
>>2146861>theyre more fun to draw then menKek exactly, it's more fun for us, that's it.
>>2146869>If some woman wants to draw twisted wonderland yaoi twisted wonderland genderbent pinups what's the big deal? Where's the harm? I think that there's a part of the audience for anime/manga that's irreducibly averse to genderbends. They'll bring up 'transphobia', 'coom' or even 'fujo slop' if it's genderbent yaoi-to-yuri. Sometimes they'll be honest and say they hate seeing the characters they love genderswapped into/from a sex they're not attracted to. That's it.
No. 2147301
>>2147265Don't you know nona? Lesbians are supposed to get off to concrete walls. At night my girlfriend and I remain fully clothed and have sex with our minds, as wanting to see each other's boobs will turn us into men.
Jokes aside, I don't know why is it so hard to grasp lesbians are into other women sexuality, what else do they think we do? There are some that draw weird shit but straight/bi women do so as well with their overweight art, omegaverse and all. I draw NSFW art because I'm into it, unfortunately men enjoy my stuff as well but that's collateral damage, my target audience is always me and my other lesbian friends. Straight women who draw porn of their husbandos attract gay men as well, but that doesn't men they're drawing for them.
No. 2147319
>>2147301NTA but as a lesbian myself I consider my attraction to women vastly different from straight moids which is why blatantly coomerish scrotepandering female designs make me uncomfortable since being a dyke didn't protect me from being harassed and sexualized by men and I also know I'm not immune to the female socialization making women being made to conform to societal standards set by men. I'm honestly tired of other SSA women hiding behind "well we like sexualizing women too duh!!" to justify goonbait and to deflect the entire wider conversation at hand, it's fine to enjoy it but to be so hurt over other women finding those designs distasteful is outright egoistical. Not all straight men like hypersexual tits and ass designs either. I have my ~
problematic~ sexy female faves just like many of us, but I really can't blame someone frowning at them. If there was more variety with female characters like there was with male character it probably wouldn't be such an issue.
No. 2147400
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>mfw I don't even know what ssa means
>lesbians drawing hot women is pickemism??? Huh??
No. 2147410
>>2147292AYRT and I agree with your sentiments. Personally, I don't like the art myself either. It's not my style, and I don't really care for anime stuff.
>There's plenty of women drawing men in coomery ways that look atrocious to me. The standards for women in art is so twisted, it makes me slightly disappointed seeing women perpetuate some of that, but she's free to do it.This is what I was trying to get at but couldn't find the words for. Like, I think if a female artist draws anime coomslop, regardless of the subject matter like male or female character, it's going to looks grotesque so outside of perpetuation of poor ideals I never got why it's something a female artist shouldn't ever be allowed to do since the precedent is already there or is a deliberately active and intense betrayal to female kind. Mainly because as
>>2146952 and what I've seen from this and many other female artists who are deep into drawing anime coom art has led to me believe, I think it's indicative of an unconscious upheveal of the male gaze that's been formed by the passive consumption of male made anime media that one is just completely steeped in growing up in such spaces. It's inescapable and it does form unconcious ideas of what and how to draw certain things.
No. 2147454
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>>2147135Not forget also the "Pikachu said trans rights" when Ash and it had to go to an-only women gym to earn the medal (like TIMs do irl(
Only old nonnas remember that, back in the old days, male Pikachu didn't have a difference with a female.
No. 2147487
>>2147319>so hurt over other women finding those designs distastefulCome on. The anon who brought it up alluded to SSA women being 'diseased' and others have made sweeping generalizations. If she just said 'it's scrotal. Don't like it' and moved on there would be no issue. It's a bit naive to assume every woman who talks like this is only concerned with coom or moeslop. A lot of the time it's masking a banal wish to see more/only sexualized men or a disgust for lesbians and bi women. I wish they could say they hate to see sexy women in their fujobait franchise tag (fine, understandable) instead of screaming NLOG/pickme. Unoriginal and uninspired.
>>2147276>the female version of a fully clad male character will most likely be given those attributes.Yep, it's a creative void. No attention to details, seemingly no genuine appreciation for the original chara design which defeats the purpose of a genderbend. I despise them
No. 2147595
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>>2147525>What fucking lesbian would play twisted wonderland.Definitely not one who's a gacha addict haha
(derailing/baiting) No. 2147644
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Can you guys continue this in the threads that are actually about those topics? So fucking sick of this thread being treated like it's a random offtopic slapfight thread and not a ART thread
No. 2148017
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No. 2148371
>>2148055I feel so fucking cursed. Every western artist i like is either trannified or draws just yaoi of my husbandos. Every eastern artist i like turns to the most degen shit ive ever seen…
Ive only seen like three artists in total draw self insert artwork or art equivalent of reader insert. I wish i was brave enough to draw and share some myself
No. 2149498
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Moving on from whatever the fuck this retarded argument is. Does anybody have advice or exercises to help you get into the habit of creating tapered lines? Or even just adding a more rounded/flowey line? Even when I properly break down a subject my linework looks so stiff.
No. 2149518
>>2149498Perhaps the first few lessons in Drawabox (especially the ellipses) may help you? It helped my wrist to loosen up and is a nice little warmup before drawing lol. Though maybe you had already tried it since it has been memed a lot
In another note, the creator’s voice is so grating but thats just me ig
No. 2149555
>>2149518I have started on the drawabox line exercises before but maybe I'm just not doing it right? I'll give it another try.
>>2149521Tbh I have a hard time, knowing whether I'm using my shoulder or not. But the exercise sounds interesting, thank you!
No. 2149574
>>2149555I've never looked at drawabox before but figured that they'd have something similar to what I'm talking about, which is basically covered on these two exercises: video for ghosted lines mentions that a tapered ending occurs as a result of lifting the pen as you come toward the end of the line where the dot is. The only thing he doesn't mention in video or text that was really helpful for me when I was learning, is to focus on where your pen's supposed to go. You're a lot more likely to hit the dot with greater consistency if you're focused on the dot rather than looking at how your line is turning out or where your hand currently is.
No. 2149652
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The skills of this artist are impressive but why is the subject so autistic kek. He literally draws the same translucent eyelid thing again and again, is this some sort of weird fetish?
No. 2149828
>>2149652If he's aiming for being a gallery artist or is painting for an exhibition, having multiple works with a central theme and recurring elements can help make a display look more cohesive or meaningful. It's really not that different from any other mundane subject matter, and it's pretty common for artists to fixate on drawing/painting eyes anyway kek
If he's not, then the repetition could be due to plain practice or because people like those eye paintings and he can sell them as easy to produce, signature pieces.
No. 2149968
>>2149652Isn't that normal?
Contemporary gallery artists draw the same concept over and over and over again, they basically have to pigeon themselves into a niche and write a whole pretentious essay about it
No. 2149972
>>2149555Drawabox or the course it's base don Dynamic Sketching
Both are good
But honestly it just boils down to practice and patience, it's hard to give feedback without knowing what your current skillset it like.
> exercises to help you get into the habit of creating tapered lines? Doesn't that depend on the brush you use?
>my linework looks so stiff.The easy gimmick is to add line weight, it basically hides a lot of flaws imo but I'd recommend studying from artists that have that flowy style and might sound a bit overkill but doing gesture and figure drawings helps a lot.
No. 2150176
>>2149977Just find references of men you find attractive then, even if they aren't necessarily from your country/ethnicity, but style them how attractive men are styled where you live (so basically use one set of references for anatomy, the other for fashion/aesthetics). Also, you can work out what the common phenotypical traits are for men in your country that may set them apart from others, and then work out how to depict them in a way you find pleasing or that works within a simplified style like anime (or ignore them if you don't like them at all).
The perfect reference doesn't really exist, either, so try looking for references where one feature looks appealing to you (eg, nose, eye shape, general face shape, structure, ears, mouth, etc etc). Make a moodboard of what you like in a man and learn to draw it into the perfect sexy Frankenstein of your dreams kek.
No. 2150238
>>2149977>the ideal for handsome man in my culture isn't what I find attractive.>Meanwhile I think a lot of women are pretty.Do you
really have to draw men from your culture? I mean, I would understand if it was for a school assignment, a job, a commission, etc. If not, why don't you just draw women from your culture? To be honest, I don't blame female artists who only draw portraits of women because the truth is that it is very difficult to find attractive men sometimes.
No. 2150266
>>2150170NTA but when I started growing out of my anime phase I started gaining more appreciation for realistic features and feeling more pride in being able to represent more realistic/unconventional features in an appealing way, so I get why nonna would want to draw moids that actually pass as whatever her culture is instead of generic anime boy but with a tan.
>>2150176 is good advice.
No. 2150522
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>>2148017>not a female bodyOf course.
No. 2150547
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>>2150266Honestly, i dont think there is a single artist that can make unconventional features attractive. There are artists that can draw different features and make them not look like tumblirina's attempts at diversifying animu, but they arent sexually appealing. There is a reason why they depict non white people in anime as just bishoujos/bishounens with a tan. Less is more, as they say.
No. 2150568
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>>2150547Respectfully, nona, I just think you’re not attracted to non-white features and that’s fine. I also think ‘artists’ is a bit of an exaggeration— you’re clearly referring to anime/manga/eastern artists specifically. That’s also fine. But neither points deserve the overgeneralisation you gave them. Watch non-eastern, non-US material and you can easily find beautiful artistic depictions of
POC. No one is forcing you to watch them but to pretend they don’t exist is admitting to your own tunnel vision view of art around the globe.
No. 2150584
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>>2150568I think you are conflicting good designs with actually beautiful ones. I dont know why female artists are so desperate for people to find their quirky ocs attractive, but its a trait i despise. Male artists have no problem making diverse (male) characters of all races and weight, but when female artists draw non conventional characters they expect you to bend the definition of whats beautiful to find them attractive. I just wish some artists would stop basing the worth of their characters on people finding them attractive.
No. 2150597
>>2150584>I dont know why female artists are so desperate for people to find their quirky ocs attractiveit gets them easy attention and potentially a mini fandom surrounding their ocs if they're successful, without having to put in the effort of creating an engaging story/body of finished work, it's not rocket science. some people outright even try to design the 'next tumblr sexyman'
also it's kind of a funny thing to bring up here considering how often anons talk about wanting to draw hot bishies and complain about characters not being sexually attractive enough, especially if the artist is female kek
No. 2150774
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>>2150759I have yet to see an oc thats actually appealing on itself. Although i would rather see self indulgent ocs like mgongs fat cuntboy than what you are describing. Absolute worst fucking OC has to be this generic cow girl whose name is just cow emoji. The artist is insanely talented so it makes me laugh his oc is so fucking bland and boring.
No. 2150819
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>>2150809hes got a pretty good grasp on anatomy and i like how hes capable of switching between artstyles and going from animu to more realistic art. If i had his talent i would also draw husbandos so who am i judge.
No. 2150908
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>>2150547ATA and I said "appealing" because I think even features that are widely considered/agreed to be ugly can be drawn in a nice way i.e the character doesn't read as pretty but the art itself is nice to look at. Besides, a character can have one or two mildly unattractive/unconventional features while still being overall attractive, and having those unconventional features can give the design more personality, which itself is more attractive to some people
tumblr sexymen are almost always a strong or extreme case of this, however cringe you might find it.
Also, "attractive" is subjective. If you don't like greek noses at all (for example) you will not find an illustration of a greek nosed girl hot regardless of art quality (which is perfectly fine) but someone else might like it and want to replicate it in their own art. Especially because you said "sexually appealing" btw, because
fetishes exist. BBW is a thing, and there are gay men making accounts entirely dedicated to posting bald fatass middle-aged men they find hot (with a bunch of other gay men going "hey beautiful" in the comments) right now.
>>2150584> I dont know why female artists are so desperate for people to find their quirky ocs attractiveThat just sounds like people with internet brain wanting to force their OCs into tumblr sexyman status for clout reasons. I don't think it matters if someone just draws for fun and just want to refine their personal sense of beauty and learn how to portray it nicely. Good design vs beautiful design is kind of redundant when it comes to that.
>>2150759I think for some people it's that they also enjoy the worlbuilding/writing and researching part of it so it's more enjoyable to them when they manage to make the character more accurate to what they're trying to do (eg. you want to make an ancient greek character so you research about greek clothing for reference so you can have him wear different outfits and you enjoy doing that because now you know what a hemation or a peplos is and you can feel smart about it).
But I think there's also some kids that do it because they're just copying tik tok aesthetics, so they have a subconscious fear of being clocked as ultra posers that don't know shit and looking dumb kek.
No. 2151002
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>>2150908>Also, "attractive" is subjective.No, its not. Preferences are a thing, yes. But that doesnt mean the characters in pic rel are attractive. There is this weird obsession i only see from female artists of always trying to present unconventional and ugly features as attractive. They think they are being progressive by saying fatties can be fuckable too, but ironically enough it always circles back to being misogynistic. They always project their insecurities onto their characters. Men dont do this because they arent socialized to base their self worth on how many people are willing to fuck them. So men make ugly as sin characters like Itaru Hashida or any character from baki without needing to add a sub plot about how they are actually super sexy and confident in their body. They just exist, which female characters arent allowed to do, they can only exist as long as the viewer and male characters validate them. I got a greek nose, and i like it. And i hate when people throw pity comments like ''omg ur so beautiful ur nose is so uniqueeee'' they always say this to me btw, my male brother who has the same honker never gets these pitty comments because hes allowed to exist as an ugly male. I want to see more women make witches of the west, Yzmas and cruella devils. Genuine ugly creepy women that dont need validation from the viewer to exist and be cool. Just like their male counterparts.
No. 2151129
>>2151002>Preferences are a thing, yes. But that doesnt mean the characters in pic rel are attractive.That's literally what that means. Attractiveness isn't a objective measurement. This is like saying there's only way for something to be humorous and if you didn't find slapstick to be funny you are just wrong.
>They think they are being progressive by saying fatties can be fuckable tooyou realize that it's common for people to find others attractive if they have features similar to themselves right? This has been well documented in multiple studies.
No. 2151200
>>2151002It's subjective in the sense that you cannot define it mathematically, and you cannot make a definite objective set of rules for exactly what is and isn't attractive.
I don't really give a shit about twiterinas trying to force you to see morbidly obese people as beautiful, honestly. I don't even have a twitter so that's easily ignorable discourse to me. I just think it's really unfair to automatically assume any woman that likes the idea of drawing people with slightly unconventional/non-white features must be a darned SJW out there to destroy beauty and force you to look at deformed people all day. Maybe that wasn't the case and I misread the tone, but nonna (not sure if it was you) bringing up "representation" in
>>2150170 felt a bit accusatory in that direction.
In any case, even if you want to separate beauty from preference, 90% of the time people will just use the word beautiful to mean "thing I visually like", and it's really pedantic and dorky to get mad at individual people for seeing them as the same or not making the distinction 24/7
(like how online artists used to get mad about the word talented because it "implied they didn't have to put in effort" even though they knew damn well that word was being used as a compliment and the other person just meant "can draw really good").
>I want to see more women make witches of the west, Yzmas and cruella devils. Genuine ugly creepy women that dont need validation from the viewer to exist and be coolCan't argue with that, and I see your point, but notice that they're both old and typical online OC artists almost never make old OCs
I think you're mixing online OC culture and actual professional stuff. Professionally publishes/animated animanga and disney movie's can't be really compared to amateur twitter visual novels or rando twitter artists. Obviously they're gonna have different presentation, not just visually, but in writing and even marketing. If you're gonna compare female artist OCs to male Artists OCs you could just mention typical Newgrounds style.
No. 2151487
File: 1724478198123.jpg (346.1 KB, 2119x1415, 49652137084248.JPG)

>spends months sketching this idea out
>takes 5 minute doodle break
>5 minute doodle ends up better than the original sketch
No. 2151647
File: 1724486308371.jpg (455.1 KB, 800x1100, 1704928034252867.jpg)

>>2146969she was so real for this
No. 2151827
File: 1724495731981.jpg (183.63 KB, 1226x1341, IMG_20240824_122551.jpg)

>hurr durr sick lesbians littering my precious bishi space with disgusting female bodies
Women are pretty. Cope. There's something deeply wrong with some of you fujoshis for being so disgusted by female anatomy. Do you hate your own body that much? I'm not attracted to most men but I don't throw a shit fit when I see sexualized depiction of them.(fujo derailing outside containment)
No. 2151840
File: 1724496519276.jpg (297.73 KB, 1080x1713, 6rt5e963969639.jpg)

>>2151827Stop this is not the fandom thread. No one fucking cares about your opinion or the opposite side's opinion because most people aren't involved in your eternal crusades and you have threads for this already. You are making the thread the most retarded it's ever been.
No. 2151851
File: 1724497019789.png (299.51 KB, 1813x2048, GVhlfZvXsAAwYN2.png)

How do you cope with your favorite artist's style changing for the worst? Picrel was one of my favourite artists, sally/lirthel on xitter. I used to love her expressive characters, desaturated color use and and the spanish cute-horror aesthetic of her original illustrations, but in the last few years it's like she completely gave up. Only posts messy monochrome sketches now and none of them have any of the soul of her old art which used to appeal to me, and I haven't seen her post a full color illustration in maybe half a decade. Don't get me wrong, her sketches are still interesting but besides having better anatomy it's like everything else has degraded.
>inb4 artists don't owe you anything yada yada
I know.
No. 2151854
File: 1724497053895.jpeg (226.08 KB, 2048x1637, GLTpZL8WcAAv8LE.jpeg)

>>2151851Picrel some of her older art
No. 2151873
File: 1724497765317.jpg (411.97 KB, 900x1291, 03 (1).jpg)

>>2151836When I see a sexualized depiction of one of those boring bishie, I'm indiferent. When fujo see a woman drawn to be attractive, they act like it's violence against them regardless of the context. It's like they're so traumatized by society as a whole sexualizing them that any bit of female nudity feel like a personal attack. So they end up seeing their own body as something vulgar and shameful. No wonder many fujoshi end up trooning out.
>>2151838Those are anatomy studies by ryoko kui, author of dungeon meshi. A lot of nonnas complained about her appealing to scrotes with scenes like Pic-rel when it's obvious that she drew it because she want to. Imo, she draw some of the most appealing women (and men) I've ever seen in any manga.
(fujo derailing outside containment) No. 2151906
File: 1724499134361.jpg (16.8 KB, 279x356, Duane_Bryers00.jpg)

>>2151540Maybe she's not the best example because honestly some illustrations make her look fatter than other's, but even if you don't think her body is realistically fat you can tell she's meant to be fat/plump/heavier than average because of the double chin.
She's an actual pinup illustration from the 50's drawn by a professional artist, to give you context.
No. 2151911
File: 1724499582095.png (611.34 KB, 1023x1046, 426817c39a0bc7b7065d21e8c78685…)

>>2151906Literally just 50s super sonico/pochako. Nasty fetishistic art disguised as ''uwu body positivity''.
No. 2151950
File: 1724501928765.png (2 MB, 1036x800, 260652-a52328b009cf65da16919c9…)

>>2150759I miss it when people did copycats of cartoons, animes or games rather than singular tropes that are disjointed when the gimmick characters are lumped together. I found soulful picrel in an rpg maker forum and it wears its 2010s anime kingdom hearts inspiration on it's sleeves. I think it's just media being more and more bite sized, the kids can't be any more creative than current trend.
No. 2151960
File: 1724502392148.jpg (Spoiler Image,279.49 KB, 1080x694, whnet.jpg)

>>2151851Kek why the fuck are you still following her? She posted those half-hearted scribbles with a nude and all her recent posts are just coomshit. You can't really do anything about an artist changing, it's normal. Unfollow or mute and hold on to the old pieces you liked, maybe study them to do similar ones yourself and look for new artists to follow.
No. 2151971
File: 1724502775819.gif (1.4 MB, 500x500, 1724424009403-1.gif)

>>2151960I would rather fling myself off a cliff than to post myself half nude to farm engagement. God how pathetic
No. 2151972
File: 1724502803687.png (422.72 KB, 540x700, FfmCjP7VsAA8oKt.png)

>>2151856The rendering reminds me of older ksk535
No. 2152078
>>2151911>disguised as ''uwu body positivity''.Nonna, I just said it's literally a
pinup from the
1950's, I promise you nobody was "disguising it as body positivity" KEK. I'm just saying that if you were a moid into fat women she would read as a pretty to you. You're letting the twitter wokies live rent free in your head 24/7 and it's making you equally annoying.
No. 2152143
File: 1724512852716.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.76 KB, 594x900,…)

>>2151873I think the easiest way to tell if its a depiction of a sexualized woman or just a woman undressed is asking yourself if her body is the subject matter. Jesus is almost nude on the cross, and his body is the subject matter, but this is never seen as sexualization. A woman would not be seen the same if drawn exactly like Jesus. Unfortunately, it's not possible to change this hardwiring, women and men are seen differently because of our bodies.
No. 2152160
File: 1724513429797.jpg (147.59 KB, 1124x1458, GCILGI3bEAALM_6.jpg)

>>2152143> but this is never seen as sexualization.jesus chan is a seiso husbando. all will burn in hell who lewd him
No. 2152205
File: 1724515010069.jpg (50.03 KB, 732x948, Guido Reni.jpg)

>>2152143How do you feel about paintings of Saint Sebastian
No. 2152215
File: 1724515318414.jpeg (Spoiler Image,403.24 KB, 2048x1516, GVS5TZ8XUAAaOhT.jpeg)

>>2151971That's not even the worst, she posted a full on nude to her professional art acc with 22.2k followers
No. 2152226
File: 1724515870362.png (155.69 KB, 300x300, 1723768197999.png)

>>2152215Imagine being such a attention whore you give out your nudes for free…
also how the fuck is her cup size so different? Isn't that a sign of breast cancer? No. 2152254
>>2152218kek who says I do? Also
>it's fine if she wants to do that Sure, it's fine. It's also cow behaviour.
No. 2152259
File: 1724517833765.png (367.08 KB, 711x686, Screenshot 2024-08-24 094249.p…)

>>2152226It seems like she just degraded into horny posting 24/7 on her art main. Thought she was a TiM at first because of this meme
No. 2152273
>>2152187I’m not trying to ‘uwu u r so heckin
valid!!!’ anyone. You said that big noses are objectively ugly and I’m telling you that a) it’s subjective and b) I personally find them hot. Relax.
No. 2152277
File: 1724518564011.jpeg (411.68 KB, 1271x1785, IMG_4807.jpeg)

>>2152205Don’t get me started on vaguely horny renditions of Saints, you’ll awaken my autism kek
No. 2152291
File: 1724519355099.png (58.14 KB, 875x448, signs to look for.png)

>>2152282im not joking about the size difference. if you see it go get it checked out
No. 2152311
File: 1724520049960.png (207.42 KB, 576x892, tumblr_o5c4ghU5591us1ayko2_640…)

>>2152299She's been on there since 2010 and her older stuff looks good, that's probably why they follow her. Wish twitter actually worked like an archive, I can't even see older posts when I use the search function
No. 2152313
>>2152307please learn to read before you reply did you also skip over the part it says
>a change in size,shape or feel of your breast or chest or armpitit can be natural or unnatural and i dunno if the attention whore has mismatched breast sizes all her life
No. 2152322
File: 1724520514524.png (502.34 KB, 742x647, 577776881178710016_1.png)

>>2151851Omg Nonna are you me? I loved her stuff, especially her early Black Sheep OC illustrations. I haven't had twitter for over a year but I know she started giving up around 2018 if I'm not exaggerating. I also loved her attitude of not giving a fuck about fandom callouts and genderism. I think she must be demoralized because back then she talked a lot about her struggles getting an art job where she lives, it's pretty sad but I can understand. How I cope: some time ago I saved an archive of all her twitter images all the way back to her kpop era (2012?), I look at them from time to time and I'm satisfied because there are a lot of them, many of which you won't find in her portfolio. I think the way she colored is something I've adapted into my art, you can try doing that.
No. 2152324
you learn to read dumbass? I'm saying the tone of her drawing doesn't make it seem like it's a recent development or something she worries about, if it was she'd probably know to get it checked out.
No. 2152369
File: 1724522150913.jpg (530.96 KB, 1473x1914, IMG_20181018_012507.jpg)

nonnie that's exactly what I feel, I used to greatly respect her no fucks given attitude and how committed she was to drawing whatever she wanted (her OCs) and not pandering to what was popular/what people wanted her to draw. She basically built an over 20k following drawing almost nothing but her OCs and her comic. I remember her saying that, IIRC it's even worse than that she actually doesn't have any real schooling at all (no first or secondary education) because she went to a Montessori-esque school where all the children were left free to "study what they liked" and she just spent all that time drawing. Even getting a normal job was difficult for her and she struggled with money, I think she still lives with her parents. I don't have twitter anymore either so I only check her art periodically and I was just especially struck by her current state, she doesn't put any effort in her art anymore and shows signs of declining mental health (if posting nudes to your professional account wasn't enough of a sign) spending her time arguing with people on her askbox who are trying to cancel her/etc. Not to mention the low-effort coom stuff with no personality besides pandering.
Seconding the request for her art archive, could you share it
nonnie? Her old art is such an inspiration for me too and it's so hard to find now, I'd like to keep it too. I'm definitely inspired by her old colouring and how expressive her characters were.
No. 2152381
File: 1724522578685.jpg (609.75 KB, 4096x2983, lirthel-1429199505631629313-20…)

>>2151851ooh she's one of the only (western) artists i know that has interesting femboy/trap designs, so i love her. but also i'm pretty sure she's sick, which could explain her art getting looser, she mentioned having a skin-eating disease (?) a while ago
No. 2152394
>>21522151. it's not even a sexual pose…she's just standing there. there's nothing inherently shameful or inappropriate about female bodies despite what you've been taught
2. she's from spain, cultural perceptions towards breasts at the beach are different there
No. 2152396
File: 1724523102115.jpg (542.12 KB, 4096x2977, lirthel-1438922095598125060-20…)

>>2152392i mean these are obviously not meant to be shota, you numbskull
No. 2152435
File: 1724524564442.png (430.35 KB, 750x595, flallero.png)

>>2152396well most femboy/trapfags turn out to be pedofags so you cant blame me too much, honestly its a nice surprise when a artcow can draw femboys without leaning into pedoshit so good on her,but i personally like her female illustrations more
No. 2152438
>>2151851Huge fan of her current work, had no idea she had such a long history of posting art online. I have to check it because even her 'degraded' art is still much more pleasing than most western twitter art
>>2152369Oh. That's pretty sad. Hope she gets better because she really deserves the hype
No. 2152485
File: 1724526482740.jpg (508.37 KB, 719x766, IMG_20181018_012816.jpg)

>>2152475I love her boys so much, I wish she still drew them
No. 2152592
File: 1724530270182.jpg (873.6 KB, 811x853, IMG_20180512_113238.jpg)

nonnie I appreciate it!
No. 2152654
>>2152630Her new stuff is shit
and of fucking course she's a lolifag it was already suspect when anons were harping on her being so uncancellable (which is always a hint of the artist being degenerate rather than being a terf) but some of her older stuff has bit of a charm I can't deny (atleast the women are pretty) but her artstyle looks so much like Lacryboy and I can't unsee it.
No. 2152707
>>2151851Her profile is a goldmine, thank you
nonnie for giving me a new artcow to laugh at.
No. 2152709
>>2152566word women attracted to women are pornsick i'm glad we got that worked out
>>2152574>if you don't want to ogle sexualized women, you're a misogynistnobody said that you fat retard
(infighting) No. 2152733
File: 1724537098968.png (294.4 KB, 680x543, 1721932497515.png)

>>2152718Just ignore the baiting pickme
No. 2152742
File: 1724537380977.jpeg (Spoiler Image,263.99 KB, 1015x1225, IMG_8394.jpeg)

(Ignore the subject matter) How can I achieve textures like this?
No. 2152780
File: 1724538677754.jpg (Spoiler Image,728.1 KB, 1083x1567, 1000004633.jpg)

>>2152742I find art like this soo soulless and boring. You will never,
ever be him.
No. 2153204
>>2153161it's because they're self-indulgent and cater only to a small circle of people who are only interested in things that look like and flatter themselves, rather than what might be fun/enjoyable to a broader audience. They're also made by people who are desperate to be quirky and different, yet also are pretty ordinary amongst their peers, so all these games end up the same, and a lot of their creators are also interested in essentially creating PSAs/propaganda for their beliefs (but because of the inability to look outside of themselves, they can't make something that conveys their ideas and also appeals to a broader audience, so these things just end up preaching to themselves in the end).
Dating sims are also pretty easy to make, so anyone can churn one out without needing to have a lot of skill or knowledge.
No. 2153338
File: 1724573047782.jpg (81.38 KB, 629x709, bb3892d2de541fd4bd19d20510b323…)

this thread turned to shit thanks to your ethot and lesbianism spergery, great job anons
No. 2153343
>>2153161It's an easy way to call yourself a game dev and have "representation" in your work while putting in the minimal amount of effort. Draw two sprites of the ugliest OC you can imagine, write a short shitty fiction with
maybe 2 or 3 branching paths, post on the internet for tumblr clout.
They all want to deconstruct a genre they never had an interest in.
No. 2153362
>>2153161It can't be me that always notices that these people always tend to make the brown or "
poc" people so fucking ugly when compared to the white characters? Is it that hard to design one pretty brown character? Also the irony is so fucking rich in this kekkk
No. 2153379
>>2153161>>2151002The problem with SJW art isnt that "woke bad" or anything, its the fact that it lacks the interest from the creator themselves. Its like a thing that you cant force on people, you cant convince them that a fat Aiden is just as sexy as all these Tumblr sexymen. The creator doesnt even think so herself, this is why its so ugly and uninspired. So many western female artists are consumed by what is the good thing to do instead of what they actually want. Asian creators dont care about that, they just create what they actually coom to, and thats why their games have fanarts and a fanbase. This crap wont have a genuine fanbase. It will have a couple of Aidens desperately pretending they like the game. Because it feels bad for them to admit that fat tifs arent attractive. Plus we all know the twink-tier girl will be the most popular character kek. Your soul doesnt care what is inclusive and what is not, if it demands a sexy bishie you wont have a genuine reaction towards a pudgy girl with tit chop.
tldr: Its all a cheap imitation for the sake of pleasing people, this is the problem.
No. 2153468
>>2153378NTA but it shouldn't be and I implore nonas to start shutting down these asinine and overdone retarded discussions. I miss the days of Rae sperging so much, its a painful hole in my chest.
>>2153459Okay newfag minded anon, literally only in the past two threads have we ever had this retarded discussion. You can go back and read all 59 threads from the past if you want to fact check, and I should know because I reread these threads from beginning to end when I'm bored because I'm a retard. Like I've said before, what the fuck does the current derail have to do with art or artists? The thing the fucking thread is for. Go to the fucking Fandom Thread you oxygen starved drooling retard. Get out.
No. 2153494
File: 1724582223616.jpg (64.41 KB, 680x663, EXieNnrXQAMSqwM.jpg)

>>2152485Oh, no. I recognize that twintail girl. This was in my inspo folder for the longest time. Sad to see that she's a pickme but also she might just be busy with NDA work.
No. 2153501
File: 1724582529629.png (14.67 KB, 446x222, terf.png)

>>2151851>ctrl+f terfThis is why I'm never opening asks.
No. 2153513
File: 1724583289018.jpg (29.14 KB, 756x136, onlyfansthot.jpg)

>>2153501nvm checked it (its fucking mindboggling she thinks being a
terf is way worse than being a proshipper)also..onlyfans arc soon?
No. 2153518
File: 1724583638041.jpg (121.12 KB, 747x405, onlyfansthot1.jpg)

>>2153515>dont want to put myself out like that way>posts nudes anywaysKEKKKK
No. 2153537
File: 1724585367834.jpg (225.07 KB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_20240825_132704_Chr…)

Is this really the state of twitter these days? Now you gotta "beat the allegations" just because you're not sucking tranny cock hard enough? I feel sorry for every cryptoterf artist being forced to keep a social media presence
No. 2153557
>>2153501>>2153537Anyone else notice the people questioning her about if she’s a
terf came around the same time she was being praised/posted in this thread kek?(before it was pointed out she’s a lolifag degen troon supporter)
Askers must be either people lurking or farmers trolling lol. But it’s funny to imagine any xitter artist that gets praised on here immediately having to fight the “
terf allegations”
No. 2153566
>>2153561Randos feel too entitled to know what's going on inside your head. She should be old enough to know she doesn't have to respond to every question.
>>2153557I have a feeling it's tras lurking not understanding getting posted here doesn't mean they're terfs or tras lol. Or pure coincidence.
No. 2153750
File: 1724597416526.png (640.42 KB, 941x783, 1040304047159427084_1.png)

Since we are talking about her again: LIRTHEL ART ARCHIVE haven't uploaded everything yet. Apparently January 2023 is when I archived this, so I still have unposted 2020-2022 art. Frankly at around late 2019 (her FE and Pokemon SwSh phase) I started feeling it's not as worth it, but I still loved how she drew expressions. It's more or less chronological if you click the arrow for sorting next to "last modified" in case you wanna see her oldest art.
No. 2153791
>>2153557Ayrt am the one who first brought her up and the "are you a
TERF" asks were already there, sorry to the conspiracytards.
>>2153750Thank you so much
nonnie! Do let us know when you've finish uploading, I appreciate it.
No. 2154173
File: 1724618559397.jpeg (158.22 KB, 2048x820, F086U8HWwAcoGB2.jpeg)

>>2154165I don't know why anons are complaining about an artcow being lulzy. I admit the lesbian sperging was weird and offtopic but that got banned pretty quick. We were discussing Pumpking the TIF just last month - where's the love for attentionwhore coomer artists losing their sanity on twitter?
No. 2154186
File: 1724619151313.png (3.1 MB, 1536x2048, marmalade mum.png)

>>2154173its always the mid to ugly female artists who post thrist traps on twitter. Pic rel is marmalade mum. I am sure shes using filters, too because i remember seeing her thrist trap photos posted on /ic/ a while ago and every scrote was dunking on her for being even uglier and looking like a downie
No. 2154191
File: 1724619437730.png (25.16 KB, 430x300, lmfaoo.png)

>>2154186also this is a comment a scrote left her in one of her self insert animations KEK she also voiced it herself, its terrible. No. 2154218
File: 1724620911493.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, 1716081946127.png)

>>2154191>she voiced this Holy nuclear cringe. That's the most unsexy moaning I've ever had the displeasure of hearing
No. 2154220
File: 1724620929893.png (1.06 MB, 1594x2048, 1722432371083.png)

>>2154196>makes me wonder how insanely ugly Null must be. ugly is a understatement, these types always turn out to be god awful ugly
No. 2154222
File: 1724620962752.png (714.46 KB, 804x903, 1720418373172.png)

>>2154196>how insanely ugly Null must be.She’s obese. And this was taken before fucking herself over with testosterone.
No. 2154224
File: 1724621106341.jpg (257.15 KB, 992x1038, tumblr_inline_otb3y4M7cT1rx80f…)

>>2154196Null as in Laika? She's an obese hamplanet completely covered in thick black body hair from years of T. Check her thread on /snow/. Picrel when she still larped as totes real cisboy, she looks pretty standardly french. If she's detransitioned by now her body must be a wreck.
No. 2154258
>>2154233Nta and I agree, but this is lc though, if they hate the cow, they hate every inch of her.
>>2154244Even if null was pretty, she would be nitpicked, it's not really about her appearance, more about how they hate her.
No. 2154269
File: 1724623394593.jpeg (167.68 KB, 717x1024, GVCBZuWagAACEN3.jpeg)

>>2154186How the fuck did she make furshit worse kek what am I even look at
No. 2154275
File: 1724623677207.png (144.31 KB, 720x720, 20240825.png)

>>2154191apparently she posted a censored pic before?
No. 2154289
File: 1724624057599.png (Spoiler Image,644.31 KB, 1164x977, 1615159769952.png)

>>2154275yeah she posted her flat ass too. Massive attention whore, just like racist uncle and all the other 4chan pickmes
No. 2154292
File: 1724624396418.png (842.56 KB, 1866x2157, 1615156690904.png)

>>2154289Also, apparently she used to date nosebro. She posted a self potrait once and ofcourse fixed her hammer shark eyes. Shes one of those turbo edgy pickmes who doesnt have a personality beyond being attention whory so she gets cancelled daily over retarded attention seeking shit like saying jews rule everything and hitler was right. Her pictures never get as much engagement as her nasty art lol
No. 2154297
File: 1724624678003.png (278.79 KB, 720x1467, 202408251.png)

>>2154292>she gets cancelled daily over retarded attention seeking shitmaybe ot but she also defended puppychan lol
No. 2154400
File: 1724630060170.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.17 KB, 682x545, The-Phantom-Mane-Page-47-Publi…)

>>2154269at what point do you just get so sick of drawing this shit that you put the pen down permanently
No. 2156229
File: 1724757673262.jpeg (954.13 KB, 1170x1546, IMG_5114.jpeg)

I know nonas have complained about mossa’s lolicon porn before, but god, why does even his regular art look so inexplicably repulsive. Every time I stumble across one of his paintings I can’t help but feel weirdly violated. They just look gross.
No. 2156390
>>2156385me personally if I had to go that route:
>pander to gay moids with manly man butt and whatnot>throw in occasional "femboy" for straight moid coombux >profitNot that I want to do this either. kek
No. 2156432
File: 1724773657991.png (1.05 MB, 1568x893, yuana.png)

>>2156385>>2156390why pander to moids and contribute to their degeneracy when pandering to women makes the bucks? No. 2156439
File: 1724773882561.png (1.07 MB, 1269x817, lilydusk.png)

>>2156432there is also lily dusk. Both lily and yuana are in the top 5 of NSFW art patreons. Stop pretending you are forced to draw male coomshit to pay the bills when drawing sexy men pays A LOT and there is also less competition. No. 2156458
>>2156453But how is that EQUAL to a child being actively harmed? Not saying both aren't vile but you are retarded if you think they're just as bad. And as a
victim of csam myself it's honestly insulting when our pain gets put on the same level of a fucking drawing. I'd much rather a pedo goon to fake AI shit or drawings then another child becoming a
No. 2156460
File: 1724774613292.png (198.54 KB, 500x369, 1678260046059233.png)

>>2156444>instead of doing one low effort commission and earning your rent for the month.This isnt going to happen unless you are insanely talented , which with all due respect i doubt you are since you seem to have a fairy tale idea of whats like to live off commissions. You first need to build an audience, so you have to draw degeneracy FOR FREE until a scrote decides to comm you. Which is increasingly harder every day thanks to AI fullfiling the role of cheap shitty commissions for coomers without a lot of disposable income. Most coomers who make bank are insanely good + have been harboring a fanbase since the 10s. Its way more intelligent to work drawing what you like, garner an audience who likes your art and then open a patreon. You dont need to pickmemaxx to make money, so stop coping and seething and hiding behind ''b-but coomers pay!'' when i already posted examples of women making bank making nsfw for women.
>>2156455You are either just lazy or have awful art skills lol good luck selling your soul to coomers for pennies. You arent any different from shayna.
No. 2156474
>>2156458>"And as a victim of csam myself"And I'm the
victim of seeing loli pedo shit there so we're both
victims. You wouldn't want to say anything bad to me now would you?
>drawn baby rape doesn't mean someone is going to rape a baby!!! You're a bigot against victims!!So the intention and context is drawing a child being raped which totally doesn't have any effect in the real world despite real life pedophiles who do commit rape and molestation being found with it? Hmm interesting.
No. 2156499
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report and ignore the pedofag
No. 2156520
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>>2156510>monster boy dating simY-you're not… looking for an artist for this, by any chance, are you?
No. 2156535
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>>2156525>it’s pedophilia to enjoy picrel >”into the woodchipper” maybe go back to twitter
(infighting) No. 2156577
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>>2156576>>2156532We should cross paths now, dude!! I'm out of work anyway!
No. 2156758
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No. 2156759
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>>2156758And of course the header art checks out
No. 2156775
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>>2156758>>2156759What kills me isn't the constant uglyness and mediocrity shill, is how these people will act condescent towards you if you expressed distaste (even politely) for It.
No. 2156782
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>>2156777dropped pic sorry
No. 2156814
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>>2156734I'll make a discord for this but I need a vague idea of how many anons would actually, willingly, ACTIVELY participate in this. As in post more than once a week. Reply to this post if you would genuinely want to participate in making a game. Maybe also comment what your skills are.
No. 2156923
File: 1724792585753.jpeg (109.63 KB, 1280x828, IMG_7056.jpeg)

>>2156758They wanna be different so bad, activism is an ugly man psy op. Tricked a bunch of autistic women into thinking this hippo is hot because “men’s feelings” and “body positivity for everyone”. I wish more horny women drew thinking with their cooch than picking what they know would get them brownie points. Liking fat ugly moids isn’t activism, quite the opposite.
No. 2156949
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>>2156814i want to make a nsfw yume game with gacha (as in getting more nsfw outfits) and rpg elements where a female mc goes exploring different worlds, getting men in skimpy outfits but the main focus will be on the gameplay and sexo second, but first i need to learn how to code but i can draw well though and have worked for game companies
No. 2156962
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No. 2156998
>>2156949I would love that, specially if you could customize the MC.
>>2156814I can edit and write a plot if you want.
No. 2157140
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>>2157131I wuv you
nonny. I use nnmclub to download refs. Just search ''artstation'' and you will get tons of torrents.
No. 2157154
>>2156847>>2156852>>2156949AYRT, yes.
>>2156998You, Idk, anybody can write stuff. I've got game docs that I've written the plots for. You got experience in writing? Or knowledge of how to write for games (not just plot but explaining stuff like in-game mechanics)?
>>2157100You, Idk either. Do you have any other skills that could contribute to game-making? Music? Marketing? QA?
No. 2157171
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No. 2157187
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>>2156439why do guys keep having this discussion? just let the dream go and get a real job with good benefits, art can never be a stable career kek
No. 2157206
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>>2156923Was this supposed to be an attractive character? He looks like he's someone's dad, he looks way too old for rapunzel. What were the artists thinking?
No. 2157216
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>>2157206>very first Flynn design is a hottie with exposed abs>second design is an ugly groomer fattieIts so obvious male insecurity was at play here. You dont go from a hottie to a morbidly obese landwhale just because you are exploring concepts. Plus, at the point landwhal flynn was designed rapunzel was finished and she looked so young next to him. Wouldnt surprise me if female coworkers stepped in to revert the changes since the final version of Flynn ended up looking more like his first design.
No. 2157240
>>2157181AYRT, UI and game mechanic stuff could be helpful (especially considering we'd only have one [potential] programmer right now kek).
>>2156852Does this anon sound helpful to you, as a programmer? (Also should I go trawl the programming thread for another?)
No. 2157246
>>2157240AYRT (the programmer), UI can be done by anyone with graphic design knowledge imo and game design I sort of think as akin to writing. It is good to have someone designated to those roles however for workload's sake.
and I actually have asked about nonas making projects in the programming thread the other day, and no response (for this year at least, one said she was focused on graduating). But it is a relatively unpopular thread and I don't see any harm in asking.
No. 2157258
File: 1724807048033.png (8.51 MB, 3112x4092, GV60MjxXoAEz4HN.png)

For once, I don't hate a Twitter art trend. Cultural/national/regional Mikus are very cute, I love seeing people dress her in ethnic costumes and just stereotypical outfits from their area. It's so refreshing to have an art trend that isn't just an unfunny meme/repetitive redraw.
No. 2157330
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>>2157187it's tough to let go of your dreams. i still have mega delusions about a possible art career even though i know i'm going to be a corpocuck tech slave until i die, and a webtoon with a monthly reader rate of maybe 1k (generous) is as high as i'll soar.
being real though a lot of the anons clamoring on about their art careers and drawing this or that are larping anyway, so it's all speculative No. 2157417
File: 1724823056502.png (347.96 KB, 507x698, migu.png)

>>2157258As a contrarian, this trend doesn't bring me any joy at all. In fact, it makes me incredibly angry.
No. 2157442
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>>2157417To be fair, it’s very easy to tell apart the ones that were made with genuine humour and/or love for their country and the ones that are frothing at the mouth at the prospect of clout.
Unrelated but also, kek at every Vietnamese Miku having paper-white skin even lighter than the JP/CN/KR and western ones. I’m genuinely not trying to racebait but they’re famously self-hating when it comes to their own skin, and I can guarantee the artist behind picrel does NOT look like that.
No. 2157443
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>>2157442This one is admittedly a lovely piece but it just reeks of cultural/ethnic insecurity… girl.
No. 2157444
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>>2157443Throwing in a Malaysian Miku for comparison, because why not.
No. 2157590
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>>2157258Yeah it’s fun and I definitely prefer this over redrawing screenshots and paintings
No. 2157596
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>>2157385I find it so funny that Xitter decried Hetalia as the most
problematic thing ever and then immediately invented CountryHumans
(off-topic) No. 2157602
>female fans only>cute anime guys>funny>legendary >fans never forget it, even after decades Countryhumans
>fans are moids, trannies, racists>hideous art, no cuties >not funny>retarded >just a phase for most fans, forgotten after the new hip thing comes out (off-topic) No. 2157608
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>>2157605It's a pretty mixed bag because it's one of the "I'm not like other twittoids, I'm edgy" fandoms, you can tell from the fanart that a lot of it is drawn by women even if they're TIFs.
(off-topic) No. 2157624
>>2157602>fans are moids, trannies, racistsI have no idea where you got the moids from, I don't remember seeing any moid fans of countryhumans. It was absolutely dominated by teenage girls that were probably too young/retarded to know about Hetalia.
t. was one of the retard teens with a countryhumans phase>>2157608>"I'm not like other twittoids, I'm edgy"A lot of them were like that, but some of them were funny because you could tell it was a 14 year old with genuinely no concept of political correcteness so they didn't realize how keky it was too make poorly drawn animations memes of modern Germany and Nazi Germany being angsty.
>>2157619Countryhumans also got some hate after a while, especially because of the edgy/ridiculously callous Nazi Germany artists, but I think it just wasn't mainstream enough for long enough (+the fandom being blatantly mostly minors) for hatred of it to settle in.
No. 2157626
>>2157619Countryhumans Germany
>evil nazi>edgy nazi fanart >ugly nazi>naziHetalia Germany
>cute, husbando>tsundere, sweet, caring, kind>muscular, handsome and strong>likes to bake cakes, read books, and walk his beloved dogs(off-topic) No. 2157667
File: 1724854447402.png (87.91 KB, 242x264, 1532854845300.png)

>>2157619Hetalia hate started due to both the fandom being genuinely retarded and deranged at some point and also due to the NLOGs who outgrew it and had to show how much better they were than other Hetalia fans.
The original comic (not the anime) became popular around the time faux feminism and faux activism started slowly taking foot in fandom spaces. At the time it necessarely wasn't a bad thing because it raised awareness on things like rape and misogyny, so a lot of girls just ended up seeing it through a more critical lens.
For example, the comic was full of rape/sexual molestation jokes, with entire extra fanservice chapters dedicated to France stripping and molesting other characters (women included).
I don't know anything about Country Humans but from what I can see nazi Germany is shown as evil and edgy. Hetalia showed nazi Germany as a cute, well-meaning man dragged down by his feminine gay lover North Italy (Germany and Italy as countries hate eachother IRL btw). Zoomers have a very black and white view of morality so I can see how the former is more okay for them than the latter. Also afaik the Country Humans fandom never had fans leave in droves from the cringe due to edgy shit like Germany and Prussia cosplayers doing the nazi salute in front of a Holocaust memorial monument.
I swear, 80% of the Hetalia hate is just due to fandom cringe but not the "teehee I ship myself with England" kind, the edgy jokes and gore fanfictions made by future TIFs kind.
(off-topic) No. 2157673
>>2157667(NTA) I never got into Countryhumans myself but a very close friend of mine did and as a result I got to witness a lot of it firsthand. I also used to be a huge APH fan back in the day.
while the APH fandom used to be largely composed of retards and fujos, honestly it pales in comparison to Countryhumans. In Hetalia WW2 Germany is given a neutral uniform and both the anime and the manga expertly walk around the fact that we're basically looking at Nazi Germany. If anything in APH it seems that while it's meant to be WW2 Germany they pushed him more into "modern Germany" to avoid the direct Nazi connection (which is also what happened to Japan and honestly most of the cast partcularly in the later seasons where the setting seems to be largely modern or at least past WW2). Sure, there were genuinely retarded fans such as the Germany and Prussia cosplay case and there are definitely fans doing blatant Nazi Germany fanart (even more since the 2P Verse/"Evil Alters" is a thing alongside the Nyotalia genderbends) here and there, but those are and have always been the minority.
In Countryhumans I can safely tell you the Nazi fanart is the majority and I can particularly confirm that its "evil dark and edgy" not in the "we know it's bad" way but in a way that almost reminds me of those Columbine and True Crime retards who obsess over school shooters and serial killers. It's edgy but always in a "edgy cool" or "edgy sexy" way, like a bunch of teenagers doing fanart of their favorite villain from a series.
In Hetalia to me it felt like while the fandom was filled with retards they seemed to at least have a basic notion of political correctness and world history, meanwhile with Countryhumans the fandom genuinely sees the nations as just characters in a story, either because they're too young to understand, too stupid, or retarded. Or all three. To them Nazi Germany isn't a symbol of hate, fascism and genocide, he's the sexy evil villain guy. The same goes for USSR, WW2 Japan and essentially every phase where a nation was the aggressor or opressor in some way. I swear to fucking god I saw yaoi fanart of "evil sexyman" Russia and Ukraine. That shit would NEVER happen in Hetalia, I can assure you that.
Sorry for the long sperg, just adding my cents on the Countryhumans thing since I unfortunately got to experience it.
Also Countryhumans fanart sucks ass, I HATE the orb heads so fucking much. At least the AP guys were hot.
(off-topic) No. 2157786
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No. 2157809
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kek the bruno ari (or whatever) clones are already popping up
No. 2157829
>>2157786isn't the point of that part of the story that true believers don't need to see or touch jesus in order to believe in him and his resurrection or something? But the art is of visible markers of transition being used as proof of… idk, that jesus was born imperfectly female and ascended through death into his true divine state of… being male(?). I didn't go to jesus school so idk, maybe someone who has to repeatedly say how much they're a
professional theologian for one mediocre picture knows more and has a better handle on biblical symbolism
No. 2157851
>>2157809>quirky "trashy" girl has tons of cutting scars and sits around her friend in panties>muh makeover>that stilted comic art stylethis gotta be a tranny lmao
>>2157829the constant reaffirming of her "credentials" screams immature and insecure, but what else can you expect from a TIF. every time i see trans religious art my eyes roll into the back of my head, its just a continuation of seeing themselves as more enlightened and hard done by. plus wanting to be edgy and pwn the ebil christfag bigots
No. 2157880
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Quick update for all those who expressed interest in the gamedev discord and wanting to make a game: I'm currently in the process of making the discord right now. In the meantime, please send an email to this post. There will be voice verification required, along with hand photo, to screen out scrotes. Also, if anyone here knows of any women interested in gamedev, please do send them over. The more, the merrier!
No. 2157967
>>2157809Is this supposed to be class of 09? Ew. Not the worst clone I've seen but I agree with
>>2157851 it has troon vibes
No. 2157976
Feel free to call me retarded, but I recently started drawing after a several year long break and I want to do it more seriously this time. My friend linked me this site and said this could be good for practice: tried a couple of figures but got very frustrated very fast. Should I keep trying, or is it a bit early on my art journey to try this? I do in general struggle with the whole 3D view of heads and stuff like that, so everything gets pretty flat which means I struggle with things like hair. It makes me wonder if I'm too stupid for art at times kek
No. 2158031
>>2157851anon it's just a class of '09 fanart. no troon vibes here imo
>>2157929made me think of jagodibuja too but i couldn't for the life of me remember his stupid ass name kek
No. 2158068
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>>2157851>>2157809>>2158031ahh shit my bad you were half-right about troon vibes nona. i looked up the source and the artist turned out to be a massive handmaiden
funny how she chose to troon the cliche failmale punching bag nerd character whose entire personality is being an obnoxious loser that nobody wants around No. 2158377
File: 1724892074676.jpg (515.25 KB, 952x1246, kingdom.jpg)

Heeey, sorry to keep shitting up the thread with talks of gamedev, but I'm
>>2157880Just wanted to say I've gotten a few emails so far, and I've got the discord more or less made. But I gotta hold off on inviting those who responded, as I have a slight medical emergency that needs to be attended to. But to those who still haven't emailed and wanted to join the group, don't forget to!
No. 2158552
File: 1724902505204.jpeg (386.8 KB, 1600x2048, GTNFcmZWIAAeunP.jpeg)

>>2158465I feel like it's kind of obvious, what else are female nerds supposed to sink their money into if basically no media panders to them? This entire convo about coom/money/effort reminded me of iversiin though. Her art is so repulsive to me but she's been making a lot of money with it so I can't really hate kek. Yumes are really starved for content in some fandoms so they'll even accept technically shitty artwork
No. 2158572
>>2158503>>2158552>yumes are really starved for content in some fandomsI wonder why? There seem to be a lot of fans of this, but why aren't there as many talented artists?
And yeah, the truth is that, analyzing the quality and skill of the art of these three artists, they are not that good. But leaving aside the quality, apparently there are many fans of this content. I know I am not the audience for this type of content, but I still find it curious. For the nonas who consume this or similar content, who are your favorite artists? And what do you think there is a lack of?
No. 2158577
File: 1724906854542.webp (19.47 KB, 768x430, Featured-image-Summertime-Saga…)

>>2158572>analyzing the quality and skill of the art of these three artists, they are not that goodThey still mog the average male coomer's art tbh. Pic rel is the art of the highest grossing NSFW game on patreon. It makes like 50k per month.
No. 2158606
>>2158578Tubes are just the wet version of the paint that can be used straight out of the tube and diluted with water, while pans are a dry cake of paint that require re-wetting.
If you're comparing the same brand's tubes vs pans, I'd say that the differences should be fairly minimal if they're good quality (some cheap pans don't reactivate well, for example). Tubes go a long way though so don't use them like you would, say, acrylics, a small amount is all you need on your palette for the most part, especially if you're not doing large paintings.
Personally, I buy tubes and put them in pans to make my own travel palettes– that way I get the exact range of colours I want and the tubes last longer because I'm not getting out too much paint from the tube and wasting it/needing to leave a blob of dried paint on my mixing palette for months as I slowly use it up kek.
However, while I do use watercolours in this way, I mostly work with gouache, and some watercolours might split or separate during the time it takes for them to dry out in a pan, with the pigment potentially settling at the bottom (I mostly use watercolours that are designed to split while you paint with them though, so this might not be as much of a potential issue with normal watercolours).
For a beginner I think pans are probably more forgiving/portable when it comes to actually using them, but tubes should be fine also (though I would recommend buying a cheap travel case and set of half-pans to fill with your tubes so you can have both options kek). Make sure you get good quality watercolour paper though, in a lot of ways that's more important than the actual paints, especially when starting out.
No. 2158678
File: 1724918882300.jpeg (924.92 KB, 1170x1877, IMG_5170.jpeg)

>>2156758Sorry to samefag the same shit a couple days later but holy fucking kek at all the people blatantly insulting the fat, ugly concept art Flynn’s appearance and then immediately following it up with ‘b-but he’s beautiful! Would!! Would!!!’
No. 2158680
File: 1724919367528.jpeg (178.73 KB, 1170x497, IMG_5171.jpeg)

>>2158678Because this has never happened, ever. There has never been such a trope as an ugly, comedy relief male x baby-faced, pretty, young female pairing in the whole of TV and movie history ever. It is definitely not the
mainstream bogstandard go-to romance dynamic for all of western television— save me nonas, I think I’m going to have an aneurysm…
No. 2158685
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>>2158606>>2158677Im not planning on doing plein air (yet, drawing in public sounds scary), just painting at home.
I watched some artist on youtube who said its easier to get a more pigmented look to watercolors from tubes and to be honest most watercolor art i like looks very pigmented like picrel
Do you have any brand recommendations?
No. 2158704
>>2158678I know it was for a satire version, but it would have been horrible to make a beautiful teenager (or however old she is in Tangled) fall in love with the first man she meets, and that man just happens to be a superobese monster. How would he even get up the tower?
For a satire or comic adaptation, maybe it would be fine though, as long as it wasn't the same story as Tangled.
No. 2158717
>>2158685I'm not sure on the more pigmented vs not when it comes to tubes vs pans, I personally haven't noticed a difference, but I also only use one set that came as pans (a kuretake gansai tambi set), which I haven't found any issues with pigment-wise, and the rest of the pans that I use were all tube paints that I dried out.
What brands are readily available to you? I use a mix of Winsor & Newton and Daniel Smith watercolours (again though I mostly use gouache to paint), and find them reliable and pleasant to use, but they might not be as easy to get for you as they are for me, depending on where you are, or there might be a local brand that's just as good but a bit cheaper.
No. 2158758
>>2158679>>2158678Wearing charms and talismans to ward off the evil spirits and angry mobs.
>>2158685I weaned off my watercolor consoom before I got to try but I had second hand sakura as a very budget friendly student grade. Also do note that paper quality makes or breaks it. I had upgraded to Sennelier yet my colors don't bloom as nicely as vidrel's kek.
No. 2158816
>>2158768A year or so ago I finally decided to unfollow every pro-trans artist I was following, no matter how good their art is. My mental health has been so much better since then, it's actually insane. Even though I never directly talked to them just seeing them make culty comments or draw mutilated female bodies as if it's nothing gets really mentally tiring. There are millions of good artists, there's no reason why I should support the ones who actively work against female rights.
But I still always wonder how many people with pronouns in their bio just have them to protect themselves while secretly thinking it's all bullshit.
No. 2158827
File: 1724938757836.jpg (26.53 KB, 512x384, Lisa's_Nightmareopaw.jpg)

>tif artist finally detransitions
>goes full tradthot picme instead
No. 2158957
File: 1724945821628.jpeg (Spoiler Image,806.59 KB, 1170x1111, IMG_5175.jpeg)

>>2158827Not a-logging but I checked out Constellor’s NSFW account recently and it seriously made me want to punch the wall. It’s so clear the kind of position she’s in: girl perceived as socially ‘undateable’ growing up, finally a scrote who sees her as a sex-doll gives her a crumb of attention and she starts demeaning and sexualising herself for his pleasure only. Her entire page is full of huge moid-gaze butts and ass, and it reminds me of that comic one nona posted about female sexual pleasure being conditioned to come from being perceived rather than perceiving. I feel so bad for her, I would give anything for her to wake up, dump that porn addict and start focusing on herself. Free yourself, I beg…
No. 2158984
>>2158768name? im so desperate to follow non gendie people in fandom spaces. i did a similar thing as
>>2158816 and just started blocking every single person I come across that has a trans flag on their profile or handmaidenry on their account, and it's so tiring how many of them swarm artsy/nerdy spaces.
on that note, i think twitter has put a soft block or flag on my account for mass blocking so many people kek. i've been debating paying for shitter blue to get the visibility boost but i've heard mixed reports of it actually helping. i really want to focus on twitter more than tumblr for art posting but trying to not upset twitters
trigger happy ai moderation seems impossible. if any anons have experience with it im all ears.
No. 2158991
File: 1724947558874.gif (8.97 MB, 400x300, 1000539523.gif)

>>2157417I'm sick of it because I hate how she's become just a souless barbie for trends. I miss when only autismos knew Miku, I will never get used to normies using her character to farm easy meme RT
No. 2159164
>>2159149Where? It’s just my opinion.
>>2159151Based anti-anime posting, we need to do this more and make people look like freaks for being obsessed with anime.
No. 2159256
nonny. I’m going to complete at least one monthly challenge for the end of the year and I might not even post it online. Trying to improve my own art and dance for the algo? It’s too much. If you cut off social media for a while you’ll feel better. Keep in mind when you used to draw; it wasn’t for an audience. We drew in our sketchbooks out of love of something- worlds, ideas, music, movies, books, whatever it was didn’t involve us performing like a street vendor.
No. 2159319
>>2159148you're right and you should say it.
it's just like barbie and mickey, they're intentionally bland so that anyone can project their own shit on them. and then ppl go nuts defending what's essentially a corporate mascot
No. 2159336
>>2159148No you're right. She has no character whatsoever she's literally just a vessel for a music box, anything additional is added on by whoever is pulling the strings (aka literally anyone who wants to) and can be wiped away easily by whoever steps up to the board next, why can't people get that through their head.
TERF miku is the only exception though that's canon because I said so
No. 2159456
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No. 2159503
File: 1726043011758.png (99.82 KB, 606x933, based korean feminists.png)

The loss of all the milk and caps from the art salt thread is terrible, but to brighten up anons day a bit after this tragedy, i bring you good news. Dorontabi has been soft doxxed by korean feminists. They found out the art college he graduated from, apparently he used to be a teacher there before flying over to japan.
tl;dr about dorontabi for nonnies who arent informed.
>pedo guy who became famous by posting about how he wanted to rape little girls, he coined the uoh meme.
>amassed a massive follower count of 200k on shitter
>did art for big gacha games like azur lane and blue archive
>korean feminists, enraged after a female artist who worked for BA got fired for expressing feminist beliefs, dug up his old tweets where he confesses to possesing and tracing child gravure pics, and also sending links to vids of little girls to his pedo followers on marshmallow
>they also find out he was a korean man larping as japanese moid
>the original account who posted about him, a 100k follower radfem korean account got mass reported and suspended by BA and dorontabi fans
>in return his 200k follower account was also mass reported and deleted.
>he lays low for a few months, deletes his nsfw fanbox
>he comes back with a new account in february, mostly posting sfw shit
>korean feminists find out his new acc, start spreading the truth about his degeneracy again
>they find out that he's still working for Nexon
>they also find out he referenced an actual cp video called ''lolipad'' that was popular amongst users of a korean image board
>he starts panicking, goes on hiatus again and right while i was writing this summary he deletes all his posts from x and posts that he's moving to pixiv from now on
i can post the call out proof but it might be too disturbing because it includes pics of real, although censored, litte girls in compromising poses, so i will let anons decide. You can find all the caps on @endine112
No. 2159547
File: 1726044148643.png (109.53 KB, 1521x589, gubye.png)

he nuked his pixiv, too. Is it over for the pedo? probably not, he's a roach that keeps on coming back because he's attention deprived whore so korean feminists will have to keep stomping on him. He's throwing a pitty party on pixiv. He posts the same shit everytime he gets called out and always comes back.
No. 2159601
File: 1726046863481.jpeg (116.42 KB, 735x1115, GWw7giZXoAAfZYe.jpeg)

why is every other person in my notifications a she/they/it/xe gendie retard? i just started posting art and they flock to my account like flies. should i draw some bleeding uteruses to scare them away? how do you deal with this nonas
No. 2159870
File: 1726060731095.png (246.27 KB, 578x418, asdhhdagdahgdh.png)

>>2159825he just answered actually
No. 2160181
>>2159825Making my own brushes made me feel how people take resources for granted. Newer, younger artists nowadays rip off compositions and ideas so shamelessly, I understand gatekeeping resources.
>>2159913 is right. You should try playing with brush settings to trt to get the same effect, that's what I did for artists I like.
No. 2160246
>>2160226Sure, you don't owe anybody shit either but if you get work through social media good luck maintaining your public image if you act like a pissy gatekeeper around
trigger-happy zoomer gendies hellbent on cancelling female artists for having "bad vibes"
No. 2160249
>>2160218I think you should read my post slowly. I also agree artists don't own the way a brush looks which is why you should be able to recreate brushes on your own.
>>2160192Oh you're that same anon not understanding the concept of trade secret, okay.
No. 2160256
>>2159601Generally, do not respond/interact with them or follow them back. Though sometimes I reply to them in situations where it may be too "obvious" I'm ignoring them (i.e. only 2-3 comment on your post and you ignore the gendie), but people probably won't question you and you can make up some shit about forgetting to respond.
Sadly some women I've met are pretty cool and chill but bought into the gendie brainrot so I've given an exception to some she/they and they/themoids if they're otherwise sane kek but gaydens or any neopronoun bullshit I can't stand.
No. 2160307
>>2160300>gazillion free sourcesthis is why you don’t have your own show, this is why you’re struggling to get commissions, this is why you’re barely breaking 1k on your art social media accounts, this is why people steal from you, this is why you copy japanese artists, it’s your dusty bitch attitude
(infighting) No. 2160326
File: 1726078360734.jpeg (Spoiler Image,192.54 KB, 1280x1460, IMG_2488.jpeg)

>>2160320I don’t need to because look at my art, it’s amazing btw
No. 2160339
>>2160334I mean, that's
valid also. He could even get an extra buck from selling it.
No. 2160348
File: 1726078931671.jpeg (3.22 KB, 245x206, images.jpeg)

>>2160336Are you talking about picrel? This grip only gives you control on a vertical/large surface, I don't know anyone who uses it for sketchbooks/tablets/horizontal surfaces. You can draw from your shoulder with a normal writing grip.
No. 2160355
>>2160348Yeah something like this. I tried to follow along with proko's video and failed terribly, still had to correct over and over again. Thanks for telling me I may be stupid kek
So should I just practice using my shoulder until I feel more in control?
No. 2160363
>>2160352i don't support how the other anons are acting but i second
>>2160356, why not try making it yourself? i mean in all honesty looking at the brush now it just seems like the typical textured acrylic brush but instead of round it has a super thin rectangle tip. it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.
No. 2160367
>>2160355Yeah, what
>>2160357 said, it really depends on what part of the image you're working on and what you're comfortable with in general. Using your shoulder is only necessary if you're trying to get from end to end in one fell swoop, I tend to lock my wrist and use my elbow for 99% of my drawings since my preferred sketchbook size averages between B5 up to 11x14. And I usually flex my fingers over using my wrist if I'm doing extremely fine details but again, this is just what I'm used to doing.
The only reason people harp on about wrist drawing is the constraint of line length and higher possibility of carpal tunnel compared to the other joints.
No. 2160377
>>2160367Hmm, thank you.
Should I use a shoulder/elbow pivot for fast gesture drawing or studies regardless of my paper situation? Or does it not matter? I just want lines I don't have to rework until I rip the paper kek
No. 2160390
File: 1726080096247.mp4 (596.83 KB, 720x720, [23-11-07] 1722005096622420374…)

>>2160378Its always very easy to tell and it doesnt look that good in the end.
No. 2160393
>>2160378I think a real-life model or photograph of real life is more suitable for beginners to learn from. However I have on a couple occasions met aspiring artists who think human bodies are "icky" and prefer the nice clean easypose models, usually teens. I didn't know what or if I should say anything kek
For pros, basically what
>>2160381 says, however if you use it continuously without transparency you'll likely get some criticism thrown your way, for simple poses and compositions you should probably be weaned off that stuff eventually.
No. 2160633
File: 1726088525966.jpg (11.94 KB, 320x320, b741533f71bb2896a3713bb1ca22fe…)

is there any hope for someone who drew warrior cats and furries for 99% of their life to learn how to draw stylized humans without them looking deformed or is it too late? asking for a friend btw
No. 2160664
File: 1726089644427.jpg (75.53 KB, 768x1000, 71J5bcMk0kL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>>2160633there's always hope, anon. now download that pdf and get to work.
No. 2160676
File: 1726090001636.png (994.14 KB, 600x869, stranger.png)

>>2160633Of course there is nona. You just have to study the proportions of the human face and notice how other people stylised those, and humans aren't even that super different proportionally from animals, just smaller noses, bigger chins, foreheads and cranium.
No. 2161484
File: 1726134718198.jpg (1.12 MB, 1773x2160,…)

Not sure if there's another thread for this but I've been looking at art from the 1600s and it's actually insane. Frans Hals is incredible. It's incredible that this was painted 400 years ago. I wonder what it looks like irl.
No. 2161744
File: 1726156851627.png (497.19 KB, 720x1142, Screenshot_20240912_095311_Chr…)

>"Not another basic bitch"
>Looks just like any other Bill gijinka
How hard is to be humble and post without dragging on others?
No. 2161754
>>2161744Okay this isn't horrible, I actually like it, but putting other designs down will always make your work look worse. It's a pyramid with a top hat who cares if he's twinky or not
>who can fuck very good the brothersI really hope that's a translation error
No. 2161759
File: 1726157532171.png (Spoiler Image,4.59 MB, 2001x1927, jfc.png)

>>2161744>check her account>its nothing but porn of disgusting old men like stan pines>ofcourse the only women she draws are generic pretty bimbos with huge tits>see thishow embarrassing, when will these retards learn that being a pornsick pickme isnt a personality trait. At least those women who draw twink bill cypher arent proudly displaying their persona surrounded by the hairy assholes they drew like they are trophies.
>>2161754it looks like tumblr shit
No. 2161768
File: 1726157851249.png (Spoiler Image,3.77 MB, 2226x1611, pickmee.png)

>>2161764shes an insane pickme imagine drawing porn of the girlsgogame characters for moid attention jfc women cant have shit without it being sexualized for men
No. 2161791
>>2161754That's exactly what I thought, as a design it's not bad, but there are far more unique takes on human Bill for this person to speak like that, like there are many who go with crazy themes like cult leader and such while she stuck with the same suit as the original Tumblr one.
>>2161759Oh, I regret not censoring the username since I just saw my screenshot's post, I'm sorry
No. 2161793
>>2161780You have 2 options here:
1. Show them the colorpick and then ignore them forever
2. Completely ignore their screeching and don't feed it
>>2161782If it's a man, gay in some way. Woman, pick-me or mentally ill.
No. 2161896
File: 1726165579943.jpg (333.06 KB, 1060x1500, 7326952147427.JPG)

Does anyone have (free) tutorials on how to render similar to picrel? Her timelapse videos are paywalled and i don’t want to give this pickme bitch my money kek.
No. 2162114
File: 1726178058302.png (409.14 KB, 494x992, 5373259842485.png)

>>2161897Didn’t really find that or anything useful. On a side note why the fuck is this on a public board.
No. 2162143
>>2162114and they're worse in the discords going off >>>ot/1699673
i swear to god that wysteria guy they're talking about was an admin for baraag (loli site) when it first started, but I could never find the proof.
No. 2162146
File: 1726179873250.png (1.52 MB, 758x959, Capture.PNG)

She drew the the tif as a cis woman…and it's already a million times better imo
No. 2162170
>>2162146Random nitpick but having pants the only go up so low must be so uncomfortable. It looks stupid as hell too. Jotaro's labia like a centimeter away from just being out and she looks nonchalant about it.
What is Kak's personality even supposed to be like, this smiley face doesn't seem consistent with anything else this artist has put out with Kate that I've seen
No. 2162185
File: 1726181494744.jpg (664.58 KB, 1170x1604, 01720272.jpg)

>>2162146This version is a TIM who gave himself a porn body lol
No. 2162278
File: 1726186224690.jpg (389.63 KB, 1088x1500, 7315852496215.JPG)

>>2162183She’s a coom ng artist who thinks some evil radfem boogeyman is out to destroy her art. I’m pretty sure she used to draw loli shit but she nuked it, even some of recent work seems pedo-panderey.
No. 2162355
File: 1726192031017.png (112.17 KB, 1181x510, 5992168415946.png)

>>2162344>babyface>male-pov looming over her>>2162339Nat has a fujo side account, but it’s mostly femboy shit so I wouldn’t discard the possibility.
No. 2162377
File: 1726194230228.jpg (403.55 KB, 2046x1536, 1000018079.jpg)

Do any of you ever draw without sketching any bases first? The last art class I've been in was back in high school, and my teacher beat it on our heads to always sketch the base of humans and animals first before ever drawing them fully. So are there any of you in here who just say "fuck it" and draw whatever you want "straight up"?
No. 2162406
File: 1726197285734.jpg (311.75 KB, 1060x1500, GGWgyX7WgAAAB6Z.jpg)

>>2162353>>2162355But the proportions make it clear that it's not a child though, unless this the world's best psyop were being 6 heads tall is loli-coded. Here's another picture of the same character and you can tell me whether or not this looks like anything other than a grown woman.
No. 2162415
File: 1726198224113.jpeg (669.44 KB, 1598x2048, 7d1c26b1-18af-4519-bd61-62cebf…)

>>2162377I draw boxes and construction just so I get a sense of the 3d space and make up everything else as I go along. If the drawing is complex I'll also do a little thumbnail but generally my ideas are both specific and vague (and boring) enough to not need it.
>>2162406Looks better here but you have to admit the prior drawing has creepy undertones.
No. 2162437
>>2162407>>2162415I just don't see it. Having a round face and being seen from above doesn't instantly make something creepy. It seems like a justification for for not liking a picture. You can just dislike something without having to claim some intent on the part of
the artist, it doesn't have to be that deep.
No. 2162470
File: 1726203961929.jpg (1.07 MB, 977x1500, FcxCYaTXgAATFE_.jpg)

>>2162441>but don’t act like her/his(?) female characters are devoid of any pedophiliac undertones.What undertones? The girls she draws look nothing like children, and the guys look about the same age, so what is this based on? Where are you coming from with this?
No. 2162548
File: 1726214280645.jpeg (102.71 KB, 940x947, 74f23a88-7d03-41f7-ad2c-be352f…)

>>2161484Nona, I love that tronie (your picrel) so much I twinkified him and shamelessly turned him into my beautiful OC. He’s currently on tour in the continent but I would absolutely recommend seeing it up close if you ever get the chance: no picture online manages to capture the rich saturation of Hals’ palette, nor the optical illusion of stepping closer as his swaggering brushworks disperse from solid fabric and skin into complete abstraction. Van Gogh, famously an admirer, once said that he must have had ‘27 blacks’ on his palette, and Hals
did have a keen eye for layering dark fabrics (the common style of dress then in the Protestant (Spanish) Netherlands), which is another fun, stylistic flair to keep an eye out for, as it sparks up again in the work of his admirers centuries later, such as Sargent (another favourite!).
I could ramble about the Cavalier specifically, or some of his other portraits which I like, but do you have any other baroque artists you’ve discovered and loved (or hated) so far? I’m always happy to talk about them, even if that involves making a new thread.
No. 2162554
File: 1726214850161.jpeg (3.14 MB, 3024x3490, IMG_4498.jpeg)

>>2162548Apologies, I nearly forgot to post picrel. Since you mentioned wanting to see Hals’ work in person, here’s my very shabby photo of another portrait from the exhibition. Unfortunately, at the time I wasn’t very invested in Hals particularly; so I took a quick snap, said ‘wow’ and shuffled on. (In retrospect? The shame…)
No. 2162557
>>2161744does she really think that buff/inverted-triangle human!bill is a unique or fresh concept in 2024? that stupid little pyramid has been gijinka'd to hell and back, nothing about this version is new in isolation or combination. Just present your design and be positive about it, don't pretend you're god's gift to the bill enjoyers who'll wrest them from the dark embrace of twink!bill and into the light of your personal tastes.
I miss the object-head era for these kinds of designs, the autism was there but it was quaint kek
No. 2162559
File: 1726215058055.jpeg (1017.66 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_0278.jpeg)

>>2162554Here’s another with more visible texturing (at the cost of lighting), from a smaller museum. We technically weren’t allowed to take photographs, so you can think of this one as limited edition if you’d like. Hehe.
No. 2162650
File: 1726224220214.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 750x1624, A6D9E1AB-739A-4394-A574-85F88C…)

>>2162146This person Gumo? Who’s writing with Brujo Ari on her show gives me red flags / pedo vibes. This is deleted from her instagram. SPOILER FOR NSFL.
No. 2162670
File: 1726225351265.jpg (Spoiler Image,478.05 KB, 2078x994, wtf.jpg)

>>2162650Thank you for reminding me nona, I saw this gumo person’s twitter and shit was creeping me out.
I don’t understand how this person has the chops to be co-creator, so I assume they’re really close friends. Not sure if this is a moid or a really mentally ill girl, but I get the feeling gumo is influencing brujo ari with weird coomershit
No. 2162682
File: 1726226447954.jpg (21.51 KB, 460x434, e4c34ca6f787cb58676325e20c0189…)

>>2162680And so it fucking begins again…
No. 2162695
File: 1726227397118.png (79.32 KB, 636x826, nooo we're not like that.png)

>>2159778Thanks for the link, I hate lolifags that keep pretending this sick fuck's pedophilia has nothing to do with their loli fetish
No. 2162706
>>2162670Looks like edgy art from a female lolicon to me. If she likes ugly bastards then that’s another proof she’s a mentally ill self-hating pedo pickme.
Her on model porn of kids’ games is also extremely pedo adjacent…
No. 2162743
File: 1726232156772.jpg (121.26 KB, 850x850, sample_2617efe405130d85d0dd4a9…)

>>2162695nexon still hired dorontabi to work for BA after it was found out he was tracing from gravure pics. He was accused of it like 2 years ago and the anime aired this year with art from him. Pic rel is not credited but its highly likely its his art as the style is way too similar to his own.
No. 2162745
File: 1726232272459.jpg (235.22 KB, 1600x1200, dorontabi.jpg)

>>2162743compared to something from his twitter. The brush and the shading are the same.
No. 2162758
File: 1726234374328.jpeg (395.73 KB, 1125x2000, 020C2BA4-E20F-4B89-A379-C189E5…)

pickme artists are crazy, i fully understand women can have male tastes and women aren’t a monolith blah blah blah but you can’t tell me the scratch and sniff anime girl panties aren’t meant for dudes/male pandering. make that money i guess No. 2162787
File: 1726236394310.jpeg (328.31 KB, 1500x1929, 65983535-F395-4125-AEE5-DD7677…)

>>2162769money, i’m guessing. i like her art generally (coquette aesthetic is cute to me) but the stickers made me kek a bit. now that i’m thinking on it extracting money from dudes with something that probably took you like ten seconds to do might be kind of based, idk
No. 2162835
>>2162758>scratch and sniffWhat… What does it smell like? Ass scent??
>>2162787Pandering to coomers will bring you large amount of money (if you're lucky) and no amount of happiness or fulfillment unless you become an nlog to cope. I'd only get into it if I was at plan z and one foot into the homeless shelter and even then I think I'll take the homeless shelter.
No. 2162880
>>2162876If you're against porn, then you're doing a big disservice by acting like drawn naked (or scantily clad) women are the same as the real women who actually get exploited and abused in the actual porn industry. I don't see the point in acting like it's the exact same thing.
>plus a lot of nsfw ethots end up posting their asses online like mermalade mum.Then that
would make them a pornstar, but not drawing porn kek.
No. 2163021
File: 1726249705012.jpg (262.69 KB, 1045x1816, amossa miku.jpg)

>>2163015Speaking of Mossa. I genuinely dont get the appeal. All he draws is big titty waifu of the week in a white background and has 500k followers. He's like a sightly more talented Shadman. Also, his faces are utterly repulsive.
No. 2163026
>>2163021Kek wtf. Does he have a fetish for women
and children with the downs?
No. 2163035
>>2163021big titties: coomer attention span snagged
color palette that isn't piercing your eyes: SO SUBVERSIVE AND UNIQUE OH MY GEE!!!
That's it
No. 2163047
>>21630461. Obtain older account off someone you know
2. Suck it up and deal with it (just engage with run-of-the-mill normie content for a day or two)
No. 2163163
>>2163021Ugh that face. The head is so small compared to the neck. Shit is looking like how incase (weird porn artist who doesn't believe in lesbian sex unless a dick is involved or so I've read years ago) draws these days. All eyes and mouth with no chin.
One thing with porn artists is sometimes, they just go backwards in terms of skill. They'll peak, realise that their peak requires effort, and fall into a sloppy and easier style to draw that keeps around their old fans around.
No. 2163240
>>2163233>You are saying "it's different from pornstars" Except I'm not. Read these posts again
>>2163201>>2163189Im literally just saying that "NSFW art isn't based" wasn't the part that annoys were disagreeing with. You guys just keep arguing points I didn't make kek
No. 2163258
>>2163255How do now understand even the simplest comparison between the behaviors of two sets of coom peddlers? nobody has ever said porn art
is IRL porn, they are comparing the kinds of women who create it, holy shit.
No. 2163305
>>2163283I knew there were more moid yaoi-readers than i thought… It was my spidey senses
>>2163297Seconded. They're self-inserting as the hot girl. Or they just like coomer attention
No. 2163318
>>2163297I want to agree but then I log onto twitter and see nothing but pink flag non-troon lesbians gassing up the latest popular animated anime/game/gacha yuribait sequence that’s clearly pandering for scrote pennies as ‘high art’ and accusing anyone who points out that
they, the lesbians, are the ones being fetishised, a misogynist
No. 2163333
File: 1726266529522.jpg (86.27 KB, 500x500, AsianTiger[1].jpg)

Sup hey it's that one gamedev anon. Idk if that programmer anon is still out there (the one I was chatting with in this very thread), but if she is, please reply to this post. (Or any other programmer anons who might be interested.)
No. 2163343
>>2163338I mean yeah that would be gross, but that post was speaking generally so I didn't think it's only specifically about that. Also if you're referring to this post
>>2162800 I really don't know what you mean by "schoolgirl" honestly. Also they weren't calling the panty stickers tasteful.
No. 2163372
>>2163370>moid loving kek this one's always a projection. At some point you have to admit this level of preoccupation with what men think, even when we're discussing
women's relation to art can only mean one thing: that they love men so, so much. They love them to the point where mild indifference isn't even an option.
No. 2163448
File: 1726274628493.png (63.99 KB, 275x224, 1725374958989.png)

How does this thread keep getting increasingly retarded? Everyone involved in that infight should be embarrassed. Like I swear to god the IQ here's getting to sub zero in comparison to some of the older threads.
No. 2163463
>>2163448Anons don’t know how to archive or they scare potential cows away and the milk dries up, is one theory. Also no one can draw kek but they can critique or they’re grinding fundies and aren’t here as much as before.
I just want to be petty, like even some authors I don’t care for but don’t know the thread to discuss it but trash reads and trash art go hand in hand so it’s semi-related. I’ll sperg about romantacy and how the “best artists” scribble over 3D human models (not anime) and it looks smudgy and dirty. Cringe, really but everyone loves it. I feel crazy for wanting better standards of art.
No. 2163823
>>2163812Idk what all this talk about Russian Academic Drawing is, but based on the NM site, it looks like the kind of stuff my dad learned when he studied drawing. It's basically drawing from casts, busts, statues, etc. which is all well and good, but it doesn't compare to drawing actual humans, animals, objects, etc. from real life. That is the only real way you'll get better, because you're training your eye and your mind to see, to study, and to replicate something with actual mass and volume in real life.
No. 2163926
File: 1726303849548.jpg (46.46 KB, 924x924, Image-03_Cintiq-16_in-use-imag…)

Art nonnas, I need some advice.
A few years ago I upgraded my 2010s intuous setup to an iPad pro with CSP on it. I was enjoying it fine until that stupid fucking apple pencil gave me carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome. Something about the very slippery screen (even with paperlike) and the weight/shape of the pen (even with an makeshift rubber grip taken from a pen) it still makes my hand hurt so much it takes me weeks to recover. I haven't been able to draw for one year because my hand is fucked. I had surgery for the cubital tunnel a few weeks ago and I want to get back into drawing, but I'm hesitant to go back to the iPad pro even though it's basically a brand new 2021 model.
So my question is: should I shell out for a cintiq and replace my setup? My intuous pen was so much lighter and more ergonomic and it never caused me any issues. Other than a cintiq, is there another/better option for a screen tablet? The lack of portability doesn't bother me, I just want to make sure to get back into drawing very carefully so I don't fuck up my hand any further.
No. 2164004
>>2163979>>2163463funny you say this cause just earlier I saw a reel of a chinese artist doing this.
this is way more common than people think, yet idiots on twitter go mental when this is shown but praise a lot of artists who do the exact same thing, but don't disclose it
personally I don't see any issues with this if you're short on time, not everyone is a fulltime artist, this doesn't negate the good rendering or drawing skills (for hair,clothes etc) those artists have tho
No. 2164032
>>2164004But they don’t have the skills
nonny. I wouldn’t mind too much if they could render well but it’s like early digital art DA days when you’d blend with the smudge tool. Lighting makes no sense and the clothing looks poorly rendered, assets looks clunky and hands are stiff. It’s not like la__aura (IG) who uses 3D models. It’s trash art but these women don’t care.
>>2164027 There’s a season for everything and right now your season is graduating from school. You’ll have time. Even 10 minutes a day helps.
No. 2164035
File: 1726316587691.jpg (171.22 KB, 1024x899, img_9316-1024x899.jpg)

Hi nonas, an academic library near me has the rare "How I Make A Picture" book by Austin Briggs from the Famous Artists Course that I can't find a pdf of anywhere online, and the only copies available for sale are $700+. It's a really old book (60s) so no one is allowed to check it out, but I'm really excited to go and take pics and possibly scan it if they allow me (which they probably won't). If I'm not able to scan it, I'm planning on taking a picture of all the pages. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can do this best? I'd love to compile it and upload it later too, so I'm wondering the best uploading site that won't be taken down. I'm thinking Mediafire.
No. 2164046
>>21629458+ hours because it's my job
and hobby.>>2163328If you’re making it for leisure and not for profit or high art, I don't see why you can't just enjoy not being the best.
No. 2164054
>>21629458+ hours if I'm doing commissions, 3-5 if I'm on my free days.
>>2163021I hate his rendering because he makes bodies look dirty or disgusting. They're so fleshy and raw chicken like. Face is inbred and neck is way too long. He makes the kind of art that's only sexy to pedophiles or degenerates with at least 4 paraphilias.
No. 2164078
File: 1726320937751.jpg (82.5 KB, 781x587, GRKItzUXYAAjbEB.jpg)

Being a footfag is frustrating. Millions aesthetic slim veiny hands but almost all feet pictures are very basic or ugly scrotey.
No. 2164149
File: 1726327092784.jpg (134.57 KB, 827x579, tulio7.jpg)

>>2164035If you can, use an actual proper camera and not your phone camera. And bring a little camera stand or something to put the camera on so you can take steady, proper photos at the same angle. And either do or else Flickr. I've seen people upload old American illustrations on Flickr before, so they won't care. I hope you do actually upload them and don't flake out.
No. 2164151
File: 1726327238587.jpg (2.9 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20231020_145037.jpg)

>>2162554If we're posting art we've seen in person, here's a close-up of a triptych I got to see in Spain.
No. 2165021
>>2164724>>2164867This video shows the motion from the side, which is slightly clearer than seeing it from the front. His fucking sweater doesn't help though.
Your elbow moves, but your wrist doesn't. For an example from the front that's better than drawabox's video explaining this the one from "the drawing journey" shows the advantage (drawing a large circle) in a much more convincing way.
If there's a video out there showing the movement from a 3/4 back view that shows the entire shoulder to hand without a goddamn sweater and with drawn results in frame at the same time from a variety of movements (wrist motion, hand positions, etc.) it'd be much more useful.
No. 2165267
File: 1726404572375.jpeg (211.79 KB, 736x2922, _.jpeg)

>>2165022If it's for greyscale/black and white drawings this method works pretty good
No. 2165273
File: 1726404869073.png (51.8 KB, 446x270, Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 05-49…)

Im retarded someone teach me how to download the nnmclub artstation torrents without it taking days and days (on mobile)
>>2165022Anon above me posted a good method but I like to import the image on ibispaint and use line extract, does basically the same thing well enough
No. 2165294
>>2165291It has a premium service?? I should've specified, I did try the direct download but none of the images worked, then I tried it through a torrent downloading app and it said I have to wait 3 days (time I don't have)
I may just be too retarded for this, if there are nonnas here who successfully downloaded them tell me what you did/used? Did you just wait the whole 3 days kek
No. 2165435
File: 1726413641518.png (167.33 KB, 1358x252, distribution time.png)

>>2165273translate the page and it should tell you when the OP is seeding
No. 2165437
File: 1726413745319.png (19.92 KB, 540x365, smekcat.png)

>>2165435samefag, if you want any specific pack i can dl it for you and then zip it and upload it to anonfiles
No. 2165533
>>2165271if you require a something to be 'gated' in order to see value in it or feel better about your own efforts, the real issue is likely that your own skill is poor. needing others to be handicapped so that you can shine is pathetic, and a good artist will be good regardless of if they have an ipad or not kek.
imo the only major benefit newer digital artists might have is that there is a wealth of good quality art resources available for free that maybe weren't around or where harder to stumble across a decade or so ago (because let's be real, most recent digital art tutorials are just regurgitations of older ones or theory you can find in art books), and that there are now more programs geared towards digital art that are 'artist friendly' when it comes to their features and things like brush engines (was a big reason as to why sai was so hyped back in the day, aside from weebery ofc)
No. 2165542
>>2165271Yeah sometimes
I also get really jealous when I see digital artists from my country, they were almost non-existent 10 years ago.
It's very much a me problem
No. 2165621
File: 1726428282511.png (1.16 MB, 1040x771, 000gchn.png)

>>2165615My bad, I clicked send before loading an image
No. 2165622
File: 1726428316817.png (1.2 MB, 1033x758, 000sfrb.png)

No. 2165626
>>2165277oversaturation, the amount of art is fucking overwhelming and it's getting worse
the amount of BAD art has skyrocketed ever since tablets became more accessible
No. 2165628
>>2165621>>2165622Looks okay I guess. Nothing too special. What a strange question, what's
your opinion on them nonna?
No. 2165653
File: 1726429934186.jpg (2.72 MB, 1170x3000, 95376478.JPG)

>>2165271No, but sometimes I feel that too many people are limiting their potential, they should rely less on tablets and try doing more traditional art. Great digital art pieces just can’t compare to great traditional art pieces.
No. 2165668
File: 1726431224580.jpg (277.68 KB, 1884x2997, 1157386604899553280_1.jpg)

anyone have milk on rev? i still don't know if this is an actual guy or a tif
No. 2165695
>>2165626Eh this is not true imo. Saturation yes but I feel like the average quality is higher. Sometimes I go back to old fandom art that got a lot of attention on DA and realize many of those fanart would not get any attention now because there are way more pieces of the quality of
>>2165653 Anyway
>>2165271 I don't think you can just blame tablets/ipads, it's more that nerdy hobbies are more common in general now.
No. 2166107
File: 1726482508995.jpeg (91.21 KB, 736x1066, _ (1).jpeg)

Do any of you nonas have experience with exhibitions/galleries or doing traditional painting commissions? How dificult is it to get in to that scene without any contacts or nepotism?
No. 2166876
File: 1726527668340.jpg (58.52 KB, 564x564, 2595c556f7f99347790c11b01dfd12…)

This is potentially a very dumb question but I couldn't find any answer online.
How come a lot of character designers don't work as fashion designers or costume design. It feels like the main skills should be easily transferable. Outside of sewing and understanding materials but I've seen a lot of artists lately willing to invest time learning 3d modelling.
No. 2166883
>>2163328It will never not scare me when someone here writes the exact same thoughts I've been having for a bit. I kept reading your post wondering if I wrote and forgot about it.
That shit happens way too much.
That aside, did you ever give your self the chance to actually write or draw a comic? If drawing a comic seems too overwhelming to too cringe, did you ever try writing down short stories of your ideas? At some point you'll want to take some time to plan things out, maybe create a proper outline and what have you before you revisit your story idea again. There's nothing wrong with ripping off or taking inspiration just make sure you look things up or else you'll end up looking like Colleen Hoover but even then people defend her to the death
and like said
>>2165784 you'd be surprised with how far ao3/wattpad fiction can get you. As long as you actually write down your stuff.
No. 2166907
File: 1726528954888.jpg (499.62 KB, 1600x1260, Davis-Maleficent+2.jpg)

>>2166481>>2166511Hey, AYRT, yeah please send me the email. Turns out we need programmers now more than ever, lol.
No. 2167373
File: 1726545315623.jpeg (77.91 KB, 632x651, crying chinese hamster.jpeg)

Another one of my favourite artists went the full coomer route.
No. 2167619
>>2167176Yep, it's depressing. It really shows when a character desginer has no eye for fashion whatsoever.
>>2164035Nona, it's on anna's archive. But i had no idea this book even existed (i
love Briggs). Thank you for bringing this up!! No. 2167623
>>2166876Designing a character and a outfit is easy, making it work in real life is completely different, much harder and not really a necessity for them. Just looking at references is more than enough to inspire them.
>a lot of artists lately willing to invest time learning 3d modelling.Because character designers often do concepts for games and movies that use 3d. A concept artist that understands 3d modelling will be a much better fit into a team than an artist who has no ide how it works. 3d is so much more limited than real life, so understanding that media's limitations is more important than learning about sewing when creating a concept for a 3d character.
No. 2167840
>>2163435I wish I was this shameless honestly. I think I'm always going to struggle with feeling like a copycat.
>>2166883I have the plot and even the ending for what I want to make plotted out but I'm stumped on what to do for the language aspect. How do people even come up with names and titles for shit? Maybe I should ask in the book writing thread.
No. 2167858
File: 1726559677900.jpg (101.91 KB, 540x763, Screenshot_20221217-175451_Chr…)

>>2167814Before crafting I never realized how many different fabrics there are out there.
No. 2167876
>>2167840>How do people even come up with names and titles for shitPersonally, I find having a strict theme or naming convention easiest to work with. Titles are the last thing I work out, since I usually want something that encapsulates the whole story so it needs to be finished/mostly finished first since what a story is and bout can change through the process of writing it all out.
As for the more general 'creative bankruptcy', try doing things that help encourage creativity or discourage the blind use of defaults or cliches. Things don't have to wildly creative to stand out, in my experience simply having thought and care towards what you're making will go far, and simple twists on a generic idea can go a long way into making it feel fresh or interesting (again, think about
why you're including something, what that might mean for the story/characters, and then play around with it– if you're having fun, your audience will know and it'll be a better experience for them). Don't just do something because, do it because you want to and find it interesting (easy art example are designs that parrot basic shape language theory to the point that the character becomes cliche and archetypical/abstract, meaning that it fails to communicate anything further than 'round = friend, pointy = villain', which results in there being nothing for people to latch onto). Also, ask yourself 'what ifs' about what you're making and try to come up with more dynamic ideas that way.
Lastly, broaden your media consumption– read/watch broadly, and take ideas and inspirations from other genres and subject matter than whatever it is you're personally making.
No. 2167922
>>2163328Simple ideas translate better to comics than complex GRRM-esque ones. Your retarded edgelord ideas appeal to a huge crowd. If you can pump out a chapter a week with decent art, even if the story's not particularly original, you'll be way more successful than someone with a fantastic idea for a story who gets too wrapped up in the details to do anything good with it.
If your stories are 3edgy5u lean into it. The more shameless you are, the better.
No. 2167955
>>2167950look, unless you want to go full conlang or are writing a pulpy space opera with keyboard smash aliens, coming up with nouns and fictional jargon rarely uses completely made up 'words' and instead relies on using or modifying regular words or using their roots (a good handle on prefixes and suffixes will get you far). Your goal is for your terminology to both communicate the thing that it is, something about the setting, and maybe theme or a character's perception of things. Come up with boundaries for these words (root language, common theme, information they're communicating, time period of the general setting, etc), what kind of sound or feel you want them to have (eg cool or pretty or foreboding), and who is using them and why within the story. Most common names are also descriptive, even if they're now disconnected from say Modern English, while more formal or academic terms will borrow from older languages and more 'cryptic' in comparison to those not in the know, so that's also something to keep in mind (also, if this is for a comic, make sure the name matches or evokes the visual design to better help your readers link the two).
Can you give an example of a piece of media that achieves something similar to what you want?
No. 2167989
>>2167983And I want to have the words based in a language, I'm not trying to claim otherwise. I'm just saying that to do that I'd need to do so much research and I'm not willing to do that right now.
I'm not going to keep shitting the thread with this bc it has absolutely nothing to do with art at this point. Sorry everyone.
No. 2167991
>>2167983calm down I'm not suggesting you get a doctorate in linguistics, you could hash out most of my suggestions in like a week of moderate effort and a bit of googling. If language so heavily effects 'the needs of the story', yet it's not a topic you're truly interested or well-versed in, then maybe you should work on removing or nullifying that aspect and instead focus on what you do enjoy (or at least ask
why it's so important). So much of fiction, including sci-fi and fantasy, doesn't really bother with conlangs or naming conventions beyond turning common nouns proper, so no one's really even expecting all creators to pull a Tolkien– this isn't something to stress or shelve a project over and honestly can be ignored. Focus instead on engaging characters and plot for your audience to follow, and figuring out how to present them visually in an appealing, readable, and easy-to-keep-consistent way. Good luck anon, and don't give up on creating things just because you've run into a hurdle or feel down about your skills. Everyone starts out shit and makes wonky crap even after they've 'made it'.
No. 2168506
>>2166914I assumed that would be the main barrier to entry for character designers
>>2167908Oh you're right.
I just assumed that a character designer would be willing to tone down something for the sake of a play or film just so they can jump between different mediums.
>>2167176I find that hard to believe since design is integral to character design. I know that in anime/manga/comics/social media you always have way too many people that can't practice restraint when designing characters but tbh doesn't the same apply towards fashion ?? I saw plenty of ugly costumes and designs but the main difference is one takes time I guess
and what said
>>2167814 No. 2168513
>>2167983Nonnie you said your story is similar to wattpad fiction, why would you want to spend a lot of time coming up with unique never used before words when you're not really trying to appeal to a pretentious crowd that would care much?
You could throw a dart at a map and wherever it lands just use that country's local language for your unique words I guess. It feels like people (anime) does it with German all the time
No. 2168553
>>2168506nayrt, to be successful character designers just have to be able to follow directions and have high enough drawing skill to make an appealing character. A deep understanding of clothing functionality isn't required and this is most obvious if you look at armor design on characters that stay in 2D mediums vs. seeing an actual suit of armor in a museum.
Fashion designers on the other hand, don't need to draw well at all. As long as they can knock out a rough fashion croquis at 9-10 heads tall there's no need for clean art or accuracy because the rest of it is pattern drafting and making the actual outfit off that sketch.
No. 2168897
>>2168513This is part of what was lamenting. I essentially want to create high fantasy, but I'm not knowledgeable and creative enough to pull it off.
And I don't want to use special never before used words or create a whole new language I just wanted an understanding of a language that I would base say an imaginary in world language on that would make it seem realistic. Not just google the meaning of words to use.
Anyways I understand I have way too high of ambitions storywise which is why I'd rather drop that shit and work on improving my drawing.
I feel like I type so retardedly and can't properly express what I'm trying to say that people are misconstruing me as wanting to be some literary genius when I just want to create high fantasy while I'm currently at a light fantasy ability. Anyways I think this is better discussed in the writing thread than here.
No. 2168996
>>2168897Honestly I sympathize with you so much, seeing this convo is a bit crazy but please don't drop your story idea. You'll find a way around it.
Why don't you start small? Like with a short story or something a bit more noncommittal until you find it seems less daunting? It seems like everything so far is in your head or just lose ideas?
>but I'm not knowledgeable I think just like art you need to expose yourself to different stories, it's not even a suggestion like art it's a requirement. You don't just write stories without understanding what makes something good or bad. How will you know what good story telling is? It's easy to get caught up in what essentially boils down to world building at the expense of the story and characters.
I started buying books to force myself to read them. Hoarding them on my pc hasn't helped at all.
> I think this is better discussed in the writing thread than here.Yeah you're right. i wanted to aur my grievances a few days ago but realised the thread has basically been abandoned.
Anyway it's all saged so …whatever
No. 2169094
File: 1726625829925.jpg (741.31 KB, 1100x755, 3601712.jpg)

>>2169076shijukara. I hope i can find a new artist that fits his niche but very few artists draw detailed backgrounds in traditional.
No. 2169098
>>2169055NTA but like the other nonna said, if you want to make friends or even distant mutuals gendies or normies who haven't peaked are everywhere,
and it's very hard to find cryptos especially when any form of identification will get blasted everywhere as a dogwhistle. My followers and mutuals are convinced I'm actually schizophrenic, so I can get away with sly digs but not everyone wants to do that larp for obvious reasons.
No. 2169292
>>2169055>why do so many of you let gendies live rent free in your mind?All my commissioners are some flavor of gendie.
Which means that 90% of their friends and connections are also woke gendies.
All fandom spaces are full of gendies and pander to gendies.
Any minor misstep against gendies gets called out and you get cancelled.
No matter what space I enter "no transphobia" is written into the rules.
The gendies are literally fucking everywhere. I do not want to think about them, but they force me to. The only way to ignore them is to not speak to anyone online, not build or enter communities and to silently post art hoping someone sees it.
You also have to realize we were often in those spaces before the gendie stuff started and took over. Then suddenly they poisoned it with their ideology and now all your online friends are suddenly wokies who draw titscars and troon propaganda and you can't just suddenly just stop talking to them after 10 years of knowing them, or you work in the industry and don't want to lose your job.
No. 2169410
File: 1726662023337.jpg (1.52 MB, 2880x2880, 1000015176.jpg)

>Since she has a lively personality, I decided to try out a fun pose.
Never change, Chris Shart
No. 2169608
File: 1726674969436.jpeg (18.58 KB, 197x255, images (8).jpeg)

>>2169410Oh boy, core memory unlocked. I had his how to draw shoujo manga book. I'm curious if this guy has any skill in any style.
No. 2169652
>>2169609it was this bit
>The only transphobic oc she has is an evil TERF, which funnily enough looks like me.for me
No. 2169768
File: 1726685635528.jpeg (311 KB, 1542x2048, IMG_5477.jpeg)

Nonas I’m thinking about starting a new art account, but I’m concerned that it’s going to end up the same way: get big, gain followers, get uncomfortable with attention, troon mutuals latch on to me, bring drama with them, delete my account, start over. It’s been long enough that I’m at that stage where I’m ‘ready’ to be online again, but a part of me knows that it’s just the rose-coloured glasses and that the only reason I feel good about starting again in the first place is because I’m so healthy from being offline at the moment! What should I do?
No. 2169775
>>2169691I feel like i should of saged this as this milk is 3 days old already sorry nonnas
>>2169732Kek exactly. Birdie was probably my first cow as I've know about birdie since i was like 11(we're the same age) and her art has never improved over the course of a decade.
No. 2169820
File: 1726689413024.png (733.06 KB, 1609x1180, Screenshot 2024-09-18 135506.p…)

This is random and beating a dead horse, but how did someone this bad at art and humor get popular in the first place? I swear for some people getting popular is totally by random
No. 2169824
>>2169025Isn't dynamic sketching the course everyone swears by?
idk what your issue is with hampton but I agree
No. 2169828
>>2169822Wait I didn't know that, this pedo was pretending to be a woman? But they're obviously male presenting? I swear, throw an lgbt lable on any horny degen will give them a pass to get popular and get away with anything.
The world really is retarded. I mean, looking at a lot of fanbases it checks out.
No. 2169833
>>2169828>Wait I didn't know that, this pedo was pretending to be a woman?I mean it was pretty obvious by the kuromi and girly interests no fag would have..
>swear, throw an lgbt lable on any horny degen will give them a pass to get popular and get away with anything.Almost like most of them are degenerates
mostly the g and t especially the latter No. 2169894
>>2169889 Or how about not being in group chats with minors and shilling your fetish shit around them?
It's literally all about not being retarded. Most functional adults don't want to hang out with kids anyway and if they are they can control themselves.
It wasn't the content, it was them interacting with the horny teens.
No. 2169899
File: 1726694146921.png (243.72 KB, 575x447, thembie twitter.png)

>>2169894care to post the captures? did she even know they were underage? because all the ''caps'' i have seen were of terminally online zoomies cancelling her for shit like pic rel
No. 2169922
>>2169885I think you're confusing cows, Pumpkin Gentleman hasn't been DMing anyone unless that's a new update. Most of the milk was her pretending to be a biological man and Japanese and also implying that she was sexually abused as a child so she could defend herself for drawing a young looking character (which iirc wasn't even a child character), posting unappealing suggestive art to her mostly child and retard audience and sticking dildoes in her pants.
Also not to be that person but
>theyShe's obviously female if her interests and art style didn't tip you off, I can't be assed to find to find the photos she posted herself but she's a short average sized woman.
No. 2169947
>>2169820Well, he (she?) Often made posts that got tons of likes about the current thing™. I doubt most of them actually followed him for his art rather than his opnions
>>2169652I'm the og anon, I just wanted to clarify that my friend's oc looks like me because she's a very plain looking woman. Now that I look back at my post I know it sounds made up, sorry
No. 2170015
File: 1726701093490.png (88.97 KB, 500x500, 1725858955164383.png)

when people tell you how nice the colors in a pic you did are, but you actually just relied on a gradient map lol
No. 2170060
File: 1726703377972.mp4 (3.31 MB, 640x720, [21-05-07] 1390591810511147011…)

Does anyone know of more artists who post recorded versions of their process but with a heavy focus on the construction like picrel?
No. 2170783
>>2170458>they say I should change my format to webtoon scroll down style or splice it into tiktok to get more readersSign of the times. It sucks but they're probably right. Honestly though, I feel format is less important than just straight up audience engagement and updating frequently and without hiatuses. People love forming parasocial relationships with creators these days.
I used to be a web/print comic artist but had unfortunately switch to webtoon format for my job. The vertical format sucks ass and was tough to get used to. It's so limiting!
No. 2171033

>>2166023>I participated in a gallery once with my dumb ass cartoons and it was genuinely an embarassing experience. I know it's a bit late to reply to this but you shouldn't get discouraged about drawing cartoons and putting them on a gallery, because gallerists and collectors out there love looking out for this type of variety to add to their collections. Not all art consumers are the same, there's plenty of niches and some of them include cartoony drawings and paintings. What they care about the most in my opinion is how good it looks in a canvas or a good quality print, so if your art is original (not fan art, that's what I mean) and you know how to present it, it will do good. It takes time for everyone until you find the right type of buyer, even people that draw what you would traditionally expect from a gallery can have their slow seasons, it's all about perseverance. One female artist I can recommend to watch is Madoka Kinoshita, she knows how to transfer her cartoony art to a canvas and I think that's what her buyers are looking for the most. Her art is also pretty inoffensive and cute so it's not like you have to have a high grade concept or anything. Don't give up
nonny, I believe in you and your dreams.
No. 2171059
File: 1726773804847.png (198.72 KB, 466x441, Fdm6OSdX0AIpoSd.png)

I hate it when giga coomer artists have an art style feature that I really like
No. 2171095
nonny you are so cute
No. 2171471
File: 1726789683652.png (256.89 KB, 598x677, Mery__s2.PNG)

Goodbye Mery__S2, you were the biggest pillar of the Hyouka fandom. Your art will be missed. No. 2171514
File: 1726792089784.jpg (109.55 KB, 650x829, 1683769441891113.jpg)

Does anyone have more examples of inspiring pogress? i am feeling so demotivated and like i am never going to improve
No. 2171515
>>2171493The fandom isn't really that large, Mery was just the most known part of it for their dedication to drawing lots of Hyouka fanart. The anime is pretty average in my personal opinion but I was a fan of their fanart.
They were just getting hounded across the internet by a user named Yutorleu. He would create sock puppet accounts across multiple websites and harass Mery constantly.
No. 2171531
File: 1726793705268.jpg (287.45 KB, 1267x1300, mery__S2_-1336018627951165440-…)

>>2171515why do scrotes ruin everythinga, they cant let an autistic woman thrive
No. 2171907
>>2170458SA. I had a bit of self reflection and saw works of "successful" comic artists from my country. (Social media numbers are hard to translate to money but I'll assume they're doing well.) I should just be grateful I can afford to be artistically picky for a hobby I don't depend on for money kek. Still a sad trend though.
>>2170733Why can't you post your comics? I posted page format comics on webtoon and people have read it fine, not that it's popular but also I don't post consistently.
>>2170783Can you give us more details? Nothing too defining. Are you an assistant or are you signed up as an artist/writer for webtoon/lezhin?
No. 2172186
>>2172151I've wanted to try it and even got a code but paypal is restricted in the place where I live, and they've rejected my application to vgen payments, so I have given up the possibility of doing commisions for now.
I don't know if they've rejected my application because I'm not popular enough or something else. sucks living in a third world country
No. 2172241
File: 1726850717864.jpeg (71.96 KB, 736x1094, CD268BC9-BC19-4B42-B1AA-91480C…)

Nonnas, have you been /are you an artist who has a moderate following or so, less than 10k in a social media, and have you dealt with skinwalkers? I’ve began to share less and less interests or personal details about myself because I’ve noticed some accounts would draw things extremely similar to me, and start posting about the interests that would be the ones I would talk about shortly beforehand. I sound schizo as fuck but it’s just kinda weird to me. They would be following me. Have you ever had one that went extremely far?