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No. 2168370

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2141639

No. 2168377

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My dad has a cooking channel where he makes tutorials for recipes and he used to post videos in his own language but now he wants to make English videos and asked me to watch it to make sure he made no mistakes but I couldn't stop laughing because of his goofy thirdie accent kek. He sounds so faggy

No. 2168383

I'm watching this show and I keep feeling tempted to get a free trial on the streaming service so I can binge it but it's also been nice to wait for a new episode every sunday so idk. I'll probably wait it out.
Aw that's kind of cute tbh.

No. 2168385

I have so many photos of my cat sleeping belly up and I'm probably gonna take a bazillion more

No. 2168401

luxembourgish is such a fucked up language

No. 2168435

I love when I really want a tea, and I look over and see that I just made a tea and forgot. Just happened again and what a gift from past me! Thank goodness for short term memory issues. A treat I don't even recall making. Wonderful and cozy. Always happens when I want to separate my ass from my seat the least. Kek

No. 2168440

It's been a bit since they told me the BPD diagnosis I had was a misdiagnosis and I'm still processing it but it's freeing knowing that
>My stable relationships
>My ability to self soothe and regulate
>My ability to get better once I was put in a healthy environment
>My hopes for the future and ability to love and live with people in a normal way
>The fact I never had a favorite person or someone I wanted to create drama with on purpose
>That I never wanted to hurt someone I love on purpose
>That I never asked for attention from anyone
>That I was simply angry at life because I lost a parent when I was misdiagnosed
All of this makes me not BPD, I'm very happy

No. 2168448

Went to the grocery store to buy feta cheese and forgot all about that and ended up buying a tiramisu cake

No. 2168554

Nothing more heartbreaking than seeing you got an email notification thinking it's a response to your job application, just for it to be some irrelevant shit I don't care about…

No. 2168555

after one of my parents died i suddenly developed bpd-ish tendencies out of nowhere, insecurity, fear of abandonment, detecting threats or slights in anything people said. i think a lot of the symptoms of grief can mirror bpd. thankfully i have been able to move on from that time but it was an absolute nightmare, it felt like a switch had been flipped in my brain and i became everything i hated

No. 2168578

I just realized I’m an extremely simple and provincial person. I live 45 minutes from my parents. I look forward to holidays and loved ones birthdays. I went to undergrad and post-grad in the state I’ve lived in my whole life. I live with my brother & love going to the beach and camping with our friend group. I like planning and having a predictable life. I really don’t have any desire to move out of this 45 minute circle around me. A lot of my friends now (mid-20s) went to the same high school as I did. I literally cannot imagine moving hours or states or countries away from all your friends and family if you have a good relationship with them just for a job opportunity or for adventure. It’s actually startling to me realizing all of this. Huh.

No. 2168585

I think I'm way too frugal. The screen on my new fridge keeps popping up notifications that it's time to change the filter, so I finally went on Amazon to buy one and I was sooo miffed about the price ($27). But then I had to take a mental step back and be reasonable, because $30 for a filter that lasts 6 months isn't crazy.

No. 2168594

How did you resolve it?

No. 2168597

I'm the same. I'm happy in the place I grew up in, I'm happy with the familiarity of the places around me. I don't even have any desire to really travel outside the US kek. I'm way more interested in travelling across America than leaving my podunk state and travelling to, like, Japan. It just does not interest me.

No. 2168601

The full moon is especially beautiful tonight.

I hate the moon illusion, I wanted to send an impressive picture of it to my dad but of course it didn't turn out impressive. I'm also very intrigued and fascinated by the illusion. Almost as fascinated as by the moon itself.

No. 2168608

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I went to the beach and my skin, hair and scalp are always so nice afterwards, I'm sure this isn't my dermatitis flaring with my allergies getting cured by the sea, it must be that I'm a mermaid.

No. 2168611

I kind of want to put up a camera and record myself in my sleep I wonder if I sleep weird or snore or something.
It's so beautiful, there's supposed to be a partial eclipse later too.

No. 2168612

Are you looking forward to the eclipse in 2.5 hours nonnie?

No. 2168627

Why is the search function so annoying on here I just want to find the knit/crochet thread

No. 2168630

I didn't know when exactly was it happening, I'll try to see it
If I'm awake, it's past midnight and I'm getting tipsy from Guinness

No. 2168651

Here you go nona >>>107505

No. 2168655

I'm a fucking disgrace and will remember how to link other threads one day I promise >>>/g/107505

No. 2168673

Thank you nonnie you're the best ♥

No. 2168704

I’ve been listening to nothing but duran duran for a while I really love their music it makes me so happy

No. 2168719

It really just took time (in my case, 4 years), I don't have any good answers besides that. I wouldn't say it's totally removed, and i feel the urge to act out on these behaviors/thoughts but there is more distance stopping me from doing so.

No. 2168729

which album(s)? i fucking love rio

No. 2168735

Ayrt and I have traveled internationally and what I really valued about it was getting to have those experiences with my mom! I agree with you though, I want to go to all 50 states and the major cities in Canada before I travel internationally again. I’ve been to Paris and would recommend Quebec City to someone before Paris, kek.

No. 2168745

nta but parisian architecture is so boring to me lol

No. 2168747

New Moon on Monday is such an incredible song to me. Duran Duran is highly underrated

No. 2168923

My cat is being such an attention whore right now, let me draw.

No. 2168925

should i go get junk food? i already ate around 1,100 calories today and only went on a walk so i dont really deserve it. im also feeling a bit too tired to get it….i guess ill pass. but im dreaming of vegan junk food…

No. 2168926

these are the problems i wish i had

No. 2168928

just make sure to eat at your maintenance calories or else your brain and muscles will degrade and everyone will laugh at you

No. 2168934

When someone is being passive aggressive under innocent posts I just assume they're an elder millennial white woman with a wide asymmetrical jaw and flat ass(racebait)

No. 2168939

lmfao same

No. 2168948

im very short nonnie i only burn 1600-2000 cals but ive been more sedentary lately

No. 2168955

Today I had popcorn for the first time in my life. it tasted ok.

No. 2168969

jealousy yikes!!

No. 2168970

he's insanely annoying, i bet he wouldnt be such attention seeking if he was female

No. 2168983

I’m the nonna of the caramelized onions hamburger of the previous thread. I’m still thinking about it and I’m almost at the verge of standing up and making myself another burger despite it being 3 a.m.

No. 2168986

You can try adding some caramel on them or chocolate , you can melt it and then drizzle it and wait for it to harden. Popcorn tastes kind of bland and boring after a while so adding something makes the experience more fun.

No. 2168988

Popcorn tastes good but it’s but definitely not worth picking out of my teeth after lol

No. 2168989

damn now I want a grilled cheese with carmelized onions kek

No. 2168991

You’re kind of chill with it. It’s more than okay, you don’t need to do grandiose things to have a good life or be happy.
Your routine sounds dope and I’m honestly imagining you as like those cute cartoons where the episodes are centered around mundane things.

No. 2168994

oh man, my favorite snack is popcorn popped on the stove in avocado oil with plenty of salt on top. it's heavenly.

No. 2168999

I honestly wish this was my life. Ah, to be loved.

No. 2169005

Rio as well. Mostly new religion, but I’ve been looping the reflex too.

No. 2169031


No. 2169036

ooh i love it. the reflex is so insanely hypnotic

No. 2169050

I'm on call with a 90+ year old client and he is talking my fucking ear off. It's like every single little thing turns into a mini rant wtffff

No. 2169068

Samefag. Im finally out of the call. Definitely going on break now fuck

No. 2169125

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Any nonny watching the partial eclipse? Hope you're having a magical night ♥

No. 2169134

I've been going outside to look every few minutes. So cool. I'm covered in mosquito bites now though.

No. 2169143

Itchy mosquito bites will be a week long memento of the eclipse.

No. 2169146

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I am so frustrated. I spent the entire day drawing and i suck so much, i am starting to believe talent is real and that i am too retarded to ever be a good artist. I genuinely started crying from the frustration. I am going to cool off, watch a movie while drinking some coffee then try again.

No. 2169154

One more hour until I can take a nap. I'm so sleepy

No. 2169177

I finally bought a trimmer from Amazon so I won't have to go through the effort of waxing or shaving my bush. The crabs are going to be sooooo pissed. But maybe I will shave, I would like a landing strip. Not to be gay, but think vaginas with landing strips look the most delicious.

No. 2169189

vaginas with full ass bushes look the most delicious, just get rid of the crabs dude

No. 2169196

Typing my thoughts into the online journal I've been keeping since 2015 works almost better than any anti-depressant. It's also interesting to see how teenage me is different from the adult version of me.

No. 2169202

It's really crazy how 99.9% of women from around the world are beautiful but 99.9% of men are ugly.

No. 2169215

You’ve inspired me to listen to more of their discography. Will try go through as many albums today and see what else I enjoy!

No. 2169224

Please tell me you mean crabs like crabs in a bucket acting pissy about pussy shaving and not crabs like pubic lice.

No. 2169226

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Why did i watch million dollar baby? i thought it was going to be girlboss hajime no ippo but it was depressing as shit and now i feel worse

No. 2169227

Love that movie, watched is when i was young with my parents, it's still aspirational i think but it is sad

No. 2169229

Post drawing

No. 2169230

its just ugly figure drawing

No. 2169231

Do it if you want a review, also how long have you been drawing? So i can give you fair criticism

No. 2169235

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It was really good, i liked it. It just wasn't what i expected, i was hoping it was oing to be female rocky. I really like boxing so i wanted to see some girlboss punch herself to the top. I still have yolo to watch, and that movie seems to actually be about boxing so i am looking forward to it.
4 years lol thats why i am so depressed. For context i am trying the method where i draw something, then make three copies, one i lie over the original and fix it, then try fixin it again without tracing. Right is the original, middle is the one i fix without tracing and the left is traced.

No. 2169239

You've been drawing longer than me, but in drawing skill even if some people learn faster than others it's always work that beat talent. So don't give up. You've made minor mistakes and anyone who paints will do corrections to their drawings.

No. 2169241

i'm babysitting a 7 year old girl and she eats so much it's driving me insane. idk the thought of her getting fat makes me extremely anxious but of course it's not my place to stop her from eating. is it normal for a growing kid to eat more than an adult?

No. 2169243

kek thanks i feel a bit worse now i feel like you are treating me like a retard(which i probably am tbh) but thanks for trying nonny

No. 2169244

No i think we often lose sense of where we are at and what we're trying to achieve as artist. This says quite nothing about what your finished product will look like. Those were minor errors too, the more fixated you will be the less likely you'll improve, it's a bit like fake it until you make it.

No. 2169248

Sometimes, yeah. Especially if she's active or going through a growth spurt.

No. 2169250

thanks nonny, sorry if i sounded rude i am just a bit depressed that i cant draw anything good after 4 years.

No. 2169251

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Just found out I can buy physical copies of re-prints of Andrea Dworkin's works. I read a lot of them online already as pdfs, but I'm excited to be able to buy physical copies! (Not trying to politisperg, just genuinely enjoy reading and owning feminist texts)

No. 2169253

It's not bad at all what do you usually work on?

No. 2169256

I miss TV. Back when i was a teen and on like 3 different anti psychotic medications i used to spend all night watching the local 3deep5u drug addict channel that used to air weird french cinema. I watched so many good movies there that i can't remember the name of. Definetly the weirdest one i saw was murmur of the heart, i was so drugged and depressed back then i didnt even find it weird because of the pedo understones i just couldnt stop thinking about how tall french kids are. Like seriously they all towered over the grown men and i was so weirded out.

No. 2169262

I don't really have crabs kek, I just thought it would just be funny to say that

No. 2169266

anime boys

No. 2169283

Not to me honestly. Bushes are pretty inconvenient if you're a true busher and actually let the hair grow out completely. Plus, I think landing strips look like little paths guiding you to the clit. Like a rainbow guiding you to a pot of gold.

No. 2169368

I found a copy of Intercourse in a used bookstore a little while ago and it made me so happy, it was only $5. I hope you enjoy your new books!

No. 2169370

My unchafed groin and labia beg to differ.

No. 2169372

I'm a "true busher" like you said and it doesn't bother me at all, I don't feel it. Never had sex so I don't if it'd be a bother.

No. 2169377

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I love the roo threadpic

No. 2169384

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Same, I feel so represented

No. 2169392

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>the google incognito lawsuit actually wants to know what kind of stuff I looked up in incognito mode
Ok nevermind I don't need damages

No. 2169510

you can still watch TV nona

No. 2169515

yes it's fine, if she's actually hungry and eating decent foods. sometimes kids go through phases where they have more or less of an appetite. please don't project your anachan views on to an innocent 7 year old girl. unless she's like bingeing on junkfood 24/7 or something that's obviously not healthy for a kid

No. 2169522

i wish i could find my online journal from when i was a teen. i had a private account on xanga. i have no idea what my name or password was or if xanga still exists lol

No. 2169537

I live in Portugal, and today I went to get groceries and there was just loads of smoke everywhere because of the fires.

No. 2169556

Greetings from the west coast of the US where we, too, have been on fire until recently

No. 2169561

It wasn't that bad this year up where I am. Luckily.

No. 2169562

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When I started uni last year I was so afraid of not getting any friends in my class, that they could practically smell that I was an autistic weirdo and that I would never fit in like it was for me back in high school (which felt silly since I'm 30) so I would sorta sneak away and eat lunch on my own at the start.
But now I think my group of friends are the biggest one and we see each other a lot during our free time to either play games or watch movies. I was so scared that we were just friends out of convenience but during this summer, when the trains temporarily didn't stop at my station due to reconstruction which caused it to be fairly convoluted to get to my place from the city - unless you have a car - they still came by to visit. It even took a couple of them almost 3 hours to get here! No one has ever done that for me, most of my other friends just moan and complain over how long it takes to get to my place during summer because of the train issue as if it doesn't take me just as much time to get to them. These classmates have even opened up a lot to me about things they aren't really comfortable talking to most others about.
I hope these friendships will last. Not only are these people absolutely wonderful, but they are also my first (mostly) normie friends and it really helps me to touch grass and realize how much bullshit my other friends say come from a terminally online place.

No. 2169579

This is so insane I think they want you to give up.

No. 2169601

It's been one month and three days since I stopped my adderall cold turkey. I miss it.
-Great sleep, no more lying awake at night and then waking up in the middle of the night
-Decreased generalized anxiety
-Heart no longer skips beat or quivers out of no where
-I immediately quit my job within one week. Turns out without the constant mental stimulation of meth keeping me laser focused on my tasks, that I hate my coworkers and patients so much that I can't stand to physically be around them
-My dishwasher broke and I haven't done the dishes in two weeks. But I've deep cleaned the rest of the house twice, so what's up with that mental block?
-I'm able to feel hunger for the first time in ten years
On god I want to go back to it though. I miss being so productive that I was the top achiever in my hospital, I miss being so laser focused and desiring to clean so much. Anyone here a cardiologist who wants to lie to me and tell me its totally fine to take adderall even though it makes your heart hurt and you start to feel winded all the time?

No. 2169619

Does anyone know any good true crime YouTubers? Someone who extensively covers interesting cases in a serious manner, so many true crimers just feel dumb and disrespectful to me.

No. 2169621

Why not try a nonstimulant like strattera?

No. 2169623

Sweeney Todd (2007) soundtrack is still so good to me.. And I still remember every word.

No. 2169627

Found the shirt I wanted on ebay for half price. Feels good.

No. 2169647

File: 1726678820253.jpg (23.01 KB, 525x414, F6sl6gnacAAsCK1.jpg)

i saw attractive women on my FYP, day ruined

No. 2169653

? thats a good day?

No. 2169658

i effectively relapsed into taking lisdexamphetamine this week and feel very seen by this

No. 2169659

you seem to forget that heterocuck Beckies too may frequent the site

No. 2169668

Lesbians/bi women can be insecure about their looks or body too anon. We're all still human.

No. 2169674

Messaged my rep in my district and told her I was proud of the work she's done for us in congress. I have no goddamn reason why

No. 2169678

Aw man, I missed it, I did fall asleep just half an hour after I made that post
I dreamt I flied to reach the most ripe mangoes on top of a mango tree so that's cool

No. 2169706

>friend creates a group chat for her birthday party
>around 30 people
>a friend of hers creates a smaller group of 5 people to discuss the gift and the party logistics
>I'm part of it
It feels nice to be part of some kind of inner circle for once.

No. 2169709

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I was playing dti online and I recreated the Corpse Bride. I was standing on the runway taking screenshots of my outfit in different poses when someone came up and said "Go" "Next" "Leave" and I didn't move because I was there first and I wasn't done. She eventually said "Your outfit is ugly" and walked away. I know it was most likely like an 8 year old but it pissed me off so I made it my mission to just follow this kid and her friend around in the game until they left the server kek. Someone needs to teach these kids some manners, they're so fucking rude sometimes.

No. 2169714

You made me get up from my bed and look out the window when you posted that kek (didnt see a moon)

No. 2169812

we dont have tv in my house anymore

No. 2169883

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Pretty sure buying a new hamster will improve my mood by at least 70% so I'm going to start calling stores and asking what days they get hamster shipments. I fucked up last time adopting an older hamster and we didn't get enough time together I want a baby this time

No. 2169917

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my old laptop from 2013 is dead and has been for many years but i can't stop thinking about all of the forgotten files on there. so today i finally took out the hard drive and ordered an adapter which will hopefully arrive tomorrow so i can transfer the files. i'm excited and will be severely disappointed if i can't access the files

No. 2169918

Good, you did the right thing.

No. 2169995

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Im probably the only one who wasn't doing this, but I just saw how much gunk was on my kitchen faucet, so i grabbed a toothbrush and scrubbed it and now its squeaky clean. So gross to think that was in my food and drinks and I didn't even know.
Mine was dirtier than the one in picrel, but its just an example. Mine had a grey sludge all over it, I wonder if it was biofilm or minerals from the water or what. I'm just glad it was black or pink mold which is what usually grows in wet areas.

No. 2170001

i cant decide if i want to watch an episode of its always sunny or a movie.

No. 2170012

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I'm watching a video about wish and I'm still mad because we couldn't get pic related.

No. 2170031

My cat would recommend always Sunny, it always chills him out to listen to the gang.

No. 2170091

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and instead, we got a dude who looks like if you put Steve Raglan through a Disney filter.

No. 2170093

a manic pixie dream boy after all these years of ugly potato faced princes would have been so good.

No. 2170097

I bleached and scrubbed mine the other day cause the water tasted funny. Apparently it's my mains lol but reminds me of the time I had a shitty pizza slicer and by its design it trapped gunk and I took it apart and was disgusted. I pray I gained immunity rather than disease

No. 2170107

i think they will start making movies of mascots when they run out of disney to live action and video game live action films. like an m&m movie. a movie with fast food mascots…aunt jemima and duolingo bird horror film…little debbie adventure

No. 2170112

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i thought they already tried that with picrel

No. 2170114

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They already did an Angry Birds movie even though it was 3D animation. What if they start doing movies where they have websites as personified characters? Does LC get a movie? What would the plot even be?

No. 2170115

what the FUCK. no but nonnie it will extend beyond food, like the charmin bears or something. theyll start giving these mascots a storyline

No. 2170117

they’re already starting to test the waters with making video game movies like sonic, mario, minecraft, five night at freddy’s, pure microwave goyslop

No. 2170119

i can see this happening heh. theyd probably do it all in one film, like the websites battling it out or teaming up for one adventure. if they truly wanted to milk it, though, i guess theyd do each individual website like google, youtub, twitter, etc. i just see them getting that uncreative and desperate

No. 2170120

Not that I necessarily disagree but video game movies have been a thing for years now.

No. 2170127


No. 2170130


No. 2170133

Every morning, for the past 3 years, I have eaten the same thing for breakfast. A bagel, fried egg and cheese.

Every morning, unintentionally, the fried egg comes out to be the exact shape as the bagel. If the bagel is oblong, the egg is oblong. If the bagel is circular, the egg comes out circular. It always fits onto the bagel perfectly and I don't know why.

No. 2170134

wtf anon now you'll get us both banned… also i'd watch the m&m movie.

No. 2170135

I'm actually crying

No. 2170138

what did you need again? i forgot

No. 2170139

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theres a montage of them improving some aspect of their little m&m asses for a battle in the movie

No. 2170141

Fuck crazy frog that scrote retard with a micropenis. I want an Anna Blue biopic, i need to know what she's so blue about.

No. 2170145

I'm not even going to lie, I would totally watch that.

No. 2170151

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My face against the window pane
A tear for every drop of rain

Livin' in a dream I never had

No. 2170152

I am going to watch the original parent trap. I always thought the lindsay loahan one was the real one.

No. 2170153

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Anyone remember Damien Dawn and their gang of emo friends?

No. 2170155

My girlfriend fucking loved this when she was younger kek

No. 2170156

I regret bullying emos. I miss them so much and i would take a pack of wolf emo kids over one single gendie zoomie any day.

No. 2170191

No. 2170209

God I'm so glad lolcow is back… I pretty much can only browse here and kiwifarms anymore, 4chan feels weirdly empty and reddit is a joke. I just love the forum style communication…

No. 2170212

>get used to speaking at slower pace when calling and speaking to older clients at work
I can't win can I?

No. 2170333

Best sleep
>fan on medium
>two comforters, top being heavier
>two flat pillows
>cuddling stuffed animal or pillow
>MILD perspiration in deep REM
Some sleep makes you feel full, some sleep starves you, this sleep makes me wake up feeling stuffed like I ate two delicious seafood wraps. Prove me wrong. You can't.

No. 2170441

>realize cat hasnt touched his food bowl in 2 days
>get concerned
>make an appointment with the vet
>see cat meowing, chewing the new, unopened bag of food
>what if…
>open the new bag and throw the old food back into the old bag
>he starts wolfing in down like a starving african child
wtf literally what the fuck is wrong with the old food? the stray kitties eat it just fine why is my cat such a diva

No. 2170451

I'm trying to find a discount code for my Amazon order and I'm so I'm annoyed that Amazon doesn't do codes for whatever you have, just deals/codes for specific items.

No. 2170456

>MILD perspiration in deep REM
Really? What does sweating have to do with good sleep? If it's not dead of winter and I accidentally sleep with my thick comforter fully over me, I wake up drenched with sweat and panicking because I'm half asleep. It's the worst, I really can only tolerate light covers. I also can't stand the feeling of a heavy cover on my feet, either it pushes them down and I have to sleep with my toes pointed or it feels super heavy on the tips of my toes.

God I really am the worst at sleeping. Any tiny discomfort fucks my shit up.

No. 2170476

I hate those times when I keep waking up at night and then I can't go back to sleep, not sure if that's insomnia but my brain gets used to waking up at night a lot

No. 2170488

Kek nonna are you me the foot thing has me crying I didn’t know anyone else was that autistic. Whenever I have to take an allergy pill it’s a treat bc I sleep like the dead like a normal person

No. 2170513

i bet the faggot behind his design was like "omg he's gonna be such a dilf lololol"

No. 2170587

Just got a chanel bag and wiped my shit with 100 dollar bills

No. 2170600

Nona I said mild perspiration. I always just feel more rested if I wake up only slightly sweaty.

No. 2170623

File: 1726755518609.jpg (101.62 KB, 922x2048, they-may-cost-the-same-but-tha…)

Just ordered instacart and the shopper is a woman, yay! She did have to replace two items but not her fault. I'm about to feast on some dumplings once my order arrives.

No. 2170694

File: 1726760065916.jpg (144.11 KB, 949x966, 1000008077.jpg)

i was comforting a friend bc she couldn't get into our college's modeling group/club over text and she sent a message like "i really like you" and my eyes almost popped out my head.

No. 2170699

Anon and her friend sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

No. 2170702


No. 2170703

My condolences.

No. 2170712

I wouldn't make assumptions, I say that to people platonically.

No. 2170715

Why do you gotta break anons heart like that

No. 2170728

File: 1726762004241.jpg (28.43 KB, 530x737, 1000037073.jpg)

its ok nonnie kek, she did say that platonically and i'm not SSA kek, i was just in the middle of class and looked down on my phone to see that message and i was just flabbergasted

No. 2170738

When's the last time you washed his food bowl? Is it made of plastic? The oils from the food will absorb into the plastic and then go rancid over time, leading to a bad smell when they attempt to eat out of.

No. 2170741

you fucking lesbians think your crush likes you, she doesn’t she’s just glad you’re a decent person to confide in you freaking weirdo. i guess the pussy wells for you lesbianons are seriously drying up kek(infighting)

No. 2170748

what? did you not read up? not a lesbian, just a misunderstanding, anon.

No. 2170749

My cat does the same thing, he turns his nose up at any food left out and I suspect it’s because of the little bits that fall out of his mouth and start to smell bad because they got saliva on them and made the rest of the bowl seem gross. I started just feed him less and disposing of the remnants when he’s done a which seems to have fixed things.

No. 2170761

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I had a dream that Melania Trump became a DJ lol.

No. 2170765

Damn, NTA but how much sand do you have in your vagina to be this angry over something that was just a mundane anecdote?

No. 2170766

if they're cat biscuits it's probably because they lose their texture and go soft when left in open air for too long, cats like crunchy biscuits just like the rest of us

No. 2170770

enough to make my own beach with insane waves for surfers to ride on

No. 2170786

That’s a good point, he doesn’t think food is food unless it has a satisfying crunch (imagine his disappointment when he hears me crunching and comes running and it’s a carrot kek). I need to find a food dish that has a lid… and then a water dish that weighs 50lbs so he can’t tip it over, which he did with his water full as fuck water fountain. He’s a little beastly brat sometimes.

No. 2170833

I have a bit of a hard time disliking her, it might just be ps but she looks uncomfortable literally all the time, I relate to it. Also, her genes worked overtime to improve that kid but not much you can do when the other half is Trump's.

No. 2170979

hiked for two hours in the sun and was passed by plenty of people. it was not until i got into my car i noticed the sweat stain on my inner thighs and crotch making me look like i urinated myself!

No. 2171019

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I was involved in a minor fender bender today. It was a non-event, my car and the car that hit me have at most a minor scratch. What was notable about it was that immediately after the car bumped into me at a stop sign someone began screaming. When I looked in my rear view mirror there was an older woman driving and an early to mid twenties man in the passenger seat hitting her and yelling at her. I was about to call the cops when he got out of the car and proceeded to punch the window while continuing to scream at the woman about how he hated her. He then ran into the woods while still screaming.

The woman was super shaken and I asked her if I needed to call the police or someone she knows. She said no and that it was her son who hit her and that he has autism. She has tried to get him committed but they won’t take him. He had been yelling at her all day and the car crash just sent him over the edge and he began beating her. I stayed with her until her other son got there to help her, but holy shit I feel so bad for her…

No. 2171022

I'm glad you were there to provide her with company while her other son was on the way. You did good nona.
This is why mental institutions should have never been phased out.

No. 2171024

that poor woman..i can only imagine the hell she goes through in her home..

No. 2171061

File: 1726773832748.png (161.72 KB, 293x375, shayna propeller hat.png)

I tried flinging the bubble blower instead of blowing into it.

No. 2171075

>She has tried to get him committed but they won’t take him
this is why the mothers of severely autistic violent children sometimes snap and end up killing their kid

No. 2171083

i need politically correct m&m movie with unsexy green m&m

No. 2171089

I've had some sweet hams and would like to have one again, too. Or a gerbil colony. I love taking care of them and watching them play. I hope you find a healthy one.

No. 2171116

Dont break linkara's heart like that

No. 2171130

>lying in bed cuddling my cat after a crying attack
>sniffle a couple of times
>cat: “wait lemme just check something out”
>puts his entire cold-ass nose in my nostrils and takes a couple of whiffs and then looks insulted
I love this little weirdo so much, he blows all my anxiety away with his little antics. Getting him was the best decision of my life and for my mental health

No. 2171168

Aww. My cats don't currently live with me, but when they did, the other one would chirp in her sleep in response to me crying until she woke up and would come cuddle with me. I miss her so much.

No. 2171224

Just ordered some fruit snacks from Amazon.

No. 2171242

I want to unfollow Giantbomb do bad but I have this weird affection for them even though it's been like 5 years since i watched a video.

No. 2171251

File: 1726780923223.png (88.8 KB, 640x635, 1668763117788.png)

>compliment my cousins nails
>now my aunt is determined to take me to get my nails done too
i really dont want to i am just terrible with compliments and i didnt know what to say. What did i get myself into.

No. 2171295

I love watching movies blindly and I'm realizing how often I accidently pick a movie with a male prostitute main character. I didn't even know this was an archetype? is this a popular main character thing??

No. 2171305

drop a list based queen

No. 2171308

Thanks nonnys, I didn’t do much and I hope what I did do isn’t atypical. The idea of people ignoring a woman actively being beaten makes my blood boil. I hate male autists with a burning passion and this just showed me how right I am in feeling that way. The fact we’re mainstreaming them in society is such a mistake.

No. 2171317

what was the name of the movie

No. 2171324

They're all pretty sad. Midnight cowboy, Mysterious skin, and I've paused My Private Idaho for you nonnies. You've probably seen them, since they're decently popular!

No. 2171347

You shouldn't nonna. I didn't even know these movies existed kek

No. 2171357

not recent but like weeks/months ago, i don't remember lmao, some junkie was wandering around the edge of the train platform and starting yelling when the staff were putting announcements out to get back, shit was so anxiety inducing. in hindsight, the guy was absolutely a danger all things considered, especially because he jumped off the train screaming at nothing 2 stops away, so he probably sorta would've deserved it? but i didn't wanna see human mincemeat on my way home from uni ://(://)

No. 2171377

I ate bell peppers tonight (they were delicious) but now my stomach is YELLING. I'm talking full blown burn. Save me

No. 2171385


my condolences nona as a spicy ramen enjoyer i understand </3 i believe in you and your magma turd(emoticon)

No. 2171391

I was gonna sell my broken MacBook on for parts, but the screen is so fucked up that I won't make to clear it so I think I'm just gonna destroy it. It'll be fun.

No. 2171396

Cringing to death remembering thay as a teen I dated a guy for years who had a gigantic "SUBLIME" decal in Old English font across the top of the windshield of his truck. Like I actually want to puke

No. 2171407

I also got a bell pepper sensitivity but I love them so much

No. 2171424

Are bell peppers spicy..? Sorry if retarded question I always thought them to be super mild. Or is it like an enzyme sensitivity that makes tummy issues

No. 2171428

Nayrt they’re not spicy, they’re lovely and sweet. Idk what it is but they fuck with my digestion.

No. 2171480

It's as the other anon said. They're not spicy at all (though I did put curry on them) but many people can't digest them properly sometimes (I just woke up cause I felt my mouth water in my sleep… Uhoh…)
Thank you for the support

No. 2171490

ehh that's not that bad.

No. 2171545

I want to switch up the soap I use, but I don't even know what to get. None of them speak to me like Gold dial. Maybe I'll just start only buying unscented dove and body wash.

No. 2171562

File: 1726795956189.jpg (104.31 KB, 1195x1200, Dy1feJ0UYAAxRJa.jpg)

I'm seeing Weezer this weekend with my mom

No. 2171565

I unironically love Weezer, have fun! The blue album is great

No. 2171570

thats awesome nonna. ive been lucky enough to see them twice but the last time was probably almost 10 years ago

No. 2171573

what should i do
>draw then movie
>movie then draw

No. 2171580

Draw, then movie.

No. 2171600

Today at work I accidentally mispronounced someone's last name "Dougherty" as "dirty" and they hung up on me kekkkk

No. 2171604

How else are you supposed to pronounce it kek Dohrtey?

No. 2171609

dough hurty

No. 2171618

I think it's dough-ertie but I could be wrong

No. 2171623

Coryxkenshin hasn’t uploaded a video in almost 2 years I feel like I lost a friend

No. 2171629

I'm writing a children's book about two shelter cats who are friends and ice been crying for 2 hours due to a passage I wrote.

"We'll stick together, no matter what. And if we're lucky enough to find new homes, we'll just have to find each other again. We'll see each other in dreams, and then we'll always know where the other is."

No. 2171633

kekkk. a bunch of people recently heard me pronounce "tania" as "ta-nia" but at least it got a laugh

No. 2171641

I love hearing funny mispronounced names, it always reminds me of the Substitute Teacher skit from Key and Peele

No. 2171727

Making a cheesy scrambled egg with red pepper flakes and regular pepper.
Nona please tell me the cats get adopted together

No. 2171728

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Transformice is so dead. I'm heart broken. All the kids are playing Fortnite instead of TFM.

No. 2171731

Ate some deli-grade chicken schnitzels with steamed vegetables, now watching some old stream VODs and drinking Wild Turkey.

No. 2171733

File: 1726808425965.jpg (759.33 KB, 1280x1583, tumblr_og4lmkJovD1r7nbrao1_128…)

I feel like i am too low iq to be a good artist. How the fuck do my favourite artists manage to think about all the fundamentals at once when making a piece? i can barely form a coherent sentence.

No. 2171734

did you mean to post this in art salt?

No. 2171736

No. Its just a mundane thought i had.

No. 2171772

File: 1726813578732.jpg (48.51 KB, 960x640, 1647558803970.jpg)

things i am going to do tomorrow
>get a haircut
>try the coke flavoured oreo and the oreo flavoured coke
>have a burger
>draw husbandos with fat asses

No. 2171773

I need to go get the coke flavored Oreo, but I had the Oreo flavored coke today nona! It tasted like if Oreos were dissolved in a coke kek

No. 2171774

That's a good, full day. Sleep well nona.

No. 2171775

this pic is so cute

No. 2171810

Amazon makes it why too easy to buy shit. Like I just bought something in two clicks. It was only $11 (I think) so not crazy but wow this is why I'm always Brooke

No. 2171811

Come back and give us a review anon! I saw the coke Oreos but I couldn't tell if it was coke flavored or just Oreos with the coke logo stamped on them. I had no idea they did a drink too.

No. 2171824

File: 1726818243656.jpg (539.18 KB, 1317x1080, 1683354682498321.jpg)

Downloading a time tracker is the best decision i ever did. I went from lazing around all day and either not drawing at all or only putting 30 min a day to drawing for 3+ hours every day in a matter of weeks! Now I only need to put in another 9950 hours until i can actually draw.

No. 2171827

What tracker do you use nona?

No. 2171832

File: 1726818513305.png (57.96 KB, 2065x400, track toggl.png)

track toggl. Ignore it says procastinating instead of procastination i am a dumb ESL.

No. 2171837

Thanks, I need to try it too!

No. 2171859

Ayrt. They get adopted together in the end!

No. 2171862

Do we have a Pilates thread? Im so into it at the moment, I hated doing it at first and only started because of cellulite, but it’s made me feel better all together, it’s helping my depression and chronic fatigue, I also think it’s a really beneficial exercise for women as we age and will prevent us being stuck in a wheelchair when we get old.

No. 2171867

i used to go because i have scholiosis but stopped recently. I want to go back. It made me depressed that i got mogged by old women so badly they had to put me in the begginers class even though i have been going for a year now.

No. 2171872

If by old women you mean 40-60 then you’re being very foolish feeling bad for being mogged by them. My mother who’s approaching 60 is fitter than I am, because she’s been exercising for years. Don’t let scrotes convince you that your life is over by then and you’re an old woman. Middle aged women who take care of themselves are in better shape than young women who don’t and they can achieve incredible athletic success.

No. 2171875

there is nothing wrong with being an older woman nonny. I cant wait until i can look like mac's mom.

No. 2171905

I just saw that Bong Joon Ho is releasing a new movie in January, and now I'm upset because I want to see it now but have to wait 3 months kek

No. 2171918

I've bought a nice fragrance and been wearing it everyday and it's probably all in my head but I feel like people have been nicer to me on the days I do wear fragrance
I feel like smelling good is this subtle attention for the people you're around all day, like quietly saying "I want my presence to be pleasant to you"

No. 2172008

There's an exercise thread in /g/.
Not enough people on this site for such a specific thread.

No. 2172027

My new phone doesnt understand english and keeps autocorrecting "that" to "Thatcher" kek

No. 2172040

I just had ice cream delivered to my house and I'm tempted to eat it right now but I also am about to go to sleep and i just brushed my teeth so I shouldn't. I only got an hour of sleep during the night and weirdly enough I don't feel tired but I have to clean and work later so I'm going to nap now before I crash.

No. 2172044

File: 1726839534855.webp (200.87 KB, 1712x2284, o8HfAYSbArf08bPUCAg4oserh2MgJ2…)

Samefag, anons I just got the delivery and I am so pissed kekkk. I thought I was getting a fucking pint, It's literally 4 oz of ice cream. It was $1.25 so I probably should've known something was up but I ordered from the Dollar Tree so I just thought it was a steal. I didn't even know they sold them this tiny. I'm so sad, but I'm on a diet anyway so oh well.

No. 2172046

Found an old short story I wrote when I was I don't know, 10, and there's this random throwaway scene in which a random man in the audience says about the main character (a performing magician and a preteen girl) that her eyes are so beautiful he wishes his wife looked like her. What, why did I put that in there. I know it wasn't trying to be like a fantasy that I wished would happen to me because I remember finding it cringe and creepy immediately after I wrote it but tbh I'm still cringing a decade later.

No. 2172062

I was always under the impression dollar tree didn't sell perishables. I ordered the wrong size ice cream from a shop a few days ago and raged but enjoyed it anyway so you enjoy your treat too.

No. 2172072

Scrote behind me keeps kicking my train seat

No. 2172083

You were probably just imitating something creepy you saw/read in media without fully understanding it. And then the rational part of your brain realized it was weird

No. 2172095

File: 1726842005725.gif (2.68 MB, 268x268, BAA040C7-C95E-4B81-9505-0F1366…)

I know I’m supposed to be a chill girl and lowkey not really care about anything but, I’m tired I’m trying to be something that I’m not. I want you to think of something right now that makes you happy. That thing you see, the thing that lights you up, chase that, with all of your soul. Chase it. Because it’s easy to brush off life’s potential, and I’m not trying to say that life is easy. In fact, I’d argue that the only way that something is meant to be is if you’re willing to commit to the difficulty of bringing it to life, otherwise it wasn’t meant to be anything but just a missed opportunity. It will be a difficult road but here’s what we come to learn: Everything of Value Is Difficult. Think About That.

No. 2172109

File: 1726842504834.jpg (118.07 KB, 1080x907, 1000018175.jpg)

I hate that my job's radio station of Pop Rocks from late 90s-early 2000s has successfully psyoped my brain into liking Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. It's better than no music playing at all, but still.

No. 2172124

I used to write anime-esque dialogue in my stories at that age too because I thought it would be deep or funny, but the second I actually wrote it down I'd always realise that it sucked kek. Post-write clarity is real.

No. 2172127

aw, I like that song

No. 2172129

that art looks like shit, are you posting it ironically (hopefully)

No. 2172131

I actually did post it ironically.

No. 2172146


No. 2172155

when i was 10 i was writing horrendous fanfiction on wattpad where the female character realises she has feelings and runs into the middle of nowhere in a fantasy world. you were 10, it's nothing

No. 2172169

Better than licking, which is what I first read that as.

No. 2172177

not the anon you replied to but yeah dollar tree has an entire food section and most of them have freezer sections too. their candy aisle is legendary.

No. 2172226

Eating bolognese listening to yung lean, breeze on my neck. Fantastic.

No. 2172243

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I want to alog whoever thought this was a good handle shape for a curly detangling brush. You can barely even grab onto it let alone holding on tightly while raking it through thick ass hair. I can't believe I spent money on this.

No. 2172249

I fucking hate these things although after using the original tangle teeser for like ten years, I don't hold any brush by the handle anymore, I don't even realise that I'm doing it.

No. 2172286

I think a friend of mine may be a farmer, she knows a few cows and is into j-fashion (more obscure ones too), but she's a massive handmaiden online.

No. 2172305

There's tons of TIFS and handmaidens who lurk here sadly

No. 2172425

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A website I've been checking out turned out to be ANOTHER fucking dropshipping front, it looked pretty legit by how consistent it was at first glance (all clothes had same style, same models, clearly same photo studio, etc) but the fact they had "naive" felt a bit too on the nose in a world filled with these scammers so I checked the website further and yep indeed their main office is located in a chinese province. Also googled for reviews and turns out the quality is as shitty as expected with that in mind.
So I asked my seamstress friend if she could make something similar to one of the skirts there that I've obsessed over for weeks if I paid her for materials and her time, and she said no prob!

No. 2172683

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The woman I'm seeing grabbed my butt earlier and I'm still blushing about it

No. 2172692

I sometimes wonder if a male friend of mine knows of and visits lc (no, I have never spoken of it to him, I'm not that retarded).

No. 2172870

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I spent half an hour on a tiktok live where we pretend to be students on a bus while the bus driver yells at us for misbehaving. I had fun.

No. 2172877

but did you behave or am i sharing a board with an insulent child?

No. 2172879

There’s a lot about this post that is asking me have questions

No. 2172909

That's adorable, anon

No. 2172938

Going to sleep. Goodnight.

No. 2172940

File: 1726881888965.jpeg (47.62 KB, 500x666, znp0h1r1k8pd1.jpeg)

I feel scammed. It tastes exactly the same as the Rosalia coke.

No. 2172942

I just tried that a few minutes ago! I actually thought it did have an identifiable background oreo flavor.
Better than the coke flavored oreos.

No. 2172961

File: 1726883185587.webp (37.51 KB, 828x629, nzy53crlvts41.webp)

Nonnies nonnies nonnies cleaning when your high is amazing. Cleaning is mudance so im ok to post here
I went out to a gig with two of my friends, dropped two pill.s
Amazing gig, amazing night. I'm virating.
Now I'm at home. I figure I must put my out bound energy to soundthing
I feel like the holy angel descended from the skies threw me to clean up clean the filth from my apartment
I'm blarely nightcore and I dont care I love this. I've got another hour before I come down and I amd going to have the best cleancore night ever.
Ill hate ever inch of my body tomorrow but I dont' care not I will have a lcean apparent for my flatmates to retur nto
Taking my vits c, b, 5htp so I don't go psycho but I wana be like this all the time. I'm so produvce
I have limited reavtie pics on my phone this is how i feel

No. 2172963

i am glad lucinda is still alive, shine on you crazy unicorn

No. 2172970

blassed. as fuck

No. 2172984

It makes me ugly laugh when anachan cows thread anons call anachans ''spoops''.

No. 2172990

I'mgonna vibate in bed for a while. I didnt' mean to offend anyone holy cow aceptts all. Pleast dont kick mod. good night

No. 2173020

An instagram page that i followed dedicated to black cats was apparently hacked and jump scared me and everyone who followed with a gross video of some woman with a packer in her panties bending over. It was pretty sad seeing the waves of comments of people saying that they just wanted to see cute cats and that they were upset.

No. 2173042

Kek this is funny. I hope you dont feel too bad in the morning nona

No. 2173152

>using bathroom
>Flush toilet
>Suddenly feel something cold on my lip, like a water droplet
>?????? Did toilet water just splash on my fucking lip
>Couldn't be, I was standing straight up and facing the opposite direction of the toilet
>Check face in mirror
>Don't see anything on my lip, but also wearing lip oil so it's hard to tell
Wtf was that? I wiped my lip with alcohol anyway, but weird.

No. 2173159

It can happen nonna, the force of the water flushing down in the toilet bowl always provokes tiny droplets that land either on the sides of the bowl, on the toilet seat and they sometimes have enough velocity to land on you and/or around the toilet. They usually land on my forearm in my experience since I lean over my toilet to flush. To prevent this, you gotta put the toilet lid down.

No. 2173167

File: 1726902115265.webm (155.81 KB, 588x432, Moid_PSA.webm)

i came across a reel of someone saying they were "ranked best hole out of 57" in their high school, and i didn't even need to unmute to know that was a troon, ugh

No. 2173177

that's why you're supposed to close the lid before flushing

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