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No. 218641
>>218640sage for add-on but:
I honestly think 4chan would've been better if moot had kept r9k banned and then continued to lay the ban down on the flood of them that escaped to other boards. They would've eventually fucked off somewhere else. I don't blame him for having given up on/hating what 4chan became.
No. 218649
>>218648I wouldn't say meaner but we're more…truthful or something. We're not pretending to be cute and kind, hiding behind some kind of facade. The anonymity is embraced here, like it's supposed to be on imageboards.
I appreciate the sincerity here.
No. 218760
I've browsed 4chan's /tv/ for some time, but 4chan users are so dumb it hurts. It's literally /r9k/ everywhere. "Blah blah fuck women", discussing with one of them is like trying to play chess with a pigeon.
/got/ generals are the only threads I'm going to ever browse now, for some reason robots seem to leave them alone more than they do for the rest of the threads so it's comfier and people there just meme together.
Otherwise I just browse lolcow, it's the best imageboard of the bunch. Spergs get banned and you can actually discuss with people.
>>218640>tumblr hugbox in othersWhere? I tried to browse around but every single board seems r9k autismo to me. Even /lgbt/.
No. 218787
>>218781I get what you're saying but I always viewed pull as gossip site lite, and when I go to cc it's less about gossip in general and more like a girl's board. Basically just an expanded /g/.
I haven't seen anything super autismo unless perhaps I missed something on /meta/, but it does feel nice to vent about feels without anons getting overly aggressive and hostile like they tend to do here. I like not getting shitposty replies when I've typed something genuine. I haven't seen the policing like some anons are saying but I'm not a frequent poster either.
>>218784Yeah that's fucked only because Spoony tries to ruin image boards where she's not worshipped, including cc. OP does sound like Spoony trying to drum up relevancy.
No. 218790
>>218787yea, spoony already got outted on cc and banned, but admin refused to listen and ban posts about her like everywhere else.
also, there's a thread on meta
> lot of people in the thread are actively telling others to police threads and just being cunty when they're told to lighten up.
No. 218792
>>218783Can't say that though, anon. Otherwise we get told that
>b-but just b-bcuz dis site is futaba style doesn't mean you gotta be like thaaaaaatttt!!!!!You're not allowed to be yourself or even the slightest bit aggressive over on cc or else one miner [who samefags other boards on cc and probably is the same anon that was going around here starting shit] loses her mind and rampages.
No. 218795
>>218787There have been people policing others on cc for essentially not being hugbox enough for their tastes. The people doing this must be new or something because it's common sense by now that if you try to force an imageboard community to be a certain way.. it will go the opposite.
People from cc are coming from all over; lolcow, krautchan, /cgl/, pull, kiwifarms, etc yet we have anons demanding users be a certain way. Like the
>>218783 said: let the board grow organically and whether those girls like it or not cc is an imageboard which is attracting users from mostly other imageboards. Ffs it has a thread over on /g/.
No. 218798
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>>218796Case in point for the thread that
>>218790 linked. Crystal Cafe is pretty dead most of the time yet the moment people told OP and others like her to fuck off there's suddenly activity. Bitches be obsessed yet try to front some sort of sisterly board bs.
No. 218822
I don't really go to other channels anymore despite being in the scene for 15 years. Lolcow is the only one I frequent because I feel it's comfy due to the high percentage of female users but there's no need to filter what I say and we have advantages like the male hating thread. I like how there's one place online where women can be just as bad as men and not conform to the "girls have to be pure and sweet" stereotype.
>>218802What the robot anon meant to say was "We can't be entitled gross males here and lay down our opinions like everywhere else in the world so you're all icky SJWs".
No. 218867
Cunt Cafe get fucked.
No. 218924
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>tfw miners weren't even fake nice to you, they claimed that you lied about one of the most traumatic experiences of your life and months later banned you for being a "robot" when you aren't, you're just austic/asocial afkill me anons, just kill me… i want a
real hugbox board…
No. 218939
>>218646Honestly, I feel like the majority of crystal cafe's userbase is just normies and posters from Lolcow who got butthurt over being banned for spergy behavior and derailing. They're the people practicing the SJW-slanted hugbox demeanor.
>>218757>Nowadays I just check /tv/ because I used to think of it as a funniest board but it has become quite boring and full of whining /pol/tards./tv/ can still be fucking hilarious and their Channel Awesome banter is hysterical, but holy shit I hate the /r9k/ leaking in there. It's not even the /pol/tards that shit up the board but the robots spamming misogynist replies and pedo threads sicken me.
No. 218962
>>218952>>The only thing that i see in difference with lolcow is that we get less people trying to be edgy and posters do not derail threads with petty bullshit as much, otherwise i feel that both sites are equally truthful and blunt.Agreed. Tbh I don't think anyone there is being overly nice, it's just not necessary to be snarky or a cunt 100% of the time.
>>218960Spoonys thread was taken down in 4h or so, that's pretty fast if you consider staff has to live. Meanwhile look at the shit that has been up here for hours
No. 218983
>>218979they allow MtT people on the board
uh no everyone there hates trannies
No. 218984
>>218979>have engaged robots seriously multiple times and even debated letting men in.I remember this one instance when cc was continuously being posted on male imageboards and raided by /r9k/ (because of spoony) and the misandry thread was attracting a lot of butthurt. One of the anons was responding seriously to a robot who just kept writing these long drawn out posts about how much of a vapid whore she was. Then when she got called out she said something like "I legitimately thought we were having a constructive discussion!"
I mean come on lmao. People take the robot bait here too but at least they aren't that stupid about it.
No. 218991
>>218928It has been a while since I went to cc because it's slow, I'm surprised there are trans people on cc. I remember in its first days I asked if trans women were allowed to post without saying why I wanted to know (basically if there are trans women posting on cc I don't want to post there) and I was immediatly told no by other users (I was expecting the mod to answer this one) and that I should fuck off for being a guy, even though I'm an actual woman.
I don't think I noticed anything taht shows users have changed their mind on the subject, so I find it weird.
No. 218997
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>>218991>I don't think I noticed anything taht shows users have changed their mind on the subject, so I find it weird.There's been plenty of noticeable whining about "terfs" and transphobia to me, like pic related. I also saw a female passing post that I think is the one the other anon was talking about. The user wasn't banned though I noticed that it had been up for quite awhile.
No. 218999
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>>218991>>218997It's still up in an active thread.
No. 219005
>>219004Also finding it really entertaining that there's a thread here mostly complaining about CC and a thread in CC dedicated entirely to complaining about LC. But CC is a drama-free site and we're the bitchy ones, right? lmao. That's why they give me a tumblr vibe, the whole site is very…two-faced.
Anyway, I really wish there was a female-only imageboard where we don't have to adhere to very strict, stereotypical gender roles in order to post. I'd like to talk to you guys about computer science or anime or paranormal shit, not makeup and who we have crushes on tbh. Are there any other imageboards that have a mostly female userbase? Where we can post without fear of admitting we're female but at the same time we're not forced to only talk about vapid, "girly" things.
No. 219017
>>218928>>218939>>218959This is exactly what myself and other anons have been saying in that one /meta/ thread over in cc and yet there is that dogpiling bullshit still going on because god forbid you don't respond to shit the way that they want you to.
>>219004>>219005I'm glad that there is finally acknowledgement as well because it feels like you can't even discuss this behavior over on cc itself without those same users getting overly spergy and hostile about how you're ~*being a meanie uwu*~ noooonnn, yew dun gatta reply 2 stuffs mean all da timeee!~
Its like holy shit fuck off already. How do these people not understand that an imageboard website is going to attract the same types who have always used imageboards?
>Also finding it really entertaining that there's a thread here mostly complaining about CC and a thread in CC dedicated entirely to complaining about LC. But CC is a drama-free site and we're the bitchy ones, right? lmao. That's why they give me a tumblr vibe, the whole site is very…two-faced.100% this.
They make no sense whatsoever and love to dogpile people.
No. 219043
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Imageboards will always be filled with cunts. Anonymity gives people opportunity to be retards and unleash their anger without no consequences. This is the only board I sometimes visit, like 3 times a week at best. I only come here to read about a few subjects I'm interested at because this is one of the few places people seem to be sane and I hate discussing with robot/incel type, but if I rely on anons to have social interaction (know many people still do this and I did at some point) I will be fucked.
About Cuntcafe, they seem to be the /cgl/ kawaii lolita but actual cunts pretending to be nice type, makes sense a lot of people here don't like it much because I don't myself for that very reason.
No. 219046
>>219043if more ladies could have that sort of outlook about this site. its okay to not visit for a few days. likely drama doesnt move that fast. maybe anons like
>>219041 wouldnt be so angry about bait posts so often.
No. 219119
>>219118Which there is nothing inherently wrong with, but it's [i]how[/i] they go about lynchmobbing anybody on the site who doesn't play tea party with them. I don't give a frogs fat ass about which political sphere they belong to. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they indeed were /cgl/ girls as
>>219043 said; Trying desperately to appear as socialites of some sort and dropping the facade the moment there is the slightest bit of disagreement.
No. 219142
>>219138I created a domestic thread over in /g/! And, yep. I know. Even though the last several anons have been civil with them it STILL isn't good enough and they're starting up on the attack all over again. place is an utter shitshow and I've noticed that none of them have shown themselves in this thread.
>>219139To be honest, yeah.. I can legitimately see this being the case.
No. 219156
>>219095Anon you're replying to. I'm into a lot of /cgl/ type topics and when people started discussing wishing to revive the Lolita community, the admin of CC tried making a version of Behind the Bows where we'd post secrets and drama. I made a thread about it and hownto device the online world and it just seemed like some anons didn't even have a decent grasp of the rules of CC. The admin seems aware that shit like drama is gonna happen so she made rule 9(basically drama is allowed it just can't be a whole thread about one person like we do on LC) and despite rule 9 existing, miners seem to think UwU this is a drama free zone. So that thread died quickly. I know it's been said but it's like pushing the all Lolita's are lovelies bs. I've also tried bumping threads in media only for no discussion to happen.
I like /cgl/ type topics along with art and music but it seems kinda hard to build discussions about it on there compared to here. I liked the thread about growing plants too. I'm not into coding or programming but I think it's neat to be able to read threads on it by other women. I like CC but it feels like anons over there. LC may be a flaming shitpile a lot of the times but there are days where I think CC isn't much better.
No. 219159
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>>219156NTAYRT, but that is extremely ironic considering how the community of cc tries so hard to present themselves as proper ladies who hold such a high disdain for lc because muh insecure site of dramufags who r ungrateful abloobloo.
I tried to bump the programming, culinary, domestic, and gardening threads and those quickly died as well.. yet that thread in /b/ talking about lc is perfectly alive and well everyday.
Drama free zone uwu until they say its okay to be cunts, I suppose. Lmao.
No. 219162
>>219156*but it feels like anons over there don't even understand the site completely even though they're the ones who use it the most.
Sorry it seems part of my text got cut off.
>>219159I'm not against CC having its own threads on drama but I remember a thread getting locked about discussing
problematic personalities and people for bringing possible drama. I'm in no way against the thread about LC but if a thread on LC is allowed then surely that thread would've been OK. I guess they could be more honest about drama. I'm not sure where I'm going with this one.
No. 219164
>>219163they even have rule 9 for a reason threads like
>>219162 is mentioning doesn't break that, why lock a thread 'just incase?'
No. 219166
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>>219164Because the site was more than likely created by a normie/newfag. I agree with what
>>218939 said. It doesn't seem as if they have any grasp of how imageboards are. Especially if so many of them continue to post about how hostile 4chan and LC are. /tg/, /ck/, and /x/ are pretty chill boards. /co/ used to be back in the day and other boards can be hit or miss. As for LC, they bitch about how they feel as if they can never have a discussion here yet we have a /g/ that is slow as fuck and hasn't been hostile in my experience.
You'd think that they would realize that they've made the site uninhabitable by acting so fake and retarded about trivial shit like the tone of a post, but nah. They've done the same shit which they have accused LC of doing to them: Making conversation impossible.
No. 219172
>>219168Agreed. They sound like the people who think that 4chan is just /b/ and nothing else.
>>219170L M F A O
>thread in /meta/ talks about lets hug it out and stop arguing UwU>talk shit on other boardThis is what people mean about being fake as fuck.
No. 219180
>>219177cc thinks they're infallible and any criticism is just one anon samefagging on both sites.
Cause, y'know.
People would totally make that kind of effort to reply hours, even days apart to shittalk another imageboard that died on its own.
No. 219183
>>219179That's my post and you're misrepresenting it.
I'm referencing the possible samefag as the one person who thinks the site should be a hugbox on /meta/. Not anons criticizing. Simmer down.
No. 219185
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No. 219186
>>219184>you're assuming they're samefag to try to shut down our argumentWell it should "shut down your argument" because not everyone on any given website thinks the same way. One anon hamming things up in a meta thread doesn't mean the entire portion of users on cc want to be fakey and push a sickly sweet post culture.
I don't have proof it's a samefag, but even if it's three or four anons my point still stands.
No. 219191
>>219186>One anon hamming things up in a meta thread doesn't mean the entire portion of users on cc want to be fakey and push a sickly sweet post culture. Despite how many miners got pissy in that very thread when people complained about the sweet shit and responded with the token ~*not liek other chaaaansss*~ shit? Sure. Alright.
>>219188>Is it uh…is it possible to like both LC and CC but have issues with how both of them are run? I kinda wanna say that on CC but I feel like I'd be jumped for saying it. It seems like you have to pick one or the other with them.Agreed. I even said that I thought I would genuinely have a better time over on cc so I could leave this place, but it seems to be just as shitty.
No. 219194
>>219188I feel the same way, anon. I like both websites and hate this us vs them mentality on both ends.
I talked about it on CC before and didn't get jumped, i also stated i browse lolcow and like it for different reasons, so idk why you believe they will attack you for it, at least i didn't get any negatives out of talking about it.
No. 219195
>>219190>but if they're the only one talkingI know you're lurking on cc and I know you can see multiple other posters agree that they don't and aren't pushing that agenda.
>general consensus is a thingAnd the consensus on cc is that posters don't mind bluntness and honesty, but excessive hostility and bitchiness isn't something that they want.
>it standsNot really. A chan culture can evolve organically, and if posters there don't want the excessive shitposty aggression then I don't see how you're someone to say otherwise.
No. 219197
>>219196Right, exactly.
So anons who say they'd allow some level of bluntness is posts is different than an anon who thinks people should be chased out the second they say something slightly mean. Kapish? Sorry, that's no 'gotcha.'
No. 219198
>>219195dude you're just all over the place and going against your own points…
>and if posters there don't want the excessive shitposty aggression then I don't see how you're someone to say otherwise.if it's evolving organically people wouldn't have to whine about it being too mean uwu.
No. 219200
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>>219193>'not like the other imageboards'Lol this.
No. 219201
>>219198You don't understand my point is the problem.
The point being: There's a difference between not wanting shitposters running amok, and an anon who advocates any poster who says something off color should be strung up and chased out.
>>219199>organically evolve into one opinionA consensus is not one opinion. It's a general agreement, 'general' being the key term. There's always going to be outliers. In this case, I'm suggesting the hugbox anon is one of them.
No. 219203
>>219202To shitpost is to be excessively aggressive and bring down the quality of the board and its topics a la arguing.
I'll say it again: There's a difference between not wanting shitposters running amok and running down people who may post something rude or blunt.
No. 219205
>>219201>>219203that's not what it means first off. also, i barely see any shitposting on cc. shitposting is excessive, to the point that you can't reply without them going 'NO FUCK YOU YOU STUPID RETARD' no one has been even close to the shitshows that happen here.
shitposting shuts down conversation 100% to the point you can't ignore the person cause they won't stfu till they get banned.
>>219204cause they don't want 'organic growth' they just want everyone to be like they want immediately.
No. 219206
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>>219204>You people seem to want others to speak as if we're Victorian women or some shit.Do you have any caps of this? Proof that anyone is policing you to type like a Victorian woman?
You can't just accuse and not provide receipts.
>if someone is excessively aggressive then why not hide the post or thread?It doesn't even work here, lol. A bait post can have ten replies. A farmhand usually has to step in and ban people who derail, don't sage, and break board rules. Even posters who didn't start it just because they got lured in and participated.
There's no good reason to allow that, unless you want to shitpost freely.
>>219205>that's not what it means first offIt's any aggressive hostility that brings about off-topic arguing and derailing, making the forum generally unpleasant for posters (ie. having to report constantly, hiding threads, blacklisting topics bc the shitposter won't be civil, etc.)
>also, i barely see any shitposting on ccBecause of the board rule, which anons are arguing is too hugboxy. Why change something that works because some anon in /meta/ pissed someone off?
No. 219207
Something that I find ironic is how someone over there is trying to claim chan rivalry even though there was a lot of support for a girl oriented imageboard.
>>>/g/59063^Cc has their own thread right here so like.. what do you mean by rivalry when a lot of people here also frequent cc and had hoped for it to be something great?
No. 219212
>>219209i'm basically done arguing with her, she doesn't get it.
OP made an impression, said that a lot of people were mean, others actually agreed with her and the rest of the people who were disagreeing got shat on immediately by people shitposting.
as far as i can tell, their definition is anything that seems too upsetting, which is why they locked threads that had the capacity to become OT or against rules.
No. 219215
>>219208>god you are dumb.No I'm not, actually.
>no one is suggesting that the rules are hugboxy????
Someone upthread literally accused the website of patrolling people to type like "Victorian women" or that they lynchmob anyone who says something rude. That's pretty suggestive of a hugbox.
>>219209Again, even if it's multiple people it doesn't justify fixing something that's not broke to begin with.
Again–besides the argument on /meta/–where are these posts and screencaps of miners "chasing you off" the website after you said something bitchy, but not shitposty?
>>219212You're not providing screencaps.
You're lying at this point.
No. 219216
>>219214>That's now what a shitpost is, newfag.The definition was provided here for you,
>>219206. Sweet summer child.
No. 219217
>>219215rules you idiot. has anyone said the rules are hugboxy?
also in your words, that's just one person, doesn't mean all of lc feels that way :^)
No. 219221
>>219215>Someone upthread >someoneyea that's true i supposed an entire site's opinion is based on one an-
oh wait.
No. 219226
>>219222but anon, the meta thread is just one anon after all who's opinion apparently doesn't matter. the replies to this post are just butthurt as fuck. cause OP was totally right.
No. 219230
>>219215you don't get it.
the rest of the site is full of people being super sweet and nothing else, but they went to meta and lc threads to air out their dirty laundry. that's why everyone is referencing that thread, it's the only one where you cunts aren't acting fake.
No. 219231
>>219217>has anyone said the rules are hugboxy?Well then what's all the fuss about?
That one or two people pissed you off in /meta/ and so now the ENTIRE WEBSITE culture is a hugbox that forces you to type like a "Victorian"?
>>219218>then why the fuck did they advertise here lmfaoPeople who started that chan came from here…
>>219221Right, you just argue for another anon's honor when you don't agree with what they're saying without distinguishing yourself–oh wait.
>>219222>How are people lying when everyone keeps talking about the /meta/ thread? Well if they're basing their arguments off a few posters in /meta/ that's fucking stupid.
>You keep trying to play this burden of proof bullshitIt's not bullshit. Accusers have burden of proof naturally. cc is a slow board, there's no excuse to not be able to drum up a few examples of this if the attitude is so prevalent throughout the site and not just a spat in /meta/.
No. 219236
>>219231>People who started that chan came from here…WHICH IS. WHY. I AM SAYING.
Ffs you people came from here.
No. 219242
>>219234typical cc cunt, ignoring the entire point of the post to focus on one part that pisses them off.
cc actually has the worst girls from lc if you ask me. all the stuck up cunts who felt like they were too good for us went there.
No. 219243
>>219232>the site being a shit hugbox Yet you don't have a single ounce of proof outside from referencing some argument in the /meta/ thread.
>>219233>>219235>these posts in a single thread is enough to say that the entire culture of a chan is a hugbox even though nothing has happened outside of that threadWell, okay!
>>219236>TO PRETEND AS IF. THEY ARE NOT. CUNTS.Lol, calm down.
Tell me: Do you act like a cunt on your social media handles just because you browse here?
What's your proof that everyone who browses lolcow posts like a cunt?
You're relying too much on assumptions.
No. 219244
>>219243you just don't get it. is this your first time on an imageboard?
also, a lot of us are cunts irl because we hate fake ass shit. sorry if you two-faced girls are jelly we can be real.
No. 219245
>>219240That seems to be a commonly shared opinion around these parts.
>>219242Careful, anon. You'll be accused of chan rivalry.
>>219243Nig, I have an Instagram and its basically dead. I have never used Facebook, MySpace died eons ago. Do I act like a cunt on IG? Yes, and you can get away with plenty of shit there because the moderation sucks balls.
No. 219246
>>219244>is this your first time on an imageboard?Man, this is probably the tenth time you've insulted me just because you don't like addressing the issues. And you wonder why cc doesn't want you? Lol.
You're extrapolating because you didn't get your way on a chan board. Doesn't sound like a "real bitch" to me, you just sound like a regular, whiny bitch.
No. 219252
>>219249This post is exactly what farmers mean about you guys trying to push a proper lady atmosphere.
Also you sound like an asshurt tranny.
No. 219255
>>219248I'm clearly not a newfag, but whatever helps you.
>>219252>dumbass>newfag>no, no, no–I got it–TRANNYLmao, don't reach so hard or you'll strain yourself…
No. 219256
Its because a miner's "realness" only comes out over petty shit like criticizing cc, calling people who bullied someone insecure, saying your genetics influenced how your nose looks, etc.
No. 219263
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>>219261Its funny how when people said the same for CC you people lost your minds.
No. 219269
>>219268So far, your side has argued:
>miners chase and lynch out people who say objectionable things>posters there police you to type like a "Victorian woman">it's a "hugbox" but at the same time they've been cunts to you and are secretly hiding it even nowCome on, anon. Be "real."
No. 219273
>>219270>asking for caps of proof outside the /meta/ threadYou refuse to provide any and think the one /meta/ thread describes every user on cc.
I don't know what you expected.
>hugboxes are communities that only accept one type of opinion and literally bullies anyone else outYou've yet to provide proof of this happening.
No. 219277
>>219274>But don't come in here trying to prove us wrong with this shit attitudeI'm just asking for proof of posters being shitty outside of /meta/. Initially it wasn't even meant to come off as smug, I was just curious. And yeah it's a little suspect that you can't provide an instance is what I'm saying.
>like a snarky bitch cause we don't want to join your girls clubHaha what?
No. 219280
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>>219277>Haha what?Anon, don't front.
People can read the LC thread and still see the petty shit being said at this moment as well as one of your users fearing that cunty and whiny is how CC will be presented as.
No. 219283
>>219280>fearing that cunty and whiny is how CC will be presented asWell, it'll never be as bad as lolcow.
>>219282That's just "realness."
No. 219284
>>219283you don't get it. this is the 'proof' you guys are nuts. your own users are turning against eachother cause they can't stay nice for 5 minutes.
>>219280that person typing in lowercase
kek, there are multiple anons ITT who don't use caps. but i guess if anon wants to be accepted she has to assimilate eh?
No. 219287
>>219286L O L.
So now, lowercase anon on c.c is a farmer AND the person accusing her of being a farmer is a farmer? amazing.
No. 219290
>>219288You bored of shitposting yet or..?
You just can't get it through your thick skull that we're right. We came through with caps and now you're claiming they're plants. I really don't want to have to wade through the sugar puke-filled koolaid that is cunt cafe but I will. Also, iirc, Spoony was posting there and was only outed cause you guys thought she was being cunty. Kek.
No. 219297
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>>219288Uh, ntayrt but this kind of response to criticism is… exactly what people have been saying. And now you're equating something such as imageboard criticism to molestation despite fighting tooth and nail in this thread for well over an hour about how CC is supposed to be civil and unlike other chans.
No. 219302
>>219300To be honest I don't care who is more civil. I just don't like that the place is wishy-washy when it comes to drama. Their most active thread in /b/ is the Lolcow one while ones about cooking, gardening, programming, hobbies, etc go overlooked. You'd think a place so fearful for their reputation would actually try to encourage discussion in those threads and other boards across the site rather than waste time gossiping about how much a gossip website (which they came from) sucks cock.
I genuinely wanted to give that place a chance. I made threads. I posted in their friend finder and even the few who added me from there admitted that they don't check the boards frequently and would prefer a Discord server, but one that is actually active with several channels as opposed to the Lolcow one.
No. 219303
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Pic related.
Uh, last I checked no one here cared about being a better site tf are you lurkers smoking? You sound more and more like the petty bitches who ruined all the 8ch girl boards with d&c.
No. 219309
>>219304Both threads are still complaining as we speak. That is what I find the most amusing of all. People bitch, just let it happen. The problem arises when people attempt to act as if they don't bitch at all.
>>219307I had no idea that they do that.
No. 219315
>>219312It's a problem here which is probably why they adopted something preventative.
Spoony was a problem here and that's why miners are insisting the admin take a more aggressive, preventative stance on threads about her. Because she is a problem too.
There's nothing wrong with that.
>>219313Lol, what chan?
No. 219329
>>219323Tell that to the mods when you shit up a thread with OT shitposts and get yourself banned lol. Not every board is like /pol/, /b/, and/or /r9k/, sometimes people want to have not-horrible discussions.
It's dumb how cc banned something as harmess as 'autism,' but this isn't the same.
No. 219333
>>219332Basically cc thinks that a man is doing all of this. First anybody who criticized cc was the same person and now we're men apparently.
That reach.
No. 219336
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Imagine being so upset over imageboard discourse that you needed to use a vent thread. Smells like newfaggotry.
No. 219339
>>219333>they think we're all men>we think they're all troonsLmao this is horrible. Now I just want to get mad at men for shitting up the internet and pushing le roasties into a few shitty little corners in the first place.
I still do think some of them are trans gals tho. Those inceloid freaks are drawn to chan sites like moths to a flame, a female oriented one is their dream habitat.
No. 219342
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I used to go to /sp/ a lot before I got permabanned from 4chan. Pol was fun to post in too
No. 219373
File: 1514425690269.jpg (296.69 KB, 470x1186, 20171227_174414.jpg)

>b-b-but cc doesn't dogpile anyone!
Since y'all wanted receipts I remembered this one instance in the unpopular opinion thread when someone gave their opinion on makeup and anons immediately started bashing her for not liking it.
No. 219377
>>219373It was also pointed out in the /meta/ thread that replies were flying in under 10 minutes or so.
Yet the place is "dead".
No. 219383
>>219373>not liking itThe nutjob is saying to ban it and stating that it causes infections as if people still wear lead foundation. Loving the implication that only insecure women wear it, as if that's not from some incel handbook. Horrible example you picked, since two posts are just asking her to explain and only one (with standard anime reaction pic) is being aggressive.
Wow. Much receipt. Fucking not.
No. 219386
>>219383>The nutjob is saying to ban it You know she doesn't have to power to do that just by saying it, right? Your makeup will be fine bb calm down.
>Horrible example you picked, since two posts are just asking her to explain and only one (with standard anime reaction pic) is being aggressive. You know you could also check the rest of the thread and see that more than 1 anon started being aggressive, that's just a portion of the conversation. I also remember this carrying out into other threads where some butthurt anon would start with
>lol r u da cunt in the other thread that criticized makeup??? No. 219387
>>219373This image doesn't even show how scary that was. There were so many other aggressive responses to her posts. And this was on a thread FOR unpopular opinions wtf.
I wouldn't even mind but she was spot on about how makeup has nasty chemicals in it and people should be aware of that but she was met with
>REEEEEEE YOU JUST USE CHINESE/DRUGSTORE MAKEUP, LEAVE MY PRECIOUS HOBBY ALONE, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF USING IT UGHHHHlike a tumblrina. As if forking out more money assures your makeup will be free from the dodgy shit they've always been lacing it with. Like that samefag needs to do a little research on the history of makeup.
>>219384>>219383You need to find the thread and read it. The image is a tiny sample of what was posted. Don't act so smug, "miners".
No. 219388
File: 1514429789397.png (82 KB, 1340x176, wat.png)

>>219385>You need to find the thread and read it.I am, the OP only got three replies and one was an agreement. She started to argue and be mean which caused the reaction she got.
>>219386>You know you could also check the rest of the thread and see that more than 1 anon started being aggressive.Maybe because her third response was her calling everyone questioning her "dumb hoes"?
Maybe because saying something like
>"Without make up a penis wielder might not thinking you're the prettiest girl at the ball and then all your puking will have been for nothing :'("You can't blame people for not treating her like an innocent lamb when she was never being reasonable about her opinion in the first place. Anyone can see she was fishing for an argument and got one.
No. 219390
>>219389You're literally focusing on the just the reactions and not considering that perhaps the cunty tone of the opinion is what got her those replies in the first place.
Nobody can help you if you don't understand why acting a certain way gets bad reactions.
No. 219398
>>219388You're being very selective. She posted her opinion in an UNPOPULAR OPINION thread and was met with "bitch shut the fuck up" and "you fucking idiot" before the post you capped was made. She was responding to the hostility of the uwu ~kawaii little bean miners.
I'm find discussing this but only if you read properly.
No. 219399
>>219390>anon states that makeup is full of nasty chemicals and is concerned about the safety of other women and correctly makes the observation that advertisements play on women's insecurities in order to sell their products>miners genuinely believe that the above makes someone a "cunt" Can you see now why we have a problem with that bitchy, two-faced site? It's toxic.
Does anyone else think that the above example might be trannies upset by the idea of makeup being banned because without it they wouldn't "pass"? Who else would get so defensive over a woman being concerned about other women?
No. 219400
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>>219397Why are you cunts incapable of reading? The point was explained earlier in this goddamned thread and in the /meta/ thread.
Also what the fuck happened to you cunts pushing the friggin'
>lets hug it out an stahp XDDD>yeah let dem bait us idc over on cc yet now you're here trying to get someone to fist your asshole unlubed? Sod off already, damn.
No. 219402
>>219398So two posts are "dogpiling" to you? That's the fake, saccharine lynch mob turned ugly that I'm supposed to believe is so
problematic and toxic? That one shitpost looks like it came from a farmer here…
>>219399>concerned about the safety of other womenSo I'm supposed to believe the same person that calls other women insecure, stupid whores is the same one who concerns for their health? I don't think so.
>It's toxic.The same has been said about lolcow so I don't know how you plan to argue this further.
>>219400>it's a ponyposterEw.
No. 219403
>>219399>any person who disagrees is a trannyHoly shit, there it is again! That stupid fucking argument I swear I've seen this before in a different thread too lmao.
Hunny bun, I could easily tinfoil about you being a subversive male incel because you think makeup is 'unnatural' and for insecure women, and therefore something women enjoy must be banned "for their own good."
Stop. Fucking stop. It's too much!
No. 219404
>>219402You're on a largely girl oriented site and yet you're offended by a series from the 1980s which is inherently feminine that men had no right to claim.
You sound more and more retarded. Please do continue posting, anon.
No. 219406
>>219404>a series from the 80sYou post nuMLP.
>is inherently feminine and men had no right to claimYet I'm sure you pitch tantrums when men claim that women had no right to appropriate video games and nerd culture.
No. 219407
>>219402>two posts Okay so either you're incapable of scrolling down or you don't understand how imageboards work. We're done talking then.
>>219403This entire post just proves my point, cool.
Hope the admin bans you for all this shitty samefagging. You're not even making it subtle.
No. 219409
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>>219407>scroll downNo.
The argument is that anon's original post was "dogpiled." Clearly, it was not.
Two anons responded rudely, and by the third reply OP was at it calling the women she was so "concerned" about dumb whores instead of perhaps explaining what "chemicals" in makeup make it so bad, or literally turning it around in any other direction. That is what actually set off the in-fighting.
Then of course, the insecurity comment in the same post.
>>219408You're using it to shitpost. Stop with the moral grandstanding.
No. 219410
>>219409>i used a reaction image which accurately describes how miners act>miners get triggered about what show its from>ask why triggered >"UR MORAL FAGGING"You nitpicked, got called out, and evidently couldn't handle it. I've been using reaction images all throughout this thread yet this was the one that
triggered you.
No. 219412
>>219410You're still just using the image to shitpost, which is a commonality you share with ponyposters on 4chan. That was the joke.
I'm glad you enjoy hobbies, anon. Lol.
No. 219415
>>219413You're not comprehending that the posts further down are irrelevant. Stop abusing caps.
You can't claim "dogpiling" and "lynchmobbing" when the original post wasn't so, and after you've been nasty to people to get them riled at you to begin with. Anon got a justified reaction.
I can't help you further than this if you don't understand that still.
No. 219431
File: 1514437262249.jpg (51.39 KB, 540x720, IMG_20171222_233944.jpg)

>>219428Hell yeah, stay comfy anon
No. 219462
>>219441checking it out myself rn
a little
triggered that it has autoplay music on the landing page, but other than that it seems like a regular image board; low pop/dead
No. 219484
>>219477Yeah because lurking, taking caps of posts that
triggered you, baiting arguments, and circlejerking are signs of posters who care about being on topic. Not.
No. 219530
I don't understand why people always assume that every argument which they don't personally agree with = bait. There are legitimate grievances for both sites, but how cc handled this was ridiculous because nobody came to their Lolcow thread from here for as long as it has been up and threw a temper tantrum. Nobody was in that thread calling samefag or incel unlike their /meta/ thread where god forbid criticism of cc took place. In fact, most of the replies in it were people who spoke of issues with lc, expressed sympathy for Admin, and others said they still continue to use both. Yet the moment cc was criticized, first over on their /meta/ and then here, these people pitched a huge fit.
The problem lies within their unclear rules about what constitutes as drama and this "We aren't like those other chans!" image they try to present.
It doesn't make any sense for them to be so defensive about lc considering they came from here. Their /g/ thread is still up for all to see and they seem to think that moving to a different url washes away whatever they did over here. I get this feeling that quite a bit of them went there seeking some sort of girl sanctuary where they could all knit blankets together but all that has happened is they're being bitchy on a different site when things don't go their way.
From everything that I have read both here and over there I don't see Crystal Cafe as a community that wants actual, organic growth. Their actions are arbitrary and their idea of comfy is a heavily authoritative site. Their Admin won't create a Discord server because she(?) thinks it'll kill the site by making it cliquey but the place is already like that on its own.
Who knows. Maybe Crystal Cafe users don't dare to get too vocal about their complaints of the site because they fear being seen as unappreciative, which is how they view farmers being towards the lc Admin and whatever she does. They're afraid to rock the boat unless it is an issue of someone having an opinion that triggers them it seems. Or maybe they're scared that criticism of cc will bite them in the ass since the Admin has their ip, which sounds silly but it was a concern expressed by someone in cc's /g/ thread. They feared that Admin was a dude trying to collect info on girls.
Or, maybe they're just painfully new and have only been browsing imageboards for three years.
No. 219535
>>219530I like both but there's a superiority complex and posters like
>>219505>>219484>>219476>>219474most likely from CC are rude as fuck and I doubt they'd be talking like that on CC to other miners lol
No. 219541
>>219535I laughed, the
>>219505 was me but the others are not. I was rude in that particular post because it was annoying to have seen anons (who make it pretty clear that they're miners) try to deflect criticism of Crystal Cafe's lc thread by wrongfully claiming that this one is the most active on lc and its "about them".
OP mentions nothing about Crystal Cafe and it actually took a few days before anybody even mentioned cc in this thread.
>>218646was the first post to do so and it was perfectly valid criticism of cc, as were the replies following. In fact, you can see farmers
>>218648 >>218648
>>218649 >>218651
>>218721 >>218743 in these posts offering critique in a way where they're clearly expressing disappointment in a way that isn't over the top, but I feel as though when a miner sees this they're just going to zero in on the post which states that cc is like a weird lc-pull hybrid and try to make that seem more insidious than it actually is. It isn't until later on itt that people get a little more testy and that was due to cc's /meta/ thread driving people off and back over to here.
So the comparison of "W-Well THIS thread is ALL ABOUT CRYSTAL CAFE!1!1!" doesn't hold up considering
A) It wasn't made with cc in mind, the conversation naturally progressed towards cc because everyone was discussing other forums and imageboards. Whereas Crystal Cafe's Lolcow thread.. is actually titled Lolcow Thread and is about lc.
B) This thread is only a week old and it only has as many replies as it currently does due to the in-fighting. It is by no means the most active thread on /ot/. That would be the vent thread or the youtube artists thread. Last week it was the August Ames thread and the abuse in the porn industry thread, both of which only got as many replies as they did also due to incels and in-fighting. Crystal Cafe's Lolcow thread on the other hand is their most replied to thread on /b/, always on the front page of /b/, and constantly overshadowing the cooking thread, hobby thread, etc.
And that is very ironic because they claim to be this drama free place that is so different from lc but I'm not seeing much attempt to cultivate discussion outside of that thread.
No. 219549
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>>219544Okay but this sort of stuff is why you all come off as tumblr users
No. 219551
>>219544You are correct. There is indeed drama on cc, but what people don't appreciate is a sort of mob mentality and deflection which seems to be prevalent within that community. Also appreciate Crystal Cafe admin's input but the post immediately following hers is exactly why there is an image of cc being saccharine and 'plastic'. Maybe that miner had good intentions but writing off any criticism of cc as "Oh darling, haters are just hating" is a sophomoric response.
No. 219555
>>219553Agreed, but posts such as
>>219549 also don't help things because miners in their lc thread were the first to imply that there was any sort of 'chan rivalry' going on. There was another in that lc thread about how cc is going to be victorious and better than lc despite no farmers expressing any animosity towards cc being viewed as a 'better site'.
The post about how lc would be so much better if they banned male posters sort of smacks of "Why can't you be more like US!? We're BETTER because we do xyz!" And once again randomly bringing up men in the conversation when they have no place in it just feels like deflection of miner's shortcomings.
Like I get it; The incels and shit are annoying, but they get banned when they are uppity and the best course of action is to report and ignore.
No. 219568
File: 1514501499662.png (52.14 KB, 1198x366, 4172872498330.png)

>posts I don't like is raiding
Come on now..
No. 219573
File: 1514508729421.png (77.83 KB, 1865x442, tumblr.png)

>>219568I love tumblr my dudes.
That's in their 'holiday thread' Kek.
No. 219574
File: 1514509528652.gif (953.84 KB, 450x338, 262.gif)

>>219573I was just reading this not even five minutes ago. Watch this also be presented as "an example of lc raiding".
No. 219581
>>219578This is actually a little refreshing to see because they aren't holding back any longer. Though I'm sure it is only a matter of time before someone else in /meta/ alleges that raiding is taking place.
I'm also not sure why some miners were bugged today about tranny hate posts because those posts have been around since Crystal Cafe's inception. Lolcow also has plenty of users who hate trannies. Really, the entire thing is bizarre all around.
No. 219583
>>219582I wouldn't be surprised though I also wasn't trying to assume so quickly considering, well, women can be catty bitches as well. What this entire debacle has been reminding me of is when 8ch started to fall apart as a result of divide and conquer campaigns and in-fighting. At the time there were only four girl oriented boards on the site but the two most controversial ones were /fem/ and /tradfem/, the latter of which was made in response to /fem/ being run by an attention whore who destroyed any chance of the board being decent. I didn't much care for /fem/ and I thought that /tradfem/ would be better though I was quickly mistaken as it was a board of women(?) who were very much trying to perpetuate that image of the perfect, conservative homemaker. It was odd stuff that wasn't inherently insidious but they seemed to have been trying far too hard to present this image of, as farmers here even put it, 'not like other femanons or boards' yet you'd see them being openly malicious and telling people on an imageboard for ffs that they "have no honor". There weren't any problems between the other girl boards until that one showed up. Some drama happened that I forget and their admin ended up deleting the board and claiming that feminists chased them off or something but then came back later claiming that she(?) was hacked so who knows really.
Anyway, all of this with cc really reminded me of those "chicks"; Same deflections, same snake in the grass demeanor. I even expect there to be posts about how lc "killed" cc the same way the aforementioned claimed they were "killed" by feminists.
No. 219590
>>219588So, me and jelly weebs anon are friends on discord, and afaik, she left the board after that (she's said she quit with image boards in general). She was someone who wanted the board to be comfy and pleasant (and contributed quite a bit) so it's a real shame…
I don't want to go into anything in case she's lurking but the story she told me about what those girls did was messed up. Even before I knew she was the one who posted it the replies seemed really harsh and projecting (like come on she said right in the post she gets along with girls who are more normal/stable) and looking back, it plays right into the dogpiling people for being too confident or pushy.
Polite sage.
No. 219592
>>219581If the terfs start getting too out of hand, then if I was the owner of cc, then I would then all of a sudden declare that trannies are now welcome.
Regardless on if it the board can't be fixed, it would either cause the gender reactionaries to reeeeeeeee, leave the board, and be an entertaining "fuck you" to the radical terfs that destroyed the board.
I hate to say it, and I'm not saying they should allow it, but I think a tranny community would be less dysfunctional and more friendlier than a board full of circle jerking radfems who hate everything and everyone.
No. 219598
>>219596Terfs are always awful people but the trannies who tend to mind their own business and avoid making everything about their gender are okay, I don't care about what they do. Of course, the only ones who we notice are the weirdos who do make everything about them, because they're the ones who are more likely to be noticed and be addicted to attention.
There are some okay trannies, of course they're overshadowed, and the perception is skewed since the shitty ones tend to be the loudest, while the okay ones tend to stay quiet and try to go unnoticed.
I'm not trying to make this a "defending transgender" people and I am not transgender, but the shitty ones are the ones who most hurt the perceptions and they're the ones who try to gain public notoriety.
I mean, its a controversial statement, but I would probably rather hang out with the sanest tranny over the most radical radfem.
No. 219601
>>219598>Terfs are always awful peopleLol, what makes you say that? What did they ever do to you or anyone else for that matter?
>but the trannies who tend to mind their own business and avoid making everything about their gender are okayThose don't exist. Being transgender is
inherently sexist. The fact that the type MTTs who would even want to browse
cc in the first place are pretty much guaranteed to be autogynophiles, and have some other sick fetish (feet and lolicon are also v popular among them lol) only makes it worse.
>I would probably rather hang out with the sanest tranny over the most radical radfem.Maybe you should check out this website called tumblr dot com, you'd fit in really well there ;3
No. 219602
>>219598I think there are some valid criticism of the way transgender treatment is handled in society but terfs end up actually making it worse.
A man wants to wear a dress, society views him wanting to wear a dress or participate in feminine behavior as deviant. What's going to happen is that they're going to look for a medical explanation to explain deviance, because society says that gender variant behavior is un-normal.
Often, terfs say, "why can't they just be a gay male", and say that they want to end gender norms, but at the same time they don't seem to spend a lot of effort into saying "femininity is okay if you're a male", but seem to attack the feminine behavior among trannies. I don't know how many times I've heard a terf say that a man wanting to wear a dress or be feminine was mentally ill.
If you want to stop transgender people from being medicalized, then first you have to start advocating that gender variance is okay, as long as you continue to say that it's not, then people who want to be gender variant are going to keep on being medicalized.
No. 219604
>>219598I should elaborate that there's not a lot of focus among Gender Critical feminist in terms of advocating that gender variant behaviors in men as being okay. In fact there's quite the opposite, and unless there's advocacy of feminine behavior among men being tolerated, then medicine is going to look for explanations on why people are going to participate in deviant behavior, and they'll find medical explanations such as a difference in neurology, leading to justification of medical treatment.
The best thing to do instead of just attacking trannies is to try to lead to tolerance and acceptance of gender non-conformity so people don't feel like they need to transition to participate in behaviors that make them comfortable.
That's my complaint with Gender Critical feminist, is that they aren't actually arguing or focusing on normalizing gender variance, which is leading people to transition.
No. 219612
>I should elaborate that there's not a lot of focus among Gender Critical feminist in terms of advocating that gender variant behaviors in men as being okay.that's because feminism is intended to help women and girls and gendercrit feminists tend to work exclusively with women and girls. Men don't really listen to what feminists have to say anyway.
This was the argument back in the day when the men's rights movement was popular; "why aren't feminists dealing with men's issues as their top priority? homelessness is a uniquely male problem". Feminism is the only form of activism that is subject to this type of criticism where it is somehow misguided to prioritize women's issues before other marginalized groups.
Feminism isn't your mommy. The universal solidarity movement that everyone is looking for does not exist, and as much as everyone wants it to be women, the insistence that women should tend to everyone else's needs before their own is a big part of the problem.
No. 219615
>>219612So, they spend their time complaining, but don't actually want to fix the problem, just complain?
If you want to actually fix the issues you complain about then you have to argue for abolishing gender norms among both men and women, otherwise you wont fix the problem or end up with any real solutions.
How does the problem get fixed by complaining if no real action is taken to find a solution? The solution is abolishment of gender roles for and norm for men.
As long as people keep on saying that they don't want to abolish gender roles because it may benefit some men, then men with variance gender roles are going to continue being medicalized.
This is why it's hard to take radfems with any degree of seriousness. Masculinity is toxic, but it's wrong if a man isn't masculine? If you want to end the toxic behavior among men, then you need to say that it's okay for men to not be masculine, otherwise it's not going to get anywhere.
No. 219616
>>219615I should say abolishment of gender norms for men and women. You may be focusing on women, but nobody is focusing on men. Telling man that they have to be masculine is hurting women since its leading to harassment and violence against women.
If you want to help women then you need to tell men that they don't have to be masculine, even if doing so ends up benefiting men by benefiting both men and women.
No. 219617
>>219604there are no feminists that advocate for reinforced gender roles for men. and as this post
>>219613 mentioned, masculinity is enforced on men by other men. So maybe complain about this to them.
No. 219620
>>219617Why do children, before they develop sexual maturity feel the need to participate in gender variant behavior or wear gender variant clothes? Is a 5 year old who wants to be a princess for halloween doing it because he gets off on it.
Regardless on your belief on the parents should allow a boy to dress up as a princess, if they want to dress up as one without feeling like they have to be identified as trans (which is generally disallowed), why isn't it okay for a young boy to dress up as a princess or play with barbies?
No. 219621
>>219615THEY DO. THEY ALWAYS HAVE. Yet no one fucking listens…
>You may be focusing on women, but nobody is focusing on men.Go fucking tell MRAs to do that because again, we're more worried about the victims of male violence than the violent men themselves.
>>219618First of all, you're talking to two different people and that anon didn't say that, I did. Second of all,
>they're a select minority and you aren't focusing on the majority who don't I'm gonna need a source on that because frankly, it's pretty hard to believe. And third of all, they. Aren't. If they have, they aren't radfems because that goes against radfem beliefs.
No. 219622
>>219617You are a moron. If a child want to be a princess then the child is most likely acting out because of sexual abuse and the parents should be locked up.
No. 219624
Didn't feel like reading the whole thread so I don't know if this has been said, but I feel like cc is sort of like a refuge for people who are sick of the atmosphere on lc. Given the situation, isn't it fitting for users to get their hugs out and discuss lc with a different perspective? Things will level out eventually, it's a new board without a solid culture, I already see things slowly shaping up. I still visit lc, but I have to say, it gets pretty draining, so I'm glad I have another girlboard to just relax in. I saw some complaints about the "hypocritical" nature of cc, but I don't think it reflects hypocrisy but rather the complexity of personalities and feelings, everyone has a soft side and a harsh side, I mean just look at the contrast between the drama boards and general discussion boards here. There's never going to be a perfect imageboard, but some are better than others and I think that cc is pretty great so far.
No. 219625
>>219620>Why do children, before they develop sexual maturity feel the need to participate in gender variant behavior or wear gender variant clothes?Studies show it directly correlates with homosexuality, but maybe the kid just likes the dress? Idk what your point is because most trannies didn't start out with stuff like that, rather they started with things like trying on their sister's panties around the time they started puberty.
>why isn't it okay for a young boy to dress up as a princess or play with barbies?Radfems aren't the ones saying that it isn't! That would be Catholics or something. Do you even know what a radfem is?
No. 219630
>>219622did you reply to the wrong post? calm down.
and freaking out at your kid for wearing a dress is going to traumatize him almost as much as the imagined sexual abuse in this situation. chill.
No. 219631
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>>219629I guess so… It seemed like a real girl who was on some retarded MRA shit at first. Maybe it was just a troll and he's entering the stages of pic related.
No. 219635
File: 1514530786981.jpg (27.25 KB, 480x640, 1416523106923.jpg)

>>219633This shit is so confusing. I want to die.
No. 219643
>>219642I'm just tired of it all.
Make it stop.
What was wrong with just having male and female.
No. 219646
>>219643well, there are rapists who think that wearing clothes makes them a women and are unhappy with being male. I'm unhappy with it to and wish that society could just justify ridiculous ideas like "people with penises are women".
We may very well need to accept that force may be needed to get them to start being comfortable with being male.
No. 219648
>>219646Please keep your tranny tirades on lolcow exclusively. You're even technically breaking a rule here because you're not supposed to be derailing ot when there's a tranny hate containment thread just for you
No. 219651
>>219647what is your idea to deal with them then? We can't tolerate them and we need to have a plan to deal with the ones who can't be deprogrammed.
>>219649It's not hate if it's for the benefit of society and I'm not the only one who thinks that way on cc.
No. 219656
>>219655My own opinion is that extermination isn't wrong per say. I would just be more comfortable with trying out a humane approach first.
not that anon btw, but wanted to share my thoughts.
No. 219660
>>219657Your fault for getting so
triggered over one post, dude. Maybe try closing your eyes as you scroll past it lmfao.
No. 219664
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No. 219667
>>219664Lmao, so who's really assblasted here? Is it you (the handmaiden) or you (the troon)? Either way, no one's threatening!! to!! murder!!!! anyone, you're just butthurt someone had a different opinion than you do.
>crazy bitchInteresting word choice… Very interesting…
No. 219675
>>219673>You were trying to argue that we should force women to be put in an unsafe situation because it would be a bit mean to men. You won't be able to show me this post because it doesn't exist.
Because you made it up in your twisted mind.
No. 219678
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>>219676>your opinion will lead to violence against womenBecause I think it's too extreme to murder trannies who haven't committed crimes?
You're right. I'm way more than finished here.
No. 219682
>>219677In the context of you getting so
triggered about gender bs, shit like that is pretty sus… But whatever! Have fun back on tungle dot hell.
No. 219684
>>219678Good, fuck off tranny.
If you care about men so much, then why don't you join an MRA organization, you would fit in there.
No. 219688
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I've mentioned to CC admin that we should have a thread for tranny discussion. That way this all can stop right now.
Seems like the only people who have a problem with this are upset that they won't be able to derail threads anymore.
No. 219698
>>219697Agreed. I just want a space for women only.
Men get their stupid PUA/incel websites, but women can never have something of their own.
Does that mean I want to kill trannies? Fuck no. I don't even want to have discussions about them, I don't fucking care what they do and I'm sick of the antisocial radfem accusing anyone of saying otherwise as being a tranny. Knock that shit off.
No. 219704
>>219702>>219702>Extermination shouldn't be considered an option unlessNO. NO UNLESS.
Shut the fuck up and stop trying to push your agenda, keyboard warrior.
No. 219708
>>219704what about the negative effect they have on society?
>>219707 I'm not all the people who are doing that. I think that their influence on society is dangerous and we should keep that as a consideration. Im just talking about as an extremely extremely last resort when nothing else works.
No. 219709
>>219708We don't do that kind of eugenics anymore. In fact, shouldn't you be for the mutilation we do, since it's essentially a form of eugenics by rendering them infertile?
Trans people deserve sympathy for being mentally ill and to be cured in an non-invasive way, but they are still humans.
No. 219711
>>219708>what about the negative effect they have on society? Yeah because some shitless NEET who spends as many as 8 hours a day posting "awareness" on imageboards is doing fuck all for society.
No. 219717
>>219714>They're putting feminism back centuries and are sexually harassing women.Nah, that's not happening and is something you're telling yourself.
Who is it that's trying to take away my right to abortion and access to birth control?
Cis straight men.
Who is it that runs the PUA, incel, and other women hate sites?
Cis straight men.
Who is it that beats, rapes, and murders women?
Cis straight men.
Who is it that hates women moving into STEM fields and assimilating into male circles like gamer culture?
Cis straight men.
By your logic we need to gas all straight men right away.
No. 219721
>>219719>see uterus carriersI get it, but there are plenty of men out there right now who only see women as baby incubators and fuck holes.
Anon's just not making it a point to say "KILL ALL MEN" because it's easier to drum up dislike for trannies because they're a minority and literally no one defends them beyond perhaps saying they don't deserve to die.
No. 219726
>>219717But trannies have the same exact murder/rape rates as regular men. Idk why you're acting like they aren't just men too.
>Who is it that hates women moving into STEM fields and assimilating into male circles like gamer culture?You know that those men make up about 85% of troons, right?
>By your logic we need to gas all straight men right away. We do. What, are you a straight man? Is that why you're so pissed?
No. 219727
>>219726>But trannies have the same exact murder/rape rates as regular men.Doubt it. Sounds like something you're pulling out your ass. Gonna need a non-radfem source on that one.
Doesn't even make sense considering straight men make up so much more of the population and MtF trannies are like less than 1% of any given populace.
>are you a man?I'm not. But maybe you're the tranny with how much you insist that we need to talk about them. Maybe you're a proper self-hating attention whore twink who likes to argue. See? I can reach too.
Btw let's take this to your containment thread. I'm legitimately starting to feel bad for people who might be lurking to find out about other sites but they gotta scroll past hundreds of crackpot theories about how we need to be gassing mentally ill minorities.
No. 219734
>>219733Im the exact type of person who is in danger from them. I don't want them around me or in a situation where they're allowed to assault me in a safe enviroment. its more or less common knowledge that the majority of them are predatory people. Im constantly hearing about it and I know that they're dangerous people.
Would you try to argue that MTTs aren't dangerous predatory people because I wouldn't.
No. 219736
>>219727Here's one study look up their crime rates for yourself, there's no significant difference between theirs and other mens.
>But maybe you're the tranny with how much you insist that we need to talk about them. Maybe you're a proper self-hating attention whore twink who likes to argue.If I were a male, I wouldn't give a single fuck about their impact on females.
I've never said we needed to gas them btw, that was someone else.
No. 219739
I'm really sick of seeing trans people being talked about so much these days. I deleted my tumblr so I could avoid them but they're so vocal online you can't really avoid them anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if there were several of them invading crystal cafe, thinking it was made for them as well as actual women. I admit I have a low opinion of them for a bunch of reasons but I think saying we should execute them or other similar things is going way too far.
To stay on topic and talk about imageboards, I occasionally go to crystal cafe for some threads that are pretty slow (though I think I'll take a short leave because of what's going on right now), I lurk /cgl/, /v/ and /a/ sometimes and I used to post here more often than I do these days, but mostly /ot/ and /g/.
>>219688I think we had a similar thread at the very beginning when /disc/ was still a thing. Why not try to revive it so the other threads won't be derailed? Maybe it'll count as necroing though.
No. 219742
>>219739Saying we should execute them is a bit far for me, and I don't agree with it, but I don't know why people are jumping on to defend tranny men from that troll. Come on. The people who are advocating for the murder of transgender people aren't going to go out and murder them, and even if they did, who cares?
I'm more concerned about the safety of women then mentally ill men to be quite honest.
No. 219744
>>219743Men have been aggressive to women for Millennia, anyway, let people post their opinions of murdering transgender people. If these opinions are "dangerous" and they happen, then it begins to make up for the centuries of agression men committed towards women so no harm done.
Let people have their own opinions and stop calling them a troll.
No. 219746
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Please just stop derailing and get back on topic.
No. 219776
> sold to Appleman1234 because former admin Kalyx could no longer pay server hosting >lainchan mods generally disgruntled by this and still keep in contact with Kalyx >a year later, Kalyx deletes lainchan because he received the password reset email for the server instead of Appleman >site is gone forever because Appleman kept back ups on the server instead of…anywhere else>disgruntled lainchan mods create, which is supposed to be the purer, less shitty lainchan untainted by Appleman's policies > comes back up>confusion and cross board infighting because there is two of the same fucking site>a few months later,'s admin (not Kalyx) kicks off most of the former mods, installs random Russians and guys from the suicide cult image board>deletes everything from and creates Kind of dumb when you think about it, but it's extremely funny how much drama men are capable of when left to their own devices.
No. 220026
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Anyone else think's Misc is one of the worst popular boards on the internet? it's almost nothing but brain dead dudebros making shitposts about cucks, manlets, "sloots", rate me/this bitch etc.
I've also seen multiple guys posting intimate pictures of women that were obviously taken without their knowledge. The mods there are terrible and don't care. It's basically a part of their board culture.
4chan's /fit/ is shit too but I find it more tolerable than Misc.
No. 220027
>>220026It's a huge board and has been for a very, very long time. It was around before reddit, digg, etc and before image boards became popular. It has an extensive archive as well.
That place is a shitshow but they do have some good threads.