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No. 2215769
>>2215757no ignore them pls don’t give powertrip-chan any leeway
>>2215765not listening2you!!!!!!!!!!! how2about2that2?
(sperg) No. 2215779
>>2215773literally why what’s going on how’s your family how’s your neighbor how’s your brain how’s your food how’s your water how’s it going literally why this why now why this moment why this year why this month why this date Why Christ? why Jesus? Why Pepe? Why farmhands? Why eat……….
why live? I’m sad
No. 2215808
>>2215803Hence ‘knowingly’ and ‘willingly’.
>>2215802Exactly, it’s fucking evil and you know for a fact they will most likely abuse or even abandon the child once it doesn’t serve them anymore.
No. 2215830
>>2215794Many people have noticed those mothers get off on being the "warrior mom" on instagram or the one who proved all the doctors wrong because their kid lived past two years.
I always thought the mother of the Hartley Hooligan's reasoning for having Lola (the second child) was interesting. She has the opportunity to abort, but said she refused because if she chose to do it, it would be like saying Claire (the first one) shouldn't have existed.
No. 2215832
>>2215788>>2215793Her story is truly awful. She lived in Texas at the time she gave birth to her daughter and still does today. A few years ago the state legislature overturned the law allowing for patients to sue for wrongful birth. She was asked if she still wished her daughter hadn’t been born and she said yes, followed by
>“Because I have had the joy of loving her, but I’ve had the sorrow of watching her suffer. She has suffered so much of her life. If she could have come through the suffering and come through it and be able to enjoy her life more, I think it would have been a different issue. But, no, I could never have said I want her to experience this – just to be born. Anyone who would say they thought that was the right thing to do has not stood and watched a child suffer like this.
I could never have made the choice to have terminated the pregnancy for me or the hardships that it would bring on me. But I could have in a heartbeat for her – knowing what she was going to go through.’”
Minor blogpost but I
was born with a defect that is disfiguring. This isn’t BDD or anything, I have had corrective surgeries and am noticeably disfigured. On the scale of minimal to severely affected I am in the middle. My quality of life is fine for the most part, but looking at those on the severe end of the scale I can’t say I would want to go through what they do. Everyone I know who is actually disabled or has been affected by disability like this agrees some people shouldn’t be born. It isn’t cruel to believe that but an act of true empathy and love in my opinion.
No. 2216226
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I feel a degree of resentment toward women who worship old, ugly men. They look like monsters, and some of them act like monsters, but they're deluded and have been coddled by idiotic women all their lives. If they just kept it to themselves and admitted their taste was a bit weird, that'd be one thing, but instead, they constantly try to gaslight any other women and girls around them, and say shit like "When your frontal lobe develops, you'll understand" to try and cover for their complexes. Don't even get me started on when they nitpick anyone female for having a single line on their face, saggy tits or a stretch mark. One of the most disappointing things is when you catch them in an honest moment, and they admit that they personally have a crippling fear of aging and being abandoned for not being "young and pretty" anymore. I guess dating older men feels like a cheat code for them, but then they just end up getting dumped for some other younger pickme (or grooming victim), and she won't even have to be particularly attractive. Just young. Then they seethe at the girl, and the cycle begins again. It's even worse when they have daughters they instill those values into. Abuse is allowed to proliferate not just because of male power, but because pickmes keep enabling it and making excuses because they don't give a fuck what happens to other women or even little girls. Some will even help their moids abuse others to gain favor.
Some retarded piece of shit will look at this ugly demon and say "He's handsome". He looks like a chewed up piece of bubblegum, but from the pickme POV, "Men age like wine! He's a real man, not like those numales who actually have hairlines and have showered at least once in their lives", and the real eyesores are those hags in their 20s who dare to have nasolabial folds or eye bags anyway.
No. 2216242
>>2216226>picrelIsnt this the man who raped and abused his daughter?
No. 2216629
>>2216440I think there’s a weird association between pain and pleasure definitely. But just because it happens doesn’t mean that they are okay.
I hate the normalization of extreme kinks like BDSM, choking, beating, rape pretend.
If you need to be beat up to enjoy sex you need to see a therapist kek.
I would be profoundly disgusted if the person I’m with is excited by the thought of hurting me. It just makes me viscerally repulsed.
No. 2216684
>>2216650no one cares about discrimination against women at all anymore really and it’s jarring to notice as abortion rights are being taken away. and sorry but what is actually going to happen to us if trump becomes president again? like no one talks about women’s rights at all anymore except like yas kween slay fuck the system just be an only fans thot and that’s like. not for our benefit but for men’s.
No. 2216703
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>>2216698I was about to say, I recall fat people hate being a lot more open and common here. Now, you can't say as much about fat people without some faggot going "rattle rattle". I was gonna ask if the demographic of LC changed, but you just answered my question.
No. 2216767
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I don't think circumcision is comparable to FGM and while I don't agree with the concept of circumcision the men who bitch and moan about it come off as envious crybabies.
No. 2216777
>>2216767It’s totally not nonna. FGM removes function and often makes sex without any kind of feeling at best or painful at worst. It’s also solely practice to further oppress and punish women.
My mom recently came out with her story about it. We are from a country in Africa where it’s still practiced, at least our tribe does that. They did the grade one on her, so they didn’t sew her up or cut her clit completely, but they cut part of it.
She told me that she doesn’t really feel much sexual desire in the first place and that sex isn’t that enjoyable to her and that she can only orgasm with internal stimulation, which takes time. She didn’t talk about in a weird or disgusting way by the way, I’m just really open with her and I don’t have any problems in talking about these kind of topics.
It was really eye opening for me and I even cried about it when she told me, especially when she told me how they brought her there against her will and how scared she was. Thinking of her as a little girl experiencing that just breaks my heart over and over again.
She also told me that they also pressured her to do it to me too and she actively refused because she didn’t want me to experience it.
Anyway I love my mom and I hope I can one day repay her back for all the sacrifices she made for me.
No. 2216780
>>2216767They also don’t do it while they’re infants, but when they’re older.
Scrotes barely remember anything, while women who went through FGM often have PTSD about it. Mutilating healthy bodies for no reason is never right, but the two situations aren’t comparable.
No. 2216809
>>2216753Nta but some fat girls and women are super fixated on breasts, I guess because they think that’s the one thing they have going for them. My best friend in high school constantly negged me for my b cup and tried to convince me that any guy interested in me was a pedophile. When I was into
EGL it was also extremely common for fat women to make snide comments about women with smaller busts who fit into the dresses better.
No. 2216842
>>2216809Kek, this made me think about that fat actress on Bridgeton.
She’s pretty, but she’s fat. A pretty woman is pretty regardless, but being fat keeps you from reaching your full potential
No. 2217162
>>2217141Yeah, don't get me wrong, there's people that get addicted to 2D stuff and well, it is an actual issue for some. But when I think about
porn and porn addiction, I picture a person so jaded and miserable they cannot stop cooming to illegal content with real humans
No. 2217190
>>2217162Same, and yeah, I know 2D porn can have some fucked up stuff, like shotacon and such, but anons could probably say that instead of just saying that they like yaoi a bit too much or that they like to read erotica daily.
Like, they have plots and retarded stuff but it's not porn searched with a tor browser that leads people to a website in, idk, Russian that has illegal shit and masked men in a basement.
I think that's true porn addiction unlike liking to read manga a bit too much or enjoying something like a husbando fantasy or even a selection of retarded videos on rule 34.
No. 2217270
>>2217249I like both equally, balance
nonnie, ying and yang
No. 2217348
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>>2217265what is your opinion on chicago mix
No. 2217359
>>2217334I think it's partially affected by how someone was raised.
If you teach a kid that fiction affects reality then they'll placebo themselves into thinking it's true and they'll start looking at signs everywhere to construct their identity.
If you smash that down and deny it then it won't, at least not as much. Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't also cut things, especially for moids.
No. 2217653
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The second you let "woke twitter" or some tumblr art influence you to think you're trans, you just made your life 10 times harder. No, money is not going to rain on you the second you post your gofundme for a transition. You just made the goal of your life your transition. If you don't have the personality, you're not going to end up on media with unwavering support. You'll be told "all transitions are valid" but if you lack any sort of gender affirming care, trans people from other countries will just see you as a cross dresser and nothing more. Your deadname will still have to be used for just about anything important. Some jobs will not take you seriously and people have will have labeled you as a predator behind your back. You'll be influenced to be offended and have panic attacks over the smallest things. Hormone therapy is going to be costly and bothersome to jump through hoops. And your own friends that you'll have won't even be genuine. Replacing your hormones is such a huge deal because sometimes you won't look like what you want to in your own head. Thus causing more issues. So think about all that before the furry with a trans flag in their bio that harasses who they deem "problematic" influences you into thinking you have dysphoria because you have depression or think you're ugly.
No. 2217706
>>2217701Kek people are “autistic” and act shocked when they see an actual autistic having a melt down or having clear difficulties just like when fake depressed were bewildered when someone with depression didn’t shower for weeks on end and pissed in a pee bottle.
Self diagnosing is the most retarded thing.
No. 2218322
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People who use TikTok are a straight up red flag to me and I say this as someone who used to frequent that app and had 8 to 10hr screentime/day as a result.
And it’s mostly boring people who use it anyway too - the types who whip out their phones when the convo goes silent for 2 minutes.
Glad I deleted that cancer app, normies ruined the internet in a way kek.
No. 2218929
>>2218813nta but maybe if she didn't have sex with that ramen noodle headed little boy she wouldnt have been in that problem? its not like she was a
victim of abuse or got raped, she had consensual sex and then consensually killed the baby. she wouldve deserved her moms wrath kek
No. 2218938
>>2218929Nonna, teenagers are not people, they can barely articulate a full sentence without memes, do you think teenagers can understand the consequences of pregnancy, birth and childrearing?
The only difference between a teen and a child is that teenagers are tall and can multiply sometimes, otherwise they're just braindead.
No. 2218951
>>2218938I was a teen recently. You know what happens when you have sex , unless you’ve been sheltered , home schooled and a Mormon with no access to internet and other peers.
They know, they’re just retarded and think that it will never happen to them. At that age you can also recognize bad from wrong, teenagers aren’t adults, but they aren’t toddlers either.
No. 2218954
>>2218941Yeah, but teenagers believe in retarded shit too or think they're immune to consequences. They make up excuses for everything and refuse to learn until shit hits the fan.
I'm just saying that parents should be more vigilant too and teach their kids that yes, having sex makes a baby and having a baby isn't fun when you're trying to go to school, and abortion isn't a quick solution to whatever mess they create, it's a tool needed for cases like after getting raped or if the child could come severely disabled, ill or retarded.
They're at fault for not having a silver of conscience to sit down and think before fucking, but the parents are also retarded as fuck and negligent for letting them have even 5 minutes to fuck.
No. 2218964
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Hetalia was an ugly show and only fat autists like it anymore.
No. 2218969
>>2218958I just think the actual murder of a baby wouldn't happen if the retards couldn't have sex, that's it.
But yeah, I know that the girls that commit murder are fucking retarded cowards in the end, and honestly a bit psychopathic.
I also believe that in the end, moids should get at least mandatory vasectomies once they hit puberty because nothing good can come from a minimoid in general.
But we can't really have it all, we can just hope for the parents to learn to raise a kid properly.
No. 2218971
>>2218929Retards like you need to hear yourselves sometimes.
>its not like she was a victim of abuse or got rapedShe's a teenager, she has every right to not want to raise a child. Even if she wasn't a teenager, no woman should have to be forced to have a child just because she got the short stick in genetic lottery, you would never say this shit if it were a man. Teenagers are retarded, they think those statistics don't apply to them because they don't understand the gravity of most situations. Let's also not forget that pregnancy changes your whole body and makes you a hormonal mess, as a teenager it's likely even worse, I don't believe she could've been in the head space to make a genuine rational decision especially one that is so heavy and holds so much burden to it. I'm not excusing murder, but rather explaining that it's much more complicated than you seem to understand.
No. 2218981
>>2218966True, infanticide is merciful compared to what the child will go through later on in life if it’s given up for adoption,
more like forced through foster homes and getting sexually or physically abused for their foster parents to get easy govt bux, or stuck with a family that resents them. Unloved kids end up being psychopaths like your vidrel and terrorize others anyway, imagine paying taxes so someones hell spawn can be arrested and live comfortably in jail while receiving education, counseling, and recreational time just to be let out and do it all over again.
No. 2218994
>>2218979When you have sex you are willingly embracing that small percentage of chance that you can end up pregnant, at least when you’re having sex with a man.
Yes even if you take BC. No contraceptive is 100% sure, the only way to not have a kid 100% is to not have sex kek.
No. 2218997
>>2218966That case is a little different since according to the guy the woman was married in her 30s.
>>2218981Disagree, these abandoned babies are healthy and would've likely been adopted by at least acceptable parents, not put through foster. Many people involved seethe because "I would've adopted that baby!"
No. 2219007
>>2219001ok so just to be clear you
prefer risking getting pregnant nonna?
No. 2219010
>>2218996Nonnas like her just see it as policing and constricting women’s choices kek.
No one is saying that women shouldn’t have sex, but having sex exposes you to certain risks, even STDs, not just pregnancy, that you willingly embrace each time you have it.
Do any of you use oraldams or make the person with you use them? I doubt it and that exposes you to , albeit small, the risk of giving or contracting something.
No. 2219015
>>2219010I never understand those who are deathly afraid of getting pregnant. Stop having sex if you’re so afraid and if having a child is a death sentence to you, wait for the moment where you won’t be anymore, that or get sniped I guess.
I had this same exact friend, who would have sex with many tourists that came on our island on summer, some even unprotected, but she was always bawling her eyes out to me when her period wasn’t coming.
No. 2219029
>>2219013A car crash will either kill you instantly or it might make you disabled, temporarily or permanently at worst.
Getting blisters is irrelevant because they go away. I don’t really see any point being made with this shitty comparison?
A baby is forever and it’s money that is going away and time that is going away. If you think that walking barefoot to the supermarket is the same as getting pregnant then you’re simply way too stupid for the discussion at hand kek.
No. 2219059
>>2219046Really? I don’t like fingers after a while, they feel wacky, I’d rather be rubbed. Tongue just feels best for me though, it’s more soft and it’s also more wet.
Getting eaten out is all about you that’s the thing and the external stimulation on the clit just does it for me. PIV alone just feels nice I guess, but I can’t really orgasm from it, unless I also get my clit stimulated, only then I can say…that it’s on par with getting eaten out kek.
Also, how do you censor a text?
No. 2219069
>>2219059Write [ spoiler] text you want to hide [ /spoiler] without the space after the first bracket. Welcome to lolcow, enjoy your stay newfriend.
Also try to get your moid to do a beckoning motion, like he's scratching the front of your vagina a few cm deep (short fingernails required). Feels amazing.
No. 2219110
>>2219096>Every single timeWtf is it common for you to come across incestuous relationships?
>Looking at you "kissing my mom's boobs" anon and the other anons that came out the woodwork insisting we're the pervertsGirl what???
No. 2219354
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Promising a girl a relationship, fucking her and never calling again is rape by deception. I support women who accuse men of rape after they fuck them and never call again, because that literally is rape as you did not obtain consent honestly. I don't care.
No. 2219389
>>2219388and samefag but its 2025 almost, too? tinder and the whole; meet online > have sex > never speak again process has been well known for a very long time? comparing yourself to
victims of rape just because you regret setting yourself up for failure is peak "woe is me"
No. 2219767
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>>2219761Yeah I'm really not sure this applies to bpd haha, but what she said about people confusing extreme emotional reactions to manipulation it's true. Like when some people have trouble hiding their disappointment or are too upfront with their feelings, I understand it can be manipulative sometimes but whenever I see a situation like that I'm like "the person is literally being straight up with their feelings in what dimension is that manipulative" but people don't think these things through
No. 2219784
>>2219389One thing is someone being upfront about it another thing is someone straight up lying to you and acting differently from how truly they are. You act like men are dumbasses but they’re actually good actors and manipulators and they can wait too if they want.
I got my taste too and took it as a lesson and stopped believing any scrote all together. I didn’t met him on tinder, I didn’t have sex with him from the get go or during the third date either, but I still got played kek.
Yeah it isn’t rape and it isn’t comparable to someone who gets assaulted and I think the original nonna thinks that too, it’s deception though.
No. 2219786
>>2219736Then explain why most of you are borderline
abusive or straight up
No. 2219817
>>2219110Unfortunately yes
>What??There was an anon here who kept insisting cuddling parents into adulthood is normal, and anytime cows were called out for being incestuous she kept insuring us it was totally normal and that we're actually the weird ones with issues. Turns out her mom was SAing and grooming her
No. 2219823
>>2216201>>2217281I hate that with a passion too.
Just because he is decent, nice, compassionate etc does not make him “feminine” Just say husband/husbando marerial and keep it moving without being weird.
No. 2219835
>>2219786because most people with npd never get diagnosed and they are often comorbid. there are like the bpd women who really have ptsd and either they aren’t likable as people or their doctor is a misogynist. or they are way worse than the symptoms of bpd but those are like the ones they can nail down to a person. the most psycho woman with bpd i’ve ever met was molested as a child so i thought she was like the first category. she claimed she had a kind of bpd that meant she was a
victim and there was a perpetrator bpd. and she was cured after a little over a year of therapy when she found out she was pregnant and it was too late to kill her baby. so she instead pretended to be fixed and dated a man who she did ddlg shit with and let him around her son. after saying she had to be careful to not date a pedo. pedos on her mind cos she was turned on by it all clearly. she hated and resented her kid so she probably dated him to punish the kid as well. used to leave him alone with his grandma so she could sexually roleplay with her bf as a child his age and not the age she was molested. reported them both when i ended the friendship
No. 2219858
>>2219767You explained it perfectly, people think the emotional reactions are manipulative IME when it’s just how some people (most often people with diagnosed BPD) are.
>>2219764Where did I do that? I said those people are personally responsible for how they treat others. Saying it’s attributed to one disorder gives the person no accountability for their actions and also stigmatizes the disorder.
Also see above for the explanation of how everything a BPD person does is manipulative simply because they happen to have more intense emotions and poor regulation and are typically more emotionally expressive. Manipulation is possible but I think that’s more self-administered or often comorbid with other issues because people with genuinely bad BPD frequently grew up under awful caretakers. The type of manipulation I’m talking about is how people always assume they must be manipulating everyone around them with every sentence and word. The “manipulation” is often times they cannot control themselves and are quick to feel like they want to die for something stupid. I’ve had that happen where I felt immense shame being ganged up on by multiple people at once and interrogated. Then I start thinking of how useless my existence is, how much of a bother I am to others, how I’m cursed for life, etc accompanied with feelings of extreme self-hatred and shame. In that moment, you do want to die because you hate yourself so much. I am aware that it seems manipulative to other people who can’t imagine what that must be like.
No. 2220024
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If a woman gives birth to and raises 2 children till 18 she should automatically get a life stipend that covers basic cost of living. Everyone loves to downplay how birthing and raising children is no big deal. Literally nothing would exist without women making and raising more people. Risking disfigurement and death and putting in so many years of work without financial compensation is insanity. Men aren't legally required to take care of their wives anymore and women need to be compensated for keeping society going.
No. 2220046
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I used to get angry at moids and handmaidens for talking about very anime-like big boobs / photoshopping bigger boobs in themselves, but now I just get happy because at least they are not sexualizing children-like bodies, like it does not matter to me if a moid loves big tits or expresses his love for sexy bimbo portions I am just happy he does not fetishize kid bodies and prefers to sexualize sexually mature womanly bodies. Could be unpopular here because it's still female body objectification but at least it's normal and appropriate for adult men to like it.
No. 2220075
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>>2220048Sadly that's true but those 16 yo anime girls look age ambiguous and authors of doujinshis /rule 34 could age them up, while loli characters always look like children and it's bad how it's so popular nowadays. But some anime girls are 18-26 and some are even in their 30s
>>2220052Exactly it hurts because I used to hate "big boob fan service trope" when I was a kid but now I'm like "meh at least this is normal".
>>2220062It depends on the anime girl the pink haired girl I posted was Sonico (18) and this one is 19. I don't know if mangakas creating "well-developed" 16 year old girls is worse than making them look like literal 12 yo girls but in my opinion at least they are not psyop'ing men into becoming pedophiles because women with the "well-developed" body they give to anime girls are usually adults, while women with "loli body" are either anorexic or kids.
>>2220071she is 18, works as a model and attends college.
No. 2220156
>>2220130I don’t even care about the animals either. I don’t care about the environment. I just don’t plain care anymore, it’s just clear as day the whole entire earth needs to be plunged into nothingness.
>>2220134Women who don’t play by the rules, who don’t get up everyday pretending that being around a scrote and his shitlings is fulfilling or true happiness, childfree, etc. so basically it’s an isolating experience that other women don’t really sympathize with people they think you’re an NPC for preferring to be alone. Even the girls who live their lives like sex in the city girls where they mostly live alone and have careers don’t understand why you don’t seek the same things they do and it can still be entirely isolating. Don’t worry, I’m not a tranny or anything that’s just what I meant and I’m clarifying, this feels NLOG-y but I wish I had more women to relate to but that’s just never going to happen ever.
No. 2220174
>>2220161Yeah I’m totally going to go out and kill hoardes of people, abuse animals, dump
toxic sludge into rivers and ponds, fill the air/soil/food with toxins and chemicals like males would just by writing these unpopular opinions. Yeah you’re so fucking smart anon, right on the money because women and men are the same and have the same motivations! I hope you’re also smart enough to recognize the obvious sarcasm in this post.
No. 2220258
>>2215750absolutely convinced the only people constantly reee'ing about trannies are:
1.)trannies themselves
2.)tranny chasers
3.)failed abortions who are jealous of trannies
(baiting) No. 2220271
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medical euthanasia should be legal to civilians to rid of the degenerates in the world Not murder but having legal government permission to get rid of scum
No. 2220335
>>2220298No they can’t, they love to be the ultimate
victims. Especially TIMs, black women are not women , they have just been afforded the grace to be considered such and therefore even scrotes deserve that grace according to them kek. They are nothing much than racists fucks
No. 2220343
>>2220314> women just using trannies as a tool to voice their hatred towards GNC womenAnother favorite thing that troons love to do is use GNC women as a gotcha too kek.
Keep black women and GNC women out of your mouth retard.
It’s your retarded ideology that harms GNC women, you’re shackled to the very same sexist notions that have been present throughout history kek. You wouldn’t be able to handle a GNC lesbian , because you’d foam at the mouth waiting to inject her with testosterone kek.
No. 2220347
>>2220343>black women take your meds.
>GNC lesbianMyself?
(baiting across multiple threads) No. 2220592
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calling women sluts/whores is weird as fuck. i roll my eyes every time i see someone here use the term "bislut". i need to get off this site
No. 2220598
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>>2220592Is finding potoos cute an unpopular opinion? I think their demented look is part of their charm.
No. 2220937
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>>2220911>insult directed at males>literally has roid in it because it's directed at roid abusersWhat a non issue
No. 2220952
>>2220934Sounds like a hassle though kek, unless you’re marrying half-millionaires or millionaires and getting your half each time.
Marriage is only beneficial to women if they get money, that’s it.
No. 2221006
>>2220967> it's still impressive that she's kept it moving.Right? It kind of defies the lies that tell us about marriage that you’re lucky to get picked, men gatekeep commitment, etc. My own mother who has drained multiple men and continues to have suitors to this day is living proof that 1) marriage isn’t really that difficult to obtain kek and 2) moids truly only want one thing and are willing to sign away their lives with their dicks when the woman is beautiful enough. I guess that’s why I don’t see marriage as an ultimate goal or any sort of win, most women I know in long term marriages despise their moid partner deep down anyways.
>>2220952True, it is a hassle and I think you’d have to be completely devoid of empathy and ruthless to get ahead of men because that’s how they operate themselves and you need to be smarter than them to come out on top.
No. 2221020
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This is unpopular here for some reason but younger men (15-19 yo teenagers) aren't "more sweet and kinder" than older men, the older a man becomes the more empathic and nicer he gets. I have no idea what pedononnas even see in teen boys they are always making trouble and doing evil things to girls their age and bullying younger teens at school(I was one of them, 17 yo dudes bullied me when I was 13). Teen girls are more empathic than teen boys but some of them can be petty too but still, I don't get the "younger moids are so cute and kind!", could this be a comeback to own pedomoids who fetishize teen girls so women in anonymous forums fetishize teen boys to make the male lurkers seethe? Maybe pedononnas are so old they don't remember how school was but teenagers are horrible people and a 35 yo healthy man will give you advice in life and won't act like total subhuman bully like younger men do. I feel like I'm going to get hated for this post.
No. 2221034
>>2221027I have seen nonnas talk about how corrupted and evil older men are and how teen moids make "good boytoys and are submissive" it sounds like cope because the average teen moid is batshit insane and evil. I think older man are better than young men in terms of empathy, I also dislike how twinkish men in their 18s look, they are infantile both in terms of looks and on their mind. Men look their best in their mid 20s to early 40s imo.
>anyone who says this hasnt seen the average high school moidmaybe pedononnas were home-schooled.
No. 2221176
>>2221020Nah you spoke the truth nonna, you’ll only get the nonnas who are fixated on getting 19/20 year old scrotes mad kek.
I don’t think that older men are empathetic per se, it’s rare for a man to truly be like that, I just think that they TEND to be more mature and have their head halfway together.
Teenagers and early 20s men don’t have the same mindset of older men, they’re superficial, they live in the moment and they don’t have much to give you, they don’t know what they want at all.
Again I’m not saying that you should go after 50 year olds kek, I’m just saying that younger men aren’t a catch and neither are the older ones.
No. 2221188
>>2220936But apparently that's considered roidy for some? Is the fitness space so fucked that a men with some mass needs to be tested for PEDs?
>>2220937What do you consider roids exactly?
No. 2221198
>>2221020>the older a man becomes the more empathic and nicer he getsI've seen the exact opposite happen, older men become more bitter, entitled, and angry at the world. Either way, it's fucking hard to find an empathetic and mature man no matter the age. Might as well just date a younger man because he will be hotter and virile instead of being a balding fatty who can't keep it up after death-gripping his cock for 30+ years of his life.
Not even joking, I've dated younger men (~19-21) and they just seem to have a healthier sexuality than the older men (28+) I've dated. Probably because of less porn exposure over time. By the time you date a scrote in his mid-twenties he's already ruined his sexuality due to porn/jerking off for all those years and doesn't have as much neuroplasticity as a younger guy…
No. 2221215
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>>2221020>and a 35 yo healthy man will give you advice in life and won't act like total subhuman bully like younger men do. Kek the shill is real
No. 2221228
>>2221206I haven't had this issue personally, but perhaps that's because I'm turned off by even the slightest bit of indecision. I've been the one to break up with all my partners but not because of their age, just personality differences.
>>2221218Reading comprehension. Compare a scrote who has looked at porn for 5 years compared to 15+. Older men are completely broken and stuck in their ways and actually look at porn more to cope with loneliness. The longer a man is single, the more pornsick he is. At least with a younger guy he's not completely ruined yet and younger people tend to be busier and have more obligations, instead of looking at porn all day. I'm not being hopeful, it's just common sense.
No. 2221295
>>2221228I’m literally 22 and the scrotes around me are shit, and it’s the demographic you’re talking about being better. The only difference between them and 40 year olds is that they’re younger, that’s it. Saying that they are better is a retarded argument.
Have you ever actually interacted with a 19-20 year old man? Because it sounds like you never did.
They’re doomscrolling OF models on instagram, jerking off to porn as often as they can, they’re misogynistic. They’re sleazy assholes who treat women like objects to discard after they have sex with them. They have group chats where they talk about other women (that’s what happened in my course) , exchanging their girlfriends’ pictures on telegram (it has happened often in my country), raping students etc.
No. 2221509
Nonnas need to let go of the dream of having a "relationship" with a moid. It's like you don't understand what a moid is. A moid is a predator first and a parasite. He will never see you as an equal, he sees you as something below you and something to take from no matter what age they are. A relationship with a moid only detracts. If you have sex and you end up pregnant, you will carry the child for 9 months, give birth to it and breastfeed it and will most likely end up take care of the child. If you abort it, you will have to pay for it, take a pill or go through the procedure, face stigma, etc., while he can just walk out the door. He will keep watching porn and most likely has shit emotional maturity so most conversations and "support" will emd up biased while he expects you to mommy him. Im not exactly pro hookup but the only thing a moid is good for is being easy on the eyes and sexually pleasing you. men peak testosterone at late teens and early 20s, so while a moid still produces sperm, it is virilized and thus the equivalent of spoiled milk.
No. 2221636
>>2221627Hoes be
No. 2221639
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>>2221627I know right? They always project their shit onto everyone else. It's like, sorry you have no libido like any
normal fucking human. and the irony of calling something natural "low IQ" while using the slang "highkey" as if fresh off the boat from twitter. They lost my entire respect years ago when they tried to convince everyone that they have it just as bad as gay people because "muh family's expectation to have kids!". These tards use that to prove their "oppression" as if
nobody else is ever pressured to have children.
No. 2221644
>>2221603I wouldn't go as far as you do (insulting peoples' intelligence for enjoying sex, you sound like a Redditor) but I don't think it's a huge deal, either, personally. It's fun and enjoyable, but I don't understand why some people allow the pursuit of it to ruin their lives. Like you have these moids who ruin lucrative careers because they just couldn't resist trying to fuck employees or whatever, idgi. Or people who stay in horrible relationships mainly because the sex is good, I don't understand that, either.
>>2221627>>2221639I agree that the concept of asexuality as an identity is retarded, but I don't see anything wrong with someone having a low sex drive, or a high sex drive, for that matter. Like I alluded to before, it's only a problem if it has some kind of major negative impact on your life goals and such.
No. 2222026
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>>2222016This man has kids btw, just wanted to remind you all. I always thought he would grow out of this edgy humor because it seemed juvenile and also a product of it's time, but it's nice to know he was never really joking.
No. 2222036
>kiss and fondle a woman>i enjoyed it>100% straightsounds about right. I think something like 80% of humans are bisexual but there probably are some people on the extreme ends. I thought I was straight for a lonnnnngg time only to have a bi awakening in my 20s that took over my life completely
No. 2222092
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>>2222043He's funny because he's retarded
Kamala is funny because she's cute
>>2222087True, having a crush on someone in politics is so cringe but so freeing. She's so cute when she says "Who is that guy?".. This is a /g/ conversation to be held but she's so cute to me
No. 2222122
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Life is more fun and when you dress nice. No one but me does it though. I wish everyone else at my job would put together nice office outfits instead of just what they rolled out of bed in. I think it would make everyone happier. You feel good when you put on a nice clean dressy shirt and slacks and nice shoes and do your hair a bit. You walk around and feel like you’re actually doing stuff instead of floating through the day in a hoodie. Also everyone likes my cool outfits but I don’t get to see anyone else wearing cool outfits and I think that’s unfair. I want to see other people’s snazzy outfits. Clothing culture has gotten too lazy and sloppy. I want to see nicely dressed people around.
No. 2222471
>>2219736>BPD doesn't involve manipulationMost classic BPD trait is to downplay their own actions to
victim themselves and then up play the actions of everyone else and make them think they're crazy and
abusive for attempting to set boundaries and then make everyone else feel responsible if they want to harm themselves. You can manipulate people without meaning to. Being involved with people with BPD for years completely ruined my perception of self and only by separating from them am I seeing that I am not an evil monster and am able to see the behavior for what it is. Being friends with several people with BPD for years had reconditioned my brain into analyzing every single behavior I exhibited and trying to connect it with some type of innate evil I had within me, and only by deciding to keep BPD away from me am I able to truly analyze what causes me to act the way that I do from a critical and empathetic lense and heal.
You are not inherently
abusive for having BPD, but the stigma exists for a reason. I think the reason so many of you have
victim complexes is because the pain you feel is so intense that it's hard to think anything but things like "this hurts so much, how could they do this to me?!", but for a lot of people it's as simple as setting boundaries. I've been split on for showing PDA on my instagram story, telling them I have a date so I can't drive them home from work and asking them not to switch things around in my discord server without giving me a heads up first. I genuinely thought I was evil for all these things from a time when they're completely normal. People with BPD had me feeling like I needed to keep my self esteem low on purpose so I would never accidentally hurt someone ever again. It wasn't just one person, it was many.
No. 2222771
>>2222471Spot on nonna. They refuse to take any kind of accountability, even the nonna that was sperging here some days ago.
She let slip that “my friends all ganged up on me!” I asked her the reason and she went cold kek.
No. 2222981
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men with long hair like this usually have shitty personalities
No. 2223195
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>>2223161KEK take your meds, that’s not at all what ayrt is saying. Proved ‘em right with this little comment of yours though, bpdchan!
No. 2223250
>>2223192Fuck no nonna, I’d rather be alone than date a bi scrote, a man who is attracted to putting his dick in assholes or worse, one who takes dick in his, is disgusting kek, they can do that without involving me thanks. Not only it’s a man, but it’s a man who has a higher chance of giving you an STDs given how gay men are horndogs.
The twinks you’re talking about take it up their ass nonna, you can’t grow a dick to please him, he’ll always miss it. That and they’re just gay at the end of the day, just like most bisexual men.
No. 2223286
>>2223250making up random assertions about bisexuals is this websites biggest hobby lately
>all bi men are gay>all bi women are straight>bi women only like feminine women, liking feminine women is proof you’re bi>bi women only like masculine women, liking masculine women is proof you’re bi>all bisexuals are sluts with high body counts>bisexuals are controlled by the reptilians>bisexuals have transmitters in their spleens to receive signals from the reptiliansEtcetera
No. 2223307
>>2223300 I spoke about bi men and you sperged like a retard about bi women despite me not mentioning them at all.
>all bi men are gayIs the only thing you said and it’s true kek
>all bisexuals are slutsBi men are
Bi women aren’t the same as bi men retard. Stop being a white knight for scrotes.
No. 2223399
>>2223314Why do you care so much about bi men though?
You seem awfully
triggered by such a non issue or did nonna hit a nerve perhaps?
No. 2223464
>>2223454Point is they don’t keep it to themselves. These retarded kinks have been pushed too much and people feel way to comfortable regarding their sex life.
People obviously had them in the past too, but you weren’t seeing retards on social media talking about daddy, using nappies, puppy dog, cages and other shit.
No. 2223471
>>2223454>girl who like DDLG sexually either because if they had their childhood ruined by SA then it can be a way to reclaim it that feels safe.Most of the people who are into DDLG and rape kinks aren’t even
victims. Also, what about the ones playing the perpetrators? Are they also abused?
This shit has no place being in society.
No. 2223484
>>2223464Social media didn't exist back then.
>>2223471You don't know that. Just because people don't plaster their trauma online doesn't mean that they don't have it. I've also seen some people who play as the perp say they just like the idea of being a better caretaker than what they had growing up, but I'm denying there are some sick people into this shit. I'm just saying I don't feel it's my place to judge or make assumptions.
No. 2223506
>>2223484You seriously think that the ones who plaster this bullshit as “totes safe, just need consent! Everyone should do it, it builds trust!” are
victims? Kek.
I’m more inclined to believe that those who truly have trauma don’t go off on social media talking about it 24/7. At least that’s what I do.
No. 2223512
>>2223506I’m a rape survivor and seeing retarded women who plaster their “kink” as something totally safe and a way to bond with their rape adjacent bfs makes me furious.
I wish that what I experienced was fake, I wish this shit didn’t happen to me. But I guess it’s totally super hot yeah.
No. 2223538
>>2223518Internet was less centralized once upon a time, also covid made everyone more insane and clout seeking. Though I never see kink shit on my feed so you may have an algorithm based reason why it's there.
>>2223512I'm also a rape survivor and I think people can do what they want, I've heard rape survivors say they like that kind of play because her partner treats her like a human being afterwards and builds her back up, unlike her rapist who treats her like meat. It's all about that humanization, it helped her feel more in control of her sexuality. Learning that really changed my perspective on BDSM and BDSM adjacent things.
>>2223506Different strokes for different folks. People are born with different personalities and have been exposed to the world differently, therefore have different ways of doing things than you think is ideal. I also get annoyed by people who I feel have been through less traumatic things than me waving it around as a status symbol online though so I get how you feel.
No. 2223563
>>2223538A coping mechanism isn’t always good. I literally started to drink as a way to forget and I would rub my skin raw under scorching water just to feel clean. When I was plastered I forgot the pain, but did this make them a good coping mechanism? No, they were harmful.
If you’re this passive about everything stop arguing then. Let us stop caring about anything actually, let people do anything and everything under the sun.
You’re the kind of person who just sits there and thinks “if it doesn’t seem to hurt me then it’s totally okay, who cares” and that kind of attitude is why you have younger girls who are thinking that their boyfriend wanting to try “rapeplay” is okay, that choking and beating is okay during sex that a partner that feels arousal at the thought of fake hurting is okay . That very same kind of attitude is what brought us here in the first place, both with kinks and troons.
No. 2223596
>>2223512>>2223506i agree, fuck women using my trauma to play pretend and get off their rapist bfs. my friend who date raped me was into cnc and his gf at the time let him do that and stuff in her sleep. fuck her for that too. i don’t like the implication that woman like me like that sexually.
>>2223538i’ve never re-enacted it but i did seek out every man who raped me again sexually so he could “fix what he did” as if it was a one time mistake. normal sex with the one i did end up with again after did not change anything he was still a selfish lover who only hurt me.
No. 2223600
>>2223560There's actually a lot of people out there who are willing to entertain stuff they don't entirely get to appease their partners. If a moid is weirdly into hurting women, then yeah he's pretty fucked up, but I choose to go on a case by case basis.
>>2223563>“if it doesn’t seem to hurt me then it’s totally okay, who cares”That is your assumption. I'm just saying I do not seek to control the sexuality of women just because it does not personally align with my tastes. If they are happy and safe, then it's fine. If it seemed like her partner was a genuinely sick psychotic freak coercing her into worse shit, then I'd be concerned, but a lot of these people are very serious about keeping it to a controlled environment and providing lots of aftercare and having proper safe words. Like I said, it's a case by case basis for me. I have my own set of morals too, and one of those morals is that if a woman is happy, even if I don't understand that happiness, if she's not in any real danger then it's not something I need to have a say in. You dowsing yourself in alcohol isn't comparable to a woman feeling like she's reclaiming control.
>>2223596I understand you have a lot of anger towards the horrific thing that happened to you and I hope you can heal. I do not feel it is my place to debate you, but I hope you can at least respect my different view as a fellow survivor and agree to disagree.
No. 2223607
>>2223596> i’ve never re-enacted it but i did seek out every man who raped me again sexually so he could “fix what he did” as if it was a one time mistake.Nonna will tell you that if you thought you were reclaiming your power then it’s totally healthy.
Women who have survived rape can go under a hyper sexual phase too, I’m not debating that, I know that you react to trauma in different way.
What I’m criticizing is the normalization of harmful behaviors, painted as something totally harmless and totally safe. These extreme kinks shouldn’t be advertised so openly and brazenly.
No. 2223611
>>2223607You wouldn’t tell a rape
victim to drink her pain away, to cut herself , to have sex with her rapist as a do over, but somehow re-enacting her own rape constantly under the pretense of “control” is suddenly okay?
No. 2223619
>>2223615In the OP
>This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.>>2223617I don't have time to watch this video now but I'll queue it up to listen to in the background while I'm doing work later, though if it doesn't change my mind I hope you can respect that too and we can agree to disagree.
No. 2223628
>>2223607they shouldn’t be at all because i don’t think it works. he didn’t magically become a loving partner who did something other than physically hurt me, he injured me and it was only pain ever except for the only foreplay he would do which also hurt. which was pushing down on my clit really hard like he was pressing a button to literally turn me on. it did not and only made me clench up and it honestly hurt the way he did it. he knew how to actually touch a woman he just did not want to do any of that after he had raped me. which destroyed my self esteem and relationship with sex even more. i wasn’t seeking power i wanted him to love me like he had before but it was all fake he never did before he had been pretending. so obviously once he dropped the act why put it back on? it was not like rapey sex after it was vanilla missionary and not even rough because i was hurting a ton after besides when he would hide his face in my shoulder and make himself cum. at no point did i feel loved again. it doesn’t work. i can’t imagine having him pretend to rape me and cuddle me after would have worked either not that he ever held me ever. i don’t think it could possibly work to let someone fake rape you but i don’t hate rape
victims who do it because they are just trying to live after basically having their soul murdered. and a lot of people delude themselves into doing harmful things to themselves thinking it’s helping or at least numbing the pain.
No. 2223636
>>2223628I’m sorry you had to experience this nonna, I do relate with your feelings of confusion about still seeking love from the very person that hurt you. It’s such a sinister type of betrayal, I don’t have any words to describe it other than that.
It’s just a sad situation all over and angering too, my heart is with you. I still have lots of anger about it that I’m working on and that might have bled into the whole thing against the other nonna, so I apologize for reacting that strongly.
No. 2223648
>>2223636i don’t think anyone here has anything to apologize for. from what i can see most people agree that people without that trauma and the men who do that shit are fucked. i have empathy for other survivors and mostly what i feel is genuine concern for women engaging in kinks that are basically allowing a man to get off on beating and raping you but pretend he’s a good guy still. i want those men dead as much as an actual rapist and honestly there’s just no convincing me that they aren’t just a different type of rapist too. i don’t think the girl defending it is coming from a bad place or trying to talk anyone into it. i think she’s hurting as much as me. it’s honestly just a really painful topic and the thing that worries me the most is what happens when the girls into cnc admit to themselves it made it worse? what if they feel they were actually raped again how do they get support and help? like they could be tortured or almost murdered and have to keep that shit a secret forever. i know one girl who had that happen during cnc and i found out about it by a girl telling me she doesn’t believe her and distanced herself. and like the fact the girl who got hurt doing kink shit even told people… it broke my heart. she’d been molested it wasn’t her fault. like it basically ensures the rapist can black mail
you after. i just feel genuine fear for those women and i’m so lucky that i got away from my rapist and had a partner after who did not want to be rough with me even in a dominant way and felt nothing but concern for my mental state to the point he didn’t want to hurt me again by having sex at all sometimes. if i had been groomed afterwards i don’t know what could have happened to me and i think that has more to do with how women end up with these kinks than anything. if a man grooms you into thinking pretending to rape you after you open up about it to him will help you, what chance do those girls even have when they’re already vulnerable and traumatized??
No. 2223746
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I think we should rebel against streaming services, it’s crazy that I have to pay on top of my subscription to be ad free or to have a better quality of the video. It’s the principle that I don’t agree with.
No. 2223795
>>2223757>>2223759I try nonnas, my favorite site got shut down unfortunately, I’m searching for a new one. Now whenever I try to search for series I can’t at all and I get bombarded with porn pages or casino ads or pages that send me to or to my calendar kek when I press play.
It’s less tiring to just open the tv and watch something. But with the way things are going they’ll start making you pay for each thing you want to watch.
No. 2223817
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>>2223792>>2223779I saw this shit a couple of months ago and it fucked me up (spoilered because not nsfw but saddening).'m not joking when I say I live with a certain amount of base-level hatred toward a good chunk of these sociopathic males (and humanity as a whole for letting them survive).
No. 2223827
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>>2223817This also made me think about this.
How shitty do you have to be to hurt innocent animals who have done nothing to you!
This poor swan was probably nestling patiently and these demons just threw bricks for the sake of it , I wish they got bricks thrown back at them.
No. 2223846
>>2223840L’Italia è totalmente based alla fine, venite tutti qua durante le vacanze e vi godete mare, montagna e cultura (mangiando come scrofe) quindi non dite fesserie.
E se dite che gli italiani sono odiosi beh, gli americani lo sono di più, vi si riconosce lontano un miglio appena aprite la bocca.
No. 2224061
>>2224042It's funny because oldfags are always the ones blaming newfags for the misogyny on the site, yet simultaneously claim newfags are making the place "too manhating" and radfems are ruining LC kek.
>I’m also annoyed at oldfags for clinging on to some desperate idea of what the website should beSame, especially when this utopic version of LC exists only in their head under rose colored glasses, old threads are still available and this site was definitely worse than it is now in almost every way.
No. 2224095
>>2224082Nobody's mocking you because other anons are virgin
femcel losers, seething nigelfag. They're mocking you because your scrote ain't shit and even you know it, yet keep licking his balls despite the fact that he makes you seethe so hard you have to constantly vent and camp out in the relationship advice thread because of him kekkkkkk
No. 2224103
>>2224091They’re still going on about ugly
femcels while I’m chill and swaggy, just a chill woman and all very lowkey
>>2224094Oo I just wrote up some really good ideas in the vent thread you should pretend to be him on tinder and then see who he’s currently dating and then pretend to be one of the people he was cheating on and send all the screencaps to them kek
No. 2224118
you read? Why should anyone think this is a nigelfag safe space after seeing the multiple anti-moid banners and general attitude on this site? Not everywhere is your fucking safe space, learn2integrate and fuck off with your nigelposting. Youre literally doing the same shit you're complaining about by REEEEing about jealous
femcels just because nobody wants to hear you complain about retarded Nigel.
>>2224102>and certainly can’t be criticized or you’re a heretic but in the case of a nigelfag, a lesbian feminazi that needs to keep her trap shut that doesn’t get laid kekkkk.Yes I did. And she proves anon she's replying to completely right by instantly sperging about
femcels and jealousy kek
No. 2224129
>>2224118Stop arguing with them, they love dick more than they love and respect other women and that will never go away unfortunately. Their boyfriend, like I just explained with christfags is the upmost importance just like how a christfag places high importance on their prayers and going to church and believing in the scrote in the sky. Just don’t listen to their pleas to give them the same respect they would never give you which is shown transparently by their need to call women who are perfectly fine and content on being alone “
femcels” or “ugly virgins”. I didn’t know women have to be measured up by how much dicks they shove in their vaginas
No. 2224132
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No. 2224542
>>2224528It does work like that
Wisdom teeth are a vestigial trait that is leftover from the time before we invented cooking and tools. Since then our jaw has been getting smaller and unable to house all our teeth, which led to the mutation that causes no wisdom teeth to appear and steadily spread.
No. 2224584
>>2224575But not having wisdom teeth isn’t a “dominant” trait and they serve a purpose. Maybe if everyone keeps getting them removed then they’ll keep getting smaller and smaller and then disappear over a very long period of time. But evolution won’t make it just disappear like that, mutations are different. It’s like people who are born without pinkies or with 6 nipples kek.
That being said, I’m curious - does anyone know if having no wisdom teeth is inheritable?
No. 2224592
>>2224584Yes, that mutation is inheritable.
>Maybe if everyone keeps getting them removed then they’ll keep getting smaller and smaller and then disappear over a very long period of timeThis is not how evolution works
All evolution is based on mutations. If an advantageous mutation appears, it will spread until it becomes common.
>they serve a purposeThey don't anymore, they were used to grind hard food and stopped being useful with the invention of cooking and the pestle and mortar
No. 2224605
>>2224594Prehistoric humans also cooked
>We’re not all eating baby foodThat's why we still have molars
But we're eating much softer food than our evolutionary predecessors that doesn't require as much chewing which is why our jaws became much smaller and can't fit all the teeth anymore
No. 2224622
>>2224615I think you should look up a lot of things online since you had no idea wisdom teeth are vestigial and didn't know evolution stems from mutations
You're just argumentative and rude about things you don't really understand
No. 2224630
>>2224570the first time i heard of a medusa tattoo was when accounts with no comment history other than in rapekink subreddits would post on the SA support group subreddits about getting medusa tattoos. it felt like part of a kink to me and the posts were always deleted and reappeared with a new blank account but the same text? just like some of the other repeat spam posts that were sexual fantasies even though the tattoo posts were all “my mom and sister think it’s stupid”?? i always told them they should listen because how are people going to feel looking down and being basically branded with a reminder of the thing that gave them ptsd? i never needed any help feeling branded or needing reminding of how hard it was to live through what i went through. post traumatic stress disorder already exists to make me feel that way 24/7. if someone tattooed “you’ve been raped” on me i would tear that skin off of me in a fit of madness. i do not understand how an image arbitrarily chosen to represent rape
victims is any different. and why medusa? why the most horrible gruesome one? i relate more to persephone or cassandra if you want to go with the classics references. if you want to go with a rape
victim who was punished in a way, why not go with daphne who didn’t end up being raped and was safe as a tree? why do they always want the snake lady to be sexy and badass? what part of going through that made you feel like a badass. you didn’t become a snake lady who kills men but also gets killed herself and has her body parts used a second time without her consent if you think about it. not all versions of the medusa story even have the rape.
No. 2224663
think I get the general idea: Medusa was raped in the temple of Poseidon, and as an extra punishment she was turned into a monster. I personally felt like I had gone through serious disturbances in personality after I was sexually assaulted, made worse by everything else going on around me at the time.
Some interpretations of the story are that Medusa’s curse was actually a blessing, because it meant no man would ever lay hands on her ever again. Like “I’ve become a monster, but at least as a monster I’m safe from sexual violence. As a monster no one will ever fuck with me again.”
But it’s still not something I would get branded onto my skin because ultimately she gets beheaded even though she was just a
victim. Why would you want that on your skin?
No. 2224677
>>2224663>>2224663i like your interpretation better than the ones i’ve seen. i’ve seen ones where medusa kills perseus that are clearly supposed to be a comforting rewrite where the
victim wins in the end. but perseus wasn’t the one who raped her or transformed her. also she was raped in the temple of athena - that’s why she was transformed, the goddess punished her because those were her worshippers and the gods are jealous. i think it’s actually a really important part of the story. i was persecuted most coming forward by the women in his life personally.
i definitely became a worse person after being assaulted and i completely understand that feeling too, i’m sorry. i think the becoming a monster part also relates to altering your appearance to be less attractive to men - i’ve struggled with eating disorders on both ends of the spectrum, hidden my body in hoodies t shirts and sweatpants that are made for men and like five sizes too big for me, shaved my hair off etc. reminds me of in the song if the poison won’t take you my dogs will by lingua ignota where she says “make worthless your body so no man can break it.” i feel like you’d like that song if you haven’t heard it already. sorry repost i made a typo that made the entire point of sharing that lyric pointless lol
No. 2224746
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>>2224734like these types of posts weekly for years.
No. 2224750
>>2224729Ayrt, I have never heard of them being labelled as self-harm
Usually the opposition to them is for other reasons, mostly appearance standards based
>for as long as they've been aroundTribal tattoos existed long before any opposition to tattoos
No. 2224753
>>2224710This I really agree with. Met so many people who were "good people" on a surface level, like working in life saving industries, donating to charities or volunteering, but were horrible and
abusive to those close to them. Being the cause of long-term issues like trauma is infinitely worse than not giving forgotten canned foods to a food bank. I think if more people focused on what you said than we'd all be better people to strangers as an offhand result.
No. 2224756
>>2224566those people usually identify as survivors. trying to dictate how rape
victims can present themselves to cope or after recovery is pretty gross. it permanently alters the course of your life, of course a strong, powerful symbol is going to resonate with you. retard.
No. 2224762
>>2224630>why do other rape victims want to represent themselves differently from meFucking gee, maybe because other people aren't you? You're really #NotLikeOtherVictims, huh?
Medusa wasn't punished, she was given one of the strongest self-defense powers a woman can get. Men are comfortable staring and leering at any woman except for her. It is a purely defensive power. She was protected by the goddess of wisdom and got to live the rest of her life safe until death. Also, choosing a powerful and cool image is part of not "identifying as a
No. 2224765
>>2224753Eh, that's how you end up with "but he was good to me" when someone's a criminal
I knew someone who was great towards everybody around them, really positive influence on our lives, but ended up in jail because of real estate swindling with his company.
It was tempting to think "it's just a profit and money thing, who cares, no real harm" but were countless people nobody of us knew who were fucked over by his mess
No. 2224784
>>2224780identifying with a character whose entire story beginning to end was being a rape
victim, being punished for being a rape
victim, being mutilated and exiled for being a rape
victim, being murdered because she was a rape
victim who had become a monster…. she’s never allowed any autonomy or to heal or become anything other than the destroyed twisted version of herself. and then she dies.
No. 2224786
>>2224777Did a
terf gift you a basket full of nut products?
No. 2224797
>>2224784>>2224780You're choosing to interpret it that way to be uncharitable. It's fairly obvious no rape
victim views her story that way, so why are you trying to push this narrative and be so nasty and catty about it? You sound like preteens making fun of other girls for not wearing brand clothes, but for rape survivor tattoos. It doesn't make you look good or smart.
No. 2224803
>>2224788No one has even brought up trannies retard kek , we’ve been talking about Medusa tattoos , it’s you who is yapping about invisible evil terfs .
I don’t care about nigelfags, bpdchan, terfs and schizos. The only ones I can say that I find annoying are the ones who call any woman a dicksucker, but not even that much kek. Chill out nonna (or nonno?)
No. 2224807
>>2224776>i personally wouldn’t want to advertise that to the, you're so special and unique. you're so much cooler than those girls with boring survivor tattoos. it's not like being able to face what happened to you head on is a sign of healing or anything, they're just playing the
victim. ugh you're so cool and smart
No. 2224808
>>2224803>No one has even brought up trannies retardDid you read
>>2224763 or get
triggered because someone pointed at terfs?
No. 2224822
>>2224813Is that the best reply you can think of? kek. Sit down.
>>2224817Why are you acting like you know the personal lives of every woman with a common tattoo survivors identify with? Why does it matter that they identify with a common symbol and don't feel the need to pick the most specialist unique symbol?
No. 2224827
>>2224809She posted too much in the yaoi thread for sure, but tbh she never struck me as an intentionally annoying spammer.
My understanding is that she was also active in fujo discords and on fujochan, so a lot of anons from those places were more familiar with her and her antics and would obsessively point her out. And Rancefag posts a lot, they were usually right, and Rancefag usually can't help but take the bait when people call her out, so threads were constantly getting derailed by people fighting over her (and basically the exact same shit happened with ntyfag). Tbh, it kind of feels like high school bullying to me.
No. 2224829
>>2224823>people should hide away their past experiences like shameful secretsis this the winning take?
>seeing these constant reminders can be harmful or off-putting for people who aren't youit's a good thing other people's bodies don't exist to make you personally feel comfortable. how entitled.
No. 2224834
>>2224820>>2224825Samefag , the mint lovers are so strong too. What’s so delicious about mint flavor anything? The only mint I can accept is toothpaste and the leaves of mint I put in my mojito.
Syrup , ice cream, milk and mint etc though? they all suck like hell.
No. 2224842
>>2224820> but if the flavour is too strong it just tastes like toothpaste.See even the mint soldier admits it!
Anyway everything ends up having that taste because mint is so damn overpowering, it’s like banana in a smoothie.
No. 2224846
>>2224833>someone else's tattoo is PUSHING ISSUES onto meYou sound insufferable. Just look away, schizo.
>>2224837>Well I know someone who is a bad person soHoly shit, so what? Not every person on earth with a ; tattoo is that girl.
>>2224831You genuinely sound like a bad person. I hope no rape
victims ever confide in you.
No. 2224847
>>2224834Mint ice-cream has double the cooling effect
I guess you live somewhere north and cold
No. 2224848
>>2224846i am a rape
victim dumbass. i’m the person who thought the bots in the support group were weird.
No. 2224853
>>2224846No one said everyone is like that. I feel like you’re trying way too hard to be self righteous and call everyone who thinks it’s attention seeking or self harming a bad person. There are people who self identify as
victims and are extreme energy vampires and flaunt the tattoo in their profile pictures so everyone knows. There are innocent
victims who find it empowering and have it in a hidden place. It’s not black and white, you are the only person here incapable of seeing nuance. You sound like you’re identifying with the descriptions here.
No. 2224854
>>2224835I think that a tattoo is generally harmless at the end of the day, so I do agree with you. If a woman feels empowered by it and if she feels like she’s reclaiming her situation with the tattoo it’s more than fine. It’s not harmful.
> and think the catty mean-girl attitude some people have towards the personal choices survivors make with their own bodies is repulsive.Do you think that rape play is fine then? Just out of curiosity. Because certain behaviors are still harmful even if a
victim engages in them.
No. 2224855
>>2224848Just because you're a rape
victim doesn't mean you're not a bad person. You sound like you like to use your own experiences to put down others. I hate to imagine a conversation between someone who opens up to you and wants to do something with her body as she recovers that you personally don't like.
No. 2224857
>>2224855i would politely and kindly ask her if that maybe would
trigger her every time she sees it. i’m responding harshly to you specifically because energy tends to get reciprocated.
No. 2224858
>>2224847I live in a relatively warm place and my favorite flavors of ice creams are
>pistachio>yoghurt>cheesecake>hazelnut>cinnamon >gingerI can do fine with the other ones too, but I stick to these generally. But chocolate and mint?Hate them.
No. 2224863
>>2224853Because calling tattoos that represent surviving suicide attempts or rape "attention seeking" or "she's probably never even experienced those things" or "she's forcing it onto other people" (it os literally a picture on her body that you can ignore) as a blanket statement is fucked up.
>>2224854Rape play is fucked up if neither person has experienced rape imo. That feels like a different subject. I think it's always wrong if the people engaging in it have never experienced it, though. I'd have to give it more thought. On one hand, I think if someone recovered and wanted to experience it again but be in control, I think I get it, but how can you justify wanting to be the rapist in that scenario? I'm not sure.
No. 2224865
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>>2224858Nonna hates to see this coming.
It’s kind of hilarious that nonnas are infighting about Medusa tattoos while the two nonnas are having quite a respectful exchange on ice cream flavors kek.
No. 2224868
>>2224863So you do rape play because you are a
victim yourself. Got it. Flaunting your suicide and rape tattoo as your profile picture and the thing you want people to know about you isn’t a healthy behavior. CNC isn’t healthy.
No. 2224869
>>2224863one of my rapists was a
victim who had a cnc kink. he raped me after opening up to me. his gf who consensually engaged in it with no trauma wasn’t harmed. i was. you doing that with men isn’t a victimless crime.
No. 2224870
>>2224862It’s a hit or miss honestly, it’s hard to make it taste good without it being too heavy. My local ice cream place does a great job though, it’s tangy , sweet , creamy and it has the right balance between berries and crumble, I love it.
Thank god I’m not lactose intolerant.
No. 2224871
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>>2224865NTA but in my opinion, mint tastes much better in tea than ice cream. It's also good for your voice.
No. 2224878
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>>2224872Makes me think of Andes! I love mint flavored stuff, even my vape is menthol kek
No. 2224881
>>2224861You are trying so hard to psychoanalyze me, you sound like a pick-up-artist. Does this manipulative cringeslop ever work for you?
>>2224857>energy tends to get reciprocatedYou came in here acting superior to other
victims and still want to act condescending? And you're two-faced to people irl while mocking them and their choices in private. Wow, what a good friend.
>>2224868>So you do rape playAre you retarded? Who said that? I literally said "I don't know, I haven't thought about it." I don't even fucking have sex at all because it's too
triggering, but I'm sure you'll find a way to spin that as bad, too. I don't fucking think about what other people do during sex, so I haven't formed an opinion.
>>2224869>you doing that with menSooo many assumptions here. Just have to invent things that I do so you can try to win an argument? How embarrassing. So much for not trauma dumping, huh?
No. 2224882
>>2224860>>2224872I love how passionate mint and chocolate lovers are though. I think it would be fun to have a gf who loves those flavors, I’d tease her each time but I would gladly buy her all the mint she wants.
Do any of you nonnas like olives? I hate them too , more than mint ice cream.
No. 2224888
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Probably ironic to post this after that discussion, but my unpopular opinion is that ice cream is overrated kek. I like it, I've eaten all different kinds of it, but it's not great.
No. 2224891
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>>2224882Oh my goodness. Do not even get me started on garlic stuffed olives, nonna. I can eat a whole jar of those within minutes. So good and good for you
No. 2224893
>>2224888what’s your favorite desert
nonnie. also i like the numbers of your post. 222 x 4 = 888!
No. 2224896
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No. 2224897
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Going to the beach is honestly not that enjoyable, especially when it's hot or windy. They do make for very pretty scenery though.
No. 2224899
>>2224888That’s because you never had delicious ice cream.
I live in Italy and ice cream here is so damn delicious, the supermarket ice cream isn’t comparable, you have to taste “gelato artigianale” nonna. If I could moan in public while eating it I would, but I have decorum.
There’s nothing better than a refreshing ice cream when there are 30 degrees outside (I don’t know what temperature it is for you American nonnas, but it’s hot kek)
No. 2224901
>>2224893Kek I didn't even notice that, I'm taking it as a sign my opinion is logical. I'm not crazy about desserts anyway but my favourite is probably cake, the softer the better.
>>2224895Popsicles are nice and refreshing. I used to like chewing them when they were frozen super hard.
No. 2224904
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>>2224897It’s the sand that I hate, but if there are big rocks I don’t mind it.
No. 2224925
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>>2224915I usually pull through because again , the feeling of wet sand is more annoying. But I put these ugly shoes from time to time, they help a lot.
No. 2224949
>>2224941> remanga beneWhat is that kek? Do you perhaps mean “stammi bene” or “sarà meglio” ?
Can you translate it in English first, I might understand it better.
No. 2224965
>>2224958> If most women didn't let it happen we wouldn't even be discussing about what a female or a woman isI agree nonna, if so many of us didn’t embrace these scrotes as “yas you’re one of us! Sit with us!” we wouldn’t be here at all. I wish we gray walled TIMs like men do with TIFs , but that’s female socialization for you kek.
We also have to give a bit of context on the fact that it didn’t happen all at once, it was gradual, it was a big build up starting from the HSTSs, who most women believed were simply harmless.
No. 2224966
>>2224959Can you stop making it about your sensitive fefe. Anons who were discussing rape was rape
victims themselves. You were thinking about your custacho dog shitted icecream so you haven't read that part of course
No. 2224982
>>2224965It went literally like this
>I’m not a woman but I want to live like one. I was born in the wrong body and I just feel more in tune living like that. I’m aware I’m a male. Ok
>I’m a woman just like you, I’m just different, can you please be called cis? I’ll call myself trans. Uhm…I guess?
>I’m a woman, you’re a cis woman, when you refer to me call me trans woman, or better yet just woman, don’t you dare call me transwoman, understand?! I also don’t like being reminded about being male so don’t talk about anything involving your anatomy when I’m present. Uhh…
>I’m a damn woman, I don’t need to add anything, I don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation. You remain a cis woman though, understand bitch? Never talk about female anatomy around me and even when I’m not around! Wtf?
>there is literally no difference between me and you, I have become female, I’m more woman than menopausal women too tehehe. I was born with an intersex condition that’s why I have a penis. But this penis is different because it’s a feminine one. Never refer to me as a male stupid cunt! Respect me or I’ll force you to suck my girlcock stupid terf! Dude you’re batshit insane.
No. 2225113
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Flora ruined tamers12345
No. 2225220
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>>2225185Hard drugs really aren’t worth it, even despite the high, I don’t want to lose my money and become an addict kek. You really think you have control until you don’t.
But I’ve never had any big problem that could have lead me to drug use, so I can’t really judge those who use kek.
No. 2225242
>>2225229I might be biased because heroin addiction is a real issue where I live but I agree that it's scary kek, blog but there are people in my family who went to VERY dark places in their lives which drove them to addiction, and even then they refused to touch it. The "harmless" drugs are insidious too because in my experience, predatory types absolutely
love giving them out to people they know will keep coming back.
>>2225238Jfc that's horrific. Benadryl addiction seems to happen by accident for most people if they take it as medication, but based on what I've read, the terrifying trips ARE the appeal for some people?? Like they brag about it and compete to see who has the worst experience. Fucking bizarre.
No. 2225246
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there is no good reason to separate your childs food on their plate if it doesn't call for it in the dish itself. doing so leads to adult retards that eat shit like this every day.
No. 2225416
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>>2225185It's the most overrated drug in my opinion, huge in the 70s apparently but when MDMA/ecstasy came around it became more popular, imo it does the job better.
The majority of times I've done coke it's made me feel manic and really anxious. Not gonna blogpost but I've got some stories lol. TLDR I don't recommend mixing with other uppers
>>2225197 Not only does it make you numb, it also tastes really terrible, like novocaine at the dentist.
>>2225264 And the "drip" in the back of your throat tastes fucking bad too.
No. 2225530
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This shit at conventions wasn't a big deal and everyone was okay with these stupid jokes and wearing Pedobear shirts and hats. People want to be in the 2010s and early 2000s but would probably burst into tears if their own friend made a "surprise buttsex!!" Joke.
No. 2225540
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>>2225530Uoh signs are the modern equivalent
No. 2225930
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Men are so proud of being emotionally retarded and regard it as some sign of superiority or superpower. Women with cluster b personality disorders brag about how it makes them male-brained to have the same malformed cognition and violent, apelike simple mind. They really don't realize they are deluded by their own arrogance and despondency and that it's exactly what makes them inferior. Pic unrelated
No. 2225945
>>2225941More fanfic, you seem to love writing it. Resting heart rate over here, I just wanted to clarify more so I deleted the post right after sending it, not my fault you responded instantly. That's a pretty normal thing to do on forums BTW
No. 2225946
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>>2225530I don't think grooming was such a depressing issue in fandoms back in the 00's when I was a teenager, not to say that it didn't happen because I sure as fuck received dick pics in 2005 but creeps didn't have a way of really contacting you and kids weren't allowed in many fandom spaces so they were easier to avoid. Now that you have every single moid being tempted by exchanging nudes with 14-year olds over Discord, Tiktok, Instagram or Snapchat the problem has exploded all over the place so jokes like Pedobear and surprise buttsex just don't land like they used to.
Having talked to girls 10 years younger than me they know of multiple grooming cases that happened to themselves or their friends while women my age didn't really experience it online at the scale they did. I guess this also ties back to the fact that online gathering spots for kids like Club Penguin and various flash game sites have disappeared too so they end up entering places where all kinds of adults can take advantage of them.
No. 2225965
>>2225946Also groomers were treated like actual groomers and not like marginalised
victims of boolying
No. 2225971
>>2225962Wrong, but you're welcome to keep pulling things out of your ass. You were being a little bitch so I said so.
>>2225965>>2225946I think a major factor is that the internet is way more accessible, a daily part of many people's lives. Litte kids weren't interested in giant, clunky dialup computers with solitare and niche sites. The online world now is designed to be enticing and addicting to kids. Predators of any kind now that easiest access to their
victims is achieved through online spaces, they feel they have this infinite choice to look for their picks of the litter. They feel protecting by anonymity and can slowly manipulate whomever they consider an easy or accessible target.
(infighting) No. 2226024
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>>2225530>>2225530being around and a teen in the 2010s and some of the early 2000s this is a lie. This shit is not funny. Pedobear always gave me the ick when I saw it on blogs. It was never funny. Anime fans just are so desensitized by the constant sexual assault of women and minors in their media they brush it off.A lot of you were groomed by anime and you dont even recognize even at your big ages. It's not cute to have creepy men dressed up as pedophile bear mascots and jokingly threatening to kidnap minors. I also remember reading forums and blogs back then calling out glomping,yaoi paddles and PEDOBEAR. There was always pushback and will always be pushback so long as anime continues to appeal to the lowest common denominator and you bitches continue to eat it up because you've been desensitized to think its normal since you were a child yourself. Any woman cosigning trying to normalize the pedobear and bring it back as le edgy early 2000s humor is a loser who should be killed on site.
No. 2226029
>>2226023And the shows that are good still have fan service kek, which is always
>misogyny >sexual harassment>borderline rapeBut you can still find lovely shows like Asobi Asobase, Mob-Psycho, Osomatsu, Nichijou etc….
No. 2226042
>>2226034Agree! I loved watching it!
There’s also another new show on Netflix called “Pluto” , the mangaka is the same.
No. 2226056
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Sorry nonna
>>2226023 I deleted my original post and had to repost>>2226024
But fire force peaked me too. I was so mad because it was such an interesting plot but i only made it to episode 6 because it disgusted me too much.
Unpopular Opinion: But once you've seen one good Josei, Seinen, Shounen, Magical girl anime etc. you've seen them all! Don't even go looking for more you will just be met with disappointment and clear carbon copies. If you already wasted years of your life with Naruto and Bleach why waste even more with JJK!? I cannot watch a single episode of JJK without cracking up at how formulaic it is. Hayao Miyazaki was right. Especially with "I got turned into" genre of anime. The most bottom of the barrel incel people who dont even leave the house are making these anime. At least Masashi Kishimoto and Akira Toriyama went outside!
No. 2226098
>>2226056>If you already wasted years of your life with Naruto and Bleach why waste even more with JJK!?I agree with you in general but you couldn't pick a worst example. At least JJK doesn't waste your time and is straight to the point, Naruto and Bleach are way longer and shittier and for what? But to be fair I think if JJK were released exactly as it is when I were a teenager I would have been a lot more obsessed with the series than I currently am. I was obsessed with YYH instead which… isn't too different from JJK and which directly inspired JJK according to the mangaka himself. I think I like JJK precisely because it's exactly what I'm looking for in a shonen series without some of the things I dislike about them.
>But once you've seen one good Josei, Seinen, Shounen, Magical girl anime etc. you've seen them all!Sometimes I read really popular older series that started trends and I'm like "oh I see why all the other series have this type of character/trope" the most blatant examples were JJBA and Hana Yori Dango for me. It's a little like studying history sometimes kek, but these ones aren't that old.
No. 2226105
>>2226056Picking shounen isn’t really fair kek. The tropes are obviously the same in every story, you can’t expect depth from it.
>power of friendship>protagonist who is cheerful >love interest who never gets with him or gets with him>fan service here and there>homoerotic relationship with his friend-friends>always wins at the end of the dayBut they’re nice and lighthearted when done nice even if they’re redundant. Naruto, Bleach, Full metal alchemist, BNHA, JJK. The formula works, hence why they keep doing it.
If you want plot you have to go into Josie and Seinen.
No. 2226236
>>2226221I mean pause, I don't really believe her flimsy excuses I'm just saying I truly cannot summon the energy to care the way men desperately want me to because they do far worse and it's ignored. They're obsessed with bringing up small percentages of women committing heinous acts meanwhile their subspecies constantly rapes and kills women and children. I
wish men understood even an iota of what its like but I don't see Jodi as a
victim No. 2226262
>>2226202The ones who obsess over that case just want to be able to say “See! Women are as bad!”
When Jodi’s level of crime was like a normal sunday for your average male killer kek.
Men literally torture , rape and then kill their
victims. That or even annihilate their whole family, including small children.
Jodi’s crime was simply a crime of passion, if a scrote did it they would have describe it that way and wouldn’t have sensationalized it.
No. 2226284
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I’m done tipping door dash delivery drivers. Why do I need to tip them when they are getting paid by door dash and door dash racks on these service fees. I understood tipping delivery drivers but not like this. Restaurants need to go back to back in the day and have a designated delivery driver. I wouldn’t mind tipping them because there are no other fees I’m paying for besides the dudes gas. I shouldn’t have to pay all these fees and then still tip 20% every time. Even if I go to pick it up myself they still have a tip option. Eradicate tips I’m done paying you what your job should be. I no longer pity service workers because most make more than me on tips alone
No. 2226348
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I don’t care that the new Linkin Park singer is a Scientologist or whatever, I like her voice and I like their new singles. Yeah she supported Danny Masterson at first (bc she considered him a friend at the time) but when the evidence came out she cut ties with him. So many male artists get away with absolutely heinous shit and still have a fan base but if a female artist isn’t absolutely perfect people lose their fuckin minds.
No. 2226388
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>>2226060>>2226065>>2226081i honestly think junji ito is a pervert. there's often some weird sadistic tying up women crap and violence in his works that make me feel like he enjoys shit like that. he also draws lot of hanged women. spoiler for gore.
No. 2226394
>>2225983Absolute tragedy that this has to be posted in Unpopular Opinions. Damn right your body is perfect
No. 2226457
>>2226424I like this. I think it should be done by the government instead of employers, though.
>>2226455 is right that employers would retaliate and not hire mothers, which means they would avoid hiring women in general.
No. 2226478
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>>2226469Pretty much all of the EU do it. If you have four+ kids in Hungary, you don't pay any income tax. I don't want children, I think I would raise them terribly but I don't mind helping moms out.
No. 2226492
>>2226489Nobody’s saying
you specifically have to. The post just said that people with children should be paid more, which makes perfect sense because they have more people to support.
No. 2226494
>>2226484>They're already get away from working because they bred.Real pornbrained way to put it, but let me break it down for you: Children grow up to be future workers and contributors to society.
I want those workers to be happy, healthy, well educated, and well supported from birth to adulthood because those people are going to be serving my food, voting in elections, managing my medical care, et cetera. Basically everything that we as humans in a society rely on other humans to do for us. Children who grow up in poverty are rarely as successful as adults compared to children who do not grow up in poverty.
No. 2226501
>>2226497I hate men too
nonny, but if women dont have children humanity will end…
No. 2226503
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>>2226484ew why do you put things in such a gross mannish way? you’re gross.
No. 2226508
>>2226390Source? Isn't it a mockery of men who become retarded and violent over pretty women?
>>2226388He has a lot of violence against men in his work as well.
No. 2226509
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>>2226424True. However subhuman scrotes just see birth rates as a rate of how much they're fucking women, so i doubt the scrotes in the government care to increase the quality of the mother's life after she gives birth. This is why women should make up majority of the government
>>2226501>but if women dont have children humanity will endYou people suck at wording things, you always come off misogynistic. I facepalm when I read this shit as a lesbian lol
>>2226495 worded it correctly
No. 2226532
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>>2226508Alright I can't find the source I read about that claim so I'm guessing it was bogus, my bad. Apparently he was just inspired by the concept of regeneration itself. Btw the top comment here is an absolutely retarded fanfiction about some random scrote's tErRiFyInG encounter with a manic pixie dream narc kek No. 2226535
>>2226495You're right, because the other thing is that it's better to just assume the moid isn't helpful at all and that it's really possible that the woman doesn't even have a partner at all because she was abandoned by the moid or because she had to run away from the moid.
All of us know how moids are retarded and will do anything in their power to make women and kids miserable, they hide the money they earn, misuse the money that women earn and are shitty in general.
If mothers could get even a but of support then they could be able to raise better kids.
No. 2226538
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>>2226522Because there's a difference in saying that "women should have children or the world will end" (in a broad sense) because its putting that purpose onto the entire female population which is retarded. I think it's important to differentiate the women who are willing to be mothers and the women who arent. I like the sentiment that "mothers make the world go around", because they do. It's just better to separate the label mother from all women if that makes sense. People always say father before they say men when referring to male parents, I don't know why that isn't the same for mothers.
No. 2226542
>>2226512Take your meds
>>2226516As if motherhood wasn't already imposed on us, faggot
>>2226517No they don't, why do I have to work extra just because someone didn't use a condom while fucked? Like if the only middle class women are mothers. Where their dads are?>>2226519
And if people are making kids they can't afford to care for, that's not my problem. So many mothers abuse their kids, money won't change that
(bait) No. 2226558
>>2226544im not a troll
>>2226538>Because there's a difference in saying that "women should have children or the world will end" (in a broad sense) because its putting that purpose onto the entire female population which is retarded.Im just being realistic. Men don't raise or care for children, if it werent for women humanity wouldve already be extinct. I agree with the rest of your post. Im not saying women=mothers, and if women don't want to become mothers i respect that (i also don't want children). Im just trying to accomodate women's choices and lives as much as possible whatever they choose, unless anti-women-adjacent like prostuition, plastic surgery or "empowered" objectification.
No. 2226563
>>2226555I don't care
>>2226558Motherhood is anti woman
No. 2226568
>>2226563>Motherhood is anti womanDoesnt have to be
>>2226566…what? Why? What are you talking about?
No. 2226570
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She did it right. She had a stablished career and had children with a qt moid in his prime. Model student stacy
No. 2226572
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>>2226570And they look inbred
No. 2226610
>>2226509NTAYRT but nonna what’s misogynistic about that fact? If we (women) don’t have children, humanity
will end.
No. 2226625
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>>2226612The girl in the right looks average. Redhead is unfortunate tho
No. 2226639
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No man with big eyes looks good.
No. 2226779
>>2226775I've BEEN saying this. They always get on autistic girls
>>2226736Kind of endearing too
No. 2226871
>>2225565I promise whoever is eating that isn't eating it for taste, it's for them to have a smoking hot body that out of shape people seethe at
>>2225810tastes better than mushrooms kek
No. 2226876
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I’m not an anti-vaxxer by any means, but I’ve noticed that everyone who claims to have long COVID also claims to have a myriad of other illnesses (POTS, fibromyalgia, etc)
No. 2226975
nonnie i am also reading this book right now, and aside from the mid writing i don't understand how living in that house was the only viable option. i guess the fact that the mother is an immature and broken person drives the narrative, but i really have to stop myself from rationalizing anything in the story by now
No. 2226981
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>>2226893Yeah the scrotes in that scene who end up with messiah complexes are amongst the most insufferable people on earth
No. 2227277
>>2227245>>2227275seething pigs
you know you don't have to be anorexic or even close to it to not be fat and obese like the woman in the video
(rattle rattle) No. 2227288
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>>2227277Oh, so this was all bait then? Gotcha. Sorry skinny queen.
No. 2227358
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Anybody who doesn't think the majority of women on this site are autistic is retarded. You could make the argument "we're on a gossip site", but that'd only really work if lolcow was the only gossip site out there. IBs are bound to pull in autists, that's just how it is
No. 2227370
>>2226871>it's for them to have a smoking hot body that out of shape people seethe atI'm not sure what kind of cope this is but eating food without seasoning is not compulsory for weight loss.
>>2226927But why not make it into a one pot meal with flavour? Dice the meat and veg, fry it off, add the rice, then add some stock and simmer until the rice is cooked. Or make fried rice and serve it with some soy sauce.
No. 2227683
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I think men with a fetish for goths are usually boring, it's like the dudes who typically want a goth gf are boring basic white dudes that dress like NPCs and post shitty reddit memes on twitter.
No. 2227722
>>2227683as a goth honestly i prefer them normies and not caring too much about my style. my bf is like that and he likes me for being myself (as limited as moid love can be) and not for the goth style or being a trophy to show to other moids.
the one time i was with a slightly alt moid he ended up
raping me and being extremely jealous of me so i avoid them now. they always try to neg you or tell you're not trying enough, while they actually want to skin you alive and go full Buffalo Bill. it's always a redflag when they use you as a trophy to show to other moids in the honeymoon phase.
No. 2227733
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>>2227695>Apparently it suddenly became trendy for moids to sexualize them everywhereI fucking hate when normalfags try to make "alt" cultures into their fetish just because they are different, it's like they wanna tame goth women because deep down they are scared of goth aesthic. I think men view goths as a category of fetish like they view dominant women or tall women, they fetishize goths because "they are evil and fucked up but kinky and good in bed". I also hate that they fetishize the suffering and gloomy personalities goths are known to have "you have depression? damn girl that's so hot choke on my cock!" or that old meme "emo couple fucks more than they wanna die". The "psycho dark girl" troupe fetishization is very scrotish and greedy, I don't think those moids even deserve a clingy girlfriend or one that dresses alt because they are boring cheating normies and should date normie boring starbucks girls who ghost them instead of dating alt chicks and calling them crazy kinky gfs.
No. 2227765
>>2227689When I want to buy clothes I usually get them on Vinted kek, bags too. I bought many vintage wool and even cashmere sweaters and the quality is so good. I bought a pair of jeans and got scammed kek but I bought them new on sale , I spent a bit more but the denim is good and will last.
Buying staple , good quality pieces, that go well together goes a long way nonna.
No. 2227771
>>2227722>the one time i was with a slightly alt moid he ended up raping me and being extremely jealous of me so i avoid them nowSee? My theory is right. I hope he’s far away from you now nonna, I’m sorry for what happened. I hope your current moid treats you well.
Where do you buy your clothes and do you also do goth makeup? (Not the egirl stupid one, actual goth makeup)
No. 2227821
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>>2227776how is it not cute? it may not be what i think is superior or peak beauty in females but it still deserves to be treated with respect. this is not even "body positivity" its just reality that women who are built like pic related are not deserving of hate.
No. 2227846
>its "so telling" how insecure you areKek, do you seriously think someone would be jealous of obese people?
No. 2227857
>>2227771thanks nonna ily
most of my clothes are basics mixed up with pieces from local goth dressmakers and thrifted clothes, so they're basically from anywhere as long its black. you should check up any thrift store, flea market and sometimes these kind of stores that sell second hand clothing by kg/lb have the best pieces ngl but you need patience and lots of hand sanitizer for that. as for makeup, i don't use white foundation because i'm brown but honestly a kohl pencil and liquid eyeliner is more than enough for the look.
No. 2227858
>>2227851>i'm not jealous of chubby women and i can let them exist in peace.>while there are 110 of threads of anachans on /snowYeah, you're certainly not jealous and coping kek. And no, I'm not against the anachan thread existing, but it's funny how you will drag down even normal and healthy thin women with some shit cope like fatness makes you feminine or something.
We need to bring back fat hate threads, obese people are getting too comfortable
No. 2227895
>>2227863It's just the truth that women who are slightly overweight tend to be "curvier" and look more stereotypically feminine. That doesn't mean thin women are less female, though. At both extreme ends of weight, the sexes become less dimorphic. It's literally an observable fact if you've seen super obese people or very skelly people without clothes.
These things piss some of you guys off because you think one woman being seen as feminine means you automatically look masculine if you don't resemble her (and ofc that you're hideous if you're not perfectly gender-conforming either way). It's the most annoying female socialization brainrot shit.
No. 2227896
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>>2227887Nah, because we end up with people actually shilling this body type as totally ~thin and healthy~.
No. 2227901
>>2227868ntyart but to me, chubby is chubby. If it were a scale, I've always viewed it as this.
>Whale>Deathfat>Obese>Fat>Chubby>Normal>Slim>Petite>Thin>Skinwalker>SkeletonI'd also like to remind everyone, that overweight =/= deathfat piggly wiggly whale and underweight =/= bag of bones rattle rattle skeleton. Underweight and overweight are just that, you're over or under the weight that is normal. Like, a slim person is underweight and a chubby person is overweight but it doesn't mean they're at the extreme unless explicitly stated.
No. 2227907
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>>2227902Stop projecting your fast, anachan. Anyone can tell that's a fat/overweight woman. Your real issue is that you feel like normal people do see her as more attractive than you, and that it's unfair because you want to starve.
No. 2227917
>>2227910>>2227913Because only a brainrotted anachan strawmanning would think anyone believes that woman isn't fat. She clearly is. If you're the anon, you're the only one claiming she's not fat to try and strawman kek.
>btw no normal person would think of that woman as nothing but fat, except for retarded americansCase in point, work on your reading comprehension
No. 2227961
>>2227951Shouldn't your pockets be
big, just like a fat chick? Shouldn't your momma be done paying that house off?? Shouldn't you have a real BIG ass ego???
No. 2227976
>>2227963its so funny because the initial post that started this whole thing was a simple "chubby is not fat"
anachans really love to tell on themselves
No. 2227979
>>2227965>you seem to be the only one claiming fat = uggyRight. It's really strange how they started with calling anyone who doesn't think her picrel is thin must be some skelly anachan, but now some of those anons (like here
>>2227907 ) think that people claiming she isn't fat are also anorexics.. like what.
No. 2227986
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>>2227906>most lesbians are often attracted to tomboyish looking thin women.I'm attracted to both to be honest. Thin women are cute like deer and chubby women are cute like sheep. Both have their own positives and negatives, like chubby women having large breasts or thin women having good muscle definition. Though you gotta have a certain look for your weight, but I digress.
This entire infight would have been avoided if people knew that fat and thin and underweight and overweight can be used as general descriptors on a scale rather than that concrete definitions for a specific weight class. A whale is fatter and more overweight than a chubby woman, but both are fat and overweight compared to a normal person. A skeleton is thinner and more underweight than a slim woman but both are thin and underweight compared to a normal person.
What's important is that you yourself are healthy. If you're so skinny or so fat that moving your body or standing up for a long period of time is enough to leave you winded then there's an issue. You can still be healthy if you're a little underweight and you can still be healthy if you're a little overweight. You shouldn't pass out from standing and you shouldn't be out of breath from walking up the stairs. It's a scale. Saying this all as an ex-anachan who'd pass out frequently and get hot flashes because of it.
Had to repost because I forgot my image, sorry mods.
No. 2227989
This site is full of pick-mes I wouldn't be surprised if half of /r9k/ migrated here at one point. I like bonding with other autist women, so forgive me if I don't want to hear you all sperg about women bad post #856, these infights are always about some retarded shit that nobody should concern their time with.
>>2227984Fucking thank you, it's like every infight I read is some anti-woman shit. It's like crack to some of you, the NLOG gas is in the air.
No. 2228020
>>2227984>>2227989>>2228008haven't participated in this dicussion but i love and agree with all 3 of you nonas. men give us enough shit as it is, this site as a whole has given so much hate and vitriol towrds women i have trouble parsing it because it's always the most nitpicking bullshit holding women to unreasonable standards just like men and the rest of the world do
>I don’t even read it as NLOGing, I read it as actual high school catty girls.i've always felt the same way, agreed
No. 2228023
>>2228016skinny shaming doesn't exist and this is coming from a skinny person lol
anyone who has ever been "skinny shamed" a la "eww she looks gross her thighs are like chopsticks and her ribs are sticking out" has been done rightfully so to a person with an obvious eating disorder
No. 2228036
now post yours troll
No. 2228050
>>2228045I love you too
nonny ♥
No. 2228060
>>2228055Wrong personalityfag
nonnie, I’m much worse and also more obscure. probably never heard of me.
No. 2228072
>>2228066Banner material
No. 2228108
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>>2228092They look like this for the reference. Except smaller
No. 2228109
>>2228047okay nevermind, you specifically are unlovable
>>2228070I know, I check all the time and am met with only disappointment
No. 2228159
>>2227821Kek you wouldn’t be able to live one second in my country, because this is is fat here.
Fat women and chubby women can be beautiful obviously, they’re many examples, Ashley Graham and Precious Lee are the first ones I can think of. But they’re still fat and chubby though.
I don’t know why you nonnas are sperging for nothing, especially making a rape competition on who gets raped more or who has a worse experience during it. Just say you like fat women and/or chubby women , no need to be retarded.
Skinny shaming does exist, but it’s not on par on fat shaming, fat women are treated far much worse.
No. 2228161
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Don't post your literal nudes on this site, you retard.
No. 2228175
>>2228142I think your tits are perfectly fine nonna
>>2228174Shes not Eugenia level skeletal anon kek she looks normal