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No. 2265272
>>2265245The thing i find weird about the raw milk movement is that milk barely has enough nutritional value for adult humans to make risking a bacterial infection worth it. Plus i am convinced that they don't understand that pasteurisation is just a fancy word for boiling.
>>2265257The cows don't need to be sick in order for you to get sick. Raw milk spoils incredibly fast and you can get sick that way. Maybe a baby cow's immune system can handle it, but the human immune system isn't designed for that. It's really not worth it.
No. 2265288
>>2265281… Probably has to do with it being a constant staple for many years and they've been shilled a huge psyop about it being a necessity their entire lives? Why are you trying to verbally berate people who have been sold the #gotmilk campaign since birth, Jesus the condescension
>inb4 milk drinkerNope
No. 2265289
>>2265281Cows and goats milk is high in protein, vitamin D, Calcium, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, choline, selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin b12, omega 3 fatty acids, pre/probiotics, and lactobacillus bacteria that aides our gut health and keeps us alive nonna
No. 2265305
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>mfw at this thread all because i said people who get mad at raw milk drinkers are bored faggots
let's talk about else please
No. 2265360
>>2265352nah the majority of humans do actually shit their guts out if they drink milk. they say only like northern europeans can digest lactose properly but i think that's bullshit because im black and nothing ever happens
>>2265353it's very refreshing im actually going to drink some milk right now thanks for reminding me kek
No. 2265744
>>2265562oils with a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio are not the best for you, but the effects are not substantial compared to the much better established harms associated with being obese, being sedentary, and eating too much red meat. east asia uses sesame and soybean oil and has some of the longest life expectancies.
>>2265564I think it’s the reverse of that
nonnie. sunflower oil is usually the one I see seed oil people warn against because it has a lot of omega 6.
No. 2265783
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I think racial fetishisation can actually…be a good thing.
In some cases.
Like, if no one is in danger, or being seen ONLY for there race- then it's ok. Having the world open up means that people have more options. Where they may be a majority, they may find it hard to stand out and feel special. But then, if a girl can be a minority in another place, because she is scarce, she can be exotic, maybe the features her family says aren't good and are too common make her stand out, and she is loved for those features, and can be special/rare and seen as cute.
I have a friend that obvs acts herself with the girls, but enjoys being seen this way and even playing into it a little, and it's nice that what she may have been insecure about growing up due to family remarks can now be appreciated, I love the confidence that allows her.
Or for example, in an affluent beach town, we have wealthy oldish anglo men with young attractive black women, and so one woman is getting jewellery and dinners, and the man is with a woman he finds rare and gorgeous. Or asian girls like my friend who got told to become paler by family who can be loved and chosen first in the country they move to. Or I've seen white girls that may be considered plain and mousy with desi/brown guys who love how they look and are excited to be with them. I think having the world open and being able to find somewhere where you're valued can be a great advantage for people, men or women, as long as no one is being exploited by a power dynamic. Now people don't have to be lonely or insecure!
I really hope I don't get banned for 'racebaiting'. I genuinely don't see any people as having more value than the other- my dad always looked down on my mom's culture and my mom's family never accepted me as one of them. When I'm with a group of women regardless of race, I genuinely just see them as my sisters, men are more foreign to me than anything. I would just suggest- some people would choose to benefit from being rare and coveted, and that's ok, as long as they're loved as people too.
No. 2266787
>>2266777>>2266668What's your dioptre anons?
Mine is -11 and that's considered unusually high, I've never met anyone with worse eyesight than mine. I always wear lenses when I go out because with glasses I have zero peripheral vision and risk not noticing a speeding car before it turns me into a pancake
No. 2266819
>>2266815Ok, but keep in mind while driving things can come from the peripheral vision that you don't expect and don't match any established pattern
Stay safe
No. 2266832
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This should be the point of circumcision.
No. 2266840
>>2266808I typically hate when people
victim blame women but you're correct about this. Also the amount of moids that ended up being discord groomers is insane. But at the same time we shouldn't shame
victims who genuinely didn't know so that way they aren't afraid of warning the next woman
No. 2266895
>>2266885>>2266891You guys should try it. Put cornflakes in a bowl, pour chocolate milk, let it microwave shortly
It becomes soft and mushy and warm
No. 2266906
>>2266905Exactly, kek
But the corn flavour is a nice change to the blander oat flavour
No. 2266979
>>2266976Seriously, what is it with anons chimping out on the rare occasions a fat woman
isn't made fun of on here? "At least she's better than fat scrotes" isn't even particularly strong praise? It's not exactly like we spend a lot of time whiteknighting them kek
No. 2266986
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>>2266984Women are biologically susceptible to retaining more fat than males. I thought this was common knowledge.
No. 2266989
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>>2266986HAHAHHAHAHAHA this is not an excuse to be fat you fat retard
here is what 20% body fat looks like on a woman
(infight bait) No. 2266994
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>>2266989Your question was
>what woman has more of an excuse to be fat than a male does?I gave you a snippet of a rundown as to how women could find it more difficult to lose weight and not be fat. It is a biological feature in women to retain more fat than men. That may not be an exact justification to be overweight, but it is technically more of a "reason" for women being fat than moids being fat.
keep track of what the fuck you're even asking before slamming other anons as "retarded" for giving you answers to your own questions,
you illiterate fucking tard.
No. 2267002
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>>2266994Ntayart but that’s why you have to try harder anon. Just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible and let’s be real, if you have stubborn fat on your body then there must be some hormonal problem that’s not being addressed. It’s true women retain more fat on our bodies due to estrogen but it doesn’t turn us into the psyop’d mother goddess hambeast venus figurine. Picrel is so disgusting btw, I bet she didn’t even have enough energy to move around which makes her even more vulnerable to male predation. Many fat women are bred to be compliant to scrotes, it’s so sad.
No. 2267008
>>2266931>>2266924Why be defensive of fat men and concerned with how women who aren't attracted to them look? Did men ever have to pass a beauty contest before attacking women's looks? They don't care about being non-hypocritical when they criticize women, so why should we have rules on eachother when doing the same to them?
>that makes us just as bad blahblahNope, because women didn't start the nitpicking game. Also, playing fair doesn't work here. Are you scared men will read this site and get mad or something? They weren't listening when we were nice anyway. Men have demonstrated they don't give a fuck and will try to force their ugliness as much as they can.
Even if some of the anons in the thread are fat, I actually prefer that fat women don't overidentify with fat men and try to force other women to like them because they think it's "fair" (many cases of this on Twitter and Tumblr). And yes, there's less reason for men to be fat than women. Look how much taller they are than women, and their faster metabolisms. You have to be eating like a fucking vacuum to be obese or overweight as a man, it's disgusting lmao.
No. 2267024
>>2266976You sound like said fatty kek. Being fat is ugly , more on men sure, but fat women are ugly too and attractiveness plays a role no matter the gender. Ugly women aren’t with handsome men on a bigger percentage, be realistic.
The retards over there don’t realize that they’re the same as the Nigelfags while actin holier than thou kek.
No. 2267045
>>2267043Ugly men deserve more hate, that I can definitely agree with. But it’s kind of retarded and pathetic for nonnas to still cling to scrotes, albeit young and okay looking, as if they’re the next best thing after sliced bread or as if they’re morally any better than the ugly , bald and fat ones, nonnas there were literally saying that young scrotes are soo much better since they aren’t as porn brained and that they’ll absolutely treat you better and even have genuine attraction.
It’s just a bunch of women who are still chasing men and acting as if they’re so revolutionary on top of that kek, they’re just unattractive and they’re fantasizing about a charming prince that doesn’t exist.
No. 2267067
>>2267045They sadly still have Prince Charming syndrome. The ones who worship and fantasize over the fictional ones truly amaze me, they rather idolize sheets of paper and flashing animating colors than focus on themselves and not their sexuality. Female heterosexuality reminds me a lot of an addiction craving and pining for something that clearly doesn’t give a shit about you but only seeks to destroy you, confirming even more that it isn’t enforced in a natural way through society. If hettie women weren’t bred to seek cock on every street and didn’t have the constant pressure of male presence around them, their sexuality would develop in a natural manner. The very fact scrotes exist is proof female straightness is compulsory.
These are the same types who think their reproductive value gives them divine and lawful protection and value over other women when their sexuality is always going to be gatekept, dictated, and planned by scrotes because women need scrotes to reproduce to give them that illusory value and proposition of safety and provision. Even the most disconnected forms of reproduction requires speem to fertilize an egg, so their sexuality will always be seeking to be validated by males while males remain the gatekeepers. Heterosexuality, marriage, romantic relationships, and everything else pandered to straight women is a brilliant creative scam sold to us everyday. The very day women begin to deconstruct their sexuality is the day male domination begins to crush in itself
No. 2267076
>>2267067I mean, it's better to like fictional moids than to risk getting, you know, murdered by irl moids.
You can't just turn all heterosexual women into lesbians or asexuals (assumingthat exists) so may as well let them know that there's other ways to not feel like shit while being a real human being that has sexual cravings like every other person in the world.
Like it's shitty to shit on husbandofags because it makes you sound like those religious people that gets mad at women liking a picture of a moid or who even dare to say that she masturbates to her sexual fantasies.
No. 2267077
>>2267069Please tell me how sucking, fucking, breeding and caring for scrotes is going to bring balance in your life, the very reason on why women wanted to be liberated was so they can have enough time to worry about themselves instead of doing the grand majority of the sucking, fucking, nursing and caring that was preventing them from accomplishing just about anything and it was involuntary for many of them, now you’re making the conscious voluntary choice to do that exact same thing. Apparently no other woman can question it because it’s somehow “misogyny” and “woman-hating” to question the retarded choices people make but I’m sure it’s more misogynistic and woman-hating to force women to think males are attractive and by that if you don’t find them attractive you’re an asexual (so an antisocial freak by societal standards), a “lesbian” (because there’s no objective reason to find males attractive enough to reproduce and be with. So you’re spending your entire life constantly nagging his ass, making sure he’s okay, messaging him, unconsciously doing the caretaking shit that most breeder married women do while proclaiming to be in a fun casual commitment is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. And then the most funniest shit yet is being the ultimate masochist to broadcast this poor choice to other people especially on the internet and have people laugh and make fun of you, it’s like some kind of masochistic fetish straight women have where they seek to be humiliated, degraded, knocked down a peg. Some of them figured if this is the way my sexuality is to be then they’ll just monetize it which brings the very problem of prostitution and onlyfans
No. 2267079
>>2267067I don’t agree with some points of yours but
> Heterosexuality, marriage, romantic relationships, and everything else pandered to straight women is a brilliant creative scam sold to us everyday. The very day women begin to deconstruct their sexuality is the day male domination begins to crush in itselfThis I agree fully with
No. 2267086
>>2267073If you truly want to bring the mating talk then there’s a hierarchy among women too, where the women with more potential are sought after. A fat and ugly woman isn’t really inherently valuable from a pure materialistic point, just like a fat and ugly man.
The thing with humans is that somehow women have been co opted to go against biology under the fake pursue of love. What we are seeing now is the result of that, more retards, more diseases, baldness too kek.
No. 2267090
>>2267081the only "real" asexuals are traumatized autistic women (who aren't even asexual, just autistic and traumatized). everyone else is just deluding themselves for diversity points.
>>2267086we aren't comparing women to women, we are comparing women to men. the hottest man is still worth less than the ugliest fattest woman.
No. 2267091
>>2267067The anti-husbandofagging gives me the impression that it's less about disliking the social structure (which I agree is fucked), but a pathological disdain for heterosexuality, maybe sexuality as a whole, and that's something deeply personal. Humans are sexual. There's no point in complaining about it, you just have to live with that fact.
Most women in the world will never be polilez, even fewer (I'd say none) will ever become so celibate/purist that they refuse to even have sexual fantasies. If you are part of that vanishingly small number, you have to accept that your political ideas won't work out. You can't convert someone gay or asexual any more you can convert them straight or "normatively" sexual.
No. 2267100
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>>2267073This is pure fantasy and this isn’t how reality works. Males don’t have to be attractive or pretty enough to carry on their genes, that’s not what sexual dimorphism entails anyways. I’m not saying this in a “old ugly bastards are attractive!!!” sort of way, but it’s clear that males don’t have to be attractive to have their genes passed on and this will
never change. Males make promise of provision and protection from other scrotes, the woman takes this proposition even though it’s false and this is seen as something worthy of biologically passing on and then it continues through generations of people through marriage and children. This is why males are biologically more stronger than women and have different characteristics than us. The funniest part is that women
do reproduce and get into relationships with “”””attractive”””” males, it clearly just isn’t enough. Attraction is not what humans seek especially males. Males don’t care about attraction, it’s a strategy to control and trap their prey to fulfill their predation, they will fuck, marry and control just about anything while they have the prey fantasizing and in lala land while it’s getting preyed on or to stop the preying from happening to you. The last thing makes want you to do is use logic and not fall into fantasies and imagination. Female-male heterosexuality boils down to a male catch and chase situation that tantalizes them. They know you’re afraid, weak, and controlled trying to put up illusions and fantasies up and they seek to destroy it hence the madonna-whore complex. Males are CRINGE the end.
No. 2267108
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>>2267098This is very true. Maybe not for all families, but for way too many. It's scarily normalized that people won't think it's weird for a guy to be detached from his kids just because he's married to their mom and didn't leave them. They're in the household, but they're not in the family, and that's sad. It's sad that even at their "best", fathers are widely still useless. The only reason why children from single fathers don't get fucked up as bad as kids raised by single mothers is actually because single fathers get new girlfriends or their own moms to do the actual raising FOR him. Reposted because of a bad typo.
No. 2267117
>>2267098A bad dad creates:
-A sore loser
-A quitter
-A fatass
-An inability to be a team player
These are all extremely important things in life that will shape a child's future
>>2267097It's just bloody discourse. Mom's effort towards hygiene and healthy meals are just as important as dad's efforts towards physical fitness and competitive spirit
Yes, there is a division of labour. Historically, it's been a good thing. If you think otherwise, bake your own bread and make your own mobile phone
No. 2267118
>>2267100>but it’s clear that males don’t have to be attractive to have their genes passed on and this will never change.NTA, but this falls apart when you remember we don't live in the fucking stone age anymore. Men can't reproduce by hitting women in the head with rocks and dragging them home, or saying "I will protect you from the men who will do that. In exchange, you bear my children".
"Muh protection and provision" is irrelevant in a world of laws, guns and technology. As societies improve, fewer women are in a survival mindset, so they're seeking out partners who actually have appealing traits. For example, Nordic countries have higher rates of gender equality. As a result, most women marry and reproduce men closer to their own age. The opposite pattern can be observed in countries with lower gender equality.
I'm not saying this means "men good now", I'm saying women do have a degree of choice and their own preferences, which they select/gatekeep for.
No. 2267121
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>>2267108> The only reason why children from single fathers don't get fucked up as bad as kids raised by single mothersThey do though.
No. 2267140
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>>2267121You know what? Yeah. Can we throw military brats into the category of "children most likely to turn out fucked up in some way" too?
No. 2267154
>>2267140well her father is a
war criminal so its no wonder she turned out like that
No. 2267160
>>2267137The labeling is the discourse
>making sure the children are fed and get to school on timeUh, fathers do this all the time
Just like mothers play with their children too
>Do you think that you can separate those subjects? Yes, who does the most unpaid labour is an issue whether a couple has kids or not
No. 2267166
>>2267162What's not all men about it?
Not all men are like your father?
No. 2267168
>>2266984Women are more suspectable to hormonal and thyroid issues, which makes it extremely difficult to maintain healthy weights unless properly medicated. And what do doctors do to women that complain about difficulties losing weight? They just treat them like they're all idiots who haven't figured out 2012 Tumblr pro ana advice and put them on (I shit you not) 400-800 cal diets then also complain when malnourishment happens.
Not only are these conditions in men rarer, but men with those conditions almost instantly get any treatment they need, aren't treated like morons by doctors, no one expects them to force anemia and other deficiencies on themselves
No. 2267208
>>2267176So your dad is "not all men"
Then why the comment on my post
What logic is
that No. 2267226
>>2267117> Yes, there is a division of labour. Historically, it's been a good thing.Aka men exploiting women on all grounds while they largely benefit from it. The division of labour is grossly unfair, it’s women who do 80% while men barely do 20% both in the household and children, at least before they used to support with their income (although it was shitty because women depended on their husband and had no other choice but be trapped), but now , not only you’re expected to still do all this, but you’re also supposed to work and do 50\50 too kek.
Households where women are also working don’t have that big of a division regarding household chores and raising children, women are still the ones doing everything, while husbands sit on their ass wondering why their wives never want to have sex. Marriage is a scam for women and it literally shackles them.
The only scenario where marrying might be actually nice is if you’re with a man that truly loves you , respects you and grows with you through the years and where you truly divide labor, but a man like that probably lives in Mars.
No. 2267232
>>2267226>The division of labour is grossly unfairYou can argue that the division of labour is a bad concept in general when you post from a phone you put together yourself from the resources you mined and refined yourself
The rest of your musings have nothing to do with my original post
No. 2267234
>>2267160You don’t get it nonna, behind those fathers are mother micromanaging these retards. Even the so called “good fathers” who get praised to hell and ass kissed for …taking care of their offspring still have a woman behind their back.
Men can’t do shit. Who’s telling him that Michael’s teacher is not going to be there in the first period? Who is making Michael’s bag every night? Who is in the group chat? Who is reminding him to take Michael to his friend’s birthday? Who is making and wrapping Christmas gifts and hosting Christmas or new year’s? Even when you pick a good example of a man he’s still a fucking leech.
No. 2267238
>>2267232Are you actually retarded kek? You are making shitty points so you resort to
>but your phone! Comes from the exploitation of mine workers in Africa!!We are talking about family, heterosexual relationships, wrap it up and come up with a better argument or shut the fuck up.
No. 2267251
>>2267244Oh my good we’re not talking about your family retard, we’re taking about the structure of families as a general. Are you not able to argument a point without having to first make it about yourself kek?
>but muh father>muh family!1!!I could probably store some groceries in that empty head of yours.
No. 2267267
>>2267255Your eloquent reply made me stop loving and respecting my father and start loving and respecting anonymous poster #2267255
I will furthermore only look up to you to advice and guidance in life
No. 2267269
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If your red hair is darker/browner than this you don't have red hair, you just have warm toned brown hair
No. 2267356
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Fortnite is so much fun, even on my own. There's a lot of skins I like, but I don't buy because poorfag. I have been gifted quite a lot from friends and my brother and I am so greatful for them all. Picrel is my first skin I grew to love, she seems quite unpopular even among fortnite autists, it makes me a little sad but I'm glad she hasn't been tainted by fandom retardation. I used to equip her skin, backbling, pickaxe and loading screen religiously because at the time Fortnite skins were pretty ass, they still kind of are but I have a few more options now. I don't love every update or map, but some are really special. Primal was my favourite season.
No. 2267615
>>2265245It's difficult to find a smoker or alcoholic who doesn't know that they're fucking up their body and especially one that treats it like some sort of health nut thing. Two of those are also physical addictions, unlike milk.
Anorexics though are likely to buy into the raw milk thing because food poisoning is cheaper than laxatives and will kill their appetite kek
No. 2267843
>>2267725According to your logic then women with flat butts and flat chests are the biggest pick mes kek? Your logic makes little to no sense.
You can’t know what they feel because you never experienced it so it isn’t really your place to talk. I hope your boobs continue giving you excruciating back pain in the meantime.
No. 2267849
>>2267843>According to your logic then women with flat butts and flat chests are the biggest pick mesHow did you even conclude that from her original message? Not every single woman with a flat butt or a flat chest even wants those to be bigger.
>You can’t know what they feel because you never experienced it so it isn’t really your place to talk.And what kind of "experience" would lead someone to want bigger breasts? Curious.
No. 2267858
>>2267850You’re always so damn condescending I swear.
>but having big breast is so bad! You would never wish to have them! You’re so lucky!! >nobody hates tiny breasts Again you know shit about having a flat chest and being a literal AA cup so shut the fuck up.
No. 2267865
>>2267858There is no special deep backstory that justifies thinking big tiddy superior and perfect and flat chest oppressed inferior serfs of womankind.
Women with saggy breasts are treated worse on a social level than flat-chested women, but you rarely see them reeing at perky-breasted women the way some of you guys do to large-breasted women. At the end of the day, they're all just tits.
No. 2267874
>>2267865Samefag. In fact, I've seen more women with flat chest angst they can't let go of doing the most to shame and laugh at women whose breasts are actually considered out of the norm in some way (eg "oddly" shaped, different sizes, pointing downward/saggy, etc). This is like a female version of the Napoleon complex, it makes you
toxic and a pain to be around for other women. Surgery addicts and female porn addicts do the same shit, too. Stop the pickme shit.
No. 2267917
>>2267843>According to your logic then women with flat butts and flat chests are the biggest pick mesAyrt and no. I’ve met plenty of women who have a flat butt and chest who weren’t interested in surgeries and stuff like that, but usually these ones were either celibate or bi/les. It’s just a pattern that I have noticed from my experiences, the other women who were interested in dating moids or date them always told me “I wish I had boobs like yours”, something that gave me the impression that I wrote in my original post. Also, I have a flat ass too and never wanted a bbl kek.
>You can’t know what they feel because you never experienced it so it isn’t really your place to talk.Neither they know how I feel and that’s fairly normal, best we can do is share our experiences and state opinions on things.
> I hope your boobs continue giving you excruciating back pain in the meantime.I understand your frustration in a way, but did someone piss in your morning coffee in order to say that?
No. 2267919
>>2267908That is true, I agree. I just think society was somewhat better when white trash had the fear of god in them. We can't justify it due to the problems it brings women but we need something for people too stupid to listen to reason.
>>2267914The person I was imagining is ironically closer to a redneck but that works too.
No. 2267934
>>2267919"Fear of god" never stopped anyone from doing bad things. Like another nona said, some of the most violent moids are religious.
Trash take anyway, you sound like a 14 year old edgelord.
No. 2268075
>>2268053People with this mentality always have the biggest
victim complexes I swear…
No. 2268085
>>2268075The only person irl who told me I had "
victim complex" was my narcissistic mother who tried to kill me, but ok
No. 2268100
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madison beer is prettier than megan fox ever was
No. 2268224
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Head and shoulders is such a supreme shampoo. I have chest length straight hair and no Asian or overpriced shampoo/conditioner has made my hair so silky and smell like the powder of hubba bubba like head and shoulders eucalyptus 2 in 1
No. 2268296
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>>2268224I use dove but I've been wanting to get mine silkier. I will see what this does. How long did it take for you to notice?
No. 2268305
>>2268053i can't say the same thing you said out loud in public because people always get pissed off when i call this out in them, but its true. i think we as human beings need to come to terms with the fact that we, perhaps on a subconscious level that we aren't realizing most of the time, tend to praise sociopathic behaviors and even feel more attracted to them more than kind, healthy and well-adjusted people. i think so many people, myself included, are so deeply traumatized that we find healthy people boring and so sometimes we end up just mistreating them out of frustration or something. that only shitty people can make people feel safe because it's familiar and what most of us grew up with.
but again, can't say it out loud because people like
>>2268075 just end up getting into their feelings and start to deflect it back to you instead of maybe realizing that there might be some truth to the statements above, even if it sounds rude.
No. 2268317
>>2268311i hear a scalp scrub with apple cider vinegar rinsing can help a lot with
problematic scalps. i have 3a hair so no way am i able to enjoy popular shampoos that straight haired people can kek so i hear you.
No. 2268485
>>2267226If you are unemployed, have no job, no expertise, no intelligence or education you'll be seen as worthless. Producing children is seen as a occupation since they can be taxed by the economy eventually but till then its a drag on neo-liberal society. "Homemaking" is not a job and maternity leave exists in nearly all developed economies to aid with child rearing and recovery due to its economic eventual incentive, not for the good of actual women but ultimately homemaking is recognized as virtual unemployment.
>>2267091How do you consolidate the thought of comparing celibacy to being unable to control fucking? This is the logic of rapists. Does the same logic apply to men too?
No. 2269095
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>>2268921>Red is the colour of pickmes and basicityTake that the fuck back
No. 2269168
>>2269121Thought I was the only one. Why is this? Men
never hit on me but so many women get crushes on me! Why?? I can’t have a close female friendship without eventually finding out they like or liked me. And the strangers that hit on me are female kek
No. 2269190
>>2269168Suffering from success, I wish this was me.
Nonna what do you look like? What’s your style? Tell me your secret I beg you.
No. 2269202
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>>2268921Nonna I have a favorite red wool sweater, it’s so cozy and warm. I have a pair of heeled ballerinas which are very cute, I have a red bag too and cherry earrings. I’ll put all of them in your honor , along with some red lipstick kek.
No. 2269205
>>2269161Staking isn’t lurking on social media, that’s just snooping. Or visiting the places where your crush usually spends time in.
Real stalking is actually harmful and ruin
victims’life though.
No. 2269218
>>2269161a lot of stalking cases end in the
victim being murdered anon
No. 2269254
>>2269229Incorrect. If I DuckDuckGo "parakeet," I will be shown images of parakeets, but the image isn't real. It's only on my screen. A sort of facsimile of reality. In this same way, moids can
appear to have souls and emotions, but it's only charlatanism and deceit. Not all that glitters is gold. Don't let the poets and the song-writers deceive you.
>This is why “imagine if it was your daughter, wife, mother” makes them actually think for a little bit kek.That line makes them "think" (again, men are incapable of serious thought) because they view women as property. I.e., "what if it was YOUR car that got smashed?" They don't have the theory of mind or the spiritual capacity for empathy. In their mind, they're more concerned about how the abuse of their daughter, wife, or mother, would inconvenience them or bring them shame.
No. 2269322
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>>2269266>their phallus is telling them to rape everything that moves.This made me chuckle so much that I had to draw it kek.
No. 2269363
>>2269190I'm the other anon, and I just look plain. I have black, shoulder-length hair and just wear hoodies and jeans. Maybe it's my awesome personality.
>>2269227Wasn't a fashion thing for me personally, I spent the 18 years of my life in school uniform to the point I'd even hang around in town wearing my uniform because I couldn't be arsed to go home and change.
And then I'd even wear the PE uniform at home kek…I didn't own much clothes back then. I don't know how this happens but I'm glad, makes my life easier since I'm attracted to women and don't give a fuck about moids.
No. 2269453
>>2269435Well not everyone has good taste, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
>>2269437I'm proud to be Latina and you're MAGA republican propaganda and Insults will never bring me down. I stand with MY president Camilla Harris.
No. 2269489
>>2269202Oh no you're gonna own me by having the taste of a horny, low iq moid. What's next? Some sexy secretary glasses and thigh highs?
>>2269208That's subtractive color sweatie. The real primary colors are RGB because they're what our eyes are sensitive to.
>>2269187>>2269100You don't have blue or green or yellow fingernails either but that doesn't stop those from being some of the most popular colors for nail polish.
No. 2269819
>>2269413pears are ok raw but are sooo good cooked. you should poach them
No. 2270079
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I was never able to get into Mayim Bialik
No. 2270295
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Dancing on my own by Robyn is one of the worst songs I've ever heard and I will never ever understand why it is popular to the point of people calling it a masterpiece. I feel like I'm being gaslit by everyone I know. Robyn's voice is extremely grating, how is it that most people actually LIKE this? I can't stand her music in general, but this song is especially bad, because it gets played everywhere. The lyrics are bland, the melody is boring and her voice is the rotten cherry on top of this trash pile of a song.
No. 2270300
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>>2270295she looks like team chin
No. 2270310
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>>2270300lol it will never not be funny to me how uncontrollably horny men are. there is a professor in my university who openly had hentai games, nay, THREE hentai games open on his steam at once when he was livestreaming his lecture and he alt+tabbed. filthy. he also looks exactly like hagrid but without the height, just fat and extremely hairy
No. 2270421
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Ashley Trevino isn't that ugly, I know she's a cow or whatever but people dog on her way too much when really she just looks like someone's tia, and I saw a video of that fat retard Lalo talking about her, he needs to shut the fuck up he is fat
No. 2270444
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This thread is going to become lesbophobia central.
No. 2270537
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Cars/trucks should have a regulated maximum height for headlight placement. And legal consequences if someone jacks their truck up too high and surpasses the height maximum.
No. 2270539
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>>2270476No one likes your boy toddler porn, stop derailing every thread with your fujo retardism
(fujosperging outside of containment) No. 2270659
>>2270631Sex is basically in every song, it’s impossible to shield yourself from it at this point.
But I’d say that she can be quite explicit in some parts of her shows, especially when she does send positions in the song “Juno”, she isn’t kid friendly. I’d rather my daughter go to an Olivia Rodrigo’s show kek.
No. 2270854
>>2268626I was with you until
>>i can have my pussy ate by a 10/10 whoreis so scrote brained and disgusting, i hope you aren't really exploiting trafficked women like this. Paying for sex is not a flex, it's what losers do.
No. 2270863
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I can’t stand and don’t appreciate this wave of ultra old film remakes. Why can’t anyone write their own story? We do not need the 50th remake of Nosferatu or Frankenstein.
No. 2270882
>>2270631I kind of agree. I was a pretty sheltered kid growing up but for some reason I was still allowed to listen to whatever music I wanted. I was still a sheltered virgin as a teenager but I loved songs about sex and hard shit that was completely over my head at the time but I guess I felt cool listening to it. Some of my favorites songs were stuff like what's your fantasy by ludacris KEK but it didn't really affect me in anyway, kids just want to feel edgy and then grow out of it.
I do agree about taking kids to explicit shows where they're acting out sex positions is a little different than just listening to the music.
No. 2270997
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Charlie Wright wasn't that bad as Rodrick Heffley.
No. 2271031
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>>2270631Okay. Teenagers can listen to whatever they want, because it's hard to escape "adult" themes in music. But can we all unanimously agree that we would still feel disappointed if we had teenagers who unironically like Sexyy Red or XXXTentacion?
No. 2271182
>>2270997Death threats for a movie role is insane.
No. 2271219
>>2271215Like vanilla gets shitted on by weirdos who can’t cum without being called sluts of being slapped and or chocked at the same time. But there’s nothing more top tier than equally pleasing your partner and receiving the same kind of love and reassurance.
I’d rather make love as cheesy as it sounds than getting tied up and beaten up while being called a “slut”.
No. 2271252
>>2271153No joke, anything except the femdom posts on here
which I'm not really into but is still based just gives me very strong pickme/tryhard insecure vibes. Like, why does every BDSM practitioner go out of their way to tell everybody kek. They think the rest of us are scandalised and pearl-clutching about their sooper illicit sex lives, but really we can just feel the desperate thirst for attention, and the mixture of pity and amusement makes us uncomfortable kek
No. 2271273
>>2271257I say bring back mental asylums but I’d be crucified and told that I’m an eugenist and shut kek, some people are way too dangerous to be left out of society.
If your voices tell you to kill people then killing you first is just saving resources.
No. 2271320
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I like the new Jaguar logo. The ad they posted introducing it was impressive. I understand the direction they’re going. It’s not just another minimalist corporate rebrand. They’re aiming for a distinctive, high-fashion, editorial look, which is a bold choice for cars. Plus, Jaguar as we knew it had seriously lost its appeal, at least in the US, so I don't know what people are pearl clutching over.
No. 2271365
>>2271350Agreed. Also these people are not in any way safe on the streets left to be abused by other crazies. Asylums can be reformed and properly funded. Other countries have them operating just fine.
I will say tho that no country has even a fraction of the amount of drug users and drug induced schizophrenia as USA does so that is its own unique problem.
No. 2271384
>>2271378Do you think we are still living in the 1960s
nonnie? Just wondering. It’s not like there has been huge reforms in medicine every decade to maximize patient welfare or anything.
No. 2271395
>>2271384Read the news
>patient welfareLol…ask yourself what kinds of people become psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, etc and look at their children
No. 2271405
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>>2271403you never wore on of these bad boys i see
No. 2271455
>>2271384encouraging you to check yourself in sometime and see for yourself how far those reforms in medicine have taken us
nonny. modern day psych wards in my country are hellscapes not too dissimilar to the ones in the 1960s and people around here can be committed to a mandatory 72 hour "observation period" if there is a signed warrant, the person being considered for hold doesn't even need to be present or meet the judge signing the warrant. medication can be force-administered during this observation period. for every unstable violent moid that gets caught in this system, there are multiple traumatized women whose only crime is that they were battered by their nigel and have been browbeaten into thinking they're the crazy ones, or have nowhere else to go. rape is endemic on these wards and female patients are routinely targeted by both staff and male patients.
No. 2271509
I don't like incel terminology and its derivatives (aka: moid) not for any kind of ideological purity reason but simply because it makes us seem unoriginal.
>>2271500>No object of attractionSpeak for yourself
No. 2271512
>>2271509You're right. We need our own original terminology for males that aren't just genderbent incel terms
much as I love saying scrote. Any suggestions?
No. 2271524
>>2271517Scrote is our version of
roastie. Honestly it's barely comparable considering ours is just a shortened name for an actual medical term and theirs is a pathetic attempt at slut-shaming, but XYs gonna XY.
No. 2271665
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Nuclear apocalypse fearmongerers/yearners are the biggest retards ever and I say that as a certified nuclear war schizo. You should not be allowed to doompost about nukes if you don't even know what a Bq is. Here's some very surface level issues with the whole "omgz if a couple nukes drop its gonna be like fallout! and/or everyone will immediately be vaporised!";
>any country threatening nuclear attack always mean that they're threatening to use tactical nukes- small nukes or missiles equipped with warheads that range from 0.2 to 50 kilotons, for reference Hiroshima was 15KT (this being an area of mostly wooden houses too with zero preparation or prior knowledge). These are designed to be used inside the country firing them if need be
>comparatively, strategic nukes are far larger and can be up to a megaton, these aren't actually supposed to be used beyond a country saying "do what I want or I'll fuck you up!" and even tactial nukes are used like this and basically never used either
>how many nuke tests has the US done its own backyard? inb4 "erm they did it in the desert so obviously it didn't hurt anyone", flat surfaces with no buildings increase the blast and fallout zone by at least ten times and high levels of radiation causes precipitation which allows fallout to be carried and dropped on places hundreds of kilometres away via rainfall, look at the Upshot Knothole Simon test for reference. Anyways, the upper east coast of the US isn't a toxic wasteland filled with those mutant dogs from S.T.A.L.K.E.R because of that.
>fallout particles dramatically reduce in radioactivity after 48-72 hours depending on the weather to almost safe levels, the dangerous fallout zone disappears within 24 hours and the hot zone (areas of increased but sometimes negligible amounts of fallout) becomes completely restricted to the severely damaged part of the blast zone after 14 days, if you're down wind during this 48 hour time period you just have to stay inside if it's safe to do so and make sure no fallout gets in and you'll be completely fine
>the long term effects on the environment are nothing like Chernobyl, if a nuke was like getting stabbed in the leg (still life threatening and dangerous) Chernobyl is like one of those gangrenous wounds diabetics get that never heal
>Bikini Atoll is also incomparable
>also if a big enough nuke gets dropped to cover the entire world in dangerous levels of fallout (highly unlikely and improbable) only a teeny tiny portion of the world would get vaporised, everyone else will die horribly slowly of ARS as it takes several weeks, months or even years to kill you, not so romantic as those songs is it?
Obviously any nuclear action made by a country is fucking horrible, there's a reason why I'm a nuke schizo, but I'd be more worried about climate change causing huge floods and fires around nuclear power plants that will absolutely destroy the surrounding area and beyond if that causes a leak.
No. 2271700
>>2271684Youre no
nonnie of mine hell you dont even deserve to be called a anon
No. 2271782
>>2271736Ayrt, I'm also sorry you're very assmad I wrote my post in a kind of silly way, since I was in a good mood. I was also being sincere. I do hope some of your disgust is alleviated by the knowledge that myself and other anons like to use
nonnie, nona, and
nonny because we are speaking affectionately towards our fellow women, which includes you.
You seem genuinely cranky, and I hope you feel better after you take a nap or maybe have a snack. I keep a little chocolate around in case I'm grumpy, so maybe candy or a fruit would help you feel better. Wishing you all the best,
No. 2271839
>>2271740Oh my god why did you remind me. Yeah that was so retarded, it was genuinely the tranny janny discord laughing to themselves about how funny they were.
>>2271782Ok I am sorry too, I just really can't stand overly cutesy silly nicknames. Just reminds me of how people call you "sweety" but don't mean it. Same reason I can't stand kiwis culture.
No. 2271897
>>2271839Thats fair, anon. I get where you're coming from, my personal pet peeve is "sweetheart". I've only been called nona/
nonny in positive interactions with anons on this site, so I guess I know they meant it?
Imagine some deranged anon begrudgingly saying they hoped I had a good day through gritted teeth KEK
No. 2271965
I don’t hate women for criticizing their poor choices. You’re not a robot, you’re not a child, so why do you still want excuses for fucking hideous, terrible men and keeping the patriarchy afloat by giving them babies and males reasons to live by speaking life into them? These same women will never admit what they feel and think deep down, that males are not horrible and that the one that has finally figured out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing should negate all of the global horrible shit they’ve done and still do as an oppressive class. Ridiculous as fuck how much people can’t handle my amount of truth-telling, it makes me want to bite down on sheet metal and chew it with the amount of rage other women give me. You can’t even have honest to god conversations anymore, it’s either you support their retardation or just don’t even attempt to have female friendships. No I will not support you and don’t have to, women in relationships/children/married are the most selfish, entitled, spoiled pieces of shit and their pet nigel is honest to god even worse and enables their behavior because “she’s mah kween!!!!!” no she’s your bangmaid and you’re lucky you wrrr able to trap some trauma bonded naive retarded woman to do the bare minimum that even smaller mammals know how to do (cats who know how to clean themselves and cavemen who knew to bang two sticks together to make a fire for warmth and cooking but somehow males can’t figure this innate shit easily? even more proof they’re genetically disabled beings we treat as normal). Two peas in a pod, you both belong with each other and that’s why these women will hopelessly defend them until they’re dead. The /g/ board is enough to give you a heart attack honestly, I quickly graduated from using most of the male-oriented threads because that’s basically what it is now and honestly it’s entire website is moid-central. The questions will always be
>how do I get a male?
He fucks anything. Males who are put into prison rape other males because males create myths of romance and marriage to trap women for emotional/financial labor and breeder entitlements.
>how do we make males look good?
Males don’t have to look good, it’s clear as day most of you flick your shit because you have hypersexuality from childhood trauma and are obviously personality disordered. You are craving sex and relationships because your body is craving something else but you keep wanting the bad food that you think is nourishment, just realize that. If males were required to look good women would seek them out as such but it’s biologically driven in them to obviously not care about the character, appearance and financial stability of the scrotes they fuck and cohabitate themselves with, they are living on the most fragile lie of protection and again breeder entitlements.
>my nigel invades my personal space, evades my boundaries, humiliates me but i will post this in the advice thread because i have no intention to break out of this because i lack self-worth and have deep fears of being alone
Self-explanatory. Their nigelfaggotry is an infection that spreads like a disease and if you bring up this infection you’ll be bombarded with insults, gaslighting and insane levels of hypocrisy. It doesn’t matter if you shove the word “moid” in your little posts, this website really isn’t for women because if it were there would be zero mention of males unless they’re lolcows being made fun of. It would be focused on the betterment of woman but it’s not and then people are like “why don’t you do it?” ah yes because that’s how you make change, one individual decides to stand up which isn’t true at all, one individual can’t change jack shit and these retards who tell me this know this. It’s all about telling you to get yourself infected by this dangerous disease and gives you harm-reductive bandaids that don’t really tell you how to truly fix it. We tell women to go out there and get infected and it’s truly disgusting as shit.
They’ve subverted things so much that I am the asshole for speaking about reality and these people have a point!! Ah yes call me a femcel for the millionth time for stating facts, you’re so smart! Femcels don’t exist because use the same formula you brain broken bitches, men will fuck just about anything and their standards will always be very low, so that says lots about you than that says anything about me who knows to logically stay away from something that by design never had good intentions for me as a woman. It makes me laugh whenever they call other women who criticize the system “misogynistic”, I’m not and will never be as damaging as males with their misogyny. Saying words apparently amounts for the same level of male rape, male spousal abuse, economic disparity and discrimination, control, etc. that just proves how disconnected to reality nigelfags are.
No. 2272000
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It's so cringe when anons try to neg others for no discernible reason. I don't think this site should be a hugbox, but I really do think that unwarranted negging should be greeted with a redtext. Part of the reason /ot/ went to shit was because farmhands got too lazy and lax with banning losers like this. Too many high schoolers finding this place on TikTok and using it to LARP being Regina George because they think that's what IBs are all about. Next Hellweek can't come soon enough. This time, I hope they disable VPN posting for the entire duration, just so we can see how the site would really be like without the schizos that bait and infight with each other from 20 different VPNs.
No. 2272031
>>2271500People are taking it too literally, but I understand exactly what you mean. Many women look at themselves through the male gaze, to the point where their sexuality almost mimics a man's. This is to say, both MTF's and many woman's sexualities are almost entirely artificial and revolve around performing femininity to appear as sexy and fuckable as possible. It's not just the idea of feeling desired by your partner (this is normal), but rather the idea of objectifying yourself into being a walking sex toy.
>>2272006>>2272011Ok, but plenty of women fetishize being knocked up/getting pregnant. Why do you think "breeding" is such a common kink? It's the same degeneracy as maleshit. And no, I'm not talking about the natural drive to want to have a baby and start a family, I'm talking about all the woman who fetishize getting knocked up and dominated by inferior scrotes. That's not natural female sexuality.
No. 2272075
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>>2271684Be my
nonnieBe my everythinnnggg
No. 2272144
>>2271500I see what you mean, but it's not AGP, just incredibly close, and it's not all women's sexuality, but a specific type of pickme (which is quite common and often encouraged, unfortunately). It's a strange meta attraction/sexual narcissism based on wanting to feel hyperfeminine/small/desirable so intensely that they date the ugliest, fattest motherfuckers just to look dainty near them. What sets it apart from AGP is that not only is it pushed within female socialization to be seen as "the object", those women don't get turned on by, say, wearing a pretty dress, looking in the mirror and thinking shit like "I'm a woman"/"I'm a sissy failmale". They specifically need someone to feel small next to, think about how they look to that person, etc.
A lot of it has to do with porn, because in the case of both trannies and women, porn shows them that being degraded (by having sex with an ugly bastard) and/or being a whore makes them more attractive. A lot of women view their attractiveness as a value relative to the ugliness of their mate (like Shoe0nHead or certain Twitter e-girl types feeling like they are 6/10, but thinking themselves more attractive dating a 3/10).
No. 2272286
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>>2272281are you okay bro
No. 2272426
Reminder that breeders and nigelfags are attracted to rapists, which are men, are attracted to beast fuckers, which are men, are attracted to corpse fuckers, which are men, are attracted to those who rape prostitutes and cal that rape “important sex work”, which are men, abuse the women around them, which are men, have sex with men with lackluster hygiene, which are men, commit atrocities every day, which are men, knock up women and dash, which are men, and masturbate to just about anything and watch porn, which are men. I don’t give a shit what nigelfaggots want and demand, you have zero standards, just like the males you gravitate to. I don’t disagree with nigelfaggots in the slightest, you’re meant to be a mirror or counterpart to males, you aid and abet their shit nearly every goddamn day and let them get away with being the ugliest, most heinous disgusting monsters while women who dare speak their mind are somehow on the level of rapists, capitalist and corpse fuckers? Yeah, nah, yasss kweeen you go girl!!!!!! Your choice!!!!!! By that logic just let the trannies run around, just let males run around, because it’s also their choice to encase your spaces, expose your children to unsightly things and rape the earth of all its resources. This is so fucking annoying, I will never be on the level of a male misogynist. A woman like Lauren Southern, which I’m not similar to at all but using an example will never be the on the same threat level as a male.(blackpill outside of containment)
No. 2272432
>>2272422It really does make you a breeder, because compared to the Mother Goddess type feminists crying about how motherhood and pregnancy is beautiful I think most people living in reality acknowledge you’re tied to the scrote and his little pets for life. When a woman decides to have a child and have a family which are scams created by society, her personhood takes a backseat, it’s a serious contractual agreement and commitment that faggots like you go around thinking it was born out of love when it’s mostly born out of necessity to survive which doesn’t always uphold abstract values like love, truth, etc. so it completely contradicts the very ideals behind the creation of societies and civilizations and basic human functioning. If humans were meant to be biologically driven to reproduce to create families then they would have the biological advantage/ability to be
good parents, they would actually care and give a shit about the child enough (give enough investment to the offspring for it to actually succeed) to make them someone who wouldn’t make the world a shit place. The very fact the world isn’t a good place, most people are shit parents and that people breed for sport means humans are not inclined towards reproduction, it’s being artificially pressured by outside forces to continue the breeding meat machine. It’s not biologically advantageous to have a child and a family, women do it because if they don’t they’ll have to struggle with the rest of the oppressed women out there getting the very few jobs and resources available and by becoming a certified breeder you get more entitlements than single, childfree women and more status to shove into single women who have just about everything to lose in this world. Being a single, childless woman is not abundant, breeder women are everywhere and quick to call women who don’t want to become society’s slave “jealous” for logically seeing how you shouldn’t just say yes to your own enslavement. Compared to what people are saying that it’s “TOO EXPENSIVE TO HAVE A CHILD!!!!” they are wrong and probably sheltered as fuck, poor people shit out children despite being poor because there are fuck loads of benefits they can apply for and have a much higher chance of getting compared to say, a single disabled person. Even with middle class people they shit out children for those sweet tax/financial benefits and status. For the higher class people it’s to prevent their power from trickling down to the lower classes and keeping it concentrated through their own system by making it bloodline exclusive. Families and children are not created out of love, they are used as tools to survive.
No. 2272441
>>2272428>>2272431This is the unpopular opinions thread, why are you malding at unpopular opinions?
>If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.Let her speak!
No. 2272468
>>2272441I nominate this random anon as a new moderator
No. 2272484
>>2272480NTA but
>You’d die in childbirth because you’re a loser and a retard!!! Come on anon kek let’s cut the shit
No. 2272488
>>2272474It’s almost like it’s a petty popular topic because it’s related to womanhood. This isn’t ragebait, this is the truth. Mass report faggots are the ones who need to leave the thread if they seriously can’t handle
unpopular opinions but I guess the retarded moderators seriously believe every single report they get is to be taken seriously
No. 2272528
>>2272524Oh no no no nonna. I don’t think you have psychiatric issues
because you choose to refuse motherhood. I think that the words you’re saying, the way you’re describing motherhood itself, and the descriptors you use to talk about moms kind of indicates that you could’ve been a
victim of some kind of emotional abuse at the hands of your parents which I hope you do receive help for.
No. 2272532
>>2272525NTA but god
damn anon you held nothing back.
No. 2272539
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Very few humans should actually be reproducing. There's too much horrible genetic stock going around.
Anti-natalism is a good thing and it should be spread to many parts of the world, especially the global south. The only people who really disagree are low-quality humans who think society should have to shoulder the burden of their bad decisions and that they should be praised for it. Find a real meaning to life, faggot.
No. 2272543
>>2272529I don't hate the concept of motherhood, but I do agree that the scariness of becoming a mom isn't taught enough in schools. At least not in American ones. Instead of making teenagers watch easy birth videos on YouTube, teachers need to be talking about the fact that your vagina can fucking prolapse and your actual uterus can
fall out.
No. 2272547
>>2272542I didn’t need to be brainwashed by anything to be mesmerized by what my own body can create
nonny. Myself and own children went from being smaller than the size of a penny to being actual human beings. I think it’s really magical.
No. 2272579
>>2272557They’re always dumb and somehow think they know better than their own children. It’s the truth, I mean seriously so much mothers think they get some magical ability like Sailor Moon where they get transformed into some wise healer goddess meanwhile their children are spamming racial slurs online, watching Sneako and other various forms of brainrot, failing their classes and doing drugs behind their back. And don’t even say this is a minority of parents, this is like the grand majority of parents becauss there are no laws or social pressure to have parents actually parent their children, they already have the media, school and community to raise their little tards for them. Mothers are absolutely clueless and don’t even get me started on the fathers, they’re basically backdrop characters that only matter when you need to get his money because the mother decided having children is more important than having skills and a personality. If a single woman can knit, cook, clean, then there’s no merit or talent to being a mother, there’s no requirements or qualifications for being a mother like there is for a job or to join the Olympics. Being a mother is the most bare minimum, basic, bottom of the barrel thing that most women should reject and daughters should refuse to continue. Most women need to learn to be single
No. 2272582
>>2272557Nta, sure, there are a lot of smart and good mothers. But there are also mothers who are junkies,
abusive, ghetto, etc. do you respect them too?
No. 2272624
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No. 2272762
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Men should be slut-shamed.
No. 2272806
>>2272787hello miss
nonnie, nayrt, but im really sorry you went through that and had abuse progress into further mental and bodily pain. i hope you are ok now. i was not sexually abused but sexualised, and remember feeling disgusted at developing a woman's body, and wanting to hide. i hope you feel safe in your body now, i do forget that SA can cause things like anorexia.
No. 2272860
>>2272835Ironically single dads are a way worse deal than single moms. Single dads are always looking for a replacement mommy because he doesn't want to take care of his own kids. Then this poor naive woman has to raise his kids, wipe his ass, and probably will be considered the evil step mother as a reward.
Single moms are used to being self sufficient, are so stigmatised and criticised that many will settle for less with zero expectations that he helps with childcare or chores. And yet moids act like single moms are the devil for daring to want a partner at all.
I've read through the step parents sub and it's fucking eye opening. NEVER date a single dad anons, you will get fucked over for sure.
No. 2272872
>>2272840I personally wouldn't argue that they are ugly. Anons here will find an excuse for an attractive person being ugly if they hate them as people and honestly, they are
valid for it kek.
No. 2272873
>>2272860I agree and they always get coddled when they don’t do shit. Most dads don’t even raise their children and they get their ass kissed for doing the bare minimum.
Single moms deserve better.
No. 2272998
>>2272474Ayrt. Look. I get your frustration. I am just as sick of all the infighting from the past few days. It's retarded, it's annoying, it shits up threads.
But what would have happened if she posted her unhinged screed and nobody responded? No infighting would have happened! It takes more than one anon to infight.
And btw you can report BOTH sides of the infight, not just the person who started it. You can also report people for responding to bait. Do your part: report and don't engage! Ask for help in /meta/ if it gets out of control.
No. 2273085
>>2273071Why are they gross, we’ve been psyoped to think that.
They’de normal, neutral, virtually everyone has them, they’re called striae distensae in the medical term and they’re physiological.
No. 2273211
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>>2273180>There are literally women who have murdered their daughters for a bf.That is almost exactly the point I was trying to make here.
>>>/ot/2272596I hate scrotes and I think they're the worse gender, but I honestly kek when I see anons glorifying "women's nature" and even reproductive abilities as "magical" or as something that puts a woman into an intellectual or moral category of being "good". Like you said, there are women who give birth to daughters, just to let them be abused from front to back and in all ways by scrotes they allow into their life. There's a surprising amount of stories about women who have their little girls raped to death by their boyfriends. Yet, anons like this
>>>/ot/2272577with their
>"a lot of these opinions are based off the abuse you experienced at the hands of your mothers with again"Unironically dismiss anyone who's simply aware of this reality as angry, angsty abuse
victims who are just mad at their own moms. Keep in mind, this anon jumped to assumptions, as I never even mentioned a single thing about my own childhood. This response reminds me of when scrotes look at women talking about the horrors of rape and go like, "omg were YOU raped? That must be why you're so dramatic about it JC". It's wild to me that anons are really so
fucking blind to how shitty and evil women can actually be, just because scrotes are the more violent and subhuman gender. Sitting here and glorifying women as these flawless beings that are incapable of evil thought and doing anything wrong, and shoving their heads in the sand to dismiss anyone who's simply honest aware of how the world really works.
Then again, a lot of these retards literally don't go outside or even just watch the news.
No. 2273237
>>2273211"You were abused by your mother" is such a stupid dismissal, too. If the person talking is an abuse
victim, it just means they've experienced first hand that women can be evil. Many other women and children have, too.
It also reflects the posters' own low IQ. They're basically projecting the fact that the only way for them to care about something or accept that it's real is if they get their own hand burnt on the stove.
It's like men trying to make "daddy issues" a flaw on women without stopping to consider how many worthless/horrible fathers there are. If you're running into so many women who don't automatically trust other women because they had terrible/
abusive mothers, sisters, etc, try considering that all women aren't flawless, gentle angels? Doesn't mean they're as (directly) violent as men, but we need to be honest about some things in life.
No. 2273244
>>2273211100% agree, a lot of what passes for women's gentler nature is really just over-reliance on social bonding and relationship maintenance, the same reliance that makes them harm other women for the sake of men. And women are capable of being very cruel for reasons that aren't related to pleasing men. You'd think that, being feminists, they'd understand that 'uwu we're just sooo much nicer' bs is extremely gender-conforming and places us (once again) outside of actual humanity, with all its flaws and capacity for harm. You can argue in favor of women on an objective basis, free of interpersonal considerations.
The 'women rape/murder less' point is tired aswell. This makes sense if you're highlighting male violence or pushing back against sex differences denial, making it about 'women good' is pointless. Yeah, no shit, we rape less. We don't have penises and don't have male sexuality. This is like celebrating yourself for being able to walk when you're not disabled.
No. 2273293
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>>2273250>>2273274>>2273286>>2273266You could start by convincing women firstly not to taste semen. Bleak.
(bp sperging outside of containment) No. 2273301
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>>2273295An unpopular opinion of mine is that this sort of shit should be insta banned. On the flip side at least it gives insight into some of the absolute rock bottom pickme anons on this sight. Damn. I'd say stop posting your humiliation kinks publically as it goes against the point of the site as one that's supposed to be making fun of pickmes. There's camwhore thread and yet this exists kek. But in a harrowing way it's kind of informative to see. If you think this is normal casual conversation I've got news for you.
(bp sperging outside of containment) No. 2273312
>>2273305>What thread was that posted in? There should be a containment for shit like this.The current vent thread. I thought I was seeing shit from being sleep deprived kek. My alarms about to go off and I got fuck all sleep and was exposed to pickmes describing tasting semen. great.
>>2273307Cope. The women you know are pickmes. None of my friends or my female family talk like this, not even the males are this degrading and humiliating kek. This is degrading and is not normal conversation for anyone. You don't have have news for me, you have bad news for yourself.
No. 2273314
>>2273310Right now I have a normal job with normal coworkers, the worst they've done was talking about ladyboys and bottom surgery because one of the guys in the office visited a relative in Thailand, but I've heard some horror stories in my previous jobs, all from normie women and a few normie gay and bi men who seemed proud of themselves.
>Also normies can gtfoI avoid them whenever I can but it's easier said than done sometimes.
>>2273312>The women you know are pickmes. None of my friends or my female family talk like thisI wasn't talking about friends and family, but acquaintances and former coworkers. I even refused to continue working in a company because of several of them.
No. 2273319
>>2273314No I mean normies can gtfo this site.
>>2273315Girls did this shit in middle school because they were desperate virgins and they were mean to other girls, we don't need this 13 year old behavior here.
No. 2273342
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>>2273340I thought it was common for adults women to sleep with a stuffed animal. Is it not?
No. 2273346
>>2273340I agree with this
>>2273341Those girls are posers
No. 2273351
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>>2273349Normies ruin everything
No. 2273352
>>2273341I've seen these types too, but they tend to like oversexualized designs as well, when I was saying it was only not weird if it's not those types of designs.
>>2273342I think it's somewhat common, I don't do this myself though despite finding them cute.
No. 2273372
>>2273365>>2273367both sm and ccs have very pedophilic undertones in it. that's because japan fucking sucks in that regard, even if they were written by women the women still had that ingrained in their culture so it reflected in their work. hopefully in the future we can have feminist women writing magical girl and shoujo but so far what we have is
problematic if you stop to analyze it.
>>2273369if you treat anime characters the same way you'd treat a cute mascot like a sanrio character it's innocent and wholesome but a lot of mentally ill women self inserting as sexualized anime children being auto pedo these days.
No. 2273375
>>2273349so you are projecting based on anecdotal evidence got it. I got into anime at like 7 and always liked cute anime girls. But the difference is I liked them for their personalities first and their designs second. For instance, I loved Tohru Honda for her character she was just a sweet girl who was a zodiac cat stan. How can you not love her? Same with characters like Kuronuma which I also loved as a teen. I loved idols like Berryz Koubou, C-ute and Buono and never once did I try to emulate that shit. A lot of you guys have been warped by tik tok's brand of weebs who got into anime during the pandemic or grew up watching anime on streaming services. Those people got into anime for clout chasing reasons. The rest of us got into anime because we were just nerds fr. We are not the same.
>>2273361nta but this is an insane take. K-on got bastardized by racist men. I remember when K-on was airing it was popular among girls because it was super relatable. All those girls did was create a band as an excuse to drink tea and eat sweets after school while still being counted as an extra curricular activity. They were at at an all girls school and never talked about boys and women were heavily involved in the creation of the show. They created it for girls by girls. It could also be because I was their age while it was airing so I experienced HS with the characters. You guys don't watch anime.
No. 2273405
>>2273399I’m 32
>>2273400I’m not saying you shouldn’t like it, I’m just saying most women into that stuff are also degenerate. The key word here is most, I didnt say all.
No. 2273425
>>2273405maybe this is just based on your life experience because again every single woman i have ever met that likes anime have been the complete opposite of degenerates. The most degenerate thing they do is read smut. Maybe talk to women like you?
>>2273410girly anime is definitely bastardized and ruined by scrotes and I am not even just talking sexually. They ruin it by adding their shitty politcs into it. You cannot google K-on without being met with shitty rightwing memes since at least 2016. That is what I am talking about. You dont see Cardcaptor Sakura with a Maga hat because scrotes dgaf about Cardcaptor Sakura….YET
No. 2273457
>>2273443 said, anime and Japanese media fetishizes youth and has normalized lolicon aspects, and in weeb circle kawaii becomes currency, so a lot of the girls into that stuff these days end up emulating it and thinking that the best way to express themselves and participate in the fandom is to embody that because they get desensitized to it.
>>2273453That happened more behind the scenes and weebs are a totally different audience.
No. 2273462
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>>2273452Something doesn’t need to be obnoxiously sexual to be weird. If real preteen/teen girls were dressed and depicted this way you wouldn’t find it weird? This is a official dvd cover of azumanga daioh
No. 2273485
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>>2273477Exactly. What’s the point of drawing a teenage girl with clevage and tan lines?
No. 2273495
>>2273462Why aren't you complaining about normie TikTok trends that encourage hypersexuality in children or encourage shitty stage parents to turn their children into influencers, girls 12 and under going to Sabrina Carpenter concerts, child beauty pageants, etc? Why is this
>>>/ot/2253768 just available on TikTok, which was supposed to be a child-friendly app? The west has its own normalized pedo problems, I can't say I care about Azumanga Daioh or that I'm going to blame it for the pickme problem.
No. 2273509
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>>2273496Is k-on isn’t meant to be pedo bait why are they selling figures like this? I really don’t want to own cutesy dolls of 14 year olds in bikinis
No. 2273517
>>2273509you're too young to understand media that's presented as "for everyone" but in actuality is mostly catered to moids. you grew up in a netflix era where you can choose something specifically made for your audience. when me and most girls my age were watching K-on we did because shoujo manga was barely translated and they all perpetuated the same
toxic garbage anyway. you will never understand.
No. 2273537
>>2273509The people who do the merch are different from the people who write the manga. The merch intent is different from the writer's intent. Merch workers just wanna push any degen shit the can. However k-on was published in a senien (targeting adult moids) and written by a moid so you're right on the money there nonna.
I still like k-on and don't say lazy slaps but it's moid highschool girl fantasy
No. 2273539
>>2273522Okay, I see what the problem is here. And still, i'm almost none of those anons whose points you've referenced. You feel attacked. All I can say if it doesn't apply, let it fly. You can enjoy your cute shows, K-On, Azumanga Daioh or whatever, because that's not what i'm arguing here. I am arguing for the negative influences of most anime that normalizes lolicons or youth fetishization which influences many weeb girls to emulate that and think it's normal and that it's the best way to participate in the fandom or express themselves. There are unhealthy patriarchal elements in anime culture and shows, and Japanese culture in general, that gets glorified or justified because it's made to seem cute, appealing, fun, and desirable to act in such a way. There are lots of these elements in various media subgenres but nowhere is it more explicit than in fandoms around Japanese media culture.
No. 2273564
>>2273539I feel like a lot of the responses to this conversation are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Like it's ubiquitous that Japan sexualizes girls and cutesy shit, it's bad for girls to watch moid pandering media even if they might not catch on to the sexual undertones. It's gross when girls collect merchandise from stuff like Galko (which even anons here do), Sonico, Saki, Ichigo Marshmallow etc when the creators are sketchy as fuck and make their series for perverts.
Also unpopular opinion but fuck the author of Yotsuba for making wholesome single dad manga after getting famous for a series about high schoolers and their pervy teachers. I fucking haaaaate that so many family stories in Japan are about either the mom dying or a single dad raising his daughter. Excluding the oldass shojo Baby and Me it's NEVER a single dad with son, always a daughter.
No. 2273586
>>2273564>I feel like a lot of responses to this conversation are arguing for the sake of arguingDefinitely feels that way. People getting too heated and missing the point or putting words in each others' mouths is very tiring.
> It's gross when girls collect merchandise from stuff like Galko (which even anons here do), Sonico, Saki, Ichigo Marshmallow etc when the creators are sketchy as fuck and make their series for perverts.Yup. Could be a lot of reasons for that. Self insertion, wanting to be edgy/quirky, and of course how normal it's become to consume such media. I also think that anime is often kind of a tool to amplify those themes that already exist and make them more palatable.
No. 2273606
>>2273595once again you're assuming all women who like anime, even the coomer type of anime, are those extreme examples.
>>2273598peach girl barely has merch, media and advertisement on the level of galko. it's actually a good example how shoujo anime is left out of the conversation and women end up liking shit like galko when something made to cater to us already exists. instead of shitting on women for liking garbage you could just guide them towards better media instead.
No. 2273642
lets say you want to copy van goghs sunflowers. when painting there is a technique to understand the flow of geometry of every object. its how they are arrange its spirit, its composition.
it is to squint the eyes and perceive the broad shapes. you zoom out and you get a blurry, birds eyes view. that is a historically accepted technique and if you do this, the outcome of your painting is believable, even realistic.
however if you want to paint details or texture, you have to zoom in.
To combine both, an understanding of relation between parts and the whole, that is what mastery is.
now you can hate your individual result, but i have understanding for everyone who follows that zoom-out approach. it seems intuitive, and those who are engaging in this technique are having their own school of thought, their own community. for some reason, it was always funny to me how art oposes art. the results oftentimes speak for themselves.
No. 2273657
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>>2273648>scrotes corrupted itBe serious
No. 2273663
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if you think there is coomer pandering in this series you are just a delusional paranoid pervert yourself
No. 2273668
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>>2273666the girls always talking about each others boobs has nothing to do with coomer shit this wasn't intended for adult moid readers at all
No. 2273703
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Alternative rocker type guys are only attracted to normie women and the only reason they got into that look is because they were too ugly to get their attention as a normal guy
No. 2273732
>>2273719you need to find the good stores.
and then they are prized x300
poor girlies will always be made to be hunters for the good things while menswear are put on pastures.
and it is fun. if there only would be a considerable amount of it.
No. 2273735
>>2273703My sister is obsessed with that male so I know some of his lore. He is incredibly insecure, especially over his tiny nipples which is why he got them pierced (thought they'd get bigger) and he hates himself. He was also groomed by some weird older moid, I think some of his older vids feature the weirdo. He also has tons of haters right now because people think the girl he is dating is totes manipulating him and mean to him, but I think they are just jealous.
>>2273724I agree with this but I think guy in picrel was molested so that's his catalyst
No. 2273748
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>>2273737They are unfathomably small
No. 2273751
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>>2273747as another black anon who had to go to high school in a predominantly white school. Yeah, don't do that for your kids unless you fucking hate them KEK
No. 2273796
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>>2273768Stop being afraid of the truth.
No. 2273798
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>>2273752I'm honestly not sure why that got deleted kek. Anyway:
>>2273748>THOSE ANAKUN ARMS No. 2273851
>>2273719Thrifting is such a rich kid activity now that all the good items get priced out and you're left with what you're describing. I also hate how much tiktok made thrifting hauls the norm even though it was already priced out by hipsters decades ago.
Everyone I know who is deeply into thrifting is a trust fund baby
No. 2273862
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>>2273693I don't entirely disagree (racist women/girls do not care when brown or black women/girls are groomed, abused or ugly - in fact, they laugh, or deliberately egg it on/facilitate it, in the case of the worst pickmes), but I don't see the benefit in like, announcing these things. Dumb people just use it to play
victim and pretend their own "team" dindu nuffin. The more beneficial reaction always seems to be
>Oh no! Anyway… No. 2273903
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>>2273895This is just in Kenya. All of these supposed 1st world countries that are so much more advanced than Africa just dump all of their trash into Africa and then have the audacity to call it a shithole. I hate this planet and pray every day that Yellowstone volcano erupts. The world is so racist they’d rather destroy Africa home of the most precious natural resources on planet earth because
checks notes the majority of its inhabitants have darker skin OH NO
No. 2273916
>>2273703I keep seeing girls say this about them but I don't understand this. Most people who are actually alternative don't look it on the outside especially when they're adults. I don't know anything about the girl but what are her interests? Also Johnny is basic as fuck and has just discovered HIM for the first time like yesterday which perfectly takes me to my next point.
I find that grown adults who dress "alternative" are often super normie who are compensating for their lack of personality. Except these are the losers who can't get a good job because they're late bloomers who are busy living their wannabe scene/emo days in their 20s and 30s. That's my unpopular opinion. I've had other people notice this too.
No. 2273947
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Having anime posters and tapestries displayed in your room is cringe, at least frame that shit so you don't fuck up your walls and so you can actually clean up.
And honestly, tapestries never look okay, that shit belongs in stores to promote merch, not in a room to decorate.
Also, having too many decorations is childish as fuck and unsanitary too, I always assume that if someone has too many figurines, trinkets, stuffed toys, pillows and blankets, that that person must be too lazy to clean or has like three other people cleaning at home because there's no way in hell someone cleans rooms like pic related once a week.
No. 2273962
>>2273947>that that person must be too lazy to clean or has like three other people cleaning at home because there's no way in hell someone cleans rooms like pic related once a week.Right? You'd have to be a seriously dedicated cleaner to move all your clutter and dust properly on a regular basis, I just can't imagine any of these tasteless weebs are doing that.
Actually I love maximalism as an aesthetic, I just don't want to waste my time clearing surfaces every time I want to do some basic cleaning.
No. 2273963
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>>2273947>TapestriesThe normie peasants fear the crownmaxxing
No. 2273971
>>2273895seconding. i saw huge piles of trash and junk being burnt when i visited. they also have a huge HUGE market of secondhand clothes sent from 1st world countries by the truckloads.
>>2273947>frame that shit so you don't fuck up your walls>there's no way in hell someone cleans rooms like pic related once a weekblue tack & tape won't fuck up your walls though and this room isn't even a lot. it's just bookshelves, pillows and a couple decorations which normies also have, just not of the weeb variety. do you live in a room full of nothing? kek
No. 2273980
>>2273971Actually, I do, I don't need to display everything I own like a child, I have everything organized.
I just really hate how people just accumulate dust like they're trying to make it snow in their homes and then they expect me to visit their failchild caves and not sneeze every 5 seconds.
No. 2274163
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>>2274140yeah right we should just get rid of artists, close museums and auditoriums and theatres, quit making music and movies and all. im sure life would be infinitely better. look at picrel, clearly useless trash from an attention whore.
(this is the unpopular opinions thread) No. 2274175
>>2274163>>2274172I mean if this was the first painting that came to
your mind when someone brings up retards who create ragebait "art" then that sounds like a conclusion you drew yourself…?
No. 2274229
>>2273633Between the anime and manga the fanservice is very slight, it's understandable that girls would like it and I wouldn't feel weird recommending it to a 12 year old (the age when Azu is actually funny). Even at the time male otaku had plenty of significantly more overt options they could watch. It being cgdct is also due to it being a 4-panel comic strip, you can't really do plot with that kind of structure. Lucky Star and K-On are from the same time period and watching those it was significantly more obvious the target audience was male (I couldn't finish either of them).
>>2273517>>22735262000s was a weird time for shoujo anime, there just wasn't that much being made. If you liked shoujo you mostly had to watch stuff made from prior decades. Mahou Shoujo got swallowed up by Pretty Cure and other story types would get adapted into live action. That's why there isn't much shoujo being made now either, a lot of it gets turned into J-dramas. But iirc Japanese people don't necessarily think of demographic labels as stringently as Westerners do which is why you have female mangaka making manga for 'male' magazines, they don't think the shonen/seinen label carries so much weight as to prevent an otherwise interested person from reading. I think we should support female mangaka that create interesting stories regardless of the demographic label their works fall under for that reason.
No. 2274368
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i don't think there's anything wrong with people who are interested in the crunchy lifestyle. yes, i am sad to see it getting hijacked by tradthots and right wing retards who think they're doing something big online when they post cringey videos about making disgusting natural concoctions in the kitchen while owning the libs. but like, eating whole food organic foods and being mindful of composting and the horrible fucking chemicals they use in every single fucking thing on earth should be talked about more rather than just being shoved aside imo. being crunchy used to be tied with grassroot hippie groups that are obviously not politically conservative but not anymore, and that's why people got pissed off when the first anon brought up raw milk. i just feel like so many people nowadays want to cling onto modern inventions to the point of being ridiculous and with how earth is slowly about to explode via climate change, i don't know but i seriously wish people can just calm down and maybe trust nature more in general. plus, striving to be healthier and happier is always based.
No. 2274378
>>2274195it's a very famous piece of art…
>>2274370yeah so many of them DFE immediately. boring
No. 2274394
>>2274370This makes me wonder if 'classic' cows were a relic of their era, they had no lolcows to learn from so they made the mistake of being milky long term. Newer cows meanwhile
do have examples to learn from and at this point there are roadmaps and industries devoted to laundering one's internet presence. I think the penalties for being a cow are also possibly higher now; it isn't just being made fun of online it's getting cancelled and losing your job. A cow's audience is a lot bigger now; maybe you'd get made fun of by some thousands before but now it's millions which increases the risk of having a bad encounter with a deranged freak or losing your job or something else bad. Regardless it is easier for a person to disregard a small amount of 'haters' but much harder to tolerate being gawked at by possibly millions.
>>2274368First it was hating on hippies now it's hating on tradthots. But I agree crunchy lifestyles aren't necessarily bad in and of themselves. That hippies and tradthots occupy the same space isn't so weird though, both are defined by a skepticism of the government and prevailing social norms. I will still never touch raw milk though I've seen cows they lay down in the dirt and are smelly.
No. 2274453
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They're really tryna keep him down(wrong thread)
No. 2274476
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(derailing) No. 2274481
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>>2274473Keeeek this never stopped me and it never will. I'm brutally honest to the point it makes people want to swallow arsenic and that is the way its going to stay.
No. 2274487
>>2274481Ayrt and me too, i used to have qualms
about it but now idgaf. it's especially funny when moids go all surprised pikachu bc a woman didint coddle their feewings
No. 2274491
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>>2274476>>2274453So you faggots think women deserve to be groped in public?
No. 2274664
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I love people with big tattoos! even when I don’t like the design itself, I like when people don’t take their bodies too seriously.
No. 2274683
>>2274677If a woman is on birth control, a man raping her when he takes the condom off in the middle of sex won't get her pregnant, which is a security feature she needs now more than she has in the past few decades.
>women just stupidly accept itWomen are on birth control for many medical reasons besides sex. It is not the fault of women that the pharmaceutical industry has so few options for men, and none hormonal. That is an intended feature of the male-dominated society we live in.
You seem to hate women and take joy in mocking their suffering. I don't think you belong here.
No. 2274700
>>2274683I'm obviously not talking about women who take it for reasons other than sexual relations in my post, and the fact that you took my post as an indictment on all women (as if we all opt in to fuck men) says more about how you view us than you seem to notice.
There is merit in the prevention of pregnancy in the case of rape, but the majority of women from middle/upper middle class backgrounds in first world countries are not taking BC to prevent pregnancy from rape, so I don't see the point in pretending that's the case. Women are socialized to accept sexual offers from men to their own detriment, that's just life and we are allowed to critique it, especially when it's enforced by other women and we're told to ignore all the risks and side effects because "yasss gurl it's so empowering slayyyy take some dickkk". If you can't tolerate that, I think you're the one who doesn't belong here. Men refuse the options for them because they can't be bothered, and they know women will pick up the slack to please them instead of saying "I won't have sex with you until I know it's safe for me and that there isn't a risk of unwanted pregnancy". Yes, we do have a choice to do that. We're not babies or farm animals.
No. 2274718
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Prison abolitionists are retards and I don't think we should follow their ideas or anything, but they're unintentionally kind of based. Like, they're advocating for a system where violent troublemakers can be straight-up murdered without consequences instead of slapped on the wrist by the law. The fact they're too stupid to see this as the obvious outcome is pretty funny.
No. 2274721
>>2274700>I'm obviously not talking about women who take it for reasons other than sexual relations in my postIt doesn't matter, it's still a fact that BC is considered a cure-all for any type of female related problem due to the medical industry not caring about women. Yes it's true BC sucks if you take it as actual birth control but so many women don't really have a choice, in fact according to the US NCHS more than 50% of women take BC for reasons unrelated to actual birth control. A lot of women aren't even properly informed about BC, only in recent years have I started hearing about it being bad for you in the mainstream.
While your post touches upon the subject of women risking their lives for the convenience of men it does so in an extremely tone deaf and baity manner.
No. 2274730
>>2274714>Mass testeriaKEK. Another factor is that white scrotes truly do see themselves as "the default"/"the main characters"
I'm white too inb4 racebait but it's hard to feel unique and stand out the way the world constantly assures them they can when
other white scrotes exist. See the obsession with grind culture/bootstrapping and the worship of men like Elon Musk. And once women and minorities finally levelled the playing field somewhat, the snowflake complex was threatened further, because the cope of "muh innate superiority" is much harder to maintain. White men being called the school shooter breed is accurate, they're more likely to do retarded shit for the attention they think the world owes them.
No. 2274762
>>2274718If only. Most of them are bleeding heart retards who think that with a tender touch and lots of love Timmy the Strangler can once again integrate into society. A lot of them think that rapists and pedos are hurt and misguided souls who need community, therapy and craft sessions to be wholesome lovable dudes who say sorry and everyone moves on. It's smol wholesome uwu beans taken to its most retarded extremes.
I'm all for the death penalty coming back but only if pedos and rapists and domestic abusers are on the kill list. Which they aren't because the judges and jury are also pedos, rapists and domestic abusers- or boymoms. If we had a handful of high profile cases where scrotes got the ultimate ban for being pedos, rapists, and domestic abusers, regardless of muh culture or muh religion or muh Nigel would never, there would be a massive drop in these crimes. Scrotes need publicly displayed corpses to understand that their actions have consequences.
Prison abolitionists live in post-2000s Disney movies and don't understand why a singing montage with bluebirds can't replace prisons.
No. 2274766
>>2274718And they don’t even care about
victims in the first place, they’re ready to free rapists and pedophiles like no tomorrow.
No. 2274768
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>>2274764PLEASE be careful about doing this nonna, scrotes are careless and vindictive about this shit for no reason. Handing that footage of yourself to a moid for free is risky.
No. 2274783
>>2274779They do it to their wives too, men are scum bags. I wouldn’t trust one with such sensitive images.
Add the fact that women get much more shit when their nudes get leaked while men receive little to no consequences kek, so even if your video that you filmed with him gets leaked it’s only you who’s going to be called a whore and lose your reputation.
No. 2274812
>>2274784Kek my unpopular opinion is that if a scrote isn’t scared to lose me and doesn’t kiss the ground I walk to (and eats my pussy like it’s water in a desert) he’s useless to me and so far I’ve been single kek. I hate nonchalance, I hate passive retards, I hate uncaring , emotionless scrotes. I’m straight but I have an ideal kind of man in my mind and if I don’t meet him I’m fine being alone.
Too many women settle for breadcrumbs in order not to be alone and put mediocre scrotes on a pedestal.
No. 2275027
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The Snow White live action movie should've taken influence from old horror films and dark vintage beauty. That, or it should've been something that pandered to coquette types and could be used in their Lana Del Rey edits and the like.
Being aesthetically pleasing to people who enjoy gothic aesthetics, old Hollywood, etc could've further boosted their brand and made it "trendy" to be a Disney adult. I think something similar happened with Cruella and people who liked goth makeup/mugs shaped like bats and the like. People make the lead actress's race out to be a problem (I don't think it is? The difference between her and pale skin is 3 months indoors. I do think they could've also gone for an East Asian lead actress, it would've been interesting to see the reactions), but IMO it was more her grating attitude, and the visuals seem kind of confused and boring.
No. 2275078
>>2275062>>2275055You guys really need to stop dating trashy, somehow uniquely
toxic men.
>Korean men Oh…yeah Asian men can be pigs.
No. 2275084
>>2275050I'm jealous of how sheltered you are. You should Google pinkmeth and anon-ib, and then add in the new additions to technology–tor is used more commonly by men online, the popularity of social media and smartphones, the ease of grooming and trading content–there are entire huge networks on the darkweb dedicated to post nudes of women and girls and you can search them by state, name, zip code, age. Ever since the anon-ib site was taken down about decade or so ago, they've moved underground and charge monthly fees to view these sites, along with a whole other rabbithole of paid subscription sites where you can view popular home security cameras. Even off the darkweb, there are discord servers where men trade nudes of their family members and daughters, hidden camera videos of them in bathrooms, etc. Nothing about this is a creepypasta or reddit fantasy. These are dads, brothers, uncles, cousins, friends, coworkers and they are perfectly fine with sending strangers photos and videos of your nude body. Men even film their girlfriends on hidden cameras during sex and sell them online. It isn't fantasy.
No. 2275095
>>2275080>with his buddiesOh nonna, I guess the only people who are immune to this are the people who only spend their lives alone together kek
>>2275086I've been married to a man for 10 years, I'd consider that to be
valid experience
>>2275084Well that sounds disgusting and I'm going to purposefully continue to choose not to think about things like that
No. 2275105
>>2275095Yeah you can ignore it but
victim blaming women just because it's never happened to you is ridiculous.
No. 2275107
>>2275105I didn't ever
victim blame anyone, actually.
>>2275106No, actually men making the conscious decision to commit crimes like the aforementioned against the women they know is what contributes to these women suffering. Not me and others choosing to live a more wholesome lifestyle.
No. 2275114
>>2275103…you say after calling an epidemic a "reddit fantasy" and accused
victims of this widespread problem of being with "trashy men". I actually think you're just retarded now. Men do this their daughters, neices, sisters as well. In fact on /b/ you could find tons of active voyeur threads of men taking pictures of young women and teen girls bodies in public and they're updated frequently. The men who do this aren't the apparent "trashy" men your idiotic ass is envisioning, and I already know despite your alleged ten year marriage you're child-free.
No. 2275116
>>2275084>>2275050I stumbled upon one of those anon-ib sites on the second page of google. It freaked me out because it’s so easy to find someone you know on there if you live in the US. You can filter by state and so on. The requests for deepfakes are usually for daughters and nieces or cousins. It doesn’t matter if you think your ugly/dumpy/frumpy, if a man wants to see you naked (most men) and they know about this site, they will have someone make a deepfake of you. Men really have no standards, it’s not even about sexual attraction. It’s about having that power of being able to see someone vulnerable with this technology and conquering any woman. I hope the OP of
>>2274764 will learn to understand that male attention and flattery is abundant and does more harm than good.
I’m trying to think of a solution to these sites, they’re like hydras. Imagine if there were male equivalents of these types of site where women requested for deepfakes of coworkers or whatever. Men would shut that down so quickly. But the truth is women wouldn’t do it in droves because of moralfagging and also because they do have higher standard and they’re not enough men out there that are worth deep-faking for sexual reasons. The only way it could be ever done is if it was a revenge site, and women don’t want to look at nasty deepfakes of ugly men. No. 2275118
>>2275115Anon, my post does not say "choosing to believe men are wholesome" kek. It says
choosing to live a wholesome lifestyle is not contributing to womens suffering, the crimes that the
abusive men are committing against these women are what is contributing to their suffering. You should really blame the actual perpetrator whos committing these heinous acts, instead of trying to figure out some way to blame others who actually don't participate in things like this.
No. 2275129
>>2275122It took
years to get anon-ib taken down, and that was after countless young women committed suicide because of it. Now, a lot of these sites and communities are invite-only and on private servers. You have to provide them with your own content in order to get in, and that's usually before paying a fee. The culture is much worse, but they're hiding it from women so they don't get in trouble. It's become more secretive.
No. 2275143
>>2275132I really do not understand this backwards blaming normie women for crimes committed by
abusive moids. Your anger is misplaced, anon.
No. 2275152
>>2275146>BEGONE contrarian fagwym?
>You know nothing and your larp isn’t working here LARPing is live action role playing? we’re on lolcow anon
No. 2275164
>>2275157Nobody is blaming them (or more specifically, you, since you think it revolves around you) but I'm not surprised you refuse to read. You're absolutely contributing to a problem by choosing to tell a
victim that what they said sounded like a "reddit fantasy" and claimed it was the
victims faults for dating "trashy men". We get it, you're a moron.
No. 2275166
>>2275154Do something about what anon?
>>2275156At the end of the day, it is the duty of the parents to protect their children.
>>2275162When did I ever claim I was being "
victim blamed" anon kek? I think you misread my posts, or misunderstood them. Also my husband and I share devices, so thats the reason why I feel like I can speak confidently about living a life with someone where you're both actually keeping each other safe and happy.
>>2275164I mean, this is the unpopular opinions thread, and it isn't against any rules for me to respond to a post with my
unpopular opinion that I thought the words posted sounded like a story from reddit. We get it, you're overemotional.
No. 2275176
>>2275171nta but
>it’s one friendless user are you sure there’s just
one friendless loser who only worships their nigel here? KEK
No. 2275188
>>2275184This is the same person, saying and doing roughly the same shit:
>>>/ot/1695446Note that neither this "married anon" or the one from 1 year ago know how to space out their posts on an imageboard (and watch this tell disappear the next time they bait and derail this thread). Pepperidge farm remembers.
No. 2275189
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>>2275186>fixed signNTA but are you unironically dragging astrology into this? I thought astrologyfags were joking and actually understood that being a scorpio or whatever has nothing to do with human nature and how anything actually works. You faggots are
serious? No. 2275194
>>2275184How is me not wanting to worry myself with dark websites that share porn in any way mirroring a man LARPing as a woman?
>>2275188I don't really find it that hard to believe that there are other friendless, married anons. I'm not really sure what else to say. Also I'd like to add neither myself nor the anon from last year that you tagged are the only married anons, nor are we the only anons who've ever spaced our posts like that KEK?
No. 2275221
>>2275211All caps "kek", coupled with the weird smug "but mai husband" posts (specifically in a bid to try and minimize/gaslight things other women are talking about happening to women in relationships - I guess there's no other place or context to brag about a husband for this person), admitted friendlessness and sharing of devices, and persistent inability to space out posts.
It's either a man whose favorite LARP is this, or an autistic woman who has no friends so she seeks attention here through infights.
No. 2275259
>>2275249This but with human babies
>>2275256Seethe harder humoid