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No. 2265243

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.

No. 2265245

the people who sperg out over other people who drink raw milk are weird. of all the unhealthy behaviors out there, that's what you focus on? not the retards smoking packs per day? not the anachans who swear their weird diets is not the reason why their hair is falling out? not the obese alcoholics out there who can afford to eat a little better but chooses not to?

No. 2265246

honestly i've never heard of this type of sperg before?

No. 2265248

Why care about any issue when there are a million other worse ones out there deserving of your concern? It's probably because people who drink raw milk are a very special kind of retarded

No. 2265249

never seen anyone sperging at people drinking raw milk only people seething and being utterly disgusted some people drink raw milk. I kinda envy them, my bones would be indestructible but my asshole would hate me.

No. 2265251

>It's probably because people who drink raw milk are a very special kind of retarded
there's been way more recalls of vegetables in my area for the past few years than all the dairy i've seen combined. pretty sure as long as you get it from a reputable source, you should be good to go.

No. 2265254

nvm i just realized you're talking about RAW milk directly from the COW that has been UNTREATED. that's fucking nasty, do people even know how long it took and what that milk could be contaminated with before it hit their tongue? even fresh milk from the supermarket (not long lasting/shelf stable milk) has been treated in some way. this is just too unsafe.

No. 2265255

Ntayrt but I have seen weirdos who get angry over the raw milkfags

No. 2265257

NTA but as long as you're not getting milk from sick cows it should be perfectly fine

No. 2265260

like all the people in this thread right now kek

No. 2265264

The Jesus threadpics were way cuter

No. 2265269

didn't know we had botulism baddies here

No. 2265272

The thing i find weird about the raw milk movement is that milk barely has enough nutritional value for adult humans to make risking a bacterial infection worth it. Plus i am convinced that they don't understand that pasteurisation is just a fancy word for boiling.
The cows don't need to be sick in order for you to get sick. Raw milk spoils incredibly fast and you can get sick that way. Maybe a baby cow's immune system can handle it, but the human immune system isn't designed for that. It's really not worth it.

No. 2265273

Would it be better if we drank human breast milk for the entirety of our lives nonna

No. 2265276

Maybe if you drink milk thats like 2 weeks old but the majority of the people participating in this whole raw milk trad wave are financially well off and can afford to buy a new gallon of local raw milk every other day

No. 2265281

why are people drinking this much milk anyway? milk is for cooking with, not for fucking drinking every day. are you an infant? are you a little baby? does baby need diapey changed? americans are so stupid

No. 2265288

… Probably has to do with it being a constant staple for many years and they've been shilled a huge psyop about it being a necessity their entire lives? Why are you trying to verbally berate people who have been sold the #gotmilk campaign since birth, Jesus the condescension
>inb4 milk drinker

No. 2265289

Cows and goats milk is high in protein, vitamin D, Calcium, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, choline, selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin b12, omega 3 fatty acids, pre/probiotics, and lactobacillus bacteria that aides our gut health and keeps us alive nonna

No. 2265290

the countries with the highest milk consumption are places like india and finland. do you think about americans while you cook? while you shit? while you go to work?

No. 2265292

if you have lactose intolerance just say it. I wish I didn't have it because it's such an easy source of protein.

No. 2265295

why make excuses for their stupidity? it's 2024, not 1974. there is no "milk propaganda" anymore. the people drinking raw milk willingly do it out of their own sheer will.

No. 2265296

Nta but I find it hilarious they're calling Americans stupid for…trying to improve our health?? kek when does it end

No. 2265300

the power of propaganda lasts for decades, unless someone out there starts a strong campaign for nut "milk" being healthier and cow milk being bad for you people will keep drinking milk and you will die mad about it.

No. 2265301

because raw milk drinkers talk about how much better it is for your body when it isn't.

No. 2265302

you must be genuinely retarded if you think consuming high amounts of your hormone fuelled cows milk is good for you or improving your health. allah save this planet from these dogs

No. 2265303

drinking milk is better for you than most premade drinks you can buy at a supermarket, save for tea and coffee (without additives, just the beans/leaves). so while I dont drink milk I can see the appeal.

No. 2265304

can't you just drink water like a normal person and then tea/coffee more sporadically? coke with a meal (NOT every meal)

No. 2265305

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>mfw at this thread all because i said people who get mad at raw milk drinkers are bored faggots
let's talk about else please

No. 2265307

>high amounts of hormone fueled cows milk
Good thing I don't drink milk from cows that are fed hormones. Also, it isn't necessarily consuming high amounts of it, it's just consuming whole milk in place of almond milk. And speaking personally it actually has improved my physical health

No. 2265310

bitch please if you're going to sperg about milk being shit don't come at me telling me to drink coke instead. and I say that as someone who loves coke zero. I wish I could down a glass of milk without gassing myself and shitting water from my butt hole.

No. 2265311

NTAYRT but I think you can enjoy multiple things

No. 2265313

>there's no milk propaganda anymore
Yes there is…? Omg the bitter vengeful vegan is showing out tonight

No. 2265314

somehow almost everytime I go out with people or to some work dinner people end up talking about drinking milk because someone in the table drinks milk or nut milk, and everyone concludes people shouldn't drink milk unless they can actually digest it and how nut milk is healthier to you, which I respond, sure you can just not drink milk, your loss, the person drinking milk has stronger bones than all of us nut milk enjoyers.

No. 2265316

People who have freak outs over other people drinking milk are always hypocrites that also contribute to harmful practices in their daily lives.

No. 2265319

I swear to god milk is the trending topic of millennials rn. everyone has an opinion whether people should or not drink cow milk. I think people think about it more than people think if other people should drink alcohol which is way, way worse for society in several ways. our generation is truly fucked in the head, we need to virtue signal something and milk is the trendy thing right now. also people acting like raw milk is something out of the 1800s never lived in the countryside, just fucking boil that shit and it's good to go.

No. 2265322

americans are incapable of doing absolutely anything in moderation though? that's the entire problem. they will drink raw milk until they shit their pants to death and drink coke until they develop diabetes. it's always from one end of the spectrum to the other. look at their politics, their lifestyles, what they watch, consume, everything is some kind of extreme. yeah i'm thinking it's pretty bad for them if that retard trump appointed makes raw milk readily available and removes vaccines lol

No. 2265323

Milk is one of the few ways I can gain weight. Hepatitis wrecked me so I started drinking milk and now I feel energized and well.

No. 2265324

Yeah, way too much free time. Vegans who soapbox are generally so hypocritical and don't understand that the aggressive way they chastise people is extremely off-putting and doesn't aid their cause at all.

No. 2265329

ntayrt but hard agree. all the times in the past where i considered going vegetarian or vegan gets ruined when i come across militant assholes who do unhinged comparisons like ALL ANIMALS WHO ARE CAGED IN THE FARM IS JUST LIKE THE HOLOCAUST.

No. 2265330

You keep saying "Americans" as if you're othering yourself from them, but AFAIK the raw milk movement isn't nearly as large as you're pretending it is and if people want to risk drinking raw milk to that extent, it won't take long for them to fuck around and find out and regulations would return.

No. 2265331

It's very hard not to notice that they all look extremely malnourished and have anger issues kek

No. 2265332

who is talking about moderation or frequency of it? just don't tell people to drink coke instead of milk, that's fucking retarded and makes you sound like an obese cart driving self proclaimed disabled americunt.

No. 2265337

you're absolutely right. once my social circles started having no vegans I actually felt more open towards vegan options like nut milk or vegan meals simply because I didn't have some retard virtue signaling to me I am a genocidal meat eater if I decided to have chicken today instead of lentil patty.

No. 2265342

Meanwhile, the same crunchies eat food harvested by actual underpaid slaves or shop temu and amazon. The very few vegans I've met who were chill and intelligent were low-key and just trying to lessen their overall footprint, not the ones who stomp their feet like schizos and only consider animals with dignity while treating humans like dirt

No. 2265344

Men didn't invent makeup, women did.

No. 2265348

to me the litmus test to see if a vegan is retarded is what they think of second hand leather goods. if they sperg about they're retarded and don't actually give a shit about the environment. if they actually know their shit they're fine with it.

No. 2265349

once you realize that the majority of people are lactose intolerant, then it makes sense why this causes so much seethe. nothing feels better than having a glass of milk every day

No. 2265352

But are they fully lactose intolerant or partially? Some people can drink small amounts of milk and be fine

No. 2265353

>nothing feels better than having a glass of milk every day
rip to your gallbladder dude

No. 2265354

cause it tastes good

No. 2265356

Who cares

No. 2265357

nta but isn't that only for people who already have gallbladder problems prior?

No. 2265358

I'm pretty sure a glass of milk is the least of their concerns when everything has palm oil or high sodium nowadays, if anything good on nonna for having some clean lean protein on the reg.

No. 2265360

nah the majority of humans do actually shit their guts out if they drink milk. they say only like northern europeans can digest lactose properly but i think that's bullshit because im black and nothing ever happens
it's very refreshing im actually going to drink some milk right now thanks for reminding me kek

No. 2265362

There is also all the sugary shit like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks some people consume on the regular yuck

No. 2265364

Wired peripherals like computer mice, keyboards, monitors, headphones/earphones etc. are better than their wired Bluetooth counterparts. Bluetooth is a anarchronistic technology that can only pair with one device at a time and has a range limitation and batteries unlike with wires. Also inner headphones are shit intrusive and block the ear drum 24/7, Pepsi is better than coke and the retarded talk about milk ITT proves that most women avoid STEM in droves because they're just retarded.

>Unpopular opinions

No. 2265365

I will keep everything wired except headphones. taking a shit or doing dishes while listening to a podcast is great.

No. 2265369

I see the potential for wireless headphones but the biggest issue for me is keeping them in the ear and the potential damage they could do to the inner ear. I don't want to shove them in where they'll block wax and damage the ear drum. How do you keep them in your ears? I've tried different wireless headphones; Samsung beans, airpods and off brand Amazon ones and all fall out while exercising, even just brisk walking. No such thing with wired headphones especially the clip on ones.

No. 2265372

I use headphones over the ear (like the cup ones) so I wouldn't know. I take it off a few hours a day and use speakers instead. but honestly having an earplug on all day sounds suffering.

No. 2265374

>most women avoid STEM in droves because they're just retarded
So what? Men are still more retardes by default

No. 2265379

Your probably using the wrong size earbud. You gotta swap out the rubber part for a smaller size or they'll fall out.

No. 2265380

It's not just that, it's how those people tend to be annoying christfag tradwife types as well. Women belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant with their husband's 11th child reading the Bible and feeding them raw milk, raw honey and eggs instead of formula types.

No. 2265381

Was just thinking of everything that's happened with the election and peoples reactions but especially womens. Nick Fuentes's tweet should not have incited as many reactions as it did. He's obviously an inflammatory individual who's never be taken seriously including his dumb followers. I think women are more susceptible to taking the bait and this whole 4b thing is the logical conclusion of feeding the troll.

No. 2265383

Nah the 4b thing is the logical conclusion of running away from the troll's followers imo. Nick obviously said it for ragebait but his zoomer moid followers unironically believe it and little 9yo gen alpha boys are now saying it to girls in school now.

No. 2265384

>muh tits
Shut up pickmes, kek

No. 2265388

ngl milk is fucking nasty and it’s also stinky. i fucking hate stinky things

No. 2265389

he's an attention whore but so many men are more misogynistic (openly or not) where they agree with these kinds of sentiments and repeat the "joke".

No. 2265390

This milk discussion reminds me of how I used to be able to drink a glass of milk every few hours for the creamy cold delicious taste when I was 13 and now flash forward over a decade later and a single drop of cream in my soup will have me shitting my guts out for days. How my body changes.

No. 2265392

my mom drank SO much milk throughout her life and pregnancy with my older brother that she eventually became lactose intolerant. if something is so good for us why does the vast majority of our bodies reject it?

No. 2265394

I used to drink a lot of milk, then became lactose intolerant around puberty but now that I'm an adult, I'm not lactose intolerant anymore. Weird

No. 2265395

I'm interested in how this happened because theoretically constantly ingesting a substance would make the body more accepting of the substance.

No. 2265398

Nta and I don't know how it works but that's a thing. Being around cockroaches often will make you allergic to cockroaches.

No. 2265404

Maybe it's not the milk itself but the quality of the milk she's drinking? Like if it's the over-boiled ultra pasteurized milk that'll have you shitting your guts out quicker yeah

No. 2265444

at the risk of making people here chimp out again: whenever i drank raw milk, i get zero reactions from it. but once i drink the regular pasturized/homogenized milk, even if it shills itself as oRgAnIc, that's when my stomach starts its bullshit. quite literally.

No. 2265456

There's an extremely easy answer to this

No. 2265562

I don't believe that seed oils are bad for you, I have been using them for my entire life to no ill effect. It's just trendy for people to blame all their health problems onto one specific product, because then them being fat and having weight related diseases isn't their fault, it's the product's fault.

No. 2265564

it depends on the seed oil though. sunflower oil is not bad for you, but canola oil is. etc

No. 2265673

If it was socially acceptable and not weird as fuck to post pictures of your nigel here, the only time an anon wouldn't call another anon's nigel ugly is if he literally looked like a male model, and even then it's a toss up whether they'll stop being disingenuous long enough to say he's good looking. The funny part is everyone brags about all the good looking moids they have been with but if another anon ever catches a whiff of what these specimens look like, they'll be torn to shreds. Like you can't brag about all your hotties but find every other moid ugly simultaneously.

No. 2265684

I love nlogs, sluts, weirdos, aspies, spergs and fujos. they are all my sisters.

No. 2265711

i used to drink like very raw milk like from cow's titty straight to the table raw when i was a child and lived in the country and nothing ever happened to me. though i am northern european superior human who can eat delicious cheese and drink milk and not die of shitting. used to drink lake water too, nothing happened.

No. 2265721

Based. Weird women unite!

No. 2265723

You’re not weird, just a bunch of retards.

No. 2265725

Retarded women unite!

No. 2265727

Kek I love your energy though, retarded women unite!

No. 2265744

oils with a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio are not the best for you, but the effects are not substantial compared to the much better established harms associated with being obese, being sedentary, and eating too much red meat. east asia uses sesame and soybean oil and has some of the longest life expectancies.
I think it’s the reverse of that nonnie. sunflower oil is usually the one I see seed oil people warn against because it has a lot of omega 6.

No. 2265754

>I think it’s the reverse of that nonnie. sunflower oil is usually the one I see seed oil people warn against because it has a lot of omega 6.
omega does not matter at all because you're already killing yourself if you're consuming too much cooking oil. sunflower oil is generally recommended because it is less processed than other oils and has 'some' healthy fat.

No. 2265783

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I think racial fetishisation can actually…be a good thing.
In some cases.

Like, if no one is in danger, or being seen ONLY for there race- then it's ok. Having the world open up means that people have more options. Where they may be a majority, they may find it hard to stand out and feel special. But then, if a girl can be a minority in another place, because she is scarce, she can be exotic, maybe the features her family says aren't good and are too common make her stand out, and she is loved for those features, and can be special/rare and seen as cute.
I have a friend that obvs acts herself with the girls, but enjoys being seen this way and even playing into it a little, and it's nice that what she may have been insecure about growing up due to family remarks can now be appreciated, I love the confidence that allows her.
Or for example, in an affluent beach town, we have wealthy oldish anglo men with young attractive black women, and so one woman is getting jewellery and dinners, and the man is with a woman he finds rare and gorgeous. Or asian girls like my friend who got told to become paler by family who can be loved and chosen first in the country they move to. Or I've seen white girls that may be considered plain and mousy with desi/brown guys who love how they look and are excited to be with them. I think having the world open and being able to find somewhere where you're valued can be a great advantage for people, men or women, as long as no one is being exploited by a power dynamic. Now people don't have to be lonely or insecure!
I really hope I don't get banned for 'racebaiting'. I genuinely don't see any people as having more value than the other- my dad always looked down on my mom's culture and my mom's family never accepted me as one of them. When I'm with a group of women regardless of race, I genuinely just see them as my sisters, men are more foreign to me than anything. I would just suggest- some people would choose to benefit from being rare and coveted, and that's ok, as long as they're loved as people too.

No. 2265803

No. 2265808

>old man with young woman
Just stop. Don't say anything like that again.

No. 2265809

38 year old with 25 year old right nao

No. 2265820

You're describing having a preference, which is completely fine imo. Fetishization is basically "being seen ONLY for there race" at the very least.

No. 2265929

Good lord who got to you? WAKE UP. I will come through the computer screen and shake you if you ever say this again!

No. 2265937

>as long as no one is being exploited by a power dynamic
anon i don't hate to tell you this, but every relationship between moids and women involves an exploitative power dynamic.

No. 2265965

Anon hitting kids is never okay.

No. 2265988

Male coomers will always be worse than female coomers. Even the most vulgar fujo isn't anywhere near as bad as a porn addicted male.
Men get into this "my fetish must be reality" mindset and everyone else suffers for it.

No. 2265992

This is absolute truth. Female coomers are annoying, but that's preferable in every way to the alternative.

No. 2265993

Well I feel like regardless of your religion or personality it's better for all children to drink real milk instead of formula

No. 2266003

>my fetish must be reality
What about tifs then?

No. 2266033

TIFs are nowhere as sinister as TIMs

No. 2266046

Yup. I don't like BL and any female aimed coomshit but I'd rather deal with that than seeing male coomers posting about how they want to rape lolis all day. Plus I like seeing men seethe over their existence.

No. 2266064

i've seen some really gross coomer women that have creeped me out but yeah obviously men are going to be worse

No. 2266093

the way people treat age is so jarring that coming of age is becoming more cognitively difficult. at 17 you go from being infantilised and called “a literal child” as if you have no agency of your own to “a grown adult” at 18-20 who should always know better since they’re not a kid. for me the change was kind of hard to grasp. it reminds me of those discussions that are always brought about by age gaps. oh my god she was 17? that’s a kid! where were her parents? this is pedophilia! oh wait she was 18? why do you care what two consenting adults do? kek, just wish there was more nuance because both sides are kind of retarded?
probably not an unpopular opinion here i guess but this is how it feels like age is treated everywhere else. it’s so black and white.

No. 2266120

People think it’s alarming that an 18 year old is like dating a 30 year old but people just let them because dumb people have to learn the hard way. Hard lessons is just a part of growing up for some people because they don’t listen. A lot of young adults can’t be just told something is a bad idea and no do it, they have to find out the card harsh way and learn.

No. 2266121

Cold harsh way*

No. 2266132

There are always gonna be humans who go against their own well being. I’m sure back in slavery time there were black people who wanted to stay slaves, there were women who didn’t want rights and I’m sure there are women in Syria who are ok with having no rights. I don’t get it but there are some people who genuinely enjoy their low position in the world and it’s not 100%!the oppressor making them.

No. 2266136

"They have to learn the hard way" is just a cop out by neglectful parents that don't want to actually parent or guide their kids. Or just a cope by people that had nobody to guide them. whatever happened to role models and actually wanting others to do well?

No. 2266139

There are plenty of parents who teach their kids the right thing and once they turn 18 they wanna do something and there’s nothing their parents can do about it and there are some kids who had shit parents and are responsible, cautious. Can’t blame everything on the parents, some young adults are just gonna be dumb asses.

No. 2266145

Drag storytime is not that big of a deal. The kids who go to them aren’t gonna be instantly enlightened or become transgender communists, they’re just gonna be like “oh a weird ugly man is reading to me, whatever, I wish I was at home playing fortnite” like they won’t care. Drag shows aren’t that big of a deal either, my mom loves them and takes me to every drag show they hold near us in the sticks where we live and it’s always just a gay guy dancing to lady gaga and making jokes about how conservatives are dumb or whatever, snl level humor. Not worth getting offended over.

No. 2266156

i mean good for you for bonding with your mum but doing mental gymnastics over how it isn't a "big deal" just because your mother likes it doesn't actually make it any less a big deal

No. 2266160

i feel like this is kind of missing the point, i’m trying to say that people treat age as very black and white instead of nuanced like it should be. 17 is not a kid and you’re not magically granted wisdom at 18.

No. 2266164

>17 is not a kid
what a weird thing to say

No. 2266173

i’m saying both sides are weird. i’m 19, i didn’t feel like a kid at 17, and i don’t feel like a grown adult right now. there is nuance because adulthood is a process and not a black and white concept. yes, 17-year-olds should be given the benefit of some semblance of maturity and not be completely infantilized.

No. 2266179

i mean i didn't feel like a kid at 19 еither but i'm 10 years older than you now and i definitely think 19 year olds are kids. i think the issue stems from giving 18-21 year olds wayyy too much freedom. why can an 18 year old buy a house? it doesn't make sense. (it makes sense because capitalistic society is a pyramid scheme and requires people as young as possible to be working and contributing money to retirement funds)

No. 2266253

I wish that disability rights would gain the same momentum of gender ideology, ans in laws being made etc. No one ever seems to truly care.
Cities suck for people who have mobility issues and nothing is ever catered for those who have these kinds of disabilities.

No. 2266255

I’m 21 and I still feel like a 17 year old kek, I just feel so immature and childish still. But when I was 17 I felt so grown.

No. 2266338

my husbando is an alien race but drawn to look white so even though its never specified, i 1000% believe he would be white. asians make me gag especially asian men, no i'm not race baiting i just don't think they are physically attractive and it seems the creator of my anime thought so too when he made the protagonist as angular as possible. anyway my unpopular opinion is that its completely valid to think your husbando is white if its never specifically said he is from an asian country.(racebait)

No. 2266349

Thing is humans aren’t so different that asians can’t have certain features, even if some features are more common. If an anime character “looks white” but is asian canonically a lot of people will choose to interpret them as a white-looking asian… which is most accurate. But how you imagine your husbando is also just… not important. No one cares.

No. 2266353

the whole point is about characters that aren't asian canonically though. whether they're alien or just… not from an asian country in the anime. do you get my meaning

No. 2266368

Then why would anyone care…?

No. 2266373

i guess because it's still written by a jap? so you never know truly what their intention is in terms of race (if they even had one in mind)

No. 2266380

I doubt he looks white and not asian unless he looks like a goblin

No. 2266432

Who is he?

No. 2266437

Holy shit the baiter that was able to start mass convos about drinking milk, I applaud you anon

No. 2266443

Wym nonny?

No. 2266446

It was hilarious kek

No. 2266548

Dyslexia shouldn't be considered a learning disability or disorder
For the vast majority of human history, nobody was able to read or write, writing is a relatively new invention in the grand scheme of things. And even when it was invented, up until Gutenberg's invention of the movable printing type, writing and reading was a skill held by only a select few people - only some scholars, priests and merchants. Reading just isn't part of our evolution, it was never necessary for survival. So to suddenly treat having difficulty reading as some biological abnormality is absolutely ridiculous. It's like calling having problems working in Microsoft Excel a disorder

No. 2266556

I've genuinely never understood this sentiment. There isn't a problem with having a preference, but you're telling me you've never seen an attractive asian guy ever? This goes for anyone who writes off an entire race of people as ugly. It's just weird tbh and is different than saying I prefer dating someone who looks similar to me

No. 2266601

I couldn't agree more, reading books is such a chore.

No. 2266613

Trafficking happens more often in rich white suburban areas but is often unreported. It's also easier to gaslight women, specifically white moms about because people keep pushing the narrative that "the crazy Karen that thinks strange things on her car are trafficking schemes"

t. I lived in a white, high income suburb and one of the most dangerous cities in the US. At least half the shops around the rich area had multiple trafficking instances, where as inner City sex trafficking was more of people grooming among connections

No. 2266614

t. child who was left behind

No. 2266621

are they kidnapping women and girls in the area or are they trying to be close to richer potential male clientele?

No. 2266623

Audiobooks are a nice solution to this, and you can listen to them while doing something mindless like cleaning or when you're riding the subway

No. 2266627

Audiobooks do nothing for reading comprehension.

No. 2266628

Your post confirms an old stereotype: most people who date outside of ther race are considered ugly by their own race, so that's why they branch out.

No. 2266630

They're not supposed to. They're a good way for dyslexic people to still enjoy nice literature

No. 2266642

idk, most people I’ve known who date outside their race are minorities dating people of the most common race where they live. that seems pretty reasonable to me, it’d honestly be weirder to only date the 3% of the population happens to share your race.

No. 2266652

Yeah. Like if I’m one of only like three Asian kids at my school…obviously I’m more likely to date outside my race, statistically.

No. 2266654

I used to be into reading so much when I was younger that I wonder that's why I burnt out on doing it when I was older. That and the amount of reading I did in college disenchanting me. I want to start reading often again but then I feel like when I do, I'm constantly distracted. Brainrot sucks

No. 2266656

If you wear glasses willingly over contacts you are stupid cucked cattle. Glasses are literally a voluntary disability. Glasses users shouldn't be allowed to drive cars honestly. They lack peripheral vision. If you wear glasses you are self-cucking. What you gotta repeatedly WIPE OFF your means to see like a fucking old timey ben franklin? Oooh you're scared to touch your eye? Grow the fuck up

No. 2266657

A fujoshi without glasses is like an angel without wings.

No. 2266659

Contacts are fucking irritating to wear every single day.

No. 2266663

The eyes need some rest too

No. 2266665


I lose things easily and contacts are small and transparent. Me and them are an awful combo.

No. 2266668

I can't wear contacts because my prescription is too high so even if I wore it I'll still be a bit blind

No. 2266672

tell that to blind people retard

No. 2266674

Um….blind people can read.

No. 2266675

It's called braille

No. 2266724

based and true, i can't tell you how many incredibly strange incidents i've experienced over the years while out shopping or doing errands in otherwise high-income areas that could only point to me being nearly trafficked several times. too bad i'm a foul moody bitch to men so they back off eventually. telling the soccer moms off for being paranoid is legit a psyop so that they can continue to kidnap women and children freely.

No. 2266730

but they look cool

No. 2266761

Rich men want a "rich" appearance on what they seek too, so rich girls and women are often likely to be well manicured, expensive hair, more money and time to stay in shape/super skinny/etc. predators see them as targets because they can generate them more money via yachting, Epstein's island type shit, etc. they go for poor women too because poor women's families are less likely to have the resources to search for the woman + if a rich teen white girl disappears most people will assume she was just a moody teenager and ran away with a boyfriend or something. It's more believable to people if a poor woman was trafficked over a rich woman

No. 2266772

I've had my glasses since I was 6 and I've never worn contacts. I'd rather look like a nerd than risk getting a pink eye. Besides, my glasses make my eyes look bigger and take attention off my eye bags so I look better with them. Keep squinting those tiny pink eye-bagged pig eyes, contact lense-using loser.

No. 2266777

i want to use contacts but my prescription is high because i am borderline blind

No. 2266786

It's not the same as reading, so you wouldn't be improving that skill.

No. 2266787

What's your dioptre anons?
Mine is -11 and that's considered unusually high, I've never met anyone with worse eyesight than mine. I always wear lenses when I go out because with glasses I have zero peripheral vision and risk not noticing a speeding car before it turns me into a pancake

No. 2266789

No. 2266805

>can't use pattern recognition to 'see' what is happening in peripheral vision
skill issue

No. 2266806

It never will under our current society. Disabled people form a permanent underclass in our work-to-live culture, which is necessary to funnel wealth away from them and into the upper classes. Unless you're born into wealth or have a disability which does not hinder your ability to work or be hired, you're guaranteed to be poor. Society doesn't care about poor people's rights.

No. 2266808

A lot of moms hide behind blaming the dad for their failures as a mother. For example a woman will date a convicted sex offender then place all the blame on him when he inevitably attacks her children…nope it’s not only his fault that happened, it’s hers too.

No. 2266810

I unironically believe that any woman who knowingly and willingly has kids with a violent crime felon should automatically have her kids taken away. Like at that point it's guaranteed child endangerment, just a matter of when.

No. 2266812

A lot of women have a cocky mentality that “oh he abused other women he wouldn’t do it to me” and they hold that same mentality to for their children “oh he molested other kids he wouldn’t do that to mine.”

No. 2266813

So it's you causing car collisions wherever you go because you refuse to put in contacts

No. 2266814

It's nloggery taken to its most illogical conclusion: "Oh I'm Not Like those Other Girls he harmed. I'm diffrunt and speshul." I'd also blame media for the last 40+ years psyopping women to give bad boys a chance.

No. 2266815

kek sorry nonna my accident record is spotless except for one time a high asf college student backed into me in a parking lot despite me trying to reverse away and laying on my horn to let her know i was there

No. 2266819

Ok, but keep in mind while driving things can come from the peripheral vision that you don't expect and don't match any established pattern
Stay safe

No. 2266823

The reason why Shera seven sprinkle sprinkle feminism is so popular with women is because deep down inside they still want men’s love and protection but they try to cope by saying they’re just dating men for money. They want to feel empowered without facing the reality of heterosexual relationships. They delude themselves into thinking they can girl boss and manipulate themselves into a man loving them.

No. 2266831

i remember seeing some women i knew talking about how the idea of scrotes "providing" for women is ACKSHUALLY feminist because of using the scrote for money or whatever and it's annoying how easily people will eat that kind of tardthink up. this is how tradthottery was popularized again recently too

No. 2266832

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This should be the point of circumcision.

No. 2266833

I see it as a response to the fact women are waking up to how shit men are but they still love men and want a relationship. They need to figure out how they can paint dating men as feminist so they don’t have to confront reality which is they can’t live without male attention.

No. 2266836

>t. dr Kellogg

No. 2266838

The one time Kellogg was based.

No. 2266840

I typically hate when people victim blame women but you're correct about this. Also the amount of moids that ended up being discord groomers is insane. But at the same time we shouldn't shame victims who genuinely didn't know so that way they aren't afraid of warning the next woman

No. 2266844

You don’t get pink eye unless you’re a slob retard.

No. 2266845

It's really disheartening because those women are only getting half of the picture and the missing half will screw them over later. Having a moid provide for you is the bare minimum expectation if you're putting yourself through a relationship with one. But it's necessary for women to have her own income (that he has zero access to) in addition to whatever the moid provides so that she's financially secure no matter what. Financial security is what allows her to be a liberated woman in the event that her "stronk provider man" turns into an abuser shitscrote.

No. 2266846

Inventing the yummiest breakfast was also pretty "based" I think

No. 2266847

Parents who show pda in front of their kids are nasty.

No. 2266848

I am sorry for your burger tastebuds sweet nonna. jk ily and frosted flakes are pretty tasty

No. 2266850

I love microwaved cornflakes with chocolate milk

No. 2266885

>microwaved cornflakes

No. 2266891

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>Microwaved cornflakes

No. 2266892

This is such a perfect quintessential Lolcow post lmao

No. 2266895

You guys should try it. Put cornflakes in a bowl, pour chocolate milk, let it microwave shortly
It becomes soft and mushy and warm

No. 2266902

what the fuck kind of textural autist are you to eat this willingly

No. 2266904

It's basically like chocolate oatmeal, give it a try

No. 2266905

you know…you could also eat chocolate oats instead of eating cornflakes…like that.but i am intrigued i must say

No. 2266906

Exactly, kek
But the corn flavour is a nice change to the blander oat flavour

No. 2266924

the ugly male psyop thread is full of fatties with incredibly high standards. i don't have a problem with healthy women making fun of dysgenic males btw. it's the piggies that are hilarious. if they want to contribute so bad they should try humbling men like that on actual social media.

No. 2266926

Kek is this because anons rightfully pointed out that fat men are always ungroomed slobs?

No. 2266927

There are, like, 3 posts as of now talking about one single fat woman being bullied by scrotes on xitter and the consensus is "well at least she's well groomed compared to fat moids", calm down kek

No. 2266931

what do you expect fat moids to do? put on makeup? the whole thing is retarded because it doesn't matter how well groomed a fat person thinks they are, their rolls speak the loudest.

No. 2266972

The male population is filled with fatties with incredibly high standards, it evens out.

No. 2266975

I expect them not to put on weight in the first place kek. Even if very few people have legitimate excuses to be overweight, scrotes have even LESS excuses than women do.

No. 2266976

kek you sound jealous the fatty has a hotter nigel than you without having to put a toothbrush down her throat and chew ice cubes, rattle rattle

No. 2266979

Seriously, what is it with anons chimping out on the rare occasions a fat woman isn't made fun of on here? "At least she's better than fat scrotes" isn't even particularly strong praise? It's not exactly like we spend a lot of time whiteknighting them kek

No. 2266982

pickmes hate seeing women get male attention without half the effort they put into for mid dick. Thats a big part of the psyop too, women putting other women down instead of being glad they are one of the rare women capable of dating a hot guy.

No. 2266984

what woman has more of an excuse to be fat than a male does? be for fucking real. we're not talking about post partum women here.

No. 2266986

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Women are biologically susceptible to retaining more fat than males. I thought this was common knowledge.

No. 2266989

File: 1732022105281.jpeg (21.2 KB, 640x480, images-5.jpeg)

HAHAHHAHAHAHA this is not an excuse to be fat you fat retard
here is what 20% body fat looks like on a woman(infight bait)

No. 2266990

>We're not talking about postpartum women here
Why not? There's also the fact men have faster metabolisms, are generally taller, and are less likely to have immune conditions, so they have to go out of their way to be fat. Again, it's not the fact women necessarily have good reasons to be overweight, just that men PARTICULARLY have no good reasons and yet it's so normalized for them. The you're getting so angry about this is funny.

No. 2266991

You are waaaaaaay too mad on behalf of the piggy moids.

No. 2266992

and you're way underprepared to be defending obese people with that 20% bodyfat ahh shit

No. 2266994

File: 1732022490571.jpg (14.87 KB, 275x208, 1699029360941.jpg)

Your question was
>what woman has more of an excuse to be fat than a male does?
I gave you a snippet of a rundown as to how women could find it more difficult to lose weight and not be fat. It is a biological feature in women to retain more fat than men. That may not be an exact justification to be overweight, but it is technically more of a "reason" for women being fat than moids being fat.
keep track of what the fuck you're even asking before slamming other anons as "retarded" for giving you answers to your own questions, you illiterate fucking tard.

No. 2267002

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Ntayart but that’s why you have to try harder anon. Just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible and let’s be real, if you have stubborn fat on your body then there must be some hormonal problem that’s not being addressed. It’s true women retain more fat on our bodies due to estrogen but it doesn’t turn us into the psyop’d mother goddess hambeast venus figurine. Picrel is so disgusting btw, I bet she didn’t even have enough energy to move around which makes her even more vulnerable to male predation. Many fat women are bred to be compliant to scrotes, it’s so sad.

No. 2267003

Her fat ass self got so incredibly angry she began to use italics and bold text. Chills, man, chills…

No. 2267008

Why be defensive of fat men and concerned with how women who aren't attracted to them look? Did men ever have to pass a beauty contest before attacking women's looks? They don't care about being non-hypocritical when they criticize women, so why should we have rules on eachother when doing the same to them?
>that makes us just as bad blahblah
Nope, because women didn't start the nitpicking game. Also, playing fair doesn't work here. Are you scared men will read this site and get mad or something? They weren't listening when we were nice anyway. Men have demonstrated they don't give a fuck and will try to force their ugliness as much as they can.
Even if some of the anons in the thread are fat, I actually prefer that fat women don't overidentify with fat men and try to force other women to like them because they think it's "fair" (many cases of this on Twitter and Tumblr). And yes, there's less reason for men to be fat than women. Look how much taller they are than women, and their faster metabolisms. You have to be eating like a fucking vacuum to be obese or overweight as a man, it's disgusting lmao.

No. 2267010

I mean, NTA but you're typing like one of those xitterfags who try way too hard to seem unbothered kek

No. 2267013

I was clearly joking with the chills comment kekkk chill out

No. 2267015

>Losing the argument
>Defaults to "omg I'm joking!"
Every time kek

No. 2267017

You’re probably a scrote but I agree. It’s almost getting into that pendulum swing territory where incels think their dysgenic traits should be passed down through an attractive person. Most of the women in that thread are very ugly and if there’s even an attractive male that exists (in my personal opinion they really don’t) they should be paired with an attractive female. Ugly people who lack self-evaluation start to think they’re entitled to things because they were dealt with a bad situation at the start of their lives. If only ugly women stopped trying to get validated by the same sex that fucks corpses and started evolving their own lives and personalities.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2267018

I’m really confused, what? I’m not that other person

No. 2267024

You sound like said fatty kek. Being fat is ugly , more on men sure, but fat women are ugly too and attractiveness plays a role no matter the gender. Ugly women aren’t with handsome men on a bigger percentage, be realistic.
The retards over there don’t realize that they’re the same as the Nigelfags while actin holier than thou kek.

No. 2267039

This trend of blurring or slapping an emoji over someone’s face in a picture and posting it on social media is so corny. It looks fucking stupid. Just don’t post the picture at all

No. 2267043

NTA, but so what if fat women are ugly? Is this a dating site, or are we just discussing the often-censored subject of men's hideousness? We already know ugly women are ugly, men and other women say it all the time. But if you try to complain about how ugly men are pervasive in media and how people spread the lie that pretty women are horrible, shallow bitches if they aren't attracted to them, you get yelled at everywhere but here.

No. 2267045

Ugly men deserve more hate, that I can definitely agree with. But it’s kind of retarded and pathetic for nonnas to still cling to scrotes, albeit young and okay looking, as if they’re the next best thing after sliced bread or as if they’re morally any better than the ugly , bald and fat ones, nonnas there were literally saying that young scrotes are soo much better since they aren’t as porn brained and that they’ll absolutely treat you better and even have genuine attraction.
It’s just a bunch of women who are still chasing men and acting as if they’re so revolutionary on top of that kek, they’re just unattractive and they’re fantasizing about a charming prince that doesn’t exist.

No. 2267049

You won’t get romance from a young moid or any man, you won’t get any respect or equality. You’ll just be under a porn category, “milf” if you’re much older. And you’ll be his money pig if you’re richer. There is no imbalance , it’s impossible to recreate the same imbalance that happens with old geezers and young women, in fact you might even be abused by said man kek. If you’re successful and independent a 20 year old is the last thing you need in your life.

No. 2267052

That's just how straight women are tbh, they'll always be attracted to men and nothing will change that. I prefer they fantasize about a charming prince than lay down with pigs, cope about it and try to shill it on other women out of some "misery loves company" mindset. Of course attractiveness and youth don't mean someone has better morals, but pretty much everything about these men gets just a little bit worse when they're fuck-ugly on top of it all, kek.

No. 2267059

Have you seen them? How do you know what anyone looks like?

No. 2267060

god forbid straight women express their desire for hot men, we should all just be polilez instead

No. 2267061

The saddest part of female heterosexuality is that it’s always 99% fantasizing and 1% of reality while scrotes sexuality is fuck everything on site and use it until it no longer has functional value. “Straight” women are not sexually compatible with straight males, it’s like night and day

No. 2267067

They sadly still have Prince Charming syndrome. The ones who worship and fantasize over the fictional ones truly amaze me, they rather idolize sheets of paper and flashing animating colors than focus on themselves and not their sexuality. Female heterosexuality reminds me a lot of an addiction craving and pining for something that clearly doesn’t give a shit about you but only seeks to destroy you, confirming even more that it isn’t enforced in a natural way through society. If hettie women weren’t bred to seek cock on every street and didn’t have the constant pressure of male presence around them, their sexuality would develop in a natural manner. The very fact scrotes exist is proof female straightness is compulsory.

These are the same types who think their reproductive value gives them divine and lawful protection and value over other women when their sexuality is always going to be gatekept, dictated, and planned by scrotes because women need scrotes to reproduce to give them that illusory value and proposition of safety and provision. Even the most disconnected forms of reproduction requires speem to fertilize an egg, so their sexuality will always be seeking to be validated by males while males remain the gatekeepers. Heterosexuality, marriage, romantic relationships, and everything else pandered to straight women is a brilliant creative scam sold to us everyday. The very day women begin to deconstruct their sexuality is the day male domination begins to crush in itself

No. 2267069

>than focus on themselves and not their sexuality.
people can do both, i dont understand how they are mutually exclusive

No. 2267071

Sexuality is not life, it’s business.

No. 2267072

You are putting more value into sexuality than the average straight woman tbh. I can't imagine moralfagging and writing word salads over husbandofags of all things. Sexuality is natural.

No. 2267073

She's a woman. That's all the excuse she needs. It's a male's whole biological purpose to be aesthetically pleasing enough to women to get picked. So men have to be aesthetically pleasing to women or they have failed their biological role. Duh?

No. 2267076

I mean, it's better to like fictional moids than to risk getting, you know, murdered by irl moids.
You can't just turn all heterosexual women into lesbians or asexuals (assumingthat exists) so may as well let them know that there's other ways to not feel like shit while being a real human being that has sexual cravings like every other person in the world.
Like it's shitty to shit on husbandofags because it makes you sound like those religious people that gets mad at women liking a picture of a moid or who even dare to say that she masturbates to her sexual fantasies.

No. 2267077

Please tell me how sucking, fucking, breeding and caring for scrotes is going to bring balance in your life, the very reason on why women wanted to be liberated was so they can have enough time to worry about themselves instead of doing the grand majority of the sucking, fucking, nursing and caring that was preventing them from accomplishing just about anything and it was involuntary for many of them, now you’re making the conscious voluntary choice to do that exact same thing. Apparently no other woman can question it because it’s somehow “misogyny” and “woman-hating” to question the retarded choices people make but I’m sure it’s more misogynistic and woman-hating to force women to think males are attractive and by that if you don’t find them attractive you’re an asexual (so an antisocial freak by societal standards), a “lesbian” (because there’s no objective reason to find males attractive enough to reproduce and be with. So you’re spending your entire life constantly nagging his ass, making sure he’s okay, messaging him, unconsciously doing the caretaking shit that most breeder married women do while proclaiming to be in a fun casual commitment is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. And then the most funniest shit yet is being the ultimate masochist to broadcast this poor choice to other people especially on the internet and have people laugh and make fun of you, it’s like some kind of masochistic fetish straight women have where they seek to be humiliated, degraded, knocked down a peg. Some of them figured if this is the way my sexuality is to be then they’ll just monetize it which brings the very problem of prostitution and onlyfans

No. 2267078

They aren’t word salads, you just can’t ever admit to yourself that you can’t read and you’re aren’t smart.

No. 2267079

I don’t agree with some points of yours but
> Heterosexuality, marriage, romantic relationships, and everything else pandered to straight women is a brilliant creative scam sold to us everyday. The very day women begin to deconstruct their sexuality is the day male domination begins to crush in itself
This I agree fully with

No. 2267080

>it's better to like fictional moids than to risk getting, you know, murdered by irl moids
Yeah but that isn't ideologically pure enough. Hettie nonaritas must forego fictional husbandos and never dare let their eyes settle desirably on a masculine form, even a fictional one in the privacy of their own bedrooms. It's a thought crime that will lead them down the path of eternal sexual servitude to some schlubby irl scrote, don't you know?

No. 2267081

You know asexuality isnt real right? that people are inherently sexual because it's out biological end to reproduce.

No. 2267086

If you truly want to bring the mating talk then there’s a hierarchy among women too, where the women with more potential are sought after. A fat and ugly woman isn’t really inherently valuable from a pure materialistic point, just like a fat and ugly man.

The thing with humans is that somehow women have been co opted to go against biology under the fake pursue of love. What we are seeing now is the result of that, more retards, more diseases, baldness too kek.

No. 2267087

So, instead of trying to fix things your solution is for women to just idk turn asexual? that's not going to happen, because its unnatural. The most rational thing to do is for women to develop standards for better men. Women arent going to stop reproducing because most women are heterosexual.

No. 2267088

I never said I was asexual, lesbian, straight. I just don’t care about retarded ass labels kek

No. 2267090

the only "real" asexuals are traumatized autistic women (who aren't even asexual, just autistic and traumatized). everyone else is just deluding themselves for diversity points.
we aren't comparing women to women, we are comparing women to men. the hottest man is still worth less than the ugliest fattest woman.

No. 2267091

The anti-husbandofagging gives me the impression that it's less about disliking the social structure (which I agree is fucked), but a pathological disdain for heterosexuality, maybe sexuality as a whole, and that's something deeply personal. Humans are sexual. There's no point in complaining about it, you just have to live with that fact.
Most women in the world will never be polilez, even fewer (I'd say none) will ever become so celibate/purist that they refuse to even have sexual fantasies. If you are part of that vanishingly small number, you have to accept that your political ideas won't work out. You can't convert someone gay or asexual any more you can convert them straight or "normatively" sexual.

No. 2267093

then why do you sperg so much about heterosexual women? your problem isn't with men not being deserving of women's love, but with women themselves for daring to be humans and seek affection and sex. And before you start projecting, i have been a dateless virgin for 25 years voluntarily.

No. 2267094

There's this discourse about how the father is the "fun parent" who gets to engage in games and sports with their children, but the mother is the "serious parent" that gets to do all the drab but important work
And that has some merit, but people ignore the importance of play in development
I can easily see in adults when their father was absent, didn't give a shit, or they didn't have a good relationship with him by the way they react to things
Play is important in all animals to prepare them for life. In humans it teaches them how to handle competition, how to behave while winning or losing, how to practice and perfect skills, how to function in a team, and a whole other host of invaluable personal and social skills
All crucial in everyday life

No. 2267095

See? This is why I’m saying that you’re delusional.

No. 2267097

It'd be great if more fathers did the serious work so more mothers could play with their children. So many mothers are stripped of anything that makes them fun because they're so busy running the house due to their lazy manchild husbands who refuse to do anything other than be the "fun" parent.

No. 2267098

The dad gets to be the fun parents because he doesn’t do shit while the mom is the serious one because she’s the one making sure that the children are fed, clothed, taken care of, going to school, getting their vaccines. Even fathers who are present are fucking useless.

No. 2267099

sorry that i recognize that women are more inherently valuable than men.

No. 2267100

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This is pure fantasy and this isn’t how reality works. Males don’t have to be attractive or pretty enough to carry on their genes, that’s not what sexual dimorphism entails anyways. I’m not saying this in a “old ugly bastards are attractive!!!” sort of way, but it’s clear that males don’t have to be attractive to have their genes passed on and this will never change. Males make promise of provision and protection from other scrotes, the woman takes this proposition even though it’s false and this is seen as something worthy of biologically passing on and then it continues through generations of people through marriage and children. This is why males are biologically more stronger than women and have different characteristics than us. The funniest part is that women do reproduce and get into relationships with “”””attractive”””” males, it clearly just isn’t enough. Attraction is not what humans seek especially males. Males don’t care about attraction, it’s a strategy to control and trap their prey to fulfill their predation, they will fuck, marry and control just about anything while they have the prey fantasizing and in lala land while it’s getting preyed on or to stop the preying from happening to you. The last thing makes want you to do is use logic and not fall into fantasies and imagination. Female-male heterosexuality boils down to a male catch and chase situation that tantalizes them. They know you’re afraid, weak, and controlled trying to put up illusions and fantasies up and they seek to destroy it hence the madonna-whore complex. Males are CRINGE the end.

No. 2267101

I hate the defeatist attitude of just giving up and living miserable lives instead of trying to improve things.

No. 2267107

Because they’re the majority of the female global population??

No. 2267108

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This is very true. Maybe not for all families, but for way too many. It's scarily normalized that people won't think it's weird for a guy to be detached from his kids just because he's married to their mom and didn't leave them. They're in the household, but they're not in the family, and that's sad. It's sad that even at their "best", fathers are widely still useless. The only reason why children from single fathers don't get fucked up as bad as kids raised by single mothers is actually because single fathers get new girlfriends or their own moms to do the actual raising FOR him. Reposted because of a bad typo.

No. 2267110

Not the divine femininity talk kek

No. 2267117

A bad dad creates:
-A sore loser
-A quitter
-A fatass
-An inability to be a team player
These are all extremely important things in life that will shape a child's future
It's just bloody discourse. Mom's effort towards hygiene and healthy meals are just as important as dad's efforts towards physical fitness and competitive spirit

Yes, there is a division of labour. Historically, it's been a good thing. If you think otherwise, bake your own bread and make your own mobile phone

No. 2267118

>but it’s clear that males don’t have to be attractive to have their genes passed on and this will never change.
NTA, but this falls apart when you remember we don't live in the fucking stone age anymore. Men can't reproduce by hitting women in the head with rocks and dragging them home, or saying "I will protect you from the men who will do that. In exchange, you bear my children".
"Muh protection and provision" is irrelevant in a world of laws, guns and technology. As societies improve, fewer women are in a survival mindset, so they're seeking out partners who actually have appealing traits. For example, Nordic countries have higher rates of gender equality. As a result, most women marry and reproduce men closer to their own age. The opposite pattern can be observed in countries with lower gender equality.
I'm not saying this means "men good now", I'm saying women do have a degree of choice and their own preferences, which they select/gatekeep for.

No. 2267120

And have you never asked yourself why that is kek

No. 2267121

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> The only reason why children from single fathers don't get fucked up as bad as kids raised by single mothers
They do though.

No. 2267125

not even divine femininity, it's just misplaced heterosexuality to think that males are worth as much as women

No. 2267126

Sorry anon but unequal division of labor in the home is not just bloody discourse. It was only considered a good thing historically because women didn't have any other option. Nowadays most mothers work outside of the home and yet they still do more around the house than working fathers.

No. 2267129

No one brought that up, you're making leaps of judgement retard

No. 2267130

This is more about house labour and capitalism then child rearing

No. 2267134

Most normie straight couples have nothing in common beyond sex

No. 2267135

Stop having gender dysphoria.

No. 2267136

why are lesbians so ugly(bait)

No. 2267137

Do you think that you can separate those subjects? House labor and capitalism directly affect how someone is able to rear their children. You had two anons point out that mothers have to be the "serious" parent because they're more often than not the ones making sure the children are fed and get to school on time, something that fathers are more than capable of doing but usually don't. Fathers could take a more caretaking role towards their children, but most of them choose not to because that's hard work that sometimes makes their children resent them. Being the "fun" parent is easier and usually makes your kids like you more while they're still growing.

No. 2267140

File: 1732030051361.jpg (3.84 KB, 160x160, 1000019092.jpg)

You know what? Yeah. Can we throw military brats into the category of "children most likely to turn out fucked up in some way" too?

No. 2267147

Men treat women horribly but I can see why they do it. If I were in their position I’d be doing the same thing. Women are the easiest targets to leech resources from if you’re a straight male. If I were an attractive white man I would be dragging bitches through the dirt unfortunately.

No. 2267154

well her father is a war criminal so its no wonder she turned out like that

No. 2267156

Yeah and that’s why I never feel bad for a man when he gets his shit wrecked by a BPDemon woman or something. It’s just the scales being balanced.

No. 2267158

i think some people my age are literally happy that trump won and the economy is shit. they weren’t working towards financial success or making the world a better place either way. now they have not only an excuse for their lack of happiness and success, but a rationalization for not even trying for it and being allowed to bitch and moan as if they tried and were purposefully held down anyways. i’ve noticed that these are the kind of people who talk about social justice but only where it applies to them and then get sullen and annoyed when you talk about donating money or participating in a fundraiser and act like you’re being self righteous. it’s always someone in a straight relationship saying they’re bi or someone who is like a quarter non white and white passing acting like they have it worse. then you bring up women are actually going to die as a result of this election or anything about rape/abuse of women and they can’t even pretend to care. real oppression makes them uncomfortable. they’d rather pretend they have it the worst because someone didn’t believe a married couple was queer or some shit.

No. 2267160

The labeling is the discourse
>making sure the children are fed and get to school on time
Uh, fathers do this all the time
Just like mothers play with their children too

>Do you think that you can separate those subjects?

Yes, who does the most unpaid labour is an issue whether a couple has kids or not

No. 2267162

kek wtf is this not all men logic?

No. 2267166

What's not all men about it?
Not all men are like your father?

No. 2267168

Women are more suspectable to hormonal and thyroid issues, which makes it extremely difficult to maintain healthy weights unless properly medicated. And what do doctors do to women that complain about difficulties losing weight? They just treat them like they're all idiots who haven't figured out 2012 Tumblr pro ana advice and put them on (I shit you not) 400-800 cal diets then also complain when malnourishment happens.

Not only are these conditions in men rarer, but men with those conditions almost instantly get any treatment they need, aren't treated like morons by doctors, no one expects them to force anemia and other deficiencies on themselves

No. 2267176

>daddy issues!
ew moid moment. nah my dad was pretty awesome which is why i can look at other dads and see them falling short and failing their kids. good dads, like good men, are in the minority.

No. 2267208

So your dad is "not all men"
Then why the comment on my post
What logic is that

No. 2267226

> Yes, there is a division of labour. Historically, it's been a good thing.
Aka men exploiting women on all grounds while they largely benefit from it. The division of labour is grossly unfair, it’s women who do 80% while men barely do 20% both in the household and children, at least before they used to support with their income (although it was shitty because women depended on their husband and had no other choice but be trapped), but now , not only you’re expected to still do all this, but you’re also supposed to work and do 50\50 too kek.

Households where women are also working don’t have that big of a division regarding household chores and raising children, women are still the ones doing everything, while husbands sit on their ass wondering why their wives never want to have sex. Marriage is a scam for women and it literally shackles them.
The only scenario where marrying might be actually nice is if you’re with a man that truly loves you , respects you and grows with you through the years and where you truly divide labor, but a man like that probably lives in Mars.

No. 2267232

>The division of labour is grossly unfair
You can argue that the division of labour is a bad concept in general when you post from a phone you put together yourself from the resources you mined and refined yourself

The rest of your musings have nothing to do with my original post

No. 2267234

You don’t get it nonna, behind those fathers are mother micromanaging these retards. Even the so called “good fathers” who get praised to hell and ass kissed for …taking care of their offspring still have a woman behind their back.
Men can’t do shit. Who’s telling him that Michael’s teacher is not going to be there in the first period? Who is making Michael’s bag every night? Who is in the group chat? Who is reminding him to take Michael to his friend’s birthday? Who is making and wrapping Christmas gifts and hosting Christmas or new year’s? Even when you pick a good example of a man he’s still a fucking leech.

No. 2267238

Are you actually retarded kek? You are making shitty points so you resort to
>but your phone! Comes from the exploitation of mine workers in Africa!!
We are talking about family, heterosexual relationships, wrap it up and come up with a better argument or shut the fuck up.

No. 2267244

>You don’t get it nonna
Yes, please tell me how you know my family better than I know it myself, and how I should perceive the world how some anonymous stranger on the internet tells me to

No. 2267251

Oh my good we’re not talking about your family retard, we’re taking about the structure of families as a general. Are you not able to argument a point without having to first make it about yourself kek?
>but muh father
>muh family!1!!
I could probably store some groceries in that empty head of yours.

No. 2267255

>my father took me to school!
I bet you never actually sat down and watched how your family dynamics are. You probably are one of the retards who worship their fathers while they do the bare minimum while looking with contempt and entitlement to the mother who breaks their back for you.

No. 2267266

I don’t understand why most women who become feminists lean into this “all women are beautiful” “girls girls” “we are sisters” fluffy stuff because it’s corny. I don’t think all women are beautiful and tbh I dislike 99% of them but I’m a feminist because I want us to all have rights and equal opportunities.

No. 2267267

Your eloquent reply made me stop loving and respecting my father and start loving and respecting anonymous poster #2267255
I will furthermore only look up to you to advice and guidance in life

No. 2267269

File: 1732034375303.jpg (207.75 KB, 1024x776, 6234971041_f94f7cbb43_b.jpg)

If your red hair is darker/browner than this you don't have red hair, you just have warm toned brown hair

No. 2267270

Ask your dad

No. 2267277

Yeah, feminism is about class solidarity and recognising societal bias, not everyone being best friends. That misconception is why feminists get held to insane moral standards. I might argue with retarded posters here but I will staunchly defend their right to express their retarded opinions.

No. 2267289

I think a lot of womens people pleasing female socialization bleeds into feminism. No I don’t think fat women are attractive or beautiful, they look disgusting and no I don’t like the personalities of most women but I want them to have the freedom to be the repulsive people they are.

No. 2267341

I think you're dumber than me if you got the covid vaccine for a nothingburger cold virus. You're dumb if you get the flu shot too. You aren't 80 stop being dramatic

No. 2267356

File: 1732036325826.jpg (46.01 KB, 736x368, 1000016030.jpg)

Fortnite is so much fun, even on my own. There's a lot of skins I like, but I don't buy because poorfag. I have been gifted quite a lot from friends and my brother and I am so greatful for them all. Picrel is my first skin I grew to love, she seems quite unpopular even among fortnite autists, it makes me a little sad but I'm glad she hasn't been tainted by fandom retardation. I used to equip her skin, backbling, pickaxe and loading screen religiously because at the time Fortnite skins were pretty ass, they still kind of are but I have a few more options now. I don't love every update or map, but some are really special. Primal was my favourite season.

No. 2267384

>instantly get any treatment they need, aren't treated like morons by doctors, no one expects them to force anemia and other deficiencies on themselves
No lie. I use to work with so many women who ate next to nothing all day but were still chubby. If people can understand that mysterious weight loss despite not working out and eating a lot is a sign of a health problem, why wouldn't someone retaining fat despite exercising and eating low cal also be a sign of a health issue?

No. 2267554

France is based for banning hijabs. I wish America would do the same.

No. 2267585

Most "gentle femdom" stuff isn't even femdom.

No. 2267607

Braille is barely taught anymore I think less than 10% of visually impaired people know it. People mainly rely on screen readers/text to voice.

No. 2267615

It's difficult to find a smoker or alcoholic who doesn't know that they're fucking up their body and especially one that treats it like some sort of health nut thing. Two of those are also physical addictions, unlike milk.
Anorexics though are likely to buy into the raw milk thing because food poisoning is cheaper than laxatives and will kill their appetite kek

No. 2267664

Street smart > book smart

No. 2267672

Book smart gets you money though.

No. 2267680

That worthless moid will meet a fitting end.

No. 2267681

Depends on the context. In general tho most people who think this are just retards coping.

No. 2267689

I’ll continue pursuing my degree, thank you nonna

No. 2267691

beet smart >>>

No. 2267722

Usually book smarts comes with common sense/organization

No. 2267725

I think women who wish they had big boobs are all pickmes to some degree and their longterm thinking abilities are lacking, never understood that wish. Come to think of it, boobs become saggier with age and having natural big boobs will only make that issue worse.
What big boobs gave me was unwanted vulgar attention, back pain, hating every outfit I’m in and looking dumpy, scoliosis for trying to hide them somehow and a wish to make them smaller tbf. Granted, I’m not interested in dating, so there’s that too.

No. 2267783

You're onto something, my (self declared) pickme friend have small boobs and she hopes she can get implants in the future, she also often says mine are big,which they are not, they are above average at best, she's just envious.

No. 2267815

I'm not a prude, but I'm disheartened that the majority of those who participate in fandoms have made being into obnoxiously degenerate coomslop a personality trait that they put on blast all over the internet, while making it seem like those not doing the same are the weird ones. Like they have some inability to participate in the fandom without being full on obnoxious about their bedroom preferences. It seems like they don't have much healthy sense of self or other hobbies, so they can pour everything into consuming coomshit. It just shouldn't be such a huge focus in anyone's life imo. There are a million other things to think about or engage in, and yet the giddy high they get from being so open about something reasonably taboo (although not anymore with the way its been normalized I guess) is really immature and shallow to me. People who have a healthy and satisfying sex life or hobbies that they find meaningful don't seem to feel the need to overcompensate like that, but perhaps there's my answer.

No. 2267843

According to your logic then women with flat butts and flat chests are the biggest pick mes kek? Your logic makes little to no sense.
You can’t know what they feel because you never experienced it so it isn’t really your place to talk. I hope your boobs continue giving you excruciating back pain in the meantime.

No. 2267849

>According to your logic then women with flat butts and flat chests are the biggest pick mes
How did you even conclude that from her original message? Not every single woman with a flat butt or a flat chest even wants those to be bigger.
>You can’t know what they feel because you never experienced it so it isn’t really your place to talk.
And what kind of "experience" would lead someone to want bigger breasts? Curious.

No. 2267850

NTA but you need to stop being bitter. It's not your breasts that are the problem, nobody actually hates tiny breasts kekkk

No. 2267856

guilty of feeling this way, i hate seeing myself without a bra on

No. 2267858

You’re always so damn condescending I swear.
>but having big breast is so bad! You would never wish to have them! You’re so lucky!!
>nobody hates tiny breasts
Again you know shit about having a flat chest and being a literal AA cup so shut the fuck up.

No. 2267860

I'm still curious about your "experienced" motivation for having bigger ones that doesn't involve pandering to moids.

No. 2267861

Men are so fucking pathetic, it’s men’s mental health awareness day but I’m hearing crickets. While they are ready to yap like pigs in a farm during women’s day.
I hope that more men will kill themselves, let their world be at least a little bit more safe.

No. 2267865

There is no special deep backstory that justifies thinking big tiddy superior and perfect and flat chest oppressed inferior serfs of womankind.
Women with saggy breasts are treated worse on a social level than flat-chested women, but you rarely see them reeing at perky-breasted women the way some of you guys do to large-breasted women. At the end of the day, they're all just tits.

No. 2267867

Men's day? Shouldn't there be a WOMEN'S DAY too huh??? Where is that??? Why doesn't anyone talk about women's issues???? (just practicing for if/when I see even a single man talk about it kek)

No. 2267874

Samefag. In fact, I've seen more women with flat chest angst they can't let go of doing the most to shame and laugh at women whose breasts are actually considered out of the norm in some way (eg "oddly" shaped, different sizes, pointing downward/saggy, etc). This is like a female version of the Napoleon complex, it makes you toxic and a pain to be around for other women. Surgery addicts and female porn addicts do the same shit, too. Stop the pickme shit.

No. 2267880

idk I'm flat and I'd just like bigger boobs because I think boobs are nice and they make a beautiful figure. That's all.

No. 2267884

Men’s mental health? What about women’s mental health? Imagine if the genders were reversed. Women attempt suicide more than men but we choose less lethal methods because we care about our families and don’t want them to scrape our brains off the ceiling. If anything, men should be encouraged to kill themselves. Men have no real problems.

No. 2267898

nayrt, I'm content with tiny tits, but I was trying to think of one possible motivator and it would be how it can be difficult to find clothes that fit right. that's an experience most all women can relate to in some way, however. not a big deal, just annoying.

No. 2267902

For as much harm and misery religion has caused it used to keep retarded people tame and we need a replacement for it.

No. 2267907

No it doesn't

No. 2267908

No it didn't, it never has. Today the most violent people (moids) are religious ones. And if they aren't physically violent they are pedos raping in the name of religion.

No. 2267914

Anon said retarded people and by that I'm willing to bet she means like the really autistic tranny furfags who goon to inflatable pool toys with massive tits. I'm also willing to bet she doesn't mean religions like Islam but Christianity.

No. 2267917

>According to your logic then women with flat butts and flat chests are the biggest pick mes
Ayrt and no. I’ve met plenty of women who have a flat butt and chest who weren’t interested in surgeries and stuff like that, but usually these ones were either celibate or bi/les. It’s just a pattern that I have noticed from my experiences, the other women who were interested in dating moids or date them always told me “I wish I had boobs like yours”, something that gave me the impression that I wrote in my original post. Also, I have a flat ass too and never wanted a bbl kek.
>You can’t know what they feel because you never experienced it so it isn’t really your place to talk.
Neither they know how I feel and that’s fairly normal, best we can do is share our experiences and state opinions on things.
> I hope your boobs continue giving you excruciating back pain in the meantime.
I understand your frustration in a way, but did someone piss in your morning coffee in order to say that?

No. 2267919

That is true, I agree. I just think society was somewhat better when white trash had the fear of god in them. We can't justify it due to the problems it brings women but we need something for people too stupid to listen to reason.
The person I was imagining is ironically closer to a redneck but that works too.

No. 2267932

most people use any sort of justification for violence. it isn't inherent to religion. even if an evil person is an atheist, they will find a justification beyond themselves. human nature etc etc

No. 2267934

"Fear of god" never stopped anyone from doing bad things. Like another nona said, some of the most violent moids are religious.
Trash take anyway, you sound like a 14 year old edgelord.

No. 2267939

Religion fosters a sense of community, which in turns reduces crimes. Only retards with blue hair and not enough life experience to rationalize that being forced to go to church with your parents wasn’t actually that big of a deal think religions evil

No. 2267941

I didn't disagree with her and I don't think I'm saying anything too outrageous. Did you miss the part where I said we need a replacement for religion? That the misery it causes is a bad thing? We just need some way to corral misbehaving retards because the current system doesn't work.

No. 2267978

chatgpt is a great therapist and its free. more people should use it as a therapist or psychologist. especially if you're being burdened with issues where logic can help you.

No. 2267982

do yumes count?

No. 2267987

get therapy, being lusted over by old white fucks is not a good thing and they will beat you p and fleece your ass. You think they're nice because you are naive and they can sense your insecurity

No. 2267989

NTA but personally I love fandom autists, husbandofags and female waifufags because I pretty much am one at this point

No. 2267991

Tell that to a woman that grew up in a Muslim household you ignorant bitch.

No. 2268017

She’s probably happier than you LOL

No. 2268026

People who have experienced extreme child hood trauma should probably be sterilized. Like for example gypsy rose having a kid can’t be a good idea.

No. 2268028

Yeah I'd say I agree. I've noticed women tend to be the biggest fedora tippers and do it in the name of freeing themselves from religions patriarchy but it just sounds like that infamous copypasta from r/ atheism to me. It ignores and reduces the spiritual comfort it can bring to human beings. Only a retard would think religion = preist molesting boys and women in burkas. Not the biggest fan of dogma and I think people should practice in more mystical and spiritual ways because a lot of religious people are a hive mind and are very hypocritical. Now we've replaced religion with hedonism and nobody is happy. There's no community anymore and humans need to find a balance instead of swinging from one extreme to another

No. 2268035

You’ve never read the ex-Muslim thread I see

No. 2268044

>There's no community anymore
Where? This is such a blanket statement. There are microcommunities all over the place that you probably don’t even know about, and they don’t necessarily need religion or mysticism to unite them.

No. 2268052

its weird when women complain about mens lack of interest in decorating or furnishing the home because… why? would you? want him to? it gives you, someone who is much more interested in that, free reign to make it look exactly how you want and he won't complain or even care unless he specifically doesn't like something.

No. 2268053

If you're a shitty person, this world will love you, if you're kind and gentle person, this world will hate you. I've seen it happening to others, and it happened to me too. This is so wrong.

No. 2268065

you have to become a creature that is warm and sweet to the kind ones and a monster with blood dripping out of its fangs towards the bad ones. it’s the only way to survive it and to even the score. they’ll eat us all if we don’t fight back.

No. 2268066

I more was talking about identity and feeling like you feel like you belong somewhere with those you share values with. It's a known fact that people feel more atomized than ever and people try to fill that huge hole left by the decline of community and religion with empty replacements. I'm not saying it's impossible to find a community, just much harder.

No. 2268073

But when I see the supposedly good ones treating well the monsters because they either don't see that they're bad or they see it but choose to ignore it, how am I supposed to behave? I want to be fair towards everyone because I think that is right. When I forced myself to play the game according to "their rules" a couple of times, I got punished by it, meanwhile people who do it all the time are rewarded for it. It was like the matrix noticed I behaved out of my norm and quickly corrected my mistake. It makes me want to opt out of humanity completely

No. 2268075

People with this mentality always have the biggest victim complexes I swear…

No. 2268085

The only person irl who told me I had "victim complex" was my narcissistic mother who tried to kill me, but ok

No. 2268087

they're right though most societies reward ruthlessness to a certain degree

No. 2268091

Yeah, another feature of the "game" is that you only win if you know the rules from the start. People who figure the rules out later won't be allowed to play even after they've figured it out.

No. 2268100

File: 1732067324169.gif (2.49 MB, 313x374, madison-beer-make-you-mine.gif)

madison beer is prettier than megan fox ever was

No. 2268104

saw this from the front page but man her face is really asymmetrical

No. 2268108

File: 1732067648180.jpeg (51.15 KB, 466x657, images-5.jpeg)

No. 2268110

Nah you can play it if you only just figured out the rules, you just have to work 10x harder if you want to play

No. 2268119

her nose job is noticeably terrible that's hardly an 'elbows too pointy 2/10'

No. 2268122

i hope you get beaten and married off to a muslim man you freak

No. 2268129

I remembered not wanting bigger boobs when I was younger because the thought of being sexualized made me uncomfortable but now I wish I had dds instead. I know it sounds pickmeish but I just think they’d look nice.

No. 2268206

This site is full of women on coke/meth. Stop being tweakers.(bait)

No. 2268214

Nah I'm shitfaced on coors light baby

No. 2268224

File: 1732074839311.jpg (139.33 KB, 2560x2560, 71ppv1gf5dL.jpg)

Head and shoulders is such a supreme shampoo. I have chest length straight hair and no Asian or overpriced shampoo/conditioner has made my hair so silky and smell like the powder of hubba bubba like head and shoulders eucalyptus 2 in 1

No. 2268262

Uh false I smoke weed all day

No. 2268296

File: 1732076924027.webp (498.96 KB, 1536x2048, s245415289888104404_p8_i2_w153…)

I use dove but I've been wanting to get mine silkier. I will see what this does. How long did it take for you to notice?

No. 2268302

I hate kibble and seasonal colour analysis it’s all a huge scam. “oh ackthually you look best in swamp green sackcloth dresses”. it’s literally just a way for women to nuke their competition.

No. 2268304

I found out by borrowing my cousin's shampoo while staying over. It makes it immediately dry so soft like I used a hair mask.

No. 2268305

i can't say the same thing you said out loud in public because people always get pissed off when i call this out in them, but its true. i think we as human beings need to come to terms with the fact that we, perhaps on a subconscious level that we aren't realizing most of the time, tend to praise sociopathic behaviors and even feel more attracted to them more than kind, healthy and well-adjusted people. i think so many people, myself included, are so deeply traumatized that we find healthy people boring and so sometimes we end up just mistreating them out of frustration or something. that only shitty people can make people feel safe because it's familiar and what most of us grew up with.

but again, can't say it out loud because people like >>2268075 just end up getting into their feelings and start to deflect it back to you instead of maybe realizing that there might be some truth to the statements above, even if it sounds rude.

No. 2268306

in color analysis, everyone gets a palette with all the colors in it. no one says that you can only wear swamp green

No. 2268311

I want to try this but i am scared it won't work for 3c hair and will make it feel like straw. I am sick of having an itchy scalp.

No. 2268317

i hear a scalp scrub with apple cider vinegar rinsing can help a lot with problematic scalps. i have 3a hair so no way am i able to enjoy popular shampoos that straight haired people can kek so i hear you.

No. 2268319

I think you just need to try it out to see. It's only around 5-8 dollars and such a wide variety. I looked it up and some were saying it can moisturize curls, but I have straight hair so my words have no weight

No. 2268357

yeah but.. testosterone gives men more feeling of hungry, so I think it evens out. Not joking btw

No. 2268418

I prefer shrooms thank you very much.

No. 2268471

i don't get the kibbe thing but i saw season colors in action once when two family members tried on one of my hoodies (which was a really warm shade of pastel pink). the way that same color made one's skin look bright and the other's look completely washed out was enough to make me a believer.

No. 2268472

>Humans are sexual. There's no point in complaining about it, you just have to live with that fact.

I'm not anti-husbando even in the IRL sense but I do find the above kind of strange logic coming from anyone sympathetic to 4B. Many people turn off their sex drive it's a traditional lifestyle, which is easier and more commonly done without the sex saturated culture we have today. I am personally now disgusted by sex with men after some time refraining from thinking about it at all, which I was never able to achieve with any amount of radfem rhetoric which just caused me to rubberband a lot. You are right its a personal decision but I suspect it's less painful for most het women to live without a male partner when they aren't thinking about sex. Its an interesting personal experiment to learn if you are capable of it, and it can improve judgement for women looking for a husband.

No. 2268485

If you are unemployed, have no job, no expertise, no intelligence or education you'll be seen as worthless. Producing children is seen as a occupation since they can be taxed by the economy eventually but till then its a drag on neo-liberal society. "Homemaking" is not a job and maternity leave exists in nearly all developed economies to aid with child rearing and recovery due to its economic eventual incentive, not for the good of actual women but ultimately homemaking is recognized as virtual unemployment.

How do you consolidate the thought of comparing celibacy to being unable to control fucking? This is the logic of rapists. Does the same logic apply to men too?

No. 2268523

I don't get all this argument, I'm not asexual but not having sex is not hard, I'm not suppressing desires or anything, I just realized that sex with men would be such a bother compared to masturbation.

No. 2268553

Fat Lana del Rey looks like an upscaled child

No. 2268557

Being an ugly woman is awesome.

No. 2268566

>I'm not asexual but not having sex is not hard, I'm not suppressing desires or anything
Same, if I could never have sex ever again it literally wouldn't even bother me the slightest. I know I have a low libido but I think that's fairly common for women. Sure men are sex pests in general but I still wonder how much of that is exacerbated from us living in a sex obsessed culture with porn everywhere all around us at all times. Like if you know you can only see a naked lady once a month you keep busy until then, but now infinite porn it's at your finger tips of not just regular naked women but extremely exaggerated impossible features made to turn you on, any second you want. And even if you refrain the music played everywhere is about sex, you walk past ads of hot women in underwear etc, being turned on at all times is basically encouraged. It's like the obesity version of sexuality, just because eating is natural doesn't mean everyone suddenly being obese is.

No. 2268573

File: 1732103898335.jpg (95.15 KB, 1574x904, copium_explainer.jpg)

No. 2268626

>no sexual harassment
>I don't want a relationship so it doesn't hinder anything about my life
>men seethe even more when you nitpick their looks
>you focus more on excercising and being strong instead of makeup and other overpriced effeminate slop
>elevated career and economic status because I'm not dependent on a man
>lots of money means I can have my pussy ate by a 10/10 whore
>If I ever want a family I can settle for one of the millions of mid men begging for a wife then dump the baby on him and leave
What else could I ask for?

No. 2268668

women who aren't conventionally attractive still experience sexual harassment though. moids actually feel even more entitled to harass them because in their warped minds they believe that she should be thankful for their attention since she isn't considered pretty. if a woman told me she'd never been so much as catcalled at least once in her life i would be genuinely shocked no matter what she looked like

No. 2268673

tbh i like that i look rough-but-cute instead of conventionally attractive. my face was not made for the instagram baddie aesthetic or whatever is popular lately and it takes away some of the pressure to conform

No. 2268768

I think eating disorder content and posting about your mental illness online needs to become stigmatized again

No. 2268792

>if a woman told me she'd never been so much as catcalled at least once in her life
I'm 31 and that's me.

No. 2268807

never been catcalled in my life (and the closest I've ever gotten to being sexually harassed wasn't by a moid either), I'm 28 and pretty average in the face imo kek

No. 2268860

Something that I think doesn't get considered a lot in catcalling frequency is how you commute. I got catcalled all the time when I was broke and had to walk or take the bus everywhere. Now I have a car and haven't gotten catcalled in years, likely because there's simply less opportunity for it to happen. I also got catcalled more as a tween/teen, even when I was with a parent. Bleak.

No. 2268921

Red is the most overrated and pushed colour. It's like the most normie color I can think of and it is the preferred color of basic, mainstream garbage. Wearing red lipstick is like playing with the default create-a-character in an RPG. Even not wearing lipstick at all is more of a statement. I cannot help but associate red with the most milquetoast, pushed people (taylor swift, sabrina carpenter, etc.) and characters (basically like every popular capeshit character). I would go so far as to say that red is the color that has been pushed by low-iq, baboon-esque moids in hollywood with the whole red = sexy thing. Red is the color of pickmes and basicity. I don't even hate red it's just so oversaturated, no pun intended

No. 2268930

I’m happy you never experienced that nonna! It’s such a refreshing and hopeful thing. I wish all women had that.

No. 2268953

As a uni woman the commute sucks so bad. I literally have to go through the mental hoops to befriend scrotes just so I can bring them along with me since I'm too paranoid to walk by myself to places. And now with the Laken Riley case I'm 10x more scared as my campus is more rural

No. 2268979

Ronald Reagan is a disgusting piece of shit who ruined America but the one based thing he did was ignore the aids epidemic. Natural selection for faggot moids

No. 2269028

Imagine being this spergy over a color. Let me guess, some bitch you don’t like likes red.

No. 2269039

Girl it's a primary color, you can say that about literally every single primary color.

No. 2269091

NTA, but no one is shilling blue or green lipstick kek

No. 2269095

File: 1732132444428.png (2.55 MB, 1677x2197, 1000029388.png)

>Red is the colour of pickmes and basicity
Take that the fuck back

No. 2269100

probably because lips don't have a green or blue undertone unless you're very sick. lip's natural pink/red hues are because the skin is thinner there and you see the blood vessels easier

No. 2269121

Nta. I have never been catcalled in my life, and no men have ever expressed attraction to me either. I love it. So many women fell in love with me though kek

No. 2269161

So long as you’re not harassing anyone I don’t think being a stalker is as a big of a deal as people treat it. People act like it’s some sort of huge transgression when the real problem is stalking and THEN doing something bad with it.

No. 2269168

Thought I was the only one. Why is this? Men never hit on me but so many women get crushes on me! Why?? I can’t have a close female friendship without eventually finding out they like or liked me. And the strangers that hit on me are female kek

No. 2269187

Because none of us have blue or yellow or green lips, anon.

No. 2269190

Suffering from success, I wish this was me.
Nonna what do you look like? What’s your style? Tell me your secret I beg you.

No. 2269196

I mean people throw the term stalker around when someone is just checking someone else’s public social media. That’s not really stalking.

No. 2269200

2D graphics>3D graphics

No. 2269202

File: 1732136215522.jpeg (132.14 KB, 619x631, IMG_0214.jpeg)

Nonna I have a favorite red wool sweater, it’s so cozy and warm. I have a pair of heeled ballerinas which are very cute, I have a red bag too and cherry earrings. I’ll put all of them in your honor , along with some red lipstick kek.

No. 2269204

Akchually, green isn't a primary color

No. 2269205

Staking isn’t lurking on social media, that’s just snooping. Or visiting the places where your crush usually spends time in.
Real stalking is actually harmful and ruin victims’life though.

No. 2269208

The primary colors are magenta, yellow and blue

No. 2269212

Don't defend stalking moids

No. 2269218

a lot of stalking cases end in the victim being murdered anon

No. 2269227

>stares in lesbian who majority of my admirers and crazy stalkers were moids and only a very select few women in my entire life
although, maybe its a fashion thing? not that i'm calling anyone here masculine, but scrotes insist on being with women who dress femininely because otherwise he would be called gay.

No. 2269229

Men actually have feelings , depth and compassion, just look at poetry or some lyrics of male singers, they’re capable, they just don’t want to or they are capable of switching it “off” and compartmentalize when they need to and this is even scarier.
This is why “imagine if it was your daughter, wife, mother” makes them actually think for a little bit kek.

No. 2269235

they do have feelings but i disagree with the depth and compassion part. they feel bad when they see someone in their own lives get hurt, but only if that person can serve him in some way shape or form, that's why men run their gums about offering protection because they see their wives and children as property to be protected instead of truly loving them for the human beings that they are. men don't care about anyone except themselves, unless it affects them directly.

No. 2269254

Incorrect. If I DuckDuckGo "parakeet," I will be shown images of parakeets, but the image isn't real. It's only on my screen. A sort of facsimile of reality. In this same way, moids can appear to have souls and emotions, but it's only charlatanism and deceit. Not all that glitters is gold. Don't let the poets and the song-writers deceive you.
>This is why “imagine if it was your daughter, wife, mother” makes them actually think for a little bit kek.
That line makes them "think" (again, men are incapable of serious thought) because they view women as property. I.e., "what if it was YOUR car that got smashed?" They don't have the theory of mind or the spiritual capacity for empathy. In their mind, they're more concerned about how the abuse of their daughter, wife, or mother, would inconvenience them or bring them shame.

No. 2269265

>they do have feelings, they just compartmentalize them.
That's why I treat them like they don't. If left to their own devices and without social intervention, they really would just leave that "switch" the fuck off.

No. 2269266

Even if that were true, they simply cannot realize the full potential of their feelings of empathy because of one simple thing: the phallus between their legs. Men are incapable of true empathy with another human being because deep down their phallus is telling them to rape everything that moves. This is why they get hard when they see you cry, when they see you die, and when they kill.

No. 2269276

Surely following someone around is stalking?

No. 2269322

File: 1732140201551.jpeg (Spoiler Image,238 KB, 1152x1621, IMG_0217.jpeg)

>their phallus is telling them to rape everything that moves.
This made me chuckle so much that I had to draw it kek.

No. 2269346

Why'd you draw Steven Universe kek

No. 2269362

I just drew a random dude and then got distracted and added details. But now that you said that and I went and searched the show l I feel embarrassed. This wasn’t meant to be him, I don’t even watch that damn show.

No. 2269363

I'm the other anon, and I just look plain. I have black, shoulder-length hair and just wear hoodies and jeans. Maybe it's my awesome personality.
Wasn't a fashion thing for me personally, I spent the 18 years of my life in school uniform to the point I'd even hang around in town wearing my uniform because I couldn't be arsed to go home and change. And then I'd even wear the PE uniform at home kek…I didn't own much clothes back then. I don't know how this happens but I'm glad, makes my life easier since I'm attracted to women and don't give a fuck about moids.

No. 2269368

I originally wanted to add a skull but the star was easier, why did I have to add that.

No. 2269413

I bought pears. I don’t know why they aren’t that great of a fruit.

No. 2269427

Pears are tied with peaches and grapefruit for worst fruit ever.

No. 2269429

The soft ones are good

No. 2269433

Don't forget about jackfruit anon…It smells like rotting corpses

No. 2269435

My goodness… grapefruit is my favourite fruit followed by pear. What is wrong with you people.

No. 2269437

Pears are delicious the fuck are you people coming from?? Go back.

No. 2269453

Well not everyone has good taste, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I'm proud to be Latina and you're MAGA republican propaganda and Insults will never bring me down. I stand with MY president Camilla Harris.

No. 2269489

Oh no you're gonna own me by having the taste of a horny, low iq moid. What's next? Some sexy secretary glasses and thigh highs?
That's subtractive color sweatie. The real primary colors are RGB because they're what our eyes are sensitive to.
You don't have blue or green or yellow fingernails either but that doesn't stop those from being some of the most popular colors for nail polish.

No. 2269493

When the hell did green and yellow become popular nail polish colours?? I thought those were the gross colours you only do for a gag?

No. 2269512

NTA but I've seen yellow/gold and green nail polish pretty often, especially with designs and the like. Red and pink are also popular ofc

No. 2269514

I’m NTA but it’s not exactly difficult to understand that obviously pink and red are going to be the most common lip colours, and non-discoloured lips usually look some variation of this or a beiger/browner version… it’s maybe a little like pink nails except red lips are actually seen as an attractive feature. This is like asking why more people don’t wear blue blush kek

No. 2269519

I think makeup should be more experimental and artistic rather than pandering to what horny baboon moids find attractive. Red lipstick is for men, which is why I said it's the pickme's choice. And yes, more women should wear blue blush because I think it can look neat

No. 2269578

> Oh no you're gonna own me by having the taste of a horny, low iq moid. What's next? Some sexy secretary glasses and thigh highs?
You’re weird

No. 2269588

Being weird beats being a pickme any day of the week

No. 2269682

now I have to clean my screen from spit thanks a lot

No. 2269819

pears are ok raw but are sooo good cooked. you should poach them nonnie.

No. 2270079

File: 1732167442247.png (238.17 KB, 414x602, Noo thank you.png)

I was never able to get into Mayim Bialik

No. 2270088

You are right

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