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No. 227176
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this probably belongs in the fakeboi general or the gender crit thread, but it's crazy how 99% of modern fujos are straight girls running around calling themselves faggots and re-naming themselves after yuri on ice characters. i can't believe i'm saying this, but i miss the Black Butler-watching losers from the late 2000s. at least they didn't try to hide their blatant fetishism under the guise of diversity.
No. 227177
>>227176The weird thing is that back in the late 90s/early 2000s on forums and mIRC I didn't see fujos trying to assert themselves as the opposite gender. They were just girls. Sometimes they were tomboys or maybe they'd do a cosplay ~for teh yaoiz~ but I
never came across any who wanted to be men.
No. 227247
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Fujo and fakebois/ftm posers are 2 completely separate camps on dumblr these days. Haven't yall heard?
>liking gay manga is fetishization
>pretending to be a gay guy is not fetishization
No. 227248
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>>227184Oh my god, you just made me remember something I buried in my mind.
>weird obese chick in one of my high school classes notices that I read manga>asks if I like Naruto (this was when it was super popular) and if I can read her fanfic >forces me to read it before I say anything and it turns out to be an erotic story about Kiba fucking Hinata under a waterfall with way too much detail about Kiba’s ejaculation and how huge his dick isSomeone in my friend circle was also huge on writing yaoi fan fictions and gay rping with other girls online for series like Kingdom Hearts and TWEWY. I could never get into rping, it was just too weird for me.
No. 227249
lol I'm flinching remembering how my fujo friend used to "ship" various actual boys in our year in high school.
>>227176>pee your pantsgood way to know who tf to avoid on tumblr
No. 227250
>>227247i wish they'd realize that just because they don't identify as fujos, doesn't make them not fujos lol
>implying most "normal" ftms aren't also AAP No. 227268
>like this character from a mobage because of his character development, his design and cuteness>draws him bc I like him a lot>tfw wanted to communicate with ppl in a mobage community>most of the people who like him are fujos>most of them draw/get off on borderline incest art of him with his half-brother>fujos claim they're not fetishizing them>really want to draw art of said character bc he's cute and wanted to try making him communicate with other characters in some comics (that I never posted)>fear of being approached by fujos and being lowkey forced to ship said character with siblingIdk, every fandom I enter there's always a small portion of it that ruins it.
>>227184wow this reminds me of irl friends who casually talk about cringy shit on twitter
>one normie friend casually shares about Killing Stalking one time (idk if he's still following it)>another normie friend is a koreaboo who shared stuff about shipping two Korean idols>another normie friend was a directioner who liked shipping two guys from One Direction>a different normie friend watches Citrus (yuri incest anime) while doing work in her officeIdk what I'm supposed to feel anymore. At least my friend stopped stanning that CuPcaKke chick after she tweeted about wanting to suck some Korean idol's dick.
No. 227272
>>227176It's partly because Tumblr now attacks any girl who likes fujo stuff for "fetishizing homosexuals" so they turn themselves male in order to avoid being accused of being a "gross straight cis bitch". In turn they support the "yeah fuck those disgusting straight girls" discourse after their "transition" so it's mostly kept up by girls larping as gay boys. Actual gay males I've never seen complain about fujos tbh. If anything, they're even more thirstier for fujo stuff.
The other reason is that these young girls don't realize that the guys in their gay comics etc. are usually written by women as idealized, very feminine males. When they feel a connection to a character, they start thinking it's because they're REALLY A GAY MAN INSIDE!!!11 as the current trans trend is pushing that narrative to anyone who's even slightly non-gender-conforming.
Makes me fucking nuts because I almost fell for that trap and hard and I see people around me constantly taking the bait.
No. 227273
>>227184Oh boy I think I have several notebooks worth of old cringey RPs I did with my friend back in high school. I can't even look through them without cringing hard enough to make my face hurt for hours.
>>227268>Killing StalkingYeah what is it with that manga? It's clearly intended to be psychological horror and less
shexy gay butt secks and yet every run-of-the-mill tumblrina fujo is suddenly an edgelord obsessed with it. I just don't get it.
>I realize you said normie friend but still No. 227274
>>227176>>227272Ohhh boy I knew this one fakeboi who was obsessed with Orihara Izaya from Durarara!! and everything yaoi and edgy so they had built a whole persona around him and made up a bunch of fucking weird backstories like how their mother had strangled themselves with a hose and how they had gouged their dad's eye out.
All of this turned out to be fake though haha.
They had even made another online account and pretended that person was their boyfriend who was secretly in with the mafia or was some hardcore drug dealer/pimp or something like that and got all the fujos in the group chat kya kya-ing when (s)he'd describe all the things they'd done or whatever the fuck. They'd even get stereotype tumblry pics off the internet of some black haired dude making out with a blonde dude with their faces blurry or something so they wouldn't be caught (kek) and be like "SEE??? THAT'S ME AND [insert imaginary boyfriend's name here]"
It was amazing how much the fujos were willing to turn a blind eye to the obvious fake shit to believe in their yaoi fantasies.
It was even more hilarious when my hardcore fujo friend fell for them and started cutting their name into her arm.
….It was weird.
>I wish I was lying lol>Sage for samefag No. 227392
>>227290Sorry to double post but holy shit anon I love Mink's character in both games. Tumblr got so
triggered by his rape scenes despite almost all bl games feature forced sex that would be seen as rape IRL. Plus, Tip amd Virus didn't get nearly the same amount of shit despite being technically worse by far but, since they are your typical looking bishies no one gave a fuck. It's almost like they were bias because Mink was too masculine or something. I don't understand it.
No. 227638
>>227290Lmao, isn't Shiki a rapist too though? Togainu no Chi is one of those things that works better without the porn imo.
I still like BL, but I hate the screaming Fujoshi type and the rape shit really gets to me, not gonna lie. It's s annoying and repetitive, and whenever I see tons of "OMG SO HOT GAYS >//w//<" comments under those things or see girls in their 20s coo over it at cons I just lose faith in humanity. It's hard to find good BL.
Granted, I used to be a cringy Fujoshit too, but I blame that on being 14-16 and knowing zilch about anything to do with sex and relationships.
No. 228088
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No. 228898
>>228312>fujos who put themselves in the uke's placeA lot of the do actually. Maybe subconsciously but they do. I had this one friend (two actually) who were absolutely
obsessed with Asami from Viewfinder and for the longest freakin time all she could talk about was how hot he is and how he'd fuck her and how she'd never find a guy like asami irl. It was total cringe.
Also speaking of viewfinder, can someone tell me whats the appeal of all these "starter" yaoi mangas like junjou and viewfinder? I see all these fujos scream over it but for the like of me I cannot see the appeal beyond "gay" and "romance".
No. 229050
>>227273>It's clearly intended to be psychological horror and less shexy gay butt secks and yet every run-of-the-mill tumblrina fujo is suddenly an edgelord obsessed with it. I just don't get it.This.
>I realize you said normie friend but stillI called him normie friend because I know he's into horror and not into BL/GL/romance stuff. He said he only read it bc he was into the genre. He did say he got turned off by it at first thanks to the fandom on tumblr praising it despite it not being romance. Idk I have a similar experience with an anime too which was Tiger & Bunny. At first I legit thought it's BL with some superhero stuff thanks to the fanart I see on tumblr but then a friend convinced me to watch it anyway since the plot was okay. I guess I can understand the shipping behind it.
>>228088>"let my gays marry" women at rally's with Sherlock shipping bannerswow all of a sudden I remember the few Sherlock fanart with #LoveWins I see on tumblr. It was pretty cringy.
No. 268330
>>227177That's because consuming m/m content while female is
problematic now so fujos have to pretend they're trans men to be able to do so. On tumblr these troonfujos actually drag normal fujos for being "homophobic" and "fetishizing mlm".
No. 356583
>>227268>>227888With the incest stuff and a lot of kinks in fanart, you have to think of it as closer to the bedoom rp equivalent of them than real life sexual abuse.
Like are you guys really that vanilla or not understand how fetishes work come on
No. 356666
>>356583Don't necro a thread without good cringe
Anyway I am convinced anime is at fault for the number of troons now. Prove me wrong.
No. 356742
>>356666that anon didn't necro the thread
>>356577 did.
No. 388667
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Thank you for the cringe /ot/. First I learned that yaoi is peak female sexuality, now that fujos are so pure that they do not even masturbate to the pornographic content they are obsessed with.
No. 388694
>>388685No. That anon should post their experience here, sounds interesting.
I think it's really weird to claim that people obsessed with a certain type of erotica do not fap to it…do you disagree?
No. 388767
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>>388706>it’s pretyy frowned upon to admit you get off to what you’re readingThis is news to me, I have been in really perverted fandom spaces then.
It sounds sad and like another example of how female sexuality is repressed. Men will talk about their dicks and getting off all the time online (I am not saying we should copy this obnoxious tmi behaviour exactly) while fangirls can't even say they wank to their beloved yaoi sex when talking to other fujos huh.
>Many of them are lesbians Also crazy news to me. Excuse the autism but in this other discussion yaoi was the most het thing ever. I don't find these comments cringey however, except for the last one which is insane (thinking het is for lesbians)
No. 388786
>>388780>unsexy men They aren’t real men, they’re fictional drawings, and big shock lesbians can relate and connect to gay men.
>write your ownMost people in fandom spaces are consumers.
Seriously spend time in fandom anon spaces and you’ll see that your experiences with yaoi culture ten years ago isn’t the case now. I rarely even see “yaoi” tossed around as a term anymore
No. 388962
>>388907Agree. Virtually all yuri is by males for males and even when it's made by women
most of the women who make it (and consume it) are bisexual so it still tends to have very male gazey undertones.
No. 389213
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From the bad art thread. Why is being pedo such a big thing with fujos and sadist ones at that? Why do they so often enjoy and create things were underage boys are sexualized, tortured or raped?
The same tendency do not exist in fangirls who create straight content. Straight shota is mainly created by and for men.
No. 390262
i honestly hate the occupation of fujos in sports anime fandoms when most of the time the sports anime isn't highly homoerotic. not everything is fucking yuri on ice and I don't want to search for fanart of my sports anime favs only to be greeted with gross fetish gay shit. and hell although yuri on ice had fujo baiting heavy it didn't treat gay relationships and gay subtext abusively unlike the actual yaoi genre does, because at least the canonical couple didn't fit the typical SCARY SEME DEFENSELESS UKE framework
I used to be a minor fujo, but never was that entrhralled by the genre and my increasing disgust w it allowed me to distance myself from it for the most part. I'm really repulsed by the heavily sexualized and rapey stuff. I love power play in straight relationships but I can't stand seeing the rapey and objectifying gay stereotyping in yaoi esp when I almost never see it as frequently in yuri. yuri has some bad apples but it's almost never as bad as yaoi that I've seen from a fetish standpoint at least the trio that I've read. thats why I stopped reading yaoi pretty much cold turkey. the only shit I can stomach is the fluffy stuff and I barely read that because I'm afraid it'll turn into a rape orgy. I was never a shipper in fandoms and the fujos in my respective fandoms always grossed me the fuck out. there was legit a translator who stopped translating haikyuu content because she was a stingy fujo bitch who got offended when none of her non canonical pairings became real and the boys showed affection towards female characters, what a fucking clod.
>>389213oh boy
there was a self proclaimed "pedo fujo" bitch on a site I used to frequent, and she was milky as hell.
favoring mostly young looking teens and that one kid from erased she was absolutely obsessed with the teacher from that show and shipping him with the kid. it was disgusting because I'm 99% sure she only liked both of their characters because she could ship the kid with the adult in question.
she also got super defensive and huffy and harassed anyone who dared question why she was so gross when she'd openly declare she was attracted to underage kids. her profile was also plastered with pictures of borderline shota rape, and proclamations of how "proud" she was to be a self proclaimed pedo.
there is a silver lining that after months of harassing others on said site and discord- the mods finally forced her to remove all references to pedophila and drama, and she left for good (seemingly) but she leaves such a disgusting taste in my mouth.
No. 390568
>>390262ah here I found it
she still updating her shitty fanfiction
read "sensational soliciting" if you want your day ruined, anti fujoshits, it's basically killing stalking + pedoshit + overusage of a thesaurus No. 391565
>>390262Sort of ot but this post reminded me of this huge influx of fujos into hockey fandom here in the US, it happened back around 2011 with tons of shipping irl teammates and coaches and rival teams. They were messy as fuck, honestly.
I remember it being a decent size portion of every thread over at failfandomanon on LJ, I'm sure they were thrilled when Yuri on Ice came out.
No. 395542
>>389213Oh my fucking god. Vanoty made it onto lolcow? Surprised but also not surprised. I used to run around in her circle around 2010-2013 or so. Almost all of her friends were into roleplaying pedophilic themed fantasies where all the "bottoms" were super childlike and naive and while the "tops" were always
abusive and controlling in some way or another. usually sexually. and as time went on i saw Vanoty draw her "bottom" characters more and more childlike and pre-pubescent. Gross as fuck. Not to mention her and her friends were incredibly stuck up.
No. 395553
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>>227176>we're just like keith and lance from my favorite anime, dan and philgets me every time.
No. 395984
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>>390262>Fujos in sports animeHoly shit I get really uncomfortable when I think about Inazuma Eleven fujos. A lot of them are in their young adult age, but I'm pretty sure every character is in middle school, if not early high school.
How do they find something sexual in an anime clearly meant for children winding down from a long day at school?
I still ship male characters together, but I don't do it exclusively. And I definitely don't do it when it's never hinted they could have been a couple at one point.
No. 396120
>>396063>yaoimasterHahahahaha I won't deny nor confirm that but she's got her own dead thread here.
Sage for OT- if you're looking for milky myanimelist posters check out IPreferEcchi. He's a 24 year old NEET whose mom still pays for his shit, has never held a job or gone to college, he harasses women in their DMs and is a cringey incel overall, worse than most of the men on that site by far with how blatant he is. What he does in public is disgusting, what he sends to girls in his DMs is worse. Surprised he isn't banned yet.
MAL is an alt right hellhole if you venture into certain threads- kiwifarms and 4chan plants who are merely there to spread political propaganda are posting rampantly, trying to radicalize weebs by political posting in non political threads and sections. rly nasty shit.
The site itself is a milk factory, it almost deserves its own thread for the amount of cringe it generates.
No. 396195
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>>396176hopefully this link works
>>>/snow/711319 No. 396213
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>>388786>Seriously spend time in fandom anon spacesYes, most people do, and still find these "stereotypes" to be true. How about you spend some time in a popular fandom and see how many people go out of their way to harass you for not liking the yaoi?
>>389213Oh hey, i should post the thing i posted in the bad art thread, but in more detail.
>get to know a girl that ids as a lesbian>she likes yaoi but she's not annoying about it so i don't mind it>among friends are a few fakebois (big mistake)>we all decide to settle down on discord>she claimed she stopped being a fujo a long time ago>strangely obsessive over male characters she strongly believed were gay>Link, Sidon, most characters from mha, any video game, etc you know how it is>fakebois colluded with her so i stayed quiet and didn't block either>she takes interest in my characters suddenly>why me>i don't have a lot of guy ocs but when i do they're hetero>"An ass and a vagina feel the same once you get enough lube in">nothanks>"My oc will crossdress and look just like a girl for yours">n-no>"What more do you need? Just tell me">clearly uncomfortable at this point>she backpedals and plays it cool>a few months pass without incident>then suddenly every time i joined voice chat with her she'd beg me to make my guys gay, verbatim>she seems to become a ruder and ruder person by the day>she ignores everyone and only wants to talk about herself and gay porn>fakebois are okay with it because she posts a lot of gay porn every day>finally burst because of her, i briefly complain about it on a public channel and immediately leave>tells the others i have internalized hatred and that's why i avoided having LGBT characters/headcanons>all of my close friends manage to leave too>a few of them tell me afterwards that she denies being a fujo often but has an obvious fag fetish>mfw when i had to do all this tip toeing to not start drama between friends but she was a fujo from the get go No. 400566
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I once knew an ultra christian girl that was a fujo, got rejected by her crush for a gay man and started drawing fanart of those 2 kissing and gave it to him for his birthday. It was the deviantart tier overly airbrushed kind of art.
I probably wouldn't have a problem with fujoshits if they wouldn't erase the personalities of my favourite characters and draw them as mentally crippled. Like seriously, show some love for those guys instead of drawing them as helpless and crying about dick.
No. 400589
>>400576There are lots of anime where guys fight for a girl in a love triangle and they end up being shipped together. Is it a fun idea? Sure, but then you see it become "canon" even if one guy slashes the other with a sword and they express disgust to each other.
I can get fujos on 4chan that do it for the shitposting and pissing homophobic guys off- but you see a character who has legit suffered because of another one and had his health harmed or lost major opportunities in life and tumblr goes on to push them as a healthy canon tsundere ship. Bonus points if both guys have healthier relationships with other men in the story.
The other variant is where the 2 guys have a good relationship, but they never hug, kiss or express romantic interest and a fujo legit told me that I'm too shallow if I need any of that for a romantic pairing, that muh nipponjin fujos are superior because they don't care about the canon and are happy dreaming about it.
No. 400770
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>>400578This shit happens so often it's not even funny. Now people have a high pedestal for this inane complaint too, so you can't blame it on some dumb spergs anymore, so you get both the woke retards and the spergs arguing that the author doesn't love his fanbase.
>pic related, fujos got mad even though ONE (author) later said that he doesn't mind any type of fanart>>400589It would be fine with rival shipping so long as fujos didn't try to jam it in everyone's throats. These are somehow usually the most popular ships because fujos can't learn how to not wet themselves when there's two dudes fighting about one murdering the other's entire family or something.
No. 417268
>>416963 found pastebin about IPE. I didn't post it, I personally have logs that my friends on discord from mal sent me of him harassing their friend, it's not really fucking surprising but the mods not banning him yet is one of the most retarded decisions the sites made in recent years. He's definitely not "advertiser friendly" and the site is becoming more and more atune with trying to be ad friendly so maybe they'll kick him soon enough? I goddamn hope so.
mal is crawling with degenerates. towards the beginning of this year a group of predominantly foul male incelfags spread a female users nudes at one point and tried to catfish a male user, attempted to make the female user have a mental breakdown, harassed people who tried to combat them. judas & yaoimaster doxed another user who came out in the lolcow thread and attempted to blackmail / defame / threaten the user, just a mess.
mal has become this pathetic black hole of a site compared to what it used to be and it's full of actual cows who are willing to take internet drama beyond the computer and attempt to hurt people irl and it's fucking yikes, half the userbase ditched after the forums shutdown for two months last summer but the stalking doxing harassment and behind the scenes drama drove most of the rest of them away, fairly so. no wonder it's fucking dead now, idk how ipe has survived it when he's just as cow as yaoimaster
No. 417299
>>417268Thanks. If it's cool with you, could you post the logs you have about the guy in a temp pastebin paste? Redact their name if you like, but it would be useful to have some examples of him being a creep and harassing people.
As for stalking and doxing, yeah, he's into doing that shit too. He really shouldn't interact with any women at all, especially younger ones like he likes to target and send his nudes to.
No. 419889
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>>417584More IPE cringe.
IPE proudly professing that he found a female user who he's sexually harassed's blog from when she was underage (user is now an adult but was underage when that blog was published).
No. 420582
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y'all motherfuckers posting in a scrote thread
No. 495495
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just make this and put this in here
No. 495576
>>495563whatever if you think i am a man, you can edit it as you like
>>495574calm down mate, it is just my projection plus i am a fujoshi as well. i just want to make female version of this meme
No. 495601
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>>495495>>495575Jesus Christ, learn to speak English. Haven't you ever heard of a fucking plural noun?
No. 496038
>>495738Literally never said anything about yaoi but go off I guess.
Maybe if you don't want people arguing with you, don't necro a thread with an ESL MS paint meme.
No. 497240
>>496038is necroing a thread always the worst sin in here
The "how do I stop enjoying yaoi?" thread was becoming yaoi cringe thread anyway, why not just use this one again
No. 609252
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This is pretty old drama but it still feels relevant to me in how misogynistic and ignorant fujos can be, when the reboot star trek series was released it clearly showed Spock had a relationship with Uhura and they greatly expanded her role from the original, this however had the ill-effect of triggering fujos cause it was interferng with their Spock x Kirk headcanon and they started making comments of how the relationship was added so that it would be more "hetronormative" and ended up making some very hateful and ignorant comments about her character
No. 610469 just found a Twitter thread that's a huge compilation on how fujoshi are viewed in Japan.
tl;dr: All the fakebois screeching that it's "
problematic" and "fetishizing gay men" are loud and wrong. Actual Japanese people in the LGBT+ community are unbothered. Big surprise.
No. 610503
>>609579The "bottom vs top" thing is so cringe, it almost funny. There was a webtoon where guy come out as top and fans want crazy bcs they wanted him a bottom.
Fujos really think it's personality trait. Yeah: I also have preferences, but no need to be so serious about it.
No. 617376
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>>609252I personally witnessed a similar phenomenon, in the series Merlin the character Arthur was being paired with the character Gwen, their romance had devolped over the course of the series and they were clearly meant to be endgame, also worth note is that the actress playing Gwen was black and black girls are often uncommon as important characters in fantasy shows and so many young black girls got attached to the ship, fujos wanted to ship Arthur with Merlin and the result shipping war became racially charged and fujos made certain comments of how Gwen should never even be there and that it's not "accurate" for her to be their
So Fujos can and do make racist comments if a male character is paired with a minority female character, just so that they can further their dumb ship
No. 617410
>>617376Speakin of ANOTHER series were a white dude ends up/crushes on a black girl: Motorcity.
Fujos threw a fuckin fit when the uwu soft boy Chuck had a VERY clear crush on Claire instead of his teammate/leader, Mike. Got tons of comments saying why would he even like her, because was super ugly even tho (imo) she had one of the most aesthetically pleasing designs in the show. Fujos will absolutely be racist before they accept their ships arent going to happen lolll
No. 617423
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>>617410Here's the thing I like some BL myself occasionally and I'm fine with shipping but I absolutely hate how delusional Fujos can be about their head-canons, I mean their are some fujos who are 100% convinced characters were supposed to be gay all along but were changed in the last minute to appease the "Straights" or were made to be "queer-coded" and what's worse is when this delusion gets applied with real life people
One infamous example of this is Louis fake baby conspiracy, which is something idiots actually believed and were obsessed about, that Louis Tomilson(a member of one direction) relationship and his child were all fake and that he was actually gay and was seeping with Harry styles
It got so bad that the mother of his child Briana Jungwirth was harassed on social media by these morons who said that she was setting back gay rights No. 617578
>>609252>>617376It's insane that probably 99% of all fujos are girls/women yet they perceive any female character as a major threat. Always. Doesn't matter whether they are the partner of a man they deem to be gay or if they dare to exist in the proximity of a gay couple, they're always ugly, evil, and so on.
>>617423And now they do the same with close to all kpop idols and actors. Imagine being an actress and getting verbal abuse from the people who are supposedly fans of the movie you star in because they hate that you play alongside some dude whom they headcanon as uwu gay flower who's totally in a relationship with another male actor… It's not just young pretty boys, they even ship men who are 50+. And you don't need to queerbait either, to fujos a handshake or 0.1 second eye contact between males will always be more "proof" for love than a kiss or sex between a straight couple kek
This problem is so widespread nowadays, they should just use gender segregated casts for the movies who cater to a female audience, otherwise the women involved are always bound to get hate. It seems like the ability to differentiate between role/stage persona and actual celebrity is completely lost with these people.
No. 618093
>>617643I wish I had some psychology insight into why they act so crazy? I always thought BL fans enjoyed it for "yeah they're not gay in canon but they would just be so cute together" while accepting it's all just fantasy. Is it a "I love this OTP, therefore my entire personality IS this OTP"? god I hope they're all just dumb teens, I don't want to accept immature adults bitching about it.
on the flipside: getting snide comments of "XYZ isn't gay in the show!" when I did fanworks always confused me.
No. 622931
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Sigh, that girl was either painfully naive or straight up desperate for money to take that role. It's always the same, any woman in the vicinity of a m/m couple is bound to get death threats. That movie isn't even released, yet they already collectively decided that she has ruined it. Those crazed fujos' claims range from 'she's unpopular and tries to leech off the male actors' to 'she has a powerful background, is pulling the strings to change the script and her fans are manipulating the trends'…>>618093I guess loneliness paired with internalized misogyny. Those women probably don't have much going for them in their lifes and therefore they focus on fictional characters and celebrities. They're bored, consume any content they can get, idolize them and then turn so obsessed and detached from reality that they seethe at the mere thought of their man possibly liking another woman. They know that they themselves have zero chances of being with him but at least another cute guy should get him instead of some filthy slut.
No. 623018
>>617376Was this really so common?
I'm kinda shocked, back in the day most of the fujos I knew really liked Gwen and, despite shipping Arthur and Merlin, usually paired her up with Lancelot or Morgana and wrote college AU fics with her and Merlin as best friends.
No. 635114
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Why do fujos do this ? You can't even criticize the problematic aspects of yaoi for even one second before they get triggered and act as bad as hentai watching scrotes
No. 635124
>>635114to be fair, there is a lot of scrutiny reserved only to hobbies or things women are invested in. Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey got railed for being ""
problematic"" back in the day.
I don't side with fujos but at least they're honest on 4chan, I can't stand twitter fujos who either fake being a transman just to enjoy their fandom trash or make essays on how THEIR ship is good representation or, my favorite excuse of all, "we ship male characters because female characters are poorly developed" when there's plenty of popular yaoi ships who are put together even if they got no chemistry/hate eachother.
No. 635135
>>635124>to be fair, there is a lot of scrutiny reserved only to hobbies or things women are invested in. yeah and that sucks, but
>Twilight and 50 Shades of Greyare a bad exampkle as they were shitty and rapey literature. Even women, especially feminists, hated on them.
Better example would be like… idk, pumpkin latte or boybands which are laughed at and villified just because teenage girls enjoy them.
No. 635139
>>635114This is what happens when people keep ringing false alarms to complain about the fandom.
Either the participants become hyper self-flagellant and are forced to hide their interests and/or claim to actually be trans men to justify it, or they become intensely self-defensive and balk at any criticism at all.
Blame the SJWs, neckbeard coomers and pick-mes for causing this with their bitching.
Not all fujoshi are like this, but it's become pointless to even try picking apart the content. You'll either have your shit derailed by one (or all) of those three groups, thinking it's their big chance to dunk on femoids who don't care about pandering to men, or any fujos reading will just mistake you for one of them.
No. 636045
>>635402Purely anecdotal and observational evidence, but I've interacted with a shit ton of fakebois who were racist, they did things like pretending to have a certain race/ethnicity and yes, being subtly racist towards women of color that were "competing" for against their favorite ships. Call me biased, but every single interaction I've had with a fakeboi or a fujo has been negative.
>>635114Why would you go into the fujo thread to pick fights anon? Just hide it. So long as fujos are minding their own business and not annoying anybody else they're fine.
No. 639200
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>>639027Japanese fujos tend to be (somewhat) better at not screaming or annoying people over ships, so they're fine. Or maybe I just hear less about them sending death threats to manga artists over ships not becoming real, the only time I've heard of was in Tokyo Ghoul. Western fujos will screech and throw death threats the moment the mangaka implies one of the guys is straight, lmao. There are plenty of female het hentai artists that are married too, so I don't see the issue with it.
>>639047I wonder where that deep, above "straight girl" connection to BL porn goes after they detransition. Literally coomers memeing themselves into trying to become the porn that they read, it's impressive. Back in my tumblr days I personally knew girls who transitioned for this exact reason, and they were just as obnoxious post-transition.
No. 639224
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I'm not quite sure if this belongs here or in the reddit hate thread, but it always annoys me how fujos present their ships as facts.
Shounen friendships are always pretty gay and ship-friendly, I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing or if it’s just conscious choice, but it always annoys me how fujos take it as them being totally in love with each other
No. 639226
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>>639224The great quality collage they linked to in the comment
No. 639268
>>639224I mean it's togashi, who is pretty lgbt-friendly so it could def be intentional. Alluka seems to be trans, there is hisoka, kalluto crossdresses and kurapika too once, there was a gay couple in yyh and one of his manga ideas got rejected for involving too much crossdressing iirc.
He's a madman and i wouldn't be surprised if this ship was meant to be canon unlike other shonen ships.
No. 659415
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No. 769252
>>769189But there are three genders anon. Woman, pedophile and
No. 856172
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The state of the /fujo/thread in /m/ right now.
No. 856727
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>>856172that's bad but this is the crigiest fujo sentence I have seen in a while
>By and large everyone who isn't familiar with the fujo culture or knows what the appeal is based on thinks they're lower than dirt for either being sexually autonomous or "fetishizing gay people". It's just how it is, being fujo is suffering regardless of the political views, especially if you have unconventional Christ, imagine having a persecution complex cause you think people calling you a degenerate for your dumb Yaoi is akin to mistreatment
No. 856812
>>856805its one of the few communities that doesn't cater to the men at all and other women won't even let us have it in peace while men want us dead.
You don't like fujo shit? ok go back to enjoying whatever media you want, let us have one thing
No. 856821
>>856812There are tons of spaces that have nothing to do with males, radfems just call fujos out on it cause it's degenerate and fetihitic and yes often times "
the content you consume does have an effect on you, it fetishized and glorifies male homosexuality, as well producing rabid self hating female misogynists who erase strong female characters or harras IRL women cause they believe they might be interfering with their ship
you are simply porn sick coomers and fetishist's
No. 856831
>>856821ah yes equate the women who made an entire sub genre to escape the male gaze to incels who jerk it to anime children. At least we keep our standards unrealistic and refrain from forcing it to be seen as normal unlike the average anime coomer who wants to see a underage girls naked.
>>856828browse /a/ for 2 minutes, they may not be serious but the resentment is there. stop being a fucking handmaiden
No. 856845
>>856812>>856831Beware, anons. If you read too much mpreg omegaverse slashfiction, this might happen to your brains.
>browse /a/ for 2 minutes, they may not be serious but the resentment is there. stop being a fucking handmaidenOf course a fujo would take 4chan seriously at all. Also keeping your "standards" unrealistic is not something to be proud of.
No. 856847
>>856812buhuuu let me enjoy degenerate fetish drawn porn in peace. You called me out for degeneracy? So anti feminist, you fucking pick me!! Degenerate fetish gay porn is so feminist! Why do you post fujo hate in the fujo cringe thread?bahaha it hurt my feelings, men want women to be dead so that justifies me consooming degenerate fetish media.
Fujos are literally the female version of lolicons. Some fujo shit even includes pedophilia. Are you fucking insane trying to turn degenerate and disgusting drawn pornography into a feminist staple~~
If women become like scrotes our world will literally collapse.
No. 856866
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>>856851Honestly the only reason I'm pressed over fujos is just how much they insert their degeneracy everywhere. I'd be fine if they kept their degeneracy to their own communities, but they always try to force their shit everywhere by making characters gay and shipping them with other male characters, getting super pissy when someone even suggests otherwise or, heaven forbid suggest them together with a female instead. And it's always the most nasty ships too, like incest or weird
abusive powerplay dynamics. Even if they're not the worst perverts in the world, I think this thread is still warranted because of how much shit they fling. They already have their containment thread anyway
>>856862Just because they may not be following these extreme examples and joining the worst of humanity, doesn't make them not degenerate for what they use to get off on. At least take some responsibility
No. 856869
>>856847>>856858>>856855SEETHE Im going to read the grossest mpreg incest shit and still be a functional member of society while the average scrote coomer walks around his piss covered bedroom in his cum crusted socks to complain on 4chan about his anime waifus.
No. 856872
No idea who hurt the rabid fujo hater. I didn't have a strong opinion before, but from what I've seen, fujos seem pretty based to be honest. I've never seen them being evil or awful online, I only ever see them minding their own business and cooming over animus and mangoes. It's fun to clown on them occasionally, but genuinely seething and hating on them? That's weirder than some gay fanfic, let's be honest.
Hey fujos, I don't personally get the mpreg and bum birth stuff but I respect you and your right to enjoy it! Stay unhinged and hilarious. Keep enjoying your insane fictional shit, just don't hatecrime anybody ♥
>>856847Do you go this hard against blokes who watch lesbian porn? Or "ebony"? How about all the men that have harassed female porn stars and actresses? Or the men who have killed or kidnapped women they find unga bunga sexy? Do you bring this ferocity to 4chan, or just female dominated boards?
I know the answers to all of these questions already, of course. You just want to police female sexuality. But get a grip; some women getting moist to fiction and getting a bit delusional and stalkerish ≠ the thousands of literal sex crimes, rape threats, and sexually motivated murders men commit against the objects of their desire every day.
I know there's no reasoning with you, at any rate. I feel like this is that moid who keeps posting attention whore threads in /ot/.
No. 856873
>>856862I'm not the anon you're replying to, but you cannot justify something bad with something worse. This genre of manga is pornographic and degenerate. I don't personally hate fujos and I don't know if anon hates them either, but if you, fujos keep attacking women that criticize your media of choice, calling them pick mes or scrotes those women might end up hating you. Also, isn't it pathetic that you have your own thread but you still come here to defend yourselves? If you had a bit of self awareness you would see how this type of media could be criticized since it is degenerate, you don't have to remind us of the atrocities men have commited so that we can see how very little degenerate fujoism is compared to men and what men enjoy. Most of us already know that. It is even a very manipulative tactic, you point out at other worse atrocities to make up for your own. Yes, men are horrible, but that doesn't make fujoism less degenerate or gross. That does not make fujoism a feminist movement. Stop coping, stop trying to manipulate others or persecute women that don't agree with your degeneracy by calling them pick me's or scrotes.
Also, stop trying to become men. If women become as degenerate and bad as men our world will collapse. This is not a fight between who has done the worst atrocities. This is just the fact fujoism is gross, degenerate and generally for the mentally ill.
No. 856878
>>856875When its about a subset of women enjoying fiction that men hate? no, you can just block them and know there won't be a underage boy being raped in killed by a fujo.
Literally block the fujos you see its not that hard, you're all just obsessed with policing women who don't agree with you.
No. 856880
>>856878I don't understand why you're trying to pick and choose when we can judge women on lolcow.
>Literally block the fujos you see its not that hard,Then just hide this thread if you don't like it.
No. 856886
>>856875Nta but I think it's weird to truly hate fujos this much. They're funny and we should make fun of them, but being this personally assblasted?
This is the fujo cringe thread, it's supposed to be funny and toe-curling, not unbridled seethe and virtue signalling. If anons want to make a fujo hate thread, maybe start one in /snow/?
No. 856893
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>>856172Do I want to know what an ass baby is? Probably not.
No. 856897
>>856887These ones are just from a quick browse because I refuse to spend more than a couple of minutes of my actual life on this, but these are pretty unambiguous hate messages. I've seen many more while casually browsing other threads today.
>>856732>>856319Along the same vein, I don't actually see any fujos chimping out here, just one self-admitted fujo saying that the hate seems a bit unfair and a few raising some pretty fair questions around misogyny and female dominated porn genres. These haven't been responded to beyond "reee degenerate" which isn't really an argument. DIY dildo anon is a degenerate but she's a core part of history at this point.
No. 856900
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>The only reason they don't like our degenerate behavior is cause they secretly agree with us
Hilarious, also see that I'm Invading their thread and simply sticking to our mine, revolutionary I know
No. 856903
>>856897look at the thread. Obvious fujos are calling other women scrotes and pick me's. No, there isn't fujo hate on lolcow, you can only find a little bit of it in here, but that's it. Stop acting as if you're being hunted down. If you look at the posts you will see fujos chimping out and attacking women.You are one of them too, go back to your own thread if you do not want to see criticism over your chosen media. Yes, degeneracy can be an argument against something. Yes, they are raising questions over that only to justify and protect their degenerate chosen form of media. They are not raising those questions because they want to help
victims of sex trafficking or poor women that have to prostitute themselves. They are using the suffering of women and degeneracy of men as an argument to why fujoism is fine which is actually sick, inconsiderate and manipulative.
No. 856907
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>>856900>>856902I thought you retards thought fujos getting mad at the this thread should just stay in their thread at /m/? Are you that mad that there are women that are happily enjoying shit that you force yourself to care about? Fujo's for the most part hurt nobody, its pathetic that you really want a pat on a back from other anon for malding at other women.
No. 856912
>>856897>I don't actually see any fujos chimping out here>>856878>>856862>>856859>>856831Man I wish there weren't any fujos chimping out on here. Even if they aren't fujos, why come to the fujo cringe thread at all? They have their own thread and that's perfectly fine. Why can't there be a thread criticizing them? Are fujos completely exempt of criticism because they're not just degenerates, they're
female degenerates. Yeah no. I completely get wanting a space free from the sexualization of females and the misogynistic tropes scrotes impose, but you can't deny fujos have their own set of problems (often stemming from those issues actually).
No. 856916
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No. 856929
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let’s just all calm down and enjoy boys kissing
No. 856936
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>>856932learn how to spell first babe
No. 856939
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No. 856940
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No. 856946
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No. 856955
>>856952kek it's funny how everyone hates fujos
they're really hated on twitter too, because they're sexualizing faggots and that makes them vewy uncomfortable
No. 856980
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I don't think there is anything wrong with women creating and looking at gay male erotica. The problem with fujos is that they are so fucked up and aggressive about it. Like a recent thread where they were angry about yumejos and called them otomecucks.
No. 856985
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A fujo has decided that a straight character is gay, so anon isn't allowed to think heterosexual lustful thoughts about him.
No. 856997
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now fujoism is one of the most powerful feminist expressions. Yes, you might mistakenly think that these women coom to fetishistic homosexual drawn erotica, but in fact they do not coom and they just consoom it. A very wholesome and joyful female community created by females for females, the community of course presents no issues at all and it is made up by only women enjoying homoerotic drawings and having a wholesome time. No grooming, degeneracy, violence, pedophilia or unnecessary infights take place in the fujoshi community. As opposed to men that have as you know, created war, famine and rape and kill. Women just partake in the peaceful fujoshi community where men get sexualized because well, they deserve it! Fujos never do anything wrong as opposed to you know…Men that kill, rape and cause war.
Yes, all the women in the fujoshi community are real lesbians and have not been rejected by male partners for being ugly or mentally ill or both which has resulted in them having a disdain and repulsion towards the opposite sex, meanwhile still desiring it, hence the obsession with male sexualization.
Please, leave fujoshis alone. Women have never been able to be men and hurt men or be pedophiles like they are! Fujoshis are hated everywhere and they do not even have their own thread on here that is one of the most popular threads ever. Thanks to all the fujos in this thread I have realized that I am a pick me, a handmaiden and that I opress women and I am not a true feminist and that I have an internalized desire of consuming homoerotic media.
No. 857044
>>856997what is wrong with you faghags, you have your own thread, we have ours we just wanted to slightly make fun of cringy fujoshi's, yes you are a porn sick coomer and not really much else
you are better then a male but your still a coomer
No. 857048
>>857047I'm the second anon, I know they meant it to make fun of fujoshi. Just thought it was funny that the OP seems to think women can "be" men, or "just as bad as them".
Also, if the stuff about violence/grooming/pedophilia is actually true and not just whataboutism, I think receipts should be posted. Who are the biggest cows in the fujoshi community?
No. 857061
Fujos feeling persecuted because of their ~female sexuality~ but then acting hostile to female otome and yuri fans is incredibly ironic.
>>857048>I think receipts should be posted. Who are the biggest cows in the fujoshi community?Oh I agree. Bring us some milk outside of lolcow.
No. 857123
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I come here expecting entertaining cringe from Voltron spergs or tinhats for the modern age or something and instead you’re all getting assblasted and taking things personally. Embarrassing.
>t patrician enjoying shoujo, fujo and yuri (written by females only)
No. 857175
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>>857127NTA but I scroll this account when I feel like making myself cringe
No. 857180
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>>857171The author literally stated sangwoo is not gay, he's also very clearly depicted as a misogynist who likes killing confident women
the series was always suppose to be a psychological horror, the fact fact Fujos got so invested in it for the romance aspect says a lot about them
No. 857214
>>857200That's so awful. I feel like the KS fandom really glorified killing of women and it was so uncomfortable. The Arthur must gate herself to write sexist shit
like this
No. 857258
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>>857214If it was written as a romance it would be horrible, but I think it's intentional
sangwoo(who is a bad person) is a misogynistic rapist and murderer, his misogynistic opinions are literally established in the second chapter
spoiler for gore
No. 857305
>>857301Don't worry it's prbly scrotes trying to cause infighting, they always get
triggered by yaoi
No. 857357
>>857343or: people just have favourite characters.
who cares about husbandos anyway, it's lolcow, we all schizos here, i don't know why you feel the need to defend yourself so much. why not stay in fujo thread and trash talk?
No. 857671
>>857301I s2g people bitched excessively about Yuri on Ice which was super popular at the same time as killing stalking. that was the most normal healthy non
abusive fujo show in existence. People are just gonna bitch.
No. 857698
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Is this thread just Fujos endless complaining hat some us aren't disgusting fetishist's and find you cringy ?
you have your own thread, stay there
like this, I find this post on the fujo thread cringy, but I don't go there invade these spaces and act like a spaz
Yes Heterosexuality is the default, 96% of the Human population is hetrosexual and most people who want "x character to be gay" are never gay people themselves, but brain- rotted Fujos
No. 857863
There is nothing wrong or unusual with finding sex between two hot persons you're attracted to sexy.
The real problem is fujos being so batshit about it.
No. 857871
>>857870NTA, but tons of straight men think two hot girls doing sexual things is hot. Most people aren't perplexed by that, it's considered relatively normal/understandable.
Just switch the sexes, and replace the women with androgynous, drawn guys. Same deal.
No. 857880
>>857875>But men imagine themselves fucking the women,I mean, then they could just watch videos of M/F/F threesomes, right? But instead, they choose the F/F videos alone. I don't think it's just a threesome fantasy, it seems more like the same thing that'd turn someone on when watching an attractive person masturbate. Seems like a visual appeal aspect.
Straight women do seem less "weird" than men sexually, but tbh, how much erotica is even made for/by women to gauge what we're into? Do we even spend that much time talking about what we enjoy? It seems like every "sex positive" space for (straight) women just centers around what turns on men. I know Fifty Shades of Grey blew up, though, and that had some weird shit in it, including anal.
No. 857882
>>857880Most women's erotica centers around elaborate fantasies where the man fulfills the main character (self inserts) every need plus is rich/handsome/strong/confident etc. It's less about just physical aspects of a man like his penis and more about a "sexy situation" and all the women I know also have sexual fantasies and desires that are more centered around the dynamic between the man and the woman, the situation and how he treats here. Men and women's sexualities can not be compared. I don't know a single woman who would pull up a man's pp pics and just masturbate to how his penis looks, while men would absolutely just masturbate to a picture of a woman's cameltoe or butthole or tits or whatever. Which is why I find it so confusing to masturbate to a scenario in which no woman is involved whatsoever and it is literally just about watching two male bodies together. Most straight women I personally know and myself as well don't really fetishize male bodies in a sexual way that men do women's bodies. I would never google "big cocks" and just oogle them, fucking weird. A penis is attractive cause it belongs to a man you're attracted to, not just on it's own and certainly not entering another man's anus.
It seems maybe women who watch gay porn have more of a male sexuality than normal women? Like do you imagine yourself as one of the guys? Do you really just get off to some dicks slapping together? It is so fucking weird to me.
No. 857883
>>857870There are tons of slash fans so it's common.
Some women are just more visual and others identify with the guys. And then there are the mpreg fans and other insanity.
Why don't you go ask the fujos in their containment thread about this, I doubt they will be happy about it though.
No. 857885
>>857882I'm not really into BL personally, but most of what I've seen is what you described in the first sentence. Stories/emotions/situations and "beauty" of the characters, rather than just sex for sex's sake. Character dynamics and personalities are often stressed.
Like, I've never seen any fujo shit that's just two dicks and nothing else, kek. They're always attached to characters that the target audience find attractive. You might be overthinking things, or oversimplifying them. Not sure which.
Some girls just like to see romance/erotica with two hot guys who kind of look like butches, idk, I don't think it's that weird.
No. 858027
>>857889>Do they imagine themselves as men like trannies who watch lesbian porn imagine themselves as women?Well, maybe. When BL was created, it was a way for Japanese women to explore their sexuality and bottoms were purposely effeminate so female readers could self insert themselves in.
There's also this.>According to the results of her qualitative research, ten distinct motive dimensions could be identified. The first, “Pure” love without gender dimension refers to a motive to view/read romantic contents in which gender differences are not present. The Pro-gay attitude/forbidden & transgressive love dimension represents a motive to view/read materials that portray a positive picture of homosexual men. Identification/self-analysis refers to yaoi viewers’ and readers’ motive to better understand their own feelings and dilemmas. The Melodramatic/emotional elements dimension represents a motive to experience intense emotions. Dislike for standard romances/shoujo reflects a motive to avoid heterosexual romance stories (e.g., shoujo) due to their often one-dimensional female characters and ‘boring’ narratives. A female-oriented romantic/erotic genre dimension refers to a motive to consume yaoi because it caters to women’s narrative preferences. Pure escapism/lack of reality reflects a motive to escape daily life. Art and aesthetics represents a motive to view/read yaoi for its distinctive graphic style. The Pure entertainment dimension refers to a motive of seeking relaxation and entertainment. Finally, Arousing/sexually titillating reflects a motive of seeking sexually arousing content.>For example, female readers may consume yaoi as part of their rejection of or resistance to conservative patriarchal or parental norms about sex and gender [5, 14, 15]— as might some male readers [16]. In other cultures, fans may read yaoi as a way of affirming and/or participating in gay rights communities [13, 17], rejecting gender binarism [18], or enjoying romance narratives that avoid problematic female stereotypes [19]. No. 858502
>>857889>>857890I remember seeing a japanese, lesbian fujoanon (I think she posted this in one of the lesbian generals irc) a while ago explaining this a little more in depth. But from what I remember, she explained how it's a way to escape to escape the misogynistic tropes and ideals imposed on female characters, and to keep a community space for females that is solely their own (because most men do not like this kind of content, obviously). But yeah in a lot of yaoishit there's always one very effeminate, submissive guy for the (female) reader to project on. Even when you look at yaoi fanfiction of popular m/m ships (like bakudeku), there's always a character that plays that "sub" role, even if it's kinda contrary to how they are in canon- or they are "made" to fill that role.
I sympathize with some fujos because of this, because I suspect a lot of them went through some sexual trauma and are mentally ill like you said. It is not normal to want women removed from every capacity of your media if you yourself are a woman. I think they just want to disconnect themselves from being a woman.
No. 858510
>>858502ok if this is the case whats wrong about it?
It's the same reason single women read straight erotica but stay celibate due to sexual trauma.
What if-now i know this may sound crazy, but what if we left fujos alone to read their "gross coomer shit" and focus on the men that actually come after young girls because they can't tell the difference between a anime loli and a human child? I think it would be way more productive but thats just me
No. 858530
>>858510Anon you literally entered the fujo cringe thread. Coomer scrotes are very well disliked and I and many other anons have no shortage of hatred of them. That's like saying mtf trannies are way more annoying and dangerous (true) than tumblr aydens who sperg about yaoi, it doesn't mean the latter isn't worth discussing sometimes too.
>It's the same reason single women read straight erotica but stay celibate due to sexual trauma. If it's the same reason why aren't fujos reading the same straight erotica instead
No. 858533
>>858510You bring up men more then libfems
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
"what about men"
that's your entire defense basically
No. 858560
File: 1626757655903.png (193.62 KB, 350x280, rsz_diabol10.png)

>>857889>But why not read a story about a woman and a man together then?As a fujo, I don't mind reading het but a lot of it especially in VNs (which I'm mainly into) is just guys abusing the shit out of the girl you're supposed to project onto, that doesn't happen with BL because there's no one that you're supposed to project onto or self insert as so you don't feel as shitty when reading them.
There you go.
No. 858599
File: 1626761241217.jpg (Spoiler Image,251.99 KB, 1000x1418, 21.jpg)

Damn ya'll really going at it… Where's the fujo cringe though it's all just ranting. No milk at all, where's the examples? Boring.
No. 858610
>>858599this is bara shit anon, this is made for gay men not fujos
bait harder
No. 858634
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>>858610Wrong hill to die on for this specific example,
nonnie, this is from the exact same manga that's from
No. 858661
>>858646"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
"what about scrotes ?"
again, you keep brining up males
No. 858673
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this is what i imagine every fujo looks like
No. 858727
File: 1626780611438.jpg (Spoiler Image,491.25 KB, 1602x2048, 20210720_132614.jpg)

Seems like this thread is being derailed by some seething anon and defensive fujos too. Have some cringe from a twitter BL artist that ships a decapitated vampire head with a NEET.
No. 858753
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>>858744I am not sure if somebody made an archive but the Voltron fandom was crazy. Key terms are Studio Mir, Klance14, if you google it you might find something.
No. 858765
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>>858753And of course she also demanded that the boyish female character must be trans. Of course.
No. 858807
File: 1626790612392.png (Spoiler Image,238.59 KB, 360x640, EF93B4F8-7F00-488D-A9AE-2AAE39…)

>>858727The most Japanese thing I have ever seen. I thought of this, but it doesn’t seem as sexual as that.
No. 858957
>>857889NTA, but I'm into submissive men and BL is usually the closest I get to seeing that. I don't like how the power dynamics are skewed towards dominant man/submissive women in most media, even if it's subtle it's usually almost always there. So pretty much what
>>858502 said, except I hate BL where the bottom is clearly the more effeminate in the relationship, because then it's just the same gender role shit you see everywhere else.
No. 859069
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The cringiest part about fujos is when they attack other female fans who aren't shippers. I play lots of joseimuke games that have a female or neutral MC and fujos bend over backwards to prove the boys are canon gay for each other, even when in one game they straight up ask the feMC to marry them.
Picrel cringe: an artwork where the top boy is depicted as a morray eel because he's a gijinka of Floatsom from The Little Mermaid fucking the queen of hearts from alice in wonderland boy No. 859095
File: 1626813221418.jpg (132.73 KB, 1024x768, EYqHbylXQAEDp4d.jpg)

>>859085Twisted wonderland, they're not literal gijinkas like anon said but they're more just inspired by the Disney characters.
Basically they go to an all boys magic school and you usually do rhythm minigames.
It's not really a romance game at all but the protagonist's gender is left ambiguous (it's more so implied to be a male protagonist over a female one though).
No. 859128
>>859111It's only released in Japan and targeting a late teen/adult Japanese audience. The only your average Disney enthusiast will know about it outside of Japan is if they're already weebs and know about Black Butler or weird crossovers like Kingdom Hearts if they have weeb friends. The average western adult Disney fan who brings their kids to the parks every year probably know about none of that shit and focus on completely different parts of the company's releases, whether it's movies, cartoons, merchs, etc. I'm not even sure most weebs know that Toboso did some
shitty BL manga with shota characters before starting Black Butler.
Nobody really gives a shit what someone does at the start of their career as long as they used a pen name before, which is why the Fire Emblem Three Houses character designer is known for being the artist of Togainu no Chi and Lamento, and why the character designer for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just won't stop drawing explicit porn despite Nintendo being overall a family friendly company with a few very specific rated M franchises. I don't know if Japanese people don't give a shit because they're just that open minded or because they won't even bother looking it up and just care about the products they have in front of them, but I'm thinking it's the latter.
No. 859576
>>859451Didn't the guy who worked on Lilo and Stitch also draw erotic art? Also, Rebecca Sugar of Steven Universe fame drew porn of the boys from Ed, Edd n Eddy.
I don't think anyone in the animation/comics/etc industry really cares about that sort of thing much, as long as it's not shoved repeatedly in everyone's faces. It's not just Japanese people who don't give a shit, it's more that only a certain loud subset of internet people really give a shit.
No. 859657
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>>859589Seriously who looks at these characters and thinks "um yes I wanna draw porn of them fucking"
No. 859663
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>>859657The worst of this is the giant sensation of KevEdd bc some tumblr artist got really into it. Sorry if it’s the person mentioned in
>>859576 but idk any animation cows
No. 859750
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>>859657She posts among us
No. 859766
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>>859750>>859753The fuck is wrong with you bitches?
No. 860442
>>859787NTA, but how? They're shipping themselves with Double D.
If anything, this could be classified as "otome cringe".
No. 865414
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The spergy things I see on this site
No. 865435
>>865434Lmao I saw you deleting your previous reply, are you the cringe poster defending yourself and trying to sound cool?
Also this whole thread
>fujo cringe thread>it's full of defensive fujos trying to justify their shit fetish No. 865568
File: 1627476191164.png (82.53 KB, 500x321, tumblr_inline_p0r5tucR2m1tpb4i…)

>>859091>>859095>wrote shotas getting raped>someone known for child rape mangasJesus the rape part wasn't drawn in a sexy way and empathized on how traumatizing it was for Ciel, it only took 1 panel. how the fuck do you get to this point
No. 866221
>>866189well in my very biased opinion yes, I pretty much only ship and read m/m but I don't consider myself a fujo because 1 I don't consume that fanfiction as porn
ie I don't coom to it, and 2 I'm not into 2d at all. Though I admit as a teenager I did have cringe fujo tendencies (like shipping any two male characters who interacted with each other, and real people)
No. 866239
>>866189imo fujos are specifically into 2D, if you're just shipping other pairs it doesn't really apply.
That said, if you're trying to split hairs so you're ~not like the other fujos~, don't bother. The spergs who think being a fujo is degenerate evil on par with scrotes enjoying child porn are going to paint you with the same brush regardless.
No. 866741
>>866239>The spergs who think being a fujo is degenerate evil on par with scrotes enjoying child porn are going to paint you with the same brush regardless.Except no one compares fujos to pedos, what you're describing is one of the biggest fujo copes "men are worse so anything I do is fine and not cringey at all!".
People mock fujos or show disdain towards them because they're at best annoying and unaware how embarrassing their behavior is, or at worst they harass gay men at cons or straight women who don't share their opinions (or things like the yaoi paddle shit). I don't give a shit what your fetish is as long as you keep it to yourself, but the running theme in this thread is how fujos integrate too much shipping into their online life and try to justify it.
Normal people see a gay/straight/wahtever ship and they think "oh, they're cute together, I like that". What defines fujos is that they voyeuristically obsess over their ships on social media, draw cringey porn, defend the "canon" status of their ship, get in arguments about who's the top or bottom (the infamous Sherlock tumblr cult). Most of the time these girls turn to such an obsession because they saw bad moid-made porn and are trying to "reclaim" things by reading porn of men abusing each other like
>>858930 or they go the FtM route with their self-hatred and want to be men, similar to incels who fetishize lesbians on /u/.
Tl;dr just because you're not a pedo doesn't mean you're not obnoxious and your obsession over fictional gay couples can't be laughed at and mocked, especially with the shit fanart fujos produce.
No. 873375
File: 1628189586013.jpg (153.36 KB, 1080x402, 20210805_204932.jpg)

do they really believe in it? i ship all kind of ships for fun too, but this is another level. i don't even want to go to twt after new chapter
No. 873495
>>873375Bruh the only thing good about MHA is concept and art and fan depictions of characters
Also fite me Kiribaku is the superior homo ship of that milquetoast train wreck pftt
No. 873513
File: 1628195873527.png (165.72 KB, 368x368, imagen_2021-08-05_153810.png)

>>873375>>873495there is only one cannon ship and y'all know who it involves
No. 873718
File: 1628211383756.jpeg (175.68 KB, 828x828, 0C8CE6BA-9806-41F8-AF31-69C18F…)

The fujoshi who act like they work for Fight The New Drug are a special kind of cringe, there’s no point in trying to separate yourselves from the horny coomer side of BL.
No. 875748
File: 1628395343082.png (145.89 KB, 1373x728, Screenshot (22).png)

WTF is this reaction, this boy was likely sexually molested as a child(cause pedowood) and I had visceral reaction at the thought of someone sexualizing him getting raped and who how did they respond, by acting like coomers and trying to trigger people
Its wrong to draw pornography based on children with adults and especially wrong if that child was likely molested as a kid IRL
I don't hate Fujoshis's if they ship generic best friends together or rivals but doing shit like this is what makes me hate them and the fact they don't call out this stuff out in their own community is just infuriating
No. 875840
>>875748I don’t know something about this screams shitpost or bait to me. But maybe I’m just paranoid.
No. 875889
>>875748Ive encountered some "shota bl is based" anons in /m/ so who knows if they were serious.
Really bad taste even if they were joking though. Poor Hollywood kids.
No. 879795
File: 1628806860789.jpg (536.31 KB, 2836x1837, 79312021.jpg)

Why are you blaming women for the degenerate shit that men do?
guess this place has turned into troon website, the weirdos are ftm and men that read yaoi, women don't sexualise gay relationships or else they would be watching gay porn, gay men are disgusting, the sight of a gay man makes my skin crawl, in fiction (yaoi) male characters look attractive and there is no girls in it, self-inserters are the issue not women.
No. 881552
>>880094I've heard stories about fujos creeping on gay guys at anime conventions for 15 years. Zoomers not associating themselves with subcultures from 2004 doesn't create some kind of hard distinction.
The anon with the mspaintcomic is just brainrotted. "Any time a woman does something shameful it's a man in a dress."
No. 881560
>>881552>I've heard storiesdoubt you heard these stories but ok, women would be watching gay porn not reading yaoi if they were into gay men, I've had plenty of creepy gay men trying to show me nudes or ask me if I'm interested in seeing what they put in their pooper because they think I like yaoi then I must be into actual gross gay men.
Fujos who obsess with gays are FTM and troons that think being into yaoi is cute
No. 881599
>>881560A lot of straight women watch gay porn. I used to be one of them before I stopped watching any porn altogether. And it's not just about anal, some straight women just really like dick and get aroused by it visually.
Even if they were FtM gay Aidens, that means they are straight women into gay porn lol doesn't change the biology
No. 881625
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>>881599>Watching 3D pornWatching that period makes you more degenerate than fujos lol.
No. 882604
>>882459Like another
nonnie said, fujos are pretty self-depreciating, it's not serious. They constantly make fun of themselves. Even when japanese men try to make fun of fujoshis it fails because fujos can laugh at themselves.
No. 882691
>>881655I had a girl in a friend group that would point to literal strangers on the street and proudly proclaim, 'i ship him with him!'. Nobody asked. Literal brainrot. Hopefully she got better by now.
>>882465go back to your containment thread, fujo
No. 888339
File: 1629572446976.png (Spoiler Image,758.02 KB, 718x659, 546873233.png)

No. 888452
File: 1629579226472.png (122.56 KB, 1372x334, 777.png)

This is Fujo argument I despise, I already posted this before but just cause 2 characters have memorable interaction together doesn't change their sexuality or make their relationship romantic
""but what if x was guy/girl then you'd ship men"
that's the thing heterosexual men and women have different dynamics, sure men and women can be friends but the likelihood of romantic relationships is higher
No. 895615
File: 1630346083354.png (181.57 KB, 1421x323, 45454.png)

Fujos: Were totally not degenerate fetishishts, its all about pure male love and avoiding misogyny
also Fujos:
No. 895857
>>895753Nta, but this is the fujo cringe thread.
>do you also sperg like this….how is that sperging?
No. 896160
>>895857I know, but what anon posted is hardly cringe. It's just someone who wants to see nsfw stuff a character.
>>896070Yeah, that's not a little boy and wanting ship characters isn't really a "degenerate" thing.
>>895869Honey this whole thread is about anons seething and sperging over women having some weird hobby. And you're on lolcow.
>>896113Nothing to me, but they sure act autistic when they see their fictional boyfriend getting fictionally fucked.
No. 896182
>>896160>I know, but what anon posted is hardly cringe. It's just someone who wants to see nsfw stuff a character.wanting to see a character who clearly looks like a little boy getting raped is cringe and degenerate
and I'm sure a lot of people don't like seeing depictions of their comfort characters being violently raped, Fujo content is always filled massive amounts of violent rape and abuse and the only one into this is someone with a fetish for male Homosexuality
No. 896185
>>896160>Nothing to me, but they sure act autistic when they see their fictional boyfriend getting fictionally fuckedFujos aren't better. You all seem awfully
triggered by existence of women who don't need to cuck themselves to enjoy hot fictional characters. The fact you immediately started sperging about yumejoshis in reply to
>>895615is a proof of that because jealousy wasn't OP's point at all. Go back to yout containment thread if you want to defend fictional dicks raping fictional assholes and cry about mean yumejoshis that don't appreciate the beauty of that.
No. 896211
>>896160I just don't like seeing Link getting raped by Demons or as a femboy(Christ I hate seeing the whole concept)
>>896192compare the average Fujo fic with a normal self insert OC fic, most of the time the self insert fic is usually Vanilla and features dumb but caring men, the Fujo fic is just violent rape, calling the other "bottom" a slut or a whore and the whole thing is just power imbalances
No. 896312
>>896182>comfort characterstop
>>896192Because personally I've seen far more yumejoshi getting
triggered that gay fanart of their husbando exists than the opposite. Maybe we've had different experiences, but even here you see that somehow wanting to self insert and fuck fictional men is "better" than creating art or fanfiction of two male characters fucking. I personally don't think any of those two are bad, but for others it's sick and degenerate to like a gay pairing while it's okay if you're obsessed with a straight one.
>>896185OP sounds like a yumejoshi who can't stand that someone wants to see the character getting dick. It's not even an especially cringy post, but OP probably started sperging because the post mentioned some yumejoshi being annoying and came here yelling misogyny because she felt offended. And how's that misogyny anyway?
No. 899116
>>227162Did anyone else have an inverted fujoshi stage?
In highschool, I was a loser and yaoi or male gay stuff would send me into turbo autism rages because I could not get the concept of fetishizing men being with other men and especially getting aroused by it seeing as it actually equated to not being able to fuck those men. It put a wedge between me and most other chicks who liked weeb shit because it seemed like everyone and their mother got horny for gay men. Now I'm just ambivalent to it.
No. 905855
File: 1631240785217.png (259.52 KB, 888x835, a hundred percent into…)

someone who used to be popular on tumblr has recently published a south park fanfic with the names changed where kyle is trans and stan is his gay bf. does this count as fujo cringe? twitter is already cancelling it for being racist but the writing itself is hilariously bad.
No. 906103
>>904950Honest answer? You will barely see any yumejos in the wild, the culture is so different. The most I see are merch posts and random accounts by teenagers.
In Japan they are pushed by fujos to censor themselves and have private twitter accounts, while fujos can wear their "degeneracy" as a badge of pride even if they draw amputation porn. Yume art and fanfiction is also rare compared to fujo art (only exception I've seen lately was twisted wonderland before yumes massively dropped it, there were around 50 000 yume artworks on pixiv for it last year). I even saw an article on a jp news site telling otaku how not all otaku women are fujoshi and some would consider it an insult, just like in the west redditors call all female anime fans fujos.
I personally just want more fiction and porn of women being pleased, not homosexual scrotes destroying their anuses or
abusive stalker boyfriends raping pick-mes.
No. 906371
>>906103>In Japan they are pushed by fujos to censor themselves and have private twitter accountsReally, are japanese fujos harassing yumejos? That's really shitty.
> personally just want more fiction and porn of women being pleased, not homosexual scrotes destroying their anuses or abusive stalker boyfriends raping pick-mes.Me too. It's crazy that it's rare.
No. 906619
File: 1631317218400.png (258.16 KB, 909x752, both sides now 2.png)

>>906074the author has clout or something. i've only read bits and pieces from the fakeboi thread in /snow/ but it's so funny to me.
No. 920525
>>906084I thought about it for a second and I just remembered what I've heard fujos say. The fujoshit mind is a twilight zone of elaborate projection and reversal, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with competition.
Basically they like yaoi not because it's two men fucking each other, but because there's no woman for them to "compete" with over said men. Yes, they are autistic and think that if the MC is a woman, they will inevitably "lose" to her, a cartoon. Same goes for any other female characters present in any capacity other than showing how pathetic and evil wemens are and how pure male rabu is superior. This is why they rub their cheesy gashes to the idea of some bishie hating all women and some token female third wheel being killed off, because it makes them feel "safe" from evil cartoon Stacy. They can't consoom at all when there's a female MC because they see her as "cucking" them, hence "otome cucks". Watching a man cuck them is fine though, because most fujos are either pooners or love groveling for men.
No. 931795
File: 1633519502373.png (7.46 KB, 315x108, wa.PNG)

Idk if it's worth to bump the thread but here's some zuko fangirl
No. 957312
File: 1635872683016.png (318.83 KB, 589x655, Fujo Cringe no 55522.png)

The movie just released a couple days ago, how do you already want to make gay porn of an underaged male character that was brutally murdered by an uncaring serial killer.
seriously it seems like they can't watch anything without their fujocoomer brains immediately thinking about gay male sex
No. 957325
File: 1635873575413.png (5.76 KB, 483x104, bihetscolonizingyaoi.png)

Well since this thread was revived, anyone got more caps of the crazy "us fujos are mostly lesbians and bihets are colonizing our hobby"-anon?
No. 958000
File: 1635920790932.jpg (264.72 KB, 1033x1969, 20211103-015803.jpg)

So I've been noticing that most pirated reposts of Sadistic Beauty had some batshit commentary (pic related is from a recent chapter, but the assmad comments start from very early on) slapped onto them. I was like eh, some moid seething and cryfapping or whatever. Then the yaoi side story came out, and apparently it was an autistic fujoshit buttmad that Minho is being "abused" because he's a "sympathetic misogynist" who's only terrorizing women because of the "trauma" of having a small penis and being a virgin kek.
>Tfw fujofeces would defend Elliott Rodger if he was a 2d bishie uwuThe hamplanet is seething so hard she "fixed" the entire series by making it into a tl;dr BL fapfic that she advertises on pirated sadistic beauty pages. Among other seethe is wishing death on the author, accusing her of basing Minho on her "fine" ex and other mental illness:
No. 959636
>>958078She definitely has that "utterly /b/ yet somehow tumlr sjw at the same time" vibe some farmers have. A case of using every talking point in existence to defend her cuck husbando I guess.
>>958206My favorite thing about this particular fujoexcrement is how she (being a fujo) isn't against rape and abuse in fiction (since that's all BL is), but how in this
hetero comic it's not being done in a particular way she thinks advances "character development" (lmfao). This is the saddest case of being jellymad over a female cartoon I've seen.
No. 969678
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>>958000Googled her and, God, if this isn't a goldmine lol.
>bullied for penis size and erectile dysfunctionLiterally was mentioned only one or two times in manhwa
>poverty, low-paying job, sexual inexperienceWhich one of these things justify his misogyny?
>shamed for being a masochistOnly by MC and only in the manhwa's present. Noone (including him) knew that he was a masochist before the events described in the manhwa have happened. And he was a literal abuser back then. Also funny how all those things justify minho's behavior, but doona's experienced abuse and humiliation doesnt justify her.
Did she even read that manhwa anyway? Or just straight up butthurted till the end of it? Seems like the latter, because her minho """character analysis""" doesn't describe him in the slightest. Prob just hallucinated an ebil woman abusing a relatable poor pure boy and still lives in that fantasy up today lol. That's why I am anti-fujo tbh - they always empathize with male characters, see good in them even when there is nothing good at all and consider them more important than female characters by default, which usually results in autistic obsession with them and full headcanon characterisation. Not to say that women who ship het pairings are always more considerate to female characters, but generally they treat them better than fujos do. At least they give them some sort of importance. I've seen "feminist" fujoshits refusing to write any sort of female characters in their fics, like as a gang member or something, simply because they will ruin all the sweet-sweet homoerotic dynamic they have imagined their faggots must have.
No. 969797
>>969697It's alright, I also think that it was unnecessarily cruel. But this is supposed to be a fetish manga, so people like me and you are not the target audience (personally I've read it out of pure curiosity and am actually anti-bdsm).
>>969683Perhaps a recommendation popped up on some manhwa site she was reading her mpreg assbaby yaoi on. Or maybe just wanted some nsfw art of males.
No. 982871
File: 1638383088419.png (12.34 KB, 867x123, bigbrainfujo.png)

No. 1003080
File: 1640294297858.png (207.61 KB, 1280x2169, cc fujo sperg.png)

This fujo from cc always gets triggered when someone says something even slightly critical of yaoi or doesn't agree that it's the best thing in the world.
She never even reads or fully comprehends the post she's replying to, she just reacts to what little she could read in her fit of rage and makes shit up that the other poster never even mentioned, or perhaps she's only attacking a strawman that lives rent free in her head without bothering to read the other anon's post. And she always uses the
>muh heteronormativity
>muh toxic masculinity
>men are even worse
>you want to control women's sexuality
There really is no need for someone to overreact like she does, but it happens every single time, which is pretty shocking seeing it in real time.
I suspect she's another poster that wouldn't shut up about how gross she finds other users' taste in male body shapes, and how "oppressed" she is when other women like what she doesn't like. Might also be the same one who was protesting against a site-wide ban on all shotacon posting saying "ban me for liking guys before they become hairy messes". Or maybe cc has two/three equally hysterical posters who love to pretend that they're a victim when other women talk about having tastes in men, or opinions on their choice of porn, that are different from their own.
It wouldn't surprise me if she was also here on lc tbh.
No. 1003098
File: 1640295204259.gif (3.52 MB, 498x205, thats-bait-mad-max.gif)

>>982871This is such an obvious bait, it reads like that one "You Have To Have a Very High IQ" rick and morty meme
>>958000god, commentaries on translation are 90% of the time super cringy, I wish it wasn't so common
No. 1003112
>>1003098>This is such an obvious bait, it reads like that one "You Have To Have a Very High IQ" rick and morty memeThat one might be bait but the "author could have made my fav gay ship canon but couldn't due to execs" thing is common among fujos kek
>>1003104I agree with some of the things she says and I think the thing she did at her desk job was based as fuck, but she's such a sperg that it's embarrassing. Basically what
>>1003109 said.
No. 1003252
>>1003221I kinda get your point, i don't want women to suffer from pornsickness but i don't really think fujos doing whatever they're doing resembles
anything scrotes have done, their "objectivization" doens't hurt real people, their bishies aren't even real. I also totally understand they feel rage towards scrotes in general so they use this type of media to vent, it maybe not be the best way to cope but is understable they have such feelings.
No. 1003479
>>1003080Reading past the first few posts, the fujo is a massive sperg, but she's not really wrong
What really irritated me about this exchange is the "Porn is women's fault ackshully!!! Just become a porn director!!!!" retard. How much of dumbass pick-me can anyone be?
No. 1003650
>>1003221Women couldn't replicate male degeneracy, sociopathy and aggression even if they tried,
nonnie. They're B class citizens who hold no real social power for one thing, and men will never be damaged by a woman being a pornsick coomer while men themselves turn into rapists and thrill murderers.
No. 1006676
File: 1640631184056.png (54.25 KB, 589x453, genshinjo.PNG)

Had to bump this thread for that because it's apparently unironic, fujo demands to draw gay pairing if you draw too much straight ship or else it can only be explained by homophobia. She's a xiaosomething shipper.
(it's google translated)
No. 1006724
>>1006676Jesus Christ, this only shows how some idiots will surround themselves in this weird bubble in which they can consoom all of the media they can get and demand more.
I think there’s a quite similar number of fujo shit and straight shit, being the lesbian shit the least popular shit unless you count coomer drawings made by males in which two characters break their backs sexily while looking at the viewer.
I think that, the moment someone can’t find whatever new content that can be found on the internet of some fetish they’re into, because they basically already saw the 1000 pages of that content, should have some app in their phones and computers to shut them down immediately so they can fucking go outside.
No. 1007124
>>1006676>Wlw>MlmSick of this woke shit being used to mask their true intentions, namely harass random people for not wanting to create only fujo content for them.
It's fake as fuck and everyone can see it's a repeat of past decades when they were more open about hating female characters "getting in the way".
No. 1008958
>>1008486>>1008636This, I think it's acceptable to think "damn, it's a shame that most of the better artists who draw gorgeous men are only into BL, I wish there were more awesome artists like this who draw het" because there's a very little amount of such high quality yumejo stuff compared to fujo stuff. But harassing artists or even just expecting them to change their tastes for you is dumb, I wouldn't demand that BL artists create content for me, if they're not into what I like, and I have definitely never seen a yumejo do this.
It's even more idiotic to bully artists for drawing something you don't like when you're a fujo demanding yumejos and (female) het shippers to stop creating their own content, when said content is in the minority because almost every time you see sexy 2D men in fanart, it's fujo shit, meaning they already have infinite amounts of BL art compared to non-fujos. Are people like these only going to be satisfied when there is zero het content involving hot cartoon men? Can't both exist in peace? Can't they let yumejos and het shippers produce their own art for themselves? It shouldn't be such a big deal.
Yumejos would actually be more justified in being upset about this kind of thing, since the stuff they like either doesn't exist or is incredibly hard to find, to the point that most people aren't aware that not all women into 2D guys want to see them fuck each other, and are mistaken for "fujoshits" all the time. But the most I've seen them do is vent about the lack of content and lament that most god-tier female artists only draw BL, which is true (and that some artists even waste their talents drawing hentai for scrotes, who have even more porn that caters to them than fujos could possibly imagine having).
No. 1009002
>>1008958>Are people like these only going to be satisfied when there is zero het content involving hot cartoon men? Unironically yes.
Daily reminder that fujos are all Beckies who feel cucked every time a female even exists in the same universe as the bishie. This is one of their top stated reasons for being a fujo, so that they don't have to "compete" with cartoon women.
No. 1034507
File: 1642708541464.png (11.17 KB, 939x117, yumesfetishizinggaymen.png)

The evil yumejos are fetishizing gay men! (unlike fujos) Poor menz.
No. 1034575
>>1008958Well then draw/commission your own shit. How fucking entitled to whine that fujos are drawing
gasp what they want instead of what you want. Have you tried paying them for a het ship?
No. 1034712
>>1034507That anon is really giving 14 year old moralfag from twitter vibes with the "they're fetishizing gay men!” replies like fujos don't claim that any attractive male characters are gay solely for shipping and/or porn purposes. The lack of self-awareness is astounding
Also as someone that's both a fujo and yumejo, it's not even that deep—I like to ship characters because it's fun and I like having husbandos to fantasize about kek dunno how stuff like this gets people seething when none of it is real anyway
No. 1034959
>>1034575We were talking about fujos (who already get tons and tons of fanart and fanfic for free) who literally bully bishonen artists who don't draw yaoi like they want kek.
That is way more entitled than yumejos just wishing there was more yume content (which is understandable because there is less of it and getting a couple of commissions is a slight improvement at most, plus not everyone is rich). Yumes bullying BL artists over this is much less common, personally I've never seen it happen.
>>1034523Shipping het pairings in media is not the same as being a yumejo, retard.
>98% of media is hetshitAnd yet slash and yaoi are probably more common in fandoms than "hetshit" and fujos might get aggressive if you don't like it or even just chose to not draw it. Not really seeing your point.
No. 1035280
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>>1035276Samefag, took me a bit but I found the artist it was abbystea. She liked some pretty based tweets like picrel and they tried to frame her as homophobic from that.
No. 1036055
>>1035280Is it a different artist to the one that's being talked about here
>>1006676 ?
No. 1037961
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>>1036055I believe the artist being talked about in
>>1006676 is this one? I could be wrong
No. 1105178
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Fujo problems
No. 1105190
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>>1036731Correct, women can like anything we want
No. 1106613
File: 1647948712128.png (215.14 KB, 1331x251, Screenshot (835).png)

Jesus Christ, "fujoism totally isn't a degenerate fetish" I'm sorry but this is male coomer levels
No. 1106625
>>1106613I'm dying, this is hilarious. C'mon anon, "Day of the Gay"? It's comedy gold.
No. 1106628
File: 1647949094498.png (182.49 KB, 1352x431, Screenshot (842).png)

>>1106617imagine such massive coomers that you think your porn addiction makes you persecuted minority, fujos really should start dating men who are into Trap Hentais
imo Fujos and Trap fags have the same level of brain rot
>>1106621Fujochan, a Fujo imageboard, warning there's a lot of unspoilered porn and there's even a Shota board, and they will try to claim they aren't degenerate porn addicts No. 1106778
>>1106688Women ≠ men
>>1106704I'm only using this logic with women, not men, they're way to dangerous
>>1106769Who tf are you talking about?
No. 1106903
>>1106788>but I like to jack off to themI told you it was moids.
>>1106875Yeah they're pedos who get off on joining a group of who they assume to be women.
No. 1106992
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>>1106644>spots dipper fanartThat's it I'm not going any further. I've seen enough.
>>1106875Tbh I've know like two women who were into and drew shota but they were also ftm tranny degenerates. They also used it as some kind of defense that they wanted their boy childhood or something.
No. 1107038
File: 1647965880731.jpg (Spoiler Image,487.92 KB, 1000x959, gross.jpg)

>>1106875While it's mostly moids, there are a few female pedos out there as well. We recently discussed Ashley Cope in /m/, check out her art based on another woman's "erotic" fiction.
(pedo) No. 1107076
the existence of this cow reminds me how much I hate "shota" loving fujos every day
>>396195seriously nonas, read this shit and say "oh she's harmless"
No. 1107091
>>1105205>while admitting to being disgusted by homosexuality on "her" Russian social mediaafaik she (or "she") only shat on westerners for wanting to force everyone to believe that genshit characters are gay.
But even if she's not a homophobe, she's still a shotafag and possibly a tranny if not a pornsick pick-me.
>>1105239Yeah, it could just be a turbo-pickme instead of a troon. I don't know which would be worse.
>>1106652>>1106647>>1106875I hate to say this but just to be clear, based on the audience there are two types of shota. Shota for women which is bishonen style like Kuroshitsuji and Loveless, the kind you find in yaoi, and shota for moids which has a style more similar to moe/loli or bara shit.
So yes, not only males, but women can definitely be into shota too, if you spent time in fujo spaces before fake wokeness became the norm, this should be nothing new. And these people can only post on places like /sh/ because they know nobody wants them anywhere else (especially since other women would be way less tolerant of their degeneracy than men are tolerant of shotashit). I'm betting most of them are from 4chan, /co/ for example is full of pedos and there happens to be a relatively high amount of female posters there, so there's likely some overlap. There's also one annoying shotafag (apparently female, there's no indication that she's a male) in the femporn thread on /h/ so it's not all fujos. After all, fujochan came from the fujo threads on /trash/, so it's no wonder they have a board like that.
No. 1107110
>>1106628>hates fujos enough to constantly seethe about them>hatelurks fucking fujochan and possibly the fujo thread in /m/ instead of avoiding them >even links to fujochan just so everyone can go joinAre you sure you don't have any fujo tendencies to hide, anon? Maybe you actually enjoy it just a little bit?
>>1106655Kek the extreme shotacons on fujochan constantly write spergy posts about how feminism and women ruin the western world and the internet so yeah not too hard to put two and two together and point out the Y chromosome
No. 1107142
>>1107110>Kek the extreme shotacons on fujochan constantly write spergy posts about how feminism and women ruin the western world and the internet>not too hard to put two and two together and point out the Y chromosomeA lot of fujochan's userbase comes from 4chan, and you know how 4chanoids hate "making things political", they could just be pornsick pickmes, and if they are indeed female shotacons it would make sense that their pedo degeneracy would be incompatible with feminism.
The reason the /mis/ - misandry board was deleted (or hidden, I haven't checked) was because several people told the admin that potential fujos would be put off by a radfem board. If you want to see it for yourself just visit /blog/ on /jp/.
No. 1107162
>>1106640That anon is extremely annoying, I've seen her in multiple threads outside this one. She has to bring race into everything as if there aren't a ton of degenerate black and
WOC fujos (or like most
WOC on planet earth give a fuck about these shipping wars). She's probably one herself, but also values being able to self-insert with yume content more, so she has a vendetta around the subject. It'd explain her obsession and constant sperging about it
Fujo spergs are cringy, but anti-fujo spergs are almost worse honestly
No. 1107178
>>1107110I saw it mentioned when I opened upon /m/, googled and one of the first results was a child with mutilated limbs as the header
>>1107162you caught me I do have a fetish though Its a very tabbo one, its black women in happy, healthy relationships, might be an absurd concept for you, you who enjoys seeing little boys being raped by adult men but I don't consume massive amounts of porn that have rotted my brain
No. 1107182
>>1107178Are you mentally deranged, or just projecting? Do you think everyone but you here is some random white fujoshi woman?
I called fujos cringy, but I guess when you have brain problems you deal a lot in black and white thinking. Stop looking at porn and then coming here to claim you hate it so much, your brain is rotted from all the shit you consume. Also maybe focus on getting into a real relationship instead of fixating on shipping so hard, media is garbage for every woman's psyche, especially non-white ones
No. 1107187
>>1107182I am in a relationship, also I don't think you understand really what its like
black women, especially dark skinned black women have no decent representation at all, we have little if any representation that depicts as human beings, I don't think you understand what that's like to live with, you have dozens of princess stories with handsome princes, black girls don't have that, when we do have those story frameworks, they are always politicized and "subverted"(by mostly liberal white women) to make it that the black confident girl doesn't need a prince unlike the white princess
No. 1107189
>>1107152I keep seeing lc fujos post things like posting yaoi is the best way to keep the moids away.
So much for that. The moids love cartoon porn.
No. 1107206
>>1107142>you know how 4chanoids hate "making things political"Real talk: what about it? politics literally ruined 4chan and most social media is full of politics too, which makes them absolute cesspools
>>1107182>Also maybe focus on getting into a real relationshipNta but this shitty advice, you're literally telling her to get some dick as if men couldn't kill her
No. 1107212
>>1107206You're right, there are other options: We can look for and support indie content by women who actually get it, make it ourselves, or follow the "turn your brain off" meme and stop taking any of this shit at face value
It's mentally damaging to look to media mostly written/directed/produced/approved by scrotes to find solace or peace of mind, because they pretty much all have shit messaging and will leave you dissatisfied. Even 99% of shoujo and josei content is mostly made by pick-mes, talk less of romance novels or television. The executives aren't affected by us being mad at fans of shit we don't like, either. They don't care about the "Tired of scrote BS" demographic because they hold all the power, and the fans will continue supporting their
problematic content out of spite
Also IMO it's just fruitless to try and hunt for the perfect, pinkpill-approved, racially diverse romance media for straight women. Media is made and publicized through filters, but at least humans can surprise you every once in a blue moon
No. 1107227
File: 1647982261421.jpg (61.25 KB, 609x668, why.jpg)

>>1107187>muh representation in forgettable fictional stories!!!!!11!1God stfu, just go outside and talk to other REAL black women, I bet you'll find some who will even be willing to befriend you. Also, not any of those anons but:
>you have dozens of princess stories with handsome princes, black girls don't have thatI don't have that either but I'm too busy having an actual life, having a full-time job and socializing with my friends to cry like a bitch online at my big age because Disney forgot I exist. Grow up.
No. 1107229
>>1107225 but those posts are replying to the ones that initially brought it up. The other ones here
>>1106628 >>1106613 were just talking about fujochan.
No. 1107254
File: 1647983789373.png (242.4 KB, 1402x350, eliot .png)

>>1107230Agreed. I'm just sick of that one poster who attempts to pull the race card when it comes to yaoi of all things (and I'm mixed/black, inb4 "wahh u dont understand"). You can dislike fujoshit without pretending it's a racial struggle, just shut the fuck up
Anyway, I don't know how cringe this is, but I found it funny in a twisted way. I wonder how many incels are actually fujoshi LARPers
No. 1107255
File: 1647983830848.gif (2.54 MB, 498x207, 0624FD41-3680-4728-9A82-74D52B…)

Are most of you in this thread fujos or no? I am, but that's why I often cringe at other fujos since I get exposed to it so much. Not that I'm immune, sometimes I cringe at myself. I don't take it that seriously so maybe that's why I can still handle being one. All it is for me is a fun geeky hobby. Is this a cope? You decide.
No. 1107305
>>1107152>Makes me think of that one anon in the BL thread on /m/ that was uwu bonding with another anon by posting hetalia pictures that turned out to be a moid.When did that happen? Don't you mean the yaoi spammer in the 4th Eurofag thread? Because there were at least two different spammers and people think the second one, the one who spammed shota, was a male who got mad at the Hetalia yaoi spam. Apparently that was also the spammer in the bunker thread that people found annoying and some defended by calling the annoyed people scrotes kek
>>1107206>Real talk: what about it? politics literally ruined 4chan and most social media is full of politics tooNah I meant more like this, (not counting the obvious like the /pol/ fags) they're like "don't put politics in my hobby except when I agree with it (and most of the time it's going to be misogynsistic)"
No. 1107565
File: 1648011923591.png (Spoiler Image,360.55 KB, 281x835, b5c26eb3-c7ea-47c2-a5b6-0b3a31…)

>>1107038>>1107050>>1107057She posted a pic of herself in front of the US capitol building a few years ago. This is literally a frumpy white woman in her early 40s you'd pass on the street and not think twice. I stopped reading her webcomic 2 years ago when I found her pedophile rape drawings proudly displayed on deviantart/tumblr and when she kept talking about drawing her child mc naked for commissions, calling her a loli, and made a specific post about not minding porn drawn of her. It's sad because her art is so good but she's just another predator in the end.
No. 1107578
File: 1648013255052.jpeg (35.62 KB, 347x347, B86D7A84-A08D-49A6-AF07-E9CA07…)

>>1107574You could not begin to comprehend how many illnesses I suffer
No. 1107881
>>1107565omg, i actually kind of know this cow. i have known her on/off for a long time in various communities.
i haven't talked to her in awhile but she is very pickme and will argue or be rude to other women in the communities she is in and fight for male attention. she also "complains" a lot about the waifu threads made on her on 4chan, but clearly goes out of her way to find them and delights in the male attention she gets in them.
she will also post about how she loves monster porn, especially the kind where the monster lays eggs in you. i could go on forever really
No. 1107937
>>1107931i haven't talked with her or been active in her spaces for a loooooong time but i can keep an eye on it.
she is just a huge asshole really and creepy. also she lives with her parents and is really invested in american politics and complaining about it for some reason, and seems to be poor despite her comic and also doing comissions.
i'd like to know more about the underage grooming of kids, she never said stuff like that when i was more active in talking to her, but she is older now with a child's lifestyle so i wouldn't be surprised
No. 1107947
>>1107937I can't remember exactly when or where (perhaps on her Casualvillain blog, now dead)but I distinctly remember her writing that she had befriended a young boy in her neighbourhood through gaming. She went on to show him adult stuff on 4chan and wrote about him groping her breasts.
I really hope she isn't still doing shit like this.
I was disgusted when I read this but I was young and didn't really get how bad it was and I didn't get how old she was. I thought she was younger because of her immature behaviour.
No. 1108025
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>>1107482>someone came out later and said that one of them was a scrote but I’m not sure if this was ever proven or not?I went to read the last two fujo threads before the /m/ purge (saw a lot of cringe there that could be posted here too, kek), and found the post
>>>/m/182041I believe it tbh, the poster who liked talking to RusAme anon was acting kinda weird and now I see why.
>>1107617Actually I'm not a fujo, I was just telling what happened in that thread. I don't know for sure whether that particular spammer was male or not, although I believe it was because that poster was obviously trying to derail the thread and annoy the normal posters, and there had been several obvious moids posting there.
And I have been arguing all this time that there are in fact female shotacons. I think it's embarrassing when fujos try to deny that, and pretend like it
must be pedo scrotes who are posting on that board. Sure, scrotes will infiltrate any women's spaces, especially if it involves porn, but female shotacons aren't that rare either, pornsick women exist you know? There was even a female poster in one of the bunker threads who confessed to having been banned on CC several times for being a shotafag, it might have been that one who posted shota while arguing with an incel in CC's pinkpill thread, unless it's all an elaborate troll by a male.
Regardless of whether fujochan is full of males or not, now it's clear that it was a bad idea to delete the misandry board, there couldn've been some radfem presence there to keep the incel LARPer sociopaths, anti-feminist pickmes and male posters away somewhat.
No. 1108230
>>1108208"Integrate"? Just because I don't think like you? Do you understand not every LC user is a radfem, right?
>>1108210You can't just claim a certain type of poster shouldn't be never criticized and
not expect malicious people to use it to their favor is like you have never been on a image board, lots of moids went and still go unnoticed because they call themselves radfems and all their obviously malicious post are written on a "feminist" light so nobody can drag them
>>1108213>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a moid/pickmeWeak
No. 1108548
>>1108238Ok? I agree, what I'm saying is that I understand why a hobby-only site wouldn't like a political board centered solely on manhate, they go there to post their weeb pics and socialize not to remember men will kill them, there are other sites (like LC) for that
>>1108240The most recent example is Romaninanon's crazy ex: Steven. He pretended to be a radfem so Romani would trust him and lower her guard, it's been confirmed that dude (and some others) pretended to be radfems to go unnoticed while writing hateful shit, he wandered /ot for years and called other anons whores/sluts/pickmes and nobody disagreed cause he was shielding himself using radfem vocabulary and arguments while insulting others
No. 1108572
>>1108548i agree. I also think the ''feminist antinatalist'' who has a strange hatred for pregnant women and keeps on calling them fat/whales is also a male.
Also i think the radfems who are shitting up the site are newfags from tumblr/twitter, the radfem oldfags here are cool but the new-ones are making some threads unbearable, not everything topic has to be about men
(what does this have to do with fujo cringe?) No. 1119026
File: 1648775285331.png (9.78 KB, 1271x92, lolfujos.png)

I love it when a fujo says self-shipping is cringe because she can't imagine herself with a hot guy kek
No. 1119152
>>1119026I know that's the crux of all fujo brains because I was that way too when I was out of shape, pimply, and miserable.
Imagine admitting you couldnt see yourself fucking the(animated) object of your affection because you think youre not worthy lmao men would ever think the same way
No. 1119328
>>1119026This is sad. Women are hyperaware of their appearance and
value even when fantasizing.
No. 1120150
>>1119026At some point, I realized that literally all fujo ships are some kind of yume projections. There's always one part of the ship that's more highly valued than the other in fan made media. It's the character the fujo actually cares about. I don't know, once this realization came to me, I started seeing it in every single BL ship. I don't know if real fujos even exist. Of course I'm not taking sexual content into account because it's a different thing.
I think being a fujo is a result of a form of very repressed and internalized misogyny that tells you that you aren't worthy enough to fantasize about a hot character as is without adding a third party. I was kind of a fujo too but it made me feel kinda uncomfortable and I've been much happier since becoming a yume. It motivates me harder in my real daily life to be a good person.
No. 1120158
>>1120150I never projected into any BL ship, what?
If I want to imagine them fucking me, I imagine both fucking me. Not necessarily at the same time.
No. 1120177
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>>1119026While it's a real problem for women to be too insecure to fantasize involving themselves, yume content can be cringy for other reasons. I know it's not what that specific poster said, but one of my hang-ups before becoming a yume was the pure cringe factor of shipping myself with a 2d anime character. Honestly yume fanart is often cringy to look at, but it's still sweet and I respect them for it. It's based actually.
No. 1120179
>>1120176i don't see why self inserting is so much more cringe and off putting than seeing two male characters destroy each other's assholes. Both are cringe objectively.
No. 1120207
>>1120160>I'm a yume as well and can enjoy those kinds of fantasies just fine. I simply can't let go of my enjoyment for bl either kek.NTAYRT, I'm also a yumejo and I enjoy BL from time to time. But for someone who's exclusively a fujo, what that anon says is probably true.
>>1120176It's possible to be turned off by the thought of self-inserting, but still do it unconsciously and more vaguely. But I can't tell you how your own mind works, it's just my hypothesis for how some fujos might self-insert without being aware of it.
>>1120179>>1120177I'm the one who posted the screencap, I actually agree that self-shipping cringy for other reasons even though I do it myself. But saying that you cringe at it because you can't imagine yourself having sex with a hot guy you're attracted to is kinda sad.
No. 1124124
File: 1649153118854.png (337.47 KB, 1440x900, 4.png)

imagine being offended by the 96% majority sexuality of the human race, this is coming from the same people who ship rape victims and their abusers or siblings together
No. 1124156
File: 1649155393866.png (173.78 KB, 1382x499, 4.png)

imagine being offended by the 96% majority sexuality of the human race, this is coming from the same people who ship rape victims and their abusers or siblings together
No. 1124174
>>1124171stop using hetshippers its like a real term you
triggered porn addict
No. 1124177
>>1124174Stop trying to defend people who find
abusive relationships involving women hot you fucking misogynist
No. 1126129
>>1124762Most antifujos are
triggered scrotes wasn't it obvious
No. 1126282
>>1124124>>1126190oh wow moids arent even hiding the fact that that they are moids here anymore.
Also your twitter is fucking autistic and you should probably revaluate your life or end it.
No. 1126783
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>>1124762I mean, the posts in that screencap do sound like retarded children, but you know what? You might be right. There definitely are males posting in these threads and they're even on /g/ now.
>>1126202I want to believe it's just a very malebrained poster from 4chan but the GTA icon is way too sus. However, the fact that it's an incognito window, which everyone missed somehow, might mean that the computer and those bookmarks don't belong to her(?), so despite how fucking embarrassing and pathetic that bookmarked Twitter account is, it's still possible that that poster is not a scrote. If that's the case, I feel bad for her. Imagine having to live with a /pol/cel.
Mostly I just want to see if she/he tries to explain kek
>>1125398Probably in the US judging by the UI language and time, unless it's a Latin American who pirated Windows 10 in English.
No. 1146600
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being disgusted by pedophilia is now apparently virtue signalling
No. 1146823
File: 1650860490034.jpg (3.2 MB, 3072x4096, 20220425_080538.jpg)

>>1124124>>1124762I had forgotten about that post, so I think I should clear things up so that you all don't have to spend your days tinfoiling about me
Yes I am from the global south and I do have to share a computer with my younger brother, we have not yet activated our windows cause it costs US dollars we don't have and it works just fine for us, half the bookmakrs are mine and half are his
these were his bookmarks btw, a bunch of guides for prepping and survivalism(I'm somewhat into it as well) tumblr blog I follow was a flash fan page that I can't browse anymore cause tumblr is banned from my country
https://sparklingdisneyprincess.tumblr.comanyways hope you all overcome your porn addictions and I'll respectfully take my ban
>>1146833Fuck I feel terrible for laughing.
Anyway, not that I have anything against fat people, but how come everytime someone posts a hand pic it's a fat hand? Never seen a skinny handpic on here (except for one anon in /g/, but she was just asking if her hands look manly). Also, when will you nonnas realize that handpics don't prove much, especially when you're fat.
No. 1146841
>>1146823I'm sorry
nonnie but I can't tell your sex from this photo. Regardless, we understand you hate us but you've been consistently identifying yourself with your posts aka not integrating, and also you haven't made any progress changing our ways. Fujoshi that I am, I admire your persistency. Still you should tone it down because it's doing nothing except inching you toward getting banned. It's kinda funny though but it's also kinda weird though. This is all assuming you've been posting in good faith and aren't a moid in the end
No. 1146846
>>1146823Why do all retards on this site have fatass hands? Is this an American thing? Like
>>1146837 said, all handpics are so fat it's almost impossible to tell if it's a woman or man.
No. 1146852
>>1146837Samefag, but also why didn't you just take a smaller screenshot or crop the pictures OP?
Anyway, more fujo cringe pls
>>1146846That anon said she's not from America and I remember the other fat hand anons were from Mexico and Greece. Why would it be an American thing
No. 1147070
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>>1146837>>1147057>>1147067here's my hand next to an actual little young boy, my other younger brother(he's 9 years old but tall for his age)
(stop) No. 1147072
>>1147070Eww no one wants to see your grimey hand selfies.
>>1147037Are you German?
No. 1147096
>>1147073NTA but there is a difference between farmers being critical or not liking yaoi/shitty fujo behaviour, and this male sperg that obsesses over fujos and call them porn addicted faghags. Very obvious and annoying poster.
>>1147075>>1147085So which one of you made the post? Anyway, it was the random capitalization of Yaoi and Homosexuality that looked weird.
No. 1147373
>>1147213ano I think the german ano is from
>>1147037not from the hand ano.
No. 1148861
>>1148849I think most fujos are very
toxic. They see men and especially fags at that, above women. They're
toxic in that way but I didn't see them defend irl gay men. Most they do is shit on women and be sexist, jealous, etc. Fujo-ism is rooted on sexism, shame and jealousy and it's harmful for the women themselves, more than anyone around them. That's why some end up Trooning out or stuff.
No. 1149074
>>1149070she's someone who realized she was a degenerate porn addict and sought to better yourself, you on other hand still likely suffer from porn addiction this helps and remember stop watching porn
No. 1149107
>>1149074She'll stop only after you stop watching porn, scrote.
>>1149052Calling it sexual harassment is a bit much, you were cringy kids and you didn't even fucking touch them. Plus they're males. Good story though kek
No. 1153247
>>1148849>>1148861Have you guys ever actually talked to us in a context out side of puritanical tut-tutting for our harmless hobby?
Go actually look at the fujo thread: there are several anons there who are repulsed by 3D men entirely. Obviously that's not a healthy attitude to have, but it flies in the face of this "tHeY cApE 4 sCrOtEs" crap. The retarded thing is that we're damned to you guys no matter what we do. If we say we hate real scrotes, that's being homophobic, but if we say we support real life gay people, it's "only because you fetishize them reee" or we're "defending scrotes."
Interesting how liking drawings made
by women of men supposedly makes us bad feminists, but aggressively shaming women for what amounts to an unobtrusive expression of their sexuality doesn't make you guys bad feminists. I also think it's interesting that you dedicate a disproportionately large amount of time to this endeavor when there are surely better uses of your finite time on Earth. You can spare a couple of hours to screech at female geeks online, but some of you can't even be assed to go out and vote against politicians who strip away our reproductive rights.
I don't care if you think I'm a bad feminist, or a degenerate, or whatever other pearl-clutchy crap you think justifies what ultimately amounts to slut-shaming women while also bullying them for being the "wrong" kind of nerds. I've made friends through the BL community, and I've supported many, many, small female artists and writers by buying their work. I'm not going to stop because a bunch of puritans think my hobby doesn't adequately jibe with their personal politics.
No. 1182748
I hate the mindset of fujos so much.
They nearly remind me of trannies with their: "Oh if you don't like it too bad we are here. Clutch your pearls harder."
But as soon as you complain about it and make a place so you can talk with other about it, they often come with: "It is a total harmless hobby, why are you so mean. We don't hurt anybody."
Also they often come up with stuff like "There are so many hetships, we have no space for us, let us alone."
First of all, you have tons of space for yourself, you just spam other places full of bl and then get butthurt when people don't like it. Second and that might be a newsflash for you, but the majority of people are heterosexual, so yeah, there will always be more hetero ships. Shocking I know.
One last thing is, their ships are often super bad don't get me wrong some crackships can be funny, even if I am not a shipper myself, but just because two people look at each other they are not in love… Also no, the movie is not good just because there are gays in it… sorry.
No. 1182825
>>1182751I was active in some anime fandoms and internet sites. yes it is very bad.
Don't get me wrong there are way more coomer art but often they stay on special places and you can avoid them pretty easily.
But fujos not so much. So yeah it was a problem for me.
Not the biggest,but is is niceto let out steam without being called a bigot or something like that.
No. 1187258
>>1184101I don't even like the porn part of it, for one. I just like to draw my ships. But more to the point, it's literally just a hobby. I have a job, a girlfriend, a family, and plenty of other hobbies. Being irritated when someone insults something you like doesn't automatically mean it's a "lifestyle," what the fuck.
>>1182748Fandoms aren't a hivemind, and every fandom out there has a subset of assholes (typically teenagers or autistic) who insist that their headcanons are canon, harass the content creators, and screech at you if you disagree with them. I don't condone that behavior, and I'm sorry that happened to you.
It's worth noting however that in recent years, the perpetrators of that behavior often reject the label of "fujoshi," often going so far as to accuse fujoshis as a whole of being bigots. People like this are almost always Aidens or genderspecials. They pretend that they're gay men and that their crap is good-faith representation or whatever. That's a breed of retard I'm fully against. I just like gay ships because they're cute, and I'm not going to pretend it's for the greater good of "representation." It's just a stupid hobby.
No. 1223741
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Fujo derails a yume husbando thread for 24 hours to tell all yumes that they are unhinged and autistic unlike herself.
No. 1223750
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>>1223743It's twisted wonderland fan (Disney mobage) who entered the thread like this kek. Very angry about women self-inserting heterosexually.
No. 1248077
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Not to necro a thread, but I've no idea where else to post this… this thing. I'm not an anti fujo or anything (don't really care about what other people like tbh, unless they're pedo moids into loli or shota), I've just never seen someone so desperate to read novels with a miscarriage. I know novel updates is a retarded place to begin with but still, this singlehandedly crossed the limit of retardation a human being is capable of generating kek.
No. 1248753
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>>1248289It's not a fakeboi though. It's a straight fujo girl (not a troon either) who isn't even pretending to be a gender-special themlet. There's indeed fujos out there into mpreg and stuff, it just depends on which ones you surround yourself with. On LC, many fujos might hate mpreg but that's no the case on NU where they create thousand of custom lists of mpreg novels — No. 1267930
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Fujos these days are just straight up delusional, they have deluded themselves into believing that everyone will end up in a gay pairing in this manga made for Japanese teenage boys, I guess this is a consequence of Johnlock and Larry shipping, still it will be fucking hilarious seeing the massive seething of when BNHA finally ends and everyone ends up in a nice straight pairing No. 1285855
File: 1659384054488.png (48.6 KB, 1387x435, Capture.png)

Fujocoomer completely unwilling to accept the fact that consuming ertociez gay pornography everyday deosn't cause brain rot which leads to trooning out, even though thousands of aydens have posted about being fujos prior to being aydens
No. 1287074
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(Posting this here so as to not derail other threads. Also this isn't meant to be a criticism to fujos, I don't think they're evil, cringe or immoral for any of this. If there was a more appropriate thread I'd post this there.)
I've seen fujos here say that it's only western Aiden fujos that hate themselves and wish they were men, but this sort of fujo that desperately wants to be a man has existed in Japan too since before trannyism was mainstream in the west. Obviously the same conclusions can be drawn as with western fakebois, they have a lot of internalized misogyny, which isn't their fault, because the society they live in is what makes them feel that way.
Yaoi appeals to women for many different reasons, and the same reasons are found in every country where yaoi is popular: "it's hot", "it's cute", "it's different from the mainstream", "it portrays men being the abused for once" or "it helps forget that I'm a woman". No. 1335624
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This is downright pathetic
No. 1335652
>>1335624I miss when people just enjoyed their hobbies and weren't obsessed with looking "cool" to political groups, imagine witting all that shit just to justify yourself to people who consider you a degenerate at best
>i could write an essay about about how fujoism goes way deeper than sexy cartoon men fuckingomg stfu
No. 1335678
>>1335641Go back to seething.
>>1335652Everyone who's not a retard knows that genres are created as a response to an issue. The fact is that yaoi/bl/whatever you want to call it was created in Japan as a way for female authors and readers to explore sexuality (and everything that relates to it, like abuse) from "outside" and in a way that would keep men away. You can think whatever you want, but what that anon is saying is factually correct no matter how much it makes you seethe.
No. 1335740
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>>1335678a group of self hating women from a deeply misogynistic pedophilic country couldn't comprehend healthy sex, so instead they drew little boys being raped, meanwhile western women found an easy solution
No. 1335761
>>1335740crapchan/pakichan can i ask you a question.
You claim to hate yaoi and fujos……yet why are you so obsessed with it and and spend your time ingesting yaoi material.
You even spend your time on sites for fujos
>>1335624 looking at their posts and topics until you find something to post here.
Its not normal its mental, i hope you realize what you are doing is mental.
>>1335753Pakichan/crapchan is not mentally okay, she has been sperging about fujos for a long time.
Also as someone who consumes straight romance, you can find just as much rape,abuse pedophulia there too, she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about because fujos have consumed her mind.
No. 1335842
>>1335761It's funny because she posts the mildest shit and acts like it's cringe and bad while it's literally just a bunch of fujos saying that you can be both a feminist and a fujo? Which is true, you can. She bumped the thread for nothing because this is hardly "cringe".
There are plenty of degenerates ""fujos"" who are really just aidens and kids (who are still ultimately harmless but shitty) but instead she and others come on lolcow and go after someone posting a regular yaoi couple or fucking husbandofags who aren't even fujos. And shills old-fashioned sexual assault-ridden novels as the "better" thing.
No. 1386027
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pure fujo brainrot(this is about a 14 year old being paired with an adult man btw) currently this ship has over 130 fics ao3, like no wonder fujos troon out so much, if this is the level of brain rot their on
No. 1386127
>>1386113You know that by saying shit like that you are the reason why so many fujos actually do transition? Real life 14 yo boys rape and murder women everywere, they are not "uwu poowhr
victims of the fujos", those real fujos arent going to molest boys, who cares if someone ships a fictional one to a moid, just let them enjoy their sexuality, they aren't hurting anyone.
No. 1386129
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>>1386027the way you are obsessed with fujos is actually amazing.
No. 1386274
>>1386027I'm not familiar with this pairing but when I was a teenager I did not think teen/adult pairings were gross. I actually liked them more because I could identify with the teen. I was retarded and living in a fantasy world or I guess I was successfully groomed to think it was fine.
I can't put myself back in that headspace at all. It's nasty to think some people are adults identifying with the adult character. Sometimes my cope is that people into this online are probably 14 year olds but that's kind of bad too! It wasn't good for me! lol
No. 1386808
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>>1386274>>1386738tbf its not a thing specific to fujoshis, young boys(usually between 8-15) have been viewed(and treated) as pseudo-females in various cultures
No. 1386816
>>1386274>I actually liked them more because I could identify with the teen. I was retarded and living in a fantasy world or I guess I was successfully groomed to think it was fine.I think this happened to a lot of us and even with straight couples, where the teen was the girl. Yes, all kinds of media groom us into thinking it's okay.
>>1386127>You know that by saying shit like that you are the reason why so many fujos actually do transition?How does saying that it's fucked up to have sexual fantasies about a 14 year old being fucked by an adult make fujos troon out? NTA but I don't object to fujos liking gay pairings (and we know a lot of Aidens troon out just so they won't be cancelled for "fetishising MLM"), I just find it creepy when they like pedoshit.
No. 1386822
>>1386814>nothing that happens in media is significant.That's simply not true.
>Teen guys are amazing in this respect though, especially if masculinity is just revolting and gross to you.I'm confused, are you admitting to finding teen boys more sexually attractive than adult men? What the fuck
No. 1386842
>>1386822>>1386827Did I say child rape? Anything I enjoy is in my head so it doesn't matter whether they're 19 or 36. I like all ages but I'm not obsessing about it much since it's all imaginary.
Go back to simping for disgusting moids who are always going to sexualize the fuck out of everything no matter who they hurt. Stop pretending like what what we do in our heads has any weight when what they do in plain sight is shameless and revolting. Stop giving men extra value and protection nobody ever affords to women and get over it really. All this highstrung butthurt over the watered down things women enjoy in fiction is just obsessive and vastly hypocritical. Not to mention tedious. My god the tedious.
No. 1386845
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>>1386842Oh I definitely should have attached this
Lol cry more
No. 1386851
>>1386842> Anything I enjoy is in my head so it doesn't matter whether they're 19 or 36The post you were replying to but failed to link to was explicitly talking about 8 - 15 year olds. If this is not what you meant then there was no reason for you to defend being attracted to boys that young.
>Stop giving men extra value and protection nobody ever affords to women and get over it reallyJust because we think it's creepy for an adult woman to be lusting after young teen boys doesn't mean we don't hate the fuck out of male pedophiles and rapists and wish they got the death penalty you fucking dumbass. I hate butthurt pedo fujos and how they always deflect and bring up males to justify their own creepiness
No. 1386860
>>1386844Most women are brainwashed to be dead internally, self hatred, to enjoy nothing, and fall all over themselves to get points from men. Most men live in the opposite extremes and have zero self control because women like we just described enforce zero accountability and settle for cheap garbage and numbness. Trashy men and a trashier porn addicted society.
People are demented in general is what I'm saying. Women are raised to be too afraid to have any kind of spine. Why should I trust anything they think since they collectively sell us all downstream for bullshit ???
No. 1386862
>>1386842Anons are mad at you for this one, but I kind of agree. After seeing moids and pickmes try to force a false equivalency even when reality isn't matching up, I just can't find it in me to care if a woman likes "
problematic" shit in fiction. It's such a non-issue.
Men will always be the actual problem, because they think they have the right to make their bizarre fantasies a reality, and they don't care who they hurt in the process. No amount of "See, we don't like when women like fucked up shit in fiction either!" will ever make moids stop. They don't give a fuck, and every time they try to "gotcha" feminists with "What about the women", it's just a distraction. Pretty much no shipping-oriented/romance/erotic media women make will ever affect real life the way moid-run and created media does. If we had that kind of power, most men would act decent toward women in relationships, and mainstream porn wouldn't be
abusive and disgusting.
No. 1386863
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>>1386811It's literally just picrel
No. 1386864
>>1386851I'm defending fujos not pedophiles. But I like young men too. Why shouldn't i??? Most men are ugly as fuck why should I pretend to like them?? With what they give us back??
I'm just not gonna make a stand with you since since time memorial it goes absolutely no where. And I'm sure as hell not gonna take a stand with you to 'protect fragile masclinity' since it's a fucking joke. I hate ugly men. :l I refuse to look at them.
(:|) No. 1386872
>>1386862>Men will always be the actual problemI agree.
>Pretty much no shipping-oriented/romance/erotic media women make will ever affect real life I disagree. It could affect young women into thinking that adults (men) having relationships with underage teens is normal. As always it's girls and women who are affected by this irl.
No. 1386878
>>1386872This, media is used for propaganda all the time and it works, media is also capable of making girls and women think BDSM and being abused by older men is ok. But the original point wasn't that, it was simply that most women find pedophilia creepy regardless if it's in men or in women. No one even argued that women are going to rape more boys because of yaoi, thus this fujo is attacking a strawman and refusing to accept that maybe there's something wrong with some fujos. Imagine being this
triggered at a couple of reactions of disgust at the mention of pedo ships (normal reactions).
>>1386864>But I like young men too. Why shouldn't i???>a bunch of irrelevant bullshit that no one in this thread saidYeah keep deflecting. Who the fuck said you can't like beautiful young men? Point the exact post where someone got mad at you for liking hot adult men
No. 1386881
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>>1386872also leads to trooning out and shit like picrel
No. 1386883
>>1386872>I disagree. It could affect young women into thinking that adults (men) having relationships with underage teens is normal. As always it's girls and women who are affected by this irl.Isn't that sort of thing ultimately in male service, or a result of male influence, though? It probably compounds with existing social influences created by men to try and make those kinds of couples seem okay. I can't think of a single young woman who didn't have that sort of shit already pushed around her, and it was only when she read some "age gap" story written by a woman that she thought it was okay.
When I mentioned women not having influence, I was thinking more in terms of BL, maybe omegaverse and other shit men tend to dislike because it does nothing for their dicks. On a softer level, even things like women wanting guy who look "handsome" in a way that isn't 1:1 with Gigachad types seem heavily downplayed because it doesn't pander to male egos/power fantasies.
>>1386878I'm not even a fujo, I used to hate fujos until I realized that the pearl-clutching about them is nothing but virtue signalling. I'm saying I don't give a fuck, enough with the black and white thinking. Anyone is allowed to find it gross, I'm specifically talking about those who try to politicize it, like the "proshipper vs antishipper" spergs on Twitter blaming some anime yaoi ship for real life scrotes abusing kids, so there's no strawman. Fuck outta here.
No. 1386889
>>1386886japanese BL fandom has a growing rate of TiFs because gender ideology as we know in the west is slowly getting more and more popular in Japan.
Gengoro Tagame also said in an interview from a few years ago that trans BL writers have always been a thing (same for lesbian BL writers, male BL writers, etc).
No. 1386900
>>1386892>Who am I attacking?>>1386878 (me)
>No one even argued that women are going to rape more boys because of yaoi, thus this fujo is attacking a strawman>>1386883 (you)
>I'm specifically talking about those who try to politicize it, like the "proshipper vs antishipper" spergs on Twitter blaming some anime yaoi ship for real life scrotes abusing kids, so there's no strawmanSeriously, stop posting, you can't even comprehend the posts you're replying to or even your own posts kek
No. 1386902
>>1386862Nope it's a joke and the women pretending like they're getting anything from this hypocrisy, is hysterical.
There are plenty of actual serial rapists in the world to focus on… but theyre butthurt at fujos and some gay literotica with 19 year olds?? Oh God help us all. Maybe go back to lds and suck on a 75 year old knob then ok??
Just what does it take for these women pretend we're not all fumbling in the dark through scrote's backwards porn addicted hellscape? How do they supress so much that STILL manage to rage-fixate on fujos??
Women who read some gay literotica are barney the dinosaur in comparison, and I can't help but feel fujohaters are lookinG for more crass internalized misogyny to chew on.
As if BL lovers have any power in the world next to Jeffrey Epsteins, or a serial molester sports doctors, or ivf doctors who impregnate hundreds of women with his own fucking semen
Women cant hold a candle to male abusers and this thread is proof of what a joke misogynists are. they always end up looking obsessive and petty in the end no matter what they do.
I'm not going to internalize all the shame tradlarpers want me to feel when we know damn well men know no limits to entitlement, and theyll always push it in your face to get more of whatever sick thing they can.
Getting butthurt at these women looks more like trying to score cheap points with men to me. It always will.
No. 1386904
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>>1386873>>1386894>>1386902KEK you've made the same post three times you autist. It's a sign that you should chill out.
Also lmfao at this correction
>>1386894>seven>>1386902>semen No. 1386908
>>1386894It really is internalized misogyny. Like, look at the fucking "nymphet" subculture created because of the book and movie Lolita and lolicon hentai drawn by Japanese scrotes. Crusty moids from fucking decades ago and morbidly obese Japanese men who never had to learn a word of English and probably aren't allowed to see their female family members have 500000x more influence over the current international social landscape than some women and girls in a niche scene (which is mostly populated by men) writing or drawing gay anime yaoi shit. The whole politicization of this just seems like a weird way of trying to be a cop, and it does nothing but waste our time.
>I'm not going to internalize all the shame tradlarpers want me to feel when we know damn well men know no limits to entitlement, and theyll always push it in your face to get more of whatever sick thing they can. Literally this. Tradthots will talk your ear off about how women should be prim and proper and not degenerate, meanwhile the same scrotes they want us to give chances to have the most disgusting fetishes known to man, nursed on a childhood and adolescence of the most evil porn invented. I really don't care what weird shit women like, because at least they're (usually) sane about it and won't force it.
>>1386898You seem to be ignoring the point. Whatever effect you're attributing to cringy internet girls is misaimed because our entire male-run culture is the actual problem. It's cheap and performative to go on about the fujos poisoning the kids when most of them are literally those same kids and no one in the mainstream actually gives a fuck what women want (much less nerdy fanfic writers).
>>1386900You called me a fujo, I said I wasn't and mentioned who I was actually talking about in the post you chimped out and accused me of being a fujo in the first place over. Go cry into your pillow or something. This isn't your thread, it's not about you and we have the right to discuss the subject matter.
No. 1386914
>>1386814I opened this thread thinking I'd have fun with a good old infighting and isntead I'm met with
>Teen guys are amazing in this respect though, especially if masculinity is just revolting and gross to you. Is this bait?
No. 1386924
>>1386913But what if you ship teenagers with other teenagers? How can I not? They're in my head and I've come back to them as long as I can remember. Since i myself was a teenager. Theyre too precious to me though. Ive mapped out their lives. Rewritten and rewritten. But i never finished improving it. Tbf i cant be satisfied and i cant finish it. I am too busy. But i cant put it away either! How do I even do that? It keeps getting better and better and better. I figure they're never really going away as long as i live, and since they're in my head it doesn't matter.
Also TBF this is a hetero couple. So not relevant, but yes relevant. I'm not quite sure what to think of it, other than it's just too precious to me.
No. 1387914
The problem is it is not just erotica.
Sure it is often tamer than what most scrote watch, but it is still porn. I cannot understand why so many Fujos have to get angry about that.
There is no difference if the 20 years old woman who gets blackmailed by a richt 50 years old guy to sleep with him and a 20 years old men who gets blackmail in the story.
It is rapery and wrong.
With teenagers too, if you are an adult and you read and watch about two teenagera doing it is weird.
I very often get a holyier than you feeling from them, even when their arguments are often the same as scrotes.
"It is a drawing why are you getting angry about it?"
"It is not really porn."
"If you do not like it do not watch it."
"You you must be pretty pathetic to complain and hate this group."
Let us complain about it, because this thread shows that Fujos always have to argue. They even go into specific places were obviously BL is not liked and have to flood it with stupid stuff.
It is tiring and anoing.
>>1387578To use it as a weapon for scrote to seethe it is acceptable, but also nearly eveything else is.
No. 1430695
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fujocoomers never beating the pedophile allegations
No. 1430799
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I have no issue with fujos in theory. What makes them so insufferable is the way they have to make everything about their coom and are so oversensitive they accuse any criticism as being misogyny and/or homophobia. I've seen so many fujos be misogynistic but they always deflect with something about how being a fujo automatically makes them a based stacy feminist.
No. 1430812
>>1430799What the fuck
And same most of the time idgaf about their shipping it's their weird attitude that gets to me.
No. 1430829
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>>1430820its simple, they suffer from coomer brain rot, see
>>1430695 they literally can't even look at two males standing together(regardless if one is an underage boy or not) and not start shipping them and writing smut
No. 1431474
>>1430996They are retarded sometimes. Probably underage newfags I assume considering they post shit like this
>>>/ot/1425222 and go on for hours, then go and seethe in their containment thread
>>>/m/260339 that people only hate them because they are homophobic or pickmes. Like, retards, you hate women and say all female character are coom-centric whores, ignoring female characters made by women or calling them cringe, and that women wanting media staring them is evil/pickme. Some are fine, but some can't think critically and only seethe about anons trying to take away their yaoi and want to feel oppressed (like tifs, which they deny has any connection to yaoi when a lot of tifs are straight girls into yaoi as anyone who uses the fakeboi thread can see). I think it's like was tinfoiled
>>>/snow/1697192 , fujos hate all female characters, ones written by men (reasonable to hate) and ones written by women (less reasonable to hate usually) because they represent something they could never be and it makes it hard for them to indulge. Like what you like, but they seethe about anyone who likes what they don't like and calls them assholes/pickmes for pointing it out. That or they are striking out at women because they are hated by men for liking gay shit while being to cowardly to hit back at men, and instead just trying to direct their hate at other women as 'more cringe' than them.
No. 1431579
>>1430996Reminds me of that fujo recently that raged about hetshit being bad because it has a lot of mistreatment of women in it, and then deny when it's pointed out that yaoi has the same stuff and a lot of readers self insert in the yaoi relationship as even anons in this thread admits
>>888471 . Anything to pretend their interest isn't just as bad/superior so they can continue to feel justified raging that women want content featuring themselves/because they were shit on by scrotes in old fandom spaces acting like they're some sort of oppressed minority.
No. 1431731
>>1431639Get ready for some more real time cringe:
>Fujos rees that all female characters are coomshit whores >>>/ot/1425222>Most tifs like yaoi >>>/snow/1704400>Calls everyone else pickmes after hating women and women wanting to be pandered to for once >>>/m/260339>Yaoi enjoyers are the true radfems! Not like those bitches who say women should just be treated/written better rather than totally ignored and never pandered to >>>/m/260395Delusional. They say all this stuff in the same breath.
No. 1431812
Anons can even qualify that there's nothing wrong with liking BL/Yaoi
>>>/ot/1425256 or not liking a female character, and that you just can't hate a character for being female only, and they take issue with this because they just hate women while wanting to pretend that they don't because it means anons will shit on them for being retarded misogynists because women don't turn them on and get in the way of their ships. They seethe that everyone who shits on them is a pickme because they are retarded and think all female characters are hentai-esque because that's all they spend their time around/in fandom spaces dedicated to getting off.
No. 1431859
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>>1431499>>1431489posting this gem from 2X
No. 1449683
>>1449667To add, even in our own BL threads in m they seethe that yumejos are all fat, ugly thembies
>>>/m/264165 (as if women pretending to be men who enjoy yaoi do not exist and it's just luke warm straight girls who definitely don't like BL and only self insert kek), while fujos are totally based stacies who men hit on all the time (as if mens opinions on womens looks are important - and all while saying they are feminist kek). Like, it is all very pickme-esque shitting on women and trying to pretend they are hot because of the negative association of BL thanks to trooning. It's all such a pathetic larp.
No. 1449787
>>1449731I think it's cause of insecurity, you never see self-inserters attack fujos (self-inserters usually don't care about ships or other characters besides their husbando), it's always the other way around because fujos have a terminal
victim complex and feel the need to get into fights with everyone everytime they enter a fanbase to "prove" that their ship is superior and unfortunately they're so insecure even self-inserters have the power to threaten them kek. They say they're hostile because they're persecuted in fanbases but it's more like they always overtake any fandom they're in and start policing the whole thing into "believing in" or accepting their ship as "canon" even if their "ship" is two real life men with wives and relationships (see any fandom with RPF fujos) or goes against an actual canon relationship. I guess fujos view self-inserters as kind of hetfags lite so just like they shit on the hetships they must stomp on the "hetship" that is the female self-inserter/her husbando pair. I hope that made sense kek. Yes they are that insecure. None of it even makes sense because self-inserters don't pose a threat to canon or anything, it's just girls writing about their fantasies they know will never happen in reality, unlike fujos who are so delusional and desperate they will try to "prove" their ship like it's a fucking class assignment and in the process go after girls who don't do anything with some shit like "your husbando is gay and he'll never love you!!" Just insecurity and delusion with a heavy dose of NLOGism and hatred of other women sprinkled in.
No. 1449835
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No. 1449849
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>>1449835>"gay" yumejoshiThat's called fujoshi kek
No. 1449985
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>>1449922Nta but sometimes they're one and the same
No. 1450012
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No. 1450022
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>>1449996Imagine not having a based waifu, death would be a kinder fate.
>>1450012Turtle seems like the way to go.
No. 1450038
>>1450034Japanese fujo terms.
It does not make any sense to me either.
No. 1450052
>>1450022You have a lovely waifu nona.
I feel like a lot of women who are fujos have just given up. They have gotten the idea that all media with female characters are trash so they just want to avoid it all forever. Instead of looking for and/or creating positive portrayals.
No. 1452143
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No. 1452251
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No. 1452305
>>1452295this is not exactly true though and you know that, before fujos even knew what trans was they still exhibited signs that they would become tifs in the future.
I remember the fujo community being obscessed with crossdressing as men back in the day, acted like nlogs and were very hateful towards female characters (still are tbh).
No. 1452397
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>>1449683>yumejos are all fat, ugly thembies Kek are they that assblasted about the eternal fat fujoshi stereotype? Pic related is literally how they were always seen, decades before fujoshit even reached the western audience.
No. 1452409
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>cute, well adjusted
my sides
No. 1452446
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>>1452437t. lurking seething fujo
Keep telling yourself that pic related is "well adjusted" top kek
No. 1452457
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POV: your beautiful gigastacy friends whom men hit on all the time (amidst retweeting hardcore m/m porn)
No. 1452480
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No. 1452527
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>>1452519>yumeshit>moid contentLeast delusional fujo
>seething over how women lookFujos still melting down over their demented fantasies about "unwashed ftm yumefags" and "hot Stacy hardcore slash fujoshi" backfiring. Like how you gonna project so hard and not expect this kek? Seriously, is this like some new fujo kink or something, being reminded that you're universally seen as obese aidenoids around the globe? Were you baiting for this?
No. 1452537
>>1452527>"unwashed ftm yumefags" and "hot Stacy hardcore slash fujoshi"The post was about aidens (who are yumes at the end of the day), I do not fully agree with it and let's not pretend that the stereotype that fujos are all ugly wasn't already there (and it's made up by both males and yumes, as I've seen here on lolcow). You're the one calling women obese and insecure over their tastes.
>Least delusional fujoI'm sure you're aware that plenty of romance "for women" is greatly influenced by male gaze and half of them are about abusing a woman, why is it hard for you to understand that some women may not be comfortable with that? Do you really want straight women to masturbate while looking at impossibly pretty girls and man on woman rape?
>>1452534You know that not everyone mildly disagreeing with you is an evil fujo right?
No. 1452540
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>>1452530I still can't get over fujos writing fics about how they're hot normie Stacies whilst also describing them as having the most autistic legbeard wardrobe possible. It's just so on brand that their descriptions of totally normal and sane women are as realistic as their ideas about gay buttsex.
No. 1452545
Why has this thread always so much infighting. I consume both yume and fujo content and i just want to laugh at some cringe stuff not read some debate about how yumes/fujos are total stacys/aidens.
>>1452527You should probably stop avatarfagging
>>1452534Idk but why but people also post stupid shit in the fujo thread because they can't hide that one either i guess
No. 1452558
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>>1452550Who said it's bad or "unwell"? It's just definitely not normie, hot or whatever else you're trying to claim a "jfashion" person would be.
No. 1452564
>>1452555I may be ugly, and? Are you going to act like a moid over it again? Some women are ugly, it has nothing to do with what they consume, that was my original point.
>>1452552Male on male rape isn't serious, stop caping for your precious males. The female uke shit was back in the early 2000s, it's not anyone's fault that you think dicks are feminine and rape isn't even popular anymore.
>Fujoshit isn'tIt isn't, that's why males and pickmes hate it. That's why it was born in the first place.
No. 1452568
>>1452564Nta but:
>some women are ugly but is has nothing to do with what they consume>fujos: all aidens are yumejo! All yumejos are ugly obese thembiesAnon above is right about reaping what you sew.
No. 1452569
>>1452564Good for you kek but the discussion started because of that anon who claimed fujoshis=stacies
>Male on male rape isn't seriousIt's rape, how is it not serious? Imagine if you reversed the genders, and a man on 4chan said "oh it doesn't matter if women are raped". You're the same.
No. 1452588
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>>1452575It's such a weird narrative, like you have thousands of posts of TIFs admitting they were fujoshis themselves
No. 1452611
>>1452519Because it is. The original discussion in the thread was about men stereotyping fujos as ugly fat chicks like they do to literally every other group of women that don't center around sucking their smegma dicks and how it's all male projection, so """someone""" lurking the thread got hurt personally hurt and came here going all "s-see my personal yume army??? this is what these delusional fucks are saying about
you once again!! lol, kek, lmao even!!!". And in all fairness FTM Aidens
are about husbandofaggotry and extreme self-insertion. Being both a fujo and yume is entirely possible and there's a lot of overlap within them.
>>1452552This reads like a copypasta kek.
No. 1452613
>>1452584You're literally unable to understand that people can enjoy sexual content without self-inserting. I know it's hard for a moid to understand, but it happens. A lot of fujos don't imagine themselves being raped, you're creepy for thinking that they all secretly crave that considering some are lesbians too.
>>1452568That's not what the post said, learn to read. And again, it was a response to the stereotype that fujoshis are all ugly unwanted bitter bitches, like yumejos love to say before crying after someone says that SOME husbandofags (aidens) are obese.
>>1452582No, that's the opposite. Aidens are women wanting to fuck theirbhusbando (but troon out because they don't feel woman enough, so in their heads they're men), so they're similar to yumes. Fujos don't want to fuck the gay fictional men, most of them don't really self insert. You could say aidens are in the middle I guess.
No. 1452633
>>1452626No, that's literally what you often say when asked what the appeal of yaoi is. Hell, there's one of you seething about "impossibly hot women" literally a few posts above. I'd say it's solidly 50/50 with shit like "it doesn't feel degrading and slutty if I identify with a male instead".
Why are you suddenly so obsessed with rewriting the very fujo lore you established and used to be proud of? Why are you radiating shame about your sexuality even after all the mental gymnastics you invested into making it feel safer to explore? I honestly kinda feel bad for you at this point. I've definitely been a bit harsh, and I apologize.
No. 1452718
>>1452373>why do you act like this is sinisterI'm literally just stating a fact from a neutral point of view but fujos started to deny it was true and coming up with excuses, and moving the goalposts ("those aren't fujos. Ok they are fujos but they only exist in the west. Ok there are fujos in Japan who want to be gay men but only because of recent western gendie influence. Ok they existed in Japan before but only a very tiny insignificant minority"). It's not my fault that they constantly feel like they need to prove their hobby is not cringe (I didn't even imply that), that they refuse to accept a simple fact or that they take it as a personal insult if I say there were already TIF fujos in Japan pre-2000s. It's literally not an insult, it's just an observation. I don't even want to infight, Jesus.
This is what others hate about fujos on here, they are way too sensitive and can't even stand an inoffensive comment or else they start a long reply chain of pure cope and superiority complex over other women. I get that they think being associated with TIFs is the worst (and some posters like pakichan really love to bring it up to use as an insult, which is very immature and annoying behavior in itself) but instead of denying reality maybe fujos should address the fact that yaoi appeals a lot to sexually confused girls with internalized misogyny all over the world who naturally are going to get the idea that being a gay man is better than being a woman (inb4 some fujo misreads and thinks I meant all of them are like this) I don't give a fuck about what's cringe or not and I'm not trying to shame anyone for liking to watch two anime guys fuck.
The self-hatred and sexual confusion clearly came before the gender retardation, but yaoi gives these girls the idea that gay males have better sex and relationships. Maybe that wasn't what the authors intended but it's what a lot of young fujos end up learning from it. Tranny ideology just takes advantage of these girls who already wished to be male, and that's how we ended up with so many TIF fujos. Ultimately, in my opinion, the culprit here is neither the yaoi authors nor the girls who consume it and begin to fantasize about being male.
If you're a fujo and don't hate yourself or want to be a gay man, good for you I guess. I'm not talking about you nor do I do want to generalize all fujos as trannies. I just find this topic interesting.
No. 1452731
>>1452633That's not what I said, are you retarded? I simply said that some women don't want to self-insert as an impossibly pretty women (something you want them to do, apparently) and don't feel like self-inserting at all. That doesn't automatically mean that because they don't/can't self-insert as a cock-hungry anime woman then they turn to yaoi and self-insert as a raped man because they all want to be raped and they're just ugly and seething. Many women read yaoi/BL because they don't project onto the characters and can just enjoy a story with sexual themes without having to see women (themselves) being dicked down, and this is not necessarily insecurity. BL authors are often married and I know yaoi readers with boyfriends/girlfriends and kids. As I already said, the stereotype that fujos are all unloved fat insecure sexually frustrated losers is fake and made up by malding men, in reality they're just regular women.
If that one post about fujos being indeed normal women unlike what males and many yumes say made you seethe so much then maybe you're the insecure one.
>>1452729Why don't you edit and reddit space this one a bit more
No. 1452771
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>>1452731>they don't/can't self-insert as a cock-hungry anime woman The two genres of anime: moid hentai and BL
No. 1452775
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>>1452749They do. Can't stop acting like cows ITT. This behaviour wouldn't fly in /snow/ or any other similar thread.
Tip: This thread is 4 years old and isn't going away just because you whine a lot and accuse others of being moids.
>>1452771Fujos when asked to consider other types of media than that:
No. 1452804
The only stacy fujo are the ones who go like "I like to see hot 2D men fucking lol. 3D is 3DPD tho", anyone who feels the need to make up excuses for themselves is pathetic.
No. 1452881
>>1452457Damn, this really
triggered a bunch of autists. Won't lie, though it got me good.
No. 1452953
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>>1452749>every other postOk, I am petty so I tested this. I ctrl+f'd "yume" in here and the two fujo threads–this is the amount of times it comes up. The first line is here, then the old fujo thread then new. Also note that this thread has 1000 posts and the new one there is 100, so it's been mentioned here recently several more times. Note how the old thread barely mentions it in its long history aside from small discourses. It's almost like people want yumes and fujos to in fight and are desperate for it. Hell, there's been a troon who has admitted to trying to bait such shit before. Also before I'm accused of being a fujo…ok. I love to play otome and BL games.
No. 1452970
>>1452966I only did so because that
nonny lied.
No. 1453080
>>1452775The thread is likely older than a lot of the offended fujo posters. Who doesn’t ignore threads they don’t like and instead seethes that everyone who laughs at cows are moids then underage newfags trying to blend in.
>>1451623 is right, it’s autism.
No. 1453132
>>1453074That anon said every other post and one thread went months without yume being mentioned, and the recent mentions are seemingly reactive. Roughly 8% of posts mention yume here, 3% on both fujo threads combined. So, the data shows what that
nonny said is more applicable to this thread. My real hot take? Threads on LC shouldn't be used like a cow, it's begging for needless disagreement.
No. 1453179
>>1453150Isn't that just searching for the word 'yumejo'/yume right? They don't just refer to them as yumes, but also husbandofags, self-inserters, etc. If a poster says 'yumes are ugly', and then the next post is 'yeah, cringe husbandofags', and the next post after that is 'I hate self-inserters', that's a lot of posts that aren't getting flagged as they don't specifically use the word 'yumejo'/yume, but means the same thing.
>>1453153Indeed, though fujo cringe being generated in the thread was at least topical kek.
No. 1453203
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What makes fujos so delusional?
Why they incorrectly interpret fiction and characters’ interactions, their motives, feelings etc?
I have a theory - may be bullshit, because my poll is tiny: I observe fujo girls I know, and first - all of them are not very well read, second - they have no male friends. And since they just don’t expose themselves to literature and never talk to men, they have no idea that male behavior and female behavior (they familiar with) can be the same level of complexity. So they misinterpreted some basic human emotions (they clueless that males are possible to also experience those) for romantic vulnerability
What do you think?
No. 1453206
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I just want to know why a yumejo would want to become a gay man, what would she gain from it? She's as far from her husbando as a woman, as she is as a man.
No. 1453216
>>1453203I think for some of them it's as simple as they are not very media literate and are interested in men
The women I know who consume m/m content but are fairly normal don't seem to have this issue and have a wide variety of media interests. but without fail every one of them that is super misogynistic consumes one type of media and for lack of a better word is basic.
No. 1453239
>>1453203I think most fujos were aware their ship wasn't canon. They just wanted to ship them for their own reasons, it could be as simple as they think they are hot. I don't have any issues with different interpretations of media, I think it's fun when people create different narratives that still fit the original. The only cringe fujos are the ones who think their pairing needs to be canon no matter what,but this isn't a fujo exclusive issue, it is an issue about very passionate shippers.
>>1453206I have no idea where you got that from. Since when they want that.
No. 1453240
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they're crawling under my skin
and i can hear sirens in my ears
that was three months without any demonic haunting and now i'm back on my bullhit
No. 1453243
>>1453216One fujo I know told me recently that it’s weird it’s like there is no media without romance
I was like “lol wtf” and replied with a number of books, movies and series without this theme
And she was all “oh ok, I guess you’re right, I was just thinking about this with a friend (also fujo) and we couldn’t think of any”
Then she said she’s been watching a lot of marvel movies lately
No. 1453254
>>1453240I think you might have posted in the wrong thread but I love you anyway.
>>1453239>I have no idea where you got that fromFrom fujos
No. 1453371
>>1453341Yeah it always starts with chickenshit attempts at conflating hentai coomshit with otome content. Then it's "do you want me to fap to coomer rape!!!!!", followed by "but otome is so fucking cringe and default brown hair self insert is too pretty reee!" Like Jesus Christ, imagine being this ashamed about directly wanting to fuck a man you're interested in, the absolutely most boring and default expression of female heterosexuality. They act like it's some abject scat fantasy or something. Another nerdy fujo attempt at selling normal people as the weird ones aktually, I guess.
Then I remember that fujoshit comes from the country of extremely sexually repressed women and kinda feel bad for them. The "pure maiden raped by insatiable man" in general is a trope enjoyed by japanese women because it removes the responsibility for seeking or enjoying sex from them, which is why it's present in virtually all R18 otome. I suppose fujos take it a step further and make everyone involved male because they understandably don't enjoy watching their female representation get raped, but a pseudomale MC adds a layer of abstraction and distance to it so it's less
triggering (at least until they properly internalize it and troon out).
No. 1453377
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>>1453341The thing is, they keep saying they don't self-insert and calling self-inserters autistic, but isn't them putting themselves in the place of the person getting raped proof that they do?
No. 1453459
>>1453206Right, "Aidens are yumes" has literally never made any sense, because why would yumes troon out if they can already be with their husbando as a woman? It's obvious that most Aidens are fujos because fujos fetishize gay men and the gay male experience. Just because the fujos here (claim to) hate men doesn't mean all or even most fujos do. Most fujos are basically MRAs who act like their ~pure and soft uwu~ yaoi boys exist IRL, which is why you get fujo faghags like this
>>1449985 .
No. 1453525
>>1453390You are an eternal
victim anon.
If only the real girls could understand that you're a real girl toooooooo.
No. 1453580
>>1453549>>1453549at the end of the day someone who is overly confident is more tolerable than someone who is cripplingly insecure. insecure people are
No. 1456758
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No. 1458287
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Fujo cow from the personal cow thread
No. 1458296
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No. 1458307
>>1458296Poor fujos,
victims of racism. Also, is this thing historically accurate? Weren't the very first mangas of the genre called yaoi?
>>1458301>Why would a heterosexual woman ever want to see another woman naked?Is this a common sentiment among straight women? Cause if so, you're all weird.
No. 1459010
>>1458966Yeah but they're probably a minority, most fujos I've seen say they can't stand the thought of self inserting, or are incapable of it, or that they just want to watch the two guys be gay and don't want to be involved. The fujos who talk about being "cucked" by a woman who's supposed to be a self insert for the viewer just say that as a massive cope and probably projection, because many of them who think of it as cucking admit to having too low self-esteem, hyperfocusing on the self-insert's appearance, or seeing every women as competition and being jealous of them. While the yumes who are able to self-insert as other women obviously don't see it as cucking, they see themselves being involved.
Some fujoyumes resolve this by imagining a bi MMF threesome but they're obviously not the majority.
No. 1459995
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No. 1460112
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My husbando is one half of the one of the most popular pairings on ao3. i tried really hard to enjoy shipping him with other male characters to feel more normal because how popular BL shipping is among this fandom but then i realized it made me miserable so i stopped trying. I still don't feel ''good enough'' for him though but I don't think there's any fundamental difference between a girl who enjoys him in gay pairings and me, both of us love him very much and find comfort in him. There are a lot of very normal women who enjoy fujo pairings because 2 hot guys > 1 hot guy, not all fujos are extremely paraphilic aidens though those do exist.
My opinion is that fictional men exist for women's enjoyment no matter what, they're dolls to be played with and molded to your heart's content. Fujos and yumes should befriend each other more because it's interesting to hear another perspective on your husbando even if you disagree with it
No. 1460135
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>>1460123far from it, it's a bungo stray dog character, nonna but i think i would tell every yume who feels alienated by the abundance of BL/gay headcanons in her fandom to be confident in her love of her own husbando and to be honest even if your husbando is canonically partnered or gay, it doesn't matter, he exists as a source of comfort for real women. i love mine and he inspires me to become a person he would be proud of if he existed and that's all that matters in the end
No. 1462025
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If "lucemond" doesn't convince everyone that fujoshis suffer from dangerous levels of brainrot, then I don't know what will
using the likeness of a real life 14 year old to draw pornographic fan art of him and his 25 year old castmate and they see nothing wrong with this and this isn't a minor ship either, this is one the top 3 HoTD tags on A03
No. 1462726
>>1453459Why doesn't it make sense? It's lolcow 101 to understand that a lot of women have issues with expressing their sexuality due to past trauma, societal pressure or other reason, and how these same girls see gay men being able to fuck around and slut out with absolutely no repercussions. Add to that the inherent hatred society has for GNC women and how basically all of straight fiction has only feminine and/or plain and uninteresting female leads usually being fucked up by a scrote whose abuse is supposed to be charming or sexy, if you're a young straight woman who wants dick but doesn't like being a frilly long-haired princess being choked by a bad boy romantic interest then you're dried up your alley. That's unless you assume the role of a male and suddenly being choked by the said bad boy becomes sexy because you're stripped of the societal baggage and shame that comes with being a woman. The situation that would be scary and threatening is like play fighting now.
Having laid that out, I know so, so many he/they yumes in denial. They're the ones constantly complaining about fujos fetishizing """gay men""", naturally meaning themselves. They're the ones demanding more "trans representation" in fics and fanart because they're simply unable to enjoy fiction without self-inserting or heterosexual relationships, they need those top surgery scars and t-vaginas to have their deluded escapism validated. They're the ones constantly complaining about lesbians in the fandom because they find the idea of IRL homosexuality disgusting and want them to either admit they're secretly straight and just like them or leave. They're the ones who "grow out of it" after they get their first cis Nigel that isn't just another Aiden they're e-dating and then make a sudden shift to exclusively heterosexual material and accuse fujos of being coom-addicted NLOGs because they were one themselves. Feel free to sperg about how wrong I am, but deep down you know it's true.
No. 1462730
>>1462728, but keep ignoring that all fujo content creators are trooning out while yume creators are still going strong. Sorry your friends are retard ftms and you need to lie it is everyone else and totally not your guys kek.
No. 1462789
>>1462726>>1462743you have your own thread, why do you come here so often
>>1462737>hetbending wtf are you on about
No. 1462806
>>1462797This is what I mean when I say fujos in ftm thread need to stop pretending fujos stop trooning out and blame shifting
>>>/snow/1730428 , like going on autistic rants when anons laugh about ftms trooning to mimic yaoi/bl about "They (yumes) have a habit of developing terrible jealous streaks which leads to a lot of infighting.", shitting on other women to avoid acknowledging that some fujos can be cringe and take shit too far and troon for wanting to be the anime boy the same way scrotes do (not as bad as men because not rapist predators to the same degree, but doing it for the same reason, to mimic a sexual ideal, for women it is romanticised men and for men it is a porn caricature of women. Fujo sperg anon also ended up agreeing with the ftm and parroting her opinion in that post which was ironic while claiming that the ftm was totally a yume). Like, why lie and shift blame to other women rather than not giving a fuck and just admitting sometimes fujo can be cringe. Don't really see yumes doing it, so it feels uneven, and is probably the underage twitterfags who started plaguing this thread and derailing out of anger at fujos being called cringe upthread around a year or so ago.
No. 1462810
>>1462797Its not a flamewar cause of us disliking a ship, its us being disgusted cause we share a space with porn addicts who act like porn addicts, who take the likeness of a 15 year old and draw/write explicit porn of him with his 25 year old co-star, who depict the ability to give birth cause they are so insecure about their own womanhood, who harass the wives/gf's of male actors that they ship and who troon out en-masse cause they are porn addicts
I don't want to associate with coomers
No. 1462813
>>1462726Second paragraph is complete fanfiction
nonny. Saying this as neither a yume or fujo.
No. 1462823
>>1462810Paki-chan, how even the maintenance didn't rid this board of you, it mystifies me.
>>1462795I'm the first one to admit that fujos definitely have their share of reoccurring bad apples and insanity and I doubt nobody is saying that the entire fandom is made of saints, but Aidens honestly are just self-inserters. Everyone in this thread accuses them of self insertion and the subsequent trooning out because they want to be the "IRL uke" or whatever. But for some reason refuses to admit that they fall under the yume label, even when they literally shoehorn surprise vaginas into a m/m fanfiction and piss off 95% of the fandom not realizing how disturbing and even in some cases homophobic it is. It's not blame shifting, even the opposing side agrees on the observation but not the semantics because it's a hard pill to swallow.
No. 1462840
>>1462823Jesus fucking christ, you literary can't even acknowledge what is right in front of you, its the girls who were into wincest and superwholock who trooned out, not the one's into normal relationships
Also why are you in this thread again
No. 1462863
>>1462823they don't realize it themselves though, those girls will be the first to shit on women who write regular self insert fan fiction. there was a twitter thread of ''ao3 icks'' and tons of gendies mentioned how '''uncomfortable''' y/n stuff makes them (for some reason)
they simple hate women and all expressions of female sexuality
No. 1462870
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For some reason this made me cringe.
“There are no queer latino webtoons so I made one” idk why but that one of her characters being half Japanese is so funny like of course .
The author is a very white latina enby it’s just funny.
No. 1462880
>>1462870The character being Japanese Argentinian feels like a reach, at least read more about the common business of the country that your character comes from to have an idea of the types of mixing that could actually happen.
As far as I know, a Japanese Brazilian character could make more sense.
Like that shit bothers me because while it isn't impossible that a person could be Japanese Argentinian, it feels more like creating a donut steel that the author fetishizes rather than creating a believable character, at that point she's no better than the Japanese moids creating German/American waifus with blue eyes, white hair, huge bazongas and an uwu personality.
No. 1462950
>>1462795Isn't that the fault of the revolting trans movement though?? How about fujos who are also yumes and into femdom ??? Who the fuck are you to care what they do? Are you trying to imply we should look at real men instead???? Most men we are surrounded by are hideous and nauseating in their seismic idiocy why the ever-living fuck should I pretend to be attracted to that for tightwad approval ????
How about hey we stop getting sticks up our asses about what women like?? You're more of the same hypocritical, misogynistic, butthurts seething that not all women give a fuck about masculinity or want anything to do with it. Cry Harder.
For me BL made my existence better, as a woman surrounded by revolting examples of men. I can't imagine living in a world where nothing but shitty heteronormative garbage was all there was to look at.
You guys are losing out to the fact relationship is appalling for most women. And it makes rage so you start this thread kek.
No. 1462964
>>1462954You have to admit most heteronormative fantasy is absolute trash and if you want to get to any good you have to scrape the bottom for 5 years.
Fucking admit it your tedious heteronormative ways are all thats on the line here, but you bitch about pedophiles and trannies because you don't know how else to distract from how shit heteronormativity is for most women
Who the fuck cares crawl back into your stupid husband's web and be honest for once.
Or just shut up and get over it that we don't want to be anything like you and we think common masculinity is a curse and a bane and it's revolting visually. We just dont fucking care if it goes up in flames haha
No. 1462976
>>1462965I'm a woman who doesn't want a relationship, or to cohabitate with a domestic parasite gamer moid period.
>>1462967What does literary value have to do with anything?? Men are trash and I want none of that vile shit you suburb wifey beggars put up with in life it looks like a waking nightmare.
No. 1462984
>>1462976What does any of it have to do with anything though ? It's all beyond the point. BL and yaoi are a blessing unless your a suburb beggar wife desperate to preserve tedium and relationship normalcy lmao whatever that garbage is.
I've seen it it always ends spectacularly ugly for the woman who ends up either doing everything. Holding a job, domestic work, lied to, or blamed for everything. I'm so lucky I have the natural inclination to keep my life simple. <3
No. 1462997
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Are fujos itt trying to deny that most modern day TIFs are fujos? Seriously? Who cares about the stupid "yume vs. fujo" semantics? It's clear they enjoy the exact same media fujos do, and enjoy mostly depictions of male/male relationships, whether they self-insert onto a male character or not. That makes them fujoshis by definition.
No. 1463001
File: 1672852924439.jpg (9.54 KB, 480x360, = P_ Tutu _ Comatose =.jpg)

>>1462987>There isn'tWell fuck you then
No. 1463002
>>1462987There is plenty of good romance manga, whether het or yuri, if you're actually interested in it and look for it. The fact that you're generalizing the yuri genre and its audience says a lot and have no idea what you're talking about. There's nothing wrong with just saying you have a fetish for hot men dicking each other in the butt kek
>"b-but I read it for the plot!"Sure, nonna
No. 1463009
>>1462990>Genuinely thinking that other forms of media are free from misogynistic bullshit and are made for women by womenHmm I guess I'll go enjoy the average pretentious moid movie, or read books that regularly feature rape and abuse, or shows that suck tranny dick, or games where I have to see inflated boobs and asses on a naked girl, and surely those will have fan spaces where moids don't interfere and voice their filthy opinions.
Guess what, works made by women for women are still very limited. And works made by women who aren't pickmes or tranny chasers are even less.
>>1463002Well I'm not lesbian so I haven't looked for those, but I'm just repeating what a lot of lesbians rightfully complain about. Most of yuri is still made for moids though, that's a fact.
No. 1463014
>>1463009They're not
as limited as anime though, so it's clear you're just finding reasons to be a fujoshi lol. There's no need for copes like this.
No. 1463063
>>1463014I'd argue that manga is one of the mediums in which women are the best represented, the way the market works for manga just allows to there being a lot suff being published, there is usually just one author so they have more freedom than something like western comic books that have a several writers who need to agree among themselves what direction to take, women have been expressive in the industry almost since it started and it also directly caters to female demographics. With anime, it's unhappily not the same. TV and cinema, in the world in general, is much more limited than manga in regards to how many women have creative control, still probably better than anime on average. In all cases, weeb shit or not, if you don't want to read/watch something made by a woman because it features het romance or because it doesn't feature male homosexual romance, even if it is regarded as the masterpiece of the century, then don't, no one is going to force you. There is no need to pretend those things don't exist and act like a child who needs to be taken by the hand and be shown where they are. It all offends me a bit to be honest.
No. 1463076
>>1463014What does anime have to do homoerotic lit and slash? Do I not belong somewhere ? There is nothing remotely attractive about most hetero fiction.. yuri fiction ( no offense not that into yuru)
(unless it is written by me.)
None of those things come CLOSE to bl for me. Not even remotely close. "Looking for reasons to like it" ?? How about give me something that comes that close to perfect for me?! Het fiction is so dizzyingly tedious and bland. It's like comparing gourmet to bolagna and mustard. There is no comparison. I'm not going to cut out my taste buds for your comfort, sorry.