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No. 2275317
>>2275312eh kinda depends where you live
Rape, Burglaries etc - lol good luck
Online (sexual) harassment with an obvious trail - I've seen moids get arrested for that where I live. Maybe not custodial but some kind of caution/fine at least.
No. 2275329
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not to sound like a typical mean dyke or whatever but something i've noticed in my entire life is that successful heterosexual relationships seems to be contingent on whether or not the woman in question has scrote-like mentality. i know, this sounds horrific and let me explain: all the women i've known over the years who would come to me about their relationships woes with men, are all some of the most sweetest and selfless people on earth. she would tell me that she's tried everything, but the man keeps mistreating her, cheating on her, the whole nine yards. and what's curious is that when i see long lasting het relationships, the all seem to share one very important aspect - the woman in the relationship has psychopathic tendencies. this is not me saying that straight women are psychopathic on the basis of their orientation, but that the straight women who seems to have the most trouble in the dating world are the ones who believe in virtues such as honesty, communication, kindness towards a partner, that sort of thing. but the other women who are self serving, disloyal, eager to backstab people to come out on top, narcissistic, and have no problem throwing women under the bus.. they ALWAYS have years long or lifelong relationships with scrotes. and i think it should be safe to say, that the reason why women like shera and that whole sprinkle sprinkle movement seems to be working on the surface is because the basis of sprinkle sprinkle is to care about no one else but yourself and what you can get out of a situation or human being. scrotes understand this language intimately, so of course they respect a woman like this. they can't, maybe because of society or biologically, love a woman who has a soul, because men by and large don't have souls kek.
if you want to make a relationship with a man work, you have to be ruthless at your core. otherwise its not going to work. sorry i'm just tired of assholes accusing lesbians of successfully stealing straight women via the 4b movement and just had to say something.
No. 2275349
>>2275329As a hettie in a successful relationship, this makes me laugh kek. I find it absolutely hilarious how the women on this site come to this conclusion, then they use examples of women with low self-esteem and low self-worth relationships with moids to prove it. You don't need to have a "scrote mentality" to make it work, you need to know your own worth and to hold your scrote accountable and stop giving him second, third, fourth, etc, chances. Don't tolerate retardation, don't be his mommy. Dating sceotes is not for the weak willed woman who will tolerate mistreatment. You literally have to treat them a bit like dogs in the beginning to find out if they are compatible with you and will be a good fit. Tell him what to and what not to do and if he shows resistance he's not for you. So many women don't understand this, they hem and haw over things her scrote does that she thinks she has to tolerate! Top fucking kek, no. Absolutely not. You cannot let the thrill of romance and hormones cloud your judgement with scrotes, and so many straight women do not understand this. They still exist in some childish Barbie fairytale mindset wrt to dating scrotes. Dating scrotes as a straight woman should be treated as a business merger, not some whimsical mythical fairytale bullshit. The moid needs to enhance your life, he needs to show compassion and willingness to obey you, if he doesn't then sorry he's for the streets.
No. 2275369
>>2275286I dont know why people are hating on you, this is kinda funny. Do you pretend it's your dick? Like that you're a gaybo? It's good to give moids a taste of their own medicine; send a hideous cock and then block em.
>>2275303>The policeWhat country are you from where police give a fuck
No. 2275370
>>2275349>You don't need to have a "scrote mentality" to make it work, you need to know your own worth and to hold your scrote accountable and stop giving him second, third, fourth, etc, chances.none this is.. this is the exact definition of scrote mentality. men are raised and encouraged to never give a woman chances because he always deserves the best in the world and to go get it because the world belongs to him.
>Dating sceotes is not for the weak willed woman who will tolerate mistreatment.true and i agree
>You literally have to treat them a bit like dogs in the beginning to find out if they are compatible with you and will be a good fit.exactly. just like how men treat women a bit like dogs to also see if they can be a good match.
>Dating scrotes as a straight woman should be treated as a business merger, not some whimsical mythical fairytale also teach each other this lesson. this is why men tend to bounce back quicker after a break up, divorce, or the death of their spouses so quickly and easily. men see dating and marriage as strictly business and make decisions based of pragmatic reasons instead of their feelings. there are outliers, of course, but they are the exceptions, not the rule.
No. 2275398
>>2275384All I said was I don't like the song "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson and if you think thats bait then that just goes to show every one else how crazy Micheal Jackson apologists are just because Micheal Jackson wrote and sung "Thriller" doesnt mean I cant critize the song "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson because thats what I call freedom of speech. I think you showed us a look into your fried mind by projecting your obsession onto my post about Micheal Jackson's song "Thriller." All I said was that I don't fricking like the song "Thriller" and I'm being gang stalked across multiple threads on /ot/ and /g/ by Micheal Jackson apologists and fujoshis. I never asked for this. I just wanted to share my opinion but apparently this thread is for Unpopular Opinions NOT about Micheal Jackson or else the Micheal Jackson fans will attack you and gang stalk you. Im reporting you to the moderators for gang stalking me across the web site so have fun with your ban maybe you can listen to "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson. Oh and BTW thanks for giving me a look into your mind I assume you go around here Writing posts just to appear in Other threads which is why you accused me of doing that and BTW for the moderators that are assisting me in this report what she is doing is called Darvo its what narcissists and drug addicts do to good innocent people like me But I guess that's what I get for ever questioning Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" which you think is a master piece have you ever even listened to "Billy Jean" or "Love Never Felt So Good" probably not since your a fake fan but you should listen to them and then come back here and tell me with honesty and integrity as well that you honestly really think that "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson is better then "Billy Jean" by Micheal Jackson or "Love Never Felt so Good" by Micheal Jackson because it isnt "Thriller" isnt that good Im tired of pretending like it is so the fans like you wont gang stalk me and try to ruin my life BTW your calls to my boss didnt work and she took my side LOL So nice try trying to ruin my life but I have video proof and a good support system around me so that Lunatics like you cant hurt me So just remember what ever you say to me bounces off me because Im made of rubber and then it sticks onto you because your made of glue Probably because you are what you eat so you must have ate a lot of glue to think that "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson is better then "Billy Jean" by Micheal Jackson ask anybody what they think and theyll all agree "Billy Jean" by Micheal Jackson is better then "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson the only reason Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" even gets air time is because of Halloween since as I mentioned in my original post here
>>2275323it's a very disturbing song with twisted allegories as well as scary and frightening imagery which fits in with Halloween and that's also another reason I don't like it because in Micheal Jackson's "Billy Jean" the lyrics are applicable to many different things and the meaning is timeless and the chorus is really good and the music is lively as well and when I hear the tune for "Billy Jean" by Micheal Jackson I usually hum along or I sing along if I hear the words but "Thriller" by Micheal Jackson is only good on Halloween every other time you hear it it doesnt make any sense unlike "Billy Jean" by Micheal Jackson which is timeless
No. 2275399
>>2275392Saying that a confident woman has a "scrote mentality" is pretty sexist, conveniently you ignored my comment about how working a full time job is also a scrote mentality in that way kek. Should women be utter slaves to the way the patriarchy has forced them to be demure, mewling little insecure abuse targets? Like I don't understand your philosophy on the subject. A woman does not possess a "scrote mentality" because she's anal about dating scrotes. Just because you recognize that patriarchy has conditioned women to act a certain way doesn't mean it is our intrinsic, gendered way of being and any deviation is scrote territory.
>oh at least i'm a gigastacy that goes out and catch dick.I don't fuck the scrotes that don't pass the tests, is it that hard to accept? You think all women are throwing pussy at a dude they've known for like a month or two? Please grow up.
No. 2275417
>>2275329>not to sound like a typical mean dyke or whatever but something i've noticed in my entire life is that successful heterosexual relationships seems to be contingent on whether or not the woman in question has scrote-like mentalityOmg, like, girl, like, read your own fucking post lmfao. You then went on to say that only the most back-stabbing, competitive women make relationships with scrotes last. Like? Why are you arguing with
No. 2275428
>>2275423>if you're not a back-stabbing competitive woman then obviously the post isn't about you?? You're telling me to reread your first post but your first post says this:
>not to sound like a typical mean dyke or whatever but something i've noticed in my entire life is that successful heterosexual relationships seems to be contingent on whether or not the woman in question has scrote-like mentality.Your entire first post was talking about how straight women who have successful relationships MUST be scrote-mimded psychopaths because your limited world view tells you the sweet, demure straight women (IE straight women with a "female mentality", I guess this just means being nice? Polite? Kek) always have bad relationships with scrotes and in order to make it work you have to be a ruthless cut-throat cylcepath to have a chance, whereas the answer is simply to not be an insecure loser with a hyper-emotional and quickly over-attached mentality.
>really you just feel judged that you're not celibate like other women are becomingWhere did this even come from KEK, this is such a stupid projection and it's only because you feel kind of stupid for calling confident women "scrote minded". I hope women stop having sex with men, the women you seem to know would greatly benefit from that.
No. 2275597
>>2275593Some people take advantage of the welfare system. Some are
victims to it. I wouldn't use porn terminology to explain it unless I was mentally unwell.
No. 2275601
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I posted this shit in the wrong damn thread but let's walk on thin ice again with this repost: I don't think it's weird when a woman doesn't prefer the men of her race and finds them rather unattractive. I think what IS weird is when other people think it's weird because they think it means that "you hate yourself". I don't think women must always hate the way they look or being their own race if they just want "other" men. Like for example, I don't think it's weird if a white woman only wants native american men with good cheek bones and long, silky hair. It doesn't automatically mean that she must hate being white, or think all whites are ugly if she just doesn't find white men that attractive. It just means she doesn't find them that attractive. Not all sexual preferences seem to need a rocket science or a dark psychology behind them, sometimes it just is what it is.
No. 2275647
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>>2275601I agree with you. I think the features of my own race are beautiful on women, but not so much the men. The only times I've found men of my race attractive, they were very androgynous. I don't see how it makes me "self-hating", considering I'm not a man and have no plans to troon out lmao.
You can like whatever you want as long as you're not an asshole to innocent people about it IMO. The only people who insist otherwise are insecure, or they just identify too much with the opposite sex within their race. This is a huge issue with one race of women in particular, they literally do mate-guarding and police other women's dating habits
for the men of their race, and let said men get away with bashing them left and right. I won't say which race.
No. 2275649
>>2275647AYRT, I know
exactly what you're talking about. Glad we agree with each other though!
No. 2275666
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>>2275658Samefag but gimme Barron trump
No. 2275683
>>2275672yes, extreme measures, whether that's going darker or lighter, should be frowned upon. but an american woman using a spray tan and having fun at the beach with pals, is the same thing to me as a japanese woman using a so called lightening soap before putting on sunscreen and doing something else. like i said, skin bleaching products, especially sold in weird black markets, is a huge no no. but come on, i've gotten super light just by living in ireland and being stuck under shitty dark cold weather for months on end. that and using goat's milk soap, that stuff for some reason makes you lighter.
>>2275673hard agree
No. 2275686
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Dan Harmon’s shows are all unfunny, overrated slop. All of them. Yes, even Community (Alison Brie’s face creeps me out and Joel McHale pisses me off). He’s what you would get if Reddit humor was a person. He’s a creep who got away with being a creep by publicly “apologizing” and faux self flagellating over it. His eyes are too fucking far apart. He is fat. The only redeemable thing he’s ever had his name attached to is Monster House. I’ve never met a man named Dan that didn’t love the smell of his own farts, and Danielle is an ugly name for a girl.
No. 2275698
>>2275693while i do agree that there can be racial implications attached to a lot of people undergoing skin care routines at an attempt to lighten themselves (either with bleach or something natural like vitamin C), some women just don't think that the tan they have looks good on them and just want to get rid of it. maybe their tanless self looks younger, maybe parts of their body are mismatched with some looking much darker than other parts and they want to even that out. the same way another woman thinks a tan would make her look slimmer or make her light eyes stand out more.
i don't think it's as black and white as some people make it out to be, no pun intended lol.
No. 2275709
>>2275669Lamee ,we can lust over legal adults
>>2275678 God you’re so based ,
Nonny No. 2275800
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I think human augmentation via technology and pharmaceutics is good. We need to be cyborg-maxxing
No. 2275928
>>2275922As someone who lives in
norvern ingerland I strongly disagree.
No. 2275935
>>2275922Agree, it's annoying
>>2275928I actually like northern english accents lol
No. 2275937
>>2275922nah i think it can be sexy
t. american
No. 2275997
>>2275989It's not that, it's just that each music genre sounds best in the accent it was invented in, it "flows" with the music the easiest.
British with punk, southern American with country, AAVE with rap, French with chansons…
An interesting phenomenon is so called "cursive singing" that uses an accent that doesn't exist outside of music but flows with the music best. It's been parodied because of it
No. 2276071
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Moids always say women with daddy issues are "sluts with bpd" and blablabla but the men I know that have daddy issues are very fucked in the head and literally evil, while the women with daddy issues are just needy and date shitty men, not evil.
No. 2276089
>>2276071My unpopular opinion:
Mommy/daddy issues wouldn't be as prevalent if people had extensive familial networks like they used to have and still have in some places.
It takes a village to raise a child, literally.
If there are only two people who influence you at critical development stages, you are bound to be all sorts of fucked up.
You grow up internalising all those hang ups and quirks those two sole figureheads have and no wonder you later have problems integrating into wider society and psychologists will make lots of money on you detangling from them
Meanwhile had you been raised by your extended family where each had input you would have a much more rounded upbringing
Another related unpopular opinion:
I notice in many modern societies kids are treated as just the responsibility of their parents and ignored otherwise, and they do not get to participate in wider society.
But I think this is detrimental to the future of those societies and the mental health of both children and adults. Children are isolated in their formative years in an artificial microcosm and must later adapt to the wider society which makes it harder, while adults are isolated from children and everything they bring to our lives and I bet my bottom dollar this contributes to the falling birth rates across society.
No. 2276106
>>2275286I feel like if I sent dick pics to guys that annoy me they would probably just be into it since they're latent homosexuals.
>>2275358This seems more or less accurate to me, as someone who's been with the same guy for 5+ years now. My first relationships never worked out because the guys just acted like they were the prize I had to earn and I was the more submissive one in the relationship dynamic. I used to try to be nice to them and self sacrifice a lot too, and it felt like just they took me for granted and walked all over me. Looking back it feels pretty pathetic, but I was young and didn't know any better, and those types of guys are much more common to find in my experience. I feel like this doesn't even just apply to relationships, even friends acted the same way back then: when people think you're too "available" and kind they'll treat you like shit in general, it's terrible. I had to unlearn being too giving and nice to others and actively try to become more apathetic. I still wouldn't say I'm selfish or scrote like at all now though, just that I started only entertaining men who were undoubtedly super into me from the get go, developed stronger boundaries, and stopped chasing after people. I've met guys who tried to come onto me despite knowing I'm not single after I became like this too and now I can so easily see they would be exactly like my bad exes, in the sense that they'll be interested in me but not really "pussywhipped" like you described.
No. 2276110
>>2276095Who is forcing anyone to have kids. My Unpopular opinion is antinataism crowd are annoying cause they can't stfu they're like vegans or polytards
>>2276089I have a theory a lot of kids with "autism" nowadays are just socially and emotionally stunted from isolation. Smaller modern family units with less siblings, aunts, grandparents, plus neighborhood roaming is less common and contacting people through a screen is more common.
I'm not talking full blown autism, that's probably microplastics or something, but the aspergers flavor of it.
No. 2276146
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>>2276089i wiiiiiiish i could talk to someone or a group of people extensively about this because i agree. i know there's some critics who think extensive family networks are evil because of "more people means more chances the kids will get raped" when nuclear family units are absolutely rife with sexual abuse anyway between a parent (usually dads) and a child (usually daughters) or between siblings. if there are more people living under the same roof, the abuse will be harder to hide and someone is bound to go and out the family secret instead of staying silent.
my unpopular opinion is that sex segregated schools need to be mandatory world wide. colleges and universities can be optionally co-ed, but young people under the age of 18 need to be nurtured in spaces with the same sex when it comes to education of all kinds, from math, language, reading, writing, homemaking/shop skills, etc, instead of being distracted by the opposite sex. statistics found that girls learning in a single sex school graduate with higher confidence and stronger academic marks needed to get into a good university versus those who learned in a mixed sex school. boys and men can finally shut the fuck up about being ignored by female teachers and students and can focus on each other instead.
No. 2276147
>>2275271schizos and those with mental illness should be avoided. yes people are generous and kind but if you see someone with a mental illness and they are not part of your inner circle, dont make them.
the work to build up trust is tedious and in most cases not it will be disappointing.
No. 2276232
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The prettier the woman is the worse her taste in men is going to be. Even average looking or ugly fat women’s up with better men than them.
>beautiful and can date any man she wants
>picks a ugly son of a Cuban dictator
No. 2276236
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>>2276232That is paul boukadakis. The ugly Cuban son is pictured here
No. 2276244
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im kind of glad other people on the internet are also starting to notice this weird hate-boner that white men have for white women online.
No. 2276248
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>>2276244also the person on the replies who said that white men only hype up white women when it comes to race wars/arguments/bait are right.
Glad ppl are calling out white moids.
No. 2276330
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Parents always praise themselves for giving their kids food to eat, a home and clothes. I mean yeah big deal? If you didn’t do that they’d be dead and you’d go to prison for child neglect. You’re still a horrible parent if you do that and nothing else. If the only thing you can afford to do for your kid is keep them alive you’re a shit dad/mom.
No. 2276360
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i find it cringe when women with a certain curl type/hair type similar to mine put a ton of product in their hair to define their curls and it always makes their hair look worse in my opinion. in the example to the left i find the unproduct, brushed out, version much much prettier, softer, airy and feminine looking than the right with a ton of product and styling. i know tons of people will disagree but fuck off its the unpopular opinions thread
No. 2276373
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>>2276360left is better than right but something between the two is perfect imo
No. 2276384
>>2276373My hair is like this to the T and I love it. My friends and family always tell me to do a curly hair routine and I'm like no fuck off. I like when things look soft and natural.
Carrie Bradshaw's hair in Sex and the City is a great example, though even hers is too maintained at times.
No. 2276440
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>>2276411But it is an actual real opinion, funnily enough!
No. 2276447
>>2276427But what is feminine truly? Is it being kind, caring about appearances, being meek and obedient?
Would a woman born without the influence of society act in the same manner? Is it being a woman that you hate or simply how misogyny is intrinsically tied to your experience of living? Dig deeper.
No. 2276458
>>2276427>no interest in "Femaninity" >"I must be a defective woman"Come on
No. 2276486
>>2276458>>2276447>>2276438>>2276436>>2276432But why are women so comfortable in their abuse? Im going to repost what i said in the gender ideology hate thread:
Men hate women regardless of what women do, but one of the reasons misogyny is so rampant whether its trad or tranny shit is because women are male-centered and prioritize males over women. Sorry for the upcoming retarded sperg but im so tired and feel like im making excuses at this point. Does bj-chan have a point? She says a lot of stuff (i don't know if i agree with all of her points) but she constantly says that "femininity is innate" and maybe there is some truth to it. True male repulsed misandrists are a tiny minority, how do the majority of women not develop pattern recognition and recognize that males hate them? Maybe they're not chronically online so they don't get exposed to things male-on-female abuse and murder statistics, studies showcasing how men view women which don't reach the mainstream. How can they not realize and how and why don't they value how much time, effort, empathy, nuance, solidarity they put into men while men never reciprocate even 1% of what women do for them? Not even when women get pregnant and become mothers do they value their own efforts. I understand that women want and enjoy being empathetic and giving towards other people, that you want to help others, but there is a point where it just gets ridiculous. How many times are you going to let yourself get beat up and abused? Why don't they stand up? Is it really all socialization? Even when i was a teenager and diverged from my mom and i watched sjw compilations eventually i realized the right hates women. and the more i hanged around the left from music, video games, media and gendie shit kept growing from ridiculous emotional coddling to full blown TIM degeneracy which eventually made me peak not just about trannies being mentally unwell but being retarded porn addictied woman hating group.
Ever since i was a little girl even tho i didn't hate men (yet) i was pro-girls team and women always came first up until today as an adult woman. Maybe it's because i was an only child and being raised in a female only household and sometimes visits to my dad but my mother was the end-all authority and i considered her side to be my main family. Also almost all of my teachers, school principals were women. My mother never talked me into feminism or any politics at all, i just remember being like this since i gained consciousness. I never did chores or cooking when i was a kid and teenager (terrible idea, im an adult now and struggle with cleaning), and was although not outright told or pressured, i was definitely supported and made sure my education came first. I was also rarely if ever told that i had to be a certain way because i was a girl and never got questioned because i didn't show attraction to boys or caring about romance. Was i raised like a son or was i born different? My mom is an arquitect and suffered abuse at the hands of many people including my father (but i never knew this until my late teens). Was i "raised like a son" or i was i just born different? Did my mom pass down some generational trauma that evolved into me being built to be a man-hater?
Whenever men are inconvinienced they complain and do something about their situation because they know women will comply and accept it, men chimp out at the slightest inconvinience yet women coddle them and try to agree and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify this. Why is this? You say women don't want to be alone but women are already alone, men don't support or care about women, when women get sick or ugly they leave them. Not even women care about women at large, but women are the only ones willing to empathize and actually help women yet they rather prioritize a male. Meanwhile no matter how much a woman panders to male he will choose and prioritize other men because of what other men think of him even if he doesn't actually do anything to help him in the slightest.
No. 2276501
>>2276498one sex is far more capable
and more willing to use violence to get their way and unfortunately this particular trait is indeed genetic.
No. 2276515
>>2276509I have seen plenty of women like this online, she voted for trump and she doesn’t seem like a
victim of abuse forced to do it…
No. 2276549
>>2276527>>2276536Seriously? Thousands of years of being second class citizens all over the globe in every culture and women haven't collectively gotten together to hord weapons and arm themselves against men? At some point it can't just be "muh socialization". How can these women live day to day and not see how much the world hates you?
>>2276511They don't kill themselves because they don't think being subjugated by men is that bad. Women cannot be so retarded to the fact that men hate them.
No. 2276579
>>2276549Personally I don't
want any woman except the most evil pedo-enabling ones to kill themselves, but here are some alternative things to consider.
>Women actually do attempt suicide more, we're just more likely to be saved due to the most common female methods (like ODing)>Suicide is fucking scary even if you are at the point of wanting to do it>There's also a very high risk that the attempt will go wrong and leave you massively fucked up, and most people innately know this>Religious shitholes teach that suicide is a sin and you get an even worse deal in the afterlife if they do it>Women ARE largely waking up to men's bullshit thanks to social media, it's slow but you've gotta remember that the internet is relatively new and normies are suddenly being introduced to a million different concepts at once, it's at least a start No. 2276607
>>2276591>>2276599>>2276600But why can't you answer or make an argument? What is the truth?
>>2276601How is it schizo? Closing your eyes to the reality does not absolve of the problem. Women irl get less job opportunities, get payed less, are taken less seriously by their doctors, their concerns and worries are dismiss meanwhile men's are always taken care of no matter how ridiculous, women irl are judged more harshly no matter what they do yet women still throw other women under the bus for moid validation. Why is this?
No. 2276628
>>2276623Not voting for evil demon overlod Trump doesn't really feel like a master plan of stopping "abuse to the point it went on thousands of years and why was it prevalent across every culture" even if he is a rapist.
Neither is burning down villages and suicide. Frankly, this just makes it seems like a larp.
No. 2276636
>>2276629Frankly, I don't see why anybody thought democrats had a chance after
TWO assassination attempts, Harris being rushed into the campaign after Biden fucked out like a coward, and all the other bullshit.
This is the sort of gambling that even an idiot could look at and say "no chance." It'd take so much of a miracle that I can't believe anybody can just blame women for Trump. How exactly could you save a campaign when the guy resigned out of embarrassment? Just the power of woman, really?
No. 2276640
>>2276614>genuine question but why do you want them to answer you or have a argument so bad, if you admit to it being biological then you should know that even engaging in this conversation is futile. No one likes their hardware and motherboard being called out and they just resort to ad-hominems or gaslighting so this conversation you are trying to spark is just unproductive.Because i live in a society and women are at an obvious and dangerous disatvange in almost every single area. If i didn't have family members that cared about me i would have already killed myself since i got no reason to live
>inb4 youre just depressed get some sunI cannot possibly ignore misogyny and i cannot escape it. Understanding and acknowledging your surroundings is crucial to your survival. Im
>>2276486 and i have no intention of marrying and having children. When im 40 or 50 years old, who will be there for me? Hell who will be there for me
now? The majority of women prioritize men above women, the ultimate goal for the majority of women is to have a boyfriend and then a husband and a family. Women will grow out of friendships and shift their focus from women (if there was any) to moids. And this isn't just for relationships but in every area and scenario from conversations, debates, job opportunities, ideas, creations, crimes, etc. They rather uplift and defend whatever the moid will do or say over a woman. Its one thing for half of the population to hate me and desire, seek and find joy in my abuse, it's another if the other half of the population doesn't care or enable this abuse.
No. 2276644
>>2276639The campaign was fucked. You can't just say "vote because female" and expect it to work. Vice versa, if Republicans tried to assassinate Kamala twice only to have Trump back out and get replaced with Vance with "vote because man" the odds would be just as bad.
Women just needing to believe in the power but they couldn't so women bad ig is some dumb ass shit.
No. 2276759
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>giving a fuck about scrote feelings
No. 2276765
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>>2276755>she gets it Ily
No. 2276775
>>2276754based opinion
nonny. also, read who or what? i can’t find any info. genuinely asking because i wanna know more
No. 2276791
File: 1732581599672.gif (919.74 KB, 498x348, E6E07FCB-2624-48D4-BECE-14A98C…)

Kys faggot scrote(scrotefoiling, report and ignore suspected scrotes)
No. 2277286
>>2276361It's not just autism that causes bad judgement for partners, almost all forms of mental illnesses cause bad judgement to some degree, but one of the biggest forms of manipulation is convincing the
victim they caused everything, it also doesn't help that when women who are clearly being shown red flags come to the Internet or therapists for advice, they're often met with people gaslighting her FOR the abuser. It especially sucks for women who come from broken homes that don't have a good example of healthy relationships
No. 2277319
>>2276095i knew a woman who yelled all child abusers should be mandatory castrated implying she should have never been born. we had a heated discussion about how we all know where this is heading towards.
then there was a highly anorexic one and she decided to give birth to a child, who in turn got heavy heart complications, needing difficult and multiple surgeries since fresh out of the womb, never smiled in one picture, but she sweetly says he deserved to live.
those who want to do good and want a righteous system have the power to cut off individual freedom, but if you want to keep the latter, you create individual suffering too.
there is no way to fight ultimate evil without becoming one too.
>>2276089>>2276146since crimes against children spans over generation, the fear is justified, extended family just participates.
more people does not equal more chances to break free, could equally mean more pressure to stay silent.
>Children are isolated in their formative years in an artificial microcosm and must later adapt to the wider society which makes it harder, while adults are isolated from children and everything they bring to our livesthis has to become a very popular opinion.
>>2276146 counter unpop op
mixed sex schools but with different classes to accomodate for different types of learning
No. 2277379
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I’m going to sound like a gay moid (I’m just a lifelong female Britney fan) and this is an opinion that would get me cancelled on pop music subreddits but Slayyyter somehow reminds me more of Britney Spears than Tate McRae. Tate McRae can dance well but there is something missing, I think it’s the facial expressions and raw charisma. As uncomfortably raunchy as Slayyyter can be, she just has “it” if you know what I mean. Like maybe she’s too sexual to be like Britney but the charisma & presence is more on par with Britney than Tate McRae is.
I fully expect no one to care about these people as the majority of fans are gay moids but is anyone else familiar with them and do you agree? The same thing can be applied to other performers as well.
No. 2277397
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Personalityfags deserve to be doxxed. And everytime one is I feel like imageboard culture heals a little
No. 2277506
>>2277467Nta but I kind of wonder if consumerism and other factors of modern society is what made “smart” autists so useless compared to the autists of previous generations who had to invent lightbulbs, computers, etc because there were few cheaply made and easily available/deliverable items to collect and media to consume. If you restrict those needless items and force them to actually hyper fixate on something useful then we’d get more autistic people like Aaron Swartz.
I also have a very likely autistic boomer grandfather whose autism is really apparent in his now-niche retirement hobbies, but in his youth channeled his “genius” into a variety of jobs like working on Wall Street and also as an electrical engineer for the military at one point. He can build things super easily and do graduate school level math like it’s nothing. So these types of people have always existed but I feel like the potentially useful autists probably get coddled, develop weird ass fetishes due to extreme porn usage, and fixate on other useless plastic-y shit to where the most useful thing they can do is code well and hack stuff but not produce much of value like the autists of the past. Aaron Swartz was like the last of his kind, you also never see autistic tech people with decent values anymore.
No. 2277521
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>>2277497>>2277497I like school uniforms so long as they’re approximately the same for both genders. it kind of bothers me when boys are dressed professionally in khakis but girls are in immature looking skirts.
No. 2277840
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popular in real life but unpopular online: lolicons are annoying pedoforks and the world's government should ban loli/shota shit so these guys seethe and start rioting, could you imagine 300 lb dudes with anonymous masks fighting for lolicon being legalized ? it would be paradise if the anime community stopped this
No. 2277975
>>2277964First of all, I already agreed that I'm retarded, it's in my blood..
Second.. He asked, "Did you show it to anyone" with a winkey face emoji. I said "yeah I'm ngl" and he asked , "what did she think" (she has no idea how she looks or who she is)…
So I was like I'm ngl she was in shock (because he's huge). He was not mad at all…. Then months down the line he started making comments about how he wants to eat her pussy and that he wants to hit her up (still not knowing who she is). I said he needs to stop being disgusting and disrespectful and he just said "It's nowhere near as fucked up as you showing her my dick."
So I told him it's not even that bad that I showed her..
No. 2277993
>>2277982I did. I told him I was in the hospital and instead of asking if I was okay he made a really retarded joke.. So I went batshit crazy on him about being a degenerate, and he told me he dodged a bullet.
But then he said, "see you in 3 months" because we tend to fight and reunite a few months later.
This time it's different, like actually.
No. 2277995
>>2277975 >"Did you show it to anyone" with a winkey face emoji.It sounds like he wanted you to do it and he wants to groom you into a FFM threesome. He's guilting you and saying it's fucked up now because he knows you wouldn't like it if it were the other way around.
The only thing he's being honest about is that he wants to eat your friend's pussy lol. You're kind of a femcuck to have fallen into this, not gonna lie.
No. 2278022
>>2278007God this reminded me of
smoking weed in highschool with my bestie and going to all the stores in the local strip mall, going into petco 20 minutes before close when it was dead as hell, and staring straight into the dog cookie buffet set up thing wanting to steal one to eat but the lone cashier was facing us and trying to look busy but she definitely knew we wanted to try them KEK.
No. 2278025
>>2278009I mean probably but also he literally doesn't know her at all.. not how she looks or anything. We weren't dating or anything we were just talking. He started mentioning her to piss me off because I wouldn't have sex with him…
We're both dumbasses.. I'm not going to deny that. I let him get away with a lot because I thought he was funny and I had never met someone who was so similar to me in terms of interests.
No. 2278042
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I do not understand the contempt for "brainrot" slang, especially when a lot of it (not all) is so innocuous
It just reminds me of people nagging about "on fleek" and "bae" when those words obviously wouldn't stick around anyways, since their entire identity was being silly slang words
Will there be an endless cycle of new slang that people act weirdly uptight about before moving onto the next new words to continue complaining about in the exact same way?
Also applies to the weird aggression towards TikTok dances, your life must be going great if your problems are that kids like dancing and that rizz was Word of the Year
They are literally just wacky words, I cannot grasp getting upset about "what the sigma" when people say actual spiteful things all the time
No. 2278054
>>2278042Older people get
triggered by it because they don’t get the new slang so they’re reminded they’re getting old and young people who wanna be mature hate it too
No. 2278113
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>>2278042I don’t mind a bit of slang. But typing styles like picrel are nails on a chalkboard for me.
No. 2278172
>>2278158Strongly disagree , but on that note, I can't believe he isn't jewish.
I don't know why but when I see him I start thinking of Jesse Eisenberg. They're like, kind of similar but Eisenberg is hot.
No. 2278180
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>>2278177He is the kind of guy id wanna cuddle up with on a winter day and get drunk with
No. 2278222
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>>2278188not really, there are hot jewish men. that anon just has bad taste
No. 2278245
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>>2278222Agreed. Jeff Wilbusch is attractive to me
No. 2278256
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I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO NOMINATE PRIME EZRA MILLER IN THE HOT JEWISH MEN CATEGORY. Yes that man is mentally ill and violent but he was so hot back in the day and you know im right.
>>2278233you have some antisemetic stereotypes anon, not all jews are ginger ashkenazis.
>>2278238are you trolling that's not Heath….
>>2278245idk who that is.
No. 2278261
>>2278256NTA but Antisemitism is thrown around way too loosely. If I hate the way a certain ethnic group tends to look I just hate the way they look, doesn't mean I'm a jew hater.
Also the term pisses me off because arabs get accused of being antisemitic when they're literally semites.
No. 2278268
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>>2278261because they literally said they find some jewish people hot if they aren't whatever stereotype you and them thought of in your head about them, this isn't about preferences since i would respect your opinion if you said you find them all ugly and that's your preference. Instead i was calling out whatever stereotype you have in your head of them as not being true since they are very diverse in appearance.
I don't want to let this evolve into a infight so i'll just let it go.
No. 2278270
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>>2278055Her body is really average for someone that is so obsessed with being skinny and only eating 1200 calories per day.
No. 2278286
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>>2278270I think she's pretty tbh. Body is fugly but her face is cute. She looked really good like a decade ago.
No. 2278296
>>2278273>i've said nothing about you being jewish. You just happen to be one.Thefuck lmfao im not even jewish but you do sound like you are one post away from racebaiting.
>>2278278As a ex-muslim i want every single one those pro-palestine annoying activists to live in a muslim country for atleast 1 year, who wants to bet that anon is from the west or europe too. I can't even thirst over 1 jewish men without bitches bringing up palestine.
>>2278283i know you're a xitter westerner but please open up the history books, the real ones im not talking about whatever one sided beef you find on twitter or tumblr. Open up the real neutral thing and you will find proof that jewish people have lived in the state of Israel for thousands of years before relocating to other countries. Can you please tell me what is wrong with jewish people reclaiming their native country again? ''palestinians'' didn't exist until very recently meanwhile there is thousands of year old history books of israel. Are you claiming that is fake and that jewish people should not reclaim their land back? You think jewish people do not deserve the right to their own land?
No. 2278300
>>2278296I didn't even accuse you of being jewish. I'm talking about the example I gave and how me saying don't build illegal settlements is not being antisemitic and that them being jews isn't even relevant to the statement.
I'm not even the nonna that said all jews are ugly. I literally dated a Jew for a year.
I was born and raised in Ramallah. I've had 3 family members die in Gaza in the past year. Do not tell me what I do or don't know about Palestine. I lived there and don't even mind if Jews do too. Like I said we welcomed them and cohabitated peacefully for years. I only brought Palestine up as an example for why antisemitism is such an abused term.
No. 2278304
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Miss Egypt shouldve won she has such a beautiful face
No. 2278362
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>>2278356Wym anon…yes it is. Muslimism/Islam is the majority religion there.
No. 2278369
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>>2278366Anon, Islam being the major religion in the country of Palestine actually does mean that Palestinians are Islamic/Muslim.
No. 2278388
>>2278356yes it does, you are acting obtuse on purpose, all muslim countries are supporting palestine without any questions asked due to them being fellow muslim brothers.
Stop doing Taqiyah on a imageboard.
No. 2278392
>>2278388The fuck are you on about. Are you okay? I'm being serious.
Would you say Americans are Christian? No, because there are other religions and America is not a Christian nation. Just like Palestine is not a Muslim nation. Majority of Palestinians being Muslim does not constitute that. I'm not even Muslim, so stop projecting whatever you have against them onto me. I don't give a fuck about Muslims, I just don't like stupidity.
No. 2278399
>>2278392nta but when i think of burger land i do think of a nice big sexy muscular Jesus Christ, so yeah i would say
americans are christian however many immigrants and immigrant families who choose to remain attached to their culture instead of integrating into Burgerhood will stay muslim, jewish,
No. 2278411
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>>2278404I mean it is true, America has been majority Christian for like almost 300 years
>>2278406The only countries that have official religions are in like, the middle east, which I don't take very seriously
No. 2278412
>>2278351I agree. I still like her music because of the sound, she truly has that spark of creative genius even though I'm sure she's just as much of a narcissist as any celebrity, and even though she tries to pretend she didn't grow up rich. And it's genuinely funny to me how her personas and lyrics serve as accidental feminist commentary. It may as well be satire when you see how she (or her lyricists) have egregiously misinterpreted the character Lolita.
This is all assuming she actually writes most of her own lyrics and has control over her public image. That seems like something the industry would bullshit about to create the illusion that a celebrity is greater than the common person.
No. 2278415
>>2275271>>2278411You are such a rage-baiter or you have some type of intellectual disability. A country being MAJORITY anything does not make it an X country. You can say majority are X but it doesn't mean shit in terms of what the country is constitutionally.
There are a ton of countries outside of the middle east that have official religions.
No. 2278421
>>2278415Why would that not mean anything anon? You have the be state mandated Christian in order for the citizens of the country being majority Christian to hold any weight kek?
>>2278418This isn't really much of a response, and I don't see whats retarded about the map that I found and posted after someone suggested that I use google.
No. 2278424
>>2278417but you can't just generalize and say all orthos are making women wear wigs and are crazy stalkers but yeah some are very strict obviously and as usual men are the ones who cause these issues. religious women like nuns are chill
>>2278419that's very sad. i feel bad for christian minorities in the middle east. like jews muslims and christians forget that they're basically the same with some differences in the texts lol
No. 2278426
>>2278403Taqiyah anon does not see the double standards in her posts, she will nitpick some posts about orthodox jews (who are a minority since most jewish people are not orthodox jews) and say this is how all jewish people are. But if you dare bring up numerous muslim countries and their poor human rights and tolerance for others then all of a sudden taqiyah muslims start scrambling and crying about how we
No. 2278439
>>2278430>I-M NOTno need to deny it anon, why chicken out, btw why is your religion so pedophilic?
No. 2278441
>>2278410Not contributing to the infight but people saying Christianity isn't dominant religion in the US are idiots. Just because the politicans and founders SAY there's a separation of church and state doesn't mean it's true. So much of the shit that's going down in the US is because of evangelical Christans.
Evangelical Christans have such a strong hold on politcs and they actually do have a hand in supporting Israel because of their belief that apocalypse will happen in the Middle East.
No. 2278449
>>2278434i agree a lot of ppl are just ignorant and obviously a country will always have minorities who practice different beliefs. im also sad about the zionist entity oppressing minorities like christians or what they're doing to humans in general. it just feels weird to equate that with all jews though or those who are ortho tbh
>>2278435people can use bad examples of christians being backwards too though. what im saying is that two things can be true and that you can be repulsed by this but not try to do this some contest. anyway i dont want part in this infight anymore kek
No. 2278452
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>>2278440since that ''christian'' anon seems to care about ''christians'' so much i wonder what is her opinion on christians being genocided in muslim countries?
No. 2278482
>>2278475Because they aren't. I feel like I'm going insane kek. Americans are not Christian. Doesn't matter if the majority practice christianity. Like I said that is literally like saying Singaporeans are buddhists. They're not. Majority practice Buddhism and the country has no official religion.
Critical thinking guys. I'm begging.
No. 2278492
>>2278482you are holding onto strawmans for your dear life. You know damn well why people mention islam when talking about nationality because in islam religion trumps over nationality and is more important.
That's why all muslim countries supported palestine with no question asked and talk about how much they want to save their ''muslim brothers'' Now quit playing dumb, you've stretched out that anons statement where she mentioned being a former muslim for too long by playing dumb. Now you can quit acting retarded, thanks.
No. 2278493
>>2278488When did I say I wasn't American. Are you… RETARDED. Because I used the word "they" to refer to the American people?
I live in Chicago fatty
No. 2278494
no need to thank me
No. 2278503
>>2278495it finally took you this long to notice? there are some weird muslim baiters on this thread tonight acting obtuse on every post and playing dumb and basically stretching out and completely taking out of context what the original ex-muslim anon said and malding over her for like atleast two hours now?
>>2278499your bullshit was called out, you can move on now. It was already explained to you why muslim was mentioned, are all muslims retarded like you or what.
No. 2278533
>>2278522the muslim anon started it by bringing up palestine when we were discussing the rare jewish men that we found hot. Muslims can't stop mentioning palestine because that's the only time in the world they get to act like
victims instead of their default settings which is being a piece of shit. Imagine seeing the mention of jewish and immediately going muh palestine. Also most muslims voted for donald trump knowing he is going to bulldoze gaza so not even american muslims care about palestine, they just pretend that they do.
No. 2278552
>>2278541I meant one person against Islam which is super
valid but they're literally having meltdown after meltdown.. No one on here is even promoting islam or arguing about its principles. But the word muslim is
triggering someone on here really badly and I don't know why they won't just take it to reddit or something.
No. 2278553
>>2278546there's muslim anon who post on lolcow so that doesn't seem impossible
>>2278547im the opposite. eating pussy sounds nasty
No. 2278554
>>2278548it's not a popular topic because one anon mentions it and a couple agree and everybody moves on instead of it turning into this long discussion because some newfag muslimas are butthurt and seethe at jews.
Idk why you are trying to erase history acting like this is a pro-muslim space…just lying for no reason like what do you get out of this. Doing taqiyah on a imageboard is so lame, you're such a loser.
No. 2278559
>>2278555yeah i feel the exact same kek
>>2278556im not which is why im destined to die alone
No. 2278561
>>2278546Agreeing to what though. This got derailed by some faggot saying Palestinian = Muslim and then dumping images of Google results. I don't think anyone here is ignorant to barbaric practices carried out be religious extremists. There are always moderates. Unfortunately for you it's an unpopular opinion to just single out Islam as a
problematic religion. No one wants to talk in circles about religious identity and religious identity when it's clear its verging on race hate. We get it. You think Muslims are disgusting and inferior or whatever similar you said up thread. There's a reason you are so adamant Palestinian = Muslim because you're a step away from Arab = Muslim, all Arabs are inferior. Genocide is a scrote past time. No one cares
No. 2278566
>>2278558and i answered you about the ''popular topic'' thing too by saying that anons would move on because they didn't care or get butthurt when someone said something bad about islam so it wouldn't lead to long discussions or spergouts which happened now.
Most anons either ignored it or agreed with it. I mean we even have a anti-islam thread which used to be more active in a certain board which i won't mention to lurking newfags.
No. 2278596
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>>2278584yes, but there is also that streamer by the same name who has a weird hate obsession with Hasan. Probably wants to suck his dick, whenever another man is crazy obsessed with another person just know that they are also sexually attracted to them. I heard the two of them used to be friends in the past and lived together but it's really hard to find any of those videos from their past since they have been deleted. My fujo heart yearns to watch Hasan have passionate sex with Destiny.
>>2278585>being aware of them yourself isn't equally as embarrassing.kekim not gonna got me there, you go me there
No. 2278598
>>2278596I saw hasan debut on YouTube. He got it on a sister channel of the young turks which is owned by his uncle. Hasan started on pop
trigger which I was an avid subscriber of. The audience hated hasan and his uneducated douchebag takes and constantly posturing and posing. Most of the videos he was in are unlisted or removed because he is trying to reinvent himself as an intellect instead of the vapid shallow cunt that he is. He's the nephew of a youtube producer and he's embarrassing as fuck
No. 2278619
>>2278612I don't know but he probably ignores it since the less attention is brought to his past the better for him.
The way he reinvented his image as a breadtuber and wiped almost all of his past is pretty amazing though.
>>2278617let's not start again…
No. 2278635
>>2278549Sooo true
nonny, except no one is even defending Muslims here. I would respect your hatred for all things Muslim if people were actually , idk, defending it? You see the word and have an autistic meltdown.
No. 2278820
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Road trips fucking suck I hate them. Life is not a highway I want to drive all night long.
No. 2278821
>>2278797People are very ignorant about sugar in general. Most are seriously unaware of the amount they consume on the daily without even realizing. The best fruits are high fiber and citric ones, the rest are literally just sugar
>>2278812This tbh misanthropy is misdirected misandry. The world is largely ass because of men, men literally represent the worst humanity has to offer by causing 99.99% of crimes, while women, although not perfect, are the ones concerned with maintaining any semblance of societal unity. You don't hate humanity, you hate human men
No. 2278849
>>2278797Fruits have antioxidants/phytonutrients, which help prevent cancer and inflammation, ie. the main causes of most diseases. They make you smell good too. Just don't eat a huge fucking mango on its own multiple times a day and the sugar won't be a problem unless you already have insulin resistance. Your body can handle the sugar especially you eat it after other denser foods (like protein and fat), since the problem is not just the sugar, but the rate its being absorbed into your blood stream. When you eat sugar on its own, it spikes your blood sugar much more dramatically than if you eat it after a meal.
>There are days and days when I don't even have a single fruit in my house other than squeezed juice.So you complain fruit has too much sugar, but you drink a concentrated form of it without the fiber? Juice is literally a sugar bomb, and you're not even getting all the phytonutrients or any of the fiber. Might as well just blend it into a smoothie instead instead of drinking juice.
No. 2278853
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>>2278851Fructose aka fruits and some veggies are the sugars our bodies need! You bitches are gonna fuck around and get scurvy
No. 2278880
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>>2278857How does it feel knowing a thick, fluffy, buttery cinnamon roll has more worth than your entire existence? People literally pine and yearn for
thick fluffy BUTTERY cinnamon rolls, there are people who will even pay 5 to 10 bucks for a thick fluffy buttery cinnamon roll, that’s how useless you are, you’re comparing yourself to something that’s so beloved, so beautiful, so truthful, so honest, so transcendental on the tongue and the minds of many that you could never compare. So keep typing your skellie malds while normal, well-adjusted humans continue to eat their deserved sweet treats in an animalistic, cruel world where a fluffy buttery warm cinnamon roll that hugs the soul and can be bought for around $5 has more network than your existence, bitch
No. 2278892
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>>2278833Yeah, as long as you aren’t eating 30 bananas a day or something, you probably won’t go bananas
No. 2278898
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>>2278869I feel like feelings about modern art might change now that AI has basically fucked over the value of 2d painted pieces.
Modern art, for all its faults, has the advantage of relying on real world spectacle and analysis.
No. 2278937
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>>2278880Nona, I love you so much, I hope you can eat a cinnamon roll that is especially good soon. We can bake them together. Personally, I am not much of a fan (it's the spice I dislike), I do like scones though. I like that when baking them, they fill my home with that soft sweet smell. Baked goods will always be worth it for that alone.
No. 2278950
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>>2278945Imagine picrel making you seethe this much kekkkkk
No. 2278957
>>2278946Anything with no fiber to control sugar spikes, anything with a high glycemic index. You'd think using diabeetus terms in here would be out of place but considering the people posting itt atm, they
may need some help with that too because it's looking bleak
>>2278950I'm literally telling you that oatmeal makes for a better base meal, are you actually retarded?
No. 2278966
>>2278958True, fruits have water too, some are almost 70% water. If you don't feel like drinking a whole ass cup of water, just eat an apple
>>2278960fucking weirdo
No. 2278968
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>>2278944nayrt but I fuck up cinnamon rolls every time I try to make them at home, so the next time that wacky idea pops into my head I’m just making monkey bread. which is closer to a sticky bun ofc but at least it won’t be dry, like my rock hard little cinnamon snail shells
No. 2278985
I'd much MUCH rather have friendships and relationships with avoidant personalities than anxious ones. I normally hate personality categorizing stuff, but the attachment theory shit recently became somewhat interesting to me because I think it explains why, in a way, many of my friends throughout the years drive me crazy and I end up leaving the friendship. Anxious types will hound you all day long, make up rules around texts and calls, and will lash out in passive aggressive ways if you don't do exactly what they want at all times. I'd rather keep chill connections with people who are comfortable with the fact that others are actually busy at work and school, not just making it up to be cruel. Of course avoidants have a toxic side … but I'd rather have someone flat out ignore me for a week than be up my ass 24/7 asking if I'm mad at them because I'm feeling sick and need to take a nap. It's OK to ask for what you need, but the anxious types will go so far as to write scripts for you in their head. You have no idea what they want you to say, but you will get it wrong and they'll be upset, even if you are really, really careful to be considerate and not hurt their feelings. It's like falling into an endless hole of neediness that just gets bigger and bigger the more you give of yourself. Before you know it ,you're someone's personal emotional servant with little autonomy, entwined in a friendship where you can't breathe and make decisions without them. It's like always having someone living in your head and wearing your skin.
But it seems that the popular opinion is that anxious attachment people are always the most fragile victims, who must be catered to at all times, while independent folks who can handle their own problems and never ask anything from anyone are pieces of shit.
No. 2279035
>>2278989I have a handful of girl friends I've been friends with for 20 years now, and we all understand each other on the level I'm talking about, which is great. Friends I've made more recently, in the last 5 years, have all been extremely invasive, judgmental, and clingy, needing 100% of my attention. I'm glad you're not in a situation with stage 5 clingers, but I am personally not a big fan of having friendships with men because in my experience they will always try to make a move at some point, even if you think they're your friend they're like hyenas waiting for an opportunity to strike, and everything gets fucked up after that.
>>2279016I get that. I just started going down this rabbit hole, and most of what I've read seems to be very much one-sided, where "anxious types" are in need of special attention/accommodations and "avoidant types" are essentially sociopathic and incapable of growth. I should probably stop looking into this, I think I got what I needed from it – the validation that clingy people are selfish and scary, and I'm not a bad person for cutting them off.
No. 2279042
>>2279040>I'm not fear mongering!!!!You're telling me, someone who lives an active lifestyle, that eating fruit will literally give me type 2 diabetes, when I have type 1 and it's not possible to have both diseases (inb4 CHARACTERISTICS, yeah insulin resistance isn't exclusive to type 2 diabetes? Like you're obviously retarded because you're anachan-splaining diabetes to someone who deals with it every day, yes type 1's develop insulin resistance, no it's not because they eat 3 pieces of fruit a day and excercise for 8 hours every day KEK). You have a really scared mentality towards fruit, for whatever reason, and you have a very minimal understand of what diabetes and dealing with it is actually like kek. I don't have insulin resistance because I eat fruit, I'm not overweight, so why are you malding so hard?
No. 2279077
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>>2279049Anon in the middle of a food fight
No. 2279105
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>>2278869Agreed for the most part, but there's modern art (what you posted) and then there's "modern art" (money laundering)
No. 2279156
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>>2278304I'm sorry I don't want to sound mean but she looks like the human form of a horse
No. 2279225
>>2279208The way moids fearmonger everyone into thinking women over 30 can't have kids or only have retarded kids is insane because yeah, back in the day women would have like 10 kids with the last one most likely being in their late 30s early 40s.
But retarded kids always existed and not all can be tested for, we should mitigate risk where ever possible and avoid it. It's easy to be flippant until you're the one who has has to wrangle a screaming autist for the rest of it's life because you're the mother who thought dusty old sperm is acceptable because ~men age like fine wine~.
No. 2279227
>>2279220How do you think we got to 8 billion people if it didn't work
This shit people like you spout is too too close to eugenics
No. 2279234
>>2279227>eugenicsLMAO please. eugenics would be saying to kill off your retarded spawnling, not for you to not have children over a certain age (for their own good btw).
do you also think dysgenic, retarded, ugly, fat men should be allowed to breed? quick
No. 2279254
>>2279242you didn't answer my question so i have to assume you do in fact have a nasty old moid you're dying to impregnate you?
>your ancestors were not pure young girls and boysyes, they were. people normally wouldn't live past 50. they would have all the children they were going to have by their early 30s.
No. 2279260
>>2279254None of this is true
>>2279257Your grandparents didn't just materialize, they were also the product of some people fucking, a lot of them old
No. 2279285
>>2279261People didn't stop fucking when they turned a certain age. It was common for a mother to have her younger child at the same time her daughter had her older child, and this in fact still the case in some families.
Like being the seventh son of a seventh son is a thing, you're just the first daughter of a first daughter
>>2279275>>2279271>>2279264Life expectancy statistics are skewed by infant mortality, and in any case, it superseded the fertility window so it doesn't have an effect
No. 2279291
>>2279285>It was common for a mother to have her younger child at the same time her daughter had her older childoh were you there
No. 2279330
>>2279280nta but
>I mean it was "normal" in the sense that it was the norm, just like child marriages are "normal" in Afghanistan. But that doesn't make it right.she literally said that. try to finish reading a post before replying.
No. 2279333
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>>2279295There's basically little risk with female pregnancy up until 45, it's older sperm past 30/35 that has the highest risk of birth defects. The paternal age matters more
No. 2279336
>>2279280Are you actually mentally challenged? That's literally what I said. Learn2read.
>I mean it was "normal" in the sense that it was the norm, just like child marriages are "normal" in Afghanistan. But that doesn't make it right.>>2279287Report for what, exactly? KEKKK delusional newfagg/ot/s really think any post they don't like will catch a ban
No. 2279341
>>2279289 combination of high infant mortality and deaths in young adulthood from accidents, epidemics, plagues, wars, and childbirth, before modern medicine was widely available, significantly lowers LEB. Because of this sensitivity, LEB can be grossly misinterpreted, leading to the belief that a population with a low LEB would have a small proportion of older people.
>>2279298Most people who survived infancy and childbirth would get to lead a long life comparable or even longer than in present day
No. 2279370
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>>2279352The infight started here:
>>1915499 I had to go back and find it to re-read.
>>2279362Infighting shouldn't be encouraged at all. Really the whole reason LC's quality tanked is because infighting became the norm and stopped being punished. This thread is a great example of that. I still don't know why they autosaged dumbass shit but this thread still gets the go ahead.
No. 2279406
>>2279375It's because this site isn't about the cows anymore. It used to be a website centred around documenting lolcows and discussing them, and when milk was slow there were off-topic boards for chill conversation on the side. Now it's a website for angry infighting and there happen to be some old dead cow carcasses lying around. Most anons don't follow cows or know about lolcow culture or history. It used to be all in good fun, we'd come and make fun of cows and laugh at their silly retarded antics. Now, most anons don't even know what milk is and because they're all calcium deficient they turn on other anons and chimp out constantly. It's sad!
>>2279373It was perhaps one of the most retarded infights I've ever seen. I use retarded in the truest sense of the word, like I think the participants in that infight were actually slow in the mind and shouldn't be on the internet.
>>2279399By using common sense. If you see a crazy post, just laugh at it and think to yourself "wow, bait is so unbelievable these days" and keep scrolling.
No. 2279425
>>2279413I’m Arab. It’s extremely common which is why I’m sure you asked. My parents excuse is that so many people do it and their kids come out geniuses and perfectly healthy. Yeah dad, maybe because their grandparents aren’t also cousins. If there’s even a tiny risk of fucking your kids up, Why even take the risk? Did you have to marry your uncles daughter? Jesus .
I have adhd and a bunch of health issues, my sisters autistic, adhd, and has pelvic floor issues, my brother has adhd. “That could have happened regardless” , fuck off pops.
No. 2279501
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>>>/ot/2279345Im gonna branch off of your opinion. When any anon nitpicks or spergs autistically hard to make an objectively attractive celebrity woman match their coping delusion of being somehow ugly, you can always just feel this explanation is exactly what it is. Nobody tries to tear down an honestly pretty woman more than some insecure, crybaby bitch who never leaves her room and is never forced to see actual ugly people in person every day.
No. 2279505
>>2279357You know an anon is seething and typing fast when they misspell "though" as "through" KEK
>>2279365Are you confusing me for other anon, because I only posted twice ITT and it was enough to
trigger multiple spergouts from people who can't read
No. 2279509
>>2279453>Samefagging (verb) = to reply to one's own post pretending to be a different person.By saying "Samefag to big agree to this one too," you're implying that you were the anon that wrote both this post
>>2279442 and this post
>>2279438 . Just because you've been using the word wrong for 5 years doesn't suddenly make it correct.
>>2279462You're correct. You know more than the jannies. Congrats.
No. 2279696
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>>2279680they’re considered kind of trashy in the US too but I think kids like them because they have a tidy bento-like quality to their presentation. everything’s laid out separately and in its own pocket which gives makes each individual component feel “pure”. a lot of kids here are picky eaters who grew up on packaged foods so they have adverse reactions to different foods intermingling.
No. 2279718
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Enjoying my late night red40 sweet treat to make the anti-sweet chuds angry, smells great and tastes like very good sour liquorice
No. 2279723
>>2279716Yup, he definitely deserved that ass whooping. You don't just call people stupid out of nowhere like that for no reason, period. I guess he had to learn the hard way. But now it's socially acceptable to just insult people just like that and what's worse is that the
victim gets called horrid or causing drama for trying to stand up for themselves. Thanks for sharing.
No. 2279727
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>>2279671I don't understand homophobic people at all. I'm not even gay, but homosexuals account for such a tiny minority around the world that it's practically a non issue. If all homosexuals couldn't do things like artificial insemination, IVF, surrogacy or even adoption, the world would still populate anyway thanks to straight people always having an oopsie pregnancy like it's nothing.
No. 2279737
>>2277329> it's all people who can eat stoffers and mountain dew and cigarettes and somehow still work their 16 hour shifts at McDonald's, get pregnant as soon as they turn the other way, with no chronic illnessesI'm gonna sound kind of weird when I say this but I feel like some people are kind of just stupid and literally animalistic, they kind of remind me of cockroaches
like my mom These people will pop out kids like crazy and not even take care of them well, they are so hedonistic and don't plan ahead, they just shit out kids and have the older ones take care of the younger ones and abuse the kids and get with different partners to have more kids with, you would think they learned from rushing to start a family so soon but nope, time to find a stepdad/stepmom. I know people who are only 23-27 and they have 2+ kids from different parents. I especially feel for the single moms because the dads will run around and actually manage to find women or underage girls, while their kid is only like 2 months old. And of course the women are just left with a screaming baby, exhausted. Of course people like this have always existed, it's not really a new thing, my grandma was married 4 times, she was a bit of a looker so it was probably easy to land men, also they weren't exactly great men, they were alcoholics who cheated and beated on her, I inhereited these retarded hillbilly genes unfortunately
No. 2279773
>>2279736>Homosexuality and true heterosexuality are both a minority,Tranny tier tinfoil kek, heterosexuality is still the majority. Not even most women who call themselves bisexual are actually SSA.
>>2279742>It would explain the phenomenon of certain men out there who act like they're suffocated being around their gfs or wives yet come to life around their male palsThat's already explained by misogyny, actually.
No. 2279805
>>2279791Becoming so misogynistic you cut off male toddler's dicks to rape them doesn't make the entire roman and Greek societies gay kek. If they were, wouldn't they keep their towelboys genitals intact? You're retarded if you think Ancient Rome and Greece prove anything but men's extreme misogyny.
Also, you're claiming
bisexuality is the majority, not homosexuality. So if that were the case, why weren't Ancient Greek and roman moids equally into raping little girls and little boys? Surely it had nothing to do with women being seen as less than second class citizens and having less rights than Afghan women, right?
No. 2279817
>>2279808So you genuinely think those men are straight? Really? Just because men are opportunistic doesn’t mean their cock is going to get fully erect for someone they’re not attracted to. Ridiculous
>>2279805Because of the way their society worked. Unless you think they were absolutely miserable fucking them and didn’t enjoy it. You know what I think is the truth? Most men are attracted to women, underaged girls, and underaged boys. Even fully gay men are honest about preferring 16-25 year old moids. Yes most men are pedos.
No. 2279831
>>2279817First of all, not every Ancient roman/Greek scrote was a faggot, plenty kept female slaves. Second, how do you explain the mutilation of the enuchs genitals if they're truly bi? Why were they trying to castrate them to make them replicate women if some part of their misogyny-fueled faggotry didn't disgust them?>>2279821
You're retarded, actually.
No. 2279839
>>2279817Men don't only rape women they're attracted to though, so what makes you think they're attracted to the men they rape?
>>2279821How? At least add something to the discussion
No. 2279844
>>2279831If you read enough cultural relics of the time you’ll realise it was simply just normal and acceptable for men to just fuck other men and boys. Completely intact males. It was acceptable to be attracted to them and express attraction to them. Even bisexual men today are the same, they’re attracted to women too but they love to be misogynistic and worship maleness as superior. How is that not bisexual? The misogyny does not cancel out the homosexuality.
And I am asking you, do you actually think these men back then fucking men and young boys were straight, just misogynistic?
No. 2279924
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The concept of host clubs for women in Japan is pathetic. Most of them aren't even that attractive. Spending money on a man is embarrasing in general.
No. 2279950
>>2279926They don't have sex on the job but after work you could probably get them to have sex with you if they thought you would continue to spend money on them. From what I've seen a lot of them still hang out with clients afterwork.
>>2279942Apparently the big majority of male host's clients are female hosts
No. 2279960
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>>2279950>Apparently the big majority of male host's clients are female hostsReminds me of pic rel who was a very successful scammer that gave all of her money to this fugly host.
No. 2280014
>>2280013I'm not fat by any means but I gained a lot of weight over the past year because I hate my life kek. If I had the motivation and knew it would improve my life dramatically, I promise you I could lose 20 pounds in 3 months. I'm addicted to food and eat copious amounts of it, and I will still lose the weight. I've done it in the past, so I know I can do it again.
My cousin calls me crying very often and will talk about how much she hates her body. She literally said that if she was skinny her life would be perfect.
No. 2280067
>>2280009This is such a stupid take imo. As someone who struggles to GAIN weight due to depression and stress. The moment I am stressed weight just flies off my body. I will never judge someone who struggles to lose weight. It actually really is hard. Let’s not take into account the fact that food is increasingly more addictive, especially in America since no one has empathy for that. A lot of fat people are only fat because of the medication they take. A lot of fat women are fat because they suffer from PCOS and other issues. It’s just so ugly to say “it’s so easy to lose weight cuz I did hurr durr” you are not everyone else!not everyone has your lifestyle and that’s ok. Also if your parents are fat 9/10 you are going to be fat because being fat more than anything is GENETIC. I say this as a woman who has never weighed more than 110 lbs in my life. Yeah it could be stress and depression related but I also just get full very fast. Not to mention my mom never weighed more than 110 lbs either. My dad was also thin before beer got to him. I have such strong solidarity with fat women especially.
My unpopular opinion not everyone is meant to be skinny nor should everyone be striving to be skinny. We should all be striving to find a weight that looks the best on us. And for a lot of us we actually look the best with meat on our bones. Which is why I always say the prettiest women I have ever met in my life were fat. Also you can’t be a feminist if you hate fat women for their body type you are no different from the gay males in the modeling industry that give millions of girls/women EDs by calling the skinniest teen girls fat and saying anything above a 00-2 is fat. Monique was right. Skinny bitches are evil!
No. 2280097
>>2280079>>2280067You sound like such a fucking loser
I literally made it exponentially clear that I'm not talking about people who are fat because of health issues. I'm talking about people who are fat, hate it, keep failing, and keep bitching about it to people who literally can't help them.
I don't know why you decided to bring up PCOS, feminism, etc, etc. Who the fuck is talking about any of that. Who even hated on fat people to begin with? I'm talking about fat people who HATE being fat. I gave a clear example about my cousin who is only fat because of food addiction and I simply said if you really wanted to be skinny you would be skinny by now. I even stated that I myself have a serious food addiction, but that when I want to lose weight, I manage to lose weight.
Newfags are rampant lately.
No. 2280112
>>2280109There is though.. for instance some people only get horny in their imagination or while watching porn, but with an actual person they can't get off no matter how attractive the other is and how comfortable they feel.
I feel like that person would be considered asexual to some degree.
No. 2280117
>>2280111I masturbate sometimes, but I have no desire to have sex with actual people. Literally no desire to fuck anyone.
Masturbation is more just fulfilling a need. Like being hungry and needing to eat. Or having to pee.
Anyone who is "an asexual who has sex" is fucking stupid.
"Vegan who eats meat" vibes.
No. 2280141
>>2280081>>2280079No one said they have to post self-love either, just be fucking normal like the rest of us. You don’t hear me screaming about my body to anyone who listens. No one’s hating on fat people entirely, just the specific sorts of people like this… they’re not always fat even.
You seem overly
triggered over this.
No. 2280254
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I think this looks cool as hell
No. 2280548
nonny thats kind of how everyone discovers imageboards, by coming across them with no prior knowledge. I don't really think it would be possible to block lolcow from google altogether, especially because when you google the names of cows, lolcow pops up. That's how I discovered lolcow, by googling Cyr's name kek not by searching lolcow
No. 2280640
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fujos are responsible for every bad thing that has happened and are the downfall of western civilization. They created porn, own the media and central banks. They are now genociding our yuri sisters and stealing their land. Those evil fujos, and i can't even say i hate them without being accused of being a anti-fujo. The world is unfair. Bad things are happening and i know it's because of them, because of those butt-fucker lovers. I just got cancelled for liking ''6 year old loli does it with her teacher'' by fujos, fujos own the media and are trying to punish us healthy yurifags for being interested in young fertile women (if she is older than 14 she is old). WE MUST FIGHT BACK. Fujos also created yumes and husbandofags and they are their violent-pets and fujos are forcing yumes in yuri spaces to attack us through fandom-immigration policies.
ALL MY FELLOW HITLER-YURIS RISE THE FUCK UP. Our sun is blacker than their ukes asshole.(infighting/baiting)
No. 2280662
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>>2280652You sure about that
No. 2280674
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I got one I've been thinking about a lot lately.
Extroversion & introversion are not just "2 different types of person". One is the correct way to be and the other is a sign of problems.
The forced socialising and generally unsolicited attention that comes with being a woman, (as well as being freakishly tall for one in my case) is actually good for you. Socializing is exhausting for everybody. There is no "some people are fueled by it while others are drained" no that's BS. Exercise is also exhausting but anyone who doesn't do it at least somewhat is worse off for it no matter who you are. Being social is the exact same.
I just became an adult recently and my parents forbid my brother and I from using apps like doordash because it encourages laziness and money wasting. After riding along with my friend while he was doing doordash I realized just how bad it's getting. I had no idea you don't even have to actually talk to the person you can just take a picture of their delivery next to their address and fuck off. He told me almost nobody actually comes to your door anymore. Stuff like that is honestly starting to anger, repulse, and scare me.
No. 2280676
I want hasan piker so bad . Sooo bad . I don’t know if it’s because I’m also turkish but I need him. I know he’s a meme on here. I know everything thinks he has a small head. I know he dresses like a tranny sometimes.
I know how it looks that I attached a tiktok edit of him of all things. I know. But I don’t care. I’m done hiding this part of me.
No. 2280697
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>>2280676his small head will get lost in your pussy so id advise against it
No. 2280716
>>2280676He's widely considered hot, including by me kek, you're not alone.
Wtf are those thin black bands below his knees though?
No. 2280778
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No. 2280824
>>2280745AND the church is completely unregulated, so it's also a haven for abusers and pedos!
Most churches are not subject to the mandatory reporter law, too. Plus, pastors & Christian """counselors""" are not disallowed from romantic relationships with the people they are counseling.
I fucking hate fundie churches.
No. 2280842
>>2280836Nonnie, I meant unpopular across this site. I know there’s a ton of basic bitches who love him too.
As I said, I enjoy the occasional Neanderthal
No. 2280852
>>2280676So he's supposed to be Turkish? I think I've reached the conclusion that I just don't find Mediterranean, Arabian or any moid of that "caliber" much physically attractive. They're so damn hairy like monkeys, damn. Even though he's not that hairy for a Mediterranean, he still just
looks so hairy. I don't understand the reason for this genre of moids to always feel so hairy and hairy
No. 2281207
>>2280674>There is no "some people are fueled by it while others are drained" no that's BS. Exercise is also exhausting but anyone who doesn't do it at least somewhat is worse off for it no matter who you are. Being social is the exact same.I also think it's mostly bs. All people are both, that's just how humans are. Everyone needs time to rest alone AND time to be social. I think people who seriously identify as either an introvert or an extrovert is a disordered person who is just trying their best to cope, but it's not a "default mode" of a person.
For example an introvert is when you're a stressed out autist who gets overwhelmed easily and gets forced into unwanted social interactions, and think that means you're an introvert, when in reality you still need and enjoy positive social interaction. And for the ones who adamantly claim "no ALL social interaction is draining and bad for me!!! I want to be alone all the time!" just ask them how they are, and you will learn they're depressed, lonely, suicidal and suffering every day. They're not actually happier from being alone, they just
want to be alone to suffer in silence like a wounded animal. It's not truly who they are. They're just trying to cope by getting away.
And extroverts are often ADHD people or people with trauma who cannot stand being alone. They need constant stimulation and validation from others. Because being alone leaves them with their own disordered thoughts they panic and never get anything done so they constantly seek others out. Humans just aren't fueled by one or the other, it's a constant balancing act. Just because you prefer a lot of alone time, or a lot of social time, doesn't mean the other period isn't equally important and valuable to your well-being. It's like arguing you're either a food person or a sleep person - but you're always going to need both.
No. 2281294
>>2281286>>2281291So I can’t remember my exact wording because it was 2011. But it was something like “you guys want to talk about how horrible hitler was in history class for 4 weeks out of the semester, but no one wants to acknowledge how tyrannical US’ partners are to their people.” And it was probably about Netanyahu . Something like that. Next day I got called out of first period and was told to sit in the office until my mom showed up. The principal told me and my mom that I was expelled for hate speech and racism. I’m not joking. This is the same week osama bin Laden was killed and people were roaming the hallways and physically shoving people into corners and lockers telling Muslims them they were sorry for our loss lmao. None of them got in trouble, mainly cause none of the Muslims reported it.
The girl who said hitler did nothing wrong was a Gaza refugee who hated Jews . She was my uncles next door neighbor so we would talk a lot . Not necessarily friends. I’m sure that made what I said 10 times worse in whoever reported me’s eyes.
No. 2281304
>>2281298Honestly , I told my mom that and she threatened to fucking beat my ass. It doesn’t matter if I didn’t do anything wrong , she’s just mad I humiliated her by being expelled/made her life harder.
One time I made a joke to my teacher that she shouldn’t let my friend redo something because she’ll just use sparknotes (I promise it was a dumb harmless joke that was honestly funny at the time) and my friend cried to her mom saying I sabotaged her , who then called my mom and was like your daughters a bitch. My mom chewed me out and I was like I literally did nothing wrong and your friends daughter is a cry baby cunt. I told my teacher what happened and SHE even was like wtf that was so unnecessary and you are not the reason she didn’t get to redo it . She called my mom and told her I did nothing wrong and my mom still gave me the silent treatment for an entire month because I humiliated her to her friend.
If it wasn’t obvious I hate my mom and she hates me .
No. 2281319
>>2281304Wow. That pisses me the fuck off. Your mom didn't get you help for being wrongly
expelled (fully kicked out of school) for behaving the way that kids behave online because she was humiliated kek? All of the adults in this story sound so dramatic and retarded
No. 2281416
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I’ve been here since 2015 and the way people rage on here recently gives me second hand embarrassment. Why are you losing your absolute mind over someone’s unpopular opinion? Just crack a joke and disagree. The unpopular opinion could be insane, but what’s more insane is your blood pressure rising and you writing a fucking college entry essay about how much of a dumb fuck they are, and nitpicking on what words a nonna used and whether or not it’s lolcow approved.
On the flip side, there are a lot of snowflakes.
I got called a mean girl on the things I hate thread because I told someone that if she has religious trauma , that she should go get that figured out instead of reeing on here at everyone that triggers her.
Two extremes lately.
No. 2281489
>>2278985I actually find avoidant people more annoying and hard to deal with personally, as much as I hate clingy people. Avoidant people in my experience are terrible at keeping up commitments they themselves made, horrible texters, don't care about your feelings that much and tend to be pretty self centered, all while expecting you to still be fine with whatever they do (and calling anyone who dislikes it clingy, kek). Lots of them expected me to reply to them quickly while remaining avoidant themselves too, it rarely ever went both ways, so I find most of them to be pretty big hypocrites who like avoiding others but can't take it when the same thing is done to them. A lot of men tend to be like that and it's part of why I dislike interacting with them, it just gets annoying after while to get ignored even if you aren't anxious or clingy or whatever, I just kinda mentally check out of that friendship rather than begging them to text me back or something. I've had friends who constantly did this to everyone they talked to, would start conversations then ghost for weeks at a time with no explanation and expect nothing to change, and while at first I was cool with it and saw it as just a chill friendship and just their alone time or whatever, I also just started thinking I'd rather dedicate my time to people who don't suddenly disappear on me for no reason and aren't reliable friends at all. At least with clingy people it somewhat feels like they care more and don't expect me to chase after them since they'll usually come to me themselves, even if it's in a
toxic way and they're harder to get rid of, which can be irritating. It can be somewhat of an ego boost too that someone would even care that much about me, while avoidant people just feel like they're wasting my time and don't give much of a shit about me. But the ideal is somewhere in the middle.
No. 2281540
I understand the irritation with mass media's depiction of women, it's a topic worthy of discussion. But obsessing with representation signals a lack of a strong self. People (libfems, some radfems) who use the argument 'if women see misogynistic caricatures in media this will drive them into unhealthy behavior! therefore it's bad' tell on their people-pleasing tendencies. From my perspective it looks like they have such a weak barrier between themselves and expectations, so they see it as a threat to their integrity. The ones who say it's insulting and inaccurate make more sense to me. Of course this doesn't apply to kids
>>2278985Yes. Crying about 'ghosting' should be counted as a mental disability of some kind
No. 2281582
>>2281561It isn't, normal people view stan culture in general as deranged, which is true
It's probably just unpopular in OP's online bubble
No. 2281604
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>>2281591Can't say it or I'll catch a ban
No. 2281621
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>>2281613The smugness of hettie women make me amused, as if liking scrotes is a human right that’s being denied whenever another woman expresses her opinion that heterosexuality is not naturally enforced. Then we get the lesbians who drop in to make sure you nod your head and agree in unison that sexuality is completely biological, because that’s fighting the conversion therapy boogeyman we’re always supposed to be fighting when males pose a bigger threat than those people ever will especially nowadays. It’s honestly funny whenever women try to call you a tranny, male or the crazy basement lady for stating her opinions, proving even more than male-lovers feelings and opinions matter more than mine because I don’t matter if I don’t worship males and put them on a pedestal, which is exactly what you guys do every waking hour of your lives because you think there’s attractive unicorns that are somehow worth it? I smell CAP
No. 2281657
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>oh, you like attractive men?
>you're just a lesbian in disguise
>real heterosexual women like fat ugly men!
No. 2281670
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>>2281664>women dont have hobbies>and the hobbies they do have arent validWhat's a
valid woman-hobby to you
>im done im going to eat my icecream now You'll be back.
No. 2281694
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No. 2281833
>>2281657Yet it's fine for a man to love big boobie bimbos and called
valid for it. I feel you, nonna.
No. 2281896
>>2281664Eating ice cream is male centered nonna, it clearly resembles penis, it’s phallic, you’re sucking dick right now.
On a more serious note, retards like you are the actual misogynists kek, you are stupid if you think that all hobbies women do are male centered. Why do you think that?
I love cooking, I do it for myself and I think that it’s a skill everyone should have, I love hosting in my place. Is it male centered because scrotes expect you to cook kek?
I love vintage clothing and buying second hand , is it male centered?
You clearly think way too much about men nonna.
No. 2281947
>>2281928Anime and videogames are associated with being a coomer for males too, and how do you think women get to become yaoi and otome fans? Through the same mediums that males become AGP coomers, anime and videogames
Programming may have a slight biological bias but it is associated with men because women have been systematically pushed out of male dominated technological fields for decades which results in society not teaching girls to like it. There are train and plane autists here and there are also programmers, this imageboard was originally for lolita and cosplay otaku so of course most of the people here will sperg about yaoi and husbandos, as if 4chan wasn't 10000 times worse with their hentai addiction, waifu autism and pedophilia
No. 2281950
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>>2281947Don't forget that programming wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Ada Lovelace!
No. 2281954
>drawing yaois>reading about otome/BL media >gossiping on imageboards>home decorMaybe it's weird to say, but man even I find myself eating that shit up.
No. 2281984
>>2281978Nta but we actually do kek
because I was the op of a long forgotten hobby thread but sadly most of those niche boards gets hidden by husbandofag or fujos husbandofaging it's sad really m and ot seems more talk about moid central now than ever
No. 2281985
>>2281971Somewhat on topic, this reminded me of several videos I've seen around about how the internet being mean and spiteful have gotten out of control and has basically destroyed passion and being able to like and talk about things genuinely, unironically.
Rather than these topics being popular because they're male worshipping, it might be that people who are into bl or their boyfriends are willing to sound cringe.
I mean, tbh it can be difficult to have a discussion about other type of anime, manga, or books generally without walking on eggshells on whether it's up to code.
No. 2281991
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>>2281971This site attracted a lot of people with hobbies other than lolita and cosplay but one thing most of us have in common is we like anime and games, and since many of us are straight anime nerds of course we like 2D men. That's the one thing most of us have in common and why the other hobby threads (of which there are many but you chose to ignore i guess) aren't as active as the anime, video game and husbando/fujo threads. We're also naturally horny and that's why /g/ sex threads are active, i guess adult women talking about such a normal thing as sex means we are hobbyless losers why are too stupid yo have "real" hobbies huh?
Behold the superior male hobbies of killing machines and making everything about porn
No. 2281997
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>>2281991* who are too stupid
Here's more based superior male hobby autism for you, males are totally not obsessed with the opposite sex and have totally normal interests am I right
No. 2282001
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>>2281997Let's not forget the superior male hobby of taking cartoons for little girls and corrupting them with their love of porn and violence
No. 2282008
>>2281992I've been on imageboards for a long time, things have definitely gotten meaner. Hell, 4chan decades ago people would take suicide posting seriously and trying to help. That's absolutely ridiculous now.
Tbf it should be common sense that the more bitchy a place is, the less people will post.
No. 2282009
>>2282000You don't get it nonna, they MUST signal that they are not like other girls on the scary anonymous
terf site.
No. 2282028
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>>2282019As someone who isn't a fujo: rent free kek
No. 2282035
>>2282028I know right kek
>everyone I don't like is a fujoNone of them even shilled yaoi
No. 2282069
>>2282062Do you mean they're the only ones left in the hobby threads you want to remain active or are they the only ones left talking in general?
Are there more fujo in the sewing threads?
No. 2282072
>>2282053I'm not the anon you initially accused of being that other poster, and I did leave a couple replies in that thread but I was actually on your side and thought that "yume" was retarded. Surprise, there were more than two people in that thread and not everyone who agrees with you once will agree with everything you have to say.
Nonnas, remember that there are actual self admitted trolls in this thread who only argue for the sake of arguing pointlessly, from this point on you should focus on the original opinion and not give this retard any more of your attention
No. 2282077
>>2282070Actual fujo derangement syndrome, holy shit. YOU GUYS randomly accused your detractors of being fujos for no reason here
>>2282019 and then went full on schizophrenic kek
No. 2282087
>>2282046Thinking on it, I remember reading about a woman who had a grandmother that posted some photo and was brought to tears when someone commented that she was a fat ugly bitch. Most would say that she is being too sensitive to be crying at such a comment, but then it mentioned that the reason why was because she was from a generation where she saw everyone as a human individual, she took it the same way she would if a stranger came up to her and called her an ugly fat bitch in real life.
I feel like many here do not see others as human, but as digital freaks. They're simply telling digital freaks that they suck, they don't see the connection to real people leaving when they see this.
No. 2282089
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Does anyone else think it's interesting that the anti-fujo sperging happened after anons insisted that men have superior interests and that women enjoying media with sexualised men makes them whores?
No. 2282099
>>2282094Inb4 they try to deflect from their obsession by going "WELL THAT'S BECAUSE I'M
No. 2282122
Vidya, shows/movies, gardening, home design, sewing/knitting/crocheting, reading, baking/cooking, biking and hiking, working out, painting, photography, writing, thrifting, making plushies/collecting plushies and other collectibles, pottery, listening to and making music, and much more. Women have many hobbies. Go outside.
No. 2282136
Assuming that "cock obsessed" and "non cock obsessed" posters are completely separate groups of people is pure retardation, so you might as well assume that person is acting retarded on purpose to keep the infight going. Just report them.
>>2282115This,, I'm not going to fill my social media profile with thoughts of wanting to rape anime men, lc is one of the few female only places on the internet where you can get those thoughts out without gendie shit, being surrounded by scrotes, people calling you a freak or defending the dignity of moids
No. 2282137
I like driving vintage cars and collecting old vintages,gardening,cooking new dishes,fostering,sculpting,guns(I don't have a licence yet but plan to),researching old literature,old games,bjds,3d printing,making eco tanks,model kits and garage kits carpentry and now some will consider those "moid" hobbies but that's just restricting yourself of fun for no reason
No. 2282165
>>2282136>Assuming that "cock obsessed" and "non cock obsessed" posters are completely separate groups of people is pure retardationSeriously, I like game design and classic lit too but apparently since I also like anime boys I'm a cocksucking brainless whore according to the nlogs on LC. And they
still wonder why women don't like them when they straight up have a Madonna-whore complex.
No. 2282370
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>>2282314>if you kiss the jannies' asses, they're more likely to pay attention and do something about what you have to report.Even though this is already on everybody's intuition, I still think it's very cool that anon created an experiment to really prove this for themselves. The disparity of how seriously they take you, based on how much clit-sucking you do is honestly a tad bit worrying, because it makes you wonder: If punishments truly boil down this much to how well the jannies like you…are the posted rules really that important? What is the point of having all these rules if it boils down to favoritism? Either file the rules down to banable offenses only being reserved for truly threatening posts, or the mods need to start growing a thicker skin at criticism and actually do what they signed up for.
No. 2282653
>>2281507Exactly. It's just boring to talk to them really. My ideal is still somewhere in the middle where the person isn't too clingy but also isn't super non chalant. Someone where we both give each other our own space to do things and it's all good between us, but also don't ignore each other all the time or leave the other person hanging for way too long. I know a few people like this and they're much better to interact with overall. I'll talk to them whenever I can and it's chill on both sides without feeling too avoidant or too clingy.
>>2281540People who ghost others and can't be normal and just say "sorry I'm busy" or just reply at a later date or something are more mentally ill than anyone not liking that behavior, it's just a shitty and immature thing to do and any normal person would tell you that. A lot of them are quite literally mentally ill too, or at least try to excuse their annoying behaviors with mental illness. It's fine to ghost when the other person is genuinely being insufferable, a creep or an asshole, but not really when no one did anything to you and it's just your thing you do to everyone you encounter because you think you "don't owe anyone anything" or whatever the fuck people say these days. Like okay, don't talk to me in the first place then or expect a response from me either then kek, people like that are so insufferable.
No. 2282732
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>>2282709i remember reading online on a bi guy who said that he never trusts any man who says that they think they are gay/bi because of a porn clip they found and that the bi guy then went on to explain about the concept of pseudobisexuality that comes from porn addiction. and when i tell you, it split my mind open and pulled apart my third eye because it just makes so much sense to me and would explain why there are so many cases of people claiming that they're bi but then regret it down the road and come out straight or even gay. it's the porn that be fucking people up. that said, though, yeah if a guy gets AIDS from all of that then womp womp kek.
No. 2283276
>>2283267You don't owe them anything unless you've explicitly made a promise of some kind. No, unspoken "basic social norms" or any kind of thing that requires mind reading abilities isn't a promise or an agreement.
>>2283272Absolutely ridiculous comparison, you explicitly sign up for a job contract that requires you to do X and Y in return for pay.
No. 2283307
>>2283292She’s saying people who claim they don’t owe anyone anything especially at the cost of their mental health.
You definitely owe someone who has done nothing to you or at the very least don’t realize they have some type of explanation for not wanting to speak to them. Being cut off is extremely painful.
No. 2283321
>>2283307>at the very least don’t realize they have some type of explanation for not wanting to speak to themIf that's the problem, the "ghosted" party can send a text asking for clarification and not worry in complete silence while imagining various things and subsequently worsening their mental health on their own.
>>2283308You can be nice to people and still think you don't owe them anything.
No. 2283333
>>2283312>>2283321How is a ghost self explanatory? Sometimes people ghost because they lose interest. It doesn’t have to be caused by something betraying or severe.
Sometimes people don’t ask people why they’ve been ghosted because you feel pathetic doing so. Or they know the person will just come up with some bullshit about how they’re not ghosting.
No. 2283337
>>2283267I just don't believe that you need to give reasons to ghost people because you don't actually owe them anything. If they were that good of a friend then it wouldn't have happened. Like, figure it out yourself why you got ghosted. Not being aware is probably one of the reasons why it happened.
>>2283272I'm not talking about jobs
No. 2283347
>>2283340The fuck are you even going on about. So it’s clingy to wonder why your friend hasn’t been responding out of the blue? Do you value friendship whatsoever?
You’ve clearly never experienced it and probably do it to others a lot. That or you’re an autist who doesn’t understand basic social etiquette and respect.
No. 2283351
>>2283347No, I'm just asking why you feel pathetic texting someone for explanation.
It's really weird to me that while you do want them to respond and explain something, you're not willing to actually confront them about it and instead prefer to suffer in silence.
No. 2283354
>>2283344i'm really sorry
nonnie, did you guys have an argument or something before she had the party without including you
No. 2283361
>>2283354Honest to god we didn’t. I’m overly self aware. She even sent me something the night before.
>>2283351Honestly because once someone disrespects me like that, I don’t really want to speak to them anymore . Unless they apologize or address whatever issue they have with me, which I promise there wasn’t one when it happened to me.
>>2283349You realize most people are not this insane kek. Most people who get ghosted get ghosted for either no reason or something very juvenile and usually unintentional.