No. 228282
I have been thinking recently I'd love to have a thread where we could post documentaries. I watch a lot especially when doing stuff around the house so I can post a couple of favourites I recommend here in the OP, more in the comments if anyone is interested, and would love to find some new ones!
Interview with a Cannibal: Guy who met up with another guy online who consented to being murdered and eaten. Morbid but interesting watch. German, so subtitled.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKzf-rG9JBsPolygamy Doc: One Man, Six Wives, Twenty something kids. A guy in utah who keeps very very young wives and at the time of filming, being 40 ish, was trying to woo a 16 year old kid. (not a spoiler but he subsequently went to jail and a few wives left him, some stayed. Very interesting to watch and to look into after)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqORJHyNWJc&t=2sA historical one for variety: The truth about hygiene etc in Versailles. Stumbled across this and left it on while doing my makeup and really liked it! Sent me down a nice historical rabbithole, not of actual history per se but of little tidbits like this about daily life and lesser known shit (literally)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWYIgqMEE2o&t=1sOk back to morbid. If you haven't seen this already, it's insane, a little girl, "child of rage". Another one interesting to look into what happened afterwards (she was later put through attachment therapy)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9GYExnh1yU&t=71sAbigail & Brittany Hensel, conjoined twins who are cool to watch and learn about. They recently became teachers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K57IcN9DWXo&t=719sAnother set of conjoined twins, Taty and Krista, the only time this sort of conjoinment has been observed. They essentially share a brain and nobody can imagine how they see through each other's eyes and how they're connected. Well made doc too
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH4I_7CC4wgDocumentary about Juliana Whetmore, a little girl with one of the most severe cases of treacher collins the world has seen. Like the ones above, if you watch docs you've likely already seen this, but if you haven't, it is a bit hard to watch.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjpTVYVM5wQ&t=1853sAaaaand one on incest and "genetic sexual attraction". Good for a shock watch.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPjvqIXSdM4&t=1070sThese are just some basic ones to see if anyone is interested in the thread!I fucked up posting this like three times so here goes again my bad
No. 228324
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I do the same, I mainly watch shock documentaries or ones that make me cringe so if that’s your sort of thing or you fancy a giggle,
40 year old virgins is about two people who go to America to meet sex therapists
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dYLF77W8y6UA very British brothel is a family run brothel that shows it all in an almost comical light
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ho5xlThe girl who became three boys is more serious but a really bizarre case
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2w9a5yMy barbie body
https://vidoza.net/ijeu4spwc8hw.htmlMy granny the escort
http://putlockers.fm/watch/yd6JeMd7-my-granny-the-escort.htmlA 2006 British drug trial that went wrong
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WW3gKEd-IfAFemale serial killer Joanna dennehy is a pretty shocking watch
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ofqOUnh-EAoLife of human pups
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dViIVCg0OpQThe secrets of the living dolls and we’re not talking Venus, this is grown men putting on rubber suits
http://coolmoviezone.info/secrets-of-the-living-dolls-2014/ No. 228328
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Who Took Johnny. I believe its on netflix.
No. 228331
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Paris is Burning is a fucking classic, but that ugly AGP prostitute was my first peak trans. Especially when it was still on YT and everyone was reeing about terfs in the comments whenever someone called him creepy.
Oh, and Black Fish was depressing, but I liked it. I used to watch a lot of documentaries, but I can't remember any of them now…
No. 228373
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Do people outside of the UK know/care about Louis Theroux?
No. 228377
>>228373Kind of? Mexican public TV (Canal Once, specifically) used to play his works every know and then.
Also, contributing to the topic with this Youtube channel and the last doc I saw.
No. 228378
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>>228347venus xtravaganza?
i've always appreciated his panache and sass, but he had some fucked up ideas about what it is to be a woman.
No. 228380
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• Grey Gardens
• Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist
• The Devil and Daniel Johnston
• The Impostor
• God Loves Uganda
In a way, all of the above docs are about lolcows of one description or another.
No. 228409
>>228373Love him!
I really recommend Zoo, it's about a group of Zoophiles and one of them dies due to internal bleeding after fucking a horse. Hilariously fucked up, not suggested if you're faint of heart or love horses.
Other ones I like:
Paris is Burning
The Cove
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSNNeu3ffzkCarts of Darkness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi-f_J6hV-g No. 228511
>>228409OP here, I have been trying to find a place to watch Zoo for so fucking long and have never succeeded :(
>>228373Ireland here so it doesn't really count but yeah he's big here. I like his uh, subtly catty style lmao. I never copped that he was like that until my bf pointed it out too. I feel asleep during the scientology one though even though I was super hyped for it
>>228324I love you. I feel like our interests are identical lol
Here's a new one on furries and professional apologisers apparently but not available in my country:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_kwdyzyd6oNot a documentary but might as well be, crazy religious girl morning routine that made me literally laugh out loud a few days ago:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZ8Q2DtYec&tTrash quality but this is about jani and bodhi, if you havent heard of them it's very munchausen-y, their mom pushes a diagnosis of schizophrenia on both her kids by enabling whack behaviour and it's angering to watch tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61GmUYCzCzUGenie Wiley, a girl severely abused and neglected for her whole life as a teenager, left in a dark room chained to a potty, she wasn't retarded at birth but had absolutely no skills or language so they tried to see if they could teach her. This one makes me sad though.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjZolHCrC8E&t=5sPeople who parent those very lifelike fake newborns:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4_K8JTtXn0&t=90s No. 228628
Love you too anon
I think this might be the furry one
http://www.channel4.com/programmes/world-of-weird/on-demand/63311-006The Genie case is incredibly sad, thanks for the links, going to give them a watch
No. 228694
This documentary is particularly interesting in relation to lolcows and their obsession with filming their lives. This guy became an absolute trainwreck of narcissism, drug addiction, and mental illness but didn't stop filming.
https://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/tv_junkieRick Kirkham got his first video camera when he was 14 years old. It became his best friend and confidant. From that point on, he began documenting every facet of his life. He got his first break in TV as a dancer on American Bandstand. A little nudge from Dick Clark to pursue a career in television, and he was on his way. He quickly rose through the ranks from local TV news to a gig as a national correspondent for Inside Edition. His girlfriend then got pregnant, and they got married. Everything was golden . . .or was it? The flip side of his life was another story, and his camera shockingly captured both with the same candor and vigor. What unfolds in TV JUNKIE is a riveting journey into the heart of darkness, where one man's fight for survival is caught on tape in an unprecedented way. A self-imposed "The Truman Show" with a dark twist, TV JUNKIE transcends one man's tragic story and becomes a harrowing reflection on a generation obsessed with celebrity and technology. Utilizing more than 3,000 hours of footage, directors Michael Cain and Matt Radecki tackle the Herculean task of editing it with intelligence, compassion, and honesty to tell this unbelievable story that is both a cautionary tale and a gripping portrait of a TV JUNKIE.
No. 228723
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>>228324 more like these please! i love cringe documentaries, it's my bread and butter
life with lisa ling documentary about pickup artists:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wXeyaYdwo0the woman who wasn't there (about a woman who pretended she was a victim of 9/11):
https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/the-woman-who-wasnt-thereshort documentary on loveshy men:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ8EAwRauoMtrue life: i'm an adult baby:
http://www.mtv.com/episodes/sliu3b/true-life-i-m-an-adult-baby-season-22-ep-24 No. 228815
You guys probably know about this case but, just bringing awareness based on recent events regarding one of the killers.
Both these boys were given only 8 years in secure children's homes and new names. Jon Venables ended up in possession of child porn/abusive images multiple times, arrested,and given another new name. Just this month he was back in the news for again having not only child porn but, a pedo manual. James Bulger's mom is fighting to lift his anonymity for obvious reasons. Besides that, a woman has once feared him being the father of her child without knowing his past, again proving how fucked up it is to keep his identity from the public.
I recommend reading the wiki on this case, the details about what they did to James is disturbing and puts in perspective how messed up that they got let out so early with what seemed to be with little therapy or consoling.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger No. 228900
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The Up Series is a series of films (one is made every 7 years) that chronicle the lives of fourteen British children. It began in 1964 when all the participants were 7 years old and it has now gone on for nearly half a century.
Pretty interesting.
No. 230882
One of my all time favorit documentary is the mouse Utopia.
Sadly it is not very long.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM&feature=youtu.beI really love psychology documentarys which try to understand behaviors, reason of specific acts and stuff like that.
The most evil, was interesting too. It is about mass murderer.
http://crimedocumentary.com/most-evil-season-1-2006/ No. 231035
Documentary about two girls in the beauty pageant scene.
https://youtu.be/dwttqXiCE-IAdoptive mother of 11 special needs children.
https://youtu.be/L_LmrrQG35oFollows 2 teens in a detention center in NY.
https://youtu.be/klxB_HrtCKo No. 375068
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Request for YouTube documentaries? I’ve watched all in the OP and they’re like the only things that keep me entertained at the gym. Please and thank you!!!!