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No. 229995
With the influx of newfags on this board, I think it's time to educate them on the history of cows that started it all. I'll try to compile some links and photos, but any help from other anons would be great.
Feel free to tell stories of the old days of /cgl/ and StaminaRose.
Pixyteri (AKA Asherbee) thread is not for current drama, if you want to talk about what are they doing these days there is a thread for that.
>>>/pt/39813 No. 230009
File: 1519092041772.jpg (44.93 KB, 366x500, felice170225.thumb.jpg.6dbec5f…)

Here's a bunch of screenshots from Felice's Twitter snagged from PULL. Unfortunately, it seems like she's deactivated her account.
No. 230021
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>>230016Wow. I am an actual moron, I posted thumbnails instead of full-sized pics. Let's try this one more time.
No. 230027
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No. 230029
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I think these shoops were my favorite, I can't find the others though
No. 230031
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>>230027>2010 was 8 years agoFucking hell. I remember when cgl first went apeshit over this. Workout lines!
And when we finally got kimono pictures!
No. 230107
I miss /cgl/ resident shitposter drama like Flan
>>>/pt/40746Or when there was drama with PULL mod, Orange Citrus, who also tried becoming a new boxxy on unichan
>>>/pt/19 No. 230268
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>>230171To be fair it was a common meme that Pixy had t-Rex arms.
No. 230269
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This was a pretty funny, but sad moment for pixy
No. 230380
>>230366That would be OrangeCitrus, her thread might still be around, shortest summary is she was an attentionwhore that used to moderate PULL and would ban subjects because they would hurt her feelings. She had to bring up her boob size all the time, idk it was weird. Then after her getting outted she left the site then started camming not too long after.
I'm shit at explaining things, but I hope I did it well enough to give you an idea.
No. 230442
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>>230380Thank you anon! I've read her name around here before but didn't know it was her. Gonna read her drama now
No. 230535
>>230269lmao at the kanji
it's ่กจ. it just means surface. not that mysterious.
No. 230565
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>>230027God what a fucking icon. Do you ever get sad you will never feel the same joy as you did when you first learned about our queens existence?
No. 230637
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Bunny Alexander converting to islam because she fucked up her hair was honestly iconic. mira who??
No. 230641
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>>230637Fast forward a year and she was basing her whole identity around her job as a stripper. amazing.
No. 231823
File: 1519976285596.jpg (44.33 KB, 500x500, 1510285173610.jpg)

>>229995How come this site has no settings? like Quote Inlining for instance.