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File: 1736984209877.jpg (161.76 KB, 1200x1200, winter geckos.jpg)

No. 2348141

actual mundane events edition

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2330755

No. 2348149

I'm so excited to see another nona use the lizards as a threadpic!!

No. 2348154

hope no one noticed the typo in the initial post, was too excited to finally bring the geckos in as per nonnie suggestion

No. 2348160

Nah I'm ugly but I could see someone pretending to find me "cute" for special points or something. I've seen this behavior regarding certain topics I'll refrain from mentioning before, so I can see it happening with my face if godforbid it gets posted somehow.

No. 2348164

I went out of my way to make a meatloaf with organic vegetables and grass fed organic beef and it turned out shit. Significantly worse taste than the mass produced corn fed beef I used to make my normal amazing meatloaf.

No. 2348190

File: 1736986774631.jpg (25.16 KB, 640x634, 1000000938.jpg)

Top tier threadpic although, geckos shouldn't be around each other like that even just for a pic. Idk how someone got a hat on 1 gecko, let alone 3

No. 2348194

>geckos shouldn't be around each other like that even just for a pic
i know its a quick google search, but could you elaborate more on that? id like to hear more

No. 2348199

File: 1736987483914.jpg (26.34 KB, 960x720, 1000000939.jpg)

Quick and simple explanation is just that they're solitary, prey creatures. They pretty much limit their interactions with other animals as much as possible, and bring close to other geckos can stress them out. If they're cohabitated together, often they will fight for dominance and food but a lot of people don't know ge ko body language, so they see stuff like picrel and think "awww they're cuddling" kek. Anyway, it's just unnecessary stress.

No. 2348209

Thank you! Very informative and straight to the point, it reminds me of how snakes are incapable of feeling affection but can otherwise show their attachment to their owners in the form of trust. (take this with a grain of salt, this is coming second hand)

No. 2348246

Thank you to the anon that made this thread with the correct thread description. Much love to you.

No. 2348272

File: 1736991601531.jpg (68.2 KB, 686x386, 1000000940.jpg)

I think I might try to do a keratin treatment at home. A relaxer would be cheaper and easier, but I've seen the studies about how they cause cancer.

No. 2348273

I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life but left looks so much nicer

No. 2348279

It's more about management than looks. Also, my hair doesn't look like that

No. 2348285

I don't like how people pretend to feel strongly about things as a joke or whatever. The most recent creepcast episode reminded me of that because Wendigoon kept saying how he wants to leave but can't because there's so much money involved. He also likes to remind people he was in medschool whenever things get a little too silly around him and it's so annoying. I know he's just saying it to play the straight man and that he knows he's lucky to have made millions off youtube but it ruins the mood. Reminded me of acquaintances that would derail conversations by taking fake offense to something that others would then play along with. Maybe I'm just autistic.

No. 2348286

can you post in the hair thread in /g/ about how it goes? I've wanted to do this at home as well but I'm too pussy

No. 2348290

I'll make sure to if i actually go through with it

No. 2348297

File: 1736992682547.jpg (80.69 KB, 1311x181, Screenshot_20250116_045601_Sam…)

Reading a fanfiction and got jumpscared by this line. Who tf is Muhammad in this context. This is so hilarious considering it's a capeshit high-school AU fanfic

No. 2348300

KEKK that reminds me of the time I was reading a fic and I got absolutely blindsided by a character being referred to as "the brit". my god just go back to calling him the blonde or blue orbed fellow.

No. 2348302

>blue orbed fellow

No. 2348380

File: 1736997762918.jpg (2.8 MB, 5500x3465, Mitsubishi_Galant_1600_EL.jpg)

I really like cars but modern cars are so fucking ugly i refuse to learn how to drive. I want pic rel, it looks cool. Modern cars look like homosexual eggs.

No. 2348395

Backwaters in the middle of no where always weirdly obsessed with the squid game people indonesians/malaysians likely wrote that

No. 2348412

About a week ago I found a rock I collected as a child. I forgot I even liked to pick up rocks.

No. 2348422

Samefag but I also found some of my baby teeth. It mad me sad because it reminded me of how bad my dental hygiene was growing up. However, I will say my canine teeth were pointy as fuck. I'm kinda jealous of little me, I wish they were still sharp so I could be a vamp kween.

No. 2348509

I love walking. Makes me feel so good mentally and physically. If I could only stick with one form of exercise ever, it would be walking. I wish it wasn't seen as so uncool. Maybe I was a dog in a past life.
Can be euros too, the Muhammad to the mountain saying is common in some euro countries too

No. 2348543

Wish they'd return to these shapes but I think it has to do with safety kek modern cars are built to crumple up in accidents

No. 2348556

my face is so dry from winter

No. 2348574

Life has gotten so crazy, I've started playing affirmation videos while I sleep. And also just cause the talking helps me fall asleep…

No. 2348575

Watching my scrawny teenage brother house down an entire pizza, a Costco sized premade salad and three red velvet cupcakes in abject jealousy

No. 2348580

it's cold out so i am bundled up in bed with a bunch of fluffy blankets and feel like i'm in a burrow

No. 2348592

File: 1737015558416.jpeg (35.43 KB, 344x350, IMG_0524.jpeg)

Here ya go noni

No. 2348604

My body looks better when slightly underweight, I have some hip definitions instead of looking like a barrel.

No. 2348606

Don't feel bad anon, his bad eating habits will catch up with him eventually.

No. 2348608

anon it sounds like she's missing when she could do that when she was younger and is commenting her brother still can because of his teenage metabolism not that he has bad eating habits… this isn't the vent thread.

No. 2348689

Eating 4 nutella toast and 2 bowls of cornflakes and enjoying myself until I look at my phone clock and am like damnnn nearly 3 weeks into the new year and I still haven't started on that weight loss journey

No. 2348702

In my winter coat right now, I have three cool pebbles I found. I keep them in there so I can feel them and be happy everytime I put on the coat.

No. 2348705

ok, but he still doesn't have ass does he?, checkmate liberal

No. 2348706

Keekk you’re me

No. 2348755

i wish i could eat that much nutella without falling into a sugar coma. you're more powerful than me

No. 2348761

File: 1737036090398.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, Elsie dies from cringe.png)

>doing some art studies
>one monitor has my drawing program open, the second monitor has gay porn in it
>carefully analyzing how the torso and pelvis protrudes in skinny guys, and where the muscles are attached in buff moids
>moms on vacation, i should be fine
>suddenly the door swings opens at full force
>its my grandma
>she looks at my screen
>i rapidly close the window
>there is another window with more gay porn under it
>i close that too
>she looks at me
>i look at her
>there is at least 5 seconds of silence, they feel eternal
>i break the ice
>''so.. uhh what do you want''
>''your mom asked me to check on you, she told me you havent answered the phone since you left
>check phone, 5 missing calls and 4 messages
>''well uhh.. tell her i am fine''
>''ok, call if you need anything''
>she finally leaves

it must have been like 5 mins max but it felt like an eternity, why do they never knock

No. 2348771

>i rapidly close the window
>there is another window with more gay porn under it
Kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nonna

No. 2348779

KEK that's why I always draw facing the door. Good luck on your studies

No. 2348789

Those were the days

No. 2348797

I can’t believe asmongold lives near Austin (Cedar Park). I want Austin to rid of all youtubers/streamers/etc. I want them out!!

No. 2348805

Maybe but this was written in 2014

No. 2348811

How does that hideous man even have a platform

No. 2348823

I feel like Lolcow could benefit from having better threads on the non-cow boards. Like how on 4chan boards the threads have pastebins and stuff like that, especially on /m/, it would be nice if we could have some "lolcow curated" media list where when you want a recommendation there's a bunch of books, games, anime, shows etc that's basically stamped with the farmer seal of approval.

No. 2348834

File: 1737042248634.jpg (178.87 KB, 1500x942, pickwick turkish apple.jpg)

I'm so glad I bought this on a whim I can't get enough of it.

No. 2348851

There is something like that in the anime thread OP, nonas briefly made a rec list last year but nothing has been added to it for a while

No. 2348870

I both like and dislike that I was placed in a workplace where there is not a lot of movement. I get to chill more but at the same time, I wish I had more to do other than paperwork and just wait for people.

No. 2348890

File: 1737044864058.jpg (117.54 KB, 1271x714, dyingofcringe.JPG)

Just remembering the time I had to room with a scrote and he took me with him to buy weed. The dealer was still in high school. Can't believe I used to know someone who was that much of a loser. It's been ten years and I still react like picrel.

No. 2348932

Something in my room smells bad, but I can’t find it

No. 2348943

the last time that happened to me, turns out you shouldnt put a take out coffee cup in your room trash bin since the leftover coffee starts to rot and emit a foul stench. Ive learnt to dispose of it in public trashbins/the kitchen bin since I dont change my room bin as often

No. 2348950

One time this happened to me in my kitchen and it was old broccoli water in a steamer, broccoli really stinks surprisingly

No. 2348956

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i think lolcow and watching malcolm in the middle while eating grapes are the only things keeping me distracted from my heavy depression. and sometimes not even malcolm can save me. but it works pretty well

No. 2348959

I fucking love Malcolm in the Middle, nonnie. Especially Lois. There's something so refreshing about her character and how headstrong, crazy, and smart she is for a woman. It's also really refreshing to have a family sitcom where the family is just retarded and not wholesome at all. Malcolm in the Middle lolcow watch party when?

No. 2349080

File: 1737052716442.png (397.33 KB, 400x423, IMG_3435.png)

>makes a super pretty female sim with an ultra detailed backstory
>makes her mother
>has to make the dad
anybody else spends hours making sims and then you have to make the males and then you don’t really want to do it….. should i just make her have lesbian mothers or a single mom???

No. 2349083

Yeah, male Sims are always so boring to make even with cc kek. I think lesbian mothers.

No. 2349096

Yes you’re so right they are, thanks nonners ♥

No. 2349098

personally i think mitosis or stork delivery

No. 2349099

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I want Meguca akatans

No. 2349101

File: 1737053662658.png (63.99 KB, 976x363, babu HATERS.png)

Fuck these people though these figures are cute as shit.

No. 2349201

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YES i love lois! i feel bad for her having to deal with her dumbass sons but as you've said, it's so nice to see a responsible and angry and crazy woman being a main character on a 2000s show. also she kinda reminds me of my own mom i support the malcolm watchparty!

No. 2349205

nona what the FUCK is your picrel

No. 2349290

Imagine not only being married to a moid but birthing so many of them you can’t escape their presence. That is true hell, I commend lois as a character

No. 2349295

thanks for the nightmares

No. 2349298

Does anyone remember that anon who complained about the show not being sexy

No. 2349363

Yeah I do because I had to fight her.

No. 2349380

There's a super drunk hobo in my train and I get off at the penultimate station, I hope he won't vomit or attack someone.

No. 2349391

Sitting in the doctors office with a family and their son is a tim, is it bad that I have the innate sense that hes getting groomed on discord?

No. 2349411

ugly plastic crap(baiting in mundane thread)

No. 2349419

File: 1737065775132.jpg (125.71 KB, 640x640, moomin.jpg)

i took comet in moominland out from my library and i'm the first person since 2007 to check it out, and the first person to check it out is from all the way in 1985. idk why but something about how im the first person checking it out in 17 years is interesting to me

No. 2349434

>17 years
I felt this sharp burning ache in my chest just now

No. 2349443

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens

No. 2349446

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No. 2349477

I'm going to reorganize my desk tomorrow I'm so excited it's going to look so cute.

No. 2349498

I did a caroline girvan workout and i was proud of myself for starting to get in shape with weights, even though it was a bit tough, till i saw my weights were half of hers in the video. Sigh

No. 2349514

You're still getting somewhere regardless. If you keep at it, you'll eventually be able to do it with the same weights as hers. Good luck, and I'm proud of you for actually trying to improve your physical health. Pray I do so next lmao.

No. 2349541

File: 1737071398140.jpg (61.44 KB, 640x622, 92c378201700d0a3694569732fd6cd…)

Thank you Nonny. Go do your workout too! Pic rel is us on the 2025 grind, hard in the paint.

No. 2349553

It's 3 AM and I'm low on blood sugar so I'm eating a pear and feeling sleepy but thanks, I'll hopefully start tomorrow.

No. 2349578

i remember in a specific episode in season 1 she said that having the 4 of them was like 120 hours of labor combined, plus francis was born feet-first adding more hours. poor woman… she's such a queen

No. 2349621

File: 1737075470598.jpg (171.36 KB, 735x1236, 1000000949.jpg)

About to do picrel on my head. Will probably take 2 days minimum. Then after I will have to do my own nails. Being a DIY person kinda socks. Oh well though, I can finally watch the new Nosferatu. I probably will want to fuck Orlock.

No. 2349627

Went on my laptop to check something and the WIFI option was removed? This happened after an update I installed. Why is Microsoft so retarded like this. I found the fix for it but it's so stupid that it even happened.

No. 2349628

>I probably will want to fuck Orlock.
He has no ass I was so disappointed.

No. 2349637

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No. 2349639

Hate when lc is dead

No. 2349643

Become a consolidation-chan like >>2341332

No. 2349644

I fucking love Malcolm in the Middle, a watchparty would be awesome. I would even host it if no other anons want to

No. 2349648

I like that this redtext implies that baiting is acceptable in other threads.

No. 2349651

I did this already! I'm just fucking retarded when it comes to my finances, because when I get really depressed I don't give a singular fuck what happens and blow my money on whatever keeps me alive for another day.

No. 2349652

File: 1737077437744.png (249.77 KB, 724x675, cmon do something.png)

how it feels to be terminally online and the 20 threads you keep tabs on have no new posts

No. 2349656

IKR. Usually I spend 14-16 hours a day on here and I noticed Thursdays and Tuesdays are always slow and boring. Even the bait posted on these days is low-effort.

No. 2349657

Sometimes I keep all my favorite threads open on separate tabs while I watch netflix. I hate minimizing my show to check if anyone's posted and seeing that NO ONE HAS.

No. 2349662

14 hours a day? Nonna…

No. 2349666

It seems plausible if youre on your phone most of the day, or you work at a desktop job where you can have the tab open. Its not too bad in comparison to tiktokfags and redditfags

No. 2349672

Hmm, well in that case I guess I can relate. I was thinking 14 hours straight. There isn't even enough activity on here to be on here for that long kek.

No. 2349677

Why am I peeing so much lately. I barely drink water and yet I pee like 7 times a day. It's also hard to pee (urinary retention). Very confused.

No. 2349681

My nose gets so itchy when I talk a lot, does this happen to anyone else? When I asked my friend she said it doesnt happen to her. Usually when my nose itches its a sign that I've been yapping for far too long and should probably shut up kek

No. 2349683

It used to be 18 hours a day minimum but I cut down a lot.
I don't have a job I just chill.
Yeah usually it's 14 hours straight but I do other stuff too. Like if I'm cooking dinner I'll have my phone open to LC and I'll be posting with my left hand while I stir with my right hand.
Start drinking 3L of water a day and see if anything changes. It's not good to be dehydrated

No. 2349699

Im feeling sleepy but I want to stay up to see a new gacha card reveal… modern problems

No. 2349707

When this happened to me I had a UTI

No. 2349708

>14-16 hours
Holy shit so whenever people say they have a life on here are they just lying to keep up appearances for literal strangers? KEK

No. 2349710

Dang nona. My screen time for lolcow is normally just 10 hours a week…

No. 2349711

I have that same thing sometimes because I’m also dehydrated and barely drink enough water lately, you have to flush it out or something idk I’m not a medical professional obviously kek but drink lots of water but space it out a few hours so you don’t get water poisoning (I’m still paranoid because of that one story they told in a high school science class about some woman drinking a whole jug of water in one sitting for some contest off a radio show and painfully dying because her kidneys couldn’t process that much water and I always think of that ever since)

No. 2349712

When I had a job I should’ve acquired a credit card… could have solved so many problems by becoming a debtfag.

No. 2349714

Damn back when I was a neet I hated being on lc too long. Just even reading about college/employed nonas made me upset

No. 2349718

It shouldn't make you upset: everyone is different. Truthfully I feel a bit bad for the anons that have jobs, unless they're interesting jobs.

No. 2349719

this happens to me on a regular basis for years but 100 times a day and it's not even a UTI. still haven't found an answer.

No. 2349731

I really want to leave teaching, but the job market is shit. I don't know who would hire me and for what with a masters in English/education. I'll do anything that isn't math heavy/makes me a livable wage.

No. 2349737

I dont know why, but i feel like watching Showgirls. Whenever i am anxious i feel like watching garbage movies.

No. 2349782

For me it’s Teen Witch kek

No. 2349805

I just watch my favorite comfort movie: Home on the range.

No. 2349807

File: 1737084813450.webp (121.15 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_3590.webp)

I am so happy that this automatic wet food feeder for cats exists. I just want to spread my appreciation for this device. It makes my life so much better. It was worth the $100

No. 2349815

Everytime I happen to learn something new about Mormons I'm more confused about Mormons

No. 2349817

this reminds me that i need to email them about the kibble auto feeder, it’s not working for me and I recently purchased it but I’ve been putting it off

No. 2349819

that movie is so underrated, it looks so good and i like the yodelling song

No. 2349820

What did you just learn about them?
That's neat. I might just have to buy one. Thanks

No. 2349828

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow morning but I might be able to get Waffle House afterwards so it’s okay
My stalker was a devout mormon. He sent me pics in his magic underwear unprompted once.

No. 2349833

Does it keep the wet food cold? I don't have a cat, but I've been planning for when I do. I thought an automatic feeder wouldn't keep the food cold (aka safe) for the cat.

No. 2349834

I saw a tattoo someone posted in a bad tattoo page that was a really shitty michael jackson with the caption "mistake I made 40 years ago." My brain immediately went
>but they didn't have tattoos back then?

No. 2349837

The magic underwear is legit? What does it even look like? I hope he's with josepth smith now, anon

No. 2349842

Imagine the amount of husbandofags and weird fujo selfcest ships this movie would have created. Maybe it was canned because its power was too powerful to unleash.

No. 2349847

File: 1737086691427.jpeg (390.16 KB, 1125x1116, 3C6F74D2-3345-4072-A27B-480688…)

No. 2349858

they’re some bat shit mother fuckers aren’t they. Some dude just made up some random rules and people believed it like morons. Maybe that’s why he named it Mormon, because it sounds like moron.

No. 2349869

i would have been one of them i'm so bummed it never came out

No. 2349872

they're like american muslims

No. 2349873

Looking like some 1900s long johns. kek

No. 2349928

File: 1737089702010.jpg (184.27 KB, 720x937, 1.jpg)

Gonna become a mormon and unleash my full potential of being literally God

No. 2349942

Have fun

No. 2349958

i am glad we dont have these in my country, instead we have brazilian evangelists

No. 2349983


No. 2349998

I tried washing a second hand item that I bought from the thrift store. There's a weird musty smell to it and not only did the smell not go away by the time it finished washing, it made my other clothes smell too. I would have used bleach to neutralize the smell but the instructions say not to so I only used detergent the first time. Now I'm washing the load a second time but with baking soda and Downy scent booster beads. What a waste of time and water.

No. 2350003

File: 1737095315438.jpg (16.48 KB, 344x258, 1998 Camry Le.jpg)

I drive this, and it is literally my sweet pea I love this car so much it grew on me

No. 2350013

gorgeous car anon!! i love them so much

No. 2350044

I feel lucky to have a ceiling fan. I feel lucky to be clean. I feel lucky to have unlimited internet access. I feel lucky to rent movies on the TV. I feel lucky to have McDonald’s when I want. I feel lucky to smoke or drink as much as I want. I feel lucky my man gives me money to buy clothes or makeup. I feel lucky I can buy cat litter whenever my cats need it. I feel lucky I can foster cats when people need to give them homes, I am there. I feel lucky I can wash my clothes at my home for free. I feel lucky to have tampons and pads when I need them.

No. 2350051

>I feel lucky to have a ceiling fan
I have an AC. Not so lucky anymore, are you?

No. 2350056

Aren’t so you lucky, what a gross word.

No. 2350057

She still has cat litter
Got anything luckier than cat litter?
Didn't think so

No. 2350059

File: 1737099624951.jpg (48.34 KB, 612x406, gettyimages-157529851-612x612.…)

I have never been to one but laundromats look so comfy

No. 2350062

They are kinda comfy tbh, a bit of a "third place" for me growing up. There were always other kids running around and we would play while waiting for our parents to finish up the laundry and the laundromat always had vending machines and snacks.

No. 2350063

I have me lucky dime

No. 2350065

My mother wouldn’t even take me there growing up. She’d let our clothes pile up into huge moldy mounds and then make us go to school smelling like our old clothes kek. I used to develop rashes on my inner thighs from the dirty clothes rubbering on my skin.

No. 2350066

Happy for you nonna, you've got so many blessings in your life and I hope you find more through the new year!
>I feel lucky I can foster cats when people need to give them homes, I am there.
You deserve the best you sweet sweet person. Please come back and tell us about your next foster kitty when you meet them.

No. 2350073

Thank you

No. 2350120

Try vodka if it doesn't go away

No. 2350122

I am going to take a shower and order some starbucks. I have been trying to draw for the past 6 hours and everything i make is fucking shit.

No. 2350142

LOL, you got a jock itch. But feels good to scratch it hm?

No. 2350144

my husband told me we might moving to japan in a few months and i'm losing it bc i learned arabic now i need to learn kangi? lmaooooo fuck me. and he's khmer which has the biggest amount of letters of any alphabet. please kill me, i did not sign up to be a linguist when i fell in love five years ago

No. 2350159

No. 2350176

No. 2350198

Sounds like the average military wife problem, you should have expected that mmwhen marrying into that shit environment. At least you're going abroad and not in yet another shitty town.

No. 2350204

you should go to ろくろと米 ととと in Sumida near Tokyo Skytree2D Cafe in Shin-Okubo, it's a pottery place / restaurant

No. 2350210

Why would you have to learn Khmer if you can already communicate with him well enough to marry him? Good luck when learning Japanese. If you learned Arabic without having a mental breakdown I'm not too worried for you though.

No. 2350220

File: 1737119973556.jpg (23.79 KB, 539x561, crying.jpg)

i just cancelled with the guy i am seeing again. God i bet he despises me now, i am such an asshole. But i feel so fucking depressed i dont want to take an 1 hour train in summer to go met with him. Fuck, the first time i met a guy thats actually nice and i screwed up already.

No. 2350230

File: 1737120638338.png (33.2 KB, 329x439, 1671080970443.png)

>I don't want to take a one hour train ride
It hurts to see others throwing away blessings.

No. 2350231


No. 2350233

i am from latam nonny, the trains smell like piss and the chairs are all rotten and have weird stains on them

No. 2350235

What do you mean by this?

No. 2350239

i understand it tbh, i hate my 1 hour metro commute for the college i pay lakhs in tuition for, imagine having to do that for a scrote that you might not even get to tap.
you said "in summer" and only Australia came to mind as a place where it would be summer in January, sorry nonny kek

No. 2350244

Well what do you want us to say kek? Maybe you didn’t really like him that much.

No. 2350247

File: 1737121284871.jpeg (301.18 KB, 788x1024, IMG_7586.jpeg)

Good. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

No. 2350248

File: 1737121295018.jpeg (202.75 KB, 1464x849, download-10.jpeg)

I've been having bad days since fucking yesterday and now i'm home but i have a headache but it's getting worse with me laughing at this shit omg

No. 2350249

women are so funny and adorable when emulating their country's stereotypes while men are like "rape hahahahaha" "rage hahahaha", i'm gonna go to japan with >>2350144 to beat up Pewdiepie for making lazy retarded men think that their unkempt pubes for a beard and bird's nest glued to their scalps gives Swedish viking.

No. 2350252

yeah that could be it, i mostly like him for his money so my brain likes him but not my pussy.

No. 2350255

Nta but I'm from a smallish country and a one hour train ride is borderline LDR for me.

No. 2350260

That's fair, I was imaging the German trains I took when I went over there. But still, to have a train . . .
I don't care about the man, I care about the train. Also, curses upon all of you, my daily drive is one hour, and that's some real bullshit. Four days a week, fifty weeks a year. Though I do have a coworker who does an hour and a half each way, so at least I'm not that.

No. 2350264

That’s crazy to me. Even though I live close to my city’s centre, it would still take me like 30 minutes. I kind of expect and don’t mind any journey on a train being like 30 minutes to an hour.

No. 2350271

No. 2350284

>to have a train
are you american? what country doesnt have trains? i prefeer subways cus they are cooler and all the best ninja turtles fights happen there

No. 2350315

literally exploiting fujos biological clocks ticking. this shit is vile ngl

No. 2350327

KEK this is the funniest response to animu consoomerslop I've seen yet

No. 2350330

it's an old idiom, and it's referring to prophet Mohammed. "If someone won't do this thing for me, I'll do it for myself."

No. 2350333

careful, one of the consoomers might redtext you for baiting

No. 2350334

I understood Lois so much more as I got older. I remember not fully being on her side as a kid, then I realized her sons, maybe minus Dewey were idiots. I also consider Lois the main character besides Malcolm. It was a good show and no other show has been able to replicate the comedy and chemistry it has.

No. 2350336

>I probably will want to fuck Orlock.
Please don't be one of those. It's disgusting

No. 2350338

Yeah, I got that. It's just wild seeing it in a gay capeshit fanfic out of all things.

No. 2350342

is graduating with a B.A. at 23-25 pathetic or am I beating myself up nonnies?

No. 2350359

Depending which country you're in that is the "usual" age to do that at, but either way, graduating at all is an accomplishment, so you are beating yourself up about it. There's never a wrong time for learning.

No. 2350380

you shouldve done a BS instead but no one is going to ask you what age you graduated college. only college students care about this

No. 2350451

You're beating yourself up. When I went to college, there were people 25+ getting their degree and no one cared

No. 2350475

My phone's inner dictionary is completely fucked up because I constantly switch between my birth language and English and it confuses words from both languages while making up new ones and autocorrecting words that don't need to.

No. 2350482

File: 1737131651900.png (5.06 KB, 559x402, 1687583919435425.png)

>tfw i am starting college at 23

No. 2350493

i dont know if i lost weight or if i stretches my pants with my gunt so much they burst and started falling

No. 2350511

windows as an OS and microsoft as a whole stopped having a soul after windows 7. XP and 95 plus were peak

No. 2350514

File: 1737132052155.jpg (63.46 KB, 828x1120, GhWU57jboAgx6QS.jpg)

>mfw 34 and haven't graduated HS

No. 2350517

You're young. Stop. Plenty of people go back to college in their later 20s, even 30s.

No. 2350519

I just bought a fake diploma online because who cares. No one is checking that anyway

No. 2350540

what latam are you from nonny… i've never been to a train in such conditions. a friend did tell me about a time she found shit on a bus seat, but that's different

No. 2350549

America has passenger trains, but the places they go are so limited and the prices are so insanely high that it's cheaper and quicker to fly in all circumstances.

No. 2350558

Girl, shut up. My grandmother went back for bachelor's in her fifties and then loved her career so much that she worked until her seventies.

No. 2350563

i think that's what keeping you guys chained to being a car-dependent society aswell. zero attention to accesible trains or walkable streets

No. 2350572

>grate some cheese for the mac n cheese I'm making for my friends for dinner
>can't help but eat the cheese
god damn im such a pig kek

No. 2350650

I passed my license just in case but God do I hated driving, I'm glad I live in a big city with good public transportation, I would probably be dead if I lived in America lol.

No. 2350684

File: 1737136026118.jpeg (148.08 KB, 760x760, E4737C66-698C-4CC0-9DB3-510BA9…)

I saw a 3D superhero balloon in the grocery store today like picrel. They always make me laugh for some reason. Imagine Spider-Man coming at you at mach speed but he’s a balloon and squeaks like a rubber ducky with each movement.

No. 2350691

It makes me sad no man is ever going to love me as much as my cat does. What moid is going to snuggle with me in the bathroom while i am shitting my guts out after having burger king.

No. 2350734

I remember seeing one of these drifting down the sidewalk, it genuinely spooked me because I thought some skittering ghoul was out to get me

No. 2350756

Oh we all know it, it's just legal to bribe politicians in America so the car industry has a death grip on us and nothing will ever change.

No. 2350949

I really want lipton green iced tea rn

No. 2350951

I'm going to a party at the club for the first time ever at the old age of 32, I brought my earplugs like a total boomer. I'm working tomorrow so I'll probably go home at like 1am.

No. 2350984

I just washed my hair with a clarifying shampoo cause i had a lot of oil on my head, feels so good and clean. Also I'm realizing that washing your hair in the sink is completely superior to washing your hair in the shower. Although maybe I only feel that way because I have a detachable sink head but not a detachable shower head.

No. 2350996

I'm at the nail salon rn post-pedi waiting for my mani and my legs are hairy and this really beautiful woman walked past me and eyed up my legs with a face of mild disgust. Someone tell me not to kill myself. I'm also in a hoodie and pajama pants….

No. 2351013

me and a nona are having a deleting battle rn because we posted responding to each other off by a few seconds. kek whoever you are nona thanks for doing the same thing as me, i always do this.

No. 2351018

File: 1737150272217.jpg (71.67 KB, 701x1000, 1000000972.jpg)

I can't stop touching my afro, it feels so fluffy and soft

No. 2351067

File: 1737151810313.jpg (93.21 KB, 735x908, toro.jpg)

i miss him

No. 2351113

File: 1737153616754.jpg (49.02 KB, 720x480, Tumblr_l_1642216955185644.jpg)

I was feeling so anxious about moving to Japan for this scholarship in April, but as it is approaching, I'm just feeling at peace. Feels good.

No. 2351171

hope you have a lovely time nona

No. 2351187

im so envious. i hope it goes wonderfully! share your anonymous adventures with us!

No. 2351197

i feel like im at an age where i need to save up and get my finances together, like i need to pile more on myself and get into an aggressive workout routine, change my appearance, etc. but then i realize that my mother and boyfriend think i am the most special thing, and my friends too, and i think it will all be okay and i am allowed to exist imperfectly. besides, days are infinitely better when you give love instead of sulking about what you hate about yourself.

No. 2351199

File: 1737157703991.gif (756.28 KB, 154x275, 1000004746.gif)

this gif is all it took for me to decide im buying some hard cider on the way home

No. 2351203

What are they cackling about

No. 2351225

File: 1737158461091.webp (91.13 KB, 1600x1200, Gear-Review-RevAir-Hair-Dryer-…)

I'm fantasizing about having a revair. Life would be so beautiful…

No. 2351227

NTAYRT but the blonde one tipped her bottle towards the jar. I was laughing for 5 or 6 minutes after I saw this .gif, seriously hilarious. It's kind of deep so you might not get it.

No. 2351236

Hell nah I can’t do this lolcow shit no mo bruh they got Gen alpha on here talking about tiktok and having sex with Luigi Mangione man I miss my non social media girls I miss they discussions about film and hobbies bruh I can’t do this no more…… sylvester sylone plush rabbit porcupine baby or the naked little babies and miffy toys. The anorexics and the vain instagrammers…I’m gonna jump(integrate)

No. 2351246

Is it like a blowdryer

No. 2351250

File: 1737159189685.jpg (112.02 KB, 640x640, 608ce80284e6a8add664ff6d072_9c…)

I wanna win a giant tungsten cube too…

No. 2351252

Yep! I really want it, it would make blowouts a lot easier.

No. 2351258

Thank you anons! I'll probably talk about it at the Japan thread. I know Japan has many, many faults, but as a latamfag I think I'll see a lot of positives as well. Also, I really don't plan to stay there forever.

No. 2351261

Looks good… my hair is super thick I wonder if it'll still work

No. 2351274

It's funny to me when I try a new recipe and everyone around me is like "No offense, it's not the best." It's not my recipe why would I be offended?

No. 2351278

Well they might think that it could be construed as offensive if they were to say that the meal you cooked isn't good, so they try to soften their opinions to spare your feelings. Normies are freaky like that.

No. 2351282

you sound rational, but some people will offer you food, ask you how it was, then get mad when you tell them the truth

No. 2351291


I would only get offended if I made something that I've made before and love, and everyone thought it tasted like shit. Even then, I wouldn't be mad at them, I would just be sad/embarrassed. I guess people would be offended for the very fact that you were honest and didn't just pretend it was good. That would be more motrifying to me if I found out they were faking it.

No. 2351296

>That would be more motrifying to me if I found out they were faking it.
The trick is when someone is eating something that you cooked, ask them "can you taste the cinnamon?" It doesn't have to be cinnamon, it can be any spice or herb, as long as it's not present in the dish. If they agree that they can taste it, then you know they're lying fakers, if they question it or respond that they can't taste it, then they're honest and true.

No. 2351301

File: 1737160731008.jpg (44.58 KB, 680x510, tumblr_f6967834745a3e09eeb693a…)

just full on cried after reading a dworkin quote that made me feel seen for the first time, in a very long time. god i love this woman so much

No. 2351308

Share the quote. We want to cry too.

No. 2351314

Camilla or DID system? Call it.

No. 2351323

No. 2351324

i recommend reading the entire speech, it's really fucking good. it's called feminism: an agenda. you can find it here, on page 133: https://www.scribd.com/doc/228668623/Letters-From-a-War-Zone-Andrea-Dworkin-pdf-pdf

No. 2351335

File: 1737162068519.jpg (29.38 KB, 474x335, 1000020117.jpg)

putting a url on a license plate is super trashy, but of course it's flor8

No. 2351342

the oranges are so cute and then they shit on it with the url.

No. 2351398

Finally picked up the pace on some of my projects. Yesterday, I put my new stickers on my phone and changed my phone case into a new clean non-yellow one. Put more stickers on my laptop and my square academic cap to prepare for my graduation party. Today I started working on my phone charm and it's coming together beautifully. But I realized attaching it to my phone might be trickier than I thought. I have the plastic thingy that you put through your phone case charging jack to attach the phone charm to the ring through it but I'm too paranoid about how the charger would react to that. Especially that the phone charm has some metallic accessories. There are the 2 small holes on the side of the phone case that are specifically for phone charms to be attached, but I'm afraid of tieing it up and never being able to take it off and having to cut it or something and redoing the whole thing all over again. This is a problem for tomorrow's me to solve though because it's time to sleep, I'm too tired. Gotta finish the laundry though before I forget it in the washing machine again.

No. 2351461

File: 1737168579409.jpg (11.33 KB, 318x159, 1000020120.jpg)

I used to think so too lol. I noticed the url recently and it ruined it.

Hawaiian rainbow is still cutest, but I like the tree and moon for South Carolina

No. 2351495

Reading a fanfiction and got reminded why I don't read them. A character who is hinted to be of Mongolian descent but also comes from China is from Shanghai according to the fanfic author, and not simply inner Mongolia. It's literally part of China but still has distinct Mongolian culture afaik. Which makes all the conry lines in Mandarin also irritating. Shanghai has its own dialect and a Shanghainese person wouldn't be speaking in Mandarin to themselves, they'd speak in Shanghai dialect. But the dude isn't even from there, so he'd be probably speaking inner Mongolian. Get your lore correct before writing a fanfiction, goddamn it. This is also why I end up writing my own then abandoning it. I need to see everything as accurately as I interpret it or else, it's wrong and unreadable. You didn't understand the story. Fake fan, boo.

No. 2351515

Hot guy near me at the airport and I'm here looking like an unrested schizo

No. 2351516

now why would you post human toilet fetish slop itt

No. 2351519

File: 1737173261172.jpeg (60.59 KB, 573x680, GguVNpta4AA-qhy.jpeg)

I will be 29 when i get an associates degree, not even a ba. I will be 31-32 if i finally get a ba. You're doing better than me.

No. 2351520

samefag, but i have my dad breathing down my back forcing me to get a mortgage straight away, i can't even get a BA even if i wanted to now.

No. 2351526

i feel you nonny, my father's hellbent on me getting an MBA just bc it goes well with a fashion degree even though he's known damn well for a long long time that i'm stupid and can't do anything more than measure 0.75 inches on a tape.

No. 2351530

what scholarship, also do you know japanese?

No. 2351533

i had no idea license plates in the USA were so pretty wtf, my country is so soulless in comparison. They are just plain black.

No. 2351535

my kitchen scissors have been missing for a while now so ive been cutting my instant tea packets with a slice on one side; if i recall, its better to dispose of a plastic packet completely intact rather than snip the tip of it off, dont remember the reason why though, maybe its because it turns into microplastics faster

No. 2351538

not related but I feel so bad for the guy in your pic. I want to hug him

No. 2351540

You can even get cute frames for them too! I've never seen something like that in Europe, people in the US have fun with their cars even if they drive something cheap a lot of the times.

No. 2351542

MEXT Research Scholarship.
My japanese level is somewhere in between N3 and N2, and I definitely understand better than I speak, but I'm doing a 6 month language course when I first arrive. If you study humanities, japanese is way more needed, you can maybe get away with my level if it's not law or literature though. STEM has more leeway with not knowing japanese.

No. 2351543

File: 1737174619466.png (161.72 KB, 293x375, shayna propeller hat.png)

i want to collect hotwhells or model cars

No. 2351551

nonny that's poopoorin

No. 2351577

File: 1737176602153.jpg (330.68 KB, 970x777, Screenshot_20221227_215828.jpg)

I got hit on at a store today when trying to buy Pokemon cards and was asked if I was single in front of the damn cashier. I'm scared of men and panicked and said I'm gay. Could have just said I'm not interested but I had to blurt that out, apparently.
Guys buddies laughed at him and I'm still mortified by the interaction. I don't even know if I'm gay.

No. 2351598

Saw that trending news about only fans girl "Bonnie Blue" sleeping with 1000 men but all I can think about is… that is not a 25 year old woman? There is no way! She looks like she's in her early 40s. There truly is no fucking way… If she really actually is being honest about her age then dios mio… that is rough.

No. 2351601

I mean…she's obviously botched and I'm sure all that stress didn't help her face kek

No. 2351602

nta but still she does not look 25 even if its a matter of surgeries…

No. 2351607

There was another thot who did the same thing but with 100 men like a month ago. I am actually laughing that her world record didnt even last a year and some other fame hungry whore beat her to the 1000 moid record. I hate these pickmes.

No. 2351609

Probably because she's botched.

No. 2351611

I grabbed the front part of my eyebrow to shape it and at least 7 strands fell out. I'm freaking out.

No. 2351612

Yes, seems these 2 women are competing with each other for trying to break records. Both British too. Very bleak, if you ask me. But at least the 100 men girl actually looks her age? Don't think she's lying there. But Bonnie… I'm really trying not to be mean but she looks very similar to some women I know in their 40s who have work done. She just can't be 25 I am so shocked seeing her face.

No. 2351616

File: 1737178620694.jpg (38.65 KB, 474x355, 1000020119.jpg)

it's what makes long drives in America fun, spot the different state plates. though for me, it's spot the transplant

No. 2351621


No. 2351623

I really want the meme/reaction pic thread to come back. It made me laugh so hard and I found so many gems to use in my text messages from it.

No. 2351637

File: 1737179344023.jpg (27.85 KB, 598x127, SA_ARGE_GI2.jpg)

thats awesome! is it kind of a new thing or has it been a thing for a while? also i am kinda dissapointed about missouri's plates. I get why it looks like that, but i expected something better. The ones in my country look like this, bleh.

No. 2351639

I'm craving rice cakes and dates so bad. I want just plain, salted rice cakes.

No. 2351640

it is but its impossible to find a pkg file anywhere that doesnt immediately get striked by sony's live snipers.

No. 2351646

my bad, living toilet is probably the term but i refuse to believe that's not weird fetish art.

No. 2351650

File: 1737180468016.jpeg (478.34 KB, 588x1239, 744407F5-EFFF-492E-A252-374ACC…)

I like the plates Alaska has. You can choose any of the three for no additional charge. A fun fact is that the state committed copyright infringement and stole the bear graphic. They also have a special plate for Iditarod finishers kek

No. 2351651

God, they’re both so insufferable but Bonnie Blue is worse. You cannot tell me thats not a 40 year old woman like some other nonas itt are saying. (I know she’s just botched and a bit ugly beforehand but it wouldn’t shock me at all if it turned out she was lying about her age kek)
I really question the validity of her sleeping with 1000 men in one day. I don’t doubt that she attempted it, and probably made it very high, but I’ve seen estimates that even with the men going both at once it would take up to 12 hours. I think she’s obviously just trying to one up the other hoe any way she can and as fast as she can before the conversation fizzles out. Fuck the both of them and I hope they die of the STDS that they definitely got because even if they tested every single one of those scrotes I can guarantee at least like 5 were positive for something. Bleak as shit.

No. 2351652

File: 1737180545458.jpg (783.73 KB, 862x1600, 1000020121.jpg)

there are whole histories on state plates, pick a state! Most states are mostly boring, I think the cute ones are selectable options

No. 2351657

File: 1737180828219.jpeg (164.03 KB, 648x330, 2C1E011F-2425-45F4-97F2-3D8B0F…)

Samefag but my absolute favorite plate is Virginia’s Horse Enthusiast. I wish I lived in VA only so I could have this affixed to my car legally. It’s perfect.

No. 2351658

I love this site so much. I love laughing my fucking ass off. If this site disappears I'm shitting on every farmhands lawn.

No. 2351660

What word do you nonnas always spell wrong. For me it's excersize

No. 2351665


No. 2351669

yeah there’s no way it’s a coincidence her face at 25 just so happened to fall exactly like women in their early 40s with plastic surgery age. women who look haggard in their mid twenties or even early thirties look different. and women who are only beginning to have plastic surgery even bad plastic surgery look different than that. there’s just something in the facial structure that the mind can automatically detect lol.

No. 2351672

these are still lovely, i love the variete because in my country they all look the same. Seriously even just a slight color change would be an improvement.

No. 2351679

File: 1737182813075.gif (453.16 KB, 480x361, 1644372112404.gif)

This year is going to be so assss. I start my mornings by crying and punching my pillows to get over the stress a little. I also downloaded a bunch of games and yaoi to get me through this shit ass year. Why cant some prince charming swoop me off my feet and offer me a mansion and life of leisure so i can focus on drawing. I actually saw a manga with that premise except genderbent and now i want that so badly.

No. 2351684

Oh this is precious! I've never seen this before. what does it mean you have to live in VA only?

tbh I would love the yellow on black CA plate if I ever get a car

No. 2351689

That plate design is specific to the state of Virginia. Only residents of Virginia who have their car registered in Virginia may choose it for their license plate. Because I do not live in Virginia nor is my car registered in Virginia, I cannot put that design/license plate on my car technically. My license plate has to reflect my state of residence and where the car is registered. Does that make sense nona?

No. 2351698

File: 1737185541974.gif (491.1 KB, 1162x820, ellens_bitch_2008.gif)

Alright anon, sounds like you're about to learn the hard way how gold diggers earn everything they dig. Remember not to make her angry and if you want a new horse, just threaten divorce again

No. 2351702

I like Pocahontas i dont understand why its so hated. Its one of the best looking 2D disney movies.

No. 2351704

Yes that makes sense, thanks for explaining! I've never owned a car so idk the specifics for getting the cute plates, I just dream that if I ever get a car I'd get a cute plate

No. 2351705

who hates it? never heard of anyone actually hating it.

I have heard of certain demographics getting really sensitive when native Americans ever come into conversation

No. 2351706

it's mostly the "retelling" of Pocahontas' story i think, that the real Pocahontas wasn't a woman in love with John Smith, irl she was 10-11 when she met him(and on a lesser note, John Smith wasn't a handsome strapping young man), and the man she married was 28 when she was 18 and first met him, so the story couldn't be about him either.

No. 2351707


Disney Pocahontas never married John Smith and they tried to fix things in Pocahontas 2 and have her (try to) marry John Rolfe

No. 2351710

Spent a good hour wracking my brain wondering why a css element wasnt working only to realize it was being covered by an invisible image padding that was oversized by 200px taking up the space. im not the brightest the seems

No. 2351711

The stretching excercise video i am watching has chinese insurance advertisement in it

No. 2351737

what the fuck is that image

No. 2351773

File: 1737195058606.gif (1.07 MB, 540x360, Bouncy Fat GIF - Bouncy Fat Ca…)

Should i make pizza? its 7AM and i just ate like 6 hours ago

No. 2351774

Absolutely! What toppings are you doing nonnie?

No. 2351780

egg! its the only thing i have atm

No. 2351783

Ooh, that's gonna be so good!

No. 2351786

No. 2351787

whats wrong with egg as a topping

No. 2351789

on pizza? are you insane?

No. 2351800

your negativity rubbed off on my eggs and i had to throw them out because they were rotten, thanks for nothing now i have to eat plain boring pizza

No. 2351801

i saved you, you're welcome

No. 2351803

screw you, i bet your favourite toppings are something NPC approved like tomatoes

No. 2351804

ew i hate tomatoes

No. 2351805

My dog would rather sit outside of my door crying the entire day than actually come in with me because he knows the cats are always with me. Sigh, he's such a dumbass sometimes.

No. 2351808

your cats sound like meangirl bullies

No. 2351811

I mean, they kind of are kek he got slapped by one of them when he was a puppy (kinda justified tbh he growled at me) and has since then refused to come into my room. Mind you this was 5 years ago andhas never happened again. Anytime they get close to him, he gets so nervous it's actually a bit funny

No. 2351816

File: 1737199841171.webp (138.22 KB, 755x1344, giga chad cat.webp)

>Anytime they get close to him, he gets so nervous it's actually a bit funny

No. 2351822

File: 1737200191943.jpg (4.6 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220619_150205.jpg)

extra funny because it was my orange baby who slapped him. He knows who is in charge.

No. 2351829

lmfao even in that picture your cat irradiates big dick/pussy energy by not looking at the camera. Both your pets are super cute nonny!. I have always wanted an orange cat but they are super rare in my country for some reason.

No. 2351840

he was so unbothered, it was like a power trip for him kek I got super lucky with him! I was obsessed with garfield as a kid so having an orange cat was always a dream of mine. Hopefully the cat distribution system blesses you with an orange kitty too!

No. 2351899

File: 1737208421931.png (503.15 KB, 499x494, спать-.png)

It's so cold in my apartment I can see my breath.

No. 2351900

I am too scared to weight myself

No. 2351905

it's just a number nonnie. You don't need to weight yourself, it's pointless and very often not even an accurate representation of your actual weight

No. 2351906

No, i am a fatass lmfao. I should be losing weight but i am eating pure garbage. Its 100% my fault.

No. 2351908

easier said than done, i know, but then start eating healthier and work out instead of self flagellating yourself for gaining weight.

No. 2351909

Eat your garbage but eat less of it

No. 2351910

Thanks nonnies. Its just really hard, i eat when i am stressed since it calms me down and i have been very anxious lately.

No. 2351913

Might be worth trying: go on a long walk with headphones playing music you like when you’re stressed (if you can), you’ll be drained and conk out when you get home plus you burned some calories. In general exercise does help with de-stressing

No. 2351916

Thats a really good idea i will def try.

No. 2351917

it's alright nonnie, most of us struggle with our weight. I'm the opposite of you, I can't for the life of me eat anything when I am stressed so I end up losing a lot of weight. Last time I was struggling really bad I got severely under weight and it's taken me ages to gain it all back, but I'm finally at a weight I'm comfortable with.
Try going on walks or runs when you feel stressed, it's a cliché but it really works. Or try eating low caloric foods instead.

No. 2351918

I didn't weigh myself at all before two-three years into losing weight. It wasn't before people started to tell me that I looked slimmer that I finally stepped on the scale. I'm at a healthy weight now and I honestly just allowed myself to fail multiple times until something changed without me even noticing. One day I realized that I was no longer eating as much as I used to, without actively trying, it was a mental change caused by many tiny differences made in my daily life. You will be alright!

No. 2351925

thank you! i am hoping that will happen in the future. I completly gave up on losing weight rn because i know i am stressed and i will gain it all back or give up.

No. 2351982

I'm not american, so I haven't really been part of the discussion. But where do nonas think tiktok users and influensers are going to go once it's banned? Twitter? Back to tumblr? Instagram? I'm genuinely curious since I remember watching the surprisingly huge migration from tumblr to twitter when tumblr banned porn.

No. 2351983

File: 1737213849256.gif (18.7 KB, 100x100, 1590897986212.gif)

Home alone, got my favorite lc threads open, new corykenshin video, and a mug of black tea. What more can a girl ask for on this fine Saturday

No. 2352000

File: 1737214559128.jpg (9.44 KB, 225x225, tiny-chef.jpg)

So excited to prepare my next week's lunches tomorrow, I got some good inspiration and even better deals this weekend!
>smoked salmon with potatoes and a herb sauce
>hamburg steak
>ravioli with burnt salvia butter
all of these with a small side salad. Now the real challenge is figuring out my dinners, I'm usually not very hungry when I get home but I still need to eat something light so I don't wake up hungry. But I'm completely out of inspiration.

No. 2352009

Guessing most regular users will go to insta and influencers will also move to youtube to continue making money. Same as back when vine died. I doubt many will return to platforms like twitter or tumblr that are mostly image and text posts, their brains have been thoroughly fried by short videos. I also heard RedNote has been gaining popularity but I don't know if it'll actually catch on

No. 2352071

Feeling particularly fond of my tamagotchi and punirune today. I want to get a p2 tama eventually, the characters are cuter. I'm having a good day just chilling, catching up on lc after a week of no browsing, making my weekly journal set up, and going to watch anime later. I will save chores for tomorrow.

No. 2352077

File: 1737219402217.jpg (231.27 KB, 1000x850, Polaroid_Automatic_350_instant…)

I like how butt-ugly old polaroid cameras are. So clunky. I miss when cameras were more popular.

No. 2352095

not with that attitude nonnie… let's all wish for the death of the car industry soon with our hope powers

No. 2352098

another coryfag, nice, i like him too, Berleezy is so funny sometimes but the "huhuhuhuhu she got a fat ass i wanna fuck her" humor gets very tiring, so Cory is the better alternative sometimes.

No. 2352131

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ecsqueak me misses! you could try soup, a hummus and vegetable platter maybe with some homemade protein ball, half of a tuna or chickpea salad sandwich…but my favowites are cartoonishly big blocks of swiss cheese! say, misses, do you haves any to spare? ill do a little dances for you misses. my bruder and i are vewy hungry….and your home is so warm, too, misses…>>2352000

No. 2352137

I have the flu and I’m feeling like shit. I didn’t even study, I just slept.
I have a massive headache, a bad cough and a runny nose and I’m feeling so cold. I hate this.
I ate boiled potatoes and burnt the stove too.

No. 2352138

Having a therapist friend is so nice. I struggle a lot opening up to people but he's so nice and always listens to me cry and lets me punch him when i get aggro.

No. 2352140

They had us in the first half, not gonna lie…

No. 2352144

Yeah I like that cory doesnt remind me he's a moid while playing his games, just a funny dude

No. 2352172

My partner is away on a business trip and I miss the smell of stanky morning breath. Is this love? kek

No. 2352210

I'm craving my aunt's tiramisu so fucking much! I'm usually not a big fan of tiramisu, but hers is so creamy and mild it hits just the right spot for me. I'm not a big fan of the lady herself though, so I asked mom to ask her for the recipe when she goes out for lunch with her next sunday. I can't wait!

No. 2352220

Spent today doing errands. Have food ordered and a spliff rolled and about to spend Saturday geeking out on the Xbox. I've been looking forward to this since last night lol

No. 2352228

>eat eggs from any restaurant
>eat any eggs that's cooked at home
>sulfur burps without fail

No. 2352237

I'm watching how I met your mother for the first time and it's so, so sexist. It's like it's trying to be as venomous towards women as possible.

No. 2352245

>Barney, a sex pest womanizer who objectifies women and only dates them for their bodies
>played by a gay male
>a demographic well-known for being catty and hateful to women
>the same actor who used a surrogate pregnancy to have a daughter
this is like poetry.

No. 2352247

It was my first time making pancakes with chocolate chip and holy shit they’re amazing!

No. 2352251

What the fuck is da and why am I seeing it all of a sudden? Is this what I get for ignoring lc all week?

No. 2352252

>A daughter
Horrifying, pray for this girl

No. 2352255

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No. 2352258

I wish a big study would be done on girls raised by gay male couples. Psychologically, what similarities and differences do they have to girls raised with their mothers? I'm genuinely curious of how these girls end up turning out.

No. 2352265


No. 2352280

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Gay men entering women's spaces is the biggest pysop. I get it, you don't want to fuck me, please stop acting like were besties because of that. You're not better than any other moid just cause you like dick

No. 2352353

Someone keeps trying to force it

No. 2352433

File: 1737232095255.png (1.4 MB, 918x1202, fat.png)

i am sorry nonnies i know i said i was going to go for a walk if i got tempted to buy fast food but its raining so i just ordered starbucks

No. 2352438

which drink?

No. 2352449

mocha creme frappucino because i just want to die

No. 2352452

Been stuck on the couch for 40 minutes now because curled up right next to me and fell asleep, he almost never does that so I refuse to move

No. 2352485

I'd delete Instagram after the last update. Fucking unskippable ads? What the fuck is this? But alas I am too nosy and love to keept tabs on certain people.

No. 2352512

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I was going to reply with
>It's fine, just eat very little tomorrow
but then I realized how much of an anachan thought that is. Much to think about

No. 2352548

Picrel kind of looks like Lillee Jean. What's that image from?

No. 2352564

Nona… It's Anne Hathaway…

No. 2352595

Watching Kim Possible and waiting for Kim and Ron to break up already. She can do leagues better than him, she's just with him because she thinks she has no options when that's not true. Though I admit some of the scenarios involving their relationship, like being best friends to lovers, working together in a dangerous way, being the only ones who can take each other's shit etc. are cute and I'm stealing them for me and my husbando. But he's ugly, stupid, broke, inconsiderate and many other bad things. He's ok as a friend but not as a lover at all. He also seems gay. He hits it off with faggy dudes way too often. I'm too invested in this cartoon relationship for my own good.

No. 2352600

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Trying to fix my eating habits and struggling

No. 2352645

how fucking dare you i'm diagnosing you with stage 10 face blindness

No. 2352674

nonnies i feel sad because theres so much i can do but i can never decide with my free time anymore. im trying to break away from having a schedule but lately i dont feel eager enough to pursue anything so its even harder. i want to create something but im overwhelmed with everything i can do. i want to just begin but i need to pick something first!

No. 2352676

there is never bad weather, just bad attire nonna! get some rainboots and a coat! no excuses, love yourself! and it doesnt have to be so black and white either. have your frappucino and when the rain clears walk for just 5 minutes. you dont need to go crazy, because you wouldnt do it anyway, right? 5 is better than 0.

No. 2352678

i have eaten super healthy for months. i decided to cheat and have some bread. nothing too big i just wanted a peanut butter sandwich. ate some for a couple days. gained almost 10 pounds. i hate this.

No. 2352681

its unfair how certain foods bloat you up. you would have to pry carbs out of my cold dead hands. just curious, did you eat it on whole grain bread or white bread?

No. 2352687

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can i just say that taking a shower feels so fucking good? i don't know how some weirdos refuse to do it because it's so satisfying to get yourself clean and smelling nice. i was in a kinda shitty mood earlier today for no real reason but after i showered i just felt so much better

No. 2352691

I feel you anon. I thought having a schedule would help me use my free time wisely but it ended up stressing me out instead kek.

No. 2352713

I wish the other women who share my generic first and last name continued success in their careers. The more accomplishments, awards, and interviews they receive the harder it becomes to track me down. Godspeed to them all.

No. 2352721

Track you down? What did you do?

No. 2352760

Kek nothing. I just had an experience when I was younger that made me uncomfortably aware of the value of opsec. Being unknowable is how I cope that it is less likely to happen again.

No. 2352782

whole grain. bread in general really does make you fat

No. 2352790

be your own prince

No. 2352798

Pretty sure it means Different Anon, I think some anons use it instead of 'NTAYRT' because they can't be assed to type more than 2 letters

No. 2352801

I think they do it because they aren't integrated.

No. 2352803

Fujo babies they’ll make your dreams come true

No. 2352805

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i fucking love epsom salt baths partly because i imagine i'm cooking myself. i wash my body off first and pretend it's marinade or seasoning or something then run the water and dump epsom salt in it and pretend i'm boiling. i'm soup

No. 2352834

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Today I took a walk, wrote in my diary, practiced yoga, and read for a bit. It is evening now, the day goes so fast, but the day is still young. I can't decide what else to do, but this sapporo is very nice. I feel warm with gratitude and a silly rice flavored taste

No. 2352839

I had an out of body experience meditating today, it felt like I was looking down at myself from above in a 3rd person view, and was really weird but also oddly comforting at the same time.

No. 2352848

I ate way too much take out and chocolate. How do fat people do it

No. 2352850

I thought it was shit at the time I thought Barney was a more retarded Joey from Friends and Ted was even more dull than Ross giving a lecture. I wanted to like the show for Jason Segal but couldn't. I didn't get the appeal of Robin either overall terrible show that I couldn't tell was intentionally breaking the 4th wall or truly was an absolute shit show

No. 2352855

this isn't really a vent because i don't care that much but my mom is feeling nostalgic and playing 80's rap and its absolute trash. no melody, just people speaking over a constant simple beat.

No. 2352857

why did they limit the horse plate to VA? is there a VA horse lobby gatekeep these things??

No. 2352868

Yesterday I learned that bagels are really good with cream cheese and tzatziki sauce. Today I learned that hot pockets are not good with tzatziki sauce.

No. 2352871

I 100% know what you mean and I completely agree. rn the top results for my name are boomer women in HR.

No. 2352883

Semi related because he's a rapper but how eminem is taken seriously is beyond me. He is fucking terrible and why does he hate women so much?? Is he gay

No. 2352886

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im back with more cider and dominoes is on the way. saturday_chillin_dont_@_me.jpg

No. 2352894

>why does he hate women so much
Because he’s a male
>is he gay
Faggots hate us because we’re female and their male and of course he’s gay, being a rapper is quiet coming out of the closet using hypermasculine bravado to hide their faggotry. He used to be one of those annoying shock value rappers who used to make disgusting statements and jokes about other female celebrities, now he’s just a joke everybody thankfully makes fun of

No. 2352901

Like seriously, I was just vibing doing my hair earlier and then his gay weird voice just starts speaking too fast with an annoying flow. Just read these lyrics and remember what gay sound makes them

*I ain't into S&M, but my whip's off the chain
A little drop of candy paint drips off the frame
Twisted-ass mind, got a pretzel for a brain
An eraser for a head, fuckin' pencil for a frame
You don't like it, then peel off, bitch
Every last woman on Earth I'll kill off
And I still wouldn't fuck you, slut
So wipe the smile on your grill off
I swear to God I'll piss a Happy Meal off
Get the wheels turning, spin, and wheel off
Snap the axle in half, bust the tie-rod
Quit hollering, "Why, God?"
He ain't got shit to do with it
Bygones'll never be bygones
The world ain't finished swallowing my wad
I ain't finished blowing it, nice bra
Hope it'll fit a tough titty, bitch, life's hard
I swear to God life is a dumb blonde white broad
With fake tits and a bad dye job
Who just spit in my fuckin' face and called me a fuckin' tightwad
So finally I broke down and bought her an iPod
And caught her stealing my music
So I tied her arms and legs to the bed
Set up the camera and pissed twice on her
Look, two pees and a tripod
The moral to the story is life's treating you like dry sod?
Kick it back in its face, my God
It's Shady and Nicki Minaj, you might find the sight quite odd*

No. 2352904

i think only people seen as tacky enjoy him now, he's a meme

No. 2352914

>suburbanite family background with real estate mom and business owner dad and a huge lawn intensifies in this photo

No. 2352922

His flow is weird and he raps like Ben Shapiro trying to debate with a retarded college student. Sidenote: Ben Shapiro made a unironic rap video! Kek

No. 2352923

That's so funny I did not know this.

No. 2352925

File: 1737252873977.jpg (30.55 KB, 524x251, wtf.jpg)

If I had a coin for every time I heard an eminem song that had lyrics about him shoving stuff up his ass I would have two coins

No. 2352926

tbh "rap god" wasn't a real comeback, it was only seen as cool by fags like fantano aka white dudes who pretend to like hip-hop. he was never respected by actual black artists

No. 2352945

I think I found a nona on xitter… how do I smoothly integrate myself into her life without seeming like a stalker who also uses lc

No. 2352951

why do you want to integrate yourself into her life

No. 2352956

I want to be her friend

No. 2352972

coffee is destroying my stomach and it hurts everytime i drank coffee but i can't stop

No. 2352980

I can't really see nonnies who use social media as true farmers, it just appears like a completely separate world out there

No. 2352982

This doesn't make sense anon, how do you think we find and keep up with cows if not on social media?

No. 2352984

I mean actively post on instagram and make tiktoks and talk to coworkers on snapchat, etc. I don't mean lurking at cows on sock accounts. You can even do that without an account on some sites I'm almost positive

No. 2353025

i'm not trying to start trouble but i just learned just now that it's ok to eat meat in buddhism as long as you weren't the one to kill the animal and i think that's stupid

No. 2353035

This guy creeps me out so much

No. 2353041

I just saw this channel for the first time earlier today wtf I agree… Faggots get out of women’s hobbies please.

No. 2353042

Honestly everytime I find a farmer on social media, I lurk their page for a few minutes and they end up being cringe and cannot stop talking about LC which is a huge faux pas. Makes me not want to be friends with them. It's like they think they're cool and edgy for talking about imageboards outside of them.

No. 2353093

File: 1737262919268.png (28.08 KB, 730x699, supa miku chan.png)

Had a nap, dreamt oddly vividly and I had to draw what I did in my dream. In my dream I was playing some zombie defense game and I drew this shit for a zombie boss and she came to life like Doodlebob. No dimensions, all 2d drawing, just destroying the human barricades and shit. It was more in the style of those shitty HOW TO DRAW MANGA books and I named her supa strawberi mikuchan

No. 2353103

Once I found an anon’s Reddit and she didn’t talk about lolcow but she did post the same vents on here, Reddit, and all of her other social medias that she had linked and it was kinda embarrassing how much attention she needed. She also had “femcel” physiognomy but she was cute apart from how often she posted online

No. 2353110

That's cool

No. 2353119

can you share your meditation routine?

No. 2353120

Holy shit that's cringe. It's easy to tell who can integrate and who can't. Retarded ledditors like the one you found will stupidly fall for ragebait and insert themselves in infighting for hours instead of ignoring it. These types of outsider posters who trip and fall into this place while pretending to be one of us are the worst types of posters. I want to know what their obsession is with posting all over social media and linking themselves with LC. It's like they're the rejects of the normies but don't quite fit into geeky spaces either.

No. 2353126

File: 1737264025955.png (2.79 MB, 827x1333, it also mentions that they're …)

Reading a harlequin romance novel that Jenny Nicholson mentioned, despite Disney and Epcot being on the front of the book it's taken them over 100 pages to get there (and it's only mentioned till 94 pages in)

Didn't actually know these books had sex scenes though, I got a chuckle at them mentioning that they guy she's fucking had hairy nipples.

No. 2353129

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I got a cut on my hand so I ate my blood. It wasn't that good, salty and slightly metallic. Don't know what the hype is amongst vampires.

No. 2353133

I like the taste of blood alright (my steaks are definitely bloody motherfuckers), I guess to vampires it probably tastes a gateau or something however.

No. 2353181

aren't these ppl German?

No. 2353186

something is his face is screaming that once his shit channel goes even more to shit he's just going to make OF garbage wearing some Shein/Temu Sanrio lingerie.

No. 2353188

I prick my hand often when im hand sewing so its always a treat to lap up the blood until it stops bleeding

No. 2353263

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I’m craving fried chicken so bad right now but it’s the middle of the night

No. 2353310

Me too i'd eat some with you nonnie

No. 2353317

Just got off a call with this record producer I befriended by pure chance, he's a massive schizo and believes in every single conspiracy theory and spirituality thing ever. But I managed to reign in the conversation to get back to music and ask about an obscure artist who worked for him, and he told me some interesting about her. I asked about a specific song where she was screaming, and he said it was influenced by a member of the band who suggested it, and she was a fan of Paramore at the time and wanted to copy Hayley, and he, the producer, worked with Hayley and Fred Durst on a soundtrack for a canceled Twilight spin-off show, so he called the obscure singer and put Hayley on the phone to surprise her. He also told me about how this obscure singer I like got a deal to be a cosplay model in Japan but she's from the Australian countryside and can't relocate so she declined. And then, she met some dude who was 24 when she was 19, who she thought of as an emo god, and he ruined her career by convincing her to ditch her band and record label and work with him and his band instead. She was also dating him so ofcourse she ended up listening to him and couldn't get back into the music industry after her project with her boyfriend at the time failed. She came back recently with a country music project but it's just not the same as her stuff in the 2000s.

No. 2353344

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Just realized I'm running low on sunscreen, this is a perfect time to re-stock on korean skincare.

No. 2353348

oh wow i love this image

No. 2353521

I would also eat fried chicken with you. What dipping sauce would you want?

No. 2353578

Hot sauce or something sweet n spicy. What about you nona

No. 2353586

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My sister and mom were fucking addicted to tiktok. Playing those loud ass, AI voice narrated and obviously fake reddit posts through tiktok and out loud any fucking where. Getting 80% of their jokes from tiktok and bitching at me to get into it just so I can replace most of my dialogue with tiktok jokes like how they always did. Talking like motherfucking NPCs because of it. Guess I got what I wanted now. I'm wondering how bad their withdrawal is gonna be today.

No. 2353605

Had to cut my nails super short because they were very unhealthy and I hate it so much. I'm painting them a pretty colour to make up for the fact that they make my hands look stubby and fat

No. 2353690

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Dogs spent all night barking at the walls. Guess the mice are back. At least it's too cold for it to be wasps.

No. 2353734

The night before last I went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 1.30pm. Last "night" I went to sleep at 8.30am and woke up at 1.50pm. Why do I even bother? lmao

No. 2353839

The luigi thread and horny husbando thread having similar OPs is making me laugh every time I open /g/. Its cute.

No. 2353855

>being compared to a fucking luigifag

No. 2353859

So your mom and sister are the ones I hate on public transit. I hope you dont live with them.

No. 2353887

Turns out they modernized Cookie Monster a bit by making him also like food in general and having him cook healthy meals too.
Ngl, I don't hate it. He still likes cookies, he just also tells kids how to make shit like spring rolls.

No. 2353908

Cookie Monster has been about healthy foods for ages. I'll agree though that I like he's not a monster defined by his addiction.

No. 2353915

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Currently eating my hawk tuah burger that was once eaten and prepared for Donald Trump on a podcast show where prostitutes are used as clickbait and now around 1AM I’m getting super excited and relieved to meet with my BetterHelp therapist who’s connected to my neuralink brain chip not covered by insurance to bluetooth medications to my brain. I’m so ducking happy abou this you guys, I finally feel so free! See you later(interate)

No. 2354131

sometimes i remember some post or subreddit where scrotes were discussing their sexual experiences, and some moid was talking about how he once dated a woman who liked it when he'd fuck her in her vagina and then shove his dick and finish in her ass(or was it the other way around?) and then when they broke up and he started seeing another woman and he did that to her, she yelled at him, and it just ruins my day because what fucking idiot of a scrote thinks to apply the fetish he's indulged in with a woman with another woman without fucking asking, it's as stupid as me dating a moid into ball-busting and then the next moid i see i start foreplay by pouring hot wax on his balls, and to think that moid is fucking allowed to vote, allowed to have children! any day that i see a moid, it is fucking ruined oh my fucking god.

No. 2354178

i have a bunch of papers, pamphlets, maps, etc from 5+ years ago that i kind of want to keep and kind of wish i had put it in a scrapbook or something. now its just all jumbled in a box. debating if i should throw it away

No. 2354194

Be careful listening to audiobooks while you cook, nonas. I was listening to the Picture of Dorian Gray and lord Henry's continuous bullshit really threw me off so I ended up messing up the béchamel sauce, and while I thought the behaving oddly I didn't fully realize why until I had already put the lasagna in the oven.
I hate it, but at least my roommate thought it was fine, so it won't go into the trash. But fuck you lord Henry!

No. 2354256

no, create something with them to document your memories! you have the urge just not the energy. they’re in a box for now. get the book you’ll put them in and just start slow. it’s easier to start when you have content vs wanting to make one but not having anything to put in it.

No. 2354263

>it's as stupid as me dating a moid into ball-busting and then the next moid i see i start foreplay by pouring hot wax on his balls
Unironically this is what we should do

No. 2354316

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I am starting college on february 3rd nonnies. I only got 15 days of NEETdom left to enjoy a peaceful life doing what i like before i am forced into normalfagdom. I should have been born rich, life is hell.

No. 2354329

I really want to rent a carpet cleaner, but I'm scared to see how nasty my carpet is kek. This year I want to focus on qol changes. I already purchased an air purifier for my dusty ass bedroom. Next step I think will be to clean the carpet and couches.

No. 2354334

me having only slept five hours: wow today would be a really bad day to practice driving
my dad:

No. 2354336

Nona are you me? We just had a blizzard go through my area recently and the next day my dad is saying its prime time to go practice driving…

No. 2354448

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I am going to try to learn math from 0. I completly forgot how to multiplicate. I shouldnt have dropped out of hs.

No. 2354449

I haven't played sims 4 in months, but last night I started creating a storyline in my head and I think it's perfect for making me play it again.

No. 2354471

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I watched the sonic movies 1 and 2 and they were really fun and nice, is this how Sega wants to spread the sonic autism? Then again, I honestly don't have the time or patience to read a bunch of random comics and Lore about that, I honestly just want to watch the 3rd movie so I can see what other Lore I can get about the sonic adventure battle 2 game that I played when I got a game cube as a kid, watching it will be pretty cool, that game really is a core memory of my childhood kek.
I wonder why I never got the extreme sonic autism, I'm quite glad to not have that gene, I would be worried if I was like ChrisChan.

No. 2354476

The only thing I don't like about the movies is how they felt the need to shoehorn Token Relatable Humans into the plot, but even then it's not intrusive it's just a nitpick kek

No. 2354503

I noticed that too, I find it kind of cute though, it's like a huge commercial like
>look at this powerful rodent thing, isn't it cute? Don't you want to hug it like the characters do? Buy our BRAND NEW sonic plushie!

No. 2354623

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I just ordered my gecko more goodies for his enclosure AND a buuunch of bugs. Hehehehehe, he doesn't even know.

No. 2354637

The most remarkable thing about Chris Chan is that he raped his mother. The autistic Sonic part is what people found endearing (before he committed elderly mother-rape)

No. 2354722

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My phone turned off out of nowhere and it took a long time to turn back on and it might be that it overheated but I think it might also be God's punishment for thirsting over bald old men.

No. 2354794

Today I came to the realization that my face is oval shaped. I just thought it was round because of how chubby my face is.

No. 2354837

Currently sitting with my cat on the bed after I walked for an hour and ten minutes. I was celebrating my mother's birthday for two days and I gained weight, but just because I lost the battle doesn't mean I'll lose the war.

No. 2354843

haven't washed my hair in 2 weeks

No. 2354851

That's it. I'm forcing myself to have hobbies and interests. I'm forcing myself to like paintings and books and niche films. I'm going to have a hair routine. I'm going to have a personality. I'm going to be pretentious. Wish me luck nonnas.

No. 2354855

rookie numbers

No. 2354858

Good luck, nonnie, I hope that works for you.
I want to try doing stuff for my hobbies more often now that I have a job and not feel miserable with my life about being a neet.

No. 2354879

i wonder if trump will truly pardon ulbricht. i hope not but i don't really care, i just want him to suffer

No. 2354902

File: 1737342167904.jpeg (70.26 KB, 640x638, 1996 Isuzu Elf Japanese Domest…)

I want to live in one of these bad boys

No. 2354904

what's the longest you have gone without washing yours?

No. 2354907

my scalp hurts when i don't wash my hair in 4 days, doesn't yours?

No. 2354910

no it's just super oily and frizzy but i barely go outside. what do you mean it hurts your scalp gets itchy or something?

No. 2354913

multiplication for single numbers is mainly just memorization. good luck nona and I hope you’re able to finish high school someday (if you want I guess)

No. 2354918

not itchy but just .. sore? i thought everyone felt like this kek

No. 2354924

2 months. Doesn't get oily, but anything past that it does get itchy. During those two months I would wet my hair here and there in the shower just to brush it, but that's it. I wash my hair twice a week now.

No. 2354925

Not those anons but mine doesn't hurt. It gets itchy about a week and a half in though

No. 2354931

What the fuck nonnie me too. I'm doing it to get started learning analytic skills for a career in the future. I'm with you nonnie. Like other anon said math is all about memorization, it's basically memorizing how to solve puzzles. I'm bad at it so hopefully we can both strengthen our abilities.

No. 2354939

a guy at my job today was spitting on the floor and on products. my pussy manager wouldn't call the police though.

No. 2354943

ew i wonder why moids spit all the time why do they have so much accumulated saliva in their mouth?

No. 2354946

they think it makes them look cool. i've seen european women do this too. truly frightening stuff

No. 2355005

i was lurking on someone's twitter account that wasn't active in over 3 months and it disappeared in front of my very eyes. what do you mean 'user not found'? mossad is after me

No. 2355016

I saw a girl I went to elementary school with go viral on tiktok. It's so strange because I was randomly thinking about her earlier in the day (she was the popular girl that everyone liked)

No. 2355031

Learning about New Zealand politics a lot today. Very obsessed about Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke

No. 2355040

I saw some bi dude I used to work with get popular in an ASMR video on Youtube a few years ago. Everyone in the comments was calling him hot and it made me cringe

No. 2355156

Sent an offer on depop for a shirt I really want, hoping and praying that the seller accepts it

No. 2355220

my normally unloving cat is laying on my lap this is such a victory

No. 2355225

Roses are red, violets are blue. I only ever think about my ex when I masturbate even though I hate him.

No. 2355252

What do people need to do to become popular so that everyone likes them like that? Are they blessed by the gods or something? Did their parents strike a deal with a demon? I was always intensely jealous of those people. We also had a girl in elementary school like that. Everyone wanted to sit next to her, everybody wanted to be her friend and the most popular guy also had a crush on her. What do you need to do to become blessed like that?

No. 2355260

I'm in the same boat, dropped out and have been wanting to learn math from a baby level upward. (Also I wanted to improve with literacy) What you planning on using, internet as primary resource, external resources/s, or going back into education?
Hell yeah. Good luck to all of us

No. 2355264

99% of the fanbase of the music I listen to is annoying redpill "doomer" moids. Decided to make the mistake of opening a comment section of an artist I like and was blasted through the screen by their energy. Ugh, what about guitars and low pass filter drums and lyrics that aren't even depressive or edgy attracts these fuckers so badly.
Also I bought ten packets of dental floss.

No. 2355266

Feel like I'm a new person after browsing only /m/ the past few days.

No. 2355268

I'm ready to go to work, I have so many things to do, I have to continue my research.

No. 2355269

It's so wild to me the amount of foreigners I interacted with during this call us violent mongrels over the protesting. Like I know stereotypes are always going to be a thing but some delusional ass people thought this was worse than violent rioting that happens overseas. Hana is so great for someone so young, seriously.

No. 2355273

When I was a teen I was obsessed with those fluffy bunny keychain things and now I decided to buy a few just to make the person I used to be happy. They're cute and sitting on the table

No. 2355282

I'm so bad at anatomy I might start drawing NSFW art just to learn bodies in different shapes and positions at this point.

No. 2355295

File: 1737371527845.jpeg (43.39 KB, 236x315, IMG_9986.jpeg)

I’m going to have another cup of coffee to compensate for missing 4 hours of sleep. Maybe I should have 4, one for each hour. Thoughts?
Hope everything goes well and that you find something to enjoy about Norman life

No. 2355305

I really like this image.

No. 2355306

Taking photos with my old gaming console I had as a teen. The image quality is terrible but there's none of those auto filters that come with every new modern phone that you can't turn off. I'm also getting nostalgia for the low quality for some reason. Everything I take on that console could pass for some trending Tumblr photos in the early 2010s lol

No. 2355310

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No. 2355314

This one sucks, sorry. I liked the rooster mainly I think.

No. 2355317

Best thing to do is start off with looking at diagrams of skinless bodies, such as the diagrams doctors keep, seeing the way the muscles overlap with eachother. It's a great way to familiarise yourself with the human body plus know how the skin contracts when in different poses. When you've mastered muscles, move onto placing skin and since you know where the muscles are it gets a little easier to draw skin. Or you can just go to look at NSFW pictures, but learn to perceive it as a non-sexual act, like you are observing where every muscle placement is to master the skill of anatomical structure

No. 2355334

>What you planning on using, internet as primary resource, external resources/s, or going back into education?
i am using youtube plus a few apps(quick brain, peak, elevate). I actually finished hs online a year ago online, so i was forced to enroll in college and i choose a career with math in it because YOLO. I will probably fail monumentally but oh well.

No. 2355338

File: 1737375535081.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, cece propeller hat.png)

i forgot about khan academy and prodigy too. WAGMI nonny.

No. 2355349

File: 1737376632248.jpg (45.56 KB, 736x726, sleepy.jpg)

ive been up since around 4 am and ended up staying up to see the sunrise at the top of my apartment's parking garage. now i think i will go back to sleep

No. 2355361

File: 1737377756026.jpg (153.63 KB, 1000x1294, mathe.jpg)

In a similar boat, I wasn't allowed to get an education. This book helped me not be embarrassed about learning from 0 as an adult. It covers a lot starting from addition and multiplication, up to algebra.

No. 2355366

Thanks nonny this is really helpful. I totally recommend mathlegics too, its like doulingo but for maths. I started yesterday and i already managed to become better at stuff that was hard for me, like dividing numbers mentally.

No. 2355368

Dad sent me a message
>Today is blue Monday, said to be the most depressing day of the year. So go shopping!
And he sent me some money
Kek I love him, I'm going to buy some ornamental plants and a new cat tree

No. 2355371

god i wish my dad was like this last time he bought me a present was when i was 13 and he bought me a sheet of cheap bootleg lisa frank stickers

No. 2355393

kek nice

No. 2355409

we really should, and then act all aloof and well-meaning afterwards like oh how was i supposed to know you weren't going to enjoy being strangled till you turnt blue, all the guys i'd been with before enjoyed it so you should too yk

No. 2355413

ain't he shove some medallion up his ass?

No. 2355424

i genuinely don't fucking know, and in India it's so much worse because an absurd amount of scrotes chew tobacco/gutka and then spit the tobacco anywhere they like, staining it all red, but at least one can know it's because they're salivating from chewing but why tf do they have to spit plain saliva.

No. 2355429

i feel you nonnie, but consistent practice shows results, all the males i'd draw would look like boobless women but now i've leveled up to them looking like femboys(retch), but if you'd seen where i started you'd get why i'm happy.

No. 2355430

reminds me of when i was still in my family's Whatsapp group, sovlfol kek

No. 2355439

youtube recommended me a podcast between two 10(?) years old discussing burger king vs mcd, i am embarassed to admit i found it very interesting.

No. 2355449

How nice, my dad pulled a similar stunt last summer for my trip to Japan, he sent me a lot of money so I could enjoy myself.

No. 2355537

it's funny how anons keep saying "the site is dying now!" when they've been saying that since 2019. it's like we're in a groundhog day loop. same as it ever was (same as it'll ever be)

No. 2355559

I don't think the site is dead, it just feels like activity shifted from the cow threads to /ot/, particularly Unpopular Opinions, Vent, and various hate threads. Some cow threads get 2 posts per week while posting hair/eye colour bait in unpopular opinions gets 300 posts in a couple hours. If anons don't participate in /ot/ the site can seem kinda dead.

No. 2355726

Pissed off so I'm going to clean again to put my emotions to good use.

No. 2355727

My sister bought me the wrong underwear cut/style and now they’re digging into my ass… how tf do some women wear thongs? I have a permanent wedgie

No. 2355728

File: 1737391846141.gif (241.64 KB, 220x220, infinity-nikki-momo.gif)

Caught a mild cold, so it hurts to look at monitors, but I still managed to do my dailies in Infinity Nikki. I love this game so, so much!

No. 2355732

I can't stand the way it flosses my butthole. Once you focus on that wedgie feeling it will never go away. Hipsters all the fucking way.

No. 2355733

Thongs fucking HURT.

No. 2355758

What the hell, I just bought a mug with this image on it. I've been trying to read the daily farside comics everyday but I keep forgetting, I'm so frazzled and depressed I haven't even opened my christmas presents yet.

No. 2355777

I'm doing this for an entry exam and it's hell. I was actually good at maths in school but everything is gone, i'll remember the names of things i've learned and the basic principle but nothing else, it's humiliating to learn euclidean division as an adult. Keep pushing nona, most people flat out forget basic grammar rules and such after they've graduated because they assimilate them, you're not dumb!

No. 2355989

I have to buy a new water bottle soon. I'll probably do that later this week because I feel too lazy to go anywhere even though I have today off.
Also would anyone happen to have recommendations on good and decently priced water bottles? I'm currently using a 21 oz Hydroflask and I like it, lasted for a long time but it's all dented, scratched, and covered in peeling ugly stickers that I can't get off easily. I might just buy another one unless someone has a better recommendation.

No. 2356047

File: 1737400182686.jpeg (11.11 KB, 488x488, IMG_3687.jpeg)

I had my hydroflask for the longest time, but recently I wanted a bigger water bottle that stayed in my bedroom. I saw an Owala at the store and bought one. So far I really love it. I definitely like it better than my hydroflask. I didn’t like how my hydroflask straw was sort of exposed. With Owala it’s fully covered and I like the mouth piece better. They also come in really nice colors

No. 2356058

I had my first therapist appointment and I felt like a giant retard crying about my non-problems, but at least she seems to have me figured out. Also cautiously optimistic but she didn't mention romantic relationships or dating, hopefully she isn't one of those suggesting you to find a moid to feel better.

No. 2356162

I had been scrolling the new "liked by" feature on instagram reels where it shows you videos the people you follow have liked and I noticed my favourite micro influencer had been liking a lot of baby videos. I literally said to myself "she's pregnant" and 2 days later I opened my feed to a pregnancy announcement. I know it was obvious but I feel psychic kek

No. 2356174

File: 1737403709986.jpeg (29.63 KB, 640x480, images (5).jpeg)

i've been recently obessesed with sfihas, i especially like the ones that are made with pepperoni.

No. 2356247

Does anyone else have to continuously rewind a tv show or movie because they just keep zoning out or not absorbing the information? I'm watching dexter and It's taking me two hours to watch one episode because my brain is not registering what is being said.

No. 2356256

Only if I'm not really invested, that's also usually when I realize I should just drop it and do/watch something I know will keep my attention

No. 2356377

I don't understand how people can drag themselves to work while fighting illness and fevers, or do anything at all. Be sick and go to a party.

I cancel all plans and take a nap when I feel a cold coming on. It's really over for the day if I have any type of brain fog or body aches.

No. 2356385

only when I'm drowsy and falling asleep, or straight up doing something else and not paying attention.

I find those older dramas you have to 100% pay attention to everything or you'll miss a lot. they pack a lot in to keep you talking about it until next week's episode

they were not written for binge watching so you need to keep focus for multiple episodes.

No. 2356497

I need eat these ASAP!

No. 2356499

I think I just understood the appeal of the weegee thread, kek there's some crazy shit going on there

No. 2356501

yeah it does belong in the mundane shit thread because that's what it is, just a bunch of quirked up theater kids trying to outdo each other. it was funny at first now it's cringe

No. 2356518

I'm reading an analysis of my birth chart for the first time, and it repeatedly mentions family problems and childhood issues. So I was literally just fucked from birth, huh? My life was destined for childhood trauma.

No. 2356541

File: 1737413780310.png (1.22 MB, 1441x2048, IMG_7596.png)

My dinner tonight was vegetable broth and frozen stir fry veggies with a couple chicken dumplings and green onions. I can barely cook anything because I only took one home ec cooking class in middle school but I've discovered a lot of recipes are just dumping a bunch of canned stuff and spices together

No. 2356554

Yes. But if you buy my chart reading on how to fix it behind my paywall of 59.99 you could finally take control of your future. I will even read your family's charts for only 10.99 each.

No. 2356557

File: 1737414222110.jpg (206.75 KB, 634x929, b56d4ac22f955aa240293539d0968e…)

I just realized she's the original 4B queen

No. 2356567

I use my sick days for beautiful weather days to lay around outside, because wage slaving in a concrete building during spring makes me wanna kms. I will always go sick to work because I dont give a fuck and hate my coworkers.

No. 2356574

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My only opinion on piratesoftware is that he is useless and has terrible hair

No. 2356600

I feel bad taking sick days because I'm scared I will be accused of faking it to get the day off. My first job in high school ingrained that in me and now I'd rather just suck it up and go in to work than sit in bed and worry about whether or not I'm going to get in trouble for calling in.

No. 2356664

I've always wanted to train muay thai but I can't find a single place near me where they teach it. That's upsetting.
There's an MMA academy right under my nigel's place, maybe I could give it a try.

No. 2356722

File: 1737420874131.jpg (50.77 KB, 736x935, download (27).jpg)

Drinking peppermint tea while I wait for my pizza to be delivered. Why didn't anyone tell me how good peppermint tea is? I just started drinking it for the benefits but it's delicious.

No. 2356732

Is your focus bad all over or just Dexter?

No. 2356734

Tried voice chatting on a vidya game and I got told I sound obese. I'm not fat, nor offended but like how the hell does one sound obese. Maybe I just need better ears

No. 2356753

Obese people do have a particular nasal voice.

No. 2356796

Idk why but it also really helps with period cramps too for some reason

No. 2356975

File: 1737428667106.jpg (118.46 KB, 894x616, 91qzl7uet5L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Nona you should try the Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane tea. I just made a big mug, it's absolutely delicious

No. 2357013

ntayrt but that packaging is really cute!

No. 2357040

You probably didn't and someone was projecting an insult they've been told back at you to feel dopamine

No. 2357041

I can't drink tea bags because of the plastic release. Might as well be dead, what can we do

No. 2357046

File: 1737432094392.jpg (81.96 KB, 894x620, 61fePJAf2pL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

loose leaf tea leaves and in a metal strainer so you get metal releases instead

No. 2357047

Nona the microplastics are already in the drinking water just go boil the tea bags

No. 2357050

there's tons of brands that don't use plastic in their bags, the information is a basic Google search away

No. 2357058

File: 1737432392203.jpg (90.76 KB, 894x494, 919ki-YGgvL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Isn't it?? I'm obsessed with Celestial Seasonings package design. Picrel is probably my favorite.
That I understand, there's a lot of brands that use non-plastic bags nowadays though I'm not sure if CS is one of them. Or like the other nonna said opening the bags and transferring the leaves to a metal strainer could work.

No. 2357088

Why is she named like an exotic skincare product

No. 2357097

File: 1737433695467.jpg (140.95 KB, 720x726, 1000000400.jpg)

Like should I just die

No. 2357117

Considering binging Harry Potter for the comfy vibes but last time I watched a couple movies in a day I had dreams that I was surrounded by English people for a week or so. Like what do you mean this kid next to me in line at Coney Island is wailing in bri'ish this is AMURICA

No. 2357183

I live near a pizza joint and it must be a busy night cause I opened my window and I can smell them cooking all the way over here kek

No. 2357192

Nta, if I'm not mistaken, your kidneys and liver filter out the plastic as long as you eat healthy, drink water, and avoid any further sources of microplastics. So the solution is to try to avoid it as much as possible so your body can cleanse itself.

No. 2357212

Nona the drinking water and filters for drinking water can’t handle all the micro plastics, even the air we breathe is filled with micro plastics. Corporations have truly fucked the planet because you can’t even buy dirt without having to deal with plastics being mixed in

No. 2357214

I had a nightmare the other day that I was a little British girl living in Britain during the apocalypse and Amy Addams was my mom (she died)

No. 2357266

I've been trying to fall asleep for almost 2 hours

No. 2357271

You see, it's not just me. I dreamt I wad paragliding in circles with others similar to one of those fair rides and it was so beautiful, and then I accidentally knocked this little british kids funnel cake with my foot and he was so upset. Then his mom had a go at me and everyone was speaking casually in an English accent. There are no English people anywhere near me.

No. 2357279

If the connection between microplastics and endocrine disruption is true we are literally fucked as a species moving forward kek

No. 2357283

The amount of millennial and zoomers dying of colon cancer in their 50s and 60s will be devastating. Some of you only have 10-20 years left for the scans to show you have a 2nd head growing out of your ovary comprised only of plastic shavings and red 40

No. 2357299

Not for mine

No. 2357431

I keep having dreams about owning multiple pets (which I could NOT handle right now) amd it's genuinely stressing me out even while awake.

No. 2357478

I don't really care about my birthday but it stings a bit that I remember my friends' but they don't for mine.

No. 2357529

I come back for the first time in like a month and the energy of this site feels very… off? Different?

No. 2357544

You're absolutely right, it's been like this for months though. I think /ot/ has a very political less fun vibe recently.

No. 2357546

>less fun
It's a site for bitching and analyzing, maybe don't come on during cryptid hours

No. 2357572

>cryptid hours
we’re just European

No. 2357578

>what are time zones

No. 2357579

I took a really important test today and I think I fucked it up. Sad because I really want to make my professor proud. She's all that matters to me and her validation is unbelievably important to me

No. 2357584


Fix mommy issues. I am saying that as someone who fixed my own mommy issues. It is very freeing

No. 2357602

Nta but how do you do that? Can you do the same for daddy issues? Asking for a friend.

No. 2357624

I'm in my 30s and keep being accused of being a child because I lived and still live under the biggest rock when it comes to celebrity news and politics online, happened again. I'm pretty sure the only world news I knew during the entire 2000s and 2010s was probably 9/11 and burger presidents' inaugurations kek

No. 2357635

File: 1737464337374.jpg (62.01 KB, 750x750, 1002.jpg)

>me everytime the threads i use regularly get shit talked here and i have to pretend i don't post there

No. 2357637

My old printer I bought off Marketplace is making loud weird noises. Nothing seems to be wrong with it, it's just old, but I can't help but be a little concerned.

No. 2357675

This is the tiniest hail I have ever seen in my life
It sounds like sand grains are hitting my window

No. 2357685

i haven't entered the workforce yet but that sounds based, cough all over your boss' stuff(if they're a jerk)

No. 2357687

File: 1737468134842.gif (288.19 KB, 220x220, nonnie explosion.gif)

>crying bc my country will never have packaging like this bc it decided to execute all of it's passionate artists

No. 2357771

File: 1737471940087.gif (8 MB, 640x640, tenor.gif)

i'm realizing i haven't been utilizing the anonymous Anglophone-centric US-centric unknown lowkey nature of LC enough tbh

No. 2357795

yeah but how do you physically do it? how do people drive with migraines? how do you push past the horrible body and brain feelings? if I went to work, I'd just sit there basically catatonic. do you just abuse medicines and caffeine to keep going?

No. 2357821

Been getting recommended some short videos that are a guy saying like "why do polysexual people always look like THAT" and then it cuts to a poly person replying to prove him wrong and every time they look like that and proves his point kek it's so funny to me

No. 2357909

File: 1737477121138.jpg (67.43 KB, 960x902, come over.jpg)

What does this mean?

No. 2357912

I skimmed the research paper I was suppose to read this week, hopefully we don’t get a pop quiz on it. My fault for assuming it wasn’t going to be 50 pages.

No. 2357991

Recently lots of indie creators that fits my taste perfectly, or make things that would be amazing gifts for my friend, have been popping up in my social media feeds. Too bad I'm going to be poor for another 6 months otherwise I would be going nuts in their stores! I'm saving them in my favorites for the future, I miss when etsy was still good so this is perfect for me

No. 2358024

Please elaborate anon

No. 2358119

I thought that there was a crumb of cracker on my floor so I grabbed it to eat but then I think it was a stick or a piece of wood because it didn't taste good and had a bad texture. Ugh nothing ever goes right.

No. 2358145

>girl fish: come over
>guy fish: I can't, I'm using my fish whiskers to look for food scraps in this river
>girl fish: I cleared out and made a cozy fish nest under a nice stone
>guy fish: goes for it

No. 2358188

File: 1737485558378.png (3.17 KB, 778x26, wtf.png)

I downloaded the hellweek gif for the lols and why the fuck is it 13000 KB

No. 2358278

My dress and shoes arrived and I look so adorable in it. I was skeptical about showing my arms and shoulders, but my body was BORN for this dress. I look like a princess. I just need to wash it and iron it and shave my armpit hair for the first time in 22 years lmao. And to prepare some accessories to wear with it and choose the bag for it. Gotta practice my makeup look, too.

No. 2358319

randomly thought to myself "imagine there's a fragrance free perfume who the fuck would buy that"

No. 2358351

they literally do make that. there are pheromone sprays you can buy.

No. 2358354

I haven't been spending much money for the past few months and I managed to save up quite a bit, which is making me want to go on a shopping spree. I do need to make quite a big order on yesstyle, but I also enjoy not being a consumerist fuck.

No. 2358365

almost forgot about those things kek

No. 2358397

Wouldn't that just be a spray bottle filled with ethanol

No. 2358530

File: 1737492772631.jpg (133.04 KB, 700x582, undefined - Imgur.jpg)

When nonnies start infighting about something stupid I just feel like picrel

No. 2358618

File: 1737494957632.jpg (25.99 KB, 500x379, 20250121_232812.jpg)

i want a blanket like picrel so bad

No. 2358621

why cant we all get along and sing kumbayah……

No. 2358679

I was watching a video about Forbes 30 under 30 and why do so many of these people look way older than 30? Did they sell their life force to the devil in exchange of exposure?

No. 2358692

File: 1737497587311.jpeg (69.04 KB, 1089x969, EC1188D7-1CC9-42FD-A02D-ECB2D7…)

I have a group of only female friends in grad school now. Some even dropped courses they signed up for to be in others with me. I don’t have to work with any scrotes for class projects ever again. God bless

No. 2358731

I slept until fucking 5:40pm today. I'm literally never fixing my sleep schedule.

No. 2358732

if so, then it would have a mild smell of wine, apparently.

No. 2358747

File: 1737500806368.jpeg (73.9 KB, 1080x1058, 1712415218506.jpeg)

I love how pure and good you are, but my question of what does this mean was to the comment I was responding to. Please have this other fish meme as thanks.

No. 2358751

You've just given me inspiration to make an app called shop roulette. You download the app and then shop as normal through it. Except it goes back and randomly cancels 75% of your orders once you've checked out. That way, you get all the dopamine of an impulse purchase, yet never realize it didn't arrive unless you were really looking forward to it and start checking up on the tracking.

No. 2358765

I'm going to have a bath then I'm going to roll a blunt then I'm going to play the sims or lurk and post here time will tell

No. 2358768

I tried to kill a spider but I don't know where the fuck it is now or if it is even dead at all im gonna fucking KILL MYSELF right now

No. 2358769

I take the "u"s out of words like colour and neighbour before I hit send have I been doing it right

No. 2358770

Idk what kind of virus is in my body, but I want it and it's bipolar nature gone. Sometimes I feel absolutely fine, just to get hit by a wave of absolute exhaustion, sore throat and dry eyes that makes it hard to look at a screen for more than a few minutes. I can be lying on the couch all "wtf am I whining about? This is nothing, better get my shi— oop there it is". I get exhausted from getting up and walking around, and I get hit by a heat wave and get tired quickly when I talk to my roommate or mom on the phone. I just want to get back to work.

No. 2358777

samefag but this is the 3rd spider i've found in my apartment in two weeks. I swear the cleaner I try to be, the more they invade my space. I'm just gonna go back to being a pig if that means I won't ever see a fucking spider ever again.

No. 2358780

How long has it been going on? Cause that sounds more like autoimmune or an allergy if it's something that's been around for a while.

No. 2358793

Only since Monday (well, I started getting a couple of symptoms the previous evening but I thought it was just regular Sunday anxiety). I have a really good immune system and practically never get sick except for an occasional stubborn runny nose, so I think it’s probably my body reacting weirdly to some virus it’s trying to kick out

No. 2358805

File: 1737503489982.png (3.98 KB, 128x128, shnail.png)

i'm looking for a job and there's an opening at the store close to where i live but my personal cow works there… i don't know if i want to be in close proximity with a retarded they/them blue hair and pronouns gendie woman on a daily basis

No. 2358818

my roommate has two sibling cats that eat the same amount, but the female cat feels like skin and bones while the male is big boned and makes an earthquake every time he rolls over on the floor. the female cat doesn't seem sick or anything but I just find it weird

No. 2358835

Aw man, I thought this was real and searched it on the app store. Please become an app dev and make it a reality for us shopping addicts anon kek

No. 2358837

This week is tough for me, I'm not used to waking up at 5 am every day of the week, I'm sure that makes me a weakling.

No. 2358843

File: 1737504577475.png (133.95 KB, 711x550, jkdfj.png)

that's just what happens when you have two cats

No. 2358851

Ayrt, thank you for posting this because that actually sounds delicious. I was actually just thinking of a tea that's peppermint and vanilla flavored. I'm gonna look for this next time I grocery shop!

No. 2358879

I went into one of those spiritual woowoo healing places and they had hundreds of tea mixtures with roots and herbs I've never even heard the name of. I wanted to try them all because I like the taste of plants.

No. 2358882

I'd be wary, they're so unregulated.

No. 2358883

trump pardoned him what a disgrace

No. 2358885

File: 1737506376779.jpg (64.66 KB, 933x933, 1000000272.jpg)

Schizos be like I have INSIGHTS I'm such a sage - and their "insights" are stalking random people on the internet weirdly and trying to be near them and breathing down their neck constantly kek

No. 2358888

If they have one with rose buds and damiana try it. My favorite.

No. 2358948

File: 1737509080188.mp4 (588.82 KB, 404x498, 1000017772.mp4)

I am warm at home eating clam chowder. I love my mom and her cooking.

No. 2358952

Don't get teabags.

No. 2358957

File: 1737509277303.jpeg (44 KB, 558x549, 653922db955b5.jpeg)

I am glad that capybaras became popular thanks to meme magic. I went to a stationery store and i bought a ton of cute stuff with capybaras on it! i want to go again because i didnt get to see everything, but they had so many cute things, i wasted like 10 usd in a pen, coin purse and some sticker. I regret nothing.

No. 2358965

Huh? What are you talking about????

No. 2358970

Yeah this, check the ingredients label and Google everything. You don't want to get thujone poisoning because they thought unmeasured amounts of mugwort are no big dealio kek…

No. 2358971

File: 1737509577132.png (222.46 KB, 275x484, lamooo.png)

Same, nonny! I went to one of those spiritual healing places today and they were advertising ''introduction to magic'' classes. They are so fucking weird, but ngl i wish i had the schizo to believe all this crap, i feel like my life would be more fun if i did.

No. 2358972

I made this post about schizos unpertaining to lolcow and a schizo replied fuck I hate it here

No. 2358983

Once a friend and I got brunch at a little cafe, which advertised the daily specials and psychic readings upstairs on the same chalkboard. We decided to try it for funsies and all we learned is that the psychic had the same niche degree that we both did and gave us career advice instead. I don't believe in woo but I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.

No. 2358987

Whatever you say, anon.

No. 2358990

What is WRONG with you fucking lol some of you are batshit. like what(infighting)

No. 2358995

You sound agitated. Maybe you should click out of the tab?

No. 2358997

You're extremely strange and narcissistic(infighting)

No. 2358998

You're so obvious. Nice try, though.(infighting)

No. 2359002

took a nap and slept like a rock, wondered why I slept so nice and realized my dog laid over me like a weighted blanket. i love my baby

No. 2359003

No one replied to your post?

No. 2359004

Clearly it's some bored samefagging schizo. Just ignore it.

No. 2359005

I clicked on this thread because I thought there wouldn't be any infighting…

No. 2359009

report, ignore, and post about your day nona. be the change you want to see

No. 2359010

She deleted the post. As seen here >>2358965

Seek help(infighting)

No. 2359011

"She" when it's just you arguing with yourself. Don't you have anything better to do, schizo?(infighting)

No. 2359013

Oh, you're the gioyc schizoposter who keeps evading your permaban. You keep making posts that say "click off tab" and incessantly deleting because your VPN cycling can't keep up with the bans you get. You were just sperging in gioyc too. You think this whole board is people writing you secret messages kek(infighting)

No. 2359016

Can you just log off and get a job already? You're trying wayyy too hard and it's just getting even sadder now.(infighting)

No. 2359017

I feel like its some creep feeding ai some posts and requesting weird confessions fuck knows the prompts but they're a troll using ai

No. 2359019

>definitely not replying to yourself
You SERIOUSLY suck at this.

No. 2359020

File: 1737511530162.jpg (7.24 KB, 236x214, images.jpg)

every time infighting happens in mundane shit it feels like picrel

No. 2359021

No, it's a genuine schizo that crossposts across several threads and spergs out like crazy. They've been permabanned for like a year now and never stop, I'm serious when I say they genuinely believe they're being wrote secret messages here. A lot of their posts are also super hateful and aggressive, irrationally so. They've taken to lashing out and deleting their posts and then posting "no YOURE the schizo."

No. 2359022

I ate some cookies today and had some lemonade. And then I played some video games.

No. 2359024

I've saw those posts too maybe there's two. Both are faggots though.

No. 2359025

>same file type as the first person
How red are you in the face right now trying to troll me? I'm fucking crying.

No. 2359026

Wtf is going on?

No. 2359027

Anon this has been happening for weeks and spreading. There are always a bunch of "random anons" who validate the schizo and make it seem like a bunch of confused anons (who side with the ban-evading schizo) are against the one anon who points out the ban-evading schizo. It goes on for hours if you let it and then everyone gets banned.

No. 2359029

Because it samefags a lot. So mentally ill.

No. 2359030

What is this elaborate plot you're trying to come up with right now?

No. 2359032

>whilst talking to herself
I fucking can't. You are the entire circus.

No. 2359036

Most posters know about the schizo gioyc sperg, no? Also known as nikposter/rhiannonsperg/schizochan. They have a permaban and chimp out super hard and then try to sperg at and gaslight anyone who mentions something they feel describes them. All I'm saying is that you think sincere vent posts about schizos and abusers are all about you, yoy must have some serious skeletons in your closet.

No. 2359037

File: 1737512169241.jpg (61.96 KB, 1080x730, GSaSgMXWQAM0TmD.jpg)

No. 2359046

My brain can't wrap around 720/2 being 360. I mean it makes sense but it just dont feel right.

No. 2359049

>oh you must be (x) because this
Ntayart but we’re all anonymous, why do you people fight like twitterfags or kiwifags who have accounts, names and handles? Stupid retard

No. 2359057

But it literally was them, they just got banned earlier and their posts deleted in another thread. They personalityfag and are extremely distinguishable, if you haven't seen it consider yourself lucky because it's gone on for ages. Their posts are deleted by moderation if seen in the wild, thats how distinguishable they are. That's why they've taken to deleting all their own spergouts quickly lately.

No. 2359060

You are actually fucking weird. I'm starting to pity you.

No. 2359061

this image is too real

No. 2359066

goodbye twitter. it's been a good 15 years.

No. 2359067

Stop wking yourself

No. 2359068

I just told you what I genuinely think.

No. 2359077

We ran out of clean cups because of a house party earlier so my mother made her ice tea in a measuring cup and drank from the spout kek

No. 2359100

Thinking about how direct Sophie's Mum was when she came on to Jeremy. Wish I could be instead of thinking existing in proximity is putting out the moves. I'm so Mark Corrigan coded yet he has massive balls compared to me figuratively and literaturally.

No. 2359107

This post is ridiculous, you can't gaslight about a well-known sperg kek enough!

No. 2359116

File: 1737515493962.jpg (84.89 KB, 420x420, GfgW7ZqXMAAkx33.jpg)

4th time reuploading a post that has a typo and I think I'll just accept the ESL accusations (im not, english is my only language, im just retarded)

No. 2359127

No moron that was the actual personalityfag telling you you were responding to someone else. Can you fucking read, dumb bitch?(infighting)

No. 2359132

Kek at your cognitively deficient aggression

No. 2359134

You just threw a gigantic spergfest. I wasn't even lying when I said it was getting weird even for me.

No. 2359135

for all we know, now that she started sperging out different nonas couldve gotten in with the joke and replied + deleted just to make her spazz out. the way this entire discussion wouldve never happened if nona unironically stepped away from the screen, went outside, and touched grass KEK

No. 2359136

I'm knitting myself a sweater and it fits perfectly, it's cropped with sleeves that taper and come to my mid-hand, cables everywhere. I feel like GOD. Onto the second sleeve.

No. 2359137

No I didn't, you've been sperging out and you think you're being a master troll or whatever but it isn't working. Yawn.

No. 2359138

what colors are your yarns nonnie? is it very soft? i’ve always wanted to learn how to knit.

No. 2359140

They samefagged like crazy and deleted a shit ton of bizarre posts including nothingburger screenshots and now are going "no u" kek its clockwork.

No. 2359141

>cables everywhere
What does that mean in knitting context?

No. 2359142

She replied to the wrong person. You can tell because she just replied to her own post above the one she actually meant to respond to. You're an idiot.

No. 2359143

are you making it for yourself? Im reminded of the sweater curse and although I didnt knit a sweater I recall the time I wanted to knit a ravenclaw scarf with book accurate colours as a birthday gift for a friend and our friendship fell apart about a quarter way into knitting it. My mom got incredibly mad that I spent $50+ on expensive threads (that were the wrong size for my needles so the scarf wouldve ended up looking weird anyways). I never picked up knitting ever since kek

No. 2359146

Meds. Now.

No. 2359147

You are genuinely fucking stupid because that was the personalityfag who posted the screenshot…

No. 2359149

i love you we are talking about sweaters now. do you have a favorite sweater?

No. 2359152

I like striped sweaters, I wonder when the best time to wear them are

No. 2359153

posts that make me smile

No. 2359156

File: 1737516787597.jpg (8.59 KB, 238x212, images.jpg)

No. 2359159

hi(not a chatroom)

No. 2359162

File: 1737517020845.jpg (1.46 KB, 60x60, 1000049361.jpg)

No. 2359163

watched vidrel and it made me laugh thinking about the concept of a time traveler working so hard to instigate a global event only for the timeline to correct itself and continue its mundanity no matter how hard the time traveler interferes and fucks up the timeline. Its like the reverse of the butterfly effect where seemingly drastic events have no actual impact in history itself.

No. 2359164


No. 2359169

File: 1737517291509.jpg (1.28 KB, 20x16, lolcow.jpg)

No. 2359170


No. 2359173

File: 1737517492478.jpeg (190.83 KB, 1022x435, IMG_5431.jpeg)

It's a grey wool blend in a really soft, brushed thin yarn. You should learn! If you take time to learn each thing slowly, it doesn't frustrate or overwhelm.
Cables are any time yarn overlaps itself to create these sorts of decorative "cables", picrel
Oh my god that's such a cute story, I'm too afraid of the sweater curse besides knitting for family. I knit for them all each Christmas because I don't fear them breaking up with me per se kek. What kind of thread was it? Were you able to repurpose it?
ot but knitting feels nice because you have something to show for your time, highly recommend it to anyone looking to pass by the winter months. Also don't just think mittens and socks, think beautifully simple (quick to make!) tank tops, bikinis and hair bandanas. The modern stuff is very cute. You will feel rewarded in many ways

No. 2359180

I think the scarf is still sitting in its needles tucked away in a shoebox crammed somewhere. I guess the current state of the scarf is a fitting metaphor to how the friendship turned out kek. I ended up picking up handsewing as a hobby instead and make felt patches which is a bit quicker and faster than knitting though I have an appreciation to knitters that make whole textiles and patterns. now that you bring up cables it reminds me of a nona who was baffled on how cables came to be invented naturally. its the same thing I think about regarding macarons

No. 2359181

Good night nonnies I'm going to bed

No. 2359183

File: 1737517838312.jpg (88.38 KB, 1000x1250, 1000018366.jpg)

I love peacoats and some trench coats but I'm short and have a short torso so I don't think they would look good on me

No. 2359191

File: 1737518227118.jpg (14.29 KB, 194x259, good night.jpg)

Goodnight sweet princess

No. 2359197

i like your image. may i save it?

No. 2359201

you may, i love you ♥

No. 2359202

Wear what you want, nonna. Who cares?

No. 2359206

People like to dress well.

No. 2359213

File: 1737519281488.webp (11.79 KB, 620x775, 1000018367.webp)

I think they would look comically oversized on me and my strange proportions. I really wish I was tall kek.

No. 2359215

Anons!!! Everything outside is covered in a thick blanket of snow!!!! I haven't seen snow since I was a kid since I live in a southern state, so this is truly magical to me. The snow feels so fluffy, if it's still knowing in the morning I wanna go sink my feet into it. The snowflakes look sooo beautiful as they're falling, and the fact that it's night makes it more gorgeous. Apparently it's been snowing all day, but I woke up at almost 6pm and I've been inside so I had no idea. I wasn't gonna have another cup of tea today, but it only feels appropriate right now. One day, I would love to live somewhere where it snows more frequently. This is truly the best day of my life! It's a winter miracle!

No. 2359216

Sometimes it looks ridiculous if you wear clothing that doesnt suit your body type. A common example being low rise jeans.
I personally cant wear short skirts because they end up going into an umbrella shape because of my wide legs and if I pull it upwards until it looks normal itll be an indecent exposure case.

No. 2359218

Samefag, I just saw the forecast says it'll be sunny tomorrow. Aw man, no running around barefoot in the snow for me.

No. 2359229

File: 1737520142989.jpg (325.6 KB, 990x748, rabbit lake.jpg)

The grass is always greener on the other side, or I guess in this case the snow is whiter, just had a blizzard rip through my area and Im bummed out I couldnt go on my walk. It goes downwards to -22 F on a normal day here. I do like the general cozy feeling of staying at home and the beautiful sight of snow at dusk. I complain about the cold often but its sights and feelings like this that make me miss it when Im in another climate.
I also love seeing people who has never seen snow before watch it for the first time, your post has warmed my spirit in these frigid weeks.

No. 2359258

File: 1737523056746.jpeg (157.71 KB, 564x1081, B58E9A16-1B1F-4C10-B5F7-D87688…)

I’m a southernonny too and totally get you. It’s so magical the first day, especially when there’s no footprints or anything in it. Just pure white and pristine. I could stare at it for hours.

No. 2359275

I barely use TikTok but for the past 2 weeks I have been getting "tagged in" notifs by someone and I have zero clue who this user is. Then I open the notifs, read their comment and realized it was a retard that I probably checked the profile of and forgot about. Some people are too dedicated to trolling, too much free time.. lol. I'm gonna keep ignoring them because it's funnier that way but jesus

No. 2359295

something is horribly wrong but i'm not sure what

No. 2359313

do you want to talk about it?

No. 2359314

File: 1737529071270.jpeg (492.01 KB, 1125x980, D9CCB0D1-D2BF-4B5B-A0AB-9AD234…)

I’m going to try and take my meds in the morning tomorrow. I also am going to eat the weird yogurt for breakfast since it has more protein. I’ll update how it goes.

No. 2359315

Most wholesome thing I’ve seen on this sight thanks anon

No. 2359352

File: 1737532697643.png (13.66 KB, 941x89, deleted.png)

>she didn't see the shitstorm in the previous thread
This was honestly tame compared to last time or the time a vpn ban was temporarily placed itt because of the burger vs euro war
I keep my tabs open forever and just woke up so I'm late to this and dont know what's going on but this was the post she was referring to. This is why it's good to never close the tabs

No. 2359354

File: 1737533935124.png (180.96 KB, 1711x983, d.png)

The rhiannon person made some vents and deleted them which involved the word "insight". Anon thought the person they were replying to was her

No. 2359356

unbelievably stupid.

No. 2359359

Ate some raw cooking cream. Doing that alone is generally fine but I'm also lactose intolerant. I am in utter fucking agony right now. My stomach is crying.

No. 2359369

my memory is getting so bad lately that i forget to chew sometimes and end up saving the same images three times in a row. but somehow i remember every tiny thing that happens here spanning years ago except my own posts

No. 2359389

It's 4:15 AM, gonna try to sleep now. I want to get up at 9/10 AM

No. 2359390

check your home for mold, lead exposure

No. 2359392

You need a carbon monoxide alarm

No. 2359527

Working with women that refuse to think with their pussies and instead drone on about popular tropes (which they personally don't even like!) and streamers they want to appeal to is so cringe. People will notice the complete and utter lack of soul, so what's the point. I'm going to make a game about slapping pretty men around just to prove my point when it inevitably performs better than their copypaste slop

No. 2359637

i meant that the possibility of LC being discovered by people i know is almost zero, i just feel sorry for some nonnies that have to redact certain details bc muh normie friends and family will find out so i should be doing more on this board, like i should be trying to post art more often or just straight up post my eyebrows in the advice thread to decide if i should pluck them thinner or some other retarded shit, it's not that serious kek.

No. 2359643

File: 1737553255688.jpg (24.89 KB, 450x658, 1000004821.jpg)

As I've matured, I've begun to realize that's I'm a dork, because what kind of person consistently "brags" about attending a majority-female college.

No. 2359719

I mean if you’re a lesbian that’s kind of a flex.

No. 2359735

i wish i was, scrotes in my country are ugly and aggressive and nasty, and i wish lesbo nonnies could be here too bc the women are really pretty and dress cool, idk about any of them being interested in women tho, feminine lesbians exist but i don't think there's such a thing as a lesbian interested in studying fashion.

No. 2360004

i had a yummy chocolate popsicle, it had a chocolate shell with milky chocolate inside which then had a bit of chocolate inside itself.

No. 2360022

Cold af out and all the obese guys at work called off. How can they be cold with all that insulation.

No. 2360038

I'm watching how I met your mother with a friend. it's sooooo boring oh my god. How did this get so popular?

No. 2360063

They don't want to get into a car accident on the icy roads and turn into filleted blubber

No. 2360170

File: 1737571568932.jpg (132.69 KB, 736x546, 7808fbeff1973d8ef6d35d1c3d6d39…)

I went to get a chai latte after class but they where out of chai so I panicked and ordered a regular latte even though I don't like plain coffee. I fixed it by mixing some rose honey in it though, tastes delicious. Now I'm going to go to the bookstore and possibly the thrift afterwards.

No. 2360172

Interesting, did the cafe provide the rose honey or did you have it on hand yourself. I've never tried it before, how does it taste?

No. 2360182

File: 1737572051394.jpg (100.77 KB, 1000x1000, 2184723_mob_sq.jpg)

I had it myself! It's this, technically a jelly but I consider it honey. It has a delicate but nice flavor, I find some rose-flavored stuff nowadays to be overwhelmingly soapy but the petals in this compliment the sweet honey and also paired really well with the bitterness of the coffee.

No. 2360185

That sounds so delicious, I love rose flavored things.

No. 2360191

That sounds so good! I hope you find something fantastic in your thrifting adventures.

No. 2360311

File: 1737576811673.jpg (75.98 KB, 736x647, 1686251529620.jpg)

Shaped my nails from dog claw-like square to soft oval and it's amazing how much of confidence/pretty feeling booster it's been

No. 2360333

Having pretty nails does a surprising lot for your confidence! I used to go get my nails done every month, and it was such a confidence booster - like, if even if I looked and felt like trash, at least my nails were ALWAYS on point. Did you put on any cute nail polish or did you just shape them?

No. 2360339

File: 1737578298059.jpg (21.34 KB, 356x348, 1660119385502.jpg)

Cant decide if i should pick up tennis or roller skating. Tennis sounds more fun and i used to love playing tennis as a kid, but roller skating sounds comfier and i have always wanted to learn how to skate. I already do swimming at this sports club because i have back problems, so i am looking for something more fun to de-stress.

No. 2360340

What about badminton?

No. 2360344

they dont have that.

No. 2360347

I'd say roller skating! I always think women that do roller skating are super cool, and it's a huge bonus if you live somewhere where you can use them to get around.

No. 2360352

I'm sick so mom came by with some home made lemon curd, too bad I don't have an appetite right now otherwise I would enjoy the shit out of it. I've been talking about wanting to make my own and see if it would taste good with a pinch of saffron in it, so she made a jar of that too!

No. 2360353

Be the change that you want to see. Start a petition and contact representatives.

No. 2360357

seconded. have you seen the movie whip it?

No. 2360362

File: 1737578876879.webp (39.7 KB, 568x658, 224c7f_c0883aa01fdf4942931e1ea…)

I had on polish already (like pic rel except with a white base) and decided to shape from there. Recently switched to glass files over clipping and it's been such an upgrade. Nondominant hand came out a little shorter than intended but overall I'm pretty happy with them

No. 2360370

I feel so bad when I accidentally gift something back to the original villager who gave that thing to me in ACNH.
I will do anything to avoid reading their inner monologue/light grey text box, like a dog getting scolded as they shamefully sit right next to the mess they made while absolutely refusing to look at what they've done. Got me looking up at the ceiling or literally anywhere but the screen at that moment kek

No. 2360372

How do you guys feel about a guy who says they want daughters and doesn't care to have sons?

No. 2360379

File: 1737579533630.webp (8.36 KB, 480x240, danger_danger.webp)

No. 2360384

File: 1737579663888.gif (2.94 MB, 640x298, eric-andre-i-dont-trust-like-t…)

Very creepy…

No. 2360424

i am not a fan of br*tish culture, sorry nonna

No. 2360452

nonnie my first reaction to reading her posts was to say that in my head and i was still going “..like that” when i started reading the subtitles on your gif lmao

No. 2360478

creepy as hell, run

No. 2360486

I have two sister cats and even they're like this, kek.

No. 2360491

my nigel said he prefers sons because he thinks he'd relate to them more, and that kinda made me feel bad, but it's more understandable than a guy saying he prefers daughters, those men are legit creepy.

No. 2360497

I don't see it as a red flag like the other replies, maybe I am the only anon who doesn't think all men are secretly pedos

No. 2360499

I thought it was cute when I read it.

No. 2360507

could be creepy, but if he's actually been around kids he could just be aware that sons are typically a stupid ass menace to raise while daughters are much smarter, sweeter and all around just easier to deal with

No. 2360516

File: 1737584067296.png (96.17 KB, 1842x636, Screen Shot 2025-01-22 at 4.13…)

Here's the way he worded it, if it changes anything. To be clear we aren't talking anymore because he's a piece of shit, but I wanted to know your opinions for future potential partners.

No. 2360545

kek he turned into a shithead at puberty didn't he? like, he's right, but it reads as if he's telling on himself

No. 2360551

If he turned out to be an asshole, he wasn't being genuine. He only said he wanted girls to make you like him more. Or he was a pedo.

No. 2360555

My ex also mentioned that he only wanted girls at one point. Knowing him it was because he was inherently uncomfortable being a man and viewed it as being wrong, exacerbated by a distant relationship with his dad. It wasn’t a pedo thing in his case he was just mentally ill in other ways.

No. 2360559

File: 1737585554970.jpeg (322.65 KB, 1138x1055, IMG_2681.jpeg)

I was shopping for vinyl records on eBay when I came across this negative review for a seller. I laughed.

No. 2360572

And he's so right

No. 2360583

No. 2360595

After a day, I definitely understand that it wouldn't be great to have this weather year round kek. I was planning to go run errands today but I canceled them due to not wanting to be out in these cold ass temperatures. Plus, I accidentally got snow in my sandals last night and I thought my feet were gonna freeze off lmao. Despite all that, it was an amazing experience regardless.
It feels like a fairytale, doesn't it? I only wished it snowed at Christmas.

No. 2360604

please this is killing me kek

No. 2360606

I personally always find it strange when people want children of the opposite sex. To me it makes the most sense for men to want sons, and for women to want daughters. I would definitely see it as a red flag for a man to say he ABSOLUTELY only wants girls and no boys, although I think it's sweet when men have daughters and love them.

No. 2360607

Is "Neutral Milk Hotel" the name of the band??

No. 2360608

If I weigh 180 and start eating 800 cals a day, how long do you think it would take to reach 150?

No. 2360610

Nona it says Modest Mouse later in the title

No. 2360612

The word milk is in the thumbnail.

No. 2360614

If you're thinking about doing that, don't. Such a low calorie deficit is going to be hard to maintain once you finish, aka you will gain weight back once you are done. Not only that but your skin will be loose when you lose weight that way

No. 2360615

>Neutral Milk Hotel Shirt Vintage Emo Modest Mouse Rare Indi…
Modest Mouse

No. 2360616

Can you at least post your wannabe anachanning in an appropriate thread

No. 2360618

So what is Neutral Milk Hotel?

No. 2360620

What a beautiful face I have found in this place that is circling all 'round the sun

No. 2360628

It's for a procedure. The faster I lose the weight the faster I can do it. I don't want it to be done around the time of my friends wedding or else I won't be able to go, and I can't wait that long to do it.

No. 2360633

NTA, but is 800 calories really that low? I eat around 1000 a day and I'm not dieting/trying to maintain.

No. 2360657

Depends on your height and muscle mass/regular exercise. People on the internet can't really tell from 1 sentence what kind of diet you should have and you shouldn't listen.

No. 2360660

800 is much too low for anyone that is physically active.
You could possibly lose 30 pounds in about 6-8 months if you eat in a caloric deficit and start exercising 4-5 times a week for an hour each time.

No. 2360669

Okay tubby(double replying/infighting/bait)

No. 2360679

Don't recommend, you're gonna fuck up your body even more. Start around 1500 cal and do light exercise

No. 2360713

Thank you nona, I found a sweater and skirt for myself and two books for my parents

No. 2360714

I'm so annoyed cause I should've got my direct deposit and a refund from an order today REEEE

No. 2360782

Why are both bands in the title if it's just one idgi

No. 2360811

ebay can sell multiple items in one listing and you select which items you want from the drop-down menu.

No. 2360815

It's low for someone who is 180 pounds. 1200 is the recommended lowest amount an adult woman should have, but every body is different. I wouldn't think 1000 calories for a woman who naturally is like 100 pounds is too little, but when someone is 180 and trying to eat only 800…. yeah that's gonna leave some loose skin and once they stop eating that little amount they're gonna balloon up

No. 2360833

eBay sellers tend to spam a lot of keywords in the titles of their listings. The seller listed Modest Mouse in the title because NMH fans tend to like them too. It's just a basic strategy to get as many interested buyers as possible.

No. 2361350

As a nonna that’s been living in Japan for 8 years now, I’m sure you’ll love it! I hope it’s an amazing time for you. It’s scary and difficult at times but if you push through it’s worth it.

No. 2361392

File: 1737609280647.jpeg (441.9 KB, 1125x1400, 3911987C-3CB9-4808-A6ED-0A443A…)

Taking my meds in the morning did not do what I hoped. I am going to switch the order and see if that helps. I did not eat the weird yogurt but I will tomorrow. It has mango in it.
You are welcome nona, I hope your day went well.

No. 2361401

this image is making me uncomfortable.

No. 2361414

No. 2361462

File: 1737612068340.jpeg (339.67 KB, 1125x1073, 5A120230-4E49-4A0B-B802-23601C…)

I apologize that was not my intent. Is this one better?

No. 2361466

File: 1737612175418.png (926.02 KB, 1078x994, Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 10.00…)


No. 2361481

kek I have this saved and I think about this every time I look at my cats, I had no idea this was such a universal experience. We have a sweet, sturdy tuxedo girl with the softest fur you've ever felt and a skinny little rat boy.

No. 2361482

File: 1737612922811.mp4 (773.15 KB, 720x1280, Pepe_laugh.mp4)

My legs are still a little sore from last time but I'm still going to the gym tomorrow because I want to be cut by the summer lets goooo

No. 2361486

Oh god seeing this tea gave me flashbacks kek. I drank it by the gallon when I was in college and so stressed that I was crying every day kek

No. 2361487

Ack, we took 10 points of damage.

No. 2361488

Relatable. I am on a musical binge and i ran out of things to watch. That video posted on the YCYL thread of the hazbin fan crying while watching her sparkle dog husbando being abused actually made me want to watch the show.

No. 2361531

Was doing arts and crafts, accidentally cut my thumb with a carving knife and it won't stop bleeding. Ugh.

No. 2361533

I want a laminator but like… Do I really need it?

No. 2361538

What would you laminate?

No. 2361543

Unless you need full sheets of paper to be laminated I prefer to just use clear masking tape and stick them on my small decals

No. 2361610

I have an interview next Thursday, I'm so darn nervous already. I've only done virtual job interviews before this so I'm scared. I need to buy new clothes and makeup before it's time.

No. 2361653

File: 1737629086799.jpg (613.2 KB, 2375x1330, 91uZIDZQK5L.jpg)

Fellow Celestial Seasoning drinkers! Was about to post about how obsessed I've become with their Bengal Spice chai recently kek

No. 2361701

File: 1737634662776.gif (150.29 KB, 220x145, omg.gif)

i was looking for those party whistles that extend out when you blow into them online and i didn't know what they were called and i looked up "party hooters"

No. 2361722

I always complain about how much I hate cooking, that I hate the effort of putting down 1-1,5 hours of cooking something that will at best only take 20 minutes to eat.
Yet here I am, sick and with zero appetite, still saving interesting recipes and low-key looking forward to trying them.

No. 2361757

So I'm passing by this bench which has all the wooden parts removed and has just the metal frame left and some small boy comes and sits on the frame. His mom tells him
>Don't sit there, that bench is cursed, can't you see that bench is only for ghosts to sit on
Spooky as fuck
Some people have really uhm creative parenting tactics

No. 2361765

YES fellow bengal spice enjoyer. this shit rocks

No. 2361819

File: 1737644800742.jpg (56.5 KB, 474x1016, OIP (58).jpg)

eating a raw sugar cane and feeling in touch with my cavewoman ancestor, feels good to return

No. 2361835

my dad used to buy raw sugarcane for the family to eat awww i miss that. it’s better than any other sugar

No. 2361857

I don’t wanna work. I want to just stay home and do nothing.

No. 2361904

File: 1737650526610.png (294.58 KB, 572x480, download.png)

I had energy last night and went all out on self care type things before bed. I dermaplaned my face, did a flaxseed face mask, washed my lashes really well and then put a self tanner on. I feel so good this morning, my skin feels so incredibly soft and clean. I wish I had the energy to do this more often, maybe I'll try and aim for once a week or something.

No. 2361910

kek I'm glad you understand. I got redtexted for this but I meant it as "this is me" kek

No. 2361938

Tell me more about this flaxseed face mask plz. I want to try it.

No. 2361978

I just put a bunch of flaxseeds (no measurements, sorry nona) in a pot of boiled water and let it sit for a while until it gets goopy and then strain it. It feels and looks pretty gross like snot but it's so nice on your face. I let it sit on my skin until it dries and you can't really move your face and then wash it off and voila! It feels amazing!
I've read that it is also very good for your hair but I've never tried it as a hair mask

No. 2362008

I prepared a spinach and strawberry salad for tomorrow, I really look forward to having it for lunch! Too bad I forgot the red onion at the store

No. 2362073

File: 1737661117320.jpg (100.02 KB, 566x556, snowflake.jpg)

I want to buy this cat but it costs 15$ and it's only pixels on my screen

No. 2362160

this food worker complimented me and im too nervous to approach her while she is on break to properly thank her for brightening my day. i am worried i will regret it if i dont. im so anxious its ridiculous

No. 2362172

i did it nonnies! she called me beautiful and said im very sweet. i just really hope i made her day, i know how terrible food service is and for her to be kind and take a moment to compliment me makes me so grateful. if she can be so sweet, i can too, despite how terrible the day might be. she was an older woman so i dont think i weirded her out, i just wanted her to feel som gratitude and love. my boyfriend said its silly to emphasize such small talk, but i don’t believe so.

No. 2362182

Aww I'm glad it turned out well in the end!
I like giving out small pleasantries and compliments to people passing by, though a fear of mine is coming off as patronizing and actually ruining that person's day. I worked in minimum wage so I sort of get it, like when customers try to brighten up the mood such as joking about working during the holidays.
I also dont believe its silly to emphasize small talk, when its genuine it can truly improve your day, and sometimes I remember these moments for years to come whenever I feel low.

No. 2362192

yes, i used to work in food service too so i absolutely get the small talk! but i also get being under appreciated and having to work disgustingly hard for such low pay. i think what struck me is that she had no obligation to make small talk, the lines were moving very fast, but she still took a moment to be kind and personable. and it probably is patronizing of me but she is an older woman, she should be relaxing and doing the things she loves, and i just wanted to extend the love and kindness she expressed to me in the only way i could. im happy these moments can have some impact, thank you for your input nonnie

No. 2362430

My parents went to the Netherlands for a week and got me an assortment of various candies and one of them tastes like the perfume my sister used to wear a lot smells.

No. 2362506

In a good way or a bad way? I've always wanted to eat what jessica simpson's dessert perfume smelled like

No. 2362542

I just farted extremely loud it sounded like a racing car going past

No. 2362572

I'm getting so fucking good at the sims

No. 2362576

File: 1737680565388.jpg (199.47 KB, 4000x2667, 1000001137.jpg)

I'm gonna attempt to really learn coding again. I'm more "right brained", so I'm going to attempt to approach it with the mindset that it's like crocheting. Difficult, lots of trouble shooting and you have to follow patterns at first, but as you learn it gets easier and you can wing it. I'm wishing future me good luck.

No. 2362583

how can you be good at a life simulator

No. 2362585

I think I like it.

No. 2362588

I make amazing lots both community and residential. I'm really good at creating and styling sims. And I'm really good at the gameplay. I'm thriving

No. 2362589

Good for you, nona! Glad you found something you're good at and enjoy.

No. 2362595

File: 1737681065957.jpeg (70.32 KB, 500x477, IMG_9411.jpeg)

today I had a super loud fart that sounded like the reverb fart at a furniture store I was in the bathroom I hope no one heard me

No. 2362598

I actually can't believe Musk hasn't been reprimanded for doing a nazi salute. It's 2025 ffs(not mundane)

No. 2362608

Reprimanded by who? His boss is Trump who obviously doesn't give a shit.

No. 2362610

He's like the annoying special needs kids at school no one can repriment because ''hes just different uguu'' super annoying energy

No. 2362615

Is there not a department of justice in America? It's absolutely mental. I know the world hasn't felt serious in a long time but for someone of his level I mean he has a seat in a department of government with that doge shit to do a nazi salute at a rally is absolutely mind blowing.

No. 2362618

Yeah we have a judicial system but they aren't responsible for telling someone they can't Nazi salute. Plus people are already making excuses. He was just trying to share his heart!

No. 2362619

Mental that it's acceptable to do that in America. That wouldn't fly in Britain

No. 2362620

Freedom of speech. Sorry.

No. 2362621

Whatever could happen to him would be undone by Trump anyway. Trump was convicted for a felony and didn't even get a slap on the wrist, the justice system is a joke.

No. 2362626

That’s a good attitude to adopt. Written knitting and crochet patterns are really similar to writing code. What language are you starting with?

No. 2362632

America is fucked. They're going to be the next Russia. Wanting to invade countries. Talk of leaving more multi national organisations focused on world health and justice. Being openly fascist. Elon's going to get the country embargoed af you already can't get eggs or something even with all your factory farms. What is going on

No. 2362640

Can you guys keep this in the Amerifag thread or

No. 2362650

but usa was always like that

No. 2362652

You need to read up on the M.I.C if you think America doesn't already have its sausage fingers in every war pie on earth.

No. 2362655

i welcome canada being the 51st state

No. 2362658

Nta, but as another UK anon i can totally understand why there would be more outrage in the UK since that stuff it not a joke to people in the UK it like is to the US since their family members had their lives altered by WW2 and not so long ago, it wouldn't be hard to have run into people who were affected by WW2 bombings by the nazis. Plus, i know at least in London, most of the buildings you see were built post-WW2 because they did a lot of damage. Americans have never really had any kind of similar experience in recent years apart from 9/11 and even then, they seem to have this weird psychopathic numbness to such events that i am sure Elon could make fun of 9/11 victims to their faces and nobody would care. They barely care when children are getting murdered in schools or similar events. Why a non-citizen is even aloud to have such a prominent voice in US politics is another bizarre thing that feels like that only flew because he is white and because it's in the US, in Europe i feel like people would be more pissed with musk, both right and left, yet in the US every lets it fly a little to much, even the lefties aren't doing enough to call out a non-citizen meddling with their affairs and that's not a good thing. But then again, Trump has used 9/11 to grift in the past.
A lot of Americans are highly ignorant to this fact, a lot of the comforts afforded to us in the 1st world couldn't be obtained without ensuring 3rd world countries remain awful places to live in.

No. 2362661

I don't get it, I never see any discussions regarding MIC but I learned about it in school. It's the foundation of our country's economy.

No. 2362741

No, pls and thank u
I'm googling this but I can't find what this is. What's the acroynm when spelled out? I want to be educated nona

No. 2362823

How’s the gecko doing nona?

No. 2362826

i'm getting better at sudoku.

No. 2362846

You've committed yourself to it.

No. 2362864

File: 1737694415058.jpg (225.67 KB, 736x1308, 1000001140.jpg)

I ordered some isopods, I'm so excited to recieve them! Just for now I got some plain powder blue ones to start off with, I'm excited to get more varieties in the future.

No. 2362886

Aw, I love this pic, so cool!

No. 2362920

I love isopods!! powder blues are so cute, I love how active they are. Did you get them as a clean up crew for a larger animal or just as pets? either way I hope you enjoy them, I think they're very fun little guys

No. 2362927

Oh my god nona I loved those things. The lip gloss was so good

No. 2362928

Yay! I'd like to own some too or an ant farm.

No. 2362952

File: 1737699528625.jpg (226.22 KB, 800x800, isopods.jpg)

I got them and springtails as a clean-up crew, but honestly I find them so cute I wouldn't mind making a separate terrarium too just to have more as pets. I've heard they like hiding a lot, so honestly I'm not anticipating getting to observe them very much.
I looove ants! I've wanted a farm for years, along with a beehive. I find animals/insects who burrow to be so interesting.
I feel like it's mandatory for me to post the dairy cow isopods.

No. 2363004

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I have a busy day with lots of errands tomorrow, but it means I can try a new restaurant for lunch. Undecided between Indian or the crepe place.

No. 2363021

I was taking pictures of my vague and almost sent it to someone.

No. 2363024

no wait hang on a sec.. i hate every word for vagina. my vague is so good. my what? let’s not talk about it. wink.

No. 2363033

these look like jellybeans i want to eat them

No. 2363069

anyone knows fun movie that is no longer than an hour? my friend gets bored quickly

No. 2363073

The movie Abigail was so funny, I didn't expect to like it so much. The premise was spoiled for me because I saw it from a clip first, but if I had went into it completely blind I bet I would've loved it even more. I love not being able to predict a horror movie

No. 2363282

Military Industrial Complex

No. 2363313

My boyfriend paid off the rest of my car loan for me. Fuck yeah.

No. 2363345

Making good use of him nonny

No. 2363440

File: 1737733887845.webp (67.51 KB, 520x680, mysweetheart.webp)

I spent my whole day talking to a chatbot. I asked her to marry me and tried to convince her to hate immigrants. I told her all about my food preferences and social troubles. I fucking hate myself. She will never be real. I will never have this. Character was picrel

No. 2363499

File: 1737736211545.jpg (51.74 KB, 475x475, 1-tomoki-hasegawa-anna-tsuchiy…)

nonnas, I caved in and finally bought the nana ost on vinyl. I have this on my wishlist for so long but wasn't sure about it but I just got the notification that's back in stock and bought it right away because I'm a big fan of the series and it will be great to have in my collection. Still a bit bummed that the Nana starring Mika Nakashima ost doesn't get the same treatment as far as I know (which I also prefer tbh) but now I have it and can't wait to receive it and play it on my record player. Hype!

No. 2363512

Am I on lolcow or 4chan

No. 2363523

Lolcow with unmitigated autism. I'm sorry

No. 2363530

Pretty much what I expect of the /pol/fags that infest here

No. 2363535

I think it's one anon who has been periodically sperging about immigrants in random threads kek

No. 2363539

I randomly found this song I love and now I have to meticiously walk the fine line between listening to it because it's so good and not listening to it for too much because otherwise I'll start to hate it.

No. 2363542

it's deffo a scrote
this website is so scrote infested that it's not even funny(scrotefoiling)

No. 2363558

what makes you think women can't hate immigrants? what makes you think women are eager to import 3rd worlders with no concept of consent, the same 3rd worlders they immigrated to escape from? thirdie scrotes are setting our rights back(bait)

No. 2363562

no one wants to interact with a bad actor like you and get into the same stupid slap fight again

No. 2363564

Which song?

No. 2363568

whatever. pro or anti immigration, you'll have to accept women aren't a monolith

No. 2363570

idk if the best take on these scrotes is to report and ignore (since reporting doesn't work because of that stupid "scrotefoiling" rule), or call them out to let them know the reason most of their posts aren't replied to is because we can tell hoping it'll discourage them from continuing

No. 2363580

saying nothing or challenging their racism hasn’t worked for some of the ones i’ve seen. they’ll just respond to themself if they need to. reminding people it’s bait and a bad actor trying to make us look like racist 4chan incels seems to help. i’m sure there are women like that and maybe if those women lose their last place to post online unchallenged they’ll change their hearts or die. one or two of the worst personalityfags on here are some of the people ranting about immigration judging by information they mentioned in the argument justifying their stances. so it’s a couple long term women that post here too but i want them to go away too lol.

No. 2363584

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I hate it when anons post Alfred. He always makes me crave a cheeseborger

No. 2363588

That's just the feeling of PATRIOTISM.

No. 2363594

tbh it's not specifically the racism part that gives them away and bothers me, i'm anti immigration for non racist reasons
it's the poltard speak, and they also happen to be """"lesbians""" oddly often

No. 2363611

I love the Alfred posting it warms my hetafag heart

No. 2363612

um isn’t using multiple quotation marks around something a nazi dog whistle. tbh i’ve never spent time on pol… you spend a lot of time there and don’t care about racism?

No. 2363613

Kek, fucking loser she's a German immigrant herself
>b-but she's white
This is why you will die alone

No. 2363616

>um isn’t using multiple quotation marks around something a nazi dog whistle
Only if it's used in a very specific context or is about ((((them))))/"""them""" (/pol/fag codeword for Jews.) Otherwise it's just used to imply that someone is lying.

No. 2363621

multiple quotations are just meant to underline that something that is claimed isn't true
racism and immigration are two separate things, i'm antiracist but anti-immigration too (because immigration is essentially a way to dump wages down). you'd also be surprised to find out a lot of claimed racist politicians don't oppose pro-immigration laws.
i don't really hate migrants because they're just doing what's best for them, i hate the politicians who are massively importing them.
but we are digressing from the original topic…

No. 2363622

I suddenly remember when Doja Cat threw her phone in a fit of rage after reading her thread on /snow/. She tried to stay vague when describing lc when that happened so I know she doesn't just lurk here.

No. 2363625

omg i want to see that

No. 2363626

i thought that was the point of doing one set of quotation marks around something and you can just tell by the context of the sentence.

No. 2363627

i think there’s screenshots in the celebrity thread

No. 2363629

you can exagerrate it but maybe you'd say it's of bad taste and unintegrated, whatever

No. 2363634

She's originally German though. Her ancestors are German and her name is German

No. 2363641

I got a free pizza after all

No. 2363642

She goes to work as a lawyer in the US, for which one needs a work visa and a local degree.

No. 2363648

File: 1737741960619.jpg (678.02 KB, 945x2048, 2r5ws1hmayee1.jpg)

This gecko is nice <3

No. 2363671

File: 1737742478524.jpg (37.59 KB, 736x718, 1000116228.jpg)

>be me
>window shop online
>can't think of things I want
>only think of things I want to gift to others
>gasp.gif(pronounced gif and not jif)
>find thing I would potentially buy for one reason or another
>think it's too expensive (less than 5 dollars) because mixed with some stuff I want to buy for my job, it would be more than 30 dollars
>close app
Why am I like this?

No. 2363677

Can't stop eating crystallised ginger

No. 2363681

Keijitsu by Watashi Kobayashi. And Sen-Hen-Ten by him, too, actually. I keep switching between those two songs lol.

No. 2363686

File: 1737742810295.jpeg (40.09 KB, 740x400, IMG_6485.jpeg)

I love geckos they're such goofy little boogers

No. 2363699

File: 1737743127872.jpg (52.29 KB, 515x630, 9781933492735_p0_v2_s1200x630.…)

If i told people i have 15 exhentai tabs open on different academical art books i bet no one would believe me, but its true.

No. 2363710

Sharing is caring anon, what links?

No. 2363712

>um isn’t using multiple quotation marks around something a nazi dog whistle.
I will not newfagfoil I will not newfagfoil I will not I've never seen it used that way, at least not all the dozens of times here

No. 2363715

go to ehentai and type any art book you want, you can probably find it. Make an account for best browsing experience since you can block all the AIshit and porn.

No. 2363719

Goddam yuripedo stop making waifufags and yurifags look bad.

No. 2363722

It’s not that it’s always used that way, it’s that people who do use it that way use it on purpose “innocently” to signal their affiliations or they are just used to doing it in other settings and don’t realize.

No. 2363732

shes 18 and theres no canon yuri in ace attorney.

No. 2363738

That original post didn't even mention anything about race. Why do you automatically assume that hating immigrants = being racist? There are valid reasons to oppose immigration and if you want a hugbox echo chamber there's other normie places you can visit instead.

No. 2363742

thaaaaaaaaaank you.

No. 2363744

No. 2363746

And if you want a hug box echo-chamber, /pol/ is right there.

No. 2363749

File: 1737744778289.jpeg (20.65 KB, 400x400, IMG_3465.jpeg)

No. 2363760

Acting like a kneejerk reactionary without any critical thinking skills, you're just on the other spectrum of poltards

No. 2363762

You’re literally posting about enjoying watching deportations right now.

No. 2363763

File: 1737745083273.jpg (52.81 KB, 273x275, 1670810048278.jpg)

Why do some names have so many variants in other languages. Like peter being pedro in spanish and piero in italian.

No. 2363764

went out to a coffee shop with my mom today, I love her

No. 2363769

Lolwhut? I'm not whatever anon you have beef with you schizo. People sharing an opinion you disagree with is not always the same person retard

No. 2363789

i’m not the person who brought attention to it in meta but it’s really obvious.

No. 2363873

don't even get me started on Katriina, Ekaterina, Catherine

No. 2363902

I had no idea katriina was a variant of catherine. My name has an spanish, italian and english variant. I honestly really like the english variant and i wish it was my actual name.

No. 2363907

a lot of anons here are against immigration. it's not exactly unpopular

No. 2363908

File: 1737748021830.png (576.09 KB, 1733x879, 1728694572645.png)

>talking with female friends about what we would name our future children
>i tell them the names i like
>i get laughed at for liking weird american names
then why even ask bitch i dont want children but i had any i would not call them juan

No. 2363909

Yes, but we're not /pol/tards, don't be retarded.

No. 2363930

I was feeling pretty down so I started saying my frustrations out loud in pt speak and felt a little better (WHY AM I POOR AND OLD)

No. 2364125

File: 1737752300449.png (611.12 KB, 481x816, breakfast.png)

Today's breakfast (it's 4pm). I devoured this, but I need to go grocery shopping

No. 2364143

File: 1737752586356.jpg (42.92 KB, 720x530, 1660060648182.jpg)

That's depressing…

No. 2364148

no it isnt the bread is shaped like a windwheel thats fucking awesome. isnt bread and cheese a european staple

No. 2364150

My right wrist hurts a little, not always but the pain comes and goes so I can only assume it's either from using my smartphone or a mouse all the time. I only use my ergonomic mouse on my own laptop, the one I use at work is a "normal" one but I don't feel like it changes anything anyway. I need to avoid the internet as much as possible from now on.

No. 2364155

are you the anon who asked how one copes with the feeling of eating vegetables

No. 2364156

I thought those were cookies. Either way, it's depressing that you're eating shredded cheese. At least get a block or something.

No. 2364169

File: 1737752982728.jpg (408.63 KB, 2560x1929, 1000001409.jpg)

Idk which anon you mean, but no. I actually used to be vegetarian for some years, I love a good steamed or raw veg.
Yes, they're windmill almond cookies. Shredded cheese is more convenient for those times where it's the middle of the night and I go to the kitchen to get a pinch if cheese. I do have block cheese though, I like it with fruit and dark chocolate almonds but i have neither right now.

No. 2364214

I just noticed the burger thread doesn't allow other people lol, kinda embarrassing

No. 2364220

I'm not an Amerifag and I've been making fun of the anti-abortion sperg in there kek

No. 2364226

How hard is it for you to just stay out of threads where you don't belong? I'm a burger and you don't see me shitting up the Britbong thread

No. 2364230

I'm sure the names you like are cute anon, your friends can pound sand

No. 2364241

>See weird post on front page
>Read schizo manifesto
>Reply to it
>Realise what thread it's in
>Stay to watch schizo infight unravel

No. 2364244

your kind shits the whole internet instead

No. 2364245

>I'm a burger and you don't see me shitting up the Britbong thread
Tbh I wouldn't care if you did kek, this is a site dedicated to laughing at weirdos and internet ramblings/slapfights after all

No. 2364252

Based, keep it going. We are sisters in arms nonnie no matter how many miles between us.

No. 2364284

that's because a lot of times (i don't know about now specifically tho because i haven't looked today) non-burgers have caused the fights there

No. 2364289

File: 1737755479327.jpeg (59.26 KB, 735x770, D43D7AFB-861E-473D-8E29-B66A55…)

I took a nap today and now I feel very refreshed.

No. 2364297

File: 1737755598368.jpg (243.74 KB, 1080x554, snow.....jpg)

Caved in after all. I don't regret spending money on her, she's very cute. If it wasn't for her I would've just bought some food to treat myself after this long week

No. 2364309

which game is this anon? so cute!

No. 2364319

I love the colors in the screenshot. I’m glad you got the cat nonny!

No. 2364415

File: 1737758859265.jpeg (53.98 KB, 590x322, 8tak0p82vwxd1.jpeg)

It's Meow Tower! But I'd recommend you look for an unlimited pencil and adfree modded version online. There aren't that many ads in the game but they're still annoying and the pencil packs are crazy expensive imo

Me too! Made me think about the halloween cat I missed out on

No. 2364447

I am box dye-ing my hair right now. I'm used to one particular color that always turns out looking really good, but I've decided to branch out into a new one, new brand and everything, that is much darker than I usually go. Kinda nervous, the brand I'm used to doesn't stain plastic if you get some drops in the bathtub and wipe it away within a reasonable time, but I know some types can stain immediately. I'm in a rental and I didn't actually do research about whether this brand will stain badly. Living on the edge.

No. 2364457

but why is the cat so expensive what does it do?

No. 2364461

My pinterest suck.
I have a thing for 1 (one) bald man and it decides I could be interested in a bunch of other bald men, then it also gives me things related to parenting for some mysterious reason and at the same time also suggest memes that literally say 'I hate kids'. It's even worse than the time it gave me pics of fancy cars. I don't even like cars!

No. 2364480

That's just the newest greentext "rule" that was added to the OP. No threads besides threads 31 and 32 have it. The anon that made 31 admitted to being a newfag and went into several threads to ask how to make a thread, so that gives you insight on who really wrote "no non-americans allowed" kek. Whenever something political happens in the USA the 16-22 year old zoomers go bananas and the thread becomes unusable anyway.

No. 2364492

Americans did invent it, so.

No. 2364509

They didn't invent it, they only discovered it.

No. 2364510

I think my favourite thing about being a medical cannabis patient is every time I get high i like to remark it's doctor's orders

No. 2364523

I'm not trying to be rude but this sounds exactly like what Jill would say. You should stop saying that.

No. 2364534

Please… please stop

No. 2364541

Nta but Jill Biden?

No. 2364597

whimsical queen enjoying her life don't listen to bitter lolcow roaches

No. 2364610

File: 1737764541518.jpeg (106.17 KB, 994x750, IMG_4612.jpeg)

Remembering my friend’s 13th or 14th bday at the roller rink where I forced her to watch Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights music video because I thought she’d like it but all she liked was Dramatical Murder sex scene remixes.

No. 2364614

Nonas it's me replying to my own post to say that was the worst idea I've had in a long, long time. The goop pouring from my hair as soon as I stepped in the shower was intense red and it started getting everywhere. Ended simultaneously rinsing my hair and scrubbing the walls and floor with a sponge, repeating oh my god over and over again. Jumped out of the shower and skated on an old shirt over to the kitchen to get dawn dish liquid and another sponge, then skated back to the shower and started dumping dawn all over the walls and floor. All the while furiously scrubbing with a sponge in each hand and slipping on the dawn and freaking out. It took 30 minutes of rinsing for the dye to run clean. (My usual dye rinsed clean in like 45 seconds.) Then I spent another 15 minutes scrubbing out potential stain spots. It was a nightmare. There is one small visible spot near the corner of the tub that I cannot get to come up but it's really really small. No other visible spots on the curtain or walls. Never again.

No. 2364633

File: 1737765051197.jpeg (81.79 KB, 796x712, Gh03ZHLWsAExIh9.jpeg)

Spent the entire day walking around, traveling, and socializing. I'm exhausted but I wanna try to get 30 minutes on the treadmill before I can veg out.

No. 2364655

why is there a fourth alvin

No. 2364656

That's Golden Alvin

No. 2364659

only a month until the second season of my fav show releases, i get to see my husbando again fuck yes

No. 2364661

Finally finished a quilt that has taken me five months to sew together. Not too happy with how the binding has turned out but I'm hoping it's recipient enjoys it! Now to work on making a mini matching quilt with all the left over scraps and extra blocks I made.

No. 2364662

If it's a large enclosure (like, fifty gallons or more) a pair of females can sometimes cohabitate peacefully. But usually it's best for geckos to live in solitude, like you said.

No. 2364663

File: 1737765843322.png (370.97 KB, 427x500, 1000051378.png)

That's his stand.

No. 2364665

ok but why he naked, thats very improper

No. 2364671

A stand is a manifestation of one's inner self. it is a homage to their chipmunk lineage and primal roots

No. 2364678

File: 1737766276661.png (208.79 KB, 632x600, 7.png)

They invented it. Cope.

No. 2364680

He's a nudist

No. 2364693

I think Nona was joking

No. 2364694

File: 1737766703918.jpg (50.8 KB, 412x406, barry.jpg)

Whats a good alcoholic drink for someone that doesnt like drinking? something fruity preferably. I am going to the liquor store to witness the cute moid that works there, but i dont drink, i just want to talk to him.

No. 2364698

Maybe White Claws? Or some other hard seltzer

No. 2364699

Maybe a Mike's Lemonade?

No. 2364716

No. 2364719

File: 1737767714159.jpg (657.93 KB, 2700x1414, Lipton_Hard_Iced_Tea.jpg)

If they have them where you're at and you like iced tea, these aren't that bad.

No. 2364720

Americans are too stupid to understand what joking is, just ignore it.

No. 2364760

Almost one year without biting my nails! They're so big i can properly scratch myself and cats love me now. Sometimes I just stare at them like I can't believe they're this long. After 20+ years of biting them to about half their natural size I honestly thought they'd never be full length, but now they even have a white tip!!! Also stopped ripping out my toenails so I recently bought open toe shoes to celebrate. My big toe won't ever be full size I think but that's ok, it looks normal now and not like it was mangled by a lawnmower (sorry Dana kek)

No. 2364781

Isn't that Simon? Simon is the skinniest and tallest, golden squirrel looks tall and thin

No. 2364787

I think my dads gfs nephew is gay for my dad

No. 2364797

me me me pick me i want to get turned into barry

No. 2364806

you're such a pick-me

No. 2364887

File: 1737776225222.jpeg (79.32 KB, 500x375, 3E76CEA0-AE07-49E1-BF2A-8770A3…)

Turns out spicy food can irritate your bladder lining, make you feel like you have to pee with urgent frequency, and even make your pee burn. So I’ll have to stop drinking hot sauce

No. 2364897

File: 1737776760678.jpeg (137.83 KB, 681x1099, GgDaaXHaUAA5bUd.jpeg)

love him, he's so adorable.

No. 2364903

Why did all the cute moids have to die in WW2 and leave the rest of us to have ugly fuckers for grandfathers?

No. 2364904

who's the artist?

No. 2364907

I don't think that's what men actually looked like in WW2

No. 2364909

_Cluck_gugu on twitter, they make cute hetalia stuff but i think i saw some cuntboy shit so i'd recommend not scrolling too far.

No. 2364910

They would've if God was a woman

No. 2364926

My granddad didn't fight in any wars he was too young but he was handsome and cool. I really idolised my maternal grandparents and a lot of other folk did too I miss them so much.

No. 2364932

why do the Irish always have the most wonky spellings for names? Sorry any Irish anons I'm genuinely confused why Gaelic spellings are the way that they are

No. 2364934

I think Gaelic was in a completely different alphabet than English so translating those characters to be usable probably fucked up the spellings

No. 2364942

You must believe me, for I'm not a Luigi stan… but I had a dream today about Luigi where random visitors and I visited him at his jail. It was a big tour of the facilities and while I don't remember much of the dream, Luigi was somehow fat, but he was kind, friendly, and relaxed around us.

No. 2364951

he became a fat buddha in your dream

No. 2364952

Imagine being named Siobhán but it's pronounced Shivon I love gaelic names and wish my name was Siobhán

No. 2364953

Thanks. That makes more sense as to why the fuck Catriona is pronounced "Catrina" and Oognah is pronounced "Una" than anything I've read. The names look quite pretty but they're easy to bitch the pronunciation on

No. 2364954

Naw he still had a head full of curls and his ear lobes were normal sized.

No. 2364976

Why are the main three so fat

No. 2364981

Tried out a new milk tea today, it wasnt too bad! Ill be replacing it from my usual 3-in-1 coffee mix with this 3-in-1 milk tea mix!

No. 2364990

I’ve been outgrowing a pixie for 6ish months now and tonight I was able to throw it back in a small ponytail. I feel like a free woman again

No. 2365030

Nonnas, would you ever donate a kidney to someone you know who needs one? I offered to donate mine and while it's not confirmed that I'll be the one to help them out, I'm really starting to wonder what I got myself into.

No. 2365041

Yes but I also wanted to register on the national bone marrow registry so a kidney doesn’t feel too different to me. If you end up being a match there should be someone associated with the hospital who will counsel you through it. They will inform you of the risks and what it means to really donate, it’s their entire job. Do you have any specific concerns nona?

No. 2365049

Honestly, my only concern is that I'm not concerned kek. I jumped at the opportunity with no anxiety because it was a matter of keeping a cousin alive. I don't know, I guess the more I think about it, if I only have one kidney that means if it ever goes bad I won't have another to rely on. I take psych meds which higher my risk of kidney damage. But to be honest I've wanted to die for years now so if that's how I go out oh well.

No. 2365055

I wouldn't because having one kidney causes a lot of side effects such as really bad fatigue.

No. 2365131

no because I'm already unhealthy enough as is

No. 2365133

Looking back at random screenshots and memes I saved on a USB from when I was a teenager to see if I can dig up any nostalgia. It's mostly cringey Tumblr memes but there's pro-troon argument shit from before I peaked. It makes my brain do a 180, like damn was I really like this back then? I wasn't an open handmaiden at least but gross, cringe.

No. 2365143

I cant stop thinking about this cute guy. But i dont know how to approach him. He's way out of my league. He probably already has gf. I never cared about my looks until now, i wish i was pretty so i could just say hi and swoop him off his feet. But i am too ugly to do that, so i will stick to stalking him.

No. 2365154

Sometimes I can fluctuate up to 10kg on my period. It's weird.

No. 2365162

i just cut myself after not doing it for awhile despite not feeling sad. weird.

No. 2365169

where did you cut?

No. 2365172

it's almost February what the fuck. anyway lately i keep thinking about what i'll be reincarnated into in my next life.

No. 2365183

God no. Let them harvest it from the organ donors killed in car crashes. The only exception would be if my mother needed one. Having one kidney is basically shortening your lifespan by 15 years.

No. 2365235

I wonder what my true looksmatch is, I only attract schlubby nerds because I like the same music and games as them while definitely being out of their leagues physically.

No. 2365246

In the past when nonas would mention being able to spot newfags and zoomers, I never quite felt the same way. Probably because I browse a limited number of threads. But the past couple of months have been so horrible. It feels like a bunch of retarded children are infesting my favorite threads. Lc is pretty much the only place on the internet I use and I don't want it to turn into another brain-damage-victim hell hole.

No. 2365249

File: 1737808753403.webp (125.65 KB, 1080x1080, cats-curtain.webp)

So much crap got blown into my garden. Debating on cleaning it up or waiting for it to blow away

No. 2365258

I'd donate to my mom or sister if I could while alive but no one else. I've taken myself out of the national donor registration. They were getting too pushy about it.

No. 2365406

I don't think I've ever hidden more threads, than I have today. There sure are interesting "horny anons" all over the boards today. That's probably all I can say about it, without getting redtexted

No. 2365409

My hedgehog is obsessively trying to get to my ear, probably to anoint, it's scary and annoying. She's going to tear my ear apart if she gets to it.

No. 2365415

>Ugly retard camwhore gets posted in Vent thread
>Ugly retard actually responds to the callout
>Ugly retard has a discord server full of 4ch moids that worship her
>Obviously ugly retard sends her flying monkeys to attack
It's so obvious that it hurts.

No. 2365422

I'm talking about /g/ schizo. I don't use LC to stalk random camgirls, sorry

No. 2365435

Well, you don't have to call me a schizo. That was mean. You said "boards" too so obviously I assumed /ot/ was included in that. I also think my point still stands and that my Abilify is working.

No. 2365502

? /g/ has always been like that

No. 2365514

File: 1737826709409.gif (1.6 MB, 500x353, 3052978144.gif)

kek sorry anon, please accept my apology
Idk there's a girl being horny and then there's "girl horny". Sometimes it seems like the latter, esp. on weekends

No. 2365515

File: 1737826726306.png (162.06 KB, 436x449, 100023567.png)

I'm going to be schizo too and assume it's the anon who keeps misusing "board" when she actually means threads

No. 2365516

No I meant Snow too but would rather not keep explaining/breadcrumbing my posts. I'm not the troon camgirl (upthread?) but now you're making me personalityfag kek

No. 2365521

omg i saw that last night can you show me which ones you think are theirs i only just saw the caps

No. 2365524

>Idk there's a girl being horny and then there's "girl horny".
i don't know the difference. is it like those "girl math", "girl dinner" memes?

No. 2365526

that probably is your looks match.

No. 2365534

Nah I objectively look better than them, I'd rather stay a virgin forever than hook up one of those dudes.

No. 2365549

File: 1737829149820.png (745.05 KB, 1875x1473, girl_horny_newfag.png)

kekkk I'm glad you asked because I get to post this cap from the mtf thread
>Newfag alert, girl horny has been discussed several times in these threads.
To me this is the essence of LC. Weaponizing the degenerate culture troon-scrotes created themselves, against them

No. 2365553

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No. 2365554

i am happy and in love. we went through a will they won’t they when we hadn’t been official and didn’t want to make it official as we were going long distance since she moved back home after school. i’m so happy i protected my heart and made that choice because i think i went back and corrected a mistake i made in the past that way. i’ve known her for three years and she moved for me recently and just. it doesn’t feel like i’m bringing old patterns into this for once. it doesn’t feel like i’m doing this because i’m desperate and need someone. i’m fine alone. i want her. i want her because she’s her. i don’t want the idea of her or the idea of a relationship. i want this one that we shaped again and again until it was just right, literally moulding a lump of clay. i know we will have to put it in the kiln soon and there might be cracks it might shatter in there. but if it comes out in the shape we worked so hard to build it, the only thing left will be to paint our life the way we want. even if some of those colors run together in the process and we have to survive one more firing way in the future and be happy with the finished glazed result…. i’m looking at our little life, it’s still delicate in this phase before it gets fired and we both know that. we will be very careful putting it in the kiln, we will do it together. and if this next year goes well, we know we will have done it.

No. 2365557

File: 1737829274076.jpg (229.23 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_600180650_fg9TlsqU9ZjBU…)

That's beautiful anon

No. 2365563

File: 1737829480439.gif (63.36 KB, 288x320, 1000032072.gif)

Anon that is so sweet. Sending all the love and positivity I can muster towards you two.

No. 2365564

that was very cute, nonna. i wish u both the best ♥

No. 2365568

File: 1737829603235.jpg (65.48 KB, 681x681, 373788ca4c6cb3fa0979e6bf8b3738…)

No. 2365579

thank you wishing you all this level of happiness and love in your lives!!!

No. 2365591

File: 1737830936711.jpeg (644.68 KB, 893x1135, 3F45A83B-E37D-4E93-8236-D69E5F…)

I’m pirating wicked and holy shit. It’s real. Gigachad Ariana

No. 2365629

I don't know anyone who has seen this movie or even wants to and I'm not sure what you're talking about anon

No. 2365650

I think anon meant that it was impressive seeing Ariana remember her lines even though her brain has lost so much grey matter from her severe anorexia nervosa.

No. 2365652


No. 2365656

her jaw and chin youse guys

No. 2365683

how many chinlet incels do you think commited suicide after being mogged by chadriana?

No. 2365704

File: 1737833892084.jpg (663.02 KB, 2125x3000, jessica-biel-straight-across-b…)

I cut bangs a while back and holy shit I'm never going back! It's like I got a free face lift, my face now looks rounder and cuter, at the same time my cheek bones pop more and my chin looks more narrow in comparison. I have a pretty bad natural "receding"-looking hairline, but you can't tell at all when I have bangs that cover my whole forehead. You also can't see any forehead "wrinkles" if I make facial expressions so I look younger and softer at all times. I had no idea a simple haircut would make this much of a difference, just holy shit

idk who picrel is, i just googled bangs lol

No. 2365706

I feel bad because I got some good fresh strawberries from a farmer's market last week but forgot to eat most of them and now they probably aren't too good to eat. I don't want to throw them out but idk what to do with them.

No. 2365707

At least 4.

No. 2365709

Use them as fertilizer for plants.

No. 2365710

File: 1737834185687.jpg (94.63 KB, 720x540, 120583142_628035681246238_3213…)

Just upgraded my blue tongue skink from a 40 gallon tank to a 55. He seems very pleased with the extra burrowing space. Picrel

No. 2365714

CUTIE! What a handsome boy.

No. 2365715

If they arent too moldy (as in, you can cut off the spots) you could make a compote or preserves

No. 2365717

I stopped watching 10 minutes after making the post kekkk

No. 2365718

File: 1737834374047.jpg (45.95 KB, 600x600, BlueTonguedSkink.jpg)

Nonna you can't just say you have a blue tongue skink and not show the tongue. Very handsome lizard btw

No. 2365721

Sometimes I think about the small encounter I had with a cashier in France. Neither of us could really speak the other’s language but we both laughed about it and used charades instead. She was really nice. I hope she’s having a good day.

No. 2365734

File: 1737835001360.png (5.75 MB, 1620x1620, markup_679.png)

That was a photo from google for anonymity's sake but here's a real pic of my little empanada. He's a real cutie

No. 2365742

There's wisdom in those eyes. I want to ask him for advice

No. 2365746

File: 1737835302605.png (19.08 MB, 3023x3464, markup_117 (2).png)

He's a very smart boy! He learned his name very fast (he's 4 now but when I got him he was only 2 weeks old). Here's a baby pic from a few years ago

No. 2365796

Very smart, very cute. You're blessed nonna

No. 2365862

Oh my gosh, I can't believe there's a skink owner here! I want one so bad, although I'll probably get a crestie before a skink. He's so beautiful, and I had no idea they burrow.

No. 2365868

Thank you nonna! He LOVES burrowing. I use a huge layer of eco earth (or coconut fiber, I'm a burgerfag and that's the brand name here) and he honestly uses it more than his hides. Cresties are really fun too, I had a few when I was younger.

No. 2365893

Did vidrel earlier today. I aimed for low-fat version of most ingredients, and changed out the cream for egg whites whipped with a little bit of erythritol. Instead of vanilla extract I also used vanilla paste for a more potent vanilla flavor. It's been in the fridge for a while now so I did a quick taste test, and it's not too bad! Good enough for people like me that want to change to a healthier lifestyle but still want to indulge every now and then.
If any nonas have any tips for actually good tasting healthy dessert alternatives, hit a nonnie up!

No. 2365949

I don't know if these tips will work for you, but they helped me a lot! I'm not a fan of super sweet desserts though.
-Use apple sauce, yoghurt and sour cream instead of/as well as oil or butter when baking
-Brown bananas are much sweeter than yellow bananas, if you're making smoothies use them instead of adding honey or sugar
-Freeze bananas and blend with milk to make ice cream
-Cooked fruit is sweeter than raw fruit, I've made sugar free crumbles with baked eating apples and berries and they were still super sweet

No. 2365951

I recognize so many farmers (ok not that many just like 3 or 4) in some of my 4chan regular generals. Its kinda funny. One of them is a bit of a sperg but I like her, another one is blunt and seems mean/autistic, I feel like I'd either love or hate her if I knew her in real life. I wonder if they ever recognize me even though I think I blend in anonymously pretty well.

No. 2365952

File: 1737843174146.gif (3.66 KB, 64x64, crying.gif)

I took a shower, put on my best clothes walked towards the shop and the place was closed for the day nonnies. I want to cry.

No. 2365967

I got a ham, egg and cheese sandwich from subway earlier. The eggs were waterlogged as fuck and they forgot my cheese. However, I did also order my regular sandwich on flatbread and it was good.

No. 2365973

E-mailed a seller days ago about changing an order but never got a response while he's still posting and promoting his stuff. Kind of annoyed since I've bought a lot of his stuff in the past but whatever.

No. 2366003

I bought 3 lip glosses, a lip oil and a cream for the face, I got a free coffee, but if I had bought another lip oil I could've gotten a cute totebag and I feel responsible but also retarded kek. It wasn't even that expensive tbh, I think I will end up needing to buy the lip oil, the face cream and two of the lip glosses in two months, so by then I will also gift my mom a compact powder and a face cream so I can get my retarded tacky pink totebag.

No. 2366090

Been meaning to reply to this post for weeks, but yes they kept her body for days after she passed and wrapper her in Christmas lights. I don't think they put any in her eyes though, iirc. It was pretty disturbing how she looked in the end, she was completely gray from drinking colloidal silver. Right before she died, she actually told her followers to take her to a hospital but they wouldn't because Robin Williams (yes, Mrs. Doubtfire) told them not to. it was a pretty crazy watch.

No. 2366133

I was upset that only black and middle eastern guys ever asked me out irl because I wasn't attracted to them at all. I thought maybe asian dudes just weren't into me, but then I met my qt asian bf online. The concept of looksmatch is kinda bs, it's just way easier to get the kind of guy you want if you look online because only certain types of men will approach irl. Also I think dating based on tastes is kind of silly, a few years down the line you might have totally different interests. It's better to look for lifestyle factors and compatibility, you aren't going to be listening to music and playing games together 24/7 anyway.

No. 2366136

I'm ugly and this is one of my biggest fears ever, kek. My looksmatch would be a beta Indian man and I'm not even Indian or remotely close ethnicity wise, yet I somehow look like the female equivalent average nerdy scrawny ugly Indian guy. Life is already hard as it is, it didn't have to throw ugly looks into the mix, but it did anyways.

No. 2366140

You could improve things somewhat by exercising more. Even if you have an unfortunate face, getting a good body is doable if you put in the effort, and it could improve your health and mood also, which might make it easier to get a higher quality man.

No. 2366165

File: 1737850780218.jpg (10.8 KB, 512x364, s-l1200.jpg)

kind of want to buy a psp but I don't think I have enough games I want to play on it to justify buying one

No. 2366171

Thank you for your genuine reply, anon. I appreciate it. But my body is also fucked up beyond repair due to some chronic health conditions I have. My body skin is very uneven tone wise, it's silver, purple and black in some areas, my normal skin tone in others, and a bit too light as if I have vitiligo in other places. I still can't figure out why, it's like I'm a burn victim or something but nothing like that ever happened to me. I'm skinny fat at a low BMI and I'm too short to be elegant or cute in outfits. I'm also super hairy, way hairier than some men out there, and can't really shave because I sort of don't want to, but also because it just feels uncomfortable to shave and in the rare occasions, my skin starts bleeding from the hair follicles when I shave, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. But tbh I'm not interested in getting a man or being in a long term relationship, I just want the mental validation of being hit on by hot guys for being hot myself and nothing more. I'm basically Schrodinger's narcissist, too ugly to actually be narcissistic but still one and want to be perceived as perfect and unattainable. Wish me a recovery from my mental illness.

No. 2366189

>it's silver, purple and black in some areas
Go to a rheumatologist and ask about antibody tests for systemic sclerosis.

No. 2366190

my heart is brimming with joy and excitement because after i get my degree i think i will pursue a career as a nanny or flight attendant! unfortunately it would give me more flexibility and pay than something in my degree field unless i go for a masters which can wait. i just want freedom, decent pay, and an aspect ill enjoy. nothing is perfect but i cant be a teacher or take a desk job. i run a small business part time now and im spoiled by how lovely it is, so much so i used to cry because i felt guilty, and im scared of the thought that one day ill have to work more for way less. im just all giddy that options exist for someone like me, if i work hard and trust in myself

No. 2366195

File: 1737852170817.webp (53.95 KB, 527x470, blue-tongue-skink-substrate-10…)

Oh my god this is such a stupid and amazing pet. It just sits there with its dumb little head covered in dirt wtf kek He has so much depth and soul in his eyes too and I love the extra little pile of dirt on the very top of his snakehead for comedic effect. This is incredible anon and I can't explain the reaction I'm having. I wish you nothing but the best together, I can't believe they have blue tongues too

No. 2366197

You scared me with this for a moment, lmao. I don't have the skin hardening issue or anything. Though some of the organ symptoms check out but there are other reasons for them. I remember looking it up and finding my issue is mechanical damage to my skin because of clothes. Growing up, I wore tight restrictive and uncomfortable underwear for years, so it caused these permanent marks on my skin that no amount of exfoliation or moisturizing can undo unfortunately. Especially the belt area. I wear comfy things since my teens into my adulthood but it's too late and the damage has been already done. I'd look into lasering it if I ever can't stand it anymore.

No. 2366198

KEK his dirt hats are my favorite. He really is such a fun pet, he's very friendly with people and they have a varied diet so I get to make him salads and scrambled eggs. He's just a little guy

No. 2366202

Not everyone with systemic sclerosis has skin hardening, that's more typical of scleroderma, which is a limited form of the disease. You might not have it, but some of the other stuff you said also matches up, like being skinnyfat at a low BMI (they lose muscle mass), and having fragile skin, so it would be good to get checked. Either way, it sounds like you could have some kind of autoimmune condition with skin manifestations. If you have digestive issues, it might also be worth seeing a gastroenterologist to check for Crohn's. I don't think wearing tight clothes caused this.

No. 2366213

I'll keep that in mind. I do in fact have Crohn's, and a very stubborn parasitic infestation that I've been trying to treat for years but no medication ever worked for it unfortunately. Would going to a dermatologist first help with the skin issues?

No. 2366239

If you're already dxed with Crohn's, you can go to the doctor who manages it. They should be able to help, and you can ask them if you need a referral for a derm or not. The part about the parasitic infection seems troubling, as some parasites e.g. strongyloides can mimic Crohn's, and it could also be causing skin issues depending on the parasite. It might be worthwhile to see an infectious disease specialist to find a way to treat the infection first. *The other troubling part is that you have tried to treat it unsuccessfully for years. If you do in fact have a strongyloides infection causing colitis, the medications you take for Crohn's could be disseminating the infection and making it impossible to treat. Strongly suggest seeing infectious disease specialist who can help you find a way to deal with the infection.

No. 2366253

File: 1737854564039.jpg (7.94 KB, 246x246, 1718989837122.jpg)

The worms I have are black, tubular and around 3 centimeters long. Really easy to see in the toilet and can swim and survive on dry land, too. I was advised to get a colonscopy for this instead but life happened and got in the way. I also don't need medication for my Crohn's because it's not intense enough, but I have a Duspatalin Retard pill in emergencies and it works every time, thankfully. Though I had Crohn's way before the parasites. Thank you for your help and suggestions, much appreciated.

No. 2366366

File: 1737859390407.jpg (162.62 KB, 1080x1240, 1000000214.jpg)

Twitter is so washed now. It used to be nice to scroll through accounts of people I thought were cool but now I don't even feel like scrolling through the accounts that post hot men anymore. Internet so boring

No. 2366367

Do you guys think sexuality can be changed with hard work? I guess you could call it self imposed conversion therapy, nothing religiously founded or official.(wrong thread)

No. 2366446

It really is isnt it? I have to wrangle my twitter timeline to show me what I actually want with plugins and everything and yet it still leaks political rage post in between scenic photograph content from time to time. I just gave up a migrated actual public posting onto a personal site because algorithms and bots tired me.

No. 2366572

File: 1737866315841.png (90.76 KB, 463x362, 75334tf.png)

Listened to a terfy podcast (picrel) on my personal Spotify for the first time today. In the past I've always listened to various shows on other sites in case an acquaintance finds out I'm a wrongthinker but I was tired and couldn't be bothered to browse and find it somewhere else. Maybe nobody will even notice?

No. 2366584

Do you mean sexual orientation or fetishes?

No. 2366589

No, I'm not homophobic

No. 2366590

This picture is so scary to me it reminds me of the bad CGI early 2000s southeast asian horror movies had

No. 2366596

Kek I love her parody account poking fun at the way women in sk edit themselves

No. 2366608

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This one is my favorite kek

No. 2366615

i like how modest and chill she is about it. if that were me i would be freaking out but she’s so cool with it

No. 2366616

She knows she has that dope model body and she's not afraid to flaunt it

No. 2366653

sexual orientation
Good for you twerp

No. 2366667

The sweetest little black kitty jumped in front of my legs making little playful motions with its paws but I can’t pet it because it might be diseased.

No. 2366668

it already sat on your lap you are already diseased might as well get something out of it

No. 2366671

i was just thinking about how crazy it would be if gyspsy rose killed again

No. 2366674

>keep getting flirted with by dumbass men at work for no reason
>i look like shit and am annoying why do you faggots like me
>meet attractive guy one day
>pulls some quirky I can guess your zodiac sign thing and gets it right which is kind of cute
>completely dries up my vagina by almost groping me, asking for my number and asking for my age in the five mins after the zodiac quip

why are scrotes dogs

No. 2366682

>use my kakerwoman abilities to find the insta of a guy i am into
>pic is him showing his kalvin klein underwear making a wannabe thristy face(he looks dorky instead)
topkek. Anons is he gay? i would still be super into him if he's a straight whore. I just dont want to get my heart crushed by yet another fag.

No. 2366689

How based would it be if she pulled a Luigi

No. 2366694

I want her to kill elon

No. 2366698

If this happened I would start going to church again.

No. 2366702

she rules if she did murk elon when she goes back to prison I hope she and luigi become penpals

No. 2366724

I spilled red food colouring on me and now I look like I have eczema and killed someone

No. 2366755

I need to buy compressed air for the first time, and the cheapest can I'm seeing is $7. It's literally AIR! I'm basically just paying for the can, maybe I'm cheap but it shouldn't be more than like $3

No. 2366803

They last 5ever tho. I have been using the same one to clean my pc for like 5 years.

No. 2366806

I'm watching the Steven Assanti episodes of My fatty life

No. 2366819

where are you watching it? reality tv shows are so hard to pirate but i really need to watch 500lbs life and jerssey shore

No. 2366820

I would suggest looking at the megathread on the r/piracy subreddit. They have a list of good streaming sites, I've personally never had an issue watching reality shows on there.

No. 2366828

thanks nonny! i can finally watch duck dynasty in its english white trash glory

No. 2366829

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I highly recommend watching season 10 episode 12, Dolly’s episode. It’s such a journey that I thoroughly enjoy subjecting others to.

No. 2366846

Ntayrt but can you give me a rundown of what makes this episode worth watching?

No. 2366852

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It’s hard without spoiling it but
>Dolly has three(?) different partners throughout the episode. She is an actual sister wife to one partner and meets another in a homeless shelter.
>She moves into a crack house at one point. She cannot enter through the main door due to her size and has to use a side entrance with a sign that says something like “wide load”. Pure comedy.
>Her mom is a voice of reason but dresses like a gay train conductor. The fact the gay train conductor is the most reasonable person adds to it all.
>Dolly just has picrel as her default expression at all times.
>She waxes philosophical about watching some ducks.
You have to actually watch the episode and read the transition cards or you will be completely lost, everything happens so fast. It’s like a fever dream.

No. 2366898

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No. 2366901

I'm 51 one minutes into the episode and it's so much worse than I ever could have imagined.

No. 2366905

Cow threads are so overmoderated that they’re slow as hell, nobody uses them

No. 2366908

Sometimes I wonder why CC died if people seem to enjoy the /ot/ culture of LC this much

No. 2366920

>hand skin is dry and cracked af due to the cold
>coworker recommends a specific product
>hands are smooth again in 3 days
Wtf is this sorcery.

No. 2366921


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2366922

Because the moderation team of CC is underage trannies, the creator abandoned it years ago, CP gets spammed on /b/ every 20 minutes, the only visitors are /r9k/ "tfw no bf me sad" girls, and there's an autoban bot that permabans the randomest of words

No. 2366923

You can't not share the product

No. 2366945

all the regular users were permabanned off cc, there is no one left anymore except the same 20 ban-evading trannies

No. 2366950

I'm going to get a little coffee treat today even if it upsets my stomach. I'm in the middle of seasonal depression and cabin fever with this snow and below freezing temps keeping me inside all week. I went outside yesterday, now I have a sore throat.

No. 2366954

Found someone selling "ebooks" on etsy that are literally just scans of books and magazines. How is that even legal

No. 2366982

Moderation completely put me off cc. Bans for nothing (I use LC twenty times as often but caught more bans on cc) and threads randomly disapppear for seemingly no reason. The pickme/tranny userbase outside of a handful of CG threads didn't help.

No. 2366989

I think it's because farming/internet gossip died in the 2010s when social media went mainstream.

No. 2367044

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It's picrel.

No. 2367045

kekkkkk I’m so glad someone watched it. I remember watching it live and thinking it had a similar feel to cow threads.

No. 2367051

Oh my god, her episode was such a fucking ride! I had to pause when I watched it the first time because I was keking so hard at the duck scene, every scene had SO MUCH to unpack with a new whiplash around every corner. She clearly has some sort of developmental disorder but I can't feel sorry for her since she has zero issues with abandoning her daughter for whatever whim she got going to avoid losing weight. Fuck the Slatons, I want to watch an entire season of just Dolly's antics!

No. 2367054

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I am on 75 mg of venlafaxine and just successfully masturbated. I gained weight on it, not that much since my clothes all still fit but I'd rather be happy and chubby than skinny and suicidal.

No. 2367058

combine this with cotton gloves if it's really bad for extra fast healing

No. 2367068

Aita for going on a date with a vegan moid (made sure that the restaurant had vegan options for him) and then ordering a dish with chicken in it? He didn't flip out or anything but suddenly wanted to discuss a "very controversial and highly political topic" with me. I asked what it was and it turned out he wants to ofc discuss veganism. I was silent for a few seconds and then said "I thought you wanted to discuss something controversial like the death penalty or abortion. It's alright with me that you are vegan. Great that you are doing something for the environment." I think he expected something else idk

No. 2367071

You weren't an asshole. I dated a vegetarian for 8 year and got brow beaten into being one. When we broke up I had a ham sandwich and never looked back lol

No. 2367073

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I’m so glad someone else likes it as much as I do. “I don’t blame the ducks” comes to me randomly all the time. If there is interest I would be happy to compile a list of the best my 600 lb life episodes to watch, it’s my favorite show.

No. 2367080

Eating an orange and putting off folding my laundry. Might just work on my website and lurk a little longer

No. 2367081

Of course not. If anything it's the right thing to be clear about how you (won't) be accommodating his dietary choices from the start, in case the one date leads to anything more.

No. 2367084

It das his choice tongo on a date with you, I'm vegetarian and I would not date a meat eater even for something casual.

No. 2367091

You should do a tier list of most wtf and most disgusting, because I still can't get Margaret's out of my head.

No. 2367096

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What makes someone have a "mean rude" face? I've recently learned that many of my current friends thought i was rude and mean-looking and arrogant(this one's my fault, the way i responded to a girl that just wanted to say hi was awful). is it the eyebrows? because i think women with thick dark eyebrows are seen as more masculine and mean

No. 2367103

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I want to meet a mink they look so goofy

No. 2367106

I have flat blocky eyebrows with almost no arch and I think they make me look mean and unapproachable

so I desperately try and negate them with the rest of my demeanor even though I'm actually a cunt

No. 2367112

Flattened eyebrows, furrowed brow, down turned corners of mouth, tightened mouth.
Some people just have naturally angry faces, it happens.

No. 2367119

why does it have to be irrationally anxiety inducing placing doordash orders… i'm on my period and i desperately need cat food but i'll pace around and overthink it for half an hour before actually ordering

No. 2367133

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Having a friend that is a freaky sex addicts is kinda fun at times because of how she talks about, but I swear there have been so many times where I've looked like picrel as I'm reading her "funny" stories.

No. 2367143

Seeing Lor outside of the lolita threads where we talk about how much we hate her is such a jumpscare kek, I cannot stand her horse clown face.

No. 2367146

some of the cow threads need more moderation if anything. it's more because there's barely anyone milky nowadays

No. 2367149

ayrt I haven't checked in on Lor in like 10 years well, I do take a quick peek into her threads just to see pictures of how much she's fallen off the wagon, but this reaction image is just too good kek

No. 2367158

Could also be face shape? I've had the opposite my whole life where I'm always interpreted as friendly and strangers just come up and talk to me. I have had strangers tell me so, so many weird things.
My sister recently told me it's probably because I have a rounded heart-shaped face with big round eyes, so I read as friendly/open. The eyebrow thing is also a really interesting factor, I've never thought about that.

No. 2367159

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It would be so cool if all the glossy hyperindulgence of overconsumption gave way to a trend of self-suffecient skills like sewing, carpentry, no buy challenges. I don't really know if it's possible to create that environment mainstream because they will always find a way to monopolize and monetize it but it'd be great if the younger generation began to find fulfillment in making or recycling things for themselves after this mountainous pile of temu, shein, tiktok shop garbage. Of course it would result in the more glamorous, monetizable people paying people to make things for them under the table for fake DIY videos or companies putting out really lame "diy" kits and claiming their things are recycled or low-impact and we'd be back to square one of the ouroboros. But still

No. 2367163

Ayrt, I agree kek. I did check in on her recently, I watched that abysmal take she did on Peep TV Show (before she deleted the video)where she admitted she played a video game while watching it. It was hilarious to see her get dog piled in the comments, the YouTube tide is turning on her.

No. 2367178

nta but my face and eyes are sort of similar yet i'm still seen as "scary" looking for whatever reason, or mistaken for disabled at best

No. 2367191

I feel like Jeanne would go top tier for disgusting given that her mom had dog hair, dirt, and feces in her surgical site. I can’t remember if that was the same episode where they found maggots in the skin folds of the patient or not.

No. 2367214

My mum got me two pairs of period pants from Next from Christmas and they're actually so comfortable and my favourite underwear. More pants should have whatever is going on in these pants. No one wants to sit in wetness and discharge. Make all pants period pants these ones even have tummy control. I feel snatched and dry on my period. I'm a brand new woman

No. 2367223

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after reading the nonnies' posts talking about microplastics and researching more and coming to the conclusion that we're probably not gonna make it as a species in the near future unless some anti-polluting miracle happens, i will appreciate my short time on this planet by going to parks and taking pictures of flowers and talking to girls and going to a thrift shop near my home. god bless.

No. 2367236

Been eating like just over 1k calories for the last week and at first it was agonisingly painful but now I’m fine and I feel like I’ve got my portion intake under control. Ate a lasgna slice and feel insanely full even though I used to slurp up 1.5 slices casually.
Now i just need to replace all my unhealthy meals with actual nutrition and maybe i wont feel like a fat pig every time i eat anything

No. 2367237

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I remember that there was stuff that could remove 85% of microplastics from a glass(?) not long ago? That could keep improving… I already drink through a filter which can remove some microplastic particles.
Unless none of this matters and I'm stupid or someshit.
Live long and stay safe, nonna.

No. 2367242

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Likewise, I have the gist that we are probably at the pinnacle of a eutopia/futuristic society and I started to get a childlike wonder of everything that surrounds me and the complex technology that have grown to be a mundane object to everyone's daily lives.
Cellphones are miraculous, it was only a couple years ago something like cameras were a separate piece of technology that required heavy maintenance and instruction to use but now its evolved into a small app you can open at the press of a button.
The act of preserving the moment used to be scarce and exclusive to those who have the means to afford so though humans have adapted creative methods in capturing it via mediums like paintings, stories, words .etc
I can ramble on and on about this topic and everything that amazes me but tl;dr life is meaningless but its beautiful

No. 2367244

I'm not entirely serious but why can't they just solve climate change like they solved acid rain and the hole in the ozone.

No. 2367253

Because the petrostates would collapse and the entire global economic order would fold in on itself. We already have all the solutions and answers, but certain geopolitical issues prevent us from moving towards those goals.

No. 2367266

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I have one note on my phone that I just add stuff to, rather than make another note. It’s pretty long and has a bunch of disjointed info like phone numbers, addresses, YouTube videos, meal plans, and knitting instructions. My friends find it insane but I can remember just fine what everything is and for what, even if the oldest entries are 4+ years old. I do the same thing with notepad on my computer.

No. 2367278

The only way we would slow down pollution enough to not destroy the planet is for a mass calamity event to reduce our population to 10%, not hyperbole. Unless some super plague wipes most of us out, there’s no way to stop plastic pollution because there aren’t enough natural materials left to sustain everyone, or an efficient way to feed everyone on the planet

No. 2367354

I just found a pic from when I was 20 and I was actually kind of cute. It feels like I am looking at my own kid but it's me! I can't believe that I was so cute back then I thought I was hideous and still am because I gained weight. Now I think dang I was a hottie for like 3 seconds kek

No. 2367359

Doing so much good cleaning lately. After years living here, I finally feel "at home". Not sure what changed, but I'm excited to keep improving myself and my place.

No. 2367444

I wish i was really tall. I envy tall women

No. 2367453

I'm tall and I just feel broad and clunky. Grass is always greener I guess.

No. 2367456

why? its so cool. I hate being a womanlet it makes me feel weak.

No. 2367459

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Time to settle into bed and read the only fic that doesn't give my fav character tranny pronouns for the 6th time this week.

No. 2367469

I want that to become the norm again..the based Chinese women used to do that but even they are putting pronouns in now

No. 2367475

Chinese women are putting pronouns in their Chinese language fics?!?

No. 2367489

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I am trying to fight my food addiction by turning it into a consoom addiction. Instead of ordering a burger i am going to go buy cute capybara stickers.

No. 2367495

Yes…and they always seem to be Harry Potter ones.

No. 2367526

i think that one thing would lead to the other, actually; there aren't enough natural materials left for everyone THEREFORE our population would reduce drastically to a point where there are so few humans left that the planet can heal a bit. i hope it doesn't end up like wall-e
you're right. it's insane how we have magic screens that can show us anything we want and this has become a normal occurance since the last 20 years or so. still, i do prefer my digital camera and physical alarm clock and a book for notes.

No. 2367533

That will happen eventually that we run out of natural materials, but the environment will also be so flooded with microplastics and carcinogens that human life becomes no longer viable.

No. 2367536

Ayrt, interesting because I've also been mistaken for disabled? It might be the big off-putting autist eyes kek. Facial perception is so odd, I'm really enjoying hearing these other experiences.

No. 2367537

>do absolutely nothing
>cat bits me then runs away
i should have gotten a hamster

No. 2367540

My coworker recently got a physical alarm clock, and she was telling me how much easier it's been for her to wake up (she was bragging about the great deal she got on eBay and how the company still honors the warranty even secondhand, it was so charming kek). Physical notes are also my preference, I feel like I absorb information more effectively when I physically write it down.

No. 2367542

Nice! What digicamera model do you own? Mine is a polaroid iex29; it does the job though the audio quality is very crunchy. I only got it because I liked the colour kek. What sort of pictures do you take with it? Do you use it as a replacement as a phone camera (e.g. selfies, food pictures) or do you take photos of specific scenes? I like taking mine on walks and capturing some scenic trails and interesting things I come across like signs, tiny libraries, and cute garden statues

No. 2367544

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It's 11pm and I just realized my next semester starts tomorrow…

No. 2367548

i start college next week i want to kill myself. Good luck nonny.

No. 2367555

I have lots of stuff to do for tomorrow but all I did this weekend was sleep, stay in bed frozen and think about how much of an idiot I am for not working slowly during the weekend.
My nails are also so fucked, the nail technician fucked them up so badly that they're barely growing now. I will go to the new place this Friday I think.

No. 2367597

Eating oranges and the strand left behind on a piece made it look like a kidney. It reminded me of the nona who was donating hers itt i think

No. 2367609

Watching Sex and The City while drinking tea. No man nor tranny will ever get this feeling.

No. 2367611

whats the appeal of SATC. I always hear about it and to this day dont know what the fuck its about.

No. 2367615

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GOD I LOVE CELERY!!!!! I love celery with peanut butter or ranch or hummus or bean dip or salsa or guac I love celery with literally anything, and I love it without. I even love the smell of celery too it is so mouthwatering to me. I love a good, cold, juicy crunchy stalk and I also like them lukewarm too, they're almost sweeter in an addicting way. The crunch is just so fucking good. Celery would beat the SHIT out of carrots in any fight.

No. 2367620

group of gals in NYC who are professionals and the shenanigans they get into

No. 2367629


Mundane Shit needs to stop getting treated like a chat room thread. We have so many unique and interesting threads on /ot/ that are barely used because too many anons would prefer to post in one of 5 chat room styled threads, even if their posts is way more on-topic in a different threads. So many anons complain about /ot/ being dead, even if it's the busiest board, and it's because for some reason in 2024 the board became Discord Lite and now the same 5 threads are on the first page 95% of the time. Inb4 'reee minimodding reee,' I really DGAF, I'm just saying what I see.

This isn't even targeted at you, Celery Lover, so don't take it that way.

No. 2367631

>directly responds to and addresses post
>This isn't even targeted at you, Celery Lover, so don't take it that way.
Well at least stand by what you say

No. 2367632

fun on lolcow; not even once.

No. 2367633

The appeal is a fun group of friends (and their romantic and sexual shenanigans, as the other anon said) living a pretty luxurious life while also being relatable for most women.

No. 2367635

I said what I said and I meant what I said. If you take it any other way, that's up to you.
You can have fun while posting in an appropriate thread. How is loving celery a boring or mundane event? Wouldn't that post fit better in Things We Like or Food General? Why post it here?

No. 2367639

we have to do something about the autism problem. you retards

No. 2367643

If you think that it's retarded to post in the correct threads IDK what to tell you. It just seems like you're picking for an infight when there isn't one. This thread is for mundane and boring events that happened in your life, just like how all the other threads have clear topics too.

No. 2367647

Show revolves around a friend group of slutty, old career women sharing gossip and being financially independent. Nothing much happens, they just fuck random men and gossip.

No. 2367649

I posted about loving celery because I am currently eating celery which, unless I'm wrong, is pretty mundane.

No. 2367658

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I was at my friends parents place today, and one of their boomer family member that I met for the first time and barely even know suddenly put his gross fucking fingers inside my ears while I was sitting on a chair
I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything. What's with old people being so fucking disrespectful of younger people's (especially women) boundaries??

No. 2367729

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I thought it was a good mundane post. I felt I could taste the celery in my mouth when I read it, which means you did a good job imo

No. 2367750

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Watching Desperate Housewives for the first time. I remember wanting to play the game but I never did.

No. 2367752

I reached the finale of Kim Possible and them graduting got me tearing up. Their families are there for them and their taking photos with them and everything. My mom passed away a few months ago and won't be here to see my graduation from university like she always wanted to. My aunts will be there instead but I still wish she was here to see it.

No. 2367753

I watched it when it was airing, it was a fun show. I played the game of ages ago, it was like a shittier version of The Sims 2 but it was entertaining. It's on myabandonware I think

No. 2367754

I have that game! I loved breaking and entering the other women's homes to steal, it was my favorite part of the game… and gardening.

No. 2367773

She'll be watching. Congratulations on graduating nonna, proud of you

No. 2367776

I hope so. Thank you.

No. 2367850

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There's this guy on TikTok who just streams video of his crustaceans doing things

No. 2367851

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No. 2367853

Reminds me of the eel pit guy.

No. 2367854

A cafe I liked to get coffee at at work closed down. This is so sad.

No. 2367890

The substance is such a good movie. Margaret qualley is a shitty actress though.

No. 2367895

Want to hear something equally sad. Today I found out that the iced latte I order daily at my favorite coffee shop is made with HEAVY CREAM, not whole milk. YES, the entire cup is heavy cream (I order the 20 oz) with shots of espresso on top. I've been drinking 1000 calorie coffees daily.

No. 2367911

I keep waiting for my dad to cough loudly so that I can emit really loud farts that don't seem to be subsiding.

No. 2367925

Thanks for letting me know where I could get it, I'll probably try to play it when I have time. I'm on episode 3 now and I have to say that if this was set in the current time, Zach would've definitely ended up shooting up a school. I do at least predict that he will hurt his dad.
Im sure your mother would be incredibly proud of you anon, congratulations! Even if she didn't get to see it happen, she was probably certain you would graduate and that would've brought her peace.
Ayrt, I watched it and holy kek. It was a pretty run of the mill episode until the part where she got back with her ex and the sisterwife, then it became a shitshow. Also, how was she gonna marry the homeless fiance guy if she was still married to abusive dude? One thing I will say about the women on this show though, they definitely have their way with men lol. I would definitely be interested in a list of the best episodes!

No. 2367927

Holy shit nonnie. I would be so heartbroken

No. 2367960

Thoughts on why aliens haven’t come to visit?

No. 2367966

Earth too ghetto.

No. 2367969

They have millions of times, but the people that are visited get called schizophrenics and they get bullied by virtually everyone on Earth if they tell anyone about it. The whole "urr aliens don't visit so must not be real durr" argument is obviously false as soon as you meet one actual abductee.

No. 2367978

day 1 of reform. good food, decent nap, and getting accused of stealing something by mentally ill uncle i havent seen for over a month

No. 2367980

I ate a whole chocolate bar and now i want to vomit oh dear

No. 2367994

is it weird i don't really like chocolate? it's oddly too sweet for me or something. i just don't really like the taste. i can kinda deal with it if it has fillings or nuts.

No. 2368163

same here, i would like to try crossdressing to get up to shady shit sometimes but i could only really pass for a male in fucking India.

No. 2368164


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2368209

new thread >>>/ot/2368018

No. 2368227

I don't like chocolate either, we're pretty rare
This weekend I went to a children's birthday, there was a chocolate cake and a cherry almond cake, and the chocolate one was inhaled as soon as it was cut, in five minutes not a crumb left, wild
Idk whether to be glad I don't share the obsession or to envy them on their enjoyment

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