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No. 2359582

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2359652

I find it funny how yurifags deny that yuri is mostly consumed by moids and has always been catered mostly to them, i wish you all would just own it up instead of acting like it's super feminist and totes made for women guys!!

No. 2359660

>if you're lesbian/attracted to women you're basically a man

No. 2359668

that's not at all what that post said kek wtf

No. 2359671

Zero reading comprehension

No. 2359673

least retarded yurifag

No. 2359678

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It's bad enough when fandomtards apply their "trans/queer hc's" to 2d fictional characters, but when they do it to real-life people, that's a point of peak brain rot—the type that will most likely lead to trooning out

No. 2359679

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No. 2359680

Words have no meaning anymore not a single one of those fags is remotely feminne

No. 2359686

being a gay porn addict isn't feminist either kek.

No. 2359692

Neither is feminist. In fact consuming any type of mass produced media doesn't make you a better person than anyone else or imply anything about your political beliefs, I don't even get how the whole discourse of the media you consume dictating your morals as a person even started. Zoomers will judge each other on their taste in media and not, idk, their actual irl actions, probably because they don't do anything irl

No. 2359704

I'd say it's better for a woman's mental health to consume female centered stories especially yuri. Fujoshit only leads to self hatred and trooning out.(fujobait)

No. 2359707

I would agree with you if yuri was actually relatable to women but most of the time it's not. It's anime slop so it's filled with moid gaze and writing cliches and if you're not conventionally feminine, could also damage your image of what a woman should look and act like

No. 2359713

why are fujos so obsessed with himes and hating yuri? there's one hime to every 50 fujo, yurifags are not after you when they are a minority.

No. 2359722

Because for whatever reason it seems to attract reatarded autists who legitimately believe incest is a good thing in reality. I also sometimes see them take it way too seriously in a fictional context and actually try to prove it’s there and get angry when they’re told otherwise/when people tell them to fuck off with their fetish. All you need to do is look at the cesspit that is the Loud House fandom for the most eye bleaching rampant autism of this phenomenon.

No. 2359723

mhm, and that's why women reading yaoi and then wanting to cut their tits off is actually better.(fujobait)

No. 2359724

I didn't say that at all. I said both are not feminist or indictive of good moral values. Can you read?

No. 2359725

That's drawn by a woman, retard.

No. 2359730

who was claiming yuri was feminist? ive never heard of any woman developing dysphoria over reading yuri anyways. yaoi on the other hand…

No. 2359746

Both probably contribute to women trooning to some degree.
>Read yuri, the women are all perfectly hairless, beautiful, and feminine
>Damn I don't look like that or act like that, I guess I must not be a woman
>Read yaoi, develop AAP, troon out(fujobait)

No. 2359755

most fujos dont read yuri though, only a small portion of them are also yurifags. i think you have to be an actual low iq retard to develop dysphoria over stylized anime women when yuri is not draw for self insertion in the first place. youre like an adult projecting onto children that the girls are going to have body image issues over fucking monster high dolls.

No. 2359760

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>Who cares that they fantasize about other women being dark skinned and masculine
>All the cultures on earth push for women to be feminine, anorexic and submissive, so I really don't see the issue
Why don't people who make this argument ever complain that this type of art still keeps those exact same traits on all the white women and pale asian women? They recreate the same boring tropes, designs, and submissive waifu archetypes all over again and you just play blind to it. "Masculine" dark skinned women isn't the issue, pay attention more. Some of that art is mandingo-tier porn tropes by people with fetishes. Don't get surprised when black lesbians are creeped out by that crap.
Not sure why people insist it's mainly an asian artist thing when half the artists in the examples aren't even asian and are from the west, known to have race fetishes/obsession. They influence each other.
There's literally "snowbunny mind control" memes going around for characters like miles and ekko, or fanart drawing characters over a porno image of a white girl on the couch surrounded by black men, but I've seen them appear in shit like SU, TOH, and ALNST fandoms and shared by east asian fans.

No. 2359770

Nta but its retarded to talk about tifs and yaoi when it’s a societal issue regarding women trying to escape sexualization and the different ways some use media to cope. Yurifags can also experience the same kind of “dysphoria” if they’re only exposed to unrealistic body types which most of the time they are because it’s usually school girls or coomer shit to pander to everyone since manga/anime companies worry about making money instead of making art. There’s also the purity aspect of yuri, most of the media is usually an offshoot of cgdct and if there is a tragedy it’s seen as an outside force that the main couple has no way to handle it so both women/girls are still seen as innocent waifus. All media types have issues, hetshit with rape and daddydoms or pushing trad role agendas, yuri being filled with shy innocent school girls or repressed purity waifus, and yaoi managing to have all this and more because so many different groups of women participate.

No. 2359777

Absolutely no woman would have these retarded problems if they learned to differentiate fiction from reality. But some people are too dumb for that and should be relocated to amish villages with no access to any form of media or technology.

No. 2359779

while I think your pic is a bit of an exaggeration, you are correct that many in fandom do often recreate heterosexuality, you're also right that really dark-skinned and outright black art of these characters seem to come from western artists and I don't understand how some users try to use asian artists as a shield(they honestly reminds me of male weebs). like I get that wokies can be annoying, but that doesn't mean we have to defend every single fucked up thing and claim it's based somehow.

No. 2359785

dont bring up tims, yurifags here like to pretend their spaces arent swarmed by the ballsack smell of tims in school girl uniform who became trannies thank to madoka magica

No. 2359786

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And? That doesn't take away from anything i've said, cope.
KEK am i really reading this right now?? Half of trannies exist because of yuri moe slop, they WANT to be the anime girls kissing other anime girls.

No. 2359789

They have to share their community with scrotes using thigh high socks fapping on discord with others to loli porn KEK

No. 2359794

>ive never heard of any woman developing dysphoria over reading yuri anyways.
>Half of trannies exist because of yuri moe slop, they WANT to be the anime girls kissing other anime girls.
women aren't tims, why should women take the responsibility of what moids do?

No. 2359797

nta but there are a lot of yurifags who become handmaidens for tims. And there are also tranny yuri mangakas like that guy from the villaness yurishit manga.

No. 2359810

kek, and fujotifs arent handmaidens for tims? tifs let tims walk over them all the time.

No. 2359814

so you admit then that yurifags are as bad as fujos? because the original post was about how ALL anime porn is bad.

No. 2359815

I think you forget that most people who get into ship media tend to be into it when they’re young as well. I’ve read het/yuri/yaoi shit when I was 11 and haven’t stopped since, most fanfiction sites were filled with preteens and teenagers writing about their favorite characters and ships too so it’s not a new concept of kids being inspired by the media they’re into. You also can’t escape hetshit being the norm so if you’re a young girl who’s uncomfortable with how society sees her and her sexuality most of the time you’re drawn to yuri or yaoi. The same way girls can be affected by what they see in magazines, tv, and music I’m sure the effect can be the same with fandom shipping shit for nerdy outcasts that already don’t fit in

No. 2359824

idk but i have been reading and watching all kind of degenerate anime /manga and i can tell reality from fiction just fine. I never wanted to troon our or wanted to photoshop myself into an ayylmao because of anime girls. Sounds like most people are just retards.

No. 2359845

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I understand feeling the pressure to change yourself because some cultures are just way more harsh to autistic women. But fandoms are now filled with retards who like to fall in line with what others tell them to do and are more likely to moralfag or keep others in line like twitterfags try to do. Some people aren’t immune to media influences because they themselves treat media like their own personal propaganda so they’re more likely to troon out, argue ethics, and push agendas instead of enjoying what they like.

No. 2359847

imo the real problem is that those women care too much about what men think and getting validation from them. If you stripped them from caring about male attention they would be normal. Absolutely no one who doesnt care about male validation cares about how she looks or not being ''a good enough woman''. Its why anons here dont troon out despite being as coomery and deranged as most gendies, its because anons understand men would fuck a chicken sandwich and also anons tend to have higher standards regarding men.

No. 2359848

Its really a Nature vs Nurture debate that we can never truly know without absolute control and data over everything a large group of children do, and that's unethical so it's just anecdotal evidence until then.

No. 2359854

the original post was assmad about yurifags, not
>all anime porn is bad!1!!

No. 2359860

nah the anon said both are not feminist because the yurisped said yuri was ''better for women'' >>2359724 learn the whole reply chain before making dumb posts

No. 2359893

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cant this shit stay in its containment? anyways

No. 2359896

They're like crack addicts. They physically cannot help themselves.

No. 2359910

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yeah, I've been reading yuri and other type of animangas since I was around 10-11 and it has never made me dysphoric despite me rarely shaving and dressing pretty tomboyish sometimes. The only "negative" effect I've had from reading yuri mangas is me being sad about not having a gf in middle school kek

No. 2359916

same but with yaoi. Like damn i just like looking at two cute guys instead of one, its not that deep.

No. 2359918

I always felt the same about yaoi as a fujoshi, why thats so hard to understand when it's our side to some here? Is it because it's men buttfucking each other?

No. 2360062

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nonas, i need to vent, no, i need to scream into the void. i'm recently into the KCD fandom, which is garbage if you ask me… like everything these days, it's halfway between Reddit brahs and Tumblr "Henry was always bi!" crowd. with the news of a male gay sex scene news going around (which is most likely a Hans-related one, given that both fandom parties kind of agree there was always sexual tension between the main character, Henry, and him, so it's most likely this scene, which seems to be very hidden according to the devs, is just an easter egg), the Tumblr side of the fandom has turned into an infinite cesspool of dropped alphabet soup labels. no, Henry isn't gay out of the factory, you discount unicorn, don't you know being horny isn't being in love and fully attracted and devoted to someone. Henry is just a blank slate character and it's up to the player to make him as gay as they want. If you want "your Henry" to screw mountain goats and make him a farm terror, be my guest. but he isn't homosexual by default. so stop claiming he is, just to justify your fanfic slop canon.

mine will most likely screw Hans, just because that twat deserves a good dicking anyway lol.

No. 2360093

Having hygiene, emotions, and being pretty are considered feminine behavior nowadays.

No. 2360123

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9 times out of 10 it’s the exact same “hime-chan” coming in here with yuri/fujo bait and I feel like I’m going insane being the only nona who recognises her typing style over and over again. It’s even worse that no one ever agrees with her initially so she has to keep piggybacking off the one or two nonas who will give her a crumb of attention to drag out her sperg as long as she possibly can. Picrel totally unrelated.

No. 2360175

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why is there so little genfic. i am so tired of everytthing revolving around ships

No. 2360259

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I really do wonder if this is just cope for liking a straight ship, or do they believe that a regular whole ass man and woman kissing or doing anything couples do is somehow queer?

No. 2360268

You would have to actually write a narrative that isnt focused on the development of two characters eloping which is too hard for most authors especially considering canon compliancy autism and other shenanigans. I do agree there should be more gen-fic but I find it hard to pull off without it reading as an entirely different series. Maybe authors should start small and think "what-if" scenarios to events if they turned out differently. What sort of gen-fic would you like to see nona?

No. 2360286

character studies, making up backstories, alternate endings, missing scenes from canon, just ppl going on an adventure… there's a lot of possibilities imo, there's a lot of plots out there that aren't just "how will x and y end up together"
mind you i don't mind fic featuring ships in themseleves, like characters that happen to be in a relationship doing xyz, but i'm just tired of how most output revolves around romance. it's also annoying wheeh a story (fanfic or original ) purports tt be about many tings but the romance plot then takes over.
mind you i'ml not saying i disapprove of otthers enjoying shipping or w/e, it jsut baffles me how much of fandom revolves purely around that.
i feel it's the source of a lot of fandom issues as well (that and declining literacy). like tthe grwoing amounts of fanworks that compleetely disreegard canon aree usually bc peopleonly care about makig caracters moree shippable at tee expese of ttheir original story and caracterisation (eg. the marauders subfandom).
i guess ppl find shipping and romance more rewarding but i don't get why there is so little genfic when the possibilities are endless

No. 2360317

Agreed. Although I read my share of slashfic, I've come to realize that I started to lean towards fics that actually have a story going on rather than just "ship doing xyz thing". One in particular had OCs so convincing I almost believed them to be actual characters in canon.
Its sad when the answer to the lack of genfic is most likely because generic slashfics get easy views; plus its a more "templatey" format where you can pretty much insert any ship you want in generic scenarios (e.g. coffeeshop AU, Modern/Slice of life AU) so there isnt much creativity to expend aside from writing the dialogue and interactions.

No. 2360328

lol this actually happened to me as a teenage yurifag. i was desperate to read stories where characters had the same sexuality and approximate age as me, but the idealization was a huge contributor to my body image issues and i ended up identifying as nonbinary for a year.
but i was fine in the end and so are most people. it's no worse than a teenage girl being obsessed with yaoi/het romance. it would be a bigger problem to continue fixating on looking like/living the life of a fictional character well into adulthood.

No. 2360599

AO3 and its consequences

I believe it's the former, after all being straight is evil and oppressive (read: boring)

No. 2360663

more like fucking wattpad and its consequences

No. 2360745

What's the consensus on Alexander Avila? We should have a cow thread for her.

No. 2360775

Likely both, but you also need to remember most people posting stuff like this are turbovirgins who don't know it's common for men to moan or let you grab them by their hips or ass while you're kissing and they don't just lay there looking bored and stiff as a board like a nonchalant yaoi seme. By "acting like the woman" they just mean he's actually into the kiss and showing it, to anyone who isn't a virgin this is just what being horny is like, not "acting like the woman".

No. 2361009

Nta but it's gotta be porn making them think like that kek. I'm not even 30 yet but back in my day "acting like the woman" was being stiff and not showing actively into it kek, like I remember guys complaining that women in bed are "dead fish" or whatever.

No. 2361014

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I swear this discourse pops up every week.

No. 2361045

Why is she talking like Katara and disney princess dont exist? they are just boring at this point because female characters arent allowed to be actually angry and cool, even if they do cool shit they still have to look feminine and put others feelings before theirs. Its just boring, give us something new.

No. 2361055

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Why not both?

No. 2361059

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Why are women's sexual fantasies treated as worse than moid's?

No. 2361062

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It’s 100% a projection thing

No. 2361070

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Men are hypocritical human beings and always want to be play the victim. No matter how easy it is to google what are the most popular porn tags, they want to live in their bubbles where women are the ones raping and murdering them, because men are just childish and their minds never evolve from teenagehood where you think the world is against you and you are this unique speshual being thats actually misunderstood.

No. 2361075

Based north Dakota

No. 2361090

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Why does the moid from that anime look like a bara character

No. 2361093

Why are men so gay.

No. 2361095

men don't see sexual interest in lolis as pedophilia and this degenerate, glad they're admitting it

No. 2361100

Men are into the ‘purefag ugly bastard’ trope sometimes

No. 2361116

Isn't it written by a woman?

No. 2361119

Women can write stuff for men

No. 2361131

All men are bisexual

No. 2361138

Ah, so it's probably a size kink thing. Shit taste though

No. 2361157

To add on to what other anons said, I also think that a lot of media people engage with isn't very gen– I don't mean the media the fandom is based around, but more like how a lot of fic authors clearly pull from current romance novel trends (or treat canon in a similar way that fantasy is treated by romantasy). I'm not saying that's bad or anything, or that it's happening across all fandoms, but you can tell what and how widely an author reads by how they write and their topics and tropes of choice. So I blame romance-free/not-romance-focused stories being out of vogue in current reading trends, as well as their being less current popular examples of media using basic plots that work well for genfic for people to draw from (eg monster of the week as a format is less common these days, which is a structure that encourages a contained story about solving a problem and works well as a way for fic authors to try their hand at writing an 'episode' of what they're into).

It's not so bad in old (but healthy) fandoms though– there's still plenty of pure shipfics, but also a good mix of genfic and fics that contain a ship but in a more incidental way. Newer fandoms, in my experience, tend to not be as varied (though that can also be character dependent, sometimes they're fine and other times the character I'm interested in will mostly feature in weird coom AUs kek).

There have also been anons in previous threads that were confused about what you could possibly write about other than shipfics/romances when it comes to fanfic to make them engaging, so there's that, too

No. 2361218

Somehow, seeing them next to each other, I respect the ntrfags/cheatingfags less than the futafags. Never thought I'd say that.

>purefag ugly bastard
Kekkkkk that's so fucking accurate.

No. 2361234

Why is it always weird and gross shit? Why is it never something like "in love" or "happy"???

No. 2361241

wow, and here i thought i couldnt hate futashit more.

No. 2361250

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To be fair some euro countries had vanilla as their favorite
But futanari was still the main one

No. 2361260

The majority of men who like seeing normal or sweet depictions of sex/romance are probably not the same demographic as the ones using fakku/any other porn site. They do exist, but they're a small and super normie group. I don't really get when anons act surprised at seeing results from a population that's already been filtered to only contain weeb coomers who browse a hentai site regularly.

is interesting though that there's more variation here than the US one kek

No. 2361263

Is loli available on fakku? Because that is one of the most common and popular tags in hentai

No. 2361325

Pretty sure it’s there but they’re not including it because they don’t want to spook the non lolicons I guess.

No. 2361326

Probably don't want to draw attention to the fact that they have CP on their site…

No. 2361351

I went to check and yeah it's there, they just label it "petite". They seem to only allow loli where the characters age isn't explicitly stated.

No. 2361445

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I am so tired of women getting moralfagged while men get to enjoy the vilest things in peace. Its insane to me that women are always getting punished for enjoying unrealistic fantasies. Meanwhile, 99% of movies are unrealistic power trips for men, where they get to self insert as the walled hero who gets a sexy 20yo sex bomb manic pixie dream girl at the end. And women? no, we cant enjoy that. We cant enjoy yaoi with men that are unrealistic female fantasies and dont have to poop and starve themselves to have sex. Meanwhile, barafaggots get to enjoy their buttsex gay porn with self lubricating assholes, fucking lactation(because yes, this is common in bara) and unrealistic balloon tits/pecs that look like women's breasts. Do barafags ever get questioned if they arent real gay men for liking lactation, assholes that dont need douching and pecs that look like female tits? ofcourse not, because they are men. Men get to enjoy cynical evil characters like Rick and Patrick bateman, but women cant like evil women. All female characters must be pure of soul and intent. Men get to enjoy gigaroided beasts like kratos, but women? no, sorry. You cant have your roidstacies, women dont get unrealistically muscular therefore you cant just find the idea of a roidstacy in fantasy fun or interesting. This is why most media targetted at women tends to be so bland, while men can go apeshit and create magnus opus of autism like Strike Witches, baki or SAO. Like damn bitch is there anything we are actually allowed to enjoy.

No. 2361454

>but women cant like evil women. All female characters must be pure of soul and intent
I hate this especially when it's by other women. No fun allowed.

No. 2361470

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The modern gendie ATLAS fandom is horrendous about it. I dont remember it being so bad back when i was looking at Azula drawings on devianart to use as my pfp on facebook. What the fuck happen. You cant say you like her without being labelled a nazi nowadays, i kid you not. You actually have a lot of azulafags who cope and seethe and try to explain how shes ackshually a victim so shes not really evil. Like, no, retard. She IS evil. And thats what makes her awesome. I actually hate the comics for giving her a gay sad story.

No. 2361505

At this point people use the word 'yuri' to refer to all types of media that isn't made in Japan and that may not even be manga/anime which makes blanket criticism of 'yuri' to be inaccurate in many cases. People should be more selective of what they call yuri to make discussions clearer.

blame ao3, genfic was much more popular on FFN

No. 2361512

Azula was so fucking badass. I liked how much she enjoyed being evil. It really worked for her.

No. 2361519

Otome game spaces (which OP is a part of and I think is specifically addressing) are full of these retards who gloss over critique and are incapable of having decent discussion about female main characters, let alone the genre itself. Do not even get me started on some of the other JOPs here.
The vast majority of FMCs are feminine as fuck, and very few ever get into any "ass-kicking" action. Being feminine, soft, kind, and well-written - yes, I'm sure there are plenty of examples of that. There is just an absolute dearth of anything beyond these handful of traits. You can say this is a problem in media in general. It just feels so much worse with otome games since the pool of stuff to play is much smaller, compared to stuff like romance novels or shoujo/josei manga.

No. 2361524

>malta's most popular is train harassment
>malta has no train

No. 2361536

>We cant enjoy yaoi with men that are unrealistic female fantasies and dont have to poop and starve themselves to have sex.
Kek I saw that tweet too, the original one was a joke but people took it and ran with it saying "YEAH ACHSUALLY, DON'T FUJOS REALIZE YAOI IS SOOO UNREALISTIC?" yes we fucking do and that's the point. Men get to enjoy the most vile and grotesque shit ever and they still believe women birth through their pee hole.

No. 2361577

We can't enjoy anything, we can't be happy we can't have hobbies etc, we need to be criticized and have our every thought and choice examined even by other women and feminists, being a woman and wanting to have fun and enjoy things is a pain in the ASS

No. 2361595

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>but you also need to remember most people posting stuff like this are turbovirgins
this, 90% of fandom tards are virgins and their understanding of relationships and sex is influenced by bl, fan fiction, and role-playing with other inexperienced virgins on discord, they also tend not to have real-life friends, which limits their understanding of how actual people behave. for instance, the webtoon boyfriend author revealed that she essentially lives as a neet, rarely leaving her room and spending her days reading bl.

No. 2361601

Why can't action and romance coexist though? You can still have character studies with some mentions of romance (and sex) without the latter overtaking the story. Believe it or now, people get married, are in relationships, have families and do stuff they wouldn't do with their friends. I neither like genfics and pure romance fics, but folks act like romance can only exist in a vacuum instead of an aspect packaged with life. I don't know, maybe I find the idea of leaving stuff out that's part of being human very inhuman?

No. 2361625

there was virtually 0 reason to make the FL look like an 8 year old and yet. i hate this shit so much

No. 2361627

Another character that comes to mind is Caitlyn Kiramman. Yeah, she did some fucked up shit but so did many other characters in the show.

No. 2361647

that would mean virgin girls are autists and moms are psychopaths

No. 2361649

What the hell does picrel even mean????? Now we cant be tomboys? Otherwise we're trannies?? Fuck off

No. 2361650

While it is true that romance can be an element within any genre or type of story, I don't believe that it therefore always ought to be included– if a romance adds nothing to a narrative yet takes its focus, all it's doing is derailing the rest of the story and therefore probably shouldn't be present or should have been toned down. Not everyone likes romance in fiction, and while yes, romance is an ordinary facet of life, that doesn't mean it must be present in any given story, nor are other human relationships not worth the focus often given to romance instead. To me, for example, it is far less interesting that a writer would always choose to focus on a romance between Hades and Persephone, rather than the love and grief Demeter had for her stolen daughter and her efforts to find her, yet retellings and AUs based around this myth will ignore or even demonise the latter figure to cater to the romance angle of the story instead.

Romance is not inherently bad, but it does shape stories in a way that becomes myopic, potentially overshadowing more interesting concepts and following its own pattern of tropes and plot beats– it isn't that romance must exist within a vacuum, but that it tends to create one for itself. It is fair for people to be disinterested in it as much as it is for people to love it, and it doesn't need to be in everything to somehow create a truer reflection of the human experience, as if that comes in only one flavour.

No. 2361655

We're not all responsible for what a few idiots do. If fanservice really had the effects people are describing in this thread, there would be TIM's and TIF's everywere. There aren't. Personally I'm in no way into ships or fanfiction, But I still reserve the right to enjoy LEAVING society in some way through solitude, work, creative work because it is a flaming cesspit that's gone to dogs. People have the right to do that. People who say "you dont know how to live in reality" are tedious beyond belief. It gets to a point for some where its not about shipping or fanservice, just distracting yourself from the dumpsterfire so you dont get depressed. I'm not obligated to give that up because a few tedious hags don't know how to enjoy solitude and good deep distraction.

No. 2361658

If you actually write, you have to make money. I'd rather attract a wider audience with high stakes diluted romance. At least it sets up something people will read. NOBODY reads anymore. People have the attention spans of insects. You can make something that includes relationships but isn't necessarily romance. You can also just make a dark comedy and suspend romantic resolutions to create interest in a work. I love books like that too but how many of them actually sell?

No. 2361668

You just described an irl friend of mine. Why are they all like this? She still hasn't moved on from fandom petty drama and she's almost 30 years old. Even if we're irl friends she had to move to another country and now we only interact online, she doesn't have friends where she's from so it still fits. Even the woman in the picture gives off similar vibes.

No. 2361670

Well, for one we're talking fanfic here, so money wasn't really the end goal kek, but even then, plenty of fiction still performs well enough despite having little to no romance involved. Sure, you might not sell as well as whatever YA/NA booktok darling is currently topping the charts, but writing to sell often ignores writing as a craft in favour of fiction that is quick and easy to produce– it's its own niche within the market, and not the goal of every writer or even all that present in all genres. Very few authors truly live off of their sales, most instead work another job or are in a position like being a stay-at-home mum that enables them to write and publish works on the side while still being financially secure.

Regardless, the joy of writing imo, be it original fiction or fanfic, is that you have very few limitations beyond your own imagination. Sure, publishing is rough, but it's still doable and your success often has more to do with your ability (or, if you're lucky, a trad publisher's) to market your work than it necessarily is to do with your story checking all the trending boxes.

No. 2361671

>as if that comes in only one flavour.
How come that is? If there's tropes then those tropes can be subverted. The stock romance of girl bumps into boy, soul mates, and others aren't reflective of what romance can be. Romance be nuanced, unorthodox, or appear as unromantic to our preconceived minds. But instead, shippers would rather take the same romance plot and slap a different coat of paint. At least with action, adventure, and comedies there's so much variety in what can be told while romance is expected to follow one single thread or risk alienating most of its audience. I wish it wasn't like this but given it's hard to distill the intricacies of romantic relationships in a satisfying way, most creators just do the plain ole will they won't they routine until the sun dies out.

No. 2361673

I believe boymode is what TIMs call themselves when they aren't crossdressing. Don't think it has anything to do with tomboys

No. 2361821

Late but they both look like characters from Fight Class 3

No. 2361919

At least the guy looks like a man, not like a pedo-bait child-like moeblob defying human anatomy.

No. 2361947

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This reminds me of how manchildren into family guy DESPISE lois. To the point of making autistic analysis of why she's the worst family guy character. I genuinely dont get it, she isnt worse than peter or any of the moid characters. They really just hate her for having a problematic personality in a show that has a rapist pervert as a main character. Same thing goes for Peggy, but at least its more understandable in KOH since the characters are at least more realistic.

No. 2361971

i always found it funny how she used to talk about wanting to fuck guys other than peter and was so vivid about it kek. wouldn't be surprised if that's why incels hated her so much

No. 2361973

The whole reason I made a post was because i think it spills over into everything women read, write, media consumed. Its just another vein of misogyny. There's good writing, there's trash but It doesn't stop at fandom. Trashy people have children, get publicly intoxicated, do street takeovers, Its exhausting to think about any of it. All you can do is block garbage and fanart on tumblr.

I dont see the point of the discussion . Its like using sand to build a levy.

As for craft vs sales, why would you do limit yourself to one??? I don't see the logic in going only one way I'm not sure how anybody can nowadays. If you have a brain you'll do both without bowing to trends.

All i know is im not gonna cut a great vehicle for humor because it gets a moid constipated.

No. 2361981

I wish this thread focused on men's porn sickness and not women's fandoms. I mean for all the smut they are addicted to consuming incessantly every single day… how is anybody hung up on stupid womens fandoms? Women have been pretty much enslaved for 25k years. We finally break out of that hell, and have to worry about being policed for WHAT? People need to get their priorities straight I just don't fucking get it. I'd rather tolerate jackass fandoms than have people breathing down my neck about what I watched or read, since men pretty much invented the sickest categories of porn known to man.

No. 2361987

Be the change you wanna see

No. 2361998

the only people i assum watched Family Guy were 35+ year old moids who like jimmy kimmel

No. 2362004

Which era are you living in? Family guy has been popular for quite a while

No. 2362081

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What is this pushing of sleeping around, only fans and dating men who go to brothels as "good" and "feminist activism" in fan content these days. The last person I want lecturing to me untagged in their fanfics are morons like this defending only fans and having no standards in men

No. 2362088

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Why did she need to tell me I pissed her husband off too? because I said men who go to brothels are trashy and looking to chuff up their ego? Why are milennial women such doormats and cucks and trying to tell me that's progressive all the time

No. 2362092

Kek, what's the context of what she's replying to?

No. 2362097

This is the reason. Moids hate her because she cheated on Peter and that makes her just as bad as who does fucked up shit in every episode. People take the cheating thing too seriously

No. 2362099

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They just don't get it

No. 2362102


It was a skyward sword "zelink" fic that opened with "the hero was no stranger to beautiful women, having frequented brothels many a time during his travels in other lands. " with no indication and then she kept rambling this shit about how it's progressive actually. Admittedly I am trolling people like her on purpose because I am trying to understand their cucked ideology that makes them have such shit taste in men and write like a basement dwelling man who uses reddit.

No. 2362108

>pushing of sleeping around
If it's about a female character it wouldn't annoy me so much if it didn't come off as so moid pleasing in nature most of the time. Like, bragging about how many dicks she sucked.
>don't think im mad. im actually laughing at you
Kek, sure…

No. 2362109

>sex work is the oldest profession
God I hate when people say this shit as if it is true. And then telling someone to read a book and go outside after defending prostitution, fucking kek

No. 2362121

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No. 2362124

>sex work is the oldest profession in the world
Calling sex slavery a profession doesnt mean it's one

No. 2362126

That's what grinds me as well. It feels like they are catering to disgusting scrotes and their fantasy, but wrapping it up in "feminism". So many female fic writers in the fandom do this. It's advertised as some kind of cutesy, vanilla couple fic, then have shit like this or the fic is lecturing me through the 4th wall about how hookup culture and seeing other people sexually is "good" for a relationship. I don't get it. Maybe it wouldn't cause me to sperg out if they at least tagged it, but they never do because they think this is the "right" lifestyle and if you think otherwise clearly you just want the 1950's back. I also know for a fact who these people are friends with, because I used to be a part of their shitty little discord group. Male gamers and troons who praise their work and get off on haremslop. How they think catering to a male's fantasy to the point it is literally indistinguishable from the fics the male redditors write, is "feminist" I will never understand.

No. 2362127

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No. 2362139

>If it's about a female character it wouldn't annoy me so much if it didn't come off as so moid pleasing in nature most of the time.
>Like, bragging about how many dicks she sucked.
This is why most "promiscuous proud slut" characters are never appealing to me. It's not so much that she's promiscuous that ticks me off, but in how she's promiscuous is what angers me. If you're going to make a character who sleeps around at the very least make her selfish to her own desires and pleasure rather than all about how good she is to moids cause at least then it would make sense and won't make me eye roll and puke when she says the "I'm a slut cuz I love sex" line when everything about sex she's said prior is how good she is at servicing dick. Even in supposed feminist empowerment shows or stories, whenever there's a promiscuous woman she rarely ever speaks about her own pleasure. She's a slut, but not for herself, for men. So, what's empowering about that? Unironically, I want to see a slut character who's a slut in the way moids are sluts as that will be the only way I could even begin to enjoy such a character trait but that will never happen because moids would lose their fucking shit if she said something like.
>Ew, he's fat and old you couldn't make me sleep him.
>He wouldn't give me head so I threw his clothes out the window, blocked him, locked him out of my apartment.
or even
>He's young and hot, but I'm not really much into that commitment stuff so I string him along cause he's a good lay.

No. 2362173

The slut character in question never is the type to brag about men giving her head either, it's always dick-centric. This might be because female receiving oral sex is never mentioned or alluded to in comparison to dick sucking in media.

No. 2362183

Fucking this. It's always centered around men or the male character, and the double standard of the male character is allowed to sleep with as many women as he likes, but the woman must be pure for him apparently. And then if she's not pure it's still all about what it does for the man. The backlash you would get if you were to characterize a woman as stringing along a young man for her own pleasure and amusement. I'm supposed to be okay with men doing this to women tho.

No. 2362188

id read somewhere that people seek out what they dont have access to, is much for easy to fantasize something that there is no real life counterpart to ruin it for you i assume

No. 2362190

The world's oldest profession is a nomadic hunter-gatherer.

No. 2362200

>and hate blkplp
isnt most racism within fandoms micro aggression, i personally never seen a multi fandom account ever scream that

No. 2362204

I've noticed this as well. It's always about the man's pleasure. I remember my fandom ex-friends wrote a fic they claimed was "positive bisexual rep" and patted themselves on the back for, and claimed focused on the female mc. It was literally a collection of biphobic stereotypes of bisexual women and focused on things like both women pleasuring the man at once. Not the female mc. I was sitting there like. In what way was that about the woman at all? If anything it was centered on the guy sleeping with two women at once. They may as well have called average threesome porn "progressive representation".

No. 2362205

A lot of bronies did but the shipper girl being there makes even less sense then since fujos never gave a shit about shipping mlp characters.

No. 2362206

No ive seen this with certain fandoms like mlp and k-on.

No. 2362208

A hit dog will always holler kek.

No. 2362224

The ship girl is meant to be parodying Bluey shippers I think.

No. 2362225

I have literally never seen a woman who ships Bluey characters.

No. 2362232

the pro-anti shipper shit is cringe. nobody gave a fuck how old the cartoon characters were 15+ years ago

No. 2362241

I still remember when slashers would de-age one character to 17 in their fics for that extra taboo factor kek

No. 2362249

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We need to re-allocate the energy we waste on nitpicking each other to bullying moids who want to fuck kids, animals, and dead bodies.

No. 2362251

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>fujos never gave a shit about shipping mlp characters
>mfw I have a folder from a decade ago full of cringey Flutterdash art

No. 2362256

Notice how both of those Fandom are infested with moids

No. 2362260

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>fujos never gave a shit about shipping mlp characters
They did, enough to find the crack ships with background characters who never interacted

No. 2362262

No. 2362264

Except for when they did (MLP,avatar,countless other kid shows). Pro shipper and antifaggers both are autistic but I'd side with noone considering the amount of troons in both who always turn out to be pedophiles or hidden pedophile moralfagging about other pedophiles cant fucking believe you being against kiddie rapists is considered a controversy
Phonebooking sadly never works unless you find info that will expose them to other austistic moids how then go after them and harass the moids,a notable pedoartist was exposed by Korean terfs and the pedo just came back on another account unscathed you can get investigated for using the word doxxing now so try to use alt words nonas

No. 2362265

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They have a point. Show for kids are always more porn rotted than show for adults because they attract weird autists. We're not talking 15/17 years old characters, we're talking pre-teens, toddlers and animals. Kids who simply want to discuss their favorite shows are told that the fandom belongs to adult moids with disgusting fetishes. Kids don't have a space to themselves on the internet anymore and it's a huge problem. Kids shouldn't be on the same platform as adults who make porn of stuffs like picrel.

No. 2362266

>Kids don't have a space to themselves on the internet anymore and it's a huge problem
Fuck them kids

No. 2362271

If it weren't for the children being on the internet YouTube woulve never done anything about elsagate, you have to admit that children being on the internet pressures social media companies to moderate their shit and to make the space a bit less coomery than it already is. I'm fucking tired of porn being everywhere

No. 2362273

Kids' only websites were always filled with pedos or were a huge cost to run due to moderation costs. It's better to make the entire web a adult only space already and stop elementary school kids from having instagram or tiktoks.
Not really, websites being small and people actually caring about websites they use already gets them to moderate, not caring about the content they host is a social media or too big to fail problem where they won't be prosecuted.

No. 2362275

Wasn't elsagate targetting children? If they weren't on the internet then it wouldn't have existed in the first place.

No. 2362290

kek what are you on about? Shit like Elsagate and their offshoots exist precisely because there are too many kids on the internet, content farm shit exists because of the sheer amount of toddlers with autoplay turned on that watch endless videos of Spiderman and Elsa kissing and getting pregnant with rainbow colors that these people make to rake profits.

No. 2362294

Tbf its also true that pedos will be attracted to anything with children involved. As long as there's children around pedos will be there too.

No. 2362295

…some of you should really read your own posts before you hit new reply.i wasnt talking why elsagate existed but the backlash YouTube got by parents that led them to be stricter. To actually think you can keep children off the internet when most schooling is done online is quite naive.

No. 2362298

Kids being exposed to porn at a young age is a problem. Cases of sexual assault between young children keep inflating for a reason. Boys don't just get out of the womb with violent rape fantasies, this is the result of leaving your kid on the internet unrestricted.
I wish there was a way to restrict internet to 18+ only that didn't put our privacy at risk. Maybe we should just ban kids from using smartphones, tablets or even computers.

No. 2362314

Children shouldn't be on the internet period.

No. 2362317

They shouldn't be on the internet in the first place, other than education and communicating with friends/families, internet should only be adults only.

I mean c'mon, lots of us here had early internet exposure and it fucked us up one way or another, kek. The last thing to do is pass that poison unto to the younger generation.

That's why Australia is based for banning minors on the internet.

No. 2362346

Fucking wish australia had gatekept bluey harder. The amount of american troons and weridos I see into it makes me want to kill myself. Trust perverted yanks to take a show for australian children and sexualize it and claim it as something to project on. I heard in brisbane they made an irl bluey house for kids and families but I bet degenerates show up to it

No. 2362361

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It's a shame but the best upside for me is that the child VAs are kept anonymous. Those kids will likely have their childhood show ruined but at least they won't have to watch groomers hook up with the child voice actors. I can't even handle seeing picrel anymore because of that shit.

No. 2362387

I don't care I tag my posts, kids (especially actual children) need to fuck off from the internet until they are bare minimum 16. Why do you think the internet has gone to shit?

No. 2362434

I think there's a level of complexity to it.
I don't think kids should be 100% banned from the internet since it's pretty essential to daily use in life and I think kids should be encouraged to learn to use a computer but the issue comes from lack of sites specifically for kids that aren't for an audience of toddlers, in the past there was options like poptropica and club penguin for the 6-12 age range but nowadays kids just start playing genshin at around 9 years old so it creates an issue of them interacting with adults who either want to groom them or want nothing to do with them.

I think 16 year olds who pretend they're in the same boat as 7 year olds stumbling across porn of cartoon characters are retarded though.

No. 2362483

>Why do you think the internet has gone to shit?
Do you hear yourself? I'm sure if we somehow get rid of all the children on the internet the world will become a better place. What your solution to this?

No. 2362486

I know most people are repulsed by the idea of gov ID for internet stuff, but children's sites on the internet should require some sort of goverment-issued ID to access to make the site truly safe for kids and prevent pedos from flooding the sites, shit like Roblox and Club Penguin have already demonstrated that pedos go where the children are.

No. 2362494

We used to have games on the computer and it was so fun! I never had to interact with other people, I was just playing Barbie in the Barbie site, dress up games on games.it and then playing with my Nintendo on the side. I still stumbled on sex games though and I used to sneakily play dating sim hentai games, my mom found out and banished me from playing without her supervision. So overall the internet has never been safe for children.

The things that ruined everything is having all these games with live chats aimed at children where players communicate with other players, I’d even add that discord greatly contributes too.

No. 2362496

I thank god that I enjoyed my little pony without ever searching it when I was 11-12 kek

No. 2362509

No, it has a whole fandom of manchildren autists like vid rel

No. 2362512

American culture is centered around trannies

No. 2362515

Still can't get over Veronica dumping Chris for him

No. 2362522

She was a stacy for that, mark was peak qtie before his descent to fatness

No. 2362526

I like Chris but he is a man child and kind of an asshole. Mark was at least cuter (when she dumped Chris).

No. 2362528

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Veronica's way out of both of their leagues (she's pretty hot) but LS Mark is way uglier than Chris and doesn't even have the plus of being kinda funny, he just tisms about fairly odd parents and family guy all day.

Everytime they stand together it's like a homely kid and his hot mom.

No. 2362529

The only thing standing in Veronica's way is her personality.

No. 2362530

chris is uglier because hes older and fatter. If lsmark didnt let himself go he would be okay. She should dump him for another younger twink again.

No. 2362532

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>peak qtie

No. 2362533

That'd be based. Keep cycling through autistic thinks forever.

No. 2362536

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>I'm sure if we somehow get rid of all the children on the internet the world will become a better place.
Yes, unironically
>What your solution to this?
When it comes to shows like fucking Bluey or MLP, the actual target audience (like toddlers and elementary school kids) shouldn't be online at all outside of kids game sites. Like, as of right now. Is it that weird to expect? No actual kid should have a space to discuss Bluey, they should all fuck off. If I tag my posts correctly, I can draw all the yaoi I want kek. Not up to me to monitor a random kid who shouldn't be online in the first place.

All social media sites are 18+ and there should be a cultural shift to how unmonitored internet use in children is viewed. Same way there was a cultural shift in smoking. No phones in school. Kids should have social childhoods without the internet. Fuck social media in general. Fandom discussion should return to forums ideally but that won't happen. Everywhere on the internet should be 18+ even SFW spaces. Nobody should pander to minors or have minor mutuals; they should all be blocked on site. Just like with old forums, the expectation is that you agree to be 18+ and then act like in an adult with kids being banned/blocked on site.

No. 2362539

That's true, her personality is pretty shit but I feel like she could get a hotter guy anyway.
If she keeps that up one of them is gonna set her house on fire kek.

No. 2362547

he kinda looked like chris pre hitting the wall so i get her, she likes qte twinks

No. 2362549

Yeah, Chris hit the wall hard so I understand why she got out while she could.

No. 2362554

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The guy she cheated on Mark with is uglier than both though kek.

No. 2362555

its so weird to me that zoomies think fandom is for children.

No. 2362559

It's because they were exposed to it as children. The original target audience for MLP:FIM are now in their 20s. I pity the poor girls who had to grow up searching for their favorite pony…

No. 2362568

Fandom has always had minors running around in it, especially in stuff targetted at children/teens. The real shift is that children shifted from being the peripheral of fandom, to the core of it. Kids went from lying about their age and trying to act as grown-up as they could to sneak into adult fandom spaces, to loudly proclaiming that they're a minor and harassing adults who don't even want to be in the same space as them.

No. 2362574

I remember my dad telling me to always lie about myself online. Give them a fake age, a fake sex, a fake location. The idea that I would openly tell the world that I was a vulnerable young girl with unfettered internet access is absurd.

No. 2362596

i was one of those but i honestly never cared that much because i am bisexual and applejack did things to me as a westaboo with an american country girl fetish

No. 2362617

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nativety might be a factor, but I suspect at least some of it is pushed by troons who really hate the idea of heterosexuality, not for "man-hating" reasons, but because they are jealous of attractive men. A recent example I saw was this panel from a new wonder-woman comic, where she was just mourning her long-established love interest, steve trevor, and the qrts were just troon's seething at this, claiming she should only be a lesbian and her daughter should be retconned.

No. 2362631

I wish people would stop bringing up "feminism" to shame women for not liking certain tropes common in women's media.

No. 2362675

Helping your kid make up an internet alias should be a right of passage tbh. I remember my older sibling helping me with mine.
Hell, just telling a kid "stay away from anything we can't vouch for because it's filled with viruses and the fbi will come to arrest you if you download discord" should be enough to scare them away from a good chunk of crap.

No. 2362677

I don't even read american comics but even I know she's had her bf since the early days of her conception because I remember alan moore saying how comics are written where the superhero/ine never marries their love interest because that would put an end to the tension between them kek. She's not even been a "feminist" icon for that long either. She was often tied up in the comics or put in some position like that. There's a whole thing called "GGA" which stands for "Good Girl Art" that was used by men to signal to male comic book collectors that the issue being sold featured a female character being bound, or thrown about, or her blouse being torn by a crook. Female characters in comics were the original coom waifus or whatever.

No. 2362705

This is a bigger issue, imo, than just seething about attractive males and heterosexuality. The writer doing this has admitted that he doesn't care about WW and was put on the title above everyone else, and has really been mischaracterizing Diana (even having her slap her own mother) and making everything about Steve Trevor. Having her sculpt a baby and for them and decide to raise it herself after he dies just feels sexist, in a way, tying her down to a baby in a way she didn't have to be. Yes, deciding to make her a mother is radically different than having Superman and Batman be fathers. Not to mention, her daughter is named 'Trinity' so she can fit in with Damian and Jon in the DC new version of their main three. Its all disingenuous and coming from a writer and editors that don't give a fuck about WW.

No. 2362724

>She's not even been a "feminist" icon for that long either.
When did she even become one? I'm no expert but from what I've seen, Wonder Woman hasn't really distanced herself from her origins as BDSM fodder for her coomer creator. She's almost never written by women, nor given any good writing.
God, is it Tom King? All I've heard and read from this dude are bad things.

No. 2362734

>She's almost never written by women, nor given any good writing.
It's a complicated situation. For the longest time, and still today, Wonder Woman is under the Superman editorial. For decades, Berganza was the head editor of this branch, and he would serially sexually harass women. Instead of firing him, they instead decided not to hire women. Even after booting him in 2017, they treat WW like trash and just throws her at any male writer they have, instead of people (women especially) who want to work on them. And each of these men feel the need to 'reinvent' her, when there are perfectly good foundations for her mythos and setting created by Rucka or Perez, the footprint is there. They've also been forced to include her in a DC comics every 90 issues or so, or they lost the rights and it reverts back to the estate of her creator, so they have to treat her as relevant. And yes, its Tom King.

No. 2362774

It's the exact same psychology as yuritroons and waifufags that are fine with yuri fanservice

No. 2362791

If they knew the true origins of Wonderwoman, how she was basically born because of a man's fetish, they'd really lose their shit.

No. 2362936

>throwing characters at random writers instead of interested writers
>these writers then feel the need to 'reinvent' said character rather than use perfectly good existing material as a base or understand what people even like about them to begin with
>audience shockingly doesn't enjoy this/feels the disdain coming through the page
I am so tired of this behaviour from writers in general, it so clearly comes from having a chip on their shoulders over either not getting to write their favourite character's book or not being able to hack it as an original fiction writer (or both) and taking it out on the job they do have. Just suck it up and be normal, do a good job and then maybe get more sway in working on a passion project etc after a successful run

(tbh this also goes for people who warp a story while working on an adaptation to suit their tastes rather than see the merit in the original. so much retarded ego)

No. 2363041

Or a midwife.

No. 2363045

Does anyone find it kind of weird how a ship can be popular on one website but not popular on another? Like how there are a lot of shippers on 4chan but barely any fics of it on AO3?

No. 2363046

The people on 4chan are probably not writing fics on ao3, different audiences

No. 2363050

The people on 4chan are less likely to write fanfic and those writing fanfic are less likely to know about/be okay with the anime that get popular on 4chan.

No. 2363061

Oh they write fanfic, it's just in the form of greentext they write about themselves and their fake encounters with women

No. 2363063

No. 2364060

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No shade if you're one of the nonas with this fetish, but I kek'd at all of the anons in the /m/ incest thread who admitted to being only children. I feel like in a lot of cases, in order to develop that fetish in the first place you have to have very little personal experience with what having a sibling is actually like.

No. 2364071

I think it's mainly because men have different shipping sensibilities than women.

No. 2364100

…duh? did you expect people with actual siblings to sexualize that dynamic? i'd argue that'd make it even more gross lol

No. 2364115

There are people like this though. However they're unrelated to any fandom stuff and just watch actual live action step-sibling porn instead of reading Vampire Knight, or are men into the worst otakubait series you can think of.

No. 2364135

Isn't it obvious? Would you rather it be the other way around? Be relieved instead, shows that most female incest shippers are normal people who only had isolated upbringings instead of potentially dangerous sex pests creeping on their real life siblings.

No. 2364201

The thing I found surprising was that they were willing to admit it. It's obvious that most people (or most women at least) with incest fetishes are only children, or had very little interaction with their siblings if they had them.

No. 2364243

Why would one be ashamed to admit it?

No. 2364333

I am so confused with this anon its like she wants incestfags to actually have siblings.

No. 2364339

This is true because the only type of incest I can tolerate in fiction (I'm not an incestfag but it doesn't really bother me) is between two male characters. Anything involving a sister is disgusting to me because I have one myself kek

No. 2364346

i dont understand how so many people here are making the leap from "this person ships two siblings" to "this person has an insest fetish, they want to personally commit insest"
are we just overrun by the self-inserting retards who will never understand that not everyone self-inserts

No. 2364397

>you dont understand I dont think of two siblings fucking each other as sexually arousing for me and I definitely dont self insert myself into this totally not.
Since when did this site become so Alabama friendly.

No. 2364401

yes, thats why some anons are incapable of understanding basic shit like women shlicking to yaoi because they prefer to see two guys over one. Some anons are actually autistic but not in the quirky fun way.

No. 2364403

Idk, I have a lot of siblings irl, but I like it in fiction. The people who use it to justify their real life attraction for their sibling are weird as fuck to me though.

No. 2364435

because it’s true.

No. 2364442

Yup. The self insertification of fiction is an plague.

No. 2364458

I find it's the worst with hetships. I have one hetship I like and at times I come across a "shipper" who only likes the ship to self-insert on the woman. I hate it

No. 2364508

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>"it makes sense that most incest fetishists don't have siblings"
>"omg why does this anon want incest fetishists to have siblings????"

No. 2364615

>Fuck them kids
See, this is why you all be on twitter getting into 100 thread arguments with 12-year-olds over how problematic Hannibal is, instead of them being on some Club Penguin equivalent trying to tip icebergs with other kids their age.

No. 2364757

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Controversial opinion but this was Panty in P&S. That’s why moids gravitated towards Stocking (since she represented the sexually available, passive emo gf into ugly bastards) whereas girls tend to like Panty because she actively went around drooling about how hot the guys she wanted to fuck were and how badly she wanted to ride them.

No. 2364761

I was always kinda biased in favor of Panty because I liked her English VA better and thought that Stocking's was annoying. I also feel like Panty is given better lines than Stocking, and I liked her dynamic with Brief. The only thing I like about Stocking is her design, which is genuinely really cute.

No. 2364763

Its funny how she made moids seethe despite being the fanservice character. Even at the end when they settled her with the nerd guy they still turned him into a hottie to fit her standards. PnS is amazing because despite its crude humor and fanservice it still managed to make moids seethe. I like that the nerd guy was being constantly harassed by the homosexual priest. I pray they dont throw all of this into the trash in season 2.

No. 2364772

I think if someone enjoys sexually explicit fiction with incest in it, then yeah, they probably have at least a little bit of an incest fetish. It doesn't mean they'd ever act on it, though.

No. 2364778

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God it’s sad how the standard for female characters in eastern media has almost gone backwards over the past ten years. It would be bad enough if they just dehumanised them more and delivered more incel fanservice, but on TOP of that you now have retards in every other fandom lecturing you on how empowering it is to constantly see tits/ass or calling you a misogynist for dismissing passive waifus made for men. I miss girls’ girls characters like Panty. I can’t think of the last time I saw an anime women being sexually active for her own pleasure and not the male viewers’. And yeah, they probably will butcher the fuck out of her in season 2 given the current otaku climate. She’s been mythologised too much since the OG show for moids to be able to write her normally or recapture her charm.

No. 2364788

I think it's situational. There's a different between liking something that happens to be taboo and liking something because it is taboo. If it's the latter, than more likely than not its because its a kink and they gratification from it.

No. 2364795

Samefagging but I also feel like there’s been a huge transition from the idea of ‘this is a sexy woman who is also my waifu’ to ‘this is a fanservice waifu, full stop.’ Maybe I’m delusional but it’s as if the younger generation of anime nerds who grew up brain rotting on TV shows and joined the animation/gaming industries wanting to recreate their childhood with 0 original perspective started inbreeding anime women until they became completely one dimensional outside of sex appeal. Rather than start with the character and apply a trope, they start with a trope and have 0 else to add to it, leading to this endless factory line of garbage waifus we have today.

No. 2364798

Why would you like something that happens to be taboo if you weren't in some way enticed by the taboo nature?

No. 2364804

Because there are certain stories where certain topics are unavoidable, maybe because of how things are established in canon or because of time periods. Look at any historical fantasy piece that features incest. A lot of regular people are able to understand a pairings full depth within their story.

No. 2364808

This just sounds like a cope.

No. 2364810

Dont know the exact specifics sonce I never read it myself but this reminded me of a fanservice manga where a promiscuous female character asks the mc if he wants to fuck and then calls him retarded for not getting on with it and putting so much importance on virginity.
For some reason it got moids pissed and they made threads until the manga ended shitting on her for saying that and saying she ruined the manga by being slutty.

No. 2364814

I don't know, anon. You're usually able to tell whether you like something for a specific reason or not. That's how people engage with art.

No. 2364829

Such as?

No. 2364830

>Look at any historical fantasy piece that features incest
Can I just sperg about GRRM for a second? The argument in favor of the incest in ASOIAF is that incest happened in royal families historically. But it only happened because all of the royal families had married into each other by the late middle ages, creating a situation where securing diplomacy required a lot of cousin marriages. As far as I know, there were no known child-producing affairs between siblings in the middle ages, so that's not GRRM being "historically accurate," that's him sticking his fetish in the story.

No. 2364839

Medieval people irl had observed enough about genetics to have extensive family trees specifically to say who is marriageable or not and knew that successive inbred pairings resulted in tards and schizos (though they didn't understand the mechanics of why necessarily).

No. 2364849

I keep finding out the woke handmaidens I used to be "friends" with keep liking lolishit and underage written by moids. Are they just pedos themselves or what because I don't see the appeal

No. 2364850

There were a lot of sibling marriages among Egyptian pharaohs, and I'm sure people in the middle ages were aware of how that went. Deformities aside, it just resulted in a shitload of miscarriages and neonatal deaths than would have otherwise happened.

No. 2364851

sounds like pickme-ism and autopedophilia

No. 2364853

DDLG/coquette shit is in vogue with a lot of pickme types these days.

No. 2364858


Well, I learned something new today.. Kill me

No. 2364859

GRRM definitely had a fetish for not only incest, but anything that involved an underage girl in a forced marriage with an older man.
And not to call his work good, but GRRM's series' are an example that everyone knows. Look at the Dune series as well, wherein their plot can be poorly described as an arranged cousin marriage gone wrong.

No. 2364956

People keep forgetting that historical people had worldviews similar to modern-day people. We currently have paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and god-like technology

No. 2365073

Because you couldn't choose what manga/anime to consume back in the days of dial-up: you read/watched whatever you could get your hands on.

No. 2365082

I still cant believe “coquette” became a thing and normies are using it unironically. If you told me this in 2012 I wouldn’t fucking believe it kek

No. 2365085

>panty made moids seethe

When? In my IRL experience, moids love panty and stocking.

No. 2365138

Men will lap up any hot female character with a pulse but hordes of them still took issue with the fact that Panty had “””high”””” AKA normal standards for men and only wanted to fuck hot guys, which offended scrotes for obvious reasons

No. 2365166

kek it even became a meme last year in my spanish speaking country and my mom asked me what it meant

No. 2365334


No. 2365337

It reminds me of that one gyaru manga where scrotes raged because the waifu wasn't a virgin kek

No. 2365397

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No, I was about to try and describe it but then that managed to jog my memory lol

No. 2365405

it doesn't surprise me, stocking is a big tiddie goth gf, she is universally appealing to moids

No. 2365410

I will never understand moids who want to shackle with the goth girl despite everything.

No. 2365447

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this just reminds me of how troon advocates(including many libfems) try to use black and brown women as scapegoats to justify tims being considered women, and would look at you straight in the face and tell you unconventional-looking or non-white woman are less womanly them moids on estrogen, meanwhile this is what they look like irl

No. 2365449

>Its funny how she made moids seethe
Yes, your hypersexual anime bimbo made by Gainax coomers was totally disliked by men en masse, some of you need to get a grip kek

No. 2365466

Several of guys I knew would literally dump women on the spot over sexual partners. By making women chaste, sexless, and modest you're playing into what moids want which is to control women.

No. 2365484

67% Inertia?

No. 2365485

We're talking about anniemay cartoon characters, not real life, moids will chase after literal succubui, monsters and girls that would outright kill them.
The reason why Stocking is more popular than Panty is the same reason why Raven is more popular than Starfire despite Starfire being naive, "pure" and cutesy: goth and goth-adjacent beats all.

No. 2365487

>goth and goth-adjacent beats all.
Why are these characters so popular with moids? Solely because of aesthetics or because of what they think goth girls act like?

No. 2365507

Nerds associate goth / scene with cartoon girls and girls they wanted to fuck growing up. They also think consciously or subconsciously that an alt girl would be more willing to be in a relationship with a "nerd" rather than a "normie" / "jock". When in reality an alt woman would have higher standards overall and would be used to getting attention

No. 2365511

Yup. I remembered "Inertia" was in the name.

No. 2365523

>When in reality an alt woman would have higher standards overall
In what universe? Nearly every "alt" girl I've ever seen always has some ugly moid for a boyfriend, even dating back to highschool I recall seeing caked up scene girls having the fattest, ugliest league of legends-playing neckbeards for boyfriends.
>Nerds associate goth / scene with cartoon girls and girls they wanted to fuck growing up
But the real question is why that interest even exist in the first place, I think the main reason is that they think goth/alt girls are more likely to be fellow nerds and will have more in common with them than the more conventional-looking normalfag girls. The idea of alt girls being more "novel" and unconventional compared to "regular girls" probably plays a factor too.

No. 2365581

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Beep beep, the bronies called.

No. 2365585

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Bronies were racist as fuck.

No. 2365607

>I think the main reason is that they think goth/alt girls are more likely to be fellow nerds and will have more in common with them than the more conventional-looking normalfag girls
Yeah it's this. If you know anything about nerds, weebs, edgelords and outcasts/former outcasts it's that they absolutely DESPISE normalfag women. It's blatant misogyny, they believe normie women have zero personality, that they are boring, basic, or that they are all dumb bimbos with no flavour and stupid girly interests. Meanwhile alt women seem so interesting and soooo different and cool and mysterious and artistic (even though a lot of them are rebellious posers and have straight up unpleasing pesonalities, just in a different fashion kek). But the thing is, alt women are more likely to have pick me tendencies and go along with their antics and do dumb shit with them. And by alt women I only mean tomboy emo-adjacent or any chick with tattoos, bangs, piercings and a curvy figure, I'm convinced true authentic goths actually scare them and they also avoid pastel alt women or from other niche communities like gyaru or lolita.

No. 2365610

They also get very angry when alt/gothic women don't want to date them kek

No. 2365615

Goth4Goth is the only true pairing

No. 2365619

Real goth men, not faggots who think wearing black makes them goth or gym rats with tattoos

No. 2365621

But of course, nona.

No. 2365626

Fuck these gym rats btw I wish they never got into anime

No. 2365633

>Raven is more popular than Starfire despite Starfire being naive, "pure" and cutesy: goth and goth-adjacent beats all.
Also helps that Raven doesn’t wear pants

No. 2365634

This picture always makes me laugh in a shock humor / WTF kind of way. Applejack would never. Why do they always have to pervert a happy show for children?

No. 2365635

Real goth men are skinny as fuck

No. 2365639

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>and they also avoid pastel alt women or from other niche communities like gyaru or lolita.
Gyaru is fucking huge with otakus
Lolita less so but you still see cast off figures for it here and there.

No. 2365642

Reminds me of how everyone joked she said racist barn instead of raise this barn

No. 2365643

i wonder what happened to gyarus

No. 2365648

It just died out like every other trend, a big reason was that magazines were encouraging the style to look more and more normie so it was more and more palatable to the masses to the point where it just became regular fashion and the subculture died.
Gyarus pretty much changed their fashion every year depending on what was popular while Lolitas only stuck to one style which is why it’s lasted within its niche.

No. 2365668

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Is ganguro still alive as a subculture?

No. 2365675

No. The only remnant of gyaru/ganguro is overseas people (which just kind of makes them accidental chavs or jersey shore types) and women in hostess clubs in japan.

Gyaru and ganguro is pretty much exclusively a thing used as an anime trope nowadays.

No. 2365681

Not sure what type of gyaru it actually is, but a couple of the fanartists I follow seem to be of a sort.
Also the artist behind Nanbaka.

No. 2365685

yes it's coming back actually. angeleek gyarusa is starting back up.

No. 2365716

All the gym rats I know became like this because of shonen anime. Blame Dragon Ball. These guys will think that all female otaku are shonentards just like them, and if they're not they're fake nerds. The type who will say things like "I have to do my best because I don't want to disappoint Goku, who gave everything in his fight in Namek" I mean. If they're not gym rats they're obsessed with football because of Captain Tsubasa.

No. 2365722

This is so weird because weren't gyarus stigmatized as sluts who would not grow up to be "good women"? If I remember, ancient anime Peach Girl's protagonist got treated this way even though she's tan from swimming.

But now they're a waifu archetype???? Is see so many gyaru media nowadays.

Also, a funny thing about "modern gyaru media" is that the girls tend to be pale as fuck—Marin, Hokkaido Girls are Cuties girl, that one girl who wasn't a virgin that made scrotes seethe (kek)—wasn't the point of gyaru not following beauty standards (I.e. pale skin)?

They want them to be both "subversive" (short skirts, piercings, genkiii!!! personality) but still cling to "proper" standards (pale skin, a virgin who doesn't know what pp is uwu)

No. 2365727

>But now they're a waifu archetype???? Is see so many gyaru media nowadays.
I bet it's nostalgia. Men who make these manga were kids or teens when gyaru fashion was still trendy and probably just thought these girls were their type until they got old enough to make that a waifu archetype. On top of that men love to insult women they perceive as sluts, but deep down they prefer them to the chaste women they won't stop praising.

No. 2365735

Samefag, this reminds me of magical girls, like gyarus they too got co-opted by moids because of Madoka Magica and that's why you got repulsive shit like Gushing Over Magical Girls. Go further and it was Minky Momo.

One can even argue that lolicon was also "technically" stolen too as it was originally born from pedophiles mimicking the art style of shojo manga.

Vidrel, we'll never got something like this again as gyarus are not for girls anymore.

No. 2365736

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Do you seriously think otakus aren't into slutty girls? Anon the fuck are you smoking.
>wasn't the point of gyaru not following beauty standards (I.e. pale skin)?
Shirogyaru was a pretty common thing, the whole 'rejecting beauty standards' thing is pretty overexaggerated anyway, most gyaru/ganguros were just party girls.
I do think that shirogyaru in anime usually fall more into the 'slut who doesn't know she's a slut' trope though (see: Galko chan) but most of the time gyaru is just used as a hentai trope just go on vndb and see for yourself kek.

No. 2365738

Am I thinking of another anime or is this the one where they save a girl from becoming a hooker

No. 2365739

Mahou shoujo was always moidy

No. 2365740

Many of the artists involved grew up back when gyaru was a trend so it fits their "girl I wish I dated/girl who rejected me in highschool" archetype.
Most hs anime portray 10-20 years back trends, hence why recent "modern highschool" fanservice anime are phasing gym bloomers out despite it being an easy fanservice trope.

No. 2365741

That manga is for women, not otaku moids

No. 2365748

I know, I was just using it as an example of how gyarus a hentai trope 99% of the time nowadays.

No. 2365749

So we're going to see jirai and egirl waifus flooding the market en masse 10 years from now?

No. 2365751

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Jirai already has

No. 2365754

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>Do you seriously think otakus aren't into slutty girls?

Kek, what?? Sure they're "into them"—in their train rapist ugly bastard hentais, sure. But otakus are obsessed with purity that's why idols and lolicons exist.

Picrel is the gyaru I was talking about that the moids seethed. She was a dumb girl who got taken advantage of, she even tearfully tells self-insert-kun that she wished he was her first time.

But go into Manga Updates or MyAnimeList and you'll see forum goers treating her like NTRed protag-kun deliberately.

Another character I think of is Sakura from Fate/Stay Night, canonically she was raped by worms as child because magic magic whatever and then frequently molested by her adopted onii-chan.

Even though she's a victim and the story frames her as such, you'll still see some memes now and then of her being "impure" for Shirou or whatever.

There are so many examples but we'd be here all day.

So yeah, Otakus do not like sluts.

No. 2365755

It's slowly starting to happen now tbh. The 00s/10s "cool girl" "mean girl" archetypes around as well.

No. 2365757

Yeah, there's an entire subgenre of moid otakus who will send a fucking bomb to anime studios if their waifu even stands next to a male character. Even male Vtuber fans throw fits if their fave speaks to a male Vtuber kek

No. 2365759

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>"mean girl"

Great, now you reminded of this bitch. Her antics are entertaining tho, ngl.

No. 2365761

>moid otakus who will send a fucking bomb to anime studios if their waifu even stands next to a male character.

Did that actually happen??

No. 2365762

The ENTIRE male playerbase of gacha games is like this kek

No. 2365765

>Kek, what?? Sure they're "into them"—in their train rapist ugly bastard hentais, sure. But otakus are obsessed with purity that's why idols and lolicons exist.
Did you ever consider that they're into both kek. Madonna whore complex exists for a reason.
>canonically she was raped by worms as child because magic magic whatever and then frequently molested by her adopted onii-chan.
Sakura sucks, she deserved it honestly.

On top of that earlier in the thread you guys were pretending that moids didn't like panty even though every guy on /a/ is like "It was the anime I got my first boner to" and praises the fuck out of both of them for being jack off material. Maybe I could see the argument that moids don't really waifu sluts in the same way they do with purityfag waifus but they certainly jack off to them and buy merch of them.

No. 2365771

Ironically there's actually less masochist otakus nowadays kek
The main one was Nagatoro and even she got toned down and had a fair amount of backlash, compare this to the 2000s were waifus like Louis were fucking huge and tsundere maid cafes where girls just insult you were a thing.

No. 2365775

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No. 2365779

To be fair, hypertsunderes are genuinely annoying. Even when I was a young weebette I never found their slapsticky beatings of their love interests as funny or "haha manhate based"—they're just that irritating.

No. 2365783

There was also vidrel. I remember a lot of scrotes seething about MUH DOUBLE STANDARDS when it came to anime girls beating their men up, but at the same time they obviously thought it was funny or even liked it kek

No. 2365784

It was hyperbolic but I know Chinese genshin moids have done horrible things because of their waifus. Iirc some chinese moid killed a cat and posted it on social media over genshin

No. 2365788

I'd actually consider Nagatoro to be more "cool girl" tbh, by mean girl I meant like the movie, the politic queen bee Stacy who manipulates men (but actually falls for the mc because he doesn't fall for her immediately)

No. 2365789

I mean they're not FOR women kek, they're still pretty clear waifubait characters just in a more spicy flavor.
>I remember a lot of scrotes seething about MUH DOUBLE STANDARDS when it came to anime girls beating their men up
Autistic men be like that, I think they just don't get that a lot of guys are masochists because they're tismos.
With that being said I actually like Dokuro chan, shit's funny.

No. 2365794

I remember absolutely hating both of these characters kek. The guy deserved to get beaten to near-death on a daily basis but Louise was also very annoying.

No. 2365801

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Tsunderes work best when they're paired with another tsundere tbh.

No. 2365811

I recently tried rewatching it and I completely forgot about the turn-all-women-into-lolis plot and I felt like a truck had slammed into me. The violence was fun though

No. 2365812

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I always thought violent female classic tsunderes were obnoxious

No. 2365814

To be fair the plot in Dokuro chan was never taken seriously and the loli thing was more just there so Sakura could get abused by everyone some more.

No. 2365818

It was odd seeing Gyaru active but niche turn into a character trope as a dead style
this would be based if it was actual BL (no turning into a woman)

No. 2365820

Extreme otaku are definetly purityfags but mild otakus or shounentards tend to like sluts, as long as they're fixed by MC-kun. In general men have a very weird contradictory relationship with actual sluts, they love them for entertainment, escapism and sex, but don't want them anywhere near their family nor see them as wife material. For waifufags, it's important that their waifu is an actual wife, that belongs only to themselves

No. 2365821

>this would be based if it was actual BL (no turning into a woman)
I actually like genderswap BL

No. 2365824

I was always confused as to who this manga was for. Judging by the art style I think it's for fujos who want to self-insert as the uke literally? I don't even think the regular hetero men would like it as the hot girl was still a guy so it's still technically gay.

Repressed AGPs maybe?

No. 2365825

>I was always confused as to who this manga was for
Fujos who also like tits
It's not that deep.

No. 2365830

Bisexuals? For some reason here bisexuals are everywhere (and not actually lesbian) and nowhere at the same time.

No. 2365831

Get this, there are women out there who get off to both straight and gay sex.

No. 2365832

File: 1737837984188.png (214.53 KB, 875x838, color recipe genderswap.png)

I'd argue that this is actually most jp fujos, it's why you see genderswap stuff so much on BL tags.

No. 2365837

Do you have the yuriswaps she did? I can't find them.

No. 2365840

File: 1737838182320.png (246.34 KB, 731x1056, 67982212_p0.png)

Yea same photoset.

No. 2365841

GENDERBEND COLOR RECIPE?! I've seen it all now.

No. 2365842

Kawaii…if she ever does a yuri manga I will be first in line.

No. 2365867

Yanderes are pretty uncommon in yuri right? I'd definitely want to see a yandere if Harada ever did a yuri manga.

No. 2365910

I think you guys are underestimating how retarded moids are, and how they often like things that are completely contradictory. They want a girl who looks like a porn star and has a ton of knowledge of sex, but who is also a blushing virgin who is saving herself for their worthless obese hairy asses. They like the idea of a slutty girl and the idea of a virgin girl, but don't actually want to grapple with what those people are like in reality. What they want is Shrodinger's Waifu.

No. 2365941

Panty fucked ugly guys all the time, and neither she or Stocking wanted to fuck the designated nerdy guy, Brief (though Panty came around eventually).

No. 2365950

Cutey Honey borders on the category for Magical Girls anyway. Besides it was never intended for the female audience since it was published in a Shonen magazine and made by Go Nagai. You can't say that scrotes took it away from us because it never belonged to girls

No. 2365968

It's because those people see themselves as inherently weak. The main pushers of the narrative are a bunch of like, troons addicted to BBC porn and ddlgfag libfems who may or may not also be porn addicts.

No. 2365969

She was awesome as a doujin character before the author had to make her more palatable for the masses.

No. 2366037

I liked her back when she literally kicked senpai's ass and he agreed with it just for a chance to go swimming with her. New Nagatoro flashes him in her school swimsuit and pretends like she's bullying him by making him hard. Weak.

No. 2366338

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Why do women's geek spaces need disclaimers for having an opinion on anything? It's like you need to be positive 100% of the time and assure everyone that it's totally valid to like whatever you dislike.

No. 2366343

Tbf "negativity" a lot of the time basically ends up being "political moralfagging" though, so does the positivity.

No. 2366344

Women nitpick themselves more often and want to socially integrate more than men. Also no disclaimers means angry commenters that take things too personally. Art youtubers are awful for this too. You can't say not to shade with black without having a 10 minute disclaimer about how everyone's art style is valid

No. 2366358

Dunno but its tiring. I even catch myself being extra positive and careful when I'm in female nerd spaces, but here with you guys I just post whatever and sperg about whatever.

No. 2366401

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I was reading the neil gaiman piece and boy oh boy is this a nail on the on why fandom culture is the way it is, If you're obsessed with fandom and shipping, especially in areas like anime, you might not be the most stable or well-adjusted person, media often becomes a part of your identity, and when that identity is challenged, it can lead to strong reactions and if you get off to it, those reactions can be even more intense

No. 2366432

I can't believe I even watched this garbage, I should have stopped when they introduced that teenage girl with huge boobs seducing old men

No. 2366666

That was always the intention, to cater to moids with loli femdom fetishes. It was never going to be anything less.

No. 2366683

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Yeah, that's the one.

No. 2366844

Considering what the author used to draw it's crazy how popular it got. Moids are forgiven so easily for their degeneracy.

No. 2366948

Now that I think about it, it’s odd right? I don’t know any yandere yuri. The closest I’ve seen is Happy Sugar Life but that was in a weird way and I didn’t finish it

No. 2366962

Sorry I'm out of the loop, what current mangas feature gyaru women? I havent read mangas like that in AGES probably since the early 2000s

No. 2366966

On the other hand people who don't know how to enjoy media are kind of dead inside. You cant lump it all in with the most extreme cases you sound just as nutty as the extreme ones do. What do you propose we do, get rid of all great media because of a couple extreme ones? So that the earth is a barren desert of misery and tedium and ugly moids?

No. 2366976

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No. 2366979

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Based Gals! enjoyer, may your skin always be moisturized

No. 2366981

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It's not by Harada, but Love/Death is a short yuri manga about 2 yandere girls in a relationship

No. 2366986

Lmao most of these are just women with tanned skin or blonde hair

No. 2367034

It shows up in stories where it’s not directly yuri but has yuri themeing in it. In actual yuri stories it’s not that common because yuri has a heavy emphasis on pure love and yanderes are kind of the opposite of that.
Even happy sugar life had more ‘pure love’ elements compared to man on man or het yandere couples.

No. 2367049

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Reminds me how a bunch of moids lost their shit some weeks ago because this artist dared to say they don't draw "otaku friendly" gyaru

No. 2367050

they still look extra coomey though, why are moids still so angry

No. 2367061

Ayrt, I said the same thing when I saw them malding about it on twitter and reddit. I guess it's because the artist explicitly said they don't draw the white gal waifus that are more popular.

No. 2367206

Cutie Honey was intended for moids but got a surprising amount of female fans which led to a shojo adaptation iirc.

No. 2367271

What is with this strange trend of minors down to 13 being proshippers? They don't have the capacity to talk about the dynamics of fiction, and definitely shouldn't be in those environments talking about adult topics. There have been so many online recently but no one has talked about it. And half of them are publicly posting their self harm scars or engaged in "edtwt". This feels like a trend for them that they'll look back on and call cringe. I personally don't pick a side in the argument, but it feels wrong to see kids with "shota rape train" either in their username or bio.

No. 2367279

>What is with this strange trend of minors down to 13 being proshippers
They likely get harassed by other minors for shipping random things and then get labeled a proshipper by those same people and assume that's a community meant for them.

No. 2367282

I kind of already knew the pendulum was going to swing this way, but as of now both arguments are retarded. I feel bad for these kids.

No. 2367308

Goth and alt girls are the Stacies of the nerd world because they are fellow outcasts and are therefore more attainable. Conventionally attractive women who conform to societal beauty standards are way out of their league (but nerdy boys lust after them anyway and you'll see the "popular girl has a secret nerdy side and is more relatable to nerdy boys" trope sometimes in media). It's why moids thirst after Velma more than Daphne.
Another reason is that alt women and girls are perceived to have looser sexual boundaries. A lot of alt fashion is based on BDSM gear or just is BDSM gear. These men have dominatrix fetishes but dressing it up as "muh goff girls" helps them sound less like a coomer.

No. 2367313

This is what I hate most about men fetishizing women's fashion. They don't understand it. They don't understand what makes a gyaru coord, a lolita coord, jirai kei cord… They might get the general colour pallet down (if you're lucky), but everything else is ruined by their gooey, worthless coom brains. They're incapable of understanding fashion, let alone making anything look good, because their Y chromosome seemingly makes them utterly retarded. Even the one moid artists' rendition of lolita I liked was actually copied, I'm talking about Ryukishi07 and him stealing entire outfits from lolita magazines.

No. 2367392

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Everyday I see new gyaru x otaku slop on Mangadex and it's always the same shitty premise with the most basic bitch otkau friendly looking gyaru character that's purely fetish bait. The only good gyaru x otaku manga I've seen is Super Baby, the author seems to have a genuine understanding of gyaru subculture the characters are well rounded and sweet and the story handles both light hearted topics and dark ones well but surprise surprise it's not translated because the main gyaru character isn't a big boobed slut who lusts after the male lead (while also being a shy virgin too.)

No. 2367415

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No. 2367418

This has a nice y2k-ish girly vibe, I like it

No. 2367426

This seems wonderful! NTA but thank you so much for the rec!

No. 2367580

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>the one instance where the "straight ship" isn't straight and yet fandomtards refuse to call it "queer"

No. 2367732

In addition to what >>2367279 said, some teenagers also just enjoy being edgelords and "triggering" the squares with whatever weird slop they enjoy.

No. 2367835

Sorry to bring up Hetalia in the year of our lord 2025, but I find it interesting how US/UK was the most popular ship in the Hetalia fandom, but in the Countryhumans fandom, which I guess is kind of like its modern equivalent, US/Russia is the most popular ship. In fact, US/UK is barely popular at all. Wonder what changed.

No. 2367843

Teaboos are an endangered species, and edgy Russian and American teens seem to make up the bulk of Countryhuman enjoyers. Maybe they appreciate the irony of their (formerly?) frosty countries boning down as beachball headed flag-humans.

No. 2367858

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Apparently this is what the drawing means

No. 2367887

Squid Games fans are very retarded when it comes to that tranny and hype him up for no reason. The way every single character in the show just accepted him as a woman was also really stupid.

No. 2367914

i wanted him to be yet another surprise "tragic" death but his screentime only kept rising

No. 2367934

I picked up on this months ago and (from what I seen specifically on twitter) a majority of hardcore proshippers are 14-16 years old. normally some variation of tif and are absolutely rabid to defend incest/rape, usually a Will Graham kinnie. It's so bizarre

No. 2367944

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I don't want another pro/anti debate, but It infuriates me to see thirdies in fandom pushing this victimhood narrative, cause as a third-worlder myself, I know for a fact that if you’re spending all day on social media, sperging about comics and either pro/anti shipping, you’re living in a bubble of privilege and you have way more in common with first-worlders than with your own countrymen and they should face that reality.

No. 2367955

>the whites colonised people so, naturally, it's okay for me to fetishize being abused by family members in erotica
that is an actually insane take. what is happening with third worlders rn

No. 2367956

thirdies understand that fiction is escapism from our shit ass third world lives.

No. 2367958

Why does every side of this argument always accuse the other of being filled with white people or try to make it a huge political thing?

No. 2367962

I'm not denying that. I understand that just because we live more comfortably doesn't mean we aren't affected by the various issues in our country. fandom can be a distraction from difficult conditions, you can stay at home all day and forget that you live in south-america and your country is experiencing a significant financial crisis, but when you start justifying this distraction based on western politics and a sense of victimhood, then it's time to stop

No. 2367965

Middle-class thirdies whining about being thirdies is the most cringe bullshit ever like "Wah wah Im a third-worlder" lmfao cry about it.

No. 2367984

Because it’s the one group of people that’s socially acceptable to shit on to feel superiority

No. 2367985

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To be fair Hima designed some pretty peak lolita outfits.

No. 2367988

Countryhumans was mostly popular in Russia so it kinda tracks that they'd want the polandball based on their country to be shipped the most.

No. 2367991

the thing is, the only reason you can shit on them, is cause white people in those spaces allow themselves to be shit on. I've seen what happens when they try to use the 'you're white' rhetoric on non-woke individuals, and when that doesn't work, it leads to actual panic attacks.

No. 2367992

that's because those girls are what is known as neogyaru which is more like japanese instahoe than older gyaru. it's a real style of gyaru that's been popular since 2016.

No. 2367999

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ot but depressing to know that we're likely going to lose all the talented russian artists and game creators because of the new internet they're getting, a few have managed to break free thanks to vpns, but according to some of my mutuals, even that seems to be coming to an end.

No. 2368002

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Just had to school a kid that me calling an ugly-bastard-trope character "disgusting" is not body shaming

No. 2368016

But Russia already has a separate internet though? Vk only accepts Russian ally numbers.russians will still be there posting no country goes full bubble even China didnt

No. 2368023

Isn't the article talking about an independent internet infrastructure like North Korea has?

No. 2368069

Kekk as someone who has always been into gyaru I love this image, late stage gyaru had lots of problems specifically with ana-chan level weight obsession, sex work and plastic surgery pushing but at its core it was about girls being angry, loud bitches that men couldn't stand. The anime coomerification of gyaru is one of the biggest insults I've seen and the art accurate portrays the faux-gyaru archetype you see in otaku media, acting as if gyarus were cute ditzy bimbos simply obsessed with fashion and sucking dick when they were vicious and focused on self-sufficiency as a response to the obedient, modest housewife expectations of the Japanese society.

No. 2368072

Could you tell us more about real og gyarus? Sounds fascinating.

No. 2368079

Sure, though I think I summarized in my post. The cultural context matters though, in Japan women are expected to be virginal, very modest in appearance and quiet in behavior which is true even to this day, so to rebel against that gyarus were loud, obnoxious, used alcohol, smoked, swore like sailors and had no regard for social conduct, had over the top makeup styles (huge false eyelashes, bleached hair, circle lenses, tanned skin, long fake nails etc) and were openly sexually active (and a lot of them did sex work and hostess jobs because they often came from broken homes/poverty). IIRC a lot of it, particularly notoriously ganguro, was originally inspired by styles from the 90's Hawaii which is an US state but also a popular travel destination for the Japanese so there's where a lot of it comes from. But gyaru was mostly gentrified in the early 2010's and watered down into just "girl has fake nails and a cute skirt" kind of wussy bullshit and in anime it's usually just "girl has a tan and big tits rubbing them into the protagonist's face" slut stereotype.

No. 2368086

nta but I'm assuming that genuine gyaru subculture is now dead, like most subcultures around the world and has mostly become just an online fashion identity?

No. 2368091

Yeah. Gyaru resurfaced recently as a tiktok trend but like other subcultures it's just a "-core" aesthetic (i.e. teens slapping on drag queen makeup) and not a lifestyle. One could argue though that gyaru is a very 90's/early 00's trend, basically the Y2K of Japan, because in the early 10's a lot of its elements had become mainstream and the entire thing was played out once in its past already.

No. 2368337

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please be kidding i can't deal with kids being that retarded

No. 2368346

Was it an actual hentai ugly bastard character or just an unattractive character from a normal piece of fiction? I can get a kid trying to defend the latter, but the former is much more concerning

No. 2368354

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I'm not sure where else to put this but it feels best suited for the fandom discourse thread. So when I was 16, I used to lie about my age and befriend 25+ year old fanfiction writers to talk about nsfw scenarios of my favourite ships. We would discuss genuinely hardcore stuff, and not once did it occur to me that it might be unfair to deceive an adult into talking about porn with a child unknowingly. Jump to today, where I just found out that a fellow fan I've been having nsfw chats with is 16, while I am now 20 years old. They knew this, and only just decided to tell me despite posting porn on their side account and having 18+ in bio. I feel so gross, like the typical Discord pedophile who gets callouts on Twitter for having 'weird' chats with teenagers online. Of course I'm going to cut off this person now but it kind of leaves a bigger question in the air:

While I don't think of myself as a 'victim', don't you all think it's a bit too normalised for minors to do this on the internet? I feel really, really gross thinking about the discussions I had with that kid while not knowing their real age. Hell, I even did it myself at 16 because there weren't any adults explicitly scolding you for it, since they also did the same thing and so on and so forth. Have any of you nonas ever found yourself in a similar scenerio? What did you do about it? What are your thoughts?

No. 2368361

I wonder what it would be like if every country had its own internet and you couldn't interact with people outside your country.

No. 2368370

>So when I was 16, I used to lie about my age and befriend 25+ year old fanfiction writers to talk about nsfw scenarios of my favourite ships
I think that's a pretty common experience. like I wasn't chatting about nsfw rp's, but I did chat with much older people while pretending to be an adult american man, even though I wasn't

No. 2368371

The objective of the ugly bastard is to be as disgusting as possible. It's essential part of the trope so that the rape is even more humiliating for the woman

No. 2368372

No. 2368398

The same happened to me, when I was 22 I was discussing NSFW fanfiction with a 16-year old. Both of us being women. I didn't think any of it back then, and nobody around me thought it was weird. Only when this topic started coming up in the mainstream a few years ago I freaked out and felt gross about the entire thing, and every day I'm paranoid about being called out for being a "groomer" because I gushed over the same fictional ship with a minor.

But that said, I did the same when I was 16. I hid my age to discuss NSFW stuff with adults and even now I still don't find anything unsettling about it, those adults were all women and didn't get weird outside of a fictional context ever. But all the moids who sent me disgusting, sexual comments and tried to prod me for actual IRL nudes still fucking haunt me. I hate that the distinction between these two has been erased and both are considered "predators". Is adult women discussing NSFW fiction with minors weird? Yeah, you shouldn't do that. But online the lines do get blurred because you simply see their text output and don't really comprehend that who you're speaking to is actually a child if they're blending in to the discussion about media. It's not comparable to sliding into underage DMs to put their backs against the wall without nobody there to see.

No. 2368407

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Ayrt I wish I was kidding but it was a legit fat ugly scrote in a porn manhwa kekkkk. My comment expressing my disgust had over 20 likes and no comments, but then some retarded kid projected onto me saying I'm "body shaming" "just because he's overweight" and that I'm "gross" (she also liked her own comment which was cute). I had to explain what an ugly bastard was and the purpose of the trope. Near enough to what >>2368371 said. I never got a reply back lmaooooo.

No. 2368414

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I wonder whether the person who made that edit even knows what it references… Let alone seen it.

No. 2368419

>trope literally called 'ugly bastard'
>Nona calls the trope disgusting
>omg body shaming
That's the whole point!

No. 2368432

>mfw i realize the reason yuri is left alone vs the eternal yaoi discourse is both because tims like it and you can't diss anything tims like and also that it infantilizes women because most of it shows women as pure and not having any thoughts or interests outside love or sex or a singular hobby they can connect with their male gazey love interest over, which is ultimately how men want women to be, vs yaoi which women often feel is a safer medium to express their darker thoughts
Half expecting a ban over "bait" but jesus I just feel like my third eye opened, misogyny is fucking everywhere.

No. 2368437

VK is popular but there are a lot of Russian artists in other places. Also, you can use any phone number to register there, not just Russian number.

What pains me is that the Ru gvt started to block the websites with Russian fanfics (that is, those with LGBT themes), forcing them to delete the works that offend the regime. A lot of good fanfics were lost. Some were saved in AO3 but not all of them.

And they also tried banning/hiding the pirated manga websites. Piracy isn’t good but it’s not like obtaining a license to publish, say, LGBT content from Japan or Korea is possible in current political climate. And now it’s hard to look for it because the government thinks they can control what you read.


No. 2368438

I'm a himejo and I agree with you. Sad bonus is that timmys have always sexually harassed lesbian himejos to draw futa if they draw anything sexual, so many feel like they're boxed into drawing SFW content which reinforces the sexless lesbian BS. I've always respected fujos to cover deeper topics without feeling "watched" by these types of moids if that makes sense kek.

No. 2368440

If it's a kid I'm not surprised, at least you taught her why she was wrong with words instead of her accidentally finding actual fat bastard comics in the wild. Hopefully she can use this knowledge to avoid it later.

No. 2368444

God fucking damn it I hate futa. I used to enjoy it as a bishitter once upon a time until I discovered how disgusting tims are and now it just makes me feel ill, all I can think about is how thousands of them use anime girl gifs while sexting about how "pure" their "puppy girl girlcocks" are whenever I see it.

No. 2368445

Yup. Yuri is non controversial because lesbian sex is the most watched porn category on the planet earth (by males of course). Yaoi is problematic because it makes men uncomfortable.

No. 2368446

>In fact, US/UK is barely popular at all. Wonder what changed.
Unironically stupid faggots who clamor that the ship is problematic. Either because of "age gap" or because they're "brothers" therefore it's incest. I fucking hate this timeline. Francis x Arthur is garbage and I will never ship them because it's the socially correct thing to do. Fuck France. Worst boy next to that faggot Sealand and Prussia

No. 2368447

Why are you hanging out in the special ed room anon

No. 2368449

Ntayrt but you just know someone is going to bring up how yaoi "makes women into tifs and steals away anime men" or something, talking about yuri in whatever form is new but I'd rather stay away from yaoi considering how many anti threads are already about it.

No. 2368454

Just ignore the bait, we should be able to have actually intelligent conversations about the hows and why's of this without having to whisper and use code languages to avoid triggering retards.

No. 2368455

>US/Russia is the most popular ship
Enemies to lovers. Classic.

No. 2368458

No, let's have a hetalia discussion. Why the fuck is hetalia popping up again after being condemned for the past 12 or 13 years? It was literally everywhere for 2009-2011 and then all of a sudden it was horrifically problematic for making light of WW2 and was shunned to the deepest pits of hell, but now people like it again. Is it the young zoomies/old gen alphas wishing they were millenials and taking their media?

No. 2368464

Yuri discourse does actually exist but only in male spaces from what I've seen, like on 4chan there's been infights for years over yurifags. Usually in the context of drama between moids who want their male self-insert to be with their waifu and get enraged when she's shipped with women versus moids with lesbian fetishes that seethe when female characters interact with men. Both are extremely obnoxious.

No. 2368470

Meanwhile yaoi gets scrutinized for everything possible, even if people have to reach to connect it to an imaginary crime. All of yaoi vs yuri drama is just about dehumanizing women and keeping them as submissive and subservient, I swear.

No. 2368474

Honestly I just think more people are getting into anime in general and are discovering older stuff.

No. 2368479

No, older zoomers have liked it for awhile. Knew some girls in highschool who loved it. Pretty sure it was a tumblr/deviantart fav for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if older zoomers showed younger zoomers it, esp. younger siblings. I hated it kek

No. 2368480

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Just because some of us are online and some are retarded zoomers doesn't mean we are in a bubble of privilege kek. Being a thirdie sucks ass even as a middle-class person, besides op none of you will never even begin to understand how it feels like so at least be glad you're not in our place. The tweet was cringe but the pain is real.
>.t nerdy thirdie woman in a heavily misogynistic country.

No. 2368482

I'm just curious, but do tims pressure you guys to put futa in Yuri fan fiction as well? It seems like the one Yuri thing that's safe from them.

No. 2368483

i'm american so i can't really fully understand your struggle, but i grew up so poor i was homeless a few times and often starved/went without electricity for extended periods so i honestly also see worrying about proship vs antiship discourse as a privilege. i always get a "are you fucking serious?" type reaction when i see some of them shit slinging over some of the stuff they get assmad about. i don't really get why people just can't use their brains to understand when someone is just a straight up pedophile, vs a woman who gets weirdly excited at the idea of being hit by an older man, when there are so many psychological reasons that might be the case. but then i go to these people's profiles, and i see them posting pictures of super nice bedrooms and decent meals and i realize that it's probably because that's one of the biggest issues they've ever had to face, so i'm sure it feels like legit activism to them.

No. 2368494

About a decade ago, personally, I was very open about being 13-14 years old kek. Me and my 2 other same-aged online friends would openly joke about being the only kids/teenagers in the fandom (it was for a nickelodeon property, all ages).

I still had adult friends, ranging from 19 to 27. They would send NSFW dialogue (stuff about sex and some character's dick) to my inbox as a joke and one initiated hardcore nsfw RP with me over skype. I played along because I thought it was a joke lmao.
Another friend, 11 years older than me, I accidentally came across her fandom porn account while looking for fanart, which I ignored and she was very apologetic about. She became more openly "pro-shipper" "fiction=/reality" and her art degraded heavily looking like bad furry art, which I ignored until she, at 30, shared posts about how pedophiles don't deserve prison, but rehabilitation. Looking her up, she only makes porn now, makes rape/incest comics, and is into pedophilia and paraphilias. Some other adult friends, I also broke off because of them sympathizing with real-life pedos.
The same-aged friends I had don't go online as much anymore, but they grew up to be normies with social lives which is much preferable, thank god. I used to roleplay with them but we never talked about nsfw, just funny scenarios with our characters.

That experience may be part of why I avoid discussing nsfw in general, though unfortunately that's not a solution for avoiding minors in nsfw spaces. When you're a teen, having friends the same age as you is the best experience and I wish more minors online would realize that. Personally I wasn't particularly interested in nsfw till my 20s kek so I can't understand teens who want to discuss it, but there should be a way for them to easily seek each other out instead of joining adult spaces.

No. 2368495

May I asked why
"she deserved it" Holy shit do people even read the source material?

No. 2368497

Nostalgia if I had to guess

No. 2368500

I agree that the tweet was cringe, but the whole thing about having more in common with first worlders and being super privileged just for… being a cringy teen online? Is kinda funny, i was mainly replying to the person who i quoted but still, it's a complete different experience in here compared to the first world. I don't disagree that some thirdie teens do pick up certain patterns and behaviours from first worlders and end up acting like them, thats because lot of us tend to end up hanging out with you guys online especially if we like things that have decently sized english communities and fandoms online, that's no different from them and they get social media brainrot from it.

No. 2368504

Samefag, they get social media brainrot from it hence the discussions about proship and antiship no one cares about.

No. 2368545

>Have any of you nonas ever found yourself in a similar scenerio? What did you do about it? What are your thoughts?
When I was 15 years old I befriended an artist on Tumblr who was 5 years older than me. We became very close and would call me pet names like "my son" as a joke, and I would talk all the time about very sexual things involving anime and visual novels because I was addicted to eroge and eroguro. We kept the friendship until I was around 16 or 17, upon which she told me that she used to have a crush on me back then. She never told me anything or made advances (other than talking about NSFW all the time) and it seemed like she had gotten over it by then. We lost touch and she became very big on twitter and even got her own callout post unrelated to me and DFE'd it all except her art account. I don't see it as a bad experience and I hope she's doing fine wherever she is.

No. 2368551

gyaru was mainstream since 2000s, anon. it turned into an extremely male pandering fashion trend when koda kumi and namie amuro were popular. it was subversive sure but it was always for hot girls. many fashion tribes that became associated with gyaru weren't gyaru at all, but they all got stuck under the same umbrella.
>t. 42y/o former gyaru who moved out of japan

No. 2368554

What was the callout for?
Honestly it's interesting seeing how many nonnas don't bear any ill will towards adult women who had sexual conversations with them online as teens. The thought of doing so with a younger girl makes me feel ill, even if it's just about anime characters, but looking back, I don't really feel traumatized from that type of experience either as a kid, it was always moids trying to (and sometimes succeeding) take advantage of me that wound up making me fucked in the head. Reminds me of the synnibear situation tbqh, I hope she's getting the help she needs.
Isn't the whole point of gyaru fashion to rebel against societal expectations of women in Japan? I honestly have mad respect for that artist for doubling down.

No. 2368558

Nta Omg an actual former gyaru? You're so cool.
>many fashion tribes that became associated with gyaru weren't gyaru at all, but they all got stuck under the same umbrella.
Can I ask which ones?

No. 2368616

kind of yes and no? gyaru is kind of a misused term in my opinion. mostly others would call you gyaru instead of you calling yourself gyaru and the term meant something different in mainstream speech before it was applied to ganguro. and it started just being used as a blanket term for any trendy girls in the 90s and on. i feel like in 2005+ any girls that were fashionable were "gyaru".
if you think about ganguro, it was started by trendy high school girls following some of the shibuya trends influenced by the west, USA and italy specifically. it eventually became more crazy styles like yamanba and manba, but these were more about freaking people out than trying to go against norms intentionally. everyone doing it at the beginning was in high school so they were rebelling at school and it was just fun and attention grabbing and didn't have much consequences. it started out small as ganguro, but then got more and more crazy when girls tried to get away with more and more. i think yamanba and manba were very much more true gyaru than anything else considered gyaru because they were pushing the limit to piss people off for fun. this type of gyaru was kind of like the hot girl cousin to yankii and it became an underground beauty norm slowly. in the 90s the internet changed how much influence the western could have directly on styles and music and etc so gyaru really became mainstream then with celebrity styles being called gyaru and the definition shifting to any fashion conscious consumers. it wasn't really fighting the norm anymore once it started being a consumer buzzword.
basically anything that isn't yamanba, manba or ganguro (also what's called sometimes kogyaru) i think a main one is hime gyaru which describes atleast 3 different fashion tribes like nagoyajyo, diamante girls, and mainstream fashions like himekaji all lumped together. none of those tribes would really associate themselves with yamanba or manba or ganguro and are related to what is known as the "hime boom" which isn't gyaru related at all. same with a lot of "styles" which really aren't gyaru related but the word gyaru was used to market it as trendy and western. another thing is that himekaji was started in the idol community and exists now with the name girly kei and amekaji was just a shibuya style starting in the 70s. gyaru doesn't really have substyles and ganguro, manba and yamanba are just different ways girls chose to style themselves based on fads at the time.
sorry if my explanation is bad i am pretty bad with typing sometimes. i can explain more if anyone is interested. maybe we can make a thread on another board?

No. 2368823

This, the best experiences I've had online were with people my age, and all the adults that I befriended at the time I was a teenager turned out to be degenerates, but luckily I was too retarded to be groomed kek although I probably still got mentally fucked over to some degree because of the weird sexual stuff they said around me

No. 2368824

Kek the fact fujos are called rotten while yurifags are called princesses tell us everything

No. 2368829

men think all women are bisexual which is kek worthy considering men are the actual bisexuals. They just like to project onto women.

No. 2368941

No, you don't hate futa, you just hate TiMs. You're still a gross cock obsessed biwhore with a shit-tier fetish, like most biwhores.(infighting)

No. 2368973

Is it actually tims pressuring artists to draw futa? I honestly haven't seen that. But I have seen a lot of "lesbian"(bi) artists drawing futa of their own volition then using using troon ideology to defend themselves, thus attracting tim followers.

No. 2368979

Because white people is the one and only reason that can't be argued with regardless of where it is applies. Feel bad for being fat? White people did it. You don't want to be criticised for romanticising incest/abuse? White people standard. People said mean things about your loli gallery? Le White people pushing their ethics over Asians, and if you argue otherwise tough luck you're in fandom spaces where this is the law

No. 2368991

Can he get any more based.

No. 2368992

File: 1738026241643.png (524.98 KB, 564x840, 1720772518450.png)

I'm the original poster and I didn't mean to completely dismiss thirdies who are into fandom and nerdy shit because I'm one of them, my actual point was how much I dislike seeing these people speak as any sort of authority for our nations and spread made up bullshit, for example, an 'asexual indian' who claims that India was trans-inclusive before the british arrived, shit like that.

No. 2368996

Kekkk, that's so pathetic that it's funny. At the end of the day it's between two different types of moid self-inserters, it's just that one group is so insecure they can't have any males on screen at all. I know this because men are retarded and can't ship characters normally.

No. 2369007

samefag, I can understand how the comment about upper-middle-class thirdies having more in common with first-worlders could come across as insensitive, cause both you and I know about the conditions in our country, even the wealthiest people in countries like india and thailand, are forced to witness crippling poverty every day. I'm talking about people who willfully ignore that reality and choose to pretend we live in america, unironically complaining about white privilege in our country, where the only white people are only a handful of foreign technicians

No. 2369163

File: 1738039858078.png (Spoiler Image,31.51 KB, 555x359, s2525256.png)

Noncon aside, what motivates women/TIFs to write pussyboy stuff, usually? Is it a creative way to self insert or does it come from a place of genuine same sex attraction? Or some other third reason?

No. 2369164

There is no straight explanation for cuntboys. Just like how we all know men into futas are bi.

No. 2369166

>Sukuna loves nothing more than to fuck his mate pregnant then beating Megumi until he miscarries.
Do they really get off on this or are they just saying this for attention

No. 2369169

Probably partly but not entirely the need to be the person with the edgiest kinks in the room

No. 2369170

Cuntboy obsessed fujos are just hetifying their yaoi ships by making the bottom have a vagina. Because they are straight women attracted to men. Go to ao3 and search for cuntboy/trans fics. It's all extremely heterosexual. Women obsessed with cuntboys themselves need to accept their bisexuality or find a tif gf to satiate their needs. Cuntboy x cuntboy is rare because only extremely mentally ill lesbians actually care about it. Most straight and bi cuntboy lovers seem to enjoy extremely misogynistic piv sex.

No. 2369174

imo they are just regular old hetfags but they want to be in bigger/more active fandoms and write about more popular ships. Yaoi dominates in most spaces.

No. 2369182

Besides the other explanations people already gave, some weird thing where they relate submissiveness and/or degradation with one of the most female things ever: having a pussy.

No. 2369190

they relate submissiveness and/or degradation with one of the most female things ever: having a pussy
I hate these people so much

No. 2369197

I think this is basically it tbh. It definitely ties to gender ideology in some way for most of them, also pretty funny that they'd likely throw a tantrum if an evil online woman misgendered them but if a hot enough scrote did it they'd tie it to "misgendering kink" or something

No. 2369236

No, cuntboys are the ultimate manifestation of heterosexuality, it only gets written when a woman really, really wants to be fucked by a male character but is too insecure to write self-insert so projects onto the bottom. I kind of understand where they’re coming from and I wouldn’t hate it so much if it were just a stupid ‘magical pussy!’ porn thing and not a troonified dogwhistle where you have to play the pronoun game with one hand.

No. 2369260

but a lot of cuntboy art focuses on the tif, not on the male character.

No. 2369263

I think this is just the result of so much exposure to porn. Most pornography focuses on the woman rather than the man (since it's typically made for men), I wouldn't be surprised if straight women have internalized that over time.

No. 2369278

I dont know, i still think you need to be a bit gay to be into cuntboys. No one would negate futafag moids are bisexual but suddenly questioning the sexuality of women who are super into drawing vaginas is met with tons of excuses for their homo behaviour.

No. 2369318

> India was trans-inclusive before the british arrived
kek did she mean the Mughal eunuchs? because those moids werent castrated because they wanted it kekk troons are considered a "cursed species" in south asia maybe she shouldve specify that too

No. 2369328

Because genfic is boring slop written by intimacy-avoidant zoomers obsessed with muh ‘found family’ tropes. Anyone who would write genfic otherwise now avoids it because the reader base is generally too retarded to willingly have as an audience

No. 2369348

As opposed to the badly written hardcore porn in which every single character reads the same and like they're starring in a porn video?
I hate slop like coffee shop AUs like the rest, but to argue that smut fic isn't mostly trash either is disingenous.

No. 2369352

Imo cuntboy content is no different than female-authored het smut like dark romance stuff which is why it's turbohet to me. Yes, the focus may be on the cuntboy, but it's almost always in the context of the character getting fucked and/or lusted by males. They're not attracted to the cuntboys, their arousal is scenario-based (to PIV/character with a pussy being degraded/etc). I've only ever come across one person who solely wrote cuntboy x cuntboy.

No. 2369353

Considering most "boypussy" artists I see who aren't tifs also talking about impregnating their boy-toy of choice or imagining themselves as the top, this is pretty much it. Advanced redirected misogyny.

No. 2369360

Is it an unpopular opinion to say that a lot of the boypussy shit is because all the ugly old man fucker TIFs and men triggered by fujos kept complaining how unrealistic anal sex is in BL and how actually the bottom should be performing 2-hour enemas and shitting afterwards so people just said fuck it and replaced the anus entirely to shut them up? I honestly feel like people don't see the forest for the trees amidst all their armchairing.

No. 2369396

No I think it's the reverse. Fake fujoshi and tifs who can't help but make the uke a tif or a cuntboy get told they're making unrealistic art and fanfics by gay nerds for it and pretend they're the victims here. Plenty of BL aren't realistic or are simplified because starving all day long or shitting on a dick isn't hot or glamorous, but gay nerds are either okay with this for the same reasons or are just lightly making fun of BL manga without being offended by them, but tifs and handmaidens are too autistic to notice when it's in good jest. The gay men who seethe because of BL manga and gay shipping are normies so it doesn't even concern them. But even these ones tend to shit talk tifs more than the average fujoshi.

No. 2369423

Where did I defend smutfics? Any one-dimensional fic focused entirely around tropes is going to be shit. That includes found family high school AU genfic written by 13 year olds, dom/sub BDSM ABO fujo nonsense written by sexless virgins, or enemies to lovers coffee shop soulmates hanahaki AU femslash written by someone who has never had a relationship outside of twitter. But if you’re browsing on ao3 (or god forbid some shit like wattpad), you should already know this.
It’s like going into a nonfiction bookshop dedicated to travel guides and books about WW2 and being like ‘what the fuck, WHERE is my friends to lovers only one bed porn book?????’ Bitch, the old men they opened this bookshop for don’t want to read that shit, just like the horny touch-starved teenagers/middle aged women on ao3 don’t want to read about Midoriya and Bakugo being besties holding hands and making friendship bracelets. Fandom has changed since two decades ago when FFN was still relevant and was a good source for genfic (and this was only the case because FFN had always banned anything even vaguely explicit anyway).

No. 2369435

Huh? I've never heard or seen this in my life. Nobody is drawing cuntboys to own le complainers, they're drawing it because they actually have a fetish for it (a.k.a., for misogyny). I'd say it all started with omegaverse giving ukes female reproductive systems, couple this with fujoshi being pressure to troon out and you get cuntboy yaoi art.

No. 2369446

I don't know if you'd call this self inserting but some women have trouble connecting sexually to a scenario where female sexual organs aren't being stimulated because it's hard to "feel" anatomy you don't have. Two men fucking in the ass does nothing to you if you don't have a dick nor want to be fucked in the ass, maybe you can find their reactions hot but there's no way to relate deeper than that. In other words they'd probably enjoy more normal het stuff but think "cishet" = bad, desensitized to the weirdness of TIFism, and happen to like a yaoi ship for other nonsexual reasons first (looks, chemistry, etc.) so they try to build a sexual scenario they find arousing. It's like why moids draw yuri hentai sometimes but most of it, and the most popular, have female characters taking dick whether from a moid or "futa".
Could be that they just don't know how to write men buttfucking, though it's not that complicated and who cares when it's just women reading it

No. 2369576

File: 1738076672741.png (285.7 KB, 590x539, chrome_SJncC78gsX.png)

Love how the fendom feminist brigade was pissed off when the comment isn't far off the reality. Time to put tbese jobless morons to the mines.

No. 2369593

Love how you post this with zero context like everyone's up to date with gacha game drama or whatever the fuck is going on in your post.

No. 2369610

NTA but I'm presuming that this is the context:
>Honkai Star Rail (HSR) released Robin, a famous songstress character around a year ago, who's wearing an appropriate singer dress with elegant design choices highlighting her role as a performer and a motivation focused on trying to protect her brother and help her homeland
>Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) releases Astra Yao, another singer character completely ripping off Robin's shtick but only aggressively waifuized and coomerified to high heavens with barely contained big tits heaving and jiggling around and a design that looks nothing like you'd except from a songstress character with the trailer only pushing herself on the male MC while they're on a date

No. 2369612

Nta but I suppose this is about goonshit impacts current loli coombait character and women who play that game defending the goonslop by saying its "unfeminist" to criticise it, strange thing really. Also IRC this game is also made by the same devs

No. 2369636

File: 1738079849096.webm (3.34 MB, 1280x720, 1737988359796855.webm)

I never liked Robin, but Astra has unironically made me appreciate her. I don’t understand why some women on Twitter go out of their way to defend female characters from gachaslop. Imagine if men started fiercely defending the outfit designs of male characters from nucarni—it would come off as ridiculous.

No. 2369642

Jiggle physics in Genshin feels WILD to me as someone who stopped playing it ages ago.

No. 2369646

File: 1738080302679.webp (100.58 KB, 1024x1024, Dreamscape_Pass_Sticker_Robin_…)

I love Robin (picrel) and Astra Yao (the rightmost black haired girl) is one of the ugliest fucking designs I've seen and I'm personally offended that people keep comparing this piece of shit waifubait to her, it's no wonder Robin is really popular with female players while nobody wants to touch ZZZ except terminally pornrotted pickmes who think they'll eventually get personal benefits from gobbling down this hypersexualized tripe. Men will never see them as exceptions and they'll never see the benefits of sucking otaku moid dick because there is none.

No. 2369648

They got worse in the past year, particularly with Mavuika (the one in the center). She even had ass jiggle physics added to her model.

No. 2369657

Nta but I also used to play genshin and this is a surprise to me, it definitely never used to be this bad even a year ago. Then again, genshin has been on a downward spiral that gets faster every year so I guess this is what they’re having to do now to bring in a new audience of horny stupid whales to keep the devs paid until they can finish their incoherent story and finally announce the servers are shutting

No. 2369660

File: 1738081224184.png (44.04 KB, 669x243, fgfgxdb.png)

The qrts are sending me. Are fags misogynistic as fuck and deserve to get bullied for it? Absolutely. But using that logic to whiteknight coomerbait female characters created by moids from a Chinese gacha company is just wild to me.

No. 2369662

Oh then i 100% agree with you because i'm tired of this bullshit too and thirdies picking up first world problems and trans ideology and trying to apply them to us living in literal shitholes kek

No. 2369665

>Trashing gay men who dislike coombait to defend the honour of a fictional woman
What level of leftism is this

No. 2369666

Even the person in your screenshot is 15 years old according to their profile. Literal children defending very, very obvious coombait made for scrotes in the name of "feminism".

No. 2369702

These are the same type of people who will call you homophobic for not wanting faggots to use the word cunt or dress in drag

No. 2369759

There should exist strict laws making everyone below 18 not be online. Both because they are annoying as hell, naive and also because it's dangerous.

No. 2369852

Doesn't sound like a fag, more like an autistic TIF creaming herself over roidpigs

No. 2369878

self aware tif, not a fag

No. 2369989

In a really backwards way, this makes sense. The self-hatred of TIFs is so strong they try to "escape" womanhood by trooning out, but they still get aroused to straight sex so they impose all the misogynistic tropes on their self-insert, but now it's "based" because they don't see themselves as women anymore. What a depressing existence.

No. 2370004

Nta but this is the best explanation I've seen. I'm lesbian and find CB disgusting and have not known any other lesbians into CB so the 'secretly homo!1!!' allegations never made sense to me, I've only seen (unfortunately) rape victim TIFs who draw CB as their "one step removed" maledom rape and abuse fetishes. They basically eroticise their abuse and make the CB character the focal point because it's basically self harm.

It's nuanced in some ways because not all artists who draw CB are tifs and not all tifs are abuse victims, but the ones who make the most disgusting CB art I've seen have been tifs who are being abused or have been abused because that's literally all they draw. They turn the hatred inward. Being a tif is self harm in itself anyway because it's societal-approved mutilation. It all connects. Also it's not like you can bully them to stop drawing it because that would just feed into the self-hate like cutting off a hydra's head.

Tifs really do come across as seeing themselves as disgusting for being female and then draw this porn-fetish self insert being abused by a moid. I assume the chinese CB artists are like this too but without the societal-approved titchops.

No. 2370013

she was probably referring to the hijras, but I've seen wokies bring up muslim emperors who had boy sex slaves, as proof of how progressive society was before colonization, they never mention that these relationships were between male lords and slave boys

No. 2370027

This reminds me of Xiran's video on the Han dynasty, where she enthusiastically discusses how "bisexual" they were and goes off on various tangents but fails to mention that the Han dynasty also had extreme institutionalized patriarchy and had a similar culture of misogyny and pederasty as ancient Greece. All the "lovers" of these emperors were essentially just young boys and eunuchs

No. 2370061

Notice how Aglea(?) on the left has the biggest breasts and yet has the least unnecessary movement? I guess the rumours about the old genshin team getting forcibly moved to HSR to support Da Wei’s Honkai-based ego were true, kek.

No. 2370065

I think lot more people in fandom like het PIV more than they say they do but are in a perpetual dick measuring competition with the hettie bettie who is reading the same darkfic an aisle over with less he/him pronouns. This could be easily solved by not acting like speds at the sight of a hetship like tumblr teenagers going "ew, cishet!" so these retards won't have to do it behind closed doors

No. 2370306

File: 1738109707377.png (3.51 MB, 2399x1788, 8439009732579.PNG)

Real Stacies love Cutie Honey. Go back to watching Arcane.

No. 2370377

It's starting to happen. I know people want to cope and think that vpns can solve everything, but that solution is no longer viable. I have spoken to chinese mutuals who are afraid to post anything, fearing fines or literal jail time, they have to juggle between 3 vpns just to access twitter and more restrictions are increasing day by day

No. 2370449

Hima is a male artist outlier and should not be counted

No. 2370503

There is no confirmation that Hima is a real male. I think they are a rare Japanese tif or really dedicated larper

No. 2370535

File: 1738121168820.gif (1.73 MB, 200x200, drinking-pennywise.gif)

>They were so woke in a patriarch society were women did not have opinion nor rights, but they were so woke because they liked teens and eunuchs.

Sometimes I wonder why these kind of people want to place the ancient times as woke/open minded if back then they wouldn't even be able to speak at all. "Our culture was good before this"? "What you never learned about it in school because…"?

No. 2370539

nta but the manga makes it very clear that he's male, there's a very specific brand of japanese moid humor that you see in his work

No. 2370568

i like panty but she's a pickme misogynist whose whole thing is fucking anything that moves. i don't know where you're getting this idea that moids gravitate towards panty when she's essentially the main character, written designed and created by men, is in a show meant for men to enjoy – men historically love sluts…trying to spin her into some radfem icon is retarded

No. 2370572

I think they just relate to the character so much that they're forgetting it's primarily males that have enjoyed this show. But it could be males with the insight of women that resulted in this character. I just thought the whole point was to be contrarian and radical with the anime and Panty is meant to capture that absurdity in being the vulgar "role reversal" female character that she is. There is a scene in the show of Panty basically shutting down any shaming of her sexuality with "I'll do what I want" which I thought was a freeing message considering the constant purity policing directed at women in every corner of the internet/real life. But also, if I were a man, I'd love her. She's a beautiful angel woman that hands out easy, free sex to mid guys. In that way I think she's a real boy's girl, too.

No. 2370586

I've read the manga, not the Japanese version but I did read it. Humor is not sexed and the likelihood of a male being able to do fujobait and yumebait on hetalia's level is low. The subject matter is so autistic plus the character designs are so cute across the board. Hima sexualizes the guys, but the female characters are so neutral even if they have big boobs or are wearing a cute/revealing outfit. Hetalia isn't even "gay" in the male sense, all the guys are bishies and the perfect husbando material. Id accept Hima as an autistic trutrans tif or simply doing an elaborate larp to protect privacy but never a xy male. That's probably why no one has a photo of Hima or any real confirmation of sex. Even Hima's self portraits are the most milquetoast depictions of a japansese moid, a cute animal or blob would leave people wondering if Hima could be a woman, but by going with a male avatar Hima makes most see a male mangaka going about his business.

No. 2370590

>but the female characters are so neutral even if they have big boobs or are wearing a cute/revealing outfit.
Didn't Ukraine have a "boing boing: sound when she ran anywhere?

No. 2370593


No. 2370597

Literally no one behaves like this when it comes to Batman or Superman.
Steve has as much relevancy as Lois or any of the endless human love interests male superheroes have

Wondy’s writing is usually mediocre because the writers get stupid or uncreative with her so their relationship suffers

No. 2370600

Seeing how much American discourse poisoned my country’s genuinely hurts at times

No. 2370601

File: 1738126512550.png (277.13 KB, 581x890, IMG_9010.png)

Given the intersection of Disco Elysium, tumblr, and twitter on lolcow I’m surprised the “ Disco Elysium but witch in the alps” post wasn’t mentioned here

No. 2370602

Tbh origins and lore aside, it seems silly not to expect son/daughter clones for super heroes. Basically all of them seem like they've been getting replaced in order to keep audiences interested, even Galactus has a daughter.

No. 2370606

Sorry for deleting I got embarrassed with how much I wrote but yes
It’s silly. Steve was created FOR Diana. Either he becomes motivation or they have kids like every other male superhero and their FL.

No. 2370607

Kek I remember reading this before somewhere. Isn't the whole point of disco elysium the fact that he was a sexual assault survivor and uses his various addictions to cope? He hates being touched and self harms a lot. I think the point of making him a white man was so it didn't hit so close to home with the female player base.

No. 2370609

In the anime it's not a boing boing sound it's like some sort of weird drum noise. The anime makes them look bigger then they really are for the lolz I believe. But she's not out there flashing her tits and her default character design is rather "boyish" and unsexy. Her chest size isn't even unnatural for real life and their prominence in her depictions varies by what she wears.

No. 2370619

Every time I see one of these kinds of 'if only x were twee and not itself/the icky genre I don't like' comments, I always just want to ask okay, then what are we replacing the parts you want to drop with? You want good writing, but what is that 'good writing' going to say and be about? Where does the depth come from? How does that relate to things like game design and mechanics? What's the hook beyond 'cute/cosy/twee logline for a student's animated short'? Why did the original piece of media work with the parts you don't like, and would that necessarily translate into something successful without them? Sorry for the sperg, but these types are so annoying to work with

No. 2370686

What makes you think this? I didn't see anything that indicated that in the game.

No. 2370695

surprised this is not a tranny

No. 2370725

Yep. Wokies cry about imperialism, but they think it's their god-given right to force their opinions and norms on other countries via tumblr, twitter, etc. It's especially funny when non-Americans adopt terms like "BIPOC" and when you point out to them that the "I" then must surely stand for the native white, their little brains stop working, kek.
I dream of an internet without Americans shitting up any kind of fandom with their performative activism.

No. 2370809

Because they don't know anything about game design or how games work, kek. One argued with me that you shouldn't have to actually engage with a game (reading text, exploring, etc) to understand things within the game like the characters. They actually just like shows,movies and books but need to pretend they like games for some reason

No. 2370813

>I want a silly cutesy young witch girly solving the disappearance of her neighbor's cat in the Alps! uwu
No you don't kek. These people talk all big about how they want wholesome comfy aesthetics but then always go for the gritty edgelord shit with a conventionally attractive (or at least attractive to a victim of the ugly moid psyop) white guy main character.

No. 2370821

File: 1738148335001.png (46.01 KB, 144x357, tired banana.png)

>become fan of new game from an older franchise
>start following several fanartists
>worst fandom artist(korean pedophile caught tracing cp) latches onto my favourite girl
>he's a gross ryonafag
>Start seeing more and more ryona art of her to the point i get tired and stop following all fanartists from that game
i am never following any waifu franchise again, i am sticking to bishies only from now on

No. 2370835

That sucks, I hate when the people with the most influence in a fandom also have shit taste. What game was it nona?

No. 2370846

gakuen idolmaster, the artist has like 100k followers so i guess it was inevitable

No. 2370900

File: 1738159256929.jpg (83.19 KB, 326x782, gakuen-the-idolmaster-05-09-24…)

was this your favorite girl?

No. 2370906

File: 1738159874564.png (559.32 KB, 670x886, Screenshot60839.png)

No. 2370911

instead of playing as a generic white man, we can play as a generic white woman instead! progressive!!

No. 2370973

Ew, a WHITE woman. You're right nonnie, they shoulda made her a latinx chalupa native-american amputee hijabi. I'm honestly so proud of our lc community, we've come such a long way from where we began…

No. 2371178

Serious question: this is a joke about idpol, right? People refer to this post all the time but it isn't an unironic call to do this because that wouldn't make any sense… right? I'm retarded but I genuinely can't tell

No. 2371195

I think she said that unironically and that's why people make fun of it. If you look up her username you'll see that she's always been posting sjw stuff and her twitter is private so I doubt it's all satire

No. 2371212

Yeah porn artists with fuckup fetishes just draw something once and many times it's enough to basically ruin that character forever since the entire fandom will always only ever reference that porn piece when said character is mentioned.

No. 2371231

Is it moss?

No. 2371299

When I read this I immediately thought of Gakuen im@s before even seeing you confirm it a couple posts down. I also like Hiro and I hate how ryonafags latched onto her, it's so disgusting.

No. 2371319

>Harry du Bois
>generic white man

No. 2371341

>just like the horny touch-starved teenagers/middle aged women on ao3 don’t want to read about Midoriya and Bakugo being besties holding hands and making friendship bracelets.
There's a fic on AO3 about Midoriya and Bakugou as kids where they hunt for cool rocks with 101 kudos. There's another angstier fic with 520 kudos where one of the scenes is them literally making bracelets together when they were younger and the bracelets appear as a motif to the end. Not trying to make a point, I just think it's funny that people do want to read the very specific example you listed.

No. 2371351

I know people are dunking on her so hard because she’s a woman but the post itself is bizarre
>i loved this gritty game
>wish there was something like it but not gritty
It reads like someone attempting to ragebait to get attention

No. 2371362

I hate this type of person. I have no idea what they're called but this is the type of unpleasant individual I think of when I seethe about coffee shop au snobs who think they're too good for anything but holding hands and singing kumbayah exclusively and everything else needs to be shot into the sun like garbage

No. 2371375

500 kudos is child’s play. find me one of these slop besties forever fics with 1000+ kudos that doesnt have 90000 comments filled with twitter zoomers because the fic went viral on 14 year old anime twitter or wasn’t written by someone who’s written ftm anime man fic and i’ll concede

No. 2371378

No. 2371413

File: 1738185495601.png (92.37 KB, 675x833, Oq6OD6wYEe.png)

There are so many women who wish The Rape Game wasn't The Rape Game, it's kind of funny in a sense. You don't like The Rape Game, but you want The Rapist LI in a heccin wholesum game? Yeah, whatever. Who even cares anymore.

No. 2371415

Sometimes people need to stop playing games that are clearly marketed towards an audience they cannot mentally be a part of.

No. 2371424

File: 1738185972195.jpg (10.95 KB, 288x168, Image1.jpg)

Judging by the actual numbers, non-explicit fics are by far the most common. If you sort all stories by kudos, on the first page only 2 are explicit and the rest are teen or gen. All data points to smut being less popular and lots of stories without shipping at all.

It's funny that this discussion is about BNHA in particular, I don't really care for it but I used to read fic for it sometimes and I stopped completely because there were so many overlong wish fulfilment power fantasy stories by obvious teenagers who can't write. I can scroll down a page of BNHA fic and know to ignore most of it based solely on the excess of tags on any given fic. If there's any issue with the fandom, it's that sort of amateurish writing rather than an excess of smut.

No. 2371461

Female-focused gaming is kind of in the dumps unless your playing cozy-farm simulator #3000, gachas that squeeze every ounce of disposable income it's players make like LADs or have a PC that can run Sims with mods without exploding on you, while also squeezing the money out them like sponges. The fact that people have to fight for bits and scraps in games that are so blatantly male focused that they feel like they have to play the second coming of Rance isn't that much of a shocker.

Either way, if they want a ML that'll spit on them or tsun just go play fields of mistria when it comes out.

No. 2371468

>whitney style LI in a SFW game
This has to be some kind of weird virtue signaling and not an actual desire because how would that even work?

No. 2371476

Kind of a derail, but these idiots literally can play DOL the way they want to. They can just play on easy mode and/or turn the encounter rate down to nothing. They're either so stupid they missed that VERY OBVIOUS option in settings, or they're just complaining because "I might be playing The Rape Game but I'm not PROBLEMATIC about it!" kek

No. 2371558

>Whitney style LI in Stardew Valley
KEK what the actual fuck, they picked the most rapiest LI whose entire personality is being abusive and complain that he's a rapist? I haven't touched DOL in years and back then it was fairly underground, I'm genuinely shocked to see the state of its fandom today holy shit

No. 2371568

File: 1738189752897.jpg (768.54 KB, 1061x1500, Tumblr_l_20292282254715.jpg)

I fucking hate this tif's labru comics with their ugly kid

No. 2371573

The "I can fix him" coward trembles before the "I want to beat him to a pulp in public because he's a shithead" Stacey.

No. 2371577

File: 1738189893578.jpg (1.44 MB, 2048x2736, 221115167cb41c472e1cc89bb95dc2…)

Samefag. Seriously, who the fuck does this appeal to?

No. 2371580

File: 1738189999555.gif (356.61 KB, 200x150, bob-punchy-dance-animal-crossi…)

Just play fucking animal crossing.

No. 2371581

File: 1738190004392.jpg (53.27 KB, 899x440, Screenshot_20250129_233237_Chr…)

No. 2371586

This is one of my favorite gifs ever. They’re so cute.

No. 2371600

God makes me wanna play degrees of lewdity again, I remember liking Eden a fair amount.

No. 2371601

It would be like this:
>Welcome to Constellation Hill!
>here is Greylight!
>"Hey you idiot, you forgot to bring a shovel"
>"You're so weird, why do you have to wear clothes like those?"
>"hey crazy girl, stop walking around this plot of land, it's mine"
>"I have a girlfriend already, I'm not interested in a boring girl like you"
>"I bet you like to talk to the other guys during parties, you must have lots of free time"
>"Haha! I locked you in a pigsty with pigs because you're a pig!"
>"you're stuck in a fence in my plot of land? Tough luck!"
I guess? Idk, he would sound even more like a school bully from a retarded cartoon.

No. 2371609

Kek, he'd either be Gary Oak or just a super generic tsundere

No. 2371615

File: 1738190878338.png (2.32 MB, 2000x1126, player_character_whitney_whitn…)

God it's like I'm in the pinterest comment section
Isn't Gary Oak already a generic tsundere?

No. 2371618

>Actually good DoL fanart
I'm saving the fuck out of this, thanks nonnie mwah mwah

No. 2371620

File: 1738191038866.png (871.91 KB, 1080x1080, player_character_whitney_whitn…)

gelbooru had some nice stuff

No. 2371641

Every time I wonder how these retards manage to waddle out of weenie hut jrs to The Rape Game and are upset it's The Rape Game. you did this to yourself. This is so retarded it's a rape sim all the characters are rapists you are not only retarded but also not the target audience. What are you doing here and how did you get here?
>man I sure wish this rape sim I know is a rape sim had less rape so I could enjoy it!
>t. not the target audience
The absolute state. I feel like a monkey with a typewriter repeating that word over and over again but apparently some people can't seem to get it

No. 2371649

>I wonder how these retards manage to waddle out of weenie hut jrs to The Rape Game and are upset it's The Rape Game
There's a lot of these people in VN circles, I legit knew a girl who made a self insert OC to ship with Mink from Dramatical Murder so he wouldn't be a rapist.

No. 2371652

What LADS deficiency does to a yume.

No. 2371656

Now I kinda want a Whitney SV mod just cause it'd be so stupid.
Extremely embarrassing, thank God it didn't happen

No. 2371658

Now that I think about it, isn't the point of hotness of Whitney the fact that he calls you "my slut"? I guess the SFW version would be like "My popular girl" or "My Ms . Popular"??

No. 2371662

>My coquette little mink

No. 2371665

>There's a lot of these people in VN circles, I legit knew a girl who made a self insert OC to ship with Mink from Dramatical Murder so he wouldn't be a rapist.
I said retards but I kind of feel bad now. I want to chat with these women over a cup of coffee and find out how their brain works. Is the yume drought really that bad??

No. 2371667

>I legit knew a girl who made a self insert OC to ship with Mink from Dramatical Murder so he wouldn't be a rapist.
I was going to beg you to say you're joking but then I remembered that schizoyume who made a tl;dr post about how she only read Killing Stalking because she was fantasizing about fixing and healing Yoonbum (the ugly bottom) with the magical sanctity of heterosexual sex and birthing him children to seal their love because women are meant to heal men with their pure love or whatever she was going on about.

No. 2371671

>Dev actually makes a "cozy" version of DoL
>Immediately gets harassed and doxed because of a "problematic" heart event where Not Whitney forces the MC to eat their least favorite food or some weak shit.
Drop the self-righteousness and wannabe e-vigilante shit, and we'll talk.

No. 2371672

Was she going to cure Sangwoo or Bum? Since I did see a fair amount of girls who hated Bum for not being kind enough to Sangwoo or something so that one would make sense to me.
I'd assume it's fine because of games like LADS but I don't play a huge amount of otome.
Kek, ok now that's new.

No. 2371679

File: 1738192639320.png (30.37 KB, 1504x846, this actually works since I ha…)

No. 2371680

He made a copout version what the fuck? No no no, with a game like DoL there's no way. Why would he want to attract the worst of the worst audience i.e. all the autistic zoomers who want to play an edgy, problematic game but with all the problemacy and edginess removed? I swear they're their own genre of fans by this point.

No. 2371681

Reminds me of danganronpa fans who wanted the game scrubbed clean of death game and anime tropes (aka the entire game)

No. 2371682

>"cozy" version of DoL
So Cloud Meadow, but they never finish the game.

No. 2371683

File: 1738192788407.png (328.39 KB, 736x1392, 1000032196.png)

>My dweeb
>My chump
>My four-eyed freak
>My book carrier
>My stinky
>My puny punk
>My wussy
>My kiss-up
>My moron
>My loser
>My lunch money dispenser
>My fatty
>My dork

No. 2371686

Lmao nonna.

No. 2371690

>My lunch money dispenser
I like this one best kek

No. 2371692

>My homework doer
>My knuckle sandwich eater

No. 2371693

KEKKK Nonna plz
No, this is just a glimpse into a much worse timeline.

No. 2371699

Kekkkk nonna this took me back

No. 2371846

Notice how you never see these people playing the many 'wholesome' games out there.

No. 2371894

>plays moid degenerate game
>surprised it has rape

Are they stupid

No. 2371905

Why is it people want games for kids to be fetish porn but then want the actual fetish porn game actually made for adults and that purpose to be wholesome. Everyone is shopping at the wrong store

No. 2371919

What game are people asking to be fetish porn?

No. 2371921

Look at that user's post history, they're serious.

No. 2371948

I wouldn't really call it a moid game, it's more gender neutral since you can pick everyone's gender (meaning that it can function as otome, BL, yuri or a galge just in text form)

No. 2371994

You're forgetting a tiny detail. It's the fact that the basis of the game is that you get raped left and right and that everyone calls you a slut every 5 seconds.
Like I honestly enjoy the retarded Game because of the money autism and retarded outfits but the point of the game is to get raped as many times as possible so you can do -Shockingly- degenerate shit.

No. 2371998

Yeah, there are actual game mechanics locked behind getting raped repeatedly. I gotta give the creator credit that there's a lot of customization you can do with the settings but it's still at its heart a rape game.

No. 2371999

wait you can dress up your character? i thought it was only text based. Now i want to try it out, can my character do the raping too?

No. 2372001

Yes you can dress up (there's a pixel avatar in the left sidebar) but I don't think you can join in on the raping

No. 2372009

oh shit thats awesome, i am going to make a qte uke. Thanks nonny.

No. 2372021

File: 1738210593584.jpg (152.08 KB, 783x593, 1000118480.jpg)

If you play the modded version the clothes are cuter, but not all of them have been adapted yet, there's still quite a lot of stuff to pick though. This is my Stacy account.

No. 2372024

what mod is this? it looks so pretty!. Might make a female character after all, i think skyler is the only maledom archetype i like.

No. 2372025

It's the "beeeees hikari female mod" you can find it on the dolmods website, nonnie!

No. 2372026

thank you, nonny. Your stacy looks super cute btw.

No. 2372031

Thanks nonnie, it's tough and the game gets super repetitive but the lore and the wish to get lots of money really makes you want to continue playing.

No. 2372034

Fucking kek
If anyone is interested there's a general on >>>/m/128239 for DOL and similar games

No. 2372037

kind of off topic question. I heard about this game in the lolcow bunker thread when it went down and we all had to go to CC. Is this game playable if you're a lesbian or some shit? Does it need a bunch of mods? I cant find shit about this game online

No. 2372045

I don't think it's necessarily a 100% hettie thing but I do think it's telling that the vast majority of the time the cuntboy is paired with some big burly seme and not another cuntboy or a regular female character. Also as a bi nonna who's partial to some vagina having moid NSFW (sorry) the superior way to do it is to pair the hot 2D moid and his brand new vagina with a woman, assuming he's especially shippable with any

No. 2372142

IIRC, you can actually change the sex of the other players/npcs as only women, you just need to change the settings and their genital settings. There's a mod where you can make your main character more cute as well.

No. 2372159

File: 1738224589691.jpg (146.23 KB, 601x894, asoiaf.jpg)

Nonnas who've been in multiple fandoms: which fandoms do you think have the most "I saw Goody Proctor with the devil" energy? As in constantly investigating whether other fans are committing wrongthink, performative moralizing etc. For me ASOIAF/Game of Thrones was one of the worst for this, perhaps surprisingly.

No. 2372163

can you elaborate on that? I thought the fandom for fantasy books was basically either chill adult nerds or the worst autistic neckbeards.

No. 2372176

Can't say any of the fandoms I've actively been a part of have had that kind of atmosphere, but many of the ones I've lurked (usually because of this shit) or seen in passing due to sheer popularity seem to have this going on. Strangest to me are the ones who do that for rpgs/games with choices or morality systems, skitzing out whenever they see people making the 'wrong' or 'nasty' choices in their playthroughs, and extrapolating wild things about them as a person from that.

I'm both surprised that the ASOIAF/GOT fandom would be your pick, but also kinda not kek– is it a long-term problem or do you think it's more recent/to do with a shift in audience thanks to the tv adaptations bringing in a different crowd? Or is it just people trying to make up for liking a story with less-palatable/grimdark elements?

No. 2372182

>constantly investigating whether other fans are committing wrongthink, performative moralizing
You just described the Steven Universe fandom

No. 2372183

I literally just saw porn of him and Danny yesterday

No. 2372291

Literally any cartoon, especially ones that center around the power of friendship and being nice to each other.

No. 2372309

File: 1738236588858.jpg (20.83 KB, 476x323, 1656790868831.jpg)

Why the fuck does Bluey have a fandom? i am so confused, even as an ex pegasister. At least MLP was the western equivalent of some shitty shonenshit and had some lore and power level autism. Bluey is just a kid's show about toddlers, voiced by toddlers, for toddlers. Wtf.

No. 2372318

i have no fucking idea. and its not just weirdos into it, it's like an actual adult fandom on it's own. feels gross

No. 2372417

people ship them?

No. 2372451

This is why I think China is actually based for putting handcuffs on their kids' internet time. Aren't Chinese kids only allowed to be on the internet for like two hours a day? If Americans had this law in place, perhaps we would encounter less instances of minors sticking their noses in spaces they don't belong. I'm sick of minors inserting themselves into adult fandoms and topics.

No. 2372458

yeah, but porn artists and fujos go to jail though

No. 2372465

i was far more disturbed to learn lord of the flies has a fandom apparently. at least with bluey you can be confident there are moralfags in their community trying to police others. theres only one type of person who wants to be in a fandom for lord of the flies and thats a person who's shipping preteens/children

No. 2372473

File: 1738244966213.jpg (884.45 KB, 1170x1483, butchnikki1.jpg)

1/2 This was kind of retarded, though if someone wants to headcanon or have her fantasy I can’t fault her

No. 2372474

File: 1738245012770.jpg (1.98 MB, 2490x3730, butchnikki2.jpg)

2/2 This was retardation x100 (also kek at these people using classic anime and takarazuka as ‘proof’ that they totally understand ~cultural differences~ and butches in Japanese lesbian culture)

No. 2372478

I don't get it either and I'm a pegasister who watches anime for kids. Bluey feels Cocomelon-tier

No. 2372486

Do Japanese lesbians even consider Takarazuka stuff butch? It's always leveraged in arguments but I've never seen it categorized as anything besides princely or masculine-leaning, especially with it being theatre shit. Why even have debates over what butch is in fucking Nipland when it's a Western term kek.

No. 2372488

I feel like the main problem here is that people have such limited vocabularies that they end up using the one/most popular term for, in this case, 'masculine female' that they know, even if it's not the right one. I see similar 'false advertising' all over the place these days for all sorts of character types and aesthetics, and it always causes a fuss that could easily be avoided by a quick google to make sure you're using the right term (which, as a bonus, will probably help you find more of the content you like)

No. 2372489

I don't think this needed a whole discussion, it's not that deep.

No. 2372493

Of course yuri twitter's leading champion tim has to weigh in his opinion despite having a cock and balls.

No. 2372508

>porn artists and fujos go to jail though
…and? Kek, even better

No. 2372513

This is an actual time to say shit like "Don't like it. Don't play" What the hell do they actually expect?

No. 2372514

What's actually wrong with these people? Is it mental illness? I just see a 3D anime girl wearing fancy clothes, these individuals are having full on discussions and overly complex debates over this? Why? Just enjoy the game wtf

No. 2372519

None of these morons even know what butch means. I bet you so much money are retarded neets who arent even lesbians, but love to use lesbian terms. Nikki putting on a suit makes her butch, really? And Oscar has always been feminine. Her love interest is Andre ffs.

No. 2372604

Christ, let the random twitter user call the prince girl in a fantasy dress up game butch one tme. It's not that deep. And I'm saying this as a butch lesbian myself.

No. 2372617

I'm mostly into weebshit so this kind of behavior doesn't really exist around me (there are many other problems), even Genshin Impact was so big that all the normie gamers balanced the weirdo puritanians out. But if I had to say based on an outsider's perspective the Steven Universe fandom seemed to be one of the worst offenders of this trend.

No. 2372866

That may be a factor, but I offer a less tinfoil-y explanation
>most SJW moralfags are young women
>they're most interested in policing their own communities (female spaces, applies to TIFs too lol lmao)
>TIMs imitate this
and also
>both believe women are more likely to give in to their demands and do what they want than men

ikr, if you were online enough to use shitter as a reference for reality (may God help you if you do this), you'd think the entire world is like California or some shit
nooooooo, this is different!! they're educating the fascist savages!!!!

No. 2372934

Nothing else about China is "based."

No. 2373057

File: 1738264183528.gif (933.29 KB, 275x275, 1714778304880.gif)

Has anyone had to block a good fic writer because they were annoying? I felt kinda bad because she had pretty good taste but this bitch was pro tranny and typed out the longest rant very reminiscent of that sjw style back on the T site.

No. 2373072

The only reason China did that was because their kids were being worked to the bone by their sadistic and cruel school system and escaped into online video games to deal with the stress and exhaustion and the government wanted them to get back to doing 6 hours of homework a day. Nothing based about it.

No. 2373087

Right kek

No. 2373096

least womanhating anti-fujo

No. 2373151

>Do Japanese lesbians even consider Takarazuka stuff butch? It's always leveraged in arguments but I've never seen it categorized as anything besides princely or masculine-leaning, especially with it being theatre shit. Why even have debates over what butch is in fucking Nipland when it's a Western term kek.
It's weird that wokies never seem to mention this aspect, the princely woman archetype isn't some form of 'queer' identity or subculture. It's just a trope that originated from japanese girls schools, where female performers who played male roles were allowed to wear male clothing in school and would just 'play' an exaggerated male personality for the girls, that's why you never see it outside school settings.

No. 2373168

File: 1738267239609.png (230.55 KB, 720x1443, 1738266666122.png)

This is the kind of anon that shits on fujos ITT topkek(fujobait)

No. 2373175

she's right though

No. 2373186

>i dont expect men to write better female characters, i will praise them for doing the bare minimun
sure, anon.

No. 2373198

I feel like behavior like this is what should get you called a tourist rather than how it's currently used by retards. If when a character is mentioned all you can talk about is fetish shit fanart or how you want to fuck them= tourist.

No. 2373207

File: 1738267915915.png (2.55 MB, 957x1521, ZrZ9p4h.png)

I mean martha washington is a better-written female character than even by libfems authors, the fact that she's badass, not sexualized, and finds love with an attractive competent man, rather than some neurotic nerd is actually revolutionary to me.

No. 2373210

ok then keep reading shit by moids, women dont owe you shit.

No. 2373231

Nta but yes, there may be a couple of male writers who manage to write good female characters, but in comparison the vast majority of women writers are able to write both female and male characters with depth.

No. 2373256

This fake problem could be solved by reading an actual book instead of endlessly scrolling ao3

No. 2373284

Nobody cares about female centric content, theres enough content about women especially in manga and anime, i don't read yaoi and like sexy art to make moids angry i do because i like it and i like art about fictional moids.

No. 2373345

kekkkkkkk did you find pakichan's blog

No. 2373372

You're completely right though, these people hatescroll places like AO3 and FOTM fanart tags that are the fast food equivalent of creative media and then whine and moan about women "only creating slop" and how frank miller is a genius ally when they could be reading actual fucking books.

No. 2373375

It boggles the mind how these people honestly, earnestly believe that they're going to get a deep female character study from shounen anime and gachashit and have the exact same cycle of outrage every time it doesn't happen.

No. 2373408

did you have a stroke?

No. 2373419

This is similar to what I was going to say. I envy someone with so few actual problems that they have the headspace to dedicate to something this meaningless and unimportant. It's a bunch of bored dweebs on the internet making fanart of whatever fictional bullshit they like, and this person is acting like it has to be part of a greater feminist push for representation? Fucking what? Women are losing access to abortion and getting raped by trannies in prison, and this is the "feminist" issue this person chooses to expend their finite time on?

No. 2373421

Always and forever the bar is set on the floor for men but God forbid women just have fun instead of worrying about the bar placed a mile above their heads for once. They should just go hang out with scrotes if they hate women's spaces that much.

No. 2373442

>If you dislike me because of my porn addiction you're a misogynist

No. 2373448

Wanting women who like something you don't to go to jail is toddler tier.

No. 2373454

They have the maturity of literal toddlers, oh no the women are reading manga where the men have sex, the horror!

No. 2373455

You are retarded and unable to read.

No. 2373456

Nona women are being imprisoned. Thinking that "reeducation" is deserved is fucked up.

No. 2373476

>porn addiction is when a woman looks at materials i dont approve of

No. 2373479

Why you all taking this shit seriously

No. 2373481

Because women in China are literally being targeted by the govt, why do you even open your mouth if you don't understand what is being discussed?

No. 2373482

Its their entire identity

No. 2373496

they took the anti woman in prison pill

No. 2373606

Because women in China are being put into prisons for writing BL? And that it also includes women writing heterosexual smut? It's only a matter of time before they don't allow women in general to write anything. If you don't see the slippery slope, I don't know what to tell you. Women writing erotica will never be the same as men watching porn.

No. 2373609

They don't care about how many irl women are oppressed they just want to look superior online while simultaneously deriding others for being unfeminist or whatever.

No. 2373736

File: 1738287254695.png (52.05 KB, 657x704, nooooo don't tell me what to d…)

Well you can't quite say that either.

No. 2373957

I'm so glad none of the nonas in here will ever be world leaders. Imagine wanting to throw people in the gulag for drawing gay Chinese cartoons.(derailing)

No. 2373976

File: 1738295882819.jpg (66.85 KB, 768x720, 63b293facdcb3-large.jpg)

Bluey is so cute though! You can tell that there's a lot of heart put into it (kinda like MLP) and I assume the simple designs are easy for people to make OCs around (also like MLP)
That said I would never want to get involved in a Bluey fan space because there's undoubtedly creepy furries and pedos abound, but as a standalone cartoon it's a nice comfort watch
Anyways some of the OCs are good milk

No. 2373978

I want to throw men in gulags for making lesbian cartoons

No. 2374016

it's literally happening in china

No. 2374041

have you actually watched either? cocomelon is youtube kids crack and bluey is an actual show.

No. 2374065

File: 1738301235314.png (417.33 KB, 490x808, i haven't seen arcane.png)

>Generic shounen love interest number 12 thousand
>I don't know
>A literal whore from a furfag show
>Optimus Prime's gf is just him but in pink
Do they ever chose actually good characters for these or is it just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian?

No. 2374067

NTA but I still don't get it, it's not even like the characters have nice designs

No. 2374068

To be far, Mel has zero chemistry with Jace. It's weirdly written that Jace and Victor are more than platonic. I like Mel, but the whole Mel/Jace ship the show thought they were going for didn't happen.

No. 2374069

That's acceptable.

No. 2374070

I'll assume she's fine/good since I haven't actually seen arcane, the other choices are braindead though.

No. 2374076

I haven't seen Arcane, but the impression I get from nonas here is that Mel (the second one) is actually a pretty cool character in her own right.

No. 2374081

Posting Ochako when the author unpersoned the more popular het ship at the start so badly people forgot she was a possibility is kind of funny.

No. 2374158

>bakugou and deku are totally gonna end up together
>unpersoned the more popular het ship at the start

No. 2374161

nona why would you watch cocomelon OR bluey, they are for babies

No. 2374166

File: 1738309262858.png (978.19 KB, 1080x1583, Tumblr_ovvng1kdAL1tbvrm6o1_128…)

Frog girl.

No. 2374178

I thought the sane fujos gave up on Beastars once it went full retard with the furry whale and the underground crossdressing yakuza fights where the mc wears high heels to beat the vixen or whatever in order to fight the half moose half lion homosexual serial killer.

No. 2374183

I tried watching it but dropped it pretty early since it was too furfaggy, I deeply despise it for getting multiple seasons while HNK only got one though.

No. 2374184

>i am fine with innocent women going to jail for men

No. 2374194

There are way less female artists for coomshit than male artists who are coomers, so I don't understand how banning porn artists would be a bad thing. Most governments are way less likely to incriminate women or give them way more lenient sentences than women on those kinds of crimes. I highly doubt women would be as affected as men if it came down to cracking down on porn artists, nobody would care about grown men raping each other in art. Women do not draw as repulsive as men. There are many notorious male artists who admits to looking at underaged gravure idols for references or flat out tracing off of them.

No. 2374196

china literally banned hot men from dramas and tv. Its not about cracking down on male coomers its about making women lower their standards to make up for their lack of childbirths.

No. 2374198

File: 1738310112293.jpg (157.28 KB, 758x475, eg.jpg)

Some of us have fujo friends from China - why wouldn't we feel concerned? Stop licking Xi's balls, like a wumao or a paid Russian troll. And perhaps move to Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.
>The post came from a user named “Rain Painted on a Sunny Day” (@晴天画的雨), the younger sister of the Haitang author known as “Yunjian” (云间, “Between the Clouds”). On October 16, she revealed that Yunjian had been detained since June 20 and is only allowed visits from her lawyer. The arrest notice she shared cites the charge: “suspected of producing and disseminating pornographic materials for profit” (“传播淫秽物品牟利罪”).
>Yunjian, a prominent author on Haitang, has been writing for over a decade, producing tens of millions of words. Her detention not only forces her to forfeit all the royalties earned over the past ten years—now labeled “illicit earnings”—but also means she faces time in prison. While “Rain Painted on a Sunny Day” acknowledged her sister’s “offense” in the post, she explained that the resulting heavy fines have left their family deeply in debt, struggling to make ends meet. After the post went up, many of Yunjian’s readers expressed heartbreak over her situation and began donating to help.
>How serious is the “crime” of writing online smut in China? While Yunjian has yet to be tried or sentenced, online discussions suggest she may face severe punishment. Her royalties over the past decade exceed 250,000 yuan ($35,000), potentially classifying her case as a particularly serious offense under Chinese law for “producing and disseminating pornographic materials for profit,” due to its perceived negative impact on youth and potential to corrupt social morals. This could result in fines of one to five times her earnings and likely a prison sentence of over ten years.
>Recent cases indicate similar outcomes: on October 17, a Weibo account called @HuaiBeiLiXinWrongfulCase (@淮北李鑫冤案) posted a plea, revealing that author Li Xin (李鑫), who co-wrote the historical fantasy Six Dynasties with Luo Sen (罗森), was detained on the same charge after earning 300,000 yuan ($42,118) in royalties, which led to a ten-year prison sentence. As a similarly prominent author, Yunjian may face even harsher penalties and potentially an even longer prison term.(derailing)

No. 2374200

>Most governments are way less likely to incriminate women or give them way more lenient sentences than women on those kinds of crimes.
Sure the government has never thrown women under the bus while letting men get away with way worse crimes?

No. 2374201

I don't know much about transformers, but mel and haru were definitely pushed aside by fujos, mel is either portrayed as a cuck or a shipped with some other woman with whom she barely interacted, and then both are ignored, haru unironically deals with misogyny from both male and female fans who don't understand the central theme of beastars
I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty clear that she wasn't a fan of the series turning into shounen slop, she just wanted to wrap it up so she could get back to writing erotica gag manga

No. 2374202

Elita-1 either doesn't show up at all, is focused on being her own character with no romance, or is in an incredibly chaste and out-of-focus romance, so it's unsurprising ships involving her don't have a choke-hold on the fandom like megaop does, who are in pretty much everything in the franchise and interact with and fixate on each other all the time kek. I get the frustration of being a fan of a character/ship that's not as popular, but you also gotta be realistic about these things. I haven't seen any bashing of her character either but she's not really on my radar tbh.

I can see how Mel's treatment in the fandom could bother people. Her romance with Jayce wasn't one for the ages, sure, but Jayce and Viktor imo didn't really have that shippable a dynamic in the show either (but it was also obvious early on that they'd be a core fandom fixation for the usual reasons so eh).

No. 2374203

Now i am convinced antifujos are really just anti-women. They are making up excuses about how ''ackshually its for the greater good to throw women under the bus for moid's mistakes'' when anyone who's rational can agree that men should rot in prison for drawing guro and loli and feel sympathy for women who go to jail for drawing yaoi. Its like saying school should be abolished because male teachers are almost always pedos and blaming female teachers for moid's mistakes. Mental illness at its worst.(fujo vs antifujo outside of containment)

No. 2374204

most governments are more lenient with female criminals because female criminals are way less likely to be violent or ideology motivated, which are considered the most dangerous motivations for a crime (I'd argue ideology is not that dangerous but if it bothers the powers that be they consider it as bad as being a psychopath).
a lot of moids have inherent desire for violence for no reason, it's like a defective section in their brain, like bloodsports dogs, they should be culled, I don't believe in rehabiliation for men like that. women very, very rarely have this trait, deep inside everyone knows that but you can't actually say it because it makes moids angry.

No. 2374205

I didn't know about this, so I will retract from my comment, however, I do think banning porn artists, specifically men, is a good thing and should be encouraged. I will not back down from that. Most porn artists are male, so gradually, I would be a bit more defensive with this topic. Male coom artists deserves the worst, and I highly support banning them.
I never said they never did that, I just know that most governments give less harsher sentences to most women for specific crimes, which is understandable, because women are less likely to be perpetrators. However, they are likely to incriminate women for longer sentences if they fight back against abusers.

No. 2374206

There was a few times it could have naturally ended, but for some reason she kept going for Mango the fruity cannibal serial killer and the dominatrix brown bunny with the boobs.

No. 2374207

I am not anti-fujo though, LOL. I am specifically anti porn art. I do not know what is so hard to understand about that

No. 2374209

nta but you literally just have to not draw porn featuring underage children, that's it. I've seen a perverted tim who used to masturbate in women's restrooms cry on reddit about how he's going to be sent to a labor camp and that's something we need more of

No. 2374211

women shouldn't pay with their freedom of speech because males can't cull their own inherent violent desires.

No. 2374213

I did not even say anything about yaoi, I do not know why that person assumes I am an antifujo, just ironic. I literally don't even like sex in my movies nor do I like porn plastered anywhere, so they are picking the wrong argument with the wrong person. My argument also includes women who draws coomshit for male attention/validation (that one popular artist who downgraded that starts with an S, I forgot how to spell it.)
Men also use freedom of speech as an argument for their art, it's not a good one. I am fine with female porn artists specifically because they're less likely to perpetuate sex crimes and are not impulsive, it has nothing to do with freedom of speech for me.

No. 2374214

Not sure about both, but one of the authors mentioned here >>2374198 never wrote underaged sex in her work. Do you know if the other did or not?

No. 2374218

>I did not even say anything about yaoi, I do not know why that person assumes I am an antifujo, just ironic
Probably has to do with the thread before your comment being about fujoshi, and how fujoshi have been getting arrested in China.
Saying "I hope these sort get arrested" has implication.

No. 2374220

men don't deserve freedom of speech because they use to spew hate and violence which often turns out to reflect in their real life choices and affect and victimize people. women shouldn't have to suffer because men can't stop being hateful and violent.

No. 2374221

Actually, I do think female artists like edgy tifs and artists like Null (backdoorho) should get banned and jailed. That's what I was thinking in mind when I said that, but my attention was more on the "porn artist" comment, not the fujoshi one. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

No. 2374226

i like how you lie right below anons post proving it has nothing to do with underage characters

No. 2374228

>I was just pretending to be retarded

No. 2374230

I specifically said earlier that my notion was more towards porn artists, and I explained that earlier. My main arguement was specifically coom artists, nowhere did I mention fujoshis. If you can point to where I said "we should ban fujoshis" (when I was literally only talking about porn artists), that would be great. Unless you think female artists like Null, who advocates for pedophilia and her larp of her incestuous relationship with her dad is something that should be normal?

No. 2374233

Can you even read? Fuck off, troll.

No. 2374235

The whole discussion was about fujos, no one brought up null(a french artist). You also deleted your previous comment >>2374175 so you are just backtracking at this point.

No. 2374239

Tbf, fujo sperging isn't meant to be in this thread at all.
Not that that ever stops anybody, despite there being multiple threads for it.

No. 2374245

Right, but my specific comment was towards the post that said "this includes porn artists/fujoshis", I was only responding about the porn artists part. I responded in the thread to other anons repeatedly that I am not an anti fujo, but I am anti porn art. Most porn art is F/M, and I even said earlier, that most coom artists are men, so obviously, I am going to be defensive that it should be banned. Some other anon called me an anti fujo, even though I said nothing about fujoshis or yaoi. This thread isn't just about fujos, we are not in the fujo discourse thread, it's a fandom thread. I even stated that nobody would give a fuck if some 5'2 woman drew gay men raping each other (I surely wouldn't), because it means nothing compared to men who draw amputees getting raped getting arrested for drawing such vile shit. I was wrong, because I didn't know China was so tedious that they would actually care about women drawing seamless shit, so I admitted that. However, if it were only extreme art that would get jailed, I will gladfully risk female artists like null who advocate for actual pedophilia/rape on women if it meant male coomers could get arrested as well, not fujos.

No. 2374250

>said nothing about fujoshi
>''my specific comment was towards the post that said "this includes porn artists/fujoshis"''
are you being dense on purpose

No. 2374255

File: 1738312339352.jpg (44 KB, 909x220, Clipboard01.jpg)

Then move to China - it's your ideal country. Your brain is all fucked up for wishing harm upon women for doing something that triggers you even though nobody is forcing you at gunpoint to read or look at art you detest. Women like you are dangerous and the backbone of both the fundie and gendie crazes in the US. Do everything in your might to remove yourself from the genepool - people with your brain structure are a menace to the society and should be selectively outbred.
This is a fresh article, btw (1 Jan 2025). This shit will never end.(infighting)

No. 2374257

Because my deleted post ONLY talked about coom shit, are you so retarded that you lack reading skills? Are you purposely trying to infight? Obviously, I only focused on the porn artists. Not every fujo is pro porn art, not every fujo draws lemon, some draws sfw and likes to focus on that.

No. 2374261

LOL, I am sure a woman constantly making comics where she promotes genuine pedophilia and talks about how she's fine with pedophiles (or as she calls them, MAPS) using her comics as wank material and made a whole larp about fucking her dad is safe around children. Do you think I need to support every woman, including those who are autopedophiles and only panders to men, retard? Do you even know who Null is? I am specifically only advocating for banning specific artists, those who promote pedophilia and rape on women, those who panders to men with said works.

No. 2374265

Your posts reek of vendetta. This thread is not for discussing cows. And take your meds - your obsession is out of control.

No. 2374270

>anons talking about chinese fujos
>anon moves the goalpost to a neet frenchoid tif

No. 2374272

I thought Null was a fat white guy.

No. 2374274

i like how you implied frenchies arent white

No. 2374385

To be honest nonna a decent bit of fandom discourse comes directly from tif/fujo people since the community is so particular about rooting their identity in the fandoms they're in. I don't mind them much, maybe I'm biased because I don't run into them often enough to warrant an extreme opinion on them, but even I can't deny that they seem to have the same impact on fandoms as a cyclone does on a small village.

They're less of a skin colour and more of a concept, like when a candle has "dance in the moonlight" scent.

No. 2374453

>nobody would give a fuck if some 5'2 woman drew gay men raping each other
The issue is that the Chinese government gives a fuck and will throw that hypothetical 5'2 woman in jail and make her pay a very high fine as soon as it can. Unless you plan on assassinating all Chinese politicians and taking over the country your personal opinion doesn't matter at all.

No. 2374500

She's a white fat girl pretending she's a fat white guy. Same difference in her case.

No. 2374516

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You just know that if fujoshi in the Middle East were more brazen (for example, because they were brought up in the States), there would be at least one fujo honour-killing a week.
This girl here murdered for TikTok vidoes. No women's pastime is safe from moid violence.
>A man who recently moved his family back to Pakistan from the US has confessed to killing his teenage daughter because he disapproved of her TikTok videos, police have told the BBC.
>The father, who has US citizenship, said he found his daughter's posts "objectionable".
>In the case of Hira Anwar, who was between 13 and 14 years old, a police spokesman said her family "had an objection to her dressing, lifestyle and social gathering".
>The family lived in the US for 25 years and Hira started posting content on TikTok even before her family moved back to Pakistan.

No. 2374555

Right, there are many countries where women are seen as nothing but baby making machines that need to be paired up with men or even sold to them, so if there's suspected of being fujoshi or even yumejoshi for having the audacity of liking books or comics about gay pairings or a prince charming sweeping the self insert off her feet she's going to be judged as a whore by society at best. My own parents come from muslim countries outside the middle east that are more moderate but where having sex out of wedlock or "gay behavior" can get you jailed, clearly the police in these countries would gladly throw fujoshi in jail for liking gay cartoons if they could.

No. 2374656

Like this is the problem here. These people talk about fucking Ochako and Elita-1 like they were great strongly written influential female characters when the first one is literally just a generic shounen prize and the second is an attempt to sell toys to the girl demographic and then get their panties in a bunch because they're "brushed aside". It's so transparently disingenuous, like at least bring up Arcee who actually did shit (and got trooned out for it KEK).

Don't forget that the author literally retconned Ochako and Toga as a yuribait ship because even he couldn't give a shit about ochadeku kekkk.

No. 2374660

B-but anon… a terminally online french tif is drawing nullification fetish art..! h-haven't you SEEN her thread…?

No. 2374670

It's quite sad that you can buy bl in my country but you cant be gay..I dont know why anons are acting this is some new thing that porn is heavily scrutinised outside of the west especially in Asia? Ofcourse female sexuality is more shamed because moids in these countries are scared of women sexual freedom. Fujos are kind of in a grey zone where I'm from (I've had irl fujo friends too albeit most were kpopfags) but it could be that I live in a metropolitan city and not bumfuck rural areas as in this case >>2374516 there are exceptions to every case but I think the moderate acceptance in my city is because of the boomer moids not knowing what anime even is

No. 2374677

more than one null

No. 2374774

>A literal whore from a furfag show
Fuck you for making me go to its fandom wiki to fact check that, the way it describes characters is stupid and it keeps trying to gaslight me about this creepy character being cute

No. 2374868

>lolcow "feminists" unironically defending women being thrown in prison for writing gay books
I didn't expect any less from you all(bait)

No. 2374871

It might be a moid.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2374875

No one gives a shit, stop derailing when farmhands already banned your sperging

No. 2374883

>defending moderation on LC in 2025
Imagine being even more pathetic than a snivelling redditor.
Weird how the a-logging sperg who wished to punish and imprison women for the crime of DRAWING BAD THINGS isn't banned.

No. 2374886


No. 2374888

File: 1738338990479.jpg (540.32 KB, 2825x1942, 1460423040541.jpg)

I legit miss QUALITY and QUALITY-posting in anime. /a/ is so dead.

At least contribute content instead of posting like a Sharty retard.

No. 2374988

File: 1738343919412.png (136.43 KB, 600x1270, IMG_5057.png)

what is it about fandom brain-rot that makes certain young women lose the ability to express their sexuality in a normal way? they clearly find these men attractive, yet they feel the need to feminize them to justify their attraction, it's just fucking retarded

No. 2375008

No. 2375017

>feel the need to feminize them to justify their attraction
I thought this would be girls calling some pretty boy chracter baby girl for the billionth time, but it is so much worse.
>He seems to have become a feminist ally through recovering from porn addiction
>which is the main way men become feminist allies today
Depressing, I guess they could be allies in the same way religious conservatives restricting porn are "allies"

No. 2375024

shit wrong pic, I wanted to post a screenshot of a post from someone wanting to impregnate rock lee

No. 2375031

>Be female
>Like male character
>See that being straight is lame and gross in fandom circle
>Oh no, I don't wanna be icky! I don't wanna be a straight fangirl!
>Either troon out and scream about being gay or feminize male character or both
>Phew, socially acceptable now
That's basically how it goes but extending this to a real person is insane

No. 2375106

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what is it about fandom brain-rot that makes certain young women lose the ability to express their sexuality in a normal way? they clearly find these men attractive, yet they feel the need to feminize them to justify their attraction, it's just fucking retarded

No. 2375115

I'll give enough benefit of the doubt and say that when they post "I need to be impregnated, I wish I had that dick inside me" they're more likely to receive replies from moids jerking off over what they were saying and saying they could be that dick.

No. 2375127

Adding, remember when women started posting that about the Nanami ponytail scene and men made a big deal about how women actually liked being treated like shit because of it?

No. 2375131

they are memeing i dont think its that serious. Like other anons said its probably so moids dont jack off to it.

No. 2375151

What these men didn't get was that Nanami is a real gentleman and very protective of his two younger female coworkers in that scene and the guy in the ponytail had it coming, so the men accusing the Nanami fangirls of wanting to be abused by him or whatever were implying some weird OOC shit about Nanami, or were implying the fangirls weren't real fans for wanting Nanami to be OOC. These same guys were also retweeting nsfw art of Nobara and Maki so their opinions don't matter anyway.

No. 2375185

I think this particular thing is just a dumb joke, nothing serious.
I have seen a lot of women in fandom with moid levels of pornsickness, though it's probably just a competition between virgins to see who is the "kinkiest"

No. 2375194

>the second is an attempt to sell toys to the girl demographic
I don’t even think it’s that since neither her or Arcee had toys in G1 kek
I think in the case of Elita one it’s just the writers being like “Our main hero needs a girlfriend right? All of them have girlfriends”

No. 2375225

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>megaop does, who are in pretty much everything in the franchise and interact with and fixate on each other all the time kek
Megaop's for nerds
>I haven't seen any bashing of her character either but she's not really on my radar tbh.
To be fair I bash her because I don't like there being female transformers period (I like Nickel though, she's cute just don't like that she's a girl robot)

No. 2375249

>someone makes a little rant about some kink, not attacking or insulting anyone who likes it
>UMM learn to not yuck someone's yum!!
God shut up

No. 2375277

>though it's probably just a competition between virgins to see who is the "kinkiest"
this, of these posters are virgins in a hypersexual space

No. 2375480

honestly who gives a fuck about women feminizing men in fandom spaces its been happening for decades and will keep happening

No. 2375500

No one is taking away the animated masculine men away from you, breeder nona.

No. 2375598

A lot of this is just people being hyperbolic for comedic effect, while the not-joking people just have weird fetishists. It's not that deep.

No. 2375600

Incredible watching some people grasp at straws to find shit to criticize about the harmless cringey shit geeky women do online. Oh my god, a woman jokingly says she wants to breed a guy? Get out the torches and pitchforks! It is Verboten for women to express sexual desire in harmless ways I disapprove of!

No. 2375605

Learn to edit you dipshit

No. 2375688

I would take this harmless cringe any day over what's considered "normal" tbh.

No. 2375689

You know, the more we start losing our autonomy and rights in the real world the less I could give a fuck about some fangirls doing this """feminization""". Fuck male sensibilities. Fuck fragile masculinity. They can all choke on a dick.

No. 2375977

>megaop is for nerds
true kek, only mentioned it since it'd be the ship that 'overshadows' Elita-1 specifically and probably what annoys the person in the original screencap

No. 2376020

really? that's tame. i'm not american so i didn't read this growing up but i've heard it's baby's first yaoi experience for some.
>thats a person who's shipping preteens/children
i do that too lol. i think first love is cute and i just happen to like a lot of media with child protags. as long as it's kept appropiate i think it's ok. definitely better than bluey manchildren.

No. 2376170

it’s not the fact that they are emasculating or insulting men, I don’t care about that. It’s the specific use of 'getting pregnant' that I find fundamentally misogynistic, Talk about kicking him in the balls or objectifying him, but don’t use something that only women experience

No. 2376217

This. Using the same words moids do isnt some epic own, go actually disrespect and sexualize the male body, then we're talking

No. 2376303

File: 1738420866728.png (188.56 KB, 523x518, least insecure moid 2.png)

>lads adds a period tracker, guys says nice things to you on your period
I am so tired of moids calling LADS a gooner game when its not. The guys all dress in boring clothes, you are lucky if you get a cm of abs through their clothes. Men are so fucking insecure i swear, they are throwing mantrums over something as conservative as LADS. If women actually made gooner games like a male Senra Kagura or male Blue Archive moids would commit suicide en masse i swear. They cant take shit, fucking insecure cowards.

No. 2376307

Men cannot feel objectified or humiliated from sexualization that enforces heterosexual roles, it is why the female gaze does not exist because female heterosexuality does not dehumanize men, rather it celebrates or empathizes with them. Men feel uncomfortable from yaoi, mpreg, bottom-focused gay art or hyperfeminized Men because these accentuate traditionally female roles, they are offended because of the misogynistic view they have towards the very essence of what it means to be female. As such, male sexuality is inherently misogynistic and dehumanizing towards the object of their affection be it male or female while female sexuality isn't. (femdom isn't a gotcha either because many of femdoms tropes were created or are in service to Men who in the end will always derive sexual pleasure from the act.)

tldr:Women cannot objectify Men in a way that matters without playing into misogyny.

No. 2376310

let me download this game I didnt know it was a Chinese Otome game! Chinese games hit different

No. 2376339

>women cannot objectify men in a way that matters without playing into misogyny
Loud and wrong as always, but hey, your yaoi is totally owning the moids, right, male bodies can't possibly be objectified without gay shit involved, sure. I gotta remind you, males are inherently worthless and defective, we don't gotta remind them of their uselessness because it's obvious at first sight, it is perfectly possible and natural to objectify them as their dicks and balls serve no purpose besides entertainment for the superior sex

No. 2376342

Knowing them, when they saw "react to your period" they thought that the guys are going to talk about fucking you on your fertile days or some shit instead of them going "oh your on your period? on no, is there anything I can do for you?"

No. 2376344

Even without gay shit involved they will still think its gay. Twilight is straight and men still think its gay, Justin Bieber is straight but men still think he's gay. I dont think you understand men, anything women like is gay to them.

No. 2376362

I'm not sure I've ever seen scrotes being offended by mpreg (cringing doesn't count), though they'll have an aneurysm over things that are way less odd like pretty boy idols

No. 2376366

…are men genuinely this fucking stupid?

No. 2376398

No. 2376458

I saw this in the morning and normally I’d ignore it as usual moid bait/retardation but the fact that the original post had over 100k likes stunned me. Scrotes unironically lack basic cognitive function required of a normal human. I find it hard to consider them people at this point.

No. 2376612

Truly, I'm not here to scrotefoil, but this post is so edgy it almost reads like excerpt from a shitty paperback femdom novel written by 40 yo scrote with sissyfication fetish.

No. 2376619

Is there a way for femdom to be female gaze and not male gaze?

No. 2376629

Men were being supremely, exceptionally retarded about this. It simply blows my mind. They're so desperate for some gotcha card when LADS tops the mobile sales charts past their loli rape games that they're claiming that the male LIs being considerate of your period and offering nice things to say to comfort you during the time of the month is a "gooning" feature. It genuinely gives out their own pornsickness and lack of empathy when they have to fetishize literally everything about women, these people are the kind of men who wouldn't buy pads for their girlfriend at the store out of embarrassment because they think it's comparable to buying a morbid sex toy.

This. Every time I think scrotoids have hit a new low they just keep digging.

No. 2376630

Yes, rape.

No. 2376641

File: 1738434124160.jpeg (487.93 KB, 1206x2317, 1737488146568.jpeg)

the original post was specifically about the demeaning comments toward pregnancy, It's infuriating that you don't even realize how blatantly misogynistic those comments are. it also normalizes troonism

No. 2376643

If its rape done by a female ugly bastard

No. 2376646

Even at the risk of troonspeak I hate this "getting pregnant is a female trait" mindset. Even though only women can get pregnant, I personally never will, and being pregnant is even with the existence of modern medicine a life-threatening risk causing irreversible damage to our bodies. My sister almost died from her pregnancy. Being able to carry children, in my eyes, is not something to be proud of but a hindrance, the "giving life" myth is bullshit and for centuries the womb was the women's prison as our purpose was to be the broodmares with our life practically ending with giving birth. If some teenagers cook up a fantasy where it's men suffering of the same fate just to get a taste of that power men have held over women then I'm all for it.

No. 2376667

half of replies there were mentioning the blood period Gojo figure video as if men don't have entire subreddits dedicated to group bukakkes on anime figures.

No. 2376671

its only normal when men do it. Reminds me of how men laugh at penis, poop, piss jokes but are grossed out by jokes about period and vaginas.

No. 2376678

>he blood period Gojo figure video
I forgot about it and wish I could forget it again.

No. 2376682

At this point I'm just tired of the pregnancy sperg on this site. I've seen that fucking homestuck post multiple times now.

No. 2376686

Just show them nu carnival, that’ll make their brains explode

No. 2376689

Please no I can just imagine the "waah women get these games and still complain about men. Sure we have giant titty hentai games but they don't track our cum rituals and rub our bellies, it's not fair."

No. 2376692

I lose braincells whenever a moid talks about this game.
Of course to them "gooning" is suddenly bad when women do it.

No. 2376703

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No. 2376812

I read a manga about a moid who kidnaps and rapes a female character, where in the male rapist creep's backstory, he gets raped by an ugly bastard woman. People in the comments still were like "hear me out"
Men are disgusting

No. 2376815

the fact that moids are freaking out over LADS of all things just proves that they would be incapable of functioning in a world where gender roles were reversed and all media focused on male exploitation and sexualization

No. 2376829

you do sound like a troon, retard, only women give birth. Doesn't mean all women have to do it. And it's your fault you have such a negative outlook on reproduction when mothers being disrespected and looked down on and sidelined doesn't have to be the norm.

No. 2376830

and LADS isn't even exploitation lol. The male characters never wear slutty outfits or foot deformers like female characters do, even the female MC has typical outfits

No. 2376831

The lengths they go to to explain why lads is doing so well is so funny. Their empty scrote brains cant comprehend a game for women being competitive with their slop because male is the default to them.

No. 2376833

so you're okay with "male" robots but not "female" ones?

No. 2376845

lol nonnie I get that they might want to avoid male coomers replying to them but the people who are disagreeing with you make no fucking sense. "It doesn't matter because men do it to" wow how unimaginative. It's like they're saying normal female sexuality is somehow wrong and they have to be the ones "impregnating" fucking weirdos

No. 2376847

Most likely kek

No. 2376860

No. 2376876

imagine if moids had to deal with billboards and advertisements and games much more sexy than LADS all focused on objectifying the male body. they'd kill themselves at even higher rates (they're so emotional and weak)

No. 2376879

Because it just creates needless retarded misogyny
>Arcee is either a girl because she was requested by le annoying feminists who then get mad because she's pink or she's a tranny
>The other only female robots in G1 are the girlfriend's of other robots and stay home because the war is too dangerous or whatever
>They usually have shitty ass designs like Windblade
>It's a toyline for little boys anyway

No. 2376901

Arcee was a character of substance who had other merits than being just The Girlfriend and getting mad of her being retconned as a troonbot is a pretty valid reason to be mad. And yeah, making the only girl characters pink is also a valid thing to complain about. Every time I read brainrot takes like this I long for the G1 Transformers fandom of the late 90's that was largely ran by women and not poisoned by the shitty nuTransformers garbage. The series should've died in the 80's.

No. 2376911

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I even looked it up since I don't play the game and it's just "It's sad that reproductive health is seen as something shameful, we offer free pads here" or "Shall I get you a blanket? Take it easy today"

No. 2376912

>they'd kill themselves at even higher rates
That sounds like my ideal world

No. 2376915

You can smell the once-a-month shower radiating from Ye Hyeung

No. 2376920

Men think we masturbate to our periods like whatever sick fantasy they have

No. 2376921

If blood came out of their dick would they find that sexy too?

No. 2376927

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No. 2376928

arent most men disgusted of women on their period and dont want to have sex with them, what?

No. 2376930

nb4 red wings motherfuckers

No. 2376933

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>And people cry "Gooners" for us liking Zenless Zone Zero and Nikke
Why are men pretending to be offended by this?

No. 2376934

Periods are not sexual. what the fuck are they on. Will they serious sexual every part of being a woman? Leave us tf alone

No. 2376935

Men don't think

No. 2376938

>LaDs: Adds period tracker and LI says nice things about you on your period
>Men: OMG SEE! Women are as bad as us!!!
Wow. Men really losing their minds over nothing. Based Chinese yumes. I hope that they never stop making men seethe.

No. 2376941

Yet again it's a projection thing
>Men have wet dreams
>Men get morning wood
It'd be one thing if the guys were like "SNIFF SNIFF ARE YOU OVULATING?" but literally nothing like that happens.

No. 2376949

Moids projecting their sick, broken sexualities onto things women like makes me unfathomably irritated

No. 2376954

Yes. The men have to exist for the pleasure of the women and not "uwu a woman is dominating a man? How scandalous!" The men have to be sexualized in a way that is associated with men. Their skimpy clothing has to highlight a fit male physique so that means no male gaze female lingerie but on a man. His pleasure does not matter. He looks good and stays fit for her pleasure. The woman cannot be dressed in a way that appeals to men. She must wear comfortable and practical clothing.

No. 2376968

What's the point in saying suicide attempts = emotional and weak and stupid when women commit more suicide attempts than men, they just fail more. You are indirectly insulting women because you're not aware of what's actually factual. It's just dumb.

No. 2376976

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tbh the only real response to seeing moid rage is to just post sexy pics of LADS.

they aren't going to listen to anything you say. getting annoyed at them is only sinking to their level. just post shirtless boys at them. nothing more.

No. 2376977

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>no male gaze female lingerie but on a man
booo boring. I think some of you need to stop basing your sexuality around whats feminist and makes men mad, and instead just allow yourself to be cringe and free and not let men's opinions live rent free in your head 24/7. Men will cum to literally anything because they are deranged and constantly seek new sources of dopamine. Men literally coom to floor tiles. Why the fuck does it matter if your choice of coom makes men mad? literally everything women enjoys makes men mad. 50 shades of grey made men man and its a cringe pickme maledom fantasy written by a fat boomer pickme. Twilight made men mad even if it has canon pedophilia and the guys arent even that hot. Anything women enjoy will make men mad regardless of how feminist it is because they are joy vampires and they see women as inferior and want to makes us miserable. They will coom to maledom daddydom bullshit made for men then do an 180 and act like they are opressed and find 50 shades of grey so offensive and repulsive and abusive. If you worry about your sexual preferences alligning with what men find unappealing, then you are no different from pickmes who want to be sexy bimbo sluts who choke on cock. You are still centering your own sexuality around what men think. Men just exist to be contrarian because they never mentally evolve past the mental age of toddlers, dont be like them. Allow yourself to live and have your sexuality detached from men's opinions.

No. 2376985

He’s ugly though

No. 2376988

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I hate fake husbandofags. You’re going to poison yourself on that irony.

No. 2376989

men don't care they just don't like women being given anything. they call the LADS guys "fags who look like girls" but still rage.

No. 2376991

People think human sexuality always has to be morally righteous. Sure there's an imbalance in the culture but that doesn't have to mean you're not allowed to genuinely like sexual things as a woman. Suddenly women aren't allowed to enjoy wearing lingerie or acting a certain way because what will the males think?? They're always worried about how something will cater to males. If a man or a woman wants to be a slut it's their prerogative. In a conservative or libfem way people limit what they're able to enjoy because they're concerned about the opinions of others when sex is just sex. Obviously neither a man or a woman would want to pursue it in a way that's genuinely unhealthy for them but if there's no harm why do they need to be policed for what they coom to, there's no point. Just be authentic.

No. 2376993

If your husbandos are genuinely Alastor and the guy from Bongo stray dogs then you have the taste of a basic bitch 15 year old.

No. 2376994

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Men are so jealous of LADS it's unreal

No. 2376998

Literally vidrel

No. 2376999

This creature can't even fully and coherently explain its thoughts.

No. 2377005

>its againsts the gender equality
Even though I know what he meant to write down, I have no idea what he means. Is he upset that LADS doesn't track his period too?

No. 2377006

Why are they acting like there arent 3 million games like that already? i play girls frontline 2 and it has all the features of LADS except with better gameplay. In GFL 1 you can even marry your waifu, something you cant do on LADS.

No. 2377007

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>goon to

No. 2377009

do you think they're actually mad because deep down they know LADS is a high-quality game and provides more satisfaction to women than their ugly animu shit does to them?

No. 2377010

>pissed blood

No. 2377013

I think it's because they want nerdy/weeb women to be content with playing waifuslop or "omnipandering" stuff that only gives a crumb of content to female players. When women have our own thing that is massively popular and doesn't have a shoestring budget or relegated to bring a niche, it scares them because for one, they know they can't compete with 2D, but they also hate that weebshit is no longer a boys club (id argue that it never was but they seem to think it is)

No. 2377014

I'm convinced these whiners don't even play these games and just jack off to fanart. There are plenty of coomer games for men that have fun gameplay or interactions yet they don't know anything about them.

No. 2377016

Honestly, I do wonder if it's because waifu shit has been so inbred into artificial coomer fuel that the lads version seems more genuine. The period tracker and care is not sexual or moe but emotional service for players. They can't tell the difference, leading to feelings that its unfair that the women get a character that seems to care for them instead of just shallow sexual service scenes.

No. 2377018

Extremely annoying how they pretend women weren't present in otaku communities since the very beginning. Comiket was almost entirely female fans before moids threw a shitfit and chased them out.

No. 2377020

moids are incapable of complex thought but i have seen some talk about how they feel "reduced to cavemen" by porny pandering (even though they all eat it up) so i bet it's some of this too.

No. 2377021

This is probably it, but it's their fault for not making/demanding games to be emotionally satisfying for them.

No. 2377022

>If some teenagers cook up a fantasy where it's men suffering of the same fate just to get a taste of that power men have held over women then I'm all for it.
If a male character is given the ability to get pregnant, they would no longer be 'male.' what you're getting off too would be a form of fetishized female suffering.

No. 2377023

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I think they are just angry women finally have something for them and dont have to rely on shit made for men by men. I played LADS and as a waifugacha player i found it underwhelming, not gonna lie. It doesnt come close to waifushit like Blue Archive, Nikke or Girls Frontline or the level of sexualization and parasocial relationships of waifu-games. They are really just getting offended because women are enjoying their sexuality in a way that doesnt revolve around them. Its that simple. My waifu in my gachashit tells me she loves me all the time and i am married to my girls frontline waifu(something you cant do on LADS), so they either dont play gachas or are genuinely just trying really hard to play the victim and pretend men are being opressed.

No. 2377025

Is the first guy sea?

No. 2377027

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So what I learned today is, just like any other word, males forgot actual the definition of the term "gooning" and are using it to describe anything that has to do with genitalia at all.
>the woman's reproductive system naturally undergoing the process known as the menstrual cycle, in which her uterus will shed its wall lining and replace it with a new layer for the purpose of self-clensing from the inside. The woman herself has no control over this process.
this is why males get worse grades than women in school. They're not "systematically oppressed" by teachers, they're just naturally that retarded.

No. 2377033

>so they either dont play gachas or are genuinely just trying really hard to play the victim and pretend men are being opressed.
It's both kek.

No. 2377034

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I don’t remember people getting up in arms about the anime girl colon cancer app being a gooning app. There’s probably a better argument for it than the period tracker in LADS.

No. 2377038

>Damn dude your waifu smells like shit
>Yeah, Moe-chan came from my colon bacteria! ♥

No. 2377045

>ermm i just find it weird as a man, like, yeah its just soo weird and unbalanced for the genders!
Yeah I dont expect genetic failures like you to comprehend anything beyond your limp dick

No. 2377050

The mere idea of women having even 1% of what scrotes get on a daily basis is enough to make them upset

No. 2377054

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Men and troons rediscover the wheel every time they exit their goon caves it's actually impressive. Ask a toddler where your face's gone after its been hidden from view and you can acquire a similar reaction

No. 2377056

Yeah, 100% this. They're so used to women in these spaces being "the other" and telling them they should be happy with crumbs because only catering to men sells, and we should be grateful we even get included in their waifushit games. Then comes along LADS which solely caters to women and competes with their garbage waifu games, you can imagine this 1 game shattering their entire argument would do to the moid ego.

No. 2377059

>Only catering to men sells
I hate this argument so much, where the hell did they even get this idea from? I argued with some plebbitor a while ago over this and he got so mad over being wrong that he deleted his comment kek

No. 2377060

They literally have so many waifu-gachas and women have like 2 and thats enough to make them seethe.

No. 2377063

Is this still alive?

No. 2377066

It doesnt even apply to just gacha/weeb stuff, in general life scrotes start chimping out as soon as women arent happy being treated like a 2nd class citizen

No. 2377068

It’s incredibly fucking stupid. Women are the main users of mobile games and make the majority of all purchases. Why wouldn’t companies cater to them?

No. 2377076

>Women are the main users of mobile games
Remember how that used to be used to make fun of women for not being real gamers?

No. 2377088

Feels like yesterday.

No. 2377104

what manga?

No. 2377105

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It's funny that >>2376307 talking about anything 'enforcing' heterosexual roles can't truly sexualize men and the only option is just using the biological oppression women face unto men, but something like LADs, which frames men in an actually attractive light without any form of irony, does indeed make tons of men and troons seethe, It gives weight to my theory that ugly degenerates are just disgusted by natural beauty and goodness and seek to subvert it

No. 2377107

It doesn't matter what's accurate in real life. It's a fantasy. Do you have zero imagination? In your mind you can imagine any guy suddenly being able to get pregnant. It's still the same base but with fantasy logic.

No. 2377124

Women don't even have to be ugly to want to be femdom. Just because it's not empathetic good and sweet doesn't mean an attractive woman wouldn't want to make a guy her bitch if they don't just want to do it because they're still thinking about owning da males/contrarian instead of being authentically into it. That anon was just being retarded and not realizing men aren't robots with a perfect defense that can never be shaken by a woman. Women can be threatening, women can knock some sense into a male's head, etc.

No. 2377145

bdsm is cringe though, literally everyone who seems into it, both the doms and subs, come across as failed human beings who probably smell

No. 2377148

Role reversal ≠ being a BDSMtard

No. 2377153

what does that mean? being the more active role in bed or letting the man do most of the work, because for good sex you need both parties to put in the work

No. 2377167

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For some reason, some otaku/gamer moids from my country started to rant about how women stole anime/videogame from them. I think they simply stole some talking points from americans because these things weren't treated like something "not cool" in here (or maybe they are just late zoomers moids who never experienced these things and now want to rewrite history).
Animes like Saint Seiya, Shurato and Dragon Ball were extremely popular and got treated just like every other cartoon; when internet access became more widely available, groups were filled with otaku girls.
Same for videogames, It was just something not everyone could afford, so having a SNES or Mega Drive made you popular. Every kid, including girls, wanted one because guess what, It was another fun thing that any kid loved.

No. 2377173

>for good sex you need both parties to put in the work
Wrong. Making a man eat me out for as long as I want, focus primarily on my enjoyment, and please me how I tell him to – all of which he incidentally enjoys – is not BDSM nor is it bad sex. Femdom is the bare minimum of sexual equality because men always come no matter what and so heterosexual sex should always center female pleasure.

No. 2377174

Tbh was the main demographic of Astro Boy really adult Japanese men coming off of a war? The artstyles were inspired by Disney movies after all.

No. 2377176

Am I having a stroke? What does this have to do with anything she said

No. 2377183

>For some reason, some otaku/gamer moids from my country started to rant about how women stole anime/videogame from them.
>Tbh was the main demographic of Astro Boy really adult Japanese men coming off of a war?
(Was anime even a male thing from the start)
I'm sorry, I'm sleep deprived.

No. 2377195

Anime has always been for a lot of different target audiences, including girls. The "women stole anime from us" argument will always be insane because there have been many prolific and influencial authors for decades, and girls and women have been interested in all sorts of series for decades as well, including the ones targetinh a male audience in particular unless it's pure otakubait. Makes sense that Americans came up with it, they discovered Dragon Ball in the 90s or 2000s and treat DBZ like a separate series and not like the exact same series as the OG but with a regular timeskip because they're just that clueless.

No. 2377201

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>Was anime even a male thing from the start
literally every demographic had its own separate magazines, but shounen vastly outsold the others, even though it was made for teenage boys, adult men and women and girls kept buying shounen magazines and yet shounen magazines still never pandered any particular demographics; the stories were written for teenage boys. Despite this, yet their popularity continues to grow and while shoujo doesn't reach the vast global market that shounen does, conventional love stories tend to perform significantly better than seinen and josei. It’s hard to say why adventure and romance stories aimed at teenagers resonate more than other genres, but they do

No. 2377202

Moids from these countries are doubly as dumb because they stole these talking points while at the same time calling girls who were into these things boyish or stupid. I got severe whiplash from suffering machismo from doing boy shit and then subsequently being told I was intruding and I was never there in the first place. That really made me wonder whether the vast majority of men have object permanence or not. only a portion of geeky men got to marry other geeky women because they literally shared the same passions and hobbies, while the boy's club retards either stay lonely or troon out due to lack of female attention. Textbook case of digging your own grave to own women who were as invested in the same hobby as them from the start.

No. 2377205

>It’s hard to say why adventure and romance stories aimed at teenagers resonate more than other genres, but they do
Adults were kids and teenagers once so they can relate to yoyng characters and young adults from shonen and shojo manga and enjoy these series. Kids and teenagers are less likely to be into seinen because some plot points and characters won't be relatable nor interesting from their point of view, typically, and the stories will be more complex as well while editors will sometimes force artists to simply stories for shojo and shonen manga. That's what I assume at least. That would explain why people not used to manga or anime will be surprised to hear Nana is a shojo manga and not a josei manga, with all the telenovela bullshit and pregnancy plot going on. And on the other hand people will tell you that Death Note should have been a seinen manga because it's dark and edgy, but the way it's dark and edgy obviously appeals to teenagers who are reading their first serious murder mystery more than adults.

No. 2377221

nta but lads moids filter me because they are too dominant kek i just want a vanilla romance

No. 2377248

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reminds me of korean incels seething about attractive men getting sex and portraying themselves as poor victims

No. 2377249

>Too Dominant
God this is so true. I actually really like romance media but 99% of het stories have male characters who are way too fucking dominant and not to my tastes at all. I hate maledom so much. I play and enjoy otomege in ENG and JPN and read romance novels occasionally and there are very very very few characters that are to my taste. Doujin games fare better but pickings are still slim. When it comes to romance novels, that number is basically zero and I have to turn to absolutely horrible self-published books just to get a whiff of what I'm looking for. I refuse to read modern webtoons and manhwa so I have no idea how the situation is with that.
I wish I was into retarded Booktok 40000 year old alpha millionaire bullshit because those types are absolutely drowning in content.

No. 2377250

This is allowed on a uni's discussion board? The fuck

No. 2377252

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Speaking of LADS, I cannot understand why people are still arguing about incest. This LI and MC aren't even related, they were adopted by the same woman. Big fucking deal.

No. 2377257

I don’t understand why wokies are so weird about fantasy step-sibling relationships. like there’s a youtuber I watch and she’s a feminist gamer, and I like most of her takes but sometimes she gets overly woke, like her recent video, for instance, is just complaining about the romance between two step-siblings from a 2000's rpg

No. 2377268

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the author is the same women who admitted to this

No. 2377273

she wasn't joking, because right after beastars, her next manga was about a boy turning into a buff santa claus

No. 2377274

Interesting taste

No. 2377280

Moids sexualized periods in 1700s and Victorian era. A lot of writing about it from moids came from fetishism. Moids are slaves to their dicks and porn and will sexualize everything

No. 2377283

was is it about oral during periods?

No. 2377290

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nta but I've actually read sanda, and just like beastars, that whole manga is also about sex and an allegory for the relations between men and women, specifically about male bodies and how they transform and change. It's something I've often thought about myself and considering that paru talked about how her nephews grew so tall and turned into men in just a few years, she's probably had similar thoughts

No. 2377291

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Women have been interested in cutsey little witches and comfy environments for forever by this point.Don’t let the trannies take over what we own

No. 2377303

I find this interesting because I play this game because it doesn't have maledom cringe.

No. 2377352

who the fuck was saying anything about morality retard

No. 2377358

lol what otoge are you playing where the men are too dominant, I feel like "the man kisses first=dominant" for so many people

No. 2377360

Same here. I started playing this game after Caleb got released and so far all the dudes are non threatening and vanilla to me. Granted, I haven't meet Sylus but from what the anons have said about him in the LaDS thread on /m/, he seems nice too. I have yet to see any dominant trait in any of them so I don't understand that judgement.

No. 2377362

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Sanda also clearly channels a lot of anxieties about maturing as a woman and losing your youth, the trait that makes you most valuable. There's an emphasis placed on how society values youth, and even plastic surgery vs allowing yourself to age.
Paru is a weirdo pervert but she has some very emotionally honest manga about female experiences. Drip Drip/Bota Bota is probably her most "feminist" work. I love her work, she's probably my favorite mangaka.

No. 2377369

is this retard's understanding of menstruation so bad that he thinks periods = ovulation? that's the only way I can comprehend thinking of 'period tracking' as having a 'sexual' component (even then it'd be retarded, of course, but let's be real, basic biology is often beyond coomers anyway).

No. 2377391

I think it applies to both, she uses her male and female characters as allegories for real men and women, like I have a lot of male relatives and watching them mature into manhood is beautiful but also a little sad. they’re no longer the cute kids they once were, paru comes from a macho family, where many are in army or are martial artists and the men in my family are quite similar. It’s always unreal to think about the cute little boy I once looked after has now grown into a large scary man

No. 2377396

I'm actually kind of surprised to hear LADS is mostly maledom, I was expecting at least one submissive guy. I like maledom myself but I find a lot of the content lacking. This may be because I'm not a self inserter but a lot of stories are about money or positions of power. I always love cool storyline but there's rarely ever that
>i'm an x with money and now i can fuck you whenever put the cuffs on
would I be wrong if I said it's this kind of thing that makes people hate tropes all on their own? not that I mind it since even crap like 50 shades makes men seethe and I don't subscribe to the idea of porn for women needing to be super politically correct but I think an overall increase of quality would do wonders. We just got a period tracker in LADS but we can do much more.

No. 2377431

it's only just with cyrus, but even that's just him being a bit forceful, he still asks for consent in almost every case

No. 2377489

LADS has very little actual maledom in it. The closest it comes to 50 shades level of cringe is with Caleb's controlling behavior in his main story, but later on in his cards his obsession with the MC becomes something akin to worship where he's extremely obedient and answers to her every whim. Sylus is pretty mean and comes off as a typical booktok daddydom in his introduction, but as other nonnas report becomes sweet and romantic later. The others are completely vanilla, so yeah, it's not a maledom game at all

No. 2377490

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I have not played LADS since I am not into otome stuff, but I came across this video on YouTube, and it is genuinely bizarre to see so many men getting this pressed about it. Is the amount of goon in LADS even remotely comparable to the kind of slop men get off to? From what I have seen of the game, the male characters are treated pretty "respectfully". Even the sexy scenes are super tame. Meanwhile, just watching a two-second clip of any Hoyoslop makes me feel uncomfortable with the sheer amount of jiggle physics.
Another thing that annoys me is how nice female gamers are to men. In the comment section of the same video, otome players are coddling moids with their "oh um ackshually, it is not us that hate female sexualization, it is the other women!!1". I only play HSR, and male gamers absolutely hate women. They are not content with getting everything on a silver platter—they want female players to get absolutely nothing, not even scraps. So it is just sad seeing women go out of their way to stroke the egos of scrotes.

No. 2377492

This is the video btw.

No. 2377501

the guy in the thumbnail looks like a buff astarion sorry nonas

No. 2377505

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>said no woman ever
Yeah, but because moids say it whenever they get the chance.

No. 2377506

I'm glad for the anons and other women who enjoy and find the LADS lads attractive and feel catered to by the game, but man can I not relate kek. Guess it goes to show that there isn't a 'one size fits all' when it comes to this stuff.

the low-tier men who spaz out over women expressing their sexuality (be it just sexual interest in something, a fetish, or openly consuming pornographic material eg a smutty book) are doing so because they cannot conceptualise the idea that women are capable of basal desires and habits like they are. As far as they're concerned, it's aberrant behaviour or, at the very least, some new phenomena (it isn't, though the more open expression of this outside of private female spaces could be considered more recent due to social changes in the last 100 years or so, but that's beyond these moids' scope). That's why they act like they've been slapped with a fish when they stumble upon a woman engaging in things that, in their minds, only men do.

They also are so lost in their own coom habits that they cannot see that one horny game is not 1:1 to another horny game, they see it all as being on the same level despite one being blatantly more degenerate than the other to anyone who hasn't fried their brain (or, if it is a tamer game that's not supposed to only be about coom for men, why the general audience that includes women that it's ostensibly for might not like one-sided fanservice eg genshin)

No. 2377522

Every otome MC is a doormat, so any man she interacts with comes across as dominant.

No. 2377524

It could be they don't like how muscular the guys are? Men usually don't imagine a pretty and muscular woman, they just imagine a softer one. It could be anon wants a guy that looks less physically strong than she is.

No. 2377539

File: 1738485306001.jpg (12.91 KB, 220x284, th-1172896246.jpg)

Just got a comment on my fic (paraphrased): 'This made me realize I'm trans! Thank you for cracking my egg.'

No. 2377541

Can you delete/disable comments?

No. 2377545

Oh man, that would make me want to vomit.

No. 2377554

How did you write anything that would give anyone that idea

No. 2377555

Who is this?

No. 2377556

why would anyone write a manga about how "beautiful yet scary" it is to watch kids turn into men, that's fucking creepy

No. 2377566

While a mangaka is the type more likely to mean it in a weird way, your way of thinking is a bit weird.
It's not particularly strange to think growth in anything can be both beautiful and creepy/sad. It's just "things change, and it makes me feel feelings."

No. 2377576

File: 1738489308819.webp (81.64 KB, 801x1200, 11127076b4.webp)

No. 2377591

thanks nonnie

No. 2377604

>they cannot conceptualise the idea that women are capable of basal desires
They can, they just don't want women to own their sexuality and desires, they want to remain the sole dictators of it. If women start wanting things for themselves that won't fit their own desires. It would mean they had to put in the effort or actually think about the woman, instead of being constantly served. They know women have desires, they just don't care and see it as beneath theirs. They love it when pickmes support their horny shit, when it happens they don't complain about women being horny, about women being gooners. It's only when the content is solely focused on the women and sets a standard for them that it bothers them and they start the moralfagging brigade. LaDS isn't even close to other gacha games mentioned before, but they don't care, they'll say period tracking is sexual to justify their malding.

No. 2377715

File: 1738504306699.jpg (229.68 KB, 1280x720, Yoji-Screen.jpg)

Uh, most of them? I've played almost every title released in ENG since the Vita era plus a few more in Japanese. There's more or less one LI per game that is a bit more timid but even then a lot of times the writers will throw in some retarded scene to remind the player that man = dominant and woman = submissive. Plus what >>2377522 said but that really only applies to Otomate titles.

No. 2377723

Fuck, this change pissed me off so much. Male designs are already censored enough in these games and faggot devs immediately keeled over to incels about a damn zipper, when this is the same game with water-balloon jiggle tits and panties flashing mid-combat. I will never understand any woman who still plays wuwa unless they're waifufags too.

No. 2377724

No. 2377727

KEK what? What do you think made them write that?

No. 2377728

No. 2377730

cause seeing a little boy you once knew grow into an adult man does feel weird, it’s hard to wrap your head around the fact that someone you used to carry in your arms is now three times your size. mind you, neither paru nor I are speaking from the perspective of mothers, so take that into account

No. 2377768

Moids overreaction aside, the period tracker thing is weird. I don't know, I don't know, I never liked when media try to get "close" to their customers like that. Especially stuff like gachas or AI.

No. 2377786

sorry i mean they arent just as lovey dovey as i hope. My biggest turn off about LADS is that all the characters have kinda dull personalities. I thought they were all kuuderes at first. I just want a genki retard that has energy. I like xavier tho, i been thinking about maybe giving it a second chance to see if xavier drops the kuudere act and becomes more goofy.

No. 2377806

Do you find normal period trackers weird? LADS is a chinese game so its 100% understandable why its so parasocial. If we as western women have it hard, now imagine living in a country where hot men are fucking banned off tv and there are thrice the amount of men as women, where dead womens bodies get sold as commodities so they can be married off to dead men. Its just creepy as hell. Its why i always give some slack to schizo female artists like Mgong, i would go insane if i was chinese.

No. 2377824

I mean don't play games like Sympathy fuckign Kiss? Go play Code Realize or Nightshade or Olympia Soiree

Also a lot of the time it's not about being dominant. It's literally true that men are more emotional and struggle to control their base desires. They're not like us

No. 2377826

nta but why do otomes LI need to be like realistic moids? isnt the whole point of otomes to escape 3DPD

No. 2377828

> give some slack to schizo female artists like Mgong
how does living in a misogynistic country lead someone to drawing toddler porn? i live in a shithole country too where all the things you mentioned happens but the artists arent turning to pedo porn. you just want a excuse to keep liking that fags shit

No. 2377833

>I just want a genki retard that has energy
Based and same. I am so tired of the broody, emotionless guy archetype that dominates 90% of weeb media, no matter the target audience. Where is my fun, chaotic male lead?

No. 2377834

I feel like it just makes sense to turn it into a period tracker, if he's already going to remind you stuff, it may as well remind you when are you going to get your period.
Like, it doesn't even say something like
>You're ovulating!
>You're more likely to conceive if you fuck during these days!
It's just
>hey, you're getting close to your period, did you make the needed preparations?
That's it. So everyone needs to relax. Is it parasocial as fuck? Yes, that's the point of otome games, but the game also has other things like study and work timers and workout timers too for you to focus while doing your daily activities, it also has reminders for stuff like alarms to make you go to sleep and a calender so you don't forget stuff while playing.
I honestly think it's nice, it makes the game feel less like a time sink and more like something that could help you focus a bit if you want to.

No. 2377838

I've already played those titles kek. Did you not see the part where I said I love otome games and have played almost every single ENG release??
I don't care if you think that moids need to act up in games, I like what I like and I want more cute blushy submissive moe LIs to balance out the 900 generic dark haired macho men who are emotionally constipated and want the MC to cook for him

No. 2377840

I support women's wrongs. If you had to stop supporting someone because of the artist/writer writing about weird shit, or worse, actually commiting and crime, then you wouldnt be able to enjoy almost anything. Most people give slack to men who draw and do worse thing, so i dont understand why i wouldnt hold a woman to the same standards.

No. 2377842

Normal period trackers are fine. I think it's the parasocial aspect of it, coupled with the fact like a lot of gachas, they want you using their app as long as possible to get you to spend more and more money in said game. I mean kudos to those who enjoy this sort of thing, but I've always found it off-putting in a way. I feel the same when I open a game I haven't played in a while, and the characters start talking about how much they "missed" me and where I've been.

No. 2377853

What are they going to do with info of your period cycle kek

No. 2377854

Nta but do you rec any with a cute blushy LI?

No. 2377861

> Most people give slack to men who draw and do worse thing, so i dont understand why i wouldnt hold a woman to the same standards.
damn i didnt know being a woman meant i had to accept women who drew baby porn who knew!,those most "people" who give slack to pedoshit artists like mossa (who i hope gets jailed and prisonraped) are mainly moids and women arent the core audience of toddler porn its moids who then go and enact that same shit to real children but hey its justified if mgongs art has pretty colors huh? its not like you can find thousands of similar artists who arent pedophile pickmes? noo cant be

No. 2377864

The point of otome games is the parasocial aspect. Plus some of us are actually lonely and can't just go out to get people to care about us.

No. 2377873

her ''toddler porn'' is gijinkas of bugs with 6 nipples kek its in no way comparable to toddlercon. I can suppport rowling despite doing worse things(supporting depp despite him being a wife beater and groominf winona ryder) so idgaf about cancelling an artist i like for something as dumb as drawing weird bug shota porn once while the rest of her art is completly sfw. I dont like artists for their personality, i like them for their skill.

No. 2377881

>of her art is completly sfw
oh youre that mgongwk, most of her pedoshit has been posted here as proof so you arent fooling anyone by calling that "gijinkas" kek, get better standards wkchan

No. 2377886

I am sorry but its hard to take your sperging seriously when we both know you dont hold the artists or media you like to the same standards. Ofcourse, i dont know you, but if you are into animu its 100% impossible for you to not like at least one anime or manga that was drawn by a bad person. So, maybe take your moralfagging and apply it to yourself first.

No. 2377898

Yes! I don't wanna derail here so I responded in the otome thread in /m/

No. 2377936

File: 1738514796591.mp4 (2.78 MB, 854x480, QkstNtZ.mp4)

why has english voice acting gotten so much worse?

No. 2377941

rika is such a stacy, love her

No. 2377942

they air pokemon on the bbc?

No. 2377949

she is, but the voice actress makes her sound cringe

No. 2377958

Lmao nonnie look at it from the bright side. You made an idiot decide to get herself spayed and removed from the gene pool at least

No. 2377967

Because they can. It's how they dab on weebs and anime.

No. 2377988

Rika sounds fine to me. The younger girl is kind of annoying but it’s about on par with what the anipoke dub was like when I was a kid.

No. 2378004

Weebs who listen to dub have no standards

No. 2378013

Western voice actors are always so cringe

No. 2378027

It's the Pokemon anime. It's not like they're giving them prime material to work with here.

No. 2378031

It's wild how fictional 2d husbandos manage to be caring and be more encouraging of female improvement than living 3dpd moids kek

No. 2378033

is there something wrong with wanting a fun interesting game with a different protagonist? It's like people are only capable of writing interesting stories with white men as main characters. Is it an empathy thing?

No. 2378035

No. I thought those replies were weird but I didnt want to start anything.

No. 2378037

File: 1738519522585.png (436.95 KB, 432x858, Warframe 12_28_2024 6_34_41 PM…)

>I just want a genki retard that has energy.
I know you think he's ugly and probably couldn't handle Warfame gameplay but Amir, lol.

They're fictional 3D husbandos though.

No. 2378041

Damn he's ugly as shiet

No. 2378047

Warframe has really bad writing and a chimpanzee could play it

No. 2378049

Anime dubbing is a very incestuous, connections-driven industry even by TV/film standards. It has zero to do with talent and everything to do with having clout. That's why retards like Barbara Dunkelman still find VO work.

No. 2378050

Pretty sure it's just the shallow shilling of a prompt that isn't particularly unique, using a popular game by stripping it down to a single characteristic.
"Cute Witch finding cat in a pretty location" is not the most… interesting of ideas.

No. 2378052

How will he pee now?

No. 2378056

File: 1738520641663.jpg (1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Update1999.jpg)

He's definately energetic and retarded though.

Have you checked out the new update? I thought the chat/romance stuff was cute and pretty decent. But I'm biased.
And I'm just saying fast paced 3rd person shooters would probably be overwhelming to anybody who only plays otome games.

No. 2378057

Ngl this being part of a fantasy speaks about how low the bar irl is lmao. Like goddamn, "what I want in a man, the decency to buy me pads without being a bitch about it and the sympathy to relax with me at home."

No. 2378059

I admire your boldness suggesting him here warframe nona kek (btw if you're the same anon from the gaming thread I enjoy seeing your updates– I stopped playing years ago but it's neat to see how it's progressed since then, never would have thought the game would ever have a romance angle)

No. 2378063

keeeeek thanks nonny but he's ugly as sin and looks like fag. Sorry but i am not the type of husbandofag that can separate looks from personality. It needs to come in a package.

No. 2378071

Damn no hate nona but what is it with western games making their male characters as ugly as possible

No. 2378079

File: 1738522002683.jpg (331.33 KB, 1920x1080, GDTMpGA.jpg)

Don't worry, moids get sexy booba eye candy at least!

No. 2378081

because of muh realism plus men being insecure

No. 2378086

Yeah it really exposes how real moids lack basic human empathy that women would seek something as simple as that from fictional characters. Meanwhile moid dating sims are playing a contest of who can create the most lobotomized child doll slave

No. 2378095

Its fucking depressing. Women give so much and get absolutely jack shit in return.

No. 2378112

Nonnies, does anyone know how to make yourself stop caring about a ship/fandom? I caught up with an ongoing manga a few months ago and really got into one of the ships before I sadly realized that the fandom is utterly retarded. Yes, I know every fandom is bad, but I promise this one is worse than anything you can imagine. It's bad to the point where it's ruining my enjoyment of both the manga and the ship, but I'm too obsessive and autistic and can't make myself stop caring about them. I literally think about the ship all the time and then I immediately feel bad because the things people say about them online make me sad kek. Any advice? Sorry if this isn't the right thread for this kinda thing but this seemed way too retarded for the vent thread.

No. 2378129

maybe try moving on to something else for a while, at least i try to bombard myself with new media to obsess over when i get unhealthily autistic about a fandom, kinda helps

No. 2378147

File: 1738524291751.jpg (208.24 KB, 640x892, tumblr_669b036ef1af9f886b8810e…)

>I've never been happier
These people always have a huge cocktail of mental illnesses on their about pages (whether they're legit or not is a gamble though)

No. 2378155

Notice that all these “cringe and free” posters are just people following nostalgia trends for stuff like sparkledogs and scene aesthetics. They’re never like true blue autists like that one girl in the /m/ autism thread who draws muscular sexy worm boys lol.

No. 2378157

Train your algorithm and block everything/everyone you see who doesnt pass your green light

No. 2378163

They're just that boring generic store brand of autist who's into stuff like sonic and whatever the newest indie horror cartoon is

No. 2378169

Get one of those things that lock you off of social media, you're getting brainrotted.

No. 2378178

permanently stuck being 13 years old. Really sticking it to their old man even though they are closer to 30 than 20 and living in their moms basement. Sad!

No. 2378262

>let's take fem-lead and femdom relationships and queer them up because men that are anything less than alpha chuds need to troon out into transbians
This is why I hate gen alpha and youngest zoomers so fucking much. They are so adverse to anything straight that they will label healthy straight relationships as "queer-coded" just because the man isn't being as evil as humanly possible.

No. 2378280

File: 1738529104956.png (354.21 KB, 640x892, not a phase mom.png)

No. 2378304

Holy fuck anon this is perfect.

No. 2378308

ayrt, thanks for the advice nonnies. I do block and mute words but something always inevitably slips through. Might try to lobotomize myself with other media and see if I stop giving a fuck about the ship I was talking about.
This advice is also solid but I think it's too late for me kek, I'm already brainrotted beyond saving.

No. 2378309

No. 2378344

he's more retarded than that, I 100% promise you the logic is menstruation = vagina = sexual
PLEASE tell me what the fic was about kek
if you drop the ship name, I will support you unequivocally and will gossip about how annoying people on the internet are if you do. this is also how I feel about caitvi

No. 2378451

File: 1738533568894.jpg (668.18 KB, 1125x1642, hahahaha.jpg)

Tbh I find it immensely satisfying seeing jealous moids get their things ruined by the icky girls. I prefer anything that comes from a “gooner” woman fan since it’s almost always made out of love for the actual source material.

No. 2378473

File: 1738534176227.png (282.26 KB, 1192x574, i hate this form of shipping b…)

The love rival in mirai nikki is a guy though…I guess Akise kun is getting force straighted

No. 2378481

File: 1738534516989.jpg (628.52 KB, 898x1001, 1000019535.jpg)

I just saw fanart of some faggot shipping that Shelley Duvall bitch from Mouthwashing with Ellen from 'I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream'. I can't even tell if they were serious, or doing a joke by shipping two rape victims from two media zoomers are into as a trend. It got on my nerves and it's not even important. Later, anons.

No. 2378487

Nightwing is one hot slut, I understand his female fans. No scrote can compare

No. 2378490

Yeah, I'm not a Nightwing fag but liking him is just good taste

No. 2378492

File: 1738534917344.jpg (124.09 KB, 971x1200, tumblr_pw2csnS6uz1ysbvj7o1_128…)

Ojisan dick worshipper

No. 2378499

>featuring a walled moid
>"ojisan dick worshipper"
Why would you hijack my post this way?

No. 2378500

File: 1738535242506.png (1.22 MB, 625x960, giwtwm.png)

>featuring a walled moid
Hey, Slade's a very sexy old man.

No. 2378516

That and there's a high chance you'll get a civil conversation out of a "gooner" woman.

No. 2378518

Since when did uryuu have a crush on yuki wtf? Or did I just forget the plot of the show?

No. 2378521

I hate bara

No. 2378522

I think they're talking about the kimono cult leader girl who made out with Yuuki to fuck with him and Yuno and add fanservice
She doesn't have any romantic feelings for him though.

No. 2378542

I thought i posted this, kek. I want to bite him

No. 2378551

File: 1738536912345.jpg (69.29 KB, 500x633, tumblr_ow2sifg1HN1qb0gmwo1_r1_…)

I'm glad I have an ally who also wants to fuck Slade.
>I want to bite him

No. 2378605

maybe the anti-fujos were right, you are cucks with bad taste

No. 2378608

That implies that Slade is my husbando, I just want to use him for sexual pleasure.

No. 2378615

Nta but they're drawings, and in both cases the guy is just drawn like he's 30 but with white hair slapped on. No actual elderly moid looks like that.

No. 2378616

okay, so why are you constantly gay ship art of him with a younger man, do you enjoy the thought of your husbando with stds?

No. 2378618

I literally just said he isn't my husbando dumbass.

No. 2378623

She just wants to watch two guys she finds hot fuck. It's not that deep, and also it's fiction, there are no STDs if the creator of the fan content doesn't want there to be.

No. 2378637

I misread, but that doesn't answer the question, if you want to "use him for sexual pleasure" why get off the to the idea of being a cuckhold watching an old man fuck a young man?

No. 2378646

Are you seriously treating a drawing like an actual physical person? No one's getting cuckolded by anyone. It's a bunch of pixels on a screen. By your logic, literally anyone who looks at any kind of non-solo erotic content is being cuckolded. Delusional.

No. 2378656

File: 1738539917124.jpg (161.37 KB, 551x442, 1738325319818.jpg)

keep telling yourself that(fujo derail)

No. 2378657

Why do you guys always assume everyone's self-inserting in some way? I don't get why the fujocuck insult stuck so much when not everyone wants to personally fuck a character, we're just playing with them like dolls.(fujosperging)

No. 2378658

Am I not allowed to think bisexuality is sexy?

No. 2378659

they always come off as really insecure too like they actually do care about le cringe culture or whatever
why do i have the feeling this person draws gross sparkledog porn

No. 2378662

>like they actually do care about le cringe culture or whatever
They 100% do, if they truly didn't care they'd be in the same zone as deviantart autists making 9/11 tribute ms paint edits.

No. 2378663

File: 1738540047268.jpg (303.67 KB, 1080x897, seething.jpg)

Damn you didn't even wait to screenshot it lmao, is nightwing your husbando or something kek

No. 2378671

>Am I not allowed to think bisexuality is sexy?
I don't care about the character, but I dislike when fujos pair attractive young men with hyper-masculinized older men or monsters, just because they have crippling porn addictions

No. 2378674

>but I dislike when fujos pair attractive young men with hyper-masculinized older men
But I think both men are attractive kek

No. 2378676

File: 1738540433089.jpg (23.48 KB, 640x349, HVRJEL87537285GJGJ.jpg)

>inb4 yumevsfujo infight for the nth time again

No. 2378678

If it involves a haggard old moid, no, you aren't

No. 2378680

>I don't care about the character
So you're just sperging out then? Do you even read the comics enough to know about whether or not the characters have any sort of thing going on? (Idk either but American comics get weird. Pretty sure Wolverine was canonically in a bisexual throuple at some point)

No. 2378688

>pic related
i wana suicied

No. 2378692

File: 1738540743281.png (697.86 KB, 640x523, specifically because of this s…)

What if he goes back to the past, would it be aight then
>Wolverine was canonically in a bisexual throuple at some point
I think it's that Jean just is dating both of them at the same time (and I guess they're chill with being her harem members), a lot of people say Jean is a fujo though so maybe she forces them to fuck each other.

No. 2378695

Where did the std brain worms even come from. Say what you want about stereotypical yaoi but I have never once seen stds be included in yaoi even once. Maybe stop letting actual gay moids live rent free in you head like is.

No. 2378696

Tbh I just find it funny that they got so pissed off that they immediately took a screenshot and posted it to the antifujo thread, and then went back to start a fight, including posting tranny pics they had on ready.
Living to seethe.

No. 2378698

File: 1738540821366.png (51.19 KB, 774x346, retreat to the hugbox!!!.png)

Is she for real right now? I hope for her sake she's just baiting, this is pathetic.(derailing)

No. 2378699

File: 1738540844892.jpeg (210.93 KB, 1280x1536, E44CAC1C-C8DD-4669-A3B2-BD5717…)

the dynamic is hot and sexy and has been around for decades, is this really the first time you've seen a ship like this?

No. 2378702

Literally having a meltdown because someone defiled her husbando kekk

No. 2378703

It's clearly a baiter, she tipped her hand with the TiF meme. Report and ignore.

No. 2378705

It's funny since neither of them are my husbando (I do have one but it's an otoge character not a capeshit character)

No. 2378706

Careful, she's probably going to look at that image and pivot to calling you a pedo.

No. 2378708

that's literally a child

No. 2378712


No. 2378713

seek help
she literally posted cutesy ship art of an adult man and child, that makes them a pedo

No. 2378714

fujoyume solidarity just got set back another 50 years, we will never be free from the samsara of fangirl infighting

No. 2378715

This thread is here to make fun of people like you btw

No. 2378720

File: 1738541093605.jpg (36.29 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1296855583_wbyg.jpg)

No. 2378724

To be fair, this is just one baiter.

No. 2378725

File: 1738541173502.jpg (310.86 KB, 1200x846, Deathstroke-27-Terra-Judas-Con…)

Slade's a pedophile canonically, there's nothing wrong with sticking to canon.
To be fair I don't even think a lot of these people are yumes, they're just weird tradthot types who immediately think of STDs when they see two guys.

No. 2378729

Imagine being such a pickme that you cape for fictional moidlets.

No. 2378732

thanks for posting the type of moid with the exact body-type you'll end up dating, I'm sure you two will have great times talking about femboys and how he gets to fuck moids on the side while you watch

No. 2378734

nona he is a fictional character and is not real

No. 2378735

Nope, that's what the fujocoomer cringe crybaby sperg containment thread is for. Go have your tantrum in there instead.

No. 2378737

I'm a febfem nonacita

No. 2378739

Dude this whole Dickstroke thing has my sides in fuckin orbit, girl genuinely has the yaoi STDs living rent free.(fujo derail)

No. 2378740

inb4 you get called a bislut pick me kek

No. 2378743

I know your a virgin

No. 2378744

I was about to say Ron Swanson would never but then I remembered the girlfriend.
She would use this site kek.

No. 2378746

File: 1738541642338.jpg (23.18 KB, 300x263, gatorlaugh.jpg)

Holy shit is that actually what the ship is called? God bless

No. 2378747

lol why did they vanish with his goatee? Deep down they know it's gross?

No. 2378748

She was going to, but then she saw your post and decided to accuse me of being a virgin instead

No. 2378750

Omg I just noticed that. If you look closely, it looks like the colorist fucked up and colored his beard black instead of white. Whoops.

No. 2378752

I'm getting deja vu didnt we literally just have an infight in past threads with the exact same capeshit characters because of an unprompted yaoi image. we really are stuck in samsara kekk

No. 2378754

File: 1738541880335.jpg (214.1 KB, 1179x1052, Tumblr_l_62121104891741.jpg)

We were doing so well coming together and shitting on moids for being retarded about LaDS now we're back to the weekly scheduled yumefujo autism war

No. 2378755

no1curr they are cartoons

No. 2378756

Some people call it sladick, but those people are not to be heard.
Dickstroke is the thinking woman's choice for the ship name.
It's very clearly still there (look at the upper panel), you just can't see it as well because he's kissing her.

No. 2378757

I wasn't, I know your only sexual experience is limited RPing with other virgins on discord

No. 2378758

unfortunately fujos are too brain-rotted to function normally, I hope they can get better(fujo sperging outside of containment)

No. 2378759

right, Im not into yume content but I would play LaDS and shill the men just because it pisses scrotes off while they put their lives on the line defending slop like stellar blade kek. Though I wont because I know women want people who are genuinely into it and I would hate to be a poser in their space.

No. 2378775

File: 1738542429795.png (1.72 MB, 1333x2000, 1738007714818.png)

I would be less bothered about fujo posts if it wasn't just the ultra feminized ukes with an older dominant man and instead had two hot young guys, either way I sincerely hope fujo nonnie's don't get worse(fujo sperging outside of containment)

No. 2378780

Tbh I just can't handle the commitment. Same with Animal Crossing, miss a couple days and the guilt is too much.

No. 2378782

Is this the 5th or 6th time she's posted this image here?

No. 2378783

Why are you doing this bullshit here? There are already two fucking threads dedicated to this nonsense, why do you insist on shitting this one up?

No. 2378792

File: 1738542869216.jpg (351.9 KB, 958x716, enlightened-mind.jpg)

I make amends that yaoi is just a genre and that generalizing all fujos into it being into older dominant man x feminized uke is like generalizing all shounenfags into being powerscaling and generalizing himes into being moeblob lolicons because a majority of the demographic + content happens to be that

No. 2378799

File: 1738542999787.jpg (98.98 KB, 500x707, unless you count nice asses as…)

>if it wasn't just the ultra feminized ukes
Which character are you even talking about? Dick isn't ultra feminized at all kek.

No. 2378800

The true schism is not between himes and fujos, but between honorable shippers and demonic self-inserters. I don't need to imagine falling in love with a fictional character, I fall in love with real humans.

No. 2378802

nona i mean this is the kindest way what the fuck is that image you are not helping your point at all

No. 2378804

nta but it's most of it, the overwhelmingly majority of yaoi does feature more "masculine" males with younger and feminized ukes

No. 2378805

No. 2378807

Answer my question. Why are you sperging about yaoi ITT when you have two other containments to do it in? If you refuse to answer, I'll take it as an admission that you're baiting and don't actually believe anything you say.

No. 2378808

and this is why you all troon out(fujo sperging outside of containment)

No. 2378810

I'm laughing at his butt

No. 2378811

Answer me.

No. 2378812

File: 1738543272812.jpg (105.1 KB, 680x1000, 81y1z9H202L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

You're exaggerating it though, you're acting like most of it is like pic.
Nigga we on anti troon site right now.

No. 2378814

File: 1738543323022.jpg (285.02 KB, 1080x1201, Gorlok the Annihilator needs c…)

Not the case any more old timer.

No. 2378815

>Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.
>2 fujo containment threads and anons are still fighting

No. 2378816

File: 1738543335233.jpg (31.88 KB, 735x708, 66f5c90a4069a0399bb658eea32f4c…)

I really want to answer her answer in good faith but tfw its 99.9% just bait and she wont listen to anything I say because she already has an anti-fujo rhetoric in her head. wallahi i need to go outside and touch grass

No. 2378817

File: 1738543370628.png (2.33 MB, 1409x1138, hentaaaai.png)

It's very iconic.

No. 2378819

there are more than one of us

No. 2378821

Kek, looks like Mr. Cocks played himself by deciding to star in this. In both senses of the word "played."

No. 2378822

Alters don't count

No. 2378824

Nta It's because of ass? Isnt his ass always like that?

No. 2378825

So more than one autist can't understand what "stay in the thread meant for your shit" means.

No. 2378826

File: 1738543511661.png (450.41 KB, 1501x651, 1GW410I.png)

there are the current popular BL's on bato, so judge for yourself

No. 2378827

File: 1738543518461.gif (505.64 KB, 220x220, spits-coffee-laughing.gif)

No. 2378829

I guess so, props for making his ass the focal point like how scrotes draw capeshit women into back breaking positions so they show their ass and tits at the same time.

No. 2378831

Most of these guys have pretty similar body types

No. 2378834

theyre gonna schizo post about the rhetorical female characteristics of the uke and circle it back to the author secretly self inserting in the yaoi ship again

No. 2378837

Vintage yaoi with yaoi hands and tiny uke is unironically better than webtoon art style

No. 2378840

I want to see two of the ukes kissing each other

No. 2378841

Didn’t you know nonna? You’re not allowed to be attracted to shapely man butt anymore, that might as well be a woman. Real mean only have flat pancakes.

No. 2378843

only two with similar bodytypes, the rest feature taller/older men paired with smaller men, though I'll give credit that most don't look like underage children

No. 2378845

I don't think Sketch looks that bad.

No. 2378850

They all look the same to me tbh.

No. 2378851

Are you actually blind? Or is a two inch height difference all it takes for you to consider one of them to be “practically a woman”?

No. 2378855

nta but roses and champagne does not have a two inch height difference

No. 2378856

File: 1738543889416.jpg (53.72 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

Watch any shounen with a black hair protagonist.

No. 2378858

File: 1738543902077.png (1.29 MB, 1080x720, md.png)

>Midnighter mentioned

No. 2378859

File: 1738543954252.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.32 KB, 405x720, hq720_2.jpg)

not implying that its a womanly butt, it just looks uncannily round. like picrel spoilered for 3dpd. i laughed my ass off and he probably absorbed it into the girth of his glutes

No. 2378860

never beating the pedo allegations

No. 2378863

No, I don't want retarded fight scenes and booba fanservice for 85% of the screentime.

No. 2378866

I find it so funny how the uke phenotype they all hand wring over is near identical to the average Japanese man anime phenotype but they’re only accused of being “women” when it’s in yaoi lmao.

No. 2378868

that looks disgusting tbh

No. 2378871

Of what? SAO?

No. 2378877

that's not a diaper

No. 2378880

So I see he's been spending his dad's money on a BBL. Can't fight crime without showing how to do it better than Cardi B.

No. 2378881

File: 1738544176160.jpg (105.56 KB, 736x1006, 1720582064128377.jpg)

I don't wanna shit on them but at this point I think self shippers are literally demonic in the way that they can't behave like the rest of the class and utterly ruin discussions by subtly self inserting or being in denial about it. I only want to hear from pureblooded detached voyeurs from now on

No. 2378882

File: 1738544182660.png (1008.63 KB, 1280x720, the blonde is the seme here tb…)

It's extremely rare for women to actually molest children anyway though, so what does it matter.
Fair point.
Unless they have the shadow bangs+no eyes, every self insert protagonist could pass as an uke.

No. 2378885

File: 1738544196549.png (700.34 KB, 1049x1486, d3FKHUb.png)

can we please change the discussion now?

No. 2378893

Papa seems pretty chill with it.

No. 2378896

File: 1738544376784.jpg (545.13 KB, 1917x1080, Kazuma.jpg)

Right? Down to the personalities, being too shy to hold hands and acting tsundere. If it was bl they'd be "basically women".

No. 2378897

File: 1738544418043.gif (759.04 KB, 220x140, angry-lady.gif)

I want more evil mastermind female villains but not like this. not like this…

No. 2378899

We don’t care about normalfag media we only care about cartoons

No. 2378902

Is this one of those knock off kawoshins?

No. 2378903

no it's not, you porn addicts will always be at odds with us, I'm sorry that you have issues with your body, does but give you the right to devolve further into brain-rot

No. 2378904

KEK. Imagine the Daily Planet breaking the news that Dick Grayson had a BBL. It would be the ultimate scandal.

No. 2378905

Not even into femdom or pegging but I'd peg Kazuma honestly, dude's asking for it.
No it's gay vampires.

No. 2378908

and they're all muscular and masculine lol, the height is the only thing thats really different

No. 2378909

If you cannot fathom interacting with any piece of fiction without sticking your own self into it, the mentally ill one here is you I fear.(infighting)

No. 2378910

File: 1738544568128.webp (38.18 KB, 432x543, racist tranny.png)

I had my fun so I agree. Let me help you. It's funny because this tranny had a billion racist (and misogynistic, surprise!) tweets from not even 6 years ago

No. 2378911

KEK this is true

No. 2378912

File: 1738544587190.jpg (24.4 KB, 305x400, s-l400.jpg)

I will not respond to bait. I will not respond to bait. I will love thy enemies and thy neighbors even if they call me pick me porn brained coomers bisluts

No. 2378913

Fuck them neighbors.

No. 2378914

File: 1738544640541.gif (234.35 KB, 398x382, 1544649_4fe89.gif)

Actually, I have "the right" to do whatever I want on the internet. Murrica, baby.

No. 2378915

Only if they're hot

No. 2378916

This is an incredibly common trope for female villains to be this soft spoken but a "puppeteer"-esque mastermind. I think the original character from the book that the movie was based off of was a lot more malicious and violent which is fun. It's very ironic though, covering up a more interesting female villain with a troon that convinces kids to get irreversible surgeries is funny.

No. 2378918

File: 1738544740987.png (746.08 KB, 1139x1250, 6107b265cf2dd22eda0648ca_1139_…)

There's steroids in their water supply

No. 2378919

we need a fangirl jesus to die for our sins so we'll be free from the moralfaggery that plagues our conscience

>malicious and violent which is fun
agreed, women can be really fucking evil outright and its a shame media doesnt tap on that. though the concept of a tranny that forces kids into irreversible surgeries and making a troon play the character is funny so Ill let it slide for that alone

No. 2378924

What, you don't self-insert as Huckleberry Finn when you read Mark Twain?

No. 2378929

The self-inserters are the ones with body issues, hence the compulsion to turn every character they identify as into autistic fat trannies

No. 2378932

and that's why no fujocoomer has ever trooned out

No. 2378934

File: 1738545070345.png (1.52 MB, 1017x1057, lb_bokura_03.png)

>Eroge that look like BL

No. 2378935

Those are literal females anon.

No. 2378938

File: 1738545158731.png (254.93 KB, 991x870, sCUUMEI.png)

ot but that might be coming to an end; project 25's goals are getting implemented, there's a specific focus on anything 'queer,' i.e., gay, and so the production of any form of porn,erotica and fan fiction might become illegal

No. 2378941

>Eroge that look like yuri

No. 2378944

No. 2378946

File: 1738545262533.jpg (225.56 KB, 1000x770, To-LOVE-Ru-Darkness-2nd-Charac…)

all the more funnier it comes from scroteshit/eroge. seriously why do so many moid media have such effeminate protagonists

No. 2378947

File: 1738545260597.gif (7.19 MB, 640x360, petergliffin.GIF)

>yume vs fujo in the fandom discourse thread instead of their main infighting thread

No. 2378955

They wish to be the cute boy

No. 2378956

File: 1738545364196.jpg (318.65 KB, 1600x2253, Wheel-of-Life.jpg)

>fandom discourse threads

No. 2378958

There's an overlap between fujos and self-inserters retard. Maybe you would have learned about venn diagrams if you weren't home schooled(infighting)

No. 2378959

Nta but the law at issue in that court case is just one that requires more rigorous age verification to access porn sites. No one is getting thrown in jail for drawing cocks, trust.

No. 2378960

saw someone that bragged of doing hp meta that's so controversial and unique and bragging about her analysis being 100% watsonian 0% doylist. unsurprisingly this results in the stupidest takes i've ever seen

No. 2378964

What do you mean?

No. 2378966

It’s okay when men do it anon, women who draw effeminate men are the source of all evil in the world and responsible for world hunger, all wars, poverty, and egg prices as well, didn’t you get the memo?

No. 2378972

File: 1738545723306.png (263.04 KB, 300x408, seriously though he's one of t…)

What about characters like Riki who were drawn by women but in games/anime for men

No. 2378977

give us the stupidest of the takes anon

No. 2378980

hp as in harry potter? regardless if not do share the cringe please

No. 2378983

File: 1738546025272.png (29.85 KB, 744x371, idiot.PNG)

>They just want to enjoy their stuff in peace

No. 2378988

I believe it's because they're supposed to come across to the viewer as weak-willed doormats that get dragged around by girls with stronger personalities, also they're meant to be insecure and whiny so they don't commit to any of the attractive girls throwing themselves at them right away since that would end the story on chapter 2.

No. 2378992

File: 1738546348525.gif (Spoiler Image,3.46 KB, 120x68, violence.gif)

I have no words.

No. 2378996

File: 1738546479459.png (317.82 KB, 596x524, 8U08ioI.png)

>They just want to enjoy their stuff in peace
and then they shill memes like picrel when a woman in media doesnt look like a big titty bimbo blow up doll and cry about the woke ruining women

No. 2379000

>call out any puritans
What puritans?

No. 2379004

This doesn't even make sense, if you pick a FMC in Dark Souls (made by a Japanese developer), you can't even tell that she's female because the armor is so bulky. There's coom in Westernshit and occasional good portrayals of women in Asian stuff, it just depends on the creators.

No. 2379011

>Why do THEY get shamed but 'WE' don't
She is simply not living in the real world, clearly.

No. 2379012

At risk of sounding like a Gamergate schizo I definitely do think Western devs have a trend of "uglyifying" female characters kek

No. 2379014

nta do you really think that we also defend pedo-moids who get off to cross-dressing of children? I think it's clear that the real conflict is between 'pro-shippers' and anti's and I know you don't like that terminology but it's true, it's a personal morality divide

No. 2379015

Western devs uglify everything to be honest

No. 2379017

I don't give a shit if guys are into crossdressing or not won't lie though the protagonist from 100 girlfriends is cute

No. 2379021

I thought about watching it just because I love anime boys with thick eyebrows kek but I'm not sure if I can handle all the retarded waifushit

No. 2379023

any adult man who draws a child crossdressing is most likely a pedophile

No. 2379025

They never complain about male characters being hit with the uglification beam, in fact they actually get mad at hot male characters.

No. 2379026

File: 1738547227801.png (79.57 KB, 796x544, I want it dead.png)

I hate how the second they stopped being able to try and shame women into trooning out they immediately went to 'IT'S A PIPELINE ALL ALONG HAHAHA'
Fuck off dude I'm never cutting my tits off no matter how much you want me to.

No. 2379027

Same. Scenes like this make me want to stay away from it though

No. 2379028

They do, and it feels like it's maliciously done. They can't simply make a normal looking female character that women would like to play as, she has to look ugly so it creates buzz and triggers incels to get women attacked.
That being said, those female characters still manage to look better than the average western male character.

No. 2379029

What annoys me is that the character is literally customizable. It's the ad… they can make it pretty if they wanted to.

No. 2379030

File: 1738547353483.png (871.78 KB, 1080x1108, 1734428990971.png)

It's not that they're ugly, it's that they're hyper-realistic and unstylized. The issue is that western game developers are obsessed with graphic cards to their own detriment

No. 2379032

We need to start playing the misogyny card when they come after female characters I’m so tired, male characters being made into tifs is annoying as fuck but female characters being made into tifs invokes such a primal rage inside of me.

No. 2379033

File: 1738547422259.jpg (36.71 KB, 540x360, 360_F_475028019_k6xgzN95Sh7Gju…)

KEKK is this really what moids watch? Why is her ass hanging out?

No. 2379036

>KEKK is this really what moids watch?
Pretty much kek. At least waifufag moids, gymfag shounenfag moids probably have zero interest in this type of thing.

No. 2379037

and these tards will chimp out on regular women enjoying their interests because they didnt fall for the gender cult so they moralfag them about being "gross fetishizers" despite being a turbo fetishizer at the end of the day who became so addicted to porn they trooned out and made it their entire identity.

incredibly retarded those 100 girlfriends shouldve been torturing him and beating him with sticks for entertainment instead

No. 2379041

>those 100 girlfriends shouldve been torturing him and beating him with sticks for entertainment
I mean they probably already have or will have a sadist girlfriend.

Goddamn though can you imagine the deep controversy and rage this would cause it was a girl with 100 boyfriends instead.

No. 2379042

File: 1738547693468.jpeg (1.17 MB, 2741x2165, IMG_5525.jpeg)

Rentarou is pure sexo

No. 2379044

File: 1738547748001.png (2.35 MB, 1000x1413, 100_Girlfriends_Season_2_Cover…)

There's 100 girlfriends, iirc each one is just a gimmick and she's the fanservice one.

No. 2379045

Stop it nonna you're genuinely making me want to watch this show for him

No. 2379048

You gonna join his harem too?

No. 2379049

>torturing him and beating him with sticks for entertainment instead
You're a fucking genius nona I want to see this asap

No. 2379050

what's the context

No. 2379052

Are we his girlfriends now kek

No. 2379053

Kekkkkk. Please unironically tweet this or post it on r/KotakuInAction, we need to Equalize Things after all.

No. 2379054

File: 1738547873782.gif (998.03 KB, 400x225, 67f5222b4f47db7909dd2119446c6c…)

its a harem anime so its probably going to be some retarded slapstick tsundere who beats up the protagonist for being a HENTAI!!!

No. 2379056

Farmer gfs

No. 2379060

File: 1738548116102.jpeg (429.86 KB, 1260x1119, IMG_5529.jpeg)

Same scene in the manga. The illustrator is a woman, which is why he's so sexy. He got wet during a water gun fight.

No. 2379062

File: 1738548164825.jpeg (Spoiler Image,789.75 KB, 828x3907, IMG_7530.jpeg)

there are a billion unfathomably retarded meta posts and long ass podcast episodes so here is one of my faves: on why tom riddle didn't kill his father just bc he's not literally shown on page doing so. this is despite two separate witnesses seeing him and riddle saying he did it.
none if that matters bc retardo thinks tom (a literal wizard and a ruthless killer) can't have done it bc he wouldn't have wanted to miss his train.
of course, the most surface level doylist analysis coudl have told you this is wrong because jkr clearly intends for the reader to infer that he did it, and because it's consistent with his character and motivation. but you know, trains.

No. 2379067

File: 1738548210727.webp (351.11 KB, 1123x1600, IMG_5530.webp)

Rentarou is chaste and waiting until marriage

No. 2379068

things like this are why i think that western cartoons are superior to anime, i'd prefer 3 more seasons of superjail over this shit any day

No. 2379069

File: 1738548447985.png (60.74 KB, 293x462, latest.png)

I don't know nonna, outside of capeshit there's like zero attractive guys in cartoons.
Bitches always look like the guy from Johnny Test when they try and make them attractive meanwhile in anime even a self insert harem protagonist is extremely attractive.

No. 2379076

>at the slightest arousal I will be dismembered by the wall-to-wall knives inside
i admit i laughed, reminds me a lot of dokuro chan

No. 2379078

It's mostly due to the art style, and gil was portrayed as a chivalrous pervert or even a character; he was just a generic idea of an attractive teenage surfer dude

No. 2379080

That's what I mean though, the art style is almost always unsexy as fuck with few exceptions (like castlevania)

No. 2379081

i don't really care that much about the attractiveness of cartoon characters and if no more husbandos meant that moids would never animate another scene as retarded as that 100 girlfriends one then i'd be okay with it. there are a few cute boys in western cartoons that i enjoy anyway.

No. 2379083

File: 1738548952270.jpeg (83.67 KB, 736x799, ELn8gre.jpeg)

Jeremy from Phineas and Ferb was also similar, just a dumb teenage boy portrayed normally

No. 2379084

Amazing kek, completely pulled that theory (and train) out of her ass. Is she a Tom/Voldemort fan/apologist or something? Can't see why you'd do such mental gymnastics otherwise, since all this would achieve if true is make him slightly more 'innocent' and his dad murdered by a rando for no reason relevant to anything at all lol

No. 2379086

>this is a watsonian blog not a doyalist blog
indicators the most insufferable faggot has just made an analysis post and you should tune out. I loathe retards who try to make childrens media deeper than they are, they unironically make the blue curtains point relative holy fucking shit it isnt that deep and I hate how its spun into a gotcha point instead of a what-if scenario

No. 2379088

File: 1738549170719.jpg (455.39 KB, 1297x1207, tumblr_9733f52953f5837e66c5c4a…)

She unironically looked way happier as a fujo even in this TIF art

No. 2379090

Is that the turning point where she realizes she fell for the pipeline and will 41% after she realizes she'll never become a cute yaoi bishie boy and has doomed her health for the rest of her dwindling life

No. 2379092

>the Illustrator is a woman

Fucking bleak.

No. 2379097

japanese women are mostly pick-me's with rare exceptions

No. 2379102

The current state of women in japan is bleak as a whole

No. 2379109

File: 1738550219949.jpg (12.13 KB, 310x233, jt9vsr4mr2wy.jpg)

>outside of capeshit there's like zero attractive guys in cartoons
True, though I remember a lot of scenes in Samurai Jack where he ends up half naked

No. 2379112

holy based

No. 2379113

File: 1738550420948.jpeg (370.82 KB, 828x2048, IMG_7537.jpeg)

she writes a lot about tom but with such enormous misunderstanding of his character that i hesitate to call her a fan.
For examples she insist he was suicidal and wnated the horcruxes to be found, and his final death was suicide - completely missing the fact that his horcrux protections fail because of his own hubris, and because the heroes need a way to defeat him.
i mean if you take away tom's all-consuming fear of death, hos hubris and his abandonment issues you're taking away about 95% of his personality.
tbh i'm pretty sure she's just trying to farm controversy by going completely against usual character interpretations.
right, and usually even their watsnonian analysis barely qualifies as such. like the voldy post would be easy ti disprove evn in purely watsnonian terms (eg he doesn't have to take the train).
usually it's just an excuse to present their ctackpot theories as fact, or to pretend their headcanons about their faves are totes balid even though they author didn't see them that way.
also they can't understand anything the text doesn't state outright but they call it analysis lol

No. 2379114

jack is an exception

No. 2379128

is she one of those insane tomarry shippers?

No. 2379129

None of you were watching Inuyasha?

No. 2379131

They're talking only western cartoons, nonna.

No. 2379134

Inuyasha is anime

No. 2379138

Excuse me for being illiterate.

No. 2379145

she wrote some fic for it but she mostly writes him with some rando (alphard black) who got one mention and no lines in canon, so it's an OC with the numbers filed off.
i hate tomarry, most if the time it's ooc time travel/au garbage. i've seen one (1) fic do it while keeping them somewhat in character and it was still uninteresting (i just dgaf about harry as a character).
I guess it fits with the current fandom trends of just throwing canon out the window but still, I don't understand while it's got such a chokehold on the fandom.
hate hate hate how it took over most of voldy content. it's virtually impossible to find new fic/art about him without that stupid pairing attached

No. 2379146

Maybe its because most cartoons are geared to children? Even shonen anime seem more all-audiences with the blatant fanservice

No. 2379150

>Even shonen anime seem more all-audiences with the blatant fanservice

No. 2379151

No. 2379153

I think they meant even blatant fanservice series will have more appealing art styles then western cartoons

No. 2379154

File: 1738551989192.png (220.69 KB, 735x503, x4zy7tJ.png)


No. 2379155

based but youre going to attract polilez schizos who see women-only character media as the pinnacle of media consumption with that post kek

No. 2379162

People post shit like this for clout then go back to reblogging William Afton Bill Cipher Bluey yaoi on Tumblr

No. 2379164

The fan service and violence (at least in comparison to most kids cartoons) makes anime more appealing to moid adult fans. It's why Dragon Ball and Wan Piss is still so popular with adult moids

No. 2379167

Adult moid demographic ≠ all-audiences

No. 2379189

File: 1738553840817.jpg (175.28 KB, 1080x1728, Givioh3aYAAX6tA.jpg)

Moids are so dramatic.

No. 2379192

I would hope that this is rage bait but moid otakus are genuinely retarded and actually type and think this way.

No. 2379204

she's a male kpop stan btw

No. 2379213

This just tells me how bad reproductive education is. Periods are some of the least sexual periods of a woman's life, don't get the attitude that women are depraved sluts for a feature that consoles them for that time of the week

No. 2379220

oh I know her type– I have to deal with a couple similar 'fans' for some of my favourite characters kek who treat them more like a weird generic woobification vehicle and projector screen than anything else, ignoring 95% of the character in favour of the scant aspects that do appeal to them and their delusional headcanons masquerading as fact and meta/theory. Is she more fixated on the idea of Tom Riddle the dark academia moodboard student, or Voldemort in general? I'm guessing the former since she keeps referring to him as 'Tom Riddle' while talking about parts of the story where he's very much Voldemort (an identity he crafted, rather than one imposed upon him even). So much is being assumed here of the character's internal thoughts and goals, which is fine and all, part of the fun of fandom nonsense of course, but you can't present it or your empathetic shower thoughts about a character's situation as 100% canon and true lmao.

>pretty sure she's just trying to farm controversy by going completely against usual character interpretations

It's possible, but also wouldn't surprise me if she's completely genuine about it– haven't really looked at HP stuff since I was a teen, but even back then the fandom attitude supported reaches and 'reinterpretations' like this so who knows

>can't understand anything the text doesn't state outright but they call it analysis lol

People who can't comprehend inference, figurative language/symbolism, or the concept that not every minute detail needs to be included in a piece of fiction are always such pains in fandom spaces, but at least they sometimes provide entertaining schizo posts kek

No. 2379223

I find it bizarre that they're so fixated on the period tracker and not the spicy scenes the game just had for the anniversary.

No. 2379226

I’ve seen men unironically compare a period tracker to a jerkoff tracker as the supposed male equivalent. They genuinely think it’s sexual.

No. 2379231

File: 1738556062720.png (5.22 KB, 573x81, legaldemand.PNG)

kek, what?

No. 2379245

This is the first time I have ever seen this message on Twitter before what the fuck.

No. 2379246

I saw this and was perplexed. Did Infold do something like they did with that Chinese rapper??

No. 2379261

No. 2379264

>raised in a religious way and had expectations of being a "good girl"
This is the case for an astounding number (but not all obviously) of TiFs. I personally know several for whom this is the case. Most of the TiFs I know are oldest sisters as well.

No. 2379265

>pfp and handle
On principle I disregard the opinions of all kpoopies

No. 2379267

Is he implying that tracking your period is as bad as jerking off to little girls

No. 2379278

File: 1738560966393.jpeg (540.23 KB, 828x1530, IMG_7556.jpeg)

>So much is being assumed here of the character's internal thoughts and goals, which is fine and all, part of the fun of fandom nonsense of course, but you can't present it or your empathetic shower thoughts about a character's situation as 100% canon and true lmao.
yup exactly. making up your own bullshit about your blorbo is one thing (i know the mcgonagall that lives in my head has very little to do with what jkr intended for her ) but it's ridiculous to change everything about a character's traits and motivations and then pretend it's serious character analysis supported by canon.
>why tom and not voldemort?
she made up a shitload of convoluted bullshit about why voldemort is just one of tom's personae. or something. picrel is inly a small sample of her harry potter posts
also the "watsonian analysis" is to simply declare whatever elents of canon contradict her theories to be fake. i. e. the pensieve memories are doctored, the version of tom in the diary is lying etc.
not doing doylist analysis means the retard completely misses the point that the pensieve and diary are simply framing devices so that jk could write extended flashbacks.
she's so wrong and so self-righteous about it beung cutting-edge literary analysis, it's actually entertaining

No. 2379357

Fascinating, gonna trawl through this later and annoy my HP fan friend with them, just the titles alone are retarded reaches– I also saw that she has similar posts for Twilight ('The Twilight Hybrids are Twilight’s Answer to Xenomorphs' kek what). Thank you anon for sharing, we need more of this kinda fandom nonsense and less infighting or convos better off had in other threads lol

No. 2379360

It's par for the course for selfshippers. See their husbando defiled by a gay ship, start sperging about how fujos are rape-addicted pedotroons who want to get their husbando (who's totally minor coded btw!!! except in selfship scenarios) pozzed by gonorrheAIDS. Happens like clockwork.

To be for real the "himes" trying to force the fujos vs himes war are literally obsessed selfshippers who just ship f/f instead of m/f. That's why they take it so personally that their coomwaifuship has only 3000 fics on AO3 while the popular FOTM m/m ship has 3002.

No. 2379363

This, I would maybe buy into that "western devs uglify female characters on purpose" tinfoil if it wasn't for the fact that the male characters are ugly as fuck too, literally no attractive characters present in western games regardless of gender. They just lack the sense for aesthetics in general.

No. 2379368

File: 1738571263802.png (47.23 KB, 235x211, yaoi.png)

what the fuck is THAT

get this nona a true

No. 2379378

File: 1738573570696.jpg (655.38 KB, 1080x1885, 1000007479.jpg)

Meanwhile trannies… it's funny how virtual boys tracking your cycle makes them mald.

No. 2379379


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No. 2379404

Why the fuck is Niche Gamer even covering this? Who's next? IGN? Giant Bomb?

They act as if it's a "babe, get ready to plug in your vibrator—it's time to get freak-aayyyyy for me, you 3D husbando".

Never even played the game but this is ridiculous.

No. 2379470

No. 2379609

>tracking your own menstrual cycle makes you a whore
I'm gonna need women to stop dating 3D men all together now.

No. 2379614

>Reeee how dare you imply my genocidal blood supremacist husbando would ever commit patricide!!

No. 2379616

Scrotes genuinely believe that periods are a sexual awakening. They really are just that fucking lobotomised.

No. 2380920

Nonnie may have been referring to the ida of adult fans of kid media making degenerate fan art

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