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No. 239880
Last thread
>>227924Express your woes and worries below:
No. 239890
>>239884That sounds super frustrating anon, you must be feeling very lost.
I never sold anything online, but about the following, I've seen some people getting a kickstart in exposure by posting their craft at a subreddit, if you do fandom or niche stuff.
You could also look up on facebook marketing, you can show ads to a very specific public that would be interested in what you have and the first tests would only cost you like 10 bucks.
Good luck, it's awesome you are trying to get your art out there.
No. 239891
>>239890thanks anon, i know i was being kind of vague, but like idk this whole, advertising thing is hard, like my stuff sold like hotcakes at the con and it was a real motivator, but selling online is just so different. not to mention the market for what i make is saturated with hastily made crap.
i've considered just renting a mall kiosk off season, since most of it is jewelry/accessories. but idk…i just don't know where to start.
No. 239898
>>239891It's ok, I also wouldn't expose myself much, specially about business, here.
There are some guides online, but tbh it seems like you would benefit a lot more from talking with someone irl about figuring out your plans, be it online or at a kiosk, and maybe clearing out your fears on the matter.
Do you know of any craftsman or small business guilds or organizations near you?
No. 240074
>>239884I run a side business online where I buy stuff from wholesale suppliers and resell them in small quantities online. If I can do it then you can do it even better. Especially when you produce your own merchandise and there can be nobody else to copy your product or compete with you.
When I started I used the ebay equivalent of our country but eventually I stopped because the fees would eat up 30% of my profit margin. So instead I signed up on national portals where you can post ads for free. Then I set up my ads and wait for people who are interested. I prepare pre-written emails so I can copy paste most of the things I need to write them.
I think you should put your stuff on a similar site. When the ads are free you can just leave them online and they will not bother you even if nobody is buying. On ebay you have listing fees that can be quite high (or at least back in the day they had them).
Good luck!
No. 240079
>>240077Yeah, I just looked at him like he was crazy and continued helping the other people in my group. It's just super annoying. I did worse than him on the test today and he was super happy about that too.
It doesn't help that (I mentioned this in the last vent thread) one of the other guys in my class is creeping on me. My class is small and there's only 4 guys so literally half the guys in my class are driving me nuts. I gotta deal with the stupid comments from one and the stares and being followed by the other. I can't wait until this semester is over.
No. 240127
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I'm working at an ICU unit in a hospital in a very large city. It's influenza season, so a lot of beds are full in the other wards, so we occasionally get less critical patients as well. And this one guy (girl? who knows, s/he's AFAB according to the data) drives me fucking insane because he's been on the ward since three days, is basically healthy and good to go but keeps clogging up a single room b/c his parents are rich. His complaint?
> muh anemia
> muh vitamin B12 deficiencies
And it's clear to every fucking doctor and nurse on the ward he's not that deficient. His levels are fine, he doesn't have spasms or drastically abnormal bloodwork. He's a tiny bit anaemic, but even his B12 levels are a little low, but FINE. But no, it's muh chronic anemia, while he's happily telephoning and smoking and walking around the ward, making a fucking nuisance out of himself. Meanwhile I've seen chronic B12 deficiencies and it's highly myolytic and neurotoxic. Those people are suffering and this munchie/spoonie is doing all that for the lulz. He's fine and every other doctor says it's probably something psychosomatic, but noooooo he has to stay in the fucking ICU ward and disturb some of our VERY VERY VERY SICK PATIENTS, some of which are critically immunosuppressed and don't need him traipsing all over the corridors and spreading his germs. And to top it all off, he constantly rings for the poor nurses to bring him shit because that ICU status apparently means he's too weak to get himself a coffee. The hospital's understaffed, FFS.
I just have zero tolerance for those kinds of people and it pisses me off. If those people were really sick, they wouldn't make such a production out of it.
No. 240156
>>240154Wtf is wrong with them? That's so rude and selfish, in a shared house. You should do some strategic, planned attack. Set up shop in the living room, spread your books and laptop and some clothes around you, put your stuff on the coffee table, put the tv on and SET THE FUCK UP in there for 6+ hours a day. If they start carrying on just turn the tv up, start doing hopscotch in the middle of the floor, start dancing and singing to your favorite music. Set up an easel in there and start painting. Fuck them.
They can fuck off and use their bedroom. You're
sharing the house and they're acting like rude lunatics. Beat them at their own game.
Eventually they'll get the message that they're not gonna get this shared space to use for sex while you're hiding out in your room and LITERALLY starving.
Btw another tip you can do right away is buy some food that doesn't go off, and keep that in your room along with some plates, cutlery, a kettle. You can make some food and drink in your room instead of having to work around those fucks.
No. 240163
>>240154Anon, why are you letting yourself be the one inconfortable with this situation. Your health is way too important.
Turn the tables on the horny bitch. Make a point of getting food exactly when they are having sex.
Make them unconfortable by cooking fucking macarroni and cheese while they are trying to hook up.
Ask them to move to get some kitchen utensils or something at the fridge.
Ask them while they are kissing to take a look at some half rotten fruit and ask "do you think it's still good to eat?"
Heck, even call your friends and boyfriend to hang out at the same place where the whores have sex, pick a time that will bother them enough that they have to go to the room.
Don't be a victim, and stop this stupid anachan ideation.
No. 240174
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I wish I had a girlfriend, really I wish I had female friends. I'm a very lonely Lesbian girl, I thought I was Bisexual for the longest time. Realized I am not into men sexually or romantically, my dumb ex would " teach " me into finding his anatomy pleasurable to look at. Well I came to terms that I'm not actually into him, I was simply lonely. Now it's been a while since we've broken up,I don't miss him, but I do miss having someone care for me. Didn't want to ever date a guy, but now I feel like a fake lesbian. I see how other wlw treat girls who've been with a man before. I feel dirty, despite never having a sex life with him. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but the idea of rejection because of that makes me very depressed.
No. 240178
>>240174Plenty of lesbians have had sex with men, either because they had to as they were pressured societally, or because they were figuring shit out. And you’re saying you didn’t even do that much, so it’s really not a big deal.
Don’t sweat it, anon. You gotta learn that judgmental bitches who wouldn’t give you a chance because of that aren’t worth your time anyway.
Its like the weird virgin fetish in straight circles. Not everyone buys into it. And most mature adults understand and even expect the opposite. Lesbians aren’t a homogenous group, they’re individuals. Think of it, you’re a lesbian. Would you discount someone romantically because they’d been with a man? Hopefully not lol. Ignore the toxic culture and focus on individual connections. Or just sort your head out with what you’re attracted to before jumping in the lesbo pool, there’s nothing wrong with taking your time.
And enjoy exploring your sexuality. You’re finally free! Good luck :)
No. 240187
>>239880I'm freaking out with anxiety right now.
I fucked up my "calming" diet today, ate a bunch of things that I know make me anxious because I was too lazy to buy the food I needed.
Have a freaking job interview that I actually want in 10h from now, need to sleep, can't stop pacing and eating.
Tryed talking with my dad about the interview and was utterly ignored, he never cares about my work in general and still complains about money, fucking asshole wants to me to live with him until he dies while complaining non stop about what a pain in his poor old ass I am.
Tried to talk about my anxiety, in hopes to diminish it, but was shut down with "But you are ALWAYS feeling like that"
Tried to call my mom, but apparently talking, sexting, with her scammer Indian boyfriend 20 years younger than her is way more important than my anxiety atack and I was told to wait half an hour.
>tfw no friends or other family members to talk with>tfw my worries and feeligns are systematically shut down my whole life and yet I keep hoping someday they will care about what I feel and tell me shit like "everything will be ok" and hug me, but that's expecting too much I'm so alone and fat from the stress eating this last month.
I just want someone to hold me and make me feel safe and loved ;_;
No. 240191
>>240174>wlwEwwwwwwww if you want lesbians to like you, using that term unironically is a leap in the wrong direction. It's the biggest red flag of a bihet outside of "transwomen are women uwu."
Anyways most lesbians aren't goldstars, let alone goldstars who only date other goldstars. It's really easy to find another one that isn't or one that doesn't give a fuck. Maybe you should spend a little less time on tumblr, hun.
No. 240195
>>240174oh anon, don't be so hard on yourself. start hanging out in gay bars, meet new people. if you're too anxious for that, online dating is a good way to meet new faces. you probably won't meet the right girl on the first try, but making lesbian/bi friends in your area can help you. the dating pool for lesbians isn't all that big, so making friends makes it easier.
it is true that a lot of us lesbians don't date bisexual women. but that doesn't mean all lesbians want girls who've never made eye contact with men before. a lot of them will be cool if you've had ex boyfriends or ex girlfriends or if you considered yourself bisexual for a long time. what matter is now and if you have moved on from that or not. it sounds like you're still hurting from your last relationship so i wouldn't advice dating just now. but making new queer friends can help you a lot. and when you're ready to start dating, you'll know tbh. also keep in mind that tons of gay people don't start dating till they get older. eg while all my straight friends started dating once they were like 13, i didn't get with a woman till i was like 19. and my gf started dating when she was like 14, but didn't get in a gay relationship till she was 20. its super fucking common, i promise. especially in small towns, gay people start dating a lil later and its fine.
focus on yourself, getting over him and making new qt friends. its gonna be worth it. hell, maybe join a sport/facebook group for a hobby in your area/gym/just start going out more and start meeting other people. give it the time you need, anon. but don't get too caught up on your head and on how lonely you are, its bad for you ;-; my gf was pretty much in the same spot as you are right now btw. so that's why i'm giving you this big ass lecture. i believe in you, anon!
also the cake looks delicious
No. 240196
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>>240195>>240180>>240178Thank you for the comforting advice kind anons, I am very inexperienced as you could probably tell.
>>240191Sorry I didn't know.
No. 240203
>tfw using "bihet" unironicallyCalm down there, angry anon.
>>240196I second everything that's been said above. You can do it! We're rooting for you and you WILL succeed, inexperienced-chan!
No. 240256
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I think I have an ear infection. It hurts so bad, I can barely sleep.
It's really scary for me every time I get one as an adult because my ears are permanently fucked up from having really severe ones regularly as a kid. Now whenever I get one, I worry that it's adding more damage even though they're not nearly as extreme as the ones I had back then.
No. 240288
>>240187I'm sorry you have such shitty parents. try to slowly fade them out of your life, it will make room for people who care for you.
how was your job interview?
No. 240295
> Having sex in the kitchen/living room
> Shared houseThis is so fucking gross I nearly gagged. You can't live like that, it's so unhygenic and disgusting. His dried mouldy spunk could literally be on your kitchen counters.
Could you talk to your landlord? Say she's behaving erractically and hostilely towards you? If she doesn't stop after that then I'd even go to your local police station and ask for advice. If she's doing that on purpose then I'd count that as harrassment.
No. 240307
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The crazy vegan in my class is now feeding her dog vegan food from a shop that has recipes on their website on how to make vegan cat food out of….only flour and a wee bit of supplements. Or beans and soy sauce. Sure sounds like a good brand and her dog will definitely not get malnourished.
Like why even get a carnivorous pet, get a bunny or a hamster.
No. 240336
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Why is it, that every time. Without fail. Whenever someone needs a favor, I willingly help at their beck and call. But suddenly when the one rare time I need help, crickets. No answer. Ignored.
I fucking hate it. This happens to me all the time. I made friends with a girl in college last semester. We’re the same class this semester but we’re not the same schedule. So we have to call or text more now instead of seeing each other in person like last semester when our schedule was the same.
We split the cost of the book rental and shared it. I went out of my way to scan the entire book just in case we might need it again and we won’t have to pay for it again. Well lo and behold. We did actually need it again for this new class. So she calls me all the time whenever she has an issue with her computer (she’s not tech savvy) , or needs me to print out an entire chapter of the scanned book on paper. I of course don’t mind. But it got to a point where she would insist she needs it last minute. And there would be days where I literally just got home from work and didn’t even have time to change or eat. So she INSISTS to come over and I try to politely ask if it could be tomorrow because I just got home and I have nothing to do tomorrow. So then I’d feel bad and say okay just come. She ended up showing late which pissed me off even more. I thought to not bother to cook because then then she’d show up in the middle of me eating and then my food would get cold. She didn’t even let me know wtf was going on and why she was late. So I had to call her and ask. Turns out she decided to stop at the pharmacy before coming here ???????? And apparently they ran out of her prescription so she was waiting. I got fed up and just grabbed a snack , changed out of my clothes and waited.
When she finally gets here, I have her packet ready and she asks for help on her computer. She says she can’t get into her school email and she forgot her password. Had to show her how to reset it and all this other stuff. ( this has happened multiple times)
She makes promises she doesn’t keep. I appreciate her gratitude to an extent but she always says stuff like “oh hey anon! Can you help me print something? I’ll take you home from work if you need!” (I don’t have a car). And of course she never did. I didn’t bother to bring it up. I had someone picking me up anyway.
Now I can’t get ahold of her. I only wanted to ask her a question regarding the exam. The professor said it would be emailed to us as a take home exam over Easter break. I never received anything. I wanted to ask her if she got it. That’s literally it. That’s the only time I’ve ever asked for something from her. And suddenly my texts are ignored. My calls go to voicemail. She’s online her Facebook but ignores my messages / doesn’t open them.
There’s other instances but my blood is boiling and I just feel so sad and upset that this happens to me. It’s not the first time with other people. I literally want to cry. I feel like such a baby, i hate it.
No. 240388
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im really down that some guy i like found a gf. by the way i have a bf already.
i've liked this guy for awhile way before i met my bf but i guess we were to dumb to figure that out until it was too late.
i love my bf very much and i would never cheat on him. i dont think harboring feelings from unrequited love is even cheating.
it's just lame that we both liked each other and we never got to see what could have been
No. 240403
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>bf starts crossfit in January again
>gains A LOT of muscle mass and it's really visible
>been going to the gym for 3 years now
>still basically a stick
I just want to be a buff gf :(
I can't eat a lot of food or afford it.
Recently I found out that (normal) pasta makes my face break out so I kind of avoid it, but it's super cheap and has high cals. Jesus I can't wait to start a job again and somehow make myself eat more. If I didn't have this shit ass depression/stress issue I would've reached my goals years ago.
God fucking dammit.
No. 240421
>>240409How close is the nearest town anon?
Is there a way to check? Maye if you find some kind of shelter there after telling people why you are running an get some help to become indepent you can take legal actions to protect the kids.
No. 240428
>>240415SoCal. Between the 9 "founder" siblings, one died as a baby, two physically cant have kids, so 6 of them had 50 kids over 25 years. they have as many as possible starting at age 17 (abortions and condoms are never an option). I'm worried about all of them because they dont have any chance to enter society or have a normal life or enjoy the world outside of the internet.
I don't want them to end up like me and the rest of the first batch of kids, in our 20s and mostly still stuck here (only 3 have gotten out and they were all excommunicated, I havent seen them in years). my childhood was one of the worst cases as my mother is vicious and abused me in every way, but my dad (who would break my bones) was excommunicated after cheating 5 years ago. I'm most worried about my younger sisters who live about 50 miles away, and plan to take them once I get out but I feel like by the time I can it's going to be too late.
>>240421my town is a 3 miles walk away on a really busy highway. the closest shelters are in LA 30 miles away, but they're notorious for being horribly crowded and dangerous. the law didn't give a shit about me. the CPS respondent laughed on the phone while I was crying and begging for help, the cops were mad I wasted their time, the social worker came in my room, saw me starving with no furniture or electronics and limping on one broken leg that I tied up with socks, and told me to deal with it. Trying to get legal help is useless AND I will never see any of them again after getting excommunicated.
No. 240429
>>24041990-110g at 50kg
It wouldn't be an issue at all if I could actually eat. I have a normal appetite when not too stressed or deprrssed, but the smallest shit throws me off and I just can't eat without feeling like I'll throw up
No. 240431
>>240428It's awful that no one, that should have legally helped you, did a thing.
I was thinking more on the terms of nonprofits, those might be more reliable, heck even a church if you can find one with a trust worthy community. But I can understand if you want to avoid religious organizations considering your situation.
Do people couch surf near there? It might be a way to at least get some contacts on the outside, even future allies.
Best of luck anon, you are a survivor.
No. 240489
>>240297It’s bad atm b cause my SIL I’m pregnant with the first grandchild of the family and I’m pretty close with her and my MIL. We’re all crafty and making itty bitty booties and blankets and I’m a hormonal wreck.
She’s not even happy about it and I keep getting weird because it’s like no no you should spend this time learning about Piaget and nappy changing and basic baby stuff. I’m qualified as a daycare teacher and social worker and acted in the role of my nieces dad because he was a junkie shit, so forgive the humblebrag but I’m great at babies. Ive been with them for 12 years. I resent her for not giving a shit about how to burp a gassy baby or how to offer options to toddlers that don’t become a tantrum. I feel like you should want to know that stuff if you’re having a baby.
No. 240510
i hate my life and i think about killing myself everyday. i know people have it worse and endure much greater hardships, but i just am so malcontent with everything about my life.
i live with my unemployed and depressed boyfriend who does nothing but play video games and sleep all day. i lost most of my friends to live with him and moved thousands of miles away from my family. i’ve gained 80 lbs since starting my relationship with him. it’s my fault but i won’t lie and say his constant rejections of my sexual advances (since four months into our relationship(!)) hasn’t played a part. i just quit my miserable retail job that i only took so i could pay the rent for the both of us. i haven’t been able to get a job relevant to my degree (in a STEM field to boot) because of its weird niche applicability. sometimes i think i love him, and that’s why i stay but… this isn’t the life i want. however, everything will be for naught if i leave him, so i’ll stay like the idiot i am and remain miserable. i keep feeling like the only way out of this stupid position i’ve gotten myself in is to just die. i know i sound like a dramatic teenager, but it is what it is.
i relapsed for the first time in 10+ years and had a self harming episode several months ago. this was after i did some snooping and realized he kept checking up on hot girls’ facebook photos and IGs from his home town. i haven’t self harmed since then, but i keep having intrusive thoughts. i don’t really think about how he looked at their photos anymore, but there is a strange compulsion in the back of the mind to just pick up a kitchen knife and slit my wrists ever since then.
i don’t know why i don’t just have the balls to pick up and leave. i’ve technically done it once before, and we went back to being a long distance relationship for a few months. i ended up coming back, “closing the distance,” just to be in this situation. i do care about him and don’t want to hurt him, so i’ll probably end up just continuing to hurt myself like a fool.
No. 240517
>>240510Oh anon. Have you tried talking to him? I know it might sound like condescending advice, but my SO was miserable to the point of suicidal two years ago because I was a shit girlfriend for pretty much the same reasons your boyfriend is. He had a very serious meltdown where he made it clear how my shittiness was destroying him, so I got myself mostly together and now he's super happy and we ended up getting married. Sometimes the person just needs a wake up call to how much they're fucking you up.
And if that wake up call doesn't happen… stop wasting your time and drop him before it's too late.
No. 240561
>>240514Read about complex ptsd anon. Trauma takes time.
Also, fuck that asshole.
No. 240564
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because girls who think you are a nuisance are all lonely whales kek
No. 240569
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tfw the only way you can get female attention is by provoking girls on imageboards kek. You must think this website is full of lonely cuties begging to suck on your micro penis
No. 240577
>>240569For fuck sake, stop feeding the narc.
Report and sage.
No. 240580
>3.5d Male posters: Do not announce your gender or post in a "male here" way. Don't post simply to point out if you're attracted to the subject or not. Nobody cares about your preferences. saged
No. 240656
>>240428I can't believe you had to go through that. Utterly disgusting that a social worker and others treated you like that when you were desperate. I'm on the other coast but I do know some people in SoCal…
I assume you're worried about your sisters because they're with your father?
No. 240739
>>240731>>240735This is a girl oriented imageboard, one of the kind on the internet and if you read through the man hating thread OP it says it's there for venting about negative experiences with men, it doesn't necessarily mean that everyone hates ALL MEN!!1 I personally had a few struggles at my workplace which is a male dominated field so it's nice to have a dedicated thread to see how I'm not really alone in this. I don't even post there regularly but one would think women should have a place on the internet to vent without men and their handmaidens playing the martyr Olympics.
Out of all things on lolcow, that thread is the least problem that's going on so just minimize it. It certainly doesn't diminish any purported comfiness that you're implying.
What pisses me off to no ends is now there are a bunch of farmers ruining threads by posting in them while being against whatever the idea of the thread was. For example, the losers thread has a bunch of anons with holier than thou attitude and asinine advice like "just use makeup lol". Okay, then don't post at all?
Also, the robot menace can be cured by simply NOT replying to them and banning them on sight.
No. 240765
I went through that exact same spiel not a month ago. I didn't even meet him on 4chan, I met him through a mutual Discord that he is now trying to bully me into leaving. I missed my period for 3 months and lost 5kg due to stress, he called me all sorts of names 'jokingly', would act really shady with his phone and electronics in general, call me his "friend" online, actually said these exact words to me when I had a pregnancy scare and needed to be comforted: "I need to be there to make sure it gets done, but I can't stay to take care of you cause I'm busy (he's a NEET, definitely not busy) and have to go home". Yesterday I saw him post pictures of his dick in 2 separate threads and found him soliciting girls on /soc/ for nudes. Throughout the relationship I've caught him flirting with Asian streamers on Twitch, chatting with some random Korean teenager who was "just a friend" on Snapchat. Whenever I confronted him he called me paranoid, asked if I was PMSing, whenever I told him to treat me better he'd give me the silent treatment, block me and make me apologise and grovel, then "think about it" and leave me hanging. After he broke up he told me how the things I said to him "were very hurtful" (I never said anything that wasn't true) and told me that I'm an adult and I 'chose to be in that relationship so I shouldn't be playing the victim'.
He was an insecure piece of shit through and through, to a point where most of his reddit comments are in the negative as he just can't not be a contrarian asshole for one second.
Anon. Please, please, please drop him. He will continue doing that shit to you because he obviously doesn't have an ounce of remorse in him. He is only ever sorry that he got caught. You keep coming back and he continues to treat you like crap, he can get his rocks off and inflate his ego while also having a steady source of poon so why should he change when he's got it going for him?
Be careful when you date guys on the internet, especially those in 'outcast' communities. At the very least, go on a normie-only diet for a while, talk to some friends, I'd even go so far as to block him and cut off contact without an excuse because he frankly doesn't deserve one. If you want you can drop your discord or a throwaway and we can talk, I'd genuinely like to hear about your experiences.
Sorry for the weird ponctuation btw, I'm ESL and guys like this really butter my baguette.
No. 240782
>>240731i feel that way too.
>>240739anon i think you misread what anon said, she was saying that anons are more freely talking man-hate in other threads too. like in the anti-kpop thread someone keeps trying to focus the thread on hating men and it's getting fucking annoying. i come here to get away from men i don't want to hear about how much people hate them in every thread.
No. 240825
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Fuck off you stinky ex. Finding my Tumblr, liking one of my selfies I posted on there, and then having the audacity to follow me on there as a sick April Fool's joke sickens me. I have you blocked on everywhere for a reason- sure, you have a flourishing stupid Facebook shitposting page and a lot of people are your "fans", but they'll never experience the horrors I went through when I dated you for five years. All of the gaslighting, the verbal abuse, and shitty things you put me through. I'll never fucking forgive you and sure, people fucking love you and people see me as a vile whore but I don't give a shit anymore. Someday people will see the truth of how much of a cold-hearted narcissist you are that only cares about leeching off from others.
Go fuck yourself.
Anyways, I'm just annoyed. I just want to pass my classes this semester, be able to graduate from college and find a decent job and continue my education. I have so much shit I want to do, but my anxiety/depression ghosts from the pasts keep haunting me and I'm fucking tired. I'm fed of life in general overwhelming me. I suffer from anxiety and depression but I have a string of bad luck when it comes to finding decent mental health professionals. Fuck man. I just want to live a comfy life where I can pursue my hobbies. I don't ask for much, but I feel like I am. I'm a mess right now and I just want people to move on, and to forget about me. I just want to pursue what I love. I get it, I was a shitty person but to harass me over months when I'm trying to keep myself private? It's both aggrandizing and tiring. I fear I may be some narcissist too, but I try to reassure myself that I was just a fucking doormat. I don't fucking know anymore I'm tired. I just want some clarity and structure in my life where I feel fulfilled. I just want to live a new life and not be fucking anxious about people judging me for my past when I'm trying hard to grow here.
No. 240829
1) Consider staying off tumblr and facebook. Seeing that seems to make you feel really shitty. Can you unplug for a bit and take a sociala media break?
2) Most people who wonder about being narcissists don't really turn out to be narcissists. Those who always blame others are much more likely. But-
3) If you're worried, go get some professional help. Talk about what you experienced and how you're stressed out/what bothers you.
If your healthcare doesn't cover it:
4) start a document to write down:
X happened
I had Y feelings about it
It might have Z consequences
I could consider doing S about it
*additionally anything that might help. It's not only good for showing it to your therapist, it's also good to write it down so it doesn't spiral through your head. Proverbially get it off your chest.
5) Meditation. Sounds fucking stupid, but try and download an app. There are guided meditations for resolving panic attacks, anxiety and sleeping issues.
You sound like you don't want to be in this situation any more. Those are some of your options.
No. 240831
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>>240829I appreciate the advice, thank you. But how do I stop giving a fuck when these people are trying to annoy me when it finally seems like I'm gaining momentum into trying to have a decent life again? Maybe I'm just being hypersensitive as fuck, but I don't know. I just hope in time they'll get bored and leave me alone.
I agree on the social media stuff, but I pretty much rarely post on it anyways. I just got really aggravated over my ex doing that. But I can see how keeping social media can be a burden on the time being. But for some reason, I just want to keep a Tumblr for when I post my art and stuff like that.
But either way, I'll look into those options.
No. 240841
>>240831The best way to stop giving a fuck is to realize your time is better off elsewhere. It doesn't matter what it is, just doing something else and not caring or at least showing that you don't is enough to get you going. Fake it till you make it.
Also as a bonus if these are the types of people who want to see you giving a fuck about them this is a good way to piss them off because all they'll see you doing is basically getting your shit done/doing fine and thats enough to snub'm with.
No. 240861
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Met a guy a little while ago and we hit it off but we're both pretty shy (and I am a pussy and couldn't tell if he was interested) so nothing much happened. Now I know from mutual friends that he's interested, and recently we've been talking a lot, but there's less than two weeks left until school ends and we both leave for summer jobs in different parts of the country, him without cell service most of the time. Shit hurts, do I go for it anyways?
No. 240868
>>240861If you can do long distance/minimal contact then yes. If you can't or be too busy at the time then no.
Basically if you think it won't work out it probably won't. Hope you can manage it tho.
No. 240935
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My co-workers always think that my office is a fucking free space for their shit. We have an employee leaving to go to a different company and one of the fuckheads decided to put her going away gift in my office and told everyone to go in there to sign it. He did this while I was out so I've had people coming in and out of my office, even though it's supposed to be locked.
Fuck you guys. I may not get paid as much as you but I have a lot of sensitive financial and HR related documents in my office. Granted, it's all in locked cabinets but I just don't feel comfortable having people coming in and out when I'm not around.
No. 240950
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I got invited to a company dinner as an honor for being a top sales employee. It's coming soon, so I scheduled an appointment with my dermatologist for a short antibiotic regimen to clear up my acne. Because who wants to look like shit in front of an international company banquet?
After two days, boom, clear skin. I'm not even washing my face like I usually would and I'm still not breaking out.
I've been on this antibiotic before and the good results lasted only as long as I was taking it. It sucks and makes me angry that I'm gonna go back to shit skin as soon as I stop, since being on antibiotics long term isn't safe.
For now I'm just enjoying the clear skin like how normies must enjoy theirs ie. not having to be as strict about my washing and skin treatments. Feels good to have no unfair consequences!
No. 240970
>>240969Basically it is, its normal to wonder about that for a partner but if you already explained and there is no room for concern then its your biz what you want to share further. He's clearly insecure and rather than face that is trying to gauge a number out of you so he can take that insecurity out on you.
I'd honestly dump him if I were you, this type of behavior isn't likely to change.
No. 240972
>>240969I wish I didn't have to do that but I always lie about my sexual past, only because if you admit to having done something they'll feel entitled to it and they will hold your body count over your head. Once I told a guy that I had anal sex before and enjoyed it, a few days laters he tried to stick his dick in my dry butthole without even asking because
"I wanted to surprise you since you said you liked it!!!" of course I didn't want to have dry anal sex and I was really turned off, he acted like I didn't saw him as a real man and like I liked my ex better.
No. 240974
>>240970Depends on how long they've been together IMO. If it's less than a year, dumping. If it's like four years then I wouldn't say that so hastily since they have history/a life together.
>>240972Oh God, that's disgusting, what a dick. I can't imagine what I'd do if my partner pulled that. My first boyfriend did some fucked up shit I was too young to really protest and stuff like that would freak me out so hard. I'm so sorry. Is he out of your life now?
No. 240981
>>240969I mean yeah, I'd want to know how many girls my boyfriend has been with. I don't want anyone giving me STDs or cheating on me when they get bored just because they have a high libido, and the length of relationships they've been in tells me a lot about them as a romantic partner.
Why not just tell him and dump him if he starts acting out? I mean it's not like it's any different for you now, at least then there'd be a possibility of him shutting up about it.
If a partner wasn't open about it with me I'd see it as a red flag. Both good relationships I've been in were always based on honesty, followed by trust, whereas if you just insist someone trust you from very early on just because you're officially dating, there's nothing to base that trust on. I've had boyfriends get pissy when I asked them what they jack off to (because I wanted to make it better for them in bed, silly me) and say it's none of my business. That kind of behavior is kinda childish and implies you've got something to hide.
No. 241006
>>240971He pretty much just said because he's my partner and he has a right to know. He completely dodged my question about what the benefit telling him would be (beyond indulging himself in his own satisfaction about his insecurities and view of me).
>>240984Pretty much. He knows my past was shitty and I've had abusive boyfriends, so honestly it's hilarious to me that he's really making a big deal out of this, because this is exactly what my exes did. He's already had a hard time dealing with some of the stuff I've told him and considers it slutty behavior, but because he loves me and wants to be with me he says he won't judge me or hold it against me.
Reading this over just makes his behaviour seem more and more manipulative, lol.
Fuck it just makes me so mad. I'm just tired of being judged or evaluated to his standards which are clearly different than mine (he was a virgin/is much younger than me). I'm not saying I should never be judged for my actions, but it's shit in the past that I can't do anything about anymore; why isn't there more of a focus on the present relationship and actions…
No. 241010
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>>241007Yeah, it's a definite possibility.
He basically said because I couldn't tell him something "this small" he couldn't trust me, and subsequently blocked me on the apps we use to communicate.
I dunno, it's just a weird situation right now. I'm going to graduate soon and I sold my car/all of my possessions to go and live with him in about a month. I feel kind of cheated he hasn't been able to let this kind of shit go after everything I've done for the relationship lol.
Sorry for multiposting. Here's hoping to a positive outcome to this LOL
No. 241039
>>241010>fighting>subsequently blocked me>sold my car/all my possessions to go and live with him in a monthIt's not looking good Anon.
>>240972>surprise anal sexI think you have more than enough reason to withhold the information considering how your exes have behaved. If current guy cares about you, why does it matter?
No. 241048
>>241037Wtf, don't do that anon.>>241035
Taking growth hormones and estrogen increases the risk of cancer in the future.
Try some exercizing, the type that shapes the body, and please don't take any crazy prostitute/trans meds.
No. 241061
After coming across a fellow employee's paystubs, I learned that he made $1 more/hour than I do for being in the same position, despite me having more responsibilities, more drive, and more common sense (he's literally been told to ask me questions about shit instead of someone higher up because there's a 90% I have a solution/rationale for it, despite him being there longer).
Unfortunately, how I came across this information was when I stayed over at his apartment with a group of people. Majority of them went out for a liquor run, said coworker got sick and was sleeping in his room, and a girl I just met stayed back and during that time, we were looking for where he kept his PS4 games because we couldn't get anything to load on his console… so we were looking through every cabinet/drawer/whatever to try and find them. One of the drawers I opened was one his girlfriend made of basically every finiancial thing in their life for the past 3+ years, including his paystubs. Fast forward to the morning where I wake up hours before everyone else who stayed over, and I couldn't contain myself and looked through the drawer and found this shit.
So I'm pissed that I know he made more than me in my current position and pissed at myself that the only way I can say anything about this to HR is because I was a nosey Nancy. And don't get me started on the fact he now makes $4/hr more than me with even less responsiblity. He has to be micromanaged by his superiors to get things done and has zero initiative to pick up slack when we're down a person. He'll literally come find me or my manager and say "Hey, we're low on X." instead of taking the same amount of time to just prepare whatever it is himself.
No. 241064
>>241061If he's been there longer, it makes sense he makes a fraction more. That's usually how it works. Rather than addressing the
confidential information you shouldn't know, address his lack of work ethic and his distracting your work. Be tactful but make yourself heard about how he comes to you for a lot of basic shit.
No. 241067
>>241064He was making the $1/hr more when he was first hired on. I made sure to look the dates on the stubs. We have the same educational backgrounds (BS in related science fields, but I come from one with a stronger math background which, incidentally, is something he frequently comes to me to check on, because he's messed up things in the past because he isn't as proficient)
I am really bad at being tactful because I'm mostly a blunt person. I can work around some things, but I have a really hard time with lying.
No. 241073
>>241070I actually already asked for raise last year when I got signed off on training for one of our major tests and was told that raises are mainly done at the start of the year… guess what didn't happen when January rolled around lol.
It sucks because I started on as an internship through the college I graduated from and got moved up. And with internships you were only allowed to be paid x amount to begin with.
>>241072>>241070>>241071I really do ask about any chance I get with HR. We get inconsistent bonuses, which are nice, but I would rather have a solid financial situation to build off of than hit-or-miss shit.
…is it bad to throw this fact the my coworker is a minority in the fact that he's a minority in both race AND gender? Would that have anything to do with it?
No. 241076
I'm in this weird situation where my mildly drunken rants get responded to, but they also give good advice. So thanks you guys! <3
(and I mean this in a sincere way. The advice my parents gave was basically to be confrontational about the situation because they've heard me complain about said coworker not stepping up in the past and hey— you guys have, too. I'm just hella salty because I really do try to be the best employee I can be. He's always 10-30 minutes late while I'm there 5+ minutes before the work day starts.
>>241075He's latino/male. I'm white/female. There's only one other latinx on the workforce and 2 other guys in our building. Like, I know the gender thing is surprising because where we work is a STEM-related field, but outside of the VP and our head mechanic/maintenance worker, he's the only other guy.
(I hope you don't think this is a quick reply; I had been typing up my other post when you responded lol)
No. 241122
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Apparently, me using using or eating my sisters' stuff is bad, but them borrowing my stuff without my permission, destroying it and deleting stuff that I paid REAL MONEY for is ok. I didn't sync any of the apps I paid money for (like a dumbass). So I lost 51 dollars because my sister dropped her phone in the toliet. It's not your tablet, it's not "our" tablet. It's our grandmother's and I just happen to use it. I never said it was mine. And you aren't entitled to shit. Fuck you hoe give me my fucking money back.
My little sister put a virus or some shit on my laptop and it was SO SLOW that I could barely use it. What the fuck type of website are you going on for this to happen? I only go on like 10 sites max nowadays and I'm mostly on Youtube. I'm spending time trying to clean it instead of doing my work.
My little brother is a cunt who made me late to class because he let our puppies loose and one got stolen the day before because of him.
Thanks guys.
No. 241142
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>>241135Nigger this is the fucking VENT thread, where the fuck else do you want her to go?
Fuck off with your shitty backseat modding.
No. 241143
>>241142Not that anon but
>Nigger>not niggaHow very edgy of you anon.
No. 241146
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>>241135 >>241136
So it's ok to gatekeep someone else's property and take people's stuff while getting mad at others for doing the same thing. Got it. Thank you for your helpful advice. I really learned alot from this.
And by the way everything I have I bought it with money I earned. You're making alot of assumptions about me you look like an idiot trying to defend someone you don't even know.
My sister has beaten me and called me autistic and verbally abused me everyother day after coming back from college. I had to jump through hoops to earn a scholarship while she just got it for having a high GPA and she thinks that she deserves everything everyone else has because she grew graduated from college. She haven't been through shit. She thinks that she had suffered because someone said something nasty to her. She never had to work to get what you had. Someone GAVE her a $3000 a month job and she quit it just to hang out with some hood nigga that didn't want her. She can't take opinions and berates anyone who gives her the slightest bit of critism. She takes about wanting me to "grow up" and "live and the real world" honey people kissing your fucking ass isn't realistic and people aren't going to bow down to you just because you exist.
I'm the fucking bad guy because I was calling her out for being a hypocrite and an asshole?
"You sound like you're 12"
And you sound like a cunt. Good bye.
No. 241149
>>241146* she never had to work to get what she had.
I messed up left left and right. I hate having big hands and fingers.
No. 241153
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Does anyone else find the concept of moving on unfortunate? That all the time you've spent with someone, all the memories, the connections you've built, all the feelings you've associated with a person could be undone and forgotten in just a matter of time? That you'll become nothing but a forgotten memory? And that the only thing you have to remember someone is increasingly unreliable, stale memories? It's so sad.
No. 241158
>>241153That's not moving on, that's hiding and running away from your past. I get if they delete your photos out of respect for their new SO but if they straight up pretend you never happened that's either guilt or them hiding something.
Besides, moving on isn't just that, it's also a learning experience, and you get to keep all the things they taught you, showed you, places they took you, gifts they gave you etc.
No. 241162
>>241158Anon, I'm talking about how imperfect our minds are in general (not exclusively talking about break ups) and how tragic it is that time can easily undo so many things. I don't see how that's "hiding or running away" from anything but it seems like a hard fact of life that I'm trying to come to terms with.
>Besides, moving on isn't just that, it's also a learning experience, and you get to keep all the things they taught you, showed you, places they took you, gifts they gave you etc.Definitely. I'm still trying to figure out and understand what exactly I've learned myself these past couple of months but I can't put it into concise words yet. Maybe I am running away from in-depth reflection because it hurts.
No. 241174
>>241122>>241146So wait, you're upset because your sister was using something that's not even yours? I mean I get the laptop thing but the tablet, you say it's not even yours, and why are you spending $ on a game when you clearly should buy your own things?
Not even going to touch the 2nd post…You seriously sound just as bad as you're making her seem.
No. 241179
>>241162>I'm still trying to figure out and understand what exactly I've learned myself these past couple of months but I can't put it into concise words yet. Maybe I am running away from in-depth reflection because it hurts.You might still be healing, despite however many months later. And you don't just "get" it all right away either. I still sometimes happen upon realizations of how much I've grown from my even my first ex because situations present themselves in time.
>imperfect our minds are in general (not exclusively talking about break ups) and how tragic it is that time can easily undo so many thingsEventually forgetting the details of something isn't an imperfect process imo. For every good thing that it hurts to forget details of, there's a thousand bad, annoying, and inconsequential things that we would also vividly remember. No matter how much I loved a person or relationship, I wouldn't want it's memory to be a constant shadow over my life either.
No. 241386
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My Japanese snack/gacha order came in the mail yesterday.
I binge ate all my snacks.
Three different squid snacks, three different fried/dried snacks, some Meltykiss chocolates, a curry, soy jerky, one bad melon pan, a Cheeza bag, and a couple candy kits.
Only the half eaten box of Meltykiss, a curry, a candy box, and a Cheeza remain.
No. 241408
>>239880The tomato I was planting on my balcony fell off.
Sorry I couldn't protect you.
RIP tomato plant 04/01/18 - 04/11/18
No. 241413
>>241386>Only the half eaten box of Meltykiss, a curry, a candy box, and a Cheeza remain.I'm glad you added this bit, I thought you had eaten the curry straight for a second.
You sound cool, anon, would pool snacks and binge together/10.
No. 241477
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>having a jolly good time playing games with oneitis
>he mentions anything even vaguely related to his own crushes or exes
>instantly spiral from feeling a sense of contentment or even happiness into a full on suicidal episode that leaves me crying and ruminating on how much of a disgusting failure I am until at least 4 AM
every fucking time
No. 241482
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>>241391>>241413Anytime, anons! If teleportation were real I'd suck in my fat rolls just so you'd both have some space on my sofa to partake in the greasy chinese delivery binge I'm bout to have as well <3
No. 241486
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>>241477>tfw know that feelGoddamn it hurts. I recommend you find someone else to crush on so you don't prolong your suffering any further.
No. 241499
>>241477>>241486Been there, done that. The guy I was in love with felt the need to tell me how much of a hero he is for 'censoring himself' in order to spare my feelings. He still felt the need to tell me that some random girl met on OKCupid is hot as a first thing about her.
Taking into account he was a thirsty AF bedbound NEET (due to permanent illness), I wonder how he is doing.
We have ended our friendship on a bad note, as I was going crazy with how he was treating me (I love you! I mean, as a friend… but I would like to fuck you, no attachments necessary… and also fuck every other girl who will let me…I will use you to vent about that hawt OKCupid thot that does not give a fuck about my loneliness and uses me emotionally). He ended up cutting all contact with me as the friendship went toxic. Note that he dropped me only once he found a suitable replacement. lol
While thanks to him first treating me like shit and than losing him, I found my bf… it was cruel how he cut me off knowing that I was full-blown suicidal at the moment.
>>241490Some people have different priorities than you, anon. It might not be healthy, but if you are lonely as fuck and have been for your whole life it hurts like a bitch when the thing you want the most might never be yours. Some people need to love and be loved (romantically) to be truly happy. If you are already low and depressed (which anon probably is), a reminder of your loneliness in form of rejection is like a bullet wound.
No. 241525
>Some people have different priorities than you, anon. It might not be healthy, but if you are lonely as fuck and have been for your whole life it hurts like a bitch when the thing you want the most might never be yours. Some people need to love and be loved (romantically) to be truly happy. If you are already low and depressed (which anon probably is), a reminder of your loneliness in form of rejection is like a bullet wound.I'm not trying to judge OP. But it is really not healthy to rely on romantic love that much, to the point of feeling suicidal without it. I get that it hurts, but its scary and dangerous to be that wrapped up in one person.
I can't really relate to the loneliness aspect because I was in a relationship from 14 to 21. But I definitely get being so wrapped up in a person you feel as though you can't breathe without them. After that relationship ended, I focused on my self and self-improvement, I made a shit ton of friends, and tbh I felt really free. I subscribe to the cliche "you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else." My relationship wasn't as healthy or fulfilling as it could have been because neither of us had learned to be happy on our own or to love ourselves first. I don't feel lonely being single, now, I feel independent and liberated. I get everyone is different, but its always good to re-frame your situation and to find human connections outside of that one romantic obsession.
I don't say "get therapy" as an insult, I genuinely think that you should get professional help if another person has the power to make you seriously consider suicide.
Also check out "limerence." Reading other people's experiences and how they cope with that intense form of love/lust can be helpful.
No. 241531
(I excuse in advance for my shitty english, not a native)
Since I was 8, I knew this friends, let's call her Vanessa.
Vanessa and I grew in the same little town in the countryside, aways from our country's capital and shared (and still share!) common interests.
We didn't have friends outside of us two.
Eight years ago I knew people online and we talked and talked and talked until five years ago, they moved in our capital.
I decided to risk it, one day, and tried to met them.
They're my friends now and I love them very much!! And they love me! When I'm with them I feel so happy and I cannot describe my feelings but they're really the best.
Back to Vanessa, when I go to the capital to meet my friends, she throws a issy fit because "YOU NEVER INVITE ME!!"
I don't invite her because
1) I know she's a socially awkward mess who just greets people and stays on her phone
2) She would drag me time from time to speak only to me because "I'm shy!!" and honestly I don't need that kind of stress.
When I told her I lost my virginity, that thing became a fucking race and since then she ALWAYS says that she cannot stand being a virgin at 22.
I told her "The friends that you have online, just meet them! They're not far! They're in the same city as mine! Maybe you'll find your future boyfriend in them :)"
"B-but I'm shy ;_;"
Ok then…
A couple years later, I found my boyfriend (before I had some love-problems so i never got with no one, only sexual relationships) and she became livid with rage because
"….You just go out and met people?"
Ok then x2
(Keep in mind, I'm shy too, but sometimes I suck up my shyness to try to have relationships)
I really want her to get a normal life with friends and maybe a boyfriend too, so we can relate better to our "adult life" but at the same time I'm fucking mad because I don't want and can't babysit her.
Talk to people, met up, download tinder, jesus christ.
No. 241535
>>241531>>241531I have a feeling your friend is a closeted, or in denial, lesbian that's harboring a secret crush on you for years anon.
Good luck remaining friends with that one.
No. 241537
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>>241525I know the term limerence and have experienced it in the past. However 'loving yourself' is not an answer to everyone. I was feeling like a piece of shit when I was alone despite ~loving myself~, meeting friends and the like. It just felt like the most important part of my life is tragically missing. I was not even pining on a specific person.
Yes, it's not healthy to get wrapped up in another person before you know who you are and what you want, but some people DO need happy romantic relationship to flourish.
I'm so tired of current culture pushing the 'alone you should feel as happy as with a loving partner!' bullshit (understood literally). No matter how much you accept yourself (a much better term than love, IMHO), we are wired to need companionship.
It's like… yes, you can still have fun, play video games and go shopping, but imagine how amazing all that would be if you had someone to share it with. Someone to hug you once you come home and interested in hearing how your day went.
Pick related made me feel so validated about my priorities.
I recommend this book, it's very helpful in finding someone right for you and accepting yourself.
No. 241546
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I've been channeling a lot of my energy into making hats recently, since I lost my job and have had a ton of free time. I posted a story on insta showing my work in progress and a guy who ghosted me after I spent almost 1k to travel to see him for New Years texted me this out of nowhere. Learning millinery has been keeping me occupied when I'm at a very low point in my life and I'm so upset that someone who mistreated me would criticize this creative outlet.
No. 241548
>>241546What a dirtbag, that guy types like he's a mentally chalenged robot.
You deserve way better anon, just block the dick, no need to read dumb shit when you are already feeling blue.
No. 241549
>>241548Also, keep learning millinery.
I'm sure you'll be making amazing hats in no time and also get an awesome new job.
No. 241550
>>241546What the fuck? Why are you allowing this bastard to talk to you? He would've been outta my life after $1000 of my dollars went down the tube.
Despite what your hats are/aren't, this is a classic case of negging. I'd ignore him from now on.
No. 241551
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>>241548>>241549Ty! I definitely plan to keep at it, it's just sooo discouraging to have someone outright say to stop (not that he knows anything about millinery anyway)
>>241550I was in love with him for a long time so I let him walk all over me but I stopped talking to him in January and unfollowed him on everything. He also said he would pay for half the trip and he never did of course. Also right on the nose with the negging thing, he sent me this and I never replied.
No. 241558
>>241551Literally an awful piece of shit, this guy
Actively terrible, deserves to be abandoned in a dark cave somewhere. Ghosting you is shit, but to come back with this pathetic negging?
No. 241561
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>>241559oops dropped my pic
No. 241563
>>241561It’s amazing to me that a grown man thinks acting like a retard who can’t spell and has no reading comprehension is gonna get his dick wet??
I wish there was a site where girls everywhere could upload screenshots of convos with guys like this to laugh at all in one place.
No. 241610
>>241545And so are you for stereotyping a wide group of people because of some bad apples that you met (I assume).
Plenty of slavic people are incredibly brave, talented and hard-working people that challenge themselves to rise above shit situation in their countries. It's sad to see you shit on so many great people because of some bad experience. One person, two or even three people are not representative of a nationality, not to mention an ethnic group.
No. 241646
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>>241545Hate us cause you aint us
No. 241661
>>240409Last 3 weeks:
>12 people move into main house, making 25 total (mostly kids under 10)>have to give up my room>Atheletes foot, body dirt, piss all over my bathroom and shower even though I clean daily due to OCD>the elders diapers changed in my bed (where they physically can't move from) and it smells faintly of fecal matter permanently>kids break my only goddamn laptop and free my hamster 3. Times. >Can't sleep because they scream and play constantly from 3pm to 3am and never leave the house>Have to do 1000% more heavy chores or else the house is absolutely disgusting because I'm literally the only one here who isn't extremely lazy and complicit in the filth piles>I filled 2 10 gallon bags with garbage in one day>My part of the food/bills go from 100 a month to 300. can't pay phone bill or bus pass or vegan food>dairy and meat is making me extremely sick so I just eat rice and breadAt least sleeping on the floor is helping my scoliosis I guess….
No. 241695
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I'm from a small town in a very rural area of Europe.
Today in Uni was the third time i ever encountered a tranny.
At first i thought it's just an ugly girl, but no, it was a dude. He had red nails together with red tumblr glasses, the typical mtf hair style with bangs and he wore some neon hoodie that was way too tight (i could even see the outline of an extremely ill-fitting bra underneah). Together with the studded belt he wore, it made im look like some 13-year-old from the Myspace days.
If he just looked like that it wouldn't have been much of a problem, but of course i tranny can't behave like a normal human being. All the time he was speaking in some whiny childlike voice pouting and all, complaining to boys (in a flirting manner) that he raised his hand first, that it's too difficult for him, that's he's sooo tired etc. - shortly, he acted like some dizzy anime character would.
And the worst is, the biggest nerds in my class, the ones who don't even talk to girls and probably prefer 2D over 3D like him. That just confirms that many men respect even some sicko who badly disguises himself as women, more than actual girls…
No. 241697
>>241677Could you take some classes at a local community college to ease yourself back into schooling? It wouldn't put you in thousands of dollars of debt and you could try out different courses and see what you like, without risking too much.
Also, I wouldn't worry too much about your high school experience. College and high school are night and day, and I'm sure you've grown a lot since then. It's even possible that going might improve your mental health, instead of bringing it down. I don't know your life so I can't say, obviously, but maybe forcing yourself out of your comfort zone, meeting new people, and learning new stuff that interests you could bring some spice into your life.
No. 241698
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>>241677>I feel like I'm running out of time Home girl, you are not running out of time. A TON of people don’t begin college until their late 20’s. You’d be shocked.
Also, I have a bachelors and work at a damn grocery store. University is a huge financial commitment (assuming you live in the US) and doesn’t always guarantee your success in a field. And as far as your grades in high school, I wouldn’t worry too much if you’re serious about college. I was also a D average student, but I think it was more environmental— university classes are more focused and engaging, without the social pressures/distractions of high school.
whether you choose to go or not, don’t ever feel like it’s too late to change your mind.
No. 241701
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STEM subjects are so painfully uninteresting and unenjoyable. I want to fucking die.
No. 241702
>>241699Move out.
>>241701Just change your major.
No. 241703
>>241677There’s a woman at my school in her thirties with a kid and she’s excelling like crazy. She’s not obsessed with boys, she’s got her shit together, she’s confident and experienced in the work force. She’s running like two clubs and a slam poetry thing.
Honestly, there’s a lot of benefits to waiting for the college experience. Being a dumb teenager surrounded by other dumb teenagers and copious drinks/drugs is not exactly great for health or education.
Everyone has a different pace and a different life. Do whatever is right for you, not what you think you’re supposed to do.
No. 241709
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I'm so jealous of this one girl in my class.
She looks like a western version of Yoona and is so popular.
Even though she never wears makeup her skin looks so bright and her eyes so big. She never wears extremely stylish clothes, yet still looks cute because she's tall and skinny.
Whenever she enters the room some friends of hers will immediately yell at her, saying that they kept a seat free for her. She's always smiling happily and seems so kind, that i can't even hate her.
On the other hand when i enter the room and try to find a space to sit, i often get "Oh, sorry, but my friend will come later, i still need this seat for her" etc…
I know that she's also popluar for her personality, but i can't help but think that if you're ugly people won't even give you the chance to show whether you might also be nice…
No. 241723
>>241706>anyone who isn't me is weird xDThose two analogies aren't at all comparable and made zero sense. After reading that retardation, I highly doubt you're actually in STEM yourself unless you're doing biolomeme.
Anon might be interested in the arts and society rather than a bunch of boring bullshit that isn't fully developed nor understood. Grow up.
No. 241728
>>241723uh no, chem, but whatever. anon sounds like her idea of stem comes from hs, yours too tbh.
>biomemesorry about your autism
No. 241731
>>240735I know this is an old post but the misandry threads have been around for over two years
>>>/ot/21625 was the first one
No. 241746
>>241666>>241670I've been trying to leave for years, but no one else old enough has the means or sanity to come with, so I'm going to be on my own until one of my friends need a roommate.My student loans and grants will be dispersed May, but I definitely can't go anywhere until then.
The child abuse is a lot less brutal since 7 years ago when I started to call the CPS which really scared all the adults, but the cops thought I was a huge annnoying waste of time, the social worker told me to stop being an irrational teen, the corespondent kept laughing "that isn't abuse." My broken bones that I set by tying up socks and crawling around the house for months and only being 80 lbs from the starvation and heavy cleaning weren't enough evidence, so the small spankings and invisible abuse the kids get now aren't anywhere nearly enough. The pedophile is usually in the side house now.
The adults have money, power, and a lot of social respect, so this needs to be taken down slowly and internally. finishing up college and escaping on GOOD terms is the best possible way for me to really help the little kids.
No. 241771
>>241732>>241748I can respect that. I don't know how it became a first name in the first place – I was told there was a lawyer TV show with a Bailey as a character but nothing comes up via googling so idk
>>241736lmao oh no I'm so sorry. At least noone has shown me other people with my name. LOTS of pets, though. Lots of pets..
No. 241784
>>241774Aw thank you, my mom thought it was a totally awesome name so I think it's pretty neato too?
I just wanted to complain about idiots besmirching the good name of Bailey. On behalf of non-surname-Baileys (phonetic spellings included), I apologize for them being cows.
No. 241815
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>>241722Anon, if it helps, imagine "sharing" your name with this individual…
No. 241839
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According to /meta/ this is lolcow's userbase.
Yet if you go to /g/ most girls being critizised for having bad makeup, looking ugly and old or being overrated are white (same for men).
Most cows also happen to be white, and some black, but you rarely ever see anything about Asians (besides the Anti-Kpop thread).
Does this mean that lolcow is full of Asians bashing Whites and Blacks?
No. 241936
>>241925>>241922I saw tagthesponsor linked on /Snow and it opened my eyes, bless that person and the guy who made the site. It's incredibly obvious now I "know" but I guess we want to think the best scenario was what happened (people hiring these women
just to model)
No. 241948
>>241936Dude, glad you opened your eyes. Instahoes, even really pretty ones are a dime a dozen. They do some fucking nasty shit to keep up the appearances.
I honestly think they would live better lives by being by the book escorts. Fewer pretty pictures by the beach for sure but also no beastiality or scat.
No. 242031
>>242023>can't seem to keep their eyes to themselvesWhat the fuck does this mean anon?
You feel people are staring at you?
No. 242214
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>tfw high libido
>bf has a heart condition so he can't really keep up
It's frustrating because we love eachother a lot but most of the time I feel unsatisfied after sex
I've been considering getting a dildo but he's kinda of against it because he thinks it'll replace him which is fucking stupid
I just want to get off gdi
No. 242335
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>>242232oh wow
I'll look into that
No. 242429
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currently trying to grow as an artist, I have my own original style and have been posting what I draw everyday for 3 days in a row I've had my insta account for half a year and barely hit 100 followers, my art isn't even bad it's pretty good, I see other people who draw shitty traces and they get a bunch of followers. I'm frustrated, and I wish I could get more exposure
No. 242492
I can't stand one of my closest friends.
She always challenges me, loves to argue. I feel like sometimes she just pretends to have a different opinion to quarrel with me.
She's probably, like, physically incapable of saying she's in the wrong. Even when it's clear she is, or I outright say - I don't care, it doesn't matter, whatever - she'll talk talk talk in circles until I have to fucking mute her, because it tires me or the negativity impacts me mentally.
I can't vent without her giving me unsolicited advice and she's so condescending about it always.
When I tell her she hurt me, she says "I thought you appreciate honesty", which is a quite primitive attempt at manipulation.
She often shames me that I don't want to "explain my stance" (which would lead to, surprise, endless circles of how wrong I am and how right she is) and just tell her to google something (for some reason this pisses her off the most lol), but who am I to do free research for her? She thinks she's entitled to explanations about every little opinion of mine, or even a joke (she doesn't get 3/4 of my jokes and I have to constantly demystify them or mention I'm not serious/I'm sarcastic, it's cringey as hell).
Sometimes we go weeks without arguing and then it happens and it's as vicious and, in the end, unresolved, as always. And then I promise to myself to never vent/tell her anything again… then we're fine, I forget about it and confide in her and… yes, you guessed right.
Jesus, I typed this all out and now I wonder why am I even friend with her? I must be really fucking lonely.
No. 242510
>>242369I used to trace when I was in middle school and would get compliments when I'd color it because people would think I'm a good artist
I just find it hard to find a style when my art is just me redrawing some anime character
No. 242515
>>242508Maybe you have trust issues and/or afraid of getting hurt?
I know I still, sort of do and I felt the same for a long time until I finally realized that he's not being shady behind my back
No. 242522
>i feel like ive wasted so much time in therapy trying to find a root of this problem and couldn't even get close to an answer for 6 years>Maybe you have trust issues and/or afraid of getting hurt?smacks head doyyy! why in six years didn't the therapist think of THAT?
for fucks sake lmao
No. 242523
>>242508Sounds like a lack of trust, whether it's being caused by him (consciously or not) or your inner thoughts.
I had it with my first LT boyfriend (4.5 years) and it went away when I started trusting him more. With my second serious boyfriend it never went away because he was constantly spurring it on by hiding shit, keeping secrets and getting angry when I asked him about certain female friends. My gut feeling ended up being right on the money, even though I don't think he cheated whilst we were together, I just got suddenly dumped and found out he was being a slut not two days later.
Is your bf doing anything remotely suspicious? How does he respond when you talk to him about it? Have you tried? It could help.
No. 242562
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>be gyaru
>gaijin gal groups dead
>friend tells me there's active gal thread on /cgl/
>check it out
>it's shit /cgl/ is shit
>cringe off the site
I really just belong here with you guys. ILY guys.
No. 242569
>>242564Yeah, there's been random terrorist attacks in my country since the attacks on Syria and the ISIS shit first started, and for some reason our brilliant government decided to get involved, again. We also get fucktonnes of Syrian (and other assorted) refugees begging in the metro and harassing locals, and SJWs are pushing to open up the borders even more, and Germany is pressuring us to accept even more and even posting sympathetic news articles about European-born Jihadis who "mistakenly" found themselves in Syria (like… how do you 'mistakenly' choose to join a terrorist organisation?).
I'm frankly fed up and am just praying that my town won't become the next Super-U hostage situation.
No. 242575
>>242569It's not like our government asked us Germans before if we're okay with this…
I'm just scared because France and Britain act like Trump's obedient little lap dogs. Europe is so small, if Russia really took revenge, we could also get hit or if they and America clash, it most likely also happens in the middle, over Europe.
Hopefully Putin is more sensible than Trump and doesn't risk WW3…
No. 242605
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>I just lost my third phone yesterday.
>I can't afford a new one and I really don't want to dig up my go-phone from the 7th grade.
No. 242636
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I'm sad I'll probably never live in a huge house and will have to settle in a basic neighbor hood for the rest of my life
I love searching for million dollar homes and seeing how beautiful they are, I have such extreme house envy
No. 242642
>>242636Same anon. House envy sucks.
Where I live, you have to be wealthy just to afford a dumb suburban house.
No. 242704
>>242636IKTF, I always regret looking up expensive real estate. There's a house going for 2.2 mil nearby me and they have a dance studio. I'm so jealous.
That said, in reality I actually would hate to live in a big house. I live in a 2 storey place at the moment and even that annoys me. I kind of want all my stuff in one room so I don't have to walk far to access anything.
No. 242711
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I feel like cutting myself again after about 5 years of being clean and not doing it and it makes me feel stupid and edgy as if I were a teenager again. As an adult I should have my shit together, right? I feel so numb and nihilistic all the fucking time since I don't have friends or even family or anything to do and I get jealous of my coworkers when they talk about what they're doing after work which I know is petty and unhealthy and straight up miserable.
How can I help myself? I feel like such a shitty person and I always have thoughts in my head telling me to kill myself, nobody will ever love me, i'm unsalvageable garbage, how much i hate myself, comparing my life to others' etc. and it's scary. I'm afraid of myself when I hear those thoughts because I always have vivid images of hanging myself and I get stuck in intense thought about the dying process as I'm hanging full-suspension in my daydream. I was thinking of trying therapy again even though it didn't work 5 years ago. Maybe it could help now since I am not a child anymore though and can understand my thoughts/illnesses better. Life for me is like being stuck in a never ending void, there's just nothing memorable going on whatsoever and the only thing on my mind lately is self destruction.
No. 242714
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I know this is nothing new, but I am so tired of men invading women's spaces and lives all the time. Both regular men and "transwomen". Like, fuck. Just let us live in peace. That's all we want.
No. 242716
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I think it's a robot larping as a girl.
I've seen in multiple threads this anon say something like "no wonder robots hate us farmers are cringe."
When did any of us start giving a fuck about robots? Pretty sure 1. They hate us by default on the basis of being women who won't fuck them and 2. They've raided our board for years and they already think we're ~bitchy female website~ so that didn't start yesterday or even last week.
The weird lolicon post in the unpopular opinion thread?
This person showing up in information gathering threads to insult farmers like the loser, beauty standard, and karma thread?
This is either a robot or one severely new and autistic girl.
No. 242719
>>242716>The weird lolicon post in the unpopular opinion thread? This person showing up in information gathering threads to insult farmers like the loser, beauty standard, and karma thread?
I've been noticing this for the past few months as well, I passed it off as just the mental state of people here but holy shit, maybe its a bot obsessed with instigating infighting against each other?
No. 242741
>>242716Also the anon who randomly pops in to say
>OKAY EVERYONE SHUT UPWhen nobody's been fighting for awhile or that telling them to shut up isn't the same kind of infight bitching with an air of superiority added on.
I might just take a break until these asshats leave.
No. 242744
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>>242728Shouldn't be hard to find one unless you're a tranny or normie… Just go on tumblr. The least repulsive ones usually play rhythm games and Persona or some other relatively-mainstream weeb games. They still probably won't love you since they're gamers.
pic unrelated, touken ranbu just has some very nice figures
No. 242753
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My significant other went out to hang out with his friends and I really wanted him to stay with me and just sort of chill for the night, since I don't like to be alone in the evening, because I've been dealing with suicidal thoughts and panic attacks. He didn't know I felt this way but knows of my issues, and I got so mad at him and we had a huge argument. Besides this, he's always been so nice and understanding, unlike all of my other exes. It feels like I'm forcing myself to hate him for no real reason, and I fucking hate it.
No. 242773
>>242771Samefag. Didn't mean to sound harsh btw. I know what it's like to struggle with weight and mental illness. Weight comes off slow if not any at all and I know how frustrating it is.
All I meant is that you really shouldn't consider suicide if there are options to get help if you really are that fat.
No. 242775
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>>242759I highly recommend TKRB for that. Dozens of lovely male thots, it is very satisfying to forge a sword men.
No. 242783
>This is my only and last chance to form lasting relationships and nobody wants to be friends with a pig.Wrong on both accounts. My dad’s best friend is a coworker he’s had for ten years. My mum’s best friend of over two decades is someone she used to work for. You meet people after college and there’s better odds of them being people you will get along with based on interests/chosen fields. Also, people generally don’t make friendships based on the weight of the other person. I’ve been heavier and I’ve been lighter and I was able to make friends equally at either weight. The fattest person I know is also the one with the most friends.
Friendship is about putting yourself out there, joining clubs (how I met most of my current friends), being personable in classes and on the street. People want to hang out with others who make them feel good. Be kind, be open, be positive. If those things are too difficult because of your mental health right now, then please please seek professional help. I did in high school and honestly it changed my entire world. I went from being an awkward shut in playing Fable 3 all weekend in high school to being unable to fit all my friends into one weekend in college.
It’s not too late, it’s not your weight, and it’s not impossible. I believe in you. Trust me, you’re not the only overweight person in America.
Would you rather die friendless, alone, young, and overweight now… or work on improving yourself and die happy, old, healthy, and after you’ve achieved something? The only permanent way you could fuck up right now is if you do kill yourself. Your weight isn’t permanent, your social life isn’t permanent, but death is. Don’t give up.
Pick up a hobby. Read a book, sketch a picture, watch a movie and then watch an analysis on YouTube, go to the park or a local creek/river, go to a farmers market, an art museum, join a club at your college (I met my two best friends at a club), join a fitness class at your campus or local gym, act like a tourist and sightsee wherever you live, volunteer at an animal shelter, lean to play a musical instrument, make sure your room is spotless, go to a thrift store and get new furniture and then renovate it… live your life! Along the way, friends will come. Don’t focus on your weight obsessively, instead just count your calories and be patient.
And please, get professional help. Your campus should have resources for you. You’re paying for them in student fees, take advantage of them.
Good luck, anon. I believe in you.
No. 242796
>>242795>>242780Also congrats on the weight loss, that’s a huge accomplishment.
sorry for samefagging
No. 242797
>>242780Well yeah people tend to stare if you're in fishnets and have a bunch of metal in your ears and face. Do you not normally dress this way? The more you go out this way, the less you'll care what ppl think. You said you felt pretty, so just fuck em!
Also how did you lose 170 lbs? That's an amazing accomplishment, you should feel proud!
No. 242801
>>242797I do normally dress this way I always have on fishnets but the stares and comments were more than usual made me sadder I guess because I have a lot of past trauma with bullying and it just brought it all back to me..I usually feel more confident just the wig I felt like I would look more normal than I usually do and I'd be able to be like other women that have really nice hair instead of being bald but it didn't help
also! just a lot of exercise and changing my diet..I gained it all from depression after a suicide attempt but I started with walking then running and I got this app (it's has like seven minute workouts and shit) and that helped a lot as was mostly fruits and veggies for a year
No. 242814
>>242812Yeah anon you need to get a plan b asap
(Make sure to watch out for the ones that have weight limits)
No. 242852
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I hate what cosplay has become in the past few years with Pateron.
I've been cosplaying for fun, since i was 14 years old (i'm 21 now). Cosplay used to be something i was proud of (even when i looked like shit) because The characters i cosplayed always meant so much to me.
What triggered me to rant is an old "friend" wants to do lewd/nude modeling for patreon. ONLY in cosplay. She's a shit-tier cosplayer and got about 10k followers from cloning and harassing jnig in to following and unfollowing her.
When people figure out i cosplay the FIRST thing said to me is;
>oh, so you have sex in cosplay?
>do you have a patreon?
>so you do lewds?
>do you do ~sexy~ cosplay? thats kinky
no, i don't. Nothing is wrong with doing lewds or sexy cosplay in general but thots these days use cosplay as their excuse because they're just ~ugu nerds~
I know the community has evolved and will always have jnig sexy clones but this new patreon theme is really driving me out of my passion to dress up like a freak for a few weekends a year.
I'm sorry for this woe-is-me post but this just pisses me off so much. I wish people like Kamui cosplay and the like would get more money/recognition for putting real time, effort, and money into clean impressive builds and not cunts like MomoKun.
No. 242862
>>242855Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and Victorian Certificate of Education. Straya.
>>242838I mean the vcal kids do have the same right to be there..if they’re really a disturbance get some headphones or go study in the library. Dickheads will always be dickheads and no teacher is gonna try and shush a group of dumbasses who only respond by being more obnoxious.
Tbh it seems more like you just don’t like vcal kids because they aren’t doing vce as well.
You’re better off learning to deal with an annoyance than getting judgy over them. You’ll do better in uni and work if you don’t get cut up over it.
No. 242869
>>242868I didn't know instructors had the ability to speed up or slow down the car. I thought the only thing they could do is brake…
Good luck anyway anon. Driving school is the only place I got any meaningful driving experience.
No. 242888
>>239880Not really a vent but I live with my dad at the moment and the man is a control freak. He needs to touch everything WHEN he wants it and is fucking incapable of throwing anything out, giving something to charity or respecting others boundaries.
Just now I noticed one of my books was in his huge, mostly unread, bookshelf and commented about it with him.
As I exited the kitchen he followed me into my room, his bookshelf and a lot of his stuff is in my room because of his hoarding habits, asked me to show where the book was. I picked the book and then, without asking, he went to grab it from my hand because he "just wanted to take a look".
I pulled the book back because I'm done with his bullshit, he does this pulling from your hands without permission or refusing to let go of things like a toddler or dog a lot, and said he could take a look later after I came back.
He kept insisting, saying I'm neurotic, that he wanted to look now, jumping around to try to grab it from me, as we are of the same height.
A lot of time that would annoy the fuck out of me and I'd give in or feel awful about his insults, the ass even used the fact I commented I was looking for a therapist to "stab" me with "You should tell your therapist about these insane things you do" and acted like I'm the crazy one while running after the book and raising his voice, but this time I had none of that.
It was glorious, I couldn't stop laughing at that crazy little man acting all hurt he couldn't just take what he wanted when he wanted. Trully pathetic, now he won't even look at me because "muh hurt feelings", I can't believe I was afraid of this little bitch.
Anyhow, as soon as start my new job I'm out of here.
No. 242902
>>242898Oh anon, I have no sympathy left in me.
I legit didn't have a room growing up because it was more important to hoard stuff inside his "office", I couldn't touch my kid magazines and could only read them if he was the one reading for me, got all my cards oppened while I was travelling wihout asking me first and blocked the access to a bunch of my old toys and books.
No. 242911
>>242905Anon, I lived with him for almost 25 years.
I know he has a problem, but he refuses to go therapy and it's not my role as the daughter to be his counselor, trust me I tried that in my teens.
Besides he was an emotionally abusive fuck up and probably closeted narcisist.
I don't hate him, but I don't have to give up ownership of my things, brake my bounderies, that I'm still building, because "poor sick old man". He always acted like the victm, called me crazy and the "biggest mistake in his life, a literal devil that makes poor dad suffer, poor old man should just kill myself because awful daughter" while acting like I was his personal feelings toilet and shit talking my mother to me all the time.
I'll not back down or act like a child anymore. I deserve respect.
No. 242916
>>242907Try growing up with someone with mental issues to see how much you like it then.
I also have a lot of mental issues, partially caused by his emotional abuse, but I don't define my whole being by them or expect to be treated like disabled, he is not at all, because of them.
I don't buy the "respecting your parents even if they are jerks that don't respect you because they are your parents" meme.
No. 242917
>>242888Lmao, oh wow.
Anon I feel bad that you have such a manbaby for a dad, but at the same time I can't stop thinking of all the ways I'd mess with him. Like putting everything in 'wrong' spots, hiding stuff underneath hoard piles, etc.
But meh, I think it's ridiculous that he threatened you over your own book. Is there no way you can move out of that house?
No. 242922
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I swore into the army literally the day before the attacks on Syria fml. I only have two friends and I put off telling them about my enlistment and now I'm afraid to tell them at all, particularly one of them. He's honestly kind of a "weak" person, in that he's very easily swayed by echo chambers – he went from being openly misogynistic and saying "nigger" whenever he thought he could get away with it (he's white) to being super liberal and identifying as non-binary within a couple years because he stopped using 4chan and his new friend group is very liberal and many of them identify as non-binary/trans. (I don't call him "weak" as an insult, he's been struggling with his mental health lately and I know it's easy when you're not mentally healthy to mistake echo chambers for support systems).
Because of this, he's gotten really swept up in anti-military sentiments after the attacks. Completely understandable and I don't hate him for having certain beliefs but it was still shitty seeing him liking posts on twitter that explicitly said that anyone who joins the military for any reason hates brown people and loves the death of innocents.
I don't regret joining (yet, who doesn't regret joining a little once they're in lol) and I don't feel guilty about it because I know I'm not doing it out of blind nationalism or because I love war or whatever (plus my job will involve lab work and medicine). I'm just trying to get my life in order. I wanted to tell the two of them so they'd at least know why I can't contact them for a bit (we only talk online because we live in different cities now) but now I'm thinking I should just shut up, ship out, and worry about his feelings later.
I know I should suck it up and just tell him (because honestly if he flips out and just ignores everything he knows about me in favor of stereotypes he read on twitter, not to mention if people like me weren't volunteering it's his ass that would be drafted…do I really want to be friends with someone like that?) but I've known him since middle school so it's tough and I'm losing sleep over it anyway.
No. 242987
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Excuse my first world autism, but do y’all ever get like legit intensely depressed, like there’s a gaping hole in your heart because your 2d husbando will never exist in real life?
No. 242991
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Today is my birthday and I spend it with just my mom and my sister, it was nice but I wish i had people other then my family to be with. I feel like a fcking loser but im too anxious to talk and make new friendship even tho I desperately want to.
No. 243006
>>243001It's completely fine to feel and express yuor emotions in your own way anon. You are not a crying baby, some people are naturally more sensitive than the averege and that's ok.
If some situations are too overwelming for you maybe you could try some mindfulness exercises when faced with those situations and tell the people close to you how much you feel hurt when they call you crybaby or imply there's something wrong with you.
No. 243030
>>243029Thats what I thought as well but I don't wanna be crazy gf and accuse him of cheating straight up over that, I also thought either
A)he thinks im fat "but actually likes it" or whatever
B)some weird way of negging
C)some weird teen novel savior complex fantasy of "saving me from insecurities"
Its so little but just… Odd, and then i bring up and he completely ignores it and acts like it didnt happen, its so weird
No. 243038
A question about venting
How and where does one vent without looking like a moaning piece of shit? I was locked up in a psychiatric ward a few weeks ago and found that most people in my position, more so the women, define themselves and talk about nothing but their health issues. It was there that I realized how infuriating venting can be when done wrong and now I have a distaste for any form of venting at all in real life even though I instinctively need to do it from time to time.
I'm really worried I'm going to do something stupid through either desperation or rage. I will be locked away for a long time for any misbehavior next time but as it currently stands I am having trouble regulating my emotions. Some of my family have cut me off in a dramatic way because I'm basically in the 'too hard to deal with pile', which cut me up pretty bad, but I did lash out at them in moments of intense weakness so it is justified I guess. I honestly don't believe I have the necessary abilities to regulate my emotions at this point of time, and with my brother saying he will wait outside and smash me over the head with a baseball bat the next time I upset mum, has me a bit concerned I am running towards a drama I can't avoid. I have expressed that I am willing to not talk to my mother anymore but the rest of the family is 'oh no man, no, your mum is sick and you can't just abruptly cut her off like that'.
Some of my family is doing a lot for me with covering my mortgage while I'm unwell. And my brother is checking up on me. I'm definitely a risk to myself and others but I can't bring myself to return to the ward because I don't trust that modern psychiatry and mental health services have progressed much beyond One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and Lobotomies, I don't want to become a statistic that is lives in a semi conscious state due to whatever substances they force into me. During my brief stint there a nurse was always on my back trying to get me to take anti-anxiety pills, I can't bring myself to trust them.
No. 243040
>>243038Try calling to suicide prevention hotlines and other emotional support ones when you really need someone to talk to. They have people trained to help you or just listen to you if you say you just need to vent and have no one else to talk to.
Best of luck anon.
No. 243048
I went to see a Star Wars live concert today but I couldn't stop thinking the whole time about how I feel like the Last Jedi ruined the series for me. I tell myself I can always enjoy the originals but I cannot stop being a sperg.
>>242882Thanks for the tip anon. I think I'm doing better but I'm so behind on my work.
No. 243052
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I have exams in 2.5 hours, have not slept all night and now my ex is sending me messages at 5AM REEEing about something I said on the internet that wasn't even about him and the fact that I saw his dick online and crying about how I hurt his feefees by saying that he didn't care about me (he himself said I loved him a lot more than he loved me and refused to hold hands with me, amongst some other awful shite).
He seems to be getting increasingly buttmad and has resorted to sending me SMS messages after getting blocked. He is the one who dumped me, he is the one who wanted to be alone, yet he is now also the one bothering me and acting like a manbaby.
I finally got over him for the most part yet here he is being a twat, making things worse and acting like I was the one who did him dirty. Why are men so dumb Jesus please give me an answer.
Sorry if I come off as super negative and sorry if I've already ranted about him too much but this guy just can't drop it and I'm tired.
No. 243064
>>243038I’ve found a formula.
XYZ is upsetting to me because ABC. I am doing this about it but it feels overwhelming. Ask for advice if pertinent.
The key difference between bitching and moaning or just venting is mainly what is being done about it. The worst moaners are always presenting themselves as victims of cruel circumstance/people and aren’t doing shit to improve the situation.
No. 243117
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I miss my friends a lot… but when i see them they don't give a fuck about me, their personalities and interests changed a lot since we entered college (not in a bad way), they're bored when I sit with them but I can't ditch them and find new friends because they are very nice and we've been together for so long, I also don't want to change myself just to please them.
No. 243127
>>243112I had a similar experience.
It wasn't so much that my lady was incompetent or new, she just had nothing for me. It was kind of like talking into a wall, I don't remember her saying anything. Lol.
That's fine for some people I guess. But if I wanted to shout into a void, I would just post anonymously here about it. I remember putting down the phone feeling less suicidal because all I could think about was "is this really how that hotline works?" Lmao.
No. 243190
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I had a nightmare last night and it left me with a serious question I've been asking myself since I was a child: what will I do when my parents will die?
I'm not even very close with them, my mom has NPD and is abusive and my dad lives with his new gf and we see each other twice a month or so, and yet the thought of their death makes me cry and seems such an impossible thing to overcome. I had an orphan girl in my class, and I was seriously wondering how did she overcome that. It just seems impossible to me.
When my grandma died 2 years ago I was devastated, and I still am whenever I think of it. The thought of not seeing/hearing from someone you love again in this life is too hard… I think I could even kill myself when the time comes. Same if something had to happen to my sibling. Why do living beings have to die?
No. 243241
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>working in a group of around 9 people.
>they send me useless information that was based purely on copy and paste and some incoherent bs.
>I end up doing everything, I did 20 pages.
>They get angry at me for not taking into consideration what they send me
>called me rude for calling them incoherent through a fucking text message
>one of them is extremely disrespectful and has zero manners in a daily basis, she is stuck up in her annoying 17yo psycho punk girl uwu
>one of them literally wrote a fat paragraph ranting about it
>next morning they don't say nothing to me
>some of them ignore me and glare at me in class
people are sickening. I hate myself for actually feeling bad when I did nothing wrong, I did them a FAVOR and yet I'm the bad guy. fuck off
No. 243266
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>>243247>Going places where you need eyes to seeLmao get on my level
No. 243278
>>243269>not even fully reimbursedlmao, in my country glasses are never reimbursed. You pay or no eyesight for you.
And people still say "socialism" is ruining this shithole, kek
No. 243280
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>parents are going into pension soon, which means our already small income will be cut in half and they'll depend on me
>can't find a job that pays more than minimum wage bc no college degree and only a year of experience
>can't get into college because my parents won't be able to finance me, employers avoid (future) students like the plague + unstable job market, "student jobs" don't pay enough to support both family and school
>realizing I'll stay in this shit and dying town forever, possibly ending up homeless once my parents die and if I don't find an okay paying job
>have no friends and connections because retard me thought I'll be dead before I turn 18 (nope, I'm 22 now)
>ltr/ldr is falling apart because bf had "high expectations" and is now barely talking to me instead of doing fucking anything to help (actually posted it on /g/), I'm just waiting for him to leave
>can't afford therapy anymore
Well…shit. My anxiety is probably making some situations seem worse than they are but I have no fucking idea what to do anymore. I'm so stressed I haven't eaten properly in a week and I can't fall asleep before 5am, waking up at 8am. I'm stuck in a fucking rut and I just want to fucking die.
If I could at least get out of this town, but I can't leave my parents behind, no matter how shitty they were. Or if I could make friends, but the majority of my peers are mostly out of town/country already (since it's a tiny place).
I also had high hopes for this fucking relationship… the ONLY thing he has/had to do is pay some fucking attention to me. That's literally IT, it's the simple motivation I need. But no, despite me telling him that over and over again he still chooses to ignore me and barely talk to me.I suppose he's over it already, considering he doesn't know how he feels after the break we had. Fucking hell…
No. 243283
>>243280Wth, you're only 22, yet your parents already retire and want you to support them?!
Even if they had you when they were already 40, they're still not old enough to do that…
No. 243287
>>243283They both have physically demanding jobs and have been working them for years, can't blame them for wanting to leave. And me supporting them was kind of always a thing, ever since I started to work, so I'm kind of used to it?
Tbh I'm not really sure what to say
No. 243312
>>243311This is why I studied engineering. Fuck betting your grade on how somebody else interprets what you write. Just give me boring equations with a single correct answer all day.
I know what it's like, this song is pretty much me IRL these days
No. 243326
>>243319Nah I'm actually 100% confident he didn't just skim it and read the conclusion because the prof actually left me a bunch of comments throughout the entire paper. He also does regrades for the class normally.
It's just that I have a lot of other stuff due and I didn't want the extra work.
No. 243329
>>242991Happy late birthday Anon!
I spent my birthday two days ago alone too, mostly because I had schoolwork to do, but I don't see it as anything special. Celebrate when you want to, no need to put importance on specific days!
No. 243367
>>243327Retiring at (or even before) 60 is an insane luxury, that nearly nobody can afford.
You really need to talk to them, they should at least be able to go for 5 more years until you're a bit older and more stable.
You're at an age there your parents still should be supporting you - not the other way around.
No. 243435
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Some teen smartmouthed at me today "Who the FUCK are you?", which got me pondering on how to answer that question. The definition I decided upon was simply me in the context of my environment, having nothing to do with my likes or dislikes, my hobbies, my work, my life. After so many jobs, so many hours volunteering, so much time spent at the guitar, I still can't answer that question.
If I wasn't philosophically opposed, suicide would look a lot more appealing.
No. 243440
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>>243435Having this realization doesn't need to be depressing. Ego doesn't exist independently, it's just an approximation of countless unique concepts and feelings and ideas, but it exists functionally and dependently, so you have the potential to mold it and dress it up or abandon it at will.
Most Buddhist sects focus on this concept and perfecting it as a vehicle to liberation instead of a depressing thing.
No. 243452
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I've been doing pretty good lately recovering from years of self hatred related to misogyny/hating myself for being a woman but then I read this and allowed it to ruin all my progress.
I've wanted to write/direct my entire life. It's all I've ever wanted to do and all I've ever fucking cared about. The fact that people will just see me and see A WOMAN and think that this all that I have to offer makes me want to fucking kill myself. Why is the world like this? Why are women so hated and belittled?
I know it's my problem if I let this bother me. But it does fucking bother me, and as much as punish myself physically for being 'weak' it STILL bothers me and I can't stop that. It may seem like I'm overreacting and I probably am but that comment is just one comment on top of millions of other people saying shit similar or worse than this and I don't see a silver lining here. I've tried to find one. And I don't see a single fucking point in trying at anything at all anymore. Shit like this is never ending and I'm so fucking TIRED. I wish I could finally get the courage to blow my fucking head off.
I mean how many times are you supposed to hear that you're dumb and worthless and deficient and have nothing to offer the world before you finally get the hint and fucking take yourself out? How long can someone actually be expected to cope with that?
I know I'm opening myself up for incessant ridicule here but I just need to get this out. Because I really don't see the fucking point in continuing on with anything. I just want to sit on my ass and read books and watch movies so I can stop thinking about who and what I am and how the real world is forever. And I probably fucking will, and I'll accomplish nothing, and I'll be forever sad and miserable a failure, and I'll have no one but myself to blame. I'll have nothing but the kind of sentiments in pic related floating around in my head for eternity. I can't go back to a time when I saw myself as a capable human being and not just some inferior animal who shouldn't even try because I'll never be good anyway. Now I just see myself the way men like that see me and it hurts so fucking much and I can't break out of it. I'm stuck like this forever and I'm going to ruin my fucking life.
And at the end of the day it doesn't matter why. Nobody fucking cares. And it's no excuse, regardless of how much it fucking hurts and how much it makes me feel like I'm getting buried underneath this shit and there's no avoiding it.
No. 243475
>>243452First of all: why is this affecting you? Is he right? We you going to write and direct a movie about babies, clothes and gossip? I imagine the answer is "no".
But let's say that's exactly what you want to do: so what? Have you seen the amount of complete shit movies men make every year? And even then: why must a film about such subjects be bad? Because things related to womanhood are seen as inherently inferior, even though they objectively are not?
Third: fuck, girl, how fucking low is your self esteem? I used to echo and believe a lot of misogynistic shit back in my /b/tard days, but that was because I was a shut-in NEET who didn't believe sne'd ever amount to much, and "they're right, it's because I'm a woman" is a great excuse to feel sorry for yourself and stop trying. It isn't true, though.
Last of all:
guy is a fucking pleb. Most men who say this kind of thing are. I'm a language-literature major, and I once believed the plebs that said that only males write good literature and all women writers were Stephanie-Meyer-Marian-Keys level YA chick lit bullshit. That academics were all males because women couldn't into science. But when I actually started studying it beyond a high school level, I found out there's a shit ton of good female authors. Great female linguists. Most of my professors are women. It's the same thing in pretty much every area: women aren't given as much mainstream attention because they're women. It doesn't change the fact that these women are great, and their work is great, and their contributions are real, and people who actually care about such subjects
DO value them and their work.
Don't let a fucking pleb who thinks he knows the first thing about film making because his ex gf once forced him to watch Lars Von Trier discourage you.
Actually, from the examples he gave, I'm 100% sure he never even watched a non-Hollywood movie. No. 243491
>>243460As someone dating an ex-slut, I feel weird as well. It makes me anxious as hell whenever I think about their past partners or how they've just had way more sex than me, and I basically went up to having missionary sex and that's it. I'm disappointed because I feel like I'm missing out on the "sexual discovery" part of the relationship where you find yourself sexually. For my girlfriend, it's basically good as long as she gets off; she's interested in doing things to fit my kinks, but it's really hard to figure out my kinks when I date someone who's been through literally all of it from her exes.
At the same time if you're young, just be faintly afraid of getting played or dealing with someone who used sex to cope with other mental issues.
No. 243492
> women aren't given as much mainstream attention because they're women. It doesn't change the fact that these women are great, and their work is great, and their contributions are real, and people who actually care about such subjects DO value them and their work.You sound jaded because "good" female authors can't become famous intrinsically based on their gender; this is just wrong. Like, people value their work and they may write well, but that doesn't make their material more relatable or evoke emotion to the masses. Like it's the goal of publishers to publish shit that people will buy and read. And the reality is that men don't relate to women, they don't understand a lot of the emotional plight and burden and simple shit even like having a period.
>and people who actually care about such subjects DO value them and their obviously not since every srs female writer is a nobody or beating dead horses
No. 243494
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I have a great boyfriend but his sex drive is way way lower than mine. I went to hang out with him tonight and even though I brought up that I wanted some action he declined, and while I was understanding towards him I was a little miffed internally because I completely shaved from the neck down and wore a particularly sexy outfit in an effort to woo him.
I ditched the two vibrators I previously owned at the beginning of this relationship. After my frustration tonight, I decided it was time to get a new one. I high tailed it to the nearest 24 hr sex shop, only to see that everything was massively overpriced. I thought it best to suck it up and just get one, it'd all be worth it in the end. I got one for ~$35 and anxiously headed home.
Well I got home and it absolutely will not turn on. I've tried putting the batteries in every way imaginable, trying different kinds of batteries, the works. Nothing. I don't really like using toys that have no vibration so it was a complete waste, the $35 I paid for it as well as having to suffer through a seedy adult store.
I know it's far from tragedy but man am I annoyed lol
No. 243514
>>243510I don't think it's cute to like it or being a girl makes anything more/less okay, and I don't like actual childporn by my own definition of it (which is surely different from yours).
Let's stop this conversation before the thread gets derailed.
No. 243543
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I honestly just want to start my own pop up maid cafe.
I work as a professional illustrator so I can easily design the logo and art, I can design/sew the costumes or coworkers from past jobs who could(or good places to buy costumes), could easily get my sister to make me a couple of baked goods to sell at the event (as she studied in Paris)
I just simply do have any friends who would want to be part of it and honestly it just sucks. I know I could make a quality maid cafe but I just don’t know anyone willing to join or where to start to find people.
And the people I do find are either shady as hell(pass workers from arcane cafe) or just too young.
No. 243574
>>243475Thanks for the response anon….and to get it out of the way, yes I have low self esteem and I admit that and I have been working on it. I feel less suicidal today so I will try to explain why this bothers me.
I don't know this guy or what he knows about film, it was a conversation in a thread I was in but was not said to me. It's affecting me because I see things like this all the time, constantly reminding me that the entire world thinks I'm inferior or somehow incapable of thinking about anything but vapid shit because women are dumb, worthless, only for sex, only for babies. As someone who wants MORE than that, much more, it hurts to be reduced to that and it feels as though it's CONSTANT. I mean, this is tame compared to the shit I read and hear about women every single day. This:
>Because things related to womanhood are seen as inherently inferioris pretty much my point. And it can't be changed. I will always be seen as lesser than regardless of what I do. I feel like EVERYONE thinks this way and simply humors women and lets us think that the world doesn't hate us or see us as trash. I feel like the punchline of a joke, constantly. And I'm tired of being seen this way, and I'm tired of getting angry and being sad when it's completely out of my control. I acknowledged as much. But I can't help it, I'm so sick of seeing men say 'well women are like this and like this and like this' and 'women are only intellectually or emotionally capable of X.' I really can't handle the fact that the world sees me that way, before I've evened opened my mouth. It's useless to agonize about shit being unfair, but it's fucking unfair. I'm tired of automatically being viewed as deficient or less capable.
And it doesn't matter how much people prove them wrong. It doesn't matter how many female directors make strides, or how many women are incredible authors. This idea of women being some worthless mistake who is just a deficient male will never go away. This shit will NEVER end. I'm barely 21 years into it and I'm so fucking sick and tired of it. I don't WANT to be seen or treated this way based on something I can't control. It has nothing to do with me, as a person, but still, that's what everyone sees first and foremost. A woman. And therefore, they see someone who has nothing to offer but sex/cooking/cleaning. Someone who is intellectually incapable. Someone who's main goal in life is to sit on her fucking ass waiting for some man to PICK ME so that I can fulfill the one thing that women are seen as decent at and pop out a bunch of babies that I don't even want because ~that's all women are for.~
>>243546You're right, I won't succeed as a writer. But this was not a personal criticism of me or my work, which is the fucking point. It's just being written off based on something I can't control by at least half of the population. And how many times do I really have to express that this particular sentiment is one fucking brick in a million mile long wall of similar or worse sentiments.
No. 243586
>>243574You sound like you have some anxiety problem and are extremely insecure. There's a lot of successful women out there and they worked hard to be where they are, not complain online.
Female directors are less common but there are a lot a lot of female editors. Tarantino's main editor has been a woman. (Until she died) But a lot of talented people, male or female don't succeed in the film industry because it's so competitive.
No. 243598
>>243586This is a vent thread, which is why I vented. I thought the purpose was for 'complaining.' I work very hard but my point is that it doesn't matter, because people still see me as just a WOMAN and therefore inferior and have nothing to offer the industry or the world in general. BECAUSE they're women. I'm just tired of seeing this shit everywhere and I just want it to stop. I'm so so so fucking tired of it and there's nothing I can do about it because I can't fucking change being a woman and I can't hide it and everyone can fucking see it. Read his fucking post again. It feels like fucking SHIT to be written off and reduced to 'children and clothes and gossip about coworkers'? And people constantly saying men are superior in everyway and women are only good at having babies and serving men. Who the fuck wants to go through life constantly being reminded of that?
Sally Menke was literally mentioned in that post he is responding to, along with a lot of female directors. And men STILL think that way about women. Even when they are presented with successful women who have contributed to the industry, somehow those women's successes don't count and women are STILL seen as incubators and fucktoys to them. Women are STILL seen as incapable of doing anything good and making great art even when they do. The point is it doesn't fucking matter what I do, at the end of the day I'm still a woman and people see that and automatically have this idea of me being an inferior piece of worthless fucking trash that is lower than an animal and should just give up and go back to the fucking kitchen and do the only job I'm worth doing.
I've already mentioned I have low self esteem and I'm trying to work on it but is it really any wonder why I have low self esteem when I constantly am inundated with ideas that I'm inferior and worthless because of circumstances of my birth that I can't control? If I could control it obviously I would have been a fucking man, why do I deserve to be punished for not having that choice? Why the fuck do women have to be shat on constantly even when they do good things or are good people? All because they're women. Why is "woman" something so fucking terrible that it's the most undesirable and reprehensible thing to be? Why?
I wasn't born thinking this way about myself and my gender, it was fucking beaten into my head my entire life. And it never fucking ends.
It doesn't even matter. I regret writing the post and I regret writing this post and sorry for everyone that read it.
No. 243605
>>243598Yeah i also wanted to chime in and say that I don't agree with what you're saying conceptually, but I feel this way all the fucking time. I'm so fucking sensitive to misogyny and it makes me hate myself and feel disconnected from my body.
You probably already know what you have to do. You have to get away from ideas like "if i could choose i'd be a man!!!" and get angrier. Get angry at the masses who think you should be punished for something you can't control and accept the fact of women in all their forms, not just the ones who have proved themselves in a losing game. You know believing these people is bullshit so you have to stick with that conviction and stop asking yourself 'but what if they're right?' They're no more right than you and they never will be because it's just their stupid opinions.
It's so much easier said than done and I hate that in order to not hate myself I have to be stubborn and intense with my views. I'm sweet and sensitive and I don't feel like fighting, but that's how it is on this bitch of an earth
No. 243610
>>243608People alreayd don't take me seriously for the reasons I stated, so who the fuck cares how I feel about myself? Nobody.
>>243605Thanks I know that's what I have to do too and I try really hard to but sometimes it gets too much and I feel like I'm back to square one with how depressed I get about it. I feel just like you, I'm sensitive and quiet by default and I don't want to have to be FORCING myself to stop feeling things. It's very hard to do and it doesn't come naturally to me. But I guess 'fake it til you make it' applies here, but I don't think I'll ever make it.
But I will stop shitting up the thread with my 'complaining' because it doesn't matter in the first place. And I guess people who are hurt by misogyny and feel hopeless about it are worse than actual misogynists.
No. 243614
>>243610>who the fuck cares how I feel about myself? Nobody. Uh yeah, that's kind of the fucking point. SELF-confidence and SELF-reliance. The only thing that matters when you're alone and when you die. In an extreme case, believing in yourself lets you keep your sanity when literally everyone hates you and is against you, but luckily, there are plenty of women on your side, and even some men.
>And I guess people who are hurt by misogyny and feel hopeless about it are worse than actual misogynists.That's just ridiculous. You're doing it again. You're basically saying "what if they're right?!" and what if you're the stupid and crazy one and the people that hate you are reasonable. It's not true. It's reasonable to be hurt by people that say things intended to hurt you. The women who aren't affected by it at all might just not be that sensitive or they might have not been exposed to as much hate or they're naturally more tough and confident but whatever it is it doesn't matter. It's still ok to feel the way you do, but you need to work hard to save your life.
No. 243621
>>243598>This is a vent thread, which is why I vented. I thought the purpose was for 'complaining.'Sure it's good to vent but you are going on for way too long. That's a sign that you are not venting but you have some deeper rooted issues.
> I work very hard but my point is that it doesn't matter, because people still see me as just a WOMAN and therefore inferior and have nothing to offer the industry or the world in general. BECAUSE they're women. This is BS. There are plenty of successful women. My mom is the breadwinner in the house and she is very successful. I have a friend from high school who is super airheaded and feminine but she has an ibanking career, and I have another friend who is doing the same. Idk those are just some anecdotes but there's plenty of well-off women these days.
>I'm just tired of seeing this shit everywhere and I just want it to stop. I'm so so so fucking tired of it and there's nothing I can do about it because I can't fucking change being a woman and I can't hide it and everyone can fucking see it. Maybe you need to see a professional
>Read his fucking post again. It feels like fucking SHIT to be written off and reduced to 'children and clothes and gossip about coworkers'? And people constantly saying men are superior in everyway and women are only good at having babies and serving men. Who the fuck wants to go through life constantly being reminded of that? Who cares? I don't care what random men or women on the internet have to say. A lot of people in the US think that because I am a racial minority I can't do xyz but I don't give a shit. You're overreacting to random internet comments and that's not good. You sound like an incel who say "nothing i do in life matters because i'm ugly". Or some BLM person who constantly complains about race.
If you are so worried about your gender you can go to some women's oriented fellowship.
>The point is it doesn't fucking matter what I do, at the end of the day I'm still a woman and people see that and automatically have this idea of me being an inferior piece of worthless fucking trash that is lower than an animal and should just give up and go back to the fucking kitchen and do the only job I'm worth doing. You're overreacting
>I've already mentioned I have low self esteem and I'm trying to work on it but is it really any wonder why I have low self esteem when I constantly am inundated with ideas that I'm inferior and worthless because of circumstances of my birth that I can't control?You sound like you have more than low self esteem. Maybe a personality disorder
>It doesn't even matter. I regret writing the post and I regret writing this post and sorry for everyone that read it.No you're not sorry. Stop lying and be honest.
>>243613I really doubt you were going to accomplish anything in life regardless of your gender so who cares.
No. 243623
>>243621Why are you so fucking mean about it? in a vent thread? what did i actually do wrong here? I said I would stop posting go away and I promise I will but why is
>I really doubt you were going to accomplish anything in life regardless of your gender so who cares.even necessary? Please explain what I've said that warrants that. You could have just not replied or reported me so that I will get banned and then you don't have to read it anymore instead of saying something like that. I really don't understand and why I'm specifically so much worse than anybody else in the thread.
No. 243627
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I hate my race.
If i never learned English or had no internet access i probably wouldn't have turned out to be the self-hating wee- and koreaboo i am today…
It really affects me in how i see every single piece of my body: i'll never be as tiny and thin as them, my hair is way too frizzy, my facial bone structure makes me look old and manly in comparison and i've gotten absolutely crazy about skin care and no tanning (but still no results…)
Is there anybody who feels/felt the same? Any tips on how to get over this?
I know that many idols get plastic surgery, photoshop etc, but it's really affecting my confidence so much and whenever i see an asian girl i instantly admire her, no matter how often i try to convince myself that she's actually just average, there's nothing special about her…ugh
No. 243628
>>243624Why would I not take it personally when you said I won't accomplish anything in life regardless of gender? How is that not personal? How should I take that?
I didn't mean to be passive aggressive so I'm sorry, and I'm sorry for pissing you off, I truly am. An I don't want to annoy you further but I do want to defend myself because I just feel like I never personally attacked anybody in this thread, I was trying to vent about my own problems because I have nowhere else to do it like I mentioned. I took it personally when you said I was attention seeking when all I was doing was what everyone else in this thread has done which is vent about what was bothering me. How is that any more attention seeking than anybody else? I just don't get why I was singled out and now you are just saying mean shit for no reason.
And I think I made it clear in my post that I already know what you said is true, I'm worthless and won't accomplish anything, so it just seems like kicking someone when they're down and I would understand why you would do that if it were a different thread with a specific topic and I started complaining about something tangentially related but I got the impression this thread was more anything goes and anything that is bothering you is fair game.
No. 243631
>>243627What the fuck, anon? You sound so unwell and I feel sorry for you. You need to focus your energy and desires on something healthier and realistic. Focus on your hobbies or try new things and see what you enjoy doing.
Here's an idea for you too: the things you mentioned that you hate about yourself, have nothing to do with race so you can spare yourself the heartbreak.
I'm sure you look fine no matter your race and are overly self conscious with weeby photoshopped beauty standards.
No. 243633
>>243628>Why would I not take it personally when you said I won't accomplish anything in life regardless of gender? How is that not personal? How should I take that? Sorry dude, I don't know very much about you. If you really are capable then it doesn't matter what I say. You've just been displaying a poor attitude in your post that's not conducive to success. You're also posting on a board where people nitpick all the time and you expect to be immune to that? lol
>I didn't mean to be passive aggressive so I'm sorry, and I'm sorry for pissing you off, I truly am. An I don't want to annoy you further but I do want to defend myself because I just feel like I never personally attacked anybody in this thread, I was trying to vent about my own problems because I have nowhere else to do it like I mentioned.I feel bad for you now because it's clear you have some problems and no friends. You are letting your insecurities and anxieties get in the way of you achieving anything.
> I'm worthless and won't accomplish anything, so it just seems like kicking someone when they're down and I would understand why you would do that if it were a different thread with a specific topic and I started complaining about something tangentially related but I got the impression this thread was more anything goes and anything that is bothering you is fair game.You're continuing to be passive aggressive again. I'm not saying you are worthless, you just seem to have a lot of problems and a bad attitude.
Of course anything people want to vent about is fair game but there's no rule from criticizing anyone's posts.
>>243632Yeah that's what I meant to say.
No. 243639
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>>243627You need help. And I'm not saying that in a rude way. Please find someone to talk to, a therapist or something. I don't know which race you are and how old you are, but in some ways I can relate. I'm about 12.5% ethnically mixed, and even though its little I got the dark genes.. which makes me more hairy and darker than others around me. A few years ago I hated this (being hairy lol), and I don't particularly like it now. But that's just how it is, and I have learned to live with it.
Please realise that you're not Korean/Japanese and you'll never be. Find women of your own ethnicity to look up to as well. It's fine for you to admire these Asian models, but you also need someone similar to you that you can relate to.
I agree with
>>243631 also remember that looks really aren't everything, you should spend your time develpoing your skills, interests, and again admire someone that you're more similar to.
No. 243640
>>243627Yeah that sounds super unhealthy. It seems like you have a low self esteem and use this Asian idealization as an outlet for your insecurities.
I think you should "unplug" a bit from this world you've created for yourself. Unfollow any idols on social media, etc. I recommend looking at girls who are the same race as you, and observe the features they have. Maybe they're not cutesy and pale like Korean girls, but I'm sure they have their own unique qualities that make them beautiful in a different way.
You just have to accept yourself the way you are, which sounds cheesy as fuck but I don't know how else to say it. Like
>>243631 said, focus on yourself and what you like to do, not what you feel pressured to become.
The internet can very easily become a weird echo chamber and warp your ideals. The thing is, though, nobody in real life cares about these Asian beauty standards except for you (I'm assuming you live in your native country and not in Japan/Korea). Nobody is looking at you and thinking, "Ugh, her face is so old and manly." Yeah, maybe it is in comparison to a baby-faced Korean idol, but in real world scenarios, you probably look like a normal girl, especially when compared to girls of your ethnic background.
No. 243664
>>243627Why blame it on race? Women of all races are petite with feminine bone structures all the time, pinning it soley on race rather than insecurity is ridiculous
For your insecurity, I'd say stay off of 4chan, they think any woman that doesnt look like an ultra feminine but somehow curvy kpop idol "looks masculine" realize beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and differences between masculine and feminine, hell some of the most famous models are often coined as masculine and yet they're making millions just for looking pretty, i bet you're not even bad looking, just fucked from 4chan
No. 243672
>>243669Ah my bad, I'm just too use to seeing "WHITE ROASTIES ARE JEALOUS OF ASIANS" meme, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what made them think that or some other cancerous yellow fever corner of the internet
> also asians look in general younger because of the recessed nose bridge Eh, subjective, I don't think they necessarily look younger on average (naturally at least), nose doesn't really affect how old you look unless you have a huge with honker, even then girls with ethinic noses can still look p young
No. 243673
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I think I somehow fucked up my ability to feel things like a normal person does. I obviously experience feelings, I just… don't seem to experience them very well, if that makes any sense.
I was a lonely, awkward kid, so I spent my entire childhood reading, watching movies, cartoons, whatever form of media I could get my hands on, and I think that might have been the issue. When I read romance novels I felt so many emotions, like it was actually me who was going through everything. Sad stories made me feel real heartache and would leave me sad for weeks. Doesn't matter the genre, I always felt something. I made up my mind and became a social butterfly expecting to go through all those things by myself… but I felt nothing? Love was boring, I did develop feelings for the guys but I swear I feel more watching a romance movie that actually going through it. Sad stuff doesn't really affect me. My family is ok but I don't feel any form of deep connection or love towards them, nor to my friends. I don't know what's wrong with me, I almost completely stopped consuming any sort of media in hopes that my issue was that I was "addicted" (wtf) to it like people addicted to porn, but it didn't work. It's not that I'm depressed or want to kill myself or anything, it's just that this life is incredibly boring when you're like this.
No. 243693
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I’ve had 5 anxiety attacks over the last three days, along with paranoia (mainly health related), loss of appetite and insomnia. This behavior isn’t normal for me these days, I’ve just been under incredible stress this week. I have a bad habit of pressing my tongue against the roof of my mouth when I’m stressed. Last night I did it so hard I felt a pop and suddenly I could breathe clearer and my whole face felt like it shifted, I also had some broken blood vessels on the roof of my mouth. I went to the ER this morning (no primary care in place), and I was told I shifted my sinuses a bit, I’m in no danger and it should be okay. Some general sinus/allergy problems are probably going to happen because it’s related to my sinus. The thing is though I’m still feeling a lot of anxiety about this and am paranoid I broke something or it’s more serious and the doctor didn’t know what he was talking about or something. I acknowledge that I’m probably just being paranoid, but if any anons have any input or kind words I’d appreciate it. I’m purposely not googling it to avoid triggering myself right now so I’m at a loss of how to change what im thinking it is.
im setting up an appointment to start therapy again tommorow. I’m feel like I’m driving my boyfriend crazy by being paranoid so im trying to not talk to him about it anymore. I’m so scared I’m dying or broke something in my face or something. Right now I’m just having post nasal drip and relatively tame sinus pressure/pain, along with feeling like my voice sounds weird
No. 243700
>>243697There are studies for all kinds of crazy stuff from curvier women being more intelligent next minute theyre saying women with smaller breasts make better grades, I don't really trust studies that revolve around looks since its so easily manipulated
>>243699Depends, if its china town vs downtown south korea where tons of surgery happens then its easy to disagree, i mean im not saying they look haggard or hideous, I just dont think they're all ugu baby faces everyone makes them out to be
No. 243739
>>243738>maybe I am just a lazy bitchCalling yourself that makes you seem like you have issues within yourself.
I have traveled quite a bit and seen a lot of beauty. But I still feel empty and unhappy. Once you manage to go out and see what you want to see you'll soon figure out if its an issue within yourself or not.
No. 243782
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I used to love this website a few years ago, visited every day and loved having a community of like minded women in /g/ and /b///ot/ but holy shit it's turning to an actual pile of steaming cancer and it's actually sad see it go down like this since i spent a big chunk of my (late)teenage years chatting with anons on these boards.
The threads reek of underage people, everyone seems to infight for fucking the tiniest most minute thing for hours, everyone resorts to calling everyone a fatty if they are not ana-chans or vice versa, it's full of pedophiles and shit, people here sound fucking mental and super underage at times (like killing yourself over eye colors or not having an underweight bmi), if anyone is not an edgy cunt or disagrees about this board culture at it's current state anons resorts to go back to "x" or no1curr instead of trying to have a civil discussion about it, petty nitpicking about everything, no one is willing to listen to anyone and everyone seems to only like to complain, etc.
I cannot even remember the last time i saw a thread that did not derail for the most petulant bullshit into everyone calling each other names like this is some kinda high-school cafeteria or some shit.
This went from a chan full of picking apart shit and cattiness contained on the gossip boards while simultaneously being able to communicate bluntly with one another in non gossip boards (which i enjoyed) like fucking adults to a board full of edgy underage sounding people projecting their insecurities on everyone and reeeing about everything at any chance they get.
This whole board basically turning into a bunch of /manure/ tier posts and i'm sad to see it get to this state as an oldfag.
>inb4 go back to cc or no1curr
No. 243787
>>243782I'm not saying I necessarily agree with you, but what would you suggest for changing the current mood?
I can cede that derailing and infighting seems to be a major problem, but even in the early Kiki/Tumblr/Yukapon threads we had people shitting up the threads. I think the vent threads/relationship advice are generally good and that it's actually mellowed out a bit in ot/g.
No. 243798
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>>243782Agreed, the average farmer insanity has reached unbearable levels. Some Anons are so insecure it's painful.
ex :
>The one who said she wanted to off herself because of her small breast>The one who regularly vent about how much she hate being a woman because she KNOWS that nobody will ever take her seriously and everyone think she is worthless>The one who said being anorexic skinny is the most beautiful body type and the ONLY elegant one and anything else is vulgar. No. 243804
>>243782I agree too, I think the main issue is that people are stewing in bitterness and it's becoming cancer because of that. Like I'm almost sure most of these anons are literally only spending their time here or on other chan boards, obsessing about shit they hate and making themselves feel worse. Like all these people
>>243798 mentions, are stuck in this chan board bubble. And we have so many threads geared towards self-deprecation or bitterness. Vent threads are fine, but the hate threads and loser thread and this new 'beauty trend' thread, just stop. The first rule of growing up and loving yourself is to fucking realize that other's opinions of you are basically meaningless and to care about your own true feelings, but if you're stuck on a site being fed shit like EVERYONE HATES FUCKING WOMEN 100% or telling you GIRLS WITH SMALL BREASTS ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS, how the fuck can you do that? And the worst thing is that these people don't want to be told wrong, they want validation for their insecurities. It almost makes me sick to come here… (but then i go to crystal cafe and it's worse).
No. 243917
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I feel stupid for taking nearly 4 years to complete my CC courses despite my good GPA (like that even matters). I resent my parents because they set me back by forcing me to be homeschooled and never actually being taught anything. Being this old and barely getting started on my education embarrasses me and I want to cry.
No. 243924
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>>243917if it's any consolation I went to public school my whole life and made it to university at 17 and then failed out of my major because I'm retarded so at least you have a good GPA!
it's really easy to play the comparison game and feel like you're stuck playing catch up though, i feel you on that one.
No. 243961
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I’m convinced my mom might actually be a narcissist. I always knew she had an incredibly toxic personality but never thought it might be an actual disorder until I lurked the Margo thread for the first time. Only found out was gaslighting was a few days ago and to my surprise, my mom attempted to gaslight me earlier today. Pic related.
For context, we were having a heated conversation about a recent fight I had with her and my sister that started with my mom talking shit about my cousin’s weight, saying she thinks he’s bulimic because he’s “so dangerously thin” (implying 6’2” and 160 lbs is anywhere near sickly). She constantly talks negatively about other people’s weight, fat or skinny, because she’s always been insecure about her body and feels the need to put down people who are fatter or thinner than her to feel better. I did a dumb thing by telling her his weight was none of her business and that he’s fine, which led to her throwing a string of uncalled for, incredibly hurtful insults at me because any kind of criticism drives her insane no matter how minor it is. Then she put all the blame on me because in her eyes I was the aggressor for criticizing her, so in our text conversation I tried telling her she acted like an asshole and I was tired of taking the blame.
In the text you can see she tried convincing me that I’m the one who talks about people’s weight first, not her, and that I don’t realize I do it (all absolute bullshit). Last I saw her I overheard her discussing how fat her best friend had supposedly gotten over the past year to her cousins in a different room than me, which I overhear her do all the time, so I know she’s full of shit. She also brought my insecurity with my own weight into it as “proof” that it’s all me bringing up weight issues, because I mentioned to her a few times that I’m trying to lose weight.
I’m kinda devastated right now thinking that my mom is probably a narc, it would make so much sense because of what a horrible, manipulative person she is. She’s always tried to put the blame on me for everything whilst pretending she’s a loving mother who only wants to “help me” not be the worthless fuckup she’s always painted me to be. And for the longest time I believed her. Smh.
No. 243968
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>>243946Are you in France? I only have a semester to complete and I'm supposed to have an internship for that so I'm fine (well no, but that's because I don't have an internship) but some friends are in the same situation. It's fucked up, I hope it'll work out and you'll pass your exams on time.
No. 243971
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>>243968I think she's from Canada, I have a Canadian friend in the same situation (also I'm French and that's the first thing I asked as well lmao).
My vent:
I have an internship left to complete as well, but absolutely nobody will have me because I lack experience due to studying abroad for a long time in a non-English speaking country. I was so close to getting an internship at Citibank but they blew me off at the last stage and I'm sad.
Right now my parents are trying to find me something abroad through the Lizardman Diaspora Network (tm) but I'm scared nothing will come up.
Fuck, I'm a good student, why does nobody want to hire me? Been applying since January and nothing.
No. 243988
>>243971It's the same shit in Canada too? Isn't it even worse since tuition is super expensive like in the UK and the USA? Damn, imagine paying thousands of dollars for litterally nothing.
Also I know I shouldn't say that but it's nice seeing I'm not the only one who can't get an internship. In my case I'm too poor to leave my city for an internship and there's almost no opportunity where I am, and mine is supposed to be long so it's a paid one and no employer wants to spend money. Even though they look for students who already have years of professional experience. Go figure.
Worst part is that I'm a good student too and I'm ready to work hard and all that, meanwhile a lot of people in my course got really interesting internships and they do a horrible job (their words, not mine) and want to stop because they don't have enough free time to party.
No. 244051
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I am really glad I got my IUD, but this heavier period bullshit is so annoying. I am on my 4th day bleeding like it's my first. Also, I am way more bloated than usual and it's particularly bad when I am currently trying to keep track and lose weight.
No. 244053
>>244049Men of all races
1)hate women of their own race
2)think women of their race give as much of a shit about interracial couples as much as they do so go out of their way to glorify women of another race, then when they realize no one gives a shit they scream about how women of their race are all cheating filthy ugly fake whores and how women of x race are cool, classy, loyal, traditional, attractive, etc, then when people get upset they scream about how "UR ALL JELLY UR GETTING REPLACED AND CUCKED!!!" When they don't realize its not interracial dating is not the problem its how they put false ideas in their head about different races and treat women of their race badly over their own delusions
3) Even after all this time they spent ranting about how awful women of their own race are and how they want nothing to do with them, they get pissed when women of their race date outside their race, like if you think theyre so awful and like x race so much then why the fuck do you care? It just is major hypocrisy and makes it sound like they dont even like x race and are just pretending to like them for their revenge fantasies when in reality no one gives a shit
Its not just with white guys either, I've seen it a lot with black, latino, asian and arab men who fetishize white women, white men who fetishize asian, latin arab and black women
No. 244055
>>244053I'm a black girl (with a white boyfriend) and this is so true, lmao. There's a subset of black guys who bash black women all day and talk about how other women are better, but then lose their temper if black women dare to date interracially. They make such disgusting comments, too.
It's funny how this sort of psychosis seems so innate to men, across all races/cultures.
No. 244060
my boyfriend just found out that the only father figure he's ever had died yesterday and i have no idea what to do. he texted me from work freaking out, and then his mom texted me and basically said that she's glad he has me because he is going to need me and that she's very worried about him, and i am similarly very very worried. he used to have a pretty bad drinking problem before we started dating and throughout our relationship he has developed a much healthier relationship with alcohol but i'm scared he's going to relapse after this. my boyfriend never met his dad and this man was the closest he ever got to having a dad and he died with no warning, no chance to say goodbye. he had seen him the day before he passed and had no idea he would never see him again.
i just feel so, so horrible. i know he is in agony, emotionally, and i feel like i can't do anything to help. like i keep trying to think of ways to make him feel better when he gets home from work but the only thing i've thought of is getting his favorite candy and rolling a blunt to hand him at the door but that's like… that's like shit that i do for my friends when they lose their jobs or get dumped, y'know? that doesn't feel like appropriate or enough for the love of my life basically losing his father. i've never experienced this kind of loss though, and i just want to be there for him but i have no clue the best way to be there for him and take care of him and help him.
i'm very sad about his passing as well, for different reasons, and i feel like i have to keep that to myself because i know my boyfriend can't handle consoling me right now which is completely understandable, but this is such a heavy, awful feeling and i don't have anyone in real life i can talk to right now and i'm just very scared and sad and having The Worst 4/20 Ever lmao
No. 244072
>>244051I got nexaplanon (the arm implant) and Ive been bleeding for a solid two weeks
and im still spotting
My Vent/Rant:
My first boyfriend said he was bisexual before we got together, and now he says he might be asexual.
Which is fine i guess because vaginal intercourse isn't the most appealing thing to a virgin like me BUT FOR FUCKS SAKE why didn't he come to this conclusion before I got a hormonal rod jammed up my arm thats been making me bleed forever.
Also have been meticulously planning my first time w him, including buying a dildo to pop my own cherry beforehand. IT WAS ALL FOR NOUGHT
Im also just hurt that despite how cute i am, he's not sexually attracted to me. Makes me feel pretty unattractive. He says he likes looking at my face, but my boobs are just a soft pillow to him. Feels bad man
No. 244076
>>244072Well on the plus side you are prepared for the next 3 years to lose your virginity.
And two weeks isn't forever, at least not compared to the 3-6 months it is normal to constantly bleed/spot :')
No. 244079
>>244072>nexaplanon making you bleed I wish there was a better explanation for why this happens to some and not others. I've had this since 2013, on my second implant now and I didn't bleed once, except some spotting towards the end life of my last one.
My biggest issue is that it's much harder for me to lose weight, I've gained a ridiculous amount and I don't remember it being such a chore until I went on this bc specifically. I've read articles of women gaining upwards of 100 pounds on it. It's been a great bc, but this aspect of it makes me anxious.
Anyway, I relate a bit to you anon because me and my bf aren't fucking hardly at all. We're in the 4th year of living together and I'm honestly tired of putting my health on the line for something I'm not getting use from.
No. 244084
>>244079yeah, ive gained about four pounds from 112 to 116 and its been making me anxious but ive been going to the gym more to rein it in
this uninterested bf business is making me emotional eat tho so i gotta b careful
he told me he's up to have sex if I want but ive been on the fence since its a very unusual situation, ive always thought the guy would b the more enthusiastic one
Its nice to hear from someone else in the same bc boat, do u use condoms w ur implant anon?
No. 244085
>>244073did u break it off w him? ive been considering if me and my bf are better off as friends if he isn't going to give me the intimacy i need, but its so hard to think about my first relationship ending
i dunno he says hell talk it through w me tomorrow, but i don't wanna force him to do anything against his nature or just bury my needs
No. 244087
>>244074>I'm not sure I would get anything out of waiting for it.Same thing you'd get from edging while masturbating: the increased time you wait before getting satisfied is enjoyable in itself and it also makes it more intense when it finally happens.
Some people like it, some don't. I particularly like edging because I can stand five minutes of almost-cumming, but I could never stay with someone for months in horny agony. I don't think it's worth it.
No. 244088
>>244085i did, altho there were other reasons aside from just the asexuality thing but that was definitely my nail-in-the-coffin dealbreaker. he said that he would be fine with continuing to have sex for my sake but at least for me, there's zero appeal in having sex with someone who is just doing it as a chore or a kind gesture and isn't actually into it.
sex is something that i know that i, personally, could not live without in a relationship tbh. obviously i don't know yr relationship so take my advice with a grain of salt but: the end of your first relationship is terrifying and devastating but it's always for the better if you're not satisfied. if your needs aren't being met or are not able to be met and that's causing you to be unhappy then you can't let that stop you just because you're comfortable and it's scary.
but!! y'know again i don't know you guys and it's totally that possible you guys could figure out a way to make things work and both feel comfortable, i'm just speaking from my personal experience.
No. 244089
Is this normal?
I got one of my dream dresses in the mail today. I happen to pass by my friend on the way to the campus mail center. I tell her about getting it in the mail, and she begs to see the dress even though she usually doesn't like how I dress. No big deal.
Walking somewhere else, we run into our friend who is working so we stop and chat. Since I have my dress with me I go ahead and show him it. Then a customer comes up and is ordering something. While the guy goes behind the counter, my friend turns to the customer and out of nowhere asks what she thinks of my dress. I just feel so awkward that I say sorry and I start walking away.
Don't get me wrong, I love talking to strangers and I don't feel self conscious wearing lolita in public but I felt really put on the spot there, and I feel like the customer did too. There's a good chance she was going to feel the dress was ok, but what was she supposed to say if she didn't like the dress?
I told my friend it was weird to ask a stranger that but she insisted that it was normal.
I feel like I'm really awkward and I bother strangers too much but I feel like my friend takes it to another level. For example, during last Halloween, we were standing in a dorm lobby and she overheard some people talking about going out the next day. Even though she didn't know them at all, she asked if she could go out with them. I felt super embarrassed and I told them that my friend had been drinking too much, but I don't even think she was that drunk.
No. 244094
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>>244053Woc fetishists in a nutshell tbh
, I couldn't find the entire scene though
No. 244103
>>244098>>244100no guys i just meant i was stretching myself out at my own pace so that i wouldn't get the jamming treatment most girls get their first time
like being pressed down into a split forcibly vs training yourself to do a split by yourself
No. 244105
>>244088Update: we broke up!~
we're gonna say it was mutual but i would've stuck around if he didn't admit he wanted to go back to being friends\ this sucks but oh weell
thanks for everyones advice! <3
No. 244116
>>244084I don't really use condoms, only because I've been with my bf for so long. We both are clean and we both have the same ideas about accidental pregnancy–not that we had to worry.
During the year that I was single I did wear condoms with some guys I was dating, because it still won't protect against stds of course. I never worried about pregnancy.
I will say that for me, it made me dry down there and I noticed a decrease in my sex drive.
>>244089She sounds super extroverted, maybe to the point where she doesn't realize that public scenes make you uncomfortable.
I prefer to think optimistically about this and say that perhaps she wanted people to notice how you looked in the dress and was fishing strangers to give you compliments. It sounds well-intentioned, just not your cup of tea.
No. 244117
There's a guy who loves me very much. I used to have feelings for him, but he never really made me feel happy. He didn't fit my standards, in emotional ways, he couldn't satisfy me. We had a falling out once in december, lost contact, and he contacted me again one month later. He is clinging onto me emotionally, though I don't have feelings anymore. It's a special case, he's never had anyone who could ever relate to him, he thinks I'm his soulmate and the only girl who is worth dating in this world, the only one who understood him. For additional context, he went through a lot of hardships in life, I liked him because I felt like how depressed he was evoked an emotional response to me. However, he's really fucked up and mentally ill. He tried to cut contact with me multiple times and we've hurt each other but it was mostly him hurting me.
It's no longer a toxic relationship, but because we don't talk anymore. it's been a month, he's on my discord, but he just wants to know I'm there. I want to completely cut contact out of selfishness even though it seems he needs me in some way. The reason why is because I've found a man who was better than him for me in every way, and I don't feel comfortable having him around when I have a perfect boyfriend now. It reminds me of my past, maybe I'm slightly ashamed I was so intimate with a person who wasn't good for me. I guess I want to erase every trace of him and everything to do with my past.
I once told him I'd never abandon him. I've also told him that if I got a boyfriend I'd never tell him so I don't hurt him.
Should I cut him loose?
No. 244120
>>244117>he's never had anyone who could ever relate to him, he thinks I'm his soulmate and the only girl who is worth dating in this world, the only one who understood him.That's what at least 3 of my exes said. Then they got bored and fucked me over or continued acting like dickbags.
Do not trust words, look at his actions. If I were you, I'd cut contact and block him.
No. 244130
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>>243673I just wanted to say I know how you feel (kek) and it makes me feel a little better knowing I'm not alone. Thank you.
No. 244131
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I hope It's alright to post this here, I was looking for advice, I guess? But also to vent. What should one do in the case of someone liking you a whole lot more than you like them?
I made an online friend a few months ago whose a very socially isolated person. She doesn't have any friends (even online) outside of her family and was bullied throughout school, which has left her with low-self esteem and very socially anxious. I'm a naturally very friendly and encouraging person. So I've been there to listen to her problems from time to time and to encourage her to try to go out, make new friends and reassure her that she's a person that people would love to meet if she got over her shyness. Anyway, I think somewhere down the line she got the idea that we're totally besties and I just don't have the heart to break it to her that we're really not. The reason we talk so much is because we have the same interests and are online at the same time a lot. The other day she even told me she (platonically) loved me. (pic related) Maybe that makes me a cunt? I don't know, but I just don't feel what she feels towards me.
Anyway, this all came to a head when I was telling her about this anime con I was planning on going to. She was saying maybe she should fly down to go to it too, I told her that was fine if she wanted to go for the con itself, but that It's not a good idea to go just to see me. (I go to cons to meet new people and I don't want someone clinging on my arm the entire time) She admitted she'd only want to go to see me and I told her straight up that I didn't think that was a good idea. That clearly upset her and she signed off in a bad mood, we haven't really talked since and I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for in terms of advice, I guess this turned out to be more of a vent thing. Is it possible I'm an asshole for somehow … Platonically leading her on?
No. 244139
>>244137Nah I (the second anon) think I can safely say I'm not schizoid… I think. There's a couple of people I feel very close to enough to warrant genuine emotion. Except sometimes my emotions will flip-flop if they do something my brain disapproves of. I guess I'm a little crazy. I'm also jealous of people having cozy friend groups; all my friends were back in college and now they're scattered across the country. A lot of them are from small towns where everyone's known each other from like kindergarten and settled back comfortably. I'm from a big city and it's never been like that for me. The kids I grew up with are either pushers or never grew out of high school because they stayed in the city.
Not really a vent, just hurt feelings (I'm not so emotionless, I guess…!) bubbling up to the surface… I want to have friends other than my SO. I'm quite boring so it makes it difficult and I'm easily mentally exhausted.
I think some of us were just programmed to be mostly alone… ow the edge
No. 244161
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Ugh. I’ve been thinking a lot about my love life recently….and that I basically ruined my first relationship which happened earlier this year, I am 18 btw. I was friends with this guy for a couple months or whatever, he ended up getting feelings for me. At first I was sure I didn’t want to be in a relationship right then, because my depression was really bad due to me having to be homeschooled this year. Obviously, I was really lonely since I was by myself 24/7, so I was glad to have made online friends with people, him included. He told me that he couldn’t just see me as a friend anymore and that he would have to stop talking to me if I couldn’t be his girlfriend. (I know this seems like a red flag but I had prior relationships so I was very naive). I stood my ground for a bit, but eventually I could tell he still wanted more, after a couple weeks I decided to give it a shot.
Meanwhile, all this happening I am extremely behind in my classes, forcing me to feel like complete shit and seek out comfort/reassurance. (I know it’s my own fault but I did get my shit together so pls no bulli). He was there for me and even offered to help me, but would get frustrated that I wanted to do it on my own, he also got annoyed when I wasn’t affectionate with him, I’m….not really the affectionate type and I kinda have trust issues when it comes to guys. I did mention this to him before we even started dating, so I wouldn’t feel as guilty if he knew what I was going to be like. He would make comments about me having an eating disorder, which didn’t help with my already low self-esteem. I have really bad phone anxiety, so when he would call on discord I would just type in chat instead of speaking, I did speak every once in a while though.
Shit hit the fan when I decided to move for a couple months to a different relative, so I could focus on my schooling. I told him beforehand that I was going to be busy, things got really tense after we had an argument about it, I couldn’t handle it so I ended up shutting him out. I just did my school work and sometimes talked in the group chat, but barely talked to him, since leaving him unanswered would make him upset, so my logic was that I couldn’t leave him on read if I just didn’t talk to him when I can’t have a full conversation. I got really close to being caught up and one day he blew up at me, calling me cruel and comparing me to his friends girlfriends, etc. It was heartbreaking, and I just wanted to be done with it all, it was too much to handle. We discussed it and we both had different sides to our stories, but I did apologize for just shutting him out and not talking to him about it.
We agreed on a break and eventually he broke up with me when it was “too long” for him to wait. I felt really sad at first, and still do sometimes like today but for the most part I am relieved. We we’re only dating 3 months but there were some good times, but I sometimes worry he thinks I’m a terrible person. He recently re-join my group chat after a couple months and….I kinda wish he wasn’t in there, but I can’t kick him out since he’s friends with my friends. And I watched some of my favorite animes with him, but now when I watch them I think of him and it makes me sad. I wish I could go back and never have said yes. I can’t tell who was worse in the relationship, but at least I don’t have to worry about it as much as when we were together. THIS IS REALLY LONG I JUST NEEDED TO GET IT OUT…
No. 244164
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>>243627If your obsession is this false idea of azns being the epitome of perfection look at Korea 80 years ago, look at pre-imperial Japan. Korea was literally a giant mudflap settlement before colonization and its sudden emergence in the mid 20th century.
Asians idolize europe because they were late to colonization and have always been inferior in development to european countries. They aren't magically dainty, they actually have denser bone structure and skulls than their european/african counterparts. If you have a problem with frizzy hair get it perma straightened once a year, learn to work with your facial structure and see other perspectives on beauty outside the infanticized image of Asian shit, you may actually have great facial bone structure to others and be using shitty makeup techniques that make you look bad. I'm not big on tans either and am mixed azn whitey and actually have trouble finding foundations that fit my yellow-pink undertone so I just use the obsessive white people tan tones, just settle for shit.
I hate to get too racially invested but your outlook is unrealistic to the true reality of race, i'd be more worried about recent findings in genetics proving asians to be higher IQ on average to their racial counterparts.
I implore you to do some research into your own race whatever it is, and some into asian races. You'll find shit and things you love about all races there really is no such thing as a perfect people.
No. 244170
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>>244169Its a meitu-fied version of fucked up Brendan Fraser kek
No. 244175
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Around december I had a friends with benefits type of relationship with a guy I met on a Discord server with some mutual friends. Not everything went well but we didn't break off contact, the server we're in is quite nice, it isn't worth it to spread drama there. He kept playing with my feeling though, and he was still asking for nudes and to meet up quite often. In February I got into a great relationship, I'm happy together with my boyfriend now. I told the discord guy, in the hopes of him leaving me alone. But yesterday I got messages from him again, asking for nudes. He hasn't stopped since I've got into a relationship. I want to break off contact, but I don't want to leave the discord server. Btw; the server consists of about 20 people, so it's quite small.
No. 244179
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I think I'm an alcoholic.
No. 244182
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>>244177>thinking she hasn't done that alreadyOh, anon. So naive.
>>244175Just straight up tell him to fuck off and never talk to you again, damn. If he takes that drama to the server, that's on him and not you.
No. 244209
>>244179First step is admitting anon
Next step is getting help
No. 244212
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Literally why do people outside of impoverished backgrounds want to become models? It's literally just labor, but with added sanctions on your body. I can understand if you're a young Slavic girl from a very poor family who wants to make money without resorting to out and out prostitution, but I feel like everyone else romanticizes it. The vast majority just work and work with little to "meh" pay unless they make it big (which is rare), and then there's the issue of creeps in the industry who will try to take advantage of you.
If it's about the aesthetic, validation and vanity, what's stopping you from getting skinny, putting together cool outfits, hiring a photographer (or even just learning how to pose and having a friend take pics), and putting yourself out there online? If you have something about you worth looking at and cater to a niche, the fame, money and attention will basically gravitate to you naturally. At that point, you could actually get asked to model for some shows. You could cater everything to fit you and your taste instead of having to work hard to fit someone else's vision.
I really just don't get it.
No. 244224
>>244219Avoid driving with your mum, find someone whether it be an instructor or your cousin to teach you who is able to make you feel more relaxed/confident.
It is horrible learning to drive with someone who makes your nerves worse or who makes you feel less confident, would recommend paying for a driving instructor if you can afford it.
No. 244225
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Had my university entrance exams today.
I really really hope I did well. They were so hard though… I did quite well on my mock exams but I don't feel too confident right now. Maybe I left too many questions blank? But that's better than getting them wrong…
I'm getting my results in 9 days, can't wait.
is it bad that i hope others did badly? these exams are scored on a percentile rank, so if a lot of people did badly, I have more of a chance of scoring well and getting in (and feeling good about myself)
No. 244265
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lol this is a big one.
i'm on about a week and a half of new meds for bipolar, which i had NO idea that i had (this came after a first meeting with a psychiatrist at my school and she was basically like…you're describing hypomania to me. you're not just depressed). so now i'm on lamictal, am newly processing my past through the lens of bipolar disorder (a LOT of shit makes sense now), and am honestly kind of freaking out. i slept through my scheduled therapy appointment (second one!) last friday and i hate myself for that, because i really needed it. couldn't get another til the 30th. and i'm so in the habit of using my best friend as a rant receptacle/emotional crutch that he definitely hates me. and i have to stop, anyway, because that's no way to treat anyone and also because his beloved dog died and if anyone needs comfort it's him. which he won't even accept because he's "fine" which like. he's not. and i'm afraid that he won't want to reach out to me or anyone when he gets to the part of grieving where he needs someone. also i'm probably in love with him and everyone knows it and i hate myself so much for not being able to stop. it's not a big deal anymore but i just feel safe around him and i don't feel that safe around anyone else at college or like. anywhere. besides a few other people maybe.
and i'm in this big-ish friend group, him included, and a lot of us are living in an apartment together next year, and some of them are starting to get on my nerves. lately i've been feeling really restless and unsatisfied, like i want to go live a different life. which sounds really cliche when i type it out, but whatever. i went to a show tonight and realized that's what i'd love to be doing, being in some shitty band and touring and making like. just enough to keep doing it. or not really making enough and working some shit day job that i don't mind too much. and having really cool friends who i feel like i can connect with more. but i can't really play any instruments, and i was a tour groupie tagalong once a long time ago and kind of hated being crusty and tired from shitty sleep in a van and always smelling like cigs.
maybe i don't want to be in a band, then, but i like going to shows. and now i feel restless. i want to be a writer sometimes when it doesn't feel so unrealistic but i'm not that good and i can't tell the difference between my poems (yeah, ugh) that suck and the ones that don't suck so bad.
in a year i'll be graduating college. my loose plan is grad school and then some psychology career. i don't know if i'll be happy doing it. sometimes i think if i do it just right i'll get into the niche i'm aiming for and then i'll be okay. but who knows? maybe i'll graduate and then just go home for a couple months and then just wander off. just drop off the face of the planet. go west or something.
and i have so much work to do this week, and so many deadlines, and i have to fit in 20 hours of work somehow because i don't have enough money yet for a security deposit for my apartment next year. but all i want to do is be in another place and time or cease existing all together. the only improvement is that i'm not actively suicidal right now. i'm gonna stop now what a bitchfest. my fault for sleeping through that therapy appointment
No. 244274
>>242922joining the military is honestly a really good thing to do as a young adult, you'll save a lot of money, have valuable skills and it will look great on your resume when you're out
your friend sounds like a little weenie
No. 244288
>>244282Happy birthday! It's mine too, we can celebrate together :)
Sorry for the vomiting, I've heard taking a bit of baking soda (tip of a teaspoon) dissolved in water is good for nausea, have you tried that? It basically makes you burp a lot.
No. 244295
>>244225i was always taught to never leave any questions blank even if your know they're wrong. Shows that you tried and there's a possible chance you were right, but i'm not sure what kind of test it was.
Best of luck to you anon i hope you pass with flying colours!
No. 244538
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>>244533People are assholes and assume the worst based on other people's looks, if they're going to judge you and criticize you no matter what you do you might as well do whatever you think is the best for you. You could literally be perfect and some people would still try to find something wrong so they can criticize you anyway.
>If you want to go to college and be somebody, you are told you’re bougie.Not black but I've been told similar things and also that I was trying too hard to act like I'm white for trying to become successful. You really think you should listen to people with such stupid arguments? Others should shut up and mind their own business.
No. 244542
>>244535Fairychar is awesome, I also follow Latte, and Art of Sound ASMR. GentleWhispering and WhispersRed changed a lot for me, I used to love them but now the magic is sort of gone. They both make an immensely tingly vid from time to time but that's rarer now. There are great ASMRtists for sure I just don't like this new trend. It pollutes my queries so I don't bother searching for new asmr vids anymore like I used to.
I know it's not a big deal but I'm an insomniac and ASMR really helped me deal with that and it lowers my anxiety.
No. 244558
>>244539Why don't you go back to post your point there and argue like a real adult, instead of running here like some
triggered little snowflake?
That thread is about girls who envy people like
you, so shouldn't that be enough for your ego?
Just so that you can stop whining, yes, only asians look young and have perfectly straight hair, also, you are curvy and tall as well.
Are you happy now?
No. 244563
>>244559Oh, so it was just a coincidence that there was an argument about asians girls having straight hair in another thread at the same time you decided to post here?
Then please pardon me.
No. 244568
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I procrastinated literally all day long on the internet because I don't feel like writing this paper. The sources are all there, just staring at me.
I'm the worst. Never again.
No. 244581
>>244217once you get out and do stuff and meet people you will realise how miserable your 24/7 couch potato life was and that you clinging to it as you are just now was a Stockholm syndrome of sorts.
source: have been in a similar situation
No. 244587
>>244581I actually just came back to update to my OP post, my orientation went really well and I had a lot of fun with my new coworkers. I still have another week before my first shift but it's only 4 hours and during great times so I have no idea what I was so upset and paranoid about. I'm looking forward to it!
I hope my life is looking up for the better. Although my coworkers are all younger than me and super successful… it's a bit disheartening. But I will get better. Thank you for replying, I think you're absolutely right.
No. 244620
>>244581omg anon I've been in the exact same situation as you it's uncanny. I also hoarded free time and just sat on the internet with it because to me free time=freedom and I also had to work or do chores as a teenager so it was also just my normal.
I was also scared of my first part time job/jobs for the exact reason and I was so fucking pleasantly surprised. Having some structure and working part time hours just made my still plentiful free time feel more luxurious and I even had more motivation to work out and do art and read books in my free time because I already had momentum from waking up and working. Working part time either gives me more energy to keep doing productive things, or it makes me tired enough that vegging out feels nice as fuck instead of just the needed requirement. Part time is the shit once you adjust to it.
I'm still kind of scared of the lack of free time if/when I have to get a full time job for years, but hopefully I can adjust to that too.
No. 244625
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I’m very mad at my body in general. I’ve been doing so well in terms of living a healthy lifestyle like cutting out red and processed meats, eating veggies, and minimizing added sugar intakes to the point where I only consume 30g of sugars a day just due to fruit. I do weightlifting 3 times a week complete with a kickboxing class and two times cardio. I control my caloric intake and got down to a nice weight and generally have been good.
So what does my body do? Breaks down and contracts shingles, stops producing periods for about five months, and causes me chronic pain in my shoulder. All this fucking work and time and effort put into my body and all it does is break down and get sick. I’m so mad I’ve been binge eating on and off this past week where I put out more than 2000 calories in a day. Honestly what’s the point if I’ve been sicker than I’ve ever been while doing all the right things??
No. 244626
>>244217I've been in your situation before but you need to stop lazing around. You need to try to start working out or something or otherwise you will fail your classes and/or graduate with a shitty GPA. But since your family is so rich maybe they can just take care of you like Pixie.
>>244212It's considered glamorous
>>244219You don't need your cousin driving you around. You need to be driving your cousin when he picks you up.
What's up with so many people on this board not being able to drive? Do y'all live in some place where it's really shitty to drive but there's no public transport like Atlanta?
No. 244630
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Holy shit I was such a fucking degenerate today.
>woke up
>smoked a leftover bowl
>got tired
>decided I didn't want to work today since it's my friday
>pay someone $65 to cover
>go tits deep into another bowl
>decide I'm hungry
>raid bf's cheese stash and slice off a thick cut of pepperjack
>smoke some more and watch youtube
>hungrier still
>pathetically call sushi joint to ask if bogo applies to takeout
>it does, realize I don't even have to call again cause I can order online
>buy 4 rolls and 2 hand rolls for $39
>save half for later, generously saving it for bf
>smoke a bowl
>get hungry again for dinner and decide to eat bf's portion too
>disposed the evidence
Feels good to have /no control/
No. 244696
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I moved countries almost three years ago and I haven't made a single friend. I feel lonely as fuck and I only have my husband here. I don't want to put the burden of dealing with me 100% on him. He got friends and I don't feel comfortable talking to his friends.
How to appear more friendly, be less weird and approach people in a way that people might feel comfortable?
No. 244717
>>244587I'm really happy for you that it went well! hope that's the start of a lucky streak!
>>244620although you misreplied to me i completely agree with your points about having to work then making your free time more luxurious, that's a good way of framing it!
I also currently work part time (bc student), the prospect of working full time scares me a bit. like right now I can distance myself from the workplace drama and what not by knowing that it isn't my entire life and just a part time job (and honestly my immediate coworkers are great) but I won't be able to have this mindset once a job will become my entire life you know? I'm sure it'll be fine I just can't help feeling bit bleak seeing the older coworkers getting fired up over petty stuff just because they have noting else going on.
No. 244741
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It isn't a big deal but I've been feeling weirdly inferior/unusual as a lesbian lately for not being attracted to masculine looking girls. I know it doesn't matter much but a group of girls I talk to (mostly bi though there are a couple other lesbians) often post about how much they love butch women and honestly a lot of the girls they post are basically indistinguishable from men. I don't normally care since it's just preferences but recently they've been making fun of me for having tastes in women 'like a straight man' because I like more feminine looking girls. And every time I meet a feminine lesbian online she'll always only be into butch girls. It's so minor but it's been irritating me a bit lately getting told that not liking masculine girls makes me the same as a straight guy or otherwise not a 'proper' lesbian.
Also a small female gaming group I'm part of is now letting in trannies who talk about their 'girldicks' and fetishes all the time but nobody is allowed to complain because 'they're real women too uwu.'
No. 244748
>>244741I'm bisexual and tbh I can't stand lesbians. They're absolutely fine individually, but fuck they have the absolute worst group dynamic I have ever come across. The gatekeeping is fucking insane and they have a us vs them mentality strong enough to put robots to shame.
No wonder so many of them fall for the tranny bullshit, both have the exact same, identical "if you deviate however minimally from our norms, you're a pariah and excluded from the group" mindset. I'm pretty sure the "femme and butch" phenomenon is a direct result of this peer pressure, too, thank god for other bi girls who have actual personalities and aren't walking stereotypes
No. 244772
>>244748Are you the same person who was sperging about them in the unpopular opinions thread a while ago? Kek.
Why do so many bi girls have homophobic superiority complexes like this? Are they just pissed off because some lesbians don't want to date or fuck them?
No. 244779
>>244772No, that wasn't me. Happy to know another anon feels the same way.
>Are they just pissed off because some lesbians don't want to date or fuck them?Lesbian women when bi girls want to date and fuck them
>ewww she likes dick, that's so disgusting, lmao bihet bincels will never touch my precious lezzie vag they always leave us for males anyway, bisexuals don't exist they just kiss girls to appeal to menLesbian women when bi girls DON'T want to date or fuck them
>why don't bi girls want to date or fuck me you're so homophobic omg there's nothing wrong with being lesbian stop thinking you're like totally superior, lesbian women totally don't think they're superior or talk about how touching dick makes you a disgusting hetMake up your fucking mind
No. 244783
>>244779Lol at this projection. I'm not whining about bi girls not wanting to fuck me, I'm whining about bi girls who shit on lesbians for no reason.
>>you're so homophobic omg there's nothing wrong with being lesbian stop thinking you're like totally superior, lesbian women totally don't think they're superior or talk about how touching dick makes you a disgusting hetYou sound extremely bitter.
No. 244790
>>244777Damn anon, that's too real.
I feel the same about drawing, or all my other aspirations for that matter.
I feel like with every year I'm losing myself more and more and I don't even know what I want, or if anything has any meaning, considering I can't even make friends or any kind of relationship. I don't feel that "doing it for myself" is a good enough motivator to get in shape, save money, get back into school.
I hate that you are feeling the way you feel but I also don't know if you, or me, will ever be alright. Maybe some people just have to work a little harder, or struggle more to be happy, or just content.
I hope you feel a bit better some day anon.
No. 244832
>>2448264chan raids, infighting, humblebragging, nitpicking, etc etc
So much infighting goes on, it's almost like they're trying to see who's the craziest, even worse when people gang up on random shit like they did in the unpopular opinion thread just because the girl said loli was wrong and shouldn't be encouraged
It drives people insane, I wisb crazies were permabanned so they'd stop shitting up everything
No. 244859
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I finally have enough money to travel a little in my country for the summer and I would like to travel with friends who also have the means to travel a little. I'm trying to plan ahead because otherwise it won't be possible to book for an hotel or to buy train tickets. It has been months since I've been trying to talk about it with friends and they either don't answer or want to go somewhere with me but don't want to book anything yet for some reason. If this keeps happening we won't be able to go anywhere and since it's the first time I'll be able to travel without my family dragging me along, I'd rather be with people I know and trust. It's so annoying, I'd rather have my friends say no directly, they don't want to travel anywhere instead of waiting for their answers or expecting them to tell me they don't have enough money for that (which is wrong) or any other lie.
It's frustrating because they actually don't want to do anything in general. I ask them if they want to hang out anywhere when they're available and they dodge the question. If I ask them if they want to go to a bar, a restaurant or go shopping they say no because they dont want to spend money (fair enough, they want to save money for other things or just in case after all), but if I ask them to do free things that I know they'll like they'll tell me that no, they're too lazy to do anything, another time maybe. For example I want to go to the beach this summer and told them that because I want to travel there. One of them started acting like she was too good for swimming in the sea and like it was for peasants or something. It was weird and honestly at this point I don't know of I should even bother trying to hang out with them or leave them on their own and wait for their propositions.
I only have one friend who wants to do anything but she doesn't live in our city anymore and she works full-time so it's hard to plan anything together, and yet I see her way more often than our other friends. We talked about it and she's even more exasperated than me because she feels like she's wasting time and money when she takes the train to see our friend group and only half of them show up everytime. This post is a mess but whatever
No. 244867
>>244826>>244832>>244846We've always had shit like that here. Maybe not as
consistently apparent like as of late, but if y'all are trying to imply there's never been any cows or crazies posting here until this past year…lol.
Imo, people are way less vicious than they used to be and I prefer it.
Need I remind you of Spoony, Wildchild, Kiki, Mystery.jpg, and all of the other crazy posters that have been exposed over the years.
It's just the nature of this website, being that the majority did migrate here from 4chan. Although I will say, about a week or so ago I saw a lolita secret on livejournal explicitly mentioning this website, not to mention the cowtipping going on in /snow/ from places like Jill's fb fanpage.
So maybe we've got an influx of newfags regardless.
No. 244877
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>>244049It's the opposite for me, anon. I'm a hapa and I have this really bad complex towards asian men.
I always feel like they find me lesser than white/asian girls just because I'm mixed and therefore not the pure blooded waifu they want. Sometimes they're so fucking full of themselves just because they're pure Japanese/Korean/Chinese and it pisses me off. I've never been with an asian guy and I find them very attractive but in the back of my mind I always think they despise me.
I went to a party some time ago and saw a real cute Japanese guy. I gathered all my courage and decided to go talk to him (since they never approach me, only the fugly ones) and when I did, he started showing me off to one of his friends saying things like "she's mixed" "half-Japanese" like I didn't know if I should be flattered or embarassed, maybe just being treated like a normal human being?
I know they can be very mysoginist too. It's just growing up around asian men made me want to date one, even if it's only to see how bad they really are.
No. 244892
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I'm 23 and have nothing going for me, I'm losing my grip on time, my days are getting shorter, soon I'll be dead.
No. 244917
>>244783Did you read my post? It's not "for no reason", tons of bisexual girls think you and your weird hivemind are insufferable and so is the shit you pull. And you even made sure to prove us right by responding with a typical "u jst mad bc we wont fuck u" because you're so convinced bisexuals want you that you can't possibly imagine any other reason why we would dislike you.
Reading between the lines isn't projecting, btw.
No. 245055
>>245038Your explanation of that "group dynamic" is literally a shitty strawman. And how is generalizing the entire lesbian community not homophobic?
>Typical lesbian behavior, as I saidBitter, homophobic cunt, as I said. Most Bs are just as pathetic and disgusting as Ts.
No. 245095
I find lolcow to be very entertaining, especially snow. I also think it's nice to discuss some topics such as culture, traveling, fitness/weight, and share your own life experiences. But no matter which thread we're in there is always someone that needs to start racebaiting or talk shit about people who look okay or normal. For example ageing.
It creates a dark angry feeling inside of me, and I think it's not only unhealthy for me, but for others that come here. I don't even bother to read threads that I know will contain this shit, I just find it extremely unbearable when these anons need to go to threads where those topics has no logical place.
I wish that people would get permabanned if they nitpick, and racebate, so anons that come here for the actual milk and advices could do that in peace.
Honestly, why is it so god damn important if someone looks old for their age, is too tall or too short, if they're 3cm taller than what they say they are, or if their skin is not perfect. And what the hell is up with everyone hating men it's designated thread, but absolutely SHIT on girls that haven't done anything wrong or milky in other threads?
I assume they're 15 years old or something like that, so hopefully they'll soon learn that looking young thin and beautiful forever, is not a thing no matter what your race. But that even if it is, it will not give you happiness. How do they expect a men to respect women for our talents and intellect, when the only thing they care about in themselves and other women is looking the youngest, and prettiest.
I also have a question for oldfags. I've been frequenting this site for around two years now, but only at PT and Snow. have these racebaiting and nitpicking anons been in OT and G for a long time or do you think its migration from PULL?
Sorry if this is written poorly, it's night and I'm very tired. Good night anons.
No. 245097
>>245095Also one last thing before I go to sleep. I scrolled down OT a few days ago and saw an anon absolutely berate a beautiful KPOP idol about how she looked like a pig and how she was botched etc.
I don't understand any of this shit to be honest
No. 245099
>>244846dude, whether you like it or not there is a fuck load of humblebragging, especially in the surgery thread you see a bunch of girls coming claiming to have perfect round tits, tiny waists, wide hips and big butts and claiming how it causes problems for them or they "actually hate it", that's literally what humblebragging is, there's tons of examples if you don't believe me
>>244867true true, given the mystery, kiki, wildchild,etc etc, they were crazy but not as obsessive as a lot of anons, it's def not good for peoples mental health who are already crazy, I also noticed in an infight in the plastic surgery fraud thread over marilyn monroe, an anon was picking fights with people over how "if marilyn monroe was alive today u bitches would be tearing her apart and calling her skinny fat and a hoe!", it leads me to believe a lot of the infighters, not only have the same typing style, but are also cows who shit up the place, especially since the same anon was exposed as picking fights with other posters as well, there were theories earlier about who the infighters are
No. 245116
>>245111Yeah, I almost got into that hole some years ago. Not happening thankfully.
>>245115You appear to have missread it anon. Being into that stuff was a huge part of my days, and thus part of my identity. I never wanted to become Japanese or anything like that. Also, you seem kind of angry buddy. Need a good vent?
No. 245117
>>245055>bawws at at lesbians being generalized>generalizes bisexualsThe lack of self awareness is astounding.
It's not a strawman when it can be observed everywhere, when 90% of the lesbians I met were like that, when most other bisexual girls report the exact same thing, and when you yourself are here saying these exact same "u mad bc we wont fuk u, Bs are the worst" things and embodying the stereotype I described to a T.
No. 245137
>>245117>90% of the lesbians I met were like thatLike WHAT? Picky? "Weird and insufferable," avoid at all costs?
>it's not a strawman because personal experiencesK E K
>generalizes bisexualsI don't think I'm generalizing, there's a why reason Bs and Ts get along so well. You're the main ones pushing their shit, after all. So much in common there, especially the cluster B drama.
No. 245189
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>tfw you hate the thought of destroying your body through pregnancy and your life through raising kids but you realize your race is depending on you to ensure its survival
No. 245202
>>245192Why though? My country's culture is also shit in those aspects and it wouldn't bother me too much if someone else brought that up.
Anon, I sorry you find it cringy but it seems that we are using the word "identity" with diferent meanings, nothing to argue about besides semantics.
No. 245224
>>245206Not an attack at you anon, but reading this in your vent has brought something back on my mind that for some reason really gets on my nerves:
I hate the use of certain words or slang (that in my experience only americans use, at least some of my 'friends'), for example
>y'all, folks, you guys, dude, honeyI know it shouldn't bother me, but nevertheless…ugh
No. 245247
>>245204>anon, you were just bawwing about how japan's culture somehow personally affects your ability to enjoy animeOk, anon, you really got me wrong.
It's not that Japanese culture itself is preventing me of enjoying anime.
It's that I'm noticing way more how a lot of the tropes presented in the media, including anime, have a lot of characteristics that I don't find healthy and quite "
problematic" for women.
Japanese pop culture was a huge Hobby for me while I was growing up. I was a socially awkward and repressed kid and I realy only enjoyed myself when I could immerse into the anime/manga world. Learnign Japanese and planning a travel were only an extension of the hobby.
It's like I was a hardcore cross-sticher, that spent all her free time stiching, and suddenly realised she doesn't like cross stiching anymore and there's no craft to fill the gaps of her free time.
I'm grateful for the artists that made what I used to love, and look fondly on all the fun I had, and how my hobby helped me endure some rough times. But I just can't enjoy the media anymore, and I find it sad.
It's kind of hard to really get into another hobby as an adult.
>when me, a haffu is barely accepted among any of my family members thereI'm very sorry to know about that anon. I can imagine how that must hurt you. I'm a mix myself and the part of my family with "European blood" is quite racist. I heard an uncle forbade his daughter of playing with me while I was 5 years old, lmao.
No. 245272
>>245270I saw it soo many times, there are tons of people who get pissed off the same way, if you really think that you can detect the exact person throughout an imageboard where most people act alike then..
if you think it's her, then don't reply, I don't know why people insist on shitting up threads insisting everyone is crazy anti-loli bitch, especially since everytime it happens the thread goes to shit, hell how do we not know the person constantly accusing everyone of being her isn't the batshit crazy loli one? they do get mad in all the same ways, both obsessive, both samefag a lot
No. 245275
>>245270I agree tbh, I don't really care about the "hi x" shit, but man the poster it's directed at is obnoxious. They were obnoxious when they were bawwing about how much they don't care about cheating too. So tryhard.
>>245272>both samefag alotUh, we don't know that, and that anti-loli bitch has been in multiple threads and is like Spoony at this point, really easy to read, easy to piss off starts using the word crazy alot, accuses people of calling her insane even before anyone does. Spoony was easily detectable through her posts, even on crystal cafe she was found out. It's not to say it's the same person, but it's not impossible.
No. 245279
>>245275>Uh, we don't know that, and that anti-loli bitch has been in multiple threads and is like Spoony at this point, really easy to read, easy to piss off starts using the word crazy alot,that's half anons here, especially the ones always accusing others of being anti-loli bitch, and then later demanding them to stop infighting, it's as annoying as in the lily thread where almost everyone who came in was accused of being lily
>easy to piss of, uses crazy a lotstill most anons here lmfao
>accuses people of calling her insane even before anyone does. when did this happen? I have yet to see this, unless you're talking about when she was talking about the person who was shitting up the thread with constant "she's crazy, don't reply" posts, which even other anons agreed was annoying
No. 245281
>>245277>hopefully the girl on /g/ will get permabanned.There's no reason to permaban her, I hate to say but she was right about it taking two to tango, you don't fight with others then turn it on them for fighting.
>Anons who have a similar typing style and attitude can be identifiable.Eh, I'd disagree, but props to you if you think you can find out who a person is from a certain typing style.
No. 245289
>>245283>She did it right in the /g/ threadDid what?
>sperg out like fucking loons when people tell them to calm down. Then don't get involved, mini modding is annoying as fuck, if you see two people infighting don't come in telling them to calm down, especially if they're both having a shit-flinging fest and you only tell one to calm down, of course it will piss them off even more.
>>245286> OP who mentioned her was baiting her from the startI believe it, she sounds like she needs serious help, but I wouldn't exactly pin it soley on her since the anon who baited her clearly knew how bothered she would get and most likely fought with her before.
>she needs to get a different hobby.So do the people fighting her.
No. 245290
>>245287Don't fucking talk to her then. FFS where do you girls get these shit men, my fiance fucking knows his mom is crazy and is cutting her off as soon as he finishes grad school. None of that 'who would he save if you both were drowning' shit for me.
Sure his mom raised him, but if she's ruining his chance to continue his life and get on what's the point?
No. 245292
>>245289I didn't get involved? And by did I meant she already accused people of calling her insane from the beginning.
In any case, I'm not pinning anything on anyone the people baiting her are fucking shitposting, there's no talking to them. Of course they're in the wrong, why do I have to go out and say it, but the reality is you should be smart enough to shut up and not get baited, both people get banned.
No. 245293
>>245291Why did she
need to do that though? No one
does care, it's an anon board,
she came in to make herself known and stand up for herself like it was necessary, but the whole thing would have just been a one-off joke in a shit thread if she didn't act so important.
No. 245295
>>245292I'm looking at the thread in /g/ now
>Uhh no, that was me, I even said several times I didn't condone cheating I just hated how overhyped it was>what? I'm not saying I didn't sperg out, ironic especially since you mention it in another thread days after it happened>you could have just said you didn't think it was that bad but you couldn't stop fucking replying.oh noes, you mean if people attack me I fight back? what an odd phenomenon, I don't know why it blows your mind when you have anons ganging up on and insisting you're a cheater, you're this this and that and putting words in your mouth, clearly jumping to conclusions and not understand a word I said, then suddenly I'm a big bad person and in the wrong for replying to people who were replying to me and wanting to make it clear what I was trying to say (even though people are still insisting I'm some big bad cheater just because I think cheating is overhyped in society, which it is and how people reacted to me saying its not the worst thing ever literally proves it), stop jumping to conclusions
Is all they said before the other anon said:
>no one was attacking you they were saying your opinion sucks. but you can shut up and then people will stop calling you out.Of course it pissed them off when they were told to "shut up and people will stop calling you out" when they were literally called out after not even talking.
>And by did I meant she already accused people of calling her insane from the beginningWhen?
No. 245299
>>245293Dunno, she is crazy but so are the anons fighting her, if not even more crazy than she is.
From what I've seen, she just wanted to make herself clear then got baited.
No. 245305
>>245302Then don't reply, if it gets out of hand let mods take care of it, it's even more annoying when other farmers pop in and only tell one person to stop, which does nothing but piss of that person and encourages more infighting.
>>245303Doing what? It's definitely getting worse, but pinning it on one person will do nothing but make matters worse and drive her even more crazy, especially since it was more than obvious the person she was fighting was crazy as fuck themselves.
No. 245310
>>245308Yeah, they're a problem, she sounds mentally unstable, but so do the people fighting her, as well as the person who's always popping claiming how they "know" it's anti-loli anon here and there, I don't even know why people are only calling her out.
Assuming the same infighters are always the same few people like others have speculated, I wish they'd all get perma-banned. They clearly need a break from this place for the sake of their mental health.
No. 245312
>>245310I feel like infighters are where ever I post now. It's not peaceful here lately, like someone is really angry and shitposty.
I've posted stories the last few days, I got:
>anon nitpicking the story and blowing it out of proportion even after I clarified, doesn't apologize for misunderstanding and insists their original interpretation is right anyway>anon accusing me of off topic even after other anons step in to say the story is relevant>anon saying story is boring>"You're blogposting!" I don't even understand the last one? Most of these threads on ot are about personal topics so of course we're going to talk about ourselves and experiences. And even if someone goes slightly ot, when did anyone start being angry instead of scrolling past it?
It's not like I myself don't ever clap back at an infighter, but I try to ignore it as best I can yet it's just been really extra.
No. 245316
>>245312This tbh, especially the point about people blowing it out of proportion, especially in the weight gain and plastic surgery thread, or what
>>245206 said, it's like you can just make a calm point and if you have shit luck you'll get attacked.
>Most of these threads on ot are about personal topics so of course we're going to talk about ourselves and experiences. And even if someone goes slightly ot, when did anyone start being angry instead of scrolling past it? No clue, I feel like they're getting shits and giggles out of infighting, and it drives people nuts and creates more infighters, especially the ones bringing up old arguments. It's shitting up OT and G for sure, after seeing some infights I'm convinced a lot of infights are literally driving people here insane.
>but I try to ignore it as best I can yet it's just been really extra.Same, I saw someone try to do this before just for the other infighter to continue shitting the thread up and sperging, even to others who weren't involved in the argument.
No. 245334
>>245263Wait who anti loli? and what's wrong with being anti loli?
please don't tell me this place is filled with cancerous lolicons.
No. 245354
>>245352> if you’re being ridiculous or you had a shitty opinion, we’re not going to coddle you and tell you you’re fine. in the end, this is a website where none of us actually know each other so don’t take shit so fucking personally. oh for fucks sake, just shut up
and no, I didn't have a "Shitty opinion"
anons were just taking what I said out of context and instead of looking for themselves they just see other anons saying "YOU THINK CHEATING IS OKAY??!?!!??!?" instead of actually fucking reading for themselves and if they did they'd see I never said that
again, I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself, I just wanted to make myself clear since anons clearly took my point out of context just for other anons to sperg at me then blame me for infighting
hence why the tumblr text post was posted, you fight with each other, fight with me, god forbid I fight back I should have just ignored it etc etc etc!!!
even other anons earlier in this thread pointed out why it's retarded as fuck to pin it on one person and does nothing but cause more infighting
just stop , it's not a mystery why this shit stresses people out, just stop
No. 245355
>>245354i said we weren’t going to coddle you and this is what i meant—you overreacted and so did other anons but you are the one who continuously seems to want to defend yourself. you could just go on a separate post and write as if nothing happened, it’s not like that one comment would have followed you on this entire site. you kept going back to the thread and replying. i’m not going to feel bad because other anons began responding the ways that they did because you acted the same way in the original thread on /ot/. you don’t have to reply to e v e r y anon, it’s not like you even have to post here at all of the others seem to bother you this much.
literally none of us would have said anything if you didn’t try to defend your original “people overreact to cheating” point.
No. 245356
>>245355>i said we weren’t going to coddle you and this is what i meant—you overreacted and so did other anons but you are the one who continuously seems to want to defend yourselI never expected to be coddled, no fucking shit it drives people mad when people are fighting with you and then people come in telling YOU to stop and not them, it pisses everyone off
> you could just go on a separate post and write as if nothing happened, it’s not like that one comment would have followed you on this entire site.this is exactly what I mean, if you see two people fighting, you come in, face on person and say "hey you should have just ignored them dumbass"
yes it will piss people off
>i’m not going to feel bad because other anons began responding the ways that they did because you acted the same way in the original thread on /ot/then.dont.feel.bad. I'm not asking you to, wtf is wrong with you, you insert yourself into this mess hours after it ended just to make a bunch of comments how "We wont support you i dont feel bad youre crazy you should have just ignored them"
> you don’t have to reply to e v e r y anon, it’s not like you even have to post here at all of the others seem to bother you this much. I want to, it's a pet peeve to have my points misunderstood, again, stop pinning this on me
>literally none of us would have said anything if you didn’t try to defend your original “people overreact to cheating” point.and no one would have said shit either if they just saw where I made my point clear, thought "oh my bad I misunderstood" and moved the fuck on
stop pinning this soley on me
No. 245358
>>245357>YOU are the one who keeps going to each thread and arguing with whoever points it say, as you continue to argue with me
>i even said the other anons also overreacted but THEY are not in here sperging out like you are.oh? then who made
>>245352clearly targeting me
>(here’s looking at you, /g/ anon.)I don't know what you expected, you baited and cried when I bit, if you wanted to avoid this you wouldn't have came to this thread at all to call me out, rant about how " if you’re being ridiculous or you had a shitty opinion, we’re not going to coddle you and tell you you’re fine."
then when I respond you cry about me sperging?
Don't want me to sperg? then shut up about me, I made it clear multiple times I reply to posts to me and about me, and no I'm not gonna "shut up" on command
No. 245361
>>245359>>>>(here’s looking at you, /g/ anon.)this is exactly what you said
and now you're crying because I respond
what did you expect? sorry the world doesn't revolve around you and you can't call people out without having them do anything about
No. 245364
>>245362> i openly stated that your sperging annoyed meand I replied back, as I made it clear I would, and now you're ~complaining~ about arguing
>yet here you are making it out as if i'm upset that you saw it. what did you expect? you called me out then started complaining when I started arguing you
>>>>YOU are the one who keeps going to each thread and arguing with whoever points it out>you're annoying, plain and acted as if i wanted to be "coddled" for having a "shitty opinion" which I sure as hell know you don't mean what I explained a billion times what my opinions are.
>this is the last time i'm responding because i'm not going to take part in what was annoying me in the first placeagain, don't wanna be annoyed? then shut the fuck up
>especially when the other person involved sounds like they're probably too young to be on this site with their behavior.oh you mean like you?
No. 245367
>>245366half the posters here are trolls
>The thought of anon violently refreshing thread after thread scouring for some mention of themselves to reply to is too sad to picturehypocrisy
No. 245368
>>245367Sorry you don't like being called a troll.
>>245366I think it's just a teenager with nothing better to do than to get
triggered. Is school out for summer or something?
No. 245370
>>245368>I think it's just a teenager with nothing better to do than to get triggered. Is school out for summer or something?yawn, get a better response instead of making up shit claiming I'm underage
>>245369and you'd still be wrong but I'm not anti-loli chan
No. 245373
>>245372again, half the infighters here are worse, dunno why you're pinning it on me
>>245371I've met a girl like that before but except loli con it was pedo jokes, due to the fact she got raped as child, I'm not saying this for you to feel bad for them but keep in mind that stuff like lolicon does piss off people who've been affected by pedophilia to take it to the extreme
>The last thread they were in involved them saying that people who like incest porn (not loli or anything, just incest fantasies) were as bad as IRL pedos.what thread was this?
No. 245374
>>245373It was the unpopular opinions thread. They actually got mad about lolicon in a similar way before too. I feel for them if they're being
triggered, but their ideas of sexual attraction were warped as fuck. They kept saying stuff like aesthetic and sexual attraction are the only kinds of attraction you can have and if you don't do your fetish IRL you either are only aesthetically attracted to it or are a poser. It was really lame and weird.
No. 245377
>>245374looking at it rn, from 11 days ago?
>>245376umm anon I think I know who I am but okay
No. 245379
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>>245374christ, I go in and this is one of the first things I see, no wonder the bitch was spazzing out
even after she said she wanted to ignore them they kept coming in and flipping her shit and insulting her, I'm not excusing her behavior she def said some crazy shit, but it's definitely not just her fault and shouldn't be only pinned on her
>>245378whatever makes you feel better paranoid anon
>>245374>but their ideas of sexual attraction were warped as fuck. They kept saying stuff like aesthetic and sexual attraction are the only kinds of attraction you can have and if you don't do your fetish IRL you either are only aesthetically attracted to it or are a poser.kinda odd but doesn't really matter, sounds like some freud level shit, people were definitely overreacting though and this screenshot proves it
then you said
>>245371> There's just this one really crazy anon who has bitched at people for hours for mentioning loliconagain, after seeing what people said, don't just pin i soley on her
>but more the fact that they always flip're right, but most people here do that
>who like incest porn (not loli or anything, just incest fantasies) were as bad as IRL pedos.I'm failing to see where they said this, but I did see someone say "incest is vanilla" and….
No. 245380
>>245379She did this before though in another vent thread. It started out being somewhat justified, a creepy male lolicon came in, but then she sperged out replying to him baiting and fucking took all the bait, wouldn't stop responding and was a fucking mess.
Also it was her fault, because she's the one responding to literal bait. That's like saying if a bully tells you to hit them and you do, it's in self-defense just because they pissed you off. Come off it.
No. 245381
>>245380>She did this before though in another vent threadwhich one?
>ut then she sperged out replying to him baiting and fucking took all the bait, wouldn't stop responding and was a fucking mess.she sounds mentally ill, but holy shit lets not pretend she was the only crazy in the thread, especially after the shit people were saying to her, and then annoying anon comes in being super paranoid about everyone being an anti-loli it makes it more annoying and only proves this place is filled with loons
>Also it was her fault, because she's the one responding to literal bait.I guess, but getting nowhere by pretending like she was the only infighting psycho who was bitching at everyone
>That's like saying if a bully tells you to hit them and you do, it's in self-defense just because they pissed you off. Come off it.that makes no sense.
No. 245386
>>245385Here's hoping the mods get in and ban them–it's getting annoying having all the /ot/ threads ruined by a few immature users.
>>245384Sometimes I wonder if anons want to become cows themselves.
No. 245387
>>245385>>245383People keep getting mad when we're asserting it though. I think that there are a few very crazy anons here that keep coming back. The, who is it, anti-loli who ever admitted to using VPN and even ban evaded and harassed the mods alot. I was thinking they were a troll but nope. I think there are just some nutters on the board.
Honestly, I've been wondering if this stuff is coming from crystal cafe.
No. 245391
>>245387>I think that there are a few very crazy anons here that keep coming I was accused of being anti-loli anon, but I would've just laughed it off, but instead they were insisting "it's her!" and claiming I'm trying to change my writing style, she's crazy, but also the person insisting everyone is anti loli is too
>>245389>You need to be a pretty dumb fish to get baited that much, anon. She should have backed away like an adult instead of fighting on an anonymous website with people who will never have any hold what-so-ever on her life.she just sounds mentally ill tbh, I don't know what people expected, especially since it was several after several replies sperging at her even after she wanted to ignore them
No. 245393
>>245391And if you hadn't responded to those anons and continued to visit the website, none of us would have known that you were the one who was being accused. We would have forgotten about it and ignored it.
>>245391>she wanted to ignore them.So she should have logged out, lmao. It's not like anyone was forcing her to use this site.
No. 245396
>>245392yeah, I'd hate to compare it to bullying and I'll probably be made fun of for doing so but if people are constantly baiting someone who's clearly mentally ill, it's kinda obvious they'll eventually flip shit
>>245393> none of us would have known that you were the one who was being accused. We would have forgotten about it and ignored it.what do you mean? I was just pointing out how crazy some of the users here are, idc if you know who I am
>So she should have logged out, lmao. It's not like anyone was forcing her to use this're right but she was also clearly mentally ill
>>245394>she got mad at people telling her to chill.Been there, it does kinda get on your nerves when everyone is fighting you then when you fight back people tell you to chill and not them, as said before in the thread if you see people fighting and only tell one to chill it will only cause more fighting and piss them off
>>she's not fucking innocentdid you even see the screenshot lmfao, if you seriously think she was the only crazy one involved then…
>continuing it is worse because no matter who starts it, if you ignore it, it will end, I kinda like infighting, if you don't like it then don't continue it then claim to hate it
No. 245400
>>245396>i like infightingNice to know that you're probably the same one who was shitting up /g/ all day.
>>245399That's still infighting, dumbass, it doesn't matter who started it.
No. 245402
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Woah shit. Are farmhands asleep? Look at this state.
No. 245404
>>245398>why would people tell fucking trolls to chill, they're obviously trolls. not everyone can magically read minds from across the internet? especially when they're being so serious about it and spamming the thread with posts about how ~crazy~ the anon is
>>245400>Nice to know that you're probably the same one who was shitting up /g/ all day. 1, it wasnt just me
2, thought we made it clear
>That's still infighting, dumbass, it doesn't matter who started it.never said it wasn't, dumbass
>>245401could ask you the same :*
I don't come here often, just once or twice a week
No. 245405
>>245403idk the infighting with me ended in the /g/ thread, now theyre just fighting the random girl who thinks people shouldnt say retard
No. 245406
>>245404Same :* emoji, same writing style, poor punctuation, and the fact that you've been responding to every person who mentions you just as they did says differently.
>I don't come here often, just once or twice a weekDon't come here at all if all you're going to do is start fights, lmao.
No. 245407
>>245406>Same :* emoji, same writing style, poor punctuation, and the fact that you've been responding to every person who mentions you just as they did says differently. nigga what? I said I thought we made it clear, don't waste your time trying to prove I am myself
>Don't come here at all if all you're going to do is start fights, lmao.I don't starts fight I fight people who fight me
No. 245412
>>245407just stop fighting. just because people instigate doesn't mean you should to respond, we don't
want you here if you're going to respond to trolls. you;'re going to get banned (hopefully) and please let the mods know if you use a vpn.
No. 245413
>>245411to fill you in:
cheater defense anon was mentioned in boyfriend stealing thread
cheater defense anon feels the need to reply
cheater defense anon replies to every single post mentioning her
multiple anons join in, big ol' infighting happens
now they're fighting over someone censoring the word retard
lots going on in the good farms of lolcow
No. 245414
>>245412>we don't want you here if you're going to respond to trolls.what trolls and I responding to?
>you;'re going to get banned (hopefully) and please let the mods know if you use a vpn.again, I'm not loli-anon
and this is what grinds my gears, only pinning it on one person and putting them at fault, hence why I kept saying it takes two to tango
No. 245417
>>245413you're also leaving out them misunderstanding me then flipping out when I correct myself and throw a huge tantrum about how I need to "get over myself"
>>>/g/80566link for reference and where it started, feel free to actually read through it unlike other anons who just jump on and start bashing a random person without know what they're talking about
No. 245421
>>245419>Why not also link to the thread that started it allokay
>>>/ot/3463>Where you said that people overreacted to being cheated onif you think drugs, murder and cutting over being cheated on isn't an overreaction then..
which is what I was referencing
>and that there were worse things than having an s/o ruin your trust? there are, what's your point? yes they broke your trust but all i was saying its not the worst thing ever and anons got their shit in a twist over that because "they didnt actually mean its the worse thing someone could do its just the worse thing someone can do" whatever that means
>You can't put one thread without putting them all, anon.because we were talking about a certain thread that happened today and not the other? lmfao, you act like im hiding something simply for only linking the thread that was being discussed and not a timeline of threads
No. 245427
>inb4 you say literally anythingit's definitely your fault, because the anon doesn't owe it to you to not talk crap about you, you don't 'need' to defend yourself.
No. 245428
>>245425I'm not saying I'm fine wtf, I just point out I never start shit
>but you're in for a rude awakeningoh? and what is that? it wasn't me jumping to crazy conclusions and putting words in others mouths
>you're the main reason this happened because you couldn't deal with being made fun of.two to tango, I can easily turn it on the other person for flipping their shit when I pointed out it was dumb and entitled to tell me if I shut up no one will talk about me when it was literally brought up before I even responded in the thread
No. 245430
>>245428So do you know any other sayings besides "two to tango" or is it the only thing you can come back with?
Also, everything leads back to the fact that you decided to respond to a comment in a thread even though it had no barring on your life–you already said you enjoyed infighting, if that's all you wanted to do from the start just admit it.
No. 245431
>>245426>you were calling people who are upset over being cheated on "weak"uhh no, I even said, and I quote
>>m not saying they can't, yeah they can get upset but acting as if its life destroying and getting addicted to drugs or cutting is just dumb and weak especially if its just over cheating, and filling peoples minds with how cheating is the worse thing ever and that they're supposed to go nuts if they're cheated on only harms people and encourages this behavior>I understand screaming, crying, fighting, cursing, especially when you first find out, but there are people acting as if its going to make them depressed forever over it, people who think cheaters are the worse people in the world, people who literally wanna kill cheaters they dont even know, in fact if you watch any murder or abuse case, the second they mention the victim had an affair almost all attention is fixed to how much of a scum the victim was nevermind the murderer, to say cheating isn't being overhyped in society is crazy, now im not saying people cant get upset over it, What im saying is that its not the worse thing ever and people shouldn't be told or made to feel like they have to feel a certain way and be depressed forever and feel worthless, etc, yes there are people who react that way and im not saying they cant im saying it shouldn't be encouragedI said if someone takes it to the extreme and ruins their life over getting cheated on it's weak
>Anons were getting pissed off at you over thatthen anons were dumb and misunderstanding my point because thats not what I meant at all I even said several times people can get upset
>, not because you said that drugs, murder, and cutting is an overreaction to cheating.…but that was my point, the entire time
>disagreed with you calling others weak over their own emotions with adultery.if you lose emotional control, fuck yourself up over getting cheated on, unless your relationship was all you had and you've been married for years I don't wanna hear it, weak means easily broken, if getting cheated on breaks you you're weak, idc if it offends anyone
No. 245432
>>245426Seriously, anon acts like she was an innocent uwu angel but she clearly was trying to fight (apparently she enjoys it but she never ever ever starts it!!!) and was being a total asshole over literal opinions. Not to mention her idea of cheating seems to come from someone who hasn't been in a relationship since highschool and doesn't know that adults and shit move in and sometimes change jobs to do so.
She's obviously just immature.
No. 245434
>>245430>So do you know any other sayings besides "two to tango" or is it the only thing you can come back with? I do but I'll just repeat it since no one understand it
> respond to a comment in a thread even though it had no barring on your life–you already said you enjoyed infighting, if that's all you wanted to do from the start just admit it.if we are only allowed to respond to posts that have "a barring on our lives" now then why don't you shut up?
No. 245437
>>245429> it's not her responsibility to protect a rando's feelings, but it's your responsibility to not turn into a butthurt mess.what even are you on about? are you even responding to the right posts? I just said it shouldnt be a surprise if youre baiting a mentally ill person to that extreme
>>245432>Seriously, anon acts like she was an innocent uwu angel but she clearly was trying to fight (>admits to liking to fighting>"y-you think you're an innocent angel"which one is it anon? do i like to fight or do i think im an innocent angel? I even admit to my wrongs way more than anyone else did
>was being a total asshole over literal opinionsyeah man like how I threw a tantrum on that person simply for pointing out unearned entitlement, oh wait
>Not to mention her idea of cheating seems to come from someone who hasn't been in a relationship since highschool and doesn't know that adults and shit move in and sometimes change jobs to do so.sigh, again with putting words in my mouth, are you capable of having a debate without making shit up
No. 245439
>>245431See guys, don't worry, only the people who
she deems emotionally scarred enough can react, regardless of their own emotional threshold! I'm so glad she cleared that up, I didn't realize we needed to all get the OK from her to be upset about our lives.
FFS I can't believe that
this person, who seemingly can't stop responding to people for 7 hours, but totes wants to, is trying to chide people about being weak. What a joke!
No. 245440
>>245437Anon, I said
seems I'm not putting words into your mouth, I'm making assumptions, it's my opinion that you're a mentally stunted autist who hasn't been in a relationship since your high school bf who was dared to date you for a week. I am not at all saying you said that, just something I'm assuming based on your really retarded behavior.
No. 245441
>>245439>only the people who she deems emotionally scarred enough can react>shes crazy>im not excusing her actions>I said several times its okay for people to get upset about cheating>SEE SHE SAID ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE EMOTIONALLY SCARRED ENOUGH CAN REACTsign
>I didn't realize we needed to all get the OK from her to be upset about our lives.if you find me a post where I said that people arent allowed to get upset about cheating ill admit you're right but i have yet to see it and i only founds posts of me saying its okay to be upset so…
are you doing this on purpose?do i need to find you and use a megaphone in your ear for you to understand what im saying?
No. 245442
>>245440>it's my opinion that you're a mentally stunted autist who hasn't been in a relationship since your high school bf who was dared to date you for a weekand that's a retarded assumption to make and you have yet to explain yourself especially since I said several times I don't cond-
you know im not even gonna retype that, you can read, I spoonfed you quotes I said, if youre too illiterate to read thats not my fault
> I'm assuming based on your really retarded behavior.then.explain.
so much insulting, so little explaining
No. 245445
>>245443this proves nothing but my point, this was referring to people who destroy their lives with addiction over cheating, which you even said yourself "we weren't talking about people who get addicted to drugs!!! u said people cant be upset over cheating!!"
where the fuck is the post i said people can't get upset over cheating
and saying "I don't wanna hear it" just means no excuses unless the one I've given, which still proves nothing but my point
>>245444no it's because you can't find shit, I know what the fuck I said, but you clearly don't and resort to shoving words in my mouth and I ask you to find me one post where I supposedly said things you're accusing me of saying and now you're backpedaling about how you "don't care" but cared enough to argue for hours but no evidence
No. 245448
>>245446>I'm not the same anon you idiot. You're so paranoid. I don't care who you are, i assume you've been here since the "U SAID PEOPLE CANT GET UPSET OVER CHEATING" argument since thats who i been replying to, do you know what paranoid means?
>You're also talking to two different people and acting as if it's the same post, but it's not.I'm not "acting as if its the same post" sorry I don't make two different posts? wtf
> I never accused you of saying anything,you were accusing me of saying people can't get upset over cheating on which I have yet to see, I don't know what anon you are but both of these started because they insisted i said people can't get upset over cheating, which I still have yet to see
>I'm just talking shit about you because you're an easy target but I'm leaving because you're clearly not well.then…whats the point? im not well because I ask for evidence of me saying shit people are accusing me of saying? you were baiting and now you run out of shit to bait because you cant find evidence, go troll someone else
No. 245452
>>245448Lol, you don't understand. I didn't accuse you of saying anything, I was just telling you you are an immature twat, it's not related to any specific thing you said, just your constant MIGHTY NEED to reply.
You seem to be confusing me with someone who gives a shit about the content of your posts, and about your issue with cheating. I do not. I have no 'evidence' because my post wasn't related to what you said, just an opinion, which, I don't need evidence to have. I'm not validating my opinion to you.
No. 245465
>>245312>>245316Exactly, I feel like I can't even post anything without people blowing it out of propotion, and farmers who jump in defending the post that was blowing it out of propotion without even reading it
Its like people
A) purposely misread it to start ranting/baiting/victim complex or whatever
B) have a reading disability and/or experiencing delusions
C) don't even bother reading what the poster said, or just read one word and assume what the post is without even reading it, like the anon in the surgery thread who was talking about the fat girl and how unhealthy she looked but also mention she was mexican and a random anon popped in saying "oh well you're Mexican we can't trust your ideas of health everyone there is fat that girl looks unhealthy"
I feel like I can just post "my favorite color is green" and anons will pop in saying "what? Why do you hate other colors" then the anon will say "no i just said i like the color green other colors are nice too" and then anons will pop in saying "what do you mean why do you hate other colors so much anon""chill out with your hate of other colors" "oh but anon by saying that your favorite color is green youre actually putting other colors down""are you that crazy anon who hated other colors in the color thread""gosh anon stop hating other colors so much"
I don't know if its one person or several but people here seriously need to work on their reading comprehension or stop baiting
No. 245491
>>245489My personal experience with lesbians is that they're just as gross if not worse as men.
Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you hitting on (back then still underage) me isn't creepy. At least men pretend their not just after sex, yet those lesbians i met immediately went down the route
>If you have sex with me you'd always cum. Do you always cum when you do it with a guy? Come on, be honest!(Thinking back, since me and my friends were just students and they in their late 20s, we should definitely asked somebody for help because they wouldn't leave us alone…)
Now you might say "not all lesbians!", but so far that's my only experience with them, so i
will base my opinion about them on it.
We should accept that you're only attracted to women, yet you won't accept that some people are attracted to both genders…?
No. 245495
>>245491>My personal experience with lesbians is that they're just as gross if not worse as men.>Now you might say "not all lesbians!", but so far that's my only experience with them, so i will base my opinion about them on it.So if a woman sexually harrassed a man would it be okay for him to brand all women as creepy perverts who are just as gross if worse than men? Would his opinion have any validity? I shouldn't even have to explain to you why this is fucking stupid smh. You sound like kooter.
>We should accept that you're only attracted to women, yet you won't accept that some people are attracted to both genders…?Nigga, who the fuck is denying that you're bisexual? That's not the bullshit, it's the legit homophobia and victim complexes which you yourself have exhibited.
No. 245498
>>245495>So if a woman sexually harrassed a man would it be okay for him to brand all women as creepy perverts who are just as gross if worse than men? Would his opinion have any validity?If this was the only time he ever met a women and the experience was a 100% negative, like it was for me? Then i'd say yes!
>Nigga, who the fuck is denying that you're bisexual? That's not the bullshit, it's the legit homophobia and victim complexes which you yourself have exhibited.I'm straight. I just saw you (or another lesbian) shitting on bisexuals.
No. 245502
>>245498>Then i'd say yes!I don't know what else to say other than you'd be wrong. Un-fucking-believable.
>I'm straightNo wonder you sounded so clueless; you are.
>>245499I'm 3/4 black, even if I wasn't, who gives a shit? It isn't ~raycist~ in the slightest. If someone said " My opinion of black people is that they are violent gangsters because the only black person I've ever seen was a violent gangster,"
that would be racist, but that's just like what the person I was replying to was saying, hmm…
No. 245512
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>>245502>You straighties don't have no clue about anything!I bet if some men creepily hit on you and didn't respect your sexuality you'd also be quick to run to the man-hating thread to brag how bad all men are and that you're so lucky to be attracted to pussy.
But at least you're totez not as entitled as bisexuals, no!
No. 245523
>>245512Don't understand why saying that a straight girl who has extremely limited experience with LGB people doesn't have room to speak on this topic
triggered you. And lesbians aren't the ones committing 98% of all sex crimes, so that's a pretty wild false equivalence on top of that projection :^)
By the way, how does some random polilez from tumblr reflect normal/real lesbians at all?
No. 245647
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>got time off mid shift at work
>decide to get dinner fast food
>call bf to see if he wants anything since he's had the past few days off
>he doesn't answer
>figure he's being lazy at home and order something for him anyway
>$20 of fast food
>realize on my way home that he actually did work today
>surrounded by $20 of fast food that's getting cold and I'm really tempted to eat a bit of his share
No. 245690
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>>24568113 is much too old to be unable to make himself a drink, or even a meal. Legally, in most places, he’d be allowed to be left alone for an entire day. Developmentally, he should be able to take care of himself fully, including doing chores like laundry. Many 13 year olds start getting their first jobs, whether that’s mowing lawns or walking dogs.
No. 245737
>>245735I know that he's your nephew, sorry. I got so carried away on another train of thought that I forgot to actually address your post.
From your position I don't really see much that you can do. 'Un-spoiling' children can really only be done by the parents, and that's already a difficult task considering the child already thinks of the parents in a subservient role to his whims. If treating him like an adult and trying to get him to step into a role with greater responsibility isn't working, then I really don't know what you could possibly do. It kind of sounds like he's destined to be a manchild unless he gets a harsh dose of reality.
If you babysit him or are one on one with him in your own home, maybe you could treat him kind of like he's autistic and write up a set of rules that he has to agree with, and be extremely clear with what you expect from him while he is with you. If you are only interacting with him in his own home then I would say to when he asks you to get him (x) food, make it a game that you do together, like if he wants instant noodles you make it for yourself while explaining it step by step, then he has to repeat the process by himself, with you helping him verbally if necessary but he is physically performing the actions on his own. Make him repeat the instructions after you. It's learned helplessness; he is hoping that if he acts pathetic and unresponsive that you'll just give up and do it for him. Maybe you could convince him to do something like cooking with you? Something simply like making pancakes or scrambled eggs. You can watch a video of like Gordon Ramsay making scrambled eggs and then repeat the process with him.
I don't know your nephew but it really sounds like a frustrating situation. But yeah he should definitely be more advanced than he is and it sounds like it's completely his parents' fault.
No. 245740
>>245738No, I wouldn't. I said specifically 'if he was being rude or disrespectful enough.' It goes with what I was trying to say about power dynamics; if your child starts bucking your authority, he is essentially baiting you to punish him. Ideally the punishment is letting him 'pout and cry,' but if he tries refusing to do that, then I don't think slapping your kid is out of the question. There is an implicit threat of force in the very idea of punishment. Otherwise, what possible motivation would a child have to give in? Hence the 'wait until your father gets home' meme. People nowadays are just sheltered as fuck.
Honestly I legitimately forgot that most people are so opposed to this idea now, going to stop responding to not derail this.
No. 245798
>>245737I appreciate your response none the less ands apologize if I was rude when I responded! I just get so overwhelmed when he's over because he will not leave me and my s/o alone but I can't say anything because it isn't even my house (staying at his parents until we find somewhere on our own) so I feel like I'm already overstaying my welcome, it'd be worse if I was suddenly trying to discipline him when they pretty much refuse to.
>'It kind of sounds like he's destined to be a manchild'THAT IS WHAT WORRIES ME. I am so worried that he's going to be bullied and end up like Chris-Chan or something because no one is trying to toughen him up or help him deal with his issues, they're just glossing over them with rose colored glasses. I love the kid so much but it's irritating when he comes over and it's suddenly like he has free reign of the place and we all have to bow down to him. I also apologize for the essential novels I'm given, it's just something I can't say to his folks so it's nice to say here anonymously.
No. 245878
>be newbie history hs teacher at a high school in bumfuck nowhere
>first day of class
>some kids come in late, probably were trying to skip class but got caught
>i call them out, they are trying to explain situation
>middle one tries to say they were in the school admin, i ask them why, she can't come up with anything but presses on with the lie to save everyone's ass
>kid on her left gives reasonable excuse
>accept it, no need to cause trouble in the admin on first day because of some kids who might not do it again anyway after the scolding
>end of class
>middle kid from before comes up to me, coyly asks me about my tattoo, laughs the earlier event out, all is good
>kid's cute
>more classes go on
>middle kid is smart and friendly, but is talkative and easily distracted
>middle kid is also very cute, 8/10 in internet lingo, slight babyface and a little chubby
>call her out a few times, she looks startled but gives that shy smirk thing when you know you're doing something wrong
>mfw heart skips a beat
>more classes go on
>can't bring myself to call her out anymore
>call her friends out instead
>is working fine for me but i'm still heavily attracted to a teenager
>i won't even try to defend myself she's literally 17
I feel sick and disgusting.
No. 245909
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>>245878>Teacher with a visible tattoo lusting after a 17 year oldAbsolutely fucking disgusting.
No. 245911
>>245878I won't demonize you, because as unfortunate as that attraction is, I doubt you're a pedo and sometimes you crush on the most unfortunate person. But as long as it's nothing more than a CRUSH and you're not acting on it… In any case, you're in a situation of power over those kids and YOU have to be the rolemodel and say goodbye to that inappropriate crush.
Don't encourage her.
Don't take any shit she says as flirtation. It's 99% NOT flirtation and in the unlikely, really really unlikely event it is, she's too young to really act beyond the whole "oh I'm flirting with a teacher I'm so badass" and "I want to impress this authority figure with how mature I am" shindig.
Don't make her teacher's pet or show open favouritism.
Don't talk to her after class beyond brief, polite communication.
I had a mad, mad crush on my maths teacher when I was 17, so I kinda get where you're coming from. But there's a significant age and power difference and you should never, ever forget that.
Maybe go out and date around a little? Take your mind off this whole thing.
No. 245937
>>245878>newbie hs teacherSo are you in, like, your late 20s? If so, this really isn't that bad. Just don't get creepy about it.
>>245933Seriously, 17 is legal in all but 10 states. It's never good to crush on teenagers unless you are one, but some anons are overreacting.
No. 245948
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Apologies but I just wanna bitch about my job for a minute.
I work for an airline at a call center booking reservations and taking service calls. You'd think after a few years of dealing with customers that I would get used to it, but there's always something. There's always some fresh stupidity that gets slung my way.
So some guy calls my center and tells me he has two "panicking" adult family members at a domestic airport. Their plane was delayed due to weather. When it landed and de-boarded, they managed to not only get separated from each other but had no idea where their next flight was.
For the record: I have no idea why they weren't the ones calling directly and why this man was making the call for them. Or why they didn't go to the nearest gate agent for instructions on what to do next and decided to run around the airport aimlessly.
Nothing. made. sense. In hindsight I wonder if the man wasn't hiding certain information from me.
Regardless, I perform my job. I tell the guy what's going on with their flights, and that they were rescheduled for tomorrow.
Getting checked in for the new flight would require them to speak with a gate or service agent.
He then interrupts with "THEY'RE LOST," which is retarded because they're adults in their 50s and 70s respectively and there's no reason why they couldn't ask for directions or contact security themselves.
Not only that, but the issue wasn't even time sensitive seeing as though they absolutely weren't getting their flight until tomorrow.
The following exchange happens
>"Well can't you call the airport to locate them?"
>Sir I have a public airport paging number you could call, but we at reservations can't make outbound calls to the airport.
>…We don't speak with the airport unless they call us. If you'd like to speak with my supervisor they can verify that for you.
>There is no corporate number you can call for this kind of issue, and they don't give us corporate numbers to publicly hand out.
It especially pisses me off because this prick acted like I did nothing to help.
Even though I did everything I reasonably could, this asshat still hangs up all indignant thinking our company is to blame for not dropping anything to find his adult babies.
It would be different if these were minors, disabled folks, mentally challenged, etc. But nah, just entitled ass adults who want customer service subhumans like myself to eat their shit.
Anyway, sorry again. I'm just disgusted and angry at myself that I didn't have the nerve to just tell that guy that it wasn't our responsibility. I wish I could.
No. 245974
>>245966I appreciate polite customers too, good work anon.
These were normal older adults. Nothing was noted in their record for any kind of special assistance or wheelchairs.
Now I can make calls to the airport for minors and people with special assistance. Because those are vulnerable groups we are liable for.
But there's nothing for lazy, entitled adults who just need to calm down. That's why it's easier for me to say we don't make outbound calls than hear retaliatory whining about why I can't make an exception or pull a magic number for adult babies from my butt.
The kicker is, even if I could do what he was asking, the airport staff would be paging the people over loudspeaker. That number I gave him? Accomplishes the same thing! Some people just want special treatment. A police search in an airport all because an adult is having a tantrum and is too embarrassed to ask someone for assistance? Lmao.
>>245973He spoke perfect English. He's the typical male boomer who treats service workers like robots and demands special treatment. I get them every now and then, this one was just extra cunty.
No. 245977
>>245937I'm 25.
>>245911I'm gladly not doing any of this, i just try to ignore it and let it go. It does feel like she's trying to impress me lately, but i've chalked it up to the earlier scolding so nothing to see here.
I feel like i should add, i'm recently divorced and i feel like the whole thing took a toll on me. That sudden attraction has probably something to do with it so i'm of course not going to act on something that stems from psychological issues.
>>245933In my country, age of consent is 14. Doesn't mean i should be going after 14 year olds. That's morally wrong for a reason. I'm an adult and i should know much, much better than that.
>>245935I know.
No. 245984
>>245977>25Like I said, that's really not that bad. It's not morally repugnant for a 25 y/o to want to fuck a teenager who's 17+.
How have you already been married and divorced when you're that young tho?
No. 245991
>>245977I really don't think you should be a teacher
>psychological issues>sexually attracted to children you scoldedLike holy shit get a different job
No. 245993
I've had this weird fixation lately about people I know having fucked up kinks I'll never know about. Even close friends, I'll never
truly know if any of them are into torture/zoophilia/necrophilia or anything. Triple this concern for men I may date in the future.
But maybe it's just projection, idk. I'm into some fucked up shit but try to be honest about it with friends and kind of expect the same in return. I know that may sound strange but for perspective they've been super close friends who I went through puberty with.
>>245990I feel this, the best I could do to fix it is to avoid any place online where those types of men congregate. It became addictive to me to check on them daily, so it really has taken time to wean myself off of it.
Another technique is to visit places where other men call them out on their shit, like /r/TheBluePill and some youtubers who focus on having a giggle at incel posts. Sadly I wouldn't recommend female oriented places where we call them out, since it becomes a fear mongering echo chamber pretty fast. Like the misandry thread here on /ot/.
It's all just a case of remembering and proving to yourself that healthy/normie men don't care.
No. 245998
>>245996I said
want to not actually do it. Settle down.
No. 246000
>>245984I'm particularly iffy about student/teacher relationships (which is a lot more common than one might believe, at least in my country) because i know dumb teenagers make dumb decisions and adults should help them, not engage their shitty choices.
Long story short i married at 18 because dumb teen, made bad decisions and now have been divorced for 11 months. I don't regret getting divorced but this is kind of a shock experience i'm going through.
The worst part about my situation is that few here think that a teacher fucking a student is wrong or morally reprehensible. I have been openly against this my whole life, yet people seem to think that's normal and okay when it fucking isn't. For context, where i live a 14yr old dating a 20+ creep is considered normal. I came here to vent because yesterday night a coworker joked very openly sexually about this particular girl i've been talking about (he doesn't know of my attraction), people laughed and this made me feel sick. This whole situation is absurd.
No. 246019
>>246015How being a perpetual victim relate to saying that 17 yo are immature and might be taken advantages of by older adults?
God, you're so young you can even logic right.
No. 246020
>>246019Why do you think age of consent is lower than 18 pretty much everywhere in the world? Older teenagers aren't the babies the people here making them out to be. They can make choices and consent to relationships.
Some people here are so ridiculous that they even say 20 year olds are too "babyfaced and inexperienced" to date. lol just admit you want a daddy to dom you and cut the bs.
No. 246021
>>246020Dude, being legally able to sleep with someone at 17 doesn't mean you are equipped to sleep with a 25 yo.
It's ok, you're young and naïve. You'll get it in a few years.
No. 246026
>Some people here are so ridiculous that they even say 20 year olds are too "babyfaced and inexperienced" to date. That’s not ridiculous. Sorry your young feefees are hurt. When you grow up, you’ll realize how stupid you sound.
>lol just admit you want a daddy to dom you and cut the bs.Wanting to date a grown up man your own age doesn’t mean you want to be submissive lol wtf logic is that?
No. 246050
>>245878Funny how a lesbian anon lusting after her student comes in just a few days after another tried to convince us that they're not as creepy as men lol
Anyways, i don't get why all of you are so hung up on her age.
Even if the student was 18, it would be forbidden, even if it was between a college student and a professor.
As student you should respect your teacher and the teacher should take care of their students.
Maybe the students is only sleeping with the teacher for better grades? No matter what, it would be taking advantage of a person that's in your care.
You're new and still young, the girl is 17, she's not dumb, maybe she just sensed that you're nervous and smiled at you to reassure and encourage you a bit?
That's not flirting… (Also, there aren't as many lesbians out there as you might like to believe. What's tge chance that the girl you find cute also happens to be a lesbo? - extremely low)
I trust you to not "attack" her or anything, but if you end up favoring her (and later on other students you fall for as well), you should really reconsider your career choice.
No. 246058
>>246050Yeah its wrong but I do think its a bit of a stretch to claim someone in their 20s being attracted to 17-20 yr olds is "just like pedophilia"
I'm a straight girl and I can definitely say I've been attracted to seniors in high school before, I'd never make a move on it though>>246050
No. 246059
>>246050Yeah its wrong but I do think its a bit of a stretch to claim someone in their 20s being attracted to 17-20 yr olds is "just like pedophilia"
I'm a straight girl and I can definitely say I've been attracted to seniors in high school before, I'd never make a move on it though>>246050
No. 246094
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>>246027Nobody mentioned dating a 38 year old, they mentioned dating someone their own age.
I’m so sick of people trying to take it to another extreme. Sorry no one over 20 and sane wants to fuck a teenager. But that doesn’t mean everyone responding to you wants to fuck people twice their age. All anyone has said is that teenagers are legally, socially, physiologically, and physically not the same as an adult. No one said anything about pedophilia or older men. They just said it’s creepy to lust after a teenager when you’re 25. Now stop projecting and showing your insecurities. No one gives a crap that you’re either a creep or a teen.
No. 246110
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I'm 18 and had to move recently, and finish my classes online, I missed out on a lot of senior activities because of this and even missed my prom, which was tonight….I feel so upset over it, me and my friend had talked about it a lot during last year and now I just feel empty and depressed…an online friend of mine said "wow, anon you can't miss something like that!" and it made me feel even worse since It was technically my fault I had to move. My friend who I talked about it with at school sent me a photo of her in her prom dress and it felt like a punch to the stomach…I want her to have fun and all but it really hurts to not be there.
No. 246183
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idk anon, I've found younger men to be physically desirable since I'm into twinky/weak guys but I know a relationship wouldn't be very emotionally fulfilling. So ofc I act on nothing. There are skinny weaklings my own age who will have shared experiences growing up and be on my same cognitive level.
>inb4 you're an outlier and irrelevant
>inb4 'men aren't mongamous like wimminz so they don't curr about that'
If so, I won't try to change your mind.
I also get the feeling that you're a man, so the countdown until you're put out to pasture is on kek.
No. 246243
>Women are biologically programmed to want strong studs, protectors, etc. That's why women always crush on older guys. It's also why to a women a younger man is almost completely disgusting. They are seen as week, childish babies. Gross.
This makes no sense, though. If women want protectors and strength, then they would prefer men in their 20's since that's when their bodies are best for achieving peak fitness. This starts to drastically decline for men in their mid-30's. By the logic you yourself are using, an older man should be a turn off.
Also, while men CAN have children pretty much their whole lives, their sperm quality plummets at around 40 and it's much much harder for them to get a woman pregnant. Women are attracted to healthy, fertile partners with good genetics just like men are. So again, by your own logic, an older male is not a desirable long term partner.
>Your biological perspective as a woman prevents you from understanding the full scope of reality. You sound like an ignorant retard that cuts themselves.
And you sound like a basement dwelling autist who needs to live in a fantasy world where you'll finally get laid by hot young women in your older years to cope with being an incel. The irony of a robot telling someone they don't understand the full scope of reality is remarkable.
No. 246244
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>bitter, aged robot coping by screaming "I-It's in your biology to find my wrinkly, decaying, balding, erectile dysfunctioned self attractive!!" at young women
Lmao. I called it from the start. Pathetic robots are so obvious. The most attractive years of your life (if they even existed and you weren't always ugly) are fucking gone. Seethe.
No. 246251
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When I posted
>>241122 and
>>241146I was really angry. I want to apologize. I just thought that her erasing all of my apps to add hers was an asshole move because I spent money on those apps, but I'm not even worried about it anymore. I just felt like I wanted to vent, but rereading both of my posts, I realize that it sounded petty and reeked of jealously. I acted like a spoiled brat. I hope you guys can forgive me, but I know you won't.
I also realized that there isn't any way that we can continue to live together. There is too much arguing and fighting and shouting over stupid shit everyday. I'm sick of it and the neighbors are probably sick of it too.
I'm looking for a job so I can save up to move to an apartment. I don't plan on telling anyone where exactly I'm going unless I'm forced to.
I had $500. But I ate it all up, which is now why I'm on a diet. OMAD saves alot of money, at least for me. I even lost 11 pounds.
(Saged for blog.)
No. 246252
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>>246244I don't understand unattractive men who think their luck with women will get better as they age. Have they not noticed that the older men women find hot were always extremely good looking in their younger years? Take Robert Downey Jr, for example, he was really pretty when he was younger.
Also, outside of celebrities, older men are almost always extremely unattractive. It's rare to see a hot guy over 40 in the real world. Most of them are out of shape, balding, and just generally gross looking.
No. 246263
>>246252Exactly, men like this are beyond delusional
They'll jump through hoops trying to explain why x y and z are the most "suitable and fertile" and how women who aren't x y and z are infertile entitled ugly roasties who should marry the first creep that comes onto you, it's always contradicting to, like one second they'll have supposed scientific studies of how curvier women are smarter and have smarter kids next minute they'll claim black women who are known for having large breasts and hips have the lowest IQ and asians who tend to have smaller breasts and hips have the highest IQ, like which one is it?
Especially men who act as if the second a woman hits 30 her ovaries shrill up into raisins and they should dump her and marry a fertile high schooler, don't these men claim to be super trad to? How the fuck are you gonna deal with marriage life without cheating and shit if womens inevitable aging bothers them that much but ignoring the fact most men start looking like shit at 27
Yes, we know people in their early 20s just look better, they tend to have better skin, health, and more fit if they take care of themselves as well as being more genetic, making it into a men vs women thing is dumb, and men deluding themselves into thinking their chubby, receding hairline having ass is aging like george cloney and women like nigella and fran drescher are gross old used up raisins
No. 246276
>>246273I get you anon.
It's really funny how other women are always ready to protect men from the "mean crazy women" and no men ever would care about an women hate thread in another chan.
Most of men hating steems from traumatic experiences with men. Why should it be silenced?
No. 246278
>>246274…You say this after robot just came in this thread to sperg a couple hours ago. It clearly happens in more than just that thread. If you're
triggered by
misandry!!!! just say so, you don't need to make up a lame excuse
No. 246292
>>246281I feel like
>>245992 and
>>246280are the same Anon.
Incidentally there is a Loli fan on this board somewhere, probably the same one saying anyone who doesn't want to date teenagers must only like grandpas
No. 246310
>>246307Maybe if you'd both stop engaging each other and let your opinions be your own, there wouldn't be so much infighting.
Not everything requires a reply and argument. Tbh I don't know how you're not exhausted, and frankly, bored of that by now. If someone bothers me I stop replying after a bit and wait until things have calmed down. It's not worth the mental energy.
No. 246312
>>246285What the fuck? Are you confused? I posted
>>246011>>246018I didn't try to defend shit or say anything about about 17 year olds, it was just clear by his bizarre "daddy dom" accusations that it was some loser whose only knowledge of women comes from internet screencaps and hearsay from other losers.
Chill the fuck out, you might just be projecting.
No. 246337
>>246314And I'm saying baiting a response by even mentioning the poster is just asking for more fighting.
Take it or leave it, I'm sure mods are noting who's posting what anyway.
No. 246354
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>>246295If you’re 25 and think 17 year olds are capable of being sexy you need help. Is this creepy-teacher anon still trying to defend their lust for 16-18 year old boys in their classes? Ya nasty.
No. 246357
>>246354To be fair, 17 is legal in most states.
However, a teacher should never be thinking of students like that, legal or not.
No. 246366
>>246364A cute face and a nice body?
There are a million reasons to find someone attractive.
No. 246368
>>246359‘I insisted on getting an animal that will be dependant on me for everything and now I don’t feel like it. Please reinforce my justification that it’s an object I can get rid of at will and not something that has recently learned to associate me and my domicile with safety without being selfish and irresponsible. I’ll probably get a puppy in a few months and dislike the fact that it is not an object as well.’
>>246366Absolutely disgusting. This is hardly different to women calling the child-actor Finn Wolfhard “daddy” and sexualising him. Keep away from high schools. Y’all are too gross to handle.
No. 246370
>>246367At the very least old enough to have moved out of mum and dads house. If you’re college aged you try not to date high schoolers.
I love that you guys are so defensive of finding teenage boys sexy. It’s incel tier shit when the genders are reversed.
No. 246371
>>246368Can someone explain to me how dating a 17 year old is sooo much worse than 18? It's legal in most countries and even US states for a reason.
Not attracted to them myself (anyone younger than 21 is a deal breaker for me) but I don't think people who are are these disgusting monsters, as long as they're not teaching them.
No. 246372
>>246368Isn't that kid like 14? There's a big difference between a 14yo and a 17yo.
I think you misunderstand how attraction works. There isn't much difference between a 17 year and 10 month old person and a 18yo.
No. 246376
>>246362>don't be a moron, they're not going to scour the catalog.Yeah, no one is. No one's posted in that thread in almost a week, autosage killed all the traffic. I'd hardly call the robot of the week coming in to sperg a raid, if someone put a reminder not to reply to them in the OP it would be totally fine.
>echochamber of idiots and naive womenYou mean the women posting anecdotes about bad experiences with men and articles discussing shitty things men have done? Wow, much echochamber.
Anyways, someone should honestly just make a new thread at this point. Old one was getting full and the mods are probably too lazy to lock it.
No. 246378
>>246371Maybe it’s just me since you guys are jumping to defend it but idk what any 25 year old is gonna have in common with a teenager.
At 25 I’m focused on work, organising my wedding, planning for kids and building our house and local politics. Maybe teenagers are amazing in America but in Australia our teenagers don’t have shit in common with that.
They’re inexperienced, and finishing high school, and teenager shit. Some of my friends have teenage children and I’d be damned if I could name one attractive thing about a 17 year old boy pretending he’s not stoned rummaging in the fridge and mumbling ‘hey mrs B’ in his school uniform.
Maybe in America teenagers are much more grown up and intelligent and mature but I doubt it.
No. 246380
>>246379And yet it really, really is.
I’ve not found a teenager attractive since being 16 so yeah, it makes zero sense to me. There’s kids out there with faces where you know they’ll grow up handsome but what 16-18 year old is so handsome they have their teachers frothing at the loins? I’d love to see what pubescent features you guys are ruining your panties over.
No. 246387
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>>246381People think it’s gross and creepy for grown 25 year olds to be attracted to teenagers. You’re not going to be able to argue against that or convince them otherwise. Stop trying.
No. 246388
>>246386Which is why I mentioned child marriage and polygamy. Things that happen in America.
Again, whatever. Have fun with the kids. I’m out.
No. 246391
>>246389Stop trying to continue infighting. You’ve made your point and have multiple anons backing up your stance. What more do you want? To change my morals? To prove to me that teenagers can be really really sexy?
Idc. Enjoy yourself.
No. 246395
>>246391Anon calm down, again, you're arguing a social norm. 18 and 19 year olds are the same physically and mentally as 17 year olds are, but legally they are fine.
The real issue is that a
teacher whether she is 24 (which is possible) or 34 likes a
student. It would be just as gross for a teacher to like an older student. The age is hardly the issue.
No. 246396
>>246393I didn’t say they are the same. It’s an example of things that are legal and frequently morally objected to, because legality and morality are different.
Honestly thought it was obvious, sorry fam.
No. 246399
>stop trying to pass your preferences as moral standards.that sick feeling when someone keeps trying to justify a creepy attraction to legal, physical, mental, emotional children. I know nobody irl who would argue that it is ok for a 25 year old teacher to perv on a 17 year old student.
honestly going to tap out of this thread cause some of you guys are disgusting.
No. 246411
>>246410First up, I really hope your nan is okay.
Listen anon, you could weight six hundred pounds and barely be able to afford to live in a trailer, but if you were a nice person you’d deserve love and companionship and all that still. This friend who uses you for money is a shit and you have all the right in the world to stop buying her anything at all.
Your value isn’t based on your money or looks or any of that.
Do you study or belong to any groups? That’s always a good place to make friends. The more people you meet, the more people you will find who have common interests and things to bond over.
There’s a friend finder thread here somewhere in the catalog as well as other online places solely for making online friends.
What are your interests and hobbies? What media do you enjoy? What’s your favourite thing about the world?
It’s really hard overcoming fear and anxiety and I found it really helpful to keep reminding myself that it’s impossible for everyone to like me, so there’s no need to sweat if they don’t when I’ve been inoffensive.
One of the nice parts about getting older is that fewer people care about things like how you look or how much money you have and more care about your values and ideas and things you do for fun.
The more you explore, the more people like your nan you’ll find, and people like your nan will get to find you.
No. 246425
>>246413Air force if regular enlistment time / short career.
Navy if its a lifetime career.
No. 246529
>>246400Agreed, unless they're a substitute, even then it wouldn't make sense because they said it was the first day of school, its literally april, and its not some weird college program either its HS and I'm assuming American high school too
There has been several people going to different threads starting infighting, I'd imagine they have no life
No. 246537
>>246399Not even that anon but almost everyone ik irl would. Minus the teacher part, and emphasis on minus the teacher part so you don't go strawmanning me insisting I encourage teacher/student relationships
Anyway, since age of consent here is 17, most girls here start dating men in their early twenties when they're 17-19, it's just a norm here, in fact a girl my friend use to babysit is 17 and dating a 26 yr old, when I was in HS girls would be 17 or 18 and have long term relationships with guys in their early 20s, including myself, who im still with
Acting as if it's literally pedophilia is just insane, they aren't children, if they were children I don't know why you're going out of your way in order to try to prevent people in their early 20s to be attracted to them (except in teacher cases which even then isn't age exclusive, don't strawman me over this), a lot of 17-19 yr olds get in relationships with people in their early 20s by choice as well as staying with them well after you claim they're too young to choose who they want to date
Lots of 17 and 18 yr olds are pretty much forced to make decisions with college that affect them for the rest of their life. A lot of them hold jobs, some even support their family, if they were "literally children" like you insist, why don't you go after the people who make them do these things that "children" shouldn't do instead of people just being attracted them, which makes no sense because most people in their 20s look the same way they did at 16 or 17 including myself, so you can't use the big bad pedo excuse unless the person in question is visibly underdeveloped, and say if someone in their 20s did have sex with a 17 yr old, if its above age of consent in that area and they dont have any teacher/student relations, I doubt they're going to be ~traumatised~ later in life by having a relationship with someone in their early 20s at 17, even so I still have yet to see a case where a 17 yr old had a relationship with someone in their 20s and it negatively affected them, minus teacher or manager cases
No. 246551
>>246547My bad, someone else earlier was losing their shit about how "they swear they're telling you" its the anti loli
This place is crawling with lunatics
No. 246558
>>246557The anon I was replying to was claiming how "its sick and disgusting to be attracted to legal, physical, mental and emotional children"
What do you think that means anon?
I never said they said it but if i didnt read the rest of the argument and just read that I'd assume they were talking about 12 yr olds but nope, 17 yr olds, out of all ages
No. 246571
>>246568It's obvious that one person who is arguing points about polygamy and child brides and then going on to identify herself as the same poster is the same fucking poster. Not to mention ALA did a similar thing in previous threads. Obviously there are multiple posters but we're talking about the bitch who is
saying who she is and arguing
her point.
No. 246573
>>246571Just about to say this. It might not be the ala, but whoever it is is still batshit and their posting style is easy to recognize.
Surprised she hasn't been b& yet
No. 246574
>>246568well so, that anon isn't mythical or something, but no shit multiple people are talking, i wasn't talking about them. in any case i'm more upset that there are multiple crazy cunts floating around /ot/ and /g/
that girl from a few days ago who said she loves infighting, the crazy anti-loli anon who gets
triggered by things she thinks are pedo, the anon who is convinced every human on earth thinks that women are literal trash (including other women), the anon with autism who has a teaching degree but is too mentally unsound to hold down a job. these are all multiple offenders who have identified themselves a few times in the course of a couple of months. no wonder the site is going down the shit.
No. 246576
>>2465641)Mods banned all the main infighters as well as VPNs they use
2)the loli argument was weeks ago, they got over it, you should too anon
3)no one in the fight shows any signs of being the anti loli, none of them have even remotely close arguing styles
4) anti loli and crushing on a 17 yr old are two completely different things
5)they got over it, you should too anon
Accusing anyone of being the anti loli at this point is ridiculous
No. 246582
>>246579anon can you read? i said it's impossible to ban people using vpns
because all the need to do is get a new fucking IP address, which is as simple as a click of a button with browser add-on vpns. it's not as easy as just permabanning an ip address.
No. 246584
>>246580>Let me guess did they say 'true' when you went to report them? That…makes no sense
>same poster is the same posterAre you drunk anon
Also I assume you mean child bride poster
And anti loli anon and that anon don't even have remotely close arguing styles nor do they have close typing styles, you accuse them of being anti loli anon for no other reason than claiming they obsess over pedophilia, which a lot of people do, hell if we're accusing people of obsessing over pedophilia of being the anti loli then what about the dude who hunts down pedos is he the anti loli?
This person was wrong but also a lot more calm and they did leave so, it's defintely not the anti loli, but I'm pretty sure a lot of the pro-loli posters are here since its all the same batshit crazy shit as well as obsessing over everyone being the anti loli
No. 246594
>>246592anon, i think that they stopped because the mods were obviously watching for them, if they shut up for a night or 2 they can come back without being noticed, it's not as if the mods can just automatically permaban all ips that seem like the same anon.
ala got banned on multiple ips because they were saying who they were and ban evading, but it's not like it's hard to ban evade if the argument has quieted down. someone that crazy isn't going to just give up.
No. 246603
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>was going to go on grocery date and cook dinner at my apartment for friend
>place was filthy since bf doesn't help
>she said she was coming at 2:30
>woke up at noon, smoked a bowl, and got to work
>organized, got rid of clutter, dusted, mopped, vacuumed, windexed, and cleaned everything within an hour and a half
>time rolls past and she's not here
>"Coming friendo?"
>mfw she says she's feeling sick and isn't coming but at least I got my chores done so I can enjoy my two days off
I'm lonely though so I'll probably binge eat something.
But what? I could still go shopping at the asian mart and get whatever, or I could order sushi.
>tfw so high rn it took me four tries to get this post formatting correct
No. 246608
I was rooting for anti-loli despite her bringing pseudo-psychology into it until she lost her shit, the other posters were just as cray and obsessive though, the loli anon(s) were being disgusting however, it's like they were trying to act like its so kawaii ugu to like loli "and be a grll", is this a new-age form of girl gamers now? Except with video games its child porn
No. 246611
>>246605>>246608Can someone TL;DR events for me?
Last I saw they started arguing in the unpopular opinion thread, but before I knew it apparently that fight got bigger and leaked into other threads as well?
No. 246613
>>246611Someone posted a vague sceencap of the thread but here's a rundown
I can't exactly remember what started the fight, I think pro loli was saying how its not pedophilia and how they wanna fuck anime children but not real children, anti loli came and said something along the lines of if they're actually attracted to it sexually or just aesthetically, rando anon brought up a fight from another thread, anti loli said it should be seen as a warning sign, such as kids who draw people dying and shit, loli anon does super obvious samefagging, anti loli points it other, loli loses their shit and starts sperging to other people in the thread and claiming how anti loli anon shouldn't work with kids, craziest shit possible, then anti loli ban raids and spazzes out about the ban system
Oh and theres another batshit crazy anon constantly making "shes crazy dont reply" posts like they did on this thread and keeps doing it any time a fight is brought up and claiming how they "KNOW" its her and that "they're telling you!!", they're also claiming shes baiting herself, whatever the fuck that means
No. 246616
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>>246614all of the infighting is one big psyop created by the ALA to shit up the board
No. 246637
>>246634Is it Interpals? I know that /int/ on 4chan used to try to pick up women from that site, or just make joke profiles to mess with women.
Also, putting something like 'no fetish shit' on your profile basically reads as an advertisement for gross men that would target you just because you're unwilling. It's the same principle as unsolicited dick pictures, it's a power sort of thing. I would recommend taking that part out, lol.
Maybe try only talking to women or men that have serious sounding profiles? Having an online friend that speaks the language is ideal since you can voice chat or just message them a random question that comes up.
No. 246647
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>>246251AAAAAAAAAAND she called me autistic again. Over buying vegetables. She bitched over getting the wrong cut of frozen strawberries. STRAWBERRIES.
>>241163>>241164>>241166 (I've never had a problem in school. I've most gotten As and Bs.)
>Guilt-trips/suicide-baits people into agreeing with her and calls people fake and funny when they disagree.
>Beats me and my grandmother. She pushed my grandmother into a door today and once threw her glass marriage gifts at her. She's 73 by the way. I'm 19.
>She pulled out a knife at me for forgetting to flush the toilet.
>Excepts everyone to buy her shit when she had a job and 5x more money than me. Example: She wanted me to spend $10+ dollars on fast food because she bought me a $3 thing of chili fries four months ago.**I offered her Wendy's and she threw a fit so I didn't go. Then got mad that I didn't go to Wendy's. I went to Wendy's 3 days later and she got mad at that.
>Tries to act like and older sister when we were never close in the first place. She was embarrassed with me and didn't want to be anywhere near me when we were in high school. I'm so done. She's dead to me. If she doesn't like me or my grandmother she can leave. And fuck you for saying that I'm anything like her.
No. 246651
>>246647Anon, you are acting like a robot with the obnoxious language and smug_anime_girl.jpg
Stop it.
No. 246657
>>246647Wuts going on here
Violence towards you and your grandma is heckin' bad, but the tone of your posts is a little strange and artificial. Like someone telling a story.
What age is the sister and why does she rule the roost? The rant is lacking in vital contextual details that enable readers to advise/help
No. 246659
>>246411Thanks for the kind words anon! I will start therapy soon and decided to cut ties with that friend.
My nan is in the hospital right now, but I hope she will get better soon.
Venting to u all makes me feel less lonely thanks anons!
No. 246666
>>246647you may not be like her but you're sure cringy.
what's this new trend of anons coming back to dig shit up to defend themselves?
No. 246871
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Am I a bad person if I don't have any sympathy for an acquaintance who refuses to help themselves? They're always telling me how they're miserable, lonely, they've never been happy and their life is never going to get better. Completely ignoring any advice I give them to help improve their life or outlook. They completely shut down the idea of even trying therapy or seeing a psychologist to fix their negative thinking cycle (and possibly get them put on antidepressants if need be) because "therapy doesn't work".
At this point I'm ready to tell them to fuck off the next time they want to cry to me how miserable they are. It's not like I don't know what It's like to be there. I used to have an eating disorder, crippling anxiety/panic attacks and depression in my younger years. But I wanted to get better and I reached out for help and spent years in therapy to work through my shit and on myself and now I'm a much happier, more fulfilled person. So it pisses me off to see someone who actively refuses to try to make the smallest attempt at getting better. Even if she was at least /trying/ or had tried in the past to get better, I'd feel a little more sympathetic but at this point I've run out of fucks to give. Even her family in the past tried to get her to go to therapy (which shows me they must care for her in some capacity and want to see her get better) but she still refused to go, she'd rather wallow in her own misery and self pity. I can't stand it.
No. 246888
>>246668Why wouldn't you want your best friend at the wedding party?
I'd feel some type of way too personally..
No. 246901
>>246670>>246888I’m only having my sisters because my fiancé and I want a small wedding party and he only has 3 guys and I have 3 sisters.
I totally understand her feeling hurt, and we had talking about it, but she never responded when I apologized and explained myself. Just sucks, didn’t realize a decision like this would end our friendship lol
No. 246903
>>246901Wow anon, so for you symmetry is more important than making place for you fricking Best Friend?
I hope she finds better friends in the future.
No. 246913
>>246902She’s invited just not a bridesmaid
>>246903Yeah I hope she does too
No. 246919
>>246668imo your friend should be more understanding about not being a bride's maid. maybe ask why it hurts her feelings? she must have been expecting to be included in that way. you could even tell her that you didn't want a bridal party, but your fiance's mother was insistent on his groomsmen so you just needed to match. and you didn't want to leave one of your sisters out. she should understand that.
my sister-in-law had a really large bridal party and she asked 2 of her friends that she was not as close with to be bridal attendants. they were included in all the things as the bridal party- even pictures- they just weren't standing at the altar.
also a bridal attendant helps with getting everyone ready. so she's there at the back helping get the details together. maybe you could suggest that?
No. 246942
>>246932>most people are closer or more open with their best friends anywayWhat the fuck are you talking about, lol?
Believe it or not, not everyone comes from a shitty family where they hate their siblings, that's much more common among whites than anything else.
No. 246943
>>246942lmao. i know this is bait, but whatever.
either way my sister doesn't ever tell it like it is so i tend to not go to her much for advice, since she usually just tells me to do what will make me happy.
No. 246960
>>246901can't you ask her to give a speech or some other gesture? From her perspective, its the symbolic nature of the thing, not the practicality of 3 guys to 3 girls.
Is she invited to your pre-wedding events, like the hen do? Is she going to get ready with you or is she going to be left out? Does she know who she's going to be sitting with if she's not sitting with you/your party? How about for dinner? These are probably all the things running through her mind right now. I know you probably have a million things to think through right now, but if you value your friendship, put some time in to making sure she's comfortable and feels valued as your friend.
>>246959My parents eloped, they asked two old ladies across the street to be their witnesses. Don't stress the social stigma, do whatever feels right for you. Talk to him about your worries, don't just hold it in. Address it head on, don't hint at it.
No. 246982
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A friend showed me this vid today and thought it was funny. Let's pretend it's not fake but the matter of fact is that a lot of people consider this funny and if you don't like it you can't take a joke or you're too emotional which was said to me after my initial response in which I said that I found it not only lacking in humour but also that the guy in the vid was a douchebag for doing that and reinforcing stereotypes about women being emotional. The girl obviously has issues with him not doing anything around the house and he throws tampons at her because she's obviously on her period for wanting him to do house chores.
I know it's silly, but I've been in situations before where I had male roommates and who would imply that I was on my period because I just wanted them to clean after themselves. Besides, even if a woman is on her period, I see no reason to disregard her opinion. I hate this world.
No. 246984
>>246969>>246977He knows I'm a friendless dork but I guess he doesn't get why it's socially so awkward to have nobody in my wedding party. I already told him but he doesn't care at all while it's making me into a blubbering mess just thinking about it.
I know it's stupid and it's probably a really dumb reason not to marry but I know I won'be able to pretend anymore that I'm not a freak if I don't have anyone to invite to something as huge as a wedding.
No. 246991
>>246982Meanwhile it's been proven that male hormones also cycle. topkek.
Not manhate though, I've had my own mother pull this shit on me. No matter where I am on my cycle it's always The Girly Time causing it. She's a good mom and I love her, but for a while she didn't want to deal with the fact that I have genuine anger control issues. I think that's really why people like to use this statement, as a scapegoat.
No. 247109
I hate it when people chime in on subjects they know nothing about, demand to be spoonfed when they weren't even involved in the discussion or asked for their input, and act as if if they personally haven't experienced something, it can't be real.
I see this behavior especially when race, financial status, mental illness and gender come into play.
"I, as person not of [x] race, person not of [x] gender, and/or person who doesn't have [x] mental issue or upbringing can't even imagine such a thing. You must be lying or exaggerating" - like no shit you won't experience those things or know anything about it. You aren't that person, you know nothing about them, and you haven't lived as they have, so it makes sense that you haven't faced the things they have. It's just this weird, implicit, narcissistic notion that if you haven't felt something, it's completely invalid and not real. Yours is the only "true" existence, and if anyone has lived a different reality, it's fake or they need to be victim blamed.
If it weren't for medical science, I bet these same people would probably argue that blindness and deafness aren't real, and those who have them are just "special snowflakes".
The world would just be a better place if people tried to understand each other instead of defending the status quo all the time. Society should revolve around wanting to improve the collective's experience, not "Well, I'm personally satisfied in this regard, so things should stay the same, and any request for change must be met with disdain, regarded as an attack on me, and disputed or silenced".
No. 247133
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Apparently petechiae is a thing.
I recently switched mascaras because I seemed to be allergic to my old one and today after washing my face I noticed the red dots around my eyes. I freaked out because I'm fucking tired and broke and I can't afford switching makeup again. I also started a new job and I don't want to go bare face yet.
Turns out the dots can also be caused by straining…and I just did yoga (which is difficult if you can't even reach your toes)
Ffs I hope it goes away by tomorrow. I know I have to go to the doctor anyway but I can't get off days just yet.
No. 247149
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Sorry for the "ugh, men; the post" but sometimes…
>get up and going around 11am
>get time off work so I don't have to go in until later
>realize kitchen is dirty as fuck after I just cleaned two days go
>scrubbing, rinsing, etc. ensues
>bf rolls out of bed at 3pm
>straight to the video games on the couch until he goes into work, PLOP
>this is his routine everyday
>ask him if he's found water bill stub so we can go to apartment office to pay
>tells me no but I can walk over to the office later and ask and then pay there
>"Lol are you serious? You're not doing ANYTHING right now. You go do it."
>he does
>comes back and demands $20 and a ride to work for 'reimbursement'
Gave him the ride, he ain't getting $20 from me tho.
No. 247156
>>247153I mean, it's just common sense that if you're not, say, an Indian woman suffering from schizophrenia and PTSD from long-term abuse and trauma, you don't really know shit about what she goes through in life or how she's been treated, and it'd be more sensible to listen than try to "prove her wrong" on her own life on the basis that it sounds crazy to you (a person who's never been through that shit and will never fully relate).
I don't see what's so SJW-y about that. It's just life.
No. 247157
>>246982Categories of people who find this funny:
Neckbeards/soyboys who relate to not wanting to do chores and like reenforcing "the old ball and chain" stereotypes about women who get on their case about their lack of responsibility.
3edgy younger women who are going through their "not like the other girls" phase who haven't experienced this themselves and think that negging on other women earns them cool girl points. Being that they are either slobs, being taken care of by their own parents, and/or haven't yet had roommates, bfs, or anybody living with them guilty of causing this kind of grief.
No exceptions.
No. 247160
>>247158I don't know how my post wasn't calm, it's not like I insulted you. I'm sorry if you felt attacked or something.
Wouldn't helping the weak entail hearing out people whose experiences are often kept silent in the mainstream?
>while i know not everyone has empathy but people don't have to go through someone's exact experiences to care about them.I'm not saying they can't care if they don't know the feeling. To listen in, you kind of have to care at least a bit. I'm saying it's shitty when people who actually don't care try to invalidate other's experiences, especially when no one even asked them to care in the first place. It's like they take offense to things they can't relate to, and feel a compulsive need to insist it's all lies.
No. 247161
>>247159>But this doesn't sound as if you'd even allow people to just "listen"… What do you mean? I specifically mentioned chiming in, not mere listening.
>Would you just stand still and nt say anyhing? I coukd listen and try to be supportive. Or, if I honestly have nothing constructive or helpful to add, yeah, I probably would just be silent and let them talk. We could all benefit from just being quiet and listening to each other once in a while.
>And let's be honest, when do this serious conversations ever happen? All sorts of places. Maybe not places you frequent, but again: The whole "Not my experience = fake" thing is tired and I'm just not with it.
>most people don't have any of these issues.What issues? Because I think it'd be pretty bold to say most people aren't female, of a certain race, in certain social or financial classes, mentally ill, etc. Even believing something like that is kind of a symptom of what I was annoyed about: "If I can't relate, it's not legit".
No. 247167
>>247164Redeeming personality characteristics that make him overall likeable save for when he's acting lazy and irresponsible.
I could drop him, move back in with my parents, and wait for that unicorn of a better man which (I'm sure with my caliber of looks) isn't gonna happen.
Or I could mentally compromise and vent anonymously when I need it.
No. 247172
>>247166Issues like that are part of the things I mentioned (being female, of a certain race, in certain social or financial classes, mentally ill, etc). Unless you're saying there's nothing "serious" about any of those experiences, I thought that kind of went without saying (though I don't really know how you would define "serious", and I can't really see an enlightening conversation growing from a debate on what constitutes "seriousness" to either one of us, so I'm not going to touch that).
>if you didn't have the exact same background/experience.Again, I never said this or anything like it. You can care without going "Um I've never had this happen, so it's unfathomable to me and therefore impossible. You're lying soz ://". The people who do that are the ones I'm complaining about.
No. 247190
>>247187right, but it has nothing to do with the aspects you mentioned. it's either someone who 'can't believe that would happen' because they don't want to be privy to the harshness of reality. or just assholes who don't believe you. even in both cases, chances are if the same things
did happen to those people, they either would still not want to believe it, or they'd still be dicks, because if someone wants to be mean to you, it doesn't matter what race, gender or negative experiences you share.
No. 247198
>>247167Ah, sorry anon! I definitely don't know your situation. However, one thing does worry me:
>bf rolls out of bed at 3pm>straight to the video games on the couch until he goes into work, PLOP>this is his routine everydayThis isn't something you should accept. It seems like you're a good person who has too much responsibility to bear at times, and you don't have someone to split it with. Perhaps you should talk to him? Or maybe you already did. I really hope I'm not making any (negative) assumptions. You do deserve the best though, anon!
Please don't settle for someone just because they're already there, making things "easy" for you. Sorry, again. No. 247209
>>247198I'm not offended anon, I think a lot of anons here have good intentions and it's nice to be told I don't deserve bad treatment.
I just want to be clear that if it truly got bad, I would leave. Like usually I don't care if bf plops but it just felt overwhelming in that particular instance because I was doing chores and was irritated that bf didn't get the message that I needed help. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I get upset and internalize it until I get on my laptop.
I apologize if I came across as dramatic.
Although leaving an adult relationship is a much scarier prospect–both financially and emotionally–than it was when I was younger. I didn't have as many responsibilities and my family looked out for me back then. It would just take a lot of serious setbacks and failed ultimatums for me to consider uprooting my life like that because of a man.
No. 247221
>>247193>Most people outside of America barely ever talk to somebody of a different raceOther than SEA and the Midle East most big cities in Latin America and Europe are very diverse.
Stop being so self important, fucking Murricans.
No. 247225
>>247193>complains about generalizing, then implies I'm American because I said something they didn't likeLmao, just because you're from a homogenous country and only talk to people exactly like you doesn't mean everyone's living like that.
Besides, if you can't relate, why involve yourself in this conversation? And in the situation I mentioned, you wouldn't even be trying to learn so you can understand and add to things in a constructive way, but bogging things down with uneducated, rude accusations and demands to be fed information when in the first place, things didn't concern you. That'd make you an asshole, sorry.
No. 247417
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>>247330Jesus Christ I gave up after “my stupid cis friend pretended to be quee”
No. 247757
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Like holy shit I think I have some form of literal brain damage. Or I'm blind. Or both. Or I'm retarded, blind, and insane, this game is a figment of my imagination and doesn't even exist, I'm even hallucinating the walkthroughs.
I'm walking around the maps, and depending on which door i interact with, the paintings on the walls change and a few details of the map do too. I tried every door. I need to leave the area and re-enter every time I try one because all the others become unavailable, and I did this, for every door, multiple times, then tried various combinations, tried every single one then left the area and tried interacting with things or seeing if new interactions appear with the different elements on the map…
The best part? No mentions of this whatsoever on any walkthrough. I'm supposed to be able to enter the last door, but I'm not. I was also supposed to have gotten a letter from an NPC before I left the room she was in, but I didn't, and after I left the room and returned to it, she was gone.
None of this makes sense and I don't understand what the fuck is going on and I think I might actually be asleep and dreaming up this game because that's the only explanation
No. 247803
I don't know where else to post this but I like the community here. I feel like you all would accept my ranting.
We've been together over three years. The past six months I've been through the worst depression I've ever been in my life. I lost my job, started getting panic attacks, have been glued to the couch, quit showering regularly, been avoiding interacting with people as much as fucking possible.
But I've been getting better. My antidepressant starting kicking in, I start a new job Tuesday, stopped drinking everyday, and for the first time in forever I've been hopeful. He is getting a large inheritance that is going to be a nest egg for starting our family; we were going to move closer to his family, buy a house, get a dog, plan for kids.
But I guess it's all over now. I really don't know what to do. I don't routinely go through his phone, his sister hates me and I don't want to read that, but today I got curious while he was in the shower. The woman works with him, she texted "I can't stop thinking about last night," he said "Me neither," then she told him she "came 7 or 8 times" while thinking of him in the shower.
I confronted him and he insisted nothing happened. Apparently she picked him up while I was asleep on his last day off (we live together) and they just "drove around." No, I don't believe that lie either. I am fucking shaking and don't know what to do. I am fucking devastated. And he clearly deleted previous texts from her so I don't know how long it's been going on.
Not even two days ago he made a joke about me not trusting him, I replied "well you did try to fuck that teenager lol" but we both admitted I am massively insecure.
I don't know what to do. I have been no-contact with my family for years because my mom was abusive. I have no friends. I have no reason to stay. I love him. Not even 10 minutes before I read the texts I was thinking how cute he would be with our kids because one of our cats simply adores him and follows him everywhere. I am drinking and can't comprehend this is actually happening. I took screen caps of their conversation and I am so fucking tempted to send them to his mom, shitty sister, and manager.
Please someone respond, tell me anything, tell me even something I don't want to hear. I am so alone and angry. I've made so much progress and I don't want to hurt myself. I'm so sad.
No. 247805
>>247803Leave him unless you want a loveless marriage. Once a cheater, always a cheater and it seems he's just that way.
Perhaps wait until you're secure in your new job then move out. He may be nice in other ways, but he's clearly not honest.
You deserve better. There are many nice men out there.
No. 247808
>>247803>for starting our familyHold off on that. Seriously stop considering that until this is sorted out.
>"I can't stop thinking about last night">he insisted nothing happenedYes, it did.
>we both admitted I am massively insecure.with very VERY good reason. Feeling insecure in your relationship with a cheater is very natural and normal.
>I don't know what to do.leave, before he leaves you for her or cheats again
>I took screen caps of their conversation and I am so fucking tempted to send them to his mom, shitty sister, and manager.Don't do anything in anger or while emotional. Keep them if you like, but don't send them until you're in a better state of mind- you'll probably be glad you didn't send them in a few months.
>I've made so much progress and I don't want to hurt myself. YOU have still made that progress. You are still getting better, starting a new job, quitting drinking, and being hopeful. You did nothing wrong in this situation. You have nothing to feel bad about. Men don't cheat because of the women they're supposed to be loyal to, they cheat because they're insecure and want an ego boost or because they have poor impulse control. He fucked up. And the fact he's joking about it shows he has no remorse. With all the positive improvements you've made, ditching a cheater will be the biggest one. Trust me, I stuck out for six years with a cheater- then he left me for the third women he cheated on me with. If you feel attached at three years, you're gonna be fucked at six. Staying will be a mistake, I'm sorry to say. You'll be stopping yourself from finding someone better and meanwhile he'll be breaking your trust and making you paranoid and insecure.
You don't deserve him. You deserve better. You don't deserve a man who cheats, who lies, who doesn't take you seriously.
You say you have no friends. When my ex left, I didn't either. Then the loneliness and sadness pushed me to make friends. I
had to when I didn't have him. Now I have an amazing friend group of 10+ people, and three core friends who I lean on when I'm feeling down. You have to be proactive and get yourself out there, but it will be a good distraction during the transition.
You are not the crazy one. You are not bad. This isn't your fault. You were unfortunate in dating a pathetic loser with no morals. But get out now before you get deeper entrenched. It'll just get harder to leave, the longer you stay. And you CAN leave. Believe in yourself. Look at all the progress YOU made, all the battles you've fought. You got this.
No. 247809
>>247808I agree with this anon. You've still made all this progress and have done nothing wrong. You deserve a lot better than your boyfriend and, yeah, it'll be hard in the beginning but it'll also get better.
I think it's pretty alarming that he'd joke about it too. Don't stay with him.
No. 247820
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Want to vent about my first relationship with a girl
>summer 17
>meet and hook up with a girl through a mutual friend
>she was still with her bf at the time, broke up with him a month later, ends up having to take anti-psychotic medication because she was ""traumatised"" by the breakup
>shortly after we start talking and seeing eachother long distance (living in different countries)
>spend time with her for two weeks during christmas, feel really happy
>at the same time having doubts because of how quickly she got attatched to me despite being very emotionally unavailable every time I talked to her
>leave again
>she almost breaks up with me while i'm away via facetime, says it was just "impulse"
>turns out she's not over her ex, my anxiety is top level now
>meet up with her during february holidays
>valentine's day date
>says she wants a break and stay friends because she's not over her ex, just to "figure things out"
>i'm fine with it, feel sad yet also somewhat relieved
>plan to meet up with her the next day at an event
>tells me her ex will be there too
>oh fuck
>hang out, feels awkward
>get home, receive a text
>"btw i'm getting back with him"
>feel absolutely heart broken and angry
>i leave the country
>she ends up in a mental hospital shortly afterwards for about 2 weeks
>she wants to still be friends
>nearly 3 months later
>feel annoyed and mad at her yet apathetic
>haven't spoken much to her since
>has texted "hey" to me twice
>always leave her on read because I could not give a fuck if she wants me back in her life as a friend because she's been nothing but a cold bitch to me
I don't know what to do anymore. This relationship meant a lot to me because I considered it my first somewhat serious relationship, and I really wanted it to work and I texted her every day when we were apart, but it didn't mean anything to her judging by the way she treated me. I'm still really angry about it. She just used me as a gay rebound because she's crazy, but a part of me says I need to get over it because I'm bitter about being used as a rebound. I keep imagining being friends with her again, but looking back at how dead inside she was all the time because of her meds I'd rather not have her in my life anymore. I don't know if I should be on good terms with her or not because I'm still mad, but at the same time I feel apathetic towards her as well
Help me
No. 247828
>>247820seconding what
>>247823 said, fuck her tbh
No. 247832
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>>247823>>247828I think the distance has helped me get over it quicker than if I was back in the same country as her, the only problem is that we're mutual friends through a certain group of people, and seeing her pop up on friend's social media stories makes me really annoyed and frustrated
i've blocked and unfollowed her practically everywhere, the first two months I would stalk her second account just to see what she was up to/hate on her in my own angry dome, and I wasn't fully over her yet. tbh I think this really affected me because she was the first girl I ever had lesbian sex with, and I hold intimacy and sex more seriously than she does
I hate her for what she did to me but the initial mutual friend who got us hooked up is an old friend of hers and keeps telling me "well she's mentally ill" every time I try and explain my conflicting feelings. I feel like I'm being forced to get over it.
this bitch even had the audacity to text me
>"i just can't wait for you to get over this eventually so we can get over the hate phase and go on the good terms phase">"im on good terms with all my exes and i want that with you"fucking hate her so much
why did I ever smash a crazy
No. 247835
File: 1525557362101.png (142.92 KB, 276x326, payne reading.PNG)

>>247757You're in a computer game, Max
No. 247858
>>247832>"im on good terms with all my exes and i want that with you"She can fuck right off if she thinks people can over how they try them just like that
Don't stay friends with exs
No. 247867
>>247805>>247808>>247809>>247813Thank you. All of you a right. I talked to my sister (who I haven't spoken to in years) and she made me feel safe, hearing her made me not want to hurt myself. I think I am going to "forgive" him until I save up and am able to leave. All this happened before he left for work and he'll be home soon.
I think
>>247813 hit the nail on the head. He really has influenced my depression. I'm not ready, I'm terrified with what I'm doing with my life, but my future is not with him.
No. 247952
any other anon grew up with shitty paranoid parents? ever since I was 8 or 9 my parents would constantly accuse me of doing drugs, having sex, or "up to something"
because of this I was always paranoid, they would go crazy over things like if I was late to class my dad would claim I was "doing something I wasn't supposed to" and threaten to drug test me, he would dig through my booksack and my room, look in my diary and all kinds of stuff
I've never done drugs in my life, it made me super paranoid and I felt like if I fucked up once it was a risk of him going batshit and accusing me of doing drugs, despite drug tests I took being negative
I would overhear them talk about me at night all the time, of course drug related. when I wanted to go on birth control because my periods would make me pass out, he accused me of doing drugs and having sex just for the doctor to actually prescribe me birth control
everytime I lost connection with friends he would ask me "if I'm doing bad things to them"
it was hell, I was conscious of any wrong move I made and avoid going out because of this, I barely left my room because of how paranoid I was
anyway, I recently had a nightmare last night of my dad coming in my room and going batshit accusing me of doing drugs, I don't even know what his problem was, I just wish I can get my childhood back and live a normal life
No. 247958
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>>247907I see variations of 14 and 41 everywhere. I know it's likely just coincidence, or I'm just noticing those numbers more but it's always in my face somehow. One time I severely doubted it meant anything and randomly my internet stalled, stopping something I was listening to at exactly 1:44:41. I don't believe in signs but it's always been around and I'm not sure what to think of it anymore. It's always more when I have changes in my life as well, and it's never just checking the clock. Like if I check my phone, a song I'm listening to will be at 1:04 or 1:40 and I always check numbers of things just to see if I'm noticing it more than other numbers, but 9/10 14 or 41 are there. Sorry this is long but this has been going on for so long so seeing someone else deal with this has been a relief lol.
No. 247989
TL;DR- girl who spent since grade school emotionally berating me ends up having a spectacularly shitty life, but I also feel like I'm damanged beyond repair from her wake.
>had a 'friend' that I knew since 4th grade
>she would emotionally berate me all of the time, but I had no other friends so I dealt with it
>she would tell me all the time that no one would love me and I'm going to die alone etc
>she would say I was so stupid it would be a miracle if I didn't drop out etc
>it gets to the point where when i tried to make friends, she would manage to butt in and scare most people off
>she tells me, i assumed jokingly, that we should date and called me homophobic when I told her I'm not gay
>pretty sure she went around and told people we fucked anyways because everyone thought I was gay for a while, or maybe it was because she would never give me a moment alone
>she would invite me to outings so her and whatever her boyfriend of the month is can go make out/fondle/bj whatever while I sit around awkwardly
>one time a boy tried to ask me out to prom, he was taking so long to just spit it out that she actually swooped in and kissed him
>she then pressures me to go to prom alone while she went with her boyfriend and I became a wallflower
>literally next day she breaks up with him, meanwhile I'm young and dumb and don't take her left-overs because muh self respect
>rinse and repeat with any boy that showed an ounce of interest with me
>I get sick with lyme and have to leave school for half a year, she tells everyone that I got pregnant
>come back with no baby belly, she then proceeds to tell everyone I got an abortion
>get older, find a dude that I'm interested in
>she gets mad because she says she 'found him first' and should have first dibs
>long story short my boyfriend and 'best-friend' end up fucking
>i find out through my boyfriend, i never tell her I knew. It took her 4 months and the only reason she even spit it out was because my boyfriend told her I knew
>she would always put on crocodile tears or 'attempt' suicide whenever I'd get annoyed with her so I would pity her and forgive her or else I would cause her self-destruction
>college comes, see this as an opportunity to get rid of the leech
>change phone number, move away, delete all social media
>I have heard from her since but it was completely accidental, even years later she was still able to manipulate me and make me pity her to bring her somewhere and hang out, very cringy afternoon
I've heard from back home that she isn't having a smooth ride in life, of course nothing serious like illness. Superficial shit like spending all rent money on weed, getting caught cheating, spreading minor STDs, etc. It makes me feel better in the worst kind of way. But I can't help but feel like I have been fucked up socially ever since. I had a couple of friends since her, but I willingly broke contact. I feel like I can't trust anyone, that everyone wants to hurt me or fuck with me or they are insincere so I choose to be this hermit. Honestly, I don't feel like I'm losing anything from not having any friends. Am I ruined? Is this acceptable?
No. 248019
>>247989Sounds to me like she became the adult version of her shitty childhood self; selfish, promiscuous, and dishonest.
As for you, people WILL hurt you if you enable these types of toxic people to continue to be in your life. Just get some self-esteem and I'm sure friends will follow, but as a rule don't continue to be friends with people who berate you because that isn't normal.
No. 248020
>>247989Yeah that's awful, like cartoonishly bad. I think she
did have a crush on you hence sabotaging every boyfriend you tried to get
No. 248041
Why does it seem like nobody really needs anyone anymore? Or do they just act like they don't and are so used to having people around them that it's not such a big deal to them?
I've recently been cutting some of my friends out because they don't really respect me, treat me that well, or want to really talk to me or see me. Everyone else either lives far away or is busy (with their jobs, other friends?, their relationship, other things? I'm not even totally sure) and I just wish I could be busy enough to not need to talk to anybody, too.
Cutting out people that don't even treat me that well seems not even worth it sometimes if it's going to make me feel even more lonely.
I don't understand because I do do enough to keep myself busy. I have a job, college, I try to do artwork every day, I play video games, I have pets, I get art jobs sometimes, I try to teach myself new things. I'm trying to travel and go to new places even if they're close to home. I feel like I do more than most people do. So I just don't get it when a lot of people are just too busy to even text back. And why I do so much and it's still not enough to not feel lonely and what else I could possibly do. Depression and anxiety restrict me from a lot of social and alone things but I just don't know what do anymore. The only reason I don't kill myself is because I don't want to hurt or inconvenience others.
No. 248053
>>248041It's not just you anon. I noticed a few years ago I got ghosted way more often and it's been that way consistently. That one doesn't even bother me that much because I ghost people too sometimes and understand forgetting to respond.
What really gets to me is that so many people will insist that you need to hang out some time, like it's their idea and they're really enthusiastic about it, but when you follow up they ghost or bail.
Like is "we should totally hang out soon!!!" the new "nice to see you" ?
But anyway I've heard so many other people complain about this exact thing that I really doubt it's just me. I tihnk social media has just atrophied people's social skills.
For example, before cellphones, you had to be specific and follow through with your plans or you'd leave someone stranded at stood up and they wouldn't even know if you were coming, so people had motivation to follow through with their plans, or else just not make them.
Now, it's way to easy to say you want to hang out, but text at the last minute that something came up, or ghost them until they physically call you lol. Yeah they COULD be more considerate, but it's just so easy to be lazy when the consequences aren't as big as they used to be. It's true for a lot of things in modern society. As technology nullifies a lot of our old motivations and pressures, we constantly need to choose between making our own motivations or succumbing to laziness and taking the easiest route.
No. 248079
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I feel ever since my work schedule became more restricted and I got too depressed to pursue my alt hobbies, my old friend circle kind of abandoned me. Or at least doesn't want to be around me because I'm not as interesting and more normie now.
I got added to a group convo for one of my friends coming into town, I really like her and I'd describe us as close before she moved away. I said hi but then had to leave work so I was gone from the chat for awhile. When I was gone they had a lengthy conversation and made plans. Shared outfit ideas for a convention. Surely(?) they thought I was down for whatever they said, but they mentioned going to a convention for that weekend and going out to the other friend's house and that's stuff I can't do this year due to work. I never get weekends off. I brought up the plan I wanted to do, a different friend suggested it, but I'm not sure if they agreed to it. The friend coming into town made it sound like she wouldn't have the time for it. It was kind of the point for her specifically to be there.
They rushed their conversation when I returned so I didn't get to ask questions, they stopped talking when they said they had to go and that we'd talk later buuuuut that usually doesn't happen.
It hurt a little. It's not like I'm being antisocial by choice, and I'd love to get back into my main hobbies if my job, financial situation, and brain would allow it.
Also the flipside is I feel like I'm ungrateful because a couple friends do reach out to me and at least offer to meet up sometimes. But I can even see I'm often the "second" option when their first picks often bail or can't be assed.
It just cements my depression further and validates how uninteresting I've become. I don't know how to get better or improve this, honestly.
>>248041>>248053Just wanted to say that I relate to all this.
No. 248080
>>248079Bf thinks I might be reading into it too much.
Take that as you will btw but I chalk it up to my depression and distaste for social media making things seem lonelier than they are.
No. 248092
>>248088>he made the decision to move out to the place on his own with the catsAnon, do you have any family you can reach for help?
Your boyfriend sounds like a jerk, you should just drop his egoistic ass. He should't make decisions like that by himself, weren't couples supposed to be a team?
No. 248093
>it wasn't cost effective and wanted to pay the cheaper price What the fuck. Anon, your well being is way more important than cost effectiveness. You deserve someone that values your mental health and doesn't take our pets away.
No. 248121
>>248041>incoming wall of textanon, are you me? my life is content in every aspect except my peer group. I'm busier than most of my peers but I still have time (and willing to make time) for others. but nobody can ever seem to do the same. conversations feel stale if I try to initiate and they leave me on read after a few messages. I've tried to kindly bring it up that it hurts me and i don't want to drift apart. But it goes one of three ways:
1. person gets offended and cuts me out (despite being as polite as I can, patient, and simply trying to address the concern face on)
2. person says sorry and the cycle repeats/nothing changes
3. they ghost me to oblivion. which is anticipated over time, but at an accelerated rate because I expressed my thoughts about the lack of communication.
My closest friends (at one point, close) are NEETs. So I get a bit upset when they don't want to spend time. Even if that meant discord + a video game. I always get some bullshit excuse like "my microphone doesnt work" "my computer can't handle that game"
yet plays other intense game "my internet is slow". "I have to babysit my parents dog." [friend lives with parents] (idek how this is a legit excuse considering i live with my boyfriend and also have pets to be responsible for on a daily basis).
others have told me they just dont feel the need to talk so often. But I cant help but wonder, doesn't it get extremely lonely? I mean yeah we all have our bfs. but I like having girlfriends to talk about girl stuff. I seriously cannot wrap my head around it.
Even the friend finder on lolcow was a huge disappointment. I feel like I must be a boring person if these situations keep happening to me? I'll end up messaging a few from the friend finder. conversation will be random. mostly I initiate. then they ghost me. no replies. still actively online. If someone was off put by me, I wouldn't be offended if they politely told me about it instead of just disappearing out of the blue. it leaves me so confused. is this just a norm now a days?
I know social media plays a part. but it cant be an excuse. I use social media just like everyone else, and still have the desire to want to keep in touch. (whether its by weekly texting, a voice call, etc).
I often see these instagram girls with their big groups of friends. I feel so envious. Am I not entitled to that kind of happiness? (not trying to sound demanding). Why can't I find even one friend who wants to take silly pictures together, even travel together. I mean these are girls in their 20s and 30s and they go on group trips out of the country. I cant even get any of my friends to leave the house. How is staying inside all the time, watching anime, browsing image boards. and playing games every single day fulfilling enough? I've tried to mimic their lifestyle and its just so fucking lonely. i cant understand it. Im not asking for a friend with a million things in common. just a thing or two with the desire to keep in touch and do things together.
/end vent.
No. 248135
>>248041>>248121I'm sorry you can't find people who are as social as you, anons.
If it helps at all with some insight, I'm one of those people who ghosts. I know I'm shitty (and I'm so lucky to have a friend who understands!) but do it because one-on-one socializing tires me out to death. Even just meeting up with one friend leaves me with a need to sleep for 12-15 hours afterwards, that's just how I am. I tried having two friends once and I really couldn't handle it, I ended up shutting them both out, deleting my social media, and going friendless (just working and talking to my parents) for 6 months. Not even whining here, I know I don't deserve a bunch of friends waiting for me or anything, and don't want them. As I said, I'm lucky to have the one I do!
I hope you both find some extroverted friends, that seems to be what you need. It's too bad we're all anons since you two could talk to each other.
No. 248136
>>248121This tbh
Due to my past with friends and partners, it always terrifies me any text I get from someone will be the last I hear from them, I HATE how its become a trend to ghost people instead of being a fucking adult and taking to someone if you have an issue with them but nope fuck peoples feelings and time they dedicated to you they aren't worth a response to know what they did wrong fuck them who cares how they feel who cares how they react who cares if they go out their way to contact you worried about if you were hurt or something obviously your feelings are more important than their wellbeing, it's always entitled arrogant people who ghost too, If I want to stop talking to someone or break up I actaully make an effort to let them know and why
I'm so pathetic when I do get ghosted my first thought it worrying about if they're in the hospital or badly hurt or thinking of bizarre scenarios, especially when its people I gave my all for, I go out of my way to try to contact them and I guess its bad on my part for being crazy and obsessive, if it's been several weeks I'll contact their work or school to see if they've been coming in, I'll contact people they know, once I even got into security cams to see if they were heading to work, I want to AT LEAST know they're alive and well, I'm so tired of my abandonment issues, I HATE how much of a trend it has become to get ghosted, what even makes people one day not give a fuck about you and not give a shit what happens to you or if you were the only person they had or even if you were dealing with crazy shit im so fucking tired of how little respect people have for each other nowadays
No. 248197
I'm working part time and I asked to work full-time or at least more hours so I can save money during the summer holidays but I have no idea when I'll have an answer and I'm worried they'll only give me one at the end of the month (which I consider too late). It's so stressful because I have a feeling they'll ask other employees to work more hours and they'll refuse, meanwhile they won't accept my demand and leave it at that.
>>248140>I feel like my school friends don't really care about me. Are you doing your internship away from them? And do you stay in touch with them or are you saying that you don't contact each other anymore? Actually this reminds me that I have a friend who went abroad for an internship and she didn't tell me anything so it has been almost half a year since I've seen her and talked to her.
No. 248248
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>>248229tbh anon your distress sounds completely valid in that situation. Even if you're not directly involved, just being witness to/living in a dysfunctional DV situation causes a lot of harm to the psyche. I think that's something people sorely underestimate the impact of. You're right though, bottling it up is wrong, and you should be able to express it, but idk how to best go about that whilst you live with your family, without putting yourself in the crosshairs. I don't know your situation, but I hope you're able to get out and find a peaceful place of your own soon.
In the mean time, I'd suggest you try not to deliberately put yourself in harm's way – jumping into the crossfire to try and prevent anything from happening is noble, but who is looking out for you? If your father and brother want to arc up and beat the shit out of each other that's eventually/inevitably going to happen regardless of what you do, and you need to look after yourself before anyone else. If they kick off, that's what the cops are there for. Can you have a convo with your mum about this? Maybe hammer out an emergency plan if shit totally hits the fan?
however if she's anything like my mother, she's not staying calm, it's just cowardice, and you're probably gonna be on your own. in that case, i'd suggest your plan be something more like having a bug out bag so when shit hits the fan you can bounce and go spend the night at a friend's or something, because you don't need to continue to traumatise yourself with their problems No. 248391
My relationship has died. My partner has simply lost interest in me as a person, and it seems he only keeps me around for sex.
Whenever we have a conversation it doesn't take long for him to start poking and randomly groping me while I'm talking, even though there have been several times I've angrily told him to stop, which he either will be insulted by, or he will put on the voice of a 4 year old and whine on "but honey, it's fun!"
It's not like I deny him touching me. I really like being intimate, but his touch doesn't feel like it comes from a place of love. Most of the time it seems like he's just seeing how far he can go before I start pushing him away. I've especially told him to at least don't touch my nipples, because they are very sensitive and his touch can hurt. He has taken that as a challenge to grope my boobs and see how close to the nipple his fingers can get before I pull away.
Foreplay is even worse. I've tried to instruct him how I'd like to be touched, but he says it's a lot more fun and sexy to see me tense up and clench my body, while at the same time complaining that I'm resisting too much when I just can't keep from pushing or nudging his hand away.
I decided a few months ago that I wanted to go study in another city, which would mean we would live apart for a year or two. This was a big decision and I sat him down to talk about it, telling him that if he didn't want me to do it, he had to tell me and we could find some sort of compromise. There was none. All he said after a small pause was "Well, we gotta have lots of sex before you leave, then!"
So whenever I turn him down for sex now, he reminds me of my decision to leave and guilts me into it.
I'm now planning to break up after I have moved and everything's settled. I'd do it now if I could, but since I can't move out before summer I would rather keep everything somewhat peaceful until then.
He used to be such a great, loving and fun guy to be around. Now he is a self-proclaimed genius who can do nothing wrong, and he's even proud of having this attitude.
I shouldn't have to feel like I need to deserve to talk to my partner for 5 minutes. I shouldn't have to be afraid of turning down sex in fear of the dreaded silent treatment I'm about to get.
In all 7 years we have been together I have only cried on his shoulder once, and he thinks that makes him the most supportive and caring partner in the world. Great job, dude, you held a crying woman's hand for 20 minutes, here's your medal.
I want him to have a happy life, but seeing as I'm growing more and more resentful of him, I know it can't be with me.
What sucks the most, really, is seeing someone I cared so much about and loved turn into a huge jerk. Even wondering if I did something to cause it.
No. 248494
>>248391He sounds like he's putting it on to get rid of you. The harassing/intended to upset touching, wanting you to cringe during sex. The response to moving abroad. He is just making a mockery of your relationship and trying to get rid of you. If he valued you or was genuinely attracted he wouldn't want you to hate it or be uncomfortable.
I hope you meet someone better while you're abroad.
>>248280This is awful…Multiple different men harassing. When will you be able to leave? Can you get a female friend to move in and go on walks with you? It's very aggressive they are doing this (the phone calls and presents constitutes stalking too)
Stay safe Anon!
No. 248497
>>248391ugh he's being such a drip, at least emotionally.
> I've tried to instruct him how I'd like to be touched, but he says it's a lot more fun and sexy to see me tense up and clench my bodythat's unacceptable imo. at worst he's showing that he'd fulfill his sexual whims at your expense and distress. at best he's just not taking your words seriously and making what could be fun foreplay and cuddling stressful.
I believe you that he/the relationship had good qualities at some point but right now he's acting like a dumb fuckboy having a fling which makes me agree with
>>248494 .
I feel like if I was in your situation I'd lay it all out and give him one last chance to really explain himself but even that seems dumb. Why walk him through your feelings when he isn't even concerned about the relationships to voice how he feels about it? Why be active when he's being so passive? Breaking up is probably the best.
No. 248535
>>248494Thanks anon. I ended up making a police report yesterday after getting obsessive emails from someone with a history of ringing my doorbell (I put up a sign stating that only postal workers, police, or expected visitors should ring).
The emails were sent to my work address (which is easy to find). One of them had this verbatim: "I saw you on the street today. I'm thinking about you all the time, I can't stop thinking about you. It's all your fault, I'm your victim."
This person had one isolated conversation with me on the street about my dog. Unfortunately he saw where I live and lives nearby. It's so weird, I wish I were dead.
No. 248538
>>248280>>248535uuh…this sounds 100% fake. how can they have gotten all that information just from one conversation? plus, unless you're a super high member of your job, your work email isn't going to be accessible to random outside email addresses, most work emails are set up as in-network only. or you'd have had to tell them your first and last name
and where you worked.
>inb4 i'm a neckbeard this sounds like shit a neckbeard or troon would fantasize about. it has this creepy tone to it, like someone pretending to be a woman who's imagining being stalked.
No. 248541
>>248538In the one conversation we had, he did not seem like a creep. He asked my first name, and I gave it. I do not have a very strange name, but it's not overwhelmingly common where I am at the moment.
He started ringing my doorbell weeks later, when I wasn't even home (I had a dogsitter there watching my dog).
If you search my first name and the town I live in, my work email comes up on the first page. I'm not super high up but I have a profile on the website because I do research.
It really is happening. This hasn't happened to me in any other city I've lived in.
No. 248544
>>248542It's not a company, it's a university.
There's no fantasy, sorry. I hope you never go through anything like this.
No. 248556
>>248551This will be my last post attempting to explain an anonymous vent posted on an image board.
I do research in a center associated with a university. There is a full profile of me on more than one website with a photo. I asked for my office phone & address to be hidden after earlier incidents.
I work in a country where I was neither born nor grew up. Maybe that is something to consider while you're banging on about how likely it is for someone here to have my name.
No. 248600
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My therapist's office just called me to cancel/reschedule my appointment today again. This will be the third time now. I only got to do my initial intake with her and had a really good feeling, but i haven't been able to actually do any sessions since then! It's so frustrating, especially since I have to take time off from work but I don't get called until 3 hours before the appointment. Fuck it, I'm going to leave early anyways and go drink myself to sleep tonight.
No. 248606
>>240595are you me?
I was horribly bullied for years, had several people tell me I was hideous to my face. really destroyed my confidence. after high school I stayed inside my house for two years unemployed because I was so afraid of people seeing my ugly face.
I'm in my twenties now with a job and have people tell me all the time I'm pretty but I still feel like that hideous monster. really strange to me that I could change that much..or maybe kids and teenagers are just cruel and I wasn't even that ugly in the first place.
No. 248609
>>248606>maybe kids and teenagers are just cruel and I wasn't even that ugly in the first place.This is the truth. I was thankfully never bullied, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I was really tall and pretty intimidating. I also moved around a lot and I noticed victims got picked early and then consistently. I used to step in for bullied kids and so I got to know them. They were
never ugly. The bullies were actually usually pretty funky looking, either big nose or ears or something, and coincidentally had masculine names (Frankie, Billie, Harry etc). The bullied kids were usually just soft. They weren’t going to stand up for themselves. You could tell who they were even from a distance. They didn’t take care of their looks, so their hair would be a little messy or their clothes too big, because they didn’t have the confidence to care. They also rarely had friends because the others would be scared to associate for fear of also getting bullied. Some were nerdy, some were average, some were actually really pretty, some were short. But it was never them. They weren’t bullied for anything they did or didn’t do. They were bullied because the bullies wanted a victim, and the bullied kids were always the easiest target. And then it spirals. The victim loses confidence and friends, which makes them easier to bully, so then they lose more confidence, and so on.
Any way, it’s very very likely there’s nothing offensive about your looks. In my experience, you’re probably actually quite pretty (which would intimidate the bully and make the want to target you more).
I’m sorry the rest of your school didn’t stand up for you. If I had been there, I would have. Because you didn’t deserve it in any way. You deserved a happy childhood in school. And they robbed you of that. Don’t let them rob you of a happy adulthood. It’s good to hear you’re doing better and getting out there. Keep going.
No. 248622
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i need to stop buying fucking bread when i go grocery shopping. I was on a low carb/low calorie diet for about 2 years and i've gotten to a comfortable weight where I know i can eat SOME bread and not gain weight but everytime i buy a loaf at the grocery store i always tell myself "yeah i can portion this and be fine" but everytime i end up eating 4 slices in one sitting. my will power kicks in for everything else…greasy or fatty foods, chocolate, etc. except. fucking. bread.
No. 248652
>>248611You've never worked for a university, have you? I'm a grad student and TA. Everyone in my department has a CV, research statement and picture on the department website, along with office location, office hours, and email address. Last year, on the day of the final exam I was administering, a student called my unlisted cell phone to give some excuse for missing the exam. Turns out the default setting for TAs in the uni directory included home address and phone number, and there was no statement regarding this. You wouldn't know unless you tried searching yourself while logged into the directory under another name. I flipped my shit over that. It's a huge public university in the US.
Did you miss the part where she said the guy lives nearby? I can think of lots of ways he could have gotten more information if he knows where she lives, especially in a small town.
Anon, sorry you're dealing with this. Do you have a supervisor at the university who could help? Or access to employee support services?
No. 248653
>>248652read again, she doesn't work
at the university, she does research
for them. just let her be, she's lying. she keeps adding more and more to the story. if you read what she said earlier they apparently took it down, but she still is being harassed by 5 other men? it's just too stupid to be true.
No. 248660
>>248653You seem pretty invested in this being a lie, to the point of telling other people what to believe. Personally it does not sound unbelievable. I don't think people expect to be raked over the coals when posting a rant either.
btw there's not much difference in doing research at a uni and working for a uni. It's probably an externally funded lab.
No. 248706
Continuation of this post
Fuck I just thought about it but my first two weeks of paid holidays are starting in a bit more than 3 weeks. I asked the human resources department to give me more hours of work per week (at least 25h a week) but I haven't got any answer this week about whether they're thinking about it or not. If these fuckers don't give me more hours before my paid holidays I'll be paid like shit during the paid holidays too. And anyway they really need more people working more often given that the store is an under-staffed fucking mess all the time.
Why I'm so pissed is that I entered the company in June last year. I'm given 3 weeks of holidays because of that. But there are other students like me who where hired in September and who also have 3 weeks of paid holidays this summer because the human resources were nice and gave them one more week than they should get. The thing is that technically I should have more than 3 weeks of paid holidays but it's sliiightly less than 4 weeks so they can't give me that 4th week of paid holidays for the summer but for winter (and by then I'll most likely be gone for good). And most of them have better dates for their paid holidays than I do. So basically that means the human resources can fuck me over compared to the ones who didn't even work as much as I did. I'll try to negotiate this weekend with them. I don't know if that will work out, wish me good luck.
Honestly if I don't get my way I'll fuck off somewhere else without telling anyone because I have other things to do and I want my summer holidays for once in my life No. 248740
So fucking tired of this shit
Im tired of anytime I don't sit in my fucking room all day being miserable my boyfriend gets suspicious of me
I know he starts getting suspicious of me because it's a pattern, its starts with me being busy during a period of time, and since this week I went to a kids birthday party sunday, shopping tuesday, funeral wednesday, today I have a job interview, then he starts getting cold and avoiding/ignoring me (sometimes even to the point of disregarding me if I try to vent to him about something) because he rather put me through hell until he can finally tell me "I'm acting funny" so we can discuss the issue like adults
Anytime I try to better myself he seems to always has an issue instead of actually being fucking happy for me like my family is, because of this I stopped talking to him about anything pertaining to my career since he seems so fucking bothered by me not being locked in my room all day
I even canceled a job interview for him before since he was so suspicious about it, claiming he was scared it was some sex trafficking bullshit to the point where he threatened to break up with me if he was right about it being a sex trafficking trap despite the fact the reason I got the interview is because of a family member hooked me up
Because of how busy I am this week he's starting to be cold with me again and its stressing me out and im terrified any wrong move I make could end up in a huge fight, Whats even worse is that he will completely avoid me for hours on end, come back like nothing happened but all the sudden its weird when i have shit to do, why can't I ever do anything right I want to be a fucking adult for once and earn for myself, I can't live off my parents
No. 248741
>>248737Anon, I'm so sorry. I can completely relate to this. Can you forward your email to the professor? I am a postgraduate with responsibility for grading and invigilating. If a student in your situation showed me that email, I would make sure s/he got credit.
You need to find a new partner. Can you just switch or do you need permission?
No. 248742
>>248740Okay mate I'm going to break the rule and tell you that I'm a male since I feel like the inevitable replies you get from this will, of course, be from your supportive soul sisters, who will tell you everything I'm going to tell you, but which you may take with a grain of salt since they don't really "know" him.
I know him. I know guys like this. Your boyfriend is a major pussy. No well-adjusted man would ever do that, fuck no well-adjusted man
actually wants a girl who stays in her room and does nothing all day, no offence to you but usually that is fucking hell in a girlfriend – if you have a boyfriend who is actively keeping you below your potential I can tell you that he is afraid of your potential because right now you are acting as a comfortable buffer zone for him. If you are less than him it gives him the opportunity to be benevolent, to be angry, to give and to take - things I doubt he gets to do in the real world with people who don't owe him shit.
>I even cancelled a job interview for him before since he was so suspicious about it, claiming he was scared it was some sex trafficking bullshit to the point where he threatened to break up with me if he was right about it being a sex trafficking trap despite the fact the reason I got the interview is because of a family member hooked me up.This is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard and I can tell you that he knew for a fact that it wasn't sex trafficking. He
does not want you to improve. Productive and busy weeks, like the one you've had, are the foundation of self-improvement, they pull back the curtain on the scary idea of "hard work" and make us realise Wow I really want to be challenged! Challenge equals growth and ANYONE who is worth spending your time with or being with knows this for a fact; the fact that your boyfriend is discouraging this in you is a seriously beta move by a guy who has control over one thing in his life, which is you.
I actually hate how every piece of advice on /adv/ and in vent threads is just "dump him/her!" but in this case, unless there's more (seriously a lot more) context you're not telling us, you need to dump this guy because he is scared of your potential. It's actually pretty weird how powerfully a guy is affected through his ego and right now, your condition is a shield and a buffer for his ego, he's so fucking vulnerable that just the idea of losing that shield terrifies him to the point of ultimatum. What a beta, fucking dump him (and watch him go stalker levels of crazy btw so be careful).
>>248742A+ post.
>>248740Dump and cut ties. You are worth so much more than being this guy's gf-on-the-shelf.
No. 248746
>>248741The professors have nothing to do with the homework evaluations, older students (who have already taken the class) create exercises and evaluate our work.
I have emailed the tutor who is evaluating our homework, he says he might count it after all, but isn't sure yet. If he doesn't I'll probably ask him in person (I'll see him next wednsesday), hopefully he grades it.
But if not, there are going to be ~8 more assignments till the exam, so I could technically still make up for the lost points if he doesn't count it, we'll see.
I already switched last semester (since my first partner then did even less than the one I currently have) and I'd rather not go through the hassle again.
It's weird, because this 50% rule only exists for cs-majors and physics-majors at this university, all other majors can take the exams regardless of homework-performance.
No. 248748
>>248742Thanks for being a
male poster who actually posted something useful and didn't talk about his dick. What you said is correct, he's intimidated by the progression and independence and hopes Anon is needy enough to stop progressing and drop back to his level. Sounds like they don't live together so it shouldn't be a huge issue to cut ties (beyond the possible freak-out he may have)
No. 248749
File: 1525958780107.jpg (91.7 KB, 500x454, 7266372.jpg)

I'm so tired of not being able to view my appearance objectively. Each time I look in the mirror or take a picture I feel differently about myself. One day my eyes are far apart, then they aren't. My lips are thin, then they aren't. I have a man chin!!! No I don't, I have a weak chin. My face is so round, NO A HORSE FACE! I can even look at the same photo and see a huge nose one day and an average nose another day.
At least with my body I can look up models with my measurements and get an external view of what it looks like. But I'm the only one with my face.
No. 248751
>>248556People on here get weird about any post which suggests the author might be more than a 3/10
It's pretty easy to find someone especially with an unusual name for their province. My DOG has a stalker (someone who walks past for the last 7 years and tries to talk to him when he's pooping, completely ignores the owners or how offended the dog is. Happened because my sister stupidly handed the puppy to this woman while I was outdoors filming something 7 years ago and she Bonded 4 Lyfe.)
If a frickin' dog can have a stalker it's not a fantasy to say a woman who is foreign+unusual can have multiple